#i’m just like oh god. i feel so seen. i didn’t realise how badly i needed this
fingertipsmp3 · 5 months
About to bawl my fucking eyes out over this OCD blog I just found
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hollybell51 · 2 years
ok i know you said requests are backlogged but i also read your sam winchester fic (oh my god???? so good!!!!!) and i noticed that you put dean on your tag list form and i am literally in love with him so if you get time could you do like a hurt/confort fic for him where the reader gets like seriously injured and tells him she loves him because she thinks she's dying and doesn't wanna die without saying it?
Anon you are in luck, the supernatural brainrot is still going strong. Also if you wanna be tagged in stuff make sure you submit responses to that form otherwise I don't know what usernames to put xx
The other thing
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Dean Winchester x fem!Reader
Supernatural (2005)
Word count: 5.8K
Summary: hunting a ghost that only seems to attack young women, you volunteer yourself as bait. The plan doesn't exactly go to plan, leading to some confessions being made.
Content: ANGST. Angst, besties. Hurt/comfort, mainly hurt but there is some comfort there, whump (sorta), mostly Dean's perspective but still second person narrative voice (loml), probably bad characterisation but I think it's passable???? Sam is like the no. 1 Dean/you shipper, A+ wingman. Badly written emotional vulnerability but I tried I promise. Kissing, first kisses, "I love you"s, bit of blood but not too explicit, hospitals, etc. etc. Dean is a warning on his own but yknow what I love him. I may have missed some stuff so please don't hesitate to catch me on it!
Notes: ft. my freaking awful titles lmaoooo. This isn't really set during any actual episode, but I'm sorta working off only having watched the first two seasons so just assume it takes place somewhere around then. Also the more I watch this the more I just wanna grab him and put him in my pocket or something, it's so bizarre. He's so pretty. I love his cockiness, I love the little eyebrow thing he does, I love the little jaw thing he does. Sorry if I messed up any lore or anything, writing this was a fever dream but tbh I had fun, it's nice to just sorta write you know? Thanks for the suggestion Anon
“Guys, can you hurry up?” 
Dean glanced over his shoulder, frantically sprinkling fuel over the exposed corpse below. He couldn’t see all that much in the darkness, but it didn’t exactly look like you had the upper hand. None of them had realised how big the ghost was until now, and with the machete it was currently slashing at you…
“Almost there!” Sam shouted, striking a match and casting it into the grave. The remains went up with a “whoomp!”, the ghost howled and stumbled back. It was difficult to really know what happened in those few moments as the light from the burning remains glinted off the metal of the machete and the ghost shimmered and began to disappear, but what was clear was that something had happened to you. 
“Fuck,” you groaned, dropping your own weapon with a dull thud. You staggered, catching yourself on a headstone before your knees gave out and you sank to the ground. You were hunched over awkwardly, your shoulders heaving, hands clutched tight to your stomach. 
“(Y/N)?” Dean asked, frowning. Were you hurt? Just out of breath? 
“I’m alright,” you called. “Just… give me a second.” 
“Shit,” Sam muttered, dropping the salt and packet of matches and running towards you. “Dean!” he yelled as he knelt down, stripping off his jacket and balling it up, pressing it to your stomach. 
No, Dean thought. No, no, no, no. He was frozen, the can of fuel dangling limply from his fingers. He’d known using you as bait for a psychotic ghost murderer was a bad idea, even when you’d insisted that you’d be fine. It wasn't that he didn’t think you could handle it – he’d seen you in action enough times to know you were a force to be reckoned with – but he’d had a horrible feeling something was going to go wrong from the moment you’d laid out your plan. 
“He goes after girls, right?” You’d had an uncomfortable light in your eyes, all steely determination that Dean simultaneously loved and hated. Loved because, well, it was so you and it meant you were getting shit done, hated because more often than not you were putting yourself in danger. And yes, he was aware of the hypocrisy. 
He’d tried to talk you out of it, Sam had too. But once your mind was set – and set it was – no amount of convincing on anyone’s part could do anything about it. The second the idea had begun to form in your brain, the path was laid and there was no point trying to change that. 
“You better get over here man, quick!” Sam’s voice dropped, but wasn’t quiet enough that Dean couldn’t hear his next words, addressed to you. “Just hold on, Dean’s coming. Keep breathing, ok?” 
Fuck, that didn’t sound good. Dean’s limbs jerked back to life. He didn’t waste another second, sprinting the few metres through the forest of tombstones to where his brother was bent over you. 
“Don’t just stand there!” Sam yelled, one hand pressing his jacket to your stomach. “Help me!” 
It was like his body was moving on autopilot, kneeling beside you and taking over from Sam without any input from Dean himself. Dully, he noticed that there was already a warm, damp patch on the jacket, as well as a dark spot glistening darkly over your side. Shit. 
“I’ll be fine,” you’d insisted when he'd raised his doubts. “I’ve got you guys. You just burn the bones fast, I reckon I can hold him off for a few minutes.” Then you’d shrugged, grinning. “And if it all goes to hell, I know you’ve got my back.”
Yeah, fat lot of help they’d been. 
“What happened?” he asked. 
“He got me on his way out,” you laughed bitterly. “Can you believe that? Halfway gone and he just–” You broke off, making a vague slashing gesture with your free hand. “God, I’m an idiot.” 
“No, no you did fine. We shoulda been quicker.” Dean assured you, pressing harder. “Sorry,” he muttered as you let out a pained whimper.
“‘Salright,” you grimaced. “My fault. Dean, I gotta–” 
“Shh, no, it’s fine. It’s ok, you’ll be ok.” 
You shook your head, tears mixing with the sweat on your face. He watched one trace a path through the dirt caked on your skin. “It’s important, please.” 
He shook his head. “The only thing that’s important right now is keeping your eyes open, yeah? Just… just do that.” 
“I’m calling 911,” Sam said. “Just stay there, don’t move.” 
“I’m not planning on taking off, don’t worry.” You smiled tightly, then your face twisted in what Dean thought was fear, panic even. It was like a punch to his stomach, he hadn’t seen you look that scared since… Well, ever. Your hand fumbled over his, trying to find something to grab. 
“It’s alright,” he told you, pressing on the jacked one-handed as the fingers of the other one twined with your own. “It’s alright, (Y/N).” 
“No, no Dean, you have to burn me. Make sure you salt me, uh… Sage, use sage too.” 
He felt the blood drain from his face, cold rushing through him. “What?”
“Please,” you begged, your voice breaking. “I don’t wanna hurt anyone. You have to get rid of me, ok?” 
Oh God. Oh God. Dean looked up, searching frantically for Sam. He was watching you while he talked to the emergency operator, his fist pressed against his mouth and his hand shaking where he held the phone. He met Dean’s eyes, shaking his head. 
“You’re not gonna hurt anyone because you’re not going anywhere.” Dean’s voice was blessedly steady, despite the uncomfortable lump in his throat. 
“Promise me,” you whispered, then shouted when he didn’t respond. “Promise me, Dean!” 
He gripped your hand tighter, your own fingers digging harshly into his flesh. “I promise you will be ok,” he said. 
You sobbed, your body heaving under the rapidly dampening jacket. That was way too much blood for Dean’s liking, and judging by the increasing urgency of Sam’s quiet conversation on the phone, he felt the same. 
Your panicked gaze locked on Dean’s face, tears coursing down your cheeks. “I don’t wanna go,” you choked. “I didn’t tell you. I can’t go.” 
Didn’t tell him what? It didn’t matter. He squeezed your hand in what he hoped was a more reassuring than painful way. “It’s ok, you’re not going anywhere, alright? You’re staying right here, I’ve got you.” 
“You’ve gotta listen to me, Dean–” 
“No, tell me later. Just hold on, save your energy.” 
“(Y/N) hold on!” 
“Dean, listen to her.” Sam had finished on the phone, the screen shining eerily on his face. At Dean’s raised eyebrow he gave a tiny nod. Yeah, there was an ambulance on the way. 
“Sam, she is not gonna die.” He shook his head, turning back to you. “We’ve got all the time in the world, ok sweetheart?” He searched frantically for something to say, anything to keep your attention. He was no doctor, but he knew it would be bad if you passed out. Very bad. 
“Uh… fuck.” He broke off, floundering. What would keep you awake? What could he possibly say after you’d just made him promise to get rid of your spirit once you were dead, which was not going to happen.
“It’s actually not a bad night,” he started, already kicking himself mentally. “Bit of a breeze. I guess it’s sheltered down there, you’ve got a nice, uh, headstone blocking it. Ground’s not too bad either, not too hard. Glad it’s not gravel, my knees’re killing me.” 
A watery laugh clawed its way from you before another sob wracked your body. “Dean, I gotta tell you…” 
“Can you see the stars from down there?” he asked, cutting you off. “I bet they’re bright out here. No light pollution.” He grabbed your hand as your fingers loosened their grip, dread settling like a stone in his stomach. 
Your eyes wandered away from his face, sweeping over the space behind him. You nodded, but the haziness that had slid over your face didn’t do anything to help Dean’s panic, especially now that you weren’t holding his hand nearly as tightly as you had been. 
“Wait,” he said, squeezing your fingers. “Just focus on me, keep looking at me.” 
Your eyes swung back to his. “Please,” you whispered. “Please Dean, listen to me” 
Sam’s hand settled on his shoulder, large and heavy. He nodded to your face when Dean glanced at him, and to his horror he realised there were specks of blood on your lips. 
He swallowed hard. He hadn’t realised, but this was probably one of the worst moments of his life. He’d entirely ignored even the possibility of you being injured, let alone dying – just thinking the word felt wrong – since you’d joined him and Sam, doggedly refusing to acknowledge the near physical ache the idea of your absence caused. Now it was happening, right in front of him. Heat prickled behind his eyes. 
He took a deep breath, steadying his voice. “Yeah, alright sweetheart. You tell me, I’m listening.” 
Relief washed over your face. “I wanted to say it,” you whispered, “before. I didn’t want it like this.” 
“It’s ok. Sh, it’s ok.” 
Your body convulsed under his hand with another sob, more blood leaking from the corners of your mouth. “I love you,” you choked. “I love you so much. I don’t wanna get stuck because I never told you.” 
Oh. Oh. Dean’s mind went blank, then crashed right back into his skull. It was like swinging on a swing, at the peak of the arc where you floated a little before you started going down again. Yeah, that was his brain in that moment. Of course you’d have the guts to say it when he didn’t, even if it was out of fear of becoming an angry ghost. He cursed the universe and its cruel sense of humour. He faced horrors beyond most people’s imaginations almost every day, but still couldn’t say three simple words when he wanted to more than anything, and now you’d taken the first step for him and it was because you thought you were about to die. Someone up there must have hated his guts.  
“I know,” he said finally, nodding. “I know you do. Hold on, ok? There’s an ambulance, it’s gonna get here any minute” It wasn’t what he wanted to tell you, but no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t make his mouth cooperate. 
You smiled, your grip on his hand all but nonexistent now. Your breathing was getting shallower by the second, your eyes unfocussed and no longer trained on his face. It was like now that you’d said your piece, you weren’t even trying to stay awake. He didn’t like to be too dramatic, but he was almost convinced that he was the one who’d been stabbed, not you. 
“No,” he whispered. “No, (Y/N), not you. Please, not you.” 
A wailing siren sounded in the distance, blue and red lights flashing rapidly brighter as the ambulance drew closer. 
“Just a few more minutes,” Sam said, pacing. His eyes never left your face. “Come on, (Y/N), any second now.” 
You were perfectly still, too still. Dean leant over, careful to keep applying pressure to your stomach as he listened for breath. The faintest hint of it brushed his cheek, not enough. He blinked hard, holding you against his chest, his face pressed into your hair. It still smelled like the cheap shampoo from the most recent motel, mixed with blood and dirt and sweat. It should have been disgusting, but to Dean it smelled so right. He wondered what that said about his lifestyle choices. 
“Please,” he whispered, his voice choked. “(Y/N)...” 
Your hand slipped from his, and it was like a damn breaking. He felt his shoulders jerk, something between a sob and a grunt torn from him. 
“I love you too,” he whispered, clinging so tightly to you he was half scared he was going to hurt you. “I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you, (Y/N), I love you.” 
The siren was deafening as the ambulance skidded to a stop, Sam waving frantically to the paramedics swarming the graveyard. Someone pulled Dean back despite his protests. Cold stung his cheeks, the breeze from earlier having turned into a wind. It vaguely occurred to him that the reason it was so cold on his face was because he was crying. 
Everything was a blur as you were engulfed by uniformed paramedics, your limp form lifted onto a stretcher and born away into the vehicle. Someone tried to talk to him before Sam, uncannily put together and coherent, spoke to them and explained. There was a lot of nodding and “thankyou”s, then Dean was being loaded into the Impala like a little kid and Sam was driving like you were in the back seat instead of in the ambulance.  
All he was aware of at the hospital was Sam’s hand gripping his arm, muttering that he needed to pull it together “for her, man.” The harsh, clinical lights and the rush that everyone seemed to be in wasn’t helping Dean’s panic, every prone body he glimpsed taking on your face until he blinked and it was a complete stranger. What if the unthinkable really happened? What if you died, and he hadn’t been able to save you, keep you safe like you’d been so sure he would? What if you really did linger as a tormented spirit, what if he and Sam had to hunt you, get rid of you like you’d said? He didn’t know if he’d be able to do that. 
Finally, a serious looking man with a clipboard and a badge approached them. “Are you with the young woman–” he glanced at the clipboard, “(Y/N), who just came in?” 
“Yes,” Sam said quickly. “Yeah, how is she? Is she alright?” 
“She’s damn lucky someone put as much pressure as they did on that cut,” he sighed. “She’s lost a lot of blood, but she’s stable.” 
Dean let out a breath he hadn’t even realised he’d been holding, shoving his hands into his pockets to hide their shaking. 
“Thankyou,” Sam smiled. “Thank you, doctor. When can we see her?” 
He frowned at the clipboard again, tapping his fingers on the plastic. “Well she’s unconscious, I daresay she will be for a while yet.” 
“Please,” Dean interrupted. “I– we just need to see her.” 
The doctor raised an eyebrow. “You boys family?” 
“Brothers,” Sam lied at the same time as Dean said “husband.” 
“I’m her husband,” he went on, ignoring the little flip his stomach did. Somehow, the familiar lie felt different now that he’d told you how he felt, even if you hadn’t heard. “He’s my brother in law.” 
“Ok,” he shrugged, “but she won’t… Well, she was stabbed. There’s a lot of tubes, bandages, and she’s out cold. It might be…” He stopped, sighing. “Some people find it confronting, seeing their loved ones like this.” 
Dean felt Sam glance at him, but he ignored it. “Trust me,” he said with a tight smile, “I’ve seen worse.” 
He had not, as it turned out, seen worse. You were completely still apart from the gentle rise and fall of your chest, a thin cotton blanket pulled up and tucked in with clinical precision around your ribs. You had a little cut on your forehead that Dean hadn’t noticed at the graveyard. A drip trailed from the back of your hand to a cluster of bags suspended above you, a thin plastic tube wrapped around your head just under your nose. Oxygen, he assumed. If he ignored all that, you could have been sleeping. 
Sam pushed the door open softly, as if he was afraid he’d wake you up. Dean hesitated a moment, then followed him inside. Up close, he could see the light sheen of sweat on your forehead, the darkness under your eyes, the pallor of your lips and cheeks. He reached out to touch you, maybe lay his hand on your forehead or smooth your hair away from your face, but drew his hand back at the last moment. He didn’t want to somehow unbalance you from whatever tightrope you were walking right now, even though he knew that was illogical. Still, even breathing the same air felt somehow dangerous for you. 
“Did she tell you?” he asked Sam eventually. 
“That she loves you?” He didn’t give Dean a chance to explain that he hadn’t meant that, that he’d been talking about your fear of not-quite-death. “She never said it outright, but I sort of worked it out, y’know? You guys weren’t really that subtle.” 
Dean frowned. “What’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Just…” He shrugged, gesturing vaguely between your prone form and Dean. “You’re always looking at her, when you think she can’t see you. She does the same. Always just sorta… doing little things for each other. And you’re always touching her, I don’t know if you realised.” 
“Huh. I didn’t.” It was true, although it didn’t really surprise him. He liked the little smile you gave him whenever he picked something up from a store for you – a favourite candy, something you’d mentioned you felt like – and he’d just assumed when you did similar things for him it was because you were, well, you. But now that he thought about it, he couldn’t name half as many times when you’d taken the same care and effort for Sam. Not that you’d neglected his brother, it was just… slightly less personal, less specially catered. He felt a surge of warmth for you, then a pang as his eyes landed again on your too-pale face. 
As for touching you, well, he wanted to. All the time. He wanted to put his hand on your shoulder, wrap his arms around your waist, hold you close and feel your heartbeat against his. Every brief half-hug or brush of your skin against his was something precious to him, so of course he’d want more. His mind flashed back to the tightness of your hand in his at the graveyard, the warm slick of your blood as you’d clung to him. Even that had been almost euphoric, past the raw terror and sickening dread. He was going to hold you like that again – under better circumstances – if it killed him. 
“Yeah,” Sam went on. “She’s the same, actually.” He laughed, shaking his head. “I remember this one time, Illinois, I think. We got a motel room with the longest couch you've ever seen. You sat down in the corner, and she comes and sits right next to you! When she’s got, like, another two metres of space to choose from.” 
Dean did remember that, actually. He remembered the rush he’d gotten as you’d squished up against his side, complaining that you were cold even though your skin had been warm to the touch. He still thought about it, sometimes. “Huh,” he said again. 
“Yeah.” It was silent apart from the beeping of your monitor and the normal hospital sounds outside the room, then Sam turned and faced him. “I’m sorry,” he said. 
Dean shook his head. “It wasn’t your fault. I shouldn’t have let her put herself out there like that in the first place.” 
“No, I was supposed to have her back. I shouldn’t have taken so long with the salt.” 
