#doesn't deserve that feeling of being loved by you anyway
satubby · 2 days
[Once upon a dream: When I loved you]
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[Once upon a dream, where I saw you sleeping in my arms, I'm starting to forget what loneliness is, my beautiful human baby... Child of man, is this what you call love? If so, I'm afraid of losing you and this feeling. —Malleus Draconia ]
Disclamer: I was listening to my usual music and I don't know why but YouTube recommended old songs that I gave a like to, so among them was One Upon a Dream, which led me to rewatch the 2014 Live Action based on Maleficent. and from there to doing this, anyway I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes and as such I'm sorry if the characters in Diasomnia look like those in Oc I haven't played in a long time and I left the fandom due to lack of time and interest.
[This writing will have 2 parts, the second I will be thinking about how to do it and if it will have Lana del Rey's song, this time I put Cinderella's song, I'm sorry lol!]
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It was a rainy night, a woman escaped from her pursuers and was carrying her baby in her arms. "Catch that bitch! She deserves to be punished for witchcraft!" 
The strange and mysterious woman ran faster than before when she heard the scream of those guards. How did she end up like this? She wondered, not long ago she was a happy woman, the prince loved her as she loved him, yet his stepmother the dowager empress, discovered her elven blood, which was considered blasphemy. She never asked to be singled out, even her pregnancy was a constant danger. 
From where did it all go wrong? It wasn't her fault or her baby in arms that the human world hates magical beings given how greedy they are, especially noble ones like her stepmother who called her a bastard abomination. 
Arinet, bastard daughter of the duke belonging to the south and daughter of a winter elf, was now nothing more than a heretic cursed and hated for the blood that ran in her veins. And she blamed herself for being foolish to believe that the dowager empress and her own stepmother would not conspire to ruin her romance with the crown prince.
Crying she coos trying to calm you down you in her arms, her precious baby, in tears she gave you one last kiss as she continued to run away from the gunfire coming from the archers and the duke's mages, falling down a through a snowy well, she smiled for the last time and left you hidden from the hunters who followed her, if she died it would not be with you, so she said goodbye crying and with the little strength in her feet, she ran despite her ankle pierced by the tip of the arrow shot before. 
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Malleus was walking through the dreary paths of his forest full of thorns and dry trees covered with seasonal snow, it was another dull morning and the old black dragon, prince of fairies and dragons, was bored. When was the last time this forest had anything interesting beyond its creatures fearing him? He doesn't remember, yet his thoughts are broken when he hears a cry, more precisely, the cry of a small human baby, an offspring of man. Then his bare feet on the cold snow traversed like a dance in the snow, walking towards you he approached your basket, taking you from it curiously but awkwardly, whoever put you there did not measure the coldness of his forest, he was unaffected given his nature and body, Malleus was already warm on his own. 
Emerald eyes narrow slightly at the sight of you. He carefully and lightly touches your cheek with one of his sharp nails, accidentally giving you a scratch so he uses his magic to heal it. He've never seen a baby up close before, the ones he saw were many, different and weirder, but you're even more so given that human nature of yours. And him have no idea how to handle the situation. He lifts you up to his eye level... you look pretty upset about being out in the cold and he doesn't blame you for it, even your tender cotton cheeks were ruddy. 
"I wonder... What exactly are you? The humans I know are bigger than you." Malleus mutters under his breath as he looks towards you still trying to be careful. He can sense that you have a special thing, in fact he smells traces of magic on you, but that confuses him even more as to why you, a frail, human little thing of all things... are in the woods in the middle of the cold. 
Curiosity filled his being as he looked at you, you a small being resting in his big arms, sleeping as if he were not the dominant creature in this territory. He was confused. You are a human baby so... small that you could easily be killed by accident, could this little thing be so cute? As far as he knew, humans are ungraceful or so he was told, plus the fact that he has killed some fools daring to enter his lands. He gently used a finger to touch your little nose. So cute you looked! He was also intrigued. Why did they leave you, so small and vulnerable in their forest? And alone, with no one to hold and care for you. You would become food for vultures or some other monster very quickly.
Malleus looked around looking for the human responsible who has left you abandoned, however instead his nose detected a smell of iron and acrid mixed with traces of magic.... It was blood of the child of man, so walking with you, even if clumsily, he cradles you in his arms they go towards the place where the trail was, strangely on the way you didn't cry, in fact, you even fell asleep comfortably.
Normally everyone is afraid of him, although it is normal given his status but that makes him socially awkward and lonely, maybe that's why he unconsciously clung to you. Malleus then arrives at the place where that iron smell came from, finding the corpse of your mother, a beautiful woman but... The old dragon prince notices that she was stabbed several times and until her last minutes of life she fought. In addition there were traces of magic thrown, from elves more specifically although it does not give him so much importance; he bends down and takes a sample of blood, licking it from the snowy ground— This woman had Mana, like you, so he assumed it was your mother as you had the same bracelet as the woman as well as the same smell of that magic.
Malleus stares at the deceased woman with? something like a sad look in his vibrant green eyes. You moan slightly with a groan as you stir, but go back to sleep a few minutes later. Malleus' long tail wags behind him as he thinks, frowning slightly. He looks down at you in his arms, then at the strange looking woman, she has white hair and apparently blue eyes, plus somewhat pointed ears. Malleus knelt down next to her lifeless corpse, carefully analyzing the bracelet, it had elvish letters which read: "The eternal and pure shall remain, the evil and impure must be purged" And honestly he didn't understand what the engraving meant, so he just leaves it there. 
"A human mother and daughter abandoned in the forest.... Who would do such a heartless thing...?" His gaze hardens as he look around the area, trying to find any clues left behind, but there was nothing. He looks closely at the wounds on the body and notices every feature your mother shared with you, from the lips to your beauty, he couldn't help but be distracted from his goal. 
"She died protecting you, little daughter of man.... Now I understand her determination and strength. If I'm honest, she was no ordinary human, too bad that led to her cruel fate." Malleus gently touches your cheek wiping the drool running from your lips, you were still asleep.
There was a mixture of curiosity and a strange sense of melancholy in the eyes of the ancient being. His eyes sparkled as he recognized the faint traces of mana lingering in the air, mixed with the unmistakable scent of mingled human and elven blood, definitely the children of man were hard for the old dragon to comprehend.
"What a waste. A mortal life, snuffed out by the callousness of other humans."
He spoke softly, almost wistfully, his voice tinged with a touch of what seemed like sadness, though he did not understand it. He stood thoughtfully for a moment, then, sighing, he closes his eyes to the woman's corpse and with his green magic breath, casts a living flame that burns away all traces of your dead mother.
"Rest in peace daughter of man and nature, I will take care of your human baby." 
Then he withdraws with you in his arms, he doesn't know much about humans, in fact he hasn't even seen one in 400 years, yet his curiosity and compassion made him act like that [perhaps the fact that you, a small and fragile thing, managed to move something in him beyond indifference and boredom] Then he saw you sleeping, he smiled softly.... What a curious little thing you were.
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Upon arriving at his castle, he was greeted by Lilia, his guardian and close friend, as a father figure to Malleus even though he is already an adult in dragon terms.
 Lilia approached smiling and playful, although he noticed the bundle in Malleus' arms, as a father figure and royal advisor, he was curious.... How unusual for his little Malleus. "Oh, I see you brought something interesting from the forest, hehehe, tell me, did lonely little Malleus get bored with himself and decide to bring a little human?" Lilia teased, however Malleus just snorted smiling at his advisor and guardian, still holding you in his arms.
The prince of Briar Valley had chuckled quietly at Lilia's comment as he walked carefully towards him, his expression was calm and the tail dragon wagged back and forth behind Malleus himself, revealing his mood. Lilia always teased him when he was bored with his normal routine.
"Hm, this... 'little human' was abandoned in the forest by her mother, I thought she would surely become dinner for a wandering monster. I was also curious to know what human cubs are like, I see they are fragile to be greedy when they reach adulthood."
Malleus mutters under his breath, his eyes moving quickly to look at the baby again as he sleeps soundly in his arms.
Lilia was really surprised, normally his little Mall showed no interest in anything and was very socially awkward, but here he was hugging you, a small and fragile little thing. Lilia fell from the ceiling of the throne room, like an ingratiating acrobat he sat up and then sighed the veteran fairy, speaking earnestly before his king and pupil. 
"Your Majesty, you know that raising another living being, especially a human, who is different from us in terms of biology and growth, is not easy at all so tell me your highness? Do you really plan to raise that human baby, YOU who barely even know about them, beyond the times they have tried to invade our lands? I really sometimes don't know what you think Mall" Lilia sighed looking seriously at the dragon, Malleus lifted you up in the air looking at you still sleeping, you looked so... soft and tender. You would be a beautiful girl. Mall raised an eyebrow at Lilia for his comments. 
"I am perfectly aware of that, Lilia. A fairy and a human child... a combination that I know very well will take time to understand..... She is more resilient than you think. But I cannot leave this baby alone, she was abandoned by her own mother. Such a cruel fate for an offspring of man." 
His eyes shifted down to look at you as your small body shifted restlessly in his arms, sighing again, he cradles you in his arms once more. Malleus smiles softly.
Lilia sighed again, smiling and shrugging his shoulders surrendering to the blackhaired prince's stubbornness. He then walked over to you to look at you, you were certainly pretty, though as Malleus said, you had magic that was rare in humans, so Lilia asked his king and pupil, "Malleus, tell me something, do you know what it's like to raise a human? The consequences of it are something with variables and they age fast, besides you are sure to do it, from what you told me his mother had magic.... What did she look like, eyes and hair color?" 
The dragon did not understand at first as he was dense at times, but then he understood what she meant, Lilia was asking the race of that human, if she was one and she certainly was not— Your mother was a half elf, a very beautiful one with white hair and blue eyes, perhaps that is why she was killed and in a desperate attempt to protect you both, she ran to her lands seeking to return home. So far he was able to piece together conjectures, his density and disinterest sometimes blinded him.
Malleus thought for a moment, studying your face, trying to find any resemblance you might have to your mother beyond your features but you looked more human. The old dragon prince hummed thoughtfully before finally speaking.
"She... was a half elf if I am correct. Her hair was soft and like a white flake.... Plus her eyes were a beautiful light blue color. But she also had magic, as strong as she may have been, the poor woman was outnumbered and killed for unknown reasons."
He looks towards you who were still sleeping once more as he spoke, his eyes soft as he recalls the memory of the woman.
Lilia analyzes the situation and then asks one more question. "How do you plan to take care of her? Sooner or later she will have to return to her homeland, is that okay with you? You know that the magical races and humans have accomplished nothing together for centuries and their traces of disdain still remain? So, be honest, my dear prince, how long do you plan to keep her here? Surely sooner or later you will get bored."
Lilia saw Malleus' expression, there were many emotions clashing and the veteran fairy smiled, he just needed a little push and Lilia would be sure that his beloved ward would understand the implications of this... What would Malleus do, the ever shy dragon monarch and the one who longs to know human emotions and humans themselves?
Malleus looked conflicted as he listened to Lilia's question. He knew there was tension between the races and he also knew it would be difficult for you to return home after being raised here. But him simply could not allow you to suffer, you were innocent. His green eyes shifted from Lilia to you, a small frown on his face debating his decisions.
"I'm... not entirely sure. If he goes home, I'm worried he'll never fit in with his own people.... And if he stays here, will he have a happy life?"
Lilia smiled and honestly, it wasn't bad that his beloved monarch and prince for once longed to have something, whether he was aware of it or not, that's why Lilia asked such a question. He wanted to see how far his pupil's interest would go. Would it be temporary or could you, a fragile little thing, really awaken something more in the bored and shy prince of thorns? The mere thought excited the former Fae.
Malleus let out a soft sigh as he lifted you closer to his chest, your small face was warm and soft to the touch, that little body fit perfectly like a puzzle piece in his arms. He felt something in his heart that wasn't there before as he looked at you, a strange feeling of responsibility, of protection, maybe even a hint of affection? He wasn't sure, he had never been close to a baby before, let alone a human like you were. 
"I don't want her to suffer the same fate as her mother..."
Lilia clapped his hands and smiled, there was a long way to go. "Very well Your Highness, let's learn about humans and especially about their offspring, breeding and feeding!" 
That afternoon Malleus was educated on what things they should and should not eat, down to the basic necessities. Malleus wrote everything down in his mind and would then apply it even though he still had doubts.
Malleus listened attentively as Lilia explained things, taking detailed notes in his mind of everything he told him. He was a fast learner and quickly remembered every detail. As Lilia spoke, the dragon prince gently ran a finger across your forehead, gently stroking the baby skin with an expression of slight amazement on his face. In a little over a year you will be able to walk, talk and think. Malleus couldn't believe how wonderful humans could be .... Or was it that you were just a unique baby?
