#i just cant seem to find the right balance
zeldasnotes · 1 day
my favorite aspects in romantic synastry 🥀
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JUNO CONJUNCT SUN, VENUS OR ASC: Pure loyalty & devotion. One thing Ive noticed with this synastry is that they had my back. Men with their Juno conjunct my Sun, Venus or Ascendant also saw me as their ideal and really showed it.
VENUS CONJUNCT MC: People with Venus in my 10th house almost always treat me with so much adoration. Ive noticed that they looove my public image. They also tend to be protective over me. They also love to be seen with me which makes me feel like a queen.
VENUS OPPOSITE MARS: Balancing eachother perfectly. One is ying and the other is yang. They have the qualities I lack and vice versa. Our personalites melted together perfectly because of this. This is the aspect where youre a bottom and you meet someone and find out they are a top.
VENUS 2ND HOUSE: The best compliments ive ever gotten were from people with their Venus in my 2nd house. This one never fails. They always make me feel appreciated. They see something in me that I dont. Pure appreciation.
MOON 1ST HOUSE: With this one you can almost skip the ”get to know eachother phase”. From the first meeting it feels like youve known eachother for years. It feels so obvious that you should be together. You dont know eachother you feel eachother. The closest of close.
MOON TRINE OR SEXTILE MOON: Everything seems to just be so easy when I have this placement with someone. We are similar but not too similar. The same humour and core values. I find myself agreeing with everything they say.
MOON IN THE 8TH HOUSE: This is one of the aspects I ONLY like when its with someone I have a romantic relationship with. I cant stand this one in friendships or with people I barely know because then the obsession just turns weird and stalkerish. Im fine with my man being obsessed with me tho.
LILITH CONJUNCT MOON: When a mans Lilith is conjunct my Moon he loves me for who I am. He loves the part of me that nobody else likes. I love the fascination that men with their Lilith in my moon have with my hidden side.
PSYCHE CONJUNCT MOON: Nobody sees through me like someone I have this synastry with. He knows me from the inside & out to the point its creepy. But this aspect is only for people who are comfortable with their own shadow side otherwise you wont like this one.
©️ 2024 Zeldas Notes All Rights Reserved
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Whatever happens next is of my own making and I don't like it.
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beauceronn · 10 months
Oh so the person who contacted me for that commission. Actually works with this breeder. 😵‍💫😳
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hopefullyababe · 2 years
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i have no clue if im doing any of this right.
#daphnes talking again#LIKE BESTIES. WHAT IS A FRIENDSHIP SUPPOSED TO LOOK LIKE.#how much informantion is like. too much information. and how much leaning is too much leaning?#like? i dont want to bog anyone down. but i dont mind it when people tell me about their struggles. is that an uneven balance?#people seem so uncomfortable when i try to talk about MY shit tho. ukno? maybe i just made a rep for myself being optimistic#shits been. kinda rough. and i cant make it feel better and i feel like i cant talk to anyone.#or like. i guess i can. but when then? now ive just spread my shit and i STILL feel like garbage. i dont need advice so why would i. ukno.#share.#ugh. im being such an asshole. im sorry :(#i just feel generally like garbage.#anyway. i dont. really know whats supposed to be a healthy friendship. i like supporting people but i dont really know where the line is#supposed to be. where are you supposed to draw your boundries? how much leaning is too much leaning?#im so bad at finding the balence btwn being overbearing and being absent. like. jesus i had no idea i was my mother until i started having#friends. this is so fucking difficult for no reason.#i love havibg friends. i just don't know whats healthy and what isnt. what are the patterns youre supposed to look for?#what does a healthy frienship look like? is there meant to be a GOAL here? is a healthy frienship supposed to serve a PURPOSE?#is there a singular right answer?#or is there a whole bunch of archetypes i can base things off of? are there friendship catagories?#what are the traits of a toxic friendship? and further: is it possible to fix one?#I GENUINELT DONT KNOW. are there friendship experts? are there people who know about these things?#what is someone meant to gain from a frienship? is there a gain? or is it simply a 'this makes me less lonely' type of thing?#what sorts of things am i MEANT to be talking about with friends? am i meant to talk about myself more? am i meant to listen to them more?#GOD. GOD /FUCKING/ DAMMIT.#SOMEONE GIVE ME A FUCKING LIST TO CHECK OFF.#hi sorry i should tag this actually#negative vibes
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spidrrweb · 1 year
4:30 am
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pairing: miguel o'hara x gn!reader | word count: 657
spiderverse masterlist ,,, i haven't wrote in a while sorry if it's messy <33 special tags: @miggyoharaswife @fadingdetectivestudent
Miguel o'hara fears love. He knows the cliché all spidermen have too well.
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Losing someone; romantically, platonically, familial—whatever it was, it didn't matter, they'd never last long enough. For death only played a part in making the hero, and he had successfully became said hero without it, there was really no need for it. There's no risk if no chances are taken. Besides, balancing hero life with romance is no way to live, stress upon stress could kill a man.
But its everywhere, in places he couldn't think of—or rather places he's tried to ignore.
Love was in the gestures he'd received from you, such as the early morning coffee runs you'd go on. Miguel has a taste for strong, slightly bitter coffee, something you've learned from his many rants about others doing runs because, and i quote, "there's no point in calling it coffee when it's 90% milk and sugar."
He thanks you, grabs the cup knowing fully well he'll toss it the moment you leave, until you tell him it's different. "Small black coffee, dash of milk, no cream or sugar...but i do have a couple packets if you wanna add it yourself." Miguel declines and watches as you walk away to deliver the rest.
A chuckle leaves him once he sees the cups labeled 'Miggy' with a poorly drawn spider under it. You probably rushed it on your way back. "Unprofessional," he comments with lyla agreeing, though he doesn't mind it. Finding himself peering back to it with a smile when he goes to reach for it throughout the work day. He made sure to get you on more routes for him after that.
Love was pulling him away from his world when he's lost in his work. Hunched over, tired eyes staring at the ground, fingers tangled in his messy hair. Muttering a series of solutions under his breath before shutting them down while lyla listens. "Miguel please," he doesn't bother moving to see you, "You can't keep doing this to yourself, it's not healthy."
He knows you're right but this is his job, it's what he lives for, and you of all people should know this. He'll fight back, explaining the society needs him, this world needs him, hell, the multiverse needs him. "I cant just stop when we're getting close—when i'm getting this close to it."
You place a hand on his tense shoulder, "I can take over from here." "No, you cant its-"
"Miguel." You can feel him relax under your touch as he sighs; there's no point in bickering, you're just as stubborn as he is, it's almost admirable. His hands fall into his lap as he sits up, giving you a good look at those eye bags. "Shit, maybe you need more than just a day off." He laughs, shoulders bouncing slightly as he stands up. "You're lucky we're close, i could fire you for that you know."
You hum and take his seat, watching him take a few of his things before he's out the door. "Text me before you get to bed," he freezes at the door way, looking back at you with a raised brow. "Needa make sure you actually do it instead of getting hyped up on coffee just to come back." He lets out a sarcastic "ha" before he agrees, despite not really wanting to, then says good night to both you and lyla while he leaves.
And when he's home, he keeps his promise; the moment he puts his phone down it flashes with a notification from you. It's a picture of you with lyla in the background along with a goodnight text and a heart. Miguel finds himself staring at it for what seems like an eternity debating on what to say. The screen goes black, he shakes his head and sighs.
The phone flashes again when he places it down, now it's just the time that shows. It's 4:30 and though the thick walls will take time to get through, miguel can feel himself love.