He wasn’t wrong, Dean knew that, but it had been him who’d agreed to your plan. You’d put your faith in him just as much as you had in Sam, and he’d let you down. He hadn’t liked the whole thing from the start, but still he’d gone ahead with it. And now here you were, lying unconscious in a hospital bed, and Sam was beating himself up about it. It was all so wrong, and Dean could have stopped it so easily. But as he looked at you, he swore he could hear you snorting derisively at him, crossing your arms with a firm “bullshit!” 
“It’s my choice,” you’d say. “You’re really gonna try to steal my credit?”
“She’d call bullshit on you, you know,” he said. 
His brother shrugged, nodding. “Yeah, you too probably. She’d poke you, right here.” He reached around and stuck his finger firmly in the middle of Dean’s chest, right where you’d done countless times. 
Despite himself, Dean smiled. Then your drip beeped and he was jerked painfully back to the present, and the problem at hand. 
“Did you know she was so scared?” he asked. “Of, y’know…” Dying. Haunting someone. Getting stuck here, not being able to move on. 
Sam didn’t answer for a moment, then he sighed, still looking at you. “She mentioned it.” 
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Why didn’t she tell me? 
“She didn’t want me to. She thought you’d think… I don’t know, that she wouldn’t be able to do the job. She really didn’t want you to know she was scared, she was so worried about what you thought of her. She said you were…” He swallowed, cleared his throat, continued. “She said you were never scared, and she didn’t want you to think she was. Even when I told her we were all terrified.” 
“Damn right,” Dean muttered. You’d done a great job at putting on such a brave front, he’d sometimes wondered if there was actually something wrong with you. Or maybe not wrong, but different. He’d never known anyone who could handle the things they did so well, not even his dad. It was something of a relief to know that there was more to it. 
“She was convinced she’d be the type of person to get stuck,” he continued. “Kept saying she wouldn’t be able to move on, that she had too much that she was holding onto and she didn’t know how to let go.” He finally raised his head, looking at Dean with what he thought was pity. Any other time, that would have annoyed him. 
“That’s why she said it,” he muttered, the uncomfortable lump back in his throat. When you woke up, he was going to give you a serious talk about timing. 
Sam nodded. 
“And she didn’t–” His voice broke, and he turned away. He wanted to punch something, put his fist through the wall or slam his hand down on the table, but he was too scared it would somehow disturb you. “I didn’t say it back.”
“Woah, hey.” Sam’s hand was firm on his shoulder, steadying him. “You did, man. You did.” 
“I was too late! She was out!” 
“Yeah, and you can tell her again when she wakes up.” 
“What if–” 
“No.” Sam shook his head firmly, fingers digging into Dean’s shoulder, anchoring him to the spot. “She’s waking up, and when she does you’re gonna ask her out on a proper date, she’s gonna say yes, and you’re gonna sort yourselves out like adults. Ok?” 
Dean looked away. The prospect of asking you out suddenly felt enormous. Of course he’d taken girls on dates before, he knew what he was doing, but that had been more along the lines of “I think you’re cute and you’re clearly into me, let’s get dinner and then we can hook up.” He’d never faced “I’ve been pining over you for months and I was too scared to do anything about it but you almost died and told me you loved me – love, not like – and I have no idea where this is gonna go but Sam’s right and asking you out is probably the best next step even if it’s absolutely terrifying”. He was a total mess, and he knew it. 
“Ok?” Sam asked again, insistent. 
“Ok,” he agreed. “Ok.” 
You didn’t wake up until a day later. Well, that was according to the time and date displayed on the clock opposite your bed. Dean didn’t really have any recollection of time actually passing. 
He was slumped in the chair beside your bed, your hand held gently in his own as he dozed. He hadn’t let himself fully sleep since you’d been brought in, too afraid that something would happen while he was out, despite all Sam’s urging. Eventually he’d just sent his brother back to the motel, assuring him that he’d be fine on his own and that he wanted to be there for you when you came around. 
He jerked out of his half-nap when your fingers twitched, cursing when his pain stabbed through his neck. Snoozing in hospital chairs was never a good idea. 
“Fuck,” you groaned, frowning at the ceiling. 
Dean cleared his throat, his mouth suddenly dry. “(Y/N)?” 
You turned, your face clearing when you saw him. He’d be lying if he said it didn’t make his heart skip a beat. “Dean,” you whispered. “What’re you doing here?” 
He shrugged, making to withdraw his hand, but your grip tightened. “I’m the ‘welcome back’ committee.” 
“Oh.” You nodded, smiling softly. You ran your free hand over the bandage circling your waist, studying the IV embedded in your skin. “We got him, didn’t we?” you asked. 
Right, the ghost. “Uh, yeah, he’s gone. Your plan worked,” he added, almost as an afterthought. 
“It was a pretty good plan,” you grinned. 
He shook his head. “It almost got you killed.” 
“But it worked,” you insisted, your eyes shining. “He’s gone, Dean. Who knows how many people we saved?” 
“And what about you, huh?” 
You shrugged. “You can’t get rid of me that easily.” 
He took a deep breath, bending his head so you wouldn’t see the moisture he was sure he could feel gathering in his eyes. How were you so casual about it? It had been your life on the line, you who’d gotten stabbed, who’d been bleeding out, terrified of not dying properly and becoming a ghost yourself. 
“Hey,” you said gently, your hand slipping from his, sliding up over his arm to rest hesitantly on his shoulder. “Are you alright?” 
“You almost died, (Y/N). Sam told me, what you said about getting stuck, being unable to move on.” 
You were silent for a moment, then you sighed. “Well it’s just awkward now that I’m still here.” 
Despite himself, Dean laughed. He raised his head, placing his hand over yours, rubbing his thumb in a circle over it. Your skin was warm as ever, dry to the touch. It was such a contrast from the graveyard, one he was glad of. You smiled, some of the colour already returning to your face. 
“I’ve always got your back,” he said, “no matter what. Why didn’t you just tell me?” 
“I wanted to, I really wanted to. But I just… I don’t know, I just couldn’t. Every time I tried it was like this brick wall went up in my brain.” You shrugged, drawing your hand back as you shifted to sit more upright. Dean missed its warmth instantly. “You’re always so… unfazed, you know? It felt kinda stupid.” 
He snorted. Sure, Sam had already told him what you’d said, but it was different coming from you. 
You folded your arms, as if you’d just won an argument. “See?” 
“Shit, (Y/N),” he said, shaking his head. “I’m not – what’d you say? – unfazed. This shit gets to me too, I just…” He thought, unsure how to phrase it. “I didn’t wanna scare you,” he finally settled for. “Didn’t want you to worry.” 
“Oh.” You picked at a loose thread in the blanket, biting your lip. “And the other thing?” 
“Yeah, the other thing.” He’d known this was coming, he’d tried to find the words as he’d sat beside you, waiting for you to wake up. He’d almost had it, he told himself. How hard could it be, after all? 
“I didn’t wanna die with, like, unfinished business. That’s the main reason people stick around. It felt like if I didn’t get it out there, I wouldn’t ever be able to… keep going. Move on.” You swallowed, not meeting his eyes. “It’s ok,” you went on, “if you don’t, y’know, feel the same. I’d understand.” 
So you hadn’t heard him. Dean wasn’t surprised, but some part of him had been clinging to the hope that somehow his words had gotten through to you even as you were bundled into the back of the ambulance. 
He shook his head. “I just wish you’d said something before.” 
You looked up, hope chasing confusion across your face. “What?” 
“I wish you’d said something before,” he repeated. “It would’ve saved us both a lotta trouble.” 
“I don’t…” You frowned. “What’re you…?” 
He shrugged, his heart beating a million mph. “I love you too,” he said simply.
You blinked, opening your mouth to say something, closing it again. Slowly, a smile crept across your features. “Alright,” you grinned, way too smug for Dean’s liking. “Alright then.” 
“Don’t push it,” he warned, but the threat was empty and you both knew it. 
You shifted again, leaning towards him. “Come here,” you said softly. 
He stood, ignoring the ache in his back from the bloody uncomfortable chair. 
Impatiently, you beckoned him closer. 
He raised an eyebrow, brushing a stray piece of hair from your face. “Do I get to kiss you?” 
“That’s the goal, yeah.” You rolled your eyes, tilting your face against his hand. Dean wasn’t fond of the whole “butterflies in your stomach” thing, but he had no idea how else to describe the feeling that tiny gesture conjured. It really was like someone had released a swarm of the things inside him, and he wasn’t sure if he liked it or not. 
You were watching him expectantly, almost like you were challenging him. “Go on,” your eyes seemed to be saying, “try it.” 
He did. Your lips were softer than he’d expected, and just as warm as your hands. You made a sound somewhere in the realm of a sigh as his hand slid down to rest on your shoulder, pushing gently towards him, your own fingers running over his jaw to brush along the back of his neck. He couldn’t believe he’d waited this long to kiss you, and now that he’d finally taken the plunge, he never wanted to stop. 
But he had to breathe, unfortunately, and so did you. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” you whispered. You were still close enough that he could feel the words against his skin. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he replied. 
You laughed, a soft, breathy sound, and closed the tiny gap once more. “I love you,” you murmured between kisses, “and I’m sorry it took me almost dying to say it.” 
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that too.”
The door handle clicked, the hinges squealing. “Ok, so I ran into the doctor on the way in— woah.” 
Dean stood up so fast he almost overbalanced. 
Sam was standing in the doorway with a disposable coffee cup in each hand, his mouth hanging open as he stared from you to Dean and back again. 
You cleared your throat. “Hi, Sam.” 
He shut his mouth, shoving the cups into Dean’s hands as he crossed the room and bent to hug you with a muttered “thank God.” 
“Watch it,” you warned, “I’m injured.” But your arms snaked around his back anyway, your voice muffled as you pressed your face into his neck. 
“You’re never allowed to scare us like that again,” Sam said firmly. 
Your eyes found Dean’s over Sam’s shoulder, and you smiled. “I’m not really planning on it, don’t worry.” 
Sam just laughed. “How’re you feeling?” he asked when he finally let you go. 
“Ok,” you nodded, then frowned. “Hungry.” 
Sam glanced at Dean, who shrugged. He’d gotten bored some time in the morning, and the packet of pudding that had been left on your bedside table along with a bottle of water had been practically begging to be tasted. He’d wondered if you’d wake up before they brought a replacement, he’d even felt a little bad eating your food, but he was hungry, dammit, and when Sam had left he’d said he would come back “later” which meant “tonight”. And that was too long for Dean to wait. He also didn’t have any money on him, and wouldn’t have left your side for the cafeteria when the pudding was right there. 
“What?” you asked. 
“He ate the pudding they left you,” Sam said. Dean never should have mentioned it, but he’d been desperate to get Sam to bring him something and it had felt convincing over the phone.
Dean glared at his brother and the coffees – which were very noticeably not the fast food he’d had in mind. “You try living in that chair for a day, see how long you can go without.” Then he turned to you. “You didn’t miss much, don’t worry.” 
“Well, I’m hungry!” you protested, crossing your arms and looking for all the world like a petulant toddler. 
Sam’s words about asking you out echoed in his mind.
“I’ll buy you dinner,” he said. “At an actual restaurant, not a fast food place. As soon as they let you outta here, alright? In the meantime…” He reached for the bottle of water, handing it to you with an apologetic shrug. It was better than nothing. 
You wrinkled your nose at him. “This is a pretty shit first date.” 
“I’ll make it up to you,” he said. Then, on second thoughts, “It’s not a first date, Sam’s here.” 
“Geez,” Sam muttered, “sorry. And after I got you a coffee too.” 
“Did you get me one?” you asked hopefully. 
“No,” he said slowly. “But you can have mine if you want?” 
You sighed. “I don’t like it how you do. But thanks,” you added with a smile. 
“Sorry, I just wasn’t expecting you to be awake.” 
“Have a little faith, Sam.” 
He smiled, glancing between you and Dean. 
“You owe me a coffee, and you owe me a dinner,” you continued before he could say anything. Dean thanked you silently. He didn’t really want a shovel talk from his own brother right now, which he could see Sam was just dying to dish out. He wondered if you’d be getting one. Probably, but he had no doubts that it would be less “shovel” more “talk”. 
“Soon as you’re fixed up,” he said. “I promise.” 
“And it’ll be a date?” 
“Sweetheart, it’ll be the best first date you’ve ever been on. Trust me.” 
You just grinned, ignoring Sam’s fake-disgusted sigh. “Ok.” 
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
Back on sad soft boy Wendy hours, following up from Kaidan realising just how badly he fucked up here
Farkas: *jumps from the back of the wagon and walks along side Vilkas and Kaidan as they ride behind it* He’s asleep now. I couldn’t get him to stop crying…
Kaidan: I’m guessing you want to hit me as well then…
Farkas: no. The look on your face when Wendy ran crying from you looked like punishment enough.
Vilkas: you really fucked up pup.
Kaidan: I know… I know I did…
Farkas: you have no idea…
*a few hours later at sunset*
Henwen: *walks through the city gates of whiterun with inigo. Kaidan & the twins walking behind them* … *looks up to see Taliesin standing out the front calling the kids Henwen had taken in back inside* Tali! *runs to him*
Taliesin: *looks up as the kids run past him to see his friends approaching* Wendy!! Inigo! *steps forward and hugs the snow elf tight* welcome home- *looks up to see Kaidan standing there awkwardly* …Inigo, take wendy inside…
Inigo: *ears tucking back knowing shits about to go down* alright… *gently takes Henwens hand* lets unpack and tell the kids about our adventures! *leads him inside quickly*
Henwen: *doesn’t argue, too tired and hurt to argue* okay… *looks back in time to see Taliesin storming up to Kaidan before the door is closed*
Taliesin: You. *slugs Kaidan hard across the face making him stagger back, stunned at how hard he was just hit*
Kaidan: *shakes his head trying to figure out what just happened* hello to you too Taliesi- *shuts up as the high elf grabs him by his armour pulling him in to face him*
Taliesin: I don’t care where you stay in this gods forsaken city but you are not staying in this house. You will be here at 6am every morning and you will leave at 8pm every night until your debt to Wendy is repaid or he forgives you. Am I clear? If you ever. EVER. Put your hands on him again or hurt him in any way I will make you wish you’d died in that prison. Am. I. Clear.
Kaidan: *staring into his green eyes and feeling genuine fear, having never seen Taliesin lose his temper or become so cold before* alright… I’ll be here tomorrow…
Taliesin: Good. *pushes him away before looking to the twins* thank you for your help…
Vilkas: don’t mention it.
Farkas: make sure wendy drinks plenty of water… he did a lot of crying when he saw Kaidan again…
Taliesin: I will… *turns and walks inside closing the door*
Kaidan: *cheek already bruising from the hit, just staring at the house he used to call home, and feeling like a stranger to it now…
Vilkas: *knowing he’s well and truely learned his lesson now and not wanting to rub salt in the wound further. pats his shoulder and sighs* come on pup… you can stay with us. I’m sure wendy will forgive you soon, he’s not the type to hold a grudge. He’ll be in your arms again soon.
Farkas: no he won’t.
Kaidan & Vilkas: *both look at him surprised at his response*
Farkas: He’s moved on.
Kaidan: *heart shattering and tears forming in his eyes as he lets out a broken sob feeling like he’d just been run through* n-no- *drops to his knees, Vilkas helping him back up right*
Vilkas: *rubbing his back* Oh Kaidan…
*a few hours later*
Taliesin: *sitting across from Wendy* Ondolemar then?… I suppose of all my superiors in the Thalmor he was the nicest… he didn’t force himself onto you or pressure you did he?
Henwen: *dressed in one of the night robes Ondolemar had gifted him and brushing his hair sadly* no… I wanted it… I’ll be protected with him, I can get information on the thalmor too I… I wanted this…
Taliesin: *frowns and leans foreward taking his hand* …do you really?…
Henwen: … *tears up and shakes his head* no… *sobs squeezing his hand* I-I want Kaidan.
Taliesin: oh wendy… *gets up and hugs him gently*
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stormyoceans · 2 years
[VICE VERSA episode 6 parts 1&2]
“It’s life to meet and part” … and meet again, since you fake-out bastards come back
Omg this scene confused the shit out of me before they revealed it’s a whole-ass brain production by one lovesick Puen
Good thing it /is/ a fantasy because I would’ve kicked his ass so hard for tossing the popcorn
Damn, dream!Talay wants to stop watching the movie and “get ready for bed”, that popcorn disaster really did it for him huh
“Seeing you 24/7 is heartwarming” my heart
Mm, I’m split on Talay’s “you should see others too” because yes it’s NEVER a good idea to obsessively attach yourself to just one person but on the other hand Talay probably doesn’t realise Puen’s just super-in-love
Oh right I forgot there was an intro
The drums are my favorite part of this song they’re so good man
What is wrong with that damn megane lady
Instead of asking where Puen is the Nurse should’ve told Megane to get a life
“I haven’t seen him for a week” Jesus
Then again this is probably the way Puen thinks about Talay asldkjfkld
Why is Talay such a stick in the mud sometimes, fuck your game and play the guitar
I say as someone who loves gaming and gave up on playing the piano
(that was waaaaay back when I was a kid tho)
I’m so glad exams are a thing of the past, oh my god, fuck school
Tess’s friends getting all confused because their obnoxious friend got all solemn
But it’s nice that they took him seriously and came to cheer him up
Since Tess himself sure wouldn’t lmao
How often are you gonna repeat the “if this movie was aired in our universe” line omg
So THAT’S the context for him jumping on the bed in the intro, I completely forgot
Yeah so the behavior Puen is exhibiting right now is not healthy, this is where he should indeed be spending time with others
Puen, put something on, god
I loooove it when Talay shows his considerate and caring side ughughugh
HUG!!!! I LOVE HUGS!!!!!
“I stayed in. I didn’t contact anyone. I didn’t go anywhere” YOU WERE HEADIN’ STRAIGHT FOR DEPRESSION THIS IS SERIOUSLY NOT GOOD
“I couldn’t resist seeing you” You’re still allowed to SEE EACH OTHER!!!!
