#draco malfoy redemption arc
batwingsrosa · 6 months
Snape and what a victim is supposed to look like.
Or: The reason you all hate him so much while making up excuses for other characters!
Would he still be so despised by the fandom, if he had been portrayed as weaker? As more emotional?
No, i don’t think so.
Others have said this before and i have to agree with what they said:
Y‘all are angry, because he is not the perfect victim.
He is not what you would expect a victim of abuse and bullying to look like.
He is confident.
He is strong.
He is sharp.
And he is bitter.
He is so, so bitter.
he harbours resentment.
He does not forgive those who wronged him.
When that is exactly what you would expect from a victim, is it not??
A victim is supposed to look weak and behave weak and to suck it up.
And to forgive.
When you tell people they have to forgive their tormentors, do you really tell them that so that they can heal?
Or…. so you don‘t have to deal with the mess?
Maybe, so you don‘t have to adjust your world view?
People are not obligated to forgive their tormentors.
It doesn‘t matter if they have changed.
What matters is how they made the victim feel.
And if the victim feels if they can forgive them.
And if they chose not to forgive, they turn in something else in your eyes.
They turn into the hater, the bully, the bad guy.
Bacause the victim is supposed to forgive and forget and let it go and not be bitter about it.
A victim is supposed to turn into a good person.
To learn from their experiences to be kinder to others.
To not treat others like they have been treated.
They are not supposed to not be able to let it go.
And if they are not able to do that, well then there‘s something wrong with them.
If a victim doesn‘t turn out the way they wanted them too, well - then they had it coming from the beginning and they probaly deserved what happened to them because they would have turned out bad either way!
Snape is the opposite of what a victim is supposed to be like.
Severus turned into a resentful and bitter adult.
He was never able to move on and heal from his trauma.
And at the same time, he knows who he is and what and doesn‘t make up excuses for his behaviour and instead just accepts himself the way he is.
And that is what makes you so fucking mad.
He turns into an asshole and is not sorry about it.
He is openly resentful and at times hateful.
And he is not fucking sorry about it.
And it makes all of you mad because that is not what is supposed to happen.
And let‘s not lie to yourselves- if he didn‘t have greasy hair and a hooked nose- you would look at him from an entirely different angle.
Like you do with Tom Riddle, or Regulus Black or Draco Malfoy.
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rewritingcanon · 6 months
What would you say are your more controversial opinions about the hp characters?
ohhhh okayyy. i feel like my opinions on a lot of the characters aren’t controversial because i dont feel super strongly towards anyone in any negative light but here are some i could think of at the top of my head:
i’m glad the malfoys faced more extreme backlash after the second wizarding war. a lot of people in the fandom seem to be very sympathetic towards draco and scorpius for getting dogpiled with the brunt of it (which yeah, it sucks, especially for scorpius) but the prejudice makes complete make sense to me. if i was someone who didn’t know scorpius’ character, and had someone from my family get killed in the second war due to death eaters or something— seeing the malfoys still be wealthy and walk around freely without any jailtime, i would be bitter too. they’re hated on but they’re still one of the richest families ever, so they’ll live LOL
another anon has asked about this and i haven’t responded to them yet but when i do i will link it here for my reasons. basically: the best character in the cursed child is harry potter. i think the way they wrote his character and ptsd carried the play. it was def his story, not albus’.
i do think dumbledore has some aspects of him that may be considered morally gray, but mostly i dont think he is. he does everything for the good of the world, and his complete selflessness leads him to sacrifice anything for it— even himself and the people he loves, when necessary. i completely understand why people wouldn’t agree with his methods though.
james potter isn’t a sunshine character he’s a dickhead. fans of him made him a golden retriever character to be more palatable for modern times. i like him the way he is: an asshole and then less of an asshole 👍 this is what true stanning looks like
pansy parkinson is racist and out of all the female side characters, developing HER is so questionable from fandom
harry had questionable descriptions about a lot of male characters to make people think he could be a little 🏳️‍🌈 there was bill, there was sirius, there was cedric. but draco is not a part of that list. harry was not feeling draco whatsoever throughout the series but drarry shippers cling to that one ‘obsessed’ line
furthermore, harry rejecting draco’s offer of friendship wasn’t a sad or a ‘what if’ scene. draco was being a classist piece of shit and harry didnt want to fuck with that, there isnt any way in any timeline he wouldve accepted draco’s friendship.
