#earth x air
julieemarine · 10 months
Whenever it comes to opposites attract love stories that involve elements, it’s always fire x water, but never earth x air.
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v-ternus · 11 days
big boys ruining aurora. aether in her cunt and mountain in her ass. they’re buried so deep she feels like she can’t breathe. dont think of how fucking stretched her holes are once they’re done with her.
cuck swiss having to lick their loads out of her pussy.
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cameoutstruggling93 · 9 months
Pixar literally broke my heart and taped it back together again with Elemental. Amazing. Emotional. Beautiful. 12/10.
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hanadoesstuffwrong · 3 months
Thinking abt the air nomads:
What if, after the war, once the dust has settled a little, Aang goes back to travelling, hoping that maybe he can find at least some trace of surviving airbenders. As an added bonus, he gets to do more of the exploring and wandering that he had to put on hold.
Toph goes with him ofc. She only just got a taste of real freedom and it was overshadowed by ever-present impending doom. While she's on speaking terms with her parents, she isnt quite ready to be back under their roof on a permanent basis. The rest of the gaang have their individual homes and responsibilities that they get back to, though they join for the odd field trip or adventure when they can.
So anyway, they're touring all over the world and over the years they notice just how displaced so many people have become. EK citizens who barely escaped the blaze but lost everything; FN military now decommissioned with no idea how to carry on; people looking for a new start in the hard-won peace. Maybe it starts with Toph heading back to Earth Rumble, where a group of young runaways scrounge for cheap fights to make a little money.
At each turn they find more and more people with no homes to return to and no family to protect them; runaways escaping the roles the war forced them into. Gradually, Aang and Toph start to see that they aren't so different from themselves. They just want a new start.
So they decide to give them one. They clean up the temples and set up villages in the surrounding areas (helps to be master earthbenders), where people can arrive and stay as long as they need. Travellers and refugees pass through in droves, sometimes choosing to stay and rebuild their lives there, sometimes continuing in their wandering with a guarantee that they'll always have a place to return to should they have the need.
Over time, the lemurs grow in number and even some flying bison calfs (hybrids with a relative species maybe?), can be seen in the skies. Whenever the founders visit, it isn't the same but Aang feels a little more at home.
The first time someone asks Aang to teach him his philosophies, and expresses his desire to become a monk, how can he refuse? Maybe it's a former soldier, somebody who's done terrible things, looking for a path to redemption. So Aang teaches him, and then he teaches others. And though they may not be airbenders, they are as earnest and faithful as any nun or monk Aang knew before. The temples become filled with new faces: Firebenders, Earthbenders, Waterbenders and non-benders all wearing Air nomad orange and yellow.
Aang always feared that it would be his responsibility to have airbender children, and the idea of forcing that on someone he loved terrified him. Maybe that's why he waited so long before acting on his feelings for his best friend, his travelling companion, his fellow-village builder and temple-restorer. How could they have a truly happy relationship with this pressure hanging over them? He wishes he could be content with the new way of things that he and his friends have created. But he knows that he can't be the last airbender forever...
Nobody knows why some children can bend the elements and others can't. Is it blood? Is it blessing? Is it the land in which you're born? Or is it the simple allocation of fates decided by the values and norms you're raised believing in? Is it enough to be surrounded by the culture and beliefs of the Air Nomads? Nobody knows...
All they know is that nobody sees it coming when the six-year-old daughter of two non-bender villagers from the Earth Kingdom and Northern Water Tribe sends herself flying twelve feet into the air with a sneeze.
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Dp x dc prompt
In a fight, skulker accidentally throws Danny through a natural portal, and now Danny is stuck at Pluto, what the hell you bony bastard?! So now he has to fly all the way back to earth and hope the satellites don’t pick him up, but it’s actually Hal Jordan who sees him, and when later telling the justice league about a glowing boy in space who doesn’t need to breath and definitely wasn’t a lantern, zatanna cuts him off to mention the urgent need of addressing the insane amounts of dead following what feels like an insanely powerful god of death that definitely wasn’t in this dimension the day before. Bats is obviously the first one to notice they’re talking about the same person.
Back with Danny, he can’t seem to find his way around the states with how tired that flight made him, so he crashed down onto a farm on accident, while two sweet parents see this glowing boy fall from the sky and decided yeah. Might as well have another.
Clark, meanwhile, has no clue that the god of death sending the league into chaos is the same kid his parents have been wanting him to meet back at the farm.
