#i tend to be more excited about the scenes that are new or different from what's in the books
markantonys · 1 year
it is pretty funny that my gut reaction to the nynaeve Accepted Testing Introduction scene was "oh, good scene but not that exciting to me since it's just what i've already read in the book" and then i went online and all the readers are going "this is my favorite scene so far because it's taken straight from the book!!!!" haha it really goes to show the different things we all want and are getting out of the adaptation!
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mikuyuuss · 4 months
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I love that Mitsuri is a little silly and stupid at times, shes a girlboss AND a girlfailure to me <3 but apparently there are some people that genuinely dislike her for those things? I understand Mitsuri's character isn't for everyone, BUT WAIT, HEAR ME OUT.
I've always had this headcanon that Mitsuri had a somewhat sheltered childhood growing up, since In the Rengoku Gaiden, she randomly got discriminated by a stranger for her hair color, so I can only imagine that she probably got that on a daily basis.
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I'm sure Mitsuri's parents don't enjoy seeing their eldest daughter bring harassed, so perhaps they might have coddled her a bit. Maybe that could explain why Mitsuri comes off as childish, innocent or """"stupid"""" as many people would say. For me, it's more like her personality just screams "sheltered kid", through no fault of her own tho.
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(this is taken from the second fanbook, translated by @/violetheart08)
The fact that she's happy to have friends at the corps, suggests to me that she probably didn't have many friends growing up, she most likely got bullied too, and if that's the case, it's understandable that she can come across as overly friendly and excitable whenever she's befriending new people.
She's actually socially awkward like Giyuu, but just on the opposite end of the spectrum lol, that's why I love them both.
But still, it's not that Mitsuri is straight up incompetent. She's very creative and thinks outside of the box with her breathing style. She also adapts pretty well in high stress situations, we saw this in swordsmith arc, but also we see this very clearly in the Rengoku Gaiden too.
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The fact that it only took her two years to become a hashira shows that she has a level of discipline to attain that title. Not only did Rengoku trained her well, this is also no feat that a truly "stupid" person can achieve.
The reason why I have this particular headcanon about Mitsuri is because some families do put A LOT of importance on reputation, especially asian families, when their kids start showing traits that would make them "different" they tend to "hide" the kids in order to protect their reputation so they won't lose their chances at marriage.
(Though I'm not saying all asian families are like this. This is mostly just based on my personal experience that I won't elaborate further)
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It reminded me of this scene, when Mitsuri's family suggested that she can just stay with them forever when she was worried that she won't be able to find someone. I love Mitsuri's parents and they are VERY GREAT for their time, but also this is really relatable to me personally :(
And given how marriage was such a big deal in Taisho era, I imagine that it was a mixture of that and the pressure to conform and protect their daughter at the same time that led me to imagine that Mitsuri probably had a sheltered lifestyle.
And you know it's possible that I'm wrong about all of these lmao, but just the fact that she has a comparably normal childhood is a good enough reason as to why she's more positive and naive compared to her peers. I know this is all just a headcanon, but I do wish people can be a bit more considerate towards Mitsuri before hating on her for being "loud" "stupid" and "annoying"
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clarisse0o · 1 month
Camp Wiegman-Part 49
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words : 5k
Monday, February 8th; 11:45 AM - In class.
Returning to reality is hard. I'm bored to death with these classes. If Lucy saw me, she'd probably lecture me for slouching over my desk trying to follow this pointless lesson. I wish we could have extended our weekend. It was so much more enjoyable, even with the little incident Feli caused on Saturday night. I keep thinking about it. Lucy was so sweet to me from beginning to end. I was so worried, but now I regret that the weekend was too short. Plus, seeing my brother again was such a joy. It broke my heart when it was time to leave. He didn’t want to let us go, and he even cried. I felt sorry for Hector, who had to stay with him. Luckily, the holidays are coming soon. We have just one more week. I’m eagerly looking forward to it, so much so that I feel like these next few days are going to drag on. It’s well known that excitement tends to slow down time. If all goes well, I'll spend those two weeks with Lucy. The first week is certain, since we'll be going to the Alps with her friends. She told me she'd handle the planning with Ingrid during the day.
- "You seem lost in thought," Alessia murmurs. "Is everything okay?"
- "Yeah," I say, sitting up and giving her a shy smile.
I’ve never felt so good. Of course, I still have problems, but the biggest ones are now resolved. My smile fades for a moment as I recall the events of last week. With everything that happened, I haven't had the chance to speak to my friends since the cafeteria incident. I did check in with Alexia via text, but that was it. I got bombarded with questions this morning. If I had at least had one meal with them, I could have avoided this situation. But I don’t regret eating with Lucy. I was still too shaken to be around other students. Coming back to school this morning reminded me why I wasn't ready for that. The students made me the center of attention. I hated it. My friends told me that a bunch of rumors had spread after the fight. The first was about Korbin getting expelled, but for me, it was a different story. The students thought I was in the hospital, considering the beating I took. The scene in the cafeteria must have been something for them to think that. After hearing all this, I’m not surprised everyone is staring at me. Sure, I still have a few marks, but everything’s healing pretty well, thanks to Lucy’s weekly care.
- "I wanted to apologize," I said.
- "For what?"
- "For being radio silent until today. I shouldn't have worried you. To be honest, I didn't expect you to be so concerned."
- "You're our friend; it's normal to worry."
- "Yeah, but you know, except for Mapi, I was never close to many people. But now that I have you guys, it’s… I don’t know. I’m glad to have you."
- "We’re glad to have you too," she smiles. "Just don’t leave us without news next time. We saw you Thursday morning, so we knew you were okay, but we still wondered why you were absent the next day."
- "I promise, next time I'll let you know."
I return her smile. I've grown closer to them, so I can’t shy away now. I’m relieved when the bell rings right after our conversation. I hope the rest of the week doesn’t pass as slowly as this half-day. I’ll die of boredom otherwise. My only motivation is that I’ll see Lucy every evening since we’ll be sharing her room again this week. She told me she’d be busy these next five days, so I’ll have to make do with our evening classes and nights together. I hope I can manage. She’s been my support these past few days, and I already feel lost without her by my side. In the meantime, I content myself with my friends. Specifically, Alessia. She’s telling me all about what I missed last week, and her stories are pretty funny. I stop laughing, though, when we run into Lucy walking in the opposite direction just as we’re about to leave the building. I step aside to avoid getting in anyone’s way.
- "Hey," I say with a smile, happy to see her.
My smile fades when I realize she’s not looking at me. Her attention is focused on Alessia beside me, and she’s giving her a dirty look before finally turning to me.
- "Hi," she finally responds. "You know we already saw each other this morning, right?" she jokes.
- "Uh, yeah," I say awkwardly, making her smile.
- "I don’t have much time to chat, but we’ll meet after class. I’ll be done with what I have to do by then, so we can work on your assignments."
- "Really? I don’t want to waste your time. If you’re too busy, Alessia can help me."
- "No. I insisted on helping you with your studies, so I’m not going to abandon you," she replies.
I suppress my smile at the tone of her voice. Oh, so she has an issue with Alessia... I didn’t see that coming.
- "Alright. I’ll be there," I simply reply.
- "You better be. You can’t back out now."
- "I wasn’t planning to," I tease.
- "Good," she smiles. "See you later in the classroom."
- "Aren’t you going to eat?"
- "I just finished. I wanted to avoid the crowd and save time."
- "Oh," I say, struggling to hide my disappointment.
She smiles at me, as if she understands how I feel. I wish she could have been there with me. Just seeing her in front of me would have given me courage. She ruffles my hair affectionately before slowly walking away.
- "See you in a few hours," I whisper.
- "See you in a few hours," she repeats.
I sigh as I watch her walk away. I wish I could follow her. I turn back to Alessia, who raises an eyebrow with a small smile.
- "Study session, huh? I guess things are better between you two if you're willing to ditch me."
- "Oh... Uh, yeah. I should’ve told you," I grimace as we head outside to join the others.
They were waiting for us at the exit. We follow them to the cafeteria as they start walking when they see us.
- "I’m really sorry, but because of my terrible grades, Bronze wanted to take charge again."
- "So, things are better between you?"
- "I... Yeah, you could say that."
- "You could say that?" she giggles. "You seemed pretty happy to see her just now," she smiles.
- "You’re exaggerating... It’s just that I didn’t expect to see her. She told me she’d be very busy today."
- "Who, besides you, tries to run into their supervisor?" she teases.
- "Alright... You’re right. Probably no one," I giggle. "I can’t help it if I enjoy spending time with her. She... I don’t know. I need her, that’s all. With what happened last week, she once again proved that to me."
- "Uh-huh..." she smiles.
- "What?"
- "Nothing," she says with a smirk.
- "Oh, come on. I know you well enough by now to know you’re thinking something."
- "No, I’m not saying anything," she says, raising her hands. "You might take it the wrong way again, and I don’t want to risk it."
- "Of course not," I protest.
- "I’m sure you would," she laughs. "Please drop it. I really don’t want you to get upset again."
- "Fine," I sigh.
I don’t insist, knowing that if she doesn’t want to talk about it, she must have a good reason. I don’t want to create any tension between us when we’ve been getting along so well these past few days. I step into the cafeteria hall as she holds the door for me. I barely take a few steps before Alexia half-jumps on me, putting her arm around my shoulders. I wince, holding back a cry of pain to avoid worrying her. Though my injuries are healing, they are far from fully recovered.
- "Classes are so depressing," she groans. "I’m so glad we’re on break!"
- "I totally agree."
- "You guys can’t complain. We only have one week left," Alessia comments.
- "Yeah, Especially the first week. Oh my God, I can’t wait!"
- "I can’t agree more," I say with a knowing smile.
- "What do you mean...?" Ale asks, slowing down. "Wait, don’t tell me—"
She stops completely, making me chuckle. I hadn’t told her the good news yet. This vacation is going to be amazing. I’ll be surrounded by all the people I’m closest to: Lucy, Mapi, and Alexia. Gradually, a smile spreads across Alexia’s face as if she’s just figured it out.
- "No, but wait... Really?"
I shrug, smiling even more. I reply with a wink before continuing with Alessia toward the buffet, who no longer tries to understand our half-spoken conversation. Thankfully. She’s a good analyst, and I don’t want her starting to ask questions.
- "Ona Batlle! What don’t I know about!?"
- "Oh, a lot of things," I giggle. "Let’s talk about it tonight, okay?"
"You have no idea how much I hate you right now for leaving me in suspense!"
I laugh, not saying anything more. I get the feeling Alessia is already asking herself questions, so I don’t want to add fuel to the fire by feeding her curiosity. We finally change the subject as we return to our table.
Monday, February 8; 5:45 PM - Lucy and Ingrid’s Office.
For the fifth time, I try to slide my hand onto Lucy’s thigh, but she stops me again, this time with a grumble. I pout as she furrows her brows once more.
- "You need to stop that."
- "I need to touch you," I groan.
She smiles softly, tilting her head. Coming from me, that might be confusing. I’ve never felt such a primal need before. Lucy has always been the one to offer me affection, and it’s frustrating that she’s denying it now.
- "Since when, huh?"
I shrug, blushing slightly. I missed her today. It was the first day we’ve been apart in four days.
- "Just wait a few more minutes until the building empties. In the meantime, focus. You’re far from done with your exercise."
I slump, resting my head on my hand and letting out a long groan. I’m getting tired of these management exercises. It’s been nearly an hour, and I’m almost back to square one.
- "Um, hello."
I lift my head to see a new presence in the room. Ingrid isn’t here tonight, so I wanted to take the opportunity to get Lucy’s attention, but now I understand why she didn’t want that. We could still be caught at any moment, like now. I squint as I recognize my management teacher, Mr. Tompson.
- "Hello, Mr. Tompson. How can I help you?" Lucy takes the initiative to ask.
- "I didn’t expect you to have company, actually."
- "Oh, Ona isn’t a problem. I help her with her homework every evening, so I doubt there will be other times to discuss privately. I’ll make sure she stays quiet if it’s an important matter."
- "Actually, it concerns her class."
He glances at me with a gentle smile. I don’t return his smile at all. He caught my attention as soon as he arrived. Lucy sort of confirmed for me that he’s interested in her. That makes me even more eager to defend my territory, but of course, I can’t. As if Lucy sensed that I was seething beside her, she gently squeezes my knee.
- "Well?"
I loosen my grip on my pen and look back down at my paper. Maybe my inattention will encourage my teacher to talk, and that’s exactly what happens. He must have realized that I wasn’t going to leave. There’s no way I’m letting him be alone with Lucy.
- "I was thinking of organizing an outing for their class. It would involve seeing how a company operates. I’m just waiting for responses from the companies I’ve selected."
- "Okay…" Lucy responds uncertainly. "And how does that involve me?"
- "I’m looking for chaperones… Three, to be exact."
- "I see."
- "I was hoping you’d be willing to do it," he adds hesitantly after Lucy’s response.
- "Well, why not, but it’s not my decision to make. You’d better discuss this with the principal."
- "Oh yes, of course! That was my intention," he says quickly. "I just wanted to know if you were agreeable before approaching her."
- "Do you already have the other chaperones?"
- "Another teacher who helped organize the outing will be there. I’m still missing the third person."
- "I can ask Engen. I suppose she’d be interested in coming with us. Of course, it will need Wiegman’s approval first."
- "That’s a good idea. I’ll handle that. Anyway, it’s not happening for a few weeks."
- "Alright, then we’ll discuss it again when the time comes."
- "Bronze…?" I murmur. "I’m stuck here."
A smile spreads across her lips as she presses her hand on my knee a little more. She seems to understand my plea for attention.
- "Excuse me, did I interrupt you?" my teacher asks.
- "No problem," Lucy replies.
- "Well then… I’ll leave you to it. Have a good evening."
- "Thank you, you too."
I watch him leave the room with a nasty look. Fortunately for me, he didn’t notice as he had his back turned. He closes the door halfway at Lucy’s request. I sigh with relief at his departure. He was making the atmosphere heavy. Lucy smiles at me almost mockingly.
