#forbidden forrest
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wowzersbrina · 2 years
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When Voldemort gets scared off by a centaur 🤣
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lulublack90 · 18 days
Prompt 15 - Drive
@jegulus-microfic May 15, Word count 734
Previous part First part
“Stop fiddling with it,” James warned as he watched Regulus poke the leaf with his tongue. 
“I can’t help it,” Regulus whined. Over the past few weeks, Regulus had opened up a bit to James and, apparently, underneath all that snark, he was a whiny little brat. Just like his brother. James honestly didn’t know how he coped with both of them. “Are you going to get the dew tonight?” Regulus asked, finally done with prodding at the leaf. 
“Mmhmm,” James nodded. He’d have to go into the forest this evening to be able to walk far enough in to find somewhere human feet or sunlight had never touched, and he’d be exhausted by the time he got back to the castle, but he’d cleverly picked a weekend to do it so no one would notice if he slept in.
A cold wind had swept over the grounds and only James’s sheer will kept the invisibility cloak from soaring off into the darkening grounds. He swore he spent most of his time out here when it was dark. 
Once he was hidden by the tree line, the wind couldn't hit him as hard. He whipped off the cloak and stuffed it into his robes. He walked a bit further in before transforming into the magnificent stag, as his white tail would be a beacon in the gloom for anyone watching. 
It felt good to be Prongs. His feet, while dainty, were strong and somehow always knew where to step, even on the most uneven ground. He had to be careful of his antlers catching on low branches, but he’d gotten pretty good at running through the forest and not letting that happen. His ears pricked as a knarl scuttled out from the undergrowth, snorted at him and continued on its way. He wasn’t sure if it knew he was an animagus or if it just didn’t like stags. Either way, it was gone now. He picked up the jar he’d brought with him between his teeth and walked into the gloom. 
He’d selected a wide-brimmed specimen jar, so that he could easily manoeuvre it in his animal form. Remus had even marked on the side of it how much he’d need to collect to fill seven teaspoons. Remus had also added a stiff handle that he could grasp it with his teeth.
It took him hours to get into a part of the forest where the undergrowth was so thick a human would give up trying to get through it and so dark he couldn’t see the sky. It was perfect. 
Lucky for him, Prongs’s legs walked over the undergrowth as though it were nothing. He found a plant with huge leaves and dropped the jar beside it. Now for the hard part. He lowered himself to the ground and with his teeth grabbed the giant cork protruding out of the neck and yanked it free. 
He placed it under one of the huge leaves and gently shook the leaf. A few drops fell into the jar. He tried again and soon had all the dew off that leaf safe in the jar. He moved on to the next one. 
It took him far longer to collect enough dew than it had to get through the forest. The amount of dew had just risen above the line Remus had drawn, when his ears twitched and his body tensed. There was something here with him and his animal self was telling him to run. He fought it and waited. 
Silently, he replaced the jar's cork and held the handle tightly between his teeth. 
A twig snapped close by and the drive to flee became too much. He spun around and fled. 
A roar followed him as he darted between trees with his head down. He had no idea what had been stalking him, but he wasn’t hanging around to find out. He didn’t dare look back and pushed on. His jaw clamped down hard as he leapt into the air over a fallen branch, and continued running. 
The relief that flooded him when he broke through the tree line and the morning sun-soaked castle burst into view was indescribable. 
He trotted over to the greenhouses and transformed. He was sweaty and exhausted but as he held up the jar in front of himself, a huge grin spread across his face. He hadn’t spilt a drop.  
Next part
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invisible-pink-toast · 2 months
what if 2x01 ended a little differently...
Regina’s an idiot. 
Generally she’d say she was smart. Calculating. A strategist. She’s able to play people and think twelve steps ahead. And she never lets any arduous emotions get in the way. 
There are a few people that she struggles to keep those emotions in check with. She managed it with her parents, both their deaths on her hands, but they were necessary. But then there was Snow White. As much as Regina hated it, the pesky, plucky little princess had a way of getting under her skin, and there were moments where her revenge had blinded her. And then Henry. She loved her son, she’d do almost anything for him. And she’s spent so many months so desperately afraid that she would lose him. First to his own hatred of her, then later to his ridiculous, meddlesome birth mother. And in the last twenty four hours, Regina had felt a terror she’d never known, watching her baby boy lying motionless on a hospital bed. Yes, despite the rumours, Regina was not heartless. There were times she acted against her best interest, when there was something her emotions deemed more important. 
Emma Swan is not one of those more important things. 
Emma Swan has been a thorn in her side since the moment she showed up in Storybrooke. She was an annoying, immature, nosy, frustrating, self-righteous, callous bitch. And apparently a Charming too. No wonder Regina hated her (aside from the girl’s stupid decision to give up the most wonderful person Regina’s ever known only to show up ten years later to claim him like she has any right - what a completely self-centred, inexperienced, interfering hag-) 
Anyway. Regina does not care about Emma Swan. She’d actually tried to kill her yesterday. And her life would be so much simpler if she’d just made the woman eat that apple turnover in her kitchen. 
Only now is Emma Swan not only not dead but she’s the Saviour and has broken the curse. And Regina is powerless in a town full of people baying for her blood, and her son hates her, and she’s been marked for a fate worse than death. 
Regina might be the Evil Queen, but she’s never sucked anyone’s soul out. There have to be some lines. 
Her only hope to survive the wraith relied on two things: 1) Henry wanting to protect her (which means more to her then anything) and 2) a charming trio of idiots. Emma Swan in particular. Because she was the one who promised Henry she’d protect Regina. Regina, the Evil Queen, is being protected by the very Saviour whose curse-breaking is the reason she needs protection! And Regina’s magic isn’t working and she needs this stupid hat to open a portal and her arch-nemesis’ - Prince Charming and everyone’s beloved princess Snow White - were fighting off the wraith with fire. And brooms. Because Regina’s fate is only getting more ridiculous and she’s probably about to have her soul sucked out. 
But then Emma Swan grabs her arm. And Regina feels a spark. A flow of energy, of magic, right as she spins the hat. And maybe her fate isn’t over yet, because the portal opens. 
Regina can feel her own magic flowing through her, so familiar and entrancing. But her magic was blocked and the hat wasn’t working so that can only mean… 
Emma Swan is beside her, looking down at her own hands with a stunned expression. So she felt it too. 
Only when the Saviour glances up, her expression shifts to one of terror, and Regina can feel death behind her, the wraith closing in. And she’s never made up with Henry. 
In her final moment, this is what she regrets the most. Not her failed revenge plans, not the dark path her life took, but that the last time she saw her son he looked at her with disappointment and distrust and fear. She wishes she’d been a better mother. 
But there’s no cold clutch of the wraith’s claws, the pull of its powers as it sucks out a soul and drains a life. No, there’s only Emma Swan, her hands shoving Regina out of the way as the wraith flies past, a second too late, before it’s dragged into the portal. Into oblivion. Good riddance. 
(And that’s three times today the Saviour’s saved Regina’s life. Three times today Henry’s promise kept her alive.) 
The wraith wails as it’s pulled down, but then a tendril of magic flies back up. The damned creature having one final act of vengeance. Only it doesn’t grab Regina. It latches onto Emma.
Emma Swan, who is standing closest to the portal. Emma Swan, who is only standing closest to the portal because she pushed Regina out of the way and saved her life. Again. Third time today. Emma Swan, who is haughty and intrusive and broke Regina’s curse. Emma Swan, who loves Henry so deeply and purely that her true love’s kiss saved his life this very morning. Emma Swan, who doesn’t look much like a Saviour with her frightened scream as the wraith drags her down. 
And Regina does have a heart. She must, because her head was certainly not working in this moment. 
The moment where she reached out to grab Emma Swan’s hand, to try to save her. For all the good it did. 
So, yes. Regina is an idiot. The only thing it achieved was causing Regina to be sucked into the portal too.
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hotdamnitsmoony · 3 months
my jegulus headcanons <3
when james is overwhelmed, regulus takes him to the room of requirement and they sit in a replica of the potters living room with james’ head in regulus’ lap and regulus reads to him with one hand playing with his hair.
on regulus’ bad days, james lets him be silent if he wants to and fills the room with his random little ramblings which regulus loves, and they’re usually cuddling too.
regulus taught james how to do the curly hair method and does it for him sometimes (he also uses it as an excuse to make james do his hair)
james loves it when regulus is playing piano. he sits and admires his boyfriend fully when he plays, forever in awe of his talent.
regulus always gives a detailed description of whatever book he’s just read to james, and it’s always very passionate. james encourages him and asks questions once he’s done talking.
james and regulus go out flying together all the time, their favourite spot to fly over is a pond they found in the forbidden forrest.
james lets regulus use his back as a canvas sometimes and often falls asleep halfway through. he also lets regulus draw on his hand when he’s nervous.
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fanfictionlibrary · 1 year
Hogwarts Legacy Headcanons: How the Companions behave in an Established Relationship
Includes Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Natsai Onai, Amit Thakkar, and Poppy Sweeting.
I tried my best with the pictures, but I couldn't find one that does Amit justice. Therefore, there is no picture for his section. BUT!!! Stan Amit. He is awesome!
