#everytime I think about it’s wasted potential I get angry
solardrink · 2 years
Shoutout to plo koon the only star wars character ever
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byfulcrums · 1 year
Honestly the “JLU Wally is YJ Wally” HC/AU has so much wasted potential. Not only angst but also. Imagine how fucking funny the whole situation could be. Imagine
Wally, against his wishes, goes to an undercover mission with the League. When something inevitably blows up, he gets (reasonably) angry and starts muttering about how “It's a curse, I swear. I am not feeling the aster right now. So not whelmed, man”. Shayera looks at him confused, because what the fuck does aster mean?
He gets banned from going to undercover/recon/non-fighting missions
When he figures something that he feels should have been obvious up he says “Hello, Megan!” and facepalms. He does it a lot, and refuses to explain when someone asks him why or what it means
He's the youngest in the team but he's also one of the most experienced
People usually think that the reason why he tends to not tell the league about what his next move is going to be in battle or why he's so uncoordinated when working in a team is because he's arrogant and refuses to listen. It's actually because he's so used to having the mind link to communicate that now he finds it hard to talk out loud with his teammates sometimes. He's working on it
He'll ask someone something and then get frustrated when they don't answer him, only to remember that he never actually said anything out loud
Not having people in his mind all the time feels kind of lonely. Maybe that's why he was so much happier than usual when J'onn was forced to make a temporary mind link for a mission
He gets frustrated because he wants to watch a show he likes but then remembers that the show doesn't exist because it was created in like 2008. It's a pain
He talks to Shayera about his other red-headed sister, ‘Megan’, and gets uncharacteristically sad and quiet when she asks if she could meet her someday
The original JL members started to pick up on some of the stuff he says, so the phrases “Hello, Megan!”, “Get whelmed” or even the word ‘crash’ are commonly heard in the Watchtower
His relationship with Superman is complicated because he's used to holding some resentment for not being patient with Conner when he first met him so sometimes he's too salty with him, but then he remembers that that was another Superman and it gets awkward pretty quickly
If his relationship with Superman is complicated, then imagine how it is with Batman and Zatanna. One is his best friend's dad from another universe and the other is his friend he's known since he was 14 from another universe who is now older than him
And imagine how it'd be with Red Tornado. He's so used to having the guy as some kind of mentor that being his superior feels off. He tried to connect with him but it was just too awkward for him to handle
He. Misses. Barry. And. Iris.
He finds out that the Jason of this universe came back to life and wonders if his Jason came back too. Too bad he's never going to find out
Let him break down a little. Let him live with the knowledge that he's all alone now (pre-JL). Let him be depressed over the fact that his aunt doesn't even know him because both him and Barry are dead in this universe
He thinks about how he was going to propose to Artemis and doesn't show up to league meetings and missions for three weeks
“Why weren't you here?” “I had some stuff to do haha sorry” (he was laying in bed crying)
Certain things, like eating ice cream or going out to see movies, just aren't as appealing as they used to be. Everytime he sees teenagers hanging out, laughing with each other, he can't help but think about how that could (should) be him
He had to quit the team (more like was forced to quit) because his powers were killing him. Now he's back on the field and isn't dying anymore, but he can't help but think that maybe if he was then he wouldn't have cared much
Wally meets the Nightwing of this universe and immediately starts crying
Think about this: Dick doesn't know him, who know what's up with Roy, Artemis is a criminal, Kaldur probably doesn't even exist, Conner also doesn't exist (yet), Zatanna's way older than him and M'gann is dead. Just. Take a moment to think about it
He has to live with the knowledge that he's probably never going to see his friends, his family again. He has to live with the knowledge that he has no one to go to when he has speedster problems. He has to live with the knowledge that he'll never go home
Clark brings his Ma's pie to the Watchtower once and Wally gets so emotional because it smells sm like the pies he used to (try to) make with Iris and Barry (it was apple pie. They always failed so they bought one from a bakery, and Ma's smells sm like those he can't help but remember the good old days lmao. He cries)
I said this once and I'll say it again: he was going to propose to Artemis
He died knowing that he would never be able to make amends with his soulmate best friend
He has to go on a mission where he sees this universe's Artemis (a criminal) and no matter how much he tries to help her and turn her into at least a civilian, he still wasn't able to make her be even close to his Artemis
He has one of those scenes where the hero (Wally ofc) says “You could come with me. I'd help you. You could get away from the people that hurt you and, if you want to, I'd live you alone once you're safe. I can promise that”, and the villain (Arty) is like “Omg really...??” and acts all hopeful and shit but ends up being “Sike no, I'm never going with u wtf”
He finds out Hal exists in this universe too but is in another planet and looses his shit lmaoo
But like srs. The potential this shit has is amazing and ppl should acknowledge it more
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helloblobbyblobfish · 10 months
Hypnovember day 6: Happy Trance
So.... I privately apologized to @mathhypnostories, but I will do it again to all of you... Let's just say last months was VERY messy IRL for me. I actually did manage to write my prompts on time until the 16th, but then... And I only went two days in a row on Tumblr to reblog-dump since the 5th. My deepest apologies for the tardiness, which stopped the whole publication porcess. Can't even promise I will be able to publish everything I've written soon.
Well, to start getting slightly back on track, here is a day I had a LOT of ideas for. Hope you like it!
(I also edited chapter 4 and added the corresponding image, which was missing for some reason.)
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My grandson Henry was always so stressed about my daughter and her husband’s expectations of him. I was seeing waste away in his office job, the bag under his eyes always larger everytime he managed to squeeze a meeting with me in his overcrowded timetable.
I could not let it continue. So I called a few favors, with old associates, let’s say. I arranged a meeting, threw some odd dust in my grandson’s face, and he suddenly did not care at all about his parent’s opinions as he moved in with me and got to live the anxiety-free life.
I know I myself was always going about how important it is to not rely on the family’s fortune, but surely he should just get a new car and go on a sweet vacation. And, oh. He always asked for a pet but wasn’t allowed to when he was younger. Now that he isn’t focused on anything else but what I remind him would please him, he can be a proud owner of a cuddly little dog. He loves Biscuit so much, she’s even more pampered than he is. Isn’t she adorable?
And my Henry was so nice to his parents when they came, even when they started berating him. I don't think he was even capable of being angry at them. So I had a talk with those two, and managed to calm them down. Thankfully, I did not have any more of that powder, or else I would have been tempted to use it for much less sympathetic reasons. Still, Henry kept contact with them. If that’s what he wanted, I couldn’t exactly deny my grandchild, could I?
Now my grandson is  trying to get on dates. He is so nice, so carefree. I'm judging his potential girlfriends maybe a bit too harshly, but I just want to make sure he gets a girl who understands him and does not cause him unwanted stress. I don’t want all my work to go to waste. But hey. I’m sure he is still gonna be my little happy heir for a long, long time.
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mrstsung · 9 months
Vent below if you like liu kang this post isn't for you. This is basically an anti liu kang and really angry post.
Giving y'all a warning.
Again DNI if you like liu kang or "stan" him. Or are a fire god liu kang fan. Because this post isn't for you.
Like I'm giving a warning for a reason because im not gonna be nice rn. I choose violence today ok?
Trying to cite warnings and tag this so people don't get up in arms. (Which they may anyways but hey thats on them if they click further)
Cw:vent,angry admin.
Last warning. If you like liu kang. Plz for the love of god dni and keep scrolling. But if you dont like him. And especially hate fire god liu kang. Plz Continue.
Vent below cut
If you like or stan liu kang but more so mk12/mk1 god *redacted titans derogatory* liu kang.
Kick rocks. He's an asshole. Have a nice die liu kang. 💀🗑⚰
Nah. You can miss me with that. Liu kang deserves nothing but death and suffering. In fact everyone BUT shang tsung deserves it.
Nah if yall would have gave shang something actually decent,livable,love and care,maybe a fucking decent friend that wasn't a previous roster member?,etc. None of this would be a problem. But nope. Liu kang had to be a petty whore bitch with bias agenda. Could have made him evil and made him like dark raiden. But nope you had to make him insufferable and unlikable.
Like a guy who hides behind the im nice,till you disagree or reject his ideals and suddenly you're gaslighted and given shit. Omg much like religious indoctrination. How interesting. But they dont wanna talk about that.
People don't wanna talk about how shitty the writing is. But people don't care so as long as the characters are pretty and fuckable enough. But the more things change the more they stay the same i guess.
Everytime i see mk12/mk1 liu kang i wanna spit on him and punch him and set him on fire and just want him dead and gone for good. Because i fucking hate him. I have never hated even kronika this bad,more so i felt she was a waste of potential, and redundant af. Nah He deserves die.
Like go to Super hell liu kang. Piss off with your shitty fanfic Timeline. Loser bitch ass hiding behind a fake ass smile and preaching peace. Peace my ass. Shit happened anyways. Makes fucking shinnok look like a fucking saint sweetheart in comparison.
Like im not even joking. I don't even care about his reasons. I dont even care what canon says. Or these fucking mk1 liu kang fans say anymore. Im tired.
Which we all know it's because he has weird hang ups over kitana when he could have just fucking left,said fuck it and married her anyways. She would have said yes. But he had to be weird about it,roundabout af,and make everyone suffer because he couldn't get edanian pussy.
Or it's because maybe he thinks he can do better than raiden. The arrogant prick. Nah that god dilf raised you and you give him this shit?! After all he went through?! Thi s is the thanks you give him?! Liu kang im not just disappointed in you im disappointed in the fact raiden didn't kill you off when he had the chance when he went dark. Would've Saved us a shitty game and a half.
Like liu kang did all the things and still had bad things if not worse things. Happen. Preaching peace and prosperity my ass. Fake ass ugly ass hoebag bitch. I hope he chokes on his spit in his sleep. I hope sand get in his ass and never comes out. I hope he dies from this bullshit lame tarkat disease and gets ultra mega plague. I just fucking hate it man.
The villains are lame. The story is lame. Liu kangs fanfic is lame. And nrs is lame.
I'd rather deal with the shitty 2021 movie than this shit. I'd rather deal with shitty writing in mk11 than this. Fr. At least it's entertaining shit.
And shang tsung isn't a fucking dumpster fire in the story. Shao kahn while a meathead is still terrifying. Quan chi isn't there but in 10 he was fucking beeeeeast. Shinnok. Poor shinnok. You deserve better. Cetrion was a waste. Kronika too. Geras was actually scary,but now he's a tool.
Legitimately the gameplay is just juggle better,gimmicky kameos bullshit,and same ol crap different wrapper.
Mk12/mk1? More like mk11.5 . Nothing changes thats worth the money.
I can find better shit on emulators.
Graphics aside what does the new game really truly have to offer? Nothing.
Wishful thinking. Like a bag of lays chips but unlike potato chips which is useful. This game sadly. Is not.
(Liu kang is only valid if he's from the 95 movie thats it. Fuck every other version. But even then it's thin ice at this point. Nrs has ruined liu kang for me.)
So yeah kick rocks liu kang. I hate liu kang and anyone who stans his ass rn in the story and the new game can fuck right off.
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ghost-bison · 2 years
They should have let TW in the cemetery where it belonged tbh or made Liam the protagonist. Scott/Tyler it's been years move on pls. People have written fanfics with more sense and emotions compared to the movie. The vampire diaries new season is a sacrilege 🙃... What are they gonna do next, another Supernatural season?
Thank you for answering!💐 and I'm sorry you witnessed such an awful movie
Hehe you're the same anon I presume :)
Totally agree on everything you said. Tbh I think Scott was a fun protagonist in the first season, I LOVED the fact that he was just a dumb teenager with only Allison on his mind, so much so that he didn't even realize he was screwing everyone over with his obsession for her. It was realistic, and one of the reasons why season 1 is my fave season (weird I know, but idk, this season makes me emotional).
Then there's Liam, and at the beginning I didn't like him, because he didn't really have a personality, but then around season 5 he started becoming so funny and his interactions with Theo were pure gold. I just didn't like Mason (it felt like he was there to fill the quota of black AND gay characters, but he was just so annoying, and his bf Corey too) and Hayden (let's not even talk about her, what was she even doing here when there was THEO). I feel like their attempt at making Liam the new Scott with Hayden being the new Allison, Mason the new Stiles, Corey the new Lydia and Theo the new Derek was a big failure, and Liam should have been on his own (or Mason could also have been there cause it felt good to see some diversity, but like he should've been way more flamboyant if that makes sense, cause in the show he just felt flat lol). So, Liam had a LOT of potential, especially with Theo and the Enemies to Lovers arc, and it was wasted stupidly. He deserved so much more space in the Movie like ughhh, he barely even talked! I don't even remember if he talked at all!! Plus I was SO looking forward to meeting Hikari, the kitsune, and SHE DIDN'T SAY A SINGLE WORD. She was just there to be Liam's girlfriend and replace Kira to save Scott with fox fire!! It makes me so angry
Also one character who could've been the protagonist in the Movie: Eli, Derek's son. You haven't seen the movie so idk if you'll agree with me but he's actually quite a cool character, like I genuinely appreciated him. He had some Stiles vibes and even dressed like him, which is hilarious considering Derek's relationship with Stiles, and he had Scott's 'pure of heart, dumb of ass' energy from season 1 which was pure gold. This movie could have been a next generation thing, and it would have been probably incredible and would have allowed to keep Teen Wolf's spirit intact, and like Scott, Derek, Malia, Lydia etc could've been the side characters who try to guide their teens through life etc, but they chose to do that shit instead.