- "What?"
- "Oh, nothing."
- "Hmm…"
- "So, what’s your problem?"
- "Oh, I didn’t have one. I just wanted him to leave."
She smiles again and goes back to her work. I groan, resting my head on my palm again.
- "Still, I hadn’t realized how insufferable that guy is."
Lucy lets out a laugh she’s probably been holding in for a while, given its intensity.
- "Hey, don’t make fun of me! It’s the truth."
- "I thought you liked him?"
- "Yeah, well, I’ve changed my mind. I like him less now that I know he’s hovering around you."
- "He’s not hovering around me," she rolls her eyes.
- "He likes you and ogles you; it’s all the same to me. Plus, I would’ve preferred to avoid confronting him today, given how much I missed you," I tease her.
She smiles in amusement and surprises me by leaning in to kiss me. I close my eyes, fully enjoying this contact, which I realize has become a necessity for me right now. However, it doesn’t last. I open my eyes to beg for more, which prompts her to respond verbally.
- "I hope you fully enjoyed that little taste to satisfy your needs because that’s going to be my only affectionate gesture in this office tonight. Now get back to work. I want that exercise finished before dinner."
A plaintive whine escapes me. I should’ve expected it, but it’s so frustrating. Knowing that she really means it, I abandon the idea of getting more and change the subject.
- "I can’t do it," I replied.
I’m not sure if I’m talking about the exercise or the affection she’s withholding. She seems to assume it’s the former, judging by her response.
- "I’ve explained it to you three different ways. You can’t tell me you can’t do it. This is clearly a lack of effort on your part, and if you think I’m going to do the exercise for you, you’ve got another thing coming."
I sigh, knowing full well that she’s right about this. In truth, I already understood it the second time she explained it, but I just don’t have the motivation to do it. I still pout, not entirely happy with her attitude. However, I don’t complain to avoid getting scolded for real. If I’ve learned anything, it’s that Lucy won’t act any differently than a supervisor during work hours. With little enthusiasm, I finally dive into my exercise.
Monday, February 8; 8:15 PM - Ona and Alexia’s Room.
- "No way, this can’t be true…" says Alexia, completely shocked. "Why do you always hide so much from me! So, you and Bronze…"
She doesn’t finish her sentence, as if she still can’t believe it enough to say it out loud. I giggle and nod. I just told her we’re a couple. I thought she would’ve guessed when I said everything was settled, but it seems she hadn’t thought that far. She falls back onto the bed across from me. It looks like she’s going to need some time to process this.
- "But like, really?"
- "Yes, Ale," I laugh. "We’re together."
- "B-but, but… How?! We’re talking about Bronze here!"
- "Call her Lucy with me, please," I roll my eyes with a little amused smile.
- "Oh no, no, no. I definitely can’t do that. We’re talking about Bronze!"
I laugh heartily before we look each other in the eye. I wait for her to digest the news. She opens her mouth to speak but then closes it again. She seems to be thinking about what to say before finally speaking.
- "How? I mean, Bronze hates me because I broke the rules by dating Jenni, and she got fired because of me. So how did you get her to break the same rule herself? It’s so unexpected. I mean, of course, I encouraged you, and I hated her for hurting you so much, but… I don’t know. I just never expected her to offer you an intimate relationship, seriously!"
- "Stop it, Lucy doesn’t hate you."
- "Oh yes, yes, yes! She hates me! She made that clear from the start! She’s only become nicer to me since you two started hooking up! And that’s only because we’re friends! Did you say something to her? Oh my God, you must have said something! Otherwise, she wouldn’t be acting so nice to me!"
I chuckle in amusement. The way she’s getting worked up is hilarious. Now she’s standing up, panicking, saying things I can’t even understand anymore because I’m laughing so much.
- "Ale, calm down. I didn’t say anything to her. If she’s doing it for me, I don’t know about it. I can find out If you want.
- Definitely not! Besides… why are you here with me? Don’t you want to go find her?
- Well, you see, I have a friend who pressured me a little to stop by here before heading back to my room. I should hate you for delaying the moment I’ve been waiting for all day, but you’re lucky I like you, I teased.
- Aww, you’re too cute! But go on. I don’t want to keep you. I’ll just try to process this news now that I know.
- No, I think I’ll stay here for a bit. Actually, I need to make Lucy wait. She left me frustrated while I was doing my homework.
Alexia sits back down on her bed, nodding.
- It’s understandable that she’d want to keep things discreet. Her best friend lost her job because of me for the same reason. I doubt she wants to get fired for it too.
- I know… I sighed. I don’t blame her; I get it. Honestly, I just didn’t expect to want to be so touchy-feely with her. I mean, just last week, I could barely stand being touched. Now I’m practically begging her to touch me, even if it’s just once.
- I’ve been saying from the start that you were hooked on her, she teased. But still, I can’t get over it. You two, together? I mean, especially Bronze in a relationship—it’s unimaginable.
- Oh, stop. It’s just because she only shows you the mask she wants you to see. She’s really sweet deep down. I even think she’s hiding her true self, I said with a roll of my eyes.
- What do you mean by that?
- I’m not saying anything. You might never see her the same way again, and I doubt Lucy would appreciate it, I replied with a small, sly smile. I think she likes to keep you on your toes, I chuckled.
- Yeah, well, it’s really not funny, she pouted.
- You know, I can always talk to her if this bothers you that much.
- No, absolutely not! I want to prove to her that I’m a good match for Jenni. I feel like she still doesn’t think so.
- If she doesn’t yet, she will. And I promise I won’t do anything to make that happen.
We exchanged a knowing smile just as there was a knock on the door. A rather timid Lucy entered our room. I raised an eyebrow, not expecting her to show up. I’d seen her after dinner and told her I wouldn’t come by right away.
- Hey, I said. What brings you here?
- I was wondering what was taking you so long.
I raised an eyebrow, noticing it was only twenty past eight. I usually didn’t head back to my room until nine when I stopped by here first.
- Hmm… We were just talking, but I can come back with you if that’s what you want.
- Oh no, it’s just that… she started before cutting herself off. Never mind.
Lucy shifted her gaze from me to my roommate. She raised an eyebrow, making me look at Alexia in turn. Alexia’s cheeks were clearly flushed with embarrassment, probably from staring at her. Lucy sighed, running a hand through her hair.
- She knows, I guess?
- Of course. Don’t think I was going to keep it from her.
- I didn’t say anything, she smiled softly. Well… are you done, or should I leave without you?
- I think we’re done…
- Yeah, sure, Alexia confirmed.
- So, see you tomorrow morning? I asked.
- Yeah, she smiled, getting up to hug me. See you tomorrow morning.
- Good night, I said, before joining Lucy, who had been waiting by the door since the beginning.
Lucy wished her a good night as well before letting me go ahead to leave. We walked through the buildings, taking her shortcut to make the trip quicker.
- You thought I wasn’t coming back? I teased. I usually get back to your room later than this.
- No. Let’s just say I didn’t expect you to take so long. You told me you’d only be fifteen minutes.
- Hmm… And what would have happened if I’d stayed longer, huh?
- It would have meant that I couldn’t enjoy you the way I wanted, she murmured as she opened her bedroom door.
- Well, I started, immediately searching for my things in my suitcase. You didn’t want me to enjoy you in your office either, I replied in a slightly reproachful tone.
- You’re not really mad about that, are you? she teased.
- You don’t know me very well if you think otherwise, I replied with a wink.
She tried to steal a kiss as we moved, but I ignored her and slammed the bathroom door in her face. I heard her groan behind it, which made me stifle a laugh. I expected her to give up—at least, that’s what I would’ve done in her place—but instead, she came into the bathroom just as I was taking off my shirt.
- Luce, get out of here.
- No, she said, blocking me against the sink.
- What’s gotten into you? I sighed, slightly unsettled by her sudden change in behavior.
- You should know that I don't reject you in my office for fun, she replied. I told you that I'd remain your supervisor at school and your girlfriend in private. I thought you understood that. Let's not start taking jabs at each other over this.
Her response made me realize she took my words seriously. Sure, I was a little upset with her for making me wait with just one kiss, but I was mostly joking.
- Sorry, I... It’s just that... Today was hard. I really missed you. I didn’t expect it to be this much. Plus, it was tough dealing with all those rumors and students without you by my side.
Lucy sighed as she pulled me into her arms. I relaxed into her embrace, enjoying the long-awaited hug. She kissed my forehead.
- It was only the first day... You'll have to hold on for three more months because I’m not planning to change my stance on professionalism. Don’t forget that I’m working here.
- I know, I mumbled.
- We’ll have all the time in the world to be together in the evenings, OK?
- Yeah, and after the holidays, huh? I won’t be here in the evenings, remember?
- Well, we’ll have the weekends, she arched an eyebrow. You're not going to get all depressed on me, are you? I didn’t think you were this needy for affection, she teased.
- Well, you’re the one who made me like this.
She laughed and stole a quick kiss from me.
- Now, go take a quick shower and come join me. You’re not the only one who’s been waiting for this moment all day. I just hide it better than you.
I smiled as I watched her leave. She really does hide it better than I do because I hadn’t noticed. I hurried to wash up and get ready for bed before joining her. She was already waiting in bed with the next Harry Potter movie queued up on her laptop. I quickly joined her, snuggling into her arms. She held me tight and kissed me passionately, showing me just how much she had missed me too.
- So, how was your day otherwise? she asked as she started the movie.
- Long and boring, I sighed. It’s really unbearable. I’m just glad Alessia and the others were there to distract me.
- Alessia, huh?
- What? I asked, smiling slightly, already knowing where this conversation was going.
- You two have gotten close pretty quickly. Is she still into you?
I smiled mischievously. I vaguely mentioned this to her because of what happened on New Year’s Eve. I seriously need to stop talking to her about these things.
- I don’t think so. At least, she knows I’m interested in someone else.
- Really?
- Yeah… But she’s starting to have questions about us, so if you ask me, you might want to save those looks for someone else next time.
I bit my lip and looked up. The scene from this morning was unforgettable. I saw her give Alessia a disapproving look, and I doubt it was accidental. I caught her rolling her eyes before she turned them back to me.
- Why? She’s asking questions?
- I think she suspects that you’re the one I’m interested in. So yeah, I guess she’s asking questions. This morning, she didn’t want to continue a conversation about it, fearing I’d get upset…
- I see, she murmured. I’ll try to control myself. You try to do the same with your management professor, she teased.
- At least I didn’t stare him down!
- Maybe not, but you weren’t exactly pleasant either, she giggled.
- That’s not true.
- Yes, it is, she laughed. It was cute.
I blushed, sinking deeper into her. I turned my attention to the movie that had been playing. Lucy kissed my head, making me smile. It’s funny how easily we express our feelings now when we hid them for weeks before.
- So… I can’t talk to Alessia about us, right? I broke the silence, making Lucy sigh.
- Why do you ask? Do you want to tell her?
- No, but I’m afraid she’ll find out…
- If you ask me, from what you’ve told me, she already suspects. It’s up to us to prove her wrong, which is why we need to stay professional here, especially during work hours.
- You’re right, I murmured.
- I’d love for you to be able to talk to her, but the fewer people who know, the less chance we have of compromising my end of the year. I’d rather we don’t talk about it, no matter how much you trust Alessia or anyone else.
I nodded. It’s definitely too risky. It might be our last year, but I’m not going to risk anything happening in the short time we have left here.
- I won’t say anything.
- So… Do you really like her since you’ve gotten close to her?
I swallowed a smile. She’s really cute when she’s playing jealous.
- She was a good support while you were away… I misjudged her, to be honest.
- You know, if you asked me a question like that, I would have reassured you…
I frowned, worried that I might be misunderstanding the tone of her voice. I looked up to see her smiling softly at me.
- Yes, I’m jealous of her, baby. Unlike me, you could have been open with her in front of your friends.
- I was open with you in Barcelona and even in front of my mom. That was the first time that ever happened. Well, I did it with Mapi in front of our friends, but definitely not as quickly.
- Really…? she murmured.
- Yes.
I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better look at her. She suddenly seemed deep in thought. Her hand gently caressed my back.
- What’s on your mind? I whispered.
- I don’t want to rush you into things too quickly. You know that, right?
- Of course. I wouldn’t do anything I didn’t want to do. Honestly… I expected this weekend to be a disaster because of my fears, but I ended up loving it… You made me feel comfortable, as you always do. Everything feels so natural between us, and that’s exactly what I need.
She smiled softly before kissing me.
- I’m glad to hear you say that. Don’t hesitate to tell me if anything bothers you, okay?
- Nothing bothers me… But I’ll tell you if something does, I promise. Can we finally watch the movie now?
- Of course, she giggled. Sorry. Come here.
She lifted her arm, and I didn’t hesitate to snuggle as close to her as possible. I love when she holds me in her arms. I used to be afraid of starting a new relationship because I didn’t like physical contact anymore, but now I crave the opposite with Lucy. I buried my head in her neck, thinking about this. I can’t imagine being without her anymore. We’ll need to balance our time during the day and our private moments. I have no doubt she’ll help me with that, even though it will be challenging for both of us, from what I can tell. Lucy is clearly better at hiding it than I am. I hope I can do the same in the coming days, and then the holidays will finally be ours.
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dullgecko · 1 month
Another goblin headcanon is that goblin hoards have a reputation for a lot of in fighting and strict hierarchy, which is just completely untrue.
While they do have leaders this is normally just the oldest/most experienced in whatever area they’re in charge of and hoards are actually normally very close knit and protective of each other.
One reason for this stereotype is that goblin as a language has a lot of clicks, hisses and growls that to someone who’s not used to it would think that anything said sounds aggressive and threatening.
They also wouldn’t be able to tell the nuisance in goblin body langue e.g angry tail thrashing vs excited happy tail thrashing, big toothy smile vs showing off teeth and ears going back relaxed not really concentrating on anything in particular vs ears going back I’m annoyed and about to attack.
