#honestly i played arkham knight the first time in like
gothamcityneedsme · 1 year
listening to arkham knight playlists b/c even though im not even PLAYING it yet (still working on arkham origins) i cannot get it out of my head
#shitpost#honestly i played arkham knight the first time in like#checks steam#2016.  but like.#god it still fucks me up like.  honestly its one of those games that really fucked me up the MOST#like other things i play like.  im affected and theyre good but im like.  im at peace wit hit?#you know?#like bioshock booker's death is so fucking good and it really affected me etc#but now i look back like.  wow perfect thematics.  good shit. baptism as a form of identity death etc etc#drowning instead of coming anew etc#and like other games i do that too.  but like.  arkham knight man.#it doesn't feel like a neat bow for like.  jason or tim or barbara. and how they linger.  idk man#jason especially just.  i just... can never get him out of my head#i was like only a little into dc when i played those games#like i was into superman but other stuff i was like.  eh w/e#but god damn ok#arkham knight just lingers in my brain forever.  ill never get over jason straight up.  just.#the thing that would close this story in my mind doesn't exist#jesus FUCK this playlist keeps putting songs i love on it this one is killing me#this playlist is 34 fucking songs long (on 8tracks so thats Long) and im like. going to die as a human#anyways.  i just.  lays down.  arkham knight jason specifically#i cant even describe the feeling really just like. arkham knight even divorced of context is such an insanely good game#the framing and how it tells its story.  is just.  immaculate to me#a fantastic finale that puts everyone where they should be.  and yet...i still just.  god.  jason
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writers-wrongs · 1 month
Hey!! Could you please do yandere hc's for Arkham Scarecrow x male reader? God I love me a man with a rotting burlap face 🖤🖤🖤
as do i. tbh, when i was playing arkham knight, id sometimes die on purpose just to see his little taunt thing :P
yandere!arkham!scarecrow x male!reader
-fuck it, im making you crazy. you meet him in arkham asylum, after wandering into his lab once you get out of your cell
-he honestly doesnt have any interest in testing on you, as most people in arkham all fear the same thing: batman. but youre not disruptive, so he supposes you can stay in his lab
-you start asking questions about his toxin, and while he doesnt show it, he really appreciates it. most people dont care about the science behind his work, they just want to weaponize the effects, so its nice to have someone curious about the work hes done
-eventually, he has to go do the "screw with batman and get bodied by croc" thing, so he leaves you behind. and then you dont see him for a long while
-ill be real, i havent played arkham city yet, so we're just gonna skip to arkham knight.
-its just before the attack is launched on gotham, and youre just doing your thing in the city when you get kidnapped. once the sack is finally taken off your head, youre at ace chemicals face-to-face with scarecrow (whos looking a lot worse for wear)
-"ah, there you are. ive finally found you, my little inmate."
-he explains that youve stuck in his mind since that one time you met and he couldnt get you out no matter how hard he tried. he gets fixated on things very easily, you see, and he hasnt been this obsessed with something since he first discovered the wonders of fear. so hes going to keep you secure at his side, whether you like it or not
-if youre ok with this (whether you actually like him or if you just want the safety from all the destruction), hes incredibly doting. whenever hes sitting, youre snuggled up on his lap. whenever he has to go out and leave you, hes got the nicest room he can find in a chemical plant ready for you, with multiple guards keeping you secure. as he works, he talks to you, trying to get all the information he can about you
-if youre not accepting of this arrangement, hes going to be more than a little pissed. you dare deny his protection? why shouldnt he just throw you back out into gotham and let the cloudburst consume you? he wont do that, hes far too invested to let you lose yourself like that, but he might just give you a dose of toxin. and another dose. and another. as many doses as it takes for you to start clinging to him for comfort
-hes not super physically affectionate (mostly bc i headcanon him with chronic pain after the croc incident), but he does love to hold you. seeing you secure in his arms, unable to leave unless he lets you... he loves the feeling of control. as for kisses... he cant do much in that department, since he doesnt really have lips anymore. but occasionally he'll sort of bump his mouth on you, which gets the point across
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jerseymuppet · 1 year
i might be stupid but. is the gothamverse a muppets batman au? is that what the thing in ur bio means? (either way plz do tell me abt it)
That would definitely be infinitely cooler than my idea! Gothamverse is the beautiful result of me playing arkham knight while waiting for an mcr livestream to start up and thinking ‘damn bitches from jersey are fucking insane! ....wait a minute’
It’s basically a silly little idea I came up last March with where all the mcr guys are from Gotham and what their villain origin stories would be etc. I followed the main Batman villain archetypes: extremist, anti-hero, camp, and serial killer, and I had a fucking blast! It’s very silly and just something I did for fun. I guess I can go a lil bit into it here.
full disclosure, I am psychotic and disabled and I do not believe in the vilification of mental illness or disability in media, all of these characters will eventually get the help they need. Batman at its core is about a mentally ill man helping others who have been failed by society and I will never forgive dc for making him into an overpowered, glorified cop.
Frank’s character (Francis ‘Frankie’ Stein) is the extremist (duh). He’s the son of a mafia boss who is steadily ruining their town with crime and Frankie just kinda snaps and kills him to take his place as the head of the family and try to undo some of the damage done. He has great intentions, he’s just very unyielding and kind of insane 💕 his moniker is Frankenstein! And his whole schtick is that he’s very hard (if not impossible) to kill. He’s also chronically ill and Jewish, these are not important to his character but they are important to me !
Mikey’s character (Micheal Way) is the serial killer. He’s a ‘sociopath’ (theres nothing actually wrong with him, people just suck and made him feel lesser and out of place :/) trying to fit in with everyday society but he always feels like something is missing and becomes a neuroscientist to try to find what exactly it is. He invents a machine (the empathsizer) that allows him to experience other people’s memories and emotions as though they are his own. From there he accidentally gets addicted to the chemical responses his brain has to doing that. And keeps doing it. Even after the testing phase is no longer accepting applicants. It gets worse after he experiences someone’s near death experience and starts chasing the high it gave him. Idk what his moniker is? It’s sandman for right now but that’s honestly so boring and uninspired.
Ray’s character (Raymond Ortiz) is camp but very loosely. He’s an engineer by day and a rockstar by night! He’s really only an engineer to save up enough money to pursue music full time but it’s hard because he doesn’t get paid that much. Winter hits and with it, cuts to his hours! So he’s forced to choose between rent and electricity. When he gets really sick as a result, he can’t afford a doctor. And when he wakes up with his hearing gone as a result, theres nothing he can really do but spiral into a depression. Until he realizes he’s a literal biological engineer. If he can’t fix his problem he can at the very least prevent it from happening to someone else! Research does cost money, so it’s very fortunate that Gotham has so many banks. His moniker is Dr. Megahurtz! His weapon of choice is his guitar, which has been retrofitted with sonic emitters to amplify and weaponize the hertz. Not enough to hurt, but enough to incapacitate.
