#falling through a skylight
missmagooglie · 6 months
Why the fuck didn't "but my winnings" guy get off the damn boat?
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sol1loqu1st · 1 year
the early linkin park demos of iconic songs with the unfinished lyrics make me fucking insane man
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peppermintquartz · 18 days
The first time Tommy opens his house to Evan, he doesn't know what he is getting.
At first Evan just follows him, making polite sounds of generic appreciation, until they get to the kitchen in the back of the bungalow. Tommy has leaned into the craftsman style, and there are industrial elements also - efficient is effective, in Tommy's opinion - and Evan just stands in the middle and stares, an awed smile on his face. The sun peeks out from behind the clouds and its rays fall right through the skylight and onto the island, a piece that Tommy built with a friend's help.
"Are those... Did you get the wood from a bowling alley?" Evan is delighted, rubbing his fingertips over the little triangular marks on the surface of the island. "This is so cool."
He explores the kitchen and notices the pantry. On the pantry door, he sees Tommy's meal plan and freezes.
"Tommy, you have a meal planning chart," Evan states unnecessarily.
Tommy sticks his hands into his pocket. "Yeah, a gym buddy taught me. I got used to it and it's really useful when I plan out my grocery shopping."
"It's color-coded."
"Yeah. The system is simple, too. Helps me see if I'm getting enough proteins, carbs --mmph!!"
Tommy's back hits the nearest wall as he is kissed to an inch of his life. Evan doesn't let up, licking into Tommy's mouth with delectable little moans and his hands are wandering under Tommy's shirt, his fingers skating over his waist and ribs. When a thick thigh insinuates itself between Tommy's legs, Tommy pushes lightly on Evan's shoulders. "Okay, that was. Wow. You like the meal plan?"
"It's color-coded," Evan murmurs, his pupils blown dark with longing. "And you listed the exact cuts of meat, and how to cook them."
Tommy is not expecting his boyfriend to be turned on by efficiency and organization, but he sure as hell isn't about to stop Evan from rewarding Tommy for it. Putting his arms over Evan's shoulders, Tommy smiles and says, "Wait till you see my pantry." He lowers his voice. "It's sorted by category and then alphabetical order."
Evan inhales sharply. "Do you mind if I take off your pants right now?"
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exfil · 2 months
me: so when gaz is introduced in mwi, price throws a man off a balcony. this sets up a motif of heights around gaz that sticks through him through all of mwii. be it shooting people through skylights (death from above) or getting the drop on them from the roof (sky is falling fucker), or hanging from a helicopter (i'm not dead, nik, i'm hanging from a bloody rope), or telling soap that he needs to jump into an elevator shaft (you have to move, sergeant! jump!), the sky and death from above are a reoccurring theme that surrounds the sergeant. you know?
the barista: i meant "anything else" as in any extra syrup for your coffee
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daycourtofficial · 3 months
It’s all in my head but I want nonfiction
Pairing: Lucien x reader | WC: 3.7k | warnings: suggestive language, groping
Summary: emboldened by an accidental love potion, you speak your crush on the Day Court heir to him
Author’s note: happy (late) birthday @tsunami-of-tears no one loves a love potion as much as we do 🫶🏻 lowkey hate this ending but whatever it is what it is ❣️
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The Day Court Palace was, in your opinion, the prettiest place in all of Prythian. Large archways led the way to wide open rooms, beautiful columns stretching towards the mural painted ceilings. Every room had a skylight, even rooms with floors above them. Moving through the rooms felt like you were on a cloud traveling through the sky, a chariot pulling the sun through its cycle.
Everything looked so beautiful in the sunlight, and you felt like a reptile lounging in the sun whenever you were in the heir’s proximity. You had hardly spoken to him - he was your High Lord’s son and you were just a librarian in the ‘botany and related subjects’ library, however you had seen him on the rare occasions you had been in the palace, and more recently, whenever the redheaded heir made his presence known with his barking laughter through the shelves.
How you dreamed of making him laugh.
As if the Mother were listening directly to your thoughts as you shelved books away, you turned to find him standing next to you, the suddenness of his presence causing you to almost fall from your ladder. His hands shot out, one steadying the ladder, the other steadying your back. You weren’t sure if the heat on your cheeks was from being startled or from the heat on his hands.
Once he deemed you steady, he held out a hand for you, helping you down the ladder. You moved down it before you stepped off the last rung, face looking down to help stabilize your footing.
You looked up, finding you were much closer than you intended to be, your body a few inches from his body. From afar, he was beautiful, but being this close to him - he was gorgeous. His long red hair looked as if it were glowing, and all you wanted was to reach out and run your fingers through it before braiding it. His canines peaked out from his lips, a small smile on his face. His face was the perfect combination of sharp and soft - making him both stunning, but giving him a kind appearance.
You had watched him slowly get used to Day Court attire, incorporating different aspects over time. He began slowly with wearing more loose, billowy clothing, golden rings on his dark skin. Now he stood before you in a white braided toga that left his legs on full display, golden strapped sandals adorning his feet. Golden cuffs adorned his biceps, making the muscle even more worthy of your gaze.
“Hi, Lucien.” You nodded slightly with your head, the customary greeting in Day for nobility. Helion preferred more subtle ways of respect, once telling you, “I prefer if I’m going to be worshiped to be worshiped properly”. You extended the greeting to Lucien, and to your surprise, he returned the small bow back.
“May I be of any assistance?”
He peered down at you, his russet eye roamed over you, the golden one clicking taking you in. You swore the whirring picked up in speed as it roamed your body, your temperature rising a few degrees at the attention.
“Yes, you may. I actually was wondering about your knowledge on teas. It is a fascinating subject, is it not?”
Your face couldn’t contain your shock at his question. Teas? Why tea?
“Well, I quite enjoy various teas and different court traditions around tea.”
You eyed him, his nonchalant demeanor giving nothing away. The High Lord’s son wanted to talk to you… about tea?
You blinked and suddenly you had spent over half an hour blubbering about what kinds of teas are popular in which court, and you came back to your body to find yourself telling him about the Autumn Court’s tradition of spiking their tea with whiskey.
“Naturally, you might know about that. Not because of the alcohol, surely you don’t have a problem or anything like that, but you’re from Autumn, so surely you know about their traditions and such.”
You wanted the ground to swallow you whole, but you couldn’t stop talking, your mouth incapable of offering you reprieve from how poorly you’ve handled this. “I’m sure you drank a lot of tea in Autumn. Not just the spiked kind, or maybe that’s how you were able to get by all those years - through alcohol.”
Your cheeks were blazing with heat, your bottom lip caught in your teeth, eyes stuck on the floor in hopes it would open a hole in the ground for you to fall through. “Um, my friend- colleague over there needs me. So um, good day, Lucien.”
You bowed quickly to him as you ran past him, not allowing time for him to bid you farewell. You spent the next few hours flitting about the library, recataloging academic texts on botanical reference guides in an attempt to stop your mind from replaying the atrocious conversation you had had with Lucien just hours prior. Each time you remembered it, you lightly hit your head against the shelves.
A few hours of mind numbing work later, your mind still possessed with thoughts of the redhead, you eventually were able to go home, spending most of the evening in your bath reading, any attempt at getting the redhead off your mind failing.
Your mind was just as preoccupied with Lucien as you walked into the library the next morning, taking the final sip of your coffee as you passed by the circulation desk, when a note on the counter piqued your interest. The note sat next to a cup of tea, the drink steaming in invitation. The envelope had your name on it with the royal seal on the back of the envelope. You opened it, careful not to destroy the beautiful seal. Neat handwriting in red ink covered the parchment in a simple note that left your heart fluttering.
After our discussions yesterday, I had some unresolved curiosities. Can you meet me in the courtyard behind your library this afternoon?
- Lucien
Your eyes danced across the note, reading and rereading it to make sure you hadn’t imagined it. He wanted to speak to you again? Despite your terrible attempts at conversation previously, he didn’t find your company appalling enough to talk to someone else in your stead.
You sipped the tea as you read the note - the warmth trailed down your throat, your stomach buzzing as you took in the bergamot flavor. You tried to figure out what tea this could possibly be, perhaps Lucien found a new flavor of tea he wanted you to try.
You smiled, tucking the note into your pocket as you spent the rest of the afternoon floating on the air around you, unbelieving of your luck. As the day went on, your head grew a subsistent ache, worsening by the hour until you were set to leave to meet with Lucien. Your head was pounding beneath the lights, but you wished one of the other librarians, Sara, a good evening, telling her you had a meeting. She giggled as you retreated away, her voice soft through the stacks, “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”
You rolled your eyes, throwing behind you, “sure, because what wouldn’t you do if Helion asked?”
You laughed at her squeaked response, but continued down the hallways and down the stairs, having to lean against the wall to steady yourself on occasion. You took deep breaths, trying to silence both the dizziness and the butterflies in your stomach. Once you were close enough to smell Lucien, the leather and bergamot scent filling your nose, the pounding in your head lessened with each step closer, instead your body grew warmer and warmer at his proximity.
You stopped at the sight of him, his back to you allowing you a moment to ogle unnoticed. He wore trousers today, slight disappointment at his legs being covered quickly corrected by how plump his ass looked in them.
Your tongue was fat in your mouth, and your thoughts stumbled through your mind in a drunken haze.
“You’re s’pretty.”
The words rolled off your tongue, a drunken slur to them. Were they your thoughts? Did you say them out loud? You couldn’t tell as you approached him, trepidation in your steps. You watched him turn to greet you, an amused glint in his eyes.
“Is that so?”
You were slow to react, your hand just now reached up to cover your mouth as if it could take the words back, your eyes wide as you looked at him. It was then that he took you in, his eyes roaming up and down your body, assessing if he could see anything wrong.
“Is everything alright? You’re swaying.”
Your cheeks heated at his concern, some tiny part of your brain chastising you for being so responsive to the bare minimum. You nodded, your hand still over your mouth. His arms stretched out on both sides of you, hovering around you to catch you.
“S’okay, you just make me feel good.”
Your words came out mumbled through your hands before Lucien gently pulled them from your face.
“Sthanks, I wouldn’t have gotten them off myself.”
Your words were drawn out, each syllable taking its time to be heard. His face grew more concerned, but you paid it no mind.
“You wanted to see me?” You had tried pointing to him and yourself respectively, however your motions were flipped, pointing at yourself and then towards him. You giggled as if you were a schoolgirl speaking to your friends. His sharp canines peaked beneath his top lip, his smile wide but predatory.
He nodded his head, “yes I wanted to speak with you some more, but now I’m-”
His words were cut off as you moved forward, hands producing a tight grip on his jaw. “I like your pointy teeth, they look like they could bite me.”
He smiled as you inspected his mouth, relishing in the squeal of delight you let out when he moved his lower jaw, allowing the tips of his canines to be seen. You tried pulling his lips down even more, but his hands grasped yours, placing them gently on his chest. He held your hands over his heart, looking into your face, his voice soft, “what happened today?”
You got lost in his eyes, getting lost in thought about the prosthetic one. Something in the back of your head kept yelling at you that it sees lies. “Well, I um,” a hiccup sounded from your throat, disrupting your train of thought momentarily. “I woke up, I walked by that coffee shop I like, got a cup to go. Then I continued walking to work - here - and then I got here. Well, not here, here,” you gestured around the room, “but over there,” now you pointed in the direction of the library.
“And then I got your note and I read it lots of times and I even checked the signature because surely you wouldn’t want to be subjected to my rambling again and then I drank the tea you dropped off with it and then I thought about the note while I restocked-”
He shook you lightly, one of his hands cupping your face. The action startled you, not having heard him calling your name. “Sunflower, what was this tea I dropped off?”