Goblins also tend to use a lot of touch to communicate; gentle biting of friends, whining up to someone when they want something they have (especially younger goblins to older ones), playfully pushing each other and cuddling that honestly looks more like grappling and all this from a uneducated point of view could be seen as fighting.
Add this to people already having a low opinion of goblins and a lot of the ‘studies’ and ‘research’ done on goblins is at best extremely biased and inaccurate and at worst just plain racist, and goblins developed the reputation as savages that will attack even those in their hoard.
I’m also imagining a scene where riz and the bad kids go to the mountains of chaos and either run into or get captured by a goblin hoard. And after a few misunderstandings (they did plan on eating them, apart from riz) they’re happily welcomed and shown all around their section of caves, given food, a place to stay the night if they want etc.
It’s definitely weird for riz to suddenly be surrounded by other goblins after spending his whole life with the only other goblins he really interacted with being his mom and his dad and he does get pretty overwhelmed and emotional at points. But it’s also nice to experience for himself that no matter what people say goblins aren’t just these naturally evil stupid creatures.
Also the rest of the bad kids get climbed on, a lot.
These Goblins don’t often get a chance to interact with other races so are naturally very curious about the bad kids and to them getting up and close to new friends is perfectly fine, plus they’re all so much bigger than them so it makes perfect sense to scale up them to say check out gorgugs goggles or check out the colour of Kristen’s hair etc. xx
Honestly, i love this so much that i want to print it out and eat it. Thankyou.
They only even got attacked in the first place because a group of older goblins out for a hunt came across a pack of tall-men carrying what is clearly a CHILD and stepped in to 'save' them.
Noone actually got hurt, despite a lot of weapon brandishing and hissing, mostly because all the bad kids by this point are EXPERTS at reading Riz's body language and it translated perfectly over to the dozen or so goblin adults surrounding them and were smart enough to firstly drop Riz (who had been play-fighting Fig earlier and was at the time being carried around like a sack of potatos under Gorgugs arm until he calmed down because he had entered the silly and biting zone) and secondly put their hands up and drop their weapons.
It had taken Riz a while to talk them down, mostly because (as he explained to his party later) his mum and dad were from the opposite end of the range and had a WILDLY different accent and he had to wrap his head around that first. Think a New Zealander trying to talk to someone from Rural Texas. They can understand eachother, it just takes a bit for you to get used to the accent.
Once Riz explained to them that they were from Elmsville, and that this was his horde, the goblins attitudes changed drastically from 'intimidating and pissed off' to 'friendly and curious'. There wasnt much of a change in their body language, but all the bad kids relaxed immediatly when they clocked the shift (which only added weight to Riz's claim that these were his horde). Especially since Fig could hiss out a passable 'nice to meet you', even if her accent was terrible.
Some of them even put down their weapons to get closer and examine the rest of the bad kids, several of them grabbing and poking at Fig and Fabians forearms when they noticed the bite marks from the earlier play-fighting and Riz showed off his own bite-marks from Fig.
They get the invite to spend the night in the caves, since its already getting dark by this point and a bit too late to set up camp, and they happily accept. Kristen and Adaine have an absoloute ball playing with the goblin kids who come to investigate (they're so SMALL AND CUTE) while Fig and Gorgug get climbed all over by children and teens in equal parts. All of them kept getting offered food that they knew from experiance they proooobably couldnt eat without getting food poisoning, but they had plenty of rations to offer back and Adaine kept pulling candy out of her jacket to the delight of both the kids AND adults.
Fabian gets spared the brunt of the grabbing and poking, but mostly because Riz has taken refuge on his shoulders after a couple hours and was flicking his tail in mild annoyance anytime someone got TOO grabby. He'd fled up onto his favorite perch when, intrigued by the novelty of a NEW and STRANGELY DRESSED goblin teenager, more than one of the hordes teens had flirted a little too aggressivly with Riz for his liking (a boy around Riz's age had grabbed his tail and done SOMETHING Fabian hadnt quite seen, but the next second Riz was scrambling up his back and hissing so he didnt ask).
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months
Hi Dema!! Your art is fantastic and even the lineart is awesome! Solid and confident in where it's thick and where thin. I really like how your style has characters look more realistic and they have specific consistent features. Your blog has a pleasant atmosphere, and you're skilled in weaving AUs! There's a lot of details and structure, and I'd like to ask if any of them have a full story arc? Could you do a list of all of the AUs? Is there a motif that you especially like that repeats in any of the AUs? And whenever you add comments to my stuff in the tags I literally smile, it makes me want to keep at my plan to create everything I have in mind. So I'd like to spread this joy! I hope you have a nice day! (from late-draft ^^)
Hello, Late-Draft! I wasn't expecting this ask at all but I'm so glad to have received it!
First of all—I'll try to hold myself back from giggling like a schoolgirl. I'm having a sempai noticed me moment over here and that's just embarrassing. So give me a second to compose myself, if that's alright?
Okay, I'm back.
Now, on to business.
Character design, especially when it comes to facial features and how they're unique to each person, has always been a passion of mine. I always try to have a solid design for each character. I choose which features feel like the character in question, which face feels natural to draw, and go along with it. I love drawing Katara as much as I love drawing Zuko. Meanwhile, I seem to be on a never-ending battle against Sokka's features. Woes of an artist, I suppose.
Character design is actually one of the reasons I love your work so much, in case you hadn't noticed. I'm currently experimenting a bit with a different style... Hopefully it won't be long before the artwork is done and I can share it over here. I'm so excited for everyone to see it!
Now it's time for the reason we're all here.
I have said it before and shall say it once more: AUs are my lifeblood.
I love them so much! Building them, daydreaming the scenes, thinking of the characters and how they differ from their canon versions. The arcs and the themes and the worldbuilding. Building AUs is my passion, and I have so many of them!
There are a lot of motifs and themes that tend to repeat themselves in several of my AUs, I believe.
You'll notice that most of my stories are Zuko-centric, with a heavy emphasis on grief and humanity. There's the question of what makes us human and how to move forward when the whole world seems to push you back. I put a lot of stock in metaphors and symbolism within the narrative itself. I'm especially interested in the nuance of war and how it affects people emotionally, physically, and psychologically
I also tend to reutilize some elements of the lore and/or worldbuilding! Such as the Painted Lady's backstory, or the existence of War Children within the ATLA universe.
Now, the list!
I think I'll start with my current project, if that's okay :)
For the Spirits (New Gods AU)
Zuko was a child when he met Agni. Then, the spirits started coming to him. Eyes hidden in the hallways, voices pleading for help, for recognition, for remembrance.
Zuko could see Agni. He could see the broken remains of a Great Spirit and the empty smiles of amnesiac ghosts.
And they could see him in return.
I've been working on this AU for a long time, but only now did I get the chance to start writing the fic (linked up there!). I'm extremely excited about FTS and where the story will lead us in the future, but I'll try not to spoil too much.
It's a Zuko-centric story, with a heavy emphasis on Spirits and humanity. I'd like to add a warning for depression/mental health issues.
To Hesitate (Lee & Kya AU)
As she watches Lee and Kya avoid each other's eyes from across the room, the phrase comes back to her, swift and silent:
"To hesitate is to lose."
As Song treats the victim of an unfortunate interaction with a rare poisonous flower, her day takes an unexpected turn when it becomes apparent that the old man's nephew and her assistant have history.
A vivid history.
The Lee & Kya AU is a vibe, a feeling. It's probably one of my oldest AUs out there as well as one of my dearest.
A classical Lee and Kya From The Tea Shop AU, full with wholesome fandom tropes such as: fake (but not really) dating, fake identities, Ba Sing Se shenanigans, vigilante stuff, White Lotus missions, Iroh is a great Uncle, Zuko is an awkward turtleduck, and, of course, the fluffiest fluff you'll ever see.
Other than that, Lee & Kya is probably one of the less plot-focused AUs I have. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't scenes I can't wait to write or a canon divergence or two where Zuko is concerned.
(I have another fic posted but I'll leave that one to the end. You asked for a full story arc and, oh boy, does Soundless deliver.)
Kintsugi AU
Closer to being canon-adjacent than canon-divergent, Kintsugi is yet another Zuko-centric AU (and are we not noticing a pattern over here?).
I'd love to explain it in depth, but I believe the caption of the artwork linked above does a better job at explaining than I ever will.
Kintsugi is the art of decorating your scars with pieces of Agni.
In the Fire Nation, the amount of golden marks are a sign of status. Only the Royal Family can afford to seal every single wound with Kintsugi. Such is the weight of this tradition that, among the ones with Agni's blood, it is the highest mark of dishonor to have a natural scar, for it proves you aren't worthy of the privilege.
After the Agni Kai, Ozai forbid Zuko's scar to be sealed with Kintsugi. The boy wasn't worth his title, his traditions or his pride. Zuko would be broken, but he wouldn't be beautiful. Not anymore.
(And sometimes it's easier to pretend he never was)
Kyoshi Warriors AU
One of my absolute favorites!
In this AU, Ursa took Zuko and Azula with her when she was banished, so they could start anew. With help from Iroh and the White Lotus, she managed to relocate her freshly burned eight-year-old child and her crying daughter to Kyoshi Island.
Years later, when Avatar Aang and his companions first arrive at Kyoshi Island, they're met by the Kyoshi Warriors and their leader, Noriko of pale skin and warm brown eyes.
The Gaang leave Kyoshi Island many weeks later with a new companion. And if Jian Li, with his war paint and his scar and his dual dao, gives the island that he has called home for so long one final, longing glance as they fly away on Appa, they pretend not to notice.
Hunters AU
We're starting to dwelve deep into dangerous waters!
This is a Katara Joins Zuko In His Quest To Find The Avatar AU, with a twist!
This AU was born as a writing experiment. What if we take Katara's character, and change one of her core characteristics? Katara, who looked up to the Avatar as a saviour figure, now blames him for leaving and allowing the Fire Nation to wage war on the world.
Then comes Zuko, a banished Prince with a crew full of traitors and his own agenda. Zuko wishes for nothing more than to dethrone his father and end the war. He is a White Lotus member, an honorable, driven young man, and he has a plan.
The catch? He needs to take the Avatar to his father if he wishes to regain his title and be able to rightfully take the throne. Oh, and he will deliver the Avatar to the Fire Lord—but nobody said it had to be in chains.
Halfblood AU
I watched Blue Eye Samurai a few months ago and it destroyed me. The idea of a half-blooded child dead set on getting revenge for their very existence stuck with me, and this AU was born.
Kanna made a life for herself in the Earth Kingdom after leaving the North. Katara was raised by her grandmother in a small village, being taught to hide her bending if she wanted to live peacefully in a place she was only half of. Her mother had died in childbirth. Her father, a nameless warrior from the Southern Water Tribe who had loved Kya and left her behind, didn't know of Katara's existence.
Katara took over Kanna's clinic after she passed away. Always taking care of others. Always suppressing her need to bend. Always wishing for more.
One day, he arrived. A half-child, just like her. But while she was of Water, he was a son of Agni. He was searching for the man who brought him to this world. The man who scarred him. The man whose face he couldn't recall, whose name he did not know. The man whose specter had chased his mother to her grave. The man who would die at his hand.
The answers were hidden in a small teashop deep within Ba Sing Se. Lee offered her a way out, and Katara took it.
Soundless (Uiscefhuaraithe)
Katara of the Southern Water Tribe has hands scarred by fire and great talent, though no teacher.
Zuko is a mute War Child, a herbalist and healer, and the Blue Spirit. He bears the mark of fire, and the scar of the blade that took away his voice.
The first time they met, the Blue Spirit had just saved her, tough not before her hands got burned. The second time they met, his name was Lee, and he was healing her.
They live in war and they will fight, if not for the world, then for themselves.
You asked for a full storyline, and I shall deliver!
Soundless is probably the only AU I have fully planned. Three-books, Azula redemption arc, role-reversals and all.
This AU has everything. From travelling through the Earth Kingdom together, to odd character team-ups that somehow manage to work, and a major goal/conflict to resolve.
Zuko and Katara must find their way to Omashu in an Earth Kingdom ravaged by war as they also grow to understand each other, themselves, and the world around them. They meet with new and old alliances, keep their ears open for rumors of the Avatar (They say he is an airbender, Lee. Do you truly belive that?), and do their best to always be two steps ahead of their pasts.
Meanwhile, both the Northern and Southern Water Tribes are searching for the runaway heiress, Aang must find his way alone on this new, hostile world, and Azula must face the revelation that, despite what her father has stated for the last two years (liar, he lied at her! Her! He lied he liedliedliedlied), her brother might just be alive.
I'm sorry for making this such a long answer! I just get very excited about these subjects and don't know when to stop. If you made it all the way down here: thank you again.
I hope you have a good day ❤️
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flamebearrel · 1 month
“But Kris, if I wanted to watch Anim vs. with all the different series how should I even go about it??”
It largely depends on the topics and cast you’re interested in seeing. The show is split into three subseries as well as the occasional standalone episode: Animator vs. Animation (the original created in 2006-7 by Alan Becker alone), Animation vs. Minecraft (the longest and most popular, shorts stemming off a standalone from 2015), and Animation vs. Education (the newest from 2023, visualizing high-level STEM concepts)
Personally, I think core AvA is required reading for anyone who has appreciation for past eras of the internet, UI, or principles and genres of animation. AvM and AvE are equal in quality but honestly you won’t appreciate them as much if you aren’t familiar with the topics they cover. Alan and his team do try to visually introduce things step by step, though, so you can at least get a general idea of what you’re looking at
Besides that, core AvA specifically follows the Hollow-Heads, hand-drawn stick figures created by the Animator, “noogai”/Alan. In particular you have The Chosen One (shortened to Chosen, Cho or TCO) and The Second Coming (aka Second, Sec, TSC or Orange). TSC is the de facto main character and the only one appearing in all three series, while TCO and the Animator are exclusive to the original.
