#careful because lots of bone breaking and stabbing in this
erose-this-name · 7 months
humans are not the default race
In every scifi and fantasy setting with """races""", humans are the default.
If you're lucky, we're the short-lived, fast-reproducing pests that are all white Europeans for some mysterious reason, and also have disproportionate rates of being raised as undead because we can't be bothered to make zombie dwarf minis or animate a vampire gnome that has to jump up to bite a tall person's neck.
(We've got BOTH human AND elf skeleton warriors! Oh, hey, I just changed the scale, now it's a hobbit skeleton OR a giant skeleton! Such skeleton diversity! No, Khajiits can't be bone boys, a skeleton with a tail and a cat skull is just TOO SPOOKY)
I feel like a lot of people don't realize that we (Homo sapiens) have the longest running endurance of any land animal. Being able to run a marathon is not normal.
(It's because we evolved the very unusual hunting strategy of Slowly Chasing Gazelles While Throwing Sticks At Them Until The Gazelle Collapses From Exhaustion Then Casually Walking Up And Bashing Their Head In With A Rock™).
Even Neanderthals probably couldn't match our tenacity (they were considerably stronger and tougher though, but by no means dumber judging from the size of their brain cavities{which was bigger than ours actually})
(the evolutionary Neanderthal hunting strategy was probably something like Jumping Out And Stabbing A Wooly Rhinoceros With A Pointed Stick, Then Getting Punted 12 Feet Into a Tree But Getting Right Back Up And Doing It Again Until It Dies Because You Have Superhuman Bone And Muscle Density. And If You Do Break One Of Your Unbreakable Bones Your Homies Will Take Care Of You Until It Heals™
[Neanderthal skeletons are found with healed fractures surprisingly often despite said bones being much stronger and denser than ours, they just kept evolving denser bones until they couldn't even swim without sinking like a rock, but they still got broken all the time])
So given that we, Homo sapiens, actually literally used to be the "species that specializes in sheer endurance, determination, and unbreakable fucking will", I want more fantasy and scifi settings where we are that way! I think the only setting where that's even remotely the case is Undertale. We're not just the "default" intelligent species!
The only reason we're good at everything is because we can make complex tools and can learn and aren't bound by instinct. Which, by definition, all fantasy races would also be able to do. Otherwise, they'd just be considered animals. Like trolls or Redditers.
The "default" species should just be really good at making tools and quickly adapting, but kinda suck in every other category. So I guess gnomes or goblins are the default d&d race.
And Humans are certainly not the Tolkien "that one race that lives short lives and reproduces faster than everyone else and is good at farming" because:
A) we actually do already live relatively long lives for mammals of our size and also GIVING BIRTH CAN KILL US, AND IF OUR PARENTS DON'T RAISE US JUST RIGHT THAT CAN ALSO KILL US, WE ARE SPECIFICALLY VERY BAD AT REPRODUCING
B) we are in no way adapted to farming, and most of our modern health and societal issues stem from the fact that we aren't meant to farm or be civilized, but do it anyways.
We only farm because it helped us survive the ecological collapse at the end of the ice age, now we're in too deep to go back.
When the ice age ended (quite abruptly) the ecosystem couldn't provide for hunters and gathers anymore, a bunch of things were getting heat stroke, sea levels rose, hibernation and bloom cycles and reptile gender ratios were out of wack, predators died out because herbivores died out because plants weren't doing well. Decomposers like vultures and worms had a field day (Until they didn't [RIP condor population]). It would take a while for a new ecological equilibrium to emerge and for evolution to fix things.
But farming doesn't need any healthy ecosystems except for the soil and pollinators, mostly, so that still works. And farming makes more food meaning you can have more people. So now there's more people.
But that also means you can't ever go back to foraging without all those extra people dying of starvation. So, anarcho-primitivism would technically be the most deadly ideology if implemented, and therefore is not based, unfortunately. Here's hoping for an apocalypse to do that for us! (I would not survive it)
Fun Fact: those isolated tribal societies like the Sentinelese that still do hunting and gathering only spend 15-20 hours a week doing that and another 20 doing camp chores, and the rest of their time forming meaningful relationships and not being depressed.
Notice how most of what they do as "work" (hunting, fighting, hiking, berry/mushroom/etc picking, cooking, camping, arts and crafts, oral history/story telling) are things that we need to do during our limited free time as "hobbies" just so that our "work" doesn't drive us insane. Thus leaving less time for relationships, etc.
If we were actually good at farming or industry or civilization, then things like math and repetitive manual labor wouldn't be work. They'd be the most fun activities.
Sure, these foragers die young, but so did medieval peasant farmers who were even less healthy since they had much less diverse diets (a lot of carbs) and got plague more often thanks to cities and their close proximity to livestock. Our modern sedentary lifestyle is bad too.
Hobbits are suited to farming (also Entwives I guess). Hobbits are quite good at it, at the cost of not being as good at much else (besides going unnoticed and throwing for some reason), they inherently enjoy farming life quite a bit and most* aren't haunted by the sense they should be anything else, like we are. *(The Took family got that Call To Adventure 'tism)
We only think that we're not special or can't be anything other than what we currently are because we no longer have anything else to compare ourselves to. The Neanderthals and Denisovans died out tens of thousands of years ago and the fucking aliens are somewhere, presumably
We are special, only we survived.
But at the cost of becoming the species equivalent of an abandoned child raised by wolves. We fantasize about these things because we all know that we shouldn't be alone. But our perceptions of ourselves are twisted by our trauma and lack of socialization.
Personally, the realization that having lost our family was probably our fault makes that hurt so much worse.
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sexydoffyman · 8 months
Hi, could I request a cod x male reader specifically one with an insecure Alejandro who thinks his boyfriend might be cheating on him with another colleague of his. I love the possessiveness trope lol
genre: angst
characters: Alejandro Vargas
A/N: Lotta regret goin on here🐳
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He is jealous, very jealous. He used to be a fuckboy, and he definitely had more than one girlfriend in the past. But with his choice of women, he got cheated on a lot. That is where his insecurity began to grow.
He thought about it and came to the conclusion that he better try it with a dude. And again, now, due to his personality, he got cheated on multiple times. He was frustrated and tired. He wanted to give up on dating anyone.
That was until he met you. You were different because of one thing. He approached the other people. You were the one to approach him. You hung out, had fun, and eventually, you got together. But this time, Alejandro really fell in love. With the other ones, he had them to have the relationship status. He finally understood what it meant to love somebody.
And with his came a little problem. His insecurity really started to shine through. He was scared. Scared you'd find someone better. All it took was your friend to look at you suggestively.
He was fuming. As soon as you got home, he started breaking shit. You tried to calm him down. You wanted to talk to him about it normally. He started accusing you, "Why would you do this to me?" "Alejandro, you really need to sit down and chill out for a while."
He started yelling at you. You tried defending yourself by yelling back. Unfortunately for you, he was the bigger one, so he was able to corner you rather quickly. His hand gestures made you flinch. He was always really expressive with his body language, but you never experienced this.
"Just calm down for a while. Nothing happened!" "WHACK"
Your world went quiet for a while as you fell to the ground. He just kept on yelling, not having a care in the world that you had a bloody nose. He really caught you off guard. You finally caught your breath. Instead of fighting him, you just let him yell it out.
When he was done with his yelling, you finally spoke. "She's a lesbian." A long silence filled the room. "We went to school together, and we used to make sexual jokes all the time." You got up and looked him in the eyes. "You are not the man who I fell in love with." Those words stabbed him like little daggers.
"Wait!" He tried to stop you as you began walking to your shared bedroom. You stopped in your tracks to hear him out. "I'm sorry for accusing you. I should've listened to you." Anger filled your bones, and with one fast move, you punched him in the jaw.
It didn't really phase him. He just looked at you in surprise. When you actually faced him, he saw how angry you were. And the blood on your face that was now staining your shirt. "You didn't even bother to apologise for this." His face showed his horrified expression.
He really didn't want to lose you. He dropped to his knees and begged you to stay. You pushed him away with your leg. It was more of a kick than a push. You were livid. "You first accused me of being unloyal, then you hurt me, and now, instead of saying you didn't want to hurt me, you said you didn't want to lose me."
You sat down and cried. "I thought I found the one." He looked at you as if he wanted to give you all the love in the world, but you wouldn't let him. Tears started forming in his own eyes. "Let me make this up to you."
You ignored him and stood up to get your things. He got up and grabbed your hand "Please!" You slapped his hand away. "I don't want to be with someone as ignorant as you."
All he wanted was to not lose you, but because of his actions, he did exactly the opposite. He fucked up.
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eriexplosion · 2 months
I keep wanting to make a longer post for why I think Tech's alive, but it's difficult because while I have a lot of evidence for why I think this I also just keep coming back to 'well he's alive because they didn't bother to kill him onscreen'
Which always brings me back to being boggled how so many people have accepted him as dead to begin with. It's not just that this is Star Wars, I would find an offscreen death like a long fall suspect in even a 'realistic' gritty show because typically when you've killed all your other characters onscreen and then have someone fall out of sight still alive, there's a reason why we didn't get to see That One's Body.
But Star Wars is not realistic and gritty. Star Wars does whatever it wants all of the time and doesn't care about the logic of it. Hunter saved himself from a similar fall by stabbing a mountain and came out without a scratch. He didn't even break a bone. But suddenly I'm supposed to believe fall damage exists enough to kill Tech, guy that is established as Real Good At Surviving?
Tech is literally swimming in survival imagery both visual and dialogue, has his ability to keep a cool head and think his way out of impossible situations showcased, and genuinely feels so blatantly set up for survival that my only surprise is that he isn't back already, but yet I still routinely run into people being condescending about how totally dead he is. And this little brain cycle of not even really knowing how we've all even accepted that much, seeing as it goes against everything we've seen in Star Wars before, makes it very hard to get my evidence together for why 1. I think this was the end of a particular chapter not the batch's story as a whole and 2. why I think Tech still has a major role to play.
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neiveel3llson · 9 months
Alfred: I didn’t even realize how sarcastic I was being. It’s starting to become a problem, I believe.
Dick: I lost Damian.
Y/N: How did you LOSE Damian?!
Dick: To be fair, he is very small.
Bruce: Did you have to stab them?
Jason: You weren’t there. You didn’t hear what they said to me.
Bruce: What did they say?
Jason: "What are you going to do, stab me?"
Bruce: That’s fair.
Y/N: *screaming while holding something large.*
Dick: *Chasing Y/N, screaming at them to not throw the large object.*
Jason: *Crouching at the car window, begging Damian not to call Bruce.*
Dispatcher: 911, what's your emergancy?
Tim: We locked our baby brother in the car and people are judging us!
*Comments under an image of a really hot knife cutting bread*
Jason: Imagine stabbing someone with this knife.
Tim: It would instantly cauterize the wound, so the person wouldn't bleed, so it's not very useful.
Y/N: if you want information it is
Dick: why would you STAB a person when you can have TOAST?
Jason: What are you talking about Dick? You love it here!
Dick: I'm not sure I do, I think I've just developed Stockholm syndrome.
Damian: You need to be more careful!
Bruce, who was dragged into Damian's issue: Careful? CAREFUL?! I'LL CAREFULLY WRAP MY HANDS AROUND YOUR THROAT-
Damian: Wow. I keep stepping on a lot of crunchy twigs.
Y/N: Those are bones, Damian.
Damian: *looks straight up* Not if I never look down.
Bruce: Yeah, I find it quite emotional. In like a cool way.
Alfred: Sir, did you just say it makes you cry in a cool way?
Damian: But what about Y/N?
Jason: Don't worry about them.
Jason: I once watched them fall down 5 flights of stairs, stand up, and keep eating their hotdog like nothing happened.
Tim: Your problem is that you’ve got no common sense.
Y/N: I’ve got plenty of common sense!
Y/N: I just choose to ignore it.
*Playing house with Damian and Jon.*
Jason, at Jon: You're my significant other.
Jon: Yeah I am!
Jason, at Dick: You're my child.
Dick: *Rolls eyes* Yes boss.
Jason, at Tim: You're my bitch.
Tim: Yeah I am- wait, what?
Jason, at Y/N: My bestie.
Y/N: Naturally.
Jason, Damian: HA, GAY!
Damian: Fuck you.
Alfred: And then they ran into my knife. They ran into my knife ten times.
Bruce: You mean you stabbed them?
Alfred: They ran into my knife, sir.
Bruce: Breaking News, Dick has disappointed us.
Tim: Why do you look like that?
Damian, laying face-first on the floor: Like what?
Tim: Like you’re dead.
Damian: It’s because I’m dying. Leave me here to perish.
Alfred: Young master Damian accidentally called Y/N “babe” in front of everyone today.
Damian: *sobs into the floor*
Alfred: *Turns on the kitchen light*
Y/N: *Sitting at the table, eating bread*
Alfred: It’s four in the morning, young master.
Y/N: Turn the light back off.
Bruce: This is a judgement free zone.
*Pulls out a knife the size of their forearm*
Bruce: And I mean it.
Tim: Well you see, the explanation is perfectly simple and scientific. It was because shut up. Shut up is why.
Y/N: Listen, in the wild wild west there is always a woman in the saloon and nobody messes with her even though they all have guns.
Dick: That's because she's a prostitute.
Bruce: Tim, why are you crying?
Tim: This book is so sad!!
Bruce, picking it up: But this is my diary-
Dick: Can we talk about that mass email you sent?
Y/N: Why? It was important.
Dick: All it says is, "I'm back on my shit".
Damian, shrugging: The people need to know.
Y/N, to Jason: You're starting to forget your Spanish. You don't practice.
Jason: Lo siento. Estoy embarazada.
Y/N: You just told me you're pregnant.
Damian: Congratulations Jason, you're glowing!
Y/N: If we were in prison you guys would be like my bitches.
*When Y/N and Jason were young and new.*
Bruce: Where the devil is Alfred?
Y/N: Well, it is raining outside... Maybe he melted?
Tim: Shall I look outside for a pointy hat?
