#how is the whole of their cell block not hearing this plan lmao
reds-skull · 9 months
Not Alive, Nor Dead
Hello! I'm back! I planned the next 3 chapters on the plane, so I thought writing would be easier.
I was wrong. Chapter got hands. Anyways hope you enjoy more of concussed Soap lmao
Alejandro led them to the main complex, through a series of roads connecting the prison. Ghost kept an eye on the sky, watching Garrick shoot Shadows from above.
“Bravo!” the Sergeant radios in, “Shadows approaching your position, I don’t have a clear shot. Incoming from your 9, Ghost.”
He and Rudy exchange a look, “copy, keep thinning them out.” Ghost replies, taking note of Soap’s glassy stare.
“We got hostiles inbound?” Johnny asks excitedly, wiggling his fingers, “I’ll take care o’ them LT, you can kick back and relax-”
“Oh no, Sergeant,” Ghost grabs the strap on the back of Soap’s vest, “you’re staying right here with me until your head is screwed on right.” 
He ignores Johnny’s useless attempts at persuading Ghost to let him go, and turns to the Vaqueros, “you can take care of a few Shadows, right? Me and Johnny can go check the CCTV.”
Alejandro smirks at the bumbling Sergeant in his hands, “you got it, hermano. We’ll meet you there.”
Rudy spots a soldier rushing towards them, running ahead and instantly freezing the Shadow. He grabs the rifle the unhuman dropped and cracks it down on the frozen soldier, shattering him.
The Sergeant Major throws the gun to Alejandro, shouting at Ghost and Soap, “go!”
He doesn’t need to be told twice. Ghost drags Johnny towards the room he remembers marked ‘Security’ on Rudy’s map.
“I could’a destroyed ‘em oll in a second, Ghostie…” Johnny moans.
Ghost sighs for the twentieth time since entering the room, “I know, Johnny.” He notes of the several cells full of men in block B, Shadows swarming the halls. The Vaqueros.
Soap gives him what could be ‘puppy-eyes’ from the chair Ghost has put him in timeout in (his words), “yer so mean, Simon.”
He looks up from the monitor he’s been fiddling with to level his Sergeant with a stare, “I know. Now focus on healing your bloody brain so you can actually help.”
Soap opens his mouth to retort, but he abruptly closes it, eyes widening.
Soap’s cheeks flush, “Simon, I am so sorry, I don’t know what teh fuck I was saying…” Johnny rubs at his eyes, “fuckin’ talkin’ about how pretty yer eyelashes are.”
Ghost huffs, smile stretching his hidden lips, “you said eyes before. Good to know you like those too.”
Johnny looks like he got caught with his pants down, before his usual sense of confidence takes over, “I can tell ye I like a whole lot more than just that-”
“If I have to hear you muppets flirt one more time, I’m going to consider staying in this fuckin’ shithole, fucking hell…”
“Price?!” Ghost and Soap exclaim together, “Where are you?!”
“Graves isolated me, the fuckin’ bastard…” the Captain grumbles in their minds, “you got Gaz with you, correct?”
“Yes sir.” Ghost confirms.
“Good. You two, get Farah and Alex out, they should be in block C. Graves got Shadows trained on Alex at all times to keep Farah in check, so you’ll need to work quiet and fast.”
Ghost switches cameras, finding block C and the two revenants.
Soap’s voice fills his mind, “what about you, Captain?”
“Kyle will get me, there’s a window right in front of my cell. Tell him to get to the tallest building, block A.”
“Copy, glad to hear you’re solid, Price.” Ghost gets off the computer, patting Johnny’s shoulder, “I’ll inform Vargas and Parra of the Vaqueros’ location and head for Karim and Keller.”
“Good copy. Keep yourselves safe.”
“Out here.” 
Rudy and Alejandro meet them on the way out, both clearly frazzled and adrenaline-fueled. “Found anyone?” Rudy asks between pants.
“Vaqueros are on block B.” Ghost switches his comms on, “Garrick, Price talked to us, he’s on the top of block A, should be a window. Get him and meet us at-”
“The front gates.” Alejandro finishes, “there are several trucks for us to use, the Vaqueros will clear the way out.”
“Copy, on my way.” Gaz relays.
Soap checks his rifle’s ammo one last time, “me and Ghost’ll go for Farah and Alex, we’ll join the fight on the gates.”
Rudy pats both their shoulders, nodding assuredly, and turns to leave with Alejandro towards block B.
Soap smiles up at him, a dangerous edge to the way fire licks around his gun, “time for us to wipe out some Shadows, aye?”
Ghost smirks, “on you, Sergeant.”
Johnny is truly a thing of beauty on the field. A firestorm, unstoppable blaze, vaporizing dark figures as easily as breathing.
Ghost watches his six, taking down any stray Shadows making a move at him, but for the most part he gets to admire the Sergeant, the flowing way he explodes soldiers.
It would scare him, how beautiful Johnny is. If it wasn’t so distractedly brilliant.
“Clear!” Soap calls ahead, fire ebbing between his fingertips, dark marks on the walls all that’s left of his enemies.
Ghost hums, “good work, Sergeant. Our revenants should be right up ahead, stay sharp.”
Johnny grins, his step a little more energetic when he rounds the corner, “aye sir.”
Ghost and Soap reach block C, marked by huge letters on the walls. They both drop to a crouch, finding a single cell with about a dozen Shadows guarding it.
Ghost holds up one, then two fingers, pointing ahead. He closes his fist and Johnny nods, tensing up in preparation.
His Sergeant waits for his mark.
Ghost opens his hand, motioning forward.
Shadows erupt into smoke, metal bars sizzle and melt. The fight is over in a blink of an eye.
He walks over dark soot on the dirty prison floor, approaching Commander Karim, who has a bewildered expression on her face. She and Keller are tied to chairs, facing each other. 
“Lieutenant.” she tilts her head.
Ghost whips out a knife, swiftly cutting through her bindings, “Commander.” Johnny went ahead and freed Alex as well.
“That’s some serious firepower you got there, Soap. You sure you don’t want to come with us to Urzikstan?” Alex jokes as he rubs at his raw wrists.
Johnny laughs, smiling at Ghost, “sorry, got previous reservations.”
“Bummer.” the American sighs, taking the rejection easily.
Ghost grabs a pistol that looks decently unburnt and tosses it to Farah, “the Vaqueros are working on clearing a path for our extraction, we’re going to join as additional support. Sergeant Garrick is getting the Captain.”
Commander Karim sharply nods after checking the gun, “we’ll come with you, I got unfinished business with that dog Graves.” she looks at Alex, who finds a gun for himself as well.
Ghost presses the button on his radio, “Rudy, we got Karim and Keller, on our way to you. What’s your status?”
Gunshots sound through the tinny mic before he answers, “Graves is trying to push us back, we’re holding currently! Backup will be appreciated!”
The four of them start towards the Vaqueros, “on our way, Parra. Hold strong.”
“Always, Fantasma.”
Soap turns on his comms as well, “Gaz? Got the Captain?”
“No- will try- around-” Garrick’s voice cuts off, the wind too strong for it to come through.
“Bad copy, Sergeant, repeat.” Ghost joins on their line.
“Working on it!”
“Copy, get to the gate once you’re done.”
The front gates are a mess of powers, ice and fire blooming on the dirt road. The battlefield sounds almost deafening.
Alex and Farah run ahead, Keller disappearing from view and the Commander right in tow, deflecting bullets left and right. Ghost can see Rudy ahead, turning Shadows into ice sculptures for Alejandro to shatter with well-placed shots.
Ghost grabs Soap before he can join them, “stick close, Sergeant.”
“Yes sir.” Johnny doesn’t even look up, running and plowing through hails of bullets. Ghost goes off to the edges of the battle, picking off stragglers and sending them to the void. He only lets Limbo out for a second, the victims taking hold of the Shadows and dragging them back with them.
From the outside, it looks like they were swollen by darkness. An act that has earned Ghost his terrifying reputation.
Soap spots him from beyond the field, throwing him a thumbs up, “good work, LT! Fuckin’ beautiful, sir.”
“Keep it tactical, Sergeant.” he mutters as he takes two more Shadows off this realm.
“Tactical compliments, sir. It’s all the rage these days.” Johnny snickers, and he rolls his eyes fondly.
The fight is missing someone… “Garrick, status.”
Gaz’s line is dead. Ghost stops in his tracks, “Gaz, sitrep, now.” nothing.
Fuck. He switches to the main line, “anyone had eyes on Gaz in the last 15 minutes?”
“Negative, saw him go into the tower at block A about 30 minutes ago.” Alejandro replies.
Ghost’s heart races faster, his voice level, “I’m going to go find them, Soap, on me-”
The Shadows on the field start laughing, voice garbling into a demonic cackling.
“Took you long enough to notice, Lieutenant.”
Ghost grabs the nearest Shadow, “what the fuck did you do with them?” he coldly smashes the Shadow’s head with his knee.
The broken body falls, Graves’ voice still clear, “you want your little teammates? Better come to the courtyard, Ghost… oh, and bring the Sergeant with you, would ya? I’ve got a few… choice words to exchange with him.”
Ghost stomps the soldier’s head, shutting the American up for good. He locks eyes with Johnny, heart attempting to beat out of his chest.
“Clock’s ticking, Simon Riley…” Shadows whisper around him.
Soap runs to him, face confused and enraged, “what did he say, Simon?! Where are Price and Gaz?”
Johnny looks back, before staring at Ghost, “well? What are we waiting for?”
Sometimes, Ghost feels like his gut can tell the future. With the way it churned and turned before he was thrown into that grave. How it ached to spill out when Soap asked him to promise, sign a death sentence on his Sergeant.
In the ice burning his insides, as he watches stars reflect in Johnny’s eyes, awaiting the command, ready to follow him into certain doom. Right into the snake’s den.
Ghost take Soap’s hand, silently starting to walk towards the courtyard.
His gut screams at him to stop, to curl bloodied hands around his Sergeant, protect him from malicious shadows.
Ghost’s mind, however, a soldier’s, a leader’s, tells him to keep walking.
The Shadows ignore them, splitting before them like the Red Sea. 
Johnny pulls at his hand, making him meet his eyes.
“We’re connected now, Simon. In a way Graves, hell no one else, can understand.” he smiles softly, “they can’t separate us.”
His words hold so much conviction, so much confidence and yet also care, the ice in his gut melts.
The thawed water tells Ghost he will live to regret that.
“We go together.” Simon squeezes a burning hand.
Fire binds them, an unbreakable vow. “Together.”
Graves sees Soap and Ghost happy and asks himself "how can I ruin their day this time?"
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Michael and Sucre talking loudly in their cell or in the yard with the others about their escape plan from Prison:
The other prisoners and guards:
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 308: VIBE: CHECKED
Previously on BnHA: Lots and lots of Shindou idk what else to tell you.
Today on BnHA: Tired Nomad Deku rescues Shindou from Muscular, and us from Shindou. Muscular is all “OH BOY I SURE CAN’T WAIT TO FIGHT DEKU AGAIN AFTER HE TOTALLY KICKED MY ASS THE LAST TIME!! I’M SURE THIS TIME WILL GO DIFFERENTLY SEEING AS HE’S HAD ALMOST AN ENTIRE YEAR’S WORTH OF ADDITIONAL TRAINING, AND ALSO HAS SIX FOURQUIRKS NOW, IN ADDITION TO THE CONFIDENCE THAT COMES WITH HAVING EIGHT OTHER PEOPLE’S SOULS CHILLING OUT INSIDE HIM OFFERING MORAL SUPPORT AND ENCOURAGEMENT.” Deku is all, “[kicks Muscular’s ass effortlessly].” Muscular is all, “[gets his ass totally kicked].” I for one am very satisfied with this, and with respect to all, I would like to hereby declare this post a discourse-free zone. I’m just happy to see my son out here making good use of his FOURQUIRKS, and more importantly beating Muscular in less than seventeen pages so we can all go on with our lives lol.
damn Deku since when were you allowed to look this cool
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from this perspective and with the smoke, cape, backpack, and mask more or less obscuring his actual profile, he looks less like a sixteen-year-old boy and more like a grownass man
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we got a glimpse of this in the cleaned-up scan of 307, but seeing both of his eyes looking so distinctively All Might-esque here is... whoa. I mean we know that his face still looks pretty normal underneath the mask and he doesn’t actually have the black sclera, but still, this is an awesome look. mini-Might
lol Muscular
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you and me both. I mean no offense, but yeah
so Deku is just standing there silently
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typical Deku. tight-lipped and expressionless. mum’s the word. quiet as a mouse. silent as a grave
okay no but seriously this is so weird and creepy though you guys. Deku please say something or else I’m just gonna mindlessly say whatever stupid things come into my head in an effort to make things less awkward
so Muscular is all “I should probably make a cool speech about revenge but Horikoshi couldn’t think of anything good so I’m just going to stand here clenching my fist real slowly”
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“I’m not here to go on a monologue” he says, as he monologues about not monologuing
okay you guys I confess I have only read through/watched the Deku VS Muscular fight once because the arm-breaking is just way too uncomfortable for me to revisit. and so as a result, I have completely forgotten Whatever The Deal Is with Muscular’s eye lmao so let me go look it up real quick
okay so it’s a prosthetic, obviously, and he changes it out according to his mood. that part does sound familiar. I just can’t remember which eye is supposed to indicate which mood. don’t tell me I actually have to go back and reread this shit
lol I’m skimming through chapter 75 now and remembering/realizing that I hardly paid any attention to this the first time around because as soon as I found out the villains were after Kacchan my brain was like “TIME TO FOCUS ON THIS AND ONLY THIS NOW AND FOREVER” and yeah. ah memories
anyway so he started out with the flower-looking eye, and then later on he was all
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which begs the question, how on earth could I have ever forgotten the most ridiculous panel I’ve ever read lmao
anyway, but so after all of that, I'm only just now realizing that this isn't one of his previous eye prosthetics in the current chapter; this is an ACTUAL FUCKING ROCK that he's just randomly shoved into his eye socket fkdsjlk
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so basically (1) I did all of that painstaking research for nothing, five whole minutes of my life wasted THANKS A LOT, and (2) what, and I have never meant this more emphatically, THE FUCK
anyway so now he's leaping at the building that Deku is standing on top of. but he’s not aiming anywhere near Deku though, wtf
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lmao okay then. I hope those annoying citizens in the building next door are watching this go down and rethinking their life choices
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just keep standing there pressed right up against the window, why don’t you. “WHAT’S GOING ON THIS SUPER CLOSE COLLAPSING BUILDING IS BLOCKING OUR VIEW.” well, folks, we’ve long since known there’s a critical shortage of hero and villain brain cells, but what we’re learning now is that civilian brain cells are also in short supply
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SO HE’S STILL OUR GOOD, POLITE, WORRIED, CONSIDERATE DEKU UNDERNEATH THAT COOL AND MYSTERIOUS VENEER. for real, thank fuck, because I swear to god if he suddenly started acting like the Dekus in all of the vigilante AUs my interest in this series would have dropped something like 50% lol. just because he dropped out of school and ran away from home and is currently dressed like the physical manifestation of a Linkin Park playlist doesn’t mean he’s not still the WORLD’S BIGGEST DORK okay
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something about making bold, confident statements while obscured in smoke?? idk but damn it fucking works
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more importantly, should you tell him you actually need your copy of Shindou in excel format and not pdf?? on the one hand you don’t want to sound ungrateful, but on the other hand what are you even supposed to do with this
this chapter so far consists of like 50% smoke, but on the other hand Deku VS Kacchan 2 had a lot of cinematic smoke too so who am I to complain
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also it’s good to see that in a very real sense he’s not fighting alone. the Vestiges really did mean it when they said they could appear more easily now. this is on a whole other level
so is this whole next page still En talking, or someone else? because whoever it is sure is chatty
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okay, several things
pretty sure it is En, because he keeps saying “I suppose.” for someone who never said two words until one page ago, this guy sure never shuts up. we can’t all follow Muscular’s lead I suppose. oh my god now I’m doing it too
really like the suggestion of Deku using the SIXQUIRKS like tools in an arsenal, because that’s what he’s good at! it’s almost like he’s been training for this his entire life. “you value quirks too much” LOOK HE JUST THINKS THEY’RE COOL OKAY IS THAT A CRIME
where the fuck did all this rope come from
not gonna ask what the fuck that thing is sticking out from the back of his utility belt. Horikoshi will surely explain this
is that a fucking jetpack. I’m sorry Deku were six fucking quirks not enough for you. you can fucking float??? but JUST TO BE SAFE, LET’S STRAP A PAIR OF ROCKETS TO OUR SHOULDERS IDK
-- or wait, is this all supposed to be like a visual representation of En’s metaphor?? OH MY GOD AM I JUST STUPID LOL, DON’T ANSWER THAT. NEVER MIND. NEW LIST!!
rope = blackwhip
jetpack = float
radio = danger sense
and so I’m guessing that this ridiculously phallic thing is supposed to be a flare or something?? and that = the new quirk, smokescreen. well that was a fucking ride lmao we now return you to our regularly scheduled chapter
so now Deku is floating to his heart’s content and thinking that he’ll just sneak up on Muscular and vibe check his ass or whatever
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okay guys, I'm gonna press pause here for a sec to make a serious note, because I am loving the shit out of this, but tbh I'm having trouble enjoying it as much as I want to because I keep getting anxious thinking about the discourse. I know that a lot of the fandom has very strong opinions on Deku's character development one way or the other, and I want to respect that. but I also really have no spoons to debate this topic at all beyond what I’ve already weighed in on. so if it’s all the same to everyone, I plan on staying out of this discussion, at least this week
anyway! that said, YEAH BOI GET HIS ASS
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dammit Muscular. how many fucking quirks does it take to beat you?! the annoying thing is that even with all of his cool new powers, Deku is still something of a mismatch against him. anyway r.i.p. to all these poor buildings
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you guys have no idea how intrigued I am at the prospect of watching Deku try to play both good cop and bad cop here lmao
anyway so Muscular says he doesn’t know, go figure
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“I’m not here to make small talk or anything” he says as he small talks about not small talking
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are you really gonna talk no jutsu all of these villains from now on?? that last battle really did have a profound impact on you, huh! interesting
you guys he’s really doing it omg
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Deku this guy tried to murder a five-year-old literally just for fun. I mean more power to you, but holy shit you’re really gonna try to defeat Muscular with anger management therapy huh
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but. I have to admit, I do still like that he tried. probably knew just as well as we did what the end result was going to be, but still. he made the effort in good faith and I respect that
uh oh
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why do I get the feeling Muscular just got a whole lot deader
oh my god oh my god he’s doing the “powering up” stance ffff don’t fucking tell me you can still use your fucking arms here, Deku
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okay so basically he’s saying that whatever it was he sensed in Tomura, he doesn’t sense from Muscular. which, yeah, that sounds exactly right. good judge of character here lol
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lmao so apparently this is the belated result of Shindou’s attack from chapter 307?? I’ll be damned. good for you Shindou!! I always liked you buddy. please just take my word on that and don’t fact check that statement
okay lol the one tiny bit of discourse I will allow is that it’s bullshit that he just did that with his right arm. like, I’ll fully acknowledge that. that makes no fucking sense, and I demand an explanation from the Great Plot Hole Filler himself. he’s never let us down before when it comes to continuity so I’m trusting him not to suddenly start now
that said, we love to see a rematch against a boring guy settled quickly and decisively within the span of a single chapter. THANK YOU
I like that Deku implies that his power is being a smart nerd who battles villains using the power of ANALYTICS. he basically didn’t do anything except restrain Muscular and wait for Shindou’s attack to take effect while halfheartedly checking to see if he regretted any of that murder and stuff
(ETA: and almost forgot to mention, he made excellent use of all four of his active SIXQUIRKS. it’s like the chapter title said; this is basically him fighting all-out, and it’s a sight to see.)
also, as cool as the mask was, this just feels right. like, we had our fun, now let us see his face, yes good
anyway, I think this was a good start towards establishing What’s Up With Deku Right Now! so if it’s all the same to Horikoshi, I would next like to take some time to explore Why’s Up With Deku. that, and What’s Up With Everyone Else, Especially Kacchan. por favor
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adorethedistance · 4 years
A Pretty Good Bad Idea - Owen Joyner x Reader
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JATP masterlist
Warnings: swearing, peer pressure kinda, very mild n fluffy
Words: 1865
Summary: Touring with the Julie and The Phantoms cast as a dancer has been the best time of your life, and the only thing that could make it better is the reciprocated affections of a cute, blond drummer.