Gerard’s character (Jules Moss) is the anti hero! She’s (yes I made Gerard’s character a trans girl, they took too long to make a trans character so I did it for them) has the same backstory as Gerard actually! On her way home from work she witnesses a terrorist attack, but instead of starting a band she decides to fight crime instead. She does so bad. Literally her first night out patrolling she gets killed by some priest who’s been driven insane by what he claims is an angel that’s ‘chosen him to impart gods will’ but it’s just a fallen star looking for a vessel to possess and the first guy it came across wasn’t dead lol. The star turns into a sword of pure light and that’s what Jules gets stabbed with, but also it fuses itself to her dna so she wakes up a few days later, schrödingers girl, with some scary new abilities and a voice in her head that definitely wasn’t there before. Her whole arc is her trying to find the guy that killed her and get revenge. Her moniker is stigmata! Because when she gets impaled it also goes through the palms of her hands and the wounds don’t heal.
but yeah that’s the bare bones of it all! I’m planning on making this into a comic series but the script is still being written at the moment! Thank you for letting me ramble about it 💕🥰
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Mortal Kombat Jacqui Briggs
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Bit of a rant
yea a pretty boring character.
Man I watched this video on why Jacqui Briggs is boring. Ya'know what she is.
No matter, how much you change her gameplay. No matter, how much change her character design. Jacqui character wise & story wise is boring. She's Jax mini me with arm gauntlets similar to Sonya & Jax. Couple interesting things about her is once a professional kickboxer, bit of a tech wiz / great pilot and the fiance to Takeda.
Which is honestly rare black female characters don't usually get love interests. Jacqui relationship with Takeda is cute hopefully we can see more in the next game or maybe a comic.
Hell, in the comics (Mortal combat x comics) I read a while back she's just Cassie's "Best friend" (you know how that goes) and has no story arc of her own. Unless you count her dad being overprotective, not wanting her to be a soilder and them clashing not much onscreen.
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Early concept art: MKx she looks more intresting of a character ( Looks like a punk rocker wild child, mechainc fighter or maybe Special forces gone rogue). by marco nelor
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hell even hairstyles look better than the damn straight back braids. Also prefer the locs in this art.
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Some sorta street fighter wild child or at least station at Outworld
They are much more intresting then what she was left with.
Mkx, look at more the trickel down to Jax Jr. Got left with the most generic fits.
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Mk11 concept art at least they play around with different outfits suprisingly dresses at that. (game skin version still looks a mess to me).
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(first concpt: love some of the dresses & sleeker arm/leg designs)
But oh no they did it again. Glad none of these got turned into a skin (maybe the basketball one could be intresting)
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if you want a character to be remember you need a good color scheme and make them pop. Need to stop going the safest route I know there in the military but there in Special Forces.
Examples Kimberly street fighter
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Dolores King of Fighters- dark colors and making it pop with the accsents
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Weapon Wise
Meh, gauntlets are like a boring version of Shuri from black panther movie(1 not 2). Almost got a little iron man to them, better than the one in the game(mkx) . Mkx concept art
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In early looks for mkx she had intresting choices
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She has a sword, tonfa sticks, amy knifes. (art 8) Other pic idk what she got like a knife on her leg, sword on her back. Don't even know if that a gun or some type a shield maybe both in her hand. Last two look like brass knuckles and metal claws.
I've seen people saying guns in fighting games when (people have magical or some other type of ablities) are boring if you stick to a regular gun. I've seen anime and games make guns intresting.
Final Fantasty 8, Final Fantasy 10, Rwby, Batman: Arkham Knight and etc. also Magical girl series if I find it. If they want to kept the Subaru Nakajima & Yang Xiao Long or maybe Bakugo.
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Mk11- Added body armor and leg thrusters ( Idk that's what they called them when I looked him up) to take on the superhumans I guess. Maybe they could make her gauntlets sleeker & not bulky ( Even not a ripoff version of Jax & sonya weapons)
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Honestly if they just take the time with her and change a bit of her story and flesh out her personality it could work.
Extra: Her gameplay is amazing and add to the fact they have to nerf her twice in mkx and mk11. She went from a keepaway to a rushdown.
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askroahmmythril · 1 year
Wall o’ Text : The Nintendo Direct
Figured I may as well type up my thoughts on everything from the Direct.  I have it going in the background to remember everything that was shown.  So yeah, if you care about trailer spoilers, now’s your chance to bail, yo.
So let’s get to it, and hopefully not get interrupted by another powerout.
1) Pokemon ScVi DLC - I’m looking forward to these.  ScVi can be a buggy mess, but I still overall enjoyed the games.  Since I’m not super competitive, I don’t look at a bunch of new legendaries as “OH GOD WHAT WILL THIS DO TO THE META QUICK BAN EVERYTHING,” I just see them as “Oh, cool, new things to collect and train, yay!” I do however hope there are still some things they might be hiding.  I’d like to see some new Paradox forms show up.
2) Sonic Superstars - Honestly looks pretty good.  I do wonder if we might get more characters as DLC.  I’d especially love to see what a Classic style Cream would look like.
3) Palia - ...... (checks “cozy farm sim off the bingo sheet”)  Nothing really stood out to me here, other than the phrase “free to play,” meaning microtransaction heck.  No thanks.
4) Persona 5 Tactica - Tactics games usually aren’t a go to for me, though this looks maybe more like the kind of tactics used in things like Mario + Rabbids, which I enjoyed, so I might be interested in this one?  Not super high priority, but on the radar.
5) Mythforce - This honestly might be on the “I’ll want to see more” list.  The artstyle is actually pretty dang nice, it definitely captures that He-Man style saturday morning cartoon look.
6) New Splatfest - Well, I can’t play online, don’t even HAVE Splatoon 3, but as far as choice, I’m torn between Strawberry or Mint Chip, love both of those.  But hey, Vanilla is good too.  Honestly hard to pick on this one.
7) Detective Pikachu Returns - Okay, was NOT expecting that.  I enjoyed the original, so definitely happy for it.
8) Super Mario RPG Remaster - Oh gods it looks beautiful.  It’s one of the rare RPGs that I really did enjoy, so I’ll likely be interested in this one.
9) Untitled Peach Game - Intrigued, but we know like, nothing.
10) Luigi’s Mansion Dark Moon Port - I have the 3DS game, but never actually played it, so this might spur me to do so.
11) Batman : Arkham Trilogy - I might actually want this.  I loved Assylum and City, never got to play Knight, but I quite enjoyed the ones I did play.  A case of “wouldn’t mind an excuse to play them again.”
12) Gloomhaven - No real strong thoughts on this one admittedly.
