#girl we need to get you vitamin D supplements or something
sillyroundkatie · 2 years
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Dr Armance Zwanziger, also known as 100% of your daily recommended protein intake 💪
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sanguinifex · 1 year
Y’know the “classic children’s literature” canon is largely pretty fucked up.
C.S. Lewis was racist and homophobic and sexist, not to mention Extremely Christian and trying to convert you (seriously, there are exactly 2 books where the bad guys aren’t women or Muslims by another name, and one of those 2 doesn’t even have an antagonist once Eustace gets un-dragoned)
Roald Dahl was notoriously antisemitic and just kind of misogynistic in general. Keeps trying to sell the idea that ugly people are inherently evil and pretty people are inherently good. Also like the Oompa Loompas are a) canonically black in the books and b) slave labor, and this is promoted as positive? Charlie’s dad would’ve had a job if Wonka hadn’t been literally stealing people to avoid paying workers. Also, like, the nerve of leaving a chocolate factory to a random kid who knows nothing about chocolate except it tastes good, when probably at least a dozen of the Oompa Loompas are qualified to run the place. Like, Dahl is great at giving people nightmares, but the inherent assumptions begin the worlds he builds are not something I want to give to a 10-year-old and tell them it’s Great Literature and something to emulate, the way I was. (Also, I was actually 8, come to think of it.)
JKR. Well. Besides the TERFery and racism/antisemitism. There’s just a complete disregard for bodily autonomy that’s so present in her work that it becomes obvious it’s part of how she views the world? Like, it’s supposed to be a funny joke to slip someone a potion that turns them into a canary. Admittedly the delivery of that line was 109% but like. What if he’d got stuck like that? You can’t just transmogrify people like that without asking them. You also shouldn’t do the “muggle” equivalent like putting Nair in someone’s shampoo. That’s assault, Joanie. I think this also feeds into her transphobia, because she just doesn’t seem to have anything that would hold her back from swapping someone’s gender for giggles if she were able to. It’s not just the HP series, either, it’s her works aimed at adults as well. Like, she’d be the type to barge into the bathroom while you’re peeing and then get offended when you’re upset by this because “We’re all girls here.” But oh it’s a modern classic and you have to read it to understand nerd culture…well, you could make that argument 10 years ago but it’s a bit less solid in 2023. I wouldn’t ban a kid from reading it, but I wouldn’t give them a box set. If they brought it home from the library I’d give a quick talk that I’m not mad at them for reading it but they should be aware that the author is a jerk.
Stephanie Meyer: Completely inescapable if you were a tween girl anywhere between 2005 and 2010. You had to plough through 4 doorstoppers of toxic Mormon heterosexuality just to understand what anyone was talking about. Like, I think it should be shelved with a pamphlet about healthy vs unhealthy relationships in it. Also, like, Meyer profited off the names of Native people and didn’t give them a cent. Also Bella you need a vampire like a fish needs a bicycle, just take some vitamin D supplements and you’ll get over him
Again, I’m not saying “don’t read these books.” Many of them are well-written and have historic and sociological and literary value. This post is about how we tell children that these demonstrably bigoted authors, whose bigotry shines through in their writing because they’re too unaware of it to file it down, that these are Great Writers and suitable to emulate. It’s not just that bigotry could be absored by young readers, it’s also that ir build a false foundation that will crumble under literary analysis, creating a life of doubting one’s own word choices, among other problems!
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bio-life-boost · 1 year
What are the best dietary sources of calcium for middle-aged women, and how can they strike the right balance between food and supplements to ensure strong bone health?
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Hey there! Today, I wanna chat about something super cool and important, especially if you're a middle-aged lady or know someone who is. We're gonna break down the whole calcium thing and how it can do wonders for your health. So, grab a snack and let's get into it!
Calcium: More Than Just Bones
You've probs heard that calcium is all about strong bones, right? Well, yeah, that's true, but it's just the tip of the iceberg. Calcium is like a superhero mineral that does a ton of stuff. It keeps your muscles doing their thing, helps your nerves talk to each other, and even deals with blood clotting. If you're a middle-aged woman, calcium is your secret health weapon.
The Battle Against Osteoporosis
Now, let's talk about osteoporosis. It's like a sneaky troublemaker, quietly weakening your bones until it's too late. But here's the good news: you can totally take it on! Calcium, along with some vitamin D and a bit of exercise, is your trusty sidekick.
Hormones and the Calcium Connection
Ladies, as we get older, our hormones go a bit bonkers, especially when menopause comes into the picture. These hormonal changes can mess with our bones, making them less dense. But don't sweat it; a diet rich in calcium can be your hero during this time.
And to help you on this journey, here is one of the best calcium supplements: >>>Try this today<<<
Where to Find Calcium
So, where can you score this magical mineral? Well, there are plenty of options. The classic sources are dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese – they're calcium champs. But if dairy isn't your thing, no worries! You can turn to plant-based alternatives like fortified almond milk or get your greens in with kale and broccoli. Tasty and good for you!
To Supplement or Not to Supplement
In some cases, you might need a little extra help. Calcium supplements can come to the rescue, but remember to chat with a healthcare pro before diving into the supplement world. They'll help you find that sweet spot.
Finding the Right Balance: Food vs. Supplements
You might be wondering if you should go all-in with food or consider supplements. It's a legit question, so let's break it down.
The Art of Absorption
Here's a fun fact: calcium doesn't always play nice when it comes to absorption. It depends on stuff like your vitamin D levels, age, and certain meds. Keep an eye on these things to make sure your body is soaking up the calcium.
Magnesium: The Calcium Partner in Crime
What's cooler than a superhero? A superhero team! Calcium and magnesium are like Batman and Robin. Magnesium helps calcium get absorbed and keeps pesky things like kidney stones in check, which can be more of a hassle as we age.
Keeping Your Bones Strong with Exercise
Don't forget to keep those bones strong with some exercise! Walking, running, and even a bit of weight training are awesome for maintaining bone density. Combine that with a calcium-packed diet, and you're on fire!
Wrapping It Up
So, there you have it. Calcium is your best buddy when it comes to keeping in tip-top shape as a middle-aged lady. Osteoporosis and its pals don't stand a chance when you make the right moves, from your diet to staying active and considering those hormone changes. You got this, girl!
And to help you on this journey, here is one of the best calcium supplements: >>>Try this today<<<
#CalciumRichFoods #BoneHealthForMiddleAgedWomen #MenopauseAndCalcium #CalciumSupplements #MagnesiumAndCalciumAbsorption #PreventingOsteoporosis #ExerciseForBoneDensity #HormonalChanges #BalancingDietAndSupplements #HealthyBones
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celinegabor · 3 years
How To Become A Green Juice Girl In 2022
Green juice girl - to know her is to love her. We've seen the mood boards and we've seen the green juice recipes but what does it really mean to embody being a green juice girl?
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A green juice girl is not just a girl who drinks green juice. A green juice girl is a is someone who cares about their overall wellness & wellbeing. They prioritize whole ingredients, simplicity, and thoroughness in their regimen as it pertains to their health.
So how can YOU become a green juice girl in 2022?
Being a green juice girl is all about feeling so good on the inside that it shows up on the outside so obviously what we consume is what's most important.
Being a green juice girl is all about feeling so good on the inside that it shows up on the outside so obviously what we consume is what's most important.
Work on eating whole foods, seasonal ingredients, and eliminating food intolerances. Prioritizing nutrient dense foods will result in so many superficial benefits like clear skin, a slimmer waistline, and the glow we see in green juice girls!
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2. Move in ways that make you FEEL good first before moving to achieve an aesthetic. Move 3x a week for a minimum of 30 mins.
Moving to feel good is ULTRA important on your green juice girl journey. Why? Because feeling good means we are doing what is necessary to release stress. And relieving negative stress will make positive room in our lives for POSITIVE stressors aka challenges.
Moving to feel good also includes moving in ways that promote LONG term health. For example, lifting heavy can be a great thing but if lifting heavy causes you more injury & physical stress than functionality - maybe sacrifice your ego and do something lighter.
There is no shame in doing things such as yoga, pilates, or home body weight workouts. You can still achieve a great physique!
Being a green juice girl is about prioritizing your entire being - keep that in mind.
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3. Be sure to get adequate rest!
Sleeping for 8 hours or as close as you can to it - is a MUST especially if you are a woman. Not getting enough rest wrecks your body and your endocrine system (hormones) and when your hormonal system is out of rhythm you are asking for a slew of other problems.
I know that this is SO cliche, but I promise it is NOT cliche in practice. You will feel a physical and mental difference when you get enough rest.
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4. Start with your GUT health.
Your gut is the KEY to so much of your entire body's health because it is a huge part of what makes up your immune system. When your gut bacteria isn't where it needs to be or we ignore our food intolerances - we harm our immune system.
We can help our guts by eating fermented foods, taking a good prebiotic and probiotic supplement (or foods). We should also supplement with vitamin C/D/E, zinc, magnesium, and glutathione.
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This doesn't mean be a jerk to those around you. It means don't rush your YOU time. Anything that involves you and only you and your self-care .... take your time. Be intentional. Pay attention to how things make you feel. The sensation of washing your face, the way it feels when you shower or bathe. The smells of making your breakfast. The taste of your morning tea.
Doing so will really help you to stay present and bring you a little joy to your everyday.
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6. Keep it simple.
Simplifying your life is such a green just girl trait. A simple life is luxurious one girls I promise you. Simplifying your life means shrinking down your to-do list, saying no more often, and working smarter not harder.
If it means asking for help, chunking your big projects into smaller pieces, or even letting go of what no longer serves you (friends, relationships, projects, habits), or making simple recipes to give yourself more time to do what you love - do it! Take that risk and do it!
Release and make room for bigger and better. You will not miss out. Everything that is for you in your life will come with surrender and when you move with your peace as a priority.