Jason: Thanks for opening my message and not responding.
Y/N: All good bro, any time.
Jason: Fuck you.
Damian, over radio: Testing. Testing. Bruce, can you hear me?
Bruce, standing next to Damian: I’m standing right here.
Damian: You’re coming through good and loud.
Bruce: ‘Cause I’m standing right here.
Alfred: Perhaps, the true treasure was friendship all along. Although, I hope not, because I cannot spend friendship on new suits.
Damian: You wanna fight?! You got one!
Y/N: Okay! *raises fists*
*Bruce runs in, scoops Y/N up in their arms, and runs away carrying them because he just didnt want them to fight. Yet.*
Damian: What?
Y/N: Any questions?
Y/N: Uh, a plan, duh...
Damian: Dick, chill, I know it’s weird, but Y/N has a point.
Joker: Any questions?
Joker: Uh, a plan, duh...
Harley: Y/N, chill, I know it’s weird, but Joker has a point.
Bruce, answering the phone: Hello?
Damian: It’s Damian.
Bruce: What did they do this time?
Damian: No, it’s me, Damian. It’s actually me.
Bruce: What did you do this time?
Dick: Everyone thinks you suck.
Joker: I think you have the wrong number…
Dick: Damian?
Joker: Nope. Joker.
Dick: Well, you probably suck too…
Y/N: When I first met you, I thought you were weird and annoying.
Tim: And?
Y/N: And you are.
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Hiii!! It’s 🦐 anon and I have returned to your blog for a request! Could I possibly ask for either Jeff and/or Toby (seperately) with a s/o that is really reckless (eg- gets injured a lot, breaks bones sometimes, always comes home with bruises, scrapes or wounds) and sometimes gets into fights, and some headcanons about how they wound react to it? Bonus points if you add how the boys would “deal with” the person who was fighting with the reader and like seriously hurt them. Have a lovely day!!
- 🦐 anon :3
I do love me some bonus points 🙏 😌
Thank you for requesting!!!
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Jeff is a reckless guy himself
Always turning up with new bruises, scrapes, etc
And he knows you are similar to him in that regard, and most of the time it's no big deal
For example, if you were to turn up with a new scratch or bruise, he likely wouldn't even notice
But if it's a big deal such as a big wound or a broken limb, he gets nervous
He gets more protective as well
Don't get him wrong, he knows you are fully capable of taking care of yourself, he just worries for you
If it's something like a stab wound, he would only allow you going out on missions with him, that way he can make sure you stay safe
But if it's something major like a head injury or a broken limb, he will downright refuse to let you work
Which would be a problem considering you wouldn't be making any money
But Jeff, like the good boyfriend he is (he's a little shit) takes on your work as well and gives you your pay once it is done
However, when it comes to the question of what he would do if someone got into a fight with you, it really just depends
On what, you ask?
Well, a lot
For instance, if he knew that you could take it, he would not intervene
He would instead cheer you on
But if he was even the slightest bit worried that you couldn't handle the fight, he would take care of it himself
He wouldn't hurt them too badly, just enough to make sure that they get the memo to not fuck with you ever again
But if someone tried to attack you for means such as killing you, he would not show that same mercy
He would only stop when the person is dead, or until you pull him off of them
Which will be hard, because once he's going he can't really stop
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Like Jeff, he is also very reckless
Unlike Jeff, he is typically more worried over smaller things
For example, he would get worried over scratches and bruises
Depending on how often you come home physically wounded, he will become more and more protective of you
It will start off with him just asking if you're ok, eventually getting up to the most protective he can get which would be him refusing to leave your side for most activities
I like to think of it kind of as a "point sheet" where Toby's protectivness is placed on a bar, going from least protective to super protective
Depending on how you get hurt, you would earn a "point", so to speak
For example, minor things like a scraped knee or a bruised arm would be 1 or 2 points
But big things like a bite or a broken bone would be worth 8 or 9 points
That's how Toby's brain works with you getting hurt
If you were to get into a fight, he would try to pull you away and calm you down
If he sees that there is no doing that, he will let you tussel with said person until you feel satisfied
But if he sees you getting cornered, or unable to take whoever is fighting you, he will jump in to protect you
And if he sees someone trying to attack you in a non-merciful way, he will likely beat whoever it is up until he feels satisfied with the outcome
Of course, it takes a lot to push him to that point
He is normally a very gentle and kind person, so fighting really isnt something that comes to him naturally
However, he'd do anything to make sure you're safe
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d34dg1rl5 · 7 months
Yellow! I’ma back! 🤣
You mentioned getting into Cod and liking Konig and Ghost! I’m starting to love ghost but I adore Konig.
Do you think you could do something for both (specifically Konig though) of these giants (and anyone else you wanna link up in here)? 😆
I don’t care how but I was thinking something like:
Through work the boys have always had their eyes on (you/us/the person 😂) making sure that (I think it’d be funny if the person was a girl but I think it’d be funnier if they were a guy now that I think about it) they are fine, they’re just so tiny compared to them it’s honestly kind of funny.
But here’s the kicker for my stupid mind: This tiny little person they’ve been keeping an eye on is a literal baddie! They’re funny to watch because off work they’re seen as a sweet little thing you wouldn’t expect could hurt a fly but then they hit the grounds of their mission and they re absolutely feral, a menace that completely destroys the image that everyone had of them.
I think it’s an absolutely hilarious thought but if you don’t want to do it I understand, and make sure to take care of yourself and have a good day!
Oh boy this is interesting 😏😎
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💀 As soon as you enter Taskforce 141 he has an eye on you. Because. You're so tiny?? He doesn't think you'll be able to handle yourself on the battle field!
💀 He always sticks around and near you whenever you're on a mission. He doesn't want a team member to die! He also instructs you a lot on stuff you already know how to do?
💀 "So all you need to do is to keep quiet and catch the enemy when they least expect it. A nice cut to the throat-" "Yeah, I know?" He gives you a stare but stops.
💀 One particular mission went bad. Ghost wasn't careful enough and is sitting against a wall with a wound on his stomach.
💀 Suddenly you turn around the corner and kneel in front of him looking at his wound. "Ghost, can you walk?" "Yeah. I endured worse."
💀 Just as you try to help him up Ghost yells. "Watch out!!" An enemy turned up behind you - and he was twice as tall as you.
💀 With a swift motion you take out your knife and stab it into the guys neck, sending two kicks to his stomach. The guy falls to the ground gurgling. You take the knife out of his neck and plunge it into his skull, the enemy being dead immediately.
💀 You turn around and look at Ghost. You don't see it but a proud grin is plastered on his face. "Good job."
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👑 He feels the need to protect you. You're a small and fragile princess in his eyes. You're not supposed to be in the military..!
👑 He hates to see you go on dangerous missions, you shouldn't let your life be like... This. You should be somewhere more peaceful, live a happy life with a lot of friends!
👑 One day you got assigned to go on a mission with him. You had to find out about the an enemy, who was seen to have smuggled a suspicious package.
👑 König decided to go first. "You stay here, verstanden?"
👑 Of course you wouldn't stay here. Duh?? You follow him and suddenly he got ambushed by a guy with a gun. He holds the gun to Königs head but this guy didn't see you!
👑 You push the guy to the ground grabbing his arm and breaking it. He screams in pain and the blood splatters in your face. His bone is standing up and the man whimpers in pain.
👑 König looks at you and hands you his gun. You take it and put a bullet through the guys head. Then you turn to face König. "Are you alright?"
👑 König nods. "Yeah... Danke... You saved my life." You smile slightly. "I am your team mate, I won't let you die. Not on my watch. C'mon, let's finish this mission!"
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14buddy22 · 1 year
I’ll Spend the Rest of My Life Making It Up To You Series
Part 4! WC: 6.5K
Warnings: Domestic Violence, Engagements/proposals, bruises, scars, cuts, stitches, fractures, broken bones, mention of killing, beating, prison, abuse (physical, verbal, mental, and emotional), heavy angst, marriage, weddings, biting/bite marks, throwing up, rape, blood, mention of Foyet’s stabbings/Haley’s death
A/n: This part Is from the letters. It switches off between Aaron reading them and what the reader is going through. Italicized are the letters. If I missed any warnings... PLEASE LMK
Series Masterlist // Masterlist
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Aaron sat at his desk. Afraid to open up the evidence box of letters. Afraid to open up the case file. He didn’t know what to do. All he could think about was how he could let you get away, again. How was the universe treating him like this? Why did terrible things happen to the woman he loved, the woman he’s always been in love with?
Aaron was afraid of a lot. He was afraid of losing you, that’s what made him break off the engagement. Everything he was afraid of, was becoming his reality. As one of the better profilers in the FBI, how did he not notice the signs? He thought he was doing everything to protect you, to keep you safe, but staring at his desk, his thoughts proved him wrong. He could have kept you safe, and that’s his fault.
Aaron slowly took a deep breath. Shaky hands moved towards the file on his desk. When he opened it, he saw you. He saw you at your most vulnerable moments. He saw every single bruise, scar, cut, scratch, stitch, and possible fracture. He saw everything.
He wanted to kill Jake. He didn’t care if he sat in prison. What Jake did to you is something Aaron could never understand. He never understood why his father did it to his mother and him. He still doesn’t understand how someone could ‘be in love’ with someone, yet still, beat them, throw things at them, and be physically, mentally, and emotionally abusive toward someone. It’s just the one thing he couldn’t wrap his mind around.
When he slowly got through all the photos, he didn’t realize the tears that had fallen onto his desk. He was angry. He was upset. His heart hurt knowing that he ended the engagement to protect you, but instead, led you to your abuser.
It’s ironic that where Jake gave you bruises, cuts, and scars, are all the same places where Aaron had kissed and touched you when you two were together. He just prayed that if Jake did lay hands on you tonight, it wouldn’t be your face, where Aaron had held your face in his palms today.
After finally having enough and feeling sick to his stomach looking at what Jake had done to you, and finally having mentally prepped himself for getting ready to read your letters, he closed the file up, moved it over to the side, and then opened the evidence box.
There were a lot of letters. You can bet any money that he was going to read every single word you wrote in every single letter. He wouldn’t leave until he finished. He pulled out the first letter, looking at the date.
6 months after the engagement ended.
I met someone. He’s funny and kind. He dances on top of tables at the bar, and even though the bouncer keeps telling him he can’t, he does it. He’s got a nice smile. His name’s Jake. He’s run into me a couple of times at the bar within the past month. I think now he’s almost stalking me, lol. I can tell he’s trying to ask for my number, which he’ll get by the way.
I don’t know why I’m writing you this, maybe it’s my way of getting over you. He’s asked about you. He knew that I must have broken up with someone. We talked about you. He wasn’t very fond of you breaking my heart, but I took some of the blame because you don’t deserve to have this man hate you and he doesn’t even know you. I know this letter will never be sent, you’ll never read it, but maybe this is my personal diary. I guess I’ll keep you updated.
With Love, Y/n
Aaron wanted to tear the letter to shreds. You wrote to him about Jake to get over him. He continued to read the next few letters. Luckily they were still in the honeymoon phase. Jake treated you great at the start. He asked for your number, took you out to dinner, didn’t try to kiss you after the first date.
Aaron hated what he was reading, especially knowing what the outcome of this relationship is 10 years later. He hated it so much. If he could have gone back in time, he would’ve told you to run. He would’ve shown up at your apartment to say how sorry he was. He would have done anything to get you back. The nights he spent drinking, working, drowning in his sorrows, wishing he had you back in his life, you were going out with Jake.
It was about 5 letters later, he finally got to the first one, about 7 months in to dating Jake.
He called me fat today. Could you believe that? I was trying on a dress for a friend’s wedding and he didn’t like the way I looked. He didn’t even try to lie. I mean, seriously. What man does that? I know if it had been you, you would have said wow, you look beautiful. I know it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, but for someone to call their girlfriend fat, it just blows my mind. Even if I’ve gained 5 pounds, I guess I don’t look that good in the dress, that’s fine, but shouldn’t he try to hide it? Instead, he’s pointing out specifically where the dress made me look fat. I guess I’m missing your comments, even if you didn’t mean them, I always believed in them. I felt like the prettiest girl in the world when I was around you, but being with him makes me think I’m not. I know I’m not a model, but it makes you think, ya know?
Aaron kept on reading, intrigued by the verbal, mental, and emotional abuse that was beginning in your relationship. It tore him apart that you didn’t realize it then. He got to the letter he didn’t want to get to. Your wedding day with Jake. He had been dreading this letter. He actually didn’t even know if there would be a letter about your wedding day, but alas, there was, and he was holding it in his hands.
Hotchner, I’m really marrying him. Can you believe it? Well, maybe you can because you’re actually coming. Well, I hope you’re coming. You told me you were when we were having lunch. I’m not marrying you, god, I wish I had. We never got to have that dance that we wanted as we talked about at the wedding that you didn’t even want to go to in the first place. Hopefully, you’ll save a dance for me tonight. I hope Haley doesn’t mind if I steal you away for 1 song to dance to. Well, 2 hours until I get married. I know you’ll never read this, but, I hope you object to the wedding. We can run off, get married, and have 6 little Hotchner babies running around. It’s not fair to Haley because she didn’t do anything, but I think I’d be happier with you than Jake. Until the next letter, Y/n.
When Aaron turned to the next letter, he saw how much longer it was, there was a teardrop stained on it. He was afraid to read it. For once, he wanted to stop. To break his promise to himself that he wouldn’t stop reading until he was done, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t break another promise to you. He knew that the letters in his hand were a continuation from your wedding day because they were all stapled together, and the only date on the entire page was on the front paper, from your wedding day.
I saw the look you gave me today while you were sitting in the pew. I was trying to silently plead with you to stand up and say I object at the wedding. Had you done that, I would have run away with you. I mentioned before that Haley didn’t deserve it, but I saw the way you looked at me when I walked down the aisle. I saw the way your breath hitched when I made eye contact with you. I saw you slightly lean forward when the priest was asking if anyone objected to the marriage. Don’t think I missed it because I didn’t. I wish you would have done something because then I wouldn’t be in the situation that I’m stuck in.
