#heterosexual uranic
flyingdumpsterfire · 1 year
I decided to come out to my older cousin and I was terrified
she doesn't hate me
in fact
she accepts me fully
I'm so happy rn
she even said that if my parents kick me out she'll take me in
so I have a place to go
apparently she knew for 5 years
bc I identify with queer-coded characters
I didn't realise that but here we are
my favourite characters outed me before I could
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star-dust-shark · 1 year
School pride project!!!
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My vice principal at school asked me to make a pride mural!!! Hopefully they’re up by the end of this week :)
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hex12345678910 · 3 months
So a few months ago I decided to make a list of genders and sexualities
Here it's under the cut. Please tell me what to add!
Lesbian/Libidoist Asexual/Lithosexual/Lithromantic/Libragender
Gay/Genderfluid/Genderflux/Graysexual/Gynosexual/Gynoromantic/Genderqueer/Gender Nonconforming/Gender Neutral/Gender Diverse/Gender Gifted/Genderfae/Genderless/Graygender/Gemigender/Genderblank/Genderflow/Genderfuzz/Gender Witched/Girlflux/Grayromantic/Gynesexual/Gyneromantic/Glassgender/Glimragender/Genderfaun
Transgender/Two Spirited/Transexual/Travesti/Trigender/Tumtum/Turbogender/Tragender
Intersex/Intergender/Ipso Gender/Imperigender
Omnisexual/Omnigender/Omniromantic /Oneiragender
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rab1darachn1d · 4 months
these r just silly headcanons i like personally dont harass me or anyone over these please<3
Fukuzawa: aroace spectrum(he/him but also peepaw dont give a damn abt pronouns)
Kunikida: pansexual + demisexual(he/him)
Dazai: bisexual + demiromantic + agender(they/he)
Ranpo: gay + ace + demiboy(he/they)
Yosano: lesbian(she/her)
Junichiro: aroace + transmasc(he/they)
Atsushi: bisexual + gender queer(he/she)
Kyouka: questioning + genderfluid(she/they)
Kenji: doesn't use labels but thinks xenogenders are neat (any pronouns aslong as everyone is chill)
Chuuya: gay + demiromantic/sexual + transmasc(he/him)
Kouyou: lesbian or bisexual + transfem(she/her)
Q: aroace and nonbinary + xenogenders (they/it + neos)
Kajii: aromantic(he/they/it)
Hirostu: never really cared about labels(he/him)
Tachihara: bisexual + transmasc(he/it)
Gin: bisexual + nonbinary(she/they/he)
Akutagawa: gay + ace and never gave gender labels much thought(he/they)
Higuchi: bisexual(she/her)
Oda: gay + ace (he/him but is chill with whatever)
Ango: gay (he/him)
Verlaine: gay + aroace spec + agender(He/him)
Rimbaud/Randou: gay + genderqueer (He/they/she)
Pianoman: doesn't care at all (any pronouns)
Lippmann: uranic + genderfluid(He/she)
Albatross: aroace + nonbinary(they/he)
Doc: biromantic + unlabeled(he/it)
Iceman: aroace (he/him)
The Guild-
Francis: dumb as hell ally but hes trying his best (he/him) (NO THE A DOES NOT STAND FOR ALLY SHUT THE FUCK UP🗣)
Lousia: lesbain + transfem (she/they)
Herman: aroace + gay (he/him though wouldn't mind they/them)
Stienbeck: omnisexual (he/him)
Lovecraft: ????????? + ??????????(whatever you want)
Mark Twain: Bisexual (he/him)
Nathaniel and Margaret: token heterosexuals/j
Poe: gay + transmasc nonbinary and likes xenoic terms (he/they)
Lucy: bisexual + demiromantic + transfem(she/her)
Fyodor: doesnt care for labels but knows hes aroace spec and agender(doesn't care)
Nikolai: uranic + genderfluid and uses xenogenders (any pronouns)
Sigma: aroace + intersex and genderqueer(He/she/they)
Bram: he doesn't know anything about labels he just kinda exists but I think he'd find xenogenders/xenoic terms interesting or connect to some (He/him but doubt he cares)
Fukuchi: gay (he/him)
Hunting Dogs-
Jouno: uranic + pangender (he/they)
Tetchou: omniromantic + agender (He/they)
Teruko: bisexual + demiromantic (she/they)
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03josten · 1 year
Some of my favourite terminology for sex, sexuality, and gender that have mostly fell out of use:
Sapphist: Similar to the term Sapphic which is still in use, derived from the woman loving Greek poet Sappho. The -ist has implications of doing rather than being. A Sapphist is a woman who has romantic and sexual relationships with other women. It was commonly used in the 19th and early 20th century, eventually replaced by lesbian in common usage. Some famous historical figures who used this term include Vita Sackville-West, who also used the terms lesbian and homosexual.