And if parting (to see each other next time) hurts that badly I /need/ you to get help
Talay immediately wants the dirt aksdfj
Puen looks like he needs a shower, when was the last time young man
“I like when you eat” I like when YOU take care of yourself
Is Up’s “foul mouth” a lost in translation thing? He was fine to me
I wonder if the high-five miss was a legitimate mistake and the actors just went with it lmao
Puen protecting the cookies for Talay lmao
Also wait their first movie failed even though we know Puen wrote the script from the heart so I guess Thailand just hates love
Oh my god if he did that to my ear he wouldn’t be in love because he’d be dead
Hey guys you know what else makes one tired? Se–
Talay putting his hand on Puen’s wrist ;;;;
Damn, dream!Talay wants to stop watching the movie and “get ready for bed”, that popcorn disaster really did it for him huh <<<<< PUEN MADE HIM SAY THAT WITH THE MOST STUGGESTIVE TONE AND EXPRESSION TOO HE REALLY WAS ABOUT TO MAKE TALAY AS HORNY AS HE IS
“Seeing you 24/7 is heartwarming” my heart <<<<< puen really has been wanting to spend his entire time with talay since the beginning and yes it's because he's in love but he also just enjoys talay's company so much IM 🤧🤧🤧
Mm, I’m split on Talay’s “you should see others too” because yes it’s NEVER a good idea to obsessively attach yourself to just one person but on the other hand Talay probably doesn’t realise Puen’s just super-in-love <<<<< talay saying that always makes me want to tear my hair out in frustration and at the same time it's the reason why episode 7 is so emotionally satisfying to me, because he really Does Not Get It yet, how deep puen's feelings run and how honest he's being and how much he wishes for them to have a future together. at this point their attitude towards being each other's portkey also changed from the beginning, with puen now wanting and believing that to be true and talay thinking they should look for someone else, and you can sense the tension building and building until it's going to snap next ep
Oh right I forgot there was an intro <<<<< not to be disgustingly biased once again but vice versa best intro of the year i haven't skipped it ONCE in all the times i've rewatched the show
Why is Talay such a stick in the mud sometimes, fuck your game and play the guitar <<<<< talay CAN be a bit harsh and uptight sometimes but he always ends up feeling bad and making up for it because in the end he can't really say no to puen (good luck with that talay sfjksgdksg)
I’m so glad exams are a thing of the past, oh my god, fuck school <<<<< BIG SAME TBH that's not a period of my life i want to revisit
Tess’s friends getting all confused because their obnoxious friend got all solemn // But it’s nice that they took him seriously and came to cheer him up <<<<< i swear kita and fuse are SUCH GOOD HOMIES and they care so much for their friend even if from their point of view he changed a lot and doesn't spend a lot of time with them anymore TESS DOESN'T DESERVE THEM
WHY IS HIS FRIEND SLEEPING THERE // AND HIS OTHER FRIEND THERE <<<<< tess' bed is big enough to fit the three of them but talay really said puen is the only person allowed to sleep next to me y'all can take the floor ✋
Yeah so the behavior Puen is exhibiting right now is not healthy, this is where he should indeed be spending time with others <<<<< this is something i haven't really talked about because a lot of people don't have the most positive feelings towards puen and i don't want to look like im justifying everything he does but tbh i think some of his behaviors tell a lot about the state of his mental health. there's a reason why he didn't want to go back to be himself and his real life, there's a reason why he went as 'tun' for so long and didn't tell talay his real name, and it has a lot to do with the fact that he never really liked being 'puen'. as soon as he loses the things and people that keeps him anchored (talay, up, aou, the screenwriting) he goes back to self-destructive behaviors that the show can't really explore in depth but are definitely there (like you mention in another comment i do think puen has struggled with depression in the past and i think the drink and drive is also a manifestation of that)
HUG!!!! I LOVE HUGS!!!!! // Also, FORESHADOWING OF THE CLIMATIC HUG??? <<<<< HUGS ARE THE BEST THING IN THE WORLD AND IM SO HAPPY PUENTALAY HAS LOTS OF THEM. it's also interesting to notice that in this episode there's definitely a big emotional shift in talay, who went from 'i don't like to be hugged' to hug puen basically in every episode from now on
Puen looks like he needs a shower, when was the last time young man <<<<< don't worry he's gonna ask talay to give him one soon
Is Up’s “foul mouth” a lost in translation thing? He was fine to me <<<<< i think talay mentioned that as something he missed from up in general, because usually up speaks very rudely (tho it's definitely something that doesn't translate as much in english because as a language it doesn't have all the different tones and polite particles that thai has)
I wonder if the high-five miss was a legitimate mistake and the actors just went with it lmao <<<<< im pretty sure it was an actual miss from the actors that they kept in the show!!! i think something like that happened at the end of episode 5 too, when up slapped the back of aou's head and aou's glasses fell on his face!!!
Puen protecting the cookies for Talay lmao <<<<< talay jokingly says he likes something ONCE and the next day he gets home to find the house filled to the brim with it hashtag true story
TALAY BEING IN LOVE!!!! <<<<< PHYSICALLY COMBUSTING EVERY TIME I SEE THE BED SCENE BECAUSE IT'S JUST!!!!!! SO MUCH!!!!!! talay saying what he missed about puen not because puen is listening but just because he feels like saying it and everything he lists being just so inherently PUEN and not linked to the body he inhabits  IM SORRY BUT THIS IS SIMPLY SO HIGH ROMANCE TO ME IF YOU SEE A HOODED FIGURE WANDERING THE STREETS WAILING DON'T BE AFRAID IT'S JUST ME
Oh my god if he did that to my ear he wouldn’t be in love because he’d be dead <<<<< sfjksgdj i've never had anyone touching my ears like that so idk how i'd react to it but i think at this point talay is so gone he'd let puen do anything to him [wink wink nudge nudge]
Hey guys you know what else makes one tired? Se– <<<<< i was about to say something but then i remembered talay suggested to pat puen's back and bum to help him get sleepy and puen was so on board with that....... UNBELIEVABLE
Talay: I WANNA KNOW WHAT LOVE IIIIIIS <<<<< at this point im pretty sure that's puentalay's go to karaoke song choice sfjksgf
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podcast-stargazer · 2 years
Welcome to Pt 2 of my Cairo x Al sick fic. I apologise in advance for any mistakes, it's still only freshers week and yet I've already managed to get freshers flu haha, but I still wanted to write a part two so here it is! @intransitpodcast
Cairo x Al sick fic pt 2: Uno Reverse
Cairo slumped over his console in the helm, struggling to keep himself awake despite being barely an hour into his shift. His head was about to fall down from its position resting on his hand, when the sound of the door to the helm opening behind him startled him awake, blinking his eyes repeatedly to try and make himself appear less groggy as he turned around in his chair.
“Oh hey Al,” he called out drowsily “What are you doing here? You know you’re not meant to be on the helm unless there’s a medical emergency,”
“You weren’t answering your comms, I was worried you’d managed to get yourself in trouble. Again,”
“Oh please, when do I ever get into trouble?”
Al gave him a look of disbelief in response, while Cairo sifted through a bag to his right, looking for his comms bracelet.
“Shit,” he muttered to himself before badly attempting to stifle a cough “I must’ve left it at my place when I left for work, sorry for dragging you out here for nothing Al” Cairo said tiredly, meaning for it to sound more upbeat than it did.
Al furrowed his brow slightly and pulled his lips tight, immediately catching on to how exhausted Cairo seemed.
“That’s not like you,” He commented, stepping closer to Cairo.
“What do you mean?” Cairo tried to joke “I’m always forgetting stuff,”
“Not stuff like this,” Al pointed out “I’ve never seen you without your comms bracelet on during the day, after everything you’ve been through not having a way to communicate an emergency would, to put it in your words ‘fucking suck’,”
“It’s no biggy,” Cairo responded, trying to brush it off, acting like the rising anxiety of realising he didn’t have the bracelet wasn’t contributing to his already stressed and weakened state. “I’ll just pick it up when I get back to my quarters” Cairo continued, before coughing harshly and doubling over in his chair, Al immediately coming up behind him and placing a hand onto Cairo’s back.
“Which is happening now,” Al told him firmly
“I can’t leave,” Cairo said tiredly, the fatigue evident in his voice “I’m working, I just need a glass of water.”
Cairo then stood up and went to walk towards the water cooler when a wave of dizziness hit him and he immediately grabbed onto Al’s shoulder.
“Cairo,” Al began softly, lowering him back into his chair slowly “you need to go to bed,” he pleaded
“I’m fine, I just need a second,”
“You’re not fine Cairo,”
“Al, seriously i’m-”
“No Cairo,” Al cut him off, his voice set and stern as if he was giving medical advice at work “I’m going to help you back to your quarters and then I’ll get you a drink,”
“Allllllll” Cairo whined, knowing it was futile to resist, but not wanting to feel helpless and weak
“Please Cairo,” Al pleaded, his tone becoming soft as he looked at Cairo with genuine concern “there are other navigators here running the ship, and you’re not going to be much use to them like his, so please let me take you to bed,”
“Oh?” Cairo said in a teasingly flirty tone “I thought you wanted me to get some rest Al,”
“I- Not like that!” Al exclaimed, blushing slightly “god, you can’t stop flirting even when you’re sick,”
“I’m not sick.”
“You are sick Cairo, now am I taking you back or not,”
Cairo let out a small sigh and held onto his chair to help him stand up
“Fine,” He began, giving in, “but you’re going to have to carry me,” he joked drowsily before Al lifted him up with ease and began walking down the corridor, carrying Cairo bridal style.
“I’m not complaining, but I was kidding you know,” Cairo said tiredly, looking up at Al from in his arms.
“I know,” Al began, turning a corner “but it’s probably quicker for me to carry you when you’re in this state.”
“You’re stronger than I thought” Cairo teased “I mean, I’m taller than you and you’re acting like carrying me is the easiest thing in the world,”
“Well you do need a lot of strength to be a doctor, especially a doctor who has to deal with you,” Al joked, causing Cairo to laugh weakly before sleepily responding “Damn you’re hot,” resting his head on Al’s chest and closing his eyes as they continued the journey back to his quarters in a comfortable silence.
Once they had reached Cairo’s room, Al carefully got out his own key for the room before opening the door and gently setting Cairo down on the bed. Cairo opened his eyes and immediately tried to sit up before Al put a hand onto his shoulder to stop him going any further.
“Lay down, I’ll get you some water,” Al said before Cairo moved to get up again.
“No it’s fine, I can do it myself, you should head back to work,” he said before immediately falling back onto the bed dizzily “I meant to do that,” he finished drowsily.
“Not in this state you can’t,” Al began, looking at Cairo gently, “I don’t have work today, besides, this is my fault,”
“You can’t seriously blame yourself for this Al,”
“You got sick from taking care of me Cairo,”
“Hey, that was my choice, I wanted to take care of you, don’t feel guilty just because I went and got sick.” Al looked at Cairo with a small smile and nodded
“Fine, but you have to rest while I get you some water, doctor��s orders,” Al told him.
“Ok fine, I’ll lay back down doc,” Cairo said teasingly, as he pulled the blanket over himself, slowly closing his eyes as he waited for Al to come back with the water.
“Sorry that took me so long, I was looking for a cup you wouldn’t break if you somehow knocked it over and-” Al began, before cutting himself off, realising Cairo had accidentally fallen asleep while he was gone.
Al let out a soft chuckle and placed the glass on his bedside table, smiling lovingly at Cairo as he gently lowered himself onto the bed, not wanting to wake him up. He delicately brushed a strand of Cairo’s hair out of his face and kissed his forehead gently, letting out a little sigh before lying down beside him and allowing Cairo to rest.
Hope you enjoyed that! I'm going to keep pretending this show hasn't ended and write whatever fanfic ideas I think of (and will happily take requests) so I hope you can enjoy my little own world of in transit content.
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skynighnine · 9 months
chapter one - The Mask I Met
The venue is extravagant, to say the least. It was as if you’d stepped into an alternate reality, one filled wholly—filled with the scent of expensive fabric and the chatter of masked guests, as classical piano echoed inside the towering concrete all around. A sight to behold, for so many, yet you find yourself studying the scene and its every feature, getting lost in the monotonous minutia as you search, desperately, for something of substance. 
You thought things could be different. But as they stand, you stand corrected. The space of this place! The walls and the floors, all so far and wide, so mighty—this big, it is, yet it feels so small it flattens everything in its captivity. It's like this, always the same.
You breathe. Breathe…
You suffocate. 
Briskly, you climb the stairs. God knows you need the air.
The balcony you reach, but it seems someone has already struck the iron's blaze. A man, a wolf mask around his eyes, sporting an all-black suit and tie. He leans forward, tall frame draping onto the rails. He looks deep in thought, lips shaping a pout. His gaze is affixed wearily at the nighttime cityscape. You remain still. Though you'd meant to leave, you wonder about him, an anomaly among the drab, wearing a look you've never seen, save on yourself. As you examine the specimen, he sighs. 
He hangs his head, then straightens his back, turning--and shrieking! as he catches sight of you. You silently meet his wide eyes, and a moment passes. Ah… 
He murmurs a hello, copper-red head drooping. 
“S-sorry!” you chirp out. “I didn’t mean to startle you.” The man somehow manages to look further alarmed. 
“Ah! No, it was really all my fault. It happens often…” He gestures to nothing in particular, “...this.” 
You smile, but your brows furrow in sympathy. "I meant to watch the stars for a bit." It’s him you ended up watching, though.
“Oh. Lovely night, isn’t it?” 
“It’s more that it isn’t.”
He pauses. “Hm.” Was that too blunt?
“This is a good place. To collect your thoughts.” He seemed to have lots of those. You feel bad for interrupting them.
You take a tentative step forward, quietly perching at the rails. 
“Oh, I’ll leave you to it,” he says.
“No, that’s not…” you jump slightly. “I’d like the company.” 
The man looks torn. You think he’s debating whether he should find some sort of an excuse. Ultimately, he settles beside you. ‘There’s no better spot than this, so what choice do I have?’ you imagine him reason. 
You look up. Maybe your thoughts are tainted, but the sky looks a bit faulty tonight. Sometimes, skies look painted on. But that’s a bit different. The way the colours mesh and blend and bleed in as clouds coat the canvas in a spilling embrace, you can’t help but admire. But what’s always remained etched in the back of your mind is a sight you haven’t seen for a long time. “I miss my sky.”
Oh. He’s still here. Obviously. And wait. Did…did you say that out loud?
Well… “I wasn’t born here.” You notice the man turn slightly in your direction, regarding you with the heed of a student taking notes. “Places like this, I couldn’t have even dreamt up, once upon a time. I used to run a bakery, you see. It was my uncle’s. As a child, I used to help him.” You chuckle, “I was the best at taste-testing, so I got the gig. At first, I wasn’t really one to bake myself, though. I remember trying to copy my uncle and failing, badly. But for some reason, I never stopped.”
“No, it isn’t anything impressive. I think it’s more…inevitable? I grew up watching Uncle make sweets for people, and I’d see how his face would light up seeing someone enjoy what he made, and I guess I’d just been chasing that same feeling." Suddenly, you realise you've said a good lot. "Oh, I’m sorry. I must’ve bored you, talking about myself like this.”
“No, I know what you mean.”
“You bake?”
“I wouldn’t say I’m an expert or anything, but... I think there’s something to be said about that feeling, when you put all your work into something that’s for someone else." He laughs softly, adding, "It sort of makes me really happy I did what I did when I hear them say I did well.”
You suppress a smile, fearing it might stretch too wide. It’s been a while, to say the least, since you’ve talked about something like this. And to a stranger, no less. But somehow, hearing him agree seems to mean a great deal to you. Maybe you were right about him, that there’s something in him you can’t place; dare you say, something that reminds you of yourself.
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“Oh my God.”
“Don’t laugh.”
“Oh, my God.”
“I said don’t laugh!”
“Oh my — Keith —” Lance was cracking up, desperately trying to bite back a smile and hold in his giggles, but failing horribly. Keith continued to glare at him, ears flaming red and arms crossed, but eventually Lance lost it — laughing loudly and what Keith considered to be a little dramatically, nearly collapsing on the floor.
Keith scowled. “Fuck you.”
“I — I’m sorry, it’s just —”
“You are not sorry, you dickhead, you are enjoying my suffering —“
“Keith you got egg shells on — on the fucking ceiling, holy shit I can’t breathe —”
Keith whipped his head up to the ceiling as Lance gasped for air, scowling harder as he realised he did, indeed, get egg shells on the fucking ceiling.
“How did that even happen?” he demanded to the room at large.
Lance laughed harder.
“I was just trying to make cupcakes! Fucking cupcakes! I am a grown-ass, twenty-one year old man! I am the fucking Black Paladin of Voltron! I should be able to make some simple fucking cupcakes! The recipe has five goddamn steps! Five! How did I fuck up this badly? Why did the oven catch fire? What did I do —”
“Please stop,” Lance wheezed, holding up a weak hand from where he was curled on the floor. “No more. Please. This is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. Please. My stomach hurts so badly. Oh my God. I don’t think I’ve laughed this hard before in my life.”
Keith glared at him. “I hope you pulled a muscle. I hope you suffer.”
Lance giggled again, reaching up a hand. Keith begrudgingly grabbed it, helping the asshole up. Lance held on the the hand even when he was upright, squeezing Keith’s hand as he grinned.
“Why were you even making cupcakes?”
Keith humphed, looking away, although he didn’t let go of Lance’s hand. “You were upset, yesterday,” he muttered. “Wanted to make you feel better.”
Lance softened, reaching over to grasp Keith’s chin gently, moving his gaze back. Keith reluctantly looked at him, face flushing further at the gooey look on Lance’s face.
“Don’t look at me like that,” he snapped, but there was no heat in his voice.
Lance huffed another laugh, much softer this time, and leaned over to peck Keith on the cheek. “Thank you, my love, but all I needed was a hug. Although I appreciate the effort, burned kitchen or no.”
Keith tried to scowl again, but couldn’t quite manage it. He settled for rolling his eyes with a small smile, and punched Lance gently on the arm. “Whatever. You’re obviously feeling better now, you ass. Help me clean the kitchen.”
Lance smiled wider, squeezing Keith’s hand once more before letting go to reach for a rag. “Anything for you, amor.”
