#free ways to earn money from google
gamepassofficial · 10 months
₹8 लाख महीने Web Stories से कैसे कमाते हैं? | How to Earn $300 Per Day From Google Web Stories?
सबसे पहले हम पहले वह एनालिटिक्स दिखाइए अभी क्या चल रहा है रियल टाइम क्या चल रहा है हमें य भी देखना है ना कि ज्यादा ट्रैफिक में बन रहा है कि कमी ट्रैफिक में बन र य भी तो चीज देखनी जरूरी है अच्छा आपका सबसे ज्यादा ट्रैफिक है यूएस से है इस डोमेन के ऊपर 1000 इस डोमेन के तो बढ़िया सर यह तो हमारा एक अकाउंट हो गया अब हमें और भी 000 डलर और दिखाने हैं सारी तिजोरिया में आप सन बारी कर पड़ नमस्ते दोस्तों…
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
tumb/lrs so broken that some posts it wont let me use legacy and others it wont let me use beta so i have to hop between them for random shiz and then legacy keeps getting glitched out to double replies for some reason and then it doesnt actually tell you what editor the mobile app has. like is it legacy? is it beta? is it its own thing bc for a company w less than 200 employees they put too much work on their backs that they cant finish and i hope they stop breathe take a minute and reflect on how maybe changing things suddenly without testing them w audiences first and LISTENING to their reactions is a bad idea? will their most recent only good idea be the double checkmarks bc thats a good way to earn money to keep this website alive bc they cant anymore if theyre not funded purely bc they saw the opportunity to diss a fuckhead and took it doubled it and made it hilarious and stalkable? will the employees ever have rest considering they clearly dont have an actual CS department anymore? we just dont know
#i dont think they can have a cs department rn tbh i think their devs run it too lol#actually i think its 100 employees now#thats why theyre pushing their merch and ad free and stuff brw theyre trying to earn money to keep the website active#and probably didnt think fundraising like a3o would work given… how we are lol#i think personally the checkmarks were their wisest move for earning the money to survive tho bc thats just fckn hilarious AND THEY STACK#they should focus on that lore than changing the editors and not making them coexistable bc im tired of habing to change editors halfway#through a reply bc it broke#but with how much data tumblr has to save. people dont realize how much money that costs#like theres a reason hollow art hasnt come back#and a reason why a lot of fansites go under. storage is fucking expensive as shit#you can even learn at home like i pay $10 a month for icloud now ao i can record concerts i go to and relive them#external harddrives are anywhere from $40-$400 depending on the size and capacity#google cloud? dropbox? cost money#keeping a website active whenit houses data. ESPECIALLY photo data#is not cheap. thats why so many go under so quickly if they dojt find a way to earn money or get advertisers theyre pretty much fucked#and idk if ppl noticed but a LOT of tumblrs advertisements are… for themselves#so theyre not paying themselves advertisement lol i think hp mystery and pogo are the only non tumblr adds ive seen in MONTHS#out.#anyways i do feel for the employees but i do think they should be honest#look at how archive and wiki just post a thing on top saying ‘hey youre here all the time and we’ll go under if we dont earn some money#can you maybe spare a few dollars for us thanks’ and ppl might be more inclined to do it#its not actively telling people that i think is the problem bc them ppl think ts a capitalist agenda when its bc hosting this much content#is unbelievably expensive. all the gifsets we post they have to pay to host#and the price of housing that much data.. its a lot#i gotta get ready for work soon but im also v v nauseus
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cosmoosims · 1 year
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the beginner's drama challenge by @cosmoosims
*base game only*
Eight generations, each with their own unique storylines and drama-filled tasks to complete! I started making this sometime last year when I had less packs and mods than I do now (I literally only have 4 packs lmao) and I wanted something base-game friendly that also forced me to play emotionally different than I do now.
This is a base game challenge but feel free to use any and all mods/packs/etc to make it your own!
Feel free to play along with me, and post your own images using the tag #bdc :)
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for the goals of each gen, click the google doc above!
Gen One: Evil Mastermind
Backstory Who says all villains are heartless? Despite aspiring to be the greatest criminal the world has ever seen, this Sim can’t help but want to begin a long, fulfilling generation. Being a criminal isn’t the wealthiest career but this Sim vows to give their children everything they want! Now, if only they could keep their evilness in check…
Gen Two: Adrenaline Junkie
Backstory Living with a criminal has turned this Sim into an adrenaline junkie! They crave adventure and anything that will get their heart racing. What better than to become a Secret Agent and work for S.I.M? As well as getting high on life, this Sim loves to make others laugh. Unfortunately, sometimes their jokes can be a little on the mean side, which doesn’t earn them many friends…
Gen Three: Homemade Hermit
Backstory This Sim's parent was always on the go-go-go and now all they want to do is settle down for a quiet life with only their paintings for company. Unfortunately, sometimes their independent nature gets the best of them, causing a rift in both family and friendships alike. Because of this, this sim is seldom happy tied to anyone, and often pushes others away. The only person they want to be with is a ghost they haven’t seen since their childhood…
Gen Four: Villainous Valentine
Backstory After living a sheltered life, this sim just wants to live a little! If that means breaking hearts left and right, then so what? Growing up alone has numbed them to human emotions, including their own. Oh, well! At least they have money to console them, and an increasing pile of bodies…
Gen Five: From the Ground Up
Backstory All this sim wants to do is rise to the top as an Athlete and destroy their competition. After running away from home as a teen, they're more motivated than ever to become the greatest. But their carelessness gets the best of them and soon they end up with too many kids and barely enough money to feed them! Guess it's time to pack up their dreams and crawl back home to a parent they hate…
Gen Six: Style Influencer
Backstory This sim’s parent did the best they could, but growing up with so many siblings really grated them the wrong way. There was no attention left for them! Now they’ve moved out and found their true passion in creating and crafting outfits, but that little spark of jealousy has never left them. Dating taken sims has its ups and downs, but one thing’s for sure; at least this sim is taking attention away from another!
Gen Seven: Ground Control to Major
Backstory This sim’s parent always had their head firmly planted in the ground, but they can’t help that theirs is somewhere up amongst the stars. Everything seems to be going well down on Earth, especially when they marry and have kids with the love of their life, but what could be going on up there on Sixam? What lies in the great expanse of space? This sim has to find out, even at the cost of their family…
Gen Eight: That’s 50’s Show
Backstory Having an absentee sim as a parent has messed this sim up in a big way, but they’re determined to work through it. Sure, a white-picket fence and kids running around the house is a dream for them, but it’s a lot harder to stay committed than it looks. Feeling trapped, this sim can’t help but reach out to someone that isn’t tied to as many responsibilities as their partner is…
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Don’t Be Evil
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Tonight (November 22), I'll be joined by Vass Bednar at the Toronto Metro Reference Library for a talk about my new novel, The Lost Cause, a preapocalyptic tale of hope in the climate emergency.
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My latest Locus Magazine column is "Don't Be Evil," a consideration of the forces that led to the Great Enshittening, the dizzying, rapid transformation of formerly useful services went from indispensable to unusable to actively harmful:
While some services have fallen harder and/or faster, they're all falling. When a whole cohort of services all turn sour in the same way, at the same time, it's obvious that something is happening systemically.
After all, these companies are still being led by the same people. The leaders who presided over a period in which these companies made good and useful services are also presiding over these services' decay. What factors are leading to a pandemic of rapid-onset enshittification?