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The SticksFight squad - the four sticks originating from sticksfight.com and named after their colors - have developed distinct personalities as the main cast of AvM, but only take a collective side role in main AvA (Yellow has a slightly larger role than the others). Here’s a summary of their individual personalities so you know what to look for in their smaller appearances
Red - Impulsive and energetic, always the first to jump into action and with a soft heart for creatures and beasties. He’s a little simple when it comes to technical things, but excels with reading the people around him, then building off of their quirks. Since the rest of the group babies him a bit, he puts in extra physical work to prove he can hold his own. Red also tends to play around with new or out-of-the-box solutions - knowledge that extends to his pranks. Most ready to fight with his fists or use heavy-hitters like maces and clubs. (Good intro/focus eps: The Rediscovery, Texture Pack, Monster School, The Prank)
Blue - A mellow fellow! Blue is one with nature and focuses on farming, cooking, and potionology. Due to her pacifistic tendencies, Blue prefers to reason things out or find other solutions rather than fighting, but will throw herself into the face of danger for others. Otherwise she takes up ranged weapons like guns and bows. She’s detail- and aesthetic-oriented as well as graceful, but doesn’t often step outside what she knows. A bit of an addiction to nether wart, which is somewhere between an unusual snack and a drug. (Good intro/focus eps: Potions, The Piglin War, The Chef, Blue’s New Superpower)
Yellow - She loves more than anything to get down to the root of things, and that makes her the group’s engineer! …And a bit of a troublemaker, paying more attention to the thrill of a discovery than the consequences. Yellow tries to find fairness and justice for friend and foe alike. While they have a reliable, supportive demeanor, they’re also very peppy, excitable and tough with how they stand strong in dire situations. Often her fighting style takes place behind the scenes, using things like explosives or a command-casting staff. (Good intro/focus eps: The Roller Coaster, Command Blocks, Lucky Blocks, AvArcade Games)
Green - Originally the weakest on the team, but has since come into his own after a lot of reflex training (read: getting tossed around). Green has great adaptability to learning new techniques and getting creative, particularly with styles of music and architecture. He loves the spotlight and usually competes with the others or takes the chance to show off; however, he also cares deeply about welcoming in those he meets. Dashes and zips around all the time during battle, usually via fishing rod-grappling hook. (Good intro/focus eps: AvYouTube, Note Blocks, PvP, The Dolphin Kingdom)
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If you’re just gonna watch the REQUIRED ones this is what I recommend:
AvA s1 (1-4, previously I-IV)
AvMinecraft (original)
AvA s2 (5-8, previously “shorts” combining into V)
AvA s3 (9-ongoing)
That way you get the introduction of both subseries, with how each establishes the cast/direction, as well as one standalone. I put vs. YT here since it best fits the theme imo but you could go with vs. Pokémon or vs. Arcade Games if you prefer
If you’re willing to take on AvM/the rest of the series this is pretty much the order of the timeline:
AvA s1
AvM (original)
AvM shorts s1 (1-14)
AvLeague of Legends (required for an AvM character’s development)
AvM shorts s2 (15-19)
AvA s2
Other standalones
AvM shorts s3 (20-30)
AvE (ongoing)
AvA s3 (ongoing)
AvM shorts s4 (ongoing)
Or just follow my playlist!!!
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lemonlaur · 10 months
𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 fushiguro toji x fem! reader 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 synopsis: a new regular at your work who always bets on losing dogs; at least most of the time. . . 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 word count: 3.2k 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 cw — sort of slow burn, rough sex, oral sex, cunnilingus, blowjob, smut, doggy style, breast groping, hair pulling, biting, hickies mdni ♡ ࣪₊♡𓂃 note — my first time writing smut in a while and my first tumblr post! if you enjoy it, please comment or reblog, it would make me so happy (and maybe do more teehee)
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“Takoyaki,” the broad-shouldered man ordered, not even bothering to look at you. He was engrossed with the race on television, just like every other person here. 
You were beginning to reconsider working next to the sportsbetting eatery outside of Tokyo. There was never an issue with people paying for their food, which one might expect from petty gamblers, but most just lacked manners.
“That’ll be 500 yen,” you chimed, catching a glimpse at his betting card as he gave you the banknotes from the same hand. Number four – 10,000 yen. 
The race concluded while he waited for his food, and it wasn’t hard to see that number four was not in the first. Or second, for that matter. The man let out an annoyed sigh before crumbling the slip and shoving it into his baggy gray pants.
Then, he finally looked at you. Maybe it was because you had the octopus balls. 
“Here’s your order, sir,” you felt a little nervous under his intense gaze, not expecting the sudden eye contact. “Chopsticks are on the tables, and green tea is by the door.”
“When’s the next race?”
“Oh, um,” you weren’t the bookie, but this was a common question. “Usually there’s only one boat race a day during this season. But, there’s horse racing in about an hour, though.”
He looked at you, then the food, and finally offered a half smirk in your direction. His mouth turned up on one end, opposite of what looked like an old scar. Your cheeks heated up and averted your eyes to help the next customer, obviously. He then took a seat between the cash register and the television screen. 
You watched as the same scene repeated itself, and he lost. 
This wasn’t uncommon, but usually after two losses, especially with the money he was betting, the patrons just left. 
“Hey,” someone said.
You were thinking to yourself while wiping down one of the tables, and jumped at the same deep voice from earlier.
 “You work here everyday?” The voice belonged to the man from before, and without a counter and register between you both, you could really feel the size difference. Before you could answer, he continued, “If you’re here everyday, maybe you have a better idea of what normally wins.”
You hadn’t anticipated a question about betting, but you liked to think you knew a thing or two. 
“I can’t predict the future or anything, but tomorrow, I bet Hoshimi – the horse in the district next to us – is going to win. He hasn’t won the last two, coming in second both times, but I think that’s why the jockey will secure it this time. He’ll have more drive.” Tomorrow would be a slow day, as all Mondays tended to be, and therefore you knew the most about those leagues. 
“What do I do if I have no more money to bet with?” He replied.
“Um,” you blankly stared at the man who must’ve thrown away at least 20,000 yen today. “You leave?” 
“No, no.” He chuckled breathily. Leaning against the table you’d just been wiping down, he asked, “What if, instead of betting money I don’t have, you and I make a bet? On your horse –” he looked at your nametag “[Name].”
You blinked a couple of times, rather surprised. The way he said your name made it sound a little better, but maybe that’s because you were tired. He also looked a lot better than most of the customers. “Make a bet? I’m just an employee, so maybe you’d better find someone else.”
“I think it would be some honest, good fun, and nobody’s wallet suffers,” the unnamed man explained. “If you’re here all the time, it might bring some excitement to the monotony,” he waved his hands in the general direction of some typical drunk patrons. 
He did have a compelling way with words, and it’s not like you’d lose any money. Plus, if he showed up again, that was enough of a win – he was sober, must’ve had some sort of income, and was rather handsome. You’ll give him the benefit of the doubt for being a little rude earlier, he did have a lot of money on that race. 
“If there’s no money, I am all game,” you agreed. 
* * *
Every Monday, Toji, who finally gave you his name, came in to bet on the horses. He would go to the bookkeeper beforehand to get his card before coming over to you. He would order his takoyaki, ask your horse (always the same), and sit between the register and television, watching. 
The first few times, you just would discuss your picks, and whoever won simply had the satisfaction. However, the two of you grew more and more competitive, as if addicted to the idea of one upping the other. 
“[Name], I am a betting man,” Toji had come in unexpectedly on a Wednesday, with a betting card in his hands. “I know for sure that number six is going to demolish the others in this race today, and I’ll make 100,000 yen.”
“If you say so,” you teased. You’d only ever seen him win petty matches when betting on baseball teams so far.
“I bet you, my guy is going to win,” he slammed his muscular palm onto the counter you worked at. “Real stakes this time.”
“Oh, like money? I get paid to watch you,” you dusted off your work apron, stretching your arms out. 
“No, no money, something more valuable,” he explained. “Your time. My guy wins, you owe me a date. I can even pay for your time off work, considering my wallet after the win.”
You felt your cheeks grow hot and you looked at his smug expression, both ends of his scarred mouth twitching up. “Oh, and what do I get if mine wins?” You decided to ignore his stake for a moment, not willing to let him see you caught off-guard. 
It’d been about a month since you’d met him, and he’d become so much of a friend you forgot how attractive you’d initially thought he was. It was not hard to come back to, that’s for sure. It wouldn’t be a loss, per say, but your competitive spirit might be a little bruised. 
“Whatever you want,” he explained, “but not money.” He held out his hand as if you’d already agreed upon the bet verbally. “Also, the race starts in five minutes, so I’d pick your. . . whatever the sport is.”
Feeling a little less worried, because Toji hadn’t even bothered to look at what he was placing bets on, you shook his hand. 
The parlor barely had anyone in it because it was a midday boat race, so you decided to join him at his usual spot to choose your boat. You decided to go with number four because you needed to think fast, and his odds would likely be no better than yours.
Toji was looking at you more than he was looking at the race, as if he’d already won. But you ignored it, clutching your first as though there was an imaginary betting card. If he lost, maybe you would have him do something goofy or tell him to quit betting and just eat here. 
The boats were pretty neck and neck, with four, five, and six barely a needle ahead of one another. 
The bell rang as a customer opened the door, and you jumped to go back to the register. You tried to simultaneously pay attention to the race onscreen as a tired businessman ordered a bowl of ramen; but had to focus on giving the man his change.
By the time you’d shut the register, you were met with the final lap – number six in the lead. “Damn,” you muttered, leaning your body across the counter to get a closer look, as if the kanji for four and six couldn’t be more different. 
You saw Toji’s smirk go throughout his entire body as he looked from the television to the register, beaming. “I told you, my guy was going to win.”
“You got lucky this once,” you said, knowing his track record. While you felt a bit like a sore loser for a moment, you felt the hairs on your neck stand up as you realized what this meant. A date with Toji. 
* * *
You had taken off work today for whatever Toji had planned, and picked the perfect date outfit for the crisp weather. About fifteen minutes after the time he’d said he would come get you, he was here, wearing the same tight shirt but with a jacket slung on top, and much tighter pants than normal. 
“You look nice,” you said, feeling a little awkward, seeing him outside of your work. 
“I’m surprised that you can look cuter than when in uniform,” he said, putting a warm, muscular hand on the small of your back. He led you out of your apartment, and you began to feel more comfortable with this idea.
He’d picked out a nice, but not terribly fancy, sushi restaurant on the outskirts of Tokyo. You’d agreed to share some rolls to have some variety, and everytime you leaned over to get a piece on his side, you could feel his eyes roaming you. Not that you were much better; when he would use his chopsticks and lean in, you had an unintentional habit of staring at the shiny scar on his lips. 
“I bet,” he swallowed a bite of yellowtail, “that you think I’m attractive.”
“You’re a betting man, I’m not surprised you’d think so,” you kept your eyes on the sushi, but nervously swayed your feet under the table. In a swift motion, you felt Toji’s leg against yours. 
In what felt like a game of chicken, after who knows how many betting games, you nudged his leg.The table wasn’t exactly the biggest, but it was clearly on purpose. Under the table, he brushed his fingertips across your leg, sending shivers down your spine.
The two of you continued to talk idly about your day, things that either one of you had planned, as his muscular hand trailed up your leg. His calloused hands, from who knows what kind of work, grazed the edge of your skirt, and you inhaled sharply – stopping talking.
While he wasn’t not smiling before, that familiar smirk popped up again. 
“How is your food?” He asked, the smirk even changing his tone of voice. 
“Amazing,” you took your chopsticks and popped another roll into your mouth. “You should try some of this nigiri,” wanting to get back at him, you picked up the piece as if to feed him. 
He made no effort to even play along, quickly biting it off with the same smug expression. “Delicious,” and his fingers returned to your hem, unmoving. “Don’t you think it’s good?” Toji stared at you intently, and you made the connection. 
You nodded, and felt his hand gently brush your inner thigh before he pulled away. Whatever breath you’d accidentally been holding in was let go as the waiter dropped the check off, and you were brought back to reality. Damn waiter, you thought. 
Toji calmly paid the bill, before escorting you out of the restaurant, an unwavering look on his handsome face. You felt shy all of a sudden, the boldness in you lost, as you both walked back to your apartment.
“I have to tell you something,” Toji said as you rounded the block to your house. He crossed his arms in front of him before putting one behind his head, “I may have done heavy research on the race so that I would win.”
You were surprised it had taken him so long to start doing research considering his win-lose ratio is rather low. How many thousands of yen down the drain? Then, you realized what else that meant. 
“You could’ve just asked me on a date,” you mumbled, looking at your feet. You felt a little bit surprised because he only did it knowing it would work in his favor. 
Toji brought up your chin with his hand which you should be more than familiar with by now. “I liked my odds more this way. And I got the money to take you out at the same time, obviously.”
Toji made sure to walk you to the door to your apartment. The tension from the restaurant remained. 
“I hope you have a good rest of your night,” Toji hadn’t even let you unlock the door to your apartment when he turned to leave.
“I bet you didn’t think I’d let you in,” you grabbed the back of his jacket as he turned, the other hand turning the key in the door. “This might be the last time you see me outside of a uniform for a while,” you joked. 
“You know what happens if you let me in, right?” Toji hadn’t even turned around. His voice was kind of low, and he spoke carefully to make sure you’d understand him.
“I think I am willing to take my chances.” You were barely able to get the door open before he was inside your apartment, locking the door behind him. 
Your heart pounded in your chest as Toji smirked at you, putting you between his chest and the wall. He leaned in, and you went in too, only to be disappointed by a small peck on the lips. “If you want more, well, the ball is in your court.” 
Already having been frustrated earlier by the teasing, you went in to kiss him deeply, swirling your tongue into his mouth. He laughed into the kiss before quickly asserting his dominance, and reaching his calloused palms under your shirt. 