A/N: So this piece is 1) inspired by this interview and 2) entirely self indulgent. It’s something I haven’t been able to get out of my mind every time I’m doing warm ups, and putting it down on ,, digital paper is my only way to get rid of it lmao. I hope y’all enjoy bc I know this scenario makes me really happy and I love sharing my joy with y’all.
I let out an involuntary whine when I roll forward into my almost-center splits. My hips are so sore from yesterday’s performance I had to force myself to start stretching in the first place. Getting a head start, I arrived at the concert venue an hour earlier than call time to get my lengthy stretching routine out of the way before the other girls show up. Slowly but surely, the rest of the dancers arrived and we began getting ready together.
“I have a speaker!” Tori announces to the room upon entering which makes me jump up from my seat.
“Yes! May I do the honors and bless y’all with my musical theatre playlist?” The rest of the group cheers, exposing themselves for the theatre kids that we are. After hearing the chime that signifies the speaker-phone pairing, a few seconds pass before “Cell Block Tango” begins to play. The entire group feigns outrage but we know all the words and soon indulge in such shameful pandering. A good pre-show playlist is what really gets me amped up for performing and after yesterday’s queue of ‘today’s hits’ pop, the musical theatre is a nice change of pace.
Since I’d gotten here so early, I decided to do my makeup before stretching and I still had time to spare. The only thing left for me to do was to get in costume but I’d wait until a little closer to showtime so that I could still eat and drink for the time being. This also meant I was free to roam and bother other people as they got ready, doing what I’d done almost an hour ago.
“So, Y/n?”
“What’s going on with you and Owen?” I feel my breathing halt for a microsecond before looking up at, one of the other dancers and also my friend, Ella. My eyebrows are cinched in confusion as I try my best to figure out what it is she’s getting at.
“I don’t know, Ella. What is going on with me and Owen?”
“Oh come on. Your Instagram story from yesterday?” Oh. That.
“We just went to lunch?” I seemingly ask more than state.
“Yeah. Just the two of you. Don’t hold out on us, we wanna know what’s going on!”
“Really, Ella, there’s nothing going on. We’re just getting to know each other better.”
“Just getting to know each other better? Or getting to know each other better?” Tori butts in, dusting her cheeks with a subtle highlight.
“The first one?”
“How many times have you hung out?”
“Just the once.”
“Are you planning another date?”
“It wasn’t a date-”
“Do you want us to help wingman you?”
“I really don’t-”
“Hey.” The rapid-fire of questions cease when the gang of us look up to see Owen himself standing in the doorway.
“Speak of the devil,” Tori snickers as the rest of the girls slowly disperse and smugly resume doing their makeup. Owen makes a face in reaction to her comment but chooses not to pry.
“Could I borrow some hairspray? This one piece of hair won’t stay.” Despite each of the girls having a full can of hairspray on hand, nobody makes a move to give him the product, indicating that I should be the one to help him out. Rolling my eyes at the look Ella is giving me through the mirror, I stand from my chair and hand Owen the can of hairspray. He then looks straight ahead and moves to use the product but I stop him before he can.
“What’s your plan?”
“Are you just gonna spray the piece?”
“That’s not gonna work since the rest of your hair already has product in it. Can I help you?” Owen nods amiably and takes a seat after I gesture for him to sit in my chair. I then realize my mistake as I need the comb on the grey countertop, and have to consequently reach past Owen in a way that wouldn’t be so compromising had I not worn such a low-cut top. Thankfully it’s over as fast as it began, and walking to the sink in the corner of the dressing room, I run the cool water over the bristles. It isn’t until I turn off the tap that I notice how eerily quiet the room had gotten. None of the girls are talking, attentively studying my every move as I cross back to Owen.
“Is this Chicago?”
“Uh, yeah, We’re listening to my musical theatre playlist though, not the whole soundtrack,” I respond in spite of the nervous laugh that falls from my lips. The slight slouch in Owen’s posture doesn’t help me to see what I’m doing clearly enough. Using my index finger and an upturned palm, I tilt his chin up to get a better look at his hair, willfully ignoring the fact that he’s staring at me right now.
Still, silence fills the room as I take the wet comb through the front section of his hair where the stubborn strand won’t stay put. Once the water binds the pieces together, I grab my can of hairspray and struggle to uncap it. The outside is slick from god knows what, but thankfully Owen doesn’t let me struggle anymore and holds up his hands to wordlessly offer his help. I hand him the can, and he pops the top off after barely struggling. Handing the can back to me, he holds onto the lid, and the entire exchange remains completely silent.
I have to work quickly in my next step, but it’s not enough to distract from the fact that everyone in the room is watching me intently. Holding the aerosol can away from the crowd of people, I put some of the product on the comb and quickly work it into Owen’s hair while it’s still wet. Once the comb has formed his hair to my liking, I stop brushing it through in fear of the now dry hairspray ruining the shape. Then, I use my left hand to shield Owen’s eyes from getting any product in them before spraying the offending area to seal in my hard work.
The sound of a cell door sliding closed signifies the end of the song, and I wait for a second, eagerly anticipating the next song to play. Upon hearing the staccato piano notes of “Bad Idea” from Waitress, a smile appears on my face.
“I love this song.” Lunging back on my right leg, I create a little distance between us to make sure I didn’t completely butcher the rest of his hair, singing as I do.
“It’s a bad idea, me and you.”
“I know, I totally agree.” Pleasantly surprised by his joining in, my smile grows bigger.
“It’s a bad idea, me and you.”
“I’ve never known anything so true-”
“It’s a terrible idea, me and you.” The effortlessness that the two of us find in harmonizing is a genuine shock and an absolute thrill all at once. Once Owen sees how excited I am by his joining in me, it’s like a switch had been flipped; the two of us immediately slip into Actor Mode and begin to sing the song as if we were performing it on a Broadway stage.
“You have a wife.” I take a small step back out of the character’s hesitation.
“You have a husband.” Owen mirrors my action.
“You’re my doctor-” I cross my arms across my chest, but release my right hand to gesture to Owen standing in front of me.
“You’ve got a baby coming-” He uses both hands to gesture back to me in my ‘pregnant’ state.
“It’s a bad idea, me and you,” the two of us turn slightly away from facing one another in false bashfulness. When the music picks up, the two of us avidly step toward one another to come together. In perfect synchronization, I grab Owen’s forearms and his hands face upwards to hold onto my elbows.
“Let’s just keep kissing ‘til we come to.”
“Heart, stop racing, let’s face it-” Owen pivots his step out to the side to face forward, extending his right arm which cues me to turn into him and take his other hand to spin out.
“Making mistakes like this will make worse what is already pretty bad.” Then he extends his right arm forward, and I turn into him once again.
“Mind, stop running. It’s time we just let this thing go.” Instead of spinning out again, I stop in front of him where he wraps both of his arms around me.
“It was a pretty good bad idea,” in our harmony I cast my gaze upward to see Owen staring right back down at me, and I feel like I’m seeing stars, “Wasn’t it though?”
The two of us continue dancing and singing with one another as if the rest of the world doesn’t exist. It’s only the two of us, here and now. The other girls in the room don’t miss the way I seem to smile like never before, and I sure as hell don’t miss the way my stomach fills with butterflies. When he holds me so close and dear for each intimate moment of the song, I’m seeing stars. A bold happiness consumes me, the same happiness I felt when Owen and I laughed over lunch in that small pizzeria.
The final harmony draws the song to a close and when it finishes, the two of us fall into a breathless kind of laughter.
“I didn’t take a big enough breath for that last part.”
“Me neither.”
“Your hair stayed intact.”
“I must have a pretty good stylist.”
After recovering from our laughter the two of us wind up in a palpable stupor as we stare into one another’s eyes. A few blinks and my trance is broken, I become aware of our surroundings.
“I should get dressed soon, and you definitely need to get dressed.” Owen nods still somewhat breathless.
“Yeah. See you later for pulse?”
“Save me a spot,” I joke as he backs out of the threshold of our dressing room. Leaning against the doorframe I watch him disappear into his assigned dressing room with a small smile still lingering on my features.
“Just getting to know each other my ass!”
“What the heck was that?”
“Are you sure you don’t want us to wingman you?”
“Do you even need a wingman after something like that?”
Turning on my heel, I face the bunch of insatiable dancers and shake my head in disbelief.
“We were just acting, you guys.”
“Excuse me?”
“Maybe you were acting, but he sure as hell wasn’t. Did you see the way he was looking at you? He is totally in love with you.” Ella shakes me by my shoulders.
“He’s just a really good performer is all.”
“When is your next date?” she completely ignores me.
“Oh, and I want to be the maid of honor at your wedding-”
“It was just a song, Ella.”
“-Oh my god you guys are gonna have the cutest kids! I mean, your hair with his eyes and cheekbones? Ahh! The cutest.”
A/n: the way that being on tour isn’t the most unrealistic part of this fic, but instead Owen actually knowing the lyrics is? Work diva.
Taglist: @caitsymichelle13​ @kaitlyn2907​ @itz-jas​ @crybabyddl​ @kcd15​ @kinda-really-lost​ @calamitykaty​ @morganayenneferburnham​ @n0wornever​ @dream-a-little-bigger-x​ @mrstodorooki @vicesvsvirturesfanfic @curlybrownhairedboys​ @amazinggracy​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @asdfghjkl-fanfics​ @ghostlygreenbean​ @juliefromaustralia @merceret​ @jemimah-b99​ @ifilwtmfc​ @thesweetestsinner​ @imsydneywalker​ @lovesanimals​ @thebloodthirstyvampress​ @bumbleberry-pie​ @losers-club6​ @tefilovesreading​ @dmcfarland1​@joynerxmercer @kexrtiz​ @talk-on-the-street​ @phantompogues​ @konciousdreamer​ @sunsetcurvej​ @warmnesss0ul​ @celestialmolina​ @lilyjoyner​ 
208 notes · View notes
Partner in crime.
PROMPT by @gaitwae 's 1.1K writing challenge:
You drop your (insert item), witnessing the last thing you thought you’d ever see. Now, you’re standing next to the last person you ever thought you’d meet. Without breaking eye contact, they tell you, “You’re in trouble because of this. Follow me.”
Word count: 1.1K
Warnings: swearing? Idk.
(Taglist: @lucywrites02, @louieboo87, @jesuswasnotawhiteman, @geekwritersworld, @whatafuckingdumbass, @mysticunicorn7, @toe-vind-ek-jou, @t00-pi)
“Oh, God. What a fool. How could I’ve slipped that, from all things I could’ve said instead?”, you muttered angrily, splashing some cold water on your face. Your lips, paler than ever, trembled. Ever the slightest, but a tremble nonetheless. Your hands hovered over the bruised cheek. The open scar stung a little. It didn’t matter, for now you were doomed with the Avengers. Hopefully, the plan remained untouched. It was too early to know.
The hospital corridor was emptier than last time. Brighter, even. White incandescent lights that blinded anyone who just woke up. And the smell, oh God. You would never get used to that smell of benzoin tincture and death. They’d always put you the nearest to the morgue they could; you even started wondering if it was his doing. A subtle mockery to let you know look how we can have fun while on the verge of our ruin.
Your phone rang, filled with unread messages from when you were passed out.
Call me when you’re up. I’ll update you on their debate.
15:36 hs
Tony’s defending you but the rest wants you out.
15:39 hs
Tony’s not winning, surprisingly. Thor’s joined the discussion, not sure where he stands.
15:42 hs
He sits, lmao.
15:42 hs
That was Peter. Ignore him. Thor’s not on your side either. He said something about his brother and you being part of the whole mess. What’s up with that? You know him?
15:43 hs
If it wasn’t bad enough, now Loki was in the picture too. Wouldn’t surprise you Thor had already figured out your whole plan. And now Happy Hogan, the second most cautious person you’d ever meet, had his eyes on your relationship too. Well, not eyes. Barely a you know him? And not a relationship either. More like a crushing ship, sinking in the distance, without any kind of signals to alert the mainland about it. But something dangerous, be that as it may.
You read the last message before texting him back. Someone had to pick you up, and that someone wouldn’t be very happy about it.
They’ve come to an agreement but will talk with you first. Sorry.
16:20 hs
Wow. It took them a bit more than half an hour to decide to kick you out. They must’ve had stronger arguments than you’d initially thought. It’s not like you were the only one screwing up. But, to be fair, you screwed up more often.
What happened?
16:44 hs
Immediate response. Not good.
They caught your lies. I’m a block away. We talk in the car.
16:44 hs
Oh no.
Oh no, no, no. That could only mean one thing.
You didn’t have any time to escape, but you still looked through the windows. They caught your lies, fuck. Fuck you, fuck them and fuck the asshole you fucked. Even now he’d be messing up your life, wouldn’t he? This was all his fault and you’d get all your plans ruined because of him. The only thing you wanted was the damn prize for his head, and him out of sight.
But then, as you reached for the doorknob, a familiar voice stopped you. You dropped your phone, witnessing the last thing you thought you’d ever see.
You were standing next to the last person you ever thought you’d meet. Without breaking eye contact, she told you:
“You’re in trouble because of this. Follow me”.
And, without hesitation, you took her hand. You shouldn’t have, you thought later that day; but who refuses to a Goddess, the Queen, the Allmother, the mother of your secret lover once she knows everything? Once she knows you fucked up and, dear, how badly you did, you can’t escape her. You can escape, though, the awful talk you’d have to the Avengers about your lies. Your long, long, list of lies. And it all came back to him. The God of them, of course.
In the throne sat Allfather with a menacing look on his eyes. A sight you’d never forget. How threatening he looked. How upset, yet how calmly he managed to stay. He spat on his words as he said things you didn’t want to hear. What was there to lose, anyways? Loki must’ve been there by then, and you didn’t get any messages about it. He was supposed to alert you once he’d done it, yet there you were, trapped with both King and Queen of Asgard, while he was… what? Still hanging around? Doing the things he wanted to do once he got out of the dungeons? Enjoying some ice cream?
“No more lies”, called Odin. “Though you seem to have a liking for them, or for who guards them…”.
“Excuse me, what are you suggesting, your Majesty?”.
“We know all about your affairs, and your plans too. What was it? How long were you going to wait until a number showed up, valuing him as most wanted?”.
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about, your Highness”, you lied.
“Is he part of the plan too? Once you managed to break him out of the cell, you’d put him out a second time and share the pay? Or is this only your side of your plan, and you’d keep the pay and throw him into the dungeons to rot again?”.
“Must I say”, you inquired, cocking an eyebrow, “with all due respect, I’m not exactly the one throwing him to rot in there”.
“And he will not be the only one rotting in there, either. Chain them up”, he ordered, as three guards restrained you. You fought, but not enough. “Do you think we didn’t know about this secret little business you two managed? Once we realized he couldn’t have possibly made all that Midgard thing on his own, we thought, who could possibly have helped him through?”.
You lowered your head and sighed. Fuck.
“Apologies for the delay”, interrupted Loki, kicking the room’s doors open. “Traffic is terrible nowadays”.
“Took you long enough”, you groaned as he ran up to you.
“Don’t let him touch them! Chain them up faster!!”, yelled Odin.
He teleported himself by your side to fasten things up. Touching your shoulder, managed to teleport both of you away; just before they could chain you and make his magic useless.
As you two faded, the green halo remained in the Palace’s biggest room, reminding the asgardians Queen and King that maybe, just maybe, they couldn’t actually control both of you. Not at the same time. Not together.
“My dearest and most obnoxious coworker”, he said, laying by your side on the grass of the least known part of Midgard, “we might need a new plan”.
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collisiondiscourse · 4 years
my art process: a simple(ish) guide to how i (kinda) do things
okay!! so, i said i was gonna post my art process after i finished doing the danny phantom piece so... here it is! the drawing i used for a step by step process explanation is actually... simpler? less clunky than how i usually do things. i must preface this entire post by saying that i am fully self-taught for anything to do with art so if there are some things here that are exceeding no-nos... very sorry OOPS
The drawing took an estimated 4 hours total and for software I used FireAlpaca. My tablet is One by Wacom (aka the tiny ass red one). Without further ado... here’s my narrated guide on how i kind of do art!