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©spidrrweb 2023. thanks for reading loves, reblogs are always appreciated <3 REQUESTS ARE OPEN !!
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seattlesellie · 1 year
You x loser!ellie go to the beach and ellie is already freaking out because you’re in a bikini but then you get hit by a really strong wave and your bikini top flies off 🤭
that is soooooo ᰔ ᰔ ᰔ
like you and ellie go to swimming together in the deep ocean water away from all of your friends. and she has this little … salt water stache sparkling under the sun right above her top lip !! she licks it as you move deeper and deeper into the water, the sand massaging your feet slightly and the sea algae scaring you to death !! every time you squeal she cant help but laugh at you … maybe thats a little mean, but shes so so nice when she holds your hand as she guides you through the rocks <3
and imagine how cute shed look squinting because the sun is too bright !! tiny little droplets of sweat all over her forehead … maybe shes also a little sunburnt on her cheeks ,,, because she definitely refuses to wear sunscreen… and so as the shore seems further and further away, the parasols looking like little colorful globs the more far you stray, you offer her to jump the waves with you … and she obviously happily obliges !!
you have a casual convo about sea turtles and sea animals (ellie either is obsessed with sharks or she has a really intense obsession over some weird unknown fish. imagine like,, leafy sea dragon… and she has about 90 interesting facts to tell you about it too) and so— you’re jumping up and down, she obviously tried to drown you two times but we will ignore that !! and suddenly you get hit by an intense, large wave that makes you go completely blind… and the salt obviously gets inside your eyes and you cant see shit, you’re both coughing trying to balance on each other and then — shes the one who realizes.
you’re completely topless. she realizes because now, the strings of your bikini aren’t visible to her anymore over the water… and she’s just floating there (still rubbing her eyes) her face is all red wearing this panicked expression… so she goes like “y— your top” and you’re still kind of dazed…. so you ask her very loudly “what??” (because maybe some water got in your ears) so she stutters “your bikini… flew off” and you start running your hands all over your chest because how the fuck are you supposed to find it ?? and ellie cant even MOVE let alone maintain her feet kicking to keep her afloat. she can’t see them very clearly but as soon as the sea goes tranquil and the waves stop hitting ,,, she sees your the top of your nipple just above the water … and she feels like she might stop breathing. maybe shell drown, maybe shell get a heat stroke!
she lets out a long shaky breath and tells you “i can help you… look for it” and when you tell her she’ll never find it shes like “no— no its fine i’ll look under water dont… fuck— dont worry about it” so she takes a dip inside… and her heart is beating so so fast. you drop your hands from your chest because the last thing thats on your mind is the possibility of her seeing, or trying to look at them underwater… but god, you barely know her do you? because when shes deep in there, and sees you drop your hands to meet your waist— it’s like she needs to ask joel to give her swimming lessons again.
she suddenly forgets why she’s even under there … what… bikini? what even happened? the only thing thats on her hazy mind, is the two beautiful mounds and the hard nipples poking through, her vision is a little blurry, yeah, but she’s still seeing them, and that’s enough for her to start choking under water again, and feel her pussy twitch inside her blue palm trees printed shorts … she almost wants to just … pretend to be a sea algae. maybe you won’t notice its her hands caressing your tits, maybe she could get away with it. thankfully, she’s not… that much of a perv, so she just stays there for a second, feet kicking inside the water, and it’s only when she cannot breathe anymore, that ellie breaks her own trance and goes up for some air.
“didn’t find it.”
“want me to look for it again?”
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plutonianeris · 1 year
‧₊˚ pick a pile‧₊˚✩embracing your alter ego⛓𓌹*♰*𓌺⛓
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this is a general reading & for entertainment purposes only, take what resonates and leave what doesn't. scroll through the images & choose based on your inner guidance and gut feeling. 🖤
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🕯️energy you need to embody/ reflect on: aries, leadership, willpower, ANGER, turning points, epiphanies, destiny, fate, pallas, creativity, wisdom, venus, pleasure, love, art, money, 4th house, foundations, traditions, home, family, roots. 🔐 **note: i got a lot of libra/aries energy from this reading. if you know your birth chart maybe look at the houses that are in aries and libra. or if you have any aries/ libra placements do some more research on them 👀
your alter ego is someone that refuses to go down a dead end. if they get the slightest hint that someone isnt respecting their boundaries or treating them/ providing them with less than what they deserve they LEAVE. in order to embrace your alter ego you have to accept that you are in a state of metamorphosis 🦋 and push through to that next stage. rip that bandaid off and stop sitting there “crying over spilled milk” & your alter ego isnt having none of that. theyre the type to not let anyone seem them cry or sad (espeically the people that hurt them) and theyll if anything, dress up and fix their hair and strut like nothing happened. “I will always win in the end”
the person you are now isnt the same as who you were a couple months or even a year ago. you could have been a BIG people pleaser or scared of disappointing the people you love. the difference is now you are more sure of what you want and now your boundaries have become less shaky.
once you realize how fucking good it feels to love yourself your alter ego will bloom and you will take more risks and do all those things u were to afraid to do before. your alter ego reminds me of beyonces “sasha fierce” alter ego lol bc you will snap into it soon and it will help u get over that “stage fright”
i just heard“if you needed more time why didnt you make it?” your alter ego is someone who is bold, a risk taker, the first person to ask that question (and then break that rule), to wear the strange outfit. the first one to lean in for the kiss. your alter ego is an innovator, creative to no end (don’t worry if you aren’t inspired right now, you are the inspiration thats why you cant find it). its you. you are the muse, the canvas and the artist. your alter ego has harmonious relationships because they are very attractive, balanced, fair, fiery.
𓆩♱🤍₊˙ TIP JAR 🧸 ♡♱𓆪
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🕯️energy you need to embody/ reflect on: compassion, dreams, confrontotation, disharmony, pleasure, love, trauma, wounds, health, routine, pets. note: i got a lot of pisces, scorpio/ pluto/ 10th house, and virgo energy from this reading. if you know your birth chart maybe look at the houses that are in these signs. or if you have any planets in these signs do some more research on them 👀
in order to embrace your alter ego you need to stop victimizing yourself, similar to pile one there is need to use past trauams as an excuse for staying the same in unhelful behaviors and self sabotaging habbits. you’re letting life happen to you and shrugging your shoulders saying “it what it is” or “I cant change the past” get UP! when you walk, walk with your head held up high. I heard “don’t let people step on you not even once or they’ll keep their foot there pressing against your neck, suffocating..” don’t be afraid to show teeth, whether its a smile or a snarl.
people have wronged you deeply, maybe in irreperable ways. thats okay if youre not the same person. i promise they didnt take anything from you. you are whole and complete on your own. what people are DEEPLY scared of is you realizing your power. I heard “what? did you think I was going to stay small and insecure forever?” people in your close relationships want you to be down bad when they are (misery loves company). in order to embrace your alter ego you need to take the wheel and take control.