You shivered at how cold his hands had been from being outside, but continued moaning into the kiss as he unclasped your bra, pinching your already hardened nipples. He pulled away from the kiss, a line of saliva connecting your mouths, letting his fingers graze your nipples for a moment, before smirking and wiping the spit away with his hand. 
“What do you want now?” He asked, pretending as though you were in charge tonight. He winked at you before peeling off his top layers to reveal an even more muscular body than you’d expected. Toji’s bulge was easy to tell because the pants he’d worn were already rather tight, and you’d already felt it pressed against you during the deep kiss. 
“My bedroom, it’s just around the corner,” you explained, a little breathless.
“Lead the way,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. Even those looked bigger now that he wasn’t covered by his compression shirt.
You walked down the hall, leading the way, feeling a dampness between your legs. You stopped in the doorway for Toji to catch up, only to be met with an immediate warmth pressed against your back the second you stopped.
“Miss me?” Toji whispered in your ear from behind, wrapping his strong arms around you with his lips tickling your ear. He didn’t need further direction and began quickly using his arms to finish getting your top off from behind.
You turned to face him, both of you topless with far too many clothes on, and reached for his zipper. Toji leaned against the doorframe, smirking as you hastily tried to unzip his pants to reveal his bulge.
“Good girl,” he breathed out as you barely undid his zipper and yanked his boxers down to reveal his cock. In only a few seconds you were on your knees with Toji fucking your face with no hesitation. Your makeup ran down your cheeks as his cock slammed into your throat, the flavor of precum on your tongue. “So obedient,” he groaned out.
This was the other side to the smug gambler you were familiar with, and while it was just as filthy, it was so hot. Your gag reflex didn’t matter to Toji as he brutally rammed into your mouth, your lips red and puckered around his shaft, licking up every bit of seed when he finished.
When your mouth was free, he picked you up as though you weighed nothing, tossing you onto the bed. He was completely naked, and every part of his body looked pristinely built as though he were one of Michaelangelo’s works. “For someone who I maybe tricked into my bet, you seem pretty eager,” he said, getting on top of you. 
“I should get a win by default then,” you sat up under him, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing him with your swollen lips.
“I suppose that’s a fair request,” he commented between the making out, hooking a finger on the waistband of your skirt. “You get whatever you want, and I can tell what you want,” Toji’s hand reached under the skirt, grazing the wet spot on your panties. 
In a swift motion, he’d taken off your skirt and panties with his teeth. You felt your face burn, surprised at the cocky man’s behavior as he buried his head between your thighs. Toji’s hands gripped the outside of your thighs as he kissed the insides, making you squirm under his grasp. You gasped as he suddenly began to bite the inside of your thigh, moaning out in a mixture of pain and pleasure. 
“Oh, Toji,” you ran your fingers into his hair, grinding against him. He moved from leaving a hickey on you to eating you out, his tongue swirling around your clit. “Please, fuck me,” you begged as he edged you, licking and teasing your swollen pussy.
“You don’t have to ask me twice,” Toji flipped you over and pulled your feet to the edge of the bed where he quickly took you from behind, standing, with his strong hands using your hips as handles. You were so wet he slid in no problem, and you gasped at the sudden sensation in your stomach. 
He grabbed your hair, arching your back, and began to thrust in and out of you. His cock throbbed inside of you, and you moaned so loud you worried the neighbors may complain. You were building up to climax steadily from the penetration, but then, he began to rub your clit with his large, warm finger. You felt a warmth growing in you and you moaned his name, wearing it out.
“Good girl,” he said from behind, his thrusts becoming less consistent and more rapid. “I bet you’ll cum before me,” he teased, even though your legs were already shaking with the anticipation of an orgasm. Toji rhythmically rubbed your clit as he fucked you rapidly, and you noticed a puddle of drool on the sheets from your face.
“I’m going to cum,” you moaned, and he yanked your hair like it was a set of reins. As you were reaching your climax, he bit your shoulder, and you gasped as both pain and pleasure filled you. You moaned, almost screaming as your body shook with the intensity of the orgasm, but Toji sped up — you wouldn’t be surprised if his strong hands had bruised your hips in doing so.
“Fuck,” Toji growled from behind you, dropping your hair so that your face fell into the plush sheets. You were thankful now that he was keeping your head up. He suddenly pulled out and you felt unbelievably empty, as your pussy throbbed, before he came on your back.
 “I bet that you’d cum first, didn’t I?” He inquired, lifting your face from the sheets. Toji didn’t even look tired, barely a drop of sweat on him.
“There’s always next time,” you said, smiling. 
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jokeroutsubs · 2 months
[NEW ENG TRANSLATION] Bojan Cvjetićanin, Joker Out frontman: The world's being destroyed by unhappy people, so we should try to bring happiness to as many people as possible
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Original article Written by: Sonja Javornik 28.11.2021 English translation by: @varianestoroff proofread by: @flowerlotus8
With two sold-out concerts in Ljubljana's Cvetličarna (the second one will be broadcast on TV Slovenija on New Year), Joker Out proved that, after a long time, we have new idols for the youth. The two concerts in Cvetličarna sold almost 600 of their CDs.
The majority of their audience are girls, which isn't surprising, as the band consists of handsome, talented and smart lads. Bojan Cvjetićanin is the frontman of the band and also the author of most songs. The Sociology student fascinates in many ways, as, despite his young age, he's an excellent and knowledgeable interlocutor.
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I was surprised by how enthusiastic senior fellow musicians are about your success. They say you bring hope that the music scene will spring to life again. I'm glad they don't see us as a threat, so it made me extremely happy to see their honesty. Last time, Boštjan Meglič¹ came up to me and told me with a genuine smile that we reminded him of their early days.
Yes, we can definitely compare you to Siddharta - but, after them, there hasn't really been a band to cause such hysteria and excitement. I can say that everything has worked out really well. COVID-19's impact on us was positive, as we couldn't wait for the first album. It was a big thing for us. Since it didn't make sense to release it when there were no gigs, we polished it and changed it in a way we're really satisfied with, and we can finally say for ourselves that we're a really good band. We have a great energy, we're all good musicians and our arrangements are good. We're a solid team.
Nowadays we don't seem to have as much patience as we used to, so it's good that this long pause hasn't demotivated you. Do you feel like there are other younger musicians who are willing to be patient to be successful, or are you more of an exception?
¹Boštjan Meglič is a founding member of Siddharta and plays drums in the band.
I dare say we've taken a very mature approach, covering all the aspects needed to make it work. We're always willing to play for free as opening act for exposure, without any financial demands. That felt like an understandable investment, and I think a few others are doing that too - bands like MRFY, Koala Voice... We also started to acknowledge how important the overall image is, because you also have to externally portray what you represent in the music. I think a lot of people underestimate that, or think of it as showing off, but clothes on stage are actually important, as we also act differently by putting on specific stage clothing. We put on things we really dig, and we don't look for inspiration in fashion magazines.
For sure, rockers in Slovenia tend to underestimate their image - maybe they're afraid of looking too pop. On the other hand, serious rockers have always put a lot of emphasis on appearance and distinctive clothing - think of Bowie, Freddie (Mercury), but also Guns N' Roses or AC/DC, who can't be counted as pop artists, for sure! Or Siddharta, for Slovenia. Could it be that you've made such a difference compared to other young bands because you don't do music as amateurs, instead you understand that also this business has its rules?
For sure. We realised that there's no shame in saying that this is our job. As long as being a musician is perceived as a hobby in this country, it'll remain a hobby. You're no less an artist if you make a living out of this!
When did you start taking care of your appearance? Would you have looked the same on the stage of Cvetličarna even before the COVID-19 epidemic?
We'd have a similar style, as we knew from the beginning that Joker Out had to work as a whole. For Cvetličarna we went to RTV studios and borrowed clothes. Our stylist Suzana Juršič was with us and helped us choose the right items.
On stage as sex symbols
When I met you backstage before your concert at Cvetličarna, you warned me not to miss the intro. And it was brilliant - you prepared a video intro. How so?
We hoped for an epic intro, but we couldn't picture what that would look like. Mark Pirc, who shoots our videos, quickly intuited what we thought, so we let him design the whole visual concept. Afterwards, he called us and told us that we needed special outfits, in which we then filmed the intro a few days before the concert.
You always mention regular colleagues, you must have an extended team, which is unusual in Slovenia, as everything tends to follow the 'do-it-yourself' principle - I'll do it myself, so I can spare the fee.
This comes from the 'hobby vision' I mentioned before. Everybody can do everything themselves to save money, we left other aspects to people who know best. We quickly realised that we needed to be surrounded by people who love us and understand what we want to become. Joker Out isn't just the five of us, but there's Mark, who makes videos, there's Sandi, the sound engineer, a lighting engineer, a photographer. The permanent part of the team is small. We also have a guy who helps us carry and set up the equipment, and we used to have a photographer for a while, but we don't anymore. We also have a PR rep.
What does it financially mean for you? Are you already in profit or do you still have losses because of the team?
Absolutely. The deficit's a big part of our narrative, and we still go deficit if we have to. We often have a headache when it comes to certain amounts, but we still go to the ATM as we believe in our story. And we go to the ATM a lot... (smiles)
All successful stories started with the band members investing their money because they believed in themselves - like Čuki, Siddharta... But really, not many are ready for a financial investment.
It could quickly happen that the risk's high and the reward's low. We're lucky we've never believed in failure. Our dream was to play on big stages, but the process never was a necessary evil for us. We enjoyed the climb. Well, there are still a few more climbs to go! We've made it up the first climb and are now on the first top cap...
Aren't you afraid this might already be the peak?
Honestly, I'm not afraid of this as I feel a lot of creative energy in me. With this album, we haven't said everything we want. Also, nobody's worried next album will be less successful. I dare say that, out of almost all alternartive artists, we're the ones who do the most ourselves and work like a well-oiled machine. Even our first album was successful commercially, which makes us very happy.
The album is available online, and you've also released a CD for fans. How many CDs have you sold?
I don't know the exact amount, I know we sold around 500 to 600 CDs just at the two concerts in Cvetličarna, which seems a lot to others.
We're surrounded by people who love us and understand what we want to become
Worry not, that's a huge number given the times. Do you feel like a sex symbol as, already by the second song, bras were flying on stage?
At first, we were very scared on the first night, as we waited a year and a half for this mythical moment. This certainly increased expectations, but also stress. I had a million different scenarios playing in my head, and then it happened...
Did you have any stage fright?
I had a weird stage fright. I wasn't afraid of going on stage, I didn't know what would happen afterwards. As we stood and waited, we heared everything happening on and off stage, so we went on stage quite scared and shocked. We couldn't realise all the enthusiasm was just because of us! The second night we went on stage already as sex symbols, that's how we really felt.
Are you the most popular with girls because you're the most exposed, probably?
Different sides have formed, so we're all satisfied. (smiles) When we post, we can't wait to see who people are rooting for, who's the sexiest...
Bigger stages than the one in Cvetličarna are waiting for you, but you've already played on smaller Slovenian stages over the summer. Was there such response as in the capital?
Everywhere we went, the response was really good. In Cvetličarna, people already knew lyrics that aren't even online yet! This didn't surprise us, as we knew that those who came to our summer gigs would also come to the other side of Slovenia for our concert. We have some fans who've been to more concerts than Kris, who missed two shows because he was travelling with his girlfriend! (laughs)
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And you let him do it?
As at the time he had everything already booked, it couldn't be otherwise.
But I was angry at the time. Luckily, there's a fellow guitarist in Fat Butlers who we're very close with, and he was able to quckly jump in, as he knew our repertoire.
When someone really succeeds, that boosts the entire music scene. Even when Siddharta made it, the overall rock scene was in great shape, everyone was performing a lot. Do your young colleagues realise that you created opportunities for them too?
I know that the entire scene has really grown, but I can't say we're the reason for that. When we announced the Cvetličarna concert two years ago, our opening act Kokosy had just released their first songs. We chose them because they sounded extremely amusing during their performance at Škisova tržnica and had good energy. At the time, few knew this band, today they're already well established performers with quite an audience. Now also our audience knows them, so the vibes were really good during their performance.
Parents listened to Indexi and Bijelo Dugme. You come from a family of doctors. Are your parents upset that you didn't follow their path?
No, they're very happy. Mum's glad I didn't choose medical studies, dad would've been happy if I'd become a doctor too. But there's no hard feelings, as, with grandma, she's by far my biggest fan. Both go on YouTube every day and tell me how many views we make, when we'll be on the radio... I also have an older sister, who's an extremely diligent lawyer. She too is very proud of me.
So will your sister review all contracts to make sure some label or promoter doesn't scam you?
That's right. (smiles)
Your parents moved to Slovenia due to the Yugoslav Wars. Do you feel any bitterness, any trauma in your family because of this?
Both graduated medicine in Banjaluka, and came to Slovenia during the war, here they did their specialisation. Both consider Slovenia home, as here they felt accepted when they needed help. They never felt like foreigners. Sure, it was hard for them at the beginning, being foreigners in a shared country until recently², but, despite that, they successfully finished their specialisation and started a 'new life'. I never felt like a foreigner myself.
Have you ever been subjected to prejudice?
I went to a primary school with a few 'čefur'³. In Grade 8, only two students had excellent grades in Slovene - besides me, a classmate whose surname ended in -ić⁴. They probably didn't even know who came from where.
Nowadays, Balkan music's very popular among the youth. How did you keep up with it? Were you fond of it due to your roots?
Pretty much. When I was little, at home we had albums. As children, we listened to the music our parents listened to. Whether it was Indexi or Bijelo Dugme, we listened to that too. When I got my MP3 player, my sister too downloaded some songs, by Siddharta, Big Foot Mama, Trkaj and Murat & Jose. These four artists were my favourites and I could say they still are today, I still love the ex YU rock scene, especially the new wave.
²Bojan's family moved from Bosnia around 1992, the year in which the Bosnian government declared independence from Yugoslavia, a statal entity that administered the western Balkan peninsula for much of the 20th century.
³Čefur is a word with a pejorative connotation that denotes people from Slovenia who originate from other countries of the former Yugoslavia or are descendants of such immigrants.
