#fruits and vegetables don’t do shit
kramlabs · 1 year
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makkie-is-screaming · 2 months
don’t have to worry about my mom thinking I have an ed cuz she just told me she “loves the way I eat.” Why does this make me want to beat my head in with rocks.
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dawnleaf37 · 1 year
add more plants to object shows
#plant tag rant incomin ok yall. idont mean just like fruit and vegetables#vegetables debatable uh#I don’t mean just like edible idiots#give me fucking trees . bushes. make grasses work#people can do crazy shit with character designs . you can make a grass work in your object show. hell. I did#when I say grass up there I’m not referring to bamboo or palm trees however those are both pretty good too#and things without pots or planters. if you can do a interesting thing with it I give a pass . example: stinging needle plant having to be+#+in a container in order not to hurt other people if they even just brush by#that’s creative! I have that guy! do shit like that that’s cool!#have an overgrown dude in a flowerbox! multiple plants even!#name your goddamn clovers and sorrels right for once for the love of shit also#quick ref: sorrel is typically lighter and has heart shaped leaves. clover is typically darker and has oval shaped leaves#also their flowers are wildly different go check that out#but what im saying is. give me leafed things ok. flower object oc? add some leaves to it ! give me interesting plants too!#hell you can pop into my dms/ask box . dms preferred. if youd like and I can recommend a plant that’d fit#id love to /gen#like. give me something people wouldn’t expect#putting a blackberry into an object show well why not a blackberry bush?#why not some sort of parasitic plant like mistletoe?#maybe a combination of two objects; some kind of tree and spanish moss or an airplant or a bromeliad?#sorry that’s a lot of plant. passionate
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hallowxiu · 5 months
How the Brothers Would Deal with MC's Mortality
You casually brought it up as a joke
Probably something like “i’m here for a good time, not a long time” or “why should i care what happens in 100 years? It’s not like i’ll be around to care”
Would probably confuse Mammon at first as to why you wouldn’t be around, but he would put the pieces together in the middle of the night when trying to sleep.
A whole, eyes snapping wide opening and flinging out of his bed kind of moment.
Mammon would worry himself sick
Yes, he knows humans can die, hell, he used to mock you for being so frail when you first came to the Devildom, but now? 
Well, now things are different. How he feels about you is different
He's spending all his money on ways to keep you kicking longer. 
Anything he can think of that’ll help, he’s buying it. Vegetables, fruits, protein powder, comfortable clothes, a nice pillow, vitamins, shampoos- anything. He has no idea where to start, so he just starts grabbing everything. 
I mean, something will have to help, right? 
If you notice he looks panicked, don’t point it out, it’ll only make it worse. Unless you want to be smothered to death from his affection and worry, then by all means. ;)
Look, he can barely handle his favorite anime characters dying, so you? Yeah, no, that’s way too much. 
Nothing actually popped up to remind Leviathan of your mortality, it was because of Satan throwing his books all around the house that did it. 
Suddenly, it was all he could think about. How did he not think of this before? 
Leviathan is no Satan though, and he’s certainly not Lucifer. Researching medical documents and trying to think of things to keep you alive longer are a little over his head. That being said, there were some things he could do.
Leviathan dove into his own research that would be within his realm of understanding, studying that humans who have more positive mindsets and who are less exposed to depressing forms of media, may live longer than the average person. This- this was something he could work with. 
Suddenly, you were constantly being invited to his room, Leviathan having a variety of slice-of-life anime for you to watch with him, all of which had happy endings to boot. If an anime was even remotely depressing, he made sure to keep that out of reach. 
Video games? He’s keeping it safe; he’s not risking anything here. If it’s not similar to Stardew Valley, Animal Crossing, Dreamlight Valley, or The Sims (which must be on a good day), you’re just not playing it. Kingdom Hearts if you’re lucky. 
Would do an insane amount of research 
Likely overheard the topic on a news segment about the tragically short lifespans of humans before it all clicked together.
Satan, unlike the other brothers, has never experienced death before, so while it sounds silly, he never had reason to think of you dying.
Looks up humans who had long lifespans to see how he can implement those things into your lifestyle.
Books will be littered everywhere (although that’s not really unusual, but what is would be the topic of said books- The Long Lives of Humans, Human Lifestyle for Dummies 101, The Road to Human Immortality, etc. etc.)
This is when Satan learns just how easy it is for a human to kick the bucket.
Heart attacks, brain aneurysms, strokes, seizures, cancer, the list goes on and on and it’s starting to scare him. He didn’t know humans could just drop dead. 
He’s going to start researching curses to increase your lifespan, or at the very least he’s going to make sure you’re careful as hell. 
You won’t even get as much as a cut without him being aware of it; he’s going to hover around and mother hen the absolute shit out of you. 
Try not to get too annoyed with him though, it all stems from good intentions. 
He’ll be damned if his shopping partner for life is going to die on him.
Asmo isn’t stupid; if anything he’s pretty emotionally aware. He's known for a long time just how short the lifespan of humans is.
But still, it came in the form of a nightmare. One where he couldn’t save you, despite giving his best efforts. The way you died was tragic, long before your life should have ended. 
This sent Asmo somewhat into a frenzied state trying to find things to keep you alive once he woke up. 
Vitamins, vitamins, vitamins
Humans benefit from vitamins, right? Surely you’d benefit from Devildom vitamins then. If it’ll increase the lifespan of a demon, he sees no reason why it wouldn’t increase your lifespan. 
Of course, it really only gives you nicer nails and shinier hair. 
He’s 10x more intense with your morning and night routines. 
He will be unloading all his facial creams on you, and telling you the benefits of each one and how it might add a few years to your lifespan. 
You want to stay up late at night to finish homework? Maybe watch a movie? Yeah, no, not on Asmo’s watch. 
Your ass is going to bed every night at 10pm, right along with him. You do realize you’ll be getting exactly 8 hours of sleep each night, too, right? 
Regarding his trauma with Lilith, it came as no surprise when he started to fret over your well-being. 
Poor Beel saw an article that discussed how tragically easy it is for a human to die. The cherry on top? How they could die from simply overeating. 
Overeating isn’t a concept Beel is overly familiar with (because to him, it’s never overeating), and while he knew most people couldn’t keep up with his eating habits, he didn’t think it could actually cause harm to a human, let alone kill them. 
Grocery trips are now a more anxiety-inducing event. 
He’s suddenly paranoid that any of the Devildom food could and will kill you. Are you allergic to anything? How would you even know? 
What if one day he serves you his favorite boiled dragonhead and you just drop dead at the dinner table?? No, that will never do. 
There’s a list of Devildom foods that he knows for sure you can have without dying, but then comes the issue of portion control. How much is too much for a human? 
Beelzebub swore he would never lose another loved one again, and it’s a promise he intends to keep. From now on, you will only eat what he deems safe. 
You want to try a new food in the Devildom that you’ve never had before? You better get some seriously good convincing skills if you want him to cave in. For someone who only ever thinks with his stomach, he’s surprisingly stubborn. 
He’s still plagued with nightmares about Lilith, especially since he still thinks it’s his fault. Tack that on to the way he blamed you and the rest of the human race for it? The man is walking trauma. 
 Like Asmodeus, this was brought on by nightmares about you dying. Different from Asmo’s, however, you usually died by his hand. Naturally, considering your tumultuous history. 
Belphegor, unlike his brothers, takes a different approach. He just doesn’t approach you at all. 
What better way to keep your lifespan long than by staying away from you altogether? 
