#ellis knight
puppetmaster13u · 10 months
Prompt 105
 A cult summons the ghost king. Except they don’t. Instead they get these tiny white-haired triplets of toddlers blinking at the summoning circle looking confused. 
 They’ve gotten the ghost princes and princess instead. 
 The very young princes and princess who are none too pleased and going to cause problems on purpose for both rogues and heroes alike. As godlings de-aged into their ghost age are like to do. 
 Meanwhile in the Realms, Pariah is staring down at where his trio of ghost toddlers that Clockwork had handed him when he had first woken up and was still groggy just disappeared from. He looks over at Fright Knight, his dearest brother, who looks just as shocked. 
 Clockwork is going to kill them both if they don’t get the kids back now. 
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zegalba · 7 months
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'The Dark Knight Returns' in The Face Magazine with Alexander Mcqueen & Jeremy Scott (1997) Photography: Sean Ellis
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hughmanbean · 8 months
Searching for a Princess
Fright Knight has gone out to retrieve his Queen's daughter. A large Realms celebration is approaching, and he wishes for the entirety of the royal family to be present. The Wandering Princess's presence had last been in the haunt of Lady Gotham. After explaining the situation to her, he was allowed in.
Ellie's been having a great time! She met this cool guy named Damian, and his brothers and sisters too! The sewer dudes are really fun to hang out with! Though some of the vigilantes have been following her lately.
Fright Knight has come upon a strange sort of revenant. Clad in a type of avian uniform. They seem to be unable to act independently, only following orders. Of course, as the Fright Knight, his orders are paramount. Now with several of these self-proclaimed "Talons" in tow, Fright Knight begins his search for the Crown Princess.
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korgbelmont · 2 years
is it possible to get the following: Agent Gray (TPA) (happy), Rowan (TPA) (happy), gambler (TPA) (happy), assassin (TPA) (angry), Lou (TPA) (happy) thanks in advance
Hi there. They've all been added to the Transparents folder. The male gambler you'll find in the Platinum section as Ellis Knight and the female gambler in the Queen B folder as Selene / Persephone.
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eyesfullofsttars · 3 months
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All our weight is just a burden offered to us by the world... If i fall, I only pray, don't fall away from me.
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The weight of her responsibilities and expectations was evident in the bruises left by her heavy armor. Abigail Anderson, the King's favored knight, always led the charge in combat, returning to the realm triumphant, her blade felling every menace with ease. She traversed each path with bravery, destined to defend the vulnerable.
Her noble heart compelled her to keep a vigilant eye on Ellie Williams. Scorned by the authorities but cherished by the people who watched her grow, Ellie’s prowess was matched only by her impatience and recklessness, laughing in the face of peril without hesitation.
Partnering with Williams often caused Abigail stress. She constantly rode close behind, her hand near her weapon, ready to defend against any threat. Ellie was forced to follow tedious, familiar routes, Abigail's caution preventing them from straying into unknown territory.
Training together was frequently exhausting. Ellie’s sarcastic humor lightened the atmosphere, but her competitive nature often made Abigail roll her eyes in amusement and disbelief.
“Whoever disarms the other first wins,” Ellie declared, adjusting her short auburn hair, tucking stray strands behind her ear while twirling her sharp blade.
“Williams, be careful with that,” Abby murmured, leaving Ellie unsure if she referred to the challenge or her playful handling of the weapon capable of ending any foe’s life.
Typically, Abigail's honed technique prevailed. Yet, when Ellie triumphed, her exuberant celebrations were unending. Abby found this both perplexing and amusing, seeing Ellie so overjoyed.
On the battlefield, their connection was unmatched, forming an exceptional team. Likely, this was why the King tolerated Williams despite her rebellious streak. Abby was willing to sacrifice herself for anyone, preferring it over attending funerals and seeking divine forgiveness. She found a reason to endure in Ellie, who would slay five men to keep Abby alive.
Neither woman said goodbye before facing adversaries, accepting success as inevitable, returning together to celebrate. Their plans succeeded, combining Abby’s strategic brilliance and flawless technique with Ellie’s agility and ferocity, her arrows ending every danger.
For Ellie, fighting for survival turned into a guarantee of safety, knowing Abby always had her back. In return, she followed Abby’s orders with unwavering loyalty, grateful for the privilege of protection.
At day’s end, they shed their burdensome gear, exhausted. Sometimes, they collapsed in the meadow near the river, in the wild forests that felt less intimidating to those who belonged there.
Lying in the grass, basking in the sunlight side by side, Williams initiated contact. She set aside her sword to gently untangle Abby’s neat blonde braid, freeing her long, wavy hair. Ellie carefully removed each piece of armor with patience and tenderness, not wanting to cause any discomfort.
When Abigail began to protest, Ellie quickly silenced her. “Shh, it's alright. I’m here,” she whispered softly, gazing at Abby with her longing verdant eyes, needing to do this for her. “You’ve carried the weight long enough. Let me take care of you.”
Ellie’s veined hands freed Abby from every burden, granting her a moment of celestial respite. Stripped of her gleaming armor, she remained in her light, sweat-soaked shirt from the constant battles.
“Let me… let me,” Abigail stammered, reaching out to Ellie, her chest heaving with each breath.
But Williams shook her head slowly, running her hands through Abby’s loose hair, cradling her face. “No, Anderson. Let me do this. You deserve to rest.”
Despite her duties as a knight bound to loyalty to the crown, Abigail Anderson finally had a reason beyond protecting the kingdom. She had someone who understood her and allowed her to be vulnerable. Ellie Williams, never belonging to anyone, a child of nature, now had a place to call home, knowing someone would always be there to care for her and let her love without merely surviving, but truly living.
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savannahsdeath · 1 year
"I'm supposed to protect you."
knight!ellie x princess!reader
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warnings: angst, readers mom is reaallyyy annoying (my mommy issues speaking up), being forced to get married (typical for those times), hidden/not tolerated relationship kinda, execution and bad english cuz its my second language sorry bear w me😮‍💨😮‍💨
writers note: wait .. im actuslly surprisingly proud of this one ?? this was supposed to be a lil 1k special because its the first long one shot im posting i think ..anyways enjoy pookies<3<3
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'understand that when you leave here
you'll be clear among the better man'
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you looked at the prince from across the table. you tried to find something—anything that'd remind you of her, so your agony will stop, or at least decrease. but even his green eyes, the same color as hers, weren't looking at you with such admiration. his sword was just as shiny, sharp and impressive, but it wasn't made to protect you. and his words, oh his words... they were smart and stern, slightly softening when speaking to you - his soon to be wife - but they were meaningless compared to hers.
you knew that's what awaits you, you were preparing for this moment since the day you were born, but this fact didn't make it any better - any easier to accept.
you peeked a last glance at him - the prince, considered being the most handsome out of all principalities. but he was also the love of your life, against your own will, and that made your body fill with disgust. your face heated up and your hands started shaking, so you stared down, trying to pretend you're focused on eating. the view of your plate, the not finished meal, made the nausea only worse.
you stood up, making a loud scraping noise when your chair moved on the wooden floor. everyone's eyes were on you.
your stare was shifting across the known and unknown faces for a split second, your gaze lingering for a little longer on your mother's disappointed, scolding face.
"i'm sorry." you muttered and quickly left the dining room, leaving a chord of whispering, probably gossiping voices behind you.
you felt your eyes starting to water up, single tears slowly falling down. you just pushed forward, hoping to find an empty corner in the hallways full of busy maids and other services.
"your highness?" someone asked, but you felt too overwhelmed to think who it was. eventually, the person forcefully grabbed your arm. even though the touch was soft and somehow comforting, you stopped walking and aggressively broke your hand free.
"how dare you—!" you shouted, sounding more sad than mad. whoever it was, you had to admit that touching princess like that was brave. you turned around and through your blurry from tears vision saw your knight, number one protector, staring at you in deep disbelief and concern. "i'm sorry." you murmured and quickly began making your way to your dorm again. you wiped your cheeks with your palm, not bothering to find a tissue in the pockets of your uncomfortable but pretty dress.
the footsteps won't stop - in fact, they surpassed you and their source blocked your way.