slytherin sucks just generally lol. people want so bad to pluck anti-heroes out of a series that was written specifically with the mind to make all the characters suck.
hermione and ron’s drama isn’t as toxic as people make it out to be. yes, this includes the time hermione sent birds after him. people act like its the end of the world but she was tackling puberty and the end of society soooo i give her a pass to tweak out.
mostly every harry potter character has horrific names. like literally mostly everyone. even the name harry potter 🙁
movie romione wasn’t that bad LOL
severus snape’s ‘redemption’ or whatever was so ass. he bullies kids for five years and then everything is chill because… true love? on harry’s mum? are you kidding me 💀
weasley family angst goes hard but people (especially percy stans and some ron&ginny stans) acting like they’re the most toxic family to walk the earth make me want to rip my hair out and eat it. molly loves her kids guys shes not evil. jesus.
genuinely trying to think of more but i can’t right now…. maybe i will reblog and add to it. i feel like most of my opinions aren’t that controversial though 😭
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iamnmbr3 · 8 months
the exchange with Draco at the Quidditch Cup while the Death Eaters are marauding around is so fascinating. On the one hand Draco's being rather horrible.
but on the other hand if you take out the insults and look at what he actually says he does warn them quite strongly several times that they need to get Hermione out of harm's way. he even specifically notes that the Death Eaters will head towards them and that Hermione is in particular danger since they will know her blood status (of course because Lucius is among them and will recognize her).
I don’t think Draco would admit even to himself that he's doing more than gloating but already I think a part of him is a bit conflicted and while the idea of what the Death Eaters stand for seems exciting to him (and is something he's been taught to support), the reality of seeing them actually attack someone he knows makes him uncomfortable.
he's probably grown up around very dehumanizing attitudes about Muggles but Hermione is someone he knows and deep down I think he realizes that she is most definitely a person and while taunting her is one thing, actually seeing harm come to her or to Ron and Harry (who would certainly try to help if she were attacked) doesn't appeal to him the way he's been taught it should.
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mooonbae · 15 days
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{ 𝔇𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔬 𝔐𝔞𝔩𝔣𝔬𝔶 }
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jomiddlemarch · 8 months
Declare the past, diagnose the present, foretell the future
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Taking in-house on-call at St. Mungo’s on Imbolc wasn’t the absolute worst, as far as Hermione was concerned. It wasn’t a major holiday and the Scottish weather, an unfathomably vile mix of sleet and snow accompanied by icy gales that defied any warming charm, lent itself to staying in. As her social life was not exactly riotous post-break-up with Ron, however amicably resigned and rueful they’d both been about it, staying in at St. Mungo’s, with its endless supply of ginger biscuits and at least one interesting patient per ward, was tolerable. Acceptable.
It could have been, anyway.
“You like being on-call, Granger?” 
That was Draco Malfoy, her fellow senior registrar, academic rival, and star of far too many risqué dreams she continued to blame on eating cheese late at night. He’d grown significantly after the final battle, which she refused to capitalize when she thought of it, just as she refused to refer to Voldemort as anything other than Tom Riddle. Draco, no longer beholden to a genocidal sorcerer who had far too close a relationship with his voracious familiar and thus no longer suffering from an untreated ulcer along as well as the fear of watching his mother being tortured in her own sitting room, had put on a good 2-plus stone of muscle along with several more inches and somehow managed to make the lime-green robes St. Mungo’s insisted on look like something that would get an approving nod during Fashion Week in Milan. It should be a fourth Unforgivable that someone so silvery blond didn’t look anemic, bilious, or curdled in the next hue over from chartreuse. He looked edible. 
Hermione looked like a generous dollop of the Seafoam Salad her American Cousin Luella brought to every summer tea-party Hermione’s mother had ever thrown, despite being told she was such a dear but she needn’t. Hermione tried to take comfort in the many extendable pockets she’d been able to spell into her robe’s inner lining, but nothing could fully offset the color. 
At the moment, Draco had opened his robes and put his feet up on the coffee-table in the staff break-room, his collar unbuttoned, his tie loosened. He’d stopped using whatever charm or enchanted pomade he’d relied on when they were at Hogwarts and his hair looked silky, a lock threatening to fall across his forehead. If they were called to an emergency, he’d probably cast a wandless Reparo vestis and immediately look the part of a Pureblood senior registrar, but in the meantime, he was…louche. Unconscionably, unbearably erotic.
Hermione thought back to the tea she’d hurried through before heading to Dangerous Dai at a brisk clip. She’d had nary a bite of Brie. Or Cheddar. 
