#i need to draw him seriously someday this is not doing it
azsunaa · 2 months
lloyd is fun to draw since u can just drop him into a blender and something fun will come out
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imaginesbymonika · 1 year
“Shame” (Part 4)
A Pedro Pascal x fem!Reader fan fiction / someone else joins the story...
Plot: For the last four years, Y/N and Pedro have been dating in secret. The fear of rejection has turned them into a mystery that could only be encountered in yearning looks on red carpets or hands that are touching one another briefly. However, for the longest time, things have been working out that way just fine. But now Pedro's agency wants him to have a PR relationship with another woman and neither Y/N nor Pedro is sure if their love is going to survive that.
Warnings: Mentions of anxiety, feelings of cheating, grief and eating disorders
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She stares at Pedro from across the crowded room. That's where the two of them are, relationship-wise. She gazes at him like he is a tempting stranger in a bookshop. Melissa's hands are drawing circles on Y/N's boyfriend's back while she whispers something into his ear. A sigh leaves her lips, it feels strange to call him that. Even though it was true, he used to be Y/N's boyfriend… no, he still is her boyfriend, right?
"You're not seriously asking me that!" Y/N had no idea, what facial expressions Pedro was doing because her eyes were concentrating on the floor. On the black and white tiles, where there was a minuscule crack in one of the black ones right beneath her chair. Has it always been there? Like some bizarre fucked up foreshadowing, just waiting patiently to be discovered.
"Are you even listening to me?" All she has ever done was listen to him. She nodded her head. "Y/N. Please.", she hears how he moves closer and after a few seconds, he kneeled down in front of her:" Look at me, darling." She really didn't want to, because she understood very well that the moment she did she could no longer conceal her feelings. "I love you, okay? Nothing has changed."
And when she ultimately raises her head, she noticed it in his eyes. The first time she saw that emotion was when she first met his siblings. Pedro's oldest sister made this desert and he declared that he really loved it. That he would need her recipe and that he couldn't wait to eat it again someday. Late on, he told Y/n that he lied. Simply because he didn't want to hurt his sister's feelings.
Pedro didn't want to hurt Y/N's feelings. And she let him.
Y/N swallows thickly before she turns her whole body back around. "Is everything alright?", a voice asks from behind her and she figures that it has to be one of her co-stars. "Y-Yeah, I'm fine.", the y/h/ced woman responds, without looking at them:" I just thought that I saw someone that I know, but turns out I was wrong."
The man chuckles:" Happens to me all the time. Not only do I have a really bad memory, but my eyesight is super crappy. Which is just a poor blend of important things." Y/N wrinkles her forehead and turns around. Only to be met by two very kind-looking eyes. "Oh my- I am so sorry.", she hides her face behind her hands for a moment, before looking back at him:" I thought, that you were one of my friends. That's so rude of me." Y/N immediately holds out her hand for him to shake:" I'm Y/N." "Yeah, I know.", he states, and when he touches her a shiver runs down her back:" I'm Matthew Gray Gubler. It's nice to meet you."
And that's when she senses it. For the first time in a long, long time. Y/N doesn't have to turn around to know that Pedro's eyes are lingering on her form. Something about this situation makes her feel like a criminal, but truthfully, she couldn't care less.
"So, are you nominated tonight?", Matthew asks, and takes a sip of his wine. His eager gaze is not once leaving hers. She shakes her head:" Oh, no. But the show is." "Barry, right?", a laugh escapes his lips:" I'm sorry. Of course, that's the show. I'm sitting here, pretending I'm not a huge fan of it and- of course, you." Y/N bites in the inside of her cheeks, while she notices how his eyes move down her face. She clears her throat and he echoes it.
"Anyway.", he says and crosses his legs, while the lights in the room dim:" It was nice talking to you, Y/N. Good luck." She nods:" Yeah, it was. Thanks." Matthew only tears his eyes off her once the room goes completely dark, and there is this sensation in the pit of her stomach that feels so unbelievably sinful and good at the same time. God, she's in big trouble.
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ryuichirou · 4 months
I saw the size difference art of the Diasomnia boys and all I can say is, damn Sebek you need a bra for those honkers. Much like the post about NRC boys’ butts, do you have any headcanons on their chest sizes?
Omg Sebek and his honkers 😭 the boy looks straight-up indecent lol I get what you mean!
With how my brain is wired, I feel like in a lot of ways it’s going to correlate with the genderswap chest sizes I also wrote some time ago (update: NOPE IT’S NOT LOL), but I’ll still go through the list! Since this is more about muscle definition, right? Right… Alright, who else got honkers…
(I also don’t have much to say about some of them, sorry in advance!)
Riddle – pretty flat. We’ve seen his Beach Wear Groovy, the boy is pretty flat… there is sooome softness if you really squint, but maybe it’s just an optical illusion??
Ace – also kind of flat, but with soooome definition. Nothing to write home about, really, even though he’d like to have a big muscular chest someday.
Deuce – he also has soooome definition, but is flatter than Ace; Ace just uses his upper muscles a bit more.
Trey – definitely the biggest one of his dorm, and even though it’s muscular, it’s also surprisingly soft and squishy.
Cater – I feel like he’s pretty plain, just a flat boy.
Leona – definitely on a bigger side; he’s also kind of soft-ish, but more toned than Trey.
Ruggie – sometimes it looks like he has negative boobs. He does have some muscles, but doesn’t eat nearly enough protein to get any type of boobs :(
Jack – big boy. Very big boy. Huge. His boobs are big and heavy, definitely even bigger than Sebek’s. There is some softness to them, but not much: Jack’s boob could kill a person…
Azul – surprisingly… he’s pretty lean, but his chest is pretty noticeable when it isn’t buried under layers of clothes. It’s not big or anything, but he works hard on his body, so it’s like a natural result of that. He has to keep the perfect balance in his exercise or diet though, because it’s pretty easy for his chest to either start losing definition or becoming a bit soft.
Floyd and Jade – biiiiiig. Not as big as Jack or even Sebek, and I absolutely overdo it whenever I draw these two lol But both of them are pretty big when it comes to the chest region; Floyd is a tiiiiny bit bigger though.
Kalim – pretty close to Ace and Deuce, but also kind of soft!
Jamil – nicely defined, muscular, a little soft, but mostly toned. A bit similar to Leona’s but a size smaller lol
Vil – now this is who takes this whole thing very seriously; just like with his ass, he makes sure that his chest looks exactly how he wants it to look: it’s not flat at all, it’s actually pretty well defined, but he also paces himself just so it doesn’t get too big. There is pretty much zero softness in it, too.
Rook – terminator. Pretty much as big as Trey, but with zero softness lol He hides his boobs just as successfully as he hides his huge butt.
Epel – flat, but with more meat than Riddle, for example. But it’s not nearly enough meat for his chest to be pronounced… ahhh maybe one day! >:(
Idia – skeleton… no boobs for this man… but it’s okay we love him this way <3
Ortho – yeah, this one is also pretty obvious lol
Lilia – FLAAAAT Flatitio Lilia Flatticelli is his full name. But to be fair, I think he had more pronounced chest when he was younger. But it was never big by all means, just a bit more defined.
Silver – yeah, you’ve seen the art, I think he’s pretty big, but not as big as Sebek… he also has some softness to him, but it’s mostly because his body is more relaxed than Sebek’s, who’s always super tense.
Sebek – HONKERS. That are also hard as rock unfortunately… I feel like Sebek could break a pencil with his boobs somehow. I’m not sure how, but he might.
Malleus – it’s pronounced, it’s very noticeable when he wears anything tight, but it’s not super big.
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nayialovecat · 9 months
The Ink Demonth 2023 - Day 21. City
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Day 21. City Crossover: Samurai Jack Aku is like that one uncle who made his fortune by pure luck (e.g. winning the lottery) and now feels entitled to give life advice to everyone around him on what to do to be as successful as he is, lol.
This is probably one of my best and favourite entries in this year's Ink Demonth.
The funny thing is that I originally had a different idea here - it was supposed to be a crossover with the Spiderverse, where in Spider-Men City one of the Spider-Man (probably Milo) asks Bendy if he's Venom, and Bendy replies that he is, but better because he doesn't need a host. However, I decided that I didn't want to draw the city from this movie, or even so many Spider-Men (although I love both the movie and Spider-Man himself in almost every version) - so Titatotrix and I did a brainstorming session, which resulted in my very discovery: "of course, Aku City... it was supposed to be Aku City from the beginning!" And we got it! I've always wanted to draw Aku. I've drawn Samurai Jack and more, there was even a short comics from my favourite episode... but never Aku. And he is such a lovely object to draw...
I love Samurai Jack. This is probably still my favourite cartoon. And I deeply regret the ending of the last series (the one from Swim Adult). Seriously, I was really sad that so many well-thought-out episodes and the entire complex plot were ruined with one stupid decision at the end... what a shame. I still love the show, and Jack was one of my big crushes (along with Hercules from the 1995 series and Chase Young from Shaolin Showdown and only from Shaolin Showdown - we don't talk about Chronicles). Plus Aku was dubbed in the original by Mako, one of my favourite voice actors (he did Splinter in my favourite TMNT movie and Uncle Iroh in Avatar: The Last Airbender) - may he rest in peace.
