#cancer healing visualization / guided meditation
Visualization Meditation Most Poweful Tool for Manifestation
Visualization Meditation Visualization Meditation is among those terms that refer to how you can meditate using visualization. While some may distinguish between visualization and meditation, the terms are often used interchangeably, particularly among practitioners of the Law of Attraction. As children, our imaginations run wild, visualizing ourselves in fantastical scenarios. Whether it’s…
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thatdruidgal · 2 years
grimoire organization 2022
Greetings, everyone! This is how I've organized my grimoire for 2022. I use Obsidian to write it digitally.
This is just my personal preference for organization, so no worries if yours looks different! There are as many ways to organize a grimoire as there are witches and wizards in the world.
Tell me what you think! What parts do you like? What do you think I should add? Anything I'm missing or suggestions to make it better? Feel free to comment how you organize your grimoire below!
Farewell, and good tidings!
01.00 introduction
01.01 book blessing + protection
01.02 devotion/dedication
01.03 codes/rules/tenets
personal code
code of celtic druidism
the celtic commandments
01.04 intentions and goals
01.05 learn more/add to grimoire (notes)
02.00 about author
02.01 names
02.02 personal craft
02.03 life path number
02.04 birth tarot card
the emperor
02.05 astrology birth chart
sun in leo
moon in capricorn
ascendant in aquarius
mercury in virgo
venus in leo
mars in pisces
jupiter in leo
saturn in cancer
uranus in pisces
neptune in aquarius
pluto in sagittarius
02.06 celtic zodiac
hazel “the knower”
02.07 personal beliefs (brief)
02.08 favorites
magical tools
02.09 relationships with spiritual beings
02.10 psychic abilities (clair-)
02.11 personal signature/symbols
02.12 ancestry
02.13 how i want to be remembered
03.00 basics
03.01 types of spells
verbal spells
candle spells
sigil spells
jar spells
03.02 ritual work
the ritual model
meditation + grounding
directing energy
clockwise vs. counterclockwise
03.03 types of correspondences
mental clarity
03.04 sabbats 
about sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
03.05 altars
03.06 spirit guides
about spirit guides
ancestor guides
ascended masters
archetype guides
guardian angels
animal guides
03.07 auras
about auras
03.08 alphabets + code language
ogham alphabet [not featured here]
03.09 symbols
celtic symbols
03.10 about divination
04.00 nature
04.01 the three elements
04.02 talking to nature
04.03 lunar phases 
full moon
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
blue moon
black moon
lunar eclipse “blood moon”
solar eclipse
moon void
04.04 herbs
for saining 
how to dry + store
04.05 gardening
companion plants
night-blooming plants
04.06 waters
rain water
storm water
dew water
snow water
moon water
sun water
river water
sea water
spring water
lake water
well water
swamp water
rose water
florida water
salt water
rosemary water
how to make moon water
04.07 aromatherapy
essential oils
custom for calm
05.00 minerals
05.01 crystals (by intention)
ones i own
ones i do not own
05.02 stones
precious stones
hag stones
wishing rocks
heart stones
05.03 jewelry
05.04 amulets
about amulets
charging amulets
05.05 charging
05.06 cleansing + care
05.07 salts
06.00 spirits
06.01 relationships with the spirits
06.02 when making offerings…
06.03 offering ideas
06.04 spirit guides
how to contact
talking to spirit guides
questions to ask
06.05 the fae
about the fae
offering ideas  
(some) types of fae
07.00 altars
07.01 layouts
07.02 what to use/ideas
07.03 for the elements
07.04 for sabbats
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
08.00 recipes
08.01 general tips
08.02 infusions
herb-infused oil
rose oil
08.03 foods
lughnasadh herb bread
litha orange honey cake
rosemary-honey shortbread
enchanting flower and herb spread
08.04 drinks
fire cider
08.05 potions
08.06 natural remedies
elderberry syrup
08.07 lotions
rose hip lotion [personal]
08.08 cleaning products
pine needle spray
08.09 misc
four thieves vinegar
09.00 spells + rituals
09.01 affirmations
lunar affirmations
09.02 sigils
passive sigils
active sigils
creating sigils
charging sigils
09.03 sachets + jars
anti-anxiety sachet
09.04 prayers
simple opening prayer [personal]
druids prayer
09.05 blessings
old irish blessing
blessing lavender tea [personal]
garden blessing
seedling blessing
09.06 lunar rituals
new moon
waxing crescent
first quarter
waxing gibbous
full moon
waning gibbous
last quarter
waning crescent
09.07 sabbat rituals
yule (winter solstice)
ostara (spring equinox)
litha (summer solstice)
mabon (fall equinox)
samhain (halloween)
09.08 birthday ritual
09.09 solitary dedication ritual
10.00 divination
10.01 astrology birth charts
10.02 zodiac signs
10.03 celtic zodiac
10.04 basic tarot card meanings
major arcana
minor arcana, cups
minor arcana, swords
minor arcana, staffs
minor arcana, discs
10.05 tarot spreads
10.06 cleansing the tarot deck
10.07 omens
10.08 psychic abilities
about psychic powers
what to use them for
developing psychic abilities
11.00 library
11.01 dictionary/encyclopedia (?)
11.02 science and magic(k)
matter and energy
11.03 celts
celtic clothing
celtic days
11.04 druidry
about druidry
druid organizations
11.05 paganism + animism
11.06 types of divination
sacred geometry
11.07 types of witches/witchcrafts
green witch
eclectic witch
kitchen witch
solitary witch
cottage witch
grey witch
hedge witch
sea witch
religious witch
moon witch
sun witch
elemental witch
fire witch
earth witch
water witch
air witch
swamp witch
faery witch
cosmic witch
divination witch
crystal witch
secular witch
urban witch
literary witch
forest witch
music witch
chaos witch
shadow witch
techno witch
desert witch
art witch
natural witch
hereditary witch
11.08 types of psychic ability
11.09 tree lore
11.10 animal lore
11.11 misc correspondences 
12.00 inspiration
12.01 legends and myths
fionn mac cumhaill and the salmon of knowledge
12.02 poetry
alder dance
the oak tree
augeries of innocence
putting in the seed
to the cardinal, attacking his reflection in the window
nature aria
the gray heron
12.03 artwork [not featured here]
12.04 photography [not featured here]
13.00 shadow book [personal]
13.01 affirmations
13.02 recipes
13.03 cleansing
13.04 warding
13.05 enchanting
13.06 verbal spells
13.07 candle spells
13.08 sigil spells
13.09 jar spells + sachets
13.10 crystals
13.11 rituals
13.12 tarot divination
getting to know the field tarot deck [archive]
13.13 dreams
13.14 craft challenges
13.15 holiday celebrations
13.16 miscellaneous
13.17 craft advice
from mickey
14.00 personal beliefs
14.01 personal beliefs (expanded)
14.02 creation of the universe
14.03 death + otherworld
14.04 time
14.05 “spirituality”
14.06 magick
15.00 index of personal contributions
16.00 list of sources of information
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
Mindful Consumption 101 Challenge: Week 2✨🌍 | Holistic Leveling Up
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🌼challenge overview🌼 week one day eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen
✨continue straight to the YouTube playlist✨
Day 8: May 21: Chris Beat Cancer
+ Forgiveness Meditation
+ Malasana squat pose (5 min hold, x5)
Day 9: May 22: Our Consumer Society
+ Carl Jung NDE Guided Visualization meditation
+ Donkey Kicks (50 reps per leg, x3)
Day 10: May 23: The Next Black (The Future of Clothing)
+ Sleep Soul meditation
+ Bicep curls (5 min) and tricep extensions (5 min) - light weights (x3)
Day 11: May 24: The Medium is the Message
+ Full Body Reiki for Mindfulness & Grounding
+ Freestyle Dance Workout (25 min)
Day 12: May 25: How Herding Evolved into Capitalism, Slavery, Sexism, and more
+ Totality of Possibilities meditation
+ Alternate high knees (1 min) & mountain climbers (1 min), x10
Day 13: May 26: How Lucid Dreaming Really Works
+ Guided Meditation for Lucid Dreaming
+ Straight punches (20) and front kicks (4), as many rounds as you like
Day 14: May 27: Long Term Raw Vegan Looks Unbelievable @ 63 & Shares Her Secrets
+ Heal Your Body meditation
+ 115 squats
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I believe I was 12 years of age when I began to menstruate. I started taking birth control pills at about 14 because it was such an unbearable experience. I had negative thoughts- wishing I could die for 10 days and come back to life when it was over.
I was at war with my body from the beginning.
The days were long, heavy, and painful. The birth control shortened the days from 10 to 7. The pains persisted but were manageable and the flow wasn’t as heavy.
Birth control helped me get through each month.
When I stopped taking birth control, my body did not menstruate for months. My immature mind thought, well that’s cool, now we don’t have to worry about getting pregnant. Eventually, I menstruated again, and it did not stop. I bled for an entire month- thinking my body would regulate itself. But I couldn’t wait any longer and decided to get back on birth control.
I understood this cycle: stop taking it means no menstruation for several months, then, menstruation for at least a month.
In 2016, I was severely depressed and living with an abusive partner. This was my 2nd or 3rd time trying to get off birth control. The menstruation occurred and lasted for a month; however, it was the heaviest flow I had ever experienced. I used the biggest feminine product I could find and yet, was going through 3-4 of those in one day. I feared I would die. I didn’t know then, but I know now that I was hemorrhaging.
I went to the doctor seeking a way to make this stop without getting back on birth control. I was given 7-10 pills to take daily until they ran out and then I’d be fine. This did not work so I got back on birth control but, felt the doctors had failed me.
In 2019, I was no longer in that abusive relationship and was in the process of finding who I really was- discovering the boundaries I needed to erect in order to properly care for me.
