#i dont think i shall respond but will leave the comments up for a bit to see if staff does anything abt it
2percentsugar · 7 months
so, a little while ago, someone left this absolute stinker of a comment on my userpage
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rude as hell given the star of david in my bio but like whatever, theyre a kid. perhaps it would behoove me to explain, in dressed down terms, that this sort of thing is part of a 2000 year old tradition of christians denying that judaism is a seperate faith from theirs, and thus implying that we should be christian
it did not behoove.
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i forgot about this until today, nearly a month later, when i got this lovely gift on my userpage:
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it could almost be a textbook example of supersessionist antisemitism if it werent so fucking stupid
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kiribaku-queen · 3 years
The Blood King and his Queen [7]
Pairing: Bakugou x reader
Romance, Angst, Drama
Word count: 2.4K
Summary:  From being a mere servant girl to marrying the scariest prince in existence, your world changed right before your eyes. Exchanging places with the princess, you knew, wasn’t going to be easy. But could you have found love on the way? Or was it never meant to be?
A/N: I hope you guys really enjoy this chapter because I think its my favorite chapter so far! FYI, if I don't update this series in a while, it'll be because I am working on an 18+ oneshot for a collab for Bakugou's birthday. So if that does happen, the regular uploads will happen after Bakugou's birthday. And let me tell you, its going to be S P I C Y~
But I can't express how surprised I am by all the love I'm receiving! I really wish I could respond to all your comments, but again, this is my side blog so I can't comment! If ya'll want to follow me on my main... please dont. LOL not to be mean or anything but I don't use my main at all and I don't post ever so there's no point in following me there :)
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Your heart physically dropped when he said that. You felt sick. Your palms were sweating and shaking. The air around you grew dense and you felt like you couldn’t breath. You couldn’t move for that matter.
What would he do to you if he found out that you weren’t really a princess? That you were a fake lying to him this whole time. It made you sick, just imaging every cruel thing he could do once he found out. But then you remembered, he wasn’t like all the rumors you heard. He was different. He was kind and understanding. He wouldn’t really ruin you if he found out, would he? You shook away the thought. The more you think about it, the more you were likely to get caught.
You were completely exhausted from all that labor you produced in a week’s time. Town after town, you were able to help his people even if it was just a little bit. But it sure depleted a lot of energy out of you. You don’t know if you’ve ever been this drained before in your entire life. It’s not like you had to do hard physical labor back at the palace. This experience was hard on you but also gave you insight on the prince and his kingdom.
Completely drained of your energy, you sat down on one of the tree trunks his soldiers brought for you at the camp not far away from the village you were at. The impoverished village didn’t have enough shelter as is, so you were left with no option but to set up your own shelter. It wasn’t a big deal to you anyway since that’s how you’ve been spending your nights so far.
All the soldiers had gathered around to take a breather for the night and drink away the stress. You weren’t a drinker, but enjoyed the atmosphere the soldiers created: fun and rowdy, like they didn’t give a care in the world. They were dancing on tables, clinking their drinks together, singing songs while hooking their arms around each other’s shoulders.
You laughed at the sight and stretched out your arms. How you wanted to continue the night away but your muscles were soar and aching. A physical exhaustion that you weren’t used to and didn’t want to get used to.
Bakugou was watching his crew from the door, arms crossed and enjoying his crew have fun. He was never the one to be center of attention, so he had his own fun from the back. He saw the way you extended your arms, faced wincing from how sore you were. Cute. It was your last night of volunteer work, why not end the night with something special?
You felt the Blood Prince’s breath sneak up behind your neck, sending chills down your spine.
“Tired?” he asks.
“Maybe just a little,” you admit. You look up at him and he’s giving you those soft yet piercing eyes. He goes to sit next to you and everything is just… peaceful. In that moment you felt content. You felt free. If this was how life was out of the palace, if this was more to life than just serving a spoiled princess, then you didn’t want to leave.
“I am impressed, princess,” Bakugou spoke. “This whole trip, you never, not once sat out. You helped the whole time. Are you sure you’re a princess?” he side eyed you.
“If I am not a princess, then what am I?” you asked back. (y/n), what are you doing? You could expose yourself and everything would be ruined! But for some reason, you wanted to be selfish. You wanted to know his reaction and how he would respond. Maybe you would give up your whole mission for him.
“An innocent and hardworking beauty that is not a princess. She is my future queen who will help me restore this kingdom.” He came closer to you, meaning every single word. Your eyes softened and you got emotional, almost to the point of tears. He’s smiling at you, but suddenly gets up. But gestures for you to take his hand. Of course you did.
“I want to show you something,” he says and leads you away from the crowd of people and into the woods.
You two were walking for a while, your hand in his the whole way. He hadn’t told you where he was leading you to but it had to be something special if he was dragging you to what seemed like all across the country to get to your destination.
“Your highness, are we almost there yet?” you asked, fatigue hitting you once again.
“Almost,” he responds, continuing to look ahead. You huffed and held on tight to his hand so you didn’t get lost or left behind. After a few more minutes of walking, you felt the air get hotter and thinner. Bakugou smiles in front of you, looking excited.
“We’re here,” he announces. He pulls back these huge leaves, revealing a natural hot spring. The water was clear enough that you could see right through it, steam rising from the water, and rocks surrounding it, creating this gorgeous, peaceful atmosphere. Your eyes lit up and a loud gasp escaped your lips.
“How did you find this place?” you asked, getting closer to the hot spring.
“You like it? None of my men know about this place,” he says.
“It’s beautiful!” you continue to gasp, feeling the water with your hands. The heat of the water made you giddy and you couldn’t wait to hop in.
“You deserve it,” Bakugou comes up to, whispering in your ear. His statement made you blush, but this time, you didn’t hide it. He smirks behind you and you heard something falling to the floor. You dare turn around to see Bakugou shirtless, discarding his clothes one by one. As if your face wasn’t hot enough, steam was coming out of your ears with embarrassment.
“What are you doing?” you freaked out, turning around immediately.
“Getting in,” he said in the most obvious tone of voice.
“You’ll be on one side and I’ll be on the other,” he points out a huge rock, separating the hot spring into two pools. That seems a little better, but the idea of soaking in a hot spring together with the prince was nerve wracking.
“Princess, you can enter first, if that makes you feel better,” he suggested. When you turn to look at him, he already had his back turn out of respect for you.
So you undress and enter the heated water, noticing that all your muscles relaxed and the aches started going away as soon as you hit the water. You lean the back of your head on the rock and allow yourself to fully relax and destress. You could hear water splashing from the other side of the rock, indicating that Bakugou had also entered the water. Humming in satisfaction. You grew deeper and deeper in the hot spring until your nose was sitting on top of the water.
“Princess, I realize that I don’t know your name,” Bakugou spoke. Your name? You stayed silent. Was it wise to use your own name or should you continue to play as the princess?
“(y/n).” you decided.
“(y/n),” Bakugou repeated, elongating your name as if he stopped saying it, it’d disappear from him forever. The way your name left his lips felt like butter to him. He couldn’t help himself from repeated your name over and over again in his mind. You giggled and looked over the rock, arms crossed and head resting over them.
“Your highness, allow me to scrub your back,” you offered. Bakugou waved his hand while shaking his head.
“Nonsense. You shall not attend to me. We’re here to relax,” he had to remind you. But you insisted.
“But I want to, Prince Bakugou,” you pouted, jutting out your bottom lip.
“The high and mighty princess wants to wash the blood Prince’s back?” he questions playfully. He glances back to see you resting on top of the rock, giving him your big doe eyes.
“If you insist,” he gave up. He turns his back again, making sure to give you the privacy you needed to be able to come over to his side. You make your way over to him, covering your breasts in case. When you got settled behind him, you started washing his back.
You expected Bakugou to have scars from his many battles he’s had, but you didn’t expect his back to be covered in decolored and deformed wounds. Unknowingly, your hands went up to caress each scar.
“Does that frighten you?” he asks.
“Not at all,” you tell him honestly. “I think it makes you very brave.”
A comfortable silence fell upon you. Only the sound of water running and insects in the background could be heard. That was until you felt poke your butt. The hairs on your body hiked and you screamed as loud as you could, rising from the water in panic.
“Princess!” Bakugou instinctively put protection mode on, shooting up from his place to see what the danger was. You immediately clung to him, Bakugou wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close. What Bakugou saw wasn’t an enemy but rather, a wild Japanese macaque monkey poking his head out of the water.
“Shoo!” Bakugou scared the monkey out of the water and back into the forest. Bakugou grunted and relaxed his shoulders. “Damn monkeys. I thought they only came out during the winter season. Are you okay, prin…cess,” he looked down at you only for you to look up at him with your exposed chest fully pressed against his chest. Now this could easily be the most embarrassing moment of your entire life. Your face heated up with embarrassment and you let out another scream, using all your force to slap him across the face. Bakugou wasn’t expecting such a reaction and it caught him off guard. You put for much force into the slap that Bakugou flew back and fell into the water. You ran out of the spring, covering up as fast as you could.
Bakugou had never been so flustered in his life. He was a blushing mess and now the image of your naked breasts on him could not escape his mind. He needed time to calm himself down and a certain friend from getting too excited.
When you both had returned back to the rest of the crew, everybody had been knocked out cold from the alcohol. Thank goodness, because they couldn’t see how awkward you two were at the moment. That night, you slept in the tent again while Bakugou camped outside.
But you couldn’t sleep. How could that situation happen to you, out of all people? You weren’t sure how much he saw of your naked body. Maybe he didn’t see anything at all. But you saw the expression on his face, he definitely saw something. You covered your chest and closed your eyes. To think that a man saw your body and it wasn’t even your wedding night.
You felt the wind enter your tent, the chill making you shiver. If it was cold inside the tent, it must be extra cold outside. Bakugou was sleeping outside. You bit your lip in confliction. You wanted him to be warm but that means you had to confront him. Ah, fuck it. You opened your tent and saw Bakugou resting on the grass with his cape wrapped around him. And it wasn’t doing a very good job because you could see him shivering. He couldn’t hide it no matter how hard he tried.
“Would you like to come inside?” you invite him in.
“It’s for you, princess,” he reminded you.
“I understand. But it’s too cold to be sleeping out here. Please. I insist,” you urged. He opens one eye and sighs.
“As you wish, princess,” Bakugou gave in. You scooted over to make room for the large man to sleep next to you. Bakugou made himself comfy but he was a tad too tall for the tent that he had to have his legs hanging out. The opening of the tent revealed the big, bright moon overhead.
“I’m sorry for hitting you,” you apologized. Bakugou just lets out a breath.
“It’s whatever. I didn’t see anything, by the way,” he reassures you. Embarrassed again, you unconsciously covered your chest.
“You sure?”
“Erased from my mind,” he says as he closes his eyes and moves his hands around his head, as if he was erasing his memory. You laugh at his antics, more comfortable with the mood that was created. Bakugou laughs with you and turns to you, meeting eyes. This is the nth time that his heart leapt when you stare at him with those innocent, childlike eyes. He clears his throat and all of a sudden, his ears got red.
“The moon is beautiful, isn’t it?” Bakugou professed. You blinked in confusion. You weren’t sure why he said that. Glancing up at the moon, you guess you could say that it was beautiful. It was a full moon, and shone brightly above your heads. You weren’t versed in the poetics so you couldn’t comprehend the message the Blood Prince was trying to get at you.
“The moon is especially beautiful tonight. But isn’t the moon beautiful every night?” you responded.
Bakugou looks are you in mortification. Fuck, did he just get rejected? His ears got hot and he covered his mouth with his hands.
“Yeah… yeah it is,” he agreed, embarrassed. He took a deep breath in and back out again to calm his beating heart. You look over at him to see him a little distressed. You softly smiled, another side you got to see of him. It was cute. You could feel your heartbeat starting to pick its pace up and that’s when you realized. Gathering up all the courage you could muster, you leaned over to kiss him on the cheek you slapped.
“Good night,” you quickly say, then turned over to face away from him. Bakugou stops everything in his tracks and is frozen. He couldn’t help but smile and fall asleep next to you.
The moment you made the decision to kiss him was when you knew that you wanted to be selfish. You wanted to become his queen and rule his kingdom together. You were going to forget your past life. You were going to forget this mission you were on. You were the princess now. That was his truth and you weren’t going to change it.
A/N: For those who don't know, the phrase "the moon is beautiful, isn't it" or 月が綺麗ですね is a more poetic way of saying "I love you" in olden Japanese. And then the response to that would be "I can die happy" or 死んでもいいわ. Just for reference.
As I said before, I absolutely love this chapter and I really really REALLY want to know your reactions and thoughts!
Spoiler: drama starts in the next chapter :)
If you'd like to be tagged, please let me know in the comments or DM me! and if you'd like to be tagged when my 18+ oneshot comes out, let me know too! I love you all!
Tagged: @superblyspeedydragon @melasnchz-things @animexholic @bkgwrites @sam-i-am-1025 @apexqueenie @katsukibabe @germfart3 @tspice283 @angie-1306 @bakugous-trauma @bakugousmrs @random-fandom-girl-24 @monetfatalia @triviajeongin @readingslumpfanfic @softredrobin @briefhoundpartynickel @bnhahegao
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
Sometimes moving on is good pt6?
anyAys byeeeee
It was a few weeks later, you were going out roller skating like you promised diane a few days ago.
"You ready" you said softly while she put on her coat.
"Yeah are you?"
"Of course, honey it's a little chilly outside...you should put on your scarf"
As you put it on her you kissed her cheek, "there you are...all set"
She looked at you with her eyes filled with love.
"Are we taking your car or mine ?"
"Oh no well walk babe it's not that far"
"Really ?.."
"Or we can take my car if you don't want to go by feet"?
"It's just I'd like to take you elsewhere afterwards"
"Yeah Sure Diane I'll get the keys"
You got in the car after getting everything you needed and started driving.
After a few minutes your hand landed on diane's thigh and dragged your fingers up and down over her jeans. You couldn't get enough of her, her sent her hair her eyes everything about her made you heart flutter.
She closed her eyes at the feeling of your touch.
"We're almost there diane darling don't fall asleep" you joked looking at her on the passenger seat.
"I'm not...i Just..rested my eyes a little bit."
She couldn't admit she was getting very aroused just from the feather graze.
"Is everything ok hon ? You seem all Shakey"
You asked as you put more pressure on her leg.
"Yes I'm okay y/n"
"You sure ? You know you can tell me anything right ?"
There was a short pause and she was considering telling you what made her
Agitated, she looked away from you slightly.
"It's just... you are doing that with your hand...and it...well..it turns me on ok ?!"
You took off your hand rapidly and responded
"Diane I'm sorry if I'd known it made you uncomfortable i would have stopped immediately...you should have told me it did honey"
"No..I'm not uncomfortable it's fine... I just...It makes me want......you"
She replied honestly, but still looked embarrassed.
"Okay well...then you have nothing to be embarrassed about.. it's normal diane, if anything I'm flattered to have this affect on you" you winked teasingly at her.
"Now let's get out of the car shall we"
You both got out and found a spot where you could sit by the empty skate park.
She put on her roller blades and tied up the laces and before she could finish you were already in the pool dropping and warming up.
She looked at your hair dancing in the wind and the way your body moved with such ease. It sort of reminded her that hers could not really anymore, she could feel she was getting old, maybe not very old but still. the age gap you two had was more obvious now for her.
"Are you coming diane I didn't come here to skate by myself" you said in a sarcastic tone and she giggled.
"I'm not as young as I used to be I'll fall y/n"
She didn't mention that's she had no idea how to skate whatsoever.
"Oh i know what's going on here you don't know how to skate !.."
She opened her mouth to protest but you had already raced fast to her and silenced her with your lips.
When you parted away you spoke;
"It's okay I'll teach you it's not too hard...here put your heels like this..yeah good...now keep your balance and try going forward I'll hold you."
You two kept going back,  forth and then in circles when she gained some confidence.
"You're doing good babe"
"Really ?" She asked meeting your gaze steadily.
"Of course"
You pulled her closer and kissed her soundly as you guided her movements, rolling down the park.
After a heavy make out session, and hands Wondering around your bodies. You rested yours on her hips as she was getting back to the spot you put your stuff in and rest.
When she sat down she told you to go have fun since you stayed with her the whole time.
"Babe I had fun staying with you"
"I know but now you can skate without having to keep me off the ground y/n...go enjoy the rest of the park"
So you did, you went to a place where the floor was flat and did a few figures. Then you wanted to try to see if you could do your old routine and started the choregraphy you learned in college. Diane looked at you amazed, she had never seen so much grace. You were doing flips and spins in your rollerblades and she wondered where you had learned that, she'd have to ask you later on.
After you were done you both went back to the car but diane drove and you kept your hand away from her thighs and rested it on her neck instead.
You needed to feel her, physical touch was your love language and diane knew that.
She took you to a lake not to far and you sat on the back of your car watching the sunset on the water.
It was a beautiful evening and you found it even better that you got to spend it with her, as she rested her head on your shoulder.
"I love you diane"
You pulled back as you were equally as shocked as her to hear that come out of your mouth.
"Oh my God I'm sorry i don't know why I said it. I just...you don't have to say it back..it's okay I know it's important for you ....I just.. it came out before I could even think"
You rambled quickly with your hand in your hair.
"I love you to y/n"
after she said it she gave you a loving kiss, that got more heated as you held her tightly and grabbed her hips to lock her in place.
After a while you got back to driving, both of you had a smile on your faces, and you put your hand back on her thighs, knowing it drove her crazy.
"I'm ready y/n"
You didn't know what she was referring to so you asked
"What do you mean ?"
"...for us..to you know"
"...Oh .. are you sure, we don't have to do anything you know ?"
"Yes I know, but I'm ready to...and i want you"
"..oh and what exactly do you want ?"
You asked in a low tone as your hand ran up her thigh. Her cheeks reddened at your comment.
"...well...like.. I..i don't really know"
"You mean you've never had sex with a women ?"
"Well it's okay babe. Don't feel embarrassed about it. We'll go slow and you'll tell me to stop anytime. And if it's still too scary for you we don't have to do anything, we can just cuddle"
"Okay... I'm just worried i won't be good...or that you won't like me"
"Diane i love you... There is nothing that would change that"
"I know"
The rest of the ride was quiet, except for her soft humming to the radio, a sound you would never get tiered to hear.
You both arrived home 5 minutes later, and once you were inside you asked if it was still okay with her, and when she nodded you kissed her right cheek, then her left and finally pressed your lips against hers, she opened hers slightly and your tongues met in the middle.
You broke of to whisper
"Let's go upstairs and take this off diane...i want to see you" as you held her shirt with both of your hands.
She it took and went to her bedroom, as soon as you were both inside you pressed her against the door slightly and nibbled her neck whilst praising her slightly.
"Such a sweet girl diane...your neck is so soft darling. And i love to hear your little groans"
She was beyond wet now as you caressed her boobs while taking her bra off and then your shirt.
You laid her down on the bed and kept kissing your way down her chest, sucking and biting the pale skin.
Getting closer to her nipples and taking one between your fingers as the other one went in your mouth.
"No no no...Darling... God has nothing to do with this...leave him out of the bedroom"
She arched her back and wriggled on the bed as she grabbed your head and the bedsheets.
You asked as your fingers went down dangerously closer to where you needed her most..
"What do you want babe...my fingers or my mouth ?"
"Please.. just touch me..."
"My..my someone's eager...has no one ever touched you like this ?"
"Yes no one ever did that...it feels so good"
"And i haven't even started...
"..sure please now.. AAHHHH"
You went down on her and cut her off by shoving your hand down her panties and pinching her clit. "You are so wet diane.."
You took of her underwear and she was left a whimpering naked mess underneath you.
She moaned again as you licked her folds and sucked on her clit lovingly. Her hands flew to your head and she bucked her hips to try to get more contact.
"Hey..hey..hey..no...stay still or i won't keep going" so she tried not to move and breathed
"Dont..Don't stop..please.."
When you felt her ready you pushed two fingers into her making her scream your name, and curled them inside her to match your tongue. After a few moments you felt her arch her back and her muscles clench as her cum filled your mouth.
"Mmm you taste so sweet my love.."
You helped her ride out her orgasm as she spasmed on the bed. When her breathing was back to normal she said ;
"..oh my God.. that what was that ?! I've never felt this good of my life"
"That was an orgasm diane... And please don't tell me you've never even gave yourself one ?"
"No...i never...should i have?"
"Well there are no obligation of course babe, just masturbating is an important part of exploring your sexuality"
"Well I'll try sometime in the future then"
"Oohh...and I'll be happy to watch..."
She flushed deeply at your words and you kept going in her ear
"It would be so hot... watching you put those lovely fingers deep inside your pussy..while you moan my name...oh so sweet."
Diane felt herself getting aroused again at that. And you could see her clench her things to try and get some relief.
So you spread her legs and started to run your fingers up and down her cunt and her body trembled.
"Mm yes...oh.."
"You like that huh? ..."
You pushed two fingers into her and she screamed ;
"OH GOD YES...!"
She came twice letting out a long moan and a soft breath before you took your fingers out carefully because of how sensitive she was.
After a few minutes she kissed you soundly as you sat next to her on the headboard, she got up on her knees in front of you and started to kiss your neck and take of your pants. "You don't hav..."
She cut you off ;
-"I want to"
She kept kissing your body as you held her hips and gently moved her so she laid on her back. "What are you doing...I want to make you come n.."
"I want to sit on your face ?" You said in a coarse voice.
"You can say no.."
"No i want to try.." she replied happily and took your underwear off before you put your legs on either side of her face and lowered yourself onto her mouth.
You rode her face while she tried to suck on your clit and move her tongue up and down.
You came after a few minutes of rocking your hips into her face and laid next to her painting.
"So... how'd i do ?"
"Mmm so good diane...it wasn't to much for you was it ?"
"Not at all..i loved it...and i live you"
"I love you to babe..."
You kissed before cuddling and drifting off to slumber.