Is it something that he wants? Of course not! But how can he trust himself to never hurt you again? To never kill you again. 
He can’t. 
So, he locks himself away in his room, sleeping most of the day or just avoiding the areas you normally like to lounge. 
On a normal day, almost everyone in the household, including yourself, would notice this behavior change. However, since you’re now being cornered by all the brothers and their concerns about your lifespan, it’s easy for Belphegor’s absence to slip your mind. 
This hurts Belphegor, but at the end of the day, he believes this is for the best.
Lucifer didn’t need a reminder of your short lifespan; if anything, it’s something he’s thought plenty about. 
Lucifer has trauma, we all know that much. After Lilith, he’s absolutely terrified of losing another loved one to something outside of his control.
And your lifespan is not something that’s out of his control. At least not how he sees it, anyway. 
If you thought he was overbearing or overprotective before, brace yourself. He’s going to step it up several notches. 
No excess of junk food, no more pulling all-nighters, no more sitting around the house gaming all day, and definitely no more overexerting your use of magic. He’s no fool, he knows the toll your magic could eventually take on your body. 
Honestly? He wasn’t this bad until his brothers started to panic about your mortality, and though Lucifer told himself he was above such nonsense, he quickly found himself taking all the precautions they were taking (and then some). 
Fortunately, if you find yourself becoming overwhelmed, they’ll be more than willing to listen to you (granted you take some of their concerns into account).
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eriklehnsherrific · 10 months
in case you need to hear this
workout because its good for your heart, lungs, releases endorphins, and you want to get stronger. not because it’ll make you skinny or make your body look a certain way.
wear sunscreen every day in order to protect yourself from easily preventable and deadly skin cancer, not with the goal of preventing aging (there is nothing wrong with aging or wrinkles; it is a natural part of life and reflection of the life you live).
eat more vegetables because you need the fiber to make you more regular, they help lower your risk of eye and digestive problems, and they help in nutrient re-uptake. not because eating only carbs is “bad” for you. you need a combination of carbs, fruit/veg, protein, fiber, fat, etc for a full balanced diet. 
cut out dairy from your diet if it makes you shit your brains out every single time without fail, not because it will “make you fat”.
drink more water because, despite how annoying it is to be told “just drink water”, it does actually make you feel better if you’re anxious or your head hurts or you don’t have any energy. not because it’ll “flush out your immune system uwu” or it will make your skin clear.
drink green tea because its delicious, not because it’s a “natural detox”. ( “detoxes” aren’t real. your kidneys detoxify your blood for you)
not everything “natural” is automatically healthy for you. not everything “unnatural” is automatically unhealthy/dangerous
cutting out whole food groups and labeling them as “bad for you” in any form is restrictive. if you aren’t allergic to gluten, you don’t need to cut gluten from your diet in order to be healthy. if you were not specifically instructed by a doctor to go keto in order to aid treatment for a disease (such as cancer or epilepsy), you do not and should not go keto. 
do “healthy” things because you deserve to live a long, healthy life. yes, you. your weight doesn’t matter and it has never mattered. you deserve to keep yourself safe. 
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carmyboobear · 3 months
love the yapper carm agenda!!!! let him talk a stupid amount about stuff he loves like appropriate knife care, and food combos and denim the best seasons for fruits and 🧂
yapper carm agenda!! He has so much to say about his interests!! And I want to listen <3
“Ever been apple picking? Fall’s the best season for it,” Carmy tells you. You’re riding the metro with him, standing closely to one another. He has one hand on a pole and the other on your waist.
“No, but I’d like to. So do you just magically know when fruits are in season, or…?”
“Not magically, no.” He’s smiling. “It was important to know when we were deciding what to put on the menu back in New York. We had to pick fruits and vegetables that were in season.”
“Sounds kinda like a hassle.”
“Only if you don’t know what you’re doing. We got the best oranges in the winter, and in the summer, we’d get peaches. Did you know that olive oil goes great with summer fruits?”
“Olive oil?” You make a face, but then you nod. “I’d try it.”
“It has to be good stuff, not cheap shit. I’ll prepare a platter for you when the time comes.” Carmy sighs through his nose then. “Mangoes. That’s a summer fruit. I hated cutting those. It was never quick.”
“Fuck mangoes,” you agree supportively. “But they are delicious.”
“They’re delicious,” Carmy agrees, dramatically despondent about it all, and you muffle a laugh.
“Rank the top three worst vegetables you’ve had to prepare,” you ask next, and he rattles on.
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mikeluciraphgabe · 1 year
I think we should look into Bruce Wayne’s garden people
He’s rich with a BIG ass property
Someone needs to cut that grass, fix up the flowers, trim a few trees, help the vegetables and fruits not get tangled, make sure the grave-yard doesn’t get overrun with weeds, etc etc
And, well, Alfred is getting a little too old to stay out in the sun that long/doesn’t have time with … other duties
Bruce would loved to, but as both Batman and running WE, he can’t
And his children definitely won’t do that thanks
He has no option but to hire a company
Do they find out he’s Batman purely by making a wrong turn with the mower? Yes. Do they say shit about fuck? Nope. They’re just happy that this tiny ass company that had like 5 people (3 related to the owner) is getting sudden hires/interest by others to actually say anything to anyone about Mr. Wayne and his kids’ activities at nighttime
(Also, points that they just Like It there cuz “WE employees don’t lie. Mr. Wayne is the best employer by far. We even have physical therapy covered if we happened to pull something on the job.”)
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kramlabs · 8 months
“Reducing huge consumption of polyphenol containing plants down to reasonable -lets’ say 5 servings a day down to 5 a week- might be of more benefit than the jump from zero to one a day.”
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leewritestoomuch · 2 months
Hello! Small request here~ can you possibly do a Dr,stone headcanon where reader has severely bad memory? They’re memory is so bad to the point they would start to call everyone by fruits, vegetables, plants. You name it. Just so they could remember their faces properly? This has been in my mind for so long..but of course no rush and always take care of urself! <3
Idk if you take emoji anons, but can I be 🌒 or 🪻anon? You can choose which one if both are free!
Hi🪻anon (I picked this one cuz I like flowers and it’s different from the emojis I already have anons for, hope that’s okay) (oh and this request is about plants so it fits!)
I decided to do Senku, Gen, Tsukasa, and Hyoga. (I’m finally writing for Tsukasa, THE WORLD REJOICES)
Senku Ishigami
You called him a Leak.
He’s confused, but then looks in the mirror and… holy shit you’re right.
He’s offended, but like brushes it off.
“Focus” he says, turning you back to your work.
He thinks it’s strange thought when you don’t call him by his name even to others.
Eventually, he realizes you must not remember his name.
He couldn’t care less tbh. Maybe you are bad with names? Thats common enough he really doesn’t dig.
Gen Asagiri
You called him “nightshade”
It’s his favorite flower so he’s not fazed.
Oh, not the mention it means “liar.” And he’s the world’s best.
Eventually, while watching you, he realizes you don’t call him anything but it, so he subtly tests you.
He works to push you towards saying his name, and you really just don’t seem receptive.
Eventually, he’d subtly pry your reasoning out of you when he notices you call everybody plants and vegetables.
He finds out that the amount of different plants in the nightshade family reminds you of his two faced nature and helps you remember him.
He finds it interesting.
Tsukasa Shishio
He was confused when you called him “Rosanne”
Did you think he was a woman…?