your alter ego embodies boss ass energy. your alter ego is mysterious, intuitive, passionate, magnetic energy. the ultimate femme fatale. your alter ego doesn’t let any sly or snarky comment slide, doesn’t allow fake ass people in their circle (theres a vetting process to getting close to them), is deeply loyal and ambitious. your alter ego enters peoples lives and leaves them in awe and jealous and in love and also turned on lol. This is POWERFUL (and slighlty dangerous) energy but if you know how to balance well your alter ego can easily climb the ranks in whatever endeavor its interested in. your alter ego loves to be in control. they’re the ones who dress in all black or sexy clothing. they love to work out as well. they secretly love the pain and soreness later. 🔥
𓆩♱🤍₊˙ TIP JAR 🧸 ♡♱𓆪
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🕯️energy you need to embody/ reflect on: conflict, tension, your calling, discomfort, challenge, destiny, appearance, physical body, character, first house, ninth house, long distance travel, morals, teachers, beliefs. note: i got a lot of pisces, sagittarius/ jupiter, gemini/ mercury energy from this reading. if you know your birth chart maybe look at the houses that are in these signs. or if you have any planets in these signs do some more research on them 👀
in order to embrace your alter ego you need to really work on your forms of communication (this pile gives off blocked throat chakra energy or some kind of harsh influence in your surrounding area that makes you feel like you to watch how you speak to the point where you dont speak up at all). you could have saturn in third house, squares/ oppositions to your mercury, or Capricorn or aquarius in your third house. the point is though, it has felt like when youre in groups theres so much conflict that youve spent so much time alone, that you believe you have to stay alone forever now.
youll find the people that will become like family to you but they will be of other backgrounds, religions, status, ethnicities or even in different states (possiblly entirely different countries). it makes sense considering your alter ego is philosophical, adventurous, flirty, fiesty, and very very very beautiful with a big smile and nice hips. a sight to behold to the eyes of the public. i heard “they talk shit about me to make themselves feel better” your alter ego is a heart breaker, people fall fast for there intoxicating personality and their big dreams. but in the blink of an eye theyre off to the next person or dream or adventure. i heard “ill mourn my losses on the way but im not gonna stop”
hey if you been thinking about booking that flight then maybe do it. or if you’re thinking about or make that vision board or buying those books on that occult topic you’ve bern interested in. your alter ego is determined, they wanna see the world and drink up all its beauty, delicacies, sights, rainbows, books, temples, slow and then fast kisses in the middle of sweaty and neon night clubs. they wanna feel it all. i just heard “im going to free my mind. just wanna remember all the good things” 💗
𓆩♱🤍₊˙ TIP JAR 🧸 ♡♱𓆪
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🕯️energy you need to embody/ reflect on: responsibilities, routines, self-worth, savings, sticking to your budget, investing, new moon energy (making wishes), shadow side, marriage, secret enemies, love, health, false notions of purity. note: i got a lot of pisces, libra/venus/ 7th house, virgo/ 6th house energy from this reading. if you know your birth chart maybe look at the houses that are in these signs. or if you have any planets in these signs do some more research on them 👀
pile four, I see you giving and giving and giving to others. whether it’s letting people borrow money or listening to them endlessly vent or being there for people that necessarily aren’t always there for you. I see you putting other people first and not necessarily the people please in the way pile one does. Because pile one does it but secretly doesn’t wanna do it. But you do it and think you have to do it and feel like it’s your responsibility to make sure that other people are okay. i just heard “im your hero, you see me as your angel” is there someone deeply depending on you right now? im sorry but they’re not your child. nurture yourself and your inner world. give yourself more credit now..
oopp, the song i was playing just said “i could use a vacation but i gotta take care of my family,… im so damn tired from working overtime” PLEASE😭 this pile is so sweet/ wholesoom🥺🥺🥺🥺 its really calling on you to be selfish. and unapologetically so. you don’t have to share everything. your feelings, your hobbies, your resources or time or money. your alter ego slams the door shut IN THE FACE OF ENERGY VAMPIRES.
your alter ego reminds me of a mermaid or something. just very MYSTICAL and elegant energy. your alter ego is well loved and seen as very wise but they stand tall like a queen/ king. people want to worship your alter ego. i heard “you have beautiful eyes” a lot of people cherish their advice and could do well in doing spiritual readings as well. your alter ego is kind but not nice. they see right through superficial bullshit. They dont care if they have to force you to behave, you will not take from them without asking. I just heard “I respect your opinion, but please don’t force it on me. accept we see things differently.”
𓆩♱🤍₊˙ TIP JAR 🧸 ♡♱𓆪
© plutonianeris 🕷
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gobblinggojo · 10 months
hey pookie bear i was sent here to request somethin so👀
yk what about some cute lil dad! yuta head canons or a lil story? he’s just so 😩 and i need more.
puh lease and fank yew 🙏
listennnn, i LOVE writing anime guys as dads, i don’t know what it is about it but it’s just so, so cute!
Dad! Yuta Okkotsu Headcanons
warnings: fluff, dad yuta, reader’s pronouns are not specified, slight Nsfw, some cursing, reader and yuta are specified to be married
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when yuta okkotsu had first meet you while attending jujutsu high, he honestly never once saw that, in years time, the two of you would be married and would have two beautiful baby boy’s together.
but, it happened!
when you and yuta first found out that you were expecting when you were only but nineteen years old, he was both over and moon and a nervous wreck.
a baby? at nineteen!
this couldn’t be right, the two of you were just babies yourselves!
but, alas, it seemed as though no matter how safe yuta had tried to fuck you, it all came in vein.
your oldest baby boy, yukki, was born on may seventeenth. he was the spitting image of yuta; tuffs of black hair atop of his little head, and gorgeous black eyes.
yuta fell in love the moment that little baby was placed in his hands.
“he’s so beautiful, y/n.”
he spoke through tears, bottom lip quivering as he cradled yukki’s little chubby body close to his chest.
when you and yuta were granted permission to leave the hospital with your little bundle of joy, the nerves came back.
yuta was scared; he didn’t want to leave the hospital. it was so safe there, he could easily know when something was wrong with yukki.
but, you reassured him that the two of you would figure this out together.
“it’s okay yuta, we’ve got this.”
while yukki was growing up, yuta spent days getting up out of bed, even after spending late hours out exorcising curses, just to make sure your baby boy was okay in his crib.
you can’t count how many times you’d wake up in the mornings to an empty bed, only to find yuta fast asleep in the little rocking chair in yukki’s room, yukki clung tightly to his chest.
it wasn’t until yukki was two did you and yuta decide to try for another baby.
you didn’t have to try much, considering yuta almost always fucked you so good you were certain that if he wasn’t wearing protection you’d end up pregnant.
after the first couple of times trying, you ended up pregnant once again.
both you and yuta wanted a little girl to balance out the household.
when you asked yukki what he wanted his baby sibling to be, he simply looked up at you and yuta, black eyes wide and tongue sticking out as he blew a raspberry in your face.
“no baby mama!”
yukki was adamant on not wanting another baby in the house.
he was the baby!
yuta cant count how many times he had to calm yukki from throwing a tantrum in the store whenever the two of you would pick something up for the new baby.
“no baby mama!”
“no baby papa! ‘ut it back!”
the moment yuta heard the word “no” coming from yukki’s lips, he was immediately cradling the toddler to his chest, shushing in in embarrassment as you quickly paid for whatever it was that you two were buying.
your second baby boy, osamu, was born on december ninth. he was also the spitting image of yuta, looking just like yukki when he was born. black hair and all.
when yukki, who was being watched by inumaki while you and yuta were in the hospital, was brought to meet osamu, he was all over him!
it warmed yuta’s heart, watching as yukki laid on the bed beside you, gently cradling his baby brothers head in his arms.
