#could be jason if you wanted it too
oncealonelypirate · 2 years
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ib: @jasontoddsguns post
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redsray · 10 days
Red Robin Au where after Battle for the Cowl, Jason (instead of donning that ridiculous pill helmet) goes back to visit Talia and blow off some steam with the LOA; it's an effective way to do so at first, as long as he keeps Ra's at arms length and has all the Bats away from him. Except is that Timothy fucking Drake working with Ra's al Ghul.
So now Jason's like oh my god are you kidding me why is Tim here working with Ra's of all people??? Last he checked, Dick was Batman now and Tim was part of that gaggle of Robins in Gotham. Not here, in Nanda Parbat.
Tim, fresh from a splenectomy: Jason?!
Jason: What the fuck are you doing here?
Tim: ??? I could ask you the same question??
Jason: No the fuck you couldn't?? I trained with Talia and now I'm back here for a bit, and I'm not the one missing an organ right now?! Why aren't you back with Dickbat in Gotham??
Tim: Well. Let's say I'm not Robin anymore
Jason: ... Not... Robin?
Tim, scowling: Dick gave it to Damian.
Jason: Dick is Batman for like a month and already gave the traffic light leggings to a mini assassin? Nice.
Tim: Ugh
Jason: And... this was enough reason to run away and get impaled by assassins in Iraq? While working with Ra's al Ghul?
Tim: Well, not really. I need to find Bruce, and Ra's is the only one who will help me. Even if he's a freak of nature.
Jason: Bruce... are we talkin' about another Bruce or did I miss a memo? Bruce is dead, Timbo.
Tim: He's not. He's trapped in the timestream and trying to get back. And don't- don't tell me I'm going insane with grief or in denial. Laugh all you want, then leave. I don't need this shit again.
Jason: Trapped in time? Damn motherfucker can't even stay dead?
Tim: ... You believe me?
Jason: Sure. Not the craziest shit we've seen. I have a feeling you wouldn't go as far as Ra's if you were actually going off nothing. (mumbling) stealing my schtick. What a bastard.
Tim, blinking: Wow. That... just wow. That was easy. Dick thought I was losing it with grief and so has everyone else.
Jason, shrugging: B is definitely stubborn enough to get lost in time instead of dying and, frankly, I know what being off yer rocker looks like, and this ain't it. I climbed out of my grave, for god's sake, is time shit really off the table? Wouldn't hurt t'look if the old man's still kickin'.
Tim: Uh-
Jason: First stop: away from Ra's, preferably. Talia's not bad, but Ra's is a whole other can of worms. Get up or I drag you.
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happyk44 · 1 year
Percy could kill with a snap of his fingers but won't because he doesn't understand or practice his own powers enough to realize he can do that.
Jason could kill with a snap of his fingers but won't because when he was young he preferred to feel the kill beneath his own hands, clenched tight between his teeth and as he grew he was told to only use his powers when absolutely necessary, otherwise hide them away and fight with only sword and shield.
Hazel could kill with a snap of her fingers but won't because she doesn't know how.
Thalia could kill with a snap of her fingers but won't because she is as unfamiliar with her powers as Percy, not because she doesn't understand them, but because she values the hunt and the chase and so sets them aside in favour of teamwork with her fellow hunters.
Nico could kill with a snap of his fingers and he will, when he needs to. He's kind, and patient, willing to fight until the bitter end in hopes that they'll cave, they'll desire life and give themselves up. But not everyone, not every creature, deserves to live and standing between him and his goals, ugly at the core of their soul, sometimes he'll decide they've lived long enough and snap his fingers, shattering their body into bits and pieces so violently their soul flings out and severs itself in the process.
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punkeropercyjackson · 1 month
If you think incest is an inherently lgbt dynamic,there's a good chance you're a white gay who hasn't actually experienced incestous abuse
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vivitalks · 4 months
more adhd jason grace or die by my sword
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Can I just say if Batman (from DC) met Hiccup (From HTTYD) he would definitely adopt him. Smart malnourished & neglected child sneaking out at night is sending alarm bells ringing through his mind.
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canthandlethishit · 3 months
prompt: timetravel fix it (?)
