#i mostly say i have white cooking skills because i do not cook
vurelly · 1 year
*Rolls up with spices* I heard you have White man cooking skills
i could boil you a mean chicken
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cosmicdahlias · 13 days
💖ford x reader headcanons💖
part 6
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• always turns down the ac in the bedroom so it’s freezing. he likes it cold but also does it so you’ll cuddle up to him for warmth
• has very rough, calloused hands. when he rubs your back it makes you shiver
• loves to wrap his arms around you and hug you from behind while you’re cooking or working in the lab
• you once found some old photos of his days being possessed by bill. to say he was embarrassed would be an understatement
• thinks you hang the moon
• was really sick and delirious one time and all he could talk about was how beautiful you are and how much he loves you
• snores. it was kind of hard to sleep with at first but now it’s like your personal white noise machine
• you got him into ren faires. calls you his majesty
• very passionate kisser, sometimes gets carried away and forgets to breathe
• if you’re lgbt he goes to pride with you. mabel dresses him head to toe in pride merch
• anxious attachment (mostly because of bill)
• might forget to eat but always makes sure you do
• big spoon, loves feeling the warmth of you up against him
• when you’re getting ready to leave somewhere he says “are you ready to rock and roll?” like the dad he is
• teaches you self defense, sees it as a very practical skill
• loves seeing you smile
• you love his morning voice
• constantly had nightmares about bill hurting you. he’d wake up and pull you close, he wanted to protect you so much
• gives the best hugs
• recorded himself reading books before he went away on his adventures with stan so you could still fall asleep to his voice
• when you first met he fell so hard for you when you told him you read the journals
• when you and ford get married mabel and dipper call you their grauntie
• if you’re in college he helps you with your homework and studying
• writes about you in the journals. refers to you as “the most beautiful creature i have ever encountered”
• drunkenly admitted to you one night that his first crush was jackie kennedy
• plays with your hair a lot. it’s practically a stim
• if you’re having a rough day he’ll pull you onto his lap and let you vent
• when you show him a video or a meme he does that old person thing where he takes the phone out of your hand, holds it out, squints, and adjusts his glasses while asking you something like “is that your friend?”
• you guys have heated vampires vs werewolves debates
• struggled heavily with suicidal thoughts after weirdmageddon. there were nights where neither of you slept and you were honestly afraid to leave him alone. if it wasn’t for you, stan, and the kids he never would’ve made it.
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deonsx · 9 months
If They Become A Girl Dad
Feat: Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, Nikolai, Atsushi, Akutagawa
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Dazai Osamu
God! I can imagine him in complete joy. Being the father of a girl made him much more exciting than being the father of a boy. The reason is that he always wants to protect his little princess. Father and daughter dress the same and often go shopping for his daughter
He will definitely spoil your daughter and if you try to stop him, you will be the bad cop.. He will be the one who gets her ready for school in the morning, while you will prepare her bag. While braiding your daughter's hair, you laugh when you realize how complex Dazai's mind is, "Honey! Braiding hair, I need help with this!" "Yes, mom and dad can't do it, my hair is tangled, please" While your daughter is complaining about her father, poor dazai is only trying to communicate with him more
"My beautiful daughters, I am lucky to have you... I have a duty to protect you”
Chuuya Nakahara
He shows off his Cooking skills to your daughter and manages to impress your daughter every time. He is a hero in your daughter's eyes, but the problem is that your daughter...is in love with your husband much more than you. "Dad, I love you more than my mother~!" Chuuya laughs and looks at you, "Look, your mother says she loves me more, even though~" Your boyfriend kisses his daughter as if he's teasing you
he takes your daughter out on trips all the time, and to be honest, he is a real trick when it comes to mothering her. he can take care of your child for hours, days, weeks, even when you are not around and working overtime at work. He will try to entertain her with his powers. I can imagine him rocking your daughter to sleep on his lap. He buys your daughter clothes from the most expensive brands and dresses her like Barbie. Your daughter and Chuu look so much alike that there would never even be a possibility of suspicion
“You can't understand how it feels to have two angels belong to me”
Fyodor Dostoyevski
He is definitely a difficult person and the fact that he now has a daughter really makes him a more difficult father figure. His daughter is a complete copy of him, her hair and eyes are purple, I know that Fyodor will not be a very careless father, on the contrary, he really cares about her very much, mostly the fact that he does not have time to care does not make him a careless father. He always has his eyes on his daughter and is busy protecting her.
If you leave them alone, it is possible, although very rare, to witness them playing games with their daughter. Usually, they play the Barbie house game together as a result of her daughter's insistence. Fyodor agrees not to talk because instead of these games, he prefers to teach her new hobbies such as chess, piano and violin. He is a very disciplined father, he is still with his daughter during her high school years. he stays (to keep her away from men) he's a jealous father he just can't say it
"I'm the only man in your life, your father, you won't need anyone else"
Nikolai Gogol
He is a total entertainer, he does his best to entertain his daughter. Your daughter has long white hair and deep blue eyes, a snow-white skin, and it is certain that she inherited all her genes from Nikolay. She starts braiding your daughter's hair at the very beginning of the morning and they spend hours together. Even your daughter's first word is "pa~pa!~" You and Nikolai looked at each other and were shocked. "My dear girl!!!!~~" Your lover is capable of being both a mother and a father to him and you didn't realize this until you had a child
Your child loves to do magic tricks! You don't have to wake up at night because Nikolai gives your child all the sleep back in 1 minute with his talent, you don't even have to get out of bed, he always dresses his daughter like a royal princess when shopping for clothes, he buys the most expensive jewels (even though she is still small, she has a lot of diamonds), her daughter's taste attracted her father and They eat their favorite meals together. Whatever her father wants to eat, she wants it too
"You're not jealous of us spending so much time with my daughter, are you? Remember...I'm yours."
Atsushi Nakajima
He is a really worried father, sometimes he even forgets that he is a father and becomes a child, it is possible that you will feel like you have 2 children because you cannot get out of this cycle in the general period of time... Atsushi really likes to introduce everything to your daughter, he takes her to the agency on the days when you are busy and tired. It mostly saves you from a tiring day. He spends all his time with her in the mornings and your daughter doesn't look like you, she is a complete copy of her father, her eyes are a mixture of sain and purple, she reminds of autumn, her hair shifts from white to blonde and her naughty mistakes are the same as her father's.
He is always protecting you and your daughter. Now he has 2 lives to protect. He cried the first time when he learned that your baby would be a girl. I can imagine him kneeling down on his knees and crying with happiness, thinking about what kind of a daughter he will be. "I-I will be a father! And the father of a girl!!" There was a huge celebration when he shouted this news to the agency, "My father is a tiger!" Your daughter was constantly bragging about her father and trying to convince her friends that he was a tiger
"Oh, did my darling daughter and wife miss me? Because I missed them”
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
He is a father who really has a hard time showing his emotions, but when it comes to his daughter, everything disappears for him. If you see him talking to his daughter, you will feel like you don't know him at all. He likes to play with your little daughter and teach her new words. His first word is "rasomon" He entertains your daughter by showing her his talent. rasomon is at your daughter's disposal. They go on shopping trips with his father but of course his father can't take care of him alone, so he can't help but call you. "I think I still have a lot to learn from you, s/o" Unlike other fathers, Akutagawa is uneasy and is still trying to overcome his inferiority complex left over from Dazai. Of course, everything is better with you painted too white
Even though he had a hard time expressing his feelings when he found out you were going to have a daughter, he gave you a reassuring smile and held your hand "I'm with you" he always reassured you and as you now rocked your daughter in his arms these memories ran through your mind, Akutagawa definitely described his child about Dazai, your daughter strangely doesn't like dazai
"You're the one who helped me erase the darkness in my heart... don't leave me s/o..."
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spinchip · 2 months
It was all there, in plain sight
Summary: Zane wants something she can't have.
She notices the pit in her chest only after she’s left Birchwood forest behind. It opens up where her heart would be, a black pit of longing she mistakes only slightly for loneliness and loss. There was someone she loved, once there and now gone. There was a life she had that was hidden from her, so the pit gnawed at her until she grew numb to the ache. It made sense, of course. What little she had left- her name, her face, the white sweater and white pants and cold hands- wasn’t enough to pad out the spaces her amnesia left behind. She looked for the rest of her heart in everything, searching for identity in cold still waters ponds and sunsets and the term elemental master the elderly man gave her when he asked her if she was prepared to face her destiny.
“I’m Jay.” The red haired boy greets her with a wave when she drops her meager belongings on the floor next to her bunk bed.
“Cole.” The other boy introduces himself with a crooked smile, “Yo.” He throws a peace sign up from where he’s laying in his own bed, sketch pad propped up on his lap.
“Hello.” She says formally, clasping her hands in front of her, “My name is Zane.” She refrains from adding I think to the end of her name, “It is nice to make your acquaintance.”
The chasm in her chest is a bearable pain, something that only itches at her in the gaps between training when the monastery is quiet and the two boys are preoccupied. She tries to find things to fill her life with- cooking, mostly. There are a handful of half-finished hobbies she’d tried and failed to integrate into her interests. Granny-square knitting scraps in a box under her bed, sewing needles and threads only pulled out to mend a tear in hers or the others robes after her first project has bored her, and a journal she’d abandoned when the pages she wrote were too empty for her to stomach.
