#however it also makes me think...ah. you know what? maybe my ability to write and tell stories ACTUALLY IS important.
It is unfortunately so disappointing to me to find out that people cannot tell stories. I mean, I honestly kind of have this assumption that everyone can tell a story - something that happened to them, at least, if not something they make up or whatever - and it is so unsettling every time for me to discover that there are actually people who cannot tell a story [well].
0 notes
darqx · 1 year
Hi I understand if you don't reply, but I was wondering if you have any advice to beginners who want to start making their ocs a reality? (Like in the sense of having Charecters that have been in your thoughts for a while, but it's hard to encapsulate them into physical form?) As I have some that id like to make either into a game or comic but I'm a little stuck..
Also I'm curious if there will be any other content with the best boy himself rire?? : 0
Hullo! Ah, (physically) designing characters, how fun ❤️ - there is part of a reason why I only have a handful of them lol XD; ANYWAY here are three things that help me, so hopefully they can help you as well :)
(I'll use Demon!Rire as an example as unless you are an old guard of mine, he will probably be the most recognisable of my characs.)
❓What do you know about them?
First of all since you already have your character in mind, congratulations you are most of the way there already! It's helpful to know the general vibe of them. And I don't mean the super detailed things that may arise from like..."Get to know your OC" quizzes - we are more looking for the core feeling of a character here. If you dumped this character into different AUs what things are going to stay the same/similar? Some things you should consider are:
What is their personality like? Why do they do the things they do?
Do I already have any physical traits for them in mind? Hair/eye/skin colour? Body type? Age? Name??
📝 Write a simple paragraph or some dot points about your character with these things in mind.
Sophisticated and charming, Rire outputs an aura of power and elegance. His pleasing physical appearance and gentlemanly demeanour usually enchants or commands people. Realistically, he is extremely manipulative and sadistic, and finds entertainment in the reactions of others.
🤔 Make informed choices
Ok cool, you know something about your charac! Now build upon what you know to make them real - it is important here to try and match your design choices with the characterisation and "why"s of the character, and less with what you personally think will be cool/cute/whatever. What I mean by this is just pretend they are a person you are describing to a forensic sketch artist - you are giving "facts" as to what you think they look like not making stuff up (eg you would NOT be like "oh yeh she was totally a punk rocker however i'm going to say she wore a long flowing gown cos I think she'd look prettier in it?"*)
*Note that designing a character with opposites in mind can work out if you can at least answer the cursory "why" of it being a part of the character design. For eg maybe the punk rocker is secretly the alter ego of a socialite - flowing gowns and high fashion by day, grunge by night. Like Batman.
📝 Feel free to use dress up doll games and image searches for particular types of clothes/hairstyles/etc if you need inspiration. Thumbnail a bunch of different designs and see what works.
In my prev example paragraph I highlighted a few things in red. Here I'll break down how they can help craft a physical appearance:
Sophisticated and charming / elegance - to me, these combined make me think of ballrooms and black tie functions and nice suits. A well tailored outfit and someone who knows how to wear them.
Gentlemanly demeanour (well to some degree lol) - since I already know he's hundreds of years old (973 to be exact) I decided that an aristocratic Victorian-esque aesthetic would suit him. Somewhere in between a modern look and something with a bit more fantasy steampunk flair. He smiles quite genially until he's doing it with all his teeth.
Aura of power - he's got to be a bit of an imposing character so he's quite tall (or at least taller than all of my other characs) and carries himself confidently. Hooray for the ability to loom. Dark colours for this character, to cut an impressive figure.
Pleasing physical appearance - kinda stereotypical type of good looks that aesthetically most people would be like "yeh he's pretty". Athletic build - muscular but not bulky, broad shoulders, tapered waist etc etc.
Extremely manipulative - first of all, he looks rather human, for a demon - his entire species is designed very particularly like that. Then there's the sunglasses. The "why" [does he wear them] is they function to hide his eyes (one of the main parts of him that give away his demon-ness), but also as a bit of a red flag to the audience that something isn't quite right with him. I mean, look past his charm and he wears them all the time. The black and yellow colour scheme also ties in as warning colours ⚠️
Put them all together and this was one of my first sketches of Demon!Rire.
*Note that I already more or less knew how he looked other than his outfit; you will probably have a lot more sketch duds as you figure out what your character looks like.
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🔐 Don't lock yourself in
Despite the fact I've just said "pretend your character is a person", remember you're still their creator so obviously you have final say over them. Sometimes you'll find that they grow and change from what you initially thought of them (or you just evolve in how you draw them). Don't be afraid to make the tweaks and changes that enhance these - whether they be physical or core characteristics - and you'll get closer to the true character you always had in mind.
I now draw Rire with a more pronounced V-shape, longer, wavier hair, and somehow he ended up with way more pronounced eyelashes than I usually draw on my male characs. Which works out quite well considering how I tend to draw his eyes. Anyway the point of this is that these things developed over time as I kept drawing him.
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🍀 Try it out with your own characs! Have fun and don't force yourself to try and get it "right" on the first go.
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gayuu-the-necromancer · 7 months
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Ellis: ".....That's because of the promise."
Harrison: "Promise?"
Ellis: "Yep."
I guess, it happened 4 years ago.
On the night I drifted into London town, he was looking up at the moon as I was passing the bridge looking for a place to stay.
I looked at his vacant profile and thought he was going to fall straight into the river after he finished his cigarette.
So I asked...
Ellis: "Are you happy?"
Jude: "Huh?...What if I am?"
Ellis: "I will make your happiness....last forever."
Jude: "Hah? What the hell are you saying? Are you crazy?"
I was used to people thinking I was joking.
But that person, gave me a serious answer.
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Jude: "..'Make your happiness last forever', huh? The happiest moment of my life......was probably when I went to the moon."
Ellis: "The moon?"
It was so out of the blue, but his voice sounded very serious.
Going to the moon, huh?
Long time ago, I used to say something like that to XXX.
When I thought about it, the words naturally came from my mouth.
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Ellis: ".....I want to go there too."
Jude: ".....You're really crazy, aren't you?"
Even though I said it in a serious tone or I thought it was a serious tone, that man nevertheless poked my forehead.
The next second, I lost consciousness. When I woke up again, I was still on the bridge.
The moon had dropped so far that it looked like it was going to hide behind the buildings.
And that person was there too.
Ellis: "How many cigarettes is that?"
Jude: "I don't know. How many hours did you sleep?"
It seems that this man did not fall into the river after finishing his cigarette.
Thank god, is what I wanted to say.
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Ellis: "Do you also have strange powers like me? I can do this....see?"
Jude: "Huh!? Tch!! Hey! What the hell!!?"
It didn't look like he was pleased with me demonstrating my abilities though.
Jude: "Ah! I dropped my cigarette! Don't do that again!"
After scolding me, he invited me to his house since I didn't have a place to stay. I didn't know what he was thinking.
When I said 'I want to go there too', I thought he's laughed funnily.
I wanted to see that face again.
------FLASHBACK ENDS------
Harrison: "....Hey Ellis, you there?"
Ellis: "Eh? Ah...Oh..Yes yes, the promise."
Ellis: "I said I'll cooperate with Jude until the happiest moment of his life comes by."
Harrison: "Does that mean, you gain something from this too?"
Ellis: "Ah...Yes."
Jude: ".........."
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Harrison: "Hmmm....well anyways, as long as both you and Jude are okay with each other, that's fine."
Alphonse: "I'm curious about one thing."
William: "Why don't you clear out all your doubts at this point?"
Alphonse: "How much does Mr. Jude make for his services to the Crown?"
Elbert: "You mean salary....?"
Victor: "Not much different from everyone else."
Victor: "Oh but I've added a condition of continued financing for Jude's company."
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Roger: "You're very smart."
Jude: "I know."
Victor: "However, the real reason he agreed to signing the contract is because he adores me!!"
Jude: "If it's in your dreams, then maybe."
Victor: "Eeehh? But you signed this contract straight away too."
Ellis: "Wow, how nostalgic."
William: "Do you always carry everyone's contracts with you all the time, Victor? That's very careless."
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Victor: "Of course not! I brought this here with me today because I thought something like this would happen."
William: "So Jude, you still didn't trust Victor when you signed this?"
Jude: "Someone with money, power and position offered us a contract on terms we could only benefit from, so...."
Jude: "It's normal to think they're definitely up to something."
Victor: "Eeeh!? So you signed this while still doubting me?"
Jude: "I mean, look at you. Would anyone completely trust you at first sight? You overly auspicious weirdo."
Victor: "Awww..."
Jude: "I don't know what you're up to, but I signed it thinking you'd make a fuss someday."
Victor: "Did Ellis also think the same.......?"
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Ellis: "I was told to 'write my name here', so I did."
Victor: "Thank god....No actually no!! You should never do that! You must always make sure you go through the contract before signing one!"
Alphonse: "Well...if one can easily trust someone, one wouldn't have a hard time."
Roger: "Those of you who didn't trust Jude and Ellis enough to make this report, have no say."
William: "Ahaha, I guess so."
William: "Well, it seems like this 'Mission' has helped them get used to the Crown at least-----"
William: "Can't wait to see what the future holds for you?"
The night is falling and two busy shadows step out of the Crown Castle.
Ellis: "Now that Mr. Wilson's case is behind us, I think it's time to start our first mission as the Crown members."
Jude: "Ah? Ahh, I guess so. I don't know."
Ellis: "Jude, are you happy?"
Jude: "Of course not. I feel like shit for being forced to play best friends."
Ellis: "Hmmmm?"
Jude: ".....What?"
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Ellis: "I mean.....I don't know about making friends."
Ellis: "But I guess, ever since I came here, it was fun."
Jude: "....Then what's the reason to make everyone happy? As long as you're having fun, that's what matters."
Ellis: "I wish Jude could also have fun."
Jude: "Don't drag other people."
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Ellis: "Maybe I'll get to see Jude's happiest face while living in this castle."
Jude: "Don't get your hopes up."
Ellis: "They all said it's natural to have difficulty trusting others without a reason."
Ellis: "Still Jude trusted me when we first met."
Jude: "Huh? I don't remember."
Ellis: "That's a lie. I know you have good memory."
Ellis: "Hey, why did you want to make such a promise to someone you've never met before?"
Jude: ".......No reason. I was feeling crazy."
Ellis: "Hmmmm?"
Jude: ".........What?"
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Ellis: "Nothing. I just felt like trust without any reason might be the happiest thing."
Jude: "You...shut up already."
The footsteps of two people did not approach or leave, but simply echoed side by side into the darkness.
Ellis: "......Shall we buy some souvenirs to take home."
Jude: ".......Do what you wish."
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hoshinoyozora · 2 years
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Roses in the Thorns
🖤 Pairing: Yandere! Malleus Draconia x Female! Fae! Reader
💛 Word Count: 2,3k+
❤ Warnings: -
Do not re-upload my writing to another website or use it without my permission. Also, don’t ask for a sequel unless I like the story enough to write one. Please reblog so other people can see my stories!
I haven’t seen ch 7 yet, but I heard Mal causes snow too when he’s upset? Idk let’s just say he does that here XD Also the meaning of the title is that rose often denotes romance, but is it really romance in their relationship? @married-to-google-translater
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Malleus didn’t really like going home.
Of course, he missed his grandmother that worked hard in his stead. His little rose garden waiting to be tended and admired. And his palace that held the comforting yet no less fascinating gargoyles and grotesques. But he didn’t miss the loneliness of his status and species, the fear from people, and you.
The fiancée that his grandmother set up from some Duke a few centuries ago.
It wasn’t as if he hated you, per se. You did your job as a princess and a fiancée very well, perhaps a bit too well, strengthening Queen Maleficia’s fondness for you. She, out of all people, knew just how lonely he was, regardless of his attempts to hide it, and you were more than ready to spend the next centuries with him. Malleus knew he should be delighted, grateful even, that his fiancée wasn’t a shy or fearful thing. But if he had to pinpoint why he disliked you, he might not be able to answer it quickly.
“Welcome back. I miss you.”
You hugged him tighter and closer than any royal couple had done, than any royal couple was supposed to be doing. You hummed contentedly against his shoulder, trying to sway him side by side. You weren’t fazed by his rigid body, however, and merely smiled up at him.
“The castle feels so lonely without you, you know.”
Malleus squinted slightly. He never really knew if you were jabbing at his little insecurity or if you genuinely felt that way. Maybe he was reading too much into your actions, maybe he wasn’t. Who would’ve known?
“I see. That’s unfortunate.”
A neutral answer; neither sympathizing nor mocking. He pushed you away, gently as to avoid any suspicion from the unseen eyes and ears that your relationship wasn’t as harmonious as it should be.
“Avoidant, as usual.” you mused, trailing after him with your hands clasped behind you. “But allow me to accompany you a bit more, Malleus. Fortunately, I have a loose schedule for today.”