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One day, I laid down on my bed and placed my hands over my ovaries. Then I talked to my femininity. I told her I was sorry for all that I allowed. I told her that we will sync up with Mother Moon to be guided and healed. I encouraged that we could do this because I am listening now. Without taking the birth control, I menstruated monthly consistently for seven days. My flow was average, not heavy. I found a mediation on the app, Insight Timer, to which I continued to talk to my body. In the mediation, I visualized pink or white light radiating from within me. At the end, I asked my feminity, “Is there anything you need from me?” Once, I heard the word avocado. I had never eaten an avocado before this day. I researched it wondering why it came up in my mediation.
Avocados help with managing the natural hormones in your body. They are beneficial for stabilizing the reproductive organs. They contain healthy fats and antioxidants- preventing cervical and breast cancers.
In 2022-23, I took my womb healing to the next level by reading a book called Sacred Woman. I learned that menstruation lasting 3 days is optimal. I set a goal for myself to get down to 5 days without any cramps and pains. I abstained from sexual relations for 2 months. I drink teas, meditate daily, take walks, and have released stored memories that have stifled my femininity. At the time of writing this, my menstruation lasts 5 days and I experience ZERO pain. When it is my time of the month, I limit my social interaction for two days- giving time to me and my body. I also raise my legs on pillows to help the blood flow. Lastly, I drink chamomile and lavender teas to relax my body as well as burdock root and dandelion for iron replacement.
All this is to say that the symptoms I was experiencing in my teen and young adult years were cries from my femininity and I covered those up with birth control pills. I wanted to share this story for the women who want to heal themselves or try something different. I use the calendar method when deciding when to be intimate, via the app, Stardust- best accuracy.
Here are some of my practices:
• Plant based diet (no soy or dairy- hormonal disruptors)
• Reading Sacred Woman by Queen Afua
• Yoga practice
• Breathing exercises (Alkaline & Breath of Fire)
• Walks in nature / Meditation- Visualization
• Teas for iron and relaxing the body
• Journaling feminine wounds / Calendar log
• #1 Talking to my body: Gratitude / Affirmations
• Propping my legs on pillows
• Periodically practicing abstinence
Good luck on your healing journey, may this assist who it may.
-// Blessings 🌺
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anoasisofh · 2 months
Exploring Alternative Cancer Care: A Look at Alternative Cancer Doctors in the USA
In the realm of cancer treatment, alternative approaches have gained traction as people seek complementary therapies alongside conventional treatments. Alternative cancer care offers a holistic approach that addresses the mind, body, and spirit. In the United States, alternative cancer doctors play a crucial role in providing these innovative treatments. Let's delve into the world of alternative cancer care and explore the role of alternative cancer doctors in the USA.
Understanding Alternative Cancer Care
Alternative cancer care encompasses a diverse range of therapies and practices that diverge from conventional medical approaches. These may include dietary changes, herbal supplements, acupuncture, meditation, and more. The focus is on boosting the body's natural healing abilities, reducing treatment side effects, and improving overall well-being. While not intended to replace traditional treatments like chemotherapy or radiation, alternative approaches can complement existing protocols and enhance the patient's quality of life.
The Role of Alternative Cancer Doctors
Alternative cancer doctors, also known as integrative oncologists or holistic practitioners, specialize in providing alternative cancer care. They combine conventional medical knowledge with complementary therapies to offer personalized treatment plans tailored to each patient's unique needs. These doctors prioritize patient-centered care, emphasizing open communication, shared decision-making, and empowering patients to take an active role in their healing journey. Through comprehensive assessments and ongoing support, alternative cancer doctors guide patients towards optimal health and resilience.
Key Components of Alternative Cancer Care
Alternative cancer care focuses on addressing the root causes of cancer and supporting the body's innate ability to heal. This approach may involve:
Nutritional Therapy: Emphasizing whole foods, organic produce, and nutrient-rich diets to optimize immune function and promote detoxification.
Mind-Body Techniques: Utilizing practices such as meditation, yoga, and visualization to reduce stress, enhance relaxation, and stimulate the body's self-healing mechanisms.
Detoxification Protocols: Supporting the body's natural detoxification pathways through methods like saunas, colon hydrotherapy, and intravenous vitamin therapies.
Herbal Medicine and Supplements: Incorporating botanical remedies and nutritional supplements to bolster immune function, reduce inflammation, and support overall health.
Finding Alternative Cancer Doctors in the USA
The USA boasts a growing number of alternative cancer doctors who are committed to providing integrative and holistic care. These practitioners can be found in various settings, including integrative cancer centers, private clinics, and academic medical institutions. Patients can explore online directories, seek referrals from healthcare providers, or consult with advocacy organizations to connect with qualified Alternative Cancer Doctors in USA their area.
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celestialnorsepagan · 3 months
Harnessing March's Celestial Energies: A Celestial Norse Neopagan Witch's Guide
I've always been deeply attuned to the rhythms of the cosmos and the ways in which celestial movements can influence our inner and outer worlds. March brings a unique cosmic schedule that is poised to affect our feelings, sensations, mental clarity, and physical well-being. Moreover, these astral shifts can have profound implications on a global scale, influencing collective consciousness and the natural world. In this guide, I'll share insights into the celestial dynamics of this month and offer protective practices to shield your soul from external negativity.
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The Cosmic Schedule of March
March's celestial landscape is marked by pivotal planetary movements and alignments that serve as cosmic catalysts for personal and collective transformation. Key celestial events include the Equinox, signifying a time of balance and renewal, and the dance of planets such as Mercury, Venus, and Mars through various zodiac signs, each bringing its own energy and lessons.
Equinox (March 20th): The Equinox is a time of equilibrium, where day and night are of equal length, reminding us of the importance of balance in our lives. This celestial event heralds a period of new beginnings and is an ideal time for setting intentions and planting the seeds for future endeavors.
Planetary Alignments: The movement of Mercury into Pisces early in the month heightens our intuition and emotional depth, encouraging introspection and spiritual growth. Venus' transit into Aries mid-month ignites passion and inspires us to take bold actions in pursuit of our desires. Mars' presence in Cancer towards the end of March focuses our energy on nurturing and protecting what we hold dear.
Impacts on Feelings, Sensations, and the Physical Body
The cosmic schedule of March invites us to tune into our feelings and sensations more deeply, as these celestial movements stir the waters of our emotional worlds. The energy of Pisces can enhance our empathic abilities, making us more sensitive to the energies around us. This heightened sensitivity requires us to be mindful of our boundaries and to practice self-care diligently.
The fiery influence of Aries, coupled with the nurturing vibes of Cancer, may lead to fluctuations in our energy levels. It's crucial to listen to your body and honor its needs, whether that means engaging in vigorous physical activity or taking time for rest and recuperation.
Global Implications
On a macro level, the celestial dynamics of March are likely to stimulate shifts in global consciousness, prompting a collective reevaluation of values related to balance, action, and care. These astral influences can spark movements aimed at healing and protecting the planet, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all life.
Protective Practices for Your Soul
To navigate this month's cosmic energies gracefully and safeguard your soul from external negativity, I recommend the following practices:
Shielding Meditation: Visualize a protective shield of light surrounding you, repelling negative energies and only allowing love and positivity to penetrate. This practice is especially powerful during the Equinox.
Nature Connection: Spend time in natural settings to ground yourself and harmonize with the Earth's energy. This connection can provide a stable foundation amidst the fluctuating cosmic energies.
Ritual Baths: Incorporate water into your spiritual practice by taking ritual baths infused with sea salt and essential oils like lavender or rosemary. Water is a powerful element for purification and can help clear negative energies.
Crystal Work: Utilize crystals such as black tourmaline for protection, amethyst for spiritual growth, and rose quartz for self-love. Keep these crystals on you or place them in your living space to amplify their protective and healing energies.
March's cosmic schedule presents a profound opportunity for personal and collective growth. By understanding the celestial influences at play and incorporating protective spiritual practices, we can navigate this period with grace and emerge stronger, more balanced, and aligned with our highest selves. Remember, the cosmos speaks to those who listen, and by tuning into its rhythms, we can harness its energy for our well-being and the betterment of the world.
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akashasananda · 4 months
How to Incorporate Astrological Wisdom Into Your Daily Routine by TwinRay
Discover how to read your birth chart and interpret its positions of zodiac signs, sun, moon, and planets with this illustrated book of star lore. Gain psychological insights as well as ways astrology can assist in self-help efforts.
Beyond daily Sun sign horoscopes, gain an in-depth knowledge of what each day brings with its energy.
Sun Sign
Shekinah Ma and Sanandaji  (TwinRay) highlight that after reading your daily horoscope (or tarot/oracle reading), take a moment to visualize the energy you will be working with that day. This exercise can help expand your awareness while beginning to trust your intuition.
Once your goals for the day have been set, continue your routine with an open yet peaceful mind. This helps harness energy in an effective and fun manner!
To help us identify which astrological wisdom may best correspond with your sign, we can divide the subject matter into elemental categories:
Astrology can guide fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) regarding creative pursuits, relationships, and business ventures. Fire signs thrive when given freedom and support to express themselves freely and take risks in pursuit of their creative endeavors.
Earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) find comfort in routine and the comfort of home and nature. Finding time for reflection, meditation, journaling, or working on creative projects can ground and re-energize them; their zodiac is also ruled by Saturn and Pluto, which represent structure and discipline, respectively.
Air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) can find motivation through intellectual pursuits, new hobbies, or considering situations from an alternate angle. Their expansive energy allows them to see the bigger picture and visualize solutions to seemingly impossible problems.
Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) should take steps to release emotions or seek emotional healing through therapy or manifestation practices that help them stay centered with life's flow. Massages, spa treatments, or time in nature will naturally nurture them as sensual beings.
Moon Sign
If your moon sign falls within Cancer, you are an empath who prioritizes emotional centeredness. While you tend to be generous and loving, sometimes your emotions can run amok and get out of hand - this lesson requires learning to become more self-sufficient so as not to give away too much energy through giving.
Your moon sign of Gemini combines your chatty social side and soulful, emotional sensitivity in one package. TwinRay can see that you feel everything deeply, often processing them by speaking aloud about them. Additionally, this placement gives you a sixth sense of who to connect with, often seeing patterns others miss. However, as this could leave you talking in circles at times, activities to calm the mind and reduce anxiety could help alleviate some of this tension.
