#dinner sister
dewsgremlin · 3 months
Everyone is worrying about sister imperator.
Dewdrop: "I hope I can convince Copia to stop at ica maxi on the way home so we can buy cheezdoodles and chicken nuggets for dinner tonight."
Also not forget about Phantom trying to get a better look on seestor
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froody · 4 months
*matriarchal: relating to or denoting a form of social organization in which a woman is the head.
*patriarchal: relating to or denoting a form of social organization in which a man is the head.
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bluerosefox · 1 year
Damian comes back to the manor one day with... a new school acquaintance (coughfriendcough) due to the fact they need to work on a school project together and Danny Fenton was the only one in that class that Damian would tolerate to have as a partner.
Everything about the kid seemed normal, heck very normal if a bit shy... or at least that was until the kid suddenly zero focused on a corner of the room and stared at it non blinking. Then after what felt like hours blinked once and returned to normal, chatting away like nothing happened.
....It also doesn't help that Alfred the cat... did the same thing.. at the same time as Danny.
Yeah something is... off about Damian's new friend.
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mango-fizz · 1 year
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fancy gals in fancy dresses :o
the refs 🤗
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blueberrymori · 2 days
the batfam at the dinner table
Damian: I want another dog
batsibling!y/n: we don't need another one, we already have two
Damian: we already have two dogs?
batsibling!y/n: yes Titus and Jason
Jason: what?!
batsibling!y/n: don't be surprised, you growl at everyone, you're never at home, you hate people around you and you eat your dinner leftovers at dawn.
Tim and Dick: they's got a point
Cass and Barb looking at each other holding in their laughter, Damian laughing in the background and Bruce sighing with his hand on his face.
Bruce: a normal family dinner is asking too much?
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byemambo · 10 days
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Jes vs. the exhaust hood: 0-3
JesBible on the Har Tum Show [2/?]
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kyokutsu-sama · 4 months
*Fuegoleon at the table with Y/n, after organizing a dinner to introduce her to his siblings*
Fue: Leopold, Mereoleona, this is Y/n, my girlfriend.
Leopold: She's pretty and I think you guys make a great couple.
Mereoleona *smiling*: In my opinion, I think you could have found someone better than that thing... just saying.
Fue *getting up from his chair*: SISTER !! That's not a thing to say, you're embarrassing her. Apologize now !!
Mereoleona: Hey, Calm your ass down!! I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to her
*Y/n and Leopold pursing their lips to keep from laughing*
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kokokulto · 2 years
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Dinner time! 🍽️🥘 Sorry Octavio, it’s hard to say no to Callie. 
[TEXT]   Callie: Hey Grampa, can we have crabby cakes tonight? Octavio: Sorry squiddo, we already had those. We’ll have curry instead. (Callie then makes a really sad face) Octavio: !! Cap. Cuttlefish: So, what’s for di— Callie: CRABBY CAKE!
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sage-nebula · 21 days
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I think Jinx's new look is from the end of the season, and I think it's inspired by her taking Ekko's words to heart.
In the trailer, we see Ekko telling her, "Sometimes taking a leap forward means leaving some things behind." What's notable about this clip is that we can see that Jinx still has her long blue bang in front of her face when he's talking to her. Now, maybe it's just the lighting — it does look like they're in a dark room — but it looks Powder blue, not cyan like in her new look above.
The thing about Jinx is that she, consciously, has moved on from her past by the time arc 2 starts, in the sense that she knew that she grew up to be who she is, that she took the name Jinx, she saw Silco as her father, etc. Vi, who clung to the past (for sympathetic reasons) did sow some doubts in her about "could I get some of that (i.e. my sister's love) back?", but by and large she knew that she was always the same person (Powder = Jinx, people, and always has, and she has always known this), and the act of "choosing" which one to be was just that: an act, a performance for Vi and Silco, both of whom acted as if Powder and Jinx were two separate people. She was performing for them, while also punishing them for hurting her and testing their love for her. There was a lot going on at that family dinner.
But I digress. The point I'm making is, for the most part Jinx accepts who she is in the present, but she is still held by some things — namely, Zaun and all of the trauma that has been inflicted upon her there since she was a baby, from all sides. (Sides which include her sister, even though Vi was only a traumatized child herself and did her best.)
