#he’s awesome I don’t know why I was so worried they would be so judgmental
sunnybergamota · 1 year
Gonna tell my friends abt my most recent sexuality crisis, brb
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goodnightmemes · 2 years
❛ What have we done to each other? ❜
❛ I'm the guy to save you from all this awesomeness. ❜
❛ I think it's your chin. Yeah, it's quite villainous. ❜
❛ I have to kiss you now. ❜
❛ Life. I don't remember the point. ❜
❛ Go home, fuck her brains out, slap her with your penis. "There's some wood for you, bitch." ❜
❛ Now, I don't panic easily...but it's weird, right? ❜
❛ Should I be concerned? ❜
❛ I love your parents...but they really can be assholes. ❜
❛ I love having strangers pick at my scabs. ❜
❛ You have a world-class vagina. ❜
❛ We are gonna take this very, very seriously. ❜
❛ I feel like I'm on a Law & Order episode. ❜
❛ Should I know my wife's blood type? ❜
❛ Marriage is hard work, and compromise, and more work. ❜
❛ You naughty minx. ❜
❛ We're so cute. I wanna punch us in the face. ❜
❛ Everyone knows "complicated" is code for "bitch." ❜
❛ It seems like the kind of thing that would happen to [name]. ❜
❛ Just because I don't like to be around [name] doesn't mean I don't care about her. ❜
❛ Anyway, whoever took her is bound to bring her back. ❜
❛ Well, we have our first clue. ❜
❛ You've been up all night. You wanna look like you've been up all night. ❜
❛ Hey, be careful today, okay? ❜
❛ I'll balance on the exact fucking edge of your emotional razor. ❜
❛ I knew you never should have moved back here. ❜
❛ We are all worried. We are all scared. ❜
❛ We had to file a restraining order. ❜
❛ I'm hoping you can tell me what this means. ❜
❛ Hello, stranger. Fancy meeting you here. ❜
❛ Are you following me? ❜
❛ Promise me we'll never be like them. ❜
❛ If it happens, we'll deal with it. ❜
❛ We have each other. Everything else is background noise. ❜
❛ You don't trust me. You don't trust my judgment. ❜
❛ I don't get why you're daring me to be someone I don't wanna be. ❜
❛ You look like hammered shit. ❜
❛ You really don't like him, do you? ❜
❛ Could you please not share that with anyone? ❜
❛ It's like you're the goddamn Homecoming King. ❜
❛ It looked like you were having fun. ❜
❛ I am in a nightmare! ❜
❛ My God, this place literally smells like feces. ❜
❛ Hey...have you told me everything? ❜
❛ All I want is to come over here, have a beer with you, and not be judged. Can we do that? ❜
❛ I'm gonna go Benadryl myself to sleep. ❜
❛ I feel like I could disappear. ❜
❛ I called you a hundred times. You gotta pick up your phone! ❜
❛ I needed to see you. I know this is a bad idea. ❜
❛ Can you at least tell me you love me? ❜
❛ Did you, by any chance, tell anybody anything about us? ❜
❛ Did you leave a pair of red panties in my office? ❜
❛ Never say that out loud again. ❜
❛ It's our last time together. Let's make the most of it. ❜
❛ Last night, I went from desperate to pathetic. I became someone I don't even like. ❜
❛ We could have had this fight four hours ago. I'm late. ❜
❛ You're a fucking coward. ❜
❛ For Valentine's Day, I thought I'd buy a gun. ❜
❛ I'm being paranoid. Crazy. It's just... I'd sleep better with a gun. ❜
❛ You fucking idiot. You fucking asshole! You fucking lied to my fucking face! ❜
❛ If anybody finds out, you're totally fucked. ❜
❛��I was scared for you before, and now, I'm fucking petrified. ❜
❛ But the truth is, you'd have to be a sociopath to behave normally in this situation because it's the most abnormal situation in the world. ❜
❛ I'm so sick of being picked apart by women. ❜
❛ I have nothing to hide. ❜
❛ You have to fucking talk to me! ❜
❛ Why have you kept this stuff? It's like a little box of hate. ❜
❛ I love you no matter what. But you need to tell me. ❜
❛ Are you asking me if I killed my wife? ❜
❛ Because sometimes the way he looks at me I think...He may truly kill me. ❜
❛ I am so much happier now that I'm dead. ❜
❛ Let the punishment fit the crime. ❜
❛ You need to bleed. A lot. A lot, a lot. ❜
❛ But, then, we never really existed. ❜
❛ He loved a girl I was pretending to be. ❜
❛ "Cool Girl. " Men always use that as their defining compliment. ❜
❛ I was fucking game. ❜
❛ What's the point of being together if you're not the happiest? ❜
❛ You think I'd let him destroy me and end up happier than ever? No fucking way. ❜
❛ I need 20 seconds where you don't judge me, interrupt me or get angry. ❜
❛ You married a complete psychopath. ❜
❛ Part of me was relieved when I thought she was gone. ❜
❛ As long as you don't own a python and blast death metal at 4 AM, we're gonna be best friends. ❜
❛ Least you could do is not keep his secrets for him. ❜
❛ I believe you. It's just the craziest thing I've ever heard. ❜
❛ I always wondered why you kept in touch after...everything. ❜
❛ The whole thing just feels hinky. ❜
❛ Whatever they found, I think it's safe to assume that it's very bad. ❜
❛ Don't take it personally. ❜
❛ I thought we were steering clear of men for a while. ❜
❛ I'm not sad. I'm angry. ❜
❛ Why should I die? I'm not the asshole. ❜
❛ That sounds like a very bad idea. ❜
❛ This is a ticking time bomb. You've gotta throw yourself on it. ❜
❛ Where is the money, sweetheart? ❜
❛ You're hiding. I don't know why, and I don't really care. ❜
❛ There are a lot of people out there a lot worse than we are. ❜
❛ Every time you look smug or annoyed or tense, I'm gonna hit you with a gummy bear. ❜
❛ Knowing you were out there was the only thing that's kept me going these past few years. ❜
❛ Why are you so good to me? ❜
❛ Why is she dressed like a babysitter? ❜
❛ Come on, you're staring at ghosts. ❜
❛ Not that I don't appreciate Bait Shop Chic. ❜
❛ There are cameras everywhere. ❜
❛ You are more than safe, and I am not letting you get away again. ❜
❛ You're probably the most hated man in America right now. ❜
❛ Just because I am not a murderer doesn't make me a good guy. I'm not a good guy. ❜
❛ And if you come back, I promise I will spend every day making it up to you. ❜
❛ They disliked me, they liked me, they hated me. And now they love me. ❜
❛ I gave you the benefit of the doubt over and over. Every time you said something stupid, I thought, "Maybe he's just stupid." ❜
❛ I've forgotten how to behave. ❜
❛ Fire doesn't erase blood. ❜
❛ Come home. I dare you. ❜
❛ You fucking bitch. ❜
❛ She slit his throat with a box cutter. ❜
❛ All right, you can stop pretending now. ❜
❛ You do know I was just telling you what you wanted to hear, right? ❜
❛ You know me in your marrow. ❜
❛ Take off your clothes. I need to make sure you're not wearing a wire. ❜
❛ You killed someone. You're a murderer. ❜
❛ I'm a fighter. I fought my way back to you. ❜
❛ I'll make sure that no one forgets the pain you caused me. ❜
❛ When two people love each other and can't make that work...that's the real tragedy. ❜
❛ I swear, you two are the most fucked-up people I've ever known. ❜
❛ I would never, ever hurt you. ❜
❛ I don't care. I am leaving you. ❜
❛ I won't have to teach your child to hate you. He'll do that all by himself. ❜
❛ You fucking cunt! ❜
❛ The only time you liked yourself was when you were trying to be someone this cunt might like. ❜
❛ I've killed for you. Who else can say that? ❜
❛ Yes, I loved you. And then all we did was resent each other, and try to control each other. And cause each other pain. ❜
❛ You're breaking my heart. ❜
❛ You're my voice of reason. I need you with me on this. ❜
❛ Of course I'm with you. I was with you before we were even born. ❜
❛ We've been through the darkness. We've come out, united. ❜
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mzkora · 2 months
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TITLE: Hollow Pursuits
ARTIST: MidnightSilver
AUTHOR: Kestra_Troi @wincestreversebang
RATING: M for Mature
WARNINGS: Public Nudity, Weirdcest, Incestuous Thoughts
SUMMARY: Odd deaths bring the boys to a placed called the Happy Hippie Hollow. To Dean’s chagrin it’s a nudist colony. Sam rolls with it.
The resort was well off the main road, down in a valley. Isolated, for obvious reasons. Private. Like most clothing-optional and nudist places are required to be. The Happy Hippie Hollow was no exception. But hunt or no hunt, it was still a harder sell to Dean than Sam had anticipated.
“Freakin’ hippies,” Dean muttered under his breath while stomping his way back to the Impala. He threw his arms wide, exasperated. “We ain’t gonna be here more than a couple days! You’d think a bunch of tree-huggers would be a little more willing to bend the rules!”
“It’s their rules, dude. It’s just for a couple of days. We can adjust.” Sam said, attempting to pacify his brother. “Besides, you love taking your clothes off.”
To prove his own willingness, Sam shrugged out of his jacket and draped it across the back of his seat through the open car window. He arched his eyebrow, pointedly not sharing in his brother’s oddly straight laced outrage.
“Yeah, in private, dude!” For a long second Dean stared at his little brother like he was a lunatic until Sam heaved a sigh and rolled his eyes. “Hangin’ with a couple hot chicks. But not, ya know in front of everyone. It’s not natural!”
“It kind of is,” Sam countered, with a one-sided shrug. He smirked, his lips pulling slightly to one side when Dean glared back at him. He bent down into a crouch and undid the laces of his boots. “Anyway, Dean, come on. We deal with the unnatural all the time—“
“Yeah, fully dressed!”
“Wow,” Sam huffed, a facetious glint in his eyes. He shook his head, incredulous and stood up to kick off his boots. “I never knew…”
“Never knew what?”
“That you were such a prude.” A grin spread over Sam’s face.
Insulted, Dean stood there for a moment, stone faced. “Hey! Sex is a beautiful thing. It’s natural and normal and awesome,” he argued, before pointing to the walled compound. “What these people do is just wrong.”
“Having sex is natural, but being naked isn’t?” Sam posed with all the judgmentalness he could muster with his hands on his cocked hips.
“Yes!” Dean insisted, shuffling his feet aware of the inherent hypocrisy of his position. “These people are just a bunch of Peeping Toms. Nothing but perverts in a fancy resort.”
Snorting, Sam gathered up his discarded shoes and dumped the heavy boots into the footwell. He rested his hands on the roof of the Impala trying to get to the bottom of his brother’s issue. “They’re nudists, Dean,” he said. “Not criminals.”
“Says you,” Dean muttered. “I don’t see why we gotta stay the night here. We could just get a motel.”
“The nearest town is like fifty miles away.”
“Well, then we can sleep in the car,” Dean argued.
“They lock the front gate at night, Dean,” Sam countered. “You know when the evil, bad things tend to come out.”
“Yeah, but—“
“We wouldn’t be able to get to people in time to save them,” Sam said, resolute in his logic. “We’re staying the night. In there. So maybe loosen up some of those Puritan views there, Cotton Mather.”
Dean’s mouth hung open, his brain brought short by his brother’s ironclad reasoning. He shifted on his feet, clenching his jaw and stuffing his hands into his pockets to keep from punching something. Or someone.
“Am I sensing some…paranoia?”
Sam smirked and rolled his socks into a ball that he chucked into his seat. The sand wasn’t actually that hot yet. It felt sort of good on the soles of his feet. He started picking at his belt and looked over at his completely dressed brother. “It’s totally normal,” he said, laying the bait. “Guys being nervous. Worried about measuring up—“
“Excuse me?!” Dean sputtered.
Sam laughed. He undid the buckle of his belt and unzipped his jeans. “It’s okay if you’re too embarrassed about what you’re packing—“
“I’m not embarrassed about anything,” Dean argued, rising to the accusation with a head full of steam. “Me and Little Dean do just fine. I just don’t like having to—“
“It’s like you always say, dude,” Sam interjected, pushing his pants and underwear down to the sandy slightly rocky ground. Dean spun on his heels to stare off at the gated community and not his basically naked little brother. “House sets the rules.”
“Dude, don’t quote me to me when you’re taking your clothes off,” Dean huffed, a faint blush to his cheeks.
With a light toss, Sam put his bottoms in the car seat and then got to unbuttoning his flannel. Dean eyed him tentatively out of his periphery and all but flinched whirling around so that his back was to Sam entirely. He paused there looking out over the untouched landscape all around them. Aside from the road and some power lines you almost wouldn’t even know there were over a hundred people living like monkeys au natural out here in the middle of nowhere. “How are you so okay with…all this? You’re practically chomping at the bit to get out of your skivvies.”
“No, I’m not,” Sam said simply, pulling his long sleeve shirt off his shoulders. The breeze kicked up for a moment and he rocked on the balls of his feet. His junk and his ass unaccustomed to being so exposed. His flannel and then his undershirts went into the car and he stood next to the Impala as nude as the day he was born. “There’s just no point in prolonging the inevitable. We might as well get with the program. When in Rome, and all that…”
“Are you sure, this is our kinda thing?” Dean asked again for the hundredth time. “One hundred percent?”
Sam plucked his bag of fake ids and assorted supplies from his footwell and slung it over his shoulder. “We’ve done a lot more for a lot less.”
“Are you—“ Dean started to turn then thought better of it and Sam huffed a laugh through his nose. Dean could be so oddly squeamish sometimes. “Are you sure you’re sure?”
“Dean, toss me the keys so I can open the trunk,” Sam said, refusing to discuss this anymore. Dean heaved an exaggerated sigh and without looking threw his keys over his shoulder. Sam caught them one handed and stepped to the back. Dean noted his footsteps and spared a quick glance just to assure himself that Sam really was…not wearing any clothes. His little brother was walking around outside buck naked. Not a stitch on him. Just like when he was a baby first learning to walk and he had scampered out of their crappy motel room onto the paved walkway that connected all the rooms. He’d had to chase him down. The few people out and about there giggled and laughed or gasped in shock. Their dad however hadn’t been so relaxed about it.
Dean blinked and shook the memory back out of his head. He hadn’t thought of it in years and he decided he could go on not thinking of it for a good few more. “Remind me why we’re doing this?” He tore off his leather jacket and stuffed it into the car window, annoyed to be giving in.
“Saving people, hunting things,” Sam recited.
“If you say the family business I will end you,” Dean warned, full of guff and bluster. Sam laughed at him and slipped his computer out of its satchel and into his duffel. He packed a few outfits just in case there were exemptions or something inside, but the rest of his clothes he left behind. Done packing, he grabbed his duffel and closed the trunk with a thunk. “Easy with the trunk there Sammy, she’s an old lady.”
“Whatever, dude.” Sam walked around the bumper of the car and strolled up towards his brother who was slowly, and ever so begrudgingly taking off his clothes. Sam didn’t say a word but Dean held his hand out over his shoulder all the same and Sam dropped the keys into his calloused palm. “Meet in the town center in about twenty minutes?”
“Fine,” Dean bit out.
Sam grinned, enjoying his brother’s unease. “Don’t take too long. They lock the gates at sundown.”
“Oh ha-freakin’-ha.” Dean growled in annoyance and kicked his boot off. “Go away, ya long haired tree hugger,” he demanded. “Let a man lose his dignity in peace.”
Sam sighed in fond exasperation but did as his brother requested and headed into the colony. Dean caught himself watching him go. It was odd seeing his little brother’s bare bottom again after so many years, but…it wasn’t as bad as he’d thought. Sam had a nice firm peach, high and tight and perky.
Dean grinned watching that ass walk away from him, dimples winking, back ramrod straight, shoulders so broad compared to that narrow waist…his eyes flicked away, pride swelling in his chest while he ignored the half chub in his pants. His little Sammy had grown up good. Big and strong. A real man. Dean chuckled to himself and started to undress, intently eyeing the community’s walls. By the time he stood there naked the swelling down there had gone away.
“This place gives me the creeps,” Dean mumbled to his brother through his fake smile while waving hello to the third group of hippies to greet them from across the village square. This group was sitting at a long picnic table about to share a meal. Some sort of green casserole that turned Dean’s stomach just looking at it from afar. He barely hid a disgusted shiver and lowered his hand, shuffling awkwardly to keep his duffle bag fully in front of his cash and prizes. He didn’t need all these hippie perverts ogling him like fresh meat. Prison had been easier to swallow than this place.
Dean’s eyes darted all around them, certain that every aging hippie they passed was trying to steal a look at his goods. It was bad enough having his bare ass out. If he’d had another bag he absolutely would have one covering his front and back, but he didn’t. And he regretted it. “It’s like the freaking cast of Cacoon out here,” he complained under his breath. “Aren’t there any hot, young hippie chicks anymore? You know, with the flower crowns and free love and breasts that don’t sag?”
Sam snorted. “They’re not all that old,” he said, avoiding the second part of his brother’s question. He paused for a moment to check the hastily drawn map of the village that the doorman had given him. Dean stood right beside him, hovering close, closer even than normal. Sam couldn’t help the small twist of his lips into a grin at his brother’s continued discomfort. He pushed the strap of his duffle bag back up onto his shoulder and studied the map.
“Hello, boys,” an old woman said as she walked on by. Dean caught her eyes checking Sam out and subconsciously palmed his trusty duffle. It was still there. He silently thanked God in his head while she openly ogled his little brother right in front of him. Sam of course didn’t notice. “Welcome.”
“Thank you,” Sam said, his head snapping up for the briefest second before his attention dropped straight back to the scrawled doodle of a map.
“Hey, man, come on,” Dean muttered, hyperaware of the attention they were drawing as newbies in a place that rarely got visitors. He pulled Sam aside, further away from the swarm of hippies on the other side of the square and the latest overly warm welcome wagon. Sammy was making it just far too easy for them.
Without warning, he grabbed at the strap of his brother’s duffle bag and tugged at it in order to angle the thing in front of Sam’s crotch. And if he happened to steal another peak at Sammy’s impressive equipment well then no one else was the wiser for it. Besides he was entitled as the older brother par excellence. “Dude, no free shows.”
“Huh? Dean—what?” Sam glanced down at his bag and his brother trying to see what the problem was. He stared at Dean, his green eyes blank and confused.
“No free shows,” Dean reiterated in a harsh whisper. He stole another suspicious glance around the open area in the middle of the commune and all the people milling about. He pulled the bag fully in front of his brother’s crotch and held it there defiantly while Sam wasted time fiddling with the strap.
Yet another middle aged, longhaired hippie freak passed by them with a wave and a hello. Dean returned the gesture with a tight, flat smile and a silent jerk of the chin.
“Dean,” Sam hissed, still adjusting his newly positioned strap and bag and the map in his hand. He quickly smiled and waved back as the man continued on his way. Once the guy was out of earshot Sam turned on his brother. “What the hell, man? We’re trying to blend in here. What’s wrong with you?”
“Nothing, dude,” Dean returned with equally irritability. Sam tried pushing his bag back where it had been by his side, but Dean caught it and pulled it right back to his front. Sam huffed, staring at him like he was insane. Like it was just any other day, any other case. Just a normal day of being completely naked in public. Dean shrugged under that debilitating bitch face. “I just think we should keep our distance from these tree-huggers. We’ll probably catch STDs just standing near them.”
Fighting not to roll his eyes, Sam shook his head and softly exhaled through his nose, but he stopped fighting Dean’s deathgrip on his bag and resumed studying the village layout. The sooner they could get to work and get Dean’s mind off their nudity, the better. “That’s not how STDs work,” he snootily pointed out, while squinting to parse the doorman’s messy handwriting. “This isn’t some kind of sex cult, Dean. It’s a perfectly legitimate and legal nudist colony.”
“So they say.” Dean sniffed like a watchdog.
Heaving a loud sigh, Sam gestured with the map in the direction they needed to go. “The library slash town hall should be this way,” he said. “It’s the big one with the weird sculptures in front, apparently.”
“This whole place is weird,” Dean muttered.
“Dude, just—just don’t.” Sam led the way, begrudgingly covering his junk with his duffle bag, the mirror image of his ridiculous older brother. But whereas Dean kept up his gruff, stay at arm’s length demeanor, Sam made a point of smiling warmly and returning every greeting they got as they practically duck waddled to the library like a freaking Monty Python bit.
Near the entrance of the town hall and library they encountered an old man with skin so leathery and wrinkled from the sun that he looked more like a Prada bag than a person. His bone white hair was that weird sort of transparent so that you could see his scalp underneath. Just looking at the man made Dean pout, mildly repulsed by the mundane effects of aging.
