#but they countered that: people paid to play the game and 'two of the best boss fights' were 'locked' behind that tedium.
wowitsverycool · 4 months
please i don't want my video games to be toys. if the point of your game is to frustrate me by god please do that.... i feel sometimes that games are held back as an artform by their need to be. like. Products. in the sense that they're expected to be entertainment first and art second, yknow? a game will get praised for its wonderful story, but only if that story supports a Fun gimmick. it's like the art in games is seen as a vehicle through which gameplay is delivered, and when gameplay exists in service of artistic intent, it makes that game a Failed Product.
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kimbappykidding · 1 year
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You co-owned a coffee shop with your best friend just a few streets away from Seventeen's building, However, you weren't into mainstream media so you weren't really aware of that. Being in the city centre you knew there were idols and actresses and models galore but never really paid them any attention. You preferred the ordinary people, after all it was them who came into your cafe most often...or so you thought.
You had many regulars but your favourite was the boy with glasses who you'd nicknamed cute gamer guy. He was always polite, quiet and friendly. He'd usually stay for a few hours and he'd either read or play games on his laptop hence the nickname. You liked to read too and often discussed your latest and favourite books. When he played games you'd get stuck just watching him because he was really good. You'd stare amazed and forget you had work to be doing. You figured he must be a student of something as he often came in at odd hours and seemed like he had some time to kill. You didn't know much about him but saw him most weeks and got to know one another that way. He'd always ask about your day which you thought was nice and compliment your baking. He was cute too and your friend had long since suggested you should ask him out. You didn't want to just because you felt it might be weird. "I don't even know him! I only know he’s called Wonwoo because I put it on his coffee cup otherwise I wouldn't even know that! I don't know his age or what he does for a living! He's basically a stranger" you argued when your friend Mari brought it up again but she just rolled her eyes. "You see him pretty much every week of the year, that's more than you see your family! He is not a stranger". "True but I don't know him enough to ask him out! He could be a terrible person, or a sexist jerk or a..." you trailed off to see him standing at the counter. He was looking down at his phone and you prayed you hadn't been speaking loud enough for him to hear. You hurried forwards and smiled nervously "sorry to keep you waiting, what can I get for you?". He smiled "it's no problem, can I please get a chai tea and a brownie please Y/n?". "coming right up" you nodded and got to work. He asked you how your week had been and you asked him about his day then he took a seat with his tea and snack. "Did he hear us?" Mari asked and you shook your head "I think we got away with it". You were wrong.
As you were getting ready to close up Wonwoo came up to you "thanks for the snack, it was great as usual". You smiled "I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank you for telling me". He nodded "I also just wanted to say...I'm 26 years old and I'm from Changwon originally. I'm a performer for a local company and I promise I'm not shady or dangerous...". You blushed "does this mean you heard our conversation?". Wonwoo nodded "I didn't mean to but I just wanted to let you know, I've been wanting to ask you out for a while and if the only thing stopping us was you not knowing my age or what I do...well I wanted to correct that". You smiled "consider it corrected". "In that case would you like to go on a date with me?" Wonwoo asked "I'm free this weekend and you can pick whatever we do". You smiled "sounds good". So the two of you exchanged numbers and agreed to meet up Saturday night. Mari was ecstatic and kept jumping up and down on your way home. "So he's 26" she said and you nodded "only 2 years older than me". "Which is an acceptable age gap" she nodded "and what did he say he does for a living again?". "He said he's a performer at a local company". "wait what does that mean?" she asked and you paused "I have no idea...I assumed he's a local singer or dancer or something. I probably should've asked. "Well that's what the date is for" she grinned. You suggested dinner and a movie and Wonwoo agreed to pick you up at your house. Mari helped you put together the perfect outfit and then you waited for Wonwoo. You were early (as always) and were sitting in your living room when a car arrived. An extremely expensive car so neither of you expected it to be here for you. Your friend sighed "I hate when cars just pull up outside our house like that! It's such a fancy car too". You nodded looking at the expensive car and wondered what it must be like to have a car like that. When the car didn't move you paused "why isn't it going? Wonwoo is going to be here soon and it might block him". Mari frowned "let's give it a second and then tell them to move". You nodded when the car door opened and who stepped out of the car but Wonwoo. "Holy shit!" your friend cried and you stared. "That can't be his car" you said but Mari laughed "well it sure looks like it seeing as he's driving it. Y/n if he has a car like that then he must be rich! I thought you said he was a performer not some sort of prince!". "That is what he said" you replied watching him come closer to the door "maybe he just inherited the car or won it as a prize". Mari smiled "well however he got it, it's glorious and you're going to ride in it!". As she said that the doorbell dinged and your friend squealed. You opened the door to find Wonwoo dressed smart-casual in a shirt and some very nice jeans. "Hi Y/n" he smiled "I've got you something" and held out some flowers. You immediately felt touched because nobody had ever bought you flowers before. "That's so kind of you thank you...let me put them inside" you said and opened the door to find your friend standing there where she'd clearly been spying on the two of you. "Wonwoo you remember my friend and business partner Mari" you said and he nodded "it's nice to see you again". "You too" she smiled "nice car by the way". Wonwoo blushed slightly "thank you...I try and take good care of it". "I bet!" Mari nodded and you elbowed her. You placed the flowers in the hall and told Mari you were leaving. "Have fun!" she called waving and Wonwoo led you to his car. You opened the door and were shocked at how nice the inside of the car was. You wouldn't trade your beaten-up old car for anything but this car was amazing! It was so spacious and comfy. You felt like you were in some sort of massage chair and the dashboard was so big and colourful. "If you're cold I can turn on the seat warmers" Wonwoo said and your eyes widened "seat warmers?". He smiled "yeah, want me to show you?". You nodded and he pressed a button "it might take a few seconds to warm up". You nodded admiring the architecture when you felt the warmth and gasped slightly "I can feel it! That's so nice". Wonwoo smiled "the temperature control is just there" pointing to a dial "so feel free to make it warmer or cooler". You nodded "cool" and tried not to act too awestruck with this space-age car. Wonwoo must've sensed your unease because he started asking you some casual questions and as you chatted you felt less nervous. You arrived at the cinema and Wonwoo parked up. As you were getting out a guy gawked at the car and you thought Wonwoo would say something but instead he put a hat on and pointedly pulled it over his face which you thought was odd considering you were going inside. "This way" he said and he led you inside keeping his head down. You bought tickets and snacks but Wonwoo didn't take his hat off until he was in the dark cinema. You chatted until the film started and then watched the film. It was a good film and was good as any cinema date could be. Wonwoo gave you free rein of the snacks and you had a cute hand-brush moment halfway through. Wonwoo laughed at all the same parts as you and you were sat quite close together without actually touching. So the night was going pretty well as you left your screen and headed to dinner. On your way out there was a big group of girls and you saw Wonwoo pull his hat down tighter. "Hey mind if we go out this way?" he asked pointing to a side door away from the crowd and you nodded, exiting around the back of the building. Wonwoo drove you to the restaurant and opened the door for you. "Table for 2" he said giving the waiter his name and the waiter nodded "of course". You'd picked a restaurant you were familiar with and smiled at the familiar sights and smells. "Have you ever been here before?" you asked Wonwoo. He nodded "yes I like it". "Me too" you smiled as the waiter told you to follow him. "My friend and I must've been here 20 times we never get the fancy table" you said pointing to the table behind their water feature which was very private and highly coveted. Every time you came it was taken and you couldn't even book it. But tonight it was empty. "Well maybe tonight will be different" Wonwoo said and sure enough the waiter took you to the table. "Here are your menus and some complimentary waters. I'll be back soon to take your drinks order" the waiter said and you turned to Wonwoo. "How did you get this table? They wouldn't even let me book it for my friend's 21st!". Wonwoo shrugged "I guess we just got lucky". You thought he wasn't telling you something but didn't say anything. The meal continued and everything was still going well. Wonwoo was very interesting and talking to him was so chill but also fun. He had an effortless quality about him, he seemed to look effortlessly good, was effortlessly funny and effortlessly nice but it wasn't annoying or forced. It was just how he was and you felt like you'd known him for ages. When Wonwoo went to the bathroom you checked your phone and saw 20 messages from Mari. You opened your phone and decided to call her instead of texting. "What happened are you okay?" You asked. "Y/n it's Wonwoo" she said and you froze "what is he a serial killer?". "What? No, he's a kpop idol! That's why he's so rich and always turns up at the cafe at odd hours! He's a successful idol and has been for years. I knew I'd seen him before". You pause "no he can't be". "He is, Google Wonwoo Seventeen and you'll see". You did and your phone was flooded with results. "Oh my god..." you said and your friend laughed "see! Y/n you're dating an idol!". You had no idea what to say but spotted Wonwoo on his way back so quickly hung up. Wonwoo smiled sitting down "would you like another drink?". You tried not to let on you knew who he was and it was surprisingly easy. The second Wonwoo sat back down things just felt normal and it made you question if this was the right Wonwoo. Maybe they were brothers or just really looked alike...until you went to leave and Wonwoo's suspicious hiding behaviour kicked in again. There were some men in black coats outside the restaurant with cameras and Wonwoo spotted them putting his hat back on. "You ready?" he asked and you nodded. "It looks a little busy so grab me if I'm moving too quickly" he said and you nodded. The second you stepped outside Wonwoo shot off, head down trying to avoid the cameramen's attention. You thought you'd made it when one of them shouted Wonwoo and they started following you. Luckily Wonwoo was in the car park and the gate closed behind you stopping them. You shot Wonwoo a look and he shrugged "some people know me from my performing". You almost laughed as that was his explanation of him being a world-famous idol. You just nodded not wanting to force him to tell you before he was ready and got in the car. Wonwoo drove you home and pulled up outside. "So I had a really good time tonight" he said and you nodded "me too I really enjoyed myself". Wonwoo smiled "great, so would you maybe like to do this again sometime?". You nodded "I would" and Wonwoo smiled "great so I'll text you..." and then he trailed off. "What?" you asked and he smiled "nothing you just look really nice in this light". You blushed slightly but smiled "you should see my view" and Wonwoo smiled. "Do I get a goodnight kiss?" you asked and were pleasantly surprised to see the boy blushing. "Of course" he nodded and leaned across to kiss you. Wonwoo was clearly a good kisser and given he was a famous idol that made sense. He probably had lots of experience in this area but you ignored that and just focused on your moment with him. When you separated you took in a breath and Wonwoo smiled "that was a pretty excellent first kiss". You smiled "I'm glad you agree, see you later Wonwoo" and got out of the car. You managed not to look back and only when you safely inside did you squeal. Wonwoo returned home to find a few calls from his publicist saying he'd been spotted downtown but they hadn't managed to get any photos. Wonwoo was relieved and his members smiled when they saw him "so how was the date with the mysterious cafe girl?" Mingyu asked. "Ahh yes the place you have banned us from" Scoups said, "it better not have been for nothing!". Wonwoo smiled "it was good...she's so funny and interesting. Not to mention pretty". "Did you kiss her?" Dk asked bluntly and Jeonghan hit him "come on this is Wonwoo we're talking about" before everyone noticed Wonwoo's reaction. He'd frozen and was purposefully staring at his feet to hide his blush. "You kissed her?" Hoshi asked and Wonwoo nodded "she asked for a goodnight kiss so I gave her one". The guys all roared with excitement and began cheering. Once they'd settled down a little bit Jun asked an important question "how did she react when you told her you were an idol". Wonwoo paused "I'm not sure...". "Why? Could you not tell how she took it?" Joshua asked and Wonwoo shook his head "no I just didn't really tell her". "Wonwoo!" Seungkwan cried and Woozi laughed "even after the cameramen chased you down the street?". "I just said people knew me from my performing". "So you didn't tell her what you did at all?" Scoups asked and Wonwoo shook his head "she asked me about work but I managed to be vague". "Well that's not going to work all the time" The8 said "if you want to see her again you have to tell her". Wonwoo sighed "I know but it was nice to date someone who had no idea what I did! A person who I knew wasn't swayed by it". The guys all knew what that felt like so agreed. When you got back from your date you were buzzing but when you woke up the next morning you felt a little different. Last night you'd gone through all the positives but this morning you began to think of the negatives. The cameras last night were just a taste of the harassment you'd receive for dating a kpop idol. There were also stalkers, hate comments on all your Instagram photos and death threats to look forward to. Not to mention you couldn't have a normal relationship. Wonwoo would work a lot and even when he wasn't you couldn't hurt go out in public. Wonwoo had to be careful where he went and you realised last night he probably loosened the rules for you. You weren't sure if that was the life you wanted. Relationships in the public eye were very challenging and that was if Wonwoo ever wanted a relationship. The internet told you the names of many girls who had uprooted their lives only to be used and thrown away by idols. What if Wonwoo did the same? He seemed nice but he was an idol, he wasn't an innocent kid. You didn't know him and he could do that to you. When you came downstairs Mari smiled "so...how does it feel the morning after? You're like freaking Cinderella or something". You chuckled awkwardly "not that great" and explained your worries. Your friend nodded "see I understand where you're coming from but I think you're worrying for nothing. For one thing, we work together so there's no way you're losing your job even if this did get out. For two, if Wonwoo was the type to throw girls away like tissues wouldn't he have asked you out the second he saw you instead of getting to know you for months?". You paused "maybe...". "Plus I've been watching videos of them and he's definitely not like that" Mari said. You frowned "but that's his stage character he could be completely different". "Based on what we've seen in the cafe I don't think so". You weren't sure but agreed to watch one Seventeen video with Mari which turned into several. You saw what she meant. In the episodes, Wonwoo seemed just like the guy you knew. Thoughtful, smart, considerate and...well hot. But you were still more cautious and all day you hovered near your phone, scared anytime it lit up. Part of you thought it would be easier if Wonwoo just bever texted you about your next date but another part of you really wanted him to text you. Your phone buzzed around dinner time and sure enough, it was from Wonwoo. "Hey Y/n I had a really great time last night and can't wait to see you again. How does next Saturday around 7 sound?". You debated over a reply for way too long but eventually just went with your gut. "Sounds perfect! See you then".
For better or worse you wanted to keep getting to know the cute gamer guy who also happened to be a world famous idol. Only time would tell if it was the best decision of your life...or the worst.
This is a three part series and you can read the other parts here: Part Two and Part Three.
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Now we ring in the annual bat chess tournament.
Round 1 goes as such:
[Alfred v Damian] Three draws until Alfred took the W. Wisdom really does wonders.
[Bruce v Tim] Nerd on nerd defensive play until Tim gets ahead in material and narrowly closes the deal.
[Dick v Steph] Stephanie cramming four hours of chess theory a day off competitive adrenaline for the last week paid off and check mate.
[Harper v Comish Gordon] Gordon was not aware chess was this complicated. Harper leads.
[Luke v Harley] Luke loses on time because he’s not used to having to click the clock and forgets during Harley’s mid game rambling.
[Duke v Talia] Duke also did not prepare and he traded too much material without knowing how to checkmate on low stock. Talia slides the win.
[Cass v Selina] Quiet and slow game running the time low for both of them. Comes down to who can walk their pawns to promote faster and Cass stays one square ahead.
[Jason v Barbara] Tension is rising and Babs knows Jason’s nerdage has collected him too much chess knowledge for her to beat him on pure skill. However, emotional manipulation is a viable strategy. He throws the board and is disqualified. He then leaves to take Damian and Duke for ice cream.
Round two 🔔🔔🔔
[Alfred v Tim] Strong opening by Tim suggesting either the Catalan or Queen’s Gambit. Alfred keeps his dark square bishop safe and ready to counter. It’s a close match, but Tim misses the line and blunders a queen. Cut to a few moves later with a mate in three and Tim resigns.
[Steph v Harper] They mutually agree they’d rather do bullet instead. A nasty knight placement gives Steph the change to clear a helluva lot of material right before the clock clicks.
[Harley v Talia] While entertaining a nice conversation about their lovely sons, a rook/queen mate seals the deal and Talia continues. Harley then steals a quarter of all the boys ice cream.
[Cass v Barbara] Cass pulls a slick queen trap into a bait and switch. W Cass.
Final round 🔔🔔🔔!!!
You may be thinking, there’s 4 people left, how is this the final round. When the bats are good at chess so it’s time things take a turn. This year the final round is four way chess. Harley takes the mic to announce the game and the rest negotiate bughouse teams after the game is over.
Alfred pushes his pawns for a more aggressive approach with Steph taking him up on the quick trades. Talia slips into a bishop/queen/pawn line breaking into Steph castle while she was busy. Cass is going defensive on the knights with a nice fianchetto to prepare for action; she’s going material over mates to start. Alfred and Steph are weak from trading making them desperate and easy to beat out in the long run. Alfred and Cass take a combined attack on Talia and Steph jumps in. As the clock runs out Steph is mated and Talia in a rough check. Tick. Tick. Tick. And right before time Cass makes a sweep on the remainder of material to secure the win.
She smiles as if it was all natural talent knowing full well she’s been reviewing chess theory and their personalities and strategies to create the best plan of attack and secure this years trophy after last years out in the first round fiasco.
Good games all around and chess pieces on the floor.
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thedo0zyslider · 6 days
Cut Scene - Dandelions
[Scapped scene for this fic!, song is dandelions by ruth b!)
Oli hums, kicking his kegs idly as he watches the bar goers. It's a lazy Wednesday evening, and the Sheriff is currently shooting frequent glances in his direction. He always does that when Oli shows up to the tavern, which happens at least once a week. The other patrons just pretended to not notice at this point.
The bard is currently sitting on the bar counter like he owns it or something, instrument in hand. A lute, if Jimmy remembers correctly. Though he might be wrong. He, admittedly, hasn't paid the bard much attention in recent weeks. Not since fWhip and him fought....
It's pretty late into the night, and people have slowly started to file out of the saloon, and into the streets. Jimmy thinks, if Tumble Town had two saloons, most of them would be bar hopping. That, amongst other reasons, is exactly why they don't have two saloons. He can't be bringing up an empire of drunkards, now can he?
"Hey, bard!" One of the patrons yells out, sudden and catching the Sheriff's attention. He lookd over, curious. The shout had natrually caught Oli's attention as well. "You gonna play something or are ya just gonna sit there?"
"If you want a song you have to pay, my good man!" Oli says, a smile on his face and a laugh in his voice. He tugs his lute father into his lap, hands hovering over the strings; anticipating a request. Other patrons are looking in his friends (if they are still friends....) direction now, excited for a show to go with their drinks. Jimmy can't help but find the energy contagious.
The man who had spoken laughs, probably a little more wasted than Jimmy had assumed on first glance, and throws some coins into the air. Oli catches them with practiced ease.
"I think a slow song is befitting of such a slow night at the tavern." Oli says, casting his gaze over to the Sheriff. There's something sparkling in his eyes, something Jimmy can't decipher. Oli plays a few starting notes on his instrument, warming it up. Someone, or maybe a few people, in the crowd start cheering hom on. He smiles like it's the best day of his life.
Jimmy barley hears anything the patrons are saying. With just one mysterious look, all his attention has been focused on Oli, and will be for the rest of the night.
Oli starts strumming the lute slowly, focusing on the chords. He starts singing a love song, one Jimmy has vaguely heard before. He wishes he could remember where. "Maybe it's the way you say my name. Maybe it's the way you play your game"
"But it's so good, I've never known anybody like you. But it's so good, I've never dreamed of nobody like you"
Jimmy listens, along with everyone else in the tavern, taken away. The people around him still talk and drink and joke, but in quieter tones. Jimmy’s too mesmerized by the sound of Oli's voice to do much of anything.
"And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime, and I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine" Oli looks at him again on that part. It's a very brief glance, lasting no more than half a second. It takes the Sheriff's breath away regardless. "'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions, wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine."
"And I see forever in your eyes. I feel okay when I see you smile, smile. Wishing on dandelions all of the time, praying to God that one day you'll be mine."
"Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time" Oli's voice slows a bit, before starting the next part of the sing, and he throws a wink at the crowd. More people throw him money. He catches it, and looks at the Sheriff again. Jimmy couldn't meet his gaze, even if his life depended on it.
"I think that you are the one for me. 'Cause it gets so hard to breathe. When you're looking at me, I've never felt so alive and free."
"When you're looking at me, I've never felt so happy. And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime" This is the part where Jimmy is very glad he doesn't have a drink. He's sure he would've spilled it or choked on it by now. Part of him wishes he had a chair, so he could go slack without sliding down the wall he's leaning against. The other part of him knows he wouldn't be able to get up if he did.
"And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine. 'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions, wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine."