Your face lit up, remembering the way it felt going down your throat. “It was so good. You have great taste in tea.” You nuzzled your face into his hand, nodding profusely. “It did make me dizzy, though.”
You couldn’t for the life of you get your eyes to focus on him, the male before you appearing more like an impression of himself. His red hair and golden prosthetic were the only things you could really make out, and even then it was mostly colors.
He studied you for a moment, leaning in closely to examine your face. “Come on, let’s get you home.”
His hands supported your shoulders as you leaned into his chest, the two of you making a slow walk through the streets of Day. If you were in your right mind, you would be absolutely mortified at the way you were snuggling your face into his chest, obscene moans coming from you as you inhaled his scent.
“At least buy me dinner first, I am no common whore.”
Your laugh was delayed as you moved to be directly in front of him, your arms wrapped around his slim waist.
“Y’smell good.” Your words were muffled through his shirt, but the vibrations from his laugh extended to you, making your body shiver.
“I think your moans were more than enough proof of that. I was getting concerned you might get off on my scent alone.”
You giggled, not really understanding what he said, but enjoying the amusement in his voice. “I’ve had my fun, let’s move at a regular pace, shall we?”
You squealed as he picked you up, throwing you over his shoulder. Your hands moved to his trousers, grabbing the fabric to help stabilize you. You pushed your elbows into his back, trying to lean up a bit.
“Where are we going?”
Your hands moved around his back, trying to find stability when your hands sink into the skin of his ass. You giggled as you pinched him, causing his steps to falter briefly.
“Getting a little handsy back there, are you?”
You answered with some giggles and squeezing him, only causing him to laugh again.
Lucien carried you to the outside of the library before winnowing you into the palace. You babbled from behind him as he strolled through the halls. You had given up trying to see your surroundings, leaning your head into the middle of his back. The white and gold marbled floors moved beneath the two of you, Lucien only butting into your rambling occasionally.
He expertly moved the two of you through the hallways, going deeper into the palace than you had ever been before when Lucien pushed open a door, leading the two of you inside. He slid you down from his shoulder, flopping you onto the bed. You landed in a massive bed, swimming in a lake of a deep brown duvet.
You giggled as you bounced across the bed, “Lucien, at least take a female out to dinner before you bed her.”
He stood before you, eyes narrowed in suspicion. “I have to go speak with someone, will you stay here? Can I trust you?”
You nodded enthusiastically, bouncing a little in excitement. His hands came down onto your shoulders, causing you to stop your movements. “I won’t be long, I’ll come back with food.”
He ran a hand over your hair before walking away, disappearing through the door. You laid down on the bed, stretching your limbs out as you basked in Lucien’s scent.
Being in his room, surrounded by his scent for the thirty minutes he was gone did something to you, sending you into a state of utter euphoria that caused the rest of the night to go by in an utter blur.
You groaned, burying your face into the pillow. It was too bright, the sun was too much, your head was killing you. The door opened and you instinctively pulled the duvet up to your shoulders to cover yourself. Lucien’s head popped through the door, carrying a box of some kind with two steaming mugs on top of it. He set them down on the nightstand next to the bed, crawling on top of the duvet covers next to you.
You eyed him curiously, clutching the duvet tighter. “What are you doing?”
“What am I doing? This is my bed.”
You moved your head around the room, finally realizing that it was not your own. Your eyes moved about the space, taking in how odd it looked. It was an array of colors - the brown duvet, the green curtains, the red tapestry on the wall. Next to the tapestry hung several maps of Prythian, including markers filling certain areas. You moved closer, attempting to crawl off the bed, but your legs got caught in the sheets, causing you to slump back onto the bed.
Lucien laughed, causing your head to throb again.
“Why am I in your bed?”
“Do you not remember?” You shook your head, the action making you dizzy. You opened your eyes just slightly, scowling at the amused look on his face.
“The healer said you had had a love potion. After some questions, we found out one of the other librarians was trying something new with her husband and left the potion to cool. It seems she left it to steep it for too long, and it was less arousing and more drunken.”
You nodded, looking to the floor, feeling so small in his bed. Thank the Mother you weren’t rubbing against Lucien as if you were in heat.
Your eyes widened, remembering how you did rub up against him, clinging to his body the whole night. Lucien’s voice picked up a lilt to it, his amusement growing as last night came back to you in bits and pieces as he spoke.
“I brought you food because you refused to eat last night. I was only able to get a small piece of cake in you. You are quite afraid of being poisoned.”
A brief memory flooded your brain, making you feel even worse.
Lucien stretched his arm out, offering the piece of cake to you. “Will you please eat something? It would make me feel better.”
You shook your head furiously, making yourself slightly dizzy. “You’re trying to- to tie me to you. The food’s been-” a hiccup broke up your words, “poisoned for me to fall madly in love with you and spend my days gazing about your pretty face.”
He raised his hands, glancing around the room before his eyes settled next to him. “Fine, I poisoned it. But this chalice,” he raised a glass, sloshing the liquid around, “is also the antidote to this yummy cake.”
He held a bit of the piece out on his fingers, waving it in front of your face before you took the piece into your mouth, licking his fingers as you did.
Your face heated as you remembered that was how he fed you the rest of the cake. You slipped under the cover even more, hiding your face. “Excuse me, I have to.. die.”
His laugh was loud in the room, and you felt his body weight shift on the bed. “I would prefer if you could die elsewhere other than my bed. I am quite fond of it and I worry you may haunt the room.”
He laughed, poking your side. “Don’t worry, sunflower. You were incredibly endearing all night, even when your hands were a bit.. Adventurous.”
You shot up, the duvet coming off you as you looked at him. “Adventurous how?”
“Well, at one point you insisted you could only sleep if you could be touching my ass.”
You moved to get out of the bed, “that’s it, does this room have a balcony I can fling myself from?”
He reached out, grabbing your wrist stopping you, pulling you back into him.
“Would you really be so dramatic? I didn’t even mention the biting.”
“The biting?” You screamed out before putting a hand up, “no, don’t tell me. I can only find solace in death now.”
“You have quite the powerful bite.”
“Lucien, stop.”
“I have a chunk missing from one of my legs.”
He gazed about the room, his finger on his chin as if in contemplation as he leaned back against the headboard. “I suppose it’ll match the prosthetic eye. Perhaps I could have another eye placed there…”
“Is my mortification amusing you?”
You slumped back onto the bed, rolling over to hide your face in the duvet. You could hear Lucien nibbling on something before saying, “I am quite flattered at how pretty you find me.”
“I hear Winter’s great this time of year. Perhaps I’ll trek the continent for a beautiful lake to drown myself in.”
“Are you always this dramatic when you wake up? I’d like to be aware for future endeavors.”
You sat up quickly, situating yourself to look at him, your legs tucked beneath you.
“What future endeavors?”
“Well, if I have any luck, this won’t be the last time you slept in my bed.” He bit off another piece of cake, paying no mind to the short-circuiting happening in your brain. “Unless you’d prefer your bed. However, last night you proposed marriage to my bed, so…”
He trailed off, but you were stuck, mind reeling with his words.
“Why would I sleep in your bed?”
“Has no one told you?” He smirked at your quizical look, his tone growing serious as he said, “when two people are attracted to each other-”
His sentence was cut off by the pillow colliding with his face. “That’s not the part I was confused about.”
He cleared his throat, dusting away any crumbs before turning toward you, his gaze focused solely on you as he said, “I thought I made it fairly clear I wanted to speak to you because I found you beautiful and I have always had a thing for librarians.”
You blinked at him. “I thought you were merely interested in tea.”
“I don’t even drink tea. Can’t stand it. You happened to be in the tea section when I found you.”
As if your brain shut down at the information, you just looked at him, brain clearly still foggy from the potion you drank.
“Then why were you-”
You thought towards occasional bits of that discussion, how he had spoken more than you remembered, his words teasing. “Were you flirting with me?”
“That was my intention, however you hardly stopped for breath when discussing tea. I was so caught up, I had to run off to meet with an advisor in the nick of time.”
“Are you flirting with me now?”
“If I were flirting with you, surely you would know. Perhaps I’ll warn you in advance next time, so you can prepare yourself.”
He stared out the window, his eyes bright in the morning sunlight. “May I flirt with you in a moment’s time, or will you merely attempt to curl up and die again? Perhaps you’d prefer official correspondence with my flirtatious intentions?”
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Permanent taglist: @vanilla-seabass @cyrygher @lees-chaotic-brain @topaz125 @chessebookgirl @fides25 @lady-of-tearshed @ashbatz @fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @justvibbinghere @daughterofthemoons-stuff @mybestfriendmademe @heartless-tate @tsunami-of-tears @idrkwhatthisisimsorry @olive-main @azrielsmate3 @pit-and-the-pen @durgenyx @dee-writes-smut @chairofchaos @thelov3lybookworm @berryzxx @throneofsmut @kennedy-brooke @prythianpages @itsswritten @acotarxreader @milswrites
Thanks for reading ❣️
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wandamaximoffsbadgirl · 2 months
Bound by Desire
If they call it sin how come she loves me like a saint? (2)
Dom!Natasha x switch!Wanda x subby!brat!fem!reader
Word Count: 1.2K
Summary: Natasha and Wanda have been in a happy and healthy BDSM relationship for years, but have been looking for a third for Wanda's sake. When they meet you, they might have gotten more than they bargained for.
Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Nat=39, Wanda=35, Reader=22, BDSM relationship, dom!nat, switch!Wanda, sub!reader, Daddy!nat, Mommy!Wanda, strap use(r receiving), bondage (more will be added as things occur)
Authors Note: My first smut bit in a long time. Felt good to write it again, but I think a lot of this is gonna be more fluffy/hurt/comfort....maybe some angst from here for a bit.
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You stared down at all the papers, books, and figures sitting on the counter. The longer you looked the more everything felt like it wasn't making sense anymore. You'd been in the kitchen all morning studying for midterms. Your eyes were starting to hurt as you pushed your palms into your eye sockets.
You barely heard Natasha until she was almost to the kitchen. Turning slightly to look at her. It was Saturday so the redhead was in sweatpants and a tank top yet somehow she still managed to make your core throb as your eyes rake over her biceps.
“Still studying Pchelka?” Her husky voice tickles your ears.
“I don't know if you could call this studying anymore. The more I look the less sense everything is making right now.” As you sink against the chair you hear her saunter over.
Her arms wrap around your shoulders, her chin resting on top of your head. Your cheeks flush as you feel her tits press against your back.
She looks over your work. Pointing out little things, her slender fingers captivating your attention. Her words become distant and yet somehow wrapping you up, putting you in that fuzzy headspace you've started becoming accustomed to.
She moves; her face coming in your peripheral. You feel a little too hazy right now to focus on anything except her fingers.
“Oh puppy, was that all it took today?” Natasha's voice drops making you fall ever so further.
Your hands are already reaching for hers. No resistance is met as you pick her hand up and bring her finger to your mouth. “Please Daddy? Need you…” You mumble around her fingers.
You weren't sure how she did it, but she was carrying you down to the bedroom, you could feel the bulge of Natasha's strap through her sweats and you instinctively rolled your hips.
She sets you onto the floor when you get to the bedroom. The simple command, “Strip.” Being all you needed. Your clothes came off into neat piles. It was a rule of Natasha's that if she ever asked for you to strip it was to be done quickly, but neatly.
When you looked up she was standing in just her boxer briefs, her bulge on display and tits perfectly staring you down.
She reached out, taking your little pile and set them on the dresser. “On the bed puppy.”
You eagerly got up, sitting pretty for her. It hadn't been too long, only a few months you'd been doing this, though it was long enough to know how Natasha wanted you.
She smiled at your eagerness as she made her way to you. Slowly making her way in front of you. Once she's in front of you, you can't help but smile. Eyes still blown like a deer in headlights and you might as well be with Nat.