⁴The suffix -ić is a very common way to form surnames in Slavic languages. It is a patronymic suffix, indicating 'descendant of' or a certain personal name. As in most cases, people with these surnames are Serbs or Croats, or descendants of these, said suffix turned into an indicator of one's ethnicity.
What we couldn't realise was that all the enthusiasm was just because of us
Did you start writing the texts in Slovene right away?
The first song was in English, and Martin still keeps its paper at home. The melody was good and I can use it, but the lyrics were terrible. I've never been able to write lyrics without a melody, so I write the melody first. Also, I've never written lyrics to a melody made by someone else. Except for the first one in English, I've written all the others in Slovene, and I only write when the inspiration hits me. That's when I sit and start working, and a new song comes out of that. I discard very few songs, if something isn't good, I usually find out after the first lines. I usually get carried away to the point where it progresses. I wrote the song 'Gola' differently at first, but I didn't like the chorus. Later Kris reminded me of it, and I knew immediately what to change to make it sound right.
So, are you quite self-critical?
It's true. Sometimes I like something a lot at first, but within a week it doesn't satisfy me. Then I'm sad, because I disappointed myself, and I discard it.
But the Serbo-Croatian language market is much bigger than the Slovenian one. Have you also written songs in Serbian or Croatian, which you certainly know thanks to your roots?
Not all of them, but I'm working on adapting the whole album. It's easier to write songs in Slovenian, but it's true that I never started writing songs in Serbo-Croatian either. I tried to write one song in Serbian, but it sounded so bad melodically that I quickly gave up.
How often do you visit Banjaluka?
I used to go there a lot as a child and teenager, but not much since the epidemic, so I miss it a lot. I miss my grandmother who lives there. We live partly in the city and partly in the country, and it's the country that I miss the most. Everything is so pristine there. Everything is the same as when I was a kid, even the people are the same. In rural Bosnia, there are no things that can hurt or disappoint you.
Well, politicians continue to fuel nationalism in Bosnia, so it's always tense.
I love Banjaluka, but, since I grew up, the atmosphere has been tense all the time, so I don't like that environment. I'm worried for my grandma who lives there, as times aren't looking good and things can snap quickly. In the countryside, luckily, you don't feel this.
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Can music and your message help improve this world? Do you think you can change something with music?
Unhappy people are destroying the world, so we can try to make as many people as possible happy. I think spreading love and positivity is the best we can do. Goran Bregović⁵ said in an interview that he stopped believing that music could change the world when all the musicians and cultural figures united, but were unable to stop the war. I think it isn't the job of us musicians to spread world peace, but we can try to make people happy, as happy people won't cause wars.
⁵Goran Bregović is a Bosnian musician and composer.
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lych33dragoncookie · 22 days
alright so the main reason i wanted to make this blog; those new Wind Archer trailers.
I already had a lot to say about the first one, for... One big reason.
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The fact we're going to the laboratorium is pretty exciting, but I did not expect for us to already catch a glimpse of the Ultimate Cookie. In fact, I had almost forgotten about that; I thought Matcha making MyCookie was more of a byproduct of the Beast cookies needing bodies to inhabit, but...
Well, I guess Dark Enchantress's original ambitions haven't left her. And she's really, really close to realizing her dreams; the dreams she carries on from White Lily Cookie.
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It really makes me wonder how White Lily would react to these developments. To see her dreams realized, every bit as horrifying as she most likely knew they'd be, carried on by a part of herself. I really, really wanna see where they go with this.
On another note...
sorry, i just much prefer his Japanese VA HE'S BAAAAAAAACKKKKK~
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You have... No idea how frustrated I was to see that the first Beast cookie to release was Mystic Flour and not him. And while it's not guaranteed we'll get him this time, either (even if i really hope we do)... Come on, it's just nice to have him back. He's a really, really fun antagonist. Sometimes, when all your antagonists have complex motives, believing that despite everything they've done, ultimately they're the ones in the right (with even Dark Enchantress only committing as much harm as she has as a response to the revelation that the world, on a fundamental level, was seemingly much more cruel, uncaring and pointless than she had ever thought; a desperate need to make a difference, no matter how many lives and pain it takes), it's incredibly nice to have that one villain, that one villain who doesn't try to find an excuse for what they do, having fun, not believing that they're doing everything that they do for some greater motive, but just to have fun, to make the entire world one big, brightly burning play area for them to toy with as long as they want, however they want. I love Shadow Milk, because he perfectly offsets the usual monologuing, self-righteous villainy we tend to see (And often enjoy, don't get me wrong, both Dark Enchantress and Mystic Flour have grown one me) with just pure, uncaring, show-stopping villainy for the sake of villainy.
He's manipulative, playful, silly, over the top, more concerned with putting on a show first and foremost than actually accomplishing his objectives; because you and I both know that he knows that he could probably just brute force his way into getting his soul jam back, into taking down the heroes without any opportunity for them to do anything about it. If he wanted to, he could very, very easily create an unwinnable scenario. But he doesn't. Because that's no fun.
And I absolutely adore him for it. Every single scene he's in is an absolute delight.
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... Right, uh. Wind Archer.
I'm excited for him! It's been a while since we've gotten any Ovenbreak legendaries, and with Wind Archer in the game, it means we're likely very close to seeing Fire Spirit and Millennial Tree (Both pretty big faves for me, though Millie is the one that does unholy things to my brain just from looking at him). And honestly, this feels like a really, really good use for him! No beating around the bush, no overcomplicating anything, just going straight to the point and trying to stop the current threat at its root. He's going to fail, obviously. Even if he takes out the ultimate cookie, chances are it can just be rebuilt, and the beasts on an individual level would be way too much for him to handle. And with Shadow Milk having awoken... Yeah, he stands just about no chance. But, it will be very fun to see, methinks. It's also just a pretty natural fit; a protector of nature that hunts down anything that may disturb or corrupt said nature being sent to strike down what's pretty much a threat that's entirely artificial, unnatural, bodies made through forbidden, arcane magic and ethically dubious means, stumbling upon the culmination of someone's ambitions to create perfect life by artificial means. It works out really, really well, methinks.
But yeah that's my thoughts so far on the 2 Wind Archer update trailers, I'm actually really excited for where they're gonna take this, we've actually got some good plot progression going on and a lot of interesting writing ideas that while I don't fully trust the devs to execute perfectly, I do still really like and feel pretty hopeful for!
... Now just give me Shadow Milk and Millennial Tree and my life is yours. And Lychee, maybe. That one might take a bit. how are they even gonna do Longan in Kingdom. that's... quite a lot to try to adapt without either rehashing content or completely hijacking the plot. god i hope this doesn't mean they'll just stop at Lotus. I miss my dragons. Except not really because OB has been doing some good stuff with them.
Sorry for the really long post, but I wanted to dump some thoughts and have a sort of primer for the kinda stuff I wanna make for this blog.
Oh, and expect some shitposts along the way, too.
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zaccariacombat · 2 months
World War II is the most personally fascinating period in all of history for me. Nothing intrigues me like it does. I do have World War II buff tendencies at heart, but I tend to keep it under wraps most of the time. While that is considered a stereotypically straight male interest, it is not exclusively so by any means.
Why do I bring up sexuality? Well, I immediately gravitate towards any book that features a gay male relationship in the time of World War II, particularly between military men, because it satisfies two of my deep interests at once. Two of my favorite novels are Look Down in Mercy by Walter Baxter and Wingmen by Ensan Case. To me, these both exemplify the kind of book I want to read, but they execute them in different ways; Look Down in Mercy is much more literary in style compared to the midcentury popular war fiction style of Wingmen. Nevertheless, these books reach something deep in me that almost no other book I have ever read featuring gay men and World War II ever has before, and I think I figured out why: the vast majority of modern fiction involving a gay relationship in World War II falls into the category of traditional M/M romance fiction, and I prefer a gay male relationship in World War II that is not bound by the conventions of romance fiction, as well as has engaging historical details beyond set dressing.
I will be clear that I don't look down on romance fiction at all. It simply is usually not for me. I have given romance novels a good shot because I was looking for more gay World War II content to satisfy this niche interest of mine. A lot of them I even enjoyed, but it was almost always at a rather surface level. They didn't stick with me like Wingmen or Look Down in Mercy, with one exception, which I will get into later. At fist, I wondered why. I have since realized that pure, traditional romance novels are not for me because there is a fundamental mismatch between how I enjoy relationships in fiction and the inherent structure of a romance novel: I don't like a guaranteed happily ever after or happy for now ending. I want there to be at least some doubt that the ending will be positive, so if it is happy, it feels much more valuable. I can really enjoy an unhappy ending if it tells a compelling story, and the lack of that possibility makes the HEA or HFN endings in a romance novel feel so cheap to me. I understand that the reassurance of a positive ending is a driver for many people's interest in romance, so I know this is just a personal thing.
There is one book that falls into the M/M romance umbrella that did resonate with me, though, that did stick with me. That is this very obscure, Kindle-only book called Box 1663 by Alex Sorel. It involves an army photographer falling in love with a scientist at Los Alamos. What made it work for me, despite it being marketed as a romance novel, is that it didn't feel like one. Instead, it was a historical thriller, involving some of the greatest secrets of the war, that also involved a gay romance. It is not marketed as such at all, however. It also involved all these historical details around Los Alamos that made me really excited.
I think another flaw common in gay romance fiction taking place in World War II is that the setting feels like a total backdrop to the gay romance. I'm a World War II buff! I want to enjoy the setting, too! Reading about all the planes in Wingmen is so exciting to me. Look Down in Mercy has extremely vivid descriptions of the war that could range from beautiful to absolutely disgusting. Honestly, I like the scene descriptions as much as the actual plot in that book. That's how good they are. Box 1663 lets the reader know all about the Los Alamos laboratory and the dry landscapes of New Mexico. It was not just set dressing. The laboratory actually meant something; it was related to the thriller plot.
The thriller plot and historical details kept me so engaged in Box 1663, despite it being marketed as M/M romance and thus being guaranteed to not have a doomed relationship. This is what keeps me from totally avoiding all modern M/M romance during World War II. I can look past the guaranteed positive ending if I could end up with another Box 1663. It hasn't happened, but I don't want my enjoyment of this particular niche to be totally stuck in the 20th century. I want to give modern works a shot, too.
It feels so hard for me to find the kind of book I want to read that I started writing one myself. Back in 2020, I started writing a novel surrounding an American bomber crew in World War II. Two of the guys in the crew do end up falling in love. I think I will go back to it eventually and rewrite much of it. My writing has improved since then and I see where I wrote myself into a corner.
Basically, it feels so hard for me to find the kind of book that perfectly engages two separate interests like this. The World War II fiction authors generally don't care all that much about gay relationships, and the authors who want to write gay relationships are generally not especially fascinated by World War II. The kind of book I want to read is in an absolutely minuscule niche. I hope I can find more, but for now, at least it has motivated me to start writing my own novel.
If you have any recommendations, let me know! Please don't recommend The Charioteer, though. I already know about it, I tried reading it, and it didn't work for me at the time. I keep meaning to go back to it, though. But, if you have any other books that I may like, I would love to hear about them. This niche is so small that I probably already know about it, but possibly not!
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theflyindutchwoman · 10 months
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Grey gave me a rock-star review. Yeah, well, he should. You're amazing. I'm excited. I'm excited. Let's go to dinner tonight and celebrate. T-- Tonight, I can't. I'm sorry. I really, really want to, but I can't. I promised my friend that I would help him with something. Tomorrow night. Okay. Do you need any help? No, no. It's something I got to do on my own. But tomorrow night, it is a date. We are gonna celebrate you. Congratulations. They're really lucky to have you. Thank you.
The joy these two exude every time they see each other, even if it's just in passing, is so pure… And the way neither of them can contain their excitement in this scene makes it that much more beautiful. Especially with how it parallels another moment, where Grey offered Tim a promotion. His reaction was so muted then, despite his obvious pride at his score, which served to highlight Lucy's enthusiasm. But now, he's just as ecstatic, like he's about to burst. This is so different, almost unTim like… And yet, it feels natural. Lucy is the only here, so he can fully be himself. There's no longer a need for pretense or walls. More than that : he knows that she will be just as happy and proud, so he doesn't have to hide his feelings.
I love how he doesn't immediately give her the news though, making her walk through the process instead… Which is so ironic, since she knows all about it. But in that moment, this was all about him for her. About his achievement. There's this second where her face falls a bit, after he corrects himself and explains that technically, there was an opening in Metro. It's something that tends to be overlooked but this is a good reminder that, while she may have orchestrated this five-player trade, she had no idea if it was going to work out, that he would be considered or offered the spot. That was completely out of her hands. She created an opening but he still had to get the job on merits. She was making a gamble with her career with no guarantee that it would pay off. That's how much she loves him. Of course Tim is unaware of her turmoil, all too happy to tell her the good news. And look at her being so enthusiastic, hitting him in the process - seriously, these two are making 'playful physical violence' a love language. It is so funny to see her suddenly remember where they are and check around her before dialling it down a notch, like she did in Follow-up Day, after catching Grey's and Tim's looks. And now, he is the one bouncing on the balls of his feet, almost bouncing. How the tables have turned!
And her words of affirmation, with the most loving look… the way the lighting is hitting her eyes, making them shinier… You can feel all the love. No words are needed here. And Tim being so over the moon… I don't think we have ever seen him that ecstatic before. The way he whispers the first 'I'm excited', just for them… They are in their own bubble, even though they are standing in the middle of the bull pen, with their colleagues in the vicinity. For two persons who used to avoid PDAs with their previous partners, it's quite telling.
