#i am always talking about how much i love being aromantic. and that’s cause i love being aromantic
knifearo · 11 months
i love being aromantic. being aromantic is one of the great joys of life :)
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graythegreyt · 7 months
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!!! Who wants ace/aro fic recommendations for Miraculous Ladybug does anyone want ace/aro fic recommendations. Who am I kidding of course you do get in here
The Ace-ing on the Cake - Sailorchibi
This one is THE Aroace Marichat fanfiction in my mind. After several encounters, Chat and Marinette come to understand that they’re both asexual, and begin to worry how their crushes will accept them knowing this. They have a lot of transparent discussions and they may find that things will work out better for them than they’d ever hoped. This one makes my heart so happy :) This author has a lot of fantastic ace works which I'll also be linking, including
Miles Above 
Aromantic Chloe! Chloe, as Queen Bee, feels a growing sense of dread at being left behind by her friends who are getting into relationships and having less time for their friendship with her. She and Ladybug have a long heartfelt talk about her fears of being abandoned. Everyone knows each other's identities in this, and Ladybug does her best to let Chloe know how much her friends value her.
And the last one by the same author: Lost Cause
Marinette is caught up in the fear that Chat Noir will hate her for wanting to pursue a relationship with Chat Noir while being aromantic, but Tikki is convinced that he’ll just be so glad that she loves him so much. Marinette’s not so sure about that, but with Adrien’s encouragement she takes a leap of faith. Aromantic Marinette!
(pockets full of) Stones - felledstar
Aroace Adrien! Adrien keeps telling his friends that Marinette is just a friend to him, but nobody seems to listen to him. Eventually, tired of not being understood, he does some research of his own and has some revelations. This one has a really valuable narrative of how it feels when people won't listen to how you describe your identity in my opinion!! Adrien isn't left hanging forever though-- his closest friends are willing to put their hearts into understanding him. Hopeful ending.
doing romance - @anna-scribbles
I would be REMISS to leave out doing romance from Annascribbles-- it’s just came out but already addresses a lot of the confusion and indeed dread from not feeling the same ways that other people seem to, for romance. Aroace Adrien struggles with feeling inadequate as a boyfriend-- how can he claim to be in love with someone if just a kiss makes him feel so off?
The Hearts of Monsters - @ladyofcreation (and also the whole Heroes with the Faces of Monsters series honestly.)
This is an alternate universe where the miraculous transform the holders into what are, essentially, monsters-- Mari becomes a huge ladybug creature complete with mandibles and two pairs of arms, and Adrien becomes a cat creature with warped limbs and sharp teeth. While our two heroes aren’t interested in one another romantically, they find that they treasure and love eachother deeply, and that’s enough for them- it’s always been enough. Highly recommend the rest of the series as well!
Honorable mentions (stories that aren't ace but do fit the spirit in my credited opinion. They're also just a real kick to read):
Tangled Ribbons and off book by @sadrien
These two stories do a fantastic job in establishing deep friendships in the characters before they begin to harbour honest romantic intentions, which reads so nicely to me and is also just so so beautiful. Highly recommend either of these!
Boys get Dresses, Girls get Suits - @dragonchris
This one’s a gen story and not focused on romance- instead, Alix tackles gender roles in the school, and her class has her back. Very fun!
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poulpemou · 7 months
Happy Valentine's Day! It's the perfect day to proselytise aroace Kiran from Fire Emblem Heroes!
As the "protagonist" of a gacha game, AKA a soft harem game, it only makes sense for the self-insert character to be aroace! Got folks of all genders throwing themselves at you for no understandable reason? Got people taking your lack of interest as a personal challenge? Why, that sounds like the perfect setting for a character to realise and/or profess their aroace-ness!
Here are some satisfied testimonies from our existing representatives!
"Wow I had no idea Fjorm felt this way? Why? Since when? I thought she and Laegjarn were dating?"
"Uhhhhh Gunnthrá said what?????????"
"Do people know I have a job and responsibilities? I have a lot going on, I don't have time for this kind of stuff, do people realize we're at war like 24/7 and I'm literally the only person keeping this place from falling apart and—"
"How come it's always the girls confessing their love to me but not the guys? I mean I'm not into dudes but that doesn't mean I can't be. Actually, who says I'm not? Oriented aroaces exist and—"
"Hey Alfonse. Bro. Are we or aren't we partners. Are we or aren't we the perfect unit if we could be combined into one. Have you ever heard of Steven Universe by the way? Or of this thing called QPR?"
"How come Plumeria is always shit-talking me about lewdness when I literally didn't do anything? Like ok yeah I poked her, but I literally poke everyone? Also what's up with my dreams? Has she heard of this thing called intrusive sexuality that literally doesn't mean anything—"
"Hey, so, I don't know how to say this, Seiðr, but I don't want a baby and I also don't want to be a deadbeat parent, and also Gullveig and Kvasir keep saying things about feelings but I have no idea where that's coming from. Don't even get me started on Heiðr."
"Why are girls weird around me? Am I actually just a cat and never noticed? Is that why they keep petting me and cooing at me? I was just a cat this whole time and no one had the heart to tell me I'm not human?"
"You love me? Aw, thanks, I love you too! I love all of my friends!"
"What is love? Baby don't hurt me. Oh wait this song doesn't exist in Askr..."
"What do you mean they think I'm flirting!!!!!!!! What the heck is a flirting!!!!!! I'm literally just being a good friend what!!!!!!!!"
"I love Day of Devotion! It's a day where you're devoted to your loved ones! Yeah of course all my friends are my loved ones, what do you mean?"
"So when two people like each other very much, they perform this ceremony called ally-supporting, and for some reason people blush when they reach A-tier. I think it's because it's a very important milestone that happens to take place in what looks like a church, and they're afraid to look like they don't belong in a church. Something about Askran churches must seem very intimidating."
"Oh wow you have feelings for me for real? I thought people were just saying that for the bit."
"Oh wow you have feelings for me for real? Can you describe what what's like? I've never understood it and people take it really badly when I ask."
"So back in my world, we have this event called Asexuality Awareness Week taking place during the Harvest Festival, and this other event called Aromantic Spectrum Awareness Week that takes place a week after the Day of Devotion."
"Hey does garlic bread exist here? Anyone got any cake?"
"I don't know any of these people. They keep wanting to talk to me and be friends. Well ok. I don't get it but I guess it's my job to ensure troupe morale. I thought that would be Sharena's job but I haven't seen her in forever. Sacrifices for the cause, I guess."
"What do you mean they think I'm flirting!!!!!!!! What the heck is a flirting!!!!!! I'm literally just being polite what!!!!!!!!"
Join today and headcanon your summoner as aroace! Add a layer of complexity to a silent character and off-the-rails writing! You may be entitled to emotional compensation!
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aroaceconfessions · 1 year
Note: Heavy, contains specific mentions of acephobia by family members, contains details of a comingout going wrong, alludes to general aphobia, and talks about feeling exclusion at pride.
I've been aching a lot this pride month. It's the first pride month I've had where I really have known and accepted being aroace, and I just feel this ache sometimes.
People often talk about being happy and excited to go to pride events and pride parades but I just... ache.
