#the concept of todd stopping
sga-owns-my-soul · 4 months
John stared at Wallace, the man responsible for all of this. The man who kidnapped McKay's sister, the man who kidnapped McKay, the man who risked Jeannie's life to fix his own selfish mistake.
He felt no sympathy.
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celestialseawitch-ff · 5 months
Concept that the Durselys run so far from the owls that first year, they go all the way to the US. Then they think, what if he just wasn't our problem anymore? So they abandon Harry in the crime capital of the world because it'll surely never get back to them.
Little eleven year old Harry walking around the seedy streets of Gotham, both wondering if his relatives will come back and knowing that they won't. And then he turns a corner and meets a very tall man (older teenager, but he's eleven so).
Harry stares at Jason. There's a weird sort of energy (magic) surrounding the man. Weird and very familiar to Harry in a way he can't describe.
He opens his mouth and the words come out before he even knows that he's going to say, "You're supposed to be dead."
Jason raises an eyebrow at the kid. "I was. It didn't agree with me." He looks around. "It's gettin' late and you're a bit far from the tourist-friendly parts of the city. Lose your parents, kid?"
"Yes. They're dead." He stares at Jason. "It agreed with them."
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scarlethood · 5 months
not 'jason should just give up all his principles and grovel for forgiveness because the bats will take pity on him and show him how to be a real human person with real human feelings'
but also not 'why are the bats so mean to jason he literally hasn't done anything wrong they should apologize for being mean and bad to him since the very first time they met'
but a secret third thing 'no one should have to have a personality transplant to be a part of their own family so! if you are so ideologically opposed that one person is genuinely hated and not welcome perhaps theyre not family'
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jobrker · 24 days
the backtrack for and we'll make a greater tomorrow playing during that part where athena remembered meeting baby telemachus because odysseus had made a greater tomorrow, telemachus turned out to be a great kid
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ghost-bxrd · 4 months
How would Calvin react to meeting Jason when both his parents were still alive, assuming Willis is not that great of a father. Would he take Jason and run? Would he observe to see how Willis treats his kid? And what would Calvin think of Catherine?
If Calvin just randomly met him one day I don’t think he’d care too much. Having a home is more than some kids in Gotham can boast of, and little Jason didn’t look too worse for wear to truly register for the Talon.
But if for some reason Calvin got attached to Jason and decides to follow him home to make sure he’s well taken care of… well.
Let’s say Willis isn’t home initially, so for the first few hours Calvin only sees Jason come home to a mother hopped up on drugs (let’s assume it’s the later stage where the addiction was very bad already). And Calvin already feels that uneasy buzz in his gut because— someone like that cannot possibly provide for a small child. And little Jason is cleaning his mom up as best as he can and draping a blanket over her before he goes on the hunt for food in the cupboards. Only to come away with nothing but some canned peaches that he painstakingly pries open. And this is bad enough but— but at least he’s got a home. And food. It’s more than Calvin had with his dad. And there’s always the chance the woman will sober up and realize drugs aren’t as important as her sweet little kid. It’s not his place to intervene—
But then Willis comes home. Just when Calvin was about to leave. And for a moment it’s nothing to worry about, but then Willis starts yelling. And Jason cowers. And the uneasy feeling in Calvin’s gut turns into sickening dread.
And then Willis draws back his fist and—
Taking Jason is so much easier than it should be. The kid is too small for his age, too light. Willis goes down with little more than a solid punch to his throat, and Catherine doesn’t wake up at all. Too deep into her drug induced haze.
And Jason— Jason is scared. Terrified. But Calvin refuses to leave him in a place that’s bound to kill him eventually.
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DC needs to pick one person to write Jason for like 5-10 uninterrupted years. Let someone actually make a character with him. Y’know. A consistent personality, consistent traits, an actual moral framework to work with. It’s gonna be divisive and people are gonna piss their pants if he isn’t a tragic softboy victim who does no wrong but whatever, grow up. Commit to something. He’s just not anything and never has been post-resurrection, despite having nothing but interesting potential. Let someone do something with him, and make it stick.
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Imperial Legion Armor
Concept art for The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion
Design/Art by R. Todd Broadwater and Matt Carofano
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sugarpasteltmnt · 8 months
surprise!! remaking this post with corrected, updated links!!
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BIG THANK U to Anixolt on twitter for accepting this commission request!!! I'm so excited to share this 'Future' Donatello with you all!
Set in an alternate reality, Donnie & his brothers go back in time to the cretaceous period to stop a cataclysmic event. However, in doing so, the four brothers get stuck in the past and live among the dinosaurs.
[link to twitter thread]
(Note! Permission to post my commission on tumblr was given by artist via Twitter!)
More lore below!
Because the Ooze was designed to make super soldier mutants, it helps its host adapt to the conditions around them. After a few years, it started to double-mutate him to adapt to his new harsh environment, making him very raptor-like.
Because of his double mutation and trauma of past events, Donnie is at risk of going into a feral “Savage” mode like Raph
Has two modes— ‘Hunter’ and ‘Scientist/Alchemist’
While hunting Donatello relies on his instincts. Becomes very aggressive and territorial.
He uses an ankylosaurus skull and other dinosaur parts as his battle shell and protective gear while hunting
When he isn’t hunting, Donnie is trying to reinvent necessities to make living in a prehistoric era a bit easier with what materials are available to him
Whatever he doesn’t have, he’ll make. From scratch.