Your smile widened just as your eyes glowed in the dimly-lit hallway.
“Because I knew you’d come back to me.”
Ah, that’s right. He disliked you because of your confidence. While it didn’t exactly tiptoe the line of arrogance, it was still annoying how you thought he favored you any more than he favored other women desperate for his hand in marriage. Then again, he couldn’t really fault you for trying. A cold, formal marriage might be the standard for many royal couples, but a harmonious one – both in public and private – would greatly benefit your relationship and image.
And yet…
“I’m tired. I’d like to rest for now.”
Your confidence wasn’t the main reason behind his antipathy.
“Are you sulking, Malleus?”
It was your perceptiveness. Your ability to make him feel naked, vulnerable, tamed. Lilia had that power too, but he was his caretaker and retainer. He cared about him. While you? You were an enigma. A wildcard. A stranger that his grandmother was forced to marry soon.
“What makes you think so?”
Calmly, you closed the doors of his bedroom.
“Why, your face says it all, of course.”
Instinctively, Malleus touched his face. Was he really that expressive? Lilia could read him, but once again, he was his caretaker and retainer.
You chuckled, “Are you thinking about whether you’re being very expressive right now?”
His eyes widened slightly.
“Well, you’re not. But I’ve spent centuries observing you, so I can pick up all your emotions now.” You peeked through your lashes coyly. “So, did you finally find some joy in that school?”
Malleus resisted the urge to shift uncomfortably. He shouldn’t be surprised considering that you were his fiancée, but he knew that had you were more blatant with your ‘observation’, he’d think of you as another Rook Hunt instead.
“I didn’t go there to search for amusement.”
“Oh, really? Not even a new friend?”
“The people there are mostly pleasant.”
You simpered, eyes softening slightly.
“You know I’m not talking about schoolmates.”
“Quit talking in riddles. If you don’t have any business left to discuss, you may leave my chamber at once.”
“Always so cold to me, and yet, you’re strangely warm to that magicless human.”
Stiffening, Malleus whipped around and gripped your arms.
“How did you know about Yuu?”
“Are you really asking me that? I’m your fiancée. I ought to know about your matters, too. How else can I help you if you encounter problems?”
“I already have Lilia with me. I don’t need your intervention.”
You cocked your head in mock questioning.
“Really? Just like how you’re barely invited to any event, including the ceremony? Or how your own retainers forget about you sometimes?”
Malleus ground his teeth.
“I suggest you to watch your tongue if you don’t want to lose it.”
“Oh, but what would people think if they found out that you punished me due to a simple couple spat? And we don’t need to imagine how Her Majesty would react to this. She loves me, you see, and you know it too.”
“Don’t think you’re invincible, [Name].”
“Maybe.” You shrugged carelessly. “But I’m the reason why people started to look at you in a better light now. If I were to, say, complain that you’re being hurtful towards me, they’d sooner believe me over a big, scary dragon.”
His grip tightened. As much as he hated to admit it, you were right. Ever since you got engaged to him, you often invited him to events and used the power of social pressure by displaying affections to him. Of course, Malleus had no choice but to comply and requite the unwanted gestures. And those nobles, foolish little creatures despite the intelligence they touted, immediately believed the act and spread the news all over the country. Now, everyone knew you both as an unconventionally loving couple; surprising but no less heartwarming.
But he could care about his image later.
“Whatever you do, do not harm Yuu in any way.”
You huffed a laugh.
“You wound me, Malleus. When have I ever treat humans so unjustly? They’re a part of our people, too.”
Malleus squinted and opened his mouth to retort, only to close it back. What was he going to say again? That he thought you’d hurt Yuu out of ‘jealousy’ of his friendship? Thinking about it was silly enough; saying it aloud would make him a bigger fool. You probably couldn’t feel jealous, not when you seemed so complacent even in the face of threat. What would you respond later? Another jab? Another sneer?
“Lilia, are you the one who told Princess [Name] about me being excluded to school events?”
The cup hovered as Lilia paused to process the question. Peeking up through his lashes, he discerned Malleus’ agitated expression.
“Why, even if I don’t tell her, she can still find out somewhere else.”
“You know I don’t like it when she meddles in my affairs,” Malleus grumbled. “and now she knows about Yuu’s existence too. What if she hurts them?”
“I’ve been observing her, and never once did she mistreat humans. She might seem like a know-it-all, but she’s only trying to do her duty. Let’s not be too paranoid.”
Despite Lilia’s attempt to reassure him, Malleus couldn’t subdue the agitation in his chest. You were too unpredictable, in a way that might just be worse than Lilia. Even if the said fae wasn’t his retainer, Malleus would still trust him to be around Yuu due to his wish for a peaceful life.
Unfortunately, his anxiety was proven true when he spotted you talking with Yuu in the Ramshackle yard at one night.
“Oh, hi, Tsunotarou!”
You glanced at them in bemusement yet devoid of surprise, as if you knew the nickname was harmless. On one hand, Malleus was relieved to know that you wouldn’t scold or punish them for discourtesy like Sebek would’ve done. But on the other hand, he was still angry at your insolence.
“Pardon us, Yuu, but I’d like to speak to her first.”
“Oh, yes. You guys are, uh, dating, right? Go ahead.”
Squinting, Malleus grabbed your wrist and dragged you to a secluded spot.
“Why did you tell them that we’re ‘dating’?! And what are you doing here?! Why didn’t you tell me that you’d come?!”
“I just want to know what compelled you to them. It’s rather baffling, but I think I understand now. That child doesn’t see you for your species, right? They don’t even know about your true name.”
Malleus remained silent.
You simpered, “And it appears that you didn’t tell them about your status too. Why? Are you afraid that they’d change their mind about you?”
“That is none of your business.”
“You know, they’re the one who thinks we’re dating. And they’re not wrong. We are dating, aren’t we?”
“That’s because you’re being nosy!” Malleus hissed. “Can’t you just stop bothering me and let me have some peace for once?!”
Suddenly, your face hardened just as your body went rigid under his grip. It was rather eerie to see you without your calm smile or the way your eyes stared at him without their usual gentleness of complacency. Had he finally displeased you?
“Your grandmother once told me that you liked to read fairy tales and dreamed of happily ever after. I can give you that, and Queen Maleficia knows I’ve been trying for the past centuries, but it seems that my efforts are actually futile all this time.”
You snatched your wrist from his grip and stopped beside him.
“One day, you shall see that I’m the constant part of your life. Not even your fragile and temporary friendship with that magicless human can replace me.” you declared quietly. “And one day, you shall come back to me once the loneliness becomes too overwhelming for you. Because I am the only one you need in your life.”
The wind blew past him, and with it, you were gone. Malleus looked at your empty spot, wondering since when the silence rang too loud in his ears. Then, he scoffed.
How silly. You were useful as a princess and fiancée, yes, but as a companion? No. He didn’t need you platonically or romantically, and he was sure he could live for the next centuries treating you as a business partner or a distant roommate. Just like many others before him.
He could bear with that cold, formal marriage. He was sure of it.
Seasons changed, the calendars turned their pages, and Night Raven College became a distant yet bittersweet memory. Crowley officially failed to bring Yuu home, so Malleus decided to give them a new one in Queendom of Roses so they’d feel close to their friends. It didn’t lessen their eternal anguish and longing, but at least they were able to hide it in the letters and smile at him on the rare times they met. On the other hand, ever since that incident, you’d become distant despite your new status as his wife. Although you were still successful at fooling the nobles with your loving façade, the people close to you managed to sense the wall between you. It was concerning enough until Queen Maleficia decided to confront you both, and with a masterfully calm smile, you replied.
“We simply have a disagreement, but I assure you, it won’t affect our duties or images in any way.”
Malleus could tell she didn’t really believe it, but she sighed in a way weary parents usually did, including Lilia. And you both weren’t exempted from Lilia’s admonishment itself.
For years, the invisible wall remained sturdy, neither heightening or lowering
Until, one day, Yuu died.
Nobody needed to guess who the culprit was when blizzards and thunderstorm kept falling interchangeably around the country. Lilia had implored him to calm down to prevent more deluges in the small villages, and at one point even proposed to visit you for comfort, but Malleus merely lashed out at the latter. How dare he suggest such a ludicrous thing?! All Malleus wanted was to meet his one and only friend again, not you. Never you.
But, alas, Yuu’s fate was already set in stone, and for all his power, there was nothing Malleus could do. The storms had lessened, but dark clouds still lingered in the already gloomy sky. The cloud was heavier around him who refused to leave his room, leaving the court to handle the brunt of his duty. Including you.
Calmly, you sipped the warm tea and put the cup back to its saucer. You didn’t turn to look at him, but Malleus knew you were listening. You were always listening for him, about him, and the thought strangely flattered him now.
Malleus crossed the drawing room and stood beside you. He stared down at you for a moment before he kneeled.
“You’re correct.”
It was an abrupt apology yet no less sincere. He took your hand from your lap and clasped it within his cold and desperate hands, looking at you pleadingly despite your silent refusal.
“You are… the true constant part of my life. My queen, my wife, and my companion. I was mistaken to believe that my friendship with Yuu could be anything but…” He swallowed the grief and pride. “fragile and temporary, not when they were a mere mortal in my impossibly long life. Forgive me for being so blind and foolish to the truth.”
Malleus rested his forehead against your lap, already resigned to the silence that might stretch on forever. It wasn’t until he felt a hand prod him to raise his head did he obey.
Finally, you looked at him.
“I told you.” you whispered, caressing his cheeks with your thumbs. “You’ll come back to me. Because you just can’t live without me, can you?”
“Yes, yes, of course. You are the only I need in my life.”
Slowly, you smile widened just as your eyes glowed in the dimly-lit room.
The same confident and complacent smile that he once hated but now loved.
The same confident and complacent smile that told him you won this centuries-long game of cat and mouse.
“Good boy.”
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cometcon · 11 months
I uh... I did it again. XD My brain has been going brrrr over this fucking GORGEOUS artwork by @zunkome2 on Xitter (click the view on Twitter button to see their art) and it inspired me to write fanfic of it. I love this art so fucking much!!!! I hope I can keep practicing and be as good as them one day. :D
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So yeah, I could not stop thinking about this and I love that Blitz is canonically such a horse-girl, and I can totally see Striker realising and using that to his advantage in trying to draw Blitz in and hopefully get him on his side.
Anyway, my brain decided it was time to take like 5 hours of my day on and off making me try to write this to the best of my current ability. Enjoy. XD
Blitz was in Heaven.
An ironic descriptor, considering their actual location, but picking a better one would have been impossible right then; especially with a hellhorse nuzzling his chest ever so gently in search of another rawhide strip. Her mouth may have appeared vicious - and technically yes, that Lovecraftian maw was capable of crushing flesh and bone to mush in a single bite - but the non-business parts were also far softer to the touch than anyone less familiar with the creatures might expect.
"Sorry. I'm all out," he murmured regretfully, giving the beautiful beast a scratch on her forehead as she shoved her muzzle into his other hand. He had to take a small step backward however when she suddenly whipped her head up and to the side with a greeting whinny. Strange. What was that abou-
"Lot of others would've lost a limb for that." The unexpected voice made Blitz tense, tail shooting straight out behind him in surprise before curling tightly, an embarrassed flush rising to his cheeks. He peered around the hellhorse's neck, praying his mortification wouldn't be obvious to the cowboy now leaning against his mount's side. How the fuck had he arrived without him noticing? Striker plucked the wheat stalk from between his teeth and smirked. "She likes you."
Blitz coughed awkwardly and began backing away, mind and mouth both rapidly trying and failing to come up with a believable excuse for his actions. "I was just- uh… I was looking for… We had them at the circus, see, and I thought maybe- Strips are really good for their teeth, you kn- I mean of course you'd know that! I just-" Striker's eyebrows had been climbing steadily higher beneath the brim of his hat the longer Blitz waffled on, and in desperation he found himself resorting to a ridiculous escape route he hadn't used since he was nine years old. "Ah, I think I hear Luna calling me! Coming Loonie!" 
He skittered across the corral and clambered over the fence, cheeks burning hot as he cursed himself silently. Why had he turned into such a blathering idiot in front of the one person he'd actually hoped to impress this weekend? Blitz knew a ruthless killer when he met them and Striker was clearly I.M.P material. After a pathetic show like that though, there was no way he would want to-
The ground under his boots had begun to vibrate while he fumed, faintly at first, then increasing to a thundering roll. He instinctively darted to the side and kept walking, expecting whoever it was to just barrel past him at the reckless speed they seemed to be going. But his path was abruptly cut off by a fiery grey mass, Striker expertly bringing his mount from full canter to a standstill in a cloud of dust. He swung her around to stand side-on so he could look down at the choking imp, that shit-eating grin Blitz was quickly becoming familiar with exposing a gleaming gold fang to the sunlight.
