#damian Wayne ce
crimsonbluuu · 3 months
Chapters: 2/31 Fandom: DCU, DCU (Comics), DCeased (DC Comics), New Teen Titans Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Batfamily Members & Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Duke Thomas & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Dick Grayson & Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Tim Drake & Damian Wayne, Duke Thomas & Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown & Damian Wayne, Cassandra Cain & Damian Wayne, Talia al Ghul & Damian Wayne, Teen Titans & Damian Wayne Characters: Damian Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Duke Thomas, Alfred Pennyworth, Talia al Ghul, Teen Titans - Character Additional Tags: Damian Wayne is Robin, Damian Wayne-centric, Hurt Damian Wayne, Damian Wayne Acts Like a Kid, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Jason Todd and Damian Wayne Meet in the League of Assassins, Jason Todd & Damian Wayne Bonding, Dick Grayson Has Eldest Daughter Syndrome, Dick Grayson is Batman, Dick Grayson is Nightwing, Bruce Wayne is a D+ parent, Duke Thomas is a Batfamily Member, Duke Thomas is a Ray of Sunshine, Cassandra Cain is Just Along for the Ride, Minor Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain, Stephanie Brown Appreciation, Stephanie Brown is a Batfamily Member, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Batfamily Oneshots, mostly Damian Wayne centered
Chapter two: Fool's Game - Damian's vision blurs as he stumbles through the debris-ridden room, his body weak and battered. Each step feels like an insurmountable challenge, but he refuses to give in to the pain. Not yet, at least. He walks as fast as his legs will allow him to, the cloth clutched into his hand as he holds onto the walls for support.
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desatu · 2 years
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literally the first thing that popped into my head after reading this post by @im-totally-not-an-alien-2
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sockich · 1 year
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But I'm so tired. The fight... I hate that I know how to take down my family. I hate that it's something I've thought about before.
From Tim Drake: Robin #3
And beneath the cut, two other times Tim thought of his family as people he might need to take down, aka one of my favourite aspects of his character.
In Robin #117, while celebrating his 16th birthday, Tim gets a message from future!Alfred about one of their friends destroying Gotham:
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Tim then spends some quality time stalking his friends, thinking up worst case scenarios:
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From Robin #120
Of course it turns out this was all Bruce's idea of a training exercise, which Tim takes super well:
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From Robin #120
He realizes the real problem is that Bruce is asking him to enter a headspace that scares the hell out of him, but ultimately, that's not enough to get him to stop being Robin:
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From Robin #120
Time passes and, in Red Robin #14, we see Tim's gotten a lot more comfortable with this particular headspace of making plans to take down his family should the need arise:
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He might hate this part of himself, but that's not gonna stop him from being prepared:
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From Tim Drake: Robin #3
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angellyslion · 1 year
BioDad Bruce Wayne
Marinette est épuisée entre ses commandes, ses missions de déléguées de classe, préparer les cours de mademoiselle Bustier et ses activités parascolaires. Elle dort quelques heures par semaine.Le traitement de sa classe n'arrange pas sa situation entre les moqueries, les insultes et les coups bas. Elle ne veut plus faire d'effort pour eux. Elle a fini d'être la douce et gentille Marinette que tout le monde aime et connait. Plus de babysitting gratuit et à la dernière minute, plus de commission, plus de banderole d'encouragement et plus de pâtisserie provenant de la boulangerie de sa famille.
Marinette va finir son année scolaire. Il lui reste une dernière semaine avant qu'elle ne puisse quitter l'atmosphère toxique dans laquelle, elle est depuis deux ans.L'héroïne de Paris sera avec sa vraie famille. Elle n'aura plus besoin de cacher qui elle est.Comme à son habitude, elle est assise au fond de la classe esquissant sa tenue pour Clara pour son prochain clip vidéo.Depuis que Jagged, Clara, les Waynes, Oliver Queen et la famille Kent ont parlé de ses tenues incroyables sa notoriété est montée et elle est devenue MW. Bien entendue Lila prétendait sortir avec elle, au grand désespoir de Marinette et Chloé.
« Bonjour Mari-Bug, salut Chlo
- Bonjour Chlo ! Pourquoi es-tu de si bonne humeur en ce lundi matin ?
- Une petite surprise qui attend Lie-la.
- Qu'a tu préparé ? Cela ne me dit rien qui vaille !
- Ne t'en fais pas, tu vas adorer ce que j'ai en réserve. La fille du maire sourit d'un air malicieux.
- Étrangement Queenie, tu me fais peur !
- Tu me blesses Mari-Gold ! Je suis un petit ange !
- N...
- Bonjour tout le monde, intervient Miss Bustier coupant les deux filles dans leur conversation. J'ai besoin de votre attention quelques minutes. Nous recevons Monsieur Wayne ainsi que ses deux plus jeunes fils. Vous aurez le droit de leur poser des questions mais interdiction de filmer ou de prendre des photos.
- Si Bruce vient, c'est grâce à moi ! Vous savez qu'il me considère presque comme sa fille. Après tout je suis la meilleure amie de sa fille Martha et je sors avec son plus jeune fils Damian, ment une nouvelle fois Lila.
- Je pourrais avoir une interview Lila de comment tu les as rencontrés ? Tu pourras aussi les invités !
- Alya je pourrais t'accorder ton interview mais je ne suis pas sûre qui puisse se libérer !
- Retiens-moi Chloé, je vais la tuer ! Murmure la porteuse de la chance, n'ayant pas remarqué qu'une partie de sa famille est arrivée. Lila tu trompes MW ? La semaine dernière tu sortais avec lui ?
- Non, j'ai dit que je sortais avec MW avant qu'il ne devient célèbre. En plus j'ai aidé Batman à arrêter le Joker !
- Mademoiselle je vous prierai de ne pas mentir !
- Monsieur Wayne, je ne vous attends pas si tôt !
- Pourtant je vous ai prévenue que je passerai durant votre première heure de cours.
- Monsieur Wayne, vous êtes là pour voir Lila ?
- Qui ?
- La meilleure amie de votre fille qui est aussi la petite amie de votre fils Damian ? L'Italienne se fait toute petite.
- Désolé de vous décevoir mais la meilleure amie de ma fille est Chloé et mon fils sort avec Jon.
- Lila tu nous as menti ?
- Désolé ma maladie du mensonge a encore fait des siennes. J'ai dû aussi tout me mélanger. Avec mes problèmes de mémoire ce n'est pas facile de voir clair dans mes souvenirs.
- Ne t'excuse pas ma fille ce n'est pas grave. Ce n'est pas de ta faute.
- Mademoiselle Rossi, ce n'est pas bien de mentir, j'ai invité quelques amis pour vous poursuivre en justice pour mensonges et calomnies envers ma famille et intimidation et harcèlement envers ma fille et cela vaut pour toute la classe à l'exception de Chloé. Pour vous Mademoiselle Césaire, je vous conseillerai de supprimer votre blog !
- Quoi ? Mais pourquoi ?
- Vous avez répandu des rumeurs sur bon nombre de personnes et de plus vous n'avez pas vérifié vos sources.
- Je te dis que c'est ici ! provient une voix dans le couloir.
- Moi non ! La bleuette regarde son amie blonde d'un air perplexe reconnaissant la voix.
- Qu'as-tu fait Chlo ?
- J'ai peut-être sous-entendu que tu étais harcelée à cause d'une renarde et tout le monde a voulu aidera à se débarrasser de celle-ci. Même ta mère.
- Tu veux que tout Paris meure ?
- Non !
- J'avais raison !
- Jagged Stone et Clara Nightingale ! Vous êtes venus pour Lila ?
- Oui et c'est pour la poursuivre en justice !
- Elle a sauvé ton chaton d'un avion et tu as écrit une chanson sur elle !
- Césaire, Penny et moi sommes allergiques aux poils de chats. De plus je me demande qui laisserait une enfant sur le tarmac à moins que cela soit des incompétents. J'aurais été traité de pédophilie si j'avais composé cette chanson. De plus j'ai Fang avec moi depuis plus de vingt ans.
- Lila sur quoi tu as dit la vérité ?
- Je peux répondre à sa place, tout ce qu'elle a dit depuis le début ce sont des mensonges. Vous n'avez qu'à chercher sur internet. Déclare Marinette. La classe sort pour vérifier les faits pour remarquer que seule le lady blog apparaît.
- Marinette, je t'ai dit de prendre la grande route et de ne pas révéler les mensonges de Lila. Cela ne faisait de mal à personne !
- De mal n'a personne ? Tout le monde a raté des opportunités en or à cause de Lie-la. Alya a été radiée de toutes les écoles des journalismes et a été mise sur la liste noire. Rien que la semaine dernière, j'ai failli être akumatisée une dizaine de fois. Et à cause d'elle car j'ai essayé de les prévenir tout le monde m'a tourné le dos ! Elle m'a accusé de chose que je n'ai même pas faite ! J'ai été intimidée et harcelée par ceux que je pensais être mes amis. J'ai failli être virée car elle était jalouse ! J'en ai fini avec cette classe ! Papa, je rentre à la maison avec vous. Je ne resterai pas ici ! Chlo vient quand tu veux à la maison. Et Agrest je n'ai rien fait pour ton information c'est Chloé qui a organisé ceci et non moi. La prochaine fois avant d'accuser quelqu'un vérifie tes sources !
- Marinette tu n'as pas le droit de quitter la classe sans l'accord de tes parents. Et je suis ton professeur tu me dois le respect !
- D'une je vous respecterai quand vous serez juste, de deux j'ai arrêté d'être le bon exemple c'est à vous de le faire, de trois vous êtes virée pour votre incompétence comme Monsieur Damoclès et de quatre je ne fais plus partie de cette école. Et avant que j'oublie je suis Martha Wayne connu aussi sous le nom de MW !
Marinette quitte la classe suivie par sa famille sous les hurlements des autres.
- Merci pour l'aide, Clara j'ai fini ta robe ainsi que ta tenue pour ton clip tu veux les voir ?
- Bien sûr Mari ! L'adolescente lui tend son carnet. Elles sont super, je les adore !
- Merci Clara, je les commencerai à Gotham vu que j'aurai le temps !
Petit bonus
- Oui Chlo ?
- Suite à la bombe que tu as lâchée, madame Mendeleïev est notre nouvelle professeure. Tout le monde s'en prend à Lila et me harcèle pour avoir ton numéro de téléphone. Voyant cela madame Mendeleïev m'a permis de sortir et de retourner à l'hôtel. J'attends juste quelqu'un vienne me chercher ! Bien sûre j'ai tout filmé, je te le montrerai à l'hôtel. Bonne idée d'avoir demandé à Green Lanterne et Zatana d'ériger un mur magique pour éviter toute akumatisation à l'école, je pense que sans ça toute la classe aurait été akumatisée. Et Adrien a eu aussi le droit à des remontrances venant de la classe, il savait et n'a rien dit !