"what happened?" ellie asked, raising her arms to caress your face, but not doing it yet - not without your permission.
you grabbed her wrists and brought her hands to your face, leaning into her touch and falling apart in this exact second. she spent a moment trying to calm you down, but even her proximity wasn't enough. she started dragging you outside, before anyone could find you both like that.
she stayed quiet until you found yourself in the castle's backyard, decorated with every kind of flowers possible. it was already dark, since you spent the whole day preparing for your wedding. without a word, she lay down on the grass and patted the space next to her, motioning for you to do the same, and so you did. for a second nothing but silence comforted both of you. you looked at the stars, trying to find any constellations your teacher told you about. the last wet tears on your cheeks started to flow down, leaving only barely visible drying stains.
you thought about how ellie treats you, and how you treat her. does every princess feels so warm whenever her knight is near?
you felt embarrased at the thought, and about the current situation. you were allowed to cry. your cherries were too sweet? too sour? cry about it, blame everyone and act all hysterical because it's, obviously, the end of the world! you have every right to do that - you're the princess and everyone should risk their life if it means you will be satisfied.
no. you weren't like that. you didn't cry when you cut your palm with a kitchen knife or when the wound won't heal properly. you accepted the doctor's help and, what's unbelievable, thanked him for it. how could you be grateful to someone who isn't royal in any way? you'll never forget how mad your mother was back then.
while your gaze was on the sky, ellie's was on you. you could feel it, so you turned your head to the side - and you were right, prince's eyes were really nothing compared to hers.
she spoke up as soon as she saw she has your attention; "is it because of the stress?"
"stress?" you repeated, biting your bottom lip, almost making it bleed.
"maybe you're sick?" she put her hand on your forehead, surely trying to find an excuse to be close to you. or maybe she was really concerned? your cheeks were probably really red due to her closeness, she could misinterpret it. "are you feeling unwell, your highness?"
you looked away, trying to brush your flushness away by getting lost in the moonlight. the full moon was approaching, and you tried to guess how many days are there left. maybe four?
ellie's hand slowly slid down your face, stopping on your chin, before slowly leaving your body. "you should be excited." she stated, but her tone made it sound like she was ranting about it. maybe you're not the only one who's not happy about the situation.
"well, i'm not." you shrugged, trying to sound as emotionless as possible, though it probably made your discomfort even clearer. your eyes wandered around the sky and you raised your hand, pointing at seven stars. "look, big dipper."
she took a moment to find the constellation, before slowly and firmly pushing your arm down. "i need to know what's wrong." she sighed, her worried eyes begging you for an answer.
an answer you couldn't give her, because what were you supposed to say?
"you don't." you denied in a quiet tone.
"please," she continued, stubbornly not giving up, "i'm supposed to protect you."
another sigh, this time yours. you stayed silent for a moment, before spotting different stars creating a familiar shape. before your hand could fully raise, ellie held it down. in any other circumstances, she would get roughly punished for treating you like that. she was lucky you wanted to be treated like that - like a normal human, and not a piece of delicate glass.
"i don't want him." you finally admitted, rolling onto your side to look at her. "he doesn't want me, either."
she scanned your expression, her own seeming deadly serious. you looked down and saw some smudges of dirt on your dress, hoping your mother won't notice them.
she frowned a little, knitting her eyebrows together. "i'm sure he does."
"then he's bad at showing it." you muttered and saw her confusion deepen. "why would you bring me here?" you looked around and took a deep breath, enjoying the scent of flowers. their colorfulness was visible even despite the late, dark time, standing out above the solid green grass.
she thought about your question for a quite long time, not sure is it tricky or rhetorical. "i like this place." she finally spoke up, her lips turning into a soft smile.
"no, i'm asking..." you shook your head, fixing your rolled down sleeves. "why would you bring me here?"
this wasn't a question she expected. even you weren't planning it and now you regretted pushing this subject. what answer did you expect? no matter what would it be, you still wouldn't be satisfied.
"it's important to me." she tugged a loose strand of your hair behind your ear, before caressing your cheek. "and so are you." you stared at her lips as she spoke, admiring how soft they look even though the words leaving them were serious and important. as soon as she finished, your gaze shifted back to her eyes.
"i think—" you gulped, feeling the meaning behind her phrase weigh on you. "i think this is something i need to hear from the prince. from my—" husband. say it. the voice in your head tried to convince you it's not a bad word, but it just felt so wrong. you felt like you're close to breaking down everytime you remembered you're his wife. well, you'll be tomorrow.
"i mean what i said, your highness." her thumb traced the outline of your lips, as her own uncontrollably parted. your body trembled and your eyes closed shut for a while. before you opened them, you heard her body shifting and soon, you felt her lips on yours.
the kiss confirmed your belief that she is soft, but she was even softer than you imagined. her fingers glided across your face, gently stroking it and moving your hair out of the way. her body fit so perfectly into yours, like she was made for you, and you were made for her. you felt something strange in your stomach, like you just got rid of a knot inside it, though you didn't even know it was there in the first place. the time was fleeting but you managed to remember every little detail, so when she pulled away you let out a satisfied sigh.
"i'll miss you, ellie." ugh, addressing to a knight by their name in such a soft voice- if only your mother was there. but it was only you two, surrounded by the beautiful scent of flowers and stars which seemed to be hanging right above your heads.
she smiled, though there was a hint of surprise, maybe confusion, in her expression. "i'm not going anywhere."
"but once i'm married, i'll leave with the prince." you stammered, your eyes suddenly glistening. her own became glossy, like they were covered in a thin mirror glass which perfectly reflected the moonlight. "i have to." you added after a moment, making sure she knows it wasn't your choice.
"i—" she started but didn't make a second attempt to speak after her voice drifted off once. she rolled onto her back and looked at the sky. "this is your home, your highness. you can't leave." she seemed to plead you to stay, and god, how much you wanted to...
"i'm scared." you admitted, your gaze desperately lingering on her, as if she'll disappear once you look away.
"of him?" she inquired as her hand found yours and gently rested on it.
your arm tensed at her sudden touch, but your whole body relaxed as soon as her thumb started stroking your palm. deep breath. "of living without you." you whispered, ashamedly looking to the other side to avoid her. you felt her squeezing your hand, and your grip on her also tightened. you started silently begging for the ability to stay like that forever, even if it meant you will spent the eternity in silence and with teary eyes. it would be the best reward you could ask for, a dream coming true.
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the first thing you felt after finally coming to your senses was your mother fastening the corset, tightening it to the point your breath hitched. an hour of scolding for you leaving the dinner passed and now she went back to her stern, rough, but at least not mad facade. you weren't listening to whatever she was saying, thinking about how did you end up in your bed this morning. did you came here by yourself and you just don't remember? or maybe you fell asleep, ellie carried you here and tucked you in bed? at just this single idea of her, your mind wandered to the previous late evening. you felt overwhelmed by the memory of her words and, most importantly, her kiss. your breath got heavier, the corset not making it any easier to stay calm. your body started suddenly sweating, as if a wave of heat just washed over you.
"mother— i'm in love." you blurted out, before you could think of the consequences. you just had to get that off your chest.
"well, that's good." you saw a small smile creating on her lips. you finally received a human-like kindness from her, probably for the first time in years. "i hope you won't change your mind before the wedding."
your worry quickly turned into confusion and, eventually, the same disgust as yesterday. "i'm not talking about the prince!" you paused and looked down, not wanting to drag the topic but, at the same time, not able to stop it. "it's one of the knights." you really weren't controlling the words coming out of your mouth and that could only mean one thing - problems. "ellie."
your mother quickly spun you around and forcefully grabbed your chin. "i'm not even surprised." she hissed, making sure you know how disappointed in you she is. "but i won't tolerate that." the sharpness of her statement successfully shut you up, so you didn't argue nor pushed the topic when she went back to preparing you for the big, big day. she started acting like nothing happened and kept reminding you about how important it is. of course she only cared about her own good, or at least it felt like so, as she silenced you everytime you wanted to speak.
everyone was formally dressed, even the poorest maids found something noble. they all cutely smiled at your sight, probably impressed by your dress. the dominant color was clearly white, a sign of purity which you seemed to lack. that's what your mother made you believe, at least. but maybe she was a bit right after all? because your feelings towards ellie- oh, ellie.
you shook your head, forcing yourself to get her out of your mind. you looked at the service again, and they all immediately flashed you a smile as if on command. you reciprocated the gesture, though you could guess what was really on the women's mind. they hated you. they hated the ungrateful princess which would pick a knight over a prince. your obvious dissatisfaction, even without knowing the real reason behind it, seemed stupid. if only you could swap your places with one of them— not only you'd make her happy, but you and ellie could... oh, so you're thinking of ellie again.
you tried to move your veil so it'd cover the tears in your eyes, but there was always someone who'll fix it for you, not knowing you're doing it intentionally. you felt weak. physically and, mostly, mentally. because your knees, which barely held you up, which felt so light compared to the rest of your body as if they were made of cotton wool, everything above could be explained. by stress. but the intangible weakness was way worse. the prince seemed really nice and wasn't too old, you could get along well. but your heart was already taken by...
you turned around and your gaze wandered across the benches - you saw your family on the one side, his on the other, and a row of services against the wall. you could only think about one thing. where's ellie?
the question intrigued you to the point you started mouthing it to yourself, imagining 'if i were her, where would i go?'. but did it matter? she could be everywhere - in her room, in the garden - the point is, she wasn't there. your mother noticed your anxiety and walked over to you, hoping she'll be able to stop you from ruining the ceremony.