"Pretty sure your hound went bean-pickin' with the rest an hour ago," Striker commented, leaning forward to rest an arm on the pommel, free hand tapping his thigh absentmindedly, "Since you got so much free time to burn, how 'bout you come help me check the fences? Got a few posts loose on the South end thanks to that pesky varg pack last night." The hellhorse shuffled under him, pawing at the dirt and snapping her jaws a little at the mention of vargs. "Bombproof wouldn't mind catching a few either, I bet. Maybe you'll get to see her on the hunt."
"Oh, uh…" Perhaps he hadn't completely blown his chances after all? Striker certainly wasn't behaving like he thought Blitz a dithering moron, literally chasing him down to offer another opportunity to spend more time together and bond with Bombproof. What an incredible name for a hellhorse… No, focus! He could salvage this. He just had to pull himself together and show what a great prospect his group would be compared to farm work in the boonies. Preferably without turning into a rambling mess this time. He forced a nonchalant shrug. "Sure, why not?"
Striker slipped his boot free of the stirrup, hand extending in clear invitation. Blitz's brain stuttered, immediately dropping every part of his own peptalk as it dawned on him what the other had actually meant.
"What, you plannin' on walkin' there? It's miles of Wrath terrain. C'mon Blitz, I don't bite," Striker drawled, head tilting as his eyes took on a knowing glint, "Unless you ask nicely."
Well that decided it. Blitz was reaching for the proffered hand before he could second-guess himself, so caught up in his whirling thoughts Striker had to correct which foot the distracted imp tried mounting with. Blitz didn't have long to stew in his humiliation at least, preoccupied by the ease of how he was hauled into the saddle, hands directed to grip the pommel while the taller demon reached around him to grasp the reins. Striker nudged his leg out of the way, retaking the stirrup and leaving Blitz to squeeze Bombproof's sides tightly with his thighs as she responded to her rider. A moment later they were galloping down the driveway, wind whipping past their faces and her powerful form surging below them.
Blitz was wrong. His time in the corral had been a beautiful experience, but still only comparable to Earth at best. 
Now he was in Heaven. 
And he never wanted to fall.
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bunglegaydogs · 1 year
ch. 109 spoilers!
bro i know okay i KNOW that one order has been released, atsushis about to get apparently fucking feasted upon, aku's possibly helping aya, I KNOW ALL OF THIS.
I'm not going to analyse it. But FUCK am I going to analyse it.
Literally, my thoughts throughout the whole chapter were "what the fuck" on different levels/degrees, and by the end of it, I was in shock and then it all hit me about five minutes ago lmao.
So, first off ofc
Guys dw I don't think he's dead; it's the information overload. Also, I'm not just saying this bc I'm in denial (ahem ahem) but genuinely because I don't think Sigma was shot with a fatal wound; and he touches Dostoevsky and automatically he's not dead. Fyodor's ability is seemingly able to kill people upon immediate contact. (Which is probably why he made Sigma's ability also through touch idk man lmao) And Sigma is not dead !!! (fucking praying) it's genuinely just the sheer amount of information he received from Fyodor; that shit was a LOT. He inquired about EVERY SINGLE SECRET that he had; bro, this is fucking Fyodor that we're talking about; that's a long-ass list. Anyways, so I genuinely just think it's like what happened to Atsushi; Sigma's ability is to take information from people, so he's a lot more used to an influx of info in his mind than Atsushi is; however, this was a shit ton of info for him to take in, it's going to take a while to process all of that. (Also his first thought being to tell the Agency AH I can't- also does this mean that Fyodor's plans maybe involve the Agency even more? Man I don't know lmao)
Next, Aya is so slay I hate her dad fr fr lmao xoxo She's so important to the story and I love it. Also, convenient hole there Akutagawa. Anyways xoxo so, we see a lot of humanity still emanating from Aku, so this is very good.
So, now uhm. We're onto Dazai's arrival! 🤠
Even his first line after being gone a couple chapters is literally fucking gay as shit.
"Aah. I've imagined this scene thousands and thousands of times. Although, in my day-dreams... the roles are reversed."
I was so caught off guard when he said this
Asagiri really just outed this mf xoxo
Bro's daydreaming about Chuuya? And just admits it as a passing thought?
Okay bub.
Also, the "...Well? Come at me, Chuuya."
Why's Chuuya hesitating in the first place? Fyodor told him to go and kill Dazai. He's now seen Dazai, and just isn't doing anything, he's just standing there. And Dazai's just taunting that mf.
"Try and amuse me with your lame-ass punches."
Right, now, I don't know about you, but this really doesn't sound very Dazai to me. I don't know, it was my first thought upon reading it. Like yeah of course he'd mock Chuuya; but has he ever called him weak? And like I don't know just the phrasing doesn't sound like him. Also, his shit-eating grin just makes me piss. Also, the fact that this gets a reaction from Chuuya like it would if he were human. Instead of acting on Fyodor's orders, he goes to punch Dazai after being provoked; also, I don't know about you, but a punch from Chuuya, no matter how hard he hits (he can't use gravity also) wouldn't kill Dazai. Chuuya is going to punch Dazai out of anger and infuriation at him mocking him; not because Fyodor has ordered him to.
ALSO, we don't see Dazai's face here, and he's not smiling anymore, but also he isn't moving away from Chuuya? I don't know maybe I'm dumb lol.
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Also, another thing?
"Back up and put him down."
Like, dog connotations between SKK are fucking rampant, Dazai always calling Chuuya his dog, etc. The phrasing here gets me interested lol.
Then the "...Darn." from Dazai. What's with the pause? Idk, maybe I'm just overanalysing lol.
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I'm sorry but Chuuya slays so hard here.
The sigh.
What's with the sigh? Any right-minded person (considering that it's Dazai we're talking about, maybe not the best phrasing) wouldn't just sigh when they have a gun pulled on them? Also, what the fuck is with the gun being so bright or smoky I can't tell?
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It doesn't sound like Dazai! It really really doesn't, not to me at least. But I'm probably just mega delusional. Just the, "Where the hell were you aiming, you god damn clutz?!" If you showed me that line and asked me to guess which character said it before I read this I guaran-fucking-tee you I would not have said Dazai. Maybe it's code, I DON'T KNOW BUT I FUCKING WISH I DID. Maybe he's like telling Chuuya where to aim...? I DON'T KNOW I'M SORRY. Also, mans looks absolutely PISSED but it's fine bc he's hot xoxo ALSO SORRY I ONLY JUST REALISED HE SAID SHIT LMAO As long as I've read this manga I have never ever known Dazai to swear, except that one panel that always makes me giggle when they're having their counselling session and he just goes "What the fuck." but idk if that was the real like actual translation lol. Also, after getting shot in the shoulder, nobody fucking shouts "OOOUUUUCH!" Bro's actually so goofy, it's not real. Idc, I'm fucking clutching at straws of course I am, but this is some act. He's literally had his bones broken by Chuuya at fifteen years of age when he stepped on his wrist and snapped it, he's been tossed around like a goddamn ragdoll, he's been shot by Fyodor's sniper, stabbed by Shibusawa and stabbed by Gab; all times he has never had this reaction, and those were near-fatal wounds, two of them actually killing him. Also, nobody says "That hurt!" After getting shot, come on now.
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Going from shouting and screaming in pain and anger to utter silence and a calm look on his face at having a gun pressed to his head by his partner. Also, idk if Chuuya's actually touching his head with the gun; if he is, however, then I'm sure that will nullify the vampirism I THINK. In the fifteen LN, they defeat Randou and the old boss by Chuuya wrapping streamers around himself and hiding it underneath his clothes whilst Dazai held onto it from the other end of the room, and the streamers protected him from Randou's attacks, I THINK. And I THINK that this may mean if the gun touches Dazai's head, then maybe...? I really don't know, I'm clutching at mega straws here but it's just what I thought when I first read it.
Also, what does Fyodor mean by the "With this... there's no need to worry." About what? Dazai, like, having an extra plan? I really don't know.
Then this motherfucker sighing for the SECOND TIME WITH A GUN POINTED AT HIM? Like sorry that this is such an inconvenience??? Maybe you should be a little bit more worried? Also his dead-ass fucking look makes me piss.
Anwyays, my next thought is just why he's commentating the situation; Chuuya is here. He knows. He's the one holding the gun. Dostoevsky is watching on the cameras, he knows. He arranged this shit. Dazai knows. He's got the fucking gun pointed to him. So, why is Dazai just announcing what's happening? Also, of course his shoulder's going to hurt? You've just been shot babes. And once again, the "This is the god damn worst!" He's cussing an awful lot, which is actually shocking for him to be honest. But if we do decide to go down the route of he actually has no plans left and is genuinely just left for dead, then that's lowkey valid. But this is Dazai we're talking about bro. Also, the "And I'm gonna lose to Dostoevsky." Is he trying to get Fyodor to be like "Ah, he knows I've beat him." Hm. It's like pandering lol. "And as if that weren't enough, I'm being killed by Chuuya!" He's very expressive rn lmao. Anyways, who is he voicing all of this to? I don't know. OH WAIT ANGO? FUCK WAIT LMAO OKAY SORRY.
So, I remembered the other day that Dazai, despite Ango not being able to communicate with him, can still communicate with Ango. So, pretty much, has he relayed everything back to Ango? And Ango knows what's happening right now? Hm.
Anyways, if that's just irrelevant, then who is he just chatting to? I don't know man he's wild lmao.
"Looks like you're all out of plans."
He's very smug. Cocky. If you did see my other post about that being his downfall, you know what I think about this lmao. He's so sure that he's won, he knows that he's finally, after all this time, bested Dazai. However I just simply don't think that that is true.
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He leans into the gun. Also sorry he's just so pretty. Anyways. The thing about Harukawa is that Harukawa enjoys telling emotions, stories and psychological states through the character's eyes. And, said that though he wasn't going to disclose which character, there was one character whose eyes were devoid of highlights when they were showing their true self; whilst Dazai looks mighty determined here, and his words are true, he's got an act going on. But also, his eyes are genuine. They're determined, and they're real. I can't explain lol anyways. Onto the main fucking attraction here.
"Chuuya. Come to your senses. Our fate will not end in a place like this. Because you and I are destined to-"
HM? HM? Genuinely, I was so taken aback at this part, I was in fucking SHOCK. Fellas, is it gay to talk about your fate with your partner who you daydream about, every day and night, for the past seven years, and say that you're destined to do SOMETHING before it gets cut off and said partner shoots you in the head?
"Our fate will not end in a place like this."
He knows how destined they are, the sheer trust they place in each other, all of it. They both fit perfectly together, no matter how many jagged and sharp edges they have. Also, reminds me of when Dazai was messing with Chuuya at the Lovecraft fight and Chuuya says "You're not dying in a place like this!" Anyways. I just... this scene fucking. Aeugh. I'm broken. I feel ill. I'm going to throw up, and bash my head against the walls and start screaming and going absolutely ape-shit and feral and wild bro. I swear to fucking God, just a couple of words and Asagiri has already restored my writer's block. In just a panel or two, my heart's fucking broken and I'm already feeling every emotion under the sun; this is the effect of their relationship together. You don't know how to feel about it, but you know exactly what you feel about it. Anyways, sorry.
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Once again, what the fuck is he shooting him with, a goddamn flare gun? Why's that shit so bright?
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Is that enough blood for a gunshot wound to the head? Is that the appropriate face that someone makes? Too many questions. He just looks mildly surprised.
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Oh to be honest, I only just saw that he shot him in the other fucking shoulder. Also, see how much Dazai moved forward to shuffle closer to Chuuya lmao. That's got to be important, right?
Anyways. Showing just the slight amount of blood and the top of his head, hm. Idk man lmao. Something seems suspicious. Something smells fishy.
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Going back to this scene real quick, Chuuya is looking awfully human when Fyodor says "Stop." don't you think? Anyways.
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Okay, forgive me; he shot him twice after he shot him in the head. He's shot him in his other shoulder and in his side?
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Not both Sigma and Dazai's "final sentences" being cut off. Hm. Also, once again, Chuuya looking more human than he did before. When we first saw him with Fyodor, mans was fucking SWEATING and going feral, growling and shit. And, I can't lie. The, "I've been... looking forward to th-" Who's to say that he is actually talking about dying? Bro said the same thing when he got stabbed by Shibusawa and Gab. And he knew he'd be coming back both times.
But, something I will say; I can most definitely agree that Dazai does look very dead in his eyes. That I can most definitely say.
LMAO I just got the most random ass theory in my head; what if Chuuya turned that time-stopping girl into a vampire and she's using her ability for something LMAO THAT'S FOUL my brain is actually so dumb.