And over the next few days Malleus did all sorts of things that no one would think possible coming from his royal highness and mighty dragon, but there he was changing diapers. "No! Be careful, don't you see? You're irritating her skin, though it's rare that she doesn't cry from your rough touch, anyway, look at tying a diaper!" Lilia pushed Malleus aside and changed your clothes, playing a little with you, making you laugh, but this was a simple provocation on the fairy's part, he wanted to see how Malleus would react to this and indeed, the dragon became jealous of his former tutor. 
Lilia turned as he saw Malleus' green eyes glowing, after finishing your change of clothes, he handed you over to the dark prince. "I assure you that you will improve with time and practice as I won't always be here!" 
Malleus watched as Lilia deftly changed your diaper, baby laughter filled the room as the old fae made you laugh. The dragon was a little puzzled to see Lilia do something with such ease, he even felt a little jealous for some reason, as he wanted to make you laugh too, but you just looked at him curiously. He let out a small snort as Lilia handed you over, looking at you and studying your face again, he was still clumsy in grabbing you. 
"TSK! TSK! Look how stiff you are, you should carry her more gently" The fae scolded his monarch and prince who grumbled like a child pouting softly. 
"I'm a fast learner, Lilia. Don't underestimate me..."
Lilia scoffed with laughter, his little Malleus was really cute in his own way [Of course if Lilia wasn't aware of his immense influence and power] At the dragon prince's frown, Lilia playfully apologized and raised his hands in peace. 
"I know, my dear prince, but you must be careful! You wouldn't want the little one to cry, would you? Well, leaving that aside, come to think of it, you haven't given her a name have you, you, do you want to give her one?" Lilia noted this, for several weeks now you had been called 'Child of Man' or 'Little Human' and if the Fae were honest, they can't always call you that, names are important though given Malleus' own obliviousness, he hadn't even noticed until his advisor and former guardian pointed it out to him. 
The fae-dragon sighed, squeezing into his embrace and widening his eyes in confusion when Lilia pointed that out. You would definitely need to be given a name of your own, and they couldn't always call you the man's daughter... or little girl. 
"Hm, I guess you're right... what do humans normally call their children? I don't want to accidentally give it a name that has an unfavorable meaning..."
Malleus was somewhat (perhaps too much) unaware and sometimes his naivety with humans or other races that are not dragons or Faes, are unknown to him (either in customs, ways of acting or physiology). Leaving aside that sometimes he himself prince was carried away by rumors or experiences of his own. "I don't know, but what do you think.... (T/N), sounds nice, means timeless and infinite." Advised the old Fae as Malleus looked at you, you were playing with his fingers sticking them into your mouth.
Malleus hummed curiously as he listened to Lilia's suggestion, raising his hand to gently touch the top of your head, letting you cling to his fingers as he continued to think... the name '(T/N)', sounds good... he thought. Then he looked at you, watching you play innocently with his fingers as you looked at the old dragon.
"(T/N)... (T/N)... yeah, yeah, that sounds pretty good..... (T/N), then."
That day Malleus finally gave you a name, which would be one of the first signs that his curiosity would turn into love and love into obsession.
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It had been 5 years, for Malleus this was nothing, as he sometimes has long periods of sleep (of course Lilia would wake him up to avoid sleeping more) Otherwise your growth would be lost and since Malleus loves you too much, the prince of Briar Valley did not want to miss anything about you, that included your growth stages.
"She do grow up fast, I can hardly remember what her was like yesterday!" Lilia complained dramatically but Malleus, who was drinking his tea, put down his cup and smiled softly as he watched you play in the garden. From large your beauty was remarkable, unbeknownst to you, you made more than just the barren thorn garden bloom in his heart. 
Malleus smiled slightly as he watched you play in the garden, admiring the way you made the normally withered and barren garden come alive with your presence. He had certainly grown fonder of you over the past few years, watching you grow and learn new things always made him smile. He looked at Lilia with a loving smile on his face.
"In fact, Lilia... it seems like only yesterday that I found her in the forest... now she's growing with each passing day."
Lilia put his hands under his chin, watching you play and make wreaths, it's been a while since Briar Valley had this warm and colorful atmosphere. "Don't you think humans are kind of interesting and chaotic? By the way, our little girl will soon be 6 years old, what do you plan to do? The past years you gave her many a gift, but oh my little Mall! Remember that unicorn you gave her didn't even last because your jealousy won the battle?, poor creature, they ran as soon as you came angry at them" He chuckled, in the end Malleus was attached to his dragon nature more than his Fae half, as much as this one wanted to deny it. 
The prince of Briar Valley let out a small snort at the memory. He had indeed become jealous of the unicorn, and it wasn't the only time either.... Every time you got a new toy or friend from the animal world, he got so possessive that he couldn't help it. He sighed. silently as he thought for a moment before responding....
"Hm, I'm actually very aware of my little human birthday... like you said though, this time I want to do something special for her, but I have no idea what to give her."
The old fae laughed and responded with another question to the dragon prince's confusion. "And what do you think you can give him this time? It can't be something living or something non-living, since you get jealous over anything, like the time you 'accidentally' burned one of her favorite toys with your fire because it took her attention away from you." Lilia fiddled with the fork and Malleus coughed his tea, avoiding looking at the fae who teased him about his extreme behaviors. 
Since he was just processing centuries of emotional numbness and you were the one who awakened those experiences and emotions in him, it was difficult for him not to go to such extremes. 
The black-haired man snorted at Lilia's words as he looked away. It was true that he was extremely possessive of you and would get jealous of anything that caught your attention.... But he couldn't help it. The dragon sighed softly and closed his eyes, crossing his arms as he thought for a moment about a solution to this.
"Hm... How about... a new toy, but only she can touch it? Sounds like a good solution, doesn't it?" Malleus asked thinking it would be ideal but Lilia made a face almost as if to say 'Are you seriously thinking about that?' and answers him with another question.
"How are you sure you're not going to burn it or destroy it? It's funny to a point that you destroy his stuff out of jealousy, but (T/N) he doesn't find it funny. I have an idea! How about you take it to the meadow mmm? Flowers are beautiful and safe, you can't get jealous if they are symbols of love. You know, you always keep her cooped up here, the royal garden is beautiful and the castle too, but remember, kids are curious and like to explore, you used to do that when you were a little lizard." 
Malleus sighed, shaking his head and ignoring the ramblings of Lilia who boasted about how beautiful and tender the dragon prince was before he grew up. On the other hand, you approached towards them smiling and showing a butterfly in your hand.
 "Tsunotarou, look how pretty them is; although their wing was broken, but I repaired it!" You laughed, peeking out from the table with your small stature. Malleus looked at you smiling anyway and lifting you in his hands, you were just as small as when you were a baby but you were growing faster than expected. Either that, or it was just his abnormal perception of time. 
The Fae-dragon looked at you, his bright emerald eyes shining with pride as you showed him the butterfly. He couldn't help but smile broadly when he saw your enthusiasm and laughter. He always loved the way you looked when you were happy.
"Hm, it looks quite beautiful. You did a good job with the wing, it broke before..." He says complimenting your little acts of love for others though a bit jealous of that butterfly. He then lifts you up in his arms, hugging you like he does all the time. The dragon loved you as much as you loved him.
Lilia laughs internally, his enigmatic gaze analyzing the situation, only in time would Malleus accept his possessive and territorial side, Lilia would be sure to witness it. "Aww~ our princess is a saintess!" Lilia teased in her cheesy tone, then pressed her lips together mockingly as if she wanted to give you a duck kiss, you on the other hand laughed avoiding his lips as he began to chase you away from Prince Briar's embrace. Malleus looked at you and smiled though the vein in his forehead and neck said something more than simple elegance, jealousy, raw as poisonous. 
́Maybe I should break his neck and cut his legs off? ́ thought the Fae Dragon, but he restrained himself from those possessive and murderous fantasies, on the other hand Lilia felt a look on the back of his neck imagining that his pupil and monarch It was almost drilling his head (figuratively), in a way it was funny. 
 "AH!!! yuck, I don't want your kisses uncle Lilia, they're slimy and I hate it when you pinch my cheeks!" You exclaim, snapping Malleus out of his thoughts as Lilia caught you and you tried to push him away while laughing.
"Come on, just one little kiss! And can you blame me? You're so cute" The old fae squeezed you in his arms. Malleus felt a small twinge of discomfort in his chest as he watched Lilia try to give you a kiss, the dragon fae clenched his jaw slightly and his fists clenched into fists of fury.
"Lilia... Fuck!"
He muttered under his breath, looking at the two of them and keeping his feelings under control. Malleus again refused, it wasn't right to be jealous, he wouldn't give his advisor the pleasure of seeing him in such a state let alone losing control. 
So he represses his emotions once again, causing Lilia to look at him out of the corner of her eye and sighs, releasing you from his arms. "How boring you are! Well, anyway, I have to go, I need to check the barrier on the moor, what was it...like 200 years ago? Yeah, I haven't seen the state of it in 200 years.... I'm off then, have fun my children, bye bye bye!" Lilia smiled saying goodbye as the door closed, you on the other hand walked up to Malleus taking his hand.
"Tsunotarou... Were you upset? You know Uncle Lilia is like that, by the way I made you this crown! I hope you like it" Malleus looked sideways at you and blushed, coughing in embarrassment at your tenderness, he bent down to your height so you could put it on his head. The rose wreath, although twisted by its awkward horns, was still beautiful to look at. However, it was cute to see how your delicate little hands went out of their way to give him such a gift.
Malleus looked at you, his mood changing almost immediately as he saw your expression. He couldn't help the laughter that came from his pale but beautiful lips as he watched you try to put the crown on his head, but fail miserably as his horns got in the way of said task. He chuckled softly as he gently took the crown and put it on perfectly as he bent down and ruffled your hair.
"Thank you, he's lovely, as always... I won't get mad at Lilia, he's like that with everyone, but promise me you won't leave room for his jokes ok?"
"Yep! I won't let uncle bully me with his jokes anymore" You laughed once more, clapping your hands and with innocent grace, you hugged his neck giving him a kiss on his pale cheeks making Malleus blush once more that you would almost swear steam was coming out of his ears. So much so that his emotions affected the atmosphere of the whole valley, you saw how the gardens grew more roses and out of nowhere butterflies or birds appeared. 
Because of your innocence, you were frightened to see him so red, thinking you had done something wrong. "Tsunotarou is red because of me, now he has a fever!" You began to cry with worry in your girlish eyes, as you noticed earlier how hot he had become because of your actions, but you didn't know what triggered that.
Malleus looked surprised, his eyes widened at your innocent and adorable way of looking at the situation. He let out a small scoff and chuckled under his breath, he always forgot how innocently cute you were and how your naive personality embarrassed him most of the time.
"No, no, you didn't do anything wrong, it's okay...I'm fine, you're just too cute and beautiful my precious princess" He said softly as he stroked your back, trying to calm your crying as he blushed a little from embarrassment.
"Eh? ... Then why are you red? If you don't have a fever, maybe it's another illness? I don't want you to be sick, Tsunotarou!" You were still sad and worried but you weren't crying so much anymore, much to her relief. 
Malleus sighed, lifting you up in his arms and sitting you on his lap, then wiped away the excess tears by kissing your chubby little girl cheeks pulling them as a game and a little reprimand.
"That hurts, a lot Tsunotarou."
He smiled at your innocence and how you so quickly assumed he was sick because of his red face, he was a little amused that you couldn't see the underlying reason he was embarrassed rather than sick. A small chuckle escaped his pale lips when you complained at how hard he pulled on your cheeks, then he sat you on his lap as he stroked your head talking softly. 
"No, no, I'm not sick... it's much simpler than that, little girl."
The prince/monarch smiled at you once again saying how tender and beautiful you were in his eyes and that's why he was embarrassed when you did such tender acts.
"Am I pretty? But Sebek says I smell like a dirty human, but I don't know what that is. He always criticizes me, the other time he scolded me for accidentally knocking down one of your paintings in the office, he also says humans are ugly, does that mean I'm ugly and stinky?" your tender and gullible eyes made Malleus swallow bile, mostly because of what you were telling him, sometimes your tenderness and naivety reminded him of himself. 'Sebelk, that idiot' he thought to himself, cursing his loyal friend and self-proclaimed knight, though to Malleus Sebek was an annoying zealot.
The prince of Briar Valley shook his head and sighed softly. Yes, Sebek tended to say things he shouldn't say in front of you. And yes, he was also an absolute fanatic who was too loyal to him, sometimes not even liking his attitude because of how loud and restless he got. 
"No, you're not ugly, you're beautiful... in fact, you're the most beautiful little girl I've ever seen in my life... and ignore what Sebek says, because he's a brat who talks too much..."