“baby…” he whispered, black eyes wide as he gently patted osamu’s little face with his sticky little hands.
you giggled, “yes, baby..be gentle.”
yuta couldn’t stop the grin from growing on his face as he watched you and your guys’ boys sitting on the bed, just cradling one another.
it’s safe to safe that yuta is an amazing dad.
he makes sure to attend every doctors appointment your child has, and makes sure to memorize each of their allergies.
he never forces osamu or yukki into doing things that they don’t want to do.
he’s a firm believer in gentle parenting. not once has yuta ever smacked at your children or screamed at them.
he spends hours watching awful disney movies with both of the boys. he doesn’t care if they’re bad, as long as the boys are enjoying it.
good luck on ever getting laid again, because yuta can never say no to yukki and osamu. if one or the other wants to lay in bed with you guys for the night, then yuta’s allowing it.
he sleeps with a hand wrapped tightly around you and the boys, squishing all of you impossibly close on the queen-sized bed.
yuta never would’ve thought that he’d ever have to chase after two feral toddlers ever in his life. but anytime you guys go to the park—it’s awful.
“yukki don’t run over there!”
“osamu, quit touching that!”
“yukki don’t grab that bird!”
“osamu quit biting other people!”
cue yukki and osamu running through the parking lot, yuta chasing after them and yelling at them to knock it off.
when the boys get older, they find joy in making your husband run himself rampant.
you have to get onto them so many times, because bless yuta’s heart, it’s so hard on him!
osamu loves to mess with his dad; he loves to prank him, and worry him sick!
yukki loves to scare his dad, he loves popping up out of random places and just yelling, practically giving yuta a heart attack.
“yukki and osamu! quit that! you’re gonna make your dad have a heart attack!”
they apologize, but always go back to messing with him.
yuta’s honestly an amazing father. he loves you, and he loves his boys so much.
he does so much for both you and the boys, and he absolutely adores watching them grow up side-by-side.
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is-this-yuri · 23 days
have you been doomscrolling? feeling awful about it? do you feel out of control? does it seem your autonomy has been swallowed by the ever present beast that is the internet?
we live in the most overwhelmingly stimulating age of humanity ever seen, and it's only getting worse. our brains are sponges, soaking up whatever we smear them across, and it seems more and more difficult to find a clean surface to rest on. i'm no expert or professional, but ive been born and raised into the internet, and i'd like to hand out some wisdom regarding this.
the main issue: brain poison
since the brain absorbs whatever it's exposed to, media consumption is unsurprisingly going to effect it. the type of media, the amount of media, and the frequency of the media all play a factor.
it's not the internet itself that's bad here. it's the media on the internet, and the platforms designed to suck in our attention and keep it there until we're rotting inside our skulls.
we're never going to escape the internet. it's just a fact of life now, and a tool that can be used for wonderful things. so how do we learn to live with the internet and take advantage of its potential?
treat it like a dietary balance
staying aware of what goes in your brain is just as important as being aware of what you're eating. if you eat carelessly, don't listen to how your body feels after you eat certain things, and ignore any sickness that might result from rotten food, you're going to have a bad time and wreck your guts. the same goes for the brain.
you want to have a good mix of various types of media in the right amounts, or approximately so. if things are feeling bland, maybe diversify. if things are feeling stupid, try something more intellectual. if it's feeling too much, cut back on all of it
the following are three things you can do to maintain a sense of control and awareness over your media diet. this isnt a step by step and is in no particular order, theyre just ideas to carry forward in general any time it could be helpful.
1. digest
this is the process of thinking about and remembering what youve done throughout your time on the internet. it could apply to any period of time. so you might think, 'man, i've done nothing but watch tiktok all day.' or 'i've been scrolling twitter a lot more this past week.'
i feel like most people already do this to some extent, but it manifests as a fleeting sense of anxiety or shame that doesn't lead anywhere. analyze that feeling, and ask if it's really true or helpful.
ask if your media consumption is making you feel less focused, distracted, putting you into a brain fog, making you fall asleep when you don't want to, making you irritable and angry, drawing you into arguments, keeping you awake at night, or upsetting/disrupting you in any way.
digestion also means appreciating the good stuff and recognizing the good feelings you get too. so also ask if it's enriching you, helping you learn something new, giving you a new perspective, exposing you to something beautiful, passing the time, relaxing you, honing your focus, or generally lifting your mood.
2. cut
cut certain types of content from your life once you've decided they're not good for your media diet. block people. move on. tell youtube to stop reccomending that channel. block them. unfollow people. unfollow tags. block the tags. blacklist things. do it. forget the awful things that make your brain hurty. click the block button. uninstall the app. you know you want to
consider removing yourself entirely from websites that are designed to be attention predators. if you consistently feel like youre 'stuck' on a site and cant leave, it's probably best to just delete your account and get out of there. tiktok is NOTORIOUS for this.
i also tend to keep my following or subscribed count low. keeping the stream of content short forces me to find other things to do with my time. this goes hand in hand with things like turning off infinite scroll. it provides an 'end point' where the repetitive action of scrolling down stops bearing fruit, breaking the doomscrolling cycle. the internet is almost an infinite place, and its up to you to build walls around yourself so you arent lost in it forever.
its also important to get off the internet in general sometimes. i know this is obvious, but literally touch grass on occasion. doing anything with your physical body away from the screen will be more enriching than sitting there scrolling for hours. whether it's just a 5 minute walk around your house to stretch your legs or a 6 hour hike every weekend, part of cutting media will mean replacing it with real life. looking at some plants, doing a pushup, or working on a knitting project can be like rinsing your brain sponge under some cold, clean water.
3. curate
the flip side of cutting is curating. you'll want to be looking for media that makes you happy and feels productive or meaningful in some way. anything that not only doesnt make you feel like you wasted your time, but specifically makes you feel like you spent your time well, is a green flag.
keep in mind entertainment just for entertainment's sake is good for you too. you don't have to be watching university lectures and tutorials and stuff all day. finding high quality entertainment, such as personalities you enjoy, good production values, and inventive ideas can be really difficult. find the people who dont make you feel like a cocomelon baby and stick with them. from there you should be able to find similar content.
what's good for your soul is going to depend very much on you as an individual. this is also going to be an ongoing process as not only you but the internet both change and evolve. the important thing about this step is that you Make Decisions about what to consume. even bad decisions! it's all part of the process, and it's all about reclaiming your autonomy.
4. eat your junk food
this isn't a military drill or an exact science. i'm just a guy on tumblr with an intimate connection to his own brain and a LOT of time on the internet. that's my only credential. sometimes i want to turn that brain off and just mindlessly consume without putting any thought into what dirty dishwater is soaking into my sponge. sometimes adhd brain wants me to watch a shitty B movie in recap form so i dont have to commit to a full movie. sometimes i get stuck in the youtube shorts for like 3 hours.
that's fine. the most important part of any kind of self care is that a little bit is better than nothing. even just being aware that youre consuming something bad for you and knowing you arent ready to stop just yet is better than nothing.
thats it!!
now you should be prepared to take back some control over your media consumption. be gentle with yourself and take your time. eventually this stuff will become second nature, and you'll be effortlessly digesting, curating, and cutting media like it's just part of your personality. remember YOU have control over what the internet thinks you want to see. dont let it force feed you nasty slop anymore. let it be a reflection of your mind, not the other way around.
and good luck!
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itztim3todi3 · 2 years
Hello! Can I request the dorm leaders from TWST's reactions to being happily dating a male reader, but then one day the reader is cornered in a high place by someone from their dorm, who starts going off about how he doesn't deserve to be dating their dorm leader, which prompts the reader to try to leave, but is roughly stopped by the other student, causing him to lose his balance and fall off the edge to either die or be severely injured on the ground below?