Edit: Thanks for all the likes, reads, comments, and rebloggs. I never expected that my post would be received this well. This means a lot to me since writing is my passion. Thank you, guys.
Sebastian Sallow
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He is super protective of you. When you venture into the Forbidden Forrest, he insists on leading the way because he doesn't want you to get hurt or be surprised by enemies. No matter how often you point out that you are better at fighting than him, he will not relent. For you two, protecting each other is almost like a competition. 
Sebastian: "I didn't let a single spider touch you. You could have helped me with the Inferi, though." 
You: "I was busy keeping the goblins away from you. I had to disarm them, Sebastian. Otherwise, they would have attacked you with their swords, axes, and whatnot. I knew you could handle a few Inferi."
Sebastian expresses his love through physical touch. In the halls, while walking with you, he holds your hand. At dinner in the great hall, he sits next to you, legs touching. And in Potions class, you are his loyal partner. When you two are brewing a potion, he tends to whisper words of encouragement, brushing along your fingers or shoulders gently. 
Sebastian: "Good girl/boy. You added the right amount of Troll Bogeys." 
Against common belief, I don't think that he is the jealous type. Of course, he ensures that people who are romantically interested in you know that you are happily taken, but he is so confident in his charms that he doubts anyone comes even close to him in your book. Only when he notices that someone rivals his natural magnetism and winsome smile does he become jealous and starts sulking like a child. Then, his jealousy becomes extremely profound and unrivaled. 
Sebastian: *sitting on a bench in the hallway, pouting*
You: "Sebby, darling, what is bothering you? Don't make that dreary face."
Sebastian: "Dreary!? I’m appalled! Who does that seven-year think he is that he can steal my girlfriend/boyfriend/partner?"
You: *giggling* "No one will steal me from you. *you appease him with a kiss on his forehead*
Sebastian: *smiling exuberantly for the rest of the day until Ominis is so fed up that he swears that even he could see Seb's smile*
If you both belong to Slytherin, you spend hours in the common room reading books from the forbidden section until you fall asleep. You are usually laying on his chest, head buried in Sebastian's neck, and he holds you close with an iron-hard grip. Fortunately, Ominis always wakes up early, and when he notices that Sebastian is not in his bed, he walks down to the common room to wake you both up to prevent unnecessary rumors from spreading.
If you don't belong to Slytherin, your meeting spot for late-night reading sessions is in the Undercroft, and Ominis brings all of you some breakfast from the kitchens. 
Sebastian is so enchanted by you that he is convinced you are a rare kind of magic. Obviously, your ancient magic powers are great and all. But your smile and personality are an instant kill to him and equal fatality.
Ominis Gaunt
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Ominis is not big on showing his affection publicly. But trust me, this young man will make sure that you know he loves you ardently. He is the romantic type. He writes you poems and love notes. Sometimes he passes his latest creations to you in class, and he is so clever about it that no teacher ever catches him. 
Ominis: *scribbling notes in Transfiguration* "MC, could you pass me your book? I forgot mine." 
You: "Sure." 
After a while, he returns the book, and when you turn to the page he read, you find a little sheet that Ominis used to express his love for you: Your voice sounds like the waves rippling on the shore, and your skin is as smooth as a moonstone. Your hair rivals the soft grass below a willow tree, and your breath smells like the epitome of a sweet summer breeze. I may be blind, but you invigorated my other senses: smelling, tasting, hearing, and feeling. My world would be stale without you in it. Also, I think Sebastian is up to something again. You keep an eye on him, and I will strain my ears to find out what he is hiding. In utter infatuation, your Ominis <3
Ominis loves it when you describe the surroundings to him. Unfortunately, whenever something unexpected happens, for example, in class, and he hears people gasping in astonishment, he does not know immediately what is transpiring. Ominis has to rely on someone telling him exactly what happened after the event is over to grasp the entirety of a situation. Usually, he extracts the most important pieces of information by listening closely to the different sounds amidst the chaos, but he is glad that ever since you stumbled into his gloomy life, you supply him with detailed descriptions and explanations. He loves how attentive you are. He doesn't have to ask for your help. You just inform him in a non-condescending manner about that which he cannot see. You include and cherish him with all that you are. And if the two of you are walking through the grounds of Hogwarts, he inquires about the scenery. But he is not interested in how the trees, the sun, and the sky create a picturesque atmosphere, he wants to know what the view looks like to you. He is curious about your subjective opinion. 
You: "The tree looks beautiful. It is a bit crooked, and if you were to compare its leaves to human hair, you would think that it is in desperate need of a haircut. Oh! To our right, Leander Prewett is showing off his broom skills to a few first-years. They are elated and impressed." 
Ominis: "I hear them saying that Prewett is flying phenomenally." 
You understood his implicit question perfectly. "His flying sucks, honestly. The first-years just don't know what good flying looks like."
It takes him some time, but eventually, he opens up about his trauma. He talks in detail about how he was tortured as a child and forced to use the Cruciatus Curse. He may even cry, but you hold him tight and listen to him spilling his sorrow. You don't tell him that everything is alright. Obviously, nothing is alright. The past branded a mark on his soul. In these moments, when he is at his lowest, you understand why he possesses a sarcastic personality. Sarcasm helps him to cope with his pain. All that you can and ever will tell him is that he is safe with you and that you will be there for him as long as he wants you to be. 
Ominis: "I would do anything to stop this maddening darkness inside of me. No matter how high the cost. But then I remember I needn't pay any price because you light the way out of this abyssal cavern that I call my soul."
Yes, he has dramatic tendencies, but only if he expresses his genuine feelings does he become big on words. Only the ones closest to him – you, Sebastian, and Anne - get to experience that side of him. Little side note: You are a little jealous of Anne.
You spend a lot of time in the Undercroft together, and since he can't see you, he loves to let his fingers run over your face, feeling your facial features. He loves doing that and hates when he has to stop because you either have to attend classes or Sebastian barges in with a new idea that you cannot dissuade him from. It always ends with Ominis and you helping Sebastian out to make sure he doesn't get into serious trouble. 
Ominis: *his thumbs brush over your bows and the bridge of your nose* "You are dazzling." 
You: *your face is flushed red as his index finger traces your mouth*
Ominis: *his other hand moves to your collarbone, and from there, it wanders precariously low. *
You: *smacking his hand away* "I know you can't see, but you were about to touch my... well, you know." 
Ominis: *shrugging* "It was worth a try."
You: *your mouth agape* "Wha-"
Natsai Onai
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She is a very classy person regarding dating, and the most important aspect for her in a relationship is trust and respect. She abhors it when someone treats her patronizingly or disrespectfully. If you want this relationship to work, you and she have to be on eye level. 
She is not a big fan of public affection. However, she does not mind it much either. She likes to hold your hand or kiss you on the cheeks. Occasionally, she holds the door open for you.
She is even more protective than Sebastian and Ominis would be in a relationship. If anyone looks at you the wrong way, her dark eyes will settle ominously and threateningly on them. The Gryffindor in her sometimes urges her to say something provoking, and if she does so, it requires you to diffuse the situation. Incidents like these are rare though, and Natsai picks her battles wisely. You don’t have anything to worry about. 
*A group of students whispering and looking at you while you pass by with Natsai* 
You: *ignoring them and talking in detail about how you defeated the Lord of the Coast in hopes of impressing Natsai*
Natsai: *walking up to the students and crossing her arms as she stares them down silently*
The students: *confused and scared*
Natsai: “Have you ever experienced the horrors of an angry gazelle?” 
Natsai’s mother, Professor Onai, keeps a close eye on you. At some point, you contemplated dropping Divination, because whether in class or in the Great Hall, this woman watches you like a hawk. Especially after the whole ordeal with Harlow. 
You: *eating breakfast in the Great Hall and looking up to the teacher's podium, only to see Natsai’s mother staring at you* 
You: *turning to Natsai hastily and tapping her on the shoulder* “Natty, your mother is doing it again.”
Natsai: “Oh, don’t worry. She likes you.”
You: *breathing a sigh of relief*
Natsai: “But she said she was going to transfigure you into a toad if you were to hurt me.”
Needless to say that you and Natty spend most of your dates outside the castle in Hogsmeade, enjoying a butterbeer. Of course, the beverage tastes good, but the real reason you go to the Three Broomsticks is that you want to talk undisturbed in a secluded corner, preferably on the second floor. You talk a lot about Matabeleland and Uagadou, and Natty is glad that you are genuinely interested in her culture of origin and don’t ask questions just to be polite. Trust me, she experiences that a lot. More often than not, your talks become personal and even philosophical. 
When you trust her enough, you show her the Room of Requirements. Then most of your dates take place there, away from the prying eyes of others, and she teaches you wandless magic.
Amit Thakkar
He has an absolute glow-up in the summer leading up to your seventh year at Hogwarts. Amit was cute and handsome before but… just wow! However, he is absolutely oblivious to any male or female student showing interest in him. He is too focused on studying Astronomy and Gobbledygook. Only has eyes for you anyway, his beloved star.  
*You and Amit are spending time at the Astronomy Tower, looking at the stars*
You: “Amit, they were definitely hitting on you earlier. Did you not notice?”
