#danny however is not
vladdyissues · 4 months
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Day 23: Surf
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regonold · 2 months
Danny's flight or fight response has quite the hair trigger for a few select phrases most being things vlad would say
One such being his full name a bit odd but there's a reason he always asks to be called danny
So really it's not his fault after joining the school in gotham he had been introduced to his class and he'd told them to call him danny
And he hadn't heard him all he'd heard was someone calling him danial and putting a hand on his shoulder
So really he can't be blamed for how he reacted he told everyone not to call him Daniel and he snuck up and called him daniel
How can he be blamed for breaking Damien waynes nose
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flamingpudding · 2 months
It all started when a number code flashed across the screen of the Batcomputer while Tim was working on a case.
7 8 15 19 20
Flashed across the screen several times to the point it made Tim think that someone somehow managed to hack into the Batcomputer. It was also a number code he was not familiar with at all. So Tim reported it back over their comms in hopes that maybe one of the others knew what the numbers meant. Because all he managed to figure out from it was that the number code was an alert on the Batcomputer, one that came with coordinates that lead into the middle of nowhere.
Tim was about to join the discussion Dick and Jason were having on it when Bruce silenced them all apruptly speaking up.
"Answer code 2 1 20, sent them to the coordinates attached. I will be in the cave in ETA3 and take over from there."
The sudden silence on their communication line spoke volumes especially when Tim new the numbers was a simply code for Bat. He still did what Bruce asked him to do but that didn't stop the questions running through Tim's mind. He watched on the screen of the Batcomputer how the moment he sent the code in return, Programs started like on autopilot. A map opening that contained nothing at first but then changed into a map of a whole good damn city. Tim could only gap at what was happening on the Batcomputer before Bruce appeared and pulled him away from his seat to take over himself.
Bruce without a beat of delay started to input more codes and apparently access codes too as more and more windows opened on the Batcomputer. Tim did not realise that with time Dick, Cass and Damian had joined him as they watched Bruce work away on the Batcomputer. At some point an audiotrack opened but all they could hear was only static. They thought Bruce was going to run it through one of the noise filtering programs.
But to the shock of them, Bruce suddenly triggered a hidden compartment on the console, causing it to flip over and reveal communication link build in a way non of them had ever seen before. It was silver with green accents and looked far... older and less sleek than any of the ones they used. It was clearly not designed to stay completely hidden if put into your ear.
They watched how he simply put that earpiece on and then replayed the audiotrack.
The batkids shared a look of confusion. Non of them sure what to make of the situation until suddenly Bruce stood up from the Batcomputer.
"Prepare for a rescue mission. Nightwing, Orphan and Robin will come with me, the rest of you will stay in Gotham." Was all the man said before storming of towards the Batplane.
"Bruce what is going on?!" Dick instead of going to prepare asked stoping the man before he could get away from them. "What is the meaning of that code? Aside from the fact that simply translated it means ghost."
Bruce eyed the batkids present for a moment before letting out a grunt. "Ghost is finally ready to join the family."
"Ghost?" Tim echoed confused, never having heard that alias for any of them.
"Father what do you mean, 'join the family'?" Damian chimed in clearly frowning with suspicion.
The man eyed them once more his eyes going over each of his children, it looked like he was contemplating telling them more for a moment before he stood to fully face them and let out a sigh. "Like Clark, I too have clone child."
There was a stunned silence. No one speaking up until Dick did. "How long...?"
"14 years ago"
The silence continued as they all did the mental math. Once more it was Dick who spoke up first, clearly stunned. "You had a clone since I was eleven and now is the first time I hear of that?! You never bothered telling any of us?!"
There was a long suffering sigh. "We got to Danny before he was aged up, he was a normal baby even if created in a laboratory, so it was best for him to grow up normally, with the league we arranged for him to be sent to selected family since I had my hands full with you and-"
"Danny?!" Dick cut in. "His name is Danny? Does he even know about us?"