Dino-Tello’s concept was inspired by a similar 2003 TMNT episode where they go to the past, 2003 Leatherhead, Tarzan, and the anime series ‘Dr. Stone’
His concept is meant to emphasize Donnie’s other strengths beyond technology— such as his Super-intelligence, his close-combat fighting skills, and ability to communicate with other creatures (as shown in the Todd Scouts episode)
He and his brothers tame a triceratops and name him Zog, who was both a pet and steed
For one reason or another… Donatello is the last turtle standing
However, due to classic Hamato shenanigans— ‘Dino’tello might not be all alone for too long 👀👀👀
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medusas-graveyard · 1 year
Youngest adoptee!Danny (Alt ver)
Same concept of finding out ur adopted family isn't normal but different approach:
"Uh... Jason, can you get my screwdriver...?" Danny hesitantly asked the older male as he tinkered about on his new invention. "I— uh... Sorry, I'm a bit preoccupied right now."
Jason looked up from the couch (which was conveniently placed in a second workshop Bruce had specifically for his new ward, since, you know, the kid's by all means just a normal teenager. He doesn't even know their double life.) And shrugged, "sure, kid. Where's it?"
"My room, just on the desk, I think. I used it last night."
"You tinkered with your stuff in your room? At night?"
"...please don't snitch on Mr.Wayne"
"Stop doing that, then."
"*sigh* dully noted.."
Jason languidly made his way to Danny's room, clicking the door lock open. He flicked the lights on to see his brother's room; filled and decorated with stars and all things space. The younger male was definitely better at keeping things clean and tidy, that's for sure. Despite the various small inventions, books, and papers on the desk, his room was definitely tidy in a way.
He peered his eyes to the desk beside Danny's bed to see the very object he was looking for....and knocking it off the moment he wanted to grab it, great.
The thing rolled down the bed, causing Jason to inwardly groan on the fact that now he had to crouch down to reach for the screw driver.
He huffed and looked down to the bed, fully expecting to see the screw driver down there... Only to have his sight blocked by a news article.
He blinked, before squinting his eyes at the piece of paper, trying to read what's inside of it.
'Jason Todd pronounced dead by billionaire play boy Bruce Wayne.'
His eyes snap open as he immediately sat up. "What the hell..." He muttered as he eyed the bed suspiciously.
Jason hauled himself up, before prying the bed out of the frame and flipping it so that it leaned into the wall beside it and—
—"What the fuck?"
Danny thanked Alfred happily as the butler handed him his share of Dinner; it's a full table today, something quite rare within their hectic schedule.
He eats the dinner comfortably as his siblings chatter away... except for Jason who has been staring at him for the past 15 minutes.
"Todd, it's rude to stare." Damian chastised, to his rescue as always.
Jason seems to snap out of whatever trance he was in, before leaning back to his chair.
"You know, don't you?"
As if a pin dropped, the room became suffocatingly silent; everyone's tense from that one sentence alone, while Danny merely blinked in surprise.
"Damn, you saw my conspiracy board, huh?"
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peachyynotesapp · 29 days
A Taste of Normalcy
Pairing: f!Reader x Jason Todd
Summary: Jason is a nervous little dweeb and I want him so bad it’s criminal.
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Jason’s favorite game to play during the day, the hours before he went on patrol and the minutes before he slept, was to imagine a completely different world for himself. He’d been at this endless loop of waking up at 4pm, stalking around his corner of Gotham after dark, and passing out from exhaustion at around 5am every night morning.
He’d spend the time between intense combat and following leads letting his mind drift away from Gotham, pretending he’d gone to college; taught English or History or something completely different after he got his degree. He’d imagine a life in a little town somewhere farther up north, he didn’t like the heat of Gotham summers, he thought he’d enjoy seeing the frozen lakes in Maine winters. He’d thought of a family of his own, when he felt generous he’d let himself imagine a girl, too.
It was daydreaming that gave him the smallest taste of normalcy; a hint of what could’ve been, if things were different. He hated when reality pulled him back, when he was reminded of how truly impossible that dream was. Until he met y/n, that is.
Y/n worked at a coffee shop he sat in once after a lead ran cold. He had time to kill, and the cafe was advertising a new drink he wanted to try. He paid for the drink and sat down at the table, ignoring the way the cashier stared at him like he was carrying a gun. He was, of course, but it’s not like she knew. As the girl handed the order slip to barista and whispered, Jason kept his eyes fixed out the window like he was witnessing the Second Coming of Christ. He knew he had an intimidating appearance, he didn’t want to make anyone else sweat with his eye contact right now.
He heard chatter over the soft music and the burring noise of the espresso maker, and while he tried to tune it out, it felt impossible after he heard that voice. Her voice. She laughed at whatever her coworker said and Jason felt his heart twinge. He didn’t want to look over, he didn’t want to encourage his already concerning interest in a faceless voice.
When she said his name, he swore his heart stopped in his chest. He mentally cursed himself for his pathetic swooning, knew he needed to get out of the house more if he was lonely enough to get this excited over a voice. That argument would’ve worked, too, if he didn’t catch her eyes watching him as he walked over.
No one had ever looked so equally enticing and terrifying to him before. He was ashamed of the poetry that flew through his mind as he noticed the array of freckles across her nose, the way it wrinkled slightly when she smiled at him, the light rose on her cheeks, the loose strands of hair that fell behind her neck from her messy ponytail. He vividly recalls telling his brother Dick all of this over the phone later, claiming he must’ve met a Kryptonian, or maybe an angel.
He must’ve stood there at the counter for at least a minute in silence, the way she tilted her head slightly and lifted her brow with confusion.
“Does it look okay?”
She sounded earnest in her concern, and it made it all the worse for his growing infatuation. He shook his head too quickly, smiled too awkwardly, spoke too loudly.
“No, no— I mean, yes, it’s perfect! Good. It looks good.”
He felt his cheeks burning and his hands clamming up. He coughed as he grabbed the drink, hoping she would focus on the sound and ignore the way his hands shook. She glanced down at his hands, anyway. He swallowed and pivoted around, beelining it to the door like he was trying to run from an explosion. Which, in a metaphorical sense, he was. He froze when he heard her call his name again, and turned his head slightly, praying the ever-loving terror in his eyes at speaking to a girl twice didn’t translate. Twenty-four year old men shouldn’t sweat so much at the mere concept of talking to a girl, but yet, here he was.
