#i feel like i can only listen to instrumental music bc i have to think
mo0nchhild · 1 year
i picked up writing an old short story i found on my computer recently and now i'm in desperate need of music/playlists
like what do y'all listen to while writing? recommendations are greatly appreciated
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littlemissayu · 2 months
Wht Songs Would Play in Your Rom-Com? Pt2
A/N: Hey Loves!! I'm posting pt2, surprisingly I actually posted on the day I scheduled myself to post so that's great!! I hope you enjoy pt2 and it is as good as pt1. And PLEASE leave some feedback it is very helpful!!
Parings: Pomefiore, Idia Shorud, Diasomnia x reader(seperate/romantic)
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Love Grows(Where My Rosemary Goes) by Edison Lighthouse
If you read the lyrics or have listened to the song this is obviously the song that plays as he slowly falls for you. This also most likely opposites attract kind of trope. Js imagine how cute it would be to see Vil fall hard for someone who is almost nothing like him and as much as some of the things you do he may prefer to stay far away from, still he’ll think it's cute because it’s you.
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Sincerely Yours by Zenglen
If you have seen some of my prior content you might recognize this song as the inspiration for on of my post. Now part of this may be my haitian culture influencing my opinion but cmon, you can’t see Rook and his love dancing in the living room, yk like that first time moving in kinda of dance when you two are just super sickly in love.(that or Until I Found You by Stephen Sanchez)
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Late Night Talking by Harry Styles
I might be reaching but just think about the possibility of you guys having your “thing” be just staying up late talking to each other despite how sleepy you are. And maybe you two work out your conflict by one of you coming over at night to talk out your problem together js like all the other times you guys have random conversations to the point its js a normal thin gyou teo do.
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Video Game Lover by Narraws Music
Now this feels a bit{a lot} on the nose BUT your telling me you don’t wanna see Idia’s rom-com becoming good friends with you through a common game you two play but rarely talk to each other irl, not even knowing who the person is behind the screen. You guys just vent to each other through the chat an you guys are just binding til you say something ridiculously familiar and so he recognizes you from that and he’s too nervous to approach you irl, how the issue is solved is all up to you my loves. 
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Can’t Help Falling In Love by Elivs Presely
This is obviously a human-fae love between you two. Are you kidding me, that title is “Cant help falling in love” hinting at the complexity of your relationship as a human lifespan is considerably shorter than a fae’s so he’ll have to live a large chunk of his life without you. Not to mention that Malleus is bound to be king of Briar Valley which the faeries of Briar Valley may not be too overjoyed at the fact their king is with a human.
But you two just cant help but fall for each other and this song plays as you two are out dancing together in the dark, relishing the relationship that you two might not be able to have for long.
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Viva La Vida by Coldplay
Despite this not being a love song it is pretty similar to Lilia’s story and so just imagine this playing during like your first truly swoon worthy kiss. But not only during the kiss, the instrumental can lightly play in the background in either the learning of his backstory OR during that first moment you meet. Maybe even when he first falls in love with you.
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Bam Bam by Camilla Cabello and Ed Sheeran
Fell first(you) and fell harder(Silver). You fell first obviously bc he’s constantly asleep so it’d make more sense for you to fall first. And when you fall for him you begin to do things to help him out, some are smaller things like adjusting his head so his neck doesn’t hurt or bigger things like putting a pillow beneath his head(wheter thats one of your body parts or an actually pillow is up to you). Those little things add up and he notices and slowly you creep into his thoughts and dreams and now one of the only things he sees in his sleep is you. Convinced that its one of those tropes where you say you love him while you think he’s asleep and you think he doesn’t hear and he doesnt like you back, but he just hasn’t been able to find a way to tell you as their are many plot thrown in issues that get in his way.
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That’s How You Know by Amy Adams
I’m very well aware this is another Disney song BUT, think about Sebek with a stereotypical Disney Princess who just belts into song whenever, and she’s not really singing to him but giving other guys advice on how to treat their loves and he just ends up finding himself admiring the fact your giving these random guys advice all the while not realizing that the seeds of his love for you were being sewed.
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A/N: Well I finally got pt2 out!! Lmk your thought and opinions not only on this post(+the last one) but some other things that are similar(other ideas for post). Ik i haven’t responded to anything in my inbox in a while but i promise I’ll do my best to get to them I js have many other things on my plate as well
Pomefiore Masterlist
Ignihyde Masterlist
Diasomnia Masterlist
TWST Masterlist
Grand Masterlist
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odderevents · 1 year
I have had a thought. Steve secretly knowing how to play the piano bc he learned as a kid and had to stop bc his dad's an asshole is lovely. I've seen this floating around a few times and I love it. Eddie catching him playing the piano and being so fucking in love with him will never not be perfect.
Steve playing the Harp.
It's definitely a rich kid instrument. Big ass fucking impractical instrument. Absolutely beautiful to look at and listen to. Hands playing piano is great. But have you ever seen an accomplished harpist? It makes you think impure thoughts about what those fingers can do.
So. Steve secretly knowing how to play the harp
Maybe his mom used to play it, so there's a big harp (the ones with the columns and super intricate base board, not celtic) that's just gathering dust in the basement. Steve started piano lessons, loved learning how to pull music out of an inert object. But his dad decides it's to effeminate, makes him stop. And sure, a harp is a different beast to a piano. But you've still got cords, and Steve's got a pretty decent ear, and he can barely remember seeing his mom play. So one day when he has the house to himself, which isn't an unusual occurrence at this point, he tries it out. And he's admittedly pretty shit at it, but so was he at piano when he started. Only difference is he has no teacher.
So maybe Steve discreetly finds a way to acquire a beginner's practice instructional book for harp. And works on it when he needs to get his brain away from things.
He's even more careful with it than he is with any dirty mags he might later acquire. He knows that worse, much worse than piano, harp is not a masculine instrument and under no circumstances should his father find out about his affinity for it.
It's still his go to when he can't sleep even years later, pulling out the now old and battered booklet of sheet music and exercises. Especially once the upside down bullshit starts. It's soothing and mindless at this point.
The harp that was much too big when he first started with it is now just the right size, it's weight against his shoulder comforting. He can close his eyes and his fingers naturally find where to land and pluck.
Even when he becomes friends with Robbin and then Eddie, both musicians who he knows wouldn't give a damn about him playing a woman's instrument, he can't bring himself to mention it. If he did, they would want to hear him play and he's self-conscious about being self-taught. Both of them play well, they play with other people and people come to listen. He doesn't consider himself a "real" musician. It's just something he does to keep his hands and brain busy on nights where the sheets feel like they're strangling him and the dark reminds him too much of when he can't see not because it's night but because something's hit him in the head again and he can't tell apart the sound of his heartbeat from something pounding through his walls.
So he goes to the basement. Finds his stool. Removes the dust cover. Goes through the meditative motions of tuning it by ear, because that's how he's always done it. And then he plays until the tips of his fingers feel numb. Somehow, he always comes out of it peaceful enough to pass out on the couch in the basement for a couple more hours.
Steve is so used to keeping it a secret he doesn't even think about it when he starts dating Eddie. It's just a thing that's always only been his, and most importantly, it's been vital to keep it that way for so long it's the natural state of things for Steve at this point. It doesn't ever come up. When Steve gets nightmares when he's sleeping with Eddie all he has to do is curl into his boyfriend's chest and feel the warm heartbeat that's not his own to settle back into himself.
The problem arises on a night when Eddie was supposed to stay with Steve but he got held up in Indianapolis when getting a new amp for his guitar. He would come back to Steve but it would be late in the night. Steve has been keeping himself busy all day so he passes out in the early evening on the couch in front of a shitty sitcom he put on to try to distract himself from the empty house.
Nightmares find him, which isn't terribly unusual, but he doesn't have his usual method of coping so he resorts back to his previous habit.
Eddie walks in bone tired after many hours of driving to and from Indianapolis, waiting while the clerk figured out they didn't have the amp he'd been assured over the phone would be available for pickup today, waiting some more while they had the amp driven from a sister shop an hour away because no way was he driving back and forth again to Indianapolis on another day. So yeah. Eddie is beat. All he wants is to dive head first into his boyfriend's impeccable pecs.
He doesn't find Steve waiting with a welcome kiss like he usually would when he walks in. Instead he's greeted with a hauntingly beautiful rendition of the melody of Master of Puppets in a way he's never heard before.
He drops his stuff in the entry hall and goes down to the basement where the music is coming from, curious to see where Steve might have found the recording. Eddie doesn't quite know what to do with himself when he finally lays eyes on Steve, with dried tear stains on his cheeks and his eyes closed as his fingers pluck and strum without hesitation. He's rooted to the spot as he watches Steve work his favorite song in a new and completely heartrending way. He hasn't been able to listen to it since he played it in the upside down. It always brings up the bitter blood tang of the air and the hair raising shrieks of the bats. But this is somehow different, it's soft and melodious but it's still got the same bones.