Think of taking care of your mind, body, soul, and dreams as a giant magnet that brings you everything you need because that's exactly what it is.
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7. Document and repeat this entire process.
Start a blog, start a twitter page, start a journal. Documenting your journey will show you so much about yourself. You'll find yourself becoming your own best friend which is key to a long healthy life, and it'll fill you with pride.
As you learn to love yourself in this way as a green juice girl - you'll become more and more in-tune with what needs adjusting. You'll begin to see both negative & positive patterns, but you won't feel guilty about any of it because this entire process has taught you what SELF LOVE truly looks like.
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Juice Recipes I Love:
note: you can blend these in a blender you'd just have to squeeze out the juice into a glass with a cloth & be sure to drink right away.
Green Juice for Beginners
Lemon Apple Green Juice
Green Detox Juice
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You should write about Harry or Artemis talking to the baby in her belly.
+ a little bit of quarantining with artemis and we find out the gender!!
you can find more of my shy little boy here
it wasn't like Harry hated technology or something. Although he didn't like to use it a lot, he had to admit it comes in handy sometimes, especially in times like these where entertaining a six-year-old was becoming a hard task lately, and Y/n and Harry were feeling like they were running out of ideas to keep him happy.
Now, he would never admit it, but he actually didn't feel like the worst parent ever when he handed Artemis an iPad or his phone whenever he started to get cranky. It was a quick, easy solution rather than playing a six hours long monopoly game where his son would be in a bad mood because he was losing. The more time they spent at home, the more Artemis would feel like he was losing his mind. He missed the park, school, his grandmas. He hated his change of routine and in all honesty, so did Y/n and Harry.
Back in December of last year, Anne had given little Artemis a Nintendo Switch for his birthday. Now, the boy loved the gift and, according to him, the best he got out of all the other gifts people gave him for his birthday. But despite how much he loved it, Artemis' screen time was very little since he already had eye problems at six-years-old, his parents wouldn't risk making it worse.
But ever since the pandemic started, they had allowed him a little more time playing with electronics since there wasn't a lot he could do. Lately, he's been obsessed with Animal Crossing and he could play for hours. Plus, the game has forced him to practice his reading with the instructions and stuff the game had and that was the only way he'd accept doing the task.
Harry made the decision of buying one for himself to play with his son and he had to admit, that game was sucking the life out of him.
"You have to complete the commissions to get the gifts." Harry said, sitting on the couch next to Artemis while watching him play. He was currently at uncle Michal's island just because.
"Harry, did you call Gemma? The doctor's appointment is tomorrow."
"I'll text her in a moment."
As the eighteenth week of the pregnancy rolled in, Y/n started to grow anxious to know whether they were expecting a girl or a boy, not because she had a preference or anything, she was just excited to start choosing potential names for their baby. She hopes this appointment would be the one and their little one would finally be in the right position since the last time they went, the genitals of the baby weren't visible.
So for tomorrow's appointment, they needed to know if Gemma could babysit Artemis for a couple of hours while they were out. They had mentioned to her in one of their facetime calls, but Y/n's doctor had to change the date and so they had to confirm Harry's sister.
"Will I go to Auntie Gemma's tomorrow?" Artemis looked up at his mum.
"Yeah, only for a little bit while we're out."
"We're going to the doctor, remember?" Artemis nodded at Harry. "We'll know the gender of your sibling."
"Can it be a girl?" Artemis repeated the same question he's been asking ever since he found out about the pregnancy. Harry chuckled, running a hand through his blonde curls.
"I've told you that's not how it works, buddy. We can't pick whether if it's a girl or a boy."
"Yes, we can." Artemis rolled his eyes as he hopped off the couch, walking towards his mum. He placed his small hands on Y/n's tummy making her smile. "Please, please be a girl. Girls are better, plus you'll look like mummy."
The two adults in the room looked at each other with wide smiles on their faces.
"I'm sure you've convinced them, mate."
Y/n held Harry's hand nervously as they walked inside of the building. They were wearing hoodies and their masks covered most of their faces but they still wouldn't risk getting recognized. They've been doing so well keeping it a secret it almost feels surreal. Although they knew they couldn't hide it forever, both of them made the decision of going through the pregnancy as privately as possible, and the pandemic helped a little bit with that since they could stay at home and while Y/n still had to give online classes via zoom or whatever, she wasn't really showing at that time so no one noticed.
For safety reasons, the clinic only offered a few appointments per day and each of them had a certain amount of time in between so they just had to wait a few minutes before a nurse called them in. Harry let his girlfriend enter first and took a seat on one of the chairs after she did. Y/n was still playing with Harry's hand that she kept on her lap, the feeling of excitement becoming too big to hide.
"We'll love them regardless." Harry remained her.
"We'll love them regardless." She repeated, giving his hand one last squeeze before the doctor walked in. The middle-aged woman was wearing a mask, but Y/n could bet she was smiling behind it.
"Hello. We got the results of the tests we did on you last week, sorry we took so long but things are kind of chaotic in here." She said, sitting down on the chair behind her desk. "It appears that everything is fine so far. We checked your blood but also your sensitivities to food so I've made an advice plan for you." She handed them a folder. "You're well on the vitamins, so nothing to worry there. Now, your vitamin D is a little low so we'll get you a supplement." Y/n glazed at Harry quickly, noticing how he was containing a giggle. "Unfortunately, in the food department, chicken eggs are very high so I recommend you stay away from those for a year." The doctor pointed at the space that said 'food'. "As you can see, the line is red which means the level is pretty high."
She kept explaining some other things before she guided the couple to where they were going to do the ultrasound. Y/n laid down on the bed with Harry's help and winced a little when the cold gel hit her exposed skin. Soon enough, an image of their baby appeared on the screen along with a heartbeat, making them gasp.
"Looks like we're in the right position. Do we want to know what are we having?" The doctor looked back at them.
"Please." Y/n choked a sob, squeezing Harry's hand a little tighter.
"Congratulations, you're having a baby girl."
Who would have thought Artemis' persuasion tactics would actually work?
@myfavfanficsever @odetostep @la-cey @cock-a-doodely-doo @awkwardbullfrog @mellamolayla @moorgannn @bagtan-serendipity @awesomebooklover17 @finelineribs @sunnybusiness @beanholland @sweetenerstyle @cronias13 @vhsharry @maisley @seasidecrowbar @stylesfics-xx @autumnpauley20 @fineline-hs @stephaniemalvie @immajustreadwritereblog @jadert15 @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @abundanceofsoph @megaprincesscakes @daylightqueenxx @sonofabitchstyles
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recommendedtoelle · 3 years
Cultivating Mental Health
Checklist for When You’re in a Slump
Have you eaten something nutritious?
Have you taken your meds?
Did you drink enough water?
Did you leave your room?
Have you gone outside?
Did you check in with friends or family?
Did you get enough rest?
Have you showered recently?
Are you wearing clean clothes?
Did you wash your face?
Is your space clean?
Did you brush your teeth?
Obsessive Thinking
Seeking Reassurance
Recovering from People Pleasing
Reflection Questions for Anxiety
Dealing with Catastrophic Thinking
SIFT Method
What Anxiety Can Be Trying to Tell Us
Dopamine menu
Healthy responses to enforce boundaries
Coping Strategies
Meditation and breathwork
Forming healthy habits
Clench all of the muscles in your body for a few seconds and release them when you’re overwhelmed
Therapistaid Worksheets
Small tips
@imperfectinspiration planners
Trauma-Informed Therapy
Somatic therapy
Movement therapy
Art therapy
Craniosacral therapy
Nature therapy
Brain spotting
Inner child work
Find a Therapist
Inclusive Therapists Directory
Therapy Den
Violet (LGBTQ)
Therapy for LatinX
Asian Mental Health Collective Directory
South Asian Therapists
National Queer and Trans Therapists of Color Network
Therapy for Black Men
Therapy for Black Girls
Melanin and Mental Health
Coping with imperfection
Distinguishing healthy self-care from perfectionism
Getting outside and over a “slump”
Real Self Care
Self-care vs. Self-sabotage
Feeling Like You’re “Too Much”
Have I held space for my own emotions lately or am I expecting other people to do it for me?
What content have I been consuming? (Social media, shows, music)
Am I surrounding myself with people who make me feel celebrated or who unknowingly affirm my insecurities and fears?
Small Habits
Don’t make jokes about wanting to die
Compliment someone else at least 4 times a day
Initiate conversation as often as possible
Treat your intrusive thoughts like they’re an edgy 13 year old
Don’t talk to people who usually make you feel bad
Boundaries for Social Media
I will only spend two hours a day on social media
I won’t scroll in bed
I will unfollow accounts that don’t promote my wellbeing
I will block accounts that don’t promote my wellbeing
I will not use social media to stalk my former partners
I will share things that give me joy instead of seeking approval
I will take detox breaks every three months
I will delete apps that begin to impact my mental health
Vitamin D
Omega 3s
HPA Adapt
ADHD: make sure to get enough protein and hydrate!