Her smile in that moment felt like putting frozen peas on a swollen ankle. He needed to work on his similes.
“You forgot your receipt!”
He swallowed and shook his head, turning back to the door as he responded.
“N-No, I didn’t need-“
She clears her throat and wags the paper out at him, seemingly refusing to accept his polite decline. He smiles nervously and walks back over, grabbing the receipt (too quickly, again), mumbling a quick “thank you” before he practically runs out of the cafe. He balls the receipt in his hand and reaches towards a trash can on the street, pausing inches away from the lid at a glimpse of pink on the black and white paper. He almost rips the paper in half when he unfurls the receipt, his lips curling into a grin when he sees 10 digits and a little message scrawled onto a receipt that, he realized now, wasn’t his.
Text me if you’re feeling brave, tough guy.
- Y/n :)
He thought he was pathetic for the squeal that left his body at some messy handwriting from a pink gel pen. He straightened up and cleared his throat, forcing the Jason-Todd-Scowl (trademark pending) to return to his face, ignoring the way his heart was racing. He couldn’t help himself, though, when he got home. He sat there on the floor of his nearly-empty apartment, his phone in one hand and the receipt in the other. Panicking.
“And that’s where I’m at now. What do I do, Dick? Is it too soon to-“
He heard wheezing from the other line and he knew he’d messed up, assuming Richard “Dickhead” Grayson would be of any assistance. He bit his cheek and wished he’d called Roy instead. After a while Dick catches his breath and speaks, his amused grin impossible to miss in his voice.
“Sorry, sorry, Little Wing. I just—- I’m confused. You somehow managed to get a girl interested enough to give you her number, but you didn’t even-“
“No, I didn’t text her, Dickweed. You should’ve seen the girl! What the hell do you say to that?!”
Dick stifles a laugh and tries to maintain his composure.
“Jay, you’re a dumbass. She obviously wants you to-“
Jason could hear a distant voice on the line. A voice that sounded a lot like a certain brat he avoided telling ANYTHING to in fear of-
“Is Todd still whining about his crush? Tell him to stop being such a-“
Jason hung up the phone before Damian could whip out any more of his Shakespearean insults, he’d gotten enough of those in the past hour. He sighs and rubs his eyes, checking the time.
Three hours after he left the cafe, and he still couldn’t produce the courage to send one text message. He read the note over again, typing in the phone number and throwing up one last Hail Mary before he sent a quick “Hey, it’s Jason.” He dropped his phone back onto the floor and groaned, hiding his face in his hands and berating himself for his lackluster message. He prayed it would be enough to get a response, but he was a realist, so he knew it probably wouldn’t.
It only took 2 minutes and 32 seconds for his phone to buzz.
Took you long enough, tough guy.
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Hi guys, I originally wrote this as a way to feed my horrible and disgusting addiction to Jason fluff but unfortunately I got carried away and now I think I might make this a thing (writing fanfics). I think it’s the natural trajectory for a freak like myself. Anyway!
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sundrop-writes · 8 months
Push and Pull
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Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader
While playing games with Viper, Emily (accidentally) plays on your attraction to her - something you had been trying to hide since you started with the BAU. The results end up being more than interesting.
Emily Prentiss x Fem!Reader - Co-Workers to Lovers. Smut, Sexual Tension.
Word Count: 2,800 words
Criminal Minds Masterlist | AO3 Link
THIS IS A RE-POST. This is a fic from my old blog (a blog that was shadowbanned, forcing me to move). This fic is not stolen, it is completely mine, and I am just re-posting it to help people find my new blog, and to make my masterlist complete when I post new fics for this fandom.
Detailed warnings and author’s notes below the cut.
Warnings: smut; this is set during Season 4, Episode 9 (52 Pickup) and there is a lot of references to the episode in this, but I think you could read this without having seen the episode; mentions of typically sexist practices - in the form of ‘pickup artistry’: the reader character replaces Jordan Todd on the team; there is an age gap between Emily and the reader - Emily is older and the reader character is younger; the reader character uses she/her pronouns and has a vagina; mention of the reader wearing a dress and makeup; the reader has sexual fantasies about Emily - which include: pussy eating, fingering, rough sex, semi public sex, being called 'naughty girl’; most of the sex acts are in fantasies (this fic is mostly tension and build up and sexually adjacent situations rather than actual sex); masturbation (the reader masturbates); mentions of masturbation being unsatisfying or not feeling 'as good’ as having sex with the desired partner; caught masturbating - Emily walks in on the reader; Emily refers to herself as 'Mama’ (once); rough kissing, Emily gropes the reader through clothing, very light choking (from Emily toward the reader) (Emily puts her hand on the reader’s neck and applies pressure for a few seconds to get her attention), Emily calls the reader 'needy little thing’ (in this case the word 'little’ is meant to be condescending and not a description of size); undertones of degradation kink; I believe that is everything.
A/N: This was based on a request, and the original request mentioned fake dating (and I would love to do that trope with Emily), but I couldn’t stop thinking about how stunning and gorgeous Emily looks in this episode, and I thought it would be interesting to use it. Also the idea of a man basing his pickup techniques on women needing male validation when - hey, what kind of women wouldn’t want or need male validation? A woman who is obsessed with the other gorgeous woman at the table. It was such a fun scenario to write about. I definitely wanna write more Emily fics in the future.
At first, you really weren’t looking forward to it. 
Though it seemed fun in concept - having an excuse to dress up and go out to a club while on the job - Emily assured you that it was going to be miserable. 
