#convinced him to kill wallace
sga-owns-my-soul · 4 months
John stared at Wallace, the man responsible for all of this. The man who kidnapped McKay's sister, the man who kidnapped McKay, the man who risked Jeannie's life to fix his own selfish mistake.
He felt no sympathy.
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toaarcan · 10 months
I know this discourse is going to start flaring up again because Takes Off just released, and I've seen bits of it already, but the point of Scott Pilgrim as a series is not that Scott has to go through character development and stop being an ass in order to 'win' the girl of his dreams.
It's that Scott and Ramona are two fundamentally very similar people with a long list of exes who they hurt in very similar ways and they both need to stop that and grow as people in order to have a healthy relationship with each other.
This is highlighted mostly in Books 4-6. Volume 4, Scott Pilgrim Gets it Together, has Scott and Ramona's relationship hit a low point because they both mistake the other for cheating. Ramona thinks Scott is getting too chummy with Lisa, and Scott thinks the same about Ramona and Roxie, and they nearly fall apart because of it.
Volume 5, Scott Pilgrim vs. the Universe, contrasts Ramona finding out that Scott two-timed her and Knives and becoming outraged by it, and Scott being told that Ramona did the same thing to Kyle and Ken. In fact, Scott almost loses to the Katyanagis, and only manages to pull out a win because Kim lies about Ramona having off-screen growth to give him enough motivation to fight back.
And it's in Volume 6, Scott Pilgrim's Finest Hour, that this finally gets hammered home. In the aftermath of his and Ramona's breakup, Scott slips into a self-destructive depression where all he does it sit around the house and play old videogames, until Wallace convinces him to go into the wilderness to find his feet again. After Ramona returns, she reveals that she attempted to go into the wilderness and find her footing again, but all she did was sit around her dad's house and watch old TV.
They're so similar to each other that they even mope in the same general way.
They're both hot messes who did some dodgy stuff, the major difference between them is that most of the people Scott hurt were, y'know, relatively normal, while Ramona's exes are mostly crazy people who decided to join up with a "League of Evil Exes" whose main goal is apparently "Murder any of Ramona's future partners and take her back by force."
The books are relatively light on details for how the League actually worked, but it's clear from the second episode of Takes Off that all of them besides Gideon believed that whomever killed Ramona's new partner would automatically be with her again, and they're shocked when Matthew tells them that she rejected him. Meanwhile, Gideon's overall objective wasn't elaborated on in the show, but it's presumably the same as it is in the books: Cryogenically freeze his own seven exes, Ramona included, and use the Glow to brainwash them all into being his girlfriends at the same time.
In Takes Off, Ramona is able to mostly resolve her issues with the Exes herself, over the course of her investigation into who took Scott and faked his death, but the overall difference between the book timeline and the show timeline is that one spotlights Scott's growth, and the other spotlights Ramona's growth.
They're perfect for each other, and it's because they're both hot messes who need to grow the hell up before they can have healthy adult relationships.
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freak-accident419 · 8 months
we might be dead by tomorrow
Derek Danforth x GN!Reader
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Summary: Because everyone seemed to fail him, Derek Danforth decided to call you up to kill Mr. Clay. You are an assassin that had an intimate, yet complicated relationship with Derek in the past, sharing a bittersweet history together. You realize that you’re going against a Beekeeper, and felt obligated to spend one last night with your old lover, as this mission doesn’t guarantee your survival. But you’d do anything for him—even if it meant dying for him.
WC: 4.4k
Content: 18+ smut, MDNI, gender neutral reader, unspecified genitals for reader (vague penetration), more plot than porn tbh, cursing, smoking, drinking, mentions of death, slight spoilers for The Beekeeper but nothing too drastic
(A/n: Thank you guys for showing me so much support lately. I hope you guys enjoy this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it :) love you all !!)
You raised your glass to your lips, letting the rich, smooth liquid of scotch graze your tongue and go down your throat seamlessly after your brief sip.
You look at the man behind the office desk in front of you. It wasn’t like you haven’t seen him in a ridiculously long time, probably just for a couple of months to a year, more or less. But you never got tired of looking at him when you could. He was an incorrigible asshole, but his beautiful, hazel eyes would convey otherwise. He was an immoral, selfish dick, but the way his lips formed into a smile could convince anybody with basic cognition that he was an angel.
The silence was awkward, indubitably because of the complicated past you shared, but the eye contact really wasn’t—if anything, it was subtly bittersweet. And instead of being at his office inside Danforth Enterprises, you were at his office inside his mansion, which already revealed the secrecy and urgency of his request: he wanted you to kill for him again.
“Nobody has a name for this guy, no leads, no info, no nothing, he is off the fucking grid,” he explained to you sternly. “I was gonna make fuckin’… Wallace fix shit up, but his incompetent fucking men keep failing me, so—”
“You’re taking manners into your own hands and your last resort was hiring me? After, like, months of radio silence from me?”
He perked up at your words, then nodded, taking a lazy sip of his drink. “Precisely.”
“Okay,” you nodded accordingly. It was second nature, instantly agreeing to something this morbid, but you were an assassin after all, and Derek had hired you quite frequently in the past to take care of things. It was actually how you two initially met and eventually became intimate through—for a while, at least. “What’re you offering?” You ask, taking a cigarette out from one small box in your pocket.
“One million,” he answered briefly. However, you scoffed in disbelief, which almost immediately gained a perplexed reaction from him. “What?”
“Let’s go over the facts,” you begin, leisurely crossing your legs by resting your ankle onto your other knee. “This guy burned down your thirty million dollar call center. He could’ve definitely been related to the goddamn gas station explosion, killed all the guys you sent, and you were the last to hear from Garnett before he died at the hands of this man.” You took out your lighter and placed the cigarette in your mouth. “This guy is fucking intense. He is out for blood, your blood, Derek. It looks like he’s going to kill anyone who gets in his way, and if that’s gonna be me, I expect a higher fucking payment.” Your voice was slightly raised at the end of your sentence as you lit your cigarette, taking a long drag.
Derek sighed as he realized that you had a point. You always did, actually, in fact, he nearly always obeyed you. It was like you were the only person who could control that firecracker of a man. “Fuck… Fucking fine. Three million.”
You give a smug smile, blowing out the smoke from your drag and letting your cigarette rest between your fingers once you moved it out of your mouth. “See how easy that was?” You tease cheekily, seeing his brows knit in impatience and exasperation. You pursed your lips before asking, “What’s this guy’s deal anyway? Like, what do you know about him so far?”
Derek huffed with agitation. “Fuck, I don’t know, he… He just fucks around with all my shit, apparently he’s a-a fuckin’ beekeeper, and—”
“Wait, what?” Your eyes widen, heart practically racing as you heard those words come out of his mouth. Was it purely coincidental, or…
“What?” He asked as he noticed how exceedingly pale your face went. You never had this expression on your face, at least not in front of him. You were always seen by him as perpetually unafraid, but in this very moment, you seemed to be unusually apprehensive. “Fuck, Y/n, what is it?”
“Did you say he was a beekeeper?” You inquired silently, fidgeting with your fingers.
“Yeah, that’s the only fucking thing we know about him. Why?” Derek seemed to appear gruff and utterly pissed on the outside, but internally and authentically, he was fundamentally solicitous, especially for you. Why were you, if anything, afraid?
“Yeah, that can’t be a fucking coincidence,” you mumble thoughtfully to yourself as you take an anxious drag from your cigarette. “The Beekeepers is some kind of secret organization, completely off the goddamn grid that consists of professionally trained assassins. And let me tell you, Danforth, these guys are hard-fucking-core. You thought I was terrible? These guys are fucking worse,” you stress, waving your cigarette around as the trail of smoke followed your hand gestures. “If this guy is a part of them, then holy shit, the both of us are dead.”
Derek processes your words, however only growing antsy and disgruntled. “So what? You can handle another fucking cocksucker. I know you, your skills are off the charts.”
“Hey, I know myself more than anybody does, including you. And I know that I have a very advanced skillset, but maybe not as advanced as fucking Beekeepers. Look, Danforth, I will definitely put up a fight, but this man could definitely—”
“Y/n, you’re the best fucking assassin I fucking know, just—just do the fucking job,” he demanded relentlessly, displeased with your insistent, yet assertively spoken doubt.
You glared at him with agitation for a few seconds, before speaking again.
“Five million,” you state bluntly.
“Five fucking million, Danforth. If you want me to kill this man, let alone a fucking beekeeper, I expect higher pay,” you argue tactfully.
You sense a sort of irked frustration in him, his face contorted, teeth gritting behind his closed lips, and dark eyes, in which you’ve seen on several previous occasions.
“Goddamnit, Y/n, he’s just another fucking guy! Just, fuck, snipe him if you have to, or whatever,” he insisted tiredly. “You’re the best killer I know. This guy doesn’t have shit on you, just—”
“Danforth, I’m not a hundred percent sure that I’ll come back from this mission alive, so five million or no deal!” You exclaimed, trying to emphasize how dangerous this job would be.
“Jesus! Fuck! Fine!” he conceded aggressively, leaning back in his chair. “Five million it is,” he grumbled.
You feel your eyes soften and your eyebrows relax pleasantly the moment you heard those words. You grinned mischievously, taking another drag from your cigarette. “Pleasure doing business with you.” Derek rolled his eyes in response, displeased by the amount of money he was going to give you just to kill one guy.
“Sure, whatever,” he replies lazily. “I trust you, so whoever—”
You scoffed amusedly, interrupting him. “You shouldn’t,” you say.
“What?” He was extremely baffled as he heard your response.
“You shouldn’t trust me,” you repeat.
“Umm, okay, and why-why the fuck not?” Derek was frustratingly oblivious, too ignorant to comprehend the contentious situation between you two that resulted in a long period of desolated avoidance.
“You are aware that I have tried to kill you, yes?”
A piercing silence.
It was true, unfortunately. Back when you were constantly doing jobs for Derek, an anonymous hire suddenly offered more than $80 million for you to assassinate him. Back then, you were marginally involved with Derek in an intimate setting. You worked for him as his executioner, and soon enough, your charm led to you sleeping together on several occasions and exchanging some sweet kisses and words, alongside the establishment of affectionate pet names. What hurt the most about it was that it was all authentic, his feelings and yours. However, you were weak and selfish and overall blinded with greed. Eighty million was drastically more than any amount you were ever hired with. So you took up the offer to assassinate President Jessica Danforth’s young, foolish son.
You were going to pull the trigger once your eyes locked on the target, but the second you did, you missed, causing severe lockdowns and the anticipated presence of the secret service. And when it all died down, Derek caught you with his own eyes as you attempted to escape, yet shockingly, he let you go. And you barely kept in contact ever again—until now.
“It—It doesn’t matter, Y/n, okay, I don’t see you pointing a gun at my head anymore, so it’s all in the past, alright?” He raised his glass to his lips, drinking the remaining bourbon (he preferred it more than scotch).