13) Just Dance 2024 Edition - (checks the year)  Hey, you can’t do that!  Anyway, no real strong feeling here either,
14) Silent Hope - I’m not sure anything really drew me in on this one.  The concept of no one being able to talk, I at first wondered what that would do for storytelling, like, how they’d work with that concept.  I figured it could be interesting, but also would run the risk of if everything’s just pantomimed, it could get tiring.  But then we just get an NPC that talks for everyone anyway, so... (shrug).
15) Fae Farm - Oy, I already got the “cozy farming sim” checkmark.  No strong feelings here.
16) Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbocharged - I never played that previous Hot Wheels game that came up, but it looked like it could be interesting.  Was the original any good?
17) Manic Mechanics - Basically Undercooked but with car fixing?  I’ve played Undercooked solo which, uh....  Oof.  It’s a lot to keep track of, haha.  Definitely something that would be more fun with other players.
18) Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope DLC - I still need to finish the first game, but it is enjoyable.  So happy for this, and already have the pass so got it downloaded.
19) Dragon Quest Monsters : The Dark Prince - Heck yeah new DQM, I did enjoy those games, so might want this.
20) Pikmin 4 - (hype intensifies)  Super looking forward to this.  I’m happy to see Pikmin 2 style dungeons return, I enjoyed those.  Wonder if we have a time limit this time or not, I can enjoy with or without, but I do wonder if this might be more PIkmin 2 style “take your time,” which I can appreciate.
21) Pikmin 1 + 2 - Heck yeah, all four Pikmin games on one system?  Well, no Hey Pikmin, but the mainline ones, which heck yeah.  I’ll probably wait for the physical version though.
22) Metal Gear Solid : Master Collection Vol. 1 - I’ve never been too into the Metal Gear series, buuuuuut I might be thinking of getting it as a holiday gift for my uncle.
23) Vampire Survivors - Already got it on Steam.  And still haven’t figured out how to survive a full minute past Death’s appearance which is like, a requirement on every stage.
24) Headbangers Rhythm Royale - My only real thought here is Team 17 made a pigeon game, so they will explode violently and not where you told them to.
25) Penny’s Big Breakaway - This looks super fun, I hope it turns out good.
26) Mario Kart 8 DLC - I’m kind of surprised Kamek got in as the Tour rep over Pauline.
27) Star Ocean The Second Story R - I have no real nostalgia for this one, never played the original, don’t know much about the series.
28) WarioWare : Move It! - My only concern is how responsive will the motion controls be.  I usually find motion controls frustrating.
29) Nintendo Live - No way I’d be able to attend, so no real thoughts.
30) Tears of the Kingdom amiibos - These look cool, definitely want them.
31) Super Mario Bros. Wonder - Honestly, yes please.  This looks super fun.
So yeah, all in all, very strong Direct.
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roobylavender · 2 years
I hated The Batman film, but one scene I did like was the one between Selina and Batman where Batman is coaching her through what she is doing BUT THE ONLY REASON I like it is because THAT is what Oracle does! Like if you switch that scene so that is Barbara instead talking to like a teammate. Like you can have a whole movie on just THAT slowly unraveling what happened to her and who she was while just focusing what is happening to whoever she is talking to and slowing learning about the other person on the other line…
I think I seen another ask about Jason and how he should have been an honorary BoP member, but if Oracle and Hood ever had gotten a chance to like talk then it should have been like a thing over comms where they didn’t know who they were communicating with until those pieces started adding up. And even then I would have only their conversations being over comm until like whatever happens with Jason and Bruce. In the aftermath then Barbara gives him that ultimatum. BOOM. Barbara helps him get papers so he can get his GED and Jason goes to med school while doing those out of pocket BoP jobs every now and then. You would have had like converging stories as well with like the jobs she was giving Dinah and the rest of her birds and then like darker maybe subject matter in Jason’s. I would even include like a diner scene where they probably see face to face for the first time and Jason is no longer that kid she once knew. Or an ultimatum scene where there is no way out for Jason and it’s reminiscent of the Arkham Knight game except Barbara has the high ground and Jason is stuck and she’s calling out Jason’s hypocrisies.
i agree, for all of my hatred of the movie i honestly really enjoyed the technical aspects! and that would be so cool i really love playing around with barbara’s position in the clock tower and the sort of irony of her keeping herself within walls while having everyone else on the outside near completely exposed to her. it creates a very interesting tension and with jason esp that would be fun to pick at bc obv she would have no file on him at first given she wouldn’t know who he was, so he’d challenge that power she’s usually able to exercise from inside her tower. very very fun stuff!
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finniestoncrane · 1 year
For the anonymous loveshare to you dear Finnie,
I stumbled upon your blog months ago after I replayed the Arkham series when it was on sale on Steam, and I finally was able to play Arkham Knight for the first time. It wasn't until I read one of your Riddler fics that it clicked in my mind that I was filthy feral for the rat man and then it moved onto his other iterations (looking SPECIFICALLY at Capullo Riddler that disgusting little glob I just want to let him do whatever to me) and then to your other writings and oh my god I can't stop loving your work and how you write and the way you are so unashamedly horny.
I want to send you all the love, kisses, hugs, even my little doodles of Eddie, whatever you'll accept for the amazing work you do and how unapologetic you are. Thank you for dropkicking me facefirst back into my Batman obsession and letting me enjoy, even anonymously, being a dirty little whore for Batman Villains through your beautiful writing and thirst posts. I've had a rough year, and you brought moments of glee to someone (and many others) who needed it.
(Also I am not a sexual person, I have a low libido, but you have made me a desperate mess and opened my vanilla eyes. Thank you from both my heart and cooch)
Lots of love to you, marvelous, fantastic Finnie, and I hope you keep enjoying the work you put out because it is a wonderful as you.
You're amazing and I hope everyone keeps sending you love and praise. You deserve it all!
anon ;-; this is SO NICE ok omg
i am so unbelievably touched to think i helped you discover your love for him, it is my aim to make him everyone's silly little f/o BUT TO GET SOMEONE ON BOARD WITH CAPULLO TOO!? he's my second favourite and i would do filthy things to him and set back feminism for his love u-u
and thank you, i spent like my whole life being repressed, i have a whole lot of backed up horny to get out 💚
i'll take love and kisses and hugs and DEFINITELY doodles if you have them 👀
but urgh anon that's enough for me, to know that my stupid little fics made someone happy, and anyone is fine to be anonymous!! it's the thoughts that count (and make me thirsty lmao) so thank you so much ;-; i hope that your year going forward is wonderful and precious and that every moment of it is either exceptional or just ok at least 💚
(also honestly it's so nice to hear that you're finding yourself!! low libido or high libido, we're all allowed to love ourselves and have the exact amount of pleasure we require)
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scoracletrashlives · 11 months
The Backstory
Hello all!