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He's smug. He's cocky. He has seen him be shot and thinks that he's won. But again, I just can't believe that Asagiri would do that; I know he has the balls to do it, but is it beneficial to the story for Dazai to die? There are too many unanswered questions, too many routes that this could stray down if he does. What about the Agency? What about Atsushi and Aku? What about Chuuya? The PM? Ango? Not to be all "Dazai cannot die he's too important" but yeah, I am going to be all like that. Anyways lol. My point was that the "goodbye" here, MAYBE this is "Operation Goodbye" coming into play. I WILL STAND BY THIS THEORY UNTIL MY FUCKING GRAVE. Which will be a very early one depending on the outcome of the next fucking chapter. But yeah, maybe this is the reason it's called that, and Chuuya will hear this, or even Dazai, and it's like a signal. Also, fuck off if you think that I'll believe Dazai is dead; he got shot in the head at point blank, and still had the energy to smile and be like "Aw yeah I love this" like bruh. Also, maybe Chuuya shot Dazai in the side and the shoulder before and after he shot him in the head so that Fyodor thinks "Oh, he's definitely dead." And Dazai has made sure that the second round in that gun is a blank or it's fucking paint and he replaced it fucking ages ago, whether with the time-stopping ability or he gave Chuuya the gun before he ever even GOT into Meursault, bro I really don't know. I'm sticking by my paint theory and that the bullet in that specific magazine thing is a little paintball. Dazai can literally canonically send himself into cardiac arrest and come back out of that; he did it to Atsushi in 55 minutes when Atsushi scared him. Anyways.
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Not him being in a different position then he actually "dies" in man. LMAO what if this shit is Poe's novel? Anyways.
He dies with one leg folded and one stretched out, arms at his sides.
In the camera footage looking one, we see him with both his legs folded and like almost cross-legged with his hands clasped together inside his legs, the same when Aya is pushing the table. Me when I move after I die, what? Also, how come the other bullets went through his body, but the bullet shot through his head just didn't? I'm sure we've seen people get shot in the head in this series before and if we haven't, I'll be very fucking shocked. But anyways, either way, I can guarantee you they all would have/will have died instantaneously. This motherfucker is just chilling, laughing and talking about how fucking glad he is as he's dying. Bro. Anyways. Long story short, Dazai is not dead and he's a cunning little shit and I'm telling you now that that fucking magazine, that one bullet round was a paintball bullet thing. Idk man. I'm not having this motherfucker die now after this long and so many almost-confessions to his fucking partner bro.
Also, the black around Chuuya's eyes is easing; it's lesser. And also I said this as soon as I saw him, but he doesn't have the veins under his eyes anymore. He just looks a lot more human than he did before.
Also, yeah uh. One Order is fucking me up bro fr. I hate Fukuchi man, just bc you're bitter, king. Also, I find it very... interesting, that when Aya is going "Fall! Just fall!" It shows us the three generations of Double Black, all in equally precarious situations.
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Dazai, having been almost drowned/set on fire/suffocated/poisoned, ALSO THE LETHAL POISON THAT IS IN HIS AND FYODOR'S BODIES, WHAT'S HAPPENING WITH THAT? LMAO. Anyways, so, Dazai, having been almost drowned/set on fire/suffocated/poisoned, then fell in an elevator and literally almost died as he apparently crawled through the hallway or something, then got shot in the shoulder by Chuuya, only to be apparently shot in the head and killed and shot in the side and the other shoulder. Maybe the bullets are antidotes lmao anyways. So, Dazai, apparently dead. Fukuzawa, having his throat sliced and also apparently, supposedly dead. Atsushi, not supposedly dead, but supposedly about to die, and is certainly in a dangerous situation; someone mentioned on a post I saw before that they feel as if this is building up for the three SKK generations working together, and I agree! Mori hasn't really been seen much; I feel as if he's going to turn up soon. Aku is of course going to either die after Aya rips the sword out or HOPEFULLY just go back to being human; same with Chuuya. I feel as if all of this is somehow planned. I feel like Tanizaki is going to turn up with light snow and the president is actually fine, and the One Order that Fukuchi has isn't real, and Fukuzawa slipped the page from him or something. Because, Tanizaki is literally behind them with Kunikida I think it was? Also, Kenji and Tecchou? Teruko? Where's Jouno? Where's Tachihara? What about the PM members that got turned? What about whatever the fuck Dazai has planned? Bro, I'm so scared but I actually cannot wait.
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LMAO I am going to PISS MYSELF laughing if it just yanks Bram off the building and flings him. LMAO IT JUST FLINGS HIM OVER TO MEURSAULT LMAO.
But yeah no. So. I am insane. I am clinically unwell. That chapter fucked me up; but we've been getting fed GOOD the past two months fr. This has given me so much SKK angst fic ideas holy shit. Asagiri and Harukawa both just cured my fucking writer's block with one chapter.
Also! Something else I saw was somebody saying how similar Fyodor's mental ass fucking scene was with Dazai's and it honestly is! Fyodor getting shot in his left shoulder first, then Dazai in his right, then his left.
Now, just a thing of note; in Christianity and stuff, the left side is usually representative of evil and Satan, whereas the right side is associated with Righteousness and goodwill. Bro, I had this shit drilled into me as a kid, left was bad and right was good. It's just very interesting to me that Fyodor was shot in his left shoulder; representative of evil, and Dazai was shot in the side that it supposed to represent goodness and all things pure, really lmao. Maybe I'm just looking too deep into this, but I found it pretty intriguing.
Anyways, my main point was how similar the scenes are; they're both playing characters that are opposite to their true selves. Though, to be honest, it's a bit of a weird one/situation because we don't actually KNOW their true selves lmao.
Anyways! This is way too long, I'm going to carry on my SKK angst with my newfound absolute shit mood bro this shit fueled me but has actually destroyed me.
Honestly, props and kudos to you if you read this far.
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scaramouche-bully · 3 years
Hello! Can I request an Overstimulation one with Zhongli,Kaeya,Venti and a bottom reader? Gender neutral or female! If you do this,thank you!
— ☆ Overstimulation headcanons
Includes: Kaeya and Venti. 
[ Sub ] Gender-neutral reader
Contains: Overstimulation, dacryphilia, multiple orgasms, humiliation, temperature play, orgasm denial/delay + degradation.
— ☆ Overstimulation headcanons - Xiao, Childe, and Scaramouche 🐏 [ GN ]  
— ☆ Overstimulation headcanons - Ningguang and Zhongli 🐑 [ GN ]  
[ masterlist ]
I’ve already written overstimulation hcs for Zhongli that I have linked above. But I wouldn't mind writing extra parts. However, I'd like to stick to two characters but feel free to request doubles. Also, thank you for all your lovely prompts/asks. I'd like to post daily so I have them saved for in-between days when I'm writing longer fics.
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— ☆ Kaeya
While Kaeya likes pulling you to a barely concealed corner and fucking your brains out, he loves taking his sweet time to see just how many times he can get you to orgasm.
At this point, he knows your body better than you but he loves seeing what other places make you squirm. Using his cryo vision to the fullest as he moves his frozen fingertips over your skin.
He's barely touching your back but you're already arching away from him has him chuckling. Seeing your cute face look over your shoulder with teary eyes as you beg him to stop. You're so sensitive and he hasn't properly touched you once since you both started.
That comment irritates him a bit that he makes his fingers even colder before shoving them between your thighs and abusing your sensitive spots. Even as your wailing and cumming on his fingers, he doesn't stop.
You can't help the strangled whine that escapes from your throat as you sink further into the mattress as you orgasm again. You're desperately clawing at his wrist, trying to get Kaeya to stop, but your strength has left your body. Kaeya seems unbothered from your cries but the cruel gaze he has on says otherwise.
“Ah--ah, nno… Kae- s-stop…too much!!" you gasp as you cum once again on his fingers. Your body keeps heating up but the cold press of his fingers inside you has your body spasming. His fingers are knuckles deep now and mercilessly jerking in and out. You swear you can feel your mind melting with each thrust.
"Come on now, you were so desperate for it. Go on then, cum," Kaeya commands as he watches your hole simultaneously try and force his fingers out and suck them in at the same time. Maybe he is a bad guy, palming his cock to your crying and slutty face.
"I can't-" another sob breaks free as you attempt to push him away. It was too much. You've lost count of how many times he's made you cum just on his fingers alone but you think you might pass out if he makes you cum again. Kaeya tilts his head with an amused smirk as he finally removes his fingers much to your relief. He softly coos at you as he lifts you up and cradles you in his arms as you cry into his shoulder. Your little hiccups and whines of comfort are so cute to him. He wants to hear more.
"You were begging me to let you cum. Now you're going to be begging me to stop," he whispers in your ear before gripping your wrists in one hand and pinning them above your head as he pushes you back on your back.
"Now be good and scream for me."
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— ☆ Venti
Venti loves pushing people's limits. He gets joy of seeing people's flustered or embarrassed faces and you're no different. In fact, you're his favourite and he loves reminding you every day.
He's an insatiable spirit. He knows that being an archon allows him more stamina compared to humans and he uses that ability to the fullest. Even when you've passed out he keeps going, even invading your dreams if he's feeling cheeky.
Whenever he's feeling writer's block for one of his songs, he'll stop by to visit you. Even if you're busy working he'll simply wave your concerns off and tell you to continue whatever you were doing.
You're suspicious of him but continue on even when he's kneeling down and prying your legs apart. Fiddling with the hem of your pants and ignoring your protests as he nestles himself between your thighs.
"Venti!" you squeal, knees buckling as he digs his tongue in you. Your hands dropping what you were holding as your grip onto his hair as he presses his face further. Luckily, being the anemo archon, he manages to catch you with his winds and seat you properly. In any other situation, you might have scolded him for using his archon powers for something like this but with his skillful tongue you end up choking on your words.
"Oh! You're done already? How dirty," Venti laughs as you orgasm on his mouth. Licking his lips and swiping at the leftover cum that's dribbling down his cheek. He can feel your flustered gaze at his actions as he merely grins up at you before diving back in.
“V-Venti-” You can’t even get his whole name out past your lips before your words break down into a wanton moan. You instantly tighten up, almost afraid you might break his tongue, as your toes curl and you suffocate him with your thighs. This only seems to make Venti more riled up as he grips your thighs and works his tongue harder. Somedays Venti wants to give up his archon duties and live between your thighs and hum his songs into you.
“I-it’s too much! Nnoh-- no-- no more,” you shake your head, tears filling your eyes before falling as you blink. One violent suck has your back arching as you try and cover your mouth from the high-pitched scream that spills from your lips. You collapse forward as you try to catch your breath as waves of ecstasy wash over you. You're past the point of trying to look dignified. You hear a bit of shuffling as the warmth of Venti leaves your thighs as he pulls you into a kiss so you can taste yourself. He thinks you look so pretty like that, eyes glossy as you try to catch your breath, just from his tongue. He wants to see more, see how far he can push you this time.
“Sing for me my muse.”
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mysteryshoptls · 2 years
SSR Ruggie Bucchi Union Birthday Personal Story: Part 2
"Happy Birthday"
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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[Savanaclaw Dorm – Birthday Party Venue]
Jade: Let us proceed with the interview, shall we?
Ruggie: 'Kaaay
Jade: “If you could pick any student from Night Raven College to be your sibling, who would you choose?”
Jade: However, students from your own dorm cannot be selected…
Ruggie: A sibling, huh… I already got my hands full with them kiddos back home, so I guess I'd rather have a big brother.
Ruggie: Hmm… I gotta think. Ah, maybe Idia-san'd be good.
Jade: Oh, what a surprising choice… Isn't it? May I ask why?
Ruggie: Um… Eh, I guess why not? 'Cause, see, Idia-san really dotes on his younger brother!
Ruggie: And, since he's the Dorm Leader of Ignihyde, his engineering knowledge and skill's gotta be crazy good…
Ruggie: Basically, that means he can do stuff like build magical wheels, develop apps, and write up complex programs…
Ruggie: And whatever else that might need all that technical know-how, right?
Ruggie: I can't say I know anythin' 'bout magical engineering, but…
Ruggie: I know it's somethin' that can make a ton of money! If I can get Idia-san to teach me some stuff, I might be able to make use of it in the future.
Jade: I see. Though, I had the impression that Idia-san avoids contact with other people as much as possible…
Ruggie: Yeah, but he gets along good with Ortho, so don't you think he'd at least be able to interact with me with no problems if I was his brother?
Ruggie: 'Sides, if Idia-san ends up working as an engineer after graduation…
Ruggie: I thought maybe I could take on the sales and negotiations for him, or somethin'.
Ruggie: Even though, honestly, I'm not super confident in my abilities in all the detailed calculating work. But…
Ruggie: I've had a ton of experience workin' part-time, y'know. I won't lose to no one when it comes to people skills!