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soracities · 27 days
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Theodore Roethke, from "All the Earth, All the Air", The Collected Poems of Theodore Roethke [ID'd]
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project-incubus · 1 month
any action cartoon made after 2008 doesn't last... all they know is, be bisexual, get cancelled & fucked over by executives
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astro-tag-9 · 28 days
Mars signs and what sun sign draws them in
Aries mars is drawn to Pisces Suns
Taurus mars is drawn to Cancer Suns
Gemini mars is drawn to Capricorn Suns
Cancer mars is drawn to Libra Suns
Leo mars is drawn to Sagittarius Suns
Virgo mars is drawn to Virgo Suns
Libra mars is drawn to Taurus Suns
Scorpio mars is drawn to Scorpio Suns
Sagittarius mars is drawn to Aries Suns
Capricorn mars is drawn to Leo suns
Aquarius mars is drawn to Aquarius suns
Pisces mars is drawn to Gemini suns
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solar-wing · 2 months
⚣ ATLA/LOK: The Four Nations & Homosexuality ☀️
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I'm planning to write for my favorite characters from the Avatar universe again. Any OGs from my first account know I started posting content about ATLA and LOK, specifically Bolin and Mako, WAAAY before I started posting DC and Marvel content among others.
So I wanted to talk about something I found really interesting about homosexuality within the four nations and their attitudes towards it regarding acceptance and whether they embraced or turned away from it. And since we are soon getting a new Earth Avatar series, we might as well start with the Earth Kingdom.
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First, let's consider the element of the nation itself and what it symbolizes.
Earth is not just the element of strength, but also the element of endurance and rigidity. In simple terms, it's a tough and stubborn element.
Also, Earth is a hybrid element, meaning it can be used in defensive and offensive manners easily.
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Concerning its nation, it can be shown how citizens of the Earth Kingdom would more than likely be very conservative and adverse to any change or diverting from societal standards in the norm.
They're stubborn and stuck in their ways, so they may not react the most positively to displays of affection between same-sex couples. But, it can work in both ways.
As mentioned, Earth-benders and citizens, in general, tend to be very stuck in their beliefs, meaning if one were to have a more liberal position on the matter of social and romantic relationships, they would be just as defensive and stubborn in that belief as someone more conservative and traditional.
This goes back to my saying that Earth itself is a hybrid element. A mix of defensive and offensive tactics. Just as much as people way attempt to push their beliefs onto others, they're just as quick to defend their beliefs and ideals.
I'd also argue region/location within the Earth Kingdom is a major factor. If we're talking places like small villages or cities like Omashu in the animated version, you may be met with pushback and intolerance. But, places like Kyoshi Island where its founder was a lesbian so likely had very liberal beliefs concerning such topics. Also Omashu from the live-action since that version portrays Oma & Shu as a lesbian couple, and even Ba Sing Se since big cities are proven to attract a more liberal-leaning population.
But, interestingly enough, in the comics, it's stated that the Earth Kingdom is the slowest to accept change, and their default is still heterosexuality. Obviously, this comes from the rigidness and stubbornness of the Earth element itself. So even if Ba Sing Se has a more 'liberal' or rather "diverse" crowd, doesn't mean that crowd is automatically open to homosexuality. Ideally, the only known place in the Earth Kingdom where you could experience the most acceptance and grace from others would be Kyoshi Island
In summary, on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the most accepting & embracing of homosexual relationships and 1 being the opposite, I originally was going to give the Earth Kingdom a 5, but remembering how it's stated in the comics that they are the slowest to accept change which checks out, they got bumped down to a 2.
It is a very big nation and thus has the potential to plant different seeds of belief and opinion, however, it's clear in the show how rigid and otherwise, unshakeable denizens of the Earth Kingdom can be. They have their beliefs, and they strongly stick to them.
Even with someone like Avatar Kyoshi who had to go and make a whole separate Island where she and her people could live in peace and prosperity without certain influences affecting them, they still have yet to come around to the idea that other people live with different interests and beliefs, and that there is truly no 'default' for even one person.
Acceptance Rating: 2/10
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Starting with a focus on the element itself again, fire is the element of power, as described by Iroh. It can burn things in its path, but can also give life. In simple terms, it's an element of strong will and desire to expand and consume, literally and metaphorically.
Fire is also mainly an offensive element, with the capability of modifying certain offensive moves into defensive ones.