"where's ellie?" you immediately asked, frowning but calming down as there was someone able to answer your question.
"ellie?" she queried with a frown on her own, though hers quickly softened. "oh, the knight. look, there's other knights—"
"but ellie..." you cut her off with a sigh. "only she can protect me." you looked at the opened, massive doors, staring at the little stairs leading to the church you were in now, hoping to see her.
"there are dozens of more experienced knights." she rolled her eyes, discretely pointing at the row. "you and your stupid whims." with that, she left you and the prince alone at the altar. you awkwardly fidgeted with your fingers. you didn't need experienced knights, you didn't need knights at all - you needed ellie. she knew you have nightmares after arguing with your mom or during full moon, and she was there for you. she helped you take off your corset when you were alone, because she knew how much you hate it. she wasn't only your protector, she was someone way more important. not your friend. she was the love of your life. and you had to realise that right before the priest started the ceremony. great.
the whole time, you just watched the doorstep through the corner of your eye. there's no way she'd miss the wedding, so you couldn't help but wonder 'what did my mother do to her?'. you knew you're being naive, but you couldn't stop yourself from it.
you weren't listening at all, but one statement caught your attention, since priest's voice got louder and more stern.
"should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace."
a wave of gasps filled the room and as you looked back at the doorstep, you saw that your prayers have been answered. her hand was covered in blood, probably her own since she had it pressed against her stomach as if to stop it from bleeding. you couldn't see how badly she was hurt, since her clothes were messy and torned. she was breathless and her knees seemed to be as weak as yours, but she still managed to shout a raspy; "i object."
it caused a bitter laugh from your mother, followed by shouting at the knights to get her. they hestitated, respecting ellie as one of the best equestrians, but they had no choice. they weren't acting quick or aggresive, and she'd easily get away if she wanted to. she knew her objection won't stop anything and it'll only get her in problems, as if she doesn't have enough yet. but she also knew this was her last chance to show that she'll always, at least try to, protect you. not only from dangerous rebels, but also a non-threatening man you're forced to be with.
you grabbed your dress, slightly rolling it up so you won't stumble as you run, but someone's hands held you in place. you turned around to see the prince and, i have to add, you never really blamed him for that. he had no idea who's ellie, maybe he thought she was a bad person, considering the queen's reaction. everything would be probably even worse if you'd have the chance to intervene. you understood that, though you couldn't calm down for long after ellie was taken out anyway.
the priest looked at your mother, asking the question to which the answer intrigued everyone. "continue." she commanded in her usual firm tone. you could see her mumbling a quiet "this stupid girl won't ruin the wedding" under her breath, but it went unnoticed by everyone except you.
and so the celebration continued as if nothing happened. you stood hand in hand with a man you'll spent the rest of your life with, believing he will never love, know or even see you in the way ellie does. you knew he won't stroke your wet from sweat hair after a tough night, he won't help you dress up and, what hurt the most, he won't take you to the castle's backyard just to rest and watch the sky.
you thought about running away, but the row of ready knights who only waited for the queen's orders made you lose your hope. of course they'd probably hesitate for a moment too, giving you some time, but you still didn't stand a chance. plus, you had different things going on your mind, keeping you busy and unfocused on the ceremony. namely - what will happen to ellie?
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you saw an envelope laying on your desk, having only your name on it. you teared it apart, impatiently wanting to get the paper out. you knew who's it from right after reading the first two words - not only because of ellie's handwriting, but also the way she addressed to you; 'my princess.' my princess.
believe me, all too aware am i of what i did. a lot happened behind your back but it is not a topic we should discuss like that. my friend took care of me, and even with the cold taking my body over i am just proud i am still alive, with the chance to write to you. i did something reckless but i believe it was caused by love. luccy says the same, we both think the thought of you controlled me. i could never forgive myself if i didn't see you in that dress. i think this is how i will forever remember you - dressed in white, looking so pure and angelic. i won't waste the ink for trying to compare you to anything, because i will miserably fail. nothing can be compared to you.
how does being married feel? i think you were unnecessarily scared. besides my little antic, it went smoothly. that is what i am told, at least, by the people in town. the queen was wrong about them, they are much more than poor slums. well, maybe they are poor, but i am truly in love with their modest cottages. they do not need much, they are happy with what they are given, and there is something magical about it. i think i would want to live like that. with you warming the other side of our bed. we don't need anyone else, i am sure we would enjoy life on our own.
the wound on my stomach seems to heal correctly. luccy thinks it will leave a scar, but i have some already, so what is one more? our biggest problem is food, because my friend gets a portion which is only enough for her. your mother took my money and weapon, the injury makes me useless anyway. to make matters worse, i have to stay in hiding. i haven't seen the sky since your wedding. oh, the things i would do to see big dipper again. i am not sure how it looks anymore, i have to admit i wasn't paying much attention. i apologize, but in my defense, my focus was on you. you are more interesting than any constellations.
i hope your poesy ring is pretty, at least. i want you to rememeber that you will always be in my heart and a simple ring other man gave you won't change it. maybe he did claim you, but i see you as mine anyway. my princess.
the letter wasn't signed, maybe to avoid any problems if someone else found it, but you were sure who's job is it. you quickly took a piece of paper for yourself to write, but you remembered the envelope didn't contain her address. you were left alone, your only hope was praying you'll get more messages from her. you could try to find her, ask the town residents, but they'd quickly start gossiping.
you looked down - at your promise ring. you couldn't deny that it was perfect and most definitely woth a lot, an ordinary resident of your kingdom could probably afford a food supply for the rest of their life with it. it was way too loose, so you started rolling it around your finger, deep in thought.
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your mother pushed you forward, motioning you towards the gate. you saw a young woman led by a pair of knights, just another prisoner. she intensively stared at you and you wanted to ran up to her, no matter how suspicious it'd be. she just seemed so... familiar.
you slowed down, much to your mother's displeasure. "where are we even going?" you inquired, glancing at the carriage. days passed and you should be in prince's castle by now. yet, his visit kept getting longer.
"surprise." she murmured, her tone sucking every remaining bit of happiness inside of you.
you looked back at the woman, getting further and further away from you with each step. you hestitated between obeying your mother or trusting your intuition. the second option prevailed as soon as you saw, or at least could swear that you saw her mouthing ellie's name. you ran up to her, ignoring the queen's shouting at you to go back. the knights ignored you, holding the prisoner's wrists behind her back. you had to walk backwards in order to be able to look at her face. your dress made it hard, but you had to find out what's going on.
"ellie." the woman spoke up, her voice was weak but not from sadness, it sounded more as if she lost it due to screaming for too long. "i'm sorry, your highness. i couldn't protect her—"
"you tried." you cut her off, trying to sound reassuring. "where is she?"
luccy bit her lip and looked down. you wanted to push the topic, but as you turned around to see if you have any obstacles on the way, you saw you're already near the basement - were prisoners were usually located. without thinking, you took your ring off and put it in her pocket. maybe she'll be able to bribe the knights, and even if not, she'll definitely need it more than you.
as you went back to your mother, her yelling wasn't getting to you. you didn't pay attention to anything she said and once she finished, you whispered a quiet; "where are we going?" again. she, obviously, got even more mad at you for ignoring her. the whole ride passed rather quickly, as you relaxed to the melody of your mother rambling about how much of a disappointment you are.
when you arrived to an open area, full of people of all social degree, you felt a knot in your stomach. your whole body was either hurting or weak. you didn't see what are the residents watching, but only big events get so much viewers. you left your mother behind, though this time she didn't try to stop you with her worthless shouting as you made your way through the crowd. you probably hurt a lot of people while doing so, but it was worth it, as you were now standing in the first row, right in front of the... oh. gallows.
a wave of nausea and tears washed over you and you had to hold yourself up by an unknown man's arm. he didn't complain - everyone here knew who are you and they didn't want to end up being the executed ones. as you calmed down, you looked up to see ellie, seeming fearless or even proud. her chin was bruised but raised, showing how unfazed she felt. maybe she was only pretending, who knows, at least she was a good actress.
you screamed out her name, your voice breaking and trembling, as you swallowed your own tears which flowed down your face. she was surprised to see you so close to the gallows without anyone protecting you. her unbothered facade drifted away, and she mouthed "go!" or "don't look!" towards you, wanting to spare you the view. but you couldn't look away, you had to enjoy her green eyes until they were opened, and freckled skin until the blood was flowing beneath it, honoring her with a slight blush. she bit her bottom lip, just like luccy did not long ago, and broke the eye contact. unlike you, she couldn't stand the view of her love. not in those circumstances.
you saw your mother standing outside of the crowd, closer to the gallows than anyone else. she scanned the faces of the already dead people, and you wondered what did they do to deserve this. then, she gestured for some formally dressed men to start. as the noose wrapped around ellie's neck, you screamed again, this time taking action. or, well, trying to, since the crowd held you back, forcing you to not leave them. queen's commands. you cussed them out, trying to break free with all the strength you had.
