#dami vampire
yuliasever · 2 years
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"Can I bite u?"~
✓u don't have to ask
✓me? Omg, of course!
✓can I bite u too?👉👈
Dami vamp stole my heart over and over 💘
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reverseoforah · 7 months
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insomniakisses · 1 year
DREAMCATCHER reaction to feeding off their s/o for the first time [Vampire au]
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If there was one word to describe your girlfriend it would be careful. She never fully lets her guard down around you, not when she could so easily slip up and kill you. It was from this behaviour that your curiosity had originally stemmed about being fed from.
You had heard the other girls talk to her about feeding off you, how it was easier and would bring such a new level of intimacy to your relationship. You had seen the look in Minji’s eyes it was clear she was considering it, the knowledge alone setting your body a lite with excitement.
Waiting for her friends to leave, you walked over to your gf her face pulling into a smile at your presence. That smile morphing into a smirk when you straddled her lap and brought your lips to hers. The bliss of your make out being short lived however when you pulled away, desire and curiosity burning in your eyes.
“What is it?” Her voice is barely above a whisper, but clearly audible to you in the otherwise silent room.
“Bite me.” You huff out, surprising yourself at the abruptness of the demand. “Please Min, i really want you to! I promise this is what i-“
Your cut off by her lips pressing to your neck softly, sharp fangs scraping the skin lightly before she speaks up against your neck.
“Your absolutely sure?” Theres no verbal answer but the nod you give her is enough of a conformation when she feels your hand on the back of her head. Your fingers tangle into her hair as she bites into your skin, blood flowing onto her tongue.
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She should have known better. Yoohyeon was clumsy at the best of times, let alone when given a weapon and yet here bora was laying on the floor bullet wound in her chest as the clumsy blonde panicked above her.
“For god sake just go get y/n!”
Bora would be lying if she said she didn’t regret snapping at the girl, but dying because she’d given the worlds clumsiest person a loaded gun was not on her to do list today.
The minute you arrive bora is reaching for you, smiling when you kneel next to her, “baby are you oka-“
looking at you with apologetic eyes as she digs her fangs into your arm, drinking your blood with a satisfied smile. Feeling her wound begin to close and heal, trying her hardest to ignore you yells if pain, she really hopes you’ll forgive her.
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“Hey baby” your girlfriend whispers from behind you, laughing at the yell ypu makes when she picks you up speeding you to her room.
You both giggle when she softly lays you on the bed, hovering over you as she places a few kisses your your face before slowly moving down. Her kisses get more heated the longer shes kissing you, and its not long before shes creating a like of purple and res marks along your skin.
Your moans filling the room when she starts to suck at one particular point on your neck, where your most sensitive. Your moans going up an octave when she begins to drag her sharp fangs against your skin, biting down softly as her hand slips into your shirt. Both moaning in pleasure.
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The feeling of her lips against your skin made your eyes flutter closed, the hot wet kisses being placed against your skin doing nothing to ground you or purify your thoughts.
“I can hear your heart, its so loud i could go deaf” she teases smirking against your skin as she trails her kisses lower and lower. Her fangs scraping against your thigh causing your heart to beat even faster, your breath hitching slightly.
“I wonder…” she mumbles before placing a soft kiss to the same spot, smiling as she bites into the soft flesh. The taste of blood hitting her instantly.
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Looking at the bandage covering your arm you can’t help but shake your head at the memories of this morning replay in your head.
The memory of your puppy like girlfriend being so excited to show you something that she super-sped right into the arm of the chair and landed bite first into your fore arm.
That was when the panic had set in, quickly detaching herself she has flapped around for the next 10 minutes stressing about if you were okay. Stressing so much she completely failed to see bandage yourself up and sit down again. It was only when she had seen your blank stare that she calmed down. Moving to cuddle you.
Looking down to the girl sprawled over you, fast asleep, you couldn’t help shake your head. How could someone so dangerous also be so clumsy and adorable.
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You both loved days like these, days where you spent hours curled up by the fire. Your body wrapped up in her embrace while she reads her latest novel obsession. Her voice always ending up lulling you to sleep. Only this time something seems to be on your mind.
Humming she folds the corner of the page in her book, closing it to focus on you. Red orbs staring into your own. “What is it?”
“I’ve been thinking,” you breath out trying your hardest to keep your voice steady “i want you to bite me” you shut your eyes expecting her to argue, or get mad but instead your met with silence.
Opening your eyes you see your girlfriend staring at you in amusement. “If thats really what you want then okay” smiling she leans in she kiss your neck before biting down.
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Your breathings erractic when she finally stops her movements, climbing back up your body to kiss you. You moan at the taste on her lips and the way she smirks into the kiss.
She pulls away to bite and suck at your neck, sending you a cocky wink before bitching down slightly harder. Her fangs puncturing your skin as she enjoys the taste of your blood, moaning into your neck.
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A/n: God i love vampire dreamcatcher 😭 sorry its so late! And also i hope your doing well <3. some r short bc i wanted to keep them pg-13
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kpop-locks · 2 years
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꒰ ˀˀ ↷ my faves as my favorite movies ”♡ᵎ ꒱
gabxs edition
like/reblog | @iamoureuxz_
psd: @harupsds
don’t repost our work or claim it as yours
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minishkap · 2 years
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vampire icon 🩸
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blancflms · 7 months
Terrors of the Maison
BTS x Dreamcatcher
Chapter 11
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𓂋 maison (noun): French for house.
𓂋 pairings: vampire! BTS x witch! Dreamcatcher
𓂋 summary: One friend group composed of seven boys and seven girls have decided to go and try to give the infamous haunted mansion on the outskirts of Seoul a visit to see for themselves what the mansion and the said entities that lurks in the dark corners have that keeps the weak out and the brave never looking back. Only, it seems that a dark entity has decided to play with them.
𓂋 genre: mystery, horror, fantasy, some fluff, sorry attempt of angst, a little bit of comedy here and there
𓂋 warnings: jimin has a perverted brain and it's making jin burst a vain
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As what the group had agreed upon, they gathered a week later at the Kim siblings' house since they're the ones who owns an RV that's big enough that could comfortably fit everyone and their stuff inside. It was a few minutes after dinner when they decided to start the drive towards the mansion with Jin behind the wheel and Minji on the passenger seat while making casual small talk and sometimes humming along to the soft melody of the song that's playing on the radio with the others doing their own thing. Not long after, they finally arrived at the gate of the mansion, some of the others pulling the curtains back, observing the exterior from inside the van.