Your moon sign is one of the most intimate components of your astrological chart, providing insight into archetypal qualities and challenges for each month of your birth report. While knowing more about your moon sign may provide deeper insight, it remains vitally important for understanding your entire chart through this lens.
At birth, every sign represents 30 degrees; your moon's position at that time will determine which sign best describes you. For instance, Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's moon resides in Gemini, while tennis player Serena Williams falls under Virgo.
Knowing your moon sign can give you a deeper connection to both spiritual and emotional aspects of yourself. By better understanding yourself and how you express emotions more openly, you'll be better equipped to craft an authentic and balanced life for yourself.
Rising Sign
Astrologers recommend getting to know both your Sun sign and rising sign. Your rising sign describes how others perceive you; some even call it the mask you wear! Learning your rising sign can be done through either reading a horoscope for your star sign or your birth chart.
According to TwinRay, birth charts provide a map of the skies at the precise time and location of your birth, showing which planets were in motion at that exact moment. Astrologers use 12 divisions called houses to analyze various aspects of life when writing your horoscope; the rising sign is one such house, which allows astrologers to gain insights into aspects of your life when writing it out for you.
Search "what is my rising sign" into any search engine, and you will be met with numerous calculators that require your date, time, and place of birth to produce results. While these calculators may only show you your rising sign alone, or full birth charts featuring every planet at its position at the time of your birth, with which signs influencing each planet can also be purchased separately.
Assemble a list of trusted friends or family members to remember the date and time of your birth, or go directly to a hospital and request your birth certificate. If you're fascinated with astrology, more in-depth readings, called natal chart rectification, are also available - these involve asking more detailed questions about your life while using an astrologer who uses rectification to discover exactly when your birth time was.
People perceive those born under Libra rising as charming and flirtatious, yet you are an adept strategist behind the scenes. Being known as the sign of equilibrium, Libra air signs often think before speaking and carefully weigh all their options before making decisions based on peer pressure or gut feelings. You have good intentions overall!
Third House
TwinRay can attest that the third house symbolizes your intellectual processes and environment. This house represents communication in its many forms: writing, reading, teaching, and research--it is where your voice may lie. On a more mundane note, foreign affairs treaties and legal documents may also appear here.
While not as riveting, your third house remains essential in your chart. Many astrologers consider it the most crucial in Western astrology - making it key if you wish to learn how to communicate clearly. Suppose this is where your journey begins.
You could be very creative with words based on which planets reside in this house. This sign governs poets, writers, journalists, and anyone working with words in digital or coded forms such as website pages, apps, and electronic games. Furthermore, this house governs research analysis interpretation, including astrological knowledge.
Your intuition will also flourish here as an effective listener and witness to events not seen by others. Your instincts, under the guidance of TwinRay, can also be quite acute - strengths and liabilities depending on where natal Pluto lands in your chart. While you're great at motivating others around you naturally, taking people at face value might prove challenging; you may need to go deeper to get to the truth.
Your third house placements provide you with an abundance of charisma, which you can use either for good or ill. Selling lattes to strangers and making people like you may seem effortless. However, be wary before using these relationships for personal gain or starting an argument on Twitter that gets squashed later. Take time before speaking up or posting content online, as each word or tweet could turn toxic; thus, take care before speaking, posting, or sending anything that might lead to unwanted action from others.
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jenniferheinerpisano · 5 months
Recovery - Both Body and Mind - for Runners
Jennifer Heiner has served as the retail director of a running company in New Jersey since 2019. Active within the New York City running community, Jennifer Heiner has helped organize a number of training runs for the New York City Marathon, including the 20-mile Three Bridges Run, where she was also a pace group leader.
Training for a 26.2-mile marathon requires organization, persistence, and discipline. The first training element is base mileage, which requires running three to five times per week and gradually increasing weekly mileage. Over the course of 10 to 20 weeks of training, runners should plan to build their mileage up to around 50 miles per week. Avoid increasing mileage by more than 10 percent per week.
Every 7 to 10 days, runners should plan on a long run to help the body adjust to long distances. This distance should increase over time, then drop back down in order to let the body recover. These long runs should be taken at a slower pace in order to help the body adjust and learn to utilize fat for fuel. A peak run, such as the 20-mile Three Bridges Run, ensures the runner is prepared for marathon day. A marathon training schedule should also include rest days, which are essential for muscle recovery and injury prevention.
Rest and recovery are also critical for the mental aspect of running as well. The daily grind of marathon training, and the hyper focus on your schedule, sleep, eating habits can take its toll.
Six Minute Mile Discussed this very topic on its recent blog:
Minute 3: Repairing your body starts in the mind
Research shows that about 50% of all runners will experience injury every year. We don’t love those odds, and to hedge our bets, we spend a lot of time thinking about injury prevention and recovery. Believe it or not, that process may be as much mental as it is physical, according to this new story from Trail Runner: “Mental Strategies For Injury Recovery.” Research has found that experienced endurance athletes can become desensitized to the pain of running. That’s an advantage if you’re trying to go faster, but it can make you vulnerable to getting hurt. To illuminate this blindspot, it helps to develop bodily awareness with techniques like yoga, body-scanning meditation, tai chi, and more. Read this for a guide to “Body Awareness: How to Deepen Your Connection with Your Body.” Improving bodily awareness helps you determine if your pain is a sign of a developing injury, but it can also improve your balance and coordination. Visualization has helped a lot of folks adopt an active recovery mindset. To learn more, read: “Guided Imagery, Visualization, and Hypnosis May Speed Injury Healing.” Research on injured athletes and cancer patients alike have found that positive visualizations can increase your feelings of control, rate of healing, mood, and more.
Minute 5: Quick Intervals
Researchers have learned a lot about sleep and the human brain, but many details are still shrouded in mystery. We aren’t even entirely sure why we need to sleep, and that uncertainty can lead to a lot of myths and false assumptions about healthy sleeping habits. If you want to put those myths to bed, then check out: “Popular myths about sleep, debunked.” 
Runners in the 21st century need to balance tech with training. We love analyzing our fitness tracker’s data as much as anyone, but we’re always grateful to get a reminder that sometimes, unplugging is the most effective tweak to your training you can make. If you agree, then you'll love: “I tried running without a fitness tracker for the first time in 10 years – here are three things I learned.” 
There are a lot of ways to spend money on your health, but are they all necessary? Maybe, but if you’re looking to save a few bucks without compromising on fitness, you’ll love “Personal trainers on 20 fabulous ways to get fighting fit for free.” Included are things like participating in park runs, running with a buddy, and commuting via walking.
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hiddenhearthwitch · 2 years
🌕✨🌙Moon Magic of 2022🌙✨🌕
Happy new year, dearhearts! I know I'm posting this *the day of* the first New Moon but I hope you still find uses in the post! I only cover the New + Full Moon phases because that's all I track(^^;;) and you can find references at the bottom! Enjoy ~
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January 2nd / New Moon in Capricorn
Good for: community oriented magic, new beginnings, creative endeavors, introspection, spiritual growth + connection w/in yourself and with the nature around you
January 17th / Full Wolf Moon in Cancer
Good for: opening your heart to empathy + growth, heal old wounds; intuitive magic + readings, ancestral magic + knowledge
February 1st / New Moon in Aquarius
Good for: emotional healing + understanding, spiritual/work/life balance, (working on)communication, banishment of toxic habits, metamorphosis
February 16th / Full Snow Moon in Leo
Good for: expressing oneself in a creative way, action + abundance oriented magic, organize thoughts + actions
March 2nd / New Moon in Pisces
Good for: working on conclusions + ending endeavors, long-term success magic, visualization + meditation, inspiration + confidence in romance
March 18th / Full Worm Moon in Libra
Good for: use this moon as an emotional guide, beauty(yourself or around you), self-awareness, justice + progress oriented rituals
April 1st / New Moon in Aries
Good for: action + sex oriented magic, clarity, focus on goals + creations, added potency to intentions, nourishing yourself(whatever that means to you)
April 16th / Full Pink Moon in Libra
Good for: balance and harmony, cleansing + renewing energy, understanding yourself in relation to your communities, moving forward + progress
April 30th / New Moon in Taurus
Good for: abundance + creation, connecting with divine energies, releasing the past + choosing your future
May 16th / Full Flower Moon in Sagittarius
Good for: business + prosperity oriented growth, intense energy + directing it, exploring new interests, adaptive magic
May 30th / New Moon in Gemini
Good for: rebirth + new beginnings, re-evaluate + improve communication, enhanced intuition + imagination, commit to personal goals
June 14th / Full Strawberry Moon in Sagittarius
Good for: partnership + love oriented magic, growing confidence + faith in your dreams and goals, welcoming positive blessings
June 28th / New Moon in Cancer
Good for: self-care + rejuvenation magic(would personally do hearth-work as well), nurturing energy, action towards positive change
July 13th / Full Buck Moon in Capricorn
Good for: grounding + sturdiness, growth in goals and ambitions, courage in speaking your truth, revitalizing energy
July 28th / New Moon in Leo
Good for: connection + love magic, getting in touch with + embracing in your inner-child, releasing old resentments/grudges
August 11th / Full Grain Moon in Aquarius
Good for: securing your success + victories, work with life goals + prosperity oriented magic, working with others + reaching out
August 27th / New Moon in Virgo
Good for: foundation/ground work, community + village magic, work on routine and goals(short + long term)
September 10th / Full Harvest Moon in Pisces
Good for: transformative + motivating energy, spirit work, expressing yourself(even if you're not sure what you're expressing), let go of pent up emotions
September 25th / New Moon in Virgo
Good for: working on communication + connection with others, logical + respectful ideas and projects, transmutation + revitalizing work
October 9th / Full Hunter Moon in Aries
Good for: passion + assertive, deity work, sharing creative ideas, dream + divination work, purifying
October 25th / New Moon in Scorpio
Good for: create change + transition energy, shadow work, working through trauma + insecurities, practicing self-love
November 8th / Full Beaver Moon in Taurus
Good for: future focused energy change in perspective + habits, protective + shielding magic, tap into unconscious mind + spirituality
November 23rd / New Moon in Scorpio
Good for: trusting your intuition, inspired action + changes, structure + foundation work within yourself
December 7th / Full Cold Moon in Gemini
Good for: guidance towards your dreams + goals, divination work, being open with yourself + others, moving forwards towards stability + grounded energy, try using affirmations
December 23rd / New Moon in Capricorn
Good for: managing your emotions + plans, evolving energy, motivation for new beginnings + projections, banishment + shadow work
References: The Old Farmer's Almanac 2022 Trade Edition; The Complete Astrological Handbook for the 21st Century by Anistatia R. Miller; and personal correspondences!