Damian somehow traveled back in time and meet robin!Jason mistaking him for Dick, after a while he caught up and realized, Jason was headed out to the place he’d be taken and later be killed at the hands of joker, Damian now have to contemplate changing the timeline to save Jason or not
go wild
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atiyasnake · 2 years
Danny phantom dc crossover idea:
Clone at the grave
Idk how but Danny ends up in gotham. Except da boi is a lil messed up. Aspects of his ghost form are peeking through in his human forms.
This inculdes
Green eyes (lowkey glow sometimes)
Some white hair
Some scars he got in Ghost form.
He also has a vivisection scar (could be part of reason he is there). There are also other various scars some that used to only show on his ghost form but are now on his human form, it's overall concerning.
The thing is Danny is also a bit bloody (red blood) and looking like he was in a fight. So he looks for a safe place and what better than to follow some kind ghosts from Gotham's cemetery. He's the King and Gotham (I love sentient ghost/spirit gotham) for some odd reason is like 'I like this kid/king so no spooky shit to hurt him' also in the cemetery I think there is just etiquette for the ghosts to not hurt each other and be respectful seeing as that is their final resting place. Anyways he's led to a grave and to just sit and chill and try to heal or overall not fully die.
Unbeknownst to him, he is sitting on the grave of formally dead Jason Todd. A grave that the bats have some surveillance on cause ya know of course they would have surveillance on an empty grave. So when poor old Danny is chilling there, the bats are made aware. When they look what they see is what honestly looks similar to a dead Jason Todd, albiet a bit smaller and white hair tuft not the exact same. And considering that Jason is very much (sorta) alive and not at the cemetery, they come to the conclusion that 'hey is that a clone?' Which is a very concerning question.
Cue bats taking a trip and coming close to the 'body' cause really it seemed like a dead body. But then Danny moves, opens his eyes and Boom ya got green, eerily close to Lazarus green which only increases their belief that this dude may possibly be some sort of clone.
So we got confused, suspicious, (concerned) bats. And meanwhile Danny is just ??? With seeing these dudes sorta surrounding him in a cemetery where he is still injured.
Now what happens next could go various ways.
They could go on the agressive detain and ask questions later.
There could be a fight.
Danny may use his spooky abilties to disappear.
Danny may simply fall unconscious and leave the bats to deal with him.
Danny could confuse them with sassiness,
OR he could be like 'ayo help would be appreciated'
OR he could be like 'can't a guy chill in a cemetery by himself'.
Overall the possibility of him leaving with the bats or going off by himself is up in the air and really depends on what type of vibes you want in this story.
Some fun things that could be included...
Bats insistent that Danny is a clone while Danny is like 'No'
OR Danny legit going like 'wait really a clone? Tell me more'
Maybe Jason and Danny meet on the street and are just like that Spiderman meme.
OR they meet and are like hey 'dead buddies' type deal
OR they meet and Jason is suspicious and shit
Batfamily members asking why there are two Jasons, wondering why one is smaller and how his hair changes.
Danny hiding from the bats causing confusion and chaos along the way
Hello batfamily adoption, Bruce reputation preceeds him.
Some 👀 when they see the vivisection/autopsy scar (maybe they don't even know its actually a vivisection until later)
Danny's spookiness peaking out more and more
Maybe at some point or something one of the magic users like Zatanna or Constantine encounter Danny and they are def unsettled. Maybe they can't tell he's the ghost king or a halfa but they know something is wrong. Maybe they knew Jason was a bit wonky in the death sense but they are like "this 'clone' is on a whole other level of fucked". This of course makes the bats wanna investigate more about the 'creation' of cloneDanny, wondering what is his purpose and how he came to be Danny and in gotham and why.
Ya know I like to think that Danny never actually tells them he's a halfa. Cause, ya know secrets and also who is he to crush their clone theory dreams.
The thing is, is that they def think Danny is a really spooky and unsettling 'clone'. Seemingly more dead than alive than Jason is. They never have moments where they think Jason is not actually breathing. His eyes seem more glowy green than Jason's and his tuft of hair seems to glow occasionally but so quick that you think it's a trick of the light. He seems so quiet and his 'presence' isn't that of a normal human. Sometimes they forget Danny is close by.