"any last words?" your mother tauntingly asked, pacing back and forth.
ellie cleared her throat, before looking at you, what only gave you energy and motivation in trying to pull away. "if that's the price of love, then so be it" she was speaking slowly and clearly, making sure these words will be remembered by the community. "i am supposed to protect our only princess, so i'm more than happy to die knowing i did everything i could to—"
"oh, enough!" the queen hissed. "how dare you talk about love!" the way she snapped felt personal, so you almost forgot hundreds of people watch it too. with that, you also failed to remember that they're holding you, so you stopped fighting back and just hopelessly watched the scene.
"what else do we have to talk about?" ellie bitterly laughed, her voice a mix of amusement and hatred. the noose around her neck didn't seem to bother her. she was just so strong and- god, how much you admired this woman.
your mother turned around, waving her hand at the men responsible for the whole ceremony. you screamed again, though this time it wasn't her name. it was a weak but loud scream of protest, the one that tired you to the point you fell down on your knees, violently sobbing as the trapdoor opened.
the witch hunt
the loop
the connection
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seattlesellie · 1 year
knight!ellie x princess!reader drabble. ♡🗡️🕯️
an: since i’m thinking of writing a full fic of knight ellie x princess reader i wanted to know what you guys think ! let me know if i should turn this into something way longer. just a lil peak of the themes of a longer fic 💗
cw: mature themes, reader is a little lonely, tension.
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the moon is so bright, so big, so white, luminous, it reflects in her emerald eyes and renders them almost mystical, bordering on the verge of the unreal. one couldn't help but wonder if she herself was not entirely real, a specter of dreams made flesh. do you recall those distant days of childhood? just eight years old, insisting that your imaginary friend — aurora, was right by your side? you clung to her like a lifeline. you'd shed tears as your mother, the reigning queen, denied the request for an extra place setting, an empty plate reserved for aurora alone. how you fell asleep bawling, tasting salt on your tongue, bitter and sickening, feeling as if you were drowning in your sleep, the specter of aurora growing gaunt and wretched, as though starved for existence.
how you woke up plagued by guilt, tormented by a high fever and a stubborn eye infection, crying and screaming for your imaginary best friend. and how from that day on, the castle fell empty. you wandered around, through those regal halls like a specter, floating like a brittle ghost, nodding politely when a maid curtsied in reverence, offering a feeble smile to the steward as he addressed you as his cherished princess.
you filled your duties, all your royal obligations, attended to your classes, spoke only when spoken to by your parents, ignored when another royal called you a “loony” when catching you in the midst of a conversation with several alabaster rabbits.
you formed a connection with the world around you, a bond that ran far deeper than what met the eye, and now one knew.
you rub on your eyelids with the back of your hand, and blink in dismay — oh, you’ve been mistaken, she is real, and her abdomen rises and falls with each breath, the clang of her armor a testament to her existence, to your sanity. her eyelids flutter, and her throat subtly moves as she swallows. a strand of her auburn hair sways in the wind too, but sweet aurora’s hair also danced in the breeze, so who knows.
sometimes it all is simply too blurry.
for now, you choose to believe.
the grass tickles your bare toes, you don’t laugh.
“hate being a princess” you mutter with a sigh, tilting your head to the side — her side, to see if perhaps she vanished like the rest of them, yet finding her there.
her role as a knight is dictated with silence in your presence, a mere executor of commands from your father with a duty to bow in submission, so she doesn’t respond. all she has to do is be your protector, keep you safe and guarded, make sure you won’t try and run once more.
she’s also not supposed to help you with your clandestine escapades from the castle, she’s not supposed to lay in the tall royal gardens ridiculously green grass with the princess, to allow the opulent and delicate fabric of her dress to gently brush against the barest portion of her knee. yet — she allows it.
she’s not supposed to help you pick flowers and greet you good morning, she was supposed to be unyielding as stone, almost ephemeral yet ever-present.
and now your ankle shifted to rest gently against hers, and she didn’t even nudge you.
“i despise it” you repeat. you try and voice your frustration but it comes off as too soft. ellie typically abhorred anything soft. she’d rather sleep on a hard mattress than a plush one, favored stomping over floating.
and yet you seem to be an exception.
you seem to be an exception for lots of things.
and ellie doesn’t respond. she blinks at the full moon and it blinks back at her.
“do you like being a knight?”
you think you may have heard a breathy chuckle. you’re unsure, you sigh.
and she never told you her name. you figured it out by yourself.
then she begins, pink tongue folding and moistening her lower lip. “i like being your knight”, she blinks thrice, in a hurry — like she said something wrong, as though she feared she might have offended anyone else whose knight she was not. she takes a deep breath, for some reason it's shaky.
“i like, i- need, to protect the kingdom. it’s my duty. for the sake of your father, the people, you — you know that, my princess”
and usually you’d cringe when addressed with that title. you voiced it already — that title isn’t you, you don’t want it, it felt like a burdensome label imposed or cursed upon your birth, but for some reason, when she says it ; “my princess” it feels like her “my”, is the one that holds the power to cloud your mind. and that’s why you don’t argue that it isn’t your name, because she calls you as hers, and oh how bad you want to be hers.
you overheard the conversations among the other young royals, who spoke in hushed tones about "crushes." you eves dropped and furrowed your brows intently when they talked about the charming sable boy, a dark haired prince from a faraway land, an adviser. they described the feeling of having a crush as if they were “falling”, “giddy”, “thrilled”, “like riding a horse, really really fast”
and it never really happened to you, albeit you really did try. you just accepted it, you’d be crush-less forever, forced to marry a crush-less prince, forced to live a crush-less life.
then you met knight ellie.
it happened when she removed her bascinet, when she casually tossed her tousled auburn locks from side to side, when she smiled that sly smirk then immediately wiped it off and glued her gaze to the stone wall. it was in the way her eyes met yours, her all but graceful bow, and the sound of her armored knee meeting the ground, when she chuckled after winning the battle of who would be the princesses knight. how cocky she looked as her arm was raised in triumph, only to transform into humble grace when officially declared the winner.
but it wasn't a feeling akin to falling; it was more like crashing down. you also didn’t feel giddy, you felt nauseous and tight everywhere, you weren’t thrilled you were petrified, and you didn’t ride a horse really fast — it was more like being thrown off the horse and crashing onto the ground, nose-first.
so it didn’t feel like crushing, it felt like something else. and you really had to go to the washroom.
“you don’t… owe anything to the kingdom, or to my father” you murmur.
she really doesn’t. it got her family starved, killed. “i do” she lies, swallowing thickly. “also, i really don’t need protection” then you lie, rolling your eyes with a huff.
she'd call you a brat if she wasn't your knight, and if she knew for certain that you wouldn't go running to your father after being offended.
“i should run away” you muse, idly toying with the hem of your dress. ellie sees the bare flesh of your thigh and she feels like maybe she shall run away as well. then her breath hitches down her throat, and she really hates it because this isn't the first time. perhaps she's sick, a throat infection. it's getting very hard to breathe.
t'must be the armor, the decides.
then she decided it's not.
it's simply the cold night air. definitely not your naked thigh, or your hunger to be free, or the way your dress flows with the wind, or the way your eyelashes flutter and your fingertips tap tap tap on your plushy lips.
“should i fetch the horse then, my princess? which one d'ya want, charlie... or buster, maybe. he's a strong one” ellie croons then swallows a chuckle.
she’s also not supposed to joke with you. or to stare at your thigh, or to let you place your head on her armored chest.
“yes” you reply like she’s serious.
then a cloud veils the once-bright moon, and your knight clears her throat.
“i should take you to your room, freedom warrior, s’getting late”
“you shall take me to the forest to pick some blackberries, knight”
ellie chuckles and argues back. “i shall not”
“disobeying a royal?” you say with a wink.
you might actually be the death of her.