Amit: *staring into his telescope* “I only noticed you.” 
He is not good at expressing his feelings. He shows his love by comparing you to stars and things that he likes, which sometimes goes horribly wrong. 
Amit: *showing you his map of the night sky while you study in the library* “You remind me of the Scorpion constellation.” 
You: “Oh, why is that?”
Amit: “Well, the Scorpion looks just as courageous and powerful as you when you return from your frequent excursions all muddy… and smelly…and covered in grime… barely holding on to life—”
You: “Stop it, Amit.”
Since we are already talking about your adventures outside of Hogwarts... Amit is worried sick when you don’t show up to classes because that is a clear indication that you are out in the wild, risking your life. Again. He always covers for you, though, when a teacher inquires about your absence. Unfortunately, he is bad at lying. When you return from your adventures, he is mad at you and scolds you tirelessly. Amit doesn’t even want to know what you have been up to because his poor heart cannot take hearing about the perils you found yourself in. He helps to clean the grime off your face with a handkerchief and fusses about your appearance. In these moments, he behaves like a worried parent. The handkerchief he uses has his initials stitched on it. By now, you have a whole stack of these handkerchiefs in your dorm room. 
Professor Sharp: *checking the class attendance and noticing that you are missing* “Where is Mr/Ms (Your Surname)?” 
Amit: *feels already guilty that he is about to lie* “Ah… ehm, Professor Sharp, I fear that they fell… ehm… yes, exactly, they fell off their broom. They are currently in the hospital wing…” *hunches his shoulders forward slightly to hide from the skeptical glances of the other students thrown his way*
Imelda: “That’s simply impossible, Amit. They are almost as good at flying as I am. I want to stress the almost, though. No one is as good as me.” 
Amit: *panicking and becoming angry* “Yes, Imelda, but accidents happen to the best of us. Don’t they?”
Imelda: “They don’t happen to me.”
Amit: *his head falls on the table in frustration, but he lifts it up right away and apologizes to Professor Sharp for violating the social codex of good behavior* “My behavior was highly improper, Sir.” 
You and Amit fulfill the stereotype of a goody-two-shoes falling in love with a daredevil and vice versa. You are over the moon and back for each other. Amit can’t stress enough how you are like the sun and moon. You are opposites that sought to unite your differences.
You: *making your way to Care for Magical Creatures*
Amit: *pulling you into an alcove, pressing you against the wall, and putting his finger to your mouth to prevent you from screeching*
You: “Amit! You are lucky I have a third sense for knowing when it’s you who ambushes me.”
Amit: “Right. Otherwise, I would have ended up like one of those dark wizards.” *brushes your hair out of your face* “Well, you know how stern I can be about time management. There is still some time until our next class starts.”
You: *giggling* “By Merlin, then don’t waste our precious time.”
Amit: *kisses you passionately*
Although Amit doesn’t want to be informed in detail about your perilous adventures, he does ask whether you have met any goblins that would help him with improving his pronunciation in Gobbledygook. 
Amit: *holding your hand while you are sitting under a tree, gazing at the Great Lake* “Remember that you once told me about Garnuff and Biscuit?”
You: *rolling your eyes* “How could I forget? It was not easy to save Biscuit and the other Mooncalves from the poachers. I had to free the poor beasts from the cage they were being held in by using Alohomora, but somehow the lock didn’t react to the spell. It took me multiple tries until I got it right.”
Amit: “Would you mind introducing me to Garnuff? I would like to improve my Gobbledygook.”
You: *kissing him on the cheek* “Not at all.” 
His parents love you, and they are already planning your wedding, although you and Amit are not thinking about that at all. Not yet, that is. 
Poppy Sweeting
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Poppy is very serious when it comes to relationships. She does not take them lightly and intends to show her true self to her romantic partner. 
Poppy: *looking seriously at you after you confessed to her* "I like you, too. But if we are going to do this, then it is all or nothing."
Poppy grew up in a company of poachers because her parents were part of said company. Early on, she realized that the harm her parents caused the magical beasts was immoral. She has a strong sense of what is wrong and what is right. Since she could never identify with the lifestyle of her parents, she has always felt like an outsider. That is partly the case because she has a strong personality and despises the thought of altering herself just to be liked. Also, her past caused her to be more emotionally mature than her peers.
You: "Poppy, maybe you should go to Hogsmeade with the others. They invited you, after all. You might make new friends."
Poppy: "I don't want to go. I have seen how Violet McDowell and Grace Pinch-Smedly sneer at other people behind their backs. They just need someone to look down upon so they feel better. At least I have enough self-confidence to define my worth solely by my standards and virtues."
You: *sighing, knowing that she is right* "A butterbeer with Highwing in the Room of Requirement it is, then."
Once she realizes she can show her true colors around you without having to be afraid of being judged or shunned, she becomes the embodiment of THE loyal Hufflepuff. She always has your back, no matter what. Also, she is so wholesome! Together, you spend a lot of your time in your Vivarium, where she is so busy with the beasts that she sometimes forgets you are there. But you are just happy to see her smiling, uninhibited and free. 
*You and Poppy are spending time in the Vivarium*
Poppy: *looking in your direction and running towards you* "Oh, you are so cute!"
You: *your ears turn red and you bashfully open your arms for a hug*
Poppy: *rushes past you*
You: *turning around confused, only to see Poppy hugging the Irondale Thief, a Niffler, who sticks out his tongue at you, smiling smugly*
Poppy does not mind public displays of affection, but kissing in front of others is as far as she would go. Make-out sessions are reserved for more private locations. Her love language is being attentive to you. She makes sure you eat enough and listens earnestly when something is weighing heavily on you. 
Poppy: *seeing that you are unfocused in Charms* "Hey, what is wrong?"
You: "I have been thinking about Professor Fig lately. I miss him."
Poppy: "I see. How about we eat something after class and talk about your grief?"
You: *kissing her when Professor Hecat is not looking* "Sounds perfect."
Poppy is your little ray of sunshine, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. Her grandma adores you and writes you letters, too. Occasionally, she sends you sweets or practical stuff like woolen gloves/scarves. Basically, anything that keeps you warm during the colder months. 
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thatweirdchristians · 7 months
go on a date with teenage Severus Snape
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At first, he was nervous about asking you out. But eventually, he gets the courage too. He was in complete shocked when you accepted his offer.
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"What would you like to do." He asked days later. Still nervous about the whole situation. Which you respond with, "whatever you like to do." He will take that sentence to heart.
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He walks you through the Forbidden Forrest where he has a bottle of wine he took from the kitchen and some little snacks for you two to share.
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He takes out one of his favorite books reading it to you as the sky starts to dim slowly.
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He takes out an old camera he borrowed from Muggles studies. Sneaking pictures of you. When do you catch him and start posing for him to practice taking pictures. You also snap a photo of him which he softly smiles.
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Before the sun finally disappears, you both visit Hogsmeade. Enjoying this perfect little date with Severus Snape.
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kyhgwts · 2 years
summary: Draco is your favorite… especially when you’re in heat. (1.7k)
WARNING: daddy kink, hybrid bunny reader, very big size kink, innocent, loss of virginity, dumbification, needy reader. (the pictures shown are not meant to be what the reader looks like, just the vibe of the story!!)
PAIRING: hybridbunny!reader x daddy!draco
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Draco and his friends found you in the forbidden forrest when they had been messing around. They we’re definitely confused at first, not only were hybrids very rare but pretty hybrids were… lord you were a sight to see for Draco.
You seemed hurt, you were mewling. A gash across your leg. Draco and his friends had taken you in, you didn’t know how to talk all that well or communicate. But you knew you liked Draco, after he helped clean up your cut and heal it you were attached to him. Everyone knew he was your favorite, and that you were his favorite, there was no questions asked.
Draco fell for you even harder than you fell for him, which is very hard. He treated you like a princess, and you stayed in his bed all day till he got back from classes, then he would give you all his attention till he had to go back the next day.
You were his little bunny baby, and you couldn’t have asked for a better life at the moment.
You were in tears, rubbing your princess parts against Draco’s blankets. He was in classes and you were aching. You had been at it for hours not understanding what was happening.
When Draco walked in he was stunned. The first day he had found you and healed you, you had made him so hard by all your little noises. From then on all he wanted to do was fuck you hard and good, then baby you afterwards and give you the best after care. But he didn’t, you were innocent.
But seeing you as he walked in, grinding down onto his blankets with tears in your eyes as you mewled and whined made him absolutely feral.
You gasp when you notice him scrambling to get to him, he rushed over.
‘woah, woah, woah, what’s going on here baby’ he whispered wiping away your tears.
‘my princess parts, mm they hurt daddy!’ you whine pawing at him, ears dropped.
‘how long has this been going on for?’ he asks, you try to tug at him.
‘full day.’ you say, you still hadn’t had all of your vocabulary down. Since you’ve been with him for only 4months but you have learned a lot.
‘Is my baby in heat? hm?’ he asked.
‘heat?’ you repeat, he begins to take off his clothes and you’re nearly soaking by now. Slick between your thighs.