Eddie feels tears on his own cheeks. He's missed this song goddammit. And he couldn't be happier that it's Steve that's given it back to him
Queue tears and fear and confessions and comfort. Somehow much later in the future there's inexplicably a harp in some of the corroded coffin tracks. And it shouldn't work but it does
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lionmythflower · 3 months
evan rosier headcanons under the cut
Twins w pandora
He has a chinchilla (its name is dusty, barty helped name it)
He's rlly good friends w remus
In a book club w lily, remus,dorcas and regulus
He's Canadian
So he kinda had a very slight American accent
Sleeps and listens to music on long car rides
Knows Canadian French
either gay or bi
has a tattoo of "bcjr" on his neck or shoulder (barty has a matching one of "Rosie")
Would love MARINA and Florence + the Machines
Was probably more of an ABBA fan then a queen fan
lily got him into music like ABBA and Remus got him into music like David Bowie
Would also love Arctic Monkey
Would love makeup
Has those star eyeliner stamps and he absolutely rocks them
Bigender (stole this hc from someone can't remember who at that moment)
probally goes by he/they pronouns
Pandora and Evan steal each other's clothes sm that they don't know who's is who's at this point
So ppl are like " wasn't pandora wearing that the other day?" and evan will be like "idk maybe?" And vise versa
Would love Greek mythology
Has heterochromia and his eyes are blue and green so he's is looking at u like 🔵_🟢 (O_O) (pandora also has eyes like that)
"you have heterophobia in ur eyes" "...you mean heterochromia?" "no" (barty and evan)
i feel like he would be able to play like 3 instruments and would love love love music sm
Has so. Many. Ear. Piercings.
Lace and fishnet gloves
Evan, pandora, Dorcas, regulus, and Barty all wear rings and they all js like share rings
Would love fairy tale retellings
100% read song of Achilles and sobbed
His parents are like really that mean js very strict and they don't really give him enough privacy and it's suffocating
Has sensory overloads sometimes and he will just cling to Barty or Pandora bc they both make him feel safe when it's too much
Also has panic attacks
Says things like "I wanna kms" and ppl think he's joking but he's really not
Baggy clothes
layers his clothes a lot
had like three sweatshirts/sweaters that he LOVES
eating disorder (idk which one but he definitely has one)
Constantly has a headache
Is actually rlly su!sidal but he's only told like 2 ppl (probably Pandora and reg or barty)
Either never gets sick or gets sick every month (depends on the year)
Doesn't like talking abt his problems
Will not ask for help unless he has basically given up
Is rlly smart
He's like everything smart but doesn't really care abt math or science
That one kid who's reading and not paying attention the entire class and then gets an A on every test
He's parents don't really care about grades but he does and he gets really stressed abt grades
Would 100% be that person that you wouldn't think would be a feminist and then someone makes a rude comment abt women and he would go off on them
Very pretty
Always cold. Always
Would have loved all the movies that Millie Bobby Brown is in (Enola Holmes, and Damsel mainly)
Would love ppl doing his nails (even though he's good at doing it himself)
doc martins
Would have converse and would draw on them
Has so many books (both barty and evan rant to each other abt the books they read)
Would have adhd but more of the not able to focus side
He's nail polish is almost always chipped bc they pick at it w/o even realizing he's doing it
would have so many bracelets
Hates silence but hates loud noise even more
Had earbuds in 24/7
"Look at the moon! :0" no matter what phase the moon is in (does the same thing w the sky)
Would get sooo happy when ever he was in a place where u can clearly see the stars at night bc "omg look, you can see the stars! Their so pretty!!!"
They're so energetic but also so laid back
Pretty much all or nothing for everything (emotions, activities, relationship etc.)
Really good at drawing
normally types in all lowercase so he doesn't come off as intimating
Evan and pandora probably made fun of the pure blood stereotypes so much
(I've made by point abt this hc a lot but I'mma say it again) : Evan and regulus arguing over the pronouncing of different French words bc Evan is Canadian French and Regulus is European French lol
He's an introvert you can't tell me otherwise
Was almost put into ravenclaw bc he was arguing w the sorting hat and it was like "ok valid points, ur probably a ravenclaw" and then Evan told the hat to go fuck itself and it put him in Slytherin 💀
Definition of a keyboard smash idk how to explain it
Would have loved Pinterest
wow this is really long. I'mma make one of these for Peter later :)
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slexenskee · 2 months
You might have already mentioned it, but what songs did Gojo sing as a kid with that band, the Band Aides? Cause I'm really curious what teen Gojo screamed into the microphone and what people thought of this crazy punk kid with super great music. Also, will the Scrub fans ever unearth a video someone probably took of little Gojo coasting around random alt-rock venues? Cause that would be hilarious.
We're actually going to get into it in future chapters!! 😁
He 100% plays Mr Brightside and basically he starts getting into the whole plagiarizing music thing by realizing that a lot of the bands he loved are either a) entirely missing from the timeline or b) missing some of his favorite songs from them and sets out to fix that.
The full backstory:
I don't really get into Band Aides much, but basically it was a garage band put together by Satoru, this high school first year, and his college freshman brother, and idk, maybe one other person haven't figured it out yet. But they play in the brothers' garage and their dad was in a band back in the states which is why he has all this random old equipment in his garage and also an undying love for classic rock music.
So they start out playing a lot of songs that Satoru does know - famous stuff from like before 1990 basically - and at first he's just jamming and having a good time actually realizing that he likes playing all the music he used to listen to in his last life, and just figuring out how music even works. The dad is super helpful in this since he was a musician in a band himself and can at least teach Satoru the basics of guitar, sound engineering, and all the technical stuff. They're still not great or anything, being a bunch of kids and all, and Satoru himself is still going from 0 to 100 learning about instruments and music theory.
Anyway, then he hears an 'album' from The Killers, realizes they only put out one album in this world and it was not Hot Fuss, and immediately sets out to try to re-create Mr Brightside for his band to play.
Because of the way this happens > him 'learning' about bands and music, then coming immediately after with songs resembling the bands he'd just listened to, it feels really organic to his band and the people who knew him at the time. Like yeah of course he made a song that sounds like The Killers after listening to their album, that's literally how all music is made. You get influenced and inspired by something and then create your own version. It's just in this instance, Satoru wasn't 'creating his own version' he was literally adding to their originally discography.
Eventually he stops playing songs that come from bands with missing discography and starts playing songs from ones that he realizes don't exist at all, but there's still enough of a trajectory that it still seems 'plausible'.
So, tbh, people who don't 'know' music think he's just a cool punk who makes epic songs. People who do know all those old genres and bands are like 'damn this kid has great taste' and also thinks he makes epic songs that really pay homage to that era.
I'm kinda torn on what The Band Aides would play on open mic nights actually.
Realistically they would mostly play cover songs bc even if Satoru wanted to be getting them to play 'his' songs, he wouldn't be at a point where he could properly articulate what he wanted it to even sound like. But I also want to sneak a bunch of Blink-182 songs into their tracks haha. And probably All Time Low too? All American Rejects??
Honestly they can play whatever you want them too, since I probably won't get into it beyond Mr Brightside! And yeah that would be so fun to have clips of lil' baby Satoru rocking out at like a talent show or something lmao
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
I could never say this publically but I think wttbp is somewhat overplayed and overhyped. It's a fun song but compared to other mcr anthems it's too perfected and sanitised imo? I can't deny that it's still so much fun live, but it's a skip on a normal listen.
disclaimer. taste is subjective and i respect that and celebrate diverse opinions in our little fandom o7 you do you king.
you're breaking my heart you're breaking my fucking heart....in what way is wttbp perfected or sanitised compared to INOK.........there are a billion things going on at any given second, every time you listen you can pick out something new going on in the background.........the guitar solo in the final studio version was recorded in a hotel room on ray's shitty practice amp when he was rehearsing before tracking and it was never meant to be used but it ended up being their favourite take (bc ray kept fucking up the last day in the studio bc he "didn't want it to be over") so they put it in.........and it shows like that whole solo section..if you listen closely you can hear the metronome behind the opening piano notes bc again i think it was only meant to be a demo but they liked it...........their family members are featured on it................if it sounds perfected that's because it IS PERFECT IN ITS INSANITY. it's not overplayed and overhyped, if anything it's UNDERhyped because it's played so much.
genuinely take a step back and listen with fresh ears.....open ur heart and let it get crushed like an empty coke can by the Music......listen to the instrumental version with your eyes closed. let it take you on a journey and tell me you don't feel fundamentally changed as a person, moved by something larger than human comprehension. tell me you aren't breathless with amazement at what music can do. we literally need to denormalise the black parade y'all are forgetting how LUCKY we are to have her.
anyway if any mcr song is overrated it's inok ✌️
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swtnrcmnt · 1 year
୨୧ — s.r x singer!r; headcanons (2)
some more to feed into your daydreams ! thank u to honeybeespam for making the funniest reblog 😭🤍 enjoy !
- i left the other one off with hearing a sad song, but if you release something like “pov” by ariana grande (which lyrically is so beautiful it makes me wanna cry bc why can’t i have that) like because it gets so popular it’s playing everywhere and the team is having a field day teasing spence :((
- it’s basically canon that he mainly listens to classical music, imagine reader puts strings in her music and he’s just like I LOVE THIS
- mathematically breaks down the chords, beats, and tempo of the song lol
- singer!reader is rich as hell which = big house. he comes over and just sees this massive space that could be transformed into a library and is like “i’m moving in.”
