#crossover w/ my two favorite children
cha-melodius · 8 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you @rmd-writes, @welcometololaland, @liminalmemories21, and @orchidscript for tagging me! How did you know I love random questionaires about my fic writing. 😂
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
109! I celebrated hitting 100 recently (technically still celebrating, I suppose).
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
1,220,396. I had a goal to hit 1 million before the end of last year, and somehow I've written 220k since then???? Howmst?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Please Don't Let Me Be So Understood (RWRB, E, 20k; couples therapy AU)
Nova, Baby (RWRB, E, 66k; spy AU)
Class(room) Warfare (RWRB, M, 7.8k; professors AU)
All the Old Showstoppers (RWRB, E, 20k; celebrity bake off AU)
Always Where I Need To Be (RWRB, T, 5.4k; roomates AU feat. David)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do but I am now horribly behind because y'all are so lovely and I am a little overwhelmed. I like to respond because people took the time to leave a comment and I want them to know how much that means to me (it's a lot. it means a LOT). I promised I WILL get to them eventually!!
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Definitely Who's Gonna Love You (The Mandalorian), which is a no-comfort breakup angst fic. I wrote it after having my heart ripped out by reading two unhappy ending fics lmao. Have never gone back to the truly unhappy ending again. (I have done some bittersweet or ambiguous ending fics, but those don't reach this level.)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have quite happy endings, but I don't think you can beat a fluffy ending at the end of a long fic. I often go for the chapter full of pure, tooth-rotting fluff (after tearing your heart out lmao). That means Nova, Baby, Love is a Losing Game, A Good Man Is Hard To Find, Amor Magnus Doctor Est... probably the most pure fluff at the end.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
I've had some here and there. One particular person who just kept coming back and I'm like just stop reading????
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do, but when it comes to one shots I'm probably more likely to leave it out. My smut always comes with plot and/or lots of feelings. I like writing it best as part of a larger story, actually.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't for a while but I have two requests I need to fill. Previous crossovers have been The Mandalorian/Battlestar Galactica (because badass ladies named Cara/Kara), and The Mandalorian/The Witcher (because surly dudes with accidentally adopted children). Oh I guess my most recent was TMFU/Glass Onion (because Hugh Grant).
(If you're wondering what the requests are, it's TMFU/Loki and TMFU/RWRB.)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yup! Four fics, all TMFU (three by the same person). I am always happy to grant permission!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, but I've got plans with @cricketnationrise.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship?
Can't choose! I love all the ships I write for—that's why I can't stop.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I don't think I have one of these. I have one abandoned WIP that I've anon'd because I hate it lmao. Generally if I want to finish something, I will.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Plot (I unabashedly love many of my plot twists), action sequences, dialogue/banter, world building, characterization?
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Although it should be straightforward because see: action, I feel like my smut is kind of lackluster. Sometimes I hit the notes just right and it really works, but other times I feel like people just get bored.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I'm unlikely to do it unless I have a native speaker I can run it by (I have some wonderful Russian friends who have been vital for this for some TMFU fics).
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Xena: Warrior Princess
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
I will scream about this one until the end of time, especially since it's relatively low kudos'd: the 60s chess AU, Love is a Losing Game. It's my most complete and well-structured novel, and I promise you don't need to know anything about TMFU to read it.
Tagging @cricketnationrise, @14carrotghoul, @inexplicablymine, @cheesecurdsgravyandfries, @three-drink-amy, @petrodobreva, @myheartalivewrites, @nontoxic-writes, @leaves-of-laurelin, @tintagel-or-cockleshells, @celaestis1, @xthelastknownsurvivorx, @nicijones, @thetamehistorian, @jettestar, @ikeepwatchinghelicopters, @heytheredeann, @loki-is-my-kink-awakening, @mirilyawrites, @dewdropreader and an open tag for anyone who wants to do it! (sorry if you get multiple tags on this one, tumblr was being a bitch)
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mydarlingdahlia · 10 months
Fuck it.
*writes a KNY x Genshin crossover self insert*
Spoilers below~
“…Kanroji. Do you have any childhood memories that you can recall? The good ones, at least.”
Mitsuri paused. She never called her that. Oh dear…is something wrong? Well, something always had been, ever since she came back. She had never been the same as she once was, not since she was taken.
Oh, what had happened to her? What had happened to the young childhood friend she once knew? She was no longer young, now. The bright, bubbly shimmer to her eyes had been long gone. Her once, fair, olive skin had been tainted with scars and blemishes.
Her hair had grown so much that it covered one side of her face. She never let anyone see that side, anyway…
Barely twenty one, and she had already seen the horrors and griefs of someone much advanced in their years. A girl, stripped of innocence and the joys of early life. And in her place, a woman. One who had built up a tough shell to protect herself from the outside world.
“Yes, I do. I suppose I have quite a few…” Mitsuri responded, sitting next to her. Placing her hand next to her friend’s, she looked up at her face.
Mitsuri could not see the woman’s face, as her hair was blocking most of it, but she could tell that her gaze was focused on the burning fire in the fireplace front of them.
…Her hair. That had been something that her friend had always cherished. Mitsuri even admired it, too.
From a young age, her friend’s hair had always been so beautiful. Gentle curls that were soft to the touch, amazing volume, and well maintained. Over the years, it had changed. Not much, but Mitsuri noticed.
Her hair wasn’t as short as it once was, now going past her chest and near her lower waist. Not as well kept, but still neat. Gold bands adorned some of the tight braids that were woven in some parts of her hair. Mitsuri hadn’t noticed those before.
“I don’t remember much of my childhood. Or what was good about it, anyway.” her friend said. It pained Mitsuri to see her darling familiar like this.
Her voice had once been bright, full of energy and emotion. Now it was darker, far off, and mysterious. Oh, where had the time gone? If only she had been there…
“Don’t worry about me. I’ll be fine, Mitsy.”
Mitsuri’s eyes widened. She hadn’t called her that since they were children. It made her so overcome with joy, yet so sad to hear that nickname again.
Mitsuri watched her friend get up and gather her things, before she made her way to the door.
“W-Wait! When will I see you again. You can’t go! It’s been so long…please, at least stay for the night…!” Mitsuri said, trying to catch her friend before she left.
Charlotte only smiled.
“I’ll be fine, Mitsy. Don’t worry about me, we’ll see each other soon. I promise.” she said, grabbing something from her pocket and placing it in Mitsuri’s hand.
It was beautiful…
It was a hair pendant, a very intricate one. Most of it was what looked to be gold, with two silver chains hanging down from it, with moons on the end of each. It had two flowers on it as well, a purple and a butterfly snapdragon. Lottie’s favorite flowers…
“I…I can’t take this! It’s yours, and it must be very special to you—”
“Please, take it. I insist. It’ll remind you of me while I’m gone.”
“I…alright. Thank you for the gift. But…when am I going to—huh?” Mitsuri said, looking up from the pendant she held in her hand.
She could see her friend in the distance, a small smile on her face. Mitsuri blinked, and she disappeared.
Mitsuri stood there in the moonlight, tears rolling down her rosy cheeks. For a variety of reasons.
Her childhood friend had just left her again, and she didn’t know when she was going to return. But, before she closed her eyes for that split second, she saw the covered side of her friend’s face.
She saw a scar, running all the way from the top of her forehead, through her right eye and lip, and down her neck.
“Oh, Lottie…”
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amerart · 7 years
Divin/Rivi crossover story
Lost. The word rang in Divin’s ears, hung in the summer haze that surrounded him. At this point, he was too tired to panic, but the fact that he was lost still caused a twinge of discomfort.
The long-stemmed junegrass bent beneath his sneakers; everywhere he walked, clouds of tiny gnats rose up to meet him. The heat had risen considerably since he had set out that morning, but in true Killwin fashion Divin still wore his dark, iconic hoodie, holes in the pockets and patches sewn in the elbows.
His legs hurt, and he was feeling rather grouchy from missing lunch. The potato chips and trail mix had run out hours ago, and his water bottle was running dangerously low- he hadn’t seen a stream or creek for hours now.
Divin ran his hand through his thick, curly mop of hair, cursing it for being so adept at absorbing the sun’s heat and thus increasing his misery. He could hear his father’s voice in his head, pleading with him to wear a hat- he had refused, naturally. He wondered what the old man was doing right now. This late in the afternoon, he was probably out on the porch with a cool glass of applewater and a book. Paisely would be coming home from school right about now- what time was it anyway? With his pocketwatch buried somewhere in the bottom of his backback, he had no idea.
In every direction, as far as the eye could see, there was nothing but an amber-green sea of grass. Not a single bush, building, or wandering farmer- just miles and miles of gently waving blades. However, if he squinted hard, Divin could see a tiny patch of something dark green- trees, perhaps?
Whatever it was, it was bound to be infinitely better than slow roasting in this blistering heat. Divin set off down the hill, his sword clanking against his back. A gift from his father, it was nearly as long as he was tall. Again he heard his father’s voice insisting he take the sword with him, with a promise that he would grow into it someday- but for now, it was just one more piece of crap to drag around.
By the time Divin came within view of the trees, his hunger and thirst had reached a peak, and he was on the verge of passing out. However, as he approached, his despair only mounted- this was no familiar wood, and it seemed barely large enough to hold a few birds, much less any life-sustaining bodies of water. But he was desperate, and at this point he didn’t have much choice.
“Greetings, stranger.” Divin jumped as a pleasant, melodic voice reached his ears. He reached for his sword, but only succeeded in getting the blade a quarter of the way out of its sheath before it got stuck. He pushed it back and looked around.
“Um, greetings?”
 “No need for weapons here.” The voice said, and Divin saw that it belonged to a young boy sitting with his back against an old pine at the edge of the trees.
“Could you help me out?” Divin said, then remembered his manners. “I mean, if it’s not too much trouble… I’m a little lost.”
The strange boy met his gaze, and he saw a round, kindly face bordered by rusty locks woven into a thick braid. His clothing was quaint and simple, nothing more than a faded brown blazer over a clean white shirt, and threadbare brown shorts. True to his word, he had no weapons to speak of, but he did have something far more interesting:
Jutting out of his back were two enormous, chocolate-covered wings, half-folded in a lazy, restful manner.
“You have wings!” Divin blurted out, then stopped himself. “Sorry… Didn’t mean to be rude I just… nevermind.”
The winged boy seemed unaffected by this comment, and smiled up at him. “Lost, you say?”
 “Yeaaah…” Divin stuck his hands in his pockets. “And I kinda ran out of food and water.”
The boy patted the ground next to him, indicating that Divin should take a seat. “So nice to meet a fellow traveler. My name’s Rivi, by the way. Rivi Redwing.”
“Divin.” Divin replied, still not quite sure if he could trust what he was seeing. The boy seemed friendly enough, but those wings… After a few moments of deliberation, Divin made up his mind and joined him under the towering pine. The area beneath the tree was cool and shaded, and covered in a thick layer of clover and wildflowers. Fat, lazy bumblebees staggered from flower to flower; cicadas droned like a series of endlessly ringing telephones in the branches above them.
“Lucky for you, I was just about to have lunch.” Rivi said, pulling out two sandwiches and large canteen. “So, traveler, what brings a youngster like you around these parts?”
Divin bristled. “I’m twelve.”
Rivi’s face split into a grin. “As am I!” He offered up one of the sandwiches, then took a bite of his own. “Say, you’re not a wanderer, are you?”
Divin eyed both him and the sandwich.“What if I am?”
Rivi swallowed, and his smile grew even larger. “It’s the most noble occupation there is, if you ask me. Nobody to tell you what to do, or where to go, just you and the open road. Am I right?”
Divin nodded, and decided that Rivi didn’t really seem the type to give poisoned sandwiches to strangers. He tasted fresh herbs and some kind of unfamiliar crunchy meat; the flavor was gamey and foreign, but it wasn’t bad.
“I don’t suppose you have any maps or anything?” He asked.
“Never had any use for maps, myself.” Rivi said. “Remi didn’t use ‘em, and neither do I.”
Remi? Divin decided not to ask.
“I’ve been all over Amadok and I’ve never even heard of this place.” Divin said, brushing crumbs off his pants.
“Amadok.” Rivi let the word rest in his mouth like candy. “I’m not familiar with that region, I’m afraid.”
Divin stared at him. “Then we must be in Yaire, right?” He tried to ignore the fact that Yaire was a month’s journey at least, and he had been walking for less than a day.
Rivi finished his sandwich, and leaned back with his hands behind his head.
“You’re in Omori, my boy.”
Now it was Divin’s turn to chew on an unfamiliar word. “Omori? Where the heck is Omori? I don’t remember seeing that on any of the maps…” He felt the twinge of anxiety return.
Rivi picked a daisy, and watched idly as a tiny green caterpillar inched across it. “You people and your maps… Why not just run free for a while?” He paused, gazing off into the distance. “Remi once told me that being a wanderer is different from any other trade. There’s no end goal to what you’re doing- no finish line to cross, no final destination… The wind tells you where to go, and so you go, until it tells you to stop going.
Divin picked up the canteen and took a sip; the water was clear and sweet. “I mean, I’d totally do that if I could but… I kinda need to go home. My dad’s waiting for me. He doesn’t like it when I go on these trips but I just get this feeling, like I HAVE to go somewhere, and-”
“If you don’t go, your feet will just drag you up of their accord.” Rivi finished for him, chuckling a bit. “Remi said the same thing.”
They were both quiet for a minute, lulled into silence by the monotonous droning of a woodpecker, mingled with the eternal hum of an invisible army of insects. Above their heads the trees whispered to one another, given voices by a slight breeze.
“You and Remi must be really good friends.”
“We were, and we still are.” Rivi replied, his eyes half closed. “His spirit guides me each and every day to new places, that he never got a chance to see for himself.”
“I’m… sorry.” Divin replied, not sure what to say. He was no stranger to suffering himself, but he couldn’t imagine permanently losing his best friend. He thought of his wolf pup, Ripburger, and his friends back home, and for the first time since he had set out, he felt a pang of homesickness.
Rivi opened his eyes and stretched with renewed vigor. “So, tell me again where you’re from, and maybe I can help you on your way.”
“Um… I live in Surrin, Amadok, with my dad and my sister- though, he’s not REALLY my dad, and she’s not really my sister, because of all these alternate timelines and...  “ Divin trailed off, realizing it probably wasn’t necessary to go into his entire life’s story. “Anyway, I’ve never even remotely heard of Omori, and I have no idea how I even got here.”
Rivi nodded, apparently understanding Divin’s rambling.
“Okay, I’m really sorry if I’m being rude, but I have to ask.” Divin blurted. “Are those real?” he pointed to Rivi’s wings.
“Oh yes, they’re real all right.” Rivi stood up slowly, and unfurled both his wings. They caught the light of the sinking sun, and in that golden hour, they looked as though they belonged to an angel in a cathedral, not this strange, soft, wandering boy. “Beautiful, aren’t they?”