I am ScoracleTrash. Have been ScoracleTrash since 2015. You may also call me Pidge. My main blog is neil-panenby. Because I am a pan enby. She/her and they/them both work. Many things about me are very different than they were when I created the original Scoracle Trash blog. One thing that is the same? Scoracle is my OTP.
I am a psychiatric hospital liaison in my early 30s and once upon a time, back in 2015, while playing the then-new video game Arkham Knight, I had a weird fucking idea.
See, I have been a Scarecrow groupie since Batman Begins came out when I was but a teenager, and I had long been trying to figure out a Scarecrow ship that spoke to me. I tried an OC on DeviantArt ages ago and that fizzled out fast. Hattercrow never held my interest. Becky never clicked.
So I’m playing this game as a mid-20something and it hits me.
Scarecrow and Oracle. Jonathan and Barbara. They’re both navigating traumatic backstories, wicked smart, fond of the odd bit of theatrics, and they’ve just been thrown together by this narrative like never before. Why not?
So I threw together an AU fic and slapped it up on ao3 and something super wild happened.
It spoke to people.
Somehow, I made it work. I made it believable enough to click with 107 people in the last 8 years. Which is MINISCULE compared to many ships but HUGE to me. Because I was, as far as I can tell, the namer of this ship and the first person to write about it and put it on ao3. The first person to draw parallels between the experiences of the two characters and put forth that maybe, just maybe, they might understand each other.
Now, do I take a bunch of liberties with my writing to make my vision work? Of course I do. But so does every fanfiction author. And Rocksteady did as well when they made their games. Honestly, every new team that takes the helm of an established comic book title does, for that matter.
Do I think that ANYONE should be in a relationship with a fear-obsessed serial killer in real life? No. Don’t be daft.
Do I owe anyone these disclaimers? No, but I’m stating them anyway.
Scoracle is my fantasy. It is escapism. Like all escapism, it owes no one believability nor is anything about it required to translate into the real world as healthy or admirable. If it squicks you out, that’s valid. If it turns you on, that’s valid. If you don’t care either way, that’s valid. I never meant it for anyone but myself. The fact that posting about it years ago generated any interest at all surprised me.
The fact that upwards of 100 people also see something of merit in this fantasy is wild to me. Even if you never see this, I hope you feel my love and gratitude wherever you are.
Scoracle is healing to me. It’s two people with decades of trauma and brilliant minds seeing each other, really seeing each other, and accepting the differences in each other that would make people less dedicated to one another irreconcilable. It’s two people leading each other out of the shadows of what’s been done to them and the people that did it to them.
And on a more shallow note…It’s dark aesthetics and late nights and sarcasm and intellectual conversation and passion and just enough danger.
Over the last 8 years, my writing has matured and improved VASTLY and I fully intend to go back and create rewritten versions of the first two fics in the series, Pet Bat and Her Long Halloween. The originals will not be deleted.
For now, Heart of Darkness has finally begun.
Not sure who all is on tumblr, but if you manage to make your way here, welcome to the clubhouse. Pour yourself a beverage of choice, sink into the leather sofa, choose your music, and let’s talk Scoracle!
-Pidge DePeche
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
right?? like, “hey fella, let me tell you something that won’t change literally anything in your life!”. Not wanting to give spoilers, but most of the time I like to be the “fella” in question sooooo- you probably understand. Well, taking into account the fact that it's difficult for someone to see something with more than 2 lines these days and read it... maybe you're right lmao.
Speaking of music-based ideas, I'm sure you put a new song on that playlist, I'm not going crazy.
The way my weakness really is seemingly sad emojis and that little “:(” face in particular lol. Okay, you win, like I was saying: Vampire Kate is so—...
Yeah, I totally see the idea of soft dom Kate - and puppy sub Kate -, ever since you wrote this I've been running around with it 24/7 in my mind.
R.I.P First kill. Ironically killed off in its first season.
The way I was SHOCKED thinking that you were going to say it was painful because you don't like him or something like that, at that moment I didn't know what to say, again. ME, it was me sorry- I was the one who made fun of aquaman because of his powers back then, but now I see that they're pretty cool ngl. He lives my dream. Do you still like them? Nightwing and aquaman.
Would you believe me if I said that I still haven't touched a single arrowverse ep and only the flash crossovers?
– 🌟
i don't know how to tell you this, but that's absolutely not a spoiler at all. the fact that you entertained my long-ass tegan and sara rambles kind of gave you away from the start. as long as you want to keep listening [or reading, i guess], i'll keep talking [er, writing. you know what i mean] sorry to the rest of my followers who keep having to scroll past these walls of text lmao [but i'm not that sorry]
i can't believe you would play with my feelings like that smh. my face literally went from 😄 to 🥺 in the span of five seconds. keep being mean about it and i'm pushing vampire part 2 to the end of the month.
as sad as it makes me, i'm a sucker for some good irony lmao.
dgajkhgjgdshg sorry, i wanted to be dramatic lmao. i definitely shifted over to marvel at some point but yeah, i still love nightwing and it sucks that he's somehow still really underrated??? the version of him from the batman: arkham knight game still remains supreme in my opinion. ALSO, i will accept your apology while also judging you because in what world is talking to fish NOT cool??? i've never understood it. [ironically, the greek mythology phase ties back in here because tridents are awesome to me. it kind of went like this: poseidon -> aquaman -> finnick odair...yes, from the hunger games]
i not only believe you, i sort of envy you 😶 the arrowverse got a lot of things wrong and it's honestly not that good BUT legends of tomorrow and batwoman remain supreme [and my absolute favorite comfort shows. the flash is just...there and supergirl went downhill very fast. although both caitlin snow and kara danvers 100% fueled my gay awakening lmao]
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cainware · 2 years
Honestly in the last like 6 months my feed has slowly morphed into being nearly 50% Batman and Batman adjacent DC content so I couldn't even begin to recount how I followed your blog in particular or any of the blogs I have followed in that time.... Honestly the extent of my actual official content interaction is playing Arkham asylum and Arkham city as well as watching a couple movies and the Adam West Batman, so I don't know why Batman has consumed my brain recently... Though I did have that batman pj set as a kid with a velcro cape and the batman stick tape so who knows
Anon this is actually so funny thank you for sharing this, because before I came back to tumblr I had forgotten about my interest in Batman entirely but then I just like, became a DC centric blog overnight and now here we are lmaooo. I think I used to be an overwatch account at one point, now that I think about it but it feels so far off now lmao
But absolutely no shame in only engaging with the games and movies! That's how I got started, because I played Arkham Knight when it first came out back in 2015 because, no joke, I got it used a week after release from the cheap-o bin at the local game store for like $6usd and that was my gateway to get into DC and Batman as a whole! (And then it went dormant, for like. Years.)