The way Emily talked about the man - Viper. She almost made him sound worse than some of the confirmed killers you had dealt with during your short time at the BAU. She said that he was the scum of the earth, a waste of oxygen, that made her feel dirty just by giving her a weird look. She joked that she was ‘dragging you along’ because she didn’t want to suffer alone (that, and she needed backup, in case the guy truly was dangerous). 
From the way she talked about it, you thought the night was going to be miserable. 
You certainly didn’t expect it to be one of the best nights of your life. 
Viper frequented bars and nightclubs. So of course, nightclub appropriate attire was required. You rushed to a store and grabbed the first tight dress you could find (a red one with spaghetti straps that would pair well with a pair of modest black heels you already had in your bag for the job). You didn’t expect to come back and see Emily getting changed into a clingy black dress that fit her like sin, her makeup subtle but smokey. 
You had been actively suppressing your attraction to her, a gorgeous older woman, since you had joined the BAU a month ago. You told yourself that you could keep your lustful feelings under control because you would only be there temporarily, to replace their usual media liaison - who was on maternity leave. But seeing her dressed up like this, it certainly didn’t help with that suppression. 
Things only got worse when you got to the club and Viper descended upon the two of you. (You quietly whispered to Emily that his name should have been Vulture and the soft laughter she let out had your insides fluttering.) 
Turns out, Emily had been paying extra attention to the ‘push and pull’ technique that Reid had talked about. And even though you knew that it was just in the name of messing with the cocky man - you fell hook, line, and sinker for Emily’s combatants of this technique. 
See, rather than letting him push and pull the two of you - compliment one of you and leave the other one reeling for validation, Emily complimented you herself. She never let Viper leave room for you to need that validation. Not that you would ever need it from someone like him. But she certainly threw him off with this tactic. 
She supported you, focused far more of her attention on you than she did on him. The two of you never fell to the traditional ‘women in constant competition’ market that his techniques were built on. If she put far more of her focus on you and actively ignored him (or even not-so-subtly insulted him), then what could he do? 
Women not vying for his attention? It was a curveball for the ages. 
Clearly, he had no backup plan. He was struggling to keep up. 
If he called your dress cheap, Emily said how well the fabric complimented your amazing body. If he said your mascara was clumpy and poorly done, Emily said your eyes were naturally beautiful and shined bright without makeup anyway. 
The more annoyed it seemed to make him, the more she fawned over you. 
And it left you staring at her all night. Captivated by her beauty, her silky voice. You barely even knew that he was there as she laughed at him, engaged in his silly games, taunted him. 
By the time you left the club, you were almost high on the affection Emily had given you. 
The rest seemed to go by in a blur. The real killer was caught at a different club, and the team retired back to their hotel to get some rest before returning home. As you and Emily walked back to your shared room, you were still laughing and joking about the pathetic man who somehow made his living off of scamming men more pathetic than him. 
“And did - did you see the look on his face when I said ‘you probably go home alone, don’t you?’ - Like he - he couldn’t believe that I wasn’t falling for his BS,” Emily said, stuttering through her words as hardy laughter disrupted her speech. 
“It’s like he’s never met a confident woman in his life.” You replied, a delicate chuckle in your voice. 
It was a subtle compliment toward Emily, admiring her confidence in how well she had dealt with the scummy, overly cocky man. 
“No, not quite.” Emily sighed, using the keycard to open the hotel room door. 
Your insides fluttered even more when she held the door open for you. You couldn’t help but enjoy the domestic feeling behind it as you brushed past her body in order to get inside. 
Of course, she wasn’t even paying attention to the dreamy, starstruck look on your face as she continued speaking. 
“He’s never approached a confident woman before.” She quickly corrected, letting the door fall shut and click locked behind her. “He’s never approached a woman he thought he couldn’t con.” 
“And for some reason he dared you to ‘meet him on his turf’?” You questioned, repeating the words she had told you, when ranting about the previous interaction she had with the awful man. “You, of all people?” 
You had to wonder what about Emily Prentiss would come off as even slightly insecure or - what about her said that she would fall for his stupid tricks. In your opinion, it was like trying to outrun a cheetah using a tricycle. 
“Yeah, I guess he was counting on me being drunk and blinded by all his guyliner.” Emily joked, tossing her bag down onto one of the twin beds. 
You collapsed down onto the other bed with intense laughter. The joke itself was funny, but her delivery, her confidence, and her smile caused a spark through you that forced you to laugh off the tension before you jumped her bones. You had to be professional. You had to keep reminding yourself of that. 
“I call the bathroom first.” She announced. “I really need a shower after being drowned in Drakkar Noir all night.” 
You had to ignore the dryness in your throat and the heat between your thighs at the thought of her in the shower. Previously, it was something your mind could have easily glossed over, but after she spent the night fawning over you and capturing your attention completely, it was like you were a horny teenager again. Now all you could think about was her completely naked, droplets of hot water rolling across her skin, surrounded by steam. 
You had to pull yourself together. You had to be professional, for fuck’s sake. 
“But of course.” You told her, giving a smile and a nod. You motioned toward the bathroom, as if presenting it to her in a gentlemanly fashion. “I’ll probably just shower in the morning.” 
Emily nodded in acknowledgement of this, and there was no further conversation. 
This left your mind reeling, your body entirely tense and hyper aware of her every movement as she got ready. You had to busy yourself with grabbing your pajamas out of your own bag - an oversized X-Files tee shirt and a pair of comfortable cotton shorts - while she grabbed her toiletries bag and went into the bathroom. 
The water turned on and you tried your hardest not to think about her undressing and stepping under the stream as you changed into your pjs. You tried your hardest not to think about her tight, fit body relaxing under the steam. You tried your hardest not to think about soft bubbles rolling across her soft, pale skin. 
Clearly, you were failing. Failing not to think about her. Failing miserably when it came to suppressing your attraction for her. 
By the time you climbed into bed, there was a hard, hot pain between your thighs. 