And speaking of the devil, he will come! Sebek knocked on the door, although it didn't do much good as he ended up whipping it anyway, mostly to warn of his presence.
"MALLEUS-SAMA!!!" Both you and the aforementioned covered your ears at Sebek's cries and his following praise, the Prince of Thorns had to silence him before he gave any more speech about how he is the most perfect among dragons that ever lived.
"Ahem! As I was saying I brought breakfast because honestly Lilia-sama is horrible at cooking, and I also wanted to tell you that Silver will be away for a week and is still dealing with the demons in the troll pit." After that introduction, Sebek served everything with grace and- Perhaps too much perfection; even Malleus was sweating with embarrassment from his eyes with imaginary stars staring at him, sometimes Sebek was too overwhelming.
Sighing as he looked at Sebek and rolling his eyes at the green haired dragon's strong presence, the half-dragon fae let out a small snort as he listened to the strong praise and watched how hard Sebek tried to please him as he fed him breakfast. As he watched Sebek kneel on the ground after finishing with the table and the plates with food, Mall let out a small scoff.
"Very well, thank you, Sebek... you may go, I'm sure Silver will need help handling the demons in the pit..." He said, trying to get rid of him so that he would stop being too overwhelming; and be able to continue chatting with you without the stalker-like vigilance of the green-haired one. 
"Your highness... You're telling me you don't want me here? WHAT AN HONOR TO HAVE YOUR DISGUSTING TOWARDS ME, MALLEUS-SAMA!! YOU CAN EVEN TREAD ON ME IF YOU WANT, I WOULD LOVE TO BE YOUR RUG FOR WHATEVER—" The Green-haired's cries of adoration ceased as Malleus swung his black claw and pulled him out of the garden and into the castle hallway. Still, the young dragon's cries could be heard. You laughed so hard at Sebek's own witticisms that the black-haired fae's bad mood was relieved.
"Sebek is funny, even though he's always nagging me..." You pout as Malleus smiles at you burying his face in your baby neck.
He sighs again as he hears Sebek's ramblings and praise in the background, letting out a small scoff. He chuckled under his breath when he heard you laugh, nodded and agreed with you.
"I know, he's a jerk... but at least he's a loyal jerk, I guess..." Whispered the fae as he wrapped his arms around you once more, burying his head in your small shoulder, enjoying your scent that reminded him of fresh roses.
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Days later Malleus took you flying through the forest as it was like your birthday present, as you laughed in his arms, the first spring breeze hit your delicate face, Malleus spread his draconic wings taking you even higher in the air to enjoy the view without actually stepping on solid ground. He won't admit it but he doesn't want something else to catch your attention and make you want to go out more often. Your hands caress a cloud and the black-haired man sees you laugh which makes him happy. 
 "This is the best birthday ever!!!! Thank you Tsunotarou" Your eyes looked at him and at that moment it was just the two of you, something in Malleus started to resonate it was like a: 'Badump! Badump!' ...It was the beating of his heart that echoed in his ears, for the first time he knew what that was, the feeling longed for millennia and jealous of those who could feel it and experience it but now he finally felt it. You were the reason? He wondered, but at that moment he didn't care, he just closed his eyes letting himself go while holding you in his arms.
Malleus watched you with a fond smile on his face as he saw the way your eyes sparkled when the breeze hit your face, happily observing how you were thrilled by small things like clouds. He chuckled softly as he watched you laugh at the simple joy of being in heaven....
"Of course, of course... Anything for my little daughter of man..."
His eyes closed as he embraced you, feeling the gentle beat of his heart flutter in his chest, his heart beating for the first time in centuries like butterflies in full spring. 
This moment was precious and although Malleus is not normally greedy, with you it is another case, he wants to have you and make you happy just like you do with your simplicity and innocence, his beautiful sleeping beauty.... The tulip in his garden of thorns.
"Tsunotarou! Look there— Is that me!!!? Woah, what a beautiful garden" Malleus smiled again seeing you excited, this is the special gift for you, in this forest there is a beautiful portrait made with so many flowers of so many colors and froms the air you can see it. So he wanted you to see how much he would give and do for you, for your smile and the feelings you make him feel, for what you are and represent in his life. 
He tilted his head to look at the portrait of the flowering garden in question, a small smile on his face as he watched the colors come together and form a beautiful image from above. A small chuckle escaped his lips as he listened to you speak, his ears twitching at the way you seemed to be getting more and more excited.
"It's beautiful... Do you want me to take you and take a closer look at it, little one?" he said, flying a little lower now so he could take you there and let you see the flowers up close.
You both descended and immediately ran through the fields of flowers, like a princess in his eyes, the prince and wizard Fae-Dragon, moved his hands making your dress turn white as snow and floral decorations grew from it, then he made you float. and dance in the air as you laughed.
"LOUDER!!! YAY! WHAT FUN" The prince of Briar Valley continued to wiggle his fingers and watched you float away, then he pulled you close to his face and their noses touched, the magic was removed and with a kiss on your forehead, you fell asleep. Malleus had long since ceased to feel alone, much less hated and feared, only loved by the simplicity of a human, his human.
At the end of your birthday, the prince of thorns tucked you into your bed and before you went to sleep, you gave a thank you. "Thank you for everything Tsunotarou.... Good night." 
Your smile faded as you slept, Malleus Sighed, leaving the room and walking to his own, the cold corridors smelled of wet earth and nature, his footsteps echoed against the aged stone until he reached the black door. The creaking reminded him of the years that passed and he never aged, his physical age stopped at his seventeen years. Upon entering, Malleus removed his clothes and then sank his body into the soft feather bed, his green eyes wandering to a shelf; There were all those gifts that to others are cheap trinkets made by the innocent hand of a girl like you, but to the Dragon Fae it was more than that, it felt special to receive them from the one he loved.
Malleus sat on the end of his bed for a second, his thoughts wandering as he looked at the items on the shelf. He couldn't help but feel warmth and happiness in his chest as he looked at the little trinkets... it brought a small smile to his face as he thought about how much happiness you brought him....
He lay fully back on the bed, resting his head on the pillows and pulling the covers over his shoulders, closing his eyes and letting the dreams take him soon....
And who knew that that nap of his would make the future of both of them turbulent, because Malleus fell into another one of his hibernations, besides, without anyone to wake him up with anti-sleep magic, he wouldn't be there for you. Lilia, Silver and Sebek would take a maximum of 4 months to return, the vast territory of the royal family of dragons and fairies had to be constantly supervised by many nobles and among them were the three close to Malleus. 
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After waking up, you went to look for him and excited, you opened his door running towards him and climbed into his soft, padded bed but Malleus was still asleep, even so you decided to move and pull his cheeks, talk to him or yell at him. but nothing happens, he still does not respond.
"Tsunotarou? Come on it's already daytime! it's not funny.... Ugh! Don't scare me, come on, wake up already! You're going to make me mad... Humm!" You started to hit him on the cheeks, You even lifted his eyelids but as soon as you removed your fingers they closed again and still it didn't work and you couldn't use your magic since it only worked on plants and to heal wounds. "I have another idea! I'll look for uncle Lilia, he might wake you up" Jumping out of bed you leave the royal room and head to your own, preparing your backpack to go in search of the old fae.
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It was your first time out of the castle, you were scared and the monsters terrify you, but as Uncle Lilia once said, "Never forget to be protected, if you wear a dragon scale, no monster or weirdo will attack you given our essence! So don't forget to take one, even Mall would be happy to give it to you". And that's what you did, as Malleus wouldn't wake up even if you removed a black scale from his tail, so you would use it as a toll and scare the monsters away.
A while after walking, you ended up lost. Since you have never left the castle unless Malleus or another fae (except Silver, from what Sebek said, he is a human like you.) guides you, you would get lost on your own and that happened. Now you didn't know where to go.
"Phew, wasn't this the way? Maybe I should go back, but... Why are there three paths? I don't know anymore! I'm lost!". You cried in frustration and continue walking, if Malleus would complain about anything, it's your pride and stubbornness.
It wasn't long after you left the castle that you still couldn't find the right path. Unfortunately, without high-ranking magic, you were doomed from the start to get lost if this happened, especially since Malleus would normally be guiding you.
The dark wood were mostly silent, a few crickets chirping could be heard. Even your footsteps echoed and you didn't even want to think about other unknown sounds because it made you nervous and afraid. But the sounds of the crickets soon faded away, leaving you in silence as the sound of rustling leaves added to the sound of your beautiful magical sandals made of flowers and wood. Suddenly, a soft glow caught your attention.
You had reached the end of the forest and the sun was about to set, you were apparently in a part where the barrier of magical flowers and thorns was weaker, you also had the scale of Malleus in your possession, so when you followed the path fleeing from the darkness; the thorns and bushes parted, allowing you to pass as you sensed the magic in that scale inside your bag. The fresh air greeted you, you smiled believing that you would return to the castle but it was not so, as you barely took a few steps, a carriage passed by you and the person stopped to look at you, it was a humble peasant. 
"Umm hey little girl, what are you doing on this side of the road? You don't know it, but there are ugly monsters roaming around."
"I don't know sir, but who are you and what are your names? I'm (T/N) and I'm looking for my uncle Lilia, I must wake up Tsunotarou or else he will sleep too much, so he won't be able to play with me" Facing your naivety, the farmer smiles and invites you to come up. 
Since Lilia never explained to you about the dangers outside (thinking that because of Malleus' obsession with you, it would be impossible to escape) you continued talking to these strangers.
The farmer, as well as the person sitting in front with the horses, were both older adults, who were quite surprised to see a young girl like you wandering through the dark and dangerous forest with no parents or other people in sight, just you and the forest behind you.
They both see that you were hungry and tired, the farmer felt bad for you, nodding and smiling as they brought out some stale bread and water to let you eat something. The person in the wagon with the horses watched you intently. In the end you end up going out with them, not knowing that your innocence would bring chaos and that the carelessness of some would make many pay, even death will be a mercy rather than delayed suffering. 
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And so 4 months had passed, in that time the 2 faes and Silver returned from their duties, when they entered they were surprised to see the palace so... silent.
 "Lilia-sama, I can't find the rambunctious human, I already searched every floor for her but there's no trace" Sebek said in alarm when even Lilia couldn't find you either. 
Silver then cried out in surprise and somewhat worried, Malleus was in a state of hibernation earlier than expected, as normally dragons sleep 100 years but since he is half fairy, this time is maximum 50 years and it also depends on Malleus himself.
"No way, damn it, what are we going to do? Hurry Silver, go and get some chains, I need to wake him up but we mustn't just blurt out the news, Sebek gather everyone you can and look for her!" Lilia ordered as she bit his fingers cursing his luck. Once Silver finished binding Malleus, the old Fae put spells on the chains to at least hold some of the strength the Fae dragon prince possesses. In the end Malleus awoke with magic and the anti-sleep potion.
Malleus, dazed, opened his eyes after being suddenly awakened from his sleep, his senses immediately sought your presence again. The first thing he felt were the chains and spells on him, which irritated him, and as soon as he saw Lilia, his senses went on guard.
"Lilia...! What are all those chains and where did she go (Y/N)" His voice was soft but demanding, his cold, sharp eyes looked at the old Fae in front of him. 
"First calm down Malleus, you are not in your five senses, I didn't think it would come to this but there was a mistake and we miscalculated your hibernation, so we left and 4 months passed. And sorry to tell you but (Y/N) is not here. I think she went out to look for me, from what the few creatures who saw her told me, I only know for sure that she left the magical forest and Briar Valley, heading for the human world, in that case we can't track her and the only one who can is Silver, so I sent him to look for her.. " 
Malleus listened to him in silence, his calm and gentle expression slowly twisting into something much darker as he took in what Lilia was saying in his mind.
"You mean to tell me that you all left the castle without waking me up or leaving someone to take care of her?" The Raven-haired fae's voice was cold, his usually calm tone now filled with silent anger about to explode as he stared at Lilia for a second.
"Didn't any of you think that leaving a young woman home alone would end up with something like this.."
Lilia sighed just as frustrated, his cheerful and youthful demeanor left behind by his deadly and bitter self. "Look Malleus, I couldn't calculate the variables, you were supposed to hibernate until February but it was earlier than planned, I think the anti-sleep potion affects something in your hibernation states." 
Lilia rubbed his nose septum in frustration. Malleus might have looked calm but his vacant stare and his vibrant emerald eyes with shrunken slits, said otherwise, he was overthinking everything. 
"Can't you calculate the variables? I'm sure you have more than experience in dealing with issues revolving around me. You should know that this was a situation that had the possibility of happening, Lilia!"
Malleus' tone darkened with anger, he was beginning to blame Lilia even though he knew it wasn't entirely her fault, knowing that it is also his for constantly manipulating his sleep states making himself more unpredictable when it came to hibernating. 