She had no plausible deniability.
Still, he was helping a bit with the judgy curl to his lips and that gleam in his grey eyes which was somewhere between curious and condescending. She’d lean into the condescending part.
“I don’t mind it. It’s part of the work, being a Healer. If you have a true vocation, you don’t resent being on-call,” she said.
She sounded like an impossible prig even to herself but needs must.
“Bollocks,” he retorted, but not meanly. “Don’t you miss your cat?”
“Crookshanks is part-Kneazle,” she said.
“Fine, your part-Kneazle,” Draco said. “Wouldn’t you rather be home with him, doing whatever it is you do away from here?”
“Are you fishing for details or trying to mock me? You’ll have to decide,” Hermione said.
“I’m trying to say it’s just the two of us here, you don’t have to pretend you love being stuck at St. Mungo’s overnight,” Draco said. 
It occurred to Hermione that if she suffered a cardiac event in the next three seconds, Draco would be the one to resuscitate her and that no one ever looked their best post-resuscitation, even when magic was the primary intervention. Vanity, that’s what would keep her from having a heart attack.
Just the two of us.
For Sweet Circe’s fucking sweet sake.
Draco gave her a searching look because the pause had lengthened notably. Anyone else would have said something like Earth to Hermione, except they’d have to be Muggleborn to say that, because Wizards still didn’t grasp that Muggles had been to the Moon and sent rovers to Mars. They didn’t grasp a dog had been sent into space.
“It’s all right. I don’t actually mind it all that much myself, if I’m being honest. And before you feel compelled to point it out, yes, I am Slytherin but I am capable of candor, especially when it suits my needs,” he said.
“It suits you to be honest with me?” she said.
“We’re a team, aren’t we?” he said and she nodded before she could stop herself and ask what exactly he meant, she’d happily taken four feet of parchment on the topic. “Lying, keeping things from each other, it won’t help us. I know you don’t trust me—”
“I—” she interrupted, breaking off when she realized she wasn’t sure she wanted to say she did trust him or that she wanted to, very badly.
“I know we agreed to a fresh slate when we started training here and I also know if was too much to ask of you,” he said. 
“I don’t understand,” she said.
“Yes, I was under duress. Yes, I was seventeen. Yes, we’re all allowed to make mistakes. But I still have a brand on my arm from a group that wanted you dead and defiled and the best I did on your behalf was to pretend I didn’t know you for a few minutes,” he said. 
“What else could you have done?” Hermione said, shrugging. 
“I could have risked my life. I could have died,” he said. “Potter did, when he saved me from Fiendfyre—”
“I’m not nearly as nice as Harry,” Hermione said.
Draco laughed, rubbed the bridge of his nose.
“You’re a better person than I am and you don’t have to argue with me about it. Some things are simply true. I’d like you to trust me, that’s what I’m saying, albeit terribly clumsily,” he replied.
“Albeit?” she repeated. Using humor to deflect was a time-honored tradition and she didn’t know what to do with her sizable attraction when it was suddenly not only about his broad shoulders and narrow hips, the feline grace of his gait, the North Sea of his eyes and his impossibly deft hands (Nimue help her, Draco’s hands…) but also his mind, his insight. She’d known he was clever, her equal in most fields, slightly ahead of her in Charms (though behind in Arithmancy) but she hadn’t appreciated how thoughtful he was or had become. How he could be gentle. 
“I use overly formal language when I feel out of my depth,” he said. Admitted. 
“You were totally at ease then, when Crispin Fillament was hemorrhaging? All I heard was good old Anglo-Saxon obscenities from you while you were trying to shove the blood back into his aorta,” Hermione said, grinning.
“That bugger. He wasn’t helping at all, and I don’t mean his choice to sing operettas,” Draco said. “It was like his blood didn’t even want back in. It felt oddly sentient—”
“Operetta can be polarizing,” Hermione said. They were having an absolutely insane conversation, Thickey Ward caliber, and she was more relaxed than she’d ever been around him while also being turned on. Draco’s expression shifted from entertained to speculative. Assessing. She resisted the impulse to touch her hair or fiddle with the collar of her robes, glad she’d kept her shoes on, regretting her laundry day choice of striped tights.
“We’ve worked together for nearly seven years and you still don’t trust me,” he said. 
“I don’t suspect you of, well, anything in particular,” she replied. It seemed a weak response, even to her. It might not even be fair, but she couldn’t necessarily feel her way into being fair to him. Even if there were times when she wanted to.
