#get around to reading it but one day when my horn blinds me into a rage I will go and read all of them
finnpeach · 1 year
not that anyone gives a flying fuck but here’s my lineup guys. are u ready
1. finish this stupid vashwood/fleabag inspired fic. it’s good guys i promise. it’s my last one i’m gonna go out with a bang except the bang sounds like a sneeze. there’s religious discovery and sex and angels and—
2. jjk. obviously. i have 2 fics planned. no sex planned so far (holy shit?). trying to time it with the s2 so I’m completely feral and in a rabid state of horn
3. Patrochilles (i have been trying to write this since March lmfao)
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How They are Handling your Disappearance Pt. 3
MC Returns
Ahh you guys i'm so glad you are enjoying this little series! I wasn't expecting so many of you to like it! But as requested by many, here is part 3 where MC returns to the present day timeline and reunites with the 7 brothers. This is a bit of a lengthy one because like... we are home! It's a little less angsty, a little more happy this time haha. Anyways, please enjoy! Reblogs and feedback are appreciated as usual!
Read Part 1: Brothers
Read Part 2: Side Characters
Word count: 3,057
Rating: T, slightly suggestive.
Taglist: @amberrskiies @obey-me-posts @sassykattery @delphi-dreamin @bite-sized-devil @flemmingbamse @a-hidden-gem @otomefoxystar @siofrantic @todothedodo @ihatecorns @exrellian @vernith @sus0daddy
Fill out this form if you want to be tagged in my work!
rose divider by @/firefly-graphics
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It feels like it has been forever since the day that you went missing, but the brothers never gave up their search. How could they when you were out there somewhere, possibly alone and scared? The thought of their little human wandering around the unknown gave them the motivation they needed to keep going. But after a long day of once again searching the Devildom up and down with no results, the brothers are settling down for the evening.
The Avatar of Pride is in his room getting ready for bed after a long day of searching for you. 
His wings are terribly sore from flying all day, so he lays on his bed sprawled out on his stomach, allowing his feathery wings to stretch out behind him.  
He rests his head in his arms, and sighs.
Yet another day of searching, but no results. 
Suddenly, he begins to feel a familiar tingling sensation of magic in the air that brings goosebumps to his bare arms. 
Before he had time to process what was happening, a flash of light filled his room, practically blinding him. 
After a few seconds, the light dissipates and there you are, standing in its place. 
Lucifer forgets all about his aching wings, and jumps up from the bed. 
At first, he hesitates, terrified that you’ll disappear again at any moment. 
“M-MC…? Is it really you…?”
His crimson eyes are wide as he takes in your appearance. 
You appear the same, but he's confused by the horns that now rest on your head, as well as a few other demonic attributes.
Just where did you disappear to?
Your face scrunches up and your eyes fill with tears. “L-Luci… yes, it’s really me.” 
Suddenly, his arms are around you, a million questions in his throat but unable to speak.
You whimper, taking in his scent. He smells freshly showered, the smell of his soap sending a wave of comfort crashing over you. 
“Luci… I missed you so much…I’m so sorry…”
His shoulders begin to tremble and he tucks his face into the crook of your neck. 
You feel wetness on your skin as he begins to cry. 
Have you ever seen him cry before?
Just how much have they all suffered while I was gone?
Your arms wrap themselves around his neck and you squeeze your eyes shut. 
You stand there in his arms, his wings wrapping themselves around the two of you protectively. 
He will never let you go again. 
After a few moments, he pulls away, staring into your eyes.
“MC, the days I've spent searching for you were endless… but never once did I give up. I’m very glad that I didn’t. Every second was worth my time.”
Suddenly his lips are on yours and you accept his kiss greedily. 
Kissing him was the confirmation you needed that you were home. 
“MC, please forgive me. You can tell me the details later, but right now I just need you. I need to know you are here and…real.” 
He spins you around, guiding you to his bed so the back of your legs hit the edge, causing you to fall back. 
He hovers over top of you, his crimson eyes full of love, adoration, and desire. 
You giggle through your tears, placing a hand on his cheek. “I love you so much, Luci.”
He smiles, tucking a stray hair behind your ear.
“Words alone cannot express my love for you, little one.”
You give him a peck on the lips again. “We have a lot of time to make up for you know… where should we start?”
Lucifer gives you a mischievous grin. “I have just the thing in mind, darling. Something that has been long overdue.”
Mammon returned to his bedroom shortly after arriving home. 
He had to check on his ravens who were also out searching for you while they were gone. 
His wings were sore as shit, and all he wanted to do was shower and go to bed. 
But you are more important. 
Throwing open his window, one of his ravens glides down to greet him. 
“Damn, ya didn’t find anything did ya?”
The raven hangs its head sadly, and Mammon sighs.
“Thanks anyways, I appreciate the help.”
Suddenly the raven begins to flap its wings wildly, cawing at something behind him. 
Mammon spins around, and his golden eyes widen in shock when he sees just who is appearing in the middle of his bedroom. 
It was you, clear as day. 
He’s speechless, unable to find the right words even though he’s been playing them on repeat in his head since the day you left. 
“Mammon!” you shout with tears in your eyes. You begin to run towards him, but he meets you halfway, scooping you up into his arms and spinning you around.
He sets you down again, and hugs you snugly to his chest. 
“MC…I… Shit. I-I missed ya so damn much…” he says with a shaky voice. 
You inhale his scent as he hugs you, which smells of sweat and leather. 
You’re home. He’s your Mammon. Finally…
“Mams, I’m so so sorry… I’ll explain everything I promise…”
He pulls you away from him, his golden blue gaze staring intensely at you.
“Damn right ya will! But for now…I don’t care..I just… I need ya so bad… I mean this can’t be real, right?”
You give him a small smile, taking his hand in yours. 
“I’m real, Mammon. I promise.”
His tanned skin is flushed as he pulls you with him to sit on his bed, hoisting you up onto his lap. 
He can’t hold back anymore as he plants a firm kiss to your lips. 
You accept it eagerly. 
Your tongues intertwine briefly before he pulls away, breathless. 
“I love ya MC, I’m so sorry I couldn’t do a damn thing…” 
You silence him with a kiss to the forehead. 
“It’s not your fault, Mammon. Please don’t cry…”
He notices your own lip quivering, and let’s out an amused snort through his tears.
“Don’t you go cryin’ on me either!”
His long, slender fingers run through your hair and you sigh.
His lips are on yours once more, a low growl rumbling in his chest. 
You can sense his overwhelming desire threatening to take over.
“Mammon’s got ya now, treasure. You’re safe with me. I’m never letting you go again.”
Throughout the search, Levi has been exploring every inch of the Devildom waters. 
From seas to lakes, he still could find no trace of you. 
Levi heads back to his room, a towel around his waist after Lucifer forced him to strip in the hallway so he didn’t track water through the house. 
Once he’s dried off and dressed again, he sinks down in his gaming chair, sighing as his aching limbs are finally able to rest. 
Tears welled up in his eyes, disappointed that he let everyone down again. 
Especially you.
I’m so useless, he thinks. 
A stray tear rolls down his cheek, and he wipes it away with his arm. 
A flash of light appears before him, and it sends a tingling sensation up his body. 
Wait a minute…that’s…!
His eyes are wide and his mouth gapes open as he looks up to see you standing there right in front of him.
“M-MC, I-Is it really y-you?!” Of course he’s a stuttering mess, but he can’t believe it.
He doesn’t know when he stood up, but suddenly you are slamming into him, wrapping your arms around his torso. 
“Yes, Levi. It’s me.” you sob, burying your face into his chest.
Your voice has him melting in your grip. 
He finally fully embraces you, burning his face into your hair. 
Your scent is slightly different,  and he can smell other demons on you. 
This sends a wave of envy over him, but he ignores it. All he cares about is that you’re home.
He, however, smells of the sea. 
“Levi, I'm so sorry… I promise I’ll explain. I just really need you right now. I’ve missed you so much…”
Leviathan only nods, his shoulders trembling from the sobs that are escaping him. 
You stay standing there wrapped in his arms, gently rubbing circles on his back. 
After some time, he calms down. 
His eyes are red and puffy and his face is swollen. Your heart aches for him. 
Suddenly, he grabs your hand, leading you over with him to his bathtub. 
You climb in together, and you sit in his lap. His tail curls around you, holding you in place. 
“M-MC…can I um, k-kiss you?” he asks, his tear stained cheeks becoming flushed. 
You nod eagerly, and he places a soft, gentle kiss to your lips. 
Your lips are the same as ever, soft and sweet. 
Levi is overwhelmed with affection for you. 
“I love you, I love you, I love you…” he mutters, rocking you gently in his lap. 
He peppers your face with kisses and you giggle, wrapping your arms around his neck. 
“I love you so much too, Levi. I’m so glad to be home…” 
He rests his head on your shoulder, purple strands of his hair tickling your cheek. 
“Please don’t leave me like that again, MC. I-I was so scared…”
The tremor in his voice causes fresh tears to form in the corner of your eyes. 
“Never again, I’m staying right here with you.”
Satan steps over the pile of books on his floor before flopping down onto his bed. 
His bedroom is in quite the disarray due to his last tantrum. 
He can’t help that he’s just so damn frustrated!
They’ve practically searched the Devildom inside out, and still… nothing. 
He huffs, crossing his arms over his chest as he stares out the window, tears threatening to spill down his cheeks. 
He almost doesn’t notice the burst of light filling his bedroom. 
The air was practically vibrating with magic when he spun his head around to see the silhouette of a figure in the blinding light. 
He squints, trying his best to make out the form. Once the light dissipates, an unfamiliar feeling washes over him. 
Satan thought he’s finally experienced every emotion in his lifetime of being in the Devildom. 
But what he feels when he sees you standing there in his bedroom is indescribable. 
He gasps, immediately jumping up from his bed and hurrying over to you. 
Your eyes are locked on him, and he thought he noticed you flinch the moment he approached you. 
“MC… are… you okay? Where in the Devildom have you been?”
His voice is soft, but it trembles slightly.
He doesn’t expect answers right away, of course. 
Not when you are standing here in front of him for the first time in what feels like an eternity.  
You nod, trying to wipe away your tears. “Satan… It’s me. I-I’m home.”
The sound of his name leaving your lips after so long pushes him over the edge. 
He pulls you into his arms and he squeezes you tight, finally allowing his tears to fall. 
“M-MC… I'm so glad you’re home safe… I was so worried about you…”
You relax against his chest, finally processing the fact that this wasn’t the past version of himself.
After a few moments, you sniff, pulling away from him to gaze into his eyes. You notice a scar on his cheek, still healing from a recent fight he must have had. 
You gently trace your fingers over it, and he winces. 
“I’m so sorry Satan…the pain that I must have caused you all…” 
He shakes his head, glancing away. 
“I’m just so relieved you are home, MC. I don’t believe that whatever happened was your fault.” 
His fingers run through your hair and he kisses your forehead. 
“Can I…kiss you?” you ask, your cheeks flushing slightly. Normally you wouldn’t ask, but it’s been awhile. 
“Of course, kitten. But just know if you do, I may not be able to hold myself back from you much longer.”
You give him a smirk, and press your lips firmly to his. 
To finally kiss your Satan once more. 
He slips his tongue past your lips, and you groan. 
When you pull away, his emerald eyes are shining with passion. 
“Every book I read told me how to find you, but they never mentioned how to handle your return.” 
He moves you to his bed with him so you are straddling his lap.
“But I don’t believe I need any instruction as to what comes next. I love you, MC. Please allow me to express the longing I’ve felt for you all this time.”
Asmo had made his way to his room for the evening with the overwhelming urge to climb into his silk bed sheets. 
But first he really wanted a bath. The thought of the warm water soothing his aching joints was very pleasant to him right now. 
He had made his way into the bathroom to start the water, the noise of the faucet drowning out the sound coming from his bedroom. 
Asmo thought he heard something, and he lifted his head to the door that connects from the bathroom to his room. 
He thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. 
Was that a flash of light just now? Is it storming?
He furrowed his brow in confusion, and stepped slowly over to peek through the door. 
Nothing could have prepared him for what he saw. 
There you were, standing right there in his bedroom. 
Your eyes were wide and looking around, still processing where you had appeared. 
Asmo gasps, forgetting about the bath and hurries over to you. 
“M-MC?!” he shrieks, pulling you into the tightest hug he’s sure he’s ever given. 
You begin to cry, tears falling down your cheeks and onto his shoulder.
“Shhh, MC. Don’t cry now, darling…” he coos, but his own tears are escaping him. 
He holds you close as you cry together. 
“Asmodeus…is… it really you? My Asmo?” you whimper. 
He’s confused by what you mean, but he doesn’t question it for now. 
“Of course my little lamb, it’s me. You’re home now…”
You sniff, pulling away from him slightly. “I’m so sorry Asmo, I swear I didn’t mean to leave you guys like that…”
Taking your hands in his, he shakes his head. “No no, hon, don’t blame yourself for this. I know there’s a very good reason, but you can explain later to all of us, okay?” 
You nod, wiping your eyes. 
“I was just about to get a bath. Would you care to join me, MC?”
The thought of taking a bath with Asmo right now feels…unreal. 
You couldn’t believe you were finally home with him. 
Smiling, he leads you into the bathroom. 
First, he steps out of his robe, and your face flushes. 
You’ll never get over how beautiful he is. 
Then it’s your turn.
You shiver as he begins to undress you, his fingers brushing over your skin. 
He smiles softly as he notices the goosebumps that begin to form on your body. 
“I’ve missed this so much. Let me get a good look at you, darling.”
His eyes tear up again as his eyes travel over your body, still in disbelief that you were standing right there with him again after so long.
“I need all the time I can get with you right now before my brothers find out you’re home.”
He takes your hand and helps guide you into the bathtub. 
You sigh as the warm water envelops you and he places you in between his legs with your back to him. 
You feel his arms wrap themselves around you and you blush.“I’ve only been dreaming of this moment with you, MC.” Asmo murmurs, attaching his lips to your shoulder. 
You whine as he continues to kiss up your neck. 
“I love you so much, Asmo…”
He smiles into the crook of your neck as he holds you close. 
“My dear, if anything came out of your disappearance, it’s how much I realized that I love you. Please, allow me to show you…”
Beelzebub and Belphegor
The twins were always together nowadays. 
They were both getting ready for bed in their room after their long day, neither of them wanting to speak about the disappointing results of the search. 
Belphie hugged his pillow to his chest as he climbed into bed beside Beel. 
He was struggling to stay awake, but he had a peculiar feeling in the pit of his stomach.
Of course, being his twin, Beel felt it too. It wasn’t hunger, or anything like that… It was…
“Belphie do you feel…”
Before he could finish, a burst of light filled the room, temporarily blinding them both.
The sensation of magic through the air sent shivers down their spines. 
Once the light dulled, they glanced up through squinted eyes to see… you. 
Wait, is that really…?
Despite the dull ache in their bodies, they both jump up.
“MC!” their violet eyes are wide as they gape at you, still trying to decide if this was real or a cruel hallucination.
But you seem just as surprised as they are. 
Suddenly, you feel yourself being pulled into a strong embrace. 
Belphie is squeezed into the hug next to you, and you both glance up to see Beel with tears streaming down his cheeks. 
“B-Beel… Belphie…I’ve missed you both so much…”
You sob, burying your face into Beel’s chest.
Belphie finally allows his tears to fall. I’m so lame, he thinks.
How dare you make him cry like this?
But he’s so happy. So relieved. 
Beel begins to move you both towards his bed, placing you right between him and his brother. 
You whimper as you feel their arms wrap around you. 
The thought of being able to do this again with them never even crossed your mind. 
You feel Beel nuzzle his face into your hair. 
You smelled…different. But there was no denying your familiar scent and it made his mouth water.
Belphie yawned, burying his face into your shoulder. 
“Beel and I had each other, but MC… you are our missing piece.”
His twin nodded, placing a soft kiss to your forehead. 
“Belphie is right. It feels right again with you here in between us.”
Your heart was so full. 
You smiled wide as you kissed both of their foreheads. 
“My boys…I love you so much.”
As you laid together, they took turns littering you with kisses and whispering sweet nothings into your ear. 
The feeling of their lips and their hands on your body has your head spinning, and you whisper their names between breathless gasps. 
After sometime, Beel turned towards you, a glint of mischief in his eyes. 
“I’m feeling a bit hungry…but for something different. How about you Belphie?”
Belphie immediately sensed where his twin was going and flashed him a smile back.
“I’m all of a sudden wide awake. What do you say you join us, MC? We want you to ourselves before we have to go back to sharing you.”
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yexthiccxa · 9 months
The Angel With Horns Pt. 1
summary: you accept a teaching position at jujutsu high where you get to work with your childhood crush, suguru geto. unfortunately, that means you'll also have to work with your childhood nemesis, satoru gojo. are you going to rekindle new flames or potentially make new ones?
wordcount: 7.3k 🙃 (this is pt. 1 and it's four chapters long)
c/w: gojo/fem!reader, geto/fem!reader, gojo/oc, geto/oc, modern!au, teacher!au, smut, fluff & smut, some plot, plot what plot, flashbacks, timeskip, asshole!gojo, flirty!gojo, cocky!gojo, soft!geto, cousin!shoko, mutual pining, teasing, flirting, playful banter, friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, sensual tension, sexual tension, pet names (angel), dry humping, fingering, oral, fantasizing, multiple orgasms, inappropriate use of cursed energy, inappropriate use of cursed techniques
a/n: eeeep. this is my first fanfic so feedback is welcome 🥺it’s a first person pov where the unnamed oc is meant to be the reader! Currently working on Part 2!
edit: just posted this part on ao3 if you'd rather read it there!
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✦✧✸✧✦ 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT ✦✧✸✧✦
Chapter 1: Reunited
It’s clear as day but my mind is fuzzy. There are thousands of thoughts surging through me, but all I can focus on is the pleasure filling my body. For as long as I’ve known him, I’ve always wondered if this day would ever come. My hips are pinned against his counter. Arms stretching wide while my fingers grip his sink. My neck rolls back as the rays of light blind me from his window. 
In my head, I’ve spent countless hours wondering how it feels to have his body pressed against mine. Or how his breath hovers on my neck as he pulls me closer. His scent is undeniably sweet, but the way he handles me tells me that he’s everything but that.
“I always thought you were a good girl,” he growls in my ear, kissing his way down to my neck like it was never his to claim. “I never expected you to prove me wrong.”
I imagined how his kisses would consume me, how his touch would paralyze me, and how his moans would ignite me. But in all these years, I never imagined this entire fantasy would be with someone else instead.
The clouds begin to subside as I walk through the familiar gates of Jujutsu High. The droplets of rain fade away and a strange mix of emotions hit my core. Today marks the beginning of my journey as a teacher here, but I can't stop myself from feeling a pang of anxiety. Amid the unease, there’s still a sense of comfort in returning to a place I once called home.
My footsteps echo softly on the hallway tiles as I make my way to room 3-A for orientation. The memories of my time as a student creep into my thoughts. It’s changed in many ways, but I find solace in knowing that there are still a few people here that I can lean on.
When I moved back to Tokyo and got the teaching position, Shoko mentioned that Suguru taught here as well. Memories of him invaded my thoughts. We were practically inseparable during our high school years, largely due to my close bond with Shoko. Wherever she was, I was sure to follow—our Ieiri blood may tell us we’re cousins, but I always thought of her as my sister. Her friends were always fun to be around. However, they constantly got into situations that always put me on edge. Shoko has always been such a free spirit, and while I adore her, I know her comfort zone far surpasses my own. Despite my lack of participation in their wild adventures, I surprisingly never felt left out or lonely.
“Are you sure you don’t want to go? Finding curses in abandoned hospitals sounds way cooler than studying curses… in a book,” I muttered to Suguru as I gestured to my pile of textbooks.
“How many times do we have to go over this? I’d rather practice my curse techniques here instead.” He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and lowered his face towards mine—his breath tickling my ear.
“Plus, taking care of you is a hell of a lot better than taking care of everyone else,” he chuckled.
“Who said you needed to take care of me?” I protested. He remained close, and I felt his mouth curve.
“I never said I needed to. I want to take care of you,” he whispered. A secret for only my ears to hear.
Throughout the years, I grew to love his playful laughter. It was soft, tinged with warmth and sincerity—though it always seemed to trail his jokes that slightly missed the mark. And his touch, though never sensual, always felt protective—like a wolf looking after its pack. The more I learned how sweet Suguru was, the deeper I fell in love. For years my guarded soul harbored this secret, and even if the world was ending, I swore to myself that I would never tell a soul. The "what ifs" often danced through my thoughts, but ignorant bliss always outweighed the risk of potential heartbreak.
My thoughts come to a halt as I turn a corner, and suddenly, I'm face-to-face with a towering presence. My breath catches, and my eyes instinctively trail up the contours of his strong frame. The world around me blurs for a moment, and my heart quickens. But before I can fully process the shock, a familiar voice calls out to me.
"Hey, there’s my girl! Did you realize the world wasn’t as great without me?" Suguru teases, his voice bringing back years of memories.
"Suguru!" I exclaim, a surge of excitement makes me toss my arms around him. My words tumble out eagerly, "If I was your girl, I probably would’ve never left." I laugh, though my heart races as curiosity causes his brow to rise. “I’m just kidding. Everything was great, but I’m glad to be back though." It may not have been the best save, but it’ll work for now.
My arms tighten ever so slightly, and I’m compelled to study him. His shoulders are still broad, yet somehow, they seem larger than I remember. His hair has grown longer, though he still keeps it partially tied. The chiseled contours of his jaw feel like steel against my skin, but his arms around waist are gentle and comforting. I notice that the morning gloom has officially cleared, because his beauty is bathed in sunlight. As we break away from our hug, his dark eyes meet mine with recognition and warmth, as if our time apart has only deepened our connection.