Divin could only nod. Amadok had its wonders, but winged children were not one of them.
“Beautiful, but about as useful as a fish that can’t swim, to borrow a favorite phrase of Remi’s.”
“Useless?” Divin said, dismayed. He had been looking forward to a little display.
Rivi shrugged. “Let’s just say me and some of the local spirits aren’t on the best of terms.”
“I know how that is.” Divin agreed.
“Anyway, I suppose we better be finding you a way home then, eh?” Rivi reached into the pocket of his blazer, and pulled out a scrap of paper and a piece of charcoal. “I have a theory- I could be wrong, mind you, but it’s an idea
Divin leaned in, eager to see just what this grand idea might be.
“Seems to me you might have walked yourself right through a corridor.”
“A… what?”
“A walkway between worlds. Not exactly easy to just stumble across, but it does happen.”
“So how do I find this corridor thing again?”
The golden afternoon was turning a sort of peachy orange, as the sun set and the shadows lengthened. Divin played with a thread on the end of his sleeve, feeling antsy. The first crickets were tuning up, and birds called goodbyes to one another as they each headed to their respective nests for the night.
Rivi tapped the charcoal against the paper. “That’s the hard part. Now, can you tell me any of the landmarks you saw on the way?”
“There weren’t any!” Divin cried. “That’s why I got lost in the first place- there’s nothing but cheesecaking grass the whole way!”
Rivi remained cool and steady despite his outburst. “Okay…”
“Well, there was this ONE thing, a big rock, kinda shaped like a dog.” Divin admitted. “But I can’t remember if that was here, or back home in Amadok. Oh, and there was this weird old tree that someone carved a face into. Not a particularly good face either.” He added.
“I know that tree!” Rivi said. “It’s by that old burnt-out farmhouse!”
“Did you carve that face?” Divin asked, not sounding particularly pleased. The face on the tree had scared him senseless when he encountered it, and he still felt embarrassed even now.
“Maybe.” Rivi said cryptically. “Anyway, so I think I’ve figured out what you need to do.” He scribbled something on the paper, rubbed it out with his thumb, and then rewrote it.
“Walk back the way you came…”
All the way? Divin grumbled to himself.
“And when you reach the farmhouse, there’ll be a big, flat-topped rock there. What you need to do is stand in the center of it, and then…” Rivi handed him the scrap of paper.
“I am NOT doing that!” Divin said, upon examination of its contents.
Rivi shrugged. “You’re welcome to stay here then.”
Divin fidgeted and glared at the paper, indecision lining his face. Should he spend the night in a strange,dangerous country, or embarrass the heck out of himself?
“You should go home.” Rivi said softly. “Or your dad’s going to worry.”
“He worries about EVERYTHING.” Divin muttered. “I can’t even leave the house without getting a lecture.”
“He must love you a lot, then.”
Divin huffed. “I guess.” The paper had stained his fingers an ashy black from gripping it so hard.
“It won’t be so bad.” Rivi soothed. “Nobody will see you.”
“You sure?”
“Positive. You best be on your way now, before the night finds you…I’d walk you there myself but…” Rivi smiled softly and gestured to the woods. “A certain spirit and I are due for our evening conversation.”
Divin nodded and gave him a small, awkward smile back. He hadn’t made a new friend in a long time, and the thought was both comforting and bewildering to him.
“Do you think we’ll meet again, sometime?” He asked.
Somewhere above their heads, an owl let out a shrill, drawn-out cry.
“Perhaps.” Rivi said. “If the wind wills it to be so.” He stood up. “If not, well…” He stuck out his hand in an unfamiliar gesture, and Divin shook it, unsure of what else he was suppose to do.
“May Remi’s spirit guide you, as it has guided me. Travel safely, my friend.”
Divin nodded. They stood there a moment longer, then he was off. He looked back, to see Rivi waving after him; when he looked again, he had vanished.
Divin looked at the paper in his hand, then at the road ahead. Boy was he going to have a story to tell when he got home…
Home. The thought had never been more comforting.
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lillabeast · 2 years
Wrong stop: Chapter one
After an accident at the subway when three children left the subway to a city they didn’t want to stop at, one member of the trio was sent to gather supplies. While taking shelter from the rain, he manages to make a new friend who is excited to introduce him to her other friends. Perhaps this is a lucky break for him.
(this is a crossover fic between my oc and @keikoyume ‘s oc Zero. I am really hoping i wrote Zero well 0o0)
The pale city was cold, and intimidating. Trash and clothes rolled across the floor as the endless blue drifted over each building. In the streets, not really trying to be hidden, was a child in a wide-brimmed hat and a big overcoat. The rain beat against them, making them shiver. The child looked around for some cover from the freezing rain, a dry place would be lovely.
They had enough of the rain, water was not their favorite. If they were to be honest, they’d say they’re quite scared of water.
Letting out a shuddering sigh, they spotted an alley that was somewhat dry. There was a cloth draped over it from one window to the other. Ducking in, they found a small box of supplies and long since dried blood. It looked like someone had to leave this “shelter” in a hurry. Sitting down, they carefully pulled out a small jar of leech blood and drew on the floor in front of them. They carefully drew the other two members of his group: A small, fluffier figure with two long antennae, wings, and glowing white eyes and a taller figure, with a cape and hood with things hanging off his belt.
Wiping the ink off on their leg they thought back to why they were here. They had taken the wrong stop off at the subway, apparently. It’s what Weeks said, at least. When they had tried to leave the subway, something strange happened. A voice rang out in their heads, like a word made of song, and Weeks went flying into the wall, breaking his leg. Moth had decided to stay with Weeks while he recovered, it seemed just as confused and worried as they were.
Ah. He should probably draw himself as well. He didn’t think it was important to, but his  friends seemed to want him to whenever the three of them stopped and he started drawing. 
Dipping their hand in the blood one more time, they thought hard about what they looked like. They didn’t really look at themself often, so he guessed based on what he could see and what his friends said he looked like. He drew the hat and coat, both too big for him, before moving to his hair. Looking, he noted it reached to below his back, so he drew accordingly. For his eyes, he just drew a circle, and his hands he paused, taking a moment to note the webbing between his fingers. He hummed, and drew squares for his hands, not really feeling like putting much detail into them.
“ That’s not what your hands look like!”
The young artist startled, looking around panickedly before his eyes landed on a now open window, with a strange wire poking out. On the end of the wire, were two eyes that were looking at the drawing.
The wire quickly moved to look at the startled kid, lifting up a bit from the ground.
“Oh sorry! I still think the drawing looks neat!”
The bewildered artist blinked, before relaxing. “Thank you, I-I’m sorry this is prolly your shelter I shouldn’t have drawn on it-”
“Oh no I don’t live here I just wanted to see who was by Dadctor’s window”
“Oh,” the artist tilted their head “Who are you?”
“Oh!! I’m Zero!! What’s your name??”
“Rot. Nice to meet you…” Rot thought for a moment, wiping the leech blood from his hand again “Is it alright if i come inside? I was looking for supplies when the rain got heavier…”
That wasn’t true, but how was he supposed to explain that he had run out of energy to deal with the constant water? 
“Oh!! Uhm… I think you should be ok to come inside? And I think Dadctor might have supplies! What do you need?” *another wire slid out and started pulling Rot inside through the window.
“Oh- uhm, my friend broke his arm at the subway…”
“What’s a subway?”
“...an area with long metal buildings that rush underground… The adults use it to get from place to place, I think? B-but you have to know where you’re heading first or else you end up at the wrong place…”
“That sounds dumb”
Rot laughed a bit “I wouldn’t know, it’s my first time traveling…”
Rot climbed into the window, and faced a child with wires poking out of their head.
“Oh! You’re a kid!”
That made Zero giggle “Course I am! What did you think I was one of the patients??”
“You seem quite patient to me…”
Zero laughed again, before excitedly grabbing Rot’s hand and starting to lead him away, down the piles of tools and books. 
“Cmon! I should introduce you to my friends!!”
Rot perked up, he was quite excited to meet new friends.
And, this confirmed his suspicions. The ocean was wrong about the outside world, everyone was so nice! Sure some of the adults on the Subway chased them around, like that dumb engineer or whatever his friend Weeks called him, but surely most folk aren’t like that, right? 
Something in the back of his mind told him that he was letting his guard down too soon, but he pushed it aside rather quickly. 
He was determined to have fun with his new friends.
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feysandfeels · 3 years
Bless that T Swift/SJM crossover anon!! Can I add some other ones?!
The 1 - Chaol & Celaena after she’s Aelin again (or Chaol & Nesryn.....poor Chaol)
The Last Great American Dynasty - more like the Last Great Terrasen Dynasty lol
My Tears Ricochet - Aelin @ Arobyn
Mirrorball - Lysandra
Mad Woman = AELIN
The Lakes - Aelin talking about Rowan when she’s tired of it all
Not my (Chloe Ting sponsored) ass realizing just now that the original anon meant all the sjm pairings, but since I’m deep in the acotar trash atm I only made those. 
Apologies jeje. 
Manorian: generally speaking they have such reputation vibes. Immaculate record for immaculate couple.
... Ready for it? - “But if he's a ghost, then I can be a phantom Holdin' him for ransom” // “Younger than my exes but he act like such a man, so I see nothing better, I keep him forever Like a vendetta-ta” // “You should see the things we do, baby In the middle of the night, in my dreams I know I'm gonna be with you So I take my time Are you ready for it?”. Listen do I really need to explain this or do we all just see it?. This song has the electricity, the sexyness, the roughness, the daring aspect that makes manorian be the GOD tier couple that they are. 
I’d Lie - Right, bare with me  but I will lol at this forever because Manon is basically “And I could tell you his favorite color's green He loves to argue, born on the seventeenth His sister's beautiful, he has his father's eyes And if you asked me if I love him, I'd lie”. It’s such a weird song to associate with them but it fits her so well hahahahaha because my girl lives in such denial that I just can’t hahahahahahaaha and like “I don't let nobody see me wishing he was mine” this is MANON FOR DORIAN ALL THE TIME, and everyone is like but we see you wanting him so just do something about it!!!
Willow - this screams Rowan looking at Aelin: “Wherever you stray I follow I'm begging for you to take my hand Wreck my plans That's my man”. He straight up left Maeve and the blood pact thingy they had for the blond girl he met three months prior. Also “Wait for the signal and I'll meet you after dark Show me the places where the others gave you scars Now this is an open-shut case Guess I should've known from the look on your face Every bait and switch was a work of art”, this speaks of the vulnerability shared through HoF about their scars and of Rowan realizng that every step he took was so he would met her. Willow is Rowan’s song for Aelin. 
Hoax - the balance of the deep betrayal and the love, the hurt and the I would choose you again all of the nuances of Lorcan’s betrayal and the shattered illusions that speak of them even in their absences, are in Hoax: “Stood on the cliffside Screaming, "Give me a reason" Your faithless love's the only hoax I believe in Don't want no other shade of blue But you No other sadness in the world would dI believe in Don't want no other shade of blue But you No other sadness in the world would do”.
Paper rings- “The wine is cold Like the shoulder that I gave you in the street Cat and mouse for a month or two or three Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe”. This song matches their energy so well even if the lyrics don’t all offer exact parallels. They did however play cat and mouse for a month or two or three. “I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings Uh huh, that's right Darling, you're the one I want” Lysandra being accustomed to the finer things in life but she would slum it for Aedion; she is here for thick and thin.
Gorgeous - “Of your magnetic field being a little too strong And I got a boyfriend (Chaol), he's older than us He's in the club (palace) doing, I don't know what (Yrene....) You're so cool (Sartaq really is the coolest), it makes me hate you so much (I hate you so much)” // You make me so happy (dude Nesryn loves spending time with him and he feels valued), it turns back to sad (fuck what about Chaol.. we promised each other it give it ago), yeah There's nothing I hate more than what I can't have (because he’s the prince and I’m not royal) You are so gorgeous it makes me so mad”.
Dancing with our hands tied - even if the lyrics don’t create perfect parallels, I think the main theme of the song being two people that want to be together, but feel their relationship has a lot of baggage would fit them well. Yrene has to get over her hate for Adarlan (even though she has every every every right to hate Adarlan) and Chaol has to get over *himself*. “I, I loved you in spite of Deep fears that the world would divide us So, baby, can we dance Oh, through an avalanche? And say, say that we got it I'm a mess, but I'm the mess that you wanted”.
 Sam x Celaena:
I know places - them trying to run away so they could find a safe place to be in love? indeed. Me crying right now because they never got to? you bet: “'Cause they got the cages, they got the boxes And guns They are the hunters, we are the foxes And we runBaby, I know places we won't be found and They'll be chasing their tails trying to track us down Cause I, I, I, I know places we can hide, I, I (...)”.
Dorian x Celaena: 
The Way I loved you - To Dorian from Aelin... with love, friendship love that is. Because she recognizes the potential in him, in them, she knows he would be good to her and she knows that she indeed fell for him hard enough to want him for herself, but it just doesn’t feel like *that* anymore.
Red - From Dorian’s perspective: “Loving him is like driving a new Maserati down a dead end street Faster than the wind, passionate as sin, ending so suddenly”// “Touching him was like realizing all you ever wanted Was right there in front of you Memorizing him was as easy as knowing all the words To your old favorite song Fighting with him was like trying to solve a crossword And realizing there's no right answer”. They were literally a crash and burn. But neither of them can actually bring themselves to regret it. It was fun while it lasted and in its way it brought them closer. 
Chaol x Celaena: 
We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together - self explanatory, this is them through QoS. My Celorian ass is here for this pettiness I will take no criticism.  
Forever and Always - “Was I out of line? Did I say something way too honest, made you run and hide Like a scared little boy I looked into your eyes Thought I knew you for a minute, now I'm not so sure So here's to everything coming down to nothing Here's to silence, that cuts me to the core Where is this going? Thought I knew for a minute, but I don't anymore” This was essentially Chaol’s thought process wondering why him an Celaena don’t work anymore and feeling like... a “we were supposed to be together 5ever what happened.... besides me not doing much to prevent her bff’s death and working for the dude that orchestrated the murder of her nation ?”
August - if I’m being honest this song fits them too not my fave song from folklore being for my least favorite couple in this story but if I gave Feylin some of my all time favorites I can give this one to them, but like “But I can see us lost in the memory August slipped away into a moment in time 'Cause it was never mine And I can see us twisted in bedsheets August sipped away like a bottle of wine 'Cause you were never mine Your back beneath the sun Wishin' I could write my name on it” Even though Chaol was ready to leave it all for her (he would literally cancel plans.. his life plans in case she’d call) she knew that this was an impossibility, their time was brief and it slipped away like a bottle of wine. She could never be his, because she was not entirely herself with him being Aelin meant opening up a lot of things and if Chaol had a hard time getting past a lot of Celaena’s traits then we can imagine the work, literally work he would have to do to accept Aelin... you know what, we don’t have to imagine it... it’s right there in QoS and ToD, anywho, he could never write his name on her back because she was never his, because he did not accept her for all that she was. 