The fact that he wants to take her out and celebrate this with her… this is a complete contrast from his prior reactions, including when he became a Sergeant. Lucy might be bummed that she can't celebrate with him that night, but Tim is not missing a beat. It doesn't matter when it happens. His big grin when she insists that they're going to celebrate him… The lower, and quite suggestive, tone of her voice… And again, those heart eyes and her words of affirmation… I love seeing this side of Lucy. Her choice of words are so significant as well : both in Follow-up Day and here, she makes sure to emphasise how 'lucky' the department is to have him. It really feels like a full-circle moment : back then, Tim gave up his promotion to finish her training and here, she played a part in securing him a new one. They're standing so close to each other, almost as if Tim is grabbing her belt to bring her closer to him… It even looks like they were about to kiss before Lucy catches herself and moves away, laughing. With a final lovetap on his shoulder. His big grin… The twinkles in his eyes… And his little nod at the end, as if he can't believe that this is truly his life… And you know what? I can't believe this is canon either.
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choosingwhatmatters · 1 month
Music in The Loyal Pin, Episode 2
Welcome back to my music rambles. Y’all, thank you so much for your kind words! I am enjoying this show so much and sharing thoughts with you makes the whole experience infinitely better.
So, I unknowingly lied to you in my last post, and I am sorry. I claimed that there was little repetition in the music in episode 1. The truth is that I just didn’t notice. I have since done my homework and I am blown away by how much depth the music has. There are so many different motives and themes, and I am beyond excited where the music leads us in future episodes. Today, I would like to talk about two pieces. I call the first one “Pin and Anil’s past” and the second one “Pin’s heavy heart”.
Pin and Anil’s past
I talked about this piece in my last post and speculated that could be connected to childhood and adolescence. It sounds a little bit likes this:
After revisiting the episodes, I realised that we have two different motifs here. My theory is that the first represents Pin and the second one Anil. We can hear the first in the beginning of the recording. It is comprised of long notes that descend and then climb up again. It’s gentle and a little melancholic. When it repeats, it is joined by the second motive. This one features shorter note values and is more playful. As different as they are, they’re beautiful together and oh, if that isn’t telling us something.
The first motif is usually connected to Pin. It appears in a lot of scenes, among them the following: Small Pin exits the car in the very beginning of episode 1. Patt embraces her after promising to take care of her. Small Pin meets Small Anil for the first time and, later in the episode, Medium Anil discovers her pinwheel in Medium Pin’s room. During the voice-over after the opening credits, Medium Pin introduces the royal family. After the night market, Medium Pin gets scolded by Patt and Anil defends her. In episode 2, Medium/Adult Pin remembers how Medium Anil showed her the designs for her small palace.
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The second motif, that in my theory belongs to Anil’s past, is not featured as heavily as Pin’s. We can hear it in episode 1, together with Pin’s motive when Small Pin and Anil meet for the first time and, again, when Medium Anil discovers her pinwheel. In episode 2, the melody changes slightly, but it's still very similar to its origin. We can hear it when Medium Anil cries on her letter to Pin and, most notably, at the very end of the episode. Prik has just uttered Anil’s name, Pin looks up, and there Anil is: smiling and beautiful. The costumary cheeky glockenspiel playing her melody is now accompanied by a whole orchestra. This is a new Anil: grown up, beaming, majestic.
Pin’s heavy heart
The second piece I want to talk about today sounds somewhat like this.
It’s not 100% of what is played in the show, but the melodies as well as the harmonies should be similar enough the recognise, should we hear them again.
This piece is very melancholic, and I want to talk about two musical concepts to explain why: major and minor harmonies, as well as suspended notes. Major and minor harmonies first. So, a chord in its basic form is comprised of three notes: first note, third note and fifth note. The third is a very powerful one because it determines the mood of the chord. If we have a minor third (three half tones away from the first), the chord tends to sound wistful and melancholic. If we have a major third (four half tones away from the first), the chord tends to sound more cheerful. In the beginning of the piece, we can hear the melody swing between to different notes a lot, g sharp and b. These are a minor third away from each other and thus, evoke the sombreness of a minor chord.
The second thing I’d like to talk about is suspension. Suspension means that there is one note that our ears want the melody to go to. But before going there, the melody lands on a note that is achingly close to the one we want to hear. It’s so close that it feels like a little stab to the heart that is then soothed by the arrival of the actual note that we want. In our piece, suspension happens when the melody starts from its lowest note and climbs up again. If you want to listen out for it: there are two notes that are repeated before being suspended by a higher note.
I call this piece “Pin’s heavy heart” because we can often hear it in scenes when Pin is sad, most notably the following: After being bitten by the snake, Medium Anil tries to stop Pin’s punishment. While eating cotton candy, the Medium girls talk about what life would be like if Anil had to go away. After the night market, Medium Pin realises that Anil is serious about being punished together. In episode 2, Medium Pin gets told by Patt that Anil is to leave within the next two weeks. In Medium Anil’s memory, Medium Pin is carving a mango after a bad exam. At the waterside, the Medium girls are about to float their Krathong.
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There are three more instances where we can hear variations of the piece: Medium Anil is preparing for her trip and the girls don’t meet at all. After floating the Krathong, Medium Pin is crying. And, lastly, Medium Pin puts Anil’s picture next to her on the bed.
I adore this piece of music. The melody is quiet yet haunting which I think suits Pin’s character well. And it’s not that I enjoy seeing Pin sad but oh, I’m looking forward to seeing her happy again.
That’s it for my music rambles today. Thank you for riding along! I still find it hard to put into words how much it means to me to have this show in my life, as well as humans that are as invested in it as I am. What a life!
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hvllowheart · 10 months
hi! regarding your last post about abandoning projects, do you have any advice for overcoming that?
I do!
1. Write something you're passionate about.
Now, I get that everyone constantly says that, and you'll think, "that tells me absolutely nothing" bc passion can only get you so far and usually fluctuates a lot. It's something I've started to realize happens to me. One day I wake up and have a new idea I love and think "wow this is gonna be a piece of cake to finish" despite me knowing it's going to entail a lot of planning and once I get the inital idea out of the way and get to that planning stage my attention for the project... dies.
What I mean with that is to write something you're passionate about is that you shouldn't write something into the project you feel like others will like. Or if it's a project with tropes in it, that you have to follow those to the T.
If an idea is boring, don't write it.
If you have a cool idea that might not fit the vibe entirely, write it down. Keep it in mind for later when it could fit the vibe better.
Incorporate as many things you love as you like and then worry about how the broader plot can shape around them.
2. Don't write in order of what's supposed to happen.
I know it'll make you feel better to feel like you have a clear point A to B but truth is, some parts are going to be extremely boring to write. You won't want to write all about the logistics of a scene happening right that moment or the spicy dialogue that carries the scene bc you're way more focused on another detail that drew you to write a particular scene.
In those cases, I usually just put whatever is supposed to happen in brackets [insert car chase here] and move on the bits I'm excited to get to. You might wake up a couple of days later thinking you want to revisit that car chase scene and write it all in one go now that you've stopped obsessing over a different scene you cared for before.
3. Make the experience more fun for yourself.
If you feel like you're burning out and losing steam from writing and planning the project, take a step back and do something else.
If I still feel like doing something with the project that isn't necessarily write it, I tend to end up making edits or a playlist or looking for inspiration pictures that might give me an idea of a new setting or what a character will look like. And that's what usually keeps my brain working and thinking about the plot.
As soon as another idea pops into my head bc of the space I took not writing the projects itself, I write it down and get reinspired to work on it.
4. Look for inspiration.
As mentioned in 3., I can't recommend enough to look for inspiration in pictures or boards on pinterest or a song or a quote you really love. Trust me, seeing a cool picture or reading a quote that immediately makes you think of a specific character makes you itch to get back to writing.
It also allows your writing to grow when you take the time to look for inspiration. Writing everything in one go might make you feel productive but the quality could potentially decline the longer you're at it and when you come back to it you'll ask yourself what the hell you were on writing some of the stuff. So taking that time, finding new locations/side characters/some dialogue snippets you could incorporate, will make you feel excited to actually see those ideas and inspirations become part of your project.
5. Take breaks.
This is another one of those things you always hear and think, "that's what leads me to abandon it in the first place??" and while I agree (been there) It's also important not to get burned out by the project.
The breaks shouldn't span entire weeks, of course, but don't beat yourself up when you can't get to the project for a couple of days bc of life happening or something else being more interesting.
Taking those breaks ensures you not only build anticipation, but it also let's the project breathe and allows you the space, to again, think of the broader plot or a specific scene that could be cool to incorporate.
6. Find someone to talk about the project with.
In our day and age, we're lucky to have such big writer communities. Chances are, someone out there will get aboslute brain rot from the project you're working on. Talking to people like that will not only allow you to have someone to bounce ideas off of, but it'll also keep you focused and in a way, hold you accountable to actually see it get to a point you can and want to share more.
Starting up a WIP blog, like the one I and many others have, or a writerblr blog will attract people to the idea and have them reach out to ask questions that again keep you thinking about fun parts of the project and develope the idea.
I have a friend I constantly talk to about every idea he and I get. Not all of them ever see the light of day, but we talk about them, send ideas we think could be cool, and write small snippets of scenes bc we are excited about the project. That not only gets you to a starting point, but also makes the planning way smoother and means you're getting instant feedback.
And that's what usually gets you to write more instead of watching your project collect dust in the drafts.
7. Write every single idea down.
This is also something everyone says, but it's true. Chances are, you forget the idea and kick yourself for it later or you think it won't be as good as you imagine it and then you have a missing scene you don't know what to do with where that idea could have fit.
Sometimes, usually just before bed for me, I get ideas, and since I have my phone close by, I just open the notes app, write down the snippet of a conversation I just thought of or a cool detail I'll add when I get back to the file and BOOM I have the next plot point figured out without actively forcing myself to sit in front of the computer and thinking "what is supposed to happen now??"
Even if the idea is silly or seems wack, I can't recommend writing it down enough. You'll thank yourself for it and in a way train yourself into passively thinking about what could happen next.
I have a dedicated page in my files just for random ideas I got in the middle of the night and while some will not make it into the draft itself, it's still fun to think about them or even write a short scene involving the idea just to see where it goes. Maybe it'll inspire you to take your project into a new exciting direction, too!
8. Don't obsess over word counts/progress made.
It's a recent shift I've noticed, where people obsessively focus on how long a scene/chapter is. Like one being 5k long means it's somehow better than a scene that's only a couple hundred words long, but concise and has the kind of structure that keeps you engaged.
If you feel like a scene is done and you're happy with it, even if it's short, leave it. Maybe you'll come back to it and add more, but maybe you'll realize it's perfect the way it is and doesn't need unnecessary details added.
9. Don't get lost in the details.
This is something I've neen prone to do. Obsessing over a single detail or scene to the point that working on it becomes exhausting because I couldn't move on.
It's what kills your drive to write on the project fairly quickly and relates to the point I made to just put whatever is supposed to happen in brackets to revisit later.
The details are usually what make the story feel personalized, but it's also so easy to get lost in them. Writing the broader scene down and revisiting it sometime later to add those details is going to keep you writing and engaged with what you want to make the project into.
10. It's YOUR project, don't forget that.
Sometimes I've started things I thought were fics or stories I'd love to explore only to realize I'm not the best writer for those or that the writing part just isn't as fun as I hoped it could be.
You need to be aware of when to cut your losses. If the project starts to feel more like a drag than what you initially started with, scrap it OR, and this is something I've started to seriously do, is to rewrite/re-plot it from the beginning.
It is time-consuming, but you'll feel better for it in the long run if you take the bits you like and forget the ones you don't and build the project anew. It's tedious but really rewarding once you manage to get to the parts that were there before discouraging you from finishing the project in the first place. And the most important thing is that you're happy with your project.
Of course, what works for me might not work for others, but those are some of the broader things I can recommend you try :) I hope I was able to help a little!
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itzjustmonikas · 1 year
Some short cute scenarios of the octavinelle trio relating to magicam! (Jade,Floyd, Azul x reader with no specified gender)
-Jade runs one of those foraging accounts you see on YouTube where he shows people different types of plants/fungus. He gets especially excited talking about his collection and how he tends to his plant babies. Most viewers first started watching him for his voice, hands, and appearance but stayed for the information. One day he asked you for some help with transporting a pot/harvesting a rare plant and got you on video. You didn't think much of it at first and just went on with your day, but when he uploaded the video his fans were all commenting, asking who you were because they liked your voice and found it rare to see someone other than Floyd in the videos. He responded in the next video by saying “That’s a secret~” and people start speculating and talking about who you might be. You end up making more appearances but your face is never shown as Jade wants to keep his beloved all to himself~ and well, he is amused at his fans reactions and want to keep them guessing ;)
-Floyd is canonly very caught up on the latest trends and fashion. He has a big wardrobe and buys alot of different clothing items and accessories. It definitely costs a lot of money so Azul suggested for him to be one of those influencers that post their fits in order to get brand deals to support that lifestyle. Floyd agreed and is actually interested in doing it consistently, he eventually gets pretty popular on magicam because of that and gets invited to a high end luxury brands fashion show. He initially didn't want to go but found out that you liked the brand so he took the offer and brought you with him. You guys got dressed in matching outfits and went to the show together and go viral for your matching outfits and how compatible you both look. Floyd especially for his eyes, tallness, and unique appearance but you also looked very gorgeous alongside him, had great chemistry. Brands end up sending Floyd loads of clothes for upcoming couple lines and you guys ended up with lots of pictures and some fond memories together~
-As you spend more time in NRC you and Azul have gotten closer, chatting often during passing period and collaborating on projects. He was initially cautious of you and did not think you would become such a special and important person to him. He loves your kind words and feels as if you really understand him, he is still scared and a bit hesitant on telling you about his past. Will you decide to turn away from him like the others or will you accept him for who he is? He hopes for the latter...regardless, he wanted to show his gratitude for you by taking you out on a date to watch that one movie you've been excited about recently. You guys plan it out and go to to the theaters together, snacking on popcorn while giggling together at the funny scenes. As you guys walk out, hand in hand, a few people see you guys and end up snapping a pic of you two together because you guys just look so good! None of you realized because you were both enjoying the moment and excited to talk about your thoughts on the ending. Once you guys got back to the dorms you were bombarded with messages from Cater talking about how you and Azul went viral online. You were shocked and went to notify Azul who also just heard the news, both of you ended up reading through the trending tags and comments. You both blushed at the compliments you guys got, such as:
"they look so compatible", "the way he looks at [insert pronouns]>>>", "I love their outfits", "omgg the chemistry between these two", etc
People were wondering if you guys were upcoming models or something and were comparing you guys to known couples from dramas/television. It was an unexpected event but brought you guys closer in the end~
I am a first time writer so please bear with me if I made any mistakes, I am open to constructive criticism and hope you guys enjoy!