ғᴀʟʟɪɴɢ ғʀᴏᴍ ᴛʜᴇ sᴋʏ
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Ooooo love this. very big-brained anon
Requests | Open (read rules on pinned first)
Fandom(s) | Twisted Wonderland
Platonic or Romantic? | Romantic
You didn't know how this happened, you were simply cleaning the windows and this student came up behind you, a student from your boyfriend's dorm. They seemed mad as they almost scolded you for touching their dorm leader, for simply being with him. And before you know it, your surroundings were blurring past you as you plummeted towards the ground.
Riddle Rosehearts
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when he finds out what happened to you, he's fucking pissed
he's storming through the school demanding the student to come forward, the one who did this to you
later when he's in his room everything comes down like a avalanche on him and he breaks
he's ugly crying and screaming as loud as he can
he's clutching his head as he things about you dying, how much pain you must be in, how scared you must have been
he doesn't ake the news that you're on the verge of death very well
his health weakens, he starts showing up late to class or not at all, he's starting to fail his classes and he's falling asleep in said classes
he just broken and its obvious that he's not doing well
Leona Kingscholar
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when he finds out what happened to you he's marching down the hallways looking for the student
he can smell their scent on you from their hands pushing you back as you tried to leave, he can smell them and he's coming after them
they're going to be gone by the next 15 minutes once he finds them
after that he just goes back to his room and stays there
he doesn't leave at all, he's missing all his classes and he's barely eating
he's terrible he cant sleep he get nigjtmares of you dying, of watching as you fall and not being able to do anything
he loses a lot of sleep and energy
he can barely leave his bed
Azul Ashengrotto
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hes frozen, hes having a hard time processing the information he's received
he demands floyd and jade get that student here immediately
he's blackmailing them till the end of time and making them give over their life
he's pissed yet he can't show his anger
he's stuck in his office worrying over you as you lay in the nurses' office
he buries himself in work and such, to get his brain off of you
he's just trying to cope with this but he doesn't know how to besides doing work
he cant sleep he cant eat and he barely show his face around school and the lounge
Kalim Al-Asim
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hes calling in all the best doctors his family doctors he's spending as much money as possible to get you better fast
he's a lot less happy and positive
ofc he still has his positivity about the situation but this has taken a large toll on him
he has a hard time falling asleep and eating, he's not used to doing it without you it doesn't feel right
he cries at night, he's not a loud crier (my hc) so hes just sits in his room as he hugs a pillow and just lets it all out
he tries to stay positive he really does, but he just can't stay so positive for so long
jamil is the one who takes care of the student who did this to you, he will nit allow himself to see kalim so sad
plus they hurt you, he doesn't like that
Vil Schoeneit
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hes worrying hes crying hes all over the place he's trying to hold everything in
but once he's alone hes broken down in tears he's falling to the floor he's just gone
he's lost it a bit he's mad he's terrified he's disgusted he's everything all at once
he just wants the student gone he wants them away he just wants them dead
he's a lot more stressed hes not as neat as before
it shows, but no one says anything, they know how important you are to him
Idia Shroud
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hes even more stressed
hes staying up for longer times, more days playing games watching shows trying not to cry hysterically
he's not showing up to class w/ his tablet he's not answering anyone
he hasn't left his room in forever
he's worried but he's trying not to make himself worse by going out of his little bubble
to get him to sleep Ortho has to knock him out or he passes out himself
he's blackmailing the student finding evyerhting he can about them
he's not leaving them alone until they're crying and running and screaming for their mom
he's pissed and sad he wants to die but live he's this he's that
Malleus Draconia
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its thundering instantly, he's pissed hes sad its going to flood
they have to evacuate the school as malleus is flooding it and setting things on fire with his lightning
however no matter what the nurses' area is not getting destroyed or touched in any way
you're in there hes keeping that place safe from himself and others
he cries he does he has his students track down the one who pushed you off
hes dealing with them himself
hes calling his personal doctor from his home
hes giving you the best treatment he can
almost overblots
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miasmaghoul · 3 months
From the prompt list
Dew/Aether #26
From this list.
#26 - as an apology
"You're serious?"
Aether nods, but he can't look up. The disbelief in Dew's voice is something he expected, but it feels so much worse that he'd anticipated.
"Yes," he breathes, fiddling with a bracelet. "I told Papa this morning." Aether swallows, mouth dry. "I would have told you sooner, but -"
Aether sighs, scrubs at his face with both hands. The scent of antibacterial soap floods his nose, skin made dry from endless washing during his infirmary shift. He stares at the little ghoul's boots, black leather stark against the white tile floors. Maybe it was a mistake to do this here. Maybe he should have waited until tonight, until they were tangled up in bed and Dew was blissed out and half asleep. Maybe he'd sound less betrayed.
Somehow, Aether doubts it.
"I told you," he sighs, shoving his hands in his pockets, "I'm tired, Dew. Too tired to keep up with the rest of you." Aether rubs the back of his neck. "You remember the last leg, right? How many times did Papa talk to me about my mistakes? How many times did you have to pick up my slack?"
"Aeth -"
Aether holds up a hand, and Dewdrop pauses. Aether can feel his scowl, eyes burning into the top of his head. He still can't make himself look up.
"How many nights did you have to spend massaging my hands, just so I could play the next day?"Aether cracks his knuckles, wincing at their stiffness. "Besides, they need me here." He gestures vaguely at the empty infirmary lobby. "Now that Omega's gone, I'm the only full-time healer we've got."
He huffs out a harsh exhale, pinches the bridge of his nose. This was so much easier in his head. He watched the little ghoul cross his legs, scuffing the toe of his boot against the floor.
"I just...I can't do it anymore, Dew. I don't have the energy."
He falls silent after that, shoulders hunched and hands shoved into the pockets of his slacks, and waits. Waits for Dew to yell, to grab his coat and throttle him, to punch a wall - anything to express the rage he swears he can feel pouring from that slight body.
"I understand," Dew says instead, and somehow that's the thing that makes Aether look at him.
Dewdrop's expression reads cool, but his shoulders sit tense. The tip of his tail flicks through the air, obvious agitation, but it seems to be unconscious. There's something hard in his copper eyes, and Aether swallows hard.
"You...you what?"
"I get it," Dew says with a shrug, rolling his neck. "I was around when Zeph went through this, remember?"
That's...a fair point. Zephyr may have only joined them on stage for a few months, but Aether remembers very clearly all the evenings spent helping with their pain and exhaustion. He sighs, nods.
"Yeah, I do. But this isn't the same -"
"You could've told me, y'know," Dew interrupts, softer. "Before now, I mean. Before you told Papa."
"I almost did," Aether admits. Dew's casual demeanor has him off balance - he expected to have his coat singed by now. "But I was worried -"
"I wouldn't have told anyone," he interrupts, voice soft, and Aether stutters to a halt. Watches the little ghoul wring his hands. "Wouldn't have done that to you."
Aether blinks. Twice. That thought hadn't even occurred to him, not for a second. His hesitence came only from the risk of upsetting Dew, not from some fear of having his retirement revealed before he was ready. He cants his head and peers at Dewdrop, brow furrowed, and finds something new in his eyes. A watery glimmer of something so obviously sad, so fearful, that it makes Aether's heart ache.
"Oh, Dew..."
In half a breath they're caught up in each other, Aether holding the little ghoul to his chest in a crushing embrac, one hand on the back of his ash blond head and the other arm curled tight around him. Dew's hands fist into his shirt and he plants his feet between Aether's, huffing against his chest, and for a few moments they stay like that. Holding one another in silence while Aether collects his words and tries to figure out what he could possibly say to assure the one he loves more than any other that he'd never question his trust. To apologize for even making him think otherwise.