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svnarintaro · 4 years
crash the party
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authors note: my last todoroki imagine did pretty good :') so i’m thankful for that so i'm honestly trying to practice writing for dabi so here is my take on it :) the imagine after this might be aizawa or kirishima,, also little reminder requests are open !!
synopsis: joining the league of villains is kind of difficult especially if you're getting teased by the most infuriating male you have ever come to cross with. so maybe get him a little jealous by going to a coffee shop with twice and let him crash the party
warnings: little bit of crack but pretty fluffy :)
word count 1.5k words
!jealous! dabi x !villain! reader
“he infuriates me toga, i just so happen to arrive a day before you two and he has the right to annoy the living day lights out of me and ruin my day?!” you buried your face into toga’s shoulder. the two of you were hanging out in the bar out of boredom. toga laughed at your reaction, “c’mon lighten up! maybe he’s using that kindergarten mentality to tease you, he might have a thing for you~” the blond wiggled her eyebrows. in truth dabi had a thing for you, let’s just say he wanted not only you to look at him at all times but also to annoy you and toga knew that so she just wanted to give the two of you a little push to glory. 
‘aw what to do to get the two of those oblivious dummies together’ toga tapped her chin repeatedly thinking something amusing to watch but at the same time helpful for the two of her friends. it wasn’t until shigaraki walked into the bar. “BIG BOI SHIGGY-” “toga don’t yell in my ear, shigaraki is right there and dont call him ‘shiggy’ it’s weird,” as shigaraki plopped on a bar stool and passing out in a flash, thats when toga got the brilliant idea all she needed was a certain someone to walk into a bar. ‘i just need to make dabi jealous of the others so he can snap and confess already’ toga thought ‘but i can’t count on biggy shiggy so what about someone else’
“well, well, well what do we have here.. a little pipsqueak that refuses to treat me like a superior,” dabi  took long strides towards you with a distinguishable smirk, “oh piss off makeshift e-boy,” you snap back obviously not taking any of his hints of teasing. “aww whats wrong babe? am i already riling you up already? how rash of you~” with every word you grit you teeth restraining yourself from attacking his perfectly pierced face. “yooo hooooo!! y/n!! i got the coffee that you wanted from the coffee shop and let me say it was great~~” you snapped your head towards the voice to see twice, you pushed past dabi and bumped into his shoulder to attempt to piss him off more. 
“how was it? was it as good as i told you? we should go together next time alright~” you and twice laughed and started to talk about the shop and arranging plans together. dabi scoffed at your childish antics that you shared with twice, ‘why the !@## is that pipsqueak ignoring me?! with twice too, what is so great about that airhead? look at me damnit’ toga’s smile was now so prominent it scared dabi, “you know um. dabi i heard that twice might ask her out, and word around the league she feels the same, don’t you think it would be cute?” dabi was calm on the outside but in his mind there were so many things that were going through his head, ‘did i just lose y/n to that imbecile? no he hasn’t asked her out yet’
“let’s go tomorrow since nothing is really happening right now, and besides i wanted to spend some time with you,” dabi cursed under his breath, why did twice choose to do this right here right now? he now had to stall to make sure you didn’t accept. “gross guys don’t do this right in front of my salad,” you rolled your eyes at dabi’s fake gag. “you know what? i’m going to accept just out of my spite for you,” you shot back, you honestly thought dabi was attractive but he really did make you mad all the time but other than that you would be all over him. ‘shoot well done dabi you lost the ideal person you wanted to get with.’ 
“awwww y/n is growing up” “zip it toga i’m the same age as you and that burnt chicken nugget”
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the next day you had the feeling that you were being watched everywhere you went. it was weird cause you didn’t exactly tell anyone in particular when you and twice would meet but little did you know toga paid twice to tell her so she could tell dabi to take pictures the two of them for her since she was ‘busy’. dabi honestly was going to watch you regardless just to stop twice from ‘confessing his feelings’ for y/n “damn i never saw myself as a stalker but it is what it is,” he sat down on the roof of a building waiting for twice to meet up with you. 
sooner or later twice finally came, “so m’lady shall we get going?” twice bowed like a butler before you, “yes we shall,” you let out a giggle that made dabi’s heart melt at the sight of you giggling but it stung a little since he wanted to be the reason to your smiles, but he knew better than to be immature and selfish. "why do they have to move so fast, their little legs can't go that fast," dabi complained as he had to go on the ground to follow you two now.
meanwhile on the ground you were dragging twice as fast as you could, now you really felt paranoid that someone was following you. ever since joining the league of villains you never would want to burden the group you now saw as your family; they meant a lot to you, even dabi meant something to you. "jin do you feel like someone's watching us?" you let your thoughts out and looked at your companion. twice thought through his response, "y/n no matter what happens we ride together.." you perked up and finished his sentence, "we die together, i know but still, you're one of my best friends.. i would hate anyone in the league getting into trouble because of me and my failed attempt to shrug off spies."
dabi knee he was in a position where he was royally screwed. so he resorted to calling shigaraki but he needed an excuse for him to tell you the name of the coffee shop. dreading to talk to his boss he started to call shigaraki.
"hey boss"
"what do you want dabi"
"y/n forgot her wallet at the bar last night and i have it,"
"okay and?"
"they told you where they were going today right"
"dabi just stay you're going to stalk them already and i'll give you the name"
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"finally we got here!" you cheered as you got to the front of the coffee shop, "i really want to get the white mocha it was really good~" twice squealed like a little school girl talking about their crush, you laughed at his antics and pushed the door to see the one face you wanted to avoid. "fancy seeing you pipsqueak, did you miss me?" the iconic smirk was plain on his face with his hood up to hide his face. "what are you doing here dabi," your thoughts were mixed up but damn did he look good even in public, you heart picked up its pace just by seeing him there in front of you.
"can't a man just get coffee around here in peace? it was just a pleasant surprise to see you here darling." you were weak in the knees at this point, it was like you fell into his trap, 'i don't know wether to curse his parents or thank them for making him looks this good.'
as you were staring twice felt the tension between the two of you, heck the entire shop did so twice got you a drink for you. "like the view sweetheart? here sit on my lap if you want an up close look~" dabi knee exactly what he was doing to you, he knew you couldn't insult him in front of other people cause you thought it would make you look rude. "i- i do not like how it looks thank you very much," you need to stand your ground here, he was not going to win this battle you looked away and stuck your nose up.
"hmm i think you're lying to yourself beautiful~" dabi stood up and towered over you, 'isn't this an adorable sight.' just as you were going to respond eith a witty comment you were dumbfounded by the ethereal sight and you started to speak without thinking, "wow.. your smile is so pretty.." and that's when dabi lost all self control and started to drag you out of the store.
your protests and tugging was to no avail. "what are you doing you idiot?! i can't leave twice in that store-"
"zip it precious i crashed the party and i'm taking you on a date now."
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"i got the drinks y/n~" twice said with a closed eye smile. "y/n?" seeing you and dabi go away warmed his heart and made him start crying. "THAT IS SO CUTE!!!"
"sir you're scaring the customers-"
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Snakes and Scandals (Pt.1)
Virgil Blanche hated a lot of things, that was a given. He was, after all, an extremely poor twenty-two year old man living in the slums of a high-end empire city. Every day he would sit through nearly ten hours of abuse from costumers who were raised to think they were better than everyone else, and even the ones who weren't born rich were corrupted very quickly.
"Excuse me? Is this still eligible for a return? I tried at another store and they rejected me but I only bought it a few days ago," Virgil merely sighed at the hat and scarf clad man in front of him.
"If you bought it less than two months ago its eligible for return, if someone told you it wasn't you can file a complaint," Virgil never spoke very clearly, but he appreciated the man at least pretending to understand what he was saying.
"Thank you," it was at this point Virgil seemed to register that the man was speaking with a slight russian accent.
"Have a nice day," Virgil said in a monotone voice.
The day continued as all days working in customer service usually did, of course, had Virgil checked his calendar, maybe he would've realized that it was National Frame a Retailer For Flirting With You day. He didn't have much time to react, whoever the girl who'd used him as a cheating scapegoat was, she was very quiet, and her boyfriend was very fast.
"You tryna make her look dumb? Huh? Is that what you want?" Virgil tried to protest but ended up with a faceful of knuckles instead.
He should've known it wouldn't end well for him, at least he wasnt dead, but now he had a bloody face and was sitting in the managers office, waiting to hear his fate.
"So you punched him?" Virgil's boss was very stereotypical, blonde, bob-cut, light brown eyes, and Virgil knew she hated him. She always acted excited about his new piercings or tattoos, and of course she congratulated him when she found out he'd finally managed to afford top surgery after saving up since age fourteen. But he could tell it was all fake. He wasn't social enough for customer service, after all.
"In self defense, only after he broke my nose," Virgil responded. His manager pursed her lips together, glaring slightly from behind her glasses.
"And you are aware they intended to sue, yes?" Virgil gritted his teeth,of course they were, after all, why attack a store employee if you didn't want to sue them, or, at least, if you didn't want free starbucks every time you showed up.
"No, I wasn't, because they attacked me first," Virgil said calmly.
"I'm sorry Virgil but I'm going to have to fire you," there was no hiding the look of pure glee on the managers face as she delivered the news.
Virgil merely set his name tag on the table and left, all the while clutching his face. It burned, badly, some people needed to go to the gym less.
"You alright dude?" Virgil moved his hand to look at the man in front of him. Tall, skinny, with a mustache on his face and a white streak in his hair. The man had a worried look on his face, though his eyes conveyed a vague crazed look.
"Yeah, sure," Virgil said. He was about to walk away when the taller man grabbed his arm.
"Come with me, I'll help clean you up," Virgil was honestly to tired to argue, so instead he merely followed.
"Roman! I think I found you a new model! A little bruised up but I think he'll be ok soon enough!" Virgil had stopped listening after 'model'.
"Wait wait wait wait wait- I am definitely not a model-" Virgil tried to shrink in on himself.
"Well of course you arent yet! Oh Remus you life saver look at him! He's brilliant!" A boy who looked similar to the one with the mustache rushed out from behind a pillar, planting a kiss on the receptionists cheek as he ran.
Remus smiled, "I'll go get some ice packs and bandages, you two can talk," he said, running off.
"Roman Prince-Duke, head of Rome Fashion Company," Roman said, holding a hand out.
"Virgil Blanche, head of confused and worried emotions company," Virgil said, Roman let out a laugh.
"So what happened? If you're comfortable sharing that is," Roman said, gesturing to Virgil's face.
"Girl got her boyfriend to attack me at work for the sake of coupons," Virgil said, shrugging.
"Oh dear. . ." Roman said, his face falling slightly.
A few minutes later Virgil was sitting on a bench with ice pressed against his face and Roman listening intently as the receptionist told him what he should do.
"Gods Lolo you're so cute when you're being smart," Roman said, smiling and leaning his elbow on his knee, head pressed against his hand. The receptionist's face flushed with color.
Virgil honestly wasn't sure how calling him a model wasn't a joke, yet here he was sitting in the lobby waiting for Roman.
"Alright Virgil! Let's get you ready for your first shoot shall we?" Roman brought Virgil up by the hand, spinning him slightly before guiding him to another room.
"Lucky for you we have plenty of outfits in your size," Roman said.
"Mention my height and the fabric scissors might find their way up your nose," Virgil growled. Being 4'8 never exactly helped his case, he didn't normally get aggressive easily but it was a bit touchy for him.
"Oh dont worry, I learned my lesson with Lo on our first date," Roman said.
An hour or so later Virgil was dressed in a purple sleeveless top with black lace along the neckline, a black corset, ruffled black skirts, and black boots with heels. It felt, nice, and Virgil wasnt sure why. Normally he hated the way he looked in everything, but for once in his life he felt like royalty.
"Remy! I've got a new model for you!" Roman said as they entered another room with all manner of different sets and cameras set up.
A man with a leather jacket and sunglasses popped out from behind one, jaw dropping slightly "Roman you SAINT! Where'd you find him?!" Remy said, circling Virgil and looking him up and down.
"That credit goes to Remus, speaking of which, I've got business to attend to, you boys have fun," Roman said, turning on his heel to leave, the nearly floor length skirt of his outfit sweeping behind him.
"Alright babes you look like you're about to pass out right now so let's take a little break m'kay?" Remy walked with Virgil to a room that seemed primarily composed of bean bags.
They sat there for a while, Remy asking him questions and telling him his own stories. Before suddenly he got up and held a hand out for him. Virgil took it and allowed himself to be lead to a set covered in giant mushrooms and flowers. Remy spent a few minutes posting him, bringing out a few props for him to prop his arms on.
"Now just relax and give me a smile, you look like you're good at subtle, let's try some of those first," said Remy from behind the camera.
Virgil started out the shoot wishing it would be over already, but by the end he couldnt seem to stop looking at his own reflection in the camera lens.
"Oh Jan's going to lose it when he sees these!" Roman said, looking through the pictures from his phone.
"Who's Jan?-" Virgil said, tilting his head slightly.
"Oh you probably know him as Dimitri, he's a rival of mine," Roman handed Virgil a magazine, one scan of the front cover and Virgil recognized the man from a week ago, he was wearing the same hat and scarf as before. He read the caption above it. "Dimitri Gabriel to release new line inspired by endangered reptile species, all proceeds to go to preservation funding, no real scales used," he handed the article back to Roman.
"I've seen that guy, he was returning something the day I got fired," Virgil said.
"Oh even better! He'll recognize you!" Said Roman.
"Wait where are these even going?" Virgil said.
"My stylegram, you dont seem like the type who likes runways, so Remus and I have decided you'll be a social media model," Roman said.
"Well- guess I better make my own account then," Virgil said, pulling out his own phone.
It was only a few minutes before the comments flooded in, he recognized Janus' face, though his handle still conveyed his name as Dimitri. His face flushed red at the compliments. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but the feeling that Janus was impressed by his looks gave him an intense sensation of joy.
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voltagesmutter · 4 years
Lucien - ‘I want to look at you and not feel hurt’
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You thought he was your soulmate, that you honestly met the man you wanted to spend the whole of your life with. That was until his attitude changed towards you, his sweet, charming personality became distant and harsh, pushing you away and you didn’t know what you had done.
“Lucien please!” You whined as he was ignoring you as he sat at his desk, typing away.
It would carry on for a few more weeks until you finally snapped.
“Will you tell me what is happening with you Lucien! I can’t take this anymore,” You sobbed, as he came in late once more from work. You took his hand and he finally, for what felt like forever looked down at you, but his eyes were cold, not like the warm ones you had grown to love.
“Lucien, please just tell me what is wrong, this is killing me,” You tremble. He takes your hands and sits on the sofa, unable to make eye contact with you. 
“I made a mistake, a really big mistake,”.
“Why, did something happen at work?” He chuckles ever so softly at your response, you hadn’t heard him laugh for weeks.
“You're too perfect, you know that,” As he squeezes your hands, “No, I have been a fool,”.
“Lucien, what is wrong?”.
“You remember that night we had argument…”. How could you forget? It was brutal, the pair of you at each others throat, yelling, screaming and crying. You had forgotten what it was about as it went on for so long, it was something about how much time Lucien spent at work and researching, how you never enjoyed yourselves together anymore. He had stormed out of your apartment, he re-appeared in the morning with a bunch of flowers. 
“Well… I wasn’t truthful where I went,”.
“Oh?” He took a gulp before holding your hands tightly.
“You know Cindy, my lab assistant…” He started and your heart almost stopped beating, praying what you thought wouldn’t come out of his mouth.
“I- I spent the night with her…” He trailed off, not at hers, but with her. 
“Y-you and Cindy…? You, did you?” You ask, your hands shaking and his silence gives you your answer.
“But the flowers… we, we had sex when you came home and you’d been with her hours before!” You yell, taking your hands away from his, tears falling from your eyes.
“I know and it was stupid of me, thats why I’ve been so distant, I don’t feel like I deserve you at all,” He whispers, his voice trembling slightly.
“I want you to leave,” You say closing your eyes not able to look at the man in front of you.
“Please leave,” Is all you can manage as you watch him stand up before leaving.
You waited until you heard the door shut before you burst into tears. He owned your heart and broke it into two, not only by cheating on you but also by treating you so coldly after, he made you feel like you had done something wrong when really it was him. Your heart was throbbing, replaying the previous five minutes in your head, all you could imagine was Lucien and her together. He touched her in places he touched you, he made her cry his name as you did, he gave her the pleasure that he only gave you and it crushed you. It hurt you beyond words.
It explained his cold attitude to you, why he had been so distant lately for reason but it didn’t justify it. You had never felt so alone, so hurt, you felt an anger toward Lucien like none before. You clutched the pillow tightly to you, sobbing against it before you passed out from exhaustion. It wasn’t until a buzzing woke you up the next morning.
“Kiro?” You answered wiping your stinging eyes, forgetting briefly the events of last night.
“Miss.Chips! How are you, are you almost ready? It’s the day of the festival,” He cheerfully yelled down the phone. Shit you completely forgot.
“Kiro, I’m really sorry but I cant,” You say and you feel your voice waver before the tears start once more.
“I’m going to go now, I’m sorry,” You say, trying to hold back your tears before ending the call and crying once more. It felt like someone had stabbed you in the heart and was constantly twisting the knife, it left you numb. You had been positive Lucien was the love of your life and this betrayal, it just hurt you in pain you never knew. You saw the paper crane Lucine had made for you, he had made you write your wish on it before folding it into shape, your heart instantly shattering. Grabbing the nearest thing that reminded you of him, a teddy bear he won for you at a festival, and threw it against the wall with a scream. You were angry and hurt, you had no idea how to cope with this feeling. 
You pulled yourself into the shower, scrubbing yourself of any of his scent and touch but it didn't work, you could still feel his touch ghosting over you. Drying off there was a knock at the door.
“Lucien, I dont want to see you!” You yelled.
“It's me Miss.Chips!” The sweet voice of Kiro yelled and you opened the door, there he stood with dozens of snacks in his hands, you almost couldn’t see his head over the pile in his arms. You let him in and explained everything, crying once more for the 100th time within 24 hours. Kiro vowed to cheer you up, you spent the day playing games, watching cheesy movies and eating your feelings. 
“Maybe you should speak to him?” Kiro finally talking about Lucien and you shook your head.
“I’d rather sit and eat my ice cream,” As you spooned another mouthful into your mouth as he chuckled.
“I just want to get away from all this,” You add, looking around your apartment, knowing Lucien practically lived here and when he didn’t he was only meters away next door. 
“Why don’t you come on tour with me! It’s perfect, we’d be travelling across Europe together, what do you say Miss.Chips!” He says with his eyes wide.
“I can’t just pack up my jobs Kiro, as nice as it would be!” You smile and chuckle.
“Well do you have holiday? Oh please Miss.Chips, I’d personally pay for you to come and stay with me,” He insisted as you opened a bottle of wine, you needed it to numb your senses of Lucien. 
By the end of the night you was passing out on your sofa, Kiro helped you into bed, admiring the sight of you peacefully sleeping. He knew you was hurting deeply and it hurt him to see you so broken and lost, not his usual Miss.Chips. He sat on the sofa and pulled out a blanket from behind, he wanted to stay and ensure everything was okay. 
You woke to a wave of nausea and a throbbing head, how much did you drink? You ran to your bathroom before throwing up, you felt dreadful. You froze when you saw Kiro was in your kitchen, did he stay over?
“Morning Miss.Chips!” He cheerfully sung and you groaned in response, everything hurt.
“Too loud,” You groaned as you covered your head with your arms as you sat the kitchen counter, trying to block out any light and noise. You was too sensitive for this. 
“Ah, ah Miss.Chips, today we’re going to speak to Mr.Li to sort out this tour,” He chimed and you lifted your head up slightly.
“You was serious about that?”.
“As serious as I am about making you a delicious breakfast,” You couldn’t help but cringe watching him make a sugary concoction. You got into the shower and freshened up as Kiro worked on breakfast.
“Kiro, shall we just grab something out?” You asked as he presented you with a bowl of cereal topped with biscuits, candy chunks and sugar, even looking at it made you feel sick from sweetness. Kiro chuckled and agreed.
“Soooo, what did he say!” Kiro beamed as you came out of Victors office.
“Okay so I have the rest of this week off,” You had booked it off to spend time with Lucien, “Then I can take a few months off, if you let me document the tour with you and produce a segment documentary for it”. You wouldn’t tell Kiro but you broke down in-front of Victor when he commented how broken you looked, maybe he pitted you which is why he let you have this time off. He despised Lucien and vise versa, both of them stating how bad the other way for you, so maybe he was letting you go to free yourself from Lucien?
“Okay the last step for today is,” Kiro says, as he takes your hand, “You need to talk to Lucien” but you shook your head.
“Kiro, we only broke up two days ago,”.
“Bella, you need to just talk to him, besides you need to get rid of this,” He says as his hands reach up and graze the necklace you were wearing. You forgot about it, it was what Lucien had brought you and your hand clutched to it. 
You stood in front of Luciens office, taking a deep breath before knocking and entering.
“Luci-,” You said as you walked in, seeing Lucien with her sitting opposite him. Anger took over and your stomach looped in knots, you never expected to see her. 
“Bella wait!” Lucien called after you as you went to turn back. You stepped into his office, unable to look at either of them, you bit your lip hard to stop the tears from falling from your eyes. It hurt to even look at him. He dismissed her, she was also crying and sniffling as she left the office.
“What did you pet want,” You hissed, folding your arms over your chest.
“I actually fired her,” He responded and your arms dropped. You shut your eyes before opening them and in front of you stood Lucien, you almost got lost in his scent, you could feel his breath inches away from your face.
“Bella, I’m so sorry,” He whispered, his eyes searching for yours until they met. His charcoal eyes were broken, you could see the pain in them.
“I, I’m going away for a few months,” You said with a swallow, “I’ve already packed your stuff into boxes, they're ready for you to just move them,”. 
“Your going away?” And you nod. 