Once, she tried drawing with Cole.
He doodles a drawing of her and shows it off with a grin- the boy in the picture seems so foreign to her that she almost asks Cole to throw it away. A sharp angled jaw, thick brow ridge and broad shoulders. Deep set eyes and hollow cheeks that only seem to accentuate the width of her face. Every part of her is rough and harsh. Handsome, but that doesn’t feel like a compliment when Cole or Jay says it to her. She thanks Cole and draws a picture of him in return- crude, not as skilled, but Cole appreciates it anyway.
Kai brings something with him that makes the cavern in her chest bleed- Nya. Nya, who has soft features and gentle hands. Beautiful, Jay sighs dreamily, and Zane wants that. She wants to be beautiful the way Nya is beautiful, the way the models on magazine covers and actresses in movies are. The pit in her chest has a razor edge now, and each time she compares herself to Nya and finds herself wanting she cuts open her heart on the sides. She tries her hand at makeup once, a few products Nya left in the bathroom that she plays with once day- her attempts are like that drawing she did of Cole. Crude, unskilled, clownish. So she washes her face and goes back to training and wants something she can’t have.
And she knows she can’t have it, because the one time she’d grazed her fingers over the femininity she desired she’d been laughed out of the room. A pink apron, so small and simple- a taste of a life she wanted so, so badly.
But she was a boy, and boys didn’t do things like wear pink aprons.
When she finds out she's a robot, the ache eases. It should go away- she knows who she is, she remembers her father, there’s not this big looming mystery clinging to the nape of her neck anymore. Her shoulders aren’t weighed down by a grief she wasn’t able to remember- sure, knowing brought with it a new pain, but there wasn’t any question to who she is. Zane, son of Dr. Julien. Robot. Hero. She could accept that. She could find peace with her past now- and yet the emptiness persists. Not so harsh, not at first- but over time, the chasm spreads until it feels like her whole body is an empty husky she inhabited.
“Father, if I wanted you to make a change in me, would you?” she asks her father after she finds him again, so close to putting into words a desire she was afraid to recognize.
“But Zane, you're perfect. I could never make you any better than you already are.” He smiles, reaches out to place his hand on her elbow with a squeeze, and she loses her nerve. Redirects the conversation to another persistent issue she had wanted to address as well, and doesn’t bring up the way her body doesn’t feel like it fits her anymore.
Maybe it never had- but then the world is ending, and there’s no time to think about that anymore.
And then a year later, the world is ending again and she pays all she has to prevent it.
She meets another android right before she gives up her life to save the world, and Pixal is everything Zane wants to be. She is beautiful, and she can convince herself it might be love when the pit her body is made of floods with a longing so deep her soul aches with it. She wants to ask her what it’s like- to be a girl.
Is it as wonderful as it looks? Is it as fulfilling as she imagines it would be?
She’s dead before she can form the words.
When she rebuilds her body in the blackness of Borg towers basements, she curves her jaw. She softens the harsh lines her father had sculpted her with, blending out solid planes into gentle features that hinted femininity. Not too much, careful to make it so slight that her friends won't look twice. Just enough to slake the hunger in her chest. Just barely enough to stifle her longing.
She touches her body the same way, adds weight to her hips and thins her waist to give the slightest impression of an hourglass figure. She considers her chest and again she wants what she can't have. She sends the blueprints to the machine before her heart breaks over a life that's not hers and she steps out of the machine in a body that's never going to be quite right.
But she's alive again, and there’s work to be done.
In the darkness of that cell in Chen's dungeon, she experiences heartbreak all over again when her memories flood back and she's reminded that she is a boy. In the spaces between memory, she knows what she isn’t. Memory brings reminder. There’s no escaping the words written down in her code. She can leave the island behind but she’s not free, not really.
Tox and Chamille and Nya and Skylor all cluster together and she wants so badly her core seems to wither with the force of it.
Pixal asks, “Is everything alright?” Because her fans stutter with physical pain at the cruelty of it all.
And she’s never been more grateful that Pixal’s abilities in her head are limited- she can’t read her mind, can’t look into her memories and see the longing living in her every breath. “I am fine.” She says, because there is no other option.
In a set of memories that are not hers to keep, she stares as a villain across a chessboard who says “Then I take it you do not want to make a wish…”
And he smiles at her like he knows. Like he can look right down directly into her heart to see a desire she would never voice, a want so so desperately shoved down and strangled because it simply wasn’t allowed. He’s giving her a golden ticket, a smoking gun to fix everything that’s ever been wrong with her life- it would be a simple, easy wish. Something that rewrote history to suit her needs.
I wish I was a girl, and that I always have been.
But she had a plan, and there was no room for this wish in the precious three she had to use.
She’s always been good at compartmentalizing. She could put her emotions away- this was harder, more insidious, but with time and effort she could make the ache a blanketing numbness instead. She fought just the same, cooked like always, and was for all intents and purposes normal- the disconnect she felt with her body was put away, and it didn't affect her duties as a ninja. That was paramount. Of course, it didn’t matter in the end- they lost. the Destiny's Bounty was crushed and it was pure luck that they had the mind to remember Mystakes tea with enough time to use it. Ninjago fell and they were trapped worlds away with no way back in sight.
Things were starting to look up now, though. The Iron baron was on their tail, but with Faith on their side they had put considerable distance between them. For the first time in a long while, things didn’t seem so bleak.
Faith had approached her while she was readying lunch, helping her prepare the meager supplies they had into a decent meal.
“I apologize,” She began quietly, breaking the lull of silence between them, “For mistaking you for a man.” she’s not sure why she brings it up, just that it feels important to say.
Faith's lips curl up ever so slightly, “Thank you.” There’s another pause, “...You didn’t.”
She glances at Faith, confused.
Faith clarifies, “You never used him in reference to me.” She sets the bowl down and studies her, searching for something. She doesn’t know what to say, so she stirs the pot of noodles while Faith comes to a realization. her mouth forms a perfect o before she schools her expression, looking away. “...I wasn’t always a woman.” She sets the words out gently between them.
She drops the spoon and has to clamber to pick it back up, “You were not?” She asks, looking over at the huntress with wide eyes.
“It is a bit of an oversimplification.” Faith admits, “But no. I was born a boy, and I realized I was a woman later in life.”
“Oh. I have… never heard of that before.” She finds herself whispering, the information overwhelming and too big to deal with in the hot desert sun so far from home. It feels like something slots into place- a reality worth pursuing suddenly just over the horizon. No more longing, no more ache-
“I apologize too.” Faith says softly, eyes sparkling with a new kind of warmth, “I didn’t know we were… family.”
She’s always been one to take someone's words at face value, but she understands Faith's words for what they are the moment they leave her mouth. We’re the same. I see you.
Her throat feels too thick to respond so she just finishes lunch and calls the other over to eat, leaving the conversation to repeat in her head over and over again.
After everything, on a day where the team is sprawled out in the living room trying to unwind after twelve hours of rebuilding work in downtown Ninjago, she blurts it out. While clearing rubble or carrying around building materials she’d been running a search program in the back of her head- pinging more and more resources that give the emptiness and desire inside her a name. She found others who felt the same, reading through post after post of personal stories that all voiced her own private thoughts openly and honestly.
Suddenly the world is alight with poetry and videos and potential, boundless possibility to remake who she pretends to me into who she is. The other women on the internet link hands with her and offer her a community she has been deprived of- and her life is her own. Transgender and transcendent and trans joy.
“I’m a girl.” She announces into the room, because now that she knows all there is to know- now that she knows it's allowed she won’t live another second in this identity that crushes her chest and chokes her spirit.
It’s the first time she’s ever said it.
As her friends surround her, she's met with unconditional support and a life worth living spread out in front of her feet.
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One thing I like about in game yuu despite being a mostly blank slate still manages to have some detail despite being made as an insert. Like how they're good at instruments
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I did see that Yuu was can play the bugle (a brass horn?) for White Rabbit Fest, but their skill actually depends on the dialogue option you choose. If you pick the other option, Yuu is just as lackluster at playing as the other characters are. I think they also played the flute either during the Harveston hometown event or in a related character’s Harveston vignettes (I can’t recall which it is).
There was a similar option given during the Harveston hometown event in 4-7 (but it’s more of Epel asking, “do you play instruments” for a yes/no response rather than whether or not Yuu is any good at it):
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But!! There definitely are other times when Yuu is described in spite of being designed as a blank slate/self-insert character. Two examples that automatically come to my mind are various characters’ home screen voice lines in which they mention Yuu has a small or slim stature. Crowley also mumbles to himself that Yuu appears "effeminate". The other (and much more obvious) example is when Azul points out in 3-10 of the main story that Yuu doesn’t have any particular talents:
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Which??? Sorry, Azul 😂 We have to agree to disagree here. One skill of Yuu’s that we can extrapolate is that they’re a decent photographer. This is because it’s implied that the card illustrations and groovies are pictures taken by Yuu’s ghost camera (regardless of whether or not Yuu is actually mentioned or is present or not during the vignettes). Yuu is also specifically shown taking pictures in some events, such as Port Breeze Fest (ie during Rook’s vignettes).