Then Dew pulls away just enough to look up at him with those gorgeous eyes, the gentlest smile curving his lips, and Aether has his answer.
The kiss is soft, gentle. No urgency, no tongue, just the perfect meeting of their mouths. Dew's warm hands come up to cup Aether's cheeks and Aether sighs through his nose, muscles he didn't know he'd tensed going lax. It feels like an age before they part, and Aether knows he doesn't have to say it, but -
"I'm sorry, firefly," he whispers, rubbing Dew's back and nosing at his temple. "I didn't mean -"
"I know," Dew assures him, stroking his face, eyes searching his own. "I...I know."
Dew kisses him again, and Aether decides any other words can wait until his hands stop shaking.
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flemlem · 4 months
ive been thinking (again, I know 🙄), specifically about Fed!Tubbo. I think if the fed bring him back its gonna be one of a couple things.
The first possibility my favourite (im hella biased) is that he comes back working for the Feds but not like, hes been brainwashed. No. No hes fucking Terrified. I want them to threaten him, i was them to hold his life in the balance. I want them to give him free access to create but Only when he's making a machine for Them. Otherwise he has to get it the hard way. I want them to send him out, to let him live with Sunny again but I want him to be checking over his shoulder every second. I want him to go pale and tense whenever he sees a fed worker, scared as hell that this time he might not do a good enough job. That they may take him out of the equation silently, not giving him a chance to warn sunny, to say goodbye. He doesnt want to leave her without saying goodbye Again.
I do also love it if they didnt ask for anything in return. They dont make him work for them or anything like that. The only catch is that hes not quite The Same as before. Its not that hes like, different. Hes still the same person hes just off. Most people are suddenly more ... skittish ... around him. The first couple days a couple people try to bring it up. But he just... Looks At Them. Just kinda, observes for a few seconds and moves on as if they hadn't said anything. Its weird cause theres nothing outwardly wrong with him and he still seems to act the same(most of the time) but theres just Something Wrong. Though, if none of the kids care they Guess it cant be That serious? Right?
And Yet Another good one (im once again biased) is that hes just, normal. Nothing is wrong. Genuinely nothing. But the Paranoia has set into the island and none of the islanders can trust the feds, except for maybe foolish and jaiden, but foolish is still Slight Concerned. They keep trying to test Tubbo, trying to find out if hes Still Him or not. He never gets anything wrong and while that comforts Some of the islanders, calming the all consuming paranoia, others still arent convinced. They fall entirely into the clutches of paranoia. They do Rash Things. They try to take sunny away, they try to kidnap tubbo, fully believing that That Isnt Tubbo. Maybe they torcher him, desperate to know where their friend is, how this Doppelganger has All Of His Memories. They want this Shallow Mimic of their friend to suffer just as much as Tubbo surely had to for the copy to be This Good. They're never Really convinced that it really Is Tubbo, but they back off eventually. waiting for something to happen to prove them right after those that had been Fooled had blown up at then for what they did. They would wait.
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writingduhh · 8 months
Drunk Ted Nivison (HC)
This is my first HC without a real ‘prompt’ so hopefully I got this right 😩
Pairing: Ted & Y/n
▷ Ted's cheeks flush a rosy hue when he's had a few drinks, making him even more adorable. You can't resist pinching his cheeks and teasing him about how cute he looks.
▷ When Ted gets a bit tipsy, he becomes even more affectionate than usual. He constantly pulls you into warm, tight hugs throughout the night whenever his arm isn’t already wrapped around your waist. He showers you with kisses, giggling all the while.
▷ Ted gets a little clumsy when he's drunk, which leads to adorable mishaps like spilling drinks or tripping over his own feet. You find his clumsiness rather endearing, always ready to help him.
“Watch out for that last step.” You advise, pointing out the hidden decline to your drunken boyfriend.
“Thank you babe but I got it.” He grins. As if on cue his foot met the corner of the step, causing him to fall the small distance to the ground.
“Shit.” He mutters.
“Ted! Are you ok?” You exclaim, rushing to his side in order to help him up.
“Yeah I’m ok. Just a bit dizzy. Hold on to me?” He softly asks, slinging his arm around your waist.
“Of course.”
(Another little after party scenario I thought of for this HC just bear with me plz I know someone out there will like it 😩)
“Ok, arms up.” You kindly command, looking down at where Ted sat on your shared bed. He gazed lovingly back at you, making your heart face.
“Yes ma’am/sir.” He agrees, standing up from the bed with his arms held above his head.
“No, Teddy, I can’t reach you up there.” You giggle, holding his pj shirt in your hands.
“Oh yeah, duh.” He grumbles, sitting back down with his arms up. Gently you pulled his shirt over his head before replacing it with a new one.
“Ok, now let’s get you into some pants.” You say, holding out his pj pants ready for him to step inside.
Smiling he rested his hands on your wrists, lifting his leg up into the pants. To your dismay he lost his balance falling flat onto his butt, pulling you down onto him. You both erupted in laughter, tears forming in your eyes.
▷ He's adamant about snapping spontaneous, candid photos together to seize the moment, resulting in a delightful collection of comical snapshots.
▷ He's always just a few drinks away from treating the entire party to a show of his karaoke skills. To the amusement of everyone in attendance, they loudly cheer him on.
“Guys look, a karaoke machine!” Ted exclaims to your group of friends.
“You should totally go up there!” One of your friends encouraged. Their response was followed up by agreement from the rest of the group, including yourself.
Happily he made his way up to the machine, Cueing up a familiar song. It was your favorite song.
“This song goes out to my beautiful partner, y/n.” He smirks, raising the microphone in your direction.
Your friends basically began screaming as he started his song, starting to gather an audience. By the end of the song the entire bar was watching, everyone cheering as he made his way back to the table where everyone praised him.
“That was amazing! I think you’re the new singer of my favorite song.” You smirk.
▷ He becomes a big softy, to you at least. Rather than his usual goofy antics, he's more focused on making sure you feel loved and safe. He'll often whisper sweet nothings into your ear, or making sure you’re feeling comfortable with the party around you.
▷ He becomes the ultimate dance partner, pulling his significant other onto the dance floor (or living room) for impromptu, goofy dance sessions. You share fits of laughter as you dance the night away.
“Ted, No! I cant dance!” You exclaim, dragging your feet as he pulled you onto the half filled dance floor.
“Cmon y/n, it’ll be fun. Here, I’ll help you.” He grins, holding out both his hands for you to grab.
Together you both began to dance and let loose, letting the music take control of your bodies. You and Ted’s enthusiastic dancing seemed to wear off as the once half filled dance floor was now packed with party goers.
▷ Ted becomes a chatterbox when he's tipsy, his words flowing freely as he becomes the life of the conversation. His enthusiasm is infectious, and he effortlessly keeps everyone engaged with his animated storytelling, quick wit, and a touch of humor. His tipsy chatter adds an undeniable liveliness to the gathering.
▷ He's a firm believer in late-night adventures, so he takes this opportunity to suggest going for a moonlit walk, stargazing, or even a spontaneous road trip (he’s not driving of course), wanting to create even more cherished memories together.
▷ He's also the type to surprise you with late-night snacks or their favorite comfort food, ensuring they're well taken care of and comfortable.
▷ Despite the alcohol, Ted remains incredibly considerate and respectful of your boundaries, always checking in to make sure you’re comfortable with everything that's happening.