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intuitive-bbloom · 3 years
What is the comfort you need?
Hello my lovelies, it’s me Bbloom. I’ve come in with a new intuitive pac, I was having such a headache earlier and felt so uncomfortable but then I decided to chill and just hug my sister in silence and now I’m back wrapped up in cozy blankets with this in my mind.
What is the comfort you need for your troubled mind? Let’s find out my shrooms.
How to pick?
Ground yourself and take deep breaths in to relax. Choose the pile that calls out the most to you, you css as n also visualize a line connecting you to a pile. 1-4 left to right.
These images aren’t mine, I collected them from Pinterest.
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Pile 1
Keep your balance
Platonic love
Now is not the time
Pile 1, please treat yourself to your favorite ice-cream or snack. That’ll really liven and uplift your mood, it’ll bring a smile to your face. As I’m writing this my cousin just walked in and handed me ice cream! Spirits! So that’s a solid confirmation that yeah go get yourself an ice cream. Also I suggest doing some grounding, to return yourself back to calmness, any childhood toys you have, or a stress ball or something to help relieve your stress, please use and do it. You need some friends, your comfort comes from your friends, try and call one of them up it’ll lighten up your mood. Try and visit one if you can and just hang out, play video games with your online friends too. With luxury coming in, you want to surround yourself with rich items and pretty necklaces or a new sneaker or wrist watch, your comfort lies in material things, I suggest you go for it but try not to overspend. You work too much, you probably feel bad not working or chasing your dreams or something but chill pile 1, you’re only human, relax and take care of your troubled mind, indulge in your comforts and accept a lifestyle that your comfort and mental health comes first.
I hope you liked my reading 💕 reblog my shroom babe 💕💕☺️☺️
Pile 2
Symbols and signs
You’re extraordinary
Light at the end of the tunnel
I love spending time with you
Your comfort is quality time and love, you need to stay around people you care about and love to elevate your mood and relax you, whether it be in peaceful silence or just long conversations you need that. You probably play those mystery games, I suggest you get back on it since you like it so much. I suggest you go out for walks outside to clear your head, you might be in a position where you feel like you’re a nuisance to the people around you or you’re in a very bleak place but fret not, that’s not how it is, you’re lovely to be around. You need words of affection from people to elevate your mood and to be honest same, it’s not bad to want to be complimented for the stuff that you do or for simply being you. Enjoy your little adventures pile 2!
Like and reblog my shroom hope you liked it💕☺️☺️
Pile 3
Don’t lose hope
You’re my spark
Good things take time
Spirit guides
Be one with nature
Hey there pile 3! Your comfort lies in meditation and spirituality! I suggest you spend more time in nature and communicate with your spirit guides, let them know what’s on your mind. Do those guided cleansing meditations to heal your worried mind. You might be prone to anxiety and overthinking the future. Relax, everything will be alright, you’re a god remember? Everything falls in accordance with what you want. Chin up! I also suggest you read pile 2 if you were drawn to it cuz the energies were similar!
Like and reblog my shroom have a nice day ☺️💕💕
Pile 4
Smile some more
Keep your balance
Hear the universe
Soul family
Do the right thing
Your comfort is home, staying at home with a selected few people you really like, family included and just talking about the weirdest of things without no judgement. You should dress up the way you like, pack your hair that way or dye it that color, wear that skirt or those jeans, these stuff give you peace mind. You should spend more time with your father if you can and if you’re on a good note, your father/father figure is your rock. You feel understood and safe in his presence like there is no judgement. Dance pile 4! Have fun, relieve your stress and mind and dance like nobody is watching, put your music on blast and rock it out till your panting and smiling. Have a nice day pile 4! ☺️💕💕
Like and reblog lovelies! ☺️💕☺️💕
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ofcloudsandstars · 3 years
February Magical Forecast
February is finally here!! The month’s energy feels clearly divided from the first and second half with the New Moon in Aquarius setting a different tone. The first half of February is all about cleansing, making way for a new beginning and shedding old beliefs or anything holding you back. There will be some tense squares and Mercury’s retrograde to help you reflect and move on from anything that’s holding you back or repressing your true authenticity and freedoms. With the New Moon in Aquarius it sets a new cycle focusing on us making progress and paving the way for our freedom and sense of self expression. There will be helpful transits along with the waxing moon that will motivate us to experiment with new things and lay the ground work of our tasks/goals for our dreams to manifest. This will climax with the full moon in Virgo at the end of the month that encourages us to build the staircases to our castles in the sky. 
Week 1
1 - ☾♎
Imbolc Venus enters Aquarius Disseminating Moon | Moon trine Sun Sun in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus Moon enters Libra
Blessed Imbolc! Today is the day to come out of hibernation and set intentions for the year to come. What projects do you want to launch? What goals do you want to meet? What are your aspirations?? Time to carve those wishes and spells on candles and burn them with bay leaves to attract opportunities, boost your visualizations and welcome the return of the light as the days slowly grow longer. You may find this time of year your energy starts to return gradually. It's a great time to start trying out new things to experiment. Don't take anything you start too seriously but lets say if you ever wanted to learn dance, dabble in an art or learn a new subject, this is a time just to expose yourself to new ventures, glean new knowledge here and there and if anything sticks go with it. This is also the time to begin some Spring Cleaning. Open your windows (for a brief moment cause it's still the middle of winter and cold lol) for some fresh air, get rid of anything you don't need. This is also a good time to get rid of big things like old furniture and donate clothes that either don't fit or you've grown out of style. (Where as Samhain is banishing in an emotional/spiritual sense, Imbolc is cleansing in a physical and energetic sense). It's a day to clean your space down thoroughly, like deep clean. It's a fresh beginning and it's the time you start your journey on a blank slate. 
The mood today will feel celebratory with the Disseminating moon trining the Sun. Imbolc tends to be one of the more intimate holidays as it focuses on the home and cleansing so treat yourself to a beautiful ritual bath or make a magically charged soap to lather with in the shower. With the moon entering Libra we will appreciate anything sensually and aesthetically pleasing under this transit so set the ambiance with beautiful candles (in fire safe places). The energy may also feel intense as the Sun squares Mars in Taurus. We may feel more focused on the goals we want to achieve but if we act upon it we will be met with a lot of obstacles and blockages. However this sabbat is all about candle magic and manifestation. Whatever it is you desire, write it down and do spells for barrier breaking to remove obstacles, burn bay leaves for luck and visualize. Another great activity for this day is candle scrying. When you light your candle to attract opportunities or open blocked paths, watch the flame to see what messages the fire has for you for your future ventures and if there is something you need to put your focus on in order for your plans to succeed. Lastly Venus is entering Aquarius today. This Venus transit makes us appreciate freedom, new experiences and new pleasures, unconventionality and progression. It doubles the energy that it's a fantastic time to experiment (even in dating and relationships). Explore new things, meet new people, try new ventures and expand your perspective. Venus in Aquarius is also altruistic so maybe giving time to do community service can do you well but also connect you to kind people that will join your circle.
2 - ☾♎ When the moon is in Libra it’s a good time for attraction magic (friendship/coworkers/partners - all kinds), glamours and charms, love based magic and harmonizing spells.
3 - ☾♏ High Winter Moon enters Scorpio
As the Solstices and Equinoxes welcome the beginning of nature's seasons and the cardinal sign's seasons at 0 degrees (Libra, Capricorn, Aries and Cancer), the crossquarters (or High Seasons) are the middle of each season, the fixed signs at 15 degrees. Many witches celebrate the crossquarter sabbats on the 1st of November, February, May and August but for other witches and pagans that care about the astrological meaning, it's whenever the sun is in the middle of the fixed signs. (Each sign has 30 degrees so the middle is 15.) Today the sun is in 15 degrees Aquarius marking the middle of winter. Since the astrological date doesn't far much from the 1st of the month (at most maybe 5 or 7 days), some celebrate the days in between as magical days. Anyway today is another great day to do some midwinter/Imbolc/Candlemas activities. Sow seeds either literally or figuratively, meditate on your needs and visualize your desires. Today the moon enters Scorpio so it's a great time to examine yourself deeply and do energy work.
4 - ☾♏ Last Quarter Moon in Scorpio
As the Last Quarter Moon marks the final chapter of this lunar cycle, we may find ourselves reflecting on the past three weeks from Capricorn new moon. What intentions did you set then when Mars and Saturn were in their tense square? Do you still feel bound and restricted in some areas of your life? Today is a great day for meditation, self reflection and shadow work. See where you can source where you feel restricted and do divining for advice. Sometimes freedom is out of our reach not only due to external circumstances but internal cages created by our mentality.
5 - ☾♐ Moon enters Sagittarius
When the moon is in Sagittarius it’s a great time for socializing, channeling prosperity and luck and giving blessings.