Jade: I cannot disagree with you there. I am also quite familiar with your excellent work ethics, Ruggie-san.
Ruggie: Right? That's why, if I were to become his little bro and help him with any customer relations he has to deal with…
Ruggie: Then Idia-san can focus on his work and I can get a ton of money!
Ruggie: I think if we work to our strengths, we'd be able to have a pretty good relationship.
Jade: So, as his sibling, you would hope to be able to make up for any shortcomings he may have. How wonderful.
Ruggie: Now that I'm thinking about it, yeah, Idia-san might be a really good investment.
Ruggie: There's not many chances for me to interact with him, but… It might not be bad to try to get to know him now, while I can.
(Part 1) Part 2 (Part 3)
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silversatoru · 4 years
Can i regurst a gojo x reader smut where y/n is gojo’s ex girlfriend and also a strong jujutsu sorcerer and they get back together asdfghjkl 🥺😂? Tyy 🥺
hehhee yes ma’am here u are!!! i actually loved writing this one (i think i just have a thing for writing gojo lately lmao) anyway! i! hope! you! enjoy!
to heaven and back
gojo satoru x f! sorcerer!reader
synopsis: you and your ex, gojo satoru, beat the hell out of a few special grade curses and then head back to his house to rekindle an old (and kind of kinky) flame
tags/warnings: nsfw (18+), smut, handcuffs, blindfolding, little bit of oral sex, teasing, alcohol consumption, some fluff at the end? just a little
word count: 3.1k
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You lifted your elegant glass of random wine that you could care less about knowing the name of, and took a long sip. All of these old rich bastards talked way too much about brand names, aging, and what cheese paired well with each wine. They were missing what was really important — which one would get you drunk the quickest. 
These kinds of formal events weren’t really your scene, and having to listen to a bunch of old, conservative, high-up jujutsu leaders was terribly boring — so why not take this opportunity to get a little tipsy? You deserved it for putting up with all of these assholes. After all, the only reason they invited you to this prestigious event was for protection. If that pesky band of special grade curses caught wind that all of the higher ups from both Kyoto and Tokyo were in the same place, they were sure to launch some kind of attack. The old, wrinkly douchebags couldn’t care less about your opinions of the jujutsu world and how you would change it, they only liked you for incredible cursed technique. 
And so here you were, spitefully wearing your most elegant dress and downing glasses of wine in an attempt to drown out all of the nonsense around you. There was only one thing that could make this event any worse and— 
“Hello everyone! The strongest jujutsu sorcerer has arrived — I know you were all looking forward to my appearance”. 
And there it was. There was that one thing that could make this event any worse. Gojo Satoru.
You dipped your head low, burying yourself in your glass of wine and praying to any god who would listen to not let this man see you. It’s been over two years since the two of you broke up, but he still wasn’t someone you enjoyed running into. 
Gojo was terribly notorious for having a long line of girls at his disposal, and with his incredible strength and annoyingly good-looks, it wasn’t hard to understand why. The two of you had never been in an officially committed relationship, and so technically Gojo was free to do as he pleased — but you were practically dating and your heart ached every time you caught wind of him being with another woman. And so two years ago you cut things off with him for good — you were tired of being the one he always ran back to at the end of the day. 
He’d looked at you with eyes full of pain that night, begging and pleading to stay with him. He showed you a vulnerable side to him that you had never seen before — and he swore to you that if you had asked to make things official, he would have committed himself to you fully. You declined however, because you felt like you shouldn’t have needed to ask for that kind of thing — but maybe that was just your ego getting in the way. 
“Hey, beautiful, I’ve never seen you around before, you must be from the Tokyo campus,” Some random assistant casually leaned against the counter you were sitting at and shook you out of your thoughts.
“If you’ve never seen me before then you must not be very important,” You shot him a distasteful glance, taking another sip of your wine. 
The man’s face lit up with panic — he must not have been expecting such retaliation to his pathetic attempt of flirting. 
“Are you bothering her?” A familiar voice came from behind you — a long, slender hand slapping down onto your shoulder, “Please don’t flirt with my wife”. 
“Ah- Wife? I’m so sorry, sir,” The man stumbled over his words, bowing his head to Gojo and scurrying away. 
Gojo wasted no time sliding into the seat next to you and pouring himself a glass of wine from the bottle you’d already been working on. 
“Really? You’re telling people I’m your wife now?” You gave him a deadpanned look. 
“It worked, didn’t it?” He shrugged his shoulders and took a sip from his glass. 
You rolled your eyes hard, “Why are you here, Satoru?” 
“Same reason as you. The old, conservative pussies are afraid those special grades might attack — so why not invite their two prized sorcerers to protect them?” 
“Fair,” You let out a heavy sigh, “Not sure that was their best move though — I don’t think either one of us is very motivated to save these fuckers”. 
“No, but I brought my students with me today. So, if anything does happen, make sure you put on a show for them,” He winked, already topping off his wine glass. 
You looked over to see a few kids sitting a couple tables away from the two of you, chatting amongst themselves and wondering why the fuck they had to be here. 
And so an hour or two went by, and to your surprise, you found yourself laughing hysterically alongside Gojo. The two of you had definitely drank a bit too much, and your personalities complimented each other a little too perfectly. You shared the same terrible sense of humor and he had quite the knack for bringing out this lighthearted side of you. You had missed moments like this these past two years. 
Neither of you were paying any attention to the current debate that was occurring between the higher ups when a loud crash sent broken pieces of glass flying through the grand hall. Sure enough, the curses had made their appearance and came flying into the building through a now broken window.
“It’s our time to shine, huh?” Gojo looked over at you, and you imagined that his icy blue eyes were swirling with excitement under that mask. 
“Yeah, let’s make this quick,” You found a warm ball of excitement churning in your own stomach — it’d been a long time since the two of you had fought together. 
Your technique revolved around the manipulation of cursed energy and converting it into light. You could wrap yourself in a shield of light, send curse-filled bursts of light at your enemies, and move at the speed of light as well — which was almost as efficient as Gojo’s teleportation abilities. You had a series of more advanced moves as well, but those required more energy output and therefore you used them a little less often.
The two of you were both able to move so fast that the curses really didn’t stand a chance. You found yourself laughing as you flipped through the air, hurling balls of light at the curses as Gojo worked closer in hand-to-hand combat. At one point, while the two of you were flying past each other, Gojo stuck out his hand and gave you a high five, both of you smiling like maniacs who enjoyed fighting a little too much. 
Between Gojo’s Limitless and your extreme agility and bursts of light, the curses were quickly forced to flee. Both of you were feeling much too drunk and much too lazy to chase after them, even with all of the higher ups begging you to do so. Gojo simply flipped them off and stuck out his tongue, saying that he did what they paid him to do — keep the curses away — and now that the curses had been scared off, he was no longer needed. 
“You want to come back with me, relieve more of our old memories together? I remember how much you loved sleeping in my king sized bed,” Gojo looked back at you, offering one of his large, slender hands. 
Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was your stupid, stupid heart, but you reached out and took his hand, “Fuck it, let’s go”. 
Gojo’s house on the outskirts of the Tokyo campus was just as you remembered — sleek black interior with modern furniture and extravagantly silky sheets on his bed — his same bed that you were currently sprawled out on, laying in nothing but your undergarments. 
Gojo joined you a couple minutes later, his bare skin warm and familiar against yours. He pressed a few sloppy kisses to your lips, both of you still incredibly tipsy and unable to stop the small giggles from leaking out between your lips while you kissed. 
“Take the blind fold off you weirdo,” You pulled at the back of the black fabric. 
“Mmm, okay,” He mumbled, undoing the knot and exposing his piercing blue eyes.
“So pretty,” You murmured under your breath — his eyes really were the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen in your life
His fluffy silver hair fell down messily over his face, a drunken smile stretched across his lips. His smile quickly turned into a devilish grin as he slipped the mask over your eyes instead, tying a tight not at the back of your head.
“This isn’t what I meant,” You droned, but you didn’t argue — you certainly weren’t opposed to being blindfolded.
“It looks good on you,” He slurred, his words messy and his lips even messier as he pressed them back against yours. 
The kisses seemed to last forever, and both of you were perfectly okay with that — your hands taking their time exploring each other’s bodies for the first time in far too long. 
Gojo’s hands worked their way up your back, tracing lines along your toned muscles until he finally reached the nape of your neck. His fingers entangled themselves in your hair, soft hums coming from his lips.
“I still have handcuffs, if you’re still into that sort of thing,” he mused, massaging his fingertips into your scalp. 
“Damn, I can’t believe you remember what I like. I thought my preferences would have gotten lost among the sea of other women you were pleasing,” You let the snarky remark roll off your tongue, though there was clearly no real spite in your words — you’re both adults and what happened then was in the past now.
“It wasn’t even that many,” He defended, “And you were the only one who ever mattered”. 
“I’m flattered,” You laughed, “Now, where are those handcuffs?” 
Gojo stifled a deep laugh, his hands leaving your hair as he lifted himself up and stood from the bed. When he returned a few moments later, there was cool metal wrapping around both of your wrists. He had two sets of handcuffs, putting one on each wrist and then hooking the other side to the bed posts. 
You were entirely at his disposal now, your hands secured over your head and your vision blocked off by the black mask. 
“I could tickle you right now and there’s nothing you could do,” Gojo observed aloud, pressing kisses up the side of your torso.
“Satoru, I would kick the living shit out of you,” You threaten, goosebumps growing under your skin. 
“Yeah, but you can’t touch me unless I let you,” He retaliated, his soft hands reaching underneath your bra to feel your breasts.
You groaned in response — his Limitless really did make him impossible.
He cupped each of his hands around your firm lumps, gently massaging them between his fingers. His cool fingertips then made their way down to your lower body, swiftly removing your remaining underwear. You were now completely exposed to him, chills running down your spine as you wondered what he would do next. 
You heard a shaky breath leave his lips, his hungry hands massaging circles into your thighs, “God, you’re so beautiful. I missed you so much, you know that?” 
“I’m sure you did,” You breathed, “I’m a wonderful person to be around”. 
Gojo let out a hearty laugh, and you heard what you assumed to be the sound of his own underwear getting thrown to the floor. A few seconds later he was straddling your torso, his warm thighs wrapped around your body. You couldn’t see it, but you knew his massive member had to be right in front of your face now. 
“Remind me what that pretty mouth can do,” He cooed, pressing the tip of his length gently to your lips. 
You graciously granted him access, parting your lips and taking the head of his cock into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around the sensitive tip, earning a few twitches from Gojo’s body. You began to bob your head back and forth as much as the handcuffs allowed, a few quiet moans leaving his throat in response. 
He began to move his hips against you, gingerly pushing his member deeper and deeper into your mouth until you were taking the full length down your throat. He groaned and let a few curse words slide from between his teeth — your mouth was wrapped so perfectly around him. Tears pricked at your eyes and a couple rough gags ripped through your throat, Gojo finally pulling away and allowing you to catch your breath. 
After that, you felt a single one of his long, slim fingers slide into your mouth, and you wasted no time wrapping it in your tongue and sucking hard. 
“Good girl,” He murmured, plucking his finger back out of your mouth and moving it down to your aching entrance. 
Between the saliva on his finger and the slick juices around your opening — his finger slid in effortlessly. He started moving in quick movements, curling his finger up into your g-spot each time. A few light moans left your lips, your fists clenching in the cuffs as your yearned for more. His finger felt good, but you wanted the real thing — you needed it.
“Satoru, please,” You practically whined his name, a tiny bit ashamed for how desperate you were for him right now. 
“Patience, love,” He clicked his tongue and your heart did somersaults at the endearing name. 
He removed his singular finger and intertwined it with a second one before sliding them back into your cavern. He picked up a steady pace again, your breath hitching in your throat. Two fingers was certainly better than one, but the continuous teasing was just making you even more desperate to feel his member inside of you. You mumbled his name over and over, small pleads and shameless whispers leaving your mouth as you bucked your hips against his hands.
“No ones fucked you as good as I used to, have they? You’re horribly desperate right now” He clicked his tongue again, removing his fingers and moving them up to your clit. He rubbed the smallest, softest circles against the small nub, your core growing warmer with desire. 
“I won’t make you wait any longer then,” He whispered, sitting back and positioning the head of his length against your throbbing cunt. 
“Please,” You mumbled fervently, any ego or pride that you once had was completely down the drain now. 
Your pleads were finally rewarded, Gojo pressing himself deep into your tight walls. The immediate feeling was complete bliss, your head rolling back in pleasure as you heard a throaty moan creep it’s way out of Gojo’s mouth. His moans were so pretty — god, you’d missed the sound of them.  
He moved in and out at a tantalizingly slow pace at first, your hips bucking and wiggling as you made fervent attempts to make him go faster.