"She's going to be lost in a world that is cruel and uncaring... Who knows what has already happened in the last 4 months?"
Unfortunately for everyone and especially for Sebek, who interrupted them, receiving almost lethal green fire from Malleus narrowly burning the green-haired Fae but resulting in the burned wall and a prince who was still raging almost eager to release his dragon form, but Sebek caught their attention.
"Can you listen to me for a moment? As I said, I went to investigate and proudly I can say that this is the only thing he left..... I'm sorry Malleus-sama and Lilia-sama" Sebek bowed showing pieces of the torn dress the prince of Briar Valley had given you, and that infuriated Malleus more and from that anger he went to raw but horrible sadness, a silent one because the words got stuck in his throat and tears fell from his beautiful emeralds for eyes.
Malleus stared at the torn pieces of your dress, his eyes widening as the reality of the situation slowly hit him. A small trembling of his hand became noticeable, as his fists clenched tightly to where it hurt, his nails slowly digging into his own skin and drawing blood as he reared up savagely towards the Raven-haired fae taking the piece of cloth from him. 
"No... She is still out there, we must look for her, I must— I MUST LOOK FOR HER!! Ah..., Sorry for that, please leave a time me alone."
His voice came out as a halting whisper, as he slowly closed his eyes... taking in what had just happened; the reality of what he had lost, the reality that he had lost you... of all things, losing you to him and his draconic heart was very devastating.
Lilia said nothing at the scene of his beloved ward and prince/monarch, so both Sebek and he let his process it all and so for a few days Malleus locked himself in his room without coming out, falling back into an abyss of loneliness and silent rage.
In the days that followed your disappearance, Malleus mourned your absence, spending his days trapped in his room, talking to no one if he could help it and only looking at the pieces of your dress... the only thing he had left of you or your scent. 
The fae dragon spent most of his time pacing his room or sobbing on his bed sheets, crying his eyes out and hating himself for how he had handled things when he could have avoided them.
So this was love
So this was love
So this was what made life divine
I was glowing, mmmmmm
And now I know
And now I know
The key to all heaven was mine
My heart had wings, mmmmmm
And I could fly
I touched every star in the sky, but no more
So this was my miracle?
That I've been dreaming, that I've lost
So this was love, but I won't feel anything, anymore
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echobx · 2 days
Rafe x reader request:
In episode "Parcel 9," the group plans to cut off a house's power, but they accidentally alert the elderly resident, who defends her home with gunfire. Reader gets injured, and despite objections, they're forced to leave her behind. Later, Rafe overhears their conversation, outraged by their abandonment. Determined to make things right, he enlists Barry to rescue Reader. Rafe finds Reader injured but alive, becoming her unexpected hero, and they bond through the ordeal.
Sorry it’s so long Xx
The Cellar - Rafe Cameron × fem!reader
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summary: see ask
warnings: mention of reader's leg being injured, other than that none
word count: 1k
author's note: idk why it took me so long to finish this 😭 and now the formatting is (imo) bad bc I don't have my laptop here with me but I wanted to post this anyway. it's roughly edited but not much.
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“We don't have a choice,” John B yells and pulls Sarah with him, leaving you stuck under the wooden pillar.
“Sarah!” you cry out but her boyfriend has already pulled her away, out of the cellar and away from you.
You do your best to contain your sobs and cries of pain, not wanting to alert the old lady again. Time passes slowly and you feel yourself growing weaker.
Unbeknownst to you Rafe has his ears perked, listening to John B promise Sarah to go back later that night to get you, but he doesn't sound convincing. Rafe quickly pulls out his phone and texts Barry to meet him at the Crain house.
When they get there it's already getting darker, and they have to use their flashlights to see around the garden and find their way into the cellar.
“John B? JJ?” you whisper as you hear someone enter the cellar, but the voice that answers is not one you are familiar with.
“You really think those two are gonna come back to get you?” Barry laughs quietly before you can see him.
“How'd this happen?” Rafe asks, reaching over to brush over your cheek, removing your tears.
“The old witch shot at us and then this thing fell on my leg and-” You stop before you start crying again and Rafe nods.
“Gonna get you out of here, love,” he promises and turns to Barry. They lift the pillar and you manage to scoot out from under it.
Rafe picks you up and carries you out and towards his car. He saved your life and you don't even know how he knew where to find you. But most of all you wonder why he cares enough to do it.
The ride is quiet, apart from his rather aggressive taps against the steering wheel, or the fact that he's 10 mph over the speed limit.
“Why did you come and get me?” you ask quietly after he puts you down on the couch in his home.
“Because you deserve better to be left alone and all,” Rafe runs his hand over the back of his neck. You have never seen him nervous. As a matter of fact, you have never seen much of him at all, especially not on your own. But now that he's standing in front of you, you get a clear look at him; furrowed brows, lips pressed to a thin line, his hair hanging into his face.
“The doctor will be here in a bit to check on you,” Rafe pulls your attention back to the present.
“Oh, I'm fine, really,” you lie and try to get up, but he catches you just as your legs start to give out from under you.
“I can see that,” he huffs and puts you back down on the sofa.
The doctor comes and leaves rather quickly, only prescribing bed rest and a special ointment for the bruises on your leg, as well as pain medication.
“Maybe I should get you cleaned up before we start the bed rest part of this,” Rafe mumbles and picks you up to go upstairs without you being allowed to say anything about it. It's like he has taken over and you're unsure if you really want to complain about it, about giving parts of your freedom away to him.
He helps you undress with his eyes closed. It's a funny game because he really doesn't want to cross a boundary with you, but he also can't see which makes you giggle when he accidentally grabs your boob instead of your arm and then he jumps back and nearly falls over all by himself.
“I didn't mean to do that,” he apologizes but you keep laughing.
“It's okay.”
His eyes are still closed when he helps you in the bathtub, only opening them after you have confirmed that your bubble bath is covering you completely.
“You can open your eyes again,” you giggle, and he peeks one eye open before looking at you fully. “Didn't think you'd be so weird about potentially seeing some boobs.”
“I'm trying this new thing called, being respectful. Apparently, girls are into that kinda shit,” Rafe says and flashes his eyebrows at you while pulling a small stool over to sit down next to the tub.
“No way!” you fake a gasp and he smiles. “Yeah, you would be surprised how well it's working.”
“Is it?” you ask and he nods, gnawing at his bottom lip.
“Can I be honest with you?” you ask and he nods. “I always thought you were worse. I mean, you're not the best, still-”
“Not my fault you hang out with assholes,” he shrugs and you roll your eyes.
“I hang out with Sarah, and Sarah has friends who are not always as bad as you think. I know JJ would've come back to get me,” you argue.
“Did he, though?” Rafe remarks snidely.
“Eventually they would’ve.” You are sure of it, your friends had never left you behind before, surely it had been a mistake.
“I can bring you back there if you're so sure,” Rafe suggests and you shudder.
“No, thank you. The old witch had a fucking rifle.”
“See,” Rafe chuckles softly and you can't help but gaze at him, at how pretty he looks.
You keep talking, getting to know him better, really. You learn that he, just like you, doesn't have the best relationship with his dad, always trying to get approval from the parent. And you learn that he likes bikes, and only golfs to annoy the old fuckers on the course.
And after you're done bathing he gives you some clothes he found in Sarah's room and you lie down on his bed, eating pizza and watching a movie.
“It's the best because they are both doing the same thing and in the end, all their efforts go out of the window because they realize they belong together,” you sigh happily as the movie starts playing. Rafe pulls you into his side, and you let him. And although he's not a fan of rom-coms, he sits with you, more focused on your reactions to the film than the actual screen.
And while he's watching you, he can't help but thank your dumb Pogue friends for leaving you behind and giving him a chance to win you over.
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please don't copy and/or post my work onto other platforms! ~e©ho
taglist: @ijustwantttoread @spideysimpossiblegirl @redhead1180 @princessmaybank @kys4-20 @drwstarkeyy @immyowndefender @julczimozart @notdxbya
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appleblueberry-pie · 2 days
When Gojo asks why we won’t just be with him we tell him that he isn’t worth it 😔🫰
He isn’t worth the body or the history… I know a lot of people like to brag about having exes and body’s but that shit is so embarrassing to me 😭 like I feel like a whore because a boy kissed me in like middle school and he was a BOY. Boys are so gross omg-anyway-
Like why would I date you if we’re gonna break up? Get out of my face bro 😔
"....Is that what you became friends with me for? I'm not interested in dating you, Gojo."
Gojo never knew you were the type to reject people like him. He was everything you wanted in a man and he knew it. Money, extroverted, very fine, strong, tall, sexy, intelligent, all of the above. So....why did you say no to his confession? I repeat, HE CONFESSED and you rejected HIM. He couldn't help but accidentally voice his thoughts.
He leans back in surprised and scrunches his eyebrows at your response. "What?" You raise your eyebrows at his answer and continued eating the food he bought you at this expensive cafe that you now loved. ".....What? Never been rejected before?" You laughed at his response and kept eating. He wasn't gonna pressure you into dog shit, he could kiss ass. You did like his qualities. But with how the dating pool is currently, you wouldn't be surprised if he had three bitches lighting his phone up currently. You had zero hope in all men unless they don't use their phones at all and instead told you the worst jokes on planet in hopes of swooning you.
You would rather not date him. He was nice eye candy though. He gains his composure back and leans on the table. "Yeah, I have been, but I felt like we were both interested in each other, you know...?" You nod, understanding what he meant. "Yeah....sorry if it seemed like I was leading you on." He shakes his head, still incredibly butt hurt inside. "No, it's not your fault."
Why did you say no? He wants to ask desperately. Too many questions filled his mind at the possibilities. Were you lesbian and he was too stupid to realize? Was he not your type at all whatsoever? Was he too stuck up like Suguru said? He doesn't know. "Is it okay if I ask what made you say no?"
You shrug and look up in thought. "Well, it's not you, it's just....too much is happening right now. And I mean with everyone. Too many people are love-bombing each other, there's no genuine connection ever, then there's 'situationships', and a looot of people my age don't have patience for long-term relationships and it's just....i feel like- ugh i guess I'll say it. But I feel like you're the perfect person to have all of those qualities. You're very attractive, Satoru, so....I don't know if I'm ready to trust you enough not to put those labels on your head. It's dumb, but yeah. And I do too much with relationships. I put too much time and energy into the person I'm with, and i hate doing that knowing that there are so many people who've just neglected my needs in return. Basically, I love trauma."
Satoru watched you the entire time you spoke, so you found it hard to continue speaking, but you managed to push through. "Fuck them." You roll your eyes and he takes one of your fries, eating them. "I'm serious. I can give you everything you want and need y/n. I wouldn't ask you out if I didn't have a major attraction and connection to you."
You didn't look impressed, but he was determined. "I agree with you. None of the girls I tried to date just wanted me for sex. I know you would treat me better than that. And I would be willing to give you the love and respect you deserve. I get....I don't want to say this, but I get really happy at the thought of being able to provide for you. All I want is you. And it's okay if you don't want me now."
He takes a piece of your cake and eats it without your permission. "I'm willing to wait."
I'm sorry I took forever with this omg. This is the start of many. I might do like 6 more tomorrow. I need sleep.
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graveyardcuddles · 2 days
One of the most annoying things about people erasing the pansexuality of the bg3 companions is that there are already so few decently written canon pansexual characters out there. Don't get me wrong, I very much understand wanting to see YOUR specific sexuality represented in what you love. But pan characters deserve to exist and to just be allowed to be pan without it being constatly questioned and interrogated (much like how pan ppl irl are about our sexuality, funny enough).
It's also really annoying to see some people frame them as just being "playersexual." Yes, it is true the writers of bg3 have said that one of the main reasons they made all the companions pansexual was to allow for player freedom to romance whoever they want. But that's different from just making them playersexual, by default. The characters themselves ARE pan, not just playersexual. They went out of their way to give most of the companions lines where they express attraction to characters of different genders outside of Tav/Durge.
Astarion has lines where he expresses attraction to Wyll but also flirts with Alfira and will sleep with Lae'zel. Shadowheart has lines implying attraction to Karlach but also has subtly flirty banter with Wyll. Karlach literally says she wants to fuck Astarion. Meanwhile Gale is someone who 1. Has a terminal illness and 2. just came out of a long-term committed relationship with a goddess that he's been in since early adulthood, which ended VERY badly, so it makes sense he's not as overtly flirty as the other companions at first. He doesn't want to be hurt again, and so he doesn't start really flirting until he's SURE the player character likes him back at least a little. But once he catches feelings for you? Doesn't matter what your gender is, that man still wants to drink your sweat like the lil freak he is.
Anyways, Happy Pride Month! They're ALL pan!