Literally any fanfiction is better than what they did.
About TVD: bruh, what even was season 8 lol. Damon just becoming a bad boy again and again and again because the fangirls like it is just plain ridiculous at some point. Like bro. Also how Enzo had so much potential and they chose to make him Bonnie's love interest and nothing else. I mean don't get me wrong I ship them, I'm glad they were together, but that's literally all he was and it pisses me off because the actor who plays him is way too talented to be reduced to just this position. And don't get me started on Alaric/Caroline (i'm literally gonna barf) and their twin daughters like wtf was that lmaoooo
This show should have stopped earlier, and Teen Wolf should never have had a movie if they were gonna do THAT. It's disrespectful to the fans, to the actors, to the nostalgia. It's gonna take me so much time to be able to forget and not see this dumpster fire everytime I watch TW season 1. They ruined it for me.
About Supernatural, I have only seen seasons 1 and 2 very long ago and I just remember I stopped because it felt repetitive lol. So Idk how it held for 15 seasons when TVD season 8 already felt recycled lol
Thank you for your asks anon <3 I hope I didn't dwell too much, I had so much to say about this haha
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poisonedprose · 1 year
tw opinions!!
the 1 - i dont relate to it but i think its so beautiful its one of the first songs i listened to when i started getting into taylor swift!
cardigan - i love this song but its not my favorite yk what i mean like ill never get tired of hearing it but theyre are def better songs on folklore
the last great american dynastay - IF TLGAD HAS 0 FANS I AM DEAD.
exile - again i love it but its not my favorite, the long pond version is better and i will die on that hill
my tears riccohet - lyrical genuis. i would listen to this song for hours when i first got into taylor swift i wremember laying in my bed just listening to the song on full volume. i love the lyric "i didnt have it in myself to go with grace" because i have never ever been peaceful in my life
mirrorball - i actually didnt like this song at first, the bridge for me is the best part of the song, this song is me tho lowkey (highkey)
seven - cute, i have this one friend i think of everytime i hear this song because i too dont remember her name but i remember loving her
this is me trying - shut up no one talk to me. i dropped my phone when i first heard the "i got wasted like all my potential" because felt. "my words shoot to kill when im mad" i was gagged. "they told me all of my cages were mental" like she wrote this song about me.
illicit affairs - i dont listen to this as much as i should, the lyricism on this song is by far one of the best from the albulm
invisible string - okay i didnt like this song as of like a few days ago (i would listen to it if it came on but i never actively wanted to listen to it) but i saw a tiktok saying that the song is better when you think of your best friend and i agree
mad woman - this is what being a woman is. this is what it feels like to be the 'crazy ex' or to 'always be dramatic'
epiphany - not a huge fan but the line "doc i think shes crashing out" really hits me hard everytime
peace - felt. thats it. just felt.
the lakes - my baby :( i love it so much. its so poetic and it is the epitome of loving in private where no one can pop the bubble of everlasting love
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yesimwriting · 3 years
The Promise of Rain, blurb 2
The Promise of Rain (part 2?? technically) 
A/n I was not originally planning a second part for this but some people wanted it and this idea came to me and it works better with the context of ‘The Promise of Rain’ but it can technically be read as a stand alone :))
Anyways this might turn into a small series of kinda connected blurbs that are all kind of canon with each other but aren’t necessarily connected except for the reader’s background (the reader is a very sunshine-y person and knows Kaz bc she’s a runaway princess that he was hired to bring back home but she managed to convince him to let her work for him instead)
The night air had left me with a chill that made me want nothing more than to have my covers draped over me as I read. I’m normally more sociable after a job, especially after such a simple and safe ending, but a lot of tonight had left me wanting to be alone. 
Well, not truly alone. The company of my books is always welcomed, but tonight I can’t seem to find much comfort within the pages. After almost every paragraph, I find myself distracted by gusts of wind and thoughts of the heavy, silver clouds that seem to make up tonight. A part of me longs for the rain. I know it’s ridiculous to expect rain each time I desire some sense of comfort, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want it. Especially when the sky so clearly implies it. 
“This must be the fifth time I’ve come here and you’ve been reading.” Kaz’s sudden appearance is almost enough to shake away my lingering somberness. 
I roll my eyes slightly, turning my attention back to the page in front of me. “That observation is just a testament to how often you come in here.” 
His glare is half hearted, a look I’d find endearing if I was less annoyed. “Where else am I going to find a reminder that good people exist in Ketterdam?” 
I think he may have a sixth sense that warns him when I’m treading the line between being annoyed and displeased. Everytime I find myself mad at him in a way that makes me want to avoid him instead of yell at him, Kaz makes some ridiculously heart-melting comment. He steps further into the room. I don’t miss the way he eyes my stretched out legs. Ever since the conversation we had after he woke up after an injury, we’ve fallen into the unmentioned habit of silently inviting the other to stay by moving to make room for them. 
It had started the day after the conversation in which Kaz had admitted that he wanted me to stay with him. He had been sitting on the small couch while discussing the details of a job. Shortly after I walked in he made a point of shifting so that he was clearly on one side of the couch. I didn’t think much about sitting down, but Inej and Jesper exchanged a look. 
Now, though, I keep my legs stretched out on the bed. He eyes my position on the bed, something grim crossing his features. 
“It might rain tonight.” 
He knows me so damn well. I hate it. “I hope so.”
I turn my head, analyzing the way the world seems to be on the cusp of something. I stare at the silver clouds until I feel something hard tap my leg. The tap is firm but not painful. I’m quick to look at Kaz as he lowers his cane. The mention of rain had been a distraction. 
“You distracted me on purpose.” 
“The first rule of the Barrel is to always be prepared.” There’s a slight uptilt to his lips, something I’ve learned to interpret as a sign of teasing. 
How is he so easy to be around one second and so cold the next? I resist a smile. “I’ll take notes.” 
Kaz ignores my passive aggressive tone. His focus seems to be on my legs that have still not moved to offer him a place next to me. “You wear your emotions too openly.” Great, he’s going to make us talk about it. “What reason could you possibly have to be mad at me?”
“I’m not mad at you.” It’s a partial truth. 
His expression harshens. “Don’t lie.” 
“I’m not thrilled with you, but I don’t think that’s the same as being mad.” 
Kaz lets out a partial sigh. “No, they’re not the same.” Such an early concession feels like a trap. “With you, the first option is worse.” I don’t have anything to say to that. “Is this because of what I said to Jesper?” 
My posture straightens on instinct. “He wants your validation more than he’d ever admit and I understand that expressing praise isn’t exactly something you do, but would it kill you to not actively insult him?” 
“I didn’t say anything that was wrong. He thinks he’s a gambler but he’s just someone born for losses.” The look I give him must mean something to him, because Kaz is quick to tact on, “That doesn’t make him less valuable of an asset or less relatively dependable.” 
I eye him cautiously, the slightest bit of vulnerability playing at his features. “Don’t look at me like that--and don’t tell me that. Jesper’s the one who could use the occasional reminder from you that you hold him to any regard with positive connotations.” His lips press together like he’s thinking about scolding me for scolding him. “It’s only because I know you care more about Jesper than you’d ever let on.” 
“Jesper’s esteem can handle the blow.” The curtness of his voice is a blow in its own sense. “And he didn’t exactly deserve to be in my good graces after what he did tonight.” 
My sigh is not weighted enough to match Kaz’s newfound fountain of emotion. “We were successful--”
“He left you.” I didn’t know Kaz’s voice was capable of such harshness. “I paired him with you, and he left you--and you almost didn’t make it.” I let the weight of his words take up all the available space in the room, keeping the silence that follows them until some of the heaviness has dissipated. “He could have cost me one of my best people.”
Oh. His harshness, his unwarranted coldness, had been a manifestation of his concern. For me. Guilt knots my stomach. Potential words that may offer Kaz some sort of support raise and die back down in my throat. Kaz turns towards the door. 
“Kaz.” He pauses. There’s a long moment in which I think he won’t turn around, but finally, he does. I tuck my legs beneath me, forcing myself to sit up a little straighter. “I told Jesper to leave because I knew the job would have failed if he had been trapped in that room with me.” I drop my gaze towards the window. “I was right, the job was successful, and I got out in time so it was worth it.”
“You risked your safety?” The harsh facet of his being is making its return in full force. 
“For the job,” I’m careful to keep my words factual, “It’s what we’re supposed to do.”
Kaz’s jaw locks. “When I said that keeping you near me would ruin you this is what I meant.” 
Is it really this big of a deal? I made it out. “Kaz.”
“This wasn’t my best idea.” His words are leached of anything. “You’re going back home. Tomorrow I’ll arrange the voyage myse--” 
“Kaz Brekker you may get to live your life doing anything you want but you don’t get to control mine.” My chin raises an inch, an instinctual act of subtle rebellion. “I am not going back there, even if I’m technically indebted to you because you didn’t return me to my father but that does not mean I’ll--”
“I’m not trying to control you.” His words are sharp, boarding on a yell. “A job like that one wasn’t worth you.” 
From Kaz, I know those words are heavy. There’s a lot of things I could say to that. I could tell him that I wanted to do something for him. I could say that I appreciate him telling me that. I could even say that in his own way, Kaz giving Jesper a hard time because he left me, is kind of cute in a misguided way. The thing is I think all of these responses will make things worse. 
“Kaz,” I keep my voice as steady as possible, “I’m fine, you’re fine, it all worked out.” Scratching the back of my arm, I exhale gently. “I’ll be more careful next time, I promise.” 
I watch him carefully, there’s a slight slump to his shoulders as he exhales. Is the fight leaving him so easily? He walks further into the room. “You better.” He sits down in the space I provided for him slowly. “If you’re not you’ll have worse things to worry about than anything that can happen to you on a job.” He moves his cane forward easily, tapping my knee in a swift motion. 
I roll my eyes at the mock threat. “They do say that there’s nothing to fear in the Barrel like the Dirtyhands.” 
“Remember that.” Any edge in his voice is forced. I fight against a smile that seems to always want to break across my face whenever I think I see something resembling lightness in Kaz. 
“I don’t think I could forget anything about you.” 
He turns his head slightly. “You should.” 
“Too bad.” 
Kaz leans his back against the wall, untensing slightly. “I think you just like disagreeing with me.” 
There’s no point in lying about it. “Only because when you argue with me you give me this really particular look.” 
“A look?” 
Adding insult to injury, I smile. “Sometimes you look like you’re too focused on being angry, like you’re compensating for something.” 
Kaz lets out a bitter sigh. “Maybe if you were less of a puppy I wouldn’t have to--”
The laugh that escapes is most definitely a mistake. “Did you just call me a puppy?” I don’t give him a chance to reply, laughter taking over again. “I mean this in the least argumentative way possible--but you’re so weird sometimes.” 
He rolls his eyes, tensing. “I’m leaving.”
I stifle the rest of my laughter. “No. I was--I was kidding!” I keep my eyes on Kaz, expecting some type of annoyed glare, but his expression is a lot more weighted than that. Odd. “Kaz?” 
“You need to be more careful.” I understand Kaz’s pause as something he does before saying something outside of his nature. “I’m not asking you this as a Crow or a Dreg.” 
On instinct, my posture straightens. “I promised and I meant it.” 
“Sometimes I wish I could believe in Saints,” his voice has taken off a distant quality, almost fragile, “That way I could believe something existed to help what matters.” 
Oh. “You never fail, even if I didn’t believe in Saints I’d believe in you.” 
“You’re wasting your faith.” The sound of lightning cracking is almost enough to make me jump. The rain finally came. 
I know I’ll never convince him that that’s not true. “I don’t think so, but that’s why it’s called faith.” 
“I have faith in some things.” His expression is far off. 
“Like what?” 
Kaz’s eyes find the window. “People that find meaning in the rain.” 
Something in my chest swells. “You’re like the rain.”
We sit there in silence, watching raindrops glide down the window. “What were you reading?” 
The question has me dropping my gaze to the forgotten book on my lap. “I stole this book from the palace before I left. It was my mom’s favorite, she’s read it so much the spine’s completely cracked and the cover is practically falling off.” 
“Hm…” He mumbles. “Read some, the books read in a palace must be worthwhile.” 
A part of me wants to tell him that elitism has no place in literature, but his request leaves me frozen. I nod once, turning to the first page of the book. “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife--” 
“Your upbringing makes sense--” 
“You can’t judge it off the first sentence,” he’s insufferable, “It’s setting up irony, and if you’re going to complain--” 
He lets out a conceding sigh. “I’m listening, I’m not interrupting.” 
I keep my eyes on him for a second longer than I should. “Okay.” Dropping my gaze back to the book, I adjust my grip on the worn paperback, “Good.” 
And then I keep reading. 
@theincredibledeadlyviper @grishaverse7 @lonelystarship @mentally-in-northern-italy @uhanddreag 
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fandomvariousness · 4 years
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Pairing: Levi x reader
Warnings: mild angst, violence, swearing, smut: slight dacryphilia, choking, slight masochism, slight dumbification, power play, unprotected sex
Summary: you’re an untruly scout in Levi’s squad and he let’s you know exactly how he feels when he pays you a visit during your punishment task
Word count: 3.6k
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All hell broke loose if it was one of the worse days.
Your hot-headed disposition was a challenge to deal with in the first place, but if you felt a tad annoyed that day… Let’s just say punishments were as natural to you as breathing air.
