#but thats not the point srry the point is sometimes i have all these thoughts and questions and like ????
thatdeadaquarius · 2 years
With your language AU, I remember watching a video about a guy speaking angrily nonesense in an Indian accent and people thinking he was very angry. Imagine this as the Creator speaks angry gibberish to people and they just assume that the Creator is cursing them or something. (Or like when they speak gibberish to babies and everyone's like, "Aw the Creator is teaching that baby their divine language")
✨️I look pretty good for a dead bitch✨️
She's alivveee!!!
Whats up i almost passed away from sheer academic workload, but im not in the ground yet 🥰 And with drafts outta my ass! :D
Hope yall ready for ur regularly scheduled Bullshit Genshin Sagau <3
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Well at least i can do polls thru this in the future?? Idk tumblr is ass so we'll see how this accidental test works out...
So these were the first thngs i thought of and its not super long bc ASKERS R GENIUSES OKAY
Saw the gif and couldnt help but think this is how ppl like Alhaitham or Diluc would react to u "speaking ur langauge"
"Our langauage" aka being a SIM 💀
Stop Albedo would ask you to teach him ur lang/grammar rules 😭
What u gonna do when Zhongli asks you to teach him some words-
Your ass: "GIGGLABAH means beautiful :) "✨️
Zhongli: "Oh thank you, how different from our own version, so excited sounding..."
You walk by him strolling the harbor and he just smiles at you and says
"You look gigglabah today my liege."
(honestly ppl paint him as oblivious but he kinda seemed like the type of bastard who seems like he's not aware but sometimes he secretly knows the truth, he's just getting too much amusement out of it to stop doing it, LOL he does shit like the above to see YOUR reaction- LMAO)
You're a maniac pls tell me u dont pass on simlish to all the serious characters-
(& he's not the only one, others too like Kaveh, YELAN, Ningguang, Nahida, DILUC, AYAKA LMAO-)
Some ppl i could see taking ur gibberish bullshittery and whether they believe its real or not is irrelevant bc theyre using it anyway-
And i dont mean in a good way 😭
"Be cheerful like the hugkukie,
and may your cup never leaky!"
And Diluc loves you.
Really he does, deeper than he thinks-
But his eye is twitching LMAOO
(Ok but if you did like multiple of these language shenanigans thruout the asks ive gotten, Kaeya would literally grow so fond of you and associate you with goofy funny shit that makes him laugh so hard that everytime he sees you he automatically is beaming with a smile, or trying to supress a warm grin- this got away from me but its 1:44am for me rn so i would love a smiley Kaeya rn -)
Speaking language bs I have my 2nd oral exam for spanish tomorrow, pls send whatever good vibes u got and i am also really open to prayers from any religion as well. sobs
Hope anyone got any enjoyment out of my response bc tbh the ask is what rlly matters to me atp lmao
Until the next shenanigan-
Safe travels,
♡the beloveds mwah ♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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disabled-stuck · 1 year
HI ITS ME CHRONIC PAIN ANON BACK AGAIN... here's my thoughts on who of the human cast is Aware That They Have Chronic Pain Issues. srry ppl were discussing and im like, Wow, Time For Me In Hc Central
june's issues start to really develop and get bad post-game (in my headcanons), so for a long period of time she literally has no one to talk to about it bc she's self-isolating. she eventually tells nannasprite about it when nanna is guilt-tripping her into getting up (nanna voice: Whatever works, hoohoo!), and nanna is like. this is my only granddaughter. i will do whatever i can for her. (i love june & nanna's dynamic. could u tell.) jasprose also is like GIRL!!! You Are In Pain!!! nanna & jasprose team up of the century to get june egbert to Acknowledge Her Problems
dave NO clue NO idea WILL not talk about it. maybe EVENTUALLY tells karkat about it but i don't think she ever seeks out a diagnosis or tries to get one. hes got old ingrained trauma about seeing doctors, which is something he's trying to get over, but like, he already has 4 bajillion other things to unpack about his childhood and healthcare systems are not historically good about chronic pain, a dismissal of their symptoms might set them back in that regard. they're just homebrewing this shit for now.
rose: yeah, she knows. she doesn't talk about it in those terms, though. instead of saying "i have a horrible migraine and cannot get out of bed" she tells kanaya to text the gc that she's afflicted by the Broodfester Woes and cannot join them this evening. theyve sort of picked up by now what that means but she thinks it's funnier this way.
jade: HMMM. i think she put herself through her denial paces but actually i think going grimbark essentially caused her to not feel her chronic pain (a side effect of condy's semi-control over her body), and when she got shunted back into her body she had to face the reality where she DIDNT hurt all the time like wow thats how ppl normally feel? what the fuck????
jane: oh absolutely fucking not does not know. unlike jade, his pain got WORSE during crockertier. yet it still takes literally two decades for him to finally acknowledge that his stuff is NOT normal and the fact that her whole friend group has chronic pain doesn't help, which kind of sucks. jane voice: well sometimes i can get out of bed when i have a headache and rose can't, so clearly its not the same (as if jane doesn't force himself out of bed even when he really shouldnt!!!). roxy has to be the one to tell him.
roxy: yeah she knows it's chronic pain. she's been worried about getting cirrhosis for years, and so has been keeping up to date on her physical health as a result. she figured it out pretty quickly after a couple flareups. trickster mode made it worse for her.
dirk: hal has been telling him for YEARRRRRRRRS that his carpal tunnel is just that, carpal tunnel. and yet. AR: Dirk, if you do not take better care of yourself, you are never going to be capable of building me a body of my own. TT: 1. I'm fine. 2. I'm not building you a body anyways, so the point is moot. anyways he accepts it during the game bc he's like you know what. might as well admit it to myself. good thing, too, because it only gets worse after a couple decapitations.
jake: has pretty much always known, deep down, but like. she lives on an ISLAND. the hell is he going to do about it? no, better not to think about it. someday they'll be able to deal with it, but that day isn't today, and theres so much to do. so he represses it DEEPLY. normal action hero jake english doesn't have chronic pain, of course. she's a heroic manly lead, after all... (the deconstruction of that mindset sort of makes them acknowledge it, though.)
YYAYYY no you're so good nonnie thank u forever and ever
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kirua9 · 2 years
Rank the diaboys?
Hey hii
I really didn't want you anon to wait for eternity, but sorry, I wanna express my stupid thoughts fully...
So here we go.
Worst to best diaboys imo, but I actually don't know which parameters of ranking to use here... anyways this is too subjective no matter how hard I'd try.
13. Mr. Kino 0 prince, 0 sense.
Honestly, I have no clue why rejet even thought about adding a new character, when they have rather new characters in the lore — the Tsukinamis. So at this point his existing is questionable for me, really... + I'm not really acknowledged of this character, I can't write dissertations about him, so he is more like "Kino... Who?..".
12. Shu aka Shoe aka perverted narcoleptic aka the main gay idk.
I think I've scramed in every corner how I hate... no, loathe him. Weak and boring. I'm not gonna lie, the type of a horny lazy guy who looks like a supermodel and has a depression sounds seductive, but... not when this fictional guy is Shu :/ .... But who knows, maybe thats because we really have OTHER OPTIONS to compare him with))) I mean, the very beginning of HDB route was kinda promising (idk for what), the scene when he lies down on the floor and sees Yui's underwear is such an iconic episode of some dark ecchi fiction, tho... that's all I really liked about him, and only because I love stupid ecchi harems.
11. Shin, aka :" what is wrong with amount of accessories on you ". Werewolfs werewolfs skies will brighten
Khm. I have nothing much to say about him. Applause. Well, actually, I only like his archetype of a character, I mean, he seems to be cocky, violent and the guts of the duet (with Carla), like he really could be a cool minor antagonist who carries more like a comedy rile in the show... Anyways, I just have high expectations for him.
10. Carla aka emo Karlheinz. Obviously he's going to be near his bro. He's a little but higher because of the Endezeit (srry if I wrote incorrectly) and the tragic fate he has as a result... That's always sad how such a mighty and (seemingly 👀) an immortal creature becomes that fragile (((((((. Tho I dislike his voice
Also I have high expectations...
9. Subaru aka Subaru (car)
I don't like him. Just from the first his appearance, why does he have to be a Sakura Haruno mode all the time punching something?... Jokes aside, for me he's a very annoying and not cute representation of a tsundere... I remember he really could run away because started blushing like... wtf🥰?. But I guess thus unstability is from his mother.... Guys making jokes of him being an "edgy emo", oml I don't know... he is a sakura haruno imo.
8. Azusa aka...he really doing drugs
Well... he is not a cinnamonroll sorry guys, no, not today... he's fate isn't dramatic but really sad, idk he makes me feel depressed, like, the guy realized he's living for pain:((( Also kinda manipulating, sometimes gives Yui the same comments as the other guys could , like "secretly you like being beaten etc, deep inside you desire this"... But he is...somehow represent himself as a victim too? That's why he's interesting for me. He said something like "I and Eve are the same" and my brain really interprets those word like being the weaker, knowing your place, feeling pain. Sick and sad.
7. Yuma aka the ordinary one. This is a good representation of a tsundere 🤡. Well, okay he's not a pure that type, but his temper annoys me LESS (like a lot) then Subaru's uncontrollable seizures of anger. Idk, Yuma is just fine. Yes, sometimes is rude, calls Yui the sow, but lol, he's the most adequate among Mukamis at least, thats the reason to feel honor....
(LOL Kaji from Evangelion and Yuma from DL would be good friends, cause "idk much about this life, Id rather water the plants )
6. Ayato the mascot. Okay, the most adequate among the Sakamakis, I guess. As the side character annoyed me asf, really, and sometimes was nasty in his own roote, but honestly, I have nothing against him. Sorry to everyone, Ayayui the best ship
He really has the balance of an ordinary teenager creature and the freaking vampire, I also like the comedy-side of this character, he is cute from time to time. Deserves to be a mascot, because obviously red hair means the main and has the suitable personality.
Honestly, when I've read his MB route for the first time I wanted someone to squeeze my eyes and then throw away. God. What the fck did a read.... But actually the character itself is written hella good. I love how hypocritical he is, the contrast between him having the immortality and the special eye but will eat from the floor as the dog because there were awful times in his life when he didn't have other choice but to eat anything and anyhow... thay is genuinely sad and he's the asshole, but I love trash and those kinda characters.
4. Kanato aka Lenore the cute little dead girl
There's something wrong with me, because shota's aren't my type (at all), BUT if there's a pshyco... hmm... eatable.
I mean Kanato is extremely annoying because he is always yelling, but he's not boring at all. Every chapter from his routes are like visiting the circus without clowns. But seriously, his character is more than just schizophrenic infantile tantrums, I believe he actually could be a more mature version of himself. Also wtf he's sometimes looks like a child and sometimes so damn seductive, dealing with him is playing with fire honestly...
3. Reiji, looks like a butler more than the butler.
Jokes about mama reiji will be taken offensive, tho they're a little bit true.
Hohoho. Sexy. Reiji gives black butler vibes tho I didn't watch the anime or read the manga, don't hate me because of that. Idk this is the character I really sympathize since HDB guess because he (one way or another) took the "responsibility" of the household, jeez he's unpaid manager... someone appreciate reiji pls. Idc when people say he's only "book-smart", idk he shows himself as the honorable man. Little crazy, but so fcking intelligent, so his behavior looks like a work of acting art. He's the perfect guy here. Also his routs are quite romantic, yet bizarre sometimes, because reiji is a sophisticated bitch...
2. Ruki aka the intj mode.
Honestly at first I thought he's the worst what could happen to me, but I didn't kill myself when I was reading his MB... That was 10000 times better than Kou's... (and I expected they'd be similar idk why).
