#calorie restriction tw
crowleaf · 9 months
Talking about cooking and health and stuff.
CW TW for calorie counting, restricting, etc. If anything along the lines of what one may consider 'dieting' (though I don't consider this to be a diet) is triggering for you, skip over this post. Keep yourself safe 💜
I forgot how much better home cooked food is than restaurant food. Even 'nicer' restaurants (like sit-down places, nothing expensive, I'm poor and live in rural Ohio lmao) can't compare to home cooked food (the exception is like, sushi, but I'm not exactly in an area where I can get fresh fish I would feel comfortable consuming raw outside of a restaurant).
I've been in a health slump for almost a year now, since maybe last spring. Some long-time mutuals might remember I made posts sometime in 2021-22 about seeing a doctor about dietary concerns due to my somewhat high cholesterol (because I basically live on cheese and eggs). I was doing well for a while, until the app I used to track my meals started glitching. It just wouldn't save anything I put into it, and I had to go looking for another one that didn't suck and wasn't paywalled. I found one that was alight but still required a lot more effort than the one I had been using (which had also been recommended by my doctor).
So I fell off of tracking for a while. Life stuff got in the way and I didn't have the time, energy, or motivation to keep up with consistently cooking at home, and takeout was just more convenient. Unfortunately it was a boil the frog situation, in which I didn't notice the gradual decline of my mental health during this time. When you hear shit about food having an influence over your mental wellness, it's absolutely true. And you don't really realize it until you start cooking your own food. Even if you aren't cooking the healthiest thing in the world, it's going to make you feel better mentally and physically than any restaurant or takeout food will.
I've been wanting to get back to being healthy because I'm tired of being tired even after 2 cups of coffee and a bottle of dr pepper throughout the day. And because I'm sure my cholesterol is back up to the Shitty Range again, but I'll need to wait until the next blood test to find that out.
I had to wait until after the holidays to restock my kitchen with real food because no fucking way was I shopping around Christmas and New Year's. So now I have real food again, and it's wonderful. I already feel better overall. I haven't had this much energy in like, a year. I actually wanted to clean today and I fucking hate cleaning with every fiber of my being.
And yes, I am restricting calories, because this was what my doctor told me to do. I'm not technically under his supervision anymore, but that's just because he had told me I was doing well and didn't need him to check in on me every month, but I could go back if I wanted, if I had any issues. I'm not making my daily calorie goal/limit public because it's tailored to my height, weight, age, and birth gender, so it won't suit everyone and I also don't want people screaming at me and telling me I'm 'starving' or some shit (I'm all for body positivity, but I really hate the toxic, anti-health side of it).
But I need that restriction and tracking because I probably have undiagnosed BED, and it helps me a lot with that. Without it, I tend to eat absurdly sized meal once a day that is lacking in well-balanced nutrition, and leaves me feeling physically unwell. Or I graze on food all day that has zero nutritional value and also leaves me feeling unwell.
This isn't about weight loss for me, though that is a nice side effect and I won't lie when I say it's exciting fitting into clothes I haven't been able to wear in years. It's about health - physical and mental - and I know I feel best when I'm getting enough protein (something I struggle with when not tracking) and eat a controlled amount of calories.
Anyway it's just nice to feel good and energetic and healthy again after so long and I just wanted to ramble about it I guess.
Also, I know that not everyone can cook for themselves, for whatever reason. Disability, money (I'm on food stamps and it's the only reason I can afford healthy food), time, etc. I am in no way trying to shame anyone for not being able to or not wanting to cook. I don't care what anyone else does. This post is just about me and what makes me feel happy and healthy.
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akinalai · 24 days
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Mini body check, what do yall think
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+*:ꔫ:*﹤ When you sit down, everyone can see the rolls in your stomach and the way it flops over your waistband +*:ꔫ:*﹤
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stargirlanthem · 6 days
good morning angelss, i have a good feeling about today and i wish everyone 0 appetite and low cal meals 🤍🤍
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honeym00nheart · 1 day
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lapauradelbui0 · 3 months
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bloodyangelx · 3 months
mealspø ♡
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hellokittyscals · 4 months
low cal recipes ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
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୨⎯ enjoy ⎯୧
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slimdoll · 4 months
nothing better than browsing tumblr on an empty stomach.