From Gen, he finds out that you might be referring to a Rosanne Brown Lisianthus since you call everybody by plant names.
Gen says he doesn’t know the reason and shrugs, shaking his head as he walks away.
You later tell him it looks like a rose and it’s got a beautiful brown color sometimes.
He gets it now… his hair color!
Takes it as a compliment because the flower sounds pretty the way you describe it.
Hyoga Akatsuki
You called him “cauliflower”
He’s confused?
He’s not… a vegetable?
Are you calling him as weak as a mere vegetable? He’s not, so???
Genuinely, he’s confused.
Takes it the wrong way.
Gives you an eye smile and nods, but then straight up walks away from you.
He over hears somebody talking about your odd nicknames for every one and it clicks that you must be remembering him that way. Cauliflower is white… so is his hair. Okay…
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moonstruckme · 4 months
If you don't mind, a request from me about a reader who's growing up with an almond mom and an environment where instant food or drink is a sin
So the day she moves in with steedi and they like have a cabinet full of instant food, can fruit and like fast food every week? Amd reader being free can't hold herself and end up has stomachache for being greedy or something like that. Please
Thanks for requesting!
cw: vague mention of household with restrictive eating, nausea, stomach pain
Steddie x fem!reader ♡ 396 words
“M’gonna be sick,” you mumble, curling around your stomach. 
“Told you so,” Steve quips, popping a piece of popcorn in his mouth. On the table in front of you, an array of empty junk food containers lies scattered about like a graveyard of indulgences past. 
Eddie grips your hip to haul you towards him, cooing when you groan. “Damn, you really demolished some dessert tonight, huh? Way to go, superstar.” 
“Shut up,” you grumble, but lean into him anyways. He pinches your side, and you bite back a yelp. “I’ll throw up on you, Munson, I’m serious.” 
“You’re meaner like this than you were when you weren’t having any good food,” he decides, impervious to your glare.
“You’re mean. My stomach hurts, and you’re bullying me.” 
Steve takes pity on you, reaching around Eddie to pull your feet into his lap, where he rubs them consolingly. 
Eddie snorts. “I’m not trying to mom you, but I think I know why you have a stomachache.”
“I’ll do it. You need to eat a vegetable” Steve says, still massaging your feet whilst he disparages you. “Your stomach’s probably trying to tell you it’s pissed off because you haven’t had anything with nutritional value in, like, days. You’re gonna feel like shit until you eat something real.” 
“Mm. You do a great mom impression,” you tell him flatly. 
Your boyfriend levels you with a look just as deadpan. “If I don’t see you eat an actual meal tomorrow, you’re gonna be in shitloads of trouble. How’s that?” 
“Spot-on,” you mutter. Then sigh. “I get it, I’ll eat better. I just wanted to try it out, you know? I never got to do this stuff before.” 
Eddie laughs. “That’s obvious. It’s like having a ten-year-old in our kitchen.” 
“A ten-year-old who can reach the top shelf,” Steve adds. “That’s worse than Dustin.” 
You make a miserable noise that you hope sounds pitiful. “If I promise to lay off the junk tomorrow, will one of you please rub my stomach? It really hurts.” 
Eddie eyes you cautiously. “Are you still going to throw up on me?” 
“No,” you say, hiding your uncertainty by batting your eyelashes up at him. “That part’s passed.” 
You can tell he doesn’t quite buy it, but he needles his arms under yours anyways, hands splaying over your bloated abdomen. “Fine. Tell me what to do, baby.” 
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ctitan98official · 4 months
Y/N starts a new diet
18+ Minors DNI
Y/N: *Throwing out all of their snacks and junk food*
Peter: *Walks by, tilts his head* What are you doing, Y/N?
Y/N: I’m gonna quit eating all of this processed crap. I think it’ll make me feel better.
Peter: *Impressed* Wow, way to go! That’s a big lifestyle change.
Y/N: Yep! I’m only gonna eat organic stuff from now on.
Peter: Really? I… Don’t think I’ve ever seen you eat one fruit or vegetable.
Y/N: *Confused* Who said I was gonna eat fruits and vegetables?
Peter: Uhh- I… Wait, am I missing something? You just said you were only going to eat organic stuff, right?
Y/N: Yeah…?
Peter: So… Fruits and vegetables. What’s more organic than that?
Y/N: *Shrugs* Pussy. It’s nature’s flavor bomb, you know?
Peter: >:0 Y/N!
Y/N: I’m just so glad Nat’s on board with my new diet! Now, I don’t even have to go to the store to get food. I can just chill and have breakfast in bed.
Peter: *Retches* Y/N, you can’t live off of just… That!
Y/N: Sure I can! I’ll be getting all the NAT-rition I need! *Laughs wildly*
Natasha: *Suddenly walks in*
Y/N: *Blanches, finally stops spewing idiocy, realizes they’ve been running their mouth too much* B-babe!
Peter: *Eyes shoot wide open, panics* N-Natasha! I… Uhh… What a beautiful day we’re having, right?! I can’t remember ever seeing a more beautiful day! The sun is out and it’s so… Sunny! Hahahaha!
Natasha: *Quirks an eyebrow at Peter, weirded out* Um… Yeah, it’s great, Peter. I’m glad you’re enjoying the sunshine. *Turns to Y/N, kisses them on the cheek* How’s cleaning out all of the junk food going, detka?
Y/N: *Quickly throws their last bag of snacks away, trying to seem innocent* I j-just finished!
Natasha: I’m so proud of you, Y/N. *Pinches their cheek affectionately*
Y/N: *Chuckles anxiously* Hehe. Thanks, babe… *Looks away, scratching their head*
Peter: *Nervously twiddling his thumbs*
Natasha: *Narrows her eyes suspiciously as she looks between Y/N and Peter* I clearly walked in on you two discussing something. Care to fill me in?
Y/N: *Tries to think of a good lie* Well, I was going through all the snacks and Pete was-
Peter: Minding his own business! *Runs away, screaming* You’re on your own, Y/N!
Y/N: *Mutters under their breath* Coward…
Natasha: *Crosses her arms, turns to Y/N* … Detka?
Y/N: *Begins to sweat* Yeah, babe?
Natasha: Were you talking about something with Peter that I wouldn’t approve of? That seems to be your favorite hobby.
Y/N: *Gives her big puppy dog eyes, trying to placate her* Don’t freak out-
Natasha: *Groans* Oh damn it, Y/N! What did you say to Peter?!
Y/N: Uhh…
Natasha: *Glares at Y/N* I swear if you told him about our sex life or something you’ll be shitting teeth for a week.
Y/N: *Cringes* Umm… No, I didn’t! I mean, not really! But, the conversation was about something sort of… Sex life… Adjacent? I just got carried away, that’s all!
Natasha: ???
Y/N: I was telling Pete about my new organic diet! Your coochie’s next level and I just wanted to brag a bit-
Natasha: *Cheeks flaming, mortified, goes over to bang her head on one of the nearby cabinets* You’ve scarred Peter for life now! He’ll never be the same!
Y/N: *Waves their hand dismissively* He’ll be fine… Maybe.
Natasha: *Growls* I knew I should have said no when you suggested this stupid diet. Consider your dining privileges revoked! *Storms off*
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Note: This is cursed… I’m sorry :( Y/N runs off of 50% pussy, 30% stupidity, and 20% Peter’s tears.