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unholybacon355 · 6 hours
Bad Habits
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G!P Momo X Jihyo
Word Count: 7.8K
A/N: First of all I have to say that this wasn't my idea, I borrowed this for a friend. Thanks Kay for letting me write this with one of the great escenarios you always make, hope I made justice to your idea. Also have to say thanks to another person that help me with some things of my vocabulary, but i think you don't wanna be named here ahahah.
Second. originally this was supossed to be a X You story, but i thinks Momo suits better what I wanted to make here.
With all that being said, I hope you enjoy this.
It was a boring work afternoon in the middle of the week. It was pouring rain outside making the raindrops hit the office windows, which filled the place with the noise of tapping against the glass. Which is why Momo was listening to music with her headphones on, trying to silence the incessant noise of the rain. Maybe that was what made her not notice the incoming message on her phone, or maybe the fact that she was looking at the nearest window trying not to die of boredom due to the repetitiveness of her work that day. Anyway, Momo didn't notice the message until almost an hour later when she got up to get coffee and returned to her post. Just then a new message arrived, making the phone screen light up and catching her attention. The notification had a name that for no reason Momo would have expected to read that day, or any other day in the near future.
“Did you forget that I exist?” “I guess you're too busy to respond.”
Momo stared at the screen of her phone for a few moments without believing what she had just read. Had Jihyo really sent her those messages just like that? It was incredible that after everything she was talking to her as if nothing had happened, as if it were Momo who had simply decided to stop talking to her overnight.
At first she thought about not responding and forgetting about it, letting it go and diving back into her boring work. But curiosity got the better of her than the sudden anger she was feeling. She had always had a special soft spot for Jihyo, even though she knew they weren't real feelings. Rather, it was a carnal issue, something rooted deep inside her that forced her to respond to the call of the younger woman every time she wanted it.
But this time months had passed, and things were very different than they had been before they had that “little” argument. To begin with, Momo had decided to leave behind all those nights and days they spent together making love, in one of the two's apartments or wherever Jihyo had summoned her. They had been wonderful moments filled with pure lust, but they had come to an abrupt end the day Momo found out that Jihyo had a boyfriend.
It was just a few days after Jihyo begin to her new relationship. They had met up with friends they had in common and one of them congratulated Jihyo on finding a boyfriend. For some reason finding out like this didn't sit well with Momo. It wasn't like she felt love for Jihyo, or thought that they could to have something together, that had never been the deal. But it still felt like a betrayal that it wasn't Jihyo herself who told her personally, after all it was Momo who fucked her in the back of her car whenever Jihyo was in need. At least she deserved some honesty.
The argument that came when the two of them could finally be alone was not pleasant at all. After all, they were never a real couple, so Momo had no right to claim anything. From the beginning it had been something purely carnal, something to satisfy their intimate needs, and Jihyo emphasized very clearly that Momo was always aware of that. In any case, it hurt the Japanese woman not to have found out sooner, it even made her feel a little used. Well, a dating relationship doesn't happen overnight, and the two of them had made love a couple of times that same week. So clearly things weren't adding up for Momo.
Almost five months had passed since that argument, and in all that time they had not spoken. Jihyo's messages had been the first contact they had since then, which is why they took Momo by surprise. It was something that she totally didn't expect to happen that week, much less in that blatant way. Just as if nothing had happened, as if it were Momo's fault that they hadn't been in contact in all this time.
Again she thought about deleting the messages and continuing with her chores, but she found herself sliding her fingers across the screen to type in return.
“I was immersed in work, I didn't see your message.”
Which was true, but it still felt like a cheap excuse. Although she didn't need to excuse herself anyway, if Jihyo had contacted her out of the blue she was surely going to wait for a response no matter what it took. But the most curious thing about that message was that Momo had decided to play the same game as her “friend” by acting as if nothing had happened. As if they had only gone a weekend without speaking, and not almost five full months.
Momo put the phone down on the desk and tried to refocus on reviewing the reports she had received and appeared on her computer screen. When she realized that she had spent the last five minutes reading the same paragraph over and over without understanding anything at all, she gave up. She stopped resisting and checked her phone for a new message, but found nothing. Hadn't Jihyo seen her response? No, if she had spoke first it was sure she had seen it. Momo unlocked the device and verified that Jihyo had indeed read her message. Very typical of her to leave her waiting and force Momo to send another message, but not this time. Once again she left her phone on the desk and tried to get back to work.
Half an hour later Momo had only managed to advance one page in the report, of which she was not sure if she had understood a single word. She got up and went to get more coffee, trying to get as far away from her phone as possible. Trying her best not to send another message when she knew very well that Jihyo was on the other end of the line waiting for it. But Momo felt that inexplicable weakness for Jihyo, that weakness that forced her to write again.
“Looks like I'm not the only one busy at work.”
Momo hated that she had given in so easily, but there was nothing more she could do to resist. What she could do was go get more coffee once and for all, but before she could even lock the phone a new message appeared on the screen. Indeed Jihyo had been waiting patiently for another response from Momo.
“Actually I'm at home, I've taken a few days off.”
Now it was more evident than ever that Jihyo was up to something, it couldn't be that she just chose that moment to repair their friendship. Had she broken up with her boyfriend and needed a fling to get over him? Or was that what Momo wanted to be happening?
"All good? You’re not sick, right?”
A stupid question, because if that were the case Momo would probably be the last person Jihyo would turn to. She knew that very well.
“No, I just needed to do some things. But I solved them sooner than expected and now I have a couple of days free.”
What was Jihyo's game? She was usually much, much, more direct when she wanted sex. But it couldn't be anything more, the two of them had never really been such good friends. They were fucking all the time, that was true, but their relationship went little further than that. Outings to eat or have coffee alone were rare, They never told their problems or asked each other's opinions on something important. So why was Jihyo taking so long to ask the question?
“Your boyfriend is lucky because can have you more time for him these days.”
A pretty bold move on Momo's side, but if Jihyo wasn't going to do something she would do it first. Mentioning her boyfriend was Momo's little revenge for all that time without speaking to each other.
“Quite a bit, but Sungbin is out of town on a work travel.” “By the way, is anyone lucky enough to be your boyfriend or girlfriend?”
The messages arrived a few seconds apart, and the truth was that Momo didn't expect to receive that question as an answer. She had tried to make a risky move and Jihyo had won once again.
“Work keeps me too busy to think about that. I got promoted so now I have to work even harder.”
It was a sad reality, but it was the pure truth. Work consumed almost all of Momo's free time, so she didn't have the luxury of meeting anyone new. Much less try to start a romantic relationship with someone.
“That's a shame, considering how well you fuck. You should at least get a cute assistant to give you a head under your desk.”
There was. Finally Jihyo had tired of detours and had taken the first step towards what had always connected them most strongly. Always so direct, so to the point when she wanted something. A little bossy and severe for the taste of many, but Momo liked that. At least this way things were clear and not had confusions.
“That would be quite inappropriate… My office has glass walls, so everyone could see.”
A real shame because that took away a lot of Momo's privacy, but after all she wasn't in a position high enough to have a private office. There were also rumors that in the past they had caught someone doing just what Jihyo proposed, and that was the reason why the offices were not private now. Although the glass on the walls was fogged, you could still see clearly enough what was happening inside. But that was something Jihyo didn't need to know.
“The public didn't seem to matter to you when I was the one giving you head in the university library. Do you remember how much fun we used to have together?”
How could she forget all those times when Jihyo had simply disappeared under the library table to give her a blowjob? Momo had always had a hard time staying silent and pretending to continue studying for an exam when she had Jihyo between her legs giving a masterclass on how to suck a cock. On more than one occasion they had missed a sound that almost gave them away, but luckily no one ever discovered them. Not in the university library, not in the bathrooms, not behind the baseball team's locker room, or in any other place where they had carried out their obscenities.
“I get hard just remembering it.”
Momo sent that message without even thinking about it, without stopping to reflect that once again she had fallen into Jihyo's clutches without realizing it.
“Are you hard? I can see?"
The phone almost slipped out of her hands when she read that message. Not even in the wildest of her fantasies she expect such a bold move from Jihyo. Which it pained her to admit had been many during all that time that they had not spoken to each other.
“Jihyo, we shouldn't. You have a boyfriend."
Momo hoped that the mention of Sungbin could make Jihyo back off on her intentions, but since she had initiated this conversation she didn't expect to actually achieve it.
“It can't hurt him if he doesn't find out. Or do you need more motivation besides your memory?”
The real surprise of the afternoon came for Momo in the form of two photographs that arrived immediately after Jihyo's last message. In the images Jihyo could be see standing in front of the mirror in her room, a mirror that Momo remembered very well because many times they had done perverted things in front of it. The frame showed the reflection of Jihyo's room and in the center of the photos the woman posing only in her underwear. A simple but comfortable black outfit, with white details on the panties, that was all that covered Jihyo's humanity.
Momo swallowed heavily, her mouth suddenly dry. She needed another cup of coffee more than ever, so she left the phone on the desk and went to fill out her mug. As if getting away from her phone would magically make Jihyo's messages disappear. But when she came back they were still there, as real as they could be.
Momo picked up the phone and started typing a message, but deleted it before sending it. No, she couldn't say that now. She thought for a few seconds and wrote again.
“Wooow!! You look as great as ever.”
Momo was going to try to avoid the inevitable for as long as necessary, before finally letting herself be carried away by the lust that Jihyo awakened in her. But the truth is that she was failing miserably in this pathetic attempt to hide the fact that her cock had already woken up because of those photos.
“You can come take a closer look. You know where I live."
Jihyo was definitely serious about this. Which implied that she was actively looking for Momo to be cheat on her boyfriend. A certainly tempting offer, but one that did not completely convince the Japanese woman.
“Jihyo, we shouldn't do that to Sungbing.”
It was amazing that Momo was being the voice of reason here, but she really didn't want to be used as a toy and then abandoned again. It didn't sit well with her to be caught in the middle of some strange game between the couple, so she had to analyze her options very carefully.
“Forget about him, I already told you he left the city.” “The one I miss fucking is you. Sungbing doesn't do it as well as you. He cannot satisfy me.”
Jihyo certainly had a pretty big sexual appetite, and because Momo easily gave in to all her requests, she had always been her favorite companion. That for years, since they met at college, until a few months ago when Jihyo began her relationship with Sungbing. That had been the end of that non-verbal agreement in which they both turned to each other when they needed pleasure and their own touches were not enough.
But then that was what it was about, Jihyo needed her once again to satisfy her needs since her boyfriend was not capable of doing so. Which Momo had to admit made her a little proud, it boosted her ego that even though her friend was in a stable relationship she still had to turn to her for such matters. Although that also meant that Jihyo didn't value their friendship enough to try to repair things for any other reason, she only did it because she found herself in need of a good fling. In short, Jihyo was more interested in Momo's cock and the way she used it than Momo herself.
“We can’t anymore.”
Momo took as long as she could to write that message, always doubting whether she would send it or not. In the end she decided to do it and put her phone aside, but before she was even able to close the chat new photos appeared on the screen. Jihyo was clearly expecting a response like that and had a plan to fight back, because there was no way she would have taken those photos so quickly after reading Momo's message.
In the new images Jihyo was standing in the same place, in front of the mirror in her room, except now the poses were different. That in addition to the fact that her underwear could no longer be seen anywhere, but that, far from meaning that she had put on more clothes, was quite the opposite. Now Jihyo was completely naked, standing in front of the mirror as if she was showing off her outfit. But of course, there were no clothes to show. Just her humanity completely naked, just her and nothing else.
Momo couldn't stop looking at Jihyo's angelic face, but her friend's large breasts topped with brown nipples distracted her greatly. Her mouth was watering as her throat was dry, almost as if her own body was laughing at her. Memories of all those times she had played with those perfect breasts passed through her mind. The many occasions in which she had had them in her mouth and had felt firsthand how Jihyo's nipples hardened.
“I'll be there in half an hour.”
It was clear that after seeing those photos Momo couldn't take it anymore, she couldn't keep fooling herself with this false resistance towards Jihyo. To hell with everything, she herself was very aware of that carnal weakness she felt for Jihyo that forced her to abandon everything when the other one called her to fuck.
"I'll wait for you in bed. Use your keys.”
Momo quickly grabbed her things and left her office, telling her subordinates that something personal had come up and that she would take the rest of the afternoon off. Then she left, but not before making a quick stop in the bathroom, where she took the photo Jihyo had asked about earlier. A pretty decent snapshot of her cock as hard as it could be right now, in the photo it could almost be seen how Momo's shaft was throbbing with anticipation. But she din’t sent it, not yet.
Momo waited until she got into her Uber to send the photo to Jihyo, and as expected she sent her a new photo. This time Jihyo was lying on her bed, as she had said she would wait, with her legs raised, which is why you could clearly see her most private parts.
“I want to see how you touch yourself for me.”
Jihyo had really decided to torture Momo that day.