"And I see forever in your eyes. I feel okay when I see you smile, smile." Yeah, no, Jimmy’s glad he doesn't have a drink or a table. His beer would definitely be all ivef the table. "Wishing on dandelions all of the time, praying to God that one day you'll be mine."
"Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time." The Sheriff realizes, at this part, that he's blushing red. He keeps listening, and hopes no one notices. The other patrons have definitely already noticed.
"Dandelion, into the wind you go, won't you let my darling know? Dandelion, into the wind you go, won't you let my darling know that?" (Jimmy wonders what fWhip would say, if he could see this now. If he could see how red the Sheriff's face was and how fast his old flames heart was beating...)
"I'm in a field of dandelions, wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine. And I see forever in your eyes. I feel okay when I see you smile, smile."
"Wishing on dandelions all of the time, praying to God that one day you'll be mine." The song starts to end, and the last of the coins are drunkenly thrown at the bard. Jimmy wishes it wasn't ending, and he could listen tk this man skng forever. "Wishing on dandelions all of the time, all of the time. I'm in a field of dandelions, wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine"
The crowd cheers when he's done. Somebody loudly orders more drinks for the whole place, Sheriff included. Oli gets offered more money, gets requests to play more songs. The bard happily obliges, indulging Jimmy’s customers and all the money they give him. A waitress brings his drink to him, the one that customer had ordered. Jimmy doesn't take it.
Oli sings until closing time. The Sheriff doesn't hear any of the songs, rather disappointingly. He's still stuck on the first one, the love ballad, the one Oli had sung and looked right at him. He'll find himself stuck on it, mesmerized by it, for the rest of the night and then some.
Eventually, the saloons closes. All the seats empty and the patrons are ushered out as midnight approaches. The bartender cleans up, then leaves. The only people who don't are Oli and The Sheriff.
"That was a nice song." Jimmy hums. The building is silent, and has been silent since everyone else left. They're been standing here for five minutes, maybe ten, not speaking. He doesn't think either of them really know what to say.
"Thank you, Sheriff." Oli responds, crossing his arms over his chest. He's no longer sitting on the counter, having moved so the workers could clean it. His lute is strapped to his back, like it always is when he travels. He's basically ready to leave. Jimmy wonders why he hasn't all ready.
Silence falls between them for a second time, after that. They still don't know what to say. Minutes tick by. The Sheriff turns words, lot of words, over in his head. None of them, no matter how many he tried, sound right. None of them leave his mouth. It's frustrating. And horribly awkward. Jimmy wishes, not for the first time, that he had better people skills.
"Well, I'll be off now." Oli speaks up next, and starts heading towards the door. He had to pass Jimmy to get to it. The Sheriff stiffens at the realization. He hopes that is awkward as well. He hopes it doesn't make this whole thing worse than it already is.
"See you soon." He mumbles, trying not to make much eye contact. Jimmy fails horribly at this. The bard walks towards him, and the doors, brown eyes never moving from the Sheriff's form. And Jimmy, try as he might, can't manage to look away.
"Yeah," Oli responds, stopping infront of him. And before either if them knows whats happening, the bard acts on an impulse and leans forward. He places a quick kiss on the Sheriff's cheek, then moves away fast as a rattlesnake. Like he had never even leaned in at all. "See you soon."
Jimmy watches him leave after that, his face bright red and the rest if his body frozen in place. He doesn't move for a long time after, and almost forgets to lock the tavern up once he does.
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empty-pizza · 1 year
thoughts on gideon the ninth chapter twenty-three
oh it IS pulling a very similar move to umineko, in how this person died in these circumstances. interesting.
kinda surprised Ianthe is just, casually here. i dunno, her betrayal of her sister gave me the impression she'd be laying low, sticking to whatever she was doing. maybe this chapter will have coronabeth confront her.
oh nah. they're just sitting close together but facing away. siblings, am i right! the fact that coronabeth isn't chokeslamming her sister and taking her keys bodes poorly for her next position on the pecking order. ianthe probably has them on her body., not hidden somewhere,because she knows coronabeth isn't gonna go for them. coronabeth is playing mean girls while ianthe is playing battle royale.
the fact that some characters are further pushing the theory that there's a monster further convinces me that's not it — unless we're talking about deliberate murders via tricking/forcing people to be victim to the monster.
this duel is funny because i'm like 99% sure that camilla would win, easily.
oh god coronabeth's orders aren't even going through to naberius. to be fair, ianthe is countering her orders, but still. coronabeth stocks are going abyssal (it's physically impossible for her to be as low on the pecking order as naberius though).
yeah, camilla was badass. and i'm not saying palamedes is wrong in his admonishment of the Second — how they pointlessly injured two people, wanted to bully the weak, how they have not remotely planned carefully enough or paid attention to who's strong or who has how many keys, and how they turned this into a game of violent duels for keys. he is right about all of that. and yet:
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because he's explaining all of that instead of keeping his mouth shut and making further plans. it's not a moral failing to communicate with others, but on some level he wants to be known to be right about all of this (in other words: he just like me) and that is contrary to his ostensible goal of winning the game. this is why he's lower on the pecking order than harrow and ianthe.
he can redeem himself if he actually throws away the Second's key, though. that would be baller. and honestly, it'd be the Second's best chance for a comeback. they really need to fall down to near Naberius-levels to motivate them to get their shit together.
ooh, implication that Camilla is ALSO not used to using a rapier.
and yeah, i think palamedes is relatably foolish for wanting to explain to everyone why he's right, but he still is right — as seen in how someone challenged them to a duel right now. he has no reason to accept — so i wonder if the challenger has a tactic to force them into it.
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casspurrjoybell-18 · 2 years
Mutual Desire - Chapter 11
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*Warning - Adult Content*
And what was that? 
Alexander Nabokov had pretended not remembering Damien's name when he clearly did. 
What did he gain by doing so? 
Damien Clark's thoughts juggled between the uncomprehend stare Nabokov had through at him during their uncomfortable conversation and the last sentence said by the man. 
Nabokov had, complimented him. 
Yes, complimented his smell. 
Damien couldn't say whether it was a sign in his favor or not. 
It had to be, right? 
A compliment was a good thing. 
This meant Nabokov didn't hold the coffee thing and Damien's insolence against him. 
It looked like Nabokov was no longer mad ‘if he ever had been’ and he had accepted Damien's lame excuses.
No, this compliment didn't alter anything. 
It didn't change Damien's subtle, shameless attitude and his inability to control his mouth and apologize appropriately for Nick. 
His best friend.
‘What did I do?’
Now that he no longer had Nabokov in front of him, Damien could finally reason normally. 
He was now aware of what had happened, of the words he had said or not said. 
At the minimum, he had apologized to Nabokov, though it was the most lamentably apologetic excuse in mankind history. 
Considerably, Damien knew he couldn't do anything anymore. 
What was done was done, he couldn't go back. 
His unusual impulsiveness manifested itself in Gray-Eyes' presence and he just couldn't control it. 
But even though he had acted shamelessly with Nabokov, it didn't erase the work and the little sacrifice that Damien had done for his best friend. 
He had spent the whole day helping Nick complete his software and then help him introduce it. 
Damien had given his best friend his time, precious time, he badly needed to share with his boyfriend. 
He had been a great support for Nick and no drop of coffee on a white shirt or an unpleasant boss could change that. 
Damien took a deep breath before heading to Nick's office who was waiting for him.
Once together, the two men headed to a bar nearby. 
The ‘After Five’ was crowded and didn't resemble of anything Damien had in mind. 
From the brief glance he had cast, the guests were properly dressed, almost all the men there wearing a suit. 
At least that made Damien feel not too outfitted. 
He managed to spot one of the only unoccupied tables at the very back, while Nick went to the bar to order. 
Damien sat down and had a extensive view of the bar. 
This place looked much more like a restaurant. 
Who knows, maybe it was one. Indie-style music played in the background and people chatted calmly. 
After a quick analysis of the clientele, Damien's eyes fell on Nick's profile who was leaning on the counter, laughing gaily and chatting amiably with the male bartender. 
Damien mentally rolled his eyes and sighed impatiently. 
He had about twenty minutes of staying solo at the table, maybe more, before Nick would come join him. 
Sometimes Damien hated his best friend's charisma and how social he was. 
He didn't even have a drink to distract himself. 
Damien seized his phone out of his pocket and opened a game application. 
After five minutes, he decided to send a text to Nick.
And of course, after a few minutes, he still didn't receive any response from Nick, who didn't even dare look at his phone that Damien is certain his best friend felt vibrating in his pocket. 
Damien suddenly remarked a good-looking red-haired woman he hadn't paid attention standing a few feet away from Nick. 
From time to time she looked longingly at Nick and by ‘from time to time’ it was all the freaking time. 
Given the woman his back, Nick noticed nothing of the attention that the redhead was eagerly giving him, too much absorbed in his cheerful conversation with the bartender. 
The beautiful woman subtly advanced toward Nick but Nick still didn't notice anything. 
Damien Clark was about to text Nick but stopped when he realized that if he did so, Nick would completely forget his presence and then Damien would have to spend the evening watching some others gobble up shots intended for him.
Yep, not gonna happen. 
Alcohol before anything.
Damien sighed again and pulled his attention back to the bar where Nick was continuing his conversation which seemed to be very funny with the way Nick and the bartender laughed almost hysterically. 
Bored, Damien glanced again at the decent people in the bar who were enjoying their drink and chatting with their friends who hadn't abandoned them for the bartender. 
Damien locked eyes with an attractive brunette who was sitting at another table a few meters from Damien's. 
The brunette smiled shyly and Damien returned the smile, out of politeness. 
She then turned to her friend with whom she began to speak. 
The friend in question suddenly looked at Damien and smiled at him sensually. 
Damien gave her an embarrassed grin and mentally prayed that Nick arrive this instant.
What the hell is he doing?
To escape the looks that the two women gave him, Damien pretended to be on his phone, giving it an exaggerated attention. 
He decided to take the opportunity to text Craig asking him if he was at home. 
He knew he wouldn't get any answer. 
When he looked up from his phone, Nick was walking to the table with a black tray in his hands. 
On it, about twenty small glasses for shooters were placed. 
Damien smilingly shook his head and giggled slightly at the tray Nick placed on the table before sitting down in front of Damien. 
Damien forgave his best friend for temporary abandoning him when he noticed that Nick's body blocked Damien's view of the two charming women with whom he had just exchanged flirty glances. 
Well, their glances were.
"Should I remind you that we drove here and I'm not leaving my car here," Damien said, taking a glass from the tray and put it on the table.  
Damien's car already had engine problems, so leaving it in downtown Manhattan was the last thing the car needed. 
Nick took off his jacket and put it on the back of his chair. 
He then loosened his tie.
"Since when do some shots scare you?"
Damien rolled his eyes and took a shot. 
He winced and put the empty glass on the table.
"We aren't all alcoholics like you, huh."
Nick gave Damien a smirk before swallowing three shots one after the other.   
Damien watched him and his mind suddenly escaped elsewhere. 
He was spacing out, thinking back at the presentation, thinking back at Nabokov, at their tense discussion. 
And again at Nabokov...
"Listen, Dam, I know I'm so freaking hot that it doesn't even make any sense but it's not a reason to stare at me like that."
Damien quickly left his thoughts and rolled his eyes, smiling slightly at Nick who was smiling back.
"Seriously, Dam," Nick said, his grin suddenly gone. "I want to thank you. You really nailed it today. You're the best, man."
Nick put his hand on Damien's, smiling at him softly.
"You're already drunk after just three shots. You're weaker than I thought."
"I'm serious, Dam. I really appreciate what you did. You know that if you need something, I'm here too. Always. Twenty-four seven."
Nick was many things ‘arrogant, impatient, resentful, limit mentally handicapped’ but he valued friendship and was undoubtedly an amazing friend. 
It wasn't a surprise that the friendship between the two men was still going strong after all this years and Damien considered him like brother.
"Why don't you start by giving me half the profits that the software will generate?” Nick smiled widely.
"I can only offer you a free month’s trial of the software."
The two friends laughed loudly before taking a shot each.
"I really need to fuck tonight," Nick said like he was talking about the weather.
Damien frowned a little.
"Didn't you settle things with Amanda?" Damien asked.  
Amanda was Nick's long-time girlfriend. 
They had a interesting and unstable relationship. 
Last time Damien heard, his best friend had decided to finally settle down and maintain a serious and exclusive relationship but it seems that it was no longer the case.
"We did but we finally decided that we still weren't ready to commit totally."
"So, you guys are still in this open relationship?"
Nick took another shooter and nodded. Damien sighed, slightly irritated.
"Don't you think it's time for you to settle down with her?" Damien asked.
It was Nick's turn to let out an exasperated sigh. 
He stared at Damien and rolled his eyes.
"What? I'm serious, Nicolas. What the hell are you gaining by fucking a different girl from time to time? Amanda is nice and she has her shit together."
"I don't think you should be the one to talk," Nick said, his gaze fixed on the emptied glass in his hand.  
Damien stared at his best friend, confused by his words.
"What do you mean? I've been in a relationship for three years now, I'll remind you," Damien retorted dryly, arching an eyebrow.
"Exactly. You've been in a relationship for this long and you still haven't moved in with the guy."
Damien was silent for a moment, not quite sure what to say. 
Realizing the awkward silence that had settled in, Nick raised his head to meet Damien's annoyed glare. 
The two best friends looked at each other for a moment and Damien calmed his bitter look when he noticed Nick's discomfort.
"Because it isn't part of our priorities," Damien finally replied, the tone of his voice softening.  
Nick slightly licked his upper lip and sighed. 
He took another shot and lowered his head, looking at the empty glass he had just taken. 
The uncomfortable silence reappeared. 
Damien stared at Nick, who Damien knew, was restraining himself from saying what he really thought and that annoyed Damien. 
His exasperation returned. 
Nick never had a problem being brutally honest. 
Except when it concerned Craig, of course. 
Nick lift up his head to face Damien's angry look. He sighed.
"What I really meant to say is if it's not part of your priorities as a couple when it's been three years already, maybe it's a sign that..." Nick stopped talking and lowered his head once more, unable to stand his best friend's annoyed stare.
"Please, don't stop yourself. You clearly have a lot to say about my relationship," Damien retorted calmly and coldly, as if he was trying imitating Nabokov.  
Only Nick's sigh could be heard in this uncomfortable silence.
"Okay, sorry, that's not really what I meant. It came out wrong."
The silence returned even more intensely and Damien Clark calmed himself down when he realized that anger was gradually accumulating in him. 
Although rare, he hated bickering with Nick. 
And the worst part is he couldn't blame Nick because if there was anyone who should have a critical eye on his relationship with Craig, it was Nick. 
Nick was his best friend and Damien couldn't be indignant that Nick was honest with him and advise him. 
It was what best friends were supposed to do.
"I don't think the opinion you have of my relationship is very objective considering you don't like Craig," Damien finally said, whispering, his eyes resting on the table.  
Damien hoped the intonation of his voice didn't sound hard, despite his calm.
"Correction. He's the one who doesn't like me because I'm as hot as hell and super sexy."
Nick displayed his arrogant smile. 
Damien couldn't help but smile slightly. 
The tense atmosphere calmed a little.
"Anyway, what I wanted to say is moving in together is not a priority for the moment," Damien added calmly, suddenly feeling the need to explain himself.
"Okay, if you say so," Nick said, shrugging slightly.  
This conversation was much more embarrassing than the two one a one-time Damien had with Nabokov. And that freaking said a lot. 
Damien no longer wanted to pursue this discussion who couldn't be more embarrassing and only made him angry. 
They had come here to enjoy a good time together and relax after yesterday and today's hard day. 
How did they come to talk about this delicate subject? 
Damien blamed himself for being unnecessarily upset by Nick's words and being the cause of breaking the relaxing atmosphere. 
But Damien wasn't surprised at the turn of events, considering it was officially the unluckiest day of his life. 
He sighed mentally and took a shot. 
Talking about his couple gave Damien a terrible urge to go see Craig. 
As if he needed reassuring himself and to dispel doubts. Uncertainties he didn't think he had up until now. 
No, it was simply paranoia. 
The conversation with Nick gave him completely crazy ideas and made him think oddly. 
Nevertheless, his sudden envy of seeing Craig didn't leave.
"Gotta go," Damien said, taking his phone that was lying on the table.
"What? Already? Shit, Dam, tell me you're not mad? I'm sorry, okay? You know I have a hard time expressing myself sometimes and that."
Damien let out a chuckle and rolled his eyes.
"Relax, Nicolas. I'm not mad," Damien said, interrupting his best friend.
Nick stared at him, skeptic.
"Why are you leaving then?"
Damien sighed.
"I really need to go see Craig. We haven't been able to see each other for more than an hour in the last couple of days."
"Oh! You should've told me, I wouldn't have asked you to come here if I knew."
Damien got up from his chair and put his phone in his black classic pants' pocket.
"No, I kinda needed these shots. And I'm also leaving because a red-haired girl hasn't stop looking at you at the bar and I think my presence is cock blocking her," Damien said with a smile.
And Nick did exactly what Damien didn't want his stupid best friend to do, he turned abruptly. 
Subtlety, Nick obviously was foreign to the term. 
The redhead was staring at Nick in the same way as when she was trying to caught his attention. 
Nick quickly turned to Damien with a falsely serious expression.
"Get out of here," Nick told Damien in a falsely authoritative voice.  
Damien laughed delightedly and obeyed. 
While walking toward the door, he made sure to not engage in any eye contact with the two girls who were flirting with him earlier. 
When he arrived at the door, he turned and saw from afar, the redhead walking towards the table where he was sitting with Nick. 
Nick and Damien looked at each other for the last time, exchanging a knowing smile and Damien finally got out of ‘After Five’. 
About an hour later, Damien parked his car in front of the building where Craig’s apartment was. 
At the same time, he received a message from Nick.
[Red-hair was so fine. Had to take her number.]
Damien rolled his eyes. 
He was serious when he advised Nick to finally settle in a relationship. 
He wanted to see his best friend blossom in a relationship and feel those feelings that Damien felt for Craig. 
He was his best friend, and he wanted to see him happy. 
Nick was lucky to have met a woman like Amanda who was beautiful, financially stable and down-to-earth. 
Damien hoped Nick would realize it before it was too late.
[Go to bed, Nick.]
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amplesalty · 2 years
Halloween 2022 - Day 10 - C.H.U.D (1984)
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Will it be FAB or FUBAR?
Marketing is an interesting beast, there’s people that are paid a lot of money to make decisions on how to best make a product or service appeal to the general public. How can we make the most money possible by showing off our product in the best light possible. What colour do we make it? How do we price it? What do we name it?
How about anything other than C.H.U.D. Just say it out loud to yourself; C.H.U.D. It’s got no spark, no razzle dazzle. It doesn’t hang in the air, it just sort of flops out. C.H.U.D. Can you ever imagine saying “Two for C.H.U.D, please.”? Or seeing a trailer like “In a world where darkness roams our city street, something darker lurks below them...C.H.U.D, coming to a theatre near you...”.What even is a C.H.U.D? I think I’ve only ever heard it as a compound insult, like chud monkey. There’s very evocative names that would make you rush out to see something and perhaps some so ridiculous that they go full circle and make you want to watch anyway, like The Incredibly Strange Creatures Who Stopped Living and Became Mixed-Up Zombies. But ridiculous is the name of the game today because this is a pretty ridiculous movie.
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Pretty much the first thing you see is a grown ass woman just being yoinked right off the street by some sort of monstorous arm, pulling her into the sewers below.
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And you’ve got blog alumni John Heard here playing a photographer, George Cooper, in a really dirty looking tank top. It just looks so uncharacteristic for him, I guess I’m so used to seeing him in suits.
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He’s not the alumni around here because his fellow Home Alone star Daniel Stern is here as well!  He plays “Reverand” A.J Shepherd who runs a local soup kitchen who’s worried about some of his regulars. See, they live in the sewers but haven’t been coming round much lately. This is of interesting to Captain Bosch of the NYPD who has been getting numerous reports of missing people lately, including his own wife who was the lady getting dragged under at the start.
From being vaguely aware of the reputation this movie has, plus the quick glimpse of the ‘man in a rubber suit’ arm at the start, I was fully on board for some nonsense but this one really threw me for a loop by going full on police procedural about the whole thing. You’ve got Bosch running round trying to solve this case, his guys tailing Cooper, Shepherd playing police informant and sharing all the weird stuff he’s been finding in the sewers like Geiger counters and hazmat suit pieces. It just goes in this completely serious direction that I wasn’t expecting, all talks of cover ups and classified information, calls to higher ups in the police with cries of ‘I can’t keep this under wraps any longer, chief, the people need to know!’.