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armysantiny · 2 years
-[ ateez: when you flinch
P: ateez x gender neutral reader| G: fluff, angst, headcanon | Inc: getting mad, outbursts, bad days, arguments, making up | Wc: 1060 | W: yelling, arguments, flinching, crying | R: G
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Park Seonghwa | 박성화
He’s silent. The air is still and hushed from the argument that had happened only moments prior. Tears well up in his own eyes as he watches how you silently plead for him to stop shouting. The whole argument was trivial, and he had shouted at you…?
“Y/n…I’m so so sorry…” You barely have time to respond before he’s putting the argument to bed, offering to give you space. And in the midst of his rambled apologies, you have to hold him and reassure him that no, he’s not a bad boyfriend. It just startled you. You still love him.
Kim Hongjoong | 김홍중
It happens so fast; he’s stressed about not finishing the melody he was working on and oh darling he didn’t mean to throw his hands back. He’s frozen in place and oh god you flinched because of him… his voice is nothing but a whisper, the air clinging to his words as he apologises over and over and over again. He wasn’t going to hurt you, he would never hurt you, oh god he’d never think about hurting you—
The moment you let him hold you it’s like he’d lose you forever if he let go; whispering hushed comforts as he soothes your trembling figure. You were only in there to check on him because there was radio silence the entire day. You just missed him – and oh god his heart drops.
Jeong Yunho | 정윤호
He’s a gentle giant but after hours of futile perfecting of a routine he just can’t get right, Yunho is intimidating. He can’t help how he towers over you, ranting about how he’s fine and he just needs a few more minutes to get this right, and that’s when it happens. His voice raises and you take a step back, eyes quivering in the wake of his outburst. He breaks, somehow seeming half his size as he takes in the gravity of what he had just done.
His hands reach out for you, freezing as he pleads with the universe that you’ll accept his chance to make up for his mistake. A breath he didn’t know he was holding finally leaves him when you take his hand, Yunho cradling your head in his chest and apologising for scaring you. He’s stressed, and that’s no reason for him to treat you the way he did.
Kang Yeosang | 강여상
As much as Yeosang loves the back and forth he has with you, he also has his bad days. Bad days where he wants nothing more than for someone to look past the aloof front and tell him that everything’s going to be okay. But tonight, somehow even you’re oblivious and it just bubbles over. He snaps, going off over how you should have seen it and did you even care?
And he feels so guilty when he realises you’ve been flinching away with every step. The anger leaves his system near immediately and the apologies tumble out. But he doesn’t have long to wait before you’re pulling him into your arms, comforting your exhausted boyfriend, sorry for not realising how bad he was feeling. Everything was going to be okay.
Choi San | 최산
San’s a passionate man and bless him he gets invested in whatever the topic of discussion (or argument) happens to be. He gets lost in it sometimes. Tonight was just one of those nights, and a simple comment led to an intense argument that neither on you were intent on losing. Even if there was nothing to lose. And so he slams his hand down on the table as he tries to physically show you what he was describing, but the words die in his throat when he realises you’ve flinched, shuffling away from him
“Baby, I—…” tears start collecting in his own eyes, pulling you into his arms and putting the conversation to bed. Whether he was right or not no longer mattered, not when he’s startled you so badly.
Song Mingi | 송민기
Mingi doesn’t get angry often, and he tries not to. As tall as you may be, he towers over you and it doesn’t play into his favour when he isn’t trying to be the dominant force in the room. He’s just had a long day and his voice has an edge to it and he doesn’t mean for it to sound so aggressive, but it does. What he intends to be a simple request comes out harsher than it sounded in his head and the volume makes you flinch.
Several deep breaths later and he’s brought you beside him, apologising for his outburst and admitting he was at his wits end. You were just trying to help and he knows that.
Jung Wooyoung | 정우영
You know Wooyoung has a tendency to be loud, a rarely tamed excitement that charmed you the first time you met the man. But sometimes it gets a bit much. He knows this too, and he can usually see the signs that you’d prefer a quieter day, but it slipped by him today. You’d both had a fast-paced, exciting day and in the midst of it all, it suddenly dawns that you need space to process everything and breathe. Enter Wooyoung in all his excited glory and—
His voice shrinks when he sees you flinch, the entire way he holds himself coated in concern. He whispers, holding you close and making sure you know he didn’t mean to startle you. He’ll get some blankets, switch on your favourite film and the pair of you can unwind from the day you had.
Choi Jongho | 최종호
Jongho never intends on shutting you out when he doesn’t feel emotionally present, he just needs time for himself to process and understand how he’s feeling in the moment so he can deal with it. And he loves you so much for being so open and willing to discuss your emotions, but today just wasn’t his day. As much as he loves listening to your voice, it’s just too overwhelming and he just wants quiet for one moment—
And you flinched. So he kicks himself (mentally) and pulls you into his arms. It wasn’t your fault; you were just trying to help, and he knows that. But all he wants you to know is that sometimes he needs those moments to bring himself back down to reality. With a kiss to your forehead, he makes sure you know he’s only in his room if you need something as well.
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© copyright work of armysantiny 2022-2023
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dreamcatcherrs · 4 years
mcyts reaction to you flinching during an argument
TW; slight mention of abuse, angst
+ sad boi hours; open
++ for all of you angst lovers<3
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song recommendation: start//end - EDEN
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when he yelled something at you, wanting some sort of response from you and you didn’t give it to him, he grabbed you by your arm angrily and pulled you close to him.
you flinched away from him, turning your head away in reflex to what his next move might be.
he would immediately let go of you, taking a step back. he would just look at you, heart dropping at the fact that you thought he’d ever do something to hurt you in any way.
would feel disappointed with himself even days after the incident, and would even doubt if him being with you was a good thing at all, where you’d have to reassure him for him to eventually forget about it.
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you and george were having a disagreement about something, keeping a close proximity to each other throughout the argument.
after having raised his voice, he would be lifting his hand to move hair out of his face. and that’s when you flinched, closing your eyes thightly.
george honestly wouldn’t know what to do. he’d just be standing there, stuck in place out of shock. eventually, he’d gently grab your hand, scared to touch your face in case you’d flinch again.
he’d talk to you about how he’d never hurt you, and asked if there was some deeper reason as to why you’d flinched so easily.
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he would be so angry at himself, and would probably, before you could even stop him, storm out of the house to clear his mind and think about what he’d just done.
when he came back, he would hug you so hard, tears streaming down his face and repeating phrases like “I’m so sorry” and “I’d never hurt you”.
he’d make sure you knew just how much he loved you, and that you had no reason to ever flinch away from him again. cuddle sessions are a definite yes after an incident like this.
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oh my god, when I tell you this mans’ heart would break into a million pieces-
he’d crush your body in his arms, coddling you so tightly to him whilst whispering sweet words into your ear. he would feel so crushed.
the poor guy would be crying😖
after that, he would try his best to avoid getting into arguments, or at least avoid ever raising his voice at you again.
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would feel really hurt that you thought he’d hit you. lowkey a little disappointed about how you flinched so easily just by him raising his hand slightly, but would push the selfish thought aside and talk to you about it calmly, even though the action had really hurt him.
he wasn't a violent person, and he thought you knew that.
he doesn't want to send you down a guilt trip or anything, but he just feels so… lost? makes him doubt wether you trust him and he could think about it for literal weeks, because he’d have a hard time talking about it.
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wilbur soot:
runs a hand over his face, wide eyes staring back at you in shock. it takes him a moment to realise that you had just flinched because of him. that you'd acted out in a way people who are scared do. he doesn't really know what to do at first - he doesn't want to cause more damage.
“y/n…” he trails off, lifting a hand slowly towards you, afraid that he’ll scare you away. the last thing he’d ever want is for you to be scared of him.
he cant just stand there, and he can tell that all you really need right now is some comfort, so he’ll just grab you and pull you right into his arms, apologising over and over again and assuring you that he'd never make you flinch again.
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he would be really confused.
like, he would just be standing there with a confused expression on his face until you looked up at him again. 
“did you think I was going to hit you?”
his bottom lip would tremble, and his heart would just be pounding out of his chest.
he’d feel better once you comforted him and told him that you just flinch easily, but he would still think about it sometimes when he looked at you.
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karl jacobs:
his eyes would widen, quickly trying to reach out and touch you, only realising that the reason you flinched was because you didn’t want him to touch you. because you’d felt a reason to lift your hands in front of you in defence.
instead he would clasp his hand over his mouth, feeling tears well up in his eyes. and just let out a sob.
and that’s when you quickly ran to comfort him, going down with him when he fell onto his knees.
would profusely be mumbling sorries between sobs. that moment would scar him for a long time ;-;
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would immediately take you into his arms. he pushed aside how much it hurt to know that you could ever be scared of him, because you came first.
lots of back rubbing and cheek kisses - he would be very worried that you flinched because someone had actually hit you before you eve met him or something along those lines.
would apologise for scaring you and wipe tears away from your cheeks if you were crying.
would have a long conversation with you about it afterwards.
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would back away from you.
he didn’t know what the fuck to do. if he should comfort you or back the hell away. so he chose the safest option, seeing as you had clearly shown a sign of defence.
you would kinda just look at each other for a while.
“I- did you just-” he would cut himself off trying to form the right sentence.
“baby, I wouldn't hit you. you know I wouldn't… right?”
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like sapnap, he would take off, leaving you in confusion and hurt about how you had so easily reacted like that.
he wanted to be there for you, but he knew that he needed to clear his mind and think about what had just happened before he could do that. once he was outside, he would yell at the top of his lungs, letting out his pain through doing so.
when he entered again, he would start talking about how he was such a dick and should be more careful with the way he moves and that he wouldn't ever hurt you or anything like that.
would ramble on until you shut him up, assuring him that there was no reason to be angry or upset. it would definitely calm him down, but he wouldn't be able to sleep very well that night knowing that he had made you flinch so badly.
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sam is just very shocked. and confused… and generally feels a lot of emotions washing over him all at once. the anger was still there, but he could hold it back for a while if it meant being able to wipe that expression off your face.
with furrowed brows he gently cups your cheeks, relieved when you didn't try to pull away or anything like that. he wouldn't really talk directly about it right then, but rather comforts you. you are his number one priority right now.
“hey, hey, hey. it’s okay, I’m here.” and then just hugs you and lets you cry it out on his shoulder. will talk to you about it later and eventually resolve your previous argument. makes sure you never flinch at him again.
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corpse husband:
corpse knows he can get pretty heated in arguments, but to make you flinch… he’d never seen that one coming, and honestly, it would hit him like a truck. he would stumble over is own words, hands clamming to you protectively, only to move away again as he realised the one who he had to protect you from was himself. 
would beat himself up about it a lot afterwards. like, he’d think about that look on your face and just space out, which you would notice of course cause his brows would knit together and he’d look so fucking sad. he’d just be scared to do it again.
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it was the worst thing he'd ever witnessed. you can almost hear his heart crack right into two pieces. he’d just look at you with sad, bulging puppy eyes until you moved to look at him again with guilt dancing in your eyes once seeing his.
“y/n, I… I would never hit you.”
I feel like he could cry depending on how bad the argument had been, but overall he is just very very sad. wouldn't be able to hold back even if he was scared of making you flinch again, and would just hold you. until you were ready to talk about it, he’d be right there with his hands clinging onto you for dear life.
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tag list✰
@zayenz @terribletoothbat @0t0n1n @0125cm @yukiuheh @shinee-is-5-forever @regularnoceur @b01nk-b0w@christhebish@nutritious-emo-crackkk@bookishreid@giavanna-707 @reddiesmcdonalds@cosmins@vixxzial@autumnpleaves@paradigmax@meaganjm@shiningsunrises@moralofwalls@username1212131@gxldentaestuff@innitdream @televisionpresent38 @bubblyanis@zurami @highoffhockey @popinjaytaylor@196os@livsbaby@doubts-of-gold@bunlina@retrav @mcyt-is-my-life@aleaisntcreative @my-shitpost-of-writing @my-shitpost-of-writing @clownsdrowning @pissbabywastaken@shiningsunrises @tie-dyed-dumbass @death-by-rats@simpfordraco @bippity-boppity-boopa@neongreendaydreams  @vibin-by-myself@littlepotatos0w0@christhebish @pipp-poppz@btsiguess-kpop@prettysmallfries@hiyoko-kos@kenmxskitten@fudrudy@weepingartanimespy@rhino-zucchini@goldenstarofthunderclan@melonmarz@ubeicecreamisthebest@polaroidinurroom @ady-yoo@isimpforeveryone@edenhollandd@ineedtogetoutofhere@glitter-night @hamilsandersfam@mothheart-witch @wrong-exit@trashcanfullofdork  @hellfirepheonixx @marshmallow-babe@isimpforeveryone @ky50621 @randomcloud@wormie4k@dinonuggies50  @p4rty-t4ttoos@aspenthegremlin@book-of-anarchy @jeyacore @thetattooink@gogywasfound@millavalntyne@junob1ade @ubeicecreamisthebest@karida @i-have-paws-love@drvgonraja@eatasslikegrass@creamofweep@venusomega@lunarfedora@rowe-n @wreny24 @vincent-stargogh @floatingplanets​ @vernon-dursley​ @childhoodgrunge​ @fivxss @hexagonclash​ @crazyjuls12​ @littlebabysandboxburritos @shifted-dreams@lenamarie666 @reinyrei @sozvuchiy @weaslvy-mxlfoy​ @aiofheavenandhell​ @honeyglaazed @carisle-mikealson​ @ineedtogetoutofhere​
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finelinevogue · 3 years
could you write something about the readers parents not liking her and harry comforts her please
ok this is going to be quite sad and angsty so hold on tight!
Y/N was crying in her room. Again.
This was turning out to be a daily occurrence now. Wake up. Get shouted at. Go to school. Learn how to dissect a frog and master how to write the perfect essay. Come home. Get shouted at. Sleep. The weekends, she didn’t get all the good in-between stuff, it was just waking up to be shouted at.
For what? Well not even Y/N could answer that.
Her parents had despised her since the day she was born, or at least Y/N presumed. She was never allowed to go out without permission from her parents. She was not allowed to eat certain foods, because “she didn’t need to be any fatter”. She wasn’t supposed to wear anything inappropriate. She wasn’t allowed relationships. Although that last one, she cheated on.
Harry had been Y/Ns best friend all through high-school, until they reached college and Harry couldn’t wait any longer to make her officially his. He wanted her so badly. She was his best friend but he craved for more. It took Y/N a lot of persuading, but it was the best thing she’d ever done for herself. Harry was kind to her. He treated her with respect and love - something she’d never had from her parents.
Having a relationship whilst being instructed you weren’t allowed one, made things very difficult. Harry could only see Y/N when she allowed him to. After finishing chores she would tell her parents she was going to grab food or cleaning supplies from the grocery store, only to go and spend a few hours with Harry in his treehouse. She would always come back with a bag full of shopping and made sure she covered the hickeys on her neck well. It would be hard to explain their origin of those marks to her parents.
Her mum had never provided her with a nickname, only ever calling her by her proper name. Harry gave her nicknames and pet names galore; baby, honey, sweetheart, lovie, darling and petal to name but a few.
You had learnt that shouting back was “never okay” so you left your bedroom and walked down the stairs to find your mum, who’d just shouted for you.
“Yes mum?” You timidly asked, standing at the door with your fingers fiddling with each other.
Your mum turned and scoffed at the sight of you. “Oh Jesus Y/N! You look horrible. That dress is disgusting.” It just so happened to be your favourite dress - a simple, long - as necessary - white dress with pretty flowers embroidered in baby pink and blue across the skirt. It made you feel like a weightless princess. “Don’t you agree?” Your mum asked your dad.
“Oh yes. Too much fat showing.” Your dad lovingly commented back.
You looked down at yourself, thinking that maybe it was showing a bit too much skin and therefore showing off your fat. Harry always told you that you were completely beautiful - an angel - but it was hard to believe on days like this. You crossed your arms over your chest in discomfort. Speaking back would only make things worse, so you took the verbal abuse as it came.
“Now,” your mum sat up a bit more, “i’m finding it really hard to look at you right now, Y/N, because i’m hurt by you.” Tears, fake of course, were forming in her eyes.
“Mrs Tucker said she saw you and a young boy kissing outside the grocery store the other night - the same night you said you were going to pick up cleaning supplies.” Your heart dropped to your feet, because it was true. You had been with Harry. You’d never thought about anyone catching you, mainly because you thought no one cared about you enough. Mrs Tucker does like a good gossip though, dammit.
“A boy Y/N!” Your dad shouted in reiteration, making you flinch to the noise.
“Now I told Mrs Tucker that was being silly. That lady will do anything for a natter.” You stilled, thinking you were off the hook, but you should ‘t have been so quick to let your guard down. “Until your dad and I followed you to the grocery store the next night, although we never reached the store did we Y/N? No we were outside a house instead.”
Oh no. You are so dead.
“A boys house, Y/N? You weren’t raised to be a whore.” Your dad spat at you, turning away from you as if the sight of you was disgusting.
“God knows who he is or what you’re doing with him, but it stops. Right now, today.” Your mum gritted through her teeth, obviously trying to keep her calm.
“No!” You mum screamed. “I will not be seen as the mother of a daughter who sleeps with random boys, instead of studying and working hard for her family!”
This was so 1800s. This was your life.
You had actual tears forming in your eyes now, unlike those your mum bared. It was so silly that this was making you cry but you were so upset that they thought they could control your life this way. It was devastating.
“I-I.. I love him though.” You choked out between tiny sobs, “I love him.” You whispered - that having been the first time you’d told someone else other than Harry. It actually felt good. Relieving. To declare your love for Harry made the world feel possible.
“Love? You no nothing about love.” You dad rolled his eyes and you couldn’t help but laugh at his words.
“The only reason I don’t know about love is because I never got it from either of you.” You started to fight back. This was a battle you were determined to win. No more hiding behind a timid figure. You were willing to stand up for yourself - no one else was going to.
“Because there’s nothing to love about you!”
You didn’t recall who this came from, all you remember is your heart dropping below the floor and fleeing from the room. Fleeing from the house. Fleeing from a family who didn’t see you as anything but a human being. You weren’t a daughter to them. You were nothing. Your heart called elsewhere. It yearned for the person closest to you.