While making this picture, I had great fun at every stage: sketching, making lineart, colouring... I would love to continue the theme of "uncle" Aku giving good advice to Bendy, but, unfortunately, I don't have time for that anymore. Maybe I'll come back to it someday. By the way, while coming up with this entry - and it was after linearizing the next one, Radio, which you will see in a few hours - Titatotrix and I came to the conclusion that this year's Ink Demonth in my version looks a bit like Bendy's journey through the Multiverse and asking various characters for advice on how to deal with his perpetual depression (and with Joey). Well, it really looks like that. Plus entries where Sammy does something... sammish X"D
Bendy and the Ink Machine (c) Joey Drew Studios Inc. Samurai Jack (c) Genndy Tartakovsky Sammy and the Ink Machine (c) Nayia Lovecat
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inklessletter · 10 months
I've been coming across some posts on and off these past few months about people complaining of fandom behaviour, particularly what is right or wrong to write about a character or a story. And I want to clarify that this me giving an opinion, and I'm no one, I'm just expressing myself, but I kind of feel like I need to say this before it gets me mad enough to snap someday.
I'll start with saying that, to me, "fandom" is just a place for you to be yourself. You saw a piece of media that became your comfort place, and fandom is that place where you are allowed to experiment, bend, deconstruct, rebuild or tear apart that, because you are, ultimately, experimenting with your own feelings. This means that nobody in fandom writes to meet another people's expectations, but themselves'! There is no use other in pointing out "but that's not canon!" that making that person who just poured a bit of themselves into something they made feeling bad and ashamed, even for a second. Of course it's not canon. That's the point.
It is okay to take a canonically good, pure, heart of gold kind of guy and write him being a serial killer. It is okay to take a villain and turn him into the hero. It is okay to take a side character and make it all around them. It is okay. Seriously, what good can it make to say "he would not do that", "but that character is evil, that would not happen", "but the story is not about them, tho"?
Who cares about canon anyway? It is a good starting point but once you don't treat that piece of media as something meant to entertain you for the two hours that the movie's running, and start thinking about it, and analyzing it, and creating aus, and thinking about characters' motivations, you're making that story yours. And we do collectively join here, in fandom, to share. I find it so petty and mean just to point out, to even suggest to a certain someone without mentioning them that they're wrong when they defend their personal headcanon about something. It is so silly and funny to me, like, can you imagine taking a literature exam in college and they ask you to write about Jane Eyre's red room meaning and some ballsy student just writes down "well, the room was decorated mainly red and she hated it because it was a punishment place. If there is any religious meaning behind, it is not canon because Brontë didn't write about that specifically."
Let people analyze and make out what they need out of a character or a piece of media. Let them draw their own conclussions. What's it to you? Who are any of us to say that a certain depiction is wrong because it's not canon? What do you know about those people motivations anyway to write about a character that way?
Fandom is not government, it's a community. There are no rules, no laws. No headcanon is above another headcanon. No canon is above a headcanon!
So please, stop weaponizing canon and fanon. Either case, it's just people creating, saying what they need to say, one way or another. Just let them do their thing without making them feel bad for doing differently from you.
That's all I have to say, really.
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hedwig394 · 3 months
I'm Not Yours
Derek Hale x Sarah McCall
Timeline: In S2E4, when Derek is training his betas, one of them tries to kiss him.
Derek's POV -
Isaac barrels towards me with a vicious look on his face. I stare at him, unfazed. Like that can scare me. He leaps at me but I push him out of the way effortlessly. Sure, the momentum makes it difficult, but not difficult enough.
Erica jumps at me from above and I toss her to the ground. She's no better. In fact, she's worse. Isaac at least has the mind to know that he isn't the best, but Erica is full of overconfidence. It's going to get her in trouble someday.
Boyd looks at from above, and cringes as both the betas fall to the ground. I know their bones are broken, they must be. Guilt creeps up my spine, but I shove it down. If I'm to teach them how to protect themselves, then they must sustain a few injuries.
"Does anyone wanna try not being completely predictable?" I ask with a frown.
It is then that Erica jumps at me. But she doesn't try to attack. Instead, she wraps her legs around my waist and presses her lips to mine. Eyes widening in shock, I push her away immediately.
"Don't ever do that again," I say, fury churning through my body. My eyes flash red and I see fear in hers, but I don't care.
I don't want to be kissed by anyone who isn't Sarah.
"Why?" She asks, scared, "Because I'm a Beta?"
"No." I say, "Because I'm Not Yours." I make sure to wipe my lips, just in case her lipstick has left a mark.
Isaac groans from beside her, uninterested in what just happened. "Are we done? I got about a hundred bones that need a few hours to heal."
I bend down in front of him and break his finger, "A hundred and one."
Isaac looks at me in shock and pain, and I hiss at him. "You think I'm teaching you to fight? Huh? Look at me! I'm teaching you how to survive! So if you don't wanna die, I suggest you take this seriously."
I stalk away from them and rush to my loft after putting my jacket on. I had promised to meet Sarah there, and I don't wanna be late. I don't want to miss even a single minute I have with her. Her brother thinks that it's just him who has to do a lot just to see his girlfriend, but he's wrong.
I have to do twice as much just to catch a glimpse of Sarah.
She waits at me at the loft, her long hair flowing behind her because of the wind.
"Angel..." I say. It's one of the few nicknames I have for her, another main one being 'honey'. She turns around and looks at me. Joy fills her eyes and she rushes towards me, throwing her arms around me. She doesn't care that I smell like tar and dirt, doesn't care that the dirt is all over my clothes and face.
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I wrap my arms around her, breathing in the scent of her sweet-smelling hair. I kiss her cheek and all the emotions I've bottled down almost spill out. No, I can't let that happen. I have to stay strong for her.
She steps back and looks at me with tearful eyes. I pull her towards me and kiss her deeply, savouring the flavour and taste of her soft lips. She opens her mouth and I slip my tongue inside, exploring her mouth. She tastes like the sweet fruit at the end of countless hardships.
Sarah tastes like mine. There's not a lot I can call mine, but Sarah is mine. And I'll be damned to let anyone hurt her or take her away from me.
And the moan she gives makes me wanna carry her inside and show her just that.
But I have to keep the lust in control since I'd rather talk to her and hold her in my arms in those few stolen moments we have together than have sex with her.
I draw my head to let her catch her breath. I can go on for longer, werewolf lungs and all. But she's human. My human.
I caress her cheek gently and press a kiss to her forehead. "I've missed you, my Angel."
"I've missed you too, Sourwolf." She sniffs.
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"Come on," I say, "Let's go inside."
She slips her hand in mine and we walk inside the loft. Sarah beams at the simple arrangement of the place and looks at me. "I've missed coming here."
"I know, I'm sorry," I say ruefully. The loft has not been the same without her. After we got together officially, Sarah used to hang out at the loft frequently. At one point, she was living with me. Those were the best days of my life. Just being with her, inside her and spending time in her presence gave me more happiness than anything else.
But then Gerard Argent showed up along with his pack of Hunters. I turned Isaac and Erica, and Sarah's brother started to hate me. I don't care, Scott's a child. He'll understand the ways of the world after growing up.
But unknowingly, that caused a rift between me and Sarah. It was too unsafe for her to be with me, with hunters prowling around and an unknown beast to add to the list. I know how low Gerard can sink, he can threaten and hurt Sarah just to get to me.
I once had a thought of breaking up with her for her own safety, but she had said to me "I'll carve your heart out with a scalpel and keep it as a prized possession if you ever do that." And that had led to a passionate make-out session.
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"Derek..." Sarah's voice makes me look at her. But she isn't looking at me, she's staring at my jacket. "Why do you smell like women's perfume?"
Aah, that is Erica's fault. "Oh, it's nothing. I was going to tell you." I begin casually, but she looks anything but casual. Sarah's glaring at me like she never has before, and I gulp. "Angel, believe me, it's not what you think."
"Then what is it?" She hisses viciously, and at that moment, I can't help but admire how strong and confident she looks.
Right, back to the point.
I explain everything to her, starting from training to the point where Erica kissed me, and at the end, Sarah looks like she could commit first-degree murder. "I pushed her away immediately," I say, desperation clawing at my insides. Will she believe me?
Sarah glares at me. Then, she looks at her feet with a sigh. "Do you like her, Derek?"
"No!" I exclaim, aghast. "Honey, she's my beta, and she's also underage. I don't like her. I don't like anyone but you."
She doesn't look at me. "It's fine, Derek. If you don't like me anymore. I get it. It's been a hard couple of months. And I understand if you wanna be with me. Maybe a werewolf will be better for you."
"Sarah," I ball my hand into a fist. "Look at me."
She doesn't budge, and I gently lift her chin up. Her warm, chocolate eyes meet my werewolf red. She looks a bit frightened, and I wrap my arm around her, pulling her hard against me.
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"Look at me, Angel." I growl, "You're the only one I like, the only one I want. So don't even think for a second that I'll look at anyone else the way I look at you."
"I'm sorry," She says and my eyes go back to the usual green. "It's been so hard recently, so I thought that you'd give up and...." She looks at me worriedly, "Start looking for someone else."
"Sarah," I say calmly, "It's been very hard, yes. But I'm not giving up on you. On us. It's you for me, Angel."
Sarah gives me a shaky smile, and I continue, "And as for Erica, I pushed her away immediately and warned her to not do that again. You know why?"
She looks at me expectantly and I kiss her softly. "Because I'm not hers, Angel. I'm yours."
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sylenth-l · 4 months
Hello! I've been a lover of your art for a while now but also been to nervous to leave an ask haha, so I will now!