"Dick." Bruce called out his tone warning. "Of course I kept an eye on Danny's life. And I did made contact with him when the time was appropriated considering some of the things that were happening for the boy as he grew up, however he is not aware that he is a clone and it will stay that way. He will get to know all of you once we finished this rescue mission."
Before Dick or any of the others could say anything more Bruce spoke up firmly again. "Get ready now, we do not have any more time. Anything else will be handled later."
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greenglowinspooks · 26 days
Honestly I think the fics where Danny’s a Kryptonian have a lot of potential, so here’s me throwing my hat into the ring
Danny was born a human. He was born to two loving (though slightly neglectful) human parents in the painfully mundane state of Illinois.
Then, he died, but he didn’t do it right. He became a Halfa; too alive to be a ghost, but too dead to be human.
Then, through strange, uncontrollable circumstances, that changed as well.
He had been heavily injured, missing a large percentage of body mass, and was at the cusp of either dying fully or just fading from existence.
(Perhaps it was an ordinary fight. Perhaps it was the GiW, or his parents. Perhaps it was a simple accident. That didn’t matter now.)
He fled, phasing through the ground, trying to bury himself as deep as possible.
(Perhaps he didn’t want to be unmasked in death. Perhaps that was already too late, and he just wanted his body be able to rest in peace.)
Unfortunately for him, he was in Metropolis, and ended up in a secret genetics lab below the earth.
Danny detransformed, completely exhausted, falling onto a table covered in different labeled specimen containers. He closed his eyes, and prepared himself for what would happen next.
And… nothing.
Slowly, cautiously, he opened his eyes.
Danny sat up, brushing off the foul-smelling liquid from the specimen jars, petri dishes, and assorted vials.
He felt…fine.
No, better than fine. He felt normal. Healthy.
He felt like he wasn’t missing most of his internal organs anymore.
Danny looked down at his stomach, and saw that the wounds that were killing him had completely disappeared.
(The blood blossoms, if there had been any, were still there, but they no longer hurt. At most, they itched a little, or maybe just tickled a bit.)
He wanted to question what in the hell had just happened, but he didn’t want to jinx it. He just quietly changed back to Phantom, going invisible and phasing out of wherever he had found himself in, ignoring the loud alarm system that had begun to blare when he broke the samples on that table.
Life mostly went back to normal after that.
If, like Danny, you ignored all the physical changes in a valiant effort to remain in denial that something was horribly wrong.
His skin was tougher, now; he didn’t get scrapes or cuts, even when he accidentally fumbled a knife while trying to cook. His ghost form was stronger, too; he was barely knocked down by his old rogues anymore.
He could fly, even in his human form. Though, admittedly, the flight was much different. It was like using a muscle he hadn’t known existed beforehand. He didn’t just ignore gravity or wind resistance, though he felt more graceful in the air now than he ever did as Phantom.
There were more powers popping up, lasers and cold breath, x-ray vision and super strength. His lungs and heart were larger, and he could handle temperatures much easier. He didn’t have to transform to handle the pressure and cold of space anymore.
His reaction time had improved, becoming much faster than ever before. His senses were much stronger, and he had even seemed to gain a sense of electric fields, like a shark.
The only thing that separated him from a Kryptonian was that he had developed electrokenesis, which he had never seen any of them use on TV.
So, surely, he was fine.
Everything was normal, he hadn’t been transformed by alien DNA in a sketchy lab, he had just had a really weird and specific metagene activation.
Clark Kent, Kal-El, was panicking.
It had been around a month and a half since a particularly brutal fight between Interpol and an unknown assailant, and it seemed that Interpol was determined to draw out whoever had scorned them.
Their method of doing this, of course, was trying to level the city.
He and Jon were doing their best to stop them, but with both Kon and Zor-El away on their own business, it was difficult.
And by difficult, he meant almost impossible.