1. Sketch Layers
sketches, are ofc, one of the fundamental steps in art. Some artists do them differently, whether they do color blocking/splotches first or silhouettes or your standard messy-lineart-before-the-actual-lineart
i personally do 2-3 different lineart/sketch layers, each layer specializing in different aspects. i took this technique from julia lepetit, a host from the drawfee show--a channel that i really recommend watching if youre an artist, like art, or just generally like having fun background noise while you work on something because... untreated adhd lol
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this is the first sketch layer! i color coded them for reference and i use the yellow sketch layer to figure out poses. i use this gesture sketch layer to figure out where i want limbs to go and how i want the body to twist.
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after i figure out the posing, i move on to my second sketch layer. the green layer is my refined sketch layer where i figure out the form and anatomy of the sketch. this is also where i start planning how expressions, special costume bits, and hands work!!
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the red layer is my last and final sketch layer. technically, the red layer sometimes also doubles as my final lineart! the reason why i do this final step instead of doing the final lineart simply is so i can work on details of the costume. i end up refining certain portions, or even stretching/free transforming the whole body. 
The red helps with the refinement of the drawing bc the ink being a color that isnt black kinda,,,, tricks my brain into not believing that its all permanent. its easier for me to go back and erase/change some parts when my brain doesnt think that everythings final. when im finished, i simply go back and change the color of the lineart to black with the protect alpha function.
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this is how the final lineart looks! be sure to close the lineart (aka make sure that everythings connected) so that the bucket tool can work and make your life 2000% easier. 
2. Coloring
my coloring process is kind of... a mess LMAO its super dependent on how i feel like coloring on that day, but this is the usual method i use when im not thinking too much about it.
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first are the flats! i use the magic wand tool to select all the areas around the lineart and reverse the selection so that all the areas inside your lineart is selected. color it with a base color, turn on protect alpha, and begin chunking in all the colors.
all of the flats excluding the pupils, background, ectoplasm rings, and danny phantom logo are on one layer. once that is done, we move on to shading!
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for shading, i use a combination of the normal pen tool and the airbrush tool to smooth out the edges of the cell shading. since all the flats are on one layer, i simply set this one to clipping mask so that i dont have to worry about coloring within the lines. I only use one color really for shading (here, i used purple) and then protect alpha and add splotches of other colors (pink, orange) in relevant areas.
once i finish doing that, i set the layer to multiply and adjust the opacity so that it looks softer and more attuned to the colors of the actual piece
its at this point that i fiddle with the hue/saturation/brightness settings on the flat color layers to my taste, seeing what works and what doesnt.
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i then lightly go over the piece with a bright color (very very very light cyan) and put focus on the areas i think should glow like his freckles, eyes, and ectoplasm rings from where he’s coming out of a wall.
i rlly rlly love layer effects, so i set that one to add and again adjust the opacity to how i want it to look. 
3. Finishing Touches
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...yeah i know it looks like a hot mess but hear me out.
on a new layer, make a CRAP TON OF GEOMETRIC SHAPES. ALL OF THEM IN NEON OR PASTEL. i get comments about my coloring methods sometimes and honestly im pretty sure its all due to this step. i make all these goddamn weird shapes, colored according to levels of lighting (yellow in lighter areas, turquoise in areas affected by the glow, purple in shaded areas etc. etc.) and also clip this layer. 
i then set the layer effect to either hue, overlay, or add and set its opacity really low to make it unobvious and cleaner to look at. this is a method that i learned from tumblr user zephyrine-gale who is... exceedingly talented and pulls this off way better than i can WKSDJSKKS
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after that... ur basically done!! i add a few more layers like the noise layer for extra texture and sometimes some very light gradients (usually yellow to purple bc of something something color theory)--but after that, the piece is basically finished!
thanks for sticking around and reading this monstrous thing!! i might do more posts like this in the future, so who knows?
if you enjoyed this tutorial, want to support me and my art, or just wish for a way to pay for me to shut up... you can tip me 3 dollars or commission me here at ko-fi
(also reblogs are much appreciated. thanks <3)
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suckishima · 4 years
what are the top 3 chapters!!
alakjdajd tbh they fluctuate bc i’m REALLY bad at picking favorites, but the ones that come to mind and that I actually like Know the chapter numbers and what happens in each etc, are 298 (guide), 364 (if i wasn’t alone...), 365 (endings and beginnings part 2), 369 (food becomes muscle), 371 (on the other side of the world), and 387 (the greatest opponent)
I know that’s a lot more than three lmao. 298 and 369 are probably actually my top two, but it’s hard to choose lol.
(i started writing WHY i like each one and it got super long lmao, so if you wanna know my general thoughts on each of these it’s under the cut)
298 i love bc the character development is seemingly so simple but it makes me CRAZY. Tsukki is a character I relate to a ton and reading this one for the first time was really cathartic for me. The way there’s only a few lines of dialogue to help emphasize the impact of the flashback panels from Tsukki’s perspective and to actually get to see the respect he has for Yamaguchi, but also how he’s learned from him in how to go for the things he wants. Like, we’ve spent the WHOLE series knowing for a fact that Yamaguchi looks up to and admires Tsukki, but haven’t seen much about how Tsukki sees Yamaguchi other than the confrontation at the Tokyo Training camp, and it’s so rare to see Tsukki feel like he can open up - even to us as the audience we rarely see it. So to see him say “he’s always been one step ahead of me” and then the panels that actually SHOW Yamaguchi taking those steps past him??? fuck, like that’s just such good storytelling. We get to see Yamaguchi’s journey through Tsukki’s eyes and feel the respect there that previously we had only assumed probably existed, and then it doubles to let us see how Yamaguchi’s journey impacted Tsukki too. It’s about how they’ve grown separately and together and then the final “sometimes it’s actually kind of fun” like, aaah!!!
364, oooo tbh this MIGHT be the best written chapter in the series imo. structurally, it’s SO good - i made a post about it when i reread it a few months ago too, so I won’t ramble forever here. but as a standalone single narrative of just this chapter, it’s stunningly done. heartbreaking of course, but the writing tbh is practically awe inspiring. it takes hinata’s original, ultimate goal of just staying on the court, builds it up to it’s highest point, and then it punches us in the gut with it. absolutely fantastic stuff. and i will NEVER get over the little tagline at the end of the chapter that says “the sun rises and - “ while hinata (our sun) is hunched over on the floor. like DAMN. i know this is one of the few things furudate said they had planned from basically the beginning and ugh wow did they deliver.
and then 365 is of course, the fall out. these two go hand in hand and work off each other beautifully. we see all the evidence that had been in our face before, silly fun hinata things right? NOPE turns out it’s a major, life changing lesson!! and god takeda’s entire speech is SO good. i’ve talked about this one a lot bc his “this is still volleyball” speech is basically every single one of my favorite hq!! themes wrapped up into one. how hinata’s hunger is what caused him to fall bc he was too hungry and did’t stop to take care of himself along the way, and that every moment is connected and is all still volleyball,,, yeah. and then just ooof the very last page where there’s all this noise from the court and hinata looks at the doors as the close and then it’s this silent shot of them being closed. the IMPACT of that is so goooooood. catch me crying when this gets animated and i can actually hear those sounds out loud and instead of in my head loll
369 is kind of another sister chapter to those last two, it’s the final high school chapter where we finally get some of the last bits of character development for some of them. the third years bow and say goodbye, NO one on the team apologies for doing something wrong, tsukki wants to watch kamomedai’s blocking (!!) and kageyama wanted to take this team further (!!!), daichi thanks takeda. takeda says “nothing is over! nothing! not one thing for any of you has ended today!” and the ukai says “let’s go eat” !!! and then theres the shot of them all eating, ukai bring hinata his food while he cries into his bowl and ukai’s “food becomes muscle” lines aaah, so good. so so good, and a GREAT continuation of takeda’s speech from 365. they’ve all come so far and learned so much, but there’s still more food to eat, more experiences to share and more ways to grow stronger
371 mostly, i just love the brazil arc and there’s just this feeling of sadness and loneliness that carries throughout the chapter that’s almost kind of haunting, but it also has this feeling of purpose too. this one is harder for me to explain lol, but it’s like a test for hinata to see if he can learn to be okay, to prove to himself that he has what it takes to make the right choices to make sure he’s okay as much as possible. it’s something i really relate to on a personal level - “being okay” in a lot of ways is a choice, and i love how this chapter is the beginnings of us seeing that for him. and then!! oikawa showing up at the end as like hinata’s reminder of home is just so good lol. things are weird and different and he’s in a different country, but volleyball is still fun - and hinata isn’t alone, he isn’t the only guy who traveled the world for his dream
and then 387, ah what can i say about chapter 387 that hasn’t been said before lmao. i love how it both recontexutalizes AND emphasized every single kageyama moment from the entire series. it’s such a great use of flashbacks, it doesn’t give kageyama more depth, it shows how that depth has been there the entire time. and it just really solidifies the importance of his relationship with hinata and how integral their bond was for BOTH of them to get better. the second to last page where it’s showing kageyama’s middle school years and we’ve just read the “somebody even better will come” dialogue a few pages back, and then we see kageyama alone, and alone again, and alone to become the great king, and rejected from shiratorizawa, and then the bottom left cell is just the karasuno gym, a volleyball in the air and a big “I’M HERE” that we know from context is hinata, and he’s unknowingly fulfilling kageyama’s grandpa’s words. like aaaa!! THE PANELLING, THE WRITING, THE IMPACT!! i’ll be saying this until i die lmao, but haikyuu is a masterpiece and furudate is a genius at panelling.
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ahgastae · 4 years
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worst chefs in seoul (outline) – kim seokjin x gn!reader
➥ word count: 3.9k | reality/cooking show au | crack | fluff
➥ m.list
➥ a/n: we’re back at it again with another wip i never finished lol. this one is the outline for what was intended to be a social media au (as evidenced by some of the notes i left for myself), though it’s likely that’s not how it actually would’ve come out. i’d love to hear some of your thoughts/reactions, and i hope you enjoy ♡
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day ???
start w y/n and yoongi goofing off on twitter
the whole y/n eating a moldy grape thinking it’s a kiwi thing
and yoongi panicking bc of it
could transition into them talking about the finale episode of their favorite show: worst chefs in seoul
they’re both huge fans, and equally complete disasters when it comes to culinary skill
yoongi likes the show bc he likes the competition aspect and tbh he got addicted after y/n forced him to watch the first season w them
y/n also likes it for that reason, but the main reason they watch it is bc of a certain kim seokjin
anyway, they talk about the finale, and then yoongi says something about the next season’s ‘nominations’ coming up soon
y/n jokingly says they’re going to nominate yoongi bc of that one time he made tacos with dog food
and yoongi fires back w the time they managed to light the microwave on fire making cup o’ noodles
they agree to let each other live
…..for now
the two actually do end up nominating each other w/o the other knowing
y/n honestly just thought it would be funny if yoongi got picked and yoongi was like “fuck it why not”
little did they know…..
while the nomination guidelines assure that the selection process is completely random, this is a reality show
meaning for anyone w a brain that’s obviously not the case
contestants are actually chosen by the show’s assistant producers and approved by the chefs themselves and then the higher ups
but who are those assistant producers??
none other than park jimin and kim taehyung
neither of them keep their involvement with the show a secret, and one takes it a teensy bit more seriously than the other
anyway, they’re usually told to find a batch of contestants (that they feel) would conjure up the most drama for the show
it is tv, after all, and they have to keep people watching
and that part is crucial
to their credit, they do (somewhat) succeed for the most part
jimin selects yoongi and namjoon from the nomination pool bc he thinks joon’s clumsiness w yoongi’s nonchalant nature will work for max chaos
and taehyung chooses y/n and jungkook bc while their competitive drives are similar, y/n’s subdued nature has a big chance for conflict w jk’s out-there attitude
(how do they know all this? they’re experts at what they do leave me alone)
day ??? 2.0
y/n (and yoongi, secretly) is ecstatic when they get the emails/DM/whatever that they’ve been “chosen for the next hot season of worst chefs in seoul!”
but then yoongi asks if it’s allowed for them to know each other and accept the nomination
like they’re best friends. is that going to present some kinda problem that’ll get them both kicked off??
should only one of them accept it?
(he’s immediately ready to sacrifice his own nomination bc he knows how much y/n cares about this stupid show)
y/n says they’re not going to let him do that bc they were both chosen, meaning they both should get to go
“it’s fine!! we can just pretend we don’t know each other when we’re on set!”
and so they’re off
to some undisclosed location in seoul
day 0
jimin and taehyung are the first to greet everyone, collecting all four contestants together for a tour of the dorms
and y/n starts texting yoongi in a panic bc both of their dumbasses forgot that the contestants are separated into teams as soon as they arrive
yoongi prolly says smth like i’m two feet away from you why are you texting me
(y/n reminds him they can’t make it seem like they know each other)
yoongi acts like it’s not that big of a deal
prolly says there’s a good chance they’ll end up on the same team
and if they don’t they can just hang out in the dorms when the cameras are off and away
which is when jimin loudly announces that this season, each team is getting their own dormitory
and that contestants will be required to stay in their dorm while filming the season, except for approved ‘outings’ for the show
he moves on before anyone can ask what that means
they’ll be allowed to pick whichever dorm they want to stay in for the first night, since they want to get the contestants’ reactions on camera when they reveal the teams
but after they’re revealed tomorrow, it’s your dorm and your dorm only
y/n and yoongi automatically gravitate towards each other
they end up together in the ‘new’ dorm, which yoongi grumpily notes is practically bigger than their whole apartment
y/n wonders if they ended up in seokjin’s dorm, and gets excited at the thought of this being a ‘test’ to see which chef’s team they’ll be on
to which yoongi asks what makes this dorm his?
“idk i just...feel his aura in here”
“.......okay, weirdo. i’m gonna go ‘feel his aura’ in the bathroom and take a—”
y/n can either ask what yoongi thinks of the other contestants or they can both pretty much blow them off entirely for the time being
idk which yet
day 1
next morning, the contestants are woken up bright and early by none other than our favorite assistant producers
the wake up call comes in the form of a new group chat between the six of them
along with a link to ‘download’ the calendar for the shooting schedule
(which is really an app/virus that disables certain functions on their phones)
((such as most social media and texting numbers outside their ‘parameters’))
after that’s all hashed out, jm & t explain that this group chat is for any and all notifications and updates about the show, as well as any questions and/or concerns the contestants might have
“can i just vote to eliminate myself now and go home?” and
“how do i get this fucking thing off my phone” and
“when do we find out what team we’re on??”
the answers to which are
you’ll find out when filming is finished
and right now!
they tell the contestants to get up and get dressed as their first day on set officially starts now
y/n and kook immediately jump into action and leave the gc
joon lags behind a little confused but follows the flow
yoongi, ever the people person, gets aggressive when they don’t answer his questions about their goddamn malware
“is this even legal?? are you even fucking allowed to just disable our devices like this?”
“what if there’s an emergency??”
“looks like you’ll just have to find out, huh?”
yoongi’s phone then crashes and won’t let him unlock it until the first block of filming is finished
jm: “oops ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ”
day 1 recap
we find out through our superfan what happens during the first episode
(maybe do something like this person is some kinda press/‘news’ account dedicated entirely to w.c.i.s. and the two chefs)
((mayhaps they leak the contestant list before it goes public??))
((jimin and tae could have some kinda unspoken rivalry w them lol))
anyway the story is told through them in a series of twitter threads
(plus a few messages from y/n to yoongi freaking out about the teams they get put on)
first event of the day is: the team announcements
yoongi and joon end up on team kim seokjin and y/n is on team jyp w kook
being split up puts a bit of a damper on their plans, and with this stupid cell block they don’t know if they’ll even be allowed to talk to each other
none of them get much time to react, though, as they’re then shuffled off to their respective kitchens
where they finally meet their respective chefs
and, lo and behold, y/n is goddamn terrified
jinyoung is even scarier in person than he is on tv
“don’t laugh at me yoongi!! this is the guy who made a girl sob on live television!”
“and now ur gonna be the next person what’s the problem lmao”
while y/n tries to get past their fear, they’re given their first official task: work together with their new partner to create a meal of their choice
the catch is that they aren’t allowed any help from their chef yet
and since the teams were just announced literally like 10 minutes ago, none of them have had much of a chance to get to know each other
(the network knows this, and does this on purpose since most of the seasons’ first episodes are spent either arguing or being completely lost)
things go about as well (read: badly) as expected
y/n and kook soon discover their very conflicting personalities and spend the majority of the round bickering back and forth about what to make/how to do it
meanwhile yoongi slaps a piece of sliced cheese directly on the stove while joon runs around like a chicken w its head cut off
in the end, team jyp somehow manages to come out victorious
they cobble together some (semi) edible banana milkshakes to present to the judges
(‘together’ meaning y/n wanted to make plain vanilla milkshakes and kook switched it for banana milk when they weren’t looking)
yoongi and joon tried (keyword being tried) to make grilled cheese
but between yoongi’s cheese-to-stove method and joon dropping their two pieces of burnt toast right before the timer rang
they didn’t get many points
as their reward, team jyp has the honor of picking what they’ll be making tomorrow
they’re given the rest of the day to think and talk it over while team ksj is told to reflect on what went wrong in today’s trial
back at the dorms (now in their separate teams), y/n finds that yoongi finally graces them w a response
(and that they were right about which one was ‘seokjin’s’ dorm)
yoongi tells them about ‘that little shit’ locking him out of his phone and that he honestly just wants to get tf out of there contract or not
y/n convinces him to stay and stick it out, if not for them then for the prize money at the end
yoongi then asks what dish they’re going to pick for tomorrow, and asks if they can pick something he at least has an idea how to make
cue y/n saying that they were thinking of suggesting one of seokjin’s signature dishes but not knowing if kook would go along w the idea
“he kept trying to switch out our ingredients for banana milk and i don’t know how to tell him to knock that shit off”
“honestly you know i’m not one to take charge but he wasn’t even listening to me!! what’s to say he’s actually going to listen to the PROFESSIONAL chef here to help us??”