"Well, I’m glad it was good. I’ve missed you." he rumbles, his voice resonating like a soothing melody.
"Likewise," I reply with a warm grin, feeling a rush of nostalgia. "Will you be at orientation today?"
He explains that he has to help Yaga with some setup throughout the morning. I try not to let my smile drop, but he's quick to notice. Of course he notices, it's Suguru. Before I can even process my thoughts, he adds, "I have the same lunch break as everyone else though, let's catch up then? We can meet in the courtyard."
A surge of excitement washes over me, and I nod eagerly. "Sounds perfect," I reply. Feeling a newfound sense of confidence, I continue on my way to the orientation room. 
“I’ve missed you." his voice echoes through my mind. For a moment, I can't help but wonder, was he thinking about me the whole time I was gone? Why did he call me his girl? Does that mean he had feelings for me? No—stop, that can’t be. If he had feelings for me, he would've said something, right? But maybe that’s just wishful thinking.
My stomach begins to flutter as a seed of hope is planted into my heart. The slightest possibility of Suguru's interest sends me to the moon. I know I’m not the same girl I was when we last saw each other. So maybe, just maybe, this is a sign.
As I head towards the room, my steps feel lighter than they've been in a long time. For once in my life, I can finally hope for something more. I finally believe that I…my heart sinks as I reach the door. 
Blocking my path is a figure I desperately hoped to avoid—the infamous Satoru Gojo.
Chapter 2: Repulsive
Much like Suguru, Satoru’s build overpowers me. His arms rest on the edge of the doorframe and I can see the contours of his bicep peek through his shirt. I take in a sharp inhale and reluctantly step forward. Satoru will not, I repeat, not get the better of me today. I hesitate for a moment, locking my eyes with his.
He peeks out from the edge of his sunglasses, and the corners of his lips begin to curl. I watch as pieces of his platinum hair barely brush the top of his rims, while others just fall short of his eyes. It’s been years, but those striking pools of blue remain etched in my memory. Swirls of azure, navy and cobalt fill my vision, but I stop myself before my gaze begins to linger.
I attempt to slip past him but find myself with no clear escape. As I contemplate my next move, I mutter a greeting through gritted teeth, "Satoru."
His smirk grows into the devilish grin that haunted my past. "Hey there, Angel,” he purrs. “No hello? Or how have you been?" His tone takes on a playful note, laced with a hint of something else—something I can't quite decipher.
I try my best to let the moment pass, but I’ve let this go on for far too long. I’m done ignoring his comments. “You know I have a real name right?” I bite back.
“But why switch it up now? You’ve always been my little angel,” he teases mockingly. 
“And you’ve always been a pain in my ass,” I reply, my stare unwavering.
“She fights back,” his brow rises in shock. “I like this new version of you. Keep it up.” His grip on the doorframe loosens and he turns to make his way into the room. 
I let out a deep sigh, feeling the tension of my grip escape through my fingers. As I regain focus, I notice Satoru has turned back, his face mere inches from my ear. His voice is smooth, like silk across my skin as he whispers, “I can be a pain in a lot of other places, but I promise it’ll feel good.” 
My eyes widen as my pupils darken. My mouth runs dry as he chuckles his way to the edge of the room.
Memories of my high school days with Satoru flood back into my mind. His words cut through me, but in a way more akin to pleasure than pain. A mix of emotions overwhelm me, but I ultimately scowl at the sight of him. While Shoko and Suguru have helped me blossom, Satoru has always been the thorn in my side.
“Come on Suguru, are you really going to stay with her again?” Satoru asked.
“It’s okay, just go without me. I’ll go with you next time,” Suguru replies. His arm raises to scratch the back of his head.
This is the last festival of the season; there won't be another chance. “Please just go. I’ll be fi—,” I uttered.
“Well, enjoy your time with the little angel,” Satoru calls out as he continues walking away.
He makes his way out of our view, and I turn to Suguru, “Why do you even call him your best friend? He’s kind of a dick.”
Suguru laughs. “When you go through some of the stuff that we have, you’ll see that there’s a bond that goes deeper than blood. He’s a bit rough around the edges, but it’s not an excuse. Don’t worry. I can talk to him.”
I can’t stop myself from smiling with adoration.
I quickly find an empty seat in the orientation room, my mind still buzzing. The comfort and familiarity of the school are now tainted by the presence of someone I had hoped to forget. It was stupid of me to think Suguru and Satoru would drift apart after all these years. As I gather up my resolve to remain close with Suguru, I accept that their connection means my path with Satoru will cross more often than I would like.
A full morning of orientation reduces my brain to mush. The anticipation builds and all I can pay attention to is the clock ticking away. Yaga drones on about teamwork, collaboration, and trust – unsurprising, considering his history mentoring Suguru and Satoru. If he survived that, I’m sure being the principal is a piece of cake.
As the clock finally strikes noon, I gather my belongings and head for the door.
“Ms. Ieiri—one moment please,” Yaga calls to me, stopping in my tracks. He assembles the group of new hires and hands each one a folded letter. “This is for the afternoon sessions. On this sheet you’ll find…”
His words trail off and I find myself glancing at the clock again, hoping that Suguru hasn’t been waiting too long. Once we’re dismissed, I rush towards the courtyard.
While my legs carry me on autopilot through the halls, I take a moment to examine the letter. The paper feels coarse, the creases are weighted with importance, yet the ink is delicately placed. The overwhelming amount of information makes it clear that I'll have to review it once lunch is over. I scan the letter to find main items scheduled for the afternoon:
1pm: Mentor Session (Room 2-C)
2pm: Lesson Planning (Room 1-B)
3pm: Team Review (Room 1-B)
Seems simple enough. I approach the stairs leading to the courtyard, when my eyes catch the small section at the end of the letter:
Mentor Assignment: …
As I hurry, I fail to notice the uneven step at the halfway mark. My foot catches the edge and suddenly, I’m airborne. I feel the letter escape my fingertips. My heart leaps into my throat and the world starts to blur.
I reach for the railing, but my grasp barely holds. In the following moments, I find myself colliding with a figure. His hold is strong, bringing me comfort. I feel his fingers slowly cup my arms—they’re soft, tender, holding me with care. 
“Easy there,” he rumbles. “I got you,” his voice is low and radiates through my core. Suguru’s eyes lock onto mine and I feel the heat beginning to smolder. “I got you.” His words bounce through my head.
“Suguru. Sorry… I—” The words are impossible to make out.
“Don’t apologize,” Suguru smiles. “I like having you in my arms.” He adds a playful wink sending butterflies through my chest.
I hold his gaze and my body melts into his. Suguru and I have been close for years, but this time, it feels altered, deeper. It feels like the intensity of our connection is seeking something beyond friendship. We’re inches from each other and I wonder if he can hear my thoughts or feel my heart beat out of my chest. Time slows as I marvel at his smile. I let my mind wander just for a moment…
Suguru lowers, barely touching his lips against mine. He starts soft, planting kisses down my neck as he caresses my cheek. His touch trails to the rest of my body and delight surges within me. It's gentle, but I crave more. He bites my lip before slowly letting his tongue make his way inside my mouth.
Passion builds within me as one hand grips my hair and the other grabs my waist. When his fingers gently graze the small of my back, I writhe with pleasure, hoping he can’t feel the squeeze between my thighs. His taste is intoxicating—sending me into a fever that I can’t seem to break. 
I close my eyes and let his mouth take me.
“I’ve been waiting for you…” he breaks away to tell me. His voice is on the brink of losing control. “...for a very long ti—”
“Hello? Are you okay?” Suguru asks. My focus immediately returns. “I’ve been waiting for you, so I was heading back inside to make sure you were doing alright.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Yaga needed to give us this letter and—oh fuck. My letter.” 
He senses my worry and swoops me up in one solid motion, but I feel too weak to stand.
I turn to see that my letter has found its way in a puddle pooling at the edge of the steps. I rush down to grab it, but it’s already too late. While I can make out certain areas, the majority of it has smeared away. I bring my gaze towards bottom in hopes of making out some of the letters:
M..nt…. ….gnment: S…..u G…o
I pause—Suguru Geto. A knot hits my stomach and I’m waiting to identify whether this feeling is anxiety or joy.
I look up from the letter expectantly. “Suguru, my mentor… is this right?” I ask.
“Yeah, it is! It’s nice being paired with someone you know. It’ll be just like old times.” His words are the only confirmation I need.
Although the years have passed, it feels like Suguru and I have never skipped a beat. I miss the way he talks, the way he laughs, the way a strand of hair always manages to fall even when it’s tied. I could spend hours looking into his eyes and hearing all of his adventures and how he’s mastered his curse techniques. 
The minutes go on and the end of our lunch hour approaches. Suguru frowns as he glances at his watch, and offers an apologetic smile. "I have to head out a bit early. Yaga needs some help before the mentor sessions start," he explains.
I nod understandingly, though I can't help but feel disappointed. "No problem, I’ll see you in a bit?"
He grins, those familiar eyes twinkling with warmth. "Definitely, I’ll see you later!" He gives me a hug and we part ways.
With a sway in my step, I find myself standing before the door of 2-C—but it’s locked. I scan the hallway to see if anyone can help, but there’s no one in sight. I grab my phone to text Suguru for help, but fate has other plans.
Before I can send the message, a familiar presence creeps up behind me. The weight of his aura envelops me. His body feels warm, yet somehow my blood runs cold. With a key in hand, he moves to unlock the door.
A gasp escapes my lips, and I feel the tension build around us. My heart races as I hear a voice, a soft whisper that ignites my soul.
"Hey there, angel," the voice purrs. "Were you looking for me?"
I let out a deep breath to release the fury that boiled inside of me. “As a matter of fact, no. I wasn’t looking for you… Satoru.”
Chapter 3: Reinforcements
It takes me a second, but it finally registers. The letter didn’t actually say Suguru Geto. It was supposed to say Satoru Gojo. Suguru’s voice rings though my head:
“Suguru, my mentor… is this right?” I try to recall. I guess I didn’t explicitly mention a name.
“Yeah, it is!” Damn it, why didn’t I say his name?
“It’s nice being paired with someone you know.” My body feels heavy as my soul fills with dread.
“It’ll be just like old times.” The world begins to spin around me.
I walk through the door without looking at Satoru and head straight for the windows on the other side of the room. The room itself is quite small, just large enough to fit a blackboard, a full teacher’s desk, and three smaller desks for the students. There’s a bit of extra room to spare, but none of it is enough to keep me away from Satoru.
In the reflection of the window, Satoru props himself against the larger desk, his long arms draped behind him. His smirk tells me he's completely at ease, as if he enjoys torturing me this way. “Not who you were expecting?”
I hold my response and continue staring out the window. I suspect he can read my discomfort.
His footsteps are quiet, but I feel them reverberate behind me. The air from the window feels cool, but it fades when his body radiates against mine. He leans down, bringing his hands around my sides. As he places them on the window sill, I can feel his face inch closer to mine. He’s too close for comfort but I can’t bring myself to push him away.
“With a bit more time, angel, you’ll see that I’m full of surprises.” I can feel the rumble in his throat as he speaks. “That is…if you’re willing to find out.”
My face turns hot and my thighs tighten. I may hate Satoru, but there’s something about his charm that feels irresistible. After years of dealing with him, I thought I’d get used to it. But this doesn’t feel like the same Satoru I used to know.
His arms are still placed on either side of me, but I swat him away, “Don’t you have better things to do than to tease me?” My brow rises. “Maybe… actually mentoring me?”
He lifts his arms in defense, “Hey angel, sorry if I’m coming on a little strong. I’m just having some fun.” He nudges my arm, and the force leaves me unsteady. “For old times’ sake.”
I roll my eyes and take a seat at one of the smaller desks.
“Plus, I’m not big on mentoring,” he adds. “Yaga has me doing this because I owe him for saving my ass on the last mission. Luckily he assigned me to you, and we both know you’re more than capable of doing this job without my help. It’s always been like that.”
“Oh how sweet. Is this your way of complimenting me?” I tease. He wasn’t wrong, but I wasn’t going to give in that easily.
“What do you mean? I always give you compliments.”
“Calling me angel doesn’t count,” I sneer.
“Would you like me to call you princess instead?” He curled into a self-assured smile.
I blush, trying to bite back a chuckle. I lied, this is the same old Satoru. “So are you going to keep making up names, or are you actually going to teach me something?”
He brings himself close, his face stopping just short of mine. “I can teach you a lot of things, angel.”
I let out a sigh, “I’m serious, Satoru.”
“Fine, if you insist.” My curiosity is piqued as he props himself up and heads for the blackboard. 
“Lesson number one: If you ever want me, don’t want me,” he smirked.
I drop my shoulders and let out a sigh, but he continues.
“I’m serious! Lesson number two: If you ever need me…”
I finish his sentence, “Don’t need you?” His smile confirms my thoughts. “What’s number 3, Gojo-senpai?” My eyes plead as I pout in an attempt to mock him.
He seems uneasy. “Don’t do that,” he quickly snaps back, and I straighten up. “And now, lesson number three, the most important one: If you ever need my help, learn how to help yourself first.”
With a hint of sarcasm, I reply, “Wow, what a wonderful lesson. I’ve learned so much.” I gather my belongings and prepare to leave. “I think I'll just ask Yaga to assign me to someone else.”
He steps closer, blocking my path before I can fully rise from my seat. "No, wait. Don't do that,” he implores, his gaze earnest. “Can you stick it out for a little while? Just until this mentorship period ends. I need to get through these two weeks so Yaga won't make me do this again next year.”
I force my way up and scoff in his face, “Why on earth would I do that? What the hell have you done in these last few hours or even the last ten years that would make me put in a good word for you?” My volume increases. “You constantly tease me, you’ve never helped me, and—”
“I can hook you up with Suguru,” he murmurs.
“Excuse me?” My voice remains elevated from the anger.
“I can hook you up with Suguru,” he repeats firmly.
“Oh,” I pause as my voice settles. “Why would you do that?”
“For someone so smart, you ask the silliest things. It’s obvious you like him, angel.” 
My cheeks heat, feeling exposed and vulnerable under his penetrating gaze.
“It’s been obvious…for years—at least to me,” his voice softens. "And I promise, if you put in a good word for me, I'll help you with Suguru. No tricks, no games. Do we have a deal?" He extends his hand, waiting for my response.
This deal seems too good to be true. I try to figure out what the catch is, but nothing comes to mind. Unlike before, his gaze feels genuine and his smile seems sincere. I take a deep breath, preparing for a leap of faith. For the first time in my life, I guess I’m going to have to trust Satoru.
I reach for his hand, allowing a confident smile to grace my lips. “Deal.”
Although this is not how I pictured my first couple of weeks back in Tokyo, this alliance isn’t as terrible as I thought. At the end of our work days, Satoru and I hang back in Room 2-C for our “mentoring” sessions. We spend 1% of the sessions on actual work, and the other 99% on dating. I tell him that it’s been a while since I’ve dated, and Satoru jumps at the opportunity to refresh me on the art of flirting.
 "Alright angel—you’ve known Suguru for a while, but I’m guessing like you only ever interact with him as a friend. Try starting…” he picks up his hand to graze the side of my arm, fingers lightly dragging towards my wrist.  “...with light touches. Make sure you maintain eye contact and smile genuinely." His voice is velvet and slow.
A shiver runs through me, and my mouth goes dry. I clear my throat. "Light touches, like this?" I laugh hesitantly. I try to mimic his advice, but it’s nowhere near as gentle as his.
Satoru chuckles. "Close, but you’re too tense. Just relax a little bit."
I soften my touch and continue to brush my fingers up his arm. As I slowly pull him towards me, our eyes lock and I’m immediately mesmerized. There’s a flutter in my core and it turns into desire. There’s an ache between my thighs, and moisture begins to form.
“That’s it,” he purrs as he leans towards me. “Just like that.” The pull of his voice is a magnet that continues to bring me closer. My heart races while the quickness in my breath trails slowly behind.
I close my eyes and let my cravings take control.
Satoru rests his thumb on the edge of my lip while the rest curl under my chin. He tilts my head and slowly whispers, “And that is exactly what you should do…” His voice perks back up to his normal tone. “...when you’re flirting with Suguru,” he smiles.
I shoot my eyes open and straighten up. What the hell was I thinking? Was I seriously trying to kiss Satoru? I mean, it wouldn’t be so bad, would it? Wait…no, stop that. Something must be wrong, my wires are completely crossed. I shake it off to rid myself of the residual shame.
Shoko braided my hair like she’s done a million times before. “Hey, who do you think is cuter, Suguru or Satoru?” she posed out of curiosity.
“Hmm, that’s so hard. You know they're both hot.” I laughed. “If we’re going purely off of looks, probably Satoru. Sometimes I hate him, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t cute. I think it’s the eyes.” 
“Yeah,” she replies with a hint of dejection in her voice. “I think so too.” I knew what was coming, but I could tell she had trouble getting it out. “Would you be mad if I asked him out?”
I pulled away for just a moment, “Oh my god, go ahead! Don’t worry about me. Suguru is still cute, plus he’s way nicer to me anyways.”
She paused for a moment, then threw her arms into a hug, “You’re the best.”
I smiled back and returned her embrace. “Okay, now finish doing my hair.”
During these last two weeks the only times I see Suguru are during our lunch breaks. His schedule is hectic, but I can see that he makes the time for me—even though I know he doesn’t have any. I use these moments to practice some of the things I’ve learned from Satoru. Light touch, eye contact, genuine smiles.
I’ve touched Suguru’s arm, stared into his eyes, and laughed at his jokes many times before, but it was never like this. This time, all of my actions are bold, assertive, and confident. It’s no surprise that Satoru is a master of charm, but I didn’t expect him to be a decent teacher as well. Come Monday, he’ll be happy to know that Yaga will get glowing reviews for his mentorship.
For today’s lunch, Suguru and I are sitting on the courtyard steps, inches away from where he caught me just two weeks before. He has a look on his face that I haven’t seen before. I can tell something is on his mind by the way his brow furrows and his smile drops.
“Hey, what’s up?” I ask.
“I was—” he pauses, then retracts. “Nevermind, it’s nothing.”
“Come on, Suguru. You can tell me,” I place my hand on top of his.
He smiles, and I can tell my assurance has calmed him down. “I just found out that I’m leaving for a mission next week, and I won’t be back for a few days.”
“Oh,” I reply, a pang of disappointment lingers in my tone.
“I was wondering…” he starts. “Did you maybe want to hang out or something before I leave?” A nervous grin crosses his face before he adds, “Like outside of work?”
I perk up at his proposal. “Of course! I would love that. When were you thinking?”
“I know it’s last minute, but maybe… tomorrow night? It’s okay if you’re bu—”
Cut him off before he has the chance to ramble. I reply with, “I would love to.”
Our lunch continues and the conversation shifts between current events, life updates and playful banter. I learn that Suguru still prefers staying in over going out, he’s got a new obsession with cooking, and his hair care routine is a lot more involved than I thought. As he speaks, I can’t help but admire him and the person he’s become.
When we prepare to part ways, Suguru confirms our plans for the weekend, “So, I’ll see you tomorrow? Meet at my place around 7?” Grinning as he inputs his address into my phone.
“I’ll see you there,” I return a smile and hug him before I leave. The feeling of his touch is perfect.
Chapter 4: Reckless
The workday ends and I make my way to the usual room for my last mentoring session with Satoru. As I walk in, he notices the stupid grin plastered on my face. “You look a little chipper today, angel. What’s up? Excited that you’re no longer forced to spend with me?”
“Well, yes,” I laugh. “But also… Suguru asked me to hang out tomorrow tonight. I’m going to meet him at his place,” I fight to contain my excitement.
Satoru’s brow lifts with intrigue, “If you wanted an invite to come over, you could’ve just asked me.”
Confusion clouds my brain. “Excuse me?” I ask.
“He didn’t tell you we were roommates?”
The clouds dissipate when I realize what’s going on. “No he didn’t. I guess it makes sense though.” The thought of Satoru joining in on our date fills me with unease. “You won’t be there right?” I clarify.
“You can relax, I’m meeting up with someone too. No need to worry about me barging in on whatever “activities” you two plan on doing,” air quoting as he takes a seat at the desk in front.
“Satoru, stop. You don’t even know if that’s gonna happen,” I argue.
“You’ve spent ten years drooling over this man, and you finally get a chance to spend some time with him in his apartment…alone.” he starts. “I don’t know about you, angel, but that sounds like a recipe for sex to me.” He leans back towards the blackboard and places his arms behind his head. A smug look sweeps his face.
“Well, yeah I guess… but it’s more so…” I hesitate, struggling to find the words to say. The thought of Suguru and I being intimate has always crossed my mind, but I can't believe it might actually happen.
“Oh I get it… There’s no reason to be nervous. Sex is sex,” he interjects. “Plus, if he’s the one who initiated the date, I’m sure he’ll enjoy whatever happens, sex or no sex.”
He makes a good point, but I still feel unsure. Before I have the chance to stop myself, I blurt out, “Do you know what he’s into…like when it comes to sex? Do guys even talk about that stuff to each other?” The regret immediately slips through my lips.
Satoru gets up from his seat and brings his hands to my shoulders—a gesture of comfort I’ve never seen from him before. “He’s my best friend, I know everything about him,” he assures me. “Trust me, you’ll be fine.”
“Can you just tell me? Please?” I playfully beg, placing my hands on top of his.
Something about my question changes his demeanor, like he’s been waiting for it all along. The air shifts and suddenly I feel a rush of heat. Satoru drops one of his hands while the other drags across my chest. He begins to circle me, walking slowly, like a lion with its prey. In a situation like this, his towering presence would normally intimidate me, but something this feels different. I'm not feeling fear; instead I feel secure, fascinated, and curious about what lies ahead.
