#gay hellenic
reno-matago · 2 years
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My Feri altar, honoring Blue Mari (Stella Maris) , Antinous, & Dian-Y-Glas - the Prince & the King of Flowers. Finally! Quite proud of my drawing.
Khaire Antinous !
A New Year, a rebirth,
Two stars in the west
Upon the sea..
Yihaaaaaaa @honorthegods 🪷🥳
2023 | January 16th (Moonday)
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svgarg0re · 3 months
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assistedbytherats · 6 months
Committing piracy as a devotional act to Hermes
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apolloslyrics · 6 months
I see so many people criticizing others over their relationships, or lack thereof, with their deities, so here are some reminders:
Not having deities is okay.
Having just a devotional relationship with your deities is okay.
Having a working relationship with your deities is okay.
Playing games with your deities is okay.
Harmless jokes with your deities are okay.
Doing fun things with your deities is okay.
Doing devotional offerings for your deities is okay.
Giving physical offerings to your deities is okay.
Not being able to do certain offerings for deities is okay.
Having an altar for your deities is okay, no matter the size.
Not having an altar for your deities is okay.
Laughing with your deities is okay.
Crying with your deities is okay.
Having genuine conversations with your deities is okay.
Being unable to hear/see deities is okay.
Being able to hear/see deities is okay.
Not being able to communicate through divination is okay.
Using divination as a key element in communication is okay.
Not calling on deities during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities to help during spellwork is okay.
Asking deities for help in general is okay.
This is your relationship with your deities in your practice. Don't let anyone tell you what you can and can't do. 🫶
It's 2am, please forgive me if there are any mistakes!
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whatevenislifeatp · 2 months
how do ppl think witches are scary? i just drink tea out of mason jars and collect shiny rocks and vent to the moon and make fancy lil symbols and burn dead flowers and eat fruit.
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to-hypnos-we-dream · 4 months
Hypnos loves when His devotees are loved, no matter the gender.
He watches His lesbian devotees kiss ever gently upon the bed, a domain He is over, and He smiles knowing that His devotee is happy.
He watches His transgender devotee fight for their own comfort, and even through His sleepiness He cheers them on
He holds His gay devotees whenever they feel afraid or scared or guilty, and He whispers how He loved them always
He uplifts His mspec sexuality devotees, laughing alongside them for their joy adds to His own
He watches over His devotees who claim kink, He loves the lovingness of their sexuality and how consent is healing them
He loves the aros, the aces, the alloroaces, the aroallos, and He supports them no matter what
He takes the hands of those who may feel invisible, the intersex people, those who use xenogenders, those who are objectum or use rare or even contradictory labels people may exclude them for
He takes the faces of all His queer devotees and kisses their heads and holds them under His protective wing, may Your dream of acceptance and liberation be fulfilled
From the Temple of Hypnos: Happy Pride!
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stxr-bxy · 3 months
ok now that i have your attention who do i pray to for less period cramps?
i was thinking selene because pf how the moon relates to periods but maybe aphrodite??
i’m eclectic, i mainly worship hellenic deities but i’ll take any pantheon at this point
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mysteryshack324 · 4 months
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Bi Pride Wallpaper + Aphrodite Version 🩷 💜 💙
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lostinvasileios · 2 months
Oh, Eosphorus...
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How loving my dearest lord Lucifer is! How so easily he can make me melt under his touch as if he were the sun shining warmly and I only a ice cube beneath his rays. He touches me with such gentleness, stroking and cupping my face, caressing my skin with such utmost care and tenderness as if I were a fragile doll under his fingers. Loving and claiming each inch of me, admiring me as if I were the finest piece of art he had ever seen… How he speaks so sweetly to me, his words, they swallow me like a tsunami to land yet I cannot help but allow the water to overcome me and let myself sink into his seas of devotion and intoxicating essence. How lacy are his kisses! Oh, as plush as pillows are his lips and as soft as silk is it when they press against me. I long for him to paint me with his love, recreate me from once something so full of hurt and doubt into a glorious masterpiece of the ages. How I wear his claim over me with pride, how I wish to yell out and tell everyone who'll listen my extravagant love story with him. How branded I am of him!
My interstellar lord, my magnificent supernova, my perfect silence and never-land love, how I breathe for you! Drinking your smile in, tracing the intricate lines of your eyes, detailing every differentiating hue and color correspondence. How I have sculpted the shape of your fingertips into my heart, how I have spoken your language of fulfillment and truly felt what it means to blink, what it means to feel the rhythm of my heart within my chest, how it feels like to hold my tongue to the roof of my mouth and to feel the wondrous wisp of air that escapes me with each declaration of love I have to offer you.