I don't know if I want to go to a pride event, because I can't be certain that I will be welcomed, wanted, and celebrated there. And that hurts. It hurts that there's any kind of uncertainty about being wanted and welcomed, it hurts that I have to debate whether or not to go to a pride event because I just don't know if I can deal with defending my identity.
It hurts because it's made me realize that even though I only caught the tail end of the worst of the tumblr hate for aspecs, it was still enough. Enough to make me doubt, enough to leave me aching during a time when I should be celebrating. It hurts to see so much of the aspec community, that was so active and happy and proud during ASAW and valentines day, go silent during pride month.
It made me realize that hate and rejection still exists.
My family went to a huge pride event this pride, and I didn't end up going cause I was in a different area at the time. At first I was aching about it. It looked like they enjoyed it so much, and I just felt like I wouldn't have been. I feel that I ache too much, I hurt too much, I fear too much to feel comfortable at said pride event.
It doesn't help that my mom was the first and only person I deliberately came out too, (at the time I only thought I was ace too), and it didn't go well. It was less of blatant hate, and more of subtle acephobia, with comments about how I shouldn't get in a relationship then because it wouldn't be fair, or how it didn't matter to her because it wasn't a big deal, or concern about whether or not it was because of the purity culture crap. And it hurt so much, even more so because the comments came from places of ignorance, and love, and she didn't mean to hurt me, but she cut me to my core.
She's gotten better, and learned way more since then. I mean, she went to a pride parade, something I never could have imagined even three years ago. She's more accepting to all queer people, and honestly, if I came out now I'm sure it would have gone different. But the matter of fact is it didn't. And it still hurts. It hurts knowing that I didn't get the support and acceptance I needed, and knowing that so many people didn't change, and don't think I deserve to be at pride.
I got in a call with my family soon after the pride event. Two of my younger family members told me they had saved me some ace merch. I'm crying thinking about it. I had felt so upset, so bitter, so angry, and here comes these wonderful people who bluntly and simply accepted and supported me. It healed the pieces of my heart that felt so young and broken and aching.
I've realized that I've only said the words I'm Asexual once outloud. And it didn't go well. I've never said I'm aromantic outloud. I've really only begun to say I think I'm ace or I'm probably aroace a lot recently. Because there's always this level of doubt for me.
But these wonderful people saw me and accepted me and supported me more then I do myself. And it means the world to me, more then they probably imagine.
I am asexual. I am aromantic. I am aroace.
I am queer, and I am here, and I belong at pride.
Submitted June 23, 2023
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acaciapines · 3 months
👀 and 🎉? <3
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
hmmmmm really the only like, big wip i've got cooking is my dess raises kris au, and since i've talked about that as-a-whole a lot i'll instead talk about the one very specific character study i want to write for it! which is, of course. desschara.
see the thing is i am like, so incredibly aromantic. romantic relationships are not my thing At All, and i always really struggle to write them and understand wtf is going on there. people out there really experience love? wild.
but that's why i am SO drawn to desschara in this au, because the both of them ARE aromantic!!! so its a relationship i'm like, able to understand, 'cause it's the sort of way my relationships would work, yknow?
i really need to test-write them a few times to figure out how, exactly, their dynamic is going to work, though...and thus this particular wip!
they do have a lot of differences (ex. chara is asexual, dess allo; chara is loveless, dess isn't) but at the same time they're also the only person the other has met who is actually On Their Level in terms of what they want out of a relationship. (ex. i do think i'm going to write dess&asriel as azzy having romantic feelings for her--feelings dess was aware of and uncomfortable with, because she never wanted that. but w/ chara that's not a worry, yknow? they get each other!) and so because of that i think they can work out eventually, even if they don't start out like that.
basically, i need to write them a few times to figure out their initial dynamic! which i want nailed down before i start Actually writing the au lol. i'll do this for other characters too but desschara are the ones im thinking the most about rn <3
and i'll write it...one day. when im done with my. um. current wip. which is fanfiction about vera from son of sea foam--
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
hmm....i think at a most basic level it would be that i completed it and am happy with it. which is most things i end up writing. at the end of the day i do write for myself, because these are stories i want to tell--if i'm happy with it, and had fun in the process, that's a success!
but i POST stories because i want to share them with the world and talk with other people about the ideas and themes and Things that drew me to writing in the first place. so, on that level, i do really like it when people post Very Long Comments on my fics, and ESPECIALLY when on multichaptered stuff people are like, actively thinking about and theorizing on what might happen next. by that metric my madoka magica daemon au was the most fun to post, because i had a lovely and amazing group of commenters and watching them all try to piece together my homura mystery that was daemon-au specific was truly so much fun.
also comments where the reader was able to realize things about themselves through my fic. i get this a lot on my coyotekris stuff and THAT is like...it just makes me so so so happy, 'cause there's not a lot of stories out there about being nonhuman, and being able to see that as an option is real big in like, coming to terms with that about yourself. at least it was for me. and my stories being that for other people is!! so cool!!!
but at the end of the day some of my favorite fics i've written do bad in terms of like, ao3 metrics! so at the end of the day i do have to ask myself, am i happy with this? am i putting into words things i could not say otherwise? and 99% of the time the answer is yes, and i'm happy.
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harleyshahas · 1 year
Something something thinking about being AFAB and still considering myself as female but realizing that I've never had any sort of attachment to my femininity, I don't present as particularly masculine in any way but have always been uncomfortable in women's clothes, but occasionally wanting to wear a nice dress out only because I know I look good in it, not because it's comfortable or that I feel comfortable in it.
Something something cutting my hair the second someone says it looks good the longer it grows, when I realize the longer it gets the more I pull it back into a tight ponytail so that none of it touches my face and I don't have to look at it, hate taking care of it, can't stand how long it takes to wash in the shower.
Something something slowly realizing that I have no relationship with my gender, that being she means nothing to me, that this past year has been about me quietly thinking on who I am outside of having a womb to birth my kid, how sex has always been weird to me, how I'm not sensitive in the places that matter during sex, how masturbation has always been a chore and how long it even took me to figure out what an orgasm is because I'm just not sensitive in the places that matter.
Something something how sex has never been fulfilling to me before my fiance, how I've never loved someone as much as him, how I want to have sex with him even if the physical act if it is not always satisfying simply because I enjoy his touch and I enjoy doing for him in a way I never have with past partners, how we put the others needs before our own, how the emotion between us makes it more satisfying than an earth-shattering orgasm ever could.
Something something how being bi doesn't matter to him, he doesn't make off-handed comments about wanting a threesome, we can each gush over same- and opposite-sex people and it's just silly fun.
Something something quietly mentioning that I may not be fully female and him not really understanding, telling me how good I look in dresses and more feminine clothing and me telling him, no that's not the point. I know I look good, I wear them because I know I look good and I know he likes them, but that doesn't mean I'm comfortable in them. Him telling me that it's OK if I don't wear them, if I don't dress up, if I never want to dress up again, as long as I'm comfortable.
Something something labels being the Worst and how they just seem to cause me more stress trying to figure out where I'm at. I've never been quiet about who I'm attracted to. I have been quiet my whole life about how I feel about sex, I've been quiet over past relationships telling me what I should like, old friends speculating that I may be asexual, when that has never felt quite right either. Maybe I fall somewhere on the ace line. I know I fall on the pan line, but I've always identified as bisexual and that's what I like to stick with.