- Il a eu ce qu'il méritait !
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 days
Le sorcier de Crime Alley
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/5DimnPl by Oosbeck Jason Todd allait prouver à son pè- à Batman que l'homme chauve-souris était dépassé. Qu'il était un meilleur justicier que lui. Mais pour ça, autant utiliser toutes ses ressources à disposition. S'il montrait à Bruce que la mort était une tactique valable pour la lutte contre le crime, pourquoi ne pas utiliser la magie? Pour un homme aussi théâtral que Jason Todd, la magie offrait également d'autres avantages, mais ce n'était clairement pas ça le plus important. Words: 2143, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Français Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Zatanna Zatara Relationships: Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd/Zatanna Zatara, Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (background) Additional Tags: Humor, Mage Jason Todd, All Caste Jason Todd, Bruce wayne tente d'être un bon père, ça marche moyennement, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Tim Drake is Robin, Damian Wayne is Not Robin, Damian a son propre costume read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/5DimnPl
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brvciewayne · 1 month
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мιη∂ѕєт-- damian wayne (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/story/363710105-%D0%BC%CE%B9%CE%B7%E2%88%82%D1%95%D1%94%D1%82-damian-wayne?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_myworks 
Olive Constantine had been running with demons her entire life, so the son of the head of the demon was certainly not going to scare her. or Damian Wayne's guide to being a human being ft. Olive Constantine 
 → DCAMU!damian wayne 
                → dc comics
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ao3feed-jaydick · 1 year
Coming Out
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/44061535 by 6Starlight6 Bruce était le meilleur détective au monde, rien ne lui échappait. Il pouvait déduire un nombre considérable de choses sur une personne rien qu'en l'observant. Pourtant, ses enfants s'apprêtent à lui faire plusieurs révélations. Ce qui se trouve juste sous notre nez est ce qui est le mieux dissimulé. Words: 4198, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Français Fandoms: DCU, Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F, M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Clark Kent Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain/Kara Zor-El, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Batfamily Members & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane Additional Tags: Coming Out, Polyamory, Pseudo-Incest, Asexual Character, Unrequited Love, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, or at least he tries, Alien Biology read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/44061535
0 notes
ao3feed-timkon · 1 year
Coming Out
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/xHiR4AQ
by 6Starlight6
Bruce était le meilleur détective au monde, rien ne lui échappait. Il pouvait déduire un nombre considérable de choses sur une personne rien qu'en l'observant. Pourtant, ses enfants s'apprêtent à lui faire plusieurs révélations.
Ce qui se trouve juste sous notre nez est ce qui est le mieux dissimulé.
Words: 4198, Chapters: 1/1, Language: Français
Fandoms: DCU, Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Bruce Wayne, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Cassandra Cain, Dick Grayson, Damian Wayne, Clark Kent
Relationships: Tim Drake/Kon-El | Conner Kent, Stephanie Brown/Cassandra Cain/Kara Zor-El, Dick Grayson/Jason Todd, Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Batfamily Members & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent & Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent/Lois Lane
Additional Tags: Coming Out, Polyamory, Pseudo-Incest, Asexual Character, Unrequited Love, Bruce Wayne is a Good Parent, or at least he tries, Alien Biology
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/xHiR4AQ
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flying-nightwing · 3 years
Throne of Blood (3/3)
Hello there! Last part of Throne of Blood, I hope you appreciated this little serie! I loved t write it tbh, it was a nice change from the usual DC stuff I write. If you want a bonus chapter, let me know! I thought about doing either a prequel for when they invaded the castle, or some headcanons if y’all have some.
Ps: I realised I kinda made Bruce to be the bad guy here, oops. Sorry about that, but to my defence, family drama was something I built toward from the beginning 😅 Full disclosure, I have nothing against Bruce and Damian pls don’t come at me
Masterlist in bio / pinned!
Pairing: King!Jason x reader x Roy
Word count: 4414
Warnings: same as the last parts (cautious nsfw) + family drama lmao
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"--and the might of the casc… cascade could never compare to the ce… cerul… cerulean of her eyes. She was his hope, the only thing he cherished, none of his posse...ssions could ever be worth as much as a minute with her"
You paused to breathe as you reached a paragraph break. You could feel Roy's relaxed stare on you, a small smile ever present on his lips. His hand was absentmindedly rubbing your knees that were lying over his thigh, while his other arm was snugly wrapped around your waist. The quiet crackling of the fireplace indicated the need to add a log, but neither of you wanted to move from your nestled position. Eventually one would have to, though, before the room grew cold. 
"I like it when you read to me" Roy hummed, almost like he hadn't meant to say it out loud. But if you knew one thing about him, it's that he carried very little shame when it came to love. He would never intend to hide his thoughts when they came, and you admired that about him. Still, you couldn't help but look down in embarrassment. 
Him and Jason had taught you to read some months after you joined them, when he passed you a map to find a town's name and you had to tell him you couldn't. Ever since, you worked often on your reading skills, leafing through whatever seemed interesting from Jason's library. But you weren't a natural, far from it. 
"I can't even pronounce all the words correctly" You mumbled. "It must be hard to follow sometimes"
He gently pushed your chin up so he could look into your eyes again. It didn't matter for one second for him that you didn't have the diction of an erudit or the flow of a poet. All he wanted was to hear your voice and watch your eyebrows knit in concentration when you butted on a difficult word. He liked the little things so much better than the finished product.
"I think it sounds perfect"
The corner of your lips rose slightly at his praise as your heart skipped a few beats. Even after all the time you spent together, he always managed to find the right word to make you love him even more, if it was possible. His constant and unconditional support was your crutch, the thing you could rely on no matter what happened, the safe space in which you would never feel judged for what you couldn't do. 
"You know" He began again when he noticed you had trouble believing what he said. You wanted to believe him, but deep inside he knew it was harder for you, and he understood all too well the feeling of not being enough. "I couldn't read either before I was taken in by my warden"
You tilted your head to the side, frowning slightly. You had never known. 
"Took me years to get average at it. And you should have seen my writing-- Hell, you should see it now, it's catastrophic" 
You couldn't help but giggle along as he laughed. It was contagious.
"It's the same with Jason--No wait, the brat actually taught himself how to read somehow" He blinked slowly, like he was still surprised by it. You weren't really, you knew Jason was even smarter than you were aware of. Than anyone was aware of. "But his writing was terrible until he got a proper tutor, that I know of for a fact"
"But his writing is so…" You trailed off, trying to find the right word. "Exquisite"
"Now who's pulling out the big words, uh?"
"Shut up" You laughed, lightly hitting his chest with the book. “Don’t mock me”
“I’m not!” He argued, giving you wide, innocent eyes. He looked too cute for his own sake. “I swear I’m not. You’re just adorable when you get all flustered”
“We better start gearing up now” You evaded the subject, clearing your throat. “Jason will be expecting us--”
“Just one more chapter” He interrupted softly, caressing your waist. “Please?”
You held his stare for a moment before you were convinced, and you nodded, a sheepish smile on your face. You opened the book to the page you had marked and found the paragraph you had stopped to. 
“As he was sitting by the window, he couldn’t help but think about the ar-arrival of the spring, only a few weeks away if nature de...cided to be kind--”
“My Lord, my Lady” 
You paused your reading and looked up. This time, it was Roy who looked the most annoyed of the two of you. 
“It’s time”
You sighed and nodded, putting down the book on the table. Roy was clearly disappointed, but he helped you nevertheless get back on your feet, being careful not to pull on your bandages too much. You were healing well for your condition, you could now walk around and sit down without much help. Still, Roy and Jason didn’t like the idea of leaving you on your own for too long, just in case someone tried to come for you. You definitely couldn’t wield your axes just yet, so it made you an easy target even if you weren’t bed ridden anymore. 
You walked out of the chamber beside Roy, him following your slower pace without complaint. You reached the other end of the hallways and entered another room with chests and racks, where your equipment was kept. You began putting on your suit, the one you had made when you rode beside the Red Hood, well before he was king. It was all black with a red pointed arch on the chest that imitated Jason’s sigil, which was outlined with a single silver following your collarbone. It rose up the back of your neck and was reinforced to protect your vitals. 
“Could you help me pull it up, please?”
Roy nodded as he finished to lace his arm braces, stepping right behind you. He picked the stiff fabric and gently tugged it over your shoulder, brushing his fingers against your skin along the way. He was even more careful with your injured shoulder, making sure it wasn’t bent in any way to fit through the suit. He and Jason had advised against you wearing it, but you were stubborn and refused to show weakness in front of the enemy. Besides, it looked great on you. Roy then buttoned up the suit on your back and up your neck before giving you a kiss on the temple. 
“Close your eyes, I’ve got a little something for you” He whispered in your eyes, and despite your initial confusion, you did as you were told and shut your eyes. You felt something being passed over your head and gently rest on your shoulders, then straps being adjusted on your sides. “You can open the now”
You did as he said and looked down as he gently directed you to the mirror on your left. He had placed a beautiful piece of equipment that paired well with the colors of your suit, lightweight and practical, that covered your shoulders front and back. You usually went without, but it was appropriate considering another arrow in the back would do you no good right now. And since you most probably wouldn’t be using your axes anyway, you could do without your full shoulder movements range. 
“Where did you get this?” You asked as you trailed your finger on the skillfully crafted metal. There was no doubt it had been made for you by how it fit with both your body and suit. It must have cost a fortune.
“The blacksmith in town, the one living near the gates of the castle” He began. “His son was killed by the guild of thieves that lived uptown, the ones we wiped off right after the undertaking. He wanted to thank us somehow, and when he learned about what happened to you, he made this as a present”
“It’s… Very beautiful” You breathed out. “I’ll have to thank him later on. This must have taken so much time to make”
“But you deserve it” He said as he placed a light kiss on your jaw. “You deserve the best. And the best suits you”
“Thank you” You nodded, taking his hand. The leather of his archery glove was rough against your skin, but it had also become a comfort born from the endless days you spent training and hunting on the road. It was tied to some of your best memories with him, and it still amazed you how a simple touch could bring it all back vividly like that. “Come on, Jason must be waiting for us”
You went down to the court, where Jason was talking with the commander and some generals. Upon hearing your footsteps, he perked up and turned around, taking you specifically in. He smiled and nodded, heading for the three black steeds, groomed and in full armor, in the hands of the stable hands. You followed him and grabbed the reins of your mount, carefully climbing on its back and sitting in the saddle.
“Are we ready?” Jason asked.
“Of course” Roy replied first, then both of their eyes set on you.
“Let’s do this” You nodded firmly.
With a kick of your heels, you took off the court and onto the bridge, in the direction of the Wayne Kingdom.
“Soooooo…” Roy trailed off. “Do you think he stood us up or..?”