“Please don’t, stay we can work this out,” He whispers as he cups your face, the tears cascading down your cheeks as your eyes meet.
“I want to be able to look at you, and not feel so hurt by you,” You say with a deep breath before taking his hand and placing the necklace in his hand, wrapping his fingers over it, “Goodbye Lucien”. 
The next five months were the best time of you life, you and your best friend travelling and touring across Europe. You got a backstage pass to every concert, taking remarkable footage and interviews for your work. The days Kiro was off you spent it enjoying your free time, mainly exploring the area, historic landmarks, theme parks and all the food you feast your eyes upon. It was difficult at first, you were still heartbroken over Lucien and cried yourself to sleep a lot, until Kiro couldn’t bear it. He knocked on your door one night and you let him in, he coddled you as you cried into his chest and from then on you never slept alone, Kiro shielding you from the pain.
 At first it was innocent your time together, until one day you was sat on the beautiful beach front of a private beach in Greece when Kiro snuck up behind you.
“Hey Miss.Chips, you enjoying the sun?” He asked.
“Yeah it’s proper lush,” You smiled before gasping slightly, feeling something around your neck you look down, Kiro had placed a blue gemmed necklace on you.
“Kiro…” You whispered, tearing up slightly and turned to face him. He was sat there, pure love and admiration beaming from his eyes as he looked at you before leaning in. You leaned into him and you shared a sweet tender kiss between you. 
From then on you became the ultimate couple, best friends and lovers, any trace of Lucien was left behind. That was until you returned home.
“Don’t run Kiro! I have the key to get in!” You giggle as the pair of you run up the stairs to your front door.
“I win, now where my prize?” He chuckles as he pushes you against the door, your lips meeting and you wrap your arms around his neck. A light cough interrupted you, Kiro turned and held you behind him to see Lucien standing outside his door.
“Your back?” He asks.
“We are,” Kiro answering for you. 
“I was talking to Bella,”.
“She has nothing to say to you, anything you want to say can be said to us both,”. Your heart raced, but not for Lucien, for Kiro. Lucien had betrayed you with a co-worker after an argument, treated you awful for weeks as if it was your fault! Kiro, Kiro was perfection, he lived to make you happy, he could never do enough for you. 
“Honey it's okay,” You perk up and stroke Kiro’s arm giving him a sweet smile.
“I just wanted to say how sorry I am for everything… I kept the memory crane I made you...” Lucien trailed off. 
“I’m glad it happened, otherwise I’d still probably be sat wondering what I did wrong,” You say shaking your head, Lucien looking hurt at your words. 
“Anyway, we need to get going, we need to pack up someones things before the moving truck gets here,” Kiro chuckles, his hand moving to hold your waist. 
“You're moving?” Lucien asks, slightly shocked and you nod.
“In with me,” Kiro adds before picking you up bridal style and carrying you into your apartment for the first and last time before the pair of you emptied your apartment. Lucien suffered in silence the whole you was away, he tried to reach out to you but it was impossible as you had blocked his contacts. He was shamed and humiliated for what he did to you and how he treated you. Knowing he let you slip away from him made it unbearable to go. He had waited for you to come back, keeping the memory crane as a symbol of his love for you and hope you could fix the mess he had caused. If he was scientifically smart enough to know it was impossible, he would have said his heart stopped beating the minute he let you fall from his side. But hearing Kiro’s words and seeing you so happy with him, almost did make his heart stop from the pain. All he wanted was to have you back by his side, he would do whatever it takes. 
“Well then, welcome home Miss.Chips,” He beamed as he picked you up and again and carried you into his, now yours, apartment.
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dracimalfoy1988292 · 3 years
The Deathly Hallows pt 2734
Allison Malfoy35
Severus and I stood next to one another, a top the astronomy tower watching all the students pile in to the school. It was the beginning of a new year and times were dark. Not a single student looked happy, and it felt as though the magic had been sucked out of everyone. Some students weren't allowed to come back this year for their parents fears had overshadowed their students eagerness to return to Hogwarts. But who really was eager to come back? Hogwarts just wasn't the same anymore. "What are we to do, Severus?" I asked, looking to him, thinking back of the time I had called him by his first name and got detention for it.132
"We must do as he asks." He responded, in his slow tone. I nodded, as he continued to gaze out to the students below, and I walked back down the steps of the tower.2
Harry, Ron, Hermione and Luna were staying in a house surrounded by ocean. I've seen them a few times these past 5 months, as I couldn't just avoid them. There were many things they still couldn't know, considering Snape reached out to me about 4 months ago, letting me in about how Dumbledore wanted him to kill him instead of Draco. And how really, Snape's been on Harry's side all along.
Draco, on the other hand, had no idea. But I knew Draco didn't want to be on Voldemorts side either.
I continued through the castle, as I was dressed in an all black pant suit, for that was the only thing I really wore these days, as I was a Malfoy now, dresses just weren't my thing. Once I finally reached Hogsmeade, I disapparated back to my home, The Malfoy Manor. But as soon as I arrived there, the dark mark began to call. So I apparated to Gringots bank, where the dark lord was walking through the bank, with bodies surrounding us. Narcissa, Lucius and Draco were there, as well, observing the destruction that I so clearly had missed. Voldemort walked with Nagini, whispering things in parseltongue. And then he left, without one word to me. But, I could feel his anger growing stronger.45
"How are you dear?" Narcissa choked out to me.5
"Fine." I told her. "Apparating isn't so great when you're pregnant." I continued, trying to make light of the situation. Being pregnant in a time like this wasn't ideal, as I knew there was a fight to come. I came up with a charm in which hid my stomach from everyone, making it look as though everything was normal and I wasn't with child, even though I was.377
"I remember." She smiled, kindly to me before we all disapparated back home. And I had Narcissa and Draco meet me in the living room. They looked to me, concerned for what I was going to say.1
"I'm going back to Hogwarts." I finally told them. But Draco didn't look too thrilled.1
"No." He protested in a one word comment.113
"I need to help Severus. I think it would be in his favor if he had me there. I can keep an eye out and help more with tasks." I insisted, somewhat lying, as my goal wasn't to really help with Voldemort's tasks, but Harry's. "So I'm going back." There were no answers for a good while, at they were clearly in a deep state of thoughts. But finally Narcissa spoke up.9
"Okay." She agreed. Draco didn't look too happy about this, and I knew it. And the entire time I packed, he glared over at me with a disappointed look. But I needed to go back. It was my last year at Hogwarts and I had to do it, but I also needed out of this house.2
"You know, you can show up at any time." I told him, as I shoveled my clothes into my trunk along with my old Gryffindor robes.
"Why would I want to do that?" He asked, not realizing how offensive he sounded.1
"Oh, I dont know. Maybe because your wife and unborn child will be there?" I turned to him, rolling my eyes. He straightened up from leaning against the wall and walked over to me, taking my face in his hand and kissing the top of my head.148
"I don't agree with this, you know." He muttered, upset with me.
"I know." I told him, with a small smile, as he was just going to let me go without putting up a fight, and I was thankful for that. He knew how much Hogwarts meant to me, and he knew he couldn't take it away.
I arrived around midnight and stood in Snapes office. "You look repulsive in those robes." Severus said, out of nowhere when I had walked in. I looked down at my Gryffindor robes.3
"Thanks, buddy. Appreciate it." I rolled my eyes.245
"You will return to my office each night. When the dark lord calls on us, we go together. Understand?" He told me, sternly.2
"Yes sir." I mocked while walking out. As I walked down the long hallway to the Gryffindor corridors, I heard laughing coming from behind. I turned to see Pansy and one of her little friends coming from one of the corridors, as they stared over at me, here we go again. "We have a problem?" I asked. They just snickered and scurried off. My jaw tensed up but I dealt with it. As I began to say the password, Neville came out of nowhere.20
"We have a new room." He said. "Its just a giant corridor. Follow me." And so I did. And there they were. Harry, Ron and Hermione. I ran over to them and hugged them tightly. They had been discussing the next horcrux. Ravenclaws, Gryffindors and Hufflepuffs were in here.
"The next horcrux has something to do with Ravenclaw." I rushed into saying.
"The lost item." Luna said. "The diadem."
"Harry!" Ginny came running in, interrupting the conversation abruptly. "Snape knows. He knows you were at Hogsmeade." She informed us all. But I knew he knew. This had to be how it was, and I was beginning to find it to be very difficult trying to act oblivious to Snape's secret.7
We all gathered in the Great Hall, which just wasn't so great anymore and stood in single filed lines. Snape came marching forward to the podium.1
"Many of you are wondering why I have summoned you at this hour." Snape began. "It's come to my attention that earlier this evening Harry Potter was sighted in Hogsmeade. Should anyone student or staff attempt to aid Mr Potter. They will be punished. Any person whom has knowledge of him, will be treated as equally guilty. Now if anyone In here has any knowledge of Potters appearance, I would like them go step forward... Now."4
There was no movement or words spoken. But then the clank of shoes appeared and everyone gasped to see Harry step forward.
"It seems, despite your strategies. You still have a little bit of a security problem, Headmaster." Harry said. And then the Order walked in with Ron and Hermione. "How dare you stand where he stood. Tell them how it happened that night. How you looked him in the eye, the man who trusted you and killed him." I grew slightly uncomfortable at this comment, since I was the only person who knew that was a part of Dumbledore's plan.
Snape whipped out his wand but Mcgonagall shoved Harry aside and began to fight him. Snape then dissapeared and Mcgonagal lit the place up with light as people cheered in joy. But the cheering drew to an end when it became cold and dark and we could hear Voldemort slither inside our heads. A girl let out a scream. And then another. And another.35
"I know that many of you want to fight. Some of you may even think its wise. Give me Harry Potter. I shall leave you alone if you give me harry potter. You have one hour." Voldemorts voice rang.
"Well what are you waiting for, someone grab him!" Pansy shouted. But we stood around him.49
"You want to get hit?" I snapped at her, as she looked to me, confused.60
"Mr. Filch please lead miss Parkinson and the rest of the Slytherin house to the dungeons." Mcgonagall asked, as everyone cheered as Slytherin was escorted out, and students began to prepare for the worst.
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 45)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:4866
Warnings: fluff its a happy day for the reader’s bff! loki gets thrown lol song for this part: Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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As you and Loki made breakfast, you mused, “So I was thinking, before I leave for Nebraska, maybe I should meet your boss.”
“Oh? And why is that?” Loki asked as he bobbed a tea bag in a cup.
“I just feel like I should know who you’re going to be spending so much time with while I’m away. I need to know they can help you if I can’t.”
“Darling, I am perfectly capable of--”
Quickly, your eyes met his, a serious look in them. “I know you can, I’m not talking about physically. Can I just meet them?”
He looked at you for a moment before his face softened. “Yes, of course. We can go today before you head in for work if you’d like.”
“Sounds good to me. It’s my last day with Bruce so…”
“I’m going to miss you dearly,” he suddenly said, a bit of weight to his voice.
You turned back around from the counter, placing your hand on his cheek. “I know. I’ll miss you too.”
As you headed out the door, you texted Shannon, telling her you were meeting Loki’s boss. She asked if she could come too. You said you’d be delighted to have her there, and before you knew it, you were all outside of Loki’s work.
“Hey! You made it in record time,” you greeted happily, hugging her.
“Yeah, it’s these new shoes Tony made for me,” she responded, showing you her shoe. “Nifty in a jam. Hey, Loki,” she greeted casually.
“Hello,” he said politely back before entering the sanctum.
Just as Loki started to go down one hallway, with you two in tow, a voice sounded from behind you.
“Loki? Shannon?” a deep voice greeted all of you.
All of you spun to face the noise. When your eyes landed on him, you were taken aback. “Stephen?” you gasped, rushing forward to greet him. “Oh my god, it’s been so long.”
“Y/N? I thought that was you,” he commented with a side smile. “What are you doing here?” he asked, his face lighting up.
“I came to see who Loki was working with,” you explained, gesturing back to him. “Get this,” you offered, turning back to Shannon and Loki, standing next to Stephen, “we used to go to college together.”
“I didn’t know you two knew each other,” Shannon commented with a grin.
“Oh yeah, we had physics together,” you informed with a smile up at Stephen.
“Is that so?” Loki mused.
“Oh absolutely,” Stephen said with a huge smile. He threw his arm around your shoulder and said, “In fact, you know, I was gonna ask her out in college. She was everything I dreamed of, back then.”
“Really?” Loki asked, a gleam in his eye.
You laughed, a bit nervous, blushing. “I never knew that,” you said, turning to Strange.
“Yeah, so why didn’t you?” Loki asked with a bit of an edge in his laugh.
“I guess it was just never the right time. You know how it is in college--Well, you don’t, you didn’t go, you know, to college. But it’s just hard to find the time when you’re serious like Y/N and I were.”
“I see,” Loki noted and Shannon picked up on his energy way before you did.
“Well we just wanted to pop in,” Shannon quickly interjected, stepping forward to hook her arm through yours. “So good to see you again, Stephen.” She began to whisk you out of the sanctum.
“Likewise. Feel free to stop by for coffee any time, Y/N, I’d love to catch up,” Stephen called after you. You barely had time to yell a confirmation back before Shannon had fully hauled you outside and out onto the street.
“Jesus, where’s the fire, Shan?” you asked, fixing yourself.
“It’s about to be between you and Loki if you hadn’t noticed,” she quipped, pointing back towards the doors.
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Quite the show with Stephen in there. Were you trying to make him jealous or did that just happen?” she asked, beginning to walk.
“Jealous? Loki? That’s kind of impossible,” you muttered. “He’s a magical god with the best cheekbones on the planet.”
“Not to him,” she reminded, almost under her breath. “All I’m saying is… Loki is pretty fragile. He’s insecure. You know this, I know this. He acts like he isn’t, but it’s obvious he is.”
“Right,” you agreed, urging her to continue.
“Which means looking thrilled to see Strange and parading your friendship around in front of Loki before you go off to the middle of nowhere. He’s going to miss you. So any super friendliness you show to another guy, can...you know, send the wrong message,” she noted.
You bobbed your head. “You’re right,” you agreed. “I shouldn’t have done that. I was just so excited to see him. You don’t really think he took it the wrong way, do you?”
She rolled her eyes and began sarcastically, “Noo, not Loki. Take something wrong? Never.” She glanced to you and giggled.
You nudged her playfully as the two of you walked to Stark Tower to begin your day.
As the days went by so did the countdown to the most talked about wedding. The happy couple was constantly getting bombarded about details for the wedding. At some point Shannon and Tony had publicly given a statement letting people know that it would be a private event for the reception so there would be no access to photos and filming during that time. They did say they’d allow photos after the ceremony as they leave the church so that there would be something to show of the happy couple.
For Shannon the hardest part of this whole thing about planning a wedding was knowing who to make the maid of honor. She’d only ever been close with two women besides her sister and mother, but things had happened and yes she wanted you to be there for her but she also felt that Nat should too.
It was easier for Tony to figure that out for his best man. He and Rhodey went back years, and even though he and Steve got along, Shannon knew he’d pick Rhodey. Of course Tony didn’t want to leave Steve out so he asked him to be a groomsman.
There were only a few weeks left before the big day and Shannon had yet to tell either woman who will be the Maid of Honor, officially. Hopefully neither felt like they were being left hanging. Maybe there would be a chance that both would be the Maid of Honor like Tony had done with the guys she figured that she could do the same now all she had to do was figure out how to let them know.
Shannon called, “JARVIS...”
“Yes, Miss Shannon?”
“What do you think I could do to tell both Natasha and Y/N that I want them to be my Maids of Honor?”
“I would suggest a girl’s day out, and I can have a few of their favorite foods ordered for the evening of relaxation that way you can all enjoy yourselves”
“Sounds like a plan, although if you could have the food sent to my floor that way the boys dont get any ideas about taking the food. Knowing Clint’s sweet tooth, he’ll be trying to grab the desserts.”
“I’ll make sure that Mr. Barton is unaware of the deliveries being made. Have you decided on the dress or shall they choose their own dresses?”
“I believe that they should have a say in what they want to wear to the wedding.”
Girl’s day as JARVIS had suggested was a success. They all went to get pampered and did some shopping. The day was coming to an end and Shannon was feeling pretty confident that she could ask them both to be Maids of Honor.
“Alright you both know how much I love you right?”
“Well yeah Shannon I know that,” Nat responded.
“Why wouldn’t we know that? You always show us,” you said, a bit confused by her statement.
“Now that we’re all together again and you two are getting to know each other which makes me so happy, here comes the big question.”
There was a bit of a pause, as Shannon flashed her gaze between you and Natasha.
“Come on, spit it out already!” Nat was getting a little flustered not knowing.
“Will you both be my Maids of Honor?” Shannon looked at you and then at Natasha. Both of you were quiet for a moment.
“Are you sure you want me to be a Maid of honor?”  Nat looked a little surprised that Shannon had asked both of them. “I figured you’d want Y/N be it. I already gave the spot and title to her a long time ago. Seriously, I’m happy to be just a bridesmaid."
"I do want to be Maid of Honor. But if you’re up for it, and it makes Shan happy…" You shrugged, hugging yourself.
“Well I didn’t think it would be fair picking one person  or the other. You guys mean the world to me and I want y'all by my side on that day.”
Shannon stared at you and Nat, wanting an official answer.
“I’m happy to be your Maid of Honor, Shan, you know that, of course. As long as Y/N doesn’t feel like I’m stepping on her toes…” Nat replied.
“Not at all,” you assured. “I’m happy to share this with you, if it makes Shannon happy.”
“You realize we’re going to have to plan a bachelorette party, right?” Nat smirked at the idea. She figured she could involve the guys somehow. Turning to you, she asked,  “You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Strippers?" you teased.
“That and more along those lines, but I think we can plan when Shannon is not around.” Natasha figured this could be a good way to get to know each other.
“Please, for the love Stark, nothing crazy, unless it’s a week or two before the wedding!”
“We’ll try but no promises,” you both agreed.
Two weeks before the wedding and Shannon was still waiting for the girl’s surprise party. She was a little unsure as to what would happen and hoped that none of it was as crazy as she’s thinking it would be. Turns out she was somewhat wrong, not only did they take her out to eat and pick their dresses but after getting home they took her to the training room where it was set up differently than usual. Nat had somehow suckered Steve, Thor, Clint and a few stripper men to give Shannon an exotic show as a way to partially end the night.
Granted, Shannon had never thought Steve of all people would actually do such a thing but it seemed as if he had no other choice in the matter. Thinking that this would stay as a ‘you never speak of this’ type of thing, you had asked JARVIS that he record the night so that years from now they could all look back and laugh. After that little show, Thor had given the ladies some of his Asgardian mead for them to toast and left. The following morning none of the three women were found in their usual rooms. WhenTony asked Al where they could find the three, he showed them all piled up on one of the training mats left in the corner of the training room.
“Hey, Steve, call Bruce to give me a hand, would you? Looks like they’re hungover and I can't carry all three down to Shannon’s floor,” Tony mused to his friend, amused a their behavior.
“Sure thing. I saw him in the kitchen.” Steve left and came back with Banner.
“So what are we doing?” Bruce asked.
“Well after last night's event, Thor gave the girls some of his strong alcohol and they are all piled up in the training room as we speak. I’d like to get them down to Shannon’s floor to rest,” Tony informed the two.
The three men all ended up with someone in their arms to carry down to Shannon’s old floor. They left them all resting in the giant bed and left water and aspirin for when they would wake up.
Wedding day there had been so many last minute details to cover. In the end, the ceremony had been beautiful and Shannon had looked stunning and as promised the happy couple gave the reporters their chance to take pictures of them as they left the church. The two made a quick stop at a fast food joint because Tony had gotten a craving for cheeseburgers. People were excited when they saw him enter and exit the restaurant with a bag full of food and figured that Shannon would be nearby because everyone knew today was their wedding.
On the ride to the hall Tony and Shannon talked about where they’d want to go on a honeymoon.
“Honestly, Tony I dont mind where we’re going as long as it's just the two of us together.”
“I know but I was hoping to take you somewhere you’d always wanted to visit.”
“Well, we could always go to Bora Bora?”
“Then that's where we’ll go then, Mrs. Stark.” He kissed her hand, full of love knowing he was married to the woman he loved. “Looks like we’re here. Let’s go have some fun.”
“Let’s go then.” The door opened for Shannon and it was Steve who was holding his hand out to help her get out of the car.
He walked her to Tony’s side and then went to open the door for them. As the happy couple entered the hall, many of the guests had already arrived wanting to chit chat with all the other guests. Shannon’s parents had been seated to her right, while the team was on Tony’s left. Everyone in between was seated in seats nearby.
Everyone started to cheer as the music began to play and the Best men and Maids of Honor entered followed by the bride and groom.
“Thank you all for being here to celebrate this wonderful day with us, it means the world that we get to start the next chapter of our lives with you at our side.” Shannon thanked everyone who was there and held her glass of champagne in the air.
“To the happy couple!” Thor cheered loudly and everyone yelled the same.
People began to drop off presents at the table and joining in line to get a chance to hug the happy couple. There was music playing and there was so much laughter and joy with everything that goes on in their lives, this is by far the most relaxed anyone had ever been in a long time.
There was a moment where they had started playing games like removing the garter from the bride and giving it to someone else. The winner ended up being Bruce in that game. They had played who knows who better using the bride and grooms shoes that ended in a tie between Shannon and Tony. There had been dancing and drinking and people were enjoying themselves. People were constantly asking for pictures and asking where the honeymoon would be. Once things were getting mellow, the two figured it would be a good time as ever to cut the cake. They asked one of the waiters to bring the two cakes out so that they could get a bit of energy to continue on partying.
“Alright everyone, we’re about to have the cakes brought out so we can enjoy some sweet treats. Everyone is welcome to the open sweets bar that is being brought out too!” Shannon announced.
“Barton, that means you need to control yourself on the sugar high.” Tony smirked seeing a full grown man pout. “Aww, don’t be sad, Shannon might have a secret stash for you later on.”