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Mukhannathun: Translates roughly to "effeminate ones" or "ones who resemble women", typically refers to a feminine male, an intersex person, or one whose sex is indistinct. Modern scholars place the term Mukhannath in correlation with trans feminine. Mukhannathun traditionally took on the social roles of women in Saudi Arabia and feature in Ḥadīth Islamic literature. They were often musicians and entertainers, Abū ʿAbd al-Munʿim ʿĪsā ibn ʿAbd Allāh al-Dhāʾib (or Tuwais) being perhaps the first famous Mukhannath musician. I could not find any depictions of Mukannathun.
Invert: Sexology in the early 20th century believed that same sex desire and cross gender identification were natural in some people. It was coined in German by Karl Friedrich Otto Westphal (1833-1890) and translated across Europe and eventually into English as sexual inversion by John Addington Symonds Jr. (1840-1893) in 1883. Inverts were people whose natural sex instinct (heterosexual, cisgender) were "inverted", causing a natural desire for the same sex or to live as the other sex. It was thought that most inverts desired a relationship with a "normal" member of their own sex, for example a masculine presenting woman would desire a feminine presenting "normal" woman, a feminine presenting man would desire a masculine or "normal" man. While most sexologists thought sexual inversion was natural, they worried about corruption of "normal" people by inverts. The writer 'John' Radclyffe Hall (1880-1943) identified as an invert and explored the life of inverts in her 1928 novel The Well of Loneliness.
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Uranism: A Uranian was a man who was romantically or sexually interested in other men. One of the earliest records of the term comes from Friedrich Schiller's 'Sixth Letter' in the Aesthetic Education of Man in 1795. It is derived from the ancient Greek goddess Aphrodite Urania, a manifestation of Aphrodite who was free of physical desire and instead was attracted by mind and soul. Ancient Greek literature was very important in the early formations of queer identity and self-recognition. Oscar Wilde (1854-1900) was known to use the term Uranian.
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Tribadism: Derived from the Greek "tribas" which means "to rub", tribadism denotes both a sexual position (now known as tribbing or scissoring) and a woman who seeks to sexual dominate and/or penetrate another woman. This term could also be used to describe an intersex person who lives as female and is the penetrating partner during sex with women. It became the most common word to describe any kind of sexual intimacy between women in English literature from the 16th to 19th centuries. Marie Antoinette, queen of France from 1773 to 1792 was "defamed" in many anti-monarchist newspapers as being a tribade.
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Eonism: Eonism was coined by English sexologist Havelock Ellis (1859-1939) to describe cross gender identification and presentation. "Eon" after the French diplomat Charlotte-Geneviève-Louise-Augusta-Andréa-Timothéa d'Éon de Beaumont, who was assigned male at birth but lived as a woman from 1777 until her death in 1810. Eonism was later replaced by transvestism in popular usage in the early to mid 20th century, coined by Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935) in 1910.
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Eunuch: the term Eunuch has many connotations but the one common factor that almost all definitions share is that a eunuch is an intentionally castrated male. Eunuchs can also be uncastrated, but put into the social role as eunuch due to their 1) feminine presentation 2) inability to procreate 3) attraction to men. Eunuchs were not seen as men in most cultures, they were specifically chosen and castrated in order to fill a specific, separate social role from men and women. It was sometimes punitive, for example under Assyrian law men who were caught in sexual acts with other men were castrated. Eunuchs often had positions in royal households in the Ancient Middle East, their sexlessness was seen to enhance their loyalty to the crown as they were less likely to be distracted by sex or marriage, and it also allowed for jobs to be given on merit, and not inherited since Eunuchs could not reproduce. In Ancient Greece certain sects of male priests were eunuchs. China had Eunuchs who were fully castrated (penis and testicles) and high ranking in imperial service. In Vietnam, many eunuchs were self castrated in order to gain employment in the royal households.