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Its nation's citizens and benders heavily share these traits with their element. They tend to be willful and proud, and while that doesn't necessarily equal being close-minded, pride can very well lead to stubbornness.
This is evidenced strongly by the political government of the Fire Nation, with its monarchy power having complete and total influence and control over its citizen's lifestyles and choices. If one Fire Lord feels strongly about something and makes it into law, another Fire Lord can come two generations later and reverse and change it.
This is shown in the nation's history, where homosexuality was actually tolerated (I hate using that word) in the Fire Nation for a long time before Fire Daddy, ahem, I mean Fire Lord Sozin's rule. It was during his reign as Fire Lord that Sozin outlawed same-sex relationships and marriages among the Fire Nation and its citizens.
Some speculate it was due to the clear pressure he faced being the sole heir to the throne since his sister was born a non-bender, something that was frowned upon in the royal family. A potential heir to the Fire throne had to be a firebender, with no exceptions. Therefore, Princess Zeisan was allowed more freedom and control in her life than he was, as evidenced by her embracing Air Nomad culture and being confirmed as a lesbian.
It was common knowledge that Sozin and Zeisan had a very antagonistic and tense relationship with each other, despite them being siblings. They were pitted against each other from a young age which caused a rivalry between them. So, it's completely possible to speculate that Sozin implemented the law to spite his sister who fell in love with Sister Rioshon, an Air Nun.
it's also completely possible to theorize that Sozin harbored homosexual tendencies and feelings himself, especially towards his best friend, Roku we all know was the Fire Avatar before Aang. Again, his being a royal prince and next in line for the throne threw a wrench in this since Sozin was expected to marry a woman and produce an heir. So his potential feelings for his best friend could never be explored due to his duties and responsibilities to his nation.
So since Sozin couldn't have what or who he truly wanted, no one could, and thus, same-sex love and marriage were banned. And that didn't change no matter where you went in the nation unlike the Earth Kingdom where you could go from village to village and city to city and the rules would be completely different depending on where you were.
Again, fire is the element of power and will. And if it was the will of the Fire Lord to ban same-sex relationships in the nation entirely, then everyone had to fall in line. Meaning the door was opened for more conservative and traditionalist views to be voiced in opposition to same-sex relationships.
While some may have had differing beliefs and ideals, they more than likely had to keep it to themselves, especially among the nobility. This can lead to harboring feelings of anger and resentment, rather than love and acceptance, causing people to react harshly to any displays of such affection and behavior, just like Sozin.
As I said, fire as an element itself is primarily offensive in nature. Reflecting on its people, and especially its governing body, this is clearly shown by the notion that one person's opinion and belief can be pushed onto everyone around him if he or she so decrees it.
With that, the Fire Nation gets a 3/10 on the scale. Again, in the past, they were at minimum tolerant of it. which is not much if we're being honest. Tolerant actually is kind of insulting. But, after Sozin's rule, that tolerance more than likely dwindled and hasn't improved much following his reign as far as we know.
I'd like to think that Zuko as the Fire Lord, having seen much of the world and all its different dimensions and lifestyles people have lived, he'd at some point in his reign reverse the ruling, but that's a far-fetched hope knowing these writers and creators (no shade...mostly).
Acceptance Rating: 3/10
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Air is the element of freedom. It's flexible and lacks restriction, moving in any direction it desires. And because of its lack of constraint, it becomes easily adaptable in any scenario, whether it's evasion, offense, defense, etc.
However, the element of air is primarily and almost purely used as a defensive and evasive practice among its population, due to its nation as a whole choosing to live as pacifists. But, do not be misled. As mentioned, air as an element can be just as powerful offensively as it is defense-wise.
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Just as their element, the benders of the Air Temples were very open and flexible people. As monks and nomads, they chose to forego many earthly and physical connections, seeking spiritual enlightenment. Because of this, there were never any non-benders in the Air Nomads.
Any child born from an Airbender was an Airbender themselves. Also, due to their style of life and spirituality, they were very adaptive to any situation they were placed in, making them very open to any and all change around them.
While they lived by the teachings of the monks and masters of the Air Nomads, they lived freely and openly, just like their element. The most restriction they had was as children or masters/monks that lived at the temples, males and females were not allowed to live together in the same space.
I'm not sure if this applies to temples as a whole as I've seen conflicting information. Some say the rule applies to temples as a whole, which would mean the Northern and Southern Temples were only inhabited by male Airbenders, and the respecting Eastern and Western temples were inhabited by female Airbenders.