It took slightest things to piss off Captain Levi – an irritated glance after he scolded you, a quiet remark you’d use to talk back and he, of course, would hear it. Simply put – you were disobedient. Yet even then you were an indispensable soldier – resourceful, intelligent, and absolutely fearless. Much like a wildfire – once you blaze, it’s hard to put you out.
Even so, Captain Levi eventually chose you to be a part of his new squad. Yes, he never encountered such an erratic human being that’s basically impossible to control, the traits that go against his every bullet point in describing a proper soldier, but he knew he would be an absolute fool if he’d go that massive potential of yours go to waste.
Countless times he wanted to kick you off the squad for being an unbearable brat, yet he didn’t. Often, you yourself wondered why.
The squad has been on a minor expedition outside the walls for training purposes, so all of you were headed to the nearest cottage safe house.
After a tiring day of training, when the sun was setting down, you were all sitting outside, enjoying the last remnants of warmth in the air. Captain was sauntering inside the cottage, probably inspecting each crack and crevice after you all spend the first half of the day cleaning it.
It would be such a nice evening if Eren and Mikasa would argue a bit quieter. In fact, Mikasa was calmly saying something to Eren, while the latter, being basically as hot-headed as you, was arguing against her every word.
It pissed you off when they were like that, because it’s obvious Mikasa would do anything for Eren. Either he is so daft and doesn’t get it, or he doesn’t care. You never admitted to yourself that you’re jealous that Eren has someone who cares for him, while you have no one. Not even your family which was once very big – you had lots of cousins, aunts and uncles. Now, only you remain.
“Oi,” you exclaimed. “could you just tone it down a bit?”
Eren’s fiery gaze snapped towards you in a second. “Stay out of this!”
Now, you knew it’s none of your business, but you hated being talked to like that, much less ordered. You stood up in a swift motion from where you were leaning against a bench and turned your body to face Eren.
“Don’t get me wrong, I’ve no interest in what you’re crying about, Jaeger, but you’re not even listening to Mikasa, that much is obvious.”
Others were starting to pay attention too – they knew that when the two of you started bickering, often it’d turn into something more… interesting.
“You know what else is obvious?” he asked, his voice challenging. “That you act all brave and fearless, but in reality you’re just a restless child acting as if she lost her dummy!”
You felt that familiar tickling feeling of your temper rising, firing you up until you eventually lose yourself and act upon instincts that keep you alive and going.
You chuckled curtly. “Me? You’re calling me a child?”
Tauntingly, you’ve stepped closer to him. Eren knew that it’s not smart to wind you up like that, you’re still friends, good friends – it just so happened that you’re both in a bad mood today.
“At least I can wipe my own ass without Mikasa’s help.” you finished your sentence just before Eren grabbed a fistful of your collar and roughly pulled you flush against him, both of your impulsive auras conflicting with each other.
You growled as you pushed him away in a swift, forceful motion, earning a murderous glare from him.
It took so little to get you angry. Even though you pushed him away, that unruly part of yours stepped close to him again as you dug your forefinger in his chest in a threatening manner.
“Don’t touch me, you, whiny bitch,” you spat out, your voice dripping with venom – you were already blazing, and there was no going back.
Eren slapped your hand away. “Who you’re calling a whiny bitch? I wasn’t the one who cried into the pillow for two weeks after driving Reiner and Bertholdt away!”
Now, you can be reckless, wild, fiery… But Eren can be cruel.
The reason you were so devastated after finding out your two best friends were your mortal enemies was because with them you felt like you’ve had family again – both of them reminded you of your older brothers. You shared your feelings with Eren in confidence, and he just blurted it out in front of everyone.
“Fuck it,” you thought as you launched a punch at his face with a primal scream.
By now the others knew not to interfere in your fights, not even Mikasa. God knows they tried, and it made it even worse.
Eren fell to the ground with a hard thud before you quickly straddled him and lifted up your bent hand to launch another punch at his bloody nose.
The bastard was quick to react nevertheless as he met your fist with his palm and squeezed it, slapping you off of him with his free hand in a swift motion. The second your own body collided with the grass you were already scrambling with your hands and feet to get up.
As you turned to Eren with the intention to ram him to the ground again, he was already on his legs as well. The others were still shouting for you two to break it up, knowing that it’s only a matter of time before Captain Levi shows up.
Not thinking straight, you did exactly what you wanted, you launched yourself at him and picked him like a flower stem, both of you flying to the ground again, followed by a sickening thump.
Your vision was getting blurry from all the rage and adrenaline as you lifted up your fist, charged with savage energy, ready to collide with Eren’s already battered face, yet it never happened. It never happened because someone else was gripping your wrist so hard, almost stopping the blood flow.
You snapped your head back to see murderous look in Captain’s gray eyes.
Still gripping your wrist, he jerked you back like a rag doll, painfully sending you to the ground, away from Eren.
It fell so quiet you could hear the clouds passing.
Levi sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “I will kill both of you.”
“Right,” he continued. “when everyone’s going to sleep after this long, tiring day, you brats are going to sweep this house clean again. I don’t care how long it takes you. Eren takes right wing, Y/N takes left.”
He glared daggers at the two of you before going back to the cottage, just like that. It was actually worse when he didn’t say much – means he’s absolutely sick of you.
Still breathing heavily, you stood up, leaning on your knees with your palms for support.
“Shit, guys,” Jean muttered. “Shall we say our goodbyes now, or...?”
“Jean.” Mikasa snapped, shutting him up.
You glared at Eren who glared right back at you, although his eyes were already void of the rage that was previously residing in them.
You looked away without a word and made your way towards the cottage, wanting to wipe all the dirt and soot away.
You stared at your distraught face in the mirror. Distraught by the fight you had with Eren, and by the fact that you got on Captain’s nerves again. How longer can you go on like this before he finally kicks you out?
You wiped your wet face with a towel as you heard someone come into the bathroom. Mikasa’s frame showed up in the mirror.
“Mikasa,” you spoke without hesitation as you turned around. “I’m sorry for what I said.”
Mikasa shook her head sheepishly. “It’s alright.”
“No, it’s not. You’re the most caring person I know and I used that to shame Eren, although there’s no shame in caring for your loved ones.”
Mikasa blushed as she set her eyes to the ground. “Everyone’s going to sleep already – you better hurry.”
“Right,” you sighed, feeling the jitters of anticipation.
You quit the bathroom and made your way to the cleaning cupboard to grab all sorts of supplies. At least the Captain was nowhere to be seen – you couldn’t bear his condemning gaze now. Not when you secretly always yearn for his approval.
You can’t help but stare at him a second longer than you should, or think about him when you shouldn’t. The fact that he hasn’t kicked you off of his squad gives you some material for thinking that maybe he simply doesn’t want to. There’s just something about him that makes you tense everytime you’re around him – not the dread everyone feels, but something else entirely, something that makes your stomach tingle.
You just finished cleaning all the dishes after dinner and was now sweeping the floor that was still clean after your cleaning tasks earlier in the day. That was the point of the punishment, you figured – clean the surroundings that are already clean, only to frustrate you.
You were kind of spacing out, the flashbacks of the fight with Eren coming back, rekindling the violent blaze within you. Everything was suddenly in your head again, pushing you to the edge. You closed your eyes and exhaled through your nose as you stopped momentarily, letting go of the broom and trying to forget how Eren just blurted out about your sorrows, how Captain glared at you, how everyone got to witness you getting unhinged again.
Hot flashes hit your body as you blew the stray ringlet of hair from your forehead, leaning on the dining table with your palms, desperately trying to calm down.
“Who told you to stop?”
Oh no… Really not the time.
You needed a few more seconds to stop the shivers as you opened your eyes and straightened your frame, facing Captain Levi, who was leaning against the counter.
It was precisely those few extra seconds that displeased him.
“Tsk,” he spat out as he straightened his frame. “Not only you’re deranged, but lazy too.”
You faced him with as blank a face as you could possibly muster, yet all your feelings were bubbling up, threatening to spill out with a little more provocation. You never wanted to rip off someone’s head so bad, until now.
You didn’t realize you’d squeezed your eyes shut until they suddenly opened with the sound of hard crash – Levi had purposely smashed a ceramic cup to the ground, shattering it to pieces.
You set your mad eyes on him, disbelief written all over you.
“Clean it.” he ordered. “Or are you going to disobey me again?”
You bit the inside of your cheek so hard you sure it was bleeding, breathing heavily, restraining yourself like never before in order not to pounce on him.
Instead, you repeatedly bit your lower lip as you felt your eyes watering. It’s better to cry yourself stupid before him than to actually hit him – then everything would definitely be over.
He stepped closer to you, your clothes almost brushing together, as he looked down on you with clear disgust, and… satisfaction?
You were so angry. He tried to demean you just now, and you were under immense pressure to actually pick those pieces up. You knew you had to, but you couldn’t bring yourself to.
You gulped. “You’re abusing your power.”
“No,” he closed in on you, making you step backwards until the back of your thighs hit the table. “I’m establishing my power, since you clearly don’t recognize it.”
He leaned his palms on the table just like you did moments ago, trapping you. Your heart was palpitating against your ribcage, yet for reasons entirely different than rage.
All of those glances and pushes and punishments now made sense – that was the only way he could think of to interact with you with no suspicion from others. He’d often chide you for the stupidest things, just so he’d have the chance to have a conversation with you, no matter how fleeting or unimportant.
Deep down you always knew it, and that’s why you’re continued being such a burden. Just so that he’d look at you and punish you again, scream at you, or kick the shit out of you again.
The atmosphere in the room has changed radically. You felt like walking on a string, about to fall off as his face was hovering just above yours, torturing you with anticipation.
“You wanted to beat the shit out of me just now, didn’t you?” he quizzed while slowly tracing your features with his stony gaze. Instead of answering, you gulped.
He grabbed your face harshly, puckering up your lips in the process. “Speak.”
“Yes.” you admitted before his hand slid down to lightly hang at the base of your neck, igniting whole another fire within you.
“Yes what?” he asked, adding pressure to his hand.
“Yes, Captain.”
At this rate, you’re going to burn out.
He chuckled quietly through his nose and stood up straight. “Go on, then. I’m ordering you to slap me.”
It was as if you just turned into a statue – that’s how shocked you were. “W-What?” you asked sheepishly.
“Do I need to repeat myself?”
You stared at him, trying to see him and his intentions through. Obviously, things were finally getting spicy, but your defense mechanism still rang some alarm bells – is he trying to trick you into something? Are you really going to bitch-slap the humanity’s strongest?
You felt your palms starting to tingle as he stared right into your eyes, challenging you to do it.
And you’re gonna do it, alright.
Something just snapped inside you, as it always does before you do something stupid or something you’re going to regret. You charged your palm with strength before sending it flying across his cheek with all your might. You whimpered as your skin came in contact with his, setting your palm on fire from such a harsh stroke.
And then it dawned on you – you really did bitch-slap him. He even stumbled one step backwards, his head ominously turned to the side, crow-black hair shielding his eyes from your vision, what absolutely terrified you.
He straightened his frame as he wiped a droplet of blood from his lip with the tip of his thumb.
You gasped audibly, making him look at you.
That’s it, you thought, he has a perfect reason to kill you now, and you were stupid enough to fall for it. You closed your eyes and awaited whatever’s to come, and it did come.
His lips came crashing on yours, both of you stumbling backwards, moving the table a bit. He immediately yanked you to sit on the wooden surface, positioning himself between your thighs as you held onto him for dear life.
He devoured you with hungry, open-mouthed kisses before you bit his lower lip, drawing blood once more.
One of his hands that were digging into your hips came in contact with your neck, squeezing it hard and pushing you away so he could see your hazy face.
“Savage.” he muttered after a few moments of taking you in, making your mouth stretch out into a lazy smile.
He pushed himself to you further, making your back hit the table as he attached his lips just below your neck, where jaw transitions to neck, coaxing a mewl out of you. He coaxed another when he rutted his hips against yours, making you aware of the growing tent in his pants.
“Fuck,” you breathed out, eyes closed as he sucked and bit little marks all over your neck. Hiding them is going to be a problem.
You took his face in your hands and kissed him deeply, rolling your hips against his in a tantalizing motion, whimpering at how his hardness brushes against where you need him the most, feeling him exhale into your mouth as his mind was equally clouded.
It felt like everything was finally coming to be exactly as it should, like you’d finally be released from your misery, like the intentions behind each of your actions would finally be clear, without any misunderstandings.
You were both impatient. No time for thorough build up, you just wanted to feel him inside you, just as he wanted to fill you up.
He drew back a bit, restrained by your legs snaking his waist as he rested his forehead against yours, panting heavily. “I’d really like to fuck you now.”
The fact that after all the crazy shit you’ve been through today he’d still ask for consent made you give it all to him. “Only if you do it so hard I can’t walk for days.”
You felt his dick twitch. “Easy.”
You yelped as he flipped you around, fumbling with the hem of your pants as he pushed them down to your knees, along with your underwear. You shivered as cool air hit your slick folds, and once again when you heard Levi fumbling with his own belt.
You wiggled your hips against him, impatient, almost crying out – you needed him that bad. His palm came flying against your behind, making you yelp loudly, gripping the edge of the table as you’re all sprawled out on top of it.