Slowly but surely he was driving them back, but not without massive amounts of damage to the city, especially with only Jon on dedicated rescuing duty.
He was distracted, trying to draw a group away from a heavily occupied building, when a projectile hit him in the back of the head.
The world spun for a moment, and then it went black.
(It was, probably, then, some sort of Kryptonite-metal alloy. Interpol at its finest.)
He woke slowly, forcing his eyes open. He felt like he had been hit by an eighteen wheeler.
Clark jolted up, preparing for the worst.
To his shock, though, the city hadn’t been reduced to rubble while he was out.
Jon seemed to still be working on evacuation, either unaware that he had went down or forcing himself to focus on the task at hand.
Then, a lightning-quick figure flew into view, and Clark’s mind went blank.
He thought, for a moment, that Kara was back. But, no, that wasn’t right, she was supposed to be off-planet for another week or so.
Besides, this new figure didn’t move like her. They were lankier and more slender, and they flew quicker than any member of his family.
Their powerset was different, too; they focused mainly on using blasts of ice and electricity to drive enemies back, only occasionally using their strength or lasers—ones which came from their hands instead of their eyes.
He had woken up at the tail end of the fight, it seemed. The remaining Interpol agents were fleeing from the mysterious metahuman.
They stayed in the sky, motionless, watching them leave.
As if they could sense him staring, they turned.
They were small, still clearly young. Probably around Kon’s age, or maybe even younger.
Instead of the colorful clothing he had inherited from his family, the stranger wore black and white clothes which looked similar to a hazmat suit, their face covered by some sort of gas mask.
Interestingly enough, instead of the S-shape crest that he was so used to seeing, the stranger wore the letter D on his chest.
Kal’s heart sped up.
From up in the sky, he heard the stranger’s heart, on the left instead of the right, speed up in return.
But before he could say a word to them, they sped off, disappearing into the deep blue sky.
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corkinavoid · 2 months
DPxDC ADHD Coffee Addicts
Fact number one: Tim Drake inhales coffee like oxygen.
Fact number two: Danny Fenton inhales coffee like ectoplasm (because oxygen is only optional in his case).
Fact number three: Bats typically turn a blind eye when Danny drinks too much of it since there's not really a risk of him going into cardiac arrest with Danny being literally already dead.
Fact number four: they do not turn a blind eye when still thankfully alive Tim does it because they would like him to stay that way, please.
Problem: Tim has ADHD [a fact I strongly headcanon], and without his daily dose of coffee, he becomes not simply unhinged, but, dare I say, no longer connected to the door frame.
Bigger problem: Danny is slightly unhinged even when he has his coffee, and he also shows signs of ADHD. No one risks taking away his coffee in fear of what he might accomplish without it.
Fun fact: one of Batman's contingency plans for a world-ending-case-scenario is to throw Tim and Danny in a secluded room together, not give them any coffee, and simply wait for a few hours. Although this contingency is listed as 'last resort'.
P.S. coffee is not a great way to cope with ADHD. In fact, there's little evidence of it actually helping with the symptoms, but a man can dream, and a man can post random thoughts they find hilarious.
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bluerosefox · 6 months
Drake Siblings
Have I read this prompt somewhere or was this a fever dream from my bored mind.
What if, now hear me out.
What if we bring up Dana Winters-Drake (whose confirmed to at least be alive in the DC verse but no one knows where she actually is)
What if instead of when she had a mental breakdown and getting committed to an Bludhaven clinc she wandered away before anyone noticed and by the time Tim or anyone did notice a lot of stuff started happening at once in both Gotham and Bludhaven (Steph dying, The Bludhaven crisis, etc etc)
Tim still tries to find her though but even with best resources it was like she just disappeared into the wilderness and the stress of trying to handle more and more problems get worse.
So when out of the blue, a couple of years later, he gets a call from an unknown number. On his private, only for friends and family, phone and when he answers he meet with a young girls voice on the other end.
