#creating inclusive videos
adasitecompliance · 1 year
Video Accessibility Guidelines
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Making Your Videos Accessible: A Step-by-Step Guide
Video content has grown into the most popular form of content available online. It does not matter if you have an educational institution, a banking app, a school, or a blog post. Videos are the most consumed form of content. Unfortunately, 15% of the world’s population finds accessing and consuming the content challenging. And it is because of their disabilities. This is why video creators should create accessible videos to level the playing field and let all their visitors access their online media. Follow Video Accessibility Guidelines for an inclusive online presence.
How can we make videos accessible?
Multiple things can be done, like the right video players, adding captions, and using the right colors and fonts. This needs time and effort; if you need help, we at ADA Site Compliance can help. We are the #1 source for all ADA website compliance issues and can make your video accessible to all users. We have a team of accessibility experts on hand to check the video’s dialogue for accessibility and perform the appropriate measures to ensure compliance.
Web Content Accessibility Guidelines
The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) was first published in 1999 to make web content available to users with disabilities. It was published by the World Web Consortium, and complying with WCAG 2.0 guidelines ensures governmental organization websites and media are accessible and compliant.
Who Benefits from Accessible Videos?
In addition to users with disabilities, other users may prefer watching the video without sound, like while in the library or at night when children are asleep. In this case, accessible videos with captions make a better choice for them.
Checklist to Create Accessible Video Content
Videos everyone can access can go a long way to getting people to view your fantastic content. It expands the reach of your content as the message is conveyed through images, sound, speech, and words on the screen.
The following tips are based on the WCAG and help ensure people with visual, hearing, or cognitive disabilities connect with your content.
1. Media alternative transcript
These are text transcripts describing what is displayed in the video displayed with the speech. Thus, blind users or those with visual loss can easily see alt text and access the video using screen readers.
2. Standard and Extended Audio Descriptions
Standard audio description is an audio description of the visual elements of a video created for the benefit of users with vision loss. Its voice track is written and recorded to fit the gaps between the existing dialogues and audio elements. A voice artist will record, or you can generate a synthetic voice of the final audio description. Extended audio descriptions are used in cases where the video does not have enough natural gaps within the soft track. The video is edited to pause at certain points to accommodate the secondary audio track description and ends up increasing the length of the final video.
3. Use an accessible media player
It is not just the content of video recording that has to be accessible for web accessibility. It also requires that the right accessible video player is used to relay the video content.
4. Adding Captions to Your Social Media Videos
Adding captions to your social media videos increases its web accessibility by:
Communicating your message better as words run with the speaker makes it easier for silent scrollers to enjoy your valuable content.
Making content accessible to everyone, even the hearing-impaired, as they can access the video.
Making content more engaging through moving captions to increase consumer interaction and attention.
5. Remove Autoplay From Videos
Autoplay can be distracting and even an obstacle to people with disabilities. They find it challenging and distracting to read the page with video playing while reading. Besides, the risk of videos hurting people with seizures makes auto video-playing a threat. This can be prevented by ensuring the video is played only when clicked.
6. Make High-Quality Audio
The video and audio must go in sync with your video. Quality voiceovers and a pleasant audio experience are important for accessibility and an overall user experience. Besides, WCAG requires reduced background music to cater to users with hearing or cognitive difficulties.
7. Closed Transcripts and Captions
Your video and audio content should include a caption file relating to every spoken message and non-speech sound. This means the captions should include song descriptions and indicate the tone while speaking, too. It is also always better to provide transcript documents for easy access by users with disabilities.
8. Don’t Forget an Audio Description or Voiceover
Your audio description can be compared to a podcast serving the same purpose. It delivers information without the viewer needing to visualize any information. Audio descriptions are better than transcripts for blind users or the visually impaired. Adding audio or video recording to descriptions may seem uncomfortable to some but becomes second nature once done.
9. Choose and Use the Right Video Colors
With about 7% of Americans having color vision deficiencies, the wrong color choices may lead to them not enjoying your artwork. Users suffering from color blindness find distinguishing between blue and red challenging. It is impossible to rebrand to eliminate colors, but avoid mixing red, blue, and green while creating relevant or meaningful videos. Using contrast-checking tools helps ensure you use the perfect text combinations for those with color vision to access important visual details in your content.
10. Mindfulness in Video Design
The accessibility of your visual content also depends a lot on its design. The wrong choice, like an overly busy video, can make it difficult for users with disabilities to access your video. On the contrary, there are some steps to adopt to ensure your video is design-friendly to cater to your entire audience:
Avoid placing text in places where closed captions will be placed. Too much text clutters the screen, making it challenging for those requiring closed captions. So remember where closed captions will appear before placing that text and place it accordingly.