But, I do remember a specific scene from Avatar, during the 2nd season when Appa was lost, and he had a memory of when he was a baby bison, and he and Aang met for the first time. I remember the monk facilitating this was a female Airbender, so that's why I'm not exactly sure what is concrete.
But, it does make sense as in many of Aang's flashbacks to his time at the Southern Air Temple, we mainly only ever saw male Airbenders. Thus, many have speculated that this specific rule would inadvertently encourage exploration and curiosity for these young Airbenders regarding their sexuality as they matured and eventually left the temples as adults and master Airbenders.
Also, on this, no child from the Air Temples was raised by their parents. They were only raised by the monks, enforcing that common belief and practice they all had. While they of course had their own identities, they were all taught the same thing from an early age, if an Adult Airbender met and had a child with someone from a different nation, that child likely being an Airbender would be sent to the Air temples to be raised by the monks.
All that to say, Airbenders would be the exact opposite of conservative. They technically wouldn't even be liberal since, again, they detach themselves from earthly limitations in favor of a higher spirituality.
So, since they don't subscribe to earthly practices or beliefs, they would be the most accepting nation of homosexuality and same-sex relationships. It's not in their nature or belief to judge others either so they wouldn't show any hostility or intolerance to LGBTQ+ people and relationships.
Just like their element, they practice freedom and adaptability to the world around them. And just as air is primarily used in defensive manners, they still will defend their beliefs and practices, they just avoid direct confrontation, preferring evasive maneuvers.
Just a quick note, the Air Nomads are what I like to think of as the example of how this world should have been. I read another column that detailed how the creators of the show ultimately created institutionalized homophobia because they couldn't imagine a world without it, and that's in large part due to the heavy influence of Western, colonial, Christian, and to be quite frank, European imperialism on the show's writing.
It's a fact that's becoming increasingly more well-known. Before European and Christian colonization/imperialism, many cultures and communities were not just accepting of same-sex relationships and LGBTQ+ identities, they embraced it! While there were definitely pedophilic relationships that were wrong and grotesque no matter what time period it was, same-sex relationships were just as normal as opposite-sex ones. There was no "default."
So in simple terms, the Air Nomads accept and embrace everyone, no matter who they are or how they live. As long as they don’t wrong and harm others, and even then, they see everyone as equal and deserving of respect and love. And that's what our society should be based on. Of course, they were killed off in an entire genocide, which, say what you will and think what you think, but the one culture that accepts and loves everyone as they are being killed off...ironic, don't ya think?
Acceptance Rating: 10/10
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Finally, water is the element of change. Like air, it adapts to its circumstances, but more fluidly and gracefully. Yet, unlike air, it relies on the flow of energy, turning its defense into an offense and back. In whatever scenario that sees fit, a Waterbender can change their liquid offense into a solid defense, or turn a solid offense into a gas defense.
This clearly makes the water an element suitable for either an offensive or defensive strategy. Its unique ability to change its form to fit its circumstances gives its user an extreme advantage in combat or any other risky scenario.
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Now, even with this in mind, ironically enough, the people of the Water Tribe are not the most in sync with their element as far as when it comes to living standards.
While yes, in combat, they adapt and adjust accordingly to their needs and goals in the fight, in regular practice, they're more conservative and less open to change than you would initially believe.
Also, as confirmed in the LOK comics, while the Water Tribes are not openly homophobic, they are still lacking in accepting and embracing the concept that there is not one rule that applies to all when it comes to who they love. Which, when you think about it, checks out.
The Northern Tribe operated heavily off a patriarchal society as we saw in the first season, and it took Paku nearly getting his ass whooped by a teenage girl who was the grand-daughter of the woman he loved but refused to wed since it was arranged for them to start to change their ways. Even if the Southern Tribe was a bit ahead of their Northern counterpart in this sense, they still suffered from the restricting roles they placed on themselves concerning gender.
Giving props to Fire Nation and Air Nomads, they never had restrictive rules on who could fight in battle, even if the Nomads as mentioned tended to avoid conflict. However, the Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes both practiced and thus, were limited by their rules that men were only allowed to serve in the army and in the guard.
Of course, we've already discussed the Earth Kingdom is the slowest to accept change, but for the Water Tribes, this is a bit unnatural, and if this is how they act regarding gender, it says a lot about how they would react when it comes to same-sex relationships.
