#explain what i'm talking about in this strange new world
galateagalvanized · 2 years
chel those prompts... they are SO GOOD. was very hard to pick, but what about 9? or if that one's a repeat, 19?
Ah, Byte, thank you so much for the prompt!! This one got away from me a bit, but I hope you enjoy it <3 (And welcome to my Stewjon!)
For prompt #19: A spear as a walking stick
So the saying goes
"You know, all this reminds me of an old Stewjoni saying," Obi-Wan says, leaning against their balcony and gazing at the sprawling gardens below. 
Cody looks over, curious. Obi-Wan never speaks much of his home planet or its culture; he'd assumed, perhaps foolishly, that Obi-Wan had adopted Coruscant as his home wholesale.
Obi-Wan’s eyes are unreadable when he glances towards Cody. “Yes. It goes: a smart man fears the hidden knife, but a wise man fears the dull one."
Beneath them, the roiling sea of ivy-like plants lies lazy and untamed in the blue-white light of Stewjon’s supergiant of a sun. The garden and the structure that overlooks it have been kept at the barest minimum threshold of livable through the sporadic maintenance of the nomadic trains that, once or twice a solar cycle, eventually make their way here. Cody runs a thumb over the brittle pink sandstone of the stone railing and feels a few pieces brush away as he tries to understand what Obi-Wan is saying. His training had been in information and not metaphor. The war’s problems had been more logistical than literary.
Cody leans over and knocks his shoulder into Obi-Wan’s and attempts to respond in kind. "A dull knife’s not so bad so long as you’re not the one wielding it.”
“Indeed,” Obi-Wan says, as frustratingly non-committal as he was before, and when Cody squints at him for more information, he shakes his head. The gold medallion around his neck swings with the motion and glints strangely in the blue sunlight. Cody has wanted to pick it apart earlier, to hunt for how any voice recording device could survive the sun's erratic emag, but Obi-Wan had waved it off. Cody stares at it, bites back the same urge, and swallows his questions as he runs the words back over in his mind. 
‘A dull knife?’ As much as he hates the Stewjoni tendency towards metaphor and idiom, he has to admit that it’s an effective protection against ever being caught in a lie. How can you find a lie in someone’s words when you can’t even find their meaning?
Wait. “Do you think other Speaker believes he’s doing the right thing? That he’s just—incompetent?"
“I think it’s something we should consider,” Obi-Wan says as a door opens behind them. They turn, as in-sync now as they ever were on the battlefield, and they face the messenger who steps into their rooms as a united front.
“We’re ready for you, Speaker Kenobi,” the man says, and Cody and Obi-Wan step forward together.
It’s only the third day of debate, but Cody feels as though they're in the middle of a three-month siege. The air is filled with that same mix of tension, dread, and monotony, although there’s considerably more food.
Stars, he even can’t lean towards Obi-Wan for an explanation like he did that night at the Corellian opera, where the opera house had banned translation devices out of some archaic belief in the inherent beauty of the incomprehensible. Then, Obi-Wan had whispered explanations beneath his breath into the close space between their cramped mezzanine seats, his voice smooth and clever and, honestly, more interesting than the drama playing out a sixty feet away.
Now, Obi-Wan’s the one on stage. And he isn’t alone.
“And why should we continue to pay the Republic’s fees? When Republic protection was the only thing that threatened us?” 
Speaker Catiline’s voice echoes through the open-air auditorium with a gravity and weight that Cody almost envies. It’s a commander’s voice, deep and authoritative, and on the field, it would brook no argument. 
Across the raised platform from him, Obi-Wan brooks an argument.
“Alleged threat,” Obi-Wan corrects, but Catiline shakes his head.
“It is true that a Republic ship entered our airspace and crashed to our surface,” he says. “A ship can be defined as a Republic protection. And regardless of how it got there, that protection killed six men.”
Cody bristles, his back teeth grinding. By that reasoning, the Separatists could have loaded Republic starships into cannons and launched them at the Speaker caravans—and Catiline could still claim the danger came from the Republic.
But he is still, technically, corect. 
“We didn’t need a crashed Republic ship on our roads. We didn’t even need working Republic ships in our skies,” Catiline continues. “The Separatists could not have taken this planet any more than the Republic could not defend it.”
Cody tucks another protest behind his teeth. Unlike on Coruscant, Stewjon’s courts do not forbid speculation. He keeps a careful eye on Obi-Wan’s hands. Other than the Speaker Medallion, he hasn’t changed any part of his wardrobe. His hands flash from beneath the long bells of his sleeves, and Cody calms to see them warm and steady and Obi-Wan speaks.
“Regardless of the planet’s natural protections, you still benefit from protected Republic trade routes,” Obi-Wan says. “And if we are in the business of speculation, Speaker, I might note that the next martial threat to the galaxy may not take the form of an army formed entirely of robots.” He gestures to the murmuring crowd filling the concentric lines of sandstone benches. “Organic armies, as you may remember, have no trouble surviving here.”
“No need to question whether I remember the histories, Kenobi. But it has been two decades since you learned them, has it not? Perhaps we should hold a Telling and see whose memory is sharper.”
Cody leans forward, curious. He’d known that Obi-Wan’s impeccable memory for stories and language stemmed from Stewjoni practices; he hadn’t realized there were competitions for it, though. He wonders—
“My memory is sharp enough to remember what we are debating, Speaker, and I don’t think it was the histories,” Obi-Wan says, and titters of laughter crop up in the crowd like weeds through duracrete. 
“Mm,” Catiline concedes with a nod of his head more gracious than Cody had thought him capable of. “Perhaps. But your armies never studied here, Kenobi. No army has. No modern army could wage war without their droids and datapads, their terminals and their communication arrays. They would be helpless without all of their technological methods of thinking and remembering. So why should we worry?”
It’s the first time Cody’s heard a Stewjoni native acknowledge the disparity between the galaxy’s technology and their own—or, more accurately, their lack of it. The massive blue-tinged sun hangs high in their pale atmosphere, apparently unremarkable beyond its size and color, but Cody knows better. He wonders what the flares look like from the planet’s surface; he wonders if, given enough time, the flares could become predictable. From the corner of his eye, he thinks it gets a smidge brighter, and he wishes he’d checked the shielding on their dropship a fourth time as he turns his attention back to the stage.
“The modern army of today, perhaps not. But the modern army of tomorrow? Of ten, twenty years from today? I don’t think we can rule it out,” Obi-Wan argues. “The cost of that future security is a simple agreement to remain within the Republic. It seems a small cost to me.”
Catiline laughs. Even his laugh is arresting: deep and resonant. “A small cost? Careful, Kenobi. That statement’s up for review on the Medallion, now. How could the cost be small? When it would invite thousands of your clones to make their residence here?”
Cody sits up, senses sharpening, and he sees Obi-Wan mirror the action in lock-step  from twenty feet away.
“If you have a problem with clones—”
“Not with clones,” Catiline interrupts, and an angry murmur at the faux pas stills as he continues. “With men who were bred and born to combat. They can have no other story in their hearts but violence. You can use a spear as a walking stick, Master Kenobi, but that does not change its nature. He is dangerous. They all are."
Even from this distance, Cody can see Obi-Wan bristle. The line of his shoulders could be used to level a foundation, and his eyes flash an electric blue in the strange sunlight. Cody has rarely seen him so angry.
"And a hammer can build as well as break," Obi-Wan snaps. "Do not forget that some people in this galaxy have managed to acquire more than one use, Speaker."
An excited murmur rolls through the crowd, accented by a few soft claps, and a bell sounds for both order and a break in the proceedings. Obi-Wan and Catiline bow to each other, to the crowd, and to each other again before stepping off opposite ends of the stage. Cody makes his way down the amphitheater steps, and he doesn’t think he’s imagining the relief in Obi-Wan’s small smile when he looks up.
“Cody,” Obi-Wan says, as exhausted as he ever lets himself sound, and Cody resists the urge to put a hand in the small of his back to keep him upright. “They’re calling for an hour recess. Would you mind terribly taking lunch in our rooms?”
“I’ll grab it for us now,” Cody says. “You go on up.”
He gives into the urge to rest his fingertips in the shadow between Obi-Wan’s shoulder blades as he walks towards the food, pushing lightly as he goes.
Their rooms are light, airy, and in a state of managed-disrepair exactly the same as the outer balcony. The sheets are fresh, though, and the pallet is clean of bugs even if it is on the floor, so Cody can’t complain. Obi-Wan is sitting cross-legged on the bed closest to the window when Cody elbows his way through the curtain that separates their rooms from the rest of the hall.
“Hey,” he says softly, careful not to spill food or drink as he makes his way over. Obi-Wan must already know that he’s here, but some meditation states are harder to cleanly withdraw from than others. He wants to give Obi-Wan as much space as he can. “You ok?”
“Perfectly fine.” 
Cody wonders if that particular lie will be caught by the council reviewing the Medallion records. If the Jedi Council never caught on, though, he doesn’t have high hopes for Stewjon’s.
Obi-Wan opens his eyes slowly, then shakes his head when he sees the monochrome assortment of square flatbreads, jerky, and small red berries on the plates. “Ah. I’d forgotten how much I didn’t miss the food here.”
Cody grins and tears into a piece of bread. 
“I don’t mind,” he says. “I’m still getting used to food that hasn’t been cranked out of a nutritional vat and baked into a square. It’s nice to get back to my former definition of a square meal.”
Obi-Wan’s answering laugh bounces from the sandstone walls towards the open window and its waving, gauzy curtains. They eat in silence for a few long minutes, both of them still accustomed to the battlefield routine of inhaling as much food as possible before the next alarm or crisis sounds. 
When they’ve both finished, Obi-Wan sits back, and Cody meets his eyes with as much steady calm as he can muster. Obi-Wan draws on the air of Jedi sage as surely and obviously as Cody straps on his plastoid armor.
“Cody… I must apologize for my words earlier,” Obi-Wan says, holding Cody’s gaze. “I hope you don't mind my equating any of you to tools. Relating any of you to objects is to make a shoddy metaphor. All of you are far more than—than your ability to serve a purpose.”
Ah. Ah. Cody is the one who has to struggle not to look away, now. It’s something that Obi-Wan has told him before, but he has never understood it. As much as he wants to believe Obi-Wan, he understands Catiline’s viewpoint more than Obi-Wan’s. The war is over; the clones are struggling to find their place in peacetime. They, all of them, are desperately looking for a purpose to serve. 
Cody is grateful beyond words that his own purpose survived the war.
“It’s fine,” Cody says. He remembers Obi-Wan’s earlier warning about Catiline’s motives, and he wonders, for a brief second, if Catiline really would be doing the right thing by keeping the clones off Stewjon. The clones were at least half the war, and the war never came here. Maybe it’d be best if it never did.
As if he catches the tail end of that thought, Obi-Wan shakes his head. The kindness in Obi-Wan’s eyes, as clear and impenetrable as well water, drives Cody to glance down at the food between them. He won’t argue, he thinks. It isn’t an argument worth winning.
But Obi-Wan’s warm, scarred hands reach for his, and Cody looks up again.
“You know what the Medallion means,” Obi-Wan says, and Cody nods. It’s one more thing he knows but doesn’t understand. “You know I’m not lying. So then, believe me—Cody, you must believe me—that you have far more than violence in your soul. You can be a spear and a walking stick and a hammer, and even if you were none of those things, I would still want you with me. I would want you with me even if you served no other purpose than being in my life.”
The words slide, hot and too heavy, into Cody’s throat and stick there. He can’t swallow past them; he can’t swallow them. The Medallion gleams green-gold in the sun. They are, in a word, unmaking. Impossible to believe, and impossible to refute. 
Catiline’s words ring in Cody’s head, pounding to the rhythm of a new headache. He’d said his piece while wearing a Speaker Medallion too.
Obi-Wan squeezes Cody’s hands. “Okay?”
And Cody marshals himself as he once marshaled armies, and he tucks the wildfire inferno of his emotions and protests back behind the safe haven of his ribcage. He isn’t a Speaker, he thinks. He has no Medallion. No one’s listening for his lies.
“Okay,” he says, and the noon bell tolls.
Thank you again for the prompt; I hope you enjoyed it!
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bootlegspiders · 7 days
Hey, so for Watcher fans who may not wanna pay for another subscription or just wanna watch something new here are some other youtubers you should take a look at if you want to get a spook or learn some history
(* = potentially triggering topics covered usually associated with crimes, so be careful)
Ghost Hunting and general spooky vibes:
AmysCrypt - Your typical ghost hunting show with two Australians traveling the world, though I will say they do go to places I've never heard of before and they do very good research. And there are some goofs along with the spooks.
The Ouija Brothers - Two British dudes finding ghosts in England. The vibes are generally pretty chill and it's a good time
The Paranormal Scholar - A mixed bag of all paranormal happenings from ghosts to demons to cryptids and aliens. Sort of an overview to deepdives on various paranormal occurrences. The research is immaculate and their voice is very soothing in my opinion.
Paranormal Quest - Ghost hunting in the US, sometimes goofy sometimes serious, but they do go to some interesting places and some familiar ones too
Weird History:
ObsoleteOddity* - This guy is great, like 80% of the things he covers I've never heard of before. Very atmospheric, fun little visuals, and a large variety of weird events and people for topics.