Also… Based on the way that chocolate looks on Patrick’s face… Y/N eats ass too 😂
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seeingivy · 11 months
satoru gojo x f!reader 
**part of my debut concert event 
**part one of this fic here icymi (read before or its kinda confusing)
**part of my satoru as taylor swift songs series
content: satoru and your parents are annoying, like in the last part, readers mom just says a bunch of mean shit (including comments on body image, etc), gojo being defensive of his wife but also corny asf, babies megumi + tsumiki having lil nightmares and wanting to sleep w their parents 
an: KING OF MY HEART IS ONE OF MY FAV FICS EVER. so glad the pookie who requested this asked for it bc I was so excited writing it. also corny lil enchanted lyrics are at the end. mister satoru gojo is enchanted to meet you and ur lil babies megumi and tsumiki just love you
“Dr. L/N?” 
You look up from the computer, breaking away from your sheer focus of charting all the patients you just saw in the past hour (nine patients - which sounds mediocre, but in actuality is insanity on earth). 
Because when they’re sick, their parents ask a lot of questions. Which you understand and always honor - but that means you’re always running on a back log, running from one room to the next with no breaks in between. Satoru thinks that you’ll collapse on the floor one day while doing it. And you tell him that he’s praying on your downfall. 
“Yes, Sarah? What’s up?” 
“Your husband’s here to have lunch with you.” 
“Ah. I still haven’t caught up on my charting and I really need to-” 
You feel a hand on your shoulder, your senior advisor, Dr. Aoki, giving you a warm smile. She’s almost thirty years your senior - soft wrinkles and grey patches spread throughout her hair. 
And she really, really loves Satoru. Which you know because she doesn’t shut up about him, always going on about how sweet he is. 
“Go. Have lunch with your husband. I’ll finish off for you.” 
“Ah. Dr. Aoki, I can’t let you. Plus, you don’t even know-” 
“You take detailed notes. And I’m old, but I’m sure I can figure it out. Now go eat lunch with your sweet husband before I do it for you.” 
You smile, giving her hand a squeeze, before dragging your feet to the breakroom - suddenly hyperaware of the tension in the back of your knees, your shoulders, and the back of your eyes. Satoru’s waiting for you at the center table - two glass bento boxes and two iced coffee’s sitting on the table. 
He’s scrolling aimlessly on his phone and you’re more than positive that he’s playing Cut the Rope. A game Megumi begged him to download, but now he plays more than Megumi. Which just pisses Megumi off, because Satoru plays so far ahead in the game that Megumi can’t even remember which level it was he stopped at. 
You look down at the cup of iced coffee, Satoru’s handwriting inscribed on the side. 
pookie &lt;;3 
Bastard. He knows you hate it when you call him that.
Satoru looks up and smacks his phone down at the table as you take his side, placing your head flat against the clear, white table. Satoru immediately directs his hand to the back of your hair, his fingers soothing into the tense muscles in the back of your neck. 
“Hello my little workaholic.” 
“Good afternoon my little pain in the ass.” 
He laughs, lifting your head up as he opens up the boxes, sliding forward the food he made and sticking the fork in your hand. You look down at the line up - egg fried rice and a wild assortments of fruits and vegetables on the side. They’re all cut into sweet little shapes - the cucumbers in hearts, the strawberries in flowers. 
Right. You had tasked Satoru with making Megumi and Tsumiki’s lunches for one week when you were on the night call. When you had returned, all he did was scold you for making very boring lunches for Megumi and Tsumiki. 
Granted, you thought they weren’t half bad. You always made sure to give them a little treat - strawberry gummies for Tsumiki and sour candy for Megumi - and left sweet little notes in their lunch boxes, saying you were proud of them, that Megumi was going to do great on his presentation, and that Tsumiki looked pretty today. 
Satoru resolved the situation by heading to the store and buying the special little cutouts, shiny new metal tin boxes for Megumi and Tsumiki, and even glittery stationery to leave them both notes. 
Yeah and he never let you make their lunch again. He’d often drop by to the office to eat with you, since he knew that was the only time you would eat anything, and bring you by the third box he arranged with theirs in the morning. 
“Hard day, my love?” 
“Yeah, Satoru. And it’s not even over yet.” 
He places the fork in your hand again, instructing you to eat as you keep talking, tasking himself with mixing up the layers of the coffee he brought you. 
“What’s the point of working so hard? Didn’t you marry me for my money?” 
“Well, obviously but-”
“That’s so rude to admit. You should keep that type of stuff to yourself.” 
“Okay, Satoru. You married me as a cover for your girlfriend and-”
“Stop throwing that in my face! So you have one girlfriend and suddenly you’re the bad-” 
“It is when you’re married!” 
You both laugh, Satoru ruffling your hair, as he opens up the second box, sliding it towards you as you keep eating. 
“You don’t want, Toru?” 
“No. They’re both for you. You really do work too hard, Y/N.” 
“Well. Our parents could cut us off - we don’t exactly do everything they want. And I want to be self sufficient and be a good role model for-” 
“Tsumiki and Megumi. I know, my love. I’m just saying.” 
You lean into Satoru’s touch, placing your aching head against his shoulder as he leans over, pressing a kiss to the top of your forehead. You finish off your own box (and Satoru’s) and down your iced coffee (and half of Satoru’s, before he starts scolding you about healthy caffeine intakes). 
He gives you a sweet kiss goodbye, giving soft smiles to the rest of your coworkers, as you buckle in for the rest of your shift. 
“Look at what my mom texted me.” 
He untangles himself from his position - which is just using you as a third pillow - and peaks his head up, squinting his eyes at your phone in the dark. 
Your mom, heinous bitch she is, sent you a text reminding you about all the things you need to do for your dinner with the Gojo’s tomorrow. 
Wear a dress. Make sure it’s appropriate, but enough to keep a guy like Satoru interested. You don’t want your husband running off just because you’re boring him. 
Make sure to wear the wedding ring Satoru gave you, not the engagement. You’re going to look tacky otherwise. 
Fresh flowers, that haven’t bloomed yet. Don’t embarrass me by bringing flowers that’ll die in a day. 
And please don’t leave your hair fully down. It washes you out. 
Satoru glares at the camera, looking up at your face. He finds it hard to read you in situations like this. Because in all honesty, he knows that you hate your parents. But he doesn’t miss the way you act differently when it comes to them. 
Because when you’re mad at Satoru for not picking up Tsumiki on time or at Megumi for not telling you he had a project due tomorrow until nine pm, you get a reasonable amount of mad. Pink in the cheeks, a little bit of scolding, followed by fixing the problem and talking it out. 
But with them you, you don’t really talk about it. And he’s not sure if it’s because he’s not privy to the conversations that you have with them, but for some reason, he thinks there aren’t any. And that you just take it, when it’s them. 
Which he understands. Too well. That’s part of the reason he’s with you, in this bed right now. Cuddled up in your arms, pressing lazy kisses around your shoulder. 
Because his parents asked you to marry him. Because you told him you didn’t mind if he kept his own life outside of it, that you were just doing what you had to do. 
And now that he…loves you, parts of it all make him sad. That you’d take someone telling you what to do - telling you that you don’t look good with your hair down when you look good all the time and that you’re tacky or boring or- 
“Hey. Y/N.” 
“Hm, Satoru?” 
“You know I…love you right? For real?” 
“Yeah. You told me.” 
“But like, for real, okay? Not just because we’re…married or whatever. I actually really, really love you. You’re very pretty and you’re always so good with Megumi and Tsumiki and you’re so good at your job and-” 
You stop him in his tracks by cupping his face in his ands, quirking your head to the side. You lean down and peck at his lips, pressing your fingers into his dimples. 