I was curious if you had any design/hc for Felwinter if he was human? I'm always super curious to see what people think Exo's would've looked like prior to them being Exo (though Felwinter is a special case since he wasn't ever human)
Absolutely love your work, your art is very appreciated and loved 🫂
Oh thank you so much!! 💙
MAN, I know what you mean, I'm always super curious to see these too, but at the same time I can never do it myself. I tried it with Cayde a few times, but it always doesn't look... right. Even though I have some rough idea of what pretty much all Exos I've drawn could've looked like if they were meat humans, it's always hard to put it on paper. I think my problem is that while drawing I have to settle on some particular details (nose shape, hair style, etc), which can be undefined and everchanging in my imagination, and I'm never sure enough in these details to pick just one. With Felwinter - I feel like it's both easy and super hard, because, like you've said, he never had a regular human body to begin with.
On one hand, it's easy to see him as this tall, distant lord of the mountain, with facial features both elegant and sharp, resembling more a marble statue than a human being in his cold, unapproachable beauty. Always proper, always collected, always perfect. He just has this... distinctive image which will be recognizable in any form, I think. On the other hand, that still takes away so much from him that - for me personally - makes him, well, himself and such an interesting character I like to dig into. Felwinter is the only Exo for whom his Exo frame is his very real, original body, he never had another one. He takes all its pros and cons as a given, having nothing to compare it to even on some subconscious level like other Exos. This inevitably affects pretty much every aspect of him interacting with the world - how he behaves, expresses himself, even just moves in general. It gives him this slight fleur of uncomfortable eeriness which is pretty much impossible to achieve with an imperfect meat bag body, which needs to breathe and blink constantly at the very least :D and also can't have these piercing glowing orange-red eyes
I think I've gotten a bit too carried away, not sure anymore where I was going with this, lol 😅 Anyway, I like the idea, it always sounds super fun! I want to try it someday, but, as I said, it's a bit hard for me now. I just need to stop taking this so seriously probably askjdhfkljs
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theroomfloor · 8 months
Yes, I will draw them. Someday… I promise
I'm starting from the idea that the 4 nations aren't completely divided, and that benders of the 4 elements live together, as in the case of Berk, although the most common are firebenders. It's become a big mix and that's why it's harder to know who will be the next Avatar
Hiccup: The Avatar. However, when he was born, apparently, He didn't bend any of the elements, considered a nonbender, until find out he's the Avatar.
Astrid: Waterbender. Yes, again using the blue outfit as justification, but I also think water suits her. She and Katara would be besties.
Fishlegs: Earthbender. What I like about earthbending is that it's a completely opposite element to his personality, he's a kind and adorable guy, while earthbending is hard and offensive. But it completely suits him too, because he's protective and strong, and he likes gardening. Bonecrusher likes it for sure
Snotlout: Firebender. Do I really need to explain about this?
Tuffnut and Ruffnut: Airbenders. They're both airheads, so. But seriously, I think the air really suits them, how much they would mess around. Just look at Tenzin's children, or even Aang himself.
Heather: Nonbender. For me, she would be like Asami (and Astrid could be Korra, I'm just saying). Strong and powerful without needing to bend. She would be good with weapons but would also use technology.
Dagur: Firebender. Honestly, it's the most offensive element and it can create lightning, do you want more explanations? But also, I like the idea of him being a Nonbender like his sister. Like, being an heir, they expected him to be a powerful bender, but he ended up disappointing his family and people. So he went through such heavy training that it ruined his psychology.
Mala: She and the entire Defenders of the Wings tribe are Nonbenders. A tribe that lives isolated and without any benders, having a certain repudiation for them, until they meet the Avatar and his gang.
Atali: She and the Wingmaidens are also Nonbenders, but they would be more like the Kyoshi Warriors. Or they could also be like Gliders, so they could "fly".
Now some that I'm just going to throw here and won't comment on
Stoick, Spitelout and Gustav: Firebenders
Gobber: Non or Earthbender (especially Metalbender)
Gothi: Waterbender
Viggo: Non or Waterbender (especially Bloodbender. Thanks @reallyprofoundkryptonite for the idea)
Ryker: Earth or Firebender
Krogan: Fire or Nonbender
There're a lot of characters missing, but I can't think of anyone else right now. The main ones are here. Feel free to give your opinions and headcanons.
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lizisshortforlizard · 8 months
Living Dangerously - Chapter 29
Jurassic Park’s animal handlers: none of them ever mentioned by name in Michael Crichton’s original novel. Who were they? What were their lives like on Isla Nublar? Did any of them survive the disaster?
A year in the life of those responsible for the care of the dinosaurs. Many people would kill to have their jobs.
But would they die for it?
Jurassic Park novel/Jurassic Park film (1993)
Viewpoint: 3rd person female oc
Warnings: ready to have your heart ripped out?
Tagging: @heresthefanfiction @ocappreciation @wordspin-shares @howlingmadlady @arrthurpendragon @themaradwrites @starryeyes2000 @kmc1989 (please lmk if you would like informed of my sporadic updates)
Read on Ao3
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Chapter 28 | Chapter 30
Living After Midnight - Judas Priest
Over the constant hum and buzz of the jungle darkness, never completely silent, Lizzy’s laughter was ringing through the trees, ricocheting around the clearing next to the Rex paddock. 
She had a filthy laugh that Muldoon hadn’t heard before. At hundred per cent volume, totally out of control, with her head thrown all the way back.  It was bloody glorious. 
And he would be attempting to make her do it again, as soon as possible. 
I’ll have more of that please. 
“Christ Almighty-“ Lizzy wiped her streaming eyes. “-that’s one of the funniest things I’ve ever heard. Well done.” She started cackling breathlessly again, clutching her stomach.
“If I wasn’t awake before that, I certainly was afterwards.”
“I’ll bet.” She wriggled uncomfortably, her ribs were seriously aching. “That was a good one. Got any more?”
“More than we’ve likely got time for.”
The campfire was finally dying. They’d been out in the park for hours, it had to be almost midnight. 
He built me a campfire. Lizzy was practically vibrating with contentment. Not that she couldn’t build her own fire, of course she could, but that wasn’t the point. The gesture was the point, and the fact he had agreed to an open flame amongst trees in the first place. 
Just this once. While there’s nobody here. Those were his exact words. 
Breaking the rules. 
Just this once. 
“We’ve got all the time in the world.” She insisted. “You really should write these down, you know.”
“Maybe someday. If I ever manage to retire. In fact-“ he was struck by an idea. “-you’re a decent writer.”
“Planning on keeping me around that long?”
“I’d like to think so. You have your uses.”
“I’ll take that.” Lizzy worked hard to keep her voice even after the compliment. “But you’d need plenty of photos, or drawings. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always preferred books with pictures.”
Her tone had just enough suggestion for Muldoon to wonder if Baker, despite her promises, had let slip about his own artistic capabilities.
He quickly moved the conversation along before she had too long to dwell on the thought. “You must have a few stories of your own by now?”
Lizzy did indeed have a good one she hadn’t yet shared. Through instinct, she looked around the clearing for eavesdroppers, although they had to be the only two humans for miles and miles, a vast stretch of ocean separating them from the nearest civilisation.  
“On the topic of photographs…I never told anyone outside of the research station because I didn’t want to embarrass Simon.” She rolled her eyes. “Doesn’t matter now, and it’s not like you two will ever meet anyway.”
“Go on.” He caught his grimace just in time at the mention of the ex-fiancé’s name. 
“The first time he came to visit me in Namibia, he was a little, uh-…condescending to the locals in our team-“
Muldoon was familiar with what the swift response from said locals would be, rich white clients tended to all behave in a similar way. It was expected. But that was a whole other collection of tales for the fireside. “I’ll bet that was swiftly resolved.”
“They had some fun with him first. Simon was parading his new Polaroid camera around giving it “magic picture” this and that. I was mortified.”
“He hasn’t travelled much outside the States.” Lizzy explained. “Or, in fact, outside the state of New York. Anyway, one of my team, proceeds to tell Simon, translated by yours truly, that she prefers the resolution on the Nikon 35mm and also that she had the equipment handy to help Simon clean his dirty lens.”
Muldoon smiled grimly. “You laughed too, I imagine?”
He wondered if it had been as good as the ridiculous laugh he had recently become acquainted with. 
Lizzy had indeed tried and miserably failed to keep a straight face at her partners come-uppance. “I couldn’t help it!”
She recalled the memory. Simon’s face had been hot and red, mortally embarrassed, and he’d stormed off by himself into the long grass. 
A terrible, possibly fatal response. 
Once she’d caught up to him with a shotgun slung over her shoulder, she’d had to sweet-talk him into returning to camp before he stumbled across a big cat, buffalo or even a snake who would really give him something to be upset about.
That hadn’t improved his temper at all, but he had been downright foolish of him to just wander off like he was taking a stroll in Central bloody Park!
Why’d you laugh at me? Are all your friends like this? Do we really have to stay out here with them? What’s wrong with Windhoek?
Windhoek, really? They’re just messing with you!  It’s fine! 
Not fine, Liz! They should apologise!
You’re the one who should apologise! Pembe is the best guide we have and you were damn rude-
And so on. One of many disagreements, and they seemed to be increasing in frequency. 
“Yeah, he didn’t see the funny side at all.” She sniffed. “Was never that great at laughing at himself. Bless him.”  “You need to have a fantastic sense of humour-“ Muldoon’s voice was as dry as if he were telling Lizzy her shoelace was untied. “-to work with things that regularly try to make your life insurance policy pay out before time.”
“Good thing you’re so in tune with your emotions then, eh?” The comment earned her nothing more than a derisive glance as he lowered his slouch hat over his face, and she chuckled again. 