When Jake and I shared our first dance, I wish that would have been you dancing with me. The entire night would have been better if you were the one I married instead of him. When you had walked outside for what I could only think to gather yourself at the end of the first dance, I wanted to follow you right when the song ended, to tell you that everything’s going to be okay, nothing would change between us, but boy, was I wrong. I couldn’t go. He told me I had to stay with him to say goodbye to those who were leaving, to stay for pictures. He had to have known I was going to go after you.
And I wish I did, because as the night ended and I hugged you, it was like I was losing my other half when you walked away. I know we promised each other lunch dates, but after what happened, which I will get to in a second, I’m not sure if there will be lunch dates, and that’s what hurts me. It hurts to know that I might never see you again.
I’m scared. What he did to me tonight, I prayed would never happen to anyone I know. After the stories, Sean told me about your father and your mom. The stories that you told about your father and you. I guess I was so naive to think that would never happen to me. I guess had I fought harder for you, I would have been right. You would have never hurt me the way he did tonight.
It started out with him being mentally, emotionally, and verbally abusive. He started saying that he didn’t like my wedding dress, although I absolutely felt like a princess in it.
Aaron took a moment to pause. He thought you looked absolutely stunning in that dress. It was perfect. You were a real-life princess. How did Jake not see that? If Jake wasn’t interested in you, why even bother to get married to you? He didn’t want to keep reading, but he had too.
He ripped the dress off me and got upset with me because I wasn’t in his favorite type of lingerie. I thought what I had bought was cute. What he likes is practically next to nothing and I didn’t want to feel bare underneath my wedding dress. The hard earned money I spent on my dress, ruined, only for him to rip it off to just get me naked. I wanted to cry right then and there. He was rough, throwing me onto the bed, I hit my head against the wall. He was possessive, dominant. I’m not saying that I wasn’t into that because you know I was, but he didn’t ask for safe words, he didn’t ask what was okay and what was not okay. 
He slapped me, hard. He called me a bitch. Who wants to be called a bitch on their wedding night? He ripped the lingerie off me and yelled at me because it wasn’t what he wanted. Then he got really rough. 
Leaving bite marks above my breasts, on my breasts, my thighs. He thought it was turning me on. I tried tugging him off, but he only got turned on even more. I didn’t want anything more to happen. 
I really didn’t. I tried to push him off before he entered me. I tried, but he just held me down and told me to be quiet. He said, “If I were Aaron, I know you’d keep quiet.”
Aaron threw up. Whatever he had to eat that day all came out into the garbage can. He couldn’t believe what he had just read. He was the reason you were sexually assaulted. Jake was jealous and it was Aaron’s fault to blame. This was Aaron’s fault, there’s no more denying that it wasn’t Aaron’s fault anymore. In Aaron’s eyes, it’s his fault that everything happened to you. As he thought that, he threw up again.
When he finally composed himself together, he picked up the letter again. Going to read the rest of your letter from that awful night.
Sorry for the tear smudge on this. I had to take a break. Crying in the bathroom as I’m writing this. I’m sorry. Anyways, I might as well continue.
When your name came out of his mouth, I knew he was jealous, he was doing this to me like I had done something terrible to him. When I told him that you weren’t into being dominant in bed, he slapped me again.
God, I never want to feel that pain ever again.
I had tears coming down my cheeks. I knew I was going to be raped and I couldn’t do anything about it. I was vulnerable, exposed to him. His father’s a lawyer. His father’s amazing, sweet, and super kind, but his son is polar opposite.
I remember asking Jake if we could stop. I told him I had a headache and that we could have sex right when we woke up in the morning. I begged him, but he just told me no. It was then that he entered me. I told him to stop. I tried to move, but he just kept going. I was frozen. I didn’t want this. I told him to stop. Tears were coming out of my eyes as he bit my. His teeth broke through my skin, I could feel the blood begin to drip down my shoulder.
Even after everything he did, he couldn’t even get me off. He finished inside me, rolled over, and went to bed.
Now it’s 2am and I’m writing this as I’m sitting in the hotel bathroom, trying to collect my thoughts, and figuring out if that really happened. I know it did. I didn’t make this up. I’m staring at the bite marks he left on my shoulder. The bite marks on my breasts, the redness on the one side of my face where he slapped me one time too many.
I’m feeling empty inside. I feel as if I’m worthless. I feel lost. I know I shouldn’t feel this way. I know you never would have made me feel like this. Even when our engagement ended, I never felt this way. What Jake did to me tonight is much worse.
I wish I would have fought harder for our relationship. I wish I would have ran away from the wedding today. I wish I had the strength to push him off of me and leave the hotel room before he assaulted me. All the things I could wish, I can’t go back in time to change it. That’s what scares me.
I just got married to what I thought was someone I loved, but instead, I was treated as a sex doll tonight. I was treated like garbage. I hope that I never feel the way I felt tonight. I’m sure it was just the alcohol that made him act out.
I’m just scared, but I should be allowed to feel that. I wish I had you so I could be in your arms. I could really use a Hotchner hug. Why does it feel like I’ll never be able to really tell you how things are between Jake and I? Like our lunch plans won’t actually work out? I’m afraid to think that way, but after what Jake did, I don’t know if it’s the same man I met at the bar 2 years ago.
I really, really miss you. And, I’m still in love with you.
It was like someone punched Aaron in the gut. He had lost all air he was holding. He wanted to throw up again but didn’t know if he could or if he should. This was like torture. He’d rather get stabbed 9 times again than read through the pain he put you through. This was only 2 years into your relationship with Jake, and there were still 8 years worth of letters to go.
He just wanted you in his arms safely. To help you get a therapist, to talk to someone so you learned to live with your trauma instead of shoving it deep down as he did. He knew all there was to know about trauma and he hated that you knew what trauma was too.
When you pulled into your driveway, you were met by Jake in the garage. You just needed to calm down. You couldn’t make yourself suspicious about what you had been doing. As you grabbed Mason out of the car, you walked into the garage.
It was a weird feeling. Jake almost seemed scared that you had left.
“I thought something had happened to you. I don’t know what I’d do if something were to happen to you or Mason. Hey, there’s my baby boy. Did you have fun with Mommy today?”
It was the little things like that that made you realize that maybe it wasn’t so bad to continue to be in a relationship with Jake. Maybe you overreacted going to Aaron. Jake wrapped you in his arms and kissed your forehead. Over the past 8 years, ever since your wedding, you got used to faking being in love with him.
There were some moments when you did love him. Maybe it was the way that he’d pay for a family’s dinner at a restaurant that you and he ate at, or it was the way he was looking at you now, when he realized that at any given moment, his wife and child can walk out on him.
“I’m sorry I scared you today. Aaron needed me. Jack’s going through so much. Sean hasn’t talked to Aaron. He just needed a friend. Jack just needed a mom figure. I should have told you but I didn’t want to bother you at work. So, I’m sorry.”
You got teary-eyed, you really had to play this up. You had to play it up so much that you almost believed it.
“How’s Jack doing?”
“He misses his mom. I don’t blame him. If God forbid something happens to me, I know Mason would be okay with you, but the trauma of losing a parent when you’re young. I don’t know how Aaron’s doing it. I hope Jack’s going to be okay. Aaron convinced Jack to start seeing the therapist that he had back when it happened and after, Jack finally agreed. So, it’s progress. I’m hoping to check in and take Jack out for a dinner, and spend some time with Mason. He was so good with him today.”
“Whatever Jack needs.”
How was Jake acting like this? Like he said he was going to kill you because he knew you were with Aaron. Maybe he just lost his cool when you told him. Maybe using Jack as a decoy was going to help you get out of your relationship with him. Well, at least an escape. Maybe you were overreacting.
Mason and I are starving, so, what do you say I cook us up something to eat?”
“Honey, you know I’m good with whatever you make.”
It was weird. He was acting like you and he had been in the perfect marriage for the past 10 years. He was playing on the floor with Mason, laughing, and smiling. He had come into the kitchen, walking over to put his hand on your hip and kiss your shoulder.
It made you smile, he did have loving moments, and maybe he had an eye-opening experience with you being gone for the day. Maybe something changed in him. Maybe everything was going to be okay now.
Maybe…just maybe
He hated it. He hated that you endured this pain for 10 years and he couldn’t stand the thought of you going through it tonight. He had to find you, but you promised him you’d be safe, and you always kept your promises.
If you really needed him, you would call. That’s what he was going to tell himself as he was finished with the letter. He kept that letter off to the side, in a different pile. When he reached into the box for the next one, he felt an envelope. As he opened it, he found more photos.
These were the photos you took of yourself in the hotel bathroom on your wedding night. He saw the torn wedding dress in the corner, the lingerie that was no longer on your body. He saw the way your lip was split. He saw the bitemarks on your shoulder. He saw your mascara running down your face. He saw the bruises forming, the red marks of his handprint on your face.
Rage consumed Aaron’s body. If he wasn’t an FBI agent, if he wasn’t a father to a little boy who had already lost his mom, he would’ve been a vigilante and killed Jake. Jake didn’t deserve you. You were an angel, yet you’d been through Hell.
Aaron put the letter and the photos back inside the envelope and then moved on to the next letters. The letters of your abuse were tearing him apart. He was sick to his stomach, literally. Just when he thought he had emptied his stomach contents, there was more. It wouldn’t stop.
Reading how he would hit you if you didn’t have his meal on the table when he came home, degrading you while you were getting ready for work, getting ready for a night out with him, degrading you during sex. The most intimate moment with someone and he was making you feel bad about yourself.
Aaron was in complete awe of you. How could someone who was in an abusive relationship be so composed? How could you get up for work every single day and go teach little kids? How could you be so good at hiding how what was going on in your life?
Then he got to a letter he didn’t think he could dread, but he had. The past few letters, you had been counting down until you were meeting with him for your first lunch date. Almost seeing him an entire year after your wedding, both of you just being so busy. He was dreading it, but he knew he had to read the letter.
Wow, you looked amazing today. Oh my gosh, I can’t believe I just wrote that when I’m a married woman. Well, I’m still in love with you. I don’t think I’ll ever get over you. I need to. I’m a married woman, you’re engaged to Haley. I can’t believe it. I hope she sees what an amazing man you are. The BAU seems to be going well for you. I’m glad. You were always great at putting others first before yourself. That’s what I admired about you from the start. You would take care of Sean before you took care of yourself. That was a small thing that hooked me from the start. But, I can’t believe I finally got to go out to lunch with you. It was amazing. I had such a great time from hearing about your engagement to how wedding prep is going. While I loved hearing about you, I wish you would have seen the way my heart was slowly breaking. I wish you would have seen the way I was nervously tapping my feet on the ground. I wish you would have seen the bruise that was forming on my ribs and how much pain I was in. He pushed me down the stairs today, Aaron. He found out I was having lunch with you and he got so upset. When I asked him why he did it, he said that I tripped. I KNOW I did not trip down the stairs, Aaron. He purposely pushed me because he was angry with me. He probably would have done a lot worse had I not left when I did and explained that we were in a public setting, having lunch at the local diner where his office was across the street. Gosh, it sounds terrible, but I wish you would have noticed what was going on with me and asked me. It’s not your fault. It’s my fault I didn’t speak up. I just don’t think I’ll ever be able to speak up myself, because… what if I’m crazy? He will lose it even more and hurt me even more than he has if he found out I told anyone what he does to me, especially if I told you. It was good to see your smile. I had this image of you from my wedding day and that’s not the Aaron Hotchner I wanted to recognize. I’m glad I got to see you today. It’ll be a memory and moment that helps me get through everything until our next lunch date. I hope it’s soon. Maybe the abuse from Jake will stop. I don’t know. Maybe you’ll recognize that I am being abused by Jake. You’re the world’s best profiler but you couldn’t profile me. Maybe I should play poker. You always said I was good at the game when we used to play, especially strip poker because I’d always have my clothes still on and you’d be down to your boxers before I even began to lose an article of clothing. (That’s because I felt bad and let you win). But, you always told me that I didn’t have a good enough poker face, but guess what Aaron? We were playing a game of poker today and you couldn’t even tell the cards I was trying to play tonight. My poker face was too good for you to see that I was broken, battered, and hurting. You saw a friend who you hadn’t seen since her wedding. You saw the woman you used to be engaged to now married to another man. Maybe you saw me smile and hug you right away so you convinced yourself that I had moved on, that I was okay without you. Damn it, Aaron, I got excited to hug you because I just wanted to feel loved for once since my wedding. I just wanted to be held by you because you brought me a little bit of safety and comfort. When you touched me, I couldn’t flinch because I knew you would have never done what he is doing to me. When you hugged me goodbye after our lunch, I didn’t want to let go right away because I didn’t want my time to be over with you. I just wanted to hold onto something good in my life for just a few more seconds, before I had to return to this hell. I’m hoping I get your wedding invitation soon, I owe you a dance since we never got to dance at my wedding.
Aaron remembered that day. He spent so much of that time talking about himself, you had rarely talked about you. He just remembers thinking about how beautiful you had looked. How you were smiling and laughing at whatever he was saying. You were intrigued at whatever he was talking about.
Thinking back to that lunch date and now reading the letter, he feels like a complete asshole. Why didn’t he just think to ask more about Jake? Maybe you were right. You knew he didn’t like Jake. You knew you weren’t going to talk about Jake with Aaron.
Rereading the letter again, he does remember the way your legs were bouncing under the table, he just thought you were really excited. He did remember the way you kept looking over his shoulder, like you were waiting for someone. He remembered the way you grabbed your rib cage and held it for a few seconds after laughing.
Then he remembered when you and he used to play strip poker, how he would always lose to you. He would be wanting to get you naked, yet he was always the one naked before you were. The more he would play poker with you though, he began to notice your tells, but you were right, you had perfected the poker face because he couldn’t pick up on the cards you were playing with at your lunch date.