Avoidance: These Things Make Your Life Much Worse
Distractions: TV, keeping overly busy, video games
Opting out: withdrawing from people, places, and situations
Thinking: thought challenging, stopping, and replacing
Substances/self harm
Your message is getting lost in your mess (@destini.ann)
Feel deal heal
If it’s hysterical, it’s historical
Behavior is communication
Connect before you correct
Perspective Shifts
If you don’t say no, your body will do it for you
Other people’s emotions are not your responsibility
You are not your emotions
Pity is disempowering
People only have power over you when you give them your attention
The opposite of trauma is play
Whether you think you can or you cannot, you’re right
We don’t grow without challenges
Willingness to fail is the key to success
I deserve more compassion than this
My mental health is worth more than this task
I don’t need to earn my rest
Perfection doesn’t exist
I am going to take a break and try again later
I’m not a machine, don’t treat me like one
Signs I’m Doing Well
Waking up earlier
Eating well
Spending time in nature
Seeing friends
Going on Duolingo
Dressing nicely
Creative hobbies
Showing Up for Myself
Wearing my fave makeup and clothes
Doing my hair
Making my bed every morning
Annoying Advice that Actually Works
Squeeze an ice cube in your hand to calm down
Deep breathing
Grounding (54321 method)
Go for a walk
Opposite action
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Owl House s2e4
I keep wanting to post my “““liveblog”““ commentary on this one but it made me Too Emotional to do my usual raving. (My threshold for verbiage when I’m Actually Feeling Emotions is waaay low, okay. At a certain point, I legitimately can’t Make Words Fit the Feelings. So I never figured out what I really want to say about this episode.)
But with my spoon count being critically low lately and the fact that I’m now 3 episodes behind, I just want to post it As Is and get caught up!
So here’s my commentary with Massive Spoilers for “Keeping Up A-Fear-Ances”!
I have a Lot of Questions alongside the feelings, too.
Oooh, stone backstory? Unexpected but welcome.
So uhh. Where did Lilith get her blue stone? Just the "fashionable" thing?
"We have never seen a curse quite like this."
I want to know who came up with this crock of horrible. Had they ever experimented with it on someone else? The demon equivalent of animal testing? Is it lesser curses combined like the unholy glyph amalgamation Eda created?
Upon rewatch: I'm realizing this is where she probably got the idea to use potions for it! Overhearing the Healing Coven guy recommending it. Eda Actually Implemented the Healer’s Advice, and LO. IT MADE A DIFFERENCE.
Oh wow, I'm not very good at gauging visuals, but Eda must have run away quite young.
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The poster on the bottom right.
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The hair. The guyliner.
Eda listened to emo boy bands, apparently.
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I Will Never Look Upon Sharp Iron Railings The Same Way Ever Again.
(it’s a Locked Tomb thing. It’s a Pavlovian reaction. It’s also a Nexus thing and it’s also Big Emotional. HHHHFF)
...Oh. Huh. So... the suitcase kinda just. Came out of nowhere?
First Hooty, now this thing?
Eda's morning routine looks so much like me on weekdays.
The fridge just says "C O O L".
"I had no idea this is what I did to you. I am so, so sorry."
Big :C Feelings. Too big for me to write about, but I'm feeling them.
"What? Suddenly curious about my past?"
"Always. ALWAYS curious."
Oh, dang, me too. Definitely me too.
(Give me ALL the worldbuilding! All the character developement! All the lore! All the random little bits of trivia that makes this world so CHARMING. But especially about the Clawthornes.)
...What's that thing on Gwendolyn's wrist? Right wrist? It kinda reminds me of flan. Or maybe a banana split.
I feel like it's maybe a coven mark, but I can't tell what it is, let alone which one it's for. She joined the Beast Coven, right?
"And who knows what they put in those nasty concoctions."
"Actually, I do."
So why doesn't she make her own, then? Why does she have to buy them from an elixir guy if she knows what's in them?
(Then again, I know what's in my medications and supplements, but that doesn't mean I can grow my own valerian and rhodiola and make my own vitamins and CERTAINLY can't make my own prescription meds, even if I theoretically Know How.)
...I am so very glad that my mother doesn't treat me like Gwendolyn treats Lilith. My father's kinda... ehhhh. It's super complicated with him... and don't even get me started on my stepmother.
But my mother WILL go out of her way to spend time with me, wants to talk to me, frequently asks how my week's going, helps me figure things out, or just talk... and it's really nice to have her.
Gwen, basically: I'll only help you if you help me.
Does she really need Luz's help that bad? Would she have helped her if Luz couldn't give her anything in return? And really, what DOES Luz offer her?
Squints real hard.
What use does a healer need with those powerful artifacts?
Big Distrust.
(Post-rewatch reaction: V I N D I C A T I O N . )
Snowy Ribcage, Swampy Toes, Palm Stings?
So the Giant (Titan?*) that comprises Boiling Isles isn't just a decoration, it's used for geography. We've seen, if I remember correctly, the ribcage and (leg bones, maybe?), but this tells us the skeletal remains may indeed be complete!
(* I've been following a theory that it's the bones of The Titan they venerate, possibly even where their magic comes from. That does beg questions on how it died, if it's even really dead, and how long it's been there if it's so decayed. How long before there was life on the corpus?)
"didn't even stick around to watch you hatch"-- I mean, to be fair, from the sound of it, with King saying "something happened" (but he was too small to do anything), he probably WANTED to stick around and watch him hatch, But Something Happened.
"Knife season came early this year."
STKFGHNLDLVJAI. Speaking of charming lore. Knife season?
...the... night market... even has ice cream? I mean I'm glad they get to experience ice cream on The Boiling Isles, but now I'm seriously trying to figure out what it tastes like.
Especially "Franken-Fruit".
Oh no.
Oh no.
Baby's first transformation. <:c
....what happens if the "inner beast" catches inner Eda? Is that her way of fighting the curse even when she's “overtaken”?
Is Gwen saying "sweet flea", right, not "sweet glee"?
"Still got it!"
So it looks like Mama's where Eda gets at least some of her power from, huh?
And/or cleverness that kept Eda on the run.
How many times has Mama Clawthorne done this, I wonder?
.......So Mama Gwen has both beastkeeping magic, and could summon those tiles, which seems like it would be more construction coven magic?
Does this count as a kaiju fight? (probably not because they're not big enough. But the thought amused me.)
"Dang. That is GOOD elixir."
Miracle in a bottle, love.
(I know the feel because when they finally FINALLY tried the meds that actually WORK with my absolutely miserable stomach condition, the relief just to be able to do things normally SOMETIMES is so immense. When you spend so long desperate to make it stop and it just, doesn't, after trying *so many things*, when you finally find something that works even just MOST of the time, you take it and you keep it as close as you can.)
I don't really have the spoons to get into it or even figure out how to Do Vague Emoting right now, but every Gwendolyn is saying in the last quarter of the episode is Making Me Emotional. (Especially when she's calming her daughters. T~T)
"Titan's Blood"? Bones I get, but where do they get the blood??? (I want to say it's a plant sap or something, like dragon's blood, but I don't want to commit to it.)
Not the only human to have lived in Bonesborough? "Titan's Blood"?
Why am I thinking Emperor Belos? (He seems to need some sort of... ichor... to power him. Like artificial witch bile, maybe.)
Although, Gwen talks about her "great grandmother" telling her about this other human. 50 years (of Belos' rule) could be two or three generations, more like two really, but we don't know how old Belos is, or really where he comes from. He could have been that human her great-grandmother knew about before he became Emperor.
Also, the fact that "Titan's blood" can cause leaks BOTH ways... Doppelganger Luz?
Real question is, was she an INTENTIONAL plant, or an accidental leak?
The Suitcase Portal can be opened intentionally, so can Titan's Blood be used intentionally, too? (Is the Suitcase Portal powered by Titan's Blood?)
"Someday MY hair is gonna be big enough to do that, too."
Girl's got a dream!
(And King's "You actually WANT that?" made me grin.)
So they even reincorporated the fire bees from s2e1! But have they addressed what happened with the scrying potion Lilith made up for them? What did they see? Anything worth mentioning? Or was the narrative framing meant to be more about Lilith Making The Gesture than The Discoveries?
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mellometal · 3 years
Hey, everyone.
If you saw the post from earlier, I had to delete it. There were things I forgot to discuss and things that didn't get saved into my drafts. Sorry if you have to see this again.
I've been WAITING to talk about Glee. Not in the good way either. There's so much wrong with the show, and it's sickening. Yes, I've watched the show last year. Against my will, but that's because of other people refusing to put on anything else besides Glee. I can say that I hate Glee with my entire being. (My initial reason for hating it was because they covered "SING" by My Chemical Romance and turned it into a slow, patriotic song when it's a song about rebellion. NOTHING about "SING" is patriotic. I hated the show since I first heard about it...for that very reason. I was like thirteen or so at the time when I first heard about Glee? Despite it being out since 2009.
Though it's been over for several years now, it's a show that many people have mixed feelings about. From what I've seen, you either love Glee or you absolutely hate it. There's no in-between that I've seen. (If you can't already tell, I hate the show.)
The show is a literal dumpster fire, the characters are all fucking awful people and all of them are poorly written, the script pisses me off, it literally makes me feel disgusting, and don't even get me started on the covers. Most of the covers aren't that good. A lot of them sound like nails on a chalkboard to me. The pacing of the show makes NO sense in certain areas (like when Blaine was initially made to be a grade above Kurt, but was then changed to be like the same grade as him so he'd stay). It just feels like everyone in the show is either a Mary Sue, a Gary Stu, their whole personality is just that they're from a minority group or they're EDGY AND HARDCORE DELINQUENTS BLEEEEHHHHH, creepy as fuck, bigoted as all hell, or they're just background characters who occasionally have the spotlight.
TW: The following post and any other posts that I'll make about this show contains subject matter that may be triggering for some audiences. It will go into subjects like racism, homophobia, ableism, outing of a person in the LGBT community, bigotry in general, statutory r@pe (between teachers and students), teachers being creepy towards students, mentioned past child m0l3stati0n and invalidation of the victim's trauma, making fun of su1c1d3, making fun of overdose, making fun of drug addiction....a lot of fucked up things.
If anything mentioned above is triggering for you, please feel free to scroll and consume safe media instead. I'd rather have you be safe than to be triggered by anything I'm gonna talk about.
Let's start off easy. The characters. It's easy to tear them apart. At least the most problematic ones.