Georgia Marie* - A little bit of everything, but she focuses on strange things that have happened, lgbt history, true crime, and historical disasters. She covers enough of everything that I'm sure you'll find something
Stefanie Valentine* - I'm not sure if she even posts anymore, but I thought what she was doing was great. Think Vampira or Elvira but for older true crime and ghost stories, I think the latest covered would have been like early 1900s. Idk I just thought it was like a cute spooky lil storytime
Caitlin Doughty or Ask A Mortician* - Pretty sure y'all would know who she is but just in case, she's a mortician who covers topics relating to death! From odd ways people have died, or odd things that have happened to people after they've died. And just odd or tragic things that have happened through history. It's silly, but done with levity and care and respect the topics deserve.
General History:
Part-Time Explorer - Mostly history on ships and ghost towns with the occasional train. Lots of research and interviews, very well done and worth checking out even if it may not be your thing.
History's Forgotten People - Talks about sometimes obscure, or sometimes not, historical individuals. Even if you've heard of the person in the topic, they'll talk on something obscure about that person.
History Tea Time with Lindsay Holiday - A heavy focus on royalty around the world, a generally upbeat dive into historic individuals.
(Or you could always go watch time team, that's an option and it's my guilty pleasure love me some archeology)
True Crime:
There are so many out there, so I'll just recommend two of my favorites
Gabulosis* - She focuses on vintage cases 20 years or older (literally in her opener) and is well researched and respectful. Another one that talks on cases I've never heard of that deserve to be heard.
Mysterious WV* - True crime and missing persons based in the West Virginia area and neighboring states. Idk how to even explain the vibes. This guy is just great please watch him trust me you won't be disappointed.
That's all for now, feel free to add your own recs out there!
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ew-selfish-art · 7 months
Dp x Dc AU: Bruce has a 'if you can't beat them, join them' mentality about the tabloids claiming he adopts too many kids- Developing foster homes that are paid for through the Wayne inheritance, personally vetted by the Bats, they're the leaders in the space for child health outcomes and family placement. Insert Danny.
Bruce has too much wealth, too many rumors and not enough reach into the abhorrent foster homes around Gotham to improve them. Tim ends up being the one to suggest it- He's the one who buys up their real estate for their safe houses after all- and Bruce is more than ready to pull the metaphorical trigger to get new clean welcoming spaces, Bat-background checked fosters and a new era of adoption in Gotham underway.
He's lobbied the state and the federal government for reforms of course, but this is a project he can micromanage. He spends time with every kid that comes through, talks with all the families that want to adopt and makes sure that these miniature homes are provided only the very best. Alfred personally hires all the staff, and with Barbara more than happy to help relocate the unhoused children she spots while they patrol, the project is a glowing success.
Occasionally, spots in their houses fill up, and those are the weeks were Cass takes on the Cowl of Batman- Bruce Wayne will personally invite a child in need to his home. He always has one of his kids present (they rotate on a pre-determined schedule) and he does his best to try and get them to understand that they deserve the world, have all the potential that anyone else has and can achieve a bright future. That he will personally aid them in their ambitions.
PR goes crazy for it of course, but Bruce and all of his children know its genuine. Almost too genuine, because a betting pool 'WILL THEY BE ADOPTED' regularly circulates between the siblings and the entire JL when someone spends time at the manor. And not just the black-haired, Blue-eyed kids get picked as favored outcomes- but obviously the running joke gets passed around.
It's a Thursday night when Bruce gets the call that the houses have once again filled up, and that there is a child in need of a home. The social worker (he knows her as Marsha and he has flowers planned to be sent on her birthday next week, like he does for all of his employees) (Say micromanaged one more time) explains that the kid is a bit cagey but has opened up with some humor. She explains that he has a few strange... mannerisms. She's not sure what to make of him, a non-gothamite for sure but something is, well, distinctly 'not from around here' about his energy.
Danny arrives at the house, meets Duke and Alfred, and by the time Bruce meets him at the dinner table it seems as though Marsha had it all wrong. This kid was laughing, he was teasing, he was totally playing along like he'd gone through nothing. Bruce is glad he's in high spirits but its just so... so different from all the other children he's taken in.
Bruce re-focuses on the conversation when Duke mentions something flashing, and its the first time that Danny goes quiet. Entirely still.
"...you noticed that?" Danny quietly asks, a bit of disbelief in his tone.
"You don't have a flashlight on or something do you? It was super bright whatever it is that you had in your hand a second ago?" Duke tries to sound chill but he's looking very much not chill. Bruce saw nothing, and that puts him further on edge.
"Look... I uh, I've been though... I've been through a lot lately. And the last lab I was in kind of, messed with me. I'm normally much better at dealing with it all, I promise." Danny sounds nervous, and the room seems to chill.
"Ah shoot, sorry." Danny notices something and frantically apologizes.
"Sorry for what Danny? You've done nothing wrong but I am worried about you- You said you were in a lab?" Bruce is desperately trying to calm him down while not slipping into Batman interrogation mode.
"Uh, yeah, like a lot of labs. It should get warmer in a second, its just cause I startled, I promise."
"You're a meta." Duke speaks softly and with hope in his voice- Danny is looking between them with wide eyes filled with fear.
"I mean I don't technically have the gene-"
"Danny, have you told any of your case workers where you were? Do any authorities know what you've been through?" Bruce needs to know, desperately, that who ever gave this young boy super powers is brought to justice. Danny goes quiet.
"I'm really sorry." He says softly, but he doesn't leave them.
Duke and Bruce try to ask a few more questions but the silence that meets them declares the conversation over, even with Duke admitting he himself is a meta. Danny didn't even look up from his plate. They watch a movie after dinner, and Danny seems to get back to the smile-y happy guy he had been before dinner.
Each of the bat-fam have their own interactions with Danny- And even if they're getting along amazingly, Danny won't open up. He doesn't open up to his provided therapist. Doesn't talk to Alfred. No one knows what's up.
So when Marsha calls Bruce back explaining they now have a spot for Danny and he can move out of the Manor... Bruce replies that he'd like to get started on Adoption paperwork, so long as Danny is fine with it.
Turns out, Danny is fine with it. he's both the newest Wayne and their newest case. (And godamnit, his new family is going to avenge him. If only he'd let them try.)
Danny figures out that Duke= Signal early on because of that dinner, and if he's going to keep his parents out of jail, he needs to be as close to the investigation as possible. He knows that he shouldn't protect the Fentons, but he feels the upset in his core at the thought of letting them befall any harm. He has to protect them. Has to protect Jazz and her hiding spot as a mole within their lab. Has to.
Even if it meant lying to his new family who loves him, and who he loves in equal return. Even if it means lying to The Bats.
Tabloids go crazy about the black-haired blue-eyed thing of course, but no poll was ever taken by the batfam or the JL who know the whole story.
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 months
DC x DP: The Real Blood Son
It's a year after Damian came to live with them that he decides it is an excellent time to bombard Bruce with his news.
"I had a blood brother." He says to Tim after the other commented how important blood meant to Bruce-ie, not enough to make him get rid of his other sons. "He was the first from the artificial womb mother made with Father's DNA; however, he was disposed of once his heart condition became known. I highly doubt you will last even twice as long Drake-"
Bruce didn't know that he could make his voice that cold. That dead. What in the world does he mean disposed.
Damian goes still. The kind of still where he isn't sure if he just earned a punishment and is trying not to react to the fear. "My elder brother. Did mother not inform you?"
"Damian," Bruce struggles to level his tone at Dick's hard stare. "She hadn't even informed me of you. Please, can you explain more about your brother."
The youngest nods. "He had no name, but he was my biological brother. He was forced to grow to age of three before they realized he was defective. Grandfather had him sacrificed to the pit."
Jason growls "what do you mean?"
Damian looks confused- as confused as he can with his league training kicking in. "The Lazarus pit is made from the bodies of young virgins. No older then ten. They are sacrificed in exchange for the Infinite Realms' power to sink into the water. The children are not aware of what is happening to them until the very end. They do not suffer."
Bruce feels sick.
They talk a bit more, on how certain followers throughout history were more then happy to offer the great Ra's their own children to renew the pit. How Damain had watched three children when he was seven be sacrifice- it happened every five years- and how the children were given the best week of their lives.
They purposely given the most joy they could feel before the blades to make the Pit as pure as possible. He talked a lot about watching the youngest- five years- be laughing and splashing in the Lazarus water before his mother cut him down, his screams drowning in the green liquid.
"They say the Pit absorbs the last emotion of the sacrifice. Grandfather hopes the children realize the importance and honor they have to be ended for a glorious cause, but occasionally a few are disloyal. When Todd had taken a dip, the previous Renew, had a brilliant girl who figured out what was happening and attempted to escape. She failed, of course, and her arm was amputated in a mission, but she died angry. That's why Todd had such strong madness compared to-!"
"SHUT UP!" Jason roars suddenly, eyes glowing green, and for a brief moment, Bruce swears he hears an undertone of a young girl in his scream "SHUT UP! YOU DONT KNOW ANYTHING! YOUR OWN BROTHER IS IN THERE"
Damain scowls "it's a honor. My brother's body was defective. But he at least had aidded in a glorious ritual."
Bruce can't help it; he leans over the BatCave Railing and hurls his dinner. Damian finally realizes that something is wrong.
They host a funeral for his three-year-old son, who died without a name, and place his gravestone next to his parents. They explain to Damian why the Renewal ritual is horrific but Bruce feels it take years before his son can see that.
Jason, went out into Crime Alley to let off some steam and had been going on a rampage against the underbelly of Gotham. He can't find it I'm himself to stop him.
Bruce asks Constantine to come over and do a small ritual, to hopefully unbound his child and let his son soul move on. Constantine warns that with the kid's name it may not work and that they could only free souls they share blood to but the English man tries anyway.
They send his son their prayers, and hopes. And they try to put him to rest.
Across the Infinite Releams to three dimensions to the right of the Wayne's soul resting ritual, The Fenton's adoptived son, Danny Fenton jolts in his English Class.
The strange stabbing scar above his heart- which is why he never takes off his shirt- burns then cools as if someone had tried to place the temperature-changing ointment. He rubs his best, confused.
What was that?
He'll have to check with FrostBite. Maybe his heart condition is acting up again. It happens every five years even though no doctors his parents have taken him to could figure out what it was.
Until Frostbite. The yeti claimed it had something to do with dark arts, but he's unsure what type.
Frostbite is still doing more testing.
"I wish you had lived, brother. I wish I knew you name"
The wind whispers, and Danny feels a flash of deep longing and grief before it's gone. Yeah, he needs to talk to Frostbite.
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drvscarlett · 29 days
Let Him Cook pt5
Charles Leclerc x MasterChef! reader
A/N: I'm really so happy with all the love that you have given to this fic. I enjoy writing about it, let me know if you have any blurbs or scenarios that you wanna see. This series will continue on and on
Let Him Cook Series: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
taglist: @bookstore-of-dreams @barcelonaloverf1life @ririyulife @minseok-smaus @mehrmonga @sltwins @charlesgirl16 @six-call @spideybv28 @casperlikej @weekendlusting @janeholt3 @evie-119 @leilanixx @randomgirlnumber-13 @itsjustkhaos
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lec lerc challenge
"As you all know by now, Charles is planning to launch his own ice cream store"you started talking to the camera "And you know what funny story, he didn't even tell me"
Charles, who was by your side, was laughing like a hyena. He actually wanted it to be discovered on the the first day of April so everyone might think its a prank but then he will announce that he is very serious about it. It was an elaborate prank on top of prank. However, the news sites got a hold of it earlier.
"That's another story time. We have to get down to business" Charles reeled the topic back to the video that you two are making.
"Okay so in order to test Charlie's knowledge about ice cream, I have here ice creams that I made myself" you explained.
In front of the two of you were 10 paper cups. They have been covered on top so that Charles won't get a hint about the color.
"So my main task is to identify what's the flavor of the ice cream"Charles confirms "Easy"
"I made some unconventional flavors to throw you off" you informed him.
You can't help but giggle as you remember how you made some weird flavors for the ice cream. But hey, this was supposed to be a challenge to see if Charles' taste buds are working so it doesn't necessarily have to be a delicious ice cream.
"Okay, I am ready to scream for ice cream"
The first five cups were easy peasy. It's common flavors such as chocolate, vanilla, cookies and cream, caramel, and pistachio.
"I'm good at this mon amour"
Charles is pretty confident now. Time to throw the curveballs.
"I'm excited for you to try this"you excitedly give him the cup.
Since Charles is blindfolded as he does this challenge, the first thing he does is smell it. He is usually confident upon spelling but the frown lines forming on his face suggest that he might be confused about the flavor profile.
"This feels strange. I smelled this before but I can't put my name on it"Charles notes.
He takes a scoop from the cup and tasted it. It was evident to his face that he didn't enjoy this ice cream a lot.
"That's so sour, mon amour there are definitely strawberries in that"Charles complained.
"Strawberries and?"
There was a string of italian and french word from Charles as he tries his best to identify it. Finally, he had a lightbulb moment where he remembered the taste of it.
"BALSAMICO" Charles screamed "That is not a flavor I will put in my store, definitely"
Y/NCooks posted a photo.
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Y/NCooks turns out Charles is pretty good with his taste buds. Watch me test Charles with his ice cream skills [link]
User1 Atleast we know that Charles is committed to being an ice cream man
User2 Charles_Leclerc you should definitely try the bourbon and corn flakes in the menu
User 3 Highly agree, I would love to try that User4 were all acting like were so close to milan. Babes we live across the world.
LandoNorris do you have some plain ice cream left for me
Y/NCooks i have some but its good to try other flavors every now and then Lan LandoNorris mmm, i'll try that black sesame one. that seems like a good flavor Y/NCooks brilliant. message me when i can see you Charles_Leclerc im amazed how Y/N managed to convince you of different food choices
MasterChefAU is this Charles' entry to master chef blind taste test challenge?
