#hero and villain nation
toohottohoot · 5 months
Quick prompt!
Villain shifted, and embraced Hero. But it wasn’t a hug, was it? It was too empty, too loose, too wrong to be called something so nice as a hug. “I’m sorry for your loss,” Villain cooed, and Hero tried not to punch villain in their face then and there.
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Of the 19 hijackers who carried out the Sept 11 attacks:
15 were from Saudi Arabia (a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
2 were from the United Arab Emirates (also a powerful/oil-rich country the U.S. works hard to maintain diplomatic relations with)
1 was from Egypt, 1 from Lebanon.
None of the hijackers were from Iraq.
None of the Sept 11 hijackers were Iraqi.
None of the 9/11 hijackers were from Iraq.
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carolofthebell · 3 months
My latest obsession:
@rubydianarts animatic of Get in the Water from Epic: the Musical with Hama!
It’s perfection
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crowskullls · 5 months
Thinking about Minute’s insane morals and how he doesn’t have a single genuinely bad bone in his body. He gets confused when he’s betrayed, he begs for explanations when people are cruel. He would rather make amends than hold onto grudges. He forgives and forgets. He teams with the same guy (Wemmbu) that’s betrayed him countless of times, and still trusts him anyways. Even if a bit reluctant at first. Even if he knows he’ll still end up betrayed.
Like this guy has PROBLEMS. He so morally… Good. He can stoop down to other people’s level, he can play dirty, he can be intimidating. He doesn’t really let himself get walked all over. But he’d MUCH rather just hang out and have peace. He gets upset when people are negative because he’s just SO optimistic. He always has to see the Good side of things, even when it’s a horrendous situation.
Even when he has reasons to be angry and upset and spiteful, he still chooses to hold his head high and STICK to his morals. He’s Stubborn. He tries so hard to see Why people are evil and hurtful, but he can’t personally understand. He needs to be the hero. He needs to save others. Because who else is going to do it? Who else has the resources, the strength, the backbone, the reputation? He gives items out to people with no expectation for reimbursement. He’s always saving other server members, even his enemies, from tricky situations.
He tries hard to remain all mysterious and brooding. He tries to seem calm and collected. But he wears his heart on his sleeve. You can hear every emotion in his voice, in the glint in his eyes. The way his smile upturns when he finds something amusing, or how his eyebrows furrow when he’s trying to piece something together. He’s an incredibly emotional guy, and he’s not good at hiding it. He’s notoriously a bad liar. He gives himself away every time he opens his mouth. It’s WHY he’s so genuine, so easy to trust.
It’s easy to get under his skin, but he still holds his ground. Because he has to. Because the world is cruel and brutal, and everyone is out to get him. Killing is second nature on most SMPs, especially on Lifesteal. But he can defend himself. Most other people can’t. He’s paranoid, and watches events from the sidelines (even if it annoys other players.) He always has extra food and fireworks to give out. Despite covering himself in dark colors, and hiding from large groups, he’s still looking out for others. He’s still the beacon of hope people need. He’s so annoyingly optimistic and cheerful that it’s sickening to most. He refuses to let himself become bitter and pessimistic.
Anyways bro thinks he’s Batman.
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theladyeowyn · 2 years
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female character meme: a female character in a male-driven series   ↳ Ilsa Faust (Mission: Impossible)
I’ve saved your life twice. I won’t be able to do it again.
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isabeauwolf · 2 months
Okay, took me a minute to find them, but here's my fav Overhaul x reader fanfics! This one is for the female x Overhaul reader.
I'll make another list for male readers as well! ;) and another for love triangles!
Here's to my fellow members of the Chisaki Nation!!!!