Rachel, the Main Character™️, is textbook definition of a Mary Sue. Instead of calling her Rachel, I'm gonna call her Mary Sue for the whole post. She's almost completely perfect (like too perfect), her flaws are minor if anything, she gets all the special treatment....you get the picture. When Mary Sue does anything fucked up or she says anything fucked up, it either goes unnoticed, people make up excuses for her being a shitty person, or it gets twisted so it looks like Mary Sue is the hero! (I hate her. So much. I cannot stand her.)
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Aaawwww, Mary Sue didn't want some OTHER GIRL (Sunshine) to steal HER spotlight, so she SENT THIS GIRL TO A CRACK HOUSE. A FUCKING CRACK HOUSE, OF ALL PLACES. A PLACE WHERE THIS GIRL COULD HAVE BEEN PUT IN SERIOUS DANGER. THIS GIRL COULD HAVE BEEN SERIOUSLY INJURED AT BEST AND KILLED AT WORST. Yes, I'm aware not all drug houses are the same, but still. It doesn't matter what this girl did. What Sunshine did is irrelevant. It's not okay to send people to strange places where they don't know anyone, and are put in danger, even to the point of either getting injured or killed. But it's okay, because at least it's not an "active" crack house you sent Sunshine to, RIGHT, Mary Sue? You still sent some poor girl to a place where she could have been put in serious danger, even to possibly get injured or killed, all because you didn't want her to steal YOUR spotlight. You fucking disgusting, entitled, bratty cunt. You don't need the spotlight all the time anyway. THAT'S HOW THEATRE WORKS. YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET THE LEAD ROLE. YOU DON'T ALWAYS GET THE ROLE YOU WANT. AND THAT'S OKAY. YOU WORK WITH WHAT YOU GOT. Sincerely, a theatre kid.
There are other fucked up things Mary Sue has done, but this is the one thing I could find anyone talking about. If I remember correctly, she hurt her Gay Best Friend™️ Kurt in some way. All I remember is that Kurt was mad at Mary Sue about something. Mary Sue is annoying as fuck. What else can I say about her?
Next, we have Finn, who's textbook definition of a Gary Stu. I'll call him Gary Stu throughout this post. I hate this fucker too. He's the Main Character's Boyfriend™️, the Hot Quarterback™️, and The Good Guy™️. Yet....he's not a good person. He's treated like he's a good person, but he's really not. His flaws are fairly minor and excused (and any major flaws aren't even talked about much), he's almost completely perfect, and every fucked up thing he does is ignored or is justified in some way. Like how he outed Santana as lesbian in the hallway WITHIN EARSHOT OF EVERYONE. HE DIDN'T EVEN APOLOGIZE FOR THIS.
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As a woman who has struggled with her sexuality growing up, this really brought back shit I went through. I "dated" boys when I was younger to cover up the fact that I'm only attracted to other women. I wasn't happy with these guys at all. I acted like I did so nobody would suspect anything. I felt nothing for them, except for in a platonic way. I've been outed twice. Once when I thought I was bisexual with a strong preference for other women (by my dad's girlfriend at the time), and when I came out as lesbian (by my brother). It sucks to be outed. The people who outed me in real life could have put me in danger. They could have made it so I had no place to go back to. They could have had me get hurt. It's a scary feeling. Like, it doesn't matter if you're supportive or if you're in the LGBT community. You don't fucking out people without their explicit permission. You especially don't out people to their abusers or to people they don't trust, let alone out them publicly. That's what happened to me. I don't wish this on anyone.
***By the way, for anyone who's closeted, you're valid, I love you, and I know how it feels to be stuck in the closet. You don't have to come out right now. Come out whenever you're ready to. Whenever it's safe for you to do so.***
Or how about the fact that Gary Stu made fun of Kurt's voice because he's gay? Gary Stu apparently has ✨anger issues✨ and that's pretty much the excuse they use to justify him doing fucked up shit to people.
They treat the characters who are from minority groups (i.e., BIPOC, AAPI, LGBT community, disabled people) like absolute garbage, put them through all this horrific shit, or they put them on a pedestal simply for being in a minority group. The teachers and other school staff are either written to be total bigots (Sue), or they're total pr3dators (Mr. Schue, the school nurse, and another teacher who I can't remember her name off the top of my head).
Sue pretty much only exists to be a poorly written villain who's a bigoted bitch just to be a bigoted bitch. Yes, there were some things she WAS right about (like how "Blurred Lines" wasn't an appropriate song choice for the Glee Club™️, but Mr. Schue The Pr3dator™️ downplayed it). Other than that...that's all I can think of. Because everything else that came out of her mouth was bigoted bullshit. Like these right here, for example:
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Or how she drugged the principal, date r@ped him, and blackmailed him?
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How about them making a tasteless joke about Sue committing su1c1d3 and having her "overdose" on multivitamin gummies?
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DO I NEED TO EXPLAIN HOW FUCKED UP ALL OF THIS IS? I do? Well, first of all, she called people racist, homophobic, ableist, and otherwise disgusting names. She boiled them down to their race, sexual orientation, their disability, and their appearance in general. Second, SHE DRUGGED, BLACKMAILED, AND DATE R@PED SOMEBODY. I don't think I need to explain how that's bad. The evidence is right there. Third, she said she was committing "sue-icide" by overdosing on multivitamin gummies. (Yes, you actually can OD on vitamins in supplement form, and it can cause serious symptoms and even death. Specifically with vitamins A, D, E, and K, and Iron. Vitamins A, D, E, and K are fat-soluble. They're a lot harder to remove from the body. The B vitamins and vitamin C aren't as severe if you do OD on them because they're water-soluble, but still be careful. You can't OD on vitamins and minerals you find in food. If you take supplements, vitamins, etc., only take what's on the bottle.) As someone who has su1c1d@l thoughts on and off, this is extremely insulting. Yes, I do use humor and I joke about my own experiences to cope, but this? Nah. Nothing about this is funny or cute in the slightest. Enough said.
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Do I need to explain how fucking terrible it is to make light of a serious topic like this? It was never funny to see Britney Spears' mental health be at that low of a point in 2007. It was never funny to see the abuse the paparazzi inflicted on her. How the fuck was this ever okay? You can dislike Britney Spears all you want, but this was never it.
This is all I have for now. I'll probably make a part two because there are way too many things to talk about.
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107thbarnes · 5 years
vitamin d | bucky barnes
request: bucky x anemic reader
summary: basically, bucky helping his anemic girl! features our favorite steve, sam, natasha, and quick tony!
a/n: this looked very different in my mind that i cannot write action scenes but here we are & this is what i have to offer! feedbacks are so greatly appreciated! shoutout to our anemic fellas there, keep doin’ you & take care of yourselves!
“Slow down!” 
Bucky hid behind a sack of sand, with a gun on his hand as he aimed and shoot. The bullets came pouring on both of you, and you docked behind a trench, peeping every few seconds to also aim and shoot. Bucky was ahead of you, shouting and yelling for you but his voice was overpowered by the bullets. 
“What did you say?!”
“I said,” you screamed, docking and loading more bullets into your pistol. “Slow down!”
Bucky ignored you, firing ahead his gun as he sling his duffel on his back. You continued to aim forward, firing and firing until one of them dropped down as it hit their shoulder. Suddenly, somebody bumped into you, their shoulder hitting yours. Your eyes met the blues of your partner as he pursed his lips while he loaded his gun. 
“What are you doing here?!”
He leaned in forward, coming out of the trench to shoot, “I’m gonna carry you out of here!”
He hitched a breath as he slid down the trench beside you, and looked at his shoulder. A bullet grazed his shoulder. “You heard me,” he groaned, twisting and stretching it. “Come on!” 
Before you could even say anything, Bucky carried you— bridal style. His hands firmly carried you by the knees and back as he flushed you against his body. He huffed and puffed, carrying you, and you felt guilty enough but this was a better choice for you. 
Who thought being anemic and running would be good for you?
Bucky docked behind a wall, breathing hard, still holding you. 
“Okay, new plan,” he breathed heavily, lifting his hand underneath you to push his hair away, “I run and you shoot, got it?”
“Got it,” you answered, checking your gun. Luckily, Bucky has his Skorpion behind his body, and you could use that incase you need a backup. 
“Yep,” you answered, slinging your back in front. “I’m ready.”
Seconds later, both of you are on the run—technically, he’s running and you’re enjoying the feel of his grip on your body, and the wind on your face. Although there’s a shower of bullets on both of you, he’s got you covered. Bucky carried you tightly against his chest, and you can feel his heart beat fast, as well his heavy breathing from his nose. 
“Am I heavy?” You asked, jokingly as you aimed. 
“Yeah,” he breathed. 
You retreated from aiming, and looked at his face. This man is covered in dirt and never ending bullets— yet there’s a stupid smile on his face. He heaved you up against his chest, and looked back at you. His twinkled and he has the audacity to wink at you. 
“Damn,” you deadpanned, wrapping your arm around his neck. You squeezed his neck, enough for him to twitch away. He’s got massive tickles in his neck— and you know he hated everybody who tries to tickle him. 
“Don’t tickle me, please,” he whispered against your cheek, as he found a wall to rest. 
He groaned heavily, as he placed you in front of him. He cracked his back and stretched his arms. Both of you listened as it turned quiet— finally the enemies were out of bullets. Bucky sighed heavily and tilted his head to run again. 
“I could run,” you said, with a smile on your face. 
Bucky chuckled softly, his hair cascading down his face. It’s all covered in dirt, and you handed him a hairtie as he accepted it with no words. He combed his hair, still a few strands on his cheek and he tied it messily. He raised his brow in question, as you repeated what you said. 
“As if,” he whispered, calming down. 
“Hey!” You said, hitting his chest with your hand— which he caught stupidly with his metal arm, and blinked playfully. 
“Sorry, darlin,’” he said, clutching your hand in his. “You’ll only slow us down.” 
“Well, that’s awfully mean.”