"It doesn't really look like those haunted mansions we see on movies but I know looks can be deceiving so I'm still very much creeped out." Hoseok mumbles, feeling a shiver run down his spine as he looks up at the mansion through the window of the RV. "I still think this is a bad idea."
"Oh hush Hobi, we're already here, we can't just go back now." Bora hissed at her boyfriend while he just pouted at her.
" Yes we can. Jin hyung just has to turn the vehicle around and we can drive back to their house and have a sleep over or a campfire on their large backyard and act like this never happened."
" You two, shut it. Are we seriously gonna do this?" Namjoon spoke up from the front of the van where he turns to look at Minji and Jin seeing as they're the eldest members.
" Yes we're gonna do this. Come on guys, we're already here, it'll be such a waste if we go back now. Besides, we already agreed that we won't take that long inside. We're just gonna look around and see if we can find something, also our deal is that once a single indication of something bad happening shows, we're getting out so..." Gahyeon stood up and walked towards the middle of the van and looked at each and everyone before bursting into a wide grin seeing the others lower their head in defeat.
" Fine, but remember, first sign and we're getting out of there, no buts or anything." Taehyung spoke up as he looks pointedly at his girlfriend who only gave him an excited nod.
" Alright then. Hobi, go open the gate." The way Hoseok's head snapped at Jin's direction, eyes wide in disbelief and slight fear almost made Jin worry that the male gave himself a whiplash.
" Me? Oh hell no, I never wanted to be a part of this and if you can't tell I'm kinda scared shitless as it is already so there's no way in hell would I go down and open that creepy ass gate myself. Jungkook, you go." Jungkook, who was casually relaxing on the cushioned bench, on his phone, on the left corner of the van with Yoohyeon leaning her back on his side, peacefully reading a book, sighs as he slowly got up and got down to open the gate which made a loud squeaking noise making him wince as it reaches his sensitive ears, immediately getting back inside and to his previous position as Jin steps on the accelerator, driving along the driveway, stopping the van when they reached the front of the mansion.
"Well, here we are. Let's get our bags and don't forget your jackets and flashlights." Yoongi said after a few moments of standing in front of the mansion as they took the time to study it up close, shiver running down their spine at the feeling of them being watched.
" Alright, remember what we talked about, don't let your group mates out of your sight. It's better we go into bigger groups than by 2's so if someone runs into trouble, more people will be able to help. Also, don't touch anything you're not supposed to, don't try to take anything or take something out of its original place, leave it where it's supposed to be. We're all gonna meet here at the front at exactly 40 minutes, okay?" The others nod their head at Namjoon's words as they all start walking towards the door, Jungkook walking forward to slowly push the door open as it lets out a loud creaking sound making them cringe.
"Well aren't you a cliche haunted mansion door..." Hoseok tries to elevate the tension by making light of the situation which was a success as he hears some of them let out a snicker at his words.
"Alright, remember not to pull some random ass shit, I don't want any one of us to get hurt or get into any form of trouble. Hobi, Bora, Yubin and I will start at the living room and kitchen, come on." Namjoon said as he took Yubin's hand and begin walking towards the direction of what they can only guess as the kitchen with Hobi and Bora following behind, the former keeping a tight grip on the latter's jacket.
" Gahyeon, Taehyung hyung, Yoohyeon, and I will explore the upstairs bedroom. I brought one of my camera in case we find something up there." Jungkook states as he lays a hand on Yoohyeon's back to usher them towards the staircase making Jimin look at him with a teasing smirk on his face.
"Oh~ the bedroom in a haunted house, that's so kinky, didn't know you're into those Jungkookie." Jungkook looks at him with a straight face as Jin smacks the back of his head after processing what the shorter male was trying to insinuate making Jimin whine and pout at the eldest while the rest just scoffs at him.
"Get your head out of the gutter and stop speaking nonsense. I don't need the image or even the thought of my baby sister and one of my best friends doing the thing, spare me the fucking trauma, will you?" Jin rambles on as Yoohyeon's eyes widen, ears and cheeks burning in embarrassment because of her brother's words.
" Why the fuck would you even picture it?!" Jimin argued as Jin moves to smack him again while he continues his rambling, only for Jimin to dodge the hit.
"I didn't picture nor do I wanna picture it so stop your perverted ass mouth from running whatever the fuck is running through that perverted ass brain of yours. Seriously, Siyeon, what the hell did you see in him?" Yoohyeon could only shake her head at her brother as she nudges Jungkook to get moving after Minji signals them to go, keeping a firm hold on Jin's broad shoulders, stirring him away from the group and towards the direction of what she can only guess as the door leading towards the backyard of the mansion along with Siyeon, Handong, Yoongi and a sheepish looking Jimin following behind.
" Fuck, now Jin hyung would be all up on my ass more than he already is." Jungkook sighs in defeat as he throws his head back in exasperation as they stood at the top of the stairs, contemplating where they should start.
"He's not that bad. He's just overprotective, that's all."
"Yeah, not that bad because him not-so-secretly following us when we're out on dates, insisting to not have dinner outside just so he can stare at me with the excuse that his food is " more magical and tasty than some overpriced restaurant," and burning holes on the back of my head or squeezing his big frame between us whenever we're watching movies is not that bad." Taehyung and Gahyeon could only let out a quiet laugh as they listen to the golden maknae complain about his girlfriend's overprotective older brother as they walk along the long corridor towards what they can only guess is one of the bedrooms on the left side of the hallway.
"Alright, I'll talk to him and if he doesn't listen then I'll ask our parents to talk some sense into him so he'll tone it down." Yoohyeon offers the distressed man a small smile before she takes his tattooed hand and begins to pull him towards where Taehyung and Gahyeon were standing in front of.
It was an old looking oak double doors with intricate designs carved on the wood giving it a sophisticated look. Using her flashlight to illuminate the area, Yoohyeon points her flashlight at the door handle seeing what looks to be some type of crystal talisman tied to it as Jungkook proceeds to lift his camera, taking a picture of the crystal thinking it must have some dark meaning behind it.