Maybe it was the Towel Incident, or the disastrous cooking attempt that had followed, but the ice was well and truly broken. No going back now. Lizzy felt the most like herself since the breakup. It was so easy, talking to him like this. She was happy. 
They were on opposite sides of the campfire, Lizzy scooched a fraction closer on her blanket so she could see him better through the heat haze. 
Muldoon was on the ground too, stretched out on a blanket of his own. Lizzy wasn’t sure how he seemed to look even taller lying down. She shook her head, trying to chase away the thought of how she’d measure up. 
Lizzy watched him for a long time, thinking to herself in comfortable silence, before speaking again. 
“Tell me about her.”
He’d answered instantly. Of course he was awake under the hat, alert. As always.
“Your wife.” She answered quietly. 
Muldoon hmm-ed for a long moment, Lizzy waiting as patiently as she was able, trying her hardest not to fidget. 
Just when she thought there was no way he was ever going to answer her in this lifetime, he did. 
“You’re not unlike her. Your attitude is-“ Damn. Did it again. He corrected. “-was very similar.”
“You can say ‘is’.” Lizzy told him gently. “Nobody here but me.”
“She cooked much better than you can.”
“Yeah, that sounds about right.” Lizzy muttered. “But, in my defence, I didn’t know food could be any other colour than beige until I left school.” Shuffling where she sat, her legs starting to get pins and needles. “She pretty?”
“Wow.” She grinned. “Lucky you.”
“A lot taller than you.” Muldoon added. “Honour is likely going to hit six foot once she’s in high school.”
“Our daughter.”
“Ah.” It occurred to Lizzy he’d never told her the name of his child before. Or ever used the prefix ‘our’. Always mine. Always my responsibility from now on. No more our. 
It felt like he was divulging a massive secret. Honour. Lizzy rolled it around in her brain. Not a name she would ever have imagined him going for, but she liked it. Rather a lot.
He took the hat from his eyes and looked her up and down. “She’s almost your height already, in fact. Although that wouldn’t be difficult.”
“The diet of beige is to blame. Unfortunately, I’m stunted.”  Not where it counts Muldoon thought. There was a reason he liked walking behind along Dr Armstrong where he could get away with it. The view was spectacular.
He tried very hard to get her quite frankly unfair side profile out of his head before he answered. “We’ll pretend the smoking habit had nothing to do with it, then. Honestly, the pair of you would have gotten along.” It was the truth. His wife, too, loved elephants and had a downright filthy laugh.
“Did Jeff know her?” Lizzy asked, hoping the answer was yes. 
“They were lethal together.”
“Dr Blacklaw has quite excellent taste in women, what can I say?” She made a show of tossing her hair back.  Muldoon found himself wondering if their paths had crossed sooner and he had met Armstrong in Africa, how would he have felt about her? How would she have felt about him? 
Life might have been very different. Maybe he would have turned down the offer from InGen, gone to India instead. He wouldn’t have to be so careful about what he said or did all the time. 
At least the other chap was out of the picture now. Matters were a damn sight better than when she first arrived with that rock on her finger, like a shameless beacon, flashing I’m taken every time the sun caught it at the right angle: You haven’t got a hope in Hell. 
Maybe the universe was capable of working things out for itself, even if it had put him through the metaphorical wringer to get to this point. 
“Has there-…” Lizzy was so relaxed she had forgotten herself, who she worked for, and all her manners. As the question was tumbling from her mouth she realised how inappropriate it was. They were good friends, sure, but working friendships always had their limits.
She was about to cross a very dangerous line. 
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Less of that. It clearly does, or you wouldn’t have said it.”
In a rare occasion, she seemed lost for words.
”Nobody here but me.” He quoted her own words back to her.
“I…don’t know if you’ll like it.” She fumbled. “I was just curious. Nosy. I was being nosy, alright? Sorry.”
“Try me.”
Lizzy knew that tone. I dare you. If you’re brave enough. Deep breath.
“Has there been…anyone since?”
I double dare you.
There followed a very long pause during which Lizzy thought don’t ask why, do not ask why. 
She couldn’t be the only person on the planet who could see the appeal. More-so now that he’d stopped drinking, Lizzy had an even harder time keeping her thoughts in check. He was looking damn fine recently. 
“Eight years is a long time!” Lizzy sighed and wrung her hands. “And I told you that you wouldn’t like it! Don’t answer. No need.”
“It’s alright.”
Muldoon was in fact very interested to see where this particular conversation was headed.
They could have been back in Kenya, with the campfire and animal calls, though of a different era, still familiar in their nature, all around them. 
If there’s a right time, it’s probably now.
“Nobody significant.” He answered. One or two that didn’t work out. Three or four that had just been stress relief. Nobody that he felt deserved any more of his time or his life, or his daughter’s. Until Armstrong had landed on the island with a bang and instantly began rearranging the natural order, and damn her, questioning the where-why-how of everybloodything. 
Lizzy meanwhile, was wishing she had never brought the subject up. 
And she knew the reason. Not because it was awkward to talk about, strangely enough it wasn’t awkward in the slightest. His answer had been as casual as if she had asked him what the time was, or what the weather was likely to do tomorrow. But the answer she had most wanted to hear, been hoping to hear, no, nobody at all, was way too much to wish for. 
She’d been correct. Eight years was a long time.
Or maybe Lizzy was just a little peeved he’d probably done better in the last eight years being out of a relationship than she had done  being in one until very recently. 
She had to admit the first two years with Simon had been a lot of fun. After that it became less about fun, and more about we’re in the same country, so we’d better do something about it. God, I’m so tired. Are you tired? C’mon, we gotta. At least once. I love you. So tired.
“Anything else in this particular line of questioning, while we’re at it?” He actually sounded amused.
“When…-“ Lizzy started then ground to a halt again. Way too inappropriate.
She just wanted to die there and then.
“Doesn’t matter.” She frowned and deliberately looked away. “Forget it.”
“Were you about to ask ‘when was the last time’?” Muldoon smirked. He knew he was on the money. And seeing the normally confident and bolshy ethologist becoming a little flustered was delightful. “Getting rather personal there, Armstrong.”
“You’re right, I’m sorry.” She stammered. “None of my business.”
“I honestly don’t mind.” This could work both ways. “We’re adults. I will if you will.”
Curiosity was burning Lizzy’s insides so much that it was manifesting as stomach ache. She had gotten herself into this mess, may as well keep going. She nodded, ignoring  Kathy’s voice in her head warning you’re gonna get in troooouble…
“Remember when the dilophosaur did a number on you? I was away at the time?”
“Huh. So when you said you had a good trip, you meant you had a good trip. I see.” She played with the belt loops on her jeans, reluctant to deliver her side of the deal. 
Muldoon cleared his throat. “Forgetting something, missus?”
“I’ve changed my mind. I don’t like this game.” Lizzy grumbled, only because she was losing. 
“Then don’t give what you can’t take. I’ll have to make a wild guess if you don’t want to say out loud.”
Lizzy mumbled something that he took as affirmative.
“Let’s see, then.” She was shifty-eyed and squirming. Brilliant. “ Didn’t you stop off in the States with your man before you came over here?”
“Well, yeah-“ Lizzy forced herself to get over her self-consciouness. She still had the Spanish dictionary somewhere in her room in the lodge. Regrettably, the only thing Simon had given her before she boarded her flight to Costa Rica. “But if that’s your guess, you’re dead wrong.”
Muldoon looked at her in disbelief. He had so many questions.  What the Hell had the man been playing at?! It was like he wanted to lose her.
“This year at least?” 
“Yes, if you absolutely must know!” Lizzy knew the exact Pantone shade of scarlet she was turning, far beyond pretending it was from the heat of the campfire. “April was a very good month, okay?”
April?! It’s nearly bloody next year now…
Her short temper now seemed incredibly explainable.
”I can hear you thinking.” Lizzy said grumpily, still not looking directly at him. “Not quite the answer you were expecting from someone like me, eh?”
“If that’s true, I can’t help but feel most of your bad moods have a fairly easy fix.”
“Not so easy on a tiny island, where people talk. Our favourite engineer being the main culprit.” She grinned at him. “Or I could follow your example and finally have a good reason to go back to the mainland.”
He didn’t want her to do that at all, actually, but he grudgingly agreed.
She was lying on her side, propped up on an elbow. The size of her waist in comparison to her hips was unreal. Nothing wrong with her khaki shorts, but those damn jeans were doing her some incredible favours.
Lizzy couldn’t stop, though she was wary of feeling upset from finding out more things she didn’t really want to hear. “So, do you really like this person on the mainland?” 
Muldoon chose his words carefully. ”There is someone I’m keen on, yes.”
What the-
“Oh. Yeah, great. Good for you.” It came out more sarcastic than she intended. 
Muldoon nearly laughed. Armstrong wasn’t following him. 
”You know, it’s alright to be jealous.” He couldn’t resist toying with her.
Lizzy’s reaction was explosive. 
”I’m not-“ She practically back snarled at him. “Hm. I’m not jealous!”
Very convincing thought Muldoon. 
No, not jealous. She was fuming. Someone else?! Why was he telling her that? Lizzy really thought he liked her, and now he was interested in someone else? 
”Armstrong…” Please get there faster. I’m not ready to say it yet. 
Boy, did she feel silly when she realised Muldoon was talking about her.
She was the one he was interested in. 
”This person-“ Lizzy was finally on the same wavelength, much to the relief of both of them . “-I’m not sure she’s good enough for you.” 