“I can't, I'm already on my way to your house.”
It was laughable to think that Momo would give in to that request, but then why was she putting her hand to her crotch? Oh, maybe it was because Jihyo had counterattacked with the most explicit image yet. The woman was still in bed, except now she had one hand resting on her head and her legs were open. The photo had been taken from her crotch, so Jihyo's private parts could now be seen in even greater detail. It was the definitive attack that Momo needed to be completely defeated, since the duality of Jihyo's serene and sweet expression contrasted greatly with the obscene nature of the photo. Momo was melting and was seriously thinking about sneakily stroking her cock over her clothes, but there was something else in the photo that made her reconsider.
She hadn't noticed it in the previous photo, since Jihyo's legs covered them, but on the wall behind the woman there were hanging several photos of her and her boyfriend. The sudden memory that Momo was on her way to the apartment that Jihyo shared with Sungbing, precisely to fuck her friend while her boyfriend was away, did not sit well with Momo’s erection. She could almost lose her sanity when it came to making love with Jihyo, but that didn't take away the discomfort she felt about cheating on Sungbing. Which is why she decided to put away her phone and wait to be face to face with her friend to settle this carnal matter.
Fifteen minutes after seeing that last photo, and ignoring all the messages she knew Jihyo had sent her, Momo was in front of the door of his friend's apartment. Firmly holding the key that would open that lock, as if trying to think one last time if this was a good idea. Of course it wasn't, but Momo was free to deceive herself as much as she wanted.
She put the key in the lock, a key that was incredible that she still held. Momo had thought many times during these five months about throwing it in the trash or getting rid of it in some other way, but she always ended up giving up. It was ridiculous how she even continued to carry it in the bunch of keys that belonged to her own apartment, as if she still harbored the secret hope of needing that key again someday. As if always carrying it with her was insurance, if indeed happened what was happening now, but that didn't matter anymore. For now Momo just sighed and entered the apartment.
Few things had changed in the room since the last time she was there, it remained practically the same. Except for a few additions that revealed that Sungbing now lived there, Momo was greeted by the same apartment she had been in a million times before. That apartment that belonged to someone who was not her partner, nor did either of them want it to be that way, but to which she still kept the key so she could sneak out when necessary.
Momo left her bag and keys on the small table near the entrance, hung her jacket in the place designated for it, and getting on the sleeves of her blouse headed to the room where she knew Jihyo was waiting for her. It wasn't very wide, like the rest of the apartment, but even so, a double bed could fit perfectly in the place, leaving enough space on the sides. The last time Momo had been in that room the bed was smaller, that was perhaps the most noticeable change she could see. Oh! of course, the bed and the many photos of the happy couple that were hanging on the walls. There was an entire section of a wall dedicated to the happy times they had together in these five months, which left a bitter taste in Momo as it reminded her once again of what she was doing here. She was simply as a lover, as nothing more than an adventure.
Jihyo was lying on the wide bed, waiting patiently with her legs spread like appeared in the last photograph, and with that angelic expression on her face. That expression that would never make you imagine that she had just called her fuck friend to cheat on her boyfriend. Jihyo knew that she didn't have to do anything more than lay there looking at her to activate in Momo that animal hunger she felt for her, the mere sight of the woman as she came into the world was already enough to drive Momo crazy. Especially after so long of being deprived of that beautiful image.
"You came."
"You called me."
A simple exchange of words that might seem banal, but they clearly showed that Momo was there because she had been summoned. Jihyo's messages had made her abandon everything in her routine day, and break into the couple's apartment.
After taking off her shoes, Momo walked on all fours on the bed, quickly reaching Jihyo's body and climbing on top of her. The scarf that the older girl was wearing tied around her neck like a tie tickled Jihyo as Momo left delicate kisses on her skin. Starting from Jihyo's belly and ascending slowly and ceremoniously until she reached her neck, where she sucked right at the point where she knew it drove the woman beneath her crazy. But she separated her lips from the tanned skin almost instantly, Jihyo's body had never been hers, and never would be, to mark and leave traces of love.
In situations like this, words were unnecessary between the two of them. They had spent so much time having those types of furtive encounters, satisfying each other's needs, that they knew each other and complemented each other very well. So it was not necessary to verbalize what they wanted, they simply needed a gesture or a caress to make themselves understood. Which is why when Momo felt Jihyo's fingers playing with the hairs on the back of her neck, she understood perfectly what she wanted. With a long lick she ran from her collarbone to behind Jihyo's right ear, another of her sensitive spots, earning a shiver and a muffled moan from Jihyo.
Also without saying anything, Jihyo fumbled for the zipper of Momo's pants and put her hand inside, playing with the Japanese woman's semi-erect penis while she continued giving hickeys on her neck. Even through the fabric of the boxers, Momo could perfectly feel the gentle touch on her member, how Jihyo's expert fingers caressed the right places. In the same way that Momo left kisses and hickeys where she knew they gave Jihyo the most pleasure, the latter caressed and squeezed where she knew Momo was most sensitive.
It was all simply a game to see who would give in to desperation first, to see who would be the first to blindly give in to pleasure. A game in which Momo lost most of the time because she was not able to endure Jihyo's caresses for long without practically melting. But at least this time the Japanese would try to make things different, she couldn't just fall at Jihyo's feet just like that after all this time. In that sense it was more a battle against herself than against Jihyo.
The kisses she was placing on the youngest's jaw gave Momo a small advantage, now she could practically feel the woman's wetness on the knee she had pressed against her center. Even through her slack pants she was able to perceive Jihyo's slippery moisture staining the garment.
As if it were confirmation, Jihyo pressed Momo's head pushing her away of her jaws and guiding it towards her crotch. She needed her to use her mouth somewhere else and she wasn't willing to wait.
With a smile on her lips, Momo gave a long, slow lick on Jihyo's slit, savoring the appetizing delicacy that had been denied her for such a long period of time. The small shiver that ran through the woman's body told her how needy she was for her touch, and the moans that followed confirmed that she was doing it right. With an expertise that had been given to her by all these years of pleasing Jihyo, Momo licked right where she had to, contoured the edges of her petals the way she knew she liked, and wrapped her tongue around her clit the way she knew drove Jihyo crazy.
After a few minutes of this Jihyo had the first orgasm of the afternoon, or at least what they both hoped would be the first of many. Between spasms and pressing Momo's head against her crotch, she climaxed in a way that she apparently had not achieved in these five months. All these years had made Momo an expert at pleasuring her, or maybe after all this time it was she who couldn't be satisfied any other way than how Momo did it. That was a dangerous idea that Jihyo didn't want to delve into right now, and maybe never.
“I need you out of your clothes.” More than a suggestion, it was an order to try to gain some control over the situation again. Anyway, Momo obeyed, as she always did.
The Japanese woman first got rid of the scarf tied around her neck, then continued with the blouse that was thrown to the side, and finally took off her bra, revealing her large breasts. Jihyo thought that somehow she looked imposing kneeling on the bed, wearing only her pants and looking at her with that voracious but contained hunger that her eyes reflected right now. Her black hair fell in cascades of strands over her shoulders, framing her torso, hiding a little more of her semi-nudity. Despite the cold of the room, Momo's skin seemed to radiate a heat that enveloped her completely, anticipation and lust protecting her from the winter weather.
Jihyo wanted to touch Momo's toned abs, caress them and run her fingers over them. She wanted to ride the Japanese woman's abdomen and rub against her muscles. Ride her and feel each of the reliefs of her powerful abdomen against her center until the pleasure made her explode, as she had done many times before. But she also had the overwhelming need to feel Momo's meat inside her, so she resisted her base impulses and took a condom from the nightstand while the Japanese woman it ended to undress
Now Momo's member stood in full in front of Jihyo, powerful and full of blood just the way she liked it. The Korean, who was now on all fours, placed a chaste kiss on the tip that was already dripping in anticipation. After that, she put the open condom on her lips and without using her hands gobbled Momo's penis completely, sheathing it in the process in the condom. No gagging, no nausea reflexes, no complications, she simply swallowed the member until she felt the latex pressing against her throat, until her nose touched Momo's pelvis. And without further ado, after moving the muscles of her throat to massage the member in her mouth, she withdrew and lay down as she was when Momo arrived to the room.
The Japanese girl didn't need a written invitation to finally do what she had come here to do, so she leaned over Jihyo and took her member in her hand guided it towards the warm center of the korean. With a slow but uninterrupted movement the folds finally gave way, giving way to the thick member that desecrated such a delicate temple of pleasure.
Jihyo gasped, adjusting to Momo's size, which earned her a proud giggle from the Japanese woman, a laugh that was quickly silenced by a passionate kiss. Jihyo could feel her own essence on Momo's lips but she didn't care, it wasn't the first time she had done something like that. Over time she had learned that the least she could do to reward the Japanese woman after she used her mouth to give her pleasure was to give her a kiss. So she was completely used to testing herself like that.
The kiss they shared was passionate and somewhat hungry, the fire ran through their bodies and forced them to gasp into each other's mouths while they continued moving their lips at a frenetic pace. Jihyo's hands burned on Momo's butt as the latter began to move her hips.
More gasps escaped Jihyo as she felt Momo pull out of her almost completely and back in all at once. Filling her and forcing her walls to adapt to the length and diameter of a member they knew very well.
There was no love in the act they were performing, they both knew it, but there was a lot of lust. A lot of desire for another's body, and that incessant hunger for more and more pleasure. Hunger that was very easy to confuse with love. Hunger that made Jihyo cross her legs behind Momo, as if trying to prevent her from going somewhere even though she knew very well that the Japanese would never abandon her in the middle of the act.
Even though Momo was constantly exercising, right now her abs were burning because of the constant swinging of her hips. But she loved feeling how Jihyo's body trembled with each of her thrusts, feeling how the Korean woman's breasts bounced and rubbed against her own, making her nipples harden in the process. Her muscles ached, yes, but the reward for that little pain was so great that it made it a minuscule price to pay.
The sound of flesh hitting flesh filled the small room mixing with the gasps and moans of both women, in a cacophony of lust and unparalleled pleasure that showed how committed they were to this. Oh, they were going to take this little adventure as far as they could, they would make it last as long as it was in their power because they were both hungry for each other in a way they had never felt before. Practically five months without touching each other left them starving for the pleasure that only they knew how to give each other. Hadn't it been Jihyo herself who had said that her boyfriend didn't satisfy her like Momo? For her part, the Japanese woman had not been able to find real pleasure in any of the few lovers she had had during this time, so much so that she had actually stopped trying after the second or third failed encounter.
But despite all that hunger and weakness they felt for each other, they both knew that there was no love there. It was just carnal pleasure and a physics codependency on the other that could be interpreted as something else, but that they knew was not. It was clear that they were not compatible as a couple, perhaps not even as friends, but in all these years they had come to explore each other's bodies so much that they already knew all the tricks and secrets they hid. They had learned where to caress, how to rub, or where to kiss to maximize each other's pleasure and fully fulfill their part of a silent treatment that they never really talked about.
They had met in their second year of university through friends they had in common and had almost instantly hated each other. But as if it were a bad romance story, after getting drunk and half-fighting on a night of partying, they ended up locked in a bathroom fucking as if their lives depended on it. That was the first time and after that night things between them were fixed, now they were friends with benefits. But they never really talked about it, never a word was said about their situation or what their role was in each other's lives. They simply had sex when one of them made the call, or both were so needy that they couldn't wait any longer. And so the days passed between furtive encounters and long nights of pleasure, days that quickly turned into years. It also didn't help that the only real partner any of them had had in all this time was Sungbing, so it was the first time they found themselves in that situation. Something that they did not resolve well at all.
And now they were here. Jihyo with her legs crossed behind Momo who put all her effort into penetrating her in a way that made her moan in a special voice tone. Once again having sex without having talked about their relationship or what this meeting meant for both of them. But what difference did that make when the pleasure threatened to fry their brains and simply make them addicted to each other's bodies.
“Let me do some of the work.” Jihyo said when Momo was finally forced to stop to rest. Of course the Korean was not going to let her stop cold at a moment like that, so Momo lay on her back on the bed and Jihyo faced her. The korean guided Momo's penis towards her own center, and descending quickly, she impaled herself on the Japanese woman's member. This time an actual moan left her mouth as the entire length was inside her soaked crotch.
Now it was Jihyo who was in charge of the movement, while the Japanese woman played with her breasts and reached out to kiss her or lick her neck, the Korean woman rode with great skill. Jihyo had her hands on Momo's worked abs, supporting all her weight on them; which allowed her to move without resistance and put Momo's meat as deep inside her as it had not been in a long time.