“Wh—? Okay, why the fuck are you so calm about it? I tried to kill you, don’t you understand that?” You stressed, continuing to frustratingly watch his nonchalant reaction to you.
He set his glass back down on the table, not even bothering to put it on the actual coaster, which was literally just about an inch away. “It’s because I know you, Y/n. I know that you’re the best fucking assassin I’ve ever hired and you never miss a shot. You’re, like, completely flawless at what you do. And because you’re that perfect at it, it amuses me that you missed when you had such a clear shot at me.” You glared at him as he spoke, plainly vexed.
“You were fucking afraid,” he continued, making you huff in disbelief. “You didn’t wanna kill me. Sure, eighty million seemed promising, but it didn’t live up to the sex and passionate admiration we had for each other. I trust you because I know now that if you were offered all the diamonds and golds in the entire fucking world, you still wouldn’t kill me for any of it.”
You hated how much this was true. You couldn’t kill him if you had the chance. Which was what mainly pissed you off, because he had to be the most annoying, arrogant, egotistical bastard you knew. And yet, you had a soft spot for him. And he had a soft spot for you. You were way too fond of him.
You sigh afterwards, knowing that he was completely right, whether you’d like it or not. “Well… Okay, do you trust me when I say that there is no guarantee that I’m coming back alive—”
“Goddamnit, Y/n, enough about this!” Derek interjected. “I trust that you’ll get the job done—”
“Danforth, I—”
“You know my name,” he snarled. “Use it.”
You groan impatiently, unabashed. “Okay, Derek, well as I said, The Beekeepers is a very elite organization. There is a reason why this guy was able to take down all your men at UDG—”
“It’s because they were fucking incompetent! You, howev—”
“Holy shit, Derek, just shut up for once!” You blurt. “If I don’t make it out alive, then what are you gonna do? Hm?”
“You’re… Y/n, you are going to make it out alive,” he grumbled, tired of your claims.
“Derek, I swear to fucking god—”
“If he fucking kills you, I’ll make sure to rain fucking hell on that bastard and the whole fucking Beekeeper organization itself. Okay?”
And it was clear that he was still so very fond of you.
You gave a slight chuckle, putting out your cigarette on a nearby ashtray. Your hands clasped together in front of you on the surface of the wooden desk, which was also presented in front of him. And so suddenly, Derek placed his hands over yours, lightly grazing the back of your hands and fingers with his fingertips and palms. It was comforting, to say the least, as well as nostalgic.
“I missed you,” you muttered softly, watching the two of your hands fidget with each other, soft, warm skin moving against coarse, cold skin.
“I’ve missed you too,” he mumbled, watching your hands on the table until he moved his eyes up to yours.
“You can deny it all you want, Derek, but I’m not going to get out of this alive or untouched,” you say in the silence of the room.
“I don’t want to believe that,” he simply replied, not wanting to accept the clear reality.
“Well, when you see my obituary in the papers, you’re gonna have to,” you articulate softly as his thumb rubs against yours.
He scoffs in disbelief. “As I said, you’re the best assassin I know. You can easily take out this stupid fucking asshole.” You nod modestly. “I’m serious!”
“Derek, are you trying to flatter me?” You raise an eyebrow with a light chuckle, watching his face gradually turn rosy.
“No, I’m—I’m just pointing out the fuckin’ facts,” he claimed.
“Well… Just in case this is going to be our last night together—”
“It’s not.”
“Well, hypothetically, if—”
“It’s not.”
“Derek!” You exclaim, laughing afterwards. “Just… All I want is for us to spend one night together, as if it’s our last. C’mon, Derek… Let me take care of you.”
It took a short while for him to process your proposal, until he gently held onto your hands to bring them to his lips, kissing your knuckles. “Okay. Fine,” he answered indifferently. However, you knew that he had a soft spot for you.
His gentle, soft lips moved with yours as his rough hands gripped your sides tenderly. It’s been months since you’ve been like this with him, extremely vulnerable with each other physically, ever since your attempt to assassinate him caused mere estrangement. Your back was against the cushiony mattress, your hands cupping his face as your tongue began to clash with his, nearly gracefully as the familiarity of his taste burdened your mouth. The nostalgia creeped behind your mind until it penetrated your brain, making you remember all the ways he used to touch you and pleasure you. But in this very moment, he and you were taking your time with each other. To feel the warm, soft skin against fingertips and fingernails that one another missed.
“You should’ve stopped this when I told you to,” you nearly whispered after you pulled away from his lips, while your eyes explored his hazel irises once again.
He seemed to have no care, or at least no reaction, tucking his head down to nip at your sensitive neck, leaving soft kisses along your throat. “My mom probably wouldn’t have won the presidential election without it,” he remarked, lips trailing up from your collarbone to your jaw.
You scoff silently, moving your hands behind his head to tangle his bleached curls in your fingers. “I’m sure she had it all under control. She’s a remarkable woman,” you reply, feeling his lips against yours again, feeling him tug on your bottom lip right before pulling away again.
“Sure, yes, but… you’ve seen the shitty stats… Without the money we earned, she probably wouldn’t be sitting cozy in the damn White House.” Derek was very persistent about his role and reasons for the continuous phishing scam.
“Well… It doesn’t even matter,” you sigh dismally. “You didn’t stop when I warned you, and now look, you’ve got a whole fucking Beekeeper after you.” Your voice was heavy in disappointment and shame. You couldn’t believe that your old lover would possibly meet his demise if you aren’t proficient enough in your mission.
“Y/n. C’mon. We’ve got it all under control,” he affirmed, pressing some reassuring kisses all over your face. “You just have to kill this one dickhead, and things will go back to the way they were.”
Your eyes meet again, feeling your heart race for a split second as you felt utterly captivated by his beauty and concealed love for you. “I should’ve killed you when I had the chance,” you lamented under your breath.
The way his eyes gazed into yours had communicated something you never thought he would ever have: regret. “I know,” he mumbles as you kiss again, a more passionate and accelerated movement that you sensed was becoming intense.
He took off his blazer, throwing it somewhere down on the floor as you discard your jacket. The two of you could barely separate from each other for too long, so you would desperately kiss each time a new article of clothing is removed. You lift off your shirt and Derek goes down on you again to kiss at your neck once more, leaving hickeys on your collarbone and tracing his lips down to your chest. He looks up at you with affection, kissing your lips once again until he would remove his own shirt.
He cradled your face, crashing his lips onto your passionately, instantly moving his tongue with yours through parted lips. “Everything that we had…” you began in a small whisper between ardent kisses. “Was it all real? Or was it just a way for us to…. to blow off steam? To feel something?”
“No, no, no,” he breathed as you could feel his hand sensibly caress your bare sides. “You’re fucking everything to me.”
Essentially, you were terrified. You knew that eventually, you two were going to lose each other. That’s why you were taking time with this, making sure to not take even a millisecond for granted. And deep down, Derek knew that you were right and that there was no certain guarantee that you could kill the Beekeeper. So he cherished this moment with you. Because in the end, he really loves you.
It was never said out loud, but the two of you loved each other immensely. After years of knowing each other, working together, the ‘one-night-stands’ with ‘no strings attached,’ you two fell for each other faster than the bodies that you shot for him. You were practically the only person he could be stable and decent around. It was always seen through abruptly softened eyes at even the smallest mention of your name.
Once you two were completely naked, your bare bodies attached to each other throughout each deep kiss. His hands graciously moved up and down the skin of your waist as your fingers lost itself in his soft hair, bodies radiating warmth against the other.
His eyes locked with yours, and there was some kind of poignant, desperation in them, looking at you as if you were going to disappear the moment he looked away. “Promise me you’ll come back from this mission alive,” he commanded softly in the cold silence of the room.
“I’ve told you already, Derek,” you sigh wistfully. “He’s a few more steps ahead of me.”
There was something almost so pathetic and contradictory about his distraught mannerisms. “Then I give you full permission to abort,” he proposed, “when things get too risky. If you seriously think you’re going to get killed, then forget about the entire fucking mission, forget about me, okay?”
“You know I can’t do that.” You stroke his hair tenderly between your fingertips, pushing his curls away from disorder. “It’s either go with the mission or not at all. There’s no point in getting myself into deep shit just to abort.”
The man sighed as he knew you were right, again. But also… “I don’t care,” he blurts. “I don’t fucking care. You can go as far as you’d like with him, but when shit hits the fan, I need you to at least beg for mercy, get on your fucking knees if you have to. I need you to get out of the situation immediately, Y/n, okay? I can’t lose you. Shit, I can’t fucking lose you, okay, not again.”
Your heart sank.
He really did care for you.
“Do you love me?” You ask quietly.
The hesitation in his response would give the impression that he had to think about your question, but the truth was that he always knew—he always knew the answer. He loved you, indisputably.
“Yes,” he answered silently. Then, with more confidence, “I love you. I love you so much that I cannot afford to lose you. I can’t fucking lose you. I just got you back, you can’t leave me again.”
A small smile appeared at the corner of your lips. “I’m still here, my marmalade,” he shivered pleasantly at your use of your old, affectionate nickname for him. “And I love you too. All of me is here for you. That’s the point of all this.”
After a shared, enamored look, his lips attached to yours, and the two of you couldn’t help but whimper as you felt the aching head of his cock begin to enter you, already stretching you with his size. It wasn’t until his length was pushed fully inside you, making your breath hitch as the warm, complete feeling had sparked bittersweet memories of the two of you doing this together in the past. Most of the times they were faster-paced and rougher. But this? It was all foreignly vanilla to you; this was straight-up making love at its fibrous roots.
Your face was flushed, feeling tingly as he slowly began to move in and out, his hands hooked under your shoulders in a grip as you held his forearms, locking his legs down with your own. He kissed your lips softly, then down to your neck as his thrusts slowly increased, putting all his weight on you as your chests were pressed against each other.
The two of you let out soft moans once every overlapping feeling intensified, breath quickening every snap of Derek’s hips. You moved your hand to the back of his head, tangling his hair in your fingers again as you deepened the kiss, the two of you only parting to breathe.
“Fuck,” he rasped, sinking into you deeper. Your bodies were so close together, nearly merging as you felt each passionate thrust filling you up. “You feel as good as I remembered.” You let his head be buried into your neck as you felt him gently nip the skin, your fingers still wrapped in his curls and you let your eyes rest, completely indulging in the pleasure he offered. “You were right,” Derek breathed softly. “You should’ve killed me when you had the chance.”
You raise an eyebrow at his remark. “Yeah? And why’s that?”
“Because I don’t even want you to do this job anymore. If I’m gonna die because I’ll end up not hiring you, then so be it,” Derek husked, continuing to move inside you, making your fleshy walls flutter in exhilaration. “At this point, I’d rather have me die than you.”
You stutter out a quiet moan as you feel his movements quicken. “Damn. The sex is that good?” You joked, letting out a breathy chuckle.