He makes his way behind me and I can feel him lower his head towards mine. “I can tell you…” he whispers, grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. “But do you want me to show you instead?” His words send shivers to my spine. 
He retrieves something from his pocket and places it into my hand. It’s a long piece of fabric, similar to the one he uses to wrap his eyes. My mind spins—stuck between the logic in my head and the cravings of my body. I hesitate for a moment, but the weight of my desire defeats me. “Yes. Please,” I say softly, as I wrap the cloth around my eyes.
“Perfect.” He ties the back securely, and I feel his touch tilt my head toward him.
I let out a breath and part my lips. Our lips touch, locking just for a moment before he briefly pulls away.
“I think for your benefit, and definitely mine, I’m going to keep my limitless on. That way it’s purely informational and you won’t feel a thing,” he says.
And just like that, an invisible barrier forms between us. While his touch is subdued, I still feel the heat hovering between us. The closer I try to get to him, the more I feel his body vibrate against mine—like magnets trying to repel. Damn it, Satoru. He might not feel a thing, but I… I still feel everything.
In my mind, I do my best to recall every part of Suguru from memory. I try seeing his face and emulating his touch. As the pieces of Suguru form, a clear image of him floods my brain.
I can feel his touch as Satoru moves up from my waist and beneath the hem of my shirt. He continues up to cup my breast and I can sense his kisses on my neck. They’re soft and muted, but the sensation still gives me chills. His breath is hot as his mouth works his way up to nibble my ear. I can feel his throat rumble when Satoru continues his lesson, “Do you want to know what Suguru is like?”
I nod. In my mind, Suguru’s dark eyes ease their way shut as he takes in my scent. His strands of hair brush against my shoulder as he continues to plant kisses down my neck.  
“Suguru is a lover—always takes care of his women,” Satoru purrs as he rubs his thumb over my breast. The friction against my nipple sends a jolt of euphoria through my chest. “Do you want to see how he’ll take care of you?” he asks.
My body tenses and I feel a rush of liquid between my thighs. I roll my head back onto his shoulder and hum with pleasure. My breath is labored, I can barely speak. “Show me,” I manage to let out.
“Well to start, he’d make sure your lips never go hungry.” Satoru slowly turns me around while his kisses move to my lips. His lips are soft, smooth as he takes me in.
The intensity rises as his kisses become needy. Using his hands to grip my ass, he leans me on the edge of the desk behind me. Shock fills my body and I can feel his tongue finding its way inside my mouth. Waves of his cursed energy flow through me. It’s powerful—commanding my fingers to lock into his hair. I pull him closer, imagining Suguru's weight crashing into me.
As the ache between my legs intensifies I ask, “What else would he do?”
“He’d work his way up your leg… past your skirt…” he slowly whispers. “And find your clit. Just to make sure she’s happy too.” His fingers travel to my panties, stopping just above my slit. He uses thumb to rub the cloth, and the trembles of his limitless cause me to moan. I roll back and forth, grinding against his hand, desperate for more. My moans are endless and slowly amplify every time the pressure increases.
When he realizes I’m enjoying myself, he runs his fingers along the edge of my panties. I whimper, wondering when he can put an end to this torture. I crave him so badly, I crave the feeling of him inside me—anything to help me find release. He finally gives in and slides my underwear to the side. As his touch grazes against my folds, I picture how good it would feel to have Suguru’s large hands cupping my center.
Satoru picks up on my thoughts and continues feeding my fantasy, “While he teases your pussy, Suguru would tell you that you’re already soaking wet…” The thought has me dripping more liquid onto his fingers. I feel his mouth curl into a smile and he whispers, “...but we’re only getting started.”
His fingers thrust inside me and I can feel the magnitude of his hands as my walls tighten around him. The thrill from his fingers barreling into me stun every inch of my body. I can feel my thighs clenching on the brink of release. His fingers find the sensitive spot within my walls and his mouth claims every spot on my body. His kisses become ravenous, like he can’t get enough. The more he devours me, the more he leaves me breathless.
I can hear him groan in delight and I notice the way his bulge presses against me through his pants. The desperation only makes him harder.
As the intensity grows, I cry for more. “Oh Suguru, just like that.”
“Do you like that, angel?” His pace remains steady as the sensation of cursed energy collects into his fingers. They continue to push against the insides of my center until I can’t take it anymore. The rhythmic motion leaves me breathless and I feel my body racing to its peak.
“Ugh, Suguru, fuck…that feels—”
“Does he make you feel good?” His voice feels heavy, like a low growl.
“Y—, ugh, ye—” I can’t form words through the pounding of his hand. He’s rapidly sending me to the edge and I’m ready to fall. “Suguru, you’re going to make me come.”
“Yes, angel.” Satoru says, before planting his lips onto mine. “Come for him.” 
Those words are enough to break me. The orgasm flows through my body and I feel myself beat around his fingers. His pace slows, but the sensual touch only brings more gratification. The thought of Suguru sending me into ecstasy leaves my body light, and my mind clear. The waves slowly subside and I feel myself resurrect. 
My hands head for the wrap on my eyes, but I hear Satoru whisper, “We’re not done yet, angel.”
I follow his lead and let the rumble of his voice bring me back into my dreams.
“Did you think Suguru would stop there?” he teases. “If there’s anyone he’d take special care of, it would be you.”
I feel his fingers slide out of me and I hear him lick the tips. “You taste so good.”
The words release a flutter in my core. I’m immediately enraptured and can’t help but crave more.
“Suguru would love this,” he starts. “Would you let him taste you too?”
“Yes,” I breathe.
I imagine Suguru’s strength as his hands cup my waist and he lifts me up on the desk. When I lean back, I feel him lift my shirt, exposing my breasts. “You’re so god damn beautiful.” His tongue licks my nipple before fully taking it into his mouth, giving it a playful tug.
“Please, I want you to taste me,” I plead. Liquid gushes out of me, giving him a good dose to start.
“As you wish, angel.” He bends down to hover his mouth over my center. I feel him linger before he adds, “Do you know what else Suguru likes to do?”
“Tell me,” I whisper.
“He likes making sure your pussy never goes dry,” he growls, letting his mouth devour my clit. The vibrations from his limitless amplify the sensation, and I’m on the verge of losing control. 
My body goes numb as his words echo through my head. He likes making sure your pussy never goes dry. I let out a moan, but it feels more like a cry. I completely unravel, feeling the tides of my orgasm come back to shore.
“Oh my god, Suguru. That feels so good. Don’t stop,” I cry.
As he continues to glide over me, I throw my head back and writhe in pleasure. His tongue goes up and down my center in a harmonious rhythm, and I’m so close to feeling ecstasy. His mouth on my lips may have felt needy, but his mouth on my pussy feels absolutely desperate. The ripples of his limitless accompany the motions and bring me to my limit. As he plants his hands on my thighs, I immediately crumble.
I melt into my orgasm as my legs tense up around him, squeezing him towards me. I picture Suguru’s hands gripping my thighs while he moans back in delight. My breath is quick, my heartbeat is unsteady. The muscles inside me contract and pulsate all over his tongue. He has me slick and he licks up every bit of the liquid that trickled from me.
“And that, my little angel… is a little taste of what you can expect from Suguru Geto,” Satoru chuckles.
I relax my legs and I feel one last kiss grace my center. I lay for a moment, feeling both lifeless, yet satiated. The thought of Suguru between my thighs still lingers in my mind.
“That was amazing, Suguru,” I breathed quietly.
As I sit up, my head is in a fog. I feel my brain spin for a moment. What just happened? Did I just have a wet dream about Suguru? Wait, no. Was it Satoru? It takes me a minute to recollect myself. Although I could see Suguru vividly in my mind, I remember that he wasn’t the person in the room. Anxiety surges throughout my body when I’m faced with the reality of what occurred.
I hear the door click, and rush to take off the wrap around my eyes. “Satoru, can we ta—”
To my dismay, there is no one else in the room. I see the blackboard behind me, the desk that seats me, three smaller desks in front of me, but Satoru is nowhere to be found.
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Read Part 2 Here!
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Heyoo, sooo I would like to ask for the prompt from day one, one from Phantom with the gn reader if it's not inconvenient, I was thinking the reader being an angel? I think their dynamic would be really cute, Well anyway I thank you, your writing is really very good and reading what you write really makes me very happy, I hope you are having a great day/night! <3
Safer With The Enemy
Pairings: Phantom X GN!Angel!Reader
Type: Hurt/comfort
Summary: An angel crashes into the garden, and a curious ghoul comes to help.
Warnings: Reader is injured (injuries are not described in detail -- only mentioned as cuts and scratches), blood/cuts, general anxiety, no use of Y/N
Word Count: 951
Notes: Read here on ao3. Also thank you so much <3 I'm so happy you enjoy my writing!!
In his defense, Phantom has never seen a horror movie. He doesn’t know the rules of them. He doesn’t know that you shouldn’t follow the mysterious, sickeningly sweet scent, or the random whimpering from an unknown source. He does know that he shouldn’t call out “Who’s there?” when he enters the garden, stalking toward the mysterious being.
In his defense, he also doesn’t know shit about angels. All he knows is that suddenly, he sees a warm light radiating off of the rose bushes Mountain planted not too long ago, and rushes over to it. He stumbles and curses when he sees you, sitting there, covered in…gold?
“W-who are you?” You whimper, clutching your arms to your body, and wrapping your wings around as well to keep yourself protected. His features were…odd. His skin was almost gray, yet somehow also purple with a few white splotches here and there. He had horns like obsidian with stars scattered through, glowing purple eyes, claws, and a tail. You gasped and looked at him with horror. “G-get away!” You screamed, shuffling back into the bushes, slicing yourself on the thorns.
“Hey, hey, I’m not going to hurt you,” he said gently, bending down in front of you and reaching out his clawed hands.
“I said get away! Don’t touch me!” You screamed, trying to sound assertive, though your voice trembled, giving away your fear.
Phantom backed up at the yell, falling flat on his ass. You watched him with close eyes. “I…are you an angel? I’ve never seen an angel this close,” he murmured, his eyes sparkling in excitement as he sat up, crawling closer as he took in the sight of you.
“Please…please don’t hurt me,” you whispered, realizing he wasn’t going to leave you alone. He reached a hand out, which caused you to flinch. “Please…” it was barely audible, but he heard it.
“Can I touch you?” He asked gently. You lifted your head and looked at him in surprise. He was asking? Demons never asked. They only took. You nodded, and he gently took both of your hands in his. “You’re hurt,” he stated, looking at the gold that was leaking from the scratches on your arms – eventually he realized it was your blood.
You didn’t respond, keeping a careful eye on him as he gently caressed around your cuts, causing you to flinch.
“I’m sorry,” he said, retracing his wandering fingers. “Can I bring you inside? I might have some things that might help you.” His tone was gentle, and it didn’t seem as if he would hurt you, so you reluctantly nodded.
He lifted you, being careful of your wings, then walked toward the ghoul den. It was cold while walking through the damp, stone halls of the Ministry, so you clung to him as tight as you could considering your injuries, trying to keep warm.
He was careful to keep quiet as he slipped into his room, hoping not to wake the other ghouls, even though the scent of you was enough to have any ghoul running. He wasn’t sure they would react kindly to an angel being in their den. He laid you on his bed, your wings spread against the pillows, then locked every entrance to his room, closing the blinds, keeping you safe.
You looked somehow exhausted and ethereal at the same time. You were clearly scratched and hurt all over, but there was something about you that was just so beautiful and enticing.
“I’ll be right back…um…I– shit. I don’t know what I’m doing,” he said, looking around nervously for something to help. “Towels. I can clean your cuts off,” he said. “I’ll be back.”
You wanted him to stay, but didn’t have the energy to protest as he slipped into the bathroom, coming out a few minutes later with multiple wash rags, some damp and some dry. “You’re nice,” you mumbled, sounding as though you would pass out soon. He realized your eyes were heavy lidded and frowned.
“Are you able to stay awake, Angel?” He asked as he gently began dabbing the cuts, looking amazed as the shimmery liquid spilled from your veins, staining the black cotton. You nodded, but your eyes were closed. You hissed as he continued to clean a particularly painful cut. “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay…hurts.”
He hummed in response, continuing to clean you off. Once your arms were mostly cleaned, despite some cuts refusing to stop bleeding, he examined the rest of you. “Hey, Angel? Can I get you into a bath and clean you up a bit?”
“Don’t move…” You tried grabbing his arm, trying not to let him move you or let him leave.
“Okay, okay,” he said, sitting next to you. “Bath later…do you just want to lay here for a bit? Get some more strength?”
You nodded, then your hand trailed down his forearm, resting on his hand. He sucked in a breath as you moved his hand so that you could intertwine your fingers with his.
“Thank you,” you whispered, trying to get your grip to tighten, though you didn’t have the strength to do so.
“Of course, Angel. I’ll stay with you as long as you like.” He brushed some hair from your face, and you smiled as you fell asleep, your hand going limp in his.
The only signs of life in you were the slow rise and fall of your chest, the way your fingers twitched as he squeezed your hand, not wanting to let you go – terrified of you fading away – and your wings which were slowly fading to black.
He laid next to you, being careful of your wings, and held you. Protected you. Kept you safe.
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thatone-brightstar · 1 year
Before You (Carmen Berzatto X Fem!OC)
It was Isaac before Carmy, and it was Ross before you.
Part I: December.
Part II: January.
Part III: February.
words: 3.4k
a/n: Welcome all to the second part of my TB & TF series!! This is a prequel to the first part, so if you haven't read that, you can either read this first then the other one or vise versa. Also, this is me kinda just adding personal experience to her story because as a hostess, I think we don't get credit enough for having to deal with some people's shit (sigh) however, she's her own character so feel free to relate however you please. Another thing, I wrote this before S2 came out, so any coincidence with the firework scene in Ep5 is just me being ✨psychic✨ Enjoy! XX
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No amount of deep breaths could calm the blistering anger circulating through her system. Her quickening steps move across the dining hall of the stupidly ostentatious restaurant she has the misfortune of working at. From the elegant decorum and the expensive menu, she can pinpoint the exact type of diners the place hosts: terrible, horrible, shitty people. And while she’s completely against placing anyone under any category, New York socialites seemed to never want to leave the rooted stereotype of being pompous, rude and extremely annoying.
Her theory had been proven correct once more after spending the last 10 minutes getting berated for not seating a walk-in on one of the busiest nights of the month. 
“You should save a table of that size for these situations…” The insufferable trust fund baby spat at her and all the self composure in the world could not stop the words from leaving her  mouth.
“Maybe send us a heads up by telepathy next time and I’ll try and catch it…” She had mumbled sarcastically, hoping that the background noise would drown it out as she tapped meaninglessly around the tablet.
It did not. And now her mouth was coated with the metal taste of blood that had oozed from her bitten tongue. She usually wasn’t this easy to frustrate, it took more than a pretentious jackass to destabilize her mood- especially in her line of work- but the weight of the day crashed on tiresome shoulders and the little manbitch past the podium had just been the spoiled cherry on top. 
The smooth Jazz is replaced by the sharp sounds of metal clinging against each other once she pushes past the service doors, in direction to the back alley. Her presence pulls a few looks from the chefs, but with a hardened scowl and a rigid stance, only an idiot would be aloof to the irritation detaching off her in not so subtle waves.
“Yo Ross, baby-” One of the cooks shouts, but is soon silenced by a threatening look and pointed finger.
“Fuck you Frank- not now.” She spits back, without even stopping or wasting any more time.
The frigid winter air finds a worthy opponent in the heat cursing through her veins as she crosses the emergency exit and drops against the brick wall with hands around her face, fully embracing the cold. A muffled groan vibrates through her fingers and blends in seamlessly with the usual sirens and horns blaring from the street ahead. It doesn’t take long for the dropping temperature to catch up to her- numbing the balls of her fingers and painting the tip of her nose red- but her manager told her to take five to calm down and she would not oppose to stealing company time, even if it meant freezing her ass off.
Ross pushes herself off the grimy wall and begins to tread along the small alley to warm up while she tries to talk herself out of quitting for what feels like the fifth time that month. 
“Chill, okay? You’ll find shitty people everywhere-” Her voice swims around the reduced space, comfortable in the privacy of her own company. “Besides, next one’s the good one and you can say goodbye to this shithole wrapped in a Gucci sweater…”
The noise of the busy kitchen pierces her bubble when the door opens again, blinding her with the white light while a body passes through, then closing back again and leaving them with the dim yellow bulb fighting to stay lit. 
“Ross.” He greets with a single nod of his head as his eyes spot her in the darkness, pulling a beaten up package from his pocket and lighting the thin tube with one of those long kitchen lighters he always seems to carry.
“Chef.” She answers back with a similar nod. 
Her cheeks carry a crimson that goes beyond the freezing cold, embarrassed to think that he might have heard her little self pep talk and she’s thankful for the lack of lighting in the space. The sound of his steady exhales and the lingering scent of tobacco slowly make their way to her as she keeps her eyes on the ground, uncomfortable shoes rubbing away over the pavement in distraction. 
“You, uh, you good?” He clears his throat and shuffles against the wall, switching from one overworked foot to another. 
They’ve probably only ever crossed a couple sentences despite her working there for almost a year, but she tries to hide the doubt behind a nod. 
“Uh… y-yeah. Another day, another shitty customer.” She jokes in hopes to break the barrier of ice, though it seems to be thicker than she expected, because all she gets is another nod that has her wanting to scurry back inside. 
“What’d they tell you now?” He asks through another smoky exhale. 
“That he’s friends with the head chef and that he’d have my head if I didn’t give ‘em a table…” 
“That’s bull-“ He says, sucking in his cheeks and making the ember tip glow bright orange. “I don’t have any friends.”
“Yeah that’s what I told him too.” Ross adds and receives the wisp of a snigger in return. 
It’s small and almost unnoticeable- so tiny it could be confused with a cough- but it’s there. And the ice wall doesn’t seem as thick as she thought now. 
“So did you?” The chef asks again, cigarette halfway finished while she tries to keep her teeth from chattering. “Let ‘em in, I mean..”
“Like hell I did.” She responds before rolling her eyes. “But fucking Martin probably did…” 
He nods his head slowly in acknowledgement, then lets another soft breath blow through his nose, smoke and vapor invisible in the low light. “I can send ‘em a shitty stake if you want.”
Ross knows it’s a joke, no respectable chef in the building would ever ruin a $300 Kobe beef just to spite a shitty client, but the solidarity in his offer grants him her own smile. 
“Nah, I’ll just ask the bartender to pour ‘em the cheap stuff so they get a hangover tomorrow.” 
Despite wanting to continue the unforeseen interaction- mostly out of scientific curiosity- the cold seeping through the thin material of her uniform finally triggers her feet in direction of the door, a few feet away from where he’s finishing his cigarette. Her fingers stay curled over the handle, contemplating the words and if they have any space in the situation, but before she can convince herself otherwise, she calls out to the chef. 
“I know it’s a shitty day to work ‘n all… but Merry Christmas… I guess.”
He nods again, brows raised and eyes wide seems to be the default expression on his face, then a ghost of something she can assume is a barely visible smile hides behind the dying tube. 
“Yeah… you too.” 
“Have a good night guys, happy new year!” She recites with a wave to the departing guests, the phrase already lacking meaning after constant repetition.
New Year’s dinner rush is a blatant copy of the week before, with the exception of the nice vibes that many seem to carry, influenced by the faux restart. However, it does move painfully slow, between kind guests and uncomfortable offers from the Wall Street wannabe bros who couldn’t take a hint. Every advance had to be deflected with a kind smile and by the end of the night her cheeks had grown tired from all the tension they were forced to endure. Thankfully, there were only a few tables left and she could finally switch the uncomfortable heels for her sneakers, which facilitated finishing her last tasks in record time.
“Hey, Ross-” 
“Yeah” She turns to Meg- one of the waitresses and her friend- while shuffling through the menus, but stops as she sets a small plate with an even smaller dessert over the wooden desk. “What’s this?”
“From the kitchen…” She answers with a teasing tone and a smile that makes her roll her eyes.
“Take it back and tell Frank to fuck off- I’m not sucking his dick for an eclair-”
“It’s not from him, idiot! Chef Carmen sent it…” Meg whispers leaning in as if sharing some long kept secret. 
“What? Why?”
Meg shrugs and pulls a tiny spoon from one of the pockets on her apron. “Probably heard you bitchin’ about some guest again.” Then she scoops a piece of the dessert and pops it in her mouth, groaning in delight. “Say what you want about that man, but god is he good with his hands.”
“Dude that sounds so wrong.” Ross chuckles before taking a piece for herself and can’t help but agree with the delicious taste of the pastry. “We’re still on for drinks, right?”
“Can’t-” Meg mumbles between spoonfuls. “Mom’s making me meet them at grandma’s after this. She says this is probably her last new year so…”
“Shit- I don’t wanna go just with Frank.”
“Why don’t you ask your chef.” She suggests teasingly, before picking up the empty plate. “‘New year, new you’ ‘n all that. He already sent you food ‘n plus you’ve had the hots for him for a while now-”
“I do not!” She bickers a bit too defensively, rolling her eyes at the disbelief in Meg’s expression. “I’m nice to everyone, not just him.”
With a sarcastic ‘Sure, kid’ and an exaggerated nod, Meg turns on her shoes and heads deep into the emptying dining room.
By the time she’s finally done, it’s an hour to midnight and almost everyone has gone home except Frank, who sits wrapped up in his own coat and sharing a cigarette with another cook. Her steps lose power past the door and stop altogether once she notices the lonely man leaning on the wall a few feet in front of her.
“Hey, chef-” The girl calls towards him, his head immediately snapping up in her direction, unlit cig hanging loosely from his lips. “You got any plans?”
Ross doesn’t wait for an answer, steps moving closer towards him. There’s a thin nervous expression harboring his normally closed off features as his eyes dart around her face and the two men ahead of them, slowly putting the smoke back in the box.