It wasn’t until you were met with Harry’s front door that you realised where you were and what had happened.
“Oh Y/N! Hi lov—” Anne greeted you, until she saw that you were crying heavily and your chest was rising rapidly. “Harry!” She shouted into the house, leaving you a brief moment to collapse onto the floor in front of you. You didn’t care for the pain that ran through your knees from the impact - only the pain in your heart from the break it had just suffered.
“Woah angel, hey, hey.” Harry was by your side within seconds, completely incasing his body around you. Your head laid buried against his warm chest and his arms hugged you close to him like never before. His smell was one of home. He encompassed you and made you feel safe and loved. You weren’t alone.
“I-i’m unloveable.”
“But I love you.” Harry whispered against your hair, warm air softly kissing your skin.
“Yes, but—”
“No, “but”. I love you, Y/N L/N, I really fucking do. You’re my other half, baby.” He kissed your forehead a few times, knowing that’s your second favourite place to be kissed. “Your parents don’t deserve you, they really don’t. They’re cruel and cold-hearted, but that doesn’t mean I am. I think you’re beautiful, clever and kind. I think you’re everything i could ever want. And I know that you can’t be unloveable, because i’m, so deeply, in love with you.”
Harry continued to rock you, as your cried into his chest. You’d never believed in yourself before meeting him and you never thought that he could be so genuine towards you. He couldn’t care less what your parents think, as long as he helped remind you that you’re none of what they think of you. You’re so much better than mindless words. You make you you, not your parents. Harry’s helped you discover who you are and who you want to be. Even though your miles from becoming who you want to be, and you have your setbacks, you’re proud of how far you’ve come.
You cried against his chest, until the pain softened and your could regain your breath again. You unburied yourself from his hold and looked up to him with love in your eyes.
“There’s my beautiful girl, looking like a princess in you pretty dress.” He smiled down at you, even though you knew you had puffy eyes, red cheeks and a snotty nose. He loved you and all your perfect imperfections.
“Thank you, H.” You said with a wobble to your lips, really meaning your words.
“I know, baby.”
“I really do love you too.” You made sure he knew. His heart fluttered a little faster over your words. He leaned down to kiss you gently, minding all the salty water and grimy snot that laid on your face. His kiss sent butterflies swarming through your stomach and a new type of red appeared on your cheeks.
“Waffles anyone?” Anne asked as she stood at the door, the smells of sweet honey and cream only hitting you now. It was that moment that you realised your heart had never belonged with your parents, your heart belonged here, with Harry. Forever and always.
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widow-maximov · 3 years
can you do a one shot where we’re with wanda and nat but thor brings valkyrie down to the compound for the first time and we get super flustered and stuttery whenever she talks and flirts with us because cmon we all know valkyrie is a big flirt😩😩🤲🏼 then having wanda and nat are amused but also jealous by our little crush on valkyrie
New Crush?
Pairing: Natasha x Wanda x Reader
Warning: Language, fluff, angst :3
Summary: What happens if you develop a crush on someone else than your girlfriends; Wanda and Natasha.
Word count: 3.7k
My requests are always open so feel more than welcome to pop in a suggestion for the next story :3
Having queer teammates will never be enough, you were first open queer person on the team which was something everyone liked about you, though you were open about your sexuality, you were pretty shit at flirting and that was pretty obvious.
Before Wanda and Natasha, you tried your luck at flirting with women as practice but it failed so horribly when you received a hard slap across your face and then you owned Bucky 20 bucks.
So when you said you sucked, you really sucked. You were beyond happy that the two redheads asked you out first because you would be still single if it was up to you to make a move.
The two women were very possessive over you in the teams eyes, you didn't really mind because you knew the reason behind it, but most of the team was a little worried about you and them.
Whenever there was a party that Tony organised, there were a lot of 'threats', well that was only according to Wanda and Natasha, they disliked how everyone practically drooled over you.
Natasha would be the one who would threaten any man or woman approaching you and Wanda would use her powers to 'gently' move away anyone who gotten too close to you.
The only reason they really became this protective was because of your fear of saying no, there was always something in you that just wanted to say yes to everyone when in reality you wanted to say no.
If someone offered you a drink, you said yes to which you nearly got drugged and god knows what would've happened if Steve didn't save you.
So when you became really close with Wanda and Natasha, you opened up to them and they decided that they will now keep an eye out for you at parties and people around you.
Of course the team didn't know anything about this because you were pretty ashamed of this fear, you didn't want to get laughed at, even if Natasha threatened to punch anyone who would, to which she earned a giggle from you.
You really loved these two women but you were a human being, meaning you might have a crush on other people, to which the two girls were not happy with.
The team was pretty shocked by how they reacted because usually they would be throwing threats left and right at anyone but when Thor brought down Valkyrie they just stared from afar as they observed with death stares..
This had the team very curious to their behaviour so whenever you was around Valkyrie they just observed you and the two women. There was this time where the team almost died of shock...
There was an urgent meeting in the early morning whilst you wanted to sleep, you were forced to get out of the bed to attend this meeting, you were informed by F.R.I.D.A.Y. 5 times already that the meeting is going to start soon.
But the urge to get out of bed was really little, since there was no sign of you anywhere, the redheads where sent to get you before you missed any important information.
Wanda used her powers to unlock your door whilst Natasha barged inside with a sly smile across her lips. She plopped herself on you as you groaned at the extra weight on you.
"Sleepp!" Your raspy voice made itself out of your throat as you sounded like you were a zombie.
Wanda did the opposite of Natasha, she laid next to you as she moved your hair out of your face and just smiled at your relaxed face "You have to get up my love"
You opened one eye to look at her and smiled at the nickname "Say it again"
"Say what again" She repeated herself, she knew what she was doing, she just wanted to keep you awake.
"My love" Even if you were half asleep, the blush across your face was visible.
"My love.." Wanda said it with so much love in her voice which made your heart skip a beat.
"Hello! I am here as well don't forget about me" Natasha made herself known.
You looked at her "Oh I know, I wouldn't forget the weight of a whale on me"
She raised her brows at you, as her mouth opened wide taking offence to your words whilst Wanda giggled "When did you pick up this attitude котенок (kitten)"
"From spending too much time with you" Wanda added as she looked at Natasha with a huge smile.
The redhead rolled her eyes at the both of you as she leaned down to your ear "Call me a whale again and you'll see the punishment that comes with"
You nodded quickly to which she smirked and got off you "If you're not down in 10 minutes and we have to come back again, I wont be so nice котенок (kitten)"
Wanda quickly placed a soft kiss on your cheek and giggled out of the room along with Natasha, leaving you alone again, you really wanted to go back to sleep but you didn't want the Russian to literally drag you out.
You got out and got ready as quick as you could, making your way out of the room and where the meeting was being held, you ended up quick far away from your girlfriends than you would like to but you could only blame yourself for not getting up earlier.
Everyone looks your way which makes you panic a little so you turn around and there was Thor with some girl, she was gorgeous from head to toe, and she noticed you as well.
They both made their way towards the group to which she stood next to you, Thor started his speech to which you tried to listen to but she spoke up.
"What's your name sweetheart" She slightly turned her face to look at you.
A blush was already there on your face when you looked into her eyes "Uh.. Y-y/n"
There was a slight smirk across her face, as she looked away a little and then back at you "Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Valkyrie but you can call me Val"
You smiled shyly at her and looked at the floor briefly as you nodded, she spoke up again when you didn't reply "Are you doing anything after this?"
You shook your head, your eyes finding hers within seconds, she smiled widely "Could you maybe give me a proper tour?"
It took a second to realise what she just asked, you didn't even think about looking over at your girlfriends, you just nodded "S-sure I wouldn't mind"
Valkyrie bit her bottom lip "Well Thank you princess"
You giggled very awkwardly which didn't go unnoticed by the whole team or the two redheads "Heh- You don't have to thank me"
Valkyrie reached over to your hand as she grabbed it gently and placed a light kiss on your hand "None sense, pretty women like you deserve the world"
Your checks turning a more red colour as you watch her kiss your head, it felt like your brain stopped working and you just nodded at her because words will betray you if you speak.
Steve ended the meeting soon after and before Natasha or Wanda could make their way to you, you were being dragged away by Valkyrie.
Suddenly all of the teams heads turned towards the two redheads as if to expect a reaction, they looked at each other and then back at the team.
Natasha narrowed her eyes "What?"
They all shrugged and mumbled stuff under their noses, slowly scattering all over the place to avoid the black widows stare, shocking each and every one of them to core with their lack of reaction.
This has happened a lot, Valkyrie being all over you and you being okay with it, after that first day, many followed and you were practically all the time busy with her.
She took most of your time which Wanda didn't like, Natasha was more amused by your sudden confidence, usually you would be a mess when it came to choices.
But when you were with her you tried your best to show off as confident which failed so badly, you were a mess around her which only annoyed Wanda more.
She wanted to confront you about it but Natasha kept discouraging her, she trusted you but Wanda started to question it at some point in this whole situation.
"Natasha we can't just stand by and watch as she slowly takes our Y/n away!" Wanda paced around the room.
Natasha was on her phone during Wanda rant, she has been through this with her many times but with each issue raised by Wanda, she slowly started to believe her.
"Mhm" Natasha agreed, not paying attention to what Wanda was saying.
"Would you listen to me!" She raised her voice and soon Natasha's phone went flying across the room.
"Hey! I was reading something" Natasha stood up from the bed as she walked over to Wanda.
"I am talking to you Nat, it's really important" Wanda's voice turned soft as Natasha walked closer.
"I was listening, I understand what you're feeling but you shouldn't question Y/n's trust, you know Y/n would never do something like that" Natasha crossed her arms as she started to explain.
Wanda nodded "I know and I'm not questioning her trust, I just don't like how she talks all about Valkyrie, it's like we are her friends rather than girlfriends"
The Russian looked down for a brief moment and Wanda continued "She doesn't swoon over us anymore, she gets all flustered and all nervous like she was with us at first but now it's nothing"
Natasha shook her head "Okay, that's not true"
"But it is, I haven't seen it at all lately" Now Wanda crossed her arms.
"I'm sure it's not true" Now Natasha tried to sound convincing but something in her was saying that Wanda was right.
"Then prove me wrong" Wanda raised her eyebrow at Natasha "Please..." there was a hint of pain in the plead that came from Wanda.
"Okay, I will show you she still is ours Wands" Natasha had a sad smile across her lips as she pulled Wanda into her.
She kissed the top of Wanda's head as she rubbed her hand down the smaller redheads back, to which you witnessed as you walked inside the room.
Your heart nearly burst at the sight of them being so cute, you wanted to join them but Val was waiting for you along with some teammates, you guys were watching a movie.
"Aww, if we weren't a couple, I would totally ship the two of you together" You spoke up as you stared at them with love in your eyes.
Their heads snapped towards your voice, they pulled away to which you spoke up again "Aww noo, I didn't want to disturb yous"
"You never disturb us котенок (kitten)" Natasha voice made itself known rather quickly, the butterflies in your stomach always been there just by looking at the two women so imagine what their voices did to you.
You nodded with a smile at them as you walked over to take your favourite pillow when you watched movies, Wanda's eyes followed you as she asked "What is it that you are doing my love?"
You looked up at her with a small smile "Me and some of the team are watching a movie so I wanted to get my pillow.."
Wanda nodded "You didn't invite us..?"
Here came the tension, whenever Wanda didn't like something and made her jealousy known, you would always just ignore her for the rest of the day, she always treated you like you weren't allowed to hang out with her around.
You knew it was only because she was scared that if she wasn't there and something happened to you she would blame herself but you had protection, not only the team but Valkyrie.
"Well, I wasn't sure whether yous wanted to, Val will be there and I know that you don't exactly like her, for whatever reason that is" You stood up with your pillow in hand.
"I have a perfect reason Y/n!" Wanda slightly raised her voice.
Natasha sighed "Okay, come on we don't need to fight about this.."
"I'm not fighting, I just don't understand why Val is hated so much by Wanda" You looked at Natasha as you spoke up.
The Sokovian huffed in irritation "She is all over you моя любовь (My love) and you're not doing anything about it. You spend more time with her than us combined"
You rolled your eyes, not really thinking through what she was saying "When you stop being jealous then we can have this conversation Wanda"
"I have enough of this" Wanda threw her hands in the air.
You rolled your eyes again as you walked of the room, this time not saying anything and walked on to the living room where everyone was waiting for you.
The whole movie you couldn't really concentrate, your mind was filled with Wanda and how this whole disagreement went, you love her so much and you would be damned if you lost her but she didn't have to be so rude to you.
But at the same time you weren't the best either, you were just as bitter as she was, you wanted to fix this but maybe not tonight, she needs to calm down and you just wanted to think before going into this conversation.
Valkyrie noticed your absent from the movie, she kept looking over at you, and as soon as the movie finished, you stood up as you made your way to the kitchen to grab something to eat.
Natasha followed you into the kitchen as she smirked, Wanda wasn't far from the kitchen to see how this would play out, she was standing with Vision, Bucky and Steve.
There was always something about Natasha that just screamed top energy but when she really wanted to she was the most softest person you could meet.
She slowly made her way towards you with a small smile across her lips as she hugged you gently from behind, placing her hands where you always relaxed into her "I hate it when you're sad детка (baby)"
You leaned into her hug with your back against her front "I'm more disappointed than sad Talia"
She placed a soft kiss on your neck as she spoke again "have I told you, you're the most beautiful woman alive?"
You chuckled slightly as you nodded "Yeah you did but you always said that to Wanda many times"
Natasha smiled against your neck "Well because the two of you rock my world"
Natasha's compliments always had you stuttering and flustered but with time you have gotten used to those love filled compliments even if they still make your heart skip a beat.
"How about we take a wine bottle up to the roof and just talk about everything?" Natasha spoke when silence slowly settled.
You moved out of the hug as you faced her, with a sad smile "Not tonight"
You placed a gentle kiss on her cheek as you walked out with a tin of cookies, you looked up at Wanda who looked like she was ready to approach you but you just continued on.
Valkyrie observed the scene that unfolded and as soon as you walked away, she followed you. Wanda didn't want to cause more trouble than it already has happened so she let Valkyrie follow you even if she wanted to literally lock her in some closet.
You sat on the roof with your cookies and some drink that you managed to grab from the party room, you looked out into the city and how each of the lights made it look so much prettier.
Valkyrie observed you for some time before making her way to sit next to you "Pretty women like you should never be left alone"
You looked up at Val as you smiled at her words, you were debating if opening your mouth was a good idea so instead she spoke up again "So tell me pretty woman what's bothering you"
You looked away from her because if you were going to speak up, you didn't want to stutter "I had a fight with Wanda.."
Val nodded "Your other girlfriend?"
You nodded as you continued "Her jealousy is really tiring"
"How so" She asked as she turned her whole body towards you.
"Her constant doubt makes me go crazy, I just really want her to trust me and my choices in life, she's not even acting like a girlfriend but a mother or some shit" You explained as you looked down at your hands.
Valkyrie moved closer to you as her fingers found your chin, making you look at her "Y/n you deserve someone who will never doubt their love for you, it makes my heart break just seeing you so sad"
You swallowed hardly as you stared into her eyes, even if you told Valkyrie many times that you were taken, she still tried her best to make you fall for her, it would work if you weren't so in love with the two dorky redheads.
"She doesn't doubt in the love between us-" You tried to speak up but Val only put her finger on your lips to shush you.
"I would never spend a second in my life doubting my love for you, you are the most smartest, funniest and nerdy woman I have ever met and I wish you would look at me the same way you look at them"
You started to feel the blush appear on your face, you smiled at her "I don't doubt but they have my heart Val, I have already told you that"
She dropped her hand from your chin as she nodded "I know, You will always have my heart Y/n if that's something you would want"
You smiled at her being so understanding and gentle with this "You're an amazing friend Val and I'm sure that one day you'll find someone who will want you right away instead of making you wait for something that might not happen"
She smiled at your words as she placed her hand on top of yours "You should talk to her before things get worse and you lose her forever"
"I will but at the moment I want to finish my drink and sit here for couple more hours before going back to that issue"
She nodded as she was ready to get up but you stopped her "W-would you stay with me for now? I don't want to be alone"
She nodded with no hesitation as she let you place your head on her shoulder, as the both of you looked out into the city, admiring the view and enjoying this quiet moment.
After couple hours, you finally had enough energy and courage to speak to Wanda, you walked inside the shared room where Natasha was laying down with her laptop on her lap and Wanda with a book.
You sighed as you cleared your throat, making yourself known to the two redheads, they both looked up at you at the same time, you walked over to Wanda's side as you sat on the edge.
Even though you smelt like cookies and some alcohol, you felt like you had enough courage to finally speak out "Can we talk?"
Wanda stared at you for a moment "You're drunk"
You shook your head "No, I just had one glass but I want to talk because I don't want to go bed with this issue unsolved"
Wanda wanted to refuse but Natasha agreed for her, especially since she knew there wouldn't be another opportunity to solve this "Yes we can talk and solve this"
"You were right Wands, I don't spend time with yous anymore and I hate myself for leaving yous behind like that"
Wanda looked at you as you spoke "That's not the issue here Y/n/n, you can have friends and spend crazy amounts of time with them but at least be honest with us"
You looked at her confused "Honest about what?"
"That you no longer love us, we at least deserve this" She looked into your eyes with pain.
You shook your head as you took her hand into yours "I never stopped loving yous"
Natasha smiled at your words as she knew she was right, Wanda questioned once again "So why is she all over you Y/n/n?"
"She knows yous have my heart and every second of my attention, I could never fall for anyone else apart from yous, she likes me but I don't feel anything towards her"
Natasha raised her brows "So she doesn't take hint? Do you want me to tell her something so she can back off?"
You giggled at her "No baby, I can manage with her you don't need to threat anyone"
"I'm sorry my love, I never doubted in you but I was just scared that I would lose you, you and the redhead over here are my whole world I'm really sorry for how I behaved" Wanda's grip on your hand tightened.
You smiled as Natasha frowned "What do you mean redhead over here? For you I am Солнечный свет (sunshine)"
You and Wanda looked over at Natasha as you giggled at her being offended, Wanda nodded as she placed a light kiss on Nats cheek to which she smiled proudly.