“I know. It’s good of you,” he said. “It just, it’s not enough.”
“It’s not enough? You dare to demand I—”
“I’m not demanding anything, Hermione,” he interrupted. “I don’t expect more. I don’t deserve more. I only want more.”
“You want more,” she repeated. She sounded somewhere between incredulous and stupid. As he’d spent a significant amount of his youth the Crabbe and Goyle, the stupidity shouldn’t bother him as it did her.
“I believe Weasley liked to refer to me as a greedy git. I don’t pretend to have entirely outgrown that,” he said.
“That was because you hogged the pudding,” Hermione said.
“Well, I’ve outgrown that. Though I do still like sweet things,” he said. He tilted his head to one side and should have resembled an owl but of course, he didn’t. If anything, he looked like a fallen angel, though he probably wouldn’t have recognized Lucifer if she’d mentioned the name. The Bible was given short-shrift in the Muggle culture studies required at St. Mungo’s where they ran more to Pasteur, Salk and gene-sequencing. “If I want more, I must give more.”
“Is this some sort of rudimentary physics equation?” Hermione said. “You do know Newton covered this area already.”
“I mean, if I want you to trust me, I need to give you more reason. I need to share more, so you feel I’ve earned it. That it’s, I’m worth it,” he said, nodding as he spoke. Hermione felt herself flush and wanted to argue but she couldn’t think of anything compelling to refute his assertion.
“Shall I tell you why I became a Healer?” Draco said.
“If you like,” Hermione replied diffidently, as if she hadn’t wondered nearly every time she saw him and had frankly obsessed over it for the first six months of their training. Obsessed as in Ginny staged an intervention with Padma and Susan and Gabrielle on the Floo, with Luna playing mother over the teapot joining in the chorus that maybe Hermione needed to let it go or go ahead and jump Draco’s bones. She had been so far gone Luna Lovegood had told her she needed to get some perspective (which she suggested would be helped along with a tincture of canawaddle blossom and raging iron jaguar tears. Hermione had just taken the full glass of Shiraz Padma offered and nodded.)
“Because of my parents,” he said. It had been his idea to discuss his reasons but he seemed uncertain how he’d explain or uneasy about her response.
“It was their idea?” Hermione hazarded a guess. It wasn’t a good guess and she’d be shocked if she were right but it was within the realm of possibility in a world where there were both cellphones and wands threaded with a phoenix’s fiery tail-feather.
“Fuck no,” he said, almost choking on a laugh. A bitter one.
“It might’ve been,” she retorted. 
“Only you would believe that possible and before you get horribly offended and flounce off, I mean only you could believe them capable of such humanity. That they would care about other people, that they would care that I did something worthwhile with my time,” he said. He made a calming gesture with his hand, the one he wore a signet ring on. It wasn’t the Malfoy signet though. “You also forget they are the most terrible snobs and think any kind of work is beneath a Malfoy or the bloody scion of the Most Noble House of Black. My mother thinks I’m overly sentimental and my father thinks the whole thing is crass and degrading.”
“I don’t flounce,” Hermione said because what he’d said was a lot to unpack and she couldn’t risk him thinking flouncing was within her repertoire.
“I stand corrected,” he said.
“Why did you become a Healer? How were your parents involved?” she asked. 
“They ruined so many lives. My father, I’ve never asked, I’ve never wanted to know, but I think he’s a murderer and my mother went along with it all. Whatever she told herself about how she had to put me first, it was all an excuse,” he said, holding her gaze the whole time. “Other families left Britain. Other families refused to take a side. Millie’s parents sent her younger brothers to Ilvermorny. Zabini’s mother cast some spell on Blaise that kept Voldemort from touching him, something Darker than Dark, she called in favors all over Europe and West Africa. My parents ruined my life. This is the best way I could think of to make something of it all.”
“That’s, I don’t even know what to say, Draco,” Hermione replied.
“You don’t have to have something to say. It’s just how it is,” he said.
“Is it enough? Atonement?” Hermione asked.
“Mostly. And I like the craft. Snape played favorites and he gave me extra lessons, tradework secrets. The man was frankly a bloody genius. Sectumsempra was his juvenilia. I’m good at Potions and I was taught by one of the best Potions Masters in the past three hundred years,” Draco said.
“It’s nice to hear you admit it,” Hermione said. 
“The special treatment or Snape’s brilliance?”
