#fuck american politics
blasphemyisjustforyou · 4 months
halsey was so right. im tired and angry but somebody should be.
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blueish-bird · 6 months
love and peace to you, today I’m practicing the tumblr ritual of saving everything to drafts to reblog later because I’m currently lacking in self to express
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cuddlesdotgif · 2 years
Well. The optimism was nice while it lasted. Trump just announced his bid for 2024. We knew it was coming but goddamnit. The only saving grace to hold on to will be that his ego is too big to allow DeSantis on his ticket as VP.
I wonder how many years off my life the next 23 months will take. I already have heartburn.
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fixing-bad-posts · 4 months
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please fucking vote
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passerkirbius · 2 months
So, there's a lot of USians around who are very clearly fucking fed up with their political choices this election cycle, and planning to sit it out.
And I get it! What's the point of voting if there's no one to vote for?
The thing is, I'm Australian. In Australia, voting is compulsory. We don't get to sit out our elections, and I'll be real honest with you - we don't exactly get better choices than you lot. So how do you vote if there's no one to vote for? You find someone to vote against. And there's always someone to vote against.
Now, we have the pleasure of preferential voting in Australia - We get to rank every candidate from 1 to X, and I'll tell you, there's something so cathartic about putting the biggest bastard of the lot at the very bottom of your preferences. I understand that USians don't get that option - you get to mark one person, and that's it.
That means that you get one shot, so aim it at the biggest bastard of the lot. The candidate you most utterly detest. Put your vote in the worst possible place for them. Don't even think about who that vote's going towards, that's not the point. Remember, every vote is a vote against someone. Make sure you fuck up that someone's election day!
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demigoddessqueens · 10 days
Some good news for today!!!
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lilithism1848 · 2 months
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troythecatfish · 12 days
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Daily reminder that the U.S. has been supporting these kinds of genocidal wars of aggression for 100+ years. This is nothing new and not a recent phenomenon-this has been going on for a long time.
It's important during times like this that we make sure people don't fall down the trap of blaming everything on the so called "ZOG" or "Zionist Occupied Government" which basically leads to the brain dead and fucking utterly stupid neo-Nazi route of blaming everything on "da Joos”
The U.S. has had horrific foreign policy long before there was even a strong and influential Israel lobby.
The Korean War occurred before AIPAC existed, and during the early 20th century before Israel existed the U.S. brutally colonized and occupied the Philippines, invaded Russia right after the Bolshevik revolution to crush the communist movement there, and plenty of other examples of this kind of foreign policy. And of course during the 1800s in the era of Manifest Destiny you had the genocide of native Americans, the Mexican-American war, and so on.
The idea that this is all the fault of Zionists is an absolutely brain dead analysis. The problem is mainly just capitalism (as well as racism and other factors of course, especially during the 1800s) which is a system that always leads to the most insane people ruling over us, regardless of ethnicity.
Zionism just happens to be compatible with the interests of imperialists in the Middle East region.
Blaming everything purely on Zionism and "ZOG" is completely insane and shows a profound ignorance of the history of American foreign policy.
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haywirecompass · 2 years
whoever the fuck i saw saying "i can't stand english bitching because they're so complacent" and whoever else thinks we're not doing enough i'd like to invite you to DO SOME FUCKING RESEARCH.
a law was recently passed that deemed any kind of protesting as disruptive and able to be punished by the police, alongside giving the police more power.
we all watched the police storm the PEACEFUL VIGIL for sarah everard - a woman raped and murdered by a police officer.
everything in britain has been put to a standstill. hospital appointments have been cancelled. funerals have been cancelled. we can't do anything about it.
many of us will be unable to pay our energy bills this winter. we will freeze. we will starve.
it has been demonstrated to us time and time and time again that protests simply make people talk about how we were protesting and never why. and now the police has increased power to punish us for any public opinion that they don't like.
we have been under tory rule for 12 years. 12 years of the same people - hey americans, can you imagine that?
we are tired, no, we are exhausted. we are struggling. we are scared. and it has been made clear to us that our government does not care.
so fucking forgive us if we're putting our own survival over the opinions of americans (and other non-brits but americans are the worst) online who expect us to learn everything about their politics and their country and don't put in an ounce of effort to learn about ours.
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johnbitchsociety · 5 months
I feel like both internet liberals and leftists have a tendency to reverse-Great Man Theory Ronald Reagan at the expense of any insight into the history of his policies or the conservative movement that led up to him.
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nyiiwest · 6 months
Let me break it down for y’all;
Killing babies and children = No more future generations
Killing women and pregnant women = No more future generations
Killing men= No more future generations
Killing the elderly = Erasing history and culture for future generations
Killing journalists = No news coverage of what’s really happening so the opposing side can push propaganda.
Open your eyes the Palestinians that do survive this if a ceasefire doesn’t come will lose their culture and identity because Israel will force them to assimilate to whatever sick and twisted ideology they want. This is a genocide! The Palestinian genocide is directly mirroring the Native American genocide. Keep talking about Palestine, it’s a privilege you get to scroll away from dead children and adults.
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charyou-tree · 7 months
Ok, I get it, you hate Biden
You want a cool, leftist candidate to vote for instead. Great, me too!
What is your plan to get some candidate you like better into power?
Who should we campaign for?
How do we raise money?
What races are important? What races can't they win?
And most importantly, how do we convince ~100 Million other Americans that you're right, and we should vote for this person?
You don't have a plan.
You say "don't vote for Biden" and refuse to provide any alternatives, so I can only assume you'd rather the people on Tumblr not vote at all.
I guarantee the fascists will be voting next year, and making sure that if they win, this will be the last election you get to vote in. Don't take it from me, here it is in their own words:
There's a 900 page plan about how the fascists intend to take over America.
So I ask again, what's your plan? Do you want to help Palestinians, or do you want to make sure that the last people who still believe in elections lose?
If your only contribution is "Biden is evil" and "both sides are the same" or "every American politician is evil" then I'm going to assume your intentions are to keep young leftists disillusioned and prevent them from voting, and I'll block accordingly.
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hereswhere · 13 days
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fixing-bad-posts · 3 months
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voting is not endorsement. voting is not giving a candidate your money. voting is damage control.
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nando161mando · 18 days
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The warmongering US
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kristiliqua · 4 months
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