“Oh, really?”  “I have some questions. Just to be certain.” The delighted grin was threatening to burst forth. She forced a neutral expression.
Keep it together.
“First question: is she pretty?”
“She’s a clever girl, yes.”
“Meek and feeble?”
“Not even a bit. And you know fine that’s not what I would want.” Muldoon gave her that look she knew oh-so-well. “You’re pushing your luck, by the way.”
Lizzy laughed again, the real, uncontrollable laugh, and he finally smiled.
New Year’s Eve, or Hogmanay as she better knew it, had always been more magical than Christmas. No matter how bad things got, the moment the clock struck midnight had the promise of a new beginning, a fresh start. A chance to do better this time around. 
But she knew exactly what would happen this year on Nublar. The spell would break. They would go back to the visitor centre, back to work, and in a few days it would be as if this night had never even happened.
She needed to do something. Before it all ended.
“You alright in there?” He had noticed her smile fading. 
”Fine. Just thinking.”
Muldoon scoffed. 
“I know well enough that fine, very rarely means fine. Especially when it’s coming from you, my girl.” He stared her down. “What’s the matter?”
“It’s just…not fair.” Lizzy became aware she was whining, and hated herself for it.
She didn’t need to elaborate. He knew exactly what she meant. “I agree.”
Why couldn’t we have just met in Africa? 
”I don’t want to go back. Not yet.”
“Neither do I, but we have to, at some point.”
“Why, though?”  Muldoon hesitated, trying to word it as diplomatically as he could, to avoid upsetting her.
“Because there are rules that can’t be broken, and ultimately I’m responsible for your safety.” Damn this whole situation. “That is what it all comes down to.”
“Okay.” She reluctantly agreed. “Let’s go, I suppose.”
It’s not okay, it’s not okay at all.  A part of her had desperately hoped something would happen that night. Conditions were otherwise perfect. They’d likely never have a chance like this again for a long time. 
But it wasn’t meant to be.
She had an idea. 
“Fire’s still going.” Lizzy stated flatly. “I’ll sort it out.”   The ground was too hard to kick dirt over it. But she knew Muldoon kept a couple of metal jerry cans in the back of his Jeep. Not InGen protocol, just old habits. 
One was water, one was gas. Labelled of course, but it was pitch black apart from the glowing embers nearby.
Don’t want to get these two mixed up. 
She unscrewed the lid of the first container and got a noseful of fumes. Then checked the second, and bingo, slightly stale water that smelled like the colour green. But it was much heavier than she anticipated, almost full. 
“Ooyah! Son of a bitch!” She’d tried to lift, lost grip, and somehow managed to trap her finger between the two cans with a bang. 
“Everything alright back there?”
“It’s fine, under control!” Lizzy struggled to free herself, cursing under her breath at her own clumsiness. Idiot. “Shitshitshit, come on!”
She eventually succeeded, dousing the remains of the fire with a quiet sizzle and a faint wisp of smoke.
Muldoon hadn’t started the Jeep yet, waiting for her, there wasn’t any light at all in the clearing.  She put the can in its place, then hung back by the tailgate, quiet and still. 
And in three…two…one…
Muldoon didn’t take long to twig that something suspicious was afoot.
”Christ’s sake, Armstrong, don’t do it!” He sounded exasperated. “If you’re planning on playing hide and seek in the dark again, I’m not having it this time.”
She didn’t answer.
If he wasn’t into this, he’d just wait me out.
Lizzy was very quickly proven right.
“I know exactly where you are.” He kept up a stream of expletives in her general direction as he slammed the driver’s door. “I’ve being doing this for years. I’m very good at it.” 
Come get me, then.
Lizzy didn’t even hardly dare breathe, placing her palm over her mouth to stay quiet.  Silence. 
For just a beat too long. 
Hang on, where the Hell is he? 
Lizzy realised she possibly no longer had the upper hand.  A tiny, deliberate, shuffle of gravel under heavy boots right next to her, that made her jump and flatten her body against the taillights with a small thump.
He was close. Much closer than she thought. And she’d just given herself away. 
“Got you.” Muldoon was attempting to sound put out, but he’d enjoyed that, as much was evident in his voice, she could tell. “Too easy.”
”Fair and square, mister. So, what are we going to do next?”
”You’re going to get in the Jeep, and we’re going back to the lodge.”
Lizzy leaned against the rear bumper, making the metal creak underneath her. Just so he knew exactly where she was.
”See, I don’t really feel like getting back in the Jeep right now, isn’t that a kicker?” She hoped the lip-bite was evident in how she coyly spoke. “What are you going to do about that?”
“I will pick you up.” Muldoon threatened. “Employee handbook be damned.” 
“If that’s the case, handbook out the window, then I think you should do more than just ‘pick me up.’” She mimicked. “I’d let you.”
“Lizzy.” Deep, exasperated sigh. “I am using your first name so you know how serious I am. Get in the Jeep.” 
She uttered the two words that she knew ahead of time would be the equivalent of a red rag to the park warden. 
“Make me.”
God, she could feel the annoyance radiating from him. He was bristling. 
But nothing could have prepared her for what happened next. 
Lizzy heard him tapping impatiently on the side panel of the Jeep, it felt like a countdown.
Should I be runni-?
“Right-“ He was fast.
She wasn’t fast enough. 
And really should have ran while she had the chance.
He was making good on his word that he would pick her up, willing or not, employee handbook, workplace code, the unspoken rules all thrown out of the window, never to be seen again. 
Muldoon went straight for her legs, grabbing handfuls of her through her jeans. Damn woman, she would get in the bloody car. 
Lizzy shrieked and flung out her arms, scrabbling for something, anything to grab onto, both hands found and gripped the sides of the Jeep tailgate. 
Muldoon was trying his best to pry her free while she barely clung on for dear life with her fingernails, not unlike a cat that was avoiding being stuffed into a cage and carted off to the veterinary surgery.
She felt the pressure on her legs ease, and thought he’d given up. She started to loosen her fingers on the cool metal. 
Then he found the backs of her knees with both hands, and pulled hard. But Lizzy wasn’t for letting go just yet. She still clung on for dear life like a very determined barnacle. 
“By Christ, you’re strong-“ There was a hint of desperation in Muldoon’s normally measured voice.
That did it.  Lizzy was gone then, she started laughing helplessly at the absurdity of what was happening, what events had led to this moment, and how ridiculous they must look.   She finally lost her grip all at once and slid ungracefully downwards with a thump, accepting defeat, still cackling.
Lizzy just knew Muldoon was shaking his head in exasperation at her in the dark, his accident-prone, walking disaster of an ethologist. 
“Sit up, you bloody lunatic.” But then her entire hand was grasped in his, pulling her upright into a sitting position. “For God’s sake, don’t bang your head. It might knock some sense into you, but I don’t fancy the paperwork.”
”It’s far too late for me.” Lizzy tried to catch her breath. “Would need to be one Hell of a bang.”
Realising the connotations too late, she snorted and muttered sorry as she tried to reason with her hair, patting it back into a more respectable shape.  
She felt two fingers under her chin, tilting her face upwards and she tensed, her breath caught in her throat.  “What am I going to do with you, Lizzy?”
The question was absolutely loaded.
”Anything you like.” She impulsively answered in a low voice.
She was euphoric, riding the high that had been building since the moment she stepped down out of the Jeep into the clearing, and honestly she just didn’t care any longer. 
They would never be alone again after New Year’s Eve. 
This was it. Her only chance for God knew how long. 
She had it bad, so bad for him. And she couldn’t really remember just then why this was such a terrible idea in the first place. Something about those damn rules…
Eh, never been one for the rules anyway.  Lizzy craned her neck upwards, stretching as far as she possibly could, relying on her intuition alone in the dark. 
She found what she was searching for and after a last moment of hesitation, she finally did it. She kissed him.  
He pulled away slightly, unsure. Lizzy felt sick that she’d misjudged horribly, and was starting to seriously panic with how she could possibly play this one off.
But she could have cried with relief when he apparently got over the surprise and began kissing her in return, leaning into her. Responding to her. 
It felt so right, so bizarrely normal, that Lizzy found herself briefly wondering why they hadn’t been doing this the whole damn time they’d known each other. 
Slow and hesitant at first. Then something simultaneously clicked for the both of them, and it turned into an altogether different experience. Urgent, messy, not at all careful, not what Lizzy was used to at all.
Lizzy feared the lamps would click on and flood the clearing with light at any second. Like they had to hurry before they were caught, as if John Hammond himself might pop out of the bushes, brandishing his cane, gotcha!
But it didn’t matter. This was what she’d needed. She hadn’t realised how much she needed it, that she wanted this so badly. For far longer than the past few months of living in Costa Rica.
She realised she didn’t mind so much anymore if she banged her head on the floor of Jeep. Repeatedly. In fact, at this moment in time she’d be glad of it. They might not make it back to the lodge. 
But as quickly as had happened, it was over. Fate had very different ideas for how the night would progress. 
He pushed a little too hard into her hips, and oh God it’s happening, forcing her backwards against the bed of the Jeep as Lizzy let her legs relax and fall further apart. It was evidently far too much for the built-in motion sensor, and the alarm in the vehicle began blaring like a police siren at ear-splitting volume, all lights flashing in unison. The Rex snorted and roared unhappily at the disturbance from the other side of the fence, only adding to the din.  The noise had the same effect as if someone had poured a bucket of ice cold water over them. 