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Which is beautifully undercut by the periodic sightings of our monster of the week, the aponymous C.H.U.D; Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller. He looks like Manbearpig only with glowing yellow eyes. He has yellow eyes! So help me God, yellow eyes!
It’s like the cheesiness is made so much more effective when it has the serious stuff to play off. You’ve got to have peaks and valleys to this kinda thing, you know? You can’t just be dumb the whole time, you need that straight man to play off.
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The movie has a suprising number of people you’ve actually heard of attached to it. Like a young John Goodman here. Ever Patricia Richardson is apparently in it, she of Home Improvement fame, though I don’t recall seeing her.
Daniel Stern though is really great, his impromptu tag team with hardboiler cop Bosch is amazing and really shines in this one scene where they’re trying to get answers from the police chiefs and this guy from the Nuclear Regulatory Commision who is trying to cover everything up. When playing by the book doesn’t work, Shepherd breaks out the big guns and threatens to leak everything to the press including the juicy images they have a homeless dude having nearly being torn to shreds. Even for this important meeting though Shepherd couldn’t get fully clean. It really is like everyone in this movie is covered in this fine layer of dirt. I suppose it makes sense, everyone spends half their time down in the sewers.
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Such a fun movie in that ‘so bad it’s good’ sort of way, towing this thin line between the sublime and the ridicioulous and it just finds the sweet spot. The monsters might be a little iffy but it has nice effects in other places too with it’s gore and multiple decapitated heads.
Gratiouitus use of a dead dog hanging from its leash though.  Worrying amount of animal violence this year...
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jvstheworld · 11 months
My Ted Lasso Re-watch: S1E9 (part 5)
All Apologies
'She's just playing her game' Jane is playing chess while trying to make Beard jealous. Girl, don't mess with him like this.
The way Beard looks at Ted, it's like he's a wounded puppy. It's kind of heartbreaking.
As much as Ted doesn't want to hurt Roy by benching him, or measure the success of the team by wins and losses, he has to. That's his job. With college football the stakes were low. They weren't pro athletes getting paid a shit load of money and sponsorship deals. They were college kids getting their education. At Richmond, he is dealing with people's professional careers. This is their full time job. It matters to them, it matters to the whole club if they win or lose, and if they get relegated. It has massive repercussions. And that needs to be considered before doing what Roy wants. Ted needs to put the whole club first before Roy. To quote Star Trek: 'The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.'
Beard needed to give Ted this wake up call. It's nice that Ted doesn't want to hurt Roy and give him a chance after the season, but Ted needs to face that facts that his way of thinking is not necessarily the right way for this situation. If it was college football, he'd have better luck, but he's not in Kansas anymore (I hate myself for that) he needs to change to a new way of thinking to help the club survive.
Ted drink 4 pints of beer because he didn't want them going to waste, like with the curry in episode 3. Also because he just got yelled at by his best friend and needed to drown his sorrows.
Drunk Ted forgets to look the other way before crossing the road, but Roy's there, so he's fine. Also drunk Ted is kind of hot with his hair being a mess. Though I really just want to tuck him up in bed and let him sleep it off.
Does Ted regularly forget to eat and that's why he has a jar of peanut butter readily available? Unlike Roy I do have a nut allergy, so I am staying the hell away from him when he's doing that. I do not need another trip to the hospital, thank you. 2 allergic reactions is enough for me. They aren't bad reactions, like they won't kill me, but I do need steroid antihistamines for them because the over the counter ones do nothing to help.
Why does Ted have 2 day old pasta water sitting on his stove top? Does Ted have ADHD? Also why was he hot when gesturing to the pasta water?
Roy is good at hiding his anger? How angry is this man? He's like Bruce Banner in the first Avengers film. Dude is always angry, just let's it out when he needs to. What happened in Roy's life that made him so angry all the time? (Also I recognise that Brett will be playing Hercules in the MCU. And that was basically my introduction to him).
So, Rebecca calls Ted a little shit when she talks to Higgins about how he forgave her. And now Phoebe is a little shit for wanting to watch the match even if Roy isn't in it.
Ice cream is great. I have no opinion on Billy Joel, though I have heard that you're not supposed to besmirch him, lest I get run though and splattered across the ground by a super fast, superhero called A-Train. (I like The Boys, it's a good show and that first episode really sets the tone of what the rest of it will be like).
'I never know how to react when a grown man does the Carlton in front of me.' you either watch it happen or you join in, those are your two options. But Ted's hair just flopping about as he does it and the overwhelming need to run my hands through it. My poor friend is never going to hear the end of my thirst for this man. (Hi friend 👋, because I know you check to see if I have posted something for the day).
Ted really puts the manic in Manic Pixie Dream Boy. Because he is one.
Ted insults Roy like Henry would insult him.
Ted makes tea for both him and Roy so Roy doesn't drink alone. Brett hates tea and Jason likes it. To me, as a Yorkshire born person, I'm with Brett and Ted, tea is gross.
Higgins is back! Ted giving him biscuits is sweet, even if they were supposed to be for Trent Crimm - The Independent's daughter. Who really remembers their third birthday anyway. She'll be fine. It's cute that Ted did that for her anyway.
Nate apologising to Ted for for what happened in a dream. Been there. It was not a good dream, I had to message my friend and tell him what happened. I was on edge all day because of it. So, I get why Nate felt the need to apologise to real Ted, but, yeah, probably best to apologise to 'dream Ted' too.
Keeley should have hidden her vibrator better. And Roy being a good uncle, doing something nice for Phoebe in the hopes she will forget what she saw.
Hold on, Beard has been in a similar situation to Roy? I need a whole book about this man and his life.
The ending to this episode is probably my favourite of the show. Because if anything it shows that Ted got through to Roy. He believes. While he might not want other people to see it, he does. That's why he came back. There's no shame in saying he's injured and can't play or train with them, because he does have a legitimate reason to not play. But he came back for the team, as their captain. Ted had his back and now he has their's. Roy believes.
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gertlushgaming · 1 year
Street Fighter 6 Review (PlayStation 5)
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For this Street Fighter 6 Review, we play a game that represents the next evolution of the Street Fighter series! Street Fighter 6 spans three distinct game modes, including World Tour, Fighting Ground, and Battle Hub.
Street Fighter 6 Review Pros:
- Stunning graphics. - 54.30GB download size. - Platinum trophy. - Graphics settings - mode (performance/quality), fighting ground background object density, motion blur, and screenshake. - Subtitles option with background settings. - Uses the controller speaker. - Connects with Capcom ID (optional). - Three game areas - world tour, online multiplayer, and fighting ground. - Transfer PlayStation 4 save option. - Controller settings - three types (modern/dynamic/classic), five custom presets, button release input (on/off), rebind controls, reset bindings, and test the settings. - CFN (Capcom Fighters Network) is its own in-game system where you can follow and interact with other players. Clubs act a bit like clans and give out unique clothing, and you can see replays and leaderboards. - Fighting gameplay. - Avatar creator that goes into crazy detail and lets you tweak absolutely everything. - Supports multiple controllers connected at once so you could have a controller for all the hub and menu stuff and a stick for fighting. - Battle hub matches by two players sitting at an arcade cabinet. You can fight or spectate. - In the Battle Hub, you can see other players in real-time. - Battle pass system is going to be in the game and it shows what and how it will work with free and paid tiers and also shows off some of the tasks you will get in order to level the battle pass up. - Both in-game currency and real money currency. - Your avatar physique matters such as long limbs means you have a longer reacher, a thinner frame makes it harder to hit you, etc. - If you make an avatar in the battle hub or world tour then the avatar transfers over except you can still edit again. - World Tour has an optional tutorial section then goes for pop-ups as you play. - You can skip the cutscenes and fast-forward conversations. - World Tour is a completely new thing, you can free-roam the world, take on and complete missions and start fights. - Your phone is the system used for the menu and here you take missions, interact, etc. - The game world in world tour is fully 3D and you have a 360-degree camera control. - Characters in world tour have a difficulty level above their head. - Earn EXP in World Tour and level up to increase your stats and get skill points to unlock new moves and abilities. - Customize your phone. - Earn and buy new clothing items - hat, top, outfit, pants, shoes, and gloves. - Find loot chests in the world tour locations. - Combo counter. - Breakable objects in a fight. - Full photo mode. - World Tour does have bad guys who obscure their faces or have a red outline and will hunt you down. - The Battle hub has rotating games from Capcom past to play like FINAL fight or the original Street Fighter 2. - On a world tour, you can buy and earn soundtracks which can then be selected to act as background music. - Be one a student of a legendary Fighter who unlocks their fight styles, attacks, and moves. - Miles is like a currency in a world tour that you earn from fights, chests, and doing actions. You use them for continues in fights. - When using a legendary Fighters style the exp you earn goes towards earning new moves from the Fighter. - World Tour does throw in fights against multiple people at once. - Clothing can also increase stats. - The locations on the world tour are huge. - When you unlock a load of moves from Fighters you can mix and match them to your liking. - Bus stops are used as fast travel points within the world tour mode. - Find arcade cabinets in the game world and play them! - Arcade cabinet games do have some basic settings. - Boss fights in world tour are the traditional best of three fights. - Unlock new ways to expand exploration of the world like climbing and breaking items. - Mini-games can be found and replayed on the world tour. - Day and night cycle where enemies appear more at night yet daytime is easier enemies. (you change the time by resting at a hangout) - World Tours' general flow and how the missions and interactions happen feel VERY Yakuza-like to me which is brilliant as they nailed it. - Unlock the ability to have a transmog meaning where you want and keep the stats/buffs. - Flight tickets can be found/earned on a world tour where you can then go to any unlocked locations in the world. - As you see people in the world tour mode you can hit first which weakens the enemy and gives you the upper hand. - Handy mission markers and icons. Street Fighter 6 Review Cons: - No Capcom ID means no online play or other features. - World Tour and Fighting Ground are say seperate downloads and the game doesn't tell you this plus they are under manage game content on the PlayStation 5 menu. - You only get the PlayStation 5 version. - On world tours, they use character models a lot. - Characters within the world tour just appear. - Not a huge fan of clothing having stats increases attached to them. This does get rectified later on but early on it's a bitch. - World Tour only opens up if you play the main objectives because otherwise, you won't get new abilities to use in the world. - The world tour mode does take a long time to get going as in being the Fighter you want to be or looking how you want to look. - Nighttime can get very chaotic and cause many annoying fight-after-fight situations. - Never sure when the world tour saves. Related Post: Miasma Chronicles Review (PlayStation 5) Street Fighter 6: Official website. Developer: Capcom Publisher: Capcom Store Links -  PlayStation Read the full article
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nathcnielarchibald · 2 years
maine stay | serenate
Who: Serena van der Woodsen ( @theserenavdw​ ) & Nate Archibald
When: November 17th, 2022
Location: Maine
Summary: Nate takes Serena away for a weekend in Maine.
Trigger Warnings: none
Serena: “Can we just stay here forever?” A repetition of words she’d spoken much earlier in the day when Serena had still tried to convince Nate to not leave their bed. Back then exploring the mostly sleepy town, most likely being ogled by the few people who didn’t only stay there during the summer season but were actually residents had hardly seemed appealing, a fact that hours later couldn’t be further from the truth. Maybe they had attracted a few looks in the beginning, but that most likely was due to the fact that even in their most casual clothes they still stuck out  in the little bar, that really was much more an old pub, like two very beautiful but equally sore thumb. Instead of being questioned or ostracised by the few locals it rather felt like they were embraced wholeheartedly, not with lavish attention but more so with the same easy going and uncomplicated nature the other patrons were treated with - a fact that should hardly been surprising but it had been a long time since either of them had to pick up their own drinks from a counter, not to mention those drinks being a questionable house wine or beer. The pool table had been occupied by a few men ever since they arrived and Serena had only half heartedly paid attention, though perhaps obvious enough for them to gesture towards her and Nate once they clearly had enough, or maybe just wanted to see if the city kids really knew their way around a pool table, a challenge Serena was more than up for, even if the only person she’d be challenging clearly was Nate at this moment though she doubted he would be anything but up for it. “Looser gets the next round…and is at the winners mercy all night long?” She taunted Nate playfully, beckoning him to join her as she made her way over to the now empty table, not exactly minding the amused onlookers, especially because she knew she could more than hold her own when it came to this - what she couldn’t quite calculate was how good Nate’s game was, but she was willing to bet that he was at least a worth opponent and at best would make this difficult for her.
Nate: "Stop tempting me or I might actually make us stay here forever." Escaping the city and everything that came with it - unwanted attention from his family, Gossip Girl and friends, had already been so tempting that they now were here in Maine (Portland, to be precise), so there truthfully wasn't too much left to make him want to extend that stay for an undefined period of time. Especially since being here meant he didn't need to be careful to show any kind of affection towards Serena or... worry about anything, really. This place meant entering a different world and privacy that usually neither of them had, two of the reasons why he'd decided to buy a house near one of the smaller ports a couple of years ago in the first place. Not many would expect people like them to come here, it was either the Hamptons or some place a lot fancier, which not only made it absolutely perfect for their current situation but the fact they didn't exactly just effortlessly blend in was certainly proven by the curious yet warmhearted treatment they were receiving from the locals. It was probably the first time since his mother's visit at the Palace that he was completely and utterly relaxed, just taking the day minute by minute enjoying the time spent with Serena to the fullest. "Count me in." He grinned at her, knowing very well that no matter who'd win, they'd both benefit from it in the end but that didn't mean he wouldn't take a little challenge still. Or let her win just for the sake of it. Nate was confident in his pool skills considering there'd been a lot of bored hours spent in the Empire suite training his aiming skills as well as times spent in bars with his lacrosse friends playing endless rounds of pool. Though he was planning on not giving that away too soon. "Ladies first." He said as his gaze met hers, handing her one of the cues after he was done preparing the table for them properly.
Serena: “I forgot to ask, what would you prefer, want me to pretend I need help and you’ll have to teach me or are you a masochist and like the pain of loosing?” Serena teased as he prepped the table and handed her the pool cue. The interesting thing about dating Nate, if that was the right words for being with the person who might have been the one you should have been with all along, was the fact that he knew he’d inside out, had seen every possible trick she had up her sleeves whenever she was interested in someone, had seen her both, in lust and love with countless guys before and yet she had never actually had to play any of those games with him – curiously they felt so much less high stake when they were just that though, a little game to amuse for an evening but not a make or break situation in a relationship. “First ones easy, I’ll give you until the second one to decide if you’d like me to go easy on you!”
Nate: Nate smirked at her teasing words, not even bothering to play offended because he knew she’d be able to tell he was just faking it. “Shouldn’t you know I like a damsel in distress that I can save either from a bad, bad guy or sometimes even from making a fool out of herself?” He teased back, obviously referring to their past while knowing that it had been so much more and not exactly a game back then. Moving a little closer towards her, their faces now only inches apart as his gaze locked with hers, he whispered against her lips, “Maybe it’s you who should admit she’d like me to choose the first option so you can play dirty by distracting me and leaning a little too close into me to make sure you won’t lose.” Nate grinned, and even though he was dying to really kiss her and not just let his lips brush over hers he moved again to put some distance between them, waiting for her to make her first move.
Serena: "Excuse you, I have absolutely never made a fool out of myself!" Serena jokingly argued though her argument died down quickly when he stepped closer, lips inches apart. "Mh, do I need to stand close to you to distract you? I thought just being in my presence is enough of a distraction to make you weak in the knees!" The blonde teased him though it was him who seemed to have the upper hand – at least in terms of the teasing right now – since it was him who stepped away to let her start the game, which she did somewhat gladly, not sure just how much they'd be playing if they'd continue that other game that was hanging in the air right now. A first shot was hardly giving away much about wether or not she was bluffing about her supposed talents, after all it was nothing but a break, quickly claiming the solid balls before she leant back. "Set the stage for you, time to deliver!"
Nate: "Getting weak in the knees just because of your presence? I think you're mistaking me for one of those other fifteen guys who can't get over you." He said, a cheeky grin on his face as he picked up his beer, taking a few sips while she was occupied breaking the triangle. They both knew she wasn't lying when she claimed her presence already did enough to distract him but it was also fun to sometimes... humble her a little. Especially since for whatever reason when it came to something that triggered his competitive side, he was very much able to focus on the task at hand if he wanted to and resist any kind of temptations. "Keep poking me with remarks like that and you're gonna lose this, Van der Woodsen." Once the cue tip was chalked up, he seemingly was just going to take his position but instead he made a quick stop right next to Serena, leaning in for the kiss he’d moved away from earlier. “Mmm, yeah, I think that will do for good luck.” The corners of his mouth twitched slightly as he finally got into position and pocketed the striped ball he’d aimed for before he took his next shot, almost pocketing another of the striped ones but it stopped rolling a few inches in front of the pocket. “Or… maybe it wasn’t enough kissing yet.”
Serena: “Haven’t you heard, we are getting old, most of those guys are married now!” Serena joked, a quick deflection of his remark though it was all in good jest. Didn’t mean she didn’t hate the fact that she knew that she’d put Nate on that list too, or guys she’d treated badly or left heartbroken at some point. “For me to loose I’d actually have to be bad at this…ever thought about that?” She asked with a raised brow, this little back and forth perhaps more fun than the entire act of playing pool would be, plus she was sure they weren’t just entertaining each other but the locals as well at this point. When he kissed her only to declare it was for good luck she rolled her eyes softly, her confidence not yet fading when he expertly aimed for his first shot, not when he almost got a second one, especially since it was an almost. “Maybe I’m not your lucky charm?” She offered laughing before she leant over the table herself, fist shot confident and executed just the way she wanted to, mirroring his earlier success and pocketing a solid one. Hindsight her next move had been cocky, splitting two and aiming to pocket both..which she did only for one of Nate’s striped ones to follow suit. A natural born winner and highly competitive at that it wasn’t exactly hard to read the little pout on her face as she leant back against the wall to have a sip of her drink and give Nate the space to make his next move. “At least I know I can confidently beat you at any poker match!” She finally teased as she decided to step just a little closer again, still giving him enough space while leaning in to get a better look at what he was doing
Nate: “Nah, I’d never claim you’re bad at it just not as good as I am which is going to be the reason you’re not going to win this.” Probably some of the cockiest words that ever left his lips but it served the purpose of not giving in right now. “Yeah, maybe you’re right. Guess I should find myself an actual lucky charm.” He said, pretending to look around the bar to find another woman he could kiss, which was also when he noticed that quite a few people were watching them currently. Somehow he’d successfully faded out everyone around them and hardly noticed the pairs of eyes on them. But he didn’t actually mind, though he did eventually focus on Serena again only to watch her pocket two of her own and one of his. The pout on her lips was to be expected and the hint of a grin on his as well, her remark now making him chuckle. “Well, that’s only because I’m a terrible liar and that also includes trying to bluff when I have a terrible hand!” He argued a little absentmindedly as his gaze roamed across the pool table, trying to figure out which would be the smartest move next before his gaze met hers when he’d finally decided which ball he wanted to pocket next. “If you changed your mind and you want me to reach you, the offer still stands.” His gaze was still on her when he made his next shot, pocketing yet another striped ball only that he didn’t even look this time before he walked around the table to get a better aim for his next attempt - one that turned out to be successful once again. “What do you say? Wanna make the next one with me?”
Serena: Nate wasn’t naturally cocky or boastful so the fact that the was as convinced that he’d win this should have already told her all she needed to know but she had still considered it a bluff until he had proven her wrong. “If you have any more luck this game might be over far too soon!” Serena wouldn’t have been threatened by his joke even in the worst of moments, here, surrounded by locals and onlookers even less so. “That you are - astonishing actually, considering all things!” If anything their upbringing had taught most of them to lie from an early age, a skill that had absolutely passed by Nate. The fact that he wasn’t even properly looking at his chosen target on the table and still succeeded made her grown inwardly, cursing those cocky words that left her mouth earlier but also not so secretly impressed. Apparently there were still a few things to learn about the other. “You sure I won’t impact your abilities?” The blonde asked grinning before she nodded slowly and walked closer towards him. “I’m not asking you to teach me though, just to be perfectly clear!”
Nate: Maybe Nate didn’t like lying because he’d seen what it did too many times while he was growing up, every lie always seemed to blow up in the person’s face eventually and he’d never deemed it necessary to be good at it either. Even if that meant he was different than every other Upper East Side kid in that sense and he got teased about it by his friends. “I think we’ll find out if it does impact them.” He grinned, placing his hands on her waist to gently place her in position - her back towards him while she was now right in front of him. “Fine, we can just say you’re getting the best view of my talent then.” Nate’s voice was slightly lowered, his hot breath against her cheek while he grabbed the cue again as well as her right hand to wrap it around the thick end of the stick, their fingers slightly entwined. He bent them both down a little, just enough to be in the right position to make the shot, barely any space left between their bodies at this point and while it certainly wasn’t as easy to focus as it was before he couldn’t deny that it certainly upped the fun. “Which one do you think I should choose, the one right in the middle or the other on the right?”