So another "book-smart" tho as in the example above I don't really care, because my favorite part of Ruki is his own understanding that he is circled in the cycle of sins... He struggles a lot, because he wants a second chance (living as the immortal),but there's always been a question:" Does he deserve it?" Does a boy, who had better pay for his sins with his life, deserve this exact life with an urge to revenge the world?.. But he really understands that he's already sublimed by the depth of vice and has no other choice than just do something, now that's he is led by other man's will, the circle closes. And Ruki is so damn miserable guy, tho he doesn't show this much, but he's seen shit. Ofc he's an asshole, but the atrocity he went through is worse. That's why the bad endings are so heartbreaking, when he turns mad, kills everyone, because it seems like he flew up once and fell immediately... 💀
1. Laito aka mind-body-problem.
Laito is a treasure: has a fucked up backstory, miserable, im silent about his fcking thoughts about his life in LE💀, has a facade, sometimes annoying asf, but he's a vulnerable soul, it's so painful to realize how sweet he actually would be, if there weren't some of consequences....
He suffers a lot, I mean, yeah, every diaboy suffers in "their own unique way" but idk in Laito's case his pain is the most heartbreaking. The conflict of a person with the fate/world is fascinating, but the inner conflict is just mind blowing. And I'm... I'm a suckered for such things. Welcome to the club of eating glass guys, I've always been there, yeah, I like to cry with a good reason, especially if it's about fictional characters 😀.
Really Laito's whole image (with all the facades and the true feelings) is an icon. Literally perfect for me, so damn interesting character...
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the-meme-monarch · 2 years
I hvn't checked on ur blog in a while so if you really got a transphobic ask than fuck whoever did that > :<
but I do want to input that as far as shipping goes: I'd imagine it's cuz sometimes your posts come off as "headcanon police"y and could easily be interpreted as "hate" themselves, I think maybe some tone indicators or "rant" disclaimer would help a lot (assuming the hate asks do have backbone and aren't just people being rude and mad for the sack of being rude and mad) I'm really sorry if this ask reads as passive aggressive, I don't intend it to be. I just remember feeling that your post about "why do people portray sweet as jaded" was phrased kinda aggressively, like complaining about "mischaracterization" thats actually just "not characterized by your interpretation, like I feel the best thing about scc is how much was left for intepreatation and thus how creative and varied but still have the same vibe fanworks of them have, so seeing posts looking down on these creative works from a very creative an amazing artist felt a little odd: but I am autistic, so I might have just misunderstood the tone completely ^^*
in that case I'm srry for wasting your time reading this fndjskfa
while I have the confidence to send this ask I might as well add that your lineart is SO good and I must have watched your scc animation at least 10 times: at least 3 of those time was on low speed as I paused at every frame, and I also just really appreciate that you give ralsei a tail, the fluffy boy deserves a fluffy tail *applause*
the transphobia seemed entirely baseless, they didn't connect it to anything but I can't imagine why someone would send it if not for Being Pissed At Something I Did.
anyway that wasn't meant to be heacanon policing, i feel justified being upset w people mischaracterizing scc, sweet in this case, bc ppl will make sweet's defining character trait "grmpy straight man character" when he isn't ! he is not at all the straight man character, if anything, capn kinda is? since he's the only one to point out something not making sense (like kk asking to buy a bagel when he's selling them) whereas sweet goes perfectly along with kk saying he wants to be a car. sweet Does get angry, we see that before and after their fight, but they were also very easily convinced (by kk, not really capn) to stop being mad and was immediately happy again. overall sweet is just emotional, and i don't like that people stop at "mad". and then making them the straight man character was wrong to begin with. their characterization is just so clear to me i don't get why people think he's jaded. now I'm worried abt that also sounding mean when i didn't intend it so but Well. maybe i deserve to be mean. as a treat /j
and well i have every right to be mad abt people infantalizing kk i think. you didn't say that and I'm not accusing you but since I'm on the thought train of Being Mad With Their Fandom Mischaracterization
also thank you ! ralsei can have a tail. as a treat
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sentimentalslut · 1 year
For the writing asks!! 💜 1. 13. 26. 43. 69. 74 & 79. Srry if thats too many lol
1. Do you daydream a lot before you write, or go for it as soon as the ideas strike?
I daydream before I commit to writing a LOT. But once I have the first chapter, I have to get my ideas on paper or they’re gone forever. A fic idea usually floats in my head for a month or two before I commit to writing it— but after that, related ideas need to be written before they leave.
13.Do you listen to music while you write?
Sometimes, but not often. Most of my fic writing these days happens in my car, on my phone, with under 20% battery. When I do write to music, I try to choose a genre that works with the subject matter!
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment?
Oh man, there’s so many.
Anything by @hollowboobtheory is guaranteed to be riotously funny and engaging as hell. Just Ads Water is looking very promising, and TPG is one of if not the best fic I’ve ever read.
I’m also a huge fan of The Boardwalk by @sugarlesswriting. Mystery fuckin’ abounds and it’s captivating as hell.
74.Do you have a fic you wish got a bit more love?
Summer of 87 is a fic that’s way out of my comfort zone (I never write horror) that I’m super proud of and would love to work on more — I’m not sure it needs more love from other people, but it certainly needs it from me 😅
79.Do you have any writing advice you want to share?
Don’t be afraid to suck at it. I’m serious— everyone writes shit they hate at some point. Hell, things you thought were good will read like absolute garbage a few years forward. Writing, like all art, is about putting yourself out there and trying. Nobody comes out of the womb knowing how to make prose sound good or characters feel relatable. Just keep practicing and writing for the enjoyment of it and you WILL get better.
I have shit on my AO3 still from when I was 16, and 19, and 21– and most of them I look back on and HATE. But I can see pieces of the writer I am now growing there, and I can see how much I loved writing it, and how unafraid I was to just write and I’m proud. It’s all about growth and moving forward and just doing it.
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wildcatofgreen · 2 years
Hearing her phone bing, Tangle picked it up happy to see Carol was responding . Yet each text made her more uneasy, had she messed it all up? She felt responsible? But then if she was dating someone and they were still infatuated with someone else she'd wanna know, even if it hurt she'd wanna know.
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She closed her eyes thinking hard on how to respond, Gaia she could only imagine what Carol was going through, it hurt alot when Whisper walked out on her that morning. This was probably that but so much worse.
Ringtailedmischiefmaker001: srry C, i was hopin' itd go smooth Ringtailedmischiefmaker001: Uncle once toldme Love is like a mountain, u gotta climb it u know? its rough and yer gonna fall a few times. But u cant just give up, and call it quits! Ringtailedmischiefmaker001: Keep goin' keep climbin' dun lose hope, it aint over till you give up and stop climbin' Ringtailedmischiefmaker001: u kinda cut his rope u know? dropped alot on him and now he's like, fallin' but that dun mean he gave up right? Ringtailedmischiefmaker001: just have faith, have faith in yer love 4 him and his love 4 you... he'll be back, cause he loves you and you love him... i got faith in that. You gotta have faith 2. Ringtailedmischiefmaker001: im here 4 u i got faith in u, Ringtailedmischiefmaker001: stay strong C, and dun give up hope, sometimes its all we got... sometimes its what keeps us movin' keeps us climbin' She had tears in her eyes, she felt so bad for Carol, chaos she hated how emotional she could get when her friends were hurting. Even if Carol was doing her damnedest to hide it---Tangle could tell she was hurtin' way worse then she was.
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Didn't know how to respond to any of that.
Felt like kind of nonsense words? At least a little.
She cut the rope. She ruined it. Can't go back from that. How's he gonna keep climbing? How's she expected to keep climbing if she fucked him over so hard? If she ruined it all?
wildcatofgreen: if i cut his rope then i got no business thinkin its anythin but gone wildcatofgreen: he'd give up while falling anyone would wildcatofgreen: how's he supposed to climb back up and why would he even want to girl wildcatofgreen: yeah thats such a smart idea climb back up to the girl who cut your shit in the first place wildcatofgreen: its just gonna get cut again thats villainy 101
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add something so it doesn't sound so depressing, moron.
wildcatofgreen: lmao wildcatofgreen: i trust you tangie i rly do
She stared at her phone, wondering what else to say.
If she's supposed to sound positive she can't think of jack to make this positive.
She didn't have faith, she couldn't keep climbing. Not after what she did, not after how badly she made him feel. It was unforgivable, unbelievable, completely and utterly detestable just like she fucking thought from the get go. She can't help but question why she even thought it'd go well in the first place.
A fool's errand, really.
wildcatofgreen: my sense of humor is just rly dry lol wildcatofgreen: i gotchu i gotchu wildcatofgreen: an' if youre right about all'a this then next time ice cream's on ME lmao
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There. That worked well enough, right? Some positivity to layer over the negativity.
It'd get the point across, at least. It'd make Tangie less worried. Last thing she needs is a friend worried about her. No, she's hurt one important person to her already.
Fucking, make it two--stones know Lyli doesn't feel great about the whole loved-each-other-but-never-together thing.
Wow. Wooow. She just needed a third and she'd be out of the game. Sit on the bleachers, Tea, you're losin' us the game.
Fucking hell.
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imnameim · 4 years
#im gonna get really deep for a second and like#feel free to just scroll past this because like idk why but this is gonna be long and truly its not even interesting#N E Ways ....#first off ndjd theres this guy i like and boi lemme say oof.#we have been pretty close for a while now and we hubg out a couple times#but thats not the point srry the point is sometimes i have all these thoughts and questions and like ????#where do i find these god damn answers jfjd#like i dont tlak with my father bevause thats a story for another year but like ya get me .#my mom lives far and thers all that family mess regarding my father#before i continue lets thank god we are out of that toxic household 👌🏻🖤#next my brother passed away and like he was my best friend and we literally talked about everything but like now ya know .#like i have this dilemma of wanting to speak very freely about my crush or relationship whatever it may be but at the same time i have a#mind of doubt but also like things arent bad so i shouldn't doubt.#i wanna go to my brothers house and like just talk to him about how dreamy everything feels and also all my doubts but the reality#is like i xant obviously but still theres that feeling that misses doing those things.#i also really like this kid and this kid really likes me but im an awkward bean and truly i am kinda scared because trust??? OOF.#like i remember when my brother was thinking about proposing and he drove to my house @ like 2am and banged on my door to tell me#how in love he is with this girl and i sat there listening to him for hours and ugh he had the purest soul.#dont get me wrong he made mistakes but he was such an amazing person and like now that im starting to legit experience these feelings#or emotions or life changing things im sad hes not around#i know hes watching over me probably yelling at me telling me to kiss this kid or say yes to this date or yes wear those jeans for the date#idkhes yelling yes you deserve this!!! stop being a baby this is the real world suni enjoy it while you can#but like idk#anyways#if youve read this youre a real one and ily😚😂🖤#this was my i have a big ass crush on a good friend and i miss my brother all in one rant#suni.txt
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Idk how long ago you responded to the ask about tamlin vs Rhys but I just saw it and I thought I’d share my thoughts.
IMO Rhys never SAs Feyre unless you count the kiss after her and tamlin almost did the dirty in the hallway. Which yes technically it was but at the same time war is war whether it’s politically or on a battlefield. He had to cover up what they did or else they’d both or all three would be dead or worse.
He makes a point that utm he never touches her beyond her waist and her arms. And imo that’s not SA. Because she made the bargain, she knew what was happening when she was dressed and when they went to the party. She drank the wine knowingly and then continued to. Even if she didn’t know the full extent, she figured out Rhys was playing a game.