You looked away from the horizon and to Roy, who was slouched over the pommel of the saddle while his horse was trying to dig for grass through the snow. “Maybe he’s trying to ambush us”
“I don’t think so” Jason mumbled, his eyes still set northwest. His back was straight with a hand resting on his hips, the other holding the reins tight. His horse was attentive, chewing on its bit in anticipation. “It wouldn’t be like him, not while we’re on this hill anyway” 
You nodded as your fingers flexed around the reins, a bit bored and definitely not impressed by the opposite party being late to their own meeting. There was barely any wind over the field, and the thick cover of the cloud didn’t let the sun rays through. Still, smoke came out of the horses’ nostrils with every breath they let out. 
“There they come”
You glanced forward again at Jason’s warning, seeing a small party of riders coming your way. They didn’t seem to be in a hurry, walking rather than trying to reach you at a trot. The closer they came, the better you could point out characteristics for each rider. The one at the front was wearing all black with a cape that fell over the pale gray horse he was riding. It was almost white, but the dark skin around its eyes and nose proved differently. The second rider was on a smaller chestnut horse, and was a child. You blinked a few times, but his youthful features were obvious. The two other riders some paces behind were an escort, soldiers with steel armors and banners from their kingdom. 
After a long waiting for them to actually be at hearing range, they finally stopped a few meters ahead and assessed your party. Jason was visibly tense, but his blue eyes gave nothing out on how he was feeling about seeing his father in front of him after all this time. They stared at each other for long minutes before the piercing glance of Bruce Wayne set on you. You clenched your jaw, not backing down, until his eyes finally left you. 
“Your… Friend seems to have healed quite well” The older king spoke first.
“Don’t act like you give a fuck” Jason sneered. “You were the one who made this coward attack on her happen in the first place”
“Watch your mouth, runt” The child on the side almost barked. “You’re speaking to a legitimate King, unlike you”
“And who the fuck might this goblin be?” Roy said before he could stop himself. While the child looked appalled, Roy was still very relaxed on his horse. He might have been the only one to be, even if you did want to laugh at the outburst.
“I am the blood son, the true heir to the throne” He replied with all his might, except it didn’t quite have the desired effect, since he was on a pony, for one. “You peasant will respect me, or--”
“Damian, please” Bruce interrupted firmly. “Now is not the time to settle this”
“Why am I not surprised that you fathered a brat?” Jason leaned forward, feeling taunting for a moment. “Which one of your concubines had enough bad luck to get pregnant? Selina? Or was it Richard’s lover, whatever was her name? Or maybe Talia, oh memorable Talia--”
“Don’t speak of my mother that way” Damian pulled his sword out. 
“So Talia it is” He smirked. 
“We are here to negotiate peace, not fuel a war” Bruce replied sternly. “I can do much worse than an arrow in the shoulder of a loved one, you know it. So be careful what you’re advancing about my family”
“Then keep your son on a tighter leash” Jason said, his face returning to a serious expression. “I still haven’t made my mind about keeping peace, don’t give me reasons to leave this meeting before we can discuss it”
“I should be telling you this” He squinted his eyes slightly. “You have thrown over a stable ally of this kingdom and stole the crown, then taken prisoner the King of Blüdhaven without giving a follow up on his state. You are in no place to threaten a war, yet here you are”
Jason waited a few seconds, not letting his stare waver. Then, he sighed and whistled. The plains were silent, until the faint sound of hooves cantering on the crisp snow grew closer to your position. Soon enough, you were passed on your left by another rider, slowly walking around you and toward Bruce’s party. Dick had a neutral expression as he turned around, stopping at Bruce’s side.
“Here” Jason waved his hand dismissively. “Your golden son, unharmed albeit slightly vexed”
“You should still pay for a crime like this” Bruce said.
“It’s fine” Dick tried to appease the tensions. “I do not wish to further this conflict, I have done enough already as it is”
“Why didn’t you fight back, Richard?” Damian asked in a judging and accusatory tone. “This is a disgrace to our family, and a display of weakness--”
“I was trying to avoid a much worse escalation of this conflict by owning a diplomatic mistake I made in the first place” He bit back. “What would you even know of politics, spoiled child?”
Roy laughed, and the sound only seemed to anger Damian more. You were in the middle of a family conflict, and unlike him, you didn’t know this side of the family well. You didn’t really know how to act, so you observed what would go down rather than actively participate. 
“I find the ginger man’s insolence unwelcomed in this matter” Damian said, trying to wash down the humiliation his brother had just handed to him. “He’s got nothing to do with it, and he’s got no title. He shouldn’t even be speaking”
“He speaks because I say he can” Jason defended Roy in a heartbeat, his tone strong and authoritative. “As far as I’m concerned, I’ve got a crown and you don’t, which puts me above you in status and therefore my wishes outweigh yours”
Your eyebrow rose slowly as your eyes met Roy’s, who had an equally stunned expression. Jason had never used his status against anyone like that. It even seemed to take Damian by surprise, which was, with what you had learned about him in the last minutes, a hard feat to accomplish. If you were honest with yourself, while you loved Jason as a humble king, you were curious about the other side of him, even if he would show it in private.
“Your crown was stolen” Bruce reassessed. “The Kingdoms surrounding yours have decided this gesture would not stand. I wished a peaceful surrender from you, but it doesn’t seem like I will convince you to do so. You have three days to abdicate, until the next full moon, or your kingdom will be taken back by force”
“You think this is wise?” You finally spoke up on instinct, and all eyes turned to you, looking at you with surprise. You weren’t about to let those threats stand, especially not from Bruce. “Ever since King Jason came into power, he wiped out a guild that stole from families and murdered good people. Our kingdom is the safest for miles around, so much we get waves of new settlers even in winter. He lowered taxes on the population so much that most towns in the country have become flourishing trade posts in the span of a year, and instead taxed the nobility and cut on useless balls and dinners. Nobody starved last winter, and nobody is starving this one. Do you think the word didn’t get out to the other countries around? People are starting to want this for themselves too, and you think putting them through a devastating war will make things better? It will only make them resent you, those who didn’t already. We have people in every castle you know of who are ready to turn against you the second they get wind of aggression--”
“Bullshit” Damian called.
“Are you ready to take the risk?” You raised an eyebrow at him, before returning your glance to Bruce, who betrayed no emotion. “You will lose this war if you start it. You should consider your people before you send them to slaughter”
Silence fell over the hill for a moment.
“... What she said” Roy grinned, breaking the silence.
Bruce looked at Jason for a reaction, or most likely, some sort of opposition to what you had just said. Instead, he only readjusted his reins and straightened his back. “You heard right,” He said, not wavering. “You have three days, until the next moon, to annulate the warrants and back down. Think about your people, Bruce. Make the right decision”
With that mocking reprise of his father’s previous words, he turned his horse around and left him dumbfounded. With one last glance to their party, you followed Jason, trotting, then cantering away and back into your borders. Once you passed your soldiers’ road control, you slowed down to a walk.
“Huh” Roy exhaled as he leaned forward to glance at you over Jason’s horse between you two. “I didn’t know we had spies in other kingdoms”
“Now that I think about it,” Jason blinked a few times, his brows slightly furrowed. “Neither did I”
You shrugged. “Maybe we have them. That would be neat” 
You saw confusion, then astonishment flash in their eyes like their reactions were synchronized.
“Wait, did you just--”
“Did you fucking lie to Bruce in his face?” Roy cut off, almost yelling. Then, he laughed. “In his face?”
“By the time he realizes, no, if he even realizes I bluffed, we’ll have a solid plan to ward him off, no matter what he does” You explained. “We win”
“How did you manage to convince him?” Jason had an innocent incomprehension written all over his features, like a child in front of a magic trick. He was adorable. “You had me convinced”
“Oh, boys” You grinned. “You think women survive this long in the world without becoming excellent liars? How do you think I managed to infiltrate the staff for a week before we invaded the castle?”
“By… Um” Roy trailed off. “Cleaning well?”
You laughed. “People had questions, my dear. I had to build myself a credible life to feed them, so I wasn’t thrown out of the castle instantly. Lying to the enemy is a skill I learned to cultivate a long time ago”
“You’re awesome, you know that?” He sighed, a loopy smile on his face. Jason still had a starstruck expression on his face, his eyes sparkling with admiration.
“Wouldn’t hurt to hear it again, I must admit” You teased back, jutting your chin up. “But there is one thing that would be better… Last one in the bedroom owes the first one a shoulder massage”
You didn’t wait for them to register your words before kicking your horse to a gallop, no doubt closely followed by them.
The dancing light of the candles of the chandelier left a soft glow on your naked skin, moving around and spreading warmth as it crawled up and down your body. You were sitting upright as hands moved gently on your shoulders, careful to avoid the sensitive area of your still healing wound. In your laps was Jason’s head, your hands threading slowly in his black hair as his eyes were shut close. He wasn’t sleeping, his breathing made his chest rise too fast for him to be. But he was relaxed, his neck muscles were untensed on your legs and there were no harsh lines on his face. 
You looked behind you when Roy’s hand stopped massaging, pulling your hair to the side and kissing the back of your neck. 
“You really gotta get a faster horse” Your lips curved upwards. “You’re always losing these races”
“I think my horse’s speed is just fine” He whispered back. “Besides, you are both right where I want you to be”
Jason smirked. “Losing is always suddenly part of someone’s plan when they never win”
“Laugh all you want” He sighed, dramatically laying down on his side beside you, then leaning forward close to Jason’s ear. “We all know I end up winning anyway when you beg my name like a prayer, My King”
You could feel the shiver travel up his spine on your laps, as well as the sudden shift in the tension in his muscles. You played along and let your hand slightly pull his hair, which surprised a moan out of him. His eyes opened wide, the blue of his irises being quickly consummated by the black of his pupils. Then, his glance set on Roy, something hard to read beside the promising spark in it.
“Are you sure you’re ready for a, what, fourth go at it today?” He raised an eyebrow as his hand brushed his cheek. “I didn’t think you jaw recovered from earlier”
You laughed airily as Roy grinned mischievously. “Maybe you can take that voice when you put that brat child in its place” You suggested as you trailed up your hand up Jason’s bare chest. “I’m sure he would be happy to get back on his knees if you did”
Roy groaned at the suggestion, already imagining the whole scene behind his fluttering eyelids. However, Jason didn’t quite follow up on his reaction. “Don’t tempt me with…” He trailed off, then noticed the mood change. “Hey, is there something wrong?”
Jason blinked, then shook his head and gave a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. “I’m fine” He muttered, leaning forward to place a soft kiss on Roy’s lips. 
“No, something’s bothering you” He insisted gently. “What is it, Jay?”
Jason sighed, shaking his head. “It’s nothing” He replied, looking up to the ceiling. “Don’t worry about it”
“It’s clearly not nothing” You said as your hands threaded softly in his hair. “What’s eating at you?”
A silence followed your words. It was like Jason was searching for the right words, like he wanted to say it so bad but something else was holding him back. You were patient, however, and you didn’t mind that he took his time to tell you. You knew he would talk when he’s ready.