“So?” She asks again. “You got anywhere to be?”
“Uh… no but-”
“Great, c’mon. Let's go grab some drinks.” She doesn’t wait for a response before linking her arm around his and walking closer to the waiting men.
She can see the tightness locked over Frank's jaw but tries her best to ignore it, pulling the chef in the opposite direction from where they’re standing. 
“Night boys.” She calls out before turning the corner and out of their view. 
Ross lets go of his arm once they’re a few blocks away, the warmth of her touch immediately escaping through the frigid wind. 
“Sorry ‘bout that… Frank’s just a little too much and I don’t wanna deal with that right now.” She says while growing the space between them. 
“Yeah-no I get it- he gets on my nerves sometimes… too.” 
They can hear the faint noise that the wind carries from a few blocks away, the celebrating multitude that has crowded Times Square in anticipation of the ball drop only growing thicker by the minute. 
“So, um, you really don’t have anywhere to be?” She asks, nervous fists inside her coat pockets. 
“Just home.” He shrugs. 
“Cool- so, what do you say to that drink?”
He shrugs again, not in an ‘I’m too cool to care’ way but more of an ‘I suck with words’ kind of way, that triggers a soft smile over her freezing features. 
“Thanks for the dessert… by the way.” She thanks with a slow step so he can catch up beside her once they’ve renewed their destination. 
“Oh-uh- yeah, sure.” He stammers, hands tightly in his pockets. “Anyone piss you off tonight?”
“Someone pisses me off every night-” She jokes, the lightheartedness growing with each step further away from work. “Curse of the trade, I guess.” She adds with a shrug.
They can hear the music emanating from the bar before even seeing it. The regular spot sits at the end of the curve, seemingly untouched by the masses, though the dusty windows show the movement of bodies inside. After maneuvering their way through the dispersed crowd, they’re still able to find an empty spot by the corner of the bar where it’s easier to reach the bartender. Every screen in their view covers the transmission of the infamous ball drop- as if the event wasn’t occurring a  few blocks away- but she figures it’s more comfortable seeing it from the inside of a heated bar than in the crushing crowd of bodies freezing outside.
It takes her five minutes to grab the barman’s attention and another two to get their drinks, but when he pats down his pants in search of his wallet, she’s already pocketing down the change the man’s given her.
“I asked you, remember?” She says to him while passing his drink, noticing a soft tint over his cheeks that hadn’t been there at their arrival and her brows raise slightly, before choosing to ignore it.
Ross can feel the man shuffling and clearing his throat beside her and the anxious actions pull a thin lipped smile over her face. He seems very different from the person she has observed behind the kitchen- a baby deer almost- careful not to trip over his own legs. It’s kind of endearing to her, how the confidence he carries in the confinements of a kitchen switches off the second he’s outside of one, replacing it with silence and the constant cracking of his knuckles that has her asking:
“You don’t go out much, do you?”
He exhales in the form of a small laugh, then takes a drink from his emptying mug. “That obvious?”
She nods and turns to him. “Well we’ve been here for almost twenty minutes and you’ve said three words… max.”
“Five now…” He jokes and a grin forms on her face at the dumb joke.
Ross turns to him, shifting her body in the stool to face him completely, bare knee brushing against his clothed one. “Tell me the thing you hate most about your job.”
He takes a few seconds to respond, gaze lost in the multitude as a terrible rendition of ‘Sweet Caroline’ from the karaoke machine flows through the speakers. “I don’t- think I have one…”
“Nothing?” He shakes his head. “At all?” Another shake and a thin unnoticeable smile. “Chef Carmen-”
“-Carmy.” He corrects and the grin on her face grows a few inches wide.
“Okay Carmy, tell me you don’t hate people messing up your dishes or modifying your recipes?”
A grin slowly spreads across his static features as he looks down at his empty jug of beer and scratches over his brow out of habit. Then he nods in agreement. “I really fuckin’ hate that shit.”
“Right!?” Ross’ excitement pulls a snicker that has him agreeing to another drink, which he insists on paying for. “Like, I get it when it’s an allergy, right? You don’t wanna kill anyone. But Meg was telling me about some guy that wanted the ‘blanc’ but not the ‘beurre’ on his fish- and if 8th grade French doesn’t fail me- that literally translates to ‘white butter’!”
Carmy’s warm chuckle blends in nicely with the buzzing surroundings, causing a slight tint to graze her cheeks and hold a smile on the edge of her glass as she watches him.
“One of the waiters once asked me if I could just send ‘em a rack of ribs cause they didn’t like anything on the menu…”
“Jesus! As if you had a rack to spare behind that aged ham you got hanging in the walk-in…”
“You- you’ve been inside the walk-in?” He asks in surprise while she takes another sip off her second drink.
“That’s where I go to vent.” Ross shrugs with a soft grin. “Plus it’s soundproof so no one can hear me cry or lose my shit.”
He knew it wasn’t. He’s seen her barely hold her composure many times as she crosses down the hallway- hands tightly in fists- before hearing a muffled shriek from somewhere in the back; but he always assumed it came from the depot or the alley, never his walk-in. He wasn’t gonna tell her that, though.
Their drinks slowly drain while their attention falls heavy on the transmission from the TVs. With only ten minutes to spare, she can feel the growing excitement buzzing around the room as many inch closer to their loved ones, arms over shoulders and complicit kisses galore. For a second her eyes flicker over the rim of her glass towards Carmy’s profile, drinking in the strong shape of his nose and the many little scars she hadn’t noticed from a distance.
“I don't get it…” Ross says suddenly, turning back to him again. 
“Uh… context?”
“Right- sorry-” She clears her throat -as a way to order her ideas- and places the mug back on the bar, but doesn’t notice how her body leans in closer to him when she turns back around. “So, you’re like… the shit, right?” She starts, pulling a nervous chuckle from the man.
“Solid start.”
“Shut up-” She groans. “I mean it as in… anyone who knows anything about the culinary world knows who you are. These people, they pay big bucks for your food and they always leave boasting about how great it is-”
“No they don’t-” He tries to argue with a shake of his head.
“Yes they do!” She reassures, voice a little higher and eyes a little glossier. “They do. You have the skill- the reputation to open your own place, make it however you want it to be… why stay here?” 
There’s a look behind his eyes that makes her throat run dry, brows sunken over a concentrated gaze as he settles all his attention on her and everything seems to just vanish into white noise. It could be the confidence the alcohol carries that’s made her so vocal about her thoughts, but the rational part in her head warns that it’s not her place to comment on what she doesn’t know.
Ross shakes her head lightly and mumbles a soft ‘Sorry, nevermind it's stupid.’ before gulping her drink and redirecting her attention and posture back to the screens.
‘1 Minute to Midnight!’ flashes over every screen, bathing the room in an emerald green glow that bounces perfectly off her profile and catches Carmy’s attention. The playlist of 80s anthems and the growing excitement packed in the small room are loud enough to drown out the constant nagging voice in the back of his head. He sucks in a breath and moves impossibly slow in her direction.
“I’ve thought about it.” Carmy confesses loud enough so she can hear him over the chanting crowd.
Ten. She doesn’t expect him to be so close when she turns towards him. Specks of silver rim the outer edges of his eyes, wide enough that she can almost see her reflection staring back, stealing the breath from her lungs.
Nine. Betrayal in her body flicks her eyes down to his lips only for a brief moment and it has him questioning if he might have imagined it, before a teasing smile rounds at the edges of hers.
Eight. “Well when you decide to do it, call me if you ever need a bitchy hostess…” Ross whispers.
Seven. The air from his laugh blows softly over her cheeks, growing hot with the small distance. With a quickened pulse, she tries to settle her gaze on any other part of his face.
Six. ‘Just look at his eyes- shit no, not the eyes!’ ‘The mouth? No, that's even worse!’ ‘Jesus, you’ve kissed people before, why are you so fucking nervous?!’
Five. The turmoil in her head doesn’t bleed through to her calm expression, keeping a gentle smile that has Carmen letting out his own.
“Okay… ” 
Four. The bundle of words hangs from his lips, swinging in her direction and hooking around her neck to pull her closer.
Three. There’s a prevalent pulsing rippling from her chest that drowns out any other sound around her, as if a fish bowl had fallen over the two, blocking out any exterior sound.
Two. “D’you mind if I kiss you?” She asks, gently.
One. The TV behind him explodes in multicolored lights as the ball finally drops. Fireworks reflect back to him from the shimmer of her eyes and all he can do is swallow hard, nod and let her gravity pull him forward.
A soft “Happy New Year, Carmy” brushes over his lower lip.
Then the last thing he remembers is the sweet taste of coconut gloss followed by the smooth movements of velvet lips above his bumbling ones.
Part II
Taglist: @pearlstiare @teteminne, @beebslebobs, @harrysmatcha, @yum-yahgurt, @pussy-f41ry, @kirakombat, @redsakura101 , @hobisunshine13 and that’s it lmao
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blueink01 · 3 months
Ch. 2: Immediate Murder Professionals
The Next Day at the Imp City-
The Chapter starts at the I.M.P building that recides in the Imp city in Pride ring. The sound of the busy streets can be heard in the background.
The scene transitions to a closed door labeled "IMP Headquarters", with a crude sign made from a sheet of notebook paper that reads, "Meeting in progress" with a smiley face drawn next to it. Inside, Blitzo is walking in front a whiteboard on the wall as he lectures his employees
"Alright. Now, I know business has been... a bit slow lately, yes. It's no one's fault, okay? I'm not naming any names here.." He looks at Moxxie.
"Moxxie." Moxxie gives him an incredulous look in response.
"Now, does anyone have... any bright ideas on how we can get business drummin' up again?" Millie leans over the table with her eyes sparkling. "What about a car wash?"
"We're in hell, Mills, no one gives a fuck about clean cars." Yn replies to her idea. Blitzo thinks for a second.
"Wh- Ooh! What about a billboard?" Blitzo waves his hands with an enthusiastic flair as sparkles fly out. Moxxie rolls his eyes.
"We can't afford a billboard, sir." Blitzo wraps his arm over Moxxie's shoulder.
"Helpful, Moxxie. Really glad you're in the room right now." He pushes Moxxie away.
"Have you guys forgotten what service we provide?" Blitzo turns on a TV that shows the I.M.P. crew brutally murdering people from the overworld as they are paid to do. Blitzo whacks a man in the face with a mallet, Moxxie is blown away firing a shotgun through the mouth of a man tied to a chair, Loona swings a man back and forth in her mouth, Yn snaps a persons neck so that is spins around a few times before falling off, and Millie decapitates someone with a harpoon and laughs. Everyone is watching the TV, with Loona, Yn, Millie, and Blitzo eating popcorn.
"Ahh, those were the good times." Blitzo smiled.
"I don't need any reminding, sir. Considering you blew most of our salaries on an obnoxious TV ad last week. One that you then additionally paid to have run for a full three hours on a channel... nobody watches." Moxxie said.
"Uh, hey. Excuse me? What's "obnoxious" about a super-fun jingle, alright? It's a fun distraction when an advertisement's spittin' bullshit!" Blitzo explained.
"People love musicals, sir." Millie added.
"That's true." Yn agreed.
"Exactly, Millie! And we're basically doin' a musical." He does jazz hands.
"Are you gonna crush my musical theatre dreams like my dad did?"
"Cause, right now? All I see is just my dad's asshole talking to me! Crushing my dreams of being who I truly am inside."
"Are you tryin' to crush his dreams, Moxxie?"
"Wow, Mox. That's fucked up, I thought you were a classy man." Yn said in a flirty tone.
"I-- What?" Mille leans closer to Moxxie in a flity way.
"I thought I knew you." She playfully sticks her tongue out at Moxxie as she blushes and rolls her eyes affectionately.
"I can't believe you, Moxxie!," She tearfully holds up an employee of the month plaque with Moxxie's picture on it. "After I made you employee of the month!" Yn chuckles while looking at the photo of Moxxie.
"Okay, sir! I'm sorry; a commercial jingle is not comparable to musical theatre. Nobody actually likes the jingles!" Moxxie said.
"I liked it." Millie supporting Blitzo.
"Me too. It was good." Yn added.
"Do not--" He points at Yn and Millie. "Do not agree with him in front of me!"
In the I.M.P. commercial-
"Hi, there! I'm Blitz! The "o" is silent, and I'm the founder of I.M.P.!" He gestures to the logo as it appears on screen, then disappears. Two pictures of Blitzo in different scenarios show while he speaks. The first shows he wearing two top hats through her horns, a monocle, and twiddling a fake mustache, while standing outside of a burning building with a sign that reads "Orphanage for Elderly Blind Newborn Dogs" appears. The second shows Blitzo wearing an angel costume at a coffeehouse happily throwing an empty coffee cup in a trash can, instead of the recycling bin right next to it.
"Are you a piece of shit that got yourself sent to Hell, or are you an innocent soul who got F**KED over by someone else?!" The commercial cuts to a demon guy wearing an Ohio sports jersey, giving a testimonial, while Blitzo holds a cardboard sign in frame that reads "Some guy who hired us!!".
"After lovingly killing my wife for f**king the delivery man, you can imagine my surprise when I wound up here, after the state of Ohio killed me! I really wish I could stick it to that yappy jogger who saw me hiding the body!" The Demon Guy Shares.
Blitzo is speaking to the camera and holding a grimoire, while Moxxie and Millie are arranging lit candles on the floor in a pentagram while Yn is putting guns and drugs into bags. While Blitzo speaks, his eyes narrow as he does a magical gesture with his hand and a flaming portal appears on the floor. Moxxie and Millie run off in surprise. She tosses the grimoire aways as she walks up to the portal.
"Well, luckily for you. Thanks to our company's special access to the living world, we can help you take care of your unfinished business by taking out anyone who screwed you over when you were alive!" He falls backwards into the portal. The scene transitions to a person with their arms crossed and a thought bubble appears depicting another person being crossed out as the commercial jingle vlavs in the background.
"~When you want somebody gone,~" A dead body falls near the person as they notice and look up.
"~and you don't want to wait too long~" Yn, Moxxie, Blitzo, and Millie are shown in a circle logo. Blitzo holds her arms out as Moxxie holds up her rifle, Yn holds a cane sword in a slashing motion while smiling and Millie holds up her spear. A letter "I" appears to the left of them, while a letter "P" appears on the right of them. The four together form a letter "M", thus spelling the initials I.M.P.
"~call the Immediate Murder Professionals!~" Yn, Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie are inside of their building and Moxxie throws a grenade out the window. The four cover where their ears would be as an explosion goes off. A severed arm goes flying.
"~Hand grenade or cyanide,~" Blitzo is shown hanging someone with a rope as Millie finishes writing a suicide note and Yn is throwing bags of drugs around the room.
"~We'll make it look like suicide~" Blitzo is shown electrocuting someone, Millie is shown hitting someone on the head with a mace, Yn is cutting someone's limbs off and Moxxie is shown strangling someone.
"~The Immediate Murder Professionals!~" The I.M.P. logo spins around quickly as the scene transitions to Blitzo creating a portal to the living world in a wall, then jumping through it. He is followed by Yn, Millie and then Moxxie, who trips over the grimoire and falls into the portal.
"~We do our job so well,~" The four come up through the other end of the portal and adjust themselves.
"~Because, we come straight out from Hell!~" The I.M.P. trio suddenly look shocked as it appears they have accidentally teleported to a church in the middle of a service. A female preacher and the congregation look back at the demons in confusion/fear.
One bearded man, however, has his head laid back as he sleeps with earbuds in. Millie is shown struggling to remove a knife from a naked couple who are in 69 position, while Yn is covering Moxxie's eyes, and Blitzo examines a pair of panties.
"~We'll kill your husband or your wife~" Blitzo stabs someone tied to a chair repeatedly in the head while sporting a goofy expression.
"~We'll even let you keep the knife~" A quick sequence then shows the four assassinating their targets in numerous horrific ways, such as with a medieval torture chamber, riding a shark, burning someone alive, suffocating someone with a pillow, playing on a grand piano after it crushed someone, and using an electric chair. In the final scene, the four are hiding in a bush in a park and Moxxie is about to shoot a blonde woman looking at her phone from behind.
"~We're the Immediaaaaate... Murderrrrrr... Profession--~" Moxxie accidentally shoots a boy passing by, eating an ice cream cone.
"AUUUGH!" The boy collapses as Moxie looks on in shock. Yn, Blitzo and Millie turn their eyes to Moxxie in surprise.
"Wow, Mox."
-Time Skip in Hospital-
The boy is wheeled into a hospital operating room on a hospital bed by a doctor, a pink-haired nurse, and a blue-haired nurse
Pink-haired Nurse: "Doctor, he's not responding!"
Blue-haired Nurse: "Cool water, stat!" The pink-haired nurse whacks the boy in the face with a bucket of water, doing nothing but leave a large welt on his face.
Blue-haired Nurse: "It didn't do anything!" The boys tongue flops down from his mouth.
Doctor: "Dammit! I'm not losing another one." Everyone has their defibrillator paddles over the boy.
Doctor: "CLEAR!" They all zap the boy and he wakes up with a gasp.
Doctor: "Holy shit! It actually worked." Yn, Blitzo, Millie, and Moxxie are waiting outside the boy's hospital room. Blitzo is reading a magazine, while Yn and Millie comfort Moxxie, who looks devastated. The doctor comes out of the room with a clipboard.
Doctor: "He appears to be in stable condition, but he'll need surgery." He looks up from clipboard.
Doctor: "Now, what insurance provider do you freaks have?"
"The fuck is insurance?" Yn quickly stands up and punches the doctor through a wall. Outside of the hospital a window breaks and the boy's hospital bed flies out. The boy is unconscious in the bed, while Millie, Moxxie, Yn, and Blitzo are holding on for dear life as they plummet screaming to the ground. The bed is stopped by a rope that has become tangled around Blitzo's foot. Blitzo slams his face into the bed, the rope snaps, and they all continue to fall.
"~Kids die for freeeeeee!~"
Back at I.M.P.-
The scene cuts back to the boardroom. Yn, Millie and Moxxie are sitting across from Loona, who has her feet up and is watching a video on her phone of Moxie getting hurt
"I'd like to go on record and say that incident was Loona's fault. Dispatch is supposed to give us the right info on the target. It's very simple." Moxxie jesters to Loona.
"Oh, sit on a d*ck, Moxxie." Loona replied still on her phone.
"YOU sit! Sit on... a... and the... d-- DO YOUR JOB!!" Moxxie yells.
"Hey, now. We don't blame our screwups on Loona, okay?! She didn't do anything wrooooong~" Blitzo hugs and nuzzles Loona, who snarls at him in response.
"...Are you kidding me, sir? She's awful!" Moxxie insulted.
"She's not that bad." Yn said defending Loona.
"What?!" Moxxie yells, looking at Yn shocked while Loona smiles.
Flashback with Loona-
Loona sits at her desk, reading a magazine called "Monthly", Her desk phone rings with the sound of a cute puppy barking as the ringtone.
"Hello, I.M.P." Loona answers without even looking up from her magazine.
<Loona, I got stabbed! Call Yn or Mox-> Loona suddenly hangs up, disinterested in the conversation. Next, she is in Blitzo's office.
"Happy Adoption Anniversary, Loonie! I got you a little somethin'." he presents her with a gift.
"Is it a cure for syphilis?" Loona interrupted Blitzo figuring out what was in the present.
"I... Oh..."
"THEN, I DON'T WANT IT!" Loona snatches the present and angrily slams it on the floor.
"UGHHH!" A large swarm of spiders suddenly emerge from the present box and swarm Loona up to her neck.
"I'm sorry! It was spiders!" Blitzo is suddenly hiding outside of the office window.
"Goddammit." Yn walks over to Loona with a small box.
"If it's not the cure for syphilis, then don't bother."
"It is the cure." Yn said. She looks at the spiders, her eyes glowed yellow than red scaring the spiders away.
"It is?"
"Yeah." Yn hands her the box and she opens it seeing the cure. She hugs Yn while her tails is waving around.
"Now we can have some fun later~" Yn blushed heavy red at the thought.
Loona is then shown at her desk, watching an online video of Charlie performing "Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow".
"Um, c- excuse me. Did you just fax me an ad for weight loss.?" Moxxie approaches her with a flyer for "Chub B Gone".
"Wha-- Why- Why would anyone send me this?"
"C'mon.." She looks up at Moxxie. "You know why."
The next scene shows Loona rummaging through the break room fridge.
"Whoever left the fucking... avocado salad in the fridge, I'm taking it, because I have the worst hangover right now!" Loona turns around to face Millie with a red box in hand as she shuts the fridge door with her foot. She rips off the lid and drinks the salad.
"Why would you drink on a work night?" Millie questioned.
"I'm hungover from this morning, dumbass!" Loona angrily responded back finishing up the salad. Yn and Moxxie enter the room and notices Loona with her box.
"Isn't that my lunch?" Loona drops the box on the floor.
"Y'know what?! I can't take this assault right now! I need to blow off some-" She kicks the box at Moxxie, knocking her out of the room and surprising Yn and Millie.
"-f**king steam!" She picks up Yn and moves her to the side. Loona runs out of the break room and out into the street.
"AAAAAAAAAAH!" Loona runs up to a succubus lady passing by on the other side of the street, pushing her baby in a stroller.
Loona kicks the stroller high into the air and storms off, while the demon lady stands there in disbelief. The scene transitions to Loona at her desk, telling Yn and Blitza about a caller.
"Blitz! Yn! That clingy, rich asshole is on the phone! Says it's urgent and wants to talk to you! He sounds a little DTF-y." Yn, Blitzo and Moxxie are standing by a water cooler. Blitzo throws his cup of water on the floor.
"Oh, GOD, it was one time! If we hadn't slept with that privileged asshole, none of us would have access to the living world." Moxxie stares in stunned silence.