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Homophile: coined in 1924 by Karl-Günther Heimsoth (1899-1933) in his dissertation Hetero- und Homophilie. The term was in common use in the 50s and 60s in gay activism groups. It was an alternative to homosexual coined in 1868 by Károly Mária Kertbeny (1824-1882) which was thought to have pathological and sexual implications, whereas homophile prioritised love and appreciation over the sex act or pathology. It is still in use in some parts of northern Europe. The Homophile Action League was founded by lesbian couple Ada Bello (1933-2023) and Carole Friedmann (1944-?) in Pennsylvania, U.S.A. in 1968, a year before the Stonewall Riots.
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genderstarbucks · 1 year
Quote from one of your posts that I’m focusing on “also calling cis neptunic men and cis uranic women "people trying so hard to be queer"”
Mf, while I may not be fuckin’ cis man who is neptunic (I’m Bigender masc leaning and Neptinic). Dude you can’t just say someone is queer because they don’t your damn standards. Neptunic and Uranic are meant to be used by ANYONE, it’s not something you can gatekeep for your own sensibilities. Not to mention, a cis person who uses the Neptunic or Uranic label may also be using it for other reasons that they may not be able to completely understandable. Such as how people describe their attractions to people being inherently queer in nature even if it’s under the “appearance” of being straight. I apologize for the rant, that just annoyed me.
(This whole thing is directed to the “people trying hard to be queer” comment person not you.)
They're not just for nonbinary people, cis people can use them too, and if they do, then they're not straight
But yeah, people can't just determine who's queer and who's not, if you're even a little bit queer, you're still queer (you don't have to call yourself queer ofc but you'd still be a part of the community)
And honestly
I rlly only see people say this stuff about cis/het people in the community, no one would ever tell a cis gay man that they're not queer enough, but if they're neptunic or asexual, then nope, not queer enough apparently
There's no such thing as "not queer enough" or "trying to be queer"
If you're queer, you're fucking queer, nobody else can determine whether you can say you're queer or not because "you're basically just cishet"
Cis men neptunics? Queer
Cis women uranics? Queer
Heteroromantic asexual? Queer
Aromantic heterosexual? Queer
Straight trans men? Queer
Straight trans women? Queer
Straight nonbinary people? Queer
Anybody under the trans umbrella who's still connected to their agab? Queer
Ftm rosboys? Queer
Mtf azurgirls? Queer
Cishet gnc people? Queer
Heteroflexible cis people? Queer
Multisexual cis people who prefer the opposite gender? Queer
Cis straightcians? Queer
Cis straightbians? Queer
Cis achillean women? Queer
Cis sapphic men? Queer
Cis lesboys? Queer
Cis turigirls? Queer
Etc, etc.
If your identity is under the queer umbrella at all, you're still allowed to call yourself queer, even if you have other identities that aren't necessarily queer
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An Apartment on Uranus by Paul B. Preciado
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Uranus, the frozen giant, is the coldest planet in the solar system, as well as a deity in Greek mythology. It is also the inspiration for uranism, a concept coined by the writer Karl Heinrich Ulrich in 1864 to define the `third sex' and the rights of those who `love differently'. Following in Ulrich's footsteps, Paul B. Preciado dreams of an apartment on Uranus where he might live beyond existing power, gender and racial strictures invented by modernity. `My trans condition is a new form of uranism,' writes the author. `I am not a man. I am not a woman. I am not heterosexual. I am not homosexual. I am not bisexual. I am a dissident of the genus-gender system. I am the multiplicity of the cosmos trapped in a binary political and epistemological system, shouting in front of you. I am a uranist confined inside the limits of technoscientific capitalism.' This book, a chronicle of a crossing, recounts the process of transforming from Beatriz into Paul B. during which the author transformed his body and subjectivity through the self-administration of testosterone. Yet An Apartment on Uranus is not simply an account of gender transitioning, but rather of a global transition: Preciado analyses other processes of political, cultural and sexual transition, reflecting on socio-political issues including the rise of neo-fascism in Europe, the migrant crisis, the Zapatista struggle in Mexico, the fight for Catalonian independence, Julian Assange, sex work, Trump's America, the harassment of trans children, the technological appropriation of the uterus, and the role museums might play in the cultural revolution to come. AN APARTMENT ON URANUS is a bold, transgressive and necessary book which takes a personal experience as a starting point to question the foundations of a society which excludes heterodoxy and proclaims it deviancy or illness, putting forward a radical argument for a new gender politics.