You wanted so badly to simply roll over and go to sleep. You wanted to ignore it. But a very large part of you worried that if you didn’t ‘take care’ of that nagging arousal, then you wouldn’t be able to sleep. And if you didn’t sleep and you rolled into the next day with this attraction to Emily still at the forefront of your mind - then you wouldn’t be able to act normal around her for the travel day home tomorrow. You might say or do something stupid. 
You had to do something. 
The longer you laid there in bed, unconsciously squeezing your thighs together, feeling your pussy throbbing between them - thinking about Emily’s head being trapped between your legs - the more it bothered you. 
You had some time while she was in the shower, right? You could be quick. Of course you could. And if you heard the water turn off, you would simply stop. 
Before any true logic could catch up between your ears, a hand was sneaking below the waistband of your shorts. That hand easily went inside your underwear and found a natural place on your throbbing clit. You dipped down into your wetness (leaking out of you abundantly from how much you had been thinking about Emily) and slicked up the hot button before you began rubbing it in hard circles. You were determined to cum quickly and be done with it. 
You closed your eyes and tiled your head back against the pillow, your mind drifting back to her once again. You couldn’t stop thinking about how perfect she looked in that ruby lipstick. All night, you had felt jealous of the glass when she brought her drink up to her lips. 
You imagined her approaching you at a bar. 
You would be out by yourself, and she would see you from across the room. So entirely confident, she would see you and in a moment, know that she could have you. 
She would come up behind you, whisper sweetly in your ear, telling you how perfect you looked. She would smirk at your initial shyness when you giggled at the compliment. She would tell you that she couldn’t wait to get you home - that she wanted you and she wanted you now. 
So she would pull you into a bathroom, pinning you against a counter. And then she would shove her hand under your dress, only to find that you weren’t wearing any panties, just for her. She would scold you, call you a naughty girl. Her voice so sweet and condescending, only making you wetter. And then she would shove her fingers into your slick cunt and shove her other hand over your mouth, trying in vain to keep your whorish moans from being heard as you begged for her. 
“Emily, please,” You couldn’t stop the faint, needy moan that escaped you as you got lost in the fantasy. 
Of course, so lost in it, that you didn’t hear the shower turning off. 
Your pussy ached, leaking freely into your underwear, and your clit throbbed, emanating a needy pain out through your pelvis. You worked your fingers in more frantic circles, doubling down. Your hips canted up off the bed, knocking the covers off you slightly as dull pleasure radiated out across your hips. 
(Dull compared to what Emily would have given you, you were sure.) 
Even if it was unsatisfactory, you were close. 
“Emily-!” You cried out desperately, right on the edge of orgasm. 
“Hey, do you have some makeup remover I can borrow? I forgot-” 
Shock cascaded through your system and you instantly stilled your movements. This caused your orgasm to become a low hum in your pelvis once again as your eyes shot open in disbelief. 
Your gaze locked onto Emily where she stood in the bathroom doorway. Your insides were still with shock - embarrassment or any other emotion hadn’t even caught up yet. 
Steam ploomed around her and she was forced to hold up the hotel towel with one hand as it couldn’t fully wrap around her body, leaving a sliver of her skin exposed from her armpit to her knee - the curve of her breast, her waist, and her hip on full display. With her hair soaked and her bangs slicked back from her face, and true to what she had said, her makeup still on but slightly smudged from the shower - she looked utterly delicious. 
She was like a pornographic dream, live in front of you. 
You let out a quiet whimper at the sight. 
It was only then that your brain began to unfreeze from the shock, and you realized how truly incriminating you looked. The covers pooled around your thighs, your hand quite visibly inside your shorts, your face contorted with pleasure as your eyes scanned over her half naked body. You rushed to rip your hand out of your underwear - and you realized the sight wasn’t much better as your fingers glistened in the light. 
Emily’s eyes moved from your glistening fingers to your stiff, nervous body, your thighs still parted (as it would be too uncomfortable to clamp them down on your wet underwear and aching cunt). She smirked at you. She looked at you with the same devious, cocky expression that Viper had started out the night with - before she had taken him down notch by notch. 
The look alone caused any apology to be stuck in your throat. You waited for her to speak before you made any moves. 
“What were you thinking about?” She asked, her voice breathy, soft, yet entirely commanding. 
In that moment, caught in the smoldering gate of her eyes, you could find nothing but honesty pounding inside of your chest. 
“You.” You whined quietly. 
Emily chuckled gently. 
Your stomach twisted with embarrassment for the split second that you thought she might be laughing at you. But then you realized that it was, in fact, a sound of satisfaction. 
That realization hit you when she dropped the towel completely. She stood in front of you proudly, showing off all of her naked, wet glory. Her dark nipples pebbling in the air, the damp sheen of water making her skin glow like a dewy goddess. Quite obviously, she wanted you to look.
Your eyes traced a few thick droplets of water as they escaped her hair and ran down her body. You became absolutely mesmerized by the way gravity pulled the water over her collarbones, the teardrop curve of her breasts, the plushness of her stomach, across her pelvis, down her thighs. You imagined yourself tracing over those exact lines with your tongue. 
“Come to me.” 
Her silken voice snapped you out of your trance. Your eyes shot back up to her face once again, and in the sluggish moment that it took the words to get to your brain, she added something onto the command that absolutely knocked the wind out of you. 
“Come on. Come to Mama.” 
Her calling herself that name, so self assured, so certain - the phrase almost had you down on all fours, crawling to her like a dog. 
But instead, you scrambled to get upright and practically ran across the room to her on shaking legs. Entirely eager, you stood in front of her and leaned in to press your mouth against hers. Naturally, you expected that the interaction would start with a kiss. 
But she quickly reached up and stopped you with a hand on the side of your neck. You let out a harsh whimper of disappointment - one that quickly turned into a moan when she pressed her thumb into your windpipe with just enough pressure to make your brain go fuzzy. 