"..You what?"
Flashback in a Bedroom-
Stolas is sleeping naked in bed. He is hooting like an owl and there are feathers everywhere. Blitzo, who is partially nude, walks away quietly with the grimoire in hand. Yn puts on her clothes and she cracks her back.
"How can a bird be that thirsty and kinky?" Yn question, she can feel her lower half of the body is sore.
"Got the booook, got the booook! Got this fuckin' heavy book!" Blitzo keep repeating himself.
Blitzo reaches Stolas's balcony and lays the grimoire on the ledge. Grunting, he attempts to step up on the ledge using the grimoire. Instead, the combined weight sends both his and the grimoire falling forward off of the balcony. Yn runs towards him and grabs his tail but she too falls off the balcony.
"Fuck!" "Oh- Oh, SHIT!!" Yn and Blitzo lans on the cake that Stolas's wife and her friends are having, splattering pieces of it all over them.
"Oof! Sorry, we fucked your husband."
"Sorry for the cake." Blitzo picks up Yn and runs off.
End of Flashback-
"Yeah! Yeah!" Yn yelled back as she pinches the bridge of her nose and a hand on her hip.
"WE HEARD YOU ALREA-!" Yn and Blitzo are in his office, talking with Stolas, and playing with a bobblehead of Moxxie while Yn is sitting as far away from Blitzo as possible knowing that she's gonna hear some fucked up stuff.
"Sooooo, what can we do you for this time, Stolas?" Stolas is shown talking on his phone from a fancy mansion.
"There's a political candidate causing trouble up on Earth for a few of my associates. He's trying to convince people global warming exists."
"Doesn't it?!" Yn asked.
"Well... yes. But, more people die if nothing is done about it. And it gets lonely here~"
"Okay, well. Yeah, that makes sense." Blitzo replied.
"You know what happens when I'm lonely, Nn and Blitzy?"
"Oh boy... Here it comes..." Yn said as she is leaning back.
"God-f**kin'-dammit." Blitzo pulls his phone away and talks to himself.
"When I'm lonely, I become hungry. And when I become hungry, I want to choke on that huge **** of yours, ****** Nn's ****** and lick all of your ****, before taking out You're ******, and ***** with more teeth until we're screaming ****** like two FUCKING babies--!" Yn is looking blankly at a wall while clawing her ears out. Blitzo, who's visibly disturbed, on his phone Stolas name is listed as "creepy mouth (aka one night stand bird d*ck)" with a call total of 48 seconds. as he hangs up, a knock out noise plays.
He snaps his cellphone in half, smashes it with his desk phone, tosses said desk phone away, pulls out a blender, puts the cellphone pieces in it, and blends them. Blitzo turns and hands the blender to Loona, who was standing nearby.
"Eat this!" Loona drinks the blended cellphone mixture.
"And then y'know that bridge over the freeway?"
"Yeah?" Loona raises her eyebrow as she says.
"Take my car and sh*t off it.." Yn said intensely.
In the Meeting Room-
"Look, the point is, Loona is a valued member of our family, and we don't get rid of family." Loona looks up from her phone and briefly smiles, touched by Blitzo's words.
"We aren't a family, sir! You are the boss! We are the employees! You treat her like she's some troubled teenager! She's more like a meth-addicted homeless woman you let man the phones!" As Moxxie rants, Loona continues looking at her phone, slowly flipping Moxxie off.
"That is offensive! Without homeless people.." He walks over to window and raises blinds, "I wouldn't have HALF the joy and laughter I do in this life!" Blitzo puts his face up against the window, cracking the glass, and sees a homeless demon, looking sad and holding up a sign that reads "Money helps. Satan bless." A succubus is on her cellphone and turns away from the hobo. Blitzo smugly waves at him, before lowering the window blinds.
"While we're on the subject of "family", can you stop finding me and Millie outside of work?" Moxxie looks at Blitza annoyed.
"Come on, sweetie! It's not that big a deal!" Millie said with hand jesters.
"Overreacting much." Glass shattering noise plays as Moxxie makes a stocked face.
"Excuse me... WHAT?!" He looks at them both.
Moxxie and Millie are preparing dinner in their kitchen
"Honey, can you get me the butter?"
"Sure, sweetie." Millie opens the fridge door and finds Blitzo inside as he hands her the gross, viscous butter.
"Spoiler alert: the butter's spoiled!" Millie giggles. Moxxie throws the diced carrots into the soup.
"What's funny, honey?"
"Really impressive wordplay."
Later that evening, shows a building, Inside their Moxxie and Millie are asleep in bed. The former is tossing and turning as the sound of a cat purring can be heard. Moxxie opens his eyes and sees Blitzo standing on him, looking him right in the eyes.
"Whatcha dreamin' about?"
"I was dreaming my parents were being murdered while Yn is destroying my and Millie's a**es, but now... I'd like to go back to that."
In the next scene, Moxxie is singing the end of "Oh, Millie", as Millie joins in on some parts. "~Of all the imps in Hell,~"
"~it's for her that I fell~"
"~It's for him that I fell~"
"~Oh, Millie~" They close their eyes to kiss, but Moxxie notices Blitza outside the window holding a camcorder.
"Are you fucking filming us right now?!"
Flashback Ended-
"Just... stop... doing that!" Moxxie scratch the table.
"I don't see what the issue is! There somethin' you don't want me seein'?" Blitzo shrugs.
"No!" Moxxie's eye twitches in anger.
"You a baby-wenner-hammer?" Yn and Loona snicker at the same time as Blitzo talks.
"Sir, what you say and how you act is totally INAPPROPRIATE!" Millie lays her hand on Moxxie's shoulder.
"Calm down, Mox! You're gonna have another panic attack!"
"I AM CALM!" Moxxie starts whimpering in anger while looking back at Blitzo.
"Shh-shh-shh. There, there." Millie pats his head.
"Look, I don't judge the boring couple stuff.." He motions his hands to imply sexual activity, "...you do outside work hours. So, don't... judge me!"
"Oh, I do judge you, ma'am! Quite a lot, actually!"
"Mox, he's our boss!"
"No-no-no, it's fine Mills, your husband is just... how do I say this without being offensive? retarded" Blitzo smudged.
"Does immaturely insulting me make you feel better about your sad, single life?" Blitzo leans towards Moxxie.
"It actually does." Loona then jumps in on the confrontation.
"The only reason you have a wife is because you're easy to manage!" She looks away from her phone to glare at Moxxie. Millie slams her hands against the table, looking at Loona with anger.
"No, he's not, you BITCH!" She flips Loona off. Loona growls at Millie.
"This is priceless." Yn leans back in her chair while eating popcorn, enjoying the show.
"Do not talk to my receptionist that way! She's sensitive!"
"Yes, I am!"
"You guys are all f**king a**holes." Yn, Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona's eyes all widen in surprise. They look at Eddie, the boy Moxxie accidentally shot earlier. Eddie is lying on a table with three wires from a heart monitor attached to his stomach.
"Oh, shut up, kid! You're lucky to witness this!"
"Ugh, this company is such a mess!" Moxxie pinches bridge of his nose.
"Alright, let's get back to talking about my outfit."
"Nobody was talking about that, Blitz."
"Which is why I'm tryin' to get that ball rolling. So, how does it look? It's good, right?"
"Sure... Let's go with that.." Yn said.
"It's been a literal hell.." He detaches the tubes of the heart monitor, "having to pretend to be paralyzed so you f**ksh*ts wouldn't kill me! But, now I want that. I want death!" He points at Blitzo.
"You are a selfish, greedy clown. And I'm a kid! We're supposed to like clowns! Even the creepy ones!"
"Hey, now! That's not very-" Eddie interrupts Moxxie, intimidating him, "If I wanted to hear from a spineless jacka**, I'd rip out your spine and ask you some sh*t." Millie slams her hand on the table, the other gesturing at Moxxie.
"That's my husband you're talkin' to!"
"That's your husband?!" Moxxie and Millie snarl at Eddie, "I figured you for a sl*t. But, I didn't know you needed d*ck that bad!"
"And You!" He points at Loona.
"What? What about me?"
"Nothing. I don't talk to dogs. I'm a cat person." Loona gives a wide-eyed glare, whines at Eddie with anger, and goes back to looking at her phone.
"Wow. Y'know, kid, you are a huge piece of sh*t." Yn said.
"Yeah. He's kind of a piece of sh*t." Everyone in Union agreed.
Eddie looks at Yn, "Don't do it..." he points at him.
"You-" Loona's eyes widen as she receives a text message.
"Oh, f**k! Guys, I just got a text from our client! Guess he was the right target after all."
Him." Loona points at Eddie.
"Him?" Yn looks At Eddie.
"Yup." Loona responds smugly, without looking up.
"They wanted us to kill an actual child?"
"That's what they're sayin'."
"Well, Christ on a stick. I guess there is a God."
"АHHАННННН!" Before he can shoot Eddie, Yn makes fire slowly climb up Eddie's body, he screams as he's skin is slowly being turned into ash.
Yn lifts her hand making Eddie crashe into the wall, all of his skin gone from his body, he lands on the table while his eyes turn to Xs.
"Damn it, Lovely! I wanted to do that!" He throws his pistol onto the floor.
-Time Skip-
Then blood covers the screen, then reveals Yn, Blitza and Moxxie kicking Eddie's corpse, Millie stabbing him, and Loona recording everything on her phone.
"Y'know, folks? With this company, I really wanted to prove that we're capable of doing the same things anyone else can. Like killing people!" Blitzo and Moxxie are shown wearing full hazard gear, dismembering Eddie's body with a hacksaw and chainsaw respectively. Blood splats on the screen again, then shows the group by a dumpster putting Eddie's body parts in a garbage bag.
"So, from us here at the Immediate Murder Professionals group, we promise to settle your unfinished business or your money... is gone and you're never getting it back, and you can write us a bad review but we'll play dumb to it, because it's Hell and no one f**kin' cares." Blitzo hugs Yn, Moxxie, Millie, and Loona, the latter's phone flying out of his hands.
"Y'know, even though this kid was a target... he's still a child. And it's important that we handle this going forward respectfully." He wraps his tail lovingly around the group. The group all smile as the scene cuts to a newscast, showing Eddie's mother tearfully holding up a bad drawing of her son. A male news reporter holds a microphone up to her, looking disinterested. The headline on screen says, "Mom sucks at drawing own kid", while the ticker bar constantly reads "There is a missing boy! Yet another missing kid!"
"Please! If anyone has seen my little Eddie, please contact us at-" Eddie mother is interested by a bag full of Eddie's bloody body bag suddenly falls into her arms.
"OHHH!" Eddie's mother and the news reporter look up in shock as the camera follows their gaze. Yn, Blitzo, Moxxie, and Millie are shown looking down on them through a portal. Blitzo smiles and waves.
"You're welcome!"
"You're a sh*t mom, ya wh*re!" The four disappear in the portal as it closes.
~Ending with a Cut To Moxxie singing to Millie~
Previous Page: Ch. 1: The Hazbin Hotel
Next Page: Ch. 3: The Murder Family
Beginning: Front Cover
16 notes · View notes
grippingbeskar · 2 years
Oooooh so excited and congrats on your achievement! Can I request 11🍟 with Matty?
— thank you so much! imma be real with you, i don’t write angst SUPER well i don’t think, so this is kind of new to me— i’m also trying to keep them shorter bc i don’t have enough time in the day BUT i really tried my best so i hope you like it xx
— prompt:
🍟 11. ‘i can’t even look at you.’
— warnings: sad matthew, swearing, mentions of blood and beating the shit out of bad guys
[grippingbeskar’s 2k night out celebration!]
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“Matt?” You wander into his apartment, tired and ready to pass out in your bed. You weren’t meant to come over tonight, but after the shitty day you had, all you want to do is see your boyfriend and fall asleep.
There’s a crash from the kitchen, and the sound of glass shattering has you sprinting into the next room. Christ— has he hurt himself? He was always so capable you almost half forgot the man couldn’t see; had you left something on the floor last night? Put something out of place that could of caused this?
You turn into his living room, the blue and red lights of the opposing billboard glowing brightly into the room. You see the shattered glass, and there’s blood. Not a lot, but enough to tell you someone’s hurt. Your heart lurches in your chest as you walk further around the corner, seeing a faint trail illuminated by the streaming glow of colours.
It’s not the first time you’ve found blood in his apartment. You’d come over to cook dinner for him as a surprise one night, and it was impossible to miss. Gauze, bloodied and discarded in the trash can, bandages and scraps of medical equipment you didn’t recognise all over the place. It was like someone had set up a triage unit in is living room.
You were worried, of course, but you were also starting to connect the dots. Hanging around Matt, his behaviour was more than suspicious, and once you started dating, it only made you pay closer attention. At first you’d thought he was cheating— constantly disappearing at night, never telling you where he was. Not answering his phone, appearing again with bruises and vague apologies. Then, you saw the blood, and you started to put two and two together. 
You met Daredevil once. A cold Tuesday night seven months ago, you were walking home from work and a man tried to grab you off the street. Then, there he was, dull red armour head to toe, and a helmet with little horns on the top. He beat the living shit out of the guy, and then spoke three words to you. ‘Are you okay?’ You hadn’t forgotten it since then, and when you’d gone to press charges, finding a lawyer through your friend Karen’s firm, that’s when you’d first met Matt. 
It was the voice that gave him away, really— but when you started getting closer, the clues started to pile up. How he was always able to tell when you were hiding something, always knew when you were sad, or were crying, no matter how hard you tried to hide it. You’d heard the vigilante was famous for his ability to read people—to know things about them, things they’d never told anyone. If you were right, he could be doing those very same things to you, and you wouldn't even know it. You tried your best to push the thoughts aside. Ignoring the occasional lateness and unexplained absences - Matt was incredible. Loving, sweet, completely devoted. It was impossible, wasn’t it? The guy was blind… although, he was probably the most capable person you’d ever met, blind or not.
You’d given him a chance, too. After the night you first saw the mess in his house, you’d given him a chance to tell you— to be honest with you. It wasn’t so much that he was going out and doing… well, God knows what Daredevil does at night. Of course you were worried about him, but it was the constant lying that you wanted to end. You had shown him every part of you, and you don’t know what you’d do if he kept hiding himself. You knew you were in love with him, but how can you love someone when you only know half of them? Even if he wasn’t Daredevil, he was hiding something, and whatever it was, it was big.
Of course, he denied it. And you had tried to let it go, but it just got to you. He didn’t change, just kept making excuses for why he’d disappear, why he never showed when he said he would. Why he’d missed your birthday, and then shown up at 3am with a broken nose. Then he would swoop in and be the kindest, most attentive partner you’d ever had—making you forget all about the missed party as he spent hours making you scream his name as he ate you out like a man starved. 
All of this is rushing in the back of your brain, but you put one foot in front of the other, and follow the blood down the hallway to the bathroom.
“Wait.” He calls out. Matt.
“Matt! Are you okay? What happened?” You tried the door, but it was locked.
“What are you doing here?” The tap turns on and he swears, a hiss of pain muffling through the door.
“I wanted to see you. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, baby I’m fine. Just give me a second.”
“You’re hurt, Matt. Let me help you.” You try the door again and nothing happens.
“I’m fine.” You can tell his words are panicked— rushed, and he drops something heavy and metal on the ground.
“There’s blood everywhere out here.” He swears again. “Matt. Open the door.”
“I’m fine, just let me—“
“Matt, open the door.” He’s bashing around in the bathroom like a caged animal, and your stomach is mixed with a sick feeling of worry, and an even sicker one that you’ve been right all this time. That he’d lied to you. “Please.”
“I can’t.”
“You can’t, or you won’t?”
“Go outside. Now.” You can hear the clatter of pill bottles falling into the sink and he swears again. You whack your hand against the door, and walk out to the kitchen, to where you know Matt keeps his tools.
Snatching the screw driver you know fits into his door lock, you stomp back down the hallway. You can hear him on the other side, telling you to wait, to go back outside and he’ll come out, but you were past waiting. If he wasn’t going to tell you, you were going to catch him in the act.
The lock gives, and you slam your body into the door. It swings with no resistance, and the first thing you see is Matt’s bloody face, head hanging low over the sink. His nose was broken, you could see it from the side angle, and the knuckles of his hands were split as they cling to the edge of the porcelain white sink.
Then, you see the one thing you knew you would, but wish you didn’t. The helmet, still a dull shade of red, the one with the little horns on the top. It was the same faded colour that matched the rest of him, still clinging to his body marred with blood and rainwater.
“Let me explain.” He chokes out, still not looking up at you.
“No.” He’s standing straight now, walking over to where you’ve frozen in the doorway. He reaches out a hand and you step back. “You lied to me.”
“Sweetheart, I couldn’t—“
“No. You could. Don’t give me that shit. I practically handed you an out on a silver platter three months ago!” Tears were brimming in your eyes and you tried to blink them away. His hand came up to your cheek, brushing the one that escaped with his thumb. You step away again. “That’s how you always knew.”
“Please, just—“
“You always knew if I’d been crying. It’s because you’re him, isn’t it?” He was breathing faster, a panicked look set on his features. “You always knew. You said you knew that I liked you, before you asked me out. I could never figure out how. Even Karen couldn’t tell— but you could.”
“It’s not like that.”
“Did you know if I lied to you? The newspaper says Daredevil can tell when you lie. By listening to your heartbeat. That’s how he— that’s how you figure out who’s who.” He takes another step forward and you back into the wall. “Tell me. Right now. Do you listen to me, know when I’m lying? When I’m scared or angry or turned on? Do you listen to it?”
“Don’t fucking lie to me.”
“Ever since I’ve met you, you’ve read me, so you always know exactly what to say?” He nods, shoulders slumping forward a little. It’s the most vulnerable he’s ever looked to you. “Jesus Christ.”
“It’s not like how you think.”
“What’s it like, then? Do you not listen to my heart beat to see if I’m lying, because you don’t trust me? Have you not lied to me for months on end, even when I asked you to your face?” He takes another step toward you, and you slide out from the wall. Distancing yourself.
“Please, just wait.”
“I can’t even look at you.” You whisper. “All the things I told you! Fuck, I’m such an idiot. You were sitting there, letting me tell you all these things and I didn’t even know you!” Your laugh is dry, and the last few words come out thinner— sadder. He doesn’t need to read your heartbeat to know you’re crying.
“You do! You do know me. Better than anyone!”
“How?! You lied to me, constantly!” You start walking towards the door, and he’s coming after you, at your heels. He doesn’t reach out and grab your wrist, knowing it would only make it worse. You hate that he knows you so well. 
“Please. Just let me talk for one minute.” You stop, not turning around. he’s so close to you, you can feel his breath on the back of your neck, and you try not to shiver. “I— I wanted to tell you. More than anything. I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I did. Fisk is... I can’t protect you if I let you see this. If you know, it only brings destruction. To the people I... to the people I love.” 
Your eyes shut. You hadn’t said that to each other yet— even though you had been in love with him for months. He takes your silence as permission to keep talking. 
“I didn’t want you to be caught in this. The things I do... I never want you near that. Any of that. I want to keep you safe— wanted to keep you safe. This was the only way I could do it. But I swear, on everything; this is the most real thing I’ve ever had.” He leans his head forward, resting on the back of your shoulder. “I messed up. I know. I keep messing up and I can’t...”
“I had to break that door down for you to be honest with me.” You can feel tears on your shoulder. “You thought it would keep me safe?”
“And? Am I safe?” He lifts his head, sucking in a breath.
“Are you asking if you’re safe from them, or from me?” He steps away from you, and you turn around. 
“If I know, am I safe here?”
“You are always safe with me.” 
“I know.” You walk forward, your finger tracing along a small cut on his cheekbone. It was already starting to bruise. “I know I am.”
“Please don’t leave.” His head drops against your chest, and his arms weakly link around your lower back. You can’t help but bring him closer, run your hands through his hair, press your body to his. “I know I messed up but I—“
“Just tell me this.” He nods under you. “Do you do it on purpose? The listening thing?”
“I can’t help it. Everything is... loud now. I try to ignore it— when you came in to the firm that day you were just... I remembered you. What your heart sounded like. That’s one of the only times I’ve really listened. It’s why I’m always playing music, I just can’t not hear it.” Your fingers thread through his hair, putting a little pressure in the places you know he likes. You had thought it was more of a conscious thing— that’s how the paper always described it, anyway. Hearing it from him, though... you can’t imagine how much that would be. 
“I don’t want you to lie. Ever again.” He kisses your neck, murmuring against your skin as he kisses his apology, pressing it into you. “I’m serious. I know you want to... keep me safe, whatever that means, but if you lie to me again, I will not look back.” 
“Okay. Okay, I— Fuck, I swear I never want to lie to you. Never again.” His mouth brushes against your jaw, moving slowly higher. Tentatively. 
“And tomorrow morning, when I ask you something, I want you to answer. Honestly.” He leaves your skin to press his forehead to yours.
“I love you.” He answers, and you kiss him. It’s slow, and everything else ceases to exist. Your anger is swept away with every swipe of his tongue, the worry melting into the slow pace of his lips against yours. 
“I love you.” You say into him, and he drinks in the words, tasting their sweetness, their soft meaning. You pull back, and Matt is breathless, chasing you with his mouth. “You said something, before...”
“Ask me. Anything.”
“You said you only listened to my heart for two reasons. When I got to the firm. What’s the other thing?” Your eyes flutter open in time to see it— despite the cut on his cheek he grins down at you, one of his hands coming to the side of your face.
“Why don’t I show you?” You giggle as he peppers you with kisses, leading you towards the bedroom. Your heart was already racing, and for once, you knew for sure he could hear it, and kissed him anyway.
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saltysplayt00ns · 6 months
Oh, it's new page time and I'm so annoyed with it.