Avoid having quick transactions or successive bright flashes in videos. It ensures your videos are safe for users with photo sensitivities and prevents possible epileptic seizures. Besides, avoiding flashing also helps users with autism, ADHD, and those recovering from a concussion.
Choose and use the right colors.
Including representations in content like casting or including disabled people or animated characters also helps. While it may not directly increase your video accessibility, disabled users enjoy seeing their representations in the message.
While these are easy and minute changes to implement, they make a lot of difference in your video accessibility.
11. Open, Closed, and Auto Captions and Subtitles
These terms are often used interchangeably and are minimally different. Subtitles display dialogues in a language different from what is spoken in the video. Open captions are found in the video, and are impossible to disable or remove. Closed captions can be activated or switched off if need be.
12. Include Video Descriptions on Social Media
Users with impairments read your content easily through a detailed breakdown of your shared video. The visually impaired people can easily read the video descriptions with the help of screen reading software. Just be very clear and thorough about everything in your content while writing a detailed video description. And remember that video descriptions vary on each social media platform. For example, Facebook includes videos in its description page, while Twitter requires you to enable video descriptions in options.
Many people have inaccessible social media videos mainly because of a lack of awareness. And those who do know about web accessibility do not do it because of the time and effort needed. Put some additional time and effort into creating accessible video content. However, it is well worth it because it avoids an accessibility lawsuit. Besides, if you do not have the time or do not know how to make your videos accessible, we can help. We at ADA Site Compliance are your #1 source for all ADA video compliance issues and can make your videos accessible to all users. Our team of accessibility experts is always at hand to check the accessibility and perform the appropriate remediation of your videos so that you can focus on doing what you do best!
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aussie-bookworm · 8 months
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Shut the fuck up that's not The Duck Cake from Bluey, that's The Duck Cake From The Women's Weekly Children's Birthday Cake Book.
You will never be her. Have some fucking respect
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vimbry · 1 year
man I love the video for doctor worm. how it works as a last hurrah to that "era" of their visual style, being in black & white, using the undercrank technique, the cuts to disjointed surreal imagery, the strange choreography (to the point where it actually stamps the word in big letters over the dance shots like it's very aware of their magic formula).
there's been callbacks to those elements since, especially in the alex italics-directed videos, but years afterward and as purposeful affectionate allusions to their past work. doctor worm seems more like a unique, tidy little send-off as they approached the new millennium.
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mk-wizard · 1 year
As someone played online games and other games that let you customize your characters, I see nothing wrong with games that allow you to make characters with "they/them" pronouns. It's not politics being shoved into your face. It's an option.
What I do see something wrong with are mods that remove all characters with "they/them" pronouns. It's wrong to me because it's like creating a mod that removes a type of person from a game so you don't have to look at them is just off to me. Just as it's not acceptable to create mods that remove all BIPOC characters or allow you to make other disturbing content that I will not bring up here.
While I agree that there are lots of things we need to talk about and sort out in the gender identity debate, when it comes to being able to create characters with "they/them" pronouns, that's harmless. The only message that's giving us is that the creators of the game accept that it's 2023.
Now if that's the game's only selling point, that's a different debate entirely, but being able to create "they/them" characters, that's not a flaw. That's an option.