She was showing you who was in charge. 
“Not so fast,” She told you, her breath cascading against your lips now. 
Although she was completely naked and you were clothed, it was very apparent that she was the one in complete control. 
“Tell me how badly you want it.” She ordered, her voice low and almost gentle - a soft domineering that caused the hairs on your arms to stand up straight. 
“I want it so badly,” You easily replied, your voice intensely needy. “I need it. I need you, Em.” 
Emily reached up with her other hand and - with no warning - harshly gripped your pussy through your underwear and shorts. This caused sharp shocks of arousal to flow through you, making you moan out weakly. It was a dizzying euphoria that had you bucking into her hand. You almost came from that single touch alone. 
“Needy little thing.” She purred. “I am gonna have so much fun with you.” 
This was her last verbal sentiment before she pulled you forward by that hand on your neck and silenced any further moans with a bruising kiss.
A/N: This is a standalone oneshot, so there will not be a sequel or a continuation of it. If you enjoyed the fic, please comment about the body of work that has been written here. And if you like my writing style, please check out my Criminal Minds Masterlist or my other Masterlists for other fandoms.
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fic-over-cannon · 9 months
Jason Todd would ask (not demand) to have a copy of your class schedule. He’d want to know what days you’re free to have lunch together and when to come meet you in the library with a thermos of your favourite drink. He’d join you in your studying, claiming the seat next to you for his own. He’d lean back in his chair, the picture of lazy confidence. A book held in one hand, the other wrapped around the back of your chair. He knows not to bother you too much when you’re so deeply focused, but he thinks the way you scrunch up your nose at a particularly difficult concept is adorable. He’ll gently untangle your fingers from where they’re anxiously pulling at your hair in frustration, let you squeeze his hand instead until the emotion passes. If you spend too long absorbed by your work, he’ll persuade you to stop. Ask you to take a break with him to get something to eat and rehydrate, that the work will still be there once you’re ready to come back to it. Jason carries your book bag with ease, waves off your protests and tells you to let him be a good boyfriend.
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Requests and taglist | Digital Art Masterlist
Justice League:
A Day in Life — Series masterlist + Extra content
Synopsis: A day in your life while working as the Justice League's assistant. Also, they are all yanderes for you and it's Valentine's Day.
Pairing: Yandere!Justice League X Assistant!Gn!Reader
The Lost Condom — One-shot
Synopsis: You were in the middle of a spicy time with your boyfriend, when something odd happened: the condom disappeared. Inside. Of. You. The solution? Go to the hospital. The problem? Your family didn't know about your relationship.
Pairing: Jon Kent X Gn!AFAB!Reader; Platonic!Batfam
Hit me Hard and Soft — One-shot
Synopsis: You get saved by Robin, but not everything is as it seems.
Pairing: Yandere!Poly!Romantic!Batboys X Gn!Reader
Bruce Wayne:
Yandere!Dimensional traveler!Batman — Concept
Synopsis: Batman becomes obsessed with a spouse and kids that he never had.
Pairing: Yandere!Dimensional traveler!Bruce Wayne X Gn!Reader; Bruce X Reader; Platonic!Batfam X Batparent!Reader; Yandere!Bruce X Platonic!Batfam; Bruce X Platonic!Batfam
↳ Saw You Turn Around, but It Wasn't Your Face — One-shot based on the above concept
Synopsis: Bruce has been watching you living your best life and it's getting hard to not be a part of it, so he gets a sniff of you.
Pairing: Yandere!Dimensional traveler!Bruce Wayne X Gn!Reader; Bruce X Reader; Platonic!Batfam X Batparent!Reader; Yandere!Bruce X Platonic!Batfam; Bruce X Platonic!Batfam
He's My Collar — One-shot
Synopsis: You were saved by your ex-mentor, then Batman saved you from him. Even with your habilities It seems like you will never stop being a damsel in distress. Don't worry though, you are just a puppy who just got adopted by the best caretaker ever. And he knows what you need even better than yourself.
Pairing: Yandere!Batman X Villain turned hero!Gn!AFABReader; Platonic!Batfam
Dick Grayson:
Jason Todd:
A Day in Life — Series masterlist + Extra content
Synopsis: A day in the life of Jason Todd. Also, he's a househusband now. Oh, and a little plot twist.
Pairing: Househusband!Jason Todd X Gn!Reader; Platonic!Batfam
Tim Drake:
Damian Wayne:
Jon Kent:
The Lost Condom — One-shot
Synopsis: You were in the middle of a spicy time with your boyfriend, when something odd happened: the condom disappeared. Inside. Of. You. The solution? Go to the hospital. The problem? Your family didn't know about your relationship.
Pairing: Jon Kent X Gn!AFAB!Reader; Platonic!Batfam
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spidey-webs · 6 days
Scrolling through AO3 and saw something I wasn't expecting: Hal and Jason fics. And usually, the Jason Todd-ification of DC fandom is not my cup of tea. But. There's an interesting concept there. Just not one I've ever personally seen addressed.
And that's:
Hal actually fucking did it.
Every single thing Jason fantasized about at the height of his wrath? Hal actually did it. Hal killed his mentor and his tormentor, Sinestro, with his own hands. And he decimated the friends that didn't stop his tragedy, killed the comrades that didn't care for his grief, and reduced his all-mighty masters to nothing. He actually ripped Henshaw to shreds.
Hal is the dog that bit back. The dog that not only bit the hand that fed, but went for the throat next.
Hal is the League member that went bad. There's many parallels there to Jason's narrative, should one want to look for them.
Moreover, Hal's pain became a palpable, all-consuming thing that devoured everything. Hal's tragedy, his grief and his rage and his pain, was so great it caused a literal Crisis (the second crisis ever! Out of only seven!), tore reality apart, erased entire timelines. It had long-lasting effects on the entire universe for years to come. (On a more personal note for Jason: It hurt Batman. On a deep, psychological level.)