He rolled his eyes playfully and snickered lowly. “Yes, the sex is that good,” he reciprocated, mumbling in your lips as he thrusted artfully.
It was like he was no longer selfish with it anymore. Sure, the sex you had in the past with him had equally distributed pleasure, but you would find him focusing on his own release sometimes. However, in this very moment, you could tell that he moved generously and patiently, fucking you carefully—‘fucking,’ however, seemed like a more aggressive approach to describe what was happening, which was plainly the opposite of everything entirely; this was pure lovemaking.
You felt yourself tighten around him as he increases his pace, lips no longer focused on kissing you, but driving the two of you to your release. His cock pushed faster and deeper, in and out, his throat withdrawing stuttered, low grunts and loud, quick breaths. You felt a knot in your stomach, your gut stirring in anticipation. “F-fuck,” he murmured as you felt his hot breath on the side of your face. “Y/n, I’m close.”
Your desperate panting became louder as your legs locked down on his even tighter, threatening to bend further. He lifts his head back up to make eye contact with you, seeing the other’s heated faces and loving gaze. “M-me too, baby.”
He kissed your lips deeply once again, thrusting into you at a rhythm that began to falter, quickening with every soft moan you crooned, repeatedly muttering his name with yearn.
Your cries had crescendoed, hearing desperate, higher-pitched grunts escaping Derek’s pretty mouth, as your bodies stayed warm against each other, building sweat from the intensity’s heat. The sound of skin slapping against skin amplified, wet, squelching noises emitting from each fast action of slipping in and out. You felt an overwhelming feeling of pleasure, feeling yourself come closer to your orgasm as your thighs begin to twitch and body begin to ache. It’s almost like you can’t breathe, the way his length fills you up perfectly and caresses your walls sensually.
“D-Derek, I—” Your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head, but you shut them once you feel your lips attached to his. “I’m—fuck—I’m cumming!” You announce, feeling the entirety of your body tense up, already feeling the sensitivity you would feel post-orgasm.
“Hold on, baby, just wait a little longer for me, that’s good, that’s it, fuck,” he breathed frantically, nearly praising your patience and obedience. Derek’s moans becomes louder, practically in unison with yours, and he moaned out your name passionately once the two of you finally came together. Your voice cracks as you call him, hips jolting as you release, feeling yourself become fragile once you clench around him more intensely, back nearly arching in ecstasy. With one last slam of his hips, he came deeply inside you, spilling his warm cum through enraptured and euphoric spurts, making yourself feel entirely filled as his hips remained against yours, cock still utterly inside of you.
The two of you caught your breaths, just to kiss each other again, your arms wrapping tightly around his neck. Because once all the euphoria slowly died down, you remembered the reality of everything: you or him were going to die at the hands of a compulsive vigilante, and not everything you had together was going to last forever.
His head was buried in your neck, placing lazy pecks on it as the two of you held each other comfortably and safely.
“I just got you back,” he muttered. You were the only person that Derek was the most vulnerable around. “I don’t want to lose you again. Please be careful.”
“You know me,” you reassure softly, disregarding everything you had warned him about. You knew you couldn’t stand a chance against this man. But you’d do it anyway, for Derek. “I’ve killed over fifty men throughout my entire job. I’ve got this.”
Suddenly, he remembered everything you said about the Beekeeper, and how you even doubted yourself and your abilities. “But, you said—”
“Forget what I said,” you interrupt. “I’ve got a real drive to kill him, okay, and that’s you. As long as I have you in my head, he doesn’t stand a chance.” You hated lying to him. But at this point, it wasn’t even about the five million dollars or him hiring you at that; it was about protecting him.
“Are you sure? Because you were very persistent—”
You shut him up with a sweet, deep kiss. “Don’t you worry about it, my marmalade. I’ll take care of it.” You lied straight through your tender, flushed lips that he kissed back.
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
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cameronspecial · 10 months
Hi, so I have a scenario in mind; where Zach loses his memories and instead of fixating on a relationship, he can't even remember having, he instead finds himself falling for his best friend, and conveniently, the only person he does remember. And it's just Y/n trying to convince him of all the good times he and his girlfriend had (because she's a "good friend that wants him to be happy even if it's not with her") but he couldn't care less, because none of the superficial shit she tells him, compares to the memories he has of her.
She'd be like, "Oh, you two are so cute, omg 🙄 you take walks together, you eat together, everyone thinks you look cute together. Blah blah blah..."
And he's basically like, "and what? A dog and his owner could do that. But us? That's the real shit, baby." Sorry, this got long xx
That Shit Has Nothing On Us
Pairing: Zach MacLaren x Reader
Warnings: Swearing
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 0.5K
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When Zach got hit by the car, the only person he could remember was Y/N. Even though they were best friends and attached by the hip before the accident, he, now, clings to her like Winnie the Pooh to a honey pot and not in the same way he did before he got hit. He becomes more affectionate and touchy. He always wants to have skin-to-skin contact with her in some way. He always wants to be around her. She’s tried to tell him that he has Zoey Wallace. That she is his girlfriend, he just doesn’t care. Sure, she has had a crush on them since they were five, but she knows he is Zoey’s and she doesn’t want to do anything to jeopardize his relationship. 
They are watching the Scream franchise and he knows they don’t scare her, yet he insists on wrapping his arm around her. “I don’t know why you wanted to have a marathon. They aren’t scary and are so predictable,” she complains, groaning at the not-surprising death of another character. Zach shrugs, “Come on. Don’t tell me you aren’t a little scared.” His arm brings her closer to his side. “Zach, they literally do the oh no the killer isn’t actually killed bit in every movie,” she points out. He grins at her, “Well, if you don’t want to watch the movies, then we can always make out.” “You have a girlfriend, Zach. You guys used to be so in love. You would go on walks to practice together. Kick the ball around. Eat with each other,” she argues, moving out of his hold. He gets up and looks into her eyes, “Everything I’ve done and talked about with her is all surface-level shit. It’s like I’m a dog and she’s my owner. But us? That’s the real shit, Baby. Everything I remember about us has always been so much deeper than anything I have with her.” “You can’t compare the present with the past. You just don’t know the deeper stuff you’ve had with her,” Y/N disagrees with a shake of her head. 
“I’m comparing the present with the present Y/N. She’s always on the move with life and stuff and never takes the time to just stop. She never lets us get to know each other again.” 
“I don’t know what you want me to do, Zach?”
“I want you to say that you’ll let me kiss you.”
“You have a girlfriend.”
“Not anymore.”
Y/N freezes at his words. “W-what? What do you mean you not anymore?” He gives her a smile, “We broke up. I didn’t feel it was right to keep dating her when I’m in love with you.” “Y-you’re in love with me?” she asks with hope in her eyes. He steps closer to her, “Since we were five years old.” Her arms wrap around his neck and their lips meet in a fiery kiss. Who knew amnesia could be the start of a beautiful thing? 
Taglist: @winterrrnight @loves0phelia
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armthearmour · 2 years
Steel Brocade: Puffed & Slashed Costume Armor
Surviving to this day in the collections of the world’s most illustrious museums are a group of three armors. These armors have much in common, but most striking is the attempts made by their armorers to render in steel a convincing portrayal of the puffed and slashed clothing fashionable to the early 16th century.
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Though this fashion is synonymous with the landsknecht mercenaries who may have been responsible for popularizing it, the puffed and slashed style was enjoyed by members at all levels of society.
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Portrait of Duke Henry of Saxony by Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1514, Staatliche Kunstsammlungen, Dresden.
The earliest of these three armors is housed at the Wallace Collection. Consisting only of a cuirass and arms, this armor is, at first glance, rather underwhelming when compared with the other armors in this group. Though the embossed bands styled with etched slashes embellished with gold provide the impression of a puffed and slashed doublet, the execution is all rather stiff, and lacks the impressive volume and fullness exemplified by the other armors.
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It is for this reason that this armor, previously considered contemporary to the KHM and Metropolitan examples, has received relatively little attention. However, recent scholarship by Dr. Tobias Capwell suggests that this work is not, indeed, contemporary to the other examples, and is rather about ten years older, dating to ca. 1515. Dr. Capwell also considers this piece to be the work of Konrad Seusenhofer, a favored armorer of the Emperor Maximilian I.
Seen through this lens, not as a poorly executed contemporary of greater armors, but as a less developed ancestor to them, this armor takes on new life. It speaks to innovation and experimentation; an early attempt at a technique which would later be perfected.
The second in this line is the garniture of Wilhelm von Rogendorf, housed at the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna.
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This armor is unique for its condition, which is remarkably good. Not only does this armor retain more of its pieces than the other two, it is also accompanied by a number of “pieces of exchange,” elements which could be swapped out so the armor could be worn in the field.
Finished in 1523, as attested to by the date etched on the right shoulder strap, this armor was made for the Count Wilhelm von Rogendorf by Kolman Helmschmid and etched by Daniel Hopfer.
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Wilhelm von Rogendorf himself was heir to a new, up-and-coming German noble family.
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A medal showing Wilhelm von Rogendorf as a Knight of the Order of Calavatra, dated 1536, Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna.
Born in 1481 the second son of Kaspar von Rogendorf, Wilhelm became heir to his family’s estates when his elder brother Sigmund died in 1507, by which time Wilhelm was already a courtier at the Habsburg court. He entered into the service of King Charles I of Spain (later Emperor Charles V) no later than 1517 and was appointed Governor of Friesland. In 1522, Wilhelm accompanied Charles to Spain where he commanded a regiment of 4,000 landsknechts and was again placed in charge of a restless border territory. In 1524, he successfully captured the Fortress of Fuenterrabía from the French, which won him great praise from the Emperor. Shortly thereafter, Wilhelm was named Captain of the Imperial Bodyguard and given the governorships of Catalonia, the Cerdagne, and the Roussillon. Additionally, he was appointed to the Spanish chivalric Order of Calavatra. Wilhelm would retire from court in 1539, but would be recalled in 1541 to command Imperial troops against the Ottomans in Hungary. He would be killed later that same year at the siege of Buda by a stray cannonball.
Though Wilhelm’s armor is now displayed in its parade configuration, the surviving pieces of exchange attest to the fact that it was also an armor for combat. The cuirass is equipped with the long tassets common to the early 16th century. A pair of holes can be observed at the top of the last lame.
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These holes correspond to holes at the top of the half-cuisses which accompany this armor, showing that these cuisses would be pointed to the tassets rather than worn separately.
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In the rear, the cuirass is accompanied by a rump-defense, also known as a hoguine. Small turning pins near the waist allow this to be removed for combat.
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Both spaulders
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and gauntlets
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survive. Additionally, the KHM retains the armor’s right vambrace
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while the Wallace Collection holds the rerebrace and couter for the left arm.
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Recently, these pieces were assembled to show what the arm harness for field as a single unit would have looked like.
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This armor would also have been accompanied by a gorget, now missing, and a helmet. Frequently, this armor is displayed alongside a close-helmet, however it is more likely the armor would have been accompanied by a burgonet similar in form to this example from the KHM.