Aelin x Dorian x Chaol: 
Long live - “I  said, remember this moment, in the back of my mind The time we stood with our shaking hands The crowds in stands went wild We were the kings and the queens” // “Will you take a moment? Promise me this That you'll stand by me forever But if, God forbid, fate should step in And force us into a goodbye If you have children some day When they point to the pictures Please tell them my name Tell them how the crowds went wild Tell them how I hope they shine Long live the walls we crashed through I had the time of my life, with you” // I’m emotional right now and I need to cry it out.
I’m not 100% sure on the Chaoyrene one... but I think it’s good enough for me to post this hahaha
Anywho, I hope whoever asked for this enjoyed it 💛💛
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thisbluespirit · 3 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
I was tagged to do this by @allegoriesinmediasres but it had already gone round Dreamwidth this last week, so I did it there.  I’ll try and c+p it over here, too!
1) How many works do you have on AO3? 620 (but I've been writing a lot of short things since around 2006-7, and there might even still be a couple of the 1994-98 fic from the newsgroups up). 2) What’s your total AO3 word count? 1,476,147 (but this does include about 300,000 words of origfic for RaTs and rainbowfic that are collected into three works, so it doesn't affect the works no too much, but it does affect the wordcount.) 3) How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? Too many to list here!  A lot.  *nods* 4) What are your top 5 fics by kudos? People, it's still Miss Marple.  Maybe one day it won't be Miss Marple, but today is not that day. (ETA: whenever i do my top AO3 fic on these memes, it’s disproportionately Miss Marple.  I am bemused.) Miss Marple: The Spirit of St Mary Mead So We Meet at Last Not Miss Marple: it's the rain that will strengthen your soul (SW Prequels) Five Times the Doctor Got in the Way of Captain Janeway (and One Time They Got Along Just Fine) (DW/ST) By the Book (Origfic) (Oh, wow, By the Book keeps moving up.  It must get recced sometimes, somewhere, mustn't it?  0_o ♥) 5) Do you respond to comments, why or why not? Yes.  Fanfic is a lot my way of being social, which is why I don't get along with the new push-button web much.  Like, kudos is fine, ok, but I just wanted to talk to people, and via fic always seems to be one of the nicest ways to do it. 6) What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Oh, I don't know. I like being bleak sometimes when I feel like it.  It might be the EatD one with the two Generals, but honestly there were a few in my mid-illness old bleak telly watching years, and the Level 7 one or the one from Children of the Damned might be even more so?  Or some S&S stuff, too?  I mean, I wrote S&S plane crash fic and weird drabbles.  (I blame my fandoms!  It's not my fault!  *innocent*) Also I keep doing Clara splinter fic, so I keep killing Clara and it's always sadder than I expect when I get there.  You'd think I'd learn by now, or just not kill this splinter, but, nooo, hey, how about MORE Clara splinter death, self?  /o\ Oh, no, wait: it's probably Spooks!  Spooks is also bleak and how about my tiny ficlet of death, Litany of the Fallen? Oh, actually, if I listen to people who aren't me, it's that B7 Avon/Servalan one, which I was always a bit: BUT I WROTE ONE WHERE THEY WON about it and everyone else was all THIS IS THE WORST in the comments.  Sorry? The Quality of Mercy (Is Most Definitely Strained)  (I still think the ending of Compendium is more angsty!  It has double death!) (Ok, it's me.  I like being bleak and angsty when I'm doing it.  I'm less sure when someone else is doing it at me, of course. ;-p) 7) What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending? I honestly don't know.  I'm usually kind of gen and happy and sometimes even humorous, and keep canon's tone, and DW is fairly light most of the time. I tried searching on Happy, but I have never tagged anything as happy.  But probably it is an AAL! thing, because AAL! is happiness in b&w TV form basically.  Maybe of Of Human Bondage (or Five Times Adam and His Friends Found Themselves All Tied Up)?  But I like all the AAL! ones I wrote for Yuletide, because they were the ones where I tried to be closest to an episode, and that makes them the most fun to re-read. 8) Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? I have a crossover in my top 5, so yes.  I'm a DW fan; crossovers are just far too obvious a temptation when you've got a TARDIS.  What DW fic writer hasn't managed at least one once somewhere?  And I might have, um, written a lot of them.  (AO3 says 126). I did once, way back in newsnet times, when we were having a debate over what you could and couldn't cross DW over with (and I was on Team You Can Cross It With Anything You Cowards), write a DW/Rainbow drabble.  But I don't think I put that on AO3.  I think it might be on Teaspoon.   In AO3 works, I think by far the silliest is the Baldrick/Steed one, which AstroGirl said I couldn't write.  (It was an Unconventional Courtship summary, not that they randomly dared me to write Baldrick/Steed.  I mean, some of my flist totally would have done if they'd thought of it, but not in this case.) 9) Have you ever received hate on a fic? Not really.  I've had some weird comments, but the nearest I've come to hate was one of the comments that time I tried to write Swan Queen fic and it wasn't happy enough for people.  (I wrote a happy one after, but the ifrst one was set quite early, Regina was still kind of evil!) 10) Do you write smut? If so what kind? Alas, no.  Although, ish, if we count my experimental elemental shipping phase, which included The Cornfield (Silver/Steel/(Sapphire)), which is the only time anyone called any of my fic sexy.  I would totally have that comment made into a medal or something.   11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? Other than the random scraping things that have gone round over the years, no. 12) Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes!  Several people have been kind enough to do this, usually into Russian, and usually (but not always!) Miss Marple. 13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes, and no - in adwc days we all co-authored round robins, which were a blast and highly frustrating.  I think it'd be fun, but barring the odd bit of drabble tennis with various flisters back in the day, it's not really something that's worked out.  (I'm thinking, I could have all the ideas, they could do all the writing, I could criticise?? XD) 14) What’s your all time favorite ship? My Relationships count is very misleading here, because I think it actually is (including in terms of things written for it), Sapphire/Silver/Steel, but it's a weird thing, so sometimes I tag it platonically, and sometimes I don't necessarily tag it at all for that reason, and also I think it puts people off unnecessarily.  (But it's a Lie when I don't tag it.  All my Sapphire & Silver & Steel is inherently OT3 even if no one else can see it.) 15) What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? None.  I have unposted WIPs, but I do hope to finish those, and the only posted WIP is a very old one only on Teaspoon that was begun before I was ill and I can't even really say at this point that I would want to finish it. 16) What are your writing strengths? Character/dialogue, I think?  I am actually not that bad at plot, but currently I lack the stamina for long things. I like to think I can be quite funny when I'm in the mood. 17) What are your writing weaknesses? Description, action.  Argh.  Yes, let's just talk some more, okay? 18) What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I was going to say I would never, but actually I did!  I wrote Y Gwyll | Hinterland fic, and it wouldn't be right not to have some Welsh in that.  However, while I may be a 1/4 Welsh and know some Welsh words, I don't actually speak it, so I had to turn to Llywela who was very kind and translated the sentences I needed.  (I added the English translation in the footnote.)  This was the fic, but basically language is important in canon (ironically maybe even more so in the Eng-lang version I watched than the original Welsh), and so it was also important in the fic. So, probably if it was a canon where it was required, then I would do what I could to get help to get it right?  The good thing about the internet is that you can usually find someone, although usefully for me, I already knew someone. 19) What was the first fandom you wrote for? Doctor Who! 20) What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? I'm going to wimp out on this along with everyone else.  Although... if any of you have a fave fic of mine, that would be very cool to hear!  (But I don't expect anyone to.) Sometimes I'm pleased enough with the latest to feel it's that, but that's not always the case, and it isn't currently.  (No, offence, Latest Works!  I like you, it just only happens once in a while, usually when I've managed something I've wanted to do for years.)
I won’t tag anyone, because I know lots of people also did this on Dreamwidth, but it’s always VERY cool to see people’s answers to these things and memes are for stealing.
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dceasesd · 4 years
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of course of course @bibonica i have got you covered my friend
here is a couple of my favorites that i constantly go back and read because they’re just. so. good.
come alive - captainozone
Dick went to Infinity Island on a mission to rescue three. He never expected to return with an additional two. None of them did. AU of 3x06.
(Spoilers for YJ Season 3 ahead)
[ohhhh this one is just magnificent. it’s incredibly well written, it’s got a healthy dose of angst, and it’s in the young justice universe! could not recommend more if you haven’t read this one what are you even DOING please go read it]
minimum height requirement - drag0nst0rm
Somewhere in the multiverse, there's a universe where letting his children dress up in capes and follow him into vigilantism seems like a good idea.
Bruce is determined that it isn't going to be this one . . . Despite his children's repeated attempts to convince him otherwise.
(Or: "When you're eighteen, you can do what you want. Until then, no capes.")
[oh this one makes me cry- (mostly) emotionally healthy jason? good dad bruce? steph representation? helllll yes!! this one is just- i don’t even have words- so well written, very good story line- please read it]
the longer you stay - emiv
Bruce Wayne was never meant to be part of Selina’s clean slate. Then again, neither were a circus boy, a street rat or a rich kid.
For a girl who didn’t like strings, Selina found herself getting attached.
[nice happy family in europe. nolanverse!robins. cutesy happy family w/o batman. SELINA. what more could you want?]
there but for grace go i - autumnhobbit
Frank Castle comes to Gotham on the trail of some human traffickers who picked the wrong city. Imagine his surprise to find he isn’t the only one out for their blood. When things turn sour he decides to get involved, which leads to a lot of unexpected drama.
And he thought New York’s costumed paraders were bad.
[a little tiny crossover. you don’t need to have watched punisher for this one, i certainly didn’t and still found it extremely enjoyable. and i,,, actually really liked castle’s character? who would’ve thought. autumnhobbit strikes again.]
a heart just can’t contain all of this empty space - themermaidlord
The Batfamily shares information on a strictly 'need-to-know' basis. The Team is of the opinion that this basis is a little too 'need-to-know'.
It starts when Dick disappears for months with no explanation, and, apparently, there's no end in sight.
[i can’t believe i almost forgot this one even though i read it CONSTANTLY. young justice is always refreshing. this one has made me laugh and cry so so so many times and definitely deserves a read. it’s probably in my top 10 fics i’ve ever read]
here’s a couple more recs just for fun!!
learning to breathe - a_bright_idea
someone that hates to see me go - autumnhobbit
clearly calm and keeping terrorized - batbirdies
of broken, blazing wings - freshavocanoob
red X (series) - ilovelegendsalot
if you’re looking for anymore feel free to check out my ao3 bookmarks list!! (id probably filter it out though because i’ve got a couple other fandoms on there, sorry!)
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kachinnate · 3 years
evens for the ask meme if you want (or just whatever evens you want to answer)
:’0c <3 oh wow okie anon 
ill throw it under a readmore then since that means i’m answerin like uhhh 30 sumn questions jfdsgnfdg
2. who did you last say ‘i love you’ to? my dad before he left for work i think ?? 
4. are you insecure? about almost everything B^)
6. how do you want to die? i don’t particularly Want to die asdfgh but preferably just not by asphyxiating or like something bad happening w my organs?? 😔 mayhaps something unfortunate but kinda funny idk 
8. played any sports? i was in marching band for two years, which depending on who you ask may or may not be a sport!
10. when was your last physical fight? i’m like 99% sure i’ve never genuinely physically fought someone?? i slapped my brother really hard though when we were children tho kdsjgnkdsg
12. have you ever stayed up for 48 hours? physically, yes probably
14. do you miss someone? the list of people i miss is literally miles long at this point we Hate living in a pandemic bro 
16. how exactly are you feeling at this moment? on edge and kind of achey 😔 i also keep nervous ticcing which is making my life difficult bc i’m trying to DRAW
18. are you scared of spiders? yeah 😔😔😔 
20. where was the last place you snogged someone? ‘snogged’ is literally such a cursed term n i hate that i had to look it up to figure out what it meant dsbnksdgsdg but uh my bedroom 
22. do you want to have kids? how many? at the moment i don’t rlly seeing myself having kids |’D my partner would have to Really want them and i’d have to like come to terms with the idea for me to even really consider it 
24. what is/was/are your best subjects? english and history, which makes the fact that i’m a computer science major kinda hilarious
26. what are you craving right now? ;;; cheesy bread.. also like a kiss or sumn
28. have you ever been cheated on? i haven’t been in a real relationship to have been cheated on i don’t think ,
30. what is irritating you right now? my father and Myself 😔
(already answered 32)
34. who/what was your last dream about? dreamt that moss was mad at me for something i think ??? it was about crossovers and they were sending me Many Paragraphs which is funny in retrospect because i’m pretty sure they Don’t mind crossovers and are in fact more privy to them than i am asjfnkdsjfgsdg??? cursed  
36. do you give out second chances too easily? i sure do ! third and fourth chances also very common pensive i rlly let myself get Fucked Up before i realize a situation mayhaps might be toxique bc i have issues(tm) 
38. is this year the best year of your life? 2021 just started but i’m going to say already a soft no 
40. have you ever walked outside completely naked?  nope ! i think if i break a certain like ~tradition rule~ at my uni the repercussion is that you have to Streak on a certain part of campus, but i can tell you wholeheartedly that i’d just let myself be cursed rather than do that 
(... upon looking at the post they really skip from 40 to 51 hmmm?? cursed) 
52. do you believe everything happens for a reason? as in fate or like Some Plan someone’s got for us? no not really 
54. is cheating ever okay? nope
56. how many people have you fist fought? nONE,
58. favorite weather? sunny n warmmmm
60. do you wanna get married? uhhHhH i’m not sure 
62. what makes you happy? being known / reminding ppl of things / being perceived by those whom i loveee
64. would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?  ᶠʰⁿᵍʲᵏˢᵍˢᶠᵍ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵖᵃʳᵗᶦᶜᵘˡᵃʳˡʸ ⁿᵒ 😳
66. do you have a friend of the opposite sex* who you can act your complete self around? *for clarity’s sake imma pretend that says ‘gender’ but yeah ! a few ! 
68. who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? my brother i think... talking about our mental illnesses as a Treat  😔 also he got on me for taking another 19 credit hour semester sighs
70. is there anyone you would die for? not particularly a fan of this question bc the answer could Change depending on like,,, my self-worth at the moment LMAO so for time’s sake i’m going to gently say no :’D
woo okay that’s all the evens thank you anon !!!! 
70 horrible questions
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genlirema · 3 years
what is your absolute favorite ship? what ship do you hate most? what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from? is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore?
what is your absolute favorite ship? 