It mattered.
But it also did not help. It didn't make Hal feel better. It didn't fix anything, despite how desperately Hal believed it would. It, in fact, made everything worse. Hal regretted all of it.
And I think Jason Todd reckoning with that tale would actually be a genuinely interesting way to explore his character.
I'm not caught up enough to know whether these two characters have ever interacted in canon, but I think I'm well-read enough to say: probably not. And if they did, probably only superficially.
But I think there is room for a very interesting conversation between these two characters.
Hal being basically the embodiment of Vengeance for a time is also an interesting element, if the timelines were shifted around so that Jason crawled out the grave before Hal's rebirth. Like. There's a foundation for one hell of an interesting dynamic here.
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Through the Fire
Jason Todd x batmom!reader
Jason’s death broke you almost beyond repair, sending you into a dark pit that you struggled to claw yourself from. But what about your baby boy? What about what happened to him? And could you ever save him like you should have done years ago?
Warnings: ANGST, lots about Jason’s death, kidnapping, Jason needs a hug, references to Damian’s conception, I repeat shit tons of angst, reader wants to die for a while, swearing, descriptions of scars, insults thrown at reader, references to murder
WC: 1.7k
A/N: I realise I took this in a different direction than what the request actually was but I hope you still like it!
Minors DNI
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You didn’t think being a mother was ever in your life plan, it wasn’t like you didn’t want children, you just never expected it to happen. Then, a little bird named Dick trotted into your life, bringing along with him a man who you knew was your soulmate. And a few years later, things got even better.
A boy, barely 11 years-old, tried to steal the tires off of the bat-mobile. And less than 24 hours later, he became a Wayne. Life was good, for a while. You did your best to provide your boys with as normal a life as possible given the circumstances and they seemed to flourish. That is until Jason was a month shy of his 14th birthday.
You remember that night in vivid detail like a horrible nightmare you couldn’t escape. Bruce had been silent on the coms after the explosion making a deep sense of unease settle in your gut. You remember little Jason’s bright yellow cape saturated with red, the fabric wrapped tightly around your son’s body, shielding you from the horror.
Bruce made eye-contact with you and you knew, you knew your little jay-bird had been ripped from you before his life could even really begin. The scream that echoed through the cave as you fell to your knees still haunts Alfred and Bruce to this day. The utter despair and rage of a mother who lost their baby rattling their bones.
For a long time, you blamed Bruce. Once Jason had been buried beneath his favourite tree on the grounds, you stopped speaking to your husband. You moved to the other side of the manor, refusing to eat or even sleep. You wanted so badly to be with your boy again and you wished every day that you had been the one who died, not him.
The appearance of Tim saved you. That smart little boy who wouldn’t take no for an answer wormed his way into your heart. He helped gather the pieces of your heart and stick them back together, even if there were a few shards that lay with your Jason.
Bruce welcomed you home with open arms and you both were finally able to grieve together. You became a united front once more, able to face any situation with the knowledge that you weren’t alone.
But nothing could have prepared you for this.
With a pained groan, your mind emerged from the darkness of unconsciousness. Your eyelids felt heavier than normal as you struggled to open them but eventually, you were successful. As far as you could tell from the dim light streaming through the windows, you were in an abandoned apartment. It stank of stale urine and cigarettes.
You huffed and glanced down to find that you had been tied to an old dining chair. Your gaze lifted to the door which was only a few feet in front of you. If you could bounce on the seat with enough force, you might be able to shatter the old wood and make a run for it.
“Don’t even fucking think about it.” The deep voice that spoke from the darkness further into the apartment startled you but you regained your composure quickly, after all this wasn’t your first rodeo.
“What do you want? Money? Leverage?” The man chuckled and you saw the shadow of his figure move. From what you could tell, he was huge.
“No, we just need to have a little conversation without Mr Wayne meddling.” Your stomach dropped. Who the fuck was this guy? But before you could retort, he stepped from the shadows.
The red of his helmet was what struck you first. The metal was smooth save for the white slits for his eyes, even to you who had faced the Joker head on, it was incredibly intimidating. Then emerged the maroon bat on his chest so like the symbol your husband sported. Then the two guns strapped to his thighs.
Anger rushed through your veins before you could stop it. “Red Hood.” You spat. 
“Very good!” He replied sarcastically. “I’m glad I made an impression.” He walked casually over to you, his goliath body towering over you. The old floorboards creaked under his weight as he moved with the grace of a man who had spent his whole life being a soldier.
Your face remained stern as he approached, not showing even a lick of emotion. Your husband’s words echoed through your mind. “Do not show your fear, give them nothing.”
“You’ve already killed more than 20 people in Gotham, I don’t think that’s a great impression to give.” 
“20 people that you know of.” He snarked, a thick Gothomite accent slipping through his carefully crafted facade. “It isn’t like your beloved husband is doing much to clean up the streets.”
He walked casually behind where you were bound and tugged on your restraints. You flinched as the rope dug into your plush stomach. “I mean he couldn’t even kill the son of a bitch that murdered your precious ‘baby bird’.” He hissed, voice full of raw hatred.
Ice ran through your veins. You couldn’t answer him, too shocked that he knew of Bruce’s double life. “I mean what kind of a man replaces his son less than a year after he was beaten to death with a crowbar! And you know what makes it even worse?” His face was now right beside yours, his mask pressed against your ear as he whispered his next words. “You let him.”
“You have no clue what you’re talking about!” You crumbled, you couldn’t help it. The pain of Jason’s death was all-too-present in your lives. “I died the same day he did.” 