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4narecipes · 4 months
Recipes --
Hey, I plan to add to this as I go, this is just gonna be an ever changing index of recipes that can be looked through. These are a mix of recipes I have found from other people, some with my own edits, and some without - each have a link to the corresponding post.
Breakfasts -
Pancakes - 184/148cals total for 4-6 pancakes
Banana Waffles - 80-100cals per serving (makes 4-5 servings)
Crepes - 52cals per serving (makes 6 servings)
Soups -
Carrot and Ginger Soup - 118cals per serving (and total)
Savoury Meals -
Chana Masala (Chickpea Curry) - 189cals per serving (makes 2 servings)
Shakshuka - 124cals per serving (and total)
Grilled Lime Chicken - 156cals per serving (makes 2 servings)
Snacks/Desserts -
Cooked Cinnamon Apple - 35-75cals per serving (depends on size of apple)
Small Chocolate Mug Cake - 50cals total
Banana Muffins - 108cals per serving (makes 6 servings)
Carrot Cake Muffins - 98cals per serving (makes 6 servings)
Chocolate Cupcakes - 100 per serving (makes 12 servings)
Apple Pie Cookies - 95 per serving (makes 12 servings)
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crowleaf · 1 year
I'm a little wine drunk and I'm gonna talk about protein and my probably undiagnosed BED so like cw tw i guess
I think I've figured out the Solution to my binge eating, which usually happens toward evenings. Full disclosure, I am calorie tracking again because I've been feeling like shit and it's a good way to remind myself of what a Normal Ass Portion size is and so I stop wondering why I feel like shit after I eat 3/4 of a pizza in one sitting
Anyway I'll be having great calorie days, eating what I thought were fairly weell balanced meals and then 10 PM rolls around and I turn into a black hole. Weed makes it worse for obvious reasons and I usually smoke at night. I'll end up going like 500-600 calories over even if I'm eating 'healthy' things like cherries and nuts and granola. Then I wonder why I have IBS attacks in the middle of the night.
I started increasing my protein intake just because I felt like I ate way more carbs than anything according to my tracker and thought well maybe adding more protein will be good. And what the fuck, I just figured out what every other Health Nut and Keto Weirdo or whatever has known forever. Protein keeps you fucking satiated.
I had been focusing more on fiber, because fiber keeps you full, or so I thought. but full and satisfied aren't the same things. For the past week (and yes I have been tracking during this hell week because it is the only thing I have any control of in my life right now) and according to my stats 25% of my calories have been from protein and I've had very little urge to snack, even when high at night. Even at my mother's, where I usually binge mindlessly due to like, psychological reasons and her house always being full of snacks, I had like maybe two girl scout cookies and 100 calories worth of these locally made saltwater taffies and I was good. Normally I would have eaten until I felt physical bloat, like, my jeans felt too tight. But I was fine. I didn't feel full, but I didn't feel any hunger, imagined or otherwise.
And I've lost three pounds. Probably mostly water weight because I love salty things and have cut back on sodium as an side effect of cutting out a lot of snacking. So yeah, I've been eating a shit load of tofu and fish and putting protein powder in a lot of stuff. It's great. And I have so much energy now that I feel restless from sitting too long and have to pace around. I actually thought I was manic again but i didn't have any other symptoms, just more energy.
Anyway, the food you eat has a direct influence on how you feel. Fucking shocking right.
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akinalai · 21 days
,,i forgot to eat” wdym food isnt the only thing you have on your mind 24/7?
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 Other people have their bones visible through their skin. I'm not convinced you even have bones they're so well hidden beneath all that fat. ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
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mango-lover26 · 7 months
I love mealspø so much🥰 Everything is so neat and tidy and aesthetic🥹
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When eating this way you’re practically manifesting being skinny and dainty and perfect✨
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iconicandpresent · 5 months
In case you forgot ᥫ᭡
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sl3epyskul · 7 months
sometimes i forget that ⭐️ving will actually make me drop w31ght.. like i ⭐️ve for weeks and get confused when family members point it out😭 im such a dunce sometimes
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