#i couldn't help but crack up while writing this because every time i used his name i imagined reader singing ice ice baby
txmxkis · 3 months
Rinii, what do you think kuroo would say or react when reader starts feeling self-conscious about readers body, like if reader asks "am i getting fatter" or "do you think im fat?"
ohhhhhh i did not plan to do this but this is something that is so personal to me
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warnings. gn!reader, fluffy and probably cheesy as always, chubby!reader is implied but i tried to keep it as inclusive as possible, reader is insecure. again, apparently i can only write self indulgent things my bad
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you were supposed to be ready to leave the apartment half an hour ago. you weren't usually one to be late to anything, in fact it made you incredibly anxious when you were. however, today your insecurity outweighed your need to be punctual, and you just couldn't leave while looking like this.
actually, today you couldn't leave looking like anything. pieces of clothing lay strewn across the room, hangers discarded on the floor next to the closet. you had tried on every single one, and still there were none that looked flattering on you.
"oi! are you ready yet? i mean, take your time 'n everything, but technically we're late."
kuroo's voice calling from the other room pulls you out of your thoughts momentarily. he never rushes you, which is something you appreciate greatly. it helps that he knows you well enough to know that you would never be late without good reason.
"is there something i can help with orrrr?"
you could hear his voice getting closer and you really didn't want him to see you in this state right now.
he pokes his head past the doorframe and makes a noise of astonishment.
"a tornado go through here while i was gone or somethin'? or are you just trying to spontaneously reorganize things again."
you roll your eyes at that second thing.
"noooo, i just can't decide what to wear. nothing looks good on me today."
he's standing fully in the doorway now, hands in his pockets as he raises an eyebrow and looks you up and down.
"then wear nothing, it looks great on you."
he smirks and you make a futile attempt not to crack a smile as you feel your face start to burn. suddenly you're even more self conscious, so you grab the nearest piece of clothing to hold in front of you.
"tetsurou, i'm being serious! we needed to leave like forty minutes ago and i can't wear any of these clothes without looking-"
you stop yourself just before you could say fat. you hate giving the word a negative connotation. there's nothing wrong with being fat, nothing that should make you feel like this, anyway. like you wanted to crawl out of your skin. usually you were pretty neutral about your body, on very rare occasions could even love things about it. sometimes, it all catches up to you, though.
all the whispers in your head that come from no one but yourself, degrading you and making you feel worthless because of how you look. logically, you know those thoughts are complete and utter bullshit, but it's so hard to continuously fight against them. today, you're slipping a little.
"i know exactly what you're thinking over there. something about your clothes not fitting quite right and that somehow it makes you unloveable."
you don't even have time to pretend to be shocked that he knows you so well before he just keeps on going.
"well i've got news for you, babe, i've never seen you manage to look bad. i actually think it's impossible for you or something."
for a few moments too long, you just stand there gaping at him. he takes that as his cue to walk towards you, remove the sweater that you've been using as a shield, and toss it off to the side.
"there. better."
you finally snap out of it and smack him on the arm, but before you can pull away, he catches your wrist. he brings it up to his lips slowly, and kisses right where your pulse is probably hammering away at the moment, locking eyes with you as he does.
how are you ever supposed to argue with him if he keeps stunning you into silence?
"i don't think you'll ever understand how much i love you, doesn't matter if you change physically or not. and it doesn't matter what you wear either, so can you pleaseeee put on something so we can go. we both know you'll look perfect in anything."
"ugh, fine! but you get to help me pick."
he rubs his hands together with a devious grin, and you know he'll be grabbing the most revealing thing he can find. you know him well, too, after all.
"something appropriate."
"awww, damn."
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captainsophiestark · 4 months
Unexpected Guest
Dick Grayson x Reader
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Written for my personal fic writing challenge for 2024, Sophie's Year of Fic! Featuring a new fic being posted every Friday, all year long :)
Fandom: DC
Summary: Dating a vigilante sometimes leads to a few false alarm scares, but Dick Grayson couldn't be happier with how well his partner rolls with his crazy family.
Word Count: 1,410
Category: Fluff
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My eyes shot open at the sound of a noise from the living room of the apartment I shared with my boyfriend, Dick Grayson. The man in question still snored peacefully next to me, annoyingly, but a quick glance at the clock told me why. It wasn't quite 5am, and Dick had been out patrolling until one in the morning. I listened carefully for any other noises in the apartment. I didn't want to wake my poor boyfriend up unless I absolutely had to.
After a few minutes of nothing, I heard another crash followed by a tense voice and what sounded like hushed swearing. This time, I didn't hesitate to roll over and whack Dick on the chest, hard.
His eyes shot open and he was half sitting up when I managed to throw a hand over his mouth to keep him from giving away that we were awake. My wide eyes must've tipped him off to something being wrong, because I immediately saw him shift from sleepy to ready for action.
Slowly, I dropped my hand from his mouth and leaned in to whisper in his ear.
"There's someone in our living room. I heard two crashes and someone swearing."
Dick nodded once, then motioned with his hands while mouthing 'stay here'. He hopped off the bed, grabbing his escrima sticks from where he'd thrown them onto the dresser, then stalked towards the door with catlike grace and stealth. After a minute, I decided I couldn't just let him go alone, superhero or no, so I grabbed the bat I kept by my side of the bed and followed after him.
Dick popped out the door, and after a moment without hearing anything, I followed, bat at the ready. I found my boyfriend with one hand on his hip, weapons down, staring into the kitchen. I followed his gaze to find none other than Jason Todd in our kitchen, a mixing bowl and some eggs in front of him and a look with a significant lack of guilt on his face.
"What? I was after somebody and it dragged me all the way to Bludhaven. I needed a place to crash that was closer than Gotham."
Dick and I both shook our heads. As the oldest of a very high number of siblings, his apartment had become a second home base for every single other batkid. When we'd finally moved in together last month, he'd warned me I needed to be prepared for things like this.
"Glad you know to help yourself, Little Wing," said Dick with a sigh, waving one tired hand to Jason before turning and heading back to bed. I squeezed his shoulder and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek as he passed me, then headed into the kitchen with a smile.
"My tax for you making me think I'd have to fight off an assailant with a bat at five in the morning is my own serving of whatever you're making," I said, taking a seat on one of the kitchen island stools. Jason raised an eyebrow at me.
"You're not going back to bed?"
"Nah. Unlike Dick, I got to bed at a somewhat reasonable hour last night, so the adrenaline dump isn't threatening to put me to sleep. I'd rather hang out with you, especially since you're a better cook than Dick and I combined. I'm not missing out on that."
Jason snorted, cracking an egg and resuming his cooking all the same.
"Dick contributes nothing to your combined cooking score," he said. "I'm pretty sure he's burned cereal before."
I laughed. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure you're right. He's gotten better though. We watch the Food Network and look up recipes to make together, and I can trust him with way more than I used to be able to."
"If you could teach him anything it'd be a miracle," said Jason with a snort. I just hummed, trying to pick up some new skills of my own as I watched Jason cook.
"To be totally fair to him, I once forgot what I was doing and strained soup because I was on autopilot for pasta."
Jason barked a laugh, unable to hold himself back, and looked at me with a grin and a raised eyebrow.
"Really?" I nodded. "That's pathetic."
I just shrugged. "Yeah. But at least there's not a lot of places to go but up, after that."
"I guess so."
Jason and I chatted as he cooked and I watched, keeping our voices low so Dick could sleep—although, after the night he'd had, he'd probably sleep through a train in our living room. After breakfast, Jason decided to go down for a nap on the couch, passing out almost as soon as we'd put the last few dishes in the sink. I just smiled, threw a blanket over him, and wandered back into the bedroom to find Dick.
It was late enough in the morning now that my boyfriend was officially up and about, stretching by the bed with his hair still a little messed up from sleeping. I grinned and flopped down against the headboard as he crossed the room to the dresser to pull out clothes.
"How's Jaybird?" he asked. "Still a good cook?"
"Still a great cook. And he's good. He seems a little wiped out from patrols and stuff, though. He's taking a nap on the couch right now."
Dick smiled and shook his head. "I get up and he goes to sleep. Typical."
"Clearly he's avoiding you."
Dick and I shared a smile, and then he sighed.
"I'm going to take a shower. Hopefully Jason will be up by the time I'm out, because I actually have things to do today."
I smiled, shifting on the bed to pull the covers over myself. "I'm sure you can be quiet if he's not. Wake me up when you're out of the shower, okay? A post-breakfast nap sounds too good to resist right now."
My boyfriend laughed. "Alright, will do. I'll wake you and Jason up when I'm out."
"Mhm. Good luck with him."
"Thanks, I'm gonna need it."
I closed my eyes, getting comfortable and ready for my nap, but before I drifted off I heard Dick's shuffling footsteps crossing the room to stand by my side of the bed. A second later, he sat down next to me, the bed dipping under his weight. I cracked an eye open to squint at him.
"What do you want?"
He grinned at me and chuckled.
"Don't worry, I'm not going to interfere with your nap. I just... I wanted to say how much I appreciate you, and how good you are with my family. They mean the world to me, but I know having vigilantes dropping in at all hours of the day and night can be a little much to deal with. So thank you for being so wonderful about it, and about them."
I sighed, sitting all the way up and propping myself up on my hands to look Dick in the eye.
"Dick, I love you. And I love your family. Sure, it took a little getting used to some of the vigilante stuff, but the longer I know them the more I love them. You don't have to thank me for anything. They're my family too."
Dick absolutely beamed at me, wrapping one arm around my back and pulling me in for a kiss. I immediately reciprocated, tangling one hand in the hair at the nape of his neck. I smiled into the kiss and a moment later, Dick deepened it. We were right on the edge of escalating into something more, but both thought better of it at the last moment.
"I should take a shower," he said, still looking a little reluctant as he pulled away.
"Yeah, and you should stop interrupting my nap."
Dick snorted, rolling his eyes as he finally stood and headed for the bathroom. I grinned after him as he went, flopping back down onto my pillow only as Dick closed the bathroom door.
I took a deep breath and sighed, a smile on my face, as I closed my eyes for the second time. I heard the water start in the bathroom, and a faint smell of breakfast still hung in the air. I was surrounded by people I loved dearly, and who loved me right back. No matter the scare Jason had given me when he'd shown up, I couldn't ask for a better start to my morning than this.
Everything Taglist: @rosecentury @kmc1989
DC Taglist: @luv-ghostie
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gurugirl · 3 months
Would U ever do a good boy harry like prologue kinda takes place before the series where harry likes hear her moaning in her sleep and starts wanking to her on the other side of the wall or something
Well I'm a sucker for this kind of thing... not really a true prologue but YES WHY NOT. Written very fast! Thank you to the anon who suggested this 🙈
Summary: Harry's stepmom is moaning in her bedroom and Harry can't help himself.
Word Count: 1,074
Warning: masturbation, slight exhibitionist kink, inappropriate relationship/fantasy, this is stepmom!reader x stepson!harry (everyone is an adult here - I do not write smut with minors just as a reminder!)
A Good Boy masterlist
Harry tried not to think about her that way. About his stepmom. God, she was hot. Just a bit older than he was with the cutest laugh and the way she would twirl her fingers in his long hair every time he went to his dad's to visit would drive him crazy.
And only an hour before she was trying to get him to let her braid it. So he let her a little but his dick was expanding in his joggers and he got up halfway through and apologized, running off to his bedroom before she could get a peek at what was happening to his cock. He had to finish himself to the image of her licking her lips and looking at him with her pretty doe eyes.
What was wrong with him? Aside from the fact that he was a virgin still. An adult in college who hadn't yet gotten laid. Perhaps that was why he was so hard up for her. But it wasn't like she was the only girl to ever give him any kind of attention. It's just that Y/n's attention was so innocent. The sweet hugs and subtle touches. The conversations about nothing and the way she'd be wearing the shortest goddamn shorts after tennis all sweaty and gulping down her water in the kitchen without care. Which always had him running up to his room and wanking off like a damn teenager.
But at that moment? With the house dark and quiet he could hear her in her bedroom. Yes her bedroom. She and his father didn't share a room. It was an odd arrangement but Harry knew better than to ask too many questions. All he knew was that if she were his he’d have her in his bed next to him every night. But of course, she wasn’t his. She was his dad’s wife.
He wasn't completely sure that what he was hearing was what he thought he was hearing. Little moans. Soft and breathy. Her door was cracked open and so was his.
Another long sigh from her had him sitting up in bed and straining to hear more. He knew his father was in his own bedroom and long asleep so she wasn't with him.
"Mmmm..." it was muffled and quiet but the house was also quiet and Harry couldn't mistake the sound. He closed his eyes and laid his head back into his pillow.