Let me know if any of you guys want a part 2🫧
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bonefall · 2 years
How do gatherings look like in your rewrite? I always found it a bit silly that the cats only really talked to members of other clans briefly while waiting for the leaders to start, and then after the speeches everyone leaves immediately. Guess it makes for better drama that way but......i just want these cats to befriend more people outside their own clan
I think they do it to keep scenes focused on the information they wanna impart, but, come on. Let the cats live a little.
In my rewrite, here's how an average Lake Gathering goes! Forest Gatherings were a bit different.
Shellfur arrives with ThunderClan, just after sunset, when the full moon is faint in the sky. Today, they are the first to arrive. Usually WindClan is first, so Shellfur is antsy and worried that maybe Fernstripe won't show up.
So he decides to help Sorreltail and the kitchen crew set up, just to keep his paws busy. They uncover the pot from its fern hiding place and start gathering bowls of lakewater to fill it. Finchpaw is excited to have her last gathering as an apprentice and so is helping enthusiastically, which is tradition.
Flamepaw on the other hand is bellyaching as always. Just before Shellfur snaps at him to remind him this isn't mandatory, WindClan streams in. Now there's plenty of apprentices and kitchen patrollers to help, so Shellfur slips away before he says something mean.
He's been trying to be nicer these days, else Spotfur won't let him see his nespring.
Old friends are brushing up, sharing smalltalk, talking about the weather and how the kits are doing. See, the gathering isn't OFFICIAL until the leaders announce it when all four are present, so Shellfur is trying soooo hard to not immediately split off to hang out with Fernstripe.
That's because Clan leaders want all their warriors on display when each Clan arrives. Some kind of political display. Shellfur can be patient, though, because soon he won't have to hold back his affection for Fernstripe.
SkyClan is next today. They tend to enter in a very disorganized way, the most eager warriors arriving before Leafstar herself. They have a much looser hierarchy than the Forest Four clans.
ShadowClan is usually last, but today they're fourth. Heartstar LOVES her dramatic entrances, so she bursts into the clearing with a running start, bounds up the tree, and orders her warriors forth with a yowl. They charge in a straight line, some of them doing little tricks as they enter. Show-offs.
And last is... RiverClan. No one says, but everyone knows, that this will be Mistystar's last. They typically swim towards the island, allowing the moonlight to shine on their pelts like liquid starlight. But today they have taken the bridge, and the warriors walk gracefully behind their aging leader.
When the leaders call for the Gathering to begin, you must listen to the speeches before breaking off. Shellfur believes this is because it would look bad if no one cheered for their own Clan's announcements.
Once this is done, the Gathering begins in earnest.
Shellfur and Fernstripe listen to a story from Elder Mosspelt of RiverClan, of how she helped Mistystar escape TigerClan so long ago.
Later, Shellfur watches with ardor as Fernstripe is beaten by Rootspring at a game played with little stones and a grid scratched in the dust. It's the first time Rootspring has smiled in a while, but he doesn't know how good Fernstripe really is at Scratchstone. She let him win.
He needs to impress her, so he whispers to Sorreltail to set aside a crayfish from the Paw Soup for her. Sorrel gives him a wink and a coo. Fernstripe loves trying new things... Shellfur does not, but for her, he will have soup with a mud bug.
Time passes. The moon is hanging low. Any leader can call for their Clan to leave whenever they please, but any cat can say the magic words.
"I'll catch up with you later."
That's what he says when ThunderClan leaves the clearing. A few stay behind. Duststripe is one of them, Dewnose is another.
When the leaders are all gone, there's a second Gathering. This is when cats discuss other things, harmless, but codebreaking nonetheless. Honor-siring, goods-trading, sharing forbidden foods like kittypet kibble.
They usually make a second version of Paw Soup together. Someone called it Foot Soup and it stuck. Whatever was left over, plus some extra spices, this one usually has fish and kibble. It's a lot stronger than regular Paw Soup so Shellfur didn't think he'd like it, but he was surprised when he did.
And most importantly, he gets to be with Fernstripe. REALLY be with her, brushing, snuggling, getting actual relationship advice. It's like a safe haven.
But he's truly over the moon today, because tomorrow, he will wake up next to her and they will go home together. This is their last night at the Aftergathering, from now on, they won't be regulars anymore.
Before the moon is gone, so is everyone else. Gone back to their own Clans, where divisions are deeper than chasms. Fernstripe asks him if he's ready. He says yes, of course.
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retrospect1003 · 8 days
Calling All Skeletons | Chapter 4: Mantell Mix
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Notes: Some more filler and stuff. Next chapter will be episodic and action packed!! In the meantime, Mantell Mix!!!
Word Count: ~1.7k
Banner by: @blackseafoam
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With everyone gathered in the cockpit of the Marauder, Hunter started to share everything Cid told him. “The bounty hunter that tried to take Omega is known as Fennec Shand-”
“Fennec Shand? What are you doing with a bounty hunter like her on your tail?” Doc’s eyes were wide as she interjected Hunter.
Everyone stopped and turned to Doc, each with varying expressions full of questions. “What do you know about her?” Hunter furrowed his brows.
Doc sighed heavily, “I don’t, I just know she’s good at what she does.” She rubbed the back of her neck as she looked away, “You’re lucky you don’t have worse coming after you to be honest.”
“And what do ya mean by that?” Wrecker cocked his head to the side.
Tech narrowed his eyes at the medic, “You seem to know about the bounty hunter scene well.”
“I do,” Doc began to fidget with her hands, rubbing and squeezing her fingers and palms, “You can say I’m paranoid when it comes to bounty hunters. You have to be careful with who you can trust.” Her eyes found the group once again. “Continue, Hunter.”
Hunter stared at her for a moment as he continues, “Cid wasn’t able to find out who hired her. Lets just be sure to stay aware of our surroundings at all times.” He goes back to eyeing Doc, “Cid said we needed friends and money. If everything you told us before is true, you seem to be one of those friends we need,” He focused back on the squad as a whole, “Besides that, we might need to take some more jobs from Cid to get some credits”
“Not ideal, but we will suffice if we do not overstay our welcome,” Tech commented as he brings his data pad to his face, hunched over as he taps on the screen to do his own research on Shand.
With a consensus floating around the group, the small meeting in the Marauder was over. The sky was beginning to dim as day turned to night. Doc placed her helmet on as she lowered the hatch to get off, “I’m going to grab some fresh air and food that isn’t rations. If you want to join, feel free.”
At the mention of food, Wrecker’s eyes lit up as a smile came to his face, “I’m in!”
“I want to go too!” Omega stepped beside Doc, looking back at her brothers for reassurance.
Hunter simply gave them both a nod as he took a seat beside Tech.
Doc turned her head towards the two and gave them a hidden smile, “Alright. We won’t be too long.” She stepped off the ship with Omega and Wrecker following her out.
Omega fastened her pace to get ahead of Doc and Wrecker, turning to the medic, “So, where all have you gone? Do you have any other friends?”
“Oh- well, that’s a lot,” Doc laughed gently, “I honestly haven’t been to many planets or systems. As for my friendships, I tend to keep to myself.”
“Oh,” Omega thought for a moment, “I hope we can be your friends!” She smiled brightly up at Doc.
Wrecker added, “Yeah! Ya can’t have no friends forever!” His smile was wide and inviting as he patted Doc’s back.
The medic felt a warm comforting feeling throughout her body, her smile widening from under her helmet, “Yeah, I hope we can be friends too.”
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The trio walked through the street, looking at the different stalls and stands with different vendors and items being sold. Many different aromas and lights spilled out into the streets among the buzz and crowd. Soon, they came across a stand selling a variety of snacks and meals.
Doc raised a brow at the menu and noticed the big selling item, “Mantell Mix? What exactly is that-”
“We’ll take three cartons of it!” Wrecker ordered eagerly, excited to try something new. Meanwhile, the medic turned her head to the large clone as she crossed her arms, “I don’t think that’s something we should eat for dinner.”
The vendor handed the Mantell Mix to Wrecker. He gave a carton to Omega and Doc before considering what she had said, “It’s food! Who said we couldn’t have this for dinner?”
Doc handed over the few credits she had to the vendor as she turned back to Omega and Wrecker, “Well, you usually want to have something of nutritional value. This will have to do for tonight.”
“That’s what rations are for,” Wrecker argued with a grin as he shoved some Mantell Mix into his mouth. “Mmm this is delicious!”
Doc rolled her head to over exaggerate her unseen eye roll. She stared at her own carton of Mantell Mix, noticing the different colors and obvious sugar coat. Reluctantly, she lifts her helmet to expose her lips as she pops some into her mouth. The medic could taste the cavities forming on her teeth, but it wasn’t horrible. The tiniest smile came across her lips as she popped some more pieces into her mouth.
“Looks like ya needed this as much as we did,” Wrecker pointed out Doc’s smile as they all munched and walked.
Turning her head to look at Wrecker, helmet still slightly lifted to show her mouth, Doc pushed another bite to her lips, “You don’t know what I need.” She turned her head away from him, “It has been a long time since I had sugar though.”
Omega had already gone through half of her box, “This stuff is amazing! Can we get it again tomorrow?” She spoke with a mouthful.
“Eh, sorry, kid. I’m low on credits. We’ll see,” The medic explained to the young clone. Credits wouldn’t be stopping them from doing this again.
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Back on the Marauder, the remaining squad members were stuck on the conversation from before.
“She knows more than what she’s letting on,” Hunter expressed.
“I know we only met her today,” Echo started, “but she wouldn’t work with Shand… Would she?” Echo furrowed his brows in thought.
Tech had already started searching databases, “I’ve only found records from her security status on Naboo. These records say she was on the force for around five years, that time ending not too long ago.” Tech glanced up from his data pad, “Based on this information, she’s strictly been with the Empire since then.”
Hunter and Echo look between each other and then back at Tech.
The information lingered in the air, Echo adding onto it, “Maybe she had a run in with a bounty hunter before while working security?”
“Unlikely, but not impossible,” Tech double-checked his information, “It says she was on the palace guard, however she is also listed as a surgical doctor. She very well could have had an interaction with a bounty hunter defending whoever she was escorting if she’s ever escorted the Queen or Senator.”
Hunter looked to the floor, quiet for a moment. “We’ll take her word… For now,” He leaned forward, resting his forearms on his knees.
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“It’s an S-5 heavy blaster pistol,” Doc showed Omega, “Every palace guard on Naboo had one.”
The trio was sitting just outside the port the Marauder was stationed in. Doc had her pistol out, letting Omega hold it and learn more about the gun. Wrecker had taken Doc’s share of Mantell Mix after she refused to eat the last half of it.
“What was it like to be a palace guard?” Omega asked as she held Doc’s blaster, studying the details on it.
Doc chuckled softly, “I got to travel off world for the first time when I became a palace guard. Senator Amidala let me escort her to a few senate meetings.”
“Wow, ya must’ve been around the Senator all the time,” Wrecker raised his brows and was now very interested in the conversation.
“Well, not actually. I was mainly in the med bay,” Doc glanced at him with only a single brow raised, “What’re you getting at?”
“Oh nothin’! Just… The Senator is pretty-”
“I knew it,” Doc laughed loudly as she threw her head back, “Every time I ask people that about my job, I get the same answer.”
“Well, am I wrong?!” He joined in her laughter.
Omega just looked between the two with a confused face. She handed Doc’s blaster back to her, “Do you miss being a palace guard?”
Doc’s laughter ceased as she holstered her pistol, processing Omega’s question, “You know…” The medic shined a forced smile, “I do and I don’t. The Senator’s death and then everything with the Empire… It’s not the same on Naboo anymore.”
At her words, Wrecker put a hand on her shoulder, “Yeah, Kamino isn’t the same either.” He tried to reassure her with a grin, “But we have each other.”
“…Right,” Her eyes shifted to the ground.
“Hey, as long as you’re with us, you’re a part of this squad,” Omega piped in, scooting closer to Doc with a smile, “We’ve all lost our homes. What makes you different from us?”
Doc glanced at the girl, an innocent and cheerful energy radiating from her. It was enough to make Doc’s lips curve up into a more genuine grin, “Thanks, kid.”
A comm comes in from Hunter, “You guys coming back any time soon?”
“Uhhh we’ll head that way now,” Wrecker responded back as he stood. He lifted Omega up onto his shoulder and offered a hand to Doc.
The medic gazed up at the two, giving them a wide smile as she placed her helmet onto her head. She took Wrecker’s hand, instantly getting pulled to her feet like she was a sack of vegetables.
The walk to the Marauder was quiet, only wisps of wind and distant noise in the streets chattering. Doc turned to Wrecker and Omega before fully approaching the Marauder, “Thank you. I needed a night like tonight.” She lifted her helmet off of her head and brushed some pieces of hair from her face, “It meant a lot to not to be alone.”
Wrecker felt the same warmth from earlier that day return to his chest. “Oh, ya don’t have to thank us for that. We all needed a good time!”
“Yeah, and I got to learn more about you and your blaster,” Omega grinned ear to ear with determination, glad to have another person around.
“Well,” Doc started, unsure of what to say, “…Thank you anyways.”
Wrecker and Omega each gave her a nod before they all loaded into the Marauder.
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Notes: Yay Mantell Mix originssss! Besides that, next chapter is gonna be based around episode 1.6! Hope you all enjoyed and I'll see you for the next chapter! <3
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