“aNd SPeAkINg oF THaT”
cue y/n whining about how they wanted to be on jin’s team and it’s not fair that they both got stuck w jinyoung AND a bratty kid on their team
yoongi sympathizes since he was looking forward to them being on the same team, but makes y/n agree that if he has to give the competition a chance then they have to give kook one too
“i mean yeah he seems like a bit of a dumbass but isn’t that why we’re all here? bc we have no fuckin clue what to do in the kitchen?”
hmm...fine they’ll give him a chance
but they still think he’s a lil shit and don’t really wanna talk to him at all, let alone reach some kinda compromise on what to make
they don’t get much or a choice, though, as they both receive a mysterious message from...jungkook? in another group chat?
the contestants find that they have all been manually added to another gc
except this one is missing the two assistant producers who love to breathe down their necks
everyone but jk is immediately suspicious
is this some of trick to get them to screw up?
to break some kinda hidden clause in the contract none of them actually read?
wasn’t that thing they downloaded supposed to block incoming messages like this?
“but wait, yoongi, then how were we able to…?”
but as of right now, they don’t get any answers
and they’re all too afraid to ask anyone but each other
“well we’re all here so...we might as well get to know each other right?? :D”
this is where we get our first in-depth look at the four people stuck on this show together, who in their lives nominated them and why
(y/n and yoongi’s lying skills are put to a bit of a test as they each rush to pull stories right out of their asses)
kook talks about bambam and says his nomination said smth about “adding banana milk to everything f*ckin thing he makes”
he doesn’t really get why that was enough to land him a spot on the show but he thought it would be pretty cool to be on tv and just went along with it
namjoon talks about hobi and emphasizes that he’s not that bad of a cook
he just gets nervous and confused when it comes to recipes and cooking which expresses itself in the form of his unabashed clumsiness
joon then asks if they’ll really be prevented from having any outside communication until filming is finished
he, like yoongi, questions the legality of deceitfully installing the block on their phones
y/n says there probably was some kind of hidden clause that allowed them to do that, as they “can’t imagine seokjin would take part in a competition that abuses its contestants”
to which joon replies that they don’t actually know seokjin so they can’t really ‘imagine’ anything about how he will or won’t act
right as yoongi is about to jump in and tell him to back off, jungkook decides that that’s way too much legal talk for him
he forces changes the subject back to the gc as a whole and says that even if they’re prevented from talking to their friends he’s happy they’ll “at least have each other :D”
y/n feels like part of that is directed at them and feels bad for how they thought he was ‘just a dumb kid’ before
namjoon, however, is still hesitant
he’s not sure if this chat could get them in trouble in regards to the show and their contract and what not and says that they all should probably delete it just to be safe
but that is unanimously vetoed by y/n and kook (and yoongi, reluctantly) and they decide that if the block allowed it to pass through then it must be allowed
before joon can argue anymore, they all receive a message from tae in the ‘official’ gc
he briefly explains the lights out policy of the dorms and tells them that they’re probably going to want a good night's sleep for their ‘big day’ tomorrow
yoongi then says smth like “well...guess that’s lights out then” and jk responds excited as ever w “night guys!! see you all in the morning! :)”
and y/n can feel their soul leaving their body for even thinking anything ill about him
day 2
contestants are woken up bright and early by alarms they didn’t set
(“oh great, so they just hijacked every app on our fucking phones then”
jimin tells them all to hurry up, get dressed, and meet the chauffeur outside bc they can’t afford to be late
(“literally! every second you waste is money docked from the network’s wallet! so get your asses in gear, guppies!”)
y/n and kook get outside first, but yoongi and joon are nowhere to be seen
y/n decides to text the q & a gc to get the dirt on seokjin
they kinda start sucking up to jimin and tae to see if they’ll reveal any info, particularly about what the chef is like and if it’s possible for him to talk to the ‘other’ team’s contestants
and while the producers are pleasantly surprised that one of the contestants actually want to use that gc for something other than yelling at them
they unfortunately can’t give much info besides what most people already know
and confirm that one of the chefs talking to the other’s students was probably not allowed, but that it’s also never really happened before so they’re not really sure lmao
(“taehyung!!” “what? was i not supposed to say that?”)
jimin cuts the conversation short there as yoongi and joon arrive and they all get on the shuttle for the set
taehyung does say one last thing tho
“good luck!! hopefully they don’t tear u up too bad!”
but first
our superfan gives us the downlow on the competition and how it works
after being split into teams, the contestants will rotate between ‘training’ w their chef and competing against each other in timed trial rounds
prizes can be won for both events, but the ones for the trial rounds are generally more competition based while the ones for the training rounds are more about luxury/quality of life while filming
each trial round win counts as a point towards the team’s score in the competition
only trial rounds affect this score
once a certain number of points has been reached (5), that team moves into the next phase of the competition
instead of working as a team, they are split up and now have to work against each other to win the favor of their chef
and in the finale, after one last big cookout competition, an individual winner is chosen and crowned a ‘former’ worst chef in seoul
once the contestants arrive on set, the chefs reiterate that today is just a training round
(they all let out a collective sigh of relief)
and it’s a good thing everyone woke up so early bc they’re just in time to learn how to make breakfast!!
“it’s not like we had much of a choice-oof.”
“anyway! team jyp, since you won the pretrial round yesterday, you get to decide what both teams will be learning how to make today. so, y/n, jungkook. think carefully. what do you want for breakfast?”
y/n is about to suggest seokjin’s signature strawberry and cream crepes when jungkook, who is still half asleep, blurts out “omelette”
(also i’ve decided that jackson is the host of the show now and i’m not changing my mind)
and it’s decided. they’re makin’ omelettes
(y/n is only a little bit peeved)
shuffled off to their separate kitchens, y/n is reminded of just how terrified they are of jinyoung
sure, they thought he was scary yesterday when they realized they were on his team, but now he has to actually teach them and they can’t help but think he’s going to make them into an idiot sandwich by the end of the day
as such, they try to keep half-asleep kook in between them and jinyoung at all costs, even if it meant running around the kitchen like a lost puppy
jinyoung, fully aware of how the show portrays him and how fans view him, notices this almost instantaneously
but he unfortunately doesn’t get to pull y/n aside to address it before jungkook starts digging through the fridge for banana milk and almost throws the entire carton of eggs on the floor
professional chef jyp mode: on
and they’re off
it’s a little difficult with y/n dancing around the kitchen anxiously and jungkook’s absolute aversion to being told what to do (as y/n predicted), but jinyoung manages to whip them into shape long enough to (barely) make a ham, cheese, and “green onion? wtf is that?” omelette
team seokjin, however, does not favor as well
yoongi apparently doesn’t know what tf a green onion is either and just throws in whatever green vegetable he can find while jin is struggling to keep namjoon from setting himself on fire
….and it turned out to be celery
that, plus joon somehow managing to burn the omelette to a crisp, costs them the training round
y/n and kook start to celebrate their victory and actually working as a team when jackson informs them that their ‘prize’ is they get to eat what they cooked while the other team gets whatever is left over on the catering table
“i hope you listened to your chef!”
“...jungkook, please tell me you used actual milk in this”
back at the dorms, the contestants share their thoughts on their first day of training, as well as their first official day w their chefs
(also include y/n saying something about their banana milk omelettes actually not being half bad)
y/n immediately recalls how much they were terrified of jinyoung, almost cutting their finger off when he glanced over their shoulder when they were slicing the green onions
jk agrees, adding smth about how he didn’t think a scowl could ever be so intimidating
“it reminded me of my mom’s face when she found out i tried to pierce my own ears in the bathroom in middle school!! i was too afraid to push the needle all the way through and walked around with it in my ear all day until one of my teachers finally noticed and sent me to the office!”
...ok jungkook
during all of this, yoongi and joon are both like...wtf
“seokjin was literally nothing but nice to us. even when namjoon almost set his sleeve on fire lmao”
“hyung how did u manage that” “doesn’t matter”
jungkook thinks the difference in the chefs is hilarious, but y/n is only upsetti spaghetti
they go on a bit of a rant about how badly they wanted to be on jin’s team
saying something about how jinyoung is scary and mean and they’re almost positive he can sense their fear or something and probably use it against them while jin’s team would be so much better on the sole fact that they wouldn’t feel like he would turn them into an omelette for getting something wrong
cue jk being all babey asking “you...don’t wanna be on a team with me? :((“
and y/n immediately PANICS and tries to explain that NO, it’s not HIM but yoongi saves their ass by saying that seokjin is just their favorite and that’s all
jungkook feels better, but then namjoon is like “hol up. we all just met. how could you possibly know that?”
insert more y/n fumbling and jk confusion
yoongi (once again) covers w some bullshit story that he was able to just guess that based on what y/n’s said in the gc so far
joon wants to question it further, but jungkook informs them that the lights out call just came in before he can
another yoony/n sigh of relief
in private, y/n freaks out to yoongi for almost blowing their cover to the others
prompting a short conversation over whether they think they can trust them or not
y/n admits that they’re warming up to kook, but is a little suspicious if namjoon will keep their secret yet
convo ends with yoongi saying something like “well, the kid’s right about one thing. at least we know we have each other”
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a-simp-for-haikyuu · 4 years
Oikawa request. Oikawa is in a relationship where s/o lives in a completely different country, and so far they have only seen each other on the cell phone at Facetime. S/o decides to surprise Oikawa and goes to Japan to visit him
This prompt is adorable thank you anon! I didn’t really know how to end it but I hope you enjoy :) I’m so soft for oikawa, that’s a known fact
Warnings: none, just pure fluff 🥰
— Oikawa Tooru
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You waited impatiently due to the amount of excitement rushing through your body as you stared at the time on your phone screen.
3 more minutes
You kept reminding yourself. You had a long day and wanted nothing more than to see your cheery boyfriend, Oikawa Tooru. The only problem was, you lived in separate countries, your only form of communication being texts, both of you commenting on each other’s posts, posting pictures of one another with cheesy captions like ‘you’re number one in my heart’, and of course the long FaceTime calls that always go late into the night, often resulting in one of you falling asleep mid call and the latter screenshotting their sleeping figure. You were so grateful to have such an amazing dork boyfriend who was always there to cheer you up on days like this, and despite the time difference you both made it work for the 8 months you two have been together. Little did Oikawa know, you had been planning a trip to Miyagi for a while now so you could surprise him. You finally got the funds to do so and you were going to be heading over in less than a week, which is perfect as he had a match on the next day after you arrive in Miyagi. You were snapped out of your thoughts by your phone rattling around on your desk due to the vibration of someone calling you. You jumped when you saw Oikawa’s contact name and picture and quickly accepted the FaceTime call.
“Y/N-chan I miss youuuuuu” he whines as you giggle at his childish behavior, making you feel better already.
You two talked about your day, him telling you stories about what happened in practice, how he saw your favorite snack in the convenience store he visited after practice which made him think about you non-stop even tho he does that anyway, and you telling him about your long day and him cheering you up by telling you how beautiful you are and how you can relax now without having to worry about anything else. Oikawa would be lying if he said he didn’t get insecure thinking about the possibility of you finding someone else who lived in your country who was better than him and could be there for you in person, but you remind him you love him and only him which helps put his mind at ease he just doesn’t wanna lose you because he’s so whipped for you. You two talked for a good 3 hours before he had to go to bed as he was extra worn out from pushing himself so much in practice, so you both said your goodbyes.
“Make sure you look after yourself baby, I love you” he says with that soft smile and adoring look in his eyes that makes you blush and fall for him even harder, which you thought would be almost impossible by this point.
“I will but make sure you do the same, I love you too, try not to miss me too much” you said while winking playfully. Easier said than done he thought to himself. You ended the call and lay back in your desk chair.
Less than a week
You reminded yourself.
You couldn’t help the huge grin that made it’s way onto your lips as you began boarding the plane.
Today’s the day
You thought to yourself as you made yourself comfortable in your seat, waiting eagerly wanting to take off as soon as possible as you heard your phone ding, signifying someone had texted you. You looked at the contact name and saw it was none other than Oikawa himself.
‘Hey baby can we call in a little bit? :))’
‘I’m sorry baby I can’t, my family want me to help do a deep clean of the whole house :((’
You lied as you didn’t want him to be suspicious or worried about you when you couldn’t reply to his texts, little did he know it was because you had a plan in place to surprise him, even going as far as getting Iwa in on it. Oikawa insisted that you meet Iwaizumi when you two first started your relationship, which ended up with both you and Iwa teasing Oikawa to no end for the majority of the call. You heard another couple of dings from your phone and saw a text from Iwa and Oikawa.
‘We all set to go?’ Iwa texted you.
‘Yeah I just boarded the plane, hbu?’
‘We’re about to start warming up for practice but yeah I’m all set.’
You sighed in relief at his message, knowing everything was going according to plan. You checked Oikawa’s message.
‘oh ok :((( Iwa-chan will be staying over at my place tonight for a few hours after practice so when we can call pls keep the teasing to a minimum’ Oikawa sent, causing you to giggle.
‘No promises baby ;)’
‘No fair >:( babe warm ups for practice are starting now so I gtg I love you!’
‘I love you too Tooru’
The pilot started making the announcement stating how the plane was about to begin take off, causing you to almost jump out of your seat due to excitement. It was going to be a long plane ride, but it would be more than worth it when you got to be with your boyfriend in person.
“Annnnnnnd we have landed, enjoy your stay folks.” The pilot announced over the speaker, causing you to jolt awake from your sleep as you almost squealed in excitement, immediately taking out your phone to text Iwa that you had landed safely are were starting to exit the plan. 
‘That’s great, we’re about to start walking to his place after the coach gives us feedback, do you need me to send his address again?’
‘Nah I got it, thank you so much for all your help Iwa :)’
‘Np Y/N, after all it’ll get him off my back for a while’ You laughed at the message causing a few people to look at you while you exited the airport. You sat down on a bench and waited for a few minutes before texting Oikawa, knowing he’d probably would be walking home right about now.
‘Ok I’m almost finished with the cleaning, I’ve got something I wanna show you when I’m done’
‘Oooo a surprise, is it a good or bad surprise tho?’
‘Good surprise, but you’ve gotta wait, but trust me it’ll all be worth it :)’
‘mmmmm fine only because I love uuuuu’
‘I love you too, now I gotta get back to cleaning I’ll ttyl baby, but text me when you and Iwa get back home safe ok?’
‘Of course Y/N-chan, byeee I love uuuuu sm’
You sighed happily as you waved down a taxi and it pulled over for you, the driver getting out of the taxi to help you with your luggage. 
‘Got home safe baby :)’ 
You smiled down at the message and then asked the driver to stop at a park that was a couple blocks from Oikawa’s house. You grabbed your luggage and sat on a park bench as you texted Iwaizumi again.
‘I’m at the park near his house and I’m about to start walking over, we all set?’
‘Yea he’s just pouting saying how he needs to hear your voice so please get here quick’ 
‘Lmao you don’t have to tell me twice’ 
And with that you grabbed your things and started heading over to his place. You took in the peaceful surroundings as you felt your heart drum against your chest rapidly with each step you took, getting closer and closer to being with him. And there you stood at his front door as you texted Iwa one last one.
‘I’m at the front door’
And once you saw the check mark indicating Iwaizumi had read the text you rung the doorbell. You heard Iwa yell a “I’ll get it, trashykawa” to Tooru before he opened the door and smiled as he saw you.
“Hey Y/N, we’re good to go, it’s just me and him home and he doesn’t suspect a thing” He said pulling you into a quick hug and bringing your luggage inside for you as you tip-toed inside his house. Iwaizumi made his way up the stairs as you followed behind him, still creeping as you didn’t want to make a sound. With each step you took your heart pounded faster and faster and a massive smile had it’s way to your face. It’s really happening, you thought to yourself. Iwa stopped just in front of Oikawa’s closed bedroom door, giving you a small smile and a nod and you gave one back in return as you heard Oikawa whine from inside his room “Iwaaaa-channnnn why are you taking soooo longggg?” Iwaizumi rolled his eyes as he opened the door and walked inside, while you stayed in the hallway, waiting for Iwa to say your secret code to que you to enter.
“Yeah yeah, I was talking to the person who was at the door, they needed directions”
And that was your que. You stepped into the room, as you saw Oikawa’s eyes widen as he looked up at you from his desk that he was sitting at.
“NO FUCKING WAY, I’VE GOTTA BE DREAMING, IWA-CHAN PINCH ME” Oikawa stood up as he heard you giggle at his reaction and made his way towards you with the biggest smile resting on both your faces. He pulled you into his arms and kissed the top of your head, holding you flush against his chest. You immediately melted into his touch and held him just as tight.
“I’ll leave you guys to it, have fun” Iwaizumi said as he exited the room.
“AND USE PROTECTION” He added as he walked down the stairs, causing you both to blush but chuckle. 
“wAIT THIS WAS THE SURPRISE YOU WERE TALKING ABOUT” You giggled at his reaction and just kissed his cheek and muttered a “no shit” in the process.
You both spent hours talking as you both laid down in his bed as he held you while you rested your head on his chest. He stroked your hair, still shocked that both you and Iwa-chan pulled this off so flawlessly, but he couldn’t be any happier. He went ahead and called his mother asking if you could stay at their place for your stay in Miyagi and she agreed as you knew about you and Oikawa and she adored you as well. 
Before you both went to bed he pulled you close to him and rested your foreheads together before softly, yet passionately kissing your lips, expressing all the love he had for you in the kiss as you did the same back.
The next day you both got ready to attend his game, he even gave you his spare jersey so you could wear it in the crowd so everyone would know you two are together.
“Y/N wait” he said as he pulled you close to him as you started making your way to the stands since the game was about to begin. He softly kissed your lips as he wrapped his arms around your waist and you wrapped yours around his neck.
“I can’t play the game if I don’t get my good luck kiss” he winked at your blushing face before kissing your cheeked and running back to his team. Aoba Johsai won the match, causing him to pull you into his chest afterwards.