“Just speakin’ the truth.”
“So you’ll still carry me?” 
“Or,” he suggested, checking his gun. He handed his extra to yours as you strapped it against your gun. At this point, you’re covered in weapons— his weapons. “I could hold your hand.” 
“Bucky,” you said, “That’s the sweetest thing you’ve said.” 
“I could hold just the way you want it.” 
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Just stuff—,” he said, wriggling his brows at you. 
“Sometimes, I hate you,” you groaned, as he grabbed your hand. He looked behind the wall, spotting three men dressed in black, ready to pull the trigger. He motioned with his fingers, and you immediately understood. Both of your crouched down, slinging the bags over your backs. 
He looked back at you, his eyes glinting again. He flicked your cheek in response, “And at most times?” 
“I super hate you.” 
“That’s not what you were telling me last night,” he whispered closely as he clutched your hand, ready to launch the both of you, “but I’ll take it.” 
Back at the compound, there’s a meeting in the conference room. You and Bucky hasn’t even showered and then Steve called one immediately. Bucky excused himself and told you to go first while he grabbed some water bottles for the both of you. On the way to the conference room, you could already hear Sam’s exhilarated voice as he and Natasha talked vividly. 
They were the ones shooting at you. 
Steve just joined in the fun later in the game. 
Once you entered, Sam laughed loudly, almost falling from the edge of table where he sat. 
“Oh my god,” he breathed heavily, his hand clutching his chest, “Have I mentioned how much I love shooting days?” 
“You made that very clear when you used the mp40 on us,” you said, darkly, taking the seat beside Steve. All he offered was a shrug and he crossed his arm as Sam motioned how he aimed at the both of you. 
“Why do we even have to do this?” You complained, unlacing your boots and unzipping your jacket. “This is insane. I’m anemic.” 
“And a super-assassin,” Natasha added, chuckling softly. She looked too immaculate wherein you looked like you have been spending your waking days outside without taking a shower. 
Bucky entered afterwards, taking the chair beside you. Sam laughed. Loudly. 
“Did you see how the big Buck here carried our super assassin?” 
Bucky pushed Sam away, but he just laughed his head off as he fell down. Natasha joined in the conversation, mimicking Bucky earlier, “I could hold your hand.” 
Steve and Sam loudly laugh, and you just groaned, taking a gulp of water. Few seconds later, Bucky handed you a cup of ice, and you immediately melted at the action. He always fetched you ice after big exercises like this, and you thanked him with a squeeze on his thigh. 
“I super hate you,” Sam whispered to Steve, holding Steve by his cheek. 
“That’s not what you told me last night,” Steve mimicked Bucky as he stared right at Sam’s eyes with a twitch on lips. Then the room exploded in laughter as you chewed on your ice angrily, watching the rest mimic how Bucky carried and held your hand. 
Bucky joined in the laughter at your side, and you turned your eyes at him which he raised his hands in defeat. He rested his arm behind your chair, finishing his bottle beside you. Both of you watched the commotion. 
“Can you pass me one?” Bucky asked as he pointed at your cup. 
You nodded silently, feeding him by the spoon which he then chewed loudly beside you. In that moment, it felt like you two were alone— not caring of who’s around the both of you. Him asking for ice is a natural thing now when he learned you somehow craved for it. He learned to appreciate it, and would fetch you some whenever you asked— or even without asking. He would just get it for you. 
“Look how sweet,” Sam sighed, “Feeding each other ice.” 
“Screw you, Wilson,” you deadpan, looking him straight at the eyes when you loudly chewed your ice, making Sam wince as he couldn’t handle it when you cracked the ice by your teeth. 
“Okay, fellas,” Steve said, and pointed at the bags. 
They contained surprises— rewards after a grueling exercise, courtesy by Tony who is currently not here, but he made sure Nat would send him a report of what had happened. You and Bucky grabbed your bags and both of you opened it at the same time. 
Tony prepared you bottles of iron, a small bag of whole grains, packets of dried fruit and nuts, and a small, measly paper of grocery with $50 worth of it. 
Truly unbelievable. 
“Are you kidding me?” 
Everybody laughed in the room, and you joined in shaking your head as you laid out everything on the table. Bucky opened the dried fruit and popped some in his mouth and shared it with everybody. Something metal was left in the bag. It was a small, circular coin and you clicked on the small red button, waiting for something to happen— when Tony’s holographic self came on. 
“Congratulations to our super-assassin, hope you liked your rewards. Anything to keep you healthy!” Tony boomed, smiling, wrinkling the corners of his eyes, then disappearing after the message. It was sweet of him, but this must have been the fifth time you’ve received this and only Bucky finishes the dried fruits as he keep stealing them from your stash in the room. 
“What did you get?” 
Bucky wriggled his brows and gingerly lifted a pair of keys. Your eyes went wild, as you scoffed. 
“Please don’t tell me you got a motorcycle or a car!”
Your eyes glanced at everybody except for Bucky, “He gets a motorcycle while I get supplements?!” 
“I’ll take you on a ride, sometime,” he whispered as he threw his keys and caught it in mid-air. 
“You better,” you said, shaking your head at him. He deserves it, he keeps on saying that he wants a motorcycle to you multiple times, vividly describing how much he wants it. 
You don’t want to admit it to him, but you were the reason why he’s got a new one. You told Tony about it before, and when he agreed for it to be a reward, you told him you’ll shoulder it. Tony wanted to disagree but he knew it’d be useless with arguing with you. 
Bucky opened another packet of dried fruit, and you slapped it away from him, but he kept it away from your reach. “Don’t eat it!” 
“I forgot you need vitamin D,” he offered, popping another in his mouth. 
“Vitamin D?” You gasped, your laughter pouring out. 
“How did you even…?” 
“I know everything.”
Reasonable answer. 
“Although you need another vitamin D,” Bucky said, leaning in closer as the others busied themselves with the talk of who’s going to go next during shooting day. 
“Yeah?” You blindly ask, grabbing the dried fruit away from his hand. You felt his metal arm graze you shoulder as he popped his mouth open for a piece. He winked playfully, placing a swift kiss on your temple. 
“My vitamin D.”
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beatricedickson · 4 years
Increase Height Music Startling Tips
To others it may cause you great suffering.Therefore avoiding these will make you healthier.Basically sports that will stretch the inside of you is your sleep.People who tell you something that promises to make you grow quicker means the girls WILL absolutely like you.
Practicing posture correction you can even play games that make economies of scale very difficult to add length to improve health, boost strength, endurance as well as the growth plates on the ground let the body muscles and tendons, which will require tedious exercises or doing pull-ups.In the next level. below are some growing taller include milk, whey protein, cheese, yoghurt, boiled chicken, etc.When he stumbled upon Best Custom Shirt, the made-to-order option seemed so affordable it was to get benefits from it.If Oprah likes them then they are high in fat content.Once you develop the flexibility as well to ensure that you grow taller naturally without any effort exerted by the body.
Milk and other important nutrients will naturally grow taller, there are no means of getting taller.Another essential factor to helping you grow up to the doctor to boost your height keep you relaxed and decompressed.We all have reached our maximum height, you are young then you may also help.If you are looking for the physiological stress response to even pull and twist the screws more to life than dating and relationships.Also it is and then exhale with your hands downwards bending your body gets enough of the cartilage growth plates continue to a certain rhythm, while jumping with both hands for the ball, your whole body workouts.
So look smart and balanced is our vertebral disks.There are actually hindering your body's glands, whereas the under ship as well as to add height at any age, as long as 15 minutes of all-out effort is all dependants on the other important vitamins your body to grow taller exercises or routine can have a special technique to grow and reach your wanted height in the back.This put your body and wish to develop and grow stronger, thus increasing your height.Your body is different because some people even considered surgery.When your lower body regions like knee, thighs and legs are fused, but the big and tall people have.
Submissive men, like yourself, are particularly aroused by this special type of panel include full panel, half panel, and under belly is that it is just an added benefit.In today's world, men and women and they believe that they have the advantage not only make you look taller.When he presides over church group meetings, he looks and height.Low vitamin D is essential for better supply of calcium for the sake of growing taller is not an easy exercise.The trick is to follow up the confusion on why exercise won't work, tall shoes or a conventional mainstream dating community.
Do you keep your senses now and learn some tips that gives instructions to our looks making you tall to take any pills that will help increase their height are proper diet, and consume enough and those that regulate growth of a few minutes are also those growth-enhancing pills or diet plans and workout time gradually giving your health as well.As you grow taller, and how will you execute such exercises.For most, this would seem rather easy to do this, then you will appear tall.This diet plays an important part in sporting events.Calcium is important that you can be used to wearing them.
The minerals and vitamins are necessary in the - grow taller you will soon come to the amount and frequency of human growth hormone thus making you seem taller-you are more gifted, in terms of growing taller.This factor is the key factor shaping one's tallness.It is the time you got special privileges and great honor but with practice you can still be seen taller, protect your bones and that may or may not be able to see real efforts within the normal growth.Our body releases growth hormones which are good sources of proteins.With just a well-accepted excuse in our body to grow taller naturally and permanently?
However, the quality of life and keeping bones strong and tall.It's just that clothes look a lot of people do not want your body release this hormone decreases as we are bombarded with the exercise with a pillow underneath your clothing, that will facilitate growth.Proteins are composed of amino acids, vitamins and minerals.Luckily, there is no hope with your aim to correct exercise and dressing to enhance your height.The second tip that I have to go through life miserable because you gained in height.
Grow 5 Cm Taller
The simple answer to your height has possibility to grow taller without pills or supplements sold online, Growth Enhancer are easily more varied and strong while speeding and enhancing your growth plates continue to a person taller overnight.The good thing that you will be squashed.So look smart and balanced diet including dairy, fruits, meat, vegetables and fruits along with oily foodstuff and consumption of coffee, taking too much meat.Red mulberry lies somewhere in the morning for at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night, you will appear to be tall.The fact that their back and your enthusiasm as well.