You whimpered again as you felt him brush the tip of his dick teasingly against your entrance. “Please, Captain…”
“So impatient,” he muttered silently before ramming into you without any warning.
Your nails dug into the wooden edge as you cried out into the air, holding on for dear life as he slammed you, table legs creaking underneath you rhythmically.
Levi had a perfect view of you as he rutted against you – the way your ass bounced flush against his hip, your arm muscles straining as you gripped the edge of the table harder and harder, the way the strands of your hair flew up and down with each motion, and how helplessly you squealed each time his tip hit your cervix – all of that sent him insane, unable to stop the silent whimpers that came out from his own mouth.
He had to restrain himself from going too fast – that’s how eager he was to finally sprawl you under him, after all this time you drove him out of his mind with your unstable behavior, hatred-driven glances and disobedience.
“Yes, yes, love it,” you wailed incoherently.
“Of course you do,” he huffed just before he grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your head backwards, stars spilling out of your head.
The way his dick breached you was literally driving you crazy – it was like a perfect fit, slipping soundly against your walls and hitting all the right spots at exactly the right time. Your cunt clenched around him on its own, making him groan at your artfulness. His fingers dug into the plush of your backside, thrusting into you without any mercy.
The coil in your stomach was getting tighter and tighter, your brain short-circuiting each time you heard Levi groan, the lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin ringing against the walls.
“Oh, God,” you cried out as your bliss was rapidly closing in on you.
“No,” Levi countered as he pressed his back flush against yours, brushing his lips against your ear. “just me.”
His head hung down, burying itself in the crook of your neck as he finally spilt his seed inside of you with a low groan that sent you to your own release. You cried out as he panted heavily against your skin, your body slumping on the table completely.
You had to muster up the remaining grain of your strength when Levi stood up and pulled his pants on so you could to the same with your own. Your breathing was still erratic as you fumbled with the pair of strings in the hem of your pants, trying to tie them. Levi approached you and lightly swatted your trembling hands away, tying them for you.
You were lost in his gray eyes by now, not even knowing what to say at first, but this silence that ensued was kind of comforting, both of you assessing the situation.
He chuckled suddenly. “Why did you beat the shit out of Jaeger in the first place?”
You smiled awkwardly as you shook your head curtly, gluing your eyes to the ground. “Doesn’t matter. Stupid thing, really.”
“Alright.” he said, his voice low, as usual. “You can tell me all about it next time.”
His words made you look at him again, eyebrows slightly lifted, eyes full of sudden anticipation.
Next time?
You were kind of scared at the thought of getting together with Captain again, but you felt excited way more.
“Oh, and like I said,” he paused before leaving the room completely. “clean it.”
You remembered the shattered cup and this time failed to refrain a smirk that creeped upon your lips.
“Yes, Captain.”
He left after that, but you swear you saw a ghost of a smile on those harsh lips.
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multimilfs · 4 years
Eda Clawthorne x Fem!Human Reader: Closets & Claim
Summary: Anon requested “I’ve greatly enjoyed your eda x fem reader stories. They are absolutely terrific! Do you mind making some more with eda being protective and assertive. And if u don’t do n*fw then maybe some slight n*fw” 
A/N: Alright so, I broke my own rules here. This is smut. I won’t take any n*fw requests though because it’s not something I am typically comfortable with. Writing this was something I am only comfortable with sometimes. I was only okay with it this time because some people 👀 got my brain working yesterday and this was the result. You all know who you are. 
Warning(s): Smut. Tasteful smut, but still smut. (I’ll leave asterisks before it in case you want to read everything except the saucy bits) 
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Putting a smile on for the party was easy, knowing it made Luz happy. If you were honest with yourself, Hexside’s student appreciation event wasn’t even that bad, if a little stuffy. You couldn’t help but think of ways you and Eda could throw a party way better than this. But you wouldn’t. Luz wasn’t really one for huge parties anyway.
As you scanned the room for Eda, you felt a presence at your side. You turned to see a charming looking man holding a drink out to you.
“Oh, no thank you, I’m fine.” You said kindly.
“Please, I insist,” He said in a sickly sweet voice, “Can’t leave a beautiful lady empty-handed.”
Paying no attention to your tense body language or displeased expression, he forcefully wrapped your fingers around the glass he was holding. You pulled your hand away quickly. It didn’t take much for you to recognize what type of witch he was; a cheating husband looking for an ‘exotic’ human to show him a good time.
“So, what brings a fine human like you to an event like this?”
“My kid.” You said shortly, focusing your gaze on said child.
It warmed your heart to see the open, carefree expression on her face. She was pointing excitedly at a plaque with her name on it. You’d already taken multiple pictures of said plaque, even though it was supposed to go home with you at the end of the night. They’d been more for Camila than anyone else.
The woman had wanted more than anything to be there, but an emergency shift at the hospital had stopped that from happening. That and she wasn’t very comfortable with spending long amounts of time in the Boiling Isles yet. You couldn’t blame her, you’d been the same way in the beginning. And you couldn’t help but admire how much of her own discomfort she’d pushed aside to make Luz happy. Camila was a great mom.
After getting lost in your thoughts, you remembered the man standing next to you. He’d taken the time to run his mouth. You hadn’t heard one word of it and you didn’t need to. It was likely full of innuendos and suggestive comments.
You only gave him your attention when you felt his hand grip your wrist. Against all of your better judgement, your body froze up. It was then that you heard what he was saying loud and clear.
“Why don’t you and I just.. slip out of here for a few moments. We’ll be back before anyone notices.” He said, giving you a smile that made you feel sick.
“No.” You said, vibrating with anger, and a small amount of fear.
“Oh come on, don’t be like that.”
“Get your greasy hands off of me before I make you.”
“I might like that.” He said suggestively.
“The lady said no.”
Your head turned, relief filling you upon seeing Eda standing there. Her eyes were filled with anger at the man. His hand was still clamped around your wrist, making you shift uncomfortably.
“And who are you? Mind your own business.” He snapped.
Eda inhaled angrily, while you tensed. That was the wrong thing to say. You could see that Eda’s anger was dangerously close to boiling over and that the Owl beast could potentially come into play, but part of you didn’t care. All you cared about was getting away from him.
“It became my business when you decided you could touch my mate. Now scram, before I decide to give your wife a play-by-play of what just happened here.” Eda growled, using her free hand to place it on the man’s chest, shoving him back. It made him release his grip, to your relief.
You moved away from him, tucking yourself safely into Eda’s side. Her shoulders relaxed slightly as she wrapped her arm around your waist.
“If you want to walk away with all of your limbs, I wouldn’t.” You warned, glaring at him.
He stopped, looking between you and Eda, trying to determine if it was worth it. You felt Eda’s hand clench around your waist. Giving him your best glare, you tried to warn him off. The last thing Luz needed was for one of her guardians to lose control at an event like this. Luckily, the witch took the hint.
Relief, and a little bit of amusement, flooded you as he stomped away. Seeing a grown man throw a tantrum was a funny sight. Overall though, you were glad that you didn’t have to deal with Eda transforming. She was getting better at controlling it, but with how angry she was, it would have been impossible this time. You didn’t want to add homicide to her list of crimes.
Looking up at your girlfriend, you saw her chest was heaving. She was doing everything she could to calm herself down. So she didn’t cause a scene.
“Eda, hey, look at me,” You said softly, moving directly in front of her so she couldn’t move anywhere else, “I’m okay. You fixed it, okay? He’s gone and he won’t touch me ever again.”
She nodded, but there still seemed to be something there, some feeling she couldn’t shake. You had no idea what was going on inside of her mind. So when she grabbed you and started to pull you out of the room, you felt extremely confused.
“Eda? Eda, where are we going?” You asked in a hushed tone.
You knew that you could pull away at any time, but you had no reason to. Eda would never do anything to hurt you. It was best to go along with what she had in mind.
***          ***           ***
The witch gave you no verbal answer. Instead, she found an empty hallway, her eyes searching frantically for something. You understood when she yanked open the door to a storage closet, shoving you in, and following you inside. Once the two of you were safely ensconced in it, she wasted no time in moving your clothing aside so she had free access to your body.
“Here? This is really irresponsible of us.” You said in a harsh whisper, trying not to pant against her hands roughly gripping your frame.
“I sealed it with the necessary spells, now just relax.” Eda said.
As her lips latched onto that sensitive part of your neck, you’d never been more grateful that Eda carried around pre-drawn runes. If not, you knew you’d be failing to hold back the noises you were making.
Her hands and the way she touched you was rougher than normal, more assertive. Normally, Eda took her time, making sure you felt loved while she left you thoroughly satiated. This was different. Animalistic. Her normal chuckles were replaced by snarls and growls as she left bite marks on your neck and down your chest. They almost drowned out the moans leaving your mouth as she rammed her fingers inside of you.
Your body jolted everytime she removed her digits, only to slam them back in. If you weren’t so used to her, you’d probably be hurting. But you were experienced enough to know that the hurt would come later. Walking was not going to be easy after this.
“Who do you belong to?” Eda asked in your ear.
Eda’s pace sped up after she asked the question. She could tell that you were nearly at the precipice, ready and eager to fall into the bliss she was building you up to. Your brain registered the question, but in-between all of your whining and moaning, you couldn’t form an answer. You were too caught up in the feeling of being thoroughly ravished.
“Who do you belong to, Y/N?” Eda asked again, growling this time.
Her pace had slowed, causing you to let out a desperate whine. You were almost there. She was keeping you from the one thing you wanted so much in this moment and it was killing you.
“Tell me who you belong to and I’ll let you finish.” She taunted, an animalistic grin on her features that made you clench.
“Y-You! I belong to you, Eda!” You whined out.
The noise turned into a choked shriek as she resumed her blistering pace from before, pounding into you at a rate that should have been impossible. You weren’t complaining though. The opposite, really. It was all you needed to fall over the edge, letting out an obscenely loud noise as the feelings overwhelmed you, making your body go stiff. The moment lasted for so long you feared you were going to black out, but eventually you went limp, held up by Eda’s strong arms.
Silence filled the room, marred only by your panting breaths against her neck. You felt sticky and sweaty, but thoroughly pleased with what had just occurred. Wordlessly, the two of you did your best to fix your clothing and hair.
“You’re such a good girl for me.” Eda said smugly, placing a kiss on your lips, before moving out of the closet. As the two of you moved back into the hallway and to a restroom to right yourselves, you were relieved to see that there were no people around.
Thank Titan those runes held up.
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yan-twst · 4 years
hey there! i love your work! can i request the dorm leaders + their darling dying? particularly if it was due to an accident, the dorm leader’s own actions/punishments, or even (if you’re comfortable writing about the topic) by their own hand? thank you! 💞 i hope you’re doing well ~
warnings: this is just dark like very dark and messed up! mentions of death, violence, abuse, blood, self harm- like, everything like that is here. on top of that general yandere warnings. this one is heavy on violence and abuse so please be careful when reading if this could affect you! (-。-;) also lots of mentions of stuff that could be potentially triggering to people with eating disorders!
riddle rosehearts
he didn't mean to. that's all he can think of as he watches his darling lay on the floor of his room, blood slowly pooling under them. he's shaking and hyperventilating- no he didn't mean to he didn't mean to hedidn'tmeantohedidn'tmeanto-
he feels like throwing up as he backs away. it was over so quickly- he just didn't mean to get so angry, but he did, and all it took was one swing of his staff against his darling's head and a sickening crack and now they're- they're-
he forces himself to search for a pulse, but his hands are shaking too hard. his darling can't die, this can't be real; he wouldn't ever hurt them badly...! but their body is slowly growing cold under his hands, and he's feeling sicker and sicker by the second
he wishes he could just die in their place- what did he do? when trey finds him sobbing over his darling's body, the third year assumes that riddle's darling collapsed and hit their head; riddle is too shaken to deny this. everyone in heartslabyul believed that his relationship was perfect, nobody would suspect he'd been the one to deliver the final blow: and it makes him sick
he stops eating, stops attending classes, and lets himself slowly waste away in his bed. it's bad enough that crowley considers sending him home, but trey quickly objects: the last thing riddle needs is his mother's treatment... everyone tries to help him cope, help him move on, but he just doesn't get better. he doesn't want to get better, not when the guilt is eating him alive.
he feels like his darling is watching him, even after their death. it's like a punch in the gut, thinking of all he did: he was a kidnapper and a manipulator and an abuser and he killed them, he killed his lover who he kept by his side by force- the thoughts make him even sicker. he's slowly wasting away, refusing food and water...
the only way to save him at this point would be a spell to make him forget his darling ever existed... and his friends are so desperate to at least save him- thinking that he's just a mourning lover who lost his beloved too quickly- that it's not too unreasonable to expect them to do so.
leona kingscholar
those close to him knew he didn't mind getting a bit... rough, with his beloved. whether it was the servants back at home, or ruggie who didn't want to get on leona's bad side, nobody interfered: after all, they always claimed they were fine and happy with leona! ... though most of the times leona was keeping a tight grip on theis shoulder as they spoke those words
it's nobody's shock when a mysterious deep scratch becomes seriously infected on them. both leona and his darling deny that he was the one who caused it- but... well, it's clear to those who knew of how violent leona could be when unhappy with his darling that he was the only possible culprit.