A very young, maybe six or seven, girl who informs him about his apparently half-brother Danny Drake-Fenton. And how she loves Danny so, so, so much but knows her home is dangerous for him to be in.
Tim is stunned and before he could question her, she says Danny is Dana and Jack's baby and that her parents had adopted him years ago and put Dana's stuff that the hospital had away for him to look at when he was older but she just had to fight off their lunch from eating her brother and she knows he needs a better place to live and so she snooped around and found Dana's diary and that she had to unscramble the nonsense Dana wrote and found Tim's number with the words 'tell him about his brother Danny' hidden in it. And-
But before she could keep rambling she hears Danny screaming "JAZZY THE MILK WENT BAD AGAIN AND HISSED AT ME!"
Tim is left with silence after hearing Jazz yell to Danny to lock the fridge and step out of the kitchen as she gets the bat.
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the-witchhunter · 7 months
So Lucifer Morningstar, the fourth of the fallen, (retired) ruler of hell, the Devil himself, is a character in DC comics, appearing in the Sandman comics, his own solo run and various other comics
He is absurdly powerful
The thing is, Lucifer still has access to his Divine power, unlike other fallen angels, and is actually more powerful than other angels
What does this mean?
Lucifer was the guy that shaped the matter to create the stars, an ability he still has
Enter one Danny Fenton
“Omg(oh my ghost) I’m a HUGE FAN of your work”
Just Danny fangirling over the literal Devil because of stars and space
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dclovesdanny · 4 months
DcxDp prompt
I’m feeling angsty, so here’s some angst.
Demon, twins, AU, where Danny did the whole thing where he died for his brother. I think it would be more angsty/dramatic if he died not by Damian’s hand, but by Ra’s for a punishment and just didn’t come out of the Lazarus pit, or if he was poisoned/killed by a traitor of the league, while saving Damian.
Fast-forward to after Damian has joined the bats, They go on a mission to Nanda Parbat. During the fight, Damian ends up being pushed into the water. He braces himself, expecting large amounts of pain.
Instead, he hears his brothers voice telling him that he’ll be OK, and that he is so proud of Damian. Damian can’t open his eyes, but he feels small, pushing him out of the pit. He opens his eyes to a small splash, as everyone is staring at him.
What everyone else sees is Damian falling into the pit, and then the pit stilling, looking like glass. Then a small child with white hair and pit green eyes guides Damian to the surface and then to the side. The farther from the middle of the pit he gets, the more he changes to look older, like Damian. He’s almost completely out of the water, placing Damian on the shore, when a monstrous being rises from the water.Damian is quickly set fully down, and the child wades back into the Lazarus pit, becoming smaller and younger as he gets close to the middle. He takes the other be hand, and they both sink into the water.
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cloudberrys-stuff · 24 days
Hey does anyone remember the one post about Danny being a green lantern, but when ever he transformed the ring thought he died so it would run away looking for a new wielder until he de transformed, meaning he had to chase it across the country side, and the ring got so sad about being unable the protect all of these lanterns (it was only Danny) that it became sentient.
I have tried finding the post but have been unable to, does it still exist?
If it does still exist can someone point me in the right direction to finding it, thxs.
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puppetmaster13u · 7 months
Prompt 227
There's not much known about Realms beings.
Which is understandable, seeing as it's called infinite for a reason. But it still causes a problem when people are trying to properly learn about something. Maybe try not to cause an interdimensional accident or war.
Something no one wishes for.
So Constantine is THIS close to laughing and screaming hysterically when a cult's summoning goes wrong and summons what he's pretty sure is a Baby Realms Being.
Which probably means Mama is on the way.