“You boys must be our visitors,” he called from the stoop of the town hall. He rose under his own power and stepped right up to them, putting each of his hands on a brother’s shoulder. Dean barely held in a flinch. Gritting his teeth and clenching hard to keep from immediately batting the man’s hand away. “I’m Arnold Highwater. I’m sorta the mayor of our little village. It’s so nice to meet you boys.”
“I’m Sam, this is my brother, Dean.” To Dean’s relief, Sam offered his hand out to shake and the so-called mayor eagerly took it. “You’re one of the founders, right? Thanks for agreeing to let us stay.”
Arnold beamed proudly. “I sure am,” he declared. “One of the last ones still kicking.”
“Yes, we heard about the recent deaths, we’re so sorry for your losses.” Dean had to look at Sam, awed by how sincere his little brother sounded like he actually cared about complete strangers. It was probably because his baby boy was such a good person.
The mention of grief dimmed Arnold’s enthusiasm, and he nodded. “Thank you. It has been tough, losing Lizzy and Sunflower like that… back to back. Damn heartbreaking.”
“Sunflower?” Dean asked, unable to help himself. Sam shot a glare at him and Dean cleared his throat. “I mean, that’s a very…unique name.”
“It came to him in a vision quest,” Arnold stated in a stern, fatherly tone before his gaze went internal. “Back in the sixties. His spirit guide told him he should honor the sunflower because it too followed the light.”
Dean let out half a laugh when Sam jabbed his bony elbow into his midsection turning his chuckle into a cough. Arnold shook off his memory and faced the boys again with a renewed smile. “But it’s good to have boys here with us,” he assured them. “Even if it is only for a few days. Happy Hippie Hollow is for everyone. Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you boys while you’re here.”
“Well, um, we were wondering about maybe finding a room for the night?” Sam put into the ether with a sort of hapless shrug. “
“Oh, I can find you a place,” Arnold promised. “Not a problem.”
“We don’t mind sharing a room,” Sam added.
“We like our privacy,” Dean interjected.
“Oh.” Arnold took a second thought and then said, “I’ll see what we can do. I’ll find you boys when I’ve got something for you.”
“Thanks, Arnold,” Sam replied, offering his hand again. The old man took it happily. “Everyone here’s been so welcoming.”
“We try our best,” Arnold asserted. He held his hand out to Dean and he just kinda stared at it for a second, unfortunately also catching a glimpse of white shaggy pubes. Sam nudged him out of his stupor and Dean shook the man’s hand with a forced grin that made him look crazy.
As Arnold passed by he patted Dean on the shoulder twice more, and Dean barely held in a groan. He rolled the affected shoulder like he feared flower power might be catching, and fought the urge to dust his shoulder off until they were inside the town hall and away from prying eyes. “God! Why does everybody gotta be so grabby around here? Haven’t they heard of personal space?”
“Have you?” Sam retorted, lightly nudging Dean for the third time. Dean was about to whip out some snarky comment but then he spotted that soft turn up of his brother’s lips and Sam’s superstar dimples and let the quip die. He swatted Sam’s arm like a brother should and just enjoyed the warmth of his little brother’s holding-back-a-smile face.
In the middle of the room was a table with a pot of coffee and snacks laid out on it. As well as a sign pointing in two directions. To the right was the town meeting hall and to the left, the library. Sam spun to the left right away and Dean followed shortly behind after nabbing some of the cookies from the table. He stuffed one in his mouth and tried to slip the other one into his pockets before he remembered he didn’t have any because he was naked!
“Dude, no pockets,” he complained to his brother. “How do these people live without pockets?”
“We could get you a purse,” Sam offered with that sardonic lilt in his voice. Dean glared at the back of his brother’s head as they reached the front desk of a surprisingly organized, one room library.
There were bookshelves built in against the walls and maybe four or five of them in the middle of the room with a couple small tables and chairs thrown in for places to sit and read. There was a kid’s storytime nook with bean bags and cushions and a soft rug tucked into one corner and a big card catalog beside the front desk and nothing else. Not one computer in sight. Not even for the librarian. This place was old school, about thirty years out of date and the librarian wasn’t doing much better.
She was old too like basically everyone else they had seen here. Proper old, with those old lady glasses on a chain perched on her nose. She was chubby and wrinkled with her white and gray hair tied up in a bun on the back of her head. Dean tossed the lady a grin“Oh look, Sammy. She’s just your type,” he whispered. “Go get her, tiger.”
Dean swatted his brother’s perky butt and hung back just a bit to give Sam some space to work his magic on the old broad. Sam sharply inhaled at the unexpected sting and rolled up to the counter without socking Dean in the arm for real this time and instead plastered on a friendly, moderately embarrassed smile on his face. “Hi, my name’s Sam. This is Dean,” he explained, gesturing to his brother who was lurking behind him. “We’re new in town and looking for information on the history of the Hollow. We were told this was the place to look.”
“So you’re the newcomers,” she stated, her tone somewhere between bored and curious. She fixed both of the boys with one long, slow glance each then she pursed her lips like she was trying to fight down a smirk. Dean glanced down at his naked body his bag having fallen away from his crotch revealing the family jewels to the world as it were. He hastily slid the bag back into place while she turned her attention back to Sam. “Young, tall, and good-looking just like they said.”
Sam blushed, ducking adorably in a way old women always liked. “Word travels fast around here, huh?”
“It’s a small hollow,” she replied dryly. “You boys must’ve caused quite a stir walking across the middle of town.”
“Not really. Everybody’s been very friendly.”
“Too friendly,” Dean mumbled.
Sam poked his brother with his elbow and smiled even bigger to the older woman. “We understand that all the civil records for the Hollow are kept here correct? Like death certificates and blueprints and everything?”
“That’s right,” the old lady said, keeping one eye squinting at Dean. “All the records are available for the public. We don’t believe in secrets here.”
“Really?” Dean piped up. “I bet everybody’s Kumbaya-ing here every night, huh?”
“Wouldn’t say that,” she disagreed. “People are people after all. There’s always drama. But I don’t suppose I should scare you boys off with talk of scandal and such, seeing as how you just got here.”
She turned to her left and pointed to the last bookshelf behind her on the wall. “Everything about the Hollow is in the reference section, including news clippings and official documents and those death certificates you mentioned. None of them can leave the library unfortunately but we’re open every day and residents can stay in after hours if need be. You boys considering staying awhile?”
“Um, probably not,” Sam modified, trying to stay in the older woman’s good graces. “Our job takes us around a lot. We don’t tend to stay in one place too long.”
“Oh? And what job is that?”
“Traveling salesmen,” Dean jokingly chimed in. He wiggled his eyebrows at Sam telling him to play along and dropped his hand onto his brother’s shoulder to play up the camaraderie. The librarian didn’t look convinced.
Nevertheless, Deann grinned, Sam’s infamous body heat warm against his palm. “Yep. We’re the last of a dying breed. Just a couple fly by night, lone wolves, that’s us. Huh, Sam?”
“Uh, yeah,” Sam added, blandly.
“Uh-huh,” the lady said, looking the brothers over again before meeting Sam’s gaze head on. “We close at five.”
“Right. Thank you, Mrs…?”
“Just Muriel is fine.” She looked pointedly at Dean. “But you may call me ma’am.
Sam sniffed to hold in a snort and smiled genuinely. Dean opened his mouth to ask what he had done to offend her, but Sam started herding him, pushing his disgruntled older brother towards the section of books they needed. “Thanks, Muriel,” he said over his shoulder. “We’ll be quick.”
Sam sat in a chair and eased his laptop onto the crudely handmade, wooden table before him. He then dropped his duffle bag beside him and cracked open his laptop. “We’ll need the death certificates,” he said, while he accessed the village’s internet.
Hovering close to him, Dean sighed and pushed his duffel bag directly against his crotch as he went to grab the files they needed from the library’s reference section. He wasn’t about to slip up again and give any more old timers a chance to gander at his dong. He came back to the table with two thick binders and a book carried in a stack one handed like he was a waiter. A waiter more preoccupied with not exposing his genitalia to public scrutiny than he was the materials he was transporting.
With more care than he wanted to use, Dean slid the village documents onto the table and took up his spot next to Sam’s shoulder again. “I snagged the scrapbook on the founding of the village too,” Dean said. “In case we need it for something.”
“Good thinking.” Sam typed for a brief second and then reported, “I’ve got the photos from the autopsies.”
“Already?” Dean arched his eyebrow. “How’d you get in their system so fast?”
“I guess Muriel wasn’t kidding about there not being many secrets around here.” Sam shrugged. “The coroner’s files weren’t even password protected.”
Dean shook his head. “These people…” he muttered to himself, careful to keep his voice down since the library wasn’t very big and Muriel was still at the front desk just a few feet away. She glanced at them as she worked on a stack of books and he threw her a friendly, charming smile.
She didn’t react. Totally deadpan.
Dean dropped the smile and focused on Sam’s computer screen instead, giving up on trying to be nice to the old broad. His duffle bag hung awkwardly as he leaned over his brother’s shoulder to study the notes and photos on the two bodies so far. His bag bumped against Sam and his chair. He tried to readjust but it happened again and Sam gave him the look. “What’s wrong with you? Just put it down,” Sam said, aggrieved. “We’re not going anywhere for a while.”
“I’m not just gonna stand around naked like one of these—“
“You’re already naked,” Sam hissed, his patience gone. “There’s no one around except me and Muriel, and I really don’t think she’s going to be the one staring, so put the bag down.”
Stone faced, Dean let his duffle plop onto the floor where it landed with a heavy thud and the scrape of metal against metal. Sam looked down at his bag confused, then lifted his eyes to his big brother. Dean fielded another mildly reproachful glance from Muriel and then ducked down again to his bitchy brother. “What the hell did you put in there?” Sam snapped.
“Weapons, why? What do you have in your bag?”
“Clothes,” Sam replied. “What the hell did you bring?”
“We don’t know what we’re up against yet, if anything, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to stroll around naked without a gun or two handy,” Dean explained. “What else was I supposed to pack?”
“Clothes,” Sam reiterated in disbelief.
“This is a nudie colony for aging hippies,” Dean harshly mumbled. “Why would I pack clothes?”
“To wear, because sometimes they do.” Sam huffed. “Didn’t you read the pamphlet I gave you?”
“It was full of a bunch of photos of boring old naked people standing around in gardens,” Dean argued. “What was there to read?”
Sam heaved a put upon sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. “They wear clothes on Thursdays when they have their town meeting and community dinner. You know that thing we’re going to be going to tonight?”
For a beat neither brother said anything and then Sam sighed again and turned back to his computer. He declared, “You’ll wear something of mine.”
Dean arched his eyebrow. They were no strangers to sharing clothes. Sammy had spent their childhood wearing his hand-me-downs and since they had started hunting together again sometimes things got swapped around at the laundromat or during the sorting. But for some reason the idea of wearing something of Sam’s was different here. Dean couldn’t put his finger on exactly why though…
He leaned over his brother’s shoulder to look at the screen, but not before catching another glimpse of his little brother’s thick hog. Just right there. In his lap. Looking like a third leg even while soft. Something kicked against his chest from the inside. His baby boy had grown up good. Into a real man. He didn’t even realize he was grinning as he scanned the words, his brain picking up on the few important ones and then studied the photos of the bodies. The wounds were unusual.
“Hearts were still present so I guess we can rule out werewolves,” Sam said, matter of factly.
“Plus the moon cycle’s off,” Dean added. “Did you see the cuts along their sides? Way too clean to be an animal attack.”
“So maybe they were cut open after the initial attack?” Sam mused.
“Maybe.” Dean kneeled down and zipped open his duffle. On top of the stack of weapons was Dad’s journal. Dean nabbed it and tossed it up to Sam, then Dean dove back into his arsenal. He moved the mace so the pointy end was hanging out of his bag instead of inside where it could nick his hands and then he started shuffling things around trying to find his pocket knife.
“A mace?” Sam asked, waspishly. “When have we ever needed a mace?”
“You never know,” Dean weakly countered. He pulled a sword fully out and handed the pommel to Sam to hold as he continued his search.
“A sword?! Seriously?!” Sam hissed. “Plan on fighting dragons while you’re in town or something?”
“You never know,” Dean parroted from behind clenched teeth. Both of the brothers rolled their green eyes. Sam went back to looking at his computer screen just so he wouldn’t have to keep watching Dean take out more ridiculous weapons, while Dean continued his search for his pocket knife. “Freaking pocket-less freaks…”
When he finally gripped the familiar handle, Dean tossed his knife up and Sam caught it with his left hand. “Compare that edge to the wound,” he instructed. “It’ll give us a reference for how long the cut is and what kind of knife was used.”
“I know what to look for,” Sam brattily complained. He waited for Dean to straighten up before handing him back his sword and then he flipped the knife open with a flick of his wrist. Dean grinned, his balls tingling at the sight. Sam studied the photos intensely, finding the closest shots and best angles for comparisons to the knife he had resting on the table beside his laptop. Dean hunched over his shoulder, a solid and familiar presence.
Suddenly, a woman cleared her throat. “Young man,” Muriel stated aloud, jolting both of the Winchesters out of their research trance. They both turned their heads and saw Muriel standing there watching them like a hawk with a stack of books in her hands for shelving. “There’s no weapons allowed in the library.”
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zalrb · 1 year
I don’t know what to think of Logan and Marcia. Because I get why they’d be in to each other, why they’d marry each other and stay married. Logan has money and Marcia is composed, clever, and conniving and I think Logan would like that (so long as she didn’t attempt to usurp him). I never got the vibe that there were any real feelings involved, which is why I was so surprised that Marcia left Logan after Rhea (controversial opinion, but I don’t think Logan and Rhea were ever a thing, Rhea seems too well-adjusted for that IMO). I can get Marcia’s cattiness with Kerry, and obviously I get Logan fucking around but I never understood why it was with Kerry because she brings nothing to the table the way Marcia, Rhea, and even Caroline do.
I’m also interested in her loyalty to Logan. Part of it was that he had all the power, but Marcia’s very big on betrayal and even used the word “traitors” a few times, which made it seem more personal.
I’m curious about why Shiv dislikes her so much (but Shiv hates everyone, so…) and I’m interested in Marcia’s beef with Willa and her weird kinship with Greg. I think Marcia thinks people see her as an older Willa and resents that bc they’re on different levels but I do not get why anyone but Tom would like Greg lmao.
Logan and Rhea weren't sexually involved
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and she was also clearly playing him
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but I think it's clear they were still a thing
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especially because being romantically involved with someone and playing them is kind of expected in this world at least to Logan, he says it about Marcia
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and it's to the point that Logan doesn't know if his judgment is impaired because he's so swept up in her
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which also happens with Kerry, he pushes for her to become an anchor
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and it's only when he repeatedly sees how people are making fun of her audition tape that he's like OK well kill it
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which is actually an interesting aspect of Logan, particularly since he can eventually admit to being worried about not thinking clearly because he's infatuated with a woman
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Marcia leaves because Logan isn't discreet, everyone knows that he's infatuated with Rhea and it's even worse than with Sally-Anne, and she has a sense of dignity. It's one thing to have affairs, it's another thing to flaunt them
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It's also interesting you never got the vibe that there were real feelings involved with Marcia and Logan when I thought it existed at one point because one of the most, if not the most, vulnerable scenes we see of him when he's alive is with her
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yet I don't think loyalty is why she stayed, they negotiated more money and more power in the company for her in season 3 when Logan asks her not to divorce him because of the optics, they had an arrangement
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In terms of Kerry, it's interesting because she kind of just shows up one episode and then her screen time grows with each season little by little and we don't have much backstory but when we see her talk to Greg we do see her have the same type of sharpness, no bullshitting attitude
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while also being someone who is taking care of him, like Marcia isn't there anymore, he isn't going to rely on his kids, so not only does she sometimes act as an intermediary and a translator to the siblings,
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she's doing the things Marcia used to do, like when she knows about his UTI plus she's young and ambitious and probably won't say "awesome" too much.
Shiv's dislike of Marcia comes down to power plays and control and who has more of it. Shiv likes to try and take control of situations and she's repeatedly told to stay in her lane by Logan or by Kendall,
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even by Roman (though I'm thinking more of this latest episode)
and that's something she continuously navigates abd pushes back against but she's used to it coming from her brothers and her father and men but then there's Marcia -- and to Shiv, who is Marcia, really? just some other woman -- who plainly tells her that she's not in control
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and that's also coupled with the access Marcia has/had to Logan that Shiv couldn't/can't get her own father
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like when she wants to go see him after he comes out of the hospital and Marcia won't let her upstairs, Shiv talks to the staff and says "I'm Logan's daughter, I just wanted to thank you for all you do" as a way to establish that she's the authority and they should be taking their cues from her not Marcia
combined with the fact that unlike the old guard who will act sycophantic, Marcia expresses the contempt she has and it's specifically to Shiv about Shiv
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soliloquivm · 1 year
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dani’s always had a bit of a soft spot for yejun, since they met ; they’ve got a kind and generous heart and they’ve helped dani out of more than one sticky situation in the past, given the oft wayward bassist somewhere to stay, fed them and offered pillows for their couch. they never had to show dani that kindness, but they did ― and they do, still. a grateful smile tugs at dani’s lips as yejun offers him coffee and a pastry, a luxury dani doesn’t often splurge on. it almost feels like brunch, and he wonders if yejun is the kind of person who does things like this often. it wouldn’t surprise them to find out yejun has befriended the baristas, that they’re fond enough to remember his usual order. the thought keeps his smile lingering maybe a moment too long for whatever reason and he almost forgets he’s been asked a question.
❝ about that, ❞ dani begins, tearing off a corner of the pastry and popping it in his mouth definitely not to buy a few seconds’ time to come up with a decent answer. ❝ i’ve been keeping myself off the streets, don’t worry, ❞ he jokes, and it’s mostly true ; whether crashing on the couches of their band mates and friends or in the beds of strangers and flings they find on their various escapades, they’ve usually got a roof over their head and a pillow beneath it. someone’s pillow. ❝ and i appreciate it, seriously, but i, uh ― look, don’t call me crazy for this because i mean it, it’s like ― it’s real, but the band got signed. we’ve been in the studio, working on a legitimate fucking album if you can believe it. and then once there’s an album, there’s gonna be a tour, even if ― even if we’re only opening for someone else. and if we’re gonna be traveling, what’s the point in paying for a flat, right ? ❞
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YEJUN LISTENS , always curious of the wayward situation that dani has found himself in . there’s no judgment on their features , just mere curiosity , cocktailed with concern . although , to say they offer assistance out of pity isn’t true either , yejun had once felt like their whole life was being turned upside down and wished that they had someone to assist in getting back on their feet . in fact , if they hadn’t had the money taken from their inheritance ( something yejun would rather call hush money from their parents ) chances are they never would have been able to .
besides that , yejun can’t help but enjoy watching dani smile , something so incredibly simple , yet it makes them feel like in this moment ? all is right in the world .
‘ wait , you should have told me that immediately ! ‘ the excitement on yejun’s face is palpable , just so pleased to hear good news , even if it was just a short stop on the other’s way to fulfilling a dream , this could honestly be a great step for dani , ‘ that’s awesome dani , honestly like … this is what you wanted right ? how do you feel ? i have so many questions ‘ yejun can understand , once it’s explained to them , why now the apartment hunting needs to be put on hold , ‘ listen , you know my couch is always open — besides , i’m kind of considering finding a bigger place , no real reason , i just … y’know ‘ they shrug , but still grinning for the other’s success , ‘ what’s the progress on the album ? if you don’t invite me to your first show after it drops i am going to take personal offense . ‘ @thecryptidcottage because tumblr sucks
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kellanved-ammanas · 1 year
PyroMedic Week 2023: Day 2: Rainbows and Fire
Once there was a time Pyro thought everyone saw fire as multicoloured dancing rainbows that made the world more pastel and pretty the longer one stared into it. Upon finding out that that wasn’t the case, he’d started telling people and painting pictures to show them. For some reason that made people upset though, sometimes even mad. They insisted he needed to be ‘fixed’ or, failing that, locked up in a padded room for the rest of his life. He’d quickly stopped telling people… until now.
Wanting to study his pyromania, Medic had asked him about it. At first he’d been reluctant to say anything about the rainbows but… he liked Medic and Medic seemed to enjoy his company in return. Would that remain true if he knew about the rainbows? And unlike every other doctor who’d tried to talk to him about it, Medic hadn’t seemed concerned or judgmental about the pyromania in general, just interested and wanting to know more. And so Pyro painted him a picture, two actually. One of just fire and the other of the pastel pretty world staring into the rainbow flames for long enough created. He could’ve tried to use words but those were always more difficult.
He didn’t often paint on flat surfaces, preferring weapons or other 3D objects instead, so it didn’t look as good as it could’ve. The paper, even though it was the thickest he’d been able to acquire, hadn’t held up to the paints very well, buckling and making it look all the worse. It wasn’t as bad as it could’ve been though and got the ideas across well enough. So, after making sure both were indeed all the way dry, Pyro pulled his suit back on, grabbed them from his desk and headed off to find Medic.