Charles_Leclerc MasterChef Monaco soon??? User4 I'm laughing at the number of sidequest Charles has. SIR you are an f1 driver!!!
Charles the baker
Charles_Leclerc posted a photo.
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Charles_Leclerc okay i did all the measurements right. WHY DID THEY EXPAND
User1 I can hear Charles screaming with the caption
User2 Charles is such a mood when I try to bake things
User3 But is it edible tho?
Charles_Leclerc it is but its not as pretty User4 this is an internet highlight wherein Charles is sulking and asking the internet where he went wrong
maxverstappen1 recipe reveal?
Charles_Leclerc no ✨✨ maxverstappen1 don't want it anyways. i just wanted to know what you did so i won't end up like that User5 MAX!!!!! User6 your honor we love the lestappen crumbs
Y/NCooks honey maybe you should consider giving it some space, bread do expand when they get baked.
Charles_Leclerc they do?? Y/NCooks Yes they do. But in all honesty they look so cute, its alright honey Charles_Leclerc love you mon amour!
SebastianVettel maybe we should have a baking session one of these days, I can teach you a lot about baking breads
Charles_Leclerc sounds good, miss you already Seb User7 oh to be Charles Leclerc having the Sebastian Vettel teaching him bread and MasterChef Y/N encouraging him
tiktok pasta challenge
It was a fairly simple tiktok viral recipe and in your mind its something that Charles will be able to follow instructions with. So you set up your camera and told Charles about a cooking challenge that he has to do.
"Today's challenge, Charles will be using his listening skills. Lets see how well he listens to me"you greeted the camera "Are you ready mon amour?"
"More than ever, I look good in an apron"
You stayed behind the camera as Charles stayed in front of the kitchen counter. He was tying up his apron and grabbing your chef hat from one of the drawers.
"First of all, I need you to quarter an onion"you instructed.
Charles was immediately grabbing the onion and you immediately face palmed yourself when Charles started quartering the onion without even peeling it.
"Honey, you are supposed to peel it" you sigh
"Honey, you didn't say anything about peeling it. We have three cameras set up and editors should replay that you said quarter it and not peel it" Charles argued
You raised your hand in defeat, you should have been more clearer.
"Okay, I'm not gonna be vague. I'll make it clear"
The whole cooking went along smoothly until its time for Charles to cook the pasta. He has been heavily stressing to get the texture right this time or else it will further the allegations that he can't cook pasta.
"Calm down Charlie"
"I am very very very calm, I'm just checking" he lifted the lid for the fifth time "They have to be perfect"
"Charles is very honored to be taught by Gordon on a 1 on 1 session"you informed the camera.
The two have exchanged numbers and Charles will often ask his culinary questions to Gordon when you were not available to answer them right away. Gordon seems to enjoy the new friendship with the driver since he often send Charles link for cooking recipe to try.
"I don't wanna be an idiot sandwhich" Charles muttered, stirring the pot of pasta.
Charles got a perfect al dente to his pasta. He pulls out the baked feta and tomatoes out of the oven then mixed it with the pasta. It seems as if the dish looks pretty especially with the garnishes that Charles insisted.
"Plating is also everything"he says to the camera as he grates some lemon zest to the plate "Whatever this taste like, just remember that Y/N was instructing me so if there is anyone to blame then its Y/N"
"Way to throw me under the bus Charles"
Y/NCooks just posted a photo
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Y/NCooks The dish vs the chef. I think they are equally yummy [link]
User2 alternative title charles stressing 10 minutes straight if the pasta is al dente or not
User3 The girlfriend effect on Charles is that he is now able to cook pasta
User4 I really want to try that pasta
Arthur_Leclerc i hope you never get tired of the pasta, its the only thing he will cook from now on
Charles_Leclerc i mean she loves it!!!! Y/NCooks its pretty good arthur, you should try it!! Arthur_Leclerc next family dinner? Charles_Leclerc im on it! User24 oh to be a fly at the Leclerc family dinner
User5 I think everyone ignored the caption, miss maam thirsting over her boyfriend
User6 if i was Y/N i would too Y/NCooks facts only!!! User6 Mother replied to us!!!
scuderiaferrari so charles is approved for a cooking challenge in the channel soon?
Y/NCooks he is born ready User8 kind of missed the c2 cooking challenges
everything i cooked
Charles_Leclerc posted a reel
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here is everything that I did to celebrate Y/N's birthday. This isn't a common day, its really special so I have to run at 5 to get the flowers I ordered for her. Then next I cooked up breakfast which is some pancakes, thank you Carlos for the recipe. And then I surprised her with a little bit of breakfast in bed
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and then I started making our lunch after clearing the table. Y/N had been craving butter chicken and I purposely did not take her so I could make some at home. Its a fairly easy recipe, I just had to mix some spices, cook the onions then you have the tomato paste and then cream. thanks Gordon I owe you one. She loved it so much.
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and then I started early on the dessert for dinner. I didn't do the ladyfingers from scratch, I don't have a lot of time so yes here we are. The tiramisu is in the fridge. And then since Y/N loved the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti meatballs scene. I did my own take on it. Needless to say she loved it. So yes happy birthday once more mon amour, I love you so so much.
User10 I know we have been making fun of Charles but the man can actually cook.
User11 My boyfriend be forgetting my birthday but Charles here is slaving in the kitchen for Y/N's birthday
User12 CHARLES IS THE STANDARD!!! User14 Imagine cooking a whole breakfast, lunch, dinner, with a birthday dessert???!!! GOD I SEE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE FOR OTHERS
MasterChefAU Im glad to hear you are treating our girl well, happy birthday Y/NCooks
User13 OUR GIRL??!!!! Y/NCooks he is treating me well, thank you for all the greetings
Gordongram That's a beautiful dish and effort Charles!
Charles_Leclerc Thank you !!! Y/NCooks he is screaming btw Gordongram
PierreGasly when will you cook for me
CarlosSainz55 and me?? i think there is some former teammate privileges out here LewisHamilton the current teammate is also wondering SebastianVettel you boys are not Y/N. Y/N is special. Charles_Leclerc what seb said!!!
Y/NCooks one of the sweetest gesture anyone did for me. Thank you honey for making this day extra special. I don't need any five star restaurants when I have you in the kitchen.
Charles_Leclerc I love you. You deserve the world User21 Them your honor. User22 Happy Birthday Y/N, you two are excellent for each other
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ferrstappen · 1 year
what happens with the kids? l Max Verstappen x reader
a/n: *sigh* I'm so done with this season bc I just know we'll be getting the same podium every other career and my tifosi dreams are just crumbling... also can we please just talk about that driver introduction like?????
anyway, this is based on this request I got the other day! thank you for requesting and sorry it takes me so long write the requests, but uni is kicking my ass <3
genre: angst oop
pairing: Max Verstappen x female reader. Lando Norris x reader but not serious.
warnings: divorce, kids, not proofread.
summary: Max really didn't have to find a girlfriend that soon after the divorce, and the fact that his girlfriend had a daughter of her own, didn't really help your case.
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It's safe to say you never really saw it coming. or maybe you did, but tried to ignore it as Mila and Luca had just celebrated their third birthday, with the second half of the season looming over your household, Max said the the words you never thought you'd hear.
I think we need some time apart to figure out some stuff.
At first you didn't really process it. Why would you possible need time apart? The twins were so young, you needed all the help you could get and things were good.
That's what you thought.
He said it was hard to continue your marriage if you couldn't keep him company or support him the way you used to, before having kids. Maybe he was oblivious to the disbelief showing on your features, trying to comprehend if he really needed to be reminded of your two young children, who had strict hours. You didn't feel the need to remind him that just three weeks ago Mila had to go to the emergency room for an allergic reaction, and a week before that, Luca was questioning you about why his dad wasn't around as much.
Max rubbed his left hand on the nape of his neck, obviously trying to ignore this part of the conversation, seeing as you eyes became teary and your eyes tried to find his blue ones, but he avoided them at all costs.
Then, it was time to bring the kids to a race, Austria to be specific. It was strange to walk without him on the so familiar space, holding Luca and Mila's hands, making your way to the Red Bull hospitality where Max was supposedly waiting for his family.
During the walk, you were greeted by most people from every team; engineers fist bumping the twins, Lando and Max Fewtrell giving you a side hug before trying to talk with Luca and Mila. Yet, when you reached your finishing point, Christian Horner's eyes opened widely, like his mind was trying to process something.
The Red Bull team principal was clearly distressed as he walked towards the three of you, greeting you as usual, but offering to take the twins for a quick tour, telling you there was a new snack bar the engineers had created and they should get to know it.
It didn't take long to realize the brit knew something you didn't.
A feeling you couldn't explain sank on your stomach. Your cheeks were already flushed, palms turned sweaty and suddenly your subconscious was trying to convince yourself that it couldn't be that bad, whatever it was. The world shook and your vision slowed down when you noticed a gorgeous black-haired woman, leaning against your husband as he laughed at something she said.
Your trembling legs managed to silently take a step back, trying to hold back the tears as you left the room, watching as Christian was still entertaining the twins, following you as the kids noticed you.
"Christian, can you please call Max to tell him we're here?" Somehow, with some divine strength, you were able to get the words out, ignoring Christian's glare as if he was trying to ask if you were okay.
In a matter of seconds, Max had joined you, receiving Mila and Luca with open arms. He wasn't aware of the fact that you already knew the reason he wanted a time off wasn't because he didn't get to see you, or that you couldn't make the effort to travel with the kids.
Just as Christian had suggested, the kids went with him as Max directed your way to a secluded space. He didn't know what he was expecting, but it sure wasn't "I want a divorce"
He blinked. Once. Twice. "What do you mean you want a divorce?"
A snicker left your lips, was he trying to play dumb? You knew Max Verstappen as the palm of your hand. You knew him better than yourself.
You didn't need to see him kissing the black-haired woman, or holding hands, or even touching her.
Max's eyes, your husband's eyes, expressed everything you needed to know.
It wasn't important that he berated you for dropping this news right before Red Bull's home race, that his eyes tried to find yours but were unable to, as your crossed your arms as if that would protect you from the heartbreak and sudden change of plans; from a happy couple, a merry marriage and joyous family, to a life of weekends separated, of preparing their bags on Friday night, of being civil for the sake of the twins during their birthday...
And because you knew him so well, the relief that flashed through his blue eyes didn't pass unnoticed by you, because it wasn't him who said the words. He was guilty, but he didn't take the shot.
Your girlfriends always joked about his friends always were the first ones to reach out after a break up, making you laugh until text messages and Instagram DMs started rolling in: Red Bull engineers and mechanics, Lando Norris, Martin Garrix, among others.
Hey! I heard about you and Max, just wondering if you are okay and want to meet up some time?
It didn't take long to accept one of their offers, having messy nights with a British driver and multiple people from the paddock, but it was never meant to be more. and it absolutely wasn't, but it was early Sunday when the concierge called to inform the arrival of Max and the twins. Of course you didn't hear, Lando's body pressed against you as his soft snores invaded the bed you once shared with Max.
and obviously, Max being as restless as always, decided to just take the direct elevator to the penthouse overlooking Monte-Carlo. That's what made Lando open his eyes, very widely, as you hastily walked him towards the walk-in closet so that he could get dressed and not be seen or heard by Max.
Not that it mattered, but you were capable of putting family peace in front o making your ex-husband jealous.
"Hello my sweets!" Mila and Luca made their way into your arms, not caring about their backpacks making things a bit uncomfortable. "Did you have a good weekend?"
Luca started blabbering about papa's new place, the dishes Max's girlfriend cooked for them, and the incredible time they both had with Sara, the daughter of Max's girlfriend. There obviously was a bond between the three children, both arguing about how Sara liked them more than the other.
Max hadn't had the time to greet you or ask about your weekend, his gaze fixing on an orange hat.
"Since when do you own McLaren merch?" Max questioned you, pointing the foreign object, the logo being unusual on the household.
Ignoring how your heart skipped a beat, feigning ignorance your body turned to where Max's finger was pointing. "Oh, I don't know? I think someone gave it to me at one of the races. Long time ago, though."
That's when both Max and you noticed the twins were gone, probably on their bedroom unpacking or searching the kitchen.
Max took a couple of breaths, his eyebrows scrunched and eyes trying to find yours, not even attempting to hide his feelings. "Are you hooking up with someone from McLaren, (Y/N)?"
Your eyes widened, then took a step back trying to see if you heard him right. "Why would you even ask me that?"
Max shrugged; "I have a right to know, in case they end up sharing time with M and Luca. I can't control how everything works during the week so I'd like to be kept in the loop."
This time it struck like lightning, the fury and anger and disillusion your heart was carrying. "You have no right, Max. Absolutely no fucking right to be kept in the loop about what goes on in my life,"
Max didn't flinch at your tone, "I didn't say about your life, I'm aware that we are divorced, I'm talking about Mila and Luca,”
"I always think of them, they're the first thing on my mind when I wake up, and the last thing when I go to sleep. They're always on my mind and never leave, and I would never do anything to hurt them or even cause them the tiniest bit of disappointment. You have no right to come here and tell me you want to know about what goes on in here, because you are the one who chose to leave us in the first place," You vented, with Max's blue eyes fixed on you he was trying to keep his composure, but you knew he was uncomfortable.
"We are not having this conversation now, (Y/N). It's over, now it's just about the kids," Max added with a slight roll of his eyes.