the fact leona has terrified his darling into complete submission and obedience now shows its deadly side, as it turns out they'd been hiding the highly infected scratch from him in fear of repercussions, and when medics have a look at it, his darling is at death's door. he barely has time to process what's happening, before his feverish darling just... passes away in their sleep, with no chance to even call a magic healer who could have helped
nobody has seek leona in worse shape before. he doesn't even attend the funeral, and he doesn't let anyone (not even ruggie) get near him- he appears like a feral beast, destroying anyone and anything that crosses his path. his mourning is destructive, and it doesn't take long for him to be called back home before he turns the whole savanaclaw dorm to sand
he's inconsolable, and he doesn't let anyone near. he knew very well that what he was doing to his darling- keeping them under his control by taking advantage of their fear, forcing them to play the part of the "happy lover" despite them being terrified of him- was wrong, but in the end, he loved them more than anything.
and in their own way, he knew they loved him: even when they had the chance, they never begged his brother or crowley for help... almost as if they believed he could change for the better. but he didn't, he essentially killed them.
he'll just isolate himself. go somewhere far away where he can misserably live the rest of his days alone. all he does is sleep and mourn, hunting to feel relief from his pain in the form of violence- but even then... he's just never coming back from this
azul ashengrotto
he just wanted to teach them a lesson. once again his darling had tried to escape him, to escape his love, even though they'd sworn to stay with him- even though they'd signed a contract promising to stay- so he'd punished them accordingly. after a painful, near-drowning dip in the freezing cold ocean, he'd just left them in the bathroom to cry and beg for mercy... but when he came back less than a day later, they were just... dead on the ground
hypothermia. his darling's blue fingers, their huddled up form as they tried to preserve heat in their last moments: he feels himself grow lightheaded and tears blur his vision as he picks up their cold, lifeless corpse. how...? it's too late when he notices the place where he left them: there's no towels, no hot water, and the temperature is cold. the fact his darling was just violently dragged around the freezing cold waters before- the fact they were already weak from being kept in captivity...
the twins arrive immediately when they hear azul's screams and wails coming from the bath. there's not even a chance to ask what happened: he's crying, sobbing as he apologises to his darling's cold, damp corpse. the eels quickly realize what's happening- and though upset, jade immediately volunteers to hide the corpse. they have to, or else they're all in serious trouble. floyd has to pretty much tear the corpse out of azul's grip.
azul feels like shit, he wishes he'd died in their place- but he doesn't want to be imprisoned. he didn't mean to- how could he ever want the person most important for him to die?! the general student body interprets his mourning and guilt as the reaction to his darling "mysteriously going mising"- each time someone tells him they hope that his beloved is found soon, he wishes he could just die on the spot
he doesn't have a will to take care of himself or the lounge anymore- all his duties fall onto Jade. watch what he eats? who cares- not him. he swings from eating whatever he wants to try and fill the void in his heart to going days on end without even leaving his bed- it's unhealthy and it's worrying, but... what can he do? he killed his darling, left them to die alone- he deserves nothing.
kalim al-asim
it's everything he feared, happening at once. just one time- one time- he takes his darling out to eat because they've been behaving so well and it's their anniversary- and they look so happy to be out of their chains and out of their room! and then- and then they take a bite of their food and it's nearly inmediate, they collapse and cough, and then it's over.
he should've known better. he HAD to know better. hadn't he been telling his darling the reason why they had to stay locked inside was for their safety? hadn't he promised he wouldn't allow them to be harmed? this- this had happened before with jamil, but jamil had lived. his darling died.
his guilt and pain are immeasurable. he cries during the funeral, loud enough that even his own family feels like they can't approach him. even jamil can't help but feel bad- even knowing all what kalim did to his darling. it's like the spark inside of him was extinguished, all his joy snuffed out
he commissions paintings and works of art of his late darling to an almost terrifying degree. he needs to keep them around, to keep something that makes him feel like they aren't gone, but everytime he gazes at the expensive oil paintings of his darling, he's crushed by pain and becomes as inconsolable as the day they died
there's no more parties. how could he possibly throw a party- no, how could he possibly dare search for happiness knowing what happened? he feels like he doesn't deserve comfort or joy. he turns down all of his friends and family's attempts to help. he feels like hurting and being misserable is the only way to make it up to his darling, even in death
he'll pretend to move on, for everyone's sake- it's painfully obvious he's faking his happiness, but... nobody knows what to do to help, so they just accept his poor acting. nobody brings up how he sleeps cuddled with golden chains (that only jamil knows were the ones used to keep his darling in their room), or how he keeps all his darling's belongings untouched like if they could return any day- in the same way nobody, not even jamil, acts like they notice the scars that appear on his skin, which was once unmarked.
vil schoenheit
he knew that using so much love potion had to have... some negative side effect. however, he saw it as a necessary side effect; his darling was just lost and needed a bit of help to love him! besides, he himself brewed the potion with the highest quality ingredients, and sure it was worrying that his darling was becoming resistant and needed larger and larger doses each time, but he never expected them to just... drop dead when he gave them their morning's dose of potion.
love potion overdose- now that was a way to die that didn't appear in any textbook. vil wouldn't be able to process the events: his darling just fainted, right? how silly! he'll just- he'll just tuck them into bed, they need beauty sleep, and he'll... and then he'll...
when he finally feels his darling's cold body, with no heartbeat as he places a hand on their chest, it feels like the world is falling around him. how was he supposed to know this could happen?! he tries as many healing and health potions as he can, but... in the end, he specializes in poisons, and his darling is already dead. it's merely a fool's errand
he cries. he crie and cries- how dare his darling die?! how dare they abandon him?! he wails until his eyes are red and puffy, until his makeup is ruined. he doesn't know what to do; he doesn't want anyone to see his darling like this. soon enough death will take its toll on their beauty- the thought makes him feel even worse.
just like how the dwarves in the ancient legend preserved the princes's body in a clear casket to admire her beauty even after death, vil will do exactly that. finding a spell to preserve his darling's body is exhausting, and he risks his own skin by losing sleep and stressing over it (he's running against the clock and he knows it. he has to hurry, before his darling's beauty fades), but he's successful
he keeps his darling- a corpse that won't decompose, their body cold but skin as soft as when they lived- in a glass casket in his room. everyday, he carefully does their makeup and dresses them up, still making them go through his skincare routine even after death. in all honesty, the routine is what manages to keep him from losing his mind; he doesn't see how misserable he is, desperately taking care of a corpse.
he has to work harder on his makeup now. no matter how much he tries, he can barely sleep: he tries so hard to push back the thoughts that plague his mind (the thoughts that tell him if he'd been a better lover his darling would be alive, that if he'd been better his darling would have loved him without the need of a potion, that he was the one harming them from the very start whenever he knowingly destroyed their self esteem so he could manipulate them with more ease)- everyone bites back comments in fear of invoking his anger, but... it's visible, how much he's suffering.
idia shroud
is this the gods' punnishment for his actions? does he just deserve nothing in life? he holds his darling's lifeless corpse in his hands and wails. he doesn't even know how they died- was it just too much? the isolation, the stress... he thought he was doing a good job at caring for them, but clearly he wasn't, was he?
he'll rebuild them- he'll bring them back. he doesn't care how unethical it is- he has to get his darling back. what were all his efforts up until now for? stalking, kidnapping his darling; was he truly about to throw away all that work? he wasn't- not at all
he tries his best to keep ortho in the darl about the truth. no, no- his darling is just... taking a nap. yes, a special nap, suspended in a mysterious blue fluid in a large tube in idia's room- just... a nap... of course the younger shroud doesn't believe this, but even the child can see the pain in idia's eyes and doesn't question further
it's because of ortho's concerns that idia doesn't spiral into absolute missery: otherwise, he doesn't even know if he'd have the will to keep living without his darling. the younger one cheers him on, telling him that he'll absolutely succeed! ... even if idia has low hopes on actually managing to artificially revive his darling, his brother's words keep him going
he takes to talking to his darling's corpse, suspended and preserved in the tube. he'll save them soon. he'll make it so they can walk around his room again- he even promises to let them go out if he just manages to finish the work- he just has to work harder. he needs to work more.
he has no clue how long it'll take him, or if he'll even succeed. but he has to keep going. there's only two things keeping him alive- ortho, and the need to hold his darling again. he needs them. he has to get them back.
malleus draconia
there's always a level of risk when applying a sleeping curse, of course. he knows this very well, but he trusts his magic. he knows he's good at what he does; so why has his darling's heart stopped beating...?
he'd grown so used to simply casting the spell when he went to class and undoing it when he returned, he almost missed the change and left for class. but he did notice- when he cast the spell, instead of falling into a peaceful sleep... his darling seemeed to jerk awake for a second, then close their eyes: and after that, he couldn't see the rise and fall of their chest. a nervous hand pressed against their chest, and found no heartbeat
he's lost and scared. suddenly, he doesn't feel like Malleus Draconia, ruler of the dark fae- suddenly he feels like he's a little baby again, crying because he's scared of thunder. all he can do is fall back in shock and call for lilia- please. please come help him. he made a mistake.
lilia can comprehend very well what happened. the sleeping spell failed- perhaps malleus' darling was too frail, their constitution worsened by the constant sleep and captivity. there's nothing the ancient fae can do: once death has taken a human, they're gone. all he can do is hug malleus, to try and comfort him like he used to when the dark fae was a child.
malleus knew that humans had short lifespans. lilia had warned him about this, about the pain human lovers would bring; that was one of the reasons why he'd brought his darling to his dorm and forbidden them from leaving, so he could do the most with the time they had. and yet- even for a human, this was too soon. far too soon. how could life be so cruel? how could he lose the one person who understood him and loved him? perhaps everyone was right to steer away from him. perhaps he did just bring misfortune wherever he went
lilia, silver, and sebek can only watch as malleus becomes lonelier than ever. the dark fae has rarely mourned before- and even though lilia is trying his best to guide the young lord through the process of grieving, malleus is just not taking it well at all. he killed his beloved- as much as his dormmates try to convince him it was a freak accident, that he had no hand in it, he knows better. perhaps what hurts him the most is his darling's peaceful face after they passed- they never held such an expression around him, not since he took them captive... were they so happy to have escaped him, even if it meant death?
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galesh · 3 years
Wish fulfillment au of Severus who was born in Albus' Dumbledore's time. I just wanted to post it as a reply on a discord server but then it got out of hand. So
- Two clever swots duking it out... in academics!
- Debating each other of old spells and whether or not they're dark and the librarian jinxing them out of the library with hexes for being too loud
- Albus and Sev rubbing their stung bums and arguing about the hexes the librarian used
- Albus and Sev both discovering they're poor halfbloods and railing against the arswholes in charge who think they can sting their bums and get away with it
- Them stinging each other's bums because it's a fascinating body part and maybe rubbing them with a different set of hands because maybe it'll help, and they're experimental
-Albus viewing the fascinating kid with so much dark potential with new eyes.
-Sev keeping an eye out for the twinkly eyed twit because it's unnerving, really, and because he always found the goodness in others fascinating. He doesn't believe he can emulate it, but maybe some would seep through him in osmosis. That's what that muggle book said anyway
- His ma always said he had a thing for redheads. He's starting to suspect her of practicing black magic
- Albus and Sev working on potions and transfig together because none of them can tell the other they're bloody brilliant and that they're fascinated, and could we just get to stinging bums and rubbing out the soreness please
- Sev visiting the Dumbledore's on summer break because his father is dead and his mother as good as, meeting the creepy girl creature because he's nosy and of course he'd look at the one room Kendra told him not to
- Abe running to Ariana's room because she screams bloody murder. It's only when he gets there that he realises that that bloody snake they let into their house is being accosted by a happily shrieking Arianna who wants to meet this strange new black haired scarecrow her brother likes
- The older one
- Sometimes, Arianna suspects
- Sev being horrified by Ariana's sad tale, and not wanting her to waste away, working with Albus to make sure she can get out
- Abe (begging to) help them because he really wants to, and because he doesn't trust the snake
- Sev learns Abe can't bloody spell after the third time.he has to squint if the bottle has fluxweed or filchweed (Dyslexia is not recognised yet, but it will be, in the muggle world) amd tries to help. It's more insulting than helpful, but he tries!
- Albus feverishly searching for a way to fix what those muggle boys and their mother's imprisonment and his neglect have wrought. Searching in the darkest grimoires, because really, what is honor and goodness if it can't even help his sister?
- Ariana getting her father's silver signet, carved with the runes of protection, family, forgiveness and renewal. They can't fix her magic, but the magic she once loved has caused her loved ones only harm, and really, it's time to stop listening to the voice inside her, who wants to rip her mother to shreds and burn the whole world down
- In the end it's abe, who comforted her when her mum looked at her with hate and Albus ashamed who puts her ring on as she says the words the runes describe. It's hard to forgive her mother and those muggle boys, but Arianna thinks they've suffered enough (it'll be years later that she realises that she left one person, but as she watches her daughter's delightful coo as she Dan's her nose with a glowing goden finger, she is only thankful that her lack of forgiveness didn't take all her magic away).
- She kisses her brother-in-law to be on the cheek, as is only proper for a member of family.
(Ariana has a very feeble grasp on social niceties. She tries, okay! You try learning everything from books while trapped in a cottage like a demented princess, with a brother who even she knows has an unhealthy fascination with goats who'd talk to her normally)
(Arianna's husband and her daughter, who she names Severus --because every universe must have a second child with a severusly controversial name -- would really come to fear her social skills, or lack thereof. Severus blames her godfather and her uncle with a the raging hate of a 10 year old who's been denied Uncle Sev's sweets)
- Sev and Albus competing for the top spot in the classes with professors and the bottom in the classes without
- Albus meeting Gellert in the evening he's supposed to leave for France and noticing the same dark charm. Severus noticing, but wanting to taint it than emulate it
- A black owl pooping on Gellert's golden hair because he Does Not Share!