Tamlin not waking up with her would be one thing but Feyre specifically mentions she thinks he’s awake but never helps her. Yes he suffered his own trauma and it’s no more or less than feyres. But Feyre is trying to help him in the ways she can, yet tamlin does nothing to help her whatsoever. In the end tamlin got everything he thought he wanted, his powers, his court, and his bride. He felt entitled to her and that right there is abuse. And let’s not even get started on the fact that his claws come out all the time and he’s the only high lord like that. Anger issues much?
Rhys almost always tells Feyre everything. The only things he kept from her was 1.) the mating bond, which is fair. He wasn’t just her mate, he loved her. He wanted her to love him too if that was her choice, he didn’t want to push her. He’s all about choice especially when it comes to females. And 2.) about nyx probably going to kill her when he’s born. I agree he should have told her but I also understand why he didn’t. Personally I sometimes don’t tell my husband something unless I have a solution just to keep from causing unnecessary stress, which telling Feyre def would have. Stress+pregnancy is not good for normal people.
As someone who’s been in way too many abusive relationships and had too many incidents of SA to count, I don’t think Rhys is worse than tamlin. Tamlin isn’t the worst person in the world, but he’s not great by any means whatsoever.
And I didn’t even talk about Rhys’ trauma (caused by tamlin)
First of all, I respect your views and opinions but don't rant in my inbox again, you're just wasting your time, nothing is going to convince me that rhysie did not SA Feyre and and that he is not an abusive gaslighting piece of shit.
Srry, but your opinion and justification of the Rhysie's SA doesn't matter (this is kinda backtracking my first point but still SA is SA)
"He ONLY touched her arms and waist" so...? Is feyre suppose to be grateful he didn't go beyond that? Are u Literally saying a victim of SA should be grateful she wasn't raped? And he...touched her, inappropriately, without her permission, when he knew she hated it, and while she was DRUGGED? How- I fail to understand how u can think that is not SA. What about the dirty dancing? What about forcing her give him lap dances?
Kissing her without her permission in not SA... Because all is fair in love and war? Babes please never and I mean never say sexual assault is fair. It's not. I- I can't believe I am having to explain why SA is not okay i- safe to say I have lost all faith in humanity.
Again, darling I don't think you realise you are blaming the victim for the SA. It's alright, thats common in victims of sjm's gaslighting. I hope u do realise, you blaming feyrug is equivalent of saying that the SA was the victims fault cause she wore too much makeup, or wore a dress too short, or was flirting too much. Your words literally translate to "She knew what was happening. She was asking for it"
She made the bargain under duress?? He literally twisted her bone so she had to agree? Did you forget that part?
Here is a post by @/worldsnotsaid pls check this out and open your eyes: (1)
Okay fine I'll give you the mate bond thing because tbh, it gives me the icks just thinking about it
But "he's all about choices especially when it comes to females?" I- what? I hate to burst your bubble but no he is not all about choices especially when it comes to females. He didn't give feyrug a choice when he twisted her bone to make her accept the bargain. He didn't give Nesta a choice when he locked her up in the HoW. He didn't give her a choice when he forced Nesta to work for him and his court. He didn't give feyrug a choice when he hid info about Feyre's pregnancy? Feyre cud have just as easily wanted to live and not have the baby? But did he give her that choice?
I mean I am no one to judge, and you are definitely older than me, but... Idk about your marriage so I'm not even gonna comment on that part... But Rhysie did not have a solution...? He did not know how to save her and her baby? Regardless of "stress" Rhysie has no right to hide information about her body from her. It's like not telling a terminally ill patient they are going to die soon. Like I said, feyre is 21 for heaven's sake, she could have decided to not have the baby altogether?? But ofc not that wud make her a murderer right.
Now coming to Tamlin,
Again I will say what I said in my post: Tamlin not holding Feyre's hair while she throws up is not abuse.
Make of that what you will.
And in what way was feyrug helping Tamlin? I'd love to know it. Because she... Absolutely wasn't. But I'd love to see your views.
Tamlin felt entitled to feyrug? I have no idea what you mean by that? If you are talking about him not letting her out of the house, then yes that is abuse? I have never said it wasn't. But if you are talking about hybern's deal then check out this post and this one . If you are talking about talking him make her wear dresses and introducing her to their court: checkout this post.
His claws coming out all the time is his literally showing emotions. It's not generally anger, it's also irritation sometimes. like if I am angry or annoyed I make a disgusted face and roll my eyes?? Does that mean I have anger issues too? And shapeshifting is literally his primary power?? There are times when feyrug says his claws are gonna come out but they don't. Pls this point is so stupid-
Anyway check out this post to clarify further.
Oh yeah let's talk about Rhysie's trauma that Tamlin caused by telling his abusive older brothers and fathers were his friends mom and sister are who they cud actually locate and kill and dump in the Sidra even though the Sidra is part of Velaris, a city that didn't exist for them and Illariya isn't even on any maps but not Tamlin's trauma from when Rhysand killed his entire family while he slept under the same roof.
Look, u do u but pls don't ever come into my inbox and defend a sexual assaulter and justify his abuse and SA again.
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baroquebucky · 3 years
lover is a day
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a/n: hi pals !! here is a sort of angsty but fluffy fic inspired by another cuco song ! i cant believe tfaws is over i miss them already :[ lyrics in bold ! srry for any typos </3
buckys mind is racing all the time, you’re there to slow him down
word count: 3.1k
will you love this part of me?
Bucky tried his damn best to keep you out of the avenging part of his love. He never introduced you to the team, only telling Steve about you and Sam finding out because he stole Buckys phone and you just so happened to call him.
You saw the trends on Twitter, seeing the videos of your boyfriend easily take down seven men in a bar in madripoor. You tried your best to not watch it, knowing he wouldn’t want you to. Curiosity getting the best of you, you clicked the trend, mouth dropping as you saw the way he fought.
His eyes were cold, he moved like it was second nature to him, it was frightening to see how easy it came to him.
You jumped as your phone vibrated, an incoming call from bucky pausing the video. You hesitated before answering, putting on a bright smile and trying to forget what you had just seen.
“hi doll face” Bucky smiled, you heard the thumping of music in the background.
“hi buck, are you at a club?” You questioned, a smile on your face as he let out a sigh, rolling onto his back on the couch he was on.
“I’m at Sharon’s place, she has this whole museum club thing going on” he explained, your eyes wide at the mention of the agent.
“Sharon? like Steve Sharon? Sharon from shield?” You questioned, bucky smiled at your interest, nodding along to your words, quickly replying when he realized you weren’t on FaceTime.
Bucky kept you in the loop, not wanting you to get caught off guard if anything were to happen. He just made sure you were never in danger and no one knew about you, as much as he’d want to shout from the roof just how much he loved you.
“that’s the one, I’ll explain when i get back” he spoke calmly, rubbing his eyes with the back of his hands as he put you on speaker.
Bucky talked about some movie he wanted to watch, your mind drifting back to the video, your heart thumping in your ears.
“doll?” He asked, his voice echoing in you room.
“what, sorry i got distracted” you replied, trying to play it off. Bucky frowned, his heart sinking at the realization.
“you saw it” he spoke simply, moving to sit up on the couch again, his eyes focusing on the floor.
You wanted to lie, say you had no idea what he was talking about. But you couldn’t, mouth opening only to close seconds later.
“I never wanted you to see that part of me” he spoke, you stayed quiet, letting him talk.
“Doll, I’m not him anymore i promise” he hesisted, “Zemo made me do it and i didn’t think i would- i just im gonna go” he spoke, hanging up quickly, heart heavy.
Furthering my distance from you
Bucky was never the best at speaking his mind, always too caught up in his own thoughts to say what he felt, thinking it never mattered and he should keep to himself.
You texted him right after, telling him to please take care, that you loved him. He didn’t reply.
It wasn’t for another couple days when he came home, entering quietly trying to not wake you up in case you were asleep already.
He set his bags down softly, entering the room and expecting to find you curled up. Buckys heart raced as he looked up to see you staring at him with a smile on your face, getting off the bed quickly and throwing yourself onto him.
“i missed you so much james” you whispered, squeezing him slightly as your arms wrapped around him.
“y/n i-” he began, pushing you back softly. You let go reluctantly, knowing he wanted his space.
I’m okay as long as you keep me from going crazy
“Bucky, it’s okay” you replied, stopping him from going down a rabbit hole if you didn’t. You looked at him, the light from your bedside lamp only slightly illuminating the room.
“i know thats not you anymore, sometimes you have to do something’s to get stuff and i get that angel” you spoke, looking at him softly, slowly grabbing his hand and squeezing.
“i still love you bucky, with all my heart” you smiled, wishing you could see the way his cheeks flushed at your words.
He looked up from the floor, you could barely making out the way his lips turned up in a small smile.
“do you really?” He whispered, stepping closer so that your faces were only inches apart. You nodded, eyes flickering to his lips after a couple of seconds.
“I love you more doll” he replied, ears burning as you pulled him in for a kiss, holding the collar of his shirt to pull him closer.
You pulled away with a smile on your face, looking at him for a second before throwing your arms around him, holding him tightly. Bucky wrapped his arms around after a second, placing a kiss ontop of your head, never wanting to let you go.
You can’t get by with a lie
Bucky shot up, sweating and breathing heavy, looking over to see you stirring slightly at his movement.
“buck?” You mumbled, eyes still closed as you turned opening them slightly to reach for the super soldier. You placed a gentle hand on his vibranium one, looking at him with your fuzzy vision.
“nightmare?” you mumbled, sitting up and looking at him, his chest still heaving as he shook his head.
“no it- I’m fine” he spoke, “Cmon let’s get back to sleep” he smiled tightly but you shook your head, looking at him sternly.
“James we talked about this, please, talk to me angel” you looked at him, now fully awake and wanting to help bucky through his nightmares. He hesitated, sighing and fiddling with the edge of the blanket.
“okay” he nodded, heart racing as you helped him through his nightmare. You reminded him how he had changed, how he was a new person and he was trying his best to make amends.
“You’re okay, you’re here and you’re free” you spoke, hugging him tightly and stroking his arm soothingly. Bucky nodded, closing his eyes and focusing on your beating heart.
Funny thing about you is you read me pretty well
You clenched your fist, wanting to throw your laptop across the room as your work frustrated you once again. Your breathing was heavier and you let out a small sigh, not wanting to alert bucky.
After a couple more minutes you felt the tears pricking your eyes, squeezing them shut in hopes they would go away.
You got up quickly, heading toward the kitchen to get a drink of water, leaving bucky alone in the room. He turned to look at you, noting how fast you were walking and the way you were breathing shakily.
Bucky gave you a minute, waiting to see if you’d come back. When you didn’t return he followed you, seeing you staring out the cup in your hand with intense focus.
“doll, what’s wrong?” You looked at him, putting a smile on your face and shaking your head.
“I’m fine buck, just thirsty” he frowned, walking towards you and pulling you into his arms.
“i know you too well for that to work on me doll” he sighed, stroking your back softly as you but back tears, finally letting a sob out. “let it out doll I’m here.”
Me and Mr. Heart we say the cutest things about you
Bucky smiled at the way you jumped for joy when you saw a dog in the park, immediately talking his ear off about how you had always wanted your own.
“don’t you think we should adopt? I think we’re at that point y’know?” You smiled, starry eyes as you turned to look at him.
Never in his life had he felt more in love, he thought of how perfect you looked, with slightly messy hair from the wind and a stain on your shirt from the time he accidentally splashed paint on you.
He felt the world around him fade away, focusing only on you and your words, rattling off some facts about people with pets being happier in an effort to convince him.
Bucky thought of the way you had always cared for him, living him with all you were. He thought of how you were the most caring person in the world to him, how you were the most radiant person in the room no matter what.
He loved you so much and all he wanted was to make you happy.
“I’ve always been a cat person” he teased, loving the way you rolled your eyes with a playful smile on your face.