- showing him red carpet outfits asking for his opinion but you still can’t choose because he thinks every single one is stunning >:(
- kittens everywhere because he finally has enough space to adopt some and somebody to watch them while he’s on a case (he’s a cat person, idc what anyone says)
- also as i said in the previous hc’s, she most likely moves in with him in dc, simply because it’s possible for her to work in somewhere that’s not la and would prefer to be home when spencer’s home
- elaborating on the freaky sound bites 🤭: picture those tiktok edits with reid’s breathing and whimpering in the background but she uses it in the instrumental of a song and only he knows about it ehehehehe
- if singer!reader does some acting on the side, best believe he watches every single movie she’s in the second it hits theatres ! supportive bf things
- lmfao her showing him edits or tiktoks her fans made of him and again, he’s flattered but extremely confused and concerned by their comments and captions. bless his heart :’)
- she probably has a lot of celebrity friends and penelope screams at spencer like “:o why didn’t you tell me that you were meeting a whole group of a-listers???”
- hates hearing people talk crap about you. he knows you’re numb to it because it’s the part that literally comes with fame: hate. but he can’t help it because he knows you personally and it hurts his feeling to hear people dislike you :(
- mr technophobe who buys all your album vinyls and gets them for free from you
- sending the team pr packages of merch and new stuff you launch !! and spencer wearing the hoodies you send him 24/7 and taking sm pride in it !
- filming tiktoks with him. even if he’s not exactly in the frame it could just be him adding a little cute comment to whatever you’re wearing :)
- is super super careful about telling people personal stuff about you especially because you’re globally known and have paparazzi on u left and right
- anytime there’s a particularly sadder song on an album he’s like “is this about me :(“ because he’s so so scared of fucking up and losing you
- the fear is also like 10x worse because he knows that if you two break up, it’ll be publicly displayed and he will literally see your face everywhere and hear your name all the time if you get with somebody new
- no no no cause, prison reid… and he has to take you off the visiting list because the guys around him keep making weird comments about you :’(
- a lot of really good angsty songs came out of those three months though hehe 🤭
here’s part one ! part three
that’s all i can think about right now ! hope u like :)
again, this reblog is everything to me 🫂🫧
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Hey everyone! Here is my submission for the Dan and Phil Phasquerade Tumblr Event! First off, as a surprise, I made not one, but TWO songs for the event!
The first one is the main theme song for the event as requested by @wdapteo! 生き甲斐 (Ikigai)! It’s not fully orchestral but I put a bit of strings and horns in there, so I guess it counts lol! I decided to go with a theme that was mainly based around guitars and synths. I also put in a few Asian instruments such as the koto to represent their trips to Japan. The title “Ikigai” is a Japanese concept that refers to one’s sense of purpose or reason to live and is a combination of the words “iki”(to live) and “gai” (reason). This concept can include people such as friends, families, and partners, as well as activities such as one’s hobby or pastime. It basically means that one can find joy in their life by being aligned with their purpose. I thought this concept would be perfect for the phasquerade because Dan and Phil’s ikigai or reason to live is each other. 🥰
As for the background image, I found a picture on Adobe Stock Photos of two masquerade masks that looked PERFECT for Dan and Phil. (The black one is Dan’s and the white one is Phil’s, obviously, lol 😂) Phanartists, feel free to use those masks in ur art! 👌🏻
The second song I made is an orchestral ballroom version of JVKE’s Golden Hour! It took me around two days to do, along with constant listening to the song to get the chords right and then add my own bits on top of it 😂 I’m really proud of this version because lemme tell ya, making orchestral music on Garageband IOS is harder than it looks 😭😅 I still can’t believe how far I’ve gone with making music on this app bc I started using it in 2018 and back then, I had a hard time navigating everything but I slowly worked my way up to where I am now, and tbh I still have far more to go! The background image I used for this is another stock image I found on Pexels that fit the vibe of the song! (Also the two men in the picture looked like Dan and Phil haha 😂)
Anyways, here's a little introduction of me: I’m Kristy, aka @nothoughtsonlytrance. My pronouns are she/they and I am pansexual! (Fun fact, I found out I was pan around the same time that Dan and Phil came out in 2019 lol) I’ve been watching Dan and Phil since around 2012/2013 (so when I was around 12 or 13 years old) because that was the time when I really started watching YouTube and eventually found their channels. I vividly remember watching the Photobooth Challenge video and crying with laughter because it was so hilarious. I continued to look forward to seeing their videos after school and finally got to see them on stage in 2018 for their Interactive Introverts tour when they came to Richmond, VA. (didn’t get VIP tickets for the meet and greet tho so I still have yet to meet them in person 😭🤞) It continues to be one of my favorite memories of them and I remember crying when seeing them on stage. Their videos mean so much to me and I even made my quote for my college graduation cap “Embrace the void and have the courage to exist” because their videos got me through the last two semesters of college!😎👌🏻(Which got noticed by Dan and Phil in their Phan Twitter Memes 2 video!) Words cannot express how proud I am of them, especially after their coming out videos and how they feel more free to be themselves! And I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for them! (And also us haha)
I think the song that will be playing when I take the stage is “Once Upon a December” from the musical Anastasia! It is one of my favorite musicals and I even got to see it in NYC with my family a few years back! Also, as someone who was adopted from Russia, this song really speaks to me personally. I don’t speak Russian fluently, only a few basic words and phrases that my parents taught me that they learned when they were adopting me, (I only speak English) but I’ve been trying to learn the lyrics to the Russian version of the song so I can sing along with it too. (Pronouncing Russian isn’t easy haha)
Anyways, here’s my post for the phasquerade! Hope you all enjoy the music! I had so much fun being a part of this and thank you so much to @serendipnpipity for planning and organizing this!
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wander-wren · 4 months
as i do my fifth full rewatch of tristamp i’m going to make a list of my favorite details in each episode. the ones i always wait for and have to restrain myself from talking over when they happen. starting with the first three:
ep 1
vash’s little “need a hand?” joke i’m sorry it’s silly
mmm the plant light reflections on vash’s sunglasses tastey
the first shot he takes at the cluster bomb with the low angle and the sand and his jacket blowing…..we all know it. chefs kiss
THE MUSIC IN THE DUEL TOO idk anythinggggg about music i could not even tell you what instrument that is but the little. mmf. higher pitched louder four or five notes. it makes my brain happy
i should spontaneously learn to video edit and make this a compilation so i can just have it
you already know i have to mention vash dodging bullets at point blank range BUT ALSO i don’t think we give enough love to the casual flipping the guy over his shoulder. love love love
ep 2
vash’s. little. noises. in the chase scene. need i say more
does roberto call vash a puppy in this episode? he must there’s no time for it in the other two. it’s silly
we need more tomas rides i could watch them ride toma FOREVER its so pleasing to look at and the thump of the steps is good
ftr this is dub but the nebraska family have some REALLY funny lines. “he’s using rocks, our worst enemy!!!” and “haven’t you any pride as a gunman?” “eh, not really!” killed me
that slow-mo shot where vash is shooting nebraska’s bullet is so good. and iconic. i have it on a sweatshirt lol. while i’m thinking about it, shoutout to vash’s little glove w only two fingers bc i’m obsessed with it
and his gay little earring but we all know about that
ep 3
eg the mime’s little entrance is just interesting to watch. why his body move like that. i just like looking at him. what a weird specimen
i really meant to just point out smaller details but ugh, wow, i love when vash jumps on his cage and points his gun at him like “that’s enough” OH HE’S SERIOUS. ETHAN I WOULD LISTEN TO THE MAN
nai being barefoot and walking in the blood is so. so.
“does their praise cure it? the loneliness?” is something i’ve talked about before but it KILLS me i feel threatened i feel like a tiny animal i am Unsafe with this man. we could talk about whether he’s talking about vash or himself there too but that’s for a different post
i can’t even say anything about the entire second half bc every bit of the destruction of jeneora rock is soooooo
vash releasing tonis’s worms. the fact that the worms survived at all really
“how can you smile at a time like this?” “because i don’t deserve to cry” WAHH
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tuesday again 2/20/2024
i don't usually use these writeups as a memory aid, but this week it's good bc most of last week was a blur of applying to jobs and playing breath of the wild
i have several playlists that are several hours long with a couple different flavors of the really specific kind of instrumental music i need to do mass quantities of data entry. these are now all poisoned by horrible memories of my last two jobs so i'm slowly building new ones. a great candidate is OASIS, off the REDLINE soundtrack. REDLINE (2009, dir. Koike) is an extremely horny anime movie about driving really fast, being true to yourself in spite of corporate overlords, sports betting, and fucking.
i think this was a scene with background club or cafe music? electronica instrumental with a little bit of a groove and a very particular mid-aughts sound. you know when powder coating is extremely matte but also extremely sparkly? spotify.