Mod opinion: I haven't read this book yet, but my girlfriend owns it so I might get around to it someday.
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nerdygaymormon · 1 year
I'm a closeted heterosexual uranic demisexual she/they demigirlflux (a lot of labels, sorry) who is an active member of the church, and I just wanted to say that I appreciate you existing as a middle ground between queer people and mormons!
My parents are highly anti-LBGTQ+, which is why I'm still closeted, however I have been more open online bc I feel it's easier to be understood, but unfortunately I could almost never find any Christians of any kind who were queer, which meant I felt a bit torn about whether or not I was right to be queer.
I have never been able to find stuff about being anything but transgender in the Gospel Library and places like that, so I'm just rolling with it and hoping that I'm not making a huge mistake.
I have also had a lot of internalised queerphobia because of my parents and their active stance of 'all gays should burn and the other transsexuals should too', especially since they have threatened to kick me out and disown me should they find i'm anything but cishet.
Basically, I'm just happy to find someone who I hope I could talk to since we're both mormon and queer in some way shape or form.
Feel free to talk to me if you want!
~ Katsura
I'm sorry that your parents have such strong anti-LGBTQ+ views, I know that makes things stressful for you.
As far as finding things in the Gospel Library on queer topics, you'll find same-sex attraction (lesbian, gay & bi) and transgender. The church doesn't seem to be aware that there's any other identities out there.
For learning about queer topics, Tumblr is a good place to land, it's the queerest place on the internet with 25% of users identifying as LGBTQ. It's been the place where a some of queer identities were labeled and defined, and where several Pride flags were created.
Internalized queerphobia is rough. We heard all those rejecting messages and internalized them, and now that we understand ourselves to be queer those messages in our head are rejecting us. While you're in the closet, the advice I have is to find other queer people to hang around, even if it's online. Queer members especially will get you in a way others don't. If you aren't on the Queerstake Discord, message me and I'll get you an invite
And when you hear a rejecting message, push back against it. You may not be able to speak up against the messages, but at least in your head say something positive.
Another way you can affirm yourself is get a few things in Pride flags. The Uranic, Demisexual, and the Demigirlflux Pride flags are beautiful and most people will not recognize what they are. You could get 3 bracelets, one for each with those colors, or little pins of those flags to have mixed in with other pins on your backpack.
One thing we learn at church is to "liken the scriptures unto ourselves." I try to look at the scriptures with my queer eyes and it makes a difference, I can find principles and lessons for me, basically queerifying the scriptures. I sometimes make posts about them. Here's a link to several and you can choose to read them if you want:
Genesis 16 - Hagar : We may still be required to deal with difficult situations, but we have a God who hears us, a God who knows us
1 Samuel 16:7 - The Lord Looketh on the Heart : Gender & orientation are matters of the heart and God knows us for who we are
Galatians 3:28 - Ye Are All One in Christ Jesus : The scriptures say that all our diversity is welcome by Christ
2 Nephi 26:33 - All are Alike Unto God : When will the Church embrace all people?
Moses 6:31 - Enoch doesn’t See Himself as God Does : When queer people accept ourselves it opens 1000 doors of possibility
Katsura, feel free to DM me whenever you want
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bubblebuttgames · 3 months
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"What I have seen and done to achieve my position defies belief. What I am capable of and will be party to in order to retain it would chill your soul."