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talaricula · 10 months
Things I've seen tumblr memeing about James Somerton doing à la "How did no one see how bigoted he was!" as if those things haven't been a significant part of tumblr culture for over a decade :
Presenting untrue and bordering on conspiratorial versions of (queer or otherwise marginalised) history without any sources
Completely disregarding and disrespecting any expertise on socio-cultural topics/humanities and distrusting academics and historians (incl. acting as if no academics or historians could be queer or marginalised)
Downplaying the role misogyny played in the historical oppression of queer women and concluding that queer men must have been more oppressed than queer women
Bi women are, at best, not as queer as "real" queer ppl, and at worst, simply equivalent to straight women
Despite nominal trans inclusivity, transmasculine ppl are functionally women when convenient (combined with the above, bi transmascs are functionally straight women)
Despite nominal trans inclusivity (bis), shamelessly attacking, threatening and actively endangering any trans woman who questions them or smth they find important (often by unfairly presenting her as violent or as a threat)
Having absolutely fucking wild and reductive takes about ace ppl, the oppression they face and their place in the queer community
Stating that marriage equality is an assimilationist fight while completely ignoring its direct roots in the horrifying consequences of the AIDS crisis for partners of ppl who died of AIDS
Praising western media creators from the past for queer coding even under censure and in the same breath condemning current non western media creators for being homophobic bc their representation isn't explicit enough
Blaming China for all existing homophobic censoring in western media
Assuming all queer media would be better told by western creators and by western standards
Only out queer ppl get to tell queer stories
Heavily criticising almost all queer media created by women or ppl they see as such (see above points about trans ppl) or involving/starring a significant amount of women for any perceived or real amount of "problematicness", but fawning over and praising and negating criticism of queer media created by and starring mostly or even functionally exclusively men (even when it could be argued that, you know, not involving/seriously sidelining women is a pretty clear example of misogyny which should probably be considered "problematic")
And I'm probably forgetting stuff or there's stuff I have internalised myself and don't recognise as an issue
Like idk but I feel like the takeaway from Hbomberguy and Toddintheshadow's videos should maybe be "be aware of such patterns in your communities bc they definitely exist" and not "this guy is uniquely awful" and I feel like a lot of the discussion I've seen surrounding this has been severely failing at that. Most ppl who've spent any significant amount of time on tumblr prob either have internalised at least one of those thought patterns, have had to de-internalise them, or have had to be extremely vigilant to not internalise them (which is done by, you know, seeking out other sources, which also seemed like an important takeaway from the videos)
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intersex-support · 2 months
Intersex Resources: Books, Art, Videos
Here's a list with some resources to learn about intersex community, history, and politics! These include some academic sources and some community sources. I'd love to add sources in other languages and that focus on countries besides the United States, so if anyone has recommendations, please let me know. Continually updating and adding sources.
Reading list:
Intersex History:
"The Intersex Movement of the 1990s: Speaking Out Against Medical and Narrative Violence" by Viola Amato.
Hermaphrodites with Attitude Newsletters.
Jazz Legend Little Jimmy Scott is a Cornerstone of Black Intersex History By Sean Saifa Wall
"Hermaphrodites with Attitude: Mapping the Emergence of Intersex Political Activism" by Cheryl Chase
Chrysalis Quarterly: Intersex Awakening, 1997.
"What Happened at Hopkins: The Creation of the Intersex Management Protocols" by Alison Redick.
Bodies in Doubt: An American History of Intersex by Elizabeth Reis.
Intersex Politics
“A Framework for Intersex Justice.” Intersex Justice Project
"Creating Intersex Justice: Interview with Sean Saifa Wall and Pidgeon Pagonis of the Intersex Justice Project." by David Rubin, Michelle Wolff, and Amanda Lock Swarr.
"Intersex Justice and the Care We Deserve: ‘I Want People to Feel at Home in Their Bodies Again." Zena Sharman.
Critical Intersex edited by Morgan Holmes.
Envisioning African Intersex: Challenging Colonial and Racist Legacies in South African Medicine by Amanda Lock Swarr.
"Intersex Human Rights" by Bauer et al.
Morgan Carpenter's writing
"I Want to Be Like Nature Made Me: Medically Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Children in the US." by Human Rights Watch.
Cripping Intersex by Celeste E. Orr.
"From ‘Intersex’ to ‘DSD’: A Case of Epistemic Injustice" by Ten Merrick.
"Did Bioethics Matter? A History of Autonomy, Consent, and Intersex Genital Surgery." by Elizabeth Reis.
Intersex Community
"Normalizing Intersex: Personal Stories from the Pages of Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics." edited by James DuBois and Ana Iltis.
Hans Lindhal's blog.
InterACT Youth Blog.
Intersex Justice Project Blog.
"What it's like to be a Black Intersex Woman" by Tatenda Ngwaru.
Intersex Inclusive Pride Flag by Valentino Vecchietti.
The Interface Project founded by Jim Ambrose.
Intersex Zines from Emi Koyama
Teen Vogue's Intersex Coverage
YOUth& I: An intersex youth Anthology by Intersex Human Rights Australia
Intersex OwnVoices books collected by Bogi Takacs.
Nobody Needs to Know by Pidgeon Pagonis.
Inverse Cowgirl by Alicia Roth Weigel
XOXY by Kimberly Zieselman
Icarus by K Ancrum.
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon
Every Body dir. Julie Cohen.
Hermaphrodites Speak! 1997.
Liberating All Bodies: Disability Justice and Intersex Justice in Conversation.
"36 Revolutions of Change: Sean Saifa Wall."
Inter_View: An Intersex Podcast by Dani Coyle
Hans Lindhal's Youtube channel.
What it's Like to be Intersex from Buzzfeed.
Emilord Youtube channel
I'm intersex-ask me anything from Jubilee
What it's like to be Intersex-Minutes With Roshaante Andersen.
Pass the Mic: Intercepting Injustice with Sean Saifa Wall
"Hey AAP! Get your Scalpels Off Our Bodies!" 1996.