Serena: "Who is getting the best view here?" Serena asked, face turned just enough to almost graze his skin without actually touching him. When he moved their bodies to give him the best possible angle for his shot she couldn't help but chuckle quietly, body easily following his lead...something of a change for the blonde who made a habit of fighting him for dominance, only occasionally giving in without a heated and very much beneficial battle first. Serena did not answer him verbally, instead moving just enough to both, tease him and indicate which of the options she was intending for him to aim for. "Come on, shoot your shot...!"
Nate: The fact she was playing along was an obvious one, Nate knew her too well to pretend she wasn’t and that it was him who had the actual upper hand but he enjoyed their little game (and the little show they were giving everyone watching them) too much. And he hoped the same counted for her but he had a pretty good feeling she did enjoy it just as much. A shaky breath escaped him when she moved, so subtle that others except for Serena totally would’ve missed it but he wasn't able to act like being this close to her did nothing to him. His gaze followed the direction in which she moved, focusing on the striped ball as he figured out where he should struck the cue ball best to pocket his. Her encouraging words that followed made his lips stretch into a grin, causing him to loose his focus momentarily, "Be patient." Nate teased. "You up for a little challenge? What if.. I make this one I'll be allowed to do whatever I want to you later tonight?"
Serena: The way he was already clearly going in and out of focus made her think this would be an easy bet, though then there was his offer, somewhere between teasing and overly confident for a man whose breath had just been audibly shaky just moments ago. There was no way she’d back down though or admit that’ she thought there was a chance he might just pocket the ball, instead she shrugged nonchalantly and nodded. “You are challenging yourself, you do realise that?” She asked grinning but nodded softly once she’d looked at the ball again, it’s position challenging enough albeit not impossible. Even if he’d win though, her loss would hardly have any negative connotations for her whatsoever. “Fine, you have yourself a deal. Try not to miss…!”
Nate: “Yes, maybe that’s exactly the kind of motivation I need to give myself an extra push of confidence.” Nate replied as nonchalantly as her previous shrug, only that this time he wasn’t actually quite as confident as before (which was also audible in his voice but simply ignored by himself). Once she fully agreed to the deal, he got into his final position, a few more attempts of really regaining his focus later he finally made the shot - and to his own surprise actually did pocket the ball. It could’ve been a perfect stroke if the cue ball didn’t follow and fell right into the same pocket as the striped ball he’d aimed for, knowing he’d just given Serena a perfect opportunity to place the cue ball anywhere she wanted and make her next move very easy. “Shit.” He cursed under his breath but nonetheless let out a chuckle. “Well, at least the deal’s not off because there was no term that there couldn’t be a foul involved.” He grinned cheekily as he slowly let go off her but just enough for her to stand upright again, hand on her waist again, pressing a kiss to her cheek. “Might tie you up tonight for a change.” He whispered in her ear, lips brushing briefly against it until he fully pulled away and gave her enough room to move anywhere she wanted to.
Serena: While she could not necessarily see him face she could feel his focus shift a little as he seemed to figure out what the most likely angle was for him to succeed – which he did partially though apparently the cue ball going down with the one he aimed for did not mean the same thing to the both of them since she was grinning at him triumphantly until she heard his words. "Wait, do the deal is so off – you did not...!" Well, he did pocket the ball and he technically was right though this also meant admitting defeat. "Should we ask them if they think this counts?" She asked jokingly while she looked around the room though they both knew she'd have no qualms about actually asking any of them for their opinion. He did make the idea of letting this one go and letting him win sound enticing with his next words, her grin saying as much as she walked over to get the cue ball back and place it on the table again for her to easily pocket to of her balls, only then leaning back against the table to face Nate again. "Want to grab us one more drink while I finish this game and let you tie me up to soften that blow to you ego when I win after all?" She asked just loud enough for him to hear, not shy but some things surely did not need to be heard by the entire place.
Nate: He was almost about to keep their little playful argument going but then he noticed the grin on her face paired with the question that later followed, both clearly giving away there wasn't really any need for him to convince her that the deal wasn't off. His gaze had been following her the entire time, not necessarily watching how she slowly but surely was winning the game but mostly because he was caught in a moment of realizing that this was actually happening - that he was here with her, on something that certainly could be considered a date. It didn’t really matter if it’d lead to something eventually, he was just grateful to share this with her, for it to possibly become another fond memory of time spent with her. "Mm-hm." He hummed and nodded but not actually making any kind of attempt to leave the pool table, instead he stepped toward her again, hands easily finding their way to her waist so he could pull her closer against him as his lips met hers in a rather hungry kiss. Honestly, he felt like he hadn’t taken enough advantage of the fact he could lock lips with her without having to think of any possible repercussions tonight… and it definitely didn’t hurt to show all those guys watching her that she was his - at least for tonight and especially if he was going to leave her at the table alone for a moment now. "I’m pretty sure we’re both winning tonight." Nate whispered against her lips, stealing another kiss before he reluctantly let go to get them those drinks she’d requested. A part of him obviously hoped that this would just be the beginning, one of many nights out to come in their future but he at the same time convinced himself to not worry about the future too much, to live in the present and enjoy every single moment he was granted with her.
0 notes
kyannae · 2 years
Hiii! Can I request Ran Haitani, Mitsuya and Rindou with a gn s/o.
Doing something really domestic like going grocery shopping💕
Thanks, have an amazing day
grocery shopping,↷ ran, mitsuya, rindou
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summary: going grocery shopping together with them
category: fluff, established relationship
warnings: gn!reader, pet names 'babe' 'baby'
a/n: hi! yes, ofc you cann 😎 this will be my first time writing domestic stuff so it may suck,,i tried my best though! i made it into a scenario?? ish thing, hope you didn't mind ^^; . enjoy and have an amazing day/night/evening, honey!
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you huffed, cancelling off the written ‘rice’ on the list. ran watched, glancing at the list before plopping bread into the basket. giving him a small thanks, you crossed that off too. “cmere.” he mumbled, taking the sack of rice from your hands. you sighed in relief, glad that the literal sack of ‘burden’ was lifted off your shoulders.
“thanks, ran.” ran hummed in response, while you grabbed more groceries and put them into the basket.
“how many more baby?” he mumbled, slightly bored. you laughed and showed him the list, him groaning in response.
“cmon, ran. just a few more.” 
ran huffed, opting to play an arranging game with the groceries in his own basket instead, waiting for you to finish the rest.
“after this, i’ll make you your favourite meal when we get back. how does that sound, hmm?” you proposed, crossing out another ingredient on the list. ran’s eyes sparkled at the mention of his favourite meal, and he nodded his head rapidly.
“that sounds great.”
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you told him that you needed to go grocery shopping, and he requested to follow you along. you agreed, happy with the fact that he wanted to help you, but that was to be expected. luna and mana had gone along with the both of you, eyeing the candies and treats- mouth watering at the sight. 
you ended up being the one taking care of his siblings, while he shopped for the groceries. 
“takashi, i could do the grocery shopping, you know?” you grumbled. seeing him do all the work made you feel bad.
“it’s alright babe, plus you have luna and mana to take care of already.”he sent you a soft smile, kissing you on the forehead. luna and mana gasped before cheering. people around you couldn’t help but feel jealous from the affection that takashi was showing you, but they were happy that you had a nice relationship.
“fine…i’ll be cooking the meals when we get home though!” you smirked, seeing him roll his eyes playfully and groan. he placed the last food item in the basket, and you four headed to the counter to pay.
“and, i’ll help you with the cooking,” he grinned. 
“noh!” mana whined, takashi looking at her in surprise.
“you promised to play with us! plus n/n’s cooking is amazing! they don’t need you.” mana pouted, luna nodding along with her words. takashi froze on the spot, and you burst into laughter. fishing out your wallet, you paid for the groceries while takashi was still processing what they just said.
“yeah, takashi! listen to your sisters~”
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to be honest, he didn’t like grocery shopping. but when you had asked him, how could he say no? and that brings us to now, rindou helping you pick the groceries and carry the basket(s) while he complained about how boring this was.
“don’t be such a baby, rin.” you teased, seeing him grumble. you hummed, placing a carton of milk into the basket, rin taking the basket and swapping it with a much lighter one. you blinked a few times, a smile making its way onto your face.
“thanks, rin.” rindou merely nodded, arranging the items in the basket to cope with the boredom. 
“how about i make you a milkshake when we get back? and cuddles.” you proposed, seeing rindou’s face light up before he looked away.
“i don’t want that…” he blushed, seeing people looking at you two. he didn’t want to be seen as ‘weak’ in front of others, wanting cuddles…
“which? the milkshake, or the cuddles?” you snickered, heading over to the ice cream section.
“the..the…the end.” 
“yeah, yeah. sure. don’t complain if you really don’t get em though!” rindou looked at you wide eyed, scrambling to take back his words.
“hah! you’re so cute, rin.”
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© kyannae
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mjolnir-steve · 3 years
Frank Adler x fem!Reader
Word count: 5027 (oop)
Warnings: light drinking, very brief mention of suicide, some cursing, smut (18+ ONLY!!!), unprotected sex (m/f) ... Please let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: Hi, y’all! Here’s my entry for @stargazingfangirl18 and @navybrat817’s Shameless Hoes for Chris Challenge!!!! I haven’t written smut in a LONG time, so please be gentle with me LOL. Here’s what I got:
Frank Adler
“I didn’t like the way he was looking at you.”
Breeding / mutual pining 🥴
I’d like to dedicate this to @rodrikstark for always sharing the Frank Adler feels and @sparkledfirecracker for bullying me (with love) into finishing this. ❤️
If you like this fic, please comment and reblog!!! I hope you enjoy. :)
Fridays never seemed to come soon enough. You looked forward to the beginning of the weekend as much as the next person, but over the last few months, Friday nights took on new meaning for you. You moved to the trailer park a little less than a year ago, wanting to buy a small place of your own and start making a home for yourself. It wasn’t perfect, but it wasn’t expensive, and it was only a ten-minute drive from your office where you’d just secured a promotion. Roberta, the manager, helped you make it feel like home right away, insisting on going with you to pick out paint samples and providing copies of menus for the best take-out in the area.
Before long, Roberta introduced you to the trailer park’s resident certified genius, Mary Adler. Mary and Roberta spent Saturday mornings with you when you were free, which unfortunately, was pretty much all the time. You played games, sang karaoke, and even let Mary’s one-eyed cat Fred come over. He took a liking to your swinging chair in the living room, and if Mary couldn’t find him at home, odds were he somehow squeezed through your window and ended up in that chair. 
Another two months had passed, though, before you met Mary’s uncle and guardian, Frank. You came to learn that Mary stayed with Roberta every Friday night because “Frank needs time to be an adult” and she was not allowed to come back to the house until noon on Saturdays. This information made you feel like Frank must be some kind of sad, perpetual fuckboy. You were right about the sad part, not so much about the latter. One morning while Mary played with your watercolors, Roberta let slip - ironically over a cup of tea - that Frank did have the occasional hookup, but usually, he drank himself sleepy on Friday nights and just needed the time to himself. He worked himself to the bone as a boat mechanic, often late into the night because it was too hot to do some jobs during the day. Frank took Mary in when she was just a baby after his sister, her mother, tragically committed suicide. He spent the majority of his scarce free time with Mary, so when Mary was still a toddler, Roberta offered the Friday night deal. Frank countered that he would do any repairs in the trailer park for free, but she refused to let him do that work without pay, saying he deserved to have a life, too. 
She also informed you that Frank was a former philosophy professor, single, and very attractive, especially if you were into the rugged thing. You rolled your eyes with an amused exhale and took another sip of your tea. You’d be lying if you said your interest wasn’t piqued. Mary then shouted over her shoulder, confirming that she’d been listening to your entire conversation, “Frank is great, but he’s a grump. Good luck cracking that egg.” You snorted, nearly spitting out your tea, and she went back to reading your color theory book to Fred.
With that, you heard a sharp rap at the door. You set your tea down on the kitchen table, curious who your visitor might be. You didn’t know anyone else in the trailer park, or in town, really. You opened the door, taking in the sight of possibly - no, definitely - the most handsome man you’d ever seen. You quickly guessed it was Frank, judging by the grease smeared on his quite large hands. His eyes, though tired, had the same bright look as Mary’s, and he had the most perfectly imperfect fluffy hair and overgrown stubble.
“Good morning,” he said with a sweet, closed-mouthed smile. “Is Mary here?”
You had to remind yourself to breathe. Stammering, you opened the door wider, gesturing inside. “Hi, y-yes. She is!” Why am I like this? “She’s just painting with Fred. Please, come in.” You moved aside so he could fit his broad shoulders through the doorframe and then held out your hand. “You must be Frank. I’m Y/N. Mary is just wonderful.” You smiled at him, feeling the heat rise in your cheeks.
He took your hand in both of his, gentler than you’d expected. “I’m sorry. Yes, I’m Frank. It’s great to meet you, finally.” He smiled wide for the first time and you were certain you’d pass out. Who LOOKS like this? “And thank you, she really is wonderful. I couldn’t do it without Roberta. She’s family.” He smiled and waved at Roberta, who was looking at you over the lip of her mug.
Mary didn’t even bother to turn around and face Frank. “What are you doing here, Frank? It’s only 11. I have a whole ‘nother hour with my friends.” You tried to keep your laugh quiet, covering your mouth with your hand and shaking your head.
“Well, excuse me for thinking you might like to go out on the boat with me this morning. I guess I’ll go by myself.”
Mary jumped up from the floor, scrambling to clean up your paints and books. “Can Y/N and Roberta come?”
Frank crouched down to meet Mary’s eyes. “Of course they can, if they’d like.” He looked back at you over his shoulder, trying to gauge your interest, then turning back to his niece. “But do you remember what I told you?”
You could see that Mary was making a conscious effort not to roll her eyes. “You told me that my adult friends have adult lives that include adult responsibilities, and they might not always be available to spend time with me.”
“And?” he looked at her expectantly.
“And I need to invite them to do things without assuming they will do them.” She couldn’t hold back her eye roll any longer, but she made sure not to let Frank see. “Roberta, Y/N, would you both like to join us on the boat today?”
You were amazed by the exchange taking place in front of you, able to see where some of Mary’s brains and tenacity came from. The conversation between the two flowed so easily, playful yet intelligent. It was clear that Frank treated Mary not as a child, but as a person, and you chided yourself internally for thinking that was kinda hot. 
Shaking yourself out of your mildly inappropriate thoughts, you responded. “I’d love to come, Mary.” You smiled at her, bending over to help her pick up the last of the paints from the floor. “Roberta?”
Roberta gave you a look and you just knew she planned this somehow. “I actually do have some of those adult responsibilities to handle today, but thank you for inviting me.” You sent a glare in her direction, quick but no less scathing. “Maybe next time.” She winked at you before washing out her mug and saying her goodbyes.
You spent the whole rest of the day and night with Frank and Mary, doing everything from building sandcastles to cooking dinner together. Mary eventually fell asleep in your lap as you were watching Oliver & Company, Frank’s favorite Disney film that had become Mary’s, too. “An underrated classic,” they told you in unison.
You helped Frank put Mary to bed, a task made easier after such a tiring day. “I guess I should get going.” You stood awkwardly in the small kitchen, unsure of yourself and painfully aware of how close your hand was to Frank’s resting on the counter.
“Yeah, I have a job early in the morning.” He looked down at his shoes, unable to look you in the eye, and you wondered if he hadn’t found your company as enjoyable as you’d found his.
“Listen, I don’t know if you’ve been to Ferg’s? The little bar down the road? I go every Friday night just to relax and have a few beers. Maybe you’d like to come with me next weekend?”
Is he asking me on a date? You could feel your heartbeat racing. The look on your face must not have matched the excitement you felt at the prospect of spending time alone with the dreamy, kind, sarcastic man in front of you. 
He felt like an idiot when you hesitated to answer. He clearly read everything wrong. He had to fix this. “It’s a good place to meet people, you know? I know you’re fairly new to the area, so if you’re looking for more local friends, it’s a good place to start.” He winced, hoping you couldn’t sense his embarrassment at thinking that you would want to go on a date with him.
You swallowed, trying not to let your disappointment show outwardly. Of course he’s not interested in me. Stupid. “Oh, yeah! That would be great, Frank. What time?”
Frank let out a breath he didn’t realize he’d been holding, relieved that you didn’t seem offended by his offer. “How’s 7? I’ll pick you up? We can walk over together.”
And that’s how Fridays came to mean so much to you. Almost every Friday for the last six months, Frank met you at your door and you walked to Ferg’s together. Frank told you it would be a good place to make new friends, but you paid no mind to the other patrons. You only had eyes for each other, yet neither of you could see it, even though Roberta pointed out (repeatedly) that neither of you had taken anyone else home in all that time.
The more time you spent with Frank, the more certain you were that God was real and your life was His favorite trainwreck reality TV series. Even if you could have customized a dream man Build-A-Bear style, Frank still would blow your creation out of the water. He was smart and funny, not to mention an adoring parent to Mary, to whom you grew more attached each day. He was kind and thoughtful, talented and hard-working. Although he was a grouch, as Mary would say, he always was sweet to you. He took a genuine interest in anything you had to say, whether you were venting about work or filling him on the latest episode of whatever show you were binging. He was ridiculously sexy without even trying. All those hours he spent doing manual labor in the sun did wonders for his physique. You’d only seen him completely shirtless on one occasion, and the image of him with sweat dripping down his chest was burned into your memory, fueling your late-night thots and causing you to break out your vibrator on what was now a regular basis.
Six months had come and gone in the blink of an eye, and you’d begun to accept that Frank didn’t want to be anything more than friends with you. You decided tonight was as good a night as any to talk to someone new, to start letting go of your unrequited feelings. 
You swapped out your usual jeans for a sundress, t-shirt bra for a push-up, and lip balm for lipstick. Putting your phone and some cash in a wristlet, you considered wearing your new strappy sandals. The walk to Ferg’s was about five minutes each way down a sandy road, though, and memories of the sticky floor inside aided your preferred pair of Converse in their victory for the night. 
Just as you finished tying your shoes, you heard a knock at the door. You adjusted your cleavage and fluffed your hair a final time with one last look in the mirror. Here goes.
Frank felt like he had the wind knocked out of him in the best possible way. He suddenly felt entirely underdressed in his aloha shirt, even though it was his go-to for nights out of the house. He’d never seen you dressed so nicely when you weren’t going to work. 
You were the kind of beautiful that didn’t require makeup. Your natural hair always framed your face perfectly, even if you didn’t think so. He thought you were adorable when you were concentrating on something, blowing your hair out of your face with a huff. Visions of your soft curves made their way into Frank’s dreams on more than one occasion. He had seen you in your swimsuit several times, sunbathing with Roberta and swimming with Mary at the beach. It wasn’t even all that revealing, but it accentuated your figure in ways that forced Frank into needing a cold shower or two. Above all, though, he admired your heart. You’d allowed Mary into your life without hesitation, spending time with her because you wanted to and allowing her to ask all those questions that Frank just wouldn’t be able to answer. It killed him that you didn’t see him the way he saw you, a perfect partner for him and a worthy maternal figure for Mary.
“Frank? You okay?” Your concerned voice shook him out of his thoughts, prompting him to close his mouth which apparently had opened wide in astonishment when you stood in the doorway.
“Yeah, um... You look…” He looked a little confused, his brow furrowed and lips pursed. “Why are you all dolled up? It’s only Ferg’s.” He wished he could’ve kicked himself in the teeth when your face fell at his question. He rubbed a hand over his face. “Shit. Let me try that again,” he nearly begged, running up to you to stop you from going back inside. “You look really nice, honey.” He ran his calloused hand up your forearm, but quickly returned it to his side when he realized what he’d done. “Is it a special occasion, though? Should I change?”
You gave him a watery smile, given that you were three seconds from slamming the door in his face and crying. “That’s better. Thank you.” You lightly pushed at his shoulder, trying and failing to ignore the electricity you felt at the contact. “No occasion, though. Just thought maybe it was about time I actually introduced myself to someone new.” 
You couldn’t quite read his reaction. Little did you know he was certain he just felt his heart physically crack in his chest. “What do you mean?”
The two of you started walking, the tension between you thickening the very air you breathed. “Well, when you first invited me to Ferg’s, you said maybe I’d get to know some other people in the area, right? But we’re always with each other. I’m sure you’re itching to talk to someone other than me. I don’t want to hold you back.”