He'd tried and failed so many times to keep his thoughts out of the gutter with her but he'd already had full-on fantasies about her before. And he figured she'd never find out that he could hear her. What was the harm if he could just stroke himself a little while she moaned? No one had to know.
Harry pulled his tissue box next to himself on his bed and spit into his palm. His cock was already hard. Pathetic when he really thought about it. Because he'd already fucked his fist and nutted not that long before thinking about Y/n.
When he smoothed his hand down his shaft he parted his lips and spread his legs, long strokes up and down his length as he heard another gasp from her room. Smoothing his thumb over his slit he felt he was already dripping for her. Precome pushing from his tip. He pulled the moisture down himself and used his other hand to fondle his balls and he whimpered into his pillow after he flipped himself to his tummy. He didn't want her to hear him the way he could hear her.
He rutted down into his fist, his face heating up and heart pounding as her own little moans grew more frequent. He could almost see her in his mind’s eye. Pretty body, all soft and supple, perked nipples dancing over wobbly soft tits as she slid her fingers over her pussy that he would give almost anything to look at. He wondered if she was using a toy or just her hands. Wondered if she was humping a pillow or who she was imagining. Did she look at porn to get herself in the mood? Had she gotten turned on from braiding his hair earlier? Unlikely, he thought to himself.
Fucking down into his fist he imagined her body under his, imagined he was dipping into her sweet hole and bringing those noises to her lips, making her gush as she raked her nails down his back.
"Fuck me..." he whispered with his mouth smashed into his pillow as he felt his balls tighten and his insides get all sticky and mushy and hot.
He quickly pulled a wad of tissues from the box and laid them down over the mattress and went back to his desperate strokes as his stepmom gasped and panted, the sound of what he thought could be her coming had his brain spinning and his cock throbbing as he beat himself tip to root, over and over again until he was spurting out all the sticky mushy come that had built up in his balls and poured it over the tissues. He moaned loudly just as Y/n's own noises were halted. She'd finished right before he had. If that was in fact what she’d been doing. He had his doubts but what else could it have been?
He breathed heavily as he tugged at his cock one last good stroke before he sat back to his haunches and wiped his hand with the tissues and tossed the mess into his garbage.
The house was silent again and he heard light footsteps over hardwood planks in the floor, “Night Harry,” her soft whispered voice sounded just before he heard her door click close. She'd either just realized her door was cracked open or she knew all along. Harry didn't imagine she'd done it on purpose.
However, the night Harry was something. Wasn’t it? Had she heard him? Did she know he was still awake? Was this a test?
But no. He couldn’t think like that. He was already in too deep with his feelings for his stepmom. She was a nice young woman who was sweet to him. That’s all it was. Nothing more. It would be impossible that she’d find her husband’s son attractive. That she’d just masturbated and let him hear her on purpose. That she wanted to get a rise out of him. Definitely not.
But then again…
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makuzume · 22 days
The Last Time You Talked to Him
🔅Yuta Okkotsu
🔅Content: Inspired by the recent spread on the events happening in JJK 261🥲; MEGA spoilers; gn! reader; Word Count: 1k
🔅a/n: I was genuinely sobbing with hot streams of tears falling down my eyes while writing this at 4 AM I am DEVASTATED I had to express it somehow,, Didn't expect to have such attachment to this boy.
[JJK Masterlist]
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The silence was loud, deafening even.
The weather tonight was pleasant and had a clear sky: the moon was high, the stars were out, the breeze was calm...
You could say it would've been a perfect evening to have another lovely date by the usual spot: under the big tree, behind the school, sitting on the soft grass...
However, despite the scenic atmosphere that surrounded you, the look on both of your faces were low-spirited, displaying a sorrowful expression.
"...Yuta..." Slowly, you lowered your head, staring at the ground in front of you as you hugged your knees closer to your chest.
"...Please...." You whisper, almost pleaded as a few droplets began to form at the corners of your glistening eyes.
As you did your best to remain composed, you couldn't help but feel your facade begin to slowly break, like a dam of overwhelming emotion threathening to burst at any moment, bit by bit-
A dam that's ready to release all sorts of feelings: pain, sadness, fear, worry, hatred, and love.
Your breathing slowly began to turn uneven, your quiet voice shaking slightly.
"....Don't go... please..."
That was it for you.
Those words were enough to completely break your self-control, cracking the dam open.
Your face immediately hid in between your arms as you tightly gripped on your knees, releasing all of the emotions that had built up inside of you, unable to contain them any longer.
It hurt, it really hurt, knowing what will happen to him after tonight.
"....." Yuta was silent, dead slient, unable to think of any proper response to say to you.
I mean, what was he supposed to do in this situation? Should he hug you? Hold your hand? Lie Reassure you and say he'll come back safely??
If the one you loved comes to you and suddenly announces that he'll be stitched into another person's dead body to battle against the most notorious curse in history within in the next hour, what else are you left to follow up with??
The person you loved the most... now using your dead teacher's body, whom you both respected so much, as a vessle, a puppet, nothing more than a weapon... isn't that a little too messed up?
Why him?
As sickening it is to use Gojo's body to the very end, you're just as disgusted at the situation where it came to a point that a young man, such as Yuta, needed to be the one to step up and tackle the situation.
For his friends, for Gojo, for all sorcerers, all civilians, and even for you. Your peace.
And everyone agreed to this, even Gojo, which made you sick to the stomach. Seeing how even your late teacher accepted the dehumanization of his own being for the sake of becoming a mere shell of a weapon, further being pushed even agter his death; turning himself into the monster everybody needed him to be.
'I will be the monster.' He just had to say it.
Your growing disappointment in the reality of the sorcerer world only continued to grow more.
But you knew it was something he has to do... he wants to do... for everyone. It would be selfish- incredibly selfish for you to beg him to stay with you, endangering the world because of it.
But you couldnt help it. Every fiber in your being was screaming for him to not do it, it's gone too far, all of it, even though that the plan was already set in motion when you found out.
It was hard to hate him for doing that, but at the same time, you hated the fact for still loving that strong sense of morals he clings onto so much.
With your head still hidden deep within your knees, you sob "...Please.... please don't go... pleas, Yu...." You tried your best to speak in between your desperate cries, your words getting more and more inaudible as you weakly shaking your head in denial.
You couldnt help but still try to plea desperately, as void as your attempts would be.
You knew your words were uselses, you knew he would push through anyway, you knew he was the one who wanted to do this, for the sake of humanity- but still.
All you could do was plea, as if asking the Gods for a miracle. A miracle that somehow all of this this: the deaths, the curses, Shibuya, Sukuna, sorcery as a whole... was just some big screwed up dream.
Yuta slowly scoots closer to you, his hand ever so gently resting on the top of your trembling body. His hand gently caresses your back, comforting your shaking figure that hitched out quiet, miserable cries.
"My angel...." he spoke, calling out to you gently as you let yourself cry for a little more before trying to calm down.
Your heart ached for a moment upon hearing his affectionate and caring tone once more, and perhaps for the final time. It was already impossible for you to cry any more intensely. It hurts you like hell and you were already crying as if you had already lost him.
He knew nothing could ease the situation and trying to lighten it would only do nothing. All the both of you, and everyone else, could do is just accept the fate this world has to offer him; Accept the gamble of a lifetime Yuta will be risking.
Risk if never coming back as himself, risk of death, risk of defeat and the triumph of curses...
He wanted to say so many things he could never say in an hours worth of time. Yuta still wanted to tell you how much he loved spending time with you, how much he admried you, how happy he is everytime he made you smile; how happy he is just even thinking about you...
He ended up saying none of it, hoping you would have already known all the things he wouldve wanted to tell you.
The sad part is: you would know. You understand him better than anyone else- and you knew every single word of affection, fear, regret, guilt, and love he wanted to tell you. And imagining hearing him say those things would only end up hurting you even more.
Will it be the same? Will he come back? Will he survive.
No one's certain, yet, you remain clinging on to hope.
But fate is cruel, in reality. Fate is painful. Fate is uncertain. No one knows what will make of him after this
After taking a while to collect yourself, finally, you look up at him, your hand clenching so hard to your chest, your lungs so empty of air, and your cheeks stained with the warm stream of tears falling from your eyes.
"...I love you most....don't ever forget."
Yuta said, almost like a promise, like a goodbye.
He loves you, more than anything, even his own life itself- he loved you more.
Which is why he is willing to risk it in order to create a peaceful world for you to live in, and only he was ready.
As difficult as it may be, you knew it was a hard slap to the face by reality for you to accept fate. It was imposisble, but inevitable.
The world of sorcerers was never a place of clear blue skies and joyful songs. Its a dark place.
It's hard to blame anyone, because this is where fate had let you afterall, a tragic end to a supposed-to-be love story that could've ended with a better ending.
"....Let's meet here again... once everything is over." In the most gentle tone, he spoke. His eyes looking at you filled with so much love as if you were the only thing that mattered that moment.
Against all opposing forces, you somehow convinced yourself to force a smile: it was weak... filled with sorrow and affection mixed together, and you did your best to show your pretty little smile he loved so much, knowing it might have been something he needed the most right now.
He only regrets he may not be with you after everything has finished; not be able to train with you and get stronger together- not be able to spend the rest of his days with you anymore, like he promised, like he hoped.
....That, and the fact that this would perhaps the last time he would be able to see your smile ever again.
I'll see you again soon...
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a/n: It took me a while to edit this before posting cause of the amount of typos I had to deal with as I sobbed while making this but at least I captured the heart of my emotions during a vulnerable time lol I guess
Credits to @makuzume on Tumblr || Do not steal, translate, modify, reupload my works on any platform.
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batwritings · 6 months
Hii, I hope you're doing well! Can I please ask for headcannons for the brothers and dateables (if not everyone, you can choose, but please write for Lucifer, mammon and barbatos) would react if MC offers to put chapstick on their lips.
I know it's a strange ask, but imagine this scenario: It's gotten really cold suddenly (in? On? At?) the devildom and MC notices said character has chapped lips and seems very uncomfortable with it. She offers them her (can be gn!reader but I'm using she/her for better explaining) chapstick and they deny, but she insistist in putting on them, and they feel giddy because she's caring so softly for them 😭😭😭
I in the vibe of soft casual love, stay warm and hydrated 🫶🩷🩷🩷🩷
I don't think this is strange at all! Soft caring actions like that are honestly cute as fuck to me. Enjoy!~
Lucifer The absolute quickest to deny you. The great and powerful Lucifer? Receiving a smidgen of help??? The greatest travesty in all the realms, clearly. But bat your eyes and maybe bring him some Demonus and he might crack. Once you get it on, he didn't realize just how badly his lips were chapped. You'll be offered a small thanks, and a promise of something more substantial for a reward once he has more free time.
Mammon How could the cold affect the great Mammon so much? He simply didn't believe you at first. Fun fact, he knew damn well his lips were chapped as fuck. He just really didn't want to admit he needed the help. Simply subdue him with a kiss after putting on the chap stick and he'll be a puddle of grimm in your hands.
Leviathan <Insert MC doing the inhale "BOI" meme here> Being a shut-in means Levi doesn't exactly get out into the cold much. Therefor, he's a little more susceptible to the effects of the cold than his brothers. One trip to get a new Ruri-chan figurine and he's got chapped lips for days. Thankfully he has you to thoughtfully apply chapstick to his lips which leaves him with a persistent blush every time the two of you cross paths.
Satan Oh? It honestly hadn't crossed his mind. While he's no Asmo, Satan does take pretty good care of himself. He's actually the most lenient of the brothers in letting you help. If this were the Nightbringer universe, he's fight you a bit more. Yet the wrestle session would be a nice release for his anger, even if he couldn't go full force on you. He'd thank you by letting you put the chapstick on, blushing in denial of enjoying the attention.
Asmodeus Asmo, sweetheart, darling, you can't use lip gloss as chapstick, I'm sorry. And that'll be his excuse, mark my words! You have to explain to him that sadly, most gloss doesn't cover the chapping and he'll be more than amenable to let you put it on him. In true Asmo-chan fashion, of course he'll need to test it on you, just to be sure. A reward for helping him always look beautiful.
Beelzebub This man's gonna try to eat the chapstick, and no, you cannot convince me otherwise. You know how people see a big animal and go "if not friend, why friend shaped"? Beel, sweet himbo lad that he is will legit ask you, "if not food, why food smelling?". Did you have to reapply it multiple times because he kept licking it off? Yes. Did he complain to you every time that it didn't taste nearly as good as it smelled? Also yes. Did he learn his lesson? Nope!