‘daddy knows just the way to make you feel better, lay down on your back for me bunny’ he said, you obeyed immediately. Once he had all his clothes off he climbed into the bed with you.
‘it hurts!’ you whine pulling him to you, he was nervous. Not because he was new, god no. He was scared, not only because you were so little and soft but also because he hasn’t done anything like this with you before.
You had started calling him daddy on your own. He was startled when you first called him it, absolutely rocked to his core. You hadn’t even known why you called him it, but it was fitting. You were his baby bunny and he was your daddy.
‘I’ll make you feel better, alright?’ he says, you nod.
‘please’ you whisper grabbing at him, not caring if you are being overly needy. He obeyed leaning down and giving you a quick kiss to which you froze.
‘Don’t know how to kiss?’ he teased, you pout at him making fun of you.
‘kiss?’ you whisper pulling your forehead to him. He usually kissed your forehead, he had never kissed your lips. He let out a chuckle kissing your forehead.
‘i can kiss you everywhere if i wanted.’ he said, you make a confused face and then shook your head no. He grinned, without warning he started kiss all over your face making you giggle and squirm.
But when he started to slowly kiss down your neck you froze. Pawing at him with confusion and lust.
‘mmm feels weird’ you say, he pulls away and you whine.
‘No! no! felt good!’ you say desperately, he smirks.
He leans back down kissing your neck again, you moan.
He caressed your body making chills erupt from you, he started biting on your neck making a surprised yelp come out of you.
‘does that hurt?’ he asked, you are silent. He pulls away from your neck looking at you, your eyes blown wide.
‘baby what’s wrong?’ he asked, you swallow hardly.
‘felt good, really good’ you whisper, he grins then laughing a little at you.
‘don’t laugh!’ you whine pushing his shoulder
He began at it again, kissing and biting at your neck making you more and more desperate.
‘help’ you whisper, Draco looked down at your lower half you trying to get your underwear off.
‘uncomfortable’ you whine, he pulls down your underwear throwing them to the floor. He then helps take off your shirt.
You felt Draco nudging at your entrance and you whimper holding onto his arm.
‘does it hurt?’ he asks stopping his movements, you shake your head.
‘no feel good’ you say, eyes all big and doey making him incredibly hard.
He slowly inched himself inside you, making you let out little noises that had him groaning. Once he was fully settled inside you, you began to move your hips trying to get the friction your body was telling you it needed.
He began to help you, slowly easing you to relax while he did all the work. You moan softly as he slowly thrusted into you.
He made a particularly hard thrust on accident, making you choke on your moan. He was going to apologize until your body shivered and you whined.
‘Oh, you like that? hm?’ he whispered, you nod intensely making him smirk.
He then began to get rough, but not too rough. Making you lose your mind. He brought your leg up and over his shoulder making your mouth hang open as you cry out.
‘daddy!’ your eyes flutter close, choking on small moans.
‘i know i know, shhh’ he whispers kissing behind your ear making you shiver.
His repetitive thrusts making your toes curl and your breath escape you.
His hands holding onto your hips, his right arm keeping you leg up. His left hand slowly made it down his thumb circling your clit making you gasp. Your hands fly out to pull him down close to you.
‘more’ you plead, he shakes his head.
‘if i go any harder on you i might just break you baby’ he says, you shake your head repeatedly saying no.
‘more please’ you whine pulling at his hair, he groans cursing under his breath.
‘daddy’ it was barley above a whisper, he shook his head in disbelief. You really knew how to get your way with him.
Before you knew it he was pounding into you, hard and fast. It felt so good but at the same time you didn’t know what to do with the sudden pleasure.
Your hands try to find stability, your eyes rolling back as you gap.
‘UGH’ you cry hands grabbing onto his back, nails scratching leaving small marks on his back.
‘Take it.’ he said, you whine.
‘you wanted it and now you have to take it. you feel good? yes?’ he says, you whine nodding your head.
‘feel good, i do’ you whimper, shaking your head.
All you could think about in the moment is how good he was making you feel, and how he didn’t even have to do it for you. You were so thankful that you had him, someone who helped you through your ‘heat’.
You began to get closer, legs tired, voice sore, and mouth agape.
One particular thrust made a weird sensation filling in your belly. You whine grabbing at his arms.
Your pleasure became so powerful you couldn’t help but cry, your body letting him take control.
‘m’ gonna pee!’ you cry, he shakes his head.
‘no’ he whispers, you nod and plea.
‘yes daddy, mm i’m gonna pee!’ you whine shaking your head, tears leaking out of your eyes.
‘shhhh, baby no your not just let it happen okay?’ he says, you trust him, so you relax into his arms a little.
Your body suddenly locks all your limps and your frozen in place mouth hung open as your eyes slammed shut.
And you came.
‘DADDY!’ you cry out, your body exhausted. Your pussy throbbing as he continued to thrust into you.
‘no! no! no!’ you push at his lower stomach, he shushed you pulling out as he released onto your stomach.
‘okay, okay baby’ he rubs up and down your body helping you come down from your high.
‘how do you feel?’ he whispers kissing your forehead, you whimper.
‘no talking?’ he asks smirking, you shake your head.
You were about to fall asleep till he urged you to take a bath. He carry’s you into the bathroom placing you on the counter giving you a quick kiss on the forehead.
Once everything was ready he carried you to the bath and placed you in between his legs.
He helped wash your hair and your body making sure you were relaxed at all times.
Once you were both done, he helped you dry off. Putting you in underwear and one of his y-shirts. He made the bed with new sheets and blankets, casting a warm charm since you had complained about being cold.
You got inside of it, and he swears to merlin he heard you purr or something around that aspect. He climbs in with you and your immediately making yourself comfortable getting on top of him and snuggling him.
He rubs your back and combs through your hair with his hand, you soundlessly asleep within minutes.
There was a knock at the door to which Draco rolled his eyes, there was no way in hell he was moving and risking you waking up.
‘come in’ he said, Blaise and Theo walking in.
‘I need me a woman honestly, what am i doing wrong’ Blaise complains as he walks in seeing you asleep snuggled all up in Draco’s space. Draco grinned, knowing he was the only one who could have you.
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cursedcola · 2 years
Prompt: What would they do to celebrate your birthday? Part(s): Heartslabyul, Savanaclaw, Scarabia, Octavinelle, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, and Diasmonia You're Here: Diasmonia! A/N: Yup. I definetly went over board. Do I regret it? Not at all. I will preach Diasmonia 'found family,' supremacy until I die.
Malleus Draconia
The longer he spends with humanity, the more Malleus realizes just how different man is from fae. In biology, in morality, in social structure, and in tradition. A prime example being birthday celebrations.
The fae see many more anniversaries than humans. Celebrations are typically reserved for children as they hit milestones in development, but after some decades the shine of life begins to fade. The day blends in with all the others on the calendar, until it’s relevancy has dwindled to a mere recognition. ‘Ah, another year gone by,’ being a fleeting thought as the day passes.
Malleus being a prince makes him an exception, since he is celebrated by many fae every year. Yet not in the way he’s witnessed at NRC. When his peers age, there is always a boisterous gathering. One full of laughter, games, food, and jubilation. A stark contrast to the regal dinners that he is used to attending.
He has never been invited personally. He is not offended, per-say, yet he does watch at a distance. He witnesses humans celebrate life as if it is a gift to cherish.
A short life, yet one well lived. Malleus begins to understand humanity’s philosophical take on how, “life is bittersweet”.
Which leads him to a dilemma. How should he go about celebrating your birthday? If a large party was being thrown, then he had not received any invitation. Yet, he is not satisfied with letting the day pass by as many fae do. Spontaneous partying is not for him either, as he does not feel comfortable celebrating you living as if it could have been your last year.
Needless to say, your birthday is a serious matter to Malleus. It makes him recognize your mortality, and the cultural differences that divide you both. So, he turns to Lilia for advice. On both philosophy and regarding your celebration.
After a discussion full of sarcastic quips and riddles, Malleus chooses to blend the traditions of humanity and fae. In the daytime you can enjoy your party with friends, and in the night you will come to Diasmonia. Lilia, Silver, Sebek, and himself will host a casual dinner—one that Lilia is not allowed to cook, and where Sebek is forbidden from lecturing your table manners.
The evening feels so foreign to Malleus. He takes his meals with his family every day, yet the table is never as lively as it is when you attend. As you both engage in pleasant conversation, the fighting between Sebek and Silver fades to background noise. When he turns to talk with Lilia, you are soon wrangled into the fight, yet it becomes more playful than tense. Malleus watches in amusement as you draw a whip-cream mustache on Silver when he falls asleep. Sebek even ends up with icing in his hair after making fun of your art skills, and Malleus nearly chokes on his cake.
It’s perfect. You are perfect. He can hardly keep himself from giving you your present then and there—something Lilia notices, urging Malleus to walk you home since, ‘it is a school night fufu’.
Leading you through the forrest, Malleus feels his heart soar when you thank him for the wonderful evening. He stops you mid-stride with his hand on his chest, and reaches to pull something from his uniform breast pocket. A sigil. More specifically, a sigil that grants entrance to Briar Valley.