While Momo's moans were more like panting, sometimes even sounding like a dog trying to catch its breath, Jihyo's moans on the other hand were powerful. Right now the Korean was praying that the walls would contain the sounds she made, because if someone filed a noise complaint against her then Sungbing would find out about her little affair. But even by biting her lip she was not able to silence the moans that came out of her mouth, hoarse and deep noises produced in the depths of her lungs. Same sounds that turned into a high-pitched moan as Jihyo reached her second climax of the afternoon. Luckily for them, the relentless weather helped mask what was happening in there from the neighbors.
Outside the rain was hitting the window, and inside Jihyo was pouring her wetness on Momo's member. Squeezing Momo's abs with all the strength she had, Jihyo held herself upright as the spasms of orgasm coursed through her entire body. She knew she had probably marked her nails on the Japanese woman's belly, but she didn't care about that. Unlike Jihyo, the older woman had no need to hide the marks of her pleasure.
When she had finally calmed down enough, Jihyo fell on top of her friend, who received her with a hug and sweet caresses on her hair. The way Momo was kissing Jihyo's shoulder, and doing her best to comfort her, anyone would have thought they were a happy couple. Nothing further from reality. While the Korean had her face hidden in Momo's neck, the latter caressed her hair and back; helping her catch her breath after her orgasm.
“I can still feel inside me how hard you are.” Jihyo said, placing small kisses directly on Momo's lips. A gesture perhaps too romantic for their situation.
Momo, for her part, smiled, wrinkling her nose like she did when she was happier. “You can't blame me, I haven't cum yet.” Before continuing speaking she captured Jihyo's lips in a kiss that lasted longer than it should. "Want-"
“I need you to finish inside… With the condom on.” If there was one thing Jihyo didn't need right now it was a baby, much less one from Momo. And given the time she had spent without connecting with her friend, she didn't want Momo's cock anywhere else right now that would allow her to cum without using the latex barrier.
Squeezing Jihyo's buttocks and kissing her jaw again she whispered in an unnecessarily low tone. “In that case I want you on all fours, like the obedient pet that you are.” The cases where Momo showed such dominance were rare, especially with Jihyo, but she knew that on this occasion she could afford it. And as she predicted, she could feel how the Korean woman's center squeezed her shaft once more in anticipation, she could have sworn that she even felt Jihyo getting wet again because of those words.
Jihyo obediently got off Momo, but not before moaning when she felt the Japanese woman's member come out of her, she hated feeling this empty. She got on her knees and leaning her weight on her chest used both hands to spread her buttocks, giving Momo a perfect view of the feast in front of her. Again, a strange case where Jihyo was carried away by Momo's demands. But the effect that whisper had had on her was inexplicable. Normally Jihyo was the one who took the lead, she herself had been the one who had asked to be fucked that way, but when Momo got like this a weakness awoke in her that she tried to hide at all costs and always failed miserably to do so.
The Japanese woman had to resist the urge to devour her friend's back entrance, she would have time for that later, and instead she concentrated on penetrating her again because she knew that Jihyo didn't like spending a lot of time without her shaft inside her. A single firm thrust was enough to have Jihyo moaning again.
The room quickly filled again with the obscene noises that both women were making. Momo's hips slapping against Jihyo's buttocks made a clapping noise that made it seem like an invisible audience was applauding their illicit act. That added to Jihyo's moans and Momo's grunts from the effort completed a symphony that was the perfect soundtrack for that situation. Something that contrasted greatly with the sound of the rain lashing the window.
After a few minutes the Japanese woman's muscles were burning again, but again she ignored the sensation and continued with the pleasant task of fucking Jihyo. Despite it being a cold afternoon due to the rain, sweat accumulated on her forehead; making clear the effort she was making. Jihyo's back was also beaded with small pearls of sweat, even though the time she had been moving had been less. But the heat they both radiated made them feel as if they were on a sweltering summer afternoon.
Now the Korean woman was only limited to moaning and clutching the sheets, while her face very clearly expressed the pleasure she was feeling. Jihyo found Momo's physical stamina admirable when they were in that position, or in any position where the Japanese woman was the one who had to make the most effort. They were the moments when the results of all those hours in the gym were visible, which were partly precisely to be able to gain resistance to please Jihyo. Who also exercised a lot, but in this position that only served to make her ass look rounder and more appetizing. Still Momo loved the sight of Jihyo's toned muscles, well defined but still soft enough to see them quiver with each of her thrusts.
It was curious how Jihyo's boyfriend also worked out a lot, much more than the two women combined, but it was still Momo who had the stamina to make her cum as many times as necessary. It was Momo who onslaught her with just enough force to make her buttocks bounce the way she liked and hit that sweet point that maximized her pleasure. At the end of the day it was only the Japanese woman who knew all the secrets of Jihyo's body.
Momo's chest was moving not only because of her thrusts, but also because of how agitated she was breathing. A small cloud of mist came out of her mouth every time she exhaled because the room was certainly cold, but still neither of them were able to feel it. How could they do it when pleasure ran through their bodies from top to bottom, and lust oozed from their pores. No, at times like this they forgot everything. The world around them disappeared and they only had eyes for each other. They were just two bodies dancing in an infinite mating ritual, as if the pleasure clouded their senses completely and enveloped them in a spiral of fire.
For Momo, seeing Jihyo reduced to a bundle of moans and tremors as a result of her thrusts was a separate satisfaction; it added something extra to the pleasure she already felt simply by fucking her. It was something like an extra reward because deep down, not so deep down really, they both knew that Momo was the only one capable of achieving that. They both knew that with her it was real and not something fake because in none of their encounters during all these years had Jihyo had to fake an orgasm. The countless moisture stains that had accumulated on Momo's clothes were reliable proof of that.
Jihyo's almost hoarse moans had given way to higher-pitched ones, confirming that she was once again close to the much-prized climax. Little by little the moans had risen to such a high pitch that normally she had to repress, but on occasions like these, when they were completely alone, she allowed herself not to. If there was no one here who could hear them, no one other than the neighbors perhaps, there was no point in trying to control her moans.
For her part, Momo could swear that she felt how her friend's insides were squeezing her more than before, how she was contracting around her in anticipation of another orgasm. An orgasm that took almost no time to arrive, but that didn't stop Momo from continuing to move her hips. If Jihyo missed being fucked by the Japanese girl so much, then that was what she was going to have. Between the spasms and contractions of Jihyo's body, between her high-pitched moans and heavy breathing, Momo continued to thrust, taking the Korean to a new threshold of pleasure. Momo was literally fucking Jihyo through her orgasm, and the only thing the latter could do was squeeze the sheets tighter, to the point that her knuckles turned white, and continue moaning uncontrollably.
The Japanese woman did not stop until she herself was on the verge of orgasm, then with one last strong thrust she buried her entire length inside Jihyo, and remained still holding onto her hips while she spilled her load inside the condom. Despite the latex barrier Jihyo could feel that familiar warmth flooding inside her, pressing against her walls as more and more of the thick fluid gushed out of Momo's shaft. The sheer sensation of being filled but at the same time not made her practically drip her own fluids onto the bed.
It was incredible how despite having had a third orgasm just a few moments ago, Momo was revolutionizing her hormones so much that Jihyo was ready to continue. Whether the Japanese woman wanted to continue pounding her, using her fingers or her mouth, or if Jihyo regained control and mounted her again, or even if Momo decided to use a toy to get another orgasm out of her. In any of those cases Jihyo was willing to continue with this illicit wrongful act in order to fill the void that these five months without fucking Momo had meant.
But the Japanese woman was tired, and although Jihyo didn't recognize it, so was she, so when her breathing calmed down a little, Momo withdrew from inside the Korean woman and fell back on the bed. For her part, Jihyo suppressed a small moan as she felt empty again, and feeling how her legs were flanking her, she also let herself fall onto the wrinkled sheets.
There they were both on the bed, one on her back and the other lying on her stomach. One with the member still hard and with the fluids staining her abdomen, and the other with her legs separated because the strong thrusts had left her with difficulty to move her lower extremities. Both in a cold room, where their breath formed mist, and the only thing that radiated heat was their bodies fueled by lust. Both in the room that Jihyo shared with her boyfriend, a boyfriend who of course was not Momo.
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ruhlare · 6 months
i appreciate your responses, thank you.
sorry to write again now but something in your response clicked with me. the part where you said i want a sign that at least i hope it wasnt worth nothing.
in choosing him too before it cost me. and it's painful for me to have to deal with the consequences of that cost, in addition to the pain and his complete denial of me (this is why it hurts a lot too, because he denied me in front of people.) i just hope i will be able to accept these soon.
don't be sorry, i had the feeling i understood you well, that's why i am answering in a detailed way and taking my time. he is only worth as much as you pour into him. it's not really about him, but the parts of yourself you left with him. you grieve yourself, and that's okay. what matters is that you look forward, instead of looking back to the things you buried with him you should look forward to the parts of yourself that wait to grow stronger. and don't forget that you are capable of doing this. you lived your life without him until you met him, so you will be able to continue it without him as well.
people like him don't leave a void in your life. you don't need to fill any void, because people like him don't offer you something special. believe me when i say you will meet better people. maybe this all was necessary to make you reflect on your own worth and to appreciate the people in your future more when you finally meet them.
someone who is denying himself by running away from the truth shouldn't affect you. he doesn't even add value to your life.
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uncanny-tranny · 13 days
I recently had to do a project in one of my psych classes, and man, I knew that CBT was used for every little thing, but seeing over and over, "do CBT! CBT is the best for every mental illness!" was so jarring. I'm absolutely biased because of my own experiences, but I just don't think it's as universal a treatment model as it's touted.
If you didn't benefit from CBT, it's not because you're lazy or didn't try hard enough or lacked intelligence or foresight into your own needs. Frankly, it's a therapy model that (I think) shouldn't be the only readily-accessible model and among the only therapy models covered by insurance. Some of us should not be treated in a CBT model and that's okay. It's not a sign of poor character or unreasonable demands, and if you don't think it's a model that works for you, then it's your right to express that!