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One final, unique surprise this armor holds is a hidden lance rest which is incorporated into the turned edge by the right arm. This rest folds down to allow a light lance to be braced atop it, and when folded up, is nearly invisible so as to not ruin the smooth surface of the breastplate with the prominent staples typically required for affixing a lance rest.
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The third and final armor of this group is housed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City.
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The least complete of these three armors, it may also be the most visually impressive. Comprised of only a backplate, hoguine, and arms, the puffs and slashes of this piece (also by Kolman Helmschmid and Daniel Hopfer) are ornately cusped. The slashed regions, displaying the gilded “fabric” beneath, and heavily etched to resemble an expensive silk brocade.
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The sleeves of this armor are even more voluminous than those of the Rogendorf armor, though they are similarly articulated and provide the wearer with a surprising degree of mobility. It is thought that this armor may have been made for prominent Polish nobleman Jerzy Herkules Radziwill.
Interestingly, the hoguine of this armor is composed of two separate plates, rather than a single solid plate. Where the hoguine of the other two armors terminates in a decorative fabric border, the Met armor continues into two more articulated lames, covering the top rear of the thighs. Holes along the bottom edge suggest that this armor may have been accompanied by fully enclosing cuisses which pointed to the bottom of the fauld and hoguine.
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“A Pair of Gauntlets.” Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. https://www.khm.at/de/object/540164/.
“A Pair of Spaulders with Besagews.” Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. https://www.khm.at/de/object/372772/.
Cranach, Lucas the Elder. “Portrait of Duke Henry of Saxony.” Staatliche Kunstsammlungen Dresden. https://skd-online-collection.skd.museum/Details/Index/246875.
Krause, Stefan. Fashion in Steel. Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum, 2017.
“Landsknecht Costume Armour.” Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. https://www.khm.at/de/object/372771/.
“Left Upper Cannon and Couter.” The Wallace Collection. https://wallacelive.wallacecollection.org:443/eMP/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=60736&viewType=detailView.
“Open Burgonet.” Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. https://www.khm.at/en/object/503346/.
“Parts of an Armour.” The Wallace Collection. https://wallacelive.wallacecollection.org:443/eMP/eMuseumPlus?service=ExternalInterface&module=collection&objectId=60519&viewType=detailView.
“Portions of a Costume Armor.” The Metropolitan Museum of Art. https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/27790.
“Vambrace.” Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. https://www.khm.at/de/object/372773/.
“Wilhelm von Rogendorf.” Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien. https://www.khm.at/de/object/1409642/
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frozen-waters · 7 months
rewritten ask!! 🪻 eagle flies with a super kind, gentle, and patient gf. [maybe she's a doctor too, but that's up to you. 🤍] she's super easygoing and softspoken, not often saying much but her words radiate wisdom. she and eagle flies likely met through arthur ((who i'd like to imagine went to her and asked for help with tuberculosis due to her wisdom, but then again, she can't even do anything about it 'cause that's just not her thing)). the two hung out more often as she was quite eager to help the wapiti people get their land back. but peacefully. eagle flies liked this about her, and he confessed, now they're dating. woohoo! the thing is, even though she's usually good at convincing people out of dumb ideas, she couldn't convince eagle flies out of war with the united states army. when he gets injured ((killed? nope. that never happened)) after the battle, she's quick to aid him and she's apologizing a whole bunch, "i'm sorry i wasn't here to help you before," "i'm sorry you had to go through this pain," "i'm so sorry it took me so long to get here," etc. she takes care of him until full recovery ((whether doctor or not)). the end. everyone's happy. yippee!
thank u snookums 🤍
ofc ofc love you for this. also i haven't written an x reader in a bit so idk. I’m also not too sure that I wrote this the way you wanted but I tried and I’m also sorry that this took forever 💀
tw : some light gore, needles (mentioned), light angst (not really a tw but I figured I'd put it in), and definitely medical inaccuracies
Always Here (Eagle Flies x F!Reader)
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Night set in on the Wapiti Reservation long ago. Some of the warriors who went off to fight at the oil fields had come back, others weren't so lucky. There still hasn't been any sign of Eagle Flies or Paytah yet, making the worry worse in everyone's stomachs. You and the other women have been helping the wounded men as best as any of you could, but with the sobbing of other people around the Reservation and the smell of metallic blood filling the air, it brought time to a crawl. There wasn't much on your mind as you dug bullets out of men, or stitched up their wounds, but when you'd leave them to rest with their wives, you feared for the state Eagle Flies would be found in.
You loved him dearly, you were afraid of him getting himself killed by going to fight the army. Of course you knew how important this was to him and you'd urge him to be as safe as he could but sometimes all you could do was hope he didn't get shot. You tended to his wounds when Charles had returned him from Fort Wallace, he hadn't spoken much, you understood why.
There was commotion outside the tent you were in as you sewed the gash on a man’s bicep back together, people had muttered things about Eagle Flies and your heart sank to your stomach, worry washing over you. You tied off the stitches and patted the man on the shoulder, offering him a smile before you wiped off your hands on your skirts and stood up, exiting the tent. There's a small gathering of people outside of Rains Fall's tent, you stand towards the back and wait for whoever was in their to come out and shed some light on what was happening.
It's another moment or two before Arthur and Charles come out of the tent, they turn and speak to each other for another minute before they hug, Arthur turns to leave. You glance at Charles before you follow Arthur.
"Arthur," You call to him. He stops in front of his horse and turns to face you. "What happened? Is Eagle Flies- is he-?"
"He's alive, don't worry." He takes a step closer to you and your shoulders relax. "Looks like you've been busy." He gestures loosely to your bloodied clothes, you hum in response and clasp your hands together in front of you, looking back at Rains Fall's tent, everyone had dispersed and began to pack the little belongings they had. "Charles says it's best if the Wapiti get outta here."
"What about you?" You turn to him again.
"Guess I'll just go back to doin' what I've always done."
"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize to me, go help Eagle Flies." He waves towards the tent and turns to mount his horse. You had known since Arthur first came to you that there'd be no way for his tuberculosis to die down, but it hurt seeing him get sicker, even if you hadn't known him before he had gotten so bad.
"Goodbye, Arthur." You take a few steps back as he maneuvers his horse back onto the path.
"So long, miss." Arthur tips his hat to you and rides out of the Reservation. You turn and head to Rains Fall's tent, Eagle Flies is laying on a bedroll inside, his father kneeling next to him. You sit next to Rains Fall, Eagle Flies eyes are closed, but his chest moves up and down as he breathes, his breathing slightly labored. You place your hand on the nape of his neck and run it down his shoulder. Rains Fall doesn't speak to you, he only looks at his son as he waits for him to say something. You look at the bullet wound on his abdomen and sigh.
"I will stay." Rains Fall says to you, his voice hoarse.
"I wasn't going to ask you to leave." He looks at you for a moment before he slides over a little, you move into the spot he was in previously. Eagle Flies eyes open slightly when you place a hand on his stomach, he sits up a tiny bit only for his father to place his hand on his shoulder and push him back down.
"I'm sorry I wasn't there earlier to help you." You say to Eagle Flies, your voice breaking slightly. He looks at you, slightly confused, but still with that tiredness and hurt in his eyes.
"Do not apologize," He mutters as he watches you grab for the tweezers you had tied around your hip.
"I... this will hurt." You tell both him and Rains Fall. Another woman had let herself into the tent with whiskey and bandages, you watch her as she sets them on the ground next to you and mutter a small, "Thank you" to her, she looks to you for a second and nods before she leaves. Eagle Flies clenches his jaw as you start digging around in his wound for the bullet, his grunts are muffled by his mouth, tears prick at your eyes as you watch more blood spill from the wound. There’s a horrible squelching sound that you’ve heard before, Eagle Flies lifts his hand and grabs your wrist as you finally find the bullet and begin to pull it out.
“I know, I know.” You tried to soothe him, he hisses through his teeth, his grip only tightening. “I’m almost done, okay? You’ll be alright, just- I just…” You trailed off, blinking away the tears threatening to spill out of your eyes. You looked to Rains Fall, you’d never seen him so pined without being the one who’s hurt. You ripped your hand away from Eagle Flies, he winced as you tore the bullet out of his body, you covered his open wound with your hands and pressed down on it. He groaned and gripped at the fabric of your shirt, trying to push you off of him.
You take the bottle of whiskey and move your hands away from him as you pour the liquid into his wound, he squirms as it bubbles up and stings at the bullet hole.
"I'm almost done, it wont hurt too much more in a few seconds." You un-tuck your shirt and wipe away the blood and spilt whiskey. You poke at his wound slightly, trying to feel how deep it went, if the bullet had been any deeper, he would've needed stitches. "Can you sit up?"
Eagle Flies nods slightly in response, Rains Fall helps his son sit up and you move to sit behind Eagle Flies. Rains Fall watches you as you wrap the bandages tightly around his son's abdomen.
"The worst parts over." You tell them both. Eagle Flies leans back against your chest and sighs. "You were very lucky."
"I know. Thank you." Eagle Flies knocks his head against yours gently and you smile.
"I'm sorry about the pain."
"I can handle it."
"I know." It's silent between the three of you for a few moments as you and Rains Fall listen to Eagle Flies breathe.
-- -- --
The sun will rise in a few hours. Everyone left the Reservation not too long ago, now traveling in wagons and on horseback as you head south to avoid Fort Wallace and the oil fields.
Eagle Flies has been in-and-out of sleep since he got loaded into one of the wagons with you, whereas you've gotten no sleep at all, too keen on watching him and waiting for anymore signs of discomfort. But as Eagle Flies lies awake now, on his back and looking up at the stars, he shifts his body to face you slightly.
"I'm happy you were here tonight." He whispers, voice a little gruff. You lay on your side and tuck your hands under your head.
"Me too," Eagle Flies scans over your face before he takes one of your still bloody hands into his own, you squeeze his hand slightly and scoot closer to him. "You should be better in a few months."
"That's not what I'm worried about."
"Well, you should be."
"I have no reason not to believe you when you tell me I'm going to be alright." You smile at him.
"Just don't get yourself hurt again somehow while you're still healing."
"I won't."
"Good." You and Eagle Flies stare at each other for a few more seconds before you move so that you're fully next to him, you wrap your arm under his ribs and around his back, careful not to hit his bullet wound, he chuckles softly and rests his head against your shoulder, wrapping a hand around your waist. The wood of the wagon is uncomfortable to sleep on even with a bedroll, but neither of you complain as you wrap yourselves around each other.
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eras-mus · 10 months
Hello ! I'm the (old ?) Anon of Ace x hate people!reader. And I wanted to say that it was great, like the writing >>
Anygays, I'm not here for that, I'm here for another ask (who would have guessed it ?)
A Wallace Well!male or gn reader meeting for the first time a Diasomnia boy (you can choose the one).