So, it's understandable why Kya advises Korra and Asami to keep their relationship to themselves. But, I personally don't believe they should. Creating change means people are going to be uncomfortable. Oh well, boo-hoo, they'll get over it.
But, this does at least check out with the hybrid offense/defense nature of water bending. People of the Water Tribe will stand their ground and defend what they choose to believe in and love. And while they may not openly go out of their way to push their beliefs onto others like those in the Fire Nation, it doesn't mean they don't still have ways have doing so. Like water, I imagine their approach to such a subject can vary.
With that, Water Tribes get a 2.5/10. They're ahead of the Earth Kingdom in the sense that they've realized excluding women from fighting hurts them more than it helps them. Also, it's highly plausible that if a woman can learn how to fight, a man can learn how to heal, but I digress. However, they're still lower than the Fire Nation since this is less of a government-forced ideology and more of a societal norm they place on themselves.
Acceptance Rating: 2.5/10
I like doing analysis like this. If anyone thinks of other topics to discuss and do a deep dive into, send it in my asks!
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lonestarflight · 11 months
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Concept art of Martin X-24A being launched into orbit by a Titan III launch vehicle.
Art by Fred Wolff for Popular Mechanics July 1968 issue.
Posted on Flickr by Ed Dempsey: link
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sodos-mummy-dust · 3 months
{Ghouls and Ghoulettes x ghoul!reader}
     You slumped around miserably trying your best to catch your breath as your tail dragged across the floor behind you, you didn't know what was wrong you couldn't breath, you were coughing and sneezing, and everything hurt. That leads you to where you are now, on your way to the infirmary to find out what was wrong. You lazily knocked on the door as you entered, the nurse sat you down and had you take a Covid test. After a few minutes you got the results, it was positive you had Covid. The nurse gave you a mask and told you to go back to your room and take medicine and rest while they informed Sister Imperator. (I can just imagine Nihil going up to sister and saying "Seestor did you hear about that girl that has that corona sickness?")
     As you were walking back to your room you passed by Mist and Cowbell, they sniffed the air and you knew they could practically smell the sickness around you. You got back to your room and locked your door so nobody could burst in while you were trying to rest. You took off your mask and frowned, you hated taking medicine, you hated the taste and the burning sensation it left on your tongue and down your throat. You took some pills instead, rather that then that poison that they call medicine. You payed back down and played some music hoping the nighttime medicine would kick in soon.
     After about 15 minutes you were starting to feel sleepy when a knock at your door made you grumpily get up and put your mask back on. When you opened the door you saw a group of ghouls all looking at you worried. "Hey you ok? Sister told us you were sick." Aether said noticing how pale you were. "I'm ok I'm just gonna get some rest and try not to get anyone else sick." You managed to say even though you sounded congested. "We brought you some soup and tea, just to make you feel a bit better can we place it on your bed, I'm sure it's a little too heavy for you right now." Cowbell said softly showing the tray of Chicken noodle soup and some hot tea. (if you don't like it you can change it to anything else:)). Your heart clenched at the sweet gesture and you nodded opening the door and stepping aside to let Cowbell place the tray on your bed.
You watched him enter before feeling a hand on your back and you looked up to see Aether gently guiding you back to bed. He tucked you in gently before placing the tray by your side in case you had to get up and couldn't move it. He put on your favorite movie and kissed your forehead gently before speaking up. "Do you want us to stay with you?" He asked softly. "I'll get you all sick." You protested gently not wanting to get your friends sick. "That's not what he asked, don't worry about getting us sick. Do you want us to stay with you?" Omega spoke up firmly yet softly.
You hesitated for a moment before nodding gently, as soon as you nodded all the ghouls climbed into bed with you. Mountain was behind you holding you close to his chest while Aether was by your side stroking your hair gently, Phantom and Rain were purring into your neck on either side, Mist was by your side with Cirrus and Cumulus they were gently feeding you and encouraging you to chew the soft noodles and chicken. The rest of the ghouls were piled around the bed or sitting around your room wherever they could while Swiss, Ifrit, and sodo were near your bed playing their acoustic guitars softly while talking to each other about random things.