“we could get a cat, they’re calm and sweet” you nodded, taking his hand and pulling him towards the parking lot.
How could bucky say no when you looked so excited?
You held the white cat in your arms a few weeks later, a huge smile on your face as he purred into your touch.
“welcome home alpine” you smiled, setting the cat down and letting him explore.
Buckys heart grew in his chest, you seemed so unreal. You were everything he ever wanted and everything he ever needed. And you were all his.
You looked at bucky, a smile on your face as he picked up the cat, setting him gently on his lap.
“thought you were gonna get us a dog the whole time we were there” he spoke, looking at you as you stared at the pair, standing across the room and putting away some cat food and toys.
“you said you were a cat person” you replied, “plus you’re happy right?” You questioned, walking over and sitting down next to him, reaching out to scratch the back of Alpines ears.
“very happy doll” he smiled, eyes settling on the cat in his lap, wanting to place kisses all over the now sleeping feline.
“then I’m happy that you’re happy” you smiled, kissing his cheek softly, letting your head rest on his shoulder and enjoy the company of your now two favorite boys.
My lover is a day I can’t forget
“Do you remember how we met?” You asked suddenly, bucky smiled as he recalled the memory.
“doll it’s 3 am” he chuckled, the streetlight sneaking in through the curtains as you two lay in bed.
“so you don’t” you huffed, turning so your back would face him. Bucky smiled at your reaction, quickly turning you back around to face him.
“of course i do doll” he replied, a soft smile still on his face, “why?”
“what did you think of me?” You wondered, wiggling a bit to get more comfortable. You had a small smile on your face as he began talking.
“i thought you were too nice, they got your whole order wrong and you still ate the whole thing” he smiled.
Buckys eyes had immediately landed on you when he entered the small diner, seeing you smiling with a couple of your friends.
Steve was insistent on getting him to go to more places and this was #1 on his list.
“so those are my favorites you can always look through the menu though i guess” steve smiled, noticing his friends focus on you.
“thank you!” You smiled at the waitress, taking the dish from her, turning to your friends as soon as she left.
“i didn’t order this” you grumbled, your friends insisting you send it back.
“but what if she’s having a bad day already? and this is the last straw? It’s fine i can just eat it it’ll be fine” you shook your head, taking a bite and making a face.
“send it back y/n!” Your friend persisted and you shook your head, you were so stubborn.
“it’s not that bad!” You smiled, eating the whole thing, “wish it was the other one though” you giggled as your friends rolled their eyes.
Bucky kept glancing over at you, trying to not make it obvious. Steve decided against saying anything, making easy conversation with his best friend.
You hit your friend gently, a blush on your face when your eyes had landed on the two super soldiers.
“okay don’t be obvious” you began, “that’s steve rogers and bucky barnes?” You whispered, your friends all turning and looking at the table.
Bucky had just so happened the be glancing over, making eye contact with you, his face went red as he saw your whole table staring at the pair.
“You were so shy, you didn’t even have the guts to say hi” he teased and you punched him softly.
“you didn’t say anything either in my defense” you smiled, fiddling with his dog tags.
You turned back quickly, slapping a hand on your face as your friends laughed. “I said don’t be obvious did i not!”
“didn’t you say you would die for him? You talk about him almost everyday” your friend teased and you hit her, face burning.
“shut up! they’re super soldiers what if they hear you” you snuck a glance at their table, seeing the way bucky had a small smirk on his face and Steve was holding back a laugh.
“i hate you guys, i really do” you mumbled, “should i say sorry? I feel like i should say sorry right?”
“You just want an excuse to give that man sex eyes” another one of your friends spoke up and you rolled your eyes.
You snuck a glance at bucky making eye contact, you gave a small smile which he happily returned, waving slightly. You waved back, quickly turning back to your friends as your heart raced.
You and your friends paid and left not long after, Steve and bucky following a couple minutes after. You said your goodbyes in the parking lot, giving them tight hugs.
“you sure you don’t want a ride?” They had asked and you shook your head, waving her off as you walked to the bus stop down the street, sitting on the bench and scrolling through your social media mindlessly.
You looked up as someone sat next to you, giving them a small smile before realizing it was bucky. Your eyes went wide and you froze, eyes focused on your now locked phone. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
You glanced at bucky, face flushing when you made eye contact.
“you were so charming, i still don’t understand how you could be so calm” you spoke, looking at him as he let out a snort.
“i was shitting myself the whole time doll” he laughed, “I’m surprised i didn’t fuck up the moment i opened my mouth.”
“I’m bucky” he smiled, extending his had for you to shake. You smiled back, shaking his hand before replying, “I’m y/n.”
You were quiet for a second before turning to face him again, “I’m sorry for my friends in the diner, they can be a bit much” you chuckled, fiddling with your phone in your hands.
“don’t worry ‘bout it, I’m flattered honestly” he replied and you cocked your head.
“oh?” You replied, confused at his response.
“I mean to have a pretty girl like you thinking about me? An honor really” he spoke smoothly, a charming smile on his face as he looked at you.
“i- well- uh, thank you?” You let out a breathy laugh, and he smiled at you, moving onto another topic of conversation.
Next thing you knew the two of you were sat together on the bus, laughing as you two exchanged stories and talked about your interests.
“this is my stop” you frowned, not wanting to end the conversation yet. Buckys heart raced, debating on wether or not he should make a move or not. Steve would surely have his head on a spike if he didn’t.
“i- well, if you want i can walk you, it’s dark and i don’t want you in any danger” he spoke, stumbling in his words.
“I’d love that buck” you smiled and he looked at you with a grin on his face, following you out of the bus.
The evening air was cool, it felt nice against your flushed skin, a smile on both of your faces as you walked towards your apartment. The sound of your laughter filling the open air.
You arrived at your apartment building, exchanging numbers and saying goodbye, already looking forward to see each other next time.
“can’t believe you walked me back” you giggled, butterflies in your stomach as you remembered how flirty he was that night.
“i never told you but i had actually driven to the place” bucky blushed, “Steve had been busy earlier so we met up there” he laughed as your mouth flew open.
“so you had to go all the way back to get your car?!” Bucky smiled bashfully, “you even paid to take the bus!” You squealed, sitting up quickly and leaning against the headboard.
“I wasn’t gonna let public transportation stand between me and the love of my life!” Bucky replied quickly, sitting up next to you.
“you barely knew me!”
“i wanted to get to know you! that was the whole point” he shot back, a smile on his face when he noticed how flustered you were.
“you did all that for me” you looked at him fondly and he nodded.
“and I’d do so much more for you now” Bucky smiled, kissing your cheek softly before moving to your jaw and then your lips.
“I love you so much doll” he whispered, pulling you into his arms. You let him wrap himself around you, holding you closely to his chest.
“i love you more lovely” you replied, placing a soft kiss on his bicep. He held you for a couple more moments before letting go, letting you move back to his side and lay on his chest.
“you do so much for me doll, you keep me grounded, you make me happy, you keep me from going crazy, wish i could do the same” he mumbled, his fingers scratching at your scalp and making your eyes flutter shut.
“you do all that and more for me too james, you just never realize” you whispered, yawning as he continued his movements.
“how about we go to sleep, and I’ll tell you all tomorrow just how much you do for me, yeah?” You mumbled, opening your eyes slightly. Bucky nodded, laying down and getting comfortable, moving so that he could spoon you, draping an arm around your waist and pulling you to his chest.
“goodnight lover boy” you mumbled, he smiled at the nickname.
“goodnight dollface” he whispered, kissing your neck softly before closing his eyes, hearing alpines soft purring from across the room.
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pinkykitten · 5 years
Peter Parker x asthmatic! female reader
Warning: asthmatic symptoms 
Specifics: fluff, romance, comedy, one-shot, race neutral reader, asthmatic reader
People: peter parker / spider-man, mj, ned, mother
Words: 1,198
Request: By anon Hi!! 💕 Could I please request a Peter Parker x Reader who has Asthma? Something where they’re in the cafeteria and Pete sees the reader take her inhaler and he is like “!? What !?” So now he makes it a mental note to make sure she’s okay and one day when they’re hanging out he sees a Spider-Man sticker on her inhaler and he’s all ☺️💘? Thank you for your time and consideration!
Authors Note: i loved this so much! its so fluffly its fluffier than cotton candy yall!!!! i put what i personally have to go thru in this story because i have asthma so im sorry if its not what u were looking for it was kinda more personal. tysm again for ur request i love writing for peter cuz hes someone for some reason i dont write about alot but i adore him 
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It just became. It was never a starting point that you remember. It was not recent either. You had asthma since you were little. Your mother would make sure you had your inhaler with you at all times. Sometimes, when the asthma got worse you would have to take a puff everyday but recently you were feeling better. Your breathing was almost normal and barely had you felt a shortness of breath. 
Peter wanted to know everything about you. Everything. And you assumed telling him about your asthma was not of great importance. Its not like you had a killing disease. It was only asthma. 
You were sitting in the cafeteria with Peter and his friends, Ned, MJ, when you felt the harsh feeling of breathing again. It was as if your lungs were getting constricted, like you couldn’t breathe; almost the feeling of drowning. 
Their conversations were muffled as you quickly got your inhaler out of your pocket, shook it and breathed it in twice. Your heart settled and you felt at ease knowing this would help you. 
You didn’t know a certain doe brown eyed boy was peeking at you. “Are you okay y/n?”
You didn’t realize he saw the whole thing and you were one who never enjoyed the attention or wanted sympathy. “I’m fine Pete, thanks.” You smiled. 
Peter gently guided his hands to yours and took a hold of them. He wore a look of concern and worry. “No I saw you take a puff out of...” Peter knew what it was but he had forgotten the name. It was on the tip of his tongue. “That.” He points to your inhaler.
“My inhaler?”
“What? Thats kinda cool if you think about it.” Peter squinted his eyes as he shrugged. 
“It’s amazing to have to keep something close to you cause if not then you might die by having an asthma attack,” you said sarcastically, closing your lunchbox. 
Peter messed up with his wording. “I’m sorry y/n. What I mean is you don’t need to hide it from me. I think it makes you stronger knowing you feel pain and not at ease sometimes yet you always have a smile on your face. And that you worry so much about others instead of yourself. It’s cool.”
“Yeah you’re super cool y/n,” Ned chuckled, proceeding to eat his food. 
MJ pointed her finger at you, “I and the rest of the dweebs here are gonna make sure you always have it with you and if you don’t I will personally run all the way back and get it for you then slap you so you will never forget it again.” All was silent as she opened up her book to continue reading. 
“You’re all drama queens!” 
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You understood they loved you and wanted you safe and protected but it got a bit out of hand. You forgot your inhaler once and MJ did indeed slap your face. You were afraid this time because once again, you forgot your inhaler. 
“Why don’t I learn?” You thought as you scrambled over to Peter in an empty science class. “Peter I need your help.”
“Whats wrong y/n? Is it your asthma again? Do you have your inhaler?” He was very much anxious. His arms wrapping around you almost as if to keep you safe. All he wanted, he needed in his life was you, safe, in his arms, with him. 
Twiddling your thumbs you scratched the back of your head, “well. The good news is no I’m not having issues right now with my asthma. The bad news is I forgot my inhaler.”
“Oh, don’t tell MJ this. She will not like it one bit.”
“I know Pete! Thats why I need your help. Can you please get it for me?” You fluttered your eye lashes to entice him. 
Peter smirked, crossing his arms, “depends. I need a little something before I get you your inhaler.”
“What is it?” You genuinely asked. Not getting the hint it was supposed to be romantic. 
“Silly, you gotta give me a kiss.”
“Oh okay, like this one,” you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and landed your lips upon his chapped ones. You and Peter were still young so the kiss was a little sloppy but you two were inexperienced. You gave little pecks to his lips. His eyes were closed and so were yours. You always enjoyed kissing your boyfriend. You two parted, giggling. 