Ignore it if you don't want to write it.
I'm not a Scott Pilgrim fan so I'm sorry if the personality isn't right :(
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‡Diasomnia x Wallace Well! GN! Reader‡
I tried writing in second person
Written with a male reader in mind
Sorry this took me a while!
Should I do more fics like this?
†Sebek Zigvolt
he hates you-
But he loves you?
He thinks your rude, obnoxious, and unfunny
Okay, he thinks your funny
But you will never catch him laughing at your jokes
Will tell you to stop gossiping
Please don't drink around him
This is for your sake, he'll start yelling at you
He refuses to use your credit card, even if you tell him you don't care
Doesn't understand why you let your friends spend all of your money
The two of you were walking to class together, he had gotten off duty early this morning because, according to Lila, "Your suffocating this entire dorm and your only guarding Malleus".
So there he was, walking down the hall with you trying to find the words to tell you his thoughts but only managing to be a stuttering mess.
"You like me don't you"
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He likes sharing a bed with you, nothing inappropriate, just sleeping
He thinks your warm and nice to cuddle with
Honestly, he probably knew he loved you because you are so willing to let him fall asleep in your bed, even before you were dating
He doesn't really care if you drink around him, just don't get drunk
Loves you since of humor but he won't burst out laughing
Loves spending nights at your dorm
Lilia gets on his ass about it (in the teasing way)
Hates you spending money on him
He's such a gentleman
You the only reason he knows the drama at school
"Silver! There you are, I was so worried"
"Fa- Lilia! What happened?"
"You didn't come home! Are you okay? Did you fall asleep and get lock in one of the classrooms again?"
"No! I was just in y/n's dorm."
"Of course you were, I should've just guessed"
"Aren't you two dating?"
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†Lilia Vanrouge
Finds you super funny
You try to convince him to grow his hair out
He would either hate you drinking or drink with you
"You youngsters and your jokes"
Will be your sugar daddy instead of the other way around
Made it super obvious when he took an interest in you
You remind him of the youth he wishes he had
loves gossiping with you
Malleus wasn't sure about you at first
"Are you sure about this child of man?"
"It's not like they can kill me"
"They might hurt you :/"
"I went through a gruesome war, they're not going to hurt me"
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†Malleus Draconia
Doesn't understand all of you jokes
Thinks your funny when he understands
He loves it when you invite him out
Please send him a card when you do so
He will collect all of them
Your the only reason he ever knows what's going on
If Lilia was a good sugar daddy, he's the best
He's confused about how you talk to you friends
"Can you believe Ace ever had a girlfriend" You said to Deuce, whispering loud enough for Ace to hear you.
"I can see why she broke up with him"
"I can see why he hasn't had one since"
Ace eventually started yelling at you and Deuce, while y'all laughed, Malleus just sat there trying to figure out how it was funny.
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lovelystickymilkshake · 9 months
I have more ideas.
Quick background knowledge:
Dick is 13 at the start,
Jason is 12 at the start,
Tim would be 11 at the start,
Damian would be 7 at the start,
Wallace is 13 at the start,
And Roy is 15 at the start.
People in YJ are the same age as the people they would normally be the same age as.
If Roy was the sams age as Kaldur in YJ when both are like 19, then when Roy's 15 Kaldur is also 15.
What if:
Jason is only a year younger than Dick, and Dick finds him before Batman does when he's stealing the tires off of the Batmobile (proudly dubbed the Batmobile by Dick.)
He asks future-zombie-boy whether or not he would like to become his successor.
Kid-who-will-die-because-of-this-decision agrees.
Bruce is against this, but is convinced by Dick's puppy-eyes.
About a year later, when Jason is hanging out with Dick, Wallace, and Roy, He asks Roy if his older brother and Wally have a crush on eachother.
He says it with innocent intentions, but he forgot to whisper, so the others' conversation stops immediately.
Dick, because he's (ironically) an asshole, asks Jason why he thinks that Wally has a crush on Dick.
Jason proceeds to correctly point out all of the behaviors that Wally only exhibits when with Dick.
For example:
He points out how Wally will space out into Dick's eyes as if he could see through his mask, follows him around like a lost puppy who was given food, exclusively uses the princess carry when carrying Dick, e.t.c.
Roy is currently dying (heh) laughing on the floor while Dick and Wally blush as Wally struggles to make a defence.
Dick, who was not expecting anything that accurate, begins to wonder if he was hallucinating.
Wally brushes it off, (definitely very smoothly.)
Wally asks Jason why he thinks that Dick has a crush on Wally.
Because revenge and all that ✨️Razzle-dazzle✨️
Dick, who actually learned from Wally's experience, quickly clamps Jason's mouth shut.
The first Robin was being Robin, and Y'know, chilling.
He had established the YJ team a few months ago, already extremely close
But suddenly, he's kidnapped by the Joker!
The Joker sells him to the Court of Owls and he becomes an 'emotionless' soldier.
Back at the Batcave, everyone is worried.
Batsy had called everyone he knew in the superhero community to the batcave via the zeta-tubes and blindfolds.
This concerned the other heroes, as the batcave was famously impenetrable to all those he didn't trust, and he sure as hell wouldn't trust them like this in any other circumstances.
He explains the situation, and asks them all for help.
The Boy Wonder was well-liked by all the heroes in the room at the very least, and they all agreed to help.
It was when the Batman unwrapped his cloak that they acquired another fact.
The fact that Kid Flash, the sidekick who was commonly seen wearing a smile, was sobbing uncontrollably into the Big Bat's chest while on his lap.
And somehow more surprising, Batman was allowing it, even comforting him like a concerned parent.
Supes hear Batman whispering both to the small child he's comforting and also in a com-link.
Superman gestured to Martian Manhunter to establish a mindlink, and revealed to the others that the rumors about how Batman was heartless were unrealistic.
He relayed everything Bruce was saying, the sentence standing out the most being:
"See Kid, they'll help find him. It'll be alright."
Barry rushes in with no blindfold and scoops up his nephew.
Not that anyone else noticed at the time how he knew where the batcave was beforehand.
Unfortunately, the tracker that had been hooked up to Dick's heartbeat... stopped.
Despite this, the search continued. Partly because they were desperate, mostly because Dick G(r)ayson (that auto-corrected to arson-) was too much trouble to be killed in one go.
While looking for his beloved older brother in spirit, Jason becomes Robin and is killed by the Joker when he's 13.
This greatly affects KF, who had sworn to himself to protect Jason after his supposedly deceased bestfriend had gone missing.
As part of the deal he mentioned to Jason, he visits Jason's grave and swears to confess to Dick if he ever found him again.
Regardless of their efforts, Dick is not found until a year later, a bit after Jason is resurrected.
When Jason was resurrected, he is sneaking about the halls when he is stopped by a strangely familiar Talon.
When the Talon wraps his wings around him, he figures that he has been caught and will be tortured for sneaking out.
However, he hears from outside of the feathery cocoon, a talon guard passing by, who asks the familiar Talon if he has seen "Thalia's new toy."
The familiar Talon apparently shook his head, as Jason heard the Guard's footsteps descending down the hall.
He is rushed out of the halls and into what seems to be a larger than normal solitary confinement room.
When he is released from the Talon's wings, he sees a... nest(?) in the corner of the room.
He has not escaped the Talon's clutches yet however, as he is lightly picked up as if he weighed nothing and carried off to the nest-like-bed in the corner.
The Talon plops him down in front of him and starts to detangle Jason's hair, clicking his tongue when undoing the tougher knots.
Jason just sort of sits there, eyes wide as he recalls his missing older brother doing the same thing before he was kidnapped.
Jay slowly turns around and sits criss-cross
(-That's such a funny name for it-)
And gently takes off the Talon's mask.
He gasps as the newly-found Dick Grayson merely chirps inquizitively
(I dunno if that's a word-)
And continues brushing his little brother's hair.
'The Gray Son" is unsure of why he felt the need to protect smol child (as he had dubbed him in his head,) but he decided to trust his instincts.
And his instincts were telling him that he belonged in a home far away from here.
Maybe the fact that the black dye in Smol Child's hair had been scrapped off from the knots had helped him realize that fact.
Maybe the fact that his frozen heart had thumped one beat when he had a sudden flashback to being held in some redhead's arms had helped him realize that he needed to get Smol Child and himself out of here.
Back with the other, non-brainwashed-or-killed-child heroes, they had found that the tracker connected to Dick's heartbeat worked again, even if it was just for a single second.
Kid Flash, who had been checking the moniter borderline religiously, had easily noticed it and quickly traced it.
"Batman, Flash, I found him!" He calls out excitedly.
Batsy and (Straw-)Barry rush to his side, and quickly form a team and a plan.
Back with Dickie-now-a-literal-bird and 'Smol Child' ❤️ , Dick has been trying to speak to Jason in literally every language he knows.
Sadly, the one language he forgot was English.
However, due to being forced to train and hang out with Thalia, Jason knew that both Dick and a kid named D knew Arabic.
So at the moment, Jay was trying to tell Dick that they had to kidnap an even smaller child through charades.
Dick had trouble understanding Smol Child's interperative dance, so he went to go and get the other person who he felt the need to protect.
Incidentally, this includes jumping out of a window.
Jason may have also forgotten that his sibling could fly, and thought that he couldn't save his older brother again and began crying.
(Look, it's been a tough year for 'im, alright?!)
Dick returns to one Smol Child crying while the Not-Infant was nestled in his arms asleep.
Naturally, seeing his (albeit mostly forgotten,) little bro caused the bird part and the human part of him to panic.
He swept both smaller children into his arms and covered them and himself with his wings.
That night, all slept more soundly than ever since the start of that horrid year.
To be continued if you guys want more or have suggestions?
Here we go, this story is now on wattpad, it's called "In the Talons of memory."
That's what he was.
Wally West knew that, most boys liked a girl by his age.
Most wanted to have fun with said girls.
Most were normal.
And yet, here he was.
His heart never skipped a beat for a girl he wasn't related to (Of course he worried about his family,) but instead...
He thinks that he's in love.
Not thinks, knows.
He is absolutely sure that he is hopelessly and utterly in love with a certain Dick Grayson.
The problem is, he doesn't even know if Dick's alive right now.
Back with 'Smol Child' and 'Not-Infant' and Dick, Not-Infant was translating Arabic from Dick to English for Jason.
He wanted to
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dimonds456-art · 1 year
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Half Life - Across/Into the Spiderverse AU. Think fast.
Explanations and some ramblings below the cut!