#mental health#mental health advocacy#it was just so annoying because every resource i could access for this project often ONLY recommended cbt and#that just doesn't seem helpful for a good chunk of people#because i know i never benefitted from that model of therapy#obligatory: i am not against this therapy. me having a negative experience with it is not indicative that i believe it should be abolished'#if it works for you: KEEP DOING IT. cbt is not inherently harmful for MANY people and it's a good and valuable tool for many#but the overemphasis of cbt as the Only Therapy Model You Need sends this message that YOU failed...#...if you don't miraculously recover with that therapy model. it often feels like you'll Fail Recovery/Therapy and you're now a Bad Person#i've tried for over a decade to stick out cbt with a dozen therapists to boot. so i think i know a thing or two about my experiences with it#and overall its an unimpressive model (for me) as someone whos had a history with abuse and miscellaneous mental knickknacks rattling around#it's also frustrating because i genuinely like psych and i love learning about people#it's just. i'm tired of only being exposed to cbt (because i hate it honestly)#i feel similarly about cbt as i do with sigmund fucking frued#anyway i just want other insane people (affectionate) to remember that they deserve to not beat themselves up over this#if you're an insane person reading this: i love you i love you i love you i love you#i will share a slice of cake and homemade bread with you <3
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fernlessbastard · 1 month
hot take moment cwilbur is literally just psychotic as all hell and i think people got way too comfortable villianizing the shit out of a man who was clearly portraying signs of severe mental illness. cwilbur was like im so fucking paranoid and scared and i think everyone is out to get me and hurt me and ive spiralled to the point i cant reach out to the people closest to me because im so afraid and lost in this spiral and im having constant panic attacks and hurting myself because i dong know what to do with myself and the only way out for me is to die. and everybody was like EVIL MAN WHO ENJOYS HURTING OTHERS AND IS ABUSIVE ON PURPOSE AND A VILLAIN AND SHOULD NEVER BE TRUSTED AGAIN. and then he came back and was like im still deeply troubled and afraid but im desperately trying to make up for the wrongs i did in the past and the people i hurt in my own way and communication is really hard for me but i hope people know that im truely sorry and i love them. im going to try my hardest to fix this in the only way i know how and then respectfully remove myself from the situation because i feel thats the kindest thing i can do to the people ive hurt. and people were like ABUSER ABUSER ABUSER EVIL MAN ABUSER. like girl
Yeah no based true real no questions asked
I'd hope I manage to portray Wilbur the way he deserves in my content, cause that man is heavily bpd coded and he just needs therapy and someone who genuinely loves him but also can handle his bullshit (which has exclusively and reliably been Quackity like, canonically)
But yeah no completely agreed. The man has issues and has definitely fucked up a lot but at the end of the day he really does need love and care and patience, but also boundaries (and therapy and meds, obviously)
#i deeeefinitely have no reason to have strong feelings about bpd bitches deserving love and care and stability ha ha nooo it's definitely-#-not like I've been dating one for well over 4 years now and even though we've been through so much shit together and I still can't-#-understand why people with bpd and conditions that have similar symptoms are so demonised. It just makes no sense to me.#my bf is the love of my life and i can't imagine /not/ supporting it through all the splitting and episodes and all of that cause they're-#-absolutely worth everything#i don't know not to be too gay on main but tbf it's too late now anyway i think--#is it unstable? sure. but it's also the most caring and loving person i've ever been close with and it always makes sure i'm ok#and it loves me so undeniably deeply no matter what purely for who i am#i've never had anyone care about me this much and this genuinely and this unconditionally - it'd always be what /they/ can get out of /me/#but my boyfriend just cares about me - the actual me - no matter if i'm acting how it imagined i'd act. what matters is if i'm /me/#listen bpd isn't sunshine and rainbows - we've been through some TERRIBLE shit (including s-cide attempts)#but when people claim it makes a relationship toxic/abusive it's so stupid cause ultimately with mutual love support and reassurance-#-and professional help you can have a genuinely happy and healthy life with someone with bpd#love isn't mean to be easy. it's meant to be safe and supportive and genuine but a relationship always takes effort and work on both sides#you should never sacrifice your well being of course!#but when love takes effort and extra care it doesn't inherently mean it's unhealthy or toxic or abusive. it just means you're people.#tldr if you love someone then don't care about some diagnosis - care about the actual perso.#ask#asks#ask fern#tntduo#dsmp#tnt duo#wilbur soot#quackity#quackbur#dream smp#tntblr#c!quackbur#c!tntduo
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miabrown007 · 3 months
going crazy about kaz brekker hours
#HE'S JUST *screams into a pillow*#Inej wants him to be better she NEEDS him to be better and shed his armour and be emotionall vulnerable and honest to her#and every time he tries it life delivers a right hook into his solar plexus and knocks him to hell and back#and time and time again he is made to come to the incorrect conclusion that being vulnerable and soft and caring about anyone ever#is a mistake and a weakness that he isn't allowed that he doesn't deserve#and his only way of getting what he wants and keeping the people he loves safe is if he becomes something that can't love them#like life just continues to punish him for having any kind of feelings#and he can only love them if he kills the part of himself that loves them. like COME ON MAN#i'm literally unwell about this kid (KID HE'S FUCKING 17 LET HIM LIVE)#someone sedate me (well actually don't i need to start reading CK tonight)#Kaz I Am Ruin And Ruination Brekker#and it's so tragic because he has come such a long way during SoC and when Inej asks him to be hers you know he can't do it. he would like#to but he's unable of it like his walls are still built up so high.#and it's fair of her to ask because she needs that and keeping her always at arms length is not viable of Kaz but also that's all he can#currently give her. that's his all and it's not enough and my heart is breaking for them ohmygod#they make me think so much of felonies love square I'LL EAT GLASS#okay. anyway. finished six of crows. i'm normal about them.#mia's reading
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flugame-mp3 · 1 month
what do you fucking mean that's how charlie dies. THAT'S HOW CHARLIE DIES??? i mean i know the show has a penchant for killing off every character who's not a winchester brother or an angel of thursday but good god. what the fuck. charlie was such a good and enjoyable recurring character, and she had such a fandom impact that i've seen, and she's only around for THREE SEASONS?? (sidebar: it's amazing she has the presence she does for only being around for a couple episodes in the long run!) but: was this necessary? and she just dies offscreen after her skills are utilized to progress the plot of decoding the book of the damned?? oh my god. what in the actual fuck. i'm finding myself getting genuinely very upset at her death. she did not fucking deserve that. and i can absolutely see why the fan response to her death is what it is now. completely fucking unjustified and throwaway and useless.
#theo.txt#spn#charlie#spn spoilers#spn 10x21#almost none of the women who've gotten fridged on this show have deserved it but still#good god this one made me especially angry#why do you use this character for a plot point and then ship her off somewhere. to oz or to the afterlife. so often?#she was such a cool character with a good story that i enjoyed and related to and THIS is what they did with her?? and from my perusing she#doesn't even really come back like bobby occasionally does?? and his death. while devastating to me as somebody who really liked him. still#felt WAY better than this#sorry i ended that episode with my jaw on the fucking FLOOR oh my god. /neg#what did she have to die for? where is that post about female characters dying so male characters can feel sad but it's a gifset of all the#bullshit ass deaths of women on supernatural#i love the show fucking obviously but jesus h christ.#but also you know what. having the context that i have. still a fucked up thing to say but i see why dean says That to sam now during#charlie's funeral. it IS an interesting look into how they respond to the other one violating their wishes/freedoms and into their larger#dynamic actually! but thats not what this post is really about#wow. i am actually livid. poor fucking charlie.#if she was like a sister to the winchesters how about you bring her back huh? how about you revive her? jesus christ#i wonder what her heaven is like. i hope its dnd and movie night with the girls#i took a little break mid-typing this to see if i was just being insane and angry but no the super wiki has a whole section about the fan#outrage at charlie's death and the discussions it furthered about the show's misogynistic tendencies#and you know what? good!#ok anyway. im going to go browse charlie art and feel abnormal now.#supernatural#charlie bradbury
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aeide-thea · 11 months
do you ever think abt like. how it takes you twice as much work to arrive at half as much personhood and by the time you've managed to scrape yrself together that far the ppl you were trying to join in with have moved on
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thschei · 1 day
I'm in a Lot of pain, & I'm allergic to some things my neighbors use (that has seeped into the carpet/furniture -> it seeps into my hair) & it always makes me really sick (IE dizziness, fever, intense brain fog, headache/migraine, nausea, congestion, wheezing & difficulty breathing, hives, itching/burning eyes and throat, contact dermatitis -> anything I touch can cause hives including my clothes or hair, etc etc etc...) and it basically requires 1-2 showers a day and shampooing my hair 2-3 times per shower to get it out of my hair so I can have an hour or two of thinking clearly and breathing without difficulty... But showering multiple times per day for 4-5 days takes a lot of energy, which is already eaten up by my histamines and immune system working overtime + me trying to function through that laundry list of symptoms
I've tried talking to my neighbors about this multiple times, but... they either just don't understand, or they don't believe me. Most people don't believe me when I say what I'm allergic to, which is why I'm being vague here. I've tried to tell them to find a new petsitter, but I'm afraid they'd just take their dog to a kennel... He's around 10 or 11 now, and I just don't want that for him :( So when they text me asking if I can petsit a week before they leave [and don't have much time to find a new petsitter], I say yes
Anyway, because of the pain I'm in and finding out it's scoliosis, my mom insisted that I don't spend more than 1 hour at a time at our neighbors' house, and just go and check on them periodically. I feel bad doing that, but... my neighbors are only gone for 3 days this time, so it's not like I'm leaving them to be lonely for an entire week.
Anyway 2.0 . ALL of this to say lol that even tho I've only been over at my neighbors for 1 hour at a time and spending most of the day here, my cats are making it known that they don't like me being gone and miss me 😭 Ali is using her "sad wet pathetic widdle baby" meow, which she usually reserves for when I close the bathroom door, Kacey meows sadly when I go near the front door, and Bailey spent like an entire 5 minutes purring, drooling (happily), and insistently rubbing his cheek (scent glands) all over my hand this morning. I was like, "Aw, you don't want me to smell like anyone but you."
It's very sweet, even tho like I said I've spent most of the time here and only 45 minutes to an hour at my neighbors' before coming back home for 3-5 hours. It makes me sad that people still insist that cats are unloving/indifferent to humans. Every cat out there has the potential to be this openly affectionate, they just need to be shown that humans are trustworthy. And there's other forms of affection from cats, like slow blinking and just sitting in the same room with you, silently enjoying your company. You just need to be patient and meet them halfway, when it comes to reading body language and initiating affection first 💞
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seaweedstarshine · 1 month
Sometimes I think of Amy Pond, who grew up being called mad by those who wielded the word as a tool of exclusion and shame —
Amy Pond, who though forced into the hands of four psychiatrists, still clung to that which they called madness until those systems which elevate psychosocial conformity above humanity stripped it from her —
Amy Pond, whose imaginary friend reappeared for a single hour after twelve years and reignited that faith before disappearing for two more years —
Amy Pond, who spent those those two years under the same implicit threat ingrained in her through psychiatric violence, and thus began to believe the man who stopped the invasion was “just a madman with a box,” only for him to agree, and to also call her “mad, impossible Amy Pond,” reframing madness as non-negative for the first time in her life —
Amy Pond, who ignored the disembodied voice of her imaginary friend even as she ran away with him for real, who still lived each day with the traumatic internalization of deviancy dictated upon her by the psychiatric-industrial complex that shaped her from childhood —
Amy Pond, who wouldn't acknowledge the Doctor's voice, such that it took an Angel in her eye that was literally killing her to ensure she couldn't reality check herself —
Amy Pond, who stood before a room which muttered about “the psychiatrists we brought her to,” and though afraid, escaped their rigid parameters of acceptable existence.
#I like seeing it as indicating she began hearing his voice when he was gone for all those years! why else wouldn't she say anything?#actually psychotic Amy agenda#Amy Pond#eleventh doctor#reclaimed language#oh look its another antipsychiatry themed doctor who post#sumn abt in Fairies At The Bottom Of The Garden audio AND Imaginary Enemies comic we see Amelia bein called slurs against psychotic people#(shes called psycho in both)#like!!! and SO MUCH OF AMYS STORY is about her claiming her agency in ways that previous companions weren't allowed to-#companions whose status as a Wife was a signifier of an to end of their value individually- 'this is no place for a married woman' etc#in some cases Wife-ness forced upon them *as* a denial of agency 'I spent all that time trying to find you I'm not going back now!' etc#whereas Amys story deconstructs that; Amys “Choice” is an illusion- Amy being a Wife doesn't demote her agency as an companion#anyways I love that aspect of reclaimed agency for Amy but ALSO#“madness” as an expression of agency against systems of oppression is SO relevant. the mind defends itself and the alternative isnt better#the oppressive system in this case being ableist structures and the psychiatric system ITSELF which is a whole other layer#the moral being that even if the Doctor WAS a delusion? he'd still be a needed coping mechanism for a child who says “ppl always leave”#and instead of examining her feelings of abandonment they insist 'aLiENs DoNt ExIsT' as seen in the 'sTaRs DoNt ExIsT' psychiatrist in TBB#they don't care that she's in PAIN- why would they?- they just care that she's 'abnormal' and therefore not deserving of humanity#(eleventh) doctor is neurodivergent tag#I mean technically this is about Amy but I once (twice) used that tag on the post about the Master. its the spirit of it!#and Amy Pond + her Raggedy Doctor as “mad” people is very *chefs kiss*#((you know what im putting the tag on my last Amy post :D ))#Mels experienced this very differently and I'll make a post about her at some point- I just wanna make sure my points are got across better#sumn abt Amelia's “crazy” was Mels' “delinquency.” Amy treated as if she doesn't know her own life while Mels treated as threatening#sumn abt adultification of Black girls while Amy is infantilized#Amy Pond who could rewrite reality in a reborn universe because she grew up with a Crack in her wall that no one believed was special —#ableism#saneism#unreality#because I mean Amy's stand against psychiatric dehumanization was to REWRITE THE UNIVERSE with her Crack powers
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more in depth explanation ig, i dont feel like i can listen to especially poets without thinking about the whole paternity test analysis thing.
when i first listened i felt really awful and embarrassed and i couldn't quite articulate why
while im still trying to figure it out, a huge part of my feelings was (and still is) that the part of me that wants to theorize about songs and who they're about, and connect it to taylor's life and imagine what she wrote about is at odds with what i hear in the lyrics about creeps who want the best for me and etc
there are some songs im better at just vibing with and some songs that i just actively have to force myself not to be like "oh thats about x person and so they did this and she did this and..."
I'm trying, and if anyone has suggestions or things that work for them please send them to me, im new to this and to online fandoms in general. i feel so shitty but then there's part of me that still doesn't see harm in thinking "x song is about taylor and x person, so using what you know about them both lets picture this in your mind" and "oh [symbol 1] that must mean it's about [person 1], but wait now there's also [symbol 2] so it's about [person 1 and person 2] but wait does that mean person 2 could also be related to symbol 1?" all the while all of these people are real actual people.
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ziraconarose · 2 years
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The Long Halloween was my favorite take on Big Bad Harve I’ve ever seen.  Something I cannot quite express or get over, that the character is introduced speaking to his host, with the line, “Idiots. They think you did it,” and his last line in the entire film is, “Gilda.”
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razzle-zazzle · 1 year
Do you think that Donatella has any hobbies?
This is completely out of nowhere, but consider: painting. When she's able, she buys herself a few small canvasses and sees how far she can stretch her watercolors doing little plein air paintings. Augustus treasures each and every one of them, even if Donatella herself wishes she were better at it.
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