(Also high-key jealous, looking back I would've loved that pj set as a kid)
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bellmo15-blog · 2 years
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I get wholesome stuff sometimes! I mean, not all the time but some of the time. And honestly, how much more wholesome could you get than Animal Crossing?
Original description: Just from the timing of me commissioning MallousCallous to do this pic for me alone I think you can guess why I’ve gotten this pic. Yup, it’s almost the two-year anniversary of a specific game that I think you all know. Fairy Tail!... Oh and also Animal Crossing New Horizons lol.
That’s right, on March 20th this game turns two years old and by extension my save file for the game. I brought this when it came out and haven’t stopped playing since. And I’m pretty sure most of you know why at this point. It was both my favourite game I played in 2020 and my favourite game that was released in 2020. Why was this my favourite in the same year I played other games that came out that year that arguably have way more to them such as Shantae and the Seven Sirens, No Straight Roads, DOOM Eternal and the remake of Tony Hawk Pro Skater 1 and 2 and even games that didn’t come out in 2020 that I still first played that year such as all of the Batman Arkham games aside from Knight since I played that in 2015, Indivisable, Call of Duty Black Ops and Watch Dogs 2? Do I even need to say it? It was 2020! You know, the same year that literally started with my own country being on fire in one of the worst country wide bushfires we had seen? The same year one of the worst pandemics ever reared it’s ugly head which for some reason people still personified as a f***ing waifu for some reason? The same year where we were forced to spend an extended amount of time in our homes and couldn’t go to work or hang out with our friends because of said pandemic? The same year where people willingly broke all the restrictions placed that were there to try and stop the spread while a vaccine was being made which resulted in extended lockdowns and more people getting sick!? I could go on and even talk about other stuff I hated about this year but you get my point by now!
Yeah needless to say this year sucked and my mental state at this point was not at its best. So since all I could really do at that point was stay indoors and play video games well, what else was there for me to do? I brought this game digitally from the Nintendo eShop day one and let’s just say the next few months after that were filled with Animal Crossing! So, so much Animal Crossing. I would play this every single day to check on my island and my villagers and it was fun for me! It was therapeutic. It was… you know what, let’s just cut the crap. It helped me mentally get thought what was one of the worst years I have ever had to endure! It had such a positive atmosphere compared to all that was going on in real life that I didn’t want to stop. I just wanted to stay in this world and be with these characters. Now obviously you shouldn’t spend every moment of your life in a fantasy and doing so can be quite unhealthy, but I mean, do I even need to remind you about what was going on in that year again? I’d rather not. Why wouldn’t I want to spend so much time in Animal Crossing?
And then there’s your character. This is probably the best Animal Crossing avatar customization we have gotten! Not just because for once you are able to select your appearance manually and not have it determined by some test which could lead to a face you hate, but because the hair styles look great, the clothing was amazing not to mention how it allowed you to wear all kinds of clothing regardless of your gender, they are very expressive which makes for fun screenshots and moments and also because they just look really dam good! Like this is no joke my favrotie avatar creation system in any game and the only other one that comes close are the Mii’s. So yeah, for this games 2nd anniversary I got a pic of my own villager who despite looking a bit like my own sona it technically predates him by seven months. Then again, he also has similar hair and glasses, the same love for Shantae, his favourite animal is snakes, even having a pot in his home as a substite for Tuki’s pot so it might as well be an Animal Crossing version of my Sona at this point lol. Either way, here’s to two years of one of my favourite games of the decade so far.
Artist is MallousCallous
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justasimplesinner · 3 years
YEEAAAH REQUESTS OPEN do you have any hcs of ak Eddie and year one Jon with an artistic s/o? Bonus if they do graffiti 😎
Arkham Knight!Eddie with an artist hcs:
when he was younger, Edward kind of enjoyed art. but independent art. art with a hidden meaning. art that made you think when you looked at it, that entranced you and made you wonder what was the reason for making this piece, what's the message that the artist wanted to convey. he knew a lot of classical art and the greatest artists of all time but that doesn't mean he enjoyed their art. finding out about all the things the "greatest painters to ever live" did really prevented him from enjoying their works. there's not many people that know about the shit Picasso has done, but he's one of them and it always makes him research the artists he stumbles upon. only Van Gogh was legit. and he's not fond of most modern art either. even if it has no meaning, it'd be great if the art depicted at least something. he doesn't really like people painting a few dots and lines and calling it spiritual art, he thinks it's lazy and clashes with his logic
he's on the fence when it comes to graffiti. if it's for sending a message and making a difference, he's able to appreciate it, but if it's just mindless spray-painting, he isn't the biggest fan. sometimes, it doesn't look half-bad, but there are buildings ruined by bad graffiti and he hates looking at it. however, he's kind of an graffit artist himself, even if he doesn't realise it/doesn't wanna admit it. i mean, c'mon, he painted half the city with green paint and most of it was question marks or insults towards Batman. but your spray-painting skills really came in handy when it comes to that. you've offered to help him with painting his locations and at first, he was neutral towards it, just letting you do whatever you want, but soon enough, it turned out ot be the most fun he had in years. he would've never thought that running around and spraying walls with his partner would be so enjoyable. you were so creative too! it was amazing. and he loved when you climbed up onto his shoulders to spray paint higher points because you refused to use a ladder when he was right there. he genuinely hasn't laughed this hard with anyone ever, it's honestly one of his favourite memories with you
he doesn't mind going to art galleries with you if you like it, but just so you know, he's doing it just to shit on most artists. not because of their art, but because of the kind of person they were. no, he's definitely not doing this to make you happy and spend some quality time with you while showing off his knowledge. no, why would you think that
he fucking loves sculpting though. he loved it since he was a kid and laid his hands on plasticine for the first time. if you like to play around with clay, he's fucking got you. there's so many possibilities! he could do anything! shaping clay or making pots or whatever with you makes him so incredibly happy it's ricidulous. he enjoys it way too much. no one should be this happy about having their arms in clay up to the elbows, and yet here he is
he's honestly willing to try a lot of things with you. despite being very critical, he does enjoy art now and then. he enjoys spending time with you while doing something creative. it allows him to let his mind loose and just create shit. his hands are really skilled and steady, so he's not half-bad at it either! and maybe he won't admit that out loud, but he wouldn't mind you teaching him more things or new techniques. every time you two make art together, it's like he turns into a child again. he can't explain it, but it makes him so happy. he lacked such entertainment and encouragement as a child, and now you're making up for it and he couldn't've been happier
Year One!Jon with an artist hcs:
Jon's relationship with art is complicated. as a kid, the only paintings he's seen were the ones in Granny's house, and he hated them. they either depicted biblical scenes or Granny and her ancestors, and he had to learn all about them. Granny had a lot of morbid art hung in the corridor leading to his room and it always reminded him how sinners go to hell. he wasn't allowed to make art himself outside of school either. he kind of enjoyed it, but other kids often ruined his works and that's where his distaste started. when he grew up and was finally free of the horrible woman, Jon wanted to try a lot of new things and one of them was visiting an art gallery, but it all felt... pompous. the people there were vain and shallow, and he didn't quite see the art for it's meaning but for it's worth. he saw art galleries as places people went to to show off their wealth, and that art was an entertainment only for the upper class. that made his distaste grow
you made him realised that he didn't really hate art, he just had bad experiences with it. it's not about the art but the way it's showcased and the way people treat it. and that's when he started truly appreciating it. when he watched you work, he didn't see all the pompous people. when you explained your works to him, he didn't feel the same dread and disgust he felt at the paintings in his childhood home. when you encouraged him to paint, you let him go wild, didn't give him strict instructions like his school's art teacher and didn't criticise what he did like his classmates. you made him realise that he didn't need experience and skill because art isn't supposed to look nice, it's supposed to mean something, make you feel something. he still doesn't indulge too often, but you made him see why people made art and even showed him how therapeutic it can be
he enjoys listening to you talk about art, and is amazed when you specifically look for things that'd suit his own tastes and introduce him to new artists. he likes sculptures and paintings that fuck with your mind, sometimes even straight out gore and horror, and you always go out of your way to make sure he has a chance to interact with such art, be it an art show or a book about a certain artist. you acknowledge what he likes and you don't criticize him for it, instead encouraging him to pursue it
when it comes to graffiti, he always associated it with the bad kids. the ones that steal lunch money and fuck shit up. as he grew, he realised it was actually more of social rejects, the rebels, the people he always wanted to hang out with because he thought they'd understand him. he's on the fence, because on one hand, it's just kids letting loose, but on the other, it sometimes ruins the architecture and he hates how some buildings look. but he understands the need to disrespect your surroundings when you're constantly disrespected by your environment too. so he certainly won't stop you from doing it. and he maybe kinda sorta dreamed of spray painting an abandoned building as a kid. and you maybe kinda sorta can make those childish dreams come true. he won't ask though. you gotta offer that yourself
he may not be an art conessieur, but you taught him how to appreciate art, you taught him how to make art. he doesn't indulge you often, he'd prefer it if you just worked on your thing while he worked on his/read a book in the same room, but sometimes he gets the weird urge to just... paint with you. one time you made him paint with his hands and maybe he didn't enjoy it as much as his younger self would have, but he did feel his inner child come to life at that moment. he honestly got more paint on himself and you than the canvas, but he had fun. he genuinely had fun. he was allowed to have fun now. he could let loose. nobody held him back. you only encouraged him, and it made him fall in love with you more every day
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A Look into Gotham Rogue Designs
Part 8: Harleen Quinzel aka Harley Quinn
Ok. So this is going to be difficult. Throughout the days of old comic books and old media, Harley, Ivy, and Selina were kind of sexualized with their costumes. Now their costumes make a bit more sense to their character but back then it was made as a way to sell more comics to guys. A good example of advertising more to guys than others in more "geeky" interests is The UK Playstation 2 Magazines. They started to appeal to the LADS in around the 2000s. Babes, intimate times, and video games with bobs! When the market started to be picked up by a more diverse audience and the magazine went back to normal.
Now the 'sexy designs' are dulled down a bit. A bit. They still dress how their character would dress of course.
Now this is a difficult situation to talk about because of two things.
1. I'm not a huge fan of Harley Quinn as I am a huge fan of Riddler.
2. The designs are usually very bad.
Harley is very different and interesting because of her origins. She first appeared in Batman the Animated Series as a way to give Joker a side kick. (There was a side kick before Harl unfortunately called Gaggy or Gagsworth G Gagworthy who was so unpopular that he was killed off.)
The original design was very Harlequin inspired. The ruffles on the neck and wrists are very similar to those designs for harlequin dolls.
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This was also the time where the hints of Ivy and Harley being lesbians started to come to light. Saying that it's also where the most disturbing and disgusting part of any Batman media started to come out.
The Toxic relationship between Joker and Harley.
This relationship happened on and off depending on the type of Joker. Sometimes it's ignoring her but sometimes it'll escalate to straight up domestic abuse. And I think that's why Harley became more popular when she started going solo. Teaming up with other villains than Joker.
Anyways. Lego. We all love a good Lego Harley. And Lego Batman doesn't fail in this lane.
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Keeping the classic Harley design and colors was always fun considering that it was timeless.
Here's where it gets difficult.
I love the Arkham games. I do. However I hate the designs of the girls.
Arkham Asylum has this Harley which I hate violently. The only good side is the make up.
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Then Arkham Knight had this Harley and I also hate it. This is Harley Quinn but Gotham is cold. Why would a woman expose her freshly made muffins in cold weather?
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Now Batman: Assault on Arkham Harley isn't that bad. This is a very updated classic Harley and I respect that.
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Then Suicide Squad happened. And I'm not the biggest fan of it. Sure, she's crazy with her wardrobe but I honestly don't think shes comfortable in any of the clothes she's in.
Yes, she's interesting to see but sometimes she just looks uncomfortable.
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This design is also used in the Harley Quinn show. Which isn't that bad. Not absolutely spectacular but good.
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The design is also spliced and used in video games like Injustice. I've never played Injustice cause I'm not that much of someone who grabs a bunch of arcade fighting games, so I can't say a lot about this one.
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This Lego Harley is honestly one of my favorite lego designs, she has a similar style to the Lego Batman Movie Harley. Her goth vibes just tie this all together as well.
Let's play a game.
Who Is This Character?
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This is Echo. She's the stand in for Harley in the Gotham show.
This obviously isn't Harley but I wanted to include her since shes a stand in for Harley. The design is absolutely horrible. I hate the makeup, the hair, even the costume as a whole. I know she's supposed to be insane and this is how she dressed herself but honestly, she looks as if a three year old dressed her.
Look at other insane characters like Jonathan or Jervis or even Jeremiah and Jerome! They are all absolutely NUTS! But their outfits aren't ripped from an old Halloween costume.
Her costume does reference her original design and I actually like that but that doesn't excuse it being one of the worst "Harleys" here.
Now then, I can understand why some peeps like Harley. She's a great character if done right. Does it mean her designs can be better? Yeah. Again, sorry for the unfortunate things about not only her but the other Gotham Girls designs but it's history.
Next up! An oldie but a interesting oldie. You've heard if Captain Planet but have you heard of Planet Master!?
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stephaniejuhnay · 2 years
Alright yall. I finished The Batman.