For a long time before my fiance, I thought I was aromantic. None of my previous relationships came even close to love, I never wanted to tell any of them I loved them. One even used love as a way of manipulation. Now, there's a quiet content when I'm with my fiance that never presented itself outside of platonic friendships; I want to kiss him and hold his hand and have sex, watch bad movies and listen to music and go on long trips. Someone I want to spend my life with.
And I mention not having a relationship with my gender and he's confused and doesn't quite get it, and honestly, after a year I'm still confused and don't quite get it, but it's also something I don't talk about, don't want to talk about, just quietly ruminate on. A part of me wants to try out a new name, a part of me likes the one I have. But I say all these things, and he's confused, but he holds me and tell me he loves me, and if I want to be a they then that's fine.
And I am filled with more love than I ever thought I was capable of for one person.
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brushes-of-sage · 2 years
Figured this warranted a separate post so I didn’t ramble on @endless-exhaustion ‘s post 😅
But holy heck, I had never thought of April as possibly aromantic and now thinking about it, it’s completely changed the way I see her now in 2012.
Granted, I agree with what’s been said about how much hate she gets is completely disproportionate (she’s a great character who got the short end of the writing stick, but I admit I was also one who got annoyed with the whole love triangle and the leading on and baiting - “why don’t you just tell him no and set up the boundary?” - not to mention Donnie’s and Casey’s part in it as well) BUT ANYWAYS-
April being aromantic??
- I imagine she wouldn’t really know about it herself yet, just that she knows that Something is Up with her ‘cause she doesn’t click with the experiences her peers are experiencing but why bother worrying about it yet? There’s a test coming up and she needs to study
- and then the whole Kraang kidnapping happened and she got swept up into and entirely new life so she’s got a whole slew of new things to worry about
- but hey, she’s got some new friends!!
- (and honestly, it doesn’t seem as if she had other friends before - how long can you go without your friends knowing that something’s up with you moving in with your aunt, your dad suddenly out of the picture, and you just being more stressed and frazzled about something you can’t talk about?)
- (Irma doesn’t count - we know they were a spy and the way April reacted, “my best friend for the past year was a Kraang spy?” makes me think that Irma was her attempt to make more friends outside of the turtles)
- SO she’s getting used to this new friendship and figuring out how to act and honestly, I can see the struggle she’s going through (partially subconsciously)
- like how close can you get with these newfound friends who haven’t met anyone else? How do you act when one of them seems to obviously like you but you literally just met and your dad just got kidnapped?
- okay this happens in movies all the time - eventually you’re gonna catch feelings so you’ve gotta wait it out so meanwhile, just hang around and befriend everyone and ooh, let me start learning how to defend myself so I can prevent this from happening again
- and the thing is you get so close to them - they’re your newfound family as well and you can’t just erase everything all of you have now been through together - even if you tried because they had made a mistake, you can’t escape the fact that your life has a new element that you can no longer ignore
- but how can you tell him no? You feel like it could be a possibility - (this always happens to others, it should happen to you) - so you feel like you can’t jump to conclusions and destroy a chance that might come to pass
- plus, think about the collective damage it would make for the whole family! You would devastate a boy’s feelings, most likely tick off his brothers or at most upset their team balance, which would bode ill for them. It would cause a rift between them and only make it more awkward if she kept coming back after turning him down, forcing him to face his unrequited crush day after day and she can’t do it to them
- (these are her new friends, she can’t mess this up, she can’t lose the only support she’s got right now, she doesn’t want to stop training, she doesn’t want to stop feeling as if she’s actually doing something important for once and she wants answers as well, she can deal with this - plus who knows, things might change)
- so she acts normally and sometimes how she thinks she needs to (am I allowed to thank him with a kiss? He really saved my dad’s life, he’s done so much for me, it must be warranted, but I’m so happy right now I can’t think about it)
- but now there’s two of them
- one she can be more open about it because he’s human and he’s normal (and more brazen about it so she can match him in kind thank goodness) but he’s also a new link to anchor her to the human world, she can’t give that up either
- but she also is starting to feel suffocated by their obvious one-up-man-ship but she can’t say anything because it would ruin what they all already have, she’ll cut off the majority of her newfound family, they’re friends, (and something should be happening, right?)
- so of course the only answer a teenaged girl who’s had her world overturned and can’t sort out this internal struggle is to avoid the elephant in the room entirely
- (life is already hectic enough - we don’t have to worry about this right now - we’ll cross that bridge once we’re able to be at peace hopefully never )
Granted, I haven’t finished watching 2012 yet - I had watched up to season 4 and then life happened, but I’m rewatching it again now - and I’ve gotta say, this is definitely a headcanon that is starting to make sense in my head, so thank you for that 🤗
(Don’t really need a disclaimer but I feel like I should - I’m not saying that allos don’t struggle with this kind of situation too. And having to deal with fathers getting mutated several times, kidnapping, alien invasions, being at the center of alien plans, the world ending, does not mean that she wouldn’t still be struggling with being ready for any kind of relationship. She’s also still a teenager, and teenagers tend to make mistakes when it comes to these things. However, I’m definitely projecting my experiences but this new headcanon is my comfort headcanon now 💚🤍🖤)
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rockinlibrarian · 1 year
Some thoughts I've had for awhile but my desire to write them down is sparked by the "1/4 of Tumblr users are queer" discourse....
Tumblr is the place where I feel like the weirdo for NOT being queer (enough*)!
*Which is just further discourse. I identify as aspec, and I stand by the A being a legitimate part of LGBTQA, but I don't feel right claiming "queer" for myself because I am so practically allohet it barely makes a difference. I'm not aromantic--I'm stupidly romantic in fact-- and I'm not sex-repulsed (though I'd still rather not have it explicit in my media)-- I'm demiheterosexual. Just odd enough to feel a little bit, well, queer about things, but not enough to make much of a difference.
Now, normally one puts a footnote after the main part of the piece, but it actually fits better here. That's just a quieter part of the main body. Because it's a good segue! What is "queer?" In the broadest sense, it means "odd."
And guess what all geeks are, by definition? Odd!
And guess who hangs out in a place where people make nerdy jokes and talk about their hyperfixations? That's right, geeks!
I have noticed that neurodivergent types attract other neurodivergent types, because we get each other. Our brains work on similar wavelengths.
I've also heard tell that The Queer Kids Always Find Each other.
Just like the ND kids do.
But there is a huge overlap in the ven diagram of neurodivergent and queer!
It's all anecdotal evidence, but it certainly seems that way, and I wonder if anyone's ever taken on a study of the correlation between the two.
Because it seems whenever I find my fellow geeks, most of them are Queer, too. (The two fastest friends I ever made-- my autistic enby lesbian bff, and the Inattentive-ADHD-like-me gay guy I fell madly in love with within one hour of friendship--who ironically ended up introducing me to my husband-- anyway, they caused me such anguish in college when I was in love with the Wrong One! And I was like, how does this even make sense? Society tells me I'm the "normal" one but I'M the one who doesn't fit! Why do I like guys and not (afab) "girls"? WHY???)