“So eager…” He shook his head, continuing to move at a pace that was absolutely agonizing — you thought you might die if he didn’t rail the hell out of you soon. 
“Please, fuck,” You gasped, “Stop moving so goddamn slowly”. 
“Your whines are so pretty, baby. Say my name and maybe I’ll give you what you want,” He murmured, his voice low and husky. 
“Fucking hell,” You gritted your teeth, “Please Satoru, please fuck me already”. 
“Shit,” He mumbled under his breath, your words sending electricity coursing through his body. 
After hearing you say that, he was quick to give you what you wanted, picking up his pace and wrapping his hands firmly around your hips. Strangled combinations of moans, whimpers, and cries filled the air as they flew from your mouth. You didn’t care how loud or desperate you sounded, you wanted him to know how good he was making you feel. 
The two of you were an entangled mess of sweaty skin and throaty moans, Gojo filling your ears with praises and compliments the entire time. His lengthy member railed into you over and over, hitting that perfect pleasure point with each stroke and sending warm surges of ecstasy through your veins. 
Your bodies moved together in sync, your breaths aligning and your climaxes threatening to arrive simultaneously. After a few more firm strokes, you felt yourself drowning in pleasure — euphoria crashing through your body like waves. Gojo reached his end point just a few moments later, his loud cuss words and strangled moans filling your ears. 
The two of you rode out your orgasms together, and almost immediately afterwards Gojo collapsed next to you. He lazily reached up and uncuffed each of your hands, leaving the cuffs dangling from his bed posts just in case there was a round two in his future. He rolled the sticky condom off his member and tossed into a nearby trash bin, a relaxed sigh slipping between his parted lips. You peeled the black mask off of your eyes, finally able to meet his again. 
He was staring at you with eyes filled with all kinds of emotions — the emotions that he’d been too afraid to admit to the first time the two of you were together. But he wasn’t afraid of commitment anymore, he was absolutely certain about what he wanted, and it was you. 
“Stay with me,” He asked, his eyes pleading with you, “I’m ready this time, I promise. I’m all yours, if you’ll have me”. 
You found a small smile tugging at the edges of your lips as you looked deeper into his eyes, “Of course I’ll stay, as long as you still feel this way when you wake up sober tomorrow”. 
“I’ll feel this way forever,” He pressed his head into you and mumbled into your chest, “And I’ll remind you as many times as you need to hear it”. 
You wrapped your arms around him in response, the two of you fitting impeccably together. He placed a few gentle kisses to your skin before his breathes began to slow. You found your own breathing to be evening out, your cloudy thoughts pushing you closer and closer to sleep. The two of you slowly drifted off together, your heavy breaths falling perfectly in sync.
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jujumin-translates · 2 years
Sakuya Sakuma | [SSR] Alighted Happiness | Image of a Future Family - Part 1
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Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3
Kid: Bye, Sakuya-sensei!
Sakuya: Bye. See you tomorrow!
Sakuya: …That’s all of them.
Reiko: Good work today, Sakuya-sensei.
Sakuya: Good work to you too, Reiko-sensei!
Reiko: Thanks for covering my shift on such short notice the other day.
Sakuya: No, no! It was nothing, don’t worry about it.
Reiko: I’m still really sorry. I’ll make sure to notify everyone in advance next time…
Sakuya: What happened?
Reiko: Actually, It’s because I’m getting married soon. That day there was a sudden meeting about the wedding that came up.
Sakuya: Eh, married!? Waah…! Congratulations!
Reiko: Fufu, thanks. …Hey, would you like to attend the ceremony, Sakuya-sensei?
Sakuya: You want me to go to the wedding ceremony? Are you sure?
Reiko: If you don’t have any scheduling conflicts or stuff like that.
Reiko: We always work together and you’re such a great co-worker, so I’d love for you to come.
Sakuya: Of course!
Reiko: Really? Thank you.
Reiko: Well then… I hope it’s not too much, but I’d like to ask you something if that’s possible.
Sakuya: …?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
*Door opens*
Sakuya: I’m home!
Director: Welcome back. …Oh, it’s you, I’m glad.
Sakuya: Why’s that?
Director: I was a little worried because you seemed to be coming back later than usual… But by the look on your face, you seem to be okay.
Sakuya: D-Does my face look weird?
Director: No. It looks like something good happened.
Sakuya: Ah… Actually, just before I was about to come home, I got invited to the wedding of a teacher I work with…
Director: Eeh, really!? Congratulations to you and them!
Sakuya: Yeah! I was so excited that I said I’d definitely go, but--.
Sakuya: I actually kinda worried about it.
Director: Why’s that?
Sakuya: Actually… I was also asked to do the entertainment at the reception.
Sakuya: I wanted to be of any help I could, so I took the job, but now I don’t know what to do…
Director: Entertainment, huh… Hmm, thinking back to wedding receptions I’ve been to…
Director: Singing, dancing, and quizzes are pretty standard. But I’ve also seen performances by magicians and other professionals.
Sakuya: That’s amazing…! I never knew there were that many different things.
Director: However, it’s a wedding, so anything that can show your congratulations would be fine.
Sakuya: I see. But I’m still kinda lost if that means I can pick from anything.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 1: How about something to make people laugh?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Director: It would depend on the atmosphere of the venue, but how about something funny? Like comedic storytelling or commentary.
Sakuya: It’s true that having something that makes everyone smile is nice. But…
Sakuya: I’m not confident enough in my abilities to make people laugh like Citron-san and Tsuzuru-kun are…
Director: Hmm~m, I see… It isn’t easy to make people laugh.
Sakuya: But I would like to give it a shot! I’ll still consider it as one of the possibilities.
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Option 2: How about something to make people cry?
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Director: I wouldn’t want it to get too depressing, but what about something that makes people cry? Like something really moving.
Sakuya: Like what…?
Director: Something like, if the bride is also a daycare teacher, maybe you could ask the kids to write letters congratulating them.
Director: And then you could read them, Sakuya-kun.
Sakuya: That’s a great idea! Ah… But it’d be really hard to get it done without Reiko-sensei knowing.
Sakuya: Besides, I might just end up crying too when I think about how hard the kids worked to write the letters…
Director: (How is Sakuya-kun so pure…!?)
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
Director: Something else then… Ah, there’s been a trend of making movies to congratulate the couple recently!
Sakuya: A congratulatory movie?
Director: Yeah. You make a movie or an animation of the bride and groom’s life story.
Director: Some of the more elaborate ones are like dramatized retellings from the day the couple met all the way to the present!
Sakuya: That’s so nice!
Director: If you actually want to do that, you’d have to interview the people in question.
Director: If you want to make the movie, you should talk to the people getting married first.
Sakuya: I see… I’ll do that. I’ll talk to Reiko-sensei again!
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juicycoutureheaux · 2 years
Both Sides Now
Chris Redfield x Fem!Reader
AHS: Coven X Resident Evil Crossover
Woah! We're halfway through the story! I just want to thank my readers for hanging in there! I'm thinking of possibly publishing another story after this one as well. We'll see! lol I also want to thank my dear friend who inspired me to write this fic @Stagetrinity! she has some awesome works as well and you should totally check her out!
Xoxoxo Coutureheaux
Chapter: 1 Chapter: 2 Chapter: 3 Chapter: 4 Chapter:5
Summary: Reader has been on Captain Redfield’s team for a while now and seems to have a close bond with the captain. During a recon mission gone awry, the two get split up from the rest of the team and the captain is faced with a difficult decision.   Takes place Pre-Resident evil 6.
Chapter 3: Outsider
Y/N and Chris had reached the innermost section of the facility. 
“Captain Redfield, L/N come in.” you heard the static-y call of your radios. 
Chris picked his radio up and responded “This is Captain Redfield, L/N and I have come across the main lab of the facility. We will request back up if needed.”
“Captain we’re receiving some readings for unusual activity on the base, it’s recommended you turn back now.” The man on the speaker sounded nervous. 
Chris rolled his eyes, “Isn’t that what we’re here for?” he grumbled. You turned to him.
“I trust your judgment Captain, if you feel like we’re good to take this on ourselves, I’ll stay.”
Chris clenched his jaw, he didn’t deserve her trust. His mind wandered to Jill again and the day he lost her. They were supposed to go back too, he couldn’t risk ruining another life.
“Y/N, I think it’s best we leave.” Chris said reluctantly. Y/N’s heart dropped into her feet. She wanted to know what Dr. Sutherland needed to move on; no, she needed to know. He had a family and a partner waiting back home suffering, and she didn’t want him stuck here in this awful place for all eternity.
Just as Chris was turning to leave, the metal safety doors leading back to the entry point slammed shut, leaving you no where to go, but further into the facility. 
You instinctively moved closer to Chris. You took this time to scope out your surroundings. There were testing pods that once contained some kind of B.O.W.,the monsters that were once inside were no longer there. You couldn’t decide in the circumstance if that was a good or bad thing.
Chris picked up his radio. “Redfield to Nivans, do you copy?” There was silence followed by the static-y call of the radio. “Go for Nivans.” “We are unable to retreat the way we came, is there another exit on the plans?” he said calmly. He didn’t want to freak Y/N out and cause a panic.
“Looks like there is an exit located further in the facility, however no team has been that far in. Proceed with caution if you have to, we’re sending backup now to get you out of there.”
“10-4.” Chris ended the call.
You looked at him nervously, “How should we proceed, captain?” 
Chris let out his breath he didn’t realize he was holding and ran his fingers through his short hair. 
“One thing I have learned is: if there’s a way out we should take it. Waiting around could potentially put us in danger,” he said. 
You were relieved, although it wasn’t ideal; maybe you could find more information on Dr. Sutherland in the meantime. 
You started to make your way through the corridors of the facility, and as if on cue, Parker re-appeared. He looked more like the man in the photograph this time, he was pale and his eyes were sunken in, but at least he wasn’t torn to shreds. 
You tried communicating with him telepathically; you had known more experienced clairvoyants with the ability, why not try yourself?
“Parker, it’s good to see you again.” you started with.
Parker seemed shocked and spoke aloud. “You know what’s funny is, when I was alive I would have insisted people like you were insane; but I'm now thankful you exist.”
You had to stop yourself from smiling, Captain may have been ahead of you fiddling with the map; but if he had seen you smiling and nodding, he may have thought you had finally lost it.
“If you don’t get out of here fast they’re going to kill you.” He said bluntly.
You felt a chill down your spine. “Parker, who are they?”
“My bosses. Who I was actually working for anyway.” he stated solemnly. “I thought I was developing groundbreaking treatment for chronic illness, turns out I was actually creating monsters.” He then started to get angry. “Which they used to murder me when I found the documents I wasn’t meant to see. I’m the reason you BSAA agents are here.” His anger turned to sadness. “It’s too late for me though; but please, you have to make sure Ben’s going to be safe.”
“Ben? Is that the other man in the picture you showed me?” Tears started to fall from Parker’s eyes. “Please, I don’t care what they did to me. You need to protect Ben, he has so much to live for.” He said between sobs. You were heartbroken for Parker; yes he was dead, but you very well could save his partner from the same fate. You clenched your jaw.
Those sick bastards were creating what you and your sisters had naturally. You wanted to take every single one of them out, but you couldn’t achieve that goal if you were dead yourself. 
You were snapped out of your thoughts, when you felt someone had restrained you from behind. You tried kicking and escaping their grasp, but it was useless. It didn’t take long for you to realize these were the bosses that Parker was talking about.
19 notes · View notes
Hmm maybe a head canon with a reader and firstyears where the reader has Rapunzels magic healing hair? (From the movie Tangled😂)
Maybe something like one of the first years gets seriously injured and the reader is able to heal them 🧐
Also just wanted say you’re writings is just 🥰❤️💕✨ A M A Z I N G . It’s also my first time requesting so I think I did everything according to the rules but if not feel free to delete this request 😂
Curiouser and Curiouser...
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Trust Floyd to get a little too rough with his juniors during a practice match of basketball. As a result of the overzealous eel, Ace sustained a seriously sprained ankle, making it hard for him to play, let alone walk (although it’s more like a limp now).
While he’s midargument with Coach Vargas about whether or not he’ll be good to play at their next match, you kneel by Ace’s injury and volunteer to give some relief to it. Ace scoffs at your suggestion and jokingly tells you to “give it your best shot”, not expecting much of anything to happen.
He jolts back in surprise when you wrap your hair around his sprained ankle and start singing (he thinks you definitely lost your mind or something). Then your hair starts to glow, and Ace’s concern is replaced with confusion. It doesn’t last too long though, as he’s soon pestering you with a ton of comments.
“Oi, since when did you have such a fancy spell up your sleeve? You never told me you could do something like that!!” Ace complains, pouting. “It would’ve been nice to know about earlier, you know! Magic like that’d really come in handy for tight pinches like this.”
