#i can doit
im the kid in the backseat asking are we there yet and also the parent in the frontseat who has lost the map but im sure we're really almost there like i know what the street looks like and i think ive seen this shop before it's somewhere around here im really very sure of it
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ywpd-translations · 6 months
We need more engagement in this fandom!
So, as the title says, because I was thinking about this - I love this manga with all my heart as you very well know, and the main reason I started translating is because I wanted more engagement in the fandom, which was pretty much dead. Well, it still kind of is, which brings me here lol
I tried to keep this blog translations only to keep everything more in order and make it easy to find the various chapters and all, and I kept all my theories and ramblings either in the tags or on my main blog, except for the times I got asks.
But I would love for this fandom to be more active! I wanna talk about theories and headcanons and ships and all that! I want this fandom to start living again :')
So I was wondering - would you people like it if I started also posting about that kind of stuff? Reblogging fanarts, posts, fanfics or whatever I see around? Would you like to engage more in the fandom? I'm asking because: 1) maybe you'd prefer it if this blog stays translations only, kinda like an archive; 2) maybe there aren't many people who actually wants to engage in fandom activities anyway lmao
I'm asking honestly! I just really would love for this fandom to be active again :')
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cacw · 7 months
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brechtian · 9 months
love Cthulhu as a system but just cannot find any actual play of it I click with 😭😭
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abandonedsdjfhcvndfbv · 7 months
Even when you only like my post i takeit as your being nice to me so thabks everyone that likes my posts & I love yoh and i appreciate you .
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hybridkilljoys · 1 year
I'm making it my goal to cosplay trufflu entre before the year ends i am Determined my dudes
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Bethany is determined to learn how to skateboard.
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maddy-ferguson · 17 days
france is known worldwide for its revolutions and strong tradition of protest I THINK it should be the two empires that followed and also the fifth republic or as like to call it our third empire
#and like i say: brf slt#CDGGGGG#did you know that people who don't like democracy in other countries (dictators) look at our constitution and go wait you can do that? and#are very inspired by it⚰️ me saying this is ironic considering what i say after this but like i don't intend to be a dictator so it's#different!#jv parler en français dsl pr ceux que ça intéresse jsp si qui que ce soit me lit.#la démocratie est vrmt un mythe autant me laisser gouverner je suis très sérieuse#le pire c'est que + tôt dans l'anneé mm l'année dernière enfin en tt cas avant les élections là je pensais au fait qu'enft...je suis pas#SI attachée que ça à la démocratie genr c'est un idéal sympa mais dans les faits bhhh si l'extrême-droite démocratiquement jveux pas qu'ils#gouvernent mdr⚰️ et bien sûr le recours c'est censé être les autres outils qu'on a la rue la grève etc mais dans les faits...enft jsp genr.#cet épisode montre que la démocratie est un outil bourgeois parmi les autres et c'est évident que les dirigeants élus démocratiquement font#tt pr le capital et r pr les gens qui sont pas des actionnaires mais là c'est tlmt grossier...c'est juste un truc d'apaisement pr continuer#l'exploitation le droit de vote me fait penser au divorce qui en rendant le mariage moins prégnant le renforce dans la durée et pareil pr#la monarchie anglaise qui se mêle moins de la politique qd les français ont coupé la tête au roi. jsp. et avc macron c'est vrmt grossier#pcq la répression policière est hardcore depuis le début de son mandat on a pas le droit de manifester les journalistes qui sont pas sur#bfm leur liberté est très relative on vote ça a pas d'effet mais on doit continuer à faire comme si on était en démocratie🤣🤣🤣 tt cque#cronma fait c'est vrmt ambiance la lutte des classes est le moteur de l'histoire mm louis xvi ne suçait pas les riches de la sorte#après jm bien la démocratie c'est sympa hein juste...si qqch va à l'encontre de l'avis de la majorité pcq y a une majorité de fachos ou de#droitards bh c'est pas un pb éthique pr moi c'est pr ça que je dis laissez-moi gouverner#et ouais le vote anesthésie de fou#d'ailleurs c'est qd la dernière fois que les manifs ont obtenu quoi que ce soit dans ce pays de malheur. et c'est pas voter mais juste une#preuve que r ne sert à r#et jspp c'est des choses que jsavais déjà mais auxquelles j'avais pas pensé aussi explicitement avant cet épisode j'avais encore un brin de#naïveté et de crédulité !