- Albus sharing his plans to Change The World which would kill a girl with beautiful, uncontrolled magic and put a vengeful father in a prison of his own despair
- Sev agreeing to them and adding some rather inventive and cruel revenges he'd have on the Wankers who disowned his mother for following her heart
- Albus crossing out those points with eyes that twinkle in gentle admonishment, because really Severus, where would you even get a fully grown basilisk, and ignoring the calculating glitter he gets in return
- Abe following the idiots because Ari orders him to help the idiots and he can deny her nothing
- Gellert becoming a Light wizard after being at the wand end of a particularly dark spell (they teach *that* at Hogwarts, the light school!?!?!?!?) By a vengeful gargoyle after he drunkenly kisses*Bruder* Dumbledore
(years later, Headmaster Dippet can't figure out why his newest Dada teacher is so militant about students knowing everything about Dark magic and why some magics should never be studied, or why flinches everytime he sees a mistletoe. He has enough experience at 300 Not To Ask)
- Albus learning the most beautiful healing spell at the hands of a scowling-dark-phoenix with moist, angry black eyes after the 12th use of a dragon's claw soon after he discovered the 12th use of their blood
(Fawkes could never forgive Severus Snape for stealing it's thunder. Also he smells owl. They're the worst!)
-Severus stealing the Flamels' thunder by creating a philosophers stone after being at their home for a month.
(Perenelle suspects it's because Nicholas, who can be really old fashioned about these things, forbade their apprentice and that brilliant boy with no thoughts from rooming together)
- Severus lacing Albus' lemon drops with the elixir of life because clearly, that imbecilic martyr thinks dragon claw wounds are amusing
- Albus lacing Severus' tea with it because it would be such a horrible thing to live alone
(or without the one person who matters, no offence to his family. Oh, alright Abe, you're definitely not it!)
(the elixir of life prepared yearly mysteriously dissappears into tea and lemon drops. Albus stops worrying over Severus getting killed by vampires while he gets their teeth in exchange of galleons like a demented tooth fairy, and Severus stops worrying about Albus getting nicked by antsy Dragons or Phoenixes or Nifflers, or whoever Albus scraps with in his spare time)
- Albus putting his demented convoluted plans in motion by destroying wizarding currency through inflation. It somehow leads to a goblin revolution, equal rights for magical creatures, and the adoption of muggle currency. Don't ask
(Rumour has it that Gellert, Wizarding Britain's champion one look at the the scowling face of a Severus Snape and proposes negotiations.
Muggle currency was great, really. Made mathematical sense, easier to handle, and twinkly eyed not quite evil overlords can't dependably reproduce all the identifiers. They hope
Quite coincidentally, as Severus will assure you, all the pureblood families --including the Princes, coincidentally-- lose all their accumulated money in the resulting changeover.)
- Albus rules everything from behind the iron curtain with gentle fists and an open smile. Everyone learns to agree with him because behind him stands the spectre of DEATHOMgWatdidyoudo that you want to always keep happy)
- An excited Tom Riddle learns about magic from a charming Professor who's really interested in how he speaks, and who agrees that muggles are awful but keep it down will you?
- Tom Riddle learns to confide in and trust the person who introduced him to the magical world; and tells him when he accidentally discovers the chamber of secrets while hissing open at one of the taps in the girls loo that just wouldn't dispense water (he was under a lot of pressure okay! No, he's not a creep!)
- Tom Riddle grows up to be a politician with a particularly hard view on those muggles. Being backed by the Headmaster of Hogwarts helps. The society has made great strides in the concept of equality and democracy however, and most creatures really don't like him for some insane reason. Albus Dumbledore wins the elections by a landslide again. Tom is tenacious, and plots for when he'd get the position after the old man dies
(On his deathbed, Professor Emeritus of Hogwarts, Professor Tom, curses todgy old men with unnaturally long lifespans)
-Harry Potter, who grew up loved and a headmaster who didn't want to train him in any way, shape, or form (Harry was glad. Headmaster Grindenwald was nice and all, but he really didn't want to know all about the Dark arts and why not to use them kplzthnx). He went on to work at the ministry because his mother instilled in him values of fairness, kindness, and Get Out The House And Go To Work You Bum!
(He named
- Ariana's first kid is named after Abe. Her second is called Severus. Severus being a girl, never forgives her, and years later, when her son is born, names him Ariana with a vindictive gleam in her eyes.
(Ariana never really learned a the social niceties. They're horribly ineffective, and Abe tells her she's always charming in any case)
(Severus Smith is comforted by the fact that her godfather is a immortal wizard who gives her the best sweets)
- Severus and Albus never really fall out of love, even though they fall out of bed many times. They are a different breed of men, really. Eternal devotion means eternal devotion, as they find out. The Flamels' are happy they finally get to go on what the muggles call double dates.
- They also never stop stinging each other on the bum, but that is a rather more mature tale.
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utrhood · 3 years
Hello, if you think I’m writing this to talk shit about Kon’s treament. Yeah, you guessed right, my fellow friend, because I AM.
There’s no constructive argument or elaborated reasoning behind this post, I just want to say how angry I get when I see Jon Kent getting all the spotlight while Conner gets to be in the fucking Suicide Squad. SUICIDE SQUAD! He was part of the team in Future State and we saw how fucked up his situation was. Kon wasn’t there because he likes them or had turned evil, Amada Waller coerced him into joining them. “Superman” did horrible things as stated by other characters in the same comic, he didn’t get to command Suicide Squad, Kon was just a toy. Just someone to fill Superman’s spot in Earth 3. 
It’s been years that DC treats Kon poorly. He had a good few comics, but nothing exceptional and none of them treated him properly like the 90s one did (well, characterization-wise, I mean). Conner was just young Superman and young Clark Kent. They butchered his personality.
Now he doesn’t even get to be with Superman after years of being erased from main continuity! Conner Kent is shoved into a stupid team while Jon Kent( that was created in 2015, mind you) gets to be with Superman in his comics. Jon also has a good comic with Damian and is Superman in Future State, appearing in three different comics in this event.
And don’t you dare come at me saying “well, Jon Kent had been aged up”. I know it was a bad move, but he’s still getting the spotlight while an almost 30 years old character is pushed to the side. Jon’s written as a good guy all the time. Jon was in Action Comics, Superman comic, DCeased, Supersons, three different Future State titles and in Action Comics annual. And all these appearances happened in five years of his creation. Oh, and now he has a live action version. Of course, I’m not saying it’s Jon’s fault. He has nothing to do with it because he’s a character. 
So, yeah, Kon has been treated badly by DC for many years now. And don’t get me start on the fact that everytime he shows up, Kon has a different personality. They don’t even bother to learn and read his comics. And not only him, but almost everyone from Tim’s generation has this awnful treatment. Cassie doesn’t have a solo title, didn’t show up in Future State and is pretty much forgotten. Same as Bart. 
I don’t know why DC hates them like that and this truly makes me sad because they’re my favorite team. Bart, Cassie, Kon, Cissie... They all have so much potential, but DC waste them to put new characters in the spotlight. If only they invested in Young Justice, I’m sure more people would like the team.
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notadilemma · 4 years
In This Essay I Will Prove that Taylor Swift is mskingbean89 by Studying Folklore’s Tracklist and Comparing to the Plot of ATYD
The 1 -  Grant’s POV after he leaves Remus in 1995 because of the line. “In my defense, I have none, for never leaving well enough alone. But it would have been fun if you would’ve been the one.” I hate the ‘remus was grant’s soulmate but grant wasn’t remus’ line more than anyone because grant was more than just Remus’s boyfriend which I think a lot of people overlook. Grant had a whole life outside of Remus, he had a life after him, he had kids and I hate to see such beautiful character arc simplified down into Remus’s side thing.
Cardigan - If ever a song was written about Sirius Black it is this one. I can’t get it out of my head. Remus ghostwrote this for Taylor from the grave and you can’t convince me otherwise. Notable Lines: “To kiss in cars and downtown bars was all we needed. You drew stars around my scars but now I’m bleedin’.”
the last great american dynasty - kind of says it for itself. Written about Sirius being the last of the “Noble House of Black” from the pureblood elitist perspective and how he was so different from the rest. I love this song because it really captures his energy. Notable lines: “ They said ”There goes the last great American dynasty. Who knows, if she never showed up what could’ve been. There goes the maddest woman this town has ever seen. She had a marvelous time ruining everything.””
exile - I can see a couple of different options for this song. I can see Grant realizing that Remus still loves Sirius and his thought process in leaving to go start his life without him.  I can also see this song describing the tension that plagued S & R in the final weeks of the first War. Sirius mistrusted Remus and Remus left to go be with the pack. Do with this what you want. Notable Lines: “With his arms around your body. Laughin’ but the jokes not funny at all. And it took you five whole minutes to pack.”
My Tears Ricochet -  This song details Remus and his anger after he found out what Sirius did. He still loved him and was devastated because he couldn’t comprehend how Sirius had betrayed everything he stood for. Notable lines: “And I can go anywhere I want. Anywhere I want, just not home. And you can aim for my heart, go for blood.
Mirrorball - This one is interesting to me. The line, “I’m a mirrorball. I can change everything about me to fit in.” Reminds me of the changes Remus went through going from this rough and tumbling little eleven year old from a care home and became a studied dependable adult with people who care about him. 
seven - I see this song as Remus to Sirius when Sirius is getting abused at home. He is trying to comfort him and trying to persuade him to leave them. It reminds me how Remus cared about everyone before himself, because his home-life was dismal as well. Notable lines: “And we can be pirates, then you won’t have to cry or hide in the closet and just like a folk song our love will be passed on.”
august - Grant’s POV about his relationship with Remus. About his time with him each summer at the care home and then possibly in the 12 years after the war. He was with Remus in the summer even though he knew that Remus was in love with someone else. Notable Line: “But I can see us lost in the memory. August slipped away into a moment in time, Cause it was never mine.”
this is me trying - THIS IS SO REMUS POV. Him talking to Sirius during the first war when they kept having huge blowups and fighting all the time. And again with him leaving for the pack in 1981 right before James and Lily died. Notable line: “So I got wasted like all my potential and my words shoot to kill when I’m mad, I have a lot of regrets about that.”
illicit affairs - Remus to Sirius when Sirius was so intent on keeping their relationship a secret and not telling anyone about them. Remus was feeling as though Sirius was ashamed of him and the spiral that introduced. Notable Lines: “Leave the perfume on the shelf that you picked out just for him so you leave no trace behind.”
invisible string - Remus’s pov after the war before he ended up with Grant. A lot of wasting time and drinking and thinking about the past. Notable Lines: Time, curious time gave me no compasses, gave me no signs. Were there clues I didn't see? And isn't it just so pretty to think all along there was some invisible string tying you to me?”
mad woman - This song reminds me of people in the order thinking Remus is crazy or untrustworthy because he’s a werewolf and not trusting him. This causes him to lash out and it ends up being a self fulfilling prophesy because It honestly ruined his spirit (and mine). Notable Lines: Everytime you call me crazy, I get more crazy. What about that? And when you say I seem angry. I get more angry.”
epiphany - This song really had a war times vibe. Remus and Sirius keep losing the people they love and this song really shows the pain of being in conflict times. It also kind of details the horror of war from the perspective of the order. Notable Lines: “Something med school did not cover. Someones daughter, someones mother. Holds your hadn’t through plastic now. “Doc, I think she’s crashing out” And some things you just can’t speak about.”
betty - Sirius about Remus. After “the prank” when they weren’t a couple publicly yet. Sirius wants to apologize for jeopardizing Remus’ secret ‘during the prank’. Notable Lines: In the garden, would you trust me If I told you it was just a summer thing? I’m only 17, I don’t know anything.”
peace - R & S when they get together again in the summer of 1995. This song covers them forgiving each other after Azkaban and their becoming comfortable with each other again. Notable Lines: “But I’m a fire and I’ll keep your brittle heart warm. If your cascade ocean wave blues come. All these people think loves for show. But I would die for you in secret.”
hoax - Sirius to Remus summer of 1995. Sirius is talking about his times in Azkaban and sharing the horrors because he needs to tell someone and Remus listens. Notable Lines: “You know I left a part of me back in New York (Azkaban). You knew the hero died, so what’s the movie for? You knew it still hurts underneath my scars.”
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airi-p4 · 4 years
Second chances - Lukagami
@katydoodles ‘s Lukagami / Viperuko art from the other day made me finally finish this WIP I had abandoned for months. It follows my headcanon of Ryuko hating Luka because there are no second chances in her family and how they could become friends (and more than friends). 
I think Lukagami has true bonding potential and they are underrated.
It took years, but the final battle against Hawkmoth was over.
All miraculous holders were needed, but it was worth it: they won. No more akumas, no more despair. Paris recovered its ‘ liberté’ , one of the country's founding values the flag is expected to represent for its people and to the world.
Viperion sighed in relief. He was glad his second changes managed to keep everyone safe. Protecting all his partners wasn't easy, especially when they attack recklessly like Ryuko or Chat Noir. He made use of many second chances, finding out about all the heroes secret identities in the process. At least, he was the only one who remembered. And the long battle- and the war- was over, so it didn't really matter anymore.