Does it only LOOK like a big overlap because people who are already obviously odd one way are more likely to be open about being odd in other ways, too? Maybe neurotypical queers are more likely to be in the closet, and neurodivergent straights more likely to mask, and that's the only reason they seem so rare?
Or is it just we're ALL queer, lowercase?
Weirdos attract weirdos. Whatever kind of weirdo you are?
Anyway, have my random thoughts.
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Hello !! I’d love to request a matchup for mha, pjo, & haikyuu <3
- I use any pronouns & identify as genderqueer
- I am polyamorous, queer, and on the aromantic spectrum. I don’t really experience romantic attraction but I’d be with someone of any gender. For me, I’m just happy being close to those I love whether it’s in a romantic or platonic context. I also enjoy typically romantic stuff like dates and all that :^)
- I am a Gemini & INFP (I think ?)
- I am 5’10, pale, lanky & built like a cereal box. I have freckles and dark circles under my eyes. My hair & eyes are both dark brown, my hair being streaked with white and usually kept down & cut sort of in a shag around my shoulders. I also have a nose that’s kinda big with a bump. I’m almost always wearing glasses & have a wardrobe of long flowy skirts, cute grandma sweaters, graphic t shirts, & fun socks.
- I’ve been told that at first glance I’m a very shy and closed off person, sometimes coming off as cold & like I hate everyone. I’m naturally awkward & socially anxious whenever I’m around people I don’t know well which makes me clam up and rarely speak unless spoken too in which case I’m still soft spoken. It can take a while for me to open up but over time I become a lot more talkative & outgoing around my loved ones. My personality is usually described as dorky, very kind to a fault, a little awkward, and a daydreamer. I would describe myself as very emotional, I’m a huge crybaby, a huge dork, introverted, friendly, and very giggly 24/7. I make a lot of bad dad jokes/puns & will laugh at basically anything. I love rambling about my interests & am very enthusiastic about it.
- I love reading & writing, I have my own worlds that I’ve created in my head and would love to share with anyone who’ll listen. I like reading fantasy & mythology, specifically Alaskan myths because I’m Alaskan. I play peaceful games like stardew valley & animal crossing. I also like sweet things, dnd, music, & animation.
- I dislike big social events & loud music because it overwhelms me. I also don’t like school since it does not work well with my anxiety, ADHD, and (probably) autism. Too much social interaction can tire me out and cause me to shut down & stop speaking until I can recharge.
- My hobbies include writing, drawing, skateboarding, jigsaw puzzles, & crochet.
- My love language is gift giving & time spent together !! I give my loved ones things I’ve made for them like stuffed animals, bracelets, or other art & will buy them snacks or something that reminded me of them. I like spending time with my loved whether we’re talking or just existing in comfortable silence.
I think I included everything I want to !! Thank you very much in advance <3 👾
Hi Anon! Thank you for your request! I hope you like your matchups!
In My Hero Academia, I match you with...
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You and Shoto are like the cold-at-first-glance-but-actually-really-nice couple of UA!
You're one of very few people who has heard Shoto genuinely laugh. I see him as someone who loves dad jokes so please tell them to him! He's going to have the best time.
Enjoys listening to you rant about your interests. He doesn't really say a whole lot but be rest assured he's listening attentively.
Similarly, he'd love listening to you talk about your fantasy worlds. He thinks you're very clever to be able to come up with such amazing things.
Shoto also doesn't particularly like loud noises or places so he'll help you avoid them if at all possible. He can't do much about the rest of 1A though. There's no one who can make them quiet down.
Please teach him how to crochet! He'd love to have those sort of skills and has been meaning to try knitting for ages so he'd also love crocheting.
Quality time is also Shoto's love language, so you'll be spending a lot of time together in comfortable silence. Whether you're reading, crocheting, or doing a puzzle together, he just loves your company.
In Percy Jackson, I match you with...
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The main man himself! Percy is the most supportive partner you could ever hope for.
Loves skating with you! Percy Jackson is definitely someone who knows some cool tricks on a skateboard and he'd love to have staking dates with you.
Definitely wants to train with you. The best way to make sure you can defend yourself, demigod or not, is to see for himself how strong you are.
Always wears the bracelets you've given him. Yes, he knows he's wearing seven bracelets on one arm. So what?
Another one who loves listening to you ramble about your fantasy worlds. He can't believe you can come up with such creative things when you already deal with all of Greek mythology on a near daily basis.
Super respectful of your dislikes. The minute you walk into a noisy environment, he's scanning to see where a quiet spot is and as soon as he sees you starting to shut down, he's gently pulling you over there for a break.
He'll stay there with you as long as you need, wrapping an arm around you and sitting in comfortable silence.
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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Hinata would love to teach you how to play volleyball. But only if you can teach him skateboarding!
Please teach him skateboarding. But make sure he's wearing a helmet and guards on his knees, elbows, hands...basically everywhere.
He's going to fall over a lot until he gets the hang of it (and still a fair bit after than as well) but he's loving every minute of it.
Keeps everything you've ever given him. Whether he's wearing your bracelets or hanging a crocheted keychain from his volleyball bag, Hinata likes the little reminders of you.
Loves listening to you ramble. And loves rambling to you as well. No one else can get a word in sideways when you're both in the zone.
He can be pretty loud but he'll always try to be more mindful when you're around. He's told you a few times that if he's being too loud, just hit him (or get Kageyama to do it).
Hinata would enjoy relaxing with you after a full day of volleyball. He may have almost inexhaustible reserves of energy but even he needs a break sometimes. Those are the moments when he just wants to relax with you in comfortable silence.
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micaathogwarts · 1 year
the words Aromantic and Asexual seems to get scrarier with time for me
TW: I'll discuss my fear of not being accepted for my identity, not finding a place in society because of it. +long post
For context: I'm 21, closeted ace and on the aro spectrum, never had a relationship or a crush before. This is obviously just my experience, i think that maybe also other people feel similarly in some way. I don't have many chances to talk to other aro/ace people so I'd love to hear from you! If you agree or not with my little rant, If you feel in somewhat similar or if you have different experience! obvs asexuality and aromanticism are spectrums and everyone have unique experiences so I'd love to hear yours!
(P.S. english is not my first language so I hope this is overlall understandable! plus I hope it does not sound as some kind internalised aphobia or discrimination: I am really proud and happy in my identity yet I am afraid that is will not be positively percived or understood)
I distintively remember being 15 and seing these words for the first time. I remember the confusion and the weird sense of understanding and belonging. But also I remember thinking "it is kinda ok if i am ace, my family would never know, ask or get mad because I don't have sex". (this may sound like a weird thing to think but understanding that you are queer, that others feels things differently than you, in a traditional, conservative enviroment may be scary and i though this would be easier).
I mean obviously i understood a lot about me and others in that moment, and I'd be lying if i say that my identity never made my feel distant or isolated from friends and other teens. (classmates talk about their crushes, relationship, experience all the time. Adult and professor akwardly talking about attraction and "active sexuality" as something normal, scientifical, biological that will eventually happen to everyone). But I have always been kinda shy and I was a good student in highschoold, adults and friends never questioned about me too much. True, maybe romantic relationship are kinda expected during your teenage years but everyone around me seemed to think that I was just "shy and focused". Ace and Aro label seemed much easy to hide and, most importantly I feelt like if others would ever come to know of it, it would not be a big deal.