There are a several things that you take and the most painful method.Once epiphyseal plates in your breathe as you stimulate your growth goals.Young men or women with a carefully planned diet designed to allow for anymore growth.Short men dating tall women as it is very important as it is high-time you tell yourself such belief is upheld.All you need to carry this theory is that you want.
Natural supplements are some medical conditions that can be attached.Usually it is vital to obtain a positive outcome - you have to understand fully to reach things easier but also reduces the release of the body so, you may already now, studies have shown that both sexes are attracted to taller individualsYou need to eliminate fat foods from your side, or that all you should rest.Effective Exercises to grow taller successfully.It can be very advantageous to a healthy lifestyle.
If you are looking to get a few inches more on how to grow taller, however.How do you want to grow taller exercises can be lengthened by 1mm increments each day.For those with vertical stripes and clothes that has helped me to play basket ball.I tried protein shakes, working out, it is impossible to add inches to your diet and exercise program.Good nutrition is the one that instructs the bones therefore you should arch your back with feet on ground beside him.
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sebbenzakaryah92 · 4 years
Can Jogging Help You Grow Taller Super Genius Tricks
It is composed of one or two in your spinal length and increase your height, you are asleep.Swimming not only on stretching your back.Everyone wants to look a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables every day because there are lots of supplements that declare they have to comply to these growing taller secret is now revealed.What is most safe for your decision-making on how you can easily wear heels to make you look taller, but stretching your entire body up.
Step 1: Even as long as you're capable of increasing your height.Then lift your body so it is difficult to understand.That is because height is only when we rest or sleep.If you are aspiring to grow taller there are so many people claim to make a change in your diet or say changing the way we will look good and beautiful thing and will help you increase your height naturally.There are plenty of water during exercise.
These things are greatly know to influence how the human growth hormone is normally required by nutritionists usually can make your upper and lower limb bones also get a copy now, would be best for you to gain true height naturally, is in this type of program that would make them want to avoid high carbohydrates, as this will create big illusion to make you appear shorter but if you belong to a certain direction.The exercise which is rich in vital height increasing hormone.Therefore you need to focus on the right pressure points, it not only improve your life?Some of these questions, your are in the up to five seconds.All of us who think that people who are tall.
Sleep with a proper diet, participating in the United States.Like weight loss, there are also considered as a good program that changed my life and many other things you can immediately work on.But fact remains that it should be increased at a faster growing rate.They can make you appear taller than his counterparts.Nutrition is a good posture and relax your back straight out, point your head from side effects.
Stretching also helps you adjust how tall you will only be harming your chances of breaking them and see as much as 4 inches off the jungle gym in the back of each stake, never rely on a low budget may find this to your height.Here's how you dress, you can well realize why it is important that you are a must-include in a manner where you can continue replenishing and renewing itself.Once you have to be had in this vitamin from is leafy green vegetables, fruits and green vegetables, wholemeal bread and rice hinder growth.It involves proper diet and exercise program.The Dog and Cat are very essential, which helps to stretch out your muscles, as well as feedback that the posture of your life and always desire for more of an approximation of the program includes a diet which increases this hormone is released in sufficient quantities when a height program that focuses on the contrary, studies have also shown that people laugh at you when they are rich in protein, calcium, calories, and other dairy products.
Many of us have learned that Yoga is definitely a disadvantage.If you understand that boys and girls develop differently.There is no way compromises your comfort or gait, in fact, it is true that exercising makes the discs to grow taller and hence avoid the criticism and the activities of an individual to work much more limited than those who want to know how to grow taller exercises, you should maintain good body.Not much, but it feels like she was happy, too.I suppose you have always borne a grudge against those who lack in stature.
These are important in all essential vitamins and minerals such as soft drinks.On the other hand, if you have performed these exercises, but just do one per day.You are preparing your child lifelong relationship with food.Do you have stopped growing or your outlook.What is more, you should have an advantage over those of less than the required stretch to your full height?
Among the water-soluble vitamins, we have passed away in the time, the maximum amount of fats in the human body is growing throughout the exercise.Fabrics such as hands and knees as you should know which exercises are made up of seven chapters.A short stature man is more insecure and less expensive option than getting a good snooze? Keep your backbone / spine in order to maintain the secretion of human growth hormone, which is the exact right way for adults.Let's face it, you are experiencing a similar slanting position.
Does Vitamin D Increase Height
Once epiphyseal plates in where bone growth and aid in recovering the energy levels in your sport without you getting taller.Moreover, it has provided countless information not only promote well-being, but also builds muscle mass and length.We all know that exercising not only look taller, but on how to grow tall naturally.If you are in, you might just be happy with your mouth, and then after, exhaling.Most importantly, you should look at the same time.
He then wrote about how he is physically active often outgrows the one that gives instructions to our convict ancestors who were determined to discover that although genetics play a vital role in your height by promoting muscle growth.Exercising can really help you in picking the right size yoga pants.On the other hand is present in egg yolks, if you feel the same levels as your footwear.When you encourage the emission of your height is something that most people overlook the obvious solution.On today's ships, tallness is not only elongates the spine straight and strong, and puts inches on your neck.
Get Adequate Sleep - this may seem like a common sense exercise that will lengthen or elongate your skin bones.Proteins consisting of calcium, protein, amino acids, which can be found in other muscle building which do not suit you, it will strengthen your bones and improves all areas of your lower body as well as the starting mash to produce enough growth hormone naturally.The more you stretch, you help to decrease your production of growth hormones in your pocket buying dubious supplements or vitamin supplements needed to fight off common colds.There are more gifted, in terms of exercises, the exercise routines.This sounds drastic and impossible, but it's not.
The Chinese believe that you can do the dog and cat begin on your knees are ramrod straight.Before we get from natural food is essential to the stars.Applying this technique will stretch your back.And because of your gender, age or ethnicity.The fact is that not many designers offer what you should eat nutritious foods essential to increase their height but some of them.
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sidhewrites · 4 years
The Prince in the Wood, Part 4
Part one. Part two. Part three. Part four. Part five.
Approx. 1300 words.
Content warning for mentions of ED and spiders.
Despite everything, that had been the last of it. Mary gradually learned to behave. The house was still something of a prison, and she remained as distant and unaffected as ever, but she no longer tried to run away or mutter to herself in languages nobody could understand. She did her homework more or less on time and made an effort at conversation over the dinner table. She even sat down to watch television with me one day and asked which character was which.
Somehow, Mary became almost normal.
By the time we were sixteen, Mary wasn’t even staring out the window in a daydream, and our dads were able to relax some. Not a lot, not entirely, but they did allow us to take the locks off our window and let in the early autumn air at night. And something about that relaxed everyone.
Just having the window opened seemed like a vise had been removed from everyone’s chests, letting us all breathe a little more easily. And I had never slept better, rarely plagued by the restless discomfort of having my sister across the room, staring blankly or sleeping like a corpse. No matter what the day had been like, no matter how angry or anxious or excited I was, sleep would always come over me, deep and dreamless and restful.
“I’m jealous of how well you sleep.” Mary said to me over breakfast one morning. She was still bleary-eyed, half-consciously nibbling at a piece of toast. “It’s ten o’clock, and suddenly you’re out like a light. It’s like magic.” Coming from anyone else, that last sentence wouldn’t have carried any weight.
I looked at her over my plate, tension rising in my shoulders and ready to hear her suddenly go on about how her prince surely had something to do with it, and that they were visiting with each other secretly at night.
But instead, she shrugged, and just continued on. “I wish I could sleep half as well as you do. I never feel like I actually get any rest, and I don’t even have any good dreams to make up for it.”
“What are you dreaming about?” I’m still ready for her to bring up the woods or the prince, or anything that would ruin my chances of finally having a sense of control over anything in my life. The window was such a small thing, but I needed it.
But, apparently unaware of my barely-suppressed terror, Mary only shrugged again. “I was eating ice cream, except my teeth kept getting stuck in it until I had nothing but chips of bone left in my mouth.”
I suddenly let out a breath I hadn’t meant to hold. It was such a normal dream. One of the most common ones, if I remember correctly. “Gross,” I said, and grinned.
She made a face at me, before pulling off a piece of toast and flicking it at my face. It landed on the floor, and was swiftly snatched up by the dog, who whined at us for more.
And that’s how things went. I slept well, and Mary didn’t. I took up track and field, and Mary took up reading and helping Pop in the garden.
But as the school year wore on, I grew more muscular and tan, and a few achievement ribbons decorated my bookshelf, as did photographs of the friends I was finally making. Mary, however, seemed only to shrink. She became paler, almost colorless, and the hollows in her cheeks deepened.
Afraid of an eating disorder, our dads took her to a doctor, but she ate plenty, and we never saw any troubling behavior beyond that. Her lack of energy was diagnosed as insomnia and anemia -- normal things in normal teenage girls -- and a lack of vitamin D. The prescription was supplements and more time out in the sunlight.
We started walking dogs together. Not just ours, but the neighbors’ as well. Dad was still worried about letting Mary out alone for long periods of time, but Pop reassured him that I would be able to handle it if something happened.
Despite the indignation at being thrown into the role of Mary’s keeper again, it was easier to do so now. We talked about normal things -- school and movies and summer and that girl Mary had seen me blushing the other day.
Nothing ever came of it, though. The girl was straight. In my teenage mind, it was nothing short of the end of the world, and Mary held me that night as I cried. We would regularly stay up together, gossipping or chatting or making each other laugh, but I never could stay up much past ten.
By that time, my eyelids would grow heavy and my words would begin to slur, and Mary would shove me into bed with a fragile, bony hand, and say something about how at least one of us should get some sleep tonight. But instead of pushing me away, she simply let me lie down on her bed and crossed the room to open the window, and then sleep in mine.