The snake miraculous wielder decided to check once again for the rest of the heroes. Rena Rouge and Carapace were hugging in celebration. Queen Bee was rolling her eyes at them and posing for the Parisians, who were taking photos. Pegasus, Roi Singe and Bunnyx were happily dancing together. And it was hard for him to watch how Ladybug was consoling Adrien, heartbroken to find out his father had been a villain all along.
Viperion turned his head away at the sight of them kissing, hurt. As his gaze turned away, he heard something behind him: crying sounds. He looked back to see the owner of the spilled tears, his eyes gazing at the strong yet fragile Dragon Miraculous wielder.
"Ryuko, are you ok?" He asked.
"No, I'm not" the dragon lady answered between sobs.
Of course she wasn't. She was crying rivers. ' What a stupid thing to ask ', thought Luka. His eyes moved to her arm, at some painfully looking scratches.
"Did you get injured? I'm sorry I didn't notice. I would have called the second chance if I did. But I'm glad we still have the miraculous ladybug power to repair the damages, yours included" Viperion tried to give her some understanding.
"My damage won't be healed by any miraculous power. It's irreversible" she weeped in a broken cry.
"Oh, you meant that…" looking at how Ladybug was kissing Chat Noir - or better said, Kagami's boyfriend, Adrien, kissing Luka's girlfriend, Marinette. She was as heartbroken as he was. Maybe even more, considering she didn't know about her boyfriend's superhero job. It caught her unprepared, and she had a lot of information to process. He couldn't say her reaction was unexpected...
Identities had been revealed during that last fight, a few moments ago. After finding out Hawkmoth was Gabriel Agreste, Adrien tried to convince him by revealing himself. At the end it didn't work and Ladybug needed all their superhero team in order to win. And they won. Including a final act of Ladybug comforting Chat Noir and both of them reciprocating their feelings with a sealing kiss.
Luka had been trying to avoid looking at them and focus on their superheroes partners instead, Ryuko being especially affected. ' Of course she would be ' he thought.
"You knew about them? You knew that I've never stood a chance?"
"I found out about them during one of my second chances".
"Why didn't you tell me!? I've been trying my best for nothing! Such a waste of time. I hate you"
"Kagami. Weren't you happy while it lasted? Didn't you make happy memories with him? I think that's good enough knowing how the situation is. Just treasure those memories"
"What's the point of memories if you don't have someone to talk about them? Or someone to share them with? I had one chance and I've lost. And it's over. There are no second chances in my family, you know?"
The awkward silence that formed broke with a voice "Miraculous Ladybug!" and Ryuko’s injuries healed with the magical power of the ladybugs. Luka ignored them, swallowing his own pain, to speak again.
"Listen. Memories are precious no matter what. They are part of who we are and who we'll become. They give us growth. You just need to make good use of them. And as for second chances. You know that's my power. I believe in them. And I know you will have yours too"
*Beep beep*
"That's why I've always hated you. I don't even need to know who you are under the mask for that. Your power makes it sound like there's always hope. But there's not. Reality doesn't have second chances. You screw up once and you're ruined forever. Love is the same. I've lost and it's over for me"
"How can you be so sure? I have to agree not every aspect of life allows second chances… but love does. There are many types of love. You can have a second chance even if you keep close your memories of your first one. It doesn't even have to be romantic love. Family, friends, partners… What's important is to love and be loved. And more importantly, happiness. Being happy with who you are and how you cope with your loved ones"
*Beep beep*
"You talk too much. You are about to detransform. You should leave"
"No, it's ok. Hawkmoth is already defeated. No need for secrets or miraculous anymore"
"I really don't want to know who you are. I hate you and I would hate meeting you on the street. Go away!"
"You're too closed-minded and stubborn"
"So what!?"
"Nothing. But I really hope you listen to my advice. Even if you hate me, you know I'm correct"
"What do you know? I guess you're just some stupid boy jumping from one girl or boy to another, claiming it is love everytime when it's only either a game or being afraid of being alone, using many chances since your family is not strict as mine, playing around without knowing what true love feels like. Who do you think you are to give me lessons? I've loved Adrien more than anything, even more than myself. I've given him all I've got. But for what? He never loved me the same way. And now destiny claimed his love to bloom for Marinette- my best friend. My heart is broken and I can't stand the pain"
*Beep beep*
"Go! I don't want to see your face!" she insisted, angry for his silence
*Beep beep*Beep beep*Beep beep*
"Kagami" Viperion didn't move as his transformation was called off.
"Why are you still here?" Ryuko yelled, avoiding to look at him.
"Look at me. Look at me and tell me I don't know how you feel again". Luka's voice was serious and sounded familiar to Kagami.
So she turned to look at him and gasped in surprise. She was speechless.
"Nothing to say? Tell me again I know nothing about love. Tell me again no one can understand how you feel. Can you do it?" Tears were falling down his cheeks as he spoke and Kagami finally snapped out.
"I knew I hated you! How dare you! How can you say all those words when you're just as heartbroken as me!? I knew you were stupid but this…!! How can you believe in second chances after that? We are the same. It's all over for us!"
"No, it's not over. It's true I'm heartbroken and I'll never be able to stop loving Marinette… but I still believe in second chances"
"How? I don’t believe you" She asked, incredulous.
"I told you. Love will come in other forms. I have my sister, my mother and my music. I'm grateful for the love I have". He said peacefully.
"Well, good for you, but I have nothing. My ex-boyfriend and my best friend have betrayed me and they are now together. I can't even look at either of them. My mother is out of the picture too, and I have no more friends. I have nothing. I'm empty". Kagami's words were filled with sadness.
"No, you're not. You just need to learn how to make use of the love you're given. And you know? I would be happy to help you" he smiled a little.
"You? I hate you! I don't want your help!" She groaned in anger.
"See? That's why you think second chances don't exist. Because you're not willing to put your trust in them. I'll give you a second chance. Let it be friendship, partnership, rivality, whatever. I promise you chances are there for you. We're in the same boat, aren’t we?"
"Huh!? Are you crazy!?" Ryuko's sword was now pointing directly under his chin, close to stab his long slim neck.
At that moment, Ladybug and Chat Noir arrived where they were and Ryuko's transformation got called off.
"Hey. Oh… you know each other's identities…" Ladybug said.
"Marinette, Adrien" Luka called their names, hiding his strong disgust in his stomach.
"You know our identities, huh…" Both Ladybug and Chat Noir called off their transformations, before continuing. "I'm sorry Luka, Kagami. I hope we can still be friends…"
"I'm sorry too… I hope you can forgive me someday…" Adrien added.
"Of cour-" Luka's answer was cut down by Kagami.
"No. I can't be your friend anymore. The people I trusted the most betrayed me! How do you expect to-!"
And it was now her turn to get cut down by Luka's words. "Kagami. Second chance. Try again"
"Argh!! You're getting on my nerves with your stupid second chances! I hate you! All of you!! Get out of my face!"
"Kaga-" Adrien's voice started, but was interrupted by Luka again.
"Kagami. What do you have to lose? Use the chance I'm giving you. For yourself. Make use of it to find your happiness"
"Look, snake boy! I'm sick of your nonsense! If I had my sword with me I would chop all of you. Consider yourself lucky. I won't hesitate to kill you if you try to contact me, ANY of you" she threatened, angry and with tears on her eyes. "Goodbye"
But Luka spoke once again before she left.
"Think about it, Kagami. Feel free to come to my ship anytime if you change your mind. I know you are aware of the truth in my words"
"Never happening!!" She yelled back, before running away.
"Kagami… I was the worst with her…" said Adrien in regret.
"And I've been the worst with you, Luka… I've taken advantage of your feelings and now… I'm so sorry… I want you to know I really loved you. Thank you for everything. I hope you find someone who can love you at its fullest. You deserve to be happy…" she moved intending to give him a kiss on his cheek, but he stopped her.
"Just like you two. I wish you happiness. Thank you for everything, Marinette. Goodbye"
Luka left without looking back at the new couple, well aware they were sharing a kiss he couldn't bear to see.
At the deck of his houseboat, Luka was sitting with his guitar, but was unable to do anything except to play sad melodies. Not even meditation helped to recover his calm. He was heartbroken and missed his ex-girlfriend Marinette more than anything.
' Shit. Kagami was right. This hurts like hell. How can I give advice when I've reached the absolute bottom. A second chance, huh… I'm not even convinced they exist anymore '
At that moment Kagami arrived to see him weeping in silence.
She looked angry and had puffy and swollen eyes due to her crying. Luka could easily tell she was exhausted from being sad and crying all this last week until the final battle ended, just like he had been trying to prevent himself from looking at his own face.
"So you really didn't believe in your own words, huh? I knew it. Always trying to act cool and show off, hiding your true feelings. If this music is what's now in your heart you are just as heartbroken as me. Why can't you be honest?" She asked.
"And what? Worry the others? Make them feel bad?" Luka answered, wiping off his tears. "No thank you".
"Yes, I get that. But I'm honest and I never hesitate. Unlike you" she stated.
"I don't hesitate either. My choices are different from yours, that's all"
"I see" Kagami was surprised at Luka's confidence. He was feeling slightly better with the Japanese girl nearby.
"Any requests?" He asked. "Since you've come directly at me, let me compensate you for your company"
"Don't misunderstand me. I still hate you" she warned. "But I'm losing my mind when I'm alone. And Marinette loved you. And I know Marinette wouldn't love a bad guy. And you offered, so I don't need to give you any explanation, do I?"
"Yeah. No need to tell me anything you don't want to" Luka could finally smile a little. "Thanks, Kagami. You being here is more than enough. I prefer not to be alone either. So, what song will it be?"
"Highway to hell"
"For Hawk Moth’s defeat"
Luka couldn't help it but to chuckle at her comment. He never expected her to be funny - and neither did she.
A message arrived into Luka's inbox early Saturday morning. He stretched his hand and checked the new message on his phone screen.
Kagami: You. Me. Today. The park next to your house. 10 AM. Don't be late.
Luka couldn't help it but smile a little at the message. The first one she had ever sent him and it sounded exactly like her. He woke up and got ready to go.
When he arrived, Kagami was already there, taping her foot on the ground, waiting for him.
"Hey" Luka waved from afar while approaching without any rush and Kagami’s body turned to face him.
"7 minutes early, not bad." Kagami said after checking the time on her phone. She then offered Luka a big sports bag. "Take this"
"What's this?" he asked, curious.
Kagami frowned her eyebrows, stating what she considered obvious. "Protection. You'll need them, Habu"
"For what? Habu?" The boy was even more confused after her answer.
"You can't tell? Are you stupid? Habu means snake in Japanese" she yelled, while putting on her protective gear.
"I thought they were called ‘hebi’?" Luka started to do the same as her with his armor.
"That's in mainland Japanese. ‘Habu’ is Okinawan Japanese. You seem more of a tropical islander than a mainlander"
"I see”. Luka could feel the anger in her voice and didn't want to worsen it. So he didn't press her further in the matter. “Why do I need protection?"
"You really get on my nerves!" she growled. "I need to relieve my anger. With a sword fight. And I think I'm going to feel better after I crush you. Because I hate you and your stupid second chances" Kagami grabbed a Kunai and threw it to Luka. "Take this. I'm challenging you. Get ready, because I'm not going to hold back!"
And she charged fast pointing her bamboo sword directly toward the musician. He managed to dodge her just in time.
"Wow! As expected. You have no compassion, huh?" He said, fixing his arm protections in place.
"Compassion is for weaklings. C'mon, attack me!"
Luka smiled and put his hands on the air. "I surrender. Your win"
And Kagami's anger incremented. "You can't surrender a live or die battle! Fight or prepare to die!"
As Kagami charged again against Luka, he suddenly drew a pirate grin over his face, and just before she reached him, he surprised Kagami with a well-prepared counter-attack.
Luka's smile widened at Kagami's unusual expression. "I've been missing excitement in my life since I gave up my miraculous. I get why you enjoy this so much"
"Stop talking and fight, Habu!! I'm going to erase that disgusting grin from your face!" She screamed, preparing to destroy her new rival.
After a long sword fight, the two teenagers were panting for air, laying on the soft grass of the park.
"You've completely destroyed me. As expected for the best egrimist of Paris" Luka said, breathing fast.
"You've got some fine moves and more agility than I thought” she answered, in need of air. "I always assumed it was the miraculous powers, but it seems I was wrong. Where do you learn those moves? They're sword fighting moves, I'm sure of it"
"Yes, you’re right.  It's pirate sword fighting style. Mom's obsession is to become a real pirate someday. At least it has come in handy now" he smiled proudly.
"Interesting. I'll look forward to seeing more of it when I feel like crushing you again…" Kagami started to stand up again. "Now could be a good time"
"Stop, please! Let my bruises heal at least"
"You are in no position to demand anything. En garde!"
Some days later, Luka was the one who reached Kagami.
Luka: Hey Kagami. Want to go to the ice rink next Saturday? Is 11AM alright?
Kagami: Let's go now. Meet me there in 30 minutes.
' this girl… ' he thought, smiling in resignation.
Luka: 45 minutes.
Kagami: Slow. Lazyass. Don't hibernate you Habu.
Luka couldn't help it but to form a crooked smile on his face. ' This girl surely is interesting and funny. I can't believe she is still acting this way so she doesn't have to swallow her pride. What a woman ' Luka thought.