“Yes,” Hermione said, making Draco smile.
“I wished I could have saved him,” Draco said. “Though I don’t know what surviving would have meant for him. He was broken.”
“He wanted us to let him go. After he gave Harry the memory, he didn’t want to have to live anymore. I tried to stay. Harry and Ron didn’t see his eyes, but he looked at me and I knew it,” Hermione said.
“He doesn’t haunt me. In case you’re wondering,” Draco said. “His portrait often has a choice remark for me, but that’s all.”
“I became a Healer because of my parents too,” Hermione said.
“When it was getting close, that last year, you know, none of the adults made any plans to keep my parents safe. They told me not to worry mostly. All Dumbledore cared about was Harry and the Elder wand. Tonks, she was your cousin, she was the only one who said I should look out for my own people,” Hermione said. Tonks’s hair had been a rich chestnut streaked with white when she’d said it, her eyes the glittering green Hermione had always wished to see in the mirror, and she hadn’t minced words. She’d been as serious as Hermione had ever seen her, serious as death, and then it wasn’t spoken of again. Hermione had hoped there would be a time to tell Tonks, to thank her. “I Obliviated my parents and relocated them to Australia, I gave them new identities. I erased myself from their minds. Entirely.”
“What?” To his credit, Draco looked 90% stunned and 10% impressed. Harry had looked 100% horrified and Ron had physically recoiled when she told them. 
“I did some research, figured out how to Obliviate them in the way that would keep them safest,” she said. “Voldemort wasn’t going to care about two random Muggles named Wilkins in bloody Melbourne. Other than you, your father and Snape, none of the Death-eaters were smart enough to figure it out and it turned out Snape was a double-agent, so my odds were even better than I’d counted on.”
“That’s advanced charmwork,” Draco said. “That kind of Obliviation.”
“I had to use Arithmancy too. And runes,” Hermione said. “It had to work. I couldn’t ruin their lives. I couldn’t be the reason they were killed.”
“It worked,” he said. “You saved them.”
“Yes. But it was harder to reverse than I’d hoped,” she said. She said hoped but she meant thought, planned, expected. She’d been wrong. “And when they remembered, they remembered I never asked their permission.”
“You didn’t?”
“They’d never have agreed. I cast the spell behind their backs. An assassination, my mother called it,” she said. She hadn’t told them about being tortured; they couldn’t understand Cruciatus the way anyone magical would and she didn’t want them to ask why she hadn’t confided more in them. Didn’t want them to feel guilty or worse, to accuse her of trying to make them feel guilty to justify her actions.
“You saved their lives,” Draco repeated. 
“That’s what I tell myself,” she replied.
“Do you plan to specialize in memory curses? Because of your parents?” he asked.
“No. It’s not that. I became a Healer because they can understand it. They are dentists, Muggle Healer for teeth, and I was able to preserve all of that when I Obliviated them. They would have said, once, I should take up whatever career I felt called to, but they value healing. It’s something we can talk about. Without much…rancor. They see what we do as another science, this training similar enough, the way the American medical system is similar to the British one,” she said.
“Do you even want to be a Healer?” Draco said.
“It’s fine. Maybe I would have ended up here anyway. You have to master a lot of different magical disciplines and there’s some research to be done. There’s always other people around and you can get a decent cuppa in the canteen,” she said, shrugging. “The robes don’t suit me, but that’s a small price to pay.”
“You wanted something else though,” he said. “You don’t have to lie to me. I won’t try to convince you to leave St. Mungo’s.”
“There’s a course on ancient magics in Alexandria. And the Wizarding Library there, they do archival work and Anatomia liborum,” she said. “I read about it when I was researching the Horcruxes. It sounded intriguing.”
“What else?” he prompted.
“In Japan, at Mahoutokoro, there a witch studying arithmancy and algorithm engineering. That’s a Muggle science, it has to do with computers and programming, which you probably have no idea about, but it’s cutting edge work,” Hermione said.
“Instead you’re here,” he said.
“It’s not so bad,” Hermione said. It was easy to say, because she’d said it to herself about a thousand times. “I’m learning a lot and it’s important, to be able to heal people, and sometimes what’s wrong with them seems impossible, but in an absurdly funny way. My parents like it, when I tell them about work, even if I have to tone it down so they believe me.”
“Doesn’t seem like enough. Not for you,” he said.
“You’re here,” she replied, before she thought better of it.