"What's that? I don't think I've ever seen a talisman like that before." She whispers as she walks closer to the door, crouching in front of the talisman and observing but not touching it, seeing what seems to be grey smoke swirling inside of the white crystal. " I don't think we've even studied this type of crystal in school."
" Let me see." Gahyeon reached forward and grabbed the stone only for her to immediately let go as the double doors slowly opens causing both her and Yoohyeon to take a step back in fright.
"What did you do?" Taehyung ask, turning to Gahyeon who just looks at him and shrug her shoulders.
"I didn't do anything, I just touched it and the door suddenly opened."
"What's that?" Yoohyeon whispers as she shines her flashlight towards the corner of the room to which the others shifts their attention to and to see what seems to be like a book with chains wrapped around it, sealing it shut.
"Let's go see."
"Wait—and she just never listens." Taehyung lets out a deep sigh as Gahyeon chooses to ignore him, immediately stepping inside the room and walking towards the book making the others follow her—not taking the risk of being separated.
"Looks to be some kind of grimoire, maybe ancient but why is it chained?" Yoohyeon looks at the book held in Gahyeon's hands as she watches the youngest turn the lock over to see if they can unlock it, tugging lightly on the chains.
" Why don't you put that down? Namjoon hyung specifically instructed us not to touch anything. For all we know, that book might be some ancient curse book, like some kind of Pandora's box that's why it's been chained shut. " Taehyung approached the two girls as Jungkook goes to the far left corner of the room where a bunch of wilted roses and what looks to be ripped books pages are all laid on a small table.
Pointing his flashlight on the things on the table, Jungkook sees that some of the torn pages are stained with some dark substance that eerily looks like dried blood making some of the words unreadable while some of the others have some discoloration due to old age. On the left corner of the table, Jungkook furrows his eyebrows as he bends down to peer closely at the contents of the small container jars, trying to see if he can distinguish what the contents could be. One of the medium sized jars got his attention, it seems like it's full of cobwebs that he can barely see if there's a live spider inside especially with the dark grey smoke swirling inside the jar that seems to be calling to him.
"What you got there, Koo?" Jungkook jumps, coming out of his trance as he feels a hand gently lay on his back, attention getting redirected from the jar of cobwebs to Yoohyeon, who has now moved away from Gahyeon and Taehyung's bickering, and to her boyfriend who seems to have spaced out while peering inside the jar which she eyed suspiciously before redirecting her eyes on the male.
"Oh, I was just looking at these old, torn book pages. Some of them smeared with some type of dark substance which eerily looks like dried blood when these jars just caught my attention. Look at this one, it's so full of cobwebs that you can barely see inside, do you think there's a live spider in there?" Yoohyeon shifts to stand next to Jungkook as they both peer into the jar, both trying to see inside only to jump back in fright, Yoohyeon letting out a small squeal as a medium sized black spider jumps out of nowhere and lands on the table, in front of the jar they were looking at.
"What happened?" Taehyung and Gahyeon, who were looking through some of the furniture that's been left behind, turned towards the frightened Yoohyeon who was clutching on the back of Jungkook's hoodie as the latter finds an empty jar and goes to catch the spider, immediately closing the lid as soon as he got the spider inside, making Yoohyeon let out a sigh of relief while Jungkook simply placed the jar on the table and pulled the frightened girl to his side, rubbing her back to soothe her.
"Nothing, we were just trying to peer into one of the jars when this spider jumped out of nowhere and frightened Yoohyeon." Jungkook throws a small smile at the couple a few feet away from them who seemed to have been frightened by Yoohyeon's scream.
"Oh, thank God. I thought something seriously bad happened." Taehyung sighed in relief as he and Gahyeon moved to walk after Jungkook and Yoohyeon out the door to go check out the other rooms when suddenly the big double doors slammed shut making the two girls yell in surprise and clutch at their boyfriends, eyes wide in fear.
"What the..." Jungkook mumbles as he gently pries Yoohyeon's hands and fast walks towards the door and try to pry it open only for his efforts to go in vain. Seeing the maknae struggling, Taehyung moves to help him, leaving Gahyeon standing beside the older female when suddenly Yoohyeon lets out a scream and ran towards Jungkook who immediately tries to calm the panicked girl, firmly holding her forearms to stop her from fidgeting as she continues to try and scratch at her nape.
"What's wrong? Are you okay? What happened?!"
"Someone was behind me. Someone with a really cold hand and sharp nails was behind me and touched the back of my neck and whispered something incoherent in my ear." Crying, Yoohyeon wrapped her arms around Jungkook's waist, clutching the back of his shirt as she quietly sobs in fear while Jungkook turns towards the area where Yoohyeon stood a few seconds ago, pointing his flashlight only to see nothing there, even on the shadows.
" Are you sure? Maybe it was just the wind or something, maybe you were just imagining it since this place is pretty creepy." Gahyeon walks towards Yoohyeon, laying a careful hand on her back as Yoohyeon shakes her head in return, face still buried in Jungkook's neck in fear as sobs continues to rack her body.
"I swear, it was a hand. It was really cold, like icy cold with sharp nails. It touched me here." Yoohyeon turns to Gahyeon as she continues to cry before she pulls her hair to one side exposing her nape to show the spot only for them to let out a gasp which only confuses and scare her more.
" What is it? What's wrong?" Gahyeon shushes the older girl as Jungkook gently caress the area where Yoohyeon pointed at, looking at the hand print that seems to already be turning purple and looking closely, he can see a small punctured wound on the area by her carotid.
"Alright, let's get this door open so we can go find the others and get out of here." Jungkook turns to Taehyung signalling him to help look for something they can use to open the door as Yoohyeon's teary eyes dart to everyone in the room with Gahyeon taking a hold of her forearms to pull her away from the door at the same time hushing her as the younger woman can see her starting to panic with their lack of response.
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tachibanahanami · 1 year
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Dami like a Vampire 😂🤣✨
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damiemontclair · 10 months
Can we, like, not bash on people for which fictional game character they chose to romance with their fictional game character? Fiction does not reflect on reality. Thx.
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exghul · 1 year
jon gives damian a nice little hug. and tries to fight the urge to bite him (it wouldn't help the vampire theory damian had cooked up).
but it's really hard. because, sometimes you just want to take a chomp into your bestie's shoulder.