I made a post just last night about how being a symbol is not a good thing for Jinx and not a thing she wants, and if I'm right and her updated look comes at the end (or at least later) in the season, then I think this is a conclusion that Jinx herself comes to as well.
Because look at her.
Jinx no longer matches any of Zaun's murals of her, nor does she match those who changed their appearances to look like her. She is wearing a completely different outfit, yes—but she has also marked her own skin with bright graffiti. She has put lavender and cyan streaks in her hair, a stark difference from the blue Zaun took to use as a symbol. And if you look closely, it looks like she cut her hair:
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Paint washes off and temporary dye fades fast, but hair can take forever to grow, especially Rapunzel braids like Jinx had. But she cut it off, despite how her long, long braids were depicted in multiple of Zaun's murals. Jinx doesn't want to be their symbol. She wants to be a person. Her own person. And to do that, it means leaving Zaun—and everything and everyone there who can trigger her—behind.
I think Jinx is saying goodbye to the city at the end of this season. Vi may stay as an enforcer, and Ekko will stay to try to build Zaun back up, but Jinx? I think she's leaving.
And honestly? Good for her.
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luffyrose · 2 years
Mistaken - DC x DP
Idk man- this one fully just came to me. So have fun. Cry.
Another rogue attack.
Bats coming to save the day.
It was a never-ending dance between the two.
Casualties were often low. People got hurt but fewer and fewer people died. Even major injuries had lessened over the years. It wasn't the focus of the villains to necessarily kill people, it was simply a byproduct of their goal.
So why was it different?
Why now?
Sure, Gotham's rogues weren't afraid to kill to gain attention, but this was different. The attack came from nowhere, no sign of it before it had already begun, and when Batman arrived...there was no villain there. Just the destruction in its wake.
He'd been quick to call the others for help searching for injured, and no doubt dead from the destruction, before getting to pulling people from rubble and fires. His kids arrived and did the same until another call came from Oracle. The fire department and ambulances had arrived, so they left it to them.
It had already been nearing the day, so when they finished dealing with some goons, the family had turned in for the night. Yet Bruce couldn't stop thinking about the explosion. The camera's from the building, he'd learned it was a lab of some sort, were far and few, really only showing the entrance. Even then they cut out before the explosion.
The news was talking of it, the owner of the lab was on it by now claiming it was an accident with some chemicals and they were investigating possible causes. He knew it was a lie, and from his children's faces when they heard it, they thought the same.
It didn't take him long to head there, not as Batman, but as Bruce Wayne.
He had planned to speak to the owner of the Lab, he really only remembered he wore a pristine white suit. Parking nearby, and offering help to those he saw as he passed, Bruce slowly made his way toward the main part of the crowd.
A quiet sob and cough made him freeze in his tracks. It was so quiet he doubted anyone would have noticed if they weren't trained. Glancing around, he slipped into the alleyway he'd heard the noise from. It was close to he accident, but far enough away no one would look down it...so why was someone here?
Bruce cautiously looked through the alley, his gaze hardening as he found a smaller figure curled up on itself, trying to hide behind a dumpster.
The kid, because it really could only be a kid, flinched eyes darting toward him.
And Bruce froze.
Green eyes were staring back at him. Glowing, Lazarus, green eyes. Yet, his eyes were quick to drift from the color to the blood soaking the boy's clothes. Gritting his teeth, he crouched, holding up his hands. He couldn't see the boy well with this distance, but he couldn't risk not finding a way to help the kid.
"I'm not gonna hurt you...I promise."
The glow fluctuated for a moment before the other tried to move, wincing harshly as his arm gave out and sent him careening into the floor. Bruce had moved forward when he fell, worry clear on his face, and when the boy growled, only for it to fade into a whimper, he paused again.
"Let me help you. I can get you to a hosp-"
Panic filled the other's eyes, scrambling further away. "No! No, hospital. No, no, no no nononono-" Bruce kept his face from changing at the boy's voice. It was hoarse as if he hadn't used it or had been screaming.
Putting his hands up placatingly, he carefully shifted on his feet. "Okay. No hospital. But you need help...can I help you?" The boy seemed to be looking for something in his face, maybe a lie, but after a few moments, the kid's head bobbed before he collapsed onto the ground completely.