FarAboveTheClouds/SteveN (Pokemon) (I think that’s the “official” name but seriously “SteveN” was a missed opportunity. It’s like...the AZ of ships, the initials start and end with their names together c’:) 
I don’t know how or when my brain just went “Steven Stone and N Harmonia would be THE peak gay couple” but out of all Pokemon ships, this one seems one of the oldest and strongest to me. Maybe it’s because I headcanon both of them having dad issues (instead of just N), maybe it’s because they both have a fixation towards something (Steven with stones, N with Pokemon), maybe it’s because they’re both the token bishounen boys of their region, but something about their dynamic just sticks with me. I suppose I just got sick of Originshipping and just picked the next green haired boy on the list, but honestly, I feel like it’s more than that...if only because the ship is built on my headcanons for them c’: I just like the idea of N stumbling upon Hoenn after he left in B/W and finding the future love of his life in a cave. At the very least, I feel like N would be the only one who truly appreciates Steven’s fixation, and vice versa.
what ship do you hate most? 
I have a bad habit of hating ships that are the most popular in the fandom c’: Sans x Toriel (Undertale) and Prinxiety (Sanders Sides) are the only ones I can think of from the top of my head. There’s probably a psychological explanation of why I can’t stand those ships (like being overexposed to it every time I try to look up the fandom/ships on Ao3), but they’re overrated, plain and simple. Just because Sans and Toriel like to make dumb puns together, or Roman and Virgil make a pretty good team when they learn not to tear at each other’s throats for five seconds, doesn’t mean it’s instant ship material. In fact, ships where the characters canonically butt heads a lot (*cough* *cough* PRINXIETY *cough*) are a big turn off for me. I also can’t stand Rin Kagamine x Len Kagamine (Vocaloid) cuz...you know. Why does every mainstream hetero Vocaloid love song have to involve those two, that’s disgusting -_-
what was your first ship, and what fandom is it from? 
...Ike x Rosalina (Super Smash Bros.)
I’m gonna be real with you, I thought of this ship when I was like...ten years old. And that was...6 years before SSB4 even came out (wow im old...and apparently a prophet for predicting Rosalina would be in the next Smash Bros game in order for this ship to be possible). Like SteveN, I couldn’t tell you how I came up with this ship, but it’s also one that clearly hasn’t died and probably won’t ._.; I guess my ten year old brain felt bad that these two lost their parents and decided that they’d make a great family together...? I honestly don’t know. To be fair, the only exposure I’ve had with Ike is in Smash Bros, and I’ve never touched a single Mario Galaxy game in my life, so, again, most of this ship is built on headcanons (then again, what else would I build a crossover ship on .-.) I headcanon both of these characters as pretty chill, and I headcanon Marth as their matchmaker, so that’s the best I got for a backstory...besides thinking Ike deserves to be with the prettiest and most mysterious princess in Smash Bros history. Also let’s be real having a super beefy dad take care of your +10,000 star children would be the cutest and sweetest thing ;~;
is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore? 
Hm...I probably did ship Originshipping at one point until SteveN showed up. I also remember Eusine x Jasmine too (I think it’s called SimpleShipping...? who cares .-.) Again, anything mainstream/popular with the fandom dies for me pretty quickly, which is why I stopped shipping Wallace with Steven. As for Eusine x Jasmine, I just thought Eusine could use a sweet and shy little girlfriend in his life...until I realized Sacredshipping exists and it’s okay to ship two guys together if it makes sense, even if it is a bit overrated .-. I may still like and/or enjoy the dynamic between our beloved Suicune seeker and our bunny-eared lighthouse girl, but Sacredshipping is a lot more stronger for me now.
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thecomicsnexus · 4 years
It is very hard to pick the best artists of the year, especially when you know in advance, they will not match anyone else’s list. And I say this because this list is based in all the reviews that scored a perfect 10 during 2019. And these reviews go from 1935 to 2020, so it is definitely not going to match anyone else’s.
There were other writers I would have loved to include in this list but they weren’t as prominent in my reviews as the one here. Those writers that are worth mentioning are: Bub Burden, Carl Potts, Denny O’Neil, Grant Morrison, Harlan Ellison, Jim Lawson, Jim Starlin, John Ostrander, Paul Dini, Peter Laird, Sam Humphries, Stan Sakai, Steve Darnall, Steve Murphy and Tom Taylor. To all of them, thank you for your work!
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James Robinson (1963 - present) has been writing for three decades, with an early comics work, "Grendel: The Devil's Whisper", appearing in the 1989 series of the British anthology A1. The series for which he is arguably most renowned is the DC Comics series Starman, where he took the aging Golden Age character of the same name and revitalized both the character and all those who had used the name over the decades, weaving them into an interconnected whole. In 1997, Robinson's work on the title garnered him an Eisner Award for "Best Serialized Story".
He is also known for his The Golden Age limited series, which, despite being an Elseworlds story, established much of the backstory he would later use in Starman. He has written the Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight series, and served as a consultant and co-writer in the first year of JSA and its subsequent spin-off Hawkman. 
James Tynion IV was born December 14, 1987, and grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he attended Marquette University High School. While studying creative writing at Sarah Lawrence College, Tynion met and began studying under Scott Snyder, in the nascent years of his comic book writing career. Following school, he became an intern for the Vertigo imprint of DC Comics, working under Editor Shelly Bond, among others.
After a few years working in advertising, Scott Snyder asked Tynion to co-write the back-up features for the New 52 relaunch of Batman, in the midst of the acclaimed "Night of the Owls" comic book storyline, starting with Batman #8. In this comic, he tied the Court of Owls mythology to Alfred Pennyworth's father, Jarvis Pennyworth, working with noted American Vampire artist, Rafael Albuquerque. 
James Tynion IV is openly bisexual.
These two writers are sharing the number ten spot because they have pretty much the same “rank” in the list of the year. Robinson made it in the list because of his work in “Starman”, and Tynion IV made it because of his work with the “Witching Hour” crossover.
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Sean Gordon Murphy is an American comic book creator known for work on books such as Joe the Barbarian with Grant Morrison, Chrononauts with Mark Millar, American Vampire: Survival of the Fittest and The Wake with Scott Snyder, and Tokyo Ghost with Rick Remender. He has also written and drawn the miniseries Punk Rock Jesus, as well as Batman: White Knight and its sequel Curse of the White Knight.
Sean Gordon Murphy was born in Nashua, New Hampshire in 1980. He showed an interest in comics during grade school. In Salem he apprenticed to local painter and cartoonist, Leslie Swank. He graduated from Pinkerton Academy high school in 1999, and attended Massachusetts College of Art in Boston, and then Savannah College of Art and Design.
Murphy lives in Portland, Maine with his wife Colleen, having moved there from Brooklyn in 2016. Murphy was raised a Catholic, but is now an atheist.
The reason Sean Murphy made it into the list was “Batman: White Knight”, which is an elseworld story loosely based in the Batman Animated Series.
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Frank Miller (born January 27, 1957) is an American comic book writer, penciller and inker, novelist, screenwriter, film director, and producer best known for his comic book stories and graphic novels such as Ronin, Daredevil: Born Again, The Dark Knight Returns, Batman: Year One, Sin City, and 300.
He also directed the film version of The Spirit, shared directing duties with Robert Rodriguez on Sin City and Sin City: A Dame to Kill For, and produced the film 300. His film Sin City earned a Palme d'Or nomination, and he has received every major comic book industry award. In 2015, Miller was inducted into the Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame.
He created the comic book characters Elektra for Marvel Comics' Daredevil series, and a female version of the Robin character, Carrie Kelley, for DC Comics.
Miller is noted for combining film noir and manga influences in his comic art creations. "I realized when I started Sin City that I found American and English comics be too wordy, too constipated, and Japanese comics to be too empty. So I was attempting to do a hybrid".
Miller was raised in Montpelier, Vermont, the fifth of seven children of a nurse mother and a carpenter/electrician father. His family was Irish Catholic.
Miller was married to colorist Lynn Varley from 1986 to 2005; she colored many of his most acclaimed works (from Ronin in 1984 through 300 in 1998), and the backgrounds to the 2007 movie 300.
Miller has since been romantically linked to New York-based Shakespearean scholar Kimberly Halliburton Cox, who had a cameo in The Spirit (2008).
You can think many different things about Frank Miller, especially on his political views. But his work includes some pieces that really changed the industry. In this case, he made it into the list because of “Ronin” and “The Dark Knight Returns”, both have been influencing comics until our days (with “Ronin” being one of the many influences of the “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles”).
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Mike W. Barr (born May 30, 1952) is an American writer of comic books, mystery novels, and science fiction novels.
Barr's debut as a comics professional came in DC Comics' Detective Comics #444 (Dec. 1974-Jan. 1975), for which he wrote an eight-page back-up mystery feature starring the Elongated Man. Another Elongated Man story followed in Detective Comics #453 (Nov. 1975). He wrote text articles and editorial replies in letter columns for the next few years. By mid-1980 he was writing regularly for both DC and Marvel, including stories for Mystery in Space, Green Lantern, The Brave and the Bold, Marvel Team-Up, and a Spider-Man/Scarlet Witch team-up in Marvel Fanfare #6.
Legion of Super-Heroes #277 (July 1981) saw him take on editorial duties at DC, a position he would hold until 1987. In December 1982, he and artist Brian Bolland began Camelot 3000, a 12 issue limited series that was one of DC Comics' first direct market projects. Barr and artist Trevor Von Eeden produced the first Green Arrow limited series in 1983. When the long running The Brave and the Bold series came to its conclusion with issue #200 (July 1983), it featured a preview of a new Batman series, Batman and the Outsiders by Barr and artist Jim Aparo, which would be described by DC Comics writer and executive Paul Levitz as being "a team series more fashionable to 1980s audiences." The Masters of Disaster were among the supervillains created by Barr and Aparo for the series. Barr wrote every issue of the original series, and its Baxter paper spinoff, The Outsiders that did not include Batman and introduced Looker. After the series' cancellation in February 1988, it was revived in November 1993 by Barr and artist Paul Pelletier.
He was one of the contributors to the DC Challenge limited series in 1986 and wrote the "Batman: Year Two" storyline in Detective Comics #575-578 (June-Sept. 1987) which followed up on Frank Miller's "Batman: Year One". Barr introduced the Reaper in Detective Comics #575 (June 1987) and returned to the character in the Batman: Full Circle one-shot in 1991. Another project from 1987 was the Batman: Son of the Demon graphic novel which was drawn by Jerry Bingham, proceeds from which reputedly "restored DC Comics to first place in sales after fifteen years." This title, and Barr's work on Batman with artist Alan Davis have been cited by Grant Morrison as key inspirations for his own run on the Batman title. Barr's sequel, Batman: Bride of The Demon, was published in 1991.
Mike W. Barr has been only of the earliest comic-book writers I knew about, and he made it into this list because of his work in “Camelot 3000″ and “Batman and the Outsiders”.
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Christopher S. Claremont (born November 25, 1950) is a British-born American comic book writer and novelist, known for his 1975–1991 stint on Uncanny X-Men, far longer than that of any other writer, during which he is credited with developing strong female characters as well as introducing complex literary themes into superhero narratives, turning the once underachieving comic into one of Marvel's most popular series.
During his tenure at Marvel, Claremont co-created numerous X-Men characters, such as Rogue, Psylocke, Kitty Pryde/Shadowcat, Phoenix, The Brood, Lockheed, Shi'ar, Shi'ar Imperial Guard, Mystique, Destiny, Selene, Reverend William Stryker, Lady Mastermind, Emma Frost, Tessa, Siryn, Jubilee, Rachel Summers, Madelyne Pryor, Moira MacTaggert, Lilandra, Shadow King, Cannonball, Warpath, Mirage, Wolfsbane, Karma, Cypher, Sabretooth, Empath, Sebastian Shaw, Donald Pierce, Avalanche, Pyro, Legion, Nimrod, Gateway, Strong Guy, Proteus, Mister Sinister, Marauders, Purifiers, Captain Britain, Sunspot, Forge and Gambit. Claremont scripted many classic stories, including "The Dark Phoenix Saga" and "Days of Future Past", on which he collaborated with John Byrne. He developed the character of Wolverine into a fan favorite. X-Men #1, the 1991 spinoff series premiere that Claremont co-wrote with Jim Lee, remains the best-selling comic book of all time, according to Guinness World Records. In 2015, Claremont and his X-Men collaborator John Byrne were entered into the Will Eisner Award Hall of Fame.
Claremont was born in London, England. His father was an internist and his mother was a pilot and caterer. Claremont is Jewish on his mother's side, and lived in a kibbutz in Israel during his youth. His family moved to the United States when he was three, and he was raised primarily on Long Island. Alienated by the sports-oriented suburbs, his grandmother purchased for him a subscription to Eagle when he was a child, and he grew up reading Dan Dare, finding them more exciting than the Batman and Superman comics of the 1950s and early 1960s. He read works by science fiction writers such as Robert Heinlein, as well as writers of other genres such as Rudyard Kipling and C. S. Forester.
In the mid-1970s, Claremont was married to Bonnie Wilford. Following the dissolution of that marriage, he married Beth Fleisher, with whom Claremont co-authored Dragon Moon. Fleisher is the cousin (through marriage) of editor Dan Raspler, who was the editor on JLA during the six-issue "Tenth Circle" story arc Claremont and John Byrne wrote in 2004. Claremont and Fleisher have twin sons.
So why not John Byrne? Well, the reason Claremont made it into this list was mostly the Dark Phoenix Saga, but also the Wolverine mini-series. It is hard to separate them from their work in X-Men, but in the end, it is his dialogue that we read. I still think it is worth mentioning Byrne in this spot, as we wouldn’t have one without the other. Perhaps Wolverine solo mini-series wouldn’t be possible without the work of Byrne with the character, but there is more influence from Miller in that one. I am pretty sure Byrne will be in the top 10 next year anyway ;)
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Neil Richard MacKinnon Gaiman (born Neil Richard Gaiman, 10 November 1960) is an English author of short fiction, novels, comic books, graphic novels, nonfiction, audio theatre, and films. His works include the comic book series The Sandman and novels Stardust, American Gods, Coraline, and The Graveyard Book. He has won numerous awards, including the Hugo, Nebula, and Bram Stoker awards, as well as the Newbery and Carnegie medals. He is the first author to win both the Newbery and the Carnegie medals for the same work, The Graveyard Book (2008). In 2013, The Ocean at the End of the Lane was voted Book of the Year in the British National Book Awards.
Gaiman's family is of Polish Jewish and other Eastern European Jewish origins. His great-grandfather emigrated from Antwerp, Belgium, to the UK before 1914 and his grandfather eventually settled in the south of England in the Hampshire city of Portsmouth and established a chain of grocery stores. Gaiman's grandfather changed his original family name of Chaiman to Gaiman. His father, David Bernard Gaiman, worked in the same chain of stores; his mother, Sheila Gaiman (née Goldman), was a pharmacist. He has two younger sisters, Claire and Lizzy.