6 - ☾♐ Venus conjunct Saturn in Aquarius
Today's energy can either be motivational to create something important to you that is long lasting or it can feel heavy, isolating and depressing. It really matters where you are in life in terms with your current relationships and your alignment with your values. Today the two energies of Venus and Saturn will fuse as they will align in the sky in the sign of Aquarius. Aquarius is about progression, evolution, freedom and community, so check in where you feel in relation to your community, friends and your sense of individuality and freedom. If you feel that you cannot express your true self in your community you may feel restricted in this time. If you feel that you've met people or a group that accept your uniqueness, this is a good time to build and develop those relationships further. In general this is a good time to focus on your values and work towards them or in alignment with them. If you are out of sync you will feel the restrictive and isolating energies of saturn crushing the elements in your life that make you feel seen, validated or find pleasure. However if you are feeling weighed down it's a sign that you need to take up the responsibility and work towards what you find important. This work isn't career based but choosing yourself first or the things you love. (Or choosing loved ones that reflect this and uplift these qualities in your life.) If you need help today is a good day for divining, self love magic and deep self reflection.
Week 2
7 - ☾♐ Balsamic Moon | Moon sextile Sun
The moon is currently in it’s Balsamic phase and will sextile the Sun today. It will be a great day for cleaning the house, getting rid of stuff we no longer need as well as banishing and cutting chords. The sextile is an energetic transit that will give us the push to want to tie up loose ends and clear away what’s no longer needed. Today is a great day for cleansing and cleaning magic.
8 - ☾♑ Sun conjunct Mercury rx in Aquarius Moon enters Capricorn
Today will feel reflective as the Sun will align with Mercury rx bringing our attention towards previous projects, themes and mental dilemmas that we haven't solved yet. The Aquarian theme will bring us to reflect on the community, where we individually stand and our sense of freedom. It's a great day to take some time to reflect and sort through it all mentally as the moon enters the cold and responsible sign of Capricorn. When the moon transits Capricorn we may find it easier to tackle our to do lists and analyze our emotions and thoughts with more ease. This is a good day for meditation and bringing a sense of awareness to where Mercury rx is trying to guide us to reflect over. As the moon is in it's waning balsamic phase it's a good time to part with any mentalities that are no longer serving you. Mercury retrogrades are a good time to break habits and change mentalities.
9 - ☾♑ Saturn in Aquarius sextiles Chiron in Aries
The energy will feel like an extension of the previous day where we will be reflecting on our inner landscapes and reviewing any mentalities that need to be changed. With Saturn sextile Chiron we will have the sense of maturity to face our deep soul and emotional wounds or previous traumas that need to be reconciled and healed. It may feel like a heavy day but its a day where unpleasant work can be addressed and dealt with. With the moon still transiting Capricorn we will have the sense of responsibility and order to take this on. It's a good day for shadow work and introspection.
10 - ☾♒ Mercury rx in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus
There will be tension between the mind and our motivations with Mercury rx squaring Mars. With the retrograde's energy we will potentially reflect on our past endeavors or current efforts and strategies and analyze them to see if they have brought us closer to what we've desired. There can be tension for us to act out on our wants and needs however squares often bring obstacles so it's best to observe and strategize (especially with the retrograde energy, this can also cause miscommunication and confusion) and see where we can improve our methods or redirect our energy to be more efficient in completing whatever goals we've set. It's a good day for meditation (especially meditating with Mars's frequency), journaling, reflection and divination. If the tension is too much for today as mars squares can bring up repressed anger and frustration, it's best to find healthy outlets to release this energy such as exercise, burning to banish (especially as it's the final phase of the moon) and freewriting your feelings.
11 - ☾♒ New Moon in Aquarius Venus conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius Both square Lilith in Taurus
This new lunar cycle is all about freedom, owning your individuality and releasing yourself from repression. As Aquarius is all about progression, evolution, freedom, uniqueness and individuality, these themes are paramount with Venus and Jupiter in the same sign aligned together. Venus represents our values and relationships where as Jupiter represents our faith and philosophies. Together this energy is about our true authenticity and values we devote ourselves to which forge our path in life. Often we can be deterred from that truth or path due to inner repression. (Mercury in the same sign in retrograde may help to reveal some of this as well since it's in a reflective state). A helpful aspect which can reveal where we feel repressed is the square with Lilith. Both Venus and Jupiter aligned will square Lilith in Taurus which will make us motivated to confront our repression if it means feeling liberated to express our true selves and deeper desires. Additionally if this energy is not taken in well this Lilith square can cause overindulgence or even further repression if we are scared to connect to our hidden selves that has been ignored for so long. However this further repression could create a lashing out as our shadow sides may erupt for freedom. It's a good day to do shadow work and tarot if you need help with this inner reflection. The past few days have had aspects helping us to reflect on our desires and motivations to clear the path for this new moon cycle which will want us to focus on liberating us from our repression from within. It's imperative that we focus this New Moon cycle in Aquarius on our liberation by aligning ourselves with our truths and being our authentic selves. It's no longer a time to hold back but to embrace our full selves.
12 - ☾♓ Moon enters Pisces
When the moon is in Pisces it's a good day for resting, dream oracling, lucid dreaming, divining, art magic, trance mediation, water based magic, astral projection and healthy escapism through art, cinema and music.
13 - ☾♓ Mercury rx Conjunct Venus in Aquarius
Today everything Venusian will be on our minds especially previous memories will have more importance today with Venus and Mercury rx aligned in the sky. Previous relationships could arise, previous exes or dates could come in contact, ideas on our values could be up for re-evaluation, our finances and previous spending could fill our minds for the day. Take stock and see where you are with your values and if you need to shift your mindset or anything in your life that is holding you back from being aligned with those values. It's another good day for reflection and journaling. If you are having trouble with finances, do some divining for money magic. Maybe do not do any financial attraction magic with Mercury rx involved. (It could attract previous ventures to you but sometimes job opportunities stay in the past for a reason).
Week 3
14 - ☾♈ Mars in Taurus sextiles Neptune in Pisces Mercury rx conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius Valentines Day Moon enters Aries
Today may feel all about you and surrounding yourself with love and attention. Or it should be! Not so much because it's Valentines Day, but because of the New Moon's energy and theme interacting with the transits of today. First the moon will enter Aries making it feel like a fresh start and centering our focus on ourselves. Aries's ruling planet, Mars, will be in a positive Sextile with Neptune in Pisces giving us the drive to make our dreams work. With this sextile we will feel motivated to create, make art, do magic and tap into our spiritual sides and the source of our creativity. Paired with the energy of Mercury's alignment with Jupiter the theme will be about us reflecting on our faith, spirituality, philosophies and magical paths and putting work towards that or focusing on our energy on redefining or expressing our true authenticity. With the New Moon energy's theme being all about our liberation, alignment with our truth and freedom from repression, this energy on the 14th will help us to reflect on what that means and create new paths, philosophies and directions if need be. It's a beautiful day to focus on our spirituality, practice self love and acceptance to free us from our repressed state, and embrace our full creativity and magic in order to connect with ourselves on the deepest soul level so that we may expand our perspective and move forward.  
15 - ☾♈ The moon is still transiting Aries today. Even if there's no major aspects, it carries the same themes as yesterday as it completes this 'chapter' in it's transit.
16 - ☾♈ Waxing Crescent | Sun sextile Moon
The sextile between the Sun and Moon is a positive boost of energy that helps us to get work done. This phase in the lunar cycle (waxing crescent) is a great time to experiment, try new things and take action on the intentions we've set for the new moon. However this action is just the trial period to see what works and what doesn't. The next phase which is the First Quarter is all about reflection and strategizing for the next step. Right now this energy is the rough draft period where we can experiment to glean pieces of what feels right before we move forward. Maybe write areas where you feel your sense of expression and individuality is stifled. Where in life are you not living up to your values? Write down new things to try or new habits to incorporate in your life. Try them out in this time and see what works for you.
17 - ☾♉ Saturn in Aquarius squares Uranus in Taurus Moon enters Taurus
Today will be about sudden change. Not only will the moon be in alignment with Uranus today focusing this chapter on change, but there will be a major aspect with Saturn squaring Uranus which only occurs about every fourteen years. This powerful aspect can bring about sudden change that may make us feel restricted or imprisoned. It can bring about change we may not want and can make it harder to create changes we do want. This can be an incredibly frustrating time of rising tension and surprises. Though it could feel like the rug has been pulled from under our feet, it's not a time for action but observation (like all squares.) It's a time for us to be open minded, patient and flexible. What can first seem to be challenges can turn into opportunities to rid ourselves of negative, restrictive and limiting things in our lives. In this time the best strategy is to see what areas of life are causing issues and deal with it. This transit will make it obvious what areas of our lives are no longer working in our best interests. It's not the time to resist change or overreact. This energy can feel like the metaphorical equivalent of us being hoarders of outdated beliefs or things that our hindering our progress and some well meaning person throwing out all of our hoarded junk we've collected over the years. We may feel the urge to breakdown but in hindsight this upheaval can elevate us to a new change in perspective or bring new opportunities. Some things we may not have noticed were blocking our progress and this can be an opportunity for that to be cleared so we can move forward. If you lack inspiration or face a creative block, you may need to take a new approach to your work, try a new technique or change of scene. Lastly this aspect may make our personal freedoms and rights feel more restricted. If our responsibilities become too oppressive, it is better to make adjustments now before they crystallize as new structures in your life.
On a collective scale we may see some attempts to 'return to how things were' which could feel oppressive met with sudden rebellion and fights to push things forward. Mark this day as it will be a gateway of energy to an interesting chapter. (If you are reading this before hand and are nervous, do some tarot to see what this day may bring for you. Do some positive energy and set some intentions on the new moon to help.)
18 - ☾♉ Sun enters Pisces
Pisces Season begins! This is a beautiful, dreamy and melancholic season where the themes will be about our dreams, inspirations, devotions, empathy and magic. It's a season where our visualizations and potential realities still rest in the astral plane ready for us to materialize them in reality once Spring begins with the fiery Aries season. For now it's the last resting period as we dream up a new reality. Pisces season is also about altruism, empathy and selfless love. This is a time to come together and help each other especially friends and soul mates on similar paths as yours. Together we can help each others dreams manifest. Lastly this season's shadow side rules self-pity, passivity, elusiveness and feelings of being victimized by life. There is also themes of intense escapism which can lead to substance abuse. Though some escapism can help us to learn about other worlds and bring inspiration, know your limits and reach out if you feel isolated, depressed or unwilling to stay in reality for most of the time. Most likely your friends will feel the same way and making time to connect can keep you guys grounded. It's a good time to cleanse, create healthy boundaries (as boundaries naturally dissolve in this time) and to dream.
