theresthesnitch · 2 years
hii snitch im here for the three sentence fic vampire au vampire sirius x human remus im in a vampire sirius brainrot
if you could slip some blood drinking into this it would be very much appreciated <3
Three sentences, vampire Sirius x human Remus, blood drinking.... Yeah, let's do this.
Sirius licked a long stripe up the column of his neck, feeling the warm pulse of his blood under his tongue, and Remus went slack in his arms before saying, "Sirius, please, please bite me."
"As you wish, piccolo." Warm blood flooded into his mouth as teeth sank into Remus's neck, and Remus's wanton moan made Sirius want to devour him.
Send me a pairing and an AU, and I'll write you a three sentence fic!
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unit-ssn0va · 1 year
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lil virgil wip
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glacierruler · 2 years
Of Magic and Mortals
Alright, this is the last chapter I have so far, and it's probably the most dull out of all of them, but the next one should be more interesting, when I'm finished writing it.
TWs: Fantasy Racism, Cursing, Anxiety, Alcohol, Mentions of death, Mentions of sex, Sexual innuendos, gender dysphoria, feeling like an outsider in one's own body, 
Virgil went partying with her friends, and called off of work (making a mental note to talk to her boss about the scholarship and what that means for her schedule). They ended up in a bar called the Lucky Hen. It was known for it's more questionable drinks, and the food was supposed to be okay. As she ordered her first drink, she heard a werewolf tell someone, "this place would be awesome if they didn't allow fayries in here." Don't say anything, you've had a great day. Don't ruin to give the what for to some asshole who doesn't know what he's talking about. Virgil breathes in and out when she hears Birtlin murmur, "At least we don't leave our fur every place we go." As Emble laughs at that, Virgil hears the werewolf get closer. She looks over her shoulder and sees the person getting a little too close, as her two friends turn around. Fuck, I was hoping to avoid something like this. "Did you say something?" The werewolf growls out, glaring and making sure to show his teeth and shove his face a little closer than necessary. Virgil gets off of her seat. "Hey buddy, back the fuck up. If you get to diss on fairies, then we get do diss on werewolves. It's only fair." She claims, rolling her eyes. The werewolf backs up, only to turn their rage onto her. "You fayries think that you're so special. But you're not. You lot are all lying, cheating, scum bags who don't know how to work for a living."
Virgil starts looking the werewolf up and down. This ought to be fun. She scoffs. "As if you do, I mean, can you even afford a glass of water here?" The werewolf walked over to her, and raised a hand. And now I die. I blame Birtlin and Emble. Virgil stands up a little straighter, realizing that everyone is looking at her and this person. She looks the werewolf in the eye. "Do it, I bet you won't!" As the hand goes to hit her, it gets intercepted in mid-air. "Yooo, leave the sexy fairy alone dude."
Looking over, Virgil sees her knight in thrift store armor. Kind of glad she's not getting killed right now, she decides not to comment her inner thought of I had it handled bitch. Watching as this fake mustache wearing person is chewing out this random werewolf guy, apparently. One can never be too sure, but thrift store person was using masculine pronouns for this person. After a few minutes the werewolf leaves. The person, who's probably human, who saved her turns to Virgil. "Hi, are you okay? Sorry that dickhead was bothering you, too bad he goes to my school. I'm Remus, he/him pronouns. Would you mind telling me a name to go with this stunning faerie?" Virgil could feel her blush. I need to stop getting so flustered with just a little flirting. Looking Remus up and down, Virgil sees a bracelet with the crest to Cypress Independence University. Better not give him my name, if I want to pass as a male there. Just because he gave me pronouns, doesn't mean he's not transphobic. "Well, you can call me Anx, and I use she/her pronouns." "Cool, Anx, feels like some kind of super secret code name. Do you have a job where you kill people, or string them up for information. Oooh, I get to tell my twin that I met the sexiest and deadliest fairy in the world!" "Woah, hold on big boy~. The deadliest thing about me is my tongue, and you might want to stop asking questions like that to random strangers. Wouldn't want to die because of it." "Well, it's actually my dream to die in the middle of making out with a deadly sexy fairy~." The flirting went on like this for a while, before Virgil yawned. Realizing that she should get home soon, so that she can get to her school tomorrow, she says, "well handsome stranger, this is where I must go. Maybe we'll meet again, wouldn't want this to be just a one night stand~." With that, Virgil went to her two friends (who she forgot about while flirting with the random stranger,) and left.