After living for a period in the nearby town of Portchester, Hampshire, where Neil was born in 1960, the Gaimans moved in 1965 to the West Sussex town of East Grinstead, where his parents studied Dianetics at the Scientology centre in the town; one of Gaiman's sisters works for the Church of Scientology in Los Angeles. His other sister, Lizzy Calcioli, has said, "Most of our social activities were involved with Scientology or our Jewish family. It would get very confusing when people would ask my religion as a kid. I'd say, 'I'm a Jewish Scientologist.'" Gaiman says that he is not a Scientologist, and that like Judaism, Scientology is his family's religion. About his personal views, Gaiman has stated, "I think we can say that God exists in the DC Universe. I would not stand up and beat the drum for the existence of God in this universe. I don't know, I think there's probably a 50/50 chance. It doesn't really matter to me."
Gaiman was able to read at the age of four. He said, "I was a reader. I loved reading. Reading things gave me pleasure. I was very good at most subjects in school, not because I had any particular aptitude in them, but because normally on the first day of school they'd hand out schoolbooks, and I'd read them—which would mean that I'd know what was coming up, because I'd read it." When he was about ten years old, he read his way through the works of Dennis Wheatley, where especially The Ka of Gifford Hillary and The Haunting of Toby Jugg made an impact on him. One work that made a particular impression on him was J. R. R. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings from his school library, although it only had the first two volumes of the novel. He consistently took them out and read them. He would later win the school English prize and the school reading prize, enabling him to finally acquire the third volume.
For his seventh birthday, Gaiman received C. S. Lewis's The Chronicles of Narnia series. He later recalled that "I admired his use of parenthetical statements to the reader, where he would just talk to you ... I'd think, 'Oh, my gosh, that is so cool! I want to do that! When I become an author, I want to be able to do things in parentheses.' I liked the power of putting things in brackets." Narnia also introduced him to literary awards, specifically the 1956 Carnegie Medal won by the concluding volume. When Gaiman won the 2010 Medal himself, the press reported him recalling, "it had to be the most important literary award there ever was" and observing, "if you can make yourself aged seven happy, you're really doing well – it's like writing a letter to yourself aged seven."
Gaiman attended Ardingly College in Ardingly, West Sussex Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was another childhood favourite, and "a favourite forever. Alice was default reading to the point where I knew it by heart." He also enjoyed Batman comics as a child.
Gaiman was educated at several Church of England schools, including Fonthill School in East Grinstead, Ardingly College (1970–74), and Whitgift School in Croydon (1974–77). His father's position as a public relations official of the Church of Scientology was the cause of the seven-year-old Gaiman being forced to withdraw from Fonthill School and remain at the school that he had previously been attending. He lived in East Grinstead for many years, from 1965 to 1980 and again from 1984 to 1987. He met his first wife, Mary McGrath, while she was studying Scientology and living in a house in East Grinstead that was owned by his father. The couple were married in 1985 after having their first child, Michael.
As a child and a teenager, Gaiman read the works of C. S. Lewis, J. R. R. Tolkien, Lewis Carroll, Mary Shelley, Rudyard Kipling, Edgar Allan Poe, Michael Moorcock, Alan Moore, Steve Ditko, Will Eisner, Ursula K. Le Guin, Harlan Ellison, Lord Dunsany and G. K. Chesterton. A lifetime fan of the Monty Python comedy troupe, as a teenager he owned a copy of Monty Python's Big Red Book. When he was 19–20 years old, he contacted his favourite science fiction writer, R. A. Lafferty, whom he discovered when he was nine, and asked for advice on becoming an author along with a Lafferty pastiche he had written. The writer sent Gaiman an encouraging and informative letter back, along with literary advice.
In the early 1980s, Gaiman pursued journalism, conducting interviews and writing book reviews, as a means to learn about the world and to make connections that he hoped would later assist him in getting published. He wrote and reviewed extensively for the British Fantasy Society. His first professional short story publication was "Featherquest", a fantasy story, in Imagine Magazine in May 1984.
When waiting for a train at London's Victoria Station in 1984, Gaiman noticed a copy of Swamp Thing written by Alan Moore, and carefully read it. Moore's fresh and vigorous approach to comics had such an impact on Gaiman that he would later write "that was the final straw, what was left of my resistance crumbled. I proceeded to make regular and frequent visits to London's Forbidden Planet shop to buy comics".
In 1984, he wrote his first book, a biography of the band Duran Duran, as well as Ghastly Beyond Belief, a book of quotations, with Kim Newman. Even though Gaiman thought he had done a terrible job, the book's first edition sold out very quickly. When he went to relinquish his rights to the book, he discovered the publisher had gone bankrupt. After this, he was offered a job by Penthouse. He refused the offer.
He also wrote interviews and articles for many British magazines, including Knave. During this he sometimes wrote under pseudonyms, including Gerry Musgrave, Richard Grey, and "a couple of house names". Gaiman has said he ended his journalism career in 1987 because British newspapers regularly publish untruths as fact. In the late 1980s, he wrote Don't Panic: The Official Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy Companion in what he calls a "classic English humour" style. Following this he wrote the opening of what would become his collaboration with fellow English author Terry Pratchett on the comic novel Good Omens, about the impending apocalypse.
After forming a friendship with comic-book writer Alan Moore, Gaiman started writing comic books, picking up Miracleman after Moore finished his run on the series. Gaiman and artist Mark Buckingham collaborated on several issues of the series before its publisher, Eclipse Comics, collapsed, leaving the series unfinished. His first published comic strips were four short Future Shocks for 2000 AD in 1986–87. He wrote three graphic novels with his favourite collaborator and long-time friend Dave McKean: Violent Cases, Signal to Noise, and The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr. Punch. Impressed with his work, DC Comics hired him in February 1987, and he wrote the limited series Black Orchid. Karen Berger, who later became head of DC Comics's Vertigo, read Black Orchid and offered Gaiman a job: to re-write an old character, The Sandman, but to put his own spin on him.
The Sandman tells the tale of the ageless, anthropomorphic personification of Dream that is known by many names, including Morpheus. The series began in January 1989 and concluded in March 1996. In the eighth issue of The Sandman, Gaiman and artist Mike Dringenberg introduced Death, the older sister of Dream, who would become as popular as the series' title character. The limited series Death: The High Cost of Living launched DC's Vertigo line in 1993. The 75 issues of the regular series, along with an illustrated prose text and a special containing seven short stories, have been collected into 12 volumes that remain in print. The series became one of DC's top selling titles, eclipsing even Batman and Superman. Comics historian Les Daniels called Gaiman's work "astonishing" and noted that The Sandman was "a mixture of fantasy, horror, and ironic humor such as comic books had never seen before". DC Comics writer and executive Paul Levitz observed that "The Sandman became the first extraordinary success as a series of graphic novel collections, reaching out and converting new readers to the medium, particularly young women on college campuses, and making Gaiman himself into an iconic cultural figure."
Gaiman has lived near Menomonie, Wisconsin, since 1992. Gaiman moved there to be close to the family of his then-wife, Mary McGrath, with whom he has three children. As of 2013, Gaiman also resides in Cambridge, Massachusetts. In 2014, he took up a five-year appointment as professor in the arts at Bard College, in Annandale-on-Hudson, New York.
Gaiman is married to songwriter and performer Amanda Palmer, with whom he has an open marriage. The couple announced that they were dating in June 2009, and announced their engagement on Twitter on 1 January 2010. On 16 November 2010, Palmer hosted a non-legally binding flash mob wedding for Gaiman's birthday in New Orleans. They were legally married on 2 January 2011. The wedding took place in the parlour of writers Ayelet Waldman and Michael Chabon. On marrying Palmer, he took her middle name, MacKinnon, as one of his names. In September 2015 they had a son.
I am sure Gaiman will make it to next year’s list as well, but in this year in particular, the main reason he made it was “The Sandman”, which had so much quality, almost all the issues I reviewed scored a 10.
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Mark Millar MBE is a Scottish comic book writer, best known for his work on The Authority, The Ultimates, Marvel Knights Spider-Man, Ultimate Fantastic Four, Civil War, Kingsman: The Secret Service, Wanted, Chrononauts, Superior and Kick-Ass, the latter seven of which have been, or are planned to be, adapted into feature films.
Millar was born 24 December 1969 in Coatbridge, Scotland. His parents were also born in Coatbridge, and Millar spent the first half of his life in the town's Townhead area, attending St Ambrose High. He has four older brothers, and one older sister, who are 22, 20, 18, 16 and 14 years older than him, respectively. His brother Bobby, who today works at a special needs school, introduced him to comics at age 4 while attending university by taking him to shops and purchasing them for him. Still learning to read, Millar's first comic was the seminal The Amazing Spider-Man #121 (1973), which featured the death of Gwen Stacy. He purchased a Superman comic that day as well. Black and white reprinted comics purchased by his brothers for him would follow, cementing his interest in the medium so much that Millar drew a spider web across his face with indelible marker that his parents were unable to scrub off in time for his First Communion photo a week later. Millar has named Alan Moore and Frank Miller as the two biggest influences on his career, characterizing them as "my Mum and Dad." Other writers he names as influences include Grant Morrison, Peter Milligan, Warren Ellis and Garth Ennis. More recent writers that have impressed him include Jason Aaron and Scott Snyder.
Millar's mother died of a heart attack at age 64, when Millar was 14, and his father died four years later, aged 65. Although Millar enjoyed drawing comics, he was not permitted to go to art school because his family frowned upon such endeavours as a waste of time for the academic Millar, who studied subjects like chemistry, physics and advanced maths. He initially planned to be a doctor, and subsequently decided that becoming an economist would be a viable alternate plan, but later decided that he "couldn't quite hack it" in that occupation. He attended Glasgow University to study politics and economics, but dropped out after his father's death left him without the money to pay his living expenses.
When Millar was 18, he interviewed writer Grant Morrison, who was doing his first major American work on Animal Man, for a fanzine. When he told Morrison that he wanted to be both a writer and an artist, Morrison suggested that he focus on one of those career paths, as it was very hard to be successful at both, which Millar cites as the best advice he has received.
Millar's first job as a comic book writer came when he was still in high school, writing Trident's Saviour with Daniel Vallely providing art. Saviour combined elements of religion, satire and superhero action. During the 1990s, Millar worked on titles such as 2000 AD, Sonic the Comic and Crisis. In 1993, Millar, Grant Morrison and John Smith created a controversial eight-week run on 2000 AD called The Summer Offensive. It was during this run that Millar and Morrison wrote their first major story together, Big Dave.
Millar's British work brought him to the attention of DC Comics, and in 1994 he started working on his first American comic, Swamp Thing. The first four issues of Millar's run were co-written by Grant Morrison, allowing Millar to settle into the title. Although his work brought some critical acclaim to the ailing title, the book's sales were still low enough to warrant cancellation by the publisher. From there, Millar spent time working on various DC titles, often co-writing with or under the patronage of Morrison as in the cases of his work on JLA, The Flash and Aztek: The Ultimate Man, and working on unsuccessful pitches for the publisher.
In 2000, Millar replaced Warren Ellis on The Authority for DC's Wildstorm imprint. Millar announced his resignation from DC in 2001, though his miniseries Superman: Red Son was printed in 2003.
In 2001, Millar launched Ultimate X-Men for Marvel Comics' Ultimate Marvel imprint. The following year he collaborated with illustrator Bryan Hitch on The Ultimates, the Ultimate imprint's equivalent of The Avengers. Millar's work on The Ultimates was later adapted into two Marvel Animated Features and the subsequent 2012 Hollywood box office smash Marvel's The Avengers.
In 2006, Millar, joined by artist Steve McNiven, began writing the Marvel miniseries Civil War a seven-issue limited series revolving around the passing of Superhuman Registration Act as a result of the death and destruction unintentionally caused by superheroes and turned Captain America and Iron Man onto opposing sides, the book formed the basis for the film Captain America: Civil War. In 2009 Millar wrote the dystopian "Old Man Logan" storyline, which appeared in the Wolverine series, and was set in a possible future in which Wolverine, having been traumatized by his murder of the X-Men (an event prompted by Mysterio's illusions), became a recluse, after which the United States government collapsed, and the country fell under the control of various supervillain enclaves. Needing rent money for his family's farm, Wolverine comes out of retirement when called upon by Hawkeye.
Millar supports British withdrawal from the European Union.
While Millar is usually not my cup of tea, mostly because of his toxic depictions of masculinity in his stories (this may or may not be on purpose), he did write a lot of sophisticated comics in the reviews I did this year (”The Ultimates” and “Marvel Knights: Spider-man”).
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Geoffrey Johns (born January 25, 1973) is an American comic book writer, screenwriter and film and television producer. He served as the President and Chief Creative Officer (CCO) of DC Entertainment from 2016 to 2018 after his initial appointment as CCO in 2010. Some of his most notable work has used the DC Comics characters Green Lantern, Aquaman, Flash and Superman.
In 2018, he stepped down from his executive role at DC Entertainment to open a production company, Mad Ghost Productions, to focus on writing and producing film, television and comic book titles based on DC properties. Some of his work in television includes the series Blade, Smallville, Arrow and The Flash. He was a co-producer on the film Green Lantern (2011) and a producer on Justice League (2017). He co-wrote the story for Aquaman (2018) and the screenplay for Wonder Woman 1984 (2020).
Geoff Johns was born in Detroit, Michigan, the son of Barbara and Fred Johns. He is of half Lebanese ancestry and grew up in the suburbs of Grosse Pointe and Clarkston. As a child, Johns and his brother first discovered comics through an old box of comics they found in their grandmother's attic, which included copies of The Flash, Superman, Green Lantern, and Batman from the 1960s and 1970s. Johns eventually began to patronize a comics shop in Traverse City, recalling that the first new comics he bought were Crisis on Infinite Earths #3 or 4 and The Flash #348 or 349, as the latter was his favorite character. As Johns continued collecting comics, he gravitated toward DC Comics and later Vertigo, and drew comics. After graduating from Clarkston High School in 1991, he studied media arts, screenwriting, film production and film theory at Michigan State University. He graduated from Michigan State in 1995, and then moved to Los Angeles, California.
In Los Angeles, Johns cold-called the office of director Richard Donner looking for an internship, and while Johns was being transferred to various people, Donner picked up the phone by accident, leading to a conversation and the internship. Johns started off copying scripts, and after about two months, was hired as a production assistant for Donner, whom Johns regards as his mentor.
While working on production of Donner's 1997 film Conspiracy Theory, Johns visited New York City, where he met DC Comics personnel such as Eddie Berganza, reigniting his childhood interest in comics.