“Shit-“ Lizzy shot upright, pulling away and covered her ears while Muldoon fumbled for the Jeep keys to stop the racket. 
Then silence. Deafening, smothering silence. Even the Rex was quiet. A single hadrosaur trumpeted in the distance.
She waited, unsure what to do next, she couldn’t read his expression in the dark, but he felt off. Something was badly wrong. 
“I’m taking you back now.” Muldoon said tersely. “I would really appreciate it if you just do what I ask this time.”
”Okay.” She knew better than to argue.
“That was out of order.” He continued icily. “That cannot happen again.” 
“Got it. Sorry.” Lizzy felt the heat rising in her cheeks. Goddamn embarrassment, flooding every cell. I can’t believe this. I’ve blown it. “I’m really sorry.” 
He didn’t respond as she shuffled into the passenger side and quietly buckled her seatbelt. He wouldn’t even look at her. She tried again, one last attempt. 
I’m using your first name so you know how serious I am. 
”Robert, I’m really sorry.”
Please believe me.
Please answer me.
She‘d never used his name before, ever. This wasn’t the pleading circumstances she wanted to use it for the first time. Not at all. 
Her efforts didn’t work. 
”Don’t do that.” Muldoon replied flatly, starting the engine while staring straight ahead. “We’ll deal with this in the morning.” 
Lizzy’s heart plummeted, her chest constricting, aching with that too familiar pain all over again.
Her stomach was flipping back and forth in sheer panic for the entire silent-and-not-in-a-good-way journey back to the lodge. 
She didn’t even bother trying for a goodnight as they parted ways to their own rooms. Neither of them did.  I’ve really done it this time.
Months of building a rapport, gone in an instant because of one false judgement. And what if he told Jeff what she’d done? What if anyone on the island, at InGen, found out what she’d done?
The rumours that had been swirling around would finally be true. There were names Lizzy would be called that she couldn’t just brush off anymore. Nobody would take her, or her work, seriously ever again. She’d be an outcast.
All terrible things. But worst of all was Muldoon refusing to acknowledge her. That was the reason she was trying her damnedest not to cry.  Stupid. Stupid, stupid idiot! 
It had turned out to be too much too soon. Maybe too much ever.
Why do I always do this? Why do I always ruin everything? 
Thanks for reading!
If a particular anecdote sounds familiar, I mayyyyy have drawn some inspiration from George of the Jungle (this is very important for later 🎶)
The story I envisioned Muldoon telling Lizzy is along the lines of Peter Capstick’s black mamba in the latrine story from Death in the Long Grass. If you want some idea of just how funny it is, I’ve read it multiple times and know what’s coming almost verbatim. I still laugh every time I read it.
And hearing Muldoon calmly recount one of the many times he’s almost checked out early would be, I imagine, quite hilarious.
I can’t believe I finally got to post this chapter. It’s been here since the very first draft, it’s quite special to me as New Year, or Hogmanay as we call it, is a much bigger deal in Scotland. A very important tradition is the first foot, which is supposed to bring you good fortune for the year ahead.
…I guess they did it wrong.
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diverbots · 1 year
I saw people sharing their oc's soooooo This is Talbra he's like my main sona or something That smaller omnic next to him is his husband btw (he belongs to my gf)
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Talbra is one of the underground omnics but still an absoulte outlaw and loser. (literally nobody likes him lol) Most of the time he hangs around without a purpose in the area and collects all sorts of rubbish, which he collects in his hideout. He has a very neutral attitude towards humans, when he manages to be on the surface he observes everything they do (Also Talbra likes to mimic all sorts of sounds for example dog barking or something) He is full of energy and he is always "everywhere"
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During the Omnic Crisis, Talbra was created, designed as a war machine. However, in one of the battles he was seriously damaged. To the point where it was difficult to believe that he could be "put back together" at all. Eventually his body was successfully rebuilt, but the damage to his more mental state did not. His system was so corrupted that initially they thought he had been hacked or something. His entire memory was completely erased and any protocols that he had stored to even perform his purpose. That's why he never returned to the battlefield, after the crisis in unspecified circumstances he was moved from Italy all the way to London where he ended up in the underground with the other omnics living there. Over time, his condition began to get progressively worse, some of his parts became very dirty almost to the point of rusting. Even among "his" people it was difficult for him to find himself, he rather stayed behind in the shadows to the point where he has become some kind of urban legend. He rarely went to the surface, if only to steal things along with other omics (like necessary parts, etc.). Btw i need to commission a drawing of him from you someday
HOLY SHIIIIT???????? THEY'RE LOOK SICK AS HELL + TALBRA IS SO COOL WHAT THE FUCK (also more war machine omnic ocs yippiee!!!) I love his little funky keychains he's got going on hanging off to the side it's so cute (as well as his swagless drip he's got going on in the last image) Also I feel so bad for him after all he went through. Just picking up scraps and barely getting sunlight out there... He needs a hug I think AFHFDA 😭😭😭
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theredheaded-stuff · 2 years
Damijon ask:
Damian develops a crush on Jon and begins to draw him in his sketchbook a lot because of it. So what would happen if one day, Jon, while waiting in Damian's room, walked by his desk and accidentally dropped Damian's sketchbook on the ground (since it was sitting on the edge of the desk), making it fall open in the process, revealing to him the pages that have him drawn in it?
How would Jon react about it after seeing them and how would he react around Damian after? Would he try to bring it up or keep it to himself?
Highschool sweethearts au
I chose this name because is normally what people do when they're the highschool artist and have a crush
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Damian being the artistc soul he is of couse would draw the one he likes perfectly, and his drawings skills are just amazing.
Everyone of the main nine knew of Damian's crush on Jon, well everyone but jon ( in that case would be Maya, Billy, Kathy, Colin, Tai, Suren, Mara, Jon, Damian)
Damian wasn't subtle, c'mon, he had sketchbooks full of superboy and Jons drawings, if you don't know something is happening or you're blind or you're oblivious as jon
Jon was surprised, and then he didn't believed at all, well Damian draw everyone on the main nine didn't he? He started to see more pages and there it was some drawings of the group but then...him again.
Jon could feel his face grow more Reeder at every single page passed, Colin stared at him quietly, in thoughts he swears if this half alien boy don't pick up the hint now he is seriously dumb
Maya and Tai are playing paper and scissors to see if Jon gonna hide the sketchbook or go confront Damian about the drawings, maya bet her luck at hiding the drawings but talking about it later, she was right.
After everything Damian got back to the room, smiling widely as a Wayne could, some deserts on his arms while he shout out to everyone "is snack time, no no choice in the matter, yes Tai you need stop to drink your water, no no objections accepted"
Jon was tomato red, his eyes looking around the room shamelesy avoiding Damian's green eyes, well it was what he did all the time now, since he also discovered a crush on the boy
Damian perceives of couse, but can't quite get himself to understand why Jon is doing it, he simply nods to Maya and she does take care of the matter of Jon snacks, he knew Jon would avoid him for the time being.
Damian won't admit ever in life, but he was scared to know why or what he did to Jon start avoid his eye, so he didn't asked, everything was fine, after all Jon was quite oblivious himself, surely he would ignore his heartbeat getting faster everytime the Kryptonian got closer
Alfred the cat was very clear on what he wanted while bitting Damian's shirt sleeves, Damian leaves the room to feed the desperate kitten, even if he did put food for him at some minutes.
Colin exchange looks to Maya, who exchanges with Kathy and then with Tai, they started a pretended banter about "why Damian had left?" Dramatically every single one of them adds a reasoning until it got to the point "Damian is upset!"
Jon shakes while he hears, worried that he may or not be the cause of Damian "upset mood" he leaves the room gathering his courage to talk to his best friend
Damian gave Alfred the cat some treats happily, he won't admit that he was sure a little uncomfortable with Jon's avoiding gaze, until he didn't.
They started talking about some movies struggling to keep a subject, maybe internally both knew something was off, maybe Titus knew since he jumped on both taking them down, they laughed while petting the big dog
The tension was not int he environment anymore, the both exchange a long look that resulted in sweet smiles.
Maybe for the time being Jon would not touch in the subject, but you know what? He has enough time to touch on it and rip the band-aid of someday but today he was just smile and let his head rest on Damian shoulder
Titus was still on their lap, Alfred did room on Jon's hoodie, Damian comfortably watched the sweet now asleep boy, for the time being he would admit to himself he was happy with what they have
Jon have him and Damian have Jon even if the other doesn't quite perceived, they do feel belonging to each other
Tim smiles with the scene at his front, almost mischievously while he let Alfred treat toy disappear on the laundry room, Maya was right they did make a cute couple indeed.
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tearsoverfears · 2 years
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first time ever writing anything 😳
conrad x reader fluff :)
you've always been in and out of touch with your feelings. there would come times where you would barely feel anything at all and times where everything could consume you.
somedays were easier than others but when it rained, it poured.
today was a rainstorm. you found yourself lying in bed staring at the ceiling whilst your boyfriend slept next to you with his arm draped over your stomach. you finger mindlessly drawing little circles on his arm. his breathing slightly grounding you as you tried to pull yourself back to earth.
for some reason, everything felt too much today. it wasn't anything in particular but it was something. your mind just couldn't stop racing. you could feel the agonizing weight of it all sit on your chest.
you turn your head to check the clock sitting on the wooden dresser next to you. it read "5:30 am". slowly, you inch out of your boyfriends hold getting out of bed trying to avoid it from squeaking.
the moment your bare feet hit the wooden floors, he slightly tosses and turns. you hold your breath in anticipation that he'll stir awake. when he doesn't you find your slippers and slip on a hoodie of his that sat on his desk chair.
you leave his room making your way down the stairs, leaving to the beach. here you found your favorite spot to sit and watched the sunrise.
the cold sand underneath you held your body as the waves crashed amongst each other. the sky slowly being painted with the soft hues of purple and pink. if you squinted really tightly, the colors almost reminded you of a push pop.
you weren't too sure of how much time flew by as you sat there but you slowly began to hear footsteps behind you.
conrad held a blanket around himself as his tired body lazily made it's way to you.