“That was a surprise. I always love when you kiss me.”
“Me too,” you felt flustered and a bit bashful. 
“Alright I’ll get your inhaler baby girl,” Peter kissed your forehead and ran ahead super fast. 
“He’s always so fast?” You shook your head. How dare this boy leave you feeling like this? All putty because of the nickname. It was a sin.
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Peter swung around New York as Spider-Man to get to your house. It was quicker that way. He still hasn’t told you about his secret. (i know ur secret ur dirty little secret srry i just recently watched it 2 if u seen it u’ll understand) He was afraid to. What would you think? How would you react? It all made him nervous. 
He lifted your window up and crawled on your ceiling. He flung his mask off to get a better look at your room. It was cute and very much fit your personality. Peter sniffed the air, grinning widely. The room smelled of your beautiful scent that Peter could not get enough of. “Alright y/n,” clapping his hands together, getting to work, “lets see where you put this thing.”
Peter looked on your dresser, on your nightstand, in your bed, in your drawers and still nothing. Finally as he twisted his body he saw it on your desk in a mason jar. There was a sticky note on the mason jar that read “INHALER’S HOME.” Peter laughed out loud. He was totally going to bring that up to you. It made him love you more if that was even possible. He saw you as someone so cute and adorable. But something caught his eyes. 
Dipping his hand in the mason jar to retrieve the inhaler he spotted a Spider-Man sticker on it. His heart pumped loudly, hard. He had butterflies, fireworks all of it in his stomach. You were so precious! You meant so much to him and it made him almost fangirl to know that you loved not only him as Peter but you also were a fan of Spider-Man. Now he had to tell you. 
He cradled the inhaler in his arms and just stared at the sticker. Completely in love with you. “My y/n,” he whispered as he gave a kiss to your inhaler. He swung back to school to give what you had lost. He promised himself from now on he would always make sure you had it with you no matter what. No matter if he was fighting bad guys, Thanos it all wouldn’t matter to him, not just yet because you had to come first. In Peter’s life you would always come first and he will always make sure you are safe and protected. 
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @marwantr, @divaanya, @wassupitschloe, @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag), @spycii, @eminemsgiraffe (wont let me tag)
wanna be tagged in my crap? comment!
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ogeeitsme · 5 years
Heya! If you don't mind me asking, I have a question for you (I hope it doesn't sound too rude o personal, or anything similar)! Exactly, how do you "interact" with each other? Like, as far as I understand, you pretty much share the same memory (not in terms of "past", in this case), and sometimes it almost sounds like you all...Talk to each other? Like, full conversation and interaction, pretty much like you would do with someone with their own body, and I'm really confused as to how it works!
EDIT: hello ther r typos here, sm typos b it’s 5 AM n I can’t read KSJSJ
Hello!! This is not rude @ all SKJDKJ I jst gtta get in the right Typing Mood 2 answ this coherently lmao bc I can’t think of analogies rite
Yea we talk!! It’s like,, we talk w the Mind
(when ur in front:)
Sometimes, it’s visual + auditory (not a hallucin8ion, it’s like listening 2 ur thoughts or talking 2 urself internally, u don’t hear it outside) so like let’s say Chara is talking 2 me while I know what facial exprssion they’re doing or hand gestures
Sometimes there’s a design8d area where we talk (fronting rooms!! Bc it’s like a visualiz8ion of being the closest 2 the front??), but when ur (we’re) fronting, u can see MORE in2 the headspace (depends on ur sys n ur ability, som sys can’t do this b it seems common)
Sometimes it’s just visual, som times it’s jst auditory,, like 4 example I’m reading a tumblr post n suddenly some1 reacts b is actlly far away b it’s like they got a direct signal 2 the front, so it’s like they’re “passing by 2 say smth” if u will (very common if the thing is a front trigger (like a positive one ex. Their fave artist or song or meme))
Sometimes we communic8 w only feelings! Sometimes not every1’s gnna have perfect connection 2 the front so u just VIBE
Sometimes it’s also like, u can telepthaically talk 2 each other,, we live in the same brain, so sometimes they dnt have 2 say the full sentence in real time, they sya it- boom u know exactly what they’re saying the moment they say it- ok that’s hard 2 explain b other systems r afraid that’s not valid but it rlly is!! It’s common 2 “”know what they’re saying b4 they said it”” ur in the same brain, what is NOT possible??
Also, even if ur in control of the body, u can. Isualize urself inspace @ the same time! It’s like medita8tion, n I think medit8ing n being in ur own headspace whethe fits active or not?? Is similar 4 singlets (but 4 y’all I can imagine it’s 2 a mild degree ((n by thta I mean u need 2 actively medit8 2 b in ur own headspace)))
Anyway my point is- we can also interact ”physically” while fronting!! Inspace, we can kind of like b,, “outside N inside” @ the same time in a way,, so like if Chara pushes me inspace n I’m fronting, well yea that jst happened DKJDKJ it’s all connected bros, I can hug som1 inspace while I’m fronting
YEA we might be zoning out while walking b I’m gnna hug som1
inspace, like, when we’re not fronting, we can talk 2 each other!! They do say the headspace is where u go when ur not fronting
N it’s tru 4 a lot of sys if not most!! I’d like 2 take this spot 2 valid8 sys’s who r worried abt “idle-ing”
Bc that’s common also
Anyway, we hang out ther! Mostly we kiiind of idle, b we do stuff!! Sometimes overnight, talking abt inspace life is WEIRD b we can summarize what we did if asked @ the end of the day etc,,, I’m not gnna get in2 it very META wise bc it’s wild 2 think abt, but we can talk 2 each other inspace! It’s a diff world, n sometimes it’s nice, bc it’s the only world we have our own bodies— THATS y it’s so imprtnt 2 us that our headspace is here, it’s not healthy 2 stay in it 4 ever, but it’s a RLLY good place 2 take a break in, esp if u dnt identify w the body,, it’s y we kno our height diffrnces 2 :^)
another thing is that on discord we use BOTS!!!!!!!!!! We used tupperbox b4, but then we moved on 2 pluralkit! These r bots that proxy ur messages! It lets u make custom discord profiles as if u made a new account, so ur sys members can type w their own avatar n username!! We uslly like joining servers w those bots!!! Unless we have 2 go in2 it’s Jusg Jamie Mode
We have a priv8 server where we like 2 keep stuff, b in general, typing 2 each other is just rlly good, it’s RLLY GOOD
YEA when ur in a sys, u can talk in ur head or inspace, yea if ur a sys who has blackouts typing 2 each other n leaving notes is good!! B here’s a shout out 2 us LSJSK n other systems. Bc sometimes?? Just typing 2 each other is just waaaaaay easier
Writing takes time, so typing is good! It’s faster bc sometimes EVERY1 wants 2 talk @ the same time, or mayb every1’s talking 2 each other! So bc of bots, the brain can kind of take a break In Processing all those MP3’s of their voices n every1 can cofront n type on a keyboard of phone! It’s rlly cool bc u ALSO get 2 c each other’s Avatars,, I think using discord bots (PK) is the most cathartic 4 a system rlly,,
Also I wld suggest using pluralkit instead of TB, as Pluralkit is more upd8 n has AAA!!! Autoproxy!! (pk;autoproxy front) (or pk;autoproxy latch <member name>)
Also that’s it KSJKDJSK I can’t believe I was able 2, answ this KDJDJK SRRY ITS RLLY LONG I GOT SO FCSED 👀
Yea like, yea :,^) we jst, talk i g SKJSK we do have our own bodies in our brain so I g that’s why helps DJDKJ
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alittleoptimistic · 6 years
Favorite Character Tropes as Wish Fulfillment?
I wrote that title after I analyzed this stuff because I realized a thing about myself I was unaware of. I always get attached to the Same Character. Like, they are literally the same person in different stories. And I want to know why. So I did a little digging and thinking and all that good, good stuff. 
Here are a few examples of my typical favorite character
Charlie from Lost
Virgil from Sanders Sides
Philip from Travelers
the Doctor from Doctor Who (specifically 10)
Klaus from Umbrella Academy
Stiles from Teen Wolf
Riley from Sense 8
Cisco from Flash
Peter Pan from any version of this story
Jim from the Office
Peter from Heroes
Merlin from Merlin
Will from Hannibal
Felix from Orphan Black
Chuck from Chuck
Josh (the werewolf ) from Being Human
Jessica from Jessica Jones
Castiel from Supernatural
Loki from Marvel
Skylar from Heroes
Sherlock from Sherlock
Zuko from The Last Airbender
Killian from Once Upon a Time
I could probably find more but you get the idea
General similarities seem to be:
out of 23
21 are male?
15 have some type of addiction/problem they have difficulty controlling? (drugs, attention, adventure, eating people, killing people, ya know, etc)
17 have a secret
‘neuro-divergent’ in some way? (ADD, PTSD anxiety, depression, something? the kids are not alright)
All 23 have grey morals (probably chaotic good-ish? they all would break the rules for a good reason or get what they want)
19 have a crappy homelife/large tragedy in the past
20 have ‘superpowers/special ability’
18 are physically weak in appearance
18 are Underdogs, underestimated but actually powerful/very intelligent?
7 have a redemption arch
17 have dark hair lol
18 have a sarcastic, sense of humor
14 talk too much
mostly white in one form or another :/
So... why?? Why do I tend to like these characters more than others?
male. I am female and there are a few female characters that I LOVE. They happen, but, in all honesty, they are far and few in between. Wonder Woman, Jessica Jones, Hermione, Rey, Riley, Rory (Gilmore girls) Perhaps it is the way girls are often written? I like Jessica Jones because she is a hilarious mess and I relate. Same with... all of the ones I like, actually. They have that grey-moral vibe of real people, but lack the sexy Cat Woman, I’m-so-bad-I-can-kill-you-with-my-massive-butt-and-boobs?? Thing?? yeah? how unfortunate. They are small breasted or, at least, that is not drawn attention to too much. Could it be. holy moly, ya’ll. could it be I like women characters when they’re written... like people? like. like, as if girls are screwed up humans! not objects?? isn’t that incredible.
srry but not srry
an addiction. now, why do I tend to go here? Its a kind of a painful trope. They always go back, and back and back again to what we know is horrible for them. Perhaps there is enjoyment in watching the struggle and seeing them inevitably win their struggle, whatever it is? The strength to conquer the darkness within themselves and do the right thing. It might just make you think you can conquer your own battles?? Maybe I feel like I can relate in some sort of way, going back to old habits, struggling to be the person I want to be. Year after year of the same new year goals...
a secret. This is honestly just a nice trope and its neat, fun writing. Creates tension, and it is usually connected to the addiction. You get invested in this secret!!! It builds up to the inevitable discovery of that secret and the aftermath and all the reactions of their friends. (merlin, Will graham, chuck, etc.)
Neurodivergent. I think this is just me relating to these people. I have bouts of depression and anxiety and am currently researching the possibility of having ADD (thats a whole new weird thing idek) so this is just something that I think I see in myself.
Grey-morals. Again. This is my moral alignment, shocker. So, again, me relating to the characters. Also, characters that obviously have flaws are just well-written, well-rounded characters? No one is actually Clark Kent. characters that seem perfect either come off as plastic and fake because real people do not act like that, or they come off as kind of creepy?? because they must have some darkness lurking beneath the surface (when this is done on purpose, i actually like this quite a lot. Rose Quartz is an example of a character who seemed perfect on the surface, but as the show moved on, is revealed to be a Real Disaster Queen. she isn’t evil, just kind of a brat, but that redeemed what seemed to be sloppy storytelling because it was realistic)
Tragic past. This is just something that authors give to Disaster People to justify their screwed-up-ness. Course, not all of them had tragic pasts, but something bad happened to all of them (except Jim from the Office I think??, but then again, that is a sitcom...)