Berganza invited Johns to tour the DC Comics offices, and offered Johns the opportunity to suggest ideas, which led to Johns pitching Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E., a series based on the second Star-Spangled Kid and her stepfather, to editor Chuck Kim a year later. Johns expected to write comics "on the side", until he met David Goyer and James Robinson, who were working on JSA. After looking at Stars and S.T.R.I.P.E., Robinson offered Johns co-writing duties on JSA in 2000, and Johns credits both him and Mike Carlin with shepherding him into the comics industry. That same year, Johns became the regular writer on The Flash ongoing series with issue 164. John's work on The Flash represents one example of his modeling of various elements in his stories after aspects of his birth town, explaining, "When I wrote The Flash, I turned Keystone City into Detroit, made it a car town. I make a lot of my characters from Detroit. I think self-made, blue-collar heroes represent Detroit. Wally West's Flash was like that. I took the inspiration of the city and the people there and used it in the books." John's Flash run concluded with #225.
His younger sister, Courtney, was a victim of the TWA Flight 800 crash. The DC Comics character Courtney Whitmore, whom Johns created, is based on her.
In a 2010 interview, Johns named Steve McNiven as an artist he would like to collaborate with, J. Michael Straczynski's run on Thor as his then-favorite ongoing comic book, and The Flash as his favorite of all time, stating that he owns every issue of it. He credits reading James Robinson's The Golden Age as the book responsible for his love of the characters featured in the book, and for his decision to accept writing duties on JSA. He is also a comic book retailer who co-owns Earth-2 Comics in Northridge, California, with Carr D'Angelo and Jud Meyers.
There are plenty of reasons for Geoff Johns to be in this list, this year. But the main ones are his Justice League and Shazam Origin. At the moment of this writing, Doomsday Clock is not included in these reviews, but his writing there is also very, very good.
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Marvin Arthur Wolfman (born May 13, 1946) is an American comic book and novelization writer. He worked on Marvel Comics's The Tomb of Dracula, for which he and artist Gene Colan created the vampire-slayer Blade, and DC Comics's The New Teen Titans and the Crisis on Infinite Earths limited series with George Pérez.
Marv Wolfman was born in Brooklyn, New York City, the son of police officer Abe and housewife Fay. He has a sister, Harriet, 12 years older. When Wolfman was 13, his family moved to Flushing, Queens, in New York City, where he attended junior high school. He went on to New York's High School of Art and Design, in Manhattan, hoping to become a cartoonist. Wolfman is Jewish.
Marvin Wolfman was active in fandom before he began his professional comics career at DC Comics in 1968. Wolfman was one of the first to publish Stephen King, with "In A Half-World of Terror" in Wolfman's horror fanzine Stories of Suspense No. 2 (1965). This was a revised version of King's first published story, "I Was a Teenage Grave Robber", which had been serialized over four issues (three published and one unpublished) of the fanzine Comics Review that same year.
Wolfman's first published work for DC Comics appeared in Blackhawk No. 242 (Aug.–Sept. 1968). He and longtime friend Len Wein created the character Jonny Double in Showcase No. 78 (Nov. 1968) scripted by Wolfman. The two co-wrote "Eye of the Beholder" in Teen Titans No. 18 (Dec. 1968), which would be Wein's first professional comics credit. Neal Adams was called upon to rewrite and redraw a Teen Titans story which had been written by Wein and Wolfman. The story, titled "Titans Fit the Battle of Jericho!", would have introduced DC's first African American superhero, but was rejected by publisher Carmine Infantino. The revised story appeared in Teen Titans No. 20 (March–April 1969). Wolfman and Gil Kane created an origin for Wonder Girl in Teen Titans No. 22 (July–Aug. 1969) which introduced the character's new costume.
Wolfman is married to Noel Watkins. Wolfman was previously married to Michele Wolfman, for many years a colorist in the comics industry. They have a daughter, Jessica Morgan.
There are also many reasons for Wolfman to be in this list. Among them there is: “Man and Superman”, “New Teen Titans”, “Tales of the Teen Titans”, “The Judas Contract”, “Vigilante” and “Crisis on Infinite Earths”. Many of these, were collaborations with George Pérez and that is why he gets a mention in this space (don’t worry, he is in another TOP 10 this year). Not only he destroyed a multiverse and created one of the most stable runs of DC Continuity ever, he also “created” Nightwing and Vigilante and finally published “Man and Superman” this year.
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Alan Moore (born 18 November 1953) is an English writer known primarily for his work in comic books including Watchmen, V for Vendetta, The Ballad of Halo Jones, Swamp Thing, Batman: The Killing Joke and From Hell. Regarded by some as the best comics writer in the English language, he is widely recognized among his peers and critics. He has occasionally used such pseudonyms as Curt Vile, Jill de Ray, and Translucia Baboon; also, reprints of some of his work have been credited to The Original Writer when Moore requested that his name be removed.
Moore started writing for British underground and alternative fanzines in the late 1970s before achieving success publishing comic strips in such magazines as 2000 AD and Warrior. He was subsequently picked up by the American DC Comics, and as "the first comics writer living in Britain to do prominent work in America", he worked on major characters such as Batman (Batman: The Killing Joke) and Superman (Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?), substantially developed the character Swamp Thing, and penned original titles such as Watchmen. During that decade, Moore helped to bring about greater social respectability for comics in the United States and United Kingdom. He prefers the term "comic" to "graphic novel". In the late 1980s and early 1990s he left the comic industry mainstream and went independent for a while, working on experimental work such as the epic From Hell and the prose novel Voice of the Fire. He subsequently returned to the mainstream later in the 1990s, working for Image Comics, before developing America's Best Comics, an imprint through which he published works such as The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen and the occult-based Promethea. In 2016, he published Jerusalem: a 1266-page experimental novel set in his hometown of Northampton, UK.
Moore is an occultist, ceremonial magician, and anarchist, and has featured such themes in works including Promethea, From Hell, and V for Vendetta, as well as performing avant-garde spoken word occult "workings" with The Moon and Serpent Grand Egyptian Theatre of Marvels, some of which have been released on CD.
Despite his own personal objections, his works have provided the basis for a number of Hollywood films, including From Hell (2001), The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (2003), V for Vendetta (2005), and Watchmen (2009). Moore has also been referenced in popular culture, and has been recognized as an influence on a variety of literary and television figures including Neil Gaiman, Joss Whedon, and Damon Lindelof. He has lived a significant portion of his life in Northampton, England, and he has said in various interviews that his stories draw heavily from his experiences living there.
Abandoning his office job, he decided to instead take up both writing and illustrating his own comics. He had already produced a couple of strips for several alternative fanzines and magazines, such as Anon E. Mouse for the local paper Anon, and St. Pancras Panda, a parody of Paddington Bear, for the Oxford-based Back Street Bugle. His first paid work was for a few drawings that were printed in NME, and not long after he succeeded in getting a series about a private detective known as Roscoe Moscow published using the pseudonym of Curt Vile (a pun on the name of composer Kurt Weill) in the weekly music magazine Sounds, earning £35 a week. Alongside this, he and Phyllis, with their newborn daughter Leah, began claiming unemployment benefit to supplement this income. Not long after this, in 1979 he also began publishing a new comic strip known as Maxwell the Magic Cat in the Northants Post, under the pseudonym of Jill de Ray (a pun on the Medieval child murderer Gilles de Rais, something he found to be a "sardonic joke"). Earning a further £10 a week from this, he decided to sign off of social security, and would continue writing Maxwell the Magic Cat until 1986. Moore has stated that he would have been happy to continue Maxwell's adventures almost indefinitely, but ended the strip after the newspaper ran a negative editorial on the place of homosexuals in the community. Meanwhile, Moore decided to focus more fully on writing comics rather than both writing and drawing them, stating that "After I'd been doing [it] for a couple of years, I realised that I would never be able to draw well enough and/or quickly enough to actually make any kind of decent living as an artist."
To learn more about how to write a successful comic-book script, he asked advice from his friend, comic-book writer Steve Moore, whom he had known since he was fourteen. Interested in writing for 2000AD, one of Britain's most prominent comic magazines, Alan Moore then submitted a script for their long running and successful series Judge Dredd. While having no need for another writer on Judge Dredd, which was already being written by John Wagner, 2000AD's editor Alan Grant saw promise in Moore's work – later remarking that "this guy's a really fucking good writer" – and instead asked him to write some short stories for the publication's Future Shocks series. While the first few were rejected, Grant advised Moore on improvements, and eventually accepted the first of many. Meanwhile, Moore had also begun writing minor stories for Doctor Who Weekly, and later commented that "I really, really wanted a regular strip. I didn't want to do short stories ... But that wasn't what was being offered. I was being offered short four or five-page stories where everything had to be done in those five pages. And, looking back, it was the best possible education that I could have had in how to construct a story."
From 1980 through to 1984, Moore maintained his status as a freelance writer, and was offered a spate of work by a variety of comic book companies in Britain, namely Marvel UK, and the publishers of 2000AD and Warrior. He later remarked that "I remember that what was generally happening was that everybody wanted to give me work, for fear that I would just be given other work by their rivals. So everybody was offering me things." It was an era when comic books were increasing in popularity in Britain, and according to Lance Parkin, "the British comics scene was cohering as never before, and it was clear that the audience was sticking with the title as they grew up. Comics were no longer just for very small boys: teenagers – even A-level and university students – were reading them now."
During this three-year period, 2000AD would accept and publish over fifty of Moore's one-off stories for their Future Shocks and Time Twisters science fiction series. The editors at the magazine were impressed by Moore's work and decided to offer him a more permanent strip, starting with a story that they wanted to be vaguely based upon the hit film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial. The result, Skizz, which was illustrated by Jim Baikie, told the story of the titular alien who crashes to Earth and is cared for by a teenager named Roxy, and Moore later noted that in his opinion, this work "owes far too much to Alan Bleasdale." Another series he produced for 2000AD was D.R. and Quinch, which was illustrated by Alan Davis. The story, which Moore described as "continuing the tradition of Dennis the Menace, but giving him a thermonuclear capacity", revolved around two delinquent aliens, and was a science-fiction take on National Lampoon's characters O.C. and Stiggs. The work widely considered to be the highlight of his 2000AD career, and that he himself described as "the one that worked best for me" was The Ballad of Halo Jones. Co-created with artist Ian Gibson, the series was set in the 50th century. The series was discontinued after three books due to a dispute between Moore and Fleetway, the magazine's publishers, over the intellectual property rights of the characters Moore and Gibson had co-created.
Another comic company to employ Moore was Marvel UK, who had formerly purchased a few of his one-off stories for Doctor Who Weekly and Star Wars Weekly. Aiming to get an older audience than 2000AD, their main rival, they employed Moore to write for the regular strip Captain Britain, "halfway through a storyline that he's neither inaugurated nor completely understood." He replaced the former writer Dave Thorpe, but maintained the original artist, Alan Davis, whom Moore described as "an artist whose love for the medium and whose sheer exultation upon finding himself gainfully employed within it shine from every line, every new costume design, each nuance of expression."
Guy Fawkes serves as physical and philosophical inspiration for the titular protagonist of V for Vendetta. The third comic company that Moore worked for in this period was Quality Communications, publishers of a new monthly magazine called Warrior. The magazine was founded by Dez Skinn, a former editor of both IPC (publishers of 2000 AD) and Marvel UK, and was designed to offer writers a greater degree of freedom over their artistic creations than was allowed by pre-existing companies. It was at Warrior that Moore "would start to reach his potential". Moore was initially given two ongoing strips in Warrior: Marvelman and V for Vendetta, both of which debuted in Warrior's first issue in March 1982. V for Vendetta was a dystopian thriller set in a future 1997 where a fascist government controlled Britain, opposed only by a lone anarchist dressed in a Guy Fawkes costume who turns to terrorism to topple the government. Illustrated by David Lloyd, Moore was influenced by his pessimistic feelings about the Thatcherite Conservative government, which he projected forward as a fascist state in which all ethnic and sexual minorities had been eliminated. It has been regarded as "among Moore's best work" and has maintained a cult following throughout subsequent decades.
Marvelman (later retitled Miracleman for legal reasons) was a series that originally had been published in Britain from 1954 through to 1963, based largely upon the American comic Captain Marvel. Upon resurrecting Marvelman, Moore "took a kitsch children's character and placed him within the real world of 1982". The work was drawn primarily by Garry Leach and Alan Davis. The third series that Moore produced for Warrior was The Bojeffries Saga, a comedy about a working-class English family of vampires and werewolves, drawn by Steve Parkhouse. Warrior closed before these stories were completed, but under new publishers both Miracleman and V for Vendetta were resumed by Moore, who finished both stories by 1989. Moore's biographer Lance Parkin remarked that "reading them through together throws up some interesting contrasts – in one the hero fights a fascist dictatorship based in London, in the other an Aryan superman imposes one."
Although Moore's work numbered amongst the most popular strips to appear in 2000 AD, Moore himself became increasingly concerned at the lack of creator's rights in British comics. In 1985, he talked to fanzine Arkensword, noting that he had stopped working for all British publishers bar IPC, "purely for the reason that IPC so far have avoided lying to me, cheating me or generally treating me like shit." He did join other creators in decrying the wholesale relinquishing of all rights, and in 1986 stopped writing for 2000 AD, leaving mooted future volumes of the Halo Jones story unstarted. Moore's outspoken opinions and principles, particularly on the subject of creator's rights and ownership, would see him burn bridges with a number of other publishers over the course of his career.
Meanwhile, during this same period, he – using the pseudonym of Translucia Baboon – became involved in the music scene, founding his own band, The Sinister Ducks, with David J (of goth band Bauhaus) and Alex Green, and in 1983 released a single, March of the Sinister Ducks, with sleeve art by illustrator Kevin O'Neill. In 1984, Moore and David J released a 12-inch single featuring a recording of "This Vicious Cabaret", a song featured in V for Vendetta, which was released on the Glass Records label. Moore would write the song "Leopardman at C&A" for David J, and it would be set to music by Mick Collins for the album We Have You Surrounded by Collins' group The Dirtbombs.
Moore's work in 2000 AD brought him to the attention of DC Comics editor Len Wein, who hired him in 1983 to write The Saga of the Swamp Thing, then a formulaic and poor-selling monster comic. Moore, with artists Stephen R. Bissette, Rick Veitch, and John Totleben, deconstructed and reimagined the character, writing a series of formally experimental stories that addressed environmental and social issues alongside the horror and fantasy, bolstered by research into the culture of Louisiana, where the series was set. For Swamp Thing he revived many of DC's neglected magical and supernatural characters, including the Spectre, the Demon, the Phantom Stranger, Deadman, and others, and introduced John Constantine, an English working-class magician based visually on the British musician Sting; Constantine later became the protagonist of the series Hellblazer, which became Vertigo's longest running series at 300 issues. Moore would continue writing Swamp Thing for almost four years, from issue No. 20 (January 1984) through to issue No. 64 (September 1987) with the exception of issues No. 59 and 62. Moore's run on Swamp Thing was successful both critically and commercially, and inspired DC to recruit British writers such as Grant Morrison, Jamie Delano, Peter Milligan, and Neil Gaiman to write comics in a similar vein, often involving radical revamps of obscure characters. These titles laid the foundation of what became the Vertigo line.