“I love you too, Satoru but what’s this about?” 
He frowns, placing his head back in your lap as you start running your hands through his white locks of hair, soft to the touch. You can feel his cheeks are warm from his face lying against your bare legs and you can’t help but smile at the fact that he’s blushing. Even after one year of marriage (and eight months of real marriage), he’s still nervous around you. 
“I don’t know. Your mom’s just stupid. You’re not boring or tacky and you look very pretty with your hair down.” 
“Thank you, Toru. For getting so offended on my behalf. But I don’t care, let’s go to bed, yeah?” 
He nods, shuffling the sheets around you as he sprawls across the bed. One thing about Satoru, he has to touch you when he’s sleeping. 
Not in the…dirty way. It could be the coldest night of the year and he has his entire body weight on you, treating you like a stuffed animal he was sleeping with. Or it’s the hottest night of the year and he’s as far away as he can be from you - just placing his hand on your forearm or tangling one of his legs with yours. 
Touchy. Even when he’s asleep. 
After not even five minutes of sleep, you feel a tapping on your nose, your features crinkling up from the sensation. 
“Toru. Quit tickling me.” 
He murmurs back incoherently, tangling around in the sheets as a response. Right. Satoru also sleeps like the walking dead. And he can and will sleep anywhere and everywhere, almost instantly. It’s actually a talent. 
“Um. That wasn’t him.” 
You flutter your eyes open to find Megumi, standing awkwardly at your side. You immediately sit up, clicking on the light as Satoru starts groaning behind you, smacking his hand on the bed to get you to turn the light off. You look over at the clock and realize it’s well past three, meaning Megumi should have been asleep hours ago. 
“Megs. You okay?” 
“Uh, yeah. But Tsumiki, she’s like crying a lot. Usually, what I do works but she just won’t stop.” 
You shake Satoru at your side, his eyes finally fluttering open as he looks at you and Megumi in confusion. 
“Megumi-chan. You better be interrupting our sleep for something good.” 
“Satoru, stop it. Go get Tsumiki. Now. I think she’s crying.” 
Satoru immediately stands up, stalking out of the room as you turn back to Megumi, taking his tiny hands in yours. He looks like he usually does - blank expression on his face, avoiding eye contact, tiredness on his face. 
You wrap one of your hands around his cheek and squeeze, feeling his skin warm under your touch. 
“What do you think happened, Megs?” 
“She had a bad dream. Usually, we kind of just stay with each other till it stops. But, it didn’t really work.” 
“Have you had them while you were here? Or her?” 
“Yeah sometimes.” 
You can feel your heart clench in your chest and you immediately wrap Megumi in your arms, brushing your hands through his soft, black hair. You can still smell the shampoo in his hair from earlier, the fresh smell springing into your nose. They should be coming to you. Not each other. Megumi’s only five. And she’s just seven. 
“Megumi. You know you can come to us about that stuff. Both of you. And you should be because we know how to help you and-” 
You stop talking as Satoru walks into the room, craning your head to the side to survey the situation. Satoru’s carrying Tsumiki in his arms, something he doesn’t do very often, and you can hear her soft sniffles as he places her on the bed between you, rubbing circles into her back. 
You take the cup of water on the nightstand (that Satoru leaves out for you everyday so you can stay hydrated) and hand it to her, directing her to calm her breaths. She’s shaking so hard and her eyes are so pink that she can barely hold the glass, Satoru taking it from her hands and tilting her head up so she can drink it. 
You look over at Megumi, his eyes twitching as he looks at Tsumiki, and you direct him to sit on the bed next to you, right next to Tsumiki and in between you and Satoru. 
You never really know what to do in situations like this. And neither does Satoru. I mean hell, you’re only twenty-three and Satoru’s only twenty-four. And they haven’t been your kids for too long. 
Other parents, the ones who come into your practice, talk about how they know somethings wrong. They can feel it in their gut. Their parental instinct. But you don’t have any of that, especially not with Tsumiki and Megumi. 
And you know it’s not something you can learn and something that just comes from being their parents, but you sincerely wish it was. Because Tsumiki and Megumi deserve to have someone who can read them like that, who knows what’s wrong with them, and talks for them when they don’t know how. And-
Satoru opens up his arms, with Tsumiki crawls into his lap and curls herself up against his chest. She looks so small, barely covering his entire frame as she hiccups into his chest, pushing the back of her hand against his eyes. 
Satoru beckons Megumi to join her and he awkwardly crawls up, the two of them nestled in Satoru’s arms. Maybe you spoke too soon. Because it always seems like Satoru knows what he’s doing. 
“You too, goofy.” 
You roll your eyes as you scoot closer to them, laying your head against Satoru’s shoulders as you start running your hands through Tsumiki’s hair, rubbing soft circles into the small of her back like Satoru was earlier. 
“Hi Miki.” 
“H-hi Y/N.” 
“How you feeling, sweet girl?” 
You soften your hands in her hair, focusing on braiding the ends as you talk, the three of them hanging on to every word you say. 
“Miki, Megs. I know you’ve…been together for a long time. Before me and Satoru came around. And I’m sure you have your own ways of…being there for each other. But, you can let us be there for you too, you know?” 
You feel Tsumiki stiffen under your touch and you pull back, holding the braid in place on your head. 
“I don’t mean to let each other go. You’re siblings and that’s one of the most important relationships you can have. But just know, Satoru and I can be smart sometimes. Well, I can. I don’t really know about him.” 
Tsumiki and Megumi laugh, which stops Satoru’s protests all together. It’s working. And Satoru’s jealous of you, because as always, you know the right thing to say. To get them to smile again, tell you what’s wrong. And sure, you’ve always had that effect on Satoru but he loves that you can do it with them too. You’ve clearly got this parenting thing more figured out than him, he thinks. 
“But, we can help you too, you know? I’m a big girl. I can deal with whatever you give me.” 
Tsumiki turns to the side, crawling out of Satoru’s lap as she crawls into yours, squeezing herself in your arms. 
“Th-thanks, Y/N. But maybe not right now?” 
“Whenever you want, okay? Let’s just go to bed now, it’s late.” 
“Can I sleep with you, Y/N? And Satoru?” 
Satoru leans forward, squeezing Tsumiki’s hand in hers as he nods, opening up the covers for her. Megumi awkwardly looks between you and Satoru and you catch on fast, signaling for him to join you under the covers as well. The four of you are squished together, Tsumiki clinging on to you and Megumi clinging on to Satoru. 
They both fall asleep fast and you give a weary look to Satoru in the dark, which he returns with a smile. 
You hate leaving at a time like this. And you hate your parents and even Gojo’s parents for making you come to a stupid dinner like this. 
Your kids, that they don’t know about, need you. You had tried your best to make Tsumiki comfortable, making her a stack of warm, strawberry pancakes and letting her pick what you guys ate for lunch. 
And when you had to leave her with Nanami and Shoko to go see the Gojo’s, you swear you could feel your heart clench at the thought of leaving her. And Megumi. And of the two of them being uncomfortable without you there. 
You could tell from the look in Satoru’s eyes that he shared your sentiments, his gaze weary as he said goodbye, lingering by the door until you two really had to leave. And then you both made your trek to the Gojo Estate. 
And god do you hate it here. In all but ten minutes of dinner, your mother, assfucking clown she was, had already found ten different things to pick on. 
Your hair has split ends, you should cut it. 