     You smiled as gently as you looked all around you and saw all the ghouls with you on the bed perfectly comfortable and purring happily. You started to tear up as you felt all the love they had for you that you never felt when you were young. (let's be respectfully honest all ghost fans have some sort of issues or trauma, and we just love our little rat man and his horny ghouls:) "Hey hey hey, what's wrong love?" Alpha asked softly as he wiped whatever tears fell from your eyes. "I just really love you guys, and I really appreciate you always being there for me."  You said tearfully. "Oh sweetie we love you too, so much more than you could ever know." Cumulus said softly as she put the spoon she was holding down and tucked your hair behind your ear and gave you a gentle kiss on the forehead.
      "Alright love, it's time for you to take your medicine." Aether said softly once you finished all of your soup and tea. You whined at the mention of having to take your medicine. "It's ok I'll get you some more tea to wash it down." Mountain said softly as he moved you off of him and onto the bed gently as he grabbed his thermal that he had brought and poured you some more warm tea that wasn't too hot nor too cold. You whined softly as you curled up and hid your face as Aether approached you with the medicine. "Oh come on love, it's not that bad I promise." Aether said gently as he stroked your back gently, trying to get you to sit up and take the medicine. But he sighed as you grumbled and shook your head while continuing to stay curled up (lil potato).
      "If you don't take your medicine you won't get any cuddles." Cirrus said threateningly and you looked up at her with a frown before grumbling until Aurora spoke up softly "If you take your medicine I'll stroke your hair while you lay your head on cumulus's chest and the other ghouls cuddle you." (I want to bury my face in her chest so ba- oh shit). After she said that you nodded after a few moments and sat up (as we all would after that deal). Aether smiled and put the medicine up to your lips and you quickly drank it before coughing after swallowing it starting to feel nauseous until Mountain quickly poured the warm tea into your mouth and put his hand over your mouth so you would swallow it all (not like that you sluts... but I wish it was).
     As soon as the tea was in your mouth and you swallowed you instantly felt better and nodded at Mountain, then he took his hand away from your mouth before giving you the cup so you could drink the rest. "Thank you Mounty." You said as you slowly drank the rest of your tea, already feeling slightly better. You saw mountain blush lightly before speaking up, "Of course, Flower." He said gently kissing the side of your head before crawling back behind you and holding you close once more. You quickly finished your tea and handed your cup to Aether before starting to feel very sleepy and comfortable, as if you were floating and you saw Omega curling up beside you as he used his quintessence on you gently.
     "Come on Love let's get you comfy." Ifrit said softly before laying his head against your side, opposite from Omega as Mountain payed you on your side and Cumulus brought your head to lay on her chest. Aurora stroked your hair gently whilst Swiss cuddled her close and Phantom laid close to Aether who was behind Mountain and Sodo was behind Swiss. Mist and Alpha were cuddling Zephyr near the end of the bed and Big earth cuddled Cowbell, Air, and Pebble. If they couldn't hold you then their tails were wrapped around one of your legs or arms. As you slept peacefully with the ghouls and ghoulettes that you loved and cherished most.
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prapais · 2 years
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LOVE IN THE AIR ⋮ SPECIAL EPISODE. step aside, p’pai.
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v-ternus · 1 day
Thinking many thoughts about service top Mountain and stone bottom Zephyr. They’re the perfect pair.
(i like to think zephyr goes by they/them but also likes being called mommy ok. idk why. dont ask me why)
Mountain always makes them cum first. Always. By his tongue, fingers, dick. Hell, even his thigh if thats what Zephyr asks for. The only "reward" Mountain wants are their pretty moans, warm hands laced in his curls, and heavy scratches across his back.
He likes wearing their marks. He especially loves when they leave hickeys along his collar bones. Sometimes the neck lines of his shirts are stretched out just enough so that the purple bruises peak out. If he catches a glimpse of himself in a mirror, he starts to chub up in his pants, remembering the memories from the night before.
But also, think of how he loves on Zeph while between their legs. He's fucking them nice and slow or however they asked for that night, and Mountain keeps his head buried in the crook of their neck, kissing softly, breathing them in. Zeph just crane their neck to give Mountain better access.
Gonna make you feel so good mommy, make you cum on my cock.
Mountain whispers the words, separated by his desperate huffs of breath while he rests his forehead on Zeph's.
Sometimes, Mountain doesn't even finish. He finds enough satisfaction in Zephyr's pleasure that he doesn't really care whether he gets off or not. And when their breathing has evened out again, Mountain kisses them properly. Its hungry, desperate.
It's all a very good time. Its sappy. They both enjoy their dynamic very, very much.