Special Ability Again, wish fulfillment. Not even gonna lie. I often feel powerless and out of control, this Freaks Me Out. I think there is comfort in seeing the ‘little guy’ (aka le me) having with a BAMF hashtag
 Weak And once more on Relatable-Station. This is in connection with relating to feeling and looking powerless, but finding comfort in the secret strength these characters have whether through supernatural means, superior intelligence, biting humor, a quick tongue, etc.
Underestimated the cap on this trio. The last 3 points could be summed up as one thing. A weak, underestimated person actually has some secret strength. These characters might just be a coping mechanism I have to deal with feeling weak and overlooked and powerless, whether or not those feelings accurately portray reality. I wonder where those feelings came from in the first place.
A redemption arch This trope is often a result of having grey morals. These also help deal with feelings of inadequacy or guilt in the reader?? It makes you think, if they can be loved, surely I can. (i am really dragging myself in this post, which was not the plan lol but here we are) 
Dark hair/brown hair. I have dark hair, I also wanted black hair as a child and found it very beautiful. Also, I think the dark hair goes with the personality trope as a Screw Up. Not gonna lie, messy brown/black hair on boys and girls, honestly, but the short messy thing, is great. and when they go evil for a bit and the hair gets Extra Messy?? That. That’s. Good. (for reference see: Stiles, Killian, Peter, Virgil, Loki)
Sarcastic my flavor of humor. this is turning into the realization that we do, in fact, like characters we relate to the most. I thought that might be far fetched because I’m ‘nothing like’ these characters, but let's get real. They’re me but as a cute boy or girl.
Talk too much This isn’t me. but This is who I want to be, I think. I’ve always struggled with anxiety about being the quiet one while my brother was so much better at talking, making friends, etc. so this is, again, wish fulfillment. i swear i didn’t think this was going to be this self-indulgent but i obviously was wrong
White They aren’t all white. Zuko is Asian. Cisco’s actor is Columbian American. But that’s... thats a really small amount of diversity. Like, I’m concerned. (when i say white btw, I don’t mean just American or British or whatever, because there are characters on here that are from all over. I just mean overall white-looking for the sake of this analysis) 
So, First Hypothesis: prejudice is very ingrained and even with good intentions, i could be subconsciously avoiding characters that are POC??? If this is all a ‘projecting myself’ thing, then I relate to white people the most? Im sure im screwing this up, but i’m not gonna chicken out and avoid this because thats what I’d usually do to keep from dumbly saying something offensive, but if I dont address a problem, then no one is getting anywhere 
Second Hypothesis: Its been known the fiction industry as a whole has a problem with representation,,, I don’t want to discount me being white, but I don’t think this is just me and my tiny entitled butt. There probably isn’t as much access to that type of character for POC. How often do creators have well-rounded, stick-around-for-a-long-time, flawed, funny, sometimes-problematic-but-well-meaning characters that are also POC? not often enough. Maybe it’s not always on purpose. But because of ‘Diversity Points’, character development might get pushed aside, and then the character’s personality becomes Their Race, which is... a crappy way to build a character? The industry has a hard enough time with diversity in general. Maybe people just don't write POC as that type of character. Which makes characters like Cisco unique. I’ve never even thought about that... Good on you, Flash writer crew.
let's fix this??
need more Ciscos???
 if any POC feels inclined to call me out on my bull or give their insight (only if you want to, of course), pls do.
In conclusion: this was interesting, and it makes sense, I guess, why people like different types of characters if their favorite characters are projections in one way or another of them. I’m not saying that we all relate to our favorite characters, but me, because I have this weird, dozen or more of the same type of character that I love, it might be reasonable to assume there’s something about that character I see in myself or wish I saw in myself? Anyway, an interesting thought. What do you guys think? Do you see yourself in your favorite characters?
This has been an honest essay that got too long. I wish I was as invested in writing school essays as I am in Tumblr posts.
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spacephant0m · 6 years
cw for personal talk about religion/spirituality and trying to find myself. Srry for typos
I’m in my room on the verge of tears and switching between crying and having a blank stare, watching brendon’s livestream on my ipad while i type this. I’m trying to study witchcraft to some extent as I’ve never really read much of anything about it before. Specifically I was reading about christian witches. Now the thing is like, i grew up as a christian. And nowadays i still believe in God definitely, but i hate christian practices. I remember reading and studying world religions in college last year and absolutely loving it and being so sad because i never experienced such practices in my own faith that actually seemed..... like, fun, and super connective. Me bawling my eyes out at church camp and being “lost” was not exactly what i originally thought it was. I was just mentally ill and didnt know it. Deep down i always knew i had a connection with God that wasnt faltering over silly shit a kid does wrong. Kid sins. Whatever the fuck. As much as i fucken prayed and asked for forgiveness, i was fine. Christianity is always a race to be closer to God and its like.... how close can i get when im doing the same fucking exact practices over and over.... they never really taught us about meditation and becoming one with your surroundings and idk, letting your spirit free. They kind of talked about it sometimes.
But i just hate the entire setup of church. I miss the family aspect so much. Thats all i miss. I miss bible study but really i just miss the points where we talked about life. Thats usually what we did, we would have an entire lesson setup and it would become totally derailed by our conversations. And it was real and i had a sense of community that i cant get anywhere else. I havent been able to find it anywhere else. But i also miss my personal sense of spirituality. I love that word and i love that it has so many encapsulating meanings. I dont wanna be like a white man self acclaimed guru who’s like read this book it’ll help you change your life....... i feel like those guys really appropriate culture and commercialize it. Its kinda gross. I try not to associate myself with that idea but every time i think about meditating more and shit im like “ew im gonna be a gross white guy whos all at peace w himself and lives in the mountains and shit” AND IT MAKES ME MAD. I’m having a beer right now instead of a cup of tea. Probably a mistake. Tea helps me feel better but im filling my body w shit at the moment bc thats what happens when i get this sad.
Anyways i really hate the idea of practicing a religion. I made a post before asking for sort of an advice on this, like was it okay for me to like witchy things and not actually be one. I was told yes its totally okay. And im not disrespectful of anyone and i dont make fun of any religion. I just persoaally cannot see myself involved with having an actual religion. I dont even consider myself christian so how could i ever proclaim myself as a christian witch, idk.
I dont want to label myself at all. Maybe i dont need any of this. Maybe i just need to play dnd and live vicariously thru my character. Use that shit as therapy. I hear it helps a lot with mental health and social skills. That of which i am verily lacking. I’m just hurting and im pissed off. I dont know why exactly. I just want to do meditation and i wanna buy my crystals and start doing yoga again. This year i have been stretching more. Actually i started on the first of feb. i stretch every day and do vocal exercises to help my voice get more control and deepen it a bit (transmasc).
I am also just a bit overwhelmed at everything. I dont know where to start. All i know is i want to burn incense like i used to growing up bc it always made me happy. And that i only believe in like..... cleansing through these elements and a prayer to God. But i’ve always had faith issues because im so insecure, i never think God will actually help me because maybe i dont deserve it or maybe he just doesnt want to.
I’m also scared im gonna do something wrong or fuck something up. That something bad will happen or something because im dumb. I dont know if i could mix my own herbs that feel right to me, or if i should use a recipe. I feel stupid that i dont have as much faith in prayer as i wish i did, but i have faith that little rocks will help to cleanse negative energy and things like that.
I dont know why im crying, i guess because im so insecure? Or maybe life is just rly hard and i’m overthinking everything. I just feel kinda bad. Yet when my friends tell me theyre praying for me, i do have faith in that and it means the world to me.
I know none of this is a big deal to anyone, and maybe none of it should matter. But im like. Idk. Im very interested in plants and medicines of the earth and shit like i always have been ever since i was young i thought of myself as like. Awakened and shit LOL whatever that means @ 10 year old me. I dont want to feel like anything controls me or owns me, i want to feel like i am in control of my own life and that i could harness the energy around me to not only like bring me peace of mind but to help me through my journey of life.
But i guess my biggest issue is i have no fuckin clue where to start. I hate reading and all this research im trying to do to help myself figure out what i enjoy is just. Making me so fucken overwhelmed. I only read like. 1 blog post and 2 articles and im already losing it. I always grew up w the mindset that God will take care of everything but like. He already has. In my mind. Because he’s already given us all the tools we need. But folks just like. Wanna be lazy and wait for things to happen. Sometimes all u can do is wait but when it comes to like, being THE ONES IN CONTROL, “prayers for america” is dumb as fck.
Idk i dont know anything and its okay to not know right now but i want something more in my life but i want it to be like.... totally personal and i dont want it to be absolutely everything my life revolves around. I want it to just be something i do and that i love. I dont need a label for it. But idk. I just dont know what to do.
If anyone has any sort of advice or is dealing with anything like this i’d love to hear about it. My ask and msgs are open as well. I feel pretty alone right now. Im just patiently waiting for my paycheck tomorrow so i can buy these crystals i rly want. But who knows what it will take to satisfy my hungry soul.
Another problem i rly have honestly is just like. Spending a lot of money on a lot of hobbies. I feel shitty for having so many things i enjoy doing. I try to narrow it down. I havent started embroidery bc i dont wanna spend more money and i feel like i’ll never have enough time to practice. Im just. Mediocre at a lot of things instead of rly super good at one thing. I mean i think im pretty great at drawing but thats about it. But ive been doing that for 10 years so ofc im good at it NOW. But ffs. I wanna do so many things and its overwhelming. I work a minimum wage job and its. I dont have enough money for anything lol so most of my stuff is low-budge† which is fine i guess but. Idk. Im tired. Im sad.
I dont know how to be more spiritual i dont know where to start. And my mind is telling me to slap a label on it or its not anything of value. Which is bullshit. But y’know. Anxiety n shit.
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sunbaethehuman-blog · 7 years
Indecisive - ( Pt. 1)
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Yoongi Angst | Taehyung x Reader
PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3 (coming soon)
Pairing: Yoongi x Reader | Taehyung x Reader
Genre: Angst, fluff, BTS x Reader, series
Author’s note: SECOND FANFIC AYYYYY. I’ve been writing this one since….. this summer maybe?? lol idk im lazy af and i still have other stuff to write. RLLY GOOD STUFF TOO. ive been into angst stuff lately bc i love to break my heart over n over again :’))) thats my kink guys!!! getting my heart broken!! haha jk im srry i will sto p anyways. I love yoongi with all my heart,,,, but i also love taehyung with all my heart so i was like WHY NOT AHAHAHA bias vs bias wrecker ok now i’m overdoing this author’s note thing im srry pls enjoy btws i posted this without rlly reviewing it so YEAH LETS GET IIIIIIT
“Ew, what kind of face is that?” a low voice asked, looking at the screen on the phone you were holding up, the front camera facing you and raven haired male that sat next to you as you took a selfie. You had your face scrunched up, eyes rolled up to the point where the only the whites of your eyes were shown, you clicked the camera shutter.
“What’s wrong with silly pictures?” You pouted and turned to your date. As he looked back at you, he scoffed, “you call that silly? That’s more ugly than it is silly.” His tone was serious but you knew his humor consisted of roasts.
You couldn’t help but laugh and playfully hit his shoulder, “Okay, okay. We’ll take a good one.” Your hand still in position, you smiled at the camera showing teeth, while the young man smirked. Click. “There we go.” You cooed. The lights began dimming, indicating the movie was about to begin so you put your phone away.