For a moment, Draco was so still she wondered if she’d cast a wandless Petrificus totalis without consciously registering it.
“It’s not what you think,” she said.
“What do I think, Hermione?” he asked. He didn’t sound sly or arch, not remotely mocking, though he could have and she wouldn’t have been able to blame him. He sounded serious, as if she was the final arbiter of his fate, the Chief Witch of the Wizengamot pronouncing his sentence.
“It wasn’t a grand declaration,” she said.
“I didn’t think ‘you’re here’ was a grand declaration,” he replied. He’d relaxed a bit. Bully for him. Hermione felt like she might spontaneously combust, which coupled with the lime-green robes, was certain to be unattractive.
“You’re clever and well-read and you don’t cave when I argue with you but you don’t try to squash me either,” she said. “You think of things quite differently than I do, but in a good way. You’re my peer, intellectually.”
“I’m your peer, intellectually. That’s what you meant,” he said.
“You spent your formative years with Crabbe and Goyle. It’s not nothing,” she retorted.
“I played chess with Blaise Zabini for seven years. Theo Nott taught me Sanskrit and Pazu Veda in his spare time,” he replied. It felt like an obscure jab at Harry and Ron, neither of whom would claim to be excellent student, but who each had their strengths. They were, perhaps, not ones that lent themselves to spirited discussions, especially since Hermione had an admittedly limited grasp of chess and no real motivation to learn it. She wouldn’t risk the conversation devolving into a cranky argument, relitigating their school-days.
“Theo Nott was fluent in Pazu Veda?” 
“They don’t teach necromancy at Hogwarts, so I can’t vouch for his fluency, but he could read it and translate,” Draco said. He crossed his legs at the ankle, a gesture of pure insouciance. His grey eyes studied her and she lifted her chin. “You’re stalling.”
“I’m not,” she said. For possibly the first time she could remember, she wished to be paged to the receiving area to attend to a disgustingly feculent and smoking heap of Wizard burping up turds, suffering from an unknown but obviously not life-threatening curse or potion. 
“If you don’t want to talk about it anymore, we won’t. I wanted you to trust me and that won’t happen if you feel like I’m grilling you or prying. I’ll try to keep doing whatever it is that makes me being here make St. Mungo’s worth it to you,” he said.
He was a Slytherin but he’d spoken as directly as an Gryffindor, as thoughtfully as any Ravenclaw, as kindly as any Hufflepuff.
“I like you,” she said. 
She was not going to mention lust, her own for his face, his shoulders and his hands, the nape of his neck, the line of his thigh when he crouched down to talk to some patient on the Thickey Ward who thought they were a mole. His lips when he smiled. His eyes when he had a new idea that she was going to hate at first. She was courageous, not foolhardy.
“I like you too. Very much,” he said. “Exceedingly. I don’t want you to worry, having said it first, that your feelings are unrequited. They are very, very requited. Maximally requited.”
“I only said I like you,” she replied.
“I know. You don’t make grand declarations. I do. When they are called for,” he said.
“And it’s called for now?”
“We’ve worked together for seven years. We’ve known each other since we were eleven. You just admitted you like me. I’m not risking waiting another decade for you to understand how I feel about you,” he said. “Wizards have long lives but I’d hate to have this conversation with a white beard down to my navel.”
“You will never have a white beard down to your navel. You’d never do something so cliché,” Hermione said.
“You’re probably right. But I still prefer telling you tonight,” he said. “It means that when I ask you if you’d like a cup of tea and a biscuit in the canteen, you’ll know I don’t just mean a cup of tea and a biscuit.”
“But we’d still have those, right?” Hermione said. “Because I skipped lunch today.”
“I will buy you every biscuit in the canteen,” he said. “And breakfast tomorrow morning. Somewhere where you can get a decent omelet.”
“So, someplace Muggle,” Hermione said. 
“Most assuredly so. At least until we both have a weekend off,” he said.
“Then what?”
“Then I take you to Paris.”
Five hexes, three Dark-adjacent curses, nine (nine!) misbrewed Potions causing inflammation, exudation, and one case of rapid-fire recitation in Norn, an unlicensed researcher’s run-in with a surly matagot, and a family suffering from mazy measles, meant that no biscuits, chocolate, ginger or lemon, were consumed and the tea in the canteen’s urn remained untasted by either of them.
They did, however, make quick work of a passable cheese omelet at a very nice café once they’d given sign-out to the day’s team.
And Draco Side-alonged her home, giving her a kiss on the cheek at the door.