You should slow down on the food. 
You could have worn a more flattering color. 
Every spiky comment she makes, Satoru squeezes his hand in yours under the table, grounding you in the moment. If it wasn’t for him and the soft looks he was giving you every few minutes, you’re sure you would have broken the centerpiece in the middle of the table by now. 
“Say, Y/N, Satoru.” 
You look up to find Mr. Gojo beaming at you, the smile not meeting his eyes. You can feel Satoru’s hand tense in yours under the table and you know it’s your turn to protect him from his dad. 
“Did you start trying for kids?” 
“What, Satoru? It’s an important question. You guys have been married for a year now and surely there’s no better time than now to start trying.” 
You can feel your mouth dry at the thought. Kids. Kids of your own. Like, a crying, pooping baby - half parts you and half parts Satoru. 
How in the world could they think you were ready for that? Because in all honesty, Satoru’s your husband in name but he feels like your boyfriend. 
You’ve been together for eight months. You haven’t gone on a vacation together or met his college best friend and you don’t know what his favorite smoothie flavor is or what the first car he drove was and they want you to start popping out kids? 
You and Satoru aren’t ready for kids. And really, you already have two kids. That need you right now. And you have all the time in the world to have more and you really, really just like things the way they are. For now, and-
“They’ll get working on it.” 
You feel your eyes boggle out of your head as you crane your neck to look at your mom, a self-assured smile placed on her face. She can’t really be serious, can she? 
“Oh, how sweet! A grandchild. Oh, I do hope it’s a boy. So we can pass on the Gojo name and all.” 
It’s Satoru’s turn to glare at his mother and you’re sure that he has the same bitter taste in his mouth as you. Sure, they were the reason you guys got married but they had no right to treat you guys like this. Like you were put together to make some offspring for them to fawn over. 
“Although, I wouldn’t mind a girl. Boys can be rowdy and insensitive.” says Mr. Gojo, a matter-of-fact tone in his words. 
“That’s not true. Boys can be sensitive too. You just have to raise them right.” you respond, muttering the words under your breath. 
Megumi’s sweet and sensitive. He always avoids stomping on flowers growing out of the cracks of the cement and he always writes cards for his teachers on holiday’s and always says please and thank you after every little thing you and Satoru do for him, even if it is under his breath. 
“Well, I hope it’s a boy. Girls come with attitude.” your dad responds, the implication in his tone clear. 
“No daughter of ours would take back-handed comments like that.” 
Because Tsumiki’s never done that. Because Satoru remembers the day someone tried to pick on her in her class and all she did was calmly respond. Stand her ground, surely but firmly. Something he’s sure that she learned from you. And to think someone could dismiss that off as attitude is so fucking-
You squeeze Satoru’s hand under the table, signaling him to stop. Because he’s being rude. Because he shouldn’t talk back to your father even if he’s wrong and-
“Satoru. Stop.” you whisper, awkwardly eyeing the four of them as he deflates. 
The four of you awkwardly sit in silence, the forks clicking against the plates. Satoru’s crushing your hand into oblivion under the table and you can see that he’s agitated from the way his shoulders are all scrunched up. And when his dad talks next, he really can’t hold it in anymore. 
“Satoru, son. All you have to do take her to bed one time to pass on the Gojo na-” 
Satoru smacks his fist against the table, the glassware making a loud noise against the surface. You look over to find Satoru smoldering, the way he often did when he was near his dad. 
“Don’t talk about my wife like that. She’s not some thing for you to use. You can try that shit on anyone else but you know damn well I’m not letting you do it to her.”
Mrs. Gojo’s features scrunch up in frustration, a pinched look on her face as she starts massaging the bridge of her nose. Satoru stands up, pulling you up with him as he stomps out, dragging you out with him. 
You two drive in silence the entire way home. Satoru’s still smoldering in his drivers seat, jaw tight against his skin as he clenches his fists on the steering wheel, knuckles going white. And you’re unsure of what you can say to him to ease it, make him feel better. 
He parks the car in the driveway, leaning his head against the seat to look up through the sunroof, the stars glittering in the sky above you. He makes no motions to get out of the car, the engine and lights still turned on despite the fact that you and Satoru were home. 
“Hm, Satoru?” 
“You-you okay?” 
“What? Yeah. Are you?” 
He doesn’t respond and instead loosens his tie, the fabric hanging from the sides of his collar. 
“I just…hate them. So much. Why would we rush having a child when we aren’t ready? And who are they to talk about you like that? Like all I keep you around for is to bear my children.” 
You’re not sure what to say so you snake your hand into his, leaning over the glove box to lean onto his shoulder. You can feel him deflate under you, leaning his head on top of yours as he presses his hand against your waist, his hands rubbing back and forth on the fabric. 
“Yeah, love?” 
“You feel like my boyfriend, right now. I know you’re my husband but…we’ve only been together for eight months. And I know it’s weird to say but…I’d like to have a kid with you someday just…not now.” 
His hand comes up, angling your face up so you’re looking at him, a big smile spread across his face. You can feel your cheeks burning from the admission and you clench your eyes shut to avoid seeing the teasing look on Satoru’s face. 
“Y/N. You’d want to have kids with me?” 
You nod and Satoru’s face splits into a big smile, his hands shaking in yours. 
“Well, yeah. It would be cute, when the time is right. Megumi and Tsumiki can have a little sibling and it’ll be like…a little us. 
“A little us?” 
“Your nose, my eyes, hopefully all of my looks and none of your annoyingness.” 
“You’re so sweet, Y/N. I don’t know how I ever lucked out with such a charming girl like you.” he responds, sarcasm dripping from his voice. You laugh in response, beaming at him as you talk on. 
“I love you, Satoru. And I’d love to have kids with you but we’re just…we already have two kids and I think they need us right now. They haven’t opened up yet and-” 
“I know, sweet. I agree. Trust me, I’d love nothing more than putting a baby in your right here, right now in this car but-” 
“Why are you so rude? Every word is like a bullet wound in my chest.” 
You lean over, pressing a kiss to his chest as you lean back and glare at him. He smiles at you, a sweet look on his face. 
“What was that for?” 
“You said bullet wound in your chest. I was just kissing your ego better.” 
He leans forward, cupping your face as he kisses you, hanging off the ends of your lips as he squeezes his face in your hands. He pulls apart, pressing kisses all over your face as he talks, his words making your cheeks burn. 
“You’re so-” 
“Damn cute.” 
“I hate you sometimes.” 
“When we have kids, I hope they’re all like you. Pretty eyes, soft hair, snarky attitude. She’ll be so easy to love, all goofy and idiotic like you.” 
“She, Satoru?” 
“Oh, she’s totally going to be a girl. My three girls. You, Tsumiki, and her.” 
“Sounds like you have it all planned out already?” 
“Well, I’m waiting. For when you’re ready and I’m ready and all that. But yeah. I’ve already seen how our entire life is going to play out. You and I are going to grow old together. Sick it to our parents. Have the type of love kids dream about. All that lovey-dovey stuff.” 
You and Satoru, hands pressed together, pad into the dark of the house, slowly climbing up the stairs. When you amble into your bed room, you can hear soft snores in your bed - Tsumiki and Megumi fast asleep under your sheets. There’s a tiny little sticky-note pressed to the light switch, which you and Satoru both squint at. 
They want to sleep with "their parents”. Their words, not ours. - Shoko 
You and Satoru quickly peel out of your clothes and climb under the sheets - Satoru leaning over to press a kiss to all three of your heads before fluttering his own eyes shut. 