The most likely place to find him was the lab and so that’s where Pyro headed. He knocked and waited a few moments for Medic’s, “Come in,” to confirm he was in before entering.
Medic sat at his desk, one of his medi-guns laid out and gutted upon it. Presumably he was performing maintenance on it. “Here to see the birds again?” he asked, looking up from it to look at Pyro. “Or do you need something?”
Pyro walked over to stand in front of the desk, ensuring it would be easier to hear him. “Remember when you were asking me yesterday about my pyromania? Well… I left something out about it. Part of the reason I’m so ‘compelled by fire’,” that’s how Medic had put it when asking about how it felt, “is because it looks kind of like this to me.” He handed Medic the picture of the rainbow flame. “And when I stare into it for long enough, it makes the world look kind of like this.” He handed the other picture over too.
Medic took both, adjusting his glasses as he studied them in silence for several long uncomfortable seconds. Finally he looked back up. “Interesting. Would you be willing to undergo a brain scan and possibly brain surgery too?”
Both of those things would involve taking off the mask. A problem all by itself but also, while he didn’t mind answering questions about it, he’d rather not undergo anything as invasive as brain surgery unless absolutely necessary for medical purposes. So he shook his head a hard, ‘no’, even lifting his hands to emphasis it.
“A shame but understandable. Tell me if you ever change your mind. I’d love to see if I can’t figure out what’s up with this.” Medic wasn’t mad, awesome! And…
“You believe me?” Folk had accused Pyro of lying about this before.
“I don’t see why you would lie about it.”
“And you don’t want to fix me?” Another big worry, especially considering he was a doctor.
“If you want me to, I can try. I’d rather study you though if I ever get a chance. I do wonder if its normal hallucinations though or perhaps if something supernatural is going on. Do you remember if you were ever cursed by a wizard or perhaps a demon?”
“I’m not sure. I don’t think so.” If he had been, Pyro didn’t remember it. Which was possible since he didn’t ruminate on his past much, resulting in him forgetting stuff about it without even realizing until something else brought up the thought. “It’s not a curse though. I like it.”
“Well, then there’s no need to fix it.” Medic really did just keep getting better and better, huh?
“I can tell you more about it if you want though.”
“Yes, yes. Sit down and tell me about it.”
0 notes
yjwhatif · 2 years
YJ: TARGETS ISSUE #3… (spoilers below!)
I just read the latest issue of Targets and all I can say is…
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I’m so happy right now! I love Eduardo! He’s so awesome and cool and just… perfect… I missed him so much! We need more Eduardo! GIVE ME MORE EDUARDO!
Okay I’ll stop talking about Ed… for now…
This was another great issue… or at least the main story was great - I haven’t actually read the flashback part yet because I don’t have access to that bit yet… so for that I cannot comment but I’m sure that will also be just as great when I eventually read it! Anyway… I have thoughts and I’m just gonna bullet point them…
First things first - I love Cassie as a leader, of course we haven’t seen her do too much as of yet, but I just love how she talks to people… She never disregards gars comments or his desire to be involved with the mission - even though he could be perceived as being too emotionally compromised by the situation - and she doesn’t present any hostility towards brion - even though he’s an ex teammate who betrayed them by going rogue. She shows control and objectivity but also reasonability… with brion, she’s able to put aside any personal animosity she may feel towards him because of the past and talks to him without showing any judgment or criticism. As a leader you have to have a level of objectivity to ensure information doesn’t get clouded or swayed by personal assumptions, but still remain aware of who it is your speaking to to avoid being misled by any false charm they may put on… I’ve no idea if this is making any sense but basically I think Cassie is showing herself to be a really great leader - she also looks amazing with that new suit!
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So it only just clicked in my head why cissie shows so much care towards Ollie whilst he’s in the hospital and that’s because he’s her mentor and she would care about him… honestly, I keep forgetting cissie is apart of the arrowfam - I think it’s because she was introduced and grouped with the batfam throughout S3 - so I keep thinking she’s a batkid when she’s not, she’s an arrowkid… if I say it enough time it will eventually stick in my head. Anyway, the panel of her being by Ollies side, holding his hand in the hospital is such a great shot. There’s so much concern on her face which tells us, without having seen really any interaction between the two before, that they have a clear bond - it matters to her that he’s not okay - they’re more than just allies on the same team, she’s emotionally invested in his well-being. It says a lot without needing any major explanations and I like that - I like seeing people care for people in these shows - especially in these smaller moments and seeing who specifically worry’s about who… it’s also why I’m so fascinated by the potential Roy and Perdita pairing - because for whatever reason, in the previous issues roy shows more concern for perdita than we’ve ever seen him show anyone before — and I want to know more!
Tim speaks!! I know he technically had a line in the last issue but he was deprived for so long in the show that this is always something worth celebrating! I love getting to see him lead again and he has a pretty cool squad - I’m excited to see more!
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Have I mentioned that I love Ed? Well… it’s always worth saying again… Ed’s back and I love it!!! He’s so fun here and either Bart’s ways of always dropping some sort of witty comment when fighting a baddie has rubbed off on him, or the two are just perfect for each other because I love how quippy he is as he keeps blocking Henchy (quippy might not be the right word but you know what I mean)… and now I think about it, he did have moments in S2 where had drop some kind of snarky comments as he teleports around the opposition - it’s great seeing how he’s grown into the character he’s become - and he is simply a joy to watch/read on the page.
“I could be a doctor… of something.” Love this line and interaction between Dick and Steph - I’m here for batfam content!
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Ok I am seriously concerned about the fact that another Taos teen has turned up as an infinitor in markovia — where is my Ed content regarding this fact?! I’m really hoping it’s coming because you cannot tell me he did as much as he did in S3 and then not have him involved in whatever the heck is going on with these teens! Why did they leave Taos?! I’m sure it is coming - I just hope it’s soon - because I wanna see it… and I kinda really wanna see Ed vs brion… it’d be great!
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So here’s a random question I have - does Everyman uses he/him pronouns? I looked on the wiki and it does say male for the gender - but I can’t recall whether anyone has ever actually used gendered pronouns when referring to them - it’s always been Everyman - which I think is interesting. The only reason I’m wondering this is because as a shapeshifter who does comfortably go between the genders, could it be that Everyman is non binary or gender fluid or agendered? Maybe Everyman is just simply Everyman, like forager is forager… I don’t know 🤷‍♀️ I just thought I’d ask the question… of course, there’s also the chance that I’ve just missed them use specific pronouns - I haven’t actually gone back and checked… so if that is the case then feel free to point that out to me.
Henchy's name is Joe Henchy… I don’t know why that makes me laugh - it just does! 😆 Guess I always thought Henchy was a nickname and not his actual name… but now I think about it, it makes way more sense that vertigo would refer to him by his surname and not a nickname… gotta be keeping this relationship professional.
Orphan immediately beheading the robot after Dicks specific instructions not to kill anyone that’s potentially inside is hilarious… of course she explains that she knew no one was inside but it’s still funny. Dicks reaction is great… also it has s1 vibe of M’gann seemingly murdering the dude who was in the mr twister robot - which is cool!
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I like how they illustrate the sign language and that Dicks like - yea, I can read ASL Spoiler! I really wanna see more Dick and Steph interactions - they seem fun together - I’m imagining brother/sister energy.
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Batfam owning the Bat-brats insult is just perfect - that is definitely the name of their family group chat.
Gotta love Orphans the robot slayer!
RIGHT, can someone please tell me when we’ve seen Lex’s spider bots before - other than in Elder Wisdom, which is the first time I ever remember seeing them - because they keep being brought up like they’re some reoccurring thing but I don’t remember them ever being established - and it’s bugging me that I apparently don’t remember! EDIT: thank you @inquisitivewordsmith for answering this - the spider bots were in the video game… which I never played - so that explains why I didn’t remember… I really appreciate the help! 🙏
Sings 🎶it’s been Luthor all along🎶 to the tune of ‘it was Agatha all along’.
This really was a brilliant issue - I love getting to see the different teams work on their own area of the investigation but all for the same mission - it’s what I like best about this shows universe - there’s scope but also connection. You have teams in three different locations around the world all working together to solve the mystery at hand - they have their own skills and techniques but they’re all unified by the same goal - get justice for perdita… this is shaping up to be another great story in the canon of young justice!
Ok, I know I have more to say about this but my brains stopped working and I wanna get this posted - so I’m calling quits for now… thanks for reading!
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the-broken-truth · 3 years
Can I request RE8 women (Lady D 、Donna...etc,you can pick who you want to write!)be protected by a human who wear full Knight's armor,use sword and sheild to fight,and they think that knight is a man.
But one day, that knight take off the helmet,and they are wrong,the knight is a woman.👩 ⚔
Sorry if I misspelled something, English is not my first language.
Broken Truth (Sharpening my sword): Hm, Dimitrescu or Donna... Dimitrescu or Donna... Hm... Why not both? Let the words weave together!
[Mother Miranda's Chapel - During A Lord Meeting]
"Thus, it would be better if you all were to... Alcina!" The Raven Winged Woman yelled out all of a sudden, causing the regal woman to jolt in her seat and almost drop her cigarette.
"Huh?! What?! Yes, Mother Miranda?" She asked as she looked at the woman in the golden mask.
"In case you forgot where you are - we are in the middle of a meeting and you are allowing your mind to wander instead of remaining focused. Care to explain why you are so distracted?" Miranda asked as she folded her arms with a glare under her mask.
"Please, forgive me, Mother Miranda - I was still...trying to analyze something that happened yesterday. You see - a few of the village's man-things decided to attack my castle." Alcina began.
"What's new about that? You report an attack on your castle once every two to three weeks; what makes this one so different that it's distracting you from the meeting?" Miranda asked.
"Well, Mother Miranda - It wasn't the event itself but the person who came out of nowhere and slaughtered all of the opposers." Alcina said with a slight blush on her face.
"Person? What person?" Miranda asked.
"Well... A Knight."
[Flashback - The Day Before - Attack On Castle Dimitrescu]
Once again - the reckless males of the village gathered again to attack the residents of the grand castle that overshadowed their home, but there were more of them than last time. The full moon shined over the castle, lighting the area around the - there were at least 50 or 60 humans there; armed with farming equipment or small handguns. Alcina and her Daughters were standing before the grand door of their castle - claws and sickles ready - the first man who held a pitchfork made a dash for the eldest daughter but before he could even get close to her, the silhouette of a caped figure shrouded the light of the moon before the figure came crashing down in the middle; acting as a bridge between The Dimitrescus and the Opposers.
The figure rose to their feet and the light of the moon made their features known to all. They were tall - at least 7 feet tall - dressed in a black metal armor that bore wolves on the shoulders and in the chest plate, the eyes of the wolves had rubies for eyes; even the helmet was in the likeness of a wolf and the back of the legs had a tail made of fur - was it real or did the wearer hunt down a beast and take its tail as a trophy. By their side, the pommel of the sword shined in the moonlight and even that was a wolf.
"Who the hell are you?!" The man said.
"Silence, you waste of flesh and blood." A deep voice came from the helmet, making the man flinch - a male was in that suit? That would explain the height. "You dare rally drunken minds to harm your masters? You have no honor and thus no worth, therefore..." His hand came over his side and wrapped around the handle of the sword before slowly pulling it out of its case, "You have no lost your privilege of life for even having the thought of harming House Dimitrescu!" He howled as he darted at the crowd of men with the speed of a beast on the hunt.
With a single swing of his sword - the first 10 men were killed. Alcina and her daughters watched in awe as this armored man slaughtered men who harm on the Dimitrescu Family. With another slash of the massive blade, 8 more were killed. He kept at it until the last man - the one who poisoned all the others to fight a losing battle; he was shivering and dropped his weapon as the tall man walked over to him, his armor and sword dripping with the blood of his lackeys.
"You are the orchestrator of this madness - the one who weaved chaos and delusion into the hearts and minds of these men." He growled as he raised the bloody blade over his head. "It is your fault that wives have become widows, children grow without parental guidance, and fathers...bury their sons; let that weigh on your mind...as you face your creator for judgment." The sword came crashing down upon the man - slicing him right down the middle.
"That...THAT WAS AWESOME!!" The excited cry of the youngest Dimitrescu Daughter as she buzzed over to the knight and began asking him questions: Where did he come from? Where he learned to fight like that? Where he got his sword and armor? If he could teach her how to fight? The Armored Man just stared at her.
"Daniela, that's enough." Alcina said as she cleared her throat and walked over to her daughter and savior, "I thank you for your but assistance but my daughters and I could have handled them." Alcina said.
"A Lady of your stature doesn't need to sully herself with dirt - it's not worth your time or the time of your daughters. Your time is precious and should be wasted with trivial matters such as this." He said before turning on his heel and jumped so high that he was once again cast in the moon's shadow before he fell in the forest somewhere, leaving the daughters and Lady of the castle just standing there...with a light blush on the lady's face.
[End of Flashback]
"HA HA HA HA HA! Lady Super-Sized Bitch has a crush! Oh, this is so rich!" Heisenberg laughed to the point he almost fell out of his seat.
"Silence, you stupid man-thing! You're just mad that he is more of a man than you will ever be!" Alcina roared at her brother who was going to shout back when...
"Hold on, ya talking that a tall dude - black armor with wolves all over it?" Angie asked from Donna's Lap; Alcina looked at her confused.
"Yes, that's my knight." She said.
The doll burst out laughing.
"Your Knight?! That's Donna's Knight! He saved her just last week!" Angie smiled.
"WHAT?!" Alcina yelled - jealousy clear in her voice.
"Yeah - it was late one night; we were looking for a plant that grew on the edge of the valley wall when..."
[Flashback - The Valley of Mist]
"AHHH!" The Dollmaker cried out as the rock under her feet broke away and she began to fall down into the misty darkness of the valley she called her home - tears in her eyes, reaching for the growing moon in the sky that seemed to get smaller and smaller with each second. She closed her eye, waiting for the sudden impact that would end her life of misery when she felt another force - an arm secured itself around her waist and she was pressed a cold chest, she kept her eye closed until she came to a stop and slowly opened them when she came face-to-face with a metal face in a wolf snarl.
"Are you alright, my lady? That would have been quite an unpleasant fall." The deep voice spoke from the metal wolf's locked jaws - Donna's eyes widened at the shining [E/C] eyes that looked back at her from the holes in the helmet.
"I...I am alright." Donna's voice came in a whisper.
"That is good to hear. Now, let's get you back to your companion." The Wolfish Knight said as he looked up and lunged himself up the wall with one clawed hand while holding Donna with the other, refusing to let her go. The moment they reached the top, Angie ran up to them.
"Donna! Are you alright?" She yelled.
"Worry not, Little Angel; your mother is safe, I was not going to let anything happen to her." The Knight said.
"Who are you?" Angie asked.
"I have no name, Little One." The Knight said as he held his hand out to Angie, "Now, take my hand and I'll get both of you back home, it gets rather dangerous around her at this time of night." He said.
Angie looked at the black clawed gauntlet for a moment before she took it and was pulled into an embrace and sat in her mother's lap before the knight rose to his full height and carried the woman bridal style before jumping into the trees - leaping through them like a Forest Cat - before falling to the ground in front of Beneviento Manor and sat them both on their feet. The knight gave them a nod before turning away and leaping away once again - gone from their sight.
[End of Flashback]
"Well...Just because she knew him first doesn't mean that she can have him." Alcina said.
"And what makes you think you deserve him? He saved us first and Donna even saw his eyes; you didn't have a decent conversation with them." Angie said.
"He is my knight and I shall not let anyone take him from me, not even my little sister." Alcina growled at Angie.
"Hey, you can't claim him for yourself if he doesn't want you!" Donna said as she rose from her seat.
"And what makes you think he wants you, little dollmaker?" Alcina smirked.
"I don't know what he wants but if he were here, I would as him!"
Oh, fate - how you be a lady.
The Window above Mother Miranda's head caved inward and two figures came crashing into the stone floor of Mother Miranda's Chapel - the first being one of Karl's Massive Lycans - The Varcolac - and...
He was holding the beast by its head as it tried to sink its teeth into his armor. The Varcolac's hand lashed out and knocked the knight into one of the stone walls - making a large hole in it.
"My Knight!" Both Alcina and Donna yelled out before glaring at each other, "Your Knight?!"
A flash of black bolted out of the hole and metal arms wrapped around the beast's neck before twisting - snapping its neck. The Knight dropped the dead creature and exhaled before the wolf face he wore began cracking and broke away: revealing [H/L] [H/C] hair, [E/C] eyes, [S/C] skin with a scar across the face and...
A feminine face?!
The knight looked up at Miranda and the other lords before bowing in apology. "Forgive me for this interrupting, this beast attacked my home and I had to put it down." She said. Alcina was quick and was at the knight's side with her hand on the knight's shoulder.
"It's quite alright, cavalerul meu (My Knight). You had to do what needed to be done to keep your lady safe. If you wish, I can bring you to Castle Dimitrescu for a meal and a safe place to recover; it's the least I can do, Darling." Alcina blushed at her words while the woman in armor just looked at her in confusion before she was pulled away from Alcina.
"Hey, Tall One! It's been a while! Thanks for saving us from that thing. Sorry about your mask, Donna and I can get it fixed for you and you can stay with us while it gets fixed." Angie said while Donna smiled.
"Excuse me?!" Alcina said as she marched up to her little sister, the knight moving back. "I was the one who invited my knight to stay at Castle Dimitrescu while she heals, you can't roach on my bonding time with my future partner!" Alcina yelled at the veiled woman.
"And who said she wants you, Alcina?! Didn't you see if was uncomfortable with the way you were touching her?! It's clear she doesn't want you!" Donna yelled back.
"She does! Don't you, cavalerul meu?!" Alcina turned to the knight...only to find her gone. "What?!" She looked around, "Where did she go?!"
"She jumped back out that window while you two were arguing. Looks like she doesn't want either one of you." Karl smirked.
"SHUT UP, KARL!!!" Donna/Alcina/ and Angie yelled at him.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
I'm Only A Crack In This Castle Of Glass (Hardly Anything Else I Need To Be) PT. 2
Batfamily x Batsis Story!
Word Count: 2.7K Warnings: Explicit Language and Angst!
Author's Note: It's amazing how much one can write when they've got a story to tell, eh? Enjoy! -Thorne
Set Three Years After PT. 1:
Life for her revolved around work in the A.M. and community college in the P.M. If she wasn’t brewing cappuccinos and baking apple turnovers, she was writing research papers and taking physics exams. It was hectic and it was hard, much harder than anything she’d done, but it was her life, and she was going to make the best of it. The money she’d taken from her savings account had only lasted her long enough to get a decent one bedroom one bathroom apartment in a small complex and the rest went towards tuition. The coffee shop two blocks from her building had fortunately been looking for a new hire when she arrived, and she took the chance where it was, not going to look the gift horse in its mouth.
The life she lived now was a complete 180 from her old one. Back then, she didn’t have to work (though she did at a high-end department store in the mall—her father got her the job but at least she had one) and there wasn’t anything she couldn’t get with a swipe of a credit card. Now she was on a budget that consisted of five and ten tips and the last time she actually bought a new pair of shoes over a hundred dollars had been last year when she needed them for an interview, and even then, it cost her a limb.
Everything was so different, but she didn’t want to go back, preferring to be on her own and away from Gotham. From the newspapers and media, her family had convinced the world that she’d taken a few years to go overseas and spend time in Europe. A mental reprieve, they’d called it. Partially true if she was honest, but she wasn’t going to open her mouth about it lest they learned where she was. She didn’t go through all that trouble to be found within three years.
Maybe I should move again?
Moving would take a long time but it would be effective.
Someone grabbed her arm over the counter, and she jerked with a start, eyes widening as she finally realized someone was standing in front of her.
“Barry?” she asked, and he smiled.
“Finally,” he snorted. “I’ve been calling your name for like ten minutes now.”
She felt a flush creep along her cheeks, and she smiled apologetically. “Sorry, I was thinking about something. Usual?” she murmured, marking a disposable coffee cup with a marker.
Barry nodded with understanding and handed her a credit card. “I hear you. How’s studying going for that physics exam?” His blue eyes darted to the science book she had sprawled over the counter.
“It’s going,” she muttered and turned, starting to mix together his latte. “I still can’t get the thermodynamic laws down. They’re a bit confusing.”
“Yeah, it’ll take a while. You know if you need my help, all you gotta do is ask, right?”
Shrugging, she glanced at him as she poured. “You’re a busy man, Barry. I can’t have you trying to help me while trying to solve cases too.”
Barry chuckled and accepted the freshly poured latte. “I’m an excellent multitasker, Melisandre. Besides, you don’t have to worry about it messing with my work.” She opened her mouth to retort but he cut her off. “Seriously, shoot me an email about whatever questions you’ve got, and I’ll take a look at ‘em, okay?”