Hermione kissed him back. Not on the cheek. 
She wasn’t about to wait for Paris for a French kiss, not when they had so little say over the on-call schedule.
Not when he looked at her with those sleepy grey eyes.
Not when he murmured her name against her lips.
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bunnysunshine8 · 20 days
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• “Yeah,” Harry strokes Sahara’s head reassuringly. The Slytherin ring is feeding her his nervous magic now, little sparks catching on her scales. Theo looks at him steadily.
• “You know it’s not less disconcerning when you do that, that whole sparkly fingers thing.” Theo lifts a single eyebrow. “What have I done to anger our pet?”
• “She’s our pet now?” Harry grins in spite of himself.
• “Yes. We have a timeshare.”
• “Do we?”
• “Potter.”
• “Nott.”
(The Heir to the House of Prince)
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pickinglilahs · 1 year
Okay. But. Hear me out
Harry finding Draco in the bathroom crying and raising his hands instead of his wand
Draco, seeing he wasn't about to be attacked and collapsing to the floor to continue sobbing
Harry, hands still raised, approaching as if Draco was a wild animal he didn't want to spook
Harry getting on his knees and holding his hand out to the crying boy
Draco, going to shove his hand away, but over extending, overbalancing, and grabbing onto it instead
Harry jerking him forward
Draco landing against his chest
Harry wrapping him in his arms, murmuring comfort into Draco's ear
Draco, intending to push Harry away, but unable to do anything but clinging to him
Harry, not knowing what's wrong, but promising to get him out
Out of that house, out of whatever he was being forced to do, out of the war unscathed
Draco, frustrated, pulling back and confessing his orders to kill Dumbledore
Harry, knowing Draco wouldn't be this upset if he really wanted to do it, promising again to get him out
Draco lamenting that he couldn't leave his mother
Harry promising to get her out too, fake both their deaths, hide them away
Draco's tears turning to relief and hope
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bookrantsandsundry · 9 months
P. S. We all know Draco is a smart lad. Hermione was the only one in their year who performed better than him academically.
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burstbubbbles · 2 years
forever sad that jk r*wling never gave draco malfoy a proper redemption arc. just think of the possibilities, particularly in the fifth book onwards, when shit with voldy starts turning serious.
give me a malfoy who begrudgingly helps DA sneak past umbridge, purely out of spite for his father. a malfoy who can't seem to stay out of the dark but tries, and tries, and tries and is seen. especially by harry. give me a sixth hp book where harry is spying on malfoy; but not because he thinks he's an evil death eater. because harry's concerned that malfoy doesn't seem like the same guy he was before the summer. make harry saving him from the fire in the room of requirement meaningful.
make it meaningful.
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styxte3th · 3 months
At this very moment, Draco was sweating profusely, eyes fixated on an astonishingly pale part of his inner thigh. The room darkened with the incoming spell of autumn, casting liquid shadows along the walls. And yet his blonde hair, lighter than ever, illuminated his figure. It must have drawn the moonlight outside to his strange movements because an old man standing near the bus stop across the cottage gardens crooked his head to catch a glimpse. What an insatiable boy! Rubbing one out at supper time! The old man shook his head and disappeared into the headlights of the oncoming bus. If only, Draco thought. He stopped for a minute and watched as the blood dripped down his leg, pinching the used blade with his fingers. Amid the gloam of the room, it ran dark and warm, dribbling onto the wooden floor. He tried to resume but the adrenaline of the act had passed by the time the bus puttered away.  This particular name was an old one, and though he could not remember the student’s face any longer, he felt the way she looked at him with her last passing breath. One of the last faces he saw as he crossed the Hogwarts quad over to his parents that fateful day. Draco pulled down his sweater over his thigh as if to conceal the unnatural topography of his body from an all-seeing eye. The cuts weren’t always names. Cage, snake, fool, coward. Each word held a history behind it, a memory he didn't want to forget. Or allow himself to forget. Underneath his clothes, a collection of raised scars ran along his thighs, arms, shoulders—wherever his blade would reach. He preferred the muggle way, instead of by a wand or magical pen. This way the pain never really healed. You’re no Potter, he thought sardonically. His scars wouldn’t serve a greater purpose, or fulfill a magical prophecy, but they were history nevertheless. Besides, muggle instruments had a way of touching a place magic could not reach. And Draco would never let himself forget.  Today’s events flashed continuously in his mind—Granger. He kept muddling over their conversation; what else could he have said? How could it have gone better? Her face, tinged with an expression of disgust, confirmed his ugliness. He imagined himself speaking to her from the depths of his soul to hers, the words floating over the skies of St Andrews to wherever she was, promising her he’d memorialize that very look in the cells of his body.   Afterward, he felt tired. He took to the couch and drank a glass of orange juice to help fight off a fainting spell. When he felt the weight of his legs return, he slipped into a lukewarm bath, the lights still off, and pretended he was somewhere outside of his body—let the water find the dried blood and turn his dreams into nightmares.  He would welcome one of the especially horrible ones tonight, particularly after having seen her. Who else could say they once bullied a hero of Hogwarts? His fingers dropped to his right leg, and even in the dark he knew what was written there, specifically for her—the word that when uttered years ago had made her bright face collapse into one of pain, and simultaneously sliced off another part of his humanity: Mudblood.