Taking the moment, Bruce moved beside him, careful not to touch him as he pulled out his phone, messaging Dick and Leslie. She would need to prep for some stitches no doubt from the blood, and he definitely couldn't get the boy elsewhere without some help. As he finished sending the messages, he felt a hand grab onto him weakly. Looking down at the boy, his heart absolutely sunk.
He could see him now. How his black hair fell over his eyes. Blue eyes. The green was temporary, probably powers, but now with those blue eyes, he looked like one of his many children. More specifically...a younger Jason. His heart clenched, gently taking the boy's hand despite himself.
This wasn't Jason...it wasn't.
It was clear the boy had started to grow delirious, his eyes unfocused for the most part, but staring so intently at him.
Bruce could hear the harsh swallow he did, but smiled softly at the boy. Carefully sitting, he dragged the boy onto his lap, gently moving his hair. "You're gonna be alright..." It wasn't Jason, and he knew that...but that didn't mean he couldn't comfort the boy. If he happened to look like his father...Bruce wasn't going to try and correct him when he was so delirious, not when it may give him some kind of comfort.
He couldn't help the pain in his heart though as the kid practically melted into the touch, unfurling slightly and revealing some of his injuries. It wasn't his kid. It wasn't.
Maybe he could have comforted any of them like this if he'd listened in the past.
Shaking his head, he pushed down the feelings. He couldn't focus on that, not right now. Looking back at his phone, he saw a message, saying Dick was almost there. Part of him hoped he was alone...he knew that probably wasn't the case.
"I'm scared..."
Gazing back toward the kid, he put the phone back in his pocket. Putting his hand on the boy's cheek, he gently rubbed away some tears that had begun to fall. Before he could respond the boy's eyes drooped the little consciousness he had fading. "Hey, come on, try to stay awake." It was no use as the boy drifted off, only the too-slow rising and falling of his chest assuring Bruce he wasn't fully gone.
"Kid, come on you can't sleep yet-"
Two pairs of footsteps came from the entrance of the alley as Bruce tried to wake the boy, glancing back to see his oldest boys. What was slight, but worried, amusement turned to horror the closer they got, seeing the pool of blood. "Leslie is waiting." Without needing to say anything else, Dick was quick to carefully scoop the kid up, looking back to Jason. He seemed shell-shocked, staring at the boy. Bruce couldn't blame him.
They looked so similar.
Danny had...what had he been doing? He remembered the GIW, and lab equipment-
The lab.
He had gotten out...but someone had seen him. Where was he now? Fighting to open his eyes, he saw the ceiling of a car. He could also see two older guys. He was in the back seat with his head...on someone's lap? Or was it a ghost? They felt like a ghost...but not.
Frowning, his eyes slowly drifted shut again. He'd thought he'd seen his dad...but, the man had been too kind. His- Jack was...he wouldn't have ever comforted him like that. Not now. Not in the past. Feeling himself drift off again, he felt small tears fall down his cheeks.
Why had his dad never comforted him like this stranger had? Why had he hurt him? Given him to the GIW after he'd told them what he was? If they truly hadn't believed him...if they had thought he was mimicking "their beloved son" then why not do everything they always said they would.
More tears fell, but he felt someone wipe them away again. It was a different hand...it was still rough, but gentler than the other had been. With a stuttered breath, Danny let the darkness take over his mind again. He probably wouldn't have let himself fall asleep again...but he would rather these people who reminded him of his family have him. Hurt him or not...he just didn't want to be alone.
A hum was the last thing he felt, a warmth he couldn't remember having in a long long time rumbling beneath his skin.
Jason had felt something when he'd seen the kid. The pits went quiet before pure worry erupted from them. He didn't know why...but it didn't help that this kid look like him. Looked like that little kid who'd never gotten help.
It didn't help that deep down Jason knew that this kid hadn't either.
He'd ended up carefully cradling his head in the back seats while Dick drove and Bruce messaged who he could only assume was Leslie or the family group chat. Either way, when he felt something wet land on his hand, he hadn't expected the kid to be crying.
Gently wiping the tears, he felt the frown on his face grow. "He's crying." He heard Bruce shifting, probably looking at the two, yet he ignored the other, just wiping the small tears. As he did, a warbling cry made him jump slightly. Glancing toward the other two, he saw the shock on both their faces.
"Well, he's definitely some kind of meta."
