bebs-art-gallery · 2 months
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Female Rage in Paintings
Judith Slaying Holofernes by Artemisia Gentileschi | Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist by Caravaggio | Judith Beheading Holofernes by Caravaggio | Jael and Sisera by Alessandro Turchi | Judith with the Head of Holofernes by Louis Finson | Jael slays Sisera by Ottavio Vannini | Judith and Her Maidservant with the Head of Holofernes by Orazio Gentileschi | La Douce Résistance by Michel Garnier | Timoclea Kills the Captain of Alexander the Great by Elisabetti Sirani | Untitled by Jose Gabriel Alegría Sabogal | Salome Bearing the Head of Saint John the Baptist by an unknown copyist after c. 1631, originated from Guido Reni
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histhoughtslately · 3 months
When love finds you again, I wish for you that is kind, gentle, loving, peaceful and tranquil. May it make you smile again, laugh often, dance like no one’s watching, and support your true self without condition.
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palatinewolfsblog · 5 months
"Fairytales don't tell children that dragons exist.
Children already know that dragons exist.
Fairytales tell children that dragons can be killed."
G.K. Chesterton.
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darkest-femme · 11 months
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lunacelebrateslife · 2 months
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batboyblog · 1 month
Vice-President Kamala Harris tells a young supporter in Iowa "You never have to ask anyone for permission to lead, when you want to lead you just lead" and then has her repeat it back.
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girlmagicfr · 2 months
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Seeing a black woman winning makes me feel so empowered....
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holistichealingg · 11 months
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jukeboxgirl · 5 months
The question to women that’s gone viral:
Would you rather be in the woods alone w a man or a bear?
Majority of women said bear.
Why? Because even if it did maul us, the following would happen-
1. We wouldn’t be blamed for the attack
2. We would be believed
3. People would hunt down that bear without giving it a second thought
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spiritualseeker777 · 21 days
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itsmaats13 · 2 months
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histhoughtslately · 6 months
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Listen up! You already have this superpower. Stop letting people’s shitty perceptions be your kryptonite! You are way too strong and intelligent for their obvious tactics! 💫
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dreamsrunfaster · 8 months
being a 17776 fan feels like chewing drywall. guys. guys this story ostensibly about american football changed me. no guys you should read it - well when I say read I mean experience it really - no no it's online it's free - no it won't break your computer this is normal it's okay i promise it's not even really about football. well no actually it's about satellites. yeah the Jupiter Explorer is in it and they're a little shit. yeah no the gender binary doesn't exist in 17776. yes i meant 17776 not 1776. it's not even really about satellites. it is though. please i am begging you read this it changed me.
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adviceformefromme · 8 months
How to win this month…
Speaking life into yourself daily, no more judging yourself because you didn’t go for a run, or wake up at 5am. Choosing to love yourself unconditionally. Choosing to write those affirmations and stick them on the bathroom mirror, choosing to infuse your mind with loving, kindness, gratitude and all that yummy stuff on an hourly basis.
Focus on move the needle tasks. You want to write that book, loose 100 lbs, compete in the Olympics - whatever is your PRIMARY goal in life (and choose the primary one only), focus 100% on that task. Creating momentum around this one thing each and every day. Your primary goal should be your only focus. Secondary goals, are irrelevant. Nothing comes above your PRIMARY GOAL, and doing small little tasks each day to support this is how you make progress.
Organised days. As much as the feminine loves, flow, ease, loose unstructured days this truly does not bag you the life of your dreams. Break your day into 4 hour blocks, setting tasks in each block from when you wake up to the evening. This allows organised, focused, and productive days.
Using your resources wisely, if you’re still recovering financially from xmas, or on some kind of budget, ensure you spend wisely. Choosing health over aesthetic, choosing the Pilates membership over the designer trainers. The intolerance test over the sculpting facial. Investing in the inside before the outside is a priority. Making smarter financial decisions from a place of inner love.
Main character energy. Putting yourself first on a whole new level. No more thinking about the guy who you’re not even dating, no more putting mental energy into anything other than becoming your very best self. Period. If it’s taking mental energy from your purpose , from those move the needle tasks, from your organised days, from spending wisely. RE-ALIGN, create space and re-centre and get back on the track. We're winning the race this year.
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astrolovecosmos · 2 months
Many astrologers describe the different Liliths as a place of empowerment, especially feminine empowerment. Below is a generalization of this idea. Lilith has come to mean many things in astrology and is highly debated about.
Lilith in Earth - Empowerment through chastity or promiscuity - as long as it is 100% their choice. By getting in touch with one's body. By exercising self-control in various ways. Empowerment through practicality, budgeting, security, financial gain and attraction. When Lilith is in an Earth sign there is a large focus on the body and you could argue that things like fashion, tattoos, piercing, and hair styles could even be a form of empowerment.
Lilith in Fire - Empowerment through assertiveness, confidence - especially confidence in one's body or sexuality, decisiveness, maybe even a sense of wildness. Taking the lead on projects, at work, and especially in your relationships. Being open-minded towards lust and passion. Through freedom and independence.
Lilith in Water - Empowerment through embracing sensitivity, empathy, intuition, the ability to heal and help others, emotional connectiveness and intelligence, perception, as well as being forceful, influential, potent, intense, spiritual, practicing privacy, and embracing some of the darker sides of self and life.
Lilith in Air - Empowerment through independence, exercising and displaying your intelligence, practicing or understanding different forms of detachment, explore different forms of intimacy as well as abstaining from intimacy (emotional, physical, etc.). There is a large focus on empowering the mind through knowledge and learning. Sharing ideas and knowledge to others is important too.
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lunacelebrateslife · 1 month
You've outgrown the version of you that needed to survive. It's time to become the version of you that's here to thrive.
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