Recall that enshittification is a three-stage process: first surpluses are allocated to users until they are locked in. Then they are withdrawn and given to business-customers until they are locked in. Then all the value is harvested for the company's shareholders, leaving just enough residual value in the service to keep both end-users and business-customers glued to the platform.
We can think of each step in that enshittification process as the outcome of an argument. At some product planning meeting, one person will propose doing something to materially worsen the service to the company's advantage, and at the expense of end-users or business-customers.
Think of Youtube's decay. Over the past year, Google has:
Dramatically increased the cost of ad-free Youtube subscriptions;
Dramatically increased the number of ads shown to non-subscribers;
Dramatically decreased the amount of money paid to Youtube creators;
Added aggressive anti-adblock;
Then, this week, Google started adding a five-second blanking interval for non-Chrome users who have adblockers installed:
These all smack of Jenga blocks that different product managers are removing in pursuit of their "key performance indicators" (KPIs):
We can think of each of these steps as the outcome of an argument. Someone proposes a Youtube subscription price-hike, and other internal stakeholders object. These objections fall into two categories:
We shouldn't do this because it will make the product worse; and/or
We shouldn't do this because it will reduce the company's earnings.
Lots of googlers sincerely care about product quality. People like doing a good job, and they take pride in making good things. Many have sacrificed something that mattered in the service of making the product better. It's bad enough to miss your kid's school play so you can meet a work deadline – but imagine making that sacrifice and then having the excellent work you put in deliberately degraded.
I have been around Google's orbit since its early days, going to the odd company Christmas party in the early 2000s and giving talks at Google offices in cities all over the world. I've known hundreds of skilled googlers who passionately cared about making the best products they could.
For most of Google's history, those googlers won the argument. But they didn't do so merely by appealing to their colleagues' professional pride in a job well-done. For most of Google's history, the winning argument was a combination of "doing this bad thing would make me sad," and "doing this bad thing will make Google poorer."
Companies are disciplined by three forces:
Competition (the fear of losing business to a rival);
Regulation (the fear of legal penalties that would exceed the expected profits from a given course of action);
Self-help (the fear that customers or users will change their behavior, say, by installing an ad-blocker).
The ability of googlers to win enshittification arguments by appealing to the company's bottom line was a function of one or more of these three disciplining factors. The weakening of each of these factors is the reason that every tech company is sliding into enshittification at once.
For example, when Google contemplates raising the price of a Youtube subscription, the dissent might say, "Well, this will reduce viewership and might shift viewers to rivals like Tiktok" (competition). But the price-hiking side can counter, "No, because we have a giant archive, we control 90% of searches, we are embedded in the workflow of vloggers and other creators who automatically stream and archive to Youtube, and Youtube comes pre-installed on every Android device." Even if the company leaks a few viewers to Tiktok, it will still make more money in aggregate. Prices go up.
When Google contemplates increasing the number of ads shown to nonsubscribers, the dissent might say, "This will incentivize more users to install ad-blockers, and then we'll see no ad-revenue from them." The pro-ad side can counter, "No, because most Youtube viewing is in-app, and reverse-engineering the Youtube app to add an ad-blocker is a felony under Section 1201 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. As to non-app viewers: we control the majority of browser installations and have Chrome progressively less hospitable to ad-blocking."
When Google contemplates adding anti-adblock to its web viewers, the dissent might say, "Processing users' data in order to ad-block them will violate Europe's GDPR." The anti-adblock side can counter, "But we maintain the fiction that our EU corporate headquarters is in the corporate crime-haven of Ireland, where the privacy regulator systematically underenforces the GDPR. We can expect a very long tenure of anti-adblock before we are investigated, and we might win the investigation. Even if we are punished, the expected fine is less than the additional ad-revenue we stand to make."
When Google contemplates stealing performers' wages through opaque reshufflings of its revenue-sharing system, the dissent might say, "Our best performers have options, they can go to Twitch or Tiktok." To which the pro-wage-theft side can counter, "But they have no way of taking their viewers with them. There's no way for them to offer their viewers on Youtube a tool that alerts them whenever they post a new video to a rival platform. Their archives are on Youtube, and if they move them to another platform, there's no way redirect users searching for those videos to their new homes. What's more, any attempt to unilaterally extract their users' contact info, or redirect searchers or create a multiplatform client, violates some mix of our terms of service, our rights under DMCA 1201, etc."
It's not just Google. For every giant platform, the threats of competition, regulation and self-help have been in steady decline for years, as acquisitions, underenforcement of privacy/labor/consumer law, and an increase in IP protection for incumbents have all mounted:
When internal factions at tech companies argue about whether to make their services worse, there's a heavy weight tilting the scales towards enshittification. The lack of competition, an increase in switching costs for users and business-customers, and broad powers to prevent users from modifying the service for themselves all mean that even when a product gets worse, profits can still go up.
This is the culprit: monopoly, and its handmaiden, regulatory capture. That's why today's antimonopoly movement – and the cases against all the tech giants – are so important. The old, good internet was built by flawed tech companies whose internal ranks included the same amoral enshittifiers who are gobbling up the platforms' seed corn today. The thing that stood in their way before wasn't merely the moral character of colleagues who shrank away from these cynical maneuvers: it was the economic penalties that befell those who enshittified too rashly.
Incentives matter. Money talks and bullshit walks. Enshittification isn't due to the moral failings of individuals in tech companies. It's possible to have a good internet run by flawed people. But to get that new, good internet, we have to support technologists of good will and character by terrorizing their venal and cynical colleagues by hitting them where they live: in their paychecks.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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thebibliosphere · 2 years
You said the phrase "the mysteries of publishing" and honestly that's wild to me. I knew the publishing industry was shitty, but I had no idea it was also mysterious/secretive because the vast majority of what I know of it has come from you and Brandon Sanderson, and both of you are very up front and open about your gripes with publishing
There's always been systemic gatekeeping from traditional publishing (lack of diversity in publishing is not an accident, it is intentional), and there have always been a few jerks in indie-pub who intentionally give out bad-faith advice to try and sabotage the "competition," but they get called out by the community pretty quickly.
Where things can become (unintentionally) mysterious, is when people look at all the information available to them and freeze because they don't know where to start.
Indie and self-publishing is daunting, not just from a creative aspect, but administrative as well. It can be especially difficult if you struggle with executive dysfunction or other information-processing issues.
But if you take your time, ask questions in writing groups/forums -- reach out to author friends if you have them -- or even just contact customer service, you usually get it figured out.
This recent trend-- and it's gotten really bad over the pandemic-- with people conflating being an author with being an influencer, (and some do both well, but many don't.), and there's an almost MLM (multilevel marketing, not men-loving-men. Just clarifying seen as how this is Tumblr 😅) vibe to the way some of them are pushing their platforms harder than their work.
And people think, hey, this person has a million followers on TikTok; they must know what they're talking about!
So they sign up for the "classes" being promoted by these influencer management hubs, and while I am sure some of them are legit, if a lot of them are getting the same emails I'm getting, it's the bare minimum shit that you can find on google.
Maybe if you're lucky, they'll talk you through figuring out international royalties. Chances are they'll just regurgitate David Gaughran's 'Let's Get Digital: How To Self-Publish And Why You Should' -- WHICH YOU CAN GET FOR FREE-- and frame it behind girl-boss empowerment vibes spun through the lens of being a boss-babe author.
When truthfully, this person probably earns more from your clicks and views than anything they've written. There's more money to be made in the hustle of appearing successful and pretending like this wealth of information is secretive and unknown.
And I want no part of that.