“It’s what Bruce said” Roy beat him to it, speaking barely over a whisper. “Isn’t it?”
You looked in between the two men, noticing how Jason did not deny Roy’s words. It was like they were having a silent conversation for a few seconds, before Roy put a comforting hand on his shoulder. 
“It’s how he didn’t see him as part of his family anymore” Roy spoke up, addressing you this time. “How Bruce didn’t seem to have any regret about replacing him in any way possible”
“Even after all this time” Jason gulped. “He won’t even stop reminding me he didn't care”
“Oh, my love” You reached for his hand and grabbed it, intertwining your fingers with his and giving it a squeeze. “He doesn’t deserve you beating yourself up about him like that. You’re worth so much more than anything he could even give you”
“She’s right,” Roy nodded. “We’re your family now, not him. Not him ever again. And I promise you we’ll never betray you that way, we’ll never set you aside. You’re our lover, you’re our King, you’re the most important person for us, and we would do anything for you”
You could see the crystal gleam of tears pooling in his eyes before he blinked them away, resisting the urge to break down. Jason had not often known true affection until he met Roy, then you. He felt like he didn’t deserve either of you, and sometimes he wondered why exactly you decided everyday to stay by his side. But you did stay, you did support him and guided him when he needed it. He wouldn’t have been anywhere near where he was right now without you. 
“You’re both so good to me” He whispered, adoration clear in his voice as he glanced at you, then Roy. “What would I do without you?”
“You’d be wonderful either way” You smiled as you slipped beside him, careful not to pull on your bandages. Soon enough, Roy joined him on the other side, snuggling into him. “You’d miss on major cuddling, however”
His chest rose in a silent chuckle as he pulled you and Roy just a little bit closer. “Give yourselves more credit, I’d crash and burn without you both by my side”
“Let’s not bother with what ifs, yeah?” Roy replied, his lips curved upward as he kissed his shoulder. “It only matters that you’re here with us today, and that you are a damn good King. The rest doesn’t matter”
“The rest doesn’t matter” Jason repeated in a mutter, nodding lightly. “Only you. Only us” 
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artxyra · 4 years
Her Little Robins
Note: So This was supposed to be a longer (damn near 8000 words) one-shot, but after much thought, I decided to break up the mini-stories that I had placed at the end and decided to upload them separately. 
There is one person that Damian would even dare look up to and he hasn’t seen her since before his mother brought him overseas to his father. She was the closest thing he had gotten to a mother figure despite being the opposite. Within the League of Assassins, she was on par with his own mother, but she was just as untouchable. She barely had any free time, between taking on League missions and living her life in the outside world. No one knows how she even became involved with the League but there was one thing he knew for sure. It wasn’t long after his conception.
For the past year, he has been under the care of his father, the very person he doesn’t belong to. Even after a year, his father still doesn’t understand him. He shows his love differently. He doesn’t belong in this broken household. Damian wasn’t sure how he even managed with all the fighting. Though there is one thing he would never admit—is that he cares. Caring was one of many hidden traits he had picked up from her.
His father doesn’t know how to care for him, but at least he tries to. Which is more than he can say about his mother. She never cared, in fact, the only time she cared was placing him into her arms. The fresh smell of apple blossoms always calming him down. That scent was more home than anything he has ever been to.
The last time he saw her—was the first time he had ever cried. Her arms wrapped tightly around him as she tells him her goodbyes. Making promises that he knows would never be kept. She was leaving to save both of them—to save him. Damian could never admit it to himself, but the night she left was the night his grandfather had declared that Damian was of age to determine his loyalty. A trial that would surely end in his or her death.
He hated going to sleep that night. The cold welcoming his return. There was no apple blossom scent laying beside him. No hand caressing his hair as he fell asleep. No French lullaby that was specifically made for him being sung. Just the harsh winds.
“Be brave my petit oiseau. Luck will always guide you in your journey.” She whispers to him every night as he loses consciousness. Those words would forever stick with him. Just like his father’s statement “Justice not vengeance” would. Though he would prefer the one from her over any others.
It’s been three years since then.
Today he wasn’t sure what to do, the anniversary of her disappearance was approaching, and his father’s family still didn’t understand why he is crankier—or what they would say brattier—during this time. He just wants to be alone.
“My, my, petit oiseau, someone sure missed moi.” It was the way she always greeted him when he was little, and they were alone. Damian’s little legs would wrap around her own as she bends down to scoop him into her arms. When he was younger, he felt freer being around her. Her laughter was contagious. She would extend her pointer finger against his nose and giggles before blowing raspberries into his cheek which then caused him to laugh.
Instinctively, Damian curls into himself. He misses those feelings. Feelings that he’ll never get from his family at this rate.
So deep in his memories, Damian doesn’t remember entering the library, picking up a book, and finding comfort in the couch. He looks at the book that was opened in front of him. It was written in French. He has been in this room plenty of times and has skimmed every book at least once, so why does this book seem like a distance memory? The title was so familiar, but he couldn’t place it.
Behind him, he hears a gasp, “Little D, do you have any idea what that is?” Great, it was Grayson, the fourth person he didn’t want to see this evening.
“A book.” The youngest Wayne deadpans placing the book down on the couch and getting up to take his leave.
Before he could walk out of the door, he heard Grayson shout something, but he couldn’t find it in himself to care enough to listen.
As he walks back to his room, that French book stayed on his mind. The cover’s art style was unique, and it reminded him of her. She would draw him small artwork pieces and sometimes let him join her in the process, in fact, he still has the majority of the drawings that she and he made locked in a box underneath his bed. Then there was the book’s dedication page: “À tous mes petits oiseaux qui ont besoin de chance dans leurs moments les plus sombres.” That he could easily translate to: “To all my little birds who need luck in their darkest moments.” He needs to know more. Maybe that book holds the missing piece in finding her? He wants her back in his life, now more than ever.
However, that doesn’t explain how his father owns such a book. Let alone the reaction he had gotten out of Grayson just by holding the book.
“Hold on, you’re telling me that the demon reincarnated found Pixie’s book?” He heard Todd asks when he was on his way to the library. It was clear that Grayson had grabbed the book once he had left and gathered the rest of his non-blood-related siblings.
“Yes, that is exactly what I’m telling you. When I had entered the room to tell him that we are expecting a guest soon—which I couldn’t—he appeared to be in deep thought staring at the book. Like that isn’t usual at all.” Grayson explains and out of everything his older brother said, the word guest caught his attention. It was rare when his father invited people to the manor that has nothing to do with charity, galas, or potential business agreements. A guest usually signifies a Justice League member or a new sibling (something that he knows doesn’t need to happen).
“Isn’t this usually the time when the demon gets all moody?” When did Drake even pay attention to him? Of course, he is always moody, and he has good reasons for that.
“You actually pay attention to the little shit, Replacement? This is laughable, you’re usually the last one to notice anything.” Todd laughs to which Damian had the itching need to grab his katana and slice Jason in half. Though he had to agree, it was laughable as it was Drake who noticed it despite being in a coffee-induced haze for most of the time.
“Yeah, yeah,” Drake then pauses, probably to take a sip of coffee that will forever be in his hands. “That doesn’t explain how he would find Bean’s book interesting. Only those of us that have met her would find that book interesting as it’s—”
“We know!” Together Grayson and Todd scream.
“Look guys we can either keep hovering over the fact that Damian found her book or let it play out and see where it goes, just like Bruce and Alfred did for us.” Drake sounded tired which wasn’t usual but more tired than normal at this time of day.
“As much as I hate it, I agree with Replacement for this,” Todd responds without a doubt looking at Grayson when he said it.
Damian could hear Grayson sigh of defeat. The room goes silent just enough for Damian to make his presence known.
“What’s so important about the book?” He asks stepping across the threshold and eyeing the book that is in Grayson’s hand.
At once his brothers try to answer but one look at Damian’s face; they knew they could lie themselves out of it.  So, they opted for the oldest to speak.
“Look, Little D, this book means a lot to the family. The fact that you picked up just gave an insight into something we didn’t think you would have.” Grayson starts to which Damian tsks and looks away. He hated having this much attention on him, and the short explanation still didn’t answer his question.
“Then what makes this book so important to the family, that I had no idea of its existence until today?” Damian growls through his teeth. His brothers only look between one another which only made Damian even more agitated. “You know what, never mind.”
“Damian—” Dick is cut off by the door slamming in his face. He could only sigh in defeat as the figure of his younger brother disappears.
“So, what now?” Tim asks before taking another sip of his coffee. It was clear that his older brothers don’t know what to do.
Jason decides that now is the best time to take the book from Dick and throws himself onto the couch. He begins to read the book as if it was his only source of peace.
For Jason, the book was the only close connection he had to her. She was the mother he always dreamed of, and he hated it when she would leave for long periods of time. He hated not taking her offer to live with her. Months before his death, she had asked him to live with her, be the caretaker of her apartment back in France, but he had declined. Being Robin was all he ever wanted, and she knew that, but he also knows that something spooked her. She never did ask that again after the first time, and it kind of saddens Jason a bit.
The night before his death, she had called him asking for him to stay safe. To not get cocky about anything while being away. Stay in contact with Bruce, in fact, she specifically told him not to leave Bruce’s side. He should have listened to her warnings that night. Just maybe he wouldn’t have died by the hands of the Joker.
When he was revived with the Lazarus Pit, one of the first things he acknowledged was the words “Qu'est-ce qui vous est arrivé mon petit Jaybird?” What happened to him? He didn’t know what was happening. He was feeling so many negative emotions at once that he couldn’t differentiate anything. The last thing he remembered from that encounter was a pair of lips pressing against his forehead. The next thing he knew, he was lost somewhere he didn’t know but he somehow knew he had to find himself.
When he came back to Gotham under the impression that Bruce and everyone around him needed to go, it wasn’t Bruce that stopped him. No, it was her. She appeared between them with tears streaming down from her mask. He couldn’t harm her, not after everything she had done for him. It felt so wrong to have his fingers itching to pull the trigger, but he couldn’t let it go. Bruce needed to pay for giving up on, for replacing him.
They didn’t even exchange words, her tears were enough. She walked over to him, taking the gun away from him and gently placing it on the ground. He felt so alone as she pulled him into her arms whispering the French lullaby, she sang to him when he was down.
Jason doesn’t remember what happened next after that, but what he does know was that he had woken up in the manor and Bruce and sitting in an armchair beside his bed. They didn’t speak to one another—why it was because they didn’t know what to start with. Hellos? No, they already knew each other. I’m sorry? Not even an option, they’re too stubborn to admit anything. It was just a moment of silence. Not for the dead but for all the pain that they were enduring.
As he read the familiar words, Jason wonders how his life would have been having she not been a part of his life. She always knew what to say and when to say it. Never judging them for wanting to be heroes vigilantes. She was the glue that kept this family together aside from Alfred, and they all miss her.