She cups your cheeks gently, a soft smile on her face as she pulls you in and kisses you. Your hands find her chest as you melt against her.
She pulls back, moving you onto your back as she gets between your legs. You can feel her hot breath on your clit before her warm tongue moves through your folds. Her lips closing around your clit to tease at it.
Your center is completely soaked and glistening in the light of the midday sun coming through the skylights and showing off the slick that's made its way to your thighs. Soft moans and whimpers are falling from your lips. One of your hands tangling in her hair and the other fitting at the silk sheets beneath you.
Natasha moans into you, sending a shiver through you. Your breathing picked up as she wrapped an arm around your waist. She was holding you there as she started to bring you to that edge you wanted to fall over.
You were too focused on her tongue when you felt her push two fingers into you and now you knew the real reason she was holding you there. Her fingers and tongue moved in tandum.
“Fuck…ah…Daddy! Daddy can I cum? Please?” You pleaded with her. Eyes flicking up to meet yours.
“Go on puppy. Cum.” Her husky voice is truly what sent you over the edge. The waves of pleasure wash over you.
Before you could even recover from the first Natasha is pushing her strap past your folds and stretching you out. A loud moan coming out of you as you grip onto her biceps as she puts you in a mating press.
She looks down at you, your eyes completely black from how blown they are. “You needed this so badly didn't you? Just a bitch in heat who needed to be fucked brainless by Daddy?” Her voice was deeper and more husky than even a few moments ago.
“Yes! Yes Daddy! can I cum? M'please Daddy!”
“That's it pup. Go ahead, mmm fuck…go ahead.” You feel apart beneath her. Tightening around her as you gushed over her cock and stomach.
Natasha groans as you feel her release into you, her cum filled strap filling you up. A long satisfied moan coming from you as your back arched. Your eyes closing as she slowly pulls out. She bites her lip admiring her work as she watches you drip for a moment before going to grab a towel to clean you up along with some other aftercare items.
When Wanda came home the house was quiet. She had called out for both of you, but got no response. She furrowed her brow as she slipped her heels off from the day. Taking notice that all shoes were accounted for.
As she walked further into the house she took notice of all your notes spread across the kitchen island. A small smile spreads across her face at how hard you always work. Though still no sign of you or her wife.
She headed up the stairs after not finding you two anywhere downstairs. Checking both offices first and then heading to the bedroom. That's where she found you two.
You were half on top of Natasha. Leg and arm thrown over her. Your legs tangled together. She had managed to get you both in tank tops. Her back in her boxer briefs and you in your panties.
Wanda smiles down at the two of you, sinking down onto the bed. Natasha being a light sleeper, opened her eyes. Looking over to see her wife made her smile.
“Привет, любовь всей моей жизни.” (Hello love of my life) she whispered as Wanda leaned in for a kiss.
“Вам обоим было весело?” (Did you two have fun?) Wanda whispered against her wife's lips before pulling back, looking down at your sleeping form and pushing some hair out of your face. Making you sturdy slightly, but settle back in.
“She needed a break from studying.” Natasha smiled down at you. “Needed Daddy's help emptying that pretty head of hers.”
Wanda gently ran her fingers through your hair, scratching just behind your ear as a content smile spread across your face in your sleep.
“She's so special Tasha…I don't think she realizes the extent that we actually feel for her.” Wanda's voice was soft as Natasha rubbed her wife's back.
“She will soon, moya lyubov.” The two women smiled at each other before Nat pulled Wanda against her to join in the cuddles.
Slowly the sun fell towards the horizon and sure there was more studying to do, dinner to be made, and documents to look over, but for right now none of you wanted this perfect moment to end.
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gallusrostromegalus · 10 months
Hi Gallus, I'm doing some worldbuilding and you seem like you could be connected enough for me to find an answer to the problem of dwarven agriculture. Many problems are created by the requirement of no sunlight, as even the common response of mushrooms still need light to break down decomposing matter as a primary energy source. Currently, we're thinking that they use a special type of mushroom that breaks down rocks in an energy-producing reaction, giving them enough energy to absorb nutrients and grow - this would serve a second purpose in explaining why building a massive hollowed-out mountain fortress doesn't produce an equally large amount of gravel.
Any thoughts? We're grasping at straws kinda lol
Well, some thoughts:
There's plenty of cave systems (especially Karst Systems) that are at least partially open to Sunlight- especially the kind that have rivers running through them, which is something else that's really helpful for agriculture.
For Example: This Cool AF Sinkhole cave in china that has an entire Forest in it
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Now There's a view to put outside the city Gates!
Karst specifically is a landscape where underground rivers hollow out the limestone underground and then the cave roofs fall in. This kind of landscape answers your gravel question nicely: the hollowed out mountain does produce an equal amount of gravel, but the gravel turns up as the sandy banks of the river system hundreds of miles away.
So, there's your sunlight that can be used directly, or reflected or magically transferred deeper into the cave system.
Or they just put more holes in the roof! Unless your dwarves are also vampires, there's no reason for them to not hollow out a few Skylights into the mountain too.
But let's talk some other cave ecology and agriculture!
For starters, your dwarves could be sitting on top of a literal gold mine that would allow them to trade for a lot of needed materials and crops.
And by gold mine, I mean Salt Mine.
Historically, salt comes out of hollowed-out mountains and is worth more than gold.
Also something the humans have historically fought a bunch of wars over, so there's some free political tensions if you needed that!
I can also mean the possible fucking enormous piles of bat guano that accumulates in Karst caves, which is the world's most insanely good fertilizer, and ALSO something that has been worth more than it's weight in gold.
Speaking of Gold, another thing that often lives in sinkhole caves in abundance is BEES. turns out, limestone stalactites are a terrific place to build a hive that is difficult for predators to reach, stays dry and the stone substrate means the hives can reach many tons in weight before they start having structural issues. That sweet, sweet insect-derived liquid gold is already important to Dwarves in a lot of folklore- it's really hard to have a Traditional Dwarven Mead Hall without the honey to make the mead, you know?
So you got your mushrooms, you got your sunlight-grown sinkhole crops, you got your traded goods and you got your source of alcohol- the only thing really missing from an ancient food pyramid here is a staple carbohydrate. To that end, may I propose our good Peruvian Friend: The Potato.
Grain crops aren't actually all that nutritious and were kept around in ancient societies more as legal tender that kept the peasants busy, because wheat or rice takes months to grow, an enormous amount of labor to harvest, and wheat also needs to be milled before it can be turned into food- all enormously time-consuming processes that keep peasants busy and easy to rule tyranically over.
Potatoes though? Pop one in the ground in spring and you can dig up fingerlings all summer, and if you make potato towers, you can harvest up to 40lbs of delicious, easy-to-prepare-and-store carb out of a single plant- a real space-saver for the limited sinkhole skyspace.
If your dwarves have cheese, the potato makes even more sense, because Potato+dairy is the easiest, most nutritionally complete survival food there is.
Finally, consider: Dwarven Vodka.
This post is open for anyone to comment suggestions on, but that's my take: put your dwarves in a Karst-sinkhole cave system, give them a highly in demand resource like salt or guano, bees, and taters. Boom. Whole agriculture, economy and political scheme starters.
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superbat-love · 7 months
Dick shivered and pulled the blanket tighter around himself. Someone must have changed the settings on the AC unit to freezer mode. Mumbling curses under his breath, Dick threw his blanket aside and went out of his room to investigate.
Stepping outside his room, he slipped and had to grab onto the doorframe to stop himself from falling. Dick stared in disbelief at the frost-covered walls and flooring of the manor. Had Mister Freeze escaped from Arkham again?
“Dick! Great timing!” Bruce's voice echoed down the hallway, and Dick turned to see Bruce barreling towards him on ice-skates, holding a fishing net as if it were an ice hockey stick. Dick couldn't believe his eyes. Either he was having a nightmare, or Bruce had finally snapped under all the stress. Dick knew he had to find Alfred.
“Grab him!” Bruce yelled, gesturing upwards with the fishing net. Dick followed Bruce's gaze and gasped in shock. There was a baby floating above him. Forget Alfred—they needed to call a priest.
“Quick! Before he gets away!”
Steeling himself, Dick leaped toward the baby, yelling in triumph as his arms closed around the tiny tot. But instead of falling back to the ground, they continued to rise toward the open skylight.
“Bruce, he’s carrying me away!” Dick screamed, panic rising within him.
"Hey Dick, you forgot your pants!" Jason yelled out to him when he spotted them from the front yard.
Just as Dick thought that they were about to fly through the stratosphere, he felt strong arms embrace him.
“Don’t worry, I got you. You’re both safe now,” Clark said, smiling brightly like the sun.
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adams-angels · 7 months
I want to see my man in pain, Adam break down after reader said they want to break up (fluff in the end pls) 😞
I reaaaally enjoyed writing this
I love pain 🥹
💖 Please send me requests! Send me your own headcanons! I will draw! I'm obsessed rn!💖
Adam POV
It was a normal night. Out talking to some babes. Tellin' them how great I am. Because, well, I AM! HA! I'm the first fucking man! These bitches swarm me. Who am I to deny them. I check my phone a see y/n has text me. "Ugh, what do you want now you needy fuckin'" I can't believe what I'm reading.
"we're done."
My heart sinks. Why is it sinking. I don't care. I'm fucking ADAM!! Adam stands, pushing away the crowd of angels surrounding him and tries calling you. "Come on.. come on, pick up, you dumb bitch." No answer. NO FUCKING ANSWER. His head spins. Panic sets in as. This isn't happening. Not again.
You think you're better than me?! You're nothing! I'm Adam!! I can get ANYONE I FUCKING WANT YOU THINK I NEED YOU?!
He tries calling you again. No answer. "FUCK!" He expands his wings and shoots up, smashing through the skylight. He continues to text and call as he makes his away to your apartment. "FUCKING ANSWER ME!" He screams into his phone. By the time he arrives at your apartment he calms himself down, "I can get them back." He thinks to himself as he lands on your balcony. "They didn't mean it. They couldn't of."
As he reaches for the handle of the sliding door his hand shakes. "No, no, no, no." He grips onto his wrist stepping back from the door, being stopped my the railing. He slides down to the floor. "No, no, no...." His voice cracks, fear, sadness, anger. He never let himself get close. At least that's what he told himself. After the second wife also betrayed him he swore he'd never care so he would never hurt. But somewhere along the way, he fell for you. Although he denied himself.
He rushed to remove his mask, feeling like he can't breathe. Once he got it off he threw it aside. Clutching at his chest as tears escaped from his eyes. "No, no, no.." he whimpered. He sat on the floor for an hour. Thinking about you. What he did wrong. If he did something terrible. Why you're ending it. There wasn't even anything to end and yet his world felt like it was crashing around him.
Once he calmed down he leaned forward and sighed. Wiping his cheeks as he stood up and put his mask back on. He reached for the handle, hesitating before opening the sliding door. He sees you in your bed, asleep. He closed the door quietly and just watched you. For about half an hour before he realised how much a creep he's being. He walked into your livingroom. He's been here plenty times before. He memorized the layout.
He walks over to one of your succulents. You loved them. Once he came over and accidentally knocked one on the floor. You were so upset. He didn't see the big deal but he still went out of his way to buy you a new pot for it and a new succulent altogether. Just something to say he was sorry without actually saying sorry. He smiled as he remembered your joy. He sat on the couch and waited.
A couple hours later he heard rustling in your room. He shot up from the couch and heading to your bedroom, freezing at the doorway as he sees you wake. You scream in surprise, falling off your bed. He noticed your phone falling off the nightstand with you. His chest tightens. Your phone. Those horrible texts. "Adam?! What the hell are you doing in my apartment?!" You yell at him, snapping him out of his thoughts.