Belphegor He spends ONE (1) NIGHT up in the observatory and ends up with chapped lips. It's rather annoying to him, and he genuinely doesn't hear you the first few times when you offer to put chapstick on for him. Belphie will deny it at first purely on the basis of "I'm not a little kid just because I'm the youngest". Just wait til he gets too tired to fight you on it and you'll get a mumbled little "thank you" before becoming his favorite pillow. Hope you have nothing to do for the next few hours.
Solomon Unsurprisingly enough, it wasn't the cold that got him! It was a spell gone wrong in trying to make a chapstick that would never let your lips chap again. Solomon sighs very defeatedly and sits back with a pout as he lets you put the balm on his lips. For practice purposes, he has you sit down and look over the ingredients to see where he went wrong. May or may not purposefully mess it up again to have you so close again.
Simeon You can't tell me this man wouldn't absentmindedly pick at the chapped parts of his lips. He can't be perfect forever ya'll, he's gotta be a little weird like the rest of us. (/j) You actually catch him in the act which makes Simeon fluster and admit to forgetting his chapstick in his room. His denial of attention and care for you is half-hearted and he very quickly crumbles at the chance to be so close to you. Maybe he'll have to forget his chapstick more often.
Barbatos This man is far too busy to realize his lips were chapped. It was one of those rare instances that you two crossed paths that you noticed and offered to put some on for him. In another rare instance, you notice Barbatos blush slightly because he didn't realize he'd looked so out of sorts. He had meetings with Lord Diavolo later that day as well, so yes! Please! Quickly! You make sure to add a generous amount in the hopes that it would last him through his meetings.
Diavolo His lips were chapped? Truly? It's only then that the demon lord to be realizes how absolutely flooded he'd been and that Barbatos had even told him about that earlier in the day. When you offer, Diavolo tries to politely decline, asking you not to waste what you have on him. It only takes a few minutes of remembering how busy he'll be and how this is absolutely a chance to know even a smidgen more info about you that he relents and lets you apply it gingerly to his lips.
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sleepyangelkami · 1 year
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 ☆ WORD COUNT - 3.1K
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 ☆ SUMMARY - basically the ask lmao. ellie, joel and reader all have dinner and a movie night, it was a tradition by now. ellie's a sore loser but she's also a bit of a softball when it came to you and joel did not stop to think before teasing her. in the end, she gives up her pride of losing for you to get a good night sleep (p.s i think that means she likes you)
 ☆ WARNINGS - fluff, stubborn ass ellie, cuddling, joel being an absolute nightmare (but it's okay because it's cute), intended lower case, nothing i write is ever proofread 🩷
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"ellie, that was your fourth round!" you all but giggled, dropping your fork as you held a hand up to your mouth so you could chew without showing off the food inside there. you and ellie had done many rounds of rock paper scissors and she still was not happy with the result. given, the fact that you had won every single one of them.
"last one, promise." though that was what she said two games ago. rolling your eyes with a soft giggle you gave joel a look who was busy rolling his own, much more used to his step daughters antics than you were.
finishing the food in your mouth, you rubbed your hands together before turning in your seat. ellie excitedly grinned at you, rubbing her own hands together only much more swiftly. "rock, paper, scissors, one, two... three!" on unison, you both shot out different hand gestures, hers being a scissors and yours being paper. you had won four out of five rounds, she had won one, just one. but seemingly that was enough for her because the competitive girls arms shot into the air and she immediately began cheering. you and joel laughed at her stupid antics while you couldn't help but adore the atmosphere in the large kitchen, so much better than your house. when you had dinners there, you didn't even converse to one another unless about school or church, this house didn't even say grace. in a strange way, it was refreshing.
she breathed out a large breath as she cracked all her knuckles causing you to cringe with a giggle. "okay, phew i got this." cracking her neck as she looked at joel who already knew he was going to win. you didn't know how the man did it but it seemed as though he won every single rock papers scissors known to man. and it was even worse knowing that the winner got to choose which movie you would be watching that night. at first, it was almost accidental how you ended up watching a movie with joel and ellie on the couch, sandwiched between them and now it was practically a ritual.
"whatever." he rolled his eyes with his, as you liked to call it, mr. texas accent. "lay it on me." as he pulled his arms out, barely even stretching. you watched intently as you plopped another chicken nugget into your mouth with your fork, ellie was the first done her dinner, then again she always was. it always surprised you too, seeing as she spent so much time talking during dinner that it seemed she wouldn't get so much as a fry inside her mouth during the duration of the time. and yet time and time again she continued to shock you and joel both, despite the fact he had raised her.
"rock, paper, scissors, one, two... three!" joel had a rock, ellie had a scissors. joel didn't hesitate to thump his fist onto the younger girls two finger she had outstretched. you giggled as she made a noise of complaint, shoving his hands away. "i need some real competition." joel fawned boredom as he turned to face you, a proud grin on his face. he always looked to you, when he joked, you weren't too sure why. maybe it was because he knew how much ellie had already heard each and every one of them repeated so often or maybe it was because he knew how easily he could make you burst into a fit of giggles.
"best of three!" she turned the older man. before he could protest, she yelled over him again. "best of three then we're done." she always was the competitive type. so, knowing his daughter and knowing the fact that she wasn't easily persuaded, he gave in. he outstretched his hands again, reading them in the fist—open palm combo. "rock, paper, scissors, one, two... three!" and suddenly while joel did paper, ellie did some, as she'd describe it, 'illegal move'. she pushed her hands to make a round and hollow circle. "black hole!" she yelled, pushing it right into his face. he swatted her arms away almost instantly, grimacing as he knocked her back onto her chair, you sat with a sloppy grin on your face, giggling at ellie who looked up at her father like a kicked puppy, she deserved it, however, for the many times she had already begged for a 'best of three' that day.
"that's not even a part of the game." he picked up his fork and began to eat again while ellie picked the sausage off your plate, knowing there was no way in hell she'd get away with stealing some of joel's food. whatever, she thought, knowing you'd happily comply. "my turn to pick again."
"Boo!" ellie cheered, almost expecting you to join in. the last time it was joel's turn to pick and he didn't give it up to one of you, he chose possibly the worst movie ever. it was some horror movie with way too much blood. as a kid, you were never really allowed to watch scary movies and by really i mean ever. sure, you heard noises coming out of ashley's room some nights when she had ellie over and they were watching some creepy movie. you always knew when they were having a marathon because the house always stunk of popcorn after, and of course the only movies ashley and ellie watched were horror films. nevertheless, when you first properly watched one it was with joel and ellie, and it was safe to say that if popcorn sat on that couch it would have been on the ground from how many times you jumped. you all but held onto ellie's arm the whole time and she couldn't deny the fact that she felt like 'the shit' when you did so. "you're literally not even playing rock paper scissors right." your brows furrowed, was there necessarily a wrong way? "you're a cheat."
joel rolled his eyes. "you can't cheat in rock paper scissors." he commented, beginning to get up and clear his plate off. you took that as your cue, shoving the rest of the cut up sausages into ellie's hand to which she didn't even spare you a glance, shoving one inside her mouth as you picked up her plate with your own, cleaning it off.
"yeah well..." she was stuck for something to say. "you did." wow. really very good job, ellie!
joel moved toward the sink, to which you instantly stepped forward. "here, i can do it." you shared a small smile with him, you were hoping to get on his good side extra today so he wouldn't pick another horror, maybe he would feel a little... sympathetic?
"thank you, daughter I should have had." turning to ellie who simply rolled her eyes, grumbling something under her breath. it only took around twenty minutes to clean up around the kitchen with joel, after everything he said, ellie found some way to turn it back to the rock, paper, scissors 'tournament' is what she called it. "i think you're a sore loser." joel commented as he pushed the chocolates and jelly bears into two separate bowls, you were standing in front of the microwave, letting the popcorn pop. you found it funny that ellie wasn't helping make anything for you knew she would indefinitely be the one to eat almost everything.
her mouth fell agape. "me?!" she turned to you, who gave her a raised eyebrow. "me? I'm the sore loser?" you shook your head, stifling a laugh at the competitive girl. "you're the one who cheated!" the microwave beeped.
you opened the door and grasped the brown bag between your finger tips. "didn't you use the blackhole?" you commented, pushing the bag into the older girls clutch so she could open it for you. after ellie saw you attempt to open it one day, holding it far away so the heat wouldn't seep into your skin, she instantly activated her 'knight in shining armor' ego and came to the rescue. "pretty sure that was cheating."
joel couldn't help but laugh at the look ellie gave you, then turned to him. "see what you've done?!" in disbelief. "you've corrupted my girlfriend so much that she's on your side!" she really was one for dramatics. rolling your eyes, you took the bag of popcorn off her, ignoring the way she was sitting on the table instead of a chair and poured the contents into one of the larger bowls. buttered popcorn, because ellie simply was that picky.
you turned around to joel who stood with a bowl of m&m's along with a bowl of jelly bears. "what movie we watching tonight, joel?" standing so your back was against ellie's arm, she moved it to snake around your waist.
he grinned at you both. "you'll see." not giving you any more context towards it. "but i think you'll like it, y/n."
ellie furrowed her brows. "what about me?" she faked offence. truly, she adored you and joel's relationship, she adored the way he already begun to think of you as his daughter in law because she was sure that she would marry you one day. so, she couldn't help but grin when you shared inside jokes with him or when he would come into the bedroom all flustered because he was interrupting a make out session, that one didn't have much to do with you necessarily, ellie just thought it was hilarious.
"you never like the movies i pick." joel excused as he left the room with the two bowels in his hands. you turned to ellie who was giving you a look, you simply shrugged with your lips tugged upwards.
the girl turned so that you were standing between her legs, her hands still attached to your waist. "can you believe this?" a mocking tone as you giggled, shaking your head. she too, smiled, despite the situation as she leaned in closer, pressing a kiss to your lips. you kissed her back, much more experienced than before seeing as she had been the very one who had taught you to do so.
the girl made a noise of complaint when you pulled away, hands still on your hips and tugging you closer. suddenly, she wished to simply skip the movie and have you in her bed. "ellie." you all but whined as she began to kiss up your jaw after realising you weren't going to give her your lips. you pushed her face up to look at you, smile gracing your lips. "the popcorn's gonna get cold."
she knew you were right. "fuck the popcorn, princess." you simply rolled your eyes and moved backwards though there was still a simper on your lips.
"no thank you." you grinned and picked up the large bowl. there was a small scowl on the girls face as she followed you into the sitting room though it quickly disappeared when she dug into the m&m's forgetting every last conversation she had. you plopped yourself down onto the middle of the couch while ellie sat at one side of you, joel at the other. he had his legs down on the ground, spread apart while his head leaned on his hand, he was such a.... dad. (a/n: idk if this makes sense i don't have a dad 💀) he glanced forward at ellie who was stuffing her face.
she looked up upon realising joel was staring. "what?" she spoke, muffled due to the food in her mouth.
giggling, you picked up a jelly bear and plopped in your mouth. "i'm starting the damn movie." joel chuckled before leaning forward and grabbing the remote. he had already put in the disk and let the introduction begin. he pressed the top button as you snuggled into the couch, head leaning against ellie's arm as it always did, the familiar sound of the dvd beginning played.
the movie was an old western movie, and when you saw old you saw old. so old that the graphics were next to horrid, however, unalike ellie you were not blabbing on about the graphics and instead watching intently with tight lips as you continued to snuggle against your girlfriend. it was a movie about romance, which you found funny seeing as you simply could not imagine joel being a hopeless romantic when he was young. however, he must have watched this movie a whole lot when he was young for he wouldn't stop talking about how much better it looked when he was young, how now it looked completely... off. "i mean, even the rock looks fake." pointed past the cowboy and to the rock that truly looked as though it were made from cardboard.