“Child of man—no, (Y/N). You and I are different in so many ways. Compared to my people you are merely a child, yet I find myself learning more from you than any elder has taught. Not only in terms of humanity, but of my heart. You have beseeched me in body and soul. I dread the day we must part; and so, If you choose to remain in this world then know that there is a home waiting—you need only want it,”
Lilia Vanrouge
Birthdays are important to Lilia. They celebrate the gift of life, yet also remind us of the past. Lilia knows many birthdays. He’s old enough to fill books with his companions — he actually has. You need only open a textbook to hear about some of his past friends — and the list keeps growing. Even after people have long passed on, he remembers their birthday. The day will come and he will remember their life. Their shared memories.
You are no exception, although you have yet to pass on (which he is hoping does not happen anytime soon. The next time someone overblots he will be reporting NRC for student neglect). Being the sleuth that he is, Lilia learned about your birthday through snooping.
It was a difficult task considering how you are an enigma to Twisted Wonderland. With no documentations to smuggle, all Lilia could do is rely on gossip. How fortunate he was to be in the area when his heightened hearing picked up talk of a surprise celebration.
And how unfortunate for the party planners, because you will have other plans that evening. Fufufu~
With a special day quickly approaching, Lilia is in chipper spirits. Silver does not miss the extra carton of eggs, sack of flour, sugar, etc. stashed in the kitchen and fears for his life. All of Diasmonia is on edge, thinking that their senior is planning to craft them a new dish
Tensions diminish when notice of your birthday reaches everyone else, until an entirely new problem arises. This being that Lilia plans for you to eat one of his monstrosities, on your birthday no less
It wouldn’t be so bad. Except that it’s been literal decades since their elder has been in love good friends with someone, and your death would end that. If not death, food poisoning would definitely cause Lilia to lose good noodle points
With his father set on making you a special treat, Silver watches from the sidelines as one of the most hideous cakes is produced.
Being the good son he is, Silver waits until nightfall to swap the cake with an exact replica. Except this one is edible, although some “unique,” features could not be replicated with fondant. Just be grateful it’s all edible and doesn’t have fish scales for “crunchy texture”
Lilia wastes no time on your birthday. At exactly midnight, your window is thrown open and he’s sitting on the ledge expectantly. Lilia balances both the cake and a present box in his hands, laughing when you leap out of bed to pull him inside.
Blow out your candles quickly, because he is excited for his cake to be the first you taste. The flavors were chosen with you in mind, and when that’s done he has an extra special surprise present. He’s a bit smug when handing over the box, a comment about spoiling you too much playing on his lips. Quickly now, open it—
“You like it, yes? Fufufu~ Of course you do, it was once mine after all. Pocket watches are not in style as they used to be, but this is an antique! One of my favorite pieces — and now it belongs to you. Happy birthday, my dear. My time is forever yours,”
“Ah. So, today is your birthday?”
Silver does not know until you tell him. He’s not nosy like Lilia, desperate like Malleus, or blunt like Sebek; he relies on you to tell him about important things. Now that he knows, there is a mental bookmark for next year, but currently? He has nothing prepared
He feels a bit guilty. This is your first year in Twisted Wonderland; with him. What kind of boyfriend doesn’t know his partner’s birthday? A scummy one, according to your little cat friend
He doesn’t go out of his way to plan something extra special. Celebrating tomorrow seems pointless since it’s today that you were born, so that is out
He also has to serve Lord Malleus, since he hadn’t requested time off and Sebek would slice his head off for skimping on his duties. It’s unfortunate, but all Silver can do is wish you a happy day. With fleeting a kiss on your wrist in the morning, he begrudgingly goes to start his daily routine
It is not easy. Please do not think him heartless. Oh great seven, the thought of upsetting you spikes his adrenaline enough to keep him awake through class
Time skip to dinner, where the four are sitting down to one of Lilia’s delicious homecooked meals. Malleus asks Silver if you both had already celebrated, which leads to a shameful admittance of forgetting…
Que Sebek fury. Uncontrolled rage because Silver ditched you for duties that Sebek could have easily covered. “Humans only live so many years,”… “You lazy bastard,” yada yada. Wow. Sebek chewing Silver out for something unrelated to Malleus??? And he’s right?? Someone get a camera.
Nevermind that he is also human, and Sebek half-human. The point is that Silver royally fucked up, and his family now has to fix it. Half-way through the argument Malleus disappeared to kidnap invite you over. Lilia’s on his way to see if Sam has any treats for sale (since there is not enough time to bake), and the two fighting are left to scream. They only stop when you return with Malleus, confused and in need of an explanation
Which you do not get. Instead, Silver composes himself and thanks his liege before pulling a chair out for you to sit. Lilia returns with store-bought sweets, and apologizes that they are not homemade. While there are no gifts, the four of you all enjoy the evening together.
Eventually it is time for you to return home, and despite the enjoyable evening there is still something missing. Silver is grateful that his family gave you both the chance for quality time…yet something still feels unfulfilled
As he walks you home, it hits him. An idea that’s been in front of him the entire day. Not ready for the day to end, Silver asks you to wait on the steps of your dorm as he runs to fetch something. He runs back into the woods with purpose, and soon returns with small bouquet of wildflowers.
“I am sorry for making this day a mess. If not for everyone else, I may have let a precious moment like this pass by. Happy Birthday, (Y/N). I may not voice it often, but I care for you. Deeply,”
Sebek Zigvolt
Birthday? Why does that matter when lord malleus is breathing the same air as you? Feel honored, peasant.
^^ Just kidding
Okay, half kidding.
You have somehow done the unimaginable. Sebek has gotten over his daddy issues and accepted that humans are not entirely terrible. Why? Well, because he is maybe…sort of…kind of…just a bit…in love with you
Yeah. He did not see that one coming. You can’t even use magic! Yet…credit goes where it is due and you have proven yourself worthy. He is infatuated, and speaks of you with pride. Do not expect anything less than a grand effort on your birthday. Although, please keep an open mind. This is first time with a lover and so he needs help. Lots of help.
Sebek would not dare bother Lord Malleus or Master Lilia with his personal matters, but on the other hand he does not have anyone else to ask. He could write home but that is unwise for many reasons.
Thankfully, Sebek is awful at lying and Lilia was able to dig up his worries. The bat could have pulled a prank and offered bad advice, yet even he knows a joke would be in poor taste. Not with such pure-hearted love at stake
In the end, Sebek was told to stick with human tradition. A present, and a sweet. Easy, right?
Haha. Since when is anything involving Sebek been considered easy. He cannot decide on the “perfect” present, and ends up accumulating a multitude of gifts. He had only gone out shopping once, yet at every shop he found something that reminded him of you. No gift felt, “perfect,” and so now he has around a dozen different presents to choose from. All stashed under his bed.
Next came the wrapping. Should the paper match your eyes or your hair? Should he get a large bow, or make one himself? There are so many gifts, should he wrap them together or individually?
Then comes the sweet. Sebek wanted to get your favorite, but had no clue what it was. What if it was a complicated recipe from your world? He would make it, of course he would. Yet how can he make what he’s never tasted himself?
It goes on like this. Every detail has to be perfect, or else it is not worthy. He begins to stress himself while doing a horrible job at hiding it from you. Eventually it becomes too painful to watch, yet all becomes clear on your birthday.
It’s at breakfast when you feel a tap on your shoulder, and Grimm points over to Diasmonia’s table with a shaking paw. Confused by his sudden fear, you turn to see your boyfriend glaring daggers into the back of your head
When your eyes meet, he shoots up and a loud bang resounds as his leg collides with the bottom of the table. Smooth.
After composing himself, he marches to your table with determination and demands that you meet him in the botanical garden after classes. Leaving no room for response, the man is back at his table and likely being laughed at by Silver
When you arrive, there is a table with the presents he bought stacked on top. All perfectly wrapped and arranged. You admire them briefly when the clatter of cutlery, followed by the sound of a match being lit catches your attention.
“Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday (Y/N)~ Happy Birthday to you~…was that to your liking? I have not heard anyone sing to you today, yet it is human custom in some cultures. I will do so again next year if you want,”
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fanfics4all · 1 year
Fighting For Her Life
Request: Yes / No Hii can i request a one shot where the reader is injured but hides her injury and later on she passes out in Draco's arms and he gets really scared but with a happy ending and something like that thank you Anon
Requests are closed  <3 Have a nice day/night
Draco Malfoy x Fem!Reader 
Word count: 2269
Warnings: Death, getting hurt, ya know wizarding war stuff
Y/N: Your Name 
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(Not my photo, credit to whoever made it!)
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The war was here and Voldemort was attacking Hogwarts along with the Death Eaters. I was running around the school trying to keep first years safe, while also running from Death Eaters. I was running down a hall, looking for more people to help. I was looking behind me to make sure there were no Death Eaters around me. That’s when I bumped into someone and feel to the ground. I held my wand up and looked up. 
“Y/N?” I sighed in relife. 
“Draco! Thank Merlin it’s you!” I said and he helped me up. 
“Are you alright?” He asked, checking me over. 
“I’m fine, are you alright?” I asked and he sighed. 