Bruce hummed, but Jason simply looked down again. The pit was silent for a moment, the non-stop worry having paused at the noise. So when a rumbling almost purr-like hum came from himself, he almost froze. Almost. His shock had been overrun by how the kid seemed to relax, one of his hands gently grabbing onto him.
"That...that was new."
He didn't need to look to know the two were even more shocked, if not worried. Jason couldn't bring himself to care for once, wiping the last of the falling tears before running his fingers through the fluffy and bloody locks of their mysterious meta-kid.
He wasn't a meta...he knew that deep down as well.
It didn't take long after for them to get to Leslie's clinic, taking the boy inside in a rush. He was quickly moved onto a stretcher and taken into one of the more medically equipped rooms. The three weren't far behind, entering the room as Leslie worked on removing the bloodied clothes, mainly his shirt.
A large y-shaped and inflamed gash met all of their eyes. It wasn't the cause of the bleeding, but it clearly had been done not too long before the large gash next to it. They weren't the only injuries he had, and he'd had plenty if the scars were to say anything. The most concerning was a Lichtenberg scar that stretched from his hand across his entire chest.
None of them had been ready for it. Dick covered his mouth as Jason audibly took a deep breath. Bruce was silent, but from the stare, they knew he was just as horrified.
Leslie was equally as horrified to find a child in the condition he was in, but gritted her teeth and got to work. It took a long time, but the boy didn't stir. She and the others had checked his vitals multiple times just to make sure he was still fine. He was...if the low heartbeat and temperature were normal. The temperature probably was to an extent at least, they'd figured that out after a frost had covered the bed he was on.
Finally, his injuries were stitched, but as Leslie left to get everything he would need the boy bolted upright.
His breathing was heavy, flinging himself out of the bed and into a corner. Jason reacted the fastest, getting over to him and enveloping him in a hug. It was definitely not the right thing you're supposed to do, but he'd done it before he'd even thought about it.
And when the boy's arms tightly wrapped around him, a loud echoey sob being muffled against his jacket he knew it had been the right instinct.
Neither let go nor did they move.
Dick came over, carefully sitting beside them and hugging them both, taking a moment to wipe a tear that had fallen from Jason's face...when had that happened?
With a quiet click of a door opening and closing, Jason buried his head into the younger black-haired boy's head. Leslie wouldn't have had silent footsteps. Bruce had left the room. He didn't know whether he was thankful or not for that. From the brief information, he'd told them, the kid thought Bruce was his dad.
"...I'm sorry..."
Shaking his head slightly, not bothering to lift it, Jason rubbed the other's back.
"Nothin' to be sorry for. You're alive."
Another rumble noise escaped him, but he couldn't bring himself to worry and wonder about it yet again as the kid clung tighter, a similar yet much sadder noise coming from him.
Both could feel the short breath of a small laugh from Dick, who still held them both.
"You both sound like birds, your nicknames pretty fitting now, Jaybird."
A laugh came from the boy, slightly startling the older two. But, it was a welcome sound, the rest of the tense air finally fading.
After a bit of silence, the kid spoke again.
"I think I called your dad my dad."
Jason couldn't help the smirk that grew on his face.
"Just sounds like you're the next sibling to be adopted."
"New baby bird!"
Danny was both incredibly confused and...pleasantly surprised by their words. He knew for a fact they'd seen his powers at some point. But then again, the one he was clinging to, Jaybird if the guy's nickname was to be used, wasn't entirely alive either.
"Honestly I should apologize for thinking he was my dad...he's probably worse."
Jason snorted out a laugh. He probably shouldn't, but damn if the kid with the scars all across his body said it, he was probably right. Dick made the noise he does whenever Jay makes a joke about his death, only causing the kid to look over.
"What, it's a very grave mistake."
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clairedaring · 4 months
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MY STAND-IN (2024) | 1.04
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dizzybevvie · 10 months
why did horrid henry get verbally abused everywhere he went he was like 9
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sophgrieia · 2 months
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Ghouls' Dinner
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A quick drawing of Rain x reader/sister of sin. I think by now my passion for men on their knees has been noticed, and I'm not here to deny myself. Just experimenting with some new styles.
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tamapalace · 3 months
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Sister Kuchipatchi is serving supper
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Gather round, kids, as your Fandom Grandma weaves a tale of the representation of yore… (Happy Valentine’s Day, nerds.)
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