It makes them think of how Jason could have come back.
One thing I think would be present is that Danny is having issues with changing forms which was why they were sorta mixing. So when he finally is able to fully separate and they see his blue eyes, and fully black hair and they turn to Damian and are like 'ya know you two actually look pretty simi-'
So yeah this is an idea I've been in the process of figuring out. Lots of possibilities though, but if anyone also wants to have some fun with this, please do!! Never can have too many cakes after all.
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boyfridged · 1 month
Genuinely curious question.
How do you interpret those comics where Robin!Jason was advocating for the woman who killed a serial killer?
I certainly don't take issue with it even if the authors intent was to make us dislike Jason, but one could argue it was unintentional character establishing for elements seen in his Red Hood era even if that was not the intent.
two parts to my answer here: one that explains why i don't think this story can be taken straightforwardly and the second explaining what i think is still of value there and how it could be reinterpreted.
to clarify for those not overly familiar with jay's robin tenure: we're talking about judy koslosky, introduced in batman #422.
first of all. you know this, of course! but i think some might forget about it - this is not a jason story. this isn't even a robin story. this issue is strictly a batman story, and jay role there is one that often gets delegated to robins - in fact, got delegated to every single robin at some point, dick and tim included - the role of a youth too rash in their pursue of justice, which serves more purpose for bruce's character than their own. bruce has to deliver his lectures about the legal system to someone, and that someone happens to be robin, who is often for this reason treated with little consideration. that's an issue historically, but not a surprising one; as i've said before many times, this is bruce's world, everyone else just lives in it and has to suffer through being reduced to a rhetorical device from time to time. so whatever jason says, in that arc especially, is in contrary to what the narrative wants you to believe (and it wants you to believe in law, essentially.) it doesn't draw any connection to jay's personal experiences and offers no insight into his inner life. and this, of course, was even more taken advantage of in case of jay, since starlin believed robin to be a hindrance to batman's story in general.
and since we're speaking of starlin -- we ought to once again note, that he completely butchered any continuity for robin jay, making weird time skips. jason's robin run is very fragmented because of that - we basically go from him at 11/12 to him at 14... with essentially no insight into what happened in between.
but all of this to say: i don't fundamentally take issue with jason's attitude either. it's the execution (being the result of all mentioned above) that bothers me... or, well -- i definitely think that the implication that jay would be fine with personally killing the man is disturbing and weird given that bruce holding his arm when he beats the offender up is a strange mirror to jay similarly stopping bruce in dc #569... but i don't think his desperation and raw emotions in reaction to the case were a wrong turn. i just wish they were portrayed as a turn; i just wish we got to see the build up to his hopelessness, of it being culminated from overflowing empathy towards victims, victims like judy. because i believe the reason for which he sympathizes with judy should not be his own anger, but rather a result of his morality being so deeply rooted in interpersonal relations and focus on the victims... instead, starlin portrays it as if it came from his own pettiness. but how interesting would it be if starlin considered his own, albeit of course exaggerated, complaint that the position of robin is child abuse seriously and explored the traumatic effect of witnessing so many brutal crimes up-close, and what it would do to someone as sensitive as jay. and oh, it could go meta, since it contrast so starkly with silver age-esque plotlines of barr's run and takes place as dc was entering it's "dark" era, condemning even a child to spectate acts of violence that would often get relegated to bruce's solo adventures in the past (this is the third part of this arc and robin did not appear in any of the previous 2)...
as to it being read as establishing his red hood era: honestly, i'm not a fan mainly because 1. it was done badly 2. makes him read as someone doomed to become red hood 3. and it ignores the fact that, as i mentioned, it is not a jason-centric issue. in general reading his robin stories through the lenses of his post-res characterisation is not beneficial for the source material... could be if he was, in these moments, properly written as a child and even just a human being. and could provide with an some argument regarding how these experiences push him into considering more radical methods. alas.
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whenits--notreal · 2 days
What if... Tim visited Jason's grave everyday after his death, then one day he finds his grave upturned. He first thinks that someone was grave robbing (ha) before realising that the grave was dug from the inside.