“Ah. Gotcha.” Frank abruptly reverted to the quiet, distant state he usually occupied before he met you. He sped up a bit, walking ahead of you and desperately attempting to school his features before you caught up with him.
Frank practically ran to the restroom, not slowing down even to hold the door open for you. You took a deep breath and rolled your shoulders, relaxing before entering the bar. Normally, whoever made it first would order drinks for you both, but Frank made it painfully clear that he had no desire to be in your company tonight. You ordered your usual, an Angry Orchard with a shot of Fireball in a tall glass. The combination tasted like apple cider, but the burn in your throat was caused by liquor rather than heat. It was strong enough to get you buzzed, but not so strong that you’d be stumbling home. You swallowed half the glass in one gulp, wanting to feel the warmth in your veins boosting your confidence as quickly as possible.
“Y/N? How are you?” You turned around, eyes meeting those of Jamie, your coworker. He leaned in for a hug and you accepted somewhat reluctantly, having interacted with him only in passing.
“Hey! I’m all right. What’s up?” You smiled at him, taking another sip of your drink. Jamie was not very subtly staring at your chest. You weren’t crazy about him, but the attention felt nice, so you allowed it.
“Not much. Just happy it’s Friday, ya know?” He looked around for a moment before returning his attention to you. “You’re usually here with that mechanic dude, right?”
You stifled a laugh thinking about how Frank would react if he heard himself referred to as “dude” by this prick. “Yeah, he’s around somewhere. We’re just-“
“-Just friends?” he finished for you with a hopeful look.
You nodded in response, looking him up and down. He was no Frank, but you couldn’t deny he was handsome. It had been so long since you’d even been kissed, and though you hated to admit it, you were touch-starved. One night couldn’t hurt, could it?
Meanwhile, Frank was splashing his face with cool water. He couldn’t believe he’d fucked up so royally. He was sure you didn’t want him how he wanted you, and now he was sure it was too late to tell you how he really felt.
He knew from the moment he saw you that he’d never get you out of his head. Roberta had been talking you up to Frank for weeks, but he wanted no part of it, mumbling something about there being “a reason why no one used matchmakers anymore.” He had no choice but to make your acquaintance when he was looking for Mary, and he’d never been so happy that Roberta could say she told him so.
Later that day at the beach, Mary approached him while you were dozing on a towel in the sand. She sat on his lap and reached for his face, using her pointer fingers to turn the straight line of his mouth up into a smile. “Roberta says you have a ‘charming’ smile, Frank. We think you should use it more.” He chuckled quietly, careful not to disturb you, and pulled Mary in close, planting a wet kiss on her cheek. She grimaced at the feeling, dramatically wiping at her face until he let her go back to reading with Fred.
The sound of the jukebox starting up cut short his reverie. He had to get out there and explain himself. Frank dried his face and hands with a paper towel before smacking his cheeks and stretching his neck back and forth to each shoulder. 
Frank exited the restroom only to find some douchebag staring at your ass as you leaned over toward the bar. He saw red when the piece of shit held out his hand behind his back while his friend slipped a twenty-dollar bill into it, seemingly winning some sort of bet.
Jamie didn’t stand a chance when Frank stormed in between the two of you. “That’s IT,” he yelled, so intense he borderline bellowed. He threw whatever cash he had in his pocket on the bar to pay for your drinks before he pulled you outside, almost getting to your door while you fought against his grip. He only stopped when you spun your body around like something out of Dancing with the Stars and jumped in front of him, forcing him to catch you.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N, what are y-”
“-What are YOU doing, Frank? What the fuck was that?” You put your feet back down on the ground but remained facing him, arms crossed over your chest.
He groaned in frustration, suddenly realizing he actually had no clue how to respond. “Fuck.”
You looked at him, tapping your foot in anticipation.
“I didn’t like the way he was looking at you.” He rubbed at his temples in the way he did when he felt a headache coming on.
“And how was he looking at me, Frank? What does it matter to you?”
“He was looking at you like you were a piece of meat and I… FUCK!”
You both turned when your neighbor opened his window. “Can you kids keep it down out here?”
You waved bashfully at the old man. “Sorry, Mr. Parker,” you said in unison.
“Come inside, Frankie.” The nickname that typically made him roll his eyes at you never had sounded sweeter, now that its use confirmed you didn’t hate him for the scene he made. You both toed off your shoes at the door before you made your way into the living room, motioning for him to sit next to you on the couch when he tried to sit in the armchair across the room.
You leaned forward, pinching his chin between your thumb and forefinger. “Now what’s going on in that sun-damaged brain of yours?”
He let out a laugh so soft you almost missed it, but you were glad you didn’t. Sitting back against the arm of the couch, you pulled a pillow into your lap and hugged it, giving Frank your full attention.
Frank cleared his throat, doing his best to accept that it was now or never. “That guy was leering at you, and it pissed me off. You deserve better, Y/N.” He pried your fingers from where they were locked around the pillow to hold your hands in his.
“If you want to meet new people, that’s great. If you don’t want to be with me, that’s a little less great, but I’d understand. He didn’t even pay for your drinks. And I th-”
You covered his mouth with one of your hands, and he knitted his brows in confusion. “You’re making it sound like it’s an option to be with you.” You were in disbelief, side-eyeing him, waiting for Ashton Kutcher to announce that you were, in fact, being Punk’d. 
The corners of his mouth lifted into the soft smile he reserved for you. It was the same one he gave you whether you were on a tangent about how “Obsessed” by Mariah Carey is “the single greatest diss track of all time” or you were helping Mary put a harness and leash on Fred “just to see how he’d do” on a walk.
“For a distinguished professor, you’re kind of a dummy, Frank.” You took his face in your hands, thrilled to be feeling his stubble against your palms. Before he could talk back to you, you kissed him, unsure how you denied yourselves such a simple yet extraordinary pleasure for so long. It only took a moment for him to relax into it, his hands removing the pillow between you before finding your waist and pulling you almost into his lap.
You deepened the kiss, threading your fingers through his hair. He pulled away first, pressing his forehead to yours. “Seems like we’re both dummies, huh?” 
You were going to ask why pulled away until you looked down to see a considerable tent forming in the front of his jeans. You laughed as he pulled you into a tight hug, one arm wrapped around you while the other hand held your face against his neck.
You kissed the side of his neck softly before leaning back to look at him. “All this time? I thought you didn’t see me this way.” You held his face, stroking his cheeks with your thumbs. “You asked me to go to Ferg’s and then said I could meet other people, so I thought that was it, you know?”
He covered your hands with his and pecked your lips softly. “Honey, I thought it was the other way around. I was trying to ask you out and you looked like you’d seen a ghost.” You giggled, spluttering a bit because tears had started falling at some point. He wiped your tears away before swiping his thumb over your bottom lip, pulling it down a bit. “We’re fools, aren’t we?”
You nodded slowly and Frank saw something wicked flash in your eyes before you took his thumb in your mouth, sucking lightly. “Jesus, honey.” His length hardened underneath you and you could feel the wetness beginning to pool in your panties, prompting you to grind down into his lap.
You released his thumb from your mouth, pressing your chest into his before kissing him again. “I think we’re only fools if we don’t take advantage of the rest of your adult time.” You removed your dress easily, returning your hands to Frank’s shoulders to push off his shirt.
He surged forward to kiss you again, working magic with his tongue against yours. You wrapped your legs around his waist and he picked you up, walking you into the bedroom. Placing you on the bed carefully, he removed your bra and panties before pulling off his boxers and jeans in one go. You thought you wanted him before, but now that you could see everything he’d been hiding under his baggy clothes, you didn’t see how you could ever let him leave your bedroom.
The next few minutes were spent exploring each other’s mouths while Frank stretched you with his fingers. You didn’t think you’d ever been so wet in your life and thought you might pass out if you didn’t feel him inside you immediately. You gave his cock a few strokes before sliding his head through your folds, coating him in your slick.
“Waitwaitwait, honey. Do you have a condom?”
“You don’t need one if you don’t want one. It’s okay.”
He looked like you just gave him tomorrow’s winning lotto numbers, taking a deep breath to steady himself before he looked at you again. “Oh, God. Are you sure?”
“Mhm. I wanna feel you. Make me yours?”
“Anything you want, honey, but if you change your mind, just tell me, okay?” He lined himself up, seconds shy of entering you for the first time.
“I figured if you were gonna be possessive of me tonight, you might as well take it the whole nine, Frankie.” You laughed as he let out an exasperated sigh. “Seriously, though, I’m clean, I’m on the pill, and I’ve wanted you for a long time.” You reached up to scratch lightly through his chest hair.
“The only thing I wanna hear right now is you moaning for me.” He drove into you harshly, but waited a moment for you to adjust once he was seated to the hilt. “So damn wet and tight for me, honey. You’re so perfect, so beautiful.” He kissed you again before he began to move, slowly but surely making you lose your mind.
He dipped his head down to take one nipple in his mouth, then the other, effectively shutting you up and emptying all thoughts from your head. He nipped at the swell of your breast, soothing the bite with his tongue. “Fuck, Frank, please!”
“Please what, honey?” He picked up his pace, fucking into you so vigorously you moved up the bed. “Tell me what you need.”
“Make me cum, Frank. Please, baby, I need it. Need you,” you cried, leaning up to bite into his shoulder, stifling your moans.
“I wanna hear you, Y/N. I wanna hear those pretty moans while I’m making this perfect pussy cum for me.” The combination of his filthy words and the sight of him sucking on his own fingers before rubbing at your clit sent you over the edge, making you scream his name over and over again for what felt like forever and not long enough.
You could tell he was close, his hips stuttering and losing their rhythm. He began to pull out, unsure if you were willing to let him finish inside you, but knowing he was too close to wait for an answer.
You hooked your legs around his waist and pulled him close, pushing him back into you. “Fill me up, Frank. I wanna feel all of you. Please give it to me,” you whimpered. His release triggered another for you, chanting each other’s names surely loud enough for the neighbors to hear. 
He stayed inside you as you both came down from your shared high, gingerly flipping you over so he laid on his back with you on his chest. He kissed the top of your head, fingers fluttering up and down your sides. 
“What’s on your mind now, Frankie?” You looked up at him through your lashes, mildly terrified of the answer.
He looked down at you with the most adoration you’d ever seen, lifting your chin so your eyes met his in the moonlight. “That wasn’t too soon, was it? You mean so much to me and to Mary. I don’t wanna mess this up. I don’t ever wanna hurt you. You’re the best thing in my life besides Mary, you know that?”
You kissed his chest before looking back up at him, smiling. “First of all, I would argue that wasn’t soon enough.” He hissed as you clenched around his still softening cock inside you.
“You’re evil.”
Winking at him, you continued tracing patterns on his chest with your fingers. “Second, that all kinda sounds like you might be in love with me, Frank Adler.”
His hands stopped moving for a second before he responded. “Would you run away if I said I am?”
“Well, I wouldn’t run away. This is my house.” You thought your heart might explode in your chest.
“I didn’t even say it, but I take it back,” he huffed, throwing his arm over his eyes.
“What if I told you I felt the same way?”
He grinned, sitting up to kiss you feverishly on your cheeks, the tip of your nose, and finally your lips. You could feel him starting to harden again inside you, leading to round two of… well, you lost count.
You ate breakfast and showered together in time for Frank to return home before Mary did, agreeing to talk more later and to hold out on Roberta for a while.
Frank stood on your doorstep, leaning in to kiss you once more. All of a sudden, you heard a familiar meow and thanked God you were dressed and not in your robe.
“Frank, what are you doing here? I thought I’d come see Y/N since I’m not supposed to come home until noon.”
You bit your tongue to keep from cackling. Frank ran a hand over his face, his blissful bubble burst. He was getting you a hotel room next weekend.
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snoopdoodle · 3 years
OMG!! Snoop, it was amazing! I’m a little sad that, I didn’t find about you until now. Your writing is so great! And are your request open or are you not taking request right now because of the collaborative. (It’s ok if there not)You can make a part 2 of Ranboo dad Reader. 🏳️‍🌈 Anarchy [I say this with all of my favorite authors, but if I’m bothering you tell me please tell me]
Ahh!! Anarchy the beloved!! Of course you can have a part 2!! The link for part 1 is right below !! Also, if I had spaced this out like I was taught in english, this would be hella long-
Dad, but not // pt. 2
platonic!ranboo x male!reader, platonic!benchtrio x male!reader
pronouns: he/him
summary: kinda angsty second part to my story
You cackled in the background as your son was blown up by a creeper. Your laugh was contagious as Tubbo started laughing with you. You slapped your knee from laughing so much. Tubbo tried to stand up, but he fell, which made you all laugh harder. “Don’t get an aneurysm, dad,” Ranboo told, and this just made you suffocate more. “Holy sh-i-i-i-t, hehe..” you spoke between laughter. “‘Don’t get an aneurysm’- heh-HEH” You tried to quote, but it just turned into a coughing/laughing fit. You groaned as your throat felt sore. “Dad, please don’t die,” Your son worried, and you pat his shoulder. “Not dying any time soon,” You started, your smile kind of turning forced.
You’d yet to tell the boys, Ranboo and his friends, that you would be leaving soon. You were happy and upset. You were only in England to do work. You could rent out a place here and leave it to one of your English friends who works in England as well. Maybe you could just buy a house here… no that would cost too much- “DAD! Are you ok? You’re zoning out.” Ranboo asked. You hadn’t realized it yet, but you had been ignoring Ranboo speaking to you. When Tubbo tried, you didn’t even reply. The both of them and chat had started to get worried. Ranboo ended up grabbing your shoulders and shaking them a few times.
“Y-yeah, I-I-I’m ok boys, I think I need to sit down for a second,” you informed. Now they were even more worried. You sat down on the couch and put your face in your hands. You had a killer headache. ‘I’m overworking myself.’ you thought, annoyed. You had asked your boss for a break multiple times, but he hadn’t responded. You thought about it for another second before deciding. You would skip a few days of work, hang out with the boys, then you would tell them. Or you’d tell them, then have your fun day…. days. Telling them after seems better. “Alrighty, I think we’re gonna end stream now, folks! Have a good day, bye!” Ranboo spoke. That was what snapped you out of your ideas.
Ranboo turned to you and sadly smiled. “You doing ok, pops?” He asked, He rarely used that name for you. Of course, you felt bad. You stood up, ignoring the sharp pain that came to your head. “Don’t worry about be kiddo… and I’m sorry for making you worry. I was thinking of stuff,” You answered, smiling as you felt Ranboo un-tense and lean into the hug. Tubbo huffed and walked into the hug as well. You moved your arm so it was wrapped around both of the boys. “By the way, Tubbo, do you have any Tylenol… or Aspirin?” You asked, ruining the mood, but making the 2 laugh.
“Yeah, we do. I’ll go get you some,” He spoke as he left the hug. Ranboo let go so Tubbo could get you some meds for your headache. Ranboo smiled, asking you s question. “So, what were you thinking of that had you so…” He stopped, as he couldn’t think of the word. “Disassociated?” You replied, “Yeah, I was thinking we could do something together. Me, you, Tommy, Tubbo, and maybe someone else if you want to invite someone.” You informed. Ranboo’s smile widened and he nodded his head. “Y-yeah! That sounds awesome!” He grinned. He hadn’t taken off his mask or glasses, but you could feel the happiness radiating off him.
“Ok, ok, kid. Let me get it planned, alright?” You spoke, chuckling. You had ford a smile onto your face as Tubbo came back into the room. He handed you the meds and a glass of water. You nodded a silent ‘ thank you ‘ to him. Ranboo grabbed Tubbo’s hand and dragged him to watch a movie. “You coming, dad?” he asked, you shook your head no and pointed to your phone and he gave a look of understanding. You walked outside and took note of the stormy clouds. You dialed the number and gave a smile when she answered. “Hey, Kristin,” you greeted into the phone. You smiled as she gave a polite hello back. “I need to ask you something,” you started. “Hm?” She hummed. You could hear her cooking in the background.
“I have to tell the boys that I’m goin’ back home soo, and I don’t know how..” You ranted, frowning into the phone. You heard a creak and turned around. The door was open. “Hm?” You questioned. You closed that door, didn’t you? Oh well. You walked back to the door and shut it firmly. “Well, I’d say you just flat out tell them. You should see how they take it, and then do something with them,” You laughed into the phone and shook your head. “That was my plan already!” You exclaimed with a grin. She laughed into the phone and you could hear her tap the counter. “Well I say you just go with your plan,” She told you. You grinned and nodded.
“Alrighty then, have a good day, Kristin,” you chuckled. “You too, [Name],” She told before hanging up. You held the phone, taking a deep breath. You walked back to the door, opening it softly and stepping inside. You could hear the thunder roar from outside so you were lucky to make it in soon enough. You walked through the halls. You heard a sniff and you stopped. “Hello?” You asked before stepping into the living room. Ranboo tuned to you and you could see his puffy eyes. “Are you really going back home soon?” He asked. Your eyes went wide and you sighed, putting your head down. You nodded to him and he sniffed again.
You walked back to the boy and pat his back. Tubbo sighed and put his head down, starting to tear up as well. He enjoyed having you here as much as Ranboo did. “I-Is that why you wanted to have a fun day?” He questioned and you nodded. “I was actually thinking of how I could stay longer.” Ranboo and Tubbo’s eyes widened as they listened to your explanation. “I want to stay longer, I really do kid. My company had only paid the hotel for the 2-week stay I have, so I couldn’t stay longer than that,” You told them with a frown. You sighed again and put your head into your arms.
“I’m sorry. Let’s just have a fun day together. You can invite that Tommy kid, if your parents’ll allow it Tubbo,” You sadly chuckled. Ranboo and Tubbo smiled at how you were trying to make things better. Ranboo called Tommy as Tubbo called his parents. Tubbo and Tommy’s parents agreed, so he walked on over. You all decided to have a sleepover-type thing. Tommy would stay over for the next 4 days that you are over. You all would stream, cook, vlog, and watch a couple movies. This should be fun. The first day you all hung out, you decided to do a cooking stream. You made a great bowl of pasta… besides the fact that Tommy spilled the sauce multiple times and Ranboo dropped the pasta noodles, breaking them into bits.
The second day, You all streamed a ‘you laugh, you lose’ stream. You didn’t laugh once, although you were very close. People had found it funny when you clapped to the song “Two Trucks” on beat. Ranboo’s hand had flown to his mouth, Tubbo had busted out laughing, and it took Tommy a seconds since he didn’t know what the song was. Chat had busted out laughing, and you only knew to do that because of how many times you had heard it from Ranboo. The other funny part was when someone donated a clip from the song “WAP”, and you had sung it word for word. Yeah… you successfully made the boys lose 2 lives… each.
On the third day, you all didn’t stream, but instead watched a movie. You decided to watch the Toy Story saga. All of you cried since you are all children. On the fourth day, you all went to a Halloween store that had opened early and vlogged there. It was all fun and games… till you all got kicked out cause, out of surprise and fear, you punched (and broke) one of the animatronics. The vlog was about 20 minutes long, so you thought it was pretty successful. Although, in the end, since you had run out of footage, you decided to do some small clips of you telling stories from America before your met Ranboo’s family.
And then you had the last day, today. Tomorrow you’d be going home. It was about 2 in the morning as you layed down. Captain America was playing in the background as the boys slept. Ranboo was cuddled up to your side, as was Tubbo. Tommy, however, was resting on the other side of the couch. Earlier in the night, he claimed that he didn’t need affection, but you knew he just didn’t want to get ‘picked on’ by Ranboo and Tubbo. You smiled as the boys shifted in their hold. Yeah, you’d miss them like hell. But hey, you just had the best 5 days of your life and, honest;y, you think you might be coming back soon.
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heated, m | jjk
pairing(s): jungkook x reader
summary: An (innocent?) conversation about D/s dynamics accidentally leads to you confessing that you think about your childhood best friend while getting off. To your childhood best friend, Jeon Jungkook. Erm. This is after he told you that you would be “an awful sub”, btw.
warnings: rated M (18+) for language, discussions about adult topics; reader is bisexual; smut (fem reader, dry humping, fingering, [tiny bit] m-receiving oral, penetrative sex); fluffy af; non-idol!AU; F2L; softdom!Jungkook x softbrat!reader; you kind of have a forearm kink and you never let Jungkook have his lovey-dovey moment, whoops
MMA 2020 ‘ON’ Jungkook? Yeah. That one.
“I could never be a sub.”
You clicked rapidly as you spoke, mashing the right button on your mouse. It was quite loud, paired with your mechanical keyboard.
“Why not?”
The music coming from Jeon Jungkook’s smartphone was a rhythm game, nearly as loud as you, since he was grunting angrily at it. It was very obvious when he missed a beat.