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he is hesitant to protest to the movement -- at first. he does not understand jonathan's sudden intent for a moment ----- until kryptonian arms are enclosing around him & clasping against his back. here, damian's defenses kick in & bare fingers scrabble desperately to gain purchase against jonathan's frame, to push distance between the pair.
to no avail, his attempts gain him no ground. where cloth meets ( biceps, chest, damian's woolen turtleneck against jon's shoulder ), there is simply warmth. where flesh intersects ( lower arms, jon's neck against damian's ear ), the burning begins.
all that protrudes from damian's throat is a feeble squeak as arms squeeze tight against his ribs. the crushing sensation would be comforting if it were not for the itch of fire ants marching ( biting, nipping as they go ) against, through, in & out of his ear or the buzz of them on his lower arms. it is all he can do not to scream as imaginary flames lap at these key points in their tangled bodies.
he must be losing his mind. the itch, ever present through his young years, prevent damian from ever settling close to anyone, hold him back from touch. he cannot find reference for how a boy could ever feel such a pain: perhaps it is a manifestation of his own guilt, this is the plight given to young boys that swing weapons with deadly precision.
damian pushes against jonathan's grip again, leaning his body towards the freedom of emptiness. this does the trick as arms loosen & the incessant buzzing in his flesh lessens.
he shudders involuntarily at the release, the lack of applied pressure. here, he takes a deep breath to quell the panic completely.
❝ --- you know i hate that, ❞ is all he is able to manage as he continues his deep breaths.
he knows, deep in his chest, if jonathan asked him to endure that pain for eternity: he would without a second thought.
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leatherbookmark · 7 months
squinting a little at the deukae tracklist tbh. like, we'll see, but squinting a little
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lycheeluv · 6 months
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Page I did for the Batfam AU zine !! It was an opportunity for me to daw a full piece for this fantasy AU ! Have mer Dick, cervitaur Tim, winged victory Barbara, winged Cass, cupids Steph, vampire Jay, demon Dami and totally human Bruce !
Leftovers are currently open : SHOP // More infos
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fuck-edfrugs · 12 days
Batboys (plus a bit of Clark) design stuff I like
Dick and jay looking like they could be twins, same exact eye color, slightly different noses (both have gotten them broken a few times so they’d be fucked up) but Jason still being taller (only by two inches and only after resurrection ofc but he will not let dick forget) same skin tone, maybe dick is slightly darker due to seeing more sun (aka just being in Gotham less) but either way these two looking so similar is delightful to me.
Bruce and Clark looking almost identical (i seriously cannot let this go, yes the boat party with slade thing changed my brain and now Clark has to be able to stand in for Bruce)
Dami having his fathers jaw and hair and eyebrows and eyes in shape but not color, his mothers nose and mouth and skin tone and eye color, and when he’s an adult being even taller than bruce (making him the tallest of the family)
Tim being the palest of them. Like, mistaken for a vampire levels of this man does not see the sun. To add onto that, he has naturally longer and sharper canines.
Bruce having facial scars that he hides when he’s playing Brucie but are fully visible when he’s Batman
Dick and Jason’s costumes being almost exactly the same, Tim being the first to make real changes to the design.
Duke being somewhat androgynous, with a bit of effort in how he dresses and generally styles himself he could be mistaken for a girl.
Duke having the same eyebrows as Bruce
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flamingpudding · 8 months
Fictober23 Prompt: 31 - "It's not your fault."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: -
A/N: Based on the setting created through Prompt 14 and its Reblogs. Not necessarily to read beforehand but it might give a little context. I tried to go with a more Halloween themed short story hope that worked out.
"Damian this mission has the highest priority any mission or case ever had before." Dick was clutching a glaring Damians shoulders who was now raising an eyebrow like his elder brother had lost his mind.
"Richard, this is ridiculous." He commented, crossing his arms.
"I am serious Dami, we can not fail with this." The elder stressed more. If it were any other situation than this then Damian might have taken Dick more seriously but as it was. His elder brother was pleading with him, dressed in a ridiculous Vampire outfit after having forced Damian into an outfit that was clearly a mockery towards his old league gear. It was a simple ninja costume Dick was making him wear.
"Please Dami! You don't want to get black listed for a month like Bruce or Tim, right? Jason is going to do this if we ruin their first Halloween in Gotham!" The younger's eyes narrowed.
"Do not place me on the same level as Drake. I will not lose any rights towards my nieces and nephews like he did." He huffed as he looked away stubbornly from his elder brother. Damian was not foolish enough to repeat the same mistakes some members of his family have made. He was not going to let his nephews even touch coffee or any caffeinated drink in the first place.
Besides the incident with Jasmine and their father was a whole different matter. It was their fathers own fault for unconsciously challenging his niece and disregarding her talent in analyzing one's mindset, Todd had mentioned once.
"I just want to make sure! Jason has become so protective of the kids and I do not want to lose favorit uncle's privileges!" Damian's eye twitched as he shoved away his elder brother with his hand placed in the other's face. "You must be delusional Richard. I seem to remember that I was the favorite uncle of the twins."
Before Dick could counter Damian the front door opened and the two saw Jason enter the manor with the crime twins on either side of him and the toddler in his arms. The second eldest raised an eyebrow at them before glancing down towards the twins.
"Hey Little Wing, right on time! Where is Jazz?" Dick greeted them cheerfully, bending down a little to wave at Ellie that was blowing a raspberry in his direction. He was probably imaging it but it looked like the little girl was glaring at him.
"Already dropped her off with her school friends, I will pick her up tomorrow afternoon. It's her sibling free day, remember?" Jason only raised an eyebrow also noting the frown the twins were sporting at seeing Dick.
Dick nodded, turning towards the twins. Did he imagine it or did one of the boy's whisper fruitloop to the other. "Ready for your first Trick or Treat in Gotham? We gotta collect all the candy for you two that we can!"
"Sure." Dick was hoping for more enthusiasm from the boy's but maybe that would come once they got their first candies bagged. "You two look interesting, what are you going as?"
"Frankenstein." The two answered simultaneously before glaring at each other and Dick sweatdropped. One of the boy's was dressed like a mad scientist with a white coat and welding goggles strapped to his head as well as some broken medical equipment clearly made visible. The other boy looked more like a monster with ripped clothing, fake bolds glued to his neck and drawn stitches all over his visible skin that was coloured slightly greenish.