Four days timeskip? Seriously? Kargo just fucking standing around in the open, as far as without his makeup on to cover himself up? Where is Whispervale? Did they go home? Where's the anxiety before the raid? Why did they allow a blinded, traumatised feline to go TO the potentially to be raided tribe and not the other way around, especially considering the fact that Shiverfall was supposed to pick those who up at the Whispervale so that means the mom has to go the route TWICE? God. Home Asmundr, the comic where common sense and logic goes to die.
A haHA I just see a kid hyper stating that to see the SS news X’D
A bit late to respond on this, but Have did a response of it HERE:
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How the group literally went to Shiverfall instead of across the short route to Meteor from Whispervale, which saves a lot of time. There was no reason for them to waste those days, especially a blind mother hearing their child is alive and urgently seeking to meet them. The dogs should know where the quickest route is without delay or have a companion to do that. Time is really not consistent and wasted, they’re would’ve been another raid by the time the mother came since the raiders had warned meteor of leaving or die and if WV is not there to protect them, they’re dead. Yet everything is frozen in place like a sitcom.
Kique tries to draw 3- 4 characters max. Cause more than that, he has a fit, Lost scent is Mature on their process and it’s a real treat to read along and more. Including their insights cause it's fun to read, you can also read this comic on DA
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Like seriously guys pls read this comic, I'm on my damn knees for this one. *AHEM* That being said, there isn’t much consistent tension to really horn down for the audience to be on their seat, it's a pass by and an easy fix. There are so many tensions forgotten or fixed under 1-2 pages that it’s ridiculous and there's still more.
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I guess healing bark also cures hunger and starvation
I haven't forgotten the situation where meteor was running low on food from the herd and the winters coming fast along with Ranach and Avanti, but it was forgotten and dealt with by literally a puppy howling and Rogio saving the day by a mere fluke. The dogs never brought up about the starvations because everything was fixed and it wasn’t even a good nor justified battle, it was plot armor for Ranach to keep on trolling.
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" yeeah saving Ronja...riiiight"
Or when Ronja was in danger and she was forgotten, Roamer went on a dip despite him having concern the male could be a meteor tribe member.
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and Rhovanion didn’t want to fight because “ it's not their way”, Rhov buddy, your pack literally fought an alien invasion and caused the Liulfrs to go Extinct with the help of your "alien God". You were LITERALLY THERE TAKING THEM DOWN and didn't even cross your mind of " it's not our way to kill" , that is such a copout exscuse to not want to fight, Ronja was your pack member and adoptive cousin - FAMILY NOT A STRANGER. PLUS LET HER LEAVE WITH SOME STRANGER IN A DANGEROUSE ENVIROMENT. Like this is not very leader like nor family wise
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Guys, how brain dead can you be. Like this seriously, emotionally hurts me. Yet people love them and wanna be like them.
 he has not changed. Since he hasn’t gone to save Ronja still from the Raid and it seems Asmundr will be doing the same damn thing. Cause Kique doesn't have them progressing and movign around, they just sit their and be stagnant, its already been 4 days and they have not Gotten to meteor yet???!!! Rhovanion and Feaf gotten to Asmundr in not time flat.
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Or the whole situation of meteor females being oppressed and used as fodder while males forced to be soldiers and brutes in a generational curse.  How Rogio, Ranach and other males would not get a benevolent greeting compare to like Kargo and Ferah who actually did something to help them;
Yet everyone is chill with the males including Rogio who they welcomed, like they were the bullies, while Kargo and Ferah were seen as an annoyance to bother with, Heck Ferah and Ronja Apologized to each other like, there is no conflict whatsoever. Everything patched up nd onto the next plot... if there is any to solidly follow.
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If you have people like this, ditch them ASAP When Keirr and Aira had a goal to find their family and Aira finally will be within Keirrs pack??? Forgotten, it was Keirr excuse for them to have ‘ stability ‘ but Keirr was welcomed in and became a Guard while Aira was struggling to fit in and become a Herbalist?? healer?? then was brushed off by Keirr so many times, Lied to her, tok full credit of figuring out the Ghouls when it was Aira and practically ditched her when he finally saw his family again. Leaving her in a tribe she didn't want to be in, in the firt place and tolerated it because OF KEIRR. She literally has anxiety and abandonment issues plus without Kique's logic a disability and Keirr Just straight up ditches her, which is the WORSE thing to do; And I hav not even talked about what he does with Ruan, he doesn't even join Fruajar to guard his family from a raid because Ruan is there. Like imagine you wanting to go with someone on a trip to see the Mountains to meet some lost relatives who're in need of your help, let's say Bob for simplicity, you both have everything set up in a hotel and landed, but then all of a sudden Bob meet some people in Meadows street ( for simplicity ) along with you, Bob is appraised, people warmed up to them and Bob forgot the whole reason for the trip and made an excuse as you tried to remind them for the reason for said trip not even wanting to focus on making friends since its temporary and you have a goal - a subjective mission. Then Bob starts being distant, not even telling you where he went or if he left and gets made at you and tells you to " figure it out" basically, and need to get along with other people - again FORGETTING THE REASON BOTH OF YOU WENT TO THE TRIP. FINALLY he leaves to meet the relatives and do the mission ... but left you in meadow's street, with a bunch of strangers in unknow lands. No warning, no nothing, you're not even around familiar territory to get to the hotel. Basically left you to wander alone to fend for yourself, worse if you have a disability or mental issues...or both.
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Make it make sense pls
The one where Kargo had a bear spirit?? He just magically lost it after dying with an excuse that Kique forgot in his own story that contradicts it like...three times. Kique likes to forget his own lore...because he doesn't have a script and loooooooooves to do discovery writing.
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The guy is just a Gary stu
Ranach being a menace and was supposed to be this Complex and intimidating antagonist??? Forgotten, since nobody sent a bounty hunter towards him presently, the only time bounty hunters actually done their jobs was on Jahla involving Flame tribe and the matriarch, Kargo for killing two Merchants, despite Kargo and other males may not be aware of it since Meteor was an oppressive and dangerous tribe that kidnaps dogs, it'll be stupid for a merchant to make sales with them nonetheless be near them. Kargo also shows signs of PTSD or a traumatic event that has him react to survival mode; and now South-spear tribe involving them being a nuisance, why it took them that long to attack south spear??? beats me cause Kique doesn't think far from his nose, but not Ranach specifically. Thye probably don't even know he exist despite they should if the Capitol kept tabs on them and RONJA actually tells them about him during Tinget, Instead he’s given a group to form a revolutionary revolt against the capitol ( that is also - probably his poorly patched redemption arch ) after sleeping with every male as what the Author drew Ranach in a ' gay bar' .
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Foreshadow anyone??
The moment he slept with Iberion is the moment he actually did something, he really thinks Sex would make them follow him to the ends of the earth. He didn't even worked for his effort as a Guard, he was taken away to do other tasks, such as a ' hunter' and a ' wrangler' now he has full reign to do whatever he wants when the whole tribe shouldn't even give him nothing, especially the viscountess. Ranach would have to be on edge 24/7 but know it's a desert bar, how south spear has no kids is beyond me.
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Kique really trying very hard to make it justified, when Rome is more of a 'yes man', AKA: a dangerous Yandere, simp.
Raven crest telling capitol or at least report that one of their members basically stole their Nova and damaged property?? Forgotten. They now fear him despite Ravencrest has everything to report the red wolf and Rome. - She snuck in their camp, a wolf that has blood on their fangs, sneaking around camp. If you was innocent you wouldn't be doing that at all, you would make your presence known and stated of seeing a beacon light around the territory. - Their healer been rebelling against them for a stranger. In the Jarls eye, he is a problem and a threat, has every right to throw Rome in with Jahla until further notice, but this is Kique logic and he wants Rome to be the savior and love interest. Can't have a weak male in the comic - no suree - Rome purposely started chaos and took the Nova AND THE WOLF Rome is literally a fugitive. Raven crest can tell neighboring tribes of now someone teaming up with the wolf and did property damage. How is Jahla supposed to show Akiulfrs are not dangerous when you have members like Rome joining. they're asking for a raid. ---- In conclusion, It’s all sunshine and rainbows. “ I understands “ and Stu characters being right 24/7 Who're we supposed to root for if the Main, deutor and Antagonists are all bad. The only one is Fremja, Avanti and Aira for they don't have the screen time to become assholes like everyone else.
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daring-the-devil · 2 years
large black coffee - 7
You own and operate a new specialty cafe in Hell’s Kitchen. One day, a blind lawyer walks through the door, and the trajectory of your life is changed for good. (~600 words)
author's note: part 7! you and the devil have a little chat. sorry it's a kinda short, but this is the only way i could break up the chapters properly. this takes place post-season 3 of daredevil, so there will be spoilers for the entire show in this series!
fic note: no use of y/n or gendered pronouns
warnings: some strong language
read part 6 here | start at the beginning | series masterlist | request guidelines
“What are you doing here?” you ask shakily as the Devil stalks towards you. 
He stops a few yards in front of you—nowhere near enough to touch you, but close enough that you can make out the lenses of his mask and the horns on his head. Now that you’re not fearing for your life (mostly), you have the chance to appreciate the impressive figure that he cuts: wide shoulders that taper into a leaner waist, long legs with strong thighs. He’s not the tallest man you’ve ever seen—far from it, actually—but his entire stance radiates power, control. 
You’d be lying if it didn’t intrigue you a little. 
“Came to check on you,” he says, the rough edge to his voice sending a shiver down your spine. “You haven’t told anyone about what happened, have you?”
You hesitate, keeping your eyes trained on the red lenses. For some reason, honesty seems like the right move. “No. I didn’t.”
“Why not?” There’s no accusation in his tone, only curiosity. 
You shrug, wrapping your arms around yourself. “Figured there’s no point. I’m alive, so…why bother? Not like it was anything newsworthy.”
Daredevil hums quietly, shifting his weight to one hip. Those clubs of his glint in the dim light from the city. “You know, most of the time, when people see me, they jump at the chance to tell everyone they know.”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” you say with a scoff. “I’m just grateful that you saved my life. I’m not, y’know, shitting myself over the fact that I saw you.”
Maybe you’d felt like it while he was actually saving you, but now you’re just confused about why he’s even here, talking to you. 
“Not impressed, huh?” His smirk is sharp enough to cut someone, the faintest baring of teeth looking almost animalistic. You fight the urge to recoil. 
“Well, if I didn’t do anything wrong, then I have nothing to be scared of, right?” You risk a glance at the city behind you, your back still against the railing. Your phone is heavy in your pocket. 
“True,” Daredevil says. “I’m just here to talk, after all. There’s nothing wrong.”
He’s a cryptic little motherfucker, isn’t he?
“Okay.” You turn back at him and lift your chin, looking him right in the eyes. “Talk.”
He tilts his head, and though you can’t see his actual eyes, it feels like he’s sizing you up. “You work in the cafe.”
“I’m the owner, actually,” you say. You pause, squinting at him. “How’d you know?”
“I could smell the coffee on you,” he says. “Do you know why those men were after you?” 
You shrug. “Wrong place, wrong time, I’m guessing. There’s usually no one back there at night. I—I leave work at four. I was doing recipe testing that day.”
Daredevil says nothing for a few moments, his gaze still turned on you, and then finally, he says, “You shouldn’t stay there alone anymore. Not at night. You could get hurt.”
In a flash of bravery, you ask, “Why are you really here?” 
He pauses, his head tilted slightly. “I told you already.”
You shake your head, mystified. “You’ve saved, what, hundreds of people? Thousands?” You turn back towards the view, resting your elbows on the railing. “I just don’t see why I’m anything special, is all.”
The silence that falls over the rooftop is stiff, uncomfortable, and when you turn around to look at him again, you finally see why. 
He’s gone, not a trace of him left behind, almost like he’d never been there in the first place. 
part 8
taglist (let me know if you want to be added!):
@your-not-invisible-to-me @hellskitchens-whore @l-a-y-n-i-e @a-girl-called-herby @u23r2p4m @dyzlks @lucypaulette @father4giveme @feliciab1990 @aramora @does-existance-exist @flaskofheads
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mayariviolet · 8 months
Hello Team, I have been obsessively following this fanfiction written by the @spiteless-xo for MONTHS! I commented on a couple of songs, and home girl said one day, we'll have a playlist, and I am here to deliver. Also, shout out to @shepnicolo. Please go check out their playlist. It's amazing, heart-wrenching, etc.
Link to The Boys at Work: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44843530/chapters/112829014
As inspired by @shepnicolo I decided to give explanations to each song <3.
NOTE: Basically, this playlist follows chapter by chapter a character's inner monologue as well as fitting into the situation
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Yeah, this is the playlist cover I made; what about it?
Side A:
"Dinner and Diatribes" - "I knew it from the first look of mischief in your eyes. Your friends are a fate that befell me. Head is a talking tide. I'd suffer Hell if you'd tell me what you'd do to me tonight."
reader x eren meet for the first time in a club and are literally so horned up that they immediately fall into their own self-destruction just to sleep together. Also, this song is a good introduction to their relationship up until the third arc IMO. I pictured this song mostly from Eren's perspective because he literally is so infatuated with reader that he does not care about anyone else around him.
2. "A Night to Remember" - "I swore I'd seen you before. Underneath the sheets, you enchanted me and whispered sweet nothings in my ear."
Readers' pov of sleeping with Eren bc who wouldn't want to imagine sleeping with Eren also, they LITREALLY slept together after like 24 hours. And Eren would not stop whispering those sweet nothings to reader trying to get them to be obsessed with him (it worked)
3. "The Party & The After Party" - "High heel shoes make you six feet tall. Everybody wants you; you can have them all."
In chapter three, I pictured this song switching between Jean and Eren's perspectives after the truth or dare game. It was mostly Eren because he was doing the absolute MOST during that game. Also, Jean literally being so insecure and jealous that this chapter is so Abel-coded.
4. "D.D" - "I've been here times before, but I was too Blind to see that you seduce every man. This time, you won't seduce me."
Dirty Diana could be either Reader x Eren or Jean x Pieck, depending on your feelings. Pieck is more of the embodiment of D.D., considering she was trying so hard to seduce Jean (lowkey worked, though...) Eren x Reader did sleep together, though so #win
5. "Dress" - "Even in my worst lies, you saw the truth in me"
The foreshadowing here hehe... ifykyk (see the bathroom scene in chapter 3)
6. "Kill Bill" - "I'm so mature, I'm so mature, I got me therapist to tell me there's other men, but I don't want none, I just want you."
Reader is insane, and this is how I pictured what she was thinking when Pieck crashed her lunch date...
7. "Double Take" "You're my vice, you're my muse"
Hmm this song read to me as Jean to the reader especially since the whole song goes back and forth between liking someone as a friend but that 'what if' that lingers in the background.
8. "Die For You - Remix" - "Even though we're goin' through it, and it makes you feel alone (no, no), Just know that I would die for you."
Eren doesn't know it yet, but he does act like he would die for the reader (especially in all of the scenes @ the point). Also, the reader is so attached to venting to Eren is crazy to me like she is obsessed no matter what she says...
9. "The Morning- "All that money, the money is the motive"
I thought of the chapter where Eren comforts the reader about everything at work. Yes, I know money isn't her only motivation (mostly pride), but having financial security is just a metaphor for her lack of security in her relationships. She works like she has something to prove to Eren and Jean and herself.
10. "Talk"- "I won't deny I've got in my mind now (hey, yeah) all the things I would do. So I try to talk refined for fear that you find out (hey, yeah) How I'm imagining you."
Eren has to control himself around the reader so he doesn't freak her out with how badly he wants her is just so <3. HE IS TRYING TO CHANGE TEAM!
11. "Work Song" -"Nothing in her room but an empty crib."
Ifykyk (the end of Eren Fucking Yeager). Like y'all know damn well Hozier wasn't talking about a room he was talking about her pu- and Eren furnished that room with a crib TWICE
12. "The Hills" - "When I'm fucked up, that's the real me, babe...Who are you to judge?"
This song encapsulates the end of Eren x Readers' relationship, especially in the chapter 'Shameless' when the reader calls out Eren's shitty behaviour and the fiasco that occurs after pushing her to Jean. This song (to me) directly challenges the reader to start thinking about who is she to judge in all of their interactions with Eren and Jean?
13. "Super Rich Kids" - "Too many white lies and white lines...I'm searching for a real love."
This is an obligatory Frank Ocean song for Jean because he starts telling the reader his true feelings. His life as a rich kid has been fulfilling, but at what cost? He only had vapid interactions with those around him until he grew up later.
14 "Stargirl Interlude" - "I shouldn't cry, but I love it Starboy"
it's a sex song. But the tone completely shifts after this. Looking at it deeper reader knows that being with Jean shouldn't feel like constantly crying or in pain. Jean (who is so Abel-coded) knows this which we can see in the lyric where The Weeknd says "I just want to see you shine 'cause you know you are a star girl".
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this is the mixtape cover i made btw <3 thank u canva!
Side B:
15. "Fire and Desire" - "Tell me should I cut these other girls out of my life cause we never decided"
These two (I am including Star Girl interlude) are together because they (Jean x Reader) are both. so. horny. But the fact they literally cannot decide what they are is so infuriating (but way too realistic trust me I know). So horny sex music and sad yearning for them both.
16. "Easy"- "Love don't come easy, it don't come easy"
This song captures the conversation between Eren and Armin, especially when Armin tells Eren that all his feelings are valid but complicated and that love doesn't come easy. Also translates to how frustrating it is for reader to prove to Jean that she loves him, they're both realizing that it's hard to love.
17. "Feelings" - "I over-communicate and feel too much. I just complicate it when I say too much."
Literally reader being so overwhelmed with everything and turning to sex in order to communicate how she's feeling is insane to me but no matter what she says to Jean it's never enough. Just really listen to the song... trust...
18. "Maroon" - "The burgundy on my t-shirt when you splashed your wine into me and how the blood rushed into my cheeks; so scarlet it was maroon."
This entire song is about Jean and readers break up. Especially how he always brings up Eren's shirt and the cheap wine being exchanged on their lips.
19. "Complicated" - "Tell me, why do you have to go and make things so complicated? I see the way you're acting like somebody else gets me frustrated"
Reader's inner monologue when is FINALLY AND RIGHTFULLY thinking about how Jean always complicates things (she is not entirely blameless obvi.) She is reflecting on whether or not this is. the same Jean she's been friends with for years.
20. "Broken Clocks" - "I've paid enough of petty dues. I've had enough of shitty news"
I really appreciated the readers' mental health arc. <3 Like YAS try not to pay attention to these bums girl and fix yourself! Even though she becomes self-destructive again. True SZA energy.
21. "Unknown / Nth" - "Do you know, I could break beneath the weight Of the goodness, I still carry for you. That I'd walk so far just to take the injury of finally knowing you."
Andrew, how is the reader supposed to sha la la in these trying times? Anyway, this song is Jean thinking about how much he loves the reader and that because he knows her so well, he KNOWS how much he can hurt her. Also, it could be read from the perspective of Eren, loving reader to the point he steps back from her so that she is happy. (Especially the latest chapter where he says he would have still fallen for her in university and he thinks that she would still love him either way </3)
22. "Godspeed" - "Still, I'll always be there for you, I let go of my claim on you..."
23. "Midnight Rain" - "All of me changed like midnight rain"
Okay, I know this is written from the perspective of a girl prioritizing her career over their relationship but this is so JEAN-coded! READER WANTED COMFORTABLE BUT HE WANTED THAT PAIN! He is a sick fuck.
24. "Bug Like an Angel" - "Sometimes. a drink feels like family."
The sparkling fruit wine that Reiner said was a cheap gift (a reflection of the shallow relationship reader x jean had). The back and forth between how reader drinks their coffee/tea and the loss and gain of familiarity. Yeah.
25. "Champagne Problems" - "How evergreen, our group of friends. Don't think we'll say that word again."
When there are two friend group breakups in this fan fic </3. Also, this song speaks for itself. Jean was never ready, so he had to watch the reader leave. Jean also has an ABDUNDANCE of champagne problems he has to sort out (hopefully soon, King).
26. "Tolerate It" - "I know my love should be celebrated, but you tolerate it."
The way Jean, no matter what he does, never openly celebrates readers' love is sick. She literally waits at the door for him to accept her love. No matter where she is, whatever circumstances, she idolizes him and waits on whatever he says, hoping he will outwardly say and do something that shows her that he loves her. </3
27. "Right Where You Left Me" - "And you're sitting in front of me. At the restaurant, when I was still the one you want... Everybody moved on."
Yeah, tell me that isn't reader literally yearning at the restaurant when Jean completely ignored her to stroke his ego with Pieck. He wanted her so badly but was so scared. Everyone moved on from that instance, but she felt like a part of her died. Even when he broke up with her in a heartless way, she stayed thinking about that situation.
28. "Francessca" - "Da-, Darlin', I would do it again (ah-ah, ah-ah) If I could hold you for a minute. Da-, Darlin' I'd go through it again."
LAST SONG!!! In my opinion, this is an accumulation of the reader, Jean and Eren's internal monologue. I think they would endure their ups and downs if it meant they could be together again. ESPECIALLY EREN!!! I mean, this song is based on that couple immortalized in Dante's Inferno who were put in hell for literally being in love.
Okay, if you have read this far, thank you. I love you. Thank you, @spiteless-xo, for giving me something to look forward to every Tuesday <3.