As Virgil woke up the next morning, the first thought in their mind was, did I seriously pay for a drink that I didn't drink. Then they went to the bathroom mirror. Looking at their feminine figure, they felt sickened. Shit, I haven't felt this dysphoric in ages. Why now?  Virgil got their binder and put it on. "Alright, time to see what my pronouns are. Hey did you see Virgil isn't she- Nope! Not trying that again!" Virgil exclaimed, having to look away from the mirror in order to keep from criticizing their appearance. After breathing for a bit, Virgil looked in the mirror again, ready to try more pronouns. "Did you see Vee today? He looks like shit." Virgil nodded at himself, but it still felt like something was missing. He'd talk about it with his friends when they woke up. Then he got dressed in baggy jeans, and an oversized dark purple shirt with a bleeding black heart. Fluffing out his shirt a bit, to keep it from sticking to his binder, he went to his closet and put on his dark grey jacket. He put on his he/him pronoun pins. Then he decided that it was time to start his day, and went downstairs.
When he got downstairs, he noticed that Emble had already made food. As he was eating, he was pondering what was missing, before deciding to try some new pronouns. "I know Virgil looks deadly and scary, but they're really cool when you get to know them." Those pronouns felt great, so they decided to use them.
1st chapter / Prev chapter / Next chapter
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justdlightful · 9 months
I decided to just suck it up and color this. I love Janus’s pinstripe pants. If you didn’t read the previous post, Janus and Roman are in a neck-and-neck competition on whose instagram has more followers. Roman is obviously winning.
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i think about the marauders too much. the fandom created this tender, loving, and absolutely gorgeous universe out of nothing more then scraps, and for what? a heartbreak we all knew was coming? we knew that none of them survived but we did it anyway. we set ourselves up to fail, all because we couldn’t help but love them.
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pidgeonishome · 5 months
I think we need to stop making our favorite characters so cool- I love Sirius in tats and leather jackets and cool, sarcastic Remus- but one of them spent 12 years in a prison that eats your soul/happiness and more than that in a really abusive home and the other turns into a literal creature every month!!
Maybe I’ve spent too long on foursaints’ blog (I have) but, in my head, there’s no way they come out of that without being a little twitchy. Where are the fics where Sirius talks to himself out of habit from all the time he spent locked up alone (both in his childhood and Azkaban) and Remus randomly goes off into space in the middle of conversations.
Hell, have some fun with it: maybe Sirius talks shit about people to himself whenever he’s annoyed and they’re too freaked out by it to call him on it and sort of just sit there let it happen (eventually Sirius catches on to this and starts doing it on purpose). Let Remus zoom back into a conversation and go “Sorry, was just thinking about whether snakes can get arthritis”
Let them freak people out!!!