"could have told you that much." ellie grumbled, referring to the previous rock, paper, scissors game again. you slowly looked up at her to give her a 'are you serious?' look in which joel gave her the very same one. she simply grumbled once more and turned back to the tv.
the movie continued. after a while, joel and ellie's babbles began to slow down, finally. a couple times, ellie would refer back to the game from earlier with sly comments, relating it to what was playing in front of them. you had to say, some of them sounded very creative.
leaning against ellie, warmth consumed you. after a while, she had thrown her arm around you while your head sat against the side of her chest, knee's close to your own chest. joel was leaned against the back of the chair, eyes opening and closing heavily as if he were on the brink of sleep. you, however, had passed out long ago. it came to the part after the two main characters had kissed, and life was seemingly good for the cowboy and the farmgirl. however, ellie was sort of glad that you had been knocked out after gaining the warmth of her body along with the dimness of the room, only light source being the rather large tv. she was glad because if you stayed up any longer, you would have seen the scene in which the cowboy died heroically saving the farm girl and she knew she'd never hear the end of it. you were very sympathetic, in tv shows and movies, it was astounding how many times you cried watching the same damn movie over and over again. ellie never understood how, she could get the first time but when you watched the same movie over and over, very same plot, able to quote any and every line from the movie, you knew what was destined to happen and yet you sat with tears in your eyes every time, it never failed to shock her. which, you could say, was what made you surprised. she watched you cry every time, heard your sniffles as the sad part approached, she knew what was destined to happen and yet she seemed so utterly astonished every time the tears built up.
the movie didn't last long after that, a funeral and a couple family members sobbing at the cowboy's grave, his best friend even left his cowboy had on the top of the muck. yes, ellie was glad you were asleep. when the credits began to roll, joel shook his head, shaking the sleep from his eyes. he leaned forward, grasping the remote in his hands, pressing the pause button so the music would stop blaring.
stretching his arms, he turned his head towards you and ellie, instantly, a smirk appeared on his lips. "aw—"
"shut up." ellie cut him off. the scene was almost humorous, big bad ellie williams sat cuddled with a sleeping y/n l/n.
"look at you two." he cooed mockingly at the way ellie's arm was thrown around you, her hand was drawing circles on your side, however, the minute she saw joel's eyes flicker towards you, she instantly stopped her movements.
"seriously, shut the fuck up." she watched as his arm outstretched, cooing at you both. she swatted him away roughly. "you're gonna wake her." she hissed at the man, shoving his arms away from you and her both. "listen." she spoke, hands catching grasp of both his arms. with a large smirk, he stopped his movements and awaited her next words. "you pretend like this never happened and i'll stop saying you cheated."
his brows raised and his eyes widened for a second. ellie williams? admitting to defeat? he wasn't sure what spell you had him under but it surely seemed to be working. "hmm." looking at you both with a teasing smile before cocking his head to the side. "fine." she breathed out a sigh. "loser."
"fuck you." she roughed, shoving a leg out to kick him as he attempted to reach for the remote. he simply chuckled at her, switching off the tv.
he turned to his step daughter after setting the remote onto the glass tv stand. "you get her to bed." gesturing to your sleeping frame, cheek squished against ellie's body. "and don't you go stayin' up too late either."
"yeah, whatever you say old man." placing the last few jelly's into her mouth as he stacked up the bowls, moving towards the door. he looked back momentarily at you both. the way ellie williams looked down at your sleeping body was simply undescribable. he never thought he would see ellie so fond of someone. you were truly an angel sent from heaven for them, you fixed them both, joel didn't realise just how much you meant to him until then. you were good for them, not only for ellie, you didn't only soothe her reoccuring anger and her not so nice thoughts but you mended him in a way he didn't truly think was possible. he loved ellie, of course he did and he wouldn't replace her for the world but he couldn't deny that he had begun to love you as a daughter too. maybe it was your innocence, that innocence in which reminded him of sarah. all he knew was that when he looked back into the living room he knew that this was exactly how he wanted everything to go. he often worried for ellie, how she'd do in school, what she'd do after but with you, he didn't have to. he knew you wouldn't only plough on, you'd drag ellie right behind you. and she'd follow, of course she would. she would follow you anywhere.
"goodnight, ellie."
she looked up from your sleeping face. "night, joel."
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main masterlist/ellie's masterlist
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itsthesinbin · 9 months
Ooooh could you do a continuation or the likes for that one Ice King x Reader?
By the sounds of it the two knew each other before :>
i did a sort of continuation here, but i am MORE than glad to do more of this lil au. this got. a lot longer than i thought it would. but maybe they Did know each other. just a little.
Ice King (Adventure Time)
Dating the Ice King was... odd, to say the least. He was hard to be with at first. He was clingy. He was manic. He could be a little aggressive- not dangerous, just cranky- if you ended up ignoring him for too long; too long being subjective to his needs that day. He was unbelievably frustrating.
But at the same time... he was, strangely, the nicest guy you've ever dated. He'd get cranky, but once he saw you weren't leaving him he didn't push you. He was clingy, but it was because he was lonely. He was manic, but you knew it wasn't his fault. He brought you gifts ranging from flowers to gems to even making ice sculptures in your likeness. It was flattering.
He had made a little ice elevator to get you into the castle easier, when you visited. And by Glob he was always delighted to see you. Every time he heard the elevator chugging its' way up the mountain, you could hear him.
"Gunther they're coming- is there anything in my beard?" he'd ask, followed by a little "wenk". You'd come up just in time to see the little penguin pecking something out of his master's beard. Then Gunther would waddle over to you, making Ice King screech in surprise and try to rub whatever food was in his beard out. You bit back a snort as you picked up your favorite little guy.
"You look fine, IK, calm down," you laughed. He grumbled, flustered and fixing his crown. You grinned as you set the penguin down. You gave him a hug in greeting, and as always he was a little tense before returning it tightly.
"So, what'd you wanna show me?" He had asked you to come over cause he found something "wicked sweet". That seemed to click the lightbulb on.
"Oh yeah! C'mon, sweet thang," he laughed as he yoinked you up like you weight nothing. You yelled in surprise, holding onto him as he flew through the castle. You couldn't help but laugh as well, enjoying the short flight.
"This is my "the past" room- you are the ONLY person aside from Gunther I've let in here," he explained as he set you down. You looked around at all the old stuff in awe, recognizing a lot of it immediately from your time period. You heard him fiddle with some things as you picked through the items.
The old suit jacket he'd give you to wear when you were cold- which you immediately put on as per usual. Some old books- a few of which were written by a Simon.... Petrikov. That sounded familiar...
Then it clicked. You used to live just down the street from him. You used to attend the same book club together, before he stopped coming due to his research. You remember him showing off a book he had gotten published to the group before he stopped joining as often. You'd make him food and check in on him, when Betty couldn't.
"Where is that damn thing?" you heard Ice King mutter. You looked at the jacket you were wearing, turning the book over. A picture of Simon, wearing the exact same jacket.
While your boyfriend was busy, you sifted through the junk pile. Newspaper clippings covered in mad scrawling that spelled out pleas for help and forgiveness. Multiple pictures of Simon and letters written by him to various people. A picture of a young, but now familiar, girl with writing on the back. You stared at another newspaper clipping, a ball of ice in your stomach unrelated to the cold of the ice kingdom. Simon stood next to a sickeningly familiar crown that sat upon a cushion, smiling as wide as can be at his discovery.
A familiar jingle jolted you out of your thoughts and you dropped the article. You whipped around to see Ice King standing next to a cracked tv that was now playing Cheers. He waved his hands in a "tada" motion.
"I got a bunch of old junk from WAAAAY back in the day, so I thought you'd like a little marathon! I can go make popcorn," he offered with a grin. Your mouth hung open as your eyes darted from him to the old tv show. You tried to speak, but all that came out was a soft sobbing noise as realization set in. Immediately, his face fell.
"Oh- What, do you not like this show? I can, uh... I'm sure I got something-!" You cut him off by nearly tackling him in a hug. You held him so tight, knuckles turning white as you gripped the fabric of his robe. Your knees felt weak, giving out and making him drop to the floor with you.
"M... Man, if I knew you liked the show this much, I'd have done this sooner," he tried to joke, not really understanding why you were crying. Thankfully, he just held you and scooted around so you both could see the tv. Not that you really watched it, being too busy reeling from your newfound knowledge.
Gunther, sweet as can be, brought in popcorn and plopped his little self in your lap. You could use the extra comfort. You felt Ice King's hand run up and down your back, and new he was taking glances at you to see if you were alright. For his sake, you pretended to watch the show and forced down some popcorn. He seemed to relax a little, thinking you were fine. You were anything but. However...
What could you even do?
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del-thetiredwriter · 1 year
Ok but what if in the “do you love me” series, Aegon sought the help of a sorceress to “heal his wife?”
Read these before you read: Do you love me, say you love me
Firstly thank you for your request. Please feel free to write your opinions .I really enjoyed while writing it. İt isn’t exactly what you requested but I hope you like it. It’s about what happens after sorcerers “heals his wife”
Warning: disturbing themes, drugging etc. English is my second language
You woke up with the sunlight coming through the window. “Your husband Aegon” was hugging you tightly. You tried to wake him up but he playfully pulled you towards him and kissed him. After breakfast together, your husband reluctantly went to the small council meeting. You spent time in the library until tea time. Then dinner. Finally, a romantic hot night and the day is over again.
It was like this every day for about three weeks. Such a perfect life…it's like a dream.
Three weeks ago when you woke up you found yourself in an unfamiliar room with people you didn't know. Then a silver-haired man cheerfully hugged you. You couldn't understand what was going on. You pushed the man. You couldn't remember where you were, who this man was, who the people around you were, who you were... You couldn't remember anything. You were panicked, you were afraid.
But fortunately the silver-haired man who had been by your side ever since you awoke - your husband Aegon - explained you everything.
Your name was Y/n Velaryon. You were married to your husband, Aegon Targaryen, the king of Westeros. There was an accident a few months ago. Although he did not explain what the accident was and how it happened, you fell into a deep sleep after the accident and did not wake up in any way. But miraculously, you woke up.
You couldn't believe Aegon at first, and he might have taken advantage of your amnesia to lie to you but as the days passed, you began to trust him and believe him.
Your days were peaceful. You had a loving husband and he would do anything for you. However, while you were walking around the court , the gaze of the servants and guards bothered you. They looked as if they had seen the dead. Especially when was Queen Alicent starting to turn a blind eye to you and repent. According to Aegon you were a loved person why did they treat you that way?
Again after the usual breakfast, Aegon whined and forced his way to the small council meeting. You made your way to the library. While examining the books on the shelves,A book hidden behind other books caught your attention in the bottom corner of the shelf. The book was about Targaryen history. While turning the pages, a piece of paper fell off. You took the paper and began to read it. Something was written in Valyrian. You started reading the paper.
If the person reading this is Y/N Velaryon, read this carefully. This is written by me Y/N Velaryon. It is true that we/you are Aegon's spouse but everything you know now is a lie. I/you actually committed suicide, so I died, we died, you died. That's the reason for the scar on your neck. As for Aegon, I don't know how he did it, but he resurrected us. That's why everyone in the court looks at you as if they've seen you dead because you, me, we are dead. Also, this is not our first awakening since the so-called 'accident'. You just don't remember. The reason you lost your memory is because of the medicines given to you at tea time. Don't drink. No matter what run away to a place where we can't find Aegon's body.
You couldn't believe what you read. It was hastily written. You wanted to tear the paper but what if it's true then the way people look at you, that scar on your neck. Besides, Aegon never explained to you what the accident was. You placed the paper between the book and hid the book in to its old place.
It wouldn't hurt to try. You secretly stopped taking your meds. Your memory was slowly coming back. To escape, you had to play your cards well. You shouldn't have cracked anything.
You had a romantic dinner with Aegon the night you planned to escape. You got him really drunk and then one hot night. Aegon fell asleep from exhaustion. You took one last look at Aegon before leaving . And you left the room silently.
According to your plan, there was a small hole in one of the castle walls. A hole big enough for you to pass through. Just as you were about to run away, a hand touched your shoulder .
“What are you doing here."
You turned your back. You saw Aegon. No way he was supposed to be asleep.
"N-no you , it can't-"
“My sweet wife. Did you think I didn't notice? This time, I thought we could continue our perfect life as before, even though your memory came back, but you let me down.”
“Why did you resurrect me! If I wanted to live, I would live! What you have done is a great sin. Gods-"
Aegon forced you into his arms. You tried to resist, but he was stronger than you.
You went back to your room and Aegon threw you on the bed. He took a bottle from the drawer and then forced you to drink it.
"Open your mouth"
"What will you do to me! What's in this bottle?
Aegon looked at you and smiled.
“I will just make sure everything is as it should be”
And after swallowing the liquid in the bottle, everything went black.
You woke up. A silver-haired man hugged you.
"You're finally awake, my love."
“My love? Who are you?"
“I am your husband, Aegon."