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Idk if i sent you this request because memories shit but,
Do you know tc2? Typical colors 2, its the roblox and i was wondering if you could draw any of the funny tc2 mercs- *autism eyes*
never sent this to me yet ^_^
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[i.d.: a digital drawing of the typical colors 2 cast in a group ensemble, in yellow (neutral colour) uniform. from left to right: flanker, trooper, arsonist, annihilator, brute, mechanic, doctor, marksman, agent. /end i.d.]
some sketches + headcanons below read more, lower quality than my usual but blehhh :P
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[i.d.: two sketches. agent, her hand on flanker's shoulder with a distant expression: "Bravo… son." flanker, pulling a face: "What." agent: "She hasn't told you yet?"
agent kisses flanker's mom, captioned: "new stepmom." /end i.d.]
these characters are so young, what do you mean 18-25 age range between flanker and agent?? scary, i have not drawn someone under age thirty (if not forty!) in a while
agent may not be flankers mom but thats not stopping her from traveling to new york for reasons other than business :P
well ! off to visit your mother !
flankers mom design is roughly based off his unused female design
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[i.d.: three sketches. marksman, pointing to his scarred eye: "This eye? Gone. Plain can't see out of it." he holds his rifle scope to the scarred eye: "Anyways."
doctor bundles up his coat to staunch mechanic's wound. mechanic ogles doctor's exposed stocky build, captioned "oh wow muscles."
arsonist (captioned "AAC board user"): "Dominated. Scrub." /end i.d.]
i read the domination line. i see others making fun of marksman for being blind. his eye is scarred?? he cannot see out his eye????? the one he puts up to his scope??????
you know i actually played tc2 . for research purposes . and wow mechanics voice is very piercing(?) especially when you play doctor (compare to the softer spoken arsonist and doctor) so its very easy to have him on the mind
i think its good to subvert expectations when you can, soft intellectual doctor with a muscular build thats largely obscured by his clothing
i actually think of the doctor as with russian heritage if only because of his older voice lines :)
is arsonist a robot??? i saw word going around but didnt see anything necessarily canon about it? is this head canon or canon?
interpreted them as an aac user (and a human), i think it would work well with the nature of voice lines in games
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[i.d.: two sketches. agent and doctor are glaring at each other and quoting their domination lines for one another. agent, holding a gun to doctor's chest : "Vulnerable. Weak. Easy." doctor, bent over to be glaring up at her: "You're annoying, you're weak, and you're an absolute failure."
brute, talking, captioned: "my friend, infodumping about motorbikes" marksman, smiling at him, captioned: "me, knowing it's my turn to infodump about fishing next"
mechanic has his hand on the flanker's shoulder: "Well son back in my day--" flanker cuts him off, looking skeptical: "My MOM is older than you???" /end i.d.]
i think trying to build off team fortress dynamics for typical colors isnt my thing :( cmon we gotta take these characters by the horns and make our own dynamics and characterizations i believe in us!!!
personally think doctor and agent have something going on . they hate each other they kill each other they kiss with tongue . they have funny domination lines .
mechanic using "son" is funny, this guy cannot be older than agent and yall know shes only 20-25
what do you mean he has a phd. flanker told him that a more useful education for mechanic was in political science, that was absolutely brutal to read
also finding him following engineer team fortress (a texan) in tonal inflection and slang as a western usamerican (not texan) funny . yeeaboo :)
i think the oldest characters would be like . brute and marksman in their 30s . maybe doctor too
i think brute and marksman could get along :) they contrast in a way that i think would play off nicely, someone who is outgoing and upbeat drawing someone more reserved out of their shell
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marypsue · 1 year
Anyway. Who here likes evil cheerleaders, melodramatic teenage goths, homoerotic loathing, Christopher Pike and Fear Street books, the Satanic Panic, and cheesy horror-comedy? Who here would like an exclusive sneak peek at the first chapter of Fearleading Squad?
Well, tough luck, because you're getting one anyway.
Bad Moon Rising
Steve was the first to go missing.
He had a last name, probably, but Avery didn’t know it. She was just used to seeing his lanky, zitty self, limp greasy hair and facial piercings and ill-fitting black clothes, reading a comic book with his feet up behind the counter of the Movie Gallery. Or seeing the rusted-out camper van he was rumoured to live in parked in the gravel lot behind the tourist information centre, where he sold shitty weed with about as much enthusiasm and entrepreneurial spirit as he brought to the video store gig. He was a fixture around town, as much a part of the landscape as the sign on the highway advertising the annual rodeo or the grain elevator by the train tracks. Something you saw so often that you stopped seeing it at all.
Until he wasn’t.
It was the van Avery noticed missing first. It took her a while to register that it was even gone. Steve was in the tourist info lot some days, and wasn’t on others. Avery never really paid attention, unless she wanted shitty weed, which wasn’t often.
So the camper van had been gone for a week or more before it really registered.
Once Avery’d noticed that the van was gone, though, it was impossible to miss. Steve was never at the Movie Gallery anymore, and when Avery asked the manager, Trish made a face and said he’d been a no-show for all his shifts for the last week and a half. “He might at least have had the decency to let me know he quit,” she grumbled, passing Trick or Treat under the scanner and accepting Avery’s handful of change. “Asshole threw off my entire shift schedule. I had to rework the whole thing from scratch.”
“Is that…like him?” Avery asked, and got a shrug and an eyeroll in return.
Even Arlon didn’t know, when Avery cornered him at the library to ask. Arlon Thwaite, who swore blind that his middle name, Wizzard, was an old family name and only by fortunate coincidence a Terry Pratchett reference, was one of maybe three people in the world Avery considered friends. He was also the most insufferable person she knew. But then, Avery was the most insufferable person a lot of people in town knew. Maybe that was part of the reason why they were friends.
“Yeah, he’s flaked on our last two Pathfinder sessions,” Arlon offered casually, in between reshelving Danielle Steel novels. “But he’s always flaking out on us for one reason or another. I didn’t really think anything of it.” He paused to look over at Avery, his eyes growing brighter behind the thick lenses of his aviator-style glasses as he offered, or maybe threatened, “If you wanted a seat at the table -”
“Over your dead body.”
“Don’t you mean, ‘over my dead body’?”
“No, because I’d kill you and desecrate your corpse before I’d play a tabletop game with that crowd of wastoids you call friends.”
A middle-aged woman with a truly impressive feathered bouffant, sitting in one of the overstuffed chairs by the window, looked sharply up from the Agatha Christie she was nose-deep in to frown at Avery. Avery threw the horns in her direction, and snickered when her frown got deeper and more alarmed.
“People in this town,” Avery sighed as she turned back to Arlon, who nodded agreement.
“She can act all innocent and scandalised. But she and her ilk are the biggest borrowers of these bodice-rippers.” He paused, holding up the copy of Fine Things he was tucking back onto the shelf. “And you know I once found pubes stuck in between the pages of one of these? I don’t even want to know what kind of horrors our patrons are committing against these poor, innocent former trees.”
Avery barely managed to stifle a horrified burst of laughter.
Arlon shrugged, and went back to reshelving romance. “Hope Steve didn’t skip town. He’s still got my copy of Neuromancer. And I don’t think he even started to read it.”
School started again three days later, and Avery mostly forgot about Steve and his mysterious disappearance. She had other things to worry about. Ms. Feldman, and her one-woman crusade against nose rings. The idiot jocks in shop class.
And the new girl in her homeroom.
“Why would any sane person move from LA to here?” Avery grumbled to Courtney, over her clingwrapped tuna sandwich. “What could we possibly have to offer that LA doesn’t?”
“Manure?” Courtney suggested. “Tornadoes?”
Avery had to stop herself from snorting chocolate milk out her nose.
“Tiffany Bright,” she said, once the coughing had subsided. The words seemed to warp her mouth into a sneer around them. “What kind of a name even is that? Might as well just call yourself Barbie Hollywood.”
Courtney took a sip of her Tab before cautiously offering, “She’s really not so bad. Seems nice. We’ve got tryouts for the cheer squad tonight, and she said she’d be there.”
“My condolences,” Avery said, and Courtney snorted.
Avery wasn’t obsessed.
There was just…something off about Tiffany. Something too fake about her perfectly coordinated outfits, her perfectly combed, perfectly curled perky blonde ponytail, her big, perfectly blue eyes with their fan of thick dark lashes, her perfect pearly smile, never too narrow or too wide. Something about how everything she said came out sounding faintly mocking. Something about how she looked at you, like she knew something you didn’t. Like she could see toilet paper stuck to your shoe or something stuck in your teeth, and she’d decided it’d be funnier not to tell you about it.
She got onto the cheer team. Of course.
“I just don’t like that bitch,” Avery grumbled to her beat-up black boots, behind the gym, where she was sneaking a cigarette and Mallory was trying to avoid breathing in her smoke. By the way Mallory was coughing into the pin-studded lapel of her hand-me-down denim jacket, it wasn’t working. Mallory’s dad worked in demolition, and she had seven older brothers and sisters. Avery didn’t think she’d ever owned a brand-new anything. “She’s such a kiss-up, acts like she makes sugar taste sour. But we don’t know anything about her. For all we know, she killed Steve. Shit, I’ll bet you five bucks she did kill Steve.”
“Oh, yeah,” Mallory agreed sarcastically. “For some kind of Satanic ritual, probably. Really seems like her style. Bet she ate him, too. I hear human tastes kind of like chicken.”
“Pork,” Arlon corrected her, and Mallory shot him a glare. “Human’s the other other white meat.”
“What is he even doing here,” Mallory demanded of Avery, darting a sidelong glare at Arlon, who’d gone back to ignoring her. “Don’t you have freshmen to try to corrupt to the dark side?”
“I don’t play with freshmen anymore,” Arlon said haughtily, giving his ginger ponytail a dismissive flick back over his shoulder. “After that last little shithead spent three whole sessions constantly yelling ‘I cast fireball!’ and trying to seduce everything with tits, I’ve sworn them off. They can get themselves corrupted by the dark forces behind tabletop gaming without my help. The only person I’m interested in corrupting is this one.” He nudged Avery with one shoulder, and she rolled her eyes.
“You’re never getting me to join one of your stupid games.”
“Maybe not,” Arlon admitted, pushing his glasses up his nose. “Maybe not. But you will listen to Rush.”
“How many times do I have to tell you -”
Mallory thwacked Avery square across the chest with the back of one arm, interrupting her. “Hey. That’s her, isn’t it?”
Avery looked.
It was, indeed, Tiffany fucking Bright making her way across the football field, unmistakeable and unmissable in her bright red nylon shorts and perfectly fitted pale pink tee shirt. The way her perfectly-curled ponytail bounced – and her perfectly-proportionate bust didn’t – as she jogged up to the brick wall beside the dumpsters where Avery was smoking seemed vaguely unnatural. So did the way the little gold cross she wore on a fine gold chain around her neck winked and flashed with each bouncing step, but never tangled, never twisted, never worked its way around to the back. The scrunchie tying back Tiffany’s ponytail perfectly matched the red of her shorts. And the stripe along the top of the slouchy white socks peeking out above her pristine white sneakers. Her smile was almost as white as the sneakers.
God, Avery hated her.
If Tiffany felt the same, she was hiding it well. “Hey. It’s Avery, right? Avery DiAngelo? You’re in Mr. Dancy’s homeroom?”
“Yeah.” Avery took a long, exaggerated drag on her cigarette, and puffed the smoke out toward Tiffany’s face. Tiffany, unfortunately, did not evaporate in the puff. She also didn’t start to look at all uncomfortable. Only vaguely annoyed. “What do you want.”
Tiffany gave her head a little toss, making her ponytail flick back and forth behind her like its namesake. “I was wondering why you didn’t try out for the cheer team. We’ve got a vacancy, and Courtney said she used to do gymnastics with you. That you were really good.”
On the list of things Avery might have expected Tiffany to say to her, that was at the very bottom. She had no idea what to say.
Thankfully, her friends had her covered.
Mallory took a step forward, putting herself halfway between Tiffany and Avery. Beside Tiffany’s wheat-gold curls, Mallory’s brassy box-dye blonde looked especially loud and cheap and fake, her mousy roots dark in the crisp September sunlight. “Who died and made you head cheerleader?”
The little smile that quirked up the corners of Tiffany’s perfect lipgloss-glistening rosebud mouth was, as usual, too knowing. Like something about what Mallory had said was funny, and not for any reason Mallory knew.
“Nobody,” she said, with that constant mocking edge and a flash of blinding teeth, eyes darting past Mallory to meet Avery’s. “Yet.”
God, Avery hated her.
She also kind of hated Arlon for snorting, like he actually thought Tiffany’s bullshit was funny. Honestly. Boys. Let a perky blonde say two words in front of them, and even the most determined nonconformist completely loses his mind and starts thinking maybe he’s got a chance.
A quick elbow to the ribs seemed to momentarily cure Arlon of that disease, though. He coughed into a fist, before hastily agreeing, “Avery’s not part of your juvenile cult of physical attractiveness. And doesn’t want to be.”
Tiffany smiled, a slow, spreading grin that showed off the blinding white of her teeth. Like she’d also caught that bit about ‘physical attractiveness’.
Avery applied another elbow to Arlon’s ribs.
She took one last, long drag on her cigarette, before giving the butt a flick. It landed on the crumbling asphalt right between Tiffany’s pristine white sneakers. Tiffany looked down at it, and then back up at Avery, with something other than sneering fake-friendliness for the first time since she’d come over.
“What are you still doing here,” Avery suggested, into Tiffany’s laser-blue stare.
Tiffany blinked those blue eyes shut, for a second, giving her hair a toss as she fixed a smile back onto her face. This one was…not quite perfectly even, not like every other smile Avery’s ever seen her wear. Avery couldn’t look away, trying to figure out what it was that the smile was slipping away to reveal. “Avery hasn’t given me an answer yet. Have you, Avery.”
Her eyes bored into Avery’s. “Unless you always make your friends do all your dirty work.”
God, Avery hated her.
“If Courtney told you we used to be in gymnastics together,” she said, after a moment’s consideration, “then she also told you she’s tried a million times to get me to try out for cheer. What makes you think I’d do it for you if I wouldn’t do it for my actual friend?”
Tiffany’s eyes narrowed like a cat who’d just spotted a mouse.
“Nothing in particular,” she said, the bubble back in her voice. Along with that mocking, knowing edge that made Avery want to grind her teeth. “Fine. I’ll let it go. For now.”
She started to turn, ponytail bobbing, but stopped to glance back at Avery. This time, the smile was seamless. “But you’re going to find out. I can be very persuasive.”
The heel of her sneaker crushed Avery’s cigarette butt into the asphalt as she started to jog away.
“Hey, did you – stop screaming, it’s me – did you tell that Tiffany girl I was in gymnastics?”
“Avery!” Courtney slammed her bedroom door behind her, her Jack Russell terrier slipping through behind her with a shimmying little wiggle right before the door met the crisp white trim of the frame. “You have got to stop coming in that window without warning me first. Aw, Grady, how many times! Not on the bed.”
Grady looked up at Courtney from the pile of pillows at the head of her bed with his long, pink tongue lolling out of a wide, guileless doggy smile, and wagged his tail.
Avery reached out and gave Grady a scratch behind the ears, and his eyes sank shut in obvious bliss. Courtney rolled her eyes before she bounced down onto the tattersall-checked comforter, sending a pillow shaped like a stubby pencil crayon tumbling to the floor. “You’re the reason he thinks he can be up here,” she scolded Avery mildly, reaching out to give Grady an absent stroke herself. “You keep rewarding him for doing what I tell him not to.”
“Oh, like I’m the only one scratching his ears right now,” Avery teased back.
“You started it.” Courtney gave Grady one more good pat on the rump, before scooting back on the bed, grabbing another brightly-coloured pillow and hugging it to her chest. “And it might have come up that we did tumbling together as kids. Why?”
“Because your new best friend sniffed me out during gym class to ask me to fill a vacant spot on the cheer team.” Avery gave one of Grady’s ears a gentle tug. “What do you think, boy? Should I finally toss your mama a bone and join her silly pompom-waving airhead club?”
Grady barked, as if on cue, at the word ‘bone’. Avery stifled a laugh.
When she looked up, though, Courtney wasn’t smiling.
For a second, Avery thought she’d gone too far with the airhead comment. But Courtney didn’t even seem to have noticed. She’d drawn her knees up to her chest, ankles crossed, and she’d gone from hugging the pillow to gripping it like a life preserver. “Courtney?”
Courtney gave her head a little shake, her permed chestnut curls bouncing with the movement. The smile she forced looked wan and unconvincing. “Nothing. Just – I’m kind of glad right now that you always say no, whenever I try to get you to join. It’s just so not you. And now that we’re going into senior year…honestly, I don’t even know if I’m going to have time for the team.”
Avery stopped moving with her hand resting between Grady’s shoulderblades, his fur silky-soft and so warm under her fingers. “What? You live and breathe cheerleading.”
Courtney grimaced. She didn’t say anything more.
Avery sat up on the bed, Grady whimpering a little at the loss of her scritches. “Is that bitch making trouble for you? Because you’re still the head cheerleader, you know. Kick her ass out.” When Courtney only hugged her pillow a little tighter, burying the bottom half of her face in its poof, Avery added, “If you don’t wanna do it, I’d be more than happy to. I’ll take her up on her offer, and then you and I can -”
The force behind the single word surprised Avery into silence.
Courtney sighed, and leaned back against the white-painted iron frame that curved up along the long side of her bed like the back of a couch, where it was pushed up against the wall. “I can handle Tiffany, okay? She’s not the first new recruit who came in with a twisted idea of what being part of the cheer squad is all about. I just really don’t want you getting caught up in the middle of it. That wouldn’t be any good for either of us.”
Avery wasn’t sure why that stung the way it did. It wasn’t like she’d wanted to join the cheer team, anyway.
“Okay,” she said, uncrossing her legs and pushing herself up off the bed. “But then actually leave me out of it, okay? No more hot gossip about how I used to be able to touch my toes to the back of my head. I don’t really feel like being a pawn in you and Tiffany’s power play, either.”
Courtney shot her a tight-lipped smile. She didn’t look happy.
But all she said was, “Okay.”
A week later, Mallory turned up to school in a brand-new cheerleading uniform.
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sad-sad-detective · 10 months
Hot streams will fork and divide
It's my first time writing/translating Dewther smut, please, I'm nervous.
Pairing: Aether/Dewdrop
Rating: М
Tags: pre-canon, secret relationship, shower sex, hand jobs, grinding, love bites, hickeys, size difference, size kink, tail pulling
Summary: Dewdrop always showers late at night - not because he's shy, and certainly not because ghouls are forbidden to remove their masks in the presence of others.
Read on AO3 or under the cut.
Late at night, the basement shower room is empty, and Dewdrop quietly occupies the farthest stall. The sound of his claws echoes off the tiled walls.
Dewdrop always showers late at night - not because he's shy, and certainly not because ghouls are forbidden to remove their masks in the presence of others. It's just so no one will urge him or nag him for taking too long in the shower stall. As if it's his fault that it takes him so long to wash his hair.
There's no rush when he’s alone. Humming a simple tune and wagging his tail, Dewdrop sets the shampoo, razor and soap on the shelf. He turns on the taps and immediately steps aside: for the first few seconds the shower water is ice cold. He carefully checks the temperature, adds more hot water and stands under the nearly scalding jets; Dewdrop squints contentedly and throws his head back, exposing his face and horns to the shower. He likes to just stand there with his eyes closed, enjoying the way the water runs over his skin, soaking his hair and washing away the thoughts from his head, the sound of it drowning out the extraneous noises.
The shower room slowly fills with clouds of steam.
The sound of the water drowns out all other sounds, and Dewdrop can barely hear someone’s footsteps - the soft clacking of claws on the tiled floor. When strong arms wrap around his waist, he tenses for a moment, ready to strike. But then he smells the familiar scent of peppermint and medicinal herbs and relaxes instantly.
The hug tightens and a deep voice hums softly to his ear, “What if it wasn't me, but someone else?”
Dewdrop can't see his face, but he knows from his voice that Aether is smiling.
“If it were anyone else, I'd break both their arms," he says, curling his tail around Aether's leg. Aether hums again, sending shivers down Dewdrop's spine, and presses a kiss to his shoulder.
They rarely get a chance to be truly alone; their relationship is a series of hurried rendezvous in secluded corners of the abbey, secret touches and notes slipped into the pockets of their cassocks. The Church turns blind eye to relationships between Siblings of Sin, but the ghouls have to be careful and look for workarounds.
“I found your letter after the mass", Aether murmurs. His broad palms slide over Dewdrop's chest and stomach, gently but firmly, down to his hips and back up to his waist. “Couldn’t concentrate on anything all day”.
Dewdrop grins, “You wanted to rub my back so much?”
“Wanted you," Aether replies simply, and the way it sounds makes Dewdrop's knees go weak.
Aether is bigger than him and taller. He has well-muscled arms and legs, and a strong back and shoulders, but he has a nice layer of soft fat on his sides and belly. Aether usually jokes that it's from eating good food and drinking good beer. But underneath that fat and softness, you can feel the hard muscles. When he's snuggled up like this, with his whole body, Dewdrop can't think of anything else.
He feels small, and in any other situation this would make him unbalanced and angry. To others, his short stature and slender build make him look like an easy prey. But not to Aether. Dewdrop catches his palm and places it on his chest over his heart, covering it with his own and intertwining their fingers. He wants to sink into the weight of the other man's body pressed against his back. To dissolve into it.
“I was afraid you wouldn't notice," Dewdrop confesses. He managed to slip the note into Aether's cassock pocket during the morning mass. He's been on pins and needles all day, trying not to think that it might have fallen out by accident, or that Aether hasn't thought to check his pockets.
The water muffles his words, but Aether hears them, gently brushing Dew’s hair away to reveal his neck, and planting a kiss under his ear. Dew sighs contentedly and strokes his leg with his tail.
“I missed you," he whispers. Aether rests his chin on his shoulder. Hot water runs down their bodies.
“I missed you too," Aether kisses his neck again, pressing his lips to the smooth gray skin and nipping it. Dewdrop winces. His neck is sensitive, and Aether knows it well enough to bite again, running his tongue over the bite. Dewdrop blinks and rests his head on Aether’s shoulder, exposing his throat. Even when they're alone together, they rarely take off their masks, and any chance to touch like this is worth its weight in gold.