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brighter-by-the-daly · 10 months
Millie Bright x Reader
Part Two: Lover’s Auction
Millie’s perspective:
Sam grabbed my arm holding it out straight to display the phone number that was still visible on my skin, I’d scrubbed at it in the shower this morning which made it fade a little but was still clearly readable. I knew training would be a show and tell this morning so tried to cover it with a long sleeve under top, but in a blind haze after a rigorous training session I mindlessly pulled up the sleeves. “What’s this then Mills, you cheating on me?” the Aussie joked as I tried to pull the top back down to cover the writing, of course my friend wouldn’t let me as she continued with her probing questions. “I knew you were hiding something, you never wear long sleeves!” her voice became loud and squeaky in excitement, the way that it does when she’s making fun of me. “It’s just a phone number!” the enquiry made the smirk on my face hard to hide as it’s been years since my last relationship, I was kinda hopeful that this might lead to something good. “Is this what that dorky smile on your face has been about all day?” Sam poked my ribs as the commotion drew Erin nearer to the drama that followed us around everywhere. “Is it a giiiirlll?” Sam continued to tease until I broke my cover. “Maybeee” I couldn’t contain my smile at admitting it as I felt my cheeks grow a warmer shade of red. “Well, you gotta tell us all about it, weren’t you at that function last night?” they linked their arms together as they skipped back into the changing room, dragging me along with them. I didn’t have a choice but tell them all about the girl I had met last night at some random charity event I didn’t even want to go to - not if I wanted to get out of here alive anyway! They couldn’t believe she hates Chelsea and didn’t have a clue who I was! I said that maybe that’s for the best, since the World Cup it’s hard to find someone who doesn’t know who I am and it could be refreshing to not be on edge about ulterior motives. A lot of people I meet only want me for my money or to get into places for free, there tends to be people out there that think I earn a lot more money than I actually do, I’m able to live comfortably but still have to watch the pennies and save for the things I really want. Packing up my gear to leave my phone lit up with a message, “is that her?!” Erin pulled my arm in her direction as they peered over to look for a photo that wasn’t there, I explained they would have to wait and see what happens before I expose the identity behind the phone number. My friends made their annoyance known through loud groans as I left to go home, “bye sweeties!” I waved sarcastically leaving them in the lurch.
Your perspective:
The sun rise shining through your bedroom window made your eyelashes flutter open, shielding the sun from your eyes you squinted at the clock to see it was barely 8am. Mascara stained your hands as you rubbed your eyes, annoyed that you’d forgotten to do your skin care routine when your got home last night. Tapping your phone to light up the notifications you noticed a text from an unfamiliar number, “hello pretty girl, hope your head isn’t too sore!” You guessed it was from Millie but pulled the shirt she’d written her number on from under the bed to double check before replying which lead into texting all morning. Opening Google to search the footballer you noticed she was telling the truth - she is a defender for England and Chelsea! Looking at a few photos you had an epiphany and realised last night wasn’t the first time you had seen Millie. Wrapped in your duvet you shuffled to the sofa and re-downloaded episodes of Eastenders that you’d deleted from the Sky box, spotting the familiar blonde a few weeks ago on The One Show. Sending her a picture of the TV screen you laughed to yourself.
Y: knew that wasn’t the first time I’ve seen you! 🤭
M: you didn’t recognise me? 😂
Y: well no, my recording of Eastenders caught the last few minutes of it… I fast forwarded 🙈
M: Charming! 😳
Y: Next time you’re on TV, I’ll record it. Happy? 😇
M: Why don’t you come watch instead, I’ve got a game tomorrow?
Y: Oh.. idk, I haven’t watched football for two decades 😕
M: That’s okay, you record it then, you don’t have to watch 😘
Y: I’ll think about it 😉
Millie said she was off to training but would like to see you again, inviting you on a date tonight and saying she’ll pick you up on her way home. The next time you heard from her was when she called you walking out of the training ground. You’d barely said two words to each other before being interrupted by some of her teammates, “is that her!”, “let’s say hi!” you heard from down the phone. Millie groaned “bugger off guys! Stop embarrassing me!” she yelled making you pull the phone away from your ear as she argued with them, reluctantly telling you that they wanted to say hi and held the phone out towards them against her will. One grabbed her arm to pull the phone up to her mouth as the other tapped the speaker button. “Hi Millie’s girlfriend!” an Aussie accent called as you heard the phone be pulled away by another person. Millie could be heard in the background loudly contesting what was happening, “what’s your name, Millie won’t tell us!” a Scottish accent asked, you laughed and told them as they screeched with glee, there was a lot going on even if you couldn’t see them – the noises coming through the phone sounded like they were being attacked; the rummaging and fumbling of the phone between different hands, the laughs of the two girls and Millie getting more and more irate before hearing heavy footsteps run away. “Errgh, sorry they’re a nightmare!” she groaned then told you that was her best friends at the club Sam and Erin, usually Guro is around too but she’s injured and not at training today. “I haven’t told them you’re my girlfriend don’t panic, they just saw your number on my arm” she insisted as she threw her bags into the boot of the car and you heard the door slam shut. “Okay, I’m safe now. I’ll come pick you up.”
Waiting outside your house as she arrived you clambered into her car, “hey girlfriend” you joked as Millie’s cheeks turned bright red. “How’s the hangover?” she asked, shifting into first gear and pulling away. “Better for seeing you, where we going?” The blonde asked whether you had to be home by a certain time, you didn’t have work the next day so you were free to spend as long as you wanted with her and as long as she wanted you! It was mid afternoon and she was being very secretive about where she was taking you, knowing it wasn’t going to be a quick date when she joined the motorway heading towards Essex, you know the journey well but didn’t let on that you had an idea of where she was taking you. The longer you drove the more you were certain about where she was going, looking out of the window you saw how the scenery had changed since you were a little girl, the last time you drove this route was with dad in 2003. It’s like you remember every bump in the road, counting the bridges until you got to your destination, your mind fell back into that routine of counting the bridges until you reached the coast. Millie must have realised you had spaced out, placing a comforting hand on your thigh when you pulled into the seaside town and asked if you were okay. Smiling and nodding you pushed those thoughts to the back of your mind, you were right with the destination – Southend-on-Sea.
You walked hand in hand along the seafront, rode the train along the pier and shared chips on the beach while watching the sunset. You talked non-stop about yourselves that it felt like you’d know each other for years, not less than 24 hours! After eating your chips you took a wander down the beach towards the sea, kicking off your shoes Millie followed suite as you dipped your toes into the water. When the sky started to turn to pink hues she asked you the question you knew was going to come up sooner or later, “what were you thinking about in the car.. when you went quiet?” You took a deep breath before replying, “I used to play for Southend Girls” you said, plunging the conversation into a long silent pause. “I didn’t know that” Millie responded cautiously, anxiously looking down and playing with her thumb ring. Her response caused you to chuckle lightly, “how the hell could you have known that?” pushing her further into the sea so the cuffs of her rolled up jeans got a little wet. “Hey!” she shouted trying to drag you in with her but you were quick and slipped your arm from her grip, running back up the beach as she chased you. Seeing the lights of the arcades still glowing you kept running, stopping at a bench by the road before going any further to swipe the sand from your feet and replace your shoes as you waited for your date to join you. “You’re quick!” she puffed, breathless from the unexpected sprint. You asked her favourite game in the arcades as you took her hand and lead her to the cash machine, pulling your purse out to feed a £50 note into the machine so it spat out £1s in return. Splitting the money between two pots you handed hers over, “did you just put a fifty in there?!” seemingly astonished at the amount you were willing to waste on 2p machines! “It’d cost about that in petrol” you shrugged, seeing it as a fair swap, she drove and you pay for the plastic tat you’re about to win together! Millie darted straight to the basketball machine and you set yourself up at a 2p machine nearby so you could watch her top rise above her hips to show a little skin when she took her shots. It felt like she spent forever on that machine, glancing over to you every now and again between games as the tickets piled up at her feet. You floated between machines, collecting your prizes and tickets until you felt her arms wrap around you and her chin balance on the crown of your head. “Are you winning?” she asked, peering into your prize pot that was almost full, “there’s more in here!” you laughed, opening your bag to show off all your useless prizes. You had so much fun in the arcades but before you left you had to have a battle on the dance machine and swap your tickets for sweets to share on the journey home, you didn’t want the date to end!