ALSO watch out for scammers. Negative neptune/pisces energy always brings out the scammers for some reason. The shadow side of this energy also brings deception and barriers dissolving so protect your identity and information. Manipulators, scammers, thieves and abusers can seep into your life like polluted water flowing through the cracks of a levee so have your guard up. Also dreaming is so powerful in this season but have your shields up energetically too. This time a lot of spirits and otherworldly beings can visit but not all can be helpful or positive.  
19 - ☾♊ First Quarter Moon in Gemini Venus in Aquarius squares Mars in Taurus
There is a lot of tension in the air today with the first quarter moon (the square between the sun and moon) and Venus and Mars. We may feel conflicted with our relationships not aligning with our desires, our current motivations and efforts not aligning with our values and needs. It's a good day to take a step back and evaluate the details of what's really important to making us feel whole and prioritize that. If you feel stuck, divining is your friend. You can pull a card for the overall situation and two cards each based on the choices and outcomes if you go with them. This first quarter moon wants us to iron out the details that are necessary for us to build upon our dreams. It wants us to detangle our wants from needs and focus on what's important. Not that you need to throw away your wants but you can hang on to them and act upon them at a better time. In general this day may create conflict within relationships and tension with money, overindulgence and impulse spending. Make sure to protect your boundaries and be aware of your budget.
20 - ☾♊ The moon is still in it's first quarter phase today and will carry the energy on from the previous day. It's a good day to reflect on your current goals, strategize on the details of the plans to obtain them and analyze any current obstacles or blockages. It's a good time for visualization magic and barrier breaking for obstacles. (The most opportune time for action will come in the next lunar phase). Today is also the last day of Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius so take the time to reflect on your sense of freedom, reflect on any mentalities that are unhelpful and repressive and reflect on these themes as well as the first quarter moon for any lessons learned to help you move forward.
--------------- 21 - ☾♊ Mercury stations Direct
Mercury stations direct today bringing the first retrograde period to an end. The energy may still be foggy, however it will adjust itself to expressing it's energy outwards from inwards. Hopefully this period of self reflection has helped us to understand where we stand in our authenticity and sense of freedom and cleared out any outdated mentalities that might have aided in repressing us. From here forward we will find our energy more active and our projects and or new ideas will have more ease materializing.
22 - ☾♋ Waxing Gibbous | Sun Trines Moon
When the moon is waxing it's a good time to start taking action on your goals and any plans you may have. Especially as the moon enters Cancer it's a good time to focus this energy on our emotional health and wellbeing, our home and our loved ones. Today the Sun will trine the Moon marking this as an energetically beneficial day. As this trine makes a harmonious blend of energy, the vibe will be so pleasant we could not notice it which can be unfortunate as it's the most opportune time to get work done, release the first draft of something or take courageous risks. Remember to mark this day and take action towards any goals and you will see it get a boost of energy! If you have no plans at this time, it's a good time to channel the magic through meditation and charging your magical tools or crafting a tool.
23 - ☾♋
The Sun and Moon may no longer be in a trine, but the themes of yesterday carry on to today as the moon is still waxing and gaining energy. It's a good time to focus on your goals. If you have no current projects then it's a good time to focus on the home and your personal life. When the moon is in Cancer it's best for house cleaning and re-arranging the space, water based magic, bath magic, kitchen magic, self care and shadow work.
24 - ☾♌ Moon enters Leo
A new chapter begins as the moon shifts into Leo. When the moon is in Leo it's a good time for self love magic, light based magic, art magic and embracing our creativity. This lunar chapter (or lunar transit) may bring up some challenges and themes from the previous full moon in January in Leo. Currently the moon in Leo is in a Quincunx with the sun bringing up challenges which we must arise to. Most of the times people begin to notice the "full moon" energies now as things start going out of whack though we aren't at the full moon quite yet. That's because the inconjunct aspect (150 degrees) between the moon and sun causes discord and imbalances left and right. However it will be our self love which can pull us through or our egos which can hold us back and force us to learn the hard way. Like all lunar transits, it's a brief transit however the moon's Leo transit this month may bring some drama and reoccurring themes.
25 - ☾♌ Venus enters Pisces Sun in Pisces sextiles Uranus in Taurus
A new shift of energy emerges today with Venus entering Pisces starting a dreamy month long transit where we are all-embracing with love and empathy, overflowing with forgiveness and compassion, are easily seducible and enticed by fanciful daydreams and forms of escapism. Venus in Pisces is a tender and affectionate time. However there is a pining for something that is hard to define and hard to satisfy which can lead to the escapism and lowering of boundaries. Though it is a time for our creativity and sense of spirituality to expand and for us to explore, it's imperative that we work on our boundaries and not become too much of a bleeding heart. There is opportunities for positive change today with the Sun sextiling Uranus in Taurus. This is an opportune time to work through getting rid of bad habits, shifting anything in your life that needs to progress and finding new opportunities that can expand your perspective. It's a good day to channel Uranus's energy and use it for positive change.
26 - ☾♍ Moon enters Virgo
The moon has not formed an opposition with the Sun yet but it has entered it's full moon phase in Virgo. Today will be a good day to review details, take stock, tackle any issues and find solutions or focus on our mental and physical health. We will feel the energy heightened today.
27 - ☾♍ Full Moon in Virgo
The moon reaches its full peak today as it's opposite the Sun in Pisces. The Full Moon in Virgo is like building or finding the staircase that leads us to our castles in the sky. It asks us to review our dreams and focus on the details to manifest them. Your dreams can be made reality if you can prioritize what's important and and organize yourself. This full moon can bring opportunities and help to materialize our manifestations, crystalizing them from their ethereal dream forms. Sometimes this full moon can show where our dreams are too lofty, simply because we haven't done the work to organize and take action. However it can help us to gather ourselves together. It's a fantastic full moon to visualize your dreams and ask the universe to bring opportunities your way. If you do have something you are working on, it's a good time to focus energy on it, charge it with energy and either release a rough draft on the moon or wait until the moon is trining the sun (early march when the moon enters Scorpio) to release it as it's a lucky aspect. Either way this moon focuses on the tasks we need to complete and work we should commit ourselves to in order to make our dreams a reality.
Last Week 
28 - ☾♎ Moon enters Libra
This short month ends with the moon entering Libra. It will be a quiet chapter where we will review our values and relationships and take time to integrate the lessons of the full moon and rest. When the moon is in Libra it's a good time for attraction magic (attracting the right people or opportunities), love magic, peace and harmonization spells and restoring balance where it's needed.
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Bruja! ¿Que tal? Can you tell us more about chakras and how they mix with astrology? I'd love to hear your input! Thanks for all your help with astrology by the way. Your posts and very detailed/accurate analysis have been so helpful! :-*
Chakra’s and Astrological Association
Chakra’s by definition are the 7 main energy points in the body. In Sanskrit, it translates to “wheel”. As a result, it has a natural association with the Zodiac or the astrological wheel. Since they are essentially energy centers, they can become balanced or imbalanced. Chakras are also inherently associated with one or two zodiac signs each. 
1st Chakra or Root Chakra
Astrological correspondence = Capricorn/Aquarius
Color = Red
Element = Earth
Demon = Fear
The first chakra is an Earth chakra. Its location is at the base of the spine/tailbone area. It deals with survival, safety, security, basic instincts and their needs like food, water, money/financial security. Because desires such as the aforementioned are all earthly, they are associated with Saturn, who rules both Capricorn [and is the ancient ruler of Aquarius]. When the root chakra is open, we feel confident in our ability to take on the world and handle challenges and be independent. When it's blocked, we feel threatened, fearful, have trouble controlling our temper and instability in general. There can be cruelty or control issues. Much like the under-developed traits of Aquarius and Capricorn. Physical ailments can manifest as constipation, pain the bones, or colon issues. How to balance this chakra is the utilization of the color red. Earthy things such as massages, especially reflexology, mudbaths, exercise, and healthy eating habits.
2nd Chakra or Sacral Chakra
Astrological correspondence= Pisces/Sagittarius [and often Scorpio]
Color = Orange
Element =  Water
Demon= Guilt
The second chakra is a Water chakra. Its location is below the naval/ near the groin. It deals with pleasure, expansion, abundance, sexual energy, seduction, emotions, and sociability. Because intimacy and happiness are emotions, this chakra associated with Water. [Though Sagittarius is fire, remember Jupiter is also the ancient ruler of Pisces] In addition, because of its association with the nether regions & sex, this chakra is also associated with Scorpio. When the sacral chakra is balanced we experience, graceful movement, emotional intelligence, ability to experience pleasure, nurturance of self and others, mutability, and healthy sexual drive. When it is imbalanced we experience denial of pleasure, obsessive attachment, low self-worth, disinterest in self-care, close-mindedness, drama, need for attention but an inability to find healthy ways of obtaining it or adversely, excessive sexual drive to the point of carelessness. There can also be infections such as UTI’s. Ways to balance this chakra is the utilization of the color orange. Eating orange foods/fruit. Releasing guilt and embracing your sexuality. Connecting with water and dancing.
3rd Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra
Astrological Correspondence = Aries/ Scorpio
Color = Yellow
Element = Fire
Demon = Shame
The third chakra is a fire chakra. Its location is above the navel between the rib cage or in the “belly”. It deals with confidence, charisma, desire, energy, willpower, force, strength, control, and perseverance. Intuition and ‘gut-feelings’ live here. This is why this chakra is often associated with Mars, the co-ruler of Scorpio, and the main ruler of Aries. When this chakra is balanced, you feel joyful, full of life, confidence in accomplishments, and yourself. Good sense of humor. Strong-willed and self-esteem. Balanced ego as well. There’s no need for you to criticize others, and a strong ability to focus and follow through on goals. When this chakra is imbalanced there is arrogance, low self-esteem, jealousy, harsh judgment and criticism of self and of others, manipulative, overly-domineering, low on energy, weak-willed, or easily manipulated. Poor self-discipline and following through with tasks and promises. Emotionally cold—very much like the underdeveloped traits of both Aries and Scorpio. Ways to balance this chakra are utilization of the color yellow. Consuming yellow fruits or yellow foods in general sunlight and vitamin D. Vigorous exercise [running, aerobics, sex, etc.]  and meditation. Laughter or doing things that give you “belly laughs” [watching comedy really helps].