The coach calls for him to rejoin the practice match—Ace rolls his eyes, but gets up anyway, helping you up along the way. With a cheeky grin, he whispers to you, “Alright, watch this. As thanks for fixing me up, I’ll get a slam dunk in your honor. Don’t take your eyes off me, ‘kay?”
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Deuce tears some muscles in his legs from overexerting himself for track and field training. He’s eager to prove himself to the senpai in his club (which can’t be done with an injury), so he’s relieved to hear that you might have a way to help him out!
He’s curious about your mysterious ability and plays the part of a perfect patient in order to observe it for himself. Deuce sits still and marvels as you go about your work, asking every so often if there’s something he can do to help, or to make the process easier for you.
He audibly “oohs” and “aahs” when the magic begins, filling the space with a golden light. It’s a pretty-looking and soft magic, totally unlike the brute force spells he often opts for—it’s something Deuce can really appreciate!
When the torn muscle has mended, he can barely believe it!! Deuce prods the injured area and inspects it all over? just to make sure it’s not some kind of prank. “Whoa...! The pain’s all gone, and even swelling’s gone down. You’ve got some really amazing healing magic, (Y/N)...!! Thank you so much, I’m eternally in your debt for this!”
Deuce thanks you profusely, shouting his gratitude and bowing his head to you multiple times. He even promises to buy you a chocolate milk from the cafeteria as thanks—but for now, he has to get back to his training! “I promise I’ll be more careful this time! I can’t always have you worrying about me, right?”
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Like Deuce, Jack’s been pushing himself a little too hard for Track and Field Club—but unlike Deuce, he’s far more reluctent to ask for and accept help from others. He eyes you suspicously as you approach and offer assistance. Jack only accepts after some pushing from the coach—he doesn’t want to let the team down!
He’s tough, so he doesn’t flinch or shy away when you proceed to wrap your hair around his site of injury. The most Jack does is raise an eyebrow when you start with your song.
Jack doesn’t realize you need to recite the incantation to get the healing to work, so he interrupts you during your first attempt with, “... You don’t need to sing. Life’s not a big musical.” (Surprisingly, your glowing hair doesn’t bother him as much—he thinks of heat and light as necessary byproducts of using magic.)
The first thing he does when you free him is flex and test out his repaired muscles. A few lunges, a few squats... all of which he performs with ease. Jack grunts, a short but simple way of expressing his satisfaction.
Hd gives you a small smile and a firm nod, impressed by your healing powers. “... Thanks for this. I’m back to tip-top shape for the track and field meet. I owe you one.”
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Magift is a pretty rough sport—so it’s no surprise when Epel suffers from a nasty collison, leaving him with a broken arm. He tries to be brave through the pain, but it’s clear that he’s having a hard time keeping it together.
He’s a little on guard when you kneel beside him and ask to see his wound, but Epel eventually relents when you promise you’re there to help. He watches you carefully, expecting you to whip out a first aid kit—but when you wrap your hair instead of bandages on his wound, Epel gets a little upset!
Slipping into his country accept, Epel lets loose on you. “Hey, do ya think ah’m some kinda idiot? Are ya makin’ fun of me? ‘Course hair’s not gonna make me right as rain again! Ya might as well spit on it instead, that’d be just as effective as hair!”
But your soft song shushes his worries, and he finds himselc staring in disbelief as your hair gives off a faint light. Epel quietly marvels at the strange magic, even long after you’ve removed your hair from him.
“I... I didn’t know you could do that,” he gasps, gingerly prodding the area where his injury once was. No pain, no tenderness. Epel’s face brightens. “I really am better! I can play Magift again!! Thank you, thank you so much! Ah... um, and about what I said before, please forget that! I might have jumped to conclusions with that...”
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Poor Sebek had been partnered with one of the more aggressive equines in the stables for the Horseback Riding Club’s meeting. (His thunderous voice did nothing to help soothe the horse...) His aggressive mare had bucked so hard that she threw Sebek right off of her, causing him to land with a sharp CRACK on the ground.
Of course, you rush over to help right away (despite Sebek’s protests). He makes a fuss as you secure your arm around a broken long bone, demanding to know what an insigificant human such as yourself plans to do to help him. It is not until you begin your healing song that Sebek shuts up.
His jaw drops upon witnessing your magical hair in action. Clearly, he is awestruck by the magnitude of your abilities—but when he is finally able to close his mouth and speak his mind, Sebek’s words do not quite match his physical reaction.
“To think that a mere human is capable of performing such a miraculous feat... I must admit, it is rather impressive,” Sebek confesses—though his voice still carries a tone of arrogance. “However!! As a student of the great Diasomnia dorm, I can assure you that an injury as minor as this could not deter me in my physical activities! There was no need for your intervention, human!”
He returns to his feet, dusts himself off, and marches back to mount his horse. Just as Sebek is atop the aggressive mare again, he casts you a glance over his shoulder. “... Regardless, you have my gratitude. See to it that you continue to put that power of yours to good use.”
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nijishinki · 2 years
Can I just say one of the things I really like about Blue Exorcist/Ao No Exorcist, and one I really wish had been thoroughly explored, was the differences between Rin and Yukio. Like they’re twins, but one has more demonic traits than the other and I thought that was really cool. Because it could show how some people respond differently to each brother despite them being twins.
And I know in the anime Yukio eventually shows more demonic traits but I think it’s a better idea for them to have differences despite both being half demons.
Because think about it. Despite them both being twins, only Rin came out with demonic traits that needed to be sealed. This actually makes sense because the two are clearly fraternal twins, due to them looking so different. This means they got different genetic makeups, and maybe that’s why Yukio didn’t come out with demon characteristics like Rin did. Instead, Yukio looks more like his mother with more human traits while Rin took on more demon traits.
Now of course the genes literally didn’t split down the middle. After all, Yukio is noted to have demonic eyes when accessing that half of his bloodline, and if you ask me that works well considering he didn’t get the whole demon look Rin did. Hell, Rin also gets demonic eyes when he goes full out with his flames, but that kinda makes sense to people because he literally has demon strength, tail, flames, ears, etc. meanwhile, Yukio looks very human so sudden flaming eyes would gain a look or two.
But that also makes me wonder what else is different? One that sticks out is the fact that Yukio can mess with holy water and have no issues, but Rin will burn in it. One may think, oh that’s only after he unsealed his power but what if it isn’t? Because Rin still had demon strength, so what if he still had sensitivity to holy water but maybe not as strongly? Like at mass Shiro is like “ah the water was really warm today that’s why your finger is pink” and Yukio is standing there like “huh?” Cause he doesn’t have that ‘allergy’.
Again, same with the features. Rin was born looking demonic so he didn’t just suddenly develop a tail/pointed ears/demon eyes etc, they were sealed with his power (and I really do wonder how Mephisto did that cause that’s full on hiding body parts. Maybe however he hides his tail?? I also headcannon that Rin is clumsy because his tail was hidden but suddenly had better balance when it came back), but Yukio didn’t have traits like that to be sealed, weak body or not. Sure, again, his eyes but those only change when he’s using his power and is like mad or something, same with Rin, so nothing there to seal or hide either.
Same with the demonic speech. Rin understands demons talking in their language but it never shows that Yukio can, so what if that’s another biological thing that either Yukio didn’t develop or it underdeveloped or something (I don’t know cause I don’t know what is different with the speech).
And even with seeing demons. It’s mentioned that Yukio received a mashou from Rin in the womb while Rin could just see demons because he is half demon. Either Yukio could always see it in a similar way to Rin or (because I’m guessing they know how to tell a mashou from just any kind of wound) Yukio is human enough for that to work on him.
These are just some thoughts of mine, mainly cause I really like the idea of how the genetic differences would play a role in their abilities and how they were treated (mainly by the other students. Because when they all turned on Rin I was like “uh but Yukio is his twin???? So he also Satans son”) but yeah just needed to rant. I’m probably gonna write a story off of this idea or something *looks at my fanfic/ao3 account*
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junniepop · 3 years
Hello, I loved your JJK men headcanons. Also I have a big crush on Todou now so thank you for that. And thanks for writing for male/GN readers, it means a lot Can I please ask for headcanons of Choso being male reader's older brother (meeting him in Shibuya and thinking he's his baby brother instead of Yuuji?) What kind of brother Choso will be? How he reacts when reader calls him 'brother' for the first time even though he has no idea they're actually related? Can you write Choso reacting to reader protecting him? Maybe reader has inhuman strength like Yuuji and Maki?
Ah I really liked this idea. Okay I’ll give you something I think Choso would do. Thank you so much for asking! I hope you enjoy my interpretation. I really hope I got what you wanted, I apologize if I messed up.
If you’d like to request something please see my masterlist
Choso, if the reader was his younger brother.
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Warnings: Male reader, language and slight spoilers if you only watch the anime.
Characters: K. Choso
C. Kamo
Choso is the type of brother to ‘sneakily’ follow you on dates when you say you’re going on one. Like you’re his baby brother, he’d beat the ass of anyone who thinks they’re worthy of such a privilege. Asks the person a million questions too, mans is dedicated to learning their every memory, so he can decide if they’re worthy.
Now, you’re Choso’s only brother when you two meet and at first he doesn’t know. Not only that, but you’re with Yuuji, so he essentially thinks you’re just as bad. After fighting and protecting Yuuji, he has a realization that you’re his brother. Like instead of Yuuji’s ability implanting memories of him, it’s just you.
(You said in your ask that Choso didn’t know you two were related, so Imma go with this.) if you’re part of the brothers, he’d sense you and the closer you got the stronger the sense is. Upon seeing you with Yuuji, he’d be conflicted, like his brother is standing next to a family killer. Even more so conflicted when you’re protecting Yuuji. With you, you’re getting a feeling not to fight Choso, but Yuuji is your friend- you can’t allow him to be killed.
After telling Choso about Mahito and Geto, Choso switches sides. Though the deciding factor was his brother’s word on them. Choso is the type to blindly follow you, he puts 100% trust in his brothers.
The first time he heard you say it, he was so flustered he had to leave the room. Seriously, he was so close to running over and squeezing you. “Oh Choso? He’s my older brother, though at first we were fighting, now he’s like the best brother ever.” Poor baby had a cuteness overload.
Protecting Choso would hurt his ego a little, like come on, it’s his job to protect you. He won’t deny that you could easily match Yuuji in destructive power, but you’re still his baby brother. Plus Choso would have a heart attack if you’re openly putting yourself in harms way. This man is going into cardiac arrest over you safety.
Choso is the type to check you over multiple times and make sure your injuries aren’t severe. Will also help you bathe, making sure to be as gentle as possible around wounds.
This man is the type to pack your lunch or always have your snacks on hand. He’s really prepared when he’s with you, however, says he has nothing for literally anybody else.
Choso gives me sibling cuddle energy, like if you guys are away from one another for a set amount of time, you’re attached at the hip as soon as either of you get back. As you spend more time with each other, the deeper the connection is and it happens rather fast. Unlike normal people who take a bit to develop deep relationships with others, you and Choso clicked immediately, some might find it strange but you’re brothers so of course you wanna be close.
If you’re one of the nine paintings, than this bond is like soulmate level strong and it’s simply because you’re two are extremely aware of each other. You two don’t even have to speak to understand what the other is feeling. Fighting together is dangerous for any opponent, your battle chemistry is unmatched because of this bond. You two pair so well, that you’re predicting each other’s movements before the other has even started that move.
Choso is an overbearing mother to his only brother. He just wants you to be safe, you’re the only one alive now and he can’t risk loosing you too. Choso is really a good brother, he tries his absolute best to keep you happy and safe. And as much as he wants to keep you from fighting, he understands that this is what you want to do, so he’ll join your side through thick or thin.
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thewritingginger · 3 years
;) Alphabet - Trevor Belmont
This is my first time writing for Trevor so I hope my headcanons are more or less true to his character. If not whatever this is just for fun and to keep posts comin for y’all lovelies :3
Fandom: Castlevania  Letters: T, R, E, V, O Warning(s): NSFW 18+ below cut 
Enjoy ~
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
I’m speaking for this one in a modern AU
I think Trevor would be open to a toy or two
Definitely would own and use a pocket-pussy, especially while on the road away from you
I feel he usually only uses a toy for personal use rather than with a partner, kinda takes pride in making his partner cum w/o a toy tbh
Though if he had to choose he could get into using some restraints on his partner or a leash/collar - would like to hold it while fucking you from behind or pulling you up when facing eachother
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
Experimenting = Adventure
Kinda digs public/semi-public sex
Likes the idea that anyone could see you being a mess for his cock
But not if y’all are on a mission and you two could be caught in a dangerous situation - tho he has thought about it before danger is sexy right?!?