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okcoolthanks · 5 months
SEAMSTRESS RICK!!!!! <- accidentally ripped entire back of dress in two. had to then panic hand-sew it back together. back hurts so bad from hunching over it. sort of realized i removed the part that covers my lower back so now i need to lace it up higher than i would've. accidentally also offset the boning so i had to messily stitch that into position, tanking the value of the original dress. back hurts so bad from hunching over it. did i mention my back hurts
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𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐲 • 𝐤𝐲𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐛𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞
Summary: No cause imagine every night/morning Kylian would nag you into pulling your shirt up so he can speak to his baby😭He’s just always wanting to touch your belly cause he’s so proud and thankful. He’s extra protective of you now that you’re pregnant. He’s always been so protective of you, and he doesn’t care who it is. He won’t tolerate it if anyone disrespects his woman. Sometimes he’ll just catch a glimpse of you and your belly and he’s in awe. In awe that he got so lucky.
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Genre: fluff
Warning: pregnant reader, pregnant with girl, kylian can drive in this
Pairing: kylian mbappe x f reader
Word count: 800+
Author note: trying to keep this fandom alive
Kylian Masterlist
Outside the bedroom window the birds chirped to one another. Inside you were in your cozy bed with the love of your life and your unborn baby.
You woke up to a hand rubbing your waist gently. cracking open your eyes, you were met with your fiancée kylian staring at you with a soft smile on his face. He always got up before you so this was no surprise.
“good morning Mon amour.”
You smiled sleepily at him. “Good morning.” turning over to your back you sighed. Your hand found your bump and you rubbed it softly.
“Can I talk to the baby?”
You looked up at kylian seeing him smile at you, waiting for your consent. His hand had already found your belly like it did every morning.
The moment you found out you were pregnant kylian was ecstatic. He loves kids and always wanted to be a dad and now that his dream was finally coming true he couldn’t help but soak up every moment of your unborn baby before they came into this world.
“Of course you can ky, but I don’t think she’s awake.”
Kylian chuckled knowing he’ll wake her up.
He pushed the duvet back exposing your belly. He leaned down kissing your stomach a couple of times. He placed the side of his face against your stomach.
"Bonjour ma princesse . Maman et moi venons de nous réveiller” (good morning my princess. Me and mama just woke up)
You felt a kick at your stomach. Your little bean was awake.
“Que devons-nous faire aujourd'hui ? Doit-on faire du shopping ? (What should we do today. Should we go shopping)
You felt another kick and kylian smiled. “she said we should go shopping today
“did she now?” You laughed, your hand going to his head as he kissed your belly before nodding.
“well I can’t say no to my baby. Let’s spend the day shopping.”
You and kylian got up and dressed. He drove you down to the mall where you both were going to shop.
Kylian honestly dreed going into public settings. Ever since you got pregnant he was very protective. He didn’t want anyone getting anywhere near you and that was hard with his status.
“do you think our little princess will love blue?” You picked up the blue flowered covered dress showing kylian.
“I think she’ll love anything we get her and if she doesn’t we’ll take it back.” Kylian smiled at you making you smile.
“ok well we’ll get it.” You handed kylian the dress to hold for you. Next you were off to the baby shoe section. Kylian loved when you visited this section because you were always in awe about all the tiny shoes.
“Ky ky look at these tiny sandals!” You held them up to him. Kylian laughed watching how your eyes lit up.
“We need to get these for her. They’ll go good with that blue dress.” Kylian took the shoes from you and let you continue looking around.
It wasn’t long before he was spotted in the shop by a couple of fans. They approached him.
“Mbappe, can we get a picture?”
You watched as kylian shook his head. “no, not today. I’m here with my wife. Sorry.”
Even though disappointed, the fans walked away. You walked over to kylian, “you didn’t have to do that you know.”
“I know, but today is our day Amour. Today is all about you and our baby.”
You smiled at him. “ok, well since today is all about me and the baby, I think we should go get ice cream since that is what me and the baby want.”
Kylian of course agreed and you both were off. You stopped at the ice cream shop. Kylian went inside and grabbed your ice cream.
A few minutes later he returned.
“two scoops Cookie dough for you.” Kylian handed you your ice cream and you thanked him.
Kylian drove the car somewhere private before parking. You both ate your ice cream and made conversation.
While you were lost in your ice cream, kylian sat there admiring you. You were glowing.
Sometimes he wonders how he got to have you in his life. You were a strong, beautiful woman. No matter how much you went through as kylian’s girlfriend you stuck by his side. Now you were pregnant with his child, He was fucking lucky.
You looked up at kylian catching him daydreaming at you. “why are you staring?”
Kylian softly smiled, shaking his head. “nothing M Ma beauté.”