“I can’t imagine that being me, you know?”
You, on the other hand, were on your computer, playing with the new items in League of Legends from the latest patch. Using the practice tool, you had loaded up your favorite champion, Jhin, the Virtuoso, and messed with various builds, trying to find the best combination. So far, Lethality was feeling pretty good.
“Like why would I ever let my pleasure be handled by someone else?” you mused, reading the high damage numbers of each shot. Oh, the fourth shot felt nice. “That sounds stupid.”
Jungkook rolled over on your bed, growling in his throat as the level ended. He restarted it, trying to get a better score. “Maybe people like to let go sometimes. You know, not always be in control.”
You snorted. “I could never trust someone else with my body.”
“You got an alien body or something?”
“Shut up, Jungkook.”
“Anyway,” Jungkook continued, ignoring your outburst. “I didn’t ask if you could be a sub, I just asked what you thought of domination and submission as a dynamic in general.”
You shrugged, trying to see if you could do Baron alone. Welp, you needed lifesteal, of course. “I mean, I’ve tried it in various situations. I was never the sub.”
“Shut up, Jungkook.”
“No.” Jungkook suddenly sat up, excited that he achieved a higher score. “Look, look. I got ninety-eight.”
You craned your head to look at his phone screen. “Why isn’t it one hundred? You’re a disgrace to this family.”
He bopped you on the nose with his phone. “If I was part of your family, your family would be even more dysfunctional than it is now.”
You rubbed your nose and looked up at him. “How much gel did you use in your hair? You look like a wet dog.”
Jungkook’s eyebrows went up and he touched his long black hair. “It’s not crunchy though.” He grabbed your hand and lowered his head, placing your palm on his slicked back hair. “See?”
You pulled your hand back, staring at your palm. “Still feels weird though. I call sorcery.”
He shrugged, creaking the black leather jacket he was wearing. He wore a black t-shirt under it. The black jeans he had been wearing were on your bed, swapped for the black joggers he kept at your place. You weren’t really sure why he left the jacket on. Maybe he was cold or something. It was pretty cold in your apartment. You were wearing fleece green pajamas with Pikachu all over them.
“You want me to turn the heat up?” you said, gesturing to his jacket.
Jungkook looked down at his chest. “Eh. It’s fine. Saves you money.”
You shrugged, getting up from your chair, leaving the League client open. “You’re only staying a little while, right? Party to go to and all that?”
Jungkook followed you as you left your room. “Told you it was cancelled, so I was just going to sleep over. No reason to go back home.”
You turned around, walking backwards. “When did you say it was cancelled?”
Jungkook raised his dark eyebrows. “Literally when I walked in your apartment.”
You turned back around and went to your fridge, grabbing an aloe juice. Jungkook went to your water kettle, hunting for hot chocolate among your tea packets.
“You’d make an awful sub anyway,” Jungkook said, returning to the original subject as he filled the kettle with water from your filtered sink faucet. “Like, probably the fucking worst.”
You took a large swig and glared at him. “Alright, first of all, you wouldn’t even–”
“You’re terrible with authority.”
You paused. “Okay, true.”
“You’re angry, twenty-four, seven.”
You walked up to him and slapped him in his very hard pecs. He gestured at his chest, as if to indicate, exhibit A.
“And you’re super uptight.”
“I am not uptight.”
“Control freak.”
Jungkook turned around and placed the kettle on its stand. You swooped in with a Pikachu-themed kitchen towel and wiped the excess water away, scowling. Jungkook raised his eyebrows at you, brown eyes laughing.
“That’s literally a safety hazard!” you exclaimed, waving the towel at him.
Jungkook rolled his eyes and pressed the button to start heating the water. “Haven’t you ever just… not freaked out over every little thing? Done something spontaneous and stupid?”
You placed the kitchen towel back in its proper place. “No, because that would be spontaneous and stupid, Jeon Jungkook.”
He leaned against the counter, watching you perfectly fold the towel into three parts and hang it on the rail. He scratched his nose, shaking his head. “You should be more like me.”
“Having the police called on you because you were standing on a lawn chair tooting a party horn at four in the morning?”
“That was one time! Stop bringing it up,” Jungkook groaned.
You raised your hands in innocence. “Well, I was the one called to pick you up because you literally couldn’t remember any other number and I was very disturbed on New Year’s Eve, where I should have been peacefully sleeping and not hauling your drunk ass across town.”
Jungkook sighed exaggeratedly. “I’m sorry, okay? I won’t drink that much again. Jimin made me do shots–”
“You always blame Park Jimin,” you interjected, smiling. “Jimin’s the kind of guy who only wears clothes to take them off.”
“Well, it gets him laid, so I guess it’s working.”
The kettle whistled noisily, cutting through the conversation. You took a sip from your aloe juice as Jungkook grabbed a mug from your cupboard and poured the hot chocolate powder into it.
“You want some milk?”
He looked up. “You have milk?”
You went to the fridge and took out a small carton. “Because you said you were coming.”
“Aw, what a sweetie.”
“Shut up, Jungkook.”
That’s how it was with you two. Growing up together was the same conversation over and over of you constantly saying shut up and Jungkook always replying with no. If both your dads hadn’t been such good friends, you probably wouldn’t have been able to tolerate him. Since they were, you were forced to, which turned out to be okay, since it turned out you had similar interests in games and such. It drifted apart a bit when you two entered high school, but you two reconnected once university started.
The dysfunctionality Jungkook was referring to was your two older sisters, who both got pregnant out of wedlock and thus caused a lot of tension between them, your parents, and you, the one who hadn’t actually done that yet. And you were trying to keep it that way.
Jungkook poured half-water and half-milk, stirring it with a silver spoon he found in your drawer. You lived alone, having gotten a full scholarship to be able to pay for tuition, meals, and part of a small apartment. Your parents paid for the rest – another point of strain between you and your sisters. That’s why you kept your grades up and rarely went out.
“When was the last time you fucked a guy?”
You sucked the inside of your cheek. “Dunno. Maybe two years ago.”
Jungkook raised his eyebrows and took a long sip. “So, only girls, huh?”
You tilted your head and sighed. “They don’t get you pregnant.”
“Neither does a condom.”
“That’s a ninety-eight percent chance, not one hundred.”
He licked the excess off his pink lips. He looked like he wanted to say something, but reconsidered, taking another sip before replying. “You don’t miss dick?”
“I mean, a dildo is a dick.”
Jungkook nearly spat out his hot chocolate. You snatched your Pikachu towel again and threatened him with it. He raised a hand, coughing.
“A dildo is not a dick,” he hacked out. “You insult me.”
“Hmph.” You turned back around and placed the Pikachu towel back in its place, making sure the graphic was perfectly centered.
“You tell your parents?”
You narrowed your eyes. ‘Why the fuck would I tell my parents that I fuck girls instead of guys to avoid getting pregnant?”
He shrugged. “Give them peace of mind?”
“You think too highly of the generation before us.”
Jungkook gave you a weird look. “So… you’re just using them?”
“No.” You paused. “Okay, maybe a little, but it’s not because they’re girls. I guess I haven’t found someone who understands me yet.”
He took a long, noisy sip of hot chocolate. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“No one can understand you if you only fuck once and drop them.”
“Wouldn’t you fucking know,” you replied irritably.
“Now, I fuck multiple times before I realize it’s not going to work out,” Jungkook countered.
You shoved your bottle of aloe juice back into your fridge. Suddenly, you weren’t thirsty anymore.
“Is that the only reason?”
You closed the fridge door.
“Reason for what?”
“Is fear of pregnancy the only reason you fuck girls?”
“I don’t know!” you shouted, throwing your hands up. You spun around, blowing hot air. “I don’t fucking know why I do it, Jungkook. I don’t know why I load up dating apps to only hook up with girls, I don’t know why I don’t try to get into relationships with them, I don’t know what is wrong with me and why I can’t give anyone a chance and I don’t know why you pop up in my head every time I try to fucking masturbate! It is annoying and I do not like it, so I try to get off with someone else!”
Your chest was heaving with exertion and annoyance, hand curled onto a fist and planted on your kitchen counter, glaring at the space past Jungkook’s head, muscle twitching in your cheek. Your heart was beating so fast it didn’t feel real.
“Fuck you, Jungkook.”
And then you turned around, stalking back to your bedroom.
Or would have, if you didn’t hear the clink of the mug touching the kitchen counter and Jungkook grabbing your upper arm, yanking you back, slamming you against his muscular body. You hissed, staring into his chest.
“Let me go.”
“Hold on a second.” You watched Jungkook take a deep breath, his toned, tan skin rising and falling. The silver necklace on his collarbones flashed as he breathed. “Just hold on a damn second.”
Your eyes were on the low neckline of his black shirt. It felt weird being close to him. Not that you two haven’t been physically close, because you had. But it had never been like this. Since you realized he wouldn’t leave your mind every time you tried to masturbate. Since you started looking to other people to push him out. Since you were sure that it was not just a passing thought, not just your brain playing tricks on you. And being this close to him now, you understood.
And it scared you.
“You cannot dump all that on me and expect me not to react,” Jungkook said quietly.
“Shut up, Jungkook.”
“No,” he snapped. He grabbed both your upper arms and shook you violently, making you jerk your head up to blink at him. Jungkook furrowed his brows, his dark eyes glaring at you, jaw clenched tightly. “I will not shut up. Why should I shut up? I should shut you up.”
And then he kissed you.
Your eyes widened. Jungkook’s pink lips were on you. You. On your lips, pressed firmly against them, gripping you so tight you were losing feeling in your arms. You tore back, stumbling, touching your lips, shoulders shaking, not sure why your heart was beating out of your chest, not sure why your lips tingled and wanted more, not sure why Jungkook slowly opening his eyes and flickering to you made your knees knock together uncomfortably.
“What are you doing?” you sputtered. “You don’t even… what…?”
“I’m kissing you,” he growled, walking up to you and pinning you against the counter. “I’m fucking kissing you because you want me to.”
“I don’t…”
“Just shut up, please.”
And then Jungkook kissed you again, harder this time, pressing you against the kitchen counter, hands coming up and taking you by the waist, pulling you to him and his leather jacket, him and his black shirt, breathing your name into your lips, your hands grabbing his t-shirt and yanking him to you, gasping into his mouth. And you wanted to say, no, no, you weren’t supposed to know, but it was too late because you were shoving his leather jacket off, grasping his shoulders, fingers pressing into his hard muscles, sliding down his biceps.
You yanked your head back and his hand came up to grab it back, kissing you more, more, tongue licking your lips, hissing your name, grinding his hips against yours. Your hand came up in between you two, stopping him, stopping him and his insatiable lips.
“You have to s-say–” You moaned, feeling him harden against your fleece pajamas. “You have to say it.”
“Say what?” Jungkook muttered impatiently, kissing your hand, speaking into your palm.
“Say you’re okay with it,” you gritted out as he rolled his crotch into yours.
“Obviously I’m okay with it,” he grumbled. “Why else am I humping you in your kitchen?”
“You said I’m a c-control freak,” you groaned, throwing your head back as Jungkook slid his hands down to your ass and squeezed it, grinding against you.
“You are,” he grunted. “You can’t let go, you can’t enjoy yourself, you can’t even tell me you like me so I can fucking fuck you already, instead of me cancelling my parties so I can spend time laying on your bed and staring at you playing video games wondering when you’re going to fucking notice that I want to bang you.”
“What?” you replied breathlessly.
Jungkook rolled his eyes. “You’re so busy controlling your own life that you don’t even notice the people around you anymore.”
“What?” you repeated again as Jungkook hoisted you up by your ass and began to walk, forcing you to grab him by the shoulders and stare down his right arm, the fully tattooed one with flowers and script and the tiny circle with angry slits for eyes and a frown on the inside of his elbow, the one Jungkook said was for you and you had slapped him in the chest and told him to shut up.
“Let me take over for once,” he mumbled, placing his chin on your shoulder and nudging you with his head and his non-crispy but still not quite soft dark hair.
“You said I would be an awful sub.”
Jungkook dumped you on the bed, shooing you upwards. You didn’t move, frowning at him. He sighed dramatically.
“You would. You are,” he corrected, planting a hand on your chest and pushing you down, bouncing you against your Pikachu bedsheets. He sandwiched your arms at your sides and straddled your torso. The bed bowed far too low and you almost slid off. Hurriedly, you scooted upwards and Jungkook followed, unbothered.
“You said I’m terrible with authority.”
Jungkook wrestled your arms back down and pinned them with his strong thighs. “You are.”
“You said I’m angry, twenty-four, seven.”
He cocked his head, slowly unbuttoning your pajama shirt. “Still true.”
“And you said I’m uptight,” you added ruefully, pouting.
Jungkook shrugged, reaching in between his legs to unbutton he last few ones. “I’ll fuck it out of you.”
He paused, towering above you, eyebrow raised. His black hair curled around his ears, against his silver hoops and base of his neck. His dark eyes pierced down at you, tiny mole under his lips clearly visible from this position. You could see the bottom of his sharp chin, the black t-shirt clinging to his chest, the shape of his tan arms, one tattooed, one not, from below.
“Y-you’re pinching my right arm…”
Jungkook looked down, moving his left leg. “Sorry.”
You winced, pulling out your left arm to rub the other. He tapped your forearm impatiently with his finger.
“You’re ruining the moment,” he scolded.
“You ruined it by bruising me,” you shot back, backing up to your pillows on your elbows, grimacing as you soothed your arm.
“I’m going to bruise you more if you keep being a little brat,” Jungkook growled, following you on hands and knees, the neckline of his t-shirt hanging down, revealing way too much of his skin. Your eyes widened and you slipped, a white plush Poro bonking you in the head. He grabbed it and tossed it aside, the poor guy rolling on the floor.
“That’s very rude,” you muttered, but he was over your body now, breathing hard, staring down your now open shirt and the curve of your breasts into your black bra.
“Why do you get hotter every year?”
You raised an eyebrow. “I… don’t?”
Jungkook shoved the sides of your pajama shirt apart impatiently, reaching under your back and pinching the bra clasp, undoing it with one hand.
“Yes, you do,” he exhaled hotly. “Every year you get prettier and prettier and it pisses me off so much that I have to work out to look half as good as you.”
You felt your ears and cheeks get hot. “Well… you do look very, erm, good.”
“You’re very convincing,” Jungkook chuckled darkly, pushing your bra up and sucking in his lower lip as he revealed your hard, quivering nipples.
Your eyes shifted away from his hungry eyes. “I, uh… am very wet.”
A single, perfectly shaped eyebrow ticked. “Show me.”
He lifted himself off you, pointing down.
“Show me,” Jungkook commanded.
You tried to move your arms and found them tangled in your clothes. You frowned and shrugged out of your pajama shirt, chucking it and your bra aside, before gripping the waistband of your green fleece pants. You hesitated and looked back at Jungkook, who just flapped his hand downwards, giving you a neutral expression.
You puffed your cheeks and raised your hips, yanking your pants and panties down your thighs. You had to bend your legs a bit to fully take them off since Jungkook’s knees were on the outside of your thighs.
Now you were fully naked in front of your childhood best friend. And he was still fully clothed.
“Er, aren’t you going to–”
Jungkook cut you off. “You still haven’t shown me.”
You blinked at him. “What do you want me to do, become a fucking pretzel?”
Jungkook shrugged. “Any way you can prove to me you’re wet.”
You narrowed your eyes. “Fucking…” You bent your right leg and slid it up between his thighs, brushing against his sweatpants and feeling his hard-on for a hot second before you jammed your leg into your chest and lifted it out, pressing your thigh against your torso and raising your calf into the air. You turned your head to the left, letting out an exasperated huff.
“There. You see it?”
Shit, this position was embarrassing for some reason. You could feel cold air on your dripping pussy. Maybe he couldn’t see or something. You lifted your right arm to wrap around your thigh, pressing it down against your breasts since Jungkook wasn’t saying anything.
“That was the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen in my life,” Jungkook breathed.
“Okay, going to put my leg do–”
You gasped, suddenly feeling Jungkook’s fingertips touch your heated core, smearing your juices around the lips, his hot breath against your ear as he touched you. You shuddered as he stroked your folds, your name on his lips, his lips kissing your ear.
“Had to touch you,” he whispered against your neck, tone desperate. “I’m sorry, I just had to touch that beautiful pussy, all wet and slopping for me.”
Your eyelids fluttered as his middle finger found your clit, pressing on it. “J-Jungkook… That’s my…”
He chuckled deep in his throat. “Yeah? That’s your what?”
Slow, lazy circles, pushing it around, moan leaving your lips. “My c-clit…”
“Want me to touch it?” Jungkook purred. “Want me to handle your pleasure?”
But he as already touching it, nursing the sensitive bundle of nerves and rousing your lust, igniting it and setting it on fire.
He kissed down your neck, whispering softly, licking your collarbones. “You trust me? You trust me with this pretty, perfect, hot, sexy, fuckable body?”
You arched your neck, giving him more access as he ran his pink lips all over, rubbing your clit, mouth on your throat. Your whole body shook, hips rolling into his finger.
His breath so electrifying that you could barely focus, barely speak as Jungkook’s other hand came up behind your head, long fingers burying into your hair, holding tight, so tight it almost hurt, teeth nipping at your skin.
“Want to mark you,” he mumbled. “Want to give you a big fat hickey you can’t explain, want to bruise you so bad you’ll be staring at it for weeks, thinking about my lips on you, remembering my teeth gave you that.”
He pressed another finger to your clit, increasing the pace, and all you could do was hiss out a yes, a burning yes, a pleading yes, please, Jungkook, whining as his teeth sank into the spot where your shoulder and neck connected, sucking hard, his tongue licking away the prickling pain. His hips rolled into your thigh, his hard cock pressing against you, straining against his pants.
Jungkook moaned into your skin, so hot, so intense, rubbing your aching clit faster, harder, more urgently. Sucking and humping your leg as the feeling of his teeth and his fingers overwhelmed you, one hand clutching his shirt and one hand curled into your sheets as your thighs shook, trying to close but unable to because Jungkook was so strong, so there, so overpowering that you could only lay there and take it, take it as his name poured out of you in a breathless wail, throwing your head back as you felt your pussy clench around nothing, your juices becoming slicker, thicker, the scent of your orgasm staining the air.
He shoved the two fingers inside you and unlatched his mouth, moaning with you as he felt you squeeze his fingers, pumping you in long, slow strokes, all the way to his knuckles. You whimpered, tightening your core and Jungkook moaned again, eyes closed, his hair in disarray as you fucked his hand, clamping your hands on his right forearm, gasping at the feel of his muscle. Pussy throbbing around his fingers, hips meeting his knuckles over and over.
His eyes opened, watching your fuck yourself with his hand, an almost bored expression on his features, but you didn’t care because you felt him flex his fingers and his arm, telling you to continue, telling you he liked it.
“I thought you were going to let me do it.” Jungkook’s voice was low, trying to stay even despite his shallow breathing. “Have to control everything, don’t you?”
You caught your lower lip in your teeth, eyes moving to his face, his handsome, angular face with his black hair curled around his forehead and his cocked eyebrow, smirk on his lips.
“I’m not in control,” you panted. “Your forearm is…”
Jungkook flexed it under your hand and you moaned pathetically, breath hitching.
His smirk grew wider.
“It’s getting you off touching it.”
You swallowed, close, so close and Jungkook was taunting you and for some reason you couldn’t tell him to shut up, because he kept tensing his arm and it was so fucking hot that you really were going to orgasm.
“Say it,” he purred, breathing your name. “Tell me you like my forearm.”
Your eyes shifted down to his arm in your hands, the tiny angry face tattoo in his inner elbow frowning at you.
“I fucking love it, Jungkook,” you gasped. “Fuck, I love your delicious, sexy-as-fuck forearms.”
He grinned and began to thrust his fingers into you, fast, so fast you couldn’t even fathom how he could be that fast like a fucking vibrator, sending torrents of pleasure through you and his arm was so hard and his skin so soft that your eyes rolled back into your head, moaning his name far too loud. Jungkook placed a hand over your mouth and you screamed into it, liquid gushing down your thighs, but he didn’t stop, he kept going until you felt it again, pussy throbbing, back-to-back, eyelids fluttering, nails digging into his arm as the crescendo slammed into you, taking your breath and senses away, lost only in the feeling of Jungkook’s secure presence above you.
He slowed, breathing hard. Gently, carefully pulling his fingers out of your pulsating pussy, gasping as he removed his hand. You vaguely heard Jungkook place his fingers in his mouth, sighing wantonly at your taste.
“You taste so good,” he whispered around his fingers. “Fuck, so sweet and thick and delicious.”