“Fine…” He said, it was clear he wasn’t telling me the whole truth. I knew he hated that he was on the wrong side of this war, but it was for his family. 
“What are you doing running around the school? You should go hide and be safe.” He said with worried eyes. 
“I’m helping people, Dray, the first years are so scared and I’m trying to keep them safe.” I answered. 
“I wish you didn’t have that big heart of yours right now.” He said and I smiled. 
“I know, love, but someone needs to help them.” I said. Suddenly an ear piercing noise invaded my ears and I grabbed my head. Draco grabbed on to me, but it was clear he was also in pain from whatever this was. 
“You’ve fought valiantly, but in vain…” Voldemort’s voice whispered. 
“I do not wish this. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I, therefore command my forces to retreat… In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity.” He whispered. 
“Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you, rather then face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forrest and confront your fate. If you do not do this, I shall kill every last man, woman, and child who tries to conceal you from me.” He whispered and then it was silent. I fell to the ground, pulling Draco with me. He held me tightly and kissed the side of my head. 
“We’re alright now, love.” He whispered and helped me up. 
“I should go find Harry.” I whispered and his grip on me tightened. 
“Absolutly not. I’m not going to let you die for him.” He said with tears in his eyes. 
“Draco…” I whispered and held his face in my hand. 
“Please… I need you…” He whispered. I sighed and nodded. 
“I’ll stay with you, my love.” I whispered and he pulled me into a tight hug. 
Draco and I were walking through the school to find somewhere safe. That’s when we heard a bunch of people walking outside. I furrowed my brow and pulled Draco with me to follow them. When we got outside we saw Voldemort walking up with Hagrid, who was being held by ropes, and an army of Death Eaters. Hagrid was holding someone and I squeezed Draco’s hand tightly. 
“Who’s that? Hagrid’s Carrying? Neville, who is it?” Ginny asked as her and her Father walked up next to Neville. 
“Harry Potter… is dead!” Voldemort shouted. 
“No!” Ginny screamed with such heart break. 
“No!” She screamed again and tried to run foward, but her Father stopped her. 
“Silence!” Voldemort shouted. 
“Stupid girl! Harry Potter is dead!” He said again. 
“From this day forth, you’ll put your faith in me.” He said and turned to face his followers. 
“Harry Potter is dead!” He shouted again. His followers laughed along with him. 
“And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us… or die!” He shouted. No one moved or said a word. 
“Draco!” Lucius hissed. People turned and looked our way. 
“Draco.” He whispered and motioned with his hand to come forward. Draco still made no move. 
“Draco. Come.” His Mother said in a calm tone. Draco sighed and looked around. 
“Come with me.” He whispered, but I shook my head. 
“I can’t…” I whisperd and let go of his hand. He looked at me sadly and I took a step back. 
“Go…” I whispered. 
‘I love you.’ I mouthed to him. He smiled at me slightly, but turned to walk to his parents. 
“Ah! Well done, Draco.” Voldemort said to him and gave him an awkward hug. 
“Well done.” He said again and I glared at him. I watched his Mother take hold of him and pull him back a bit. My eyes never left Draco, he didn’t want to be there… I heard Neville start to give a speech, but all I could focus on was Draco. 
“Confringo!” I looked over and Harry had shot a spell at the snake next to Voldemort. Harry was alive! He ran away and Voldemort shot spells at him. Some of Voldemorts followers were leaving him and I watched as Draco was pulled away by his Mother. As long as he was safe…
“Y/N! Come on!” Hermione shouted. I ran over to them and Harry said something about needing to kill the snake. A Death Eater flew at us and I quickly hit them with a spell. I ran off away from my friends and realized I was alone. I was looking around, keeping an eye out for anyone. I heard a noise behind me and I turned to look, but was too slow and was flung to the ground. I groaned and watched the man that hit me smirk. He shot at the ceiling at it crumbled down. I just barly moved out of the way, but was still sliced in my stomach by a very sharp rock. 
“Y/N!” I looked up and saw Draco. He shot a spell at the Death Eater, but they blocked it. His parents ran up behind him and shot a spell at the Death Eater before he could send one back at Draco. Draco ran up to me and helped me up. 
“Are you alright?” He asked and I covered my stomach. 
“I’m fin, love. What are you doing here? You guys should go somewhere safe.” I said and he shook his head. 
“I wasn’t just going to leave you.” He whispered and kissed me. 
“So this is the girl you’re willing to risk your life for.” His Mother said as she walked up to us with her husband. 
“Mother, Father, this is Y/N. Y/N, theses are my parents.” He introduced us. 
“Watch out!” I shouted and pushed Draco out of the way. His Father pushed me behind him and blocked the spell that was shot at us. His Mother shot one back and Draco grabbed my hand. 
“Perhaps we can get to know her later when it’s safe.” Lucius said. His Mother pulled us along and we all fought through the Death Eaters. 
We were sitting in the Great Hall, Voldemort was finally dead. Harry ended the war and the air just felt different. People were smiling, talking, some even laughing. The Malfoy’s looked very uncomfortable being around the people that they had just fought against, but no one really cared. I had completely forgotten about my stomach wound. Draco wrapped his arms around me and smiled. 
“Everything is fine.” I said with a smile. 
“You’re right, love.” He said and kissed me. When we pulled apart I felt a bit light headed, but didn’t think anything of it. I blinked a few times and Draco looked at me worried. 
“Y/N?” He asked, but he sounded like he was far off. 
“Love? Are you-” I blacked out and fell into Draco’s lap. That was the last thing that I heard. 
*Draco’s POV*
“Y/N? I asked, but she didn’t respond. She swayed a bit and I was growing more worried. 
“Love? Are you Al-” I cut myself off as she fell into my lap. 
“Y/N? Y/N!” I said and gently shook her. I looked up and my Mother had worry written all over her face. 
“What happened?” She asked. 
“I-I don’t know!” I said, beginning to panic. 
“Calm down, Draco.” She said and placed a gentle hand on my leg. 
“Draco? Is everything alright?” Luna asked and I shook my head. 
“Y/N passed out, she needs help.” I said and Luna smiled. 
“I’ll go get Madam Pomfrey.” She said and hurried off. She returned not too long with Madam Pomfrey. 
“Lie her down here, let me look her over.” She said. I laid her on the bench in front of us and I saw blood on her shirt. Madam Pomfrey noticed as well and lifted the shirt up. She had a huge cut along her stomach. 
“Do you know how long she’s had this?” She asked and I shook my head. 
“I-I didn’t even know she had that…” I admitted. She nodded and quickly got to mending her wound. 
“She’ll be alright, but it might take her a bit to wake up.” She said and I nodded. 
“Thank you…” I said and she smiled at me. 
“Of course, Mr. Malfoy.” She said and walked off to probably help someone else. Luna sat next to Y/N’s head and smiled down at her. 
“She’ll be alright, Draco.” She said and I nodded. 
“Luna!” Someone called and she smiled at me. I gave her a small one back and she walked off. 
“She’ll be alright, son.” Father said. I nodded and kept my eyes on Y/N. 
“Are her parents around?” Mother asked. I looked around the room and shook my head. 
“I don’t see them…” I answered. 
“Perhaps I’ll go ask someone.” She said and got up. 
Just a few moments later my Mother returned with Mrs. Weasley following her. Mother took a seat next to me and Mrs. Weasley smiled sadly at Y/N. 
“Y/N’s parents are dead…” Mother said and I stared at her shocked. 
“W-What?” I asked. 
“I’m afraid they died while fighting some Death Eaters…” Mrs. Weasley said. 
“B-But they can’t be… What about Y/N?” I asked and she gave me a small smile. 
“Professor McGonagal will likely find a home for her, or we can take her in if she’d like. We don’t have a lot of room, but Y/N is like family.” She answered. 
“Or she can come and live with us if she pleases.” Mother said and I looked at her shocked. 
“Really?” I asked and she nodded. 
“It’s clear you care for each other if you’re both willing to die for one another. I see no reason why she can’t come and live with us.” She answered and Father nodded in agreement. Mrs. Weasley looked at us shocked. 
“Well then, I believe I know what Y/N will pick. Just take care of her, would you?” She asked and My Mother nodded. 
“We will.” She said. Mrs. Weasley nodded and went back to her family. I heard someone groan and shot my head down to Y/N. She slowly started sitting up and rubbed her head. 
“What happened?” She asked and I gently hugged her. 
“You’re stomach was cut open, why didn’t you tell me?” I asked and she glanced down at her stomach. 
“Oh right. I suppose I just forgot.” She said and I stared at her like she was mad. 
“You just forgot?” I asked and she nodded. 
“I got it when that Death Eater tired to collaspe the ceiling on me. One of the stones slashed my stomach, but I figured it wasn’t that bad.” She said and I shook my head. 
“You should have told me then and there!” I asked and she gave me a sheepish smile. 
“Sorry, love. It was kind of tense and I didn’t need you worrying anymore than I knew you already were.” She said and I sighed. 
“I’ll always worry about you.” I said and she nodded. 
“I know.” She said and pecked my lips. My Father cleared his throat and we looked over at them. 
“Y/N, dear, there’s something you should know.” Mother said and Y/N tilted her head curiously. 