He stands there, feeling awkward. "You want to leave me?" He asked, trying hard to not break his voice. You tut, he watches at you stand, wanting to help but to afraid to move. "You say that like you cared." You snap, picking your phone up from the floor. "Don't look at that." He took a step towards you, reaching out but you recoiled. "Why? You next me nasty shit? Telling me I'm worthless? That I was lucky to -" he interrupted, "y/n, I'm sorry. I just want to know what I did wrong."
Adam braces himself. For you to yell. For you to scream. For you to tell him you love someone else. "I just... I can't... I don't want to be a place holder for you." His shoulders slump down he hesitantly steps closer to you "What are you talking about?" He carefully slides his hand under yours "I don't want to be someone you just use until you find someone better." His fingers interlace with your as his other hand brushes your hair from you face. His breath catches seeing your red, watery eyes "I just want to be... I don't know, Adam."
His hand cups your face. He looks into your eyes and for the first time in eons he chose to be vulnerable. "Be mine?" He watches you shrug. Rightfully assuming you've misunderstood his request he clarifies "no, I'm asking. Be mine." The way you look at him makes his chest tighten in fear. "What?" He recoiled. "I mean, maybe we could start again? Like.. properly?"
"You mean like.. date? What happened to "I don't date. I'm the first man. I have the first penis ever bla bla!"" He glares at you. Of course you'd remember that. "I don't sound like that." "You do." Adam brow furrows in in frustration. "Whatever, y/n, please. I can't lose you. I don't want to lose you. Please don't leave me." He felt pathetic. He was pathetic. "I'll have to think about it." His chest tightened. His heart beating a million miles a minute. You'd see how pale he would be if he wasn't wearing the mask. "H-how long will that take?" He asked, desperation leaking out of him.
"I don't know, Adam." You shrug. The air was thick. He was struggling to breath and needed to get out of there. "I really care about you, y/n. You have to believe me, babe." He kisses your hand before releasing it. "Just.. uh... Delete those texts. I didn't mean any of it." He heads to the sliding door he entered from, opening it and expanding his wings as he jumps off. He looks behind to see if you watched leave like you've done so maybe times before. But you're not there.
It's been a month. A whole month. It should feel like nothing to him considering how long he's been in existence yet it feels like a years. He sees you about. With your friends. Getting groceries. Whenever his eyes catch on to you he freezes. No matter what he's doing.
He can't keep this up. He didn't want to pressure you. Make you feel like you had to choose him. But fuck he needed you to choose him. He was in his office. But he couldn't focus. He was so tired, not being able to sleep well without you. Even if he didn't sleep the whole night it was always nice knowing you were there no matter what. At least that's what he used to think.
He checked his phone to see nothing from you. It was too much. He was alone. You were never coming back. No one ever comes back. Lilith left him. Eve left him. Now you. "Fuck. FUCK!" He picks up his coffee and punts it at the wall. He can't stay here. He needs to find you. He needs you back.
He swung the door open and there you were. He couldn't believe it. He thought you'd at least text him. Not show up at his office! His feathers were literally ruffled, his office looks like a bombs hit it. "Y/n?" He said softly, it was like time stopped for a minute. He wish it did. Then he could scoop you in his arms and never let you leave. He snapped back into reality changing his expression quickly, not want anyone to see a softer side to him. "Come in." He stands aside letting you in to his office. He hates that you didn't text. He would of cleaned up there were documents everywhere, a smashed mug on the floor and coffee stains on the wall. He hated it was such a mess for you. "Bad day?" You commented he grumbled in response. "There are no bad days in heaven." He mumbled as he slumps down on his office chair.
Resting his chin on the back of his hand as he watches you walk over to his office window, opening it. The musky smell almost dissipating immediately "So... I thought about it." He perks up, sitting straight, watching you like a hawk. "And?"
"and I'm willing to start again. Properly." He immediately bolts from his chair, wrapping his arms around you. "Fuck, thank fucking Christ. Don't do that to me again. Please." His voice breaks, wings surrounded the both of you. "Please, I'm sorry. I'll treat you so much better." "Promise?" "Yes, promise."
~⁠♡✧⁠。 I really hope you enjoyed! I'm not a writer by any means but I appreciate any support I receive so thank you for reading! 。✧⁠♡~⁠
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crushpunky · 24 days
drew and actress!reader in their new house
Drew threw himself onto the mattress with a grunt, causing Reader to giggle before joining him. They had just finished moving in the last pieces of furniture to their new house.
Their house resided in a quiet town about half an hour outside of Charleston. A beautiful home adorned with rustic brick and numerous windows that flooded every room with rays of sunlight. Reader remembered the way her heart swelled the very first time they had visited the house and looked at the ivy covered walls and beautiful, spacious backyard. Despite spending multiple nights on a mattress on the floor within the house, the feeling of awe still hit her whenever she looked at the home and imagined how the two of them would fill it with their friends and family.
“I’m amazed with how you managed to not punch a hole in the wall while assembling that nightstand.” Reader said, running her hair through Drew’s buzzed hair, which caused him to roll his eyes.
“Me too. We were almost going to just have to have one.” Drew said with a huff, propping himself up on his elbow and turning to look at Reader. She mirrored him, propping herself up with a grin.
“I can’t believe this.” Reader whispered. Drew reached out, taking one of her hands in his own and gently running his thumb along her knuckles. The metal of his rings pressed into her skin, the cool sensation a familiar and soothing one.
“Me either.” Drew whispered back, his eyes scanning over Reader’s face. The skylights bathed the room in a warm light, giving Reader an ethereal glow. As they continued to sit in the bed, Reader could see flashes of the future: the mornings spent together in the kitchen, Charleston running around the backyard, the spare bedroom filled with a crib…
Without even realizing, she could feel herself begin to cry.
“Baby, what’s wrong?” Drew asked, causing Reader to wipe the stray tears from her cheeks.
“I’m just— I’m just so happy, Drew.” Reader laughed, tears continuing to fall even as she grinned. “To be here with you. To start the rest of our lives together. I think it’s all hitting me now.”
Drew smiled before pulling her into his arms, her face resting against his chest. She snaked her arms around his neck, pressing a kiss to his lips. She couldn’t help but grin at the same smoky taste she had tasted millions of times before burying her head on his shoulder.
“Me too, baby.” Drew said, running his hands down Reader’s back and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. They sat there for a moment, soaking in the sheer perfection of the moment. The warmth of each other's bodies, the lingering scent of the muffins Reader had baked earlier, the music that played softly from the record player, the photos that lined the walls of their bedroom.
Despite the silence, Reader could feel Drew stirring slightly, one of his arms leaving where they rested on her back. His eyes still trained solely on her, a grin plastered on his face. She looked into his eyes, a brow raised, before looking down at the arm that now rested between them. In his hand sat a small, black box.
“I promised your parents that I’d wait until they were in town, but I just can’t wait.” Drew said softly. Reader could feel her eyes fill with tears again as she pushed herself up further to get a better look at Drew and the… glittering, diamond ring that rested inside the box.
“I’ve been holding onto this for a year and a half now because, god—” Drew ran his other hand through his hair, “you are the absolute love of my life and I don’t even want to spend another second not being with you. You’re it for me, and I would be the luckiest man alive if you would have me. So, will you marry me?”
Reader raised a trembling hand to cover her mouth as Drew’s words began to truly click. She had dreamt of this moment, imagined what it would feel like to be married to someone who loved her so deeply… but this was even better than anything she could’ve even imagined.
“Yes, Drew, yes.” Reader said with a sob, lowering her hand from her face. Drew sprung forward, kissing her so strongly she thought she would fall off the bed. She laughed as he pulled away, taking her still trembling hand. He pressed a soft kiss to Reader’s knuckles before gently sliding the ring onto her finger.
She held her hand up, admiring the way the beautiful ring twinkled in the sunlight, before looking back at Drew. He still had a smile plastered to his face, his eyes glassy and transfixed only on Reader.
“Oh, baby.” Reader said, snaking her hands around Drew’s neck and pulling him closer.
“I guess I’m the one crying now, huh?” Drew chuckled, wiping his eyes. Reader grinned, kissing his cheek before resting her head on Drew’s chest.
“I love you so, so much.” Drew said, hugging Reader’s body into his.
“I love you too. More than you can even imagine.”
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gene-nine · 1 month
late night talking (j.p. x fem!reader)
pairing: james potter x reader
synopsis: when you can't sleep, james (coincidentally) swoops in to help.
warnings: ❌ proofread (oops, my b)
words: 1379 (short lil story)
it was dark and silent in the Gryffindor common room. the clock above the fireplace reads 1:07 a.m. in the throes of late night insomnia, you figured a change of scenery might help you relax. that’s how you find yourself in sweatpants and a t-shirt, sprawled on the couch in the common room. 
you don’t often find yourself unable to sleep, only when there’s a lot on your mind, and studying for and taking your OWL’s for the past week and a half has certainly put you in that position. you swear every time you close your eyes, ancient runes decorate the backs of your eyelids. you had even begun having stress dreams of a potion gone horribly wrong. Lily had recognized your anxious state and invited you to quiet study sessions by the lake. a momentary distraction was all it turned out to be. all your pent up stress returned the second you re-entered the castle. 
but now it’s all over, and the ghost of the pressure you felt still lingers. your skin feels unnaturally warm, even now rid of your bed covers. you’re starting to think the slight headache resting on your temples is permanent. the solitude of the common room at this hour is therapeutic, it’s so rare that you get a moment to yourself away from the obnoxious group headed by James Potter and Sirius Black. but the longer you sit in solitude, the more it starts to feel like loneliness. that is, until a familiar face shows up.
enter: James Potter, clad in his red and gold checkered pajama pants and a black sweater. his curly black hair tousled from his pillow and his cheeks pink from sleep. he looks as tired as you feel, only he was lucky enough to fall asleep for a few hours. he doesn’t see you at first as he walks around the back of the couch, but jumps slightly once he spots you. 
“good morningggggg.” you groan, scrunching your legs up enough that he can sit at the end of the couch. James rubs his eyes tiredly as he flops into the empty space. he pats his lap, signaling you to return your legs to their previous position, which you do. 
“what are you doing up?” he asks through a yawn. you’re almost jealous. while your exhaustion is very much real, it’s apparently not yawn-worthy. he takes in the slight bags under your eyes (exaggerated by the dimming fire) and your messy hair. “you look…great.” he mumbles sarcastically. you move a foot to jab him in the side.
“don’t even,” you grumble as you cover your face with your arms, “i’ve hardly slept all week.”
“that explains a lot.” he laughs quietly.
“what’s that supposed to mean?” 
“nothing, you’ve just been…snappy.”
“i have not been snappy.” you retort, offended. this earns a laugh from James. a real laugh, the kind that makes him throw his head back slightly. 
“how about when Sirius asked if you needed any help with your defense spells and you told him you’d ‘rather die than be stupid enough to need his help’?” he says through giggles. 
“a well earned response, i think.” you sit up from your place on the couch, rubbing your eyes and linking your arms over your head, staring at the ceiling. you always wished the common room had a skylight, it seemed a waste to have a giant castle in the middle of a clearing with no trees and not design it so the stars can be visible from the indoors. “why are you awake, anyway?” 
“i was asleep, and then i wasn’t. Sirius’ snoring is a lot less tolerable when you’re awake.” James follows your gaze to the ceiling, “hey, would you wanna go somewhere?”
“it’s one in the morning, James, where on earth would we go?”
“astronomy tower?” a small smile twitches at your lips. you turn your head to look at the boy next to you and nod. he shines that bright James Potter smile that puts knots in your stomach. he stands up and holds out a hand for you to grab. you take it gladly and let him pull you to your feet
the trip to the astronomy tower was filled with hushed giggling and being pulled through the halls by a skipping James. by the time you get there, you’re feeling slightly more awake, yet thoroughly winded. the night air is refreshing compared to that of the castle. you walk out onto the balcony overlooking the lake, the lights from the night sky lighting up your face and the bare skin of your arms. you had never seen so many stars at the same time. 