"baby, what are you doing over here?" his green eyes still holding a drowsiness from just waking up. he sat down next to you wrapping you in the same blanket with him. you lay your head in the space between his neck and shoulder as he left a soft kiss on your temple.
"I'm sorry if i worried you con, i just needed time to think." as soon as you finished your sentence conrad went through at least twenty different emotions.
but his face settled on a mix between sadness and confusion.
"no, no, not about us babe." you breathed. your hand finding his cheek to rub it, "I just- I don't know. I just couldn't sleep and-.. and it felt like my thoughts were beginning to consume me." you finished in what could be considered a whisper.
you were always uncomfortable when it came to talking about your feelings. you broke the eye contact and stared at the ocean, your hand still lingered with his touch but instead you played with the sand underneath you.
the both of you sat in silence both trying to find the words to provide comfort. his hand tapped the top of your thigh. when you looked at him he signaled for you to sit in front of him. he wanted eye contact, he wanted to watch your emotions as he was going to pour whatever he was going to to you.
you slowly crawled in front of him until you were sitting in front of his legs. he moved both hands to your jaw cradling your head. his leaned in slightly his green eyes looking in to your orbs. it almost felt as if he was trying to read your unbalanced soul.
"baby, you should've woken me up. you know I'm always here to help you, no matter what." you opened your mouth to speak but he quickly cut you off only for him to continue. "I already know what you're going to say 'but I didn't want to bother you'. and I need you to believe me when I say this you will never ever ever be a bother to me."
"I want to be there for every step of the way with you. good or bad. I love you." he kissed your nose causing you to giggle too.
"but in all seriousness, are you alright my love?" his expression hardened just a bit to where you can tell he wants to truth. as much as he loves you, he always wants to know how you're truly feeling.
you nod your head, wrapping your hands around his neck pulling him in for a kiss. it was soft and meaningful, both of your pouring your words into this action showing how much you both mean to each other.
" I love you", you whispered to his lips slightly running your hands through his wavy hair.
"I love you more pumpkin," he responded. he leans in for one more kiss. you lips touched his quick and lightly. his thumbs rubbing circles on your knees.
you hastily get up playfully pushing his shoulder. “now c’mon let’s go get all the good muffins.” as soon as your full stood, you take off into a sprint racing him to the front of the house.
“heyyyy,” he whined like a child. conrad was competitive and he hated the lead you suddenly gained on him.
he then stood racing you to get the good old muffins you both adored.
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mahougirlmutualaid · 2 years
Need IMMEDIATE Help To Afford Life Saving Second Dose of Renal Failure Treatment
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(Hi, this is Maddie, Mia typed almost all of this one for me again because my coordination problems are getting worse. This is why I haven't been online lately.)
Unfortunately Wesonga Yazid, the owner of the God Provides Ministry and Orphanage (the nonprofit we have been working with the last two years, and are opening a neighboring chapter of), has been struggling with the complications and after effects of kidney failure for a long time now, after he's gone into failure twice. This is something my Mom almost passed from, so I know firsthand how serious it can be. He didn't bring it up for a year because he didn't want to draw attention or worry us, but he's too sick to be able to hide it anymore. We were able to get him his first dose of medicine but now he desperately needs the next one by this Saturday, something his doctor emphasized. He's doing very poorly and the medication needs to be taken within a certain time frame to work effectively. Yazid is my best friend, to the point we plan on him coming to live with me for a while someday so we can work more together. I can't bear to see anything bad happening to him.
We've been able to scrape together half of it after Yazid sold his bike, but we still have half left to save! That's still really possible!!! If you are able to donate anything at all it would be incredibly appreciated and would go towards saving a man’s life, if you can’t then please please please reblog! No matter how many followers you have. Even if you have one, that might be the one who gets it seen by someone who can help. Reblogging and sharing is seriously what makes the biggest difference, it's the PRIMARY thing you can do to change this.
If 25 people donated $10 we would have the amount and if 100 people donated just $2.50 we would also reach our goal! These numbers are hard to reach. But, sharing the post and getting it traction makes it entirely possible, as we've absolutely had luck like that. So please
(If you are able to donate, if you are all can please do it somewhere besides GoFundMe! GoFundMe takes 4-7 days to process a donation, and we only have two days to raise this. If you're worried about the safety of your donation and how reputable it is I can also send you Yazid's mobile banking information.)
You can read the recent GoFundMe update for a more detailed version of what’s going on. Yazid also has an account at @yazid007, and you can get more information on our (under construction) landing website here. If you want to write him directly, he is frequently active on Discord wesonga01#0356 to write or call.
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astrofae · 10 months
Currugated ask game: 🤕🌶️🚀🪞🔎🎳💺🛋️🧱🧰
🤕-Which boss is the hardest?
The Swansong is the bane of my existence. I've got over 700 hours in the game and I've... never actually beaten it. To be fair that's largely because I never really bothered doing mech stuff until recently (my achievement hunter brain craves Parasprite and Cosmic Intruder figurines) but hell, even the dungeon is hard. I can usually just blaze through all the dungeons, but even with endgame gear I die fairly often in the Dantalion!
🌶️-What do you think is your most unpopular Starbound opinion?
I don't care for Frackin Universe and similar overhaul mods. I just genuinely enjoy the vanilla experience! (Well, I call it Vanilla+ since I've got a ton of little QOL/bugfix/cosmetic mods. One of them literally just makes Snuggets glow)
I dabbled in Frackin once with friends, and it didn't interest me enough to start my own playthrough. It's certainly not a bad mod, just not my thing. I might do a heavily modded playthrough with Frackin and the whole nine yards someday, but I don't have any actual plans to do so.
🚀-Which ship design is the best?
They've all got their charm, but I quite like the Hylotl and Apex ships! I haven't actually gotten a fully upgraded ship with either of them, but I do like the futuristic designs. The Hylotl one is probably my favorite out of the two, though. The patchwork look of the Floran ship is also excellent.
🪞-Which starbound oc made you discover something about yourself, or inspired you to try something new?
I've been taking art seriously (as a hobby) for over six years now, but I never really bothered to draw people until I got invested in my Starbound OCs! I was a Wings of Fire kid so I started out drawing dragons(and I still do, just different dragons lol), but I've even gotten into gesture drawing lately just to draw my SB characters better.
🔎-What's a small, easy-to-miss detail that you just love?
I honestly really like the bug catching! It was absolutely a pain to get all of them for the achievement, but they make lovely lil decorations. The wild bugs add excellent ambience when wandering around on planets, too.
Also, all the little lore snippets from scanning stuff and talking to NPCs are excellent.
🎳-Funnest toy?
I must admit I never really bothered to do much with the toys! I kind of forget they exist most of the time. If I ever stumble across them I do have fun chucking them around my ship for a minute before they get banished into a miscellaneous storage box somewhere. I should do more with them
💺-What is your favorite furniture set? What is your favorite standalone furniture item? Do they go together?
I'm quite fond of the Astro set! One of my favorite things about SB is the sci-fi setting, and I love all the cool space props available. I like to mix and match them for individual builds, but Astro is my favorite whole set just because it's orange lol
My favorite individual piece has got to be the Symbiote in a Jar. I like to put them in my ship as a friend. Just look at him. Little guy
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🛋️-Top 3 furniture mods?
I don't actually use any! At least not any elaborate ones; I have a few for little things like gravity field generators, ceiling-mounted sprinklers, and craftable plants and coral. Also more colors of string lights and neon lights, because shiny glowy things are a necessity.
Letheia Expanded does look very cool, though! I love mods that build on the existing lore like that.
🧱-Favorite block(s)?
The good old Ornate Wood and Classic Baseboards are some of my go-to blocks for regular house builds. Heavy Pipes, too! They make great extra details.
I also love a bunch of the super niche blocks. There's not exactly a lot of regular building uses for a block of eyeballs, but if you ever need some weird stuff for a science lab or whatnot then there's that!
🧰-What huge, super ambitious mod would you make if you had the time/energy/skills?
CHARACTER CREATION OVERHAUL. I utterly despise the little arrows for selecting everything. It's already a pain in vanilla, but when you start adding in things like Colorbound and new hairstyles it is absolute agony. I've never even tried modding and I've heard that the current BS system is hardcoded in, but I long for reasonable character creation. NPCspawner's creation menu is excellent (it uses lists of colors/hairs to pick from rather than the wretched arrows) and I wish vanilla had something similar.
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marine-indie-gal · 1 month
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So if you're one of the Many People who follow Me, you'll know that I've created my own Personal Bully Character for my own Rudolph Adaptation Project. Welp, here he is. Just as I've been doubting on what the Son of Blitzen would even look like but after sketching it out and even coloring it, so far, this is the True Concept on how I imagine my own Antagonistic Reindeer character would be.