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starry-bi-sky · 2 months
Stillborn danyal al ghul au incorrect quotes - dpxdc au
Vlad and Danny, fighting for the nth time this month: Danyal, exhausted: hey if i call you dad will you like. Stop. I have a test tomorrow. Vlad, has a parental bone in EVERY part of his body: *immediately stopping* Vlad: What do you mEAN YOU HAVE A TEST. WHY DIDN'T YOU LEAD WITH THAT-- Danny: BECAUSE YOU'RE TRYING TO KILL DR. FENTON AGAIN, VLADIMIR.
Danny, flopping into bed facefirst: i need sleep or rehab. again Tucker (maybe?? I haven't decided yet who he's friends with): i thought you were clean Danny, into a pillow: not if this keeps up.
Tucker: favorite superhero go Sam: Wonder Woman Danny: the Flash Tucker: Okay Sam's is obvious but, Danny I would've thought you'd say like, Martian Manhunter or Superman or Starfire. But Flash?? Danny: i had a foster in Central City for a few years and met him, he's a really nice guy. He made me promise to invite him to my high school graduation and is part of the reason I made it to rehab and ended up getting rehomed and picked up by the Fentons. Danny: I have a hoodie with his logo on it in my closet, i saved up to buy it and its the first thing I got with the allowance the Fentons got me
Danny wearing three layers and a scarf in the middle of summer: *shivering* Sam: how are you cold you're literally made of lava Danny, hissing: lava cools at contact with the air and I'm trying to keep my body temperature at a reasonable level, SAM. Tucker, touching Danny: you feel warm to me Danny: to YOU
Danny:...i could eat lava Tucker: Sam: Danny: Tucker: do it. no balls Danny, getting up: bET--
Danny: Dash: The Both Of Them: *under the bleachers to smoke/vape* Danny, smokes: I wont tell if you won't tell Dash, vapes: ....deal
Danny, breaking into Vlad's lab: YOU FUCKER QUIT-- what the hell is that Vlad, working on his newest invention: Language. ....And it's something I'm working on, go away Danny: what? no, fuck you. You're trying to kill Jack again and this looks interesting. I was gonna come beat you but now I'm curious what the hell this is (Vlad spends a good hour explaining what he's doing before they start arguing and Danny starts a fight)
Danny laying on the ground staring the ceiling, feeling like shit: Jazz, popping by his room: ,,,what'cha doing, Danny? Danny: Danny, internally: 'Jazz says i should be more open' Danny: considering the benefits of relapsing Jazz, immediately stepping into the room: oh okay so lets talk.
Danny, meeting Robin as Phantom for the first time unaware of his identity and his own birthright: Robin: Phantom: Phantom: fuck you Robin, a 12 year old: fUCK YOU
Vlad: Jack Fenton iced me out of my early adulthood and got you, his foster son, killed by his own invention. He is a danger to society and I personally want him dead. Danny: okay, cool motive still murder. Danny, louder: I DONT NEED YOU TO TAKE REVENGE ON MY BEHALF
Vlad, grabbing Danny's shoulders: aren't you tired of being nice Danny: Vlad: don't you want to go apeshit Danny, in the american foster system since infancy, was in rehab at 11 years old, has been fucked over metaphorically, emotionally, physically, ten times over: Danny: i feel like we need to have a talk
DP/Regular DPDC Vlad: *gripping by the shoulders* DPDC Vlad: how Stillborn Vlad: what DP/DC Vlad: how are you getting him to like you. Stillborn Vlad:,,, well first off i don't torture him so jot that down Stillborn Vlad: second of all, like is a strong word. Stillborn Vlad: Daniel only likes me on tuesdays and when i show him how to make fireballs
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spookberry · 1 year
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Day 16: Fangs :)
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demonic0angel · 4 months
“Falling for me, hero?” (click for clarity)
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Please enjoy this piece bc I made it while studying for my AP exams 😌
Inspired by this:
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providencehq · 2 years
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Non Shrike AU content yet again but idea where Danny takes on being a superhero more or less out of Amity Park once he's slightly older. Danny continues to go by Phantom. He's a sudden unknown with a rogue gallery who seems to follow him no matter how quickly he travels from city to city. The destruction that follows him is hard to notice and as a result the Justice League attempts to intervene but it's leaving them questioning who exactly this new hero (or foe) is. He is able to go toe to toe with some of the veteran League members until he usually realizes he can't exactly win against them (experience vs. raw power doesn't always work in his favor) and runs away. The League is trying to get a grasp on his powers and abilities and in the end, since he doesn't seem fond of actually interacting with the League, Danny is deemed a threat. It's especially concerning when some members spy him lingering on the edges of Earth's atmosphere star gazing.