Moore began producing further stories for DC Comics, including a two-part story for Vigilante, which dealt with domestic abuse. He was eventually given the chance to write a story for one of DC's best-known superheroes, Superman, entitled "For the Man Who Has Everything", which was illustrated by Dave Gibbons and published in 1985. In this story, Wonder Woman, Batman, and Robin visit Superman on his birthday, only to find that he has been overcome by an alien organism and is hallucinating about his heart's desire. He followed this with another Superman story, "Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?", which was published in 1986. Illustrated by Curt Swan, it was designed as the last Superman story in the pre-Crisis on Infinite Earths DC Universe.
The threat of Nuclear war during the Cold War influenced the setting and tone of Watchmen. The limited series Watchmen, begun in 1986 and collected as a trade paperback in 1987, cemented Moore's reputation. Imagining what the world would be like if costumed heroes had really existed since the 1940s, Moore and artist Dave Gibbons created a Cold War mystery in which the shadow of nuclear war threatens the world. The heroes who are caught up in this escalating crisis either work for the US government or are outlawed, and are motivated to heroism by their various psychological hang-ups. Watchmen is non-linear and told from multiple points of view, and includes highly sophisticated self-references, ironies, and formal experiments such as the symmetrical design of issue 5, "Fearful Symmetry", where the last page is a near mirror-image of the first, the second-last of the second, and so on, and in this manner is an early example of Moore's interest in the human perception of time and its implications for free will. It is the only comic to win the Hugo Award, in a one-time category ("Best Other Form"). It is widely seen as Moore's best work, and has been regularly described as the greatest comic book ever written. Alongside roughly contemporary works such as Frank Miller's Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Art Spiegelman's Maus, and Jaime and Gilbert Hernandez's Love and Rockets, Watchmen was part of a late 1980s trend in American comics towards more adult sensibilities. Comics historian Les Daniels noted that Watchmen "called into question the basic assumptions on which the super hero genre is formulated". DC Comics writer and executive Paul Levitz observed in 2010 that "As with The Dark Knight Returns, Watchmen set off a chain reaction of rethinking the nature of super heroes and heroism itself, and pushed the genre darker for more than a decade. The series won acclaim ... and would continue to be regarded as one of the most important literary works the field ever produced." Moore briefly became a media celebrity, and the resulting attention led to him withdrawing from fandom and no longer attending comics conventions (at one UKCAC in London he is said to have been followed into the toilet by eager autograph hunters).
Since his teenage years Moore has had long hair, and since early adulthood has also had a beard. He has taken to wearing a number of large rings on his hands, leading him to be described as a "cross between Hagrid and Danny from Withnail and I" who could be easily mistaken for "the village eccentric". Born and raised in Northampton, he continues to live in the town, and used its history as a basis for his novels Voice of the Fire and Jerusalem. His "unassuming terraced" Northampton home was described by an interviewer in 2001 as "something like an occult bookshop under permanent renovation, with records, videos, magical artifacts and comic-book figurines strewn among shelves of mystical tomes and piles of paper. The bathroom, with blue-and-gold décor and a generous sunken tub, is palatial; the rest of the house has possibly never seen a vacuum cleaner. This is clearly a man who spends little time on the material plane." He likes to live in his home town, feeling that it affords him a level of obscurity that he enjoys, remarking that "I never signed up to be a celebrity." He has spoken in praise of the town's former Radical MP, Charles Bradlaugh at the annual commemoration. He is also a vegetarian.
With his first wife Phyllis, whom he married in the early 1970s, he has two daughters, Leah and Amber. The couple also had a mutual lover, Deborah, although the relationship between the three ended in the early 1990s as Phyllis and Deborah left Moore, taking his daughters with them. On 12 May 2007, he married Melinda Gebbie, with whom he has worked on several comics, most notably Lost Girls.
It was pretty clear that Alan Moore was going to end up being in the Top 10 this year. Mostly because I read a lot of his material from DC. The reason he made it into the top 10 is “V for Vendetta” with David Lloyd, “Swamp Thing”, “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?”, “Tom Strong”, Batman: The Killing Joke” and “Watchmen”.
Most of these writers have also done something good, not only for the comic-book industry, but also for the world. And this TOP 10 is a way of celebrating them, because their work really inspired most of the pop-culture we consume today.
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rivahans · 5 years
Do you plan on doing any other Studio GhiblixSNK crossovers? Your Cat Returns levihan edits are amazing! 🥰
Honestly I made this crossovers because The Cat Returns is my favorite ghibli haha
I didn't saw a lot of ghibli movies >w> In other crossovers I would like to make one with
The girl who leapt through time and Wolf children Ame&Yuki two other movies I really love
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resbang-bookclub · 5 years
AMA Transcript: Wild Hunt
Next up is @addude to talk about her Resbang, Wild Hunt! Here’s some of what went down:
Q: Asking how you came up with the plot seems like a good place to start. What was your process?
ADdude: Well, I tried to do something with the theme of out of the woods. I tried to think of something that might be scary and comes out of the woods. So, I thought okay werewolf but then remembered that Free was the last one and that got me sad. So I decide let's do a wedding and a fairy king coming to ruin things and he came out of the forest. That was literally my train of thought. I don't know why, but I always imagine weddings going wrong. I've been to several weddings, none go as planned.
Q: I love the running joke about the pool whether Spirit would interfere with the wedding or not. Plot-wise, it felt like the fun times, the calm before the storm lol, but it also felt so in-character. How did you manage to keep everyone in character?
ADdude: I did love that joke. At one point I worried I was overdoing it, but I figured at that point, go through it. I think in the end Spirit did the right thing, so it worked out. Keeping everyone in character was a little hard. I mean this story took place a number of years after the end of the manga and people have changed in that time. Kid is Lord Death and he and Liz are married and have kids. Black Star and Tsubaki are raising Angela and... Black Star is Black Star, he doesn't change that much. I think the key is to having a good idea of who the character is at their cores and building on that.
Q: I love how you balanced not only a large cast of characters, but your OC’s on top of that. How did you manage juggling everyone and their backstories? Did you ever get frustrated or confused or have to backtrack?
ADdude: I start with the main characters and spin from that. Kami and Nene are getting married so they take a lot of focus. They are going through a lot of course, so yeah. Maka is getting a new stepmom so I touched on that, she knows they love each other so she's okay. Her biggest worry is that she doesn't have the right gift. Everyone else is their reactions, like with Spirit having to accept his Ex is getting married and everyone’s reactions to everything. As for keeping track, I made a short outline to keep track of everything important and I fill in the gaps as I go, then try to touch on the side characters. Though yeah, I had to check back every once in a while to make sure I wasn’t getting something wrong. Since I'm doing the story from last Resbang, I had to reread the past stories to make sure everything was in line.
Q: Was writing this sequel easier than writing your last Resbang?
ADdude: Maybe harder, cause yeah I had to go back and make sure I kept everything in the same canon. At the start of this story is talking to Nene about how she meet Kami. I had an idea of how it went but went back and noticed I changed some things when retelling the story. I honestly forgot that Nene actually punched Kami. Makes more sense in context. They were in the middle of a battlefield and Nene thought she was an enemy.
Q: Speaking of Nene, I just love her lol. She's so cute and strong and loves Kami so much. Where do you draw inspiration for your Soul Eater OC’s? They all have such detailed backstories and each has their own distinct personality.
ADdude: Actually Nene came from another series, she was a minor character in another anime called Is this a zombie. I built a lot on that character, she was very minor so there wasn't much there to start with. But I saw a lot of potential.  And Kami came from a joke I made with Soul Dwelling on tumblr, about how Kami was the opposite of Spirit. He was super protective about Maka and Kami was just waiting for grandkids. Both Kami and Nene are an example of just no one stopping me. I got an idea and it just started growing and eventually I had to fully fledged characters. Like yeah, I got a whole story of how they met in battle and how fell in love. Kami's history got even more crazy cause yeah the idea has been around a lot longer for me.
Q: Where did you get the inspiration to make Eu write everything down instead of verbally communicating? That’s so unique and makes her intriguing.
ADdude: Eu is another character from Is this a zombie. Again, that came out from a joke. Eu can fight with a scythe like Maka and I joked that because of that Kami adopted her. Then I actually wrote it, finding a way for it to be canon in both series. The notepad thing is her thing, she has a lot of magic that she can't control. It’s so strong that if she speak it will make her words come into reality so writing it down is the only way for her to communicate. Oddly enough, her armor was to keep her powers in check and was made by Nene in canon. When I found that out I started to connect things and that’s where I eventually got the idea for Kami and Nene to meet and fall in love.
Q: I know a lot of Soul Eater fans have their own ideas of how Maka's mom acts or is, just because she wasn't seen at all in canon. How did you go about characterizing her?
ADdude: I started an RP blog for Kami years back. It started with that joke. There were a bunch of RPers back then who shipped Soma and I thought of a joke of Kami showing up and asking when she was gonna get grandchildren. At some point the joke kept going and had to get serious and slowly I developed a long and strange back story about her life. I just did my best not to contradict canon.  Just little by little, she grew as a character.
Q: Where did you get the idea to make Excalibur related to Maka and Kami? I busted out laughing when I read that, poor Maka!
ADdude: It started with Kami being one of the few people who could deal with him.  Then I noticed Maka had a soul with wings and how Excalibur gave wings to his user. I eventually connected the things. In one my previous stories I touched more on the relationship with Kami and Excalibur. And I thought, yeah okay he's her ancestor, let’s give him family. And yeah. Maka is a pretty accepting person but... yeah she does everything she can to not think [about] how he could have kids with a person. Just like, try not to think of how that would work. And yeah, in canon Excalibur did hook up with a woman. That HAPPENED!
Q: With so much backstory and characters to balance, what’s your editing process? Did any plot points or scenes not make the final cut?
ADdude: Yeah, some things. I mean, I did want to touch on other people. Like what you brought up about Patty now calling herself the duchess of death, it didn't add to the overall story but I want to touch on the others. Marie had a kid and she's retired. She wants to help Kami but everyone insists she stay behind because she's earned her retirement and they trust her to watch the children.  There was a lot of other stuff I wanted to add in about others but [it got] cut out. Like Anya from Soul Eater was actually inspired to go to DWMA because she met Kami and I was going to have her at the wedding but cut her out cause it slowed down the story. I also had a whole other plot that the fairy king was actually working for someone else but cut that off since it would have doubled the story.
Q: It would've doubled the word count??! Dang that sounds interesting, can you give us a summary of what that would've been like, or are you planning to save it for writing later in the future?
ADdude: In the last resbang story I had it that Kami had a history with Arthurian mythology along with Excalibur himself. Kami sorta dated the witch Morgan le Fey. Didn't end well. In fact, due to weird circumstances Morgan was actually the witch that Kami and Spirit killed to make him a death scythe. But a witch of such power and legendary status had tricks. Like Voldemort before her she split her soul, but she survived until Asura woke up the remains of her soul. Then Kami and Co killed her for good. The thing is that Morgan had a fairy teacher and that one would have been behind The Fairy King in this story, coming for revenge for her student. The Fairy King leads an army of shadow monsters, but this person would have been a whole lot scarier and worse.  I think I might save them for next year’s Resbang though.
Q: How did you handle the deadlines for check-ins and posting?
ADdude: I tried to pace myself. I tend to write a lot naturally so it helps just to work little by little working my way up to the word count. Luckily for me I was sometimes sick in bed so I got ahead of one of the deadlines and just kept at it. I tend to get sick in winter so that bought some time to work with.
Q: What was your favorite scene to write? And least favorite?
ADdude: I honestly had a lot of fun with Maka and her new family. Just her and Eu and Excalibur trying to figure what gift to get. Soul finally getting fed up and telling her to get anything because her mom would always love it.  The end scene with everyone together as a family moment was just nice to give them a nice moment like that.  My least favorite would have to be the thing right before the wedding. I do love this character and I hated writing Kami breaking down, knowing she wouldn't get the wedding with the woman she loved.
Q: Congrats on finishing your Resbang! How are you feeling about it overall?
ADdude: Overall I'm happy with what I wrote and that I gave my character a happy ending. What can I say, I love happy endings.
Q: I don't know anything about the "Is this a zombie?" series but i loveeeeeee how you're exercising your artistic freedom and doing a crossover no one else has or would ever consider. I do want to hear more about what exactly inspired you to put these two series together -- was it something as simple as both Maka and Eu having scythes as weapons?
ADdude: So, yeah, it started simply I was watching Is this a zombie and made a dumb joke that Kami was going to adopt Eu because she had a scythe. A lot of stuff I do is just because no one stops me, not even me. But there were connections in both series that pushed that along. Like, how both series deal with death and evil. And both have an arrogant loud mouth that is pretty short. Yes, I’m talking about Black Star and Haruna. Then of course there were the weapons. Meisters had their own weapon and the magical garment girls had weapons too, and they didn’t transform but also seemed to be alive. I thought up the idea that the magical garment girl weapons were somehow based on the demon weapons in soul eater.
Q: Also, why the pairing of Nene and Maka's mom as opposed to another pairing?
ADdude: Yeah, again another joke that took on a life of its own. The joke was that Kami had a thing for red heads and big boobs. Because Spirit was a red head and he himself was a big boob. Then I went past the joke and it kinda made sense. From what we got in canon, Nene had been the strongest warrior and a glimpse to the pass showed her being devoted and serious to her duty. Now she was far more relaxed and didn’t seem to have any real desire to fight anymore. That reminded me of Kami, how she was one the best meisters but seemed to quit to travel around. I started putting a history for them together, they were fighting together standing alone in their fights, so [there was] a lot of mirroring. Until it clicked that maybe they could have something more than just a friendship. And it worked, they were two warriors who’d been through a lot and developed feelings. It worked, so I kept at it.
Q: It sounds like you really like character development and writing characters with a lot of "potential" (that is, not a lot is mentioned about them in canon and much is left up to the audience to speculate). I know you had a fave scene to write but did you have a fave CHARACTER that you enjoyed writing as well, such as a quirk or fact or backstory that you thought up and gave them?
ADdude: Isn’t that what fanfiction is for? Like to fill in gaps the author never got around to… filling. We didn’t know a lot of Nene so I started to put in stuff for the gaps. As a writer my favorite thing is when characters develop, I literally scream when characters regress for no reason or just do stupid stuff for plot. Maka and family were fun to write because none of them have a lot of family normally. I got to explore a little what they would do in a family setting. It always felt weird when I made Excalibur serious and trying to keep in character. But, yeah, he was angry, so I had an excuse. Spirit was fun. He’s usually so goofy and here he had some serious moments dealing with letting go. I tried to stay in character and yeah, he would be upset and a bit hurt but would try to let the person he loved move on. I liked adding some growth to him. Hell, I’m pretty sure everyone had some growth in this story. Crona is calmer now off the moon from my last story. Maka and Soul are comfy as a couple and pretty much family. Kami pushing through her issues that she got from her nasty break up with Spirit. Liz is a responsible mom and helping everyone out. Black Star is being a dad, sort of. But yeah, development for all.