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moncharrow · 1 year
hii!! i saw you were taking requests so can u write an knight!ellie x princess!reader period piece?
it was never meant to be
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a/n: thank you for the cool request! i don't know how i feel about this- never wrote for this time period before. it was a fun learning curve!! i hope you enjoy it. requests are open <3 please. please. tell me. smut or fluff or angst idc
-content/warnings: 1.8k words, fem!princess!reader x knight!ellie, arranged marriage/political marriage, mentions of reader having to marry a man, slight angst? happy ending though, feminine reader i suppose
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You were a goddess amongst mortals, treading the Earth lightly and gracing the barren ground with flowering spring beauty. There was an elegance to your touch. Anyone blessed enough to know you were changed for the better, your kindness and charity caressing their soul like hundreds of dandelion wisps in the wind. Heads turned when you walked down the pathways, villagers hoping to get a glimpse of their beloved princess, to catch her stray gaze as she passed. You were the kind of person who would never be subject to malice; even if someone wished they could despise you, the love behind your eyes would soothe their violent minds. Your soul seemed to be sculpted by the hand of a creator who endowed you with pure goodness.
Ellie’s skin was etched with years' worth of hardship, mental fortitude carved into her perpetually crinkled brow. Dirt caked her bloodstream, poisoning her soul as it moved through her heart. Behind her eyes was no mercy, no forgiveness, only seeking vengeance on some imaginary being that had seen no value in her from the moment of creation. It seems the same deity that sculpted you had been corrupted as it created her, molding her heart of ashes and skin of rotten wood. She was a decades-old shattered, rusty sword thrown into a river. No value. No hope. Only a broken promise of a better future that had been forgotten.
​​But your merciful, generous sight had befallen her by some stroke of luck. You recognized something good within her and gave her the chance she'd always dreamt about. You sponsored her induction into knight training, looking past her fiery faults and into the essence of her spirit, finding a spark of virtue. You tended to it until the ember became a blaze, and Ellie Williams became a force to be reckoned with. Despite the whispers of naysayers around the castle, there was something honorable and just inside her. There would never be enough words in the English language for Ellie to express her gratefulness to you properly. Even if there were, she couldn't string them together- she was never skilled with words. Instead, her every step carried a purpose: to echo your goodness through her actions.
Every so often, she'd find a quiet moment and reminisce upon the years of hardship she'd endured in training. Initially, she'd been one of the weakest pupils, lanky and malnourished but with a lust for improvement. She would cry herself to sleep the first year, and every night, she'd sneak out to see the dear princess, who would hold her and assure her that she belonged. It took time, but Ellie began to believe her. She sought comfort from you night after night, conversation topics turning personal after Ellie’s mental health had begun to improve. You’d talk about nothing and everything: silly hypotheticals, stories of growing up. The juxtaposition between your upbringing and hers was comical, but you both found comfort in learning about each others’ lives. 
When Ellie was with you, she felt like her social status didn’t matter. She was just a girl, and you were just the girl she was in love with. The class difference didn’t matter and neither did the impossibility of being together. Just two girls in love, neither with the courage to admit it. 
The lingering touches turn into shy smiles as Ellie sits in your room. Ornate tapestries adorn the walls and silk kerchiefs cast you in warm golden light- you look like a sun goddess in a long linen dress, your well-manicured hand coming to rest on Ellie’s knee as you laugh at something she said. Her rude humor was a welcome change to the sterility of castle life. You grew tired of the roles forced upon you by your authoritative parents and court, and vastly preferred Ellie’s brash personality. Your parents would have a collective aneurysm if they knew you were mingling with the ‘peasant knight’ (their words, obviously), so the two of you were reduced to sneaking around. 
Ellie’s smile dropped a bit as she felt your touch through her trousers. Her head felt dizzy and she attempted to compose herself, finding it hard to focus when your touch was so delicate and warm. Your call of her name was like a siren song, impossible to ignore its dulcet velvety tones. “Ellie?”
“Yes, Princess?”
You scoff. “Stop with the title. You know I hate it.”
Ellie smiles. A selfish thought crosses her mind- she wishes you were born normal, born in the village like her instead of in an ivory tower. Maybe then, things could have worked out. “That’s why I use it.” You laugh again, and she feels her stomach turn. Why couldn’t you be like me?
A week later, Ellie’s thoughts are the opposite. You sit in the throne room, grandiose decor embellishing the great chamber. Lavish royal purple flags and bright maroon banners drop and fold along the walls. Opulent chandeliers of pure wrought iron hang from the ceiling, supporting crystal fixtures through which valuable beeswax candles bathe the room in light. Stained glass rose windows and fleur de lys seem to further isolate Ellie, who stands guard by your throne. Invasive thoughts plague her as she keeps her professional face. I don’t belong here. I never have. I wish I was like you- then I could take you away from here. The thoughts are heightened when she sees the reason the entire town is gathered under the concave.
Four suitors from across the land vie for your hand in marriage. Ellie bites her tongue, her taste buds flooding with a familiar metallic sting. 
They don’t really want you, not like I do. All they want is power. They don’t treasure your time or your kindness. You deserve more. 
She clutches her spear, posture erect, seeming the quintessential knight. Only you noticed how her hand shook with nerves, how she seemed to hold onto the weapon as if letting go would kill her.
Each suitor takes time to introduce themselves. They focus on their own qualities, never talking about why they would be honored to be with you. And they would be. You sit on your throne, deep purple taffeta draping your body elegantly as you cross your legs. Aphroditic, a Hellenistic Roman statue come alive. Romantic, expressive, nymphlike in every way. If you were Euydice, Ellie thinks she must’ve been Orpheus. The anticipation of witnessing you choose your husband (and thus leaving her) was beginning to affect Ellie physically. Her heart felt like it would die in her chest: she swore she felt an arrhythmia. 
First, the suitor from the East describes what he would gift you if wed. As if you would be swayed by material possessions. The suitor from the South notes his conquests. The changes in your expression are minute, but Ellie knows the look. You’re entirely disgusted, and she clears her throat to catch your attention. You look over, the unimpressed look still donning your face, but your eyes light up when you see her. Ellie smiles- a silent reminder: I’m still here for you. It’s like you’re the only two people in the room.
The Western suitor wears his pants inside out, and your eyes immediately meet Ellie’s. You cover your mouth with your hand, appearing classy while chuckling and snorting behind your cover. 
The Northern suitor is handsome and decent, Ellie reluctantly admits. She’s not blind. She hates that she doesn’t hate him. He expresses interest in you and vows to give you autonomy. It’s basic, but more than the others offered. She tries to read your expression and for once, she can’t. It makes her heart drop. 
After every suitor is introduced, you and your court go into the back room to discuss your final decision. The decision that, whomever you choose, will ruin Ellie. She stands guard before the door, straining her hearing to find some clue that you won’t marry these men. She begs silently to whatever immortal being watches over her. 
You haven’t done much for me. I haven’t asked for much. But I’ll do anything to stop this. Please. 
A knock at the door signals Ellie to move away. She takes your hand and leads you back to the throne. You sit, and Ellie has to will herself to let go of you. What if this is the last time she’ll be able to hold you? The thought nearly brings her to her knees. Her joints ache with every step she takes away from you, returning to her post in front of the chancel. Your father stands, his creaking bones the only sound in the room. Everyone holds their breath as he speaks.
It’s detached apolitical jargon that Ellie can barely pay attention to. She thinks that if she doesn’t listen, the situation won’t become real. To her dismay, your father ends his aloof speech and presents you. Sir Williams has never felt so sober.
Ellie watches with wide eyes as you stand. She peers up at you from below the stage, and she can’t help but realize what a perfect metaphor this is. You stand above her, gilded and unobtainable, while she looks up, dreaming of what could’ve been. Of course, she’ll support any decision you make, but she’ll never be happy with it. It seems time moves gruelingly slowly as she awaits your voice. At any other moment, she’d be hanging off your every word, waiting excitedly for what you have to share next. But now, she hopes the words never come.
You open your mouth, words leaving in slow motion. She wants to close your mouth to shut you up and kiss you so hard that you never think about anyone else again. She doesn’t.
“Dearest suitors, I thank you for coming here today. Your travels are long and treacherous and your efforts do not go unnoticed. As noted by my father, I have come to a decision regarding my spouse. I am firm in my choice, as this is the most chivalrous, goodhearted, and impressive person I have met. The only person who understands me.”
Ellie is used to you switching from your formal persona to your true self, but she never gets over it. It’s you, but it’s not you. You stroll along the chancel, in thought, and Ellie takes the chance to admire everything about you as if this is the last time she’ll be able to. Posture, gait, the way you hold yourself as if you’re sure about every action. She doesn’t know you’re terrified beyond belief.
Your finger comes out to point to a suitor. The great hall inhabitants draw a collective breath, Ellie included. You drag your finger from the right side of the stage, passing over the suitors of the East, South, and West. Ellie knows where this is going. Of course, you’ll choose North. He was the obvious choice, and she couldn’t fault you for that. And suddenly, your finger passes by him.
Ellie’s mind races. What’s happening?
Your body turns, and soon, Ellie stares down your hand, furrowing her brow. Her eyes are filled with childlike hope.
“Ellie Williams, if you’ll have me?”