"Wow you both did a good job! The monster looks just like in the movies." Dick tried in hopes
"I see. So Daniel is Doctor Frankenstein while Dante is Frankenstein's monster." The twins looked up towards Damian, the glare lost for a moment before they turned on each other again.
"See Uncle Dick said it! When someone says Frankenstein they think of the Monster, twerp!"
"Nuhu! Uncle Damian got it! He knew I was the Doctor and not the monster!"
"And Jazz just got them to stop arguing about that shit." Jason muttered with a glare towards Dick before the twins could devolve any further into their argument Jason stepped towards the side where Alfred had appeared and was heading over the now bubbling little girl that was making grabby hand towards the butler. He then turned towards the boys.
"Okay you two. Remember today's rules." He clapped his hand for more effect and to get the two to look at him. Which sort of worked as they still gave each other side eyed glares but nodded regardless. "Good and remember no crimes today, enjoy your fun and do not stuff yourself with candies."
"Okay Dad." The twins answered in sync before Jason literally pushed them towards Dick and Damian and out the Manors front door. They were the ones taking the twins out for a Trick or Treat run as their first Halloween in Gotham. Jason was going to hang back with Alfred to take care of Ellie.
Dick had volunteered doing this for his brother a couple weeks before Jason had wondered what he was going to do with the kids for Halloween. Dick had also instantly volunteered Damian for it two. Their youngest brother wasn't that much older than the twins yet and they surely would feel more comfortable with two known family members around.
An hour in and Dick was moments away from admitting that he made a grave mistake.
"Dami! Have you seen Danny?!" Jason was going to murder them if they lost one of his kids. So Dick was rightfully slightly panicked. He had taken his eyes of the boy for only a moment to check something on his phone.
"You have lost Daniel?" The youngest Wayne looked miffed at him and had a slight glare before though Dick noticed something else in his eyes too. "Damian, where is Dan?"
The younger clicked his tongue and Dick paled slightly. Okay no big deal, they temporarily lost the crime twin. He had found and followed Danny before, surely he would be able to find the boy in the crowd of disguised children too. Danny went with a mad scientist costume. How many of them were running around? It would be more difficult to find Dan, he had spotted a couple of different Frankensteins already.
"Jason is going to blacklist us, isn't he?" Dick muttered his eyes wandering over every child he could see going from door to door for candies. Damian doing the same even watching other adults and parents in case one of them had the idea to snatch his nephews from them.
"It won't be as bad as Drake and father." Damian commented as a form of consolation to his elder brother but knew it probably would. Jason blacklisted Tim from watching the kids for the caffeine incident for a month and their father was still blacklisted until Jazz felt like talking to the man again, the twins in solidarity to their sister doing the same.
"Should we split up? But what if they are looking for us? Oh good what if one of the rogues snatched them up? Or worse, some leftover guys from that damned organization?" From the corner of his eyes Damian saw how his elder brother was getting worked up and even though he wasn't showing it, he too was worried. This certainly was not how they had hoped the boy's first Halloween with them would go.
In a decorative street tree on the side of the path Dick and Damian were on sat two boy's one munching on a licorice stick while the other was nibbling on chocolate. Both were invisible just in case their uncle decided to look up.
"Fake blood next?" Danny asked as he watched Dick starting to pace.
"Not yet. Did Dad mention anything about the firecrackers?" Dan asked in return as he bite of another piece of his licorice stick.
"Not that I remember, tho Jazz said to go easy on Uncle Dick." Danny hummed tilting his head slightly with a frown. "But he lost that privilege looking like the fruitloop. You got one of Dad's fake guns right?"
"Why? Didn't you say you wanted to 'fake' stab yourself with the broken syringe?" Dan raised an eyebrow as Danny gave him a feral grin. "You recovered your shape shifting power, right?"
Dan returned the feral grin with one of his own understanding what kind of prank Danny was hinting at. "For once, I like the way you're thinking, twerp."
"Would you stop calling me that! We are the same age now!" Danny pouted as he stuffed the last of his chocolate in his mouth and prepared to jump off the tree.
"Never!" Dan quickly answered with a laugh as he took the lead and jumped off the tree and disappeared into the crowds first as he let go of his invisibility. Danny quickly followed doing the same. They had after all a lot more pranks planned to play on their uncles.
The evening ended with Dick and Damian making their way into the Manor through the bat cave entrance so that they could get to the Medbay before Jason saw the twins. Both looked rather disheveled and like they had gotten dragged through mud. What they didn't expect was Jason, being in the cave and looking at them with raised eyebrows. Dick was holding Dan who was literally growling as Dick was pressing a bundle of tissues against the boy's nose. There was a ripped strip of his vampire costume tied around Dan's arm, a line of dried 'blood' going down the arm.
Damian was holding Danny. The boy looked dizzy, holding his head with one hand while he whined about everything being to bright, the goggles of his costume were cracked and the white coat now had red 'blood' strains, the shirt he was wearing also appeared to be soaked in 'blood' and there was a tried spot of blood below Danny's nose like he also had had a nose bleed like his twin.
"What happened?" Jason's tone sounded neutral and Dick laughed nervously.
"It looks worse than it is…" He tried to salvage, maybe they could still save their nephew watching privileges.
"It's Richard's fault. He lost sight of Danny first." Dicks head whipped around towards Damian who just decided to throw him under the bus. A look of betrayal crossed the eldest face at the narrowed stare Damian was giving him. "The situation spiraled from there."
"No wait! Damian lost Dan! It's not just my fault!" He tried to defend himself as Jason's eyes narrowed on him. But before he could come up with any more reasons why it was not just his fault and that they should not lose any of their uncle privileges because of that…
…Jason started laughing, wheezing out a "It's not your fault."
Confused Dick blinked before Dan jumped out of his hands the same time Danny jumped out of Damians. Suddenly the kids appeared like nothing was wrong as they rushed over towards Jason. Hadn't Danny been dizzy until now? And Dan had complained and growled at him about a headache?
He glanced at Damian who was watching the twins with narrowed eyes.
"Well looks like you two had a lot of fun." They watched how Jason patted the twins' heads grinning at them as the boy's sported proud looks, like they were pleased with themselves. "Your Auntie Babs is making a highlight reveal for the entire family later. Till then go wash up and bug one of your other uncles or aunts."
"Can I go bug Uncle Tim! I got an new invention idea when Uncle Dick got chased by the dogs!"