Her eyes narrowed warily, and she inquired, “You’re sure it won’t interfere? I’d hate for you to get in trouble for working on non-work-related things.”
“I promise, Melisandre,” he smiled and accepted a bag of apple turnovers too. He couldn’t help but pull one out and bite into it, letting out a delighted noise. “God, what do you put in these things? They’re phenomenal.”
She giggled and winked as he handed her a twenty. “A baker never reveals her secret, but if you really want to know, I use a little vanilla extract.”
Barry shook his head with a chuckle and started making his way to the door. “See you later, Melisandre!”
Waving at him, she called, “Bye Barry! Take care!”
Just as he opened the door, he stopped and spun around, suddenly asking, “Hey, what are you doing tomorrow?”
Blinking, she glanced at the physics book then back to him. “Well, I was going to be studying for the exam…why?”
“My nephew is in town and I wanted to introduce him to you. I’ve already mentioned you a bunch of times and he wants to meet you.”
Her face pinched. “Barry Allen, what did you tell that poor boy?”
He stuck his tongue out at her. “That there’s a lonely college student who has no friends but has the greatest baking abilities in the world.”
“I cannot believe you told him I had no friends! Why!”
“You don’t.”
“Well, yeah! But still! You don’t just tell someone that! It makes me seem like there’s something wrong with me!”
Barry waved a hand. “Relax. Wally’s the least jerky person you’ll meet.” He smiled. “You’ll like him.”
She frowned. “I still don’t think this is a good idea, Barry.”
“Why not?”
“Well, he’s here to see you and your wife, not come meet the person who feeds your apple turnover addiction.”
The blonde’s cheeks turned a dark shade of crimson and he spluttered, “It is not an addiction!” he spun around and marched through the door. “I’ll send him over tomorrow! Bye!”
And he left before she could even say a word.
It had to be hieroglyphics. It was either that or some ancient cuneiform he’d recently taken up interest in, because there was no way whatever he’d written on the paper was English.
She cocked her head to the side, muttering, “Jesus Christ, Barry, did you write this on a caffeine bender? Your writing is like chicken scratch.” She tipped her head to the other side trying to decipher it when someone leaned over her shoulder.
“Which problem do you need help on?” they asked, and she pointed to the sheet.
“I have no idea what that says.” She turned and saw a red-haired stranger. “If you think you can, be my guest.”
He took it and read over it a moment, green eyes scanning over the page then he said, “Let’s see, he wrote first, ‘The third law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of a system at absolute zero is a well-defined constant. This is because a system at zero temperature exists in its ground state, so that its entropy is determined only by the degeneracy of the ground state.’”
Pausing, he scanned it again and added, “Then he marked a note beside it and wrote, ‘In simplistic terms, if an object reaches the absolute zero temp. of (0 K = -273.15C = -459.67°F), its atoms will stop moving. In other words, at absolute zero, the entropy of a perfectly crystalline substance is zero.’”
Glancing at her, he smiled. “Make sense now?”
She huffed and nodded, taking the sheet back. “Yeah, thanks. I don’t even know how you managed to get all that from his writing.”
He nodded. “Yeah, Barry’s handwriting is deplorable.”
Her eyes went wide, and she immediately questioned, “How did you?”
Sticking a hand out, he greeted, “Wally West. I’m Barry’s nephew.”
Shaking his hand, she couldn’t help but laugh. “I can’t believe he actually told you to come up here and meet me.” A smile came across her lips. “I’m Melisandre Hale.”
“That’s a pretty name, Melisandre.”
“Thank you,” she grinned and waved him to one of the bar-stools on the adjacent side of the counter. “Have a seat and I’ll get you something to eat and drink.” As she slid behind the counter, she inquired, “Anything specific?”
Wally stared at the bored, offhandedly mentioning, “Barry said something about apple turnovers that could make you cry with joy, so I’ve gotta have one of those.” His evergreen eyes met hers. “Maybe two if I’m being honest.”
She grunted, but a grin crossed her lips, nevertheless. “Barry exaggerates a lot, Wally. They’re good, but they’re not mind-blowingly good.”
“Then I guess that leaves me to be the judge,” he countered with a smirk. “What should I drink?”
She thought for a moment then offered, “Have any judgments about drinking before five o’clock?”
He let out a startled laugh and shook his head. “It’s five o’clock somewhere.”
With a grin, she turned and started working her magic and a moment later, she was sliding a plate with two iced apple turnovers over along with a clear steaming mug of dark coffee with cream on top. She leaned her hip on the counter and watched him pick up one of the apple turnovers and take a bite.
Immediately his eyes went wide, and he exclaimed, “Holy shit.” He gaped at her. “This is delicious, Melisandre!”
Despite herself, her cheeks warmed, and she gave him an easy smile. “Thanks, Wally.” She nodded to the crystal mug. “Try the Irish coffee.”
He did so and tossed his head back, letting out an exaggerated groan that had her laughing until her stomach hurt. Wally was on his second turnover and he looked at her.
“You’ve gotta open up a bakery or something, Melisandre. Your pastries are awesome.”
She huffed and took the plate from him as he finished the last bite. “Let me get through college first and then I’ll wonder how to rack up enough to open a shop.”
“What are you studying?”
Pausing, she tossed a quick glance at him. “There’s no specification right now. I’m just doing general studies to get all the basics out of the way.” She put the dish in the sink and started rinsing it. “I’m at the four-C right now.” His brows pulled together, and she added, “Central City Community College.”
He snapped his fingers. “Right! It’s been a while since I went to the four-C.”
Her eyes found his and she curiously asked, “Did you go there?”
“Yeah, a few years back.”
“You don’t look that much older than I am. How old are you, Wally?”
He sipped his coffee and set it down as he replied, “I turned twenty-eight a month ago.”
“Happy belated birthday,” she smiled, and he gave her one in return.
“Thanks. How about you?”
“I turned twenty-one a few months ago.”
“Hmm, happy belated birthday to you as well.” He grinned, quipping, “How’s it feel to finally be able to legally do all the things you were doing before you turned twenty-one?”
She shot him a look. “Shame on you, Wally West, for assuming I was doing illegal things.” He chuckled and she shrugged. “But to answer your question, it feels great, so thanks.”
Wally snorted at that. “My best friend and I got absolutely hammered on our twenty-firsts and swore to never drink hard liquor again after we woke up in the bathroom in our underwear after passing out on the floor.”
A shudder passed over her at her own memory of waking up beside the toilet after her birthday celebration with a bottle of white rum. She cocked a hand up with her water bottle in it. “Here, here,” she toasted and took a sip as Wally raised his coffee and drank too.
She glanced at him. “Are you in school, or are you done?”
“I finished a while ago. I work out of a tower with a group of friends in Manhattan.”
For a moment, her eyes drifted to the simple pair of jeans and graphic shirt he was wearing. She lived in the upper area of Gotham and she knew what uptown Manhattan was like, and it wasn’t jeans and t-shirts.
Evidently, he did too because he scowled, “I have suits and ties, thank you very much.”
She snorted and took the empty mug from him. “I didn’t say anything, Wally.”
“You made a face.”
“Is a face a ground to be hostile?” she grinned. “I was just wondering what type of business in Manhattan ran on flash t-shirts and skinny jeans.” She eyed him. “Tech?”
He shrugged. “It’s…a bit of everything if I’m being honest.” It sounded like he didn’t exactly want to say, and she let it be, rinsing out his cup before setting it to dry.
A buzz sounded and she felt for her phone when he said, “That’s mine.” Wally pulled his phone out, read the message, and stood up. “I’ve gotta go, Melisandre.”
She nodded and took the twenty-dollar bill he handed her, waving her off when she tried to hand back the change. As he started towards the door, she called, “Wally?”
He turned on his heel and waited and she felt foolish for saying it, but she admitted with warmth in her cheeks, “It’s been a while since I had any semblance of a friend…so thanks for this afternoon.”
Wally gave her a pearly white grin. “Barry said you’d say something like that,” he chuckled as she scowled and he added sincerely, “Can never have too many friends, Melisandre…and I hope you’ll become a great one of mine. So far, you already are.”
She smiled, “Same here, Wally.” The bell signaled his exit and she let out a heavy sigh as her heart warmed in her chest at the feeling of a newfound friendship.
She was dead on her feet when she finally got through her front door and into her living room, practically collapsing onto the couch. Though it wasn’t far from the truth as she flopped down and toed off her shoes, heaving a long and winded sigh as she stared at the dark ceiling. She wanted to turn on the lamp on the table beside her, but she didn’t want to move. Hell, she barely wanted to get up and take a shower, so she didn’t go to bed sweaty.
Just a moment. She thought. Just a moment to close my eyes and I’ll get up and go shower.
Of course, the second the shut them, she was opening them to her phone telling her it was two A.M. She groaned and picked herself off the couch to shuffle into her bedroom, and when she got there, she peeled off the clothes from her body and let them fall, not caring about the hamper just a foot away. She’d do it tomorrow after class.
The shower was quick, and she crawled into bed a few minutes later, glancing out the window at the stars that were still in the night sky. Even if she tried to avoid thinking about it, she couldn’t, and her mind drifted to when she was a young girl and would stare out the window in her bedroom back in Gotham, watching the spotlight come alive and paint the silhouette of the bat symbol against the night sky.
She missed them. She missed them a lot. Missed eating meals at a full table and the laughter in the manor. Hell, she even missed being ignored, because at least then she could see familiar faces every day. Now, it was wake up, go to work, go to class, then come home. And the process repeated every morning. She was alone in a city where she didn’t know anyone except for one forensic scientist and his wife, going to a college that didn’t even have her real identity. She’d not even said the name “(Y/N) Wayne” out loud for fear that someone with super hearing would hear her and tell her father, instead going by “Melisandre Hale”, a twenty-one-year-old born and raised Central City citizen going to community college. It pained her to admit, that with her decision to grant herself the freedom she desired, it came with a heavy price, and that was the loneliness. And it was worse compared to what it was like back then.
Sighing, she rolled over and pulled the covers up over her head, hoping that when she shut her eyes, she’d stop thinking about what she left behind. Unfortunately, the universe and her mind were never kind, and as she drifted to sleep, she saw the pained faces of her family.
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earliebirb · 3 years
steve/tony, fluff, (newly) established relationship, 3250 words
Tony stares absentmindedly out the airplane window as he puts his phone up to his ear, watching people run back and forth, performing last-minute engine checks. Some of the guys look sweaty and out of breath.
From the comfort of the air-conditioned Stark Industries private jet, he feels a slight twinge of sympathy for the people having to suffer in the humid summer heat.
He loosens his tie and sinks deeply into his seat, closing his eyes with a massive yawn as he listens to the ringing tone. He hadn’t been able to sleep very well throughout his five-day stay in Tokyo, too anxious about the contract to rest properly. 
The ringing tone goes on for a few more seconds before ending with a click, replaced by an achingly familiar voice greeting him in his ear. 
Tony’s eyes spring open. Outside, an aircraft marshaller walks by, speaking rapidly into his walkie-talkie.
“I had a blueberry muffin for lunch today. One single blueberry muffin.”
“It didn’t even taste that good. I couldn’t finish it. Too dry.”
“Tony, that’s not good. Is that all you had for lunch? You should really eat—”
“The meeting went well, by the way. Mr. Watanabe finally signed the contract, everything went as planned. My ride to the airport, however…”
“I told you things would go smoothly, you had nothing to worry about. You’re a brilliant negotiator—”
“The traffic? Fuck. I had to keep shifting in my seat to avoid pins and needles.”
“That sounds awful, are your legs okay—”
“Did you know that Tokyo is number nineteen on the list of cities with the worst traffic congestion in the world? I know that, because I looked it up on the way to the airport. But boy, did it feel like it deserved the number one spot. I think I lost feeling in my ass.”
“I did not know that. And, uh, is your ass okay—”
“Thank God for my private jet. These plush seats are the best things I’ve ever spent my money on.”
“That’s objectively not true, and you know it—”
“Then again, I think these seats in particular were Pepper’s choice? We remodeled the airplane’s interior like… two years ago. I couldn’t be bothered to meet with the airplane seat people and I just told her to pick whichever looked best. I had much more important things to tend to, like sewing up the holes in JARVIS’s Christmas stocking.”
“I am concerned about how you sort your list of priorities—”
“Hm, that’s right. I think it was around two, three weeks before Christmas and I didn’t want JARVIS to be upset about the whole stocking thing, you know?”
“I’m sure he wouldn’t have—”
“Also, you’re right, the single blueberry muffin was a bad idea because now my stomach won’t shut up. So I’ve ordered some pasta for my in-flight meal. Robbie’s making it, you’ve met Robbie—”
“I’ve met Robbie, yes, he’s—”
“Larry’s replacement after he resigned. Gotta say, I was sad to see Larry go. Guy worked for me for seven years. But then there was that thing with his grandma, and he had to leave, so… But! Robbie makes a mean carbonara, maybe even better than Larry, don’t tell Larry I said that—”
“I don’t even know Larry like that, how would I—”
“Mr. Stark, we’re ready to go.” The pilot—Paul—emerges from the cockpit, staring at him in anticipation.
Tony nods and makes a few rapid gestures with his free hand that he supposes Paul is only able to interpret perfectly after years and years of working for Tony. The gestures roughly translate to something like “Copy, I hear you, just let me wrap this up and then I’ll let you know when I’m done. Capiche?”
Paul—bless him—just gives him a curt nod and retreats back into the cockpit. 
“Anyway,” Tony takes a deep breath and puffs his cheeks out with the exertion of his exhale, “I called because… I got a feeling, Steve.”
“A… feeling?”
“Just— A gut feeling. A feeling in your gut. Inside of me. Like a hunch?”
“Okay,” Steve says patiently, his voice low and warm, “what are you feeling?”
“I… got a bad feeling. Today. A few hours ago. The feeling came to me when I was sitting in traffic, and I just— I feel like something bad’s gonna happen today, Steve. I can feel it in the air. In my heart. In my gut. In my joints.”
“Your joints? Like… the feeling old people get when it’s about to rain?”
“Okay, maybe not in my joints. Also, are you calling me old, grandpa?”
“I did not, you told me you felt something in your—”
“Anyway, so yeah. Where was I? Oh, right. Feeling. Bad feeling. Like, like, I don’t know, something bad’s gonna happen. Like an accident. Like a plane crash.”
“God, please don’t say that. You’re scaring me, Tony.”
“And I guess, I just called because I… I feel like I need to do this before the plane crashes and I die a violent and fiery death.”
“Nothing bad’s going to happen, Tony—”
“Like, if I didn’t do this today, maybe I’d never get to do it, you know? And, uh, okay, I’ve honestly been ranting to stall for time, but the longer I keep it in the more nauseous I feel, so maybe I’m just gonna do it now so I can die in peace—”
“Do what? And stop saying that—”
“Look, I’m trying to be brave and honest here and— Wait, actually? Maybe I’m being a coward because if the plane actually does go down, I won’t have to face the consequences of my actions, so I guess I’m just going to say fuck it, and say that I love you.”
“The plane is not going to— Wait, what?”
“I, uh. Love you. I’ve known it for a while now. And, uh, I know we’ve only been dating for like, a week, but—” Tony blinks. They’ve only been dating for a week. 
“...Fuck.” Tony can feel his own pulse starting to race. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”
They’ve only been dating for a week. What is he doing? What the hell is wrong with him? Normal people don’t do this. 
“Fuck. Shit, I mean— Uh, I’m sorry. That was super weird, huh?” Tony laughs nervously. He closes his eyes, gritting his teeth and cursing his stupid brain. Of course it’s weird. He always gets too attached to people way too quickly. No wonder Pepper was his only long term relationship. She was the only person who could put up with him—everyone else just got weirded out. “Uh, see you tomorrow? Or not. Fuck, sorry, I’m just gonna hang up before this gets—”
“Tony, wait.”
“...Yeah?” Tony says, hyper-aware of how breathless he sounds. His heartbeat is ringing in his ears. Everything is going to be fine. Right? Right. The worst thing Steve could do is… break up with him.
Oh, God, that is the worst case scenario. He really should’ve just kept his stupid mouth shut. 
“Tony, are you freaking out? I feel like I can hear you freaking out from all the way over here.”
“No, I’m not, of course I’m not. Who says I’m freaking out? You have no proof. I am calm, I’m calm as a clam, is that the saying? Did I get it right? Or was it happy— Anyway, I am absolutely calm, I’m the calmest I could possibly be. Any calmer and I’d be asleep. I’m—”
“Tony. Breathe.”
Tony forces himself to drag in a slow breath as he grips the arm of his seat with his free hand, focusing on the soothing hum of the airplane’s engine.
“Look, Tony, I—”
“No, listen. I’m sorry I jumped the gun, I hope I haven’t weirded you out or anything. You really, really don’t have to say it back to me. I mean it.”
“No, in fact— Please don’t say anything. It’s fine. Let’s just pretend this never happened, okay?”
“Drop it, Steve. Please?” Tony pleads. Clearly, his brain hadn’t been firing on all cylinders. That is the only reason that could explain his temporary lapse of judgment. “Look, I feel like talking about it more right now is going to send me spiraling into a panic attack.”
“...Okay. Fine.”
“Thank you. Uh, I’ll see you when I get home. If I get home. If the plane doesn’t crash. Haha.”
“Would you please stop saying that? It’s not funny.”
Tony latches onto the change in topic like a lifeline. “It is objectively true, you know. In order for me to be able to see you tomorrow, the plane has to land safely, and unfortunately, some things are just beyond my control. Like, who’s to say the plane won’t explode mid-air and—”
“The plane is going to land safely and you’re going to come back home to me in one piece. This is non-negotiable, Tony. You hear me?” Steve demands, his voice all hard authority and no-nonsense, like there will be Consequences should Tony fail to comply. 
As if he could ensure Tony’s safety with the force of his willpower alone. 
Come back home to me. 
That sounds good. Really good. Tony closes his eyes and pictures Steve’s baby blues in his mind’s eye. Warmth flowers in his chest.
“I hear you.”
“Awesome. I, uh, I gotta go now.”
“Okay. See you tomorrow.”
“See you.”
Tony hangs up and lets Paul know that he is done with his phone call. The jittery feeling left over from his call with Steve refuses to leave him, however, so he pulls up the drawing application on his phone and begins sketching something just to give his brain something else to fixate on.
He tends to lose track of time when he is hyperfocused on a project, so he isn’t exactly surprised that the next time he becomes aware of his surroundings, the plane is already well up in the air, his sketch of what looks like a flying coffee pot is almost finished, and Robbie is placing a plate of spaghetti carbonara on the table in front of him. 
“Spaghetti carbonara. With extra cheese.”
Tony’s mouth waters as he eyes the mountain of grated Pecorino Romano sitting atop the pasta. He sighs dreamily and smiles up at Robbie.
“You’re a lifesaver.”
“Enjoy, Boss.” Robbie grins and slips back into the kitchen.
He only realizes just how truly famished he is after taking his first bite, and proceeds to finish the rest of his meal with gusto. Afterward, he spends the majority of the remaining flight time sleeping, the result of post-carbonara food coma and his sleep-deprivation finally catching up to him. 
It’s well past two in the morning when Tony finally makes it to his floor in the Tower, which is why he is surprised to see Steve sitting on his couch, one of Tony’s fantasy novels open in hand. 
“Steve, what are you doing here?”
Steve’s head snaps up at the sound of his voice. Tony frowns. “Actually, why are you awake at all?” He is usually an early sleeper, unless—
“Nightmare?” Tony gives him a sympathetic smile. It wouldn’t be the first time. In the early days of their friendship, Tony and Steve would sit together in the living room whenever they had trouble sleeping, talking to each other until the sun came up.
Steve shakes his head, closing the book with his eyes still trained on Tony. “No, I was just… waiting for you.” Tony blinks. 
“It’s…” Tony glances at his watch. “Half past two. In the morning.”
“I know, I just…” Steve stands up, shoving his hands into the pockets of his sweatpants. He ambles over before coming to a stop right in front of Tony. “I wanted to see you.”
Tony stares at him uncomprehendingly. “You’ll see me later anyway.”
“I couldn’t wait any longer. I didn’t want to go to sleep without seeing you first,” Steve says, low and earnest. His gaze wanders around Tony’s face, as if he were cataloguing each and every facial feature and trying to locate any changes he might’ve missed during his absence.
Steve steps closer, arms snaking around Tony’s waist and pulling him close. His next words are whispered against Tony’s shoulder.
“I knew you’d make it home safely.”
“Uh, yeah.”
“You were wrong.”
“I was… wrong.” Tony swallows. “Uh, turns out the bad feeling completely disappeared after I woke up from my nap on the plane, so I suspect that perhaps the bad feeling I got was due to my severe hunger and sleep deprivation. I mean, I’ve heard about hallucinations caused by hunger or exhaustion, but this was—” 
Steve presses a soft kiss to the column of Tony’s neck, effectively cutting off Tony’s ramblings.
“Tony,” Steve whispers against his skin.