Yuu is also said to be able to cook for themselves in book 7. This may be because they learned this skill via Master Chef.
Another trait (albeit very generalized) could be that Yuu is the kind of person that facilitates cooperation. Now, what exactly that means can vary greatly from individual interpretation to individual interpretation, but suffice to say that Yuu, in some way or another, helps their peers to collaborate and to get along. Some people also characterize Yuu to be a clever or a strategist, as they helped concoct a battle plan in the prologue among other smaller plans (for example, keeping Leona from sleeping to get his help in book 3, getting “a bad feeling” that Vil will OB soon, etc). Note that this may be why Rook nicknames Yuu “Trickster”. However, it could also be argued that Yuu is sometimes aren’t that bright, perhaps for plot convenience (ie not putting two and two together that Tsunotaro/Hornton is Malleus, not trying to negotiate with Azul’s contract terms in book 3, etc).
It’s mentioned in a few occasions that Yuu is also said to look frail/is not physically fit to contribute to battle (something which the light novel and manga adaptations of Yuu defy), although this could just refer to their lack of magic. Again, related to this, Crowley and others have lines which imply Yuu is feminine looking (small, non-muscular, non-threatening vibes, etc), regardless of what their actual sex or gender may be.
***NOTE:*** A notable difference between TWST JP and TWST EN is that Yuu’s dialogue options in EN are much sassier and more outspoken than those of JP. For example, whereas one of JP’s choices may be, “Oh, I see” (very generic, very plain), EN may exaggerate it to, “Not this again!” (insinuating displeasure or being fed up/actively protesting).
If you guys know of any other traits or abilities that in-game Yuu has, feel free to share them!
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profoundbondfanfic · 9 months
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Having fun this Christmas? Need a break from all the running around and stuff to prepare or family to meet? Or maybe you need a little pick-me-up because we all know how tough this time of the year can be as well. Then dig right in.
And Even In The Quiet Night by KelpietheThundergod [General audiences, 7k words]
He couldn't answer with the truth when Jody had asked him, concern bleeding through her typical gruffness, “You okay, kiddo? Since when do you care about Christmas?” He doesn't, of course, not really. It's just that Christmas is a widely accepted excuse to cook enough food for an entire baseball team, then eat too much and lounge on the couch surrounded by family and argue about which movie to watch. Or so Dean thinks. Really, it was just a stupid – it's not like Dean is lonely. Sam is here, Cas is here, and the others are – well, mostly not here. But really, it should be enough. Dean is a grown-ass man, he can deal with being alone on Christmas. (Or, the one in which no one cares about Christmas but Dean)
Dance Real Close by Maleyah (Katherine_Kat) [Explicit, 5k words]
For the umpteenth time tonight, Castiel swallows and clenches his teeth, hard enough that he might just need a dentist appointment once this horrendous evening comes to its inevitable end and he has what he came for. Good thing the company has excellent health care. He forces his gaze into a faux-thousand yard stare, a wilful attempt to get lost among the many twinkling lights and ornaments. Just off of the shoulder of the man who is his current, last and most annoying obstacle. Dean Winchester. Dressed to the nines in a suit of snowflake white, he fits in at this high-end Yule Ball as if he hasn’t done anything else in his life. Top of his class and generation, ten years Castiel’s junior, much too skilled for his own good at nigh anything from close combat to subterfuge to extraction, his competition, who is, for some unfathomable reason, flirting with Castiel on the mission.
From Your Secret Santa by ILoveLucey [Teen and up, 26k words]
Dean and Sam have had a tough year. Their dad died, leaving them parentless, and Dean has had to pick up the slack to make sure his little brother is fed, clothed, and has a roof over his head. To say that Dean is not in the Christmas spirit this year is an understatement. That is, until Dean gets a secret Santa who wants nothing more than to make the brothers' Christmas a cheerful one. The mysterious gift-giver apparently plans to do that with twelve days of cheesy poems, dorky activities, and, okay, some actually really nice presents. Dean hates to admit it but before the twelve days of Christmas are over his mood is effectively turned around. The only thing is, he's pretty sure his secret Santa is actually more of a secret admirer. It could be anyone from the Roadhouse trivia teams but there is only one person he wants it to be - his brown-haired, blue-eyed, oh-so-sexy best friend who has been there for him through everything and who he has a major, secret crush on.
Here's to Many More by wincechesters [Explicit, 15k words]
After a blowout at his parents' house on Christmas Eve, Castiel resigns himself to a lonely, miserable holiday. On his way home he finds himself at a dive bar, spilling his life story to the handsome, charming bartender he's just met. It's an unlikely set of circumstances, but when the bartender invites him to come home with him, Castiel says yes—and it looks like he might not be spending his Christmas alone and miserable after all.
I Love New York by followyourenergy [Explicit, 44k words]
When Dean’s brother can’t go on their planned trip to New York City, Dean goes alone. He meets Cas, a man who’s there to “do things differently” and invites Dean to do the same. Through their adventures, Dean expands not only his palate, but his idea of who he is, who he can be…and who he can be with.
Orna-meant to Be by MalMuses [Teen and Up, 5k words]
It's been a long year, but Castiel and his vampire boyfriend Dean have finally reached their first Christmas together. The first of many, if Dean has his way. A fluffy holiday timestamp in the Bat Dean 'Verse.
Snowy Blue by Kitmistry [Teen and Up, 3k words]
On the brink of a new year, Dean runs into an old friend.
The Prince Switch by teacass (Fushigi) [Teen and up, 12k words]
Castiel couldn’t see much in the dark, but there was a silhouette of a tall person standing in the room opposite of his. Judging from the depth of the voice, it must have been Dean Winchester, Jimmy’s best friend, sous chef, and co-owner of the bakery. “Hello, Dean,” Castiel whispered. Even he heard it sounded way too official and too much like his princely self, so he quickly corrected. “I mean, hi. It’s just me. Go back to sleep.” “What are you doing up?” Dean asked. Oh, it’s nothing. I just snuck out of the palace in the middle of the night to switch places with your best friend, Castiel thought. “I couldn’t sleep,” Castiel said out loud. “Too excited about the whole competition thing.”
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melanatedeuph0ria · 3 months
my initial thoughts on the bear s3 (having only gotten to ep 5)
im not even mad ab the whole sydcarmy breakdown in s3 rn I’m just like disappointed because what the fuck man
I’m only on ep 5 and I’m not gonna lie to y’all if this was as good and actually interesting as season 2 I’d be eating it up and binging that shit as much as I did last year. Well now I rlly can’t because I just HAD to rewatch the show w my parents so now that means I have to wait until they’re in the mood to watch it to watch it with them so I don’t feel like I’m betraying them for watching episodes on my own (mostly my mom tbh) but like ts is NOT speaking to me man
like I NEVER use “man” at the end of my sentences like that only when I’m actually exasperated and fucking tired of the shit something or somebody is pulling
Like what happened man 😕
It was legitimately going so so so SO WELL IN SEASON TWO
but then this WHITE MAN has the nerve to treat her like GARBAGE
okay main points:
* syd deserves better
* syd needs to stop being a lil mean to her dad idk I might be soft but like (it HAD to be said cs why r u being so rude to him for having genuine concerns about this murky ass apartment u finna dig into yo pockets to pay for?? ALSO this sussy ass partnership w this man liiiiiioke…)
* they seemed to care more ab carmys failing and anticlimactic relationship with claire than marcus’s late mother (ALSO I couldn’t help but notice SYDNEY was the only one, THE ONLY ONE who came to support this man as they were cleaning his mom’s hospice equipment out of his house…LIKE YALL HAVE NOTHING TO DO COME HELP??? like okay they came to his funeral which I appreciate y’know but still that part irks me)
* ts feels like filler at its finest somebody already said that but I felt like it had to be restated, like if CLAIRE YO
* okay I’m done thank y’all for listening
* also I’m writing this on my notes app so I just copied it over
*ok bye y’all ty for listening !!! :3
UPDATE: I just read a few posts on here giving different perspectives and now I feel like I might’ve missed some stuff 😭
like maybe this is just setting it up to LOOK LIKE syd and carmy aren’t ever happening just to make season 4 and have them
idk how to even end that sentence
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russellinatussle · 11 months
Survive a Zombie Apocalypse w/ F1 Teams
Would you survive a zombie apocalypse with your favourite team? Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and just my opinion
(The team logos represent you so if it's coloured, you're alive and if it's in black and white...sorry dude)
Aston Martin
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Listen, I know you're confident you'd survive. I'd be confident too. Unfortunately you(we) couldn't be more than wrong. This is a one for all, all for none situation. If they can save their own butts they will. If its at the cost of you, well, you shouldn't have chosen them to begin with. Fernando isn't that mean though so if you do manage to fall into a trap, he'd leave you a little note reading, "Enjoy getting eaten by zombies!;D" as a goodbye as he and Lance disappears off into the distance. Great!!!
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I don't think you'd survive. Daniel and Yuki have watched their fair share of survival movies but when it comes to actually surviving in the middle of an apocalypse? Yea, no. Even if you managed to survive 99% of your journey, bad luck will definitely hit you during that last 1%. On the other hand, you could be extremely, EXTREMELY lucky and survive but this has a 0.82929292% chance. But hey, it's not 0.