And you hate to say it, because all in all the night wasn’t perfect, but you really, really don’t want to let it go. Every part of this night is…sparkling in your mind. Satoru defending you, telling you that he loves you, that he wants to have kids with you. You-
You count yourself lucky. That you don’t have to wonder if Satoru is in love with someone else or what he thinks about you or any other thing. 
Because you know the person he’s waiting on is you. 
the satoru as taylor swift songs series masterlist
taglist: @porridgesblog @platrom @k0z3me @kayleegomez @yihona-san06 @bsenpai @sweetenertea @skzismyhome @mykyoon @violetmatcha​ @rebeccawinters 
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gtgbabie0 · 1 year
I just saw this vid of a soon to be wed couple trying to decide on their wedding cake flavor with this ‘wedding cake tasting’ box that had a large variety with small bites of cake for each of them & I thought this would be such a cute concept with leon!! 💗
-Leon Kennedy x reader
{You and Leon taste test some cake for your wedding}
Ack! This is just too cute!! Hope you enjoy my lovely! 💕
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Leon had the biggest sweet tooth ever, even if he’d never admit it to anyone, you knew. He was the one to always pile the shopping trolly with sweets and cakes, even if you didn’t need them, in fact, you were certain that he prioritised sweets over anything else.
It’s for that exact reason that you don’t let him food shop by himself, you made that mistake once and he returned with snacks only.
“Oh!- try this one” you giggle, reading the ‘carrot cake’ label, and Leon already knows exactly what you’re trying to do. He can see your eyes gleam with mischief.
“Absolutely not,” he says, waving your hand away with his own. “Do you want our guests to be miserable?” He asks, grimacing slightly as you take a bite of the cake.
You shrug, your hand covering your mouth as you let out a laugh watching the way his face contorts with disgust.
“It’s not that bad- it doesn’t taste like carrots” You try and reason with him but to no avail, he’s adamant that carrot cake is just not for him.
In all honesty, Leon doesn’t care about the flavour of cake, as long as it puts a smile on your face and you’re happy then nothing else matters, as long as he gets to call you ‘Mr/s Kennedy’ for the rest of his life then he doesn’t care about the smaller things.
You turn to him, “Can I have a kiss?” You ask, smiling sweetly and he scoffs at you. His hand cupping your jaw gently.
“I’m not tasting the carrot cake,” he says, watching the way you fight the smile that pushes against your lips as you try to frown. Failing horribly.
He kisses the tip of your nose before going to try some of the lemon cake, nodding his head in immediate approval.
“It makes no sense I hope you know that. You’ve never tried it, you might really like it. Then you’ll be like ‘Aw damn why haven’t I tried this before it’s so good’” you tell him, watching as he side-eyes you and the carrot cake.
You can help but giggle at his behaviour. It’s not like he was a picky eater, he was willing to try something new now and then, so it baffles you that he’s being so stubborn over some cake, that is arguably not that bad.
“It’s simple really baby, fruit doesn’t belong on pizza and vegetables don’t belong in cake,” he tells you, and roll your eyes.
“Well you have tomatoes on pizza and that's a fruit” you inform him. And you can tell by the look in his eyes you’ve stumped him, perhaps that’s why he decides to smudge frosting all over your cheek. Sore loser.
You squeal pushing him away as he tries to attack you with more chocolate frosting, your hands wrapping around his wrists as you try to warn him off, whisper shouting at him to ‘behave himself’
He gives in eventually, and you sigh in relief as he sits back down wiping his hands with the napkins he’s hogging, “Oh sweetheart, you messy pup” he smiles at you as you roll your eyes, “You’ve got a little something” he laughs, motioning to your cheek.
You go and grab a napkin but he’s quick to pull them away from your reach. “You’ve had enough sugar for one day,” you tell him, wanting to so desperately wipe that shit-eating grin off his stupidly handsome face.
“Well, can I get just a little more?” He asks, hands against your hips as he pulls you closer to him. Your hands against his shoulders as he leans closer to you. His wet tongue licking a stripe against your cheek, collecting the chocolate frosting from your skin.
You immediately try to push him away, groaning out in disgust as you grimace at the feeling. “Delicious” he whispers finally letting you go as you grab a napkin or two wiping his spit off your cheek.
“God Leon you’re so gross” you whisper, grabbing a piece of carrot cake from behind you.
He rambles on about how you ‘love it’ and before he can even realise what you're doing you shove the slice of cake in his mouth, laughing at the shock that paints his face as he eats it, and Leon slowly comes to the conclusion that he might just like carrot cake.
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katsukiizmoon · 1 year
╰┈➤ ꒰🍓💌🥛 ┊boba time ┊Mama’s Harvest ꒱
『♡』 pregnancy
Your fingers fiddle with the little flower bud in your hands and you use the back of your hand to wipe sweat from your forehead. The sun is beginning to beat down on you, drenching your skin in rays.
“Almost done?” Katsuki startles you, leaning over from behind where you kneel.
You bounce, dropping the flower and turning around to give him a glare.
“Yeah, jus’ gotta finish pollinating the squash or it’ll produce less..” You remind, returning to the task at hand.
He chuckles, rolling his eyes and begins making his way through the garden with a basket in hand. Leaves rustle and the tell-tale sound of stuff flopping to the ground let’s you know he’s harvesting.
“Babe..” He calls and you glance over in his direction.
“Hmmm?” You wonder, nearly finished with your chores.
“How many peppers did you plant?” Katsuki inquires and you freeze.
“Uhhh..” Your mind races for an answer and you begin counting on your fingers. Whispering to yourself and naming off varieties.
“We’re gonna drown in peppers, holy shit.” He jokes, rounding one of the rows with a massive basket filled with different pepper varieties.
Katsuki rushes you inside, complaining that you shouldn’t be in the heat for too long and you pout. Still, you do as told and go inside to make lunch and relax.
There’s a lot of pros to your husband being a pro hero. One, you don’t need to work. You can if you want to but you don’t. Katsuki gives you all the money you want and more, no questions asked.
He doesn’t push unrealistic expectations on you, either. You had a career for years of your relationship and for the first two years of being married.
But when Katsuki came behind you with red cheeks and shy eyes, saying he wanted s little one, it was time for a change. Pregnancy is hard on the body and both of you thought it would be best to have you home for at least the first three years of the little melons life.
You aren’t far along, either. But your husband is persistent.
You watch from the kitchen window as he grabs another basket and scissors, only to come back with an abundance of herbs and fruits. Nothing in life rivals these moments.
You turn, grabbing s large knife and a cutting board to begin slicing a bunch of green onion. The knife hits the bamboo with a satisfying “knock knock knock” and you sigh in content.
Nausea bubbles in your throat and you push it down, thinking about all good things.
The door creaks open and Katsuki places the woven baskets on the table. You hear footsteps before his large hands are on your lower tummy. His head comes to rest on top of yours, where the places a kiss and sighs.
“So, when should we tell ma?” He ponders.
The cutting stops and you set down the metal utensil, turning to face him. Your arms wrap around his shoulders where they lay purchase, tugging your body closer to his own.
“Mmm.. not sure m’ love. Whadd’you think?” You mirror his mindset, unsure of what the best option would be.
“Well you’re the one growing the baby, so I thought you’d wanna do it a certain way- I dunno people get sentimental about this shit.” Katsuki’s damp lips come to rest on your forehead for a moment.