Shannon laughed at that. “You know I’m always going to have a little something for you.” Then she pointed to look behind him for his surprise.
Seeing him turn back around and come running was the funniest thing in the world, hopefully someone recorded that.
As you stood nearby to cheer on Shannon and Tony, you suddenly overheard Thor and Loki. Thor was clearly drunk. He’d brought some mead, not to mention it was an open bar that he’d been accessing all night.
“Oh, come on, Loki, you know I’ve always been able to hold more liquor than you. It’s just a fact,” he boasted. He was somewhat quiet, for being drunk, but you could see Loki’s face was already distorted into frustration, so you kept your ears and eyes on them.
“Perhaps, but that was a long time ago. Besides, I graduated school with top marks, can you say the same?”
“I can say that I won every battle I ever went into, including saving your ass.”
Loki’s jaw clenched and you naturally turned more towards their conversation. “I, at least, can say I’ve never been banished from our home,” he responded quietly, his teeth clenched.
“No, just imprisoned for years on Earth.”
“Well, we both know who lost in keeping mother alive, hmm?” he snapped, his face tight with a smile full of rage.
Before you could react or blink, Thor slammed his closed fist into Loki’s jaw, sending him soaring back into the table with the cakes on it, covering both bride and groom in cake, and Loki on top of a broken table. He was clearly embarrassed and you ran over to crouch beside him.
“Are you alright?” you asked, your eyes full of worry.
He looked at you before jumping to his feet, wiping off the cake, apologizing to Tony and Shannon, and began walking off.
“I knew we shouldn’t have invited him,” Tony muttered to Shannon. You turned to them, a look of hopelessness on your face before you followed Loki. He walked out of the main hall where the event was being held, turned down a corridor, and ended up in a rather empty hall, leaning on the wall.
You came up behind him, twiddling your fingers. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No,” he said firmly.
“Loki,” you tried as you walked up and put your hand on his shoulder. He didn’t react, and finally, you sighed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought you here. We don’t belong here. Not anymore. I was foolish to think we did. I just thought that since we can’t go back to Asgard...Maybe this could be our home, like it once was for me. But…” You let out a big breath again. “It never will be. That ship has long sailed. We’ll forever be enemies to everyone here.”
He turned to peer at you, anguish in his eyes. “It wouldn’t be, if you weren’t with me. You know I’m the problem, darling, why do you stay?” He brought his hands up to the sides of your face.
“Because I love you,” you said, your face leaning into his hand.
“Maybe that isn’t good enough anymore. You deserve a better life than being treated like this.”
“I deserve a life with you, happy with you, and that’s what I am.”
“Even with your family and friends hating you, hating me?”
“They don’t hate us,” you assured, reaching up to him. “They’re afraid of us.”
“That isn’t much better,” he muttered.
Just then, you heard someone approaching.
“Is everything alright? I just saw you guys come out here I figured something was up after Thor threw you into the cake” Shannon asked looking between the two of them. “Here, Loki I thought you could use a cloth to get the icing off your face.”
He took the cloth gently, wiping himself. “Why are you so kind to us? Clearly everyone else at this event would rather we leave.”
You turned to Shannon. “Yeah, Shan. I know it’s your big day, but maybe Loki and I should go?” you suggested. You didn’t want to leave, not just yet. You wanted to stay, to see your best friend off, but maybe it would be better if you just disappeared.
”Why am I kind to you two? Well Y/N is my best friend all my life, and you Loki, I’d like to think that we have gotten to a mutual understanding.” She looked between the two of them, she could tell that they didn't want to be there any longer than they had to. “But if you two truly feel uncomfortable then you are more than welcome to leave. As much as I’d like you two to stay, I won’t force you. Enjoy the rest of your night guys.” She gave them a warm smile showing them sincerity and started turning back to head inside.
A smile barely twitched at his lips, his eyes going to the floor. Loki looked at you, a look of encouragement in his eyes.
“Shan,” you called. “Wait up. I’d be happy to stay. We just,” you stopped, glancing up to your love, “we just don’t want to ruin your day, that’s all. We don’t want our presence here to sour the atmosphere. You know?” you asked. “I’d love to stay. I’d like nothing more. But… if me leaving means you get the day you deserve, then we can do that.” You gave her a soft, quick smile, the smile not quite meeting your eyes.
Shannon turned around to look at both of you. Her smile faltered a bit but fixed her composure.
“You two could never ruin my day and it’s not even just mine, it’s our day, Y/N/N. We’re celebrating something big. This is a new chapter in all our lives. I'd like for both of you to be a part of it.” She walked over to you putting her arm around your shoulders. “You two leaving tonight wouldn’t give me the day I deserve. It would mean there’s something missing.” Turning to look at Loki and waving him over. “No matter what anyone says, you two will always be welcome and I mean that with all of my heart. Still, it’s up to you both if you want to stay or not. If you do decide to leave I can have a car ready to pick you up and take you home.” She hugged you and pulled back to let you talk to Loki.
You looked to Loki, taking his hand and smiling. The two of you spoke with your eyes quickly before turning back to Shannon and nodding.
“So, now that we’ve ruined one cake, what’s next on the list of events tonight?” you asked with a laugh. “I believe you still need to toss your bouquet,” you reminded, linking your arm through hers as you led her back to the hall, Loki just behind you.
“You just reminded me right now of that! I had completely forgotten.” She laughed walking back into the hall. “I still need to slow dance with Tony. Might be a good time for you two to have a bit of a romantic moment, don't you think?” She bumped her hip with yours.
“That’s not a bad idea,” you mused, thinking of getting to dance with your beloved.
Walking back in you could see people were still having fun, the second cake was still intact so that could get cut and passed around. Looked like Clint might have passed out from too many sweets. Shannon pulled you to the main table to grab the bouquet and grabbed Natasha while they were at it to announce that she would be throwing it in a moment.
“Alright, all my single ladies to the dance floor! Let’s see who's gonna be the next one to get hitched.” Shannon giggled as she walked to the dancefloor. “No cheating ladies, Tony’s got his eye on all of you.” She turned around and everyone began chanting a countdown.
The flowers went up in the air pretty high and Shannon turned around quickly to see who would be the lucky gal. She hoped any of her close friends who were in a relationship would catch it. They were all pushing and moving to try and get to where it would land, little would anyone know that the person to catch it would be you, surprising everyone. You weren’t clamoring to get to it like the other girls were.
“Uh, wow,” you breathed, a feeling that you weren’t sure how to pin down rushed over you.
“Is that good?” Loki asked as he walked up to you, all of the other women leaving the dancefloor with long faces.
Shannon cheered when she saw it land and saw the look of confusion appear in Loki’s face.  When it did, it looked like someone’s going to have to catch him up on human culture. “Congrats, Y/N! Looks like someone better get started on planning a proposal,” she joked, looking over at a flustered Loki when he heard that.
“Pro--Proposal?” he stammered.
“It’s… Whoever catches the bride's bouquet is the next person to get married,” you explained. “It’s a silly superstition,” you tried, attempting to brush off the feelings of awkwardness and the small bout of disappointment in your stomach. You didn’t think Loki would ever feel that way for you. If he did, he certainly hadn’t made it known. You didn’t want him to feel pressured to do it. But you also didn’t know if he’d ever consider you wife material. Sure he loved you, but was that enough? A blush rose to your cheeks. “Shan, what about that slow dance now?” you urged, trying to change the topic of conversation.
Noticing the bit of tension, she agreed and went to go let the Dj know it was time for the dance. When they planned the wedding, she didn’t think there would be a dance routine so she and the girls didn’t pick one.
“Alright, it's time for the newlyweds to join the dance floor for their first song of the night. Later they will have a surprise by the groom and the men,” the Dj announced.
“May I have this dance, Mrs. Stark?” Tony bowed.
“Why of course Mr. Stark, shall we?” She giggled taking his hand.
He led her onto the dance floor and everyone watched in awe as they began moving around to the song breathe by Faith Hill. little by little couples began to join them as well taking the moment to whisper sweet nothings to their partners. Shannon saw Loki grab your hand and lead her to the dance floor. She knew they were made for each other and hoped they ended up together like she did with Tony.
“Sorry for earlier. I know it’s probably way too soon, or too heavy, to be talking marriage,” you noted with a slight laugh.
He gazed down at you with a smile. “I rather liked entertaining the idea,” he informed. “We have lived together out of wedlock for three years now? It might be time,” he joked.
“I’ll leave that decision up to you,” you quietly said before resting your head on his shoulder. “I’ve missed this. Remember when we danced for the first time?”
“You mean when my mother forced me to show you how to do the traditional Asgardian dance?” he asked, and you could hear his eyes roll.
“As I recall, it was beautiful. It was very much worth it to get you to talk to me. You weren’t exactly welcoming back then,” you reminded.
“I only wanted to protect you,” he breathed before lifting your chin. “As I always do.”
You smiled and gave him a long, firm kiss.
Meanwhile on the other side of the dancefloor.
“What’s this about you and the guys doing a surprise?” Shannon asked when she leaned closer into his arms. “You up to something devious like always?”
“Guess you’ll just have to wait and see now won’t you? Don’t want you ruining all the practice we’ve done,” he replied, holding her tight and kissing her temple. “I’m so lucky to have found you and to be able to call you my wife.”
“Someone had to make sure you didn’t do anything reckless,” she laughed hearing him attempt to sound offended.
The rest of the night continued in a pleasant, sweet way. By the end of it, Shannon and Tony were sent off glamorously in a sleek black new sports car. They headed towards their private hangar, and they were off on their honeymoon.
Meanwhile, all the Avengers went back to the tower. Most of them were drunk, and passed out nearly as soon as they got there. Except for Steve and Bruce. You joined them all and had a quiet evening with them, chatting for a small bit of time before you and Loki excused yourselves back to your apartment. Steve bid you a goodnight and said you two looked nice this evening. You repaid the compliment. Bruce gave a soft wave and nod before he himself went to his floor to rest offf the festivities.
Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaelingoat-blog​ @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton @paintballkid711​
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
UC: @lokis-high-priestess​
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thebluenebula · 4 years
So todays my birthday so I figured I'd write a birthday fic for Ashleigh. I really enjoyed writing this. This take place about three to six months after she arrived, so she is much more comfortable around the Batfam.
The Day After (Coming Soon)
I sat at the breakfast table, reading todays paper. I never really read them. I just skimmed through them until some picture or crazy headline caught my eye. Bruce sat across from me.
"So." He loudly said.
I looked up from the paper. "So?"
"What about Sunday?"
"It's your birthday."
"Oh." I was genuinely shocked. It didn't feel like a year had passed. I guess when a lot happens, you don't notice the time go by.
"I was just wondering what you wanted to do for it?"
"I don't really want to do anything." I explained.
"No party?"
"You're only eighteen once Ashleigh."
"And I'm quite content not to celebrate it."
"Alright." Bruce looked a little disappointed. "How about a gift, what kinda gift do you want?"
"Gift." I looked at Bruce with genuine shock. "Bruce you've literally given me everything I could have ever needed in the last six months."
He grinned. "Thats my job."
"I dont need anything else."
"I know you don't need anything, but so you WANT anything?"
"How about my own house?" I joked.
"If you want one." Bruce replied, deadly serious.
"No." I quickly responded. "I'm not going to get kicked out am I?"
"Of course not."
I sighed with relief. I may be about to be eighteen but I'm in no way prepared to be on my own.
"If I was going to kick out any of my kids, don't you think Dick and Jason would already be gone."
"What's this about me getting kicked out?" Jay asked as he walked in.
"Don't worry Jay, I'm not kicking you out. Yet." Bruce assured him. "Just making a point."
"Wait," Jay leaned against the table. "I understand why your using me as an example, but why would you want to kick out Dick?"
Bruce shivered. "I have heard him say things I never wanted to hear any of my kids say."
"God." Jay yelled and slammed his head into his hands. "I'd repressed that memory."
"What happened?" I cautiously asked.
"Well there was this one time Dick and Wally were fu-" Jay began to explain.
Bruce elbowed him. "She does not need to know. No one needs to know."
I looked at the two curiously. I wonder what Dick and Wally got up to.
That night before I lay into bed, I looked at the photograph on my locker. Siobhan, Sean, and I. We all looked so happy. It felt odd, this would be the first year I'd have a birthday without Sean, and the first in years without Siobhan. I grabbed the photo and lay into bed.
That Friday I was lying on my floor, texting Cassie. "Artemis seems crazy."
"She can be, thats why her and Jay get on so well. So it's your birthday Sunday. 🎉🎉🎉" She text me.
For a moment I wondered how she knew, then I remembered that it was on my Pixtagram account. "Yup."
"You doing anything for it?"
"Not a thing."
"No party?"
I wish. "Not much of a party person."
"Dick or Steph will through you one regardless."
"Bruce made Dick promise not to and I don't think Steph even knows."
"Wait you didnt tell them its your birthday?"
"Nope. Only Bruce, Alfred, and Kate knows and I'd  rather keep it that way."
"Okay, mind if I come around tommorow? We can just hang out or something to not celebrate you're birthday."
I giggled. "That'd be awesome."
"How's 12 sound?"
I yawned. "That'd be awesome. If it's alright, I'm going to go to bed."
"Goodnight Ashleigh. I'll text you in the morning."
I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Cassie text me the next morning and we confirmed are meet up. A little after one Cassie arrived. We got to togetehr with a couple of the other kids and played video games and chatted for hours. Cassie had to leave in a bit so the two of us headed up to my room.
I sat down on my swivel chair and Cassie plopped onto the bed. "So any idea what Bruce is getting you for your birthday?"
"Nothing, I think."
"Well he asked me what I wanted but I couldn't think of anything else I could want"
"Maybe you could ask for a car and give it to me." She joked.
"You can fly though."
"It would be a tad questionable if I FLEW to school."
"Point taken."
"Speaking of gifts," Cassie pulled a wrapped box out of her bag. "Since I won't see you tomorrow."
"Cassie you didn't have to."
"I wanted to."
I took the box from her. "Thank you. Do I open it now?"
"I'd prefer if you did." Cassie said. "You can't imagine the amount of thought you have to put into getting a gift for the child of a billionaire."
"I'm not picky." I explained, then pulled off the wrapping paper. A photo frame. A blue frame surrounded by little clouds and bats. "Cassie, its adorable."
She smiled. "The clouds were already there but i stuck the bats on cause... you know."
"Yeah, I know." I smiled. "I love it."
"Well I seen that you had that photo by your bedside and thought you might use this frame for another. Maybe you could put like a picture of everyone in in it or something.
"I don't have a picture of everyone in the house together. That'd be nice."
"That's it!" She exclaimed.
I jumped. "That's what?"
"Your birthday gift. Ask Bruce for a picture of you all together."
"I'd love that but I'd have to blow on a hell of a lot of candles for that wish to come through."
Cassie laugh was interupted by a ding from her phone. She checked the phone. "Diana's outside, I've got to go."
"I'll walk you out."
We headed down to the entrance. Cassie opened the door and prepared to leave. "I guess I'll see you again Ashleigh." She said as she stepped out the door.
She stopped and turned. "Yes?"
"If you aren't busy tommorow... maybe you like to come around."
She smiled. "I'd love to."
"Yeah. I'll remember to bring those extra candles for the wish."
I laughed. "I'll need them."
"I won't forget." She promised. "I'll see you tommorow then."
"One other thing, when is your birthday?"
"So I can remember to get you that car."
She giggled and walked down the steps. I wonder if Bruce would actually let me buy her a car.
I got up early the next day and to my delight. No big deal seemed to be made of my birthday. Dick, Bruce, and Alfred wished me a Happy Birthday but that was it. Everyone else seemed clueless to it.
Around eleven Cassie arrived and her, Carrie, Harper, and I ended up in the den playing video games again.
About one Bruce dragged me out of the den. "What's up?" I asked him.
"Someones here to see you."
"Who?" I asked as we stepped out into the hall.
"Hey Ashleigh." Kate stood just inside the door. Arms open.
"Kate!" I hugged her. "I didn't know you were coming today."
"Thought I'd surprise you, considering it's your birthday." She ruffled my hair. "Happy Birthday, by the way."
"Thank you." I smiled. "How'd you know?"
"I always know."
"Bruce told you?"
She nodded. "Bruce told me."
"I felt it was necessary." Bruce added.
Kate held a box. "A little something."
"Thanks but you didn't have to."
"I know, Bruce said that. Which is why I distinctively ignored it."
Bruce scoffed. "I shouldn't be surprised."
Kate looked to Bruce then back to me. "I'll hold on to it for a little while."
"Sure." I looked to Bruce skeptically.
"Follow me." He said.
I followed Kate and Bruce towards the Dining room. "Where are we going?"
"I just want to say, that this was primarily Dicks idea." Bruce said.
Oh no. I already knew what this is. I put on a smile as we walked through the doors into the dining room. It was decorated to the nines with birthday banners and other colorful decorations. Sometimes I hate Dicks insistent to go over the top with everything.
"Happy Birthday!" Everyone yelled as I entered. I smiled at the large gathering of people. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement. But just for a second. Before, when I had parties, it fwlt like a lot of the smiling faces were just that, smiling face, no genuine emotion behind them but not this time. This time the smiles held happiness, love. I could feel it
All the nervousness I should feel, melted away. I don't know of it was Kate's hand on my shoulder or the smiles of my family and Cassie.
I was quickly tugged to the table by Steph. In front of me sat a large chocolate cake. On it, there had to be about fifty candles. "I told you I wouldn't forget." Cassie smiled.
"Come on!" Dick shouted excitedly.
"Can't we just skip that part?" Jay moaned.
Dick ignored Jay's remark and burst into song. "Happy birthday to you!"
Dick was quickly joined by the others, even Jay mumblwd along. After the song was over, I blew out my candles. Downside of so many candles, took quite a few blows.
"So what'd you wish for?" Steph asked.
"She can't tell you, that ruins the wish." Dick said.
"I didn't wish for anything." I said. "I have everything I could ever need."
Damien scoffed. "Corny. You sound like Grayson."
Cassie nudged me. "Do it."
"Fine." I sighed. "I did wish for something."
"Anything." Bruce said.
"I wish for... a photo. Of all of us. Together."
"That's all?"
"That's all."
"That's doable." Bruce turned to the kids. Jay and Damien in particular. "Isn't it."
Jay sighed. "Just this once."
Damien scoffed. ""Yes, as Todd said."
"I shall get the camera." Alfred stated.
"No need I have one here." Steph said, handing a camera to Alfred. "I have been capturing every moment of this."
"At this point, I'm surprised you don't take pictures of us sleeping." Tim remarked.
"Maybe I do."
"I'm double checking the locks in my door tonight." Duke commented.
"I'll always find another way in."
"You are the creepiest blonde I've ever met." Jay said. "And thats not a low bar."
"But you love me for it."
Jay sighed. I turned to Alfred. "You're  not going to be in the photo?" I asked.
"Someone must take the photo."
"I can take it Alfie." Cassie said.
"I will allow you to take this photo, Miss Sandsmark, on one condition."
"What's that?"
"Never refer to me as Alfie ever again."
"Fiiine." Cassie snagged the camera. "Now go join them."
"Okay," Bruce said. "Tallest to the back."
Dick, Kate, Bruce, Alfred, and Jay stood at the back in that order. Damien, Babs, me, Harper, Carrie, Duke, Steph, and Cass stood in front.
Dick picked up Damien. "Let me go Grayson!"
"Chill out." Dick said as he placed Damien on his shoulders. "Don't want you cut out of the photo.
"This will suffice." Damien huffed, pretending to be upset.
Steph turned to Cass. "Pleaaase."
"Sure." Cass lifted Steph onto her shoulder.
Bruce smiled at his children and place an arm around Alfred. I felt Kate place her hand on my shoulder.
"Say cheese." Cassie said.
"Cheeese!" We all shouted as Cassie snapped the picture.
We all walked over to her. "How's it look?"
She through an arm around my neck. "Smile."
I looked at the camera in surprise as Cassie snapped a picture. "What was that about?" I asked as Cassie let go of me.
She shrugged. "You needed a photo of us."
She handed me the camera. I looked at the photo of us. Cassie looked perfect but I had a look of absolutely confusion plastered on my face. I smiled and looked at the family picture. Everyone looked perfect in it. Even Damien and Jay were smiling. The camera was quickly passed around everyone as they looked at the photo.
Afterwards we cut the cake. I could tell by the way that Cass and Steph watched me as I took the first slice, that they had baked it. "Best cake ever." I said after I took a bite. The two girls had huge grins plastered across their faces. The cake was quickly devoured by everyone.
A pile of gifts sat on the table from each of the Batfamily. I figured I'd open them later and we went to play party games. For a moment I thought they be boring but the look on Tim's face when the donkey tail ended up pinned to his back, courtesy of Steph, proved me wrong.
Eventually we all lay up and watched some movies. By eleven everyone was clearly knackered. I could barely even keep my eyes open. Carrie was sound asleep against Bruce and most of the others weren't far behind. I was almost asleep when I felt a small weight on my shoulder.
Cassie looked half asleep as she leaned against me. Maybe she was asleep, just with her eyes open. I couldn't tell.
"Is she asleep?" I heard a voice ask from behind me.
I looked over my shoudler. Diana stood in the open doorway. "Diana." Bruce slid out gently from under Carrie and stood up. "I didn't hear you come in."
"I knocked. I assure you." She said. "No one answered, so I let myself in."
"Sorry, Miss Prince, I was preoccupied." Alfred stated.
I hadn't even noticed Alfred in the armchair in the corner. Jay was curled up beside him and appeared to be sound asleep.
"No worries Alfred."
"You've come to pick up Carrie. I assume." Bruce said.
"Yes. I'd leave her here but I promised her mother I'd bring her home tonight."
"Of course."
I shook Cassie. "Wake up."
She looked up at me groggily. "Huh?"
She sat up straight and looked to Diana. "Oh hey."
"Time to go."