Now. Y’all are aware of my deep Batman love. Like, I love my white billionaire angsty superhero so much. Batman: The Animated Series is kinda my gold standard in Batman-lore. And Tim Burton’s take (which informed that show) is my favorite live-action take. Also very much enjoyed the Dark Knight trilogy. (Not a fan of the recent DCEU takes with Affleck.) I’ve watched full walkthroughs of the Arkham Asylum games multiple times. Year One & The Killing Joke & Assault on Arkham are great animated feature films. I played both the Batman Telltale series games through multiple times bc I thought the plot was just that compelling. Mask of the Phantasm IS MY SHIT. I thought Gotham was a nice spin on an origin story we’ve seen a million times.
Said all that to say, I enjoy and am very particular abt my Batman content. I like things with a grounding in the canon but a unique perspective/twist to it. I was worried and almost committed to not seeing this movie bc I was tired of being disappointed by Batman live-action films in the last few years.
I’m so glad I went. This is by and far the best DCEU film. I would even place it over the first Wonder Woman, which I thought was DCs strongest film to date (that I’ve seen - I couldn’t get through Birds of Prey and haven’t bothered to watch The Suicide Squad). But this? I am SO IMPRESSED. There is potential for another good trilogy here and that makes me very happy.
It was longer than it needed to be. We definitely could’ve gotten away with a 2hr film here. I felt like I was watching a director’s cut instead of a theatrical release, but I didn’t necessarily mind that.
I really do feel like I watched an amalgam of Tim Burton’s/Nolan’s Batman with the fighting styles and plot points of the Arkham & Telltale games. In the best way possible. The mystery at the heart of the story was pretty easy to figure out but didn’t make it any less enjoyable going on the ride. And there were a couple twists (the Selina/Falcons connection, the reveal that Riddler DIDNT actually know Bruce’s identity bc I was so sure he did) that I thought were pretty dope. My favorite new piece of origin story is the reveal that Martha Kane was instead Martha ARKHAM. That was such a dope twist and is gonna set up some really interesting stuff down the line if we get more movies. Again, it’s reminding me of the Arkham series and I LOVED the plots of those games. I always said they played like movies and digging into the Arkhams’ history is just…exciting to me.
I TOTALLY called Barry Keoghan being The Joker before he even got on screen. I saw him playing “unnamed Arkham prisoner” and was like “Joker. He’s The Joker, that’s tHE JOKER!!!!!” Again, VERY exciting.
I also really appreciated the twist on the “Batman’s existence is responsible for the types of villains Gotham produces” trope too. It’s usually because they’re sick of him trying to clean up Gotham, want to be the one to take him down, blah blah. But the Riddler here was INSPIRED by Batman because of his use of fear to control the city, and I thought that that was such a clever and poignant take.
And lastly. Rob. Well done sir. I have no qualms. I do think it’s interesting that I ended up buying him more as Batman than as Bruce Wayne which is NOT what I was expecting. But he did a really good job here. Everyone did honestly. Super impressed with every performance, I dug the fighting styles (I really think the Arkham games have forever influenced the fighting in any Batman media to come after it), I thought the cinematography was great. I also appreciate the…basic-ness of the Waynetech too. He’s only 2 years into the Batman gig here so the tech to come (hopefully) has such great potential.
Overall. I REALLY liked this film and I fully expected not to when I learned it was happening. I am more than happy to have this film prove me wrong. I hope we get more.
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jokerous · 3 years
what are some fanfics u recc 😭🤲
I’m glad you asked, anon ;);) 
There are TONS of Heath Ledger’s Joker fan fiction that have been written since The Dark Knight came out and it’s totally understandable because Heath Ledger and Christopher Nolan managed to create such an ICONIC and multi-layered character with so much left for the audience to explore. I can say I’ve read quite a lot of TDK Joker stories since I first was introduced to fanfiction in, like, 2013, and, despite that, I’m very picky when it comes to fics and especially the portrayal of the Joker. 
I’m going to list my all-time faves below and I’ve decided to divide them into three groups: post-TDK Joker, pre-TDK Joker aka Jack Napier and, by popular demand, Batjokes. Also I’m assuming you are of age because the majority of these fics are rated M.
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the Bad Jokes saga by Doctor Harley Quinn. A brilliant Nolanverse JxHQ adaptation of the Mad Love comic. This was the very first Joker fic I read and there was no going back :D and it’s still one of my faves <3 Reading order: Bad Jokes, Malady, The Ringmaster, Funny Business 
the Clockwork saga by the amazing HoistTheColours. I can honestly only speak superlatives about these series and this author. This is the most unique story I’ve ever read, beautifully written and structured. Reading order: Clockwork, Blackout + Clockwork AU sequels: JK, Burn 
Not Playing With A Full Deck by 4ofCups. What an EPIC story (though it’s more like a novel) and an action movie plot! The author is a witch genius who managed to describe the events that happen within a week or less in a 74-chapter fic (over 500k words) and include an insane amount of thoroughly developed characters, a total rollercoaster. Her Joker is extremely mean and ruthless, just how we love him :3
The Doctors And The Nurses They Adore Me So by the talented Lauralot. Arkham Joker shenanigans. Probably the most hilarious Joker POVs I’ve ever read. 
the Pastimes series by Doctor Harley Quinn. A gritty and thrilling Joker/OC fic full of angst and mind games. Reading order: Vivisection, Strategy, Metamorphosis, Shockwave
The Joker's New Pet by PrincessOfNerds. My guilty pleasure.
The Harlequin by knit-wear. Another great Nolanverse JxHQ fic, with incredibly written Arkham therapy sessions.
The First Responder by The Queen of Mean. 
Crazy by nohfase. Joker gets himself a personal tailor.
Pre-TDK Joker aka Jack Napier:
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Grave by BCooper. The ending is super depressing, just how we love it :3
Original Sin by littlebatgirl. A beautifully written Jack Napier and Selina Kyle origin fic. 
Changes by SomeoneNewer. Probably the most gradual descent of Jack into Joker I’ve ever read. Kinda reminds me of the Going Sane Joker comic with a few differences.
Strings by Silential. I LOVE THIS FIC TO BITS. About the Joker/Jack, the origin of his knife play kinks and his wife who “gets in deep with the sharks”. 
WWJD by HoistTheColours. THIS STORY THO. An incredibly written gem. Not only did it make me emotional while reading it but completely wrecked me at the end. 
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Life is so much better when you're dead by toluenesister
Dissolve and absolve series also written by the talented toluenesister
An Offer He Couldn't Refuse by Kayliana. The most hilarious batjokes fics I’ve ever read, hands down. Plus, it’s beautifully written and the dialogues are amazing and the Joker is so in character, totally would recommend ;)
Special mentions:
Untitled by 0anon. Well THIS author just perfectly captured the Joker’s actual train of thoughts. Wanna know how and what the Joker thinks and plans? Do yourself a favor and read this fic.