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senjuchihalyn · 2 months
Postei um novo capítulo da fanfic ZUKAANG
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narcissisticmf · 2 years
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heal him | zuko x fem!reader
description: when zuko gets hurt during the agni kai with azula, katara attempts to heal him while y/n fights against the princess.
trigger warnings: graphic violence, blood, gore, description of minor injuries, earthbender!reader, mentions of death, etc. read at your own risk.
word count: <1k
"Katara!" You whisper-yelled as she slipped from your side to move her way onto the battle field between Zuko and Azula. "Stop! What are you doing?" You scolded her as you reached for her wrist to stop her.
"Zuko needs help," Katara pulled her hand back and walked onto the field, standing behind Zuko. You parted your lips and breathed out softly, worried for her safety, along with Zuko's.
Azula's fingertips built up an immense amount of blue lightning as she smirked and turned to see Katara standing behind Zuko. His head turned to see the waterbender standing afar from him.
Before his sister could strike Katara with the lightning that built up between her fingertips, Zuko shouted, "No!" He lunged to the side and blocked the lightning from striking her.
Releasing a sharp breath, you hurried towards Katara and clenched your fist as you saw Zuko groaning in pain, against the ground.
"Heal him, now!" You spoke sternly and walked around her to face Azula yourself. Katara nodded slowly and rushed towards Zuko, kneeling down beside him.
"Ah.. Zu Zu's girlfriend, I've been dying to properly meet you," Azula smirked wickedly as you clenched your jaw. You motioned your hands forward to push the stone up against Azula, but she jumped in retaliation.
"Stop this, Azula.. while you're still alive," You spat as you motioned your hands again to form a stone ball, tossing it towards her, but she sliced it in two with the electricity that ran through her fingers.
"You clearly don't know the rules of an Agni Kai, do you?" She laughed as you breathed heavily through your flared nostrils. You stomped your foot against the stone ground and caused a large pillar to protrude up from beneath the ground, slamming Azula in the face. She stumbled back against the ground.
You took this as your opportunity to swiftly motion your hands, arising several stone pillars from underground that enclosed around her. You lowered your hands and released a soft breath. Azula released an angry cry before summoning lightning from the sky, burning the stone around her.
Azula jumped back up onto her feet and shot blue flames towards you. You lifted a stone wall from the ground and blocked it in front of you, to avoid being struck by the heat flames. You stepped back onto your heel and pushed the stone wall towards her, across the field as it slammed her back against the rail.
You ran towards her and lifted another stone wall, slamming it down against her as she was unconscious against the ground. Swiftly, you pulled the bandanna from your hair, letting it loose, and stood before Azula. You grabbed her wrists and pulled them behind her back, tightly tying them together so that she couldn't move or break free from it.
Sweat dripped down along the sides of your face as you stood over her, watching as her eyes closed, looking almost lifeless. You turned to see Zuko standing up with Katara. He was still weak, you could tell.
You hurried towards them and released a soft breath as Zuko's lips curved into a soft, thankful grin. You wasted no time and wrapped your arms around his torso, burying your face into his chest. He returned the chest and rested his cheek against your head. You could feel Katara squeeze in, making you smile softly.
Once the three of you pulled back, you looked at Katara and released a soft sigh, "Don't ever do anything like that again."
"I'm sorry, I just thought you could use our help," Katara looked from you to Zuko.
"Thank you.. both of you," Zuko offered a soft smile. You pulled your lips into a thin smile before turning to see Azula, waking up. You watched as she struggled to free herself from the knot you tied. You smirked gently and turned back to see Zuko and Katara were also looking at her.
"Come on, we should go," You told them as they obliged.
a/n: hi, my loves!! i hope you all liked this! it's my first atla piece so i hope you enjoyed reading it as much as i enjoyed writing it. let me know if you'd like more of these! i'd be happy to write more of them. i love you all, dearly. mwah! much love and treat people with kindness. — angelina.
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bird-inacage · 2 years
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Episode 11 | “Don’t you want me?”
BEWARE OF WHAT YOU WISH FOR. I got my love-making scene.
This is the one you’ve been waiting for folks. I actually couldn’t physically gif this for a good few hours because my brain literally stopped functioning every time I watched this for more than 3 seconds.
This is everything that I wanted. Tender, soulful, sweet, beautiful love-making between two people now in love. The reverence in which they gaze at each other. The fact that they are taking their time to discover one another all over again. This gave me literal goosebumps.
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