#i Will be talking to my therapist about it
JNPR saved Emerald before Vol 3
Jaune: Zoinks!
Nora: Ruh-roh!
Pyrrha: Jeepers!
Ren: Jinkies!
Emerald: Fuck!
Ren: You use humor to deflect your trauma.
Emerald: Awww, thanks-
Ren: That’s not a good thing.
Emerald: All I’m hearing is that you think I’m funny.
Jaune: We'll talk about this later.
Emerald: Fine, I won’t be listening.
Pyrrha: Send her to the Shadow realm!
Jaune: The shadow realm? No, I’m sending her to Ohio!
Ren: Timbuktu is unbearable this time of year
Emerald: What language are you speaking?!?!
Cardin: Eat shit and Die, Arc!
Jaune: Shut up-
Emerald: Eat shit and live, Winchester.
Emerald: I don’t think the therapist is supposed to say ‘wow’ that many times during their first session with a client, but here we are.
Nora: If olive oil is made of olives, Vegetable oils is made of vegetables, then Baby oil is-
Jaune: can we have NORMAL family dinner for ONCE-
Emerald: We're a family.
Jaune: If- If you'd like to be, I consider you a part of my family?
Emerald: ...
Emerald: *Breaks down in tears*
Nora: If you really want to get back at a man, scare him with a pregnancy test. I’ve got a whole box of old positives stowed away.
Emerald: You’re a Valian treasure!
Emerald: And a major health risk- But a Valian treasure!
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muzzleoleum · 2 days
im so frustrated with the individuals who say that by talking about personal experiences you are promoting delusions.
my experiences and existence as a mentally ill being with psychosis (and most likely schizoaffective) is so heavily dumbed down to "mentally ill being who has no place anywhere" yall are treating us like we are inherently evil, and that is just not the case at all.
talking about my experiences, whether or not you think it is delusional, is not shoving it down anyone's throats and promoting delusions. Y'all have taken something and run with it.
I have had way more people who have not experienced psychosis be predatory and use my psychosis against me when i was a child than anyone who i've talked to who has psychosis. please stop acting like we are out to get you because we aren't, im just so deeply saddened that my experiences are watered down to just "look at this mentally ill guy, he's so weird and delusional"
i guess that's what i get for posting deeply about my experiences, but i want yall to be kinder to individuals who have mental illness, or who may experience things differently than you.
most therapists don't yell at you about promoting delusions etc etc, so why do you think that yelling at beings that they're horrible for talking about their experiences is helping anyone, regardless of what they think. Y'all aren't saying this stuff in good faith, yall want to make fun of people.
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Harley Quinn, former bad guy, anti-hero and unemployed therapist chases after Nightwing (Dick Grayson) as he tries to get away from her while on patrol.
Nightwing: Stop chasing me!
Harley: Then have a chat with me!
Nightwing: How did you find me!
Harley: Babs told me.
Nightwing stops running causing Harley to halt her running as well. He puts his index finger up and presses his communication device.
Nightwing: Babs, what the heck?
Oracle: She begged me and I can't say no when she pinpoints my mental health issues! Just let her spend some time with you.
Nightwing looks down at Harley who has a big smile on her face. He runs the other direction as Poison Ivy walks over to the group while watching 'Little Shop of Horrors' on her phone.
Ivy: He caved yet?
Harley: Not now, babes. Follow me.
Harley chasses after Nightwing. Her girlfriend casually walked behind her.
Harley: Stop running! Why are you running?!
Nightwing: Because I don't want you touching me! I am not a piece of meat!
Harley: I'm sorry, I wasn't aware you were uncomfortable with the butt smacks!
Nightwing: I was very vocal about it!
Harley: Do you think that stems with some trauma in your past?
Nightwing: Stop therapizing me!
Ivy (pausing her movie): This is the smartest approach, Harley.
Harley: Ivy, not now!
Nightwing runs around Ivy and uses her as shield, then shoves her on Harley.
Nightwing: You chasing me doesn't prove your point.
Harley (pushing Ivy off of her): Let me make amends.
Nightwing(whining): NOOOO!
Harley: I made a full bill of health at Arkham. And I may not have the diploma, but I can be your-
Nightwing (in angry romani): Me sem bahtalo tumare progresosa, numaj te aven dur mandar!
Harley: What?
Nightwing stops at a fence and turns to Harley.
Nightwing: I said, "I am happy with your progress, but stay away from me for now!" It... It will take some time. Okay?
Nightwing jumps a fence and keeps running.
Nightwing (over his shoulder): Bye!
Ivy: See ya, kid.
Harley: But... Shit!
Harley tries to climb the fence, but Ivy, best friend and girlfriend uses a vine on her hip before she jumps the fence.
Ivy: Harley, don’t do that impulsive thought.
Harley: But they need a therapist. All of them, Jacey ran from me, now Nightwing? Why can’t I catch a break?
Ivy: If I may, it has something to do with working with the joker, who killed one of them, tortures the batfamily on an annual basis... oh and you won’t take a hint to give them space.
Harley glares at her girlfriend.
Harley: It was a rhetorical question!
Ivy (chuckling dryly): Aww, Harls, you know I don’t care about that. He did say it takes time, he's saying you have a chance, but at this moment of time, no. Remember I’m not dumb either. I worked more in science for botany over what you do, but I can see when someone doesn’t want to talk or want your therapy services.
Harley groans, bending back: You’re right, I’ll give 'em space. Plus you didn't say I slept with my professor.
Ivy: Please, you wouldn't degrade yourself like that... Get with a homicidal lunatic who thinks clown makeup is scary, but you are not the type who tries to get easy A’s in school.
Harley: Damn straight!
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wreckedandpolemic · 2 days
also i will eat up anything about the babies from any au. first steps. first words. school uniform shopping. anything at all!! <3
let’s talk first words… alanis, the little diva, doesn’t talk for so long that you and matty are starting to get concerned (hello, terminal yapper genes!!) you’re tucking her into bed and wondering whether to take her to a speech therapist when she looks up at matty and says in the clearest little toddler voice, can i have a story? and you just look at matty in utter disbelief, laughing and crying a little. oh, you’re just like dada, huh? just have to be the centre of attention, don’t you, lani? you tease, and matty rolls his eyes. think she gets that from both of us, actually. and you curl up next to matty as he reads alanis to, kissing her little curly head as she drifts off.
vera, as a baby, is so quiet and serene that if she weren’t practically indistinguishable from an already-hyperactive fiona, you’d think she’d been switched at birth. as soon as she starts talking, though, it’s abundantly clear that she’s matty’s daughter. she’s barely a year old when she says her first word (mama - you’re ecstatic) and pretty soon has picked up your and matty’s habit of narrating your every move to help them pick up speech.
she turns shy in front of other people, though, even her uncles, looking shyly at the floor when george crouches in front of her to ask what her teddy’s name is. matty scoops her up, kisses her forehead. c’mon, baba, it’s just uncle george. clever girl, aren’t you? she tucks her thumb into her mouth and nods. g, she’s so clever. don’t know how she’s my kid, it’s mental. you look up from where alanis is carefully sounding out a baby book to fiona (adorable) to sigh. stop fishing, matthew, you’re a very clever boy. george laughs, scooping your daughter out of matty’s arms and bouncing her until she murmurs the name of her teddy bear into his shoulder. pretty soon she’s yapping away happily, grinning as george hangs on to her every word.
as previously mentioned, fiona is a late talker, so her first words aren’t too much of a surprise; matty’s been reassuring you that it’ll be any day now, darling, i know it for weeks. you and matty are lying in bed and idly watching the baby monitor when you hear her coo out an attempt at vera’s name. you look at each other in disbelief, matching grins spreading across your faces and tears pricking in your eyes. i told you, princess, matty says, cuddling you close. our girls are gonna be just fine.
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Dialogue 2
Gordon: There was a pilot called Scott
Whose nose was filled with snot
Scott: (Looms threateningly)
Gordon: Ah.
Gordon: There was a fellow called John
Whose legs were impossibly long
Gordon’s Phone: (Screams with ear-blistering static)
Gordon: Okay, okay! Jeez!
Gordon’s Phone: (Stops)
Gordon: There once was a boy called Alan
Alan: Scott! He’s doing it!
Scott: Gordon!
Gordon: Fine!
Gordon: There was an artist called Virgil
Who … who … um
Virgil: Yeah. Nothing rhymes.
Gordon: Wow. Talk about stifling other people’s creativity.
Virgil: Literally not my fault. Take it up with Dad.
Jeff: Take what up with Dad?
Gordon: Um.
Virgil: Gordon’s trying to make up limericks. Nothing rhymes with Virgil.
Gordon: Why aren’t we allowed to call him ‘Virg’?
Jeff: Because there are too many things that rhyme with ‘Virg’, none of which Hannah Coleman should have known about at the age of thirteen, much less written ‘love’ poems about and send them to your brother.
Scott: What?!
John: What?!
Alan: What?!
Gordon: What?!
Virgil: Not talking about it. Except to my therapist. Excuse me.
Gordon: Hey, Virgil, wait!
Virgil: What?
Scott: Did you save the poems?
Yeah, so this took an unexpected turn on me. I don’t know where Hannah Coleman came from, or what the ever-loving hell she wrote, but apparently it … wasn’t good.
The standard disclaimers, I do not own Thunderbirds, either the Original Series, the Movies (both Supermarionation and Live Action), or the Thunderbirds Are Go Series. (Although I do own copies on DVD.)
I do not do this for money, but for my own (in)sanity and entertainment.
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n7punk · 18 hours
Hey sorry if this is too mushy and long for a tumblr ask but it’s really important to me that you know that you made a huge difference in a stranger’s life with your writing. I was practicing gratitude with my therapist and one of the things I wrote down was “n7punk fanfictions”, and it made me realize you might not know that. You might not know how much impact your writing has had on a stranger’s life (and I’m sure on many others’).
Sometimes, literal direct event-changing impact. I have ADHD and struggle with checking my nonwork email, so my best friend is subscribed to your ao3 even though she never watched She-Ra and she’s purely subscribed to let me know any time you update. A few months ago we had a huge falling out. I genuinely thought we’d never talk again. Then she sent me a screenshot of your first chapter for olig with a text that said “just thought it’d be tragic if you never see this”, referencing the fact that I always play at least one heathers song when we’re carpooling. This directly led to us talking again and finally figure it out. You literally gave me my best friend back. She even sometimes jokingly says she extended me “an olig branch”. I don’t really believe in manifestation but my best friend does lmao. She wrote “n7punk will find happiness” on a paper and everything after we resolved our fight. I found it a little concerning tbh but heartwarming nonetheless.
Anyway, I want you to know that you and your existence matter so much to at least these two strangers. We don’t need to know your name or age or anything about you to care about you. You’re n7punk on the internet, and you gave and continue to give me so much, and for that I’m so grateful. Wherever and whoever you are, I hope you thrive and I hope happiness will always find you.
oh my god 😭 thank you sm, because yeah, i dont know that so thank you for telling me 💖 things have honestly been rough lately with family stuff and it really helps to hear. every time i start feeling... idk a little hopeless, or adrift, or questioning my ~purpose~ i just think about that couple who got married because of my fics and now im going to think about this too so thank you so much 💖 i'm so happy you and your friend were able to make up
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br0kenangel · 13 hours
can you speak more about both aegon and reader in your unhinged aegon x therapist reader fic, please?? btw i’m loving it!! 🤍
Aww thank you darling.
Ok so let's start with Aegon's problem. Well he have Schizophrenia. That's why he hears voices or change suddenly. He was badly abused by both Alicent and Viserys since he was a child and he always thought that it was normal until he go to school and that was when he found out that it's not normal. And he thinks that's love.
That's one of their biggest difference that I tried to show.
She knows what love is, she feels it, unlike Aegon who sees love from a very sick perspective way, which in reality is not love, just a sick and dangerous obsession that is he trying to cover it up under the name of love.
Y/n have her own flaws too. She's not very good at her job. That's why she can't actually tell that Aegon have Schizophrenia. The only reason Alicent hired her was because she was pretty and Alicent though that if Aegon put his dick into a pretty therapist maybe he listens and get better but it obviously didn't work. Y/n also need the money so she play along. I mean Aegon's parents were rich so she would put up with his shit and it was ok until it wasn't.
The reason that Aegon didn't get professional help is because the family can't look bad. How much would it hurts their image if people found out that the first born son of the family is actually mentally ill and should be in mental hospital?
Also y/n fav color is blue, that's why fluffy had a blue collar around his neck. And I got the name fluffy from Tom himself when someone asked him what he would name his dragon if he had one.
If you want to know something about my series just as what you want to know since I don't really know what to talk about honestly 😅
but yeah that's basic information that I didn't point out in the series.
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spirits-n-giggles · 16 hours
Must.... conclude.... Beetlejuice story.... after.... 2nd.... movie....
Go on this journey with me.
Picture it:
A few years go by, Astrid is a young adult now.
Astrid and Lydia had become inseperable, immediately moving in with her mom after their Halloween from hell, but she eventually talks about wanting to experience dorm life for her first year of college. Lydia is happy for her daughter but is now afraid of being alone, not entirely sure with what might happen with so many dreams since the resurgence of 🪲he who shall not be named🪲 - and I want them to use that line as much as they used "keepin' it real."
The house on the hill will become internationally known as the notorious "Lydia Deets' Haunted Arthouse", she doesn't have her show anymore, but that didn't stop her reputation from growing exponentially after the Halloween fiasco. People wanna buy this property for millions of dollars, but Lydia will be too afraid of whatever might happen to anyone, should they ever meet the demon from her nightmares, so she keeps the house by using some of Delia's fame funds to keep the home in their name - something Delia would HATE lol- but Lydia doesn't wanna actually be in the house.
Betelgeuse is stuck in the underworld, trying to hide from a revived Delores that continues to terrorize the afterlife only now she is destroying the place. If the Sandworm can't kill Betelgeuse, how tf is it gonna kill Delores? Wolf Jackcon is of course on the case, but things are getting out of hand. This makes Betlegeuse a prime target for anyone with a soul that might wanna rat him out. And there are PLENTY who wanna rat him out. Trying to find a way out or a way to kill the broad, he has to get creative as he stays in hiding. And where is the place to hide? In a certain model town in a certain model home.
Rory will be undead and use his winning personality to act like he worships the ground Delores walks on so she doesn't suck out his soul. She will say she wants Betelgeuse and wants to kill Lydia. He is cool with that and says he will help her achieve that goal. He will then become her lacky and tell her how pretty and perfect she is to keep the target off his back. He will be terrified of her, but this will gradually make her love Rory, and this can cause some potential fun for future scenes.
Lydia has nightmares that always involve Betlegeuse, even including some wacky cartoon adventures from the show, but they'll be creepy and dark and stop-motion because Burton. She tries therapy, but it will end up being a bust. It's hard finding the right therapist with someone as much truama as her. OH MY GOD HAVE MICHAEL KEATON PLAY THIS CHARACTER!!!!! AND it will freak her out thinking she's seeing Betlegeuse everywhere!
This will cause her to become a shut-in after getting rich off the royalties of selling her personal story - a melodrama of love and the loss of two parents after a lifetime of hauntings. She sells this story to various people who want to write it into something. She will end up reading raving reviews about a live theater production of her story called "Ghost House" or "Scared Sheetless" after a graphic novel that was released or some shit. Supernatural levels of meta. Might as well!!! 😂
After a particular dream that ruffles Lydia awake in her own apartment, (the dream at the end of movie 2 maybe?) something strange will happen to the house on the hill, causing Lydia to go back and figure it out. Astrid will hear of this. Not wanting her mom to be there alone, she goes with her to help solve the mystery. Lydia thinks she knows what (or who) it is and doesn't want Astrid to come along, but she does anyway.
Hiding there in the model, Betelgeuse will see that Lydia and her daughter have returned, thinking she's finally come to her senses and come back to him lol. Betelgeuse gets desperate and gets Lydia's attention in the best way he knows how - dreams. They've got a phychic connection, right? And he's done it plenty of times, but now it's for business as well as pleasure.
It would be some kind of earthquake that shakes the hill. Being careful and walking around whatever damage was mysteriously done, some locals say its another haunting and they want to tear the house down and make something new. Aatrid can hear these comments and relay them to her mom. This will start making Lydia curious about the history of the hill this house was built on, especially since it's so close to the graveyard (the same place Betlegeuse was buried in the model in movie 1)
So she goes on a hunt in the small town, expands it a little. She can maybe even find the Mainlends old shop? This can parallel with expanding the afterlife a little too, while Betlegeuse is trying to find allies. Betelgeuse tries to round up anyone he knows that he can trust literally anyone from the past - gotta bring Catherine O'Hara and Gena Davis back, right? Stop motioning her in as a ripple in dimensional shifts or something and just use her voice. Richard would help as a thanks for helping his kid in the past. And I KNOW we can get Bob back if we tried.
Lydia can end up learning about some of Betlegeuse's history - finds a picture of an eerily familiar couple - but all this place knows is that they were only two of the many that were tossed in mass graves on this land centuries back but they don't know details other than they came from Italy. She will make it a mission to go to their original resting place to try to get more info. She's rich. She can do that. (Their love story was in Italy, right?)
Getting there, Lydia learns the urban legend of a murder suicide of some nutorious bad couple who was known for terrorizing the nights in their hellrsising escepades, but after they were dead and buried, the two lovers corpses, along with many other discarded corpses of dead evil people, were moved out of their original land and brought to several new places to be buried. Some corpses were even sold illegally to cargo ships, anything to get rid of the unwanted bad individuals so they could bring in the industrial revolution. There will be several names, but two will stand out along with a picture.
Delores and another name that's crossed out. Make it Lawrence, lol. Isn't that Betlegeuse's name in the cartoon?
"Betlegeuse?" Lydia whispers.
Astrid tags along with her mother, happy to travel and hunt creepy shit again. Her dad would be proud. This time she won't meet a boy but maybe a girl who was also doing her own research for school. Jeremy was technically her first experience with a boy, and it's possible to stray away from reminders of bad experiences and kids experiment at this age anyway. It will be a cute goth girl who is a fan of Lydia's old show and is one of the first girls Astrid's age to ever actually be nice to her. A nice connection. This could also be a ploy to pull Lydia back into BJs world again, too - yay twists! She can maybe be an illegal ghost girl looking for help from Lydia because she thinks she can help everyone in the afterlife.
Underworld is in chaos, and here is a rift between worlds after so many souls had been taken from the afterlife. There's no more order, and reality is breaking, and the only way to get everything back in order is to destroy the soul sucker and release the souls she has absorbed. The more she absorbs, the more power she gets.
They get home, and another shift happens between worlds, and with so much death in the afterlife, it's causing serious problems in the real world and Astrid has an idea to maybe call someone for help. Lydia shuts it down. But more rifts and earthquakes happen. She will have another dream of him trying to get her to call his name. And maybe she can awaken in a living nightmare caused by the rift between worlds, and they are both almost is almost killed (by a sandworm, why tf not!!!) before calling Betlegeuse for help.
Get real 'out there' and put those practical affects to good use and let the shenegins begin! As much as I love watching Betelgeuse try to marry Lydia, there is no attempt at marriage this time. There's too much to do. "I just saved your life, now you can help me save mine and finally kill that soul sucking witch for good"
Have him turn into a tour guide as he shows off different aspects of the afterlife, while the three of them run from people who have allied themselves with Delores to find Betlegeuse.
Imagine the reunion of seeing Rory with Delores. Imagine crazy shit that can magically appear to help end the story. Hell, have the goth girl Astrid meets to come back and redeem herself at the end. I dunno. She can appear and admit to being Delores daughter (before meeting Betelgeuse) and thats why she was at the same place Lydia and Astrid went in Italy to find answers- she was too.
This relationship can parallel Lydia and Astrid's positive one- have Delores sacrifice her daughter to start her sacrificial rite for power, and her daughter never forgive her (I swear I am just pulling this out of my ass) have the girl hold vengence for her mom and she can give Lydia the dagger that her mother Delores killed her with that still has the young girl's cursed blood on it. Dhe says to use it to kill Delores, but Betelgeuse is the only one strong enough who can get close enough to do it.
With so much chaos and so many souls taken, anything can happen in the underworld, and chaos ensues. Maybe even break in to see glinpses of the afterlife, a glimpse of hell and see how Jeremy is being tortured (it will be a silly Tim burton way). They can see part of the great beyond maybe Delia too? They meet Delores and she will say she is over Betelgeuse, and happy with her new pet Rory, but wants to keep "the juice" alive to torture him, satisfied with the new power she's gained.
Lydia will give Betelgeuse the dagger so he can pop her like a bubble and all the souls she's consumed will escape and go back to their soul holders. But why waste energy killing Betelgeuse when Delores can just use him? She is able to levitate him up but Lydia pulls him back down. Getting angry, Delores grows in size to show her strength, so Lydia will get a plan -
"Oh... you're not into him anymore, huh? So... you wouldn't care if I did this?" And she pulls that fucker in to kiss him. (This feels very Phantom of the Opera coded.....) Just a peck is enough for Delores to RAGE and she goes full attack mode. She goes after Lydia and Beletgeuse steps in front of her and kills Delores with whatever magical shit her dead vengegful goth daughter supplied, lol.
End it with Lydia being recruited by Wolf Jackson to find those who have been lost in the real world or something. Make it to where she and Betelgeuse have to work together to keep the plane between the living and the dead closed with her as the keeper of the house.
Have the house be the main character in the end!!!!
He'll then say, "So, you'll kiss me but you won't marry me? I get it-" He'll try to pull her in for another kiss, but she'll push him away.
"Nooo! No-" He lets her shove him to the floor, "I just knew something like that would save your ass." She wipes her hands clean of him. "You're welcome." He quickly jumps back up. "I know jealousy when I see it."
"Mmhm," he inches closer to her, but she crosses her arms looking away, seemingly uninterested.
She starts the countdown to make him leave.
"I can wait, honey. I know you want me." He flexes as he slowly walks away with pride. "No one can resist the juice once they've had a taste." He winks. Astrid groans for her mother, but she just looks to him like she always does.
"You'll wanna kiss me again." He holds his arms out in his iconic way. "I got all the time in the world." He thinks this is his end.
Turns out when killing the spirit of the soul sucking witch, the souls did escape, but her power needed to be absorbed by someone, and Betelgeuse didn't... really... need.... help with obtaining more power, did he?
Saying his name will do something... but it's no disappearing act.
Would he be like demi-god state now? Why the hell not? Give me an Aatarion evil ending kind of transformation. Give me love and deepspace realness. Go the whole nine and make him HOT AND SCARY in the end. Michael Keaton is attractive. It's doable! Antihero status! Make it wild! Demigod!!!! Imagine THAT being interested in you, Lydia. I don't think you'd say no. 👀
Throw in a musical number somewhere, and justice for Bob and you have a lovely story.
There. Done.
I don't think a 3rd will be made, and if there is one, I don't think it would be this ^ stupid! Lol
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swampgallows · 19 hours
complaining here because i dont want to burden my friends but still want to collect validation in the form of little pixel hearts
my moms mental state has gotten so much worse and as a result her hoarding is becoming even worse and even more impossible to tolerate. i have tried to have more sympathy about it and to help her with it, sitting with her while she sorts "a box a day" or even just "one thing a day". ive gently recommended she get a new therapist but all she did was change her horse on the SSRI carousel and start smoking weed. i've linked her articles and books and videos, and when she doesnt look at any of them i try to relay to her in conversation what i learned from them when she bemoans "why am i like this?". none of it matters. she just complains that it's "too overwhelming" and she "can't help it" even though she refuses any help at all.
i know it is a mental disorder. i know it is overwhelming. i know it causes her physical pain to get rid of things and at the same time cripples her with guilt to keep it all. but as of right now all we're trying to get her to do is just rearrange the things so that they aren't turning our house into a fucking obstacle course, and she pushes back on that too. like she doesn't want to even organize the piles AS THEY ARE and condense them because she'd rather be "actually throwing things away and putting things away like a human being!"—the thing that she very specifically CANNOT do.
and if we consolidate it on our own? hooooly christ. she goes on a fucking rampage, slamming doors, screaming/sobbing, throwing shit (her shit. it's all her shit). because it's HER stuff and WE touched it and she feels guilty about all her stuff. she STILL talks about when my sister tidied the spice cabinet, convinced that "she threw everything away!" and that was years ago. (my sister is a different kind of insane and probably DID throw a bunch of shit away, but either way all it did was give my mom ammunition for the rest of her life to never do anything.)
this is long enough already so all i can say is that im disappointed in myself for losing more of my tolerance and sympathy. like at this point the only reason i care is because i have to fucking live here since i havent been able to stay employed or move out yet and my mental health is also incredibly bad. but also my mom's becoming much more intolerant and hateful as a human being, which makes me less inclined to keep trying. like she deliberately brings up incendiary topics (usually politics), whips herself up into a cyclone of hatred (every '-ism' you can think of) while preemptively apologizing for things that she thinks that we think about the politics that she "doesn't like talking about" despite blatantly shifting the conversation to bring them up, then devolves into histrionic crying or yelling at us for something she has imagined. this is almost every day. i know she's my mom so im trying but christ alive
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mel-theking · 3 days
Hey tumblr… this blog was meant to help boost GhostHuntUK but that channel turned out to be a bust.
Well, anyways I thought I would use this blog as some way to…express myself.. I dunno my therapist said it would help-
But am Melanie King I use She/They pronouns and I…work? Or… hang around the archives as an archival assistant-? I dunno whatever.
But ask me whatever questions you wish to hear I don't really care-
(OOC: Hi!!! I'm Evan I'm the owner for this blog and I just wanna talk about it a lil ^^!!
This blog is going to take place from S1- halfway through S4 so if you haven't listened to those please do not interact with this blog as it will have spoilers for that season!!!
Along the lines of season, please do NOT ask questions beyond those seasons!!! And if you do don't be surprised if you don't see your question answered!!
But anyways, have fun, don't be weird and have a wonderful day/afternoon/night ^^!!!)
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the-blaze-empress · 1 year
nimona out here making me feel things i didnt know were possible
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Please, if you can, take a moment to read and share this because I feel like I'm screaming underwater.
NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder) stigma is rampant right now, and seems to be getting progressively worse. Everyone is using it as a buzzword in the worst ways possible, spreading misinformation and hatred against a real disorder.
I could go on a long time about how this happened, why it's factually incorrect (and what the disorder actually IS), why it's harmful, and the changes I'd like to see. But to keep this concise, I'll simply link to a few posts under the cut for further reading.
The point of this post is a plea. Please help stop the spread of stigma. Even in mental health communities, even around others with personality disorders, in neurodivergent "safe" spaces, other communities I thought people would be supportive in (e.g. trans support groups, progressive spaces in general), it keeps coming up. So I'm willing to bet that a lot of people on this site need to see this.
Because it's so hard to exist in this world.
My disorder already makes me feel as if I'm worthless and unlovable, like there's something inherently wrong and damaged about me. And it's so much harder to fight that and heal when my daily life consists of:
Laughing and spending time with my friends, doing my utmost best to connect and stay present and focused on them, trying to let my guards down and be real and believe I'm lovable- when suddenly they throw out the word "narcissist" to describe horrible people or someone they hate, or the conversation turns to how evil "people with narcissistic personality disorder" are. (Seriously, you don't know which of your friends might have NPD and feels like shit when you say those things & now knows that you'd hate them if you knew.)
Trying to look up "mental health positivity for people with npd", "mental health positivity cluster bs", only to find a) none of that, and b) more of the same old vile shit that makes me feel terrible about myself.
Having a hard time (which is constant at this point) and trying to look up resources for myself, only to again, find the same stigma. And no resources.
Not having any clue how to help myself, because even the mental health field is spitting so much vitriol at people with DISORDERS (who they're supposed to be helping!) that there's no solid research or therapy programs for people like me.
Losing close friends when they find out, despite us having had a good relationship before, and them KNOWING me and knowing that I'm not like the trending image of pwNPD. Because now they only see me through the lens of stigma and misinformation.
Hearing the same stigma come up literally wherever I go. Clubs. Meetings. Any online space. At the bus stop. At the mall. At a restaurant. At work. Buzzword of the year that everyone loooves loudly throwing around with their friends or over the phone. Feels awesome for me, makes my day so much better/s
I could go on for a long time, but I'm scared no one will read/rb this if it gets too much longer.
So please. Stop using the word "narcissist" as a synonym for "abusive".
Stop bringing up people you hate who you believe to have NPD because of a stigmatizing article full of misinformation whenever someone with actual NPD opens their mouth. (Imagine if people did that with any other disorder! "Hey, I'm autistic." "Oh... my old roommate screamed at me whenever I made noise around him, and didn't understand my needs, which seems like sensory overload and difficulty with social cues. He was definitely autistic. But as long as you're self-aware and always restraining your innate desire to be an abusive asshole, you're okay I guess, maybe." ...See how offensive and ignorant that is?)
Stop preventing healthcare for people with a disorder just because it's trendy to use us as a scapegoat.
If you got this far, thank you for reading, and please share this if you can. Further reading is under the cut.
NPD Criteria, re-written by someone who actually has NPD
Stigma in the DSM
Common perception of the DSM criteria vs how someone may actually experience them (Keep in mind that this is the way I personally experience these symptoms, and that presentation can vary a lot between individuals)
"Idk, the stigma is right though, because I've known a lot of people with NPD who are jerks, so I'm going to continue to support the blockage of treatment for this condition."
(All of these were written by me, because I didn't want to link to other folks' posts without permission, but if you want to add your own links in reblogs or replies please feel free <3)
#actuallynpd#signal boost#actuallyautistic#mental health awareness#narcissistic personality disorder#people also need to realize that mental health professionals aren't immune from bias#(it really shouldn't come as a shock that the mental health field has a longstanding pattern of misunderstanding and mistreating ppl who ar#mentally ill or otherwise ND)#the first therapist i brought up NPD to like. literally pulled out the DSM bc she could barely remember the criteria. then said that there'#no way I have it because I have low self-esteem lmaoooooo#anyway throwback to being at work and chatting with a co-worker. and the conversation turning to mental health. and him saying that#he tries to stay informed and be aware and supportive of mental health conditions & that he doesn't want to be ignorant or spread harmful#misinformation. and then i mentioned that i do a lot of research into mental health stuff and i listed a bunch of things. which included#several personality disorders. one of which was NPD.#and after listening to my whole ass list he zeroed in on the NPD and immediately started talking about how narcissists are abusive and#he knew someone who had NPD and how the person who had it had an addiction and died from the addiction in a horrible way and he#was glad he did#fun times#or when i decided to be vulnerable and talk abt my self-criticism/self-hatred bc i knew my friends also struggled w that and i wanted to#support them by sharing my own coping methods. and they both(separately!) started picking and prodding at my npd through the lens of stigma#bc i'd recently opened up to them abt having it. they recognized self-hatred as a symptom and still jumped on me for it. despite me#trying to share hurt vulnerable parts of myself to help them and connect with them.#again..... fun times
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steven-has-exploded · 21 days
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anws as a distraction from the horrors heres a funny fyodor thing i drew inspired by a pinterest comment
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spooksier · 1 year
thinking about jon jarchivist sims as i often do and one aspect of s5 jon that i LOVE but dont see too many people talking about is how shot to hell his morals get (due to him being the Literal Antichrist) but he still remains a character very very driven by his morals. which surely won't cause any issues at all.
like he asks other people what *they think* he should do so often or just does what *he thinks* is right because he's running off avatar morality which is basically 'fuck it, we ball' and jon wants to be a good person SOO BAD but he's LITERALLY THE ANTICHRIST!!! you guys....
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^ this guy is fucked in the head
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tangledinink · 2 years
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and he was.
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adustoflove · 7 months
I've acquired this unique ability called completely losing all feelings for a person the moment we don't talk for a few days, then, gaining some of them back when we talk, then losing them again. Like I....don't know what's wrong with me or why that happens, but I would like it to stop.
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