“woah.” you breathe out, without fully realizing you said it out loud. you wrap your arms around yourself as a breeze ruffles your hair and your loose t-shirt. 
“better than the common room, don’t you think?” James’ voice asks from close behind you. you turn around to see him standing less than a foot away from you, already looking down at you. you didn’t think he could look any more beautiful, but here under the moonlight, he’s proved you wrong. his hazel eyes seem to glow, the whites looking impossibly bright. the small smile he looks down at you with makes your stomach flip, like the feeling you get right before the drop of a rollercoaster. 
“much better.” you scrunch your nose, as if it wasn’t obvious you’d rather be here than the suffocating castle. a light brush of your arm makes you look down, James’ hand gently crossing the skin on your forearm that’s prickled with goosebumps. 
“cold?” he asks quietly. before you can answer he pulls off his sweater, leaving him in a t-shirt. he motions for you to hold your arms up so he can slip it on you. your head gets stuck in the collar, causing you both to break into giggles as James tries to fix it. he smooths your hair out, tucking it behind your ears before lowering his arms. with anyone else, this moment might have been awkward. but this was James. and rather than feeling embarrassed, you feel comfortable. you break eye contact to gaze back up at the sky, and as he steps up next to you, you feel your hands brush. 
“which one’s your favorite?” he questions, staring up at the constellations above you. you think for a moment, breathing deep.
“boring answer? orion, because i can almost always find it. niche answer? cassiopeia. it’s the one right…there.” you point at a cluster of stars that forms an M, some are dimmer than others. he follows your gaze and nods. 
“not sure that i have a favorite constellation, but Sirius is my favorite star because…well duh.” James laughs. without thinking too much about it, you lean into him, and you feel him wrap an arm around your waist. 
“this might be my new spot for when i can’t fall asleep.” you whisper, not sure whether you’re talking to yourself or James. 
“well now i know where to look for you.” he tightens his hold on your side to accentuate his point. you mumble a response, all of a sudden feeling much lighter than before. then, as if some sort of miracle, you yawn. “we should get you back to bed, yeah?” James says, looking down at you as your eyes start drooping. you mumble again, partially in agreement (because you’re tired) but also in protest (because you’d do anything to stay on this balcony with him). wordlessly, he starts guiding you away from the balcony railing and towards the stairs that brings you back to the main corridors. James lets you lean on him as you make your way back to the common room. pausing at the staircase to the girls dormitories, you pull away and he lets you. 
“see you in the morning, James.” you smile fondly up at him. he smiles back, looking just as sleepy as you. 
“see you tomorrow. get some sleep, okay?” he whispers, grabbing your hand and squeezing it affectionately. you turn and ascend the stairs back to your dorm. as you slip back into bed, still wearing his sweater, you doze off much faster than you could have hoped.
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Stealing her Thunder (dp x dc)
Sam really hadn't meant for the night to derail so much. She hadn't even meant to be out tonight, this was all Paulina's fault.
"This is the worst senior trip ever," mumbled Paulina from where she was sitting with her back against the wall, next to Star and Sam. Despite having been essentially kidnapped, she looked just as beautiful and perfect and put-together as she had when she'd come down from her hotel room. Oh, how Sam hated her.
"Maybe if you hadn't snuck into a club while underaged-" Sam hissed to her.
Paulina's shimmering green eyes flashed. "Oh I'm sorry, Susie Nobody, why were you in the club, then?"
"Trying to prevent something like this, you dimwitted, spoiled little princess!"
Paulina's shiny lips opened again to say something equally as inane, and Sam was gearing up to retort when Star elbowed her friend.
"Guys, stop!" Star whisper-shouted. "This is not the time to flirt."
"We're not flirting!" Both girls exclaimed at the same time.
They immediately shut their mouth as they realized they had been much too loud but by then it was too late. With an ominous creak the door to their temporary holding cell was pushed open, and a blond woman walked in as if she owned the place.
"Now, now, girls," she said as she strode towards the three bound girl. "It's not very polite to make a ruckus in someone's home."
Sam couldn't help her snort. The woman raised an eyebrow and Sam smirked.
"That is one ugly ass home," she said as she made a show of looking around the bare cement floor, dirty walls and heavy metal door.
"As much as I hate to agree with Loserville over there, she's right" Paulina sneered, somehow the expression making her look just as attractive as she always was. "This is the ugliest place I've ever been held hostage."
"Maybe if you added a skylight or like, a few prints-" Star added kind-heartedly.
"Enough," the woman said, though her smile had vanished. "I don't have time for this."
Then in just a few strides, she was face to face with Sam. She raised a hand just in front of the girl's face and gave her a smirk as her long silver nails started to lengthen more and more under their eyes.
"That is some free edge," Star mumbled, as her eyes widened.
"I have this fun ability," the woman ignored the blond girl, "where my blood," she looked at her ever elongating nails, "lets me bestow gifts on people."
"Yeah," Sam dragged out as the weird silvery trails started approaching her face. "Not interested."
"I don't even ask much in exchange," the woman said, as she leaned towards the goth teen. "Just a little obedience."
Sam was now struggling in earnest, doing her best to lean back in the restrained space, only just avoiding the weird silver things. "Get away!"
"Get your hands off her, you bottle blond bitch-" she heard Paulina's voice spit out when there was a large boom and a portion of the wall blew open.
The woman was blown back, the silver nails retreating back into herself as she turned to face the newly made hole. And from the hole walked in a woman dressed in a yellow and black reinforced suit.
"Step away from the children, Looker," the new arrival said.
"Thunder," their kidnapper answered with a sneer and that was all that was said before the newly-dubbed-Thunder descended on the woman with a kick, that was evaded.
Not so easily evaded however, was Thunder's punch to the kidnapper's solar plexus that sent her crashing right into the metal door, and falling through the half-opened doorway.
The black-and-yellow-decked woman turned towards the bound teens, and kneeling next to Sam, she ripped apart the girls' restraints as if they were spider's web
"You girls ok?" she said, looking into Sam's eyes.
And here, for the first time in her life, Sam found herself tongue tied. Feeling her cheeks grow warm, she quickly looked down before opening and closing her mouth a few times, until finally-
"A-okay," Sam squeaked out before immediately wishing the ground would swallow her up. A-okay?? Could she be anymore lame?
But Thunder only chuckled and Sam chanced a look up to see the woman smiling at her, and her lips pulled up, feeling shyer than ever.
"We're fine," Paulina's sharp voice cut through, "no thanks to you." Sam turned to see her lips were pulled back in a sneer.
"Paulie, she literally just saved our lives," Star said as she rolled her eyes, while massaging her wrists.
"Yeah, why don't you try being a little grateful?" Sam bit out.
Paulina just sniffed as she crossed her arms and lifted her nose higher. "I'll show you grateful," she mumbled under her breath.
"Ugh," Sam let out. When she turned back towards the hero(?) was looking from Paulina to Sam with a weird little smile on her face.
"What?" Paulina barked, having obviously also noticed it.
"Nothing," Thunder said, the smile still in place, as she got to her feet. "I'm glad you girls are alright. I have to go, but the police should be here soon ok? Just stay in here and you'll be safe"
Sam nodded and she could hear the other two make noises of assent, though Paulina's sounded more like a scoff than anything else. Thunder then clapped her hands together and the wall opposite to them crumbled down. With one last wave, she was off.
Sam watched her go with wide eyes as she heard Paulina grumble.
"What a poser."
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toulousewayne · 3 months
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Catching Strays Pt:1 🐈‍⬛💎✨
Red Hood x male!reader who’s a cat burglar with a similar M.O. to Catwoman who’s on a crime spree.
Summary:Your a Cat Burglar who’s dressed similarly to Catwoman. You enjoy the thrill of the chase.
“I don't know about you, Miss Kitty, but I feel so much yummier.”
Red Hood stood perched on a rooftop overlooking the Gotham Bay. He sighed and leaned against the wall.
“Someone seems bored.” Oracle’s smug voice filled his ear com. He lowered his head toward the bustling streets below.
“Yeah well the same week the Bat takes a trip out of town, the crime goes along with him.” He grapples several building down the street until he can see a row of prestigious jewelry stores and clothing stores.
“It’s not everyday Batman and Catwoman get to team up to take on a drug lord in Paris. I heard it’s nice this time of year.” She teased.
“Barf.” He jumped down several feet onto a nearby rooftop. “Well if that’s the case I may as well call it a night—“
“Too slow, silent alarm just went off at jewelers at your location. Ruby’s.” Red Hood looked at the store across from him and grappled down to it.
A few minutes before 🐈‍⬛✨
A figure leaps and jumps throughout the Gotham City rooftops. The leap to a larger building and quickly ascends it using claws and acrobatic movements to gracefully pull themselves up to the rooftop. Below is Ruby’s Jewelry Store.
“To easy.” His voice purrs. He free falls down fifty stories towards the roof before using a whip to break his descend.
He looks down at the skylight and sees a security guard walk down the hallway. The thief takes his hand cuts a medium sized hole in the glass. Using his whip he lowers himself halfway into the building before removing three small pellets from his belt. He throws them and they release a blue gas the unveils red lasers. He tucks on the whip and lands on his feet a few inches from the first row of lasers.
He flips, sprints,cartwheels through the laser. Until he is in a diamond exhibit. He begins with the small diamonds putting them in a velvet bag. Next, he finds a diamond and gold necklace.
He begins to cut the glass and removes it from its display. He turns down a hallway and sprints down it until he finds himself in front of a sapphire cat statue. He lifts the glass dome over it and picks it up, unknowingly tripping an alarm.
“Shit.” He secures the statue to his belt and takes off. He finds himself in lobby where several security guards are with weapons.
“Freeze thief!” They point their pistols at him. He takes his whip and disarms them.
“Morons, if it were that easy I wouldn’t have been so quick to get out of here. Now who wants to go first?” He cracks another whip and the guards scatter.
“Pussies.” The thief climb up a pillar and onto a walkway. He jumped up to the skyline he entered and climbs up.
“Going somewhere?” A deep voice questions. He turns to see Red Hood several feet away from him.
He smirks,”And looked what the Bat drag in. Was he too busy to get me himself?” Y/n stood up from the window and eyed the man before him.
Jason drew one of his pistols from its holster. “Give me the goods, I won’t break your hands.”
“That’s kinda hot Big Red.” The confused face Jason had under his helmet would have his brothers laughing for days. The thief used this moment of stun to leap off the roof and lasso a gargoyle and use it to make his escape.
Red Hood chased after him and the two leaped and rolled across the rooftops util Y/n landed on a moving train. Red Hood landed not so gracefully onto a car.
“Get back here!” Y/n smirked and jumped off the train. Red Hood mumbled under his breath before jumping and landed onto a rooftop.
“Gonna hand over the jewelry?”
“Gonna give me a kiss for em?” Jason began firing at him, Y/n swiftly and quickly dodged each bullet and back flipped off the roof. Red Hood walked to the ledge to on then be yanked off himself.
Y/n crouched before him as Red Hood used one hand to hold his full body weight up from falling 75 stories to Gotham’s streets.
“You little—“
“I’m Stray.”
Red Hood scoffed, “Well Stray, how about I send you to the pound for bad little thieves.” Stray eyed his hand before grinning down at the man.
“Y’know Big Red I’d love to watch you get flustered tonight but I’m late?”
Y/n stretched and felt his side before looking around till he looked at Red Hood how had the cat statue in his free hand.
“Looking for this?” Stray hissed at him before an alarm on his watch buzzed.