He was an awful profiler. This was only the first lunch date you wrote about. How many other lunch dates did he miss the signs of a domestic violence victim that were right in front of him? Maybe he was trying to convince himself that you had moved on and that he had to be okay. He regrets it now. He regrets everything. Had he not broken up your engagement, you and he would be together, you wouldn’t have met Jake and he wouldn’t have married Haley. Haley was murdered because of his job. Two people he loved and both of them dealt with pain and suffering. Haley even lost her life because of it.
All because of him and his actions.
Aaron knew he couldn’t continue. He needed to get some food in him. He needed to go for a walk. He needed to cry. He didn’t know. He was hurting. He wanted to see you. He wanted to hold you in his arms again and he wanted to cry with you. He wanted to apologize to you.
As he stood up from his desk, he kept the letter folded up and placed it in his pocket. He grabbed the box of letters and grabbed his keys. He needed something to eat, but he was craving to read what you were going to write about next. He needed to get to the letter you wrote about your last lunch date together. He needed to know what lead up to it being the last one.
So, the only logical thing for him to do was to get in his car with your letters and drive to the diner that you two always met at. He sat in the booth that you two always sat at. He remembers asking you why you liked the booth and you said that you were far away enough from the front door but not super close to the kitchen. You liked being in the middle of everything, but you also liked to see everyone who was around you. Being in the middle, you could see everyone.
As he sat down at the booth, he ordered your favorite meal, not even his. He ordered what you would have gotten with him. Maybe he just needed to feel close to you. He didn’t know, but whatever it was, he was lost in rereading your first lunch date letter when the waitress asked him what he wanted and he just said your order, not realizing it until they brought it out to him.
Before he picked up the next letter, he was interrupted with a phone call from Jack. Jack was the best thing to happen to him. He was such a great kid. With everything he’s been through at a young age, Aaron was so proud of him.
“Mason’s asleep. Would you like to watch a movie?”
“I’m going out of town. Business trip. I’ll be out for two weeks.”
“Oh-okay. Um, when are you leaving?
“My flight leaves in two hours. Which is why, now that he’s asleep, I can have you all to myself.”
As you made your way over to kiss him, you felt him push you up against the wall. Full body covering yours. You didn’t realize your head hit the wall hard enough to put a dent in the wall.
When he grabbed your face, he said, “Do you really think I’m that dumb? Do you really think I didn’t know you went to see Aaron to see him and not his son? Your tracking device on the car was going crazy. You were at his place of work. You know what that means, huh?”
He slapped you and pushed you to the ground. As you yelped, he towered over you. You were scared. You didn’t know what was going to happen. Mason was upstairs sleeping, but you couldn’t protect him if something happened to you. You just needed to get Jake out of the house and then you were running away.
“Aaron has been a problem since our wedding. Do you remember that? Aaron’s name only ever seems to be the problem.”
“Jake. I promise nothing has happened between Aaron and me ever since Aaron and I were engaged. I can’t even look at him without wanting to yell at him. He broke my heart, but you. You saved me.”
God. You hated this. You hated lying to Jake but you were trying to keep yourself alive just until he was leaving.
“No. I’m done with this. I’m done with you running to him. No more lunch dates, ever. No more going to see Jack. No more helping Aaron. No more talking to Sean or anyone else that Aaron knows. From now on, it’s only you or I. I will hire someone to shop for us. I will get the dry cleaning if I have to. You’ll go to work, drop Mason off at daycare, and come home. That’s only where you’re allowed to go. I’ll know if you go somewhere and when I find out, I’ll be worse than I am now. I’ll really kill you.”
“Jake, please.”
“Shut up, bitch!”
Jake hit you harder. A punch that felt like you were seeing stars. You don’t know if you were knocked out, but you just closed your eyes and kept them closed, trying to fight off what else was coming your way from him.
You know you were bleeding, you could feel it coming down your head. You know you were crying. You know he was only getting madder. That’s why you were thankful that he got a phone call and that his friend was there to pick him up from their flight.
Leaving you behind, on the kitchen floor of your home, you slowly stood up, watching him get in his coworker’s car and watching the car take off down the street, you broke down crying. You needed to leave him. You had two weeks away from him. That was two weeks to get everything you and Mason needed out of the house and start a new life. You were doing it. You had finally had enough.
You grabbed your phone from the counter and called Aaron. Praying he would pick up as you were still trying to stop the bleeding from your head.
“Aaron, please. Please. Please pick up. Please, I need you right now. Please.”
You were saying a silent prayer, just waiting for him to answer.
“Aaron, I need you to get Mason and I. Please. I need you, please. My address is still the same. Please, come fast.”
He couldn’t even begin to read the next letter, just trying to make sure he was in the clear of throwing up before starting again. Then he got a phone call from you. It sounded like you were crying. He needed to get to you and he needed to get to you fast.
He threw money on the counter and placed the letter in the box, sprinting to his car, throwing the box in the back, and putting on his lights and sirens. He broke every law to make sure he got to you. When he pulled into your driveway, he got out of his car, and ran up to the door. He knocked on it. Probably, ore times than he needed to and probably way louder than you would have wanted him to.
When you opened the door, he saw your face. You watched the way he went from concerned to filled with rage quickly. He grabbed his gun and stepped inside your house, not caring if he had an invite in. From the looks of you, he had probable cause.
“Aaron. Put that away. He’s gone. He left. His friend picked them up, he’s going on a business trip. Aar-”
You broke down crying. All he could do was just grab your body and pull you into his. He was trying to take in everything that had happened to you within the very few hours you two had been apart. He was trying to see more cuts, bruises, and marks on you that he hadn’t seen before.
He saw the blood. He saw the busted lip. He saw the handprint on your face. He saw the way your body shook so hard in his arms. It killed him. Jake did this to you. Aaron wanted to console you for as long as he could, until you hadn’t mentioned anything about Mason.
“Where’s Mason, y/n? Where is he? Is he okay?”
“He’s. He’s upstairs. He’s sleeping.”
You began to control your breathing, just so you could stand up and begin to move upstairs toward Mason’s room. Aaron knew he had to get you to a hospital. This had to be documented. You were going to get full custody of Mason, he’ll make sure of it. But Jake had to be put in jail for what he did.
“I’m going to get you more ice and pack a diaper bag for Mason. I’m going to take you to the hospital. You need to get stiched and we’re going to file a police report. We’re going to do it together.”
“Aaron, no. It’s fine.”
“No, I’m not letting you tell me it’s fine when you call me to get you and Mason. I’m not going to let this go when you’ve just been beaten. You wanted help, please just let me help you. It’s going to be scary, but it won’t be any scarier than the hell you’ve been put through. So, please. I’m asking that you go get Mason. Pack a bag for him. I’ll get all his bottles. Grab some pajamas for yourself and some clothes for a couple of days. Some clothes for Mason. Once we’re done at the hospital you’re coming back to my apartment. I have an extra bedroom. If needed, I’ll let Jack sleep with me and you can put Mason in Jack’s room. I’m firm on this. Let me take care of you. Let me help you.”
You just wiped your tears and nodded at Aaron, which he nodded back, trying to hold his tears back from seeing you so upset. So broken. So vulnerable.
Aaron was right. You needed help. This was it. If Jake comes home tomorrow and apologizes, fine. But you cannot go back to him because you’ll be in that cycle that you’ve been in for the past 10 years. But how many times of that cycle do you have to keep repeating before enough is enough?
Aaron’s helping you break that cycle. That cycle of abuse is ending tonight.
Next Part
tagging: @8crazy-freak8 @angelmather1 @rousethemouse​ @lex13cm​ @mrs-ssa-hotch​ @camilahotchner 
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loquaciousquark · 1 year
So I stayed up ungodly late last night playing through the Cazador quest/conclusion (?) of the Astarion romance and I have a lot of thoughts!
Overall, I LOVED it. Absolutely loved it. I love how much he has to say about the mansion, I love the design and weirdly oppressive layout of the space, the sinister door, the annoying button/attic puzzle, his relationship with Go...dey? The bone man! When I saw that room was called the kennel I literally said "oh no" out loud.
The one thing I'm mad at myself about is that I didn't understand how to actually get into the stupid palace to start the quest! I couldn't get up that dirt incline right next to the map marker so I thought I had to get into the upper city via Baldur's Gate on the left--that the palace was in the next area altogether--so I've been dithering about with murderers and Lae'zel getting kidnapped (D:! she's safe now though) and hag children and a million other things WHEN I COULD HAVE BEEN KILLING CAZADOR THIS WHOLE TIME. Harrumph.
Anyway, once I actually made it into the darned palace, I didn't have any trouble at all with the fights until I got to Cazador himself. I did think the ritual skull on the pillow was a nice touch, and I loved the confrontation with Sebastian in the cell, just in case the PC has any doubt left about how sane/human these spawn still are. Seven thousand souls! That's so many!! Seven is a lot, but seven thousand, yikes! There was also one room with some levers at the end of the tedious attic puzzle that appeared to have no purpose; I guess it was unfinished from the design stage, as dozens of Reddit threads/forum posts all agree there's no clear puzzle solution or interactable element. Really, the first design misstep I've seen from the game, and even that was pretty minor!
Then came the confrontation with Cazador, and for all I didn't even get touched in the werewolf fight earlier this fight WRECKED me. I didn't understand the mechanic and got everyone sacrificed for the ritual the first time (was focusing on the adds first), and then the second time I checked the journal and it said "Help Astarion" and so I wasted two turns getting to him only to discover they meant "help Astarion by killing Cazador," not "free Astarion with the Help action" because that sure didn't work, so he got sacrificed again! Then the third time I focused Cazador better until he Called Lightning on Shadowheart and Karlach and killed them both, and then I finally scraped it out on the fourth try. A really, really tough fight! If I didn't have the six summoned ghouls from the Thay book I don't know if I could have done it with this party.
The choices available afterwards are FASCINATING. I played through them all again, and I loved that in every version he absolutely butchers that vamp with as much violent stabbing as I've seen in a video game. And that little flip of the knife to the reverse grip! So deft! He's a rogue! It's like there's thought and care behind these animations!! Incredible! The choices where you don't help him are absolutely awful--the enraged venom in "I'd say good luck out there, but honestly, I hope you die screaming"--and the flat "Your companion has permanently left the party" made my stomach clench. The version where you help him ascend is also horrifying; are there many other quests where both companions are like, "this is a HORRIBLE IDEA, don't do this!!"? And afterwards Karlach said something about "all those souls..." and she looked like she was about to cry, which was the second worst thing in the world aside from the time I had to break up with her because I didn't realize we were dating. Everything is red and evil and we get nice close-up views of the spawn in agony and bursting and then Astarion's eyes glow red as sin forever. I did really like the explicit confirmation that the infected can use the parasites to see out of each other's eyes; that's given me a couple fic ideas already!
I will say the scene of him crying & screaming was unspeakably cathartic and I was yelling at the screen to let me hug him. YELLING. Thank God I live alone! Again, the tenor differences between this scene in the "insight/persuade him to be better than Cazador" track vs. the "flatly deny to help him" track were shocking. I can't believe how different the exact same animation set felt between the two versions! Unbearable relief & grief vs. total impotent despair--no wonder he tries to kill you in a few of the bad endings (on top of deciding on his own to snap the staff & trap the spawn forever).
Regardless, once the ritual was disrupted and the spawn were saved and freed and Cazador was a lolling pincushion, I couldn't figure out how to trigger the follow-up scene I KNEW had to be there, even though I'd already done Shadowheart's personal quest & should have known I needed to long-rest, lmao. I wandered around like a dope for several minutes before finally triggering it.
I really, really liked this romance scene a lot. I liked that there isn't even an option to break up at this point; just like ME3, the romance is locked in and you can just play around inside that structure, which I thought was fantastic! I am sad that it opened with what I expected, which is him resigning himself to eventually being trapped in the darkness & never seeing sunlight again, and the fact that the game let you pick "maybe we'll figure something out with the tadpoles" only for Astarion to express doubt does make me worried for long-term outcomes. My favorite options once you get to the graveyard were to just stay back and let him talk, but I'm honestly really delighted that we got this scene of pretty significant emotional closure for him, and I loved the animation of him carving the year into the headstone. It seemed so immersive & real that even though we can't read the text, we know exactly what he did.
The only incredibly, incredibly, INCREDIBLY minor things I didn't adore about this scene are that first, when he tells you he loves you, his head animation is weirdly still/frozen the whole time on that set of lines despite his expression changing, and it honestly broke my immersion a little bit. The ambient movements of the characters have been so realistic for so many dozens of hours that to have this seriously critical and important moment for the character be almost rigid, especially against a completely silent music-less background, made it stick out as an "oh yeah, this is a video game" reminder. Bummer!
The other thing is that it's icky to have sex in a graveyard, lmao. Tavish doesn't really care because it's just dirt under them--he's literally standing in front of her, so as far as she's concerned it's not that different from the forest--but I did grimace a little. Someone give these dingdongs a bed! or at least a roof!
Anyway! A fantastic romance and super strong writing/consistent characterization throughout, and I'm pumped to see where it's going to go next. I'm still so curious about how the tadpole outcomes will affect things and faintly hoping for a deus ex machina to keep him in the sun, though I suppose that's what fic's for. Regardless, full sign-off on an utterly satisfying romance; so many little things dropped throughout were EXACTLY what I wanted--you can even accuse him of sincerity in the graveyard scene, which is precisely the arc I was hoping he'd have! He didn't even like you in the beginning and now we're smooching next to a bunch of dead people. What isn't romantic about that?
10/10 Larian, thanks for making me a mess for another white-haired grump.
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ggstcorruptionau · 3 months
More on the Corruption and the corrupted
Corruption is a process that amplifies certain traits of a person to force them to become a perfect killing machine or just a way to strike fear into non-corrupted parties.
There are 12 corrupted currently, that being Ky, Bridget, Axl, Giovanna, Chipp, Johnny, Anji, Testament, Nagoriyuki, Elphelt, Ramlethal and Millia.