And why stop there? For how dreamy we say Pandora is, why isn’t she a maladaptive daydreamer? She would love living in a world of her creation where literally anything is possible. Give me Peter who makes weird jokes that people don’t get because the only friend he had growing up was James who already knew all his inside jokes and thought process, give me James who cries all the time and tells people EXACTLY what he thinks (not just the nice version) because he was always raised to be honest and no one ever made him feel bad for being himself
Let them be weird- sure the marauders were popular at some point but it’s definitely not like the whole school would’ve revered a bunch of 11 year-olds, maybe they were weird at first and then they grew up as they got used to other people. Maybe they were popular because they were a little weird, I mean, no one got famous being exactly like everyone else. They were pranksters? Well, madness and genius go hand-in-hand
More on this later because I won’t stop until everyone is as awkward as I am
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lunarparacosm · 21 days
hi tumblr i’m making a jegulus /wolfstar sci fi webcomic
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first chapter will be free and shall drop hopefully mid-september
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ascenari0 · 2 months
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proud of how far I’ve gotten in my art, so I drew the whole gang from my SaSI human au
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loserboyfriendrjl · 1 year
i think that remus should be a silly little pisces boy more often. he should doodle he and sirius’ initials in the corner of his book and then draw a heart around them. he should be flustered when someone flirts with him and he should be awkward. he should blush like a schoolboy around sirius and he should tell his friends how in love he is, even before they got together. he should let his friends draw on him. he should take naps in the common room armchair before starting his homework. he should giggle too. he should cry, because his ma taught him that to cry is not to be weak. he should have his hands stained with ink and when he rubs his eyes he has ink blotches on his face too. he should lay in the sun with his dog and cat at home and he should climb in trees to pick fruit and he should bid hello to the old man with the sheep that passes him down the path to his home. he should go up the hill and just. lay in the sun. he should be happy and sad and hurt and alive. he should bake and work in the garden with his ma. he should have an old polaroid camera from his da and capture all the important moments and all of the memories he wants to keep.
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polaroidcats · 8 months
"Remus is an objectively hot alpha dude and every single person at Hogwarts is in love with him."
boring, please consider instead:
"Remus is an average-looking, scrawny, socially awkward dude and Sirius goes FERAL over him for reasons outsiders will never fully understand."
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oregano-stars · 1 month
They won't let me add any more options soooo if you choose someone who's not on here, just leave it in comments!!
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royalthorned · 1 month
nagini whose cursed because she was born a woman. nagini who inherited her curse from her mother and her mothers mother. nagini who had a brother, who is perfect and unburdened and loved. nagini who was taken from her family and thrown into a foreign circus. nagini who is jumps between groups of outcasts and is persistently alone. nagini who find the death eaters and is coveted and respected and accepted. nagini who is so valued that she’s in trusted with her masters soul. nagini who is trapped in the body of a beast by the only man who ever loved her. nagini who is seperated from her sense of self until she’s a monster and no more.
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bluuscreen · 2 years
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get a load of these guys…
some closeups + just the lineart under the cut because i like it
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justdlightful · 8 months
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Comic continuing on the doodle I did a while back of the human sides making plans to hang out after school. Roman already established he wouldn’t be there at the start, but where is Janus?
If you haven’t seen the original post that inspired the comic, I’d highly recommend you read it, it makes this comic make a little bit more sense :)
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james-sunshine-potter · 4 months
professions I imagine the marauders doing:
james: life guard, car mechanic, athlete (quidditch obviously in magic au/non magic au probs rugby), editor (video editor)
remus: server, barista (but in a hipster coffee place), sales assistant in a record store
sirius: musician (solo artist), graphic designer, makeup artist
peter: (odd but) stand up comedian, manager (like a talent manager), programmer (like a video game programmer)
lily: hostess, er nurse, vet technician
regulus: exhibit designer (for a history museum), book shop worker (manager probs to escape customers), artist, author
marlene: bartender, athlete (again quidditch in magic au, football in muggle),
dorcas: fashion designer, photographer, model (she's an icon)
mary: nursey teacher, nail technician, hair stylist (owns her own salon and is the best owner)
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Fey Remus and Fey Roman: *in a competition to see who can chop up their pile of wood into firewood the fastest* Patton *gathering the thrown about firewood into baskets so Janus can carry them to the woodshed*: Oh! Virgil, where are you going? Vampire Virgil *dressed up in a black cape and more vampire aesthetic look, compared to his more relaxed everyday wear*: Coven meeting. Shouldn't take longer than a week... Ugh I hate when the whole family get together. Too many people. Werewolf Janus: Good luck. Vampire Virgil: Thanks. I'm glad it only happens once every century. Patton: I keep forgetting you're really old, Virgil. Vampire Virgil: I'm younger than those two idiots *gestures towards Remus and Roman who are now hurling insults at each other*. Werewolf Janus: ... how old are they exactly? Witch Logan *basket of mushrooms at his hip*: The two of them are about as old as this forest, so a millennia give or take, but who knows really. They never give me a good answer. I'm starting to suspect they don't know it themselves.
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