“You can keep it Red, I’ll be back for it.” He cartwheel down the ledge before leaping off it and using his whip to glide from rooftop to rooftop.
“Sounds like you had a thrilling night.” Roy laughed to himself while feeding Lian apples. They were on video chat on Jason’s laptop. Jason tossed his jacket on a nearby bench and grabbed a beer from his fridge.
“It was anything but fun Harper,” he took another sip before sitting it down and watching the screen. Lian was stuffing her face with apples and yet still kept a tight grip on her chocolate milk.
“I think someone wants Uncle Jay’s grilled cheese.” Jason let a smile slip. “Now we both know it you that wants that.”
“I plead the fifth.” Roy replied. Jason stretched and glanced at his gear and cellphone on the table.
“Any idea who he is, or why he’s picking up where Catwoman would normally go?”
Jason took a few short steps and took his cellphone before dialing a number.
“Let’s find out,shall we?”
Stray slip throw the window. A choir of meows and soft purrs welcome him home. “Hello,nice of you to welcome me.” A black cat purrs and circles his legs.
“I’m going.” He opens a cabinet and pulls out several cans of tuna and opens them.
“Here you go.” The three cats run and begin to eat from the cans.
“Spoiled brats.” He sighs and places his bag down on a worn out soft. He checks his watch and again and huffs as he crosses the small studio to a dresser and peels off his suit stuffing it in a drawer under his bed. He opens a door and enter the small bathroom, he quickly gets into the shower.
Several moments later he emerges with a towel around his waist and grabs open a drawer from his dress and puts on his clothes.
He puts on eyeliner and tugs on a jacket, he stuffs his keys into his pocket and leaves the apartment through the front door.
He rushes inside the club and puts down his bag and jacks behind the bar. The club is packed and the other two girls at the bar are running around take orders, taking payments and cleaning up for the next few customers.
“You’re late again Y/n.” A girl with a dark pixie cut grins pour three shots of fire ball and passing it to a man who hands her a fifty.
He grins, and grabs a rag tossing it onto his shoulder. “Y’know the train is still back up on fifth and Seventh.”
She shrugs and grabs a trap and places a few drinks on it. The other girl with a blonde bun comes back with several empty and half drunk glasses sets it down before grabbing two bottles.
“You sure you weren’t going to see a guy?”
Y/n rolls his eyes and hands two beers to a young man. “Don’t kid yourself Stella, I’m laying low.”
The two women share a look before laughing and going back to work.
“Yeah well just try to let us know that you’re running late, Mr. Cobblepot was looking for you earlier. Something about a meeting up in his office.” Y/n cussed to himself taking a tray and several glasses with a bottle of Whiskey.
He rushed into the office as Black Mask and Penguin held a stare off.
“Sorry for late arrival Mr. Cobblepot, I got caught-“
“Nevermind that Lad, so this nice gentleman and his friends out. There just leaving wasn’t ya?”
Black Mask’s fist are in a tight grip as he gets to his feet. “Yeah, this place is started to smell like a fish market.” He throws a twenty on the tray Y/n’s holding. “Keep the tip kid.”
He leaves with his goons and it’s just Y/n and Penguin. Penguin poor himself a glass of Scotch and sighs.
“Kid, I don’t what took so bloody long, but I’ll let it slide this one time. Now get the fuck out of my office.” He barked while rubbing his temple. Y/n made himself scarce and finished the rest of his shift until early the next morning when the Lounge closed.
“I can’t believe you got your ass handed to you.” Jason reloaded his pistols and walked away from the goons he just beat up from a robbery. He gets on his motorcycle and races down the street.
“Y’know come from the same person who got mind controlled from a plant, I don’t see how you’re in any position to talk.” He turned down a busy street earning several honks from oncoming drivers.
“Low blow little wing, low blow.”
Jason grumbles to himself as he races down the road turning onto a main intersection and flies further into the city.
“Hood, I think I found your cat burglar. Sending the location now.” Oracle’s voice filled his ear for the hundredth time tonight.
“He’s not getting away tonight.” He barreled down the street toward the location on his bike.
“Good luck little wing.” Nightwing sang in his ear before Red Hood switched his com offline. He looks up and stops in the alleyway. He grapples up the building until he finds a window with a cutout on the 54th floor.
He enters quickly and draws his gun. “Here kitty kitty kitty. Here boy?” He scans the room until he finds a door cracked open down the hallway of an office building.
He creeps down the corridor and pushes open the door. It’s an office and at the desk his Stray taking pictures of different files and paperwork.
“I don’t think the owner would take kindly to you snooping.”
Stray’s head shoots up and he grins.” I see you missed me.”
“Unlikely.” He strolls over to him and grabs his wrist prying the camera from his hand.
“What are you doing,give that back?”
“Not till you tell me why you’re here, then I’m dropping your ass off at jail.”
Stray smirked taking his free hand and lightly dragging his claw down Red Hood’s helmet. “You’ve been thinking about my ass?”
Red Hood stuttered,”That’s not—I’m not thinking—“
“Shush.” The two stand still as footsteps and men can be heard from the hallway.
“Find em, I know someone’s here!”
Stray and Red Hood looked at each other before Red Hood dragged him by the hand towards the door.
“If you think about escaping I’ll shoot your knee caps out.”
Stray playful grinned. “Whatever you say.” Red Hood looked around the corner and a group of goons with assault rifles searched the floor. One turned around and spotted him and began firing.
“Your dead rat!” And soon the rest began to fire. Red Hood pulled stray further into the room. There was only one way out and it was being fired out.
“You’re bleeding.” Red Hood glanced down at his arm and turned back toward the door. “Just a flesh wound, we’ve kinda got bigger fish to fry.”
Stray took off his backpack and took out a can of tear gas. “Get ready to run red. He tossed it out the room and the goons shouted before a small explosion rocked the building.
“What kinda tear gas?” Stray took Red Hood’s arm and pulled him out the room. They ran through the office filled with smoke. They pushed open a door and bolted up the stairs.
“Are you trying to get us killed?” Stray pushed open the door to the rooftop before sticking wood under the door.
He began to run with Red Hood not far behind. He looked at the door which was being kicked down.
“Jump.” Red Hood snapped his head toward him. “The fuck are you trying to accomplish?” Not waiting for a response he pulled Red Hood down with him and the two fall several stories until the landed on a moving train.
“And that’s how you get out of that.” Red Hood sat up from falling on his back.
“I’m going to kill you.”
Stray blew him a kiss getting to a crouching position. “You’re very welcome.”
The train came to a halt and Stray jumped off the train car on top of rooftop and Red Hood went after him.
“Hey,stop!” Stray turns to him with his arm crossed.
“What is it now?” Red Hood grabbed him.
“You nearly got us shot up, did you think I wasn’t serious about taking you in?”
Stray grinned,” I wanna see what’s underneath that helmet, I bet I really just get under your skin don’t I?”
“I will shoot you, I don’t care.” He warned.
Stray yawned. “So you want that looked at or you could get an infection?”
Jason was ready to snap him in half. For whatever reason Stray knew how you just irritate him like nothing he had experienced before.
“I have a guy.”
Stray looked hurt, “Damn, I thought I was special.” He began to walk toward the edge of the building. “Come in red I don’t bite. Much.” He whispered the last part.
He jumped and for whatever reason that was yet unknown to him Red Hood followed jumping onto a fire escape. He entered the apartment and turned to see three different cats.
“Are you so kinda Catwoman cultist?” Stray returned from wherever he was with a me medkit.
“Ha ha, funny. Take off the jacket and armor it’s not doing you much favors.”
“I’d have to remove my helmet, I don’t think I want to do that.”
Stray placed his hand on his hips.” Then continue to bleed but you’re not getting it all over my apartment.
Jason looked at his arm and while it did hurt the bleeding hadn’t stopped either.
“Fuck me.” Stray grinned as his removed his helmet and pulled it off. He pouted though when he saw the red mask covering Jason’s face.
“Who knew the big bad Red Hood was a looker.” He took out supplies as Red Hood began to removed his jacket and armor.
“Just hurry up.” He hissed at the pain in his arm. He could see that it was not a flesh wound and was shot in his arm.
Stray peeled off his cowl and goggles and began to clean the wound.
“Don’t get to excited, you’re still not off the hook.” Red Hood hissed when Stray began to clean the wound.
“You don’t trust easily.”
“I don’t trust anyone, what’s your point?”
“Nothing at all Red. Hold still this is gonna hurt.”
“Your enjoying this aren’t you?”
Stray grinned taking his arm and began to remove the bullet. “Red you sure know how to show a fella a good time.”
“Fuck my life.” Red Hood groaned.
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the comforts of creatures (6)
creature comforts:
↳ material/bodily comforts, such as food, warmth, or special accommodations, that contribute to physical ease and well-being
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→ pairing: ot7 x fem.reader
→ genre: supernatural!au, soulmate!au, hurt + comfort + recovery, angst with a happy ending, fluff, eventual smut
→ word count: 4k
→ summary: you share a meal with your rescuers.
→ trigger/content warnings: PTSD (nightmares/flashbacks, mistrust), mentions of torture + forced sensory/sleep deprivation
→ a/n: a little comfort before more hurt
past part ← series masterlist → next part
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part 6: the first breakfast
The last thing you want to do is sleep. Bad things always happen when you fall asleep.
You remember all the times you were strapped to the chair, headphones taped onto your ears, blindfold blocking out every bit of light, completely devoid of all outside stimuli. They would keep you there for hours, waiting until your head lolled or your body sagged, any indication that you weren’t wide awake.
Then came the electricity, flowing through your veins like liquid fire, shocking you awake. Again and again and again, until the mere thought of sleep made a jolt run through your body.
All the times they drugged your food, sinking you into a deep state of unconsciousness, then waking up with whip marks and bruises that felt bone-deep.
Then there was the nightmares. Unspeakable nightmares.
No, you can’t sleep. You don’t care how safe this place may seem, you still can’t let yourself slip.
You sit there in that massive bed for what feels like hours, feeling the strange sensation of a cushioned mattress and soft sheets. To feel warm and comfortable is still completely foreign to you.
You don’t dare lie down or rest your head on the plush pillows in case you fall asleep. Or worse, someone sees and punishes you for being on a bed and not on the floor where you belong.
The men here don’t seem bothered by it, but something deep in your mind tells you it’s all a lie. They’re only pretending to be so kind, so generous. It will all come crashing down soon enough.
So you shuffled off the bed and pressed your back to the wall, wrapping your arms around your legs with your knees tucked under your chin.
The strange feeling in your chest is back, and you don’t like it.
You watch as the moonlight seeps through the curtains and crawls across the walls, shifting with the changing hours. All throughout the night, the feeling in your chest blooms and dulls, like a pulsing radar that senses something random and unknown.
This whole thing is so strange. You haven’t decided what you’re going to do yet. Stay or leave, run or linger. There’s no guarantee that you’ll find someplace as accommodating as this one. There’s also no guarantee that the men here are exactly what they seem to be.
You don’t know how long you sit there, eyeing the smooth cool linen you were just surrounded by.
They didn’t show any sign that they were bothered by you using their bed, dirtying their sheets with your non-human skin. But you still don’t want to risk it.
Sleep tugs at your resolve, it makes your eyelids flutter and your mouth hang open. You have to fight it off, rapidly blinking your eyes back open and straitening your posture so you don’t go limp.
You can’t be asleep, you just can’t.
After the moonlight fades, you busy yourself inspecting the rest of the room, crawling on the ground so no one will hear you snooping around. Even the carpet is plush and pillowy. This place is so soft, it doesn’t make sense.
Almost the entirety of the room is lined with floor-to-ceiling windows covered by gauzy curtains. The ceiling too has a large skylight that shows the dark sky above.