Here is more on them, you don't have to read all this but if you do I will be happy
also I had to guess for a lot of the ages on these so I'm sorry if I got any of the ages wrong.
Corrupted number 1: The King
Real name: Ky Kiske
Age: 29
Status: Alive, Uninjured, and extremely dangerous
Ky was the very first to be corrupted, most likely due to some form of vulnerability. Despite his tendency to hold back before being corrupted, this is no longer the case.
Ky in his new corrupted state as “The King” is relentless. Using his move “Sacred Edge” to take down long-distance victims before finishing them off via stabbing or decapitation using his sword “Magnolia Eclair”. Anyone attempting to break into Illyria Castle will be met with piles upon piles of bodies.
If you want to get Ky to spare you… You can’t. Though in earlier times, he could be convinced by following his commands, similarly to “The Tyrant”, he will no longer spare those who listen—instead deciding to kill those who listen more mercifully or painlessly.
Ky’s seriousness and religiousness are amplified, but the latter has manifested in a sort of terrible god complex. He will see himself above all, which makes him difficult to reason with.
Ky’s most notable kills are Dizzy, Leo, and Daryll. He has also killed numerous soldiers. 
Corrupted Number 2: The Trickster
Real name: Bridget
Age: 18
Status: Alive, Uninjured, Medium danger but be careful.
.Bridget was the second one to be corrupted, she was hit pretty hard by it. She didn’t become purely murderous since she was built more or less as a “sleeper agent”.
Bridget in her new corrupted state as “The Trickster” lives up to her name, as she will pretend to be a lost or injured survivor. Approaching another survivor asking for help or shelter. Any good-hearted survivor will then be caught in her trap. She will then settle into your shelter for a day, Before using her yo-yo to either hang her victim or she’ll suffocate them in the night. Particularly bold survivors who may attempt to “put the moves on her” may receive a small kiss on the forehead once dead. It is a taunt. Not a sign of anything else.
If you take good enough care of Bridget when she fakes injury, she will spare you. Otherwise, she will kill you without much thought, this leads to some speaking of her as a survivor rather than a corrupted which continues the trap further.
Bridget’s old personality is used as a ruse to lure in a poor victim, so she has become very conniving but still comes off as the sweet and airheaded Bridget we all know and love. This is why she is “the trickster” as it were.
Bridget’s most notable kills are Zappa and A.B.A, she tends to go after nicer people more because they will take her in without question (or much question)
Corrupted Number 3: The Brute
Real name: Axl Low
Age: 26
Status: Alive, A tad ruffled, do not approach this man he will kill you and it will not be nice or pretty.
Axl was the third infected, and he is arguably the most aggressive. Though he is also up there when it comes to traveling around, he tends to return to L’oro Di Illyria where he was first corrupted.
Axl in his new corrupted state as “The Brute” lives up to his name as a scary big man... Well as scary as he can be in jorts. He will approach anything alive and not corrupted and try to kill it. Though he can fein wanting conversation, that is NOT what he wants. If you’re female, you have a better chance of getting away (we will come back to this in the spare conditions section) though it's still not great. He will wrap his chains around you until you’re wrapped in them completely, it will crush your bones or kill you. If you’re still not dead, he’ll then explode you. He calls this “Amphora Conflagration”.
If you want Axl to spare you then you can’t win. If you’re female, then lean into his advances and let him have his way with you, then he might spare you after. If you’re male... Say goodnight or get flirty. He’s not typically one to spare though so you may be better off running.
Axl’s enjoyment of fights (despite an additional disdain for general violence? huh) and flirtation is what he had amplified. He’s generally scary to encounter, though running from him can be done if you get out of his range. 
Axl’s notable kills are I-No, Dr. Paradigm, and Potemkin. How he managed to wrap Potemkin in the chains is beyond most who know of his notable kills.
Corrupted Number 4: The Lycanthrope
Real Name: Giovanna 
Age: 22
Status: Alive, slightly injured, and very dangerous
Giovanna and by extension, her spirit wolf, Rei,  was the fourth to be corrupted. She’s generally the most elusive, and as a survivor, you won’t tend to encounter her. 
Giovanna as “The Lycanthrope” is a dangerous corrupt to encounter (...as they all tend to be) due to how quickly she can dispatch her victims, She will often barrage a victim with kicks that can oftentimes kill them on the spot. Though if you’re battered yet still… alive, you will be finished off by Rei, her wolf. Luckily, she doesn’t get many kills (bar her initial kills) due to how few survivors she sees.
Typically you will not need to know Giovanna’s spare conditions because you will not encounter her, but if you’re unlucky enough to encounter her then just run for it. If you can outrun her for long enough, she won’t give chase. 
Giovanna’s fighting ability appears to have been amplified, as a lot of her was practically erased when she was at first corrupted. If anything her uncaringness is very much amplified, though she won’t typically just want the job to be done anymore. More so that she doesn’t seem to hesitate. 
Giovanna’s most notable kills are Goldlewis Dickenson, President Vernon, and Erica Bartholomew. Each was part of her initial kills, excluding Crow who died well into the corruption.
Corrupted Number 5: The Tyrant
Real Name: Chipp Zanuff
Age: 29
Status: Alive, uninjured and dangerous
Chipp Zanuff was the fifth to be corrupted, causing a great loss to his “country” by slaughtering half the population and beginning to boss the rest around like a... Well.. tyrant.
Chipp as “The Tyrant” is very bossy, oftentimes shouting at people and threatening their lives if they don’t listen. If his orders are not followed, he will cut the person to pieces using his arm blade. This is quick, as is typical for Chipp in both movement and attack patterns. He is also only seen in the Eastern Chipp Kingdom, for obvious reasons. He doesn’t clean up the bodies from the initial slaughter, it’s a warning. Always a warning.
To get Chipp to spare you, you need to devote yourself to him practically. Listen to every word he says, every order he barks, and do everything he asks you to. If he asks something impossible, run out of the “country” or say goodnight. If you refuse to do something he asks of you, he will kill you on the spot.
Chipp had his want for leadership amplified to an almost comical degree. He will often claim that something must be done because he’s “the president” and that is the end of that. This is much to the detriment of any “Chipp-Bound” survivor.
Chipp’s most notable kill is Ai. He doesn’t have many kills due to his easy spare conditions, though he has also killed half of his people which keeps his kill count at a good level... Well as good as it can be. 
Corrupted Number 6: The Cassanova
Real Name: Johnny
Age: 30
Status: Alive, Uninjured and Dangerous
Johnny was the sixth one to be corrupted, being out on the skies with his crew upon the corruption taking over his mind, causing him to lose it and kill all but one of them. 
Johnny as “The Cassanova” is constantly on the move, though not as active as Axl. He’ll often find small groups of survivors, and they’ll all be gone soon enough. Johnny utilizes his katana to kill his victims in the blink of an eye, Most who have encountered him do not live to tell the tale.
Johnny is not one to spare anyone, though you can stall him to the point of him just letting you get away if you offer to play cards. Though usually he’ll win since he’s still a talented gambler, it’s worth a shot if you have cards. Otherwise, run and hope he can’t reach you.
Johnny’s self-absorbedness and suave nature are amplified, as well as his love of women in a sense. Sometimes he’ll bring younger survivors along with him for a while, as well as female survivors. He’s likely to kill them eventually, but for a while, his more caring side from before he was corrupted will show. 
Johnny’s most notable kills are almost the entire group of the jellyfish pirates minus himself and May. Past affiliations are of no meaning to a corrupted person. Johnny is generally one of the worst corrupt to encounter, thanks to the fact that it's hard to get yourself spared.
 Corrupted Number 7: The Dancer
Real Name: Anji Mito
Age: 29
Status: Alive, Injured, currently not dangerous
Anji was the seventh corrupted, and he’s one to stick around the colonies. He was making those areas almost uninhabitable. He was slaughtering anyone in or around this area until he had a bad encounter with a strange tall man.
Anji as “The Dancer” acts similarly to the trickster, but rather than trick his way into your camp, he will trick people into coming to dance. Claiming to be docile. If you dance with him, he will take that as an excuse to kill you using his zessen. Being wary and not dancing with him will cause him to chase you until you agree to come dance.
Anji isn’t very merciful, but if he likes how you dance enough, he will spare you. If you can tell him something he didn’t know and found interesting then he will spare you. However, it is hard to fulfill these conditions. You’ll be better off running. 
Anji’s passion for dance and thirst for knowledge are enhanced to the point of practical insanity, these two things being the only things of his ire. He spends a lot of time dancing by his campfire near the colonies, causing him to be associated with a firelit shadow through the trees by some. 
Anji’s most notable kill is Delilah, who was staying with Anji due to some other circumstances (anji and Baiken DO kiss please subscribe to my headcanon). Anji got corrupted and began going on a rampage through the colonies. 
Anji’s injury status is due to an encounter with a feisty survivor, leaving Anji with bite marks all over his neck, legs, and chest. 
Corrupted Number 8: The Reaper
Real Name: Testament Age: 26
Status: Alive, Uninjured and Dangerous Testament was the eighth one corrupted, they are the corrupted with the least amount of initial casualties. However, that doesn’t mean they aren’t dangerous in their own right.
Testament as “The Reaper” tends to appear randomly, popping up without much explanation as to how they got there. This can sometimes be in survivor camps, unfortunately leading to a bloodbath. They tend to make their presence known with one simple sentence. “Nice day for a stroll, isn’t it?” This is before they slice up the whole camp using their scythe.
Testament unfortunately does not spare. To survive an encounter with them, hear the audio cue and run for it. Run until you’re well away from the camp and well away from your fellow survivors. It's all you can do to save yourself. If they decide to chase you then there isn’t much you can do.
Testament loses most of their progress in loving themself, instead becoming empty feeling as they were after Justice’s death. They don’t seem quite right even if you don’t see the physical changes, they aren’t their normal self.
Testament’s most notable kill is Crow, They left that lab in what can only be a bloodied mess as they left. They didn’t seem to be quite happy with their actions as they did this, implying that unlike most corrupt, they’re somewhat aware of their actions.
Corrupted Number 9: The Samurai
Real Name: Nagoriyuki Age: 1000+
Status: Alive, Uninjured, dangerous usually
Nagoriyuki was the ninth Corrupted, he is typically seen meditating and being a bit more docile. Though he is still dangerous, it is not hard to avoid him.
Nagoriyuki as “The Samurai” is a very easy to spot corrupted, since he tends to meditate in plain sight when he isn’t on the warpath. However, if you encounter him when he is, then you’ll be sliced in half by his katana. It is a certain death. 
To be spared, keep out of the way. Don’t bother him and he won’t hurt you, he’ll make it clear if he’s in an area, Since it's not hard to find him, then it’s not hard to keep out of the areas that he’s in. If he’s suddenly completely aggressive then hide or run since he’ll eventually stop... Keyword eventually.
Nagoriyuki’s meaner behavior from when he’s being controlled by Chaos is present here. He’ll often express aggression if he wants to be left alone in that moment, but if he’s not completely aggressive then he’ll simply let passersby go by. Making him the least aggressive corrupted.
Nagoriyuki has no notable kills. He has a fair few kills though.
Corrupted Number 10: The Soldier
Real Name; Ramlethal Valentine
Age: 23
Status: Alive, Uninjured and Dangerous
Ramlethal was the tenth corrupted, a week after escaping Illyria castle with her sister in tow, both she and her sister got corrupted at the same time.
Ramlethal as “The Soldier” reverts to her initial demeanor of emotionlessness, with added aggression. If you manage to have an unlucky encounter with her, you will be hurt or die. She will ambush her victims and cut them into ribbons, she’ll be the last thing you’ll see. It’s a real shame.
To get Ramlethal to spare you, give her a burger and make a run for it. She won’t give chase. If you do not do the first step then she will give chase and most likely catch you. She’s a very agile corrupt, which isn’t uncommon. 
Ramlethals unfamiliarity with emotions flanderises itself into complete emotionlessness, she seems to kill without much thought, just doing it and then leaving. She’s very much an incredibly perfect soldier down to the final trait. She retains her machine-like devotion to her goals.
Ramlethal’s most notable kill is Kum Haeyun since she and Elphelt found Kum and started staying with them just before being corrupted.
Corrupted Number 11: The Lover
Real Name: Elphelt Valentine
Age: 21
Status: Alive, Uninjured and Docile 
Elphelt was the eleventh corrupted, she was corrupted right beside Ramlethal, but whereas Ramlethal became extremely aggressive and dangerous... Elphelt focused on a different goal.
Elphelt as “The Lover” is everything that makes it bad to encounter the Brute as a woman, in the sense that she will see you and decide that you are now hers. Thus you are married. Thusly… YOU NEED TO COME WITH HER!! She’s often seen dragging away survivors to spend around a week with them before she lets them go. Thus her docile status. Some find it a good grace period since the other corrupted will not harm whoever Elphelt is with, others find it stressful due to how scarily aggressive she can be in other ways. 
If you need to be “spared” for whatever reason, just run back into your camp and let her latch onto someone else. She may stay in your camp for this time which means the entire camp is under the grace period. She’s generally a welcome presence despite her behaviors, quirks, and desires.
Elphelts want for love and marriage and her ability to jump to conclusions are amplified. This didn’t end up as a “live with an insane woman for a week then let her kill you” and more as a “be married for a week then she lets you go and she may come back”.
Elphelt is a docile classed corrupted, meaning she has no kills. She is the only corrupted classified this way.
Corrupted Number 12: The Executioner 
Real Name: Millia Rage
Age: 25
Status: Alive, Uninjured and Dangerous
Being the Twelfth corrupted, Millia is considered the one with the scariest killing method by those noting things down. She can be elusive but not as elusive as the lycanthrope.
Millia as “The Executioner” is cold, calculated, and quick. Utilizing her cursed hair to quickly behead victims (which is where her title comes from) or doing a technique known as the iron maiden. You get the idea, but if you must know… she surrounds the opponent in strips of her hair, creating an iron maiden-like structure. Then she uses the general sharpness of her hair and the nature of the structure to her advantage as she skewers them to death.
