#visualization and meditation
Visualization Meditation Most Poweful Tool for Manifestation
Visualization Meditation Visualization Meditation is among those terms that refer to how you can meditate using visualization. While some may distinguish between visualization and meditation, the terms are often used interchangeably, particularly among practitioners of the Law of Attraction. As children, our imaginations run wild, visualizing ourselves in fantastical scenarios. Whether it’s…
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wolfhoundwitch · 2 months
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Introduction to Shielding
If you haven’t already, check out my lessons on visualisation for the basic knowledge you’ll need to begin practicing shielding.
So what is shielding?
Shielding is a manipulation of energy, used to create a barrier between yourself and unwanted, usually negative or malicious energies. It’s a basic aspect of spellwork that everyone, beginner or experienced, should use to keep themselves safe.
What can I use shielding for?
Some beginner-level uses for shielding are drawing a circle, or casting a spell. A more experienced individual might use shielding in astral travel or spirit work, where there are a lot more malicious energies involved. Personally, I use shielding as often as possible, for instance when I do tarot readings, spells, spirit work, shadow work, and especially cursing. It gives that extra guarantee that you won't flood your personal space with unwanted energies.
Other uses include shielding against real-life dangers, to a certain degree. I often shield when I am walking through town at night for extra protection. But please remember to take other measures too! Call someone, pretend to be on the phone, plan your route, and even carry pepper spray if it's legal where you are.
An easy shielding method:
The easiest way to explain this is to think of your energy as a physical manifestation. Think how power attacks are shown in anime or cartoons - a streak of colour or light, or an element. Make it personable to you: fire signs (Leo/Aries/Sagittarius) might visualise fire, or a red energy or light etc.
Firstly, some people prefer to cleanse before shielding. I don't think its all that necessary but the choice is yours.
Begin by easing yourself into meditation. Get comfortable, and use whichever technique works for you. I have various methods for this in my visualisation lessons if you are struggling.
Attempt to visualise the energies surrounding you in your mind. It might be a swirling colour of light, almost like a cloud of dust. It could be flames, it could be water. Maybe try to see it held within your hand.
Now, attempt to shape this energy around your entire body. You might want to start with a bubble or a cube surrounding you. Feel this shape surrounding and protecting you. Visualise negative and unwanted energies being held back by it.
You can also layer shields, so if you are working with a particularly malicious energy you might want to have multiple shapes surrounding you, all within each other. You can also work with deities or spirits to ask them to shield you too.
Shielding Incantation
When I am shielding, I recite a spell as well as using visualisation techniques.
The shield of protection, I carry it strong, No ill wishes or trouble shall come along, You cannot harm me, or weaken my soul, My light is my weapon, and peace is my goal.
Try it out for yourself and let me know in the comments how it went! Thank you as always for reading. Please message for requests.
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briarwickart · 7 months
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abstraction.entity [print]
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nestedneons · 5 months
By junkiyoshi
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hollywood-sadcore · 6 months
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For you all.
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lavender--fairy · 2 years
My sister got into the void state.
So my sister got into the void lmao, and the funny part is that she knows nothing about the law or the void. She has exams and i see her panicking all the time so i recommended her to to meditate (meditation to her is whatever calms her down and brings her joy) and this morning she came up to me and said "yk i was imagining myself with *her comfort characters* and it felt so nice that i kept wanting to feel it over and over again so started to loop the scene over and over again and suddenly i couldn't hear or feel anything and it all went black and it was so peaceful, i felt like i was floating and there was no one else, just me but then i realized that i actually can't hear anything, freaked out and came back, it was so much fun" i asked her how she did it and she said that "just imagine whatever that brings you joy and makes you feel "fulfilled" and make sure its something you really really like only then you will want to loop the scene otherwise it will feel forced. And once you find a scene that makes your happy keep repeating it, dont think anything else just keep repeating it and because its a scene you like you should have no problem doing that and i know that because i tried repeating this one scene but i didnt like it that and it felt so frustrating." I asked her what if you have random thoughts coming up or you dont feel like imagining and she said "for random thoughts just keep coming back to the scene and for your other question thats what i am saying it should be something you really really like, make it soooo nice that you dont wanna imagine anything else but that" and she said if you can't visualize and its bothering your just touch or hear stuff, like maybe you desire wealth then start touching money in your imagination, if you want clear skin, touch your skin etc.