“Tooruuu you’re sweaty” 
“Doesn’t matter, I need my Y/N-hugs”
He took you on small cute dates for the rest of your stay, even if some days were just both of you staying inside and watching movies while eating ice cream and milkbread. And you made sure to steal his shirts, sweaters, hoodies, and volleyball jacket at any given opportunity which made his heart M E L T at how cute you looked in them and he defiently gave you some of his clothes to take back with you when you did have to leave so you could have it when you missed him.
He took you to the park that near his house, the same one you got dropped off at the day you surprised him. It was sunset and he insisted on taking pictures and polaroids with you so he could have you as his background and definitely not so he could get them printed and frame them and so he could keep a Polaroid of you in his phone case. Which later turned into you both laying down on the picnic blanket he had brought and stargazing, pointing out the constellations to each other, while he held you close to his chest and him giving you his jacket so you wouldn’t catch a cold before he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you even closer to his chest.
“It’s so beautiful”
“Yeah, it is” he says softly as you move around in his arms to see him looking down at you with a soft loving look on his features, causing you to blush before reaching up to share a loving kiss with one another.
“Babe I got you something” he said before rummaging around in his bag
“Tooru you really didn’t have to, just being here with you is more than enough”
He grabs your hands in his before he opens a small box, revealing a beautiful silver ring. You gasp at the sight.
“Y/N after this year we’ll both be finished with high school and I wanna be able to be with you everyday after that, I wanna be able to wake up next to you every day, get to appreciate the little things with you everyday, have you be mine everyday. This isn’t a proposal obviously.” He chuckled as he softly moved his hand under your chin so you’d make direct eye contact , the look of pure love in his eyes making you melt.
“It’s a promise. A promise that one day, I will give you that proposal, only if that’s what you want of course.”
“Of fucking course Tooru” you said, tears of happiness welling up in your eyes. He slipped the ring onto your finger and kissed your forehead.
“I love you Y/N-chan”
“I love you too Oikawa Tooru”
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thtdamfangirl4 · 4 years
!!! If Jeremy Jordan + RWRB is also your nice, TELL ME HOW I DID! Tell me your thoughts in general! Do you agree with my song choices? Reasoning? Do you have better ideas for Bea and Nora I didn't feel super great about them. I'm so glad someone else is specifically in this intersection (although I have a few friends who are too lmao)
okay okay i’m just seeing this but YES i loved your post
I thought having Alex do It’s All Coming Back to Me Now was FLAWLESS, love the reactions (especially from Henry), would love to see this boy slay some Celine
I love Henry doing Total Eclipse of the Heart. I think Henry would kill this one and it would be as fabulously gay and dramatic as Don’t Stop Me Now, but obviously with more emotion and the undertone of tenderness, which I love. I also can’t stop thinking about Henry doing jeremy’s performance of  “Losing My Mind” in a much sweeter, quieter sort of way and I can just see Alex crying and not even bothering to try to pretend he isn’t. There’s not a dry eye in the room. So... both. Both is good.
Pez singing Don’t Speak is so perfect it needs no reflection or explanation. *chef’s kiss*
Imagining June Claremont-Diaz singing She Used To Be Mine has effectively destroyed me and put me back together all at once. I need this in my life RIGHT NOW.
I think I like Pez, Bea, and June for Under Pressure. Great vibes.
OKAY so, for Bea. I like that you have her doing something more emotional, which is great. But I kind of can’t stop thinking about her singing Santa Fe? Like, her whole life is this thing that’s been planned out for her and she’s never quite fit, just like Henry’s has been, and she has always wanted to be a musician and a normal person and I think the narrative of running away to chase a dream in a brand new place where people wouldn’t know her past would be this sort of fantasy that lives rent free in her head (especially after Henry basically gets to have his dreams and eventually move away, etc). like... “let me go, far away, somewhere they won’t ever find me” and “if the life don’t seem to suit ya, how ‘bout a change of scene? far from the lousy headlines and the deadlines in between” I just would love to hear all this and have it be an outlet for her.
And then when she’s done being emotional, I want her to do the Ultimate Disney Princess Power Ballad Medley because she’s a real life princess and I think she’d add realistic little commentary in between bits and the audience would go nuts for it.
As for Nora, I definitely think she’d do well on Semi-Charmed Life. May I also propose: Moving Too Fast. The message is good for Nora because 1, she’s a chaotic bisexual, and 2, she’s constantly around Alex Claremont-Diaz and his unstoppable tendency to turn the world upside down. I also just think she’d kill the song, with the fast tempo and some great high notes and the audience would go wild.
The Liam one made me laugh out loud.
While I obviously think “Your Song” is Alex and Henry’s wedding song, the idea of them singing Jeremy’s rendition at their wedding is making me want to cry.
Some of my own bonuses for your perusal:
Alex and Nora sing Jeremy and Jonathan Groff’s “Let Me Be Your Star” back-and-forth from MisCast. The vibes are IMMACULATE.
Alex, Henry, Nora, Pez, Bea, and June do the Cell Block Tango from MisCast. Enough said. Alex is too busy being wowed to be offended that they rehearsed and choreographed the entire thing without telling him but this boy knows it in his soul because he’s Alex, so of course he does.
honestly thank you so much for this ask this was so fun and i love this niche little pocket of these fandoms intersecting so much
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waveypedia · 4 years
Have anything else for that Team Spyience au you made ages ago? Some writng or a bullet list? I crave angst.
The AU in question
Yes!! Aaaaahh i was so excited when I saw this ask because i’m so happy people still like it!! I’m definitely still thinking about it, don’t worry. The old AU hinges on the fact that FOWL doesn’t have a way into Scrooge’s company and family but uhhhh that’s not how it is now lmao. So I’ve been thinking about revamping it for a couple months now. I don’t want to do anything concrete until we know a little more about FOWL and how it works. We know who its agents are and a little bit about its goals but we really don’t know anything about its inner workings, what the Board’s dynamic is with their agents, what their dynamic is with modern SHUSH (if it even exists), etc etc. all of which are things that would probably be addressed in the Team Spyience AU! It is an AU but I’d like to build on canon as much as possible (unless there’s something that I really don’t vibe with) since it’ll be cleaner and less confusing that way. Like if I threw 2019 Team Spyience AU at you guys rn it would 1) be confusing since the FOWL structure and motives are completely different from canon and 2) be less interesting since there’s SO much potential for angst and drama with the Board, Rockerduck/Jeeves, and Gandra as part of FOWL. (and oh boy I’m so excited to work with that!!!)
(sorry for that long block of text sdfgfds i wasn’t sure how to break it up)
that being said I have built a bit of a shaky foundation for a redone Team Spyience AU for when we learn more!! and ahhh i’m so excited to share. For bullet points, here are some ideas swimming around in my head. these all could change with new information from the show or just if i think of something better tbh
so this might change when we learn more about the Board in general and the nitty-gritty of FOWL’s plans, but right now I’m thinking that the Board realizes that 1) Gyro and his ragtag band of science nerds are powerful and stubborn, and will most definitely get in the way of their plans 2) Gyro already hates the Board, and if anyone in McDuck Enterprises were to pick up on their treason, it would be him 3) They have a strong foothold for control in the company, second only to Scrooge (and even that’s debatable), but they have minimal control over Gyro and the science department. So this time around it’s less about needing to spy on Scrooge and more about wanting to control Gyro and Team Science. how that translates to “capturing them and forcing them to spy on their boss and his family” is still up in the air, but i’ll let you guys know when i figure it out! (and if you all have any ideas lmk)
we all know Gyro dislikes the Board but it’s mostly just annoyance/spite since they always shut down his inventions. Here, though, he would hate them. He would probably start like smack-talking them to everyone he can, especially Scrooge, which is his own way of trying to get them to realize the Board is evil without tipping the Board off to his treachery. Scrooge would be confused and it would be like the first crack in the Board’s carefully built facade, but it wouldn’t work for him. He probably just thinks Gyro’s being his mean self.
Huey, though... I’m pretty sure Huey’s gonna end up researching FOWL since it’s his season, and he spends enough time around Team Science to notice how off they’re all acting, without being too busy to pay it much mind (like Scrooge). so one of Gyro’s snarky remarks will tip him off, and he’ll start to view the Board with a little more suspicion each time. Until he comes to the conclusion through his research, and SHUSH resources like Beakley and Webby, that oh god that was an allusion to FOWL the Board is FOWL-
and then- wait is Gyro FOWL?? is Team Science okay?? this goes deeper than I thought-
so essentially the B-plot of this AU is Huey (with the help of the rest of the kids, but especially Webby, Boyd, and Violet) researching FOWL in the background and trying to figure out why Team Science is acting so weird lately, and there’s a lot of dramatic irony
FOWL definitely threatens Boyd to get to Gyro because I love me some quality Boyd & Gyro family content 😌
I originally thought about working a “Gyro is a former FOWL agent that got away by the skin of his teeth” aspect into the AU since I was really fond of that concept when it was a theory, but now it’s been disproven. It does make for a lot of extra drama and angst, but I don’t think it quite fits, so I might just make that an entirely separate AU. I might add some non-canon bonus content with this concept though!
The majority of Team Science’s dynamic throughout the AU stays the same - they’re all incredibly stressed and on edge and just in a really sticky situation, so they snap at each other and have a lot of petty arguments. But at the same time, they’re all in the really sticky situation together, and so they come out of this mess a whole lot closer. It’s sort of a “You’re the only ones I can be honest with without dire consequences” situation.
also re: that last point - CUDDLE PUDDLES. i’m so soft for them. i’m thinking maybe on a night when FOWL makes them all stay in the cells overnight as a punishment or smth, but they’re all in one cell, they just fall asleep all on top of each other and it’s just a really sweet moment made bittersweet by the circumstances. it’s also a testament to how far their relationship has come under pressure and how much they trust each other now.
Gyro is the only target originally (I’m thinking maybe Fenton, Manny, and Lil’ Bulb catch the Board in the act and it’s very dramatic and terrifying. i think they’re originally gonna kill Team Science, since FOWL has a very take-no-prisoners leave-no-loose-ends sort of mindset, but Gyro convinces the Board that the majority of Scrooge McDuck’s research team mysteriously dying in one fell swoop would be extremely suspicious, especially since Scrooge has an in-house former SHUSH agent. so they live, miraculously, but the Board lets all of them know in no uncertain terms that if it happens again, the other person dies. No ifs, ands, or buts. So Team Science is all very, very nervous and careful about what they let slip. They want to tell everyone, especially Scrooge, but they can’t because they care too much. (Hence Gyro making passive-aggressive comments about the Board to Scrooge.) and of course everyone else gets suspicious and resentful since they know Team Science is hiding stuff from them. so that leads to a lot of drama and arguments.
speaking of the drama and arguments from the outside, the kids are doing their own investigation, but I headcanon Della as friends with Gyro from before the Spear of Selene, and she has a budding friendship with Fenton too. So she’d notice they’re all acting really weird and bailing on all her plans, so she storms down to the lab and tries an aggressive tactic to get them to fess up. They don’t, obviously, so she goes on a little investigation of her own. I’m thinking she might drag Launchpad and Donald into it - Launchpad since he’s good friends with Team Science, and Donald because I love him and I want him involved they’re the Duck Twins and they work best together.
I have this scene floating around in my head where, in the very beginning, FOWL agents/Eggheads capture Gyro and drag him to FOWL HQ underneath Funzo’s to be briefed on his new situation. He’s stuck in one of those glass cells Launchpad and Dewey were in when Steelbeak brought them back in the Double-O-Duck episode. The Board knows he’s there, but Gyro has no clue they’re villains. So they come to the cell to brief and belittle him (let’s be honest here, they’ve never liked Gyro) and he just. He’s pissed. Spitting mad. He’s always resented the Board but never like this; never pictured them as actual powerful villains. He may be spiteful of them because they shut down his projects, but at the end of the day, they’re good guys. They’re on his side, and more importantly, Scrooge’s side. Right?
So Gyro is like, up against the glass, trying to punch them through the airholes. He’s just so fucking furious. He’s not really thinking straight and he doesn’t care about any dignity, he’s just angry. The Board is just overly smug and pleased with themselves. It’s a very stereotypical “You’ll never get away with this, you villain!!” picture, and very dramatic. And then the Board just walks away after giving him a bare-bones explanation of the situation that he doesn’t really process because he’s so mad and terrified. And they turn off all the lights and let him stew in there overnight.
Once Huey and the kids have finally put the pieces together, Webby comes to the Bin one day with Scrooge, and she goes to the meeting room to look for him. Only he’s not in there - The Board is, and they’re berating Gyro for sassing off about them to Scrooge or smth. Webby, with all her trained spy skills, hears their conversation and is able to avoid detection (although the Board is suspicious, and they start investigating to tie off any loose ends). Their conversation, though, would be suspicious to any oblivious passerby, but from all the research the kids have done, they know what’s going on.
That’s not the actual reveal - I think thematically that should go to Huey, since he’s the closest to Team Science and it’s his season. This would just chase away any last doubts the kids may have. And maybe Webby gets a voice recording as evidence? I just love those; they’re so dramatic.
this is one part that might not end up aligning with canon but I’m REALLY fond of the Akita FOWL theory. So in this AU, I’m thinking Akita was a really casual member of FOWL all along that recently got an updated agent commission. So there’s even more potential drama there, since Gyro utterly despises Akita now. And a bigger incentive to keep Boyd safe, since Gyro knows FOWL would be more than happy to program Boyd into a mindless attack robot.
in the old AU I was toying with the idea that FOWL didn’t know Fenton’s Gizmoduck until a big reveal, and it was a secret weapon of Team Science’s (but also a point for a lot of arguments, since Fenton desprately wanted to be out there protecting people at the cost of his own safety) but uhh... they definitely know now. In a bid to stop FOWL from taking control of Gizmoduck, Fenton claims the armor is out of commission and sabotages it. So Fenton’s heroics are temporarily halted while Team Science frantically tries to figure out how to keep FOWL from hacking/taking control of a new and improved Gizmosuit.
As for writing... I don’t have anything done, least of all anything for the revamped version of the AU, but I do have this wonderful writing prompt from @advisortotheadvisor that I started back in January 2019, when I was working on the old version of the AU, that I really want to do with the revamped AU. (it just fits so well ahhhh!!!)
["If you won’t do it, I’m sure your friend wouldn’t mind being in your place." + your FOWL team spyience au?]
Gyro crossed his arms across his chest, scowling to hide his fear. He’d gotten pretty good at it over these past few months.
Watching the halls was basically useless. Fowl was careful to keep Gyro and his team within the same halls, as to not be able to find their way out on their own. And Gyro knew the way to Steelbeak’s office well. He’d lost count of how many times he’d been marched here.
At least he wasn’t cuffed anymore, though he suspected it was only because the agents and their minions knew there was too much at stake for an escape attempt. It had been too long, anyway. That was an amaetur move. Even though he loathed to admit it, Gyro cared too much about the consequences - the people at stake - to even try.
It was just a well-aimed mockery. Like everything short of punishment seemed to be these days under FOWL’s watchful eye and careful thumb. Gyro scowled deeper and crossed his arms tighter and pretended in vain it didn’t bother him.
That was all he could do, really.
Okay that kind of got away from me haha. thank you so much for the ask!! It means a lot to me that people are still interested in this AU. definitely motivation to work on both the AU and that fic haha!! I’ll talk more abt this soon when I have more info/content
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by vsmilee  Have you ever been to Disneyland? Nope. I’d like to visit a Disneyland at least once in my life just to say that I’ve gone there, but overall I think it’s too tourist-y for me and I might just find the sheer amount of people annoying.
What's your favorite color? I like pink and its different shades.
What's your boyfriend's name? I don’t have one.
How many siblings do you have? Two.
Do you sing in the shower? Eh, sometimes. But I typically don’t because I hate hearing my singing voice and the echo in the bathroom just makes it louder.
When you get dressed in the morning, what do you put on first? Well, underwear.
What do you do right before you go to sleep? I pick a video to watch and then let the background noise lull me to sleep.
How far have you gone with someone of the opposite sex? Slow dancing, lmao. I’ve never been physical with a guy.
Have you ever been drunk? Yes. Ah, college days. I did some pretty dumb shit too.
It's 2am and your phone rings. Do you answer it? Yes, as long as I know the person. If they’re calling at 2 AM there must be a reason, and it’s always better to treat everything as an emergency instead of having regrets in the end.
What would be a good reason for you to skip school? I didn’t feel like going to class. I’m not that hard to influence, ha.
Are you in a band? Nope, never been.
As a child did you ever suck your thumb or fingers? I don’t think that was ever an issue with me. If it was, my mom would have had endless stories about it but she’s never mentioned anything about me sucking my thumb, so.
Do you twirl your hair? It’s not really a quirk of mine. I brush my fingers through it a lot more often.
What make is your cell phone? Apple.
What is your dad's name? Edgardo. He hates his main nickname so I won’t share it on here, but I do know he’s made it a point to be known as Ed in his workplace.
Do you have a planner or calendar? I have neither. We do have a Google Sheets file at work where we list down the tasks we do everyday, and I guess that counts as my planner since that’s how I keep track of my deliverables.
Do you keep a journal? I’ve started keeping one, yes. But I don’t write on it everyday or even weekly. I just do so whenever I feel like it.
What's your biggest secret? The biggest one I’ve ever kept was probably my relationship with Gabie. And this blog, haha.
What is your favorite subject in school? History. All kinds of it. Language class in middle school was also fun because it literally just taught English grammar, which I had already mastered at that point.
What year do/did you graduate high school? I graduated in 2016.
What do you want to major in in college? I majored in journalism. I’m done with college as well.
What is your best friend's name? Angela, Gabie. Take your pick.
What is your favorite TV show? Breaking Bad. I recently came across the “Stay out of my territory” scene after several years of not watching it and holy fuck. I need to watch the whole damn series again. The writing is unbelievable.
What time do you usually go to bed? It ranges from 9 PM to 12 AM. Depends on how much caffeine is still left in my system at the end of the day.
What side of the bed to you sleep on? It’s a twin, it’s not like there are sides haha. But back when Gab and I would sleep in the same bed, I was always on the right side.
Where are your parents right now? My mom is either still at work or on her way home from work. I’m guessing my dad is already in the kitchen preparing dinner.
How many days old are you? According to a quick Google search, 8211 days. 