Miles Morales -> Alyx Vance RIPeter Parker -> Gordead Freeman Peter B Parker -> Gordon Feetman Gwen Stacy -> Chell bc I said so Spider Noir -> Gordon Freemind Penni Parker -> Grace Freeman (guys she's trans omg) Peter Porker -> Cuphead AU Gordon (doesn't have a name yet) The Prowler -> Judith Mossman Kingpin -> Wallace Breen Kingpin's grunts -> Various Combine ranks Jess Drew -> Azian Vance (SHE'S ALIVE WOAHHH) Pavitr Prabhakar -> Gordon B Freeman (Y2KVR) Hobie Brown -> Doug Rattman Miguel O'Hara -> Gman (possibly an alt ver of Coolatta but idk yet) Mayday Parker -> Joshua Freeman Spider-Byte -> Russel (HL:A) The Spot -> Benrey (Half Life version)
The idea behind this AU is that "Spiderman" is instead "The One Free Man," though the title changes depending on who's in the HEV suit. In the timeline we follow, Gordon gets killed after a second HEV suit just kinda *shows up* in the timeline without explanation, and Alyx puts it on, taking his place as The One Free Man.
ITSV plays out similarly with the Combine doing some Wacky Shit™ that brings other universes together (HLVRAI, Freeman's Mind, ect). Instead of jumping universes to completely different planets, they want to jump to the *same* planet in a different universe, an ability they ALMOST achieved before Alyx came through with her Freemanverse entourage and blew up the Citadel.
In the explosion, though, was Benrey. Not HLVRAI Benrey, but a different version of him. Gordon M Freeman (HLVRAI) is here after the events of his universe, so to him, this other Benrey is both a potential threat, and a second chance, while Alyx sees a potential ally and friend.
Half Life Benrey story:
The Combine already got to his world
They couldn't assimilate his species into their army because their regen abilities reversed anything done to them
Benrey managed to flee to Xen in one way or another
Lived there for a while
Gordon Pushed a Crystal™ and opened the rift
Benrey saw him fighting Nihlanth before getting taken to Earth in a portal storm
Lived there in hiding for like 2 minutes before-
The Combine showed up and destroyed the place
Benrey runs for a good part of his life
Captured by the Combine as a teenager
Lived in the upper parts of the Citadel for 8 years
When it explodes, he becomes Spot
Blames Gordon (and thus, the Resistance) for what happened to him and hates the Combine
He becomes his own 3rd party in the war
Alyx convinces him to join their side
FUCK the Combine they SUCK >:(
I have more ideas but i forgor
Just take this in the meanwhile! :)
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lefetfritos · 6 months
hi ive seen ur stuff pop up whenever i search for half-life things and the tags always make me throw my head back. im so curious. may i ask what the portal to hell au is about. i mean this in a positive way i promise.
The portal to hell au was orignaly meant to just be an au fully combing portal and half life instead of there just being a few refrences to each other like in the game, but i also wanted an excuse to use a specific g-man design i made
The main premise of the au is that chell replaces gordons role in half life two because portal 2 happens around the same time gordon would normally get out of stasis in hl2.
Gordon is fully working under g-man along side adrian and never fully gets let out of stasis. The only reason g-man even employed gordon was because he knew gordon was wallaces kid, and g-man hates wallace.
Gordon never takes up any role in the resistance, and the only reason hes fighting against the combine and wallace is for g-man. Chell does take up a role in the resistance however and completeley takes the role of what gordon does in hl2.
And for the final sibling, john, his role is similae to barneys except while alot nicer than the other combine, hes not undercover for the resistance in anyway, but does support them. He eventually does completeley stop working for the combine and joins the resistance after chell is able to convince him however.
I also wanted to give wallace a reason to become the representative for humanity. Instead of him just being the manipulative asshole like he is in the game (he still kind of is one but thats besides the point) i wanted to make it so he had someone pressuring him into taking that role, so i gave him a dad.
His dad , William Breen (not a permanet name) only wanted wallace to take his job and continue the “family tradition” of becoming a higher up at black mesa, but wallace didnt really want that, which is where g-man comes in.
Gene (G-man) and wallace had been friends since highschool, and Gene had always known how bad wallaces dad was, so while they were together one day, Gene had wanted wallace to run away with him and their friends to get away from their parents. Wallace had to think about it but that gave his dad time to manipulate wallace into killing Gene.
Wallaces dad made Wallace push Gene into a expieremental teleporter, since it was thought that going into it would kill the person inside of it, it didnt how ever.
The teleporter completeley ripped out Genes soul, making him take on a kind of shadowy figure with no real physical form. He spent years in what looks like just a black void until he eventually figured out how to give himself a physical form. Hes able to control how he looks, so he gave himself kind of an uncanny look. While hes in this form where he actually has acertain look, hes no able to show emotions, so almost every emotion he shows, he has to show through the shadowy form.
The only other thing i can think to talk about is rose and wallace. Rose met wallace in a bar in 1969, a year after the teleporter incident. Wallace immediately adored rose but was terrified to talk to her.
He eventually saw her again at meetings that black mesa and apeture science had (before that whole dumbass rivalry started) and only talked to her because judith pushed him to.
They started dating a few weeks later, and eventually got married in 1971 during september. Rose eventually ended up having gordon on may of 1972, then chell in october of 1974, and finally john in april of 1977.
Both wallace and rose were amazing parents, and wallace didnt start becoming absent until rose disapeared in 1985.
Wallace was in a horrible place after rose disapeared, she was the only thing keeping him together. He tried his best to provide for his kids but becuase he was barely getting paid by his dad, and was not at home 99% percent of the time due to being at black mesa working under his dad, his kids grew to not like him and resented him.
Wallaces dad took rose disapearing as a way to manipulate wallace even more, causing him to become more of an asshole. He eventually even manipulated wallace into getting “enhancements” that caused wallace to stop aging and not be fully human anymore like him in 1987.
Thats kind of all i can remember right now smiles
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rinrinx2 · 2 years
Rindou x fem!reader
Warnings: Mature themes, Mature language, kinda smut, Rindou!
Oh shit, you were running late you knew you should of taken the back roads, as the main roads were flooded with vehicles. Roppongi was usually a very busy place especially during the night, known for its clubs that were filled with some of the most beautifulest women in all of Tokyo.
"Why isn't this car moving!" You screamed hands hitting the steering wheel as the bright pink Lamborghini cut you off.
'Rich people and there stupid driving' you thought as you tried your best to manuaver your way out of traffic.
You had just got this job as being a driver for a very well known company in the shipping industry (or at least thats what they wrote on their help wanted ad) and you weren't about to lose it on your first errand, just as you were about to overtake a car another came claiming the spot you wanted your car to be in.
If adding insult to injury, you began hearing your phone ringing from the passengers seat. The vibrations causing the phone to slightly jump on the black leather of the massive SUV you drove. Without a moments hesitation you picked the phone up with one hand still on the steering wheel trying your best to get your way out of the sea of horrid drivers that were currently taking over the roads.
"Hello" you said abruptly, not even having time to look at the caller ID.
"Good evening Miss (L/N)"
"Evening Mr Hajime" you replied back voice now quieter and meaker hoping he wasn't about to fire you on the spot for you incompetence.
"You do know that I had stated for you to fetch us at 2:50 am and it is currently 2:55 am. You are aware of that right?"
"Yes Mr Hajime I am. I apologize for the not being there at the exact time, it's just traffic and the drivers tonight are not at its best" you said trying to make yourself sound more convincing.
You heard Mr Hajime take in deep breath as someone in the background spoke to him.
"Alright then, I expect you to be here soon and next time I would not like this to happen again" Koko said as he placed his finger on the red end call button.
"What she say?" Mikey asked as he leaned against a wall, eyes peering down at the concrete floor as bright colorful light from other clubs illuminated the area that the members of bonten stood at.
"She's on her way"
"A bit of a slacker I see" Ran commented, while Rindou stood still beside his brother waiting upon your arrival.
It wasn't everyday that Bonten were all seen together out in public, it was far to dangerous but tonight was different, tonight was a celebration; Rindou Haitani had been able to infiltrate and capture the password of an organization similar to their own bank information. Why was this to be celebrated, because it allowed Koko to transfer the money into an offshore account draining said organization of all the money they had and all that were to come into their possession.
'Cutting the source of at its roots' that's what Kakucho had said when Rindou wallaced into headquarters only two days prior with a grin plastered onto his face and a USB stick that held all the information they needed.
"Mahn, I hope that driver of yours arrives soon. I'm exhausted" Sanzu said as he pushed the hair from his face away.
A loud screech was heard, catching the attention of all the Bonten members as they starred at the black SUV that had come to a standstill infront of them.
"Speak of the devil" Ran said as he walked over to the vehicle.
Your heart began racing waiting for the moment Kokonoi Hajime would chew you out for being late. This was it you thought first and last day on the job. You closed your eyes as your heard the passenger door open, slightly peaking through your lashes.
'Oh God Koko with his purple mullet is gonna kill me. Wait purple mullet' your thoughts screamed out to yourself.
You opened your eyes to see that Koko was not sitting in your front seat rather some other man, who dressed just as formal as Koko.
You starred at the purple mulleted man and he starred back, a slight smirk appearing on his face that quickly disappeared as the passengers in the backseat began speaking up.
"Miss (L/N) you can drive now, we're all in" the voice of none other than Koko Hajime spoke.
You whipped your head to the back now facing the passengers seats noticing how full the vehicle was as you apologized to Koko for you late coming. Not even realizing how all eyes were now on you examining your face.
You began starting the car again, as you pulled away from where you had once stopped like a maniac.
"Cut the girl some slack" you heard a voice say from the back, causing you to peer in your rear view mirror to see who had made the comment.
"Yeah come on Koko, its her first day. Give the cutie a break" a man with a pink mullet a diamond shaped scars at either side of his mouth said in agreement.
"Right beautiful" the pink haired man said pushing his head in-between your seat and Rindous. You slightly turned to him with a smile, as his eyes devoured your physique.
"Fucking hell, body of a Goddess" the pink haired man shouted out as he fell back against his seat. His words causing your cheeks to burn.
"You're so lucky Rindou, you get to sit right next to her" a slightly upset Kakucho replied out.
"Oh come on Kaku, you wouldn't even know what to do with all this" the man named Rindou who resided in your front seat shouted back behind him to the man who had a scar that ran down his face.
And you would of paid no attention to his comment had he not shot you a wink, and now your tummy felt as if it had butterflies in them.
You drove to the different locations you were instructed to go to by Koko as each member reached their stop, leaving you with a remark.
"Sleep tight sugar tits" Sanzu said as he got out of the car.
Leaving you with only the two men with the purple hair in the car.
"My stop is next" the one with the shorter hair said.
"At the next right princess" Ran instructed.
You drove as he instructed and you were soon at the designated place which he called home.
"Home sweet home. Goodnight princess" Ran said as he shifted out of the SUV, but before he fully turned to walk away he quickly tapped on the passengers side window getting the attention of the guy named Rindou, causing him to click the button which allowed for the window to move down.
"Congratulations on the job Lil bro" he said with the sweetest smile plastered onto his face before walking away, leaving Rindous cheeks to slightly turn red.
Finally you were going to drop the last man off and you'd call it a night.
But as if some deity heard your thoughts of finally finishing off the night it had made the car ride extra long and quiet.