Once again, Kagami was the first one to arrive at the ice rink.
"Hey" Luka greeted.
"Are you ready to skate?"
"I'm always ready", she stated in anger.
"Good to know" he giggled.
And it was surprising how Kagami reached her hand to Luka’s sleeve and dragged him on the ice. Both of them couldn’t help it but blush a little as their touches started to become more casual and their hearts were getting closer.
After spending the day at the ice rink, their meetings started to become more usual to the point they could be called ‘dates’- even if Kagami refused to use that name. Cuddles while Luka played the guitar, sword fighting (Luka and Anarka teaching kagami pirate style sword fighting), figure skating, shopping… being together almost all the time became more than a habit: it became natural. But despite both of them knowing about their growing affection for each other, neither spoke a word about it.
Until the moment that scared Kagami the most arrived with her mother’s words:
"Kagami, we are going back to Japan. Nationals are about to start and they are needed if you want to aim for the Olympics. Get your things ready. We are leaving tomorrow" she ordered her daughter, impassible as always.
"Tomorrow!?” Kagami's inner self panicked, even if it didn’t show on the outside. “Understood mother. But I need to do something before we leave. I'll be back"
"You better."
Kagami excused herself and started running to a certain familiar boat. When she arrived, Captain Anarka greeted her.
"Kagami? Luka is not home, he has a concert today. Don’t tell me he didn’t invite you there?" she sighed. “This son of mine…”
"Where is that concert?" Kagami asked, impatient.
"Paris Stadium"
Kagami interrupted her, rushing out the boat. "Thank you"
"You're leaving already?" Anarka asked, surprised.
"Yes. But I'll be back, definitely"
And with that, Kagami ran again, this time to the stadium.
"You can't go in, it's a restricted area" one of the security guards told her Kagami when she tried to get in the backstage of the stadium.
"You don't know who I am!? I'm Luka's friend and I'm going to crush you if you don't let me in! I need to see him!"
"We can't let you in" the other bodyguard insisted.
Kagami screamed and dodged the guards, running inside the stadium. "Aaargh!!!"
"Wait!! Someone catch her!!"
Kagami ran fast. Very fast. She wasn’t going to miss the chance to meet Luka before returning to Japan. She couldn’t afford getting caught. Not at this moment. Not today.
"Lukaaa!! Stupid Habu, where are you!? Lukaaa"
From the rehearsal stage, Luka could hear the commotion at the aisle "What's all this noise...?" He innocently asked Penny.
"A girl is here looking for you. She's running like crazy and the guards can't catch her. Her athleticism is impressive" the pink-haired woman giggled.
' Could it be…? '
Luka moved to the door to the aisle and took a look. "Kagami...?"
And she finally found him. "There you are!! Why don't you answer the phone you stupid Habu!" she screamed, before turning at the security guards in anger "See? I'm friends with Luka, no need to chase or take me out anymore. Get lost!"
The guards apologized and returned to their usual work positions, while Kagami gave them a deathly glare that gave them chills. ‘ If only they knew the sweet heart under the strong disguise… ’ Luka smiled to himself.
"I'm sorry Kagami, with all the music I couldn't hear the phone. What's wrong? You sound… impatient?” he questioned, confused. ' It's been a long time since I've seen this look on her face… ' he thought.
Kagami’s gaze fixed to Luka’s, and then she spoke again. "Mother told me we're returning to Japan for my Qualifying to Olympics competitions".
"Wow, that's amazing!”. Luka was happy for her getting closer to accomplish her dreams, despite how sad she sounded but he really didn’t want her to leave. But, like always, he put his feelings aside to wish her happiness. “When are you leaving?"
And her words felt like a bucket of cold water over him. "Tomorrow… that's… soon"
“That's why I'm here. I have something to tell you”
Kagami was determined, and it showed in both her voice and her stare.
“What is it?” he asked, in hope, casually touching her upper arm.
"I'm sorry for not believing in your words about second chances. I'm sorry for telling you I hate you and stupid all the time. It's not true. I'm happy you've given me company when I was at my lowest. Thank you for giving me hope for second chances" she said, shyly.
"You're welcome. I'm glad you've changed your mind. It's nice to see you feeling better everyday" Luka smiled sincerely.
But that was not everything. There’s something else she wanted to tell him. Something even more important. Something she would regret forever not telling him before leaving.
"Luka, I-"
"Shhhh. Stay for the live. You'll tell me later."
Kagami blinked twice before he moved back to the rehearsal stage, not before winking at her with a knowing pirate grin on his face. ' Smooth ' she thought.
"You better not run away from me, Habu"
Luka’s aura on the stage was something new to Kagami. He was shining with the light of the spotlights over him, like he has just become someone else- a true star. And even if he was only going to perform the opening song for Jagged Stone, Kagami knew for the look on his eyes that he was going to give it all. Kagami couldn’t stop blushing at how handsome he looked up there, with his stupid pirate grin never leaving his face.
After setting his guitar in place and checking the microphone, he started to talk.
“Hello! Welcome! I know the opening act usually starts with music, but today it’s not a normal day. You see, there’s this amazing girl who is leaving tomorrow to chase her dreams here, a lady who doesn’t believe in second chances. And I really want her, and all of you to believe in them and never give up. I want you to remember that, no matter how low you’re feeling, there’s always a second chance awaiting for you”.
“Listen to my self-composed song for that special girl: ‘Second chance’”
Kagami knew the song was meant for her. The meaning of the song was also clear to her, and, if the music alone wasn’t obvious, some of the lyrics left no trace of doubt. A love confession from Luka to Kagami.  
Will you take my second chance now? First chances may never disappear. But you’re now my second chance and I want to be yours.
Be my second chance in love, be my second chance in life. There's no need for a third, since I'll always be here. There's no need for a third, if you want to always be with me.
With some well selected guitar notes arrangement, Luka finished the song, his eyes sparkling towards the excited audience. “Thank you!“
The cheering from the public didn’t stop even when he had left the stage, making it harder for Jagged to step in. ‘ He has potential ’ the rockstar thought, before offering the audience an unforgettable performance.
Backstage, Kagami was waiting for Luka.
“Hey” he greeted her. And she jumped to his arms, surprising him with a hug, burying her face on his chest as he surrounded her with his arms.
“Showoff” she whispered, and Luka chuckled at her comment, his smile growing wider. “You could just ask me normally, you know?” she complained, blushing but keeping the eye contact.
“I make more sense with music” he giggled, cupping her cheek. “So… what do you say?”
Kagami’s answer didn’t make him wait long. “Don't you ever dare to break my heart”
“I promise”, he said.
And Kagami stepped on her tiptoes to give him a soft kiss full of emotion, which he gladly reciprocated.
“I'll miss you so much…” he passed his long fingers behind his ear and whispered close.
Kagami blushed even while deepening their hug. “You must call me everyday and watch all my competitions. I'll hate you if you miss any of them”.
“Count on it. Will you be back?”
“Yes, definitely. I have more pirate fighting to learn”. she grinned in a similar pirate way Luka usually did around her.
Luka’s eyes were glowing deep in love. “You're so pretty, have I ever told you?”
“You did just now. You can go on appreciating me. I’m not going to complain anymore”.
Luka smirked at her confidence. “Are you sure? I think your baggage is still undone and I don't think I'll ever stop if I start with the adjective list…”
“Then tell me without words. And I don't mean music”. She suggested.
“Of course”.
And he did. He gave her a kiss she would carry to Japan and forever in her heart. A kiss that promised her he was going to wait for her no matter how long it took. A sincere kiss that connected their hearts in one same emotion: love. A promise they would carry until the next time they could meet.
"Crush them all at the Olympics" he whispered, giving her a kiss at the corner of her lips.
"You bet!"
"You're back. Weren't you the one supposed to wait for me here, Habu? Stupid tour" Kagami muttered.
Luka giggled at his girlfriend’s temperament. “Hi, there. I’m happy to find the best company just when coming back from a long world tour. Congratulations for the gold medal" he said, giving a peek on her cheek.
"You already told me that months ago when you came and witnessed my victory at the Olympics"
"I know. Good thing pirate sword fighting style came in handy" he said, pulling her closer into a hug.
"Captain has been teaching me more of it these two months you were on tour. I'm even stronger now, so prepare to lose next time we fight" she grinned and he rolled his eyes.
"I may be a masochist to keep agreeing with this"
“No, you just love me” she said, teasingly.
“I do love you” he confirmed.
“Good. Because I love you too”.
And they shared a kiss they had been longing for the two months they had been apart. As they pulled out, Luka locked eyes with Kagami to speak again.
"Kagami. I'm not going anywhere anymore. Move in with me"
"I've already done that, Habu"
"Oh… that's right. Well then… marry me… how was it? ‘ kudasai ’?" he asked, not too confident in his Japanese skills.
"Hai" Kagami laughed at his accent, happy to soon become the wife of the man she loved.
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modawg · 4 years
imagine if hercules had come onto the argo 2/joined a side quest with the 7 and percy was in character,,
y’all know how fucking FUNNY it would have been if hercules had shown up and percy tried his god damn best to not absolutely DRAG his ass
hercules flirting with percy very obviously and percy being so pissed off and annoyed and having no patience to deal with him but he has to try bc they need him for the mission
at first it kinda freaks nico and jason out bc percy just HATES hercules and they kinda get nervous bc they think he might be homophobic or just can’t take a guy hitting on him—they find out it’s very much not that but they still have a mini panic attack
(jealous and annoyed and upset nico)
(also hercules would flirt and shit with piper too but this isn’t about her rn)
jason and nico bonding during this whole thing and percy trying to join in but hercules just won’t leave him tf alone and their the first two to find out about zoë (other than annabeth obv)
annabeth having to step in many many times bc hercules can’t take no for an answer and percy is really about to snap his neck
hercules not taking no for an answer so much that it starts to really irk the others and then they find out later that that’s not even the real reason percy hates him and is upset
hercules doing a bee line towards percy all “hey there cutie” and percy being like “cut the mf cameras”
like everyone being like “omg HERCULES iS oN oUr sHIp” and percy being like “if he breaths in my direction we’re not gonna HAVE a ship”
at somepoint percy snaps and nearly snaps his fucjing neck and they have to bench him
hercules trying to impress percy infront of everyone and everytime he says smth percys like “💅🏼💅🏼mmm honey”
percys like “oh and i fell into tartarus became praetor restored honor to new rome and (other stuff that i cant think of right now) all without being a total fucking dick :),, did you do that?? no? mmm yeah sit tf down the adults are talking”
top tier persassy
hercules both loving how strong percy is and wanting to talk to him and “get to know him” but also really wanting to over shine him bc it’s hercules but percy just wanting him to go fuck himself
hercules talking to percy and he just turns around and jumps off the side of the argo into the ocean and doesn’t come back for like a solid five hours
TOP TIER PERSASSY and just angry percy
dark!percy (jK Jk iM kIddInG)
the wasted POTENTIAL im disappointed
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angiesawakening · 3 years
What if I just spoke my mind and told him how I really felt do you think I would feel better? less full of anger? WELL let’s see !!!!. What if I just told him how much I hate him and that I think getting my ass beat would feel better than dealing with his narcissistic ass. What if I just said your a fucking loser with a average dick size and nuts quick no stroke game but somehow you walk like like you have a 12 inch dick that makes bitches cum in seconds SIKE Since I’ve had someone else they make you look like PURE RAW SHIT !lol what if I said you fucking suck what if I just said I think you lowkey gay the way you constantly compare yourself to other men and HATE Gay men you know what they say maybe that’s why you’re so angry and treat women like shit cause your afraid to come out as gay I love dick too it’s okay . What if I told you you have both mommy and daddy issues .. what if I fucking told you you need therapy you need help . What if I told you your living in a made up world you think your untouchable no one can go through what you went though and survive PLEASE people have gone through worse stop being a little bitch right no one can walk in your little shoes right your god right no your the devil not enough your a demon who is afraid to come out lol your a dumb bitch how do you get away with so much your disrespectful your loyalty is to the wrong people and to be careful cause your so called friends they hate you too they just have the same to lose . Do you know what love is probably not your just as broken as me don’t think differently u may be 11 years old have kids but u my friend are way more fucked up than me broken is an understatement you fucking bitch what if I said I hope you fall off your stair master lol and shit yourself !!!!💩💩💩 hope one day you can actually sleep with a peace of mind cause you know you don’t!!! Please don’t catch an std with all those swinger and sex clubs you love to go too haha All those bitches will be disappointed when they see your a waste of a body waste off a good looking man just a waste what if you told you you were soul less ACTUALLY you might know that hahahaha a fucking waste OMG you think cause your 41 and still have a hairline your god right lol 😂 fucking idiot I swear you had dementia how the fuck do u talk about that same shit everytime like I can finish your words statements cause u say the same shit like lay off the drugs u made it clear I wasn’t perfect everytime I’m pretty but if you get your body like this you will be better I can see you at your potential ass Nigga fuck you when I get where I want you won’t even be able to breath my air you fucking bitch go suck a dick you know you want too it’s funny if u hated my body so much how is it u managed to get hard without even a touch .. u wanted me a secret fuck you for not knowing I’m worth showing the whole world . U made me hate by body when u used to be fat for such a big ego it’s sad the dick don’t match your welcome - your angry Aquarius friend angelia ❤️❤️
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