“Hey Jaybird,” Of course it was Dick who had to return and ruin the moment.
“What do you want? Can’t you see that I’m reading?” Jason doesn’t take his eyes away from the book, it’s not like he could have anyway. Her words always had a way of entrapping the reader until the very end.
“Bruce wants everyone in the living room.” Dick answers pointing to the open door that was close just minutes ago. Jason huffs and places the book back on the shelf.
“Alright, let see what B has in store for us.” Jason walks past Dick and into the halls. Dick just stares back at the location Jason had placed the book. He was tempted to go grab it, but he knows, keeping Bruce waiting sounds like a bad idea especially since he asked for the family.
In the living room, Damian sat moodily in the armchair. Arms folded and all. He would look up to glare at his family members still thinking that they were all beneath him in taking the Wayne name.
“So, tell us, Bruce, what is the real reason you have us all gather here?” Jason observed the way the room was structured. Alfred was standing next to Bruce like usual while everyone else just sits and waits for the other shoe to drop.
“It has come to my attention that Damian found M’s book.” Bruce turns to his youngest, who was clearly lost in thought. Something he never thought would happen to Damian. Then again this isn’t the first time it has happened. “Damian, have you ever meet a person under the name of Marin Etta? Marin? Mari?” With each name, Damian shakes his head.
For Damian, the names were foreign. She was always Tatie to him as she never really spoke of her real name. It was mention once, but it has been so long that he had forgotten. In fact, tatie was the first word she taught him in French before moving onto the basics.
“No father,” Damian denies and leans back into his seat. Bruce sighs.
“Little D, you must have met her.” Dick states pointing fingers.
“Before this becomes a brawl, I would like to announce that she’ll be sending gifts to the manor,” Alfred states causing the boys, aside from Damian, eyes to bug out. Tim had to rub his eyes to make sure that he was awake.
For Tim, she was more than someone he looks up to. She was a person that he could rely on and rant to. When he first arrived at the manor, yes, he was excited, but at the same time frightened beyond disbelief. She picked up on this and offer to take him to her favorite little coffee shop. To this day, Tim swears she owns the little cozy coffee shop that they always go to when they needed a break. Those visits were always just the two of them and no one else.
Tim remembers when he took up the Robin mantle, she was furious at Bruce and even yelled at him for bringing into the battle when he was just a child. He is sure that when the Joker first captured him it was her that found him and took out the Joker, not Bruce. The only proof that he had from that encounter was Bruce looking like he was chewed out by his mother once he had recovered.
She was more than just a team member—she was family. The person that introduced him to the secret of making the right coffee. Something that everyone around him would look down upon. To Tim, coffee was more than his life source; it was a reminder of everything she ever did for him. It was one of the few connections he had to her and he doesn’t want to lose that.
So just being told that she is sending them gifts was such a surprise. She never just sends random gifts; her gifts were always well thought out. Planned for the person receiving the item. Tim had once received a coffee recipe book, something that he vows never to use unless she is with him. He couldn’t risk is family taking away another source of coffee for him.
Sure, they could go visit her whenever, but she never sticks around in one place. Tim remembers the time he tried to track her down and he came up with dead ends after dead ends. Not even Bruce could find her and he’s the world’s greatest detective.
“When do they arrive?” Dick had practically shouted earning Tim’s attention, something that is usually locked on coffee and or paperwork.
Alfred raises an eyebrow and shakes his head. Tim knows the family butler already knows the answer. It most likely that the gifts had already arrived, and he just wants to see them suffer over it.
“Master Damian please come with me.” Alfred requested to which everyone eyes the youngest Wayne. Damian was unsure what Pennyworth wanted with him and the fact that it was him and not his father, he was feeling anxious.
“Of course,” Damian answers getting out of his seat.
Dick watches the baby bird walk away from the family. He wasn’t sure what to expect from this encounter. Alfred rarely asks for them individually. Though he was heavily thinking about the presents his big sister figure may have brought him.
“Don’t even think about it, Dick.” Bruce grunts seeing the devious look in his oldest eyes. Dick blanches and turns around; he had some searching hacking to do. Knowing that Alfred would have hidden the items somewhere within the manor, he knew just where to start his journey. Years of being a part of the Wayne household has its perks, especially being trained by her to find all the hidden spots.
She was only a couple of years older than him. It never made sense to call her his aunt when they were so close in age. She was also the first person that Dick confided in after his parents’ deaths. She was with Bruce when he went that show, and she was first to comfort him even before the cops could take his statement. To traumatize by what he just saw, he didn’t comprehend the lullaby she was singing in French to soothe him.
Dick would never forget how she took it a part of herself to make sure that the manor felt like a home. Bruce was gone every night tracking down Zucco. She made sure he didn’t feel alone, uncared for. If it wasn’t for her, Dick doesn’t know what would have happened to him.
“Les étoiles sont brillantes ce soir, Dickie.” The stars are bright tonight, she had once said to him the night he was thinking about running away. He had everything packed and all he needed to do was open that window and jump out. Her voice caught him by surprise, so much that he had almost forgotten what he wanted to do.
In the end, he cried his heart out to her and she let him do it. He doesn’t remember what happened next, but the next day Bruce actually showed up for breakfast and sat down with them. It wasn’t long after that that he would become Robin.
Damian didn’t know why Alfred was leading him outside the manor. It’s not like he had forgotten to take care of Alfred the cat and Titus. Alfred stops short of the gazebo that is rarely in use unless someone plans on making a romantic dinner date of some kind. Damian was about to ask Alfred why they are here when a familiar feminine voice speaks. This voice was etched into his brain and before he knew it his arms were wrapped around a person’s torso.
“My, my, petit oiseau, someone sure missed moi.” He didn’t want to look up, too afraid for this to be a dream. Damian didn’t care if his cheeks were becoming wet, he just wanted to hold her tight. Never letting go. “Petit oiseau, oh how you have grown.” She speaks again, her hands caressing his hair to which he doesn’t complain.
“Tatie, tu me manques tellement.” Damian cries out hiding his face into her shirt. Moments later, he looks up to be greeted by the bluebell eyes that he loved so much. He never realized how much her eye color reminds him so much of Bruce’s. Though her eye color holds so much love and emotions, more than what he can say for Bruce’s.
“Petit oiseau, I am here now. How are you? Have you been treating your father well? Oh, Dami, I knew I should have taken you with me.” She says as she walks them over to the bench and sits down. She could see that Alfred was standing off to the side smiling at the duo.
Alfred then mouths, “I’ll leave you two be” to her, to which she nods and turns her attention back to Damian.
Returning the manor, Alfred was greeted by an excited Dick and Jason. He knew what they wanted; they wanted the gifts, but the gift is currently outside hugging her surrogate son.
“Master Richard and Master Jason, is there something you need?” He asks with an eyebrow raised. Alfred was known for a lot of things—he is required too in order to keep the manor afloat.
“Hey, Alfred, where is Little D, and how soon we will be receiving those gifts?” Dick asks as he and Jason share a forced smile. Alfred wasn’t buying it.
“Moments after the young master is done receiving his own.” With that, Alfred walks off with a smirk plastered on his lips.
All the Wayne men in the room look at one another.
“Hold on, did he just say that the Demon Spawn, is receiving his gift right now…what the flying fuck did he get?” Jason screams out and he would have stalk after Alfred if it wasn’t for Bruce’s glare practically telling his son not to do it, so instead, Jason huffs.
“It can’t be anything good if it’s for the demon,” Tim states finally coming alive from his coffee-induce haze. The teen was unsure of what was happening, but he knows it was a tense situation.
“We’ll wait for Damian to come to us.” Bruce says, “If the gift is dangerous, we’ll take matters into our own hands.” That was enough to prevent his sons from going after their younger brother.
Damian was having the time of his life being close to his tatie. He spoke to her with so much enthusiasm about his pets, mentioning his dreams in opening up an animal shelter, all the pranks he did on his brothers. Damian even showed her pictures of Titus and Alfred the cat was which is something he rarely does; heck, he doesn’t really show pictures of his animals to Jon, his best friend.
“That is wonderful, Damian.” She spoke with such a light laugh.
“Hold on, Tatie, how did you know that I was here?” Realization finally settles as Damian wraps his head around the fact that she knew where he was. They haven’t seen each other in three years and surely, she didn’t find his mother and demanded answers.
She sighs and allows Damian to sit up from his resting position. “Damian, I knew you were Bruce’s child since before you were born. There is a reason why I love that you call me Tatie because I am your aunt. Bruce is my older brother. My real name is Marin Etta Wayne, but most people call me Marinette.” She explains staring into his forest green eyes. Tears swell in her eyes almost like she was afraid to tell him everything.
Damian didn’t know how to react. Happy? Furious? Confused? He was so conflicted that he was rendered speechless. This person has been in his life since birth, has done more for him than his own parents, was actually his biological aunt.
Instead of reacting out of anger, he wraps his arms around her and mumbles a series of thank you in various languages. Her explanation solidifies the fact that she’ll never leave him.
“Je t'aime, mon petit oiseau.” She whispers to him.
They stay in silence until Alfred makes himself known with a loud cough. Damian had fallen asleep in her arms to which she was happily content with holding him. She looks up and gestures for Alfred to come closer.
“It seems that the young master enjoyed his gift,” Alfred states looking at the sleeping eleven-year-old. Marinette moves to scoop Damian into her arms. He was a lot heavier than when he was six. After getting into a comfortable position, she turns to Alfred.
“Has Brucie done this for him, before?” She asks as they begin to walk back to the manor.
“On occasion, usually when he is late coming in as Robin. Though it is nice to have you around again, Marin Etta, your presence always begin joy to the family.” Alfred answers, “Are you staying for the night?”
“Not tonight, Alfie. I’m sure the boys will go crazy over Damian’s gift until they see what it actually is. I’ll give them a shock tomorrow and stay for the rest of the week. Vic is helping Helena with some things, so I got time to spare for once.” She replies explaining her reasoning.
Alfred simply raises an eyebrow, he knows she’s withholding information from him, but he also knows that she will do anything to keep her problems under wraps. That’s the reason why she never told Bruce she was Ladybug until after the defeat of Hawkmoth and the creation of her vigilante persona, Kismet.
“In that case, I’ll take the young master and put him to bed. I will see you in the morning.” Marinette hands him Damian who didn’t want to leave her. He managed to tighten his grip around her despite never once waking up. Only after did she whisper promises of seeing him the next day did he release his hold on her and latch onto Alfred.
When Alfred walked inside with the sleeping Damian, he was bombarded by those he considers grandchildren. Jason was beyond in disbelief to see a koala version of the demon that usually glares at them. Tim thought he was hallucinating to the point where he pours the remains of his coffee out the window and walked away sluggishly. Dick was cooing and taking pictures, more than likely saving them for blackmail material. Bruce was wondering what put his youngest to sleep before even going on patrol. He knows that Alfred knows but getting information out of the butler is an impossible task.