I also think that it was so easy for her because her only goal was to feel fulfilled thats all she wanted, she didnt care about anything else and just wanted to feel fulfilled make that your only goal and secondly she wasn't doubting or second guessing stuff. Let this be a reminder to untangle all the strings in your mind, take it easy, calm down, don't over analyse.
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weirdbraincustard · 2 months
*SP visualisation exercise*
for when things ended badly and you’re in no contact with your SP
step 1 : close your eyes and bring your attention towards your own breath. i like having meditation music in the background which is subtle & isn't too distracting.
step 2 : after you feel focused, tap into the higher version of yourself — in any way you imagine it to be. i personally like visualising myself radiating golden light, in a beautiful long lace dress, radiating peace, love and ethereal beauty. she feels safe to my wounded self whenever i am in turmoil.
step 3 : what does their higher self feel like to you? more than the appearance, focus on how they feel — warm, inviting, caring, safe? visualise them. feel their energy, the unconditional love and safety they radiate. i personally love seeing them in the same golden light as me.
step 4 : visualise sitting with them, holding them, hugging them - dissolve all your anger and grudges with each other. hear them and yourself apologise to each other, extend compassion and unconditional love. say what you want to say and allow them to - sometimes it is surprising what you may hear.
keep practicing this, you feel will immense sense of calm and peace towards your SP when you confide in their higher self more than their 3D self.
over time, what i find surprising is, your spiritual connection with them will get stronger & sometimes you will even hear things they actually feel and want to communicate to you. such is the immense power of thought transmission and telepathy.
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zeestie · 3 months
my simple manifesting "routine"
it's v automatic & random cos that's how I like it
state: I remind myself of the fact that I have it all through acting/thinking like "her" and rampaging whenever I feel like it to boost my self esteem
reminders: I have a minutely reminder that manifesting is instant and hourly reminders for self love, not doubting myself, taking care of myself, celebrating the present moment (ngl this all you need – it will be embarrassing for others to see at first but you will get used to it)
visualisation: I like daydreaming (was a maladaptive daydreamer) so I try to always consciously choose what to imagine when my mind wants to daydream (usually happens before sleeping)
vision boards: I do quarter planning and I create a vision board by the end of it, I keep it anywhere i could see it – wallpapers, chrome bg, etc. I'm thinking of employing visual subs into it (if u have experience with that please lmk !)
affirming: I have this setting on my phone that as soon as I unlock it, it launches my counter app & I do 10 sets of affirmations in wtv language/pov I feel like (switching the language/pov helps me a lot) + I affirm whenever I feel like it
subliminals & tapes: I recently started making my own subs and tapes (ima start to critically examine the submakers I follow too...), anywho ! I play subs and tapes whenever I feel like it, my earbuds are stuck to my ears 24/7 & I got yt premium for better access >:)
mediation & hypnosis: I meditate whenever I feel like it (used to do it once a day), I might sit in silence, play some frequencies/subs, do a guided meditation, or opt for a hypnosis if I wanna go for long and deeper.
journaling/scripting: can't believe I almost forgot about this, but I script every evening to work my self concept, practice gratitude, and visualise my ideal life/scenarios.
rampages: so I sometimes do mirror work or talk to ai chatbots in order to vaunt in the morning and evening+ whenever I need it.
prayer: so I'm muslim & I like using prayer & religion in general as a way to regulate my nervous system + to manifest! I don't have anything specific I do outside of the regular islamic teachings.
media: I like using movies, books, music, etc. to get in the mood, raise my self concept, and also normalise my desires & take them off the pedestal.
lmk what u think of it and any cool/unconventional techniques you use !!