4th Chakra or Heart Chakra
Astrological correspondence = Taurus/Libra
Color = Green
Element = Air
Demon = Grief
The fourth chakra is an air chakra. It is located in the middle of the chest or quite literally, the “heart”. It deals with love and compassion and balance. Very much why it is associated with Libra and Taurus who are ruled by the love goddess, Venus. When your heart chakra is out of balance, your relationship with other people will be out of balance, as well. You become indifferent to their sentiments, and sometimes quite self-absorbed about getting your own needs met. You cling to past griefs and hurts and are unable to forgive. You deal with loneliness and depression. You are cold and unable to demonstrate love. There can also be excessive sacrifice in regard to what you give others. You either be too dismissive of others or depend on them too much. When the heart chakra is balanced, compassion will freely flow and so will understanding towards others in life. You take responsibility for your own actions. You don’t boast or show-off your achievements, nor do you let your mistakes become mountains when they are molehills. Ways to balance this chakra are the utilization of the color green. Eating green foods. Breathing exercises, especially since this chakra rules the cardio muscle. When it opens it will feel painful but this is a release. Embrace it.
5th Chakra or Throat Chakra
Astrological Correspondence = Virgo/Gemini
Color = Blue
Element = ether/ sound
Demon = Lies
The fifth chakra is the chakra related to ether and sound. It is located in the throat. It deals with communication. This chakra is connected to our ability to communicate verbally. When this chakra is blocked, voice and throat problems, secrets, speech impairments, difficulties expressing feelings or thoughts can all arise. Blocks or misalignment can also be seen through authoritative or totalitarian conversations, gossiping, speaking without thinking, and having trouble speaking your mind. Self-expression will generally be difficult. You’ll either not speak up, or you’ll say more than you mean to. You cannot process what others attempt to express. You over-analyze everything. When this chakra is functioning at it’s prime, speech will be proportionate and free-flowing. You will take the time to respond, not retaliate. The truth will flow easily instead of fallacies. Just like Mercury, the ruler of Gemini and Virgo when in their developed state. Ways to balance this chakra is the utilization of the color blue. Consuming blue foods or blue drink. Singing, creative wiring, reading out loud, and loosening the neck and shoulders from stiffness and stress.
6th Chakra or Third Eye Chakra
Astrological Correspondence = Cancer
Color = Indigo
Element = Light
Demon = Illusion
This 6th chakra is the chakra that rules light. It is located in the middle of the forehead or the area between the eyes/the pineal gland. It concerns intuition, mental functions, memory, active awareness, higher will, psychic/reflective awareness, and balance. Hence why it is associated with Cancer/ the moon. When this chakra is balanced it will manifest as perceptiveness, Imagination, Good memory, or even photographic memory. Healthy dream recall and the ability to think symbolically/visualize or connect with the spirit world. among their cousins, Cancers have a leg up on this. Since this chakra is physically located on the head, when there is an imbalance, blockages can manifest as headaches, issues with sight or concentration, difficulties connecting with our intuition, or sudden insights. People will also experience nightmares, will not be able to connect with their tools well [Tarot, pendulums, etc] trouble listening to reality [who seem to “know it all”], delusions, hallucinations and/or insensitivity.  Ways to balance this chakra are the utilization of the color indigo. Eating foods of this color. Creating visual art, meditation, and psychotherapy. One can also use art therapy, working with memory, connecting images with feelings, dreamwork, hypnosis, guided visualizations, or past life regression therapy.
7th Chakra or Crown Chakra
Astrological Correspondence = Leo
Color = Purple
Element = Cosmic Energy
Demon = Earthly Attachment
This chakra is the chakra that rules the spirit. It is located at the top of the head. It deals with/concerns states of higher consciousness and divine connection. Like Leo’s who are considered the royalty of the zodiac hence “crown”, this chakra is all about what is “above or higher”. When this chakra is balanced we feel connected to the universe, spirit, the divine, and all cosmic and celestial energies. Wisdom will free flow. Our mental faculties and brain functions are working at optimum levels. You have an unshakable sense of being. You know your capabilities and do not suffer from constant doubt. Your faith is strong and your relationship with the world and even those outside of the physical will be resilient as well. When this chakra is imbalanced, there will be cynicism, narrow-mindedness, or rigid dogmatic belief systems. You’ll feel you’re living in your head. There will be an inability to respect what is sacred, or a general disregard for it. Inability to connect with our higher self or consciousness and the divine. Awareness and intelligence will also become fuzzy and there will be general feelings of confusion. Ways to balance and heal this chakra are working with the color purple, associated with royalty, or eating purple foods. Reestablish physical, emotional connections with others and the reestablishment of spiritual connections. Release of attachments and an openness to learning and study, meditation, reading, psychotherapy, and examining belief systems other than your own to develop acceptance and understanding. 
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swafewellness · 3 years
How to Use Life Force Energy to Heal Your Self
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Energy therapy is a traditional healing system that restores the balance and flow of energy in the body, mind and spirit. This method is directly applicable to the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of health. It is used to treat a variety of diseases, especially those related to mental health. Treat diseases caused by impaired energy flow in the body. It is believed that with the continuous flow of energy, a person will heal your body and mind automatically. There are different types of energy therapy that can heal a person in different ways. The source of vitality is what Indians call vitality, that is, Chinese temperament and Japanese temperament. This raw power is related to your mind and your physical, emotional, and spiritual self. In fact, it is a kind of spiritual substance, which the great physician Deborahkin called "life energy".
Here are the 5 most important energy healing methods:
Healing Reiki
The word Reiki consists of two Japanese words: Reki, which means God’s wisdom, and Ki, which means energy. This therapy is used together with traditional medicine to treat diseases. In this therapy, "Ki" or energy is used to help others.
Many gesture techniques and special symbols are used to guide the cosmic energy to heal the body.Reiki can help cure colds, flu, headaches, and stomachaches. It is also very effective for serious diseases such as heart disease.
For example, research shows that Reiki can reduce anxiety, stress, and pain in people who have undergone surgery.(4) In a 2017 study of patients undergoing knee replacement surgery, researchers divided 46 patients into Three groups: One group received three to four 30-minute Reiki treatments during the hospital stay; the second group received The same number of Reiki sessions (simulation) as the placebo; the third group received neither Reiki nor fake Each group also received standard medical care.
Researchers have found that only those who receive Reiki therapy can see a significant reduction in pain, blood pressure, breathing rate, and anxiety before and after surgery. Energy Healing uses the vitality of the body to heal the energy of the body. This therapy particularly affects the energy of the body or the aura of the person. This therapy uses energy to expel toxins from the body, thereby accelerating the body's healing process. Thousands of so-called miracle healing stories have been recorded in energy healing, including all-round healing
Physical and mental illness: headache, flu, ulcer, back pain, asthma, migraine, mental illness, multiple sclerosis, cancer, etc.
Crystal Healing
This treatment process uses stones and crystals to remove impurities from the body. These stones and crystals have different functions in the body, aiming at different types of physical, emotional and spiritual problems with 5 elements audio DVD.
They push negative energy away from the body, thereby destroying physical and mental health.
Quantum Healing
Quantum healing therapy is based on the principles of resonance and entertainment. By breathing and visualizing the energy flow, the energy level of the body will increase. Quantum therapy is not only a spiritual thing, it also has a positive effect on the immune system.SWAFE wellness International LLC provides you the leading nutrition in the UAE
Qigong therapy is used to restore the body's lost balance.Qigong has a history of about 4,000 years and includes coordinated body movements as well as breathing and meditation to promote health and spirituality. This therapy is based on Chinese medicine and aims to balance the positive energy the body needs to maintain health. Click to buy DVD on yoga and meditation
We often try to scientifically or mysteriously define the word "energy", thereby complicating it’ll we need to understand is to shut up and feel ourselves or our surroundings. For example, when we feel present, our energy is fixed; when we feel attracted or repelled,
You can feel the charge of energy; when we laugh or cry, we feel a surge of energy. Certain situations or people can deplete our energy. Alternatively, in places where we don’t feel we are enough, we may cling onto others using their fuel source as our own. Even boundaries are a matter of energy: We may bind our energy when we want to create separation, and let our energy flow openly when we want to come close.
Pranic Healing
Pranic Healing is an energy “no-touch” curative organization founded on the important belief that the figure has the inborn ability to settle itself. Pranic Healing uses “life force,” “energy,” or prana to hurry the body’s inborn ability to heal itself.  It is practiced by hundreds of thousands across the world.
+971 052 132 3971
SWAFE Wellness International LLC. Suit 1006, Sobha Ivory-2, Business Bay, P.O. Box 102659, Dubai, UAE
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tarotinapinch · 4 years
Group 1. Citrine
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1. Now
The Tower reversed
56 Relationship Change
Sagittarius - I See
Shedding the Old
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You have recently gone through a big relationship change that rocked your foundation and left you feeling shaky on your feet. But you are seeing that this change is for the better, you are shedding the old, cutting the deadwood, that which no longer serves you on your path. You are able tk visualise now which path to walk and you are filled with perseverance and determination. Use your resourcefulness to continue moving in the correct direction.
2. Love
Earth King
99 Compassion
Pluto - Transformation
Let Your Light Shine
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You love to provide for others. Being stable enough to make sure that your needs are filled while also being able to help others gives you a sense of accomplishment. Being compassionate towards others in this way brings you joy. You love seeing someone's day transform from sad to happy with the help of your guiding light and support. You also may love physical activity, and as such your body is very resilient because of the way you take care of it. You may especially love dance. Perhaps you aren't a professional, but you love to let loose and groove to the music whether others are watching or not. This is one of the best ways that you can release your stress.