Samantha Cole (previously Vice, co-founder of 404 Media) has a beat that's focused on sex tech, sex work, deplatforming of sex work, and kink community beefs that manages to be both detached and very, very kind. i trust her to write about any kink community in a respectful and fair way, and even when she visibly doesn't understand the appeal of a kink she writes about them in a respectful and fair way. a great example of this is the furry adult baby diaper community being deplatformed by patreon.
but her most recent investigation, "can this shitty vibrator actually give you malware?" is fascinating. any job that can legitimately claim vibrators as a buisness expense and perform a teardown is fascinating to me.
what a tremendous and endlessly fascinating world we live in.
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there are many movies on tubi that i have like. name recognition of but have never actually seen, so i'm starting to work my way through things that aren't noir or obscure westerns. like Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (2000, dir. Lee).
the practial effects in this movie are insane. the wirework is insane. wirework insane. this is the dreamiest and most beautiful chase/fight scene i've ever seen and they're zipping around a bamboo forest.
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we're going to have to live with this imperfect screenshot ok this laptop is Extremely old. the interior sets often look like theater sets (complimentary). just a stunningly beautiful movie with the sickest action scenes you’ve ever seen. plot a little choppy but forgivable imo. i know this is regarded as one of the finest movies of all time, not just one of the finest martial arts movies of all times, so saying anything feels a little like giving it a dollar store plastic trophy. i liked it and i had fun. watching a critically acclaimed non-american good movie is good for the brain steeped in lackluster american westerns, i think.
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much like in real life, in breath of the wild i am refusing to do much towards the main quest and am mostly puttering around looking for shit to upgrade my outfits.
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unlocked rudania, did not go inside.
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what's with this little. sword graveyard??? on the northeastern edge of the caldera??? the only thing on that island is an octorok?? did it kill like eight guys???
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finished richard scarey's tarreytown :) including that horrible rich guy who wanted me to kill some guardians for ??? reasons. i am pretty confident about killing hinox (is the plural of hinox, hinox?), wizzrobes, and most lizalfos if i can get the drop on em but i am Not confident about killing actively moving guardians without guardian arrows, which is an expensive way of doing business. due to reliably one-shotting the wizzrobes with revali's bow, i am running into the interesting problem of always having a glut of magical weapons. which leads me to go fuck around the extreme hot and cold areas those magic weapons are good for. and less fucking around the normie areas i actually want to fuck around.
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got the good sword at thirteen hearts, i stopped short at twelve hearts gone and the deku tree called me a pussy. i unfontunately did not screenshot that. hey did you know there's a korok on the deku tree's head whose life's purpose seems to be riddles?
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and now for quite a lot of horse talk.
dodged like four lynels taking Ganon's horse up the northern edge of the map to get a pic of the leviathan.
caught the white horse, we are such pretty pretty princesses together. i think it's very funny that the gerudo fanciest weapons and hylian royal regalia look so similar. purple and gold eternal.
did you know if you feed your horse an endura carrot you get extra spurs???
i was looking for a 5 star speed horse but after catching and releasing four different solid black horses this is the best one (4 str, 4 speed, 5 stamina) i found. maybe I’ll shoot for a bright chestnut with lots of chrome for my speedy horse, the equine equivalent of a red convertible.
very funky conincidence on the grasslands behind the lord of the mountain's spring. not identical, bc the lead horse doesn't have facial markings, but what are the odds of that huh. i wish grays in this game didn't look so chalky and washed out, i love a gray horse in real life.
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i think it's some bullshit that you have to fight your way into this spring, get told "go get a dragon scale", deal with all that, fight your way BACK into the spring, and then be presented with a Major Test of Strength shrine. c'mon just give it to me!!!
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game continues to be very bad at spitting out riders next to horses or donkeys EXCEPT!!! for this doctor. i didn't know hyrule had traveling doctors! i quite honestly didn't think they had the techonology, given that the state of medicine in hyrule is very mortar and pestle based!
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the game gave me a tooltip like "make friends with dogs! they'll lead you to treasure!" and i was like What but it does actually work, you just have to target them in the camera first and then feed them several hunks of meat. bonkers game. how many other goddamn mechanics are there that i've missed???
next steps: shrine hunting. i have like 50 out of 120 which is wild to me. i played this game two years ago, got to about a hundred shrines, and managed to forget where they all fucking are. yes my shrine sensor is always on. there's probably at least twenty in central hyrule, which is not a place i touched much on my list playthrough, also the last two memories i need are in there. i have filled out a good chunk of the compendium (completely filled the materials pages) but idk if i will be a completionist about it. there are so so so so so many weapons variants. i am cheating a bit and looking up the animals i missed (mostly a lot of bugs and fish) but one of the entries is for patricia, the royal sand seal. i would not have ever thought to take a picture of the named sand seal, i'm sorry game but that's a bit obtuse.
not much progress on the cross stitch or job fronts, but since i finally have a balcony, i planted peas and beans from @shiny-good-rock and basil from @morrak than have been languishing in a box for several years, the basil had an okay germination rate so my fingers are crossed re: peas and beans.
i am a bit annoyed about marigolds. maybe it's a bit too early for them here, or maybe they're not as popular as they were in the northeast? i tried like five different big box stores and indie nurseries, only one indie nursery had any and they were very pest-ridden. i would like marigolds, as friends for my tomatoes.
it is currently 11:40 PM CST as i type this so tomorrow i'll add something with a garden layout and what varieties i planted.
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Limoncello - Chapter 7
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Pairings: Nick Folio x OFC, Bad Omens x OFC
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Angst, mentions of anxiety and panic, violence, one mention of blood, crying, comfort, not proofread bc i hate myself
Series Masterlist
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“Never to suffer would never to have been blessed.” ~ Edgar Allan Poe
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Nick’s pickup peeled into the dive bar’s parking lot, loose gravel crunching under the tires as he pulled into a parking space. Noah’s car followed close behind and parked right next to him, music blaring and bass thumping. Nick hopped out of the truck and made his way to the bed to start unloading the drum kit, while Maeve followed suit. Noah popped out of the driver’s seat, leaving the door open as he stood next to the car. Doja Cat’s Say So blared through the speakers and into the evening air as he loudly sang along to it. A stone faced Nicholas exited the passenger’s seat and Jolly got out of the back seat to start unloading instruments. 
Maeve began to laugh as she watched Noah. “Really?” she giggled, hands on her hips. “Doja Cat?”
“It’s art, you wouldn’t understand,” Noah responded before going right back to singing along. 
“He does this every time,” Jolly sighed. “Don’t feed into it.” Maeve just laughed even harder. 
Finally Noah turned the car off, music silencing along with it, and started helping Folio unload the kit. 
“Do you guys need any help?” Maeve questioned sweetly, pushing her glasses up the bridge of her nose. 
Folio looked over at her. “Nah, we got it, doll,” he shot her a wink. “Thank you.” 
Maeve felt her entire body flush in an instant, as if her entire body had engulfed in flames. 
Was he just teasing? Was it a joke? Joke or not, she loved it.
She nodded. “No problem,” she whispered, fighting the shy smile that threatened to spread across her face, heart pounding out of her chest. 
She trailed behind them as they walked to the doors. It suddenly clicked that she should probably hold the door for them. She quickly bolted around and in front of them to open the door. They all muttered their appreciation as they walked inside. She followed behind Nick after he walked in. Her eyes immediately widened. The bar was dimly lit, the brightest light in there being a red neon Budweiser sign perched on a shelf behind the bar. Besides herself, the only other woman in the establishment was one of the bartenders. The rest of the patrons were men. 
Suddenly, she was overly aware of herself and what she was wearing, crossing her arms over her stomach, her eyes darting around as she followed her friends. The guys walked over to the area where they were supposed to play and began to set up. Maeve, cowered into herself, stood as close to them as possible without getting in their way. Nick glanced over at her, furrowing his eyebrows before walking over to her. “Maeve? You good?” 
She looked up at him with a tense smile. “Um, yeah,” she started. “Just a little anxious.”
“How come?” he questioned, slight frown on his face. 
“It’s nothing serious,” she tried to reassure. “Just feel like I stick out like a sore thumb.” 
Nick nodded, sucking on his teeth before responding. “Well, no one’s gonna mess with you. Not if I- um, we can help it,” he motioned to the guys.
Maeve nodded in response, slowly uncrossing her arms, “Okay…Thank you.”
“Of course,” Nick said, grabbing one of her hands. “We’ve gotta keep you safe.” He pressed a quick kiss to her knuckles before slowly dropping her hand and walking off to finish setting up, leaving her red in the face and giddy. 
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They put on a phenomenal show. While their music wasn’t something that Maeve would typically listen to, she found herself nearly hypnotized by the combination of their talents and stage presence. She figured she probably made a fool of herself cheering them on, but she couldn’t find it in her to care. They deserved the hype. When they began to pack up, she walked over to them, a bright smile adorning her face. 
Nick noticed her first. “What did you think?”
“You guys did amazing!” she beamed, going in for a hug. 
Nick hugged her back, picking her up and swinging her side to side as his arms wrapped tightly around her, “Thank you, doll.”
Maeve squealed as he lifted her off the ground. “Put me down,” she giggled. “You’re all sweaty.” 