"When are we having this conversation, then? When are you going to tell me that you wanted to separate because there was someone else already? that I wasn't enough for you? not even our kids were enough to make you doubt your decision to leave me, and it feels terrible and I don't know if I'm ever going to be able to feel the same because I'm shattered, Max." The words felt like someone was ripping your heart out of your chest, leaving you vulnerable as the thoughts became real, they were out there, but then it was followed by a bittersweet relief of not holding back anymore.
He noticed the tears and hiccups as you tried to make the point. His eyelids trembled as his hands meant to reach out to yours, pull your body to his, squeeze your waist and kiss your hair while assuring everything was going to be just fine.
That was the moment he realized that wasn't his place anymore, probably would never be again. Max didn't even think about that while signing the divorce papers, he didn't bother to show up to anything, sending a lawyer to do whatever was needed, and now it was hitting him like a ton of bricks.
His realization was cut short as the kids came running, Luca placing the McLaren hat on his head, ignoring Mila's voice telling him it wasn't daddy's team.
"I think this is when you leave, Max,"
You managed to keep your voice from quavering and erasing every trace of a tear, telling the kids to say goodbye to Max.
Yeah, this wasn't what Max had in mind for his Sunday morning.
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ponderingmoonlight · 6 months
JJK men meeting you for the first time (aka Megumi catching you buying condoms lol)
Pairings: Gojo x reader; Nanami x reader; Megumi x reader
Word Count: 2,5k
Warnings: Gojo gets rejected lol, injury and death in Nanami's part, buying condoms in Megumi's part hehe, not proofread because I'm tired
Tags: @idontknow1123 @creative1writings @dazaisdick @sanicsmut@arehzhera @mynahx3
Gojo Satoru
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It is a normal day at Jujutsu High for him. Meeting boring people with boring point of views in this boring room. Urgh, can it get any worse? Why does he have to be here?
Right, because he’s the strongest. He lets his head rest against the wall, allowing his eyes to close for a second. What will he do after this? Normally this would have been his day off, which always means going to the city and grabbing something to eat. Maybe he’ll try the new ramen place that just opened or those fluffy pancakes Nobara talked about earlier.
“You are Satoru Gojo, right?”
That voice, definitely a female one…He doesn’t know the person behind it, though. Why the hell is an unknown woman here? His eyes dart upwards.
For a second, he forgets how to breathe.
What a wonderful sight you are. Delicious curves well hid under that jujutsu sorcerer uniform, a gentle but professional smile decorating your remarkable face. Huh. That’s definitely not what he expected here.
“Who are you, gorgeous lady?” he purrs towards you while lifting himself off the ground.
Just as he suspected, he is more than a head taller than you, lingering over your delicate figure like a shadow. You are young, but not much younger than him. In your twenties, maybe? Who knows, girls these days always look older than they actually are.
You raise your eyebrows at the strange look on his face. So, this is the Gojo Satoru everyone talked about. “The strongest”, to be precise. You eye him up and down. Well, he’s quite tall, definitely with an athletic build. His posture screams confident in your face, that cheeky grin revealing that he in fact just tried to flirt with you.
“I’m (y/n), a new jujutsu sorcerer chosen for the inner circle”, you explain briefly.
“I’ve never seen you around here. How does this come? I’d definitely remember that gorgeous face…”
“I’m gonna throw up…”, Utahime comments dryly.
You gift him with a cold smile before stepping a few steps in his direction, your cool eyes locking with his.
“Mr. Gojo, just let me make a few things clear before we work together. You are nothing more than a colleague to me. And while I do understand that you are gifted by birth with unimaginable power, you will never be anything else but a human being in my eyes. So please, refrain from flirting and do your job.”
Damn. Your words hit him with full force, leaving him speechless. You are a feisty one, that’s for sure. Not even your eyes betray your cool composure and the echo of your voice in his head. You really mean what you say. For the first time since he can remember, a woman rejected him.
You rejected Satoru Gojo.
“It’s only Satoru Gojo, no Mister. I always do my job, one way or another. Be assured of that.”
The way he smiles at you sends shivers down your spine.
But not in a good way.
Ew, what a creep. Does he always act like that around women? What a disgusting man. You can’t help but wonder about his reputation. Who on earth would voluntary fall for a guy like him? A jerk that thinks the world belongs to him? You can’t help but screw up your face at the thought of being alone with him. Oh god…
“Can you stop looking at me with so much dislike in your gaze?”
You tilt your head to the side, shaking yourself out of your trance.
“Sorry, you’re making it hard to me”, you reply before turning on your heels and stepping out.
Did you just let Satoru Gojo stand in the rain?
“Oh, this is gonna be fun…”, Utahime mutters out of the corner, a cheeky grin plastered on her face.
You are the first woman in years that seems to hold up with his gaze, not being impressed the slightest by his gorgeous face. Finally a woman who can keep up with him, finally someone who doesn’t fold immediately by one look into his bright blue orbs.
“Don’t get too comfortable, Utahime. I have the last laugh”, Gojo comments with a grin.
What a pleasant surprise. Who is he to reject a nice challenge?
“I will get her to like me, don’t worry about that.
“You definitely won’t!”, you shout into the room.
Nanami Kento
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You don’t know how you ended up here. Deformed humans surrounding you along with screams, blood and death. You just wanted to enjoy yourself for a single night out with your friends on Halloween, dressing up as your favourite anime character.
And now you’re the only one alive, your friend’s dead corpses clustering the ground while you stare into the cold eyes of the monster in front of you.
Is this how you’ll die? God, you sill had so much planned. You were supposed to finally meet your parents tomorrow after not seeing them for three years. How will they react, hearing the news about what’s going on here at Shibuya? It would break their hearts, without any doubt.
But you’re so damn tired. Tired from being out all day, tired from getting chased, tired from desperately trying to run away. No, maybe it is time to accept the fate, to get along with the fact that you’ll die right here and now at Shibuya.
A wave of blonde hair rushes past you before you are even able to comprehend what’s happening, slicing the monster in front of you into tiny little pieces. You get splattered in purple, glossy eyes widen.
What just happened? Who is this man? Did you maybe already die?
“Are you okay, Miss?”
Maybe all of this is just a dream. Yeah, one of the really bad ones. The ones that make you wake up dripping in sweat with your head in the clouds.
“Hey, look at me.”
The cool yet authoritarian tone in his voice makes your eyes dart up. That face…What a beautiful man. Not even the worry lines and his harden expression can change the fact that he is indeed attractive. Sweats drips from his forehead, the first button of his shirt opened.
“Did you get hurt?”
Slowly, you shake your head. Why is your mouth suddenly so dry, refusing its service completely? You must look like an idiot, standing in the middle of the street while staring up at him without saying a single word.
Nanami signs. You look absolutely traumatized, so worn out by the fight that displayed itself in front of you that you seem lost at words. No wonder. Given the way you are dressed, you just wanted to enjoy your night. Were you here alone? Maybe you lost your friends here, innocent people who seemed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. He should get going, collecting all survivors and push forward. But your terrified face…He has to do something.
“My name is Kento Nanami”, he begins while getting down at your height.
“You are safe, okay? I will get you out of here.”
You don’t know why, you don’t know how. But suddenly you start to cry, your whole body trembling. What on earth just happened? Why are these people dead? Who is responsible for that?
“I’m scared…”, you mutter.
Oh, you feel so pathetic, standing in front of a stranger while balling your eyes out. But you can’t help yourself. Crying seems to be the only thing you are able to do right now. Your friends, all these other people…Your eyes roam around the blood-covered floor, the pavement plastered in limbs and intestines. You feel like throwing up, fainting right on the spot. But instead, you stare blankly at the ground, body unable to move a single inch.
All of the sudden the stranger kneels down in front of you and embraces your hands with his. They feel warm, almost comforting while they stop your arms from shaking.
“Focus on me, okay?”
Your gaze meets his, the calm ocean of his brown eyes. Normally you would turn your head after a man like him, giggling about his gorgeous appearance with your friends. But right here and now, you have only eyes for the brown orbs in front of you.
“Let’s breathe together, okay? Breathe in…”
You take a shaky breath in.
“And breathe out…”
You let out your breath, repeating with him over and over again. Slowly but surely, your heart doesn’t seem to pound out of your chest, your senses return to you, even the trembling of your limbs comes to an end.
“What’s your name?”
“(y/n)”, you breathe out.
“(y/n), you did great here. Let’s get you away from this place, you’ve done enough. Will you follow me?”
“Yeah…I think that would be great…”, you mutter.
“I will look after you when all of this is over. Just ask for Kento Nanami. Is that alright?”
Kento Nanami, what a fitting name for the man who walks besides you while still holding your hand in comfort. How gentle he spoke to you this whole time despite his cool appearance.
“Thank you. For everything, Mr. Nanami…”
“Just call me Kento.”
Megumi Fushiguro
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It is absolutely dumb and makes no sense at all, but you don’t really care. This night is the best you’ve had since a long time, being out with your friends at summer break is a vibe you’ve missed so damn much these past weeks.
“Truth”, your best friend besides you picks when the bottle lands on her.
“Have you ever had a crush on someone way older than you?”, your other friend asks with a mischievous grin.
“Huh, who doesn’t? Guys my age just don’t hit the same.”
You giggle at her reply. It was obvious that sooner or later, the night would move into that direction. No wonder, given the fact that this is a girl’s night. What better way to celebrate that than with a good chat about each other’s love life?
“Fine, you’re turn.”
The bottle turns on the floor over and over until…
It lands on you.
“Truth or Dare, (y/n)?”
“You know what? I’ll take dare. Because all of your losers only pick truth.”
The girls around you laugh out, playfully beating your shoulder for your comment.
“If you’re this brave. I’ll have something special for you…Go to the gas station and buy…condoms.”
“Condoms?”, you repeat in disbelief.
“Of course.”
You jump up, straightening your clothes and shoulders.
“Nothing easier than that.”
Without thinking twice, you grab your wallet and jacket, leaving the house with the rest of the girls. The next gas station is only a few minutes away. Huh, how boring. Why is buying condoms embarrassing in any way? It doesn’t matter though. After passing such a big dare, you’ll get away with picking truth for the rest of the night. Maybe you will leave anyway when your drink is empty…
“See ya!” you shout towards your friends.
The warmth of the gas station hits you like a wall when you enter the shop, going straight into the back where the condoms have to be. Urgh, why does your head suddenly hurt so bad? You didn’t even drink that much, mostly water and that one cocktail from your bestie. Maybe it really is time for you to go to bed, after all, it’s far past midnight. You said you’ll only stay until 10 anyway, so no one should be mad at you. Damn, why is it so hot in here? You grab a pack on condoms, giggling at the dumb description written in the back.
Suddenly, you literally feel like hitting a wall. Just before your butt hits the ground with full force, a pair of hands pulls you back on your feet.
You feel completely dizzy, mind still trying to comprehend what just happened. Did you really run into a wall?
“Excuse me.”
Your eyes dart towards, revealing the true wall. He is a boy, in fact. And what a handsome one. His black hair frames his delicate face perfectly, concerned eyes scanning your body up and down.
“Are you okay?”
He lets go of your hand. Huh, what a bummer, you could get used to that feeling.
“Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention”, you explain briefly.
As if in slow motion, both pairs of eyes dart towards your other hand. All colour drains from your face, your desperate attempt to hide the pack of condoms behind your body failing miserably.
Oh god, you want to be swallowed whole by the ground so badly. Why the hell did you have to meet a cute boy when doing some dumb dare?
The boy in front of you clears his throat and scratches his head uncomfortably while taking a few steps back. Is that blush creeping up his face?
“Sorry, I didn’t wanna…disrupt you…”, he mutters.
God, why does this have to be so awkward? Why does your very own face feel like its burning? You blink a few times against the rising embarrassment. Does he think…? Oh god. Please don’t.
“These…These aren’t for me…”, you stutter.
Why did you have to meet him right now? Why not on a nice walk to a café when being in a nice dress, why not at the library with a smart book in your hand? No, with your luck it was clear that you’ll meet the cutest boy you’ve ever seen while buying condoms at a gas station after midnight.
“Sure…I mean, it’s none of my business anyway. I mean we don’t know each other….”
“Yeah…right…I think I’ll go now…”, you mumble, already on your way to sprint past him.
You will never forgive your friends for missing an opportunity like this. Fuck, why does he have to be so damn cute? You feel like slamming your head against a wall.
With full force.
“Hey uhm…It might be super awkward, but maybe meet at the park tomorrow again?”
Your eyes widen at his sudden request, catching you completely off guard.
“You…What?”, you stumble.
“Forget it…”
He is already on his way to walk past you when you grab his hand out of instinct, making him stop in his tracks.
“No, I would like that!”
“Oh”, he breathes out.
Why is he so surprised by your positive answer when you are the one who should be surprised by this sudden request? He really wants to see you again.
“Well, cool….I don’t wanna stop you from buying condoms any longer, so see you tomorrow?”
Your cheeks heat up all over again in an instant while you brush past him at light speed.
“Yeah…”, you mutter into your jacket.
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shalotttower · 11 days
A Natural Benefit
Title: A Natural Benefit
Fandom: Death Note
Characters: L Lawliet x Reader (female)
Summary: L wants to try something new, you want to be left alone. So an offer is on the table, it's a mutually beneficial arrangement after all.
Word count: 2100+
Notes: yandere!L, kidnapped Reader, dub-con kissing, manipulation, captivity, L and Reader were together at Wammy's House
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"Would you indulge me?"