“Yeah?” Tony squeaks.
“Please don’t call me before a flight and say that you think the plane is going to crash, ever again.”
“Right. Noted. I’m sorry.”
“Apology accepted,” Steve says, pulling away slightly and loosening his hold around Tony.
Tony allows himself to relax, letting out a quiet sigh. This thing with Steve is so new and delicate that every single physical contact still sends his heart fluttering, butterflies going crazy in his stomach.
Which makes, in retrospect, his abrupt love confession—as truthful as it was—that much more insane. God, Stark. Never do that again.
Except, it turns out that Steve only pulled away to slide his hands down the back of Tony’s thighs, wrapping his hands around them, and then lifting him up without warning.
Tony yelps, and in his alarm, promptly locks his ankles around Steve’s waist. When Steve begins moving, Tony quickly wraps his arms around Steve, resting his chin on Steve’s shoulder.
“Uh, Steve?”
“Hm?” Steve says, calm and nonchalant, as he begins walking away from the elevator. 
“Um— Wait— My suitcase—”
“Leave it. It’ll still be there in the morning.”
Tony blinks, staring dumbfoundedly at his lonely suitcase, abandoned by the elevator. It becomes smaller and smaller with every step Steve takes. 
“Where are we going?”
“Your bedroom.”
“Why are you carrying me there?”
“Because I want to.”
“You know it’ll be faster if you just let me walk, right?”
“Maybe. But you won’t be in my arms.”
“Bear with me, will you? I missed you.”
“I, uh, missed you too.”
Steve hums, satisfied. Tony lets himself settle more comfortably in Steve’s arms.
When Steve has successfully carried him to his bedroom, Tony fully expects Steve to deposit him on the bed. 
That is not, in fact, what happens. 
Instead, Steve turns around and begins walking backwards towards the bed before sitting down on it. Tony, still seated on his lap, swallows and pulls back slightly to look at Steve. 
“Look, Steve, as much as I’ve missed you, I’m kind of tired right now. I mean, don’t get me wrong. This whole carrying thing? Great. Very romantic. Ten out of ten. But I’m just not in the mood for sex, you know? Like, I’m not even sure I would be able to get it up if—”
“We’re not going to have sex.”
Tony blinks.
“We’re not?”
“We’re not. I’m just here to tuck you in.”
Steve reaches up and begins undoing his tie. After setting it aside on the bed, he begins to unbutton Tony’s shirt. He takes his time, one button at a time.
“So…” Steve begins with a deep breath as he unbuttons the final button. “Did you mean, uh, what you said to me? On the phone?”
Tony closes his eyes, feels his own cheeks heating up. “Steve—”
“I’m sorry, Tony, I know you told me to drop it. But— I feel like if you did mean what you said, I owe it to you to… set the records straight.” When Tony opens his eyes again, Steve is looking up at him, blue eyes solemn.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean… We have only been together for a week. Well, eight days. In fact, we’ve only been on one date. And it was interrupted. By giant lizards.” Steve chuckles incredulously. 
Tony remembers that day very well. They were in the middle of dessert at Tony’s favorite Italian place when they received the call to assemble—something about giant lizards wreaking havoc in Central Park.
The lizards had green, gunky blood that got into the nooks and crannies of the suit. It had taken forever to clean.
“But Tony…” Steve gathers the material of Tony’s unbuttoned shirt in both of his fists, pulling him closer until their noses are only inches apart.
The second their eyes meet, Steve smiles the sweet, lopsided smile that never fails to make Tony’s stomach flip.
“I need you to know that… I didn’t have to date you to know that I loved you. I figured that a long time ago.”
Tony stills, breath frozen in his lungs.
“I guess, what I’m saying is… I love you too. I’ve loved you for a very long time, Tony. Even way before—” Steve breaks eye contact, looks down as he clears his throat. When he speaks again, his voice is tight. “Way before we got together. I’m talking… years before.”
Tony still finds it hard to breathe. “Oh.”
“Yeah,” Steve says, the word more breath than sound. He meets Tony’s dazed gaze. “So you don’t have to worry about… jumping the gun. Not with me. I’m in it for the long haul.”
“Good.” Tony feels a lightness growing inside of him, spreading outwards to his extremities.
“Good.” Steve smiles, warm and impossibly fond.
“...Glad we’re on the same page.” Tony’s gaze drops down to Steve’s lips.
“We are.” Steve inches closer, nose brushing Tony’s. He then tilts his head ever so slightly and takes Tony’s lower lip between his, kissing him so tenderly Tony’s heart feels like it’s about to burst with it.
Steve’s warm hands slide up Tony’s naked back under his open shirt, sending goosebumps breaking across his skin. Tony buries his hands in Steve’s hair and relishes the feeling of the soft strands caught between his fingers. They stay caught up in each other for a few moments, capturing and releasing each other’s lips until the need for breath becomes too unbearable.
They break apart eventually, accompanied by soft chuckles. Steve smiles up at him, lips slick and cherry red, courtesy of Tony. He reaches up to caress Tony’s right eyebrow with the pad of his thumb, fleeting and affectionate.
“Get some rest, okay? You must be really tired. I should probably go to bed, too.”
Tony looks down at his lap, clearing his throat. “Uh, I know that we haven’t done this before, but…”
Steve waits patiently for Tony to gather his thoughts, hands stroking up and down Tony’s sides.
“Do you want to stay with me tonight?” Tony finds the courage to meet Steve’s eyes, holding his breath.
Steve’s blue eyes are gazing at him intently, looking at him like he’s the only person in the world worth his sole, undivided attention.
Tony swallows. “No sex. Just to sleep. If you—”
“I would like that very much.”
“Good.” Tony feels his own lips slowly curve up into a smile, wide and unbridled. 
“Good.” Steve nods, lips twitching, his eyes never leaving Tony’s. 
Tony grins, feeling near giddy with delight. “Glad we’re on the same page.”
“We are, sweetheart.” Steve looks up at him, blue eyes fond and smile radiant. “We definitely are.”
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babymetaldoll · 4 years
Family probation period (Matthew Gray Gubler/ Reader)
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Requested: Yes 
Summary: Matthew Gray Gubler meets his girlfriend’s family on Christmas eve. Just one detail: none of them knew she was dating. 
Warnings: Cursing, mentions of abusive relationships 
Category: Fluff
Pairing: Matthew Gray Gubler/ Reader 
Wordcount: 3,5K
A/N: A late Christmas story, but I think we are still in the holiday season... right? also: requests are officially open
- "Are you sure about this?"- (Y/N) looked at Matthew and he nodded with a huge grin on his face. They were parked outside her parent’s house. They had driven from Los Angeles to San Francisco to spend Christmas Eve with them. 
- "Why not? I bet they are gonna love me"- he answered with his “Matthew Gray Gubler’s certified to make you drop your panties smile.”
- "I don’t know, I’m nervous"
- "Well missy, it was your idea to drop by your parents and surprise them with the news of your adorable boyfriend, so?"- (Y/N) smiled and nodded. 
- "And you thought it was a great idea, by the way, that's why you are here"
- "Yeah"- Gubler sighed and looked outside- "Why do you still trust my good judgment?" 
- "Well…"- (Y/N) looked at me and bit her lips- "You are very convincing"- he smiled and kissed her lips softly.
- "It's gonna be ok, they love you, I love you, which means we are gonna get along"- she nodded and smiled. 
- "Alright, I'll pretend that makes sense"- Gubler chuckled and kissed her again
- "Let's do this, Bunny".
Matthew and (Y/N) had been dating for over ten months. At first, they decided to take things slow, get to know each other better, try to make things work with their crazy schedules. But soon, they realized they had fallen in love, and “taking things slow” was not their thing. 
(Y/N) had decided to wait for the right moment to tell her parents she had found someone. Her last relationship had been a nightmare, and she knew her family (especially her brother) was going to be apprehensive about her new boyfriend. However, she was eager to tell them how happy she was with Matthew and how great he was with her. 
He was, hands down, the best boyfriend she had ever had. He was sweet and thoughtful. Sure, he wasn’t perfect. He would forget many things 'cos his head was in hundredth places at once (she was almost sure he had ADHD). And sometimes it felt she had a boyfriend and a son all wrapped in the same 6 ft adorable manchild she was dating. But still, he was the best boyfriend.
She was hoping her parents and family would see he made her happy.   
- “Ok, here we go”- Matthew rang the bell and turned to (Y/N), excited. She laughed and opened the door.
- “I still got my key.”
- “Right.”
- “Hello? Mom? Dad?”- she took a step inside and looked around. Her father stood up from the couch quickly and nearly ran to the door.
- “Peanut! You are home!”
Matthew smiled and held their bags staring at the scene. In all the time they had been together, he had heard a lot about (Y/N)’s parents. She loved them deeply, and he knew she wanted to share their relationship with them.
Her last boyfriend was an abuser, he hit her, and she kept it from everybody for months before breaking up. That’s why he could understand why her family would be apprehensive. And he was ready to show them how much he loved her.
- “My baby is home!”- (Y/N)’s mom appeared from the kitchen and hugged her daughter, who was still wrapped in her father’s embrace. 
- “Guys! I can’t breathe!”- she pretended to be suffocating and giggled. 
- “Too bad! You are never home! So bear with it!”- her father chuckled and kissed the top of her head 
- “By the way, (Y/N), who’s the man standing by the door?”- her mother asked and frowned, looking at Gubler. He smiled and waved, making his best to look as nice as possible. 
- “Guys, I want you to meet Matthew Gray Gubler… my boyfriend.”
And the silence in the room was as thick and uncomfortable as possible.
- “Hello”- Gubler smiled and shook their hands- “It’s a pleasure to meet you, (Y/N) talks so much about you”- but neither of them knew what to say. 
- “Guys, it’s ok, he is a good guy”- (Y/N) wrapped an arm around Matthew, and he immediately kissed the top of her head. 
- “Did I hear my sister has a new boyfriend?”- footsteps coming down the stairs surprised the couple, and (Y/N) wide opened her eyes immediately.
- “Adam!! You are home!!”- she hugged her brother so tight, he couldn’t help but laugh.
- “I’ve got the feeling you missed me.”
- “So fucking much!! When did you get home?”
- “Last night, mom said you’d be coming for Christmas, so I thought I could surprise you.”
- “And where are my nephews? I wanna spoil my babies!”
- “With Emma getting the last few things mom needed from the grocery’s, but they should be here any minute. I missed you, kitty.”
Adam kissed her forehead and looked at her sweetly. It was clear he loved and cared about his little sister. But as soon as his eyes reached Matthew, his whole face changed. 
- “And who is this?”  
- “This is my boyfriend, Matthew”- (Y/N) walked back to Gubler and held his hand- “He is awesome, so be nice, ok?”
- “Nice to meet you, Adam. (Y/N) talks so much about you. I was looking forward to meeting you”- Matthew shook his hand and smiled. 
- “Funny, she never mentioned you.”
- “Yeah,”- (Y/N) explained- “I wanted to give you guys a surprise, and I knew if I told you over the phone, you were going to stress out, so I thought it would be better if you just met him”
Her family nodded but didn’t look pretty convinced. 
- “I know you are all real apprehensive about (Y/N) having a new boyfriend, but I promise you, I’m nothing like her ex, and I wanna show you how much I care for her if you let me.”
Gubler was sincere and upfront. (Y/N)’s parents nodded, but her brother just crossed his arms and frowned.  
- “Adam, be nice”- she warned and grabbed her bag- “Let’s leave these in my room, Gub.”
- “You are not sharing rooms with a boy!”- her brother instantly replied, but she ignored him and walked upstairs. Matthew took the bags from her hands and followed her.
- “Sorry”- (Y/N) whispered and closed her eyes, embarrassed. Gubler left the bags on the floor of her room and walked towards her to hold her hands. 
- “Hey, it’s ok, they are just shocked,”- he whispered and smiled at her, trying his best to make her feel better. 
- “I would be shocked too if our daughter walks into our house and tells us she has been dating nearly a year with some guy I’ve never heard about.”
(Y/N) chuckled and sighed. The words “Our daughter” had been enough to make her forget everything that troubled her. The idea of a future with him was too sweet to worry about anything else. 
- “Now, back to what really matters here”- Gubler took a look around and pointed at the walls- “Did you have some kind of obsession with My Chemical Romance growing up, or is it just me?”
- “Eh… nope”- she simply answered and laughed. There were many posters of the band on every wall in that room. 
- “I don’t know, I’m getting the vibe you had a thing on that guy… he kinda looks like a vampire.”
- “Gerard? he was…”- (Y/N) made a pause and looked at the walls- “I had a little crush on him”
- “Little?”- Gubler raised an eyebrow
- “Yeah, just a little, nothing to worry about… I just wanted to marry him, that’s all.”- he chuckled and leaned in to kiss her.  
- “I guess you never know someone until you walk into their teenage room.”
Matthew was nervous, but he was never going to face it. He wanted to make a good impression, and he wanted (Y/N)’s parents to like him. He was in that relationship for the long run, and it was important for him to have her parent’s approval. And clearly, now her brother’s too.
- “So, Matthew, what do you do?”- Adam asked him as everybody gathered in the kitchen, drinking eggnog and setting the last few things for the Christmas dinner. 
- “I majored in film directing in New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts"- (Y/N) bit her lips and smiled. She was torn between feeling embarrassed and enjoying the moment.  
- “Film directing”- Adam looked at him and raised an eyebrow. 
- “Yeah, I always loved making movies and telling stories”- Gubler sipped his cup of coffee and smiled. 
- “But, do you have a regular job?”- Adam asked and raised an eyebrow- “Making movies doesn’t sound like a real job to me.”
- “Adam!”- (Y/N) looked at her brother with daggers in her eyes
- “What? I’m getting to know your boyfriend, isn’t that what you wanted?”
- “Yes, but you don’t have to be a dickhead”- the young woman walked a few steps closer to her brother and raised an eyebrow- I haven’t seen you in six months. Can you just be nice?”
Adam meant no harm, but he was worried. He had been the one his sister called after her ex-boyfriend hit her. He had been the one who took her out from that apartment, picked up her things, and took care of her. Of course, he was scared she might get hurt again. 
- “And where are you from?”- (Y/N)’s mom asked him as they all walked to the living room and sat down. 
- “Las Vegas,”- Matthew answered and smiled- “My family still lives there, and we visit as often as we can.”
- “So, you’ve met his family”- Mrs. (Y/L/N) looked at her daughter and raised an eyebrow, surprised. 
- “Yeah, they are the best! We spent Halloween with them this year. We took Matthew’s nephews trick and treating. It was really fun!”
Mrs. (Y/L/N) nodded and stared at the scene. Gubler was sitting next to her daughter, holding her hand and looking at her in honest and deep adoration. It was strange and shocking, but at the same time, she could feel he was a nice guy who loved her very much. And that was all she needed to know. 
Meanwhile, Mr. (Y/L/N) started asking Gubler questions about his family, school, and what he did for a living. 
- “Right now, I have an acting job.” 
- “Really?”- (Y/N)’s brother raised an eyebrow, surprised- “TV?”
- “Yeah.”
Adam was about to keep asking about it when his wife, Emma, walked in with their five-year-old twins.   
- “Aunt (Y/N)!!
- “Munchkins!”- the young woman opened her arms and hugged them at the same time as the kids held her legs tight, almost making her fall.
- “You are so big! why aren’t you two babies anymore?”
- “(Y/N)! hey”- Emma walked over and looked at her, but suddenly she just gasped. 
- “What?”- Adam asked, confused- “What is it?”
- “Oh shit!”- she nearly dropped the bag and wide opened her eyes, suddenly- “Why is Spencer Reid in our living room?”
Matthew looked at (Y/N), and neither of them knew what to do or say. So he just stood up and walked over to shake her hand. 
- “Hi, I’m Matthew, (Y/N)’s boyfriend.”
- “No freaking way!”- Emma whispered and held his hand, repeating a little slowlier- “No freaking way”. 
Adam looked at his wife and didn’t understand a word she was saying. His parents didn’t get what was going on, and (Y/N) just bit her lips, trying not to laugh. She never thought that could happen. 
- “I’m gonna put an eye on dinner…”- Mrs. (Y/L/N) said and stood up- “(Y/N), can you give me a hand?”
- “Sure mom”- she said and smiled at Gubler. He winked and watched her walking to the kitchen with her mom. Things were a little weirder than he thought. 
- “Ok, what was that?”
- “What was what, mom?
- “Emma nearly died when she saw Matthew. Why?”
- “‘Cos he is in a tv show and she recognized him, I think”- Mrs. (Y/L/N) looked at her and sighed.
- “Is he good with you?”
- “The best”
- “‘Cos he looks like he is a nice guy”
- “I swear, mom, he is the sweetest. He wanted to come and meet you to show you he is nothing like Bret”- (Y/N) held a bowl with roasted potatoes and smiled at her mother- “I love him”
- “You can tell… and he loves you too, especially if he is willing to put up with your brother”
- “Can you tell Adam to stop being an ass?”
- “I can tell him, but that won’t stop him”.
When (Y/N) walked to the dining room, she looked at her boyfriend, who was now sitting on the floor, doing magic tricks for her nephews. She felt her heart was about to burst, staring at the scene. The twins were laughing, and Gubler kept making pennies disappear in front of them. 
She couldn’t stop hearing his voice saying “our daughter” over and over again. It was a dream, and it was too soon to even think about it, but it felt so right. It made so much sense.
- “I like him”- her father’s voice took her from her thoughts and forced her to turn around
- “Really?”
- “Yeah… he’s good with kids, and it’s clear he loves you, that’s all I need to know”- he kissed the top of his daughter’s head and sighed. 
- “Your brother hates him though”
- “I kind of figured”
- “The fact Emma is drooling over him is not making things better”- (Y/N) looked at her father and just laughed.
- “Are you kidding me?”
- “No, he took her upstairs to cool her off”
- “Shit… well, it could be worst” 
- “How?”- she looked at her father in silence
- “Well… Adam hasn’t tried to kick him out”
- “Yet”- Mr. (Y/L/N) chuckled at his own joke and shook his head- “Don’t worry peanuts, Matt is safe”. 
- “Actually, can you not call him Matt, please? bad memories.”
- “Sure, Matthew it is?”- she nodded and smiled. 
- “Thanks dad”
- “Dinner is ready”- Mrs. (Y/L/N) announced after half an hour. She walked to the living room where Adam, Matthew, and her husband were talking. 
Gubler was having a good time talking with Mr. (Y/L/N). He was fun and kept telling her funny stories about (Y/N). Adam was still a dick, but at least his father wasn’t paying him much attention, so neither did Gubler. 
- “This smells amazing”- Gubler said as he sat down next to (Y/N)- “I’m guessing this is Mrs. (Y/L/N) ’s signature turkey recipe. (Y/N) talked about it the whole way over.” 
- “She has the recipe, by the way, if you like it, she can cook it for you”- Mrs. (Y/L/N) smiled proudly.  
- “Yeah, just make sure she won’t burn down the house”- Adam joked and felt his sister’s angry eyes on him- “What? I’m making an aimless conversation. Isn’t that what you wanted?” 
- “Shut up”
- “She is a great baker”- Matthew continued talking- “She is actually making me gain weight in the latest months”
- “Sure, like you could get fat”- (Y/N) snorted and looked at her boyfriend
- “Hey, you are making me eat cinnamon rolls, cake, and cookies like three times a week”- Gubler chuckled and looked at her- “My pants almost don’t close”
- “So, Matthew”- Emma said suddenly- “How did you two meet?”
- “He actually said I smelled like cinnamon rolls the first time he met me”- (Y/N) smiled and looked at her sister in law.
- “We met at a party, her friend Ana is dating my friend Charlie. And when I saw her, I knew I had to talk to her ‘cos she has the most gorgeous smile I’ve ever seen”- Emma was nearly sighing at those words.
- “And did you recognize him?”- Adam was embarrassed by his wife’s questions, but he couldn’t stop her. 
- “No, I had never seen the show…”
- “And do you know the rest of the cast now? Do you hang out?”- Adam looked at Emma and frowned- “What? I’m just asking”
(Y/N) blushed and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and felt her boyfriend’s hand on hers, knowing what she was about to say. 
- “So, we are here today because I wanted you to know Matthew. He is the best guy on earth, and he makes me happy every day”- she made a pause and looked at him. 
- “You make me happy too, Bunny”- he whispered and smiled. 
- “Ok, so you are in love, is that what you wanted to tell us?”- Adam said with an annoyed voice.
- “No, we wanted to tell you we are moving in together.”
(Y/N) bit her lips after delivering the news. Her parents looked at each other but didn’t seem mad, just surprised. Adam, on the other hand, frowned immediately. 
- “Before you start freaking out and yell at me,”- Matthew said with a soft voice- “I need you to know and understand how much I love your sister, and I would never hurt her in any way. Never.”
Her family looked at him in silence. Her father nodded and smiled. 