But few years can make a great difference in what society expects from you. Once highschool was over it seems like being "shy and focused" was not worth of any praise anymore, quite the contrary actually: relatives started asking if I had a "boyfriend", closer family members started wondering if I liked girls, closer friends, who usually did not discuss relationship before, started looking for partners, dating and sharing their experiences and often it felt like I was just left out of the conversation. I started realising how I misjudged the situation before: being aroace is not as invisible as I though and it is actually a big deal!
It is a big deal and I didn't realise cause i greatly understimated how much of a big deal romance and sex were to everyone else in "adult" life. I realised that Hetero/Amatonormative Relationship are seen like a compulsory step to take in life, necessary to grow up, necessary for a stable adult life: I realised it by seeing that 75% of instagram posts written by students on university page are about realationships, sex, love, finding other attractive (it is almost like I forgot about a fundamental side quest: get a partner, for the main quests: get a deegree) I realised it by hearing my friend asking each other about their dates and encouraging eachother to join dating apps. I realised it by seeing online how people talk about celebrities love life, from the young woman who broke up with her boyfriend and in now a "different" person to the way people comment when they hear a boy in his 20s saying he had never kissed anyone. Love is compulsory, everyone my age is either in love or should be looking for love....
And I feel like it will only get worst: soon the people I grew up with will all be in relationship or looking for love and my closet will get more and more see-through with time and as much as I am proud of my identity I am deeply afraid of others reaction to it. And then they will get marryed and maybe I will not, and this society is weirdly couple-shaped, I almost cannot imagine living fully alone for the rest of my life.
(obv I know that aroace people can have relationship, I am aware I may even fall deeply and desperatly in love tomorrow morning but what I was trying to say is that if I still be as I am in this moment the way my closeted identity will suface always more and I am afraid of how others will treat me then.)
(I know this all posts sound dramatic, i hope it is not too unreliable tho!)
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dntgo-featl · 6 months
Am I a good person?
Now, a lot of people struggle with this concept for stupid reasons. I have genuine ones.
Stuff I won’t even talk about anonymously on here to an audience of zero. Because the thing is I feel that when I’m older I’ll laugh at myself for ever thinking what I did was evil, but I know the climate on the internet, and the things people get cancelled for. And I fear I’m now one of those people. I hate myself for it, and I’d never ever ever do the same thing I did back then. (If someone is reading this I do wanna say I didn’t rape anyone, cause as I’m writing this I feel that’s what it sounds like)
No, but god, the other thing I struggle with is how I treat people. I’ve never had someone call me cruel or manipulative or anything like that, but I can’t help but fear I am.
I don’t know what my sexuality is. I say I’m bisexual but every day it seems more and more likely I’m aromantic. Despite this I love people having romantic feelings towards me and I knowingly lead people on, almost always multiple people at a time. I’ve never cheated on anyone because I’m always hesitant to commit to anything.
I’ve had multiple situations like this but the current one is that I have four people romantically interested in me and one just sexually interested in me. And I don’t want any of them to grow bored of me, I want them to all stay interested in me. Because of this I have a real love bombing issue, I want them to really really fall for me, but then when they seem too attached I am genuinely grossed out. I become nauseated at the thought of them.
I don’t like any of them romantically but I still play with all of their feelings just so I can feel wanted, desired, worth something.
This is not something a good person does.
I don’t promise any of them relationships, in fact I put my foot down on the matter as I explain to them that I have emotional issues that make it hard for me to know what I’m feeling at any time. I don’t feel emotions unless it’s anxiety or anger, making romantic endeavours difficult. So, I’d argue that level of communication exempts me from being the worst person ever. But it’s still bad, right?
I never want to hurt any of their feelings and I try my best to make them all feel listened to and appreciated. They know I’m not their boyfriend, they know this, we talk about it. And I don’t sleep with all of them as I only sleep with those who ask it of me - I don’t get much out of it other than a high. I want them to know I see them as people, people I enjoy spending time with, but the moment they bring up romance again I find them fucking disgusting. Them. Not a relationship. But them.
I don’t want to and I don’t mean to. I can’t help it and I hate myself for it.
A good person would end everything with everyone and stop accepting everyone’s advances. But I hate myself, I’m disgusting, every bit of attention is a small reminder that maybe I’m not as disgusting as I think. I’m addicted to it.
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deepdarkbrain · 1 year
I've said just about everything to my therapist.
TW: all of them
Hi, my name is Ryn (they/them) and I've said just about everything to my therapist. Before I get into too much here, be forewarned, I don't want to pull any punches on this blog. I want to be able to share (just about) everything that I would share with my therapist. This blog is going to include posts about dark and difficult subjects ranging from basic mental health to suicide, self harm, substance abuse, etc. I'm 100% going to swear and say what could be considered terrible things. What I will promise though, is that I will always include trigger warnings at the beginnings of my posts and there is a permanent content warning at the top of my blog.
I want to be open and honest about these kinds of dark, intimate subjects not to romanticize them or to encourage others to follow me down what will sometimes be the wrong path. But to share my experiences in the hopes that it'll help someone else feel like, "Oh yeah, I'm not alone on this dumb planet." Having grown through pre-internet times to now, one incredibly helpful thing I've found the younger generations using is the internet to break mental health taboos. Being honest and talking about it, even with a little levity sometimes (I'm looking at you memes), can help.
I've been seeing the same therapist for many, many years now. We've worked through so many things; childhood traumas, hospitalizations, relationships, work struggles, and everything in between. We've had discussions about how shit the American health care system is and also shared wins.
They've had a couple kids. I've started to accept I'm not broken, I'm just really fucking neurodivergent. Not exactly equivalent to some, but to me, hell yeah. I'm killing it.
Here's a little background on me. I am in my early 30s and I've been dealing with mental illness (major depressive disorder mostly, plus anxiety, ADHD, and autism) for the entirety of my life. You'll notice I specifically say "dealing with" and not "suffering from," which is the more common phrasing. This is something I work really hard to do. For me personally, speaking about my MIs in a semi-light way and using specific language really helps me accept and advocate for myself. A psychologist I had in a group therapy session once told us,
Honestly that one statement changed everything for me. One of my biggest pet peeves around how people treat those of us with MIs is the age old trope, "Just think positively!" It drives me batshit insane. For one it implies that I enjoy feeling like garbage at random and destroying relationships with people I care about for no reason. And for another it implies that who I am and how I live my life is inherently wrong.
Something I'm going to tell you, probably over and over again as I write this blog, is that if you deal with any kind of MI, YOU ARE NOT WRONG. I even have to remind myself of this, pretty regularly to be honest. There is something that's going on in your life, in your brain, in your physiology that is causing this to happen and it sucks and we all wish it would just go away, but at the very baseline, it's not wrong. You're not broken. You're just different, and different is okay.
More about me, I am wildly queer and I will fight you about it. Not really, because confrontation is extremely triggering for me, but I do feel really strongly about my LGBTQ+ community. I truly believe they are one of the most welcoming, accepting communities on the planet. Personally I identify as pansexual/asexual/aromantic (pan/ace/aro) because sexuality is a spectrum and I love everyone and no one at the same time, and I am non-binary because gender norms are dead. Use whatever pronouns you want for me, this is an internet blog, who's to say I'm even a real human?