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augustinewrites · 1 year
oughhh AUGUSTINE! Happy Birthday! i hope you have the best year ever !! you’re such a wonderful writer ♡
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+ i saw you had asked for headcanons/prompts so how about your thoughts on Alhaitham, Diluc, and Thoma and what their process is for the end of your first (and successful) date with them is like? are they wanting to kiss you once they’ve walked you home? hold your hand? maybe more? ^_^
+ after the first date ft alhaitham, diluc, and thoma note: thank your so much gray!! i hope you have the best week! <3
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alhaitham's first date with you starts in sumeru city and ends in…liyue. the wangshu inn, to be exact. despite what his friends say, he can be spontaneous. so when you’d mentioned that you’d never been to liyue, he’d asked for two to-go boxes and said let’s go. but being spontaneous means being a little reckless, and now he’s sharing a room with you at the wangshu inn, and there’s only one bed.
alhaitham hadn’t thought this far ahead. it’s not like him to make an oversight like this, and he completely blames the way you’d looked basked in the warm light of liyue harbor’s lantern light. 
because now he’s sitting in the armchair, elbows resting on his knees as he stares at the singular bed in the center of the room. you’re oblivious to his mental strife, contentedly reading your new book out on the balcony. 
he knows that his hesitation is unwarranted because you’re adults, coworkers, friends. his brain knows these things, but his body is reacting to the fact that he’s also in love with you. 
“so,” you say, stepping back into the room. “should we hang a sheet up or something? build a pillow wall?”
he hesitates, sitting up straight. “oh—”
“haitham, i was kidding. we can just share the bed.” his expression must give him away, because you hurry to follow up with, “or i can just take the floor…”
“no need. it’s fine.” he says too quickly to seem nonchalant. “we can…share.”
it’s not fine. not later, when he scoots to the very edge of the bed, or even when he does a few breathing exercises to try and get to sleep. he’s too aware of your presence, of your body heat right next to him. 
he should pretend that he’s asleep. 
but he rolls over to face you, meeting your expectant gaze. “yes?”
“this was a really good first date. i had a really good time.” then, after a moment and with a shy glance, “i’m glad my first trip to liyue was with you.”
if the world were a library, most people were like the trashy, romantic novels that kaveh denied indulging in— predictable, cliche, an utter bore. 
but you…you hold the value of a precious first edition classic. 
and when he leans in to kiss you soft and slow, he makes sure you feel like it.
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diluc's first date with you wasn’t meant to be a real one. it was just a cover, because attending a gala hosted by the fatui in the goth grand hotel all alone would be suspicious. but he’d needed to do the recon, so he’d enlisted your help. as the night wore on, he found it much too easy to slip into the role of doit my boyfriend, and instead of slipping further into the hotel to gain more intel like planned, he finds himself willingly accompanying you home afterwards instead.
diluc is a perfect gentleman, walking at your side with a polite hand on the small of your back and his jacket draped over your shoulders. 
“you didn’t have to walk me home,” you tell him, equal parts amused and confused by the change of plan. “kaeya would have kept me perfectly safe.” 
unbeknownst to you, kaeya is the reason why he’s changed the plan. the night had been going smoothly until his stupid brother had opened his stupid mouth and made him realize things.
you could have easily gotten in as jean’s plus one, but you went through all this trouble to take a civilian. seems like you have a crush…
it would have been easier to go with the acting grand master. no one would have questioned him or found him suspicious. 
but he’d wanted to go with you. you were the first and only person he’d thought of when adelinde had suggested that he bring a date of his own.
“diluc?” you ask, bringing him back to mondstadt’s cobblestone streets. “what do you think?”
he has no idea what you’re asking about, so he opens his equally stupid mouth to say, “i think you look beautiful.”
“t-thank you,” you stammer, smoothing your hands over the skirt of your dress. “but i was asking what you thought of the gala…”
the darknight hero blushes deeply and looks forlornly at one of the huge stone walls surrounding the city, wondering how much force he’d need to put his head through it.
“it was fine,” he answers with a sigh, his face still burning with embarrassment. “thank you for accompanying me.”
you take his hand in yours, looking up at him with a smile that makes him dizzy. “it was my pleasure.”
then you rest your head against his shoulder, his hand still clutched tightly in yours as you continue your walk home. 
archons, he hates when kaeya is right.
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after your date, (in which thoma had cooked for you with ingredients he’d had imported from mondstadt), there are a lot of places he could take you. he knows inazuma city like the back of his hand. he could easily impress you with a drink at the exclusive komore teahouse or dessert at the popular uyuu restaurant, but tonight isn’t about showing off how well-connected he is. tonight is about him getting to know you, and you getting to know him. so he takes you to his favourite spot in all of inazuma. 
thoma doesn’t let go of your hand as he leads you through the dense greenery of chinju forest. you’re not entirely sure where he’s leading you, intent on keeping the destination a surprise. 