Panicked, he runs out of the cemetery to go tell Mr. Wayne but on the way, he finds Jason wandering around in a daze. The state he finds him in almost sends him into a vomiting seizure. Even through the pristine suit he can see evidence of the unspeakable. He knew Robin was taken by the Joker but he hadn't fully processed what that would mean. Every visible part of his body looked either twisted, broken, welted, or a combination of all three. He doesn't know how Jason is alive again, but he knows that, with those injuries, it wont be for long.
Tim doesn't know what to do. He hovers around an unresponsive Jason, not wanting to touch him but needing to stay as close to him as possible, while he debates his next course of action. Taking him to the hospital won't heal him, not from this. The thought of calling Bruce only for him to watch his son die in his arms again makes Tim clench his stomach and hold his breath. Just then, someone appears before him, seemingly out of thin air.
A woman with bronze skin that appears as thought it's glowing and prominent facial features: a sharp nose, high cheek bones, and glaring, acid-green eyes. She looks -- dangerous, and doesn't seem to be from Gotham.
Tim doesn't know who she is, yet he feels like he should. He morphs into the space separating her and Jason, blocking him off from her calculating gaze as he flashes his most polished high society smile. You-don't-belong-here, his smile says. His mum would be proud. Maybe.
"Hello miss, you don't seem to be from around here. Can I help you get anywhere?"
The woman levels him with a cold, unimpressed look. It almost makes him shiver. Then her expression turns vaguely amused when he adds, "Beyond here, is just a cemetery. Not a very interesting place for tourists."
The woman takes a step towards him and Jason, "I was to visit a friend's son," she begins. Her voice calm and even; face impassive, "now, I think I may be of help to you, little one."
That didn't sound promising.
“That’s awfully nice of you miss, however I am not currently in need of any help.”
Resisting the urge to turn back and check if Jason’s still there, Tim holds his eye contact with the mysterious woman. The conversation is taking far longer than he is comfortable with and Jason's fading presence behind him is not reassuring in the least. Jason silently sways before mildly catching himself, it doesn't snap him out of his stupor. The woman remains unreadable and Tim’s mind is running at a mile a minute, trying to find a way out of this situation before Jason becomes beyond help. Again.
The woman had mentioned visiting a friend’s son so she knew where she was. Did she mean Jason? But Tim knows all of Bruce’s friends, his mother made sure he did, and this young, confident woman who exudes importance doesn’t ring a single bell. There’s no way he would miss someone like her. The lilt of her accent sounded Middle Eastern? Perhaps from when Bruce was studying abroad, but the calm danger she doesn’t even try to hide-
“Batman,” he concludes out loud, then, narrowing his eyes, “and you’re not a friend.”
Tim drops his smile and something flashes through the woman's eyes, unidentifiable and only for a moment, before it's gone as quickly as it appeared.
“I was once more,” is all the reply he gets.
That was a strange thing to say when she knows Batman as a pose to Brucie but she didn’t sound like she was lying. Tim was beginning to regret not going straight to the cemetery staff to ring Mr. Wayne up from there and- no, then the woman would have found Jason first. This is fine, this is good, he would keep Jason safe.
The woman broke the silence, and his chain of thought with it,  first this time.
“Did the Batman have another Robin that I was not made aware of?” Ugh, she definitely knows about Jason.
“No,” he replies simply, trying to keep his outrage at the implications out of his voice, not just anyone can be Robin, “I’m Tim.”
The woman continues to stare at him as though it was his face talking to her and not his mouth.
“Well then, Tim, my name is Talia, and I believe I am the only one who can help the boy now,” She pointed looks beyond Tim, at where Jason would be if Tim was invisible, and, before Tim could retort, she continued, “You seem to be quite clever, little one, so I’m sure you know that we do not have the leisure of a prolonged conversation."
Dropping any pretences of politeness, Tim simply sends a look meaning for her to continue. "No doctor will be able to heal him from this state of his, but I know of a fountain of sorts -- a Lazarus Pit -- which can rejuvenate and heal anything. At a price, of course."
The woman, Talia, held his gaze inquisitively, as though she were searching for something in it -- maybe hesitance or disbelief; this was Gotham; she'd get neither -- and then, not finding it, she continues.