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cosmicdeaths · 8 months
i'm writing this because i don't know else to do to stop crying. and because there is little else my helpless hands can do to change this horrifying reality we're living in. i am sudanese. and my mother just told me that we've lost yet another relative in the ongoing civil war in sudan. i've also learned that the small lovely town i grew up in, Shambat, in Khartoum Bahri, is currently plagued by this fever the origin of which is yet to be identified. from what little we know whoever gets this fever just does not wake up to see the sun of another day. it might be because the dead bodies people buried in their backyards in a desperate attempt to grieve and honor them are unearthed by the rain. it might be because the entire health system has collapsed months ago and there is no way for these people to attain any form of medical help. we've lost family members with chronic conditions simply because they couldn't get medical attention until it was too late. my own grandfather died of complications that could've easily been managed had they gotten him the proper treatment. we've lost people to this fever, too. a brother and the very next day, his sister. and more keep dying. it hurts and angers me that no one's talking about this. and just as equally my heart breaks for each and every palestinian out there, and i keep praying for them and hoping to be half as patient as they are. i know what it's like to be so scared your entire body goes numb, i know what it's like to be displaced and leave behind everything you've ever known with little hope of ever coming back. to survive and not really feel like you did. i saw this video of a palestinian woman holding her dead baby and just begging to nurse him one more time. i see palestinian men breaking down into tears while trying to comfort children, literal babies, whom they pulled out of the rubble. a little girl who's saying god why didn't you take me along with my mother, god, you know i can't live without her. and i suddenly remember that i know of a friend of my family who just sits there crying helplessly every night because she doesn't know what to tell her starving nieces who are too young to understand that they can't get food because of all the shooting outside. i keep seeing entire villages in the west being completely wiped off the map, reduced to nothing but a black dot of ashes and ruin. and this isn't even a first; ethnical cleansing in the western areas of sudan went on for decades and no one even bat an eye. my heart will never stop bleeding for Darfur. i know of a group of boys who were stuck for days in the very university i went to, waiting for a ceasefire for days on end until one of them died of fear or starvation or illness or whatever it is that we still don't know to this very day, and they had to bury him in the very field they used to play football matches in. a field every student in that university knows and has been to and laughed and cried in. girls are raped and sexually enslaved in terrifying numbers. the biggest maternity hospital in the country, the one i was born in, was looted and patients kicked out. these are all stories that will never leave my memory til the day i die. they're all deaths i will never forgive nor stop mourning. i won't despair and i won't give up, but the heart aches and cracks, and the tears run and run and leave crevices behind. the world is an ugly, ugly place. only hope and solidarity can save us. my sudanese and palestinian brothers and sisters, you are not alone. and you never will be.
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akutasoda · 4 months
Hi there! Can I please request separately Nikolai, Fyodor and Sigma x reader (preferably male but gn is fine too!) with the ability to disarm them with ease (and with no fear). Like, the character could be mad or worried about something and our tall boi reader can literally pick them up to shut them up. meanwhile, the characters can't talk. They're in disbelief and shock about the sheer audacity (and reader being strong as hell despite his lack of visible muscle). After a few seconds, reader will ask something along the lines of, 'Cool, are you okay now?' and when the character nods, he just puts them down and gestures for them to continue talking. This is a weird request, I know, I got inspiration from all those aggressive cats who suddenly stop being aggressive and just become confused once picked up XD.
unusual calming down
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synopsis - how are they when their lover takes a different approach to calming them down
includes - fyodor, nikolai, sigma
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, slight crack/angst, wc - 793
a/n: Hi! i wrote gn as i only write gender neutral and female
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fyodor dostoevsky ★↷
↪you knew full well that your lover was a powerful man, physically maybe not but he was dangerous to say the least.
↪he was also rather unpredictable. but if there was anything you could say for sure about him was that he would never hurt you. maybe unintentionally or if he deemed you useless but you never dwelled on those thoughts to much.
↪so you had no hints of hesitation when you would force him to take care of himself. that wasn't something he was great at doing.
↪fyodor would often spend hours upon hours sat at the very same chair staring at the same screens. very rarely however, he would get extremely annoyed and you would be on the recieving end of that anger sometimes.
↪sometimes thing's wouldn't go to plan or he got mad at his 'insignificant' subordinates and his mood would sour. so when you decided to go talk to him about taking a break for a while, unknowing of his attitude, he couldn't help but lash out at you.
↪and reasonably, you didn't take that. two problems could be solved in the same action - you didn't hesitate to immediately close the gap between you and him before picking him up.
↪you had little fear of his ability, he wouldn't use it on you and he was too confused at the moment to do so. for the first time in ages, fyodor was too stunned to speak. how dare you just pick him up like this.
↪and even when you sat him back down, he was in shock. but in his disbelief he became more preferable to talk to and more willing to finally take a break and rest with you - probably because he knew you would just pick him up again of he disagreed.
↪he hated the fact that you could do that too him. but if it was anyone else they'd be dead on the spot.
nikolai gogol ★↷
↪you knew your lover was always one for jokes and such - it'd be weird not to know. but if you really stopped to think about it, you'd never seen him truly angry or even worked up about something.
↪sure you'd seem him get annoyed and could tell when he wasn't doing great as he would always become less eccentric and his face would visibly drop - but you'd never seen him mad.
↪so when he showed up abruptly in front of you in your residence you actually couldn't assume something was up. it was only when he slumped onto your couch that you realised something had happened.
↪ you'd asked him about what he'd been up to and before you knew it, nikolai was spewing out every little detail of his day and getting rather mad.
↪of course, you hadn't seen him this mad before so you had no clue what to do. and so in an abrupt train of thought as he seemed to get more agitated, you picked him up.
↪so abruptly that iy caus nikolai to drop any thought that threatened to spill put of his mouth next. all he could was stare in disbelief at you.
↪but even after he calmed and you put him down, you could tell from taht mischievous glint in his eyes that thos wouldn't be the only time.
sigma ★↷
↪your lover was, for the most part, very calm and often collected. he never really showed anything else to anyone but you.
↪and it would only be natural that he trusted you the most, trusted you to the point to where you could witness the stress taking over his calm composure.
↪it wasn't a surprise that he could become so stressed, he ran an entire casino afterall. for the most part, you always tried your best to help him calm down and express his worries properly.
↪but it seemed today was more stressful than usual. sigma was pacing around his office spewing out any thought or concern he had and he was visibly getting more and more stressed.
↪while you were listening, you would be a fool to be think that your normal methods of helping him would work. and so you came up with a new idea.
↪he only looked at you confused as you walked up to him. but he quickly became rather shocked when you abruptly picked him up like he was nothing.
↪that shock and disbelief soon melted into embarrassment which rendered him utterly speechless. so even after a short while when you asked if he calmed down, all he could do was nod.
↪and he looked slightly confused when you simply asked him to continue but calmer. he thinks he'd die of you ever did that to him again.
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frenziedslashers · 1 year
C'mere, Honey-Bear
Pairing: Negan x GN!Reader
Warnings: No pronouns are used, but Negan uses a LOT of pet names. Established relationship, canon typical violence, swearing, sex - nothing real graphic, it's more just mentioned than anything. Negan loves you. OOC Negan, probably, idk. I was emotional and needed to write this.
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Negan had no idea what he was getting himself into when he ordered his men to line Rick and the others up. The night was still young, and Lucille was hungry. That was all he cared about for the time being.
"Well, well, well," He tutted after hearing some voices from the group try and protest the situation they were in. He loved seeing people on their knees for him. It gave him a sense of superiority. Like he was a King, and they were his peasants. Begging for mercy as his eyes jumped from face to face. Though he primarily focused on the men. Mapping out who he thought would be a problem. Like the big beefy red head that would totally kick him in the balls if he had the chance. Or the Asian kid, who he just knew would be a problem in the future.
He wanted to bash their brains in. It was who he was now, he couldn't help it. In this world is was truly kill or be killed, and he wasn't about to let some new comers step in and kill him. Not when he was the top dog of D.C. Fucking Washington D.C., what more could he ask for?
The whimpers were enough to have his hair stand on end. Crying as he he stepped upped to home plate. Ready to swing and hit that winning home run. All until he heard a little voice. A voice he completely thought he had imagined.
It was so soft and feathery light. Like the person saying it was a mouse in his ear. He recognized it from somewhere, but he couldn't place where. It had been so long since he had heard that little scared voice.
"That's my name, don't wear it dry, honey," He sing-songed into the night air, eyes scanning every each and one of the faces before him. Until they landed on the one who dare speak his name. You. A face he hadn't seen in a long time. A face he thought only visited him in dreams.
Now, Negan was far from a touchy-feely guy when it came to nights like these. Nights where all he wanted to do was prove a point. These nights, he was all about busting balls and cracking skulls. But he was frozen.
His eyes were locked on you, Lucille lazily hanging in his hand. The tip of her head brushed the ground by his feet while his heart thumped in his chest. All he could hear was the beat of his own heart. It was like a drum pounding that wouldn't stop.
"You.." That was all he could say. Everyone was looking between the both of you. The tears that stained your cheeks, blood that equally stained your lips, and other portions of your face. You put up a hell of a fight with his men, but he still recognized that gorgeous face of yours.
"Sir," Negan held his hand up, quieting his men. It seemed to get him to gather his thoughts a bit more. His whole demeanor changed, and everyone in the area noticed. He went from Mr. "I got an itch to scratch and it's your head against my bat." To something none of his men had ever seen. Something softer. It scared some of them, even. What would his next move be? Would he pretend to like you and then hit that winning home run? Or would he drop the bat and forfeit the entire game? All because of one meek and tired voice, that called out his name into the night air.
He took quick steps over to you. Dropping to his knees in front of you. The King fell for what used to be his Majesty. His other half. He used to be your Knight, and you his Ruler, but things changed. The apocalypse happened. "I thought you died," he muttered, voice soft, only for you.
A cry fell from your lips, and by golly did he want to punch the nearest person to the left of him. Even if they weren't who made you cry, and it was all him. He hated seeing you do such a thing. "Negan," Hearing his name fall from your lips again made his heartache. He never thought he'd hear it again. His eyes fell shut briefly before the man reached out to touch the side of your face. "Baby, I'm so sorry," he frowned once you flinched away from him. You had never been scared of him in your years of being together, but here you were. Shivering like a mouse confronting an old Tom Cat.
"Negan, let them go, please, don't hurt us, this isn't you," He frowned deeper. You were right, this wasn't him. This was a charade he picked up in order to survive. "I'd never hurt you," he muttered, finally able to reach out and brush his knuckles over your cheek. "But who did? Was it one of my men?" He asked, and you nodded, a glare settling on his face. "Point to me baby, which one?" Once motioned, his eyes were locked on the man. "What have I said about hurting people before I see them?" Negan snapped at his man. The guy flinched at his harsh tone. "I'm sorry sir! They were fighting with me!" "And you're a big guy! You can't handle yourself without bloodying up an innocent person? My innocent person?" He snapped, noticing you flinch in front of him.
God, he didn't know what to do. He was still mad at Rick and the others for the damage they caused, but he knew you. He loved you. He never stopped loving you. Even when he thought you died he still kept that stupid ring and necklace that you got him. Along with a photo of you that he carried anywhere he went.
"Honey bear," he cooed, "Do they take care of you?" You sighed at the pet name, closing your eyes while pursing your lips. Nodding softly, "Yeah, they do." He hummed at your voice, reaching out to grab your hand which you squeezed back. Falling forward in order to wrap your arms around his neck.
Negan dropped Lucille in order to catch you. Holding you close while his men stared in shock. This wasn't like Negan at all. Any other person he found he'd be ridiculing them. Making fun of their future death or hitting on them and offering them a nice fuck if they were up to it. He was never this gentle. Never.
The sigh that he let out was loud. Everyone stared awkwardly and anxiously. Waiting for his next move. His eyes parted, still keeping you in his grasp. Negan looked at Rick with pursed lips, and a slight scowl on his face, but it was quick to fade. "You kept them safe?" He asked, and Rick nodded, "We all did. We're a family," Negan rolled his eyes. He didn't have time for a life story. Not when he just got you back. "Spare me your sob story, Prick," He spat, and felt you nudge him with your hand. A soft apology left his lips - another thing his men had never seen. "Well, I want to thank you," He spoke, genuine words that fell from his lips. Rubbing up and down your back in a comforting manner.
No one could believe what they were hearing. Rick was certain that someone was going to die that night, but maybe since you happened to come along for Maggie's sake, maybe you saved everyone. "Look, I'm still pissed about my men. Hell, you wiped out a lot of innocent people. But, I might just have to let that slide knowing that you kept my honey bear safe." You couldn't help but giggle lightly hearing the nickname again. Negan smiled while his eyes darted down to where your head was still buried in his shoulder.
God, he missed you.
"I thank you, really. I'd like to repay you by.. Not killing your people," Rick nodded, everyone seemed to ease up at that information. You as well. "Thank you," Negan held his hand up to stop the Officer. "Don't thank me yet, you still have time to prove me wrong. I still think you're a murderous psychopath. Anyone could be friendly enough to help a major hottie like my baby here," he grinned, "Negan, stop." You protested, and he snickered. He loved getting under your skin.