“is this the part of the date where i find out the kamisato clan’s housekeeper is also a serial killer?” you ask, half-joking.
(because heizou’s words echo in the back of your mind in warning— never let them move you to a secondary location.)
he grips your hand a little tighter, turning to face with you an excited grin on his face. “we’re almost there, i promise.” 
you can’t help but smile back. you trust thoma more than you’d care to admit, and you like him a lot, which is why you’re content with following him through the woods well after sundown. 
it’s not long before you break through the tree line, and thoma leads you down a dirt path to a stretch of beach. 
before you step onto the sand, thoma slips his shoes off, even kneeling down to help you with yours. once they’re off and in your hand, he takes your free one and leisurely leads you down the beach. 
instantly, you’re met with the gentle saltwater breeze and the soothing sound of the ocean. it’s beautiful out here, illuminated by moonlight and the stars scattered across the sky.
“look,” he tells you, drawing your gaze away from the night sky.
you follow his gaze, a small gasp escaping your lips.
the shore is illuminated by brilliant blue specks sparkling in the water. bioluminescence swirls around the water like magic, and it’s absolutely mesmerizing. 
thoma sighs contentedly next to you. “i love the city, but this… this is my favourite place in all of inazuma.”
“it’s beautiful,” you breathe. you can’t help the warm feeling spreading across your chest, honoured that he’s sharing something so personal with you.
you don’t notice how his gaze is fixed on you, admiring the way the light sparkles in your eyes. 
“so are you,” he murmurs, almost shyly.
so, basking in the shimmering light of the sky and sea, you let him kiss you.
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I often see or think about the Batfamily who don't want to call supers in life and death situation, in my headcanon it's because they have a very big ego problem. They always make Themselves think that their live or condition doesn't matter but, but deep down that just they not want to get help and seen week
They feel like already kinda useless when work with the supes, in the superhero community they think they are should proof their power, skill, intelegent, knowledge, and everything that they have
So asking for help only makes them feel insecure and weak because they are unable to solve a problem alone, which makes their friends always have to force them to get help. Because the bats Would never want to ask just once
Superman : Batman, you need to get treatment first before the other
Batman : I'm okay flash and
Superman : nuh uh your kids gonna kill me if you die here, I still need to protect eart okay
Batman : Valid point, okay but-
Superman : *already Drag him to Medical room
Nightwing : I can doit don't worry guys
Everyone : *Vietnam war flashback. No, don't you dare, Nuh uh , you're not
Red hood : I don't need you all to be here, ITS my job to do this alone
Roy : no jaybird, no
Artemis : I rather fight God than trust you do this alone jay
Bizarro : you wont get hurt, so I wont help you anymore
Tim : I don't need this guys, my work are more important than sleep
Bernard: no babe you're need sleep and therapy more than all of us Combine
Bart : only in your dream tim
Kon : your brother gonna kill me of you don't sleep to day
Cassie : I know you don't want it but you definitely need it , this is for your own healt tim please
Jon : Damian you can't go, you should go home already how you still here. Omg
Damian : that not your problem farm boy
Jon : that is
Harper : you should comeback first i can take them all
Cullen : no you go home and I stay here
Harper : no
Cullen : Nuh uh
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mommahughes19-23 · 4 months
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matthews.mrs : life lately. my human
tagged : @austonmatthews
location : arizona bitch
williamnylander : fire fire fire fire fire
↪ matthews.mrs : thank you willy!
bertuzzi17 : look at the little chunkkkkkkk 🤩
morganreilly : my fav couple 🤑
↪ name.user : you say that to everyone on the team with a significant other you liar. 😬😬
austonmatthews : im so in love ❤️
matthewknies : momma y papa
marner_93 : whennnn can I come see my god child
↪ matthews.mrs: never u weirdo ❤️
revo7five : looooook at the mini matthewssss 👶🏻
↪ matthews.mrs : im going to slice ur hockey stick in half just bc
frederikandersen31 : omg let me hold herrrrrrr🫨
simon_benoit11 : quand mon bébé naît, il doit avoir des rendez-vous pour jouer ! (when my baby is born, he has to have play dates!)