You can’t remember the last time you were in a room as open and airy as this one.
There’s the massive bed with all its fluffy pillows and plushies, like the giant stuffed bear and cute yellow duck tucked in the corner. Along the edges of the bed are some little tables with softy-lit lamps and candles.
There’s a simple fireplace against the opposite wall, surrounded by two large bookshelves. Overhead is a projector mounted to the ceiling, pointing to the blank wall directly across from it.
By the time you’re done inspecting the room’s every nook and cranny, the first few rays of pale sunlight are starting to peek through the clouds.
You crawl over to the closest window and gently draw back the curtain.
Morning mist drapes over the dense forest and rolling hills. The sky behind it is gray and cloudy, showcasing the chill of the outside air.
It’s then that you decide to stay here another day. You’d rather take your chances here for just a bit longer than venture out into that wilderness. Because by the looks of it, this place isn’t near any obvious civilization.
Curiosity stirs within you. Your hand hovers over the latch to the window, asking a silent question you’re not sure you want answered.
A flick of your fingers, and the latch comes undone without protest. The window slides open with ease, and a gust of fresh wind hits your face.
You aren’t locked in. You aren’t trapped.
The wind is sharp and refreshing. There’s the faint smell of pine, then a brisk slightly floral scent that makes the breath in your chest hitch slightly.
It’s a luxury you’ve dearly missed.
You stay there for a while, just breathing in the outside air, until a deep growl from your stomach makes you realize that you haven’t actually digested a proper meal in a long time.
Then the empty glass and pitcher of water on one of the side tables catches your eye. Another luxury you haven’t known for a long while: clean water.
You grab the glass and shakily fill it to the top, tipping your head back to down the entire thing in a few gulps. The thought that it might be spiked does cross your mind, but you figure that if they wanted to drug you they would’ve done it by now. So you drink until the dry ache in your throat has subsided.
The door is still open a crack. Holding your breath, you push it open a little more and peer through the gap.
The hallway is empty. You poke your head out, cautiously looking around before stepping out of the room.
You don’t know where you’re going, but there’s an appetizing smell tugging you in the direction of the grand staircase.
Slowly placing your foot on each wooden step to make the least amount of noise, you enter the living room. It’s empty too, and also lit up by morning light from the tall windows lining the walls.
The smell draws you into the kitchen, where Jin is standing over the sizzling stove.
He doesn’t turn around when you enter the room, but he knows you’re there. His heightened hearing picked up on your soft footfalls from upstairs.
“Good morning,” he says warmly.
It startles you a bit, shocked that he noticed let alone acknowledged you.
Jin gives you a smile over his shoulder.
“Are you hungry?” he asks, his expression open and nonjudgmental as he waits for your answer.
You nod after a hesitant pause.
Jin’s chest lights up with pride at the fact that you’re starting to feel comfortable expressing your wants and needs.
You feel the shadow of it in your own chest, but to you it just feels like a strange dull ache. It’s confusing and slightly alarming, but you keep your face expressionless.
“Have a seat at the table if you want and I’ll get you something to eat,” he says, setting a large kettle on the stove and turning on the burner.
For a minute, you just stand there watching him, almost mesmerized. He has broad shoulders that add to his naturally commanding aura, but the way he moves is nothing but calm and steady. There’s a fluidity to everything he does, and a timeless grace that’s somehow just as firm as it is gentle. Maybe it’s because of his vampiric blood.
He’s dressed in slacks and a white button-down, polished black dress shoes on his feet. His hair is neatly styled, bangs pushed back from his forehead.
There’s no denying that he’s a very attractive man.
The feeling in your chest starts to burn again, and you hurriedly make your way to the large dining table before he notices your discomfort.
You shift your attention to the details of your environment.
The table occupies the open space between the kitchen and living area, so you can easily see into both rooms. Dried herbs and hanging plants drape from the kitchen ceiling, along with the modern yet elegant light fixtures.
You almost can’t fathom the sheer size and quality of this house. You suppose seven men would need a lot of space, but you can’t help but wonder how they maintain it all.
Because something deep in your memory tells you that you came from humble beginnings. You don’t belong in a house like this.
The next second, a small bowl is being set down in font of you. A scoop of vanilla yogurt, fresh blueberries, a sprinkle of granola, and a drizzle of honey.
“Let’s start with this,” Jin says. “And if you can keep it down I’ll get you some else, okay?”
You nod, briefly meeting his eyes before looking down at the table again.
He steps back into the kitchen as the kettle begins to whistle and release a swirling tower of steam into the air.
You bring a spoonful to your lips and swallow it down, pausing for a few minutes to see if it will crawl back up in a fit of nausea. After nothing bad happens, you quickly shovel the rest of it down. It’s sweet and juicy and smooth down your throat. 
Footsteps sound from the hallway. The man called Yoongi enters the room, looking half-asleep. His dark hair is tousled, eyelids drooping as he waddles over to the kitchen counter. He’s dressed in an oversized t-shirt and pajama pants. The clothes are so big they make the man seem small and even...cute. Despite the fact that he seemed so intimidating before.
Jin doesn’t look up at the sound of the younger man’s bare feet padding against the tile, but he does extend his arm to brush against Yoongi’s back as he walks past him.
“Go sit down, love. I’ll make the coffee,” Jin says, carefully spooning dark powder into a stovetop espresso pot.
The dark-haired man blinks sleepily, looking like he wants to protest, but he eventually stumbles over to the table and sinks down across from you.
Jin knows that Yoongi is probably still drained from the effort it took to break through the wards of the facility. A spell of that magnitude takes an immense amount of strength, especially for a single caster.
Under any other circumstances, Yoongi would’ve stayed in bed to rest, but he felt the same twinge in his heartstrings that Jin felt when you responded to his offer for food. He dragged himself out of bed to see how you were doing.
He doesn’t doubt that the others felt it too, they’ll probably be joining them any minute now. 
Yoongi tries to give you a warm glance, but all your attention is directed down at the table.
By the time Jin sets the freshly packed espresso pot on the stove, you’ve practically licked the bowl clean.
He’s quick to notice, at your side the moment you set down your spoon.
“Ready for more?” he asks with another calming smile.
He thought of simply bringing you more food, but he didn’t want you to think that they expected you to finish everything they put in front of you. He wants you to know that you have choices here, and hopefully it will make you more comfortable expressing yourself.
You nod, and both Jin and Yoongi feel their chests swell.
Jin glides back into the kitchen to grab the still-sizzling pan and steaming kettle from the stove. He pours the boiling water into a large white teapot on the table, already prepped with tea bags, and slides the cooked meat onto a large tray.
It’s then that you notice that the table is set with enough plates, glasses, and mugs for eight people. There’s a pot of fresh rice in the center of the table, along with a platter of cut-up fruit and a plate stacked with some kind of fluffy pastry.
The next moment, two more sets of footsteps sound from the stairs. It’s the fair-haired man, Jimin, and the muscular one. Both of their faces are puffy, their eyes half-closed as they stagger down the stairs. Jimin’s form is dwarfed by an oversized hoodie, while the muscular one is wearing a white tank top and sweatpants that hang low on his hips.
Usually Jungkook would forgo the shirt and sometimes the pants, walking around the house in just his boxer-briefs. But then he remembered that even though you’ve seen his body thousands of times, you’re essentially a stranger to them now.
Jimin looks at you from under his hood with sleepy eyes, through the tufts of fluffy hair, and waves with a smile.
The chest-feeling is getting more distracting.
He sinks down beside Yoongi, who is sat directly across from you, and Jungkook moves to sit next to you on the other side of the table, but chickens out at the last second and sits in the chair one space over.
“Did you sleep well?” Jimin asks, tearing open one of the pastries and spreading jam onto the flaky layers.
A beat of silence passes before you realize that he’s talking to you.
Looking, they’re all looking at you. Lungs hitching, you fix your gaze on the wood of the table and clench your teeth.
You didn’t sleep at all, but you’re not about to tell them that.
You probably couldn’t get your voice to work if you wanted it to, so you sit in the awkward silence, praying that their eyes fall on anything but you.
“I slept pretty well. You, hyung?” Jimin replies to his own question nonchalantly, quick to dissolve the tension.  
“Like a drunk rock,” the older man answers just as casually.
Jin glides back into the room, placing the now steaming espresso pot in front of Yoongi and adding more cooked meat to the tray in the center of the table.
“Like a tranquilized rock. I could hear you snoring from across the hall,” Jin quips before practically floating back to the kitchen. His steps barely even make noise as he walks.
They all know that Yoongi only snores when he’s in the deepest of sleeps. People of Yoongi’s kind don’t technically need sleep, but after the effort it took to break down those wards, he definitely needed it.
“I think it’s going to rain today,” Jungkook says as he plucks pieces of fruit from the platter and pops them in his mouth.
It’s a pretty obvious statement. It’s early spring, so it rains almost every day here. They can all see the dark clouds and brisk, cutting wind through the windows, but it’s an attempt at small talk. Because JK can hardly stand how uncomfortable you look. It makes him want to snatch you up and hide you in his room and smother you in all the affection you missed out on while you were gone.
But he knows he can’t, and it makes his heart sag as you shift uneasily in your seat, eyes downcast.
Because you can’t help but wonder how can they just sit there rattling off pleasantries when you’re a stranger in their beautiful house.
You’re an outsider, a charity case. You can’t even tell them your name, and they’ve let you invade their peace without so much as a unfriendly glance. 
Just as a burning question starts to crawl up your throat, another set of footsteps enters the room.
Hoseok, the lean dark-haired man, shuffles to the table. His eyes are barely open and his lips are puffed up in a groggy pout.
“Morning,” he mumbles, voice tinged deep and thick but still cheerful.
Jimin pulls him into the seat next to him, playfully ruffling his already messy hair.
Namjoon is right on his heels, sauntering into the room with his nose in his notebook. He’s already dressed in a gray suit, glasses perched on the tip of his nose, pen twirling in his right hand.
He takes a seat at the left end of the table, looking up to give you small smile. You would’ve missed it if his presence wasn’t so demanding of your attention.
“Lovely sight first thing in the morning,” his husky voice calls, and it seems to send warm sparks of...something throughout your chest cavity.
Jin appears again, coffee pot in hand, circling around the table and filling everyone’s mugs. He then takes a seat at the right end of the table, so him and Namjoon can survey the rest of them.
They’ve all started loading their plates, sweetening their coffee with milk and sugar and caramel drizzles.
Jin pours himself a cup of tea from the large white teapot, spooning an almost ridiculous amount of honey into the amber liquid. But the honey suits him. Warm-tinged, naturally sweet, heavy on your tongue. He seems to leave a trail of it wherever he goes, along with the tangy scent of citrus.
Namjoon looks up from his notebook, scanning the table.
“Where’s—” He’s answered a second later when the curly-haired man descends down the staircase. He looks just as sleepy as the rest of them. Well, maybe not Jin and Namjoon, but his eyes are dark-rimmed and his mouth is set in the same half-awake pout.
But all of that seems to flicker away in an instant when he catches sight of you. It’s like your face is a bucketful of ice water, chilling him into a strange sense of alertness.
He surveys the table, noticing that the only open seat is the one directly next to you.
You look away before you can see the realization play out on his face. Reading people isn’t exactly your expertise, but you can tell when someone looks at you with disdain. Of course you do, it’s all your scattered memory can recall. And you know that Taehyung doesn’t like you.
He ducks his head as he reluctantly sits down at the table, stiff in the limbs.
If the others notice, they don’t show it.
Jin is busy making a plate for you: seared meat on a bed of rice, a side of sliced fruit, and a pastry smothered in butter.
He places it in front of you with that same nonchalance. It says eat what you want, no one here is going to judge you.
It’s a little surprising how easily you believe him.