Ana Roxanne's album Because of a Flower.
Intersex 1 in 90 potraits by Lara Aerts and Ernst Coppejans
Anyone can be Born Intersex: A Photo-Portrait Story by Intersex Nigeria.
Pidgeon Pagonis "Too cute to be binary" Collection
Juliana Huxtable Visual Art
Koomah's art
Please feel free to add on your favorite sources for intersex art, history, politics, and community !
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toneacademy · 2 years
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trans-axolotl · 9 months
US Harm Reduction Resources
continually updating, not a complete list. feel free to add on any resources you find helpful.
Free Safer Supplies:
Each organization will have different supplies, but generally, harm reduction orgs provide things like syringes, safer snorting + smoking kits, Narcan, condoms, lube, and wound care supplies. Each org has different policies for how to get supplies--some do deliveries, some have drop in centers, some only do one to one needle exchange, some are more flexible.
Next Distro: mail based syringe provider for certain states. Also mails free Narcan.
NASEN: national map of syringe providers
a lot of harm reduction collectives aren't going to have their information listed on big national websites--it's always worth searching "harm reduction in my area" and seeing what's around you. Even if you don't live in a big city, there might be a harm reduction organization in your state that can help you find someone closer to you. there's a lot of rad people doing underground work who want to be there to help you who aren't as easy to find online. If there's street medic collectives, mutual aid groups or groups like Food not Bombs in your area, you can ask people in them who might know where to find harm reduction services in your area!
Drug Users Unions:
Drug users unions are activist groups made for people who use drugs, by people who use drugs! Drug users unions do advocacy work to end criminalization, as well as providing vital community support. Many drug users unions are also inclusive of sex workers and work to decriminalize sex work as well. You can search for "drug users union" in your state.
Urban Survivors Union: National, has resources for creating drug users union
Chosen Few: Drug users union for Black drug users in DC
San Francisco Drug users union
Sex Work Advocacy Groups:
Organizations that do decrim advocacy and provide support for sex workers.
Sex Worker Outreach Project USA- National, has chapters in many states.
Black Sex Worker Collective
Sex Workers Project
How to Use Safely:
Guides, videos, toolkits for safer use!
Harm Reduction Coalition Resource Library
Getting Off Right: A Safety Manual for Injection Drug Users
Safer Crack Smoking
Safer Snorting
Safer Hormone Injection
Levels of Risk: Veins
Wound Care video w/ ASL
How to Use Fentanyl Test Strips
DanceSafe-testing kits, including reagent testing kits!
Erowid-shares experiences people have with different drugs, dosages, what things to expect
Bluelight- another forum for discussing experiences with drugs.
Drug Interactions Checker
Sex Work Resources:
Tricks of the Trade by L. Synn Stern: tips for street based sex work
A Quick and Dirty Sex Worker Safety Toolkit
Girls Do What they Have to Do To Survive by YWEP
Dis/Organizing: How We Build Collectives Beyond Institutions by Rachel Kuo & Lorelei Lee
Tryst Blog
Never Use Alone: 877-696-1996. Overdose Prevention Hotline--Volunteers stay on the phone with you while you use and call emergency services if you overdose.
HIPS Hotline-​​​1 (800) 676-4477. Emotional support for drug users and sex workers. Does not work with cops.
feel free to add on more resources. love + lube <3
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reasonsforhope · 10 months
"Shopping for clothes is already intimidating. There are so many options and styles to consider, as well as factors like sustainability and ethics.
But for people in fat, disabled, or queer and gender-nonconforming bodies, it’s even more arduous.
Nico Herzetty, Emma K. Clark, and Paul Herzetty wondered: What if there was a way people could shop — not necessarily by color or size — but by measurements, materials, and ethics?
So they set off to create their website: Phoria. 
Here, shoppers can set up a free profile, add their body measurements (and “typical fit challenges”) and peruse over 270 brands. Once these data points are entered, users can personalize their pages with “saved,” “recommended,” or “hidden” brands. 
Pages can be totally private, or shared with the community to connect over styles and brands.
Aside from fit, brands in the Phoria database (which claims to be “the largest database of plus-friendly brands”) can also be filtered as “gender-neutral,” “woman-run,” “small business,” or “natural fibers.” Users can also filter for price, preferred styles, and more.
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Pictured: A screenshot of the "Fit Challenges" feature on a Phoria user's profile.
Some brands include popular names like Athleta, Levi’s, and Patagonia. Others are small businesses, like Beefcake Swimwear, or Hey Peach.
“For so many people, it feels too damn hard to find and keep clothing that fits in all the ways that really matter. So we’re doing something about it,” the Phoria website reads.