Stumbling out of the arcade in fits of laughter and a handbag full of prizes the sky had turned dark, you wondered if Millie would suggest going home but she didn’t, instead spotting a pub close by that seemed lively and went to have a closer look, “there’s a band playing in there!” she chimed excitedly. It was The Chinneries, one of your old haunts as a teenager, you’d jump on the train and meet your friends to go and watch different bands nearly every month. As Millie spoke to the bouncer, you skimmed the posters on the wall and noticed that playing tonight is one of your old favourite bands. “Are there any tickets left?” you called over as Millie nodded in response, “can we go in?” she nodded again, reaching out her hand for you to run over and take. Shuffling into the small bar you stood near the back, you’d entered around the half way mark of their set and shuffled around the people to be able to order a drink. Millie was much taller than you and could easily see over people’s heads but made sure she found a space that you could enjoy the show from too. Right after you got comfortable they started to play one of your favourite songs, screaming in excitement you immediately started bouncing up and down singing the words at the top of your lungs. Millie had never heard of them before but she enjoyed watching you be happy, posting a short video of the back of you to her Instagram story with “she’s cute” written over the top. You couldn’t be identified by the video as it was just the back of you singing with your arm in the air but it made you happy when you spotted it on her insta later that night.
“I think this has been the best first date I’ve ever had Mills!” you gushed walking out of the pub, it was getting late and you really should be heading home soon. “Ohhhh, pet names already!” her voice squeaky and high pitch as she shoved herself into your side jokingly. Your hand slipped easily into hers when she draped her arm over your shoulder, crossing your arm over your chest to keep hold of her hand. “I agree.. (y/n/n)” teasingly using your nickname too. You asked who she was playing tomorrow and what time when you were driving home, you were astonished that you still found stuff to talk about! Her hand was on your thigh the entire drive and when you pulled up in front of your house the anticipation of whether you were going to kiss or not was overwhelming. You desperately wanted to but didn’t want to rush things, the date had been perfect and all the signs were there that Millie really liked you but you wouldn’t know for certain until.. “can I kiss you?” her soft words interrupted your overthinking.
The engine was purring as she unclipped your seatbelt, nodding your head gently as hers came closer, stroking your fringe behind your ear her hand lingered to cup your cheek as your lips touched in the softest entanglement. You could feel the goosebumps raise on your arms as your eyelashes fluttered against her skin, her nose grazing yours as the kiss sealed off a perfect day. “I’d love to see you again” she whispered, her forehead pressed softly against yours. Her blue eyes gazing deeply into your soul, willing you to answer her. “Me too, I’ll take you out next time” leaning forward to peck her lips one last time before leaving. Entering the home you share with your dad he was already at the front door waiting to hear all about your date. You’re still not convinced that he didn’t set this up on purpose but you’re thankful that the events at the auction had lead to a dark time in your life actually bringing you joy.
Part Three
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blues824 · 1 year
Hello! I absulotely love your blog! Could I perhaps request Azul, Ace, and Vil with a philanthropist s/o?
Not going to lie, I didn’t know what a philanthropist was until I Googled it. I also looked at what qualifications you must have to be a philanthropist, and I qualify as one, apparently.
Gender-neutral reader, who can be read as either Yuu or not.
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Ace Trappola
He would try to warp the meaning of charity or a deserving cause so that you could hook him up with some money at the beginning, but you promptly refused, saying that there were unfortunate people in Twisted Wonderland who were more deserving. Of course, this was a matter that called for laughter.
To be honest, Ace was insecure about your relationship. Your name was on magazines, on TV, on the sides of buses and billboards. Not only did you have a ton of money that you donated to people who needed it, but you also did a lot of physical volunteer work. And since Ace loves to do shit that gets him in trouble, you decided that he had enough time to do volunteer work as well.
You had asked Riddle if it would be okay, and he was glad that the First Year’s time that was typically used to get in trouble would be put into something actually productive and good, so he allowed Trappola to go off-campus for this. In fact, the Housewarden changed the rule so that in addition to being beheaded, any rule breaker would be assigned some volunteer work.
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Azul Ashengrotto
He doesn’t like giving away money to a cause that does him no good in return, but you liked ‘throwing away’ your money for ‘no reason’ (as he said). That earned him a prompt slap across the face as you said that there were people who deserved that money more than you did. This kind of made Azul see that you were right and that people were suffering at the hands of capitalism.
Again, you were a very popular name. You appeared on the news, on newspapers, on magazines, etc. You would use these outlets to get people to either donate or volunteer in some sort of way. Your boyfriend decided to look into it, and went with you one day to make sandwiches and grab water bottles to give to the homeless around the Queendom of Roses during Spring Break.
Jade and Floyd tagged along as well, and you saw the latter tweel carrying a small girl on his shoulders as he carried the cooler of water bottles. Azul had to admit that giving to the less fortunate made his heart feel good and it put him in a very positive mood. The organization you were partnering with knew you very well (obviously), and you handed out T-shirts to the other three so that everyone would know you were part of their group.
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Vil Schoenheit
As an actor, he is also very famous. And to outdo his very kind and generous rival, he has donated a lot to charity organizations as well. Of course, he didn’t actually go physically volunteer, as he is too busy, but one day he went to Ramshackle to see you making an abundance of popsicles. He asked what you were doing, and you said that you would be going to a charity organization event and handing out popsicles to the less fortunate children the next day.
This kind of planted a seed in his brain, and he checked his schedule to see if he was free. Aside from a 30 minute video call meeting, he was free. So, he asked if he could come with. The smile that was present on your face as you told him he was welcome to go with you was one that he couldn't refuse.
Everyone at the event recognized both him and you, as he was a frequent donor. Seeing you interact with the children as you wheeled the ice cream cart around and started giving out popsicles put a grin on Vil’s face. Another group of children flocked up to him and screamed about how Vil Schoenheit was here! It was all in all a very wholesome event that left the movie star feeling good about himself internally.
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umgeorge · 2 months
George Russell: "Mercedes Is In A Good Period… But We Want More"
Aged 26, George Russell is participating in his third season with the Mercedes team. Interview with the British driver before the Formula 1 Belgian Grand Prix, fourteenth round of the 2024 season. A Good Period... To Improve "I'm a more complete driver than I was six years ago, but I don't think I'm faster today than I was ten years ago. You either have the speed or you don't. Where I progressed today is in the way of handling more complicated situations; managing tires, traffic, pressure. You learn to manage these moments better with experience. It's been two-and-a-half years of hard work, difficult races. We were a little lost, not in the direction we had to take, and now, finally, after this hard work, from Montreal, the pole position, the victory in Austria, the pole at Silverstone with Lewis. And now we're in a good period, but we want more, of course.