Cassie stood up and stretched. "Sure, I'll juat grab my bag, i think it's in the kitchen." She turned back to me. "See yah Ash, and Happy Birthday."
I smiled. "See yah."
Cassie and Diana left and I looked back at the TV. I didn't recognise the movie that was on. I didn't even know who picked it. Slowly I drifted off to sleep on the couch.
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How you two meet.
Tuesday, January 13 2018
"We are expecting a rather violent snow storm this evening. Its suspected to last a good three days. Infact its suppose to drop below freezing tonight and its expected to stay that way leading into tomorrow morning..." The women on the small television exclaimed.
"Ugh.. Of all days She could have made me work..." Y/n sighed, looking out the window which reflected no other color but white.
"Well what can you do about it?" You coworker Dokyeom chuckled, mixing the batter.
Rolling your eyes you walked over to the oven placing the empty pan inside and pulling out the cooked bach, setting it on the table turning off the oven.
"Well I could go home b-"
"Then go home, ill cover for you."
You smiled. "..but! You didn't let me finish. I was going to say.. I need this job."
Cocking his brows he reminded you, "y/n you dads a billionaire, you said it yourself he's given you more than enough to buy a nice car, house, and then just sit on your ass all day, for the rest of your life."
"Yes but he's also only a billionaire because of his father and his fathers, father. Should i go on?"
Dokyeom quickly declined your offer waving you off with his towel. "Blah blah blah."
"Haha very funny. Hey can you go tell them they need to leave? Its a minute till closing time."
"What?! Why can't you do it?" Dokyeom complained.
"Because, one I have to stay late anyways remember? Im on clean up duty. Also I dont like kicking people out.. Besides, I think they're homeless.." You trailed off.
Dokyeom sighed. "Fine. But you owe me.."
"대박! 감사해요." (Awesome! Thank you.)
"I see you've been practicing." He commented.
You smiled.
He made his way to the simi-empty dinning room where a young man and a child sat. The man had a smile on his face as he listened to the small child, who from what I could understand was telling him about her day at daycare. I couldn't help but feel guilty. Trying not to think about it, I began throwing out old samples and displays that once sat in the display case, though I over heard Dk politely tell them they had to leave.
"Excuse me, sir.." He started.
Trying my best to make it seem like I wasn't there I slouched down behind the case. Listening to the small conversation between the two men, peaking around the corner. The male looked up at Dk, worry on his face as he pulled the small girl closer. she looked to be around three while the male looked to be in his late twenties. He had short brown hair and what looked to be a faint beard growing. He was wearing an old torn-up off white sweater, ripped black jeans, and a gray scarf. The girl on the other hand had oily black hair that was pulled into a ponytail. She was wearing a hoodie that was three sizes too large for her, an ankle length navy blue skirt, and a red bennie.
"...I'm sorry to say that's its closing time and you'll have to leave." Dk finished.
"Ah, I'm sorry. We hadn't realized what time it was. haha!" The man said. Standing up to pick up the small child only to sit her down and begun putting her winter attire on.
"Okay. Stay safe." Dk smiled and started walking back to the kitchen putting the freshly made batter into the fridge for early shift staff tomorrow and begun washing the dishes.
"Daddy, are we gonna sleep under the bridge again?"
My breath hitched, and i slowly stood up looking at the child who was now putting on gloves while he wrapped the scarf around her neck. As she looked up to him warmly.
"N-no sweetheart we'll find somewhere."
Once his stuff was on he picked her up and made their way out into the harsh weather with one last glance into the kitchen, making eye contact with me for the first time.
"Welp that concludes our shift.. I owe you one Dk. Again."
Dokyeom chuckled putting his coat on. "You sure do. Now if you'll excuse me I have a wife and daughter that are waiting for me. The wife especially." He winked.
"Gross, really Dokyeom? Really."
He smiled before clocking out, telling you to drive safe and walking out the door. I followed his steps only there was no one to tell drive safe and I had the extra step that included locking the doors.
"Shit, it really is cold out here... Doesn't help that my car is halfway down the fuckn' street." I muttered to myself.
Sitting in my car I couldn't help but think back to the man and his child. What she said to him specifically.
'Daddy, are we gonna sleep under the bridge again?'
Resting my head on the steering wheel I sighed. "Why didn't i say anything..."
Once I was done pondering and beating myself up about the past I started on my way home. Though the road I usually take was blocked off so I had to take the Sketchy way, through the alley and under the bridge. When it was in sight I calmed my nerves with some low-fi music my friend Yoongi produced. As I was driving through I saw someone- no someones. A familiar red bennie was huddled into something. I couldn't help but pull up next to them, driving slowly. Rolling my window down only to be greeted by snow and cold air assaulting my face.
"Excuse me. Do you need somewhere to stay?" I had to yell just to be heard over the yelps and roars of the winter air.
Man stopped and so did I, the little girls grip remained tight on her fathers arm.
"Uh. No, thank you we'll be fine.." He responded looking down.
"Daddy I'm cold.." She said and as a response he begun taking off his coat only to wrap it around her small frame, because she had one of his arms he could only use one to keep himself warm.
"Come on, its suppose to drop below freezing tonight, and if she's gonna have your coat.. You'll freeze... You'll both freeze."
He sniffled before telling her to get in the car.
"Come one Haru, get in the car... Hurry sweetie."
You smiled unlocking the doors, he sat in the back with her.
"You can get in the front."
"No, its fine." He quickly responded.
"Here, I'll go make you two some hot chocolate."
"Hot chocolate! Yay!" The child now known as Haru yelled in excitement.
"Here let me help you princess.." He said taking her shoes and wet clothes off.
When you came back you set the three cups on the table and warmed up some left over egg soup.
"Do you have some dry clothes? Haru's are wet.." He said sounding timid and a bit hesitant.
"Uh ya.. Um, can you keep an eye on the food? You know to make sure it doesn't boil over."
"Sure.. Come here haru, and stop bouncing around on her furniture." He said sternly.
You chuckled walking to your room looking through your night gowns looking for one that was, shall we say appropriate for someone of her age.
"Finally..." You sighed.
'to the moon and back.' It read.
You started looking through the stuff your late husband left behind, and came up with a shirt that said 'proud husband of a kick ass military wife!' And some sweats. Quickly folding them you made you way into the kitchen where Haru and her father waited.
"Oh you could have made yourselves a bowl.."
"Oh, sorry we didn't want to touch anything..."
Making your way to the cabinet s to get them a bowl. "No no its fine im sure you two are starving anyways.. Here are the clothes. I found some for you to..."
He smiled slightly, "I'm Jeonghan by the way.."
"Im y/n. So that's your daughter?" You smiled as he picked Haru up and begun to dress her.
"Y-yes, her mother died at birth and things went down hill from there.."
"Oh, I'm so sorry.."
Jeonghan looked at you "I saw a picture of a man.. Assuming by the shirt you cave me your married?"
You cleared your throat. "Um no he died 2 years ago.."
He stared at you before apologising profusely.
"Heh.. No its fine, I guess I'm over it anyway.. I didn't stop and cry when going through his stuff.." You chuckled.
"No one ever truly gets over the loss of a loved one..."
He looks at you. You shake your head. "That makes two of us.."
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cuntlordsblog · 4 years
i only liked the first episode of he dracula series and heres why
this was the vibe i instantly caught. like, i was stoned but ok.
dracula is lonely
johns a masochist
JOHN and mina are a couple in an open relationship and are deeply in love. they always come back to each other, and dine together and away on the deliousness of carnal desire. they were bisexuals.
in minas letter to JOHN she describes as much, wishing him luck on his journey and describing her thoughts on the nermous beautiful woman he may encounter on these journies. going on she also names the handsome men she could sample while he's away, noting the new cute bartender they had been eyeing the other day; how they imagine he'd taste.
Sitting in a carriage, JOHN was here on an unusual work task, he was to travel to a count dracuals castle in a farout snowy mountainous region of the latin country transylvania. as an Englishman and lawyer this trip is a strange one, but nevertheless it paid well and JOHN needed to earn money to pay for their grand wedding mina had planned, it was just 2 months away.
the atmosphere was as cold as the air outside, snow piling in banks along the trodden path. there was a family of 3 headed to the next village over, the gruff stage coach driver, and myself all stuffed into the clamy warmth of the stage coach. frost nipped at our ears from the cracks in the window; everyones combined body heat and hot breath in the confined space. they would steal hurried looks at him, but would look away when he tried to make eye contact.
the counts castle was a 2 hour ride from the nearest town, but not 45 minutes into the ride the coach ground to a halt.
"what's going on???"
"you get out here." the driver grunts as he jumps down, he quickly grabs your luggage and ushers you out of the cab.
"put we're still a ways off! we're nowhere near the castle, I dont even see it!" JOHM EXLAIMs as he HURRIES to keep up with the driver.
"we don't go any further. he will send a driver." he says, his voice hard leaving no room for argument.
sputtering you pick up your luggage from the snow where he placed it. a hand to your head youre in shock! a exasperated laugh puffs from your chest. "how will he know where to find me??"
"he knows where you are." the driver answers cryptically as he good back into the drivers seat. giving you one last forlorn look he sets off at a gallop. you see the eyes of the other passengers stare out the window as the coach quickly disappears around a bend.
it's not long after that you hear branches cracking and the thump of hooves and a jet black coach with 2 black stallions and a driver dressed is all black, his face obscured by a hat and scarve.
"good day!" JOHN. hollers waving his hand and picking up once more the handles on his case.
the coach comes to a skidding stop in front of him, stunned peter stands and stares with his mouth agape, a hand to his hat. the driver regarded him silently, not offering any instruction or aid.
"are you going to help me with my luggae???" no reply "no????well, ok." JOHN hauls himself into the sleek carriage, dragging his luggage with both arms, his suitcase logged betwix his arms. throwing himself into a seat he pants exhausted from the long days travel and burst of exertion he sits back and rests. the cabin lurches as the horses start running. you close your eyes with a sigh.
the coach comes to a sudden halt and your eyes fly open, you fell asleep!
the door to the cab flies open and the driver grabs your luggage and places it outside the carriage. replacing his hat, petter steps out of the carriage and notices hes still a ways off from the doors. the driver hops back onto the drivers seat.
"not going to help me i take it?"
no response
"didn't think so." JOHN fills his arms and begins the treck towards the large castle doors.
finally arriving in front of the door it was evening, petter drops his luggage and takes a momment to catch his breath and right his crooked attire. petter raises his hand to knock on the immense doors but before hand could come into contact with wood the doors had swung open to reveal an empty dimly lit hallway.
nervous, petter looks about slowly, not willing to make a move when suddenly a swarm of bats comes streaming from the doorway surrounding petter, flying in close, their wings carressing his entire body with their wings as they flew by. it felt as if the swarm had hands, he felt molested and revolted. his skin crawling, he cowered hoping the bats would soon leave. peeking over his raised arms he notices a man now standing in the the dim doorway. the bats have all but left, lowering his arms and resuming the posture of a good British gentle man.
the man before him was bizarrely pale, his skin and hair a stark white. he seemed quite old, his handsome features lined with deep wrinkles. he wears a crimson robe and leans on an ornate gold cane.
what an impressive man. petter thinks as he clears his throat and straightens out his jacket, embarrassed to have shown the man who he assumes is his client such an embarrassing scene.
"Greetings! I am, count, Dra-Que-la." he says gesturing wide, he spoke English like he has a mouth full of marbles. "I am pleased that you would journey so far to personally deliver the papers for my new estate in your beautiful country, england!" the count smiles but it doesn't quite reach his eyes. "please, come in." the count gestures to deeper into the dim castle.
petters the mention of his work flipped petters switch into work mode, his nerves washing away on the waves of a confident man who is good at his job. with a renewed vigor and purpose petter quickly hefts his luggage and follows the count into the castle. the sooner the man signed the purchase papers the sooner petter could go back to his beautfil mina. he would have to write a response to her letter before leave, responding in equal mirth (thirst), telling her of the handsome count, he was older than petter usually goes for, much older, but petter still found the old count oddly alluring and wabted to share this thought with his lover. brag. wink.
a soft chuckle startles JOHN out of his day dreams, he looks up from his feet (the light is so faint he had to focus on his feet as to not stumble on the stone) a warm glow came from the fireplave at the end of the high ceilinged room. a long table was placed in the center or the room covered with a feast. dropping gis luggage at the sight of a hot meal petter rushes forward and takes in the beautiful sight.
he turns back to the count "may i??????" pointing at the food. the count SMILES and nods.
JOHN eats at one side of the table and the count the other. the count smiles placedly as he eats.
later petter thanks him for the meal which had been cleared away, he moves to the case opens it, and places the documents on the rable. he moves a candle closer so everyrging is easy to see, pulling out an ink pot and a quill he smiles, "alright then shall we proceed?" gesturing at the paper work.
the count evades JOHNS yes/no question by begining a monologue about why he's buying this property in England. he recalls the early years of his life when everything tasted so exciting and new, but now, he lives in a dank castle in the cold isolated mountains of the mother country. frankly, hes bored! but as hes spent his life in an isolated castle in a forgeine country, he fears he will have a hard time fitting in... which is why..." he continues as he gets up achingly from his seat and slowly makes his way to john seated at the far end of the table, papers out and pen in hand eyes wide and mouth agape. "...you will be staying with for a month and we shall travel back to england together."
exasperated and surprised john had heard nothing of the sort, he was only supposed to be here a few days! just long enough to get the counts signatures and finalize the purchase of the estate. he tries to refuse but the count grabs his hands and holds them cupped gently as he fluidly sits in the chair next to john. stunned in silence john sits and gapes at the count. his hands cold and dry, covered in deep wrinkles, his long nails evident. the count locks eye contact with John, gazing deep into his eyes "please john, i want to learn how to be a good British gentle man, like yourself." john begins to sputter and tries to jolt his hands away but the count doesnt loosen his grip. " besides," he continuesleabing forward and pulling john in towards him "your employer has already agreed to these terms" he ends witha wink and a smile, releasing Johns hand and sitting back folding his own hands on his chest. "now, tell me about England."
defeated and exhausted john relents, and dazedly answers the counts numerous questions about england, and British social ettiquet. between the counts qiestions John had a few of his own like why didn't his employer explain this to HIM, etc.
the count had brought out some wine at one point and began pouring glasses for John, and in Johns distress over this unexpexted situatiom he has found himself in, partook. and drank, amd drank, until his lips were loose and his comments nigh unfiltered, the good buisness ettique veneer washed away along with the wine.
a bit tipsy now, while answering another one of the counts more unusual questions blah blah blah john reaches to grab his wine glass while rolling his eyes and flapping and knocks it over. the glass shatters on the smooth stone floor.
"oh crumb" he explaims and leans over to pick up the larger shards.
"no dont both--" the count begins, starting to get out of his chair.
"ouch!" John yelps, he cut his finger picking up a piece of broken glass. holding his finger to his face to inspect the wound he pouts and squeezes his wounded finger tip, letting a crimson stream of blood well up and slide down his finger. john sticks his injured bloodied finger in his mouth and realizes the count has disappeared into thin air. surprised john pops his finger out of his mouth and looks around the room. "count?" he spots the count in a dark cornwd, his back facing john leaning heavily on a dresser.
concerned john jumps up and begins to make his way over to the count "count dracula? is something wrong?" no response. john can see the deep, even, slow rise and fall of the counts breathing. leaned against the dresser the was perfectly still but for he rise and fall of his chest. john reaches the count in a few hurrieded strides of his long mantis legs and places a hand on the counts shlulder, and attempts to turn him to get a look at his face "are you alrivht?"
and all of a sudden like the crack of a whip the count was upon him, hand gripping theback of his neck and the hand john had reached out to grab him with unbelievable strength pressing his body to john and pinninf him against the cold stone wall. before john even realizes whats going on the counts lips were upon him, his tounge pushing past Johns lips and devouring his mouth, tasting it.
not all together NOT not into this john gives into the counts attack and kisses back. he had found the old count rather compelling... who is he to refuse a kiss this delicious?? John surrenders to the count, turning to jelly in his grip and sliding his free arm around the counts back.
the count seemed surpised and momentarily taken aback before swiping his tongue along his bottom lip the count deepens their kiss, suxking Johns tongue into his mouth and a moment later sinking his teeth in. needle sharp pain eruptes from Johns tongue sending bolts of electricity through his body settinf gis nerves on fire.
the count didn't let up his bite, lips wrapped around johns Tongue the count began to suck, and suck hard.
Dracula drinks deeply from John, drunk om the pleasure of exotic nlood. and John, lightheaded from the onslaught of sensations and loss of blood simply hangs off of the count. his eyes flutter and close, passing out.
john feels himself slump, and can distantly feel the count detaching himself before he lets himself fall unconious.
waking up john finds himself in a bed, slowly pushing himself up his head swims. confused he looks around the room, heavy drapes cover the windows and numerous candles are lit. the bed he sits in is large and canopyed, the whole room shouted decadence.
"ahem" says the man standing in the doorway. he's handsome and peppered, tall and lean, and looks oddly familiar....
"I'm sorry about last night," the man began, his voice too sounding particularly familiar..."I have a hard time controlling myself..."; all the while john is mesmerized, who is he...I don't know anyone this hot... . he continues, walking towards john, stopping a breath away and grabbing his chin, lifting Johns face towards his own "blood.".
the count dives in and steals his mouth, kissing him deeply. john is surprised momentarily but melts into the counts kiss. chuckling the count pulls away. "your balls of steal never cease to amaze me" the count laughs, turning away and walking a few faces away.
"you're the count dracula, arent you?" John finally starts "but you look so young!".
the count doesnt seem to expect that line of questioning after all that had happened the night before and a laugh escapes his lips. whirling on john he smiles, "thats really what you want to know?"
confused john cocks his head and gives the count an utterly confused doe eyed questioning stare.
at a loss for words the count face palms and turns away briefly, before turning back around and taking a seat on the bed. he reaches over and holds johns hands in his own. he looks soulfully into johns eyes and answers "i drank your blood johnny."
"and my blood made you younger???!" john exclaims, totally missing the point "thats amazing!".
"huh" taken aback the count gives john a rueful smile. "you're taking this quite... calmly.".
"well this is quite amazing! simply from drinking my blood you've become radically younger! i wonder what would happen if you drank more...?" John finishes, squeezing counts hands.
surprised and frankly into it the count smiles and leans towards john, breathing heavily on his lips, hovering just above them before diving for the juncture of his neck which hits shoulder, nice in juicy.
in pure ecstasy john moans and holds on tight to the count, pressing up into his bite.
this time the count only takes but a few mouth fulls before swiping his tongue over the wound, knitting the town flesh together. out of breath and a little light headed john collapses against the pillows as the count wipes his bloodied mouth and licks his hand clean, standing up once more and looming over the bed. panting john blearily looka up at the count to see a blisteringly handsome young man, filled out, dark hair, stunner.
"woah" john breathes, a hand to his previously bleeding neck, fingers running over the fresh scar.
i wanted them to be best boyfriends and teach each other stuff and then go home to mina in england and everyone would get married to each other and also dined together nah mean. anyway i watched episode 3 and that kinda soured it for me
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justauthoring · 5 years
tears of despair (2/2)
request: Could I request a Lorenzo x Reader where the reader is sold off due to her fathers debts and Lorenzo does everything he can to get her back
part one
please don’t plagiarize my work!
word count: 1,724
Tumblr media
The bed shifts under his weight, and all too soon do you feel an arm wrap around your waist, pulling you against another. 
You keep your eyes on that one small spot on the wall adjacent to you, it being the only thing to somewhat calm your nerves. Your right hand grips the sheets beneath you tightly, crumpling them up in the palm of your head as you entire body tenses upon the feeling of him behind you.
His free hand brushes the hair around your neck back, revealing the skin from him as he presses light kisses against the exposed skin. Your eyes fall shut, not in contentment or pleasure, but rather discomfort. And as your eyes fall shut, you like imagine that it is Lorenzo behind you, not Leonardo, and that you are back home in Florence with Lorenzo by your side.
When you open your eyes, the dream fades and reality settles in.
“Will you join me for breakfast this morning?”
You swallow thickly at the sound of his voice, your grip on the sheets tighten if more so. Shoulders tensing, you press the side of your head into your pillow, your silence giving Leonardo his answer.
You hear him huff in frustration, his arm practically ripping from your side. The bed once again shifts under his weight as he stands up to his feet, and while you don’t glance back at him, the urge to is strong. Your body is completely still, tense in anticipation towards his movements. 
You hear the slight ruffling of clothing, signaling that he was getting dressed before footsteps echo around the room. They stop by the door, and for a moment silence seems to be the only thing you can focus on. Then, Leonardo scoffs and his lips part; “I have been very patient,” he mumbles, his voice thin and cold, displaying his frustration. “Given the circumstances, I thought it best to let you become acquainted with your new home on your own terms. But this has been going on for too long.”
Your jaw clenches when you hear footsteps once again, and then suddenly a shadow falls in front of you. Your eyes flicker upwards, meeting Leonardo’s own angry ones staring down at you.
“Get up,” he orders.
You stay put.
His lip snarls and then Leonardo grabs your wrist, pulling you up with a hard yank. A gasp leaves your lips in response, being pulled up to your feet by no will of your own. Leonard then grabs your other hand, squeezing both wrists tightly that you know it will leave a bruise, as he leans in close, his eyes narrowed dangerously.
“I am your husband,” he growls, eyes blazing. Your lips part in fear, heart pounding against your chest. “You will obey me.”
Gaining courage, you narrow your own eyes, struggling in his grip. “Let me go.”
Leonard only response by tugging you forward once again, he shifts his body in one quick movement and suddenly you find yourself slamming against the floor. You land with a thud, a moan of pain leaving your lips. You barely have time to register your pain before you hear Leonardo lunge towards you, causing you to spin so you are on your back, staring fearfully up at your husband.
“You will obey me,” Leonard repeats, the words a underlining threat. “You will learn to accept your position as my wife and this foolish pity party you are throwing will end.”