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Prompt List
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Hey! I am so sorry for not uploading for like five months! I really want to start uploading again but I think doing so many Taylor Swift inspired prompts burnt me out - if you sent a request or do send one I will get to it just give me time.
Here is a prompt list I'll be using from now on, like always if you have your own idea(s), send them in!
These's prompts include: "dialogue", 'anything in quotations is what the whole fic will be based around', 5 times plus 1, AU's and more!
Send in just one or merge some ideas together!
Click here to add yourself to my tag list! 🤍
1 - “You’re in love with her, you know that right?”
2 - “I didn’t know where else to go.”
3 - “I’m replaceable, you’re not.”
4 - “You kept it?”
5 - Leaning their head on their shoulder
6 - “Because that’s what you and I do, we protect each other.”
7 - “I swear on us.” “Why us?” “Because there is nothing I have ever believed in more.”
8 - Person A getting hurt protect Person B
9 - “Hey, calm down. They can’t hurt you anymore.”
10 - “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have kissed you.”
11 - “Whatever you do, don’t let go.”
12 - 5 times Person A and B correct people about their relationship status and the 1 time they just accept it
13 - Everything is black and white until you meet your soulmate. The world goes back to black and white when they die.
14 - “For what it’s worth, I never gave up on you.”
15 - Accidental love confession
16 - “You’re staring at him/her again.”
17 - “Give me one good reason why I should trust you?” “Because no matter how much you hate me, you know I have never lied to you.”
18 - “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you.”
19 - “If there was ever anybody meant for me, it’s you.”
20 - “You had your chance with her. You had your chance and you blew it, and this is my chance and I am not going to blow it because we are made for each other.”
21 - ‘I still hope there is more to our story. Maybe we just had to fall apart to find each other again one day.’
22 - “You weren’t there…why weren’t you there? I needed you! I needed you and you weren’t there!”
23 - “It’s my job to keep you safe, yes, but you could work with me a little to make it easier.”
24 - “Because I haven’t stopped thinking about you and you haven’t stopped thinking about me.”
25 - ‘I am usually an optimist but I have never hoped for a sad ending like I do for you and her.’
26 - “I can’t say if the day I met you was the best or worst day of my life.”
27 - “Don’t look at me like that.”
28 - ‘Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences.’
29 - “She’s my best friend, that’s never changed.” “Yeah, the only thing that changed was your feelings for her.”
30 - “How many fingers am I holding up?”
31 - “You’d die for her?”
32 - ‘He had that awkward tenderness of someone who had never been in love and was forced to improvise.’
33 - “I did it for you, you idiot.”
34 - “If I never see you again just know that I love you so, so much.”
35 - ‘He kissed her. Without warning, without permission. Without even deciding to do it, but simply because he couldn’t have done anything else.’
36 - “I thought you were dead!”
37 - Squeezing their hand reassuringly
38 - “Whatever you do, do not make a sound.”
39 - “I had a nightmare about you and I just wanted to make sure you were okay.”
40 - “I can’t do this without you. I won’t do this without you.”
41 - “See? I told ya they’d get together.”
42 - ‘There is some good left in this world and it is worth fighting for.’
43 - Born with your soulmates first name tattooed on your body
44 - ‘There are some people that you meet and you just know from the get go that they are important, that you have to do anything to keep them in your life. He was that person.’
45 - “You came to me, begging me for help!”
46 - “Tell me about your life before all of this.”
47 - ‘S/he would always be my biggest what if.’
48 - “It turns out I’m absolutely terrible at staying away from you.”
49 - One being forced to hurt the other but refusing, getting themselves hurt instead
50 - “Why is it always the people you can’t trust saying “trust me”?”
51 - ‘If you were going to die, I was going to die with you.’
52 - “You can’t sleep yet kid, I need you to stay awake.”
53 - ‘We met at the wrong time. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway. Maybe one day, years from now, we’ll meet in a coffee shop, in a faraway city somewhere and we could give it another shot.’
54 - Five times they wanted to say ‘I love you’ and the 1 time they finally did
55 - “I always thought you were the bravest person I’ve ever met.”
56 - “I’ve never had a family before.”
57 - “I’m not leaving without her.”
58 - ‘Sometimes we do everything right and it’s still not enough.'
59 - “Hey, you’re bleeding.”
60 - ‘We’re in love, we just want to be together. What’s wrong with that?’
61 - “Take me instead. Leave her/him and take me.”
62 - Sitting together on a rooftop
63 - “I think…I’m in love with (Name.)” “Congrats on being the last one to find out.”
64 - Needing somebody else to point out the fact you have feelings for character
65 - “I know we’re not…friends or anything, but…I’m here for you, if you need someone to talk to.”
66 - Drunken kiss
67 - “Come on, let’s get you cleaned up.”
68 - ‘Home is not where you are from. It’s where you belong. Some of us travel the whole world to find it. Others find it in a person.’
69 - “If I had it my way, we’d never leave this bed.” 
70 - ‘Everything that needs saying, truly saying, begins with a lump in the throat.’
71 - When mysterious injuries appear on your body, it’s because your soulmate got them.
72 - ‘For old times sake.’
73 - “I’m never gonna be good enough for you, am I?”
74 - “Don’t hurt him! Just stop hurting him, please!”
75 - ‘Sometimes there are no words that can help. Sometimes you just need to sit together in silence and try to come to terms with how the world works.’
76 - “When I let a day go by without talking to you, that’s just not a good day.”
77 – “Do you have a plan?” “I have a gun.”
78 - “How long did you think you could hide that?”
79 - “Leave with me.”
80 - ‘She was good and he needed a little good in his life because without it there was an awful lot of darkness.’
81 - 5 places Person A and B have kissed plus the 1 place where they did more than that
82 - “Honestly I wasn’t listening but I always disagree with whatever you say.”
83 - “There’s no way I’m sharing a bed with you.” “You’re more than welcome to sleep on the floor.”
84 - Person B is frowning all the time but Person A can always see when they are happy (Grumpy x Sunshine)
85 - ‘I want you to always remember me. Will you remember that I existed and that I stood next to you here like this?”
86 - “I’ll do it, but only because you asked me to.”
87 - 5 times Person A treated Person B’s injuries, plus 1 time Person B treated Person A’s injury.
88 - ‘Maybe one day we’ll meet again and I’ll be right for you and you’ll be right for me.’
89 - "Dying in the middle of nowhere doesn't seem so bad if you're here."
90 - “Oh no, you’re a morning person.”
91 - “I hate you.” “I love you too.”
92 - “No, don't stop, keep talking. I like hearing you talk.”
93 - “Are you cold?”
94 - “What do you want from me?”
95 - “Look, I know you hate me but I don’t know what to do and I really need some help.”
96 - “I’m not leaving you. Not this time.”
97 - “I wish things had been different.”
98 - “I can’t leave you alone for a second without you getting into trouble, can I?”
99 - “You’re not sleeping?” “Nope.” “Why not?” “Don’t want you to stab me the second I close my eyes.” “I won’t.”
100 - “This isn’t just an (object), it’s a promise.”
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dailydccomics · 2 years
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Barry Allen’s Guide to the Multiverse! Dark Crisis: Big Bang (2022)
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt in Memes 8
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615 notes · View notes
elliesmainhoe · 2 years
Ellie Williams Headcanon: Knight!Ellie X Princess!reader
My Masterlist
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She loves how smart you are, she's seen you at the war councils, with your father, the king. She loves the way you look at the map on the large table, moving pieces around the map like chess, explaining different tactics.
Due to you being heir to the throne, you had a choice of who your head guard would be. Of course you chose Ellie.
Her favourite task was having to guard your door at knight, she took first watch which meant that you were still asleep when her shift was over. She would slip into your room quietly and slip into your bed
Slow shuffling woke you up from your unconscious state, you finally opened your eyes when the large queen sized bed dipped slightly from a new weight.
"hmm, Ells, s'that you" you muttered
"yeah baby s'just me, go back to sleep angel..."
"mhm," you reply wrapping your arms of her shoulders and nuzzling into her neck.
Literally so in love with you, she constantly sends you heart eyes from across the room
Everyone knows about you and Ellie.
Even your dad, but he's glad that it's Ellie, not some untrustworthy man + no chance of unwanted pregnancy.
So my man's chill with it.
She thinks your so gorgeous, she loves when you go out in the courtyard, roaming around, stroking horses and picking flowers.
When you give her freshly picked flowers ❤️
And she teared up when you made her a flower crown.
Shes 100% friends with all the palaces animals. Scary guard dog? No soft puppy. Large stallion? No pony.
You think it's so endearing.
She loves doing your hair, since hers has to be short so it doesn't get in the way during combat. She's so good at it too, can do the most intricate braids and updos.
Since being assigned your personal guard, she doesn't have to really leave for battles anymore. Thank God.