What do you want to wish for? Some goddamn normalcy. I’m also wishing for a full-time job, but I’ve been happy in my internship too so I’m not feeling too desperate for the former now.
What are you hoping to achieve this year? Well I planned to come out after graduating, but that never panned out. Otherwise, I’ve done everything I had set out to do for 2020 - graduate, graduate with honors, finish my thesis, (kinda) get employed, start earning my own money. There’s a lot to be proud of, now that I think about it.
Do you love anyone? Yes.
Does anyone love you? I hope.
What's your favorite animal? Dogs or elephants.
Have you ever been to the zoo? Yeah, once. Hated the experience. It was a family trip though so I couldn’t get out of it.
What is your favorite ride at Disneyland?
What is your favorite teacher's name? I don’t want to say full names but the name of my favorite teacher from my first school starts with an E, and the name of my favorite prof in college starts with...oof, also an E, heh.
Have you ever been in marching band? No, we don’t have that kind of club here.
What group were/are you a part of in high school? I was in yearbook, a media club, and table tennis.
Do you have any enemies? Nope.
Have you ever been a cheerleader? Nah. I like watching cheerdance competitions, but I was never one of them.
Did you ever date anyone on the football team? Nah, I wasn’t interested in them. Plus they all dated each other anyway.
What is/was your rival school in high school? Tbh all the all-girls schools in Metro Manila and other neighboring cities act like rivals, but there’s never been any official feud among us or between any two schools.
What grade in school was your favorite? I liked Grade 7 and Years III and IV.
Where do you want to go to college? I wanted to go to UP and ended up going to college – and graduating – there.
How many stars can you see in the sky right now? I can make out one very bright star, but there’s also a big tree blocking most of my view when I look out the window.
What is your favorite color? This was the second question on this survey. I answered pink.
If you could eat dinner with anyone (dead or alive) who would you choose? My grandpa so I can get him up to speed with all the things I’ve done and achieved since he passed.
Do you believe in God? No.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Never did.
What is your favorite book? I don’t have any.
Who is your favorite actor/actress? Kate Winslet.
What's the worst lie you've ever told? I don’t like telling lies. If I do, they’re small, forgettable ones.
Are you pretty gullible? Quite, yeah. It makes me an easy target for both family and friends, haha.
How many consecutive days have you ever missed of school? I think it was around 3-4 days, when my dad booked a trip to Bali in the middle of a school week.
What do you want right now? Well it turns out my dad had food from Shakey’s delivered so I just wanna be all over that right now...
Have you ever been pregnant? Never have.
What is your favorite kind of chocolate? Milk chocolate laced with peanut butter.
Who is most likely to read this? It’s hard to tell. Maybe a couple of people, maybe no one but me.
What are you going to do after you're done? Probably take another one orrrrrrr go on YouTube.
Are you in love with anyone? Yeah.
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sickandtideeeee · 5 years
By Bast - Chapter 12 (Erik x Reader)
A/N: the nice side effect of graduating is that I’m bored and can crank out a chapter in a day and a half apparently when before it took me like literal months to craft a few pages
Anyway, please talk to me i love interaction. Otherwise I’m just screaming into the abyss lmao
“How do you not have a dress picked out?!” Asha nearly shrieked, running her hands through your wardrobe.
You shot her a dirty look as if to ask ‘Really?’ She scrunched up her face in retort.
“Just two weeks ago the whole country taught King T’Challa was dead, so is it really shocking that maybe it slipped my mind that his birthday feast would still happen?”
“I mean you live in the inner palace. You would have had to have known!” She insisted, shooting a glance at Amina, who leaned against the wall of your bedroom, picking her fingernails. Amina continued to look disinterested, denying Asha the support she was looking for.
“I have a lot on my mind.” A truth.
“More important than the King?”
Amina’s sharp look at you screamed ‘Don’t answer that.’ You artfully dodged the question, by turning your attention to one of the many dresses your friend had laid on the bed for you.
“What do you think about this one?” The dress you smoothed across your front now was a flowing maxi dress in purple, red and orange-toned ankara print. The sweetheart neckline left your arms and shoulders bare, but they would be covered by draping a soft matching scarf. Suitable enough for a priestess.
“That’s the first one I grabbed.” Asha said, a little suspicious but delighted once you tried it on completely and twirled around once. Amina’s eyes lit up and you beamed back at her. You did feel pretty. All that was left would be to tame your coils. You decided on a goddess halo braid for the soiree. You had a few hours until the dinner party would begin.
For someone as poised as T’Challa, he had a knack for extravagance when he felt like it. Opulence was only one of the words that described the theme of the venue that night. Stepping into the birthday feast hall felt like trespassing the grounds of heaven itself. Warm lights shone from above, illuminating gold and marble fixtures as well as floral arrangements of lilies and orchids that were the size of a middle school child.
Rows and rows of lavishly decorated tables filled a room the size of a football field, piled high with cured meats, spiced stews, seasoned starchy side dishes, and enough fruit and desserts to land someone in an instant diabetic coma. Accoutrements were as loud and jovial as the people themselves, with your own floor-length dress paling in comparison to many of the tribe princesses’ dresses. Nakia herself sported a shimmering forest-green mermaid dress with golden highlights and a plunging neckline that warranted a second look from most, if not all, men in attendance. She stayed close to T’Challa who wore a classic brown tunic but of a material fine enough that you could almost smell the royalty from a distance. They sat at the table of honor, flanked by Queen Ramonda whose regal smile was almost oppressive in its sincerity, and Shuri who appeared frankly nauseated by the amount of boo loving she’d have to watch close up.
Idly stuffing your face with meat pies, you sat at the first table from theirs on the right side, pretending to be fascinated by one of the stone centerpieces. Live drum music played as a vibrant backdrop to the evening.
You had just fulfilled your one and only duty in leading the ceremonial prayer for longevity and blessing before everyone could partake in the meal. Now, it was best to keep a low profile. After T’Challa called you out personally just yesterday, you did not want to invite any unwanted conversation or attention. You found yourself scanning the sea of guests for N’Jadaka as if it were not obvious why he wasn’t present. Even more unsettling was the fact that during T’Challa’s speech, he was reduced to one of the many “challenges” that he had gone through in the past year.
Once all guests had been served their fill of food and fun, Nakia led an exquisite performance of a war dance. Thereafter, the rest of the guests were invited to dance. At this time, T’Challa was now surrounded by a circle of his elder advisors, who praised him on another year of age and a successful reign so far. Since you had declined joining the dance floor, you couldn’t help but quietly listen in while you attacked a scoop of imported cardamom ice cream.
“When do you plan to execute the traitor?”
Your spoon clattered as it dropped, but the sound was quickly drowned out by the crowd. The cold dessert slid down your throat unimpeded, causing you to choke softly.
So Erik wasn’t just talking…
You could see T’Challa answering, his expression betraying discomfort, but you had trouble reading his lips from your vantage point. Only bits and pieces of conversation came through as you tried to tune out the rest of the event.
“The longer he sits in that cell, the more likely you will have a change of heart.”
“Of course he cannot be changed, why would you even suggest something of the sort?”
“He has disgraced the royal family, has he not?”
“There is already intel leaving the palace suggesting that you have kept him prisoner because you are afraid to kill him.”
“Who cares if he is part of the royal family? He lost.”
The elders now began to talk over each other, rendering the rest of the conversation unintelligible.
It did not help that a stranger now blocked your view, introducing himself as head counsel to the merchant elder. You politely introduced yourself, smiling weakly. The young man, not getting the hint, began to chat you up. Trying to keep focus on T’Challa and his advisors, you circumvented questions like who did you come with, how were you liking the party, and were you interested in dancing?
In the meantime, the elders eventually dispersed, leaving T’Challa seated back at his head table alone with a grave look on his face. T’Challa’s expressions were as difficult to read as usual. How you wanted to question him on whatever decision he had just made, but on what pretext could you do it safelyl? As it was, you had already crossed a line with him.
No longer could you find any happiness in all this noise. It was past time for you to retreat in your quarter. The young man who had invited himself into the seat next to you finally realized that you had stopped listening.
“Are you mad? Do you not hear me talking?”
“I’m very sorry but I think I must leave now.” You replied, rising abruptly to your feet. You attempted to leave, but either your quick movement or your new male friend’s spite had resulted in the fabric of your long dress getting caught out. A large rippp sounded in the air, quickly smothered by music and voices, right before you tripped and toppled to the ground.
The man behind you made an audible ‘tch’ sound as you hit the floor hard on your face. Gathering the rest of your dress in your arms, you ignored the throbbing pain in your cheek. Yup, you had definitely enough of this party.
Before you could rise and give this stranger the tongue-lashing of his life, T’Challa was already by your side to help you up by the arm.
“Disappear.” You heard him say to your slighted suitor. “Are you alright?” T’Challa’s voice lost its edge as he turned his attention to you.
“I’m fine,” you assured him, embarrassed. Touching the pain on your cheek made you wince, it was sure to swell. You pulled your arm away harsher than you intended, and made your way out of the feast hall. To your dismay, the king followed suit.
“Are you sure you’re fine?” T’Challa said, louder now that you were out of the public view. In one of the corridors, you gave him a confused look. You could tell he was not just asking about your face.
“Yes…?” You insisted. Knowing he would not leave you alone until he heard a more satisfying answer, you added: “I was just a bit clumsier than usual.” You smiled widely, albeit a bit insincerely.
“I hope your party is to your liking! I know you had a hard year so it must be nice to relax and enjoy for once, is it not?” Maybe you were laying it on a little bit too thick. T’Challa raised an eyebrow and then let out an exasperated sigh.
“When will this stop?”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” You said.
He sighed again loudly, then waved you away. “The good thing is that this will be over soon.” This last part was flippant. “Thank you for attending. I will see you around later.”
This will be over soon.
Is that how casually he was going to talk about ending a life?
This time you were stopping him in his tracks. He turned his head to give you a curious look, taken aback by the sudden steel in your voice.
“What have you decided?” You queried.
He knew what you were talking about, and this angered him. It was his birthday, for goodness’ sake.
“I don’t need to discuss that with you.” He dismissed.
“What. Have. You. Decided?” You repeated again slowly. Your shoulders squared, and your chin lifted. You were trying so hard to portray strength. It would be almost laughable to someone like him, if not so infuriating.
This time T’Challa was visibly upset. He walked to you until he was mere inches away, and you could feel yourself wanting to shrink but decided to stand your ground.
Stand mighty. Hold your king accountable.
“You’re serious?” He stared down at you, his eyes darkening.
Yes, you are serious.
“I have to know. As someone who is tasked to guide you spiritually in the future. As the daughter of Zuri.”
He gave a laugh that was somewhere between disbelief and amusement.
“When did you become so bold?” He asked, patting your head lightly. “From a girl so timid she could be bullied by a child half her age to challenging your king?”
When you’d been presented to the former King, Queen and son you had been about eleven years old, with no recollection of your life before then. T’Challa had looked at you curiously from afar in that time, and he continued to look at you that way even now. You were an amnesiac that his father had asked him to be gentle with. You later became his sister’s quiet peer mentor and companion. You were the high priest’s daughter. You were a girl whose brown skin reddened at his very smile, every time without fail. You were calm and serene. You were ever present but also blended in every room. You were somehow clumsy and elegant at once.
You never were this confrontational, this demanding. This was new.
T’Challa lowered his hand when your gaze remained fixed and unchanged. The patronizing gesture would not pacify you.
“Are you going to kill him?”
“My council has decided that he can’t be allowed to stay in prison.”
“So you will release him?”
No answer.
“You will exile him?”
No answer.
“You cannot kill him.” You warned. This interdiction apparently struck a nerve.
“I can do anything I want.” T’Challa quipped. “You seem to have trouble acknowledging who I am these days.”
“I know you can do anything you want to as the king of this nation. However, you are also tasked by Bast to be fair.” The muffled sound of distant music seemed to grow as loud as the distance between you at this moment. You had acknowledged this distance your whole life, a distance that T’Challa had rarely seemed to respect. However, today, for the first time it felt impassable, even for T’Challa.
“You are losing sight of your position in the palace. Perhaps I’ve been too kind to you.” T’Challa finally said, smoothing some imaginary wrinkles on his shirt. It was almost as if he were trying to smooth out his own behavior.
“Why would you save him if you planned to execute him anyway?”
T’Challa gave you an incredulous look. He took a deep breath, and closed his eyes, rubbing his temples.
“I’m going to leave now and we will pretend we never had this conversation.”
“There you are! What conversation?”
Nakia had suddenly arrived, her smile radiant but with eyes that betrayed concern. She linked an arm with T’Challa and nudged him slightly.
“I was wondering where you were,” she murmured, looking between him and then you. You bowed to her in greeting.
“I was just leaving,” you said, in a low voice. “Happy birthday, King T’Challa,�� you said once more with a curtsy, before you parted ways. You could feel the stares burn holes in your backside as you walked away.
Tagging:  @syndrlla97 @iwantsomethingeternal @1killmonger @chasingsunlight @hoopshoney @destinio1 @wakanda-inspired @thadelightfulone @lalasparkles @pessimisfit @youreadthatright @stark-red19 @ruruly20 @bossyboyd03 @autumn242 @heybriheyyy @thelovelyliterary @muse-of-mbaku @bidibidibombaclaat @supersizemeplz @romanceoftheeveryday@chaneajoyyy@lildashofmelanin
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forever-rogue · 6 years
Nighttime Strolls
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Request: Can you write a Shane Walsh x fem reader (takes place during season 8-9, meaning he’s still alive lmao) and the reader gets taken hostage by Negan during one of his visits to the hilltop (negan likes her! ) and Shane goes on a solo rescue mission to Negan’s territory to save the one thing he cares about - the reader by @xcasiferx.
A/N: You got my with my two loves: Negan and Shane! And yes, this is a sort of AU and I took the liberties I wanted, just so ya know.  I hope you enjoy this!! Taglists and Requests are open! xx
Pairing: Shane Walsh x Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warning: LANGUAGE (this is Negan after all)
“Sweetheart, I don’t think it’s a good idea for you to go out for a stroll right now,” Shane was surprised to say the least when Y/N had told him she was going to go for a midnight stroll by herself. The idea of it was ludicrous! 
“Shane, you’re being overprotective again,” she chided him as she grabbed a sweater from their closet, pulling it and wrapping it tightly about her body, “besides, I’ll bring my gun. I know how to take care of myself. I’ve made it this long, haven’t I?”
“What about if a walker takes you by surprise?” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned against the door frame, blocking her way slightly.
“They won’t,” she rolled her eyes at his overbearing nature. She knew he was only acting in such a manner because he loved her, but sometimes it drove her insane, “I’m light on my feet - I won’t make any noise. Shane, love, just trust me.”
“It’s not you that I don’t trust you, it’s everything and everyone else,” he huffed but knew she had already made up her mind and there was no changing it, “especially with everything that’s going on with Negan. You can’t trust that son of a bitch.”
“It’s going to take a little more than old Negan to take me down,” she reassured. She pecked his cheek quickly before walking out of the bedroom, making sure to grab her gun and a small flashlight, “I’ll be back soon, Shane. Please don’t worry about me the whole time. Get some rest.”
“I won’t be able to relax until you’re back,” he sighed and sat down on the bed. She chuckled lightly at him before giving him a last wave and heading for the front door, “see you soon.”
Y/N loved the stillness of the night - the soft rustling of the creatures and critters that were out mixed with the muffled sounds of human life off in the distance. Even as a child, she had loved escaping from her room and sitting on her roof or lying in her backyard and watching the stars. Even now, with the world crumbling slowly around them, she still loved doing the same thing. it made it seem like life was still somewhat normal.
She let out small sigh of content to herself as she felt the Hilltop and made her way to the fields nears the woods. Sometimes beautiful wild flowers grew there and she had it in her mind that she would pick some and bring them back to Shane.
Humming to herself, she stretched out her arms and let her hands graze the tall grass. Once she found an open space, she took off her exterior jacket and laid it on the grass, quickly lying on top of it and cast her eyes to the stars. She decided to stay a while and pick out all the constellations she could see.
After a while, Y/N felt her eyes start to get heavy, she decided to head back before she was too tired and all her defenses were down. She sat up and yawned softly, but paused, feeling her own heartbeat still when she heard a rustle from the tears behind her. Praying that it was nothing but an animal, she remained completely motionless waiting for the sound to repeat. After a moments when it hadn’t, she jumped up and grabbed her jacket, deciding it was time to get home. She swallowed the lump in her throat, and sped off as quickly as she could.
“And where in the fuck do you think you’re going?” Y/N stopped immediately at the sound of the familiar (and grating) voice. She couldn’t believe he had found her here, “I fucking know you can hear me, darlin’.”
Her instincts kicked in and told her it was time for fight or flight. She didn’t respond to him, but took off running towards the Hilltop, playing to pull her gun out in the process to defend herself. Unfortunately, her strides and efforts were no match for Negan’s long legs. He was able to quickly catch up to Y/N and grab her arm, knocking the gun away in the process.
“Let me go!” she hissed at him. She struggling against his grip, but he overpowered much due to his much larger stature. He soon had her arms behind her back and was able to keep her still, but that didn’t stop her from trying to break free.
“No, no, I don’t fucking think so,” he laughed in her ear, his breath tickling her neck and causing all the hair on her body to stand up, “I’ve finally got you and I’m not letting you go. I’ve had my eye on you for quite some time, Y/N.”
“Why, you stupid asshole. I won’t do anything for you,” she said through gritted teeth, her chest heaving up and down in anger, “I’d kill myself before I’d join you and your band of merry thugs.”
“Oh aren’t you just the wittiest of them all,” he said quietly, “don’t worry, darlin’, nothing will happen to you. It’s your little boyfriend I want. He’s a stubborn man, but I know you’re the only thing he’ll come for. You see, when a man is in love he does foolish, stupid things. I expect that he’ll do just that when he realizes I have you - and I’ll finally be able to kill him.”
“Despite what you think moron, Shane wouldn’t be so stupid as to walk into a trap like this,” she replied angrily, “even for me. He’ll do the thing that’s right for the community.”
“So you fucking, think, sweetheart,” he insisted, “but all men are dumb and foolish. You’ll see that for yourself soon enough.”