Alfa Romeo
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Yes, you'd survive. You have two of the chillest people on the grid with you. With a level head, you'd manage to escape with minimal contact with zombies. Valterri is the team leader here and has quite a lot of knowledge on survival in the wild and you and Guanyu are willing team players so you guys would definitely survive. Don't think Guanyu doesn't bring anything to the table though. With his fashion expertise, he'd manage to blend you guys in with the zombies. Instant survival. (Let's just ignore that zombies might smell your scent and just pretend that they're partially blind and have anosmia)
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You'd survive, given that the two of them are able to work together. I feel like Pierre and Esteban would be afraid to fight the zombies but if you do encounter them, they'd somehow manage to take down most of them. They're squeamish though so if any zombie guts get on them, they're gagging and trying not to throw their own guts up. They don't really have the foundation of basic survival skills tho. Fighting they can do but making a fire, cooking and foraging? Not so good at so be sure to be proficient in these areas or else you might poison yourselves accidentally.
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You'd survive but George and Lewis will not. It's mostly because they didn't believe the apocalypse was real until it was too late. During the few days of the apocalypse they were still alive though, Lewis had endless optimism that kept your spirits high and George's dank humour kept you entertained. Wish he actually listened to your advice of wearing a damn shirt in the middle of an apocalypse but eh. But don't worry, after the Brits meet their unfortunate demise, you won't be alone. You'd have Roscoe and the password to Mercedes' TikTok account so it's not all bad. (It is)
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No, you will not survive. With no decent strategy and non-reliable equipment, the zombies unfortunately get to you before you can even say Ferrari double podium. You won't die immediately per say. You'd manage to hold your own for the first couple of days but when almost all your equipment starts breaking apart or stops working, the end seems to be in sight. Charles has no self-preservation skills and Carlos is in his own head most of the time. If they were given the right tools, they would definitely survive the apocalypse. But you know how it is rn... You actually do quite well defending yourselves from zombies, probably all that built up Ferrari frustration. However, if you make an alliance with another team, you'd have a higher chance at survival. If the apocalypse were to be in a few years time though, maybe you'd have a higher chance at survival
Red Bull
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You and Max would survive. For some reason, you lost Checo in the middle of a zombie chase. He's not dead, you just have no idea where he is now. Max would definitely know his way around surviving an apocalypse because he's literally the Google embodiment, random facts just stewing in his brain.
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Might be unexpected (or expected), but you'd survive. They have decent survival skills, not the best but decent. Logan can hunt (cause yk Logan HUNTER Sargeant?? Cmon now), with his obvious love for fishing and Alex definitely has a route planned to escape the zombies. They're not skilled scouts but they have the most basic of basic knowledge of survival so yea you'd survive. One thing you didn't see coming was the number of animals you'd adopt on the journey.
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Yea you'd survive. They're definitely one of the most resourceful, making weapons out of things they randomly find but you do have some close calls due to them maybe disagreeing on certain issues. They both have basic survival skills, Kevin more than Nico so if you have no choice but to camp out in the woods, you're not doomed. In conclusion, as long as you're willing to be the peacemaker most of the time, you'll be fine.
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You survive but barely. You have good strategies but your survival skills are 1 to none. Need to make a fire? Where's the lighter? Need food but only fish is available? Yea, no way. Encounter zombies? Defence is the new offence. You try your best to avoid zombies at all costs but if it's inevitable (which it will be), you'll try an alternative way that doesn't involve hand-to-hand combat with the undead. BUT, if you really have no other choice then to fight zombies, Lando and Oscar would be pretty decent in it. Lando's chosen weapon would be a gold club while Oscar's would be a cricket bat. It's kind of therapeutic actually, just smashing zombies left and right.
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tragedycoded · 1 month
One (1) nervous collapse later, I've decided The Thing To Do is abandon fic.
It's difficult for me to discuss Neil and Khalid as characters for several reasons, mostly bc they've been in flux for several chapters. I can't definitely say "Neil was born here and has this set of skills and knows Khalid from this chapter" because things keep changing.
Which, like... that's part of writing. Shit changes. This "publish chapters on the internet before the entire fic is done" thing is new and not super exciting to me. I think the play here is to start fresh and start publishing once the entire fic is written.
The story that keeps getting buried is "Operative from an agency meant to keep citizens unaware of supernatural occurrences becomes friends with a mad scientist, who happens to be performing an immoral reproductive experiment using his own body."
And I want to be able to talk about Neil and Khalid as characters in their own story, not as NPCs who are fighting for autonomy against an increasingly unhinged/unknowable Storyteller.
IDK that's not a bad idea for a fic but it's not what this is.
So what I want to do is:
Strip out the White Wolf components. No more TTRPG framing or Storyteller fucking with them. Neil said "Fuck all that."
Start them in the timeline Khalid "created" in Part 2. Khalid's childhood remains largely unchanged.
Paradox will have to be rewritten as "Dr. Abandonato is doing Weird Science that alters reality" and that's why Neil's agency finds out about him to begin with.
Like maybe it's more of a Delta Green than a Technocratic Union situation.
I'll keep the Red String of Fate, because I think it's funny. If the lulz aren't a reason, what is~
I... yeah. There's going to be mpreg.
I don't have to show Neil being indoctrinated/brainwashed bc that will have already happened. He's been with the agency for six months and he's assigned to surveillance detail and I go from there.
Fun, Jamie! That's why you write, remember? FUn!
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thatgordongirl · 1 year
BBC Ghosts Season 2 : Life references
After months of putting it off, Season 2 is finally finished!
Episode 1 - The Grey Lady
Captain’s “For King and Country” is in reference to George VI
Thomas references Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare 
Julian plays ping pong and says it takes him back to the David Lloyd in Chelsea 
Julian spoils the World Cup quarterfinals for Pat, implying he watched it when alive 
Mary was mostly illiterate
A 14th century grindstone is found in the cellar 
Captain unsurprisingly mentions the war again
Julian thinks he can do an impression of Nelson Mandela 
Thomas does an impression of an earl, but I couldn’t find anything on them so please excuse my lack of British know how 
Fanny appears in photos 
Julian didn’t believe in ghosts when he was alive 
Pat lists his skills in life: knot-tying, tent-pitching, archery 
Julian references Newsnight 
Fanny has been to a sideshow 
I’m assuming Pat and Julian are referencing Bruce Forsyth, which Julian has before 
Not a life thing, but I find it interesting that both Robin and Captain have said ghosts can’t feel the cold, only for Captain to question it 
Side note: Thomas’ cheese commercial made me hungry
Fanny’s dress is made of silk 
I like to think Captain talking to Dante’s taxidermy means he likes dogs
Pat likes pop quizzes
Captain likes running, a no brainer 
Captain remarks that he’s in his prime and that’s he’s still got it, implying that he at least believed he was in good health when alive 
Episode 2 - About Last Night 
Mick the plague ghost comes back the village they’ll eventually die in
Mick claims to have had an orange, have seen a bear kill a man, and met the king and went fishing 
He brought salt and clothes for the other plague ghosts, which led to their deaths 
Side note: Mick coughing up the blood was so scary to me, dying from a sickness 
Thomas may be able to cook, since he says he wished he could make Alison breakfast - lamb’s kidney and onion- before being cut off. I wonder if Thomas learned or liked to cook 
Thomas acknowledges he wasn’t formally invited to the party, a custom he’s used to
None of the surrounding villages were struck with plague 
Captain asks to watch a war documentary while Pat wants to watch football 
Julian believed that you should drink more alcohol when hung over
Mary offers a remedy: mushrooms soaked in goats milk and vinegar till it’s warm 
Pat says that cola is good for a hang over 
Side note again: Thomas is really sweet when he informs Alison of Dante’s disappearance, or the multiple times he’s wished to help her with things like cooking and cleaning. We love a helpful king 
Fanny loved Dante like her own child according to Thomas, and she once told Julian she loved Dante more anything else in the world. If she did have kids, I wonder if the relationship was strained. Also, it’s such a notable fact that everyone knows it, including ghosts that weren’t around for Fanny’s life
I know he’s easily coerced into not doing it, but the fact that Captain wanted to tell Fanny immediately that Dante was missing is very sweet 
Julian has extensive experience in public inquiries, specifically being the one getting asked the questions
Julian describes how it make an alcoholic drink to Alison 
Kitty’s heard white wine helps with stains
Fanny is not fond of mice
Mary thinks Veronica, Clive and Annie are nice names. I won’t include Daniel because it was her having a close call with Daniel 
Dante used to like sitting by the fire 
Episode 3 - Redding Weddy
Captain’s soldiers at Button House were apparently prone to giggling and horseplay 
Introduction of Captain’s Lieutenant, Havers 
We see Captain being informed that France has surrendered, which occurred in June 1940 
Captain requested a service revolver
Lieutenant Havers had an emergency lockdown initiated shortly after 
Havers informs Captain he wants to be involved in fighting, and has put in a transfer for the North Africa front 
Pat is, unsurprisingly, well versed in activity badges, and everyone else can recite them 
Robin knows how to skin a mammoth 
Julian, my dear, you are way off. It took Mary more than 300 years to talk about the witch trial if she did indeed die in the 1610s 
Pat likes Top Gun 
Julian references Chariots of Fire from 1981, Mississippi Burning from 1988 and The Towering Inferno from 1974
Little reference to the next episode when Thomas says he would show Julian his glove if he had one. Also, the wedding guy says the backyard looks like a bomb site, when it literally is one. Stuff like that make the show so much cooler