You stare up at him, chest rising and falling rapidly. 
“Is that clear?”
Once again, you don’t respond. That little bit of defiance in you still fighting.
You flinch, though, a whimper leaving your lips when Leonard raises his head. “Is that clear?”
Cowering, you finally nod; “y-yes--!”
A knock on the door interrupts you. Your eyes flicker over to it, your body stilling when it slowly opens and a servant pokes his head in through. Leonard spins around to face the servant, his eyes falling on that of you to your husbands, and for a moment, you swear you see realization of your state hit him. But he says nothing.
“What is it?” Leonard snaps.
“Uh, sorry, Messer,” the servant shakily bows his hand. “There is a man here that wishes to speak to you.”
Leonardo’s eyes fall on yours briefly before turning back to the servant. “Messer Medici, sir.”
Your eyes widen. That couldn’t...
Growling, Leonardo nods; “leave us.” The servant is quick to obey, but not without a brief glance your way, the door shutting behind him.
You are pulled out of your thoughts when Leonard takes another step your way. Meeting his eyes, you swallow nervously. “Get dressed,” he orders gruffly, before a tight-lipped smile crosses his features. “We have company.”
You keep your head bowed, hands clasped before yourself as you listen carefully to those around you. Leonard is stood to your left, a few steps ahead of you as you both patiently, or impatiently given your circumstance, wait for Messer Medici be brought into your husband’s family’s hall.
You don’t have to wait too long before you hear the familiar sound of the large doors squeaking open. You know who it is, but you don’t dare raise your hand to confirm your suspicions. It’s been weeks since that day in the streets of Florence when you had cried and pleaded with Lorenzo to save you from what was now your marriage. From when he promised he’d save you and find you once more.
That had been weeks and you were starting to lose hope.
“Messer Medici,” your husband greets, and you can practically envision the fake smile plastered on his lips. “How nice it is to see you again.”
“Please.” You falter slightly at the sound of his voice, finally daring to raise your head. When your eyes finally land on Lorenzo, you feel your heart quite literally stop. Lorenzo is careful not to meet your eyes, but something about the smirk on his lips tells you he aware of your wondering gaze. “Call me Lorenzo, as I shall call you Leonardo.”
Your eyes flicker to your husbands as he feigns a polite grin; “okay, Lorenzo,” he corrects with a slight tilt of his head. “What is it that brings you so far away from your home?”
“I think you already know, Leonardo.”
You have no doubt what, or rather who he speaks of.
“Ah,” Leonardo nods, and your thoughts are only confirmed when his gaze slides to you. “My wife.”
For the first time in what feels like forever, your eyes meet Lorenzo’s.
“The wedding has not actually occurred,” Lorenzo comments, that confident smirk on his face never faltering. “Or had I heard wrong?”
You see the edges of Leonardo’s feigned politeness waver, his smile faltering just slightly. “No, you are correct,” he nods stiffly. He reaches out for you, and you listen without fault, not wanting to cause a seen or end up with another bruise. Your face tenses when Leonardo wraps his arm around your waist, pulling you securely against his side. You keep your gaze firmly on that of Lorenzo to help calm yourself. “But she is still to be my wife,” Leonardo continues, raising his chin in defiance. “Why should I give her back when her father as already promised her to me?”
“Because I can pay a hefty price,” Lorenzo bargains, “one that would greatly benefit your family.”
Leonardo’s lips part and he pauses in thought for a moment; “you are right,” he relents, “But, I have grown quite fond of Y/N.” You swallow slightly when Leonardo raises his hand, stroking it across your left cheek, causing you to flinch away from his touch slightly. Meeting Lorenzo’s eyes, you don’t miss the way his shoulders square tightly upon your reaction. “Money can’t always buy such beauty.”
“Have you ever heard of love, Leonardo?
Your breath halts in your chest at Lorenzo’s words, your eyes widening.
Leonardo also seems surprised by Lorenzo’s words, pushing you away as he takes a step towards Lorenzo. Coming to a stop before him, he crosses his arms over his chest. “Are you telling me you are in love with my wife?”
“Answer the question, Lorenzo.”
“Yes,” Lorenzo nods, his eyes sliding past Leonardo’s shoulder to meet your own. “I am in love with, Y/N. And I will pay any price to have her. I have already made the preparations.”
There is a startling moment of silence where you are unsure what Leonardo will say. Where you truly believe he will say no. But then, he spins, meets your eyes and nods, signaling towards Lorenzo. Your eyes widen, brows furrowing as you hesitate walking forward. Then, slowly, you step forward, crossing the short distance to Lorenzo as Leonardo makes his way back to his previous spot.
The moment you reach Lorenzo, he grabs you by the wrist, tucking you securely and safely behind him.
“That’s it?” Lorenzo questions, obviously confused. “No bargaining? Arguments?”
“She was never more than a bargaining chip,” Leonardo shrugs, and you feel your heart plummet at the fact that you were nothing more than a pawn in this mans game. That he never even considered you an actual human being with feelings and thoughts. “I wanted money, didn’t matter from who; her father, you, someone else. And i’ve got what I wanted.”
Lorenzo’s shoulders square and you can see the anger in his eyes, but you squeeze his hand, causing his eyes to fall on your own. Sighing, Lorenzo turns back to Leonardo; “my men will provide you with the appropriate sum.”
Leonardo grins; “pleasure doing business with you, Messer Medici.”
Lorenzo doesn’t respond. He simply turns, pulling you with him as you glance back at Leonardo one final time, hating the way he glowers down at you. The moment Lorenzo and you are alone and far away from Leonardo, he pulls you quickly into his embrace, pulling you firmly against himself and cradling the back of your head.
“Lorenzo,” you breathe, voice shaky. “The money--”
Pulling back, Lorenzo leans his forehead against your own. “It doesn’t matter,” he argues softly, “all that matters is I have you back in my arms.”
Letting out a shaky breath, you nuzzle your nose against Lorenzo’s warmth. “I missed you, my love.”
“As I missed you.”
Let me know what you thought? Remember, reblogging always helps!
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team-free-squiggle · 6 years
Why @karaidemon is Very Cute
                                 by Me (@book-of-Charlie)
Pages: 5 in word document.
Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
Citation Style: MLA
Word Count: 1,245
Here goes nothing! @karaidemon I am putting it under a read more cause it’s long af. Hope you enjoy! Also, I told you I would write it :p
              In this essay, I will demonstrate exactly why @karaidemon is cute AF. But first, an explanation.
              For those of you who don’t understand why I am writing this essay, hello! I will explain. No, there is too much, let me sum up (bonus points if you got that reference). So here’s what happened: I saw a post that said “if you’re reading this right now, you’re cute” (Tumblr). And, like everyone here on Hellsite.com, I tagged my friends, people I know, etc…. One of the people I tagged was @karaidemon, who shall henceforth be referred to as Jewels, since that’s her name. She responded by saying “I am not cute, I demand an essay with quotes and sources. Please use MLA format.” Well, Jewels. Challenge accepted.
              We will start off by looking at the definition of the word in question: ‘cute.’ According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, these are the possible definitions of cute:
1a: clever or shrewd often in an underhanded manner
              " … he's a true patriot and statesman … and a most particular cute lawyer."— Thomas Chandler Haliburton
              b: impertinent, smart-alecky
                            Don't get cute with me.
2: attractive or pretty especially in a childish, youthful, or delicate way
              a cute puppy; a cute smile
3: obviously straining for effect
              The movie's too cute to be taken seriously.
Now obviously, 3 doesn’t apply. This leaves us definitions 1 and 2. Most people tend to look at definition number 2, which is accurate. That will be explained later. For now, however, we will start at the very beginning (it’s a very good place to start), with definition number 1.
               Earlier today I posted a post on Tumblr, asking people to like and/or reblog if they thought Jewels is cute. She herself commented “How dare you. I have a reputation” (Tumblr). One has to admit, it’s a little bit smart-alecky. Another example is within her writing; for this essay, I shall specifically use the example of her stories with Annika Archer. Annika Archer, for those who don’t know, is a character that Jewels created to go with @asofterfan’s Sanders Sides Punk AU. This author does highly recommend that AU, by the way. The stories that Jude (@asofterfan) wrote, and the ones that Jewels wrote are both spectacular. The point, however, are in the stories that Jewels wrote: in them, there are some amazingly (yet objectively) adorable moments between Roman and Annika. And speaking from experience (and from what others have told me they felt when writing), it’s very hard to write as you are not. When it’s just you, and a laptop or tablet or phone or even a paper and pencil, the letters on the page are what’s coming from your soul. You can write all different types of characters; but at the end, they all share a piece of your soul because you’re the one that wrote them. Now, I don’t know if that’s how Jewels feels; but as a fan of her work, sometimes literally the cutest, most adorable things are just the best things ever. Again, whether that’s me or her is hard to say; but those cute moments just add up to a cute person, the way I see it.
               Now, for definition number 1. Disclaimer: I don’t know how Jewels looks. Never seen her face, nothing. Which means I’m going based off of what I know about her. She is sweet, and kind, and a brilliant writer; she has a great sense of humor (based on her stories) and is overall very caring and just wonderful. Now, no matter what you look like; all those qualities add up to something beautiful. So I really couldn’t care about what’s on the outside (not trying to say that you’re not pretty, Jewels, I just don’t know what you look like), because on the inside you are cute and beautiful and adorable and utterly you. And that’s amazing.
               Now, if you still don’t believe me: let’s look at the evidence from my various Tumblr posts/asks about this very topic.
 ~ The first post is the one where I asked people to like/reblog if they think      @karaidemon is cute. Here’s what we have, excluding a reblog/commenting  thing Jewels and I did (please note that this is so far, idk if this post will get more notes after this or not. I would expect so). (book-of-charlie)
§  @Bitchwannatryme
§  @allthemetalsoftherainbow
§  @coltondresden
§  @mysparkledblog
§  @pixieprincess14
§  @virgil-angsty-sanders
§  @moist-astronaut
§  @sockpansy
§  @mirror2thespirit
§  @goliath-dave
§  @idon-kno
§  @adoratato
§  @jamicambrera
§  @the-editor-is-bored
§  @unevencube2554
§  @imantisocialgetoverit
§  @blair-nope
§  @tkwolf45
§  @joruxxi
§  @nowedontliveinigloos
§  @trashy-killjoy
§  @nervous-nellie
§  @libellus-drakena
§  @bubblegumrowan
§  @noot-noot-cats
§  @ilikesomeshtuff
§  @gaythingsingayplaces
§  @bluecometdust
§  @decadentdeerpolice
§  @theunoriginaldaisy
§  @calvindientesblancos
§  @feerkokoro1345
§  @broadwaytheanimatedseries
§  @k9cat
§  @paradoxesmakeperfectsense
§  @1-lost-fander
§  @funsizedgremlin
§  @sepporahs-blog
§  @drawtofeel
§  @itsme98z
§  @bitchwannatryme
§  @allthemetalsoftherainbow
§  @rptheturk
§  @pixieprincess14
§  @justt-ppeachy
§  @asofterfan
§  @virgil-angsty-sanders
§  @moist-astronaut
§  @poisonedapples
§  @idon-kno
§  @adoratato
§  @jamiecambrera
§  @khadij-al-kubra
§  @nowedontliveinigloos
§  @wayward-virgil
§  @unknownsandersfan
§  @broadwaytheanimatedseries
§  @thisismedamit
§  @asofterfan said: “You have a reputation for bEING CUTE.”
§  @adoratato said: “Oh yes definitely”
§  @khadij-al-kubra said: “Wait, this wasn’t an obvious fact to the general famdom populace?”
§  @broadwaytheanimatedseries said: “THE EFFING CUTEST”
~ The second post is the ask I sent to Jude, to see what they thought. (asofterfan)
~~ Their reaction was: “Can I get a HELL YEAH”
~~ There were several notes on this post as well.
§  Likes
·         @mollycassmith
·         @goliath-dave
·         @the-editor-is-bored
·         @imantisocialgetoverit
·         @libellus-drakena
·         @ilikesomeshtuff
·         @decadentdeerpolice
·         @doodler200
§  Reblogs and comments were done by me and will therefore not be counted in this extremely very serious study.
~ And last, but definitely not least, Thomas Sanders himself has said that every single famder is cute af. And yes, I know this is in general, but Jewels is a famder and therefore counts in ever category.
For example, his tweets (tstwitterupdates):
§  “Hey, why are you all so sweet? You make me so excited to create and share my creations and that’s the absolute BEST gift to give any artist. Thank you for being you. <3”
§  “Hey. Just a quick reminder. I come on here all the time, and you guys are always so loving and sweet and always make me smile and feeling better. You do that. You are awesome. <3”
§  “Have I mentioned lately how much I adore you guys, gals, and non-binary pals? You’re all so patient with us, and loving, and kind, and you’re so supportive of this dude who felt like getting purple hair in order to feel more comfortable as himself. Can’t thank you all enough! <3”
There are so many more. Thomas is just… the sweetest. But then, so are all of us, as he keeps reminding us. And that definitely includes Jewels.
So, even though I know you don’t think you are…. Jewels, you are cute AF, and we love you. Keep on kicking figurative butt!
                                                 Works Cited
"Cute." Merriam-Webster's Learners Dictionary, Merriam-Webster.
asofterfan. “Ask,” Tumblr. November 5, 2018.
book-of-Charlie. “Please Reblog or Like This Post If,” Tumblr. Nov. 5, 2018.
karaidemon. “Photos,” Tumblr.
karaidemon. “Robot,” Tumblr.
tstwitterupdates. “Hey, why are you all so sweet?” Tumblr. Sept. 26, 2018.
tstwitterupdates. “Hey. Just a Quick Reminder.” Tumblr. Sept. 19, 2018.
tstwitterupdates. “Have I Mentioned Lately How Much I Adore You Guys, Gals, and Nonbinary Pals?” Tumblr. July 10, 2018.
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ecclais-fouoras · 3 years
Sometimes moving on is good
anyAys byeeeee
Ch5 pt2
It was a few weeks later, you were going out roller skating like you promised diane a few days ago.
"You ready" you said softly while she put on her coat.
"Yeah are you?"
"Of course, honey it's a little chilly outside...you should put on your scarf"
As you put it on her you kissed her cheek, "there you are...all set"
She looked at you with her eyes filled with love.
"Are we taking your car or mine ?"
"Oh no well walk babe it's not that far"
"Really ?.."
"Or we can take my car if you don't want to go by feet"?
"It's just I'd like to take you elsewhere afterwards"
"Yeah Sure Diane I'll get the keys"
You got in the car after getting everything you needed and started driving.
After a few minutes your hand landed on diane's thigh and dragged your fingers up and down over her jeans. You couldn't get enough of her, her sent her hair her eyes everything about her made you heart flutter.
She closed her eyes at the feeling of your touch.
"We're almost there diane darling don't fall asleep" you joked looking at her on the passenger seat.
"I'm not...i Just..rested my eyes a little bit."
She couldn't admit she was getting very aroused just from the feather graze.
"Is everything ok hon ? You seem all Shakey"
You asked as you put more pressure on her leg.
"Yes I'm okay y/n"
"You sure ? You know you can tell me anything right ?"
There was a short pause and she was considering telling you what made her
Agitated, she looked away from you slightly.
"It's just... you are doing that with your hand...and it...well..it turns me on ok ?!"
You took off your hand rapidly and responded
"Diane I'm sorry if I'd known it made you uncomfortable i would have stopped immediately...you should have told me it did honey"
"No..I'm not uncomfortable it's fine... I just...It makes me want......you"
She replied honestly, but still looked embarrassed.
"Okay well...then you have nothing to be embarrassed about.. it's normal diane, if anything I'm flattered to have this affect on you" you winked teasingly at her.
"Now let's get out of the car shall we"
You both got out and found a spot where you could sit by the empty skate park.
She put on her roller blades and tied up the laces and before she could finish you were already in the pool dropping and warming up.
She looked at your hair dancing in the wind and the way your body moved with such ease. It sort of reminded her that hers could not really anymore, she could feel she was getting old, maybe not very old but still. the age gap you two had was more obvious now for her.
"Are you coming diane I didn't come here to skate by myself" you said in a sarcastic tone and she giggled.
"I'm not as young as I used to be I'll fall y/n"
She didn't mention that's she had no idea how to skate whatsoever.
"Oh i know what's going on here you don't know how to skate !.."
She opened her mouth to protest but you had already raced fast to her and silenced her with your lips.
When you parted away you spoke;
"It's okay I'll teach you it's not too hard...here put your heels like this..yeah good...now keep your balance and try going forward I'll hold you."
You two kept going back,  forth and then in circles when she gained some confidence.
"You're doing good babe"
"Really ?" She asked meeting your gaze steadily.
"Of course"
You pulled her closer and kissed her soundly as you guided her movements, rolling down the park.
After a heavy make out session, and hands Wondering around your bodies. You rested yours on her hips as she was getting back to the spot you put your stuff in and rest.
When she sat down she told you to go have fun since you stayed with her the whole time.
"Babe I had fun staying with you"
"I know but now you can skate without having to keep me off the ground y/n...go enjoy the rest of the park"
So you did, you went to a place where the floor was flat and did a few figures. Then you wanted to try to see if you could do your old routine and started the choregraphy you learned in college. Diane looked at you amazed, she had never seen so much grace. You were doing flips and spins in your rollerblades and she wondered where you had learned that, she'd have to ask you later on.
After you were done you both went back to the car but diane drove and you kept your hand away from her thighs and rested it on her neck instead.
You needed to feel her, physical touch was your love language and diane knew that.
She took you to a lake not to far and you sat on the back of your car watching the sunset on the water.
It was a beautiful evening and you found it even better that you got to spend it with her, as she rested her head on your shoulder.
"I love you diane"
You pulled back as you were equally as shocked as her to hear that come out of your mouth.
"Oh my God I'm sorry i don't know why I said it. I just...you don't have to say it back..it's okay I know it's important for you ....I just.. it came out before I could even think"
You rambled quickly with your hand in your hair.
"I love you to y/n"
after she said it she gave you a loving kiss, that got more heated as you held her tightly and grabbed her hips to lock her in place.
After a while you got back to driving, both of you had a smile on your faces, and you put your hand back on her thighs, knowing it drove her crazy.
"I'm ready y/n"
You didn't know what she was referring to so you asked
"What do you mean ?"
"...for us..to you know"
"...Oh .. are you sure, we don't have to do anything you know ?"
"Yes I know, but I'm ready to...and i want you"
"..oh and what exactly do you want ?"
You asked in a low tone as your hand ran up her thigh. Her cheeks reddened at your comment.
"...well...like.. I..i don't really know"
"You mean you've never had sex with a women ?"
"Well it's okay babe. Don't feel embarrassed about it. We'll go slow and you'll tell me to stop anytime. And if it's still too scary for you we don't have to do anything, we can just cuddle"
"Okay... I'm just worried i won't be good...or that you won't like me"
"Diane i love you... There is nothing that would change that"
"I know"
The rest of the ride was quiet, except for her soft humming to the radio, a sound you would never get tiered to hear.
You both arrived home 5 minutes later, and once you were inside you asked if it was still okay with her, and when she nodded you kissed her right cheek, then her left and finally pressed your lips against hers, she opened hers slightly and your tongues met in the middle.
You broke of to whisper
"Let's go upstairs and take this off diane...i want to see you" as you held her shirt with both of your hands.
She it took and went to her bedroom, as soon as you were both inside you pressed her against the door slightly and nibbled her neck whilst praising her slightly.
"Such a sweet girl diane...your neck is so soft darling. And i love to hear your little groans"
She was beyond wet now as you caressed her boobs while taking her bra off and then your shirt.
You laid her down on the bed and kept kissing your way down her chest, sucking and biting the pale skin.
Getting closer to her nipples and taking one between your fingers as the other one went in your mouth.
"No no no...Darling... God has nothing to do with this...leave him out of the bedroom"
She arched her back and wriggled on the bed as she grabbed your head and the bedsheets.
You asked as your fingers went down dangerously closer to where you needed her most..
"What do you want babe...my fingers or my mouth ?"
"Please.. just touch me..."
"My..my someone's eager...has no one ever touched you like this ?"
"Yes no one ever did that...it feels so good"
"And i haven't even started...
"..sure please now.. AAHHHH"
You went down on her and cut her off by shoving your hand down her panties and pinching her clit. "You are so wet diane.."
You took of her underwear and she was left a whimpering naked mess underneath you.
She moaned again as you licked her folds and sucked on her clit lovingly. Her hands flew to your head and she bucked her hips to try to get more contact.
"Hey..hey..hey..no...stay still or i won't keep going" so she tried not to move and breathed
"Dont..Don't stop..please.."
When you felt her ready you pushed two fingers into her making her scream your name, and curled them inside her to match your tongue. After a few moments you felt her arch her back and her muscles clench as her cum filled your mouth.
"Mmm you taste so sweet my love.."
You helped her ride out her orgasm as she spasmed on the bed. When her breathing was back to normal she said ;
"..oh my God.. that what was that ?! I've never felt this good of my life"
"That was an orgasm diane... And please don't tell me you've never even gave yourself one ?"
"No...i never...should i have?"
"Well there are no obligation of course babe, just masturbating is an important part of exploring your sexuality"
"Well I'll try sometime in the future then"
"Oohh...and I'll be happy to watch..."
She flushed deeply at your words and you kept going in her ear
"It would be so hot... watching you put those lovely fingers deep inside your pussy..while you moan my name...oh so sweet."
Diane felt herself getting aroused again at that. And you could see her clench her things to try and get some relief.
So you spread her legs and started to run your fingers up and down her cunt and her body trembled.
"Mm yes...oh.."
"You like that huh? ..."
You pushed two fingers into her and she screamed ;
"OH GOD YES...!"
She came twice letting out a long moan and a soft breath before you took your fingers out carefully because of how sensitive she was.
After a few minutes she kissed you soundly as you sat next to her on the headboard, she got up on her knees in front of you and started to kiss your neck and take of your pants. "You don't hav..."