Shane took at the clock on the wall again, shaking his head to himself as he realized how late it was getting. Y/N should be back by now - she would know better than to be out so late without checking back in or anything. He decided he would give it another ten minutes before going out and looking for her. Maybe she had just gotten really distracted and lost track of time.
But when the ten minutes were up, he couldn’t ignore the nagging feeling in the pit of his stomach and knew something was wrong. He grabbed his gun, and a back up just in case, and headed out, ready to find her and bring her back home. He knew she had a favorite spot to star gaze and figured it was a spot to start looking.
“Y/N!” he called out against his better judgment, knowing that if anything or anyone was nearby they now knew his location. He waited for a response for a moment, but heard nothing and keeping going. That was until he almost tripped over something lying on the ground. He bent down and picked the item up and felt his heart drop when he realized what it was - Y/N’s discarded jacket. He let out a string of curse words to himself as he ran back to he Hilltop; this had to be Negan’s doing. There was no other explanation.
He pounded on Rick’s door as he called out his name, not caring how late it was or who heard him, “Rick! Open up!”
After a few moments, Rick opened the door, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He let out a yawn as he looked up and came face to face with Shane, “hey, what’s going on?”
“It’s Y/N. Negan has her,” he said and suddenly Rick appeared wide awake.
“What!? Are you sure?” he asked as he opened the door so he could come inside.
“Yes,” he insisted, “she went out for a walk, I told her not to, and she hasn’t come back. When I went to look for her, all I found was her jacket! I can’t believe I let this happen. I knew she shouldn’t have gone, or I should have gone with her.”
“And you’re it was Negan?”
“Yes,” he sighed, “he’s been eyeing every chance he gets. He must have been watching her for a while and tracked her down. I swear when we get to him I will kill him with my bare hands.”
“Shane, calm down. We need to act rationally - smarter than him,” Rick said as he sat down at the kitchen table and put his face in his hands, “we can’t just go and attack his compound right now. He’ll be expecting it. We have to wait and make a plan and then we he’s given up, we strike and get Y/N back.”
“Wait!? How long?” Shane groaned as slammed his fist on the table.
“A few days, maybe a week-”
“That’s too long!”
“Chances are that he won’t do anything to her. He likely wants you. Nothing will happen to her - we need to wait it out and then strike him when he’s done expecting us.”
“Are you absolutely sure?”
“This is the smartest way,” Rick insisted as Shane had a look of anger and distress on his face, “I know it’ll be hard but we have to go about this smartly.”
“Okay,” Shane gave in his but he all he could think about was the pleasure he would get from killing Negan, “but we go as soon as possible.”
Y/N sighed loudly to herself as she looked out the widow of room she was imprisoned in. She had been here for several days and was both exhausted, dirty, and hungry. When Negan had taken her back to the compound he hadn’t thrown her into any makeshift cell or basement, but rather had given her a room with clean clothes and food, refusing to let anyone touch or harm her. She had, on principle, refused to change into the clean clothes or eat any of the room, causing Negan to grow increasingly frustrated with her attitude.
The second night there she had tried to escape through the window and creep out of the compound in the middle of night, but she had been thwarted by Negan’s right hand man Dwight. He had dragged her back to Negan’s room and thrown her in there; which only ended with Negan trying to get her to talk for several hours to no avail. He had her sent back to her room and locked her in there without another word.
She turned around when she heard the door creak open, following by Negan coming in with a tray of food in his hands. He set it down on the small bedside table, taking a seat on the foot of the bed she was sitting on.
“You ever gonna fuckin’ say anything?” he said harshly at her, studying her face for any sort of reaction.
Y/N looked at him with hardened eyes but made no acknowledge of his words. She pulled her knees up to her chest and rest her chin on her knees, staring straight ahead wordlessly. Negan made a sound of annoyance, but she didn’t react.
“You know you could have it a lot worse right now,” he said as he got closer to her. She wanted to flinch, but refused to let herself show any emotion, “you could be out there surrounded by walkers trying to eat your pretty face. Or out in the blazing sun working hard. I could have let them beat you, but I didn’t. I’ve treated you more than fairly - and all I want in return is answers. And yet here you are acting like you are a prisoner.”
Her breath caught in her throat as he touched her jaw and neck gently. She bit the inside of her cheek, before pulling away from him and going to stand in front of the window, “I told you so.”
“What the fuck are you saying?”
“You said Shane was sure to come because he loved me. And look, no one’s been here,” she said in a croaky voice, speaking out loud for the first time in days, “he doesn’t love me and I’m expendable. You wasted your time with me. And I will die, either by your hand or the walkers before I tell you again.”
“You are a feisty one!” Negan exclaimed as he stood up and laughed, “but you’ll break eventually. Everyone does. Because, sweetheart, when it comes down to it, when you are face to face with death, everyone chooses life. Even you.”
“Go fuck yourself, Negan,” she hissed as she turned away from him, “I’m not like everyone else.”
“You keep telling yourself that,” he said as he stood behind her with his hands on her shoulders, “if you behave, I might even make you a wife. Don’t tell me you don’t want a piece of this Negan dick-”
He didn’t finish his sentence as he groaned in pain from Y/N suddenly kneeing him in the groan. She didn’t say anything but sat back down on the bed, staring at the wall and the peeling the decaying wallpaper. Negan thought about lashing out, but calmed himself and didn’t; instead heading out of the room and slamming the door behind. Y/N closed her eyes as a single tear cascaded down her cheek.
“Alright, is everyone ready to go?” Shane asked as he looked around the hodgepodge team around him. He had wanted to keep the info of Y/N’s kidnapping a secret, not wanting to cause a panic or concern people. Instead he was here with Rick, Michonne, Maggie, and Darryl, “remember, this is a simple search and rescue. We’ve figured out that Y/N’s being kept in the main compound near Negan’s room. We’ll go from the outside in and try to not alert anyone. Take out only who we need to. And I’ll deal with-”
“You’ll deal with Negan if and only if we come across him. Otherwise you will leave him. We don’t want to start a huge fight we are not prepared for if we don’t need to,” Rick interrupted Shane and gave him a stern look. Shane reluctantly nodded, “is that understood by everyone?”
The group murdered a collective yes and Rick instructed them to grab their gear, “we’ll drive as close as we can. The rest will be on foot. Be as light and swift on your feet as possible. Now, let’s go.”
Y/N switched her book from one hand to the other, trying to find where she had just left off. She cast a quick glance out the window, noting the quiet that finally fell over the compound. She wished she could open the window, but Negan had made sure to screw the window so she couldn’t do that anymore. She cast a quick glance at the clock and noted that it was the middle of the night.
Looking back down at the book, she almost jumped out of her skin when she heard a light tapping on the window. She looked up and saw Shane there on the roof, staring back at her, a smile breaking out on his face. He mimed for her to open the window but she shook her head and tried to convey that it was locked to her. After a moment he nodded in understanding, quickly pulling off his jacket and wrapping his fist in it and punching through the glass without a second thought. The sound, quiet in reality, was deafening in the silent night.
“Y/N,” Shane reached his hand out for hers, her name falling off his lips like a prayer, “baby, you’re safe now. I’ve got you.”
“You came for me,” she said softly, happier than anything to see his handsome face again, “I thought you wouldn’t.”
“I could never leave you baby doll,” he promised as he pulled her into his arms and kissed her tenderly, “we’ve been waiting for the right moment to come. Are you hurt at all?”
“No, I’m fine. Just tired and hungry,” she mumbled against his chest, “now let’s go home. I just want to get out of this place.”
“Now, Y/N, why don’t you fuckin’ explain what the fuck is going on,” Negan shouted as he entered the room, his eyes bulging out when he saw the scene in front of him, “I thought you said he wasn’t coming back for you. Apparently you were wrong, darling.”
“Don’t ever speak to her again, asshole,” Shane spat as he let out of her. He turned his head to her, and whispered, “get going, Rick’s waiting for you at the bottom. Just go to the end of the roof and jump down. They’ll catch you. I’ll take care of him.”
“Shane, don’t-”
“Baby, just go,“ he insisted as he gave her a slight push. She made a sound of annoyance but started to walk away, watching as Shane made his way back through the broken window to where Negan was waiting for him.
Negan barely waited for him to get into the room before swinging a punch at him. Y/N let out a small scream as she watched him take another hit before squaring up and getting the upper hand on Negan and knocking him to his feet and starting to ruthless punch him.
She watched in horror at the fight between the two men, both of them rough and using whatever they could find around them to beat the other. She didn’t hear Rick come up behind her and grab her arm to pull her along with him, “Y/N, come on, we have to go.”
“Rick, Shane’s in there-”
“Y/N, now! We don’t have much time before everyone hears the commotion,” he insisted as she struggled to get out of his grasp.
“Now,” he said sternly and she finally obliged, “come on, everyone’s waiting. Shane will catch up, he’ll be fine.”
Y/N cast a look back at the two men, noticing that Shane was now overpowering Negan, blood all over the two of them. She frowned and called out to him, “SHANE! STOP!”
“Get out of here, Y/N. Don’t watch this,” he growled at her and shook her head at him, Rick trying desperately to pull her away from the scene.
“Don’t do it, Shane. I know what you want to do, but stop,” she pleaded with him, “you’re better than this. This isn’t who we are!” 
“Rick, get her out of here,” he shouted angrily, and Rick grabbed Y/N forcefully and took and her away from the scene. 
Y/N remained wordless as she pulled along by the Rick and met with the rest of the crew. She knew Shane was angry, but this was the angriest he had been in a long  time. She just didn’t want for him to do anything he would regret.
“Y/N, you’re safe,” Maggie said as she threw her arms around her. Y/N nodded and tightly hugged, wishing this would just be all over and they could be back home already. She didn’t realize she was crying until Michonne reached over and wiped away her tears.
“We’ll be home soon, Y/N. Then you can rest,” she said softly and Y/N hung her eye after giving her a soft nod of understanding.
“Y/N? Baby doll,” Shane’s voice gently stirred her awake. Y/N opened her eyes and saw him looking intently, his face bruised, cut, and caked with blood, “hey.”
“Shane,” she said quietly as she reached over and tenderly touched his face, “you’re back. We’re home. Are you okay?”
“Don’t you worry about me, sweetheart, I’m just fine,” he promised as he kissed her forehead, “how are you doing?”
“I’m glad to be home. It was miserable over there,” she said as she rolled over to face, “they didn’t do anything to me, but it just felt so awful. I’m glad you came for me.”
“I’d never, ever, leave you. We just had to wait for the right timing and for Negan’s guard to be down,” he explained as a worried look crossed her features.
“Did you-”
“No, I didn’t kill him,” he promised and she almost felt relieved. She always said that they never wanted any of them to stoop to such low levels and to kill only when necessary, “but he’ll make sure never to mess with us again.”
“I love you, Shane,” she said as she pulled back the covers and beckoned for him to join her, “now, you need to get some rest.”
“I love you too, Y/N,” he said as he gingerly crawled under the covers, “just so you know, I won’t be letting you take anymore nighttime strolls by yourself for a long time.”
“That’s fine with me,” she agreed as she kissed him, “I guess I did need you after all.”
“Don;t worry, I’ll always be here for you,” he said as she rested her head on his chest, sighing contently, and feeling safer than she had in a long time.
Permanent Taglist: @ruinerofcheese @courtneychicken  @santa-crew @supernatural508 @ssweet-empowerment @buckybarnesappreciationsociety @wearegoldeninthenight @mannatgalhotra @prxttybirdz @piensa-bonito @mightyhemsworthy @shewalksinanotherworld @jems8241 @bookaddic @fairyxxfighter @asguardiansoftheavengers @esoltis280 @the-bright-lights @artisticlales @loislp @dixonsbugaboo @sleepylunarwolf @patzammit
244 notes · View notes
So I got high as fuck and watched Twilight for the first time in 6 years and made a list of the thoughts running through my head. Anyways it’s under the cut, enjoy lol
Dramatic entry....
I don’t understand what she’s saying
Oh my god look at her stupid fucking cactus it’s so small and dumb
Why does she sound so miserable
Charlie her hair?? Really??
How is their house so big with one fucking bathroom
Charlie really had someone else decorate her room omg
Why is he such a good fucking dad. I want to cry
“Still dancin”..... aight, billy 
Jacob looks so fucking angsty
She’s so excited about this huge ugly piece of shit truck how is she straight
Did it ever get explained in the series where the fuck Jacob goes to school
“Nice ride” ahah SOOOO FUNNY
I don’t remember his name but why is he such a try hard
*Ball comes at Bella* bella: fUCK
Jessica: stay the FUCK away from my man
Jessica you weird
Mike stop
Who tf is that dude omg he just took his fucking chair
Oh my god Jess when she says eating disorders aakkskakdn
This background music does not fit the characters
Yeah they live together omg
How convenient. A family full of people who fuck each other except ONE
Why they got a fan in the classroom
No introduction to the new kid? Unrealistic. Blocked.
Stop staring at each other what the shit bruh
Just jump tf out the classroom damn
Edward trying to slam the door omggg
How she gonna know you Santa when you dressed normal, tf
Just grab the ketchup
Jesus Christ just talk to each other
Goodbye cell phone then
Day one and you’re doing homework ok
Why is Edward so fucking cringey
He couldn’t handle it so he just stayed home fucking pussy
They just straight up threw a fucking rock at her
Things were getting strange AFTER he stops going to school hmmmmm?
Seriously their house is good sized
This bitch just fucking ate shit what a clumsy gay
“You’re not in Phoenix anymore”
“I need your playlist”
Why is EVERYONE hitting on Bella. She doesn’t even look straight
“Hello” bruuhhhh
His voice, TF
What is the golden onion
Why does he talk like... that
Bonding over science. Haha. Get it. Bonding
“How’s the weather”
Cold n wet. Cool
He laughin. Lmao
Aw his smile
I feel so awkward watching this conversation
Why doesn’t this bitch just sit tf still Jesus Christ
“Wait hOLD UP why didn’t you go with your mom and Phil just curious haha I’m just trying to analyze you no biggie”
The fluorescents. Walks away. ????
How tf did this mf even manage to almost crash like what. How did it even happen
He out this mf
Everyone just like. Sat there for so long not doing anything??? Then BAM OMG BELLA ALSKAJNCKDO”
Carlisle is so fucking white Jesus
Did she never notice his eyes are the same color as Edwards
Fuckin snitch omg Carlisle is not happy
“Hey ex wife our daughter almost died lol call me back”
They are really just arguing in the middle of the hospital tf?
I was standing right next to you....
why does he look like that
Rude ass tf?
Edgy moon
Tf she dreaming about
Wait so like he didn’t even start out with anything low key he just straight up fucking watched her sleep after knowing her a week
God why does he look like that. All the time
Poor mike oh my god
She’s lived here a week how does she already have plans conveniently the night of prom. Get a better excuse Bella
Recycled tea
Why is he so fucking creepy “what’s in Jacksonville” mf HOW you know
Rude ass again what the shit
Why would Bella care if you go to prom with mike, Jessica
“We shouldn’t be friends” no one said you were???
“Our bus is full” 💀
Call your fucking mother you asshole
Charlie don’t talk about Phil
She just walks tf out lmaoooo
How did anyone NEVER say anything about them NEVER eating lunch
He just bounced a fuckin apple
Stop being so cryptic what the fuck
“Let’s say for arguments sake that I’m not smart” bitch me too the fuck
“What if I’m... the villain” shut up you fucking emo oh my god
Come to the beach lol
This is all so awkward
Why did they like hardly ever show Angela
“You’re a strong independent woman” how do people think she’s straight
“The Cullen’s don’t come here” so fucking dramatic
“Yeah yeah whatever enough of you, what about the CULLENS”
Wait. How long have the Cullen’s been around? How long ago was the treaty made???
This music is so fucking dramatic
Oh no it’s Santa....
These bitches gay as fuck too James looks so fucking gay
How is it the entire time she’s trying to figure out the Cullen’s not ONCE does she question the quilietes being descended from FUCKING WOLVES
All these prom dresses boring as fuck
Like what the fuck even is that material
Jess is fucking... phat
“Sorry I don’t do prom dresses I just like really wanna go to this bookstore”
I don’t even want to know what would have happened if Edward didn’t come get her from these creeps...
She legit is about to get gang raped and like. No one ever said anything about this guys what the fuck
Why does Edward look like a fucking crack addict
“Sorry I just REALLY wanna murder these guys”
You should put YOUR seat belt on
“Yeah were gonna do everything that consists of a date but it’s not a date ok?”
No way that tiny bitch is gonna eat that whole ass plate
I’m gonna make sure YOU eat but I won’t alright?
Fucking math nerd
How DID he know she was there???
“I feel very protective of you even though I’ve known you for like less than a month”
He can read minds it’s no biggie
“Cat” bitch me too!!!
I can’t read YOUR mind tho sorry
Wait so why are certain vampires given gifts?
I don’t wanna stay away from you anymore lol
Ooooo our dads are here
“Animal attack” *GLARE*
“Idk what to say I’m so sorry”
Animals are attacking and you give her pepper spray?
Why tf did they roll his whole ass body out in plain view why the hell was he not in a body bag!!!!
“Oh OKAY everything is starting to come together”
What is this dramatic dream where he’s all emo drinking her blood what the fuck is happening
“Follow me into the woods just trust me”
I don’t find it believable that he speaks like he’s from a different time. His dialect would change with time. Imagine him in 2018 fuckin yeet this and dab that lmaoooo
Why when he runs his legs move and nothing else
How fast are they even going
Diamonds are a girls best friend. And vampires.
“I’m a killer” on cool aha I’m just chillin alone in the woods with u haha no biggie
Why are you being so dramatic Edward
He just yeeted that fucking rock lol
“I’ve never wanted to kill anyone until you”
You’re my drug....
his voice is cracking me tf up
“I’m not afraid of you I’m afraid of losing you” you fucking emo
I want to die
I zoned out an all I heard was “sick masochistic lion” .... alright
Let’s just lay in the grass in the middle of the fucking woods it’ll be cute!!!
Do they just. Stare at each other and not talk...