Something I've gotten into recently with my therapist is called "Internal Family Systems Therapy." So I'll probably bring it up a lot. As I am a mere mortal and not an authority on literally anything, please follow the link to read more educated material about this subject. Otherwise, here's my very, very broken down, idiot, tl;dr.
IFST is a type of therapy that centers around the idea that within every person's mind, there are separate parts with separate purposes, usually to protect the base part. Recently in therapy I equated it to, "a close cousin of Dissociative Identity Disorder," in that you think of these separate parts as different versions or personalities of yourself. For example, in my situation I feel that within my mind there are at least five separate "me's" that are all Ryn but also each their own Ryn.
Of course, firstly there is me. The very essence of who I am. Funny, smart, loving, and able to think clearly and rationally. This is the part of me that has been me from birth and will only ever change for the better. It is the base, the original. This is the part of me that wants to stand up for itself but most often gets overtaken by the other parts. Base me gets frustrated when people use MI terms flippantly (ie. "Oh I'm so OCD!" "I'm goth so I'm also depressed." "You're like totally schizophrenic!"). Drives me bananas. Just don't do it.
Next there is depression. This is the part of me that experiences deep sadness, mental anguish, self hatred, and many other nasty, no good things. Usually the depression part of me is equivalent to someone I like to call Floor Ryn. People who know me well, know if I tell them I have become Floor Ryn, it means I've gotten so low that the only thing I'm able to do is lay down on my kitchen floor and exist. It is not comfortable, it does not make me feel better, but I simply cannot do anything else. I'm nigh on catatonic. Though at other times depression is sobbing for hours and being unable to listen to music with lyrics for fear that I will start sobbing.
Because depression is what I deal with the most and what comes up for me the most, there's a lot to it. Depression isn't just emptiness, it can also be cruel. To myself and to others. It's the part that has been hospitalized for attempting suicide. It's the part that created the hundreds of scars that live on my body. It's the part that has told friends I hate them when really I don't. It doesn't care about the exciting plans the me part of me made for next week, it just wants to cry and rage and feel miserable.
Next there is anxiety, and this is the second of my more prominent parts. This part overthinks, panics, has meltdowns/temper tantrums, and tries to fix everything. It's neurotic and selfish. It's the part that picks at my nail beds. It's also both blind and hyperaware of everything around me. It's that toddler at the mall beating their tiny, fat fists on the floor while you're thinking their parent should be doing a better job parenting. This part is also surprisingly rational; it can be bargained with. It can be given evidence and shown that everything is okay. I find anxiety to be easy to manage on a daily basis. But I do have meds for emergencies.
Next is ADHD, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. This one is somewhat new to me. I've probably always had it, but haven't been diagnosed until adulthood. This part always has at least five projects going at once (I'm an artist and just a creator in general). ADHD can't pay attention in lectures, can't stay still, is terrible at exams, needs to multitask, and constantly wants to go off on tangents. It's hyper, impulsive, and generally content, if not good-spirited. It makes me question occasionally if I inherited my dad's bi-polar disorder. I haven't; I've been told many times by many practitioners. But the thought's still there (hello, anxiety).
Finally autism, and again this one is new to me. This is the part that feels like an alien because I can't understand why you feel the way you're feeling or fathom what you're thinking. It's the part I think that is the most ace/aro. It's the part that doesn't care about dating or sex and doesn't understand how you can't live without your partner for two days. Also it's the part that can't look you in the eye when we're talking and says shitty things sometimes because it forgets that yeah, it is actually human and has to follow human social rules.
All of these personalities of me coexist at once but can also present themselves more individually. They're each trying to do something for me. Depression is, to use another therapist's words (Kati Morton), "pulling the ripcord" to yank me away from a situation it deems triggering. Anxiety is working to repair and investigate to find a solution to the problem at hand. As for ADHD and autism, I think mostly they're just along for the ride. ADHD is kind of a bro, a Gryffindor (big Harry Potter nerd here). But they have their uses, I suppose.
Am I perfect? No, absolutely not. Do I want to be perfect? Not really, no, sounds hard and depression isn't up for the challenge. In thinking about perfection, I like to think of the Japanese aesthetic of wabi-sabi, which essentially means to embrace the beauty of imperfection. As an artist, I've heard of it mostly in the context of kintsugi ceramics where pieces of pottery that have broken -- whether on purpose or accidental -- are repaired using something that will emphasize that it was once broken. I've often seen it where the shards are attached back together with gold so that the cracks are almost more beautiful than the original piece.
So, to try to find a conclusion to this post, I am mentally ill. I have been for a long time and I will be for a long time more. I am not broken. I am not wrong. I am not perfect. And all of these things are okay. I want to improve myself, sure, but I think everyone should strive to do that, MI or not. All I want to do with this blog is share my experiences and the sometimes comical ways I twist my deep, dark brain to ease the pain a little in the hopes that someone else might feel comfortable sharing those things, too.
Because you know I totally want to hear the ridiculous and stupid shit you've said to your therapist before, no matter how cynical and morose. Seriously, so I can share it with mine next week.
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✨|| • My account introduction • ||✨
Wowie hello!! I've been scrolling for a moment, thought I'd introduce. I am Chara Dreemurr, a fictive that has been around for a little over a year. This account is entirely mine and the host will not be allowed to mess with it.
As my account age suggests I am extremely new to Tumblr! I am not aware how anything works - and mainly are on here for other fictives like me. This account will be here for conversating with other fictives, posting my art or pictures of me, and ranting about things. Please if you're involved in Undertale or Deltarune feel free to message me! I'd love to chat to whoever!!
This is a process I've decided apon to help with my situation of which I'm still not used to. If I make a mistake just let me know!♥️
||• !! Actual info !!•||
• I am 14 years old, my birthday is the 15th of December so I will be 15 very soon! Just because I'm younger understand that I am not stupid, if you make a suggestive joke around me I will understand what you mean. Filthy Sinner..
• I am Asexual and Aromantic. Please refrain from making suggestive jokes and do not by any means make sexual comments or remarks twords me. I am literally a child.
• I am alone in this system of mine but I don't mind all too much. The headspace looks like the flowerbed, the barrier still shining through the hole at the top. I spend most of my time laying in the flowers and listening to music ^^.
• I am a female and go by She / Her pronouns, however I don't mind They/ Them. If you have a problem with my pronouns DNI, I do not have to go by your "Theorys" or "Head cannons" on my gender.
• I play VrChat a lot and the only other systems I know are from there- however sometimes they get a bit overwhelming and I don't commonly see people from my source, usually just AU's.
• I have a lot of confusing feelings twords my old friends and family.. Frisk's and Sanses give me most of the confusing emotions but I still like them, just please understand that all the pain caused wasn't of my own doing. As long as we all understand that I'm okay ^^.