Tag ◇ Edits ◇ Other
◇ Name: Uran Aeducan
◇ A.K.A: Aeducan - Prince - King
◇ Pronouns: He|Him
◇ Gender: Cisgender Man
◇ Sexuality: Heterosexual
◇ Race: Dwarf
◇ Background: Dwarf Noble
◇ Class: Warrior
◇ Sub-Class: Berserker
◇ Romance: Gorim
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almanci · 6 months
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footnote from Die Homosexualität des Mannes und des Weibes by Magnus Hirschfeld (1914), concerning asexuality (translation under the cut)
Next to these three [categories of heterosexuals, homosexuals and bisexuals] two other groups could be considered, which are occasionally mentioned in the literature: the asexuals and the monosexuals. The asexuals, of which in my assessment it has not yet been determined whether they indeed exist outside of deep-seated mental disorders, are said to exist in a state of complete sexual indifference towards any sexual imagination and be free of temptation for their whole life. This specialist experience shows that often persons which competently manage to be discreet about the deviation of their sexual orientation, and these exist in big numbers, are often assumed by their environment, including doctors, to be asexual. Namely, on the occasion of judicial assessments I heard, in consultation with close acquaintances of the accused again and again: "we thought until now, he was unpredisposed towards sensuality; we assumed he was frigid, asexual." Certainly, among these supposed asexuals there may as well be those belonging to the mentioned group of monosexuals. In this group, whose numbers and kind have also not been fully cleared-up as a category of the sexually abnormal, one's own person is not only their own object os sexual activity but the content of the sexual imagination. Kertbeny, who first used the word "monosexual" in 1869 in contrast to the term "homosexual" which he coined, in passing mentions that these are people "whose self-pollution became a chronic desire." Gustav Jaeger in his 1878 "Discovery of the Soul" speaks similarly of "monosexual idiosyncrasy" as a state in which masturbation needs no imagination of another individual. Later in 1900, in the 2nd Yearbook for Intermediate Sexual Types Prof. Jaeger published a previously unprinted chapter on homosexuality from "Discovery of the Soul," in which the anonymous informant Dr. M. describes monosexuals as "those that make do with themselves" and gives the example of "the unfortunately genius Lenau, this born onanist." I myself wrote in 1903 for the 5th Yearbook under the title "Causes and Being of Uranism" the following:
"The origins of language is often preserved through obscure terms. The word Sexus - "sex" comes from sequi - "to follow," the sexual drive originally is merely the drive to follow, to join others and therefore has an admittedly only quietly transparent psychological background of social stirring. The monosexual only follows himself; the few monosexuals I personally saw were three lonesome, self-absorbed onanists with a distinct antipathy towards both sexes, and distinguished themselves by an immense indifference not only towards all humans, but all things as well."
Rohleder cites this passage, remarking that it tracks with what he describes as multiple cases of automonosexualism, also called sexual egoism, as "a form of sex life, in which the individual alone is his start and endpoint of the sexual drive." Of other authors dealing with similar phenomena, we will briefly mention two: Havelock Ellis, who defined spontaneous sexual stirrings without (in-)direct cause by another person as auto-erotism, and Näcke, who describes examples of being in love with oneself as narcissism. Being in love with oneself can also be coloured as homo- or heterosexual; homosexual if the concerned men and women consider themselves as such; heterosexual if they are transvestites. Nonetheless, we have to admit Rohleder is correct that the reflection of the sexual drive on itself can be ascribed to neither homo- or heterosexualism, but that monosexualism is its own discrete group. In one case which I recently had the opportunity to observe, the fantasies concerned the own mirror image as incubus, wich the patient as succubus masturbated to ad ejaculationem. It is quite astonishing, how the incidental view of ones nude body during medical consultation could arouse such high sexual ecstasy.
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rotato1227 · 1 year
I’m starting a new sims 4 building challenge for myself. In honor of pride month(though extremely late) I’ll be creating homes with layouts shaped like each letter in the alphabet. Each home will then be doctorates with items inspired by a sexual orientation/gender identity and colors that match that the flag. I suggest trying it for yourself. 😊
Here is the list for the themes of each letter:
“A” is for Asexual
“B” is for Bisexual
“C” is for Cisgender
“D” is for Demisexual
“E” will be skipped
“F” is for Finsexual
“G” is for Gay
“H” is for Heterosexual
“I” is for Intersex
“J” will be skipped
“K” will be Kalossexual
“L” is for Lesbian
“M” is for Minsexual
“N” is for Nonbinary
”O” is for Omnigender
“P” is for Pansexual
“Q” is for Queer
“R” will be skipped
“S” is for Sapiosexual
“T” is for Transgender
“U” is for Uranic
“V” will be skipped
“W” will be skipped
“X” is for Xenogender
“Y” will be skipped
“Z” will be skipped
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flyingdumpsterfire · 1 year
*huge deep breath*
So basically I am a genderfluid demigirl with she/they pronouns and am also heterosexual demisexual uranic
Wow gender loves messing around with me
EDIT: I am now demigirlflux instead of genderfluid demigirl bc that fits better imo
my pronouns haven't changed and neither has my sexuality tho
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mspecsdaily · 2 years
Hello! This is MSPEC canon characters daily! Feel free to send asks and submit posts!