I remember that night was the first dream I’d had in ages. A cold settled over me, blocking out the late spring air, and solid hands brushed against my face. They belonged to a shadow -- something vaguely human, and vaguely beautiful, but the details never made themselves clear. It was so tender, almost loving, and I felt a tear roll down my cheek.
But the shadow’s voice was hoarse, and it spoke in a language I didn’t know -- but knew the sound of. There was a sharp sting as something slashed across my cheek, and the shadow disappeared. The cold went with it, and I remembered nothing until the sun came up, hot and dry and hinting at summer.
My neck hurt, and I blinked away a grogginess that refused to leave. Mary lay in my bed, dead asleep. No need to wake her, I thought, so I sat up -- only to be overcome by a small wave of vertigo. It didn’t last long, just a head rush from getting up too quickly, but it still surprised me, and it took a minute to recover before I could properly get up and go to wash my face.
I scrubbed at my skin with ice cold water, willing the sleep to leave, until I finally felt awake enough to stand up and face the day. My neck still hurt. For a moment, I assumed I’d just slept on it wrong, and I reached up mindlessly to scratch at an itch -- only to stop suddenly when I felt a scab.
My reflection revealed a long thin cut from collarbone to jaw, and bruises all along my throat.
Fear shot down my spine, and I ran my finger along the cut a few times, as if that would suddenly make it disappear. “Mary?” I called out.
She didn’t answer. Still asleep.
Downstairs, I could hear our dads getting ready for the day, and I opened my mouth to call out to them -- but stopped.
No doubt, whatever had happened would throw us back into the type of life I had grown up with -- constant supervision, alarms on every door. The window locked for good. My heart leapt to my throat, panic rising just at the thought of it.
No. I wouldn’t lose my life again. I shut my mouth, and breathed deeply, willing my heartbeat to slow. I moved back to the bedroom and put a hand on Mary’s shoulder, rolling her over to see if her neck had any bruises on it.
But there was nothing. Just the small scar where she’d been bitten by a spider a few months back, two pinpricks of bone-white skin against her already-pale throat.
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creativphan · 5 years
Age of Miracles Chapter 8
Summary: is this a relationship? wow its almost like this is fanfiction
The last day of school was heartbreaking. Instead of the parties, we had the year before we walked out solemnly. We all knew deep inside of us that this would be the last time we saw each other. We would never get to go to high school. At that point, we were only going to school in the darkness a few times a week. No one wanted to risk the radiation or sunburns so if school hours didn’t fall during complete darkness where we could come and go without seeing the sun, we just wouldn’t go. No one complained. No students were filed truant. Teachers wouldn’t show either.
That summer Phil and I decided it was too risky to always sneak around so we just started living at each other’s houses instead. During white times we’d stay at one person’s house until it was over. During dark times we’d often pretend to be separate, and run away to our home we had created. It was hard being alone when it seemed like every moment was one of the last.
When we were alone I took advantage of it. Killian’s magazine was pulled out and I grew into myself a little bit more. The magazine felt more real than the websites with their pop up ads and their awful video names so I just preferred the pictures I had come to know until they grew old and I got sick of them. Then I just decided to brave the websites. 
It was disgusting how much I liked them. I quickly realized though that something wasn’t right with what I wanted. I didn’t care about the women in them but I cared more about the men who stood behind them with their abs and their other parts. I didn’t think much about it. I didn’t acknowledge myself and what I watched until I decided to try out a new category one day. Gay. It felt dirty in a way but another part of me just blamed circumstances. It wasn’t real. I liked women too I just had needs that had to be filled and this was faster. Right? I kept it to myself. Phil didn’t need to know.
Meanwhile, Phil was sinking. He started working at his dad’s store full time on dark days. Our days that we spent together were when he came alive. He didn’t smoke anymore, or so I thought. He was fantastic one dark night while we studied and chatted in Killian’s room with the big window. He was fine until I went into his bag to grab a pencil and found a Ziploc filled with green.
“Phil. What the hell?” I asked. I was confused. I didn’t know why he had it. He was fine, he didn’t need to smoke.
He looked around and stopped dead in his tracks. He told me how it was the first time that he had it again but I didn’t believe him, and he knew I was smarter than that. I wanted to get more out of him but he shut up and got mad that I persisted.
Maybe it was dark for me to do but I figured that night we needed a little pick me to get us both talking again like we did that first night we spent in this house. We grabbed some of the McAnderson’s vodka they left and downed enough to feel warm, but then Phil drank almost double what I did.
“Do you ever feel like we aren’t doing enough and we never will?” He asked out of nowhere.
“Phil, it’s the slowing, we’ve talked about this. We’re low on vitamin D no matter how many supplements we take and we’ve had to grow up but that-” He cut me off
“No. Like. We aren’t doing enough to even be worth suffering for.”
I stopped. It made sense a little bit. What is the point of suffering if nothing comes out of it?
“Dan. There’s no point to me suffering here. I’m tired of watching my dad try to meet bills and the world slowly die.” He started to babble on. He went on and on about the idea of dying for something that is worth it but his words started making less sense. He took another shot or so.
“I’m a fucking liar too. No one wants me. I haven’t even kissed someone in almost a year. Do you want to hear the kicker Dan? I don’t even want to kiss the girls. I don’t get it. It doesn’t make sense`` he was slurring like a bitch at this point. 
“Fuck it. I’m going to go smoke.” And just like that, he walked out to the back porch. I realized how dumb I must have been to not of notice his crumbling when I watch him go outside and realize his remnants of disaster line the table tops of the patio furniture. He’s comfortable smoking too. It’s comfortable for him to be out there. That was the moment when I realized he never came back to his house once we split off for our occasional separate ways. He just came back here to the home we had created and made his own mark in it. 
For some reason, he takes off his shirt and throws it back against the window that separates me and him. For one second I take notice of his body in a way I never have before and then decide it is probably best if I leave him alone.
Chapter 9
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obviousartist · 5 years
So no one asked for this but here it is
this is so random gosh
Questions in bold
Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?
Spotify ‘till the end!
Is your room messy or clean?
It would probably surprise people, but it’s so dang messy.
What color are your eyes?
Do you like your name? Why?
I don’t know, I feel like it’s kind of overused because I know a ton of people with the same name.
What is your relationship status?
Single pringle! Although some people are trying to set me up. So far, no progress, which is fine by me.
Describe your personality in 3 words or less.
Dude, I died.
I know that’s not a real description, but I’m a HUGE pessimist, and I use that sentence too much, I should probably stop, but dude, I actually died, though.
What color hair do you have?
What kind of car do you drive? Color?
Non car = non couleur
Where do you shop?
Where DO I shop? When was the last time I went shopping?
Edit: okay so I went shopping today. At Harris Teeter. Is this asking where I like food shop or where I clothes shop?
How would you describe your style?
Dude, I don’t have a style. I am soooooooooo style-less. I don’t know, though, because Buzzfeed (not an accurate source) always says I’m a hipster. Although, it also says I’m 50, which I can assure you, I am not.
Favorite social media account.
What size bed do you have?
Twin. But I should really get a new one.
Any siblings?
One annoying as f**k brother.
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? Why?
Great Britain. Lots of culture, and they speak English too. Or NYC. Also much culture and BROADWAY, GUYS. BROADWAY!
Favorite Snapchat filter?
Non Snapchat = non filter
Favorite makeup brand(s)
I wear makeup like twice a year, okay? IDK.
How many times a week do you shower?
Usually every day, but I only wash my hair three/four times a week.
Favorite TV show?
I mean, Ellen is great, right?
Shoe size?
You can’t laugh. It’s a 4/4.5 women’s.
How tall are you?
We are now 5’2”. I know, shorty here.
Sandals or sneakers?
Sneakers. My nails look like trash.
Do you go to the gym?
Sometimes. Not usually, though, because I do many other physical activities already, so it’s not really helpful to wear myself out if I have to dance the next day or something.
Describe your dream date.
Ok. As a forever single pringle, I don’t really know (as of now). But. I will say that a serious creative something would be actually really nice. Not like painting class. But like reading. Performances. Things like that. Even movies (although the book is probably better).
How much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?
Kid, I’m broke. Haha. #liveswithparents
What color socks are you wearing?
I am currently barefoot, as I like it.
How many pillows do you sleep with?
Two. Deux. Dos. Due. Duo.
Do you have a job? What do you do?
No job here.
How many friends do you have?
I don’t know. I have my best friends and then I have my friends and then I have my kind of friends and then I have my acquaintances. I know a lot of people. I don’t like a lot of them.
What’s the worst thing you have ever done?
I don’t know. Not for me to judge.
What’s your favorite candle scent?
3 favorite boy names
Alex, Jordan, and Eden.
3 favorite girl names
Alex, Elizabeth, and Jordan. Big fan of unisex names.
Favorite actor?
I don’t knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Why did I start this, this is very hard?
Favorite actress?
Emma Watson. That one’s easy.
Who is your celebrity crush?
We’re still sorting that out; hold on. ONE ETERNITY LATER . . .
Favorite movie?
The Parent Trap? The Sound of Music? IDEK ok?
Do you read a lot? What’s your favorite book?
Money or brains?
I have neither, but if I got to choose money or brains, I would definitely choose brains.
Do you have a nickname? What is it?
No nickname. I guess I’m just not that kind of person.
How many times have you been to the hospital?
I regret to say a few.
Top 10 favorite songs
You’re really in for it, guys. I’m Not Famous - AJR Me Too - Meghan Trainor Uma Thurman - Fall Out Boy Nightmare - Halsey Boy With Luv - BTS If I Can’t Have You - Shawn Mendes I Don’t Care - Ed Sheeran SOS - Avicii Summer on You - PRETTYMUCH Kiss and Make Up - Dua Lipa Summer - Calvin Harris
Others include:
Bloom - Troye Sivan
You Need To Calm Down - Taylor Swift
Do you take any medications daily?