To get Millia to spare you, beg and hope she decides to spare you based entirely on what you say. It’s difficult but possible. Either do that or hide, since she doesn’t tend to spend too long looking.
Millia’s quiet and cold nature is amplified by the corruption, making her become the dangerous executioner that she is now. Most who live an encounter say that she didn’t say a word, unlike most of the more active and dangerous corrupted who like to taunt their victims.
Millia’s most notable kill is Zato-1 and by extension Eddie. She killed Zato first, either due to a connection or due to the anger and annoyance toward him being secretly amplified too.
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ofherpinkways · 1 year
"We all go little mad somtimes"
What type of Ghostface I think cod characters would be! Pt1
A/n : THIS ONE IS FOR THE COD AND SLASHER FANS ,Scream [1,2,5 and 6 ] and Halloween Ends spoilers. Not proof read. I'm writing this at work waiting for the lunch rush to pick up so mistakes are bound to happen ,I'll edit them later if needed (let me know if I should add you to the tag list for future characters! - 🤍🩰🧸)
Warnings: blood and gore
Characters: Price,Gaz,Horangi,Graves
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Price : He definitely a perfect mixture of mama Loomis and Detective Bailey. Some of Ms.Loomis craziness. Obviously has Bailey's strength,speed and skills. Has both of their determination of killing those he thinks deserve it and making it gets done no matter what. He'd do whatever it takes. You killed his sons afterall (the rest of 141 ofc)
He's not your average clumsy Ghostface. No,no he's something more something that should more feared then your regular old Ghostface
He's quick with the kills. His kills are aggressive and bloody not showing any mercy
How he'd act when not as Ghostface: once again definitely like Detective Bailey. Acting all sweet trusting, offering all his help to "find" and "takedown" this masked killer. That he'd completely removed from the suspect list .
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Horangi: for Horangi we finna go classic this man is like Billy Loomis with , bit of Stu Macher The boy next door vibes . He would have the same wit as Billy fully aware and sharp about everything. Studying everything and everyone for own sick little game afterwards,ready for the kills. He full out plan for everything. Has "great" reasoning for why he's killing all of his own friends.
I don't think he'd be clumsy like Billy or Stu though. He's be fairy quick lot of strength of course
His kills would be simple but well done . Ends up doing lot of damage . I'm thinking a fast throat slit or a knife to the back
How he'd act when not a Ghostface : Yes he's smart about everything but this goofball would struggle on making himself not look suspicious asf. Finding the situation amusing ,gigging to himself,making bad jokes at the wrong times just like Stu
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Gaz: okay, okay tbh for Gaz? He screams Corey Cunningham vibes which I know isn't Scream, yes I know Corey is from Halloween Ends. So basically with Gaz it's Halloween but make it Scream. He just vibes just cute soft boy vibes. The kid everyone loves because he's so sweet and caring, up until people start taking advantage of his kindness making him snap and hate the world along with everyone in it . Everyone but you of course. Offing everyone who wronged the both of you,because he loves you and would do anything for you. He'd burn the world down if he'd have to.
If you've seen Halloween Ends then you'd know exactly how gory the kills were so as said before it's Halloween but makes it Scream . He'd use whatever he has around him to kill. A flamethrower happens near him ? Bet ya ass he's gonna that flamethrower . His kills would so stomach twisting
How he'd act when not as Ghostface: Just like Ethan did in Scream 6. He'd act all innocent and shy. He'd act he's scared and doesn't know what's going on.
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Graves : Just like Richie Kirsch (Scream 5) . Should definitely be shoved in the "loony bin" . Acts clueless and innocent. Makes it seem like he no idea of what's happening. A gaslighting girl boss . No seriously he does a shit ton of gaslighting . Making not trust your loved ones and even yourself. Brutal and strong with the kills but becomes a whinning puppy once you get the upper hand against him
He won't hesitate to break a few bones,stab repeatedly. Although he's violent the dumb ass is clumsy and maybe not smartest it comes making sure you'd free yourself so you end getting away and killing him after all.
How he'd act when not as Ghostface: Like mentioned earlier acts like the clueless boyfriend, acts like he knows nothing about horror movies or the recurring killings. Constantly suggest leaving town because he's "scared" .
[ I feel like you both would enjoy this @puff0o0, @matcharyu]
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vampire-bby · 5 months
Underrated TVD characters that should have had more time.
#1 Mason Lockwood
I have a lot to say about Mason Lockwood. Like so much. The first thing is that he’s just so cool. I mean he’s the first werewolf we see. He shows up and is just winning fights against Damon Salvatore. He has these cool eyes and really all he’s here for deep down is hill his nephew. He said it in one of his appearances that he’s in town because his nephew lost his father.
You can tell early on that he wasn’t very close with Richard or even Carol for that matter but you can see immediately that he loves Tyler. He loves his nephew and wanted what was best for him early on.
He rolls into town with this old family secret. He’s faster, stronger, and all around this really powerful person. I mean his venom is lethal to vampires but he’s just Mason Lockwood the uncle to Tyler and he would kill for his nephew.
You see the pain he puts himself through to shift because he doesn’t want to hurt someone. He shoves wolfsbane down his throat and chains himself up because he can’t imagine accidentally hurting someone.
He wants the moonstone. And people can argue he wanted it for Katherine with the wall. Because while he loved Katherine he didn’t trust her as far and he could throw her. He literally hid the moonstone in a well full of vervain because he didn’t trust her.
Mason really didn’t trust Katherine. But he wanted the moonstone. Why? Because he was being tortured every month because Katherine compelled his friend to fight him until Mason killed him because Katherine is evil.
Mason not only has to the live with the fact he accidentally killed his best friend but the fact that now he has to break every bone in his body over and over for something that could have been easily prevented.
But even then he still wanted to do better. He could have been a monster like Jules was, a werewolf who befriended him. She didn’t care who she hurt. She just did it. But he cared even then. He cared with his whole heart and still he wanted a break from all the pain and all that got him was people hating him.
He comes to town because his brother died and his nephew needed him. And I believe that the whole moonstone thing was second to Tyler because he would have given it up easily to save his nephew. He was the older brother/ father figure Tyler needed. He loved him unconditionally.
He makes a mistake and ends up not being able to chain himself up in time because Tyler knows something’s up with him. He chases down Stefan and Caroline and almost kills then. But he doesn’t. He sees Tyler and doesn’t. He could have blamed Tyler for coming into the Lockwood cellar after he told him not too. He could blame his very biology that forces him to hunt vampires but he doesn’t. He says he made a mistake and that it won’t happen again. He took accountability for something that’s not his fault.
He tries to make a truce with Damon. He doesn’t blame him for what he is, he tries to befriend him. He apologizes for what had happened with Stefan. He tells Damon he’s in town because Tyler needs him. That’s that. It was simple and all he wanted was to be there for Tyler and move on with his life but Damon decided that it wasn’t enough.
Because Damon always and I mean always tried to kill anyone who was more powerful than him. He didn’t like not being the biggest baddest around. So he chose to make the decision that he didn’t want a truce.
He followed Mason away from the Gilbert house and stabbed him. Mason had given him a warning. He had told him that he wanted to be friends that the town was big enough for the both of them. But Damon stabbed him.
Mason laughed in his face and told him that silver doesn’t work. Gives him the knife back and tells him that Damon made an enemy. Now that could have been avoided had Damon just accepted the truce. And all they had to do in the the end was convince Mason it would be best for Tyler if he dropped Katherine and he would have.
So he lashes out. He shows Liz what they are. Why? Because they had already decided he was threat and needed to be taken out despite him trying to tell them all he wanted was to be there for his nephew once again all of it could have been avoided. But it wasn’t.
After his failed attempt at killing the Salvatore’s he goes back to his life. He fights with Tyler and yells at him which was bad on his part but Tyler kept picking at him for a secret he didn’t want.
Mason finally comes through and tells him the truth. That you have to kill someone to trigger the curse. He tells him the truth. And for the first time in a long time Mason is the only person who’s not lying to Tyler.
Tyler gives him the moonstone and tells him that he doesn’t ever want to feel like that again. He confides in his uncle because he trusts him. And I just think that that could have had more story line.
Another thing he was a gentleman he helped people. He liked people. He was good person and the only bad thing he ever did is make the mistake a lot of people made and love Katherine Pierce and believe she loved him back.
Mason eventually is killed even though he did nothing wrong. He was tortured and killed like an animal. And let’s be honest here Damon killed him because Mason said that Katherine loved him. And Damon ripped his heart out.
He was a fantastic character. He could have been a great ally and Tyler needed him. But they killed him for nothing.
He’s so underrated and could have been so cool and they did nothing with him. He could have helped Tyler and given them the nitty gritty that he knows about werewolves and he could have handle Jules.
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aestophobia · 4 months
@corbin-is-sleepy I did it.....
So a lot of my ideas aren't very specific, they're just random edits set to songs from the blitzstone playlist I made four years ago (I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry, Paper Rings by Taylor Swift, She by Dodie, Stolen Dance by Milky Chance, and a lot more)
BUT I do have some more specific ones
I'm not very good at explaining why, so bare with me
so hold me
wrap me in love, fill up my cup
cause I'm hollow
like i can't even express how empty cup family this song is
but sometimes I feel
like I'm only a ghost, like I'm only a wall
and if you come around, honey, I'll probably just follow you home
this just feels really Hearth to me
oh I wish I was more than my skin and my bones
I've been arranging each of my movements
and all of my gestures trying to fool myself
Hearthstone being shamed for being deaf by his father perchance
I know that it ain't much, I know that it ain't cool
oh but you don't have to tell the other kids at school
my dad'll strike it rich, we'll be the big house on the block
someday I'm gonna be somebody people want
switching it up!!! this song is very very blitzen to me
if there's no one beside you
when your soul embarks
then I'll follow you into the dark
they would literally do anything for eachother uugghghs i love them sm
the moon will sing a song for me
I loved you like the sun
the blitzstone sun/moon dynamic is something that can be so personal actually
the fact that personality wise Hearthstone is the moon one and Blitzen is the sun one, but Hearth needs the sun to survive and Blitz needs the dark
I don't even have a specific lyric from this one it's all just so blitzstone
I can't break the cycle, am I just a fool?
falling down like dominoes, hit by family jewels
this part is Hearth
pass it down from kid to kid, the chain will never end
'less I decide to go to it will I see the end?
and this part is Blitz
I don't have any specific lyrics for this one either, they just care so much about each other
Hearth core, reminds me of "Daisies in the Shape of an Elf"
rate yourself and rake yourself, take all the courage you have left
and waste it on fixing all the problems that you made in your own head
all of this song reminds me of Blitz, but this part stands out to me
I also have already made two Blitzstone edits before and I kind of want to talk about them lol
the first one was to "Fire and the Flood" by Vance Joy (this was also the very first edit I made ever)
the big reason that this song reminds me of blitzstone is because the first time I read THoT, I was in a mall and that song was playing (right as I got to the Blitz being stabbed part)
but also the more I listen to it the more it feels actually blitzstone coded
the second one was to "Chemtrails Over the Country Club" by Lana Del Ray
this was actually a fairly recent edit and I really like how it turned out (even thought I don't like doing edits with fanart and still pictures)
I did it to the "you're in the wind, I'm in the water" part if you know what I'm talking about and I had Hearth as the wind because elfs are creatures of air and Blitz as the water part because of the shower scene
Long post omg but any excuse to talk about blitzstone
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librathefangirl · 1 year
Sticks and Stones Won't Break My Bones (As Long as You Are Here)
ao3 (Chapter 1/1; 2.1k+)
When Meliodas came to, it was with a pounding head. He couldn’t remember how exactly he had ended up here, but he was fairly certain this hadn’t been part of the plan. There was a faint ringing in his ears accompanying the pounding in his head, making him let out a groan as he tried to move his head. Almost immediately, a hand landed on his shoulder, squeezing and pushing at the same time. It offered comfort while also keeping firmly on the ground, unable to get up. Whumptober Day 1: “How many fingers am I holding up?”
WHUMPTOBER IS HERE!! yay :) Not sure how many of these I'll manage to write, but there will be some at least.
Read on ao3 or under the cut!
When Meliodas came to, it was with a pounding head — and not just a mild pounding. No, it felt like there was a wind chime of pain inside his head. Even the smallest thought sent it cascading throughout his head. He couldn’t remember how exactly he had ended up here, but he was fairly certain this hadn’t been part of the plan. Normally, Meliodas was better at improvising. There was a faint ringing in his ears accompanying the pounding in his head, making him let out a groan as he tried to move his head. ow…
Almost immediately, a hand landed on his shoulder, squeezing and pushing at the same time. It offered comfort while also keeping firmly on the ground, unable to get up. There was no gauntlet on the hand. He could feel the warmth of skin across his own exposed – wait, why was his shoulder exposed? There was tension in the hand as well; the fingers dug a little too tightly into the back of his shoulder, and the thumb rubbing across his collarbone did so while jerking movements.
Meliodas knew this hand.
“–mmhff ,” he tried to open his eyes, longing to see the face he knew belonged to it. Though, as he did, he was assaulted by the sun in his face. Another groan slipped past his lips. The sound vibrated through his throat as he squeezed his eyes shut again. He buried his face under his hands – since when was the sun that bright? It suddenly felt like the pounding chime in his head was about to break out of his skull.
“Hey, it’s okay, try again,” a gentle encouragement taut with worry spoke somewhere from his left. Liz! Okay, screw the sun. He wanted – needed – to see her face now. He wanted to watch that worry disappear from her eyes and tension bleed away from her hand as he told her he was fine. She worried about him a lot. Meliodas knew that, even if she didn’t always say it explicitly. She worried about him unnecessarily much – but that in itself had become a bit of a comfort. She worried because she saw him as just as mortal as the rest of them. She thought him killable; more easily defeated than he was. Truthfully, it was a little hurtful to his pride. Then again, today was probably not doing him any favors regarding that.