What To Remember From Lewis Hamilton? "I learned a lot from Lewis on a human level; his way of managing engineers and getting the best out of the team. From a driver's point of view, we're all different. For me, it's always important to find your own way. A comparison I made in the past: Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Novak Djokovic. They all have enormous success in grand slams, but they're different players. You have to find your own way. If you try to copy someone, their style, you'll never be as good as they are. If I tried to drive like Lewis I would never be as fast as he was. The same goes for Lewis if he tried to drive like me. You have to find your own way."
Collaboration With His Teammate "We talk a lot about leadership because Lewis is going to leave, but the way I see the races, my driving, I think it was my best season in terms of speed. I'm not going to change anything next year. I'm going to build on what I did this year. Lewis and I have the same influence within the team. We have the same level of respect from the whole team. Now that he's going to leave, I hope my future teammate will have the same impact as I do. We're lucky to be two drivers driving the same car, and we need all the information from each driver. The team must always come first. It's the team that gives you the opportunity. It's the team that designs the car, that builds it, that puts the wheels on the car. We're a big piece of this puzzle, but we're not the only one. At the end of the day, if you do things well as a driver, you don't have to be selfish. You qualify on pole, if you get the best start and you're in the lead, and if you're the fastest, there won't be a problem. Things are in your own hands to avoid being selfish.” The Essential Presence of Fans "Yeah, for sure there's a balance, because I love when I see the fans, but ultimately as a driver you're in a very fortunate position. We are doing our dream job. We would take this job for free, and we're here earning huge amounts of money. The sport is so successful, and is more successful than ever today because of the fans, so to have dinner and take ten minutes of my time with the fans, for me it doesn't change a huge amount in my day, but for them maybe it's something they'll remember forever, and when I see the reaction it has with some people… You realize this is what's the most important in this sport." all but the last answer were translated from french with google translate sry
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pastanest · 9 months
Danny x gn&British!reader
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Danny Atlas x British Reader
- this man will act like he’s above finding an accent attractive until he meets you
- and then his cards are on the table pun intended
- bc he suddenly realizes that the dry British sense of humor massively appeals to him
- the first time you call him “smarmy” he all but fumbles his deck fr
- rarely asks you to translate your British slang and pretends to know exactly what you mean but the second you’re not looking he’s googling on his phone “what is a tosspot”
- LOVES the way your face scrunches up in absolute disgust when he repeats some British slang back to you but makes no effort to sound less American when he does
- particularly when using the word “banter” bc, as you so rightly put it, “there is no need to use such a hard r at the end of that word”
- LOVES listening to you retell stories that he’s told you or tales of funny things that happened to you together, in group settings with others bc the way you retell things with your additional British commentary has him struggling to hide an adoring smirk
- surprises you with random British things sometimes just to see how you’ll react
- bought you a mixed box of British sweets once and when you found parma violets in the bottom, you flipped your lid you decide whether that’s good or bad in this context but if you actually like sweets that taste like perfume…
- LOVES to take the piss out of the way you pronounce American things “wrong” despite the fact he is very well educated on the fact the language he speaks derives from yours, he just likes winding you up
- doesn’t understand the hype around fish and chips until you take him to a proper fish and chip shop and it’s like a religious experience for him
“I should move here. We should move here, I think. And we need to be within 5 miles of this exact fish and chip store.”
“Yes, sorry, shop. I need to be able to walk here. At least once a week. Maybe more. I’ll book myself as an entertainer here and perhaps they’ll give me this stuff for free.”
“If I earn enough money from shows here, I could even buy this exact fish and chip shop. And rehire everyone who already works here to ensure everything tastes exactly the same. Except under my name. Atlas Fish And Chips.”
“Danny, you can’t just-“
“J. Daniel Atlas, masterful illusionist and fish and chip shop owner. That’s history. I’m going to make it history.”
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jestbee · 6 months
Fic Graveyard Tag
So @scoops404 asked me to list the fics in my "fic Graveyard" aka the fics in my google docs that I started but will probably not continue, and I decided to make it a tag for all my writer friends to do. List all the fics you started writing but probably won't continue and then tag some friends to do the same: For my version of this I've only included fics where I have over a couple thousand words because I have lots of docs with like 200/300 words in and that would be a really long list. Honourable mentions at the end! Working title/doc title: From whence you came Premise: Fae!George and Knight!Dream dsmp fic Pairing: dnf with side karlnap Word count: 7,602 Reason you stopped writing it: I'm not really a fantasy writer I just got the idea in my head and wrote a bunch of it. The karlnap dynamic in this of like himbo sapnap and mage!karl lives in my head rent free though
Working title/doc title: Shiny Things/You Earned It Premise: Sugar Baby AU Pairing: dnf Word count: 2,627 Reason you stopped writing it: I struggled with the initial way in to this as I didn't want to do it entirely AU but they both have a lot of their own money irl and although George likes when ppl pay for things the initial way into the arrangement didn't work for me. It kept coming out a bit more findom. I have extensive notes on it though and I may return to something similar at some point
Working title/doc title: the porn star au that Dream asked for Premise: They're porn stars, Dream is faceless and does amateur solo stuff on OnlyFans but is really successful, George does studio movies and is popular in his own right. Dream wants to transition to movie work for the money and requests to work with George, but no one is actually sure if he's gay or just gay for pay. This was based on Dream's tweet about "in an alternate universe I'm a gay porn star are still get cancelled for queerbaiting" or whatever it was he said. Anyway, every time I read my notes for this I love it a bit more Pairing: dnf Word count: 2,749 Reason you stopped writing it: Honestly, I liked the premise so much I worried about not doing it justice and now I get scared every time I try
Working title/doc title: Tricksy Dreamon times Premise: dsmp fic where DreamXD keep taunting George in the wake of Dream being locked in prison but then Dream escapes and shows up on George's doorstep all traumatised and in need of care. Essentially just some angsty hurt/comfort Pairing: dnf Word count: 4,327 Reason you stopped writing it: Again, I'm not really a fantasy writer or dsmp writer, my friend Charlotte just loved some fics like this and so I wanted to write her one but it's not really in my wheelhouse and so I'll leave her to read the actual good ones
Working title/doc title: the royalty au dream wants but that I didn't think I'd ever write Premise: George is a rebellious prince sleeping with a knight called Dream he doesn't really get along with but then he becomes King unexpectedly due to the death of his father and is faced with the perils of trying to govern a country. He's expected to marry the prince of a nearby kingdom in order to solidify their alliance, but he just can't seem to shake Dream, who has some very strong opinions about how George could be running things instead Pairing: dnf Word count: 1,804 Reason you stopped writing it: Again, not really my usual kind of thing. I'm a contemporary romance write - I don't know why I keep starting these things
Honourable mentions (fics that are a couple hundred words): Werewolf!Dream au - again, not my thing Spanking fic - There are already so many good ones and anything I could have put in this will probably be in a future longer fic of mine Living like you said - a fic with the summary "As YouTube falls apart, Dream and George fall together" about them contemplating quitting while getting together - idk why I gave this up except I didn't have a clear outline for it How to deal with alpha roommates - I so badly want to write more Beta!George like in my fic That's How We Play It (please read, it's my baby) and I started with a premise but again didn't have a clear outline, just a desire for Beta!George fake snf for the bet - what it says on the tin, really. abandoned because I lost enthusiasm for it (Sapnap probably pissed me off that day) Fertitlity stuff - occasionally I start fic to exorcise some personal demons and this was an mpreg one where they faced fertility issues and then split up only to get back together later on but then - well, my own life happened and it made this a bit impossible to continue. This is just the DNF, if you wanna see the Phan list, let me know!! I'm tagging: @scoops404 @czargasm @alittledizzy to do this too fi they want but also if they don't that's cool too :)
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juniperhillpatient · 10 months
ok I’m like… back to this. I do love that the coffin of andy & leyley is so brutally bluntly HORROR as in not pg 13 blumhouse ghost horror movies that shy away from anything too taboo but horror that’s meant to offend & upset. I like the way it sees shit you’re not “supposed” to talk about & goes as hard as it can like - I don’t think at this point it’s a secret to literally anyone who follows me or has ever discussed fiction with me ever that the controversial or daring are obvious draws for me in any genre but particularly my favorite genre of horror.
like an anon suggested this to me, I saw the words “cannibalism” “incest” & “botched satanic ritual” as soon as I googled & was ready to check it out BUT I think it’s worth noting that it’s not the dark concepts themselves that got this game its well earned hype or that ensure that it lives rent free in my head & the heads of other fans.