“I guess Robin will not be joining us tonight?”
“That is correct, sir. The young master had tired himself out with his gift today. Shall I put him to bed or would like to do that honor?” Alfred answers readjusting the pre-teen in his arms. Bruce nods and takes Damian away from Alfred. It was moments like these that he misses. When his sister was younger, he would hold her and just holding her made him feel complete. Holding Damian was similar in feeling considering his height and weight.
Dick, Jason, and Tim were jealous of Damian. He had received his gift the day before and here they were sitting at the dining room table waiting for Alfred to show up. Damian had this smug look on his face the second his brothers bombarded him with questions regarding his present. He doesn’t give any indication that it was a person but an animal. That got his brothers to leave him alone for a moment.
Bruce had been the last person to enter the room. He was working on Wayne Enterprise paperwork that should have been completed earlier but wasn’t. Alfred walks in with a tray of food. As he set the plates down, they immediately took notice of an extra plate. Before either of them could question the butler, they heard someone say, “Bonjour mes amours!”
Before anyone could react, Damian runs out of his chair and into her arms. He wraps his arms around her and glares at his family members, daring them to come at her.
“My, my, petit oiseau, someone sure missed moi.” She chuckles returning the hug to the younger male. Damian doesn’t say anything, he just stays in her arms.
While the family stares in shock of seeing Damian showing emotions, it was also the shock at the arrival of the one person that hoped to show up soon.
“Mari!” A series of excited shouts echo through the room. Jason was the next person out of his seat and trying to push Damian away for space. Damian fought back, nearly biting Jason’s hand just so he could stay in his tatie’s arms. Jason glares his younger brother.
“Oh c’mon, there’s enough of me to go around.” She chuckles sending Jason a sheepish smile, “Dami, can you let go so that I could hug Jay-Jay and the others?” She looks down at the young boy, only to feel that his grip had tightened around her. She knows that he would not let go. “Dami, I promise to make you some of my infamous shortbread cookies.” At that request, Damian reluctantly lessens his grip.
“You imbeciles only have one minute with her,” Damian growls turning to his family acknowledging the fact that they also know his tatie. “59, 58, 57…” He starts to count down.
The older Wayne children knew he was serious, and they immediately jump to hug Marinette. Dick was smothering her having taken onto wrapping himself around her torso. She manages to stay afloat by resting Jason and Tim who were side hugging her. It surprised her that it wasn’t Jason who had the running start but wasn’t shock that it was Dick instead.
“10, 9, 8…” They all heard Damian continue. The moment the young Wayne managed to get to zero, he let out a battle cry and begins pushing his brothers out of his way. Damian latches himself onto her and glares at anyone that came within a certain radius of her.
“How the hell does the demon know Pixie, when he literally had no clue who she was yesterday,” Jason shouts as the excitement of seeing Marinette dies down among everyone.
Marinette chuckles and scoops Damian into her arms. If it was anyone else, Damian would have squirmed, complained, and demanded to be let down, but this is his tatie and he has little care for what his brothers think of him right at this moment.
“That’s because all Dami has ever known me to be was Tatie.” She explains as Damian grumbles into her neck.
“Wha!” The boys yell stimulatingly to which Marinette looks everywhere but at her nephews.
“How about this, let's finish eating the wonderful breakfast Alfred made first, then I will explain it all afterward.” She suggests walking over to the table as everyone behind her follows. They know to not disagree with her. She has just as much power as Alfred and could most likely get away with murder.
While they ate breakfast, there was growing tension. Everyone, aside from Alfred, Marinette, and Damian, wanted answers. Bruce watches his sister eat her portion of breakfast; he knows something was going on. Then he saw how quickly his youngest reacted to her like there was some form of bond that they share that he didn’t with his own son. Bruce isn’t that dense; he knows that without her his life would be filled with so much darkness and pain. She made everything tolerable, kept the family together even in their darkest of days.
When breakfast ended, they all gather in the living room. Titus trotted over to his owner and lay beside him.
“So, who’s first?” She asks as she pets Titus’s head as he was close to her and he let her.
“Back to my question before, how the hell do you know the demon?” Jason practically shouts pulling his ear.
“I’ve practically known about since his birth. Actually… even before he was even born. I knew Talia was up to something when she was constantly trying to get into Bruce’s good graces. As we all know, my ability to sense something is wrong is almost never incorrect. So, I followed her to the League of Assassin under a new identity. I was about to leave, but then she announces that she was carrying the league’s heir. I knew the child was going to Bruce’s.” She turns to Damian with a sad smile on her face. To this day, she hated the way Damian came into this world, but she would never give him up for anything.
“You side missions?” Bruce wonders aloud.
“Yes, when I wasn’t with the miraculous court or with the JL, I was with Damian watching after him. I became his caretaker when Talia took it upon herself to be his mentor rather than a mother. Did you know I was the first person to hold him? He had such a small tuft of hair.” Damian blanches when she started to gush about his childhood. He likes to keep that under wraps, but he wasn’t going to complain.
“Are you back for real…now?” It was Tim that has asked that.
“Oh, my petit oiseau de café, I’m here to stay. I can’t have you running Gotham without me.” Marinette answers with a wink, but she can tell by the looks of deadpan facials from the males she knew that they didn’t buy it. “I’m staying until the court needs me. That and I’m sure Kismet can bring a little luck to this city of darkness.”
“With that answer…welcome home, Sunshine!” Dick screams with excitement before flinging himself to his sister figure. Marinette catches the taller bird and laughs. However, the embrace didn’t last long as Damian pushes Dick off of her and takes over the filled space.
“Oi, she’s mine, you dolts, get your own.” Damian hiss at his brother who looked beyond offensive.
“Oh, hold on!” They all shouted, “We knew her first, you little demon.” This quickly became a tug-of-war for Marinette, who looks sheepishly between the boys, but she couldn’t help but laugh.
The second, Marinette was able to slip away from his nephews, she made her way over to Bruce. They didn’t say anything, though Bruce did hold his arms out waiting that that hug that they always do. Their embrace was not a short one.
“I miss you, Bruce.” She mumbles into his shirt.
“I miss you too, M.” Bruce pauses placing a kiss onto her forehead. “So, tell me about what happened in Brazil?” Marinette’s eyes widen at that request. She knew she had to come up with something fast, but she also knows that her big brother wouldn’t let that go. Brazil was an authorized JL mission that she joined Question and Huntress on, that didn’t end well per se.
“Oh, look the boys are about to break something.” She squeals turning their attention to the four brothers still wrestling on the floor. Sure enough, a loud crash is heard.
Bruce groans and wanted to yell at his sons for being too rough, but this was a typical morning. The boys would rough house at least three times a day before they all separated. Then again, it really depends on whether Jason and Dick decide to stay at the manor for long periods of time.
“Boys!” Marinette shrieks getting their attention to which they had the audacity to pretend that nothing had happened. They don’t want to play that game with her. There is a reason why she rules the manors better than Bruce.
“Yes, Tatie,” Damian speaks up first resisting the urge to run over to her and hug her in an attempt to make his brothers jealous. Who was he kidding, he would totally do that anyway just for the hell of it.  
His brothers glance at him; however, it was clear that Jason was glaring more so than anything.
“What?” Damian shrugs, “She clearly wanted our attention, isn’t that right, tatie?”
Marinette sends Damian a smile that the family knows all too well, that smile was not her usual friendly ones, it was sinister. “Oh, petit oiseau, you have no idea. Now, it still early in the morning, and I don’t want to spend my first day with the family babysitting you four, or do I need to call the girls have girls’ day with them instead?”
The looming threat of having the girls spend time with Marinette instead of them was enough for everyone to nod in agreeance.
“Now who wants to be the first to read my newest family book?” Bruce silently raises his hand which she sees out of the corner of her eye. Digging into her purse she pulls out a new book with an enchanting cover with the title written in French. She then hands it to Bruce despite the cries of protest from her nephews.
“I saw his hand first, actually I saw Alfred’s first, but he already read it. Didn’t you, Alfie?”
“Of course, I did, Miss Marin Etta, it was another novel that will go into the family history.” He smiles at her, to which Marinette sends him a blushful smile.
“Thank you, Alfie. Now, who’s up for a family drawing session?” This time the boys gather around her. Damian hisses at his brothers daring them to come any closer as practical koala himself into Marinette’s arms. Jason stares at the little traitor, planning his downfall.
“I should have introduced Damian to her when he first arrived. That would have saved us so many headaches.” Bruce groans happily acknowledging the sudden change in his youngest at the sight of his sister.
“That would correct, sir. Shall I prepare you some tea and scones while you read Marin Etta’s book?”
“Yes, thank you, Alfred.” Bruce pauses for a moment to open the book, he is immediately greeted with the dedication page, a smile appears on his face, “Actually Alfred, how about you go spend time with M and the boys after you’re done.”
“Are you sure, sir?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I know you miss her just as much as the rest of us.”   
Bruce turns his attention back to the dedication pages that read, “Une famille qui se bat ensemble reste ensemble même quand tout semble perdu.” A family that fights together stays together even when everything seems lost.
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a-la-la-llama · 4 years
The One Where Marinette Kicks Butt #7
Part 1   Part 2   Part 3   Part 4   Part 5   Part 6   Part 8
  It was a normal day at work, Marinette helped Ivy tend to the plants. Said flowers complained about everything and no matter what, could never decide what music they wanted to listen to to help them grow! After the whole you are not safe without the kwami’s protection, Marinette had to stop Plagg from eating flowers he deemed were cheese. Tikki kept eyeing the aphids and would snack on them when no one was looking. Sass kept coiling his tail too tight around the stems. Nooroo wouldn’t stop drinking the nectars. Pollen was pollinating. Then lastly, Orikko was plucking the daisies petals off one by one. To sum it all up, it was a pretty normal day.
Closing was easy since they didn’t have any last minute orders for the next day. Once the doors were locked, Ivy waved her off and they went in different directions.
  They always closed at six-thirty and were out by seven o’clock. Gotham was beginning to change towards fall in late September, however, so the sun would start setting at seven instead of the usual eight to eight-thirty. Marinette lived fifteen minutes away and was a relatively small stature girl. She also had on her school uniform which meant everyone who saw her knew she was just a teenager. Do you see the problem yet? Can you guess what was bound to happen? Let’s set the scene, shall we!
  Marinette had noticed them when she was walking by and one of the two men brushed her with his shoulder. Even though he was the one to run into her Marinette swiftly apologised and went on her way. She was eight minutes from her apartment and turning a corner when she noticed that they were not far behind her.
The problem was that they had been going the opposite way beforehand. So she tried to do what a normal person without pocket gods would do in this situation. She didn’t want to lead them home so she stuck with the few crowds there, trying to lose them. But night was approaching, slowly fewer and fewer people were out.