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Now it’s not like he’s bedded half the world's population or anything
However if you were to ask him for a guess he’d say maybe between 10 - 15 people
Most being night worker while he’s on the road and a few short flings here and there
But overall he more so thinks he know what he’s doing
Sometimes his cockiness pun totally intended ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) can get the best of him, thinking that because he’s been with so many he knows what you’ll like
You just need to knock him down a peg
But if you show or say what you like he’s good at following for the most part
More than anything his somewhat know-it-all about sex attitude could get in the way in the beginning
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
He has some volume
Now people can’t hear him from across town or anything
But he is a moaner and groaner
And lots of dirty talk/praise, boy can talk!
Starts out quieter with huffs and soft moans but as time progresses it can build
It also depends what y’all are partaking in
If he is receiving head, he is pretty relaxed enjoying the view and feeling of it all that he will let out drawn out moans
When having sex it starts the same aswell but the finish can get quite loud sometimes
Some nights he may climax relativity quiet with groan and others he may be singing words of praise
So either hope the walls aren’t made of paper or get used to a comment or two from the other sometimes after a night of excitement
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Prefers receiving oral
Likes to stroke your cheeks and hair as you’re sucking him off whilst he praises you
“Ah~ Baby girl/boy, you’re so good to me. Just like that.”
However when feeling particularly dominant or pent up he can be more aggressive and more or less face fuck you.
“You like it when I use your throat, huh.” 
“I love it when you choke on my cock.”
This is not to say he wouldn’t go down on you, all you have to do is ask if he hasn’t done it
TBH, not that he’d say it outloud, Trevor isn’t the most confident in his oral abilities
His hands, yes
But oral? Not so much.
More so due to the lack of experience especially because most of his partners were either paid or short term sex buddies where he didn’t have the time/didn’t take the time to try and master it.
This was kinda short but I hope you enjoyed it :3
Can click here for my masterlist for more 
Till next time 💛 ~
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stephspurs · 3 years
A Family Affair | Euro 2020 Football Fanfiction
My loves, this is the end of AFA & I can't tell you how sad I am for this little story to be over :( There are a couple of people I need to thank so bear with me...Amy (@footballffbarbiex) for making me believe I could write this and that people will want to read it, thank you forever. Em (@emwritesfootball) for being my fabulous proof reader and always being there for me to bounce ideas off of, thank you. And to allllllllllll of you who read, like, reblog and message me - THANK YOU I LOVE YOU!!! Ok enough with my Oscar's speech, please enjoy la parte finale. Love always, Steph xx
Part 12 | la parte finale
warnings; none - except maybe tears because this is the final part :( word count; 2367 writing tools; third person until dashed line, first person thereafter. tags (as requested by users); @footballffbarbiex @obsesseds-world @abysshaven link to fic masterlist here
The end of the international break had approached both squads with rapid speed, before they knew it the 3 weeks was up and it was time for their final friendly match before returning to club duties. It was a rematch of the European final from just a few months earlier, only this time - it was being played in Rome. Preparing her team to meet their opponents had been a bit trickier than last time. Of course, the boys were fired up and raring to go, but the bitterness and anger that drove her to push them harder last time wasn’t there. They were now going up against some of her closest friends as well as her family.
In a strange moment of deja vu, Amelia looked down the tunnel as both teams lined up side by side to walk out onto the pitch together. Just like the last time, her father passed her and gave her a reassuring rub to the back of her neck and made his way down through the centre aisle with his staff. Following him, and just like last time, she made her way down whilst pressing a kiss to both cheeks of her Italian men. Reaching her brother, she pressed a kiss to his cheek also, however unlike the last time he gave her a wink back. The atmosphere was different this time, it was a friendly game and there was no title at stake here - only pride. This time, however, as she passed the Three Lions Number 21, her right hand found his left one for just a moment, before giving it a gentle squeeze and continuing down her own line. He had maintained his focus forward, didn’t even blink at the girl’s actions, and by the time she got to Fede who had been watching the encounter she had made her mind up that he wanted nothing to do with her.
This friendly-match had Amelia in a bundle of nerves, dissimilar to the euro final, Amelia was confident in her ability purely due to the fact that she was well prepared. This time however, whilst she was just as well-prepared as last time, she also knew that a fair few English players had adopted her playing style as their own and knew the kind of tactic required to stop the Italian attack and penetrate the great wall of Rome: Chiellini and Bonucci. This, coupled with the fact that both sides seemed to be playing with a touch more aggression than she expected, led to her being on the edge of her seat for most of the game. A late first half goal from Jorginho had her up out of her seat, cheering for the midfield maestro. However, it was a late second half goal that had her smiling from ear to ear, whilst trying to remember to keep her bum in her chair - she wasn’t supposed to be cheering for the enemy after all. How could she not though? Ben Chilwell had scored the equaliser. Using the play they had spent so many hours perfecting, just the two of them out on the pitch at Cobham. Scoring his goal, celebrating with his team and the away fans, she had clapped with an appropriate level of enthusiasm until she noticed him look her way, pull the centre of his jersey toward his face and give it a kiss. She moved her hand to touch that spot on her own jersey. Fingers running over the embroidery that she had stitched into every one of her official matchday tops, a memento to keep her family close to her heart - the embroidery featured the word ‘WHITE’ followed by the colours of the italian flag. For this match however, she had something extra added. Did Ben know about her newest addition?
After the match.
“Chilwell! Wait Up!” Federico Bernardeschi called down the tunnel whilst jogging to catch up with his opposition player.
“Can I give you some advice? Don’t let her go. I did, and whilst it was the right thing for me to do, it's something I regret deeply. You don’t realise just how much she adds to your life until she's gone. You’ll come to realise that she is the sunshine after any storm, but she is also the storm itself. Any day without her is a little less bright.”
In a moment of vulnerability, Ben decided to open up to the man that he didn’t know more than a bar of soap, who was coincidentally the same man who knew all there was to know about Amelia.
“She really is sunshine personified, isn’t she?” Ben smiled at the thought of the girl, thinking back on all of the laughs that they shared together in Mykonos.
“Normally yes, but these past few weeks that she has been without you she has been a little less bright. You complete her, whether she has realised yet I’m not sure but I am sure that she misses you. I think more than she ever missed me.”
“Ben, there are two kinds of compliments you can give a woman. The first, something she already thinks about herself but needs reconfirmed. The second, the things she doesn’t think anyone else notices about her. The second kind matters more.”
“You like because, and you love despite. Think about that Ben.”
“I don’t know if I love her, yet.”
“I think you do know. Otherwise you wouldn’t have asked the kitman for a little something extra on tonight's jersey.”
“What are you talking about? How do you know?”
“Ah, Benjamin, a good spy never tells his secrets” With that, Federico continued his walk back to the changerooms. “She’s out on the pitch, Ben.” He called without looking back, confident that the player was already making his way out there.
Walking up to the centre circle, where Amelia was currently sitting down on the pitch with her arms behind her and her legs stretched out in front. Taking in the atmosphere of Stadio Olympico in Rome, her favourite stadium in the world. What surprised her the most was just how quickly Stamford Bridge had crept itself up the ranks and into the second spot of her heart.
Without wanting to startle her, Ben started talking to her from a few meters away - not bothered about the few lingering souls out and about. This was his time to make her his, and nothing was going to get in his way.
“You know, a wise person once said to me that you like someone because, but you love them despite” He called out to her.
Turning around, she was surprised to see him. After the cold shoulder she received earlier she hadn’t imagined she would have the opportunity to talk to the blue-eyed beauty any time soon.
“What person was that?” She asked back, softly, not wanting to spook him off.
She tried to hide the shock on her face, what on earth had told her ex-lover she wanted him to talk to her current lover...if you could even call Ben that. Maybe it was more appropriate for him to be referred to as Amelia’s almost-until-she-fucked-it-lover. That was a bit long winded...maybe-lover should suffice. Whilst she was having this internal struggle, all thoughts swirling around her head, Ben had reached the centre circle and sat to the left of the girl, close enough that she could see the calmness behind his eyes.
“He’s right you know, he’s not always right but this time he definitely is. For example, he was wrong to let you go. There would be no chance in hell that I would let you slip away from me as easily as he did.
“I like you because you’re smart, so unbelievably beautiful and just as confident as anyone I've ever met. But I love you, despite the fact that you drive me mad with just how brilliant you are even if you don’t acknowledge yourself. You are destined for greatness, Amelia White. And I just hope that when you do get to where you want to be, that I'm still right there with you.”
Looking at him with tears in her eyes whilst his own were telling her that there wasn’t an ounce of hesitation behind his words. He loved her. And that's all she needed. Standing up, she pulled him up by his hands and pulled him in so close that she could feel the muscles in his back contract as he wrapped her up in a hug of his own, these were the hugs that she wished could be reserved for her. No one else needed to know the power behind these hugs, they could make her fall for him over and over again. One hand across her shoulders, the other palming the back of her head and pushing her into his chest so she could feel his heart beat - after all it beats just for her.
“Ben, why did you kiss your shirt today after you scored?” She asked the taller man as he continued to enjoy the feeling of having her back in his arms, where she belonged for all of this time.
“I wanted to feel close to you, and I thought maybe you were onto something with your superstitions”. Regrettably pulling himself away from her, he pulled off his shirt to reveal the toned skin of his chest, but also the small embroidery on the inside fabric that resembled her own...except this time it read MILS with a small Italian flag. Feeling her heart swell inside her chest, she beamed up at the man who was patiently waiting for her reaction to the gesture of love.
“I think it worked Ben” Pulling her shirt away from her chest enough that she could stretch it and show the inside fabric to him, hers reading WHITE with the Italian flag, but also a small BENJ with the British flag next to it. Her way of keeping him, and her family, close to her heart where she felt them the most.
He could only imagine that Amelia felt when reading his shirt was only a fraction of what he was feeling at that moment, for it was impossible for anyone to love someone the way that he loved her. His mum always told him not to fall for the girl who gives him butterflies, because he would be addicted to the feeling and would constantly be on the chase for it, but to fall for the girl who calmed him down, made him feel secure and like he needed her air to breathe. Butterflies were warning signs, but the sight of Amelia reminded him of seeing the light on in the hall after an away match - he was home. She was his home.
Pulling her back to his chest, except this time he was shirtless. Amelia ran her hands down his back whilst his hands settled at the base of her spine, she rested her chin on his chest and stared up at the man that her heart had grown to love. Ben moved his hands upwards until he tangled them in her wavy hair, moving his lips to cover her own. The kiss said everything they needed to share with each other. I miss you. I love you. Never leave me again.
“Oi! You two! Break it up! There are kids here!” A quick yell broke the two out of their bliss, looking over to see none other than Kyle Walker standing at the end of the tunnel, looking towards them with a mischievous look on his face.
“Kyle, cover your eyes, you’re too pure to be exposed to such adult behaviour!” And just as though God had been listening, from behind him walked out Federico, to cover the eyes of Kyle Walker. Amelia and Ben didn’t realise that the two were even remotely friendly, however they had found a mutual interest - annoying their two friends that had finally admitted their feelings to each other.
“Pipe down you two” Ben joked as the pair of them walked hand in hand towards the jokesters, Ben eventually lifting his left hand to move their entwined hands to Amelia’s left shoulder, her own right arm moving to wrap around his waist. A way he could bring her physically closer to him. Amelia not resisting the gesture, anything to feel his smooth skin against her own.
“Fede, I hope you know that I'm going to be Amelia’s maid of honor at the wedding. That's not going to be a problem for you is it?” Kyle began to seriously discuss the future event with his new Italian partner in crime.
“No Kyle, that's fine - I'm the flower boy though. Jorgi is going to pull me down the aisle in a red cart while I throw rose petals at everyone” Fede joked back, the two of them pretending that the new couple couldn’t hear them as they walked down the tunnel back to the changerooms.
“What are they like?” Ben laughed into the top of Amelia’s hair, still maintaining his grip on the girl he had been without for 3 weeks. With a grin from ear to ear, and an overwhelming feeling of love about her, Amelia stopped Ben in his tracks before the two had to go their separate ways to rejoin their respective teams.
“Just so you’re aware, I love you too. And I am so sorry for everything that I put us through these past weeks. I want you to know that i’m all in, and i’m all yours...if you’ll have me”
“Stop being a silly muppet, of course I'll have you, all of you. Even the parts that drive me insane. There is no way I am letting anyone else have you. You’re all mine, Mils”
“Glad to know the feelings mutual, Chilly”
“Oi, what did I say about that! Only friends call me Chilly...and you are not my friend”
Bursting into laughter as she tried to pull away from him, only to be pulled back and wrapped up into his arms, her head against his chest.
“I love you, Benj”
“I love you right back, Mils”
BONUS #BAMELIA MOMENT - Champions Again | di nuovo campioni
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