Your eyes dart up from the page to his face. L looks at you like he always does ─ an intent yet oddly distant stare that used to make goosebumps appear on your arms. Nowadays you're somewhat re-accustomed to his mannerisms. He doesn't blink much, tends to stand behind your back whenever possible, likes to play with his food and enjoys invading your personal space far too much to be deemed socially acceptable.
His habits are strange but harmless.
"No," you say, just to be contrary.
L is fond of making things sound simple, and then — snap! — the trap is shut, and you find yourself doing a completely different activity than initially expected.
"I want to kiss you."
"N-" You blink and lower your book down, not bothering to mark it. "What?"
"Kissing is an act of physical intimacy between individuals," he says like it's an obvious fact and you're merely slow on the uptake. L's expression doesn't change, neutral despite this being anything but a normal conversation starter even by your standards ─ admittedly low.
"Thank you for enlightening me about the definition," you lean back against the cushions, "still no."
"Why not?" He asks after a momentary pause.
"Because I don't want to."
A simple answer to a weird request. You try to resume reading, but there're other things currently occupying your brain ─ namely the attempts to understand what prompted such inquiry.
L never asked for physical contact before; platonic or otherwise. Sure he tried to entice you into spending time with him through bargain and manipulation, and you pretended to be oblivious enough to earn an Oscar for your acting skills. However, there never was any talk of kissing involved. Any kind of touching, actually.
He hums. "Would you like me to explain my reasons?"
Sometimes you think that the sole cause of L's existence is just so he could annoy people for kicks. His questions are always peculiar, and you've learned that every single one of them is designed to lead towards some specific conclusion, preferably the one he wants. You have a feeling that if you say 'yes', L will proceed to list a hundred points about why kissing is good. And then another hundred why kissing him specifically is beneficial.
He looks at you. You look at him and raise the book higher.
"Indulging me would benefit both of us," L says, undeterred. "You're very curious by nature and I find it quite fascinating that you're able to deny your curiosity in this particular case."
Has a more obvious bait ever existed anywhere in human history? Probably not, and you'll bet your entire life savings on it too.
"I'm not curious," you lie, "now leave me alone. I want to read."
He leans forward. "You haven't focused on the book since I asked my question."
Smartass. You purse your lips and pretend that the characters are suddenly so interesting, that it's hard to look away from the intricacies of the plot unfolding inside this fictional world. At least things there make sense; no need to figure out the hidden meanings behind other people's words, because they are mostly transparent when there's a whole paragraph dedicated to the protagonist's feelings.
He reminds you of those spider-like creatures from documentaries ─ their actions seem random at first glance, yet upon further scrutiny prove to be anything but. Instead, they're meticulously crafted and executed to obtain maximum results.
L studies you for a little while longer, and eventually pads towards the kitchenette. The kettle whistles soon after as he makes himself tea; mint flavored, judging by the aroma wafting through the air.
You should have known that he won't give up ─ L is just as persistent as you are stubborn. If anything, you've set a challenge before him, and he tends to fixate on those until they are solved: a fact well-known and accepted among those who ever had a (dis)pleasure of interacting with him.
He doesn't outright ask you again, not the next day or the one after that. No. Accidentally, the only type of movies you're able to watch now are rom-coms or dramas with lots of kissing scenes sprinkled here and there between the banter bordering on cringe; sweet confessions spoken over candlelit dinners; passionate declarations whispered during sunsets... Clichés, amore, and kisses galore.
"I'm not sure this is the best movie for the evening," you say, as the screen flickers with images of two leads gazing into each other's eyes like they found the answers to every single question asked.
"The reviews are quite positive," L replies, munching on caramel popcorn.
"Reviews can be faked. And the trailer was misleading. I thought it was going to be an action movie."
"It is an action movie. The genres are listed right there," he points at the screen, and the words 'romance and action' stare back at you.
You frown and settle deeper into the couch cushions. It's uncomfortable ─ watching romantic scenes with L in the same room. His presence doesn't feel oppressive or demanding, yet you can't shake off the squirmy, twisty feeling. The kind when you enter an elevator with someone else and get slightly agitated for no reason. And so you try to slow down your breathing, but it only makes things worse. Your heart beats faster, palms start sweating and the hypothetical elevator stranger inevitably thinks that you're weird.
L isn't an elevator stranger. He's the owner of the elevator, and the entire building, and the city.
"He's going to die in the next ten minutes," you mutter.
"No, he won't."
"Yes, he will."
L hums. "Want a bet?"
Your eyes narrow.
"If he survives past the fifteen minute mark," L says slowly, "you indulge me."
"And if he doesn't?"
"I leave you alone for two days."
There's no hesitation on his side. None whatsoever, which proves suspicious immediately ─ L never offers something unless certain about the outcome beforehand, whether by logical deduction or calculated gamble. Probability factors run inside his brain instead of blood cells and grey matter, calculating risk vs return ratio quicker than any computer ever could.
You glance at the screen. It's a simple plot. There were a twist or two earlier, sure, but overall nothing extraordinary that would require hours upon hours of critical thinking to unravel.
A man, a woman. A handsome villain who wants them dead, for various reasons. They run and fight, shoot guns, dodge punches, and kiss between those because apparently there's time for romance even when a life is on the line.
It's a very simple plot; and two days are a lot to pretend that L doesn't exist. That you got rich enough to buy this kind of apartment.
"The speakers?"
"Switched off."
"The cameras?"
"Those will stay."
Of course, they will. You wouldn't expect anything less ─ privacy issues are non-existent here in more ways than one.
L isn't always a presence. Sometimes he leaves and you're alone with nothing but books and TV to pass time, but two days sound wonderful regardless. There's something in empty spaces that's enticing, even if they're temporary. L, for all his peculiarities, isn't too bad of a company. He's quiet, and often busy with his own matters. But he also has this way of looking at you that is unnerving. Like you're interesting. Or important. Or simply fascinating.
Sometimes he wants to talk, he wants to listen, he wants to ask questions and give answers until everything blurs into an amalgamation of words. It's exhausting.
Two days sound good. His hand is dry and slender. You grasp it and shake it once.
"I'll start the timer now," L says after your hands separate.
Twelve minutes.
Three more and he's dead.
You wish that he'd just kick the bucket already, so you could spend the next forty eight hours in pure, undiluted bliss.
The male lead dies after seventeen minutes.
When the credits roll over, the apartment is silent except for the soft buzzing of electronics. You look at the screen, stubbornly, because you don't want to look at him, the owner of the elevator, and the building, and the city.
"It was close," he comments, as if trying to comfort you, which makes it even more of a sore spot.
That’s what L thrives on ─ technicalities, loopholes, small and seemingly insignificant details which are easily overlooked, yet make a great difference. You're not sure if you're annoyed, or disappointed. And what’s more important ─ at whom.
You have known for years that L tends to get his way eventually whenever there's something specific caught up in that head of his; a fixation which refuses to leave until satisfied, and sometimes even after. Snap. You can get up and head out of the living room, you know you can. Will you though is another question entirely.
L isn't a typical captor ─ he doesn't demand or force you into things. He simply presents a possibility and waits. Not aggressive or domineering, not sadistic. But oh he is a PhD of holding a grudge. Leaving now probably means waking up tomorrow and finding that every single disk has vanished without a trace, along with the bookshelves being switched for some obscure scientific texts on chemistry, physics and other things that require an advanced degree to fully understand.
Because someone decided that you don’t deserve entertainment anymore. Because someone is petty enough to deprive you of basic mental stimuli, and is stubborn enough to hold onto that decision even when reasoned with. Unsuccessfully.
It's a talent really, this particular brand of making your life miserable in many small ways, so they accumulate into something greater over time until you feel like the walls are closing in slowly but surely.
You can't back out, even though no one openly stops you from doing so. And L knows that. And he knows that you know. His lips twitch and curl upward before flattening again into neutral territory.
There's a theory that if you pull a band-aid fast enough, it won't hurt as much. The credibility behind it is questionable.
You exhale and meet L's gaze ─ his posture hasn't changed from the beginning to the end of the film, knees tucked to his chest, eyes two dark pools that stare without blinking. His fingers drum a steady rhythm, and that's probably the only sign that gives it away.
"Fine," you say finally.
His mouth opens before closing back again. L doesn't move a bit.
He wants you to do it, you realize. Wants you to initiate instead of just allowing it. What an ass.
You squish his cheeks between your palms until his lips pucker outwards. L makes a soft noise of surprise but doesn't try to fight back.
Black lashes cast a shadow across his skin. There's no perfume or cologne, no distinct smell ─ he uses plain soap and shampoo which don't have a discernible aroma.
"I believe I was promised an indulgence," L says, voice muffled a bit by your hands on his face.
He looks like a fish this way. A silly, ridiculous image that would make you snort if not for the situation at hand.
Band-aids and ripping them off.
You sigh, lean forward, and press your mouth to his.
He tastes like caramel popcorn.
Mint tea.
The angle is awkward, and L doesn't move an inch to accommodate the position. He stays still like a block of solid rock, not a single muscle twitches, and doesn't even attempt to reciprocate. You have half a mind to think that maybe he's mocking you, but then his fingers lightly curl on the fabric of his jeans. L's eyelids flutter half-closed when your noses bump, then open again right after. Another oddity added to the pile.
It lasts no longer than ten seconds before you pull away. L blinks. Touches his lower lip with the tip of a finger and rubs it like searching for traces left by the contact.
"You were promised an indulgence," you remind him, trying to sound calm, collected, but your ears and neck feel hot, "not a make-out session."
Technicalities and loopholes.
L has that look you can't quite pinpoint yet know far too well. You've seen it many times before. When he thinks about something but keeps it to himself for now.
"You look more lively," he remarks eventually. "Healthy complexion suits you."
You don't need to hear what he says next, because the words already ring through your head.
"I told you it would benefit us both."
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dunmeshi-darlings · 1 month
Can I request a laios x reader, with the reader as laios ex-fiance, since their arrangements was broken off when he ran away without explanation reader have been sad and mad about it. But then someday laios mother told reader about laios become a new king after defeating a demon, reader decided to go there, because reader want to know why he ran away
I'm sorry if this is difficult to understand, English is not my first language, thank youuu
Oh you got no need to apologize its all ok. i understand what you meant. id be happy to do this. thank you so much for sending an imagine in.
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Even though its been many years since laios cut off the arrangement and disappeared you still found yourself getting upset at him. He just cancelled it all and ran off to not be heard from again.
Of course over the years that anger and frustration faded greatly but every so often your mind would wander and you would feel your cheeks heat up at the thought of being abandoned like that. but over all you figure it was probably for the best anyway, you dont mind your life and that touden was always...strange to say the least even if he was a looker.
One day though as you are going about your day when laios mother approaches you, asking if she can come in. You agree and let her inside, despite your feelings about laios you had no bad blood with her. you get the both of you some tea as she starts speaking. "Did you hear about the rise of the golden kingdom?" she asks, you nod and say of course you had. it had been the talk of the entire world ever since it rose up out of the sea, seemingly out of nowhere one day. Apparently some group of adventurers defeated the mad mage and seemed like those rumors about becoming the new leader of it was true. You say casually as you take a sip of some tea. "yeah well apparently Laios was the one that defeated the mage and rules the golden kingdom now." she says so casually causing you to spit all the tea you were drinking out, shouting in confusion you ask her if you heard that right? she nods and explains what she had been told from letters from falin, you knew that falin had stayed in touch with there parents but laios had apparently cut them off a decade ago much to your surprise.
You decide to pay a visit, you feel like you almost HAVE to. you need to know why he just left you like that, why he did what he did all those years ago. It took you a bit to get to the new golden kingdom, laios definitely had travelled a far distance since your last time you saw him. By the time you reach the kingdom a full month has passed, you ask the guards to message the king telling him that "Y/N from his arranged marriage wanted to see him." of course you werent sure he would even respond, i mean why would he. he didnt want to marry you obviously so why should he care about seeing you, especially now that he is a KING of all things. However you were surprised when the guard came back and agreed to take you to the king.
When you entered you saw him sitting on a throne. To his left you see a young elf woman with twin braids beside him, This must have been his royal advisor maybe? you werent sure. However you did notice his sister beside her chatting with her...except she was different, she wasnt a tall man anymore..atleast not fully. you noticed a plume of fluffy white feathers poking out of the opening on her chest and down her arms. It was clear she had been changed by some form of magic.
As you walk closer laios asks if everyone can leave the room for a moment, he wants to talk privately with you as they agree and leave leaving only you and him. "So Y/N, how have things been?" He asks awkwardly, its clear he is uncomftorable and doesnt know what to say. You had thought of the things you would say to him for years now, over and over you had gone over in your head what you were going to say to the man that just up and left you like that. you would be furious and scream, sob and cry, all the words you planned to say just dissapear and all you can say is a single word. "why.."
He sighs as he rubs his neck and begins to explain, He tells you how he had began to despise his parents for how they let falin be treated, and how instead of supporting her and her talents they sent her away to the magic school on a different continent. He had grown to hate his parents (more so his father but he had no fond feelings towards his mother either) even though falin kept in contact with them. He also explained how he never felt comfortable around people, that he had always felt more comfortable around monsters...and that in truth he hated people. Plus he admits he wasnt the richest person in the world so would have been able to give you a proper dowry. All of these together made him feel like he wouldnt have been able to give you the life you deserved, he didnt want you to be stuck with a man that hated everyone around him and hated where he lived and wanted to leave and get as far away as he could. He figured that wasnt fair to you, and he didnt know how to properly convey this and let you down easily so...he ran.
