#frank & narcissa
auntiejohn · 2 months
marauders era incest map!!
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inspired by heartbreak high
made by me😜
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dragonchicken · 3 months
THIS IS A FANFICTION! please 😭 i’ve read all the books and watched all the movies MULTIPLE times. this is not based on canon don’t take it that way please 😆
we all forgive and forget that regulus black took the mark, so let’s talk about the others.
Narcissa never took the mark. She’s the only one in voldy’s circle that DOESNT have the mark.
Andromeda, obviously, did not take the mark. she cut off her family and ACTIVELY fought for the other side.
We all know this. We all love them. What i REALLY want to talk about is Bellatrix Black. I’m using her maiden name for a reason we are getting there.
Bellatrix, like Regulus and Draco, was just a CHILD. she was a KID. we are so quick to villainize Bellatrix Black, but she wouldn’t have known any better. look at who her family is. who the adults that raised her are. she wasn’t taught any better. Bellatrix Black didn’t want the mark any more than Regulus or Draco. Do you think either of those two was screaming “no no don’t.” No. They both took it like it was an honor. So did Bellatrix Black.
Bellatrix Black was a child.
She could not have known. She could not have been old enough to make that decision. Bellatrix Black was forced into that life just like Regulus and Draco.
Regulus found a horcrux. Draco didn’t kill Dumbledore.
Bellatrix didn’t kill Frank and Alice. She was probably ordered to, but she didn’t. She tortured Frank and Alice, yes. But they were still there for their son. Fully? no. but there. Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Frank and Alice.
Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Sirius Black. She hit him with a red streak. the killing curse is green. Bellatrix Black was probably ordered to kill him that night. But she didn’t. Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Sirius Black.
Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Hermoine Granger and Ron Weasley. They were at Malfoy Manner. She could have. She probably should have. but she didn’t. yes, she threw the knife that killed Dobby, but if she wanted to hit Granger or Weasley, she would have. Bellatrix Black did not kill Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley.
Bellatrix Black did not kill Ginny Weasley. Again, she should have and had plenty of time to before Molly Weasley showed up. But she didn’t. Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Ginny Weasley.
Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Molly Weasley. Molly was a blood traitor and should have been killed on sight. but Bellatrix Black didn’t even try to use the killing curse on her. Bellatrix Black didn’t kill Molly Weasley.
Bellatrix Black didn’t kill. she never did. she never wanted to. she had to have been ordered to on more than one occasion. but she didn’t. Bellatrix Black did not want to be a death eater any more than any other child forced to be one. forced to choose a side. forced to pick family over what they thought was right. Bellatrix Black is a victim of the war, just like Regulus. just like Harry. just like Frank and Alice. just like Draco. Bellatrix Black did not choose her side, her husband, her family, her path. Bellatrix Black didn’t want what was given to her. Bellatrix Black didn’t kill.
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wildoceanstarz · 3 months
Everyone is doing it but I want to try!!
So reply with your favourite hobby + color and I’ll assign you a marauders character!!
(I’m obsessed with a large range of people so might pull up some random ass character 😭☝️)
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Frank: Hogsmeade trip safety brief. Girls, take it away. Narcissa: don't add to the population.  Alice: don't subtract from the population. Narcissa: stay out of the hospital, newspaper, and jail.  Alice: if you do end up in jail, establish dominance quickly. Frank:
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otrtbs · 3 months
there's a thing in the summer evening, when the sun goes down and the moon is high and full in the sky, cooling everything off just slightly, where the surrounding neighborhood kids come out and play baseball in a makeshift baseball field and everyone gets really into it. like, really into it. they have to bring their own battery operated lights for the field, they have bets running on the different teams playing (a few dollars, baseball cards, packs of gum, coins, stickers, yo-yo's, single cigarettes (how'd those get in there?) sunglasses, watches, candy, you name it).
and no adults allowed. not that they encroach on the fun, but the first game starts at one in the morning so who's got the time?
and since sirius left to live with james, regulus is shut up in the house and has to hear about the great baseball extravaganza from barty in a "your brother is on the james potter all-star team i've got $50 in the pool, we have to go to the tournament" kinda way. and regulus is like "my mother would actually kill me and explicitly forbids it but i'll think about it."