“And yet you’re still breathing.” He moved away, turning his back to you. “And I know why, it’s because you weren’t really his mother. You just took him in as a little pet project because you were a bored housewife with no one to nag since your Brucie was out fucking other women. If you were really my mother, you would have killed yourself a long time ago.”
A gloved hand reached up and undid the hidden clasp in his helmet. The metal fell away easily, revealing a mop of pitch black hair that covered the back of his pale neck. “Poor Mrs Wayne, stuck in that big house all alone with so much love to give but no one to give it to. Jesus Christ, no wonder Dick left, you are so stifling.”
He huffed through his nose as if this whole thing was one big cosmic joke before Red Hood finally turned to face you once more. “Well mommy, how does it feel to know that your jay-bird is a murderer?” 
“Oh god.” You whimpered as you took him in. Jason’s face was covered with the silvery lines of old scars, including a large one that curled up from the corner of his lip all the way up his cheek, giving him a snarled smile. His eyes were no longer the soft hazel that they once were but now an almost supernatural green. A slash of white cut through his dark hair.
He was so different but he was still Jason. “My baby.” Tears quickly rolled down your full cheeks. “You’re alive.” You didn’t fight against your bonds anymore, you couldn’t. It felt like your body was shutting down as shock set it. 
Jason scoffed at your tears. “Oh so now you wanna start crying? Fucking pathetic.” He rolled his eyes.
“My boy, my boy.” You cried. He was alive, all this time he was alive and you hadn’t found him. Guilt settled heavily in your gut and suddenly it was like it was 5 years ago. “I’m so sorry.” 
“You’re just sorry that now you have to face the consequences of your actions.” You shook your head. “Or are you sorry that you weren’t a better mommy?” He asked mockingly. 
“I’m so sorry Jason. I’m sorry. I love you so much.” You were in near hysterics now. “I love you.”
But evidently, that was the wrong thing to say because with an explosive amount of power, Jason threw his helmet at the far wall. The metal dented upon impact, shattering the cheap drywall. “No you don’t! You never did!” He blazed with an anger you had never seen before.
“I do. You were the best thing to happen to me Jason. You’re my baby. I’ll love you forever.” And for a split second, you saw the rage melt away and what was left was that scared little kid who just needed a guiding hand.
“Fuck you! You’re just a fucking trophy wife who can’t even keep her husband in her own bed!” He screamed into your face but you did not flinch.
“I love you.” You repeated, your tone unwavering.
“You aren’t even my real mother!” His face was red with emotion, just the same way it used to when he was upset or frustrated.
“I love you.”
“I don’t love you!” He shouted back but his eyes could no longer meet yours and his hands were shaking.
“I love you.” Your voice was soft now, just barely a whisper but you knew he heard you. He shot forward, slipping a knife from some hidden pocket into his palm. The ropes that held you fell away just as he collapsed into your arms.
You did not hesitate, you wrapped him up as tightly as you could, Jason’s head falling to the crook of your neck as your fingers tangled in his hair. “I love you my Jason.” Tears soaked through your shirt as he sobbed, his huge chest heaving with his pain.
“I was so scared. I just wanted you and you weren’t there. There was so much fire and blood.” Thick arms wound around your waist, squeezing you harshly. “I wanted my mommy.”
“I’m here now. I’m never letting you go again, never.”
He nuzzled further into you and you almost didn’t catch his quiet “I love you momma.” 
“I love you more.”
And that’s where Dick found you hours later, kneeling on the dirty floor of a condemned building, Red Hood asleep in your arms as you sang him a lullaby.
Anon request: 3.The boys did something wrong and she punish them by (whatever you want to do) and one of the replies, “you’re not My Mom!”
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onnahu · 17 days
Steph, Duke and Jason bond over not being born Fucking Rich and believing that billioners shouldn't exist and just you know. Normal shit. They give a pass for Bruce bc of Batman and all the charity and Tim bc he is (was?) a minor and is not a billionaire level rich. Dick is not one of them bc in his childhood it wasn't a big deal in the circus and he was showed into a billionaire life at like, 8, so he also count's as a Fucking Rich. Cass's mostly not there bc I just feel like she simply do not care about bitching about things like that, and also have no concept of monet whatsoever.
And one time Steph or Duke just throws in how the 1% hoard like 40% of world's wealth instead of letting it circle in economy and how that's a big cause of poverty, and Jason is like 'yeah, eat the rich' and then Steph just goes 'actually, aren't you super rich from your crime lord stunt?'
And Jason realises that he may not be the 1%, but he is Fucking Rich, and he's horrified. So they bully him for a while (he is also bullying. He's bullying himself) bc sure, he needs it to be a vigilante of his kind if he doesn't want to go off Bruce's money, but it still isn't a reason to have so much. (It's not only a crime lord money. He had a starter pack from Talia that's like 1/3 of it and he is shamelessly stealing of Lex Luthor, Bruce and other billionairs)
Anyway, they cane to the conclusion that he needs to return the money to the circulation. He leaves himself a million or three (idk how much he'd need to keep all of his safehouses and shit) and the rest goes into creating a bunch of independent little bussinesses and buying off others, but in form of like, sponsoring. The bosses have pretty much a full control over money, they get an absurdly big budget and create it without S, D, or J's imput, and later they just cut off like 20% procent of income or smth to pay them as the official owners. That 20% goes into creating more bussinesses, and at some point the three owns half of the bussinesses in Gotham (Duke and Steph demanded to have a part in it and also an access to the account they made for all that bussiness shit)
I just think it would be funny if at some point someone realised that the owners owners of so many bussinesses are the same three people (Helena Thomas, Morgan Brown and Todd Peters). They lost their count at the first 5, so honestly they wouldn't notice if some of them just stopped paying, but they still create new. They have no idea what they're doing.
Babs knows it all and is pissed that she is not a part of 'fuck the rich' club. Because of that she doesn't help them even when they beg over official documents.
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