"The Pit causes a temporary fit of insanity proportional to the benefits it grants. In the boy's case, the toll would be heavy and may last a while."
Tim doesn't react. She pauses as her gaze once again turns searching, but, before she resumes her dispassionate proposal, he speaks up. "Jason," he squeezes out between gritted teeth, then once more, with finality, "his name is Jason."
Talia stares blankly at Tim, her impassivity no longer seeming cold. "Indeed, it is." she replies tersely, and it should sound mocking or dismissive but it doesn't, and then, with what Tim thinks could be hesitance, she restarts talking. "I plan on keeping Jason under my watch, at least until I am sure that the Pit madness is no more."
Once it becomes clear that Talia is done and won't be any more elaborate, he asks the burning question, "At what cost?"
As soon as the words leave Tim's mouth, it suddenly strikes him as strange that this conversation is even taking place.
Talia seems more than capable of taking Jason and leaving regardless of Tim's assent, if it was a witness she was worried about then he had no doubt she could simply take him too, yet she makes no attempt to do so. It's not only Jason that she wants, there's something else, a missing piece he needs to make sense of all the others that don't seem to fit together.
"What is in it for you? And what do you want from me?" he levels.
"A clever one," she breathes out, her calm voice laced with something akin to sadness, then smiles -- a small curve of her lips, mellow and soft and distantly longing, "a clever one, indeed."
Whoops. This was not what I had in mind when I first typed "what if..." my fingers just kinda slipped and now I'm more invested in this than I should be so ig it means this is just a part one for now. Flip me. One day, I'll write part two? I have so many ideas and no time. I've never properly written my thoughts out physically before so this is a first ig, who would have thought it would just... happen. This was literally an accident. I didn't know I could physically write this much in one go before...
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age-of-moonknight · 1 year
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“The King of Killers - Epilogue: Punisher No More,” The Punisher (Vol. 13/2022), #12.
Writer: Jason Aaron; Pencilers and Inkers: Jesús Saiz and Paul Azaceta; Colorist: Matt Hollingsworth: Letterer: Cory Petit
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Marvel 616#The Punisher vol. 13#The Punisher 2022#Moon Knight comics#latest release#Moon Knight#Marc Spector#The Punisher#Frank Castle#out of all the writers to possibly give me some sort of rehabilitation of the Frank and Marc relationship that I’ve been craving ever since#their falling out in Marc Spector: Moon Knight#I did not expect it to be Jason Aaron but you know what I’ll take what I can get#I’ve always thought that there was a lot they could agree on although that’s a bit of a double-edged sword in that they’re very similar#and can be a bit too much of??? a mirror perhaps for each other???#I mean it’s not like either of them particularly like themselves so why would they want to have to deal with a duplicate?#(especially with each probably thinking the other is somehow even more mental than they are)#but gosh it’s so nice#not to mention in-line with the direction MacKay’s been taking the Moon Knight character in his run#that Marc’s the one to extend a metaphorical hand to Frank#I’m not sure if Marc will ever really be able to bring himself to /like/ himself per se#but he understands and to an extent accepts himself a lot more now and that growth can extend to how he…deals with Frank#if Marc can move beyond what he has always felt was his intrinsic nature and hold on to the hope of redemption#then he can think the same of Frank#and I just think that’s such a lovely encapsulation of what I love about Moon Knight in particular:#recognizing the indwelling sin if you will but nonetheless never fully giving up on striving to be better#finally (and on a far less serious/introspective note): real recognize real#(please I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again: I just want them to argue over nothing more serious than Pendleton vs. Parris Island#and to toast the names of Puller and Mattis)
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yoshidatommy · 1 year
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thebigqueer · 5 months
unrelated to that rb but im thinking about it and i dont think piper liking jason was ever a forced heteronormativity thing i think she genuinely liked him
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knowlesian · 9 months
ngl i lowkey blame the rise of snark as the baseline mode of interaction in geek culture for cinemasins type commentary becoming a big deal and thus for the smug nitpicking that tends to dominate so much of fandom now
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lazaruspiss · 10 months
My dick//babs "i loved you like a sister and thought that was good enough" agenda
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but why does Arkham Knight Jason have the sexiest voice of all the Jasons
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