“Well I can’t hide it much longer- fuck it why don we just invite them over for dinner to get some of these peppers? We can tell em then!” You propose, shooting a look at all the excess fruit and vegetables.
“Yeah, we can do that, I’ll tell ‘em. What time?”
Katsuki’s breaking away, using his hip to bump you over so he can take over cooking. You smack his shoulder and he flinches. It stings even when he’s got a dark grey shirt on, no match for your mood.
You scowl and grab another cutting board and a bell pepper. He opens his mouth to say something but you cut him off.
“Baby I’m pregnant not dying. I’m cutting the damn bell pepper. And mm eight, we’ll do that.”
Before long, all the colorful foods are cut and turned into a large dinner. Sitting in front of you is chicken legs smothered in seasonings and drizzled in gravy over mashed potatoes. Your stomach grumbles and you nearly sigh in relief when his parents walk in.
The conversation continues as normal until you’re met with a wave of nausea. Your face scrunches and despite attempting to hide it- his mother notices. His father isn’t paying any mind, looking at the massive side salad you’ve prepared.
Her eyes narrow and her mouth opens.
“So, uh-“ Katsuki begins, cherry eyes flicking over to meet your own.
“I’m pregnant.” You reveal and his mother slaps the shit out of katsuki on instinct.
It isn’t malicious, she’s practically bouncing. A wide grin wipes across her face and she looks toward her husband with a giggle.
“Fucking FINALLY!” She yells and katsuki looks at her incredulously.
“Don’t look at me like that Katsuki! I’ve been wanting grand babies for years now!” His mother scolds, looking at you with a bright smile.
Katsuki takes a breath, nice and slow to steady himself, while your mother prods with questions. You’re eating, talking about the ins and outs of pregnancy while his father pitches in warmly.
He grumbles in the corner, telling his mom to shut up, and makes faces at some of the things he didn’t expect.
“Yunno, with this asshole, I really craved sweets. But the hardest part of being pregnant with him was probably the hemorrhoids and kicking. God- the kicking was horrible.” His mother explains, stuffing a last bite of mashed potato in her mouth.
You giggle at your husbands angry and confused face from the side. He seems almost offended that pregnancy could be so horrible.
“Why was the kicking so bad?” He pokes, much more gentle than usual.
“Ahh.. it feels like butterflies at first, yunno? But you moved a lot-“ she grabs a sip of water, tilting her head towards him, and places the glass back down.
“-that’s fine and all at first. But you got stronger and it hurt, at one point you had your foot pressed against my ribs for two hours! You’d just kick and it was a constant mild uncomfortable feeling..”
The blonde to your right furrows his brows and takes a sip of his own water. The metal fork he was once using placed on the side of his dish.
“Well, that… makes sense.” Katsuki thinks out loud and looks over towards you.
The dinner ends with kisses and hugs. His mother says she’s coming over in a few days with a couple pregnancy life savers and demands to have copies of the ultrasounds.
Katsuki takes his time that night while you bathe. He massages your shoulders and back, up your ankles and thighs and kisses your tummy. You catch him whispering for the little melon to be sweet to you and nearly coo at the man.
The next day, he brings in a large notebook and grabs a pen. “Baby Food” is messily written at the top and you smile.
A kiss is placed to the top of his head, then a kiss to your lower stomach, like it’s becoming routine.
There’s something fond, simple, and beautiful about the way he falls into fatherhood without question.
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ladey · 1 month
Random Jinx Headcanons ☁️ (because i’m bored 😚)
!! some these are more in relation to my jinx x reader story. !!
lemme know if you want more ‘when i brush your hair’ hc’s, or just general ones. i’d love to make more as a way to provide u with lore ygwim? 🫶
- never learned her lesson and still tries to eat soap to find out if it’ll taste good
- very scatterbrained but can get very focused on her projects, or when she’s in combat
- learned how to play the electric guitar but never actually plays it (esp. since it’s always super loud) (this also might be a controversial take)
- has loved the stars since childhood even though now she doesn’t really talk about them anymore
- has a big fear of ending up alone (no shit☠️)
- used to be shy as a kid but got super extroverted and outgoing
- absolutely made like the whole undercity scared and intimidated by her because of her unhinged and reckless tendencies
- bad with small talk. absolutely hates it because she thinks it’s boring
- never lost her sass. she totally got sassy sometimes as a kid
- gives in to the intrusive thoughts. the ones that tell her to take a bite out of a block of butter or stick a finger in peanut butter
- sneaks out through her window at night
- struggles with sleep but when she does she’s a heavy ass sleeper. most of the time she doesn’t bother putting her air up either and lets her braids sprawl out and get messy
- she says she’d date anyone but she has a very strong preference for girls (FEMS). doesn’t really like guys (or masculine people in general, that’s gotta be her role😼)
- you can always hear her approaching with those big ass boots she wears. but there will be odd times where you literally don’t hear her at all and she scares the soul out of you
- she blasts her music in her room whenever she’s working until someone has to tell her to turn it down
- her bed always has a pile of blankets and pillows but it’s one of the most comfortable places you’ll sit or lay on
- she came across that giant fan room one day when she needed to clear her head and desperately find a place to hide by herself. eventually she showed it to you but you only. it’s not located anywhere near the last drop either
- 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩
- used to and still does make little trinkets, most if not all that she doodles on, and gives them as gifts. ranging from cups, to jewelry, to random figurines that she welded together out of scrap metal or something
- she’s a messy eater. she don’t care about what she looks like in public either. she’s a munch fr fr 🙌
- and she’s not too picky, but if someone makes something for dinner that she doesn’t like, she’ll just not eat that night and snack instead or something (so real)
- prefers fruit over vegetables… and interpret that as u like
- gets super competitive when playing games, she’s almost mean. just slap her back to her senses and she’ll apologize 👍 (i do not condone abuse)
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vdoesstuff · 3 months
Fic #17 (Zosan)
Sanji opened the pantry.
He always liked to take inventory, especially before they left a town. It gave him a chance to restock before they hit the sea again. He sighed. It was probably best to go shopping.
“Ok guys. I’m going to the market. Don’t burn down the ship.” Zoro rose.
“I guess I’ll go too. Might be nice to get off the ship.” They wandered the streets of the town, Sanji silently eying every ingredient for sale.
“Hang on,” he thought aloud. “I have 1,000 Berry. 100 for the meat, 150 for seasonings, 300 for fruits, 400 for vegetables…”
“Leaving 50 Berry left over.” Sanji jumped. He hadn’t realized he had been talking aloud.
“Thanks, mosshead.”
They left, and headed back to the Going Merry, arms full of groceries.
“How are you so good at math?” Sanji asked. Zoro chuckled to himself.
“It’s kind of a stupid reason.” He readjusted the groceries in his arms. “Kuina was always really good at math, so I was always trying to be better than her.” He smiled softly. “I never was. But I got pretty good.”
“Of course you’d try to get good at something just to be better than someone else.”
“Not just someone else. She’s the only one I would ever do that to.” He looked at Sanji. “Aside from you though, shit cook.”
“Ha, ha.”
They returned to the Merry, putting groceries away in the pantry.
“I liked going to the market with you today,” Zoro said. “It was fun. We should do this again sometime.”
“Sure.” Sanji blushed. He had liked it too. It was nice being one-on-one with Zoro. He always felt calmer, and happier around him.
“We should.”
Zoro gave Sanji a light peck on the cheek as he walked out of the kitchen.
Sanji loved it.
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