What is this?
a blog to act as a list of canon MSPEC characters! It updates daily (hopefully. I’ll try my best!)
What is MSPEC
MSPEC is the umbrella term for people who are attracted to multiple genders. This includes
- Bi
- Pan
- Poly
- Omni
- Neptunic
- Uranic
- Unlabeled multi
- and any identity that includes multiple genders in the attraction!
- I DO NOT want to get into label discourse. If you’re identity fits another label better but you want to use a different one: go for it. If you want to argue with me about which labels are valid: don’t. If you want to identify as something but don’t know if it’s valid: you do you. I’m just some guy running a blog about fictional characters.
- If I make a mistake and post a character who is not canonically mspec please lmk!!
- DNI general bigots (homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, biphobic/panphobic/any MSPECphobic, antisemitic, islamophobia, etc), MAPS/PEARS/pedophiles, and NSFW blogs.
- I can’t really give good advice about questioning your identity. Just know that questioning is ok, being wrong is ok, and it’s ok to question and turn out the same.
About me
- my name is Doodlebug and my main blog is @kkshowtunes
- I’m bisexual
- I use she/they
- Make sure to include: A picture, character name, and what media they’re from
- no headcanons. I love hcing but this is a catalog for CANON representation.
- Only include their label if it’s canon. If it’s implied but never stated explicitly: don’t add it. Again, only canon rep. For example: if a character is shown in a relationship with both men and women but never state their label: don’t include it. However - If it is stated explicitly - please do include it in the submission.
- No real people - I considered it but I decided to keep things fictional around here.
- Characters that have shown interest in multiple genders but can reasonably be considered homosexual/heterosexual use your best judgement.
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sodacanwritings · 3 years
jjk sexuality + pronoun hcs
characters; yuji, megumi, nobara, junpei, toge, yuta, maki, panda, aoi, suguru, satoru, kento, shoko, iori, mahito, jogo, choso, sukuna
content / contains; headcanons, small labels
warnings; these are all my opinions / headcanons, definitions can overlap and everyone defines for themselves how they label themselves / what flags they use etc. It doesn't have to make sense to everyone and this is just how I think they would identify.
synopsis; gender, pronouns & sexuality headcanons for jjk characters, definitions for featured less-known labels + flags they use / identify with.
notes; There'll likely be more parts to cover more characters
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pronouns: he/him but any are alright
gender: male
sexuality: bisexual — Obviously likes women but if he likes you gender doesn't matter to him. He actually goes more for personality.
flags: LGBTQIA+, bisexual
pronouns: he/him but is ok with they/them
gender: Cis-genderless, demiboy
sexuality: unlabeled / demiromantic
He's maybe not that far on one end of the spectrum, for him it requires a base relationship and connection, a good reason to be romantically attracted to them. Sometimes he finds that reason sooner, as for other times it might need a really deep friendship. It kinda depends if he's able to build a strong connection with a person after a short time already. He thinks gender is secondary to attraction and doesn't mind or care. He is unlabeled, however has a preference for non-female people.
flags; LGTBQIA+
pronouns: she/they
gender: female
sexuality: lesbian / biromantic
Sexually attracted to female / non-men people only but romantically also to men, though she still has a preference for female people in general.
flags: wlw/lesbian, bisexual
pronouns: he/they
gender: demiboy / nonbinary
sexuality: toric
flags: nonbinary, transgender, mlm/gay, achillean
pronouns: they/them, xe/xem, ze/zen, he/him, other neos
gender: nonbinary / agender
sexuality: asexual / achillean
very horny and dirty-minded person on the ace and possibly aromantic spectrum. He's attracted to male, masculine-alligned, non-binary and androgenous people.
flags: nonbinary, agender, intersex, achillean, asexual, genderqueer, uranic
pronouns: they/he/she
gender: nonbinary, librafluid, genderflux
sexuality: omnisexual
Generally attracted to all genders, but not genderblind.
flags: genderqueer, genderfluid
pronouns: he/him, doesn't mind they/them - he/they
gender: male
sexuality: bisexual
bisexual with a wavering preference, the embodiment of bi-panic
flags: LGBTQ+, bisexual
pronouns: he/him
gender: technically he doesn't have one, but he more or less identifies as male
sexuality: asexual
flags: asexual
pronouns: he/him
gender: male
sexuality: heterosexual
flags: ally-flag
pronouns: none or he/him
gender: unlabeled / agender
sexuality: bisexual
bisexual, would hit anything that has two legs and is of age.