Julian used to do boxing for Cambridge 
Pat says s'il vous plaît
Fanny and Kitty read Lady Chatterley’s Lover by D. H. Lawrence 
Julian references the Suez crisis
Thomas references Jack and the Beanstalk
Pat calls the laptop the computer that folds
Pat was with Carol at her parents’ house when the moon landing happened, eating fish and chips and trying a jumbo battered sausage for the first time
Julian was a student at Cambridge when the moon landing happened and having his first threesome 
Captain claims that his dog Barry is buried where the bomb is, which is obviously untrue, but he also says that where they buried their pets, plural. I like to think Cap’s soldiers had a few dogs about
Captain has a letter with William written on it, which he tucks into his clothes. Captain says he was just thinking about Havers, which would later link to how they both knew about operation William 
Havers gets a new service revolver 
Captain has poster in his office about men wanted in the army, and also a wall full of books
Captain and his soldiers played cricket 
Julian references 9 1/2 weeks, a 1986 erotic movie 
Thomas always chooses pistol
Julian sold 50 crates of AK-47 assault rifles to the Libyans in 1983 to pay for his orangery 
Julian uses a grenade and a flamethrower on Thomas, I don’t know if his “I’m melting” line is meant to reference the Wizard of Oz or not
The statue outside, Florence, was one of Kitty’s best friends 
Kitty’s sister would pretend to not be able to find her when playing hide and seek
Kitty once hid for a whole day and night, and got so hungry she had to eat a bit of her purse 
I mean it’s just meant to look funny and be a reference but Julian can canonically spin a ball on one finger 
Nobody has ever found Kitty during hide and seek 
Nice canon Cap in a coat, love a bit of that
He also smokes, or at least fiddles the occasional pipe
Oh and he threw that envelope into the hole with the bomb
Captain buried a prototype limpet mine, which was so secret only he and Havers knew about it, along with the blueprints 
Captain talks bomb mechanics with Robin, the cutest thing I’ve ever seen
Pat knows about 2001: A Space Odyssey 
Robin thinks the earth is flat 
There’s a bit of speculation here: I can’t actually say with absolute certainty that Captain really saw Havers go. Maybe it’s wishful thinking that Havers would turn back and salute one last time, maybe it did happen, maybe it didn’t 
Episode 4 - The Thomas Thorne Affair
Robin would wear a space suit, Mary a seashell dress, Tom double denim with aviators, Julian misses pants, Pat’s wearing his lovely gist, Kitty wears the same as Alison, and Captain would wear his uniform 
Julian is unsurprisingly well versed in political tactics like the spin 
Captain identifies a musket ball
It’s the one that made Thomas very dead
This is another thing I’m uncertain about: whether Thomas feels pain or just does it for dramatic affect 
Quick side note before sad Thomas lore, I think I forgot to mention last time that Julian mentioned Great Expectations 
Thomas died October 10th, 1824
Thomas came to Button House when it was owned by the Highams’, Thomas and Francis were invited
They can both ride horses
Thomas had stated the house was pleasant to look at, but he wouldn’t want to live there (rippppp)
Thomas was in love with Isabelle Higham 
Thomas wrote a poem called Hermione and Roger and recited in front of everyone ( turns out he always sucked, but his poetry didn’t really sound that bad to me in this episode ) 
Isabelle played the harpsichord 
I always wonder during this episode how Thomas remembers his death so wrongly, whether he’s lying about it or simply so horrified he forgot I don’t know 
Even so, I think Thomas genuinely was in love and didn’t misinterpret as much before Isabelle
Thomas challenged some guy to a duel, we love a gun brandishing king 
Francis is a bitch- anyway back to Thomas
Thomas went twenty paces instead of ten, should’ve listened to ten duel commandments Thomas
The first animation with the spinning paper thing was shown
Monster munch, no words
Julian with his bloody playboy magazine, I’m not surprised 
First mention of Annie, Mary’s bestie
Humphrey is such a lovely soul, learning to admire the little things like shoes 
Okay wait, Alison says “you’ve literally got forever” which parallels Captain’s “we’ve got forever” 
Thomas shot a bird and apologised before he died 
Isabelle never came to see Thomas before he passed, he was left alone to die
Julian cried at Thomas’ death 
Francis rigged the whole thing to trick Thomas and Isabelle in order to get Higham House
Francis and Isabelle’s son was George’s grandfather 
Everyone is related through Robin and his sister 
Poor Tom, you stay how you die and that letter isn’t going anywhere 
Episode 5 - Bump in the Night 
Cap likes to count with Humphrey’s hands 
Captain tells Alison of life from the knees “Trust me, you don’t want a hernia” either he had one or knew someone who did
Humphrey knows that hedgehogs will leave flees in the rug 
Also Captain and Humphrey’s exchange “Pick me up at six. Literally” “Very good” is so cute 
Fanny references oyster forks
She assumes they’re eating oysters at the wedding 
Julian sings “I’ll make love to you” by Boyz II Men
Humphrey on guard is cute 
Captain does his own little vocalisation of what I’m assuming is a long way to Tipperary 
Kitty assumes the intruders are there for a masked ball 
Julian references the Bramptons and assumes it’s insurance fraud 
Captain knows it’s a burglary 
Pat tries to put them under a citizens arrest, so cute 
Pat references Borstal 
Alison taught Kitty acronyms - Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain 
Captain calls the police the constabulary 
“Burglary in process”
Captain - “why is no one ever alive when you need them?” Very telling, Cap
Julian gets worried Margaret Thatcher is dead. Too late Julian 
Fanny admires the brushwork of her portrait
Cap and Pat watched Star Wars 
Julian worries about getting RSI 
Pat, Cap and Julian know Morse code 
Julian lobbied against an animal welfare bill 
Robin always gets excited by fire 
Captain says he could have Robin shot off desertion, scaring Thomas 
Alison meets a ghost who died hitchhiking. I find that to be an interesting concept, as the ghost is more based on the archetype. Makes me think about if Robin’s ability or character was created first
Robin howls for the dogs
Uh, Pat talks about drugs going in unsavoury places 
Fanny would make a good criminal 
Captain says he fought in an actual battle, it’s difficult to hear but it’s there
Julian loves a good sauna 
Episode 6 - Perfect Day
Mary believes that bad weather means bad tidings for the wedding
Fanny believes marriages should be at churches 
Pat’s wedding day was the best day of his life, Carol wore velvet and he wore a brown three piece 
Julian was drunk on his wedding day 
Fanny’s wedding day was at Winchester Cathedral and she was given away by the Marquis of Granby 
Robin had at least thirty children
Kitty can throw up, and had food in her stomach when she died
Robin says that’s never happened before
Captain is very good at decorating, no surprise
Pat recognises the kid who killed him 
Mary and her wedding superstitious 
Both Pat and Julian talk about Dennis Waterman
Robin and Julian talk about Mick Hucknall
Kitty’s dress is burgundy 
Captain has great fashion sense
Thomas references Whitechapel 
You know, Thomas’ explanation of how Clare looked was pretty accurate, he’s quite aware of emotions
Fanny stops in front of George’s portrait, just an interesting detail 
Fanny had high expectations placed on her since she was a child 
Alison and Mike got married young 
Alison had second thoughts on their wedding day
Mary had a husband, who was crushed underneath a plough three years after their marriage 
The man Pat recognises is Keith Darren Dean 
First time hearing about Humphrey’s marriage: it was arranged, they were both from noble families, he was fourteen she was twelve 
They didn’t love each other, and Humphrey believed she didn’t like him, they couldn’t understand each other because she was French 
Course later we find out she thought highly of him
Keith has guilt that has lasted decades, that sounds so painful 
Fanny and Thomas exchange a look when she finally comes around to the wedding, it’s just so sweet I had to mention it
Keith remembers the knot tying Pat taught him
Episode 7 - The Ghost of Christmas
Julian is giving a speech for a bill at the start of the episode, referencing saying goodbye to Margot the day before 
He refers to her as ‘this woman from my wedding’ and implies he’s about to sleep with another woman by the end of the scene
Nickname count: Dearest, darling and dear
The baby, Rachel, is heard crying on the phone
Margot asks when Julian is coming home, so he lies to her and says he won’t be back for days
Pat loves Christmas cooking, such a dear
Captain wishes he had a whiteboard
Julian points out the humbugs, and says he hates Christmas 
Captain misses hearing the King’s speech on Christmas
Pat liked playing games with his nephew and his son, Daley
Games like Buckaroo, Boggle, Yahtzee and KerPlunk 
Thomas misses the mistletoe, implying he’s been kissed before
Kitty used to open presents in the morning and then after lunch Eleanor would pick the ones she wanted
Mary says that some babies can see ghosts until they start walking 
Julian is in the warmest room in the house due to his legs
Julian was in Brussels once at a strip club,  but he tells Margot he’s at a restaurant eating moules-frites and drinking a Sancerre 
Margot seems at least skeptical of him
This is one of the Christmases he misses, the last four of his life that involve Rachel 
Julian references the European Union
Fanny convinced Alison to follow the tradition of chopping a tree down and bringing it on for Christmas
Fanny planted at least fifty saplings in her time
It’s kind of funny that Julian is horrified by Mary getting naked
Thomas’ Christmas recital thing wasn’t that bad 
From inference, it’s implied that Julian believes Margot wanted the baby, and that he had it thrust upon him
And if “I know, darling, I know” represents Margot, and Julian thinks that’s a reaction she would have, damn is that sad
She’s practically taking the blame for his misery
Julian would go for a drive if the baby got too irritating to him 
It appears that out of the four Christmases away from Rachel,  one was to do oil deals, one was to be in Brussels, one at Colonel Gaddafi’s palace, and possibly another in Brussels 
Pat loves Twister
Thomas and Cap have physical discipline 
Pat would go to the shed to drink a Watney’s 
Julian being considerate of Angela sleeping is either a new development, or something he was never pushed to do in life
The PC brigade may have interrogated Julian
Fanny seems to hold her Christmases in a high regard, despite George. Maybe it wasn’t always bad
Julian has kissed the wrong people under the mistletoe 
Alison plays In the Bleak Midwinter on the piano 
Rachel Fawcett is an MP for the Green Party, she’s a Major Leader of it 
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nova-lightz · 1 year
Cherry Magic & Colour Symbolism
I swear there was a post about this that I reblogged, but for some reason, I can't find it anymore??? So, I'm going to make my own post inspired by the original while also adding some of my own thoughts.