"So, I'd like to make a deal with you. We join forces, so long as you don't kill any more of my men. What's yours, is mine," he spoke, a stern look in his eyes. "But, with that being said, I'll help you with whatever you need, too. Protection? We got the men. Medical? We could arrange something. Women? Well, maybe not that," He spoke with a shit-eating grin. Finally pulling you both up to your feet, Lucille abandoned on the ground. His hands found better things to grab.
Rick nodded, swallowing thickly. "Thank you, we all appreciate it," Negan shrugged, he had better things to focus on. Holding the sides of your face with a grin as you smiled back up at him. "No need, Rick the Prick," You rolled your eyes at his words. "I found a better way to spend my night anyways," he hummed, his smile quickly growing mischievous. You felt your body heat up at the remark. Eyes darting to the side out of embarrassment. "Now, come on, darlin'. How about I show you my joint, I'm sure you'll love it! It's safe, and I can make you that pasta you used to slurp up faster than my dick!" You let out a groan, rolling your eyes for the millionth time, but your smile ceased to fade. "You still blurt the stupidest things, Neeg'..." You sighed, and he snickered. An arm came to rest around your waist as he walked you over to his truck. "Well," He shot a glare over to the man that busted your lip and gave you the scraped cheek. "I haven't really changed that much." he purred, leaning over to kiss the side of your head.
Once you were in the safety of his truck, Negan ordered his men to let the others go. Telling them to inform Rick that they'd be back a week max in order to keep their promise of working together. Along with you being able to visit your friends and maybe grab some of your things to move into Sanctuary with him. Hell, maybe he could move to Alexandria with you if he liked the place enough. Make it an even safer outpost for him and his men - along with your 'family'. Hey, maybe you two could start a family of your own. Adopt a kid - maybe a dog or cat if there were still any in this shithole world. It was sure something he'd love to talk about with you in the future. Once the both of you got cozied up wherever you both decided to stay, after all.
"Did you miss me?" His voice was lower, staring at his lap before looking back over at you. "Of course I did, Papa bear," He smiled at the nickname, "I never stopped thinking about you, or hoping that I'd find you. Hell, I told the rest that I came in order to make sure Maggie was safe, but honestly," You grabbed his hand with a sigh. "I was hoping and praying the Negan we were dealing with was you." His smile only grew at your words. "You're a big enough asshat to pull all this off." He rolled his eyes this time, letting out a sigh. "Hun, you give me too much credit."
He wished he had a little more faith that you were still alive and out there. You were in Atlanta, Georgia visiting your family when this all went down, though. You couldn't blame a guy for giving up after not seeing his lover in nearly twelve years. It took a toll on him, and he would beat himself up over it 'til the day he died.
"Did you miss me?" You shot the question back at him, and he was quick to grab both of your hands. Scooting closer to you since you were both in the back seat. "My gorgeous, gorgeous, flower, I never stopped thinking about you, Every mornin' I wake up I hope to wake up next to you. Your sleeping face all peaceful and shit. I hope each and every goddamn time when I get out of the shower you'll be standing there, looking yourself over in the mirror before showing me a new shirt ya got. I've missed you so goddamn much, you don't even know," He muttered, a hand reaching up to hold the side of your face. "Look," he stated, pulling the hand back to reach down his shirt, and pulling out the necklace with the ring attached to it. "I still have that stupid ring you got me on our three-year anniversary." He smiled, and you did the same, looking it over in awe. You couldn't believe that he still had it. "I thought you hated that ring?" You asked cheekily, and he shrugged. "Do you believe everything I say?" You giggled, shaking your head 'no'.
The moment that you both arrived at the safety of the compound, Negan was dragging you inside. A hand on your hip in order to show everyone that you were off limits. You were his lover, no one else's. "Let's get ya cleaned up, then we can go lay down. I'll show ya around tomorrow, how 'bout that, sweetie pie?" You nodded, leaning against his side with a sigh. "Thank you, handsome," he grinned, "Well, don't mention it. I still got a reputation to keep. Gotta keep these men working for me!"
His hands were soft as they helped you clean your face off once in his bathroom. Brows furrowed as he focused on cleaning your cuts and not hurting you more than the disinfectant did. Muttering soft 'sorry's anytime you flinched. You knew he didn't mean it, though. "Baby, I'm so sorry this happened to you, I never meant for you guys to go and get hurt yet, I-" "Yet?" He frowned, "Well, you guys killed a lot of my men. Ya can't blame me for wantin' some of ya dead in return?" You frowned, rubbing your fingers together a bit nervously. "Hun, I won't be hurting none of your people anytime soon. You have my word, I promise you that." He sighed, leaning forward to press a kiss to your forehead.
You pondered his words, but ultimately believed him. If he did break that promise you wouldn't know what to do, but you prayed that he wouldn't. You knew Negan hated seeing you upset, and you only hoped that he truly hadn't changed that much.
You reached up to hold the sides of his face, staring at him for a moment before leaning in. Finally giving in and kissing him. He wanted nothing more than to kiss you the moment he knew you were real and not just his mind playing tricks on him, but honestly. He was terrified that you hated him.
His hands dropped everything in them. One hand resting on the back of your head, the other gripping at your thigh as you rest seated on the bathroom counter. His hips slotted between your thighs. "God, I missed you so fucking much," He muttered against your lips. Both of your eyes shut while you each clung to one another. Sharing kiss after kiss until Negan had enough of standing.
The leader was quick to lift you off the counter. Carrying you by your thighs into the connected bedroom that he called his own. Lying you down on the bed while climbing on top of you. His kisses growing more feverish and hungry. He was like a starved man given a full meal for the first time in ages. Soft breaths bleeding with your own while his hands touched and groped at your body.
The moment that you were tugging at his shirt with a desperate need to remove it. It was gone. His jacket and shirt both shrugged and tugged off, thrown messily on the floor by the bed.
His body was more aged than the last time you did this with him. Scars and cuts littered his chest and stomach, your fingertips brushing over each one that your eyes saw. He only smirked a toothy grin, "Miss it?" You snorted, "You're still just as cocky," He hummed at your response, leaning down to kiss the side of your throat. "Oh, you know it, baby. I'll die cocky too."
He was quick at removing your own shirt next. Allowing both his hands and mouth to explore your skin. Groping your body while he got to work at kissing and sucking. Biting over your stomach in order to leave marks on you. He missed marking you up for the masses to see. Let everyone know that you were his. His. His. His.
The activities progressed. You and Negan showered each other with the affection that you both missed. Tossing and turning in bed while he fucked you like a madman and then vice versa. Both of your hips were sore by the time he got done with you. Each of your bodies covered in scratches, bites, and hickeys. He couldn't have asked for a better night. "Shit, honey bear," he panted, you laying on his chest while he stared up at the ceiling. "I forgot how much you wear me out," a breathy laugh left his throat, and you only sniggered. "Go ahead and get used to it, babe, I don't plan on this being a one-night thing." He snickered, excitement coursing his veins. "Good, because I wouldn't let you go without a fight, babe."
He couldn't believe that you were back in his life. That he was actually holding you in his arms. After you both gave each other the best night you both have had in years. He couldn't let go of you, not when he just got you back. His arms were tight around your body, keeping you close in order to make sure that when he woke up this wouldn't be a dream. That he wouldn't wake up to empty arms and a cold bed. He was almost too scared to go to sleep, but having you back in his arms was like taking a sedative. His eyes slowly falling shut while he pulled you a little closer. A soft 'goodnight, love' falling from his lips.
When you woke up, you were met by a soft smile and tired eyes. Negans hand resting gently on the side of your face. Brushing your cheek with his thumb. "Mornin' gorgeous," you felt your heart race just from hearing the sound of his groggy voice. Smiling back while reaching out to wrap your arms around his neck. Pulling him in for a lazy kiss. "Mornin', asshole," a soft chuckle left his throat, "That's how ya feel huh? gonna call me an asshole now when I'm fairly certain the whole compound heard you screaming my name last night?" Your skin felt hot at his words, but you weren't about to let him win. "Oh yeah? You weren't any quieter Mr. "Oh fuck, oh shit, right there, shit, faster baby!" He furrowed his brows with a pout. "I did not say that," "Oh, but you did," you cooed, kissing the corner of his lips. Pressing on his chest in order to get him to move on his back. Stradling his hips like you had the night prior.
He was quick to pull you in for another kiss before he said anything, though. Pulling your hips down to meet his own. Both of you released a moan into each other's mouths. "Man, I love you, you know that? Don't think I've ever met anyone who's as feisty and cocky as you, well, besides myself." He grinned, and you sighed, kissing his cheek before laying down on his chest. "I love you too, you asshole." You responded, which earned a soft chuckle from your lover beneath you. His hands rub softly at your back and sides. He swore at that moment, that he was truly the happiest man on the face of the earth. If not that, then he was definitely the luckiest.
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oneshotnewbie · 1 year
Carina and Mayas girlfriend (love triangle) works at the vet clinic. Today she has a significant bad day because one of her patients died and she couldn't save them and it shows in her messages to Maya and Carina so the firefighter and/or Carina show up at work and tries to cheer her up with lots of kisses and affection?
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Authors note: This story is a bit shorter than others because I didn't have much time to write over the weekend. Have pity on me ❤
Summary:After a devastating loss for you, both Carina and Maya help you with some cuddles and affection.
Excited, the two woman walked up the ramp to the veterinary office where you worked to pay you a little visit with your favorite food in the luggage. They knew you did not like unannounced visits; you usually had a lot of patients of all sizes coming in either for regular treatment or emergencies that left you with no time in between to chat with your girlfriends.
However, according to your brief and unemotional messages to them, they had every reason to worry and so they teamed up during their lunch breaks to make their way over to check on you; to see how you were. "Excuse us, where can we find Doctor L/n?"
The lady at the reception had the landline phone stretched to her ear while she was typing on her computer; totally stressed out. Her gaze shifted to the two ladies in front of her for just a brief second, smiling when she saw the faces of her boss wives and she whispered a quick -One moment please- before turning back to the screen and reading aloud to the person on the phone.
Carina nodded and stepped back to protect the patients privacy. With a quick pull on one of Maya´s arm, she brought her behind the line of discretion. While they waited, the blonde nervously wiggled her leg and bit her lip; she just wanted to rush into your office and take you into her embrace- something bad must have happened to make you behave so cold towards them.
"Doctor DeLuca?" requested the receptionist after a short wait and the addressed turned around. She crossed the last few meters between her and the counter, leaning her elbows on the glass to listen to the other woman talking. "She is in her office but does not want to be disturbed right now. I am sorry."
Now Maya had also approached and put her hands on her hips. Her gaze was questioning and urgent; her eyebrows raised sharply, so that small wrinkles formed on her forehead. "With all respect, we know that you have your orders but she is our wife and we are worried so we are going in now and you will not stop us!"
She pushed past Carina, who previously bit her lip and then started moving backwards as she followed the blonde into your office. When they got there, both of the knocked wildly on your door with their open hand, but when you did not answer, the firefighter opened the door and was startled at the sight of you.
You sat on the sofa with your green scrubs on, your legs bent against your chest and your head tucked into your arms. A soft sob escaped your throat and your body trembled with every breath you took- you were so lost in your own grief that you did not even noticed the knocks and the footsteps approaching your form.
As the couch deepened next to you, strong arms wrapped around your midsection and a chin rested on your upper arm while someone knelt in front of you with a loud crack of their kneecap, trying to clear a path to your face. Two cold fingers gently and deliberately pulled your chin up and revealed your tearful face. "Baby, what happened?"
"Duke died," you choked out dejected and both woman immediately knew, who you were talking about. A German shepherd that you have had in your care since he was 12 weeks old.
After 10 years of living his best life, you diagnosed him with osteosarcoma a year ago, which was treated with multi-modal therapy consisting of surgery, chemo- and pain therapies which extended survival time and improved quality of life, but was not curable.
You tried to make the last few months as comfortable as possible for him, giving him the best therapy you could possibly offer but he lost the fight much faster than you thought and you had to relieve him from his agony this morning.
Through the years of bonding with each other, his death took you extremely hard and you suffered. "Bella, mi dispiace tanto. (Beautiful, I am so sorry)" Carina spoke in a hushed tone and snuggled closer to your lower legs as her head rested on your lap. Gentle kisses were placed on your bare skin. Her fingertips gently stroking your thighs. "It´s not your fault. Sometimes things like this happen in life and there´s nothing you can do about it."
Tears were still streaming freely down your face and you looked at the brunette in front of you. You knew she was right, there was nothing more you could have done. But you expected more time. A reasonable goodbye. By the time the family arrived with him, he was already too far gone to give you one last look or run his tongue over your face one last time.