I think the writers have created really compelling & complex multilayered characters & a fascinating storyline with a lot of questions left unanswered about the nature of these demons & of human souls & the world these characters inhabit & I’m being so sincere here I also think it’s a really thought provoking critique or at least exploration of the american nuclear family.
I already said this but I would’ve stopped caring pretty fast if andrew & ashley were not more than their archetypes which SURE are fun we love a quirky evil girlboss & her simp boyfriend brother but the fun archetypes are not enough on their own to keep me hooked. luckily, these are some of the least 1 dimensional characters I’ve ever seen. this got carried away talking about how good I think the game is & giving an obligatory disclaimer that yeah, I totally got into it initially for shallow & edgy reasons lol but I actually wanted to talk about the themes because I genuinely think it’s an incredibly well crafted story. anyway -
I think it’s really interesting that ashley is the one that is originally shown believing / hoping their mom hasn’t truly abandoned them. andrew discourages her from having hope in their mom or considering trying to find her until it’s about finding sacrifices for the demon & getting money. yet this initial dynamic is totally forgotten once they’re home. ashley just wants to kill these motherfuckers while andrew is busy playing mind games & - one might argue- playing house / pretending be a happy family. it’s andrew who is offered the olive branch. who we see considering sparing his parents or at least feeling conflicted about killing them. in the flashbacks we see that “andy” was forced to take care of “leyley” & she uses it against him “mom says you have to play with me.”
ashley is so depressingly achingly desperate for any hint of affection & it’s so obvious the reason she’s latched into andrew is that he’s the only one who’s ever chosen her. that’s why she’s so obsessed with calling andrew “andy” despite the conflict it constantly creates. andy helped her hide a body. a possibly hot take but I don’t think leyley was going “yay murder” in her child brain - I don’t think she cared that the girl died don’t get me wrong - but I do believe it was an accident. this is a happy memory though because it’s the only time in ashley’s entire life that someone has chosen her with that level of commitment. yet for andrew it’s horrific & traumatic & he wants to get away from it - or so he tells himself. maybe his parents were decent to him or at least not actively hateful how they were to ashley but it’s abundantly clear based on the fact the story’s premise relies on them leaving him to fucking starve to death that they do not give a fuck about him.
when mrs. graves tells andrew that there’s still hope for him & that she always cared about him the compliments she chooses are telling - they thought he was easy, quiet, a good kid - they thought they could have another (& hand her off to him to take care of). and ofc it’s worth noting mrs. graves only says all this to save her own skin & would never freely talk about caring about andrew.
so andy is living this cold not abusive but certainly empty & devoid of nurturing life & along comes leyley. she’s annoying & needy but she loves him with such reckless abandon. adult ashley’s words say it all. “If only you could love me with half the heart I love you with.” but he DOES he just doesn’t know how to show it the way she does. so he chooses her again & again & tries to make her happy with violence & bending to her will & showing her he’d do anything for her with everything he can except the one thing she wants which is simple affection.
as things get more & more dire ashley gets more abusive, controlling & manipulative embodying the worst aspects of her mother - a cold heartless bitch who never cared about anyone but herself - & andrew gets more & more apathetic just like his worthless father who’s barely even a person in his wife’s shadow.
it’s a really tragic story & I love this idea of characters on the run but they’re really running from themselves & that’s something you can never escape. how telling is it that the one thing ashley doesn’t want is to be buried in the same grave as her parents? but this story is about a grave it’s always been about a coffin in one way or another, they thought they escaped when they got out of the apartment but they’re still in it because they’ll always still be in it, you can’t escape from who you are at your core & there’s a reason ashley having tarred soul is such a glaring theme & episode 2 (in some versions) ends with andrew gaining a mark on his hand from the demon. they’re marked & there’s no escape. I’m sorry it’s just REALLY good horror. ok I’m done for now
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reshaaaxsimmies · 14 days
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Elder Orphanage Challenge
I thought I was raw asl and made this whole thing up, then BAM! Found out there was an orphanage challenge already 🤦🏽‍♀️ so I've made (and been playing) my own lol.
I'll just call this the elder version 😂
More info under the cut!
Challenge Overview:
In this Elder-only version of the Orphanage Challenge, you must raise and care for a group of orphans under the watchful eyes of one or two elder Sims. The goal is to ensure the orphans are adopted by neighborhood families or successfully age up to teens before the elders pass away. Elders bring unique challenges due to their slower speed, inability to work, and limited lifespan, making this a fun and immersive challenge!
Create the Caretaker(s):
You can choose either:
One Elder Sim for a more difficult game.
Two Elder Sims for a slightly easier experience, but one of the two must use a cane (see details below).
Cane Requirement: If you opt for two elders, one must use a cane (from the Generations expansion pack). The cane slows them down, making tasks like cooking, cleaning, and child care more time-consuming. Of course, if you don't have generations then you're free not to!
You can have ONE 'cheaty' trait PER ELDER. So, you shouldn't make one sim who has perfectionist, neat, natural cook, nurturing, and green thumb traits or something. I highly recommend one cheaty trait, and one bad trait (evil, hates children, mean-spirited, snob, etc) for better storylines and more surprises!
Create the Orphans:
You must start with a minimum of 6 orphans:
2 babies (You can adopt them or cheat and force random infants on the elders or random townies, then add them to the family).
2 toddlers
2 children
You'll need to use a random number generator (like on google) for the future generations of orphans (explanation below)
The orphans can either be:
Created in Create-A-Sim (CAS), or
Adopted using the in-game phone service. Adopting adds an extra layer of realism and difficulty, as orphans will arrive gradually instead of all at once.
First-generation orphans can be random cheated babies from townies.
Challenge Rules:
Elder-Only Restrictions:
You can only control the elders and teens (once teens become best friends with both elders).
Elders are not allowed to have jobs, so they must find other ways to make money (see below).
If you have two elders, one must use a cane, slowing them down considerably.
Generations Expansion Pack Features:
Canes for Elders: The cane-using elder will walk slowly and take longer to get things done, so keep an eye on their timing!
Bedtime Stories: Elders can read bedtime stories to help build relationships with the children.
Strollers for Toddlers: You can take toddlers for a stroll to build bonds and give the elders a fun, but slow-paced, activity.
Daycare Service: You can hire babysitters if managing the orphanage becomes overwhelming, but only sparingly.
Adoption Parties & Fees:
Every Saturday or Sunday, host an adoption party where you invite neighborhood adults.
