#closet trans
Some spins on the "mostly male team with a token woman" trope:
The woman is trans and stayed in her old circle of bros even after transition
The woman is the only one in her circle of "girls" who didn't turn out to be a trans man
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historical drama/sitcom where two gay best friends (woman and man) get lavender married--and proceed to spend the Fancy European Honeymoon their parents paid for acting as each other's wingman
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agendercryptidlev · 14 days
If you tell a trans man that you don't trust him because he is a man and you think men are untrustworthy, you are directly saying you would be more comfortable around him if he stayed in the closet.
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mushed-kid · 11 months
just letting soemthj nc o ut
i’ve always thought everyone would accept me if i came out as trans, but i haven’t cause it’s so scary.
and i actually almost did come out to my mom one time it was terrifying but i didn’t actually. there was gonna be a gender swap day at my school and i said that i might wear a skirt, and i admitted that i sometimes felt like a boy (i can’t remember exactly what we said but basically). it was like five years ago now and it was scary so i didn’t fully come out, but i did bring the skirt and wore it for a little bit at school. i wasn’t out but my friends kinda understood i think, and i remember this kid in my class looked at me because of it (he looked kinda confused) and we just locked eyes, and i could tell he was about to say something but he didn’t. no one said anything idk if anyone noticed.
and i remember once my brother called me lil sis or something and i was just quiet and he continued with lil bro, and then he said or whatever. it was cute. (and awkward.)
anyways my point, i’ve always considered them pretty accepting. i know they’re not very accepting of weird people though, cause i remember my brother talking about someone in his grade who was trans and they wanted to be called Loki, and i got the vibe he didn’t accept it. i don’t think it was because they were trans but more that it was a weird name.
i have a non-binary friend so i know my sister doesn’t accept non-binary people, but she said she accepts binary trans people. she has also said that gender is what’s in your pant, and i think maybe she thinks binary trans people that get surgery is okay, i’m not sure what she thinks of people without surgery. my brother has asked me several times if i’m non binary, and complained when my sister said she doesn’t support non-binary as a gender because ‘now we’ll never know if mush is actually non binary, cause they won’t say’. i think he’s accepting as long as i’m not ‘weird’ about it. earlier i didn’t mean weird i meant outside of the usual and things they think of as weird. for me i think do what you want none of my business.
i thought theyd be pretty accepting and i’ve considered coming out A LOT but ive always chickened out. im scared that im wrong about it or that nothibg will happpen, and i don’t want to confuse my grandparents and stuff and id have to come out to my entire family like all my relatives and i couldnt be arsed. so anyways, my mom sent this instagram reel in our family groupchat, and idk if she agreed to it or if it was just because the video was funny.
because the text above said ‘this is why you cant let your kids decide their own gender’ which is kinda transphobic. and the video was a little kid (toddler, or younger i think) like a baby. and he’s given the option of i think a lot of money or a teddy bear or something i can’t remember. point is the kid OBVIOUSLY chooses the bear because wtf why wouldnt it? it doesn’t need money, it doesn’t know what money is, you know? but it’s put like all those videos, making the kid seem stupid because it chose the worse or stupid option (in their eyes). and maybe she just sent it because oh silly baby not choosing the money haha im a 50y/o mom i have thai kinda humor. or she agreed with the text, that you can’t choose your own gender.
my mom is pretty nice but i Know she is very judgmental and problematic. shes still my mom. but i was a bit shocked cause i didn’t expect it and im jot sure if she meant it or not. i hope not. point is i was so sure they wont care, or wont hate me for it, cause i’m not non binary and id be what they think of as normal about it. and idk.
i know my other sister is accepting. i know my friends are. my nb-phobic sister always says im such a dude, and she apparently doesn’t have anything against those who ‘actually change their gender to something that exists’. my little brother often tells me that i look like a boy.
me and a few of my friends took an online ‘do you have gender dysphoria?’ test and i scored super high so they basically know. i think all my friends basically know but i don’t say anything or reply. im too scared.
i honestly wish i could talk to some profesional about it, but idk how. i know my sister talked to someone and got a diagnose, but she only did a couple times and it was over. she didn’t have to wait or anything so it was quick and it wasn’t for her i think idk. but the point is that those kinda resources where i live have a reputation of being shit. people have to wait forever to get help and they dont get the help they need. this is stuff ive heard i know some get help.
and to legally be viewed as trans i need to idk get some diagnosis and i’ve heard that actually getting treatment (like hormones and surgery) can take forever and if you’re not ‘trans enough’ you won’t get help. again stuff ive heard. and there’s only one hospital you can get surgery at i believe.
it’s all to big of a risk. and i suppose i can live like this. i don’t want to come out and be wrong or nothin happens about it. id rather not. and anyways i can live like this. sure i will hate it but i’ve gotten so far gating myself that i don’t think it will be a problem. i’m too scared to die anyways. i’m scared of everything and i should probably talk to someone about it but i’m too scared to figure out how i should do that.