Your brain could not compute what the fuck was happening. Did Jungkook just give you three mind-blowing orgasms in a row after you exploded at him and admitted to thinking about him while masturbating?
Holy shit.
He pressed his face into your hair, inhaling your scent.
You swallowed thickly.
“Jungkook, do you, ah… want something too?” you asked quietly.
You heard him snicker. “If I take my clothes off, I’m going to want to put my dick in you.”
“… I’m cool with that.”
“I thought a dildo was the same as a dick?”
You cleared your throat. “Ah… Well, I didn’t think you’d want to put a dick in me.”
Jungkook laughed. “If I had five dicks, I’d put them all in you.”
“Erm… mathematically speaking, that doesn’t really work…”
“Shut up.”
Jungkook sat up, looking down at you with a smile. The same smile he always had, but a little different now, because he didn’t have to hide his attraction to you anymore.
“You really let me put it in you?”
You narrowed your eyes. “With a ninety-eight percent chance, only.”
His smile became mischievous. “That’s not one hundred percent.”
You puffed your cheeks.
“I’ll take the two percent chance for you and only you, Jungkook.”
He grinned and turned around, throwing himself to the end of the bed where his jeans were barely holding on. Fishing through the pockets, retrieving the foil packet from the back pocket. You blinked at him.
“How long has that been–”
Jungkook gave you a silencing look. “I bring a new one every time I come over, in hopes you become drunk enough to sit on my dick.”
You blinked at him. “What.” Not a question, just you stating it.
“Because you’re paranoid.”
You frowned. “I’m not–”
He launched himself over the bed and silenced you with a kiss, deep and longing. You leaned into it, breathing softly, tongue against his, pressing back against him. Jungkook drew back slowly, thumb on your cheek. Eyes looking into yours, careful and tender.
“I don’t want you to worry,” he said against your lips. “I’ll do anything you want. I know it’s not easy for you. I know you’re not ready for the million babies I want from you.”
“I can’t have a million babies. It’s not scientifically possible,” you interjected.
Jungkook narrowed his eyes. “Can you just let me have one romantic moment?”
“Erm, sorry.”
“You want me to have a damn vasectomy or something? Because I’ll fucking do it. That shit’s reversible.”
“No, that kind of requires more time and I’m pretty horny for your dick right now. Condom will do.”
He sighed, rolling his eyes. “You are a shitty sub.”
“I will do better after I’ve had the dick.”
Jungkook straightened and yanked his black t-shirt over his head. “No, you won’t.”
Your eyes roamed over his toned chest. Damn, he was ripped. Maybe he was insecure about you being hot or something, but you were certainly benefiting. “You never know?”
Jungkook sent you a pained look and pressed a hand to your chest, shoving you back into your bed. “I’ve known you way too long to believe those words coming out of your mouth.”
You were going to reply, but he ran his hand over your chest, inhaling sharply as he brushed against your nipples. He ran his fingers over them, squeezing a little. You whined, trying to get more, but Jungkook pressed his palm down on your breast, breathing hard.
“Listen, woman, I’m about to explode in my damn underwear. Stop sounding so sexy this instant.”
Your eyes found his, pupils blown wide, lips pursed, and jaw tight. Your lips parted a little, tongue peeking out, a soft moan of his name emitting from your throat. You saw a muscle in his eyebrow twitch. He looked like he wanted to throttle you, at least a little bit.
You grinned.
Jungkook narrowed his eyes.
“You are lucky you’re cute,” he muttered. “And lucky I want to be in this pussy more than I want to be alive.”
“Don’t you ne–”
Jungkook planted his hand on your mouth. “The only words I want to hear out of you are, “Fuck me harder” or my own name, you got that?” he snarled, pressing his hand into your face for emphasis.
You nodded quickly.
He sighed, almost in relief, and yanked his pants and underwear down, wincing. There was a large wet spot on his boxer briefs, strings of pre-cum clinging as he pushed it down his muscular thighs.
“You made me a giant mess,” he muttered, eyes flickering up to you. “What do you have to say?”
You blinked at him and gave him a thumbs up.
He grinned. “You do know how to listen.”
In truth, you couldn’t say anything because you were breathlessly staring at Jungkook’s thick cock, red head glistening with pre-cum, dripping everywhere. You slid down quickly, startling him, and wrapped your lips around the head, moaning as his strong taste invaded your mouth. He hissed, gritting his teeth as your tongue swiped around, licking his length all over, feeling the veins and contours, memorizing them.
“F-fuck,” he gasped. “You wanted to clean me up that bad?”
Your eyes traveled up his abs, his pecs, his neck, to his face, giving him your best imploring look. He smirked, placing a hand on your forehead, and gradually, with great effort, pulled out of your tight mouth. Tight because you sucked in your cheeks, not wanting to let him go, but Jungkook was stronger than you. You frowned, but he shooed you away.
“I allowed it this one time. Now back to your spot.”
You backed up, tsking as you watched him roll down the condom, groaning as it covered him.
“I’m actually glad I have this fucking condom,” Jungkook muttered, glaring at you.
You couldn’t say anything, so you spread your legs. His eyes dropped down and he bit his lower lip, crawling to you, grabbing your thighs. Placing himself right in front of your soaked entrance, staring down at your pussy as he guided himself, sinking into you.
“Holy fuck,” he gasped, squeezing his eyes shut.
You moaned, feeling Jungkook’s cock stretch you out, so different from a silicone dildo or multiple fingers, because it was Jeon Jungkook praying for air as you clenched around his length, his cries of pleasure as he rocked his hips into you. Those long nights with your vibrator and his Instagram open on your phone were incomparable to his cock molding to your walls, his hard hips finally hitting your thighs, all the way in, and it was so good that you throbbed around him, shuddering.
“J-Jungkook…” you pleaded.
“I know,” he panted, hands gripping your knees tight. “I know, but give me a second to appreciate this pussy, holy fuck.”
He jerked his cock inside you and you cried out, definitely crushing your sheets, but Pikachu had seen a lot by now and there was only going to be more.
Jungkook finally began to slide out and push back in, groaning, starting slow and deep because quite frankly he needed to last more than five seconds and your pussy was not letting up. You had too much control over your vaginal muscles and he was too into you to not be hugely turned on by it, shoving your legs up higher so he could go deeper, feel more of you surround him and massage his length.
“H-harder…” you whimpered. “Please, Jungkook, fuck me harder…”
And how could Jungkook say no to that? Begging so perfectly, with just the right amount of desperation, and you didn’t even know it was driving him insane, because he knew normally you were so wound up, always worrying about being perfect, always worrying about doing the right thing, but now you were unraveling on his cock as he bent down and put more force into it, pounded you harder, watching the ecstasy in your eyes, your mouth opening and tongue peeking out, hot breath in his face. Knuckles white as you clutched the sheets, pleasure radiating up his length as you came with a cry, his name, his name on those perfect lips, lips he always watched with envy, wondering who had them, wondering who was so lucky to capture them.
And now it was just him, just him and you, and his hips slapping into your hips, pussy nearly choking his cock, but it felt so good, so fucking euphoric as you fucked him back, raising your hips to meet his, loud, wet, and lewd, probably causing a ruckus next door. But neither of you cared, your names mixing together, your eyes staring to Jungkook’s piercing brown ones, hot pleasure radiating up your stomach, your chest, to your head and there was no one else.
No one else but Jungkook’s name tumbling out of your mouth as the wave soared into you, pussy spasming as you came again, unsure at what number it was, but it was the one Jungkook wasn’t prepared for and he groaned, smacking into you one last time before you felt his cock throb and pulse against your walls, spilling into the condom. You gasped at the feeling, clenching around him, his right hand reaching over to grasp yours and hold it tightly, intertwining your fingers.
“W-wow…” you whispered breathlessly. “Nice cock.”
Jungkook burst out laughing. “You’re unbelievable.” He reached down and gingerly felt around in your dripping folds, finding the end of the condom and pulling out carefully.
“Fuck. It’s so much,” he gulped, brows knitted in worry.
You waved a hand. “It’s fine. I finished my period yesterday. Likelihood of you getting me pregnant is pretty low.”
Jungkook jerked his head towards you.
“Why the fuck didn’t you say that sooner?” he roared, slapping your leg. “I was scared shitless over here!”
You placed your hands over your ears. “So loud. Shut up, Jungkook.”
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maybege · 3 years
Booth Jazz
Summary: You and Boba explore a little fantasy – as a treat. (Part 4 of Midnight Special)
Pairing: hot dad!Boba Fett x fem!Reader
Wordcount: 4.0k
Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings: explicit sexual content, dom/sub relationship, exhibitionism, almost getting caught, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, consensual degradation and namecalling, multiple orgasms, creampie, car sex, mention of somnophilia, also these two idiots have feelings
I know it’s been a while but I hope that some of you are still interested in this little project. Updates will remain irregular for a while but you can look up the most recent posting schedule here. As always, big shout out to @ayybtch for enduring my thirsting for hot dad!Boba. I hope you all have an amazing start into the week and let me know what you think of this chapter!
masterlist | crossposted on AO3
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“Back again, huh?” the man behind the counter greeted you, “And on a Thursday no less.”
“Yeah,” you smiled sheepishly, nervously motioning to the menu, “Could I get a cider please?”
“Sure thing, sweetheart,” he nodded, wiping it one more time before grabbing a glass from behind him. You waited patiently, looking around the room and finding that while it was a little more crowded than last time you had been here, you recognized none of the people which was a good thing.
The last time you had been here, it was a weekend with live music. Now it was a Thursday evening which meant that there was a sports game of some sort playing on the large TVs, the centre of attention of the patrons that were there.
It did not escape you that the bartender looked you over, no doubt noticing your very fancy outfit for a Thursday night. Then again, he had never seen you wear anything else.
“Here you go,” the full glass slid towards you, leaving a wet trail on the polished wood, he nodded towards the end of the room, “Should I put it on his tab?”
“That would be great, thanks,” you smiled, taking your glass in hand before making your way to the direction he had nodded towards.
No one paid you any mind, the game being a finale of some sort. Still, you felt as though everybody. You were wearing a dark green cocktail dress, the fabric shiny in the low light and the neckline lower than what you usually wore. And, when the light shone just right, revealing the texture f the lace of your bra underneath. The fabric felt cool and smooth against your hot skin you felt as if everybody could see up your skirt even though the hem hit your knees with every step.
Your steps quickened when you spotted a single man occupying one of the booths at the very end of the room. He was looking down at his phone, intentionally paying you no mind and a coy smile slipped on your lips.
Without stopping, you raised your legs, making to climb over his lap as he was blocking one entry to the bench. Boba’s hand shot up, gripping your hip and keeping you standing over him while his eyes roamed over your figure.
You bit your lip, seeing how his eyes darkened when they landed on your chest, your nipples already pebbled and visibly through the fabric.
“Is this seat taken?” you asked teasingly, shivering when his hand left your hip, trailing down your legs until it simply fell to his side.
“Not at all,” he rasped, motioning to the free space next to him, “Feel free.”
You settled down next to him in the booth, Boba’s arm immediately coming to rest around your shoulders.
“Hello there, little one,” he rumbled, turning his face to press a kiss against your mouth. It already made you clench your thighs, your anticipation building a thick knot in your lower belly.
He groaned, his tongue dipping inside your mouth to taste you and you thanked the stars that the lights were dimmed in the room or else everybody would see you getting in a heated make-out session with him. His other hand went to your bare thigh, big fingers splaying over the soft flesh as he gripped it and patted your legs.
Your breathing came heavy as his mouth wandered to your jaw and behind your ear. “Sorry, I’m late,” you breathed out, leaning your head back against the plush leather of the booth, “Work ran later than I wanted it to. How can I make it up to you?”
Boba chuckled into your ear, the sound low and gravelly and sending a rush of wetness between your thighs. You already knew he had the filthiest thing in mind and you were so here for it. Your walls fluttered around nothing. All day you had been looking forward to tonight, barely able to focus on work, and now that you were here, it was as if you were already on the edge.
“I want you to take off your panties for me, little one,” he instructed hoarsely, pulling your legs open even further, “I want to finger you right here in the pub and I want you to stay good and quiet for me. Can you do that for me, princess?”
You grinned widely, putting your hand on his and pulling it in between your thighs. “I’m not wearing any … sir,” you bit your bottom lip, suppressing a gasp when you felt his middle finger swipe through your already wet folds, “you can do whatever you want with me. I’m all yours.”
“That’s what I want to hear,” he praised you, his thumb circling your clit and you felt heat rise to your cheeks at the wet sounds that came from between your legs.
“Stars, you’re wet for me,” he praised you, “Good girl. Gripping my fingers real tight, hm?”
The bar erupted in cheers at the game, chairs scraping on the floor as some stood up, calling for new rounds of beer and high fiving each other.
You whimpered, breath catching in your throat as Boba used the cover of their noise to speed up his movements. Your legs shook and you weakly tried to put your hand on his, pulling them away from your cunt as the knot in your belly tightened. Everything felt warm – hot– and tight and you felt yourself clamp around him, your feet trembling in the heels you were wearing.
Boba mumbled something you did not understand and suddenly his hand was gone and you whined at the loss, arching your hips. But then his hand came back, slapping your pussy and your hand flew to your mouth, biting into your palm as he pulled an orgasm out of you so strongly you were surprised you did not leave an entire wet patch on the floor.
Leaning back against the bench, you felt dizzy and sweaty and
Boba had sat up slightly, his body covering you from anyone who might decide to look into your general direction. He was looking over you, his face dark as his fingers lipped back inside you. Immediately your walls clamped around the digits again and bit your lip, doing your best to remain quiet.
There was the tell-tale bulge in his jeans and you weakly raised your hand to touch him. Even through the thick fabric of his jeans, you could feel the heat of him and your mouth watered at the thought of getting him into your mouth. Of licking the precoma from his tip before having him push his cock so far down your throat it would make tears appear in the corner of your eyes.
“Fuck I want to sit you on my cock so bad,” he cursed under his breath, his fingers not ceasing their movements and you whimpered, “but that would be a little too obvious, wouldn’t it? You’re too much of a cock slut to stay quiet.“
Boba curled his fingers inside you, slowly rubbing his long fingers against that spongy spot inside you while his thumb swiped over your clit and you bit into his shoulder, feeling slightly sorry for the nice shirt he was wearing as you tried to muffle your sounds. How had you just come and still craved his touch?
Your walls clenched around him. The sounds of the bar echoed in your ears, seemingly getting louder with every thrust of Boba’s fingers inside you. There were people everywhere. And here you were creaming around Boba’s thick fingers as he whispered pure filth into your ear.
“Need you to be quiet for me, little one,” he reminded you with a chuckle, completely pressed up against you, “unless you want everyone to know what a good girl you are for me.”
You nodded frantically, trying your best to keep quiet. But then you saw him look down and you followed his line of sight and the whole staying quiet thing became much more difficult. Because with how you had spread your legs, your dress had ridden up, revealing his thick fingers pumping in and out of your pussy, glistening from your juices.
A quiet moan left you. one that Boba immediately swallowed up with a heated kiss. His thumb
“If you keep this up you’re going to have to let them watch.”
You knew he did not really mean the second one. Early on in your text messages, he had told you he was not one to share – “And certainly not you, little one” – but his words still flustered you and you squeezed around his fingers.
“Have I told you how much I love this?” he whispered into your ear, clearly trying to coax another orgasm out of you and with the way your pussy got even wetter at his deep voice, it was clearly working.
You shook your head breathlessly, feeling your cheeks heat with anticipation as his teeth grazed your earlobe.
“All we said to each other today was hello before I had my fingers buried in this tight cunt of yours,” he revealed, “You did not even ear any panties, you’re that much of a slut for me. Letting me fuck you right in the booth where we first met.”
You whimpered, thankful for the loud cheers of the other patrons, and bit your lips, trying to ignore how good his degrading words made you feel. But Boba knew you and he could read your body like an open book.
With a teasing smirk on his lips, his other hand came up to your neckline, pushing it to the side and when his thumb caught the lace edge of your bra he just pulled it with him. And suddenly not only were you getting fingered undeath the table but one of your tits was bared to the warm air of the bar.
You gaped at Boba’s confidence before your mouth clamped shut trying to keep your sounds in when he started to play with your nipple. “One more,” he encouraged you, “one more time around my fingers and then we can do whatever we want,” he promised you hotly, his fingers pinching and pulling your nipple.
From the corner of your eyes, you spotted someone making their way to the washrooms. Which meant that had to pass by you. Your heart jumped in your throat and your limbs locked up, the pleasure threatening to become too much while the fear of being discovered rendered you silent.
Boba seemed to notice it too, a dark look forming in his eyes as his fingers sped up. He shifted, his body now completely covering yours in the dark booth. “C’mon,” he growled, his thumb flicking over the bundle of nerves, “Either you come right now or you don’t come at all.”
The drunken man stumbled a little, clearly intoxicated, as he supported himself on a table on the other side of the aisle. Boba made a sound at the back of his throat, forcing you to look at him and your breath caught in your throat, walls rhythmically clenching around your fingers.
There was a determination in his eyes and suddenly your entire chest was bared and Boba leant down, biting into the soft flesh of your left breast and you came.
It took everything in you to not slump forward and be seen by everyone in the bar but sideways into Boba’s body, every muscle in your body tensing before relaxing into what felt like melted butter as wetness coated Boba’s fingers.
You closed your eyes, completely out of breath, uncaring that your tits were still very much out in the open.
“Good girl,” Boba mumbled against your temple, pressing a kiss against your cheek as his fingers slowed their thrusts until he pulled them entirely from you, “My goof fucking girl.”
You smiled dreamily, pushing your face into the crook of his neck, “Thank you for making me come, Boba.”
He chuckled and you felt his chest move with the sound. “You’re very welcome, little one,” he rumbled, “How are you feeling?”
Shifting in your seat you grimaced as you felt the wat patch between and under your thighs. The leather was slippery and your skin felt like it was glued to it.
“Sticky,” you answered truthfully, heat shooting into your cheeks, “Stars, I am so embarrassed, I – it feels like I left a puddle. They will know what we did and –“
“Let me worry about that okay?” he interrupted you gently and you watched with wide eyes as he slipped his fingers into his mouth, making a show of sucking and licking your juices from his skin. His dark eyes kept looking at you and you felt your lower belly clench with want.
Stars knew you would not be able to come again so easily but you needed him.
“Let’s go to your car,” you breathed, your hands falling to his thighs, “I – I need you.”
“But you haven’t even finished your drink, little one,” the older man teased you, his lips dragging over your shoulder as he helped you to straighten out your dress. The soft fabric felt cold against your heated skin and you were glad that you had chosen a dark colour because you were sure otherwise everybody would be able to see the stains on it as it plastered to your wet skin.
“I don’t care, I don’t want it,” you pouted, one hand rubbing him through his jeans and you noted with a hint of satisfaction that his jaw tensed as he tried to keep it together, “I only want you.”
“Good, then promise me you won’t get angry with me, princess.”
Your frowned, “What-“
Something wet and cold spilled over both of you – but mainly you. You gasped at the shock, the cider immediately soaking through the fabric of your dress and you scooted away from him, quickly making a grab for some napkins that you pressed on your lap.
“Oh no,” Boba said drily, wiping his hands on a dark patch on his jeans, “I better go ask the bartender for something to clean up this mess with.”
Only now did you realize what exactly Boba had done. Because with you scooting away, the glass had not stopped spilling – it simply spilled on the already wet leather now. Which meant Boba had the perfect cover to wipe down the table and the bench and no one would be the wiser.
Well, except for you.
He came back a moment later with a rag and motioned for you to stand up which you did readily, grimacing at the sticky feeling. You watched as Boba bent over the bench, thoroughly wiping everything away and making sure not a trace of your activities was left before he stood up again.
“There we go,” he mumbled, eyes roaming over your form and his lips quirked up, “And I am sure you don’t want to stay here in these wet clothes, little one. I think I might have a shirt back in the car that you could borrow. Sound good?”
You smiled, “very good.”
Boba smiled, one arm wrapping around your waist as he guided you out of the bar. The other patrons were so busy with the game they did not even notice you leave.
The front of the bar was completely abandoned and you smiled when he led you into an all-familiar alley. “Keep it in your pants, little one,” Boba joked, passing the spot where he had first thrust inside you, “I’m not gonna fuck you against this brick wall again.”
Your shoulders fell, “Why not?”
“Because there are so many other places I want to fuck you first.”
But Boba ignored your very obvious interest in that line of conversation as he led you to the parking lot at the back of the building. Much like the bar, there were a few cars there but it was not too crowded which meant that you recognized Boba’s truck immediately, your steps speeding up the closer you got.
The headlights lit up as he unlocked it and you smiled when he passed the driver’s door and instead opened the back door.