“Unlike most online shopping experiences, we center the needs of plus-size women, nonbinary, and trans people, and prioritize supporting clothing brands focused on sustainability, ethics, and inclusion.” ...
That team — made up of Clark, and Nico and Paul Herzetty — calls themselves “fat, disabled, and very, very queer.” 
“These are some of the main ways we identify, and they’re qualities that have directly impacted our ability to get dressed every day in a way that feels good,” the Phoria team introduces themselves on the website.
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Pictured: A screenshot of Phoria's plus-size clothing brand database.
In addition to catering the user experience to women, non-binary, and trans people, Phoria is also a benefit corporation, or a B corp.
“We’ve legally required ourselves to consider the interests of all our stakeholders — customers, employees, the planet, and our shareholders,” the Phoria website explains.
“Our specific public benefit purpose is to reduce people’s dependence on buying mass-produced items made in unsustainable ways and to use human-centered business models to boldly challenge economic systems of inequity.” 
Right now, in the early stages of the company’s business, it doesn’t make any money.
“We’re focused on building something that genuinely solves plus-size people’s challenges around clothes shopping and supports smaller and more sustainable brands,” Phoria’s website states.
So, spreading the word seems to be of utmost importance...
Additionally, TikTok creators @couplagoofs (a queer couple named Morgan and Phoebe), recently shared a video in which they discovered Phoria. They met the website’s creators at a fat liberation event in their city and were introduced to the tool.
Quickly, commenters responded with gratitude and excitement.
“It is so disappointing to sort through pages of plus size clothes that aren’t even plus size,” a TikTok user commented. “This is gonna be such a good tool!” 
Some even shared emotional responses, speaking to the need at the heart of Phoria’s mission. 
“I’m… gonna cry,” another commenter wrote. “I’ve needed this my whole life.”"
-via Goodgoodgood, November 20, 2023
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cursecuelebre · 9 days
Top Recommendations for Norse Pagans that aren’t Problematic.
There is a lot of books by people who are racist and part of far right side of Heathenry and I’m going to try my best and list the books I have that helped me on my path that isn’t problematic and have questionable intentions. Books and YouTube channels.
Anglo Saxon Socerery and Magic by Alaric Albertson. He is very knowledgeable in his work and path especially on runes which includes the rune poem to make your own interpretation and witchcraft side of things. He even talks about the Elves which I appreciate because not a lot of Norse authors talk about them. It’s more Germanic than Norse but I can’t see any problem adopting certain aspects since they are very similar. I will say he does take himself a bit serious at times but his information is so good and worthwhile. I have not read his first book on Travels through middle earth but it focus on more the pagan side.
Poetic Edda and Prose Edda: it’s what every Norse pagan needs. It’s the foundation of Norse paganism not bibles but myths and tales that can help along our journey. There is tons of translations, but my favorites are Dr. Jackson Crawford Poetic Edda and Anthony Fawkes Prose Edda. But look into other sagas as well like Volsung which Dr Jackson Crawford also wrote about.
Beowulf. More of a Germanic tale but again includes it has roots of Germanic sorcery, traditions, religion like the concept of Wyrd (Fate), the runes, and values within his society like loyalty and mythical creatures. Again there is many translations even Jrr Tolkien did a incompleted version of Beowulf but I think Tom Shippey finished that version I could be wrong. Nonetheless explore more than one, the oneI have is by Seamus Heaney.
Grimm Fairy Tales this mostly German Folklore but it’s still quite important to learn about in German folk magic, creatures and entities in German folklore tends to be very real to the practitioner in their spellwork.
The Way of Fire and Ice by Ryan Smith a very progressive outlook in Norse paganism, he talks about creating communities in Norse paganism and calling out and denouncing Nazis in the community how Norse Paganism is inclusive and how to be open to all types of people. But he has a beginner approach to the deities, beliefs, values within Norse paganism.
Look into a lot of academic sources that’s where you will find a lot of information on Norse paganism and religions.
Tacitus Germania - A Roman historian talking about the Germanic tribes their culture and customs.
Saxo Grammaticus history of the Danes
The Viking Way by Neil Price it goes good in depths about magic in Scandinavia like Seidh
Dictionary of Norse Mythology a quick guide to northern myths, if you are trying to find a specific god and you don’t have time to look up in a book it’s in there with great information to each one.
Children of Ask and Elm: History of Vikings by Neil Price on Scandinavian culture during the Viking age
Some YouTube Channels
The Norse Witch: Bente lives in Germany and their channel encompasses all of Norse paganism more around magic. They do interviews with other Norse witches of folk magic like Icelandic and Danish. Even gives good book recommendations and advice on general spellwork as well!