but barty shows up just after midnight on game day and starts throwing rocks at regulus' window to get him to come out except he runs out of small rocks and moves to bigger ones and gets impatient and throws the big rocks harder and then oops, one went right through a window, except this house isn't regulus' house. regulus' house is two doors down, it's just hard to see in the dark. so barty moves two doors down and finds some smaller rocks and starts over again until regulus comes out. scowling, but he's out.
and they start the long walk to the makeshift baseball field and it's hot and the air is sticky and sweet with honeysuckles. and barty and regulus talk. and barty buys regulus boiled peanuts and crackerjack from a kid's makeshift concession stand and they sit in the makeshift bleachers side by side with their knees knocking together. and barty manages to make sly remarks that make regulus laugh. and regulus makes last minute bets and watches the game, and starts getting into it, and barty smiles at the way he's on the edge of his seat, brows furrowed in concentration. barty thinks he even sees regulus clap once, and it's fun watching regulus, more fun than watching the game, even.
so fun that barty says he'll get regulus the next night to watch the next two teams play. regulus agrees, and they make this a routine and barty thinks, finally.
but then it's james' team that's up next and james walks up to the plate and does a trick with his baseball bat with a grin so-wide and a wink, and regulus' eyes are as wide a saucers for a brief second before he catches himself but it doesn't matter. barty's seen it, and knows instantly he's made a mistake. he's signed himself up for a summer of looking at regulus look at james. and he's doomed.
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jameskinniesrise · 15 days
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❝she was like a breath of fresh air in the monotony of life.❞
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reyrey-art · 2 months
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You can find a HD version on my Pixiv. This is the best quality I can post here (>﹏<)
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theatregorl · 11 months
Narcissa accidentally and reluctantly befriending all of the Gryffindors?
like imagine
Narcissa is staying late in the library, when she notices a very stressed Remus, when she eventually asks him if he needs help (she claims it’s her duty as a prefect) he claims to have missed a big test due to illness, so she helps him study and stay on top of things.
Narcissa notices Regulus hanging around James Potter a lot, and so when she sees him after quittitch games, she tells him good game.
Narcissa hangs around Dorcas a lot, so when Marlene begins to join them, Narcissa treats her with respect as she would anyone, trying to ignore her house and family name for the sake of her friend.
Frank notices her stealing glances and Alice every now and then, he knows that Alice likes her, so he starts to invite Alice to group studies and game nights.
Narcissa see’s Severus begin to give his long time friend crap for being a ‘mudblood’ and as much as she intends to keeps her bloodline clean, she’ll take any chance she can to annoy Snape, so she’ll put him in his place every now and then, before giving Lily a wink and waking off.
when Alice and Narcissa start seeing each other in secret, Alice one day suggests inviting her along for a hogsmeade trip, everyone agrees almost instantly, except for Sirius, who’s wondering how all of these people know his cousin so well.
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marylily-my-beloved · 3 months
Please, I really wanna torture her before I kill her. I hate her. So much, I want her to die. She almost took away my sister from me, almost.
- Bellatrix Black circa 1981 while torturing Alice & Frank
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rewritingcanon · 3 months
rate how freaky the marauders ships are
lmfaooo im crying is this my legacy, like what do you mean rate, rate out of 10? 😭
nsfw under cut ig 💀🙏
wolfstar: i cant really see them being that freaky in hogwarts years just because i dont think sirius’ libido is that crazy high and i bet remus had a bunch of body perception issues…. but after PoA….. the make up sex about to go crazy. 7/10.
jily: i dont think theres a million kinks in this one but i could say much that’s basically summed up by: lily got knocked up at 19. thats all imma say. like getting married at 18 just shows they were in loveeee in love, but getting pregnant at 19 shows they had the freakiness to back it. 10/10 freaky as hell, not even wartime could stop the nut.
dorlene: yeahhhh they were freaky they were disgusting idk if i want to go into more detail because digital footprint but yeahhhh. they call her marlene mcfreakinnon and dofreak meadowes. 9.5/10.
rosekiller: i dont think they were ravaging each other every second of the day, they’re the couple to take baths with each other without feeling the need to do anything, they just want to be close. but when they would have sex they would be SO freaky. theyre such weirdos they deserve jailtime for what they do together. 9/10. FREAKS.