You hesitantly pick up the fork beside your plate, eyeing the others to see if they react negatively. None of them do, there’s only slightly curious and attentive expressions thrown your way.
They’re trying hard not to stare, trying hard not to look hopeful as you survey the food.
You poke at the meat, mouth watering at its savory aroma.
You bring a forkful to your mouth. Just chewing the protein makes you feel more full than you have in months.
The boys try to contain their joy when you start to eagerly eat mouthful after mouthful.
Jin and Namjoon exchange a near ecstatic glance across the table. The others look at each other too, endeavoring to suppress their excitement.
You don't know it, but this is a significant moment. Breakfast has always been important to all of you. Jin and Namjoon leave for work early in the morning. The rest of them are freelancers, but they wake up early so you can all eat together at least once a day, in case Jin and Joon aren't home in time for dinner.
This is the first time you've all been together to share a meal like this since your disappearance.
A comfortable hush falls over the room as everyone eats and sips at their coffee, with the occasional comment or question tossed into the air.
You barely hear it, too focused on the food. It's all so luxurious, the well-seasoned meat, the fresh fruit. You can't remember, no matter how hard you try, the last time you had a meal like this.
Your mind starts to clear once your plate is licked clean, and thank heavens it seems to be staying down.
The men, they're talking about the weather. Here you are, a stranger, a nuisance, at their table. And they're talking about the weather, treating you like you're one of them, when everything inside is screaming that you are anything but.
The slam of silverware, and everyone looks up in slight shock. It's only after a few seconds that you realize it was you who made the noise.
Everyone's eyes on you, but you don't care. The questions itch too bad.
"What now?" you say, voice shaking despite your best efforts.
They all look at each other.
"What do you mean, love?" Jin replies, his expression calm.
You scan each of their faces, trying to answer the indefinable question floating in your mind. They're all looking at you with something heavy and strange in their eyes.
"What happens now?" you say, trying to keep your hands from shaking.
"Well, you're still getting used to things. I'd say the next step is a brain scan, to see if there's any more damage, and maybe if we can recover some of your memories," Jin answers.
You want to ask how he knew that you were missing your memories, but Yoongi interrupts the thought.
"Today we can show you around the house, maybe you can meet the pets if you'd like," he says.
They'd kept the animals separate from you, knowing that they'd all rush to jump all over you after your absence, especially the dogs.
You look down at the table.
"What other questions do you have?" Jin asks kindly.
You can still feel their eyes on you, but your gaze is fixed down at your empty plate.
"Why were you there?" you ask in a voice barely above a whisper.
A pause, and you look up to find a mixture of confusion and hesitation on their faces.
"At the facility. Why were you there?"
You remember them busting down the walls, mowing down guards, Jin cradling you in his arms like you were a long lost lover.
"The F&F has a reputation for taking atypical prisoners. We were hoping to rescue them," Namjoon says. It's not a lie, they did free all the other atypicals in the building, but he left out the fact that they were there looking for you.
"Why?" you ask. There's a heavy sensation in your chest.
"Because the F&F deserves to rot in hell for what they've done," Taehyung blurts out before he can help it. Jungkook puts a hand on shoulder, a gentle warning not to scare you.
Namjoon sighs when confusion clouds your features.
"Because we look out for people like us," he says.
You don't know what to say to that. A moment of silence falls upon the room.
"Well," Jin says, wiping the side of his mouth with a napkin and getting up out of his seat. "I think it's high time we show you around."
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mosaickiwi · 1 year
Nails, TV, Moving
Rendacted paints your nails and 'asks' you to move in. 1.3k words, GN reader c:
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
"Unfortunately for our contestant—" the host’s words get cut off as you press a button on the remote.
"Booooo," you jeered at the TV from your spot on the floor and changed the channel. 
Ren hummed softly at your voice, but didn't look up. Despite the dark bangs that obscure their eyes, you can tell they’re focused. He was happily painting your nails—the same shade of black as his own—at your request. He insisted you sit as close as possible on the blanket he laid down, instead of across the coffee table. He'd only ever painted his own nails after all, so the angle was very important to keep him from messing up. You were certain he just said that because he wanted the closeness.
The screen barely flashes a few frames before you're changing it again. A football game, a cartoon, a drama, and then—you finally stop. There's a couple wandering through a cabin, with a disembodied voice narrating all it had to offer. One of the many house hunting shows that came on every so often.
"Oh, this one's pretty." You put down the remote to watch. The couple head upstairs where the master bedroom is and your excitement quickly dies. "Maybe not. The bathroom is a huge let down."
Ren casts a glance up at the TV as the camera pans over the room once more. He took in the slanted ceiling, with the tub stationed on the lower end, lit up by an angled skylight. He didn't really see whatever problem you had. "What's wrong with it?" he asked.
"The ceiling is already so low. You'd have to fold yourself in half to get in that tub, tall as you are. And you'd probably hit your head every time you got out. We couldn't live there," you grumbled and rested your chin on your free hand, eyes never straying from the screen. "No way I'd put you through that."
You didn't notice how he perked up when your concerns involved him—you even said ‘we.’ A miniscule drop of polish fell on the paper towel under your hand. He wasn't sure if you were being considerate, or if your perfectly normal relationship was at the point of buying a home together. He hoped it was the latter. Either way, including them already planted ideas in their mind. "So then, what's our—your ideal home have?"
"My ideal home…" You’d only really thought about things you didn’t want, thanks to your current apartment. "I can't say I'm very picky. No holes in the walls, enough room to breathe, no rats," you paused for a bit—now they were in a rather awkwardly shaped second bedroom. "When I was little I wanted to live in a bounce house. Or have a freezer dedicated to ice cream."
Ren smiled while he carefully painted the nail of your pinky. "One of those is doable."
"True, but I'd rather not blow up my house every day," you joked and continued pondering. "The location is probably the most important, right?" He silently nodded in agreement as you went on. "Corland Bay's nice and all—having everything so close together makes things easy. Except sometimes I wanna fall asleep without hearing cars pass by or Violet playing games. It's much quieter here. Plus your bed is comfy."
"You're more than welcome to live here, Angel," he innocently offered. “Although maybe you’d enjoy somewhere more secluded.”
“Like just out of town? Not too far from civilization. I'd still wanna be near the beach." You watched the couple fuss about the kitchen in another house before you really processed what he just said. You turned to look at him for the first time since the show caught your interest. "Are you asking me to move in with you?" 
"Oh, is that what it sounded like?" His tone was full of shock, but you could see the way his snake bites pulled up in a faint grin. He examined your nails and lifted your hand once he deemed it finished. "I do have all this space, though. The library’s close by. Beach is a short walk away, too. No neighbors, no noise. I've never had a rat problem. I guess it hits all the marks f’you, doesn’t it, Angel?"
"Ren…" You rolled your eyes at his antics. 
"If you really want to move in that badly, I'm not opposed," he said teasingly. "Other hand."
You didn't respond just yet, merely giving them a playful side eye and placing your hand flat on the table. Gently, you blew air on your wet nails while he went to work. The noise of the TV faded into the background as you thought about his offer.
It was a big step to take. You already spent a fair amount of your time at his place. The ever-dwindling amount of laundry you did at home served as proof. Cohabitating with them wouldn't be much different from now. Ren always gave you space when you asked, even with his clingy personality. He was tidy, quiet, and never made a fuss—the perfect roommate on paper. The real issue was money. A place like this would cost way more than a librarian’s salary could pay.
"As much as I want to, I have to consider rent first," you thought aloud, causing him to stop and look up.
"Angel, you don't need to pay anything." His answer was almost immediate and it surprised you how firm he sounded about it.
You shook your head. "I know I probably can't do half, but I’d like to do my fair share. How much is your rent each month?"
"Well, actually," he stalled and idly rolled the nail brush in his fingers before putting it back in the bottle. The rent was one thing he couldn’t be bothered to keep track of. "...I have no idea?"
"It's an automatic payment so I never think about it," he admitted, explaining further at your incredulous expression. "I mean I definitely saw it when I found the listing—and when I signed the lease. But I can't remember it off the top of my head."
You had a hard time believing what you were hearing. You knew your own rent by heart—it mocked you every time it took a chunk out of your bank account. A question about how he budgeted weighed in your mind, although the rather calm way Ren spoke clearly answered it: he didn't. It seemed obvious now; he'd been a frivolous spender from the beginning.
The blank look on your face made him a little worried. "Honestly, Angel, it’s not an issue. I’ve been paying it on my own just fine," he insisted. "You don’t have t’worry about any cost if you stay here, I promise.” He’d be happy as a clam to pay triple whatever he already was if it meant you'd move in. Hell, he’d even pay for you to live in one of the empty units next door.
"Fine then," you sighed in defeat, glancing towards the TV screen for a moment. The show was already ending. "If I tried to give you money you'd just find a way to give it back anyways.”
Ren let out a faint breath as if he was holding back laughter, but didn’t disagree. "So, how about it? Gonna move in?” he asked with a sincere smile.
You couldn’t help but smile the same in return. “Yeah, why not? I’d be crazy to say no. I can talk to my landlord and be out in a few weeks, probably.”
His excitement only seemed to grow at your words. He was radiating silent joy, fingers tapping rhythmically on the table as he uncapped the bottle of polish once more. You could almost imagine a tail wagging behind him as he tried to make steady brushstrokes over your nail.
“Are you really that happy?” you laughed and he nodded. “Maybe I should just move in tomorrow.” His hand barely slipped, leaving the tiniest streak of polish on the side of your ring finger.
“Oops,” he muttered.
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fortheloveofgrowth2 · 3 months
Choose Your Own Growth - Part Two: Ascension
The feeling was intense. A rush of fear, adrenaline followed by a need. She began humping the air as the seams on her jeans split, then laddered and frayed.
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"No! This can't be happening. Please stop." She became more panicked as the tingling between her legs began to intensify. "This isn't natural. Somebody help!" She screamed.
Her shoes bulged, indents of toes becoming visible on the tops of her sneakers. "It hurts, but."
Her heart quickened again as a wave of pleasure rushed over her. Sarah screamed in orgasmic pleasure. "OH FUCK YEAH!"
Her body convulsed as her shoes burst open in sync with her orgasmic scream, as her jeans shredded all the way up to her knees.
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"I've gotta get up. I've gotta get out. I need to... Oh fuck another one." She moaned, her hands flying to her crotch as she masturbated furiously. "No. I've got to get out of here."
She tried to get up, only getting as far as a squat, as she screams again. Her buttons flying across the basement and her jeans finally giving up the fight. She was ten feet tall now, maybe even more. But she started to feel the resistance falling as her body temperature increased. Her breasts pushed eagerly against her bra, increasing their rate of expansion.
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Her left breast was the first to escape the confines of her ever tightening bra. The remnants of her clothes on the ground beneath her.
The intensity of the transformation was incredible. All she cared about was getting out. But she realised the only way out, was through the basement.
She stands, her head hitting the ceiling so hard, she's knocked back to her knees.
"I'm incredible." She screamed. The pleasure began to rush over her again as a jet of cum escapes her swollen sex. "I need... I need."
The walls closed in on her as her brain tried to finish her ragged sentence. "MORE... OH FUCK I NEED MORE."
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She came hard as her breasts began to swell at an increased rate to the rest of her body.
"Bigger?" She asked as she felt her toned legs begin to soften as the pleasure continued.
Even on her knees her head hit the ceiling, hitting the grated skylight that was under the pavement above.
"Need more!" She grunts as Sarah's panties, the final vestige of clothing burst off her increasing arse and thighs.
She closes her eyes and moans in orgasm as another surge pushes her closer to her escape.
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The door opens and Dr Ashleigh walks back through.
"I see my formula is a success. Now let's see if the contagion sequence is effective. Leave. Dominate. Change the world. You are a goddess now."
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