Adachi is usually surrounded by yellow/warm colors when in environments he's most comfortable in; for example, his room!
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Once Kurosawa starts to influence Adachi's life, he becomes enveloped by cool colours, mostly blue. Either that or warm and cool colours appear on/near Adachi in tandem, like the scarf Kurosawa lent to him. It's blue and white (cool) and also has a bright red stripe (warm). There's also the completely blue pajama set Kurosawa gave Adachi when he slept over at Kurosawa's apartment. At that point, Adachi was fully immersed in Kurosawa's presence.
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Here's an instance where we see how the colour symbolism is used to convey the state of Adachi's and Kurosawa's relationship. I find this shot really interesting because the warm wood of the front door and cabinets perfectly block in Adachi on the right while the left side of the shot is made up of blue and white, which blocks in Kurosawa. While the two guys are distanced equally apart from each other by the dining table, the narrow space of warm colours on the right is overpowered by the wide space of cool colours on the left. The background reflects how Adachi is feeling during episode 2, overwhelmed by Kurosawa's affection.
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In the movie we pretty much see the exact opposite happen once Kurosawa moves into Adachi's apartment! Kurosawa's blue bed has now replaced Adachi's and there are various blue objects scattered around the living room. They all work together visually signaling to the viewer "Kurosawa is sharing this space now". Adachi's signature yellow motif is still the most prominent though, cause the apartment was originally just his.
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In this shot, unlike the one in Kurosawa's dining room during episode 2, we see a pretty much equal distribution of yellow and blue! Adachi is in his very-much yellow half of the shot while Kurosawa resides in the kitchen which has a very blue tint to it, while this shot makes thematic sense (it is showing how Adachi's and Kurosawa's relationship is finally balanced) it also works to reinforce characterization. What I'm saying is, of course, the blue space that represents Kurosawa is Adachi's kitchen, KUROSAWA LOVES TO COOK!!! IT MAKES SO MUCH SENSE!!!
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Now, I can point out and analyze colour theory in Cherry Magic screenshots all fucking day, but I actually have a question I want to pose to people because even I don't know what would be the best fitting answer. The thing that has got me stumped is, in the context of a sun/moon dynamic, who would be the sun and who would be the moon in this relationship? I wanna draw fanart based on the sun/moon trope and I dunno what to do.
Is Adachi the sun because he's literally represented by yellow/warm colours or is he the moon because the moon is associated with shyness, going with the flow, and being "the supportive one". Is Kurosawa the moon because he's literally represented by blue/cool colours or is he the sun because the sun is associated with charisma, leadership skills, and liveliness?
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Kurosawa's also described by Adachi as "blinding" multiple times, so that makes him sound like he has sun energy, BUT HE'S FUCKING ASSOCIATED WITH BLUE ALL THE TIME, AND BLUE IS A NIGHTTIME COLOUR!!! I DUNNO WHAT TO PICK!!! HELP!!! SOMEONE, HELP ME PLEASE, I JUST WANNA MAKE CUTE FANART!!! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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ragsy · 2 months
Heeheehoohoo what if I said you should do the whole thing for dogmark now
scoundrel. SCOUNDREL.
are they associated with a certain color? what color do they wear the most?
Muted, grayish blues; midtone grays; blood red.
what sort of music would they like? have you thought about what genres or bands do they lean towards? do they have a favorite song?
He never really grew a music taste of his very own, most of his music listening is either a) the radio (so… whatever the hell anyone broadcasts on the radio anymore) or b) the music of whoever he's spending time with. He's more partial to a rock sound palette than anything else, but if someone decides to put on folk or pop or nightcore he's not going to complain
weapon of choice? any particular reason they chose their weapon?
Teeth and claws. He hates that he has to use them, but they have saved his life on multiple occasions. Also, recently, he's been coming around to enjoying using them.
The rest under the cut 👇
how crafty/resourceful are they?
More than fairly! He has a solid foundation of camping/survival skills, and he liked to tinker a lot when he had the means to do so. Nothing super ambitious, but he can fix a leaky faucet or replace a headlight bulb for you.
how do they typically dress? does their wardrobe lean more towards practicality or aesthetics?
Outdoorsy and practical. Layers. Cotton tees, flannel shirts, denim jacket, jeans or canvas cargo pants, beanies. Almost all of his clothes are thrifted and/or a little threadbare, but he doesn't have a lot of money and he has even less space to store more than what he needs, so it is what it is.
He's mostly given up on owning a decent pair of shoes because whatever he buys, no matter how well they fit him, will just fall right off when he shifts into dog mode, and then he either has to carry them until he puts on human mode again, or he has to just leave them.
how do they wear their hair? do they care a lot how their hair looks?
Short and a little messy, but he rotates between that and way overgrown on a roughly one-year cycle. He doesn't take very good care of it when it's long, so it gets full of tangles and snarls that mean it just needs to be cut short again and start over.
favorite animal? why?
before his curse, he was really fond of dogs, but now, in his dogman world, he hates admitting that fact. "God, yeah, what the fuck am I supposed to say? I'm a dog person? Fuck. Christ. Yeah. I fucking am. Goddammit."
do they have a nickname? who gave it to them? if it's not derived from their real name, what's the story behind it?
Mark is technically a nickname since his full name is Marcus, but a lot of people just call him Dogmark. Or Dogboy. Or Paw Patrol. He prefers to be called Mark. (but if you want to see him audibly gag, call him Mr. Heckin' Pupper out loud)
favorite food? least favorite? are they a picky eater? do they have any dietary restrictions?
His curse changed his taste palette significantly; the only things he can really stomach anymore are meat and bones. Doesn't have to be raw, he can do cooked! And it's not like he can't eat anything else, it just makes him feel like garbage afterwards. And it's not like he ate a lot of vegetables before his curse, but like, it's the principle of the matter, you know? Anyway, he's broke as hell and roadkill is free as long as no one sees him dragging it away, so,
if they wear jewelry, what kind? do they prefer silver or gold? do they have a favorite gem?
Never been a jewelry wearer! He was raised in a household that really valued traditional white masculinity, and even once he'd left that environment, he was never really interested in wearing anything shiny. gold would look good on him though.
what do they have in common with you? how are they different? would you get along with them?
he's way more like me that i am comfortable admitting, lmao. he's kinda like. if i had no introspective skills, no support network, and was just generally way more anxious/depressed. i don't think we would get along; we would get frustrated with each other VERY quickly
how long have they been around? do you know their birthday? is their birthday the day you made them or another day? what do they think of celebrating birthdays?
i have had him as a character for an OBSCENELY long time, lmao. my earliest drawing of him (or at least. recognizably as him) dates back to 2009, but i was roleplaying him through at least 2008, or maybe even 2007.
i've always pictured him as having a mid-to-late December birthday, but beyond that, i dunno. not sure on the year either, he's kinda perpetually in his late 20s/early 30s, no matter what iteration i'm on with him. he's neutral on birthdays; there's never anything in particular that he wants to do for his birthday, but if someone wants to treat him, he won't say no.
what languages do they speak? how fluently?
fluent in english and can understand dog body language, but as he's only half dog, he can't perform the dog body language very well (two legs, no tail, extremely self conscious). they can't undersand his fucking accent
are they any good with numbers?
terrible with them. absolutely dogshit. might be dyscalculic.
how big or small is their family? who did they live with growing up? do they live with anyone now?