You were amazed by the fact you were able to ask Yoongi out on a date to the cinema. You weren’t sure how to go about it but you asked your best friend, Taehyung for advice, he seemed weird about it but eventually he said to just go for it. You and Yoongi were good friends to begin with but you felt something else go on between you two (a lot of sexual awkward tension to be exact). For a while, neither of you acknowledged it, knowing it could possibly ruin your friendship, and that’s something the neither of you wanted.
Deciding to see a romantic comedy, Yoongi was first against it, but it was the only thing you could stand watching. Horror wasn’t your cup of tea, so Yoongi let it slide. To your surprise, you heard Yoongi laughing along beside you. Looking at him laughing, you couldn’t help but smile too.
Then, a sudden burst of happiness hit you. It was weird–it would happen from time to time and it’d come at the most random times. The feeling was strong and passionate that just couldn’t be ignored.
“Hey, Yoongi…” you began, but you stopped. Yoongi’s phone was vibrating in his pocket. As the screen lit up, his eyebrows knitted together, “ahh, what can I do..” he flashed his phone at you, “it’s Suran. I’ll be back.” Answering his call in a low whisper, he got up from his seat and walked while crouching, trying not to block people from veiwing the movie and walked outside of the movie theater.
All of your firey passion was gone in an instant. Your heart’s content was quickly replaced with sadness. ‘Why am I being like this..? It’s not like he’s leaving.. Ohmygod. Am I jealous?’ You felt frustrated about your own feelings. ‘No! I can’t be. They’re both my friends.’
Holding a burdensome conversation with yourself, a voice whispered into your ear, “I’m so sorry,” it was Yoongi. Making you snap out of the lonesome quarrel, you turned your head towards him, “Suran is… in need of my help. I have to go. I’ll see you later.”
To your understanding, you nodded, “alright. No worries, I hope everything’s fine..!” and with that, he rushed back out.
Trying to keep your cool, you sunk into your seat, ‘they’re both my friends… then why am I feeling like this?’ you could only ask yourself that same question over and over.
‘Next time, maybe?’ you asked yourself. The autumn night breeze blew your hair, chilling your cheeks and runny nose. The hoodie you wore under your jean jacket kept you warm. After Yoongi left, you had been in a sour mood and decided to leave without finishing the movie. You felt like you needed to take a walk, and that’s what you did. It felt nice to have some time to yourself and sort out these senses.
Getting home, you plopped down onto your bed, spreading your limbs out. Staring at the ceiling, you contiplated whether or not to text Yoongi. And after many debates, you finally decided yes. Pulling out your phone from your purse and clicking the message app, you picked Yoongi’s contact.
YOU: Hey, how is Suran doing? Is everything okay?
After a few minutes, you recieved a reply.
Yoongi-nie: Hey, everything’s fine, I guess. her boyfriend broke up with her so she needed my moral support… how was the movie? sorry i didn’t stick around long enough to see the ending. did they end up together?
YOU: oh no that’s terrible. HE DIDN’T DESERVE HER. HE’S AN ASS. I got her back, tell her that. and the movie was good. :) you lied guess we gotta redo this lil date so you can find out for yourself! haha
The reply from Yoongi took a little longer than you had hoped.
Yoongi-nie: Date? i didn’t know this was a date… i thought we were only hanging out….
What–. What the hell is that supposed to mean? Your heart was pounding hard against your chest.
YOU: Oh, hanging out? lol then do u want to go on a date sometime with me…?
At that point, you felt like your heart was going to beat out of your chest. Turning your screen off, you screamed while throwing your phone to the other side of your bed. The anticipation and anxiety began to build. “WHY DID I DO THAT? JEEZ, FUCK. OHMYGOD. NOOO. FUCKFUCKFUCKFUCK–” Ding! You received a message.
Quickly crawling to the other side of your bed, you flipped over your phone and rushed to unlock it.
Yoongi-nie: No. Sorry. I don’t like you like that. I always thought I treated you like my annoying little sister, but I don’t want to keep leading you on. I’m sorry but I don’t feel that way.
Your heart sunk. It was the end. Honestly, you didn’t know what you were expecting. Your life isn’t like the romantic comedies. You weren’t going to get the boy. It happens.
YOU: Ahhh. Okay. Sorry, I misunderstood. I probably made you feel uncomfortable. Thanks for telling me the truth, though. I really appreciate it.
Yoongi-nie: Are you okay? I don’t want you to be depressed or anything.
At this point, your heart felt destroyed.
YOU: OMG. Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t worry about it. I just need some time if that’s okay.
Yoongi-nie: Take all the time you need. Again, I’m sorry.
YOU: Don’t apologize. It’s okay, seriously. Goodnight.
Yoongi-nie: Goodnight.
Recieving that last text, you set your phone on silent and played music. You didn’t think playing your favorite songs could make you feel so sad.
The next day felt draining. Although you didn’t have work, your morning wasn’t as enjoyable as it could’ve been. Doing what you usually do on your day off, you jumped into the shower. Since you had no plans of going out, you only changed into comfy sweats and a t-shirt, and tied your hair up into a pony-tail. Next, you cleaned your apartment while listening to music that blasted through your speakers. It was a good distraction until you heard a knock at the door.
Turning down the music, you took a look at yourself in the mirror that hanged in the hallway before the front door and moved away misplaced strands of hair out of your face then opened the door.
It was Taehyung wearing his baggy tan hoodie and ripped blue jeans. He had what seemed like bags filled with food in his hands. “Good morning!” He smiled. You were able to keep it together since the night before and all morning but for some reason, seeing your best friend’s face made you break into tears. “Taaaaaehyuuuuung..!” you sobbed.
The brunette’s smile was wiped off with concern and confusion, “woah, woah what happen?” He closed the door behind him and placed the bags onto the table before wrapping his lengthy arms around you.
His warm embrace made you cry into his chest even harder and hug back. All that was heard were muffled sobs. “There, there.” he said softly, stroking the top of your head. He was patient with you, he always was. And it was rare to see you cry, Taehyung knew you were a strong when it came to your feelings. Stress, frustration or even just sad movies never made you cry.
After a few minutes of ugly sobbing, you stepped back, letting go and looking up at him through your blurry vision. Taehyung looked back into your eyes and only chucked, “well that’s a sight for sore eyes.” cupping your cheeks, he wiped away your tears as you sniffed. “Are you ready to tell me what happen?”
The only response you gave him was a slow nod. Tired of standing at the door, the both of you moved the conversation to your living room, where you told him about your heartbreak.
You sat at one end of the couch in a little ball while Taehyung sat at the other end. “Ahhh… this is so embarrassing…” you sighed, rubbing your eyes and sniffed.
“Why are you embarrassed? These are your feelings. There’s nothing you should be embarrassed about.” Taehyung comforted.
You sighed once again, “ah… why did I have to fall for Yoongi? I should’ve just fallen for you instead. We’re practically married,” leaning your head against the leather cusion of the couch and giggled.
Only a corner of Taehyungs lips lifted, “that’s food for thought.” He leaned over and patted the closest limb he was able to reach, which was your foot, weird but it still felt comforting, “I don’t know what else to say but to move on–things like this happen. I don’t want to sound like a jerk and tell you this but it’s the truth,” he sighed, “and I don’t want you to keep bringing your hopes up for them to be suddenly broken down again.”
Taking a deep breath and rubbing your eyes before combing through your hair with your fingers, you looked at him, “aghhh, you’re right. I have to get over him…. and I’ll start by eating that food you brought–where it at?” you got off the couch and quickly walked to the table in the hallway where Taehyung left the bags.
Opening the bags, it felt as if the food itself was glowing and shinning on your face. Was there a choir of angels singing? Who knows but you could hear them loud and clear. All you could do was mischievously laugh to yourself, “oh, Taehyungie. You know me so well.” The bags were filled with all of your favorite snacks and drinks.
“I thought we could watch some movies and chill all day while eating junk food,” the owner of the low and husky voice popped in, watching you drool from the hallway.
You looked up at the direction it come from and smiled, “Taehyung, you have perfect timing.”
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pinkykitten · 5 years
can’t argue with that
Stranger Things
Jim Hopper x abilities! female reader
Warning: mentions of abuse and torture on you from experiments, curse words, did not re read
Specifics: angst, comedy, romance, one-shot, abilities reader, race neutral reader
People: jim hopper, your mother, mkultra 
Words: 1,808
Request: By anon Hi! Could you please write something about Hopper x reader ? They were best friends at school, and one day the reader was kidnapped because her mother was part of the MKUltra program (now she came back at Hawkins and has powers) with prompt #18: "did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?" prompt #22: “I love you”, and prompt #33: “if you cared about me, you wouldn’t do this.” Thanks ! (The Hunger Games anon who loves your way of writing !)
18 - “did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?”
22 - “I love you”
33 - “if you cared about me, you wouldn’t do this”
Authors Note: hey guys i did not re read this srry. i luv all ur guys requests and this is my first time writing hopper so i hope u guys like this. this is taken more in the first season cuz thats where we learn about the secret crap of hawkins. also i made the reader in here have shape shifting powers so like mistique powers. 
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You colored in your notebook as you twitched around in your seat. Itching for the school bell to ring and for school to be over with. You smiled as you drew a heart next to the name Jim Hopper, your fellow classmate. There was nothing going on between you high school teens except that you two were best friends. You were always there for him and he was always there for you when your mother wasn’t. Your mother had a job that she seemed to care more about than you. You were always lonely and left behind but Jim made sure you were always with him and happy. 
And you were. 
Finally, as if the two minutes remaining were for centuries, the bell rang. You got up and started packing your book bag until you felt a tug from behind you and then you were lifted off the ground my two strong arms. You gave a shriek as Jim lifted you lightly off the ground and twirled you, chuckling into your ear. 
“Jim! What the heck?” You playfully smacked his arm. 
“Oh my god you should of seen your face!” He bent over laughing, clutching his stomach. 
“You’re the worst!”
Jim raised his eyebrow, creating a smirk on his face. “You know you love me though.”
You pouted, “I guess I can’t argue with that.”
“What are you drawing?” Jim asked as he inched closer to your notebook. He put his hands on the pages and tried to take a peak but you closed the book on his hands. “Whats in there?”
“Nothing,” you tried to pry it away from his hands but he would not let go. You pulled and pulled but realized how strong he was. “Jim I’m not playing. Give it back.”
“Why? Is this your diary? Oooh is it about Scott Clarke?”
You gagged, “In your dreams.”
“No y/n those aren’t dreams, those are nightmares.”
“Jim just give it back!”
“No not until you tell me whats inside you’re trying to hide.”
“Oh my god is that Joyce Byers?” You looked shocked pointing behind Jim. You knew Jim had a crush on Joyce and so he quickly turned around, granting you the pass to snatch your book back. 
“You liar.” Jim grumbled taking out a cigarette. 
You placed your notebook in your back pack and walked alongside Jim pulling the cigarette from his mouth. “Not in here mister.”
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Jim everyday would walk you home from school. He felt it was not safe to have you walking around with no one to protect you. 
Those were the moments you treasured. He acted in a way as if he did truly love you but you felt afraid. Did he love you as a friend or something more? You two were the perfect combination. He was the laid back, big dude and you were the up tight, keeping things in order gal. It was the perfect. It was like a harmony. 
“Anyways I’ll catch up with you later,” Jim led you to your door step giving you a kiss on the cheek like all those other times. Every time he did it you wished it was on your lips. 
“Thanks Hop again for dropping me off.”
Jim placed his hand on your arm. His body towering over yours because of his height. “You know you don’t have to thank me everyday for this. I love to walk with you and drop you off even if you’re sometimes b*tchy.”
You gasped, “I think someone should look in the mirror.” You chuckled. 
Jim waved to you and left you with your heart thumping sporadically. You were in love. 
You walked into your empty, lonely house, your mother still at work. You were going to take a nap but you heard a knock on your door. 