Teaches you how to use weapons. You're useless at sword wielding but so good at archery.
Loves dressing you up, opening the large closet of beautiful, beaded, flowy dresses and golden, bejewelled tiaras. You're a life size doll for her.
When I mean she gets on her knees any time, she does. To bow to you and other things 😏
She's such a sweetheart. Just is so considerate. Your walking through the garden and you get caught on a prickly bush? picks you up immediately. And tells the landscaper to sort it out lmao.
Going on horse rides together through the forest 😍
When she's sparring with the other knights and she looks over to see you watching.
You swooning when you look at her win a duel
When she walks towards you forehead sweaty and a bloody nose, smirking because the other guys out cold on the floor.
Your throne was smaller in stature than your father's, standing slightly to the left of his, your mother's on his right.
Shes stood next to you, looking intimidating towards the lord's that gathered Infront of you.
Your face was expressionless, cold even as different lords and common folk told you and your parents about the goings-on in the kingdom.
Your voice was harsh and commanding, giving your opinions and orders.
A young man began to approach you outraged at something that you had said.
His hand traveled to his holster, trying to grab his sheathed weapon. But before his hand could reach it, it was detached from his body.
"You come any closer to the princess and I will cut of your tongue and throw you in the cellar to rot, you traitor-bastard"
You looked at Ellie, her face was stone cold, outraged at the audacity he had to threaten you, the princess, her princess.
A small smile graced your lips, as you looked at the girls blood splattered face, ignoring the screaming man who was now being dragged, with his disembodied hand to be punished for treason elsewhere.
It turned kinda dark at the end there 😅 but I hope you liked it. Requests are open btw
Part 2
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hughmanbean · 8 months
A Wedding to Remember
Credit to @i-am-not-acting for this idea from a comment on one of my other posts. I had a major brain functionTM.
Ellie does her wandering, and comes across a beautiful Lady by the name of Gotham. The two of them hit it off, dating, and eventually, getting married. But a week before the big day, Lady Gotham has a flash of panic. She forgot to invite her Knights and Rogues! Ellie, of course, consoles her, saying she'll help her do it. Fright Knight tags along, saying it's only fair that he welcome his fellow protectors and loyal servants into the Royal Family.
And so begins a week long jumble of either Fright Knight, Ellie, or Lady Gotham giving invites to the various vigilantes and rogues within Gotham.
Mostly these are letters, inviting them to come and witness a union that will forever impact and strengthen Gotham's standing universally. Something will change Gotham as we know it, forever. Everyone who shall see will be audience to the greatest joys one could know.
Ellie is the pseudo daughter of the Reluctant King, after all. There will be a huge party, like, absolutely massive. And Lady Gotham's Joy will ripple throughout her inhabitants.
These letters, obviously, do not ease any worries. They very much compound them. Now, how any of our batfam or rogues recieve these letters is up to you, or it could be a personalized invitation! But from the beginning of the week to the day of the wedding, it's either outright chaos or paranoia setting in.
may add more later.
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spineless-lobster · 1 year
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I am once again thinking about all of them
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astralnymphh · 5 months
before the flora.
knight!ellie x princess!reader teaser. beginning is essentially just lore. bonus excerpt with ellie and princess interaction below the sketch. wrote the intro in january. no warnings tbh. illustration by @trackinglessons :P READ THIS . PALESTINE MASTERPOST
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When the universe was born, there was only fire; a slowly waning blaze. And so hence when death begins to unfurl its low, groaning bloom— there will only be ice.
Yet the heavens and earth are nay alike, as death— and life, are interwoven by the timeless nuptial that is humans, and Mother Nature. Cordial and tepid heartbeats meet with her frigid and frightening marrow this season. Flakes are falling, a howl swells in the wind, and hearths stay an undying tongue of flame in the province of Istenad. Isle of riches and hedonism gone rampant amongst those who proved meritful of a conversation spat over gilded chalices. Or those who wiped a famished tongue stroke over the sole of His Majesty— The King's tan leather boots in entreat, declaring the hide a tenfold more gullet–watering than their stale, daily spare of bread. Where high life reins, low life is there to scrub their steeds.
The wintry pearlescent tundra fringing around uncharted woodlands hums your name— it carries by gale, an airy reed of vowels pulled through your ears. 
Tut, tut, tut, the pecking of bark.
Everything seems to resound much heavier over the windows thick limestone sill. Woodwinds, the sough of pine boughs— a chorus wafted. Woodpeckers, they beat rigid timber with their sonnets of calling. The echoed tut starts to sound awfully kindred to a beckoning call of your name. And at daybreak, when the tangerine sun dips its head under the coast, you feel a magnetic lull to traverse your truest passions and slip away into the night, arctic chilled steel in hand. The quantity of hay sticking beneath your shoes collected by skittering across the night–doused thoroughfare was well enough to concern your maids on duty to dress you, brows fuddled at the streaming of straw near your door come morning.
Loop of your knuckles, bend of your wrist, a hand flexed on the hilt of a meticulously poached sword. A swing 'round your waist, a cold hale grip the air could taste, fighting off many mythic brutes of moonlight, however only conceived where dreams are airtight. The mind, it plays. The play it perceives, a viewing spread like tawny butter. Ghouls and ghastlies encircle a quaint pond, chanting away in cryptic grumbles and beastly bumbles, enraged with their slobber frothing at the fangs you tore from their sockets— deeper than artless, juxtaposed to the blinding ruby reds and dyed paper sunflowers of the theater. Your mind’s play felt real.
Unfortunate to your heart, dreams will stay dreams.
Nary a princess was meant to tune into melee, especially at your courting age. Nevertheless, your psyche has spurned from what a maiden is expected of and is completely in a haven of your own structure, your signature sanctuary. 
In the farmsteads, a forthcoming soldier harvests not just crop— but dexterity. Derived and nurtured in the faraway prairie village of Dunwich, where the fertile seasons prove flaxen of corn and the trickling sweat of every farmhand turns to gold. Any newborn granted to this quaint village is fated to form calloused hands with labor written in their palm lines as time unfolds. In their— well, her— adolescent years, the yearning for practices of gallantry in knighthood swiveled her sights to the colossal stone castle way.. way far away. Sprouting beyond the earth line, far as the eye can see.
So, she learned, she trained, she slept, partaking in a ranged cycle taught by her ruthlessly departed father: Sir Joel. Reprisal became her nemesis; never able to rend the barrier of hesitation and cleanse her shut eyes of revolting imagery. The horseman of death was not omitting the trauma of this hazel-haired soldier. A weight so burdensome, her speckled skin remembers the tales of every scar clawed into it. Like how the lips of a bard cling to an everlasting ballad.
Every knight knew well to exile any lingering ties to the past. It's been years since he passed, she understands that. Though, the heart never lies, and certainly never covets forgetting.
Ambitions stemming from legions of knights in waiting have fallen short, submerging within the moat of the castle and sinking deep into the catacombs with no elegy sung. An allegory for dreams long since vanished. A domain so valued longs for those biding life with rigid bones, such as she. Tempered by the hardships, endured like metal meeting the blacksmith's chisel. 
A vividness to her movements, flowing like a river. For it is water that soothes the most cosmic fires, carves veins into the earth's soil, descends from the heavens above and proves iron soluble. A knight so pinpoint and poised like a painter, yet so daring and baneful like a warrior of evenfall. An artisan of her craft, this knight-to-be is. Born to thrive in matters regarding protection of their kingdom and its nobility. By the sheer tenacity of her skill, she will excel. From the self–instructed lessons in a verdant pasture, basked by undying light in her hometown— to the ordained priming within the royal court. 
They were forged to be dutiful. 
You are a daughter of the illustrious King, Sagard, and swan–grace queen, Sagard— maiden name Adela, and sister of your highly revered and cherished kin, Prudence. Subsequent to her fabled rise, was your fall. A pratfall you plainly turned a serene ear from, for you foresaw its coming. Clandestine adventures and lollygagging in the marketplace earned you right in the clasp of consequences. You knew that, knowing it kept you on the balls of your toes before you'd be caught suiting into an act more repugnant— be it, no.. befogging yourself in a peasant boys' dire–in–muck rags, merely to play "boy" games as a young one? 
Prudence was there, at every occasion, scolding with her youthful finger at the palace fore, sucking her fingertip wet of spit and dragging a stroke over your soot–strewn cheek, just before scuttling the halls in search of father, cawing, “Father, Father! My sisters become a boy again!” until it rang his fucking ears to a pulse. Hmph, father even countered his own remark of squawk, pouring through the walls, “Hah! The second son I wish I reared! Tell me, what peasants skin does she clad: butcher's boy, or of the farmer?”