And the silence you hated.
"So urhm I'm guessing his your brother" you said casually, as you were not quite sure of his status in the Bonten business.
"Yeah he is, his my older brother" he said with a stoic tone.
"Are the both of you members of Bonten?"
"Yes, we're executives, just as Koko, Takeomi and Mochizuki"
'SHIT' your thoughts screamed at you. You were addressing an executive as if he was just an ordinary person, you should've known that all those guys that Koko was with was probably important people in Bonten.
"I'm so-sorry Sir for not ad-adressing you correctly" you stuttered out, now nervous at the thought that another executive was talking to you.
"Well I would tell you not to call me Sir but the way it sounds coming from those lips of yours sounds divine"
'Is he flirting with me again, after I just fucked up' you thought as your face hid your thoughts as a smile was given at Rindous comment.
"Oh well, then Thank you Sir"
"Here's my stop angel. Why don't you come up, you must be exhausted from all that driving"
And you would of rejected had he not placed his hand on your thigh gently rubbing circling into it.
"I guess I wouldn't mind" you said unbuclking your belt as both you and Rindou got out of the vehicle.
Rindou lived in one of the most expensive hotels in all of Japan and on the top floor penthouse no less.
"Don't mind the mess" he said as he walked over to the floor to ceiling cupboards grabbing a bottle of champagne and two crystal glasses.
He placed the glasses on the table and popped the bottle open, causing some of the golden liquid to shoot out onto the floor.
"You really didn't have to open that. It must be expensive" you said softly.
"Well if you have nice things it's best to use it if you can, wouldn't you agree"
"Yes but-"
"No buts, I thought you were nice" Rindou said as he handed you a glasses plopping himself down on the couch next to you.
"So what did you brother Congratulate you on?" You asked trying to change the topic.
"A business success you could say against our competitors"
"Oh. So was tonight like you guys celebration?"
"Yes it was" Rindou said as he placed his glass on the wooden oak table.
"Everyone had congratulated me, but you"
"Oh, I'm sorry Sir. Congratulations on your success"
The moment your congratulations left your lips your felt a pair connect with yours.
Your eyes wide open as you felt Rindou move his soft lips against yours eventually you followed his lead as you leaned in mimicking his movements.
You felt the tip of his tongue nudge against your puffy kissed lips and instinctively opened your mouth allowing him to enter your mouth as the two of you collided.
The feeling of his warm wet muscle sliding in and out of your mouth was hypnotic.
Rindou hands were at your waist pulling you closing trying to take as much of you in as he kissed you. His hands began moving lower and lower, till it was at the hem of you black dress.
Bunching it up as his hands moved towards your in thighs.
"Sir wait" you moaned out against his lips.
"Can't wait Angel need to feel this" he said as his hand were now infront of you cloth cunt.
He began massaging over you damp panties as he kissed you feverishly, causing moans to slip out of your mouth.
You could feel the cool metal rings he wore threw your panties as he began circling your clit with his index finger and slightly shoving his ring finger into your cunt threw the fabric.
"You like this?" He asked and he didn't need an answer to know if it was a yes, ad your body practically screamed out for him.
The feeling of his thick finger being shoved into your tight sickened hole was driving you to the edge even if it was still covered by the fabric of your panties.
"Mmm I could eat you up like this forever" he said as he licked your lips.
You grabbed his neck as you began moving your hips back and forth like a madman trying to release yourself onto his hand.
The pressure was building until finally it stopped.
Rindou had pulled away, tongues no loner intertwined and fingers no longer proding at your core.
"That's how you give a congratulations, Angel. Now why don't you show me a proper congratulations in my room"
All rights reserved to @rinrinx2
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crucifiedkiss · 18 hours
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𓈒⠀⠀⁺⠀𝜗 crucifiedkiss ╱ fandoms 𝜚
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    ㅤwhat i will write 44 ♡ not all of them written
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𝜗୧ ּ݂⠀💌 your mailbox has letters from crucifiedkiss ﹗
   ⏤  stranger things  ╱  stranger things is an american television series created by the duffer brothers for netflix. produced by monkey massacre productions and 21 laps entertainment, the first season was released on netflix on july 15, 2016. the second and third seasons followed in october 2017 and july 2019, respectively, and the fourth season was released in two parts in may and july 2022. the fifth and final season of stranger things is expected to be released in 2025. The show is known for its likeable cast of characters, plot, nostalgic tones, and mix of the horror, drama, science-fiction, mystery, and coming-of-age genres.ㅤ♡ㅤinfo from stranger things wikipedia
   ⏤  percy jackson and the olympians  ╱  percy jackson and the olympians is an american fantasy television series created by rick riordan and johnathan e. steinberg for disney+, based on the book series of the same name by riordan. walker scobell stars as percy jackson, alongside leah sava jefferies as annabeth chase and aryan simhadri as grover underwood.ㅤ♡ㅤinfo from percy jackson and the olympians wikipedia
   ⏤  the goldfinch  ╱  the goldfinch is a 2019 american drama film directed by john crowley. it was written by peter straughan, who adapted the 2013 novel the goldfinch by donna tartt. it stars ansel elgort as theodore decker, whose life changes after his mother dies in a terrorist bombing at a museum and a dying man convinces him to take a famous painting called the goldfinch from the museum. oakes fegley, aneurin barnard, finn wolfhard, sarah paulson, luke wilson, jeffrey wright, and nicole kidman appear in supporting roles.ㅤ♡ㅤinfo from the goldfinch wikipedia
   ⏤  it: chapter one (2017)  ╱  it (titled onscreen as it chapter one) is a 2017 american supernatural horror film directed by andy muschuetti and written by chase palmer, cary fukunaga, and gary dauberman. it is the first of a two-part adaptation of the 1986 novel of the same name by stephen king, primarily covering the first chronological half of the book. it is the first film in the it film series as well as being the second adaptation following tommy lee wallaces 1990 miniseries. starring jack dylan grazer and bill skarsgård, the film was produced by new line cinema, katzsmith productions, lin pictures, and vertigo entertainment. the film, set in derry, maine, tells the story of The losers' club (grazer, sophia lillis, jaden lieberher, finn wolfhard, wyatt oleff, chosen jacobs, and jeremy ray taylor), a group of seven outcast children who are terrorized by the eponymous being which emerges from the sewer and appears in the form of pennywise the dancing clown (skarsgård), only to face their own personal demons in the process.ㅤ♡ㅤinfo from it: chapter one wikipedia
   ⏤  it (1990)  ╱  it (also known as stephen kings it) is a 1990 abc two-part psychological horror drama miniseries directed by tommy lee wallace and adapted by lawrence d. cohen from stephen kings 1986 novel of the same name. the story revolves around a predatory monster that can transform itself into its preys worst fears to devour them, allowing it to exploit the phobias of its victims. it mostly takes the humanoid form of pennywise, a demonic clown. the protagonists are the lucky seven, or the losers club, a group of outcast kids who discover pennywise and vow to kill him by any means necessary. the series takes place over two different time periods, the first when the losers first confront pennywise as children in 1960, and the second when they return as adults in 1990 to defeat him a second time after he resurfaces.ㅤ♡ㅤinfo from it: 1990 miniseries wikipedia.
   ⏤  the turning  ╱  the turning is a 2020 american gothic supernatural horror film directed by floria sigismondi and written by carey w. hayes and chad hayes. it is a modern adaptation of the 1898 ghost story the turn of the screw by henry james. it stars mackenzie davis, finn wolfhard, brooklynn prince, and joely richardson, and follows a young governess in 1994 who is hired to watch over two children after their parents are killed.ㅤ♡ㅤinfo from the turning wikipedia
   ⏤  i am not okay with this  ╱  i am not okay with this is an american coming-of-age black comedy television series based on the graphic novel of the same name by charles forsman. the series stars sophia lillis, wyatt oleff, sofia bryant, and kathleen rose perkins. the series was released on netflix on february 26, 2020, and received positive reviews, with praise for the performances, particularly for lillis and oleff. this series follows the story of an emotionally turbulent teenage girl, sydney novak, played by sophia lillis, who discovers that she has psychokinetic powers that are triggered by strong emotions. as the series progresses she aims to gain control over her powers while navigating the complicated relationships of her life. she navigates the coping of her fathers death, an estranged relationship with her mother (kathleen rose perkins), a blossoming friendship between stanley batber (wyatt oleff) and her feelings towards her best friend and possible crush, dina.ㅤ♡ㅤinfo from i am not okay with this wikipedia
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springlock-suits · 1 year
Some fun little tidbits that didn't really fit with the longer lore rambles about my version, but felt too short to get their own posts
William Afton: ADORES the circus and clowns. Absolutely collects those clown porcelain dolls you always see at thrift stores. If he never met Henry he probably would've just been a professional clown or something
I don't mean this in a rude way at all and I will not be accepting clownslander at this time
Phone Dude: there are SO many I could give to him but Furby Customizer speaks the most to me right now
Henry Emily: ignoring his love for animatronics, he also really liked arcades! Arcade cabinets and games of all of sorts. I do not know his opinions on pinball however
Also liked murder mystery games n movies. But ah. I think he might have stopped liking those
He would enjoy camping I think. I can imagine him being good at survival in the woods and such, but hm can he fish?
Michael Afton: Would love animal jam. And of course loves those TV drama shows. Actually just for that I'm gonna give him a hc based on my great grandma who loved tv operas, he collects fancy dishes and likes apple themed things. Would have a tiny dog if he trusted himself to take care of it properly, Helpy is a good tiny dog substitute
Mrs Afton: Very much enjoyed dancing and ballerinas. When William was buying clown dolls he would also be on the lookout for ballerina dolls or figures to give her. She definitely owned like at least one ballerina music box
Fun fact! In my lore Springtrap named himself that, and wasn't given an "official" name by Fazbear Fright's staff. However Peter (phone dude) liked to call him Wallace
I'm thinking that Evan witnessing William's springlock failure definitely played a part in his fear of animatronics. Because I've already put that before the bite in my lore's timelime
I know it wasn't really meant to be seen as this but-
I take the fnaf 2 phone calls (first night specifically) as implying the 87 location is the first to have walking/freeroam animatronics, at the very least the first to let them leave stage while open
Foxy go go go is generally seen as before that, being in '85 location most likely. So it's fun to imagine that the foxy running is just a guy in a suit who's about to have a terrible day
It's not strictly important when or why. but Elizabeth and Mrs. Afton died at the same time in my au, and it was at least before the baby animatronic could even be considered
This is because I removed Sister Location from my lore. And I'm not sure what to do with Elizabeth now. If anyone helps me come up with a good idea, though, I'd definitely consider bringing her back! I miss her </3
She'll still have to die around the time she did in canon though, so yknow
Evan and Elizabeth collected My Little Pony together, and later would've collected Ips too
"Tell us about Vanessa!"
Right off the bat I can tell you my Vanny and Vanessa are the same person! No weird secret double confusion like what sb did, they're the same!