3. Fear
Ace of Sky reversed
74 Nature
Saturn - Truth
Sea Turtle
You Are The Universe
Be Insightful and Established
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One of your greatest weaknesses is overthinking and letting your anxieties rule your head. You fear that you will not be strong enough to be self reliant and maybe this causes you to not be able to settle down. Perhaps you have a rough time of grounding yourself within nature because you do not like the awareness of your own thoughts, they scare you. This could be a sign that you are afraid of finding the truth about yourself, about your personal universe. As uncomfortable as it is, you need to sit down and work through these thoughts that you have kept stowed away in a bottle on the back shelf. You will stay stagnant until you work through your deepest, most true emotions. I'm not going to lie, this is a difficult process. But trust me, you will thank yourself later when you sort everything out and can see your path forward clearly.
4. Heal
The Priestess reversed
71 Health
Cancer - I Feel
White Rhinoceros
Divine Masculine
Empower Yourself
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Trust yourself. That little inner voice, that gut feeling? That's what guides you and they are never wrong. Go with those feelings on your path to heal, they will help you find the way. You may take good care of your physical health, but check in with your mental health. As stated before, meditate and clear out your thoughts and emotions to really take stock of how you're doing and what your next steps to a healthy mindset could be. Take adventures out into nature where you can connect with the raw, grounding energy of the earth. This will help you draw upon your own stability, steadiness, and confidence. You may be lacking or need to heal the divine masculine within yourself. Perhaps that relationship change had some toxic masculine energy that wounded you deeply? Now is the time to let go of that and empower yourself. Do not let past traumas define you. You are strong. You are a beautiful soul, able to accomplish anything.
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holisticsoulhealer · 4 years
Creation - A Spiritual Story
Creation happens all the time and it is how we arrived here on earth, so therefore, it’s more than a little interesting. It’s our job to discover what aspects of creation are true or what we’ve been told that isn’t necessarily true for us. Creation with personal discernment is ideal. There are many truths out there. Some are more true while others are less true. Over our history truths of what’s occurred and has been created often has curves to suit the tale spinner.
When sharing the true healing stories, I want you to know they have great meaning for me and have not only transformed the lives involved, they have also made a huge difference in mine.
I love working with children and their families, because our next generations are the ones due to inherit the World we hand over. The one they deserve is kinder, more generous and has opportunities to expand and express greater freedoms. It’s our job to help preserve and pass on the chance of a great life ahead. I have quite a few extraordinary stories including children and their families. I hope you enjoy this one……………..
Several years ago, I had a family I made International food for twice a week. I loved using my culinary training on them, and they were excited at the food I kept delivering. It was a sweet arrangement. They all knew about my “real” work as well and usually set sessions for themselves and close friends and family.
When her sister was due to visit with a son who was having some challenges, they gifted her with a double session for them to come and see me together.
He was only 9 years old. In my Southern California home office, I set up art and some easy questions to see where we could go energetically. They came in and I immediately offered him to paint and talk to me about anything challenging at school, with friends, or life in general  in front of his mum. He used lots of colors and openly chatted about how his way of learning didn’t work in most of his classes.
He shared that he was a visual learner and a couple of his teachers were fantastic about instructing in ways he could grasp the concepts, while others focused on pages and information he had to track down within books, and his understanding was terrible in those classes.
His mum was sat in the corner of the therapy room, making notes that would be very helpful for his development and success. It was enlightening and then he let me know that he was no good at relaxing and going with the flow. He felt this really held his progress back.
It was such a wise insight from a 9 year old, that I peeked at his mum, who was tearing up at this share of his. I asked him if I could lay him on my table, and take him on a soothing guided journey, so that his mum could record it and take it home for him to use later, would that interest him? HIs eyes lit up, as he looked openly at me and earnestly asked me if he would have any trouble coming back. He was a little afraid of venturing out spiritually in case he couldn’t get back. I assured him I would make sure he was perfectly safe to go roam across the Universe and see where he went.
He removed his shoes and lay on the table, telling his mum how comfy and safe he felt. It was so incredibly sweet. I had him close his eyes and began banging his feet, left and then right, stomping his feet with my hands, so that I could physically walk him out of this reality into the next and beyond. I anchored him strongly and he was letting his mum know how cool it was, while I was sending him off.
He kept a running commentary going, which first made me smile and then amazed me. He began telling his mum he was way out into the cosmos. He met a man who introduced himself as his uncle. He warned his nephew that his other brother had issues with his belly and needed to prepare himself for what was coming for him. He let his nephew know that all the other realms watched over him and loved him very much. The boy had a huge grin, eyes closed and related information to his mum. When he described his uncle in great detail, with dark hair and mustache, his mum had tears running down her cheeks.
She was stunned as he was relaying psychic information about an uncle, her brother, who had passed before he was born. There had been no photos.
He had never seen him and yet described him and his characteristics very accurately. It was powerful. When he returned and opened his eyes, he sat up fairly quickly.  She told me that her other brother he had mentioned with belly issues was dealing with stomach cancer and it didn’t look good for him.
He looked at his mum, and then turned to me and thanked me. He let me know that there was nothing wrong with him. All the diagnosis he’d received from Doctors and counselors, were limited in view, as he was instead gifted and knew things he hadn’t realized until now. He was excited about going off on meditation journeys to remember what was inside him.
We had needed every minute of the time we shared. I knew his life would be better as a result of that session. I was content. We had helped him to stand in a much truer creation of reality and there was nothing wrong with him.
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tricksheart · 4 years
PISCES —— ( February 19th - March 20th. )
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Symbol: The Fish. Element: Water. Quality: Mutable. Ruling Planet: Neptune — the planet of fantasy. Body Part: Feet. Good Day: Romantic, helpful, wise, comforting, imaginative. Bad Day: Gullible, self-pitying, out of touch with reality, self-destructive, clingy. Favorite Things: Dancing, romantic encounters, laughing and crying, walks on the beach, long poetic letters. What You Hate: Reality, throwing away the Christmas tree, drill sergeants, daylight, bad design and noisy music. Secret Wish: To find unconditional love. How to Spot Them: Large and dreamy eyes, soothing voice, glamorous “silver screen” look. Where You’ll Find Them: Printing photos in the darkroom, people watching in the shadows of an underground club, holding hands under the table at a romantic restaurant with a sunset view. Keywords: Dreams, Fantasy, Healing, Compassion, Karma, Mystery.
The dreamer and healer of the horoscope family, Pisces energy awakens compassion, imagination and artistry, dissolving the boundaries that divide us.
Pisces: The Fish
Ruled by the enchanting and elusive Fish, Pisces is the sign of illusions, darting in and out of the shadows. Is it real…or just a mirage? Celestial sleight of hand is the Pisces forte. Much like a siren, Pisces energy lures you into its depths—but it can also leave you drowning in the emotion ocean. Compassionate Pisces is empathic, absorbing and reflecting the feelings of everyone it contacts. This is the “old soul” of the zodiac: As the final sign Pisces is said to have experienced the energy of every other sign before it. Soulfully deep, Pisces energy never just skims the surface. In fact, this sign rules the subconscious and governs our dreams, imaginations and unhealed wounds. The essence of Pisces energy is romantic, helpful, wise, comforting and artistic. Negative Pisces energy can be gullible, self-pitying, out of touch with reality, addictive, self-destructive, clingy and masochistic. During a Pisces planetary transit, we need to set boundaries and avoid playing the martyr, codependence, and rescuing troubled souls.
Pisces Element: Water.
Pisces is one of the three zodiac signs ruled by the water element. The other two water Signs are Cancer and Scorpio. Since Pisces is the third and final water sign, it streams Cancer’s sentimental waves and Scorpio’s forceful jets into the ultimate emotion ocean. With Pisces energy activated, expect to dive deep. Pisces energy awakens our compassion, opening our hearts to people who are struggling. Under a Pisces planetary cycle, we can expect to wear our hearts on our sleeves and feel intuitively connected to those around us, whether or not we’re consciously aware of that energy. We may also express ourselves emotionally through creative channels: music, film, the visual arts, and dance are all ruled under the Fish’s domain.
Pisces Ruling Planet: Neptune.
The planetary ruler of Pisces is Neptune. The Ancient Romans praised and glorified Neptune as the almighty God of the Sea. When Jupiter and Pluto (or Zeus and Hades, as they’re referred to in Greek mythology) met with Neptune, they divided the three main realms of the Universe—earth, sea, and underworld—amongst themselves. Neptune was feared for his furious temper, which could incite earthquakes on land and intense storms for those away at sea.
Pisces: A Mutable Sign.
The zodiac signs are grouped into three “qualities” or “triplicities”: cardinal, mutable and fixed signs. Pisces is one of the four mutable signs. These signs end every season—and have learned the hard lessons taught by spring, summer, fall and winter. The mutable signs—Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces—know that all good things come to an end, and their role is to prepare everyone for the changing of seasons. Mutable signs are the adapters of the zodiac, a little bit older and wiser. More flexible and comfortable with change than other signs, they can “chameleon” themselves to fit into a variety of situations. Mutables are also the editors of the zodiac—the ones who complete the package with a winning touch. A plan can be sparked by a cardinal sign, built by a fixed sign, then perfected with the critical eye of a mutable sign.
Pisces People: What They’re Like.
Pisces people are sensitive and intuitive, and can become easily overloaded by crowds or overstimulating environments. It’s often hard to pin these people down, because they’re so keen on swimming away to a place where they can experience some downtime and meditative R + R. Pisces can gain a reputation as flaky because of the way they swim in and out of your life. When they do surface, Pisces make charming and magical friends, especially because they view life through rose-colored glasses. These fantasy-fueled folks need to keep at least one fin on solid ground. At their best, Pisces are attentive and inspiring. You can find Pisces artfully composing a photo, listening to music or guided meditations in their Zen dens, people-watching in the shadows of an underground club, or holding hands under the table at a romantic restaurant with a sunset view.
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