“Oh my god Jim go away I do not have pizza in my fridge,” you grinned as you opened the door to reveal an unknown man at your door all in black. Before you could do anything he grabbed you and injected something in you that made you unconscious. 
You woke up being pulled by two men. You looked at your surroundings and it looked like jail or a lab. You wore a hospital gown. In the distance you could hear people screaming. Your heart was beating faster every minute as these men carried you. You were so weak. You tried fighting them but they were too powerful. Your mouth opened wide to produce screams. You shouted and turned trying to free yourself.
They threw you into a room and as they closed the door you saw your mother standing nearby crossing her arms. 
“Mom,” you ran to the door banging on it as it was locked. 
Who knew you were going to get kidnapped that day. And who knew it was by your mother.
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Your body stung and ached all over. You tried running away. From them from the nightmares, the memories. You screamed as you shot up, sweat running down your face. “Mom!”
Somebody was there for you. Getting a hold of you. The couch dipped down as the person sat across from you, grabbing a hold of your arms. 
“Let me go! I’m not your experiment anymore! You can’t control me!” You tried to break away from the grasp as you had your eyes closed. 
“Its me! Its me! Y/n-”
Your e/c eyes opened wide to see a familiar face. Suddenly, all of the past came to you. “Jim?” You touched his face, feeling his facial hair and being overwhelmed with seeing him again. He looked so grown now. 
“Its me sweetheart.” He paused, “did I ever tell you how beautiful your eyes are?” Hopper smiled as he rubbed your hands that were on his. 
Tears swelled up in your eyes and your lips quivered. “I thought I would of never seen you again.” You embraced him. Tears hitting his jacket as you sobbed into his neck. 
Hopper pulled in closer to you and held your back. He held on tightly, afraid that if he let go you would be gone like that fateful day. “I got you. You’re okay.”
Wiping you tears you sat beside him with his arm still on your back, “how did you find me? I shape shift.”
“Took us a long time but we ended up tracking up down and connecting you with a recent case. We have this young girl with powers that we’re looking for and its all connected with you, everything.”
“They took me Jim! They took me. Those men and my mother. My mother was working for the bad guys. She made me do terrible things. I’m sorry. I’m sorry this happened to me.” You shook again, crying. 
Hopper knew you were damaged and you were hurt. You were stuck in that hell hole for who knows how many years. Never seeing the sun, never having friends, love, nothing. You never lived a life. “I know, I know. But its okay now cause you’re here with me.”
You shook your head, “you don’t understand Jim. They are always watching. They made me have these stupid powers so I could fight for them. I’ve killed so many people. I’m a monster.” You stood up and walked to Hopper’s door. 
“What the h*ll are you doing?”
“I can’t do this to you. What if they hurt you? What if I hurt you?”
 “Y/n you can’t think like that. Nothings gonna happen-” He motioned over to you kindly, soft, like if meeting a puppy. Someone fragile. 
“But what if something does happen. I could never live with myself. I rather be abused and tortured for all those years again than to have you hurt.”
“Nothings gonna happen to me okay, now will you just sit down and we can talk this through,” he pointed to his couch. His voice going higher with demand. He didn’t like talking to you this way but he had a temper and all he wanted was you safe. 
“I’m sorry Jim,” you opened the door about to leave. You shape shifted into another woman looking completely different than you.
“If you leave you’re going to prove to them that you are indeed really the monster that they created. You are choosing their side.”
“Its not that simple. These people are bad. I know this. I don’t want you hurt-”
“Then why’d you come back?” He rested his hands on his belt. 
“Yeah. Why’d you come back to Hawkins then? Its a simple question.”
“But its not a simple answer. I don’t know why I came back,” your eyes traveled down to the floor.
“You’re lying.”
“No I’m not,” you two bickered like when you were teens. 
“Yeah you are. I know you y/n so well. You came here for a reason.”
You walked up to Hopper, getting on your tippi toes like when you two were young. “Listen here none of this is your business.”
“Don’t talk to me when you look like that. Its not you.”
You pouted. 
“Change.” Hopper ordered. “I want to hear the real you say this.”
Finally you shifted back into your real form. How you really looked. “What do you want to hear Jim?”
“The reason.”
“Fine I came back for you! Okay, is that what you want to hear? I came back for you. I had to see you at least one last time. I had to.” 
The air was silent as Hopper clenched his fists. You felt you were done talking so you tried to leave again. 
“If you cared about me, you wouldn’t do this,” his voice was low, almost sad.
“Like I said its not that simple. Its easier if we go our own ways and maybe never see each-”
“Do you love me?” Hopper asked all of a sudden, biting his lip in anticipation. 
You almost chocked as you hear his question. Your eyes widened as you stuttered. “Jim, you know I care deeply for you and you know I would do anything for you-”
With a jump in his step Hopper came closer, “I’m not asking that. Its a yes or no. I’m asking you y/n, if you love me? Yes or no?” His hands flew to your cheeks and you looked deeply into his eyes. 
Taking a gulp you straightened your posture and put your hands on his hands. With a shaky breath you whispered to Hopper, “... I love you.”
“You know you love me,” he giggled as he leaned in closer to you. “Can I kiss you?”
A tear fell down your cheek and you realized you couldn’t live without Hopper. You needed to be with him. You needed him in your life, to protect you. To make up for lost time. 
You brought Hopper’s head closer, “I guess I can’t argue with that.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou, @wtfisalltherandoms, @dirbel, @eastcoasthaven, @fangirl-4-life415 (wont let me tag), @idontknowwhattocallthisworld (wont let me tag), @malasxlenguas (wont let me tag)
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pinkykitten · 6 years
The Dolan Twins
Grayson Dolan x plus size! female reader
Warning: bad writing???, curse words, bullying sorta?, depression 
Specifics: plus size reader, angst, comedy, one-shot, race neutral reader
People: grayson dolan, ethan dolan, emma chamberlain, james charles 
Words: 1,187
Requested: By anon Hi I was wondering if I could have a plus size reader imagine with Grayson Dolan where the reader and him have been dating and she over hears his friends Emma and James saying stuff about her to Grayson and Ethan and Grayson says something too but they work it out?
Authors Note: agggh srry this took so long and its crap! hopefully its what u wanted, i kinda had writers block srry. 
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When you and Grayson met you thought nothing of it because you were self conscious and a little bit bigger than other girls. Especially the girls that Grayson has been with. You thought that you and Grayson were just friends and you accepted his friendship. The last thing you would think of is that he actually liked you, you thought it was absurd. 
When he confessed it made you feel special. You felt beautiful and Grayson explained that he didn’t see you as all those mean things you thought about yourself. No in fact he just saw you like how you wanted to be seen, an ordinary girl that liked him, and he really liked you back. 
You guys have kept your relationship on the down low, only close friends and family knowing about you two. You wanted the relationship to be a little private for a while, get to know Grayson for who he truly is. 
You’ve met his brother and friends already. Some from youtube and some not. When you met Ethan, Grayson was so terrified, wanting you two to get along and like each other. You and Ethan have actually a lot in common. This made Grayson so happy and excited for the future. You also met the famous squad. You were more on the shy and self conscious area that hanging out with others that were more out spoken and jumpy it was new territory for you. But you conquered it. You made friends will all of them. Sometimes even being a little more bold and wearing shorts or crop tops making Grayson smile at your comfort. 
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The squad had just finished a video and you were waiting for them to end it. You patiently sat on the side and watched them goof around, make jokes, laugh at something James does thats cringy, or Emma cursing about one of the boys, then theres Ethan and Grayson that have their little arguments in the middle. It felt like home to you, you felt happy and did not mind what your weight was. 
“What did you think of that babe?” Grayson wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your neck. You chuckled and combed your fingers through his hair, “I thought it was really funny. You know you always make me laugh.”
Ethan started to laugh when James and Emma pretended to be you two and pretended to have sex. You rolled your eyes and turned around, fake making out with Grayson. 
“Eww guys get a room!” Ethan shooed you two away while James agreed, “for real guys. You guys are literally have sex right in front of us!” James pointed with his acrylic nails to you two. 
“Well you guys then would get a good show!” You started to dance, with Grayson giggling into your neck. Emma stood on the chair and put her finger up, “wait, hold up, let me get my singles!” She announced, searching in her purse. You all had a good laugh. 
“So I ordered pizza I think the guys here,” Ethan said as you all chilled on the couch waiting. Grayson was about to get up but you put your hand out, “its okay I got this.”
You jumped from the couch and went to the door. You probably looked like a mess because you didn’t have no makeup on and you were in one of Grayson’s sweat shirts. 
Grabbing the pizzas and paying the dude you walked away and over heard them saying your name. Did they think you were still over by the door? You paused and hid behind a corner and eaves dropped. 
“So y/n is really something,” James smiles as he scoots closer to Grayson. Grayson smiles and nods, “yeah she is. She is the best.”
“You know I just kinda worry about her. You know what I mean? Like I just hope nothing happens to her cause she kind of eats, like not that good, which is fine but I just worry.” Emma wrapped her hair in a messy but as she whispered the last part. James nodded, “Yeah I see how much she eats and the things she eats and sometimes I’m like, whoa sister. I just, like, how do we tell her?”
Grayson was in thought and was silent. “I don’t think theres anything wrong with her.” Ethan mumbled. James and Emma shook their heads, “were not saying theres anything wrong its just, maybe she should cut down.”
Your heart felt so broken and you felt like breaking down and crying. You trusted them and thought they looked past your weight, turns out you were wrong. They thought like the rest of the world. As Grayson was about to stand up for you and his love for you, you entered the living room. Every one was quiet, “well I’m so sorry I don’t want to be vegan or whatever shi* free. Thanks for talking about me like I’m some fuc*ing cow or something that didn’t mean a dam* thing to you all.” You slammed the pizzas on the table and grabbed your purse. As you sprinted to the door Grayson tried to grab you. All you heard was your name being called and apologies. 
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You avoided Grayson and his friends for a couple of weeks. Your phone blowing up with calls, texts, voicemails, everything possible, with the same stupid word, sorry. Really if they cared about you then why did they talk about you like that in the first place?
The doorbell to your apartment rang. You were feeling very depressed after that, not wanting to do anything. You were like a hermit crab. Groggily, you trudged to the door and opened it to find Grayson. 
Only one word came out and you slammed the door on him. “Y/n, please hear me out.”
“Why not?”
“Because you are a two face, you’re a liar Gray. You know how I am about those type of things and you allowed them to talk about me like that. I don’t know if I can forgive you.” You cuddled yourself in your huge sweatshirt on your couch, feeling tears stinging your eyes for the trillionth time that day. 
“Please baby, I’m sorry. They should of never talked like that about you. You deserve way better. Trust me on this though, I was going to say something. The minute they started talking I was starting to get so pissed. I wanted to tell them that they were wrong. That to me you’re perfect. To me you don’t need to change the way you eat, the way you look, the way you are. I want you to be happy babe, if you’re not happy with me then I’m so sorry, I will let you be. But just know that I fuc*ing love you so much.”
You felt your tears slipping down your cheek and opened the door again. In one swift motion you brought Grayson to you and hugged him. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, and I’m so sorry.”
You brought his lips to you and kissed him hard. “I forgive you.”
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Tag list: @harrington-lover, @angelgl16, @perfectlybeautifulsuit, @hyehoney, @haven-prelude (wont let me tag), @leasly, @totally-alexa21, @creamy-pasta-boi, @multireese, @fanfictionrecommendations-com, @prentisskelley, @malereaderforkpop (wont let me tag), @guardian-of-cookies, @justafangirl-97, @teenageshitposts (wont let me tag), @andreaoreas, @dippergravity (wont let me tag), @some-booty, @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople, @collectiveyou
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