- “It’s clear you are a good guy, Matthew,”- he said, and (Y/N) sighed, feeling relieved to hear those words- “And I know you understand we will always be a little scared something bad might happen to our baby again.”
- “I completely understand. I just want you to know I will never hurt her. I love her, I wanna live with her. I’m here for the long run, and I wish you could all give me a chance”. 
(Y/N) felt like crying when she heard those words. Matthew was telling her family how much he loved her. He was showing them he wanted to be with her. Nothing could be better than that. 
- “And have you thought about where you’ll live?”- her mother asked, smiling.
- “I recently bought a house,”- Matthew explained- “We are planning to move in after the holidays. Meanwhile, we’ve been busy getting a few things we needed”- he looked so happy, no one could doubt he was excited with the plans. 
- “Listen”- no one but Adam, apparently- “If anything happens to my sister, I’m gonna hunt you, I will find you, and I will make you pay.” 
- “Adam…”- she tried to argue, but Gubler smiled at her and nodded
- “I know there is nothing I can say that will make you believe me, so I will just ask you to give me the chance to show you how much I love her.”- but Adam didn’t say a word. 
- “I know what happened to her was awful, and I know you don’t want anyone hurting her, but that’s not what I wanna do. I just wanna make her happy. If she wants me to.”
Adam looked at his sister, who had tears in her eyes. He couldn’t bear to see her cry, though those weren’t sad tears. She looked at Matthew, and he smiled at her, wiping the tears from her cheeks and kissing her lips sweetly for a second. He whispered, “I love you,” and she giggled. 
- “Oh come on!”- Mr. (Y/L/N)- “Even I can see he loves your sister! stop being a dick and be happy for them!”- Adam sighed at his father’s words and stood up.  
- “If you fuck it up, you are dead”- he said and reached out his hand to Gubler- “But I trust you won’t”- and Matthew quickly stood up and shook it. 
- “I know you just want to take care of her, and I completely understand that”
- “You are in family probation period.” 
(Y/N) smiled at her brother, and he winked at her. Finally, she sighed, relieved. 
- “I can’t believe you are gonna move in with Dr. Reid!!”- Emma almost shrieked
- “Please don’t”- Adam frowned and looked at his wife- “Don’t make this harder”
- “You are gonna have to watch the show with me, you are gonna love it. I swear you won’t be able to hate him once you know Reid”
(Y/N) looked at Matthew and whispered in his ear. 
- “Your family wasn’t embarrassing. Mine was. I’m sorry”- he nearly laughed at those words and shook his head. 
- “My friends are embarrassing if it counts”
- “Your friends are my friends, Gubler”
- “Fine, we have embarrassing friends, we are gonna have to live with it”
Gubler moved a little closer, and was ready to kiss her when Adam’s voice stopped him. 
- “Just don’t make out with my sister in front of me while you are on probation, dude!”
- “Sorry!”- Gubler nearly jumped on his chair, and (Y/N) chuckled- “Sorry!”. 
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honeynutouran · 3 years
Thanks (Shinso x reader)
Summary: You had taken an interest in Shinso during the sports festival and wanted to help him get into the hero program.
Word Count: 1.7k
Female reader x Shinso
Y/N = your name
A/N: I have been enjoying all the Shinso content in season five and have been wanting to write about him for a while now and this seemed like the perfect time.
Warning: Some spoilers, fluff, and unedited.
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After the sports festival, you did not understand how Hitoshi Shinso was not in the hero program. He had made it further than you and you were in the notorious class 1A. Even during his fight with Midoriya, your classmate and friend, you were a little upset when he lost. You thought maybe it was because you felt bad for him that everyone always assumed, he would be a good villain, or that you understood how he felt because before entering the hero course people said that about you too. But unlike Shinso you had a quirk that let you get in based on the entrance exam. After the sports festival, you tried to track down the purple-haired boy, but it was not as easy as you had hoped. Luckily on your way to class one day, you spotted him walking alone.
“Hey, Shinso!” you yelled after him, causing him to look your way.
“Uh, yeah?” he asked confused, and you realized you had never talked to him before.
“Oh sorry, I’m Y/N. Nice to meet you. I just wanted to tell you that you did a great job at the sports festival. I know what it’s like to get judged based on your quirk.” You smiled at the boy and extended your hand to him. He looked at it for a second and shook your hand.
“Thanks, nice to meet you too Y/N.” he replied looking down, unsure of how to feel about the situation he shoved both hands in his pockets and continued to walk to class.
“If you ever want to train or something, I’d be glad to help out, since I’m in the hero course I’m sure you could join me.” You offered, wanting to help Shinso out.
“That could be cool. I have been training some myself already. I really do want to be a hero. I have to get to class though.” He waved to you as he headed toward general studies.
You watched him as he walked off and hoped you didn’t come off too strong. You put yourself in his shoes and blushed at how awkward that actually was. But for some reason, you really did hope he would train with you sometime and that he would at least talk to you again. It was not long until you run into him again, this time it was at lunch and against your better judgment, you asked if you two could sit together.
“Thanks for letting me sit with you. Sorry if this is awkward, I just wanted to get to know you more.” You explained sitting down across from him.
“It’s okay, but why do you want to know me more?” he asked, taking a drink of his water.
“You reminded me of me.” You said like it was an obvious answer, but he just looked at you waiting for more of a reply. “Back in middle school people always said my quirk would be more suited for a villain than a hero, of course, that all stopped when I get into the hero program. But I do know how you feel. Fortunately for me, my quirk is ‘flashy’ I guess.” You put air quotes around the word flashy as you explained.
“At least you got into the hero program.” He rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, but that’s why I want to train with you. I think you have great potential, and you deserve to be in the hero program, please.” You begged to try to give him puppy dog eyes.
“Fine, because I want to make it myself.” He smirked back and you smiled and ate your food.
A few days had passed, and it was finally time to train with Shinso, you had asked Mr. Aizawa if it would be okay if he trained with you and he said it would not be a problem. You had been eating lunch with Shinso every day since he agreed to train together and you were looking forward to seeing how he has been working on his quirk.
“I am not sure I want to brainwash you.” He said as you both entered the training room.
“Why not?” you asked, he did not seem like one who would hold back in a fight.
“I just want to try working on my fighting skills for now.” He replied scratching the back of his neck.
“Alright but, I don’t mind as you use your quirk on me, in training at least.” You said walking over to him. “Hey, are those- “
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to try it out.” He cut you off wrapping the binding cloth around his neck.
“Well played Shinso.” You said before you two started training.
The training was not quite how you expected it. After you two were done, he explained that Aizawa had been helping him out with combat training and made sure you wouldn’t tell anyone. You agreed and were surprised by how quickly he had picked up this new fighting style. Soon enough you two were training together as much as possible and both of you were greatly improving. You also noticed that the more time you spent with Shinso the harder it was to say goodbye to Shinso. Even if it was at lunch and you knew you would see him in a few hours for training.
“Hey, Y/N do you want to hang out at my dorm after we train today?” Shinso asked as you walked to the training grounds.
“Yeah, that sounds like fun.” You smiled back and you saw a slight blush appear on Shinso’s cheeks.
“Awesome, we can watch a movie or something.” He said looking down to avoid eye contact. As you walked you noticed that the gap between you keep getting smaller and smaller your hands kept brushing against one another. Every time they touched you wished he would grab your hand but before either of you had the guts to do so, you made it to your destination.
After training, you practically ran to the locker room to take a fast shower and change. You took probably the fastest shower of your entire life and almost put your shirt on backward. By the time you walked out Shinso was waiting for you his appearance also in a disarray.
“What took you so long?” he joked as you huffed your way over to him.
“That was only five minutes.” You complained, but you couldn’t hide the blush you were trying to contain. Once again every step you took the gap between you closed. This time Shinso had his hand in his jacket pocket. You were jealous once your blush faded you realized you had forgotten your jacket and it was not the warmest out, you shivered.
“Are you cold?” Shinso asked looking over at you.
“A little, I forgot to grab my jacket. But it’s okay I..” Your words stopped when you felt Shinso wrap his jacket around your shoulders and his arm pull you into his side.
“Is this okay?” he asked rubbing your arm.
“This is completely one hundred percent okay.” You blushed melting into his side. Once you made it to his dorm you started to hand his jacket back, but he held a hand up to stop you.
“It looks better on you, keep it.” You shrugged at his words and slipped the jacket back on. He put a movie on and sat on his bed motioning for you to sit next to him. “You can sit here, it’s more comfortable than the floor.” He smirked.
“I would hope so.” You smirked back and joined him on the bed. It was a bit awkward at first as you just sat next to each other shoulders touching. “You know I said it was okay right?” you asked after a few minutes. He turned his head toward you and smiled as he put his arm around you pulling you into him once again.
“So, do you want to go out, with me?” he asked as you were practically spooning.
“Yes, Toshi I would love to.” You almost laughed as you wondered if he thought you would actually say no.
A few months had passed since you and Shinso had started going out and it was time for the joint training with Classes 1A and 1B. Unlike the rest of your peers, you were not surprised at Shinso’s arrangement and tried to hold in your smile at his speech. No one else really knew about the two of you yet and although neither of you wanted to hide it, it just never really got out. So you were just glad to watch your boyfriend finally get a shot at entering the hero program. You loved watching everyone’s reactions to how much he had improved and took in some pride of helping him. When he finished his first round after he talked with the teachers you ran over to him and practically jumped into his arms.
“Toshi you did such a great job I am so proud of you!” you exclaimed still hugging your boyfriend.
“Ha, Toshi. I was right you are popular with the ladies.” Kaminari smirked from behind you, making fun of the nickname you called Shinso.
“Well, I wouldn’t say, ladies, just Y/N since she is my girlfriend.” Shinso practically bragged to Kaminari.
“Good for you man, you gotta teach me your ways,” Kaminari replied and you questioned how you felt about this new friendship.
“I am not sure that is information I can share,” Shinso said as he grabbed your hand. “Since I’m not so sure myself.” He said low enough so only you could hear.
“Hey, you still have another round, are you going to be ready for that.” You asked once you realized unlike everyone else, he had double duty.
“Yeah, I’ll be fine don’t worry about me when you still have a round yourself.” He squeezed your hand before letting go and ushered you toward your group.
After the long day of joint training, you went over to Shinso’s dorm to tell him how proud of him you were and how he would for sure make it into the hero course.
“Hello, Kitten.” He said as you entered his dorm.
“I am very proud of you.” You said hugging him once again.
“It’s all thanks to you… and Mr. Aizawa but I don’t want to kiss him.” He said before leaning down and giving you a tender kiss. “I love you Y/N.” he smiled before kissing you again.
“And I love you.” You said in-between kisses.
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aelaer · 3 years
Hi friend! You seem vast in your knowledge of Stephen and willing to share so please enlighten me as I don’t read the comics but I do watch the mcu movies, and do love Stephen.
I know he’s erratic and impulsive and reckless sometimes but didnt we already complete this arc in his first movie? Especially since we’ve watched him deal with the consequences of his actions for the entirety of the film and end of the movie Stephen was a different Stephen from the beginning of the movie.
IW Stephen seemed like a more mature version of the man we’ve met at the end of his first movie, a linear progression of the character, more responsible.
The spider man trailer is just a few minutes so I’ll further reserve judgment till I see the film, but he seems.. silly almost? I’m aware he has his funny moments but I’m just nervous they’re gonna make him the joke instead of having him make the jokes.
Do you notice anything weird about how the adults act in these newer marvel projects.? (I’m thinking of loki specifically) they all have a silly undertone to them? I cant put my finger on it but it’s definitely new and ..off
Is this a constant characterization for Stephen in the comics? Is this what he’s like all the time?
Regardless, thank you for your time if you see this xx
Oh yeah, Stephen's my favorite subject at the moment so I'm happy to give my thoughts!
Note that my answers apply to MCU!Stephen and what we've seen in the four films he's been in.
I know he’s erratic and impulsive and reckless sometimes but didnt we already complete this arc in his first movie? Especially since we’ve watched him deal with the consequences of his actions for the entirety of the film and end of the movie Stephen was a different Stephen from the beginning of the movie.
In my experience of just living, there are personality quirks that can be tempered out and made better, but not entirely eliminated, even if it's undesirable. In my opinion, Stephen's need to push himself and prove that he can Do A Thing is a trait that won't ever go away--especially as that trait has helped him more than hindered him. Examples would include the more mundane such as getting through a combined MD/PhD program and inventing surgical procedures at what is still a really young age for a neurosurgeon. We don't have a canonical age for Stephen, but Benedict was 40 when Doctor Strange was filmed and released; even if he's canonically in his mid-40s, that's still very young for him to be at his caliber after the necessary years of med school and residency in the United States. He's young and nowhere near the end of his career when he gets in the car crash. So with that information in mind, we know that he's very ambitious and throws himself into doing difficult work with gusto. That doesn't even go into everything he did as a sorcerer.
Why get into all of this? Because while we, the viewer who has seen the multiverse open at... some point (possibly, in a rewritten timeline, it's always been open now with what happened in Loki!), we have seen just how nuts it gets. We have seen the consequences. Stephen's smart, but I don't think it's a matter of strictly recklessness and more a combination of ignorance on this specific subject (erasing memories across the world or slightly rewriting time-- we don't know how he's doing it, but a memory spell makes more sense to me), hubris (of course), and the real desire to help Peter out. The latter two traits combined in intelligent people have proven bad in both fiction and reality.
The reason I don't think it's pure impulsiveness is because in the trailer, we see Stephen doing some meditation type thing in the underground area before the spell. He's also always doing research and as he tells Peter he'll help him, he clearly knows of a spell already and has some working knowledge of how it works. The conversation with Wong wouldn't have happened otherwise. But I personally get the vibe off him that he'd not do it without being very confident that he can do it -- and his history in the films has shown 0 failures in any of his spells once he's past novice-level, so in that aspect, his confidence makes sense. If he *should* do the spell due to the risks of failure, and lack of practicing precaution in the face of his confidence, is where his flaws lie, IMO. And in that sense people could say he was reckless for deciding to perform a complicated, dangerous spell, but that follows his M.O. completely -- he performed a very complicated, dangerous spell consistently with the Time Stone again and again, from how the sorcerers spoke about the Infinity Stone (and he casually just... throws himself into a time loop, then to look through time. He takes calculated risks, but they are very much risks).
One last thought on this statement - the biggest, biggest lesson that Stephen learned in his first film was that it was not about him. There was more to the world than his glory and his brilliance and even his happiness. He started doing things for the greater good rather than himself. And he started doing things for others -- fighting for the Sanctum in his own film, and protecting the Earth. Serving something greater than himself. But that doesn't make him suddenly humble, and it doesn't suddenly take away his strange (hah) sense of humor.
IW Stephen seemed like a more mature version of the man we’ve met at the end of his first movie, a linear progression of the character, more responsible.
He was more serious in that film. So was Tony. They still had some quips and arguments, but they were very serious. And it makes sense as to why -- it was the end of the world. So the mood of the setting would change anyone's demeanour. But he had very little chance to unwind in that film, considering that he was trying to protect one of six items that would destroy the universe, and also got freaking tortured in the middle of the film with little time to recover. But nearly every Avenger was super serious in that film, and for good reason.
It's a completely different setting from what is now Stephen's life which, from what little we've seen in the trailer, is weird enough that he got a magical snowstorm in the Sanctum. It's safe enough that Wong's off on vacation. It's been nearly a year since he returned from the dead. He's either figured out how to move on in the last year or, as some prefer, has gotten good enough to put on a facade and bury the trauma so far down that he's putting on a normal act - but that's up to debate until MoM. And we have no idea if old traumas are going to be brought up there or if it's just the new things.
I think the point is that it's possible to be both a responsible person and also to make colossal mistakes due to either emotional connections or hubris (or both - we don't know which way the film will go, if they'll explain it at all). They're not mutually exclusive. He can be protecting reality fantastically, while also believing that he's skilled enough to pull off the ability to pull off a dangerous spell which he did in his own film and in IW. He's guided the timeline down a specific path in IW/Endgame, after all - what's a little identity item compared to the fate of the universe, after all? Removing the Spider-Man/Peter association is, in comparison, child's play I imagine to a man like Stephen.
The spider man trailer is just a few minutes so I’ll further reserve judgment till I see the film, but he seems.. silly almost? I’m aware he has his funny moments but I’m just nervous they’re gonna make him the joke instead of having him make the jokes.
Do you notice anything weird about how the adults act in these newer marvel projects.? (I’m thinking of loki specifically) they all have a silly undertone to them? I cant put my finger on it but it’s definitely new and ..off
He was definitely silly in his own film. He was constantly trying to get Wong to laugh and there was a banter between Stephen and Christine after he gets stabbed. He's always been a bit awkward and a bit jokey--I think Thor showed that combination of humorous snark and good research rather well, though he was flippant in a way that didn't get to show his kinder side that is better established in his film. And now we get to see that sympathy in his agreement to help Peter (at least, in my opinion).
Because he was doing an amazing awesome spell not once, not twice, but *three* times in the trailer alone, I am not worried about Stephen just being a joke. He seems just as powerful as he was in IW and Endgame. The rest of the world is just getting reminded that he's definitely a bit of a socially awkward duck at times (or, if you prefer, Putting On a "I'm Fine" Front And It's Coming Across As Weird). So him being a big joke is not something I am personally worried about.
Situational humor has been a staple of Marvel films since Iron Man. I watched the films casually before 2016 when I fell head deep into Stephen Strange (or well, 2018/9 is more accurate as that's when I *really* went nuts), and my viewings before that time and after that time was a lot more analytical. And it's very easy to see where the silliness started, all the way back when Tony crashed into his own car and Dum-E sprayed him with a fire extinguisher. Thor was the butt of the joke in the "fish out of water" scene in a good, good chunk of the film. Even Captain America had some situational humor. And remember that Guardians of the Galaxy was back in 2014, which was halfway through the MCU's time thus far. The stars of these films are almost always the butt of some joke a couple times and do things that could be viewed as childish.
I don't know your age at all, but if you were born after 1990, what might be happening, rather, is that they are not getting sillier, but that you may be getting older. I was an adult (legally, at least) in 2008, but the way I view the adults of the films throughout the early 2010s as compared to now is night and day. It's just come with my own life experience, and wider understanding to media tropes. The jump is even more significant if you were younger in Iron Man/Avengers days and are an adult now. If you're an older adult than me, then I'd argue it's the matter of life experience adding to your overall knowledge of media plus, potentially, rose-tinted glasses giving you a better vision of the older movies while forgetting that the older movies had plenty of their own flaws (and silliness). Could be a lot of things- it's too individual to really say why your perspective has changed. But I don't think the MCU's largely changed their comedy formula since 2012/2013.
Is this a constant characterization for Stephen in the comics? Is this what he’s like all the time?
Oh the comics are a mess of characterizations. It's very difficult to find full consistency across writers, and some writers did him much better than others. At the moment, Jason Aaron's 2015 run is viewed as very good by a large amount of fans, while Waid's 2018 run is viewed with mixed reviews. It's largely a matter of preference as you'll see traits that are just so uncharacteristic in an arc and then it never happens again. He takes on secret identities, he kills billions to save trillions (along with the other Avengers!), he sells his soul, he's in a steady relationship for 30 years, then he's sleeping with a new woman every arc he co-stars in-- it's just so dependent on the writer over the decades. What Marvel thinks will sell. Right now Marvel thinks his death is gonna sell issues, so yeah :P You pick and choose with the comics and build a personality from there.
Thank you for the thoughtful ask. I hope this wasn't too much of a drag to read through; I get rambly on my favorite subjects. Or anything, really.
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mothmannnnn · 3 years
Hello sexy beautiful awesome cool swag mutuals, Gar asked me to finish a fic they wrote and we wanted to share :p Read at your own risk <3
If luck—a notion he’d only allowed himself to entertain after meeting James Kirk—really did exist, then it was only logical to assume its opposite existed as well. Bad luck. 
Spock couldn’t think up the logistics of the situation he and Kirk had found themselves in: why he was injured on a too-cold planet, how they had lost their communicators, how they had run into the sort of intelligent life they weren’t supposed to interact with—why they now sat, shoulders pressed together, inside a hollow alien tree. In his current, less than stellar state, he wondered if it was statistically possible to have this much bad luck.
They were able to elude their assailants through Kirk’s resourcefulness. He had eyed the hiding place while they were running from their assailants, an area near the roots they had just been able to squeeze past and fit inside. Spock vaguely wondered if the tree had rotten out, or if a creature similar to the earth woodpecker inhabited the planet and had once called the space they now sat in its home. He wondered why the wood on this planet was a pale shade of blue, the trees even more massive than the redwoods, and how this miraculous life could happen somewhere so cold. He wondered about the probability of his survival. Spock ghosted his fingers over his bloodstained abdomen. 