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cussima · 4 months
⋆𐙚 my thoughts on different manifestation techniques pt. 1 ₊˚⊹
i'm bored so here goes nothing, i'd also like to say i mostly do these "techniques" or "methods" because i think they're fun !! they're not necessary or obligatory to manifest.
subliminals: i love them. they're just so easy, i listen to them because they make me feel great !! i also notice i don't have as many negative thoughts when i listen to them often. tip: i skip those that give me headaches or make me feel like my brain is melting. 10/10
lists: they're nice when you are pretty forgetful or want to manifest many things at the same time, i tend to look at my list when i genuinely forget what the hell i was manifesting. people say it's everything but it doesn't excite me. 5/10
robotic affirmations: they eaaattt you just affirm a bunch of times with no emotions and they just happen. super low effort. 100/10
meditations: i should meditate more i never do it,, althought every time I've done it i've gotten exactly what i visualized for. i feel like it's kind of time consuming that's why i don't do it. 8/10
visualization: if you have a vivid imagination, i totally recommend it. i usually imagine what i want very vividly and feel happy from it. although i gotta say i follow my own lead on this, because when i want to do what other people have recommended like "smell the scent, touch your surroundings" i get too into thinking mode and it ruins it for me big time, makes me doubt etc. 9/10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
i want to learn of more methods so i can do them and give more opinions, i just think they're super fun !! so if you have anything you'd recommend let me know ♡
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bruxasdebolso · 5 months
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hurmaes · 2 years
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Loves, don't forget to center yourself. No matter how busy you get, always remember to take a moment to stop, breathe, and just be. Meditate for a few minutes, even for just 5, to ground yourself. Take this step back from your busy day-to-day life so that you can come back in full force.
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wolfhoundwitch · 2 months
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Reupload from my old account but with some changes! I was @fangwitch before.
Part two here.
Visualisation is incredibly useful in witchcraft as it is the base of energy work. From this, you can do all kinds of practices.
You can use visualisation as a tool for meditation, astral travel, and wider spellwork such as sending energy into objects among other things.
So, how do I start?
Here’s a few basic exercises for you to practice. They're very simple and many of you will probably be able to pick it up easily if you’ve already done visualisation techniques!
Exercise One
1.  If you're new to visualisation, you’ll need a quiet area where you’ll be comfortable. Even lying in bed and putting white noise in your headphones works. Get rid of all distractions, put your phone on silent if you can.
2.  Close your eyes, and imagine a mountain. It's important to remember that not everyone is capable of picturing an exact image in their head - some people only conjure the idea of a mountain or a blurry image instead. Don't get frustrated with yourself, these techniques can be built on over time but should still be personalised to your abilities
3. Allow any passing thoughts to float by like clouds, inconsequential to the strength of your mountain. Breathe slow and deep as they pass you by. Bring your focus back to the mountain each time your mind drifts away.
4. You can use this technique as a way to ease yourself into practicing regular meditation too. Try it for five minutes a day, and you can even expand on what the mountain looks like, what animals might be there, and what it sounds and smells like, in time.
Exercise Two
1. Begin again by getting comfortable somewhere quiet and without distractions. Take some slow, deep breaths and close your eyes.
2. Imagine an apple, any old apple. Slowly, focus in on the details. Does it have leaves, more than one colour? Consider each tiny detail of the apple you’ve created.
3. Next, imagine a knife. Consider the size, the weight of the handle and what kind of metal it might be made of. Once you have an understanding of the details of your knife, take it and cut the apple in half. Focus on the detail inside:  the colour, how many seeds there are etc. The more detail, the better.
4. Now, use your senses. What does the apple feel like, smell like? Bite into it and taste it. You’re using visualisation to not only see the apple but understand everything about it, how it interacts with the world around it.
5. With regular practice, you should be able to visualise and interact with objects in your mind. Practice often with anything you like.
Thank you for reading. I am trying to write regular lessons again, so please reply or message with any witchy info you would be interested in learning!
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blnxpc · 3 months
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nestedneons · 4 months
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making-a-ru · 2 years
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Had a really nice Reiki session. Felt all glittery pink and bubbly. Made a little visual board to bring me back there when I want.
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ghostowlattic · 1 year
Movements In Monoliths I
improvisational music
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