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pumpkinsforsale · 2 years
Tumblr has a lot of problems but seeing posts that say things along the lines of "being trans is so cool and sexy actually" over and over and over again made me genuinely believe it. Being trans is so cool. You are given the gift of life, and despite hateful backlash and the tremendous amount of work and bridges you will burn, you still would rather be your authentic self.
How punk rock, how fucking badass. Being trans is so cool and sexy actually
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with duct tape scars on my honey
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beazt · 1 year
something I don’t really see mentioned or acknowledged at all is that “being in the closet” is a spectrum.
some people are only out to themselves.
some people are only out online.
some people are only out on specific websites or accounts.
some people are only out on a specific space on an account, such as a discord server.
some people are only out irl.
some people are only out when they’re in an area they don’t live in (such as the next city over, or on vacation).
some people are only out to their therapist and/or medical team.
some people are only out at school/uni.
some people are only out at work.
some people are only out to their family.
some people are only out to their friends.
some people are only out to their partner(s).
some people are only out to specific family/friends/partners.
some people express a muted or more “palatable” version of their identity in some or all spaces, not necessarily expressing the fullness of their identity anywhere but to themselves.
some people are partially or fully expressing their gender and/or sexuality, but not expressing other identity signifiers such as new pronouns or name.
or the above but express different versions of these signifiers in different circumstances or spaces.
some people express their identity fully, but don’t correct anyone who is “wrong” or tell anyone the full extent of their identity, with some answering when asked and others not.
some people have come out “fully”, and gone back into the closet “fully.”
some people are stealth, and are very cautious about who they allow (if anyone) to know their full identity.
and most queer people are incredibly complex mixtures of all of the above scenarios, and many more. I can’t possibly list them all.
we cannot meaningfully divide experiences between those who are “in/out of the closet” (full stop) because individual experience is way more nuanced than that. and everyone’s definition of either in/out is going to be different, ranging from “if 1 other person knows, you’re out of the closet” to “unless everybody knows the full extent of your identity, you’re not out of the closet.”
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jetsi · 2 years
Most fucked up chocolate i have ever seen
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my-midlife-crisis · 2 months
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corpsentry · 3 months
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pick your battles
#my art#my stuff#art#comic#original art#pride 2024#pride month#trans allegory..... or not even allegory. just trans .... ^_^#i technically cannot come out yet but i don't think the people who i need to not see this stalk my tumblr#i know they stalk everything else like my twitter and my instagram but this might be safe#so fuck it we yap. this is a comic about picking your battles#this is a comic about how for almost a year now everyone at home in singapore has been crying about my sore throat#my terrible fucked up voice. my you know. etc#i came out as not cis and using they/them pronouns in 2015 when i was 14#but no one ever used my pronouns. none of my classmates or friends even up until i left for college in 2020#from 2020 onwards every year i wrote an angry vulnreable essay about how much it hurts that they dont remember#and people would dm me apologizing on their hands and knees and commending my bravery#and then forget about it all over again. id ont mean 'they misgender me and then catch it and apologize and correct themselves'#i mean they dont even get that far#and so you might ask yourself: why have you kept them around all this time?#and i would have to explain that by pure bad luck i grew up in the most conservative close minded community#that all of my ex classmates that stayed in singapore are cishet and upper middle class and chinese singaporean#that i Am the trans person. that they were able to ignore me for a decade partially because there was no one else#so this is a comic about how there is dignity and grace in staying in the closet sometimes#about how not everyone deserves to see you at your happiest. about how some people can go fuck themselves#you know your truth and THATS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS!!! YEAH!!! i love you
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elysianmadness · 5 months
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Happy lesbian visibility week/day to every lesbian around the world! I hope you're going to have a wonderful week, wherever you are. Your lesbianism is perfect and needed in the world. In this household, we love and appreciate the diversity of the lesbian experience <3
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genderkoolaid · 1 year
some musings on transmasc mulan:
i think the reason why Reflection & mulan as a trans man is impactful to me is the fact that mulan appears as a woman and has the social role of a woman. i love rep of transmascs who are fully transitioned/present masc or male! but ive thought a lot about the erasure & invisibility of transmascs throughout history. the bits of our history we do have tend to be people who had the ability to pass as men, but there were undoubtedly so many trans men&mascs who lived as women, who could not pass well enough to live full-time as a man, who were wives and mothers! and idk i find it really impactful to read Reflection as the pain of a trans man in the closet, or who doesn't even realize that being a man is a Thing they can Do. i love how it touches on the pain of failing to be a woman. i think part of it is how often people want to dissociate trans men from misogyny, or at least control how we are "supposed" to relate to it. again, the mainstream (queer) narrative around transmasc history (and present) is trans men who could/can pass as cis men, who live their lives fully stealth. but there are and always have been many transmascs who live as women, most or all of the time, and who have to struggle with the demands of misogyny to be good daughters/wives/mothers, and the knowledge that to be a trans man would make you such a disgrace and disappointment ("if i were truly to be myself, i would break my family's heart"). i think its important to give a voice to the trans men past and present who live as women and their gendered experiences! i desperately want to give a voice to every trans man throughout time who lived and died in a dress, who had children, who thought they were the only one or who didn't even understand what or why they were.
obviously mulan does crossdress and does pass as a cis man, but specifically "Reflection" to me means a lot because i love how it can be read to be an expression of closeted transmasculinity. with transmascs, the bits of history we do get are constantly scrutinized by everyone; there's an unspoken rule of "cis woman until proven otherwise, why do you want to erase women?" and again! thats just when it comes to "women who crossdress" situations! people are so stingy when it comes to who they will "allow" transmascs to claim, seeing a "feminine cis woman" expressing transmasculinity feels transgressive in a very good way to me. also, i think we need more recognition that there are a lot of feminine women who really wish they were men (because they are), and its important to represent that experience and make it clear that being feminine (while presenting as a woman, or in general) does not mean you can't be a man.
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sualne · 1 year
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bonclay time
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jaybirdbluejay · 21 days
Ok.... I need motivation.
200 notes and I come out as trans to my sister.
300 notes and I start to be more honest with myself
400 notes and I come out to my friends
1k notes and I come out to my parents
(let's hope we don't get there :))
(edit: no spamming please)
Update: I came out to my sister and my best friend and it went great!
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thatonegaybrit · 4 months
; happy pride to everyone ! And I mean everyone. All of you. Even the ones that aren't usually mentioned !!?
; including but not limited to:
BIPOC queers
Disabled queers
Neurodivergent queers
Closeted people
People in countries it's extremely illegal to be queer ( stay safe, it'll be okay !! )
People in unsupportive families ( stay safe, you'll find family / friends who support you, I promise <3 )
Trans folk who haven't and / or have no desire to medically transition
Xenogender users
Neopronoun users
People who use " conflicting " labels like being masc-aligned and a lesbian
Aroallo people ( exclusionists be damned,, you are valid !! )
Intersex people who are AFAB / AMAB
Intersex people in general
Queer people who don't fit their stereotypes ( i.e. Fem lesbian, masc gay, non-androgynous enby )
Black trans women who continue to be masculinized and misgendered ( you are a woman !! A beautiful one at that. )
Gay asian men who are fetishized ( you're not a fetish !! )
Old queer people who are forgotten / underrepresented
Alternative people who are queer ( mainly black / non-white ppl .. But also all of you !! Valid !! )
People who use uncommon microlabels and are always forgotten
Plus-sized queers !!
People who didn't realize they were LGBTQIA+ until much later in life
People who aren't out and proud and are actually having lots of doubts,, it's okay to have doubts !! You're still valid !!
Transmascs / transfems who don't specifically identify as a man / woman
People who are religious and queer
; and everyone else who's often excluded / forgotten !! You're a part of this community and you're so so valid and you deserve to enjoy pride month too ! However you do so. :]
; brief caps tw below this <33
; pt: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH <3 :end pt
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I love going out thrifting and a timid trans woman in passing whispers a little "I love your shirt ☺️"
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I love being a source of safety for my community
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