You stared at them with so much love in your eyes "I am completely in love with the pair of you"
It has taken back the redheads as now they tried to form words, their butterflies being so strong that now you giggled "Now yous have the nervous, this is a first"
Natasha chuckled "we are in love with you just as much Y/n/n"
You smiled as you squeezed yourself in between the two girls as they showered you in kisses, for the first time in a while, you felt like life was getting better within seconds and finally being able to feel like you are on top of the world with the two most important women.
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shurisneakers · 3 years
harmless (viii)
Summary: Bucky volunteers to go stop a small time villain, but nothing can prepare him for what exactly he has to deal with. (Bucky x villain!reader, drabble series)
Warnings: cursing, protesting, frustrated bucky, dramatic reader, gamer (derogatory), smidge of angst
Word count: 3.5k
A/N: listen idk what goes on at construction site and im too sexy to research so we’re going with my version of the world. hello. how are we all doing?
here’s my ko-fi if you’d like to support my writing <333
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Previous Part || Series Masterlist
He doesn’t expect to see you on TV. 
In jail maybe, for something scandalous and completely unnecessary, but not TV.
But there you are, a sign board waving around furiously in your hand, voice in protest against the demolition of the community centre. You’re flipping the board back and forth to alternate between the messages you’ve scrawled on the cardboard.
You were among a few protesting, but clearly the loudest. 
He thinks that maybe he has the weekend off if you’re too busy fighting big corporations. He’d send his support even.
Until he zeroes in on the sign when it flips over, finally reading what it says.
You better get your ass here, sarge
And so he does.
Half the crowd had dipped by the time he arrived. You were there, still the loudest, but he couldn’t help but notice the lack of people as compared to an hour or two ago on TV. He supposed that justice could wait as long as it took to get lunch from the nearest café.
“I can’t stop you from protesting, y’know.” He’s a little wary of approaching your raging self. 
“Oh, hey Barnes. You got my message.” You break away for a second to scream a bunch of obscenities at the gigantic glass building before turning to him. “You wouldn’t be able to.”
“What’s your dumb plan then?” 
“First of all, it’s not dumb. It’s stupid. Put some respect on my technological genius.” You held up a finger. “Second of all, it’s not here.”
“Where is it?” 
“At the construction site.” You point down the road. “Come on.”
Right along the way you stop to chant another slogan. He waves his arm around meekly in support. He did, after all, have to stand up for what was right, but if his publicist saw him here she’d have an aneurysm. 
The construction site isn’t very far off. It’s adjacent to the community centre, which he assumes they’re going to tear down to make more space for whatever shitty commercial building was going to take its place.
There are already a few excavators and dozers there but no one to man them since it was lunch time. What garners his attention is the small silver plate that’s on the floor a few feet ahead in the direction you’re walking towards.
“Here.” You stop once it nears. “The plan.”
“Am I supposed to know what this is?” He lightly kicked at it, earning a smack on the arm from you.
“Stop that,” you scolded, “and look at it. It’s not hard to figure out.”
He narrows his eyes. There’s a small u-shaped piece of metal in the middle of the plate. “That’s a magnet.”
“Exactly.” You clapped your hands together in excitement. “The world’s strongest electromagnet.”
He looks around. The only possibly magnetic things are the cranes and excavators around him.
“You’re going to... stop the machines from moving ahead?” he hesitates in his deduction. 
“Yep. Can’t tear anything down if they can’t get to it first.” 
Bucky looks down.
“Does this thing even work?” He toes at it again. “It’s kinda small.”
“It works beautifully, stop kicking at it, you demon-”
“What happens if I step on it, huh?” He knows this would get on your nerves wonderfully. He raises his leg. “Do I get to go home for the day?”
“You’re such a little shit,” you whine, reaching for your back pocket. “Stop bullying my invention.”
“’m gonna squish it like a bug.” He’s only half kidding about that part. “I’m gonna-”
Before he can finish his sentence something yanks him down hard. His head nearly hits the ground before his right arm shoots out to break his fall.
"Woah there, don't go falling for me as yet.” 
“What the fu-” he begins, eyes locking on his metal arm that was pressed flat against the earth.
“I told you it works,” you say smugly. “Try crushing it now, Barnes. If you can even get off the floor.”
He tugs his hand but it’s firmly attached to the thing. No matter how or where he’s applying the effort, his limb refuses to move. He’s stuck.
“Turn it off,” he sighs. “You made your point.”
“No. Stay there.”
“Y/N, shut up and turn this off,” he groans, trying to find a better position rather than chin down on the ground.
“Lay there and rot. You deserve it for underestimating me.” You huff.
“I wasn’t underestimating you, Jesus Christ.” He really was planning to just step on it, but he had complete faith that it worked. 
When he doesn’t receive a reply, his gaze follows yours. Suddenly the crane looks a lot closer than it initially did. Awesome. 
“Those are moving towards me.” He picks up on the low groan and creak of metal.
“Yeah, they are.” You nod, one hand on your hip, watching them.
He didn’t think that getting crushed under construction equipment would be how his day went. 
“Not my problem,” you decide finally after a bout of silence. 
Now that simply wouldn’t do. 
Death was definitely a problem, but what was more important was that he was going to get a dust allergy from the mud. He could already feel the blocked nose and temperature incoming.
“Are you really going to waste this on me? Don’t you have a demolition to stop?” He manages to twist his body so that he’s lying on his back.
“Good point,” you squint into the distance at the whirring of the heavy machinery. Their owners wouldn’t be happy to find them missing from their original spot. “But I still can’t help you out.”
“You’re willing to sacrifice your-”
“I can’t help you out because I don’t have an off switch. Yet,” you add the last part in a hurry.
“Then when the fuck were you planning to build one?” He sits up, leaning on his elbow. The cranes weren’t a mini object on the horizon now; the closer they got, the faster they were starting to move towards him. 
“I don’t know, after they agreed not to take down the building?”
He could just detach his arm and come back for it later he but had no guarantee that you would stop here for the day or that the vibranium could withstand all that pressure. 
“You better make a switch right now and get me out of this, I don’t care how.”
“Yeah, yeah,” you grumbled, bending to assess how badly he was stuck. “You know, this thing runs really deep into the earth. It’d take forever to dig back up and then get you back to my lab and then build a switch.”
“How long?” He didn’t have a lot of time, clearly, but even generally he didn’t have the whole day to waste. He had a mission the next day. He had to put the fear of death into some Russians and bring some pirozhki back for Nat. 
“I don’t know,” you furrowed your eyebrows. “Too long for my schedule anyway, I have class prep to do.”
“Motherfucke- that thing’s like twenty feet away.” He’s worried about how you don’t look fazed at all when he points at the stupid machine.
He’s about to volunteer to detach his arm when he realises it’s definitely less than twenty feet now. He had a backup just in case. It didn’t move as smoothly, but who could tell the difference when a couple of tons of pressure was aiming for your face, and hell, if he explained his circumstances of the destruction of his arm to T’Challa-
“Okay, fine.” You reach into your backpack to grab something that looked like a wrist watch. It matched the one already around your hand. 
You reach over and clasp it around his hand before turning a dial on the side.
“You ready?” you ask, ignoring the large crane that was starting to charge towards you. 
“For what?” he replies, looking down at it. He can barely hear you over the sound of the whining of machinery.  
“Teleportation, baby.” You send him a big grin before slamming down on his watch.
“Huh-” His voice cuts off immediately. 
If there’s anything that can be said about teleportation, it’s that he feels like every atom in his entire body violently splits to float around briefly before suddenly rejoining again.  
The ground beneath him feels different, and it takes him a second to realise that he was on the floor of your lair. 
“What the fu-”
“Hello,” your voice comes from above him. 
“You can teleport.” It’s not difficult for him to look at you now without the sun in his face. His arm is still stuck to the magnet but since the giant rod it was attached to was no longer deep in the ground, he could lift the entire apparatus up relatively easily.
“What, like it’s hard?” You discarded your bag on the floor. “You good? Takes a while to get used to.”
He gives you a grunt in acknowledgement, shaking his arm to see if he had any luck. It didn’t budge.
“Come on, take a seat.” You gesture to a lab chair you’ve pulled up for him on the raised platform at the front of the room. He realises that this is the first time he’s properly seen what’s actually inside your lair.
There are various buttons that do God knows what, drawers and cabinets painted black, several computer screens and gigantic pillars of glass on either side of the set up that encapsulate some green bubbling liquid. There’s a giant television set up against the wall, divided into several screens.
“Whaddya think?” You do a small swoop of your arm to show off the place.
“Gamer,” he says simply, testing his luck.
“What did you just say to me?” you recoil instantly, disgust on your face.
“It’s a gamer set up.” He points a finger at the TV screen. He was told by Shuri to use it as an insult, but he wasn’t exactly sure why. It just felt appropriate. 
“Take that back right now.” You raise a finger accusatorially at him.
“No.” He was sticking with it even though he had no idea what exactly the context was.
“Fuck your arm,” you announce, throwing your hands up in surrender.
“Fuck your demolition then,” he replies simply, getting up from his place on the chair to leave with the thing still attached to him. 
He takes one step ahead before your voice rings out.
“Sit down, drama queen,” your voice calls from behind him. “God, you’re annoying.”
“You’re infuriating.”
“I’m the best part of your week,” you fire back, ”and also your only way out of this. Now sit down.”
He didn’t even need the second warning, he was already on the chair the first time around.
“I’m not going to build a switch to turn this off. It’d take too long,” you examine the piece of equipment with more gentleness than he was expecting, “I’m going to remove it instead. It’s gonna take a while, so you better get comfortable.”
“I’m not.”
“That’s so sad,” you say without any indication of wanting to help. 
He rolls his eyes.
You pull up next to him, welding glasses covering your face and the tool in your hand. 
He turns away when you start, making sure his face is not directly within its trajectory. 
He makes himself busy by looking around some more. There are details you’ve put into the place, materials that are non-flammable made up most of the architecture. It’s dramatic, sure, but somehow the designs and colours seemed to go together. It did look sinister, he’d give you props for that.
The space was quite big. It occurs to him only then that that’s how you manage to sneak up on him so often in the past. Everything clicked. Fucking teleportation.
“So,” your voice was raised to speak over the noise. “How’s it going?”
He decidedly doesn’t answer. His position is more than enough.
“Right.” You clear your throat. 
He takes to counting the tiles on the floor, figuring out how many were there from the raised platform to the wall of the entrance. 
“Not how you imagined your day to go, huh?” you continued despite his lack of response. “But some might say it’s a privilege to be spending the day with a cool, mad scie-”
“Are you going to keep talking?” he interrupts, losing his count on the floor.
“Yeah, duh,” you say like it’s the most obvious thing in the world. “You got anything better to do?”
He didn’t. 
“What’s it like living with a bunch of superheroes?” You change course. He’s not sure if he’s really allowed to disclose top secret information. “I assume there’s a lot of protein shakes, talcum powder for the chafing-”
Then again, how much damage could you do by knowing that Steve preferred pancakes over waffles?
“It’s quiet,” he says. “Most of the time.”
“Save all your smart talking for the battlefield, huh?” 
He doesn’t reply. It’s quiet around the Tower. A lot of their energy goes towards missions and recuperating once they’re back. 
“You go on missions a lot?” 
“I can’t tell you that.”
“Boo, you whore,” you say with mock disappointment.
He got that reference.
“What’s your favourite food then?”
He scrunches his eyebrows.
“What?” The welding stops for a second while you look at him. “Don’t tell me that’s classified too.”
It’s not, he’s just never thought about it. 
“I don’t know,” he murmurs, “Pasta?”
“Vague, but I’ll take it.”
He used to boil a lot of pasta, from what he could remember of his days in hiding. Cheap and bought in bulk before he saved up enough to buy things like fruits. A lot of the times the amount of sauce he had access to was enough for maybe seasoning, not a whole component on its own. 
It’s one of the perks of being a free man in the 21st century he thinks, a steaming bowl of fettuccini drenched in sauce and garlic bread on the side. 
“What do you do in your downtime?”
“Nothing.” Well, he considers it to be a pass time and doing nothing is a full time gig. It takes effort to do nothing. He even has days dedicated to doing nothing, as suggested to him by his therapist.
“Really?” You sound a little surprised, although it’s hard to make out when you’re already speaking a lot louder than usual. “No shining your penny collection? No software update for this thing?” You tap at his arm. 
There really isn’t anything. Truth be told, he thinks he’s the most boring guy in the Tower. He sticks to himself, has a few succulents that he adores and occasionally watches trashy television. So then why are you so interested in him?
“You’re obsessed with me,” he says pointedly. “Why?”
You give a short laugh. “I think it’s the blue eyes, sarge, they’re really popping today. Gotta say, I’m loving this colour on you. Is it different from the black you wore last week? And from the one from the week before that?”
He looks down at his dark t-shirt and utility pants. He had other clothes but those were reserved for things that were not this.
“Or maybe it’s the grumpiness, I don’t know. I love it when someone shows absolutely no interest in me. Very sexy of you.” Oh jeez, you were going to continue. “Hell, maybe it’s the thighs-”
“Okay,” he interjects, feeling the need to count the tiles more than ever. He equates the heat in his neck from the welding going on beside him. 
The loudness of your laughter is clearer than the sound of metal on metal when you tug a large piece of the invention off. Things were moving fast. He could get back home to his Star Trek marathon and forget this day ever happened.
“You know, you’re more interesting than you think,” you pipe up casually. 
He doesn’t expect this and therefore he supposes he can’t stop the curiosity from enveloping his face. He hasn’t told you anything about himself, so then the inference you reached came out of nowhere.
Apparently, you take notice of the confusion on his face, even though he can’t see through the giant welding mask, because you let out a chuckle. 
“Oh, come on, really? You have no idea?” you ask lightly, pausing to see if he offers anything other than silence. “You’ve come back almost every week even though you know it’s a waste of your time, you always keep your promises and I know for a fact that if you wanted to stop me once and for all, you could have. But you’re not.”
He doesn’t realise you’ve stopped welding until you start again. Good, it gives him an excuse not to have to look at you after that. 
Frankly, he’s a little stunned.
You’re not looking at him, he can tell from his peripheral vision. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d say you have a small crush on me.”
At that, he’s forced to roll his eyes out of instinct. Thankfully you do know better.
A few screws out later, another piece comes out. You inform him that’s it’s going to get trickier from there since the circuit was a little more intricate, a lot more time than the original few pieces. He can see his Star Trek marathon fade away in the distance.
You ask him a few more questions. Some he answers with silence, others maybe a tidbit here and there. 
“How’s dating now compared to the forties?”
“Strange.” He purses his lips in thought. “One guy asked for a gym date. Didn’t know that was a thing.”
“How’d that turn out?” you laugh.
“He didn’t ask for a second one.” His Bumble matches with girls somehow had gone down since he cut his hair, but he’s not too bothered. Not like there was a huge shortage. 
He likes cats, thinks the worst merchandise that they make is the stupid baseball card with his face on it, and doesn’t have social media for the sake of his sanity. He’s seen the thirst tweets. 
Clearly, he’s revealed his deepest, darkest secrets. Utterly classified material. But he doesn’t know anything about you other than your name, number, address, where you teach, what your hobby is-
“You, uh-” he hesitates, “You got a favourite food?”
Your hands hold still to hover above what they’re working on. You fight back a smile. “Sure do.”
He asks a few more questions. Shuts up when he feels his social battery drain. That’s enough for the next month, he thinks.
The sun’s dipped down beyond the horizon by the time majority of the work is completed. Both of you have taken a few breaks to fight the feeling of stiffness that was creeping into your joints. 
You scoff and tell him you’re not planning to poison him when he denies the offer of a soda. He doesn’t deter in his decision.
“How much to go?” He has a mission tomorrow that he’d really like to get some sleep in before. Waking up at 3am to get ready was the worst part of the job. 
“Basically done.” You roll your chair back, rotating your shoulder and stretching your fingers. “There’s just this little part that I can’t access from this angle. How good are you at hanging upside down like a bat?”
Fuck it, he sighs to himself, it was almost finished anyway.
Bucky stands up, tilting his neck to the side slightly before pulling at a small latch under his arm, one so tiny that you’d never make out was even there unless you knew it existed. The arm releases from his shoulder with a small click.
He offers it to you, a piece of your magnet still attached to it.
Your eyes are slightly wide. He raises his eyebrows.
You don’t say anything, just accept it and flip it to a position you were comfortable with. It takes only a minute or two for the sound of the last piece hitting the floor to reverberate through the hall.
You give a small cheer. He lets out a tiny exhale in equal parts fatigue and relief.
“So,” you drawl, handing his arm back to him, “you could have just done that the whole time.”
He doesn’t reply, just slides it back onto his shoulder. 
“You had the option of leaving your arm here and coming back later to get it.” 
He gives it a few shakes, opens and clenches his fist shut a few times to make sure everything is working.
“You wanted to talk to me.”
He gives you a deadpan look. “I was distracting you.”
“Bullshit,” you laugh.
“Believe what you must.” He shrugs, turning around. “My job here is done regardless.”
“Oh, I believe alright,” you call out from behind him as he walks towards the entrance of your lair. “I believe you’re a sneaky bastard, Bucky Barnes.”
He doesn’t stop himself from smiling at the overdramatic gasp you give when he flips you a middle finger. From the metal arm, too. 
Next part
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d0llpie · 4 years
Angry confessions
Summary: You’ve tried everything to make Kyotani realise you like him but he thinks you’re joking
Kyotani x reader
Warnings: cursing
angst to fluff, mutual pining
a/n: i might make a part 2 but i’m not sure, lmk if you want one!
wc: 2.5k
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Kyotani couldn’t stand you. Your annoying smile and indifferent attitude while he told you to get lost. Couldnt you take a hint? Apparently not as you continued to greet him the same warm way every time you saw him, slipping him notes during class and flirting with him. Couldnt you flirt with some other poor soul? he couldn’t handle it anymore, knowing you weren’t really flirting with him. Maybe you did flirt with others, that only made it worse, knowing it wasn’t just him who got to see your smile and teasing laugh everyday. Honestly he didn’t know which way was worse, all he knew was that he was sick of you.