TW: Self-harm
New Chapter posted! Read on: https://archiveofourown.org/works/53187868/chapters/134585836
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batwingsrosa · 6 months
There are characters in this franchise who did not let themselves be bit by a three headed dog to protect a stone or ran through the castle in their nightshirt upon hearing someone scream.
Or agreed to spy on the most dangerous person on earth withoutht gaining anything.
With the prospect of being tortured and killed if they were ever found out.
Who risked being exposed by trying to save Lupins life at the battle of the seven Potters- eventhough they hated that man.
Who ignored forbidden activities their students did so they would not be punished by the deatheaters(,the carrows).
Or who lept out of a window so they wouldn‘t have to hurt his colleagues.
And still Severus remains the most hated.
To quote another post i can‘t find anymore:
„These are not the actions of someone who does not care.“
His actions show, that he cared deeply for the safety of his students and colleagues.
And still he is treated worse that Bellatrix or Barty or Regulus or Draco or Lucius.
When he was the most caring and devoted and human all of all of them.
Make it make sense.
Actions speak louder than words.
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tired-smartass · 6 months
Right so is attraction real?
Like actually real? Cause I was talking with a friend and she said that Draco malfoy should have had a redemption arc. I was like I know right, he was also a kid not a good kid but yeah bigotry is learned and whatever is learned can be unlearned. She was like oh yeah that too but he's hot. Like what?
Is this a joke? Am I not in on this?
Yeah that's all I got.
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darkcrowprincess · 1 year
Harry Potter confession:
There are two wolves inside me. The wolf that loves the drarry ship
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and the wolf that loves the Harmony ship
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One thing I can agree on with both ships. I hate Ron Weasley and Ginny Weasleys characters. Harry and Hermione both deserve better, and Draco deserves a proper redemption arc. Also Neville should have been Harry's best friend not Ron.
(Don't like don't read. Post hate and I'll block you)
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fandomnatic · 2 years
god Draco would have been SUCH a good redemption arc
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enbysiriusblack · 2 years
just realised i have a habit of headcanoning characters leaving the wizarding world and magic behind them...
mary macdonald, lydia pettigrew, draco malfoy, remus lupin, andromeda tonks, etc.
#why is that a pattern of mine?? its a strange pattern to have but i have no clue why the idea is just so appealing#mary macdonald leaving due to the war and not wanting to be involved she fully leaves magic behind until she has dean thomas#so she comes back for his benefit only to take him to get school supplies and the train and make sure he's not too overwhelmed with magic#lydia pettigrew getting pregnant during her time at hogwarts and dropping out since she wasn't having a good time anyway#she misses having a muggle life and although not fully leaving the wizarding world and coming back for peters sake but again not that much#draco malfoy leaving after the war is over and his family is ruined. he leaves everything behind and starts going to uni#only remaining in contact with his mother from the wizarding world. (ive got a whole thing about this by the way.#i dont like draco but i like gay ppl and redemption arcs so gave him t (he's gay with his uni flatmate not harry if thats what you thought#remus lupin briefly leaving after halloween 81. he sorta just stops going to the wizarding world or using magic and doesn't even realise#andromedas is also briefly just after getting disowned. starting her new life with ted both of them living in the muggle world#but she is still in contact with sirius and just doesn't feel safe going to places in the wizarding world at first#but after a while she regains confidence to do and starts rejoining that world (while still primarily living in the muggle world)#marauders era#marauders#harry potter#wizarding world
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meggowaffle · 1 year
Ch10 of LSSC up now! https://archiveofourown.org/works/45347809
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