Marinette considered going into a coffee shop that was open but what good would that do if they just waited for her to exit. It’s not like she could afford to have a phone and even then she only knew a few people in Gotham. She was just deciding on how to locate a police or fire station when she was yanked backwards by her arm. Into a gosh darn alleyway.
Seriously, if they have the highest crime rates, and most of them happened in alleys, why do they have so many alleyways! Especially dark and dead end ones like where Marinette was standing. A normal person would be terrified but Marinette wasn’t a normal girl, but she couldn’t let them know that. For all they knew, they just cornered   a helpless girl that was scared of the two men twice her size. When really they were the ones who fell into the trap of a powerful god wielding girl with no escape.
“Look who we finally caught, can’t run now.”, the blonde one taughted.
“She almost looks like a Wayne. If we could convince the boss, she’ll be worth a lot more than those other girls.”, the brunette one suggested.
Who was even a Wayne and why did she look like them? Was it the blue hair, she’d never seen others that had a natural blue like her besides her mom and Kagami. It must be her eyes, but lots of people could have blue eyes, especially in America. The blonde pulled a needle out of his pocket.
“Now just make this easy and stay still so we don’t have to hurt that pretty little face of yours!”, he sneered.
Kwami, what were these awful attempts of being intimidating? She’s seen chihuahuas do much better. Plagg’s destructive energy was pulsing through her backpack, along with everyone else but he was the strongest. Why did cats have to be so territorial, she would have to put an end to this before the magic got out of hand. None of them wanted another Pompeii, Atlantis, or Black Death on their hands. She allowed them to inch closer towards her as she started rambling nonsense in French. Better if they thought she didn’t know what was going on, they’re more likely to make arrogant mistakes. The blonde could tell she was overwhelmed and about to bolt so he quickly lunged at her, but she was faster. Next thing he knew, the needle meant for her neck was in his own as he fell unconscious.
Turning towards the brunette, he had pulled out a simple pocket knife. It wouldn’t do anything more than a flesh wound unless he hit a major artery or organ. She didn’t really want to fight the two just, you know, stop them from hurting her.
Taking off her backpack, she swung it by the strap and knocked the weapon out his hands. Tackling him was the next step and she used all of her body weight to keep him down long enough to slam the bag on his head. The egg shaped Kwami box felt like a load of brick. She should know, Marinette had dropped it on her toes multiple times! Just two hits and both her attackers were out cold.
Setting her bag back onto her bag, she stood up and straightened out her skirt. Good thing she didn’t tear any of her clothes or the two would have definitely woken up with black eyes. Marinette heard two feet gently land behind her at the entrance of the alley. Wouldn’t you know it, the blue-bird that Selina had told her about and decided to drop in. Of course, right after she finished dealing with the two herself!
“Je suis désolé de ce que je leur ai fait. Ils essayaient de me prendre mais je n'allais pas laisser ça arriver. Je dois y aller maintenant monsieur!”, she said, still playing the foreign card.
( I'm sorry about what I did to them. They were trying to take me but I wasn't going to let that happen. I must be going now sir! )
“C'est bien petite dame! Êtes-vous d'accord, vous ont-ils fait du mal?”, he answered. Marinette certainly didn’t expect him to know what she had said.
( It's alright little lady! Are you okay, did they hurt you? )
“Je vais bien. Je suis pressé, je dois y aller!”, she announced and rushed past him.
( I'm fine. I'm in a hurry, I have to go! )
  Nightwing looked at what the tiny French left behind. Foreigners sure knew how to get the job done. What was even in that backpack of hers. The dude would surely have a concussion, but in the end he deserved it for trying to kidnap the girl. Gothamites could surely learn a thing or two from people like her. Now the question was what to do with the criminals. He could turn them into the police or inform Red Hood about them. One had mentioned other girls, so Red Hood would be the better option. He could investigate and find the chain and most likely rescue those who weren’t so lucky and already caught. Plus, the man had a soft-spot for any and all kids.
  Nightwing thought back to the French girl. She really did look like a Wayne! Dark hair, blue eyes, seemed to have gotten herself in and out of trouble before. All she had to do was be an orphan and she’d fit the memo. The girl had a Gotham Academy uniform, maybe Damian knew her? Second thought, Damian probably didn’t talk to anybody in that darn school unless he had to, so that was out of the question. Something just wasn’t sitting right with him. He had seen her before but where? No, not her, those eyes. Nightwing had seen those eyes before.
He didn’t know how long he stood thinking in the alley but the realization hit him like a truck.
She was the freaking ghost that stole his favorite blanket!
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miraculous786 · 4 years
Gotham’s Own Ladybug > Twelve
Hushed footsteps echoed in the atmosphere, as a young female strolled across the side pavements and winding paths. The lamps lining them lavished her form in a yellow light, allowing her soft features to be clearly visible.
She subtly glanced about. Her bluebell eyes searched the roads in a suspicious manner.
All of a sudden, the teen swerved to the left, turning into a shadowed alley. Around her were dustbins, wrappers and littered trash scattered on the cement.
Marinette brought her hand up to her blazer, pulling it back as her voice spoke, "Kaalki? Are you ready?"
The only answer was silence, and a bright red kwami poking her head out of the pocket they were situated in. Furrowing her brow, Marinette questioned, "Is Kaalki okay?"
"She's asleep," Tikki answered, "Would you like me to wake her up?"
Sighing, the girl decided, "No, don't. She deserves the rest after I forgot to bring her any sugar cubes to school today."
"Are you sure?"
Marinette hummed affirmatively. "Yep. I'm sure no one will notice me, anyway. I mean, look at the time!"
There was a small margin of silence, before Tikki agreed with, "If you're confident about it. But you're going straight to Aunt Harley and Ivy without any stops, got it?"
"Okay. It won't be that hard, right?" she rhetorically asked, whilst scanning left and right for any people.
After confirming there was no one, Marinette heard Tikki mutter in reply, "Let's hope it isn't."
Smiling, she flicked her fingers against the studs settled in her ears, saying, "Tikki, Spots On."
Batman quietly grunted, covering his sight with a gloved arm. When the bright pink light died down, a suited woman was left below the ledge he was currently perched on.
Her midnight hair, pulled into a tight bun, had two red ribbons sticking out from a knot, resembling antennae. A red-and-black mask lay on her face, concealing her civilian identity and adding to the ladybird theme of her outfit - if the spotted pads attached to her appendages gave anything away.
Marinette grabbed an object at her waist, which Batman only realised after squinting was a yo-yo. She spun it experimentally a few times, before flinging it at a pole nearby.
Tugging slightly, her body was brought upwards without a hitch, letting her travel out of the alley. She skimmed Bruce by just an inch.
Without any hesitation, Batman shot out his grappling hook, jumping down in the same direction she had gone.
Underneath his cowl, his expression was determined, yet it held a look of sheer concern at the same time.
"Is someone missing their girlfriend?"
"Shut up, Hood. Now is not the time," a male snapped.
"Calm down. Just 'cause B got dibs on watching the girl, doesn't mean you have to aim your jealousy at me," Jason remarked.
Robin gazed to the side. "I'm not jealous," he mumbled, folding his arms.
Red Hood snorted, teasing, "As if. You love her, don't you?"
A dark rouge overtook Damian's cheeks, as he suddenly twisted his head to face his brother. "No I don't! I am simply worried for my friend."
Jason sighed, a knowing smile showing beneath his helmet. "Well, you might wanna make a move on that 'friend' of yours before B decides to adopt her."
"He won't adopt her," Robin huffed, "She already has carers."
It was quiet for a few seconds, though it was broken by Red Hood noting, "That doesn't mean her life has been good."
Damian sent a confused glance to the older man.
The vigilante let out a deep exhale of air. "When she flipped me over at the Manor, it took a minute for me to realise why she reacted that way," he explained.
"The action was a clear sign of PTSD, and whoever called her 'Princess' must have traumatised her horribly for her to use so much force on me without hesitation."
Surprisingly, Robin kept his mouth glued shut for a few seconds, before he hesitantly input, "At school today, she told me that an incident from where she came from made her uncomfortable to be touched by males. She also said that the one who was involved in it called her 'Princess' and 'M'Lady'."
He rubbed at his temple with a clothed hand. "She even asked if it was okay for me to not call her by those. Something tells me that he didn't have her consent for more than just those nicknames."
Red Hood nodded in understanding, though narrowed his eyes when hearing the information about Marinette's unknown past.
"I'll tell Red Robin not to call her those if he's there the next time she comes to the Manor," he decided, Damian's response being, "That would be a good idea."
The crackle of a signal came to life in the comm that Damian was in possession of, prompting him to place his fingers on the device. Beside him, Jason quizzed, "What is it?"
"It looks like there's another meta running across the rooftops," Nightwing broke in with, his light panting echoing in the background. "Me and Red Robin are following them alone since B said he had to stop a drug raid on the opposite side of the city."
"There's been no crime for a while now where we are," Red Hood informed, "We're coming now."
Damian gave a subtle nod in unison with Jason, as the man twirled two guns in his grasp. One with bullets, and another for travelling around Gotham.
The heroes both shot out their grappling hooks at once, swinging away to where the trackers on their siblings were.
"Ugh, why does it have to be so cold?" Marinette groaned to herself, shivering at the cold breeze that threatened to break her fragile form. She leaped off of another rooftop, feeling an icy wind card through her tresses wildly.
Her nimble fingers threw out her spotted yo-yo, latching it onto a beam that pulled her up into suspension again.
She sprinted along the sides of towering buildings, ever so often landing on balcony rails and lampposts to get to her home.
It was when she had just stopped to rest for a moment's notice that footsteps sounded behind her. She froze minutely, before tightening her grip on the weapon she held.
When the, what she guessed to be, two men moved even closer, Marinette flicked her wrist and sprung up in a skilled movement. It caused her whole body to drop towards the ground as she heard the zipping of her yo-yo string soaring through the air.
Curses rang in her ears. The duo rushed to the roof's edge to watch her descent, only to see her swing straight ahead to another tower. The wings spanning Ladybug's back twitched when sensing them following her path.
"Est-ce trop demander à rentrer à la maison sans être repéré?" she muttered under her breath in French.
After what seemed to be a few minutes of Marinette evading their attempts at capture, her eyes widened when she sensed something in particular. She swung to the highest point in the vicinity - it being the Wayne Enterprises Tower.
Her bloomed fears were confirmed when four grappling hooks latched onto the structure's edge, revealing four vigilantes on the same rooftop as her.
"Je vais avoir tellement ďennuis..." she breathed, bluebell eyes going back and fourth between the watchful quartet.
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delilah-briarwood · 4 years
For AU asks: Batfam no capes AU?
Okay, so like I’m going by the logic that with no vigilantes in Gotham there isn’t exactly any supervillains/costumed rogues going around because they don’t really have a reason to, y’know?