“Hey, you hugged me,” he laughed, gently setting her down on the ground. “Let me help the guys pack up really quick.” 
She nodded at him and walked back over to where she had been sitting before, watching them, but mostly Nick, as they packed up. She was pulled from her giddy, excited state almost as soon as she sat down. 
“Look who we have here!” A familiar voice boomed as the bar door opened. 
Maeve’s breath caught in her throat as she hesitantly looked towards the source of the voice. She shrunk into herself as Tanner approached her. “I thought this wasn’t your scene, princess,” Tanner smirked, leaning against the bar. 
He had tried to get her to go to bars when they were together, but she never wanted to. She didn’t enjoy bars. She would much rather drink within the comfort of her home. Or in the home of someone she trusted. She sucked in a deep breath and just nodded towards the guys.
Tanner glanced in the direction that she nodded and let out a chilling chuckle. “Oh, I see how it is,” he said through gritted teeth as he glanced back at her with cold, angry eyes. She leaned back against the bar to get some distance between them and obviously failed to do so. Tanner got in her face, his body pressing to hers. “So you’re a fucking groupie now? Which one are you fucking? Or are you fucking them all?” His voice got louder and harsher with each question. 
Maeve started to tear up and tried to move away from him, to no avail. He grabbed her arm, causing her to yelp, tears springing to her eyes. And just as quickly as he had gotten in her face, he was being pulled away. 
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?!” Nick spat. Noah, Nicholas, and Jolly stood by him as he gripped the back of the collar of Tanner’s shirt. 
“Putting that slut in her place. I’m doing you a favor.” Tanner responded, eerily calm. 
Nick was seeing red as his grip tightened on Tanner’s shirt, pushing him against the bar as hard as he could. Nick then removed one hand and drew back a clenched fist before slamming his fist into Tanner’s nose, blood immediately gushing from his nose. Jolly hurried off to find security while Noah pulled Nick off of Tanner. Nicholas took over in keeping Tanner where he was. Noah was trying his best to hold Nick back from Tanner, constantly readjusting his grip. 
“Folio,” Nicholas called, not taking any of his focus off of an enraged Tanner who was trying to get to Folio. “Take Maeve to the truck, now.” 
At the mere mention of Maeve, Nick stopped fighting to get out of Noah’s grip and looked over to where Maeve was still seated, trembling with her face in her hands. He looked at Noah, face visibly softened. Noah nodded and let go, then Nick rushed to Maeve’s side. “C’mon, let’s go.” He said softly to her, helping her stand and leading her outside and into the truck as quickly as possible. He opened the door for her and helped her climb into the seat before he rushed over to his side and hopped in. 
Maeve was trying her hardest to not break down. Her eyes burned with unshed tears, her heart was beating erratically, she felt like she couldn’t breathe, and her entire body shook. Nick leaned over to her and grabbed one of her trembling hands and she squeezed it. 
“Hey, breathe for me, doll. Can you breathe for me?” he asked softly, trying not to panic her further. “C’mon, breathe with me.” He started to breathe in and out, loudly and slowly. Maeve followed his lead, letting his breaths guide her own. She began to calm down slightly, at least enough to where her heart rate slowed and she stopped shaking. Tears had started to stream down her face, and she tried to hide it. 
“I-I’m sorry,” she whispered, voice breaking slightly as she silently cried, turning her head away from him. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” Nick cooed, gently placing a hand on her face so she would look at him. He cupped her face with both hands and wiped her tears with his thumbs. “You have nothing to be sorry for. This is not your fault.” 
She squeezed her eyes shut and leaned into his touch as tears endlessly flowed from her eyes. Nick managed to awkwardly maneuver her into his lap, his arms wrapped around her as she quietly cried into shirt. He rubbed her back as her body occasionally shook with sobs. They stayed like that until Noah, Nicholas, and Jolly came out with all the instruments and equipment they brought, one of the bartenders helping bring it out. Nick rolled the window down as they approached. 
“Is she okay?” Jolly asked. Nick shrugged, while Maeve nodded into Nick’s chest as a response. Jolly furrowed his eyebrows with a sigh. 
“That guy got kicked out,” Noah said. “Apparently they have trouble with him all the time. They escorted him out and said that if he came back they’d call the cops.”
“I’m so sorry you guys,” Maeve sniffled, words muffled by Nick’s chest. 
“Don’t do that. You have nothing to be sorry for,” Nick repeated what he had told her earlier, holding her tighter. 
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thedvilsinthedetails · 5 months
What each marauder’s fav musical would be (in my opinion):
James - beetlejuice (chaotic af, funny and happy ending…)
Regulus - Jekyll and Hyde (thought provoking, sad ending also he’d find ‘bitch bitch bitch’ funny bc that’s lowkey exactly what the ppl at functions he has to attend are like. Also he loves ‘bring on the men’ and I won’t accept questions and if ur confused about the name, it’s exactly what it sounds like.)
Remus - Hamilton (he just…would love it.)
Sirius - Six (no question. And he would sing ‘Don’t lose ur head’ at the drop of a hat. He defo learnt the dance to ex-wives and six finale)
Peter - Dear Evan Hansen (he just gives me those vibes like he genuinely would love it and I love that 4 him)
Barty - Heathers (pretty sure this was in like one of my first posts too but he would LOVE heathers.)
Evan - Moulin Rouge! (OMG this one was actually hard icl I couldn’t think of one for ages but I actually think this is perfect for Evan. He definitely prefers like plainer style of stuff and shit and pretends not to like musicals but he goes excited like a puppy dog with proper heart eyes if you show him the absolutely over decorated stage they perform moulin rouge on. And you best believe he knows all the lyrics of ‘Firework’ by Katy Perry but no no my friend it’s not because he listens to her, in fact he’d probably be confused about the annoying pop song arrangement of ‘the song from moulin rouge’ also he loves the song mashup bit in ‘backstage romance’ that they dance to (if you don’t know what I mean then play this song but skip to 2:30 bc the start of the song won’t make sense without the entire plot detailed to you) because I say so because everyone does because it’s impossible not to.)
Mary - Anastasia (look I will not be accepting slander of this musical and neither would Mary. It is a masterpiece.)
Lily - Jesus Christ Superstar (fucking love this musical and only the best for Lily Evans. She would love it because I said so.)
Pandora - Hadestown (thought provoking, gorgeous music, based off a Greek myth. Just yes. Also I can picture her humming Orpheus’ tune but especially the extended bit in ‘wait for me’ )
Marlene - Les Misérables (ok so I know this might seem like an odd option for her but hear me out hear me out…Marlene attempting to perform all the parts in ‘one day more’ and blasting ‘Do you hear the people sing?’ from her phone as an attempt to scare people.)
Dorcas - Phantom of the Opera (the absolute dramatic theme is definitely her jam and she absolutely knows how to play it on every instrument. Like she doesn’t necessarily know how to play an instrument but you can bet she at least knows the phantom’s theme on it.)