flags: agender, bisexual, mlm/gay
pronouns: he/him
gender: male, agender spectrum
sexuality: unlabeled
Never considered himself anything outside of the expected, but he does think that love is a very complex thing that is not connected to ones gender or appearance, though he sees why those play a role for people. Has been attracted to women but doesn't label himself. He might find attraction in other people too, if, any at all.
flags: none
pronouns: he/they
gender: unlabeled, calls himself a guy and doesn't mind masculine terms and labels
sexuality: bisexual attracted to men and non-women exclusively
flags: genderqueer, uranic
pronouns: she/they
gender: female / demigirl
sexuality: neptunic
flags: demigirl, sapphic
pronouns: they/her, prefers they/them
gender: agender / non-binary, doesn't care much for female terms but isn't a woman
sexuality: sapphic, asexual-spectrum
flags: asexual, agender, genderqueer
pronouns: he/him or any
gender: none
sexuality: aromantic / asexual
flags: none
pronouns: he/him
gender: gender non-conforming / male, non-binary, demiboy
sexuality: omnisexual
flags: omnisexual, LGBTQIA+
pronouns: he/him
gender: male
sexuality: heterosexual
flags: none
pronouns: he/him
gender: male, none
sexuality: he doesn't care for that.
he doesn't see much of a difference in women or men. So I guess you could call him bisexuall, but violencesexual (/j) is more accurate
flags: none
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raeynbowboi · 3 years
The 19th Century Gay Vampire Love Story
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Yep, you read that title correctly. In honor of Halloween may I present an obscure little treasure known as “Manor” by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs. Written in 1885 as a part of his “Sailor Stories”, it recounts the romance between the teenage boy Har and a teen sailor, the eponymous Manor. Set in the Foroe Islands, Manor rescues Har from drowning at sea, and the boys become inseparable friends and lovers. When Manor dies tragically, Har begs all the gods to do something, and Urda, a Norne from Norse mythology, complies, returning Manor to half-life as a vampire. Back from the grave, Manor and Har rekindle their love. I won’t spoil the ending, but it’s a genuinely romantic story written around the same time as Dracula and Carmilla, yet hasn’t gotten the same recognition. So, I’m shining the spotlight on it, and encouraging you all to seek it out for yourself for some positive queer media from before the 20th century.
A little fun facts about Ulrichs, he used Aphrodite to categorize sexual orientations based on the variations of Aphrodite. He used Uranus’ sexless begetting of Aphrodite as the basis for his terms for gays (Urning), lesbians (Urninden), and bisexuals (Uranodioning), while Aphrodite’s sexual begetting by Zeus and Dionne as his basis for the terms for heterosexuals (Dioning). These terms relate to the two aspects of Aphrodite. Aphrodite Urania, the sexless being of unconditional love as the child of Uranus, and Aphrodite Pandemos, the lustful goddess of fertility and desire as the child of Zeus and Dione. He was also open to the concept of Intersex people, though he addressed them as Third Sex. If we transliterate, I could easily see his terminology resurfacing as Uranic, Uradionic, and Dionic in English. I’m all for reading a steamy Uranic romance novel.
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Uranian Pride Flag
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Uranian: a comprehensive term for LGBT+/queer people used in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. An English translation of the German word Urning. It’s often conceptualized as the “homosexual gender”, a “third gender” and a descriptor for gay men (urningthum) and lesbians (urningin/uranierin/urnin/urnigin), as opposed to dionian (dioning), meaning “heterosexual gender”, feminine/straight woman (dioningin) and masculine/straight man (dioningthum), stemming from the idea common in early sexology that a gay man has a partly female psyche, and a lesbian has a partially male soul.
Uranismus (uranism) has a taxonomy with: uranodioning (uranodionian), representing bisexuals, uranodioningin (bi women) and uranodioningthum (bi men); zwitter, intersex people; and others, making categories encompassing modern concepts of cross-orientation/parosexuality (conjunctive/disjunctive) and non-binarity/intermediate (zwischen).
They were all coined by Karl Ulrichs, which can be considered the modern father of MOGAI pioneering/queerstory. -Ap
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