So, Bruce still has this unbridled rage for j u s t i ce but no fursuit batsuit to act it out in. So what does he do instead? He goes to law school with his Best Bro from school, Harvey Dent. He becomes a lawyer! Actually, him and Harvey start their own law firm; Dent & Wayne, Attorneys At Law. Nelson and Murdock whomst? They do a lot of pro bono work because both of them come from wealthy backgrounds and don’t actually need that sweet, sweet lawyer $$$
Bruce still goes to Haly’s Circus on that fateful night. He still sees the tragic demise of the Flying Graysons and feels the need to do something about it. So he gets really into investigating the case with his boyfriend business partner offering some helpful insight. Of course, they come across the connections between Tony Zucco and the mob which is where shit gets s e r i o u s. Then the two find out about Richard Grayson; the nine year old orphan sent to a juvenile detention centre simply because ‘all the care homes were full’. Bruce being Bruce is Not Having That and thus inevitably ends up adopting Dick Grayson. Dent and Wayne go on to win their legal case against Tony Zucco who is given a double life sentence.
Then comes the curious case of Jason Todd. Bruce meets Jason in a similar way to canon where Jason tries to steal the hubcaps off of Bruce’s car. This Dumbass however goes into full Dad Mode. “Harvey, H a r v e y. Look at him!! He needs a h o m e!” “He was literally just busting the tires off of your car, Bruce!” Shocking, Bruce ends up adopting Jason.
Tim Drake is a complicated case for Bruce. The Drake family have been his neighbours for as long as he can remember. Janet and Jack Drake always seemed like respectable enough people; even if they were a tad distance. But when the news of the legal case against them due to their neglect towards their son, Timothy. Harvey is Tim’s défende lawyer in this case and you can absolutely bet he does what he can to try and get a conviction. Whilst he doesn’t get a conviction, Tim IS removed from his parents’ custody - which Harvey takes as a win. Having grown close with Harvey during the legal proceedings, Tim becomes the third child in the Wayne-Dent household.
Talia al Ghul was a drunken one night stand Bruce had entirely forgotten about. That is, of course until she dumps a three year old toddler on him with nothing but a ‘his name is Damian’. Which, by all means, was entirely unexpected. It’s not that Bruce is BAD with children but the youngest child he’s dealt with as a father was Dick, who was nine when Bruce took him in. So Bruce has absolutely no idea how to raise a toddler. Thank God for Alfred who seems to be the only one in the household with any common sense. Harvey, meanwhile, finds Bruce struggling with a toddler to be hilarious.
TL; DR Bruce and Harvey are lawyer boyfriends who keep adopting kids.
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angellyslion · 1 year
La fille de Bruce Wayne 15 (fin)
J'entame ma dernière année de lycée au côté de mon frère Damian et de mon petit copain Jon.
Nous savons que nous aurons l'honneur d'accueillir la classe de Français pour l'amitié franco-américaine, cette année. Cette dernière devrait arriver dans deux mois, ce qui nous laissait largement le temps de tout préparer pour les accueillir correctement.
Et durant la semaine, nous avons préparé des jeux et des sports de cohésion d'équipe et de réflexion. Pour travailler un minimum quelques quizz de culture générale. Et pour le dernier soir un bal.
Les deux mois s'écoulent rapidement. Dami, Jon et moi attendions que la classe de français arrive. À ma grande surprise se sont mes anciens camarades qui quittaient le bus. Je jetais un rapide regard à mon frère et à mon copain pour voir qu'ils n'étaient pas ravi de les voir même trois ans plus tard.
Je savais avec les épreuves qu'ils y auraient les deux n'allait donner aucune chance à mon ancienne classe. Je les plaignait un peu. Le point positif est qu'ils n'y avait ni Adrien ni Lila. À ma grande surprise, il y avait Chloé.
— Chlo que fais-tu avec eux ?
— Mon lycée est en rénovation et l'administration nous a dispatché un peu partout et pour mon plus grand malheur, je suis tombé avec eux. Normalement d'ici janvier je devrais retourner dans mon école.
— Voici le programme pour cette semaine, ce matin, je vous fais visiter l'école et je vous explique le règlement. Cette après-midi nous aurons un moment de liaison. Demain course d'orientation et jeu d'énigme. Mercredi balle au prisonnier et quizz. Jeudi escape game grandeur nature qui dura au maximum toute la journée et vendredi laser game et le soir un bal pour clôturer la semaine de l'amitié.La semaine se passe rapidement et bien entendu, ma classe perdait toutes les épreuves. Nous étions, le soir du bal. Je dansais avec Jon. 
— Maintenons nous allons élire le roi et la reine du bal. Le roi est Jonathan Kent et sa reine est Marinette Wayne !
— Merci à tout le monde pour les votes ! Le temps que j'ai votre attention, je voudrais en profiter pour demander quelque chose à Marinette. Merci, nous nous connaissons depuis longtemps et je sais que nous sommes encore jeune. Je voudrais t'offrir cette bague pour te faire une promesse de mariage quand nous serons plus âgés. Je sais que tu es là personne qui est faite pour moi ! Je n'ai pas envie de te perdre. Veux-tu de moi pour le restant de nos jours ?
— Oui bien sûr Jon. Il passe la bègue de promesse.Je l'embrasse passionnément sous les applaudissements des autres.
C'est le dernier chapitre de cette histoire. Merci pour toutes les vues et les ajouts à vos listes de lectures votes ainsi que tous vos votes et commentaires.
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 7 days
Le sorcier de Crime Alley
by Oosbeck Jason Todd allait prouver à son pè- à Batman que l'homme chauve-souris était dépassé. Qu'il était un meilleur justicier que lui. Mais pour ça, autant utiliser toutes ses ressources à disposition. S'il montrait à Bruce que la mort était une tactique valable pour la lutte contre le crime, pourquoi ne pas utiliser la magie? Pour un homme aussi théâtral que Jason Todd, la magie offrait également d'autres avantages, mais ce n'était clairement pas ça le plus important. Words: 2143, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Français Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Batman (Comics), Red Hood and the Outlaws (Comics) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: Gen Characters: Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne, Tim Drake, Dick Grayson, Zatanna Zatara Relationships: Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne, Bruce Wayne & Damian Wayne, Jason Todd/Zatanna Zatara, Talia al Ghul/Bruce Wayne (background) Additional Tags: Humor, Mage Jason Todd, All Caste Jason Todd, Bruce wayne tente d'être un bon père, ça marche moyennement, Jason Todd is Red Hood, Tim Drake is Robin, Damian Wayne is Not Robin, Damian a son propre costume via https://ift.tt/5DimnPl
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thewriterwithnoplan · 4 years
Smallville (Part 3)
Summary: Y/N’s just Gotham Academy’s new rich girl, the daughter of Bruce Wayne’s friend and the confidant of bilingual protegee son Damian. She’s just the next pawn in fates little game of soulmates. Or rather she’s being forced into the role of pawn, but Y/N is anything but. Against the fates themselves, her destiny and her heart Y/N must fight in order to keep her family’s secrets. Pairing: Jon Kent x Soulmate!Reader Word Count: 788 Warnings: None.
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Conner gave her a welcoming smile that was quickly wiped off his face when the boy behind him began violently coughing. Both of Lex Luthor's experiments turned to face the man who Y/N figured was Clark's son. He was keeled over, hands on his knees as Damian thumped a hand against his back. The Wayne heir sent her an amused look and rolled his eyes at the chocking man.
"Alright there, Jon?" Clark - who paused on his way out of the room - asked in concern.
Jon looked up through messy curls that had shifted to cover his eyes. He made a noise somewhere between a grunt and a hum of assurance. Damian pulled the boy up by his collar - a feat made all the more impressive through the fact that Jon stood a few inches taller than Damian himself - and shoved the coughing boy into a nearby dining chair. Where Jon continued to gasp for breath in an attempt to gain his bearings from whatever the hell had just happened. Did he have asthma or something?
"Yup, yup. It's just that name." Jon held out his arm and gave a vague motion to where his soulmate tattoo was inked. The soulmate tattoo that she could see. A beautiful scrawl of letters - her handwriting - permanently marking with the name Prince.
E/C eyes turned onto Damian, hard and unflinching as she glared daggers at him, "Si tuavais prévu ça, tes morts.(If you planned this, your dead)."
"prévu quoi? (Planned what?)" He asked in an unfortunately awkward accent. "Je n'aiaucune idée de cequise passe en ce moment." (I have no idea what's going on right now).
"Menteur. (Liar)." She hissed lowly, at this point she was up in the boys face and growling between clenched teeth.
"You know I don't tell lies, fatatdhahabia. (Golden Girl)." Damian reverted back to English and his native language. "And since when do you know French?"
Y/N scowled deeply at him, ignoring the question completely, "First it was cannibals and then it was the fucking League of assassins and now? My soulmate?"
"Wait, what?"
"Are you trying to ruin my life?"  Y/N seethed. "If they find out I have a soulmate. That I have a weakness- Why on earth do I let you take me on these trips? I either end up half-dead or unable to sleep for the next week."
"I-" A shrill ring cut off the Wayne heir.
A grim smile stretched the girl's face, "Saved by the bell, Wayne."
Y/N turned from the assembled men. Conner was starting confused at the room, Jon was still gasping for breath, Clark still stood eyebrows furrowed and Damian looked like a kicked puppy. She pressed the phone to her ear, took a calming breath and greeted.
"Hello, Mitèra, (Mother)." The native word rolled off her tongue. "It's nice to hear from you. How is Greece?"
"It is beautiful this time of year, you should see it." Y/N could almost hear her mother's smile. "Are you being good for the Waynes?"
"Yes Mitèra, (Mother)." Y/N had been staying with the Wayne family so she could attend Gotham Academy. It had originally been her mother's idea that she attend only the best that they could find, but Y/N was more there to spend time with her only friend. Whom she had just been yelling at.
"Listen, Paidi mou, (My child)." Diana Prince murmured to her daughter. "There's something I need you to do. μια αποστολή (A mission)."
Y/N turned slightly, just enough to meet Damian's eyes. The boy gave her a hesitant look as if wondering what had changed her mood so unnaturally fast, "Of course Mitèra, (Mother). You know I'm always willing to prove myself. Truth, Justice and all that stuff, right?"
"I will send you the details but only if you agree to my conditions," Y/N could almost hear the frown in her mother's voice. The girl turned it over in her mind for a good while, wondering what on earth her mother would ask.
"Deal," Y/N huffed a small breath. "A deal is a promise and a promise is unbreakable."
"Call in your team."
"Wait, no-"
"You Promised!" Diana said quickly, "Σ 'αγαπώ το παιδί μου (I love you, my child)."
Y/N was frozen for several seconds after the trill beep of her mother hanging up sounded. Had that just happened? Had she just been assigned her first proper assignment away from her mother? Only for the woman to tell her to call in her 'team'? Wait... Did that mean she was in charge? Green eyes met E/C as Y/N gave the Wayne heir a fiendish grin.
Damian didn't like that expression. Not one bit.
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