▷ After the party/gathering he becomes the ultimate cuddle bug. Ted insists on cuddling up with you on the couch or in bed. He becomes the designated "pillow talk" expert, sharing his deepest thoughts and feelings with you, having heart-to-heart conversations that strengthen your emotional connection. He absolutely refuses to fall asleep unless you’re in his arms or at the very least beside him.
Opening the door of your apartment you let out a sigh of relief as you finally took of your cute but uncomfortable shoes. As you did this you felt arms sneak around your torso, making you smile.
“Y/n can we go cuddle and watch a movie?” He asks, placing a kiss on the back of your neck.
“Of course we can.”
Suddenly you were lifted off the ground, making you squeal. “Hey! Be careful please.”
“I’ll be careful, I’d never drop you.” He assures, holding you close until he collapsed onto the couch.
The next morning, he'll wake up with a hangover but a heart full of love and gratitude for you, thanking you for putting up with his drunken sweetness.
The sound of Ted groaning caught your attention from where you stood in the kitchen. Looking up you saw him standing in the doorway of your room, his large stature filling up most of the door frame.
"Good morning, sleepyhead," you greet with a grin, carefully placing the fresh breakfast you've prepared on the table. You eagerly open your arms as you spot him making his way toward you.
“Morning.” His voice was muffled as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, his arms slung over you.
“How’re you feeling?”
“Hungover. I don’t even remember changing into my pjs.” He admits, letting out a small laugh.
“I helped you get into them last night, I hope that’s ok.”
“Of course. It’s not something you haven’t seen already.” He smirked, placing a kiss on your cheek.
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mochiimadness · 2 years
Hey! I was wondering if you could write a romantic headcannon of the Rise bros doing their own things and s/o appearing out of nowhere demanding cuddles? You now, if you have time and only if you want to
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Neon Leon
He had been practicing some skate boarding tricks on the ramp when you appeared
He didn’t see you at first until you called out to him
“Leo! Can we cuddle?”
He may or may not have screamed
Lost his balance and face planted on the ramp
Ofc you rushed over to check on him
Thankfully he was fine, just a little bruised
“Guess I really fell for you, huh? Get it?”
He doesn’t really mind all that much when you demand cuddles
He just gets caught off guard often
Especially since you seem to just pop out of nowhere
Can you portal or something???
After double checking that he’s okay,
He’ll gladly go to cuddle with you on the couch or in his bed
“You gotta kiss my bruise to make it better though.”
Loves to cuddle with you
He does move around a lot though
Cant stay still for too long
But put on his favorite Jupiter Jim movie while cuddling, and y’all are good to go
Loves to be little spoon or cuddle on top of you
Favorite thing to do is bury his face in the crook of your neck or rest his head against your stomach
You two will just be cuddling and then-
“I can hear your stomach rumbling.”
“Oh my gosh, get up then-“
“No! It’s cute!”
4/5 doesn’t mind when you demand cuddles but always talks about how he can hear your stomach rumbling
Don Tron
He’ll be tinkering away at one of his projects in his lab, or playing a video game
You just walk in and stand near him quietly
You don’t tend to pop in out of nowhere since sometimes he’s working on something a tad bit- explosive
��…you want cuddles don’t you?”
Depending on how much he can handle touch that day, he’ll either-
Get up and cuddle with you on his bed or on the couch
Both of you watching shows or YouTube videos on his tablet
Likes being big spoon
Feels very exposed when he cuddles as little spoon, usually has to take off his battle shell for this
But he trusts you, so he’ll let you be big spoon occasionally
He’ll offer to sit with you
Usually on bean bags of your own, but still next to each other
He may hold your hand or just rest against you slightly
It’s not that he doesn’t enjoy cuddling with you
He just doesn’t feel up to physical contact some days, especially for long periods of time
Still does his best to make sure you’re both happy
3.5/5 depends on the day but he’s doing his best &lt;3
Mystic Mike
You usually can find him drawing away or in the kitchen
You just burst in and pop yourself next to him
He himself pops up out of nowhere often so he doesn’t get as surprised when you do it compared to his brothers
If he’s busy with cooking or in the middle of focusing on his art,
He’ll pause for a second and give you a big smooch before finishing whatever he’s doing
“Just one sec! Gotta finish this but I promise to cuddle you as long as you want right after!”
Holds his promise and holds it well
He’ll get snacks and drinks for y’all and set it near by
Sets up his phone or the tv so you two have something to watch
Or to just have it as background noise
He switches positions a lot when cuddling
Cant really stay still but doesn’t want to stop cuddling with you
One way to get him to stay still for a bit is to cuddle him while he’s partly, or fully, in his shell
Likes being little spoon
But loves when you both hold each other
Likes being able to look at you when talking
Also likes that he can give you kisses easily in this position
Plus he gets to hug you and you can hug him at the same time!
It’s a win win!
4.5/5 also moves around a lot but makes up for it with lots of snuggling and kisses
Big Red
Raph usually wanders around the lair so you have to look for him a bit
He screams loudly when you pop out of nowhere demanding cuddles
“Raph! Can we cuddle???” You ask, perched on top of the fridge.
He’s absolutely down to cuddle though
If he’s on the move for some reason,
He just picks you up, grabs a blanket, and wraps you up like a burrito before carrying you around
This way he can cuddle you and finish doing whatever it was he was doing
If he’s not busy though, he just picks you up and cuddles you anywhere
Couch? Yes!
Bed? Absolutely!
Beanbags? Sure!
Everything is occupied? Use him as a bed then!
He doesn’t mind
Loves to be big spoon
But if you’re larger than him, he enjoys being little spoon too
Does get worried that his spikes will hurt you tho
Usually will face you instead of having his back towards you
If you’re smaller though,
He just wraps himself around you
He literally becomes your bed and blanket
Gives you smooches on your forehead and cheeks
Usually plays soft music or just cuddles quietly
5/5 makes you feel so secure and relaxed
I hope you enjoyed!!
Sorry this took so long- got motivated to finish this at 2:27am ashshhagah
Reblogs appreciated &lt;3
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tacticalkinky · 11 months
“How Long Can He Last?”
A König x Reader oneshot by JM (me!)
Tags: könig x reader, slight foot fetish, bdsm, dom!y/n, sub!könig, handcuffs, edging
AN: There is some palming of a cock with the toe of a steel toed boot but it is not heavily based on that. Mostly bdsm and domination specifically. There is HEAVY edging though.
Written by: judaciousmars
“Y/n, wait-“ he yelps, cut off by a significant wave of pleasure. König tries very hard to dominate you but is already helpless when he’s taken aback by your firm grip on his crotch. You lean against his shoulder and pin his wrists above his head with one hand. Shockingly, you can fit both of his wrists in one hand. “Is that good baby?” You ask, your words twirling around his ear and making him shudder. König watches your actions below his belt with wide, yearning eyes. The blue irises seem more crystal clear than normal. “Y-yes honey~” he whispers, biting his lip between baited breaths.
“You’re getting so hard for me huh?” You ask him, the inquisitive “huh” curling your lips into a smirk. König struggles his wrists against your grip, but sees he is no match for your strength and instead relaxes to hopefully ease the burning tension he has to cum. He made this bet, the bet that he’d last longer than a minute if you dommed him of course. Both König and Ghost were super cocky and boastful yesterday about how being topped doesnt make them cum. Then doubled the trouble they were in when they asked you and Soap to test them on that bet. You and Soap took one knowing glance at each other, accepted the challenge, and decided youd start the timer that night in your rooms at home.