The children must build a relationship with a guest adult, and once they become friends (or best friends if you want more difficulty), they can be adopted.
After each successful adoption, the player adds $700 Simoleons to the household funds as an "adoption fee."
Starting Funds & Finances:
You must start with $2500 Simoleons to make managing the orphanage financially challenging.
Ways to earn money:
Painting: Sell paintings for profit.
Gardening: Grow and sell produce.
Collecting: Elders can gather gems, rocks, or insects to sell.
Crafting: If you have the Ambitions expansion pack, sculpting and other crafting skills can be used for extra funds.
Elders cannot hold full-time jobs or take on professions, since running the orphanage IS their profession.
Raising the Orphans:
You can’t control babies, toddlers, or children. They must manage their own needs, while elders provide basic care (feeding, diaper changing, etc.). Set them as non-playable household members if you want!
Teens: Once a child ages up to a teen and becomes friends with both elders, they can start assisting with the younger orphans.
Elders are responsible for teaching toddlers to walk, talk, and use the potty until a teen is playable.
Age-Up Losses
Losing Condition: If any of the orphans age up to Young Adult and are not inheriting the orphanage, the challenge is over. To avoid losing, all orphans must be adopted before they reach Young Adult, or they must be the one chosen to inherit the orphanage.
If both elders die and there is no teen to take over, the orphanage shuts down, kids get taken, and you lose the challenge.
Traits I Recommend:
Green Thumb (makes gardening easier).
Perfectionist (provides some skill bonuses).
Surrounded by Family (provides 'parenting' bonuses).
Illustruous Author (lines up well with what they can do while running the orphanage)
Neat (Keeps the place clean, since kids are messy lol)
Natural Cook (obviously don't wanna burn the place down!)
You can use your own, but these are some I recommend picking from!
Endgame & Goals:
1. Adopt all the Orphans:
The goal is to either have all children adopted or successfully aged up into teens before both elders pass away. Once done, you can choose to use the oldest orphan who will age up to an adult as the 'successor' of the orphanage to keep it going!
2. Successfully Have an Orphan 'Inherit' The Orphanage:
Once you've adopted the first six orphans, the oldest teen of the second round of orphans is eligible to inherit, and they can be aged up to YA if they are still teens. You can have as many generations inherit as you want, especially since Sims tend to die before Old Age anyway 😏 I added $5000 as an 'insurance inheritance' when the elder sims pass away.
3. Death of The Elders:
If both elders die before the children are adopted or AT LEAST one is a teen, the remaining orphans are considered to be taken by social services, and the challenge ends.
If a teen has aged up and taken over the orphanage, they can continue managing it until all children are taken care of. Of course, it'll be harder since the teen can't control them and has to take care of themself too.
Difficulty Levels:
Single Elder Sim with 8-10 Orphans (Ultimate Tongue Burn): Managing an entire orphanage alone with limited resources and time makes this the most difficult version of the challenge.
Two Elder Sims with 8-10 (Mild Heat): The couple can share responsibilities, but the cane-wielding elder will slow things down, requiring careful planning and patience.
Single Elder Sim with 6 orphans (Moderate Warmth): Keeping all those kids wrangled will cause a possible headache!
Two Elder Sims with 6 orphans (No Peppers): Two elders may make it easier, but try to keep them alive and raise those chillen!
This Elder-Only Orphanage Challenge was fun, and the pressure to get the children adopted successfully before time runs out is what makes this challenge exciting! Feel free to edit it to however you wanna play! Enjoy!
Also, lmk if you guys want me to share the two lots I used as my orphanages! One is a barely-edited BG house for the homey-loving type, and the other I used the Sudsy Time laundromat as a shell and built like the more utilitarian-type.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
Hi, do you know a real way to earn money by yourself online or with your own business. I tried searching into it many times but none of those things listed on google seem to work for real?
Hi love! I can only speak from my experience starting my own business as a solopreneur. Here are the steps I would take if I were starting from square one:
Define your ideal career path for yourself. Consider your answers to the following questions:
What type of work would you be doing?
Would it be a product or service-based business?
Who are your ideal clients?
How would you interact with them?
What's your ideal lifestyle?
With this information, reverse engineer your entrepreneurial career path:
Discover your passion + core competency: Figure out where your interest and skillsets lie and how they can intertwine
Build & refine your skillset: Read, practice, take courses, etc.
Create examples of your work and a digital presence: Create mockups of your work, do passion/portfolio projects for a low fee for new clients or family/friends for free, etc. Make a website, LinkedIn page, online portfolio, etc.
Network & pitch yourself: Use email, LinkedIn, etc.
Create systems that serve your business well (onboarding materials, spreadsheets, supply chain management – even if it's from your living room, deadline, and invoicing schedules, etc.)
Turn in the highest quality work/product on time
Communicate with class, grace, enthusiasm, and appreciation for your clients
Go the extra mile with thoughtful holiday or milestone gifts ( they don't need to be at all expensive)
Ask for testimonials & approval to use the final work product in your portfolio (do this with an initial contract if you have a service-based business), and make it known that you're open to referrals
Keep in touch and tabs on the growth/new achievements of previous clients. Dropping a thoughtful line of encouragement can only cultivate an ongoing positive connection. Once you have a relatively robust and efficient skill set, relationships and your network are everything in business.
Hope this helps xx
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affiliateinz · 8 months
5 Laziest Ways to Make Money Online With ChatGPT
ChatGPT has ignited a wave of AI fever across the world. While it amazes many with its human-like conversational abilities, few know the money-making potential of this advanced chatbot. You can actually generate a steady passive income stream without much effort using GPT-3. Intrigued to learn how? Here are 5 Laziest Ways to Make Money Online With ChatGPT
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Table of Contents
License AI-Written Books
Get ChatGPT to write complete books on trending or evergreen topics. Fiction, non-fiction, poetry, guides – it can create them all. Self-publish these books online. The upfront effort is minimal after you prompt the AI. Let the passive royalties come in while you relax!
Generate SEO Optimized Blogs
Come up with a blog theme. Get ChatGPT to craft multiple optimized posts around related keywords. Put up the blog and earn advertising revenue through programs like Google AdSense as visitors pour in. The AI handles the hard work of researching topics and crafting content.
The Ultimate AI Commission Hack Revealed! Watch FREE Video for Instant Wealth!
Create Online Courses
Online courses are a lucrative passive income stream. Rather than spending weeks filming or preparing materials, have ChatGPT generate detailed course outlines and pre-written scripts. Convert these quickly into online lessons and sell to students.
Trade AI-Generated Stock Insights
ChatGPT can analyze data and return accurate stock forecasts. Develop a system of identifying trading signals based on the AI’s insights. Turn this into a monthly stock picking newsletter or alert service that subscribers pay for.
Build Niche Websites
Passive income favorites like niche sites take ages to build traditionally. With ChatGPT, get the AI to research winning niches, create articles, product reviews and on-page SEO optimization. Then drive organic search traffic and earnings on autopilot.
The Ultimate AI Commission Hack Revealed! Watch FREE Video for Instant Wealth!
The beauty of ChatGPT is that it can automate and expedite most manual, tedious tasks. With some strategic prompts, you can easily leverage this AI for passive income without burning yourself out. Give these lazy money-making methods a try!