"I want to find Aunt Harper."
"Sure both should be in the Manor by now. Just wash up first." With the boy's sent away it left the two adults and teen in the batcave. One of them gabbing like fish, the other glaring with narrowed eyes and the last of them still chuckling.
"Todd." Damian hissed and Dick knew that tone. Damian was promising revenge on Jason.
"Light up brat. The twins needed an outlet and Jazz suggested they could pull some pranks today, I just told them that with you two they could go all out."
Dick wasn't sure if he should feel relieved or be slightly mad at his brother for that but eventually he decided to go with relief. "So we are not losing uncle privileges, good."
"You two are still getting blacklisted for two weeks."
"I demand a reason."
"You tried taking them with you on patrol and you gave them blade training. They are six."
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panda-writes-kpop · 5 months
bang it on me, shatter (fem! reader, vampire au)
a/n: happy yooh day! this is a 2yoo fic but shush it's fine :) this one's especially for my girls and gays - y'know who you are <3 fun fact: I rewrote this fic three times, which means I have plenty of material if people are interested in a sequel.
tw: fem!reader (gay vampires rule!!!), vampires, blood, alcohol, drunk!reader, like one suggestive comment, reader has a hangover, implied death and gore. (can you tell I watched wwdits before I wrote this)
summary: gay vampires, that's the plot. you have your share of dirty little secrets, the biggest being that your two lovers are murderous vampires. luckily for them, you don't give a shit!
♡ Masterlist ♡
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Quiet. Calm. Serene. Peaceful.
You preferred your nights to be all of those things. Although living with vampires could get chaotic, most nights were spent cuddled between your two lovers. Yoohyeon would wrap an arm around your waist while attempting to organize matters for the next few days. Dami, on the other hand, would place a hand on your thigh while reading a book or going through some records.
Tonight, however, would not be one of those nights.
You couldn’t even make it into the library before Dami’s familiar, Kazuha, storms into your room.
“Ma’am, your presence is requested in the front foyer. We have guests.” She plays with her hair for a moment before you rise from your armchair.
“Guests or guests?” You softly ask before brushing past Kazuha to grab an outfit for the night.
You pause before grabbing your second most formal outfit.
I’m less attached to this one if blood gets on it.
“Tell Ms. Lee and Ms. Kim I’ll be down after I get dressed.” You wave off Kazuha, who bows before leaving. 
“Make sure to have formal wear arranged for you and the rest of the staff. It’s going to be a special night.”
You lightly play with your hair as you quickly descend the stairs. It’s been a while since you’ve had guests - the girls usually went out and hunted when they were hungry. You could guess that they’d either gotten lazy or lucky with their food.
Given the surprise of the five women in front of you when you came to greet them, you went with luck.
“Good evening, ladies,” You pause before bowing, “what brings you to our humble estate?”
One of the ladies, a taller girl with black hair, answers.
“We needed shelter for the night. A bad storm rolled through and left us stranded.”
Definitely lucky.
“I welcome weary travelers. I can lead you to some spare bedrooms so you can change before dinner.” You calmly say before turning on your heel and heading to your left.
You hear five sets of feet follow behind as you point out some of the rooms.
“If you need anything before you get called for dinner, there are servants floating around to help.” You direct a few nearby servants to usher the girls into their rooms.
The servants are well-trained as sneaky hands find papers and treasures before five doors slam in harmony. 
You quickly collect the important documents and grab a few jewels for the familiars before you head to the study.
“Kazuha, Yunjin,” You call out to the two women in front of the study, “take these and put them on your outfits tonight.”
“We can’t-“ Kazuha says before Yunjin snatches half of the jewels for herself.
“Speak for yourself, Zuha, and thank you.” Yunjin stuffs the jewels in her pocket, “they’re waiting inside for you.”
“Thank you.” Kazuha mumbles before gently grabbing her half of the treasure from you.
They both step aside as the doors in front of you open to reveal the study with the two occupants you were expecting.
Yoohyeon smiles as she spots you first.
“Did you find anything important, my dear?” She asks before you hand her two sets of papers. 
“Only the best for my favorite people.” You press a soft kiss to her face before she pulls you in for a quick kiss on the lips.
“A seamstress and a musician… it seems we do have a crew of merry fellows.” Yoohyeon says as she skims the paper.
“No hunters?” Dami asks before you sit next to her and hand her one of the papers.
“One, but she doesn’t have any notable achievements or accolades. Could be a front since the other two don’t have any listed occupations or skills.” You toss the papers aside before grabbing Dami’s arm. 
“Anything interesting?”
“Same story as the rest - family history in vampiric hunting, traveling with weapons, but you’re right, darling, everything else is spotless.” Dami grabs her book with one hand before setting aside the other paper.
You tidy up the desk in front of you before Dami grabs your hand.
“You look nice,” She quickly eyes you before going back to your book, “but hopefully you won’t mind that outfit getting a bit messy.”
The servants are in a flurry to finish the final preparations for dinner - dinner for one human and two vampires was easy enough, but six humans and two vampires? That’d be enough to drive any chef mad, especially on a couple hours’ notice.
You had to keep up appearances, for now, so eight meals would have to do.
That way, everyone had leftovers for a few days.
You take a seat on the small, simple chair that sits in-between the two grandest chairs that always were in the dining room as five more sit on the other side of the long table. A beautiful, silky red tablecloth sits on the grand table as dishes appear on the table as servants rush to and from the kitchen. 
After the feast is set out, everyone scampers away except for Kazuha and Yunjin. Yunjin is holding a bottle of red wine, dressed in her finest, as Kazuha holds a bottle of “red wine” in a beautiful black dress with the new addition of a shiny golden necklace. Both girls sit on the short end of the table, far away from the door on the other side.
The first people through the grand mahogany doors are the guests, all five of them at once. You’re able to profile each of the girls - their travel documents were enough to go off of. JiU, the taller, black-hair seamstress, takes a seat at the leftmost section of the table. Next to her was SuA - one of the two girls who didn’t have any occupational description, but her light-brown hair sits gently on her shoulders in radiant curls. The girl in the middle - Handong, the hunter - sits confidently in the middle. Her eyes challenge yours as you, as innocently as possible, toss the paperwork towards her.
“They fell out of your coats when you were rushed into your rooms,” is the bare bones excuse you give.