She cut you off ;
-"I want to"
She kept kissing your body as you held her hips and gently moved her so she laid on her back. "What are you doing...I want to make you come n.."
"I want to sit on your face ?" You said in a coarse voice.
"You can say no.."
"No i want to try.." she replied happily and took your underwear off before you put your legs on either side of her face and lowered yourself onto her mouth.
You rode her face while she tried to suck on your clit and move her tongue up and down.
You came after a few minutes of rocking your hips into her face and laid next to her painting.
"So... how'd i do ?"
"Mmm so good diane...it wasn't to much for you was it ?"
"Not at all..i loved it...and i live you"
"I love you to babe..."
You kissed before cuddling and drifting off to slumber.
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Unforseen Chasm (Part 45)
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Part 45 of Unforseen Chasm 
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 4866 Warnings:  fluff its a happy day for the reader’s bff! loki gets thrown lol song for this part: Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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As you and Loki made breakfast, you mused, “So I was thinking, before I leave for Nebraska, maybe I should meet your boss.”
“Oh? And why is that?” Loki asked as he bobbed a tea bag in a cup.
“I just feel like I should know who you’re going to be spending so much time with while I’m away. I need to know they can help you if I can’t.”
“Darling, I am perfectly capable of--”
Quickly, your eyes met his, a serious look in them. “I know you can, I’m not talking about physically. Can I just meet them?”
He looked at you for a moment before his face softened. “Yes, of course. We can go today before you head in for work if you’d like.”
“Sounds good to me. It’s my last day with Bruce so…”
“I’m going to miss you dearly,” he suddenly said, a bit of weight to his voice.
You turned back around from the counter, placing your hand on his cheek. “I know. I’ll miss you too.”
As you headed out the door, you texted Shannon, telling her you were meeting Loki’s boss. She asked if she could come too. You said you’d be delighted to have her there, and before you knew it, you were all outside of Loki’s work.
“Hey! You made it in record time,” you greeted happily, hugging her.
“Yeah, it’s these new shoes Tony made for me,” she responded, showing you her shoe. “Nifty in a jam. Hey, Loki,” she greeted casually.
“Hello,” he said politely back before entering the sanctum.
Just as Loki started to go down one hallway, with you two in tow, a voice sounded from behind you.
“Loki? Shannon?” a deep voice greeted all of you.
All of you spun to face the noise. When your eyes landed on him, you were taken aback. “Stephen?” you gasped, rushing forward to greet him. “Oh my god, it’s been so long.”
“Y/N? I thought that was you,” he commented with a side smile. “What are you doing here?” he asked, his face lighting up.
“I came to see who Loki was working with,” you explained, gesturing back to him. “Get this,” you offered, turning back to Shannon and Loki, standing next to Stephen, “we used to go to college together.”
“I didn’t know you two knew each other,” Shannon commented with a grin.
“Oh yeah, we had physics together,” you informed with a smile up at Stephen.
“Is that so?” Loki mused.
“Oh absolutely,” Stephen said with a huge smile. He threw his arm around your shoulder and said, “In fact, you know, I was gonna ask her out in college. She was everything I dreamed of, back then.”
“Really?” Loki asked, a gleam in his eye.
You laughed, a bit nervous, blushing. “I never knew that,” you said, turning to Strange.
“Yeah, so why didn’t you?” Loki asked with a bit of an edge in his laugh.
“I guess it was just never the right time. You know how it is in college--Well, you don’t, you didn’t go, you know, to college. But it’s just hard to find the time when you’re serious like Y/N and I were.”
“I see,” Loki noted and Shannon picked up on his energy way before you did.
“Well we just wanted to pop in,” Shannon quickly interjected, stepping forward to hook her arm through yours. “So good to see you again, Stephen.” She began to whisk you out of the sanctum.
“Likewise. Feel free to stop by for coffee any time, Y/N, I’d love to catch up,” Stephen called after you. You barely had time to yell a confirmation back before Shannon had fully hauled you outside and out onto the street.
“Jesus, where’s the fire, Shan?” you asked, fixing yourself.
“It’s about to be between you and Loki if you hadn’t noticed,” she quipped, pointing back towards the doors.
“What? What are you talking about?”
“Quite the show with Stephen in there. Were you trying to make him jealous or did that just happen?” she asked, beginning to walk.
“Jealous? Loki? That’s kind of impossible,” you muttered. “He’s a magical god with the best cheekbones on the planet.”
“Not to him,” she reminded, almost under her breath. “All I’m saying is… Loki is pretty fragile. He’s insecure. You know this, I know this. He acts like he isn’t, but it’s obvious he is.”
“Right,” you agreed, urging her to continue.
“Which means looking thrilled to see Strange and parading your friendship around in front of Loki before you go off to the middle of nowhere. He’s going to miss you. So any super friendliness you show to another guy, can...you know, send the wrong message,” she noted.
You bobbed your head. “You’re right,” you agreed. “I shouldn’t have done that. I was just so excited to see him. You don’t really think he took it the wrong way, do you?”
She rolled her eyes and began sarcastically, “Noo, not Loki. Take something wrong? Never.” She glanced to you and giggled.
You nudged her playfully as the two of you walked to Stark Tower to begin your day.
As the days went by so did the countdown to the most talked about wedding. The happy couple was constantly getting bombarded about details for the wedding. At some point Shannon and Tony had publicly given a statement letting people know that it would be a private event for the reception so there would be no access to photos and filming during that time. They did say they’d allow photos after the ceremony as they leave the church so that there would be something to show of the happy couple.
For Shannon the hardest part of this whole thing about planning a wedding was knowing who to make the maid of honor. She’d only ever been close with two women besides her sister and mother, but things had happened and yes she wanted you to be there for her but she also felt that Nat should too.
It was easier for Tony to figure that out for his best man. He and Rhodey went back years, and even though he and Steve got along, Shannon knew he’d pick Rhodey. Of course Tony didn’t want to leave Steve out so he asked him to be a groomsman.
There were only a few weeks left before the big day and Shannon had yet to tell either woman who will be the Maid of Honor, officially. Hopefully neither felt like they were being left hanging. Maybe there would be a chance that both would be the Maid of Honor like Tony had done with the guys she figured that she could do the same now all she had to do was figure out how to let them know.
Shannon called, “JARVIS...”
“Yes, Miss Shannon?”
“What do you think I could do to tell both Natasha and Y/N that I want them to be my Maids of Honor?”
“I would suggest a girl’s day out, and I can have a few of their favorite foods ordered for the evening of relaxation that way you can all enjoy yourselves”
“Sounds like a plan, although if you could have the food sent to my floor that way the boys dont get any ideas about taking the food. Knowing Clint’s sweet tooth, he’ll be trying to grab the desserts.”
“I’ll make sure that Mr. Barton is unaware of the deliveries being made. Have you decided on the dress or shall they choose their own dresses?”
“I believe that they should have a say in what they want to wear to the wedding.”
Girl’s day as JARVIS had suggested was a success. They all went to get pampered and did some shopping. The day was coming to an end and Shannon was feeling pretty confident that she could ask them both to be Maids of Honor.
“Alright you both know how much I love you right?”
“Well yeah Shannon I know that,” Nat responded.
“Why wouldn’t we know that? You always show us,” you said, a bit confused by her statement.
“Now that we’re all together again and you two are getting to know each other which makes me so happy, here comes the big question.”
There was a bit of a pause, as Shannon flashed her gaze between you and Natasha.
“Come on, spit it out already!” Nat was getting a little flustered not knowing.
“Will you both be my Maids of Honor?” Shannon looked at you and then at Natasha. Both of you were quiet for a moment.
“Are you sure you want me to be a Maid of honor?”  Nat looked a little surprised that Shannon had asked both of them. “I figured you’d want Y/N be it. I already gave the spot and title to her a long time ago. Seriously, I’m happy to be just a bridesmaid."
"I do want to be Maid of Honor. But if you’re up for it, and it makes Shan happy…" You shrugged, hugging yourself.
“Well I didn’t think it would be fair picking one person  or the other. You guys mean the world to me and I want y'all by my side on that day.”
Shannon stared at you and Nat, wanting an official answer.
“I’m happy to be your Maid of Honor, Shan, you know that, of course. As long as Y/N doesn’t feel like I’m stepping on her toes…” Nat replied.
“Not at all,” you assured. “I’m happy to share this with you, if it makes Shannon happy.”
“You realize we’re going to have to plan a bachelorette party, right?” Nat smirked at the idea. She figured she could involve the guys somehow. Turning to you, she asked,  “You thinking what I'm thinking?"
"Strippers?" you teased.
“That and more along those lines, but I think we can plan when Shannon is not around.” Natasha figured this could be a good way to get to know each other.
“Please, for the love Stark, nothing crazy, unless it’s a week or two before the wedding!”
“We’ll try but no promises,” you both agreed.
Two weeks before the wedding and Shannon was still waiting for the girl’s surprise party. She was a little unsure as to what would happen and hoped that none of it was as crazy as she’s thinking it would be. Turns out she was somewhat wrong, not only did they take her out to eat and pick their dresses but after getting home they took her to the training room where it was set up differently than usual. Nat had somehow suckered Steve, Thor, Clint and a few stripper men to give Shannon an exotic show as a way to partially end the night.
Granted, Shannon had never thought Steve of all people would actually do such a thing but it seemed as if he had no other choice in the matter. Thinking that this would stay as a ‘you never speak of this’ type of thing, you had asked JARVIS that he record the night so that years from now they could all look back and laugh. After that little show, Thor had given the ladies some of his Asgardian mead for them to toast and left. The following morning none of the three women were found in their usual rooms. WhenTony asked Al where they could find the three, he showed them all piled up on one of the training mats left in the corner of the training room.
“Hey, Steve, call Bruce to give me a hand, would you? Looks like they’re hungover and I can't carry all three down to Shannon’s floor,” Tony mused to his friend, amused a their behavior.
“Sure thing. I saw him in the kitchen.” Steve left and came back with Banner.
“So what are we doing?” Bruce asked.
“Well after last night's event, Thor gave the girls some of his strong alcohol and they are all piled up in the training room as we speak. I’d like to get them down to Shannon’s floor to rest,” Tony informed the two.
The three men all ended up with someone in their arms to carry down to Shannon’s old floor. They left them all resting in the giant bed and left water and aspirin for when they would wake up.
Wedding day there had been so many last minute details to cover. In the end, the ceremony had been beautiful and Shannon had looked stunning and as promised the happy couple gave the reporters their chance to take pictures of them as they left the church. The two made a quick stop at a fast food joint because Tony had gotten a craving for cheeseburgers. People were excited when they saw him enter and exit the restaurant with a bag full of food and figured that Shannon would be nearby because everyone knew today was their wedding.
On the ride to the hall Tony and Shannon talked about where they’d want to go on a honeymoon.
“Honestly, Tony I dont mind where we’re going as long as it's just the two of us together.”
“I know but I was hoping to take you somewhere you’d always wanted to visit.”
“Well, we could always go to Bora Bora?”
“Then that's where we’ll go then, Mrs. Stark.” He kissed her hand, full of love knowing he was married to the woman he loved. “Looks like we’re here. Let’s go have some fun.”
“Let’s go then.” The door opened for Shannon and it was Steve who was holding his hand out to help her get out of the car.
He walked her to Tony’s side and then went to open the door for them. As the happy couple entered the hall, many of the guests had already arrived wanting to chit chat with all the other guests. Shannon’s parents had been seated to her right, while the team was on Tony’s left. Everyone in between was seated in seats nearby.
Everyone started to cheer as the music began to play and the Best men and Maids of Honor entered followed by the bride and groom.
“Thank you all for being here to celebrate this wonderful day with us, it means the world that we get to start the next chapter of our lives with you at our side.” Shannon thanked everyone who was there and held her glass of champagne in the air.
“To the happy couple!” Thor cheered loudly and everyone yelled the same.
People began to drop off presents at the table and joining in line to get a chance to hug the happy couple. There was music playing and there was so much laughter and joy with everything that goes on in their lives, this is by far the most relaxed anyone had ever been in a long time.
There was a moment where they had started playing games like removing the garter from the bride and giving it to someone else. The winner ended up being Bruce in that game. They had played who knows who better using the bride and grooms shoes that ended in a tie between Shannon and Tony. There had been dancing and drinking and people were enjoying themselves. People were constantly asking for pictures and asking where the honeymoon would be. Once things were getting mellow, the two figured it would be a good time as ever to cut the cake. They asked one of the waiters to bring the two cakes out so that they could get a bit of energy to continue on partying.
“Alright everyone, we’re about to have the cakes brought out so we can enjoy some sweet treats. Everyone is welcome to the open sweets bar that is being brought out too!” Shannon announced.
“Barton, that means you need to control yourself on the sugar high.” Tony smirked seeing a full grown man pout. “Aww, don’t be sad, Shannon might have a secret stash for you later on.”
Shannon laughed at that. “You know I’m always going to have a little something for you.” Then she pointed to look behind him for his surprise.
Seeing him turn back around and come running was the funniest thing in the world, hopefully someone recorded that.
As you stood nearby to cheer on Shannon and Tony, you suddenly overheard Thor and Loki. Thor was clearly drunk. He’d brought some mead, not to mention it was an open bar that he’d been accessing all night.
“Oh, come on, Loki, you know I’ve always been able to hold more liquor than you. It’s just a fact,” he boasted. He was somewhat quiet, for being drunk, but you could see Loki’s face was already distorted into frustration, so you kept your ears and eyes on them.
“Perhaps, but that was a long time ago. Besides, I graduated school with top marks, can you say the same?”
“I can say that I won every battle I ever went into, including saving your ass.”
Loki’s jaw clenched and you naturally turned more towards their conversation. “I, at least, can say I’ve never been banished from our home,” he responded quietly, his teeth clenched.
“No, just imprisoned for years on Earth.”
“Well, we both know who lost in keeping mother alive, hmm?” he snapped, his face tight with a smile full of rage.
Before you could react or blink, Thor slammed his closed fist into Loki’s jaw, sending him soaring back into the table with the cakes on it, covering both bride and groom in cake, and Loki on top of a broken table. He was clearly embarrassed and you ran over to crouch beside him.
“Are you alright?” you asked, your eyes full of worry.
He looked at you before jumping to his feet, wiping off the cake, apologizing to Tony and Shannon, and began walking off.
“I knew we shouldn’t have invited him,” Tony muttered to Shannon. You turned to them, a look of hopelessness on your face before you followed Loki. He walked out of the main hall where the event was being held, turned down a corridor, and ended up in a rather empty hall, leaning on the wall.
You came up behind him, twiddling your fingers. “Do you want to talk about it?”
“No,” he said firmly.
“Loki,” you tried as you walked up and put your hand on his shoulder. He didn’t react, and finally, you sighed. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have brought you here. We don’t belong here. Not anymore. I was foolish to think we did. I just thought that since we can’t go back to Asgard...Maybe this could be our home, like it once was for me. But…” You let out a big breath again. “It never will be. That ship has long sailed. We’ll forever be enemies to everyone here.”
He turned to peer at you, anguish in his eyes. “It wouldn’t be, if you weren’t with me. You know I’m the problem, darling, why do you stay?” He brought his hands up to the sides of your face.
“Because I love you,” you said, your face leaning into his hand.
“Maybe that isn’t good enough anymore. You deserve a better life than being treated like this.”
“I deserve a life with you, happy with you, and that’s what I am.”
“Even with your family and friends hating you, hating me?”
“They don’t hate us,” you assured, reaching up to him. “They’re afraid of us.”
“That isn’t much better,” he muttered.
Just then, you heard someone approaching.
“Is everything alright? I just saw you guys come out here I figured something was up after Thor threw you into the cake” Shannon asked looking between the two of them. “Here, Loki I thought you could use a cloth to get the icing off your face.”
He took the cloth gently, wiping himself. “Why are you so kind to us? Clearly everyone else at this event would rather we leave.”
You turned to Shannon. “Yeah, Shan. I know it’s your big day, but maybe Loki and I should go?” you suggested. You didn’t want to leave, not just yet. You wanted to stay, to see your best friend off, but maybe it would be better if you just disappeared.
”Why am I kind to you two? Well Y/N is my best friend all my life, and you Loki, I’d like to think that we have gotten to a mutual understanding.” She looked between the two of them, she could tell that they didn't want to be there any longer than they had to. “But if you two truly feel uncomfortable then you are more than welcome to leave. As much as I’d like you two to stay, I won’t force you. Enjoy the rest of your night guys.” She gave them a warm smile showing them sincerity and started turning back to head inside.
A smile barely twitched at his lips, his eyes going to the floor. Loki looked at you, a look of encouragement in his eyes.
“Shan,” you called. “Wait up. I’d be happy to stay. We just,” you stopped, glancing up to your love, “we just don’t want to ruin your day, that’s all. We don’t want our presence here to sour the atmosphere. You know?” you asked. “I’d love to stay. I’d like nothing more. But… if me leaving means you get the day you deserve, then we can do that.” You gave her a soft, quick smile, the smile not quite meeting your eyes.
Shannon turned around to look at both of you. Her smile faltered a bit but fixed her composure.
“You two could never ruin my day and it’s not even just mine, it’s our day, Y/N/N. We’re celebrating something big. This is a new chapter in all our lives. I'd like for both of you to be a part of it.” She walked over to you putting her arm around your shoulders. “You two leaving tonight wouldn’t give me the day I deserve. It would mean there’s something missing.” Turning to look at Loki and waving him over. “No matter what anyone says, you two will always be welcome and I mean that with all of my heart. Still, it’s up to you both if you want to stay or not. If you do decide to leave I can have a car ready to pick you up and take you home.” She hugged you and pulled back to let you talk to Loki.
You looked to Loki, taking his hand and smiling. The two of you spoke with your eyes quickly before turning back to Shannon and nodding.
“So, now that we’ve ruined one cake, what’s next on the list of events tonight?” you asked with a laugh. “I believe you still need to toss your bouquet,” you reminded, linking your arm through hers as you led her back to the hall, Loki just behind you.
“You just reminded me right now of that! I had completely forgotten.” She laughed walking back into the hall. “I still need to slow dance with Tony. Might be a good time for you two to have a bit of a romantic moment, don't you think?” She bumped her hip with yours.
“That’s not a bad idea,” you mused, thinking of getting to dance with your beloved.
Walking back in you could see people were still having fun, the second cake was still intact so that could get cut and passed around. Looked like Clint might have passed out from too many sweets. Shannon pulled you to the main table to grab the bouquet and grabbed Natasha while they were at it to announce that she would be throwing it in a moment.
“Alright, all my single ladies to the dance floor! Let’s see who's gonna be the next one to get hitched.” Shannon giggled as she walked to the dancefloor. “No cheating ladies, Tony’s got his eye on all of you.” She turned around and everyone began chanting a countdown.
The flowers went up in the air pretty high and Shannon turned around quickly to see who would be the lucky gal. She hoped any of her close friends who were in a relationship would catch it. They were all pushing and moving to try and get to where it would land, little would anyone know that the person to catch it would be you, surprising everyone. You weren’t clamoring to get to it like the other girls were.
“Uh, wow,” you breathed, a feeling that you weren’t sure how to pin down rushed over you.
“Is that good?” Loki asked as he walked up to you, all of the other women leaving the dancefloor with long faces.
Shannon cheered when she saw it land and saw the look of confusion appear in Loki’s face.  When it did, it looked like someone’s going to have to catch him up on human culture. “Congrats, Y/N! Looks like someone better get started on planning a proposal,” she joked, looking over at a flustered Loki when he heard that.
“Pro--Proposal?” he stammered.
“It’s… Whoever catches the bride's bouquet is the next person to get married,” you explained. “It’s a silly superstition,” you tried, attempting to brush off the feelings of awkwardness and the small bout of disappointment in your stomach. You didn’t think Loki would ever feel that way for you. If he did, he certainly hadn’t made it known. You didn’t want him to feel pressured to do it. But you also didn’t know if he’d ever consider you wife material. Sure he loved you, but was that enough? A blush rose to your cheeks. “Shan, what about that slow dance now?” you urged, trying to change the topic of conversation.
Noticing the bit of tension, she agreed and went to go let the Dj know it was time for the dance. When they planned the wedding, she didn’t think there would be a dance routine so she and the girls didn’t pick one.
“Alright, it's time for the newlyweds to join the dance floor for their first song of the night. Later they will have a surprise by the groom and the men,” the Dj announced.
“May I have this dance, Mrs. Stark?” Tony bowed.
“Why of course Mr. Stark, shall we?” She giggled taking his hand.
He led her onto the dance floor and everyone watched in awe as they began moving around to the song breathe by Faith Hill. little by little couples began to join them as well taking the moment to whisper sweet nothings to their partners. Shannon saw Loki grab your hand and lead her to the dance floor. She knew they were made for each other and hoped they ended up together like she did with Tony.
“Sorry for earlier. I know it’s probably way too soon, or too heavy, to be talking marriage,” you noted with a slight laugh.
He gazed down at you with a smile. “I rather liked entertaining the idea,” he informed. “We have lived together out of wedlock for three years now? It might be time,” he joked.
“I’ll leave that decision up to you,” you quietly said before resting your head on his shoulder. “I’ve missed this. Remember when we danced for the first time?”
“You mean when my mother forced me to show you how to do the traditional Asgardian dance?” he asked, and you could hear his eyes roll.
“As I recall, it was beautiful. It was very much worth it to get you to talk to me. You weren’t exactly welcoming back then,” you reminded.
“I only wanted to protect you,” he breathed before lifting your chin. “As I always do.”
You smiled and gave him a long, firm kiss.
Meanwhile on the other side of the dancefloor.
“What’s this about you and the guys doing a surprise?” Shannon asked when she leaned closer into his arms. “You up to something devious like always?”
“Guess you’ll just have to wait and see now won’t you? Don’t want you ruining all the practice we’ve done,” he replied, holding her tight and kissing her temple. “I’m so lucky to have found you and to be able to call you my wife.”