While I'm still not sure if Security Breach exists in my au, Vanessa is definitely staying anyway! I'm determined to squeeze her in somehow, she's so much fun to work with ^v^
(I wonder if I can work Glamrock Springbonnie into my version's Security Breach somehow. I'm definitely gonna try >:)
The hardest part about adding vanny (and security breach as a whole) is that my version of William isn't nearly as determined to kill kids as canon, I think the first dip in old man consequences' lake wouldve stopped him. BUT! He STILL hates fazbear ent, so now I'm imagining that instead of possessing Vanny to kill kids, his ghost(?) just tries to convince her to try and close the place down. Causing mechanical failures and breakdowns and such. I think that'd be fun ^v^!!
Less of murder and more of shenanigans
Also also, bonus fact. William is definitely bothering Vanessa specifically because she looks like Elizabeth. Vanny and Jeremy are both characters he sorta mentally adopts because they remind him of his dead children
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phoenix-manga · 2 years
Quick question for your Pokemon AU, you mentioned a few champions but how would the boys react meetinf the other champions-both current (depending on game) and past? I really think the Pomefiore dorm would like Wallace and Diasomnia would like Iris and Lance.
I'm going to pair up a dorm with a champion I think would fit and just go from there.
Imagine if Heartslabyul met Blue and Red. Those two were champions and they would most likely impress the boys.
They became champions at such a young age? Wow!
Though the seniors look between the champions and ADeuce and just see a mirror image. Of course, Ace woul protest that he was not THAT cocky!
Sure Ace... keep telling yourself that.
Alder with Savanaclaw would be like a grandpa that can sumo wrestle you. Though Leona would have to be convinced to et along with lder because he looks like Farena with his cheerful personality and bright red hair.
But Alder would be more supportive of Leona, though the tsundere cat would try to deny his friendly interactions.
Octavinelle would have a field day talking to Steven. He's kind of like Azul's look-alike but less greedy. He'd talk all about rocks and Azul wuld talk all about coins.
The Leech twins would feel like they're looking at two Azuls and they think it's amusing though also a bit weird.
Cynthia would love to know the history of the Great Seven but there were also a lot of things to discover from Scarabia dorm. It did mention the great Sorcerer has built unique inventions.
Kalim would be so amazed by Cynthia and how strong she is. Jamil would also be amzed but can't help that something tells him that Cynthia is basically someone you don't wanna make your enemy.
The Gen 4 kids shudder in fear.
Wallace and Diantha would have Pomefiore thinking that they have been graced with a god and goddess. Diantha being an actress would hav Vil wanting to know about her history in the film industry.
She still looks immaculate even as years pass by.
Wallace has flair on pageants/contests and would totally put on a show for Pomefiore. Rook and him would get along well.
Epel just wanting to get away because they have doubled. Seven help him ahahah.
Imagine Peony, beging such a supportive dad and always tagging Idia and Ortho into adventures. He's ready to support them and encourage them espite Idia wanting to go back into his safe place.
Ortho would enjoy Peony's company, and he thinks of him as Vargas but more of a dad vibe.
Lance and Iris at Diasomnia. Malleus wants to know of their history of Dragons. He's like a little kid who wants to hear stories, he might also internally squeal when he sees their Pokemon. Such powerful dragons!
Imagine Lance's Dragonite cradling Silver though! So cute!
Sebek would get in a screaming match with the Dragon-types for being so casual with his waka-sama. He's all yapping until-
He was sent flying by a loud roar.
Lilia would want to give them snacks in the meantime but Silver is rushing to stop him before he kills the trainers' dragons.
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cheemken · 11 months
Another thing about the movies, each main character saw the number 180 before the accident happened and killed them all. Like Flight 180, hearing the number 180 on the radio, and race car 180 for examples
So if we’re going with Diantha seeing everyone’s death in a dream, imagine the thing that convinced her the dream was real was some kind of number or symbol she saw before the ambush happened
Also yeah, imagine the ABSOLUTE guilt Lance, Iris, Cynthia, and Leon (I forgot Hop existed for a minute lmao) felt for choosing to save their family over the other people in their regions. They chose to betray their job as Champions for their family. Perhaps the reason they chose to save their family and not let them die is cause they hoped they’d be able to escape capture?
But back to Diantha, imagine her trying to find a way to get all the Champions to come to Kalos so they’d be safer in numbers. But people like Iris and Wallace can’t because they’re guarding items that Team Rainbow Rocket would want for themselves
Unless of course Diantha just straight up tells all the Champions about what she saw. Calls an emergency meeting in Kalos and pretty much starts with
“So this might be a shock for all of you, but we’re all going to die within the next few days”
“…Diantha what the fuck”
Can you imagine how that mustve been for Dia tho😭😭
Homegirl wakes up in cold sweat, screaming, crying, almost threw up. Augustine ran to her room asking her what's wrong, worried as fuck, then she pulls him close, hugging him, terrified he'd suddenly disappear, her hands were trembling as she's going on how she'll make sure nothing happens to him and to everyone. Like, mfer is so confused but he's like really trying to calm her down. Imagine how paranoid she'd be, always having one of her mons (yes ofc its Gengar bc I still love this hc) watch over Augustine in Lumiose, making sure Lysandre doesn't get near him, and even spy on Lysandre. Then when she gets to the League she even tries to confront Malva abt it, and ofc that kinda shocked everyone and even Malva bc holy shit they haven't seen Diantha this pissed and terrified. Like, her hands are legit shaking, grabbing Malva by her shoulders, glaring at her, it got to the point Diantha ended up calling her Tyrantrum, the imposing dragon fossil glaring down at everyone. Malva eventually fesses up, she knows damn well Diantha's too pissed to mess w, and despite her always wanting to spite Diantha, she knows if she did rn she'll be the one dying bc she knows the lengths Diantha will go through to make things right.
And god just chdmdb Diantha explaining to them what her dream was, that she was so goddamn sure it was a premonition, and the others were sceptical at first but then again, she managed to find out abt Malva being part of Flare bc of that dream, even told them of Lysandre's plans and him being the head of Flare, and Diantha's starting to spiral again Drasna had to calm her down.
Then ofc, Dia calls in the other Champions, said it was an emergency, and y'know, they came as soon as the call ended bc Dia honestly sounded like she's abt to experience her fifth meltdown for the day and it's only 10 in the am, tbf she is on her fourth meltdown for the day—
When the others got there, Diantha is trying so so hard to calm herself bc Jesus Christ homegirl did not eat anything today bc she was hurrying to the league in a panic and that dream still continues to haunt her, so yeah she's like, at her limit
So she's there, taking deep breaths, and then looks at the other Champions, telling her of the dream, of the premonition she had. And ofc some of them couldn't believe her, especially w how detailed she is abt their deaths and the events that's gonna happen, but like, y'know, even Leon himself said that Rose really acting suspicious lately, even more so than usual, he's been more demanding, more isolated, as if he's planning smth. And ofc, that kinda surprised the other Champions too bc Leon and Diantha don't even get along well, they don't even agree on almost everything, but w Leon showing that he actually believes in what Diantha is saying is enough for the other sceptics to actually believe her, and they should start planning on what to do now bc if not then they're all gonna die
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scotianostra · 3 months
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On June 12th 1625, King Charles I married the French princess Henrietta Maria.
Okay, mebbes aye, mebbes naw, in other words this is another of those posts that the dates are all over the place,, not the only post today, if you looked at my previous post about William Wallace.
Okay Charles wasn’t meant to be king and only became heir when his brother Henry died in 1612. Charles had many admirable personal qualities, but he was painfully shy and insecure. He also lacked the charisma and vision essential for leadership. His stubborn refusal to compromise over power-sharing finally ignited civil war.
His choice of bride was one of those decisions that didn’t help with his popularity, she was labelled ‘popish brat of France’ and worshippers emerging from Mass in her private chapel were attacked ‘furiously with stones and weapons'. During the Civil War, there were rumours that she ruled, and overruled, her husband. She was, according to one source, ‘the true controller of the breeches’, in other words, she wore the trousers.
Charles had originally met the French princess Henrietta Maria when he visited the French court on his journey to Spain. Marriage to her would build a strong alliance with her brother King Louis XIII of France, provide access to his powerful army, and bring a generous dowry settlement. But Henrietta Maria was also a Catholic, and for that reason the marriage was unpopular in Protestant England.
The proxy wedding took place at Notre Dame Cathedral. Henrietta Maria was accompanied by her brother, Louis XIII, and followed by their mother, the formidable Marie de’ Medici, she of the same family who made Mary Queen of Scots unwelcome and pushed her out of France, knowing that it would cause problems for Elizabeth of England, as she had a strong case to be Queen of England as well.
Any way back to the subject at hand.
Despite her marriage to King Charles I, Henrietta Maria would never be crowned queen. She remained a devout Catholic all her life, and the coronation service was a Protestant one. Instead, she watched her husband be crowned from a distance. It was another mark against the young queen, who remained unpopular for all of Charles’s reign.
There’s no doubt it was a loving marriage, when she bid him farewell at Dover in 1642, the marriage Charles was seen ‘conversing with her in sweet discourse and affectionate embraces’. Neither of them was able to ‘restrain their tears’.
As her ship sailed away, Charles rode along the shore waving his hat, until the mast disappeared from view.
Nor is there any question about Henrietta Maria’s courage. The following year, she landed back in England on the Yorkshire coast. Her party came under fire from Parliamentarian soldiers.
‘The balls were whistling upon me,’ she wrote to Charles, ‘and you may easily believe I loved not such music.’ One man was killed, ‘torn and mangled with great shot’ only 20 paces from her.”
Charles himself did not lack courage, but his was that old Divine Right of Kings . He was convinced of the rightness of his cause. ‘God will not suffer rebels to prosper,’ he told his followers during the Civil War.
Historians are split about Henrietta’s role in the Civil war, some say it was limited, others that she was a strong-willed woman who dominated her weaker-willed husband. The 20th century historian wrote that “ she sought her advice on every subject, except religion"
Let’s not feel sorry for the Stuarts plight, the Scottish doctor, Andrew Leighton was flogged, branded and mutilated by having his ears cropped, for criticising Henrietta, before being imprisoned for life, but was freed and compensated under Cromwell’s rule.
Henrietta fled again in 1644, to France, where she begged Charles to accept a Presbyterian government in England as a means of mobilising Scottish support for the re-invasion of England, but he was a stubborn bastard and dismissed the idea.
The English killed King Charles in 1649 and his death left Henrietta Maria almost destitute and in shock. She founded a convent in France and stayed there until around 1560, by 1665 she was suffering from a serious Bronchitis infection, which she blamed on the weather in London, she moved back to France, where she died four years later.
Henrietta Marie was buried at Saint Denis Basilique near Paris beside her father, King Henri IV of France.
Probably the biggest legacy of Henrietta’s life is the state of Maryland in the USA was named in her honour.
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