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My fav Overhaul x reader fanfics Part 1
(Fair warning, some of these can get dark af, feel free to skip if it isn't your thing). Tell me which ones were your favs? ;)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/35521177 Forbidden by HungarianShinobi (Doctor Overhaul x reader)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/16100765/chapters/37607249 Arms At Rest by Yoshinori
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44923765/chapters/113034685 Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) by krazenground
https://archiveofourown.org/works/28194690/chapters/69088494 A Blistering Affection (Overhaul x reader) by Crimsoncat
https://archiveofourown.org/works/34057876/chapters/84719488 The Whispering Darkness by InorganicOne2230
https://archiveofourown.org/works/21403249/chapters/50990824 Purity by InorganicOne2230
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39041481/chapters/97659105 by The Club (Purity Spin-Off) by InorganicOne2230
https://archiveofourown.org/works/22309051/chapters/53285557 All That Led Us Here by InorganicOne2230
https://archiveofourown.org/works/48788473/chapters/123073762 A God Named Destruction by xillustratoryx
https://archiveofourown.org/works/33562012/chapters/83394898 Love Without Boundaries: Overhaul x Hero Reader by ArondightDusk
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26102626/chapters/63493396 Control (Overhaul X Reader) by CranberryCandy
https://archiveofourown.org/works/32472970/chapters/80530477 Home Sweet Home | Chisaki Kai x Reader by Kikyo851
https://archiveofourown.org/works/18387173/chapters/43543130 Corrupt | Chisaki Kai x Reader by Kikyo851
https://archiveofourown.org/works/37282840/chapters/93025036 Migraine by Boerning
@dummy-mars @lilydaspitfyre @togeandmegumilover @fanofflames @yey56 @phantomhoeass @ xllizs @ghostreaderwazaa @staitc-rj @slayfics @x-kiwi-03 @xxchisakislittleangelxx
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ramblebramblefun · 2 months
Of course, right then, there's an ominous clomp of feet behind them, exactly where Kacchan was, and Izuku's heart may or may not skip a beat.
Before he can turn his head to see, though, the figure comes clomping past them to take up a position in front of Izuku and his fellow students and- Oh, it's big Kacchan. Not a villain that's outflanked them. Okay. Izuku can-
Oh, it's big Kacchan.
"Apologise to the Pussycats for me, would you?" Big Kacchan says lightly, and Izuku starts mentally drafting Aizawa-sensei's eulogy in his head.
There's a clink as Ground Zero's return mechanisms engage. Izuku would love to study his gauntlets at some stage, because he has no idea how big Kacchan activates them and he never appears in a time or place to ask.
Big Kacchan hand rises, tilted so as not to let his sweat drip onto the forest floor and make an even bigger mess than there was about to be.
The Wild Wild Pussycats really really won't take this well.
The villains in front of them start making noises, such as who are you and who cares? We'll kill him too.
Izuku takes the opportunity to throw himself at the nearest fellow student, dragging them both to the ground and squeezing his eyes tight.
(The safest place to be when an explosion happens is nowhere near ground zero.)
(The safest place to be in a forest full of villains that wanted to kill you was right behind the broad back of probably the most powerful hero their generation had the potential to produce.)
Hopefully Recovery Girl will be able to fix the hearing loss.
Just as whoever it was underneath him began to struggle-
The world.
For all of the lecturing that he gives Izuku to pass on to regular Kacchan, Ground Zero himself is not a man who cares about excessive force and collateral damage.
Those villains are almost certainly dead.
Izuku can feel bad about that later.
When the flash of heat has faded, but not the ringing in his ears, Izuku slowly makes his way back to his feet.
He's shaking.
Anyone would, he tells himself. He's got two broken arms and Kacchan's hurt bad, if big Kacchan has come out to play.
Izuku looks down. It's Asui that he has flattened to the ground. He should probably help her up.
Big Kacchan gently pushes Izuku out of the way and lifts Asui up himself, instead. Right. Izuku has two broken arms.
His ears are still ringing.
Ground Zero dutifully checks over everyone present, because he does take his role seriously and tries to set a good example for regular Kacchan in the areas that regular Kacchan struggles in, even when regular Kacchan isn't going to remember anything that happens after they swap places.
Hopefully regular Kacchan won't be in too much trouble for big Kacchan obliterating approximately half the forest.
Or so Izuku assumes. He's refusing to look in that direction.
There had been people there.
Villainous people, but...
Izuku can feel bad about that later.
"Um, Kacchan?" Oh, that sounds weird.
Big Kacchan might make a listening noise, but Izuku can't be sure. Eventually the man turns to look at him instead.
"Um. We should probably go back to the lodge."
The villains were after regular Kacchan and Tokoyami. Tokoyami is here, relatively fine, and regular Kacchan is currently big Kacchan, which means he's hurt, so it would probably be best for them all to get back to where the official pro heroes are waiting.
Big Kacchan nods, slowly.
They, the students, are gently but firmly bunched up and herded away from- from the scene of- of the crime. Attempted kidnapping. Maybe possibly on purpose murder.
Big Kacchan takes threats to regular Kacchan's safety very poorly.
Izuku should probably count himself lucky that big Kacchan views regular Kacchan and Izuku as a set. And that he's never been around to hear regular Kacchan disagreeing.
Then Izuku has to focus, because big Kacchan has shuffled him into taking point to lead the way back while Ground Zero takes up the rear. This is... Flattering? Big Kacchan trusts in Izuku's abilities a lot, even when Izuku feels inadequate to the task.
But! He does in fact know the way from here, and they all eventually straggle back into the lodge, to a chorus of worry and possibly shouts. Izuku can't tell.