The weight of his words hit you harder than you expected...all this time you thought he just didnt like you or hated you ever, or he didnt care about you at all. All this time you hated him for what he did and that you swore you would get answers one day...but these werent the answers you were expected. It would have been so easy to continue to be mad at him, if he said he just didnt like you or hated you that would have been fine..you expected it at this point, but no...he did this because he didnt want to subject you to a miserable life with him..he knew you would be miserable with him if he had stayed there and he didnt want to put you through that...god this was so much harder than you were expecting. "You know....now that im king of the golden kingdom money isnt an issue..and ive made sure the kingdom is a kind place that treats everyone with kindness." you see him slump down a bit. "and since monsters come nowhere near the kingdom...if you want, we can get to know each other better..and see how we feel about each other then?" he says softly, damn that man he was a looker. you sigh, almost relieved its turned out that way. saying you would like that
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astrid-sama · 3 months
Carmilla Carmine x fem reader
Carmilla is acting strangely and reader believes she is cheating on her.
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"Those three are hiding something from me"
This was the thought you had in your head for a while; it all started about a month ago, the first to behave strangely was your girlfriend Carmilla, she went from avoiding you even for a whole day to showering you with attention, other times it seemed like she wanted to tell you something important and in the end she pulled back; After a while Clara and Odette also began to behave strangely.
At first you didn't worry too much about the strange behavior that Carmilla and her daughters had adopted, believing that perhaps they were just stressed due to the anticipated extermination, but, as time passed, the more your mind speculated about the reasons for their behavior.
-She's cheating on me, I'm sure of it! How can she do something like that to me I thought she loved me-
You are currently at your best friend's house crying while eating a big tub of ice cream.
-Don't say that, I'm sure it's just a misunderstanding-
-No, she's definitely cheating on me with that overlord Zestial-
-Come here-
Stolas spread his arms and you immediately went to snuggle into your friend's arms, finding it very comforting.
-Carmilla loves you and everyone in hell knows this, what makes you doubt it?-
-Well he's been behaving strangely for a while, at first I thought it was due to the stress caused by the early extermination but as time went by I realized that that couldn't be the reason, so I started to think and ...-
-And this crazy idea of ​​betrayal came to your mind-
-Maybe I exaggerated a little-
-Decidedly; I think you should talk about it with Carmilla, I'm sure that everything will be resolved that way-
-Thank you Stolas, you always know what to say. Now let's stop talking about me, tell me how the date with Blitzo went-
The next day you decided that you would talk to Carmilla to find out the reason for her behavior. You found your girlfriend in her study, absorbed in work; you knocked on the door and waited for permission to enter.
-Enter. Mi amor, do you need something? -
-Yes, I need to talk to you-
-Tell me everything mi amor-
-I've noticed that you've been acting strange lately and I want to know why-
-It's nothing don't worry-
-No, you can't tell me that nothing is happening! If you're cheating on me, at least have the courage to tell me!-
Tears were starting to form in your eyes, you're not usually this emotional but a month of doubts and having said your biggest fear out loud had shaken you a lot.
The look on Carmilla's face was shocked to say the least, she really couldn't understand how something like that could come to your mind, it's true that she's been a bit strange lately but it certainly wasn't because I was cheating on you.
-Mi amor please let me explain-
-Speak, I'm listening-
You said crossing your arms over your chest and trying to keep a cold look.
-What is this important thing you have to tell me?-
Carmilla went to her desk, took a small black box from one of the drawers and after taking a deep breath she knelt in front of you.
-Mi amor, the first time I saw you you captured my thoughts, the first time you spoke to me you captured my heart and being with you forever would make me the happiest woman in the world because where you are is the my paradise; mi amor, will you marry me?-
For a second you were speechless, when you finally managed to process what Carmilla had said you couldn't stop smiling.
-Of course I want to marry you! I want it more than I've ever wanted anything in my entire existence!-
Carmilla stood up and after putting the ring on your finger she gave you a passionate kiss that made you feel butterflies in your stomach.
-Come, let's go and tell our daughters-
Carmilla took your hand and together you went to tell the wonderful news to Clara and Odette.
I hope you like this fanfiction.
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lovelybrooke · 9 months
Yandere Honkai Star Rail concept.
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So, I love both Genshin and Honkai so I thought, why don't I do both. (Also, sorry but I'm a Stelle stan, sue me).
Not a day goes by where you don't think of your home world.
You remember the fresh smell of dandelion wine from Mondstadt, the memorable stories of Liyue, the beautiful scenery of Inazuma, and the wealth of knowledge flowing through Sumeru. You remember it all. But as the days goes by, you feel as though your friends want you to forget.
You are so grateful for them, namely the Astral Express for allowing you to stay with them on their journey. They were so welcoming, almost to a strange degree. Himiko and Welt, who seemed like the older ones on the Express, were very helpful in the adjustment process. Himeko was the one who helped you learn how to use a phone, giving you the numbers of most of the Express Crew in case you had any problems. Welt was more standoffish but was always willing to listen to you talk about your home. You don't know if it was because of his old age, it was nice to have someone listen to you. Though, no matter what you said, he always seemed to remember every little detail about you.
Dan Heng, March 7th, and Stelle were very interested in where you came from. When you first came onto the Astral Express, Stelle and March were interested in your vision, the history of Teyvat, the people you knew back home. March loved to hear you talk, and Stelle just loved to be around you. Dan Heng wasn't as open about his fascination with you compared to the others, but when he was alone with you, he wasn't shy about asking how your world operated, wanting to know everything about both Teyvat and you.
While the crew was great, the longer you got to know them, the more you noticed that they no longer cared about finding a way to you back home. Whenever you'd be back at Herta's Space Station, you'd ask for progress on getting you home, only to be shot down and reminded how busy she is. Though, she's never busy when he want's your attention.
Whenever you mention to anyone about going home, they act almost offended, like you're ungrateful for everything they've done for you. You've learned to not mention going home when more than one of them is around, since it's likely arguments will ensue if you do.
Going on adventures with the Astral Express reminds you of your days exploring Teyvat, Belobog reminding you of Mondstadt and The Xianzhou Luofu reminding you of Liyue. The people there are also great, all be it a little overbearing, especially when you were getting used to your phone. It was jarring to get message after message from your new friends asking how you are and wondering when you're going to visit.
When you're not on the Astral Express, you're usually visiting your friends on other planets. On Belobog, Gepard is usually the one who greats you, mumbling about how he missed you. He'd take you to Bronya, who'd you talk with over a nice cup of tea, which always made you strangely tired. Sometimes her companion Seele would be present, but she'd never really talk, just stare.
When you were on the Luofu, you were spending most of your time with general Jing Yuan and his retainer Yanqing. Most of the time it was Jing Yuan watching you fondly and you explain how you used a vision to Yanqing. Yanqing was always so excited to see you, even if he's seen you recently. He always seems so interested in how your vision works. When he learns that it is a gift from the gods after a time of adversity, he becomes dead set on learning how you got yours, sometimes a little too much.
Technology is a big culture shock for you. It took you months to get used to a phone, only to then see automatons living among humans and interstellar commissions is a lot to take in. You often feel out of place and old taking about how people in your world communicate and travel, and in a way, it makes you feel small.
In your few adventures with the Astral Express, you've of course come across the Stellaron hunters. While you don't understand much about their motives, you can't deny that they are interesting. Kafka has taken quite an interest in you, whether that interest is for her own motives or genuine, you don't know. What you do know is that the Astral Express is not a fan of the Stellaron Hunters, so it's best to stay away from them, if that's even possible.
When it comes to your vision, you often wonder how it still works when you're so far from home. You like to think that the Archons are still watching over you, keeping you safe. Though, the aeons of this universe are a strange thing to you. They seem more otherworldly than the Archons of your world, making you question if your vision is enough to keep you safe.
A/n: I don't know if I want to write more of this, tell me if you enjoy.
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saskiahaggens · 1 year
𝔍𝔞𝔠𝔨 𝔬𝔣 𝔥𝔢𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔰
Contains spoilers of season 2!!
Paring: Chishiya x blind!reader
Warnings: death, blood
Word count: 1161
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Chishiya placed a hand on your back when you arrived to the game. He said that he only wanted to make sure you were following him since you never knew what may happen. Especially after you had to put on a collar.
You lost your ability to see as a child, but you were not helpless. You can navigate by making little noises like humming, and predict walls, stairs, distances, and much more. You could typically go around without assistance, but when there were a lot of people at a game or at the beach, you could get disoriented. You met Chishiya in a game and even saved his life thanks to your incredible hearing abilities and he hasn't left your side since.
"Do you hear this?", you inquired after coming to a halt.
You most likely arrived in the room where the game started. At the very least, Chishiya came to a stop.  A strange noise was heard a few minutes later. Was it… skin slapping? Chishiya chuckled at your expression as you realized what it was.
More and more people entered the room, and with each one, you came closer to Chishiya. According to their steps, there are at least 21 people in here.
The rules were then explained, and your heart almost stopped beating. You couldn't help Chishiya. How was he going to survive? You couldn't tell him what his symbol was.
"Calm down," Chishiya said as he noticed you becoming anxious.
A girl approached you and invited you to join her group. Chishiya poked your arm, signaling that he was right and accepted her offer.
After a few rounds, nearly everyone was dead. Even Chishiyas' new friend died in the last round. He was a kind person, perhaps too kind for this world.
"Chishiya, I'm sorry.", you mumbled.
You sat down in the storeroom and drank a soda. A guy left just moments ago and he didn't want to tell Chishiya his symbol.
"It's not your fault.", he groaned as he rubbed his temple.
"You know something right? You need to know something. You always do."
"Not at the moment."
Chishiya stood up and walked away a few steps. You heard some rustling and a few moments later you felt something in your hand.
"What is this?" you questioned, attempting to guess the thing.
"My favorite snack in here," he grumbled.
Meanwhile, another person entered the room. It was the lady. The sound of her shoes was familiar to you.
"Would you mind telling me my symbol?"
Chishiya stood up to ask her, but all you could hear was rustling from the same direction Chishiya had been minutes before. Said man continued trying to convince her, but she turned around and headed straight toward you.
"Hey, could you please give me this?" she asked, undoubtedly pointing to the pack of cookies in your hand.
"They can't see what you're pointing at." Chishiya remarked instead.
"I'm sorry I didn't realize." The noises her clothes made and her silence meant she bowed, what made you chuckle.
"Just take it.", you said, perhaps a little harshly.
Did Chishiya knew that she was coming? Whatever his reasons were, the woman took the snacks and walked away quickly.
"She didn't even say thank you.", you muttered as Chishiya sat down for the third time.
"Maybe, but now I have a chance to win."
"What do you mean?", you asked confused, but still a bit happy.
"Sometimes it's annoying that you can't see, otherwise you would have noticed it too. I'll give you a hint: these cookies have four different flavors."
Four different flavors? What is the importance of this? After some thinking, you understood what he was talking about.
"She communicates with this other guy who was here earlier!  I assumed they just ate a lot because they came here every round. So the bag cookies you handed me were the last of its kind?"
"Not exactly, I hid the rest, but it still worked. Matsushita, the guy who she cooperates with took the same one as her, even so she had hearts."
"So he is the jack of hearts!"
"Yes. So, based on Kotoko's response when I mentioned having clubs and the fact that Matsushita most likely lied. I must have diamonds or spades."
"At least you have a fifty-five chance now. Couldn't you just ask someone else?"
"That's not a good idea. The time is nearly over, and I'm not sure if they'll tell me the truth."
You both returned upstairs, but were interrupted by none other than the criminal himself.
"Hey you!" You stopped, but to your surprise Chishiya didn't.
"Who do you think is the jack of hearts?"
He caught you off guard, but you just brushed it off.
"Perhaps it's me."
"Than you would have a stupid strategy. Be honest."
"You're not dumb. Why don't you figure it out yourself? Must be easy with a partner like yours."
"Well then. This guy you're walking around with has a diamond. I hope you survive, the fun only starts now, would be a shame if you miss it."
You were eventually permitted to go after fourteen hours. Banda told Chishiya his symbol for the last round, and you thanked him excessively. He just laughed at you, but you didn't care.
"Hey, Y/n?", Chishiya asked when you walked away from the arena.
"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah, listen, I'm not a man of great words, but I want you to know how much you mean to me. That's why I don't want you to play in the next game, alright?"
"I don't want you to risk your life alone, Chishiya."
"I understand, and I also understand that the king of spades is dangerous, which is why you will wait near the arena. Nobody is playing games to extend their visa anymore. They are well aware that the end is near and that playing games is the only way to avoid the king of spades."
"Are you trying to say that my visa doesn't matter anymore, because we will get home soon?"
"I will make sure of it."
"Chishiya, you've changed. To be honest, when I first met you, I hated you."
"I don't blame you. Back then, I was a jerk."
"Yes you were.", you mumbled before leaning closer to him.
You kissed his cheek lightly, and Chishiya was relieved that you couldn't see him blush.
"I might have hated you before, but I can tolerate you now."
"Looks like more than tolerating to me.", he joked, throwing his arm over your shoulder. "You're lucky, I like you. When this is all over, maybe we should go on a date."
When you started walking, you smiled like a child. Perhaps you should, and perhaps he was right. Maybe it'll all be over soon.
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nyxyxx · 4 months
Godly Desires - Part 5
Disappeared for a while for holidays and stuff. Happy New Year folks. This chapter is quite short but the good parts come next so that's exciting. (Also with a little bit of lore hehe). I. II. III. IV. V. Warning: This series will contain yandere content and religious themes.