Freyja Norling: Freyja actually lives in Norway and is a Volva, she focus on so many things within Norse paganism like Trolls, the runes, the gods, knot magic, etc. I love her channel because she actually lives in Norway and very experienced in her work.
Dr Jackson Crawford he is an author but he also has a YouTube channel. He was a professor in Colorado on Norse culture, mythology, and language and now is a full time YouTuber. He did a series of videos on the runes which are more historically accurate. Discusses the myths and the language and what do they mean. Jackson Crawford isn’t a Norse pagan nor he doesn’t care if you are one but just letting you know he isn’t coming from a pagan perspective.
The Welsh Viking also like Jackson Crawford but still has really great knowledge on Viking culture.
De Spökenkyker who is a channel that focus on German Folk magic living in Germany who is a practicing German Folk Witch.
Please feel free to add on any recommendations that are helpful and useful to the Norse pagan Community!
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musingsofanaroace · 2 months
Aro and Ace Content Creators
Fluently Aspec
This aro and ace content creator makes many short and informative videos about the different types of aros and aces that exist out there in the world. If you're suspecting that you may be aro or ace or both, this channel will give you the pertinent information you need. On the other hand, if someone in your life has come out as aro or ace or both, this channel will also help you. It will provide you with the necessary information to better understand your loved one and their experiences.
Ace Dad Advice
Cody Daigle-Orians is a gay ace and agender content creator who makes many entertaining and informative videos about anything to do with the a-spectrum. Also, he breaks down many of the stereotypes and assumptions people make about asexuality in general. Besides the online content, they have also written a few books on the subject as well: I Am Ace and The Ace and Aro Relationship Guide (out October 2024).
Lynn Saga
This non-binary and aspec content creator makes many informative videos on sexuality and gender. Also, they don't shy away from discussing emotional or vulnerable topics. They're not afraid to "tell it as it is". Seriously, go show them some love!
Rowan Ellis
This lesbian and ace content creator makes engaging and comprehensive video essays on queer topics. Her videos are always well-researched and thought-provoking. I especially liked her latest, "the chronically online state of asexual discourse". Besides creating video essays, she has also written the nonfiction book Queer and Here.
This trans content creator identifies as being on the ace spectrum. He mostly posts videos on Heartstopper related content but does occasionally branch out to different topics. Besides his witty humor and obsession over Heartstopper, he is an author and has published several queer YA books under the name T.J. Baer. Dreamers and The Boy Who Was Kissed are his latest.
Spacey Aces
This channel is run by Elle and Kaden. Elle is a genderfluid AroAce, and they are also autistic. Kaden is a non-binary and demisexual aromantic. On this channel, they explore many neurodivergent and queer topics. I especially liked the video "History of Autism | The Importance of Self-Advocacy & Community".
Evan Edinger
This British born American is a straight demisexual who mostly makes YouTube videos on anything that interests him, such as British vs American culture, photography, British politics, biking, language learning, you name it. In the past, he has also made several videos about his sexuality or sexuality in general.
Well, that's all I have for today. Until next time, take care and stay curious.
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adasitecompliance · 17 days
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Legal Compliance For Video Accessibility
ADA Site Compliance ensures legal compliance for video accessibility through our audio description services, meeting all required standards and regulations!
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felassan · 3 months
New today on DA:TV from Game Informer:
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"A Deep Dive Into Dragon Age: The Veilguard’s Expansive Character Creator by Wesley LeBlanc on Jun 27, 2024 at 02:00 PM As BioWare prepared to show me the character creator for Dragon Age: The Veilguard in its Edmonton, Canada, offices, I expected something robust – it's 2024, character creators have come a long way, and Bioware has a rich history of good customization. Despite my expectations, I was not prepared for how robust it actually is in Veilguard. Robust enough, even, that BioWare used it to create most of the NPCs in the game, save for mainline characters like companions. Setting hyperbole aside, it is a staggeringly rich creation system, and I look forward to seeing player-created near-replicas of celebrities and monstrous creations that'd be more at home in a horror game.  But I'm also looking forward to the community's reaction to the Dragon Age series' best character creator yet. At the heart of it is inclusivity, Veilguard game director Corinne Busche tells me before letting me guide her through creating my own character."