medium sized, i'd say. he grew up with his mom, dad, and older brother. he had a couple aunts and uncles on each side, with a medium handful of cousins that he sorta knew, and a further extended family that he maybe met once or twice at the odd family reunion, wedding, or funeral. "right now" is kinda vague canon-wise, but in the motw verse i'm using him in at the moment, he lives alone in a busted up camper fairly close to the taxidermy shop where he works. he's never too far from friends there, though.
do they have any pets? what do they call their pets?
he has no formal pets right now, but there's a stray cat that wanders by the camper every once in awhile who he'll feed meat scraps to. he's given it a name, but it's a dorky anime reference that if anyone found out he would die on the spot.
how did they spend their summers/free time as a child?
he went camping a lot! he grew up in the suburbs, but he really really really loved being outdoors. all well and good, until one of his uncles decided what he REALLY needed was to go hunting. let's hand this scrawny, anxious twelve year old a rifle, he said. that can only go well, he said--
their opinion on lying, stealing, and killing?
lying and stealing? they happen. sucks that they have to, but they do. killing? he will avoid that question like his life depends on it.
are they quick to anger? what sets them off?
he's nearly always a single straw away from total emotional overwhelm, and sometimes anger is what comes out. shivering, seething, tooth-baring anger that can easily erupt into rage if left unchecked. it's one of the things he hates the most about himself.
if applicable, can they drive? if they have their own, what color is their vehicle? is the inside neat and tidy, or a mess?
he's actually a pretty sharp driver; one of those people that just inexplicably have really good awareness of exactly where the edges of the car are at all times. you should see him parallel park sometime.
he used to own a car before he lost everything to his ex; he doesn't miss that car very much though, it was a piece of a shit. a desert mica 1999 honda civic with a broken tape deck and a door handle that fell off every time he locked it. the inside was usually strewn with junk mail and receipts, but otherwise pretty clean.
their favorite place to be?
ideally? surrounded by friends, being held by a lover. right now? by a campfire, listening to the crickets.
do they sleep well at night?
absolutely not. he's a light sleeper, and he's often kept up with racing thoughts and bad dreams. pre-curse, he was absolutely that roommate who you would find at 2am sitting in the dark eating a bowl of cereal to calm his nerves.
how would you describe their voice? can they sing?
his voice is actually somewhat soft and flat, but he stops and starts a LOT and uses a TON of filler words. he's never quite sure of or confident in what he's saying.
i think he would have a very pretty singing voice if he trained it a little bit, but he is WAY too scared of being seen singing. though, he's been known to hum softly to himself when working with his hands.
do they have any creative hobbies? (art, writing, music, etc)
he took piano lessons when he was younger, which he mostly regrets giving up on. beyond that, he's never really been a creative type! he's more drawn towards practical skills like fixing things and surviving.
how good/bad is their hearing? what about their eyesight?
his hearing is GREAT now that he has dog ears, and it drives him fucking nuts. all these higher frequencies he used to be blissfully unaware of that now he has to hear all the fucking time from every piece of human-made equipment ever. his eyesight is okay; it kinda sucks in human mode, but he's been a glasses wearer for most of his life. it's good enough in dog mode that he doesn't need the glasses, but dog mode gives him the gift of dog levels of colorblindness instead. sort of a decent trade off.
how do they move? are they clumsy? light on their feet? do they use mobility aids?
he moves like a deer that's being stalked by predators. sure-footed and tense, ready to sprint away and crash face first into a fence post at a moment's notice.
if applicable, do they have a favorite sport? do they play any sports or prefer to watch?
a youth spent pretending to enjoy the baseball and hockey games his dad dragged him to has left him completely unable to even consider sports as an enjoyable pastime for literally anyone. sometimes, though, he fantasizes about beating an olympic sprinter in a foot race when he runs on all fours in dog mode.
how do they show that they care about someone? how do they express that they don't like someone?
he's not really sure how to show that he cares about someone. the best he can do is show that he trusts them, which is letting himself be vulnerable around them. if he falls asleep on your couch, you know he really really likes you. if he dislikes someone, he'll pretty just flat block them out. blunt, one-word responses, no engagement, as little acknowledgement as he can manage. this can be bypassed if he doesn't like them AND he's scared of them though, because his fawn response will kick in instead.
are they associated with any particular element (air, earth, fire, water)?
earth. a footprint in the mud, a rocky overlook, campfire embers smothered with dirt.
do they smell like anything notable?
pine needles, wood smoke, bug spray, sweat, and a distinct undertone of wet dog.
do they like receiving gifts? giving gifts? what is their ideal gift?
he hates receiving physical gifts, he does NOT know what to do or how to respond. if someone wants to give him something, the best way to go about doing it is either leaving it at his doorstep and hiding in the bushes OR handing it to him, saying "here, thought you might find this useful" and then walking away without another word.
his ideal gift would be something he currently needs or uses, but like. a nicer version of it. a jacket without holes, a multitool, a sturdier backpack. giving gifts is a little harder-- he gets stressed out about whether or not the person receiving it will even like it after he put so much time/effort/money into acquiring it. he'd much rather just do them a favor.
do they have any habits that aren't particularly self-destructive, just maybe odd?
he's generally very fidgety, always readjusting his posture or wringing his hands or rubbing his arms. most of his shirts have a hole on the sleeve in the exact same spot where he picks at the fabric with his nails.
if applicable, how would your other characters describe them? i mean specifically the people around them.
Kenny: "You know, I don't really know! He seems like a fairly private person, I hate to pry. I caught him laughing at one of my jokes once and when he noticed, he blushed so hard I thought he was asphyxiating!"
Sloane: "He's kind of a dumbass. Don't ever let him fire a gun."
how would your character describe themselves? it doesn't have to line up with how they really are.
"God. Fuck, I don't know, can you-… um. Can you ask someone else?"
do they ever return home?
no, but he doesn't particularly want to. maybe his brother would understand what's going on with him, but his parents would only ask the wrong questions.
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lolipoptheclown · 10 months
Random info about Castor cause I'm bored and I'm still working on his backstory (procrastinating moment)
Quick doodles to get your attention
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Okay here is the actual info:
So if you haven't seen his reference pictures and it wasn't obvious already Castor is not human. Haven't really decided what he actually is, I guess he's just like his own species or something.
He genuinely tries to be nice but he kinda freaks people out. Stopped trying to make friends a while ago (except Bob). Now he scares campers in the woods for shits and giggles.
There are a few features about him that make it obvious that he's not human. He has an abnormal amount of teeth, his smile is unnaturally wide, his eyes are permanently stuck with a crazy look, etc. He can also dilate his eyes to see better in the dark, like a cat.
And one more thing, the most obvious, the fact that he can literally change his physical appearance. Almost forgot to mention that. He can grow fangs and claws, as well as becoming a few feet taller. His eyes also turn black, and his pupils give off a dim white glow.
Sometimes he changes unwillingly though. If he is under too much stress (he's always under stress but like if it gets worse yk) he might change on accident. When it's caused by stress, he will act like he's possessed or something, and um:
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(thanks to my friend for editing that paragraph to sound better:3)
Cringe culture is dead, he can be as edgy as he wants
A n y w a y s
Castor, like I said, is under constant stress. Never able to be completely calm, even while he's asleep. He has frequent nightmares, which usually causes the stress-transformation to happen. He is only able to calm down slightly when he is with Bob, his best friend. But he is still on edge even then.
Castor cares a lot about Skid and Pump, who are the only people to never show him fear. I have mentioned this in posts about him before, but Bob would probably have died by Castor's hands, instead of the car and gun, if he found out he tried to hurt them.
Castor has seen my oc Helen before, but he is a bit afraid of her. He tried to scare her by grabbing her shoulders from behind, but pulled away instantly from how cold she was. She then 'disappeared' to escape Castor, leaving him in shock as he tried to process what just happened.
He wants to be friends with my ocs Michelle and Carolynn, but he has god awful social skills. They don't even know who he is.
I have mentioned this before, but randomly throughout the day Castor will just start sobbing uncontrollably. He will never admit why, but it's because he started thinking about the people he accidentally killed. Bob attempts to comfort him, but assumes he's doing a bad job. Castor is just happy that he's there, though, which calms him down.
Castor cannot cook for the life of him. A good example of his cooking skills is that one "SANS HOW THE FUCK DID YOU BURN THE WATER??" thing.
He will bite people that touch him when he's stressed to a certain point, like right below the line before he accidentally changes. He doesn't mean to, it's just a natural reaction for him. When he accidentally hurts people, it makes the stress worse, which isn't very good.
He smiles a lot, despite being constantly scared for no reason. It's mostly because he tends to copy the people around him, and Bob and Carolynn smile a lot too.
Insomnia. That's all I have to say for this part.
Doesn't know that Michelle and Carolynn hate Bob.