Thank you for taking the time to read my rest of the article, 5 Laziest Ways to Make Money Online With ChatGPT
5 Laziest Ways to Make Money Online With ChatGPT
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Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I receive a small commission at NO ADDITIONAL cost to you if you decide to purchase something. While we receive affiliate compensation for reviews / promotions on this article, we always offer honest opinions, users experiences and real views related to the product or service itself. Our goal is to help readers make the best purchasing decisions, however, the testimonies and opinions expressed are ours only. As always you should do your own thoughts to verify any claims, results and stats before making any kind of purchase. Clicking links or purchasing products recommended in this article may generate income for this product from affiliate commissions and you should assume we are compensated for any purchases you make. We review products and services you might find interesting. If you purchase them, we might get a share of the commission from the sale from our partners. This does not drive our decision as to whether or not a product is featured or recommended.
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athousandmorningss · 8 months
I'm a free man/freer than I've ever been.
It's January, & I'm not tired I'd written.
Google photos shows me a picture from a year ago and I'm moved to marvel at then to now.
I'm trying to find new ways to move my body. C. and I fumble and laugh through a barre class that leaves me sore for two days afterwards. I try a spin class that leaves me wobbly-legged and grinning on the walk home in the fog. I lob a ten pound ball at pins for five hours straight and improve my game. J and I hole up in a dive bar with a ping pong ball table between us, my smile wide and eager from a well-earned win. I bike for miles, hike, stretch, lift.
Feb. 1 is the one year anniversary of asking for a divorce. I'm thinking about forgiveness. I'm thinking about the eight hour conversation with Y in which he finally owned the abuse. I presented you with a version of myself that I never fully realized, he'd said. I'm thinking about the specificity of the apologies-how they hinted at genuine self-reflection, but how this seemed to fall apart when he learned I'm going on dates with someone. How the anger and passive aggressiveness and meanness came out again. His I have concerns about what you're doing indicating a still present desire to control. The audacity.
And yet: I want to believe in forgiveness. Maybe I need to forgive him in order to forgive myself. I unintentionally found Myisha Cherry's Failures of Forgiveness at the library, and am moved when I read "forgiveness also aims at release, relief, and reconciliation for the victim. why should victims abandon these goals in order to focus on what the offender learns or doesn't learn? why must forgivers be both survivors and teachers?" (p. 37). I shuffle through anger and forgiveness in equal measures, I cannot land on one. I'm not supposed to.
Lover calls at two AM post concert and bar crawl. Later I tell him I don't want him to do that: that I want our time together to be deliberate and sober. Choose me when you're not drunk is what I'm trying to say. When together, we kiss for hours: our mouths eating and eating at each other, spit combined and shared, hands all over. It's so easy, even boring, to be desired and yet: he's healing that hurting part of me that wants to be kissed over and over and over 'til dizzy. To be taken slowly, in a way my ex-husband never did.
Over dinner with j, i ask for her take on what my next move should be. should i be paying my loans off? should i be saving a shit ton of money? and oh, this city's alright, but i want to get the fuck out of here. I can't do all three at once. She reminds me that the cheap living affords me the upcoming trip and concert to Austin, the loosely planned road-trip to California, the xyz.
I feel a stirring kind of restlessness, but can't help but wonder if this is a callback to y's claim that my life won't be adventurous without him. Or that my life is smooth and steady for the first time in decades, and maybe I attribute this smoothness to boredom.
I learn that my drug-addicted sister is homeless. I almost empty my saving's account to get her into rehab. She enters rehab and leaves two days later. On the phone, she ends the five? ten? year silence between us and says I love you. I delete the threads and block my eldest sister, again. You have to act like your sister's don't exist my hairdresser, whom I hug and talk with for hours while in the chair, says. And yeah. I do.
My hair's red now. That feels right. Do you want to go hiking in the morning C asks. I want to have a galentine's day dinner at my place, when are you free I send to the group chat. I'm turning 38 this year. I'm plagued by survivor's guilt. I'm thinking about the ocean. I'm trying, I'm trying, I swear to god I'm trying.
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511digital · 2 months
The SEO Marathon:Why Slow and Steady wins the Digital Race 
Discover why SEO success takes time and learn strategies to stay motivated during your long-term SEO journey. Perfect for digital marketers feeling SEO burnout!
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1.The SEO Sprint vs. Marathon Mindset
Hey there, digital marketing rockstar! Feeling a bit winded in your SEO race? Trust me, we’ve all been there. It’s tempting to think of SEO as a mad dash to the top of Google’s rankings, but here’s the truth bomb: SEO is more marathon than sprint.
Think about it. You wouldn’t expect to go from couch potato to marathon runner overnight, right? Same goes for SEO. It’s all about building that endurance, one step at a time.
2.Why SEO Takes Its Sweet Time
So, why can’t we just chug some digital Red Bull and zoom to the top? Here’s the deal:
Building Authority: Google’s not handing out authority like free samples at Costco. You gotta earn it, and that takes time.
Link Building: Quality links are like gold in the SEO world, but you can’t just mine them overnight.
Content Indexing: Google’s bots are fast, but they’re not The Flash. It takes time for them to crawl and index your awesome content.
Algorithm Plot Twists: Google loves to keep us on our toes with algorithm updates. Adapting takes time.
User Behavior: As your site gets better, so do your user metrics. But users need time to notice and change their behavior.
3.Staying Pumped When Progress Feels Slow
Feeling like you’re running in digital quicksand? Here’s how to keep your SEO mojo flowing:
Set Realistic Goals: Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is SEO success. Set achievable milestones.
Celebrate Small Wins: Did your rankings jump up even a little? Break out the party hats!
Focus on Your Audience: Instead of obsessing over rankings, focus on creating killer content your audience will love.
Keep Learning: SEO is always evolving. Stay curious and keep updating your skills.
Mix It Up: Don’t put all your eggs in the SEO basket. Try other marketing strategies too.
4.Common SEO Hurdles and How to Leap Over Them
The Ranking Rollercoaster: Rankings fluctuate. Focus on overall trends, not daily changes.
Fierce Competition: Analyze your competitors, then find ways to stand out. Be the purple cow in a field of black and white!
Resource Crunch: Short on time or money? Prioritize the SEO tasks that pack the biggest punch for your business.
Content Fatigue: Keep your content fresh and exciting. Think of it as giving your website a regular spa day.
5.FAQ: Your Burning SEO Questions Answered
Q: How long until I see SEO results?
A: It varies, but typically, you might start seeing some movement in 4-6 months, with more significant results in 6-12 months.
Q: Is it worth investing in SEO if it takes so long?
A: Absolutely! While it takes time, SEO can provide long-lasting, cost-effective results compared to paid advertising.
Q: Can I speed up SEO results?
A: While you can’t cheat the system, focusing on technical SEO, creating high-quality content, and building genuine backlinks can help accelerate your progress.
Q: What if I stop doing SEO?
A: Your rankings may start to slip as competitors continue their efforts. SEO is an ongoing process, not a one-and-done deal.
6.Wrapping Up: Embracing the SEO Long Game
Remember, friends, SEO isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. It’s a long-term investment in your digital presence. Sure, it can be frustrating when you’re putting in the work and not seeing immediate results. But trust me, that consistent effort will pay off. So lace up those digital running shoes, pace yourself, and remember: in the SEO world, slow and steady really does win the race. You’ve got this, marathon runner!
Now, I’m curious: What’s your biggest SEO challenge right now?
Drop it in the comments below. Let’s brainstorm some solutions together!
5 Words: “Boost Your SEO Marathon Endurance”
1 Statistic: “93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.”
1 Action: “Download our free ‘SEO Marathon Training Plan’ to start building your long-term SEO strategy today!”
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