“Let me...?” Aether doesn't finish, but Dewdrop understands anyway and squeezes his palm in agreement.
Let me take care of you.
He always does.
Aether washes his hair, lathering the shampoo thoroughly, running his fingers through heavy, wet strands, gently massages and scratches his scalp, strokes his horns, and Dewdrop kicks up a purr, unable to contain himself. The hoarse sound vibrates in his throat. The sound of the water drowns it out, but Aether feels it, touching Dewdrop's neck. He feels it and responds with a low rumble of his own.
Dewdrop feels that rumble with all his skin, and something breaks inside of him.
He turns and gives Aether a quick, greedy kiss, running his fingers through Aether's hair and not letting go. Aether seems a little stunned by the pressure, but he quickly comes to his senses.
His lips taste of mint and apples.
“Impatient", Aether whispers, breaking the kiss. His palms slide down to Dewdrop's hips again, squeezing gently, his tail curling around his legs.
“Waited too long," Dewdrop counters, “and... and anyway, who's to say!"
He draws back, his eyes slowly sliding down Aether’s frame, from the strong horns and tousled wet dark hair to the broad jaw, from the soft curve of his neck across his broad shoulders and hairy chest to the soft bulge of his belly. Dewdrop’s gaze follows a trail at his navel further down to Aether’s groin, covered in coarse hair, parting at the base of his half-hard cock.
Aether laughs, not the least bit embarrassed by the scrutiny.
“You're the one who has that effect on me," his eyes sparkle in the dim light and his pupils are dilated. This time he kisses Dewdrop first.
When they break the kiss, Aether presses his forehead against Dewdrop's, and his voice is full of tenderness and desire, “My midnight sun”.
Dewdrop gasps. The sound of the water drowns out the small sob that escapes his lips. Only Aether calls him that, and every time Dewdrop hears the pet name, something strange happens to his heart. The flame in his chest grows hotter.
He comes forward with a low growl and pushes Aether against the tiled wall, kissing and biting him again; their front teeth clash awkwardly, but they ignore it, lost in each other. Aether holds him by the scruff of his neck with one hand, and puts the other on the small of his back, moving it even lower to the base of Dewdrop’s tail, wrapping his strong fingers around it and stroking. His tail is sensitive too, and Dewdrop squeezes his eyes shut with pleasure. He pulls back as far as he can without breaking the embrace and slots his knee between Aether's thighs.
“Dew, please…”
Biting his lip, Dewdrop looks up at him. He can barely stop himself from grinding against Aether's thigh, hard and muscular and deliciously hot. 
But why stop, he thinks, why stop?
Aether nearly sobs as Dewdrop begins to move, slowly and rhythmically. Dewdrop feels his warmth and shudders, briefly losing his rhythm as Aether places both palms on his hips to better control his movements.
“Come on," Dewdrop whispers, and then Aether's fingers wrap around his tail again, pulling sharply.
Pleasure, sharp, almost painful, runs down his spine. A half growl, half moan escapes his throat, and Dewdrop presses his forehead against Aether's shoulder. His knees buckle, but Aether keeps him from falling. Dewdrop presses his whole body against him, using the moment to rub his cock against Aether's.
“Dew…” Aether exhales. His claws scratch the skin on Dewdrop's lower back and hips, and the base of his tail. “Mine…”
“All yours," Dewdrop purrs. Aether's eyes flash blue, and Dewdrop sees something in them he can never put a name to.
Aether kisses and bites his neck again, forcing Dewdrop to tilt his head back and show his throat. Strong fingers squeeze his hips in a way that is sure to leave bruises. Later, Dewdrop will touch them and remember this encounter and all the others.
“Come on, come on," he whispers hoarsely. Aether wraps his palm around their cocks, and Dewdrop shudders, digging his claws into his shoulders.
He pushes forward, and another wave of heat hits him, pooling in his belly. He places his palm on Aether's fist, setting the pace. Aether breathes heavily, his free hand gripping Dewdrop's buttock and stroking the base of his tail with barely perceptible motions.
The sound of the water drowns out their moans.
Dewdrop curls his tail around Aether's tail and doesn't let go.
“Almost..." he breathes out. “Aeth, please, more...!”
Aether growls in his ear, moving his fist harder and faster, 
and the world goes white.
Dewdrop comes down slowly, his breath heavy. He hears a low rumble through the sound of the water, feels it with his skin, a steady sound that fills his entire being. Aether. Dewdrop smiles weakly and rubs his cheek against his chest.
Somehow he forces himself to stand up, holding onto Aether's shoulders, and reaches up to kiss him - missing at first, pressing his lips to Aether's jawline, then to the corner of his lips, until he finally kisses him properly.
They exchange long, lazy kisses that fade to nothing, and then they just stand there, their foreheads pressed together. Their horns touch gently, and somehow it seems more intimate than anything else they've done.
The water has long since turned cool, but they pay no attention.
“Heal you?” Aether suggests later, as they leave the shower and head for the changing room, and Dewdrop looks at him perplexed, head tilted to the side.
Aether nods towards Dewdrop's neck, a shy expression on his face. Curious, Dewdrop turns to look at the mirror on the wall. From ear to shoulder, his skin is covered in fresh hickeys and love bites, and Dewdrop whistles.
“Okay," he says, "but just these".
Aether raises a surprised eyebrow, and Dewdrop pats himself on the hip where Aether's fingerprints darken, "And these will be my keepsakes until next time”.
Aether blushes, and Dewdrop's heart does that strange thing again.
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rivalriotrenegade · 2 years
Does that mean jason has horns and wings? Or thsts just at reader's interpretation? Im just curious at how he looks like
So yea im gonna be thinking of fluffy demon boi jason for the rest of the week thank u again for these wonderful stories!
Thank u for ur timr, hope ur taking care and lifes treating u well!
(Oh my goshhhhhh this is the first ask I’ve ever gotten. You are literally making me so dang happy rn. I could cryyyyy!!!!!!!!)
Honestly, I haven't thought about it! I've mostly focused on the werewolf aspect of him. (If you’ve read my werewolf Jason Todd pt 1&2) But now that I'm definitely going to do some more  things with his demon side!
What do you think about his demon side being mostly dormant for most of his life until one day his mate gets hurt and then BOOM. Beast unleashed and he unlocks a new sort of demonic form! I’m definitely going to have to write something about that!
I think I’m going to leave what he looks like up to you guys for the most part… 
Buuuuut since this is my first ask, I’ll write a small scenario just for you! <3 (I’ll also post it later as a plain write lol) 
Jason was angry. The night had been rough and he had lost himself once again. Controlling this new form was hard. Incredibly so. He had been so blinded by rage that he hadn’t even noticed himself slipping. It wasn’t until the red haze of bloodlust had lifted that he even realized what he had become. 
“Shit!” He thought. 
His mate was going to be so disappointed in him. God, he hated this new power. There was a time when Jason would have done anything to gain this kind of strength. A power so raw and uncontrollable. There was a time when he wouldn’t have wanted to learn how to control it. A time when he would have embraced it and let it consume him from the inside out. But now he had them. 
His sweet little mate. The love of his life. The reason he wanted to be human. This new ability only seemed to make that goal seem even more unobtainable. How was he supposed to be good enough for them when he couldn’t even keep the monster inside of him at bay? Jason had been so caught up in his self-deprecating thoughts that he hadn’t even noticed his feet carrying him home. 
As Jason walked inside through the door made specially for him, he could hear the tv he left on already talking about the vicious attack near Gales Brook avenue. Didn’t those guys have anything better to do than rubbing his fucking mistakes in his face? Fuck. Bruce was going to be so pissed. He was definitely going to get an ear full from him. Hell he’d probably have to listen to one of his long winded lectures… Again. The thought of Bruce made his blood begin to boil and once again that red haze started to creep in.
“Deep breaths Jason. Deep breaths.” He reminded himself. 
Unfortunately that didn’t last long as his wing caught on the edge of the table sending the vase full of flowers his mate had gotten him crashing to the ground. Just like that the urge to sink his fangs into something came back full force. He reared up only for his horns to scrape against the top of the ceiling. He hated this form! He felt so clumsy in it. But as if that wasn’t bad enough the monotone voice of the news reporter just seemed to sink into his ears and rattle around in his skull. He needed them to shut up. Why wouldn’t they just shut up!? 
Before he knew it the tv was flying across the room. The couch was next, the fabric torn to shreds. He barely heard the door open over the sounds of his own carnage. 
“Jason, is that you?” A soft angelic voice called out to him. Jason froze, his body tensed up even more. What were they doing here? They weren’t supposed to be here! He didn’t want them to see him like this. Not to mention he wasn’t in the right state of mind. He needed them to leave. 
“Jason, what’s wrong?” They asked, walking closer to him, hand stretched up towards his muzzle. In a panic he snarled and snapped at them, his giant bat-like wings flaring up in defense. They drew back in shock. The momentary ‘fear’ in their eyes only caused him to spiral deeper. No. No! He didn’t mean it! Don’t look at him like that! Jason staggered back, nearly tripping as his wings flapped in distress.
“Woah, woah! Jason calm down.” His mate pleaded. Jason's chest heaves up and down. He feels like a cornered animal. Before he even knows what he’s doing he lunges, teeth snapping around their neck, but his fangs don’t even come close to drawing blood. He just holds them there unsure of what to do next. Carefully they bring their hands up, gently running them through his fur. “Your alright love.” They whisper. “Everything's okay. You’re going to be alright.” Slowly Jason melts into their touch. His jaw unlatches from their neck and his body crumples to the floor. 
Jason feels like crying. What was he thinking? He could have hurt them! The only good thing in his life. How could they even stand to be in the same room as him let alone love him? But it’s almost as if they could read his mind, because before he can react they have his large furry head in their hands. “I’m okay Jay, see? You didn’t hurt me. You know I still love you.” Slowly Jason reaches out, before quickly drawing his hand back. “Jason, love. You're not going to hurt me.”
With a bit of coaxing Jason gingerly moves them so they’re sat on his lap. His massive paws hold them close to his furry chest and his snout rests in the crook of their neck. He inhales deeply, trying to use their scent to help calm himself down. His large bat-like wings circle protectively around them. Gently he begins to lap at their neck, a wordless apology. They just sit there in silence for a while as his mate plays with his fur. Slowly they get up taking his large paw into their comically small hand. “Come on love, let’s go to bed.”
Carefully his mate leads him to the bedroom. Jason takes his time to curl up around them. His wing spread out like a blanket over their small form, wrapping around them and tucking them even closer to him. A soft purr rumbles in his chest as his mate whispers sweet words of comfort. As he drifted off to sleep he knew he still had a lot to learn about this new ability and it was going to be a lot of work to learn to control it. But he also knew that as long as he had them by his side he could overcome anything. 
BOOM! DONE! I hope you liked it. :)
Please comment on my works. I really do love interacting with people.
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iguana-braces · 10 months
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Y'all, I've been thinking about this fic all day and I finally ironed out a bit that was giving me so much trouble so--
Finally, here's a snippet of Chapter 3 of Tales from the Danger Zone!!!!
It felt like he had just fallen asleep when some kind of horn blared through the room. Just as Pete lurched awake, the room was flooded with blinding fluorescent light and he had to fight back the youthful urge to pull the covers over his head. 
"On your feet, cadets!" barked a voice from the doorway. Still partially blinded, Pete felt his way to the floor from the top bunk and stood at the end of the bed next to Nick, who looked like he was still asleep standing up. The clock at the end of the room read 0300 hours. 
Jesus, it's still the middle of the night. 
Strangely enough, slouching against a pillar in the middle of the room with a clipboard and a stern expression was– "Chuck? I thought you were one of us." 
The former veterinarian merely shrugged. "Never said I was." 
"You didn't say much of anything coherent last night."
Another man was at the other end of the room, also carrying a clipboard, who Pete vaguely recognized as having also been at the bar with them mere hours ago. Once all the men were on their feet, he scribbled something on his clipboard before he began speaking. "Good morning, gentlemen. My name is Ranger Williams, callsign Sundown. And this is my co-pilot, Ranger Piper, callsign Chipper." 
"Oh, great," Nick muttered beside him. "They have callsigns." 
So Kazansky and Kerner weren't the only Jaeger pilots in California. How many more were there? And how’d they get to be there? 
"For the next eight weeks, we will be your squadron leaders, your mentors, your brothers, your confidants. But anything we say is law. We say jump, you say how high.” Sundown circled the room, sizing up each of the cadets like a seasoned drill sergeant. Despite his resentment towards the ranger for being woken up so suddenly, Pete liked him already. “Hope you enjoyed your last taste of freedom last night, because you won't be leaving this base for a while. If you make it past the first training cut, you get a whole week off. Besides that, you get one free weekend per month. When that weekend occurs is up to you, but you have to get permission in advance."
"What about extenuating circumstances?" Nick asked, raising his hand. 
"Like what?" Sundown replied, backtracking to stand in front of the querying cadet. 
"Well, my wife's having our baby in a few months. I won't know when exactly until it, you know, starts happening. I’d like to be there if I can." 
Sundown glanced towards his copilot, who merely shrugged his response. Continuing his promenade around the room, Ranger Williams decided, "Exceptions can be made, but you better have solid evidence of those extenuating circumstances. I don't want to hear that all of a sudden, twelve of you have wives giving birth at the same exact time."
"Of course. I'll bring back the umbilical cord, sir." 
Pete, and a few others, couldn't stop a few snorts and chuckles from escaping. 
"Yeah, alright, jokers. Take it away, Chip." 
Ranger Piper straightened up, but remained rooted where he was as he addressed the room. "A kaiju attack can happen at any time, as evidenced in Cabo and Manila. These creatures do not adhere to business hours. As a Jaeger pilot, you need to be ready for action at a moment's notice. There will be more drills like this in the future and you will be graded on just how quickly you can become functional. Seeing as you’ve all managed to stay awake for the past few minutes, you’ve passed your first drill. Congratulations."
Clapping his hands together loudly, startling half the room, Sundown concluded, "That's all we have, folks. Y'all sleep tight now."
Lord knows when the actual chapter will be posted cuz I'm about to move and then I'm going to back to school 🙃, but I need all 3 members of the audience for this to know that I'm still here!!!!! Still thinking about this AU!!! Constantly!!!!
Tags for those audience members 😅 - @redfurrycat @milficeman @superioraxolotl @salemfrogtrials @film-in-my-soul @sadpetalsstuff @all-time-fanatic @worldsoldestpizzaslice @katieshook02 @oababy @goobieboobie @fantasias-creativebubble @straightforwardly @queenbbarnes @stilledimperfections @slutforfics @xofangirlthingsxo @cool-ultra-nerd @blue-aconite @joaquinwhorres
(let me know if you want to be tagged or want to be removed from the tags!! ❤️)
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 9 months
I'M STILL ALIVE, I bet you thought you were free from my annoyance for just a split second, didn't you? Kiyahahaha! Ahem... So I'm saving Kazui and Amane for last because you've already talked about them. and the only two people that are in front of them is Es and Jackalope ! Triple A battery (Aro/Ace/Agender) and a Minecraft Rabbit. Intriguing
Hey! Was wondering when you would send this in. It’s gonna be real awkward when we’re done here and I actually have to come up with things to post by myself lol. Unless people keep sending me questions about specific theories like with the Shidou Incident :v /lh
CW: Mentions of death and cults.
Starting with Jackalope because- does it even count as a character? It’s more of a plot device than anything. I’m pretty sure I could point to several background characters with more interesting things going on (Rei, Hinako, all the people in Bring it On who I will make a post about one day mark my words).
That’s hyperbole, of course. Jackalope is cool enough, it does what it needs to do, and while I haven’t read all the minigrams yet, it seems like a funny dude in those. It serves well enough as the somewhat-charismatic mascot that guides the audience surrogate (Es) through the insanity of the plot. I… could however do without the weird comments about some of the girls being pretty or whatever. Why are these kind of mascots always oddly horny?
Anyways, I really don’t know what else to say. I think it’s neat only Es hears it talk, that’s just funny. And the fact it cooks all the meals is just a very nice image.
Also if it’s a Minecraft rabbit does that mean I can take its feet and make a jump boost potion? How does this fit into the lore I wonder.
Whatever, who cares about that thing? We gotta talk about the teen, the myth, the legend! No interest in romance (that we know of), vaguely uncomfortable at the mere mention of sex, and uses they/them pronouns! Wow, Es is just like me fr! There is a reason I have them as my pfp, you know.
I love Es. As a concept, it’s already hilarious that the Warden of the Hell Prison is a fifteen year old amnesiac, but the fact they take it so seriously is incredible. Not just because of the very cool philosophical implications of their very peculiar worldview, but also because it’s just objectively funny. They woke up, no idea what’s going on or how they got there, immediately decided they would devote themselves wholeheartedly to the task set out by a rabbit with horns who only they can hear talk. And then sang a banger to kick the series off, Undercover goes hard.
Speaking of songs, I’ve always wondered if we’re ever gonna get another non-cover Es song. I think they deserve it, as a treat. It’d be great to get some more insight on them.
At least the covers are really good, and can be kinda funny at times. I haven’t listened to all of them, but Es’ somewhat emotionless delivery is sometimes really funny. Like, Fuuta will be over there shouting his heart out, then cut to Es like “you’re the crazy one. bang bang bang.” God I love them.
But the main part of Es’ character are all the VDs, where we get to see them really talk a bunch. And wow this kid is so silly! (Read: they’re immensely fucked up). I really want to know more about them.
Their views on morals and justice are especially interesting to me. They have such a blind faith in Milgram and in their own judgement, it’s impressive. It’s especially funny seeing them try to piece together some kind of cohesive logic as to why they voted people Innocent or Guilty out of our dumbassery.
And of course, this pride in their position and their occupation is great for foiling with several of the characters around. I want to see what they do in the Kotoko VD this Trial, I need them to go off on her ass it’s gonna be great. Fuuta’s second VD also was great for them, such an interesting dynamic. Especially because through Es, Milgram can essentially speak directly to us and confront us in our judgements. I think it’s fantastic.
And then Amane. The parallels man. The unwavering faith in a collective of really fucked up people (Amane’s cult or Milgram fandom which is worse?) guiding their actions, the way Amane sees Milgram as a potentially ideal world the same way Es has full faith in it already, the obsession with punishing wrongs, the fact they’re children!
Listen, I don’t think I need to copy paste the Puerto Rico line. You know what it is, I know what it is. It’s the most out of pocket, crazy comeback I’ve ever seen in my life. The fact it’s 100% a total lie just makes it even funnier, like Es really just said that for no reason huh? The sibling dynamic with these two is strong, I love them so much. 00-03-08 found family where the fics at?
Also speaking of Amane, you know that theory that she may have DID? I think it’d be very funny if next trial a different alter rolls up and stabs Es knowing only one of the alters is affected by Milgram rules. This is why we have to inno Amane, so our Warden doesn’t die before the end of Trial 3 you see? I’m spinning the Es post into inno Amane propaganda, how about that?
Anyways, enough Amane. So you know how Es’ amnesia is basically the biggest part of their character after their devotion to Milgram? That’s why I love when we get small indications of how Es is actually like beyond that.
Es: [Talking about Kazui potentially cheating on his wife] It’s a personal dislike of mine. People who act based on their sexual urges like that, that is. Kazui: It’s personal? E: Yeah. That’s right. K: That’s strange. I did think that, despite being neutral as a Warden, you had some things you dislike, but… E: … K: Isn’t it unusual to openly reveal a personal dislike as a personal dislike?
See? They have a personal dislike! They have individual thoughts! What’s the deal with that?! Tell me more Es please I wanna know what your deal is! Why do you hate that kind of thing I am begging hands and knees I gotta know! Unless there is no reason which is also perfectly understandable.
Es: Then…what were you aiming for with…that is…your compensated, dating…. Yuno: Why are you stammering? *Gasp* You're so pure!
Es will talk about shit like murder and organ harvesting without a stutter then get squeamish about dating and sex. Oh they just like me fr fr.
Jackalope: [tongue click and raises head] Es: Would you like me to pet you? J: NO! Open the damn door! You can tell just by looking, can’t you?! E: Ah. [footsteps] I have a question. Even though you can’t open a door by yourself, why do you act like such a hotshot?
I forgot about this line from the Es VD but it’s honestly so fucking funny. Es woke up and was already a snarky bastard, God I love them.
The point is that Es isn’t just an audience stand-in blank slate, not fully. And I love them for that. Especially when sometimes their views very evidently contradict the fandom’s majority.
Es will be like “oh Shidou you are the type of person I hate the most. Anyways let me hit that Innocent button, how about that, how does that make you feel bitch?” And of course there’s the inherent silliness of things like “sure Muu committed violent and near-remorseless murder, but Fuuta has a Twitter. I think the Guilty one here is obvious.” Why does Es even trust us anymore?
I have a lot of thoughts about the Legal Adult in Puerto Rico According to Themselves and Themselves Only, but I kinda don’t wanna go look at every single VD ever released at the moment. Might make a more detailed analysis… some day. Don’t hold your breath though.
Final note is the eleventh cell thing from their VD.
Es: What about over there? At eleven o’clock. In that room… Is there no prisoner? Its door is even older than the others—rusty. There’s no lock on the outside as well.
While I don’t know what the deal with it being older would be, currently what I’m predicting is that someone could eventually die because of Es’ (our) judgement, presumably after their song releases in Trial 3, and then Es would be considered a murderer by Milgram rules. Thus, they would need a cell, and they end up getting judged themselves. I think it’d be very fun, though obviously I’d prefer no one dies. I’m not sure there’s any way to prevent that, though, even if Shidou goes unharmed this Trial I feel there’s enough conflict that someone will eventually die. I’m getting off track.
Anyways, hope that was enough for now! Take care!
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