Why do they use sound effects for his skin lmao
“My crush is a vampire lol ❤️”
What’s Monte Carlo
Everyone is staring lmaoooo
The siblings are not happy lmao
Why would you turn someone into a vampire like there is no logical reason to be like “you’re dying so I’m gonna make you live FOREVER”
They’re just chillin in the rain lmao
Literally tho like being a vampire would be pointless and fucking torture Jesus Christ why would you force that on a dying person
“Wanna meet the fam lol jk u have no choice”
The fucking stare down between Edward and Jacobs dad I’m fucking deceased
“Just keepin it real, son” broooo
Does anyone remember at one point in this series Edward and Jacob just fucking switched Bella off like what the shit was that was I just hallucinating
They cooked for her :(
How long has it been since they cooked
Esme is my soul mate
We NEVER use the kitchen
Jesus CHRIST Rosalie chill the FUCK out
Calm down you FUCKING drama queen
Please don’t kill me lol
Alice you Sapphic ass coming in on a fuckin tree branch
“Bella and I are gonna become great friends” does... does she KNOW. You know bc she can see the future
Alice is so cheery oh god
I too would be dramatic enough to frame all of my several graduation caps
I don’t... sleep
Like he doesn’t even need a chair like their legs never get tired. If they wanted to they could just stand every second of every day
Edward it is the 21st century catch up on the tunes, man
The face she made when he twirled her lmaooo
“I’ll MAKE you dance” .... alright
Why did they like. Move midair
This tree jumping shit just does not look scientifically accurate
“This kind of stuff just doesn’t exist” ... the woods?
Let’s sit in a fucking tree and just talk forever
I wonder who wrote the song Edward wrote. It’s actually... good???
Why is the footprint on top of this fucking mound of dirt lol
Hey hey you You I don’t like your boyfriend
I would kill for Charlie
No one like ACTUALLY questions why a HUMAN foot print is found in the murder scene
He just fucking comes out of nowhere fuck
How much time does this movie take the course over “only the last couple months” ????
“There’s always something I wanted to try” *kisses bella* you gonna tell me you’re 100+ years old and a virgin???????
This kissing scene must have been so awkward
He just fucking. Zooms back into the wall
Does Charlie not hear any of this???
Edward. She needs to sleep bro
I’m sorry but if my partner never slept I would never sleep with them like don’t fucking watch me sleep the shit???
He just fucking loves his gun
What is he doing over his head ??
We’re just gonna play a family game of baseball lol
Charlie cares so much :(
Charlie doesn’t even question that they’re going to play baseball in a thunderstorm
The baseball scene is in my top iconic scenes in cinematic history
Why do they keep the field so small if they hit the ball so far ???
Emmet my fuckboy baby
When emmet and Edward collide. Iconic.
These gay ass Mfers and their dramatic entrances
Why is putting her hair up going to help. It’s not her hair they smell it’s her blood? Right??
Vampires just go around claiming territory??
All around America??
James knows
Why do they hiss....
The fucking Cullen clan all just bend their knees and hiss like what the shit
“I can buckle MYSELF Edward”
This all went 0-100 real quick
Edward step up your acting game. Monotone ass mf
Charlie is so fucking confused
What even is she grabbing
Ok but Charlie’s so supportive of her and like all he cares about is her being safe oh my god
And he never knows that she didn’t mean any of what she said :((((((
That would fucking kill me oh my god poor Charlie
When they land on her truck... where are they coming FROM...
“Her kind” ... gingers?
Rosalie has a point...
Laurent was just a third wheel
Why do they drive so fast
How the hell was Bella even going to explain this to her mom??? What was her plan.
James.... Jesus your fucking face...
How did he get into the high school
You fucking dumbass you just gonna. Fight a fucking vampire? What is her plan? Fight him? Show up and take her mom and get out???
Also how did she even sneak past Alice and jasper
Wait how did he get this video
You dumb as shit bitch!!!
You can’t fight a vampire the fuck!!!
Why is the part where James shoved Edward against the mirror so sexually tense
This whole fucking ballet studio scene is just too dramatic
Why is she convulsing tho. Is that how it is when you turn into a vampire??? You fucking have a seizure???
Alice fucking SNAPPED
This whole series could have ended right here if they just let her fucking change into a vampire right then and there
Shut the fuck up and suck, Edward
Why her face look like.... that
Carlisle just PUSH HIM
Why are the tubes like ON her eyeballs
Edward sleeping... ha
The whole falling down the stairs bullshit story is so fucking ridiculous lmaoooo
“You’re texting” this movie is so old
Which leg is broken???
I almost killed you lol sorry. Also get the fuck out of Forks
Bella: *insert lady from lipstick in valentino bag vine*
Ok so her right leg is in the cast but in the hospital she was chillin in the bed with her right leg bent?
Jacob where did you come from lmao
“My dad paid me to come talk to you”
“Also you need to break up with your boyfriend”
The instant tension between Edward and Jacob and Bella is so fucking oblivious
“The wolves descend” REALLY EDWARD
Was their senior prom ever mentioned in the series???
She’s so fucking short omg
This music: A++
No seriously what is with everyone’s dresses being so ugly
“I want you always” bitch you just met like 2 months ago???
Bella is so desperate for the dick that she wants to become a fucking vampire
She actually thought he was gonna bite her at prom lmao????
They kiss so awkwardly
Victoria looks so jealous
And hot
Where is she going
Oh it’s over ok cool gn
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j-esbian · 7 years
Second First Date
happy holidays to @osobhi​~ it seems like we had each other for the @mlsecretsanta​ exchange! I hope you like this! it’s post-reveal alyabug :3
on ao3
Words: 2.4k
Her parents were hosting a party to celebrate New Year’s Eve, and Alya was bored out of her mind. She was the youngest there; none of her parents’ friends had brought their kids, and Ella and Etta were down for a nap before midnight. Her parents had felt the need to start it six hours before midnight, so everyone could have dinner together, and the party was dragging on forever.
It probably would have been a little more bearable if she could leave and hang out with people she actually knew, but she had nowhere to go. After a while, she resorted to sitting in the corner of the couch, eavesdropping on nearby conversations and texting her friends.
From: Mari <3
How’s the party going??
Babe I’m so boredd are u sure u can’t come over
I wish :(( my parents won’t let me though
FuCk that
Wait bu t
I’m sure my parents wouldn’t mind if ladybug crashed the party
No but they’re dragging me to church
At midnight
Why cant u just go in the Morning
B/c apparently?? We’re still open tomorrow??
Double Gross
Its ok I will send u a cyber smooch at midnight
Aww <3
Me too
Ugh gtg
Love you Alya
Ily2 mari
I’ll see if I can come by tomorrow
Gotta get me some sugar u know
Oh my goD
Uhh I mean ur dads pain au chocolat
Like ur cute but
Not everything is about u smh
“Ooh, are you texting a boy ?” someone near Alya giggled tipsily. She looked up, the smile rapidly evaporating off her face.
“My girlfriend, actually,” she said tersely.
“Oh.” He didn’t seem to know what to say, and went to take a gulp of wine instead. He looked down at the empty glass in his hand, then back at Alya, eyebrows raised. He tipped it towards her with a shamefaced smile and sauntered away in search of a refill.
Alya rolled her eyes. She got up and went into the kitchen, where her mother was preparing a round of hors d'oeuvres.
“Oh, Alya. Can you get me the horseradish out of the fridge?” Marlena asked.
“Yeah.” She grabbed the little glass jar from the refrigerator and, while she was in there, nicked a bottle of the twins’ apple juice. She handed the condiment to her mother and surveyed the plates that were already prepared. “Are any of these ready to go out?”
Marlena looked up. “Hmm. Yeah, the vol-au-vents,” she said, pointing. Alya picked them up and headed back out of the kitchen. “Thank you!” her mother called after her.
Alya, however, didn’t return to the party, but took a detour to her room. She closed the door behind her, resisting the urge to lock it, and shucked off her sweater and shoes. She set an alarm on her cell phone--5 minutes to midnight ought to be enough of a head’s up to rejoin the party in time for champagne.
Then she slouched over to her desk and kicked back in front of her laptop. She could still hear the wine-laced chatter and laughter of the party, and slipped on her headphones. Soon, she was engrossed in her computer, and behind her back the hours melted together. She was only pulled out of it, eventually, by two nearly simultaneous events.
The first was that she suddenly realized she was out of food, and when she looked up to confirm that her empty fingers were indeed only chasing crumbs around the plate, she caught a glimpse of her phone screen lighting up in her peripheral vision.
Alya sighed, and scooted in her chair to grab her phone from the pile of blankets it had nested in. To her surprise, it was now a little over half an hour until midnight.
From: Nono
Hey Alya
Playing stardew valley wbu
U decent?
Like morally or
Uh why lol
I mean yea but
U got sth planned?
W h a t
What are you hiding
Nano my man
Ur terrible with secrets
Just come hang out
Ivan’s here
And Alix
Kim’s maybe on his way
Where are u
We’ll come pick you up
Damn thanks
Maybe the real squad goals was the friends we made along the way
Be there in 10
Alya found her shoes and touched up her makeup, humming to herself. She gathered up the remains of her snack and headed to the kitchen. Her mom wasn’t in there anymore, and as she placed her plate in the sink, she heard her parents’ voices in the din of the party.
Her cell phone buzzed with a new text.
From: Alix K.
We’re here!!!
Come otu
im gay
Bitch me too
Come outsid e
Alya ran for her coat, shouting at her parents as she passed through the hallway. “I’m going to hang out with Nino!”
No response. She paused with her hand on the front doorknob and yelled again. “I’m gonna go out with some friends!”
Her mom poked her head around the corner. “Be quiet,” she said in a stage whisper. “The girls are still asleep.”
“Sorry,” Alya muttered. She lifted her hand from the knob and pointed at the door. “I’m going out, though.”
Marlena squinted at her watch in the dim light. “Be back by one,” was all she said. She headed back to the party, and called over her shoulder, “Have fun, sweetie!”
Alya raced down the stairs, and the moment she set foot outside, she was hit by a snowball. She coughed and swiped at her face, trying to see who threw it through the splotches on her glasses.
She heard Alix and Nino laughing, and Ivan said, “Ooh, nice shot.” She finally cleared off her lenses, and saw Ladybug, standing with her friends, and brushing her hands against her legs to hide the evidence of her crime.
“M--Uh, what are you doing here, Ladybug?” Alya asked incredulously.
Ladybug spread her arms wide. “Celebrating!”
Though Alya was bewildered, she couldn’t stop the smile that spread across her face. “Don’t you have, like, other things to do tonight?”
“Honestly? No,” Ladybug said, shrugging. “I can’t think of anyplace else I’d rather be right now.”
“Hell yeah,” Nino agreed. “Marinette said you were bored at your house, so we got a crew together. Sucks that she couldn’t come, though.”
“Oh, well,” Ladybug smirked. “Guess she’s missing out.”
Alya stifled a laugh, and changed the subject before it burst out. “I thought you said Kim was coming?”
“Nah,” Alix said. “Turns out he and Max are at a LAN party, so, you know, they might never leave.”
“That’s fair, though.” Ivan scratched his nose. “Did, uh, they say where they were?” Alix glared at him. “What?”
“Never mind them!” Alya said cheerfully, linking one arm with him and the other with Ladybug. She turned to Nino. “Where are we off to?”
He shrugged. “I didn’t think that far ahead, honestly.”
They wandered to the end of Alya’s street, looking around. There were people everywhere, and the air around them was full of the sounds of Reveillon in full swing.
“Isn’t your friend’s dad putting on his show at the Eiffel Tower?” Ladybug asked.
Ivan shook his head. “Nah, Mylène’s in Canada visiting family. It’s her dad’s understudy.”
“Still, it could be fun,” Nino said. “Anybody got other ideas?”
They didn’t, so they set off.
Ivan fell back, separating from Alya and falling into step with Alix, and Alya leaned in to Ladybug. “I thought you said you were busy,” she whispered.
Ladybug smirked knowingly. “Come on, Alya, we’re never open on New Year’s.”
“But, then…?”
“I thought we could do something different.” Ladybug leaned into Alya, pressing against her side for a brief second before pulling away again, a coy look slipping onto her face. “You know, something exciting.”
“That sounds just fine to me,” Alya replied.
“Can I just say?” Nino interrupted. “You guys are the worst.”
The others turned around and realized that they had fallen into two lines and Nino, being the odd man out, was left to trail along behind them, alone.
“Aw, c’mere,” Alya said. Nino came up to join her and Ladybug, and she slung her free arm around his shoulder. “There. I got my two favorite people with me.”
“I’m surprised I made the list before Marinette,” Nino commented wryly.
“Your favorite, out of the people here?” Ladybug suggested.
“Okay,” Alix interjected. “That just seems needlessly rude. I mean, we’re right here.”
“Well, shit, man, she’s only got two arms,” Ivan retorted.
“I’m just saying,” Alix grumbled.
“And the sidewalk’s hardly wide enough for five people,” Alya added. “I mean, there’s barely enough space for three of us.”
“I could always carry you if it gets too crowded,” Ladybug suggested.
Alya winked. “Maybe some other time.”
The streets got more congested as they went on, and soon they were forced to walk single-file. Alya led the line, holding tightly onto Ladybug’s hand behind her so they wouldn’t be separated. Alix brought up the rear, but she was tired of trailing behind and jumped onto Ivan’s back instead.
With more people around, Ladybug had expected they would be able to blend in more easily, but just the opposite was true. She kept getting stopped, and people would hand their phone to Alya so they could get a picture. It was infuriating, and after a few blocks they stopped to build Ladybug a disguise.
Alix shed her hat and sweatshirt, while Nino held Ivan’s jacket for him so he could offer Ladybug his flannel.
“It’s definitely too big to fit you,” he said apologetically. “But I figure you can tie it around your waist, because none of us are going to give up our pants.”
Ladybug looked down at her conspicuously crimson legs. “Good call,” she replied, zipping Alix’s hoodie over her suit.
Alya stepped forward and unwrapped her scarf, winding it around Ladybug’s neck. “It’s not much by way of a disguise,” she murmured. “But it really helps pull your whole outfit together, I think.”
Ladybug nuzzled into it. “Mmm. Soft.”
“And you’d better take good care of this,” Alya said sternly. “My girlfriend made it for me, got it?”
“Well, it’s nice.” Ladybug winked. “She’s got great taste.”
Alya crossed her arms and smirked. “Uh, hell yeah , she does.”
“Anyway,” Nino interrupted, glaring pointedly at Alya. “I don’t have anything to give you, because apparently I’m a delinquent. Best I could do is a hat, but you’ve already got that covered, so… We should keep going if we want to get good seats.”
They forged on, although the icy sidewalks and tightly-knit crowds seemed to want to separate them at every opportunity. Alix jumped back up on Ivan’s back, and used her perch to peer over all the people and find a clear path. Ladybug jumped and reached for Alya’s hand when someone spoke, but they weren’t addressing her.
“Hey, kids, it’s cold out. Where are your coats?” a stranger called out.
“Your mom’s house,” Nino and Alix shouted in unison. He reached out behind him, and she high-fived him.
“You know,” Alya whispered to Ladybug, “I think Nino’s upset with us for flirting with each other.”
“What? Why?”
Alya tapped her thumb against the big black spot on the back of Ladybug’s hand. “Gee, I don’t know.”
Ladybug wrinkled her nose. “Oh! Aw. He’s trying to defend my honor.”
“Yeah, and he thinks I’m a slut,” Alya pouted. “Oh, well. I guess I do have a type.”
“Hmm,” Ladybug agreed. “Or, everyone just loves you.” She leaned in to kiss Alya on the cheek.
Alya snickered and danced away, as far as she could without letting go of Ladybug’s hand. “Sorry, Ladybug,” she said, clutching dramatically at her chest with her free hand. “But my heart only belongs to one girl.”
“I, however, am incredibly single,” Alix piped up.
Nino rolled his eyes. “Anyway,” he said loudly, “I’m not sure we can snag enough seats next to each other. We might have to split into a few rows.”
Alya looked up in surprise. “Oh, wow. We’re here.”
“That, my friend, is the beauty of the travel montage,” Nino replied.
The show was in mid-act when they arrived, and was much more than a one-man performance. While the mime was there, and he was center-stage on the ground, the air behind him was full of twisting acrobats, on invisible wires and banners of purple and gold, suspended from the Tower itself.
Ladybug kept Alix’s hoodie and Alya’s scarf, but returned the other pieces of her disguise to their owners. They managed to find a cluster of seats, and Alya and Ladybug were finally--relatively--alone. Ladybug rested her head on Alya’s shoulder and laced their fingers together.
“Hey, Marinette?” Alya whispered after a few minutes. “Don’t you think this is maybe a little… I don’t know, dramatic?”
“I think that’s the point,” Ladybug whispered back, watching the mime wrestle with an acrobat some 10 meters above him.
“No, I mean.” Alya waved her hand, trying to encompass the whole convoluted scheme. “Why was Ladybug out tonight? Why did Marinette pretend to be busy? Why not just come hang out without all the fuss?”
“Honestly?” Ladybug looked up at Alya, wincing slightly. “It’s kind of a publicity stunt.”
Ladybug was quick to amend her statement. “That is to say, we’re just showing people we’re around even when there’s nothing really going on. Like, you know, we’re people, too.”
“In like a ‘don’t do crime because we’re always watching’ way?” Alya asked.
“More like a ‘friendly neighborhood superhero’ thing,” Ladybug suggested. “Chat’s off somewhere too, probably hanging out with his friends. Anyway, I get to do my civic duty and take you on an awesome first date.”
“I’ve literally lost track of how many dates we’ve had,” Alya said. “But this is definitely not the first.”
“You’ve never been on a date with Ladybug before.”
Alya laughed. “It seems like you’re just splitting hairs.”
“Listen, our real first date was just a study date,” Ladybug countered. “I think it’s natural to want a second shot at that.”
Alya hummed in agreement. “Well, then, this is absolutely an improvement.”
As if in confirmation, a spray of fireworks shot out behind the Tower, framing all the performers with a backdrop of red and gold sparks as they launched into their grand finale routine. In the distance, the bells of some unseen church chimed midnight.
“Yeah.” Alya slipped her hand under Ladybug’s chin and rubbed her thumb across her cheek.
Ladybug leaned up to peck Alya on the cheek. “Happy New Year, Alya,” she murmured.
“Happy New Year, Marinette.”
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