tedromeda: i bet their only freaky experiences with each other were during their hogwarts years because they had to sneak around to not be found out. so they couldnt go to their respective dorms, they’d get caught. soooo. what did they use? empty classroom? broom closet? room of requirement? either way, FREAKY. 7/10 (they chill out once they get older).
nobleflower: ngl these two are not freaky. in fact theyre too not-freaky. im begging for them to get their freak on UGHH. 2/10 (two points for sexual repression on narcissa’s side).
quillkiller: its bellatrix lestrange, what do you think? 10/10 freakiness by default.
lucissa: ngl i feel like theres a rough start to this one but as soon as draco is born, i think they find their way. like the opposite of breeding kink (they had no idea there were other ways! 🤯). 7/10.
fralice: nahhh not freaky theyre too lovey dovey. but hey at least theyre enjoying themselves. also i think they’re a bit obsessed with each other so 4/10.
emmary: mid-freaky tbh. theyre not gonna do it just anywhere, they have decorum. but some days…. 5/10
marthur: they had SEVEN CHILDREN. 10/10 not hearing any arguments. that d was good.
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moonytoasted · 3 months
marauders era age hcs
because i feel like the entire cast couldn't've been all the same age. c'mon guys. (yes, i do know that some of these have canon different ages. i don't care tho)
frank longbottom and alice fortescue are about 3 years older than the marauders/valkyries (james, sirius, remus, peter/lily, marlene, and mary) and act as sort of mentors to james and mary.
kingsley (can we please change his last name) is also the same year as frank and alice.
emmeline vance is about a year younger than the marauders/valkyries. she has a combination of admiration and jealousy for being older and cooler.
the pantheon (dorcas, evan, regulus, barty, pandora) are a year younger than the marauders/valkyries.
davey gudgeon is a the marauder's age, but due to low slytherin birthrates and uneven dorm numbers, was lumped in with evan and regulus as dorm-mates. they ignore each other.
the ophidians: alecto carrow, zoya zabini, and aurora sinatra are the same age as frank and alice. look up to bella a LOT.
bellatrix is in her 6th year when the marauders arrive, and in her 7th when the pantheon arrive.
narcissa and lucius are 3 years older than the marauders (same age as frank and alice)
pleasepleaseplease let this be canon.......... ravenclaw/hufflepuff ver coming soon maybe if i feel like it
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bellwood-qudditch · 2 months
Headcanon that at 10 years old PureBlood family’s force their children to attend a cotillion.
(Basically to teach respectful manners to young people so they can go out into society and thrive. And help with marriages, and dance moves for when they attend balls)
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cressthebest · 5 months
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 20
chapter 35:
1. 😟 james’ first kill had a wife and two little girls. i- these chapters always start off by hitting hard
2. “James, who is—for some reason—glaring at Frank like he's kicked his cat. James doesn't even have a cat. His cat is dead. Has been for years, so Sirius isn't sure what that's all about.” 😭😭😭😭 girl wtf
3. “Pandora marches off after the mayor with the clear determination to organize that poor man's entire life, which maybe he needs, honestly.” queen 👑
4. girl, why is james so possessive of sirius around frank?
6. awww james is jealous. that’s actually kinda funny
7. poor frank is caught up in a lot of jealousy
8. i’m far too worried for effie and monty. like, unreasonably worries
9. i- bernice was a mother to an INFANT. i- all these people who are young parents fucking hurt. i know that’s the point, but it hurts
10. ew, we have to deal with the malfoys and blacks i don’t want to do this
11. “For example, Regulus did not understand when he was a child that Bellatrix is fucking insane. He understands now, of course” 😭😭
12. 😧 bellatrix just- got away with murder. and she did it just to make her younger sister’s life a little easier. he didn’t even do anything wrong. i- regulus is right in calling her fucking insane
13. “Narcissa is not, and never has been, fragile. Oh, she pretends to be, sure, but she's as dangerous as her sisters, especially because you don't expect it.”