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"As is usual, there are four races to choose from: Elves, Qunari, Humans, and Dwarves. After selecting Qunari, Busche pages through various presets, explaining the game allows for more detailed looks at each and the ability to choose pronouns with she/her, he/him, and they/them separately from gender, select different body types, and more. You can view your character, referred to as Rook in-game, in four different lighting scenes at any time, including The Veilguard's keynote purple hue, a bright and sunny tropical day, and a gothic night.  I joke with the team that after spending upwards of an hour creating my Dragon Age: Inquisition character in 2014, I immediately restarted the game after seeing him in the first cutscene; the in-game lighting made my hair color look terrible amongst other issues I had with my Inquisitor. Veilguard creative director John Epler says the team is aware of countless stories like that with Inquisition and its green-hued character creator, adding BioWare worked hard to squash that concern in Veilguard.  Head and body presets can be selected individually and customized to your liking with 40 different complexions that include smooth, rugged, youthful, and freckled skin tones, skin hues ranging from cool to neutral to warm, undertones to those skin tones, and even a melanin slider. Busche tells me BioWare relied on consultation to represent all people authentically. There's a Vitiligo slider (where you can adjust the intensity and amount of it) and sliders for your forehead, brow, cheeks, jaw, chin, larynx, and scalp. You can select your undergarments, with nudity as well because "this is a mature RPG," Busche adds, and use the "Body Morpher" to select three presets for each corner of a triangle and then move a cursor within it to morph your body or head into a mix of these presets. It's an impressive technology I'd like to see adopted in other games. [link to embedded DA:TV gameplay reveal video]"
"I can keep going: You can adjust height, shoulder width, chest size, glute and bulge size, hip width, how bloodshot your eyes are, how visible cataracts are, the sclera color, how crooked your nose is, how big its bridge is, the size of nostrils and the nose tip, and there are as many sliders, if not more, for things like Rook's mouth and ears. On ears alone, I see you can adjust asymmetry, depth, rotation, earlobe size, and even add cauliflower ear to your Rook. Busche says makeup blends modern stylings with the fantasy of Dragon Age with more than 30 options, including eyeliner intensity, color, glitter, eye shadow, lips, and blush. Tattoos are just as customizable alongside options for scars and paint. Tattoos, scars, and paint are very culturally relevant to some lineages, BioWare tells me, with unique tattoos for elves, for example. You can add tattoos to Rook's face, body, arms, and legs, and you can adjust things like intensity, too.  Im most impressed, however, by the hair options on display; there are a ton, and as someone with long hair, I'm especially excited about the fun selections I can make. You can finally dye your hair with non-traditional colors, and it's gorgeous. EA's Frostbite engine uses the Strand system to render each style fully with physics. "The technology has finally caught up to our ambition," Dragon Age series art director Matt Rhodes says. After customizing all of that and selecting our Qunari's horn type and material (of which there are more than 40 options to choose from), it's time to pick a class out of the Rogue, Mage, and Warrior – read more about Veilguard's classes here. Since we built a Qunari, we went with Warrior. For the penultimate step of the character creator, at least during the demo BioWare shows me, we select a faction. Out of the six options, we select the pirate-themed Lords of Fortune."
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"Rook ascends because of competency, not because of a magical McGuffin," BioWare core lead and Mass Effect executive producer Michael Gamble tells me in contrast to Inquisition's destiny-has-chosen-you-characterization. "Rook is here because they choose to be and that speaks to the kind of character that we've built," Busche adds. "Someone needs to stop this, and Rook says, 'I guess that’s me.'" Ready to begin our Rook's journey, we select a first and last name and one of four voices out of English masculine, English feminine, American masculine, or American feminine options. There's a pitch shifter for each voice, too, allowing you to tweak it to your liking further. Don't stress too much about locking in your character creations before beginning the game – the Mirror of Transformation, which is found in Veilguard's main hub, The Lighthouse, allows you to change your physical appearance at any time. However, class, lineage, and identity are locked in and cannot be changed after you select them in the game's character creator.  From here, we're off to Minrathous, and you can read more about that famed city in our cover story, which is available here. For more about the game, including exclusive details, interviews, video features, and more, click the Dragon Age: The Veilguard hub button below."
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kindatired · 2 months
Honestly all of the Natlan controversy would have been avoided if they based the region in Spain
We all know how Hoyo is afraid to fully commit to representation when it comes to other cultures (especially said cultures with people that have a darker skin tone)
Because at this point, the company’s colorism is very clear, because how can you take a figure in West African culture and whitewash them…
If you didn’t want a dark skin character then why did you borrow elements from an African culture? Like there’s another game that does a great example of how Olorun should look like.
Here’s Smite’s Olorun
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And here’s Genshin’s “Olorun” and they changed his name to Ororon
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I know I shouldn’t had any expectation considering Sumeru but he’s not even tan like Cyno, Candace, or even Dehya.
It really sucks seeing how this major gaming company is scared of having characters with dark skin when there are other companies that are starting to be more inclusive.