When Meliodas tried opening his eyes again, in slower more careful blinks, something had shifted. The sun was now blocked from his view, giving a less stabbing light for his eyes to adjust to. A blurry hand entered his field of vision before he could try to find Liz’s face.
“How many fingers am I holding up?” another familiar voice asked. Huh…? Was that Merlin? Why was she here?
Meliodas resisted the urge to roll his eyes – this was unwarranted, he was fine… -ish . He figured just answering her would be the fastest way to get Merlin to back off. The problem with that, however, was that Meliodas didn’t know how to answer the question without making them worry more. He could see fingers extending from the hand, but every time he tried to count them, he failed. The digits kept swaying in and out of each other, the hand going from one solid hand to two or three overlapping hands and then back again. The truth was not an option. If he answered honestly, he would not be getting off this ground anytime soon.
So, instead, Meliodas pushed away Merlin’s hand and sat up; “Don’t be so dramatic, kiddo.”
He didn’t have time to see if Merlin reacted to the old nickname slipping out or not because as soon as the words had left his mouth, the world started tilting. His arm gave out and he probably would have given himself – another? – concussion if Liz had caught him. Once more Meliodas was forced to squeeze his eyes shut. This was not helping him convince them he was fine, but neither would throwing up.
As the world spun around him, Meliodas felt Liz shift her position. She sat down beside him, resting his head in her lap. One of her hands made its way to his forehead, brushing his hair back slowly and soothingly. This could have been bliss – headache and nausea aside. Meliodas chanced his eyes open, meeting Liz’ gaze. She was glaring at him; worry poorly hidden behind the anger in her eyes. There was a scratch across her cheek, just deep enough to pull a few droplets of blood out. Otherwise, she seemed unharmed. A bit dirty and disheveled, but unharmed. Meliodas relaxed into her lap, feeling tension he hadn’t even been aware of slipping away. He always hated leaving Elizabeth on her own, especially when it wasn’t by choice. Sure, this had only been for a few moments of unconsciousness, and Liz could very well hold her own in a fight, but… No matter her skills, she still held the fragility of a human. Meliodas wasn’t sure he could handle watching her die. Not again…
A displeased sound pulled his attention over to Merlin. She looked wholly unimpressed as she, too, glared at him. Her worry was a lot milder, of course, and her annoyance a lot bigger than Liz’s anger. Oh, right. Now Meliodas was starting to remember. The accusation of recklessness in Merlin’s raised eyebrow jiggled loose the memories through the fog that had overtaken his mind. They had been on a mission, him, Liz, and the other Holy Knights. It hadn’t really been anything out of the ordinary. Then someone had managed to snuck up behind Liz. So, Meliodas had acted. A bit recklessly perhaps, but nothing he wouldn’t do again given the chance. Merlin knew this too, he supposed, or otherwise, she wouldn’t be giving him that look.
“You are an idiot!” Liz scolded him. Meliodas met her glare again, giving her as good of a shrug as he could from his current position. She wasn’t wrong, necessarily.
“Worth it,” he told her. Then, with the fog easing from his mind, another thought suddenly hit him. “Wait… why are you here, Merlin?”
Last he was aware, she had been in Danafor. Meliodas looked around them – thankful that the spinning had come to a stop. Just like he suspected, they were still in the forest of the attack, a good bit away from Danafor. The rest of the Holy Knights seemed to be gone. It was only the three of them here.
“I needed a fresh specimen,” Merlin explained casually and showcased the jar held in her hand, which – yeah, no, Meliodas was not about to get involved in that business. He had been grateful, if he was completely honest, when Merlin had gotten distracted by a new experiment the last few days. As much as he was glad to see her and have someone who knew to talk with, he had needed the reprieve from their failed discussions of how to go against the gods’ will. They hadn’t come up with a doable solution and it was starting to weigh on him. After 3,000 long years, Meliodas wasn’t sure how much more failure he could take.
Meliodas drew a shaky breath, trying to pull his mind from those thoughts; “And where are the others?”
“They just left. I advised them to deal with the apprehended criminals, while me and Liz dealt with you. ”
The last words definitely felt a bit loaded, but Meliodas had known Merlin long enough to know that poking that beehive would do him no good. He knew she had opinions of what had happened today, about his actions and choices. Liz’s presence was probably the only thing keeping her quiet right now. When they had a moment alone, however, it would be a completely different matter. Meliodas wasn’t really looking forward to it. He had no counter. He had acted recklessly today, and he would do it again. Every single time, if it was for Elizabeth. They both knew this. Damn the consequences.
“Since when do you have authority over the knights?” Meliodas asked, trying to push the conversation along. Liz was still looking at him with that anger-filled worry. He didn’t like seeing it.
“Oh, they just didn’t feel like disagreeing with me,” Merlin said. A smirk crossed her face; an expression that could send fear through the weak of hearts.
“Barzard thinks you will turn him into a toad if he does,” Liz deadpanned. Meliodas snorted. It only hurt a little to do so.
“I think that’s fair,” Meliodas grinned at Merlin.
“It seemed like the wise choice. I figured you wouldn’t want them hovering about,” Merlin continued, and, well, she wasn’t wrong. “Besides, they all seemed a bit… restless. ”
Meliodas had no doubt Merlin was putting it lightly. The next few days would be hell. For Meliodas to get knocked out like this, was a rarity. Not impossible, of course, but it didn’t really happen. Humans weren’t as powerful these days as they had once been. As for Meliodas, he had gotten quite a reputation in Danafor and the nearby kingdoms; the undefeated Captain of Danafor’s Holy Knights, the man who wouldn't even carry a sword. He could see how today’s event would affect the knights.
Meliodas sat up again. Liz protested loudly but didn’t stop him. This time, he managed to sit up without falling back down and was only a little wobbly in his movements.
“That might be, but this is all unnecessary. I am fine .”
Merlin raised an eyebrow at him again. The judgment was still clear in her expression, which was a little rude. She knew that he was, more or less, fine. Liz probably thought it was much more serious than it was, but she didn’t have all the information. Merlin did, and she wasn’t even helping him. Meliodas had the feeling she was taking Liz’s side over his on the basis that she also knew what it took to actually knock him out. Really though, it had been a bad hit. That was all it was to it. If only they would accept that… Well, that would mean this day was going Meliodas’ way. So far, not happening. If anything, this whole thing was embarrassing. It shouldn’t have happened, but it did, and now Merlin was letting him pay the price for it.
“You fell on your ass,” Merlin stated crudely – rubbing salt in the wound. It was an obvious overaggeration, even for Liz. After all, Meliodas hadn’t gotten up far enough to do so yet.
“Like I said, no need to be so dramatic, kiddo ,” Meliodas shot back, seeing Merlin’s cheeks flush a little even as she rolled her eyes at him.
“I am not a kid anymore,” Merlin pointed out. The ‘ It’s been over 3,000 years’ rang loud under her words. Meliodas just shrugged.
“Well, I am still older than you.” From the corner of his eye, Meliodas saw Liz frowning. A bit disappointing, but not unexpected. He knew he looked young, especially to humans. He thought Liz would know better than that by now. Did Merlin really look that much older?
“And I am fine.” Meliodas tried to rise to his feet. He didn’t get far. While Merlin just sighed at his instance – he wouldn’t need to repeat himself so much if they just took him for his word – Liz was quick to grab hold of his shoulder, keeping him seated on the ground. He met her gaze. Briefly, he wondered how far she would actually go to keep him from what she saw as potentially harming himself further. Liz had a sweet soul but also had no qualms about getting physical when needed to.
“Look, I’m fine. I promise,” Meliodas told her, smiling as reassuringly as he could. She didn’t move. Meliodas sighed, still smiling as he squeezed her hand on his shoulder. “I am getting up now, Liz, with or without your help.”
He didn’t actually need her help. Though as he had suspected, she relented at that, accepting that he rose to his feet with her keeping him steady. It was something she needed more than him at that moment. Once they got back to Danafor and she was certain he wouldn’t just collapse again, Meliodas was sure she, like Merlin, would have a few choice words for him. He would take it. Because that meant she was unharmed enough to get angry with him.
As it was, Liz didn’t let go of him until she had him seated on the bed in their house. Meliodas wouldn’t complain, even if her fingers dug a little too tightly into his skin or if her worried gaze kept looking him over for more injuries, not as long as she was still there to do it.
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samcrosfaith · 5 months
SKIN AND BONES 𝟏𝟏| 𝖌𝖍𝖔𝖘𝖙𝖘 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖕𝖆𝖘𝖙
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The hours at work didn't seem to pass. Every minute felt like an hour, increasing Tessa's restlessness. Tessa had never smoked as much between shoots and during her breaks as she did today.
Besides smoking almost a whole pack, Tessa also checked her phone every five to ten minutes. There was no new message from Cal. It just had to be him, anything else wouldn't make sense. Little whore gave him away, revealing that he was behind the text and the attack on Tara.
God, Tara would hate her once she found out she was responsible for the attack. But she had to tell her the truthᅳ and everyone else too, especially Happy. This was something she couldn't keep to herself. In order to protect themselves, the club had to know about this, no matter how uncomfortable it made the Laney woman feel.
Taking a deep drag of her cigarette, she held the nicotine in her lungs for a while, slumping her shoulders. Why couldn't she finally just live her life? First she had to be afraid of Cal, her sociopathic ex, and then she was controlled for years by her father who was using Sawyer as leverage. Now it was CPS that she had to worry about. And to top it all off, the cherry on top so to speak, Cal came back into her lifeᅳ stabbing her friends for fun.
Why didn't the universe allow her to be happy for once? All she asked for was to live her life with her son in peace, maybe even with Happy in the future. And now, now all of that was at stake because everyone was in danger because of her.
A painful hiss fell from her lips as Tessa dropped her cigarette, being too absorbed in thought that she didn't notice how the stem had already burned down to the end and would now leave a small burn on her finger.
"Hey sweety." At Lyla's soft voice, Tessa wiped around, forcing a smile on her lips as the blonde came up to her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Are you okay? You seem off track today."
Worry flashed in Lyla's eyes, worry for her friend and Tessa felt miserable not being able to tell her what was going onᅳ yet. First she wanted to talk to Happy before she sat down at a table with Tara, Lyla and Gemma.
"I'm just a little tired", she waved her friend off with a strained smile, rising from the bench she had been sitting on. "And what happened to Tara..it's not fair."
"Shit, right. " Sighing, Lyla scratched her eyebrow. "I think I'll head over to her place and bring her some take out, make sure she's doing okay."
"I think she'd like that", Tessa assured, happy that Lyla would also check in on Tara. Still, Tessa was worried as hell about her two friendsᅳ the only real friends she ever had. "But just be careful, okay?"
"I will." Lyla scrutinized the younger woman, gently nudging Tessa's arm. "Hey, don't worry. Some idiot probably just tried to attack her because he thought a doctor must've a lot of money in her pocket."
With a tight-lipped smile, every muscle in her body tense, Tessa nodded. "Yeah..you're probably right about that."
The raven-haired woman felt Lyla's intense gaze on her, her blue eyes staring into her soul, as she noticed that Lyla was skeptical. But then the blonde placed a kiss on her cheek and clutched the handles of her bag.
"Okay, I'll leave so I can spend a few minutes with Tara before I have to pick up Piper", Lyla let her know, already on the way to her car before she turned around again. "You know you can talk to me if something bothers you, right?"
"I know, Lyla", Tessa replied, gratitude evident in her tone. "The same goes for you."
"That's what friends are for, right?" With a smile, Lyla patted the roof of her car with the palm of her hand before slipping in to make her way to the Teller House.
After her shift and finally back in her clothes, Tessa pushed open the large, heavy doors of the porn studio, a cigarette dangling from her lips.
Five hours may not have been a long working time, but at some point it became tiring to walk half-naked or even completely exposed through a former warehouse, from set to set, only to constantly have to perform uncomfortable poses for the perfect picture.
But it was a job and Tessa was grateful for it. The good feedback also boosted her self-confidence. For the first time, the twenty-one year old felt really comfortable in her bodyᅳ with or without clothes.
Reaching into her pocket, where half of her arm disappeared, Tessa looked for a lighter, groaning in annoyance when it took her forever to find the little thing. When she finally found one, she brought the flame to her cigarette, but looked up as the awful feeling of being watched returned.
Lowering the lighter, she removed the cigarette from her mouth, staring across the street. A little further away there was a car parked that suddenly seemed quite familiar to her. Since about two weeks the same car was always parked in a different parking lot near the studio.
Tessa had never thought about it until nowᅳ to be honest she hadn't even noticed how often the car was parked here. Until she got that text earlier. Since then she has been paying attention to every little detail and being more attentive than ever. Only then it dawned on her.
With shaky breaths, she rushed over to her old BMW, wasting no time in getting in. Swallowing, the Laney woman threw her bag onto the passenger seat and, without hesitating, started the engine and rounded the corner with squealing tires.
Tessa gave Gemma a quick call, asking her to watch Sawyer for a while longer, which turned out to be no problem at all. Gemma loved spending time with her grandkids and Sawyer. Then she also called Happy and asked him to come home because she really needed to talk to him.
And, as if they had planned it, they both arrived at Happy's house almost at the same time. Just a moment after her, Happy parked his bike next to her car and met her as soon as she got out.
His grim, stoic expression was tinged with slight worry as he looked down at her. "You okay? Did something happen?"
"I'm okay", she let him know quickly as she began to look around nervously, checking to see if the car had followed her. "But something happened", she added quietly, almost in a whisper. "We need to talk, Hap."
With a curt nod, Happy placed a hand against her back before gently pushing her towards the house, taking a look around himself. Tessa didn't seem so nervous and paranoid for no reason and Happy wanted to know why. If someone threatened her, which he suspected, they should prepare to lose the fight because he would kill that person before they could even try to run.
The Laney woman lowered her gaze in embarrassment as Happy's clenched fist came down on the table, her phone sliding across the table with Cal's text still open after she was completely honest with him. The tension in the air was thick, so thick it could be cut with a knife.