Meet Storm, one of the Yearlings of one of the Reindeer of Santa Claus (Blitzen) as well as an Arch-Rival to Rudolph. Inspired by the Character from the 1998 Version, Arrow. Those who have seen the Famous Rankin Bass version might very unfamiliar towards the Underrated Goodtimes version (to those who haven't seen nor never watched the 90s version), specifically being very unfamiliar on who this "Arrow" is that I speak of that this Character of Mine is based on within Another (yet, Obscure) Adaptation. 
If you're "Half" the kind of Christmas Movie fan that's unaware of the Lost Media of Christmas films out there or to those who have a Lost Memory in case if any of y'all have at least seen the Goodtimes version in your own Childhoods, I'll give you guys some brief info of where my own Character draws from;
Arrow is a Cousin to Rudolph (specifically in that version where Rudolph is Blitzen's Son, Cupid, Comet, and Dasher are Rudolph's Uncles/Blitzen's Brothers as Arrow is the Son of Cupid). He basically constantly bullies his own Cousin because of his Red Nose at School just to ridicule Rudolph, but only then that it's confirmed that there's a Love Triangle between The Two Cousins over one Doe that being Zoey (not "Clarice" like in the R/B version). In addition to this Original Character's lore, at the Reindeer Games, when Rudolph's Nose glows (only to cause Arrow and the Other Reindeer to go blind and lost the game), Arrow is crowned champ & for some reason, Zoey breaks up with him after all of these years somehow (causing his own Cousin to go off on a Lost Journey where his Ex-Girlfriend had to find him).
Now while I do think that the idea of a Love Triangle for a Character within the Trope of The Ugly Duckling sounds very Interesting, the Writing behind the OG Love Triangle is such a confusing mess that I personally think it could've been done better. I don't wish to spoil every much detail of that version but given on how that Goodtimes Entertainment is a Dead Company, only to be infamously known that their own personal Adaptations are only infamously known to be "Bootlegs", I don't personality understand nor why people would randomly call a Non-Disney adaptation of a Famous Old Story a "Knock-Off" just because of the Cheap Animation that almost looks similar to your average run-of-the-mill Decade 2D Animated Film. Though, one thing that I will have to admit is how some of their adaptations can be poorly written or just left explain as the '98 does have a lot of its problems than the '64 one.
(Seriously, you need to look up on how that their Movies are so comparable to Disney's).
Granted, I KNOW for a fact that the '64 definitely didn't aged well either, but in regards, I wouldn't even want to come close as to wanting to call the '98 version "Problematic", it's just suffers from most of Goodtimes' writing and so many Interesting concepts were left out on what could've been.
Without any further, here is some brief info about my Personal Rival Character;
Storm is the Son of Blitzen and Pele, as well as The Youngest Brother of Lighting.. He is a Braggart whose shown to be Misogynistic, Arrogant, Overconfident, and Narcissistic whose shown to be within of a more "Bad Boy" type as he tends to prove willingly that he's strong enough to pull Santa's sleigh someday in order to follow and take over his own Father's hooves. He's also very envious as he shown to be very jealous of Rudolph. Deep down, outside of his Mean-Spirited Nature, he's shown to be passionate and loyal enough for his Father in order to improve himself that he can be complex when it comes to his practice towards his Flying Skills. 
He somewhat holds an Platonic Interest towards Ava as he likes to tease her just for giggles (though No Romantic Affection is shown as to why he likes her), but he desires to have her and other yearlings be on his Future Team for someday when they fly the Sleigh as The Next Generation of Santa's Reindeer to gain his Father's legacy and prove that he can actually be the lead Reindeer of his own herd.
When Rudolph came to class for the very first time, Storm recognized his Red Nose as he began to make fun of it (causing the Other Yearlings to ridicule him), making Poor Rudolph to cry. However, when Ava came and took Rudolph in her own Friend Group, Storm somewhat became jealous of Rudolph that he took one of the Yearlings off his own future team. Although He didn't seem to care about Ava's own herd anyways, since the Reindeer Bully had to look for New Yearlings for Special Teammates in order to produce a "Friend" Group of his own Herd to start a Bully Posse.
When the Day that the Reindeer Games came, Storm and his own Group rivaled against Other Yearling Teams (including Rudolph's) as The Reindeer Games only had about 5 Teams of their own Herds. But Storm and his Herd were a Match against Rudolph's, beating every level that the Naughty Reindeer Posse could just so that they could afford to win an award of their own. During the Final Showdown, when Storm was about to beat the Very Last Level of the Games, Storm instantly threw dust into Rudolph's eyes, causing his Nose to blast a huge glow (which made Storm's final award to be ruined) as everyone else was very shocked to see Rudolph's shining nose.
This huge level failure caused Storm to be angered and even more envious for he wanted to get revenge on the Reindeer for doing so on what he did to him in the Games.
On a regular basis of a day, He and his Group pretends that they've completely reformed for themselves as Storm (lyingly) apologizes to Rudolph of what he did to him of all these years of ridiculing. Believing in Storm's lie, Storm then leads Rudolph the way (along with his troops) into a long walk through the Forest away from Christmas Town. Confused about where they're at now, Storm instantly pushes Rudolph off of a small cliff as he lands on the Ground hurt which soon reveals the hidden dark truth as Storm and his Gang leave him to rot alone in the Forest.
Throughout the Story, Storm sures himself not be worried about anything if his Father were to find out the Truth about Rudolph or else, he won't get any presents for Christmas as he keeps his own Truth to be hidden while Rudolph and Ava (who are split apart by their own Groups) are still out there looking for each other.
Near the end of the Story, when everyone found out about where Rudolph was all along throughout that Crazy Snow Storm, Blitzen was extremely pissed and disappointed in his Son for not telling the truth all along that he left Rudolph out there in the Woods, when Storm tried to convinced his Father not to ground him and swear that he'll change for the better, he was then punished to be on the Naughty List as he was not allowed to get Presents this Year as Storm would then for now on have to face his own actions for his consequences after when Christmas was over.
In an early concept when creating this Character, I was originally going to name him "Spike" (to try rhythming it with "Blitzen") but then I realize that the first name itself had absolutely nothing to do with the common nature of Blitzen (but I also realize on how stupid the name was and how it was often more of a Dog's name rather than an Reindeer name), so I instantly switched it to a much and more fitting name to suit within of a Spawn of a Particular Folk Figure's Meaning behind the Name itself.
Storm (c) Me Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer (c) Robert L. May
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danydarkly · 1 year
Hi! I just wanted to say, thank you so much for making the Red & Wolf comic. I just found it by accident and read through the whole thing in one night, I am seriously loving it so far. I'm autistic and I've always had a strong interest in wolves, specifically Little Red Riding Hood versions of wolves, and always wanted to read a story about the wolf having a sort of redemption or it being more than just "big bad wolf is evil and wants to eat the girl". There's hardly any content for me to dive into in regards of even just the fairytale itself, most stories are very gruesome, the short films online are incredibly dark and uncomfortable since those are the adaptations of the original grimm telling, or all of the red riding hood movies are horror films instead of fairytale adaptations. Or some sort of like... idk love triangle thing where it's all modernized or something for televesion where Red is wearing jeans and the Wolf isn't even a real wolf? But yours... this is like finding gold. I was hooked immediately and I couldn't stop reading.
Your story of Scarlett and Leikos... it's just so gorgeous, your art work has such clean lines and the way you draw eyes and hands especially is so beautiful. The design for Leikos' hair is my favorite!! And the panel you made where Scarlett is lying down on the grass/tree stump and she's blushing while Leikos is talking with her, oh my gosh, that's my favorite panel out of every chapter so far. Just... the vulnerability of these two growing closer, like... augh clutching my heart when Leikos is like "no don't cross the path you're gonna get hurt :(" and she's like "but I want to dance with you :)" like!!! she trusts him and he refuses to hurt her even when instincts kick in!! HIS BACKSTORY? BRO? I'M IN SHAMBLES?? Ugh your art is so GOOD and this STORY is so GOOD and I am just so thankful to be able to dive into a Wolf/Red story that has action, romance, suspense, all the good stuff. It's so perfect.
Thank you for working so so hard to make this comic. I'm an artist as well and I could never have the patience to upload one comic page, let alone several. Laying out panels is difficult and time consuming and not to mention you're shading and coloring the entire thing. Your poses are always fluid, never stiff, you have good perspective and composition, most ppl who make comics can easily just draw one single pose and one facial expression for 20 panels, but you've always had the expressions and body language shift and change and the camera view as well... and you gotta draw all those damn trees omfg. The flower meadow in the first chapter must have taken forever to draw too! Your hard work really shows in your art and I am so happy to have stumbled upon your comic. If you make any more merch for Red & Wolf on your Etsy, whether it's prints or charms or stickers or really anything, I would be more than willing to throw some money your way. Or if you open commissions as well someday, ahh, I love your stuff so much I would totally pay you to doodle Leikos hehe. Please have a wonderful day and take care! <3
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What a lovely message! Thank you so much, Anon! I really needed to read this today <3 I'm truly at a loss for words, like you basically complimented me on everything I'm mad-insecure about?? It's really nice, like maybe I really am too hard on myself?? Whenever I look back on my old panels (which I've been doing a lot lately since reformatting Red & Wolf for print), I always feel like I put way too much effort and kind of only see what I did wrong, but if you and others recognize the effort and like what I did - then maybe it wasn't a waste of time after all. That makes me feel way better about it, thank you :' ) Also, your favorite panel is one of my favorite panels too, where I felt "dang, I kind of nailed it here" - which is SUPER rare for me, haha. I should read this lovely message whenever the impostor syndrome kicks in, it really lifted my spirits <3
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