Naturally, at that moment, wisps of familiar smoke drift past him.
He whips around, nearly wobbling right off his feet, to see the figure of Ground Zero rapidly, but carefully, lowering himself to the ground, just as regular Kacchan's bruised-up face comes back into view.
(They'll rush Kacchan to the hospital and blame the damage on a fire that one of the villains started.
They'll blame the deaths on the arsonist, too.)
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elijones94 · 10 months
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🌸 Is Ty Lee an air nomad? 🔥
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girl4music · 4 months
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Now this... This was something I absolutely loved because it made the most sense in the narrative at that point for the good VS evil to become good AND evil. It made the most sense in Buffy too after Spike and I really wish this is what Whedon and Co had done with the ending of ‘BtVS’ in defeating The First rather than what they did with the Potentials - which also could have worked alongside it had it had better written development behind it. Had you known who all these potential slayers actually were and why they had to be part of the storyteling. Even then I would have much preferred Buffy teaming up with vampires and werewolves and all manner of supernatural entities on both sides of the fight to bring The First Evil down.
‘Wynonna Earp’ doesn’t have the greatest plot writing but it knew what its tone was and it worked with the lore and the narratives as they had been developed all throughout the show so it never felt contradictory in the moral/message it was trying to actually give you. There were vampires that struggled with their morality but in the end, proved their growth as a person made them a stronger hero in the end - supernatural or not. Their natures didn’t define them as characters, they instead defined their natures, if that makes any sense. And they just did so well showing the moral greyness for both the characters that started out as heroes and that started out as villains. In the end - they were all just people. All just conscious beings with a common cause to survive and be treated equally. Beautiful.
That’s astonishingly rare to find in supernatural/fantasy storytelling. But it shouldn’t be because it’s a beautiful statement as well as an exploration that all conscious beings matter regardless of where they came from, what they did and why. I really loved it.
Yep. ‘BtVS’ absolutely should have done this too.
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modgod200 · 2 years
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Me entering the absolute dumpster fire that is the Fire Emblem Three Houses fandom and its total war of a discourse.
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cosmicstarlatte · 11 months
Eyyy give us like a fandom name. Starlings? Cosmicstarcreamer? (I'm sorry 😭)
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA MY LITTLE COSMICSTARCREAMERS!?!?! OMG THATS SENDING ME AHAHAHA!!! ty ty that gave me such a great laugh, like u don't even know how loud it was!!! 😭💕💕💕
Anyway idk!!! This is such a cute ask!! 😆 You're probably the first in the cult fandom 😔
Anyway slightly boring answer but I usually tag my asks with "the star: _" so I guess everyone who comes through here is my little star!!! 🥰💕 but if u have more ideas let me know LOL or if u wanna exclusively be my little creamer (🥛?) anon I mean akakglfkkdln💀
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
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nah but listen.
i love ashnard.
THIS is what makes him such a great villain.
no excuses. no bullshit. no sad backstory.
sometimes it’s nice to have an antagonist who isn’t evil, but nowadays it’s so rare. sometimes it’s nice to have a true villain who doesn’t want to be pitied or seen as a “hero”, and won’t mince words when he’s confronted about his actions.
#DCB Comments#DCB PoR Run#like... BK was a great villain too.... until RD smashed that with a hammer against him being an armored unit#even RD never tried to do that with Ashnard and let him stay the absolute shitbag he always was#a shitbag respected by some people too! even Sothe used to appreciate his way of thinking#he didn't pity him or think Crimea was evil for fighting against him. he knew what Ashnard was doing was wrong#but he didn't disagree with his methods of ruling. Ashnard wanted a meritocracy which might have sounded good in question#but all he cared about in people was power and strength. he believed the weak deserved to be ruled over#like. he's a shitbag plain and simple. he had a decent idea but one that in practice was detrimental#it's not like he didn't know it and he didn't make excuses for why it was a good thing#he also never talked shit about Crimea in the manner of how its leaders ruled. he didn't really care what other people did#he was just extremely wrapped up in his own beliefs and super into his own power#there was no gray area for whether or not he was doing bad shit. decent idea yes but from an awful person#and I love how the game didn't try to skirt around that and make him get this sad backstory to make him seem better#even in RD we STILL learn about shitty things he did prior to PoR's timeline!#I've always been so glad they never tried to erase the character they wrote in RD or Heroes#imo THIS is how you handle a villain that you're having antagonize other people and nations#no sympathy. they just tell you like it is and you accept that without trying to make excuses for the character#good for fucking you ashnard good for fucking you
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shrinkthisviolet · 2 years
Oooh seems Billie was misled! So it probably is Sacagawea
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