You have Nintendo with Pokémon and Splatoon. You then have Arc System with Guilty Gear. Capcom also has better rep with their fighters especially with the latest installment.
You can’t even defend them by saying “It’s a Chinese game” because Dislyte is created by a Chinese company and look at how many dark skin characters they have:
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“Well they’ll lose money because dark skin characters don’t sell”
Okay and?
They’re a multi-million dollar company so it won’t even hurt them. And there is plenty of dark skin characters in video games that are very popular with the fan base.
Yeah this was a rush rant but I really need Hoyo to step up their game.
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heftybellybella · 4 days
Help Keep My Belly Full and Heavy ;)
All your purchases on Curvage and OnlyFans as well as tips and donations through CashApp are always massively appreciated! I've really enjoyed getting into creating this fun content for you all and every little bit helps!
Check out my Curvage videos here!
And my OnlyFans here!
And any tips and donations to my CashApp here (or $leapingfrench)
Buy me presents ;)
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thechanelmuse · 1 year
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Juneteenth is a Black American holiday. 
We call Juneteenth many things: Black Independence Day, Freedom Day, Emancipation Day, Jubilee Day. We celebrate and honor our ancestors. 
December 31 is recognized as Watch Night or Freedom’s Eve in Black American churches because it marks the day our enslaved ancestors were awaiting news of their freedom going into 1863. On January 1, 1863, President Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation. But all of the ancestors wouldn’t be freed until June 19, 1865 for those in Galveston, Texas and even January 23, 1866 for those in New Jersey (the last slave state). (It’s also worth noting that our people under the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations wouldn’t be freed until��April 28, 1866 and June 14, 1866 for those under the Cherokee Nation by way of the Treaties.)
Since 1866, Black Americans in Texas have been commemorating the emancipation of our people by way of reading the Emancipation Proclamation and coming together to have parades, free festivities, and later on pageants. Thereafter, it spread to select states as an annual day of commemoration of our people in our homeland. 
Here’s a short silent video filmed during the 1925 Juneteenth celebration in Beaumont, Texas:
(It’s also worth noting that the Mascogos tribe in Coahuila, Mexico celebrate Juneteenth over there as well. Quick history lesson: A total of 305,326 Africans were shipped to the US to be enslaved alongside of American Indians who were already or would become enslaved as prisoners of war, as well as those who stayed behind refusing to leave and walk the Trail of Tears to Oklahoma. In the United States, you were either enslaved under the English territories, the Dutch, the French, the Spanish, or under the Nations of what would called the Five “Civilized” Native American Tribes: Cherokee, Creek (Muscogee), Chickasaw, Choctaw, and Seminoles. Mascogos descend from the Seminoles who escaped slavery during the Seminole Wars, or the Gullah Wars that lasted for more than 100 years if you will, and then settled at El Nacimiento in 1852.)
We largely wave our red, white and blue flags on Juneteenth. These are the only colors that represent Juneteenth. But sometimes you may see others wave our Black American Heritage flag (red, black, and gold).
Juneteenth is a day of respect. It has nothing to do with Africa, diversity, inclusion, immigration, your Pan-African flag, your cashapps, nor your commerce businesses. It is not a day of “what about” isms. It is not a day to tap into your inner colonizer and attempt to wipe out our existence. That is ethnocide and anti-Black American. If you can’t attend a Black American (centered) event that’s filled with education on the day, our music, our food and other centered activities because it’s not centered around yours…that is a you problem. Respect our day for what and whom it stands for in our homeland. 
Juneteenth flag creator: “Boston Ben” Haith 
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It was created in 1997. The red, white and blue colors represent the American flag. The five-point star represents the Lone State (Texas). The white burst around the star represents a nova, the beginning of a new star. The new beginning for Black Americans. 
Black American Heritage Flag creators: Melvin Charles & Gleason T. Jackson
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It was created in 1967, our Civil Rights era. The color black represents the ethnic pride for who we are. Red represents the blood shed for freedom, equality, justice and human dignity. Gold fig wreath represents intellect, prosperity, and peace. The sword represents the strength and authority exhibited by a Black culture that made many contributions to the world in mathematics, art, medicine, and physical science, heralding the contributions that Black Americans would make in these and other fields. 
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SN: While we’re talking about flags, I should note that Grace Wisher, a 13-year-old free Black girl from Baltimore helped stitched the Star Spangled flag, which would inspire the national anthem during her six years of service to Mary Pickersgill. I ain’t even gon hold you. I never looked too far into it, but she prob sewed that whole American flag her damn self. They love lying about history here until you start unearthing them old documents. 
In conclusion, Juneteenth is a Black American holiday. Respect us and our ancestors.
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