"The City of Wind"
In the woods, stirring from its ancient slumber was a darkness so wicked and vicious, the very life that surrounded it began to wither and decay, rotting away from its presence alone. This darkness, it had a mind of its own, yet had no name to accompany it. Perhaps it once had a name, but said name has been long lost in the archaic oceans of time. Sunk deep within the waters of the world, lived a name so egregious, that uttering it would only bring about misfortune.
There was a prophecy to be told about this darkness. An ancient prophecy, one that was older than the gods themself. A legend told from within the land, an old story that was soon to be unearthed. Though this story would very soon present itself, discovered in the depths of the sea, now is not the time.
"It is the calm before the storm, my love."
"Stop right there!" A young girl emerged from the trees and promptly ran towards you. Dressed in red, white and brown, alongside the pyro vision at her hip, it was the ever-so recognizable Outrider Amber. She stood in front of you, with an air of justice and gentleness. "May the anemo God protect you, stranger!" She announced, suspiciously gazing over your strangely dressed self. "I am Outrider Amber, of the knights of favonius, and who are you?"
"Oh uh...I'm [___]"
Amber simply stared at you in silence, looking a lot different than her typical self. Almost like she was thinking really hard about something, but also staring at you. Noticing how weird she was being, she kinda just turned away from you, her ears tinted a little pinkish.
There was somewhat of an awkward silence following. You gave her a fake name, as Diluc had mentioned it may be a good idea to do so, though you found it to be quite strange. Still, this was just way too awkward. Why wasn't she responding? Did you already do something wrong?
"Oh um...right. Where was I..." Amber snapped back into her usual persona, and thus you carefully explained your situation to her, keeping a few things hidden, but otherwise being truthful. She seemed to relax after a while of talking to her, even opening up a little bit.
"If you'd like, I can take you to the city, there have been lots of monsters in the area recently." She said, a little bit shy. It was uncalled for, but since she was offering you her company, you accepted happily.
Reaching the gates of the city, you glanced up at the sky. Though you had seen Mondstadt many times it looked so much more beautiful in person. Maybe your dream just had such great detail to it. Amber hastily showed you around, though it was mostly unneeded, as the entire city felt so familiar, to you. She quickly mentioned that she had to get back to work, and hoped that you had a good time while you remained in Mondstadt.
You couldn't help but shake the feeling that there was something that you were missing. Some important reason that you had to come here. Like you had been sent here for some purpose that you can't quite remember. You tried really hard to think of what that could've been, but attempting to do only led to your head hurting.
Well, you were here anyways. You might as well try and find something fun to do. So, swallowing those strange feelings, you decided to try someplace that might be interesting. The local tavern, perhaps.
Taglist: @justyoureader; @mmeatt; @iamapotatoe; @clavichordcleffa; @yu-ulda; @c3rtifiedsimp; @eravariety; @vianitry; @dulcedelechenginamo; @reveihehe; @liansh3ng; @angelofdarkness2; @yarabutterfly;
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ryker-writes · 11 months
if you want, can you do a thing where the reader has a habit of scratching skin till it bleeds. It's a habit I have and do when anxious, yes it hurts but pain makes it easier to ignore thoughts about what ever is causing me anxiety. Also god forbid they have have acne of any bump in their skin cause that can and will be scratch off. This scratching dose leave scaring and they do it constantly cause this world is unfamiliar and magical so lord knows what could happen to you. You can use any characters you like tho I would like Vil for obvious reasons. If you do make this then thank you and have a fulfilling life.
of course dear anon! I can relate to this one a little bit because I have a lot of anxiety myself and used to do something similar. I don't do it much anymore so there's no need to worry, but I do encourage you to find a different way of ignoring the anxiety and/or seeking help fir anxiety. Anxiety is a very tough thing to deal with and if you need to talk to somebody about it, I will gladly listen <3
I decided to add some of my favorite TWST boys to this so apart from Vil, there's also Malleus, Silver, and Leona
Request rules and Masterlists
Vil is very familiar with anxiety and some signs of anxiety
many people get anxiety before big performances after all
so when he sees you scratching your skin so much, he's able to recognize that it's probably anxiety
and he can see the small scarring on your skin too
Vil isn't going to stand for this
whenever he sees you start to scratch, he will give you something, anything, for you to hold in your hands
and he asks you to hold onto it for him for a little bit and take care of it
his goal is to get your hands doing something else even if it's holding the object or fidgeting with it or whatever
as long as your hands aren't damaging your beautiful skin
and I do mean he will give you anything
he's handed you his textbooks, his eyeliner, and even his Pomefiore crown once
being in a new and unfamiliar world is sure to cause a lot of anxiety
but he tries to be there for you as much as he can, and slowly help you adjust to the world around you
he's also roping you into his skincare routines now
he's actually a very observant guy
so you bet he sees you scratching your skin, but he might not comment on it much unless he sees you scratching hard enough to break skin
at that point he's going to drag you to a place that's calmer like botanical garden and try to get you talking about it
he'll ask you about your world while keeping your hands away from your skin
basically anytime you start to scratch, he just moves your hands away
you may think he'll lose his patience doing this, but he actually doesn't
he just listens to you while laying down and keeps moving your hands away
and he listens very well
Leona has actually taken mental notes about your world
so when you start feeling anxious about being in a strange dangerous world again, he brings you to somewhere calmer again, but this time he tries to show you something you're more familiar with
he'll even have Ruggie bother Sam to make something if they don't have it in their world
Leona isn't the type to hover around you, but he usually tries to check in on you from time to time to make sure you aren't scratching too much
I'm gonna be honest, he probably doesn't know how bad anxiety can get in people
so originally when he sees you scratching, he doesn't think much of it
that is, until you start bleeding
then he is very invested in why you're scratching
you probably have to explain it to him
once you explain that it's anxiety and being in a new magical world causes a lot of anxiety, he is very concerned
he's noticed the small scars on your skin, but he didn't comment on it in fear of upsetting you
but now that he knows those are because of the anxiety...he's very determined to help you stop
Malleus starts hovering around you a lot more after finding out
he just worries about you
whenever he sees you scratching, he will do almost anything he can to help
like he goes through different strategies each time
his magic helps a lot with this
usually he tries to use his magic to make your surroundings look more familiar or he'll create something for you to focus on
and if he isn't able to help in time and you start bleeding, he's immediately there with his healing magic
Silver knows a bit about anxiety, and he's seen you scratch at your skin a lot
but he doesn't want to assume it's anxiety
he will ask about it though after he notices your scars
and he's a very good listener and is very understanding
he can perfectly understand how being in an unfamiliar world causes anxiety
Silver does want to help you tho so you don't hurt yourself anymore
unlike some of the others, his method of helping isn't changing your scenery
whenever he notices you getting anxious and starting to scratch at your skin, he just grabs your hands and holds them in his own
there doesn't even have to be any communication, he'll just do it
and he has no problem holding on until you start feeling better
when facing something that causes a lot of anxiety, he'll stand next to you holding onto your hand
it's very nice and good reassurance that you're not alone while keeping you from scratching
even if he falls asleep while holding onto your hand, you're not getting it back until he wakes up
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ivnxrori · 1 month
When Sun and Moon meet - S1
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Zuko x Fem!WaterBender!Reader Enemies to Lovers
As one of the Princesses of the Northern Water tribe, you were blessed with a gift by the moon. However you were permitted to be allowed to use the gift at all costs. From many hidden waterbending usages, the aftermath of the avatar visiting the Northern Tribe had led to your beginning journey, hiding yourself as a water bender as a princess from the Northern water tribe
Warnings: fight scenes, reader passes out
҉ * ‧͙ ⋆ ⁺ ༓ ☾ Chapter 2 - Encountering the Sun
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Due to the aftermath of Katara allowing females to waterbend, I decided to participate with Katara and her avatar friend. Which is unsurprising for my father and Master Pakku. It felt awkward finally doing waterbend without having to feel the anxiety of getting caught, weirder doing it in front of the people who I have been hiding most. “Well done, Y/N. Feels like you never even stopped waterbending in the first place.” Master Pakku compliments. I felt a shiver up my spine. “Yeah…” I responded with a tinge of guilt. It's because I never even stopped waterbending, I'm more surprised that no one has caught on. But even if they do, they cannot do anything. I close my eyes and sigh breathily. Slowly inhaling but instantly coughed from the smell of…burning…wait. I immediately open my eyes to see the black snow coming from the sky, but that is no snow…it's soot. “The fire nation” I whispered coldy.
Not too long I hear the warning drums against my ears, spreading news to the whole northern water nation. I sat next to Yue in our hideout with all of our people, slightly shivering even though I'm perfectly fine with the cold. I held Sivoy in my arms, silently praying to the spirits over the speech my father was giving. He was most likely saying the same thing as I. I just need my family to be happy and safe, especially Sivoy. I hugged Sivoy even tighter than I already was while he was babbling nonsense, playing with my hair. I wish there was a way to tell Sivoy of how much danger we are in but…there is nothing we can do but fight.
I heard the explosions ringing in my ears. This is real…this is all real. Oh how much I wish my mother was still here, she was taken too soon by the fire nation. I just hope my father, my sister and my brother will live. Another explosion hit, I cover my ears to prevent further ringing and wince. Yue held my shoulders and rubbed them to comfort me, I shouldn't be comforted at this moment, it should have been Yue who needed comfort. Yue was busying herself by telling factual information to Katara and the Avatar about  water bending while I leaned against the ledge to peace my own mind. My ears perked up from the word ‘Spirits’. “Spirits?” I sat up catching the three off guard. “You can talk to the spirits?” I leaned closer to the avatar. “Yeah, Aang can talk to spirits. The Avatar is connected to the spirit world and the real world.” Katara explained. “If that's the case…then follow me” I immediately speed walk towards the needed destination.
  ҉   ☾
“This is the most spiritual place in the North pole, unfortunately you have to go there yourself, but this area should be able to assist you...like it did to Yue and I.” Aang nodded as all four of us walked to the Spirit Oasis. “It's so warm here” Katara examined the area. “It's pretty comforting here” I smiled at the reactions of Aang and Katara, feeling mesmerized by the area. This area was very gorgeous indeed. Aang was able to sit down in front of the pond with the fish circling one another, resembling the yin yang. “Why is he sitting like that?” Yue questioned Katara as we both looked at him strangely. “He’s meditating” Katara answered “He’s trying to cross over to the spirit world, it takes all his concentration.” 
“Is there any way we can help?” “How about some quiet?” Aang retorted snappily. “Come on guys! I can hear every word you guys are saying!”. I held back a laugh as I continued to watch what Aang was doing. Both Yue and I were very intrigued. With a flash, both his arrow and his eyes were glowing. Yue and I flinched from the scene. “Is he okay?!” Yue panicked as I furrowed my brows. “He’s crossing into the spirit world, he’ll be fine as long as we dont move his body. That's his way back to the physical world.” Katara explained, pointing at Aang. I felt shivers up my spine, someone here… I glared at my surroundings while Katara and Yue were talking, trying to see who was approaching us. “Shh someones coming-” “Aw, aren't you a big girl now”. Us three turned around to see a boy. “No…” Katara shakily said “Yes…now hand him over and I won't have to hurt you” He threatened. The boy has a ponytail and a very visible red burn scar on his face. “Who is he?!” I freaked out while holding my stance to attack. “He is part of the fire nation-” Katara couldn't finish her sentence when flames were there the next second. Immediately coming to Katara’s defense as I attempt to push him away with the water given from the Oasis. “I see you made another waterbending friend, however I didn't come this way to lose to you” He got back up again attempting to continue fighting. “Katara froze him, it can keep him restrained” I yell, gathering up as much water as I possibly could. She nodded as we both pushed him against the wall, caging him. “Is it her? Is she your master who has been teaching you these moves?” The boy said spitefully and immediately burst through the ice. “No?” I retorted back, looking at him confused but the confuzzled face didn't stay long until he blasted another flame from the palm of his hands. I move back trying to shield Aang as Katara pushes him against the rock, knocking him out in an ice mountain. I exhale a breath of relief. “Thanks Katara” “I should be thanking you”
However the relief was short lived as we felt the sun rising up and the scar boy, once again getting through the ice. Catching Katara off guard she hit the wooden pole causing her to pass out. “Katara!” I yelled and attempted to push him away from Aang. “Shoot!” I grumbled, feeling my bending growing weaker. I looked at the sky trying to look for the moon, however there was no moon. The shine of the sun reflected off of me while I tried to hold eye contact against the enemy under the bright light. Couldn't the sun come out later? His finishing blow of flames causes me to move back, coughing through the dust swaying it through my vision. “You must have known, You rise with the moon, I rise with the Sun”. I glared at him trying to get back at him, already forming my water but unfortunately I lost all feelings of my legs, colliding with the grassy land, my eyes went from blurry to nothing…
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a/n: Im editing this while watching s3 avatar, I was worried that s3 might clash with my fic but I managed to make do. Im submitting the chapters because this is before Y/N starts her journey, so her real powers will happen in s2 (I THINK). ALSO Zuko is in this chapter wooo!! Sad there is no romance yet and this is a slow burn. I might edit the previous chapters to write slow burn. I really want Zuko and Reader to be enemies and reader to really hate Zuko. Im trying to release a chapter once everyday but one spring break is up im not sure if I would be able to continue, however ill try my best! -- Taglist: @luvkvni @katovano @karmaswitch @someonesmember @velvet-spider @sh3sa1dwhat @nerdisthenewcool @meiraloves2dmen @fqnfics101 @iluvme547
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blackopals-world · 11 months
I Found Home
(part 1) (part 2) (part 3) (part 4)(Part 6)(Part 7)(Part 8)
Implied relationship
Part 5
Notes: This wasn't supposed to happen yet but I'm working on several chapters at once so this got posted first due to timing. This chapter was meant to go last. (besides I'm not going to pretend that most of you didn't just come here for this guy. I just want to get this over with.)