14. 💕💕NARCISSA💕💕 asexual lesbian queen
15. “”I want to raise a child. He wants to train a Victor."”
god, that hurts. lucius needs to go rot in a ditch
16. i hate bellatrix, but she’s honestly a pleasure to read about
17. 😧😳 FUCKING WILD. every time reg tells someone not to touch james or he’ll [do something], nobody ever believes him, then he follows through with exactly what he threatened. also, maybe bella needed her hand to be stabbed with a fork
18. i love that sirius has no context, but he is IMMEDIATELY gonna throw fists with bella, no questions asked
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witchygfsgf · 29 days
how i imagine the marauders (picrew is made by makowka)
sirius black
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remus lupin
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peter pettigrew
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james potter
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lily evans
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mary macdonald
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marlene mckinnon
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dorcas meadowes
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pandora lovegood
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xenophilius lovegood (my hc is he's a trelawney)
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sybill trelawney
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alice longbottom
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frank longbottom
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emmeline vance
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emma vanity
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lucinda talkalot
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amelia bones
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edgar bones
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hestia Jones
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benjy fenwick
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charity burbage
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aurora sinistra
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bellatrix black
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andromeda black
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narcissa black
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ted tonks
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rita skeeter
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persephone zabini (first name's just a hc)
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regulus black
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wildoceanstarz · 4 months
Marauders’ Nicknames - a report
Okay so
James: Prongs, Sun, Chaser. Bucks. Pot? (Just learned people use flowerpot for Jily)(Am I forgetting one?)(keep ‘em coming lol)
Sirius: Padfoot, Star, Black(?)
Remus: Moony, Wolf (horrible name imo)
Peter: Wormtail (even worst name) Rock? (Since it is what his name mean, I hadn’t hear of it before but I do like it) also bro needs another option… what about like. Mercury or Earth or Meteor or smt HAH because the meteor killed all the dinosaurs like he killed all his friends…. No? I think it’s funny
Lily: Flower
Marlene: — (I’m gonna start using Wild personally I think it goes fucking hard) some people also use Star but like there is so many Stars already guys 😭 (someone also said Cherry!! which I think is very cute)
Mary: does Mary have one??? (Someone said Fire and I actually love that)
Dorcas: Gazelle? Some people use like.. flower? But there’s also so many of those 😭 I’m going to start using maybe Ocean or Garden ??? Still debating
Barty: K!ller
Evan: Rose
Regulus: Star, Seeker, Water (the love of this fandom and putting the worst thing to happens to a character as their ship name is crazy)
Pandora: — does she have one??? Someone said “box” because of Pandora’s box and I’m obsessed with that (also Flowerbox for Pandalily?? Adorable)
Bellatrix: k!ller (Barty takes after his mother /jk)
Andromeda: — none that I know of?
Narcissa: WAIT A MINUTE THIS WHOLE TIME I THOUGHT FLOWER WAS FOR ALICE AND NOBLE FOR NARCISSA?????? Flower…. (I be using Noble tho I think it fits her so well)
Rita: Quill
Zabini: Silver (that’s what I personally use) I think some people use Gold?
Alice: Noble???? My world is actually shattered wtf.. IT ALSO DOESNT SUIT HER THAT MUCH?? I- (guys pls let’s find another option)
Frank: — nothing that I know of? (Someone said Keeper and lowkey I like it? that’s his quidditch position)
Edward: Ted (lol) but also he also doesn’t have any I think? Something like Softconstellation or smt for Tedromeda could go hard
Sybill: Seer, Crystal?? Been trying to find a good name for her and Pete for ages (MY FRIEND SAID CRYSTAL METH BYE-)
Severus: PRINCE! (Many thanks to the person who reminded me) does he have one? I feel like he definitely do.. no? But I can’t figure out what it is
Lucius: silk ????
If you have any characters you think I should add pls tell me I’m trying to get them all at the same place because it’s confusing!! (Like Emmeline Vance, Emma Vanity, Xenophilius, etc)
Emmeline: Cosmos (cause of what 'emme' means), or Brave or Rival (full name meaning), or Marsh (last name meaning). - By @enbysiriusblack
I was getting lost so lol PLEASE ADD TO THIS
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Alice, about Narcissa and Frank: I’m starting a polycule but we don’t fuck or do anything romantic we just mobilize for militant reasons
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