Danny views the situation differently, he's trying to contain ghosts appearing from an influx of natural ghost portals throughout the country while juggling being a freshman in university. His goal is get them under controlled as quick as possible, no time for banter, no time to interact with the local heros. He has a job to do. However when the Justice League starts coming after him he believes they realize he's a ghost/part ghost and trying to detain him under the ecto acts. He's terrified and views them as a threat so of course he's going to fight them if they try to get to close.
Danny is eventually captured by Superman after a rogue battle in Metropolis that was extremely difficult so having Superman come in directly after was a losing battle from the start. He's taken to the Watch Tower and given cuffs and a collar that blocks/dampens meta abilities and it manages to actually work on Danny. He refuses to cooperate with any members who try to question him since it's pointless to fight against them now that he's captured. Danny views himself steps away from being fully dead as he believes the Justice League will hand him over to the Men in White once they're finished with him.
Non colored version under readmore:
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danmeichael · 4 months
SY/SQQ is straight, he's just a male feminist and doesn't find women sexually attractive because sexualizing women isn't feminist, and of course he finds men to be attractive he can be straight and appreciate the male form and cock. Don't judge him for having extremely niche kinks like getting railed by malecock and larping, you're just kinkshaming.
sqq himself has now started sending me anons.
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radiance1 · 10 months
danny works for Batman/Bruce and instead of calling him on his cell like a normal person he summons Danny like the devil and they’ve been doing this for a while and Bruce does it in front of the bat kids in the bat cave and their looking at him like he’s crazy but then
Danny pops up from the floor
D: UGH. Yes Brucie. What do you want now? More batrangs? My labor? A car? My SOUL?
Danny does this as he walks over and shakes bat man’s shoulders aggressively actually shaking him back and forth as the kids try and fail not to laugh
Danny is also like 14-17 ish but can’t be adopted because he has the god of time as a guardian
So, is Danny 14-17 or does he just look 14-17?
Or is there some weird time fuckery going on because they're from different dimensions? Or, are they from the same dimension?
I don't know, don't really care, so lets just go with option two for now.
The first time Batman has ever summoned Phantom was legitimately an accident. He was fighting with a wizard who set themselves up in Gotham for nefarious deeds to be done and being him he popped up and tried to stop them.
And he didn't have as much knowledge of fighting wizards back then as he does now, so he was mostly just winging it.
Which somehow accidently ended up in him dragging a ghost from beyond the veil, a ghost that helped him beat up said nefarious wizard because contractual obligations or whatever, or maybe just because he didn't vibe with him.
Who knows, really.
Batman has kept track of the ritual used to summon him, however, because having a ritual like that is both useful and worrying if it ends up in the wrong hands.
A various series of misadventures, crime fighting, and somehow getting himself wrapped up in and the taking down of a wizard syndicate with Phantom.
He has Phantom on speed dial, as in a summoning circle literally drawn onto his cape that he could use on the fly if the situation ever called for it, or he didn't have a way of drawing one.
So, you could say they've known each other for quite a while and have quite a relationship with one another as well. Most of it waws strictly business starting out, then moved onto tentative friendship (mostly on Bruce's part) and then quite the companions.
You try toppling more than one magical organization in your city with a powerful ghost and not become friends by then.
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