↪matthews.mrs : Oui! Simon, je ne plaisante pas quand je dis que tu ferais mieux de m'appeler dès la naissance de bébé Benny ! (yes! simon im not joking when i say you better call me the moment baby benny is born!)
bobbymcmann : small little human
ctimmins21 : 🫨🫨
nickrobertson01 : 🫨🫨🫨 how do you not break the baby
lyubushkin45 : 🫨🫨🫨🫨
bunting27 : daughter
kampfdavid : congrats!!
kerfey14 : miss YOU!!!
↪ matthews.mrs : I sometimes miss u 😬
rasmussandin : kiddooooos
tags : @quinnylouhughesx43 @noahkahansorangejuice @skylershines
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kawaoneechan · 6 months
Okay so in a game like Animal Crossing, there's a bunch of things all happening at once. You can have a screen full of villagers walking around doing their thing, balloons flying, bugs bugging, a system in the background to handle hourly background music with chimes in between, all that good stuff, while you're doing your own things.
When you talk to a villager, you and the villager both stop on the spot, and a script takes over. That script then makes the villager turn to the player and a dialogue window appears. There may be a multiple choice thing now — "talk", "gift", or "leave" — and the script won't stop, releasing control to both, until what you've selected plays out.
So you have a villager with an attached script. The villager waits for the script to finish before continuing on their merry way, while the script waits for the villager to finish turning to the player. Once that's done, it picks something to say and eventually ends up opening the dialogue window. The script now has to wait for the message to finish writing, and the very next command is an "if" involving the result of a multiple choice question, so now the script has to wait for that to return.
I was thinking for Project Special K I might implement all that as several Tickable objects. Not unlike in SCI, you'd have a big list of things in the game that all implement a Tick method. In SCI, that'd be the cast, and its members have doit methods. It's the same deal, but Tick also gets a delta-time argument. So the dialogue box gets to be its own thing that implements Tickable, the multiple choice box is as well. Inventory window? Yes.
Also the script interpreter.
But all that wouldn't let the villager wait for the script interpreter, which waits for the dialogue box, right? Script execution should be halted until the dialogue box is dismissed. That one villager's AI should be halted until the interpreter finishes, only moving (or rather, emoting) because of embedded commands in the dialogue box's text stream.
So I figured, what if I gave them something like a mutex variable? The villager would have a bool waiting or whatever, and passes a pointer to that bool to the script interpreter they spawn when the player interacts with them. The interpreter is added to the cast list and starts running the code it was given. When it's done, it not only removes itself from the cast but sets the bool pointer so the villager can tell it's over and done with.
Now every time through the loop, the villager's Tick is called and they can tell "oh, I'm waiting for a script to finish" because their bool isn't set yet. The script interpreter likewise can spawn a dialogue box into the cast and have its own "waiting for that darn dialogue box" bool, in exactly the same way the villager can wait for the script interpreter.
Next trick, the dialogue box should remain on screen even when things are done, so multiple choice answers can have the question remain visible. It should only close when a different style of box is called for, or when the script ends. My idea is to always have a dialogue box object in the cast, idling until called for. When the villager realizes the script has ended, they can simply poke the dialogue box and have it close, if nothing else already did.
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kilfeur · 3 months
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Il y a tellement de choses à dire dans ce chapitre, déjà le fait que Nova affirme haut et fort qu'ils doivent être indépendants. Et je peux comprendre ce désir mais de l'autre, vouloir être indépendant et refuser l'aide des autres pour ensuite s'isoler n'est pas une option non plus pour le bien du peuple. Iruma a choisi la plus sage décision pour l'instant car il veut apprendre à les connaître. Et le fait que justement Mephisto dit qu'Iruma ne doit pas être roi fait sens, je pense qu'il va comprendre par lui même en apprenant à connaître le peuple et aussi Nova. Mais un roi a plusieurs oreilles serait à même de mieux répondre aux besoins des siens qu'un autre démon d'une autre race par exemple. Et du coup Iruma devra choisir un roi mais devra plus faire office de guide et de conseiller donc ça promet d'être intéressant
There's so much to say in this chapter, already the fact that Nova states loud and clear that they must be independent. And I can understand that desire, but on the other hand, wanting to be independent and refusing help from others and then isolating themselves is not an option either for the good of the people. Iruma has chosen the wisest decision for the time being because he wants to get to know them. And the fact that Mephisto says Iruma shouldn't be king makes sense; I think he'll figure it out for himself and with his friends, as he gets to know the people and Nova too. But a king with many ears would be better able to meet the needs of his people than another demon of another race, for example. And so Iruma will have to choose a king, but will have to act more as a guide and adviser, so it promises to be interesting.
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'Accidnetally closes my firsst window and loses all my restore previous session tabs. Welli guess this was fated to be
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