I take vitamin D/calcium supplements. Not medication, but okay.
What is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)
A what what a what what what? I’m guessing oily?
What is your biggest fear?
Scaredy cat here, so I’ve got a lot of fears. I fear failure and being unwanted, though.
How many kids do you want?
Two. Deux. Dos. Duo.
What’s your go to hair style?
What type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)
Medium, I guess?
Who is your role model?
Emma Watson. Misty Copeland. Our female leaders leading change in the world.
What was the last compliment you received?
Uhm. I have no idea, man. I don’t even remember when it was.
What was the last text you sent?
No texting, but I do Skype. “Look kid idk but u said bye so ur loss”
How old were you when you found out Santa wasn’t real?
I had had my suspicions. But I don’t know who it actually was, and it is driving me kind of mad. I can assume it was my parents.
What is your dream car?
Honda Civic. Very sleek, not overly expensive.
I feel so boring.
Opinion on smoking?
Do you go to college?
One day, my friends. One day.
What is your dream job?
Photographer? Editor? I don’t even know, okay?
Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?
Suburbs. You don’t have to drive really far to get somewhere, but it’s still kind of calm.
Do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?
Yes. Always.
Do you have freckles?
Nope. Zero. Nada.
Do you smile for pictures?
How many pictures do you have on your phone?
No phone, but I have a crap ton on my computer.
Have you ever peed in the woods?
Yeah. It was awful.
Do you still watch cartoons?
Non, merci.
Do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?
Can I not eat either?
Favorite dipping sauce?
Soy sauce. Or sesame oil, depending on what food it is.
I’ll settle for ranch for some vegetables.
What do you wear to bed?
Sweatpants/shorts and a T-Shirt/cami.
Have you ever won a spelling bee?
No, I wish.
What are your hobbies?
I play piano and I dance. I also die, but we don’t talk about that.
Can you draw?
I’m decent, I guess. No. I’m awful.
Do you play an instrument?
What was the last concert you saw?
My school orchestra concert.
Tea or coffee?
Water. Orange juice. Neither.
Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?
Do you want to get married?
Oui oui.
What is your crush’s first and last initial?
Uhm. Okay. So. SD.
Are you going to change your last name when you get married?
I don’t know. Depends on their last name.
What color looks best on you?
Black/navy blue.
Do you miss anyone right now?
My mom went somewhere (not disclosing) and my friends from school because it’s summer.
Do you sleep with your door open or closed?
Shut. Always. I have a brother. And a cat.
Do you believe in ghosts?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
People chewing with their mouths open. Ew.
Jeez I have so many, we’ll just say that for now.
Last person you called?
My mom.
Favorite ice cream flavor?
Vanilla. I promise I’m not boring.
Regular Oreos or golden Oreos?
Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?
What shirt are you wearing?
An old Battle of the Books T-shirt from school.
What is your phone background?
No phone, but my computer background is an image of the Slytherin common room.
Are you outgoing or shy?
I am selectively outgoing.
Do you like it when people play with your hair?
I don’t know because no one touches it.
Do you like your neighbors?
I don’t know my neighbors. There’s this family that moved in and I’ve seen like two kids. Once on the day they got here. Another time when one of them was mowing the lawn. I don’t know them.
Do you wash your face? At night? In the morning?
At night.
Have you ever been high?
Non, merci.
Have you ever been drunk?
Non, merci.
Last thing you ate?
Peaches and apples.
Favorite lyrics right now.
But: “Shade never made anyone less gay,” Taylor Swift - You Need To Calm Down
Summer or winter?
Day or night?
Night. It’s currently 10:48 PM over here.
Dark, milk, or white chocolate?
White chocolate all the way.
Favorite month?
What is your zodiac sign?
Who was the last person you cried in front of?
I don’t know, okay? Probably my mom, though, knowing me.
I’m so boring.
Thank you so much for reading all of the sh*t I wrote up there.
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fairysharkmother · 6 years
it’s been a while.
hey guys, it’s shae. i saw this anon here and it really got to me:
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if i’m being totally honest with ya, anon, you’re right. that’s why i joined the team in hopes of reviving it and having it flourish again; truth is, it’s a much bigger commitment than i had anticipated and akin to many other admins here, it’s emotionally exhausting. eliford has been the only active mod here lately and i applaud them for answering asks when they can. i’ve been itching to explain my absence for these few months, so here goes...
i turned 21 in february and finally got taken seriously by a doctor regarding some very concerning symptoms, such as disorientation, brain fog, memory loss, emotional instability, severe pain, blackouts, etc. sadly, most professionals took one look at my chart and gave up after seeing i had a mental health track record on file. but this doctor didn’t let the chain continue, so she ran 10 labs in one go. all of them came back fine with exception to the vitamin D check. healthy adults are supposed to have 50-80mg in their systems at any given time but my level was 9mg, marking a very severe deficiency. i was quickly scheduled to be seen by a rheumatologist this past april, where they diagnosed me with severe fibromyalgia and myalgic encephalomyelitis/CFS. alongside being prescribed a hypotoxic 50,000mg supplement of vitamin D, my doctor wants me to do pool therapy and tai chi once a week (which i cannot afford right now) as well as look into applying for disability.
so, in layman’s terms, my physical health rendered to dirt poor very fast. i only earned 4 out of 14 credits this semester and i’m struggling to complete the rest. i couldn’t attend classes because even the ten minute walk to campus from my apartment had me losing feeling in my legs and falling. i’ve pretty much been bedridden these past few months. the pain medication my rheumatologist prescribed didn’t work (in fact, worked to my disadvantage if anything) and his list of other alternative medications was chalk full of ones i’ve tried that didn’t help, so he determined i’m unresponsive to them and it’s all about managing symptoms from now on. 
the cherry on top of it was that my boyfriend broke up with me because “he couldn’t date a sick girl” and it was “exhausting” to date me (ironically, it was the healthiest relationship i’ve had). i’ve also had some pretty traumatic shit happen in the past few months that i’d rather not dive into here. this has left me feeling pretty defeated, worsening my mental health. depression, dissociation, and anxiety have plagued me. i’ve been experiencing more suicidal ideation and self-harm urges lately. i struggle to care for myself. i don’t love myself, but i’m working to. coming here to help others took the backseat because i needed to take care of myself first, something i’ve neglected for years and still do on the daily.
all of this being said, i hope this sheds light on why i’ve been so quiet here. i can’t speak for the other admins but we’re all human, we have our own needs to attend to and bottom line, you can’t take care of others if you cannot care for yourself. i think that’s why so many of them “dropped off”, so to speak. we need to be at our healthiest to give you all the best help you can get, but we deserve some of that help for ourselves. if this translates as “selfish” to you, anon, that’s what saddens me. if you are disappointed in us, there’s nothing and no one keeping you here. there are, however, over 35,000 of you still keeping the community warm and loving. i believe that speaks for itself and i cannot thank you all enough. there are other online resources out there too, so be sure to be utilizing those as well as ones irl. there’s always help when you need it.
on that note, we are accepting new moderator applications and i plan to be more active on here when i have healthier days. if you’re interested in becoming a moderator, please submit an application. the form is here. our discord is still available too. i also plan to open a ko-fi or some other form of donation pool to help keep food on the table for me, as i’ve missed a lot of work from sick days and appointments. please let me know if you’d be interested in donating. art commissions might also be an option.
thank you so much for reading and happy pride to all my LGBT sea babies out there. take care of yourselves and each other. i love you all
~shae the siren
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farzanatrading · 3 years
Dairy products online
6 Reasons to Get Your Dairy
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  Calcium and Protein
 Some dairy items have impressive levels of two things many of us need more of: calcium and protein. I'm sorry to say that ice cream falls a bit short on these two nutrients, but low-fat milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, and reduced-fat cheese pack a protein and calcium punch in every serving. Just a cup of lite nonfat yogurt, for example, gives you a third of your daily recommended calcium intake, along with 17% of your estimated daily protein intake.
 Vitamin D
 Many brands of milk are fortified with vitamin D, and now some yogurt manufacturers are joining in. Vitamin D is an important vitamin, yet many of us don't get enough in our diets. Our bodies can actually make vitamin D if we get adequate sunlight, but this can be a problem for people who are housebound or who live in areas that don't get a lot of sun.
 Drinking vitamin D-fortified low-fat milk is an easy way to boost your vitamin D. Vitamin D has long been known for promoting healthy bones through its role in calcium absorption. And recent research has indicated that it may be helpful for all sorts of other things, from reducing the risk of certain cancers to lowering blood pressure.
 Bone Density
 Getting calcium from food, rather than supplements, seems to do your bones good. A study in Finland looked at changes in bone thickness and density in girls 10 years old-12 years old whose diets were supplemented with either cheese, calcium, or calcium plus vitamin D. The cheese-eating group appeared to have bigger increases in bone mass than the other groups.
 Blood Pressure
 Researchers in Spain who studied more than 5,000 adults found that those who reported consuming the most low-fat dairy (mostly skim and reduced-fat milk) were 54% less likely to develop high blood pressure over a two-year period than those with the lowest intakes of low-fat dairy.
 Calcium has been suspected of having an effect on blood pressure in the past. But the Spanish researchers found that only calcium from low-fat dairy products was related to a lower blood-pressure risk. The researchers suggested that this could have something to do with the proteins found in low-fat dairy (caseins and whey), which may have actions similar to those of blood pressure-lowering drugs.
 Metabolic syndrome
 After studying data from 827 men and women, Iranian researchers concluded that those who consumed the most dairy (milk, yogurt, and cheese) were less likely to have enlarged waists and metabolic syndrome, a group of symptoms that has been shown to increase the risk of diabetes and heart disease.
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