Maya had meanwhile also pulled her legs up and sat cross-legged next to you to place you on her lap with a strong but loving jerk before starting to rock you in her tight hug. Your head disappeared into her shoulder and your arms wrapped around her, holding her as if she were about to slip out of your grasp should you stop digging your fingernails into her blouse.
"You know, angel.." Maya started to speak and started to place little kisses on the skin of your neck while taking a break from her sentence. "Even if it hurts you incredibly now, you have to see the positive side; you took Duke out of his pain and gave him a better after-life. Up there.." she stretched her hand up and pointed her finger to the sky, waiting for your gaze to follow up with her, "..he can play with other dogs and finally romp around without pain."
The doctor meanwhile got up from her uncomfortable seat on the floor and placed herself on the free side next to Maya. She brushed a strand of hair out of your face and let it disappear behind your ear before wrapping her arms around you and placing soft kisses on the side of the face, that was still visible. "Don´t cry, bella. Where he is now is the most beautiful place for him."
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zvdvdlvr · 1 year
I love ur work and if u need an idea I have one! So u are dating Darry and u have been for a while and u were friends with him and the others before for awhile. Y/N has really bad anxiety as Darry knows and if u are having trouble u go to him for help. But one day darry had to go to work and soda was hanging out with friends so it was just y/n and pony. You start to have one so pony helps comfort u and y/n is laying there head on his shoulder while reading them a book to help them calm down even more
(sorry for the long text )
- gentle lullaby
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🎟️ - SYNOPSIS : darry normally comforts y/n when they have a anxiety attack. when y/n spirals, who comforts them?
📼 - WARNINGS : anxiety attack, foul language, fluff, bad grammar cos thats how they talk, bad writing(?) idrk, bad parent relationship, past emotional & domestic abuse
📓 - K.J.'S DIARY SAYS... okay but why is the picture layout so bad? idk. anyways, thank you for the request!! don't worry, i'm not bothered by the size of the text requests &lt;3
💿 - READER PRONOUNS : they/them
🎞️ - PAIRINGS : romantic darry curtis x reader, platonic ponyboy curtis x reader
"You're late, Soda!" Darry hollared, buttoning up his work shirt. In response, a loud crash and "oh fuck!" was heard by the curtis kids and y/n. y/n chuckled lightly, standing uo to help button the five remaining buttons.
"One day he'll be fired if he shows up late again, y/n," Darry sighed.
y/n nodded. "It's only the third time this month, though. I'd say Soda's doin' fine. He has that half day today, remember? He'll be on time."
Darry cracked a grin. "It don't hurt to get 'im out of the house faster."
"Darrel Curtis! Ponyboy is in the house!"
The eldest Curtis child only laughed and pulled y/n in for a kiss.
"I gotta go, otherwise I'll be late," Darry murmured. "Bye, be safe."
"I'd worry 'bout those brothers of yours, Darry," y/n said, following Darry to the door. They both heard Ponyboy scoff.
After grabbing his coat, Darry turned around with a smile. "I do," he replied. Darry kissed y/n one more time before saying a goodbye to Pony and leaving.
As y/n heads to the kitchen to start making some extra cake, Soda flits from room to room, making sure he has everything. "Bye!" He yells, walking out the door.
That left Pony on the couch reading a book, and y/n pulling numerous items from cabinets in the kitchen.
As the time passed, y/n started thinking. They thought about all the times y/n and Darry made the chocolate cake the Curtis family was known for. Darry would make it the best, though y/n ran a close second so he normally made it while y/n admired Darry.
y/n maneuvered the pan of cake batter into the oven and closed the oven. With a sigh, they started to clean up. y/n crossed one side of tge tiny kitchen to another multiple times, carrying spoons and bowls.
A glass measuring bowl that was used to measure oil and water was last. Absentmindedly, y/n grabbed the body of the measuring cup and turned to head to the sink.
Then the glass slipped. y/n watched eyes widening as the glass made contact with the floor and shattered. "Oh shit," y/n whispered, watching large shards of glass slide around on the floor.
Their eyes welled with tears. Suddenly, they were back at their parent's house, getting blood on the floor because of their hastiness to clean up broken glass.
"He's gonna kill me," y/n whimpered, dropping to their hands and knees, completely numb to the pain of the glass nicking their hands. y/n's jeans got little tears in them. "Crap, he's gonna kill me."
y/n couldn't help but think about their dad. Time and time again y/n would drop a glass or a mug or even a plate; and time and time again y/n would get a beating from it always followed with a "I paid for this and you wanna go breakin' my stuff! Don't apologize, you bring this onto yourself every time you're careless with my dishes!"
"I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry! I'll clean it up, I promise I didn't mean to," y/n rambled as they used their hands to gather up the glass and dump it into the garbage can. Tears rolled down their face and their chest shook on every step.
"y/n stop, you're getting blood everywhere," Ponyboy stated. Glass crunched under his comverse as he crouched down beside y/n tolet them know that it was Pony beside them and no one else.
"Pony?" y/n askee, voice cracking.
"Yeah, it's me. Let's go." Pony ushered a sobbing y/n into the living room when y/n sat down on Darry's (and y/n's) chair Pony hightailed it to the bathroom to gather peroxide, bandaids, and then grabbed a couple towels.
"Let me see you're hands," Pony mumbled, dropping everything to the floor beside the chair. Pony carefully grabbed y/n's hands and felt his eyebrows raise considerably. This was not going to feel good in the next dew weeks, Pony thought. He uncapped the peroxide and dumped some onto the towel. From there, Ponyboy dapped lightly at the open wojnds on y/n's hands and wrists. Their crying had almost stopped by now, only occasionally withholding a shudder at the sting of the disinfectant.
"Do you want me to do your knees or... do you want to do it?" Pony's cautious voice almost made y/n tear up again.
They smiled, teary-eyed. y/n had to be strong for Pony. "No thanks, thing three. I think- I think I can get it," they said. Pony blinked. "Will you help me wrap my hands though?"
Pony eased the white guaze from y/n's shaky hands and started wrapping. He ignored the quivering of y/n's hands and their shaky breath, for he knew y/n was born to... crueller folk. For y/n's sake Pont didn't say anything. He hadn't said anything when he saw y/n flinch (very) violently at the way Sodapop flew over to Darry to bear hug him. Pony hadn't said anything whenever y/n fleetingly avoided eye contact whenever the subject of 'mistreatment' (as the teachers at Pony's school call it) at home. And now Pony wasn't gonna say anything to y/n about what just happened because Pont really liked y/n; they were good for the whole family, but especially for Darry.
"Thanks, kid," y/n murmured when Pony was done. "Read to me while I patch myself up?"
Mustering a convincing happy smile, Pony snatched up his copy of Boston Jane as y/n tentively started dabbing at the smaller cuts on their knees.
It took a long time, really. y/n couldn't move their hand too well so that slowed down the process a lot. But eventually- after two chapters- y/n got themself cleaned up and put everything away.
y/n felt really small in Darry's chair- it wasn't right without him. "C'mere," y/n said. They patted the small space beside them and waited for Pony to comtinue reading before letting their head rest on Pony's ungreased hair.
. ° . • ✭ • . ° .
That's how Darry found the pair hours later. He chuckled softly as he closed the screen door. Darry knew y/n had anxiety- specifically separation anxiety, so Darry was glad Pony was there for y/n. He toed off his shoes and went to kitchen to grab a drink.
"Oh christ," Darry cursed suddenly. He luckily saw the shattered glass amd dried blood before he stepped on it.
Darry grabbed a dustpan and broom and easily sweeped the glass up before disposing of it. After that, Darry grabbed a plastic water bottle and headed out to the living room.
Setting down his water, Darry couldn't help but smile at the way Pony's book was nestled on his chest. Darry carefully slid Pony from y/n's protective hold and picked him up.
Darry set his youngest brother on his bed and untied his shoes. After softly brushing away a stray hair from Pony's forhead, Darry set Pony's shoes in his closet and then left.
"Hey sweetheart," Darry murmured softly after crouching in front of y/n. "How'd you sleep?"
y/n blinked, shrugging away Darry's hand to stretch out and get their bearings. "Fine, fine. What time's it?" y/n slurred, voice gravelly with sleep.
"Bout..." Darry started, looking around for a clock, "one in the afternoon."
y/n nodded. "Will you... hold me? It was a rough day..."
Smiling, Darry sat down in his chair. He felt his chest swell with warmth when y/n wrapped themself around Darry, burrying their face in his neck. "I broke a glass today," y/n began. "I didn't mean to, Darry, I promise. I'm sorry I broke a glass and then got blood all over the floor."
"It's okay, sweetheart, I'm not mad. Are you okay? You get yourself cleaned up?" Darry's fingers traced patterns on y/n's back as Darry soothed his beloved.
"Yeah. Pony helped me." y/n closed their eyes. "I know you don't hear them say it, but you're raising those boys right and well. I think you're the reason Pony cares as much as he does and i think you're the reason Soda always tries to see the best in things. We love you, Dare."
As y/n drifted off back into sleep, Darry felt himself tear up. He knew he was harsh on his little brothers, he knew it good and well. But Darry also felt like every waking day he failed his little brothers. Every day Darry was down the boys' necks, making sure they were where they needed to be, on time and ready for the day. Every day Darry tried his hardest to support the family- and the gang- even when that meant raised voices and misunderstandings.
Darry sure as the sun in the sky that he wasn't perfect, but for his family, he'd sure try to be.
🏷️ taglist -> @paxdawg
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Helpless part 41, if you only look for the darkness that’s all you’ll ever see
"Will... can I talk to you?" She seemed... quieter than usual, almost scared.
"'Course Kay, what's up?" He moved closer to her on his bed, in the otherwise empty cabin, everyone else had already left for lunch.
"Well there's two things." Kayla was biting her nails, almost as if she was scared to continue.
"Are you alright? Has something happened? Do I need to beat anyone else up because you know I won't hesitate." She hoped this would go well, she needed this to go well otherwise she didn't know what the fuck she was going to do.
"No- Will it's not that I'm fine just- I wanted to tell you... I'm nonbinary, and I've been wanti-." He wrapped his arms around them, pulling into a hug.
"Thank you for telling me Kay, does anyone else know?"
"I was going to tell Austin last night but I couldn't find him, he's probably trying and failing to write music somewhere."
"That's a very Aussie thing to do; also I'm so proud of you." He ruffled their hair placing a kiss to their forehead.
"Will... there's something else I need to talk to you about." The child of Apollo's voice cracked in fear, they were shaking badly.
"Is everything okay...?"
"Your normally the one doing this but I guess someone has to do it to you."
"What do yo-"
"Will, I know about everything. You're not allowed to work, at all until you yourself are in a better state-"
"No, you aren't working and I've already set you up with a therapist with Piper's help."
"So she told you?"
"She just said to keep an eye on you, so I did. You can't take care of everyone without taking care of yourself first."
"I'm not worth it, I can't fight so I need to make myself useful in some other way."
"Don't you fucking dare say that, Solace you need help and you will be getting it because I can't lose another brother." Tears fell from their eyes, Will pulled them into a hug,
"You won't lose me."
"It pretty well fucking seems like it considering the only thing you've eaten in weeks is nectar and ambrosia just enough to keep you alive, you haven't drank water in who knows how long, you work practically 24/7, you've fainted like twelve times in the last few days and hid in your office thinking no one would fucking notice, I really don't know how many meds you're taking to keep yourself alive but I know it's more than it should be because this isn't fucking healthy. You scared the living shit out of me so many fucking times because every time I see you looking half dead and I just think what if you physically can't take it anymore. Will you can't kill yourself, I can't fucking do this alone. People are being shit, I'm left trying to comfort crying children while I'm on the verge of tears myself, and Austin is doing who the fuck knows what because he keeps running off at random hours and acting weird as fuck. I can't fucking take this any longer and you aren't leaving me alone in this shit." They wiped the tears with the side of their sleeve.
"I- I-I'm sorry."
"Don't apologise, just please, for the love of Apollo, take care of yourself."
"I'll try." He would, but he knew there was no point.
"No working does include everyone by the way, that includes Nico, you can still see him I know that technically isn't protocol but it's probably better for everyone, you just don't have any actually medical authority." They conveniently left out the part that depending on how he was in a few days he might be joining Nico in the infirmary.
"Okay, yeah just please if it's ever too much let me help you."
"Austin can do that, you need time for yourself for once, maybe talk to some of the younger kids because they're terrified of you by the way."
"Why exactly?"
"I mean at first they thought you weren't real because you were never in the cabin then that turned to a ghost that was haunting the cabin which everyone called the head."
"Yeah I'll go talk to them, and Kay, thank you."
"You don't have to run the world on your own Summer Child."
"You're also an Apollo child." He said rolling his eyes,
"Yeah but I'm not blonde, catch ya later, gotta go find Austin."