Dear Joker by 4ofCups. Joker responds to letters and gives his priceless advice to the readers of Gotham's premier advice column.
Happy reading :)
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oceanera12 · 4 years
Gotham Knights: Story
“In breaking news, we’ve received reports of an explosion somewhere north of the city.” “We’re still waiting for the police to confirm if there are any victims.” “This story is evolving rapidly, please bear with us.” “We hear this really loud, ‘boom’... there was smoke everywhere.” “Emergency services have confirmed that they have discovered a body buried in the wreckage. We’re still waiting for further details.” “Many emergency vehicles are on sight!” “It appears that a large portion of the building has actually collapsed!” “In International news, an explosion rocked Gotham City earlier today.” “We’re now able to confirm that billionaire philanthropist Bruce Wayne is--”
This game is kicking it off with a “BANG” worthy of the Joker’s attention. Bruce flipping “Batman” Wayne is allegedly killed in some kind of explosion and it’s up to our rag tag team of “Gotham Knights” to keep Gotham safe.
Yes, I said “allegedly”. This may be jumping the gun a little and nothing in the trailer hints at it, but I do believe that Batman is still alive. I think he thought he was going to die, but ended up getting kidnapped by the Court for some kind of plan-- but I’m getting ahead of myself.
Breaking it Down
Here’s what we know about the story so far from the trailer and game play demo:
Bruce is “dead” (Nothing short of a body, tested and proved to not be a clone, duplicate, or just a decoy will convince me otherwise), as the result of some kind of explosion that literally rocked the city.
He’s left Nightwing, Batgirl, Red Hood, and Robin the Belfry as a place of operations
He has also asked them to protect Gotham for him
For some reason, Bruce was alone when he died. It is unclear if he was in his “Batman” get up at the time of his death, or if he was “Brucie”.
Jim Gordon is dead and has been for some time. The result of his death is the GCPD doesn’t trust the Bats anymore.
Alfred is alive (Thank Gotham for that) and helping the Batfam
Mr. Freeze is involved in the game as a villain, most likely not the main villain but part of the main campaign. His plan involves freezing Gotham for reasons unknown.
The Court of Owls is the main bads of the game and may or may not have killed/kidnapped Bruce.
A few random minor points (with pictures!): 
Jason has most likely been killed by the Joker and brought back with the Lazarus pit (as seen from the white in his hair and where that scar on his face most likely came from). 
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Barbara has most likely been shot and paralyzed by the Joker, but has since recovered as seen by the wheelchair in the foreground of the Clock Tower. 
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“Robin” is most likely Timothy Drake due to the science stuff surrounding him in his hideout/Titan room(?), the fact that he HACKED THE WATCHTOWER, and the cup of coffee on his desk (Honestly, the last point is the one that backs this claim up the most).
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Story may or may not play out differently depending on which Batfamily member you are playing as (Robin is not seen in any of the cut scenes with Batgirl during the game demo. This could be something they are adding in/was not ready for the demo, but I highly doubt it)
Speculations/Spit-balling Some Stuff
Bruce may have blown up the cave with him in it based on his comment about “this message was sent out when I destroyed the cave and it’s contents”. This is unclear as we do not know what blew up only knowing it was north of the city. Why he would do such a thing is beyond me, but these are the people who did Arkham Knight so who knows.
This may be some kind of “Found Family” story with the four batkids coming together with Alfred to bring justice for their Batdad. If so, I am all for it and am crossing all my fingers and toes.
I am severely concerned that the Court of Owls not only “killed” Bruce but is also responsible for Jim Gordon’s death. And for good reason because HAS ANYONE ELSE NOTICED THE FLIPPING OWL ON JIM’S BADGE? NO? JUST ME? OKAY! (I’ll build on this in a separate post)
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Other villains who may show up/I hope show up include but are not limited too: Deathstroke, a very SHORT cameo of sort from the Joker (hopefully in a flashback that helps build a character. eg. Jason or Barbra), Penguin, Ras Al Gaul (mostly because I want confirmation for a Damian Wayne DLC-- I want to see all my Bat Boys, dang it), Catwoman (as some kind of mentor character for one of the batkids, maybe?), Blockbuster, Black Mask, Dick’s evil Talon Grandfather, random members of the Court, you get the idea. Give us some of the more obscure villains mixed in with a FEW popular ones if you have too.
Calling it: Freeze’s plan is either based on a hopeful attempt to save with wife (the Court has that creepy reanimation of the Talons so maybe there’s some kind of cure he can make out of it???), or they are going to completely forget about his wife and just make him the villain for the sake of it. Please be the first thing.
At some point in the game there shall be a moment where Jason is question/confronted/kicks himself out because of the whole “gun” thing. Heck, it may start that way with Jason having to prove to his siblings that he can be trusted.
I’m hoping each character gets their own separate development/different story line and that we actually get them going through the separate stages of grief. Heck, each kid could be stuck on a specific stage (Tim on denial, Jason on anger, Dick on grief, Barbra on acceptance because she’s gone through this before very recently) Give us emotional batfamily, you cowards.
Building on that, I am hoping for separate campaigns/story lines for specific characters, which can serve as side missions or go to the main story, depending on the mission. (eg. Dick vs Blockbuster could be an optional side mission. Dick vs evil Talon grandfather would be essential to the main story)
Part of me wants Barbra and Dick to be “dating” or have had a past relationship. The other part of me just wants them to be friends/siblings so we’ll just have to see how the characters interact.
Give me an Alfred who kicks butt with his shotgun when the Talon’s invade the Belfry (“when”, NOT “if”)
If the Talon’s have Bruce, then I want an evil Batman vs the Batkids. And I don’t mean for one fight, I want him showing up half-way through the game and the kids have to fight to get him back. Give me a brainwashed Bruce that’s only snapped out of it because of his kids!
I want to see Tim transition from Robin to Red Robin or “Drake” if you have too.
A fight for the cowl between the kids before someone (most likely Alfred) steps in and tells them to be themselves, it’s what Bruce would have wanted.
Timothy Drake vs Ras Al Gaul
Jason Todd vs Black Mask
Barbra Gordon vs whoever killed Jim Gordon/is responsible for his death
Dick Grayson vs Deathstroke
Justice League references (mention Superman, Wonder Woman, the Green Lanterns, etc)
Please make this story stretch over MULTIPLE NIGHTS. Preferably longer than one month but I’ll take a week-- heck, I’ll take three days if you can’t make it longer. Change up the character for ever “night”, change the mission types (stealth, fight, info gathering, etc), do SOMETHING.
If DLC is a thing, I want to see Bruce Wayne “Batman” , Damian Wayne “Robin”, Duke Thomas “The Signal”, and either Stephanie Drake “Spoiler” or Cassandra Cain as “Black Bat” or “Orphan”. And add some story for all of them, pretty please?
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