I'm running out of things to talk about, so goodbye. Thanks for reading this if you actually reached the end LMAO
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samaspic31 · 1 year
im so fucking mad about capitalism's devaluation of manual labor (especially financial, hi raise the fucking wages) and expectation to outsource labor, leading to dire exploitation (everyone is exploited, but manual workers especially AND don't get compensated for the toll on their body AND get looked down on unlike white collar workers, all that because making intellectual products is worth 10 times more money i fucking guess). The average person used to have so many more practicak skills and we used to know how make so much more stuff, having people cook, clean, take care of your children and sew for you was the height of luxury for a wealthy woman, depending so much on buying to substain your lifestyle was reserved to the extremely wealthy. People were expected to hold more basic skills outside of a hyperspecific field of their career like today and were allowed to spend time on broad and practical knowledge, and today schools do not even out the playing field because it's still mostly theoric regurgitation (which great, but give all the youngsters a cooking, crafting and sewing class and teach them accounting im begging) making people into highly specific tools relying on buying most of what they don't even think they can make, because disempowered. (this is linked to capitalist shaming of perceived failure and beginners and imperfection but that's a whole other can of worms)
Like for example it was just a given painters made their own paint (or started by making it for their mentor, any way they were taught how), it was considered a necessary first step, a way to understand your medium, and a way no to depend on anyone else or a corporation, and i think a lot of artists are missing that step of having to spend effort on the medium itself. I don't know how my graphic tablet works and i can't make acrylic paint and that's a shame
Like it was always normal for the already rich to leave all physical work to exploited workers but today it's everyone else's case too (at least in the economic north), making your own stuff is a counterculture thing, and even poverty or being an exploited worker eats so much of time that it makes it so buying is necessary and stuff made with exploited labor the only affordable option, fucking vicious cycle
there were deep inequalities with how the teaching of those skills were segregated, which was for which gender and social class, im not saying it was universally good, and women were expected to accumulate way more skills just to do all the managing of a household AND get that labor devalued, just, urgh, it was considered important to know at least i guess
also the birth of packaging and the rise of single use plastic+ worldwide transport of goods is heavily linked to this and a consequence of a global economic boom but it's still a fucking disaster-
anyways buy a s little new shit in as little packaging as you can and fuck corporations
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Hans [@tzarina-alexandra]
He is an extremely skilled programmer and hacker. He starts the story having stayed awake for almost a week to work on a very powerful virus. He passes out and ends up in the computer world, where he is treated like a Grim Reaper figure (he does get a sick looking scythe too!). At first, this is a power trip to him, until he meets and gets attached to various people in the computer world, only to see them get disintegrated by the Virus, so now he is desperate to fix the destruction he designed, but he finds himself increasingly powerless, and even begins to feel the effects of the Virus on himself.
ok so i had a dream when i was 12 and i set out to write it down into My First Novel. this girl is the first helpful orphan the main character meets, and in later drafts, her girlfriend. the government gave her telekinesis, which she uses to steal. she hates everyone and everyone hates her and she hates fun and she's always grumpy. her whole arc is about learning the benefits of Fun and Being There for Someone who is There for You, while still remaining an introvert who hates crowds and touching. her telekinesis is limited by the surface area of objects, not their weight, so she can make a piece of cardboard float and then stand on the cardboard and surf around in the air like that. she's been cooking for herself her whole life and all she knows how to make is scrambled eggs.
her name was Ling (im sorry.) and it was finally changed to Estrelya in the 4th rewrite. which is meant to be "estrella", star in Spanish, except i guess i thought no one would pronounce it right in their heads, so i added the y?? neither seem very fitting for this kid. i
had a lot of trouble writing this novel because every year, I'd reread it and say "ugh, this sounds like it was written by a 12 year old!" and then restart it from scratch. except then that one was written by a 14 year old, and so on and so forth. there's been 4 drafts now and i never got past introducing all EIGHT MAIN CHARACTERS.
the plot was that aliens landed on the planet, and these superpowered 12 year olds managed to band together strong enough that they made a Real Difference in the world and they established Peace between the aliens and Earth and uncovered all the Horrific Human Experimentation the Government had done. and the moral was Kids Can Do Things! because at age 12 i was at that point where i wanted to do big things but everyone was telling me i had to wait until i was older, i couldn't do those things how i was. and so when i got older, working on the novel felt like it was the opposite of my original point. how could i write about kids being capable when i hadn't managed to finish the book while still a kid?
maybe I'll figure it out someday, for the new kids feeling that way.
Description: southeast asian kid with long black hair mostly covering her grumpy face. white hoodie covered in grass and dirt stains. ripped jeans. bare feet. her eyes glow white and her hair flies around when she uses her powers
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Disney Princesses Are Not Passive
Can I just ask where this whole narrative about Disney princesses teaching little girls to wait for a man to save her -- to only focus on finding a prince -- came from?
Because I honestly haven't seen any female say that that's what growing up with Disney had taught her. That Disney might have given her unrealistic expectations about the concept of "true love", yes.
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That Disney had made her only goal in life finding a prince, no.
Now, allow me to go into a rant about my own experiences with growing up with Disney princesses:
One, I actually come from a culture that idolizes marriage and thinks any unmarried and/or childless person must be the most miserable and pitiable person on earth. I was also surrounded by family members who thought along those lines.
But not once did I get that vibe from watching Disney movies with princesses.
Rather, I was and still am a person who is least interested in marriage or dating. But I adored the Disney Princess stories! And I never thought their love stories made up most of their tales or was disempowering. Instead, it was more like the coupley-romance bit of it took about the least amount of screen time possible.
Cinderella? Three-fourths of the movie is about her life, the animal friends she has, and just letting us get to know her and her life with her step-family.
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She just wanted to go to a ball, take a break and do something fun. And the Fairy Godmother helped her with that when her step-family sabotaged her.
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The Prince wasn't even a thought until she found out the next day that it was the Prince she had danced with and that he was actually looking for her because he was in love with her. Yes, she had liked him too. But she hadn't thought her feelings were returned until that moment. Which, what, took up the last quarter of the movie?
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Instead of thinking that was all the story of Cinderella was, it rather felt like the deserved good thing that should happen to her after all she had been through; that she might finally find love and happiness and escape; that her optimism, despite her life, was finally being rewarded.
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Now Snow White met her prince right at the beginning of the story, yes. But, he shows up only then and towards the very end of the movie -- like the last 5 minutes.
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(I mean, these are all the scenes he appears in.)
If anything, Snow White shared the most screen time with her animal friends and the dwarfs.
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And the only time she mentions the Prince is when the dwarfs ask her for a happy love story.
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The rest of the story is mainly her just trying to survive and making the best of whatever she can find and whatever skills she has. (Frankly, we know more about the dwarfs than the Prince, tbh.)
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Then she has a good cry when she's reached her limit.
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And moves on.
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She even convinces the dwarfs to let her stay by telling them she can "clean and sew and mend and cook". And that's the main part of the story.
So when she finally meets her Prince again and "lives happily ever after", we're mostly just really glad for her. And why shouldn't she have her fairytale romance after being relegated to a maid at her own palace most of her life and then almost being killed twice?
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Ariel in The Little Mermaid too: I thought she was amazing as a kid. I mean, she explored dangerous shipwrecks that others avoided, was incredibly brave and a risk-taker, followed her interests (humans) with a blazing passion, and out-swam sharks.
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If anything, the only thing that surprised me was her bad decision to follow Flotsam and Jetsam to Ursula, and then sign a contract with her. And that was mostly because I was in the unique position of watching the movie for the first time after I had seen the animated series about her life under the sea. I had already seen that Ariel knew exactly how conniving and dangerous the sea-witch was. So her making a deal with her was very strange for me. (Then again, she was 16 and very hurt and angry. And like I said earlier, she was an explorer and risk-taker at heart, so it works in that context. But when I had watched it at 12 or 13, and being the opposite of Ariel in spontaneity and risk-taking, I couldn't understand why she would do that.)
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Her saving Eric was not the least bit of a surprise. It was a surprise that she would take Ursula's deal to make him kiss her in 3 days or she turns into a sea-slug. But her taking the option to switch her tail for legs so that she can finally go up on land? That wasn't a surprise at all. One of the first episodes of Ariel's animated series ("Wish Upon A Starfish") showed her travelling through treacherous places to reach a wishing starfish to ask for legs instead of her fins. So her taking that opportunity to finally go up on land? Right in line with what she's always wanted.
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Going thru Ursula for it? And accepting Eric kissing her in 3 days as what will seal her contract so she can keep her legs and never return? That was weird for me. (As an adult and someone who's worked with a lot of kids and teenagers, tho, that impulsivity checks out. Especially after her father literally went on a rampage and destroyed years' worth of her careful collection.)
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(Gotta say, in this scene, Triton was horrifyingly violent. None of the episodes of the animated series prepared me for this scene. Triton really lost it here, so I can't blame Ariel for reacting just as extremely in her own way in response. Kinda like: You destroyed years' worth of painfully collected and preserved pieces of a world you knew I have always wanted to know about. Fine. If you won't let me keep mere pieces of that world here, then I'll just go live there instead.)
So the ending of that movie was the absolute best!
Her father gives her legs, allowing her to live on land. And she does not have to choose never returning to the sea again and never seeing her friends and family again to get it!
But again, Eric and her finally getting together just feels well-earned. Not like the main/only plot.
And even if it was, so what? Why does romance in a story with a female protagonist mean that romance is the only thing viewers can see?
It doesn't.
(I could go on with more princess tales, but I think this post is long enough already. Might make a part 2 one day tho.)
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Anyway, yeah: Disney princesses don't encourage girls to be passive or only focus on romance.
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