“Someone had to make sure you didn’t do anything reckless,” she laughed hearing him attempt to sound offended.
The rest of the night continued in a pleasant, sweet way. By the end of it, Shannon and Tony were sent off glamorously in a sleek black new sports car. They headed towards their private hangar, and they were off on their honeymoon.
Meanwhile, all the Avengers went back to the tower. Most of them were drunk, and passed out nearly as soon as they got there. Except for Steve and Bruce. You joined them all and had a quiet evening with them, chatting for a small bit of time before you and Loki excused yourselves back to your apartment. Steve bid you a goodnight and said you two looked nice this evening. You repaid the compliment. Bruce gave a soft wave and nod before he himself went to his floor to rest offf the festivities.
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​ ​ @adefectivedetective​ @dontbetooobvious​
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterenthusiast​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​   @sammysbuttcheek​ @misz-adrii​ @sandlee44​ @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​ @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​
Marvel: @reigningqueenofwords​ @flowerbunbunny​ @zelda2248​ @misz-adrii​
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jasmine-jules · 7 years
Slave to the Game(A Jack the Ripper Story): Chapter 4
Word Count: 4900+
Warnings: Graphic depiction of violence(the murder), Murder, Mild language, Implied rape
Here’s our master list for the next chapters, and if you want more!
I’ve read plenty of crime novels in my youth, stealing moments at night to read The Murders in the Rue Morgue by Edgar Allen Poe, The Rector of Veilbye by Steen Steensen Blicher or A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The one thing that is never actually discussed in these books is how dull and painstakingly long the interrogation process is - person after person going through the police department giving us nothing more than extra paperwork. To only give the department some gray hairs and the need to pull all nighters at the morgue.
In addition to the long nights, there was one other thing that seemed to cause my accelerated aging. The police station had recently had an accident in their crime lab, making it unusable, so they elected our morgue to do assist in the investigations. This means my alone space is constantly violated by the same three policemen, and each of them having an air of disapproval surrounding them. That not only means I don’t have my space, but my space is being filled with bigoted men who don’t think women deserve to be in the workforce, especially those of a higher class like myself. Bigoted men who think they know my lab better than I do. Bigoted men who clearly don’t deserve to be in law enforcement because they are idiots who don’t know how anything works.
“Are you sure that goes there?” a voice said from behind me.
“I’m pretty sure I am doing this right.” I said coldly as I was pushed aside from my work table by Mr. Arnold James. I mean seriously, even his name sounds bigoted, “I have worked here for nearly 3 years now, and I was practically raised here as my father owned this facility before he passed.”
Having elected to ignore me, he pushed aside the evidence that I had been working on, and replaced it with almost an identical piece of evidence then proceeded to use the tool wrong. I threw my hands up in the air and walked out of the morgue in defeat.
“Miss Bellaus! I thought you’d be working!” Archer exclaimed as I walked into his office area, where he was filing the reports to send to the police department. Don’t get me wrong, I still don’t trust him but I would rather be with someone who might be on the wrong side than those who <i>are</i> on the wrong side. Even if they are two completely unrelated topics.
“Can we kick them out. Please. Let them do things wrong at a different morgue. I cannot stand another moment of their bigoted...ness.” Archer chuckled at my comment.
“I wish, but if we don’t let them use our morgue then we will not be allowed to continue working on the Leather Apron murders and we really can’t have that happen.” I gave him an inquisitive look, “...with the murders being connected to your relationship with Jessamine? Now, how about you get back in there and show those bigots who’s the boss around here.” I grimaced at the thought but walked out of his office towards the morgue anyways. As I stepped down the stairs back to where the bigoted men resided, I couldn’t help but feel that something was off about that conversation.
“Oh, look! The little girl is back again.” Mr. Arnold James exclaimed and I nearly punched him in the nose right then and there.
“For one, my name is Miss Bellaus not little girl.” He looked indignant at the apparent disrespect I was showing him, but I barreled on, “Number two, you are doing that wrong. If you look at the piece of evidence I was examining and compare it with yours, you’ll see my subject will show quite a bit more of what you are looking for. Your subject, while it is bigger, it has less blood on it, while if you look at mine you can see a much larger amount of blood on it, allowing me to have an easier time of collecting the sample and twice as much evidence. Though that is not where your mistakes began. The first mistake was believing that everything I did was wrong and proceeding to re-do every experiment I had already completed only because I am a woman.”
Shock rose on their face and Mr. Arnold James looked ready to explode, his face turning more red than the crimson dress I was wearing, “Did you think I wouldn’t notice? I am quite a bit more observant than any of you pigs are,” I spat. “Which is why while you weren’t looking, I went back and replaced it with my specimen once again because you had even been using the microscope wrong while completing your experiment. I mean, how hard is it to use a microscope anyways??” I exclaimed.
I turned to the other two men in the room, having finished tearing Mr. James Arnold a new one. “Number three, you two have not been using gloves the entire process so there is a good chance that if I had used that evidence for a testimony in court it would be disbanded because we would’ve been accused of tampering with it. Now, if you would be so kind and start actually doing this right then maybe we'll get along or I am going to kick you out and have Mr. Clay report you to the chief of police for insubordination towards the head of the morgue.”
They didn’t bother me for the rest of the time they were there. I’m pretty sure they had asked Archer for my schedule of when I would and wouldn’t be there because I actually never saw them again. The only evidence that they hadn’t ran away completely was the crumbs of food left on the work tables. Which goes to show their incompetence once more.
Another highlight is that after my outburst whenever I walked into the police station to bring a report that Archer or I had filled, it’d get very quiet and the men would nearly jump out of my way to let me pass
That being quite a happy improvement, especially since Archer and I were present for many of the interrogations involved with the Leather Apron case. Although, all interrogations we were present for had quite similar results since most of them were only questioning the witnesses, not actually interrogating suspects. They all had the same thing to say about what they saw the night of the murders. The prostitute was seen entering her apartment with a young person, most likely a boy. The young boy wasn’t seen leaving the apartment but the next time someone went to find her, she was dead. Giving us absolutely nothing to go on. Then the police would find a lead from the thousands of letters sent into the police station, follow it, arrest someone and release the suspect within three hours because the police found they had a rock solid alibi.
Then came one letter. At first, it was just set aside as some person trying to rile up the police but then they sent it down to my lab for examination. They did this with every letter they got. They were trying to see if anything useful could come of it. Nothing ever did. They were all fakes and I could easily pull some fingerprints, which if the Leather Apron was as smart as we all thought, I wouldn’t be able to find any incriminating evidence. I also never read them, it would take up time that I really didn’t have. I don’t think the police read these letters either. Although, this letter was spotless. No fingerprints. No stains. Not even a spec of dirt that I could try to trace. Absolutely nothing. So I did read this letter.
Dear Boss,
I keep on hearing the police have caught me but they wont fix me just yet. I have laughed when they look so clever and talk about being on the right track. That joke about Leather Apron gave me real fits.
I am down on whores and I shant quit ripping them till I do get buckled. Grand work the last job was. I gave the lady no time to squeal. How can they catch me now. I love my work and want to start again. You will soon hear of me with my funny little games. I saved some of the proper red stuff in a ginger beer bottle over the last job to write with but it went thick like glue and I cant use it. Red ink is fit enough I hope
ha. ha.
The next job I do I shall clip the ladys ears off and send to the police officers just for jolly wouldn't you. Keep this letter back till I do a bit more work, then give it out straight.
My knife's so nice and sharp I want to get to work right away if I get a chance. Good Luck.
Yours truly
Jack the Ripper
Dont mind me giving the trade name
PS Wasnt good enough to post this before I got all the red ink off my hands curse it No luck yet. They say I'm a doctor now. ha ha
The letter slipped out of my hands and a thud echoed in the room as my back hit the wall. I clasped my hands against my mouth as a scream threatened to escape. It wasn’t even the fact that this letter was possibly the real thing but something about it felt familiar. But I had no idea what. My first instinct was to call out for Archer but if he was apart of this somehow then what would he do if I showed him this letter? Try to destroy it? If I left it here and he found it, would it disappear like that piece of cloth did? The letter did say to keep it until something else happened but should I even be listening to whoever wrote this letter? Was anything in this letter even valid? My train of thought was interrupted by a familiar voice.
“Hey Miss Bellaus, can you look over-” Archer’s voice abruptly stopped as his eyes fell upon me. He dropped the papers he had in his hands and rushed over to me. “What happened? Did something happen to Jessamine?” I shook my head.
“No. Nothing’s happened to Jessamine.”
“Well then what’s wrong?” he exclaimed.
“One of the letters the police sent to us just... caught me off-guard. It felt too real but I don’t think it’s gonna be anything to worry about.” I responded.
“You sure?” I nodded again. “Alright then.” Disbelief shone from his eyes but if I was truly in shock, I wouldn’t be in the best state of mind, right? “I just wanted you to look over a report I had written out for the police about the heart attack victim we had yesterday.” he said, changing the topic.
“Right. Sure.” I walked numbly over to the table where he had set the report. “What did you want me to look for?”
“Just double check I had everything right. It’s just been a hectic few weeks so I haven’t been completely focusing on wording.” I read over it and handed it to him.
“That seems fine.”
“Right. Thank you Miss Bellaus.” and after a few seconds, “Are you sure you’re alright?”
“Yes I’m absolutely fine.” I said sharply, “I’m just going to finish up testing a couple more letters before I head out.”
“Okay. See you tomorrow.” I nodded as he walked away. He paused and turned his head, “You know you can always talk to me. Right?” I smiled at him tersely. I took a deep breath and released it when he finally disappeared through the door. I don’t think our conversations have ever been like this. Even when we first met, our conversations flowed without any weirdness about it. I felt my shoulders slump with frustration. I really do hope he has nothing to do with the Leather Apron, or I guess Jack the Ripper now, because then once this is all over we can go back to how everything was before. Which would be nice. I sighed once again and walked back over to where I had dropped the letter. I slipped on some gloves - no point in contaminating it even more right? - and started looking it over again.
I wasn’t exactly lying when I told Archer I would be going over letters before I left. It just wouldn’t be letters, only one. I examined it and began writing down every little thing about it, the color of the ink, the material of the paper the letter was written on, the possible utensils used, really anything that could give me a lead on who wrote this. By the time I had finished, nothing stayed undocumented. That just left me with one thing. What to do with the report and letter. Logically, I should leave it here and file it away because that’s what would have done before all of this but every warning bell goes off in my head when I think that because if Archer is involved, then leaving this for him to find would possibly be catastrophic. So if I didn’t leave it here, where would I put it? My house? Where any of my servants or mom could find it? I do have a locked drawer where I keep all of my work related stuff, but that doesn’t mean someone could still get in. Though my room is the only place Archer wouldn’t go because even a serial killer has to follow proper manners in this era. My eyes flickered over the letter as I pondered what to do.
“I’ll bring it home with me.” I decided aloud. I slipped the letter and report into my handbag and made my way to the door. The carriage ride passed with little incident and by the time I got home it was almost dusk. I had decided to stop at a little sweet shop, I felt deserved something tasty.
“Good Evening Miss Bellaus, are you up for some dinner?” One of my maids, Elizabeth asked. I smiled sweetly as her,
“That would be amazing. Thank you Elizabeth.” She smiled at me and I walked to my room. I took the key that hung behind my dresses and opened up my drawer, sliding the letter and report in. Now I guess I just wait.
September 30th
I shuffled my legs beneath the covers before rolling onto my back. Sharp pain ran through my body and I shot up into a sitting position. I cursed under my breath as I twisted my arm around to my back and ran my fingers across. A hiss of pain escaped my lips as my fingers ran across already scabbing scrapes. What the hell. I rolled out of bed, stumbling as I hit the ground. I stripped off my nightgown and twisted to look at the scrapes on my back. I stared in horror at the reflection. Calling them scrapes was an understatement. They were more like gashes running in long streaks across my back. They resembled the kind of marks that were left on Jessamine’s back after one of the nights we had spent together, only a more extreme version. They were deep and they were colored a dark red, implying that whoever had given them me was in extreme pain...or in immense pleasure. I paused at the thought, <i>What happened to me last night. And why can I not remember.</i> I broke out of my train of thought as I heard footsteps approaching the door.
“Miss Bellaus? Do you need any help? I heard crashing.” One of my maids, Grace, asked through the door. I closed my eyes in annoyance. She must’ve heard me getting out of bed.
“I’m fine, Grace. Thank you.” It was a few seconds before I heard her footsteps leading away from the door and I let out a breath. My breath was sucked back in as an idea came to me. I rushed to the door and ran to catch up to Grace, not caring if the door slammed.
“Actually, Grace!” I reached her side, “I do have one question.” She dipped her head, allowing me to continue, “Do you know when I left the house last night and about what time I got back? If so, do you know where I was headed?”
“You only left the house for a short while, Miss, then you came straight back with a friend. But don’t worry, I won’t tell your mother.” she said with a small smile.
“No, no. I don’t worry about that. I can’t remember,” I spoke in a small whisper, my fear getting the better of me.
“I don’t understand, Miss. You don’t remember a single thing from last night?” I shook my head and I felt panic sweeping across me. Why don’t I remember anything? I have three gashes on my back. Surely I would have to remember getting those.
“Did I leave the house after I came back with the friend?” I asked, trying to get a better picture of what might’ve happened. Grace nodded,
“About two hours later when I was tending to the fireplace, you and your friend snuck out. I assumed you were going out to a pub or something. I don’t think you saw me. Then as I was heading to bed just a little after one in the morning, you came back to the house. I couldn’t see much as the lamps were all out, but you were staggering like you had been hurt. I went to bed shortly after that; I wouldn’t know if you snuck out again after that.”
My heart plummeted. I went out twice last night maybe more. Both of which I had a friend with me. Both of which I couldn’t remember a single second of. Grace seems to think that the friend I had with me was… but I would never cheat on Jessamine. At least… I had thought I wouldn’t.
“Thank you Grace. That’s all for now.” I said, dismissing her. She looked reluctant to leave me alone but she walked away after a few seconds. How do I not remember any of it? It was obviously a rough night, with the deep gashes on my back and my staggering in last night. My hands involuntarily gripped my head, pulling harshly at my hair. Why don’t I remember it. I <i>should</i> remember it.
Memory flashes took over my thoughts in a second. Days where I could remember waking up but don’t remember actually falling asleep. Moments halfway through the day where I lost hours of time, moments where I thought I just had gotten lost in thought or in whatever I was doing. Moments where I was in the middle of making dinner but the next thing I remember was getting ready to go to bed. Full nights missing and if I thought hard enough I would be able to line them up perfectly with the last two murders.
I let out a strangled cry. What the hell is happening to me. Filled with panic, I fumbled through my closet for something that I could get on easily. I tore off one of my dresses off the hook and put it on. I fumbled with my brush on the desk and the letter from Jack the Ripper floated to the ground. With shaking hands I lifted it up and suddenly I knew why it felt so familiar. I shook my head in panic. No No No No No. It can’t be. My hands blundered on my desk as I looked for something with Archer’s handwriting. With trembling hands I compared them.
They didn’t match.
I gasped in relief, my eyes filling with unshed tears. But why does this letter still spark recognition? There is no reason I should still feel this way towards the letter. I felt my chest start to constrict as I felt the now familiar symptoms of panic start to settle in.
In the throes of my panic, I shoved my feet into a pair of shoes, not even caring if it looked presentable and rushed out of my room. I almost crashed into Grace but I rushed past her, ignoring her cries of worry. I let my instinct lead me and I honestly had no idea where I was going, but the path I took felt eerily familiar. Only I did not remember ever going down this street. But that’s the problem, is it not? I can’t remember. How many days or nights have gone by that I don’t remember.
The scene that I came upon was swarming with policemen. I pushed my way through into the scene of the crime, bile rose in my throat and I could not push it down this time. I reached a wastebasket just in time as I retched. Her ears were missing. Just as the letter from Jack the Ripper said.
“Miss, you can’t be in here.” A policeman said with worry. I shook my head.
“I’m with the police department, head of the Morgue involved with the Jack the Ripper case.”
“Jack the Ripper, eh? Fancy new name you got there.” he replied cockily.
“It works better.” I whispered as I walked back over to the body. “What’s her name?”
“Catherine Eddowes.” I nodded and surveyed the body. From first glance her face had been mutilated, her throat severed, and a giant jagged wound in her abdomen. As I stepped closer I could tell that her kidneys and uterus had been removed, just like the last victims. Only in Eddowes case, the mutilations to her body were way worse than the others. Just like the last victims, I knew she would look similar the Jessamine even though I couldn’t actually see her features anymore. “We actually found a first body, just a few blocks from here. Although we don’t know if it is is connected to, what is it..Jack the Ripper?”
“Two murders?” I choked out in horror. The policeman nodded,
“The only thing we don’t know is if she is connected. Only her throat had been slashed. No wound in the abdomen, like the previous two and Eddowes.”
“Do you have a picture?” I asked, my voice a little stronger now.
“Of course.” He called over to a man with a camera and the man walked over. “I need the picture from Elizabeth Stride’s crime scene.”
“Did you just say...Elizabeth Stride?” I blurted out. The policeman sent an inquisitive look to me,
“Yes, why? Do you know her?” The man with the camera pulled a picture out of Elizabeth Stride.
“She is...was one of my maids. She’s usually the one that checks on me in mornings so that the kitchen maids can start with breakfast if I am up but...it was a different maid this morning. I mean I would normally notice if one of my maids are missing but...I wasn’t in the best mindset this morning.”
“That’s a start. We’ll need you to come in at some point for some questioning. You aren’t in trouble, but we need to know everything about Miss Stride. Do you know anything about Miss Eddowes here?” I shook my head reluctantly,
“Only that she looks like one of my friends Jessamine, as have the other two but I have already told the police this.”
“Thank you for all your help.”
“Much obliged. I will send in a report of Eddowes later today, same with Stride.”
“Thank you. I will call a carriage for you to head over to the crime scene.”
“I will not need one. I need to go somewhere first before I go see Miss Stride.” I walked out of the room as proudly as I could but the moment I got out of view from the scene I broke into a run with a destination in mind.
Robert James Lees. The clairvoyant Archer and I had run into almost three weeks ago, after we went to the first Whitechapel Vigilance meeting. I got to the edge of his street and paused. Do I really want to do this? Sink this low? I took a deep breath and walked the rest of the way there. I only hesitated briefly before knocking on the door. I saw a quick flash of someone looking into the peephole before it disappeared again.
“Miss Bellaus. I’m surprised to see you here.” he said, opening the door just enough so his face could look out. He was obviously opposed to letting me in.
“I need your help. I’m...forgetting things. Huge blocks of time.” I could still sense hesitancy, and I shared much further than I wanted to, “Time missing over the nights of the Jack the Ripper murders.” His eyes widened at the last phrase.
“Come on in.” He opened the door wider to let me in and as I walked through I felt a sense of finality as the door clicked shut behind me.
“I was hoping you would be able...maybe bring back up past memories or something. Or I don’t know, talk to the victims….I just need to do something.”
“Follow me.” he told me, leading me in his sitting room. “Now you need to know something Miss Bellaus, I cannot actually bring back memories for you. That is something you need to figure out how to do yourself. The one thing I can do is give you some insight for why you are having these blackouts.” He gestured for me to sit down, and as I did he walked over to a cabinet, opened it and pulled out a letter. “This is something I received from your father. Shortly before his passing.” He held it out to me and tears welled up in my eyes as I recognized my father’s handwriting.
Dear Mr. Lees,
I am sending this letter in hopes that you will be able to someday help my daughter understand. I know she will come into contact with what I am to share with you, and I wish you will share this when she asks about certain things.
There is a drug. Commonly known as the Devil's Breath but she will know it as Scopolamine.
I let out a sobbed breath as I read the last line. Scopolamine is a drug that if used correctly, can quite literally take the free will of any victim but if used another way, would be seriously addictive.
I became addicted to it after an unfortunate accident with the chemical. I never realized the effects until later. Major blackouts. Periods where I would make dinner and not remember eating it. Going to bed but not remember waking up. I don’t know what I did in the duration where I was on this drug.
I eventually rid myself of this illness but I never truly recovered. I still had frequent blackouts even after I stopped taking the drug and I began to notice not only my memory was affected, my physical health began to decline as well. I guess that is why I am on my deathbed now.
My daughter did come in contact with it once, but I quickly steered her away from it but even once can be the downfall of anyone.
One reason I am writing this letter is someone who had become like a son to me had taken an interest. One of my students wanted to do a research paper on it, I tried steering him away from it as well but once he had his mind set on something, he never let it go. I took this student under my wing in hopes of putting this mind of his to something useful, maybe one day taking over my morgue and in league with my daughter, I knew they could do anything if they had each other. Though every once in awhile I would find him back at his old reports with one of those wretched white flowers in front of him scribbling away and I knew I didn’t try hard enough. I only hope he doesn’t go any further with his research. Clay really did achieve anything he put his mind to.
I gasped at the revelation. Clay. Like Archer Clay. But a wave of doubt ran through me, Archer had never mentioned he knew my father, let alone having had him as a mentor or father figure. It couldn’t possibly be my Clay.
I wrote this letter with a second reason. To warn my daughter of the possibility Clay never stopped his research.
Don’t show her this, or let her know this letter even exists if she never asks. But if she comes to you with worries of blackouts, please show her this. I just want her to be safe.
Thaddeus Bellaus
P.S. I love you my dear Dinah Fae. Always live with love in your heart.
“Thank you for showing me this, Lees.” I told James with a sob, clutching the letter tightly against my chest, holding onto one of the last things my father made.
“Oh my dear. I wish you had never shown up on my doorstep and I wish I never had to give you that letter.” he murmured.
“Me too.” I whispered.
“Now be on your way. I’ve done all that your father wished me too. I hope you find your way in this mess.” he replied. I smiled sadly at him and dipped my head to him before walking out the door with the letter held tightly in my hand. I have some work to do.
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