“Not to forget the secret wish a little birdie told me,” he smiled, settling himself in the back seat, already fiddling with his belt.
You hiked your dress up, “Which is?”
Boba grinned wolfishly, clearly happy with how the evening had progressed and his warm hands found your hips, pulling you on top of him. You looked down to where he was freeing himself from his briefs, thick and heavy and already leaking precome.
“That someone would very much like to be fucked in her sleep,” he revealed, a knowing look in his eyes and once again Boba Fett managed to fluster you, “but you did not expect me to say that now did you?”
“How did you know?” you asked, softly gasping when his hands once again pushed the neckline of your dress out of the way before pulling down the soft cups from your bra, revealing your tits to the cold night air.
“A hunch,” he shrugged, “That and the fact that you were begging me to fuck you by the time you were half asleep,” his fingers rolled your nipples between them, “I believe your exact words were I don’t mind if I wake up with your cock inside me, Sir.”
Both embarrassment and pleasure coursed through and you threw your head back, “Oh stars.”
A loud groan left him when your wet folds rubbed up against his shaft. “Fuck, little one, don’t think I will last long tonight. Not like that.”
But you did not let him deteriorate from your mission. With one hand supporting yourself on his shoulder, the other pumped his cock, keeping him steady so that you could sink down in him in one go. You wanted all of him and you wanted it fast and hard.
“I don’t need to come, Boba,” you replied breathlessly, working yourself onto him, “I – I just want you to come inside me, please. W-Want you to fill me up again so I can feel you tomorrow.”
The sound he let out was beautiful and you let your hands drift over his shoulders down to the fabric that was covering him. You lifted yourself up in the process, relishing in how thick he was inside you, how he seemed to rub against your walls in only the best way, before sinking down again, the sudden movement causing a slapping sound.
Quickly unbuttoning his shirt, your hands roamed over his chest and belly, exploring his tattoos. Boba moaned, his hand squeezing your tits and massaging them roughly, sometimes venturing to circle your nipples and pull them just how you liked it.
“Feel so good,” he brought out, his hips starting to meet yours and you lost your rhythm, simply letting him fuck up into you, “Tightest little pussy just for me.”
You buried your face in his neck, whining at the way he kept using you to get off. Shit, you knew you would not come again and yet there was something so very hot about Boba for once only being concerned with his pleasure.
A broad hand wrapped around the back of your neck, pulling you away from him until you were face to face. “Look at me,” he ordered breathlessly, his eyes glassy and you leant forward, kissing him as hard you could. With every thrust, his cock seemed to reach deeper inside you and your clit rubbed against his belly, more or less accidentally stimulating you.
“You really just want me to come inside you, huh?”
His hand tightened, teeth nipping at your bottom lip. “Say it.”
“I just want you to come inside me,” you squeaked out, your “Please, I just want you to come inside me. Just use me. Please use me. Pleasepleasepleaseplease –“
He surged forward, teeth clashing against yours and his hips snapped up even harder. He was close, you could feel it in the way he hardened inside you, how his hand tightened around your neck and how his breathing became shallow, dark eyes locking with yours.
And then he came.
The car windows were foggy and your eyes rolled back in your head when the feeling of his seed spilling inside you triggered the surprising third orgasm of the night. You felt warm and full, Boba’s solid body underneath yours the one thing that grounded you in reality.
Catching your breath, you cuddled into his chest, ignoring how his come started to trickle out of you around his cock while Boba gently brushed your back, his lip pressing soft kisses wherever he could reach.
“Thank you for coming inside me,” you mumbled sweetly and grinned when you felt him twitch inside you again.
“Stars, woman,” he groaned, running his hand over his face, “You are really going to be the death of me, aren’t you?”
You laughed, “I hope not.”
It was silent for a moment before both of became aware that you were indeed very much in public and that it only needed one patron to come out to notice what you had done. Which meant that, as slowly as possible, you pulled away from each other.
“Here,” he whispered, reaching behind him and handing you a dark t-shirt, “This might be more comfortable.”
“Thank you,” you smiled, pecking his lips before quickly changing in front of him, “So what do we do now?”
Boba looked down, focussing on re-buttoning his shirt. “I have an idea.”
For a moment, you had feared that he would drive you home already.
But that fear dissipated quickly when he turned into the local fast food’s drive-in.
He got each of you a burger and a milkshake and some fries to share, depositing them between your seats. Still parked behind the neon sign of the drive-in, you mostly ate in silence, quickly devouring your food and drinks while smiling and looking warmly at each other.
Neither one of you wanted to address the elephant in the room.
Only when the music on the radio changed from Electro House something to Calm Country go home music did Boba start the car again, taking the route to get you home.
“When’s your flight?” you asked into the quiet, pressing a kiss against his neck. Your heart was still racing in your chest and with the slight sheen of sweat on your skin, you shivered from the cool night air that came through the window you had cracked open.
“Four a.m.” he replied, a large truck passing you, “A buddy of mine is going to drive me to the airport.”
You hummed, looking out the window. You had been so excited for tonight, for good reason too, but now you felt as if the little time you had, had passed way too quickly. You wanted to hold on to him, this, for just a few hours longer but a look at the dashboards clock – 2:30 am – told you there was no that was going to happen.
“Two weeks,” you sighed, slumping against his side, “I’m going to miss you.”
Boba’s hand slipped from the gearshift to your thigh, lightly squeezing your knee, “I will miss you too, little one. Did not think an all-inclusive business trip to Hawaii would have me this hesitant.”
Neither one of you said anything as he kept driving, the city sights soon turning into familiar streets and your heart ached as he pulled into the parking lot in front of your apartment complex. It was completely abandoned and only the street lamp Boba had parked in front offered a little light.
Both of you remained sitting in the car and it calmed you somewhat that Boba seemed as reluctant to let you go as you were.
“Will – will you text?” you asked, turning to the side to face him while your hand already rested on the doorknob.
He looked serious, then, nodding slowly as if getting used to the thought. “Yeah, little one,” he whispered, “I will.”
As you hurried up the stairs to your apartment, confident that none of your neighbours would be awake to see you only in a slightly too long shirt, you wondered if this something between you could be more than a booty call.
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sweettodo · 3 years
eren jaeger x reader.
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includes : smut, college au, bad plot, enemies to lovers-ish, hate sex, mention of anal play, swearing.
wc : 3k.
thank you for 700 followers ! and since it was just mr. jaeger’s bday, why not a little fic ?
"This is your fault, you shouldn't have let the door shut, the door gets jammed."
"How was I supposed to know?" he replies coolly, you shove past him, frantically grabbing the doorknob and turning it, back and forth. It was no use, the old wooden door was jammed tight into the frame, not even he could get it to budge.
"Are you hard of hearing?"
"Out of all people, I get stuck in a dingy bedroom with you."
It wasn't the best. It was border-line decrepit, all sorts of unkempt; but admittedly, it was all you and your friends could afford.
Doing what you could to stay afloat with rent, not to mention your thousands of dollars in college debt, you couldn't necessarily afford to stay on campus; so, you sought out any possible preventative strategy not to go back home, what any adolescent college student would do.
"Well, it's homey... I guess?" Connie announces, cautiously seating a box on the ground.
Beside him, Jean wipes his forehead, "are we getting paid for this?" he questions.
You raise an eyebrow, "Yeah, sure, whatever you want."
"Thanks, boys, that's enough for now, hungry?" Sasha smiles, placing a pizza box on the kitchen counter.
Truly, the house wasn't that bad, though there were some problems like any old home, like the creaky floorboards which dipped downwards in some areas of the house, or the shudders Jean had to nail back into place, or maybe that one non-working bathroom.
Yes, there were some issues, and you knew one thing for sure.
Do not close your bedroom door.
It jammed, and it jammed easily, which you found out the hard way when you had to have your two roomies pry the door open the previous day, hence the rock from outside being positioned to stop the door from closing entirely.
You all sit on the floor in the living room, devouring pizza and drinking as you all conversed and laughed.
While Connie is getting up to pour himself another drink, there's a knock on the door, "oh, finally- thought he was gonna bail on us!"
Connie quickly places his cup down and jogs to the front door, all eyes follow him.
"What took you all day? Connie and I did practically everything!" Jean complains. Your face heats, fists clenching.
"I did not invite him." You grit, Mikasa glancing at you, concerned.
"Calm down, he's more man-power."
"We've done so much without him, why does he even bother?"
Eren dismisses your complaining, he sits down and grabs a piece of pizza, "it's not like a chose to come here, Mikasa wanted me to."
Your eyes drill into Mikasa's skull, she knew how you felt about him, and she knows how he feels about you. She brushes off your daggers.
"I'm not here to help you," he proceeds, "you wouldn't catch me dead."
"Well, while Jean and I run to the store to get more nails, how 'bout you help the girls?" Connie says, ignoring Eren's last remark.
"I don't need his help, I'm okay on my own."
"Y/n- take his help." Sasha nudges, "free labor."
Your perspective of Eren was nothing short of revulsion, his only conversation piece is how many women he's slept with, how he struts around like he owns the place, he's quite contemptuous, selfish, and arrogant.
He felt similar towards you, often the first one to ruin his day. The way you were so prideful, he too thought you were arrogant, he hated how you made him feel inferior, you were a challenge- you both were complacent and it drove him fucking nuts, as did you.
Standing from the floor, you brush your hands on your shorts, "I'll be in my room," you mutter, trudging up the stairs.
"You outta' help her, Eren," Sasha says, watching you walk up the stairs, "please."
The brunette shakes his head, "hell fuckin' no."
"Eren," Mikasa speaks lowly, her tone compelling, he rolls his eyes.
Picking up the screwdriver from the floor, pushing your hair out of your face, you get down on your knees and lift the bottom half of your bed frame, the little screw in your empty hand, you groan.
"Need a little help?"
Your head snaps around, "get out of my room, now."
"I thought you were this rough-tough- independent woman?" he ridicules.
You ignore him, "can't even put a bed together, how pitiful."
He steps closer, leaning against the door in your room, which was propped against the wall with the rock, his arms crossed tightly against his chest, "get out of the way."
"No. Eren I got it."
"Just get up and let me do it."
"I'll ask Mikasa, she's stronger than you anyways."
"Give me a break, how about you swallow your pride for once, you can't do everything, y/n."
He scoffs, attempting to absorb the insult, "plus, she isn't here, she and Sasha left." Your eyes widen, feeling much more uncomfortable than moments before. You gently place the bed frame on the floor in front of your knees, sighing, "let me do it-"
He slowly stands from his position, his foot knocking the rock out of place as he leans off the door following behind him, as he steps further into the room, you leap towards the shutting door.
"Eren! The fucking door!" you cry, seeing it shut mere inches from your grasp, "it doesn't open from the inside!" you shout, scrambling to your feet, Eren quickly turns, his hands landing against the old wood as he tries to pull it open, but it was too late.
"This is your fault, you shouldn't have let the door shut, the door gets jammed."
"How was I supposed to know?" he replies coolly, you shove past him, frantically grabbing the doorknob and turning it, back and forth. It was no use, the old wooden door was jammed tight into the frame, not even he could get it to budge.
"Are you hard of hearing?"
"Out of all people, I get stuck in a dingy bedroom with you."
"Spare me your kind words, Jaeger." You grumble.
"Where's your phone? Call Mikasa or Jean." Eren pats his pockets, in search of his phone.
"It's downstairs- my phone."
"So is mine," he sighs, sticking his hands in his pockets, "aren't I lucky; stuck in a room with a prissy bitch."
"Do you like making me mad, Eren? Because I'm not one of your hoes you can insult and get away with it." Gritting your teeth, he smiles cheekily, God you can't fucking stand him.
He remains silent, while tensions rise within the walls of your room, avoiding his eyes, you uncomfortably shuffle your feet, looking at the wood flooring beneath you, Eren is beside you, pacing, "I'll break the fucking thing down."
"You better not. Or else you're paying for it."
"I'm not paying for shit," he contends, "it's your shitty house, your shitty door, my shitty luck.”
You face him, he rolls his eyes, "if you break my door, Jaeger..." you threaten, sticking your index finger in his face.
"What are you gonna do? Y/n?"
You cross your arms, he shrugs and turns around on his heels, grabbing the doorknob and trying to pry the door open, he steps back and cracks his knuckles, "Eren, don't you fucking do it." You grab him by the back of his shirt, he stops.
"What are you gonna do?" he leans down to meet your height, tilting his head, "gonna punish me?"
You gulp, "how about I fix your bed while I'm here, since I'm so nice."
"No." You spit, "I'll do it, you stay in the corner and shut up." Pushing him away, but he stands still, a smug look still on his face.
"Why be so difficult?"
"Why do you always need the last word?" anger seething within you, little pieces of hair falling from the loose bun the hair tie he had holding back his bangs, you looked in his eyes, just waiting for him to speak.
"Do you like being stubborn?" Eren steps closer, as a result, you're stepping backward, and soon he figuratively has you backed into a corner.
Eren returns the glare, your heart thumping out of your chest, throat dry and closing by every second he kept his brutal eyes on yours.
You swallow, "always trying to make me mad, right?"
"Not everything is about you, Jaeger."
"No, but it is about you though," he hums, "don't you want me to shut up? How about you try to shut me up- since it's always about you."
You hadn't picked up on the sudden rush of adrenaline that pumped into your veins, which made you - quite literally - want to crumble, but you remained dominant. His rather vibrant eyes were tough ones to overpower, you guys just stood there, trying to wield your dominance over the other.
You two were power-hungry.
Eren on the other hand was trying like hell to prevail calm, you made him so mad, made him fucking furious, he contemplated leaping out of the second-story window, though one thing was keeping his feet grounded, looming over you.
And that was defeating you.
"I reckon you have more of a problem with me rather than the other way ‘round, you don't like it when I argue with you, Eren?" you teasingly pout, snickering in his face.
His eyes are low, seductive even, you had never seen him in this light, he looked restless, but he was undoubtedly annoyed.
It's his turn to smile, his fingers snaking around your wrist, pulling you down onto the mattress which lacked pillows, sheets, and a headboard.
You comply, his fingers anchoring into the back of your hair, pulling your head back, your neck training, “you gonna shut me up? Y/n?" you're speechless, seems as if he beat you to this little game.
“You piss me off. Jaeger.” You sneer, he leans down, face inches from your own.
“Yeah? I make you mad?” he purrs, dipping his head down towards your neck and pressing his lips against your ear lobe, chills erupt on every inch of your body.
You're left speechless once again, breathless as his hand slips down the curve of your waist, up to your thigh, stopping at your knee, “yeah... You do.”
He uses your knee to push your legs onto the bed, his hand guiding you, he swiftly gets on the bed, back against the wall; placing his palm on the back of your neck, pulling you between his legs, trapping you as he's kissing you firmly.
You're taken aback, but return the kiss, his soft lips colliding with yours, he tasted amazing, but you wouldn't admit that to him.
As if the gates had finally bursted open, your motions are picking up speed, he’s fiercely pulling at your shorts and without a second thought, you're rushing to tug his shirt over his head, giving hardly a second for air before you're kissing the man again.
What’s gotten into you?
You adjust so he can pull your shorts over your knees, flinging them across the room, your hands wandering up and down his chest, feeling his toned stomach beneath your fingers.
His big hands are grabbing you by the back of the thighs, pulling you closer to him so he can easily pin your back to the bed. With a huff, he kisses further down your neck, his lips tickling your skin as he begins to lift the thin shirt towards your chest, kissing down your stomach.
Eren can't take it anymore, all that was going through his mind was how soft your skin was, how good you smelled, the way he felt you shiver under him when he kisses the sweet spot on the side of your neck.
He uses the pad of his thumb to press against your damp panties, you gasp, his thumb locating your clit instantly and applying pressure on the swollen nub.
“Stop teasing, Eren.”
He smirks, slowly applying little circles over the thin undergarments, pinning one thigh down at the same time, he watches your face scrunch.
He leans down between your legs to kiss you again, pulling down his jeans in the meantime, you feel his erection through his boxers, pressing against the crevis between your thigh and cunt.
He sits up, yanking down your panties along with his boxers, your eyes nearly fall out of your head, catching a glimpse at the sheer size of the man.
He spits in his palm, messily stroking his cock a few times before making sure your leg is secure on his shoulder.
No words needed to be spoken- no conversation could be made at the fact things were moving so fast, similar to hungry animals, like a switch flipped and here you two were, soaking for a man you despised.
His tip slips up and down towards your entrance, repeatedly teasing you against your folds with his throbbing tip.
Finally, he gradually slips past your entrance, his head rolls back, body virtually falling weak as he soaks in those spongy tight walls, sucking him in immediately, “fuck,” is all he can sputter out, taking his time to seep deeper inside you.
He stretches you out, Eren’s veins which were wrapped around the base of his cock pressing against your electrified nerves, your back arching, quietly moaning as he eventually stuffs you with as much as you can take.
“You hate me? This pussy sure doesn't.” he grunts, retreating before rocking his hips back against you.
Your leg drops from his shoulder, “on your hands and knees, now.” he demands- not having to tell you twice, he’s quickly grabbing you, and with ease, you're now on all fours, exposed from the waist down, Eren’s hands spreading you open, pulling your ass apart so he can get the perfect view of his cock fucking into you.
This gives Eren the chance to now fit his whole length into you, crying out into the bare mattress, feeling his tip stab against the entrance of your cervix.
He pulls out, one hand steadying your waist and the other holding your ass, “such a tight cunt, can't even fit it all.”
Eren splits you open, thrusting into you while simultaneously pulling your hips against his, skin slapping, the both of you moaning as you're already releasing cream all over his cock.
You feel his thumb caress the skin around the valley of your ass, “such a pretty little hole, want me to fill this one too?”
With no hesitation, you're crying out a sloppy mantra of ‘yes’, and he follows your decrees, his thumb slipping past your unoccupied hole.
You instantly clench around him, the pressure of another hole being stuffed.
Nearing another orgasm, he ruts his hips against your thighs, seeing white, your stomach tightens, body attempting to escape the harsh pressure, unraveling from the arch you were trying hard to maintain.
“Again?” Eren’s amazed at the sight, your cum seeping from your pussy, soaking the little patch of curly hair above his cock, down your thighs and onto the mattress, your leg quivering as he spares you no mercy, shamelessly fucking into you.
He holds your hips steady, “Eren, s’ big, I can't-”
“Can't what? Can't take it? I thought you were such a strong girl?” he taunts, cruelly rutting into you.
You're drooling, tears falling down your face as he fucks you senseless, “fuck you,” you mewl, he slows, but still keeps up his strong and stabbing thrusts, your body still jolting every time his cock hits your cervix.
“Fuck-in’ hate you, hate you s’much.”
“Yeah? You hate me? But look at you,” he hooks his thumb deeper into your asshole, “you’re crying for more.” You wail, gasping for air, you craved more, the way his hips knocked against your ass, sending shock waves throughout your body.
“I think I love this sloppy little pussy, too bad you're such a bitch.”
He grabs you by the roots of your hair, fingers hooking and balling your hair into a tight fist, pulling you upwards, gasping for air, “Eren-” you moan, balls slapping against your slick folds and raw clit.
His thrust becomes more sporadic, nearing climax, he savors your warm and squeezing walls before you hear him hiss loudly, his head falling back, eyes screwing shut as he's dumping a load into your abused and stretched little pussy.
“Such a good cunt for an annoying bitch.” He mumbles.
Eren rocks his hips into you, making sure your cunt is sucking and every ounce of his seed is emptied from his cock.
He swears, softening cock slipping out of you as he quickly drops down onto the bed, wiping the sweat from his forehead, you're barely able to flip over, holes still twitching.
All you two can manage to do is catch your breath, the air knocked out of both of you, his seed mixed with your own still oozing out of your cunt, and onto the bed.
He sits up, chest still quickly rising and falling before he's moving off the bed and throwing his clothes on, throwing you your shorts, “get up so it looks like we did something productive,” your head in the clouds, you try to put your shorts on, he sees you and mutters indecent things under his breath, “what? Did I fuck you stupid or something?” you stand off the bed, and he quickly lifts the bed frame off the floor and pops the long screw in.
You peek out the window, the sky a dark milky blue- and to your surprise, there are your friends’ cars.
“Connie, you owe me twenty bucks!”
“Eren, I think they're already home.” You mumble, pulling open the window to get some air before walking back towards the door of your bedroom, pounding on the door, “open the door for me please!”
You give it a few moments, standing there in a daze- legs trembling.
You try to maintain the steadiness of your legs before someone struggles to push the door in, essentially un-jamming the door. Jean is there, with a clown-like grin on his face, Eren looks at him and groans, shaking his head before Jean begins to speak.
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