"The fucker won't live long enough to get close to you or Sawyer", Happy said with a low growl, a hint of madness in his gaze that sent a shiver down Tessa's spine. "You're sure your ex is behind this?"
The last time she saw him so angry, so full of madness and rage, was when she stormed into the clubhouse that one Friday night a little over two months ago and told him what her father had done to his mother.
"Yes", she murmured meekly, her self-confidence long since gone. Fumbling with her fingers, Tessa swallowed quietly. "He always called me little whore when he was angry", she told him with a shrug of her shoulders, something sad and disturbed in her tone. "He loved calling me thatᅳ anything that sounded humiliating."
"You know that I'm serious about him dying, right?" Happy's intense gaze was on her, boring into her soul while the muscles in his jaw twitched. "Until he's no longer a threat, you won't go anywhere alone. Andᅳ", he stood up, exiting the kitchen for a moment, leaving Tessa wondering.
But her eyes widened as Happy came back and placed a black Glock 19 right in front of her.
"You'll carry that with you in the futureᅳ always, you hear?", he said, putting emphasis on the word always, his look meaningful, showing her that he wouldn't discuss about this. "And if he comes close to you, you shoot without a second thought, Tessa."
"Happy, Iᅳ", her voice trembled as her breath hitched in her throat. With caution, as if she could release the trigger with just a touch, she ran her fingertips over the weapon. "I've never used a gun before, I have no idea how it works."
"I'll teach youᅳ it's not as hard as some might think, little girl", he rasped, something stubborn mixed with anticipation flashing in his dark eyes. "I just want to know that you can defend yourself if you need to and that the same thing that happened to Tara doesn't happen to youᅳ or worse."
The Laney woman uncertainly raised her gaze when Happy's hand slipped onto her shoulder, standing so close to her that she could smell the fabric softener on his clothes that she had been using regularly over the last few weeks. Before she moved in, it was a typical male householdᅳ which was okay, but she had added a few things anyway.
"Tara's going to hate me, right?" Her voice cracked at her question, tears welling up in her eyes. The guilt she felt towards Tara was eating her alive. "I never wanted anyone to get hurt because of me, you have to believe me."
"Why would you even think that?" With a grunt, he sat down in the chair next to her, shaking his head as soft sobs filled the kitchen. "No one's goin' blame you for this, Tess."
Despite the occasional tear rolling down her cheeks, a small smile tugged at her lips as he called her Tess, apparently a new nickname for her besides little girl. And she liked it. "But it's my ex, and he's only here because he wants revenge."
"Yeah, probably", the SAA said with a shrug, reaching for her hand, which he clasped in his to stop her from tearing at her long, black fingernails any further. "But you can't help it that your ex is a fuckin' psychopath, little girl."
"I'm so scared, Happy", she finally admitted, her voice no louder than a whisper as another tear rolled down her cheek, leaving a black streak from the mascara and eyeliner on her pale skin. "He'll hurt my baby. Or maybe even ᅳ"
Without even saying it, one sob followed the next, heartbreaking sniffles filling the kitchen as she wiped her nose and cheeks, desperately trying to stop her emotional outburstᅳ without success.
"I'm sorry", she choked out, probably never feeling so ashamed in her life.
Having such a breakdown in front of a man like Happy, who now probably thought she was weak, was nothing she was proud of. Then, when he leaned forward and placed a hand against her cheek, wiping away a few tears with his thumb, she felt an immediate sense of comfort and safety.
"Never apologize for things that don't need an apology, woman", he taught her, giving her his famous iron stare. "You don't have to be scaredᅳ I won't let anything happen to you, or Sawyer. You're familyᅳ and as you already know, I cross some lines to protect the people I care about."
Sniffling, she listened to his words, her nose stuffy and her eyes bloodshot from the many tears she had shed in just a few minutes.
Looking straight at him, Tessa took another deep breath, trying to get her voice under control as Tara's words from earlier swirled around in her mind.
'Talk to him and get to know him better.'
"Murder doesn't seem to be a problem for you", she stated matter of factly without sounding judgmental. It was frightening, yes, but on the other hand the whole thing also made her curious. Happy wasn't a bad person, that was for sureᅳ but he still seemed to have blood on his hands. "I want to know more about you. What you do, who you really are. Iᅳ"
Happy cut her off, looking at her closely. "I don't think you want that."
"Yes, I do", she replied softly, now placing her hand, which was not yet clasped in his other hand, on his. "Because I like you, really like you. And I just need to know who exactly I'm slowly falling in love with."
Her cheeks were glowing, blushing hard, as it had taken so much braveness for her to confess to him that she was slowly developing feelings for himᅳ if she hadn't already. Despite the shame she felt, this time she didn't look away from his now intense gaze.
"Okay", Happy simply grunted, leaning back in his chair. Of course he heard what Tessa had said, but he had to process it firstᅳ maybe he just wanted to pretend it wasn't a big deal. But secretly he knew how much he had been waiting to hear such words from her. "You want to know who I am? You're sure you're ready for that?"
She nodded slightly, her hand still on his. "Yeah, I'm sure. You know who I am, you know my whole story now. Let me know who you are, Hap."
Happy rolled his shoulders, getting ready to share his life story with the woman who was, so far, the only one he'd really considered opening up to completely. That just showed that he trusted her, that she was now one of the people in his life that he would kill and die for.
"In 1987 I started to sell drugs to support my Ma and me. She got sick around that time and we needed the money. I thought selling cocaine on another dealer's block would bring me new customers and more money. But that guy, Will, he jumped me and punched me in the face and I pulled a fucking gun. Well, it wasn't loaded. His crew beat me to a bloody pulp and I ended up in the hospital. I was arrested later for drug and gun charges and ended up in prison. That's when I met Tig for the first time. After I did my time I got out but Will kept harassing my Ma and me andᅳ", he trailed, studying her face to watch her reaction. At the thought of how he got his first smiley tattoo, a satisfied smile took over his face. "ᅳ and one day I snapped and killed him and another guy that was with him with an axe."
With her jaw dropped and her eyebrow lifted, Tessa stared at the man in front of her, swallowing softlyᅳ which he noticed. Yet Happy still continued.
"In Tacoma I got my first two smiley tattoos." Leaning back a little more, Happy pushed his shirt up to reveal all his smiley face tattoos so she would understand what he was talking about. Yet he was sure she had gotten a glimpse of them already once or twice when he was walking around shirtless. "I get a smiley face for every kill. Or, well, at least the important murders."
With her lips slightly parted, Tessa stared at the smiley tattoos, finally knowing what they were all about. She had often wondered whether they had a meaning or were just there on his skin because he liked them.
"My position in the club as SAA means that I'm the one, besides Tig, who's taking out the club murders. I have enough torture methods to get information out of people. And you know what? I even enjoy it most of the time", he finished his story that she wanted to know so badly with a slight shrug and pulled his hand back. Fishing a cigarette out of the pack on the table, he held the pack out to her, pretty sure that she needed a cigarette more than he did at the moment.
Happy wasn't a smoker, now and then he lit a joint, especially after a long day. But cigarettes, they had never been his thingᅳ yet he really needed something right now.
"That's my story", he said calmly, his dark lenses resting on her. "Are you still falling for me? The person I really am?"
Tessa chewed on the inside of her cheek, not taking her eyes off him. The entire time she had listened, she didn't break eye contact. As Happy handed her the lighter after lighting his cigarette, blowing the smoke to the side, she also placed the cancer stick between her lips.
The young woman placed the lighter back on the table wordlessly, letting the nicotine fill her lungs as she thought about an answer.
She was shocked, surprised even, and perhaps a little intimidated by the thought that Happy enjoying inflicting pain on people. But she also knew his other sideᅳ his caring side.
He was helpful, kept Sawyer and her from any danger, and made sure they were safe. Since she was here in Charming, despite Happy still not being happy about her decision to take the job as a nude model, he hasn't let her down for a moment or even thrown her out of his house, which he could've easily done.
Happy, people could think whatever they wanted of him, had a good soul.
"I should probably be more shocked than I am right now", she finally said, breaking the silence as a large cloud of smoke formed in front of both of their faces and immediately disappeared again. "But I got to know you, your good side, before you told me about this side. And, as stupid as this sounds, you only kill when necessary, when someone is a threat to you or your family."
"That's exactly what I do." Surprised and not too surprised at the same time, Happy frowned, brushing off the ashes from the cigarettes in the ashtray. "So no, I'm not just going to go out on the streets and cause a bloodbathᅳ I'm not a damn psychopath", he said with a huff, as if he didn't know for sure that he had sociopathic traits.
"I didn't expect that either", Tessa answered calmly, her heartbeat still a little faster than usual. But that was probably just the adrenaline that was pumping through her body from his story. "So yeah, I'm still falling for you. At least now I know where the nickname Tacoma Killer is coming from", she added with a shrug. "You won't be able to get rid of me that easily, Happy."
"Who says I want to?", he asked with a rasp, the slightest grin tugging at his lips, drawing a smile from her.
A comfortable silence fell over them as both took the last puffs of their cigarettes, just looking at each other. It was a look that said it all, a look full of commitment.
Happy opened up to her, which was supposed to show her that she was special to himᅳ and Tessa felt the same way.
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skinnymeanfaggot · 3 months
49 firehazard NEOW
For once, Anim was at a loss for words.
Javier stood before them, panting, face red, with his eyebrows knit with fury and his teeth grit. Their jaw began to ache. They could taste blood from where their fang grazed the inside of their cheek.
Anim grinned.
“You hurt me. I didn't think…” Oh, it stung! It really actually hurt, and they could feel their cheek burn and ache as they lifted a hand to it. “You hurt me!” And a shrill, harsh laugh escaped Anim's throat. “You're not so perfect after all!”
To their credit, Anim had worked hard to get to this moment. They've learned how to be observant; how to see what made people tick. What made even the softest, quietest, holier-than-thou asshole slap someone across the fucking face.
“I'm not sorry,” Javier said, after an entire minute of deliberating. Or that's what Anim assumed he was doing. He didn't seem like he was sure of how he felt, actually. His eyes were wide with evident horror, and he kept staring at his hand - but his voice was so cold in a way they've never heard before, it almost - it was…
They didn't like it. No, Anim wanted his fire. His rage. Not this. Not this - frigid, icy silence. They had to do something.
“Hasn't your mother ever told you it's wrong to hit a lady?” Anim licked the blood off their teeth, not taking their eyes off of him for a moment. They didn't know what he would do if they looked away.
That should hit, right? Something something mommy issues, something something fear of abandonment… Anim didn't know his entire deal, but there had to be something.
“Probably.” Javier shrugged, and turned to walk away.
That couldn't be it! They finally got him mad enough to hit them, and he was just - just walking away? He might as well stab them at that point, leave them bleeding out too. Since he clearly cared so little.
But this wasn't fair. Anim didn't want it to end on this note. They wanted to - apologize, beg for forgiveness, let him do whatever he wants to them if he could just - they wanted to get more out of him. It couldn't end like this.
“Hey!” After taking a moment to snap out of their stupor, Anim ran after Javier and grabbed his arm like a life preserver. “Hey, don't ignore me! I bet -”
“That's enough, Anim.” Javier turned, and Anim… kind of had to let go. Because they had never seen him with that kind of expression before. Because suddenly they didn't want to play this game anymore. Because they knew, that if they kept at it any longer, something was going to break.
sooo this takes place after my really old draft doubling down which i DO want to rework sometime. for people unaware it was this minicomic script i wrote in 2019 where the firehazard dynamic and javiers character were MUCH different. javier would cry if he hit someone now
the minicomic is literally just javier trying to convince anim murder bad and them taunting him until he snaps and while again inconsistencies with character stuff, it still works, because its them at the beginning of their relationship. anim is unstable and cruel and javier has much less emotional regulation skills. that being said, he is a therapist, and like 30 at this point, so he knows when they are just clearly trying to get a rise out of him which is why he walks away here. but also as the adrenaline is wearing off he realizes that he physically assaulted someone he hates but still cares about and its really hitting him. he knows if he doesnt walk away now hes going to get a lot more violent and hes scared of that happening. "something was going to break" could refer to javiers mental state as much as it could refer to one of anims bones
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I was just thinking about the kids and pain tolerance
Because, on the one hand you've got Constance, who, in addition to being sensitive in preternaturally specific ways, is a little kid. And then probably you've got Sticky, who hasn't done many adventurous things in his life previously, and so probably doesn't have a lot of experience with being injured. And then either Reynie or Kate, depending.
But, on the other hand, just because they have or haven't experienced pain doesn't mean they wouldn't have a high tolerance. Some people just aren't as sensitive to it, while others may be pushed to nausea from something relatively simple.
Kate likely inherited a stupidly high pain tolerance from Milligan, but even if she didn't, she probably has the willpower to throw up in a corner and push herself to keep going until she passed out. And, with Milligan as an example, I'm sure her concept of pain levels is terribly skewed anyway. She'd decide she was being silly and make herself do something stupid like walk on a broken leg because it's "what Milligan would do".
Reynie probably gets more upset about the emotional pain than the physical. I can see him adjusting and moving on, barely realising there's cause for concern unless his bones are actively coming out of him. He probably got used to some things, since he didn't have a lot of careful adults to set a standard by. Meanwhile, he's going to quietly break down in tears at the idea that someone hates him enough to hurt him as soon as he's out of danger.
Sticky, again, hasn't really had a chance to see what his tolerance would be aside from general getting sick stuff. So, he could either be normal (Though I imagine he'd cause himself massive amounts of anxiety over infections or debilitating consequences caused by aggravating an injury), or he could randomly be the most stoic out of all of them. Kid gets stabbed and goes "Oh well, pain is just in the mind" and keeps going.
Constance is always dealing with so much on a mental/emotional level I'd guess it wouldn't take much physical pain to push her over the edge. However, she could also be one of those people who complains over silly, inconveniencing ailments but can and will buckle down and work through something really serious. They'd know when she was really not doing okay because she suddenly stops whining and does everything necessary with scarily silent efficiency.
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