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hongmingoo · 9 months
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Pairing: Jeon Wonwoo x reader
Synopsis: Nothing could have ever prepared Wonwoo for this. Nothing. Those six months of preparation couldn't even help him stand on his feet now. His world has crumbled, shattered– destroyed beyond repair. 
Inspired by: I can't run away | SEVENTEEN HHU, In the stars | Benson Boone
Word count: 1.2k
Warnings: MINORS DNI | Major character death, critical ilness, heavy angst, very slight mention of suicide, mental illness, self loathe, hurt. Let me know if i miss anything.
Today is another day of him walking through the day in mute, like a zombie. Wake up, cold shower, coffee, go to work, came home, ate dinner at Joshua's and went home to sleep. Before sleep, he washed up, and sat up at his desk to write a journal. To keep his sanity. His fingers caressed a photo of you, hidden in between the pages. 
Without warning, his tears fall yet again. He doesn't even remember when was the last time he could fully smile. His heart broke at the sight of you, his dearest, in a pale yellow summer dress, smiling so brightly while staring at the sun. Wonwoo wept, with all his heart until he fell asleep on the desk from exhaustion.
"Wonwoo-yah. I really appreciate you loving my sister this much. But you being like this broke my heart to pieces. Let her go, Wonwoo. It has been 5 years since she passed. I don't think Y/n would've wanted to see you in pain like this. Please, talk to us," Joshua, his brother-in-law said, his voice cracking a bit.They were in the middle of drinking. It was their weekly routine. 
Wonwoo raised his head to look up at him. He saw that tears were filling the waterline in his eyes. His lips turned up a bit in a sad smile. 
"I can't," the younger man croaked, his clenched fist raised in the air before punching at his chest weakly. Wonwoo choked on his own sobs before he broke down completely, for the nth time. 
His mind brought him back to the memory of 5 years ago.
He was still blissfully resting in your arms. But somehow, you looked restless. There was something on the tip of your tongue, but you couldn't bring yourself to say it. Of course, he noticed this so he asked you what was wrong.
"Do you remember that I said that I was going for a check up at the hospital last week? Because I collapsed the day before," you asked.
"Yeah. What about it?" He replied, looking up at you with loving eyes. You took a deep shuddering breath, and that somehow alerted him that he's going to hear something that he won't like. 
"I was diagnosed with cancer. The same one that killed my mom. And they're already in my backbone…" you uttered and Wonwoo felt like his gut had been punched very strongly. His ears are ringing and his breath hitches. When he doesn't reply, you added,
"The doctors predicted that I'll only have 6-12 months at most due to how fast they're progressing. I- I'm sorry, Won" you broke down, pulling him into your embrace when you see the broken expression plastered across his beautiful face. 
"Why are you sorry? It's not your fault, it's just–" he choked on his tears too, holding onto you so tightly. 
What he said was true, it wasn't your fault. None of these are. But somehow it felt like it was. You never want to make him cry, never want to be the reason for his sadness and misery. But, not telling him about this news just to avoid seeing him sad would be unfair to him. Wonwoo is your husband, your lover. He deserves to know. After all, it takes two sides to make a relationship work. 
"Let's try everything we can okay? Every possible treatment available. Every therapy, and every remedy we can find. You'll be with me all along the way, right?" You assured, trying desperately to lighten up the heavy air between the two of you. 
Your small hands cups his beautiful face, gently wiping away the tears that cascading down his soft skin. 
"I love you, Wonwoo. So so much" 
"I love you too, Y/n. Please don't leave me"
As promised, you guys tried every possible treatment you can, and you stayed strong through it all, no matter how painful it is for you. Wonwoo could see how battered your small body got after every chemo, but you still smiled so sweetly at him. It made him feel guilty at some point to see you hurting like that. But he's a selfish man. He wants you to be with him forever. He doesn't want you to leave him. Even though he painfully knows that you dying would mean you won't be hurting anymore.
It's in the middle of the fourth month that you collapsed again, and this time it takes you 2 attempts at CPR and 24 hours to regain consciousness. The guilt is eating away at Wonwoo, seeing you so weak and fragile– very much in pain. He couldn't bring himself to see you like this. And yet, he didn't say anything but wished you would fight through it all for him. Because you love him. And you wouldn't leave someone you love. 
But fate seems to hate him for thinking so, for being so selfish. 
2 weeks after the 6th month, you breathed your last, in his arms, with tears staining your pale face. Wonwoo hated himself for making you cry even in your last moments, that your last words being you're sorry, instead of saying you love him. 
In that moment, he was sure that you hated him too, for forcing you to go through all those painful chemotherapies, for taking disgusting meds, for not being able to be strong and let you go. You were sick and in pain, but he still clings to you like a child. 
And for that, he refused to forgive himself. He let himself be in the deepest darkness possible, loathes himself so much that no one could save him. He would then go see you and apologize for being so stupid. He believed that he was the reason that you were in so much agony. 
But, so deep in his heart, he desperately wished that you would forgive him. That you'd tell him it's okay, it was normal to be afraid. So that he can be free from his misery. He wished that you'd pet his head and tell him you still love him despite his stupidity, so that he can breathe properly again. 
That night, after 5 long years, you appeared in his dream. Looking so ethereal like a literal goddess. You took him in your loving embrace, kissed his face and hair so gently like he's so fragile. You let him weep in your arms for who knows how long. 
"I love you so much, Wonwoo. Please don't be in pain anymore" 
His eyes shot open, seeing he's passed out at Joshua's couch as usual. The windows are open a bit to let the cool air in. And for the first time in a while, he can breathe properly. The heavy feelings confining his chest have dissipated and he believed that it's your doing. 
"I love you, Y/n. Thank you for staying with me"
And that night, Wonwoo realized that you might not be there with him physically, but you'll always be there in his heart and mind. 
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cirrus-ghoulette · 24 days
okay this is in response to the anon with the substance abuse/ED Dew ask/story (cw medical stuff. unforseen consequences of the actions he took in that story. talk of Dew's elemental transition and therapy n stuff.)
I swear I don't know what came over me. I swear some fucking ghost of a writer possessed me cus Ive NEVER written anything like fiction or stories or anything like this (at least, I dont write them down, most of my OC stories are just in my head)
Imagine, they finally get him into the infirmary and discover EXACTLY the kind of, and especially AMOUNT of damage this has caused. Both sets of gills shriveled and severely dehydrated. The ones on his torso almost disappearing between the sharp juts of his ribs. They find out he was using makeup and maybe something he'd put in his cheeks to keep the sunken cheek look as faint as possible. So when they take that all away, he looks GAUNT. The fins on his ears and body all look weak, floppy and shriveled. He can't move his fingers and toes as easily because the fin-like skin in between is so brittle and shriveled, it threatens to tear. His horns are cracked in several places. His hair has lost its shine.
The quints and human Dr's and nurses do their best but after a while they realise. They can't save most of the fins. His inner gills could possibly be saved but who knows if they'd still work or not.
Ifrit had already been thinking of retiring for a while, but seeing Dew like this, he couldn't take it. So he decided he would retire. He would spend most of his days at Dew's bedside, just praying for things to work out. Vowing he would take care of Dew, no matter what happened.
After this, the difficult decision was made to transition Dew into a fire ghoul. There was a lot of opposition, as you can imagine. However, as Omega and Aether explained to the pack, through tears. This was the most promising way to save Dew. He would be kept in a magically induced coma, to help his body heal. This would also give them some time to pump his body full of the nutrients it so desperately needed. Even if they didn't transition him, he would never be able to swim like a water ghoul. Most of the processes that would happen during the transition were already happening, most of his fins were already about to crumble away, his gills might never work again anyway.
He stayed in that coma for 2 months. 2 agonizing months of Ifrit at his bedside, helping Aether, Omega and the nurses turn him over to keep from getting bedsores, washing him, reading to him, bringing flowers to brighten up the room, even if Dew couldn't see it.
At long last Dew woke up. For weeks he could barely speak, his vocal cords cramped up due to disuse and the abuse they'd been put through with the dehydration and then the burning of his gills. Part of his inner gills were left, but the openings had been singed closed. He could still sometimes feel them trying to pull in air, causing him to have difficulty breathing as his body fought between which form of breathing it should use. It took a while for his horns to grow back in. They'd broken off and basically turned to dust a few days after the transition. His hair was shorter, having to be cut due to how far the split ends went up and the fear of them irritating the healing scars on his gills and ears. Ifrit had tried to argue, but even when he brushed and washed Dew's hair every day, he couldn't keep it looking well. Luckily, by the time Dew woke up, it had grown out a bit since they cut it. At that time it was just between the bottom of his ear and his jaw.
He cried, a lot.
He cried for the things he had to leave behind. He cried for Ifrit, feeling like its his fault that he quit. He cried for Aether who had to make such a difficult decision. He cried for Mountain, who had been struggling to keep the pack together during all this time. He cried for his old pack, some of whom, already knew they would retire, feeling like he let them down. He cried for the future he would never have.
Eventually his physical wounds had healed enough that he was allowed back to the den. From then on, he was put on watch. He wasn't allowed to drink alcohol. His food and water intake was strictly monitored. He wasn't allowed to be alone for more than an hour at a time. Always sleeping with someone else in the room.
He got therapy. Went to rehab. Things that were luckily able to be done within the church either via professionals who worked at other Abbey's who came to visit (or who he would visit) and online meetings. This way he could fully open up, not have to leave the whole elemental transition as an after thought. Didn't have to stay in control of his emotions enough to keep up his glamour.
Slowly but surely, things started to get better. He didnt have those dark thoughts as often anymore. And when he did, he knew how to deal with them. He could go to his pack for help. When the new summons arrived, it was tense for a while. Especially between him and Rain.
One night, Dew had snuck out, gone to the lake. He missed it, so much. He didn't know how to swim without his fins and gills and tail helping him. So he sat at the pier, staring into the water, tears slowly dripping in, making ripples appear. Of course, the rest had noticed and were frantically searching for him. That is when Rain felt a pull to go look at the lake. He didn't really know why but, hey, at least it's something right? So he made his way over. Texting the group that he had found Dew and that he would let them know if he needed help. he Slowly walked up to Dew, trying not to startle him and sat down besides him. It was quiet for a long time. Rain began to wonder if maybe he should call Mountain or Aether. They always knew how to help Dew.
"I just.. wish I could go one more time" Dew sighed. Rain startled, waiting a moment before replying. "go.. where?" "the lake. Swimming...its my own fault I know but.." Dew trailed off "I guess its no use moping. I cant. Not without my fins and gills anyway" Dew tried to joke but, it was painfully clear how much it hurt him.
"..what if you didn't need them?" Rain offered softly after a moment "I could help. I could keep both of us afloat so you don't need to think about swimming or staying above water. Just, be in the water." A moment of dead silence rang out over the Abbey grounds. As if nature itself was holding its breath, waiting to see if they'd take the plunge.
"ya know what, nevermind forget I said any-" Rain began to utter after a moment, but was quickly interrupted "Do you mean it? Will you.. keep me afloat?" Rain stared for a moment, before smiling softly "of course. I'll keep you safe"
and so, Rain let himself slip into the water, right off the pier. He came back up, holding out his hands for Dew to hold. He grasped them tightly, taking a deep breath, feeling his gills frantically beating against his scars, trying to close his airways. And jumped.
At first the rush of ice cold water hit him, making him gasp, getting some water as well. As soon as he hit the water, Rain was pulling him back up, arms grasped around his middle to keep him up effectively. Dew coughed and gasped, expelling the small bit of water from within him. Then, when he calmed down, he giggled. giggles turning into chuckles, chuckles turning into laughing, laughing turning into full crying belly laughs. Rain smiling at him the entire time.
Once Dew's laughter calmed down a bit, Rain pulled him along, had both of them float on the surface. One arm always under Dew's middle, holding onto his side. As they were floating peacefully, Dew told Rain what had happened, about his transition. He had known vaguely that Dew used to be a water ghoul like him but due to some kind of accident he had to be transitioned. But he never knew the specifics. Didn't want to pry.
The rest of the time they spend softly talking, laughing and crying with moments of comfortable silence, listening to nature, as it finally breathed a sigh of relief. Pointing at stars and the clouds. Telling stories and jokes. After 2 hours, Aether got worried again and went out to the lake to check on them. However when he saw them, he only took a picture and left quietly. They were all cosied up, napping together while holding hands, Dew's head laying on Rain's chest. And the picture? Well, let's just say, the little otter couple floating next to them added a good visual comparison of what the two floating ghouls looked like.
(again idk what writer ghost fucking possessed me but thanks bestie??)
This is amazing!!!!
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