my theatre kid side is rlly coming thru in this oops
also if anyone wants to know the specific albums (bc a lot of them have more than one recording) of the musical that I prefer and am thinking of as I write this then check below ‘keep reading’
beetlejuice/hamilton/anastasia all only have one - the original bway cast
Jekyll and Hyde - ‘Jekyll and Hyde: The Gothic Musical Thriller’ (the 1995 one with Anthony Warlow as J/H)
Six - ‘Six: the musical (studio cast recording)’ sorry to the Broadway cast lovers, I prefer the og Brit one bc it feels weird to hear them with American accents to me
Dear Evan Hansen - the original Broadway cast recording, not the movie one
Heathers - Original West end cast. Again sorry to all the ppl that prefer the off broadway one, west end heathers ver till I die, it’s just better like ‘never shut up again’? I say no? I’m sorry it’s just better, no matter how much u say ‘blue’ is better than ‘your welcome’
Moulin Rouge - original Broadway cast, as much as I love Nicole Kidman I just prefer the bway cast recording to the movie recs
Jesus Christ Superstar - ‘Jesus Christ Superstar (Remastered 2005)’ the one with the 1996 London cast, it’s just my favourite album of it because of the song arrangement
Hadestown - original Broadway cast recording (I feel like ppl don’t rlly listen to the concept album anymore bc it’s just so wildly different from how the actual show music ended up sounding, I do actually quite like it but the musical ver is better in my opinion)
Les Mis - holy shit there’s a lot of albums for this one, tbh I’m not thinking of a specific one but maybe the 2010 London recording - the live one(?) I just quite like it but tbh I listen to a diff album each time I swear 😭
Phantom of the Opera - the original 1986 London cast one bc I just prefer it to the movie
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crow-in-a-teapot · 10 months
unreal unearth first impressions
de selby (part 1) i turned on the album sitting in the absolute dark, ten minutes past twelve at night, this started playing, cue instant tears. i think i was just hit with 'this is the most beautiful thing ive ever heard' and i wasn't expecting that from de selby 1 for some reason. and when the irish kicked in that just. no words, just crying and im what two minutes in. i wasn't even thinking about what he'd been saying about connemara in the dark and mirrors of people you used to know (i'd seen him talk about it, but purposefully skipped the actual song when it came up online) it was just. de selby 1. and the part as gaeilge
de selby (part 2) sexy groovy silly fun, it's really growing on me, thinking about 'i'd still know you, not being shown you
i only need the workin' of my hands' also i cant wait to read third policeman and look at this completely differently
first time the beginning was jarring, and then at the lyric about his name i kind of :( i also liked the lethe/liffey parallel, it's so very hozier of him to do that. god the push and pull of there must have been something off from the beginning? if every time they called him baby he died? something like that was my first interpretation, now im wondering if it's because it's not his name and they're the one that made his name sound wonderful for once. intellectualising that part of the lyrics kind of ruins it for me ngl, i think it's more about how it feels, i think it feels like contrast like not knowing if it hurts or is wonderful. little detail of when he says come here to me and it sounds so casual and irish like come here to me tell me, i really love it. and the final lyric hurt. really impeccable timing for a breakup album like
francesca why can't i listen to i'd tell them put me back in it for the first time again WHY CAN'T I LISTEN TO I'D TELL THEM PUT ME BACK IN IT FOR THE FIRST TIME AGAIN AND REEXPERIENCE THAT. my favourite thing from this hozier era might just be that music video (over all the other ones help)
i, carrion (icarian) is just really devastating. sunlight but what if you wanted your heart to be torn to shreds. the imagery is so vivid
eat your young is growing on me too, the lyrics are just so good. they're just SO GOOD, their rhythm is so satisfying they fit together so smoothly, and at this point it's just as fun and danceable as something like de selby 2
damage gets done is kind of pop? it made me think of the bones ft marren morris
who we are [had to remove a section here] the vocals are otherwordly. the drums are gorgeously frantic. quietly it slips through your fingers love??? falling from you drop by drop??? HOLD ME LIKE A KNIFE???makes me physically ache
son of nyx i'm so glad this is here, an instrumental was something that really could put me back to where i was mentally with de selby (part 1). first thing i thought was i can't wait to learn the piano part. i've seen people say this, but it does seem like the obvious, it's an instrumental that just belongs in a movie
all things end all things do end so real. very cool how much of a direct inflence gospel music is
to someone from a warm climate (uiscefhuarithe) i can't wait to relisten to this one again and again, the parallels between being a child warming up a bed and jumping to later in time with a lover aaaa so tender NATURAL AS ANOTHER LEG AROUND YOU IN THE BEDFRAME AAAA
butchered tongue A FAVOURITE A FAVOURITE foreigner's god but softer, how can i listen to this and ever leave ireland how can i listen to this and feel like this and be packing suitcases what is wrong with meeeeee. the violin and the instrumence. jesus christ. instantly picturing my road signs when he started singing about the native ones
anything but THIS SONG STARTED AND I INSTANTLY STARTED SMILING COMPLETELY INVOLUNTARILY, THOUGHT OF ALMOST (SWEET MUSIC) i started thinking of bright lion king imagery before he even started talking about stampedes and hoofbeats. and the vocals here too, so overwhelmed by how cheerful and joyous it sounded that i really didnt pay attention to lyrics, so it'll be cool to look deeper later
abstract (psychopomp) the production here i was very unsure about, because there was something that made me think if it were more rustic/intrumental and less modern, it might have hit me even harder, like there might have been a way to elevate it further. it made me think of colours and purples and reds and oranges, another really visual song, like i, carrion. it's really gorgeous. SEE HOW IT SHINES will be in my head for a long long time... ugh it's all so bittersweet and sad and beautiful. all my love and terror there balanced between those eyes what a line
unknown / nth if you've scrolled through my accunt for longer than a second you know how i feel about unknown / nth
first light i was hit with such intense terror that this was the last song of the album. what am i supposed to do for the next decade without music to look forward to while andrew goes back into hibernation under bray train station jean jacket lost and found or whatever. so i didnt play and instead did this musing on how beautiful the vocals throughout the album are and how funny it was in the zach sang interview when he talked about singing instead of playing instruments when recording songs because he's 'better at singing than most intruments' and his producer just wouldnt replace those voice recordings and that's why there are so many choirs and zach is basically like 'you absolute weirdo no one else has the talent to do that but ok' (affectionate) (paraphrasing). i love the drums so much. i love the strings so much too. A VOICE YOUR BODY JUMPS TO CALLING OUT YOUR NAME :(((((((((((( imagining hearing this in the 3arena and having colours break out across the whole ceiling ill remember those lights during no plan in 2019 forever im an indoor concert girlie forever what they can do visually is so magical.. i saw a good omens edit of this today already i love you good omens fans
not to sound like a broken record i wish swan upon leda and through me the flood and love of were on this and maybe even but the wages and
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sunny-reis · 10 months
hcs - enha as college students
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notes: this isn't even an x reader (it may be in the future 👀) lmao, this is all lighthearted and i by no means intend to insult or deface any of the enhas or see them fr fr this way
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heeseung: comp sci major w/a music minor
deep down would definitely want his degrees to be the other way around
but he would probs realize cs just leads to more of a stable job (not with ai on the rise tho 😍 we love going into a doomed field of study)
(as a cs kid i’m ABSOLUTELY projecting onto my little headcanons about him)
i think..he’d be a NORMAL person that enjoys programming more than learning abt computer hardware or theory
seeing as he’s normal he’d HATEEEEE object-oriented programming (the complex part of programming OUGHGG)
he’d probably know exactly what to minor in for his dream job: music production
he’d DEFINITELYYY be in the school orchestra as a piano
he’s not mysterious enough for a bass, annoying enough for a violin or trumpet, or quirky enough for a cello
he’s an attention whore he wouldn’t even LOOK at the violas 💀
but yeah overall i think he’d know his plans for the future down to a T
probs has an internship at microsoft (derogatory)
now for the most important question
would he be a tech bro?
absolutely NOT
for those that aren’t as familiar with tech bros
just imagine a redditor alpha male with horribly gelled hair that brings the LOUDEST gaming pc to class with a horribly oiled, light-up keyboard, and makes sleazy comments about the one or two girls in every comp sci class
in other words: a woman in cs’ worst nightmare (send help i’m one of TWO girls in a class full of tech bros.)
but yeah he wouldn’t be like that at all
he’d definitely suck at rizzing up women (bro plays LoL in 2023, the year of our lord, need i elaborate?)
i can easily imagine him coming into class with gray sweatpants, a white t-shirt and flannel over, and a double-shot coffee from starbucks every day
he’d probably be the most decent-looking dude in every cs-related class i can’t even lie
for the dudes reading this: if you ever need an ego boost, do basic self-care and dress well (maybe even put on basic makeup), and join a cs class
the amount of mid ass incels with no concept of self-care will immediately make you the most attractive man in the class i kid you not
neways enough of me projecting 💀
as a music student
i could absolutely see him eat up every composition assignment (where you compose your own piece of music)
although i feel like he’d have a teacher that prefers classical music that’d be PISSED every time he submits something non-conventional
omg imagine him composing a whole dubstep instrumental for class
if the music production thing doesn’t work out he’d start a band with a bunch of losers in his dad’s garage and make horrible music that’d still get a decent amount of listens and attention bc he’s hot
it’s giving fallout boy but not emo
maybe shitty indie at best
more utc !
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jay: english major w/a philosophy minor
first of all
his ass would NOT know philosophy is mostly math before signing up
i don’t think he’d be bad at math at all but he’d fs be regretting it all
but then he’d debate dropping out until whoop there’s only a semester left until it’s over. too late.
he’d dress up for every class for SUREEE
one word: beige.
he IS light academia pinterest
studyblr WISHES it was him fr
macbook user. i don’t need to explain.
he’d probably have his life together on the outside
bullet journal and aesthetic notion and all
i feel like he’d prefer discussions and deep thought (hence the philosophy) and debates over analysis
he’d LOVE discussing his thoughts abt different texts in class
he would NOT like writing out analyses abt random ass stories tho (hs english was a NIGHTMARE)
argumentative essays are his BITCH fr
i think he’d lose points for focusing more on broader concepts and going just a tad too off-topic in analytical essays, instead of focusing on details and cause-effect relationships and all that
now for the important part: his life outside of college
ik for a FACT he’d be the most likely to have a thriving social life outside of school out of all of enha
don’t @ me it’s not my fault the rest of them are MAIDENLESS – heeseung plays LEAGUE for crying out loud !!
probably goes out to the mall or new attractions like museums every weekend
even tho he minors in arguably one of the hardest fields of study ??
bro would finish up calc III homework in less than an hour 🤯
i bet he’d be there on a scholarship too 😒lucky ass
jake: international relations (global politics) major, no minor
note: ik the average writer would probs make him a physics major but that’s BOOOORING and overdone, plus i just don’t see it 🤷
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT NOTE !!! IR ≠ political science !!! IR focuses on politics around the world, pol sci is more of how internal governments work
(i’m also heavily projecting here bc i’m a politics student send your prayers please and thank you)
i pity IR majors
this boy is TIRED 25/8
tbh the thing with IR isn’t that the content’s hard
a (paraphrased) quote from my IR teacher: “political scientists are lazy, all they do is come up with generic concepts and slap an ‘-ism’ at the end”
it’s moreso the reading and writing.