“Spock . . . Spock.” Kirk had his hand on his shoulder and was looking into his eyes, and Spock had to rip himself from his own mind. “You’re shaking,” He said. Spock was suddenly aware of the almost violent tremor of his own body, of the biting cold on his ears and hands and everywhere except where Kirk had his leg pressed up against his. 
“I’m very cold, Captain, and I believe—” he had to stop himself, he had to stop shaking, he had to gain back some control. He took a breath—too deep—and pain blossomed in his side, time tripping over itself. It was so cold out. “I believe I may be bleeding internally, from the injuries I sustained.” he said. 
Kirk was leaning over him then, eyes wide as they searched over him, one hand on Spock’s shoulder and the other hovering hesitantly over the blood stains on his uniform. “How bad is it? is there anything I can do? Are you—“ Spock grabbed Kirk’s wrist before he could flood him with more questions, before he could touch him and defile his hands with his blood. He didn’t like to see Kirk like this, anxious, and he especially didn’t like that he was the cause. 
“I can do something about it but . . . I must focus all my energy on healing myself.” Spock said, finally meeting Kirks eyes. He nodded, his mask of cool command back on. 
“The healing trance?” Kirk confirmed. 
“Yes but I—” There was too much going on, the cold, the bleeding, the hiding (James Kirk’s thigh pressed against his, hand in his, his worry) “I can’t regulate my body temperature while in the trance, I need some external method of—” Kirk pulled his hand away from Spock’s grip and went for the hem of his own shirt. He’d had it half way up his chest before Spock was able to catch Jim’s shirt and pull it back down. “No captain, you can’t-” Spock started, taken completely off guard but beginning to catch on to what Kirk had been thinking. 
“The extra clothing will keep you warm Spock, please just let me—“
“Your body heat is sufficient, Captain,” Spock insisted. Although he knew it was not logical, as Kirk’s body was better equipped to withstand the cold and therefore he would be able to spare the cotton shirt, Spock felt hesitant prioritizing his captain’s comfort below his own. 
Kirk looked thoughtful for a minute, his brows furrowing and his hands absentmindedly rubbing his jawline. 
Spock was getting delirious—he knew it was due to the increasing loss of blood in his body. He must begin the healing trance as promptly as possible, but a strange, illogical thought wormed itself into his mind. What will Jim do while I am gone? 
If they were to be revealed by their assailants, it would be highly unlikely that Jim could fend for himself, and it would be too dangerous to pull himself out of the healing trance. 
Before Spock could think of a solution, he felt warm hands around his waist, a strong chest against his, and the point of Jim Kirk’s chin on the crook of his neck. 
“Captain, you’ll get blood on your uniform.” 
“Tough luck,” was Jim Kirk’s eloquent reply. “We’ll have to be in close proximity for my body heat to do anything for you.” 
“Well, I . . .” Spock’s words trailed off, and he was, for perhaps only the second time in his life, at a loss for words. 
He found something akin to courage in his deliriousness, pulling away so that he might look Kirk in his eyes. “I do not like showcasing my . . . differences, as compared to you, Captain.” He motioned to the greenness of his blood, slowly darkening and expanding across his abdomen. 
“Spock, that is perhaps the most illogical thing you’ve ever said.” Astonishingly, he heard amusement in Jim’s voice, despite their current situation. When he looked over, eyes barely able to open, he saw that his captain’s lips were pulled into a ghost of a smile. His eyebrows, however, were still furrowed with concern. “What does it matter if your ears are pointed or your blood is green? Why would it ever matter to me?” There were unspoken words within that statement, even Spock was able to identify that. But he was not quite able to extract the meaning. Why would it ever matter to me? 
“I know it is not logical, but I have always envied the redness in your veins, Jim.” If Kirk had noticed the slip in formalities, he did not reveal it. “Red is the color of vitality, of passion. It is something I will never possess beyond a medicinal diagnoses. But green . . . green is the color of cowardice. Of envy.” 
“You’re not speaking any sense, Mr. Spock.”
“There are many things I do not have the courage to tell you, Jim.” 
If the silence that followed was indicative of disgust, Spock might have felt shame. But Kirk only lifted one gentle hand to Spock’s cheek, and wiped a tear that he had not known had fallen. 
“I’ll be here when you wake up, Spock,” Kirk reassured, prompting him to fall into his healing trance. He could not hold out for much longer. “We’ll get through this, I promise, and . . . when you’re awake, maybe you’ll feel a little more courageous.” 
Through their connection, both physical and emotional, Spock could feel the tug of emotions in Kirk’s chest. Stress, worry, regret and surprisingly—the last thing he felt before slipping off to unconsciousness—affection beyond platonic admiration. 
He slept. 
As promised, Jim was there when he awoke on the Enterprise again. He was still a little bruised, and his lip was split, but other than that, Spock could not discern any permanent physical harm.
“You’re awake,” 
Humans had an interesting habit of announcing something that was not in need of announcement. 
“I am,” Spock nodded, noticing that he had been relocated to a corner cot in the medical bay. “How long was I in the healing trance?”
Before Kirk could reply, a voice interrupted from the doorway. A booming, slightly southern accent that Spock recognized immediately, despite the state of his foggy memory. “A week,” Doctor McCoy said. “And what a hell of a week!”
“Hello, Doctor,” Spock greeted the newcomer. 
McCoy went on as if he had not heard him, muttering, “I thought Jim might go mad and strangle me! Waiting in here like some wartime widow, what a hassle!”
He went on like this, spewing good-natured insults until he exited the room, holding Spock’s file (which he presumed was what McCoy had originally came in the room for). 
Kirk looked at Spock, the tips of his ears red. This blush, which creeped up his neck, was what prompted Spock to remember the last conversation they had. 
The color of vigor. Of passion. The courage that Spock had lacked, until, in a lapse of judgment, he had admitted his best-kept secret: his feelings for James Kirk. 
“I’m glad you’re awake, Mr. Spock—even if Bones isn’t,” the tone of his voice was light, nothing remarkably fond, but his hand reached down and gently held Spock’s. 
The action was innocent enough, Spock knew. He had seen many humans hold each other’s hands for comfort, for solace. But to himself, a Vulcan, the intimate action made his own ears glow green.
“It’s okay if you don’t have the courage right now, Spock,” Jim continued. He smiled, and Spock found himself wanting to do the same. “You were very brave on that planet.” 
In a rare show of physical affection, Spock lifted Kirk’s hands to his lips, and kissed the soft palm. 
Understanding the meaning of this action, Kirk in turn lifted Spock’s hand to his own mouth, pressing a warm kiss on the back of his hand. 
“When you’re ready, Mr. Spock,” Kirk smiled, “I think we should take a long shore leave—somewhere warmer, preferably.” 
Spock squeezed the hands still holding his, hoping that this seemingly modest reaction could begin to express all the feelings he had for Jim Kirk. That perhaps Jim might feel, through his own human senses, Spock’s unfailing devotion to him. 
“Yes, Captain,” he said. “I would like that very much.” 
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vrisrezis · 3 years
the matsunos reaction to knowing their s/o have a kid and meeting them?
Also if u want I can do hcs for these specific kids and the matsus bc god . I have ideas
Gender neutral reader
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“Wait.. you have a kid?! How?!” Osomatsu asks, bewildered. How hasn’t he known about this? Why hasn’t he met the kid yet? He’s a bit disappointed at first, not that he hates kids he just.. it means there’s another parent in the equation right? So he kinda asks you about that whole thing, are they just dead? Or like were they a dick? Or? Is your kid just adopted?
However, he’s very excited to meet your kid! He wishes you told him about your little girl sooner. He’s not worried he’ll mess up at all, (he probably should be). He doesn’t even ask any questions, he just wants to meet the kid.
You were a bit worried.. and for good reason. Your daughter didn’t exactly .. like people. She was anti social. Besides.. things had been kinda difficult for the both of you upon having to take care of her on her own. She’s been waiting for you to introduce her to Osomatsu, the man you’ve been dating for months now.
Your daughter tended to be a bit judgmental, especially when it came to your relationships. D/n may only be twelve, but she has a knack for being able to sniff out unsuitable future dads/moms/parents. The thing about your daughter was.. she was Osomatsus complete opposite. She’s serious, hardworking, an over achiever type of gal. She knows what she wants and will do anything to get it. Point is, you were a little worried about how she would take you dating a literal neet.
As you walked into your house, your daughter was reading on the floor. As per usual. She looked up, he eyes widening a little to see the male next to you. Red hoodie. She stood up, walking up to osomatsu, and he smiled, taking his hand out for her to shake wordlessly, and she takes it, shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you! I’m Osomatsu!” “So I’ve heard. My name is d/n.” She said, her face more deadpan, in contrast to his smile. He didn’t seem to mind though, like he didn’t care, which made her raise a brow. Your past lovers tended to be intimidated by her seriousness.
Seeing how well behaved your kid was, how serious she was. He didn’t even think she was real, she’s literally the perfect child. Seeing how sweet you were being with her as well. God you were a great parent that raised such a well behaved child and he couldn’t help but sigh out of pure love..
Maybe that’s what won her over, and actually be willing to be nice and have a conversation with him.
“Wait so you’re a neet?” “Yes.” “Are you looking for a job?” “Nope.” She lets out a loud sigh as he smirks. “
They talked for a bit, and honestly? Your daughter couldn’t help but sigh at some of the things he said, only making him laugh more. You are surprised she hasn’t blown up in his face yet.. but.. is she… laughing? At a joke he made? That’s so… unlike her..
You can’t help but smile at the two.
Karamatsu is extremely surprised, but he doesn’t mind. He doesn’t ask about the other parent, it’s personal and he understands if you don’t wanna talk about it. Very excited about meeting the child as well honestly. Tries to keep that cool guy act and pretend he’s not overly excited but it couldn’t be more obvious, he always brings it up whenever you see eachother as well. “So.. heh.. how are s/n and d/n.. hm??” Trying to act cool about it. You simply deadpan, “do you want to meet them karamatsu?” “YES!” He then coughs suddenly, “ahem, yes..”
You wondered if he was excited because they were identical twins. Yes, you had two kids. A son and a daughter, absolute monsters. They’re teens though, so it’s to be expected. Being age fifteen was not easy! But.. you often found yourself scolding the two of them for something new.
You weren’t too nervous about him meeting them, it would certainly be an… interesting night. He seemed rather nervous though. You gave him a reassuring smile before walking in…
Only to find a mess before you, as you expected. You sigh, “d/n!! s/n!! Get down here and clean your mess!!” You yell in a tone karamatsu has never heard you yell. Such a motherly tone with strictness to it. He heard loud stomping, only to see the two rush down the stairs. They originally would just rush, and get back upstairs but the two of them stop upon seeing a man beside you.
“Who is that?” s/n cocks a brow, and before you could answer, your daughter interrupts, hitting his arm. “Ow!” “It’s the new daddy right?! Right? I’m right! Right..?” She smiled excitedly, and he couldn’t help but blush a bit. Dad..dy.. maybe one day? You couldn’t help but blush yourself, “this is my boyfriend karamatsu. Karamatsu this is s/n and d/n. Okay you two, clean up and make it quick.” You say as they both quickly nod, yelling a “nice to meet you!” Before cleaning up all the chip bags, clothes, and wires on the floor.
Karamatsu was having a trouble time acting cool in front of these teens. They were oozing with confidence, and that is intimidating. No matter HOW young they are. They are definitely your kids. They have your confidence, your talkative and mischievous personality, your teasing, everything. “Wait so what’s your job?” “Do you live by yourself?” “Do you have any siblings?”
“Kids..!” You looked at them with that stern look, and they quickly shut up. “Sorry!” S/n grins, “maybe we’re being a bit much..” he laughs sheepishly, as so does his sister. “We’re just excited!” She whines, and karamatsu only chuckles, saying that it was fine.. “I understand you have a lot of questions about dear old me..” he adjusts his shades, “I am a sextuplet.. I love with my brothers..” “woaaah!!” “Seriously?! You love them that much?”
“What about the job?” D/n pressed, and he sweats. “As for a job.. heh.. I..” he pauses. Oh god here it comes.
“I have no plans..!”
“Jeez you paused just for that?!” Your daughter says in annoyance, as your son laughs. “Hahahah! This guy is awesome!”
“Really? Awesome?” He asks, trying not to sound hopeful.
“Yeah!” They both say at the same time, smiling.
He had to stop himself from letting out a loud sigh of relief.
Choromatsu spits out his drink, gaping at you. “You have a WHAT?!” He just can’t believe it to be honest, but at least he won’t ever have to have a talk with you about having kids with you (a talk he was terrified of having) so he’s actually thankful you have children already. He was a bit nervous about meeting the two little girls, they were age 10 but they were little demons.
As you walked in the house, you yelled, “girls! I’m home!” and he saw two little girls run up to hug you “mommy/daddy!” You hugged them back, “hey girls.. you gonna say hi?” You gesture to the man behind you, and they back up from the both of you and they wave “hello!” “Hi!” The twins say at the same time. For some reason, he felt like he was in the same room as Todomatsu. Fake cuteness and kindness to it.. god you were so right, these two were gonna be absolute monsters weren’t they?
He was a lot more scared now rather than just plain nervous, however your girls were good at conversing with him despite their younger age, asking him what he likes to watch and stuff. Not really the .. adult stuff. Which he was thankful for, it’s not like they need to know he does nothing… right?
Well, that was until the younger twin said something. It’s always the youngest isn’t it?
“Oh… I… uhm… I don’t really have a job” he rubs the back of his neck, “oh! Why?” She asks, “uhm… because I.. don’t want to..?” He says honestly, and she looks to you “can I not work because I don’t feel like it?” she looks innocently, but you know her better than that, shaking your head no. “Awww!” She pouts, but smiles. “Well, that’s okay! You can just work at home or something, like .. uhm..” she thinks for a moment, the elder twin pops in “like a malewife!”
He felt his face grow red, malewife?
“Okay girls go set up the table for dinner!” You butt in, smiling.
“Okay!” They say in unison, running off, and you notice them giggling mischievously. You roll your eyes.
These two were gonna be a lot, he knew it. But instead of feeling scared, he felt happy, relieved even.
He was a part of a new family now.
Ichimatsu is surprised as well, a kid? Well it’s not like he minds it exactly, he secretly likes kids a lot.. besides this means he can technically have one of his own if he plays his cards right with you. Which hes much more determined to do. A young 12 year old boy, a 16 year old girl. He can’t wait to meet the two of them.
The younger one was… much more energetic, mischievous even. However, he will hand it to him for digging the color purple, as it was obvious from his dyed purple hair, black and purple striped skirt, (yes, your young boy was wearing a cute skirt), a stylish young boy full of confidence. Despite his smirk though, something about him had a similar aura to his own. Then there’s your daughter, complete opposite. Pink clothing to contrast her brother. With a permanent grumpy frown on her face, he assumed that was normal for her, which he wasn’t wrong about.
As he conversed with them for a bit, it seemed like he had a lot in common with the little boy. “Hehe~ I love cats! Big sis likes em too.. she likes to act all tough and like she doesn’t tho!” He said in a teasing tone as for once looks up from her phone and stops texting. “Not true!” She blushes a bit, and he laughs.
He can’t help but smile himself, making your son smirk with a bit of pride at making your intimidating boyfriend smile. He’s definitely been trying to show a good impression this whole time. Unlike your daughter who doesn’t care either way, she’s definitely like Ichimatsu in many ways.
Though by the end of the day, when he didn’t try conversing with her as much as your son she started putting in effort.
“I didn’t take you for an anime nerd.” Ichimatsu admits, “maybe you should meet my brother.” He says, referring to Choromatsu in particular. “Oh shit you have a brother?” “Yeah. Your mother/father didn’t tell you? I have like five brothers.” “Holy shit that’s horrible” your sister looks in disgust, as her younger brother just laughs at her dramatics.
Your daughter showed much more of her true personality upon the shock of him being a sextuplet, and he ended up chuckling at her ridiculousness.
He already loved the hell outta your kids.
“Cool! When do I get to meet them?!” Jyushimatsu asks rather excitedly, and it’s hard for you to be too surprised by that kinda reaction. Of course he didn’t care you had kids.. three, to be exact. Triplets, all three girls. Yeah.. all three. Originally, you had two girls and one boy, but things have changed, and that was just fine by you, who was once your eldest child and only son, was now your eldest daughter.
Jyushimatsu was eager to meet all three, they’re all 16 years old. The eldest, was the “chill” one of the three. She often likes to just relax and can be seen as overly patient and calm. The second, often with a bored or deadpan look, she reminded Jyushimatsu of Ichimatsu. And the third, who honestly was a spoiled brat, she was grumpy at times and she always got what she wanted.
He ended up talking to the girls a lot, talking about being a sextuplet, being a neet, and of course baseball. Your eldest listened, “oh that’s cool! I love baseball!” She went to get a picture showing him pictures she’s taken with famous baseball players, as the youngest rolls her eyes. The second eldest was as quiet as ever as your boyfriend and your eldest conversed about their similar interests, the youngest complaining, Jyushimatsu laughing it off.
He had lots in common with the youngest too, and was able to eventually gain her approval. He eventually talked with the second daughter about things, which was also nice. She seemed to like him. Your second eldest tended to be the shyer nervous type despite the cold exterior that she puts on, so she really liked such a friendly dude.
He seemed to really like them. And he was really good with them. You couldn’t help but think how sweet he was being, he’s always sweet but it’s different. He’s being different with them. It’s nice.. it’s good. He would be such a good dad.
You smile at the thought.
Todomatsu is certainly surprised that you have children. He’s curious to learn more about them too. “So when do I get to meet em!” He’ll excitedly ask, “whenever you wanna totty” you smile, “though, I must admit.. they can be a bit much sometimes” you rub the back of your neck and he gives you a deadpan look. “Have you met my brothers?”
Good point.
And that’s why he’s here now, talking to the three of your kids. Three identical twins!
Technically your son is the eldest, he’s a grumpy guy though. Always yelling or cursing at something, you think to yourself that maybe it’ll go away, he’s only 16. The other twin, your daughter, is much more outgoing and hyper, his complete opposite. And finally your youngest child. They were more of the silent, mysterious type, even shy.
The eldest was nonchalant with him and honestly you could tell your boyfriend was a bit nervous with him. You smack your son at the back of his head whenever he gave a backhanded comment. He didn’t like your boyfriend at first, but he kinda gave in. Only reason was when he noticed how he looked at you when you were helping your youngest with something, it was like that stupid I’m in love with my s/o look.
He got along with the second the most, she’s easy to get along with given her friendly personality. Besides, she is always in on the newest internet drama, she was bound to get along with him the most. She adores him. And of course, the youngest. The youngest got along with him quickly, actually thinking he was pretty cool. They liked his style, his being more pastel and pink, a huge contrast to their emo style. They weren’t as kept with drama but they definitely were in on clothing trends which they both conversed about. They warmed up to him and got out of their shell, even calling him totty by the end of the night along with your daughter, your son refusing to do that.
Seeing how each one of your kids interacted with totty, it was obvious they all liked him.
He was gonna fit in great with this family.
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honey-dewey · 4 years
When I’m Older and I’m Wiser
Pairing: Marcus Moreno/ Dentist Reader
Word Count: 4,262
Warnings: General medical fic involving dentistry and recovering from wisdom tooth surgery. Mentions of pills, blood, needles, and Marcus being very high. Some use of (F/N) (L/N), but not much.
How the hell Marcus Moreno has gotten this far in his life without getting his wisdom teeth removed is beyond you. But that fateful day comes, and honestly you really should just quit being the Heroic’s dentist because it’s probably taking years off your life. Mostly because your current patient is very cute, very high, and in your care for the next 24 hours, which is a dangerous combination.
Missy looked over from where she’d been getting a second glass of milk, turning her attention to her dad. Marcus was staring at the eggs on his plate, seemingly frozen. The look on his face could only be described as offended, as if the eggs had just bit him back. 
“What’s wrong?” She asked, sitting back down and nudging Marcus with her foot. 
“Hurts,” Marcus mumbled, putting a hand to his cheek. The last thing he had expected was pain upon eating scrambled eggs, but it was there. 
Missy shrugged, digging into her own eggs. “Could it be a cavity?” 
Marcus shook his head, moving his hand to his other cheek. “Both sides.” 
“Two cavities?” 
Giving Missy a playful dirty look, Marcus took another bite of eggs, face scrunching when the pain persisted. 
Missy raised an eyebrow, and Marcus suddenly regretted having a tiny powerhouse of a daughter. “When was the last time you saw Dr. (L/N)?”
“Uh,” Marcus squirmed a bit under her judgmental gaze, thinking back. “I made an appointment right before your mother passed, but then she died and we were in mourning, and then I quit actively hero-ing full time, and then I took a while off to raise you, and then I started my new job, and then I was kidnapped by aliens, so I dunno. A few years?” 
“A few years?” Missy said, cocking her head slightly. “You make me go every six months!” 