So now, König suffers the consequences of his actions, under your hands. You swirl the pads of your fingertips up and down his shaft already prodding the cloth that covered it. His hips buck and twitch every so often. Throbbing, pulsing, aching, his cock grows larger under your control. “What’s my name, big boy?” You ask him, the tip of his cock splashing a tiny bit of precum on to his pants. “Fuck you.” König teasingly snaps, rolling his eyes as he looks for a break in your hold. Instead, you make it tighter as you cock your head to the side and smile. “Oh, is that so?”
You keep the hold on one of his wrists and bring him to his knees by sweeping under his leg just enough to make him lose balance. As he quivers and shakes to attempt to keep himself contained, you find the metal cuffs you keep in your drawer and suspend his wrists behind his back. König looks up at you with puppy dog eyes but a smile that cant contain a devilish giggle. You still have your boots on and you use this to your advantage by gently palming his crotch with the toe of your boot. You know how much it hurts to get hit in the balls by metal, so youre very gentle, but nevertheless unforgiving. König clamps his knees together in a desperate attempt to keep from ejaculating in his pants. “Where’s that bratty energy now, schatz? Ready to give up?”
“Hardly.” König growls, struggling beneath the cuffs but unable to budge them one bit. You chuckle, arms crossed as you budge his cock some more. König was in no way a foot fetishist but knowing that at any minute you could crush his balls with your boots made more blood flow to the tip. The fear you instilled in him was so challenging and so intoxicatingly orgasmic. “Fuck! Dommy I can’t-“ König desperately began to exclaim, the sensations rubbing against his sweet spot vigorously. “You can’t what?” You tease, standing off of his pants but tilting his head up to face you.
“I can’t take it- Ah-“ König attempts to speak once more, grimacing and squirming to attempt to ease the tension again. You close in on him and lightly press his head against your crotch. You pull his head back slightly. “Smell.” You command. “Take in what you could be fucking right now.”
König seems confused at a 45 degree angle, but accidentally inhales a little sharply and takes in the aroma of your musk. Perfume vanilla with sugar cane alcohol, and a perfect outline of your bulk making him absolutely crazy. Like waving a steak in front of a hungry dog. König attempts to resist by pulling back, but the scent and your grip on his hair alone makes him keep coming back for more.
“Dommy, I- ungh~…” he groans, the pressure in his cock dealing a worse tension than he had ever felt before. “I’m fucking-“ he rasps, taking deeper breaths. “Youre what baby? Use your words.” You tease, knowing that that alone was probably just enough to get him over the edge. But seeing his last feeble attempt at remaining stiff, you let him struggle one more time, then finally put him out of his misery. But not before putting his pulsating cock on display for your viewing pleasure. Before doing anything, you bend down and unzip his pants, pulling his cock out of the hole of his boxers. Then, with a lilt and a smile, you tease him one more time.
“Beg for me, puppy.”
König nearly screams as he lets out a hefty moan. The tip of his cock erupts a viscous white liquid and splatters on your pants and his both, the load looking entirely like a soda can spill. “Fuck!” König whispers loudly. You shush him anyway, both in a boastful and a “shut up you dont want to wake up the neighbors” way, and stop your stopwatch on your phone.
König takes a few regular breaths and collects himself as you free him from the cuffs. König rubs his wrists in a slight twinge of wrist irritation. “Phew. How long was that?” König asks excitedly, as he takes off the waist half of his clothing to be washed. You look at your phone. “Oddly? Three minutes and forty two seconds. You did better than I thought you would.” You answer, looking for wet wipes to help him wipe himself off.
“I’ll bet Simon’s was shorter. Ha!” König chuckles to himself. He then lies down on your shared bed half naked and covers himself up. “Are you coming to bed baby?” König asks, resting his head on his hand.
“Yeah! I just gotta text someone real quick.” You chirp, assuring him softly. He nods and cuddles up in bed to get ready to fall asleep.
You text the words, “Three minutes and forty two seconds. Yours?”
Soap replies, “Three minutes and thirty six seconds. Damn!”
You both send each other laughing emojis, and you then set your phone down on your nightstand and cuddle with König after ditching your pants as well. That sure was fun. Can’t wait to do it again.
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simpfor141cod · 11 months
Whiskey and Desperation; König pt3/4
He had admired you from a professional distance for months now, always just out of arms reach. He thought he could ignore how he felt about you, but he cant anymore, he's not just interested in you anymore- he's desperate for your touch.
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contains: smut, mild alcohol consumption, desperate! König, almost feral, mutual pining,slight angst, BFF!Soap&Ghost, afab!reader, big boy König has reached his limit, and your teasing hasn't helped, size kink if you squint. & Of course this story includes König in taskforce 141.
Minors DNI. You will be blocked.
The wind was a welcomed chill, cooling you off and allowing the fog to leave your brain. That's it then, you think to yourself. Time to move on. You took another swig from the bottle, before the door to the rooftop opens, you dont even bother turning around as you laugh, "I'm okay Soap, really, just needed some fresh air" "Glad you're okay then." Your eyes widen as you spin around in your spot, not finding the Scottish man you had assumed would've come to check on you. "Mind if I have a swig?" König's voice was enough to send your body into hyperdrive, after constantly thinking about him and not seeing him for the past almost month, you almost couldn't believe he was here now and talking to you. "this must be some good booze, if I'm imagining you being here, it was a worthwhile buy" You joke sadly, causing for König to walk up beside you. "No, I'm here." You fell silent after that, handing him the bottle. He took a rather big swig before putting the cap back on, "I'm sorry" The words caught you off-guard, losing your balance in your spot as you turned to face the tall man immediately.
"I'm sorry I didn't realize sooner how much you meant to me" He seemed shy, nervous even, his eyes never leaving your face as he searched for how you felt. "Why would you ignore me like that?" You mumbled, slightly tipsy but still in your right mind, it was more of a welcomed confidence booster than anything else. "I wanted my focus to be on work. I have realized now that I work better when I am with you." His words hung in the air for a moment, as you took a deep breath. "I want a rematch" König's eyes widened as the completely unexpected answer left your lips. "pardon?" "A rematch. The only reason I won last time was because you were distracted. I want to win the right way." Why am I talking about training when he just essentially confessed to me? You internally facepalmed. You were surprised when König's eyes lit up at your request, "right here, right now" He smiled, putting the bottle of alcohol down on the ground. With your new welcomed confidence, you accepted, getting into your stance before lunging at the man, he immediately dodged your attempt and pulled you down onto the ground, your back immediately hitting the cold concrete, "thats eight, Little one" He smirked down at you, you could see it in his eyes that he was enjoying seeing you struggle, a pink bush stinging your cheeks as he climbed over you. He hadn't done this before, you thought. His large body covered yours entirely as he held you down, a laugh spilling from his lips as he moved his knee in between your legs, his hands grabbing at your wrists. "now be a good girl, and stay still-" He cuts himself off with a sharp groan, as you moved your thigh up and brushed it over his crotch, breaking his focus long enough for you to flip him over onto his back. "you naughty girl" He says from below you, not fighting back, "Nothing in the rules against playing dirty" You quip back, making the man below you grumble slightly. "You dont like this?" you ask softly, the strap of your singlet falling from your shoulder, driving the man below you insane. His hands find your hips and in an instant, he has pulled you directly on top of his clothed crotch, pulling you down onto him, "does that feel like I dont enjoy this?" He growled, looking up at you with hooded eyes, your face turning red as you could clearly feel how hard he was. The alcohol must've been a confidence boost for him too. -----
why does tumblr only let me post small parts at a time :C -yours
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