Q: I'm kind of curious as to where in canon it says that Excalibur hooked up with a woman LMAO... or maybe I saw it myself and just erased it from memory...
ADdude: Okay, that might have been a bit of a stretch. We saw him in bed with a woman in one of his stories. So, you have to take that with a grain of salt. Then again, it’s canon that the Arthur stuff was true and he was different back then. So who’s to say what’s true. But yeah, I’m taking that as true.
Q: What do you think you'll write about next?
ADdude: I’m still trying to edit my own book, so progress is slow. I’ve somehow got like four Star Vs the Forces of Evil stories going along with other fanfics of various fandoms. And I am working on a Soul Eater Abridged series as its writer and several voices and editor.  Working on episode two. And I’m writing Thanos snap fics, like what it would happen if the snap affected other worlds and yeah the Soul Eater world is on the chopping block list. I do have some idea for how I want to continue this Resbang story, maybe for next year.  I don’t have everything ready, but maybe Maka has her own family in the near future.
Thanks to addude for stopping in! Stay tuned for one final transcript tomorrow!
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swissmissing · 5 years
Fan Fic Ask Meme (self ask edition)
  I saw this going around and I figured no one is going to actually respond and send me any of these asks because I have like maybe 2 followers who ever interact with me, but I felt like doing it so I’ll just ask myself all of them. :)
A: How did you come up with the title to "The Best Picture of the Human Soul”?
I wanted an artsy-intellectual title because I felt like it’s a kind of pretentious little story that takes itselt too seriously. It’s about images and soulmates, so I googled picture, soul, and quote, and that’s one of the hits that came up. So it is actually a quote by the philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein: “The human body is the best picture of the human soul.”
B: Any of your stories inspired by personal experience?
Probably all of them. But the one where I consciously put in something from a real-life experience was in “A Capacity for Love” (HP fandom fic). I don’t want to go into detail, but there are characters in the story whose experiences and actions were based on things I had knowledge of in real life.
C: What member do you identify with most?
I am guessing this means which character I identify with most, from the stories I’ve written? Hermione Granger, definitely. From the Sherlock fandom, probably Molly. But I don’t find her an interesting character to write about.
D: Is there a song or a playlist to associate with [insert fic]?
No, I am not into music in that way.
E: If you wrote a sequel to [insert fic], what would it be about?
The most obvious one of my fics to get a sequel would be “The Way to a Man’s Heart” which would naturally be about Sherlock and John’s wedding.
F: Share a snippet from one of your favorite dialogue scenes you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
Nothing specifically comes to mind and I’ve written too many stories to go back through them all and find anything. I think I’m pretty good at dialogue in general and enjoy writing it more than the prose in between. When I write dialogue, I really try to hear the characters/actors saying the words, with inflection and volume changes and speech patterns all of that. I think that makes it work well and feel real, rather than just me putting my own thoughts into the characters’ mouths.
G: Do you write your story from start to finish, or do you write the scenes out of order?
Mostly from start to finish, but I usually have one or two key scenes that I may jump ahead and write because I want to capture them in the moment. But the problem is, I will always end up having to rewrite them anyway because there are details that come up as I write that I hadn’t anticipated, that will need to be worked in.
H: How would you describe your style?
I have no idea. Probably too wordy.
I: Do you have a guilty pleasure in fic (reading or writing)?
For reading, really raunchy PWP. And I suppose for writing as well. I do feel some residual puritanical guilt when I write a PWP.
J: Write or describe an alternative ending to [insert fic].
I’ve seen other authors say they don’t want to answer this because they don’t think it’s fair or something, which I don’t understand. Why not? Anyway, an alternate ending for “Revenge Averted”, which is itself an alternate ending of VizardMask’s fic “Best Served Hot”, would be that Sherlock and John come up with a plan to neutralize the threat from Mary without John having to go back to her.
K: What’s the angstiest idea you’ve ever come up with?
Sticking to the ones I’ve actually written, probably “A Capacity for Love”, which shows the aftermath of Snape raping Hermione from both of their perspectives. Usually we only see things from the victim’s perspective in those kinds of stories, but I wanted to get into Snape’s head as well. In the Sherlock fandom, I guess “More Earth Than Fire”, which deals with the death of John and Mary’s baby.
L: How many times do you usually revise your fic/chapter before posting?
It’s constant. I never just write a whole first draft, then go back and revise. I re-read and revise every single sentence constantly. Like even writing this entry, I have already gone back through all of my previous responses a couple of times, re-reading and adjusting things. I’ll write a few sentences, then re-read everything from the beginning. Then write a couple more. It makes for extremely slow progress but it’s how my brain works. I can’t leave something untended.
M: Got any premises on the back burner that you’d care to share?
I have a couple of things that I’ve started that I’ll probably never finish. The one that’s furthest along is a Sherlock/Whisky Tango Foxtrot crossover. I also have an ACD werewolf fic that I started years ago for some Halloween exchange that’s pretty far along. I have probably around 10 other stories as well, in stages from vaguely sketched out to fully outlined to having a couple of scenes written.
N: Is there a fic you wish someone else would write (or finish) for you?
All of my WIP’s! Probably especially the WTF crossover. I really want to read that one. ;)
O: How do you begin a story–with the plot, or the characters?
I mean, if it’s a fic, then the characters obviously. They are already a given. I’m going to write about Sherlock and John (or whoever my current muse pairing is). I have some original story ideas too, and there it’s the plot that comes first. I have a harder time coming up with original characters, so it’s unlikely I’ll ever write one of those stories.
P: Are you what George R. R. Martin would call an “architect” or a “gardener”? (How much do you plan in advance, versus letting the story unfold as you go?)
I like to plot out the entire story before I start writing so that I’m sure I won’t get stuck anywhere. Of course then as I write, things happen that necessitate adjustments to the outline. But yeah, mainly architect because my biggest fear when writing is getting stuck.
Q: How do you feel about collaborations?
I have seen some really brilliant products come out of collaborative writing projects, so clearly some people work really well that way. However, I don’t think I could ever be part of a collaboration, other than as a beta reader.
R: Are there any writers (fanfic or otherwise) you consider an influence?
Every time I read a text, it influences me. I don’t have anyone whose style I consciously attempt to emulate, or who I aspire to be like, though.
S: Any fandom tropes you can’t resist?
For reading? All the favs: Fake relationship, only one bed, roommates.
For writing, I have a soft spot for being in a relationship already without realizing it.
T: Any fandom tropes you can’t stand?
When I see Coffee Shop AU or Teen AU in the tags of a fic, it turns me off. Although I’ve read quite a few really good ones in those categories, so it’s not like they’re an automatic nope. Just, they make me wary.
U: Share three of your favorite fic writers and why you like them so much.
There are too many to name and I don’t want anyone to feel left out. But basically, there are certain authors who I know will always deliver top-quality writing and a highly satisfactory reading experience, regardless of subject matter, fandom, genre, or pairing.
V: If you could write the sequel (or prequel) to any fic out there not written by yourself, which would you choose?
Too hard to choose a specific one. Basically anything by any of those authors referenced in the previous question!
W: Do you like more general prompts, or more specific ones?
I have a hard time writing to prompts given by other people. So I guess I prefer general ones that I can take in my own direction rather than a tailor-made commission.
X: A character you enjoy making suffer.
Sherlock and John both do it so beautifully. :)
Y: A character you want to protect.
Children, I guess. I have a hard time seeing a child character be hurt.
Z: Major character death–do you ever write/read it? Is there a character whose death you can’t tolerate?
I am okay with it if it is a natural death, such as occurs in retirement fic. I don’t see the point of it in other situations. The whole point of reading fan fiction for me is to have a happier conclusion than in the original.
Anyone who wants to do the thing, feel free to copy and share your own answers! And of course, if anyone wants to ask me one of these about another fic than the ones I chose, please do. :)
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swingtale · 6 years
Yep I’m gonna make a post about this thing I’ve been thinking about for a year and a half. Pretty much like Inktober or Crossember, I want to try and take a crack at one for this blog/AU!! Now you don’t have to participate, you’re not obligated to do all of them when the event starts. But I’ll be joining in here and there as I try to update my comic next month! Some of these can even be things to send to my ask box if you don’t want to draw either!
More info down undercut!
And if you have any questions about this little event feel free to ask, though for rules all I ask is to keep this kid friendly except for the genocide part go crazy with that And if you plan to draw characters that aren’t Swingtale characters INSIDE the AU, please draw them monochromatic, it’s an exclusive feature upon entering the AU! There aren’t really cool colors like blue and purple- neon colors, etc. in Swingtale, in fact, those colors are rare to find, I like to keep warm and sepia colors for the aesthetic! It’s not really a demand, I just may not reblog any art with really bright non matching colors to fit the blog theme ): sorry.
But without further ado here is the list of days to do for Swingtember!
1: Swing-a-fy yourself! Draw yourself or your persona dressd up in some snazzy outfits from the roaring 20's!!! 2: Your AU character (or your favorite one) visits Swingtale! They've lost all their color and are now monochramatic with pie cut eyes!!! 3: Favorite Swing/Jazz/Ragtime song! Draw yourself or an AU character dancing or singing along to their favorite song from way back when! 4: Favorite instrument? Do you play an instrument? Draw yourself or an AU character playing one in a jazz band! 5: Favorite Swingtale Character? Feel free to tell me who's your favorite or draw them if you wish! 6: Fallen children. What do you think happen to the fallen children in Swingtale? The monsters are never hostile to humans- yet they seem to be missing... 7: Brasser's Birthday! Happy BDay to the skeleton tromBONE-ist, give him a cup of caramel to celebrate! 8: Drink up! Speaking of caramel, do you or anyone dare to have drinking contest with Brasser over his favorite syrup? 9: Chief, We've got a problem! You and anyone else is probably sick from that contest with Brasser, How do you think Chief will deal with this mess? 10: A human fell! Frizz, Swingtale Frisk has fallen! How will these monsters greet this child to their humble home? 11: Remembrance Day, two months early. Poppy flowers are a big part of this AU, draw this flower in a bouqet, by itself, or in a garden being tended by the monsters here! 12: Movies and Cartoons! What's your favorite black and white film/cartoon? 13: Genocide. What the Swingtale monsters always feared when a human fell. And Frizz is at their mercy. 14: Electroswing! Victor and Dapper are pros in this section, have them jam to your favorite electroswing remix! 15: Halfway there! Draw one of the swingtale characters visiting your favorite AU! They barely leave so it'll be a bizarre adventure for them! 16: Candy! What's your favorite ol' time candy! I'd like to know! 17: Swingfell. What do you think this world would be like? What are the differences and similarities? 18: A Date Approaches! Alice wants to take Ursula out, what would their date night be like together here? 19: Ghost talk. Draw or ask what you think I do behind the scenes with my AU- 20: Swig. Swingtale Gaster will be unbanned from Swingtale for one day, feel free to draw him and ask questions! 21: Human! Draw what you think the Swing characters would look like as humans! 22: Pre-War. How do you think Humans and Monsters interacted with each other during this time? 23: Favorite dish! Paplin loves to cook, what recipes would you want him to make for you? 24: Christmas in September. Let’s tune into some jazzy Christmas tunes, let's have some happy Christmas interactions! 25: Whoopee Prank. Who do you think Brasser will prank this time with such a classic prank. 26: Victrola problems. Ever owned one? Ever had difficulties getting yours to work? Victor knows all about this. 27: BATIM Crossover. What could go w r o n g. 28: Vintage photo. Don't move or you'll come out blurry, draw yourself or a character in an old photo portrait! 29: What happened to Chara? Feel free to ask the royal family or draw out or let us know what you think happened! 30: Closing End! Let's get some happy faces from everyone havin a good time in this AU!
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edenfalling · 5 years
[Fic] Random fragments that I will never finish
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burdensword · 6 years
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tagged by: @counterforced .
tagging: anyone who desires to do this, feel free to do so!
Answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What is your OTP for your character?: Okay I will make a confession that GILTURIA is definitely my OTP for high reasons but I won’t get into it much. However I still love to death Shirou / ARCHER X Arturia so much because let me tell you something ---- **inserts a lengthy essay that no one really has time to listen to me brag about why I love these two with Arturia**
What are you willing to write when it comes to shipping? As long as we discuss it personally, I’m willing to develop the relationship. Of course I’m a grand lover of crossover / OC shipping with Arturia as well. @empathcrowned is definitely guilty for adoring Arturia with their muse. ; u ;
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?: No children muses and especially no Morgan or Mordred being involved. Aside from that, anything is fair game.
Are you selective when shipping? In some ways, I suppose I am selective when shipping. But not necessarily because I’m always open to explore anything and I really do love how the muses develop even with the chemistry of their relationship. Though I am somewhat selective in terms of if I’m being pushed into the relationship. This is precisely why I prefer talking it out thoroughly before engaging into the ship before anything else. I definitely don’t ever want to force a ship on anyone and I won’t want anyone to force me into one either. Otherwise neither side have fun nor do the muses.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they are considered NSFW? Uhhhhhhhh ..... when you actually describe the exposure of skin? I personally don’t consider writing a making out scene as being NSFW though anywhere the point of skin being vividly described as well as the gestures to engaging in the intimacy, then yes. I usually prefer tagging with the nsfw tw tag of mine but I do put it under a read more for the mobile users.
Who are the characters that you ship your character with? Oh geez .... so far, there is Gilgamesh, Shirou, ARCHER Emiya, Arthur, Guinevere, Bedivere, Jalter ( w/ Salter ), Iskandar, Robin Hood, Diarmuid, Cu ( blame a doujinshi for this ), Kiritsugu ( .... guilty pleasure ), Rin, Lancelot, etc. ( and a few I would mention ----- )
Does one have to ask to ship with you? I usually recommend to ask just to know if you’re okay with it and we come to a mutual agreement. But I also go with how Arturia herself feels for the character. If she expresses interest, then she’ll speak. Though her route is mostly letting someone else since she’s the type to want other people’s happiness above her own.
How often do you like to ship? If it happens, it happens. If it happens, let’s develop! But I’m open to speak about it if you ever wish to do so. I simply don’t make shipping calls since I like making the communication and interactions with the characters.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less? Look at the above response since it applies to this question as well. Can’t say I’m that thirsty, neither is Arturia but.... if it happens, it happens.
Are you multiship? I am indeed multiship.
Finally, how does one ship with you? IM me, send a random ask, or even interactions. Anything as long as we make some communication about our muses!
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