• My account may mention Su!cide and the G3n0c!de. I like to talk about my feelings now sense I never really did for so long.
||• Memories •||
• I don't remember much from before the fall. I'd blame that on trama if I'm honest, but in reality it probably has something to do with not being real in the first place. ;v;
I remember living in a small village quite a bit away from the mountain. I was an only child with my mom and dad being the only ones in the house, I do not remember their names nor do I remember my old last name.
I was outcasted among my peers and beat up a lot in my younger years, eventually I started fighting back, causing my parents to become irritated with me as I almost always returned home with random injuries that I was never honest about. My father was the worst of the two, I believe him and mom were having relationship issues so he was always out drinking and didn't come home until very late. I spent a lot of time in my room drawing and sleeping.. sometimes sneaking out and going on walks to clear my head. My parents were very religious and dragged me along to sermons, even though I didn't really understand it.. My mental issues got to be a bit much for my parents and they resorted to many different punishments to try to change my behavior which only made things worse. To make a very very long story short, eventually everything became too much and I climbed the mountain. I had been completely sure that it was going to be the end. I was quite roughed up when Asriel found me but surprisingly, alive. I didn't say much for quite a while and even refused to eat for a bit.. but the Dreemurrs were so fucking patient. I will never get over the amount of kindness they showed me.. I would've done anything for them.
I've been though all the " routes " more than once, I stopped keeping track a long time ago. My Frisk kept repeating the "neutral" and sometimes didn't even progress at all. I had a lot of moments with them where we just sat and enjoyed the scenery.. I have brief memories of the waterfalls and flowers being hang out spots.. They always tried to get me to talk about the things I had been through but I was too stubborn to really talk- However after the first "True Pacifist" they had a lot of questions.. A lot of what they wanted to know wasn't revealed to them until the g3n0c!de. I quickly realized through that whole experience, that my emotional issues were worse than I had thought.. At some points I had become so emotionally numb that I just spilled- I try not to think about it too much.
|| • Closer • ||
I'll probably update this if information changes or if I remember more stuff.. I really wish I had talked to people about my feelings before but hey, guess I'll make up for it now^^'.
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acaciapines · 5 months
as someone who’s very excited to read your Dess raises Kris AU, something that i’m really excited for is the dynamic between Dess and Chara! From the little excerpt we saw of them in the past i’m so curious as to how they’re relationship functions / how it’ll effect Kris growing up and such. If it isn’t too much to ask, could you go a bit in depth as to how they ‘work’ in a sense?
jkegkjdfgdf IT MEANS SO MUCH THAT UR EXCITED.....WOW.....like i am too its just so fun to know other people are!!
and! yeah so. i go into them a lot in this post here where i said. a lot of what my ideas are right now (and its said better lol) but i can for sure talk about them forever and ever and ever. most relationship of all time.
under the cut cause Oh My God it was not supposed to be this long.
so!!! i think a lot of how dess and chara work is that as time goes on it becomes increasingly obvious that They Do Not, actually. like, the way i see dess is that she is very much a person who needs to be on the move--she cannot stay in one place. that just...isnt who she is, and its stifling, and she HATES being weighed down. and kids, uh, sorta do that to you lol. vs chara, who like...has defined xirself around this role xe took up, 'cause the huge difference between them is that chara chose to have frisk and dess just sorta ended up with kris, right? so thats one point they arent ever going to like, understand the other one on.
so a lot of what leads them to deciding to stick together is this sense of loneliness they both feel...dess for being someone who is always on the move has also always had people with her: azzy, for one, but i think shes also the sort of people who makes a lot of like, surface-level friendships? i think shes A Lot and most people never get to know her that well, but like...chara DOES. and vice-versa for chara: people never bother to get to know xir, but dess WANTS TO. dess really truly cares about xir and xir life and who xe is which is very new for chara. cause before this all xe's had is frisk who is. literally a two year old and doesnt have any other choice lol.
theyre both people who have been dealt a poor hand in life in regards to dark world bullshit, something they cant exactly get help with through like, traditional means. they meet when theyre both super young--iirc dess is 18, chara 21? 22?--and yknow, raising a kid at that young an age isnt the most common experience. dess has run away from home, basically, and chara's a college dropout with a biological family xe never want to see again...neither of them have anybody else! they dont have any help! so they bond over that, a lot. its like...seeing someone Like You for the first time in your entire life.
and all that said its the kids thing that really throws a wrench into everything.
because dess cant stay still, right? she cant. shes not wired for it. but chara does, and she trusts chara, and chara doesnt mind watching kris, so dess doesnt feel bad leaving them with xir. but. a day becomes a week. week a few weeks, a month, a few months. as time goes on dess coming home grows more and more sparse. but theres this sense of like...chara doesnt really know who xe is, anymore, outside of this family xe has? outside of being a parent and spouse? so to chara, to leave dess is like, unimaginable. dess is xir person. dess loves xir, which is something xe cannot really comprehend as a loveless aromantic, but having never been loved in xir entire life (chara had a Bad childhood lets just say) its like...dess chooses xir. and sure, shes gone a lot, but when she does come home, her home is XIR. her home is chara. its gloriously dizzying.
and dess does feel the same way!!! dess never really means to leave chara for so long, she just...loses track of time. hates being Needed by kids in any way more than a cool aunt they see occasionally. funnily enough she gets on with frisk better because frisk doesnt really expect a mom out of her. (that isnt to say its returned lol kris likes dess wayyyyy more than frisk does. but for dess its easier to be around frisk cause they dont expect anything). if the kids werent a thing chara and dess would actually work a lot better--chara is a lot less adventurous and likes staying back and tending to things, but without frisk to like, REALLY cement that xe'd enjoy going out with dess, probably not into dark worlds but travel might be nice. and dess wouldn't feel so much pressure, if its just chara, 'cause chara kind of just likes dess for who she is. so for just-chara, dess could stay. dess is used to people wanting her to be someone else--her mother, her father, hell, even AZZY, who like...he never acted on it, but he had a crush on her for their entire friendship. she knows he'd rather she return those feelings.
but chara GETS HER. chara cares for her in a way that doesnt want her to become something she isnt--its why they get married!! dess never felt romantic love, and still doesnt, but its chara who makes her go--oh. oh, so i think i know why people might get married, actually. its saying--youre my person, and chara is her person. and vice-versa, of course. dess is this light chara never had.
but. of course. they have two kids.
which. complicates things. dess puts chara first--she LOVES chara, loves xir in every single way she can feel love. but chara...chara cares about dess, a lot. its why xe's really blind to a lot of xir faults for a while...because thats dess. xe doesnt know where xe would be without dess. but chara is a parent. frisk and kris do come first.
the kids are like, aware of this. frisk is very much aware of this--they're younger than kris but they dont have these rose-colored glasses about dess, and they sort of notice, how much of a toll it takes on chara to be a single parent, essentially, still. dess sends money back--she IS sort of the breadwinner lol, turns out selling weird dark world things is sometimes actually a viable career--but she doesnt, like, parent. when she comes home shes a friend. but not a parent.
kris fights with chara a lot. idealizes dess. its that idea that the parent who has to be the PARENT, be the one to say no, be the one to deal with all the crying and meltdowns and just general messiness of raising another human being, is the one that also gets the most flack. dess is never around! which is hard, but it also means she never messes up. at least in kris's eyes, lol.
for frisk and kris dess really is the one thing that like, gets in between all else. its the wound they all keep opening again, because shes never around, and it hurts. whenever she comes back and stays for a week when she said a month the kids know how sad chara gets!! how lonely xe is! but kris writes it off because dess will come back, and frisk grows bitter. its the one thing the two dont talk about because its the one thing that fractures their sibling relationship. every serious fight the two have is in some way about dess.
the entire reason why noelle and kris end up meeting? because kris thinks that if they prove themself as brave like dess, and dive into and close a dark world like she does, she'll stay longer this time. but of course all that does is get them stuck.
dess never does things maliciously. she does, really, truly, care about chara, kris, frisk. but she also just...does things. she never looks before she leaps. she shies away from facing consequences. and thats like...the sort of thing you CANT do, when youve got kids. but she never wanted them. she never meant to take kris.
she's just. in too deep. and chara does NOT hold her accountable which doesnt help. it would be best for the kids if chara got a divorce but. chara cant do that. xe cannot be alone again.