It started at practise, he was used to Oikawa’s fan girls attending their practise just to ogle at the captain, that always annoyed him but he soon found you to be worse. Oikawa has tossed him a ball to spike down and you started cheering for him. He whipped his head around to see you smiling brightly down at him, waving. He was taken back, his scowl dropping for a minute as the tips of his ears turned red before he continued on with practise, trying to ignore your cheers everytime he spiked. You trailed behind him to the school date, chatting on about your day and how amazing Kyo’s spikes were while he just grunted and continued walking in front of you, trying to speed up. Every time he sped up, you did too, he wasn’t sure if you were just stupid or if you didn’t care that he was trying to get away from you but either way it confused him.
Since then you’d follow him around, having one sided conversations with the back of his head on the way to the gym, in between classes and sometimes even during lunch times when you weren’t with your friends. He wished you wouldn’t flirt so much, it was the worst part of your whole fan girl act. You’d compliment his hair, his spikes and his eyes often, it came out so naturally that it made him tense up and pause every time, trying to calm down the beating of his heart in his ears. Why couldn’t you just stick to fangirling over Oikawa? Kyotani could take you following him and talking about your day if it wasn’t for the flirting act. He even liked hearing about your day, it was cute to hear you ramble on until you decided to give him false hope with your remarks, sometimes even trying to hold his hand or rest your head on his shoulder.
It had been a few months now and you weren’t sure what to do. You were in a small cafe with your cousin Iwaizumi, opting to seek out the spiker for advice as a last resort.
“I don’t know Iwa, i’ve been flirting with him for months and coming to all your games to cheer him on and he doesn’t even look at me” you fiddling with your fork, huffing out dramatically.
“We’ll have you actually told him you like him or asked him to hang out?” you glared at his condescending tone
“I shouldn’t have to tell him! I don’t know how much more obvious i can get...plus i ask him to have lunch with me all the time” you sighed, feeling your heart sink. You’d thought that he didn’t like you, it was obvious at first that he found you irritating but overtime you thought he’d warm up. Maybe you were just being stupid, setting yourself up for heartbreak at your inevitable rejection. Still, you held on tight to the tiny bit of hope you still had.
“hey.” Iwa waved his hand in front of you, pulling you from your thoughts “I mean surely him ignoring you can’t get any worse if you actually confess right? Plus maybe i’m wrong and he does like you so you’ll actually make some progress” you hummed in agreement, though you were hesitant
“How am i supposed to confess though? He doesn’t even look at me when we talk, well, i talk..” you realised just how pathetic you sounded, how desperate. Was this how Oikawa’s fan girls felt? Ignorantly hopeful for someone who was out of reach? Well at least Oikawa spoke to his fan girls...
“Y/n...not to sound rude or anything, but why do you like this kid? He’s not exactly treating you very well..” you looked up at your cousin who was looking at you with eyes full of concern.
“Well he may not seem like the sweet type but i’ve seen him when he’s alone, he’s really cute when he doesn’t look like he’s on the warpath, plus i think he’s just shy around me and doesn’t know how to act around others, he’s sweet though, he doodles in his notebooks. Also, he’s really passionate about volleyball! i remember the first time i saw him spike, he actually smiled!” you giggled at the memory, blushing at the thought of Kyo. 
“Whatever y/n, you need to confess before i do it for you.” you gasped in feign shock “You wouldn’t dare iwa-chan~” you laughed at Iwaizumi’s enraged expression “Stop hanging out with Oikawa ugh” you laughed at him, sipping on your hot chocolate you’d forgotten about. 
Kyotani had woken up earlier than usual, deciding to go for a walk. While he was walking his mind drifted back to you, looking behind him half expecting you to be there talking his ear off about random things, making him blush with your flirting. It was cruel how you could flirt with him so shamelessly and not mean it. He so badly wanted you to mean it. He grunted in frustration, picking up his pace until he was running, he was running past a few shops and cafes when he saw you. You were sitting by the window as the sun hit you, his eyes widened, you truly were so pretty to him. He almost stopped running until he saw who you were looking at, Iwaizumi was there. Of course you’d be on a date with him, he was so strong and open. You deserved someone like Iwaizumi he supposed, someone who could actually talk to you, someone who was better than him. He continued running despite feeling his own heart in his throat, making it harder to breathe. 
“I’m not writing him a letter Iwa.” you rolled your eyes at his suggestion, looking out the window to see a familiar head of blonde flash past in a blur. “Iwa! He just ran past” you stood up from your seat excitedly, smile crossing your face. “Wow you’re worse than i thought. Y/n, you’re a simp.” You weren’t even offended at his words “i mean can you blame me?” you sat back down, “Yes y/n, yes i can. You probably want to go after him right now” although he was joking he looked up to see you staring back at him hopefully. “Oh my god y/n, fine! Go. I’ll see you at school tomorrow. “ You got up and hugged Iwa squeeling, “Thank you thank you, if i don’t come to school tomorrow i’m either crying about being rejected or on a date with my handsome boyfriend, bye!” “Do not skip school y/n!” Iwa yelled after you as you ran out of the cafe, heading down the same path Kyo took. 
As you passed by a park, you noticed Kyotani sitting under a tree, panting heavily. “Kyo!” You called out, smiling brightly as you made your way over to him, ignoring the frustrated frown on his face. “What” he gruffly replied, clearly annoyed but you were ecstatic to get a reply from him. “I actually wanted to tell you something!” It’s now or never you thought, this was a perfect time to do it, you were ready for either response, you waited for him to look up at you before continuing.
“Um, i haven’t really thought of what to say so i’m just going to say it, i like you. I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me? You don’t have to of course but i really wanted you to know” you played with your hands while you waited for him to say something, silence was not what you expected but- “are you serious right now?” he was angry?, you tilted your head to the side “of course, i’m surprised you didn’t already kn-” “What is wrong with you? First you follow me around everywhere, flirting with me and annoying the fuck out of me, now this? haven’t you played around enough? Honestly i didn’t think you’d take it this far, that’s just low y/n.” the tone in his voice was enough to have you back away a little, confusion covered your face, you definitely hadn’t anticipated this kind of response. Despite your heart sinking at the rejection, you couldn’t help but feel a little angry as well. Who was he to talk to you like that. “What the fuck are you talking about Kyo. A simple ‘Sorry i don’t feel the same’ would’ve sufficed, honestly this is the most you’ve ever said to me and it’s this?” He was taken back by your reaction. You were serious? “Why would you try confess to me while you were just on a date then huh?” you furrowed your brows in confusion before it dawned on you, he thought you were dating Iwaizumi. Now you understood more of what he was saying, you opened your mouth to speak but he interrupted you. “Yeah, I saw. You can drop the act now it was very funny. Now you can fucking leave me alone and stop acting like Oikawa’s clingy fangirls. I’ll finally stop having to hear you yapping in my fucking ear all day.” he wasn’t expecting to look up and see tears rolling down your cheeks. “Iwaizumi is my cousin..” you whispered meekly before turning back in the direction of the cafe, running home. 
Kyotani sat there dumbfounded. You were serious. He just called the girl he liked annoying and clingy after she tried to confess all because he was too insecure and jumped to conclusions. “Fucking idiot.” he cursed himself out under his breath.  
He didn’t know what to do, he couldn’t sleep, every time he closed his eyes he just saw that heartbroken look on your face, eyes filled with tears. Because of him. He groaned before going to his desk, he begun to write a letter. The thought of you never coming to his games anymore, you never cheering for him again, telling him about your day and that new show you start, even the flirting, he knew he couldn’t get through the day without it. You weren’t annoying, you were the only person who managed to make him stop scowling, he was relaxed around you.
You walked into your first class, finding a letter on your desk. Your eyes flitted over to Kyo who was sitting a few seats away looking away nervously, you could see how red he was from here. You tucked the letter into your bag, he didn’t deserve your attention and you were determined to not talk to him or look at him anymore. Kyotani watched you put away his letter, he frowned, you’d probably just read it later. He didn’t want to get discouraged so he waited for you during lunch but you never came. He was getting antsy, it was so quiet. After his final classes he was excited to go to practise, getting there on time for once, only you weren’t there. Instead he was met with an angry Iwaizumi “what the fuck did you do to her!” he boomed, gaining the attention of everyone in the gym. Kyotani looked down, surprising everyone “where is she?” he asked quietly, Iwaizumi quirked his brow, crossing his arms over his chest. “She’s probably at home or the cafe.” Kyotani looked up, running out of the gym ignoring Oikawa’s calls to come back and train.
You were sitting in a booth at the cafe, scrolling on your phone when you remembered the letter. You opened it despite your hesitation and began reading.
I used to find you irritating, i couldn’t understand why someone as pretty as you would follow me around and talk to me when i was so cold to you. I took your flirting as you either making fun of me or just you having a flirtatious personality so i would get annoyed. About yesterday, i misunderstood completely and i’m so sorry for snapping at you. I never meant to lash out on you and i never wanted to. I was fed up with the person i liked toying with me and when i found out you liked me back i didn’t believe you.
I’m sorry for hurting you, if you let me be yours i swear i’ll never hurt you again. I never want you to cry because of me ever again, i like you too y/n and i’m sorry i was too much of a pussy to tell you sooner.
I hope you forgive me
You smiled at the letter, looking up at the sound of the cafe bell ringing to see Kyotani, out of breath staring at you. You smiled up at him like usual and he returned it, moving towards you quickly. “Kyo-“ he cut you off, smashing his lips against yours, his lips were gentle despite the desperate hold he had on you, cradling your head in one hand and gripping your collar in the other. You smiled against the kiss, cupping his cheek before pulling away. “Hi” you giggled as he sat down in front of you, holding your hand on the table “Hi” he smirked at you. “Y/n, can i take you to dinner?” you nodded happily “of course you can handsome~” he blushed furiously and this time you got to see, you cupped his cheek again, leaning over to kiss his cheek softly, only making it worse. “C’mon doll” he pulled you up, holding your hand as you exited the cafe, walking side by side as he intertwined your fingers, smiling down at you with a soft expression. How was he so blind?
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whumpzone · 3 years
Linden & Colton - 18
and so the slow process begins
CW: pet whump, dehumanisation, discussions of intelligence
Pet- Colton, Colton didn’t realise he’d been asleep until he woke up. He had dreamt of nothing. How he had slept after the stress of yesterday was beyond him.
He suddenly saw Master in his room, a place he’d never been before, stood in the corner waiting for him to wake up and face his punishment. He cried out, pulling himself up and raising his hands protectively.
He blinked. It was a shadow. The gap between the old wardrobe and the wall. Tall, thin, quiet. Just like Master. But Col was alone and he let out a long breath.
Master had probably heard him yell, though. He’d be here soon. So Col wasted no time and swung his legs over the side of the bed. He turned back to tuck his little teddy bear Chu under the covers, where Colton felt it was safe, and headed out into the corridor. Here, he was fair game. He didn’t know why Master never entered his room, but he had stuck to it vigilantly so far. It only made Col feel more aware of his own vulnerability as soon as he stepped through the door.
Master was downstairs, doing a puzzle in the local newspaper, and he looked up as Colton approached. His face brightened into a smile, the biggest he’d ever seen. Master never smiled like that. Col had to fight against the urge to freeze or drop to his knees.
“Good morning, Col,” he said, showing all of his teeth.
Oh, god. Master wanted him to reply. He wanted words, now. He finally knew that Col had been hiding them all this time, and he wanted to delve in, find out how he could twist them and use them to stroke his own ego and entrench his slave’s subordination.
Or perhaps he just wanted to hear his Pet wish him a good morning for the first time. Stop fucking overthinking.
“Good morning,” he ducked his head in reverence, “Master.”
“Wow. I still can’t believe you can speak. I’m so- I’m so proud of you, Col.”
What? Why? “…Please forgive me for not speaking sooner.”
“It’s my fault,” he sighed, which made Col tense up even more. “I just- wow. Where to start? Well, come, sit, have breakfast with me. Cereal?”
He gestured at the box already on the table. Colton obediently sat and took it in his hand with almost no trouble. Master noticed, and nodded happily. He was certainly pleased. It still made Col very uneasy, but he did seem to be doing something right.
He had never heard Master speak in such an excited tone, before. But he was silent while Pet- Col- ugh- made himself his breakfast. He could feel Master’s eyes on him. He was allowed to take the first bite, and then the interrogation began. It was obvious Master had a lot of questions.
“So- okay, first, what made you speak, yesterday? I never asked.”
Colton chewed and swallowed. It helped his throat feel a little smoother, although it was still very rough from disuse. His voice was small and unsure. “You… I saw- I saw Jaffa. At the bottom of the stairs. But I didn’t mean to- I’m n-not accusing you of anything, I know you wouldn’t hurt her I just, I wasn’t sure if you had… seen her, Master.”
He flicked his eyes up to Master, to gage his response. He had just accused Master of being a bad pet owner. Of being neglectful of Jaffa. Master seemed to parse this information, and then smiled.
“She does blend in, doesn’t she? Too bloody well sometimes. I’m so glad you stopped me. And that was so, so kind of you Col. Well done.”
He just nodded, and turned his face away. He supposed…. Master saw it as him looking out for Jaffa, rather than undermining his intelligence. That was a lucky escape for him. He knew that with his old master, any sign of insubordination would have been swiftly beaten out of him.
“Colton,” Col looked up. Master looked scary. Why was he smiling that like? What was he thinking? Col didn’t feel any closer to understanding him. “I know this is new, and I know you’ve not spoken in months. I won’t make you do loads of it, okay? We can take it slowly.”
“Thank you, Master,” he hazarded, although he didn’t see why Master hadn’t just forced him to speak from day one, if he wanted it this badly.
“God, but it makes me realise, I know so little about you. And now- I can ask. And if you want, you can reply. I’m really happy.”
“There’s nothing to know, Master. I’m just a Pet,” he mumbled. The spoon faltered in his hand. Cutlery was still a challenge.
“I know you’ve got a busy brain in there,” Master pointed a slender finger at his slave’s head, to emphasise his point. “I know you’re bursting with thoughts and ideas.”
This made Col look up, properly. An accusation like that came with dire consequences. “No, n-n-no, I’m not, I promise, I exist to serve o-only, I’m just a dumb Pet. Yours to use as you please.” Spoken exactly as his old master had taught him. Well- he would have been belted for stammering. He was out of practice.
Should he kneel? Well, yes, he should, but was it right, when he knew Master liked him on the furniture? But, god, he had to prove his point, he couldn’t let Master think he was starting to rebel, or forget his place.
Bitterly, he thought about how he knew this would happen. This was why Pets didn’t speak.
“Whoa, okay, it’s okay. I didn’t mean to scare you. I just meant- you’re not stupid, are you? I can tell. And that’s a good thing.”
Col just stared at his hands. He wanted to pause time, step out of his body, and float away. Somewhere without any questions, or expectations, or constant riddles. He was stupid. He knew that much.
Master’s voice brought him back to reality. Glancing at him, Col saw his smile had grown even bigger. His skin prickled.
“I think you’re Welsh.”
“You definitely are. You’ve got an accent. You’re Welsh, Col. Wow, now I’m kind of sad. Like, how on earth did you end up here?”
What was he implying? “I’ve… always been a Pet,” Col tried, but it was clear he didn’t believe himself, and from the way Master’s eyebrow slowly raised, he didn’t believe him either.
Colton had always been dimly aware that there was an other him, who had taken up the before-time. He was the one whom his old master had had to train so effectively, he was the one who had all the bad thoughts and urges. Col knew he didn’t start as a Pet. Or else his old master wouldn’t have had to torture him like that for so long.
He was a ghost in Colton’s brain, and Col didn’t know if he was locked away or completely dead. Were parts of him still hiding somewhere, curled up in a place that old master couldn’t ever reach? Or had he been completely laid out and hacked to pieces, until only Col remained. Thinking about it made him want to burst into tears. Some nights, when his mind was loosened by sleep, he felt like he missed him so much.
. . .
Linden didn’t push it. He knew most Pets didn’t retain any memories from before their conditioning. He shouldn’t have asked, really. Just… the realisation that Col had a background, he had lived before becoming the trembling man before him, made Linden ache.
He still wanted to curl up whenever he thought about how long he left it before he realised Col could speak. He hadn’t wanted to push him, there were a myriad of ways he could have been made permanently mute, and he had pretty much fallen into a routine at this point. But the knowledge that all this time, Col was patiently waiting for the chance to talk, probably wondering why Linden wouldn’t let him- oh, christ. He was so embarrassed and ashamed.
He suddenly had so many questions all on the tip of his tongue, that he couldn’t think where to start. He also really didn’t want to bombard the poor boy. But still… just a few, surely, wouldn’t hurt?
“So obviously I’ve named you Colton, but, if you actually do have a name, please tell me. We can use that one instead.”
Colton shook his head. “My name before was- was Pet.”
“Yes, Master. Or bitch, or, um, mutt. Or toy.”
He hid it well, but Linden could see the shame in Col’s face. At least that meant he realised how fucked up it was.
“Those aren’t fu- those aren’t names,” he growled. “That’s just plain cruel. You don’t deserve that. Do you like being Colton? It’s not too late to choose another name for yourself, love.”
Col waited until he had swallowed down another spoonful of cereal before he spoke. That seemed good, to Linden. He didn’t feel pressured to reply immediately.
“Colton is a nice name, Master. It’s not my place to have likes or dislikes but I, uh, I am happy with it.”
Another quick glance at his face. Linden was getting used to them by now. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Jaffa rolling around.
“Likes, dislikes, they’re fine. Don’t worry about that. But if you like the name, then it’s yours until you say otherwise. Oh, and- don’t worry about calling me Master. Honestly.”
Col stopped chewing, his shoulders hunching up suddenly. “I’m sorry, M-, uh, sir, sorry. I didn’t realise I shouldn’t, I’m sorry, I know- know that’s not an excuse. I’m sorry.”
“Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay,” he soothed. Sir was fine, he decided. From the way Colton had panicked, he didn’t want to push it any further. “You didn’t know.”