“It’s about your parents…” She trailed off and Y/N sighed. 
“They’re dead, I know.” She said and we stared at her shocked. 
“How do you…” 
“I saw them while I was trying to protect first years.” She said and I grabbed her hand. 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked. 
“Again, it was really tense and we were kind of in the middle of a war.” She said and I sighed. 
“Have you grieved?” I asked and she shook her head. 
“I didn’t have time…” She admitted. 
“You have time now, love.” I said and gently pulled her into my lap. I held her to him and felt her grip me tightly. 
“I-I don’t know what to do…” She whispered. 
“Cry, if you’d like.” I said and she shrugged. 
“I suppose I’m just sort of numb to it right now…” She said and I nodded. 
“That’s alright. I’ll be here for you whenever you need me.” I said and she smiled slightly. 
“There’s also another thing.” Mother said and Y/N looked over at her. 
“If you’d like, you may come and live with us at the Manor.” She said and Y/N smiled. 
“I would love nothing more. Thank you, Mrs. Malfoy.” She said. 
“Narcissa, please.” Mother said. 
“Narcissa. Thank you.” Y/N said and snuggled into me. Today had taken a lot from everyone, but as long as I had my Y/N, everything would be fine.
Tag list: @les-bio-lie @tashy-bear @ashwarren32 @hollie-blogs-blog1 @schisbro87 @lover-of-books-and-tea @nerdygaloresposts @teenwolfbitches28 @genius2050 @drw0301bieber @lady-of-lies @ravenmoore14 @ravenempress101 @cillianchamp @rowanthomasknapp @rachelxwayne @ready-4-fanfiction @in-slytherin-we-trust @accio-rogers @sambucky8 @bruisedfists-and-splitlips @answer-the-sirens @andreasworlsboring101 @vanessa-kom-skaikru @impulse-anchor @psamathegoesrawr @nighttimemoonlover @liz-owl @dracoswhvre​
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wowzersbrina · 2 years
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fibula-rasa · 2 months
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Forbidden Fruit (1921)  
[letterboxd | imdb]
Director: Cecil B. DeMille
Cinematographers: Karl Struss & Alvin Wykoff
Performers: Agnes Ayres & Forrest Stanley
Costumes: Natacha Rambova (with Mitchell Leisen)
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ashisgreedy · 10 months
Richard Jackdaw: A Timeline of Events
This is a full detailed breakdown of the lore of Richard Jackdaw in Hogwarts Legacy. By Me
・Richard is a student at Hogwarts and works as an assistant in Mr. Olivander's wand shop in Hogsmeade.
・Richard is trying to court Appolonia Black.
・He sets up a date with her in the Forbidden Forest. He leaves a letter on the bridge asking her on a picnic. It mentions he knows how much she loves a good mystery. (This letter went unanswered and the loot at the romantic spot is an ‘Adventurers Scarf’. This letter is found on the bridge after you get a map, starting the quest "Ghost of our love", showing you where its located. It's believed Appolonia didn't want to follow it or couldn't find it.)
・Anne shows interest in Richard. (not sure when exactly) Appolonia finds out and is not happy about it.
・Richard finds the map Peeve's, the poltergeist, left in his wake of destruction in the library. (Possibly in the restricted section, but he does mention it was "outside" the library in one of his voice records.)
・Richard showed Appolonia the map he found/pinched from Peeves but she rolled her eyes despite him knowing she loves mysteries. She was quoted by Richard saying “What would I want with yellowed old pages torn from a book?”
・Richard realizes Appolonia’s heart has grown cold towards him.
・He decides he will find whatever treasure the map leads to in hopes that will surely intrigue Appolonia.
・Richard sets up a riddle to a puzzle for Anne to solve, inviting her to come with him to the Forbidden Forest and follow the map. He promises her adventure and this excites her.
・Richard steals a family heirloom wand he believes to be powerful from Mr. Olivander's shop, runs off, never to return.
・Anne mentions to someone that Richard invited her to follow the map he found. It was either to Appolonia herself or someone else that ended up telling Appolonia.
・Appolonia is jealous that Richard invited Anne even after she rejected his initial invitation.
・Anne never solves the riddle, thus never solving the puzzle, and doesn’t get to read the letter Richard leaves for her telling her where to meet him in the Forbidden Forrest. Anne was described as "not bright enough" to solve the riddle. (The letter has romantic undertones and states that he is excited to spend his future with her.) 
・When Anne never shows, Richard goes into the cave alone, thinking he was being rejected and not even considering she couldn’t solve the riddle. 
・He forgoes all the treasure chests along the way in order to find the big/interesting treasure he believes to be in the cave at the end of the map. 
・During his time in the cave, he discovers the wand he stole from the Olivanders is just a normal wand and doesn't have any more significant power than his own. 
・As he nears the end of the map, Jackdaw is beheaded by the Pensive Protector's sword, the wand he stole breaking to the point of disrepair.
・Richard is confused after his death and does not have memory of what just happened or where he was. He remembers a ‘refreshing breeze’ and feeling ‘light headed’ and that was the end for him. 
・His headless ghost appears briefly in Hogsmeade, confused and unsure of exactly how he died, losing his body in his confusion. 
・He is seen by several people and news spreads of Richard Jackdaw’s demise. 
・His heart is broken, and he takes off and travels the world for the next 50+ years to try and ease the heartache. 
・When Richard doesn’t return and the tale of his headless ghost being seen in Hogsmeade reaches Appolonia, she decides to take the opportunity and lie, saying Anne told her she would take Richard into a cave and kill him. This is referenced by 3 parties saying she did this due to being jealous of Anne. 
・Because of Appolonia’s family power, the fact that Anne is muggleborn, and that the only clue was the unsolved riddle, her word is believed and Anne is sentenced to Azkaban despite them never finding Richard's body or having any proof. 
・Anne spends the next 50+ years in Azkaban for a murder she never committed. 
・The Auror, Helen Thistlewood, is unable to solve the case and it grows cold. 
・The Auror eventually retires, still dead-set on getting, what she believes to be, an innocent woman out of Azkaban.
・During this time, Anne is able to solve the first riddle Richard gave her before his death. However, she is stuck in Azkaban and unable to follow through to find the next clue.
・According to the Black Family’s house elf, Scrope: In her old age, Appolonia was delirious. She mistook Belladonna for Elderberries and passed away.
・MC is sent to find the pages since they are part of the book that opens the Map chamber, beginning our Ancient magic trials. 
・We are given the answer to the riddle from Anne in the Hufflepuff questline and we solve the puzzle in Upper Hogs Field. 
・MC is the first to find Jackdaw's remains but does not recover them. 
・At some point, Richard joins The Headless Hunt and goes through a serries of 'paces' to be intiated in as their newest member.
・Richard does not know the story of how Appolonia lied and sent Anne to Azkaban. He thinks Anne is out living her best life.
・In the Hufflepuff playthrough, he learns the truth and says he will speak with the Auror that was working on Anne's case to help absolve her. Over time, his memories come back as to how he died. Even most recently when he takes us through the Forbidden Forest and guides us to the cave.
・He is not shocked Appolonia would do such a thing to Anne and mentions that the whole of the Black family is full of vindictive people.
・Unfortunately, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Gryffindor's playthroughs do not delve into Anne’s side and Richard is left in the dark about Anne, leaving her in Azkaban for the foreseeable future. 
If you would like to watch this quest line, I have created two videos below that show the entire quest line from all four houses. The 1st video is the long version and is very detailed. The 2nd video is a short supercut version and has information about Jackdaw and his lore only.
Long Detailed Version - Every House - Jackdaw Quest Line
Short Version - Every House - Jackdaw Quest Line
Feel free to correct any information given. I appreciate any feedback and would love to delve more into theories with you!
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imagrindylow · 1 year
Keep Your Promises
Sebastian Sallow / f!Reader 2k Words Content Warnings: 18+ Explicit Content; Smut, sex, canon typical violence and gore Summary: You and Sebastian get into an argument and you leave to blow off some steam in the best way you know, killing poachers in the Forbidden Forrest! Sebastian tags along to watch your back.
You were in the midst of a heated argument with Sebastian Sallow. A scene that unfortunately happened all too frequently. He had strong opinions and you had a strong will, and while most of time they meshed well, when they didn’t, it was ugly.
The two of you were in the Undercroft, Sebastian was expressing his disdain for you still recklessly living out your title of Hero of Hogwarts, still roaming the hamlets and outskirts of villages in the shadows of the night, still making it your personal mission to dwindle the number of poachers and bandits around the greater Hogwarts area. You had promised him after fifth year that you’d stop. He was terrified of losing you like he had lost Anne and Ominis, as neither of them were back to speaking with him yet. You were all he had, and he hated that you were doing anything to risk being ripped away from him. So when he saw you coming through the gate to the Undercroft that night, he knew you had broken that promise.
You didn’t expect him to be there. It was late, you just needed a place to sit down and clean yourself up in private before heading back to your common room. He had been buried in a book that he sat down when he heard you coming, quickly getting to his feet and crossing the room to you, his firm hands meeting your shoulders as soon as you came through the gate.