god the reading.
politics textbooks are so big and expensive it hurts my wallet just to look at the library-issued textbook i have
he’d be running on caffeine and a prayer, no sleep we die like men
not that he’d be a bad student !!
i could definitely see him being that one student that asks the teacher the silent questions no one asks bc they think it’ll make them look stupid (ie. asking them to repeat what they just said or explain a not-so-complex theory)
would definitely word vomit about politics, current and past, to the rest of the enhas (but just to make sure he remembers it all, you gotta respect the grind man)
none of them would understand a thing
jake: “yeah so it’s stupid how there are a whole bunch of states fighting over the south china sea when it’s technically international waters [please don’t quote me on this it’s like 2 am and i’m pulling stuff out of my ass] and therefore has no legal ‘owner’ haha isn’t that stupid?”
the rest of enha, maybe except for jay: 👁️👄👁️
jay: “ermmm akshully 🤓👆it’s in the name, china has legal rights over the south CHINA sea bc it borders it”
i can picture it vividly
imma be honest this man would be a MESS
he’d probably make (futile) attempts to get his shit together like a notion pro subscription, trying to sleep on time, a gym membership, you name it
sadly that’s just the life of a politics student
it’s so hectic it’d be hard to keep up with, but it’s jake, he’d somehow stay afloat
he’d probably come to his minimum wage job after class half-dead but his manager and coworkers would take pity on him and let him sleep in the janitor’s closet
would probably be clinging to the whole “just get through tomorrow and it’ll get better” mentality
it does not. sigh
sunghoon: undeclared until sophomnore (second) year, kinesiology (bio?) major
man honestly
this mf would be irrelevant
probs has a generic major and says absolutely nothing in class
if you blink he’d probs disappear
i feel like he’d initially wanna go for med but then he’d hear about the whole you’re-gonna-sacrifice-the-best-years-of-your-life-for-this-field-of-study thing and said NOPE lmao
which is reasonable
with the amount of ppl doing med in the world he wouldn’t think it’d make a difference if he decided to switch
i feel like he’d just be there for the ride 💀smth abt wanting to “experience all life has to offer” (not in a rich, just here for the business degree way, but more of an “i don’t need a degree to get a job but it might make it easier” way)
so yeah he decides to major in kinesiology, the study of movement according to google
disclaimer i’m not a bio person at ALL so any misinformation is completely unintentional and i will NOT be held at gunpoint to do research about a college major for HEADCANONS at ass o’clock in the morning
he has a decently light workload and therefore a healthy amount of free time
on the occasional he does get a painful assignment he’d procrastinate until he’d staying up and cussing out his past self for not doing it earlier
tbh i don’t think he’d be a horrible OR amazing student
he’s truly MID mid
maybe an average of like … 75% which really isn’t bad tbh the american education system has conditioned us into thinking it is but let’s be fr other than philly cheese steaks what exactly have we ever gotten right.
….neways again
he’d be something like a jack of all trades, master of none
overall a chill guy 9/10 would be fun to hang out with
now for the best part
frat boy sunghoon
idk anything abt frat or sorority life – i’m asian the only thing close to a sorority i’d be in would be like … the school orchestra or book club 💀my parents would kill me – so don’t take everything i say for gospel
you bet your ass he’d be at every party
100% for the booze and vibes he wouldn’t even be there to flirt or rizz ppl up (he’s a self-aware man he knows he has negative rizz but that’s what makes him so ALLURING)
wouldn’t get high or anything tho he’s not all abt that life (that life being running away from the popo)
i’d trust him to walk me home tbh
he wouldn’t hurt a fly the most he’d do is like … attempt to verbally abuse jay
sunoo: art major, english lit. minor
you saw it coming don’t lie
he’d be amazing at art honestly
making a portfolio would be his Thing yk
yk those big artists that are all about “working on the impulse” and not doing anything until they do ridiculous shit to get over art block
that’s him
but he slays every time he gets over it
god i feel like he’d be the perfect college friend after jay
he definitely has his shit together
i’m talking he does his assignments on time, probably has a half-paid merit scholarship, works a decent job at a taco bell just off of campus, and somehow has a will to live and time to go to the mall every weekend
the thing is, he’s not the most perfect college friend bc he’s slightly more fun-focused and free-spirited than jay, who’s a perfect mix of both
neways no more talking abt other enhas it’s sunoo’s time to shine 😠
i bet his dorm would be the most organized and decorated too oughhgh
he’d be the lucky mf that gets the biggest dorm on the first floor (with like two other roommates but they respect his privacy and all that)
he’d probably be able to get away with dorm policy violations (ie. cooking with an iron or something Not meant for cooking in his dorm instead of the nasty ass moldy ass communal kitchen) by batting his eyelashes and sweet-talking to the woman that oversees the dorms or smth (i’m blanking and i completely forgot what it’s called)
overall the luckiest bitch ever
we should all aspire to be sunoo tbh
if you’re a man and you’re not sunoo … thin fucking ice. do better. /hj
jungwon: biochem major, going for med (specifically oncology, the study of cancer?)
sorry in advance to any ppl in medical 🫶i’m gonna get every part of this wrong lmao
he’s one of Those Guys that’s known exactly what they’re doing since like … middle school
important question: would it be bc he gave into the classic asian parent pressure into becoming a doctor?
they might've played a tiny role in it but i think he'd genuinely wanna go into medical bc he's insane
definitely gets the best scores out of everyone in his class (idk if they use bell curves in med but if not he’d get solid 90s on everything)
i could see him with his life together tbh
homework always done a week before, healthy lunches he makes himself, clear skin, all that jazz
definitely has a merit-based scholarship
probably got a 1560 on the SAT too 😒 lucky ass bitch
i hate to say it
i really do
but he'd be the mf that reminds the teacher abt homework
“ermmmm mr. kim you said we had a pop quiz at the end of class” followed by him being beaten to a pulp
(w reaction/lh)
really cares about getting into a good med school
would DEFINITELY have like two internships every summer
so to recap: basically every asian med student ever (i’m friends with far too many rip med kids)
at least they won't be replaced with ai …
heeseung crying in the distance
for a med student i feel like he’d be busy 24/7 but he wouldn’t Look like it?
like if you’ve seen a med student, even in hs, they look like they lost a fight to a rabid raccoon
but for some reason jungwon has his shit together like the neurotypical know-it-all he is 😒/lh please don’t kill me
seeing as he’s known what he wants to do since like … middle school in this au, i think he’d fs be on top of all the content he’s learned, if not ahead of everyone else
i’d trust him to be my doctor 🫡
actually no i wouldn’t
riki: theater major w/a visual art minor (get it bc he’s a minor) (i’m hilarious LAUGH)
he’s a quiet little guy, definitely sits in the back of the lecture hall
would milk the SHIT out of being a minority for scholarships and applications
i'm talking his common app essay abt being socially isolated and politically aware, i'm talking abt using any and all minority scholarships possible – in the eyes of the law (and the college board), riki is now half hispanic
i’d say his grades would be pretty decent, not much in the A+ zone (96-100) but at the very least, B+’s
really not that bad tbh
he’d SO be a theater kid in hs
tell me he wouldn't be those mfs that have the whole hamilton soundtrack memorized and break out into random song and dance at inappropriate times
i bet he’d ship hamilton and laurens 💀
i feel like he'd like art as a class but suck at meeting deadlines and portfolio assignments n stuff
which is valid tbh i don’t think any kind of teacher of the arts (not just visual) should be too strict abt that
classes with him and sunoo would make him INSUFFERABLE omg
if you put them next to e/o they won't shut up
which is cute don't get me wrong
but makes trying to work IMPOSSIBLE
but when they're separated he’d be dead silent
you wouldn't even notice he's there tbh
overall a dedicated student with the occasional tendency to be silly and goofy
i feel like his resume would be pretty to make up for the lack of content actually on it
i'm talking canva pro graphics, fancy fonts, graphic design is his passion (not literally)
logically the best career path for him based on his degrees would be a set designer …
but obv he’s either an actor or the manager
probably an actor being a stage manager SUCKS
(don’t get me wrong it’s fun i’ve done it before but oh my GOD. if you ever wanna lose hair really fast become a backstage manager it’ll work 100%)
bonus: best-dressed in class
sunoo - you’ll never catch him slipping tbh 🤷 he’d have the most free time out of the others and would probably spend his time going out and putting together silly little outfits and being cute and adorable bc it’s kim sunoo That’s Just How He Is
jay - light academia light academia light academia light academia light academia
sunghoon (unintentionally) - his sense of style in college would be mid, truly meh, nothing special to look at but his looks make up for the boring attire (hubba hubba 😍) – the type to wear a white t-shirt, timbs, and jeans to class every day (get it 2017 jungkook 😍), maybe even a jacket. his sense of style would be as spicy as salt so not spicy at all, it’s giving unseasoned, boiled chicken
riki - he just Doesn’t Care but thankfully all the items in his closet would be usable (thanks to sunoo, that man would NOT let riki leave the house without running his outfits by him. his logic is that no best friend of his should look like a dumpsterfire !!)
jungwon - similar to jake, no time !! matching sweatshirts and sweatpants ftw
jake - politics majors have no sanity or connection to the real world bc it drives you INSANE after a month, cut him some slack :(
heeseung - the venn diagram of ppl with no sense of fashion and cs majors is a circle.