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"The Hero"
Grimm wasn't the most social of the kids but he was finally learning how to play with others. From what the child development book says he had a rich imagination and took part in imaginative play with others. He had even shown interest in things like singing and dancing with other kids.
But when art time came Grimm looked upset and yelled at another girl. Yuu had to apologize to the girl and her father. They had an argument which caused Grimm to lose his temper. He wouldn't say what it was about either.
When it was time to go Grimm waited by the car and stared at the crumpled drawing he made in his hands.
"Do you want to talk about what happened?" Yuu asked helping Grimm into his car seat.
Grimm shook his head.
Yuu nodded and decided to leave it alone.
When they got home Grimm went to his room without much fuss. Even bathtime was quiet without his usual crying.
When it was time for bed Grimm still clutched the paper ball.
"Mama?" He asked for her while he was deep in thought.
"Yeah, sweetie?" Yuu pulled the covers over him.
"Where is our family?" Grimm unfurled the pater to reveal a drawing of her and him in crayon.
Yuu's voice was caught in her throat. She wanted to wait until he was older to explain this.
"We are a family." She said simply.
"But Erinn said that families were big like hers. A mommy, daddy, sister, brother, grandma, and grandpa. But I only have a Mommy." Grimm asked confused. "I told Erinn that I only had Mama and she said that we weren't a real family without that. So I got mad."
Yuu knew she had to control her emotions and try to explain but it was getting hard.
"We are a family. All the family we need. Erinn is lucky and has a big family already and she doesn't understand what other families look like." Yuu said stiffly "I'm sorry if I'm not enough. If I could, I would give you the family you deserve but I'm only one person."
Yuu quickly finished saying goodnight before retreating to her room. Tears of frustration blinded her.
It wasn't her fault.
She wanted a family too.
Ever since she returned to her world and old life she had tried to find her place. Friends and family were happy to see her again but they had moved on after years of her absence. Everything familiar was now strange. Then came the questions about where she was and what happened. She couldn't answer, no one would believe her. They turned on her with suspicion and called out her lies. News media caught wind and police had questions as well. Everyone wanted to know but she had no answers.
Rumors were everywhere and even the people who trusted and wanted to help Yuu had mud slung their way. She did what had to do to protect them and left. She escaped as far as she could to a place where no one knew her. She wrote her books in solitude and kicked out everyone who tried to profit from her newfound fame.
Conspiracy theorists and true crime fans still hounded her but she had a life where she could be in relative peace.
She had a son now and could live a normal life. Wasn't that enough? Can't she live her life?
Yuu cried for herself, for her son, for their future.
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"Are you sure we shouldn't wait until tomorrow, your Majesty? Yuu may be asleep by now." Silver asked pushing aside the foliage with a ball of light he cased in the other.
"Of course, my child of man has always stayed up late in the night. She is undoubtedly awake." Malleus said proudly leaving Sebek and Silver to clear the way. Trails of Will o'-Wisps marked their path to find their way back.
Lilia flew above the group as he enjoyed the scenery. He seemed even more relaxed these days. Silver and Sebek had finally taken over their roles as captains of the royal guards. Malleus was firmly established himself as the ruling king and let his dear grandmother retire to her castle on the coast. She was certainly enjoying the sun in her scales.
Malleus had been hard at work revitalizing his kingdom. Bringing his kingdom into the current Era took effort but he had reached out to Shroud's heir for his assistance. Now the youth of his kingdom had new jobs to look forward to and new citizens had begun to move into their land. Malleus had also reached out to over classmates and found their help invaluable.
Kingscholar and Viper had been invaluable political partners and expanded trade between their lands. Rosehearts had joined him in laying out new laws compatible with technological developments. Ashengrotto had great knowledge of how to take advantage of natural resources in the area. Schoenheit offered assistance in starting an entertainment business hub like filming to take advantage of the vista.
Malleus had developed strong friendships with each of them but none of them could compare to the one that changed his life. Something they all agreed on.
"This place is so nice. So many stars but you can still see the city lights in the far distance. Are we close to the shore?" Lilia couldn't wait to visit another world and go touring with Yuu. His boys may be reserved to just seeing her but he had plans.
"The terrain is dangerous. It's rocky and likely has many dangerous creatures lurking about. How that human can stand being so much peril is beyond me." Sebek huffed.
Silver shook his head and ignored his co-captain.
As the group journeyed through the forest they noticed a small sound break up the buzzing of cicadas. Small sniffles and whimpers echoed and wrapped around the trees.
Lilia as if sensing a child's distress told the group to be quiet as he tracked down the whining.
Tucked into a hollow at the base of a tree a small boy huddled with a stuffed cat clutched to his body for dear life. The poor child cried for no one but himself.
As the group got closer they lit up wisp light around the area. The soft light alerted the boy as he drew closer.
"Hey, there. What are you doing out here so late?" Lilia crouched down to the boy's level to not scare him. "You should be at home."
The boy shook his head.
"You're parents are probably looking for you." Silver said.
"I can't. I'm bad." The boy rubbed his red puffy eyes.
"You're bad?" Malleus asked holding out his hand to Silver who immediately grabbed Sebek and grabbed a handkerchief from the half-fae's pocket. He then gave it to his king.
Lilia took the handkerchief and held it up to the boy's nose and told him to blow his nose. (Crying gets very messy with kids his age and makes it hard for them to breathe with clogged sinuses. Not mention kids have a hard time blowing their nose on their own at a young age.)
The boy wrinkled his face as Lilia cleaned his stuffy nose with practiced ease. The boy tried to weakly fend him off the same way any child does when you try to clean a smudge off their cheek with your thumb. Once he was freed and cleaned up he finally responded.
"I'm a bad boy. I made Mama cry. She said cus of me." He said remorseful.
"Why don't you just say sorry then?" Sebek said tactlessly.
Silver elbowed him and the crocodile shrugged with an expression that said 'What do you want me to say! I'm right!"
"Because I always make Mama cry. Mama is always sad. So I'm going back so I can't make her sad again." He said defiantly.
He was going to help his mother even if he wasn't going to be with her.
"Where are you going?" Malleus asked kneeling beside Lilia.
The boy looked that Malleus's horns with wonder.
"Mama found me here in these woods. But she told me a story of a dragon that lived far in the woods. The dragon was nice and helped the lost princess so I want to find him and ask him to help Mama." The boy sounded really proud of his plan.
"A quest. What a brave boy you are." Lilia ruffled the boy's hair. The boy tried to dodge but failed.
"Hey, are you the dragon?" The boy asked pointing at Malleus's horns.
"I'm a dragon-fae. The king in fact." Malleus responded.
"And you can help my Mama? With your magic? Can you take her nightmares?" The boy asked pleading.
"I will try to help if you lead us to her." Malleus wanted to see Yuu again but he knew he had to help this child first. Reuniting this family was more important right now than petty wants.
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Yuu couldn't sleep. She just needed the check. Maybe she was excessive but she just worried. Almost every night she would cheak on Grimm, just in case. She just need to see he was alive and breathing.
Some times she just had nightmares where he...
The parenting manuals said that this was perfectly normal. Her fears were natural and these impulses were a product of evolution and prevention of S.I.Ds.
Wait is there a cut-off point for S.I.Ds? Could Grimm still get it?
Yuu took a deep breath, she just needed to see him.
Yuu opened the door quietly to find...an empty bed.
"Grimm?" Yuu called out.
She began checking the bathroom in case he needed to go potty...nothing.
She checked the kitchen in case he wanted water...nothing.
The living room, The study, her bedroom, the attic, the garage
Nothing, nothing , nothing, nothing, nothing, NOTHING!
Yuu searched everywhere as she rushed outside and called for him. Soon the hysteria kicked in as she banged on her neighbors' doors. Frantically she gathered people to help her find her son.
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The group was no less enthusiastic to help as they treated the boy like a little hero on a quest. Unfortunately, this hero was very tired and needed to be carried by the dragon king. Lilia was desperate to have his turn but the bat was way too energetic right now.
Lilia was secretly praying that Yuu lived with children so he could play with them.
Grimm was fascinated with Malleus. He studied the dragon's horns, eyes and fangs.
"Mama said the dragon was best friends with the lost princess. Is that true?" Grimm asked touching Malleus's sharp ears.
Malleus let the boy explore as he thought of a response.
"I cared deeply for a friend who was far from home. She was my best friend."
"What was she like? I like the princess most." Grimm said cheerfully.
"The princess, I mean she was beautiful like any princess. But she was better. She was kind and selfless. She made friends everywhere she went." As Malleus said this little fingers pulled at his lips to get a better look at his teeth.
"She's so cool. I wish I could meet her."
Malleus quickly handed the child off to Sebek. Sebek received no better treatment as the boy pulled on his ears and cheeks. He has pincer-like fingers and speed.
Lilia laughed. Silver was the same way.
Sebek practically tossed Grimm to Silver to deal with. Sliver was fine with Grimm but Lilia's silent pleading made him hand the boy over.
Almost immediately Grimm was asleep as Lilia rocked the boy to sleep. The group sighed in relief.
"So," Sliver spoke up only for a chorus of 'Shh' to stop him. He was just going to ask about the stuffed cat that looked exactly like Grim. Or the fact that his name was Grimm. Just him? Okay.
But the blissful silence didn't last as sirens and shouting were heard.
"Grimm?! Grimm?!" Voices shouted as groups of people searched for the boy.
Safe to say his mother was looking for him.
The group managed to dodge the cops as the found a familiar young woman still wrapped in her night clothes shouting Grimm's name. Bright searchlights haloed around her.
"Yuu?!" Malleus called out as soon as he saw her.
The woman squinted to see through the lights before she gasped. She quietly scrambled through the foliage. She had trouble due to still being in her house shoes, she couldn't even think of changing when her son was missing.
"Mal?" She called trying to see if she was hallucinating.
"Malleus please, you have to help me. My son, he's gone." Yuu begged her hand clutched over her chest.
Malleus didn't know how to respond at first. No words would help. The only thing to ease her is her child.
Lilia came forward and handed the sleeping boy back into his mother's arms.
Yuu's eyes lit up with unimaginable joy like finally breathing after unending suffocation. She fell to her knees as she held him close to her.
"My baby. My sweet baby." She mumbled pressing kisses to his head as tears of relief flowed down her cheeks. "Thank you. Thank you."
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The situation took time to clean up as everyone was alerted that Grimm was found. Everyone sighed in relief and returned home. Except for that crotchety old woman next door. Yuu would expect a strongly worded letter soon.
The reunion wasn't what anyone expected but Yuu was no less grateful to her friends.
When they explained the situation, Yuu's eyes dimmed.
"I see, it's my fault." She sighed.
"He was just trying to help you. He doesn't know any better." Sebek rolled his eyes.
"That's the point. He's a child, he doesn't know any better. It's my responsibility not to make him feel responsible for my emotions. He should never see his mother cry. I tried to hid it." Yuu berated herself.
"Yuu, from one parent to another you need to hear this. It's hard, it's always going to be hard, but you're doing great." Lilia said gently pulling Yuu into a hug.
All the stress she had been carrying since she assumed her role as parent bubbles to the surface. All this time she had been carrying the heavy weight of expectations and constantly questioned herself. Everytime she got something wrong she panicked. Every crying fit and scraped knee she blamed on herself. Judging herself based on every parenting manual and blog she read. It all came to the surface.
She felt like she was going to break into pieces.
Suddenly another pair of arms wrapped around her then another and reluctantly another.
This was what she needed. Reassurance.
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"Who dares intrude upon my lair." Lilia cackled wrapped in a black blanket.
"I do! Grimm the dragon prince!" Grimm stood proudly over Sebek's(slain in battle, r.i.p) body with a plastic sword in hand.
Grimm had taken to wearing a pair of fake ram horns and pretending to be a dragon recently.
Yuu raised an eyebrow as she drank her tea.
"If you wish to save the princess you must face my minions!" Lilia said waving a hand and sending Silver out to duel with the boy.
"Don't worry! I have my own minions! Go dragon king!Save the princess!" Grimm said sawing his hand this time.
Yuu snorted and held back her laughter as she looked up from her notepad.
Malleus of course assisted as he pretended to battle Lilia.
"Mal are you a king or a minion?" Yuu laughed.
"Are you a princess or are you just wearing a cone hat?" Malleus retorted.
"You've become more sassy with age. Now hurry up and save me." Yuu pouted taking off the pink cone hat.
Malleus picked up Yuu in a princess carry as Grimm cheered.
"My heros~" Yuu giggled as she wrapped her arms around Malleus's neck.
"Where too now my dear princess?"Malleus asked.
"To the study my stead!" She shouted.
Sebet tried to say something before Silver kicked him from their downed position.
"I'm a stead now, am I?" Malleus teased as he carried her off.
Grimm payed no mind. Grandpa Lilia said that they need space. The boy instead leapt onto his uncles who grunted as the air was forced from their lungs.
Upstairs Malleus placed Yuu on her desk chair as she began typing out her new book.
"Finally designed on a name for it?" Malleus asked resting his head on her shoulder.
"Yep, The Lost Prince and the Dragon King"
"Hmm, I like it."
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