“What happened to you? Tell me you weren’t out there fighting just now.” He looked into your eyes, searching them for a better reason than his initial conclusion.
“You want me to lie to you?” You asked him quietly, walking out of his grasp, making your way to the old, worn sofa where Sebastian had been reading. You sat down and pulled a bottle of wiggenweld from your robes and sipped it as you sank into the cushions.
“No I don’t want you to lie to me, I want you to keep your promises!” He scolded as he made his way to sit at your side.
“I had to. The bandits have been steadily increasing their numbers in the area again, some shop keepers around the hamlets have been asking me for help… they grew to count on me before. And I knew I could handle it, so I did.” You were clearly proud of yourself, and it showed in your confident tone despite Sebastian’s look of worry as you spoke.
He shook his head, his face a mixture of anger and sadness. When he spoke, the anger won his tongue “Oh of course. You had to help the shopkeepers. You think of what everyone needs except me.”
“You of all people know I am capable of handling myself, Sebastian. Don’t be so selfish. Why should I not make a difference if I know that I can?”
He was getting exasperated. “Selfish? If being concerned about losing the last person I care about in my life makes me selfish then so be it. I’m fucking selfish, and you’re reckless and ignorant.”
Ohhh. There is is. His favorite insult for you when you did anything to piss him off. He knew it stung so he always defaulted to it, ever since fifth year. Well, by now you knew better than to let it get to you. You corked your bottle of wiggenweld, slipped it back into your robes and got up and left. You crossed the defense against the dark arts tower and headed outside, swiftly crossing the grounds in the cover of night, making your way down the path towards Hogsmeade, but veering left into the Forbidden Forest. Nothing made you want to obliterate dark wizards and witches than being told that you shouldn’t.
He was fuming, but he followed you, cursing himself for pushing you this far, because he knew if he reacted with more compassion, you wouldn't be back out here, but he was not sorry for wanting you to stay safe.
He stayed a good distance behind you until you crossed into the forest, he caught up, creeping silently behind you, matching his stride to yours so you wouldn’t hear him. You walked until you came across a poacher camp you hadn’t cleared yet, you assumed it must be new. Now that the magical creature population in the forest was starting to blossom again, unfortunately so was the poacher population.
You cast disillusionment over yourself and crept up behind the first several poachers, three of them in one tent, bent over a table reading plans, it had appeared. You cast diffindo silently and cut the men asunder, their bodies thudding to the ground in a bloody heap.
Sebastian stood back and watched you, ducked behind some barrels at the entrance of the camp. He watched you creep from one tent to the next leaving piles of lacerated bodies in your wake. If he didn’t previously have such a blood lust himself, he might have been sick.
There was one tent left. This felt good, the thrill of the kill always did, but killing under the disillusionment charm silently was not nearly as satisfying as using your ancient magic. When you had whittled down the number of enemies into something more manageable, you broke your charm, facing the poachers in the last tent head on.
You shot confringo into the tent, burning one man, his final screaming gasps alerting his comrades who were asleep in the bunk beside his. The surviving poachers got to their feet quickly drawing their wands at you. You disarmed them, pulling one of them towards you with your ancient magic and blasting him backwards into the other with such force that you heard their bones break apart with the collision. The final poacher in the tent you shot into the air before slamming him down in repetition like a rag doll until his cries became silent.
In the time since fifth year, Sebastian had forgotten how fucking good you looked when you gave into your power. Magic swirled around you as you made quick work of the remaining poachers, and Merlin, you never looked so delicious to him as you did in this moment. Seeing you so unchained made him go feral with desire, the crotch of his pants getting uncomfortably tight as he watched you conquer over every last poacher with style. He adjusted himself and shifted his position, still in hiding, just to get some friction where he needed it.
You stood back, admiring your work for a few moments, adrenaline pumping through your veins, and a wide smirk on your face. You then made your way further back in the camp where cage upon cage were stacked, small creatures inside each one. Puffskeins, Mooncalves, and Kneezles. You freed each one, feeling satisfied with yourself. You put your wand back into your robe and started making your way out of the camp.
Sebastian stayed in place, watching you silently. It was as you made your way towards him to leave, that he noticed movement behind you. There was one more man you’d missed. The poacher aimed his wand at you with your back tuned to him, his eyes glowing. Sebastian stood and cast first, startling the hell out of you as he screamed ‘bombarda’ at a target you hadn’t even noticed. The final poacher dropped dead, you turned your shoulder and saw the large man behind you on the ground. You don’t know how you missed him.
Your mouth agape, you met eyes with Sebastian and he rushed to you. You expected scolding again, but you were met with a frenzy of scattered kisses to your face and neck, and rough hands pulling around your waist.
“Sebastian! What in the world..?” You were startled and your body jumped at his quick advance. You held his shoulders, your body tense, waiting and hoping he’d explain himself.
He replied between smeared kisses against your skin “Merlin… you could have died if I hadn’t been here… mmph… do you know that?” His hands slid down your waist, gripping your hips and working their way around your back side. He gripped you tightly and walked forward, making you stumble backwards against his grasp until he had you pressed against a stack of crates in the empty camp.
He wasn’t wrong. If he hadn’t been here, you probably would have died. You didn’t want to think about that right now. You didn’t want to admit to yourself that he was right, that you shouldn’t be doing this anymore… No matter how powerful you are. It only takes one mistake.
You couldn’t think about that right now anyway. Not with his mouth on you like this, with his body pressed to yours like this. You could feel his cock pressed against your thigh, he ground himself against you as he bit at your neck.
“Sebastian, not here… what if more come?” You held his shoulders, pushing him back a bit, trying to meet his eyes.
His eyes were dark with lust, he kissed your mouth before he spoke. “You watch my back then, I can be quick.” He was already tugging your skirt up and running his fingers against your clit over your panties.
You laughed. “You are ridiculous…” You couldn’t help but hum in pleasure as he touched you, your mouth curling into a grin and the tense look in your eyes faltering. “This isn’t the place for this, Sebastian.”
“Do you even know how good you look when you’re… killing? Do you know what you do to me? I’ll show you... I can’t wait. I won’t.” His words dripped with desire. He kissed down your neck, his body pressing against yours as he undid his belt, unbuttoned his trousers and wiggled them down his hips far enough for him to pull himself from the constriction of the fabric.
His breath shuddered, he pressed his body to yours, you wrapped your arms around his neck, your wand back in your hand, scanning your surroundings as he told you to do, relenting, letting him have his way.
He gripped you around your thighs tightly, lifting you up with ease and pinning you against the crates with his body, you wrapped your legs around him, helping him hold you up as he reached around with one hand, pulling your panties aside and pushing himself into you in one motion.
He groaned as he enveloped himself within you, pressing his forehead agianst yours and watching your face as he fucked you. He spoke through gritted teeth and between forceful thrusts, “You need… to be... more careful… You can’t… take my dick… if you’re dead.”
You just nodded, kissing his cheek as he moved to bury his head against your neck, moaning out against your skin as he lost himself in the feeling of you. He knew how to hit you just right, and did so with every motion against you, your breath got faster, your heart beating loudly in your chest with the thrill of it all catching up with you.
His moans were low and breathy, hot against your skin. He bit and kissed and let his tongue trail across any exposed flesh of yours as he worked you both closer to release. You tangled your fingers through his hair, tugging and directing his face up to yours again, to kiss him, to let your tongue move against his, and bite his bottom lip.
You could feel your body begin to tense, your legs gripping his body tighter as he brought your to your climax. You moaned against his lips, and he grinned, so proud of himself for bringing you to this undone state in such a terrible setting. It felt filthy and he loved everything about it. Between a string of expletives, he muttered your name as he forced himself as deeply into you as he could, holding you in place as he gasped and came.
He didn’t set you down right away. He kept himself within you, showering you with hard kisses again, anywhere he could reach.
“You know, if you don’t want me coming out here… you shouldn't have rewarded me so well for it.” She jested and kissed his forehead.
“You’ll just have to always bring me with you.”
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legacyshenanigans · 1 month
Marvolo getting loud and aggressive, then reverting back to calm and smiley (but still fuckin evil) does things to me🫦
Marvolo: Tell me where he's hiding..
Prisoner: No.
Marvolo: *smirks* Tell me.
Prisoner: Fuck you.
Marvolo: *swiftly grabs an axe before grabbing their hand and pinning it down onto the desk harshly, then raising the axe with a psychotic look in his eye*
Prisoner: *struggles and screams*
Marvolo: TELL ME!!!!
Prisoner: *still screaming*
Prisoner: *Crying their eyes out* PLEASE!!! PLEASE NO!!!!
Marvolo: WHERE IS HEEEEE?! *acts like he's going to do it*
Marvolo: *slams the axe down NEXT to their hand, just missing it*
Prisoner: *SCREAMS* .... *then cries*
Marvolo: *smiles, stroking the top of their head and speaks in a calming voice* Shh shh shhh, hush now... Well done..
Prisoner: ...Are...Y-You going to l-let me go?
Marvolo: *charming chuckle, still speaking in that nice calming voice* Nooo, don't be sillyyyy. I'm going to fucking kill you *Sweet smile* Just not right now..
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