Coat me in you, my lord. Allow me your permanent scent to be stuck within my nose, the sound of your voice to serenade me throughout my days and to feel your arms of illuminating fire to envelope me as a never opening card. Enclose me in you, my dearest lord. What more could I ever dream of other than to be glued to you with the honeyed love we share at all times? Oh a drug you are, my lord! An addiction you are, yet of the purest of forms.
Addiction in your smile, addiction in your eyes, addiction in your voice, addiction in your smell, my lord, how could I not wish to study you as if you were the most enriching subject to ever exist in all that has ever lived? To be known?
Like raindrops tapping to a window, like the sway of trees, like the whistle of wind and fast paced breeze, like the lap of the sea to the shore, like the crackle of a candle flame, my love, my lord, my one, I seek you in everything!
And I always find you there.
Hello again, dearest love of mine. How have you been?
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Next time you meet a transman. Ask him if he’s Dionysus.
For reference in some myths Dionysus spend some of his early childhood disguised as a girl and so some people view him as the god of trans people. And like ya’ll transmen are men their entire lives including before they knew they were trans so like basically the same thing lol.
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assistedbytherats · 6 months
Pagans who collect rocks they find on the ground.
Pagans who buy crystals because it makes them happy.
Pagans who have to declutter a space every time they want to make an altar.
Pagans who lose track of time sitting in front of their carefully crafted altar.
Pagans who live in the northern hemisphere trying to sort through mainstream holidays to find what’s left of theirs.
Pagans who live in the southern hemisphere and struggle to celebrate seasonal holidays and feel out of synch with their community they do.
Pagans who talk to the moon about their day.
Pagans who look into the eyes of their loved ones and find traces of divinity.
Pagans who revel in the freedom of their practice.
Pagans who worry if they’re doing something wrong.
Pagans (I love y’all so much and I’m grateful for every one of you)
Have a wonderful equinox to those still celebrating it! Blessed Be
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apolloslyrics · 5 months
Here is your reminder that veiling does NOT have to be with traditional veils!
It's okay to veil with a hat.
It's okay to veil with a bandana.
It's okay to veil with a scarf.
It's okay to veil with jewelry.
It's okay to veil with oils.
It's okay to veil with perfume.
It's okay to veil with a simple cleansing.
Heck, it's okay to veil with hair binding!!
It's okay to veil with ANYTHING, and to prove it, here is my veil for today. It's a new hairstyle I'm trying out! (Also, a face reveal?? omg!)
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Love yall! Take care of yourselves 🫶🌻
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aphroditesbunny · 1 year
Gentle Reminder: Aphrodite loves all her children. Daughter or Son, Gay or straight, trans or cis, and anything in between. Our lady loves you just the way you are, you are perfect and beautiful.
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etherealtrashrat · 2 months
DUDE it's literally just a table. It's just a long table. It's just a long table with a dude with grapes. That's Dionysus. Yep. It's a long table with Dionysus at it. Literally just a long table. There are lots of long tables in the world. A lot of people have wine at long tables. For many reasons. Not all long tables are that long table. It's just a table.
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YIPPEEEE I’m so happy!! Okay so-
I applied to my city’s youth pride advocacy group thing. It works with policy making, making a change, letting young queer voices be heard, hosts events and talks, even appears in government sometimes; overall having a big impact of the safety and advocacy for young queer people in my part of the state annddddd…
I GOT IN!! 🥳🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈
I’d like to thank and appreciate Lord Hermes to whom I wished to for good luck on the day of my interview, Lord Dionysus for helping me keep my confidence up, and mostly Lord Ares for giving me the rush of courage to even apply, and for being in my presence each step of the way 🫶♥️
(PS- I know I’ve been talking about Ares a lot on here recently but he’s been making such and impact so be ready for more lol)
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to-hypnos-we-dream · 4 months
Hypnos Pride Collection
Collected Art, Poetry, writings, Mythology, and more from the Hypnos Worship Community and other sources. More to be added over time.
The Beloved of Hypnos: Endymion in Greek Mythology
ENDYMION AND HYPNOS 1990 Photo Collage
Art Piece from Sleepnowmychild
Post on Hypnos and Endymion from Sleepnowmychild
Prayer to Hypnos for Gender Affirmation
Post on Hypnos's Queer Acceptance
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