Rebuking the role of royalty isn't your entire bastion of vengeance. You purely long for a world of your own color. Your self-brewn arcadia of art. In a concise phrase, desire for sovereignty. And your family chastised you curtly for every scant display of free will, short of the Queen, she is fair.
Daughter of the King, Princess of the thicket. You retain your fortunes. Modestly.
“Why don't you resemble your sister more?”
A ruby crested box designed by the best of goldsmiths is lodged at the margin of your beds footboard, safekeeping of your esteemed regalia. You possess a bedazzled amassing of circlets, veils, brocade and velvet tunics of long lengths within this box. But do any of them revel in the blessing of being worn on regal skin? Never. You opted for garbs of less gilding and jewels, so that you might taint it with whatever adventures mold under the ribbing of your foot. That shit offended your skin with its indelicacy of forgetting a human will don its fabric golds and woven jewels.
Even— court gatherings. You don the likeness of simplicity and temperate elegance. This morning's virginal aurora, a broach of light swoll from the windows arch, to the footing of your bed, made the wake of your eyes begin upon a lighting behind sheer skin. Your box of regalia shone in that incandescence momentarily. It danced, fleeter than you, irkingly so. You had to squint whilst flipping the clasps and hauling the heavy lid slanted against your bed, or else you may be heaven–blinded. “Every inch of Princess,” you intoned in quietude at the sight of glamored fabrics, “—whom I shant mirror.” and reached for the homelier fabrics, scratch of cobalt-blue linen delight brushing under your prints, you grasped your reserve tight.
“I was not made aware that there is a village wedding to be, dear sister— from what river does this dress of rags hail from?”
“It is not a brides dress, nor rags, leave me Prud—”
Prudence had blocked the shut of your chamber door with her hand flattened, pursuing, “You glum your gems. Rotting in that chest, tasting no light, no glory.”
You kept your lips thickly sown shut, casting dimly eyes to the ground.
“Shall I send for the steward so he may sell—”
“No need.”
“Hmm, most stubborn, are we? Then I—”
“I am least stubborn,” you wedged your fingers beneath her palm, prying the door loose, “—it is you, who strays your own counsel, unmoving as a mountain.” ending with the trudging shut of your door, ceasing in silence.
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[++ bonus excerpt from act 2, scene 1]
“Uh–huh..” she draws out. Legato; a sarcastic reply, and wipes her tongue through the press of her lips together, “This far out? You must rebel quite often to have made a friend, I bet?” she tilts her head, a bit playful.
“You bet well— a lot, I assume?” 
Cannily, she winks, “Indeed I do.” and aligns her face onward. Gesturing to her horse's rump a second— third? Eh, whatever time— she jerks her brow with a head cock back, “Hop on, I'll take you there.”
Both brows fall, and you flinch bemused, “Wh– uh,” as you hem and haw for words, grating a stutter, “But not a moment ago you spoke of the roads recent perils—”
“Surely it's not far?” she spoke presumptuously, “I mean, you've come this far, My Lady. Nobody would travel the woods past sunset, besides you it seems.” now a matter–of–fact vocal barricade that shoves itself into your ears and winds the cogs to think cleverly.
You shan't know my transgressions, sweet Knight. You may talk.
Trust is sparse as a puddle marched in.
“‘Tis but a mile out. Bravo on your convincing, Williams.” you wry and scoff. 
“Can't fumble that name, huh?”
“I would not want to dishonor your knighthood.” 
“You honor me with your coincidental presence, Princess.”
“Honor in your mind.”
"Hmph," her breathy chuckle, a sweetness you luckily caught with ears even numbed by the snowsquall. Do not blush. Do not smile. Fuck. Guess you'll be visiting Malina after all, the gale of a displeased sigh icing your lips over as you approach that dangling stirrup.
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theprinceofliones · 7 months
He knows something's wrong when his son doesn't come home.
Meliodas can feel it in his bones, tingling underneath his skin as his demon blood hums with his unfiltered anxiety. He itches to move, to fight, to distract himself even though it feels like the walls are closing in.
Tristan had left for Benwick a week prior, to visit Lancelot and attempt to find a way to lift him up despite Percival's death, to attempt to bring him back into the fold.
He left with his Platoon, Isolde and Chion, and Meliodas trusted them of course. But, his son was powerful just by himself, so he was at least a little reassured in that aspect. Meliodas never thought Arthur would attack again, not now, not when he'd succeeded in ridding of the prophecy.
Isolde is limping, holding up a barely awake Chion, and all of his fears suddenly come true.
They were attacked by Arthur's knights.
Tristan tried to buy them time to get out of there.
Tristan didn't come home.
His son had been /taken from him/.
Meliodas is ruined.
He enters the meeting hall, opening the doors himself and feels as though he's working on autopilot, like someone has taken over his body and is doing everything for him because--how could he do anything else? How could he? When his worst nightmare has become reality.
Elizabeth, his wife, his beautiful, gorgeous other half, his strong, /true/ soulmate stands at the end of the table whilst other Lords of the realm discuss amongst themselves. They had been for days, inside of these four walls, panicked now that Percival's death was made public. Elizabeth had been attempting to placate them, to reassure them that not all was lost.
But, it was. Everything was lost. His son was gone.
Meliodas doesn't feel the tears on his cheeks, nor does he feel the stare and silence of every knight and lord now that he's entered. He simply limps his way over to his wife who's staring at him with wide, golden eyes, absolutely frozen as she watches her husband and his hunched over form, like he'll fall apart.
Something's wrong. Something's happened.
She goes cold, an unmistakable numbness taking over her, true, /pure/ fear taking ahold of everything she is.
She's never felt such terror before. Not ever.
Something's /wrong/.
Meliodas finally makes his way over to her, exhaling shakily before he reaches up to gently grab her hand and, for a moment, it looked as though he were moving to softly graze her stomach, her womb, before he twitches to grasp her palm and turn the two of them around towards the fireplace behind them, away from the eyes of the lords and knights staring at them as though they're ghosts.
Elizabeth feels her husband shake, /shake/, and she thinks she knows.
"Arthur-" Meliodas' voice is hoarse, as though he had been screaming. "He took our boy, Elizabeth. Our baby."
Her worst nightmare, now a reality.
Elizabeth is ruined.
She rips her hand from his, going completely cold, cold as corpse, and takes a step away from him, skin going paler than that of a ghost.
She moves to take another step, and nearly falls over, her foot shaking.
Elizabeth /trembles/, fear overriding her, terror and horror making a home inside of her insides, replacing her blood for dread, and her bones for panic. Her heart beats loudly in her ears, resounding throughout her skull as she moves away from him, trying and nearly failing to hold herself upright.
Her hands reach up to grasp at her stomach, where she once created life from, where she once held her son away from the whole world, where her son couldn't be taken from her.
She bows her head and shakes uncontrollably, all noise turning muffled as grief immediately takes over her, fills her senses and she /sobs/.
/No, no, no/, her mind begs. /Please, let this be a nightmare. Please/.
Her son, her boy, her baby. Gone. Gone. Gone.
/"What's happened?"/
/"Is the Queen alright?"/
/"Your Grace, are you-?"/
Her son, her boy, her baby. Taken. Taken. Taken.
What else would this world take? What else would the Gods deem her unworthy of? How much more would she suffer?
Arthur had been her friend, her ally, but he had lost his way.
She had been prepared to save him, to help guide him back on the right path because-it wasn't his fault. It wasn't him anymore, it was Chaos inside of him, controlling him, making him do things he wouldn't ever normally do.
She was prepared to forgive him.
But there was no forgiveness any longer.
Elizabeth had none left to give.
Suddenly, she lifts her head back up and stands upright, very suddenly calm as she exhales once, twice, three times, through her parted lips.
It was as if all sorrow and grief had been burnt away, burnt away by the boiling, ever so careful /rage/ consuming her, taking over all she was and all she'd ever be.
She can feel the tears drying on her cheeks as she turns around, facing her husband and the rest of the room.
Meliodas stares at her as though he's never seen her before.
The lords and knights all rear back at the sight of her.
"His head," She heaves as her skin boils alive. Her stomach is an empty vessel now, barren and cold. "Bring me Arthur Pendragon's /head/."
She wasn't a defenseless little princess, she hadn't been for a long time, but for the first time since facing off against the Demon King, does she truly feel as though her rage could transform her into something vicious.
Meliodas' eyes are shining still, filled with tears, but they're empty, nearly lifeless, and they are the same in their shared grief. But, hers burns brighter than the light of a thousand suns, and his is an empty cavern filled with nothingness.
The grief and rage of losing a child could burn down the world. Either the Kingdom of Britannia or Kingdom of Camelot could be allowed to prosper, but not both.
Arthur Pendragon would reap what he's now so viciously sown, would pay for everything he had taken from her.
After all, hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
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