“You’re still growing!” Marcus defended. “I’d be an awful parent if I didn’t keep up with your health.” 
Missy sighed. “Please tell me you’ve seen an actual doctor recently.” 
Marcus nodded. “Saw my GP last month.” 
“Good,” Missy said. “Can you see Dr. (L/N) today please?” 
Again, Marcus nodded. “Y’know, sometimes I wonder just who’s running this household.” 
“It’s me.” 
“I know kiddo. I know.”
Their drive to Heroic headquarters was silent, but comfortable, as it usually was. Marcus parked, the throbbing in his jaw just getting worse as he and Missy got on the bus into headquarters. Missy broke off in the reception area, heading down the hall with a wave. Marcus waved back, smiling at her as she disappeared. 
Wiping his hands on his shirt, Marcus walked up to the receptionist, who gave him a friendly smile. “Hello Marcus, what can I do for you?” 
“Hey Rhea,” Marcus said, leaning slightly on the counter. “When’s my first meeting?” 
Rhea hummed, putting his name into the computer and clicking a few times. “Looks like your earliest meeting is at 2:30.” 
“Awesome,” Marcus groaned. “Does Dr. (L/N) have any available appointments in the morning?” 
“Has someone been skipping out on the dentist?” Rhea said jokingly, moving to a different computer screen. “Was it Missy who made you go?” 
Rhea laughed. “That kid,” she said softly. “And you’re in luck. Dr. (L/N) has an available appointment in half an hour, at nine. I’ll get you set up with it, okay?” 
Marcus sighed. “Yeah, that works. Thank you Rhea. I’ll see you later.” 
He waited for his appointment in the hero lounge, reading a book and chewing absently on his thumb nail. When his watch read ten 'til nine, he put his book in his bag and began to make his way down to the medical wing of the building. 
The medical wing was not one Marcus was in frequently. He knew some of the staff, but not all of them. But he waved to them all the same, eventually reaching the dentist’s section with five minutes to spare. 
“Mr. Moreno!” The nurse behind the reception counter said cheerily. “I thought it had to be a mistake when I saw you had an appointment.” 
“Please,” Marcus said. “Just Marcus will do.” 
The nurse nodded. “Of course. The doctor will be right out. You’re her first of the day, and honestly, I think she thought your name was a typo too. It’s been too long.” 
Marcus sighed. “Yeah. Missy chewed me out about that earlier.” 
“I’ll bet.” The nurse gestured to a row of chairs. “Take a seat. I’ll go see if the doc is ready.” 
Marcus sat down, rubbing his hands up and down his thighs in an effort to calm his nerves. 
He looked up, heart suddenly beating fast. Standing in the doorway that separated the waiting room from the actual office was Dr. (L/N), looking very expectant and a tiny bit disappointed. 
Marcus stood, following you back into the office. His steps behind you were nervous, a high contrast to the confident clicking of your shoes. 
“Long time no see,” you said, pushing open a door and gesturing Marcus into the exam room. “What finally brought you back?” 
“Aside from Missy?” Marcus asked, sitting in the chair and rocking his left foot back and forth on the ankle. “I woke up this morning and it hurt to eat breakfast.” 
You nodded, washing your hands and donning a pair of gloves. “And there wasn’t any pain last night?” 
“Maybe a tiny bit.” Marcus watched you sit on a rolling stool, moving so you were just at his side. “But nothing I was worried about.” 
You crossed your legs, thinking. “Did you do any intense training in the past 24 hours?”
“Nothing involving my head.” 
“Well then it’s probably just a cavity or two,” you decided, rolling closer to Marcus’s head and putting both feet on the floor. “Let’s take a look, get some x-rays, and see if we can’t have you feeling better soon.” 
You adjusted the chair so Marcus was staring up at the ceiling, and at a large space mobile you’d hung ages ago. “Ready?” 
“As I’ll ever be.” 
You smiled, pulling a mask up over your nose. “Relax Marcus. I’m not gonna hurt you on purpose.” 
Marcus still squirmed a bit as you examined his mouth, your brows knitting tighter and tighter as you realized this wasn’t a simple case of a few cavities. 
“Marcus,” you said slowly, sitting him up and tugging your mask down under your chin. “You’re in your forties, right?”
“Please tell me you don’t still have your wisdom teeth.” 
Marcus shrugged. “I don’t know. Why? Is that a bad thing?” 
“Most people have theirs removed when they’re teenagers,” you explained, pulling down the x-ray machine. “That way, there’s less risk of nerve damage. It’s not a bad thing to have them removed later in life, but it does come with higher risks.” 
“Oh.” The reassurance didn’t comfort Marcus much as you softly directed him through the various x-rays. 
You pulled the piece of plastic out of his mouth as the final x-ray hit your computer. “Sorry about that,” you said, watching Marcus rub his face. “I know it sucks. But, good news, I have an answer for you.” 
You let Marcus turn so he was facing your computer. “It’s definitely your wisdom teeth,” you said, tugging your gloves off and pointing at the computer screen. “See? All four of them are coming in, which is impressive. I can probably take them out tomorrow, honestly. Those suckers can get really painful really fast, so we’re gonna want to take care of it as soon as possible.” 
Marcus paled. “Tomorrow?” 
“That would be best.” You put a hand on his shoulder. “Hey, it’ll be okay. I do one of these surgeries like, once a month. I know what I’m doing, and you’re going to be just fine.” 
“Okay,” Marcus said, nodding and staring at you. “I believe you.” 
You smiled. “Perfect. So I can schedule your surgery for super early tomorrow, I’m thinking around seven, maybe seven thirty. We wanna get it out of the way early because you can’t eat anything for twelve hours beforehand.” As you explained, you gathered some papers from a desk drawer. “I assume you want general anesthesia.” 
“Is that the option where I sleep through it all?” 
“Yep,” you said, stapling the papers together and handing them to Marcus. “As per protocol, we’re going to need reassurance you’ll be with a responsible adult guardian for at least forty eight, if not seventy two hours post surgery. The first twelve to twenty hour can be brutal, so you definitely want someone there during that.”
Marcus shook his head. “I haven’t got anyone besides my mom, who I assumed would be taking Missy while I healed.” 
“That’s okay,” you promised. “We can get someone here to care for you for two days. You’d have to stay here at headquarters, but you’d be comfortable and cared for. Whatever you do, I’ll call in some pain prescriptions and the like for you to pick up after work today. Just see the pharmacy out front and they’ll give the pills to you.” 
You stood, gesturing Marcus up. “So, to recap. Get here early tomorrow, no food after seven tonight, and wear comfy clothes. Most patients go with sweatpants, but you go with whatever is most comfortable to you. Bring a change of pyjamas and your prescriptions if you’re staying with us, and I’ll see you tomorrow Mr. Moreno,” you said as you led him back to the lobby. 
Tomorrow came faster than anticipated, and before you knew it, it was seven AM and you were waiting for Marcus with your nurse beside you. 
“Damn his mouth is messed up,” the nurse mumbled, looking over the x-rays. “All four?” 
“All four,” you agreed, smiling as the lobby door opened. “Mr. Moreno! Follow me. I assume you stuck with the rules I gave you yesterday?” 
“Yeah,” Marcus said, handing you the paper bag with his prescriptions and a small drawstring bag that presumably had clothes in it. “I’m gonna be staying here.” 
“Perfect,” you said, pushing open the operating room door. “I see we’re dressed for the occasion.” 
Marcus turned red, looking down at his soft black sleep pants and a worn out Fleetwood Mac shirt. “Yeah.” 
You put Marcus’s stuff down on the counter, handing him a small white cup. “That is a super powerful mouthwash,” you explained. “Take it, and do try and keep it in your mouth for a minute. I know it tastes horrible.” 
Marcus did try, but he only made it to thirty seconds before he had to spit out the disgustingly bitter mouthwash. 
You laughed at his face, pulling on your gloves. “Alright Marcus, that works.” 
He smiled softly, relaxing a tiny bit. “Thanks.” 
“I wouldn’t thank anyone who made me take that stuff,” you said, grabbing a thin tube and holding it out. “That goes under your nose and over your ears, just like that,” you praised as Marcus threaded the tube over his ears. “Now, can I see your hand?” 
Marcus let you clip a heart rate monitor to his right index finger, watching as you walked to his other side and held up the final thing. “And last, but not least.” 
Immediately, Marcus looked extremely nervous again. You put down the IV line and rubbed his shoulder, trying to work away some of the tension. “Hey. Look at me. Just a pinch, and then you can take a nice long nap, okay? Deep breaths Marcus, deep breaths.” 
Marcus took a breath, and you carefully took your hand off his shoulder. You slowly directed his head onto the chair’s headrest, still murmuring reassurances. “That’s it. Count the stars on my mobile out loud. I can’t remember how many there are.” 
“Okay.” Marcus looked up, slowly counting out loud as you found his vein and stuck him with the IV line as quickly as you could. You administered some of the anesthesia, smiling as Marcus’s numbers began to slip and slide, until he wasn’t even counting as much as he was just mumbling out random mushy words. 
“Goodnight Marcus.” 
You gestured the nurse in, and she smiled, taking Marcus’s glasses and setting them on top of his other things. You finished off the anesthesia, watching Marcus’s eyes close. 
When he woke again, it was to you pulling the IV line out and taping a cotton ball to his arm. “Wa’s happ’nin’?” He slurred around the cotton and the drugs. 
“The surgery was a success,” you explained softly, despite Marcus not really understanding you. “All four teeth came out with no issue, and we’re about to take you to recovery. Oh, Marcus, keep your head up.” 
Marcus struggled to keep his head upright, and you giggled, holding your hands out. “C’mon. Let’s get you into a real bed.” 
You’d been through this with many patients before Marcus, but he seemed to be a stand-out, as you had some trouble getting him in the wheelchair and down the hallways into the recovery wing. He definitely fell under the ever entertaining category of ‘toddler high’ patients. His slurred words and puppy dog eyes made you laugh more than once on your way to his room. You actually had to stop and pause to laugh when he slurred out that he thought you were an Angel. He simply watched you with an exaggerated worried expression, half his words getting lost as he tried to mumble something out. 
“What was that Marcus?” You asked, wiping your eyes and continuing down the hall with him. 
“You’re tho prethy.” He said, head tipping down. 
“Head up,” you coaxed softly, smiling despite yourself. “Look, there’s your room.” 
Getting him in the room, which was more of a small, one person condo space, was thankfully the hardest part. But once you were in, he was very sleepy putty in your hands. 
“Okay Marcus,” you said gently, helping him out of the wheelchair and onto the couch, piling a few pillows beneath his head “Do you want anything before you go to sleep?” 
Marcus looked up at you. Between his cotton stuffed cheeks and his wide doe eyes, he looked a tiny bit ridiculous. You smiled, pulling out your phone and snapping a quick picture while he was still drugged as hell. “Marcus?” 
Marcus pointed to his bag. “Mittenth.” 
You walked over to the bag, opening it up and finding a black and white stuffed cat right on top. “Oh. Mittens.” 
You handed the cat to Marcus, who immediately snuggled it to his chest and rolled over a bit, falling asleep instantly. 
Again, you couldn’t help but stare. He looked so innocent like this, all curled up and sleeping. You hesitated to call him adorable, but if the shoe fit.
You sighed, picking up your phone and trailing into the single bedroom. Changing quickly into your leisure clothes, you texted one of the people at the pharmacy and requested a few ice packs and a wisdom tooth slushee. Both things were delivered in a matter of minutes, and you placed them securely in the small freezer to wait for Marcus. 
When he woke up, he was significantly less high. Looking around, Marcus poked his cheeks and made a face. “I can’t feel my nose.” 
“The entire bottom half of your face is numb,” you pointed out from your position at the two person table in the kitchen. “And believe me, you’re gonna want it to stay that way.” 
Marcus sat up, looking over at you. “I’m hungry.” 
“No solids for a while,” you told him, standing and grabbing his slushee. “But you can have this. And before you ask, yes you have to use the spoon.” 
Marcus pouted, but took the slushee. “But the cotton.” 
You nodded, settling on the couch next to him. “Open wide.” 
Marcus did, allowing you to shove two fingers into his mouth and fish out the cotton. “Still bleeding,” you mumbled to yourself. “We’ll shove more in there when you’re done. For now,” You tipped the slushee at him. “Eat up.” 
You turned your attention to the TV while Marcus ate slowly, taking tiny bites and occasionally sticking his tongue out. “It’s really numb.” 
“That’ll fade by tomorrow morning,” you promised. “At noon I want you to take your first pills. Then you get more at one.” 
Again, Marcus pouted, but simply sank lower into the couch cushions and mindlessly watched whatever was on TV. “Is my face swelling?” 
You shrugged. “No more than other patients. But yeah, just a bit.” 
“Do I look stupid?” 
The question made you laugh. “Marcus, I’ve had so many ridiculous patients. You’re no worse than some of my other ones, I promise.” 
Marcus accepted this and continued to take small bites of his slushee. “Why’s it gotta be blue?” 
“Because blue isn’t even remotely close to red.” You didn’t even look up as you answered. “Same goes for when little kids get teeth pulled. You want something that’s soft, easy to swallow, and isn’t the color of blood.” 
You nodded. “Yeah. How’s your mouth feeling?” 
Marcus mulled it over, eventually deciding on saying “Kinda achy.” 
“I’ll give you those pills soon,” you said. “It’s gonna be tricky, considering any kind of anything touching those holes in your mouth is gonna hurt like a bitch.” 
“Even water?” 
“Even water.” 
Marcus groaned, and you shrugged. “Sorry. But you’re the one who waited until now to do this.” 
When Marcus finished his slushee, you grabbed a pill bottle off the kitchen counter, quickly glancing at the label and nodding. “Two of these,” you said, opening a cabinet and taking out a glass. “Come here.” 
Marcus trudged over, leaning heavily against the counter’s edge. You put the two round pills on the counter, along with the glass of water. “Best to do it quickly. And one at a time.”  
Picking up one of the pills, Marcus carefully put it on his tongue, taking the glass with a hesitant hand. He took a sip, swallowing quickly and audibly. “Can’t I use a straw?” 
“Yeah,” you said sarcastically. “If you want dry socket, go ahead.” 
“Do I want to know what that is?” 
“Nope.” You pushed the second pill towards Marcus. “Take that, then you can lay back down.” 
Marcus sighed, mirroring his previous action. However, instead of simply swallowing with a tight face, Marcus started, eyes filling with tears as he spit the water into the sink, the pill clattering against the metal. 
You immediately began to worry as Marcus cried. It wasn’t a small tear or two either. He was full on sobbing, gripping the edges of the sink so tight his knuckles went white. 
“Marcus,” you murmured, putting a hand on his arm. He looked up at you, and you put on your most comforting smile. “Hey, it’s okay.” You picked up a towel and slowly wiped the residual water off his face. “C’mere.” 
He collapsed into your arms, going limp and continuing to cry. You rubbed his back, heart tightening whenever he let out a whimper of “hurts.” 
“I know,” you said softly. “I know it hurts. But you have to take the pills.” 
“Can’t,” Marcus hiccuped, burying himself deeper into your sweater. 
“Marcus,” you said firmly, slowly untangling him from you. “I know it hurts. But you’ll be in more pain from not taking the pills. Please, for me?” 
He took a breath. “Can we watch TV afterwards?” 
You smiled. “Of course. I can give you ice for the swelling too.” 
Marcus nodded, looking into the sink. “Do I take that one?” 
“No,” you said, fishing a new pill out of the container. “It’s in the sink, I’m not gonna take that risk. Here.” 
Marcus stared at the unassuming white pill in his hand. “Which one is this?” 
“The acetaminophen.” 
“The what?” 
Marcus nodded, popping the pill into his mouth and quickly gulping down the water. This time, he avoided hitting his stitches and simply handed you the glass. “I’m not doing that again.” 
You took the glass, putting it in the sink. “You have more pills to take in an hour.” 
Marcus groaned. “TV?” 
“Of course,” you said, walking to the couch and smiling as Marcus fell onto it. “What do you wanna watch?” 
Marcus turned his red rimmed puppy dog eyes on you. “Say Yes to the Dress?” 
You laughed. “Are you serious? We can, but that’s not what I expected at all.” 
“I like trash TV when I feel terrible.” Marcus grabbed Mittens and cuddled the stuffed cat to his chest. 
You found the show, setting it up and standing. “More cotton. You're probably still bleeding, and we definitely don’t want that. Open.” 
It took some finessing to get two more wads of cotton into Marcus’s mouth, but you succeeded, despite his complaints of feeling like a cartoon chipmunk. 
 “I’m gonna go start on dinner,” you said.  “Are you gonna be okay here?” 
Marcus pouted. “Do you have to start now?” 
“Yeah.” You gestured to the kitchen. “Don’t worry, I’ll only be gone for twenty minutes. Soup just needs to sit for a while.” 
Slightly consoled, Marcus zoned out at the TV while you got to work making a simple chicken noodle soup. 
“Done,” you said, wiping your hands and walking back to the couch twenty minutes later. “Marcus, are you still awake?” 
Marcus grumbled, holding his hands out. “C’mere.” 
You passed him an ice pack, and he made a face. “Not what I want.” 
“What do you want?” 
As if somehow knowing they were your kryptonite, Marcus gave you his puppy dog eyes. “Wanna hold you.” 
You sighed, but crawled into his arms anyway. When you finally settled, he was on his back, head and neck propped up on the arm of the couch, and you were on your side between the back of the couch and Marcus. He was warm, wrapping one arm loosely over your waist and using the other hand to press the ice into his cheek. 
You quickly slid into a nice comfortable headspace, occasionally smiling when Marcus commented on the wedding dresses on screen. 
“You dropped Mittens,” you realized after a while, shuffling to grab the discarded toy from the floor. 
Marcus took Mittens, gently placing the cat on his chest, so that it was secure on his sternum. 
“Does Mittens belong to Missy?” 
“Belonged to Clara.” 
“Oh.” You saw the change in demeanor, noticed how Marcus’s face steeled when he said her name. He rarely talked about Clara, especially at work. “I’m-“ 
“Nah,” Marcus said, shaking his head. “It’s the past. I’m happy now, and so is Mittens.” 
You nestled deeper into his chest. “Happy right now?” 
“Definitely happy right now,” Marcus said softly. “Very happy, even though I can’t feel my face.” 
“Even if you could,” you mumbled, knowing where this was headed. “You can’t kiss anyone for a while.” 
Marcus grinned. “I guess we’ll just have to wait then, won’t we?” 
You mirrored his mischievous smile. “You can’t kiss,” you said, scooting upwards, until you were laying on top of Marcus, your belly on his ribs. “But I can.” 
You lay gentle kisses across his cheeks, smiling when he laughed at your insistence upon kissing his nose. His cheeks were cold from the ice and tender from the swelling, but Marcus never tried to stop you, so you continued downwards, kissing the pulse points on his neck. 
“You’re a damn tease,”  Marcus huffed. 
You simply smiled into his skin and tugged the collar of his shirt down, pressing firm kisses into the points of his collarbones.
“Hey,” Marcus nudged your head. “Can we finish this when I don’t have a mouth of stitches? I still can’t feel my tongue.” 
“Of course,” you said, pushing his shirt collar back up and laying your head on his sternum. “How long?” 
You shrugged, watching a woman try on a stunning wedding dress on the TV. “How long have you wanted to kiss me?” 
Marcus thought it over. “Last year,” he finally decided. “When Missy had three teeth out. You were so kind, and I just melted.” 
“But you didn’t fall in love hard enough to ever pay me a visit,” you teased, tracing the faded symbol on his shirt. 
“Didn’t ever want to go under and realize I’d spilled everything,” Marcus confessed. 
You smiled. “Too late. You said I looked like an Angel in the hallway.” 
Marcus turned bright red, and you laughed at him. “It’s okay,” you promised, kissing his cheek that didn’t have the ice pack. “I think you’re pretty handsome yourself.” 
That night, after dinner and more pills and ice cream for dessert, you and Marcus settled down in the only bedroom, clinging to each other as if your lives depended on it. 
Waking up was hard. Marcus was well enough to go home, most of the swelling gone and the numbness completely faded. 
“So,” you clicked down the halls of the dentist’s office, Marcus behind you. “No really hot liquids for another few days, and try not to do solids until then either. That antibacterial mouthwash should be used twice a day, and you can start brushing your teeth again in two days. Remember, no straws, take your pills, keep icing your cheeks, and if I see you in this office before this time next week, I will be calling your mother.” 
Marcus nodded as you pulled open the lobby door, where Anita and Missy were waiting. “Anything else Doctor?” 
You shook your head. “You should be all clear Mr. Moreno. I’ll be seeing you for your check-up next week. Don’t you go skipping out on me now.” 
Marcus smiled. “Wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he promised, leaning a bit closer to you. “And I cannot wait to kiss you for real.” 
He pulled away, leaving you flushed and dizzy. “See you next week Doctor.” 
“See you next week Mr. Moreno.”
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