“Thank you, I’m- I’m sorry, sir.”
“You’re fine, you’re good. You’re doing great with talking, Col. I’ll put the kettle on.”
He had long learnt to pick his battles. Hearing Colton talk about being a toy to be used made him fucking sick, but he could tell that sentiment was deeply, deeply ingrained. He knew a recital when he heard one. Those weren’t his words. They were a tiny window into whoever had fucked him up like this.
. . .
Master was sir now, when Colton spoke. Col could learn that. But it didn’t change anything, right? Master still wanted him, didn’t he?
as usual, the first half of the taglist:
@newbornwhumperfly @whumpadump1939 @firewheeesky @whump-me-all-night-long @captainseconds @grizzlie70 @unicornscotty @lave-whump @princessofonward @cupcakes-and-pain @bumbumbea @whumpfigure @yet-another-heathen @secretwhumplair @whumps-up @as-a-matter-of-whump @getyourwhumphere @itzagoodthing @whumpymirages @soapparentlyilikewhumpnow @zipadeedooda-drabbles @penny-for-your-whump @briars7 @legallylibra @angel-stars @loyds-of-registry @tears-and-lilies @badluck990 @rosesareviolentlyread
@vickytokio @neuro-whump @thingsthatgo-whump-inthenight @whumpsy-daisies @control-whump @theydy-cringeworthy @starnight-whump @cursedandtired @jo-doe-seeking-inspo @justabitofwhump @glamrockgregory @rippedjeansandfadeddreams @genesissane @justbreakonme @addyez @httyd-chocolate
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mindofharry · 3 years
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In which bucky realises the mistake he made and does everything in his power to get you back.
losing you masterlist: here!
smut!! fluff!! angst!! i’m so fucking in love with this series. mean!bucky, sex and a bit of grovelling! ALSO!!! thank you for 2k, i never expected to get this far with this page. writing has always been a passion for me so thank you guys for taking time out of your day to read my stuff. i appreciate and love you all immensely <3 happy reading!
The first thing bucky notices about you not being here, is the how quiet and lonely his apartment is. Usually, your moans, whimpers and giggles fill the small space. Not anymore. The only noise he can hear is you saying those words to him.
“You’re selfish and mean. And i deserve better”
It felt like it was ringing in his ear, no matter how loud the tv is or the children running up and down the hall, it was on a continuous loop. Selfish. Mean. Deserve better. It was meant to be no strings attached, something to let off a little steam. But then bucky got those butterflies, he wanted to take you dancing, take you to meet his friends. He didn’t like the feeling, so he didn’t the only thing he knew how to do.
Push you away.
Bucky didn’t like how he felt with you, he couldn’t understand it. He felt like he couldn’t be that person for you no matter how fucking hard he tried, bucky couldn’t be the one you cuddled up with after a stressful day. He couldn’t be the one cooking dinner for you. And he most definitely can’t be the person loving you, he’s just not programmed for that. Bucky hasn’t felt love in decades. He doesn’t know how to process it yet.
Bucky knew what he did was wrong and now laying on the ground, his back against the hard wood, the only thing he wanted was you. Y/N.
Bucky wanted Y/N.
He decided then and there, he would fix himself up, go to his therapist. And get you back.
Back in your apartment, you were still in your dress, only this time your make up was smudged and your date was cancelled. Who were you kidding? Nobody could replace bucky barnes, nobody. Fuck, you love him so much. This feeling, it’s so big. It feel like it’s taking up all of your body, this fire so big that no one can put out. Bucky is a drug, and you’ve definitely become addicted.
After what felt like hours staring at your wall, you decide it’s best to head to bed and just forget about what a disaster this night has been.
“So” Dr Raynor said, crossing her legs over. Bucky was sat in front of her, his legs bouncing up and down as his therapist tried to figure him out. Bucky hated therapy. He hated everything to do with it, he would rather be put in jail than do this bullshit sharing feelings thing.
But if he wanted any chance of getting you back, in his bed, kissing him than he would do it.
Bucky barnes was officially smitten.
“Tell me” Dr Raynor said, leaning foward. “What’s going on, james?” She asked and bucky sighed placing a hand over his eyes.
“I need help” He said and Dr Raynor nodded. “Well, yeah. That much is obvious” She teased making bucky roll his eyes.
“With a girl” He said and his therapist grunted leaning back in her seat. Bucky hasn’t been this embarrassed since middle school when he peed his pants and had to go home early, everyone laughed at him in the playground. He never forgot that, but right now, his therapist trying to keep her laughs in made him feel a little small and fragile.
“Fine. I’ll find someone else” He mumbled, moving to get up. Dr Raynor settled herself down and held her hand up to stop him. “Oh, be quiet. Tell me about this girl” She said putting her notebook down. Bucky looked down at his hands and smiled.
It almost startled the therapist, she’d never seen him smile like that. Or ever, for that matter.
“Y/N” He started.
“Y/N is the most beautiful and wise woman i’ve ever met” He said. “Always there for me, willing to do just about anything i asked her to do. Fuck, she’s the best thing that’s happened to me, since well ever” Bucky said and the therapist nodded.
“But i fucked it up. Said somethings i didn’t mean and now she won’t even look me in the eye. I was so shitty to her just because i couldn’t admit my own feelings.” Bucky groaned and Dr raynor nodded agreeing.
“James, what do you want me to tell you? You messed up, now go and apologise” She said and buckys eyes widened. “I can’t just apologise to her” He said and his therapist lifted her hand up.
“Exactly. Problem solved”
Bucky made a noise of complaint while dr raynor packed up her stuff. “See you next week, lover boy” she said walking out of the room and leaving bucky to his own thoughts.
Flowers? Chocolates? Dancing? A poem? What do women like you, like these days? God, he’s still way too new in this world to be thinking about these things. But he really fucking needs you. He needs you and your jokes, you and your witty nature.
Bucky just needs you, and he’s about to do anything in his power to get you back, starting with an apology.
You were sitting in your living room a glass of wine in your hand and new girl on in the background. Your mind was somewhere else, you’ve just felt off all day. You keep zoning out, not being able to concentrate. Is this what a broken heart feels like? A knock on the door brings out of your thoughts and back to reality. A shitty fucking reality. You sigh and put your wine down on the table and make your way over the front door, you nearly tripped over your stiletto heels on the way there. You didn’t move them last night because you were so exhausted and out of it.
Opening the door you see bucky. Just the man you didn’t want to see, you begin to close the door in his face when his foot blocks it. “Please, just hear me out” He begged and you sighed crossing your arms over your chest.
“Can i come in?” Bucky asked and you scoffed.
“Why should i let you come in? Do you remember what you did the last time?” You said and bucky placed a hand over his eyes, obviously frustrated. You didn’t understand why, he made your place in his life pretty clear.
“I should come in because i need to apologise to you. For everything. The way i treated you and the things i said. I need to apologise, so please let me in”
You sighed and opened up the door wider and walked down the hallway. You sat back down on the couch taking a gulp of you wine. You were so easy, you thought. You barley put up a fight, you should’ve just closed the door in his face. But you did want to hear what he had to say, what bullshit apology he’d come up with.
“So?” You said and bucky nodded sitting beside you.
“I miss you” He started and you rolled your eyes. “No, fuck. I do miss you, but i’m sorry. I’m really fucking sorry” Bucky said grabbing your hand. You wanted to pull away but you just couldn’t, his hand felt so good in yours. You leaned over and put your wine on the coffee table. Bucky took that as permission to take your other hand.
“I had feelings for you, no i have feelings for you. I just, i’m not good at expressing myself, i’m working on it. My therapist told me to get you flowers and shit, but i left them in my apartment and this is just a whole mess” Bucky ranted, you had to bite your lip to make you not burst out with laughter.
“You talked about to your therapist?” You asked, giggling. Fuck, even your laugh is beautiful. What is there not love about you?
“I’m sorry” He said, his thumb rubbing over your knuckles. “I have feelings for you, and i didn’t know how to express that. So i pushed you away and treated you so badly. I’m going to apologise for that until the day i die. I just, i like you a lot Y/N” he said and you could feel your cheeks burn.
You really weren’t expecting that.
“My thought process was that i would never be that person, you know that boyfriend who’s ready to cook dinner and take the dogs for a walk” He said and you nodded understand.
“But i’m willing to do that for you, if you’d give me another chance”
You looked up at him, staring into those beautiful wide eyes. This is what you’ve been waiting for.
He moved closer to you bringing a hand to your cheek. “Please, i have hundreds of flowers and like 10 boxes of chocolates back in my apartment. Come back with me? Please?” He asked, so much vulnerability could be heard. You sighed and looked around.
You didn’t deserve what happened, but you know he’s sorry. Maybe a little more grovelling? Make up sex is the best, though. You contemplate a little longer and then nod.
“Yeah, i’ll stay at yours for a bit”
Bucky nearly cried when you said that. Maybe he’d actually have a chance.
He helped you up from the couch and watched you get your shoes. He could get use to this. “You ready?” He asked holding out his hand, you nodded taking it. It felt nice to be wanted.
After a short walk to buckys apartment, your met with (literally hundreds) of yellow flowers. You could cry, he did this all for you? You lift your hand to your mouth and look around the room.
“Do you hate it? I can get better-“
You interrupt him with a peck to the lips. He was shocked, but he didn’t hesitate with kissing you back. He placed both of his hands on the side of your head and as you gasped, he slipped his tongue in.
“Fuck, i missed you” you said in between kisses, you moved your hands to his chest. Bucky pulled away and moved back.
“I just want you to know, that i wasn’t planning on seducing you or anything. If you want i have sex we will, if you don’t, then we’ll watch a movie. There’s no pressure” He said reassuring you. You smirked and pecked his lips.
“Why don’t we go to your bedroom?”
Bucky pulls you along to his room, lifting you up once he opens the door. “Your room is messy” You said and Bucky laughed. “Hasn’t been the same without you” He said and you pouted, kissing his lips.
“I’m sorry about that, let me help you?” You said taking your shirt off, leaving you only in your pjs short and bare breasts. Bucky was staring at you intently, making your nipples harden. He reached out and ran his fingers across your nipples making you moan with pleasure. His finger was cold and just what you needed.
“Strip and then you’re going to ride me. Been too long princess” Bucky said and you nodded quickly taking your shorts and skimpy underwear off.
“Fuck” Bucky said as you lay down on the bed, legs wide open. You were dripping wet, your hands coming down to play with yourself a little. “You’re gorgeous,” He said, kissing the inside of your thigh.
“Seems like you’re wet enough for me, yeah? i’ll play with you more later” He said and you nodded, just wanting him to be in you.
Bucky rolled over and took a condom out from the door, he quickly got out of his clothes and you almost moaned at the sight of him putting on that condom. He really does like hot doing anything.
Bucky lays down his head on his pillow and you quickly and swiftly move to sit on his lap, your knees either side of him.
You placed his cock, in your dripping pussy and loved the sound he made. Bucky groaned, his hands coming to your hips immediately, to guide you at a good pace. Your hands moved to his chest, scratching at it slightly, bucky moaned at that too. Pain kink, you figured that out pretty quickly. You began to move your hips and created a good rhythm.
“Oh, god” You whimpered, as you bounced on Bucky's cock.
“Missed you, and this” Bucky said and you nodded, your hips bucking.
You begin to move faster and faster, the bed frame hitting against the wall and bucky groans and your whimpers the only thing you can hear. God, you missed him and his cock so much. Bucky is so deep inside of you, you can feel everything. He’s so good at this, sometimes he doesn’t even have to try.
“This…. is so good…..” You said whimpering, leaning down to peck his lips. Bucky responded, moving his hands to your breasts and giving them a squeeze.
“Are you gonna cum?” He asked, bucking his hips up fucking you faster. You nodded and moaned.
“Please! Oh fuck” You screamed, feeling that pleasure start to build up. As the both of you came down from your highs, bucky brought you into his chest.
“I’m never losing you again”
Taglist: @formulamendes @ityagirljay @josegandulfo @youre-a-wallflower-charlie @beminetokeep @jbcalway @lxdyred @idkwhttocallmysrlf <33
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radiosandrecordings · 4 years
Okay, at risk of sounding like I’ve emerged from Sherlock forums like a caveman thawed from ice (Look I was 8 in 2010 I didn’t know!) I wanna talk about how in TMA tea legitimately is a stand-in for love/comfort. Specifically by looking at it in episodes 45, 81, 122, the season 5 trailer, and 186.
So 45 is the first time we hear about Martin’s whole tea thing. He comes into Jon’s office to ask if he wants tea, and this is quickly dismissed by the Oh God Jon Are You Stalking Tim? Thing but I think it needs to be mentioned because that’s the start of it all. And it recurs through S2, Martin’s constant worry and doting, both in recording and presumably off recording too, enough that it’s remarked on by other characters. He’s derided for it, Tim in 65 saying “Martin just wants a tea party” when expressing how he feels no one in the Institute cares about him, and in 110 Basira says “Look, Martin. I know you care. I know you do. But caring isn’t enough. You can’t just stand next to someone with a cup of tea and hope everything’s gonna be all right.” It seems to be something he himself is embarrassed about as well, “What, sat around drinking tea until the world ends?! Or, you know, it doesn’t. We hope.” in 116 and then again in 117 with “Anyway, I guess I’m just sick of sitting on my hands drinking tea and hoping everyone’s okay.”
So cut to season 3, 81, when Georgie comes home and Jon immediately offers to make her tea. This is something, to the listener’s knowldge, he has never done before. He feels guilty for taking up her time and home (see: cleaning the kitchen) and wants to do something that he’s picked up, consciously or unconsciously, that means ‘Here is something to show I care about you, an act of service and a gift in one. I do this for you because I cannot speak the words I wish to convey myself, so I give you this, which gives the reassurance and comfort that you need’
And she just dismisses him out of hand! Because at one stage (S4 Q&A I believe?) Jonny talks about how he is trying to explore a certain specific dynamic between each set of characters when it comes to their relationships to each other, and I at least like to think of Jon’s relationship with Georgie as being about a lack of information and context, and that’s what created the rift between them, imperfect information being used as a basis for judgement. So here she displays this by just not having the context for what tea means to Jon. She hasn’t seen him in years, hasn’t met Martin yet, has no idea that the reason Jon extends her that offer is as an olive branch, an ‘I care about you’, because that’s what Martin has taught Jon it means. I think that one little line in that first interaction between them we hear is a beautiful little microcosm for how their relationship continues. Jon reaches out to Georgie for connection, but she just doesn’t understand his world. She loves Melanie because Melanie is different to Jon, not as deeply embroiled, she can get out, she can be ‘saved’. Wheras she does not have the knowledge we have, about how the last two years for Jon have been hell, so she just sees someone trying to drag her down and, wisely with the information she has but horrifyingly with the information we have, says ‘No, for my own health I am staying away from this’. 
And then we have 122, in which Jon wakes up from being literally dead, and Basira offers him water. Cold, clinical, impersonal water from the hallway of a hospital. It's practical, clears his throat, and it’s exactly like how Basira treats him. Nothing special, no thought gone into it beyond ‘What is the tactically right thing to do here?’ because the whole of S4 is about Basira showing a startling lack of empathy for Jon, her former frien- Well. Person she is friendly towards. She has branded him as a monster, and thus he gets treated as such. No compassion for those we’ve slapped the label of ‘Evil’ on. And of course, she doesn’t get the subtext, because her whole thing is despite being incredibly intelligent, she has a habit of taking things at face value because she trusted Daisy’s judgement of people and never looked further into it, lest that make her uncomfortable with her actions, and this is exactly what she proceeds to do with Jon. Keep him at a distance. Don’t look in his eyes, lest you see something you recognise in there. And he calls after her, asking that, actually, would she be able to get tea? And she doesn't hear him. She puts a lot of effort into never hearing him. 
But what else had he done after waking up? Oh yeah. He asks “Where’s Martin?”, with such confusion because he cannot imagine a world where someone he took for granted previously isn’t there to offer him reassurance. He says it himself, “Honestly, I’m surprised Martin isn’t –” He’s surprised! And he wants him there. He wants him to be there so badly, just like he isn’t for the entire rest of the season. So he asks for the thing that has meant comfort and kindness to him in his place. And, because Martin is no longer there, he doesn’t get it.
And in the S5 trailer we have this whole thing spelt out for us! Martin brings Jon tea in the safehouse and well, it ain't fuckin tea! And so Jon says 'You can't trust comfort' because that's what tea has always been for him, that steady thing throughout, comfort that he can no longer have. The world is ruined and now tea isn’t even safe from corruption, twisted into something meant to inspire fear in them, a symbol turned on it’s head. And then, 162 Martin finds some left over, under the sink, and that's what they take to the apocalypse. That one last piece of comfort that Jon finds in Martin, in his intelligence and his perseverance and kindness and hope. In his unwavering ability to care, if not for, then about Jon.
... But if we’re tackling ‘Tea’ as a whole we have to divert from the beautiful love story a little and talk about 186, and tea, and trauma. Tea has always been Martin’s thing, so it makes sense it would slip neatly into his backstory. His mother, cold and dismissive and uncaring, requested tea whenever she didn’t want to have to deal with him. It was a way to give him a task, make him feel useful, and a way to get him to leave the room. This is why he began to bring Jon tea. Jon was, unfortunately, a bit like his mother. Someone whom he wanted to please, but didn’t seem to have the time of day for him. So he makes them both tea, because Martin’s mother used it to dismiss him, and then when he tries to apply the same tactic he’s had drilled into him to Jon, Jon originally dismisses him because of the tea. It’s a bother to him, before he realises how necessary that connection is. So now I’m just thinking about this thing that became a source of anguish for Martin, so much so that even as an adult, even after his mother is dead, he still can’t taste oolong without being hit with the memory of that pain and belittlement. And how Jon, with some time and character development, took that thing he did out of desperation for approval and turned it into something Jon made a pillar of his life, the symbol of Martin in goodness and his love and Jon sought it out every chance he got, and passed it onto others as an act of kindness as well. Martin’s mother meant the tea as a veiled hate, but it got passed down and distilled through enough love that when Jon offers tea to Georgie, what he is saying is “I care about you”. 
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