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oooof ask for hozier recs and i shall deliver!! i've been obsessed with him i fear...
my personal rn is probably Too Sweet, but my most played song of 2023 was All Things End. beautifully moving (as in i was sobbing for the entire song the first time i heard it), i just adore the way he describes love.
more personal favorites: Through Me (this song is insane actually!! can't describe it with words.), From Eden (one of the best love songs i've ever heard), Angel of Small Death (soo insanely addictive, his voice in this one ugh) and Movement (soft and beautiful and the very first song of his that I heard). The Eat Your Young EP is a wonder in itself but tbh so is everything else,,,,
now for some specifically sugu coded songs: Through Me and All Things End, Who We Are from his last album (the lyrics... my days the lyrics are so beautiful), Blood Upon the Snow!! (written for God of War Ragnarok, it's so good ??), Almost (Sweet Music) (be still my foolish heart, don't ruin this on me ✊😔)
but like i said, every time i hear a Hozier song it's sugu coded in my head... the lyrics always make sense to me. the way they're always so poetically romantic, yet in many of them there's a lingering pain underneath, wether it's because the love is already gone or because the love is simply way too much for just one heart to handle... i'm not okay.
fun fact, i once fell asleep listening to him and dreamt that it was suguru singing... and you know what it makes so much sense, i'll take it.
this got kinda long i'm sorry :(( anyways i hope you have a great day/night
(perhaps i shall write a lil' sugu thing inspired by too sweet)
NOE !!!! finally getting to this……. thank you so much for the recs!!! 🥺🥺 i appreciate it sm…… putting some of my thoughts under the cut hehe
I LOVE TOO SWEET . SO MUCH. it was the first song of his i listened to and wowwwwwww does it go hard….. so catchy and good and just. augh. IT’S SO SUGUCODED TO ME…. esp depression era sugu….. the lyrics are just gorgeous and so him. “but while in this world // i think i’ll take my whiskey neat // my coffee black and my bed at three // you’re too sweet for me”…. :’3 my baby
FROM EDEN IS SUCH A BOP . i loveee the instrumental ……. AND THE LYRICS . ”honey you’re familiar like my mirror years ago // idealism sits in prison, chivalry fell on its sword” <- BANGERRRR I CRIED . i am thinking many knight sugu thoughts ngl…. “i slithered here from eden just to sit outside your door” THINKING MORE SUGU THOUGHTS but specifically cult leader sugu …. aughhh 😔😔
angel of small death & the codeine scene……… tell me why this one made me so insane . such a tasty title and instrumental and lyrics i’m just????? i feel this way abt all of these but this one is so sugucoded too 😭 “freshly disowned in some frozen devotion”…. that’s our guy <333
EAT YOUR YOUNG IS SO CRAZY GOOD OUGHH….. i love love loveeee the “seven new ways that you can eat your young” part 😵‍💫😵‍💫 soso addicting. the lyrics are great and his voice is just soooo……. i don’t even know . i’m a little obsessed . “it’s quicker and easier to eat your young”…….. hhhhhhhhHH very sugucoded too ofc . any mention of eating is automatically a sugu reference 🙏
movement is super catchy !!!!! kinda relaxing too…… very soft. i rlly like the chorus :33 gives me waltz vibes…… kinda haunting…….
all things end + through me are soso pretty!!!! goshhhh his voice is nice……. i love the final part of all things end!!! w the synchronized clapping!!!!! so good …. and the lyrics for through me are so tasty . “with each grave, i think of loss // and i can only think of you // and i couldn’t measure it”…….. nomnom
ohhhhhh who we are is so beautiful :(((( his voice sounds so tender ….. i def get the sugu vibes here too!!!!! the feeling of something important slipping through your fingers …. “this phantom life, it sharpens like an image // but it sharpens like a knife” 😵‍💫😵‍💫 vert tasty . very sugu.
I’VE HEARD BLOOD UPON THE SNOW BEFORE BC OF RAGNAROK….. godddd it’s so. chillingly beautiful. the instrumental scratches my brain just right …… and the LYRICS . “too all things housed in her silence // nature offers a violence”….. “the parent forced to eat its young before i grows”…… it’s very . Raw . i like it a lot :3
AND FINALLY….. almost (sweet music). SO GOOD. i adore this instrumental and vibe so much + the lyrics are obv super pretty….. “i laugh like me again — she laughs like you”…… i love how light this one sounds in comparison to some of the other ones!!! a summer song for sure… a lil bittersweet….. and the chorus is literally SO addicting i can’t stand it……. BUT YES THIS ONE IS SO VERY SUGU. NOE. IM TEARING UP 😭😭 “be still my foolish heart // don’t ruin this on me”…. the idea of sugu thinking this…. maybe an au where he slowly recovers after his almost-defection….. or a childhood friends to lovers au…… i dunno. but my brain is spinning. i love him :(((((((
PHEWWW THOSE WERE GOOD . i love his voice sm….. i think my favs out of these options are too sweet, almost (sweet song), from eden and maybeeee angel of sweet death/eat your young…. but they were all super catchy :’3 thank you sm for these recs noe… sugu has invaded my brain
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apollo-cackling · 21 days
Tagged by @st-just to press shuffle on my listening playlist (in my case just all the songs I have downloaded on my phone lol) and relate the first ten songs (ty for the tag!)
cards on the table, I'm going to do a little bit of pruning here, just bc there are a lot of songs where the only reason I have them downloaded is bc I like listening to things in album order/I intend to listen to them sometime— —and getting ex. ~5-6 songs that're like "yeah I don't really like this one on its own I just like the album/idk haven't listened to this one yet" is pretty boring lol.
edit: why are there so many Halsey songs on this 💀💀💀 Halsey's a pretty small % of the songs I have downloaded why're there so many of them here dhsjkahgkajg
Forever.... is a long time - Halsey - not my favourite song on that album (that'd probably go to Ashley, 929, or killing boys), but I do still rather like it and one of the better songs on that album. really neat mood piece.
Alone (Live) - Halsey. I tend to think of the hfk live album as weaker than the Badlands one, bc Badlands is a rough album with a lot of potential that Halsey, with several years of practice now under her belt, really brought out, whereas hfk is just like. decent. not bad not terribly great the entire way through, so there's less for a live performance to improve on. plus Badlands is just better suited to be performed live— —all of which can be seen pretty clearly in this one? it's pretty on par with, if not a little worse, than the studio version. does get points for being the solo version (I am a staunch "solo Alone is 10000000x better than the collab version and it's weird the collab's the one that got popular" believer), and solo Alone is still pretty good so it's not that bad
Easier Than Lying - Halsey. had no strong until I saw them say that it's about parental relationships, which caused it to shoot to one of my favourites on that album. ONE EYE OPEN AND ONE EYE BRUISED 'CAUSE I HID* MYSELF AWAY FOR YOU YOU LIAR YOU DON'T LOVE ME TOO IT'S EASY FOR YOU AFTER ALL *(yes ik it's "give" and not "hid" technically but idc. hid is so much better the lyric is "hid" to me)
Let It All Go - Birdy & RHODES. notable for being the only collab Birdy's done where the other guy pulled his weight by a hilarious margin dskjhakghadg uhhh more to the point, it's a pre-hiatus Birdy song with all its associated jank, but in the right mood I do still somewhat like it.
Paradise Calling (live) - Birdy. oh absolutely love this one, incredible in a completely different way than the studio version - the structure of "slow but steady buildup to a transcendental climax" is catnip to me. demonstrates the incredible control Birdy has over momentum that I like so much really well. bit constrained by what's possible to be sung live but still. really like this one
Never Enough - MALINDA. just unequivocally better than the orig version imo. the orig is more technically impressive, but it just feels empty to me, whereas Malinda's version is so much more full/emotional/alive. orig might work better in the context of the movie idk but yeah
Requiem - Mallory Bechtel - another "the orig might be better within the context of the musical, but as a standalone I like this one so much better." Bechtel also just has a really gorgeous voice
Pale Court - Christopher Larkin. talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the sa- yeah idk, just an incredible piece, one of my favourites. brings together a lot of what I love about classical pieces and modern instrumental pieces. just incredible
Ya'aburnee - Halsey. testament to how strong the rest of iichliwp is that this isn't always in my top 3. really like this one, the intimate and vulnerable feel of it.
Mole - The Mountain Goats. idk how to talk about tmg songs on their own - it only really makes sense to me at least to think of them within their albums (with a few notable exceptions). but yeah great song, the way the chorus is inflected subtly differently each time really gets me sometimes
tagging uhhhh (no pressure ofc) @fallowhearth @toasthaste @in-bituin-the-stars @wrecked-cuticles @booksandchainmail @terresdebrume @crowns-of-violets-and-roses @histrionicintrovert and anyone else who wants to do this!
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