“It’s alright.” The red-haired girl, Siyeon, offers you a smooth smile before grabbing the papers and redistributing them. The Songbird, the girl whose voice could calm anyone from a mile away.
The last girl is completely silent, but the pink-hair shines bright in the dark, moody room. Gahyeon, the second girl with so little information with her name, doesn’t sit until SuA sends her a pointed glare. Gahyeon immediately falls into her chair with a sharp thud.
Their eyes follow you up and down, like an animal hunting their prey. They’re trained killers, but not better killers than the two women you live with. These five girls have killed with knives or guns or poison, but they haven’t ripped apart another human with their bare hands. Safe to say, it would be a bloody, violent night.
Dinner was quiet and much less brutal than you were expecting. The five girls had a brilliant spread in front of them, enough to momentarily distract them from their goal. A meal is a way to anyone’s heart, but it also pushes their mind into a state of comfort.
Enough for them to not notice the extra liquid that was mixed with the wine. Not anything that would kill them, but enough to disarm them for a while.
You had plenty of wine - the less you remembered about tonight, the better. You weren’t black-out drink, but there was a noticeable flush on your face.
“Dear, I think it’s best if you rest for a while, hm?” Yoohyeon’s gentle hand on your right shoulder makes you look into her eyes.
“Wine’s good.” You mumble into your glass that Dami snatches from your hand. “You’re don't know how to have fun.”
“We can have fun later-“ Yoohyeon teases as you giggle.
“Yoohyeon, you flirt~” You try to smack her shoulder, but you miss it completely.
“We’ll talk in the morning, love, you need rest.” Dami sets your glass aside before helping you out of the chair. “You don’t need to remember what’s about to happen, but just in case, you should be far away. Yunjin, Kazuha!”
“Miss Lee,” Kazuha answers as she and Yunjin approach, “How can we help?”
“Take her upstairs, but not to the bedroom. You should be able to get her to the farther rooms in the east wing... preferably the one that’s the least dusty, if possible.”
“Got it.” Yunjin says as she places one of your arms on her shoulder.
Kazuha does the same with your other arm, and with one drunken foot in front of the other, you make your way to the east wing in order to rest.
The next time you regain consciousness, it’s completely dark outside. You’re sober, but the killer headache tells you that you had a bit too much fun last night. Luckily, a gentle hand combs through your hair as someone else places a glass of water and some acetaminophen next to your night stand.
“How do you feel?” Dami calmly asks as Yoohyeon cuddles into your side.
“ ‘m tired.” You mumble into your pillow - perhaps suffocating yourself would be more pleasurable than this headache?
Dami pulls the pillow back a few centimeters for your comfort (and safety, but she doesn’t know that).
Yoohyeon lightly grabs your sides before trying to erase the nonexistent space between you two.
“Yes, Yooh?”
“I love you~” She sings into your ear as you roll around and look her in the eyes.
“Is the kitchen a mess?” You deadpan as she nervously laughs.
“Would you be mad if I said yes?” Yoohyeon gives you a guilty smile before looking at Dami for help.
“We’re cleaning it up because we gave the servants a few days off. They put in a lot of last minute work that they deserve to be respected and paid for.” Dami explains as you lightly hit Yoohyeon’s shoulder.
“Ow.” She grumbles as you flick her shoulder again. “Can’t believe I let you disrespect me.”
“Move over, I want Dami to sit next to me.” You ask with as much sweetness you can muster as Yoohyeon reluctantly scoots over.
You move as well, but not before taking the medicine and a healthy sip of water.
You lightly pat the blanket as Dami takes a seat next to you. She gently grabs your hand while continuing to comb through your hair with the other.
Somehow, you managed to find your slice of heaven among beasts, the worst of the worst, but you wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
Not when they’d live and die for you and for your honor.
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smuttysabina · 1 year
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Masterlist of all my smutty works on Tumblr
Drunken Sex wirth Dreamcatcher
Brat Taming with Rei
Brat Taming with Rei Part 2
Vampiric Jiu
Vampiric Jiu 2
Jihyo Impregnation Lessons
Gahyeon Summons Tentacles
Chaeryeong's Daily Schedule
Yeji's Lessons on Gangbangs
EU's Perverted Fun
Pregnant Jihyo on Top
Yeji's Horny Hunt
Lia's Gossip-Filled Gangbang
In Exaltation of Lisa
On Watching Mia
Full Strapon Dami Domination
A Divine Milking
Yiren Goes Riding
Painfully Sweet
Jennie Gets Her Due
COMM: Gah-Dong Futa Frenzy
Lisa and Rose at Coachella
Owning Aespa Ch 1
Owning Aespa Ch 2
Owning Aespa Ch 3
Pokimane's Editor
Jaime Gets Gangbanged
A Date With Lily and Poki
Turned Out By OTV
Star-Smitten by Tentacles
COMM: Hyoon Tames a Simp
Aria Lesbian Gangbang
Valkyrae Reverse Gangbang
COMM: Jaime's Discourse on Disgust
Pokimane Takes Your Virginity
Kimi's Anal ASMR
Sydney's First Gangbang
Wendy's Wedding Gangbang
Jodi's Delightful Draining
OTV Mommy Foursome
Jodi's Morning Misgivings
Dreams of Aria
Jaime Steals your Seed
Rae Leslie Yvonne Threesome
Poki's Well-Perused Pussy
470 notes · View notes
fandoms--fluff · 1 year
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Part 2
Kid!Fem!Reader x Damon!Salvatore x Stefan!Salvatore
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of boobs, mentions of sex, blood ig
It's 2:30am and your thrashing around in your bed, crying. Your dreaming about some time in the early 1890's when you were kidnapped by a vampire hunter, he was torturing you. He was using vervain ropes to tie you up and stab wood through you, getting closer to your heart every time. You did eventually get away but the dream is recapping every part of the torture that happened.
At some point you started to scream. Katherine came running in as fast as she could since the room she's staying in is right next to yours.
"Hey, hey, hey y/n wake up" she said, shaking you.
Once you woke up and saw Katherine sitting at the edge of the bed beside you, you jumped into her arms. Your head resting on her shoulder, crying your eyes out.
"Were you having a bad dream, hun?" Katherine asked rubbing your back.
You nodded feverishly. "You want to talk about it?"
"Wan' Stefy and Damy" you whined and then nuzzled your head into her chest.
Without much thought and because your tired, you started to trace the curves of her boobs from the cleavage of her top. Katherine looked at you and smiled, holding back a laugh. She stood up and started walking to Stefan's room with you in her grasp, continuing the movements of tracing her breasts.
You guys finally got to Stefan's room and right as she was about to turn the doorknob she heard noises of him and Elena having sex.
"Okay, how about we go see Damon instead" Katherine looked to where now you started to suck on your index and middle fingers.
She just decided to let that be Damon's problem, knowing there was a high chance of you biting her fingers. Now she was heading to Damon's room and opened the bed, going inside.
Katherine went over to his bed and placed you on it, making sure you couldn't fall off before waking him up.
"Damon!" All he did was just grunt and turn the other way. "Damon wake up! y/n had a nightmare" that woke him up and he sat up to see you and Katherine.
You rushed and climbed into Damon's lap, still crying. "I'll leave you two alone now" Katherine said while she left, going back to her room.
"What was your dream about y/n/n?" Damon asked, trying to pull your fingers out of your mouth.
You tried to bite him but stopped when he gave you a 'don't even think about it or else' look.
"Mean 'erson hur' me. Burn a wot and awmost kiwl me" you said with a sob.
Damon looked down at you with widened eyes, thinking you would've forgotten about that experience by now. "Oh bub, it's okay. I promise that will never happen to you again" Damon said, reassuring you.
You looked up at him and he wiped the tears off your face with his thumbs. "Pwomise?" You asked.
"I promise" He said and kissed your forehead.
Not so long after, you fell asleep Damon noticed Alaric leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed and a smile on his face. Damon just rolled his eyes while Alaric walked in going over to him.
"That was cute and impressive" he said to Damon.
"Well she's my baby sister. Literally" Damon said nodding down to where you were now sucking your thumb, leaning against his chest.
Damon laid down with you still laying on his chest, pulling a blanket up. “So are you just going to stand there and stare at us sleeping?” Damon said while closing his eyes. 
 Alaric softly smiled again then left, closing the door on his way out, going back to bed.
In the morning (later)
Every one is now  awake and downstairs, Bonnie and Elena making breakfast. At first Tyler was helping but then got kicked out after almost starting a fire on the counter somehow. Stefan was sitting on one of the couches with a mug of coffee and realized that it was way too quiet.
“Hey where’s Damon?” To Stefan’s question everyone looked around the room, not seeing him. 
Katherine just chuckled and everyone turned their heads towards her suspiciously. “What?” She asked.
“What did you do?” Stefan started to walk over to her.
“She didn’t do anything.” “Yeah, listen to Mister history teacher over there” Katherine said with a smirk. 
“Just go to his room and you’ll see why, it’s cute” Stefan listened to her and sped up to Damon’s room. 
“It is never a good sign when you say something is cute” Elena said walking over and sitting on the couch opposite from her, with a plate of the food her and Bonnie just finished.
“If you don’t believe me just wait until the three of them come down here” She said back to Elena.
“Three? Is y/n with Damon?” Tyler asked and Katherine just nodded.
Soon Stefan and Damon came down the stairs with you in Damon’s arms, leaning on his shoulder, still half asleep. 
“Was she with you the whole night?” Stefan asked as Damon sat down next to Bonnie.
“Yup, she had a nightmare, Katherine brought her to my room at like two in the morning, crying” He said, starting to play with your hair.
“Wait was y/n crying or was Katherine?” Jeremy asked confused, while grabbing some of the food.
“y/n” Katherine said glaring at him. 
You looked up, hearing your name being said, rubbing your eyes with closed fists cutely. You then were staring at some fruit on Bonnies plate. “Do you want a piece of pineapple?” Bonnie asked you.
You nodded your head and bonnie handed you a piece, you started to chew it and after a couple seconds brought your hands up and spat it out into them. Making a disgusted facial expression. Damon immediately carried you over to the sink in the kitchen to wash your hands, getting all the chewed up pineapple off. He also grabbed a paper towel to wipe your chin.
“Alright you don’t like pineapple, noted” Damon said and walked back into the room where everyone else is, everyone now finished their food. “Down p’ease” You mumbled.
He set you down and you went over to Elena, making grabby hand motions. Elena smiled and picked you up, setting you on her lap. Damon sat down, looking offended because you picked you’d rather go to Elena than stay with him.
You turned to face her and saw her necklace. You reached a hand out and touched the necklace but then quickly took back your hand, burned by vervain. Your eyes started to water and Elena pulled you into a hug and started to rub your back. 
“I’m sorry” Elena whispered.
You rested your head on her shoulder and started to trace the curve of her boobs showing. Everyone started staring at what your doing and Elena looked confused before Stefan came over lifting you up, placing you on his hip.
You looked at him with a pout on your face. “Where did you even- why?” Stefan asked while Caroline chuckled at what you just did. 
“Hmmmm I wonder where?” Katherine said smirking at Stefan then Elena. 
“What are you talking about?” Elena asked.
“The fact that last night she started to do that exact same thing to me last night and then when I got to your room you guys were having sex. Also just the fact that she’s related to Damon” Katherine said and you started to kick Stefan to let you down.
Everyone stared shocked at the couple while Stefan let you down. “What did I say about the kicking yesterday?” Stefan said crouched down to your level.
“yes kicking” You said with a smile and ran over to Alaric, clinging to his legs.
“I’m pretty sure that won’t sink into her mind anytime soon” Caroline said and went over to you lifting you up from where you were holding on for dear life to Alaric’s legs.
“Wow she has a strong grip” He said, surprised. 
When Caroline sat back down you started to play with her hair and brought it up to your nose to sniff it. “Smell ‘ood” you said looking up at her.
“I think she likes your hair” Tyler said.
“Don’t be a smart ass” Bonnie said to him.
“ass!” You exclaimed, excitedly.
“No, remember what I said yesterday if you said a bad word?” Stefan said, looking at you. 
Again Jeremy and Tyler were laughing, not helping at all. You look confused at Stefan’s question, your head laid down against Caroline’s chest. 
“Well what I remember is that if you said a bad word you get time with a bar of soap in your mouth” Stefan said. 
“Okay. I no say bad word” You glumly answered your brother.
Meanwhile Elena got a text. “Guys, it’s Elijah. He said we need to meet up. Like now” Said Elena, standing up.
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