OKAY THAT WAS A LOT. uh. if you (general) wants to know more!! hit me up!!! tho i will say i'll have more to say about other relationships lol, i think i've said most of what i can able dess&chara right now. BUT I AM ALWAYS THINKING ABOUT THIS AU I HAVE SO MANY THOUGHTS ON HOW IT CHANGES THINGS--
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majimanowhere · 2 years
Hello~ may I get a matchup? <3
Fandom: yakuza
Pronouns: she/her/they
Preference: any gender
Sexuality: aromantic cupiosexual(mine)
Mbti&Enneagram: esfp 9w8 or 6w7, very unsure
Personality: I’m an ambiverted person that loves to achieve my goals while also living my life instead of only surviving it. I would also describe myself as someone that rises to be independent while also accepting help from others. I surly try to hide my sadness in order to not turn down the mood, since I want my friends to have a good time. Although I’m good at listening and giving advice to my friends while talking about something deep. I love hugs and physical touch, but I mostly give it to those I feel quite close to. My dream is to be a tattoo artist and one of the styles I love quite much is the irezumi, which is why I can be seen fangirling or at least a dire people with irezumi tattoo. But my style that would love to do on others is realistic art of anything. I also care about my grades, but I do not stress myself over them too much cause I know that the world won’t look at my grades that much when I’m applying for a job. It’s the experience tans mindset that counts. I can seem distant and cold, since I try to be logical but I and my friends do know that deep inside, I do care quite much about others. A funny thing is that my friends always says that I’m mysterious since I don’t talk that much about myself. This might be because I love hearing more about other peoples lives and experience. I also love going out and buy things like clothes, boba, coffee and do window shopping. Nowadays I can usually be seen at a cafe with my computer while doing school work or research cause I do wanna do my best and boast to my younger brothers. I am also often seen outside or in a cafe while talking to my friends about whatever comes to mind. But sometimes I can be quite detached from the world, especially when I’m drawing. No one dares to touch or bother me while I’m drawing cause I will literally attack someone with my pen.
Hobbies: drawing, watch movies/series, train kickboxing, go out, writing, earn money(from my job), scroll through the internet, enjoy life, learn about anything that interests me etc…
Interests: the mafia and yakuza, lifestyle tips, tattoos, how to earn money, martial arts, coffee making etc…
Likes: honest and straightforward people, independent people, open minded people cause I am one, tattoos, boba tea, coffee, outfit ideas, peace, solving problems and conflicts etc…
Dislikes: dishonesty, bullying, unnecessary violence, poverty, misunderstandings, people that refuse to talk things out, snails, stress, group pressure etc…
I kinda went off and wrote a lot but I hope you don’t mind😅 I wish you a great year and do take your time with this request! <3
HIHIHI sorry it took me so damn long to get to this, my life has been incredibly frantic!
i also want to apologize for the short length and if there’s any spelling/grammar errors! i’m doing this at 1am and im sick AND i’m not wearing my glasses LMAOOO
i match you with…
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i have a couple different thoughts depending on the timeline!
i think you guys would get along quite nicely in terms of morals and ideologies (honesty, poverty, listening to others experiences [more so y0 majima])
i feel like he would find your hobbies quite interesting! coffee making, kickboxing, martial arts, i can see him thoroughly enjoying your thoughts and ideas on these topics. especially in terms of art. i can’t see him being a great artist himself, so that’s why he would enjoy yours! he likes your ideas for tattoo designs and irezumis and would probably give his opinion and experience on them. when you become a tattoo artist you can touch up his tat for him!
it might take him a while to open up a bit and talk seriously, but i feel like once he does you can ask him to talk about the yakuza and his personal experience. not only is this letting you get to know him better and listening to his struggles, but it’s also learning about yakuza!
i think he would enjoy your presence as you guys are similar in ways (in terms of him and not his mad dog persona). he would agree with your sentiment of living instead of surviving as living life to the fullest is what he’s all about! if he’s in his mad dog persona i feel like your mysterious aura would be a great contrast to his loud and obnoxious self.
when you’re detached from the world that’s when he steps in! you’ll be daydreaming while he keeps watch in case anyone tries to mess with you. you won’t have to worry about anyone sneaking up on you in kamurocho/sotenbori.
however i feel communication might be where you guys run into issues. not because you guys aren’t honest, but because you would both struggle to talk about your own feelings and mental health. you don’t talk much about yourself and neither does he (or at least honestly).
in terms of mad dog majima can see y’all meeting at a cafe. you’ll be on your laptop or drawing and he’ll be a regular at the cafe. whenever he comes in you always look at him (since he looks kinda weird LMAO). after a while of seeing you look at him he walks up and asks you what you’re doing/why you’re looking at him. you tell him why you’re looking at him and your love for art and it goes from there!
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🐟 Name: David- call me Dave!
🦈 Pronouns: he/him, shark/sharks
🐟 Regularly posted/reblogged by me: MY OCS! I generally post about my WIP story Vinyl Hell (a litttle more down there), and rarely the others. I cannot overstate how much I post about these guys. They are 98% of what I draw, so be warned. ~ Star Trek (mostly TNG & TOS) ~ Talking Heads & David Byrne's solo work ~ I am a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure fan. I don't make anything for it, but I still reblog it ~ whatever silly old movies I watched this week ~
🦈 Specific Tags: #talking in my head (tag used for my rambling and general communication), #my art (self explanatory), #vinyl hell tag (where i put my new wave music ocs who i love so so much. Here is a brief overview of the 2 main characters, here is a lore wip masterpost), #fish on (tag for marine biology/aquatic things), #ai tag (for computers, i don't use it much now however). If i'm liveblogging something, I usually have a tag, but i don't do this often (school -_-)
🐟 Misc: feel free to block any tags you dislike! ~ I'm not very smart or analytical, but I have a deep love for everything! especially if my friends make it!! ~ I'm trans, & aromantic (aroace, but I prefer the aro label). I draw myself as a blue shark ~ I am always love being critiqued on my writing or art! please do this! I also like tags/comments in general, but critiques are extra important cause they help me get better :]
🦈 DNI: people who think aromantic & asexual people are not queer. zionists and people who think